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updated: 2025-02-25
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Ratings range from 5 frowns to 5 smiles, have not yet been fully assigned for books listed on this page, and are subject to tweaking at any time.
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.8 | David | La Bounty | Jim | Blau | JobSurfing: The Sciences - Research & Medicine | |
H3.0, E2.0, R0.8 | Stephen | LaBerge | Lucid Dreaming | |||
H3.0, E2.0, R3.6 | Robert | Lacey | Danny | Danziger | The | Year 1K: What Life Was Like at the Turn of the First Millennium: An Englishman's World |
H3.0, E2.0, R3.2 | Robert | Lacey | Great Tales from English History: The Truth about King Arthur, Lady Godiva, Richard the LionHeart, & More (55BCE-; 254 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; 942.01 Lac; Main; due 2024-05-22; 10%-25% fiction, 75%-90% history) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | David | Lamb | The | Arabs (330 pages) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Donald | Lambro | Washington: City of Scandals | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | David S. | Landes | The | Wealth & Poverty of Nations | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Bill | Landreth | Out of the Inner Circle: A Hacker's Guide to Computer Security | |||
H3.5, E3.0, R1.5 | Michael Lee | Lanning | Senseless Secrets (316 pages; 355.3432) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Michael Lee | Lanning | Dan | Cragg | Inside the VC and the NVA | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Wayne | LaPierre | Tom | Clancy, Marion P. Hammer & Mary Marcotte Corrigan | Guns, Crime, & Freedom | |
H4.0, E2.0, R1.5 | Frances Moore | Lappe | Diet for a Small Planet | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1 | Don | Larson | The | Land of the Giants: A History of Minnesota Business | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Erik | Larson | The | Naked Consumer: How Our Private Lives Become Public Commodities | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4 | Erik | Larson | Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History (Galveston 1900; 976.4139; large; Main+NE) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Judith | Larson | A | Guide to Rapid Reading (200 pages; 428.43 Lar) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Richard E. | Leakey | Roger | Lewin | People of the Lake: ManKind & Its Beginnings | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Richard | Lederer | The | Miracle of Language | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2 | Bruno | Leoni | Freedom & the Law | |||
H4.0, E3.5, R0.8 | Jill | Lepore | These Truths: An History of the USA (932 pages; 115.5MB; ISBN 9780393635249; Norton; 973 Lep; Main+NE; natural rights, slavery, slavery, slavery, slavery, Jim Crow, illiberal leftist regressivism) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Barron H. | Lerner | Good Doctor: A Father, a Son, & the [Change, for Better & Worse] of Medical Ethics (ethics; 223 pages; ISBN 9780807035047; OCLC ; Beacon; libraries; 174.2 Ler; Main; due 2023-10-09; needs an index, more bibliography) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Ian | Leslie | Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It (216 pages; 153.8) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.6 | Jack E. | Levin | Malice Toward None: Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address (1865; 64 pages; 39.2MB; ISBN 9781476784264; Threshold; 973.7092 Lev; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.1 | Mark Reed | Levin | Liberty & Tyranny | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Mark Reed | Levin | The | Ameritopia: The UnMaking of America (250 pages; 320.97301) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Mark Reed | Levin | Unfreedom of the Press (258 pages; released 2019 May 21; 070.4493 Lev; Main+E+NE+Jax) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R5.0 | Mark Reed | Levin | The | Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic (272 pages) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.5 | Mark Reed | Levin | Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America (280 pages) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9 | Mark Reed | Levin | Plunder and Deceit: Big Government's Abuse of Young People and the Future (244-256 pages; ISBN 9781451606300; Threshold; 320.520973 Lev; NE+East) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.5 | Mark Reed | Levin | American Marxism (Saint-Simon, Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, Frankfurt School, Dewey, Wilson, Croly, Marcuse, Gamson, Anyon, Weis, Young, Crenshaw, Bell; 304 pages; ISBN 9781501135972; OCLC 1249572909; Threshold; 320.973 Lev) | |||
H4.5, E3.3, R4.4 | Mark Reed | Levin | The | Democrat Party Hates the USA (320-389 pages; ISBN 9781501183157; OCLC 1388679064; Threshold/ Pocket/ Simon&Schuster; Charleston, Knoxville, Des Moines, East Central/Cambridge; on order 2023-08-01, 2023-08-28, 2023-09-27; 324.2736 Lev; NE+Jax; due 2024-09-11) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Yuval | Levin | Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left (296 pages; 320.5097; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Darren | Levine | Bas | Rutten & Andy Mogg | Complete Krav Maga: The Ultimate Guide to over 230 Self-Defense & Combative Techniques_ (342 pages; 769.81; Main) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9 | David T. | Levinson | Everyone Helps, Everyone Wins: How Absolutely Anyone Can Pitch In, Help Out, Give Back, and Make the World a Better Place (259 pages; 361.37) | |||
H4.2, E3.0, R1.9 | Dave | Levitan, not a scientist | Not a Scientist: How Politicians Mistake, MisRepresent, and Utterly Mangle Science (256 pages; 11.2MB; 303.483 Lev; makes the mistakes he complains of others) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Andrew | Levy | The | First Emancipator: Slavery, Religion and the Quiet Revolution of Robert Carter | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3 | Leonard W. | Levy | Jefferson & Civil Liberties: The Darker Side | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Anson Virgil | Lewis | History of West Virginia | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Cherry | Lewis | The | Enlightened Mr. Parkinson: The Pioneering Life of a Forgotten Surgeon & the Mysterious Disease that Bears His Name_ (neurophysiology; biography; history; genealogy; 306 pages; ISBN 9781681774541; OCLC 999407825/ 995879254/ 1137811041/ 1129074392; Icon/ Pegasus/ Norton; NWFSC/Niceville, Hillsborough/Tampa, Polk State/Winter Haven, Purdue; biography James Parkinson; NE; RC 339.52 .P376 L49 2017; due 2023-11-03) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7 | S. Robert | Lichter | Linda S. | Lichter & Stanley Rothman | Watching America | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7 | S. Robert | Lichter | Stanley | Rothman, Linda S. Lichter | The | Media Elite |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Thomas | Lickona | Educating for Character | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | David J. | Lieberman | Make Peace with Anyone | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.3 | Jethro K. | Lieberman | How the Government Breaks the Law | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1 | Jethro K. | Lieberman | Privacy & the Law | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Robert Jay | Lifton | The | Protean Self | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | John C. | Lilly | Programming & MetaProgramming in the Human BioComputer | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | David | Limbaugh | The | Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Collectivists Must Not Win (482 pages; 324.2736 Lim) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Rush H. | Limbaugh | The | Way Things Ought To Be | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7 | Tanya | Linton | 150 Best Meals in a Jar: salads, soups, rice bowls & more (would be better with photos & recipes on facing or same pages; 192 pages; ISBN 9780778805281; OCLC ; Robert Rose; libraries; 641.555 Lin; Main+Woodville; due 2024-10-01) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.1 | Edwin A. | Locke | Setting Goals to Improve Your Life & Happiness | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.1 | Edwin A. | Locke | Gary P. | Latham | Goal Setting: A Motivational Technique that Works | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | John | Locke | Sterling P. | Lamprecht | Locke Selections | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | John R. | Lott | More Guns Less Crime | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9 | Harry | Lorayne | Harry Lorayne's Page a Minute Memory Book | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | B. Lindsay | Lowell | Micah | Bump | "Projecting Immigrant Visas: Report on an Experts Meeting" _Georgetown University Institute for the Study of International Migration_ 2006 October | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Gay Gaer | Luce | Body Time | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Edward | Lutwak | The | Endangered American Dream | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Thomas D. | Lynch | Public Budgeting in America | |||
