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This is me, raising my banners high, seeking people with whom I'd like to work, live, trade, support. All flags flying!
updated: 2025-02-20
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.5, E3.0, R2.4 | John | Abramson, M.D., M.Sc. | Sickening: How [Government &] Big Pharma Broke USA Health Care (288 pages; ISBN 9781328957818; OCLC 1240491462; HarperCollins; 338.47615 Abr; Main+Jax) | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R3.4 | Amir R. | Alexander | Infinitesimal: How a Dangerous Mathematical Theory Shaped the Modern World (math; 352 pages; 511 Ale; Main; pretty good, but in the end disappointing, stopped short, incomplete) | |||
H4.5, E3.0, R3.4 | Arthur | Allen | Vaccine: The Controversial Story of Medicine's Greatest LifeSaver (disease; 523 pages; 614.470973 All) | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R2.7 | Natalie | Angier | The | Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science (magniloquent, too clever by half, with botched percentages & proportions... & slightly out-of-date; 270 pages; 500 Ang; Main+NE+East) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Isaac | Asimov | The | Chemicals of Life | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Isaac | Asimov | The | Human Brain | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Isaac | Asimov | Understanding Physics: The Electron, Proton, & Neutron | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Isaac | Asimov | The | WellSprings of Life | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Tony/Anthony | Attwood | The | Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome (390-400-412 pages; ISBN 9781843106692; OCLC 964901167; Jessica Kingsley; 616.8588 Att) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Francis | Bacon of Verulam | Fulton H. | Anderson | The | New Organon and Related Writings (292 pages) |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | James E. | Baggott | FareWell to Reality: How Modern Physics Has Betrayed the Search for Scientific Truth (338 pages; 530) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9 | David | Baker | Scientific American Inventions from Outer Space: EveryDay Uses for NASA Technology (128 pages; ISBN 9780375409790; OCLC ; Scientific American/RandomHouse; libraries; 609 Bak; Main; due 2024-11-07) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Simon | Baron-Cohen | The | Essential Difference: The Truth about the Male and Female Brain (230 pages; 155.33 Bar; Main+E) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Simon | Baron-Cohen | The | Pattern Seekers: How Autism Drives Human Invention -- A 70K-100K-Year History_ (a little too much pop-psych, but not hideous; 200 pages; ISBN 9781541647145; OCLC ; Basic/ Hachette; libraries; 616.85882 Bar; Main) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.5 | John M. | Barry | The | Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History (disease; 546 pages; 614.518 Bar; Main) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Susan Wise | Bauer | The | Story of Western Science: From the Writings of Aristotle to the Big Bang Theory (256 pages; ISBN 9780393243260; Norton; 509 Bau) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Wayne M. | Becker | David W. | Deamer, Peter B. Armstrong, Joel W. Goodman, David N. Gunn & Jeanette E. Natzle | The | World of the Cell_ (866 pages) |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Alex | Berenson | Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives_ (350-400-454-464 pages; ISBN 9781684512485; OCLC 1273914484; Regnery; St.Johns/St.Augustine, Lee/Lehigh Acres, WPB, Alachua, Bradford/Starke, West Florida/Pensacola, Pasco-Hernando, Volusia, Seminole, Orange, Sarasota, Brevard, Collier/Naples, North Palm Beach, Rats Mouth, Miami-Dade; 320 Ber; Main+Woodville; due 2024-03-07) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Tom | Bethell | The | Politically Incorrect Guide to Science (270 pages; 509.73) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Eula | Biss | On Immunity: An Inoculation_ (200 pages; 616.079; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Elizabeth Helen | Blackburn, Ph.D. | Elissa | Epel, Ph.D. | The | Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer (telomerase; 340-360-380 pages; 15MB; 572.87 Bla; Main+Jax+NE) |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Carl | Boyer | The | History of the Calculus & Its Conceptual Development | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Peter Roger | Breggin | Ginger Ross | Breggin | Talking Back to Prozac | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Spike | Briggs, M.D. | Campbell | MacKenzie, MD | OutDoor Medical Emergency HandBook: First Aid for Travelers, BackPackers, & Adventurers (234 pages; 616.02) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Louann | Louann Brizendine, M.D. | The | Male Brain_ (needs more brain images color-coded for regions; diagrams of bio-chemical sequences; 