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Criminology, Ethics, History, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology (part 2: L-Z)

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updated: 2025-02-25

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Ratings range from 5 frowns to 5 smiles, have not yet been fully assigned for books listed on this page, and are subject to tweaking at any time.

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R1.8DavidLa BountyJimBlau JobSurfing: The Sciences - Research & Medicine
H3.0, E2.0, R0.8StephenLaBerge   Lucid Dreaming
H3.0, E2.0, R3.6RobertLaceyDannyDanzigerTheYear 1K: What Life Was Like at the Turn of the First Millennium: An Englishman's World
H3.0, E2.0, R3.2RobertLacey   Great Tales from English History: The Truth about King Arthur, Lady Godiva, Richard the LionHeart, & More (55BCE-; 254 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; 942.01 Lac; Main; due 2024-05-22; 10%-25% fiction, 75%-90% history)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7DavidLamb  TheArabs (330 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0DonaldLambro   Washington: City of Scandals
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3David S.Landes  TheWealth & Poverty of Nations
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2BillLandreth   Out of the Inner Circle: A Hacker's Guide to Computer Security
H3.5, E3.0, R1.5Michael LeeLanning   Senseless Secrets (316 pages; 355.3432)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2Michael LeeLanningDanCragg Inside the VC and the NVA
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9WayneLaPierreTomClancy, Marion P. Hammer & Mary Marcotte Corrigan Guns, Crime, & Freedom
H4.0, E2.0, R1.5Frances MooreLappe   Diet for a Small Planet
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1DonLarson  TheLand of the Giants: A History of Minnesota Business
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5ErikLarson  TheNaked Consumer: How Our Private Lives Become Public Commodities
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4ErikLarson   Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History (Galveston 1900; 976.4139; large; Main+NE)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2JudithLarson  AGuide to Rapid Reading (200 pages; 428.43 Lar)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5Richard E.LeakeyRogerLewin People of the Lake: ManKind & Its Beginnings
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0RichardLederer  TheMiracle of Language
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2BrunoLeoni   Freedom & the Law
H4.0, E3.5, R0.8JillLepore   These Truths: An History of the USA (932 pages; 115.5MB; ISBN 9780393635249; Norton; 973 Lep; Main+NE; natural rights, slavery, slavery, slavery, slavery, Jim Crow, illiberal leftist regressivism)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2Barron H.Lerner   Good Doctor: A Father, a Son, & the [Change, for Better & Worse] of Medical Ethics (ethics; 223 pages; ISBN 9780807035047; OCLC ; Beacon; libraries; 174.2 Ler; Main; due 2023-10-09; needs an index, more bibliography)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2IanLeslie   Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It (216 pages; 153.8)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.6Jack E.Levin   Malice Toward None: Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address (1865; 64 pages; 39.2MB; ISBN 9781476784264; Threshold; 973.7092 Lev; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.1Mark ReedLevin   Liberty & Tyranny
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3Mark ReedLevin  TheAmeritopia: The UnMaking of America (250 pages; 320.97301)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2Mark ReedLevin   Unfreedom of the Press (258 pages; released 2019 May 21; 070.4493 Lev; Main+E+NE+Jax)
H4.0, E3.0, R5.0Mark ReedLevin  TheLiberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic (272 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.5Mark ReedLevin  Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America (280 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9Mark ReedLevin   Plunder and Deceit: Big Government's Abuse of Young People and the Future (244-256 pages; ISBN 9781451606300; Threshold; 320.520973 Lev; NE+East)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.5Mark ReedLevin   American Marxism (Saint-Simon, Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, Frankfurt School, Dewey, Wilson, Croly, Marcuse, Gamson, Anyon, Weis, Young, Crenshaw, Bell; 304 pages; ISBN 9781501135972; OCLC 1249572909; Threshold; 320.973 Lev)
H4.5, E3.3, R4.4Mark ReedLevin  TheDemocrat Party Hates the USA (320-389 pages; ISBN 9781501183157; OCLC 1388679064; Threshold/ Pocket/ Simon&Schuster; Charleston, Knoxville, Des Moines, East Central/Cambridge; on order 2023-08-01, 2023-08-28, 2023-09-27; 324.2736 Lev; NE+Jax; due 2024-09-11)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4YuvalLevin   Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left (296 pages; 320.5097; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0DarrenLevineBasRutten & Andy Mogg Complete Krav Maga: The Ultimate Guide to over 230 Self-Defense & Combative Techniques_ (342 pages; 769.81; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9David T.Levinson  Everyone Helps, Everyone Wins: How Absolutely Anyone Can Pitch In, Help Out, Give Back, and Make the World a Better Place (259 pages; 361.37)
H4.2, E3.0, R1.9DaveLevitan, not a scientist   Not a Scientist: How Politicians Mistake, MisRepresent, and Utterly Mangle Science (256 pages; 11.2MB; 303.483 Lev; makes the mistakes he complains of others)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3AndrewLevy  TheFirst Emancipator: Slavery, Religion and the Quiet Revolution of Robert Carter
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3Leonard W.Levy   Jefferson & Civil Liberties: The Darker Side
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0Anson VirgilLewis   History of West Virginia
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0CherryLewis  TheEnlightened Mr. Parkinson: The Pioneering Life of a Forgotten Surgeon & the Mysterious Disease that Bears His Name_ (neurophysiology; biography; history; genealogy; 306 pages; ISBN 9781681774541; OCLC 999407825/ 995879254/ 1137811041/ 1129074392; Icon/ Pegasus/ Norton; NWFSC/Niceville, Hillsborough/Tampa, Polk State/Winter Haven, Purdue; biography James Parkinson; NE; RC 339.52 .P376 L49 2017; due 2023-11-03)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7S. RobertLichterLinda S.Lichter & Stanley Rothman Watching America
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7S. RobertLichterStanleyRothman, Linda S. LichterTheMedia Elite
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2ThomasLickona   Educating for Character
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2David J.Lieberman   Make Peace with Anyone
H4.0, E3.0, R2.3Jethro K.Lieberman   How the Government Breaks the Law
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1Jethro K.Lieberman   Privacy & the Law
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1Robert JayLifton  TheProtean Self
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0John C.Lilly   Programming & MetaProgramming in the Human BioComputer
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0DavidLimbaugh  TheGuilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Collectivists Must Not Win (482 pages; 324.2736 Lim)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2Rush H.Limbaugh  TheWay Things Ought To Be
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7TanyaLinton   150 Best Meals in a Jar: salads, soups, rice bowls & more (would be better with photos & recipes on facing or same pages; 192 pages; ISBN 9780778805281; OCLC ; Robert Rose; libraries; 641.555 Lin; Main+Woodville; due 2024-10-01)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.1Edwin A.Locke   Setting Goals to Improve Your Life & Happiness
H4.0, E3.0, R4.1Edwin A. LockeGary P.Latham Goal Setting: A Motivational Technique that Works
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5JohnLockeSterling P.Lamprecht Locke Selections
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2John R.Lott   More Guns Less Crime
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9HarryLorayne   Harry Lorayne's Page a Minute Memory Book
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5B. LindsayLowellMicahBump "Projecting Immigrant Visas: Report on an Experts Meeting" _Georgetown University Institute for the Study of International Migration_ 2006 October
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2Gay GaerLuce   Body Time
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2EdwardLutwak  TheEndangered American Dream
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0Thomas D.Lynch   Public Budgeting in America
H5.0, E3.0, R2.5Roger LeaMacBride  ANew Dawn for America

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.5, E3.0, R2.3TiborMachanM. BruceJohnson Rights and Regulation: Ethical, Political, and Economic Issues
H4.5, E3.0, R1.2NiccoloMachiavelli  ThePrince
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1Richard I.MackTimothy RobertWalters From My Cold Dead Fingers: Why America needs Guns!
