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updated: 2024-11-20
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Economics and STEM job markets:
- - - - - H
H.J. Habakkuk & M.M. Postan 1966 _The Cambridge Economic History of Europe: volume6 The Industrial Revolution and After: Incomes, Population and Technological Change_ ()
Stephen Haber, Armando Razo & Noel Maurer 2003 _The Politics of Property Rights: Political Instability, Credible Commitments, and Economic Growth in Mexico 1876-1929_ (400 pages; 5.6MB)
Stephen Haber 2013 _Crony Socialism and Economic Growth in Latin America: Theory and Evidence_ (150 pages; 2.3MB)
Stephen Haber, Herbert S. Klein, Noel Maurer & Kevin J. Middlebrook 2008 _Mexico since 1980_ (260 pages; 3.3MB)
Andrew Hacker 1997 _Money: Who Has How Much and Why_ ()
Andrew Hacker & Claudia C. Dreifus 2010 _Higher Education?: How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids -- and What We Can Do about It_ ()
(40) ►Jacob S. Hacker 2006, 2008, 2019 _The Great Risk Shift: The New Economic InSecurity and the Decline of the USA Dream_ (235-250 pages; 992KB-1.3MB; ILL request)◀
Louis M. Hacker 1940 _The Triumph of American Capitalism_ ()
Louis M. Hacker 1957 _American Capitalism_ ()
Stephan Haggard 1990 _PathWays from the Periphery: The Politics of Growth in the Newly Industrializing Countries_ (285 pages)
Thomas M. Hagler 1983 _Land Use and Housing on the San Francisco Peninsula_ ()
(50) David Halberstam 1972, 1993, 2001, 2002 _The Best and the Brightest_ (780 pages; 3.2MB; 973.922; Main)
Nathan Hale 1828, 2013 _The "American System": The Effects of High Duties on Imports Designed..._ (100 pages)
(55) Andrew Hallam 2017 _Millionaire Teacher: The 9 Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School_ (235 pages; 332.6 Hal; Jax+E)
Kevin F. Hallock 2012 _Pay: Why People Are Paid What They Are Paid and What You Can Do Now to Make More_ (230 pages; 3.2MB)
(48) Jake Halpern 2014 _Bad Paper: Chasing Debt from Wall Street to the UnderWorld_ (240 pages; 332.7079; Main+BLPerry)
Murat Halstead & Melville Phillips 1900, 2012 _The Great Battle for Protection and Sound Money Led by Hon. Wm McKinley_ (535 pages)
John Haltiwanger, Marilyn Mauser & Robert Topel 1998 _Labor Statistics Measurement Issues_ ()
Daniel S. Hamermesh 2011 _Beauty Pays: Why Attractive Peple Are More Successful_ (229 pages; 1.4MB)
Daniel S. Hamermesh 2019 _Spanding Time: The Most Valuable Resource_ (220 pages; 2.9MB)
Earl Jefferson Hamilton 1934, 1965, 1995 _American Treasure and the Price Revolution in Spain 1501-1650_ (465 pages)
James Henry Hamilton 1902, 2012, 2013 _Savings and Savings Institutions_ (445 pages)
Michael Hammer & James Champy 1993 _ReEngineering the Corporation_ ()
(25) ►Bray Hammond 1957, 1991 _Banks and Politics in the USA from the Revolution to the Civil War_ (AmRev; Jackson; Civil War; econ; 771-775 pages; ISBN 978691005539/ 978691045078; OCLC 487351706; PrincetonU; ILL request)◀
Bray Hammond 1970 _Sovereignty and the Empty Purse: Banks and Politics in the Civil War_ (400 pages)
Bray Hammond 1957 _Banks and Politics in America 1783-1865_ ()
Charles Handy 2015 _The Second Curve_ (bodyshopping; 210 pages; 575KB)
Lewis Henry Haney 2012 _History of Economic Thought_ (690 pages; 1.6MB)
Lewis Henry Haney 1952 _How You Really Earn Your Living: Every Man's Guide to USA Economics_ ()
Lewis Henry Haney 1919 _Price Fixing in the USA During the War_ (78 pages)
Lewis Henry Haney 2017 _EveryDay Economic Errors_ (34 pages; 142KB)
Alvin Hansen 1953 _A Guide to Keynes_ ()
Umair Haque 2011 _The New Capitalist Manifesto: Building a Disruptively Better Business_ (250 pages; 520KB)
Bernard E. Harcourt 2011 _The Illusion of Free Markets_ (330 pages; 3.2MB)
Charles O. Hardy 1955 _The Warren-Pearson Price Theory_ ()
Tim Harford 2012 _The UnderCover Economist_ (295 pages; 602KB)
(35) Tim Harford 2014 _The UnderCover Economist Strikes Back: How to Run or Ruin an Economy_ (245 pages; 1MB; 339.5 Har; Main+NE)
Tim Harford 2008 _The Logic of Life_ (255 pages; 339)
