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Books (& Articles of Note) Read in 2023

Subject Categories/Key-Words


H4.0, E3.0, R4.0; Nicholas G. Carr 2010, 2020 _The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains_ (neuro; 276-294 pages; ISBN 9780393357820; OCLC 1102473505?/ 1102473509?; Norton; Pasco-Hernando State Colleg/Spring Hill; 612.80285 Car; Main; QP 360 .C3667 2020)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.7: Stephen J. Chapman 2017, 2018 _Fortran for Scientists & Engineers_ (1,020-1,024 pages; 27.3MB; ISBN 0073385891/ 1260152332/ 9780073385891/ 9781260152333; OCLC 965754150; LCCN 2016052439; QA 76.73 .F25 C425 2018; McGraw-Hill; CalTech/JPL; pretty good; a few non-explanatory/ non-enlightening descriptions, a couple obsoleted very handy features; due 2023-09-19)

H4.0, E3.5, R1.7: Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger & Kenneth Cukier 2013, 2014 _Big Data: A Revolution That Will TransForm How We Live, Work, and Think_ (creepy, disgusting, vile; celebrating intellectual property robbery & privacy violation & abusing billions of people; individualizing/corporatizing ill-gotten gains while collectivizing costs; but lets us know how evil people think; their notion of where the creepy-line is... is about 10 thousand miles deep in extreme-creepy-land; 240 pages; 306.46 May; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Mikko Hypponen 2022 _If It's "Smart", It's Vulnerable_ (computing; 250 pages; ISBN 9781119895183; OCLC ; Wiley; 005.8; Main+East; due 2023-12-04)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: Ellen Ullman 2017 _Life In Code: A Personal History of Technology_ (starts strong, then wanders because it is a collection of articles & goes erratic -- alternating "bull's eye!" with "bizarro-world!" in a sentence or paragraph; 306 pages; ISBN 9780374534516; OCLC ; FS&G/ MacMillan; 005.1092 Ull; Main; due 2023-12-04)

H4.0, E3.2, R3.2: Steve Wozniak & Gina Smith 2006, 2007 _iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon_ (electronic engineering; computer programming; Aspergery; personal life; 313-315 pages; ISBN 9780393061437; OCLC 70668758; Norton; Leon, NW Florida State College/Niceville, Jax, Auburn, UWF, St.Johns/St.Augustine, USF, Hillsborough/Tampa, USF/St.Petersburg, Embry-Riddle, Georgia Tech; 621.39 Woz; Main+NE; due 2023-08-15)

H4.0, E3.5, R2.5: Perry Xiao 2021, 2022 _Artificial Intelligence Programming with Python_ (CS; 658 pages; ISBN 9781119820864; 005.133 Xia; Main; too robotic/monkey, needs more detailed explanations, more nuts & bolts under-the-hood, less this-package that-package the-other-package that won't fit on your system; should have distinguished good stuff vs. anti-proprietary immoral tech tyrant/copyleftist toys; might be useful as a reference directory to look up those packages)

other computer books


H4.5, E2.5, R2.4: David Gelles 2022 _The Man Who Broke Capitalism: How Jack Welch Gutted the HeartLand & Crushed the Soul of Corporate USA -- & How to UnDo His Legacy_ (1935-2020; 1960-2022; econ; GE; fraud; job markets; cross-border bodyshopping; misunderstands/misrepresents Friedman & Hayek & Reagan & Ailes; but on-target with Welch not investing in talent value development but throwing away talent, R&D, manufacturing, violating contractual obligations; trying to hammer 9-point-star people into square holes & then dumping them; Gelles seems oblivious to the difference between the verb "earn" and the verb "get", as in "ill-gotten gains"; 264 pages; ISBN 9781982176440; OCLC ; Simon&Schuster; 330.973 Gel; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Michael M. Lewis 1989, 2010, 2015 _The Big Short: Inside the DoomsDay Machine_ (460 pages; Aspergery heroes; needs index; ISBN 9781410430267; OCLC ; Norton/ Gale/ Cengage/ Thorndike; libraries; LT 330.973 Lew; due 2023-06-29)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.3: Glory M. Liu 1979, 2010 _Adam Smith's USA: How a Scottish Philosopher Became an "Icon" of USA Capitalism_ (Washington Compost propagandist; tedious; even the sources she cites, & sources she does not cite are somewhat revealing, though not as bad as seemed at first scan; 320 pages; ISBN 9780691203812; OCLC ; PrincetonU/ OxfordU; libraries; 330.15309 Liu; Main; due 2023-12-04)