H5.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Roger Lea | MacBride | A | New Dawn for America |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.5, E3.0, R2.3 | Tibor | Machan | M. Bruce | Johnson | Rights and Regulation: Ethical, Political, and Economic Issues | |
H4.5, E3.0, R1.2 | Niccolo | Machiavelli | The | Prince | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1 | Richard I. | Mack | Timothy Robert | Walters | From My Cold Dead Fingers: Why America needs Guns! | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | John Duncan | Mackie | Bruce | Lenman & Geoffrey Parker | An | History of Scotland (381 pages; 941.1) |
H4.0, E3.0, R0.8 | Donald | MacPherson | Tax Fraud & Evasion | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2 | Pauline | Maier | American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence (275 pages; 973.313) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | John H. | Makin | Norman J. | Ornstein | Debt & Taxes | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Alfred L. | Malabre | Beyond Our Means | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Alfred L. | Malabre | Within Our Means | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R4.0 | Michelle | Malkin | Open Borders Inc.: Who's Funding USA's Destruction?_ (400 pages; 325.73 Mal; Main) | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R3.5 | Michelle | Malkin | Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, And Other Foreign Menaces To Our Shores (332 pages; 672KB) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Hal | Marcovitz | 3-D Printing (engineering; J but better than nothing; 48 pages; J 621.988 Marc; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Patty | Marler | Jan Bailey | Mattia | NetWorking Made Easy | |
H4.0, E3.0, R-4.0 | Pilar | Marrero | El Despertar del Sueno Americano/Killing the American Dream: How Anti-[Excessive-]Immigration "Extremists" Are Destroying the Nation (219 pages; 325.73) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Ray | Marshall | Marc | Tucker | Thinking for a Living: Education & the Wealth of Nations | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4 | Joseph Plumb | Martin | A | Young Patriot: The American Revolution as Experienced by One Boy (90 pages) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Judith | Martin | Miss Manners's Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior | |||
H3.0, E1.0, R-4.0 | Karl | Marx | Friedrich | Engels, Samuel Moore & Joseph Katz | The | Communist Manifesto |
H4.0, E1.0, R-3.3 | Tim | Marshall | The | Age of Walls: How Barriers between Nations [Polities] Are Changing Our World (280 pages; 22.6MB; 320.905 Mar; Main+E) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Robert K. | Massie | Nicholas & Alexandra | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.7 | William H. | Masters | Virginia E. | Johnson & Robert J. Levin | The | Pleasure Bond |
H4.0, E3.0, R4.4 | Norm | Matloff | "On the Need for Reform of the H-1B Non-Immigrant Work Visa in Computer-Related Occupations" _University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform_ vol36 #4 2003-12-12 | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Everett | Mattlin | Sleep Less Live More | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Rollo | May | The | Courage to Create | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Henry | Mayer | A | Son of Thunder: Patrick Henry and the American Republic | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Adrienne | Mayor | Marc | Aronson & Chris Muller | The | Griffin and the Dinosaur: How Adrienne Mayor Discovered a Fascinating Link Between Myth and Science_ (48 pages; J; 675BCE Scythia; Roy Chapman Andrews; Protoceratops) |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Thomas | McCool | _Troubled Asset Relief Program: Status of Efforts to Address Transparency and Accountability Issues_ GA-09-296 (S&L crash in early 1980s) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Dale | McCormick | HouseMending: Home Repair for the Rest of Us_ (very slightly out of date, but in this case that's good; 222 pages; ISBN 0525244565/ 9780525244561/ 9780525482581; OCLC 14378533; Dutton/ New American Library/ Penguin/ RandomHouse; libraries; 643.7 McC; Main; due 2024-07-03; extended 2024-07-24) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Thomas K. | McCraw | The | Founders of Finance: How Hamilton, Gallatin, and Other Immigrants Forged a New Economy (485 pages; 4.5MB; 330.973; Main) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | David G. | McCullough | 1776 | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | David G. | McCullough | The | American Spirit: Who We Are and What We Stand For (347 pages; ISBN 9781432841959; Thorndike/Gale/Cengage; 973 McC; Main+NE) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | David G. | McCullough | The | Pioneers: The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the USA Ideal West_ (1760-1830; focus primarily on Marietta, OH; Cutler, Putnam, Barker, Hildreth, Nye families; the rest of the old NorthWest territory blurring off into fog; author seems to be a centralized power-mad elitist; 330 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; 977 McC; Main+NE+Woodille+Jax+FtBraden+E+BLPerry; due 2023-07-16) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2 | Forrest | McDonald | E Pluribus Unum (270 pages; 973.333 McD) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Michael A. | McDonnell | Masters of Empire: Great Lakes Indians and the Making of America (slightly disappointed so little coverage of those of most interest; 402 pages; ISBN 9780809029532; OCLC ; LCCN 2015022331; Hill & Wang/Farrar, Straus & Giroux; libraries; LCC E99 .O9 M36 2015; 977.401 McD; Main; due 2024-01-09) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Phillip C. | McGraw | Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | William Hardy | McNeill | Plagues and People (340 pages; 614.49) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | William Hardy | McNeill | The | Rise of the West: An History of the Human "Community" (807 pages; 901.9) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | John | McPhee | The | Curve of Binding Energy | ||
H4.0, E3.5, R1.8 | David | McRaney | You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many "Friends" on FB, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, & 46 Other Ways You're Deluding YourSelf_ (pop-psych extreme; 302 pages; ISBN 9781592406593; OCLC ; Gotham/ Pegasus/ Dutton/ Penguin; 153 McR; Main+Jax; due 2023-07-29) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Lucullus Virgil | McWhorter | Border Settlers of NW VA from 1768 to 1795 | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Peter | McWilliams | Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do |
H4.0, E3.0, R-1.1 | Donnela H. | Meadows | Dennis L. | Meadows et al. | The | Limits to Growth |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Charles L. | Mee | Playing God: 7 Fateful Moments When Great Men Met to Change the World | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Roger E. | Meiners | Roger LeRoy | Miller | GridLock in Government | |
H4.5, E3.0, R2.5 | H.L. | Mencken | Vintage Mencken | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2 | Carl | Menger | Principles/Foundations of Economics | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.3 | Annette | Meyer | The | Evolution of United States Budgeting | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Michael | Meyer | William | Sherman & Susan Deeds | The | Course of Mexican History (710 pages) |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Arthur E. | Meyerhoff | The | Strategy of Persuasion | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Richard | Miles | Carthage Must Be Destroyed: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization (450 pages) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | John S. | Mill | On Liberty | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Arthur Raphael | Miller | The | Assault on Privacy | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | James A. | Miller | Running in Place: Inside the Senate | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | James C. | Miller | Why the Draft? | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.3 | Roger LeRoy | Miller | Arline Alchian | Hoel | Media Economics Source Book | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Dan | Millman | The | Warrior Athlete | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Dan | Millman | Way of the