(40) Steve Harmon 1999 _Zero Gravity: Riding Venture Capital from High-Tech Start-Up to BreakOut IPO_ (267 pages; 658.15; Main+NE)
Joel W.C. Harper 1948 _Scrip and Other Local Money_ ()
John Harper 2000, 2005, 2007 _Chairing the Board: A Practical Guide to Activities and Responsibilities_ (200 pages)
Abram L. Harris 1936 _The Negro as Capitalist_ ()
Chris Harris 2011 _Electricity Markets: Pricing, Structures, and Economics_ (530 pages; 9.9MB)
Gerald Harris & Peter Schwartz 2009 _The Art of Quantum Planning: Lessons from Quantum Physics for BreakThrough Strategy, Innovation, and Leadership_ ()
S.E. Harris 1964 _Economics of the Kennedy Years_ ()
Bennett Harrison 1994 _Lean and Mean: The Changing Landscape of Corporate Power in the Age of Flexibility_ (325 pages)
Bennett Harrison 1997 _Lean and Mean: Why Large Corporations Will Continue to Dominate the Global Economy_ (325 pages)
Bennett Harrison & Barry Bluestone 1988 _The Great U-Turn: Corporate ReStructuring & the Polarizint of the USA_ (230 pages)
Lawrence E. Harrison 1985 _UnderDevelopment Is a State of Mind_ ()
Lawrence E. Harrison 2006, 2008 _The Central Liberal Truth: How Politics Can Change a Culture and Save It from Itself_ (280 pages; 1.7MB)
Lawrence E. Harrison & Samuel P. Huntington 2000, 2001 _Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress_ (380 pages)
Lawrence E. Harrison 2012 _Jews, Confucians, and Protestants: Cultural Capital and the End of MultiCulturalism_ (225 pages; 664KB)
Lawrence E. Harrison 1997 _The Pan-American Dream: Do Latin America's Cultural Values Discourage True Partnership with the USA and Canada?_ ()
Mark Harrison 1989, 1998 _The Economics of World War 2: 6 Great Powers in InterNational Comparison_ (310 pages; 7.3MB; ISBN 0521620465/ 9780521620468; Cambridge U)
reverend A. Tindal Hart 1962 _Country Counting House: The Story of 2 18th-Century Clerical Account Books_ (140 pages)
Ellen Hartigan-O'Connor 2011 _The Ties That Buy: Women and Commerce in Revolutionary America_ (264 pages)
Harvard Business Review 2011 _Finding and Keeping the Best People_ (304 pages)
Russell Hasan 2014 _Golden Rule Libertarianism: A Defense of Freedom in "Social", Economic, and Legal Policy_ (315 pages; 4.9MB)
Russell Hasan 2014 _What They Won't Tell You about Objectivism: Thoughts on the Objectivist Philosophy in the Post-Randian Era_ (115 pages; 931KB)
Justin Haskins 2018 _Socialism Is Evil: The Moral Case Against Marx's Radical Dream_ (100 pages; 692KB)
Kevin A. Hassett 2002 _Bubbleology: The Amazing Science of Stock Market Winners & Losers_ (185 pages; 371KB)
Kevin A. Hassett 2012, 2014 _ReThinking Competitiveness_ (345 pages; 5.8MB)
Ross Hassig 1993 _Trade, Tribute, and Transportation: The 16th-Century Political Economy of the Valley of Mexico_ (375 pages)
Robert J. Hastings & Steve Kerr 1973, 1986 _A Nickel's Worth of Skim Milk: A Boy's View of the Great Depression_ (Raw Deal Great Depression; 165 pages)
Robert J. Hastings 1986 _A Penny's Worth of Minced Ham: Another Look at the Great Depression_ (Raw Deal Great Depression; 120 pages)
Elaine Hatfield & Susan Sprecher 1986 _Mirror, Mirror: The Importance of Looks in EveryDay Life_ (455 pages)
(17) ►Erin Hatton 2011 _The Temp Economy: From Kelly Girls to PermaTemps in PostWar America_ (232 pages; 2.1MB; ILL request)◀
(7) Pierre Hauser & Sandra Stotsky 1997 _Illegal Aliens_ (325.73; )
William B. Hauser 1974 _Economic and Institutional Change in Tokugawa Japan: Osaka and the Kinai Cotton Trade_ ()
- - - - - Friedrich August Hayek
(2) ►Nobel laureate economist Friedrich August Hayek, Ph.D. & historian Ronald Hamowy, Ph.D. 1960, 2011 _The Constitution of Liberty_/_A Constitution of Liberty_ (econ; 580-688 pages; 1.4MB; ISBN 0415035309/ 9780415035309; OCLC 81078427; LCCN 2010020835; UChicago/Routledge; St.Johns River State College, Auburn, Lake Sumter State College, Clearwater, Hillsborough, Rollins College, UCF, Manatee, Sarasota, Lee, FAU, U of Miami; ILL request)◀