140 pages; Broadway/ Crown/ RandomHouse; 612.8 Bri; Main+Jax) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | David E. | Brown | Inventing Modern America: From the MicroWave to the Mouse (609.73) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.1 | Jeremy | Brown | Influenza: The 100 Year Hunt to Cure the Deadliest Disease in History_ (disease; 614.518 Bro; Main+NE) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Theodore L. | Brown | H. Eugene | LeMay ii & Bruce E. Bursten | Chemistry: The Central Science |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Robert | Bryce | Smaller, Faster, Lighter, Denser, Cheaper: How Innovation Keeps Proving the Catastrophists Wrong (tech, engineering, gravimetric power density, economics, science, history; 390 pages; 9MB; 24 chapters, c.530 minutes; he was doing great until he got to advocating funny-money & worsening over-crowding in chapters 11 & 12) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Bill | Bryson | A | Short History of Nearly Everything |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Kyughee | Byun | YongCheol | Yoo et al. | Elsevier/ Pharmacology & Therapeutics: advanced glycation end-products produced systemically by macrophases: a common contributor to inflammation and degenerative diseases |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | William H. | Calvin | How Brains Think | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Frances A. | Carey | Organic Chemistry (1154 pages) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Nessa | Carey | Junk DNA: A Journey through the Dark Matter of the Genome (340 pages; 572.86; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Neil R. | Carlson | Physiology of Behavior | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Nicholas G. | Carr | The | Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (neuro; 276-294 pages; ISBN 9780393357820; OCLC 1102473505?/ 1102473509?; Norton; Pasco-Hernando State Colleg/Spring Hill; 612.80285 Car; Main; QP 360 .C3667 2020) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Sean B. | Carroll, Ph.D. | The | Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution (301 pages; 572.86 Car; Main) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2 | Catherine A. | Carver | Immune: How Your Body Defends & Protects You (disease; 304 pages; 2.9MB; 616.079 Car; NE) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Rita | Ceponiene | et al. | Event-related potential (ERP) indices of central auditory development in healthy children and in children with oral clefts | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Jorge | Cham | Daniel | Whiteson | We Have No Idea: A Guide to the UnKnown Universe (354 pages; 523.1 Cha; Main+NE) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Marilyn | Chase | The | Barbary Plague: The Black Death in Victorian San Francisco (1894-; 276 pages; 362.1 Cha; Main) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Andy | Clark | Surfing UnCertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind (401 pages; 128.2; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Charles B. | Clayman | The | Brain & Nervous System | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9 | Harry Victor | Cliff | How to Make an Apple Pie from Scratch: In Search of the Recipe for Our Universe (614 pages; ISBN 9780593414316; RandomHouse/Doubleday; LT 523.0197 Cli; Main+Jax; due 2024-11-06) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | James A. | Coleman | Early Theories of the Universe | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4 | Stephen | Coss | The | Fever of 1721: The Epidemic That Revolutionized Medicine and American [USA] Politics (disease; smallpox; 320 pages; 616.912 Cos; Main+NE) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9 | Chris | Coughlin, Ph.D., NRP, FP-C, NEMSEC | EMT: Emergency Medical Technician Crash Course_ (406 pages; ISBN 9780738612874; OCLC 1410550463; REA/Research & Education; 616.025 Cou; East; hold req 2025-01-06; due 2025-02-02) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Daniel | Coyle | The | Talent Code | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Robert P. | Crease | Alfred Scharff | Goldhaber | The | Quantum Moment: How Planck, Bohr, Einstein, and Heisenberg Taught Us to Love UnCertainty_ (332 pages; 530.12 CRE; Main) |
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Molly Caldwell | Crosby | The | American Plague: The Untold Story of Yellow Fever, the Epidemic that Shaped Our History (290 pages; 614.541) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