Peaceful Warrior | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9 | Michael Louis | Minns | The | UnderGround Lawyer | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Steve | Mitchell | How to Speak Southern | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Howard | Mohr | How to Talk Minnesotan | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.3 | Jacob Isidor | Mombert | An | Authentic History of Lancaster County, in the State of Pennsylvania | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.7 | Ashley | Montagu | Touching | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Carla | Mooney | Tom | Casteel | Industrial Design: Why IdiotPhones Aren't Round and Other Mysteries (engineering; J but better than nothing; 122 pages; J745.2 Moo; Main+NE) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | David W. | Moore | The | SuperPollsters | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Laurence E. | Morehouse | Total Fitness in 30 Minutes a Week | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1 | David | Morgan | The | Mongols (272 pages; 4.6MB; 950.2 + on-the-shelf) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3 | Edmund Sears | Morgan | The | Genuine Article: An Historian Looks at Early America (300 pages; 973.2) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Pierre | Mornell | Passive Men Wild Women | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Desmond | Morris | BabyWatching | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3 | Desmond | Morris | The | Human Zoo | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9 | Desmond | Morris | Intimate Behavior | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1 | Desmond | Morris | The | Naked Ape | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Marc | Morris | Castles: Their History and Evolution in Medieval Britain (262 pages; 728.810942 Mor; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Abraham | Mosisa | Steven | Hipple | "Trends in labor force participation in the United States" _MLR_ 2006 October | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Chris | Mosquera | Is Organized Labor a Decaying Business Model? | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | H. Jay | Mottice | Out of Control (government) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Brian | Muldoon | The | Heart of Conflict | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Anatol | Murad | Economics: Principles & Problems (text) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Jim | Murphy | An | American Plague: The True Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793 (disease; 373 pages; 931KB; J 614.541 Mur; Main+NE+Jax+BLPerry+FtBraden) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1 | Charles | Murray | In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Charles | Murray | Losing Ground: American Social Policy 1950-1980 | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Charles | Murray | The | Curmudgeon's Guide to Getting Ahead: Dos and Don'ts of Right Behavior, Tough Thinking, Clear Writing, and Living a Good Life (140 pages; 650.1; hard) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1 | Charles | Murray | By the People: ReBuilding Liberty without Permission (270 pages; 320.5; hard) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Miyamoto | Musashi | Victor | Harris | A | Book of 5 Rings |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.5, R2.5 | John | Naisbitt | Patricia | Aburdene | Megatrends 2000 | |
H4.5, E3.5, R4.0 | Andrew P. | Napolitano | Lies the Government Told You: Myth, Power and Deception in American History (349 pages; 320.52) | |||
H4.0, E3.5, R2.1 | Clark | Nardinelli | Child Labor & the Industrial Revolution | |||
H4.0, E3.5, R-1.2 | Gary B. | Nash | Charlotte | Crabtree & Ross E. Dunn | History on Trial: [A Leftist Screed on] Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past (300 pages; 907.1) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9 | economist Peter W. | Navarro, Ph.D. | In Trump Time: My Journal of the Mostly-Violent Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Rioters & the Second Year of the Wuhan Coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo Disease 🦠 Pandemic (326 pages; ISBN 9781737478508; OCLC 1269000554; All Seasons; libraries; 973.933 Nav; Main+NE; due 2023-11-16) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | NBER | Rees, Bancroft et al. | The | Measurement and Behavior of Unemployment | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2 | Richard | Neely | Why Courts Don't Work | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Paul | Nehlen | Wage the Battle: Putting America First in the Fight to Stop Globalist Politicians and Secure the Borders_/_Wage the Battle: Putting USA First in the Fight to Stop Globalist Politicians & Business Executives & Investors, and Secure the Borders & Ports (155-200 pages; 531KB; ISBN 1944229779/ 1944229787/ 9781944229771/ 9781944229788; OCLC 987282912) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Benjamin | Netanyahu | Fighting Terrorism | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Allan | Nevins | Henry Steele | Commager | A | Pocket History of the USA |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Mildred | Newman | Bernard | Berkowitz & Jean Owen | How to Be Your Own Best Friend | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Michael | Newton | Chronology of Organized Crime WorldWide 6KBCE to 2010CE (criminology; 360-364 pages; 6.8MB; 1.44 pounds; ISBN 9780786444113; OCLC 689522299; McFarland) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7 | Andy | Ngo | UnMasked: InSide Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy [& Liberty] (309-320 pages; ISBN 9781546059585; OCLC 1137851522; CenterStreet; 320.53309 Ngo; Main+East) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.3 | Albert Jay | Nock | Charles H. | Hamilton | The | State of the Union |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.9 | Donald A. | Norman | Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) EveryDay Things (257 pages; 2.4MB; 155.9 11 Nor; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Chuck | Norris | The | Secret Power Within | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.9 | John Julius | Norwich | Sicily: An Island at the CrossRoads of History (362 pages; 945.8 Nor) | |||
H4.5, E3.2, R1.0 | Robert | Nozick | Anarchy, State, and Utopia |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Maire | O'Brien | Conor Cruise | O'Brien | A | Concise History of Ireland (177 pages; 941.5) |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1 | Patrick K. | O'Donnell | Washington's Immortals: The UnTold Story of an Elite Regiment Who Changed the Course of the Revolution (400 pages; 973.332 ODO; Main+Jax) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | James | O'Keefe | American Pravda: My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News_ (310 pages; 2.9MB; ISBN 9781250154644; OCLC 1015269769; All Points/ St.Martin's; Jax, Dunedin, Hillsborough, Polk State College/Winter Haven, Lee/Lehigh Acres, WPB, Broward/Ft.Lauderdale; 070.43 OKe; NE; due 2024-01-30) | |||
H3.0, E2.0, R-1.1 | Nena | O'Neill | George | O'Neill | Open Marriage | |
H4.5, E3.2, R2.0 | Marvin N. | Olasky | The | Tragedy of American Compassion | ||
H3.5, E3.0, R2.7 | Bill | O'Reilly | The | United States of Trump: How the President Really Sees the USA (295 pages; ISBN 9781250237224; OCLC ; Holt; 973.933 Ore; Jax) | ||
H3.5, E3.0, R3.7 | Bill | O'Reilly | Bruce | Feirstein | Old School: Life in the Sane Lane (178 pages; ISBN 9781250135797; Holt/ MacMillan; 974.4502 O'Re; Main+NE; due 2023-10-30) | |
H3.5, E3.0, R3.7 | Bill | O'Reilly | Martin | Dugard | Killing the Witches: The Horror of Salem, Massachusetts (1692; Increase Mather, Cotton Mather, Benjamin Franklin, George Whitefield; 289-304 pages; ISBN 9781250283320; St.Martin's/ MacMillan; 974.4502 O'Re; Main+NE; due 2024-12-12) | |
H3.5, E3.0, R3.8 | Bill | O'Reilly | Martin | Dugard, Gene Thorp & Kate Thorp | Killing Crazy Horse: The Merciless Indian Wars in the USA_ (1812-1877CE; 300-467 pages; 970.0049 Ore; NE; due 2025-02-26) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Lawrence | Osborne | American Normal: The Hidden World of Asperger Syndrome_/_American Normal: The Culture of Asperger Syndrome (220-224 pages; ISBN 9781441929464/ 9780387953076; OCLC 752481088/ 723108327/ 925783721; Springer/Copernicus; GoodReads; 616.8982/RC 553 .A88 O83 2002; UNF) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H3.5, E3.0, R2.7 | Richard Channing Moore | Page | Genealogy of the Page Family in Virginia | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R2.2 | Thomas | Paine | Nelson F. | Adkins | Common Sense & Other Political Writings | |
H4.5, E3.5, R2.2 | Thomas | Paine | The | Age of Reason | ||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.2 | Thomas | Paine | Rights of Man | |||
