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John H. Kagel & Alvin E. Roth 1995 _The HandBook of Experimental Economics vol1_ (735 pages)
John H. Kagel & Alvin E. Roth 2016 _The HandBook of Experimental Economics vol2_ (765 pages; 14.4MB)
Paul Kahan 2015 _The Bank War: Andrew Jackson, Nicholas Biddle, and the Fight for USA Finance_ (180 pages)
Larry Kahaner 2007 _Values, Prosperity, and the Talmud: Business Lessons from the Ancient Rabbis_ (260 pages; 2.8MB)
Brian Kahin & Hal R. Varian 2000 _Internet Publishing and Beyond: The Economics of Digital Information and Intellectual Property_ ()
Daniel Kahneman, Ed Diener & Norbert Schwarz 1999 _Well-Being: Foundations of Hedonic Psychology_ (600 pages; 12.7MB)
(50) Daniel Kahneman 2011 _Thinking, Fast and Slow_ (499 pages; 6MB; 153.42; Main+E+BLPerry+NE+OutReach)
J.D. Kalbfleisch & R.L. Prentice 1980 _The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data_ ()
Vivek Kale 2014, 2015 _Inverting the Paradox of Excellence: How Companies Use Variations for Business Excellence and How Enterprise Variations Are Enabled by SAP_ (435 pages; 35.3MB)
Arne L. Kallenberg 2011 _Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Rise of Polarized and Precarious Employment Systems in the USA 1970s to 2000s_ (300 pages; 5.6MB)
Jane Kamensky 2008 _The Exchange Artist: A Tale of High-Flying Speculation and USA's First Banking Collapse_ (465 pages; 3.7MB)
Max M. Kampelman 1957, 1971 _The Communist Party vs. the CIO: A Study in Power Politics_ (290 pages)
Tim Kane 2012 _Bleeding Talent: How the US Military Mismanages Great Leaders and Why It's Time for a Revolution_ ()
Robert Kanigel 1997 _The One Best Way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the Enigma of Efficiency_ ()
Rosabeth Moss Kanter 1983, 1985 _The Change Masters_ (430 pages)
Edward S. Kaplan 1994 _Prelude to Trade Wars: American Tariff Policy 1890-1922_ (155 pages)
Edward S. Kaplan 1996 _American Trade Policy 1923-1995_ (185 pages)
Edward S. Kaplan 1999 _The Bank of the United States and the USA Economy_ (180 pages; 2.6MB)
H. Roy Kaplan 1977 _American Minorities and Economic Opportunity_ ()
Zachary Karabell 2009 _SuperFucion: How Red China and America Became One Economy and Why the World's Prosperity Depends on It_ ()
Craig Karmin 2008 _Biography of the Dollar: How the Mighty Buck Conquered the World and Why It's Under Siege_ (265 pages; 535KB)
(49) ►Amy A. Kass 2007, 2008 _Giving Well, Doing Good: Readings for Thoughtful Philanthropists_ (490 pages; ISBN 978025335048; OCLC 824486743; IndianaU; ILL request)◀
Jacqueline Kasun 1999 _The War Against [Over-]Population: The Economics and Ideology of World Population Control_ (300 pages)
Steven Kates 2016 _What's Wrong with Keynesian Economic Theory?_ (280 pages; ILL request)
Michael B. Katz 1996 _In the Shadow of the PoorHouse: A "Social" History of Welfare in the USA_ (400 pages; 1.6MB; advocates government intrusion)
Larry R. Katzen 2013 _And You Thought Accountants Were Boring: My Life Inside Arthur Andersen_ (3.7MB)
Allen Kaufman, Lawrence Zacharias & Marvin Karson 1995 _Managers vs. Owners: The Struggle for Corporate Control in USA Democracy_ (275 pages)
(48) Michael T. Kaufman 2002 _Soros: The Life & Times of a Degenerate Regressive Leftist Bastion and the Future of USA Politics_ (344 pages; biography Soros; Main)