![]() | Charles | Darwin | The | Origin of Species | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Daniel Michael | Davis | The | Compatiblity Gene: How Our Bodies Fight Disease, Attract Others, and Define Our Selves (231 pages; 616.042; Main) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Richard | Dawkins | The | Blind WatchMaker (325 pages; 575; Main) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Richard | Dawkins | The | Selfish Gene | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Rob | de Salle | Susan L. | Perkins & Patricia J. Wynne | Welcome to the MicroBiome: Getting to Know the Trillions of Bacteria & Other Microbes In, On, & Around You (220 pages; YaleU; 579.3 deS) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1 | David | Deutsch | The | Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes -- and Its Implications (366 pages) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Diagram Group | Man's Body: An Owner's Manual | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Diagram Group | Woman's Body: An Owner's Manual | ||||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Norman | Doidge, M.D. | The | Brain's Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries from the Frontiers of Brain NeuroPlasticity (409 pages; ISBN 9780670025503; QP363.3.D66 2015; Viking/Penguin/RandomHouse; 612.8 Doi; Main+NE; due 2025-02-04) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | John E. | Dowling | Creating Mind | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | K. Eric | Drexler | Engines of Creation (nano-tech) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.3 | Rob R. | Dunn | The | WildLife of Our Bodies (260 pages; 579.17) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4 | David J. | Epstein | Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World (339 pages; 2.4MB; 153.9 Eps; Main+NE) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.7 | Karl Anders | Ericsson | Robert | Pool | Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise (330 pages; 5MB; 153.9 Eri; Main+NE) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Stuart | Firestein | Ignorance: How It Drives Science (195 pages; ISBN 9780199828074; OCLC 752069074; LCCN 2011051395; OxfordU; libraries; 501.9 Fir; Main+NE; due 2023-07-09) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Helen E. | Fisher | Anatomy of Love: The Natural History of Monogamy (biochem) | |||
H3.5, E3.0, R3.5 | Jeffrey A. | Fisher | Rx 2000: Breakthroughs in Health, Medicine & Longevity by the Year 2000 & Beyond | |||
H3.5, E3.0, R3.2 | Richard A. | Fortey | Trilobite: EyeWitness to Evolution_ (490Mya-440Mya; Ordovician; 284-320 pages; ISBN 0375406255; OCLC 1016531328; Knopf; 565.39 For; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Paula | Francekovic | Lasse | Gliemann | endothelial glycocalyx preservation -- impact of nutrition and life-style | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Gordon | Fraser | AntiMatter: The Ultimate Mirror (207 pages; 530 Fra; Main) | |||
H4.5, E3.5, R1.5 | David | Freedman | Robert | Pisani & Roger Purves | Statistics | |
H4.5, E3.5, R3.0 | Joseph Stewart | Fruton | A | Skeptical BioChemist_ (264 pages; 574.192) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Murray | Gell-Mann | The | Quark & the Jaguar |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Louisa | Gilder | The | Age of Entanglement: When Quantum Physics Was ReBorn_ (physics; 360-443 pages; ISBN 9781400044177; OCLC 316030748; Vintage/Knopf; Santa Fe/Hogtown, Jax, Nassau/Fernandina Beach, UWF/Pensacola, Dunedin, Hillsborough/Tampa, UCF/Orlando, Polk State College/Winter Haven, New College/Sarasota, Florida SouthWestern State College/Fort Myers, WPB, Lynn U/Rats Mouth, FAU/Rats Mouth, Broward/Ft.Lauderdale, FIU/Miami, UMiami/Coral Gables; QC 174.12 .G528 2008; 530.12 Gil; Main) |
H4.5, E3.5, R3.0 | James | Gleick | Chaos | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Jeff | Goldberg | Anatomy of a Scientific Discovery (endorphins) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Stephen Jay | Gould | Hen's Teeth & Horse's Toes: Further Reflections in Natural History | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Brian | Greene | The | Elegant Universe |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | John | Gribbin | In Search of Schroedinger's Cat | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | John | Gribbin | Q Is for Quantum: Particle Physics from A to Z_ (physics; would be better with index; 595 pages; ISBN 9780684855783; Free; 539.703 Gri; Main) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.5, E3.5, R2.5 | Robert | Haas | Steve | Diamond | Eat Smart Think Smart: How to Use Nutrients & Supplements to Achieve Maximum Mental & Physical Performance | |
H4.5, E3.5, R2.5 | Robert | Haas | Steve | Diamond | Eat to Win | |