H4.0, E2.5, R2.4 | Joe | Palca | Flora | Lichtman | Annoying: The Science of What Bugs Us_ (262 pages; 612.8 Pal; National Socialist Radio; a little too much pop-psych, not enough neuro-physiology) | |
H4.5, E3.5, R1.7 | Sarah H. | Parcak | Archaeology from Space: How the Future Shapes [Our Knowledge of] Our Past (277 pages; 42MB; 930.1 Par) | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R2.1 | Eli | Pariser | The | Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You (252 pages; 004.678) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.4 | Peter | Partner | The | Knights Templar & Their Myth | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Burton | Pasternak | Introduction to Kinship and Social Organization | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.2 | Ron | Paul | Lewis | Lehrman | The | Case for Gold |
H4.5, E3.5, R4.5 | Ron | Paul | Freedom Under Seige | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R4.5 | Ron | Paul | Liberty Defined (328 pages; 320.011) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | l'Oreal Thompson | Payton | Stop Waiting for Perfect: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Into Your Power (225 pages; ISBN 9781637743072; OCLC ; Benbella; on order 2023-08-20; 155.232 Pay; Main+NE; due 2023-10-24; this is not the book I was expecting based on the title & blurb; it is well-written & edited, has a genuine voice, provides some insights; but in some aspects she seems to be living in Bizarro-world with anti-racists called "racist", power-mad corrupt racists called allies against racism & power-madness... perhaps the influence of the immoral tech tyrants and their disinformation; her "Chad" is my "B-school bozo" always confidently expecting exorbitant compensation based on little knowledge and skills) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Judea | Pearl | Dana | MacKenzie | The | Book of Why: New Hypotheses about Cause and Effect (418 pages; 35.5MB; 501 Pea; Main) |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Paul Kaikena | Pearsall | The | Pleasure Prescription | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Durk | Pearson | Sandy | Shaw | Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach (out of date) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Durk | Pearson | Sandy | Shaw | Freedom of Informed Choice: FDA v Nutrient Supplements | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1 | Leonard | Peikoff | The | Ominous Parallels | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Chris | Pellant | Roger | Phillips | Rocks, Minerals & Fossils of the World (175 pages; 552 Pel; Main) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | John | Perkins | Malice in Wonderland: The Congressional Crook Book | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Marko | Perko | Did You Know That...? | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Frederick S. | Perls | Gestalt Therapy Verbatim | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R1.0 | Edward | Pessen | The | Log Cabin Myth: The "Social" Backgrounds of the Presidents (192 pages; 305) | ||
H4.5, E3.0, R1.0 | Mary Bennett | Peterson | The | Regulated Consumer | ||
H4.5, E3.0, R3.0 | Henry | Petroski | The | Essential Engineer: Why Science Alone Will Not Solve Our Global Problems (258 pages; 620) | ||
H4.5, E3.0, R3.4 | Henry | Petroski | The | Evolution of Useful Things: How EveryDay Artifacts -- From Forks and Pins to Paper Clips and Zippers -- Came To Be as They Are (304 pages; 1.8MB; 609 PET; NE+Jax) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Paul | Pettitt | Homo Sapiens ReDiscovered: The Scientific Revolution ReWriting Our Origins_ (304 pages; ISBN 9780500252635; OCLC 1295242005; Thames & Hudson; libraries; 599.938 Pet; Main+East; due 2024-06-19) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1 | J. Lewis | Peyton | History of Augusta county VA | |||
H4.0, E2.5, R3.5 | Donald T. | Phillips | Lincoln On Leadership: Executive Strategies for Tough Times (182 pages; ISBN 0446516465; Warner; 973.7092 Phi; Main; due 2024-09-19) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Kevin | Phillips | The | Politics of Rich & Poor | ||
H4.5, E3.2, R1.0 | Jean | Piaget | Psychology of Intelligence | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Evelyn C. | Pielou | After the Ice Age: The Return of Life to Glaciated North America (c. 18KBCE-1500CE since we are still in an Ice Age; weather; climate; 365 pages; 6.6MB; ISBN 0226668/ 9780226668123; OCLC 964591050; UChicago; UWF/Pensacola; not as much info on area of USA as I would have liked; would have benefitted from higher resolution color maps but would have been expensive at the time; scales in illustrations would have been better if matched to total item-size & important feature sizes; as author mentions, videos showing shifting glaciers, plant & animal territories would also have been nice & could now be provided by linked videos, e.g. at publisher site or Rumble) | |||
H4.5, E3.2, R3.2 | Richard | Pipes | Property and Freedom | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7 | Jeanine | Pirro | Liars, Leakers, and Leftists: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy_ (Trump, despite imperfections, is the best USA president of the last 100-140 years; 274 pages; 2.1MB; 973.933 Pir; NE+East; due 2025-02-03) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3 | Robert M. | Pirsig | Zen & the Art of MotorCycle Maintenance | |||
H3.7, E3.0, R3.5 | J.R. | Pole | Political Representation in England & the Origins of the American Republic (1966, 1979) | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R2.2 | Robert W. | Poole, Jr. | Cutting Back City Hall | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R2.2 | Robert W. | Poole, Jr. | Instead of Regulation: Alternatives to Federal Regulatory Agencies | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R3.9 | Robert W. | Poole, Jr. | Unnatural Monopolies: The Case for Deregulating Public Utilities | |||
H3.5, E2.8, R2.4 | Faith | Popcorn | Lys | Marigold | Clicking | |
H3.5, E2.8, R1.3 | Faith | Popcorn | Lys | Marigold | The | Popcorn Report |
H4.5, E3.5, R2.5 | Karl Raimund | Popper | Conjectures & Refutation | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R2.7 | Jerry | Pournelle | John F. | Carr | Survival of Freedom | |
H4.5, E3.0, R0.9 | Jerry | Pournelle | Dean | Ing | Mutual Assured Survival | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Dennis | Prager | Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs USA Values to Triumph_/_Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph_ (440 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 0061985120/ 9780061985126; OCLC 1005494298; Broadside/HarperCollins) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3 | Fletcher | Pratt | Edward | Gorey | Battles that Changed History (348 pages; 904.7 Pra) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Donald R. | Prothero | Qarie | Marshall | When Humans Nearly Vanished: The Catastrophic Explosion of the Toba Volcano (73KBCE; 75Kya; 195 pages; 23.1MB; ISBN 1588346358/ 1588346366/ 9781588346353/ 9781588346360; OCLC 1031403237; Smithsonian; incoherent, scattered) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Joseph R. | Provey | Kris | Robinson & Van Cline, Ph.D. | Toro Expert Guide to Lawns: Pro Secrets for a Beautiul Yard (175 pages; 635.9647 Pro; Main) | |
H4.5, E3.0, R2.1 | Public Citizen | "The 10 Year Track Record of the North American Free Trade Agreement: US Workers' Jobs, Wages and Economic Security" 2004 January |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Nido R. | Qubein | How to Be a Great Communicator |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | ||
H4.5, E3.5, R1.1 | Jack N. | Rakove | Original Meanings | ||||
H4.5, E3.5, R1.5 | Ayn | Rand | The | Ayn Rand Column | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R4.3 | Ayn | Rand | Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal | ||||
H3.9, E3.5, R3.2 | Ayn | Rand | An | Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology | |||
H3.9, E3.5, R3.0 | Ayn | Rand | The | New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution/Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R2.5 | Ayn | Rand | Philosophy: Who Needs It | ||||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.5 | Ayn | Rand | The | Romantic Manifesto | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Ayn | Rand | The | Virtue of Selfishness | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Ayn | Rand | The | Voice of Reason | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Jonathan | Rauch | Kindly Inquisitors: The New Attacks on Free Thought | ||||
H4.5, E3.0, R-1.7 | John | Rawls | A | [Muddled] Theory of Justice | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Simon | Read | Winston Churchil Reporting: Adventures of a Young War Correspondent (329 pages; 10.7MB; 070.4333) | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | John | Reed | 10 Days That Shook the World | ||||