--Mickey Kaus 8888 _The End of Equality_ ()
Tetsuji Kawamura 2010 _Hybrid Factories in the USA: The Japanese-Style Management and Production System under the Global Economy_ (310 pages; 4.5MB)
John Kay 2004 _Culture and Prosperity: The Truth about Markets - Why Some Nations Are Rich but Most Remain Poor_ ()
(20) John Anderson Kay 2015 _Other People's Money: The Real Business of Finance_ (336 pages; 6.6MB; 332 Kay; Main)
Philip Kay 2014 _Rome's Economic Revolution_ (390 pages; 6.4MB)
Raymond J. Keating 2016 _UnLeashing Small Business through IP: The Role of Intellectual Property in Driving Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Investment_ (190 pages; 891KB)
Katharine Stephanie Benedicta Keats-Rohan 1997 _Family Trees and the Roots of Politics: The Prosopography of Britain and France from the 10th to the 12th Century_ ()
Katharine Stephanie Benedicta Keats-Rohan 1999 _Domesday People: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166 vol1_ ()
Katharine Stephanie Benedicta Keats-Rohan 2002 _Domesday Descendants: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166 vol2_ ()
Maryann Keller 1989, 1990 _Rude Awakening: The Rise, Fall, and Struggle for Recovery of General Motors_ (275 pages)
Maryann Keller 1993 _Collision: GM, Toyota, VolksWagen, and the Race to Own the 21st Century_ (275 pages)
Christopher Kelly 2009, 2010 _The End of Empire: Attila the Hun & the Fall of Rome_ (360 pages; 859KB)
Jeff Kelly 1997 _Best of Temp Slave!_ (175 pages)
Kate Kelly 2009 _Street Fighters: The Last 72 Hours of Bear Stearns, the Toughest Firm on Wall Street_ (260 pages; 581KB)
Kevin Kelly 1995 _Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, "Social" Systems, and the Economic World_ ()
Marjorie Kelly 2001, 2002 _The Divine Right of Capital: DeThroning the Corporate Aristocracy_ (280 pages; 631KB)
Louis O. Kelso & Mortimer J. Adler 1958, 2017 _The Capitalist Manifesto_ (275 pages; 1.3MB)
(22) Stephanie Kelton 2020-06-09 _The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy_ (Keynesian perversion on steroids; 336 pages; ISBN 9781541736184; OCLC ; PublicAffairs; 339.5397 Kel; Main+East)
Jack Kemp, Ken Blackwell, Herman Cain, Malcolm Wallop, Richard W. Rahn, Jack Faris, Doug Bandow, Daniel J. Mitchell, Randy Tate, Michael Farris, Linda Chavez, Dean R. Kleckner, Elaine L. Chao/Mrs. RINO Mitch McConnell, Bruce Bartlett, David R. Burton & Grover G. Norquist 1999 _The IRS vs. the People: Time for Real Tax Reform_ (224 pages; 336.2)
H.S. Kenan 1966 _The Federal Reserve Bank_ ()
Paul M. Kennedy 1987, 1989, 2010, 2013 _The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000_ (677 pages; 8.7MB; 909.82; Main)
Paul Kennedy 1988 _African Capitalism_ ()
Susan Estabrook Kennedy 1973, 1974, 2014 _The Banking Crisis of 1933_ (270 pages)
Martin Kenney 2000 _Understanding Sili Valley_ (290 pages)
Charles Kenny 2011, 2012 _Getting Better: Why Global Development Is Succeeding and How We Can Improve the World Even More_ (260 pages; 836KB)
Andy Kessler 2004 _Wall Street Meat: My Narrow Escape from the Stock Market Grinder_ ()
Andy Kessler 2004, 2005 _How We Got Here: A Slightly Irreverent History of Technology and Markets_ ()