(10) ►Nobel laureate economist Friedrich August Hayek, Ph.D.1988, 1989, 1991-08-28, 2011, 2015, 2017 _The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism_ (econ; 194 pages; 1MB; ISBN 9781138418943; OCLC 995771383; UChicago/Routledge; GoodReads; Felonious State U, UF/HogTown, Valdosta State U, Ft.Walton Beach, College of Central Florida/Ocala, Auburn, LvMI/Auburn, St.Johns River State College/Palatka, UNF/Jax, UWF, Pensacola Christian College/Pensacola, Flagler College/St.Augustine, Clearwater Christian College, USF/Tampa, Stetson U/Deland, U of Tampa, Volusia/Daytona Beach, USF, Seminole State College/Sanford, Valencia College/Orlando, Florida Southern/Lakeland, Reformed Theological Seminary/Oviedo, Emory, UCF/Orlando, New College of Florida/Sarasota, Eastern Florida State College/Cocoa, FGCU/Ft.Myers, Ave Maria, Palm Beach State College/Lake Worth, Northwood U/WPB, Palm Beach County/WPB, FAU, Nova SEU/Ft.Lauderdale, Miami-Dade, FIU/Miami, Transylvania U/Lexington, Louisville, Indian U SE/New Albany, Boone/Burlington, Miami U/Oxford, Kettering College, Wright State U, Bexley/Columbus; ILL request)◀
Friedrich August Hayek 1963, 1967, 2012 _Capitalism and the Historians_ (195 pages; 2.8MB)
Friedrich August Hayek 1975, 1976, 2009, 211 _Choice in Currency: A Way to Stop Inflation_ (50 pages; 416KB)
Friedrich August Hayek 1975 _Collectivist Economic Planning_ ()
Friedrich August Hayek 1952, 1980 _The CounterRevolution of Science_ (400 pages)
Friedrich August Hayek 1976, 1977, 2011 _DeNationalization of Money: The Argument Refined_ (145-180 pages; 1MB-1.3MB)
Friedrich August Hayek & Peter G. Klein 2012 _The Fortunes of Liberalism: Essays on Austrian Economics & the Ideal of Freedom_ (285 pages; 1.6MB)
Friedrich August Hayek 2011 _A Free-Market Monetary System and the Pretense of Knowledge_ (20 pages; 341KB)
Friedrich August Hayek 1979 _UnEmployment and Monetary Policy: Government as Generator of the "Business Cycle"_ (50 pages)
Friedrich August Hayek 1948, 1949, 1980, 1996, 2012 _Individualism & Economic Order_ (275 pages; 984KB)
(59) ►Friedrich August Hayek 1973, 2011 _Law, Legislation, and Liberty: vol1 Rules and Order_ (184-194 pages; 669KB; ISBN 9780226320861; OCLC 612138698; UChicago/Routledge; at least 9 editions; ILL request)◀
(59) ►Friedrich August Hayek 1973, 1998, 2012 _Law, Legislation, and Liberty: vol2 The Mirage of «Social Justice»_ (195-210 pages; 775KB; ISBN 9780226320830/ 9780710084033; OCLC 916302875; UChicago/Routledge; ILL request)◀
(59) ►Friedrich August Hayek 1979, 1981, 1988, 1990 _Law, Legislation, and Liberty: vol3 The Political Order of Free People_ (244 pages; ISBN 9780226320878/ 9780226320908; OCLC 246026820; UChicago/Routledge; ILL request)◀
Friedrich August Hayek 1955 _The Political Idea of the Rule of Law_ ()
Friedrich August Hayek & Joseph T. Salerno 2010 _Prices and Production and Other Works on Money, the Business Cycle, and the Gold Standard_ (590 pages; 1.9MB)
Friedrich August Hayek & Bruce Caldwell 2010 _Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason: Text and Documents_ (330 pages; 1.7MB)
Friedrich August Hayek & Subha R. Shenoy 1972, 2011 _A Tiger by the Tail: The Keynesian Legacy of Inflation_ (190 pages; 861KB)
Bruce Caldwell 2004 _Hayek's Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of Friedrich August Hayek_ (480 pages; 1.7MB)
(10) ►Calvin Hayes 2008 _Popper, Hayek and the Open "Society"_ (300 pages; 724KB; ILL request)◀
(13) ►Henry Hazlitt 1960, 1977, 1984, 1995, 1996, 2009 _The Critics of Keynesian Economics_ (427 pages; ISBN 9781572460133/ 9780819136671; OCLC 32608160/ 769482053/ 473629970; LvMI/van Nostrand/FEE/U Press of America; ILL request)◀
Henry Hazlitt 1984, 2009 _From Bretton Woods to World Inflation: A Study of Causes and Consequences_ ()
Henry Hazlitt 1959, 1977, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2016 _The Failure of the "New Economics"_ (458 pages; ISBN 9781169830370/ 9781933550114; OCLC 921284179/ 318187753; van Nostrand/Kessinger/LvMI)
Henry Hazlitt 1993 _The Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt_ ()