H4.5, E3.5, R2.0 | David | Reich | Eugenie | Reich | Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA & the New Science of the Human Past (335 pages; 30.7MB; 572.86 Rei; Main+NE) | ||
H4.5, E3.0, R0.8 | James Marshall | Reilly | Shake the World: It's Not about Finding a Job, It's about Creating a Life (258 pages; 650.14) | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Irving | Rein | Philip | Kotler & Martin Stoller | High Visibility: The Making & Marketing of Professionals into Celebrities | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Alan | Reynolds | "Taxes and Deficits" _Free Market Forum: The Role of Markets and Governments in Pursuing the Common Good_ 2008-10-07 | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Richard | Rhodes | Hedy's Folly: The Life and BreakThrough Inventions of Hedy Lamarr, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World (movies; engineering; 260 pages; 5.6MB) | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Richard | Rhodes | The | Making of the of Atomic Bomb_ (838 pages; ISBN 9781451677614; OCLC 764385315; Simon&Schuster; on order 2022-07-24 Rho; Main+NE; due 2025-01-28; extended 2025-02-18) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | David | Ricardo | The | Principles of Political Economy & Taxation | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | K.G. | Richardson | Human Trafficking from 5KBCE to the 21st Century: 7K Years of Slavery, Rape, Greed_ (history; criminology; 100-120 pages; 991KB; ISBN 1522978372/ 9781522978374; OCLC 953187804; CreateSpace; good 8th-9th-grade intro/overview) | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Jim | Richey | Finishing: Methods of Work (230 pages; 684.3097 Ric; Main) | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Philip F. | Riley | Frank A. | Gerome, Robert L. Lembright, Henry A. Myers & Chong-Kun Yoon | The | Global Experience: volume 1 Readings in World History to 1500 (359 pages) | |
H3.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Robert J. | Ringer | Looking Out For #1 | ||||
H3.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Robert J. | Ringer | Restoring the American Dream | ||||
H3.0, E3.0, R1.9 | Robert J. | Ringer | Winning Through Intimidation | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Charlotte | Rivers | Little Book of Book Making: Timeless Techniques and Fresh Ideas for Beautiful HandMade Books (189 pages; 686 RIV) | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.8 | Gayle | Rivers | The | War Against the Terrorists: How to Win It | |||
H3.0, E3.0, R1.7 | Christopher | Robbins | Air America | ||||
H4.0, E3.5, R2.9 | Andrew | Robinson | The | Story of Writing: Alphabets, Hieroglyphs & Pictograms (not hideous, but disappointing; 224 pages; ISBN 0500281564; OCLC ; Thames & Hudson; libraries; 411.09 Rob; Main; due 2024-09-11) | |||
H4.0, E3.5, R2.2 | Ken | Robinson, Ph.D. | Lou | Aronica & Terry Robinson | The | Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes EveryThing (260 pages; 153.9 Rob; Main+NE+East) | |
H3.0, E1.0, R1.5 | Lynn A. | Robinson | laVerne | Carlson-Finnerty | The | Complete Idiot's Guide to Being Psychic | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Ray Charles | Robinson i | David | Ritz | Brother Ray: Ray Charles's Own Story (1930-2004; 330 pages; auto-biography Ray Charles Robinson i 1930-2004; an index would greatly improve it) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Rocky Mountain Plan Company | The | Mansions & Millennials Home Collection: 16 House Plans for Dreamers, from Tiny Houses and Pocket Neighborhoods to Luxury Homes (architecture; 168 pages; 728.370973 ROC; Main) | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Everett M. | Rogers | Diffusion of Innovations | ||||
H4.0, E2.5, R3.5 | Jeni | Rogers | The | 200+ Ways to Protect Your Privacy: Simple Ways to Prevent Hacks and Protect Your Privacy On and OffLine (245 pages; 005.8 Rog) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Allan H. | Ropper | Brian David | Burrell | How the Brain Lost Its Mind_ (neurosyphilis?; 242 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; 612.82 Rop; Main; due 2024-03-07; not the subject I expected (i.e. not neuro-anatomy+neuro-physiology)) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Richard | Rosecrance | The | Rise of the Trading State | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | George | Rosen | An | History of Public Health | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Shannen | Rossmiller | Sue | Carswell | The | Unexpected Patriot (240 pages; 363.325) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1 | Murray N. | Rothbard | Protectionism | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Jeffrey | Rothfeder | Privacy for Sale | ||||
H4.5, E3.2, R3.3 | Michael | Rothschild | Bionomics: Economy as EcoSystem | ||||
H4.5, E3.0, R1.0 | Jean-Jacques | Rousseau | The | Social Contract & Discourse on the Origin of InEquality | |||
H3.5, E2.70, R3.5 | Trevor | Rowan | Compact Cabins: Simple Living in 1K Square Feet Or Less (213 pages; 728.73 Row; Main) | ||||
H4.5, E3.0, R4.2 | Edwin S. | Rubenstein | "The | Twin Crises: Immigration and Infrastructure" _The Social Contract_ | |||
H3.5, E3.0, R1.5 | Diane Teitel | Rubins | Scholastic's A+ Guide to Good Writing | ||||
H4.5, E3.3, R2.2 | James | Rumford | Traveling Man: The Journey of ibn Battuta 1325-1354 (Muhammad ibn Battuta; 40 pages; 4.1MB; 910.92; youth) | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Douglas | Rushkoff | Media Virus! | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.5 | Bertrand | Russell | Principles of Matehmatics (he assumed several derivative concepts, then struggled, twisting & turning, to "prove" the obvious, near-axiomatic concepts on which they are based) | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Eric | Rutkow | American Canopy: Trees, Forests, and the Making of a Nation_ (trees; nature; uncrowded; 406 pages; 18MB; ISBN 9781439193549; Scribner; 577.3097 Rut) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.5, E3.5, R4.3 | Mario | Salvadori | Saralinda | Hooker & Christopher Ragus | Why Buildings Stand Up: The Strength of Architecture_ (302 pages; 624.17) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3 | Stanton E. | Samenow | Before It's Too Late | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1 | Robert J. | Samuelson | The | Good Life & Its Discontents: The American Dream in the Age of Entitlement 1945-1995 | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | "Sark" | Sark's Journal & Play! Book | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Kwasi | Sarkodie-Mensah | Helping the Difficult Library Patron: New Approaches to Examining & Resolving a Long-Standing & OnGoing Problem (303 pages; 025.5 HEL) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Anne | Savage | The | Anglo-Saxon Chronicles (278 pages; 942.01) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9 | Kem Knapp | Sawyer | Arthur M. | Schlesinger | The | National Foundation on the Arts & the Humanities |
H4.0, E3.0, R4.5 | Antonin | Scalia | Bryan A. | Garner | Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges (245 pages; ISBN 9780314184719; OCLC 220331221; LCCN 2008277152; Thomson/ West; Florida supremes, Felonious State, TCC, UF/HogTown, Alachua, NW FL State College, Crestview, Citrus, FL State College Jax, Jax, Marion, Florida Coastal, Oconee/Laurens, Hernando, Pasco, Pensacola State, UWF, Lake, Flagler; 340.0711; NE; ILL request #219755; due 2024-05-02) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Shannon Taylor | Scarlett | Simple Rules in Building, Art & Life: What the OldTime Builders Knew (architecture; engineering; 125 pages; ISBN 9781484152072; 720.4 Sca; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Simon | Schama | An | History of Britain: vol1 At the Edge of the World 3000BCE-1603CE (3000BCE-1603CE; 400 pages; 941 Sch; Main+FtBraden) | ||
H4.5, E3.0, R3.5 | Barnet | Schechter | George Washington's USA: A Biography through His Maps (290 pages; Over-Size; 973.4) | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R3.0 | Vicky Alvear | Schecter | Bill | Mayer | Warrior Queens: True Stories of 6 Ancient Rebels Who Slayed History (J but better than nothing; Hatshepsut c.1479BCE-1458BCE, Artemisia c.510BCE-c.470BCE, Boudika/Boadicea/Boudicca c.20CE-c.60CE, Zenobia c.230CE-c.275CE, Amanirenas c.60BCE-c.10BCE, Trung Trac c.75BCE-c.43BCE; 151 pages; ISBN 9781629796796; Boyds Mills; J 920.72 Sch; Main) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.9 | Adele M. | Scheele | Skills for Success | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Peter | Schiff | Why the Melt-Down Should Have Surprised No One (mortgage schemes of 2000s) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Andrew | Schloss | HomeMade Soda (318 pages; 641.875 Sch; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.8 | Jonathan | Schneer | The | Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (400 pages; 5MB; 956.04) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | J. Neil | Schulman | Stopping Power | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Fran | Schumer | Mary | Cunningham | PowerPlay: What Really Happened at Bendix (Allied Signal c.1982) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7 | Larry | Schweikart | Michael Patrick | Allen | A | Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to USA's Age of Entitlement (1K pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 9781595231154; Sentinel; 973 Sch) |