Alice Kessler-Harris 1982 _Out to Work: An History of Wage-Earning Women in the United States_ ()
John Maynard Keynes 1919 _Economic Consequences of the Peace_ ()
John Maynard Keynes 1923 _A Tract on Monetary Reform_ ()
Adrianna Kezar, Tom de Paola & Daniel T. Scott 2019 _The Gig Academy: Mapping Labor in the NeoLiberal University_ (255 pages)
Mushtaq H. Khan & Jomo Kwame Sundaram 2000 _Rents, Rent-Seeking, and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia_ (350 pages)
Tran Khanh 1993 _The Ethnic Chinese and Economic Development in VietNam_ ()
Tarun Khanna 2008 _Billions of Entrepreneurs: How Red China and India Are ReShaping Their Futures and Yours_ (365 pages; 1.3MB)
Rakesh Khurana 2010 _From Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The "Social" TransFormation of USA Business Schools and the UnFulfilled Promise of Management as a Profession_ (530 pages; 1.4MB)
Tracy Kidder 2016 _A Truck Full of Money_ (biography Paul English; Main+NE)
Peter D. Kiernan 2012 _Becoming Red China's Bitch and 9 More Catastrophes We Must Avoid Right Now_ (435 pages; 1.7MB)
Peter D. Kiernan 2015 _American Mojo: Lost and Found: Restoring Our Middle Class Before the World Blows By_ (440 pages; 1.3MB)
Dennis Kimbro's 2013 _The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires_ ()
(20) ►Charles Poor Kindleberger, Robert Z. Aliber & Robert Solow 1996, 2011, 2015 _Manias, Panics and Crashes: An History of Financial Crises_ (360 pages; 939KB; ILL request)◀
Charles Poor Kindleberger 1993, 2007, 2015 _A Financial History of Western Europe: vol6 Economic History_ (500 pages; 2.9MB)
J.E. King 2015 _Advanced Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics_ (155 pages)
(40) Mervyn A. King 2016 _The End of Alchemy: Money, Banking, and the Future of the Global Economy_ (430 pages; 330.122 Kin; Main)
Stephen D. King 2010 _Losing Control: The Emerging Threat to Western Prosperity_ ()
Sean A. Kingsley & Michael Decker 2001 _Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity_ (180 pages)
Edward C. Kirkland 1956 _Dream and Thought in the Business Community_ ()
Max H. Kirsch 1998 _In the Wake of the Giant: MultiNational ReStructuring and UnEven Development in a New England Community_ (170 pages)
Michael Anthony Kirsch 2016 _The Challenge of Credit Supply: USA Problems and Solutions 1650-1950_ (265 pages; 2.7MB)
Daniel S. Kirschen & Goran Strbac 2007 _Fundamentals of Power System Economics_ (285 pages; 4MB)
Israel M. Kirzner 2015 _Competition & Entrepreneurship_ (250 pages; 1.2MB)
Israel M. Kirzner, Peter J. Boettke & Frederic Sautet 2018 _Ludwig von Mises: The Man and His Economics_ (280 pages)
Israel M. Kirzner, Peter J. Boettke & Frederic Sautet 2018 _Reflections on Ethics, Freedom, Welfare Economics, Policy, and the Legacy of Austrian Economics_ (770 pages)
Israel M. Kirzner, Peter J. Boettke & Frederic Sautet 2018 _Competition, Economic Planning, and the Knowledge Problem_ (355 pages)
Israel M. Kirzner, Peter J. Boettke & Frederic Sautet 2018 _The Essence of Entrepreneurship and the Nature and Significance of Market Process_ (430 pages)
Israel M. Kirzner 2012 _Essays on Capital & Interest: An Austrian Perspective_ (200 pages)
Israel M. Kirzner, Peter J. Boettke & Frederic Sautet 2011 _Market Theory and the Price System_ (295 pages; 1.7MB)