William Hazlitt 1805 _Essay on the Principles of Human Action and Some Remarks on the Systems of Hartley and Helvetius_ ()
Simon Head 2003 _The Ruthless Economy: Work and Power in the Digital Age_ (230 pages; 2.4MB)
Herbert Heaton 1936, 1941 _Economic History of Europe_ (770 pages)
Charles C. Heckscher 1996 _White-Collar Blues: Management Loyalties in an Age of Corporate ReStructuring_ (230 pages)
Eli Filip Heckscher & Goran Ohlin 1954 _An Economic History of Sweden_ (340 pages)
Eli Filip Heckscher 1935 _Mercantilism_ ()
Eli Filip Heckscher & Harald Westergaard 2009, 2013, 2015 _The Continental System: An Economic Interpretation_ (430 pages)
William F. Heitman 2019 _The Knowledge Work Factory: Turning the Productivity Paradox into Value for Your Business_ (340 pages; 14.6MB)
Paul T. Hellyer 2014 _The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis_ (330 pages; 2.8MB)
John Hemphill ii 1964 _Virginia and the English Commercial System 1689-1733_ ()
David R. Henderson 2001 _The Joy of Freedom: An Economist's Odyssey_ (375 pages)
(37) Tom Hennessy 2004 _FabJob Guide to Become a Coffee House Owner_ (192 pages; 647.950068 Hen; Main)
(32) ►Joseph Patrick Henrich 2020, 2021 _The Weirdest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar & Particularly Prosperous_ (cousinage vs. hybrid vigor; 704 pages; ISBN 9780141976211/ 9780374173227; OCLC 1225975623; Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Picador/Penguin; on order 2021-05-18)◀
(40) ►Jeffrey M. Herbener 2011, 2012-01-25, 2018-07-10 _The Pure Time-Preference Theory of Interest_ (186-188 pages; 802KB; ISBN 9781610162364; OCLC 772633864; LvMI/Auburn; ILL request)◀
Richard T. Herman & Robert L. Smith 2009 _Immigrant, Inc.: Why Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Driving the New Economy (and How [after rendering them unemployed for decades at a stretch] they will save the USA Worker)_ (220 pages; 2.8MB)
Roger E. Herman & Tom Olivo 2002 _Impending Crisis: Too Many Jobs, Too Few People_ ()
Ruth Wallis Herndon 2001 _UnWelcome Americans: Living on the Margin in Early New England_ (poor, homeless, unemployed; 255 pages)
Thomas Herold 2018 _The Money Deception: What Bank[er]s & Governments Don't Want You to Know_ (265 pages; 3.7MB)
Melville J. Herskovits 1952, 1965 _Economic Anthropology: The Economic Life of Primitive People_/_Economic Anthropology: A Study in Comparative Economics_ (530 pages)
Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith & Sarah McArthur 2018 _Work Is Love Made Visible: A Collection of Essays about Finding Your Purpose_ (240 pages; 1.1MB)
Charles H. Hession & Hyman Sardy 1970, 1971 _Ascent to Affluence: An History of USA Economic Development_ ()
Virginia Hewitt 1994, 1995 _Beauty and the BankNote: Images of Women on Paper Currency_ (64 pages)
Sylvia Ann Hewlett & Ripa Rashid 2011 _Winning the War for Talent in Emerging Markets: Why Women Are the Solution_ (280 pages; 1.4MB)
John Hicks 1969 _A Theory of Economic History_ (190 pages)
Lee Hieb, MD 2015, 2016 _Surviving the Medical MeltDown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of ObummerDoesn'tCare_ (280 pages; 1.7MB)
(11) ►economist Robert Higgs, Ph.D. 1987, 2012, 2013 _Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government_ (economics; 351-375 pages; 2.8MB; ISBN 1598131214/ 1598131117/ 9781598131215/ 9781598131116; OCLC 930952709/ 816026344; Independent Inst; ILL request)◀
Robert Higgs 2004 _Against Leviathan: Government Power and a Free Society_ (350 pages)
Robert Higgs & Carl P. Close 2012 _The Challenge of Liberty: Classical Liberalism Today_ (440 pages; 2.5MB)
(42) ►economist Robert Higgs, Ph.D. 1971, 2011 August _The Transformation of the American Economy 1865-1914: An Essay in Interpretation_ (1865-1914; economics; 143-144 pages; ISBN 9781610162401; OCLC 875581412; LvMI/Wiley; ILL request)◀
Robert Higgs 1977, 1980, 2008 _Competition and Coercion: Blacks in the American Economy 1865-1914_ (220 pages)