H4.0, E3.0, R1.9: Enrico Moretti 2012 _The New Geography of Jobs_ (under-estimates costs of over-crowding, gigging, cross-border bodyshopping, effects on housing [local income/housing cost ratios & drop in quality] & transportation, product quality drop [both materials & workmanship/craftsmanship] as globalization kicked in, worsening extortion by governments, worsening corruption & power-madness...; throws around terms "innovation" & invention where they do not apply &/or exaggerates; fails/refuses to define &/or measure skill levels but improperly conflates different occupational categories with skill level; book's main value is insight into perverted thinking & their selective ignoring of reality; more years in academia equals neither "education" nor "high skill" [see presidents of Harvard & MIT]; 294 pages; ISBN 978547750118; OCLC ; Houghton Mifflin/ Harcourt; libraries; 331.1097 Mor; Main; due 2024-01-25)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.9: economist Peter W. Navarro, Ph.D. 2021-11-02 _In Trump Time: My Journal of the Mostly-Violent Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Rioters & the Second Year of the Wuhan Coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo Disease 🦠 Pandemic_ (326 pages; ISBN 9781737478508; OCLC 1269000554; All Seasons; libraries; 973.933 Nav; Main+NE; due 2023-11-16)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: Star Parker 2003 _Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves USA's Poor and What We Can Do About It_ (229-248 pages; ISBN 0785262199/ 9781595552235; OCLC 670675973; WND/ Nelson; Leon, Jax, UWF, St.Leo, Hillsborough/Tampa, Polk/Winter Haven, WPB, Broward, U of Cincinnati; 362.5 Par; Main; due 2023-11-22)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.2: Andrew Franklin Puzder/Andy Puzder, J.D. 2018-04-24, 2019-04-16 _The Capitalist ComeBack: The Trump Boom and the Left's Plot to Stop It_/_The Trump Boom: America's Soaring Economy and the Left's Plot to Stop It_ (former CEO of CKE/Hardees & Carl's Junior fast burgers; 349-375 pages; WSJ; ISBN 1478975415/ 9781478975410/ OCLC 1035457270/ 1107990683/ 1280129798; LCCN 2018469057; Little, Brown/ Center Street/ Hachette; Hillsborough/Tampa, Broward/Ft.Lauderdale, Sawyier/Frankfort, Alachua/HogTown, Pensacola Christian, Seminole/Casselberry, Winter Park, Orange, Manatee/Bradenton, Sarasota, Collier/Naples, Rats Mouth, Miami-Dade, Louisville, Vigo/Terre Haute, Indianapolis, Columbus, Lee/Lehigh Acres; ILL request #212122; due 2023-12-01)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.4: David A. Stockman 2013 _The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in the USA_ (devastation being wreaked over the last c. 120-140 years by crony socialists/collectivists on farms, in executive suites, board-rooms, & federal government (executive, congress, bureaubums); somewhat ambiguous definition of bread-winner jobs, "carry trade"; needs graphs, & in appendix, tables; 718 pages; ISBN 9781586489120; Public Affairs/Perseus; 330.973; Main+NE)

see separate page of econ books jgo has read


H4.0, E3.0, R2.4; John Abramson, M.D., M.Sc. 2022 _Sickening: How [Government &] Big Pharma Broke USA Health Care_ (288 pages; ISBN 9781328957818; OCLC 1240491462; HarperCollins; 338.47615 Abr; Main+Jax)

H4.0, E3.5, R2.7: Natalie Angier 2007 _The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science_ (magniloquent, too clever by half, with botched percentages & proportions... & slightly out-of-date; 270 pages; 500 Ang; Main+NE+East)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Simon Baron-Cohen 2020 _The Pattern Seekers: How Autism Drives Human Invention -- A 70K-100K-Year History_ (a little too much pop-psych, but not hideous; 200 pages; ISBN 9781541647145; OCLC ; Basic/ Hachette; libraries; 616.85882 Bar; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.7: Louann Brizendine, M.D. 2010 _The Male Brain_ (needs more brain images color-coded for regions; diagrams of bio-chemical sequences; time-line; 140 pages; Broadway/ Crown/ RandomHouse; 612.8 Bri; Main+Jax)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Louisa Gilder 2008, 2009 _The Age of Entanglement: When Quantum Physics Was ReBorn_ (physics; 360-443 pages; ISBN 9781400044177; OCLC 316030748; Vintage/Knopf; Santa Fe/Hogtown, Jax, Nassau/Fernandina Beach, UWF/Pensacola, Dunedin, Hillsborough/Tampa, UCF/Orlando, Polk State College/Winter Haven, New College/Sarasota, Florida SouthWestern State College/Fort Myers, WPB, Lynn U/Rats Mouth, FAU/Rats Mouth, Broward/Ft.Lauderdale, FIU/Miami, UMiami/Coral Gables; QC 174.12 .G528 2008; 530.12 Gil; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Eugene E. Harris, Ph.D. 2014, 2015, 2019 _Ancestors in Our Genome: The New Science of Human Evolution_ (DNA; a little bit behind the state-of-the-art; 205 pages; ISBN 9780199978038; OCLC 1107351631; OxfordU; libraries; 611.018166 Har; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Brent H. Hoff, Carter Smith iii & Charles H. Calisher 2000 _Mapping Epidemics: An Historical Atlas of Disease_ (disease; 112 pages; ISBN 9780531164877; OCLC 318415839; Franklin Watts/Grolier; 614.4 Hof; BLPerry/UNF)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Torkel Klingberg 2009 _The OverFlowing Brain: Information OverLoad & the Limits of Working Memory_ (202 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; 153 Kli; Main; due 2023-09-07)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.4: Paul A. Offit, M.D. 2018 _Bad Advice: Or Why Celebrities, Politicians, and Activists Aren't Your Best Source of Health Information_ (260 pages; 362.1014 Off; Main)

H4.5, E3.5, R2.7: Matt Richtel 2019, 2020-03-24 _An Elegant Defense: The ExtraOrdinary New Science of the Immune System_ (disease; 315-425-448 pages; ISBN 97800298537; OCLC 147637616; Mariner; Jax, Pensacola State, St.Johns, Tarpon Springs; 616.079 Ric; Main+NE; needs fewer photos, 5-15 more diagrams; a few hundred source citations & biographical links for the researchers might also have been helpful)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.7: Stuart Firestein 2012 _Ignorance: How It Drives Science_ (195 pages; ISBN 9780199828074; OCLC 752069074; LCCN 2011051395; OxfordU; libraries; 501.9 Fir; Main+NE; due 2023-07-09)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.7: Shanna H. Swan & Stacey Colino 2021 _Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male & Female Reproductive Development, & Imperiling the Future of the Human Race_ (makes a few false claims; needs a better index; 292 pages; ISBN 9781982113667; OCLC ; Scribner/Simon&Schuster; 612.6 Swa; Main)