Israel M. Kirzner, Peter J. Boettke & Frederic Sautet 2016 _Discovery, Capitalism, and "Distributive Justice"_ (280 pages)
Israel M. Kirzner, Peter J. Boettke & Frederic Sautet 2015 _Austrian Subjectivism and the Emergence of Entrepreneurship Theory_ (200 pages)
Israel M. Kirzner 2012 _The Economic Point of View_ (260 pages; 897KB)
(50) Niall Kishtainy 2017 _A Little History of Economics_ (245 pages; 330.09 Kis; Main)
Robert T. Kiyosaki 2013 _Why A Students Work for C Students, and B Students Work for Government_ (450 pages; 332.024 Kiy; NE+E+BLPerry)
Robert T. Kiyosaki & Edward Siedle 2020 _Who Stole My Pension: How You Can Stop the Looting_ (230 pages; 332.99999999; Mars)
Robert T. Kiyosaki 2019 _Fake: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets: How Lies Are Making the Poor & Middle Class Poorer_ (230 pages)
Robert T. Kiyosaki 2015 _Second Chance for Your Money, Your Life, and Our World_ (335 pages; 6.8MB)
Robert T. Kiyosaki 1999, 2015 _Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not_ (240 pages; 10.5MB; 332.024; Jax+BLPerry)
Robert T. Kiyosaki & Emi Kiyosaki/Venerable Tenzin Kacho 2009 _Rich Brother, Rich Sister: 2 Different Paths to God, Money, and Happiness_ (350 pages; 650.1; Main)
Robert T. Kiyosaki 2015 _UnFair Advantage: The Power of Financial Education_ (170 pages; 15.4MB)
Robert T. Kiyosaki & Sharon L. Lechter 2005, 2015 _Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job: 10 Real-Life Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Building a Million-Dollar Business_ (255 pages; 13.1MB; 658.11; Jax)
Benjamin Joseph Klebaner 1976 _Public Poor Relief in the USA 1790-1860_ (advocates government intrusion)
Paul Klebnikov 2000 _GodFather of the Kremlin: Boris Berezovsky and the Looting of Russia_ ()
(50) ►Maury Klein 2001, 2003 _RainBow's End: The Crash of 1929_ (345 pages; ISBN 9780195158014; OCLC 883909069; OxfordU; ILL request)◀
Naomi Klein 2007 _The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism_ ()
Peter G. Klein 2010 _The Capitalist & the Entrepreneur: Essays on Organizations & Markets_ (250 pages; 531KB)
Sidney Klein 1987 _The Economics of Mass Migration in the 20th Century_ (175 pages)
Morris M. Kleiner 2015 _Guild-Ridden Labor Markets: The Curious Case of Occupational Licensing_ (125 pages; 4.6MB)
Morris M. Kleiner 2013 _Stages of Occupational Regulation: Analysis of Case Studies_ (280 pages; 4.6MB)
Morris M. Kleiner 2006 _Licensing Occupations: Ensuring Quality or Restricting Competition_ (190 pages)
Arnold S. Kling 2010 _Unchecked and Unbalanced: How the Discrepancy between Knowledge and Power Caused the Financial Crisis and Threatens Democracy_ (130 pages; 242KB)
Arnold S. Kling 2009, 2015 _Not What They Had in Mind: An History of Policies that Produced the "Financial Crisis" of 2008_ (60 pages; 775KB)
Arnold S. Kling 2016 _Specialization and Trade: A ReIntroduction to Economics_ (90 pages; 437KB)
Arnold S. Kling & Nick Schulz 2009 _From Poverty to Prosperity: Intangible Assets, Hidden Liabilities and the Lasting Triumph Over Scarcity_ (325 pages; 745KB)
William K. Klingaman 1989, 1990 _1929: The Year of the Great Depression_ (BS; the depression did not start until 1934; 393 pages; ISBN 9780060917029; OCLC 22354637; Harper&Row/Perennial; ???was catalogued; now it is not???)