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0John DuncanMackieBruceLenman & Geoffrey ParkerAnHistory of Scotland (381 pages; 941.1)
H4.0, E3.0, R0.8DonaldMacPherson   Tax Fraud & Evasion
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2PaulineMaier   American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence (275 pages; 973.313)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0John H.MakinNorman J.Ornstein Debt & Taxes
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7Alfred L.Malabre   Beyond Our Means
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7Alfred L.Malabre   Within Our Means
H4.5, E3.0, R4.0MichelleMalkin   Open Borders Inc.: Who's Funding USA's Destruction?_ (400 pages; 325.73 Mal; Main)
H4.5, E3.0, R3.5MichelleMalkin   Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, And Other Foreign Menaces To Our Shores (332 pages; 672KB)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0HalMarcovitz   3-D Printing (engineering; J but better than nothing; 48 pages; J 621.988 Marc; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1PattyMarlerJan BaileyMattia NetWorking Made Easy
H4.0, E3.0, R-4.0PilarMarrero   El Despertar del Sueno Americano/Killing the American Dream: How Anti-[Excessive-]Immigration "Extremists" Are Destroying the Nation (219 pages; 325.73)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0RayMarshallMarcTucker Thinking for a Living: Education & the Wealth of Nations
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4Joseph PlumbMartin  AYoung Patriot: The American Revolution as Experienced by One Boy (90 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8JudithMartin   Miss Manners's Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
H3.0, E1.0, R-4.0KarlMarxFriedrichEngels, Samuel Moore & Joseph KatzTheCommunist Manifesto
H4.0, E1.0, R-3.3TimMarshall  TheAge of Walls: How Barriers between Nations [Polities] Are Changing Our World (280 pages; 22.6MB; 320.905 Mar; Main+E)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2Robert K.Massie   Nicholas & Alexandra
H4.0, E3.0, R0.7William H.MastersVirginia E.Johnson & Robert J. LevinThePleasure Bond
H4.0, E3.0, R4.4NormMatloff   "On the Need for Reform of the H-1B Non-Immigrant Work Visa in Computer-Related Occupations" _University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform_ vol36 #4 2003-12-12
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0EverettMattlin   Sleep Less Live More
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2RolloMay  TheCourage to Create
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0HenryMayer  ASon of Thunder: Patrick Henry and the American Republic
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0AdrienneMayorMarcAronson & Chris MullerTheGriffin and the Dinosaur: How Adrienne Mayor Discovered a Fascinating Link Between Myth and Science_ (48 pages; J; 675BCE Scythia; Roy Chapman Andrews; Protoceratops)

H4.0, E3.0, R1.1ThomasMcCool   _Troubled Asset Relief Program: Status of Efforts to Address Transparency and Accountability Issues_ GA-09-296 (S&L crash in early 1980s)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0DaleMcCormick   HouseMending: Home Repair for the Rest of Us_ (very slightly out of date, but in this case that's good; 222 pages; ISBN 0525244565/ 9780525244561/ 9780525482581; OCLC 14378533; Dutton/ New American Library/ Penguin/ RandomHouse; libraries; 643.7 McC; Main; due 2024-07-03; extended 2024-07-24)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4Thomas K.McCraw  TheFounders of Finance: How Hamilton, Gallatin, and Other Immigrants Forged a New Economy (485 pages; 4.5MB; 330.973; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7David G.McCullough   1776
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9David G.McCullough  TheAmerican Spirit: Who We Are and What We Stand For (347 pages; ISBN 9781432841959; Thorndike/Gale/Cengage; 973 McC; Main+NE)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8David G.McCullough  ThePioneers: The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the USA Ideal West_ (1760-1830; focus primarily on Marietta, OH; Cutler, Putnam, Barker, Hildreth, Nye families; the rest of the old NorthWest territory blurring off into fog; author seems to be a centralized power-mad elitist; 330 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; 977 McC; Main+NE+Woodille+Jax+FtBraden+E+BLPerry; due 2023-07-16)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2ForrestMcDonald   E Pluribus Unum (270 pages; 973.333 McD)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0Michael A.McDonnell   Masters of Empire: Great Lakes Indians and the Making of America (slightly disappointed so little coverage of those of most interest; 402 pages; ISBN 9780809029532; OCLC ; LCCN 2015022331; Hill & Wang/Farrar, Straus & Giroux; libraries; LCC E99 .O9 M36 2015; 977.401 McD; Main; due 2024-01-09)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4Phillip C.McGraw   Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5William HardyMcNeill   Plagues and People (340 pages; 614.49)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9William HardyMcNeill  TheRise of the West: An History of the Human "Community" (807 pages; 901.9)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2JohnMcPhee  TheCurve of Binding Energy
H4.0, E3.5, R1.8DavidMcRaney   You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many "Friends" on FB, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, & 46 Other Ways You're Deluding YourSelf_ (pop-psych extreme; 302 pages; ISBN 9781592406593; OCLC ; Gotham/ Pegasus/ Dutton/ Penguin; 153 McR; Main+Jax; due 2023-07-29)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5Lucullus VirgilMcWhorter   Border Settlers of NW VA from 1768 to 1795
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2PeterMcWilliams   Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do

H4.0, E3.0, R-1.1Donnela H.MeadowsDennis L.Meadows et al.TheLimits to Growth
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0Charles L.Mee   Playing God: 7 Fateful Moments When Great Men Met to Change the World
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2Roger E.MeinersRoger LeRoyMiller GridLock in Government
H4.5, E3.0, R2.5H.L.Mencken   Vintage Mencken
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2CarlMenger   Principles/Foundations of Economics
H4.0, E3.0, R2.3AnnetteMeyer  TheEvolution of United States Budgeting
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9MichaelMeyerWilliamSherman & Susan DeedsTheCourse of Mexican History (710 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1Arthur E.Meyerhoff  TheStrategy of Persuasion
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0RichardMiles   Carthage Must Be Destroyed: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization (450 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2John S.Mill   On Liberty
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2Arthur RaphaelMiller  TheAssault on Privacy
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0James A.Miller   Running in Place: Inside the Senate
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0James C.Miller   Why the Draft?
H4.0, E3.0, R4.3Roger LeRoyMillerArline AlchianHoel Media Economics Source Book
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0DanMillman  TheWarrior Athlete
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0DanMillman   Way of the Peaceful Warrior
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9Michael LouisMinns  TheUnderGround Lawyer
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3SteveMitchell   How to Speak Southern
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3HowardMohr   How to Talk Minnesotan
H4.0, E3.0, R2.3Jacob IsidorMombert  AnAuthentic History of Lancaster County, in the State of Pennsylvania
H4.0, E3.0, R0.7AshleyMontagu   Touching
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5CarlaMooneyTomCasteel Industrial Design: Why IdiotPhones Aren't Round and Other Mysteries (engineering; J but better than nothing; 122 pages; J745.2 Moo; Main+NE)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2David W.Moore  TheSuperPollsters
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2Laurence E.Morehouse   Total Fitness in 30 Minutes a Week
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1DavidMorgan  TheMongols (272 pages; 4.6MB; 950.2 + on-the-shelf)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3Edmund SearsMorgan  TheGenuine Article: An Historian Looks at Early America (300 pages; 973.2)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2PierreMornell   Passive Men Wild Women
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2DesmondMorris   BabyWatching
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3DesmondMorris  TheHuman Zoo
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9DesmondMorris   Intimate Behavior
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1DesmondMorris  TheNaked Ape
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4MarcMorris   Castles: Their History and Evolution in Medieval Britain (262 pages; 728.810942 Mor; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1AbrahamMosisaStevenHipple "Trends in labor force participation in the United States" _MLR_ 2006 October
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1ChrisMosquera   Is Organized Labor a Decaying Business Model?