H3.5, E2.5, R2.4: Kwame Anthony Appiah 2006 _Cosmopolitanism: [Perverting & Undermining] Ethics in a World of Strangers_ (wↄfo, wↄfase; +: enjoys languages; -: strives to undermine all communication, all rationality, all objectivity, all science; collectivist: veneer of sophistication; mentions collectivist authors only favorably, individualist/non-collectivist authors smearingly or with mal-interpretation; loves ambiguity & to create & expand it as a useful tool, you can know nothing and you will like it, making you more susceptible to my [the book author's] whims... but he may merely be befuddled; 196 pages; ISBN 0393061558; OCLC ; Norton/ Courier Westford; 172 App; Main; due 2023-10-09)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.9: Alan M. Dershowitz 2015 _Abraham: The World's First (But Certainly Not Last) Jewish Lawyer_ pp78-79 (208 pages; 5MB; 340.092 Der; Main+NE; due 2023-11-16)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Jay M. Feinman 2010 _Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies [Protection Rackets] Don't Pay [Valid] Claims and What You Can Do about It_ (493 pages; ISBN 9781410434180; OCLC ; Thorndike/Gale/Cengage/Penguin; LT 368.014 Fel; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Greg Marcus, Ph.D. 2016 _The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar_ (ethics; 243 pages; 5.2MB; ISBN 9780738748658; OCLC 951172664; Llewellyn; Leon, Hebrew Union College/Cincinnati W of Burnett Woods & S of Good Sam, Overland Park; 296.36 Mar; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.9: economist Peter W. Navarro, Ph.D. 2021-11-02 _In Trump Time: My Journal of the Mostly-Violent Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Rioters & the Second Year of the Wuhan Coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo Disease 🦠 Pandemic_ (326 pages; ISBN 9781737478508; OCLC 1269000554; All Seasons; libraries; 973.933 Nav; Main+NE; due 2023-11-16)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.7: Bill O'Reilly & Bruce Feirstein 2017 _Old School: Life in the Sane Lane_ (178 pages; ISBN 9781250135797; Holt/ MacMillan; 974.4502 O'Re; Main+NE; due 2023-10-30)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.3: Dennis Prager 2012, 2013 _Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs USA Values to Triumph_/_Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph_ (440 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 0061985120/ 9780061985126; OCLC 1005494298; Broadside/HarperCollins; ILL request submitted 2022-12-14T16:10 #200030; due 2023-02-07 Tuesday)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: Peter Schweizer 2020-01-21 _Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by USA's Regressive Elitists_ (255-342-360 pages; ISBN 006289790/ 9780062897909; OCLC 1153983707; Harper; 320.973 Sch; Jax, Crawfordville)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: Peter Schweizer 2022-01-25 _Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win_/_Red-Handed: How Elitist USA Crony Socialists Get Rich Helping Red China Win_ (248-352 pages; ISBN 9780063061149; OCLC ; Harper; libraries; 305.52097 Sch; Main; due 2023-10-24)

Engineering/ Making/ Manufacturing/ Building/ Designing:

H4.0, E3.0, R3.7: engineer Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin E Aldrin ii, Gene Farmer, Dora Jane Hamblin, Arthur C.Clarke, James Schefter & Elizabeth Dunn 1970 _First on the Moon_ (434-511 pages; ISBN 9780760755105; OCLC 466395088/ 58525895; Little, Brown; Needs an index; 629.454 Arm; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Edwin Danson 2001 _Drawing the Line: How Mason & Dixon Surveyed the Most Famous Border in the USA_ (needs foot-notes/end-notes; needs more diagrams along the way; more/better explanation of the spherical geometry; better, more detailed illustrations, including maps, maps, maps, instruments, surveying chains... cameras & high-res photos have been around since the 1830s though it took a while for printing to catch up; needs a bit more of c. 1760-1790 economics/ inflation/ incomes/ costs of living/ personal finances/ government finances, where funds came from & where they went, Was £28 or £300 or £3000 much or little in the scheme of things? How long could a person live on £30? How long could a family of 9 or 10 reasonably live on £100? How were the children educated? What kind of diet did they have?; Charles Mason i, Anne Damsel of Daglingsworth, Charles Mason ii, Jeremiah Dixon, Rebekah ?? Mason & her parents, Mary Williams Mason & her mother, Robert Williams, William Charles Mason, Doctor Isaac Mason, younger Charles Mason, John Mason, Robert Mason, Susannah Mason...; 1763-1786; 220-232 pages; ISBN 9471385026; Wiley; F157.B7 D36 2001; 974.8'802-dc21; 974.8802; Main; due 2023-08-13)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Don Geary 1983 _How to Sharpen AnyThing_ (213 pages; ISBN 0830624635; OCLC ; Tab; libraries; 621.93 Gea; Main; due 2023-08-27)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Lawrence Goldstone 2016 _Drive!: Henry Ford, George Selden, and the Race to Invent the Auto Age_ (c.1907; Leland, Wollering, Flanders, Dodge, Wills, Couzens, Packard, Hudson, Olds, Champion, Buick, Chevrolet...; it is not the book I was expecting, but middling OK anyway; 372 pages; ISBN 9780553394184; OCLC ; Ballantine/ Penguin/ RandomHouse; libraries; 338.47629 Gol; Main; due 2023-07-16)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Gary Hedstrom, Peg Hedstrom & Judy Ondrla Tremore 2005 _How to Fix EveryThing for Dummies_ (350 pages; 640.41 Hed; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.9: Charles A. Herubin 1982 _Principles of Surveying_ (342 pages; terminology & explanations still need a bit of work; positive is negative, negative positive; would be nice to have a more up-to-date volume making use of CAD/CAM/CAE tools that existed c. 1980, laser-based tools available in 2010, e.g. for measurement of instrument height above bench-mark/geodetic survey markers instead of juggling with plumb-bobs & bendy tapes which can fatigue & break, GPS & lasers to measure down to hundredths or even thousandths of an inch...; banking curves in road-ways while balancing concerns of inertia, "black ice", drainage of water; ISBN 0835956164; OCLC ; Reston/ Prentice-Hall; libraries; 529.9 Her; Main; due 2023-07-23 Sunday)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.5: R. Bruce Hoadley, Ph.D. 1980, 2000 _Understanding Wood: A Craftsman's Guide to Wood Technology_ (forester, engineer, botanist, wood-worker/wood-carver; impressive; only color photos & more extensive index might improve, maybe additional perspective photos; 265 pages; 16.8MB; ISBN 0918804051; OCLC 44270416; LCCN 00044322; Taunton; Felonious State U, Gadsden, Jefferson, 3 Rivers, Alachua, FSC Jax, Jax, Marion, Pensacola State College, Lake, Clearwater, Largo, USF, St.Petersburg College/Seminole, Orange; 674 Hoa; Main/684.08 Hoa; NE; due 2023-09-26 extended to 2023-10-16)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.9: Joan Horvath & Richard H. Cameron 2021 _Geometry: Learn by [Programming], 3D Printing, & Building_/_Make: Geometry: Learn by 3D Printing, [Programming], & Exploring_ (geometry; with Communist Corpse Standards; 285 pages; ISBN 9781680456714; O'Reilly/Make; 516.00285 Hor; Main+BLPerry)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Hal Marcovitz 2017 _3-D Printing_ (engineering; J but better than nothing; 48 pages; J 621.988 Marc; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.5: Anthony Guidice 2001 _The Seven Essentials of WoodWorking_ (126 pages; ISBN 806925272; OCLC ; Sterling; 684.08 Bir; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.7: Rocky Mountain Plan Company 2015 _The Mansions & Millennials Home Collection: 16 House Plans for Dreamers, from Tiny Houses and Pocket Neighborhoods to Luxury Homes_ (architecture; 168 pages; 728.370973 ROC; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: Shannon Taylor Scarlett 2013 _Simple Rules in Building, Art & Life: What the OldTime Builders Knew_ (architecture; engineering; 125 pages; ISBN 9781484152072; 720.4 Sca; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Skills Institute Press/Fox Chapel Publishing 2018 _Cabins and Cottages: The Basics of Building a Get-Away Retreat_ (architecture; needs more detail: more detailed diagrams & photos; arrangement of material is kind of herky-jerky; 164 pages; ISBN 9781565239678; OCLC ; Fox Chapel; libraries; 690.837 CAB; Jax)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Brenda Vale & Robert James Vale 2000, 2002 _The New Autonomous House: Design and Planning for Sustainability_ (architecture; engineering; 238 pages; 728.0472 Val; Main)