H4.0, E3.0, R4.5 | B. David | Hames | N.M. | Hooper | Instant Notes Biochemistry (403 pages) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Eugene E. | Harris, Ph.D. | Ancestors in Our Genome: The New Science of Human Evolution (DNA; a little bit behind the state-of-the-art; 205 pages; ISBN 9780199978038; OCLC 1107351631; OxfordU; libraries; 611.018166 Har; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Bruce A. | Hathaway | Barron's E-Z Organic Chemistry (547; 424 pages) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Stephen W. | Hawking | A | Brief History of Time | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Brent H. | Hawking | Carter | Smith iii & Charles H. Calisher | Mapping Epidemics: An Historical Atlas of Disease (disease; 112 pages; ISBN 9780531164877; OCLC 318415839; Franklin Watts/Grolier; 614.4 Hof; BLPerry/UNF) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Hal | Hellman | Great Feuds in Science: 10 of the Liveliest Disputes Ever (240 pages; ISBN 0471169803 ; OCLC ; Wiley; libraries; 509.22 Hel; Main; due 2024-05-22; did fine up to last 2 chapters, then fell flat) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Abram | Hoffer | Morton | Walker | Smart Nutrients | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Joan | Horvath | Richard H. | Cameron | Geometry: Learn by [Programming], 3D Printing, & Building_/_Make: Geometry: Learn by 3D Printing, [Programming], & Exploring (geometry; with Communist Corpse Standards; 285 pages; ISBN 9781680456714; O'Reilly/Make; 516.00285 Hor; Main+BLPerry) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Lauren Grace | Hoskin | Bristol Health Institute: tree-like/gel-like sieve in blood vessels are a target for repairing damaged hearts | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Mark C. | Houston, M.D. | The | Truth about Heart Disease: How to Prevent Coronary Heart Disease and Personalize Your Treatment with Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Exercise and LifeStyle Tailored to Your Genetics_ (299 pages; ISBN 9781032230900/ 9781032230870; CRC/Taylor & Francis; libraries; on order 2023-03-14; 616.1205 Hou; Main; due 2024-09-19) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Sue E. | Huether | Kathryn L. | McCance, Margaret M. Andrews, Barbara J. Boss, Gale D. Danek, Sheryl S. Davey, Judith A. Farley, Cyrena M. Gilman, Sandra W. Haak, Lynn B. Jorde, Melva Kravitz, Patti Ludwig-Beymer, Frances Lynn McCullough, Kathleen Hardin Mooney, Leona A. Mourad, Noreen Heer Nicol, Lee K. Roberts, Kristynia M. Robinson, Neal S. Rote, Jane Shelby, Peter M. Sunderland, Susan B. Zekauskus | Understanding PathoPhysiology (1,136 pages) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Rhonda | Huettenmueller | PreCalculus DeMystified (pg343: define what makes this matrix operation "useful"; Why? What's the history?; 534 pages; ISBN 9780071778497/ 9780071439275; OCLC 1027899455/ 748333156; LCCN 2011042119; McGraw-Hill; Jax, FL State College Jax, Clay county, Marion, Pasco, Pensacola State, Lake; 515.2 Hue; Main; ILL request 214317; due 2024-01-31) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Agata | Kolanek | Roman | Cemaga & Mateusz Maciejczyk | 2024-12-14 _Diagnostics_ "role and diagnostic significance of apo-lipo-protein D in selected neuro-degenerative disorders" (Alzheimer's, Parkinsonisms, Multiple Sclerosis, autism, inflammation, oxidative stress, malfunctions of lipid transport & metabolism, stroke & other cardiovascular disorders...) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | James W. | Kalat | Biological Psychology | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Michael S. | Kinch | Between Hope and Fear: An History of Vaccines and Human Immunity (disease; 334 pages; 17.2MB; 614.47 Kin; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.4 | Morris | Kline | Mathematics: The Loss of Certainty | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Alexander | Kompaneyets | Leon | Landovitz | Basic Concepts in Quantum Mechanics | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Melvin | Konner | Why the Reckless Survive | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Helge | Kragh | Simply Dirac (100 pages; 530.092) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Nikolay | Kutuzov | Henrik | Flyvbjerg | Proceedings of the National Academies of Science: contributions of the glycocalyx, endothelium, and extra-vascular compartment to the blood-brain barrier |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Brian | Leibovitz | Carnitine: The Vitamin BT Phenomenon | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Suzanne | LeVert | Melatonin: The Anti-Aging Hormone | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Paul | Lewis | David | Rubinstein | The | Human Body |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Howard | Markel, M.D. | When Germs Travel: 6 Major Epidemics That Have Invaded the USA and the Fears They Have UnLeashed (disease; 263 pages; 1.8MB; ISBN 0375420959; Pantheon; 614.4973 Mar; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | David M. | McMahon | Quantum Mechanics DeMystified (math; physics; 393-506 pages; ISBN 0071765638/ 9780071765633; OCLC 870421776; McGraw-Hill; 530.12 McM) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.9 | John | Medina | Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School (288 pages; 612.82 Med; Jax+NE) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.3 | Mark | Miodownik | Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our ManMade World_ (265 pages; ISBN 9780544236042; OCLC ; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 620.11 Mio; Main; due 2025-02-26) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4 | Ronodeep | Mitra | Gerard Leland | O'Neil et al. | Springer: Vascular Biology: glycocalyx in athersclerosis -- relevant endothelium function and as a therapeutic target | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | David S. | Moore | George P. | McCabe | Introduction to the Practice of Statistics | |