(55) Robert Higgs 1971, 2011 August _The Transformation of the American Economy 1865-1914: An Essay in Interpretation_ (143-144 pages; ISBN 9781610162401; OCLC 875581412; LvMI/Wiley; ILL request)◀
Robert Higgs 2005 _Resurgence of the Warfare State: The Crisis Since 2001-09-11_ (260 pages)
Robert Higgs 2012 _Neither Liberty nor Safety: Fear, Ideology, and the Growth of Government_ (210 pages; 2.1MB)
(45) ►economist Robert Higgs, Ph.D. & Andrew P. Napolitano, J.D. 2015 _Taking a Stand: Reflections on Life, Liberty, & the Economy_ (econ; 378 pages; ISBN 9781598132045/ 9781598132038; OCLC 953842224; Independent; ILL request)◀
Robert Higgs 2006, 2009 _Depression, War, and Cold War: Studies in Political Economy_/_Depression, War, and Cold War: Challenging the Myths of Conflict and Prosperity_ (205 pages; 2.6MB)
James Hightower 1975 _Hard Tomatoes, Hard Times: The Failure of USA's Land-Grant College Complex_ ()
Austin Hill & Scott Rae 2010 _The Virtues of Capitalism: A Moral Case for Free Markets_ (155 pages; 410KB)
Steven Hill 2015 _Raw Deal: How the Uber Economy & RunAway Crony Socialism Are Screwing USA Citizen Workers_ (330 pages; 1.2MB)
William Hill 1893 _The First Stages of Tariff Policy in the United States of America_ ()
(20) Michael A. Hiltzik 2015 _Big Science: Ernest Lawrence and the Invention That Launched the Military-Industrial Complex_ (physics; economics; 512 pages; 51.7MB; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; biography Lawrence; Main)
(29) Michael A. Hiltzik 2020 _Iron Empires: Robber Barons, RailRoads, and the Making of Modern USA_ (economics; 424 pages; ISBN 9780544770317; OCLC ; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 385.0973 Hil; Main)
(27) ►Brooke Hindle & Steven D. Lubar 1986, 1988, 1991, 1998 _Engines of Change: The USA Industrial Revolution 1790-1860_ (1790-1860; 309 pages; ISBN 9780874745399/ 9780874745405; OCLC 705561535; Smithsonian; HC105 .H66 1986; 338.06; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀
Albert O. Hirschman 2013 _The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before Its Triumph_ (175 pages; 1.8MB)
Richard F. Hirsh 2002 _Power Loss: The Origins of DeRegulation and ReStructuring in the USA Electric Utility System_ (400 pages)
Jack Hirshleifer 1987 _Economic Behaviour in Adversity_ ()
Albert O. Hirschman 1969, 1970 _Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States_ (170 pages)
Albert O. Hirschman 1963, 1965, 1969, 1973 _Journeys Toward Progress: Studies of Economic Policy-Making in Latin America_ (300 pages)
Tony Hiss 1991 _The Experience of Place: A New Way of Looking at and Dealing with Our Radically Changing Cities and Countryside_ ()
Arlie Russell Hochschild 2012 _The OutSourced [BodyShopped] Self: What Happens When We Pay Others to Live Our Lives for Us_ (300 pages; 475KB)
Arlie Russell Hochschild & Ane Machung 2012 _The Second Shift: Working Families and the Revolution at Home_ (340 pages; 891KB)
Arlie Russell Hochschild 2001 _Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work_ (345 pages; 1.5MB)
(50) Bryce G. Hoffman 2012 _American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford Motor Company_ (422 pages; 338.7629; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)
Karen S. Hoffman 2010 _The Art of Barter: How to Trade for Almost Anything_ (218 pages; 332.54; Main)
(35) Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha & Chris Yeh 2014 _The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age_ (193 pages; 790KB; 658.3; Main+Jax)
Geert Hofstede 2001 _Cultures' Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations_ ()
(45) Chris Hogan 2019 _EveryDay Millionaires: How Ordinary People Built ExtraOrdinary Wealth and How You Can Too_ (250 pages; 332.024 Hog; Main+BLPerry)Michelle Kennedy Hogan 8888 _Make Money Right Now_ (35 pages; 91KB)
(17) William Hogeland 2012 _Founding Finance: How Debt, Speculation, Foreclosures, Protests, and CrackDowns Made Us a Nation_ (274 pages; 336.7309033; Main_NE)
Donald Robert Hoke 1990 _Ingenious Yankees: The Rise of the "American System" of Manufactures in the Private Sector_ (335 pages)