H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Diana Karter Appelbaum 1989, 2000 _The Glorious Fourth: An American Holiday, an American History_ (IndependenceDay; too much scurrilous regressive propaganda; 174 pages; ISBN 9780608028101; OCLC 633979880; Facts on File/ U of MI; UF/HogTown)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Norman F. Cantor, Ph.D. 2004, 2015 _Antiquity: From the Birth of Sumerian Civilization to the Fall of the Roman Empire_ (4100BCE-1750BCE to c.450CE; 260 pages; ISBN 97800609300981; OCLC 54882092/ 1123836444; Harper/Perennial; Chipola/Marianna, Jax; 930 Can; Main+FtBraden; very readable; intentionally skimpy on details)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.6: Steve Brusatte, Ph.D./Stephen Brusatte, Ph.D. 2022 _The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us_ (325M-; 475-500-512 pages; ISBN 9780062951519; OCLC 1308412652/ 1317840233; NationalGeographic/HarperCollins; Jax, Pensacola State, St.Johns/St.Augustine; 569 Bru; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Paul Collins 2013 _The Birth of the West: Rome, Germany, France, and the Creation of Europe in the 10th Century_ (900s CE; post-Charlemagne; 484 pages; ISBN 9781610390132/ 9781610393683; OCLC 812081149; 940.144 Col; Main; due 2023-10-24, extended to 2023-11-07; could use bigger, better family forest diagrams, time-line or time-index and year notations in margins, more consistent name referents [sure, you mentioned Henry ii back a ways, but now I'm not sure whether you mean Henry of thisplace, Henry of thatplace, Henry iii of some otherplace, Henry iv)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Leo Damrosch 2019 _The Club: Johnson, Boswell, and the Friends Who Shaped an Age_ (Enlightenment; JB 1740-1795; SJ 1709-1784; 410 pages; 67.3MB; 941.073 Dam; Main; bibliography & index inadequate; too much about the activities of the people, too little of their ideas)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: Christian di Spigna 2018 _Founding Martyr: The Life & Death of Dr. Joseph Warren, the Revolution's Lost Hero_ (killing of C.Seiden; Boston massacre; Lexington+Concord; Bunker/Breed's Hill; 322 pages; ISBN 9780553419320/ 978055349344; LCCN 2017058311; Crown/ Penguin/ Random House; LCC E263.M4 W235 2018; 973.3092 B; Biobraphy Dr. Joseph Warren; Main; due 2024-01-25)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Arther Ferrill 1985, 1986, 1997, 2019 _The Origins of War: From the Stone Age to Alexander the Great_ (2.3MBCE-15KBCE to 356BCE-323BCE; 240 pages; ISBN 9780367096113/ 9780813333021; OCLC 1110669150/ 36315841; LCCN 97001420; Routledge/Thames & Hudson/ Westview; Felonious State U, NW Fl State College/Niceville, UF/HogTown, Jax, UWF/Pensacola, USF/St.Petersburg; Okaloosa-Walton Community College; 355.0093; NE; 1392105; pick up 2023-08-06; due 2023-08-31 Thursday; not actually about the origins of war, but early ways of war)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Leon Clark Hills 1936, 1941, 1975, 1977 _History and Genealogy of the Mayflower Planters_ (v1 160 pages; v2 240 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Genealogical; 972.492; Main; due 2023-11-29)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.3: Yunte Huang 2010 _Charlie Chan: The UnTold Story of the Honorable Detective & His Rendezvous with USA History_ (criminology; movies; literature; history; immigration; Chang Apana/ Ah Pung/ Zheng Ping 1871-1933; 354 pages; 363.25092; Main; due 2023-08-20)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: Cherry Lewis 2017 _The Enlightened Mr. Parkinson: The Pioneering Life of a Forgotten Surgeon & the Mysterious Disease that Bears His Name_ (neurophysiology; biography; history; genealogy; 306 pages; ISBN 9781681774541; OCLC 999407825/ 995879254/ 1137811041/ 1129074392; Icon/ Pegasus/ Norton; NWFSC/Niceville, Hillsborough/Tampa, Polk State/Winter Haven, Purdue; biography James Parkinson; NE; RC 339.52 .P376 L49 2017; due 2023-11-03)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: David G. McCullough 2019 _The Pioneers: The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the USA Ideal West_ (1760-1830; focus primarily on Marietta, OH; Cutler, Putnam, Barker, Hildreth, Nye families; the rest of the old NorthWest territory blurring off into fog; author seems to be a centralized power-mad elitist; 330 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; 977 McC; Main+NE+Woodille+Jax+FtBraden+E+BLPerry; due 2023-07-16)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Michael A. McDonnell 2015 _Masters of Empire: Great Lakes Indians and the Making of America_ (slightly disappointed so little coverage of those of most interest; 402 pages; ISBN 9780809029532; OCLC ; LCCN 2015022331; Hill & Wang/Farrar, Straus & Giroux; libraries; LCC E99 .O9 M36 2015; 977.401 McD; Main; due 2024-01-09)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Nathaniel Philbrick 2013 _Bunker Hill: A City, a Siege, a Revolution_ (1775 June; AmRev; Boston; Lexington; 800 pages; ISBN 9781410457763; Viking/ Penguin/ RandomHouse/ Wheeler/ Gale/ Cengage; LT 973.3312 Phi; Main+NE+E+Woodville; needs index; delete the sly opinionating)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0; Evelyn C. Pielou 1991, 1992, 2008 _After the Ice Age: The Return of Life to Glaciated North America_ (c. 18KBCE-1500CE since we are still in an Ice Age; weather; climate; 365 pages; 6.6MB; ISBN 0226668/ 9780226668123; OCLC 964591050; UChicago; UWF/Pensacola; not as much info on area of USA as I would have liked; would have benefitted from higher resolution color maps but would have been expensive at the time; scales in illustrations would have been better if matched to total item-size & important feature sizes; as author mentions, videos showing shifting glaciers, plant & animal territories would also have been nice & could now be provided by linked videos, e.g. at publisher site or Rumble; ILL request; due 2023-06-27; 90%)◀

