jgo Reading Room: Economics, job markets, money, banking, finance, trade

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updated: 2024-11-20

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Economics and STEM job markets:

James D. Gwartney

Friedrich August Hayek

Thomas Sowell

Ludwig von Mises

Walter E. Williams

  - - - - - J

Kevin Jackson 1995, 1996 _The Oxford Book of Money_ (485 pages)

Paul Jackson 2016 _How to End Coercive Taxation: Paying for Government without Stealing_ (19 pages; 808KB)

(80) Charles J. Jacobs 2010 _Management ReWired: Why FeedBack Doesn't Work and Other Surprising Lessons from the Latest Brain Science_ (658.0019 Jac; Main+NE)

Michael T. Jacobs 1991 _Short Term America_ ()

Harold K. Jacobson & Michel Oksenberg 1990 _Red China's Participation in the IMF, the World Bank, and GATT_ ()

Russell Jacoby 2000 _The Last Intellectuals: American Culture in the Age of Academe_ ()

Adam B. Jaffe, Manuel Trajtenberg & Paul M. Romer 2005 _Patents, Citations, and Innovations: A Window on the Knowledge Economy_ ()

Ravi Jain, Harry C. Triandis & Cynthia W. Weick 2010 _Managing Research, Development, and Innovation: Managing the UnManageable_ (400 pages; 5.2MB)

Harold James 1996 _InterNational Monetary CoOperation Since Bretton Woods_ ()

Marquis James 2002 _The Story of Bank of America_ (a.k.a. Bank of India)

Leila Janah 2017 _Give Work: Reversig Povert Oe Job at a Time_ (260 pages; 1.1MB)

Eliot Janeway 1951 _The Struggle for Survival: A Chronicle of Economic "Mobilization" in World War 2_ ()

(39) ►Ivan Jankovic 2020, 2021-01-05 _Mengerian MicroEconomics: The Forgotten Anglo-American Contribution to the Austrian School_ (222-235-252 pages; 1MB; ISBN 9783030577483; OCLC 1197815206; Palgrave MacMillan; ILL request)◀

Thomas Janoski, David Luke & Christopher Oliver 2014 _The Causes of Structural UnEmployment: 4 Factors That Keep People from the Jobs They Deserve_ (215 pages; 3.2MB; Socialistology)

(49) Bruce S. Jansson 2001 _The $16T Mistake: How the USA Congress & Presidents Bungled Its National Priorities from the Raw Deal to the Present_/_The Sixteen-Trillion-Dollar Mistake: How the U.S. Bungled Its National Priorities from the New Deal to the Present_ (492 pages; 17.3MB; ISBN 0231114338; ColumbiaU; 361.973 Jan; Main)

Roy W. Jastram 1981 _Silver: The Restless Metal_ (244 pages)

Roy W. Jastram & Jill Leyland 2009 _The Golden Constant: The English and American Experience 1560-2007_ (336 pages)

Peter Jay 2000 _The Wealth of Man_ (390 pages)

Donald Jeffries 2017 _Survival of the Richest: How the Corruption of the MarketPlace and the Disparity of [ill-gotten] Wealth Created the Greatest Conspiracy of All_ (275 pages; 1.9MB)

Carol Jenkins & Elizabeth Gardner Hines 2009 _Black Titan: A.G. Gaston and the Making of a Black USA Millionaire_ (325 pages; 2.2MB)

Clive Jenkins & Barrie Sherman 1979 _The Collapse of Work_ ()

(34) ►Jerry Jenkins & David E. Sisk 1993 _Development by Consent: The Voluntary Supply of Public Goods & Services_ (econ; 306 pages; ISBN 9781558152724; OCLC 502646288; ICS; libraries; ILL request)◀

Roy Jenkins 1998 _The Chancellors: An History of the Leaders of the British Exchequer 1886-1947_ (490 pages)

J. Bradford Jensen 2011 _Global Trade in Services: Fear, Facts, and OffShoring_ (280 pages; 8.1MB)

Robert G. Jensen, Theodore Shabad & Arthur W. Wright 1983 _Soviet Natural Resources in the World Economy_ (710 pages)