H4.0, E2.7, R4.4 | Peter | Schweizer | Secret Empires: How USA Politicians Hide Corruption and Enrich Family and Friends (crony socialism; 318 pages; ISBN 9780062569363; Harper; 364.1323 Sch; Main+NE) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Peter | Schweizer | Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by USA's Regressive Elitists_ (255-342-360 pages; ISBN 006289790/ 9780062897909; OCLC 1153983707; Harper; 320.973 Sch; Jax, Crawfordville) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Peter | Schweizer | Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win_/_Red-Handed: How Elitist USA Crony Socialists Get Rich Helping Red China Win (248-352 pages; ISBN 9780063061149; OCLC ; Harper; libraries; 305.52097 Sch; Main; due 2023-10-24) | |||
H4.5, E4.0, R4.5 | Peter | Schweizer | Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets (250 pages; ISBN 9780544103344/ 9780544334557; OCLC 855858197; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; libraries; 320.973 Sch; NE; due 2024-06-11) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9 | Franklin D. | Scott | World Migration in Modern Times | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3 | William Wallace | Scott | An | History of Orange County Virginia | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | David | Seabury | The | Art of Selfishness | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.1 | Gerald | Seals | Taming City Hall: RightSizing for Results | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Jeanne | Segal | Raising Your Emotional Intelligence | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Daniel | Seligman | A | Question of Intelligence: The IQ Debate in America | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Martin E.P. | Seligman | Learned Optimism | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Robin Jeanne | Sellers | Femina Perfecta: The Genesis of Florida State University | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.4 | Bill | Severn | The | End of the Roaring 20s: Prohibition & Repeal | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9 | Harold J. | Seymour | Designs for Fund-Raising | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Merle | Shain | Some Men Are More Perfect Than Others | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Merle | Shain | When Lovers Are Friends | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R2.2 | John H. F. | Shattuck | Rights of Privacy | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Edith | Sheffer | Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna (317 pages; 618.9285; NE) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | David | Shenk | Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | David | Shenk | The | Genius in All of Us: New Insights into Genetics, Talent, and IQ (not terrible but goes too far trashing/down-playing inherent gifts/ talent/ abilities with a few rare gestures of recognition; would have been far better if he had started with DNA, histones, control boxes, & other epigenetics, memory, learning in different contexts, and then gotten into the great benefits of well-guided training, but he's a pop-psych writer so that's understandable; 302-380 pages; 2.2MB; ISBN 9780307387301; OCLC 708243945; Anchor; Jax, Hernando/Brooksville, Pasco/Hudson, Tampa Bay/Tampa, Orange/Orlando, Lee/Lehigh Acres, Miami-Dade, Evansville VanDerBurgh, Cincinnati State Technical & Community College; 155.234 She; Main; due 2024-05-01) | ||
H4.7, E3.5, R1.0 | Barbara | Sher | Barbara | Smith | I Could Do Anything If Only I Knew What It Was | |
H4.7, E3.5, R1.0 | Barbara | Sher | Annie | Gottlieb | TeamWorks! | |
H4.7, E3.5, R2.0 | Barbara | Sher | Annie | Gottlieb | WishCraft: How to Get What You Really Want | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Michael | Shermer | Why People Believe Weird Things | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Margot Lee | Shetterly | Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the UnTold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race (346-360 pages; ISBN 9780062363596; OCLC 973510941; HarperCollins/William Morrow; 510.9252 LEE; Main+NE+Jax+BLPerry+Woodville; NASA/LangleyRC) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | William L. | Shirer | Berlin Diary (605 pages; 940.534) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Robert | Shogan | None of the Above: Why Presidents Fail - And What Can Be Done About It | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.3 | Amity | Shlaes | The | Forgotten Man | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Amity | Shlaes | The | Greedy Hand | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Joan Ranson | Shortney | How To Live on Nothing | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Ronald K. | Siegel | Fire in the Brain | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Steve | Silberman | NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of NeuroDiversity (Asperger's; not the book I was seeking; too much blather, too little neuro-physiology, anatomy, bio-chemistry, mechanisms; 530 pages; ISBN 9781583334676; OCLC 907295282; Avery/ Penguin/ RandomHouse; libraries; 616.8588 Sil; Main+East; due 2023-08-20) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.7 | Judith | Sills | Excess Baggage: Getting Out of Your Own Way | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Nate | Silver | The | Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail -- But Some Don't (NYSlimes; 480 pages; Penguin/ Pearson; 519.542 Sil; Main) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Anita | Silvey | Wendell | Minor | Henry Knox: BookSeller, Soldier, Patriot (AmRev; postAmRev; J but better than nothing; 40 pages; 4.2MB; J B Knox; Main) | |
H4.5, E3.5, R1.3 | James F. | Simon | What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States_ (310 pages; 342.73029) | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.5 | William E. | Simon | A | Time For Action | ||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.5 | William E. | Simon | A | Time For Truth |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H3.5, E3.0, R3.0 | Skills Institute Press/Fox Chapel Publishing | Cabins and Cottages: The Basics of Building a Get-Away Retreat_ (architecture; needs more detail: more detailed diagrams & photos; arrangement of material is kind of herky-jerky; 164 pages; ISBN 9781565239678; OCLC ; Fox Chapel; libraries; 690.837 CAB; Jax) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H3.5, E3.0, R0.9 | Burrhus F. | Skinner | Beyond Freedom & Dignity | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R2.5 | Mark | Skousen | Economics on Trial: Lies, Myths, & Realities | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R4.3 | Mark | Skousen | The | Structure of Production | ||
H4.5, E3.5, R4.0 | Willard Cleon | Skousen | The | 5K Year Leap (315 pages; 342.7302) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Stephen | Skowronek | The | Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to George Bush | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4 | Thomas P. | Slaughter | The | Whiskey Rebellion: Frontier Epilogue to the American Revolution | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Eugene A. | Sloane | Locks, Keys, Burglar & Smoke Alarms | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5 | George H. | Smith | Atheism, Ayn Rand & Other Heresies | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | James Allen | Smith | The | Idea Brokers: Think Tanks & the Rise of the New Policy Elite | ||
H4.5, E3.5, R2.2 | Gerald S. | Snyder | The | Right To Be Let Alone: Privacy in the US | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3 | Ronald L. | Soble | What Became of Free Enterprise? | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9 | Steven | Sora | The | Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar | ||