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Edward James Stackpole & colonel Wilbur S. Nye, USA Army retired 1961 _Sheridan in the Shenandoah: Jubal Early's Nemesis_ (Civil War; Hunter flees before Early; 3rd battle of Winchester/Opequon; 413 pages; LoC 61-14913; Telegraph; 973.7 S775; Main)

see separate pages


H4.0, E3.0, R2.7: Chris Paul Gardner & Mim Eichler Rivas 2009, 2010-04-20 _Start Where You Are: Life Lessons in Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be_ (290-300-312 pages; ISBN 9780061537127; OCLC 317766803; Amistad/Harper; Felonious StateU, Waters/Jax, UCF/Ocala, Jax, Pensacola State/Pensacola, Nebraska City; 158.1 Gar; E+NE)

see career books


H4.0, E3.0, R3.1: Patricia T. O'Conner 1999 _Words Fail Me: What EveryOne Who Writes Should Know About Writing_ (movies; novels; writing/screen-writing; ad-writing; 230 pages; 808.02 O'Co; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.9: Sarah Ellis 2000 _From Reader to Writer: Teaching Writing through Classic Children's Books_ (movies, novels; 168 pages; ISBN 0888993722; OCLC ; Grounwood/ Douglas&McIntyre; libraries; 372.62 Ell; Main)

see movie-making books


H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Harry Freedman 2014 _The Talmud: A Biography: Banned, Censored, and Burned: The Book They Couldn't Suppress_ (243-250 pages; ISBN 9781462905949; Bloomsbury; 296.125 Fre; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Greg Marcus, Ph.D. 2016 _The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar_ (ethics; 243 pages; 5.2MB; ISBN 9780738748658; OCLC 951172664; Llewellyn; Leon, Hebrew Union College/Cincinnati W of Burnett Woods & S of Good Sam, Overland Park; 296.36 Mar; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Dennis Prager, Joseph Telushkin & Joel Alperson 2022-03-01 _The Rational PassOver Haggadah_ (161-180 pages; ISBN 9781684512584; OCLC 1298598955; Regnery/Alperson; 296.45371 Pra; Collier/Naples)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: George Robinson 2000 _Essential Judaism: A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs, and Rituals_ (author says he is "Reform"; 600 pages; ISBN 0671034804; Pocket/Simon&Schuster; 206 Rob; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.9: DovBer Schneuri/ DobBaar Schneuri the Mitteler rabbi & Naftali Loewenthal 1882, 2002 _Flames_/_Shaari Aura: Ki Atah Neri_/_Gates of Light_/_Gates of Radiance_ (Chanukah; 156 pages; ISBN 0826604641; Kehot; libraries; 296.435 Sch; Main; due 2024-01-17)

