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updated: 2020-12-25
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jgo To Read Computing
CS & software development readings:
- - - - - F
George H. Fairbanks 2010-08-30, 2012 _Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-Driven Approach_ (360-365 pages; ISBN 9780984618101; OCLC 904229791; Marshall & Brainerd)
Bill Fane 2016 _AutoCAD for Dummies_ (535 pages)
Gerald E. Farin 2014 _Curves & Surfaces for Computer-Aided Geometric Design_ (470 pages; 26MB)
Gerald E. Farin & Dianne Hansford 2017 _The Geometry ToolBox for Graphics and Modeling_ (280 pages; 7.2)
Gerald E. Farin 8888 _NURB Curves & Survaces_ ()
Gerald E. Farin 1991, 1999 _NURBS for Curve & Surface Design_ (220 pages)
Michael C. Feathers 2004 _Working Effectively with Legacy Code_ (450 pages; 3.8MB)
Norman Fenton & James Bieman 2014 _Software Metrics: A Rigorous Practical Approach_ (600 pages; 62MB)
(38) Niall Ferguson 2018 _The Square and the Tower: Networks and Power from the FreeMasons to [Evil] FB_ (563 pages; 302.309 Fer; Main)
Craig Finseth 2013 _The Craft of Text Editing: Emacs for the Modern World_ (210 pages)
(31) Adam Fisher 2018 _Valley of Deranged Genius: The UnCensored History of Sili Valley as told by Some of the Hackers, Founders, and Freaks Who Made It Boom and Crash_ (494 pages; 338.4 Fis; Main)
Brian W. FitzPatrick & Ben Collins-Sussman 2012 _Team Geek: A Software Developer's Guide to Working Well with Others_ (190 pages)
David Flanagan 2002 _Java in a NutShell_ (005.71262; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)
David Flanagan 1999 _Java Enterprise in a NutShell_ (005.133; Main)
Mary Flanagan & Helen Nissenbaum 2014 _Values at Play in Digital Games_ (ethics or brain-washing?; 210 pages; 7.5MB)
Stephen Fleming 2018 _BlockChain Technology & MicroServices Architecture: A Non-Programmer's HandBook_ (200 pages; 3.6MB)
(39) Franklin Foer 2005, 2009 _World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech_ (257 pages; 303.483 Foe; NE)
Karl Franz Fogel 2005, 2009 _Producing Open Source Software_ (300 pages; 570KB)
Karl Franz Fogel & Moshe Bar 2002, 2003 _Open Source Development with CVS_ (415 pages)
B.J. Fogg 2002, 2003 _Persuasive Technology: Abusing Computers to Change What We Think & Do_ (300 pages; 4.2MB)
B.J. Fogg, Dean Eckles & Ian Bobost 2007 _Mobile Persuasion: 20 Perspectives on the Future of Behavior Change_ ()
(15) ►James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, Morgan McGuire & John F. Hughes 2013 _Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C_ (1200 pages; ILL request)◀
Jerry Lee Ford ii 2007 _Perl Programming for the Absolute Beginner_ (381 pages; 005.133; Main)
Martin Ford 2009 _The Lights in the Tunnel: Automation, Accelerating Technology, and the Economy of the Future_ (255 pages; 955KB)
Martin Ford 2015 _Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future_ (345 pages; 2.6MB)
Neal Ford 2008 _The Productive Programmer_ (220 pages; 5.5MB)
Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons & Patrick Kua 2017 _Building Evolutionary Architecture_ (185 pages; 9.3MB)
John W. Foreman 2013 _Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight_ ()
Jay Forrester 1961 _Industrial Dynamics_ ()
Jay Wright Forrester 1967, 1972, 1980 _Principles of Systems_ ()
Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble & Gene Kim 2018 _Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performance Technology Organizations_ (275 pages; 7.3MB)
(12) Ben Forta 2013 _Sams Teach YourSelf SQL in 10 Minutes_ (274 pages; 005.7565; Main)
Camille Fournier 2017 _The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech "Leaders" Navigating Growth and Change_ (235 pages; 723KB)
Chad Fowler 2009 _The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development_ (230 pages; 408KB)
Martin Fowler 1996 _Analysis Patterns_ (380 pages; 20MB)
John Fox 2010 _NonParametric Regression in R: An Appendix to An R Companion to Applied Regression_ ()
Anna Kaziunas France 2013 _Make: 3D Printing: The Essential Guide to 3D Printers_ (220 pages; 35.7MB)
Adam Freeman 2014 _Pro Design Patterns in Swift_ ()
Paul Freiberger & Michael Swaine 2000 _Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer_ ()
Sheera Frenkel & Cecilia Kang 2021 _An Ugly Truth: InSide FB's Battle for Domination_ (immoral tech tyrants; 333 pages; ISBN 9780062960672; Harper; on order 2021-07-25)
Menahem Friedman & Abraham Kandel 1999 _Introduction to Pattern Recognition: Statistical, Structural, Neural & Fuzzy Logic Approaches_ (329 pages)
Jeffrey E.F. Friedt 2006, 2012 _Mastering Regular Expressions_ (535 pages; 3.8MB)
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