H4.5, E3.5, R4.4 | Thomas | Sowell | Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R4.4 | Thomas | Sowell | Basic Economics | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R2.5 | Thomas | Sowell | Compassion vs Guilt | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.4 | Thomas | Sowell | A | Conflict of Visions | ||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.5 | Thomas | Sowell | Conquests & Culture | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R5.0 | Thomas | Sowell | Economic Facts & Fallacies | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Thomas | Sowell | Ethnic America | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Thomas | Sowell | Inside American Education | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.4 | Thomas | Sowell | Intellectuals & Society | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R2.7 | Thomas | Sowell | Is Reality Optional? | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.5 | Thomas | Sowell | Knowledge & Decisions | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Thomas | Sowell | Race & Culture | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Thomas | Sowell | The | Vision of the Anointed | ||
H4.0, E4.0, R4.4 | Thomas | Sowell | The | Quest for Cosmic Justice (190 pages; ISBN 0684864622; Free; 303.372 Sow; Main; due 2024-12-17) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3 | Jon P. | Speller | Seed Money in Action | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R1.5 | Gerry | Spence | How To Argue & Win Every Time | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3 | Gerry | Spence | With Justice for None | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Robert | Spencer | Religion of Peace?: Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn't (210 pages; 261.27) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Robert | Spencer | The | Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) (270 pages; 1.2MB; 297) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Edward James | Stackpole | colonel Wilbur S. | Nye | Sheridan in the Shenandoah: Jubal Early's Nemesis (Civil War; Hunter flees before Early; 3rd battle of Winchester/Opequon; 413 pages; LoC 61-14913; Telegraph; 973.7 S775; Main) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Thomas J. | Stanley | William D. | Danko | The | Millionaire Next Door |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.4 | Constance | Stapleton | Phyllis | Richman | Barter | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Shelby | Steele | The | Content of Our Character | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Jess | Stern | The | Search for a Soul | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Dale J. | Stephens | Hacking Your Education: Ditch the Lectures, Save Tens of Thousands, and Learn More Than Your Peers Ever Will (200 pages; 454KB; 371.3943; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Jane | Stern | Ambulance Girl: How I Saved Myself By Becoming an EMT (228 pages; 593KB) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | David O. | Stewart | American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America (350 pages; 973.46092) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Thomas A. | Stewart | Intellectual Capital | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Joseph E. | Stiglitz | Globalization and Its Discontents (252 pages; 337) | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.4 | David | Stockman | The | Triumph of Politics | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Alexandra | Stoddard | The | Art of the Possible | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Douglas | Stone | Sheila | Heen | Thanks for the FeedBack: The Science and Art of Receiving FeedBack Well even when it is off-base, un-fair, and frankly, you're not in the mood (350 pages; 153.68; Main) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Storey Publishing | Storey's Curious Compendium of Practical and Obscure Skills: 214 Things You Can Actually Learn How to Do (344 pages; ISBN 1635861917/ 9781635861914; 646.7 Sto; Main+E+Woodville) | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | John | Stossel | Give Me a Break (286 pages; 302.2345) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.8 | Josh | Sugarmann | NRA: Money, Firepower, Fear | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R3.2 | Jeff | Sypeck | Becoming Charlemagne: Europe, Baghdad, and the Empires of 800CE (c.747CE-814CE; 284 pages; 944.0142) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Daisetz Teitaro | Suzuki | Carl G. | Jung | An | Introduction to Zen Buddhism |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Shunryu | Suzuki | Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R3.4 | Bryan | Sykes | Saxons, Vikings & Celts: The Genetic Roots of Britain & Ireland/Blood of the Isles: Exploring the Genetic Roots of Our Tribal History | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Steve | Symms | Larry | Grupp | The | Citizen's Guide to Fighting Government |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Thomas | Szasz | The | Age of Madness | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Thomas | Szasz | Heresies | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Thomas | Szasz | The | Manufacture of Madness |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Deborah | Tannen | You Just Don't Understand | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.6 | Ian | Tattersall | Rob | de Salle | Accidental Homo Sapiens: Genetics, Behavior, and Free Will_ (failed to define terms: social, society, human condition; 222 pages; ISBN 9781643130262; OCLC ; Pegasus; libraries; 155.7 Tat; Main+East; due 2024-12-17) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Frank William | Taussig | The | Tariff History of the USA | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Richard F. | Tax | "Phony NSF Paper Affects Legislation" _American Engineer_ 1992 September | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Bruce | Tegner | Bruce Tegner's Complete Book of Judo | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Michael S. | Teitelbaum | "Do we need more scientists?" _Public Interest_ 2003 Autumn | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Joseph | Telushkin | The | Book of Jewish Values: A Day-by-Day Guide to Ethical Living (544 pages; 296.36 Tel; Main+NE) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Dorothy | Tennov | Love & Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love | |||
H4.0, E2.0, R2.9 | Studs | Terkel | Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day & How They Feel About What They Do | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Dave | Thomas | Ron | Beyma | Dave Says Well Done! | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Henry D. | Thoreau | Walden & Civil Disobedience | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Lester C. | Thurow | The | Zero-Sum Society | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Paul | Tillich | Love, Power & Justice | |||
H3.8, E3.0, R1.2 | Alvin | Toffler | Power Shift | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Laurence H. | Tribe | God Save This Honorable Court: How the Choice of Supreme Court Justices Shapes Our History | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Maryann V. | Troianni | Mercer | Change Your UnderWear Change Your Life | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Tevi | Troy | What Jefferson Read, Ike Watched, and Obummer Tweeted: 200 Years of Popular Culture in the White House (332 pages; 973.099 Tro; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Donald | Trump | Time to Get Tough (216 pages; 330.973 Tru; Main+NE) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.4 | Jerome | Tuccille | Radical Libertarianism | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.9 | Barbara Wertheim | Tuchman | Bible and Sword: England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour (349 pages; 1.8MB) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Henry Theodore | Tuckerman | The | Life of John Pendleton Kennedy | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Sun | Tzu | The | Art of War | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Bruce | Tulgan | Bridging the "Soft Skills" Gap: How to Teach the Missing Basics to Today's Young Talent (270 pages; 658.3124 Tul; Main; too much imprecision/ ambiguity/ hand-waving/ indefinition, B-school buzz-words, labor market disinformation; "authorities"/"authority figures"/authoritarians: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Putin, Mao, Xi Jinping, Kim Jung Un, Komeini, Khamenei, Fauci, Clinton, Obummer, BiteMe, Garland, Mayorkas, Lois Lerner, Kathleen Supercilious, Welch, Nasty Pelosi, Schmutzie Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Jerrold Nadler, Ocrazio, Jayapal; "leaders": AEinstein, PAMDirac, KBloch, CMenger, EBohm-Bawerk, L von Mises, SCray, JEThornton, DBitzer, GRMansfield, DACahlander, GDBranham, RMoore, CJankowski, JDudziak, JLevins, EHearn, RSisson; index falls short) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Peter | Turchin | UltraSociety: How 10K Years of War Made Humans the Greatest Co-Operators on Earth_ (8KBCE-2KCE; 238-251-266 pages; 651KB; ISBN 0996139516/ 9780996139519; OCLC 935422953/ 931927142; Beresta; Berry College/Mt.Berry, Hillsborough/Tampa, Rollins/Winter Park, Sarasota, Miami-Dade, VanDerBilt U/Nashville, Transylvania/Lexington, Ohio State U, Purdue/Hammond, DePauw U/Greencastle, Harvard, Hennepin/Minnetonka, Santa Fe Institute; ILL request #223775; pickedup 2024-08-06; due 2024-09-23; GN 360.T87) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.0 | USCIS | "H-1B Benefit Fraud & Compliance Assessment" 2008 September |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Brenda | Vale | Robert | Vale | The | New Autonomous House: Design and Planning for Sustainability (architecture; engineering; 238 pages; 728.0472 Val; Main) |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | Charles | van Doren | An | History of Knowledge | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.7 | Vatsyayana | Richard | Burton & F.F. Arbuthnot | The | Kama Sutra | |