(70) David Jeremiah 2010, 2011 _The Coming Economic Armageddon_ (292 pages; 261.85)

David J. Jeremy 1991 _InterNational Technology Transfer: Europe, Japan, and the USA 1700-1914_ (270 pages)

(45) Jon Jeter 2009 _Flat Broke in the "Free" Market: How Globalization Fleeced Working People_ (232 pages; 306.3 Jet; Main)

William Stanley Jevons 1865, 1965, 2015, 2017 _The Coal Question: An Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal-Mines_ (400 pages; 1.3MB)

Wu Jinglian/Jinglian Wu 2005, 2014 _Understanding and Interpreting Red Chinese Economic Reforms_ (515 pages)

Richard R. John 1998 _Spreading the News: The USA Postal System from Franklin to Morse_ (375 pages)

Richard R. John 2010 _Network Nation: Inventing USA Telecommunications_ (500 pages; 4.8MB)

E.A.J. Johnson 1973 _Foundations of USA Economic Freedom_ (340 pages)

Emory R. Johnson 2017 _History of Domestic and Foreign Commerce of the United States of America_ (800 pages)

Mandy Johnson 2014 _Winning the War for Talent: How to Attract & Keep the People Who Make Your Business Profitable_ (215 pages; 2.6MB)

Marianne Johnson, Steven G. Medema & Warren J. Samuels 2003 _The Foundations of the USA Economy: Colonial Money, Credit, and Debt_ (2090 pages)

--David Cay Johnston 2007 _Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans [and Power-Mad Politicians] Enrich Themselves at [Tax-Victim Expense]_ (340 pages; 752KB)

--David Cay Johnston 2005 _Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Extortion System to Benefit the [Leftists, the Power-Mad] the Super Rich and Cheat EveryBody Else_ (340 pages; 1.1MB)

Alice Hanson Jones 1977 _American Colonial Wealth: Documents and Methods_ (3 volumes)

Alice Hanson Jones 1980 _Wealth of a Nation To Be: The American Colonies on the Eve of the Revolution_ (494 pages)

Alice Hanson Jones 1968 _Wealth Estimates for the American Middle Colonies 1774_ ()

Arnold Hugh Marlin Jones & P.A. Brunt 1974 _The Roman Economy: Studies in Ancient Economic and Administrative History_ (440 pages)

Arnold Hugh Martin Jones 1948 _Ancient Economic History: An Inaugural Lecture Delivered at University College, London_ ()

Charles I. Jones & Dietrich Vollrath 2013 _Introduction to Economic Growth_ (310 pages; 6.8MB)

Eric L. Jones 1981, 1991, 1993, 1995, 2003, 2015 _The European Miracle: Environments, Economies, and GeoPolitics in the History of Europe & Asia_ (340 pages)

Gareth Stedman Jones 2016 _Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion_ (735 pages; 16.7MB)

Avi Jorisch 2018 _Thou Shalt Innovate: How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World_ (275 pages; 1.8MB)

Matthew Josephson 1967 _Infidel in the Temple_ ()

Matthew Josephson 1934 _The Robber Barons: The Great American Capitalists 1861-1901_ ()

Philip G. Joyce 2011 _The Congressional Budget office: [Not Quite] Honest Numbers, Power, and PolicyMaking_ (230 pages; 2.7MB)

William Q. Judge 1999, 2012 _The Leader's Shadow: Exploring and Developing Executive Character_ (ethics; 230 pages; 12.9MB)

John B. Judis 2016 _The Populist Explosion: How the Great Recession Transformed USA and European Politics_ (180 pages; 1.4MB)

Clement Juglar 2006 _A Brief History of Panics in the USA_ ()

(22) ►Michael B. Junge 2012 _Purple Squirrel: Stand Out, Land Interviews, and Master the Modern Job Market_ (239 pages; 784KB; ILL request)◀

Robert Jutte 1994 _Poverty and Deviance in Early Modern Europe_ ()


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