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2H. JayMottice   Out of Control (government)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0BrianMuldoon  TheHeart of Conflict
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2AnatolMurad   Economics: Principles & Problems (text)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5JimMurphy  AnAmerican Plague: The True Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793 (disease; 373 pages; 931KB; J 614.541 Mur; Main+NE+Jax+BLPerry+FtBraden)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1CharlesMurray   In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5CharlesMurray   Losing Ground: American Social Policy 1950-1980
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9CharlesMurray  TheCurmudgeon's Guide to Getting Ahead: Dos and Don'ts of Right Behavior, Tough Thinking, Clear Writing, and Living a Good Life (140 pages; 650.1; hard)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1CharlesMurray   By the People: ReBuilding Liberty without Permission (270 pages; 320.5; hard)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2MiyamotoMusashiVictorHarrisABook of 5 Rings

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.5, R2.5JohnNaisbittPatriciaAburdene Megatrends 2000
H4.5, E3.5, R4.0Andrew P.Napolitano   Lies the Government Told You: Myth, Power and Deception in American History (349 pages; 320.52)
H4.0, E3.5, R2.1ClarkNardinelli   Child Labor & the Industrial Revolution
H4.0, E3.5, R-1.2Gary B.NashCharlotteCrabtree & Ross E. Dunn History on Trial: [A Leftist Screed on] Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past (300 pages; 907.1)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9economist Peter W.Navarro, Ph.D.   In Trump Time: My Journal of the Mostly-Violent Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Rioters & the Second Year of the Wuhan Coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo Disease 🦠 Pandemic (326 pages; ISBN 9781737478508; OCLC 1269000554; All Seasons; libraries; 973.933 Nav; Main+NE; due 2023-11-16)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 NBER Rees, Bancroft et al.TheMeasurement and Behavior of Unemployment
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2RichardNeely   Why Courts Don't Work
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0PaulNehlen   Wage the Battle: Putting America First in the Fight to Stop Globalist Politicians and Secure the Borders_/_Wage the Battle: Putting USA First in the Fight to Stop Globalist Politicians & Business Executives & Investors, and Secure the Borders & Ports (155-200 pages; 531KB; ISBN 1944229779/ 1944229787/ 9781944229771/ 9781944229788; OCLC 987282912)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0BenjaminNetanyahu   Fighting Terrorism
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0AllanNevinsHenry SteeleCommagerAPocket History of the USA
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0MildredNewmanBernardBerkowitz & Jean Owen How to Be Your Own Best Friend
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7MichaelNewton   Chronology of Organized Crime WorldWide 6KBCE to 2010CE (criminology; 360-364 pages; 6.8MB; 1.44 pounds; ISBN 9780786444113; OCLC 689522299; McFarland)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7AndyNgo   UnMasked: InSide Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy [& Liberty] (309-320 pages; ISBN 9781546059585; OCLC 1137851522; CenterStreet; 320.53309 Ngo; Main+East)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.3Albert JayNockCharles H.HamiltonTheState of the Union
H4.0, E3.0, R1.9Donald A.Norman   Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) EveryDay Things (257 pages; 2.4MB; 155.9 11 Nor; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0ChuckNorris  TheSecret Power Within
H4.0, E3.0, R1.9John JuliusNorwich   Sicily: An Island at the CrossRoads of History (362 pages; 945.8 Nor)
H4.5, E3.2, R1.0RobertNozick   Anarchy, State, and Utopia

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0MaireO'BrienConor CruiseO'BrienAConcise History of Ireland (177 pages; 941.5)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1Patrick K.O'Donnell   Washington's Immortals: The UnTold Story of an Elite Regiment Who Changed the Course of the Revolution (400 pages; 973.332 ODO; Main+Jax)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8JamesO'Keefe   American Pravda: My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News_ (310 pages; 2.9MB; ISBN 9781250154644; OCLC 1015269769; All Points/ St.Martin's; Jax, Dunedin, Hillsborough, Polk State College/Winter Haven, Lee/Lehigh Acres, WPB, Broward/Ft.Lauderdale; 070.43 OKe; NE; due 2024-01-30)
H3.0, E2.0, R-1.1NenaO'NeillGeorgeO'Neill Open Marriage
H4.5, E3.2, R2.0Marvin N.Olasky  TheTragedy of American Compassion
H3.5, E3.0, R2.7BillO'Reilly  TheUnited States of Trump: How the President Really Sees the USA (295 pages; ISBN 9781250237224; OCLC ; Holt; 973.933 Ore; Jax)
H3.5, E3.0, R3.7BillO'ReillyBruceFeirstein Old School: Life in the Sane Lane (178 pages; ISBN 9781250135797; Holt/ MacMillan; 974.4502 O'Re; Main+NE; due 2023-10-30)
H3.5, E3.0, R3.7BillO'ReillyMartinDugard Killing the Witches: The Horror of Salem, Massachusetts (1692; Increase Mather, Cotton Mather, Benjamin Franklin, George Whitefield; 289-304 pages; ISBN 9781250283320; St.Martin's/ MacMillan; 974.4502 O'Re; Main+NE; due 2024-12-12)
H3.5, E3.0, R3.8BillO'ReillyMartinDugard, Gene Thorp & Kate Thorp Killing Crazy Horse: The Merciless Indian Wars in the USA_ (1812-1877CE; 300-467 pages; 970.0049 Ore; NE; due 2025-02-26)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7LawrenceOsborne   American Normal: The Hidden World of Asperger Syndrome_/_American Normal: The Culture of Asperger Syndrome (220-224 pages; ISBN 9781441929464/ 9780387953076; OCLC 752481088/ 723108327/ 925783721; Springer/Copernicus; GoodReads; 616.8982/RC 553 .A88 O83 2002; UNF)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H3.5, E3.0, R2.7Richard Channing MoorePage   Genealogy of the Page Family in Virginia
H4.5, E3.5, R2.2ThomasPaineNelson F.Adkins Common Sense & Other Political Writings
H4.5, E3.5, R2.2ThomasPaine  TheAge of Reason
H4.5, E3.5, R3.2ThomasPaine   Rights of Man
H4.0, E2.5, R2.4JoePalcaFloraLichtman Annoying: The Science of What Bugs Us_ (262 pages; 612.8 Pal; National Socialist Radio; a little too much pop-psych, not enough neuro-physiology)
H4.5, E3.5, R1.7Sarah H.Parcak   Archaeology from Space: How the Future Shapes [Our Knowledge of] Our Past (277 pages; 42MB; 930.1 Par)
H4.5, E3.0, R2.1EliPariser  TheFilter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You (252 pages; 004.678)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.4PeterPartner  TheKnights Templar & Their Myth
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0BurtonPasternak   Introduction to Kinship and Social Organization
H4.5, E3.5, R3.2RonPaulLewisLehrmanTheCase for Gold
H4.5, E3.5, R4.5RonPaul   Freedom Under Seige
H4.5, E3.5, R4.5RonPaul   Liberty Defined (328 pages; 320.011)
ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8l'Oreal ThompsonPayton   Stop Waiting for Perfect: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Into Your Power (225 pages; ISBN 9781637743072; OCLC ; Benbella; on order 2023-08-20; 155.232 Pay; Main+NE; due 2023-10-24; this is not the book I was expecting based on the title & blurb; it is well-written & edited, has a genuine voice, provides some insights; but in some aspects she seems to be living in Bizarro-world with anti-racists called "racist", power-mad corrupt racists called allies against racism & power-madness... perhaps the influence of the immoral tech tyrants and their disinformation; her "Chad" is my "B-school bozo" always confidently expecting exorbitant compensation based on little knowledge and skills)
ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0JudeaPearlDanaMacKenzieTheBook of Why: New Hypotheses about Cause and Effect (418 pages; 35.5MB; 501 Pea; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0Paul KaikenaPearsall  ThePleasure Prescription
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3DurkPearsonSandyShaw Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach (out of date)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2DurkPearsonSandyShaw Freedom of Informed Choice: FDA v Nutrient Supplements
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1Leonard Peikoff  TheOminous Parallels
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0ChrisPellantRogerPhillips Rocks, Minerals & Fossils of the World (175 pages; 552 Pel; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2JohnPerkins   Malice in Wonderland: The Congressional Crook Book
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5MarkoPerko   Did You Know That...?