see earlier read Religion


H4.0, E3.0, R2.6: Shana Abé 1999 _The Dream Thief_ (277 pages; Bantam/ Dell/ RandomHouse)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.9: Elliot Ackerman & James Stavridis 2021 _2034: A Novel of the Next World War_ (303 pages; Penguin/ RandomHouse; F Ack; Main+Jax+E; strategic 10Kt+ vs. tactical <10Kt glitch)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.7: A. American 2014 _Resurrecting Home_ (#4; 326 pages; Plume/ Penguin/ RandomHouse; F Ame)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Gillian Anderson 2015 _A Dream of Ice_ (#2; 279 pages; Simon451/ Simon&Schuster; F And)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.6: Stephen Baxter 1999 _SilverHair_ (212 pages)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Kage Baker 2009 _The Empress of Mars_ (Company; 303 pages; F Bak)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: David Baldacci 2018 _The Fallen_ (AmosDecker Memory #4; several threads; good morality tale; reasonable; timely/somewhat fact-based; 608 pages; LT F Bal; large; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: David Baldacci 2019 _Redemption_ (AmosDecker Memory #5; 660 pages; LT F Bal; large; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Dave Bara 2015 _Impulse_ (LightShip Chronicles #1; 357 pages; F Bar; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Joshua David Bellin 2023 _Myriad_ (time travel; criminology; Miriam Randle; 308 pages; Angry Robot; F Bel; Main+NE)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Anne Bishop 2018 _Lake Silence_ (Others #6; 400 pages; Ace/ Berkley/ Penquin/ RandomHouse)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.4: Paula Brackston 2010-12-15, 2019 _Secrets of the Chocolate House_ (Found Things #2; 308-336 pages; ISBN 9781250269867; St.Martin's/ Griffin/ MacMillan; F Bra; Main+NE)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Paula Brackston 2020 _The Garden of Promises and Lies_ (Found Things #3; 309-336 pages; St.Martin's/ MacMillan; F Bra; Main+NE)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Paula Brackston 2021 _City of Time and Magic_ (Found Things #4; 308 pages; Martin's/ MacMillan; F Bra)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Andrew Britton 2012 _The Operative_ (327 pages; Kensington)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.4: Dale Brown 2014 _StarFire_ (Patrick McLanahan #19?; 630 pages; F Bro; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Dale Brown 2006 _Edge of Battle_ (418 pages; Morrow/ Harper)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.4: Dan Brown 1999 _Digital Fortress_ (637 pages; Thorndike/ Windsor/ Paragon/ St.Martin's/MacMillan)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Jack Carr 2018 _The Terminal List_ (James Reece #1; 407 pages; special forces; thriller; Bestler/ Atria/ Simon&Schuster; F Car; Jax+NE)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Frank Chadwick 2014 _The ForEver Engine_ (time-travel/steam-punk; 340 pages; Baen/Simon&Schuster)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.6: Beth Ciotta 2013 _His ClockWork Canary_ (time travel; too much porn, not enough SF; Glorious Victorious Darcys #2; 324 pages; PB F Cio)