H4.5, E3.0, R2.7 | Mary Caperton | Morton | Aerial Geology: A High-Altitude Tour of North America's Spectacular Volcanoes, Canyons, Glaciers, Lakes, Craters, and Peaks (303 pages; 106.6MB; ISBN 9781604697629; Timber; 557 Mor; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Jim | Murphy | An | American Plague: The True Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793 (disease; 373 pages; ISBN 9780395776087, 9780329751418; OCLC 50958941; Clarion; J 614.541 Mur; Main+NE+Jax+BLPerry+FtBraden) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Ernest | Nagel | James R. | Newman | Goedel's Proof | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Eugene W. | Nester | C. Evans | Roberts & Martha T. Nester | MicroBiology: A Human Perspective (785 pages) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Paul A. | Offit, M.D. | Pandora's Lab: 7 Stories of Science Gone Wrong_ (270 pages; ISBN 9781426217982; OCLC 957223250; National Geographic; 001.96; Main+NE) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4 | Paul A. | Offit, M.D. | Bad Advice: Or Why Celebrities, Politicians, and Activists Aren't Your Best Source of Health Information (260 pages; 362.1014 Off; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Steve | Olson | Mapping Human History: Genes, Race, and Our Common Origins (278 pages; 599.9) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Jim | Ottaviani | Leland | Myrick & Hilary Sycamore | Feynman (266 pages; biography Richard Feynman; due 2024-03-14) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | David | Owen | Thomas | Noguchi & Kathy Reichs | Hidden Evidence: 40 True Crimes and How Forensic Science Helped Solve Them_ (240 pages; 2000) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E2.5, R2.4 | Joe | Palca | Flora | Lichtman | Annoying: The Science of What Bugs Us_ (262 pages; 612.8 Pal; National Socialist Radio; a little too much pop-psych, not enough neuro-physiology) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Jon | Palfreman | Brain Storms: The Race to UnLock the Mysteries of Parkinson's Disease (251 pages; 616.833) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | Catherine | Parker | Norma Jane | Kolthoff | TextBook of Anatomy and Physiology | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Richard A. | Passwater | SuperNutrition | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | James | Patterson | Matt | Eversmann | E.R. Nurses: True Stories from USA's Greatest UnSung Heroes (400 pages; ISBN 9780759554269; OCLC ; Little, Brown; libraries; 616.025 Pat; Main+BLPerry+East+FtBraden+Jax+NE+Woodville; due 2024-08-01) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Linus | Pauling | Vitamin C, the Common Cold, & the Flu | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2 | John Allen | Paulos | Innumeracy | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Judea | Pearl | Dana | MacKenzie | The | Book of Why: New Hypotheses about Cause and Effect (418 pages; 35.5MB; 501 Pea; Main) |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Durk | Pearson | Sandy | Shaw | Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach (out of date) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Durk | Pearson | Sandy | Shaw | The | Life Extension Companion |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Roger | Penrose | Abner | Simony, Nancy Cartwright & Stephen Hawking | The | Large, the Small and the Human Mind (201 pages; 006.3) |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Ralph H. | Petrucci | William S. | Harwood | General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications (1060 pages) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Paul | Pettitt | Homo Sapiens ReDiscovered: The Scientific Revolution ReWriting Our Origins_ (304 pages; ISBN 9780500252635; OCLC 1295242005; Thames & Hudson; libraries; 599.938 Pet; Main+East; due 2024-06-19) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Walter | Pierpaoli | William | Regelson & Carol Colman | The | Melatonin Miracle |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | J.C. | Polkinghorne | The | Quantum World | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Eve | Potts | Marion | Morra | Understanding the Immune System |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: David Quammen 2018, 2019-08-06 _The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life_ (Carl Woese; horizontal gene exchange; endosymbiosis; taxonomic tree/forest of life; 461-480 pages; ISBN 9781476776620/ 9781476776637; OCLC ; Simon&Schuster; 591.38; Main+NE+E)