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0Frederick S.Perls   Gestalt Therapy Verbatim
H4.5, E3.0, R1.0EdwardPessen  TheLog Cabin Myth: The "Social" Backgrounds of the Presidents (192 pages; 305)
H4.5, E3.0, R1.0Mary BennettPeterson  TheRegulated Consumer
H4.5, E3.0, R3.0HenryPetroski  TheEssential Engineer: Why Science Alone Will Not Solve Our Global Problems (258 pages; 620)
H4.5, E3.0, R3.4HenryPetroski  TheEvolution of Useful Things: How EveryDay Artifacts -- From Forks and Pins to Paper Clips and Zippers -- Came To Be as They Are (304 pages; 1.8MB; 609 PET; NE+Jax)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0PaulPettitt   Homo Sapiens ReDiscovered: The Scientific Revolution ReWriting Our Origins_ (304 pages; ISBN 9780500252635; OCLC 1295242005; Thames & Hudson; libraries; 599.938 Pet; Main+East; due 2024-06-19)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1J. LewisPeyton   History of Augusta county VA
H4.0, E2.5, R3.5Donald T.Phillips   Lincoln On Leadership: Executive Strategies for Tough Times (182 pages; ISBN 0446516465; Warner; 973.7092 Phi; Main; due 2024-09-19)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0KevinPhillips  ThePolitics of Rich & Poor
H4.5, E3.2, R1.0JeanPiaget  Psychology of Intelligence
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0Evelyn C.Pielou  After the Ice Age: The Return of Life to Glaciated North America (c. 18KBCE-1500CE since we are still in an Ice Age; weather; climate; 365 pages; 6.6MB; ISBN 0226668/ 9780226668123; OCLC 964591050; UChicago; UWF/Pensacola; not as much info on area of USA as I would have liked; would have benefitted from higher resolution color maps but would have been expensive at the time; scales in illustrations would have been better if matched to total item-size & important feature sizes; as author mentions, videos showing shifting glaciers, plant & animal territories would also have been nice & could now be provided by linked videos, e.g. at publisher site or Rumble)
H4.5, E3.2, R3.2RichardPipes   Property and Freedom
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7JeaninePirro   Liars, Leakers, and Leftists: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy_ (Trump, despite imperfections, is the best USA president of the last 100-140 years; 274 pages; 2.1MB; 973.933 Pir; NE+East; due 2025-02-03)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3Robert M.Pirsig   Zen & the Art of MotorCycle Maintenance
H3.7, E3.0, R3.5J.R.Pole   Political Representation in England & the Origins of the American Republic (1966, 1979)
H4.5, E3.0, R2.2Robert W.Poole, Jr.   Cutting Back City Hall
H4.5, E3.0, R2.2Robert W.Poole, Jr.   Instead of Regulation: Alternatives to Federal Regulatory Agencies
H4.5, E3.0, R3.9Robert W.Poole, Jr.   Unnatural Monopolies: The Case for Deregulating Public Utilities
H3.5, E2.8, R2.4FaithPopcornLysMarigold Clicking
H3.5, E2.8, R1.3FaithPopcornLysMarigoldThePopcorn Report
H4.5, E3.5, R2.5Karl RaimundPopper   Conjectures & Refutation
H4.5, E3.0, R2.7JerryPournelleJohn F.Carr Survival of Freedom
H4.5, E3.0, R0.9JerryPournelleDeanIng Mutual Assured Survival
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3DennisPrager   Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs USA Values to Triumph_/_Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph_ (440 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 0061985120/ 9780061985126; OCLC 1005494298; Broadside/HarperCollins)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3FletcherPrattEdwardGorey Battles that Changed History (348 pages; 904.7 Pra)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5Donald R.ProtheroQarieMarshall When Humans Nearly Vanished: The Catastrophic Explosion of the Toba Volcano (73KBCE; 75Kya; 195 pages; 23.1MB; ISBN 1588346358/ 1588346366/ 9781588346353/ 9781588346360; OCLC 1031403237; Smithsonian; incoherent, scattered)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0Joseph R.ProveyKrisRobinson & Van Cline, Ph.D. Toro Expert Guide to Lawns: Pro Secrets for a Beautiul Yard (175 pages; 635.9647 Pro; Main)
H4.5, E3.0, R2.1 Public Citizen   "The 10 Year Track Record of the North American Free Trade Agreement: US Workers' Jobs, Wages and Economic Security" 2004 January

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5Nido R.Qubein   How to Be a Great Communicator

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.5, E3.5, R1.1Jack N.Rakove   Original Meanings
H4.5, E3.5, R1.5AynRand  TheAyn Rand Column
H4.5, E3.5, R4.3AynRand   Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
H3.9, E3.5, R3.2AynRand  AnIntroduction to Objectivist Epistemology
H3.9, E3.5, R3.0AynRand  TheNew Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution/Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution
H4.5, E3.5, R2.5AynRand   Philosophy: Who Needs It
H4.5, E3.5, R3.5AynRand  TheRomantic Manifesto
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0AynRand  TheVirtue of Selfishness
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5AynRand  TheVoice of Reason
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1JonathanRauch   Kindly Inquisitors: The New Attacks on Free Thought
H4.5, E3.0, R-1.7JohnRawls  A[Muddled] Theory of Justice
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0SimonRead   Winston Churchil Reporting: Adventures of a Young War Correspondent (329 pages; 10.7MB; 070.4333)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0JohnReed    10 Days That Shook the World
H4.5, E3.5, R2.0DavidReichEugenieReich Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA & the New Science of the Human Past (335 pages; 30.7MB; 572.86 Rei; Main+NE)
H4.5, E3.0, R0.8James MarshallReilly   Shake the World: It's Not about Finding a Job, It's about Creating a Life (258 pages; 650.14)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8IrvingReinPhilipKotler & Martin Stoller High Visibility: The Making & Marketing of Professionals into Celebrities
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8AlanReynolds   "Taxes and Deficits" _Free Market Forum: The Role of Markets and Governments in Pursuing the Common Good_ 2008-10-07
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9RichardRhodes   Hedy's Folly: The Life and BreakThrough Inventions of Hedy Lamarr, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World (movies; engineering; 260 pages; 5.6MB)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0RichardRhodes  TheMaking of the of Atomic Bomb_ (838 pages; ISBN 9781451677614; OCLC 764385315; Simon&Schuster; on order 2022-07-24 Rho; Main+NE; due 2025-01-28; extended 2025-02-18)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0DavidRicardo  ThePrinciples of Political Economy & Taxation
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7K.G.Richardson   Human Trafficking from 5KBCE to the 21st Century: 7K Years of Slavery, Rape, Greed_ (history; criminology; 100-120 pages; 991KB; ISBN 1522978372/ 9781522978374; OCLC 953187804; CreateSpace; good 8th-9th-grade intro/overview)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7JimRichey   Finishing: Methods of Work (230 pages; 684.3097 Ric; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0Philip F.RileyFrank A.Gerome, Robert L. Lembright, Henry A. Myers & Chong-Kun YoonTheGlobal Experience: volume 1 Readings in World History to 1500 (359 pages)