(25) ►Randall G. Holcombe, Ph.D. 2011, 2020 _An Advanced Introduction to the Austrian School of Economists_ (143-144 pages; ISBN 9781789909630/ 9781781955741; OCLC 1220880691; Edward Elgar; ILL request)◀
Randall G. Holcombe 2016 _Advanced Introduction to Public Choice_ (160 pages)
Randall G. Holcombe 2005 _Public Sector Economics: The Roe of Government in the USA Economy_ (545 pages)
Randall G. Holcombe & Benjamin Powell 2009 _Housing America: Building Out of a Crisis_ ()
Randall G. Holcombe & Andrea M. Castillo 2013 _Liberalism and Cronyism: 2 Rival Political and Economic Systems_ (140 pages; 578KB)
(12) ►Randall G. Holcombe, Ph.D., Jeffrey Herbener, Hans Hermann Hoppe, Joseph T. Salerno, Israel Kirzner, Jesus Huerta de Soto, Mark Thornton, Peter Klein & Murray Rothbard 2011 _15 Great Austrian Economists_/_The Great Austrian Economists_ (258-265 pages; 2.1MB; ISBN 0945466048/ 9780945466048; OCLC 803452751; Auburn; ILL request)◀
Randall G. Holcombe 1985 _An Economic Analysis of Democracy_ ()
Randall G. Holcombe, Hans Hermann Hoppe, Murray Rothbard, Israel Kirzner, Jeffrey Herbener, Joseph Salerno et al. 2011 _The Great Austrian Economists_ (265 pages; 2.2MB)
Randall G. Holcombe 2018 _Political Capitalism: How Political Influence Is Made & Maintained_ (280 pages; 1.7MB)
Randall G. Holcombe 2019 _Liberty in Peril: Democracy & Power in USA History_ (260 pages; 1.2MB)
Randall G. Holcombe & Benjamin Powell 2009, 2017 _Housing the USA: Building Out of a Crisis_/_Housing America: Building Out of a Crisis_ (395 pages; 9.1MB)
Ryan Holiday 2014 _The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph_ (200 pages; 1.5MB)
Johnathan M. Holifield 2017 _The Future Economy and Inclusive Competitiveness: How Demographic Trends and Innovation Can Create Economic Prosperity for All Americans_ (270 pages; 6.7MB)
Jack Hollander 2003 _The Real Environmental Crisis: Why Poverty, Not Affluence, Is the Environment's #1 Enemy_ (240 pages; 2.5MB)
Joseph S. Holleman 2014 _The Prosperity Clock: How to Prosper No Matter What the Economy Is Doing and Survive the Storm that Is Coming_ (160 pages; 4.9MB)
Joseph S. Holleman 2014 _Empires of Gold, Iron, and God: Prospering and Surviving During the Rise and Fall of the Egyptian Empire_ (390 pages; 11.8MB)
Peter Hollins 2018 _Think Like da Vinci: Practical EveryDay Creativity for Idea Generation, New Perspectives, & "Innovative" Thinking_ (185 pages; 2.5MB)
John Holroyd lord Sheffield 1784, 1970 _Observations on the Commerce of the American States_ ()
Richard Holt 2001 _Second Amongst Equals: Chancellors of the Exchequer and the British Economy_ ()
Harry Holzer 1996 _What Employers Want: Job Prospects for the Less Educated Workers_ ()
Henry Mark Holzer 1981 _Government's Money Monopoly_ ()
Clifton Hood 1993 _722 Miles: The Building of the SubWays and How They Transformed NY_ ()
Jeffrey C. Hooke 2014 _M&A: A Practical Guide to Doing the Deal_ (195 pages; 2.2MB)
(35) ►Hans Hermann Hoppe 2006, 2010 _The Economics and Ethics of Private Property: Studies in Political Economy and Philosophy_ (431-433 pages; 712KB-1.3MB; ISBN 9780945466406; OCLC 494387868; Ludwig von Mises Institute/Kluwer; ILL request)◀
(45) ►Hans Hermann Hoppe 2001, 2007, 2018 _Democracy: The "god" That Failed: The Economics & Politics of Monarchy, Democracy, & Natural Order_ (304-320 pages; 753KB; ISBN 9781138522169; OCLC 1018041610/ 315723746; Routledge/Taylor&Francis/Transaction; ILL request)◀
Hans Hermann Hoppe 2007, 2011 _Economic Science and the Austrian Method_ (88-93 pages; 275KB)
Hans Hermann Hoppe 2018 _Getting Libertarianism Right_ (98 pages; 1.1MB)
Hans Hermann Hoppe & Jeffrey A. Tucker 2012 _The Great Fiction: Property, Economy, Society, and the Politics of Decline_ (444 pages; 847KB)
Hans Hermann Hoppe 2011 _The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production_ (466 pages; 909KB)
Hans Hermann Hoppe 2015 _A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline_ (116 pages; 2.1MB)
Hans Hermann Hoppe 2011 _A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism_ (268-280 pages; 431KB-762KB)