H4.0, E2.5, R2.7: Eoin Colfer 2001 _Artemis Fowl_ (leprechaun, pixie, centaur, kidnapping, family)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Mary Connealy 2014 _Tried & True_ (historical fiction, Civil War, romance, family & marriage, religion; WildAtHeart #1; 395 pages; LT F Con; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.9: Douglas Corleone 2014 _PayOff_ (kidnapping; run-aways; Simon Fisk #1; 373 pages; F Cor; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Nicola Cornick 2017, 2018 _The Phantom Tree_ (time travel; 375 pages; F Cor; Main+Jax+NE)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Paul Crilley 2017 _Department Zero_ (time travel; 297 pages; Prometheus/ Pyr; F Cri)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Mo Daviau 2016 _Every Anxious Wave_ (time travel; 276 pages; hard; F Dav)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.5: Damian Dibben 2018 _Tomorrow_ (extended longevity; 314 pages)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.7: David Drake 1996 _Patriots_ (300 pages; Tor/ Tom Doherty/ MacMillan)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: David Drake 1994 _The Voyage_ (Hammer's Slammers; Argosy; 415 pages; Tor/ Tom Doherty)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.5: Lynette Eason 2010 _Don't Look Back_ (326 pages; Revelle/ Baker)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.7: Jeremy Finley 2018 _Darkest Time of Night_ (326 pages; St.Martin's/MacMillan; replace://try and/try to/g)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.5: Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire 2016 _Every Heart A DoorWay_ (173 pages; Tor/ Tom Doherty/ MacMillan)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Thomas Greanias 2008 _The Atlantis Prophecy_ (469 pages; Wheeler/ Atria/ Pocket/ Simon&Schuster/ Gale/ Cengage/ Thorndike)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.1: Matt Haig 2013 _Humans_ (455 pages;)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.1: Pepper Harding 2016, 2017 _The Heart of Henry Quantum_ (296 pages; Gallery/ Simon&Schuster/ Gale/ Cengage/ Thorndike; immoral San Fransickans stream of distorted consciousness)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.4: Kate Heartfield 2018 _Alice Payne Arrives_ (time travel; Alice Payne #1; 168 pages; Tor/ Doherty/ MacMillan; F Hea; due 2023-07-16)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.3: Kameron Hurley 2019 _Light Brigade_ (354 pages)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.3: Ronie Kendig 2014 _Raptor 6_ (Quiet Professionals #1; 351 pages; Shiloh Run; F Ken; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Jayne Ann Krentz/ Jayne Castle/ Amanda Quick 2022 _Lightning in a Mirror_ (454 pages; Berkley/ Penguin/ RandomHouse/ Thorndike/ Gale/ Cengage; LT F Kre; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.9: Ann Leckie 2014 _Ancillary Sword_ (524 pages)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: John D. MacDonald 2014 _The Girl, the Gold Watch, & Everything_ (time travel; 272 pages; Penguin/ RandomHouse; F Mad)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.7: Monica McCarty 2017 _Going Dark_ (Lost Platoon #1; 343 pages; PB F McC; Main+East+Woodville)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.7: Julie McElwain 2018 _Caught in Time_ (Kendra Donovan #3; 445 pages; F McE; East)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.6: Julie McElwain 2019 _Betrayal in Time_ (Kendra Donovan #4; 389 pages; R McE; East)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Scott McEwen, J.D., esq. & Thomas Koloniar 2016 _Ghost Sniper_ (sniper elite #4; 405 pages; F McE; Jax)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.4: Jenn McKinlay 2014 _Read It and Weep_ (Library Lover's Mystery #4; 318 pages; Berkley/ Penguin/ RandomHouse/ Center Point)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.1: Jenn McKinlay 2015 _A Likely Story_ (Library Lover's Mystery #6; 292 pages; F McK; Main+Jax)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.1: Jenn McKinlay 2015 _Better Late Than Never_ (Library Lover's Mystery #7; 292 pages; F McK; Main+Jax)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Kyle Mills 2018 _Red War_ (Vince Flynn; Mitch Rapp #17; 370 pages; Bestler/ Atria/ Simon&Schuster)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Kyle Mills 2019 _Lethal Agent_ ((Vince Flynn; Mitch Rapp #18; 525 pages; LT F Mil; large; NE; Atria/ Simon&Schuster/ Cloak & Dagger/ Center Point)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Kyle Mills 2005 _Fade_ (312 pages; St. Martin's/MacMillan; hard; NE)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.4: Kyle Mills 2020 _Total Power_ (Vince Flynn; Mitch Rapp #19; 370 pages; Bestler/ Atria/ Simon&Schuster/ Cloak & Dagger/ Center Point; F Mil; large; Main+East)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Carla Neggers 2012 _Heron's Cove_ (Sharpe & Donovan #2; 463 pages; Thorndike/ Gale/ Cengage/ Harlequin)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Louise Penny 2005, 2012, 2022 _Still Life_ (478 pages; St.Martin's/ Thorndike/ Gale/ Cengage)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Douglas J. Preston 2005 _Tyrannosaur Canyon_ (365 pages; Forge/Tom Doherty/St.Martin's/MacMillan; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Natasha Pulley 2015 _The WatchMaker of Filigree Street_ (536 pages)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: A.G. Riddle 2014 _Departure_ (330 pages; F Rid; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2006 _Black Order_ (Sigma Force novel #3; 426 pages)

James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski & Grant Blackwood 2007, 2008 _Judas Strain_ (Sigma Force #4; 450 pages; Morrow/ Harper)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2014 _Bartholomew Fair_ (Chronicles of Christoval Alvarez #4; 284 pages; F Swi)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.7: Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2015 _Suffer the Little Children_ (Chronicles of Christoval Alvarez #5; 261 pages; Shakenoak)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2015 _Voyage to Muscovy_ (Chronicles of Christoval Alvarez #6; 245 pages; F Swi)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.6: Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2016 _The Play's the Thing_ (Chronicles of Christoval Alvarez #7; 265 pages; F Swi)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.6: Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2016 _That Time May Cease_ (Chronicles of Christoval Alvarez #8; 275 pages; F Swi)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2017 _The Lopez Affair_ (Chronicles of Christoval Alvarez #9; 255 pages; East)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Vienna Prelude_ (Zion Covenant #1; 452 pages; Bethany/Tyndale)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: David Weber, Timothy Zahn & Thomas Pope 2016 _A Call to Duty_ (Honor Harrington #1 prequel Manticore Ascendant; 384 pages; Baen/Simon&Schuster)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: David Weber, Timothy Zahn & Thomas Pope 2016 _A Call to Arms_ (Honor Harrington #2 prequel Manticore Ascendant; 357 pages)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: David Weber, John Ringo, Eric Flint, Jane Lindskold, Timothy Zahn 2003 _The Service of the Sword_ (Worlds of Honor #4; 490 pages; Baen/Simon&Schuster; SC Ser; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.07: Lis Wiehl & April Henry 2008, 2009 _Face of Betrayal_ (Triple Threat #1; 310 pages; F Wie; Main+Woodville; nicely complicated)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Lis Wiehl, J.D. & April Henry 2012 _Eyes of Justice_ (Triple Threat #4; 382 pages; LT F Wie; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Connie Willis 2016-10-04 _CrossTalk_ (512 pages; Del Rey/ Gallancz/ Orion/ Penguin/ RandomHouse)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Daniel Howard Wilson & Michael Crichton 2019 _The Andromeda Evolution_ (sequel to Crichton's Andromeda Strain; 366 pages; Harper; F Wil; Main+BLPerry+East+FtBraden+BLPerry; due 2023-10-24)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Jacqueline Winspear 2004 _Maisie Dobbs_ (Maisie Dobbs #1; 294 pages; Soho)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.4: Jacqueline Winspear 2004 _Birds of a Feather_ (Maisie Dobbs #2; Soho; NE+Jax; popular)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: John Charles Wright 2012 _The Hermetic Millennia_ (CountOfTheEschatonSequence #2; 395 pages; would have been a lot better if I hadn't picke up the middle book on impulse, not being aware of which was the 1st book... so, it seemed very complex, confusing & nit-picky at first; Several Great Paragraphs, though, especially that one about Clinton)