H4.0, E3.0, R0.7 | Thorstein | Veblen | The | Theory of the Leisure Class | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Geza | Vermes | The | True Herod (170 pages; 933.05092) | ||
H3.2, E3.0, R3.5 | Andrew | Vietze | White Pine: USA History and the Tree That Made a Nation_ (186 pages; 634.980974 VIE; Main+Woodville) | |||
H3.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Nicholas | von Hoffman | Capitalist Fools | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R4.3 | Ludwig | von Mises | Human Action | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R4.3 | Ludwig | von Mises | The | Theory of Money & Credit |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.5, E3.0, R3.9 | Genevieve | von Petzinger | The | First Signs: UnLocking the Mysteries of the World's Oldest Symbols_ (305-307 pages; ISBN 9781476785493; OCLC 913303889; Atria; TCC/TSC, Leon, Tomas/Thomasville, North Florida College/Madison, Santa Fe College, NW Florida State College/Niceville, Alachua/HogTown, UF/HogTown, College of Central Florida/Ocala, Jax, Auburn, St.Johns River State College/Palatka, Sumter/Wildwood, Emory, UCF, Polk State College/Winter Haven, Eastern Florida State College/Cocoa, Brevard/Cocoa, Highlands/Sebring, Lee/Lehigh Acres, Sanibel, Mandel/WPB, Palm Beach/WPB, Nova SEU/Ft.Lauderdale, Broward/Ft.Lauderdale, FIU/Miami, U of Miami, UNCCH, Louisville, Evansville VanDerBurgh, Boone/Burlington, Vincennes U, CHPL/Cincinnati, U of Cincinnati, Cincinnati State Technical & Community College, Miami U/Hamilton, Cedarville, Dayton, Wright State U; 302.2223 von; Main; due 2024-05-01) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H3.0, E3.0, R1.0 | Harvey F. | Wachsman | Steven | Alschuler | Lethal Medicine: The Epidemic of Medical Malpractice in America | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Nicholas J. | Wade | A | Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History (281 pages; 2.041MB; 599.938) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Nicholas J. | Wade | Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors_ (1MBCE; 314-332 pages; 1.536MB; ISBN 9780143038320; OCLC 86175798; LCCN 2005055293; Penguin; MercerU, Clearwater, Jefferson, FL SW State College, Palm Beach, WPB, FL International U Biscayne Bay, Miami-Dade; 599.938; Main+NE; GW 281 .W33 2007; several errors refuted since it was published: there have been multiple emigrations from Africa, there are many Neanderthal-sapiens & Neanderthal-Denisovan hybrids, Y chromosomes do cross-over; author keeps banging the collectivist drum; due 2023-07-24) | |||
H3.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Samuel | Walker | Sense & NonSense about Crime & Drugs: A Policy Guide | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Douglas | Waller | Wild Bill Donovan: The SpyMaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage_ (448 pages) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Jerold L. | Waltman | Political Origins of the US Income Tax | |||
H3.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Ruth Ellen | Wasem | "Non-Immigrant Over-Stays: Brief Synthesis of the Issue" _CRS_ #RS22446 2007-01-24 | |||
H3.0, E3.0, R2.4 | James | Wasserman | The | Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven | ||
H3.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Ben J. | Wattenberg | The | 1st Universal Nation | ||
H3.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Murray | Weidenbaum | Rendezvous with Reality | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R0.9 | Brant | Wenegrat | SocioBiological Psychiatry | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2 | Thomas G. | West | Vindicating the Founders: Race, Sex, "Class", and Justice in the Origins of America_ (219 pages; 1.8MB; 973.5 Wes; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.4 | Thomas G. | West | The | Political Theory of the American Founding_/_The Political Theory of the USA Founding: Natural Rights, Public Policy, and the Moral Conditions of Freedom_ (Enlightenment; AmRev; 400-420 pages; 2MB; ISBN 1316506037/ 9781316506035; OCLC 1105538968/ 964377674; LCCN 2017304618; CambridgeU; FIU) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Michael | Wheeler | Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.7 | Alfred North | Whitehead | Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Chris J. | Wickham | The | Inheritance of Rome: An History of Europe from 400 to 1000 / The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages 400-1000 (650 pages; 8MB; 940.1; Main) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Laura Ingalls | Wilder | Rose Wilder | Lane, Roger Lea MacBride & Abigail MacBride | A | Little House Traveler (344 pages; ISBN 9780060724917; OCLC ; Harper; libraries; J B Wilder; Main) |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | George | Will | Restoration | |||
H4.0, E3.5, R2.9 | Arthur L. | Williams | All You Can Do is All You Can Do but all you can do is enough | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Florence | Williams | The | Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative (260 pages; 17.4MB; 155.9 Wil; E) | ||
H4.0, E3.2, R3.2 | Walter E. | Williams | All It Takes Is Guts | |||
H4.0, E3.2, R3.2 | Walter E. | Williams | America: A Minority Viewpoint | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | William B. | Williams | Future Perfect | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Marianne | Williamson | A | Woman's Worth | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5 | David K. | Willis | Klass: How Russians Really Live | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Wellford W. | Wilms | Restoring Prosperity | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | James Q. | Wilson | Thinking about Crime | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.5 | Simon | Winchester | The | Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World (374 pages; 14.9MB; 620.009 Win; Main+Jax) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Timothy Charles | Winegard | The | Mosquito: A Human History of our Deadliest Predator (disease; 485 pages; 595.772 Win; Main+NE+Jax) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Robin W. | Winks | Crane | Brinton, et al | History of Civilization 1300-1815 | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.6 | Alexander Scott | Withers | Chronicles of Border Warfare | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Scott | Witt | How to Be Twice As Smart | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2 | Naomi | Wolf, Ph.D. | The | Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19, and the War Against the Human (336 pages; ISBN 9781737478560; OCLC ; All Seasons; libraries; on order 2022-08-03; 362.19624 Wol; Main+Jax; due 2024-02-08) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Christopher | Wood | Boom & Bust: The Rise & Fall of the World's Financial Markets | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Christopher | Wood | The | Bubble Economy | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Thomas E. | Woods | Melt-Down | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Bob | Woodward | Scott | Armstrong | The | Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court |
H4.5, E3.5, R1.5 | Robert | Wright | The | Moral Animal |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.8 | Bill | Yenne | Woodies: Classic Cars: A National Treasure_ (173 pages; 629.222 Yen; Main+Jax) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Philip | Ziegler | Omdurman (237 pages; 16.4MB; 962.6; Main; officially ended slavery in Sudan...at least for a time) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Michael A. | Zuckerman | "The Off-Shoring of American Government" _Cornell Law Review_ vol94 pp165 et seq. 2009 | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Mitchell | Zuckoff | Annex Security Team | 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi [from the POV of the security team there]_ (332 pages; 9.5MB; 363.32509612) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Leonard | Zunin | Natalie | Zunin | Contact: The 1st 3 Minutes |
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