Kenneth Hopper, William Hopper & Russell L. Ackoff 2009 _The Puritan Gift: Reclaiming the USA Dream Amidst Global Financial Chaos_ (360 pages; 3.3MB)
Jacob G. Hornberger, Richard M. Ebeling, Sheldon Richman, Thomas Szasz, Milton Friedman, Lawrence Wilson, Jarret Wollstein, Lawrence Reed, Dominick Armentano & William Dale 2013 _The Dangers of Socialized Medicine_ (87 pages; 446KB)
Ben Horowitz 2014-03-04 _The Hard Thing about Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers_ (295 pages; 1.3MB; 9780547265452; Harper)
Daniel Horowitz 2004 _The Anxieties of Affluence: Critiques of American Producer/Consumer Culture 1939-1979_ (350 pages)
Daniel Horowitz 1992 _The Morality of Spending: Attitudes Toward the Producer/Consumer "Society" in the USA 1875-1940_ (280 pages)
Steven Horwitz 2020 _Austrian Economics: An Introduction_ (165 pages; 681KB)
Steven Horwitz 2015 _Hayek's Modern Family: Classical Liberalism and the Evolution of "Social Institutions"_ (325 pages)
(34) ►Steven Horwitz 2000, 2009-11-24 _MicroFoundations and MacroEconomics: An Austrian Perspective_ (econ; 9999 pages; ISBN 9780415569576; OCLC 999; Routledge; ILL request)◀
Steven Horwitz 1992 _Monetary Evolution, Free Banking, and Economic Order_ (220 pages)
David A. Hounshell 1984, 1985 _From the "American System" to Mass Production 1800-1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the USA_ (430 pages; Johns Hopkins U)
Susan N. Houseman & Michael Mandel 2015, 2016 _Measuring Globalization: vol1 Better Trade Statistics for Better Policy_ (c.347 pages)
Susan N. Houseman & Michael Mandel 2015, 2016 _Measuring Globalization: vol2 Biases to Price, Output, and Statistics from Trade_ (c.347 pages)
Susan N. Houseman 2000 _Why Employers Use [& Abuse] Flexible Staffing [Bodyshopping]: Evidence from an Establishment Survey_ (55 pages)
Trevor Houser & Shashank Mohan 2014 _Fueling Up: The Economic Implications of USA's Oil and Gas Boom_ (170 pages; 9.2MB)
(35) ►Frank Howard 2018 _ReThinking IT OutSourcing: The New IT OffShoring_ (175 pages; 278KB; ILL request)◀
David Howden 2011 _Institutions in Crisis: European Perspectives on the Recession_ ()
David Howden & Philip Bagus 2011 _Deep Freeze: Iceland's Economic Collapse_ ()
David Howden, Joseph T. Salerno, Thomas J. di Lorenzo, Joerg Guido Huelsmann, Robert Murphy, Lucas Engelhardt, Thomas E. Woods, Peter G. Klein, Shawn Ritenour et al. 2014 _The Fed at 100: A Critical View on the Federal Reserve System_ (180 pages; 1.1MB)
Christopher Howgego 1995 _Ancient History from Coins: Aproaching the Ancient World_ (210 pages)
Homer Hoyt 1933, 2012 _100 Years of Land Values in Chicago: The Relationship of the [Population Increaase] of Chicago to the Rise in Its Land Values_ (550 pages; 5MB)
◐(25) ►Tony Hsieh 2010 _Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose_ (253 pages; 1.1MB; 658.409 Hsi; Main) read with
(25) ►Aimee Groth 2017 _The Kingdom of Happiness: InSide Tony Hsieh's Zapponian Utopia_ (325 pages; 4.6MB; ; ILL request)◀◑
Robert C. Hsu 1991 _Economic Theories in Red China 1979-1988_ ()
Ray Huang 1975 _Taxation and Government Finance in 16th-Century Ming China_ (390 pages)
Yasheng Huang 2008 _Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State_ (355 pages; 2.1MB)
Glenn Hubbard & Tim Kane 2013 _Balance: The Economics of Great Powers from Ancient Rome to Modern America_ (360 pages; 11.5MB)
Michael Hudson 2015 _Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy_ (430 pages; 1.2MB)
Robert D. Hudson 2012 _A Better Tomorrow: Fighting for Capitalism and Jobs in the HeartLand_ (140 pages; 425KB)
(29) ►Joerg Guido Huelsmann/Hulsmann/Jörg Hülsmann 2008, 2010 _The Ethics of Money Production_ (econ; macroecon; 280-290 pages; 973KB; ISBN 9781933550091; OCLC 315248625/ 370739249/ 716646094; Auburn/LvMI; ILL request)◀
Joerg Guido Huelsmann/Hulsmann/Jörg Hülsmann 2008, 2011, 2014 _Deflation and Liberty_ (45 pages; 414KB)