see earlier read fiction


H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Allum Bokhari 2020-09-22 _Deleted: Big Tech's Battle to Erase the Trump Movement & Steal the Election_/_Deleted: Big Tech's Battle to Erase a Movement & Subvert Democracy_/_#Deleted_ (immoral tech tyrants; 250-272-280-288 pages; 1MB; ISBN 154605930/ 9781546059301/ 9781546059318; OCLC 1230230423/ 1141501400/ 1229173737/ 1246482656; Center Street; GoodReads; Jax, Louisville, West Palm Beach, Boone/Burlington, Dayton, Cleveland, Overland Park, Olathe, KC, Rochester; 306.20973; ILL request #207803; due 2023-08-17)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0; Nicholas G. Carr 2010, 2020 _The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains_ (neuro; 276-294 pages; ISBN 9780393357820; OCLC 1102473505?/ 1102473509?; Norton; Pasco-Hernando State Colleg/Spring Hill; 612.80285 Car; Main; QP 360 .C3667 2020)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.3: Sophia Dembling 2012 _The Introvert's Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World_ (neuro; 185 pages; ISBN 9780399537691; OCLC 775418885; Perigee/ Penguin; CCF/Orlando; 155.232 Dem; NE)

H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: Keith J. Devlin & Gary Lorden 2007 _The Numbers Behind NUMB3RS: Solving Crime with Mathematics_ (criminology; 243 pages; 1.3MB; ISBN 9780452288577; OCLC 124031891; LCCN 2007018115; Plume; Walton, FVSU, Jax, Pasco, Florida Southern; 363.2501; East; ILL request #?210357; due 2023-10-18)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.9: Scott Finazzo 2016 _Prepper's Survival Medicine HandBook: A Life-Saving Collection of Emergency Procedures from USA Army Field Manuals_ (medicine; first-aid; 232 pages; ISBN 9781612435657; OCLC ; Ulysses; libraries; 613.69 Fin; Jax; due 2023-12-04)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.7: Julia Galef 2021 _The Scout MindSet: Why Some People See Things Clearly & Others Don't_ (starts strong, but speeds down-hill beginning near the middle; too much reliance on pop-psych, not enough neuro-physiology, not enough actual scientific method; broad-brush; glossing over critical details; 250 pages; ISBN 9780735217553; Portfolio; 153.4 Gal; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.2: James Gleick 1999 _Faster: The Acceleration of Just About EveryThing_ (too wordy, little substance; wanders off-point; 324 pages; ISBN 0679408371; Pantheon/ RandomHouse; 530.11 Gle; Main; due 2023-09-13)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Barron H. Lerner 2014 _Good Doctor: A Father, a Son, & the [Change, for Better & Worse] of Medical Ethics_ (ethics; 223 pages; ISBN 9780807035047; OCLC ; Beacon; libraries; 174.2 Ler; Main; due 2023-10-09; needs an index, more bibliography)

H4.0, E3.5, R1.8: David McRaney 2011 _You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many "Friends" on FB, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, & 46 Other Ways You're Deluding YourSelf_ (pop-psych extreme; 302 pages; ISBN 9781592406593; OCLC ; Gotham/ Pegasus/ Dutton/ Penguin; 153 McR; Main+Jax; due 2023-07-29)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: l'Oreal Thompson Payton 2023 _Stop Waiting for Perfect: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Into Your Power_ (225 pages; ISBN 9781637743072; OCLC ; Benbella; on order 2023-08-20; 155.232 Pay; Main+NE; due 2023-10-24; this is not the book I was expecting based on the title & blurb; it is well-written & edited, has a genuine voice, provides some insights; but in some aspects she seems to be living in Bizarro-world with anti-racists called "racist", power-mad corrupt racists called allies against racism & power-madness... perhaps the influence of the immoral tech tyrants and their disinformation; her "Chad" is my "B-school bozo" always confidently expecting exorbitant compensation based on little knowledge and skills)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Steve Silberman 2015 _NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of NeuroDiversity_ (Asperger's; not the book I was seeking; too much blather, too little neuro-physiology, anatomy, bio-chemistry, mechanisms; 530 pages; ISBN 9781583334676; OCLC 907295282; Avery/ Penguin/ RandomHouse; libraries; 616.8588 Sil; Main+East; due 2023-08-20)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: statistician Nate Silver 2012 _The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail -- But Some Don't_ (NYSlimes; 480 pages; Penguin/ Pearson; 519.542 Sil; Main)

H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Storey Publishing 2020 _Storey's Curious Compendium of Practical and Obscure Skills: 214 Things You Can Actually Learn How to Do_ (344 pages; ISBN 1635861917/ 9781635861914; 646.7 Sto; Main+E+Woodville)

H4.0, E3.0, R2.4; Bruce Tulgan 2015 _Bridging the "Soft Skills" Gap: How to Teach the Missing Basics to Today's Young Talent_ (270 pages; 658.3124 Tul; Main;   too much imprecision/ ambiguity/ hand-waving/ indefinition, B-school buzz-words, labor market disinformation;   "authorities"/"authority figures"/authoritarians: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Putin, Mao, Xi Jinping, Kim Jung Un, Komeini, Khamenei, Fauci, Clinton, Obummer, BiteMe, MGarland, Mayorkas, Lois Lerner, Kathleen Supercilious, Jack Welch, Nasty Pelosi, Schmutzie Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Jerrold Nadler, Ocrazio, Jayapal;   "leaders": AEinstein, PAMDirac, KBloch, CMenger, EBohm-Bawerk, L von Mises, SCray, JEThornton, DBitzer, GRMansfield, DACahlander, GDBranham, RMoore, CJankowski, JDudziak, JLevins, EHearn, RSisson;   index falls short)

see earlier read Other

2016 readings
2015 readings
2014 readings
2013 readings
2012 readings

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