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Martin | Rees | Just Six Numbers (165 pages; 523.1) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | David | Reich | Eugenie | Reich | Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA & the New Science of the Human Past (335 pages; 30.7MB; 572.86 Rei; Main+NE) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Richard M. | Restak | The | Brain | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Richard M. | Restak | The | Modular Brain | ||
H4.5, E3.5, R2.7 | Matt | Richtel | An | Elegant Defense: The ExtraOrdinary New Science of the Immune System (disease; 315-425-448 pages; ISBN 97800298537; OCLC 147637616; Mariner; Jax, Pensacola State, St.Johns, Tarpon Springs; 616.079 Ric; Main+NE; needs fewer photos, 5-15 more diagrams; a few hundred source citations & biographical links for the researchers might also have been helpful) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Matt | Ridley | The | Red Queen: Sex & the Evolution of Human Nature | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0 | Matt | Ridley | Genome: The AutoBiography of a Species in 23 Chapters (344 pages; ISBN 978006194979; HarperCollins; 599.935 Rid; NE) |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Jong Seong | Roh | Dong Huyn | Sohn | Immune Network/Korean Association of Immunologists: damage-associated molecular patterns in inflammatory diseases |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.5, R3.9 | Carlo | Rovelli | Simon | Carnell & Erica Segre | Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity (physics; 270 pages; 14.2MB; ISBN 9780735213920; OCLC 957696600; Riverhead/ Lane/ Penguin/ RandomHouse; Florida GateWay/Lake City, College of Central Florida/Ocala, Jax, St.Johns/St.Augustine, Tarpon Springs, Oldsmar, Stetson/Deland, Hillsborough/Tampa; 530.143 Rov; East; due 2024-06-19; Carlo is a spoilsport. Embrace division by zero! Celebrate glorious infinities, bounded & un-bounded! Cast aside limits. Fields do Not require a material substance nor particles to "carry" whatever. What gave you that silly notion? Don't give up merely because you lack understanding at this time.) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Ronald A. | Ruden | Marcia | Myalick | The | Craving Brain |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Deborah Jean | Rumsey, Ph.D. | Statistics for Dummies (388 pages; ISBN 9781119293521; OCLC ; Wiley; libraries; 519.5 Rum; Main+Jax; due 2024-07-03) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | Oliver | Sacks | The | Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Carl | Sagan | The | Cosmic Connection | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Carl | Sagan | The | Dragons of Eden | ||
H3.0, E3.0, R1.2 | Ronald L. | Seibold | Cereal Grass: Nature's Greatest Health Gift | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5 | Erika M.J. | Siren | Haiming D. | Luo et al. | Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology/Wiley: an improved in-vitro model for studying the structural & functional properties of the endothelial glycocalyx in arteries, capillaries, and veins | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4 | Sergio | Sismondo | Ghost-Managed Medicine: Big Pharma's InVisible Hands (231-234 pages; ISBN 9780995527775; Mattering; https://www.matteringpress.org/wp-content/upload/2018/07/Sismondo-managed-Medicine-2018-1.pdf ) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Gary | Smith | Standard Deviations: Flawed Assumptions, Tortured Data, and Other Ways to Lie with Statistics_ (326 pages; 2.8MB; 519.5; Main+NE) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Lee | Smolin, Ph.D. | 3 Roads to Quantum Gravity (250 pages; 3.9MB) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Lee | Smolin, Ph.D. | The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next (392-416 pages; 3.3MB; ISBN 9780618918683/ 9780141018355; OCLC 942592494; Penguin/Houghton Mifflin; 530.14; Main) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2 | Michael V. | Sofroniew | Harry V. | Vinters | astrocyte nerve cells: biology, pathology, neuroplasticity | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Murray R. | Spiegel | Theory & Problems of Statistics | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Laura J. | Stevens | The | Complete Book of Allergy Control | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Stephen M. | Stigler | The | 7 Pillars of Statistical Wisdom (203 pages; ISBN 9780674088917; OCLC ; HarvardU; libraries; 519.5 Sti; Main; due 2024-02-08) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Chris | Stringer | Lone Survivors: How We Came to Be the Only Humans on Earth (336 pages; 599.938; Main+E) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Thomas | Suddendorf | The | Gap: The Science of What Separates Us from Other Animals (340 pages; 156) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9 | Leonard | Susskind | George | Hrabovsky | The | Theoretical Minimum: What You Need to Know to Start Doing Physics_ (230 pages; 3.1MB; 530; use plenty of duct tape and an ice-cap to prevent explosive brain expansion and/or melt-down) |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.7 | Shanna H. | Swan | The | Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male & Female Reproductive Development, & Imperiling the Future of the Human Race (makes a few false claims; needs a better index; 292 pages; ISBN 9781982113667; OCLC ; Scribner/Simon&Schuster; 612.6 Swa; Main) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Bryan | Sykes | The | 7 Daughters of Eve |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.6 | Ian | Tattersall | Rob | de Salle | Accidental Homo Sapiens: Genetics, Behavior, and Free Will_ (failed to define terms: social, society, human condition; 222 pages; ISBN 9781643130262; OCLC ; Pegasus; libraries; 155.7 Tat; Main+East; due 2024-12-17) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4 | Jill Bolte | Taylor, Ph.D. | My Stroke of InSight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey (neuroscience; 190 pages; 3MB; LT 362.1968 Tay) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4 | Silvanus Phillips | Thompson | Calculus Made Easy | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Torkel | Klingberg | The | OverFlowing Brain: Information OverLoad & the Limits of Working Memory (202 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; 153 Kli; Main; due 2023-09-07) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8 | Ana Belen | Uceda | Laura | Marino et al. | BioPhysical Reviews: over-view of glycation: molecular mechanisms, impact on proteins, disease causing, and inhibition | |
H4.5, E4.0, R4.2 | Jaime | Uribarri | et | al. | A | Dietary AGEs and Their Role in Health and Disease_ (disease; advanced glycosylation end-products [enzyme-controlled during protein synthesis] vs. advanced glycation end-products [not regulated by enzymes]; arteriosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer, Parkinsonism, retinopathy, kidney failure, arthritis, cross-linking of collagen creating inflexibility & wrinkling; 390 pages; 4 editions; ISBN 1498721516/ 9781498721516; OCLC 1148218713/ 987439835; CRC/ Taylor& Francis/ Informa at RatsMouth; FAU/RatsMouth, Georgia Tech/Atlanta, Emory/Atlanta, UNC/Greensboro, Indiana U SE/New Albany, Indiana U/Bloomington, Indiana U East/Richmond, Christopher Newport U, WPAFB/Dayton-Fairborn-Huber Heights, Ohio State U, Purdue, UIUC, Temple U/Philadelphia, Princeton U; QP 606 .G6 2018; ILL request #217746; due 2024-06-10) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Nicholas J. | Wade | A | Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History (281 pages; 2.041MB; 599.938) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3 | James T. | Wade | Edward R. | Amend et al. | MisDiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, BiPolar, OCD, Asperger's, Depression, and Other "DisOrders" (255 pages; 618.9289075 Mis; Main+NE) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0 | Duncan J. | Watts | 6 Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age (368 pages; 511.5; Main; engineers turned evil) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | Steven | Weinberg | Dreams of a Final Theory (321 pages) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5 | H. Gilbert | Welch, M.D. | Lisa M. | Schwartz, M.D. & Steven Woloshin, M.D. | Over-Diagnosed: Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health (200 pages; ISBN 97887022009; Beacon; 616.0754 Wel; Main) | |
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Spencer | Wells | Deep Ancestry: Inside the Genographic Project (256 pages; 599.935) | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Edward O. | Wilson | Consilience | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Edward O. | Wilson | The | Insect Societies | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8 | Edward O. | Wilson | On Human Nature | |||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Timothy Charles | Winegard | The | Mosquito: A Human History of our Deadliest Predator (disease; 485 pages; 595.772 Win; Main+NE+Jax) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R4.2 | Naomi | Wolf, Ph.D. | The | Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19, and the War Against the Human (336 pages; ISBN 9781737478560; OCLC ; All Seasons; libraries; on order 2022-08-03; 362.19624 Wol; Main+Jax; due 2024-02-08) |
Score | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Auth/Ed | Title | |
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5 | Eric | Zielinski | The | Healing Power of Essential Oils: Soothe Inflammation, Boost Mood, Prevent AutoImmunity, and Feel Great in Every Way (305 pages; 615.3219; Main+E) | ||
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 | Geoffrey | Zubay | William W. | Parson & Dennis E. Vance | Principles of BioChemistry (900 pages) |
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