H3.0, E3.0, R2.5Robert J.Ringer   Looking Out For #1
H3.0, E3.0, R2.7Robert J.Ringer   Restoring the American Dream
H3.0, E3.0, R1.9Robert J.Ringer   Winning Through Intimidation
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8CharlotteRivers   Little Book of Book Making: Timeless Techniques and Fresh Ideas for Beautiful HandMade Books (189 pages; 686 RIV)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.8GayleRivers  TheWar Against the Terrorists: How to Win It
H3.0, E3.0, R1.7ChristopherRobbins   Air America
H4.0, E3.5, R2.9AndrewRobinson  TheStory of Writing: Alphabets, Hieroglyphs & Pictograms (not hideous, but disappointing; 224 pages; ISBN 0500281564; OCLC ; Thames & Hudson; libraries; 411.09 Rob; Main; due 2024-09-11)
H4.0, E3.5, R2.2KenRobinson, Ph.D.LouAronica & Terry RobinsonTheElement: How Finding Your Passion Changes EveryThing (260 pages; 153.9 Rob; Main+NE+East)
H3.0, E1.0, R1.5Lynn A.RobinsonlaVerneCarlson-FinnertyTheComplete Idiot's Guide to Being Psychic
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2Ray CharlesRobinson iDavidRitz Brother Ray: Ray Charles's Own Story (1930-2004; 330 pages; auto-biography Ray Charles Robinson i 1930-2004; an index would greatly improve it)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 Rocky Mountain Plan Company  TheMansions & Millennials Home Collection: 16 House Plans for Dreamers, from Tiny Houses and Pocket Neighborhoods to Luxury Homes (architecture; 168 pages; 728.370973 ROC; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2Everett M.Rogers   Diffusion of Innovations
H4.0, E2.5, R3.5JeniRogers  The200+ Ways to Protect Your Privacy: Simple Ways to Prevent Hacks and Protect Your Privacy On and OffLine (245 pages; 005.8 Rog)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7Allan H.RopperBrian DavidBurrell How the Brain Lost Its Mind_ (neurosyphilis?; 242 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; 612.82 Rop; Main; due 2024-03-07; not the subject I expected (i.e. not neuro-anatomy+neuro-physiology))
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4RichardRosecrance  TheRise of the Trading State
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1GeorgeRosen  AnHistory of Public Health
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1ShannenRossmillerSueCarswellTheUnexpected Patriot (240 pages; 363.325)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1Murray N.Rothbard   Protectionism
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2JeffreyRothfeder   Privacy for Sale
H4.5, E3.2, R3.3MichaelRothschild   Bionomics: Economy as EcoSystem
H4.5, E3.0, R1.0Jean-JacquesRousseau  TheSocial Contract & Discourse on the Origin of InEquality
H3.5, E2.70, R3.5TrevorRowan   Compact Cabins: Simple Living in 1K Square Feet Or Less (213 pages; 728.73 Row; Main)
H4.5, E3.0, R4.2Edwin S.Rubenstein  "TheTwin Crises: Immigration and Infrastructure" _The Social Contract_
H3.5, E3.0, R1.5Diane TeitelRubins   Scholastic's A+ Guide to Good Writing
H4.5, E3.3, R2.2JamesRumford   Traveling Man: The Journey of ibn Battuta 1325-1354 (Muhammad ibn Battuta; 40 pages; 4.1MB; 910.92; youth)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0DouglasRushkoff   Media Virus!
H4.0, E3.0, R0.5BertrandRussell   Principles of Matehmatics (he assumed several derivative concepts, then struggled, twisting & turning, to "prove" the obvious, near-axiomatic concepts on which they are based)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2EricRutkow   American Canopy: Trees, Forests, and the Making of a Nation_ (trees; nature; uncrowded; 406 pages; 18MB; ISBN 9781439193549; Scribner; 577.3097 Rut)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.5, E3.5, R4.3MarioSalvadoriSaralindaHooker & Christopher Ragus Why Buildings Stand Up: The Strength of Architecture_ (302 pages; 624.17)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3Stanton E.Samenow   Before It's Too Late
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1Robert J.Samuelson  TheGood Life & Its Discontents: The American Dream in the Age of Entitlement 1945-1995
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 "Sark"   Sark's Journal & Play! Book
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5KwasiSarkodie-Mensah   Helping the Difficult Library Patron: New Approaches to Examining & Resolving a Long-Standing & OnGoing Problem (303 pages; 025.5 HEL)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5AnneSavage  TheAnglo-Saxon Chronicles (278 pages; 942.01)
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9Kem KnappSawyerArthur M.SchlesingerTheNational Foundation on the Arts & the Humanities
H4.0, E3.0, R4.5AntoninScaliaBryan A.Garner Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges (245 pages; ISBN 9780314184719; OCLC 220331221; LCCN 2008277152; Thomson/ West; Florida supremes, Felonious State, TCC, UF/HogTown, Alachua, NW FL State College, Crestview, Citrus, FL State College Jax, Jax, Marion, Florida Coastal, Oconee/Laurens, Hernando, Pasco, Pensacola State, UWF, Lake, Flagler; 340.0711; NE; ILL request #219755; due 2024-05-02)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0Shannon TaylorScarlett   Simple Rules in Building, Art & Life: What the OldTime Builders Knew (architecture; engineering; 125 pages; ISBN 9781484152072; 720.4 Sca; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7SimonSchama  AnHistory of Britain: vol1 At the Edge of the World 3000BCE-1603CE (3000BCE-1603CE; 400 pages; 941 Sch; Main+FtBraden)
H4.5, E3.0, R3.5BarnetSchechter   George Washington's USA: A Biography through His Maps (290 pages; Over-Size; 973.4)
H4.5, E3.0, R3.0Vicky AlvearSchecterBillMayer Warrior Queens: True Stories of 6 Ancient Rebels Who Slayed History (J but better than nothing; Hatshepsut c.1479BCE-1458BCE, Artemisia c.510BCE-c.470BCE, Boudika/Boadicea/Boudicca c.20CE-c.60CE, Zenobia c.230CE-c.275CE, Amanirenas c.60BCE-c.10BCE, Trung Trac c.75BCE-c.43BCE; 151 pages; ISBN 9781629796796; Boyds Mills; J 920.72 Sch; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.9Adele M.Scheele   Skills for Success
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2PeterSchiff   Why the Melt-Down Should Have Surprised No One (mortgage schemes of 2000s)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2AndrewSchloss   HomeMade Soda (318 pages; 641.875 Sch; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.8JonathanSchneer  TheBalfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (400 pages; 5MB; 956.04)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2J. NeilSchulman   Stopping Power
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2FranSchumerMaryCunningham PowerPlay: What Really Happened at Bendix (Allied Signal c.1982)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7LarrySchweikartMichael PatrickAllenAPatriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to USA's Age of Entitlement (1K pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 9781595231154; Sentinel; 973 Sch)