Joerg Guido Huelsmann/Hulsmann/Jörg Hülsmann, Joseph T. Salerno, Mateusz Machaj, Malavika Nair, Amadeus Gabriel, Eduard Braun, David Howden, Gary North, Nikolay Gertchev, Philipp Bagus, Renaud Fillieule, Thorsten Polleit & Matthew McCaffrey 2012, 2013 _Theory of Money and Fiduciary Media: Essays in Celebration of the Centennial of the Publication of Ludwig von Mises's Theory of Money and Credit_ (310 pages; 3.9MB)
Jonathan Hughes & Louis P. Cain 2006-07-08, 2010 _American Economic History_ (700 pages)
Jonathan R.T. Hughes 1978, 1991 _The Governmental Habit Redux: Economic Controls from Colonial Times to the Present_ (280 pages)
Reed Hundt 2006 _In Red China's Shadow: The Crisis of American Entrepreneurship_ ()
Ho-fung Hung 2016 _The China Boom: Why China Will Not Rule the World_ (232 pages)
Freeman Hunt 1857 _Worth and Wealth: Maxims for Merchants and Men of Business_ ()
James L. Hunt 2009 _Relationship Banker: Eugene W. Stetson, Wall Street, and USA Business 1916-1959_ (375 pages)
Sally Hunt & Graham Shuttleworth 1996 _Competition and Choice in Electricity_ (240 pages)
Sally Hunt 2002 _Making Competition Work in Electricity_ (450 pages)
Charles Clifford Huntington 2009, 2010 _An History of Banking and Currency in Ohio before the Civil War_ (316 pages)
(30) Samuel P. Huntington 2004, 2005 _Who Are We?: The Challenges to USA's "Identity"_ (428 pages; 305.8 Hun; Main+NE)
(30) Samuel P. Huntington 1996, 2007, 2011 _The Clash of Civilizations and the ReMaking of World Order_ (360-365 pages; 5.6MB-6.6MB; 909.82 Hun; Main+NE)
Aaron Hurst 8888 _The Purpose Economy: How Your Desire for Impact, Personal Growth, and Community Is Changing the World_ ()
Francis Wrigley Hurst 1903, 1958, 1968 _Free Trade and Other Fundamental Doctrines of the Manchester School, Set Forth in Selections from the Speeches and Writings of Its Founders and Followers_ (530 pages)
Don Hurzeler 8888 _The Way Up: How to Keep Your Career Moving in the Right Direction_ ()
Howard Husock 2003 _America's Trillion-Dollar Housing Mistake: The Failure of American Housing Policy_ (256 pages)
(32) ►James L. Huston 1987-11-01, 1999-03-01 _The Panic of 1857 and the Coming of the Civil War_ (1857; econ; recessions; 325 pages; 1.9MB; ISBN 9780807113684; Louisiana State U; ILL request)◀
(35) ►James L. Huston 2016 _Calculating the Value of the Union: Slavery, Property Rights, & the Economic Origins of the Civil War_ (Civil War; econ; 394 pages; ISBN 9781469629100/ 9780807828045; OCLC 940520449/ 740929976; UNC; ILL request)◀
(60) ►William Harold Hutt 1979 _The Keynesian Episode: A ReAssessment_ (449 pages; ISBN 9780913966600/ 9780913966617; OCLC 4776566; Liberty; ILL request)◀
(60) ►William Harold Hutt 1939, 1977, 2011 _The Theory of Idle Resources_ (112 pages; ISBN 9781933550954; OCLC 752499472; LvMI/Auburn; ILL request)◀
(60) ►William Harold Hutt 1971 _Politically Impossible?: An Essay on the Suppose Electoral Obstacles Impeding the Translation of Economic Analysis into Policy: Why Politicians Do Not Take Economic Advice_ (99 pages; ISBN 9781610160056; OCLC 699518091; LvMI/Auburn; ILL request)◀
(60) ►William Harold Hutt 1955 _CoOrdination and the Price System: An Examination of the Multiplier & Acceleration Fallacies_ (99 pages; ISBN 9999; OCLC 28785415; LvMI/Auburn?/Liberty?; ILL request)◀
Tim Hutzel & Dave Lippert 2014 _Bringing Jobs Back to the USA: ReBuilding America's Manufacturing through ReShoring_ (235 pages; 20.8MBss)
Ursula Huws 2014 _Labor in the Global Digital Economy: The Cybertariat Comes of Age_ (230 pages; 1.4MB)
Alan Hyde 2003, 2015 _Working in Silicon Valley: Economic and Legal Analysis of a High-Velocity Labor Market [in the Deranged Leftist Police State of California]_ (305 pages; 818KB)
Svend Hylleberg 1986 _Seasonality in Regression_ ()
(1) Louis Hyman 2018 _Temp: How USA Work, USA Business, and the USA Dream Became Temporary_/_Temp: The Real Story of What Happened to Your Salary, Benefits, and Job Security_ (388 pages; 1.5MB; 331.25 Hym; Main)
(50) Louis Hyman 2012 _Borrow: The USA Way of Debt_ (292 pages; 332.743 Hym; Main)
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