H4.0, E2.7, R4.4PeterSchweizer   Secret Empires: How USA Politicians Hide Corruption and Enrich Family and Friends (crony socialism; 318 pages; ISBN 9780062569363; Harper; 364.1323 Sch; Main+NE)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0PeterSchweizer   Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by USA's Regressive Elitists_ (255-342-360 pages; ISBN 006289790/ 9780062897909; OCLC 1153983707; Harper; 320.973 Sch; Jax, Crawfordville)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0PeterSchweizer   Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win_/_Red-Handed: How Elitist USA Crony Socialists Get Rich Helping Red China Win (248-352 pages; ISBN 9780063061149; OCLC ; Harper; libraries; 305.52097 Sch; Main; due 2023-10-24)
H4.5, E4.0, R4.5PeterSchweizer   Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets (250 pages; ISBN 9780544103344/ 9780544334557; OCLC 855858197; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; libraries; 320.973 Sch; NE; due 2024-06-11)
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9Franklin D.Scott   World Migration in Modern Times
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3William WallaceScott  AnHistory of Orange County Virginia
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2DavidSeabury  TheArt of Selfishness
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1GeraldSeals   Taming City Hall: RightSizing for Results
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0JeanneSegal   Raising Your Emotional Intelligence
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0DanielSeligman  AQuestion of Intelligence: The IQ Debate in America
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0Martin E.P.Seligman   Learned Optimism
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2Robin JeanneSellers   Femina Perfecta: The Genesis of Florida State University
H4.0, E3.0, R1.4BillSevern  TheEnd of the Roaring 20s: Prohibition & Repeal
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9Harold J.Seymour   Designs for Fund-Raising
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2MerleShain   Some Men Are More Perfect Than Others
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2MerleShain   When Lovers Are Friends
H4.5, E3.5, R2.2John H. F.Shattuck   Rights of Privacy
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9EdithSheffer   Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna (317 pages; 618.9285; NE)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0DavidShenk   Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2DavidShenk  TheGenius in All of Us: New Insights into Genetics, Talent, and IQ (not terrible but goes too far trashing/down-playing inherent gifts/ talent/ abilities with a few rare gestures of recognition; would have been far better if he had started with DNA, histones, control boxes, & other epigenetics, memory, learning in different contexts, and then gotten into the great benefits of well-guided training, but he's a pop-psych writer so that's understandable; 302-380 pages; 2.2MB; ISBN 9780307387301; OCLC 708243945; Anchor; Jax, Hernando/Brooksville, Pasco/Hudson, Tampa Bay/Tampa, Orange/Orlando, Lee/Lehigh Acres, Miami-Dade, Evansville VanDerBurgh, Cincinnati State Technical & Community College; 155.234 She; Main; due 2024-05-01)
H4.7, E3.5, R1.0BarbaraSherBarbaraSmith I Could Do Anything If Only I Knew What It Was
H4.7, E3.5, R1.0BarbaraSherAnnieGottlieb TeamWorks!
H4.7, E3.5, R2.0BarbaraSherAnnieGottlieb WishCraft: How to Get What You Really Want
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0MichaelShermer   Why People Believe Weird Things
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0Margot LeeShetterly   Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the UnTold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race (346-360 pages; ISBN 9780062363596; OCLC 973510941; HarperCollins/William Morrow; 510.9252 LEE; Main+NE+Jax+BLPerry+Woodville; NASA/LangleyRC)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5William L.Shirer   Berlin Diary (605 pages; 940.534)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5RobertShogan   None of the Above: Why Presidents Fail - And What Can Be Done About It
H4.0, E3.0, R4.3AmityShlaes  TheForgotten Man
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5AmityShlaes  TheGreedy Hand
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0Joan RansonShortney   How To Live on Nothing
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0Ronald K.Siegel   Fire in the Brain
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8SteveSilberman   NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of NeuroDiversity (Asperger's; not the book I was seeking; too much blather, too little neuro-physiology, anatomy, bio-chemistry, mechanisms; 530 pages; ISBN 9781583334676; OCLC 907295282; Avery/ Penguin/ RandomHouse; libraries; 616.8588 Sil; Main+East; due 2023-08-20)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.7JudithSills   Excess Baggage: Getting Out of Your Own Way
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8NateSilver  TheSignal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail -- But Some Don't (NYSlimes; 480 pages; Penguin/ Pearson; 519.542 Sil; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5AnitaSilveyWendellMinor Henry Knox: BookSeller, Soldier, Patriot (AmRev; postAmRev; J but better than nothing; 40 pages; 4.2MB; J B Knox; Main)
H4.5, E3.5, R1.3James F.Simon  What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States_ (310 pages; 342.73029)
H4.5, E3.5, R3.5William E.Simon  ATime For Action
H4.5, E3.5, R3.5William E.Simon  ATime For Truth
ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H3.5, E3.0, R3.0 Skills Institute Press/Fox Chapel Publishing   Cabins and Cottages: The Basics of Building a Get-Away Retreat_ (architecture; needs more detail: more detailed diagrams & photos; arrangement of material is kind of herky-jerky; 164 pages; ISBN 9781565239678; OCLC ; Fox Chapel; libraries; 690.837 CAB; Jax)
ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H3.5, E3.0, R0.9Burrhus F.Skinner   Beyond Freedom & Dignity
H4.5, E3.5, R2.5MarkSkousen   Economics on Trial: Lies, Myths, & Realities
H4.5, E3.5, R4.3MarkSkousen  TheStructure of Production
H4.5, E3.5, R4.0Willard CleonSkousen  The5K Year Leap (315 pages; 342.7302)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0StephenSkowronek  ThePolitics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to George Bush
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4Thomas P.Slaughter  TheWhiskey Rebellion: Frontier Epilogue to the American Revolution
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5Eugene A.Sloane   Locks, Keys, Burglar & Smoke Alarms
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5George H.Smith   Atheism, Ayn Rand & Other Heresies
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0James AllenSmith  TheIdea Brokers: Think Tanks & the Rise of the New Policy Elite
H4.5, E3.5, R2.2Gerald S.Snyder  TheRight To Be Let Alone: Privacy in the US
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3Ronald L.Soble   What Became of Free Enterprise?
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9StevenSora  TheLost Treasure of the Knights Templar
H4.5, E3.5, R4.4ThomasSowell   Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One
H4.5, E3.5, R4.4ThomasSowell   Basic Economics
H4.5, E3.5, R2.5ThomasSowell   Compassion vs Guilt
H4.5, E3.5, R3.4ThomasSowell  AConflict of Visions
H4.5, E3.5, R3.5ThomasSowell   Conquests & Culture
H4.5, E3.5, R5.0ThomasSowell   Economic Facts & Fallacies
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5ThomasSowell   Ethnic America
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5ThomasSowell   Inside American Education
H4.5, E3.5, R3.4ThomasSowell   Intellectuals & Society
H4.5, E3.5, R2.7ThomasSowell   Is Reality Optional?
H4.5, E3.5, R3.5ThomasSowell   Knowledge & Decisions
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0ThomasSowell   Race & Culture
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7ThomasSowell  TheVision of the Anointed
H4.0, E4.0, R4.4ThomasSowell  TheQuest for Cosmic Justice (190 pages; ISBN 0684864622; Free; 303.372 Sow; Main; due 2024-12-17)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3Jon P.Speller   Seed Money in Action
H4.5, E3.5, R1.5GerrySpence   How To Argue & Win Every Time
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3GerrySpence   With Justice for None
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3RobertSpencer   Religion of Peace?: Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn't (210 pages; 261.27)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5RobertSpencer  ThePolitically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) (270 pages; 1.2MB; 297)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0Edward JamesStackpolecolonel Wilbur S.Nye Sheridan in the Shenandoah: Jubal Early's Nemesis (Civil War; Hunter flees before Early; 3rd battle of Winchester/Opequon; 413 pages; LoC 61-14913; Telegraph; 973.7 S775; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5Thomas J.StanleyWilliam D.DankoTheMillionaire Next Door
H4.0, E3.0, R1.4ConstanceStapletonPhyllisRichman Barter
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5ShelbySteele  TheContent of Our Character
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2JessStern  TheSearch for a Soul
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4Dale J.Stephens   Hacking Your Education: Ditch the Lectures, Save Tens of Thousands, and Learn More Than Your Peers Ever Will (200 pages; 454KB; 371.3943; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8JaneStern   Ambulance Girl: How I Saved Myself By Becoming an EMT (228 pages; 593KB)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4David O.Stewart   American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America (350 pages; 973.46092)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4Thomas A.Stewart   Intellectual Capital
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1Joseph E.Stiglitz   Globalization and Its Discontents (252 pages; 337)
H4.5, E3.5, R3.4DavidStockman  TheTriumph of Politics
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1AlexandraStoddard  TheArt of the Possible
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1DouglasStoneSheilaHeen Thanks for the FeedBack: The Science and Art of Receiving FeedBack Well even when it is off-base, un-fair, and frankly, you're not in the mood (350 pages; 153.68; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 Storey Publishing   Storey's Curious Compendium of Practical and Obscure Skills: 214 Things You Can Actually Learn How to Do (344 pages; ISBN 1635861917/ 9781635861914; 646.7 Sto; Main+E+Woodville)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0JohnStossel   Give Me a Break (286 pages; 302.2345)
H4.0, E3.0, R0.8JoshSugarmann   NRA: Money, Firepower, Fear
H4.5, E3.0, R3.2JeffSypeck   Becoming Charlemagne: Europe, Baghdad, and the Empires of 800CE (c.747CE-814CE; 284 pages; 944.0142)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5Daisetz TeitaroSuzukiCarl G.JungAnIntroduction to Zen Buddhism
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5ShunryuSuzuki   Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
H4.5, E3.5, R3.4BryanSykes   Saxons, Vikings & Celts: The Genetic Roots of Britain & Ireland/Blood of the Isles: Exploring the Genetic Roots of Our Tribal History
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1SteveSymmsLarryGruppTheCitizen's Guide to Fighting Government
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2ThomasSzasz  TheAge of Madness
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2ThomasSzasz   Heresies
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5ThomasSzasz  TheManufacture of Madness

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0DeborahTannen   You Just Don't Understand
H4.0, E3.0, R2.6IanTattersallRobde Salle Accidental Homo Sapiens: Genetics, Behavior, and Free Will_ (failed to define terms: social, society, human condition; 222 pages; ISBN 9781643130262; OCLC ; Pegasus; libraries; 155.7 Tat; Main+East; due 2024-12-17)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3Frank WilliamTaussig  TheTariff History of the USA
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8Richard F.Tax   "Phony NSF Paper Affects Legislation" _American Engineer_ 1992 September
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0BruceTegner   Bruce Tegner's Complete Book of Judo
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5Michael S.Teitelbaum   "Do we need more scientists?" _Public Interest_ 2003 Autumn
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0JosephTelushkin  TheBook of Jewish Values: A Day-by-Day Guide to Ethical Living (544 pages; 296.36 Tel; Main+NE)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5DorothyTennov   Love & Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love
H4.0, E2.0, R2.9StudsTerkel   Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day & How They Feel About What They Do
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7DaveThomasRonBeyma Dave Says Well Done!
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0Henry D.Thoreau   Walden & Civil Disobedience
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2Lester C.Thurow  TheZero-Sum Society
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0PaulTillich   Love, Power & Justice
H3.8, E3.0, R1.2AlvinTofflerPower Shift
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1Laurence H.Tribe   God Save This Honorable Court: How the Choice of Supreme Court Justices Shapes Our History
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0Maryann V.Troianni Mercer Change Your UnderWear Change Your Life
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0TeviTroy   What Jefferson Read, Ike Watched, and Obummer Tweeted: 200 Years of Popular Culture in the White House (332 pages; 973.099 Tro; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0DonaldTrump   Time to Get Tough (216 pages; 330.973 Tru; Main+NE)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.4JeromeTuccille   Radical Libertarianism
H4.0, E3.0, R1.9Barbara WertheimTuchman   Bible and Sword: England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour (349 pages; 1.8MB)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0Henry TheodoreTuckermanTheLife of John Pendleton Kennedy
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0SunTzu  TheArt of War
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4BruceTulgan   Bridging the "Soft Skills" Gap: How to Teach the Missing Basics to Today's Young Talent (270 pages; 658.3124 Tul; Main;   too much imprecision/ ambiguity/ hand-waving/ indefinition, B-school buzz-words, labor market disinformation;   "authorities"/"authority figures"/authoritarians: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Putin, Mao, Xi Jinping, Kim Jung Un, Komeini, Khamenei, Fauci, Clinton, Obummer, BiteMe, Garland, Mayorkas, Lois Lerner, Kathleen Supercilious, Welch, Nasty Pelosi, Schmutzie Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Jerrold Nadler, Ocrazio, Jayapal;   "leaders": AEinstein, PAMDirac, KBloch, CMenger, EBohm-Bawerk, L von Mises, SCray, JEThornton, DBitzer, GRMansfield, DACahlander, GDBranham, RMoore, CJankowski, JDudziak, JLevins, EHearn, RSisson;   index falls short)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0PeterTurchin   UltraSociety: How 10K Years of War Made Humans the Greatest Co-Operators on Earth_ (8KBCE-2KCE; 238-251-266 pages; 651KB; ISBN 0996139516/ 9780996139519; OCLC 935422953/ 931927142; Beresta; Berry College/Mt.Berry, Hillsborough/Tampa, Rollins/Winter Park, Sarasota, Miami-Dade, VanDerBilt U/Nashville, Transylvania/Lexington, Ohio State U, Purdue/Hammond, DePauw U/Greencastle, Harvard, Hennepin/Minnetonka, Santa Fe Institute; ILL request #223775; pickedup 2024-08-06; due 2024-09-23; GN 360.T87)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 USCIS   "H-1B Benefit Fraud & Compliance Assessment" 2008 September

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1BrendaValeRobertValeTheNew Autonomous House: Design and Planning for Sustainability (architecture; engineering; 238 pages; 728.0472 Val; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1Charlesvan Doren  AnHistory of Knowledge
H4.0, E3.0, R0.7 VatsyayanaRichardBurton & F.F. ArbuthnotTheKama Sutra
H4.0, E3.0, R0.7ThorsteinVeblen  TheTheory of the Leisure Class
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0GezaVermes  TheTrue Herod (170 pages; 933.05092)
H3.2, E3.0, R3.5AndrewVietze   White Pine: USA History and the Tree That Made a Nation_ (186 pages; 634.980974 VIE; Main+Woodville)
H3.0, E3.0, R1.0Nicholasvon Hoffman   Capitalist Fools
H4.5, E3.0, R4.3Ludwigvon Mises   Human Action
H4.5, E3.0, R4.3Ludwigvon Mises  TheTheory of Money & Credit
ScoreAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.5, E3.0, R3.9Genevievevon PetzingerTheFirst Signs: UnLocking the Mysteries of the World's Oldest Symbols_ (305-307 pages; ISBN 9781476785493; OCLC 913303889; Atria; TCC/TSC, Leon, Tomas/Thomasville, North Florida College/Madison, Santa Fe College, NW Florida State College/Niceville, Alachua/HogTown, UF/HogTown, College of Central Florida/Ocala, Jax, Auburn, St.Johns River State College/Palatka, Sumter/Wildwood, Emory, UCF, Polk State College/Winter Haven, Eastern Florida State College/Cocoa, Brevard/Cocoa, Highlands/Sebring, Lee/Lehigh Acres, Sanibel, Mandel/WPB, Palm Beach/WPB, Nova SEU/Ft.Lauderdale, Broward/Ft.Lauderdale, FIU/Miami, U of Miami, UNCCH, Louisville, Evansville VanDerBurgh, Boone/Burlington, Vincennes U, CHPL/Cincinnati, U of Cincinnati, Cincinnati State Technical & Community College, Miami U/Hamilton, Cedarville, Dayton, Wright State U; 302.2223 von; Main; due 2024-05-01)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H3.0, E3.0, R1.0Harvey F.WachsmanStevenAlschuler Lethal Medicine: The Epidemic of Medical Malpractice in America
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5Nicholas J.Wade  ATroublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History (281 pages; 2.041MB; 599.938)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5Nicholas J.Wade   Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors_ (1MBCE; 314-332 pages; 1.536MB; ISBN 9780143038320; OCLC 86175798; LCCN 2005055293; Penguin; MercerU, Clearwater, Jefferson, FL SW State College, Palm Beach, WPB, FL International U Biscayne Bay, Miami-Dade; 599.938; Main+NE; GW 281 .W33 2007; several errors refuted since it was published: there have been multiple emigrations from Africa, there are many Neanderthal-sapiens & Neanderthal-Denisovan hybrids, Y chromosomes do cross-over; author keeps banging the collectivist drum; due 2023-07-24)
H3.0, E3.0, R2.2SamuelWalker   Sense & NonSense about Crime & Drugs: A Policy Guide
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0DouglasWaller   Wild Bill Donovan: The SpyMaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage_ (448 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9Jerold L.Waltman   Political Origins of the US Income Tax
H3.0, E3.0, R1.5Ruth EllenWasem   "Non-Immigrant Over-Stays: Brief Synthesis of the Issue" _CRS_ #RS22446 2007-01-24
H3.0, E3.0, R2.4JamesWasserman  TheTemplars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven
H3.0, E3.0, R1.5Ben J.Wattenberg  The 1st Universal Nation
H3.0, E3.0, R1.5MurrayWeidenbaum   Rendezvous with Reality
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9BrantWenegrat   SocioBiological Psychiatry
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2Thomas G.West   Vindicating the Founders: Race, Sex, "Class", and Justice in the Origins of America_ (219 pages; 1.8MB; 973.5 Wes; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.4Thomas G.West  ThePolitical Theory of the American Founding_/_The Political Theory of the USA Founding: Natural Rights, Public Policy, and the Moral Conditions of Freedom_ (Enlightenment; AmRev; 400-420 pages; 2MB; ISBN 1316506037/ 9781316506035; OCLC 1105538968/ 964377674; LCCN 2017304618; CambridgeU; FIU)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2MichaelWheeler   Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics
H4.0, E3.0, R1.7Alfred NorthWhitehead   Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5Chris J.Wickham  TheInheritance of Rome: An History of Europe from 400 to 1000 / The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages 400-1000 (650 pages; 8MB; 940.1; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0Laura IngallsWilderRose WilderLane, Roger Lea MacBride & Abigail MacBrideALittle House Traveler (344 pages; ISBN 9780060724917; OCLC ; Harper; libraries; J B Wilder; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2GeorgeWill   Restoration
H4.0, E3.5, R2.9Arthur L.WilliamsAll You Can Do is All You Can Do but all you can do is enough
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2FlorenceWilliams  TheNature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative (260 pages; 17.4MB; 155.9 Wil; E)
H4.0, E3.2, R3.2Walter E.Williams   All It Takes Is Guts
H4.0, E3.2, R3.2Walter E.Williams   America: A Minority Viewpoint
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9William B.Williams   Future Perfect
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2MarianneWilliamson  AWoman's Worth
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5David K.Willis   Klass: How Russians Really Live
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2Wellford W.Wilms   Restoring Prosperity
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5James Q.Wilson   Thinking about Crime
H4.0, E3.0, R4.5SimonWinchester  ThePerfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World (374 pages; 14.9MB; 620.009 Win; Main+Jax)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5Timothy CharlesWinegard  TheMosquito: A Human History of our Deadliest Predator (disease; 485 pages; 595.772 Win; Main+NE+Jax)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2Robin W.WinksCraneBrinton, et al History of Civilization 1300-1815
H4.0, E3.0, R2.6Alexander ScottWithers   Chronicles of Border Warfare
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2ScottWitt   How to Be Twice As Smart
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2NaomiWolf, Ph.D.  TheBodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19, and the War Against the Human (336 pages; ISBN 9781737478560; OCLC ; All Seasons; libraries; on order 2022-08-03; 362.19624 Wol; Main+Jax; due 2024-02-08)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4ChristopherWood   Boom & Bust: The Rise & Fall of the World's Financial Markets
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4ChristopherWood  TheBubble Economy
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2Thomas E.Woods   Melt-Down
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2BobWoodwardScottArmstrongTheBrethren: Inside the Supreme Court
H4.5, E3.5, R1.5RobertWright  TheMoral Animal


ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R1.8BillYenne   Woodies: Classic Cars: A National Treasure_ (173 pages; 629.222 Yen; Main+Jax)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0PhilipZiegler   Omdurman (237 pages; 16.4MB; 962.6; Main; officially ended slavery in Sudan...at least for a time)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0Michael A.Zuckerman   "The Off-Shoring of American Government" _Cornell Law Review_ vol94 pp165 et seq. 2009
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9MitchellZuckoff Annex Security Team 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi [from the POV of the security team there]_ (332 pages; 9.5MB; 363.32509612)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2LeonardZuninNatalieZunin Contact: The 1st 3 Minutes

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