Robert Klitgaard 1991 _Adjusting to Reality: Beyond State vs. Market in Economic Development_ (300 pages)
Christopher McGrory Klyza 2000 _Who Controls "Public" Lands?: Mining, Forestry, and Grazing Policies_ (200 pages; 826KB)
Frank Huneman Knight 1921, 2014 _Risk, UnCertainty, and Profit_ (195 pages)
Frank Huneman Knight 1935, 2014 _The Ethics of Competition and Other Essays_ (350 pages)
Richard L. Knight, Wendell C. Gilgert & Ed Marston 2002 _Ranching West of the 100th Meridian: Culture, Ecology, and Economics_ (195 pages)
William Knoedelseder 2012 _Bitter Brew: The Rise and Fall of Anheuser-Busch and USA's Kings of Beer_ (400 pages; 3.4MB)
Asa Smallidge Knowles 1986 _Shawmut: 150 Years of Banking 1836-1986_ (505 pages)
Charles E. Knowles 1929, 1936 _History of the Bank for Savings in the City of New York 1819-1929_ (195 pages)
(27) Bob Knowling 2011 _You Can Get There From Here: My Journey from Struggle to Success_ (279 pages; 338.092 Kno; Main)
Charles G. Koch 2015 _Good Profit: How Creating Value for Others Built One of the World's Most Successful Companies_ (280 pages; 1.7MB; fake-book)
Charles G. Koch 2007 _The Science of Success: How Market-Based Management Built the World's Largest Private Company_ (200 pages)
Richard Koch 2008 _The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less_ (265 pages; 658.4093; NE)
Richard Koch 2001 _The Natural Laws of Business: How to Harness the Power of Evolution, Physics, and Economics to Achieve Business Success_ (280 pages)
Rob Koepp 2003 _Clusters of Creativity: Enduring Lessons on Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Silicon Valley and Europe's Silicon Fen_ ()
Alfie Kohn _No Contest: The Case against Competition -- Why We Lose in Our Race to Win_ ()
Paul A.C. Koistinen 2004 _Arsenal of World War 2: The Political Economy of USA Warfare 1940-1945_ (660 pages)
Frank Koller 2010 _Spark: How Old-Fashioned Values Drive a 21st-Century Corporation: Lessons from Lincoln Electric's Unique Guaranteed Employment Program_ (265 pages; 794KB)
Nikolai Kondratieff 8888 _The Major Economic Cycles_ ()
Burton Alva Konkle 1937, 2016 _Thomas Willing and the First American Financial System_ (245 pages)
(47) Laurence J. Kotlikoff 2022 _Money Magic: An Economist's Secrets to More Money, Less Risk, & a Better Life_ (309 pages; ISBN 9780316541954/ 9780316541947/ 9780316435994; OCLC 1285696421; Little, Brown/Hachette; 332.024 Kot; Main+Jax))
Jan Koran 1967 _Sbornik pro Dejiny Prfrodnich ved a Techniky Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium nec non Technicarum: 450 let Jachymovskych Dolu_ ()
Joel Kotkin 2010 _The Next 100M: America in 2050_ ()
(80) Steven Kotler & Peter H. Diamandis 2012 _Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think_ (386 pages; 5.2MB; 303.483 Dia; Main+NE)
Laurence J. Kotlikoff & Scott Burns 2005 _The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about USA's Economic Future_ ()
Lorilee Kraker 2014 _Money Secrets of the Amish: Finding True Abundance in Simplicity, Sharing, and Saving_ ()
Jeffrey A. Krames 2008 _Inside Drucker's Brain_ (Jack Welch has made GE stink; 280 pages; 356KB)
Gerald Krefetz 1909, 1984 _Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality_ ()
Robert S. Kricheff 2018 _That Doesn't Work AnyMore: ReTooling Investment Economics in the Age of Disuption_ (300 pages; 4.8MB)
Arthur R. Kroeber 2016 _Red China's Economy: What EveryOne Needs to Know_ (320 pages; 6.6MB)
Herman E. Krooss 1969, 1983 _Documentary History of Banking and Currency in the United States_ (at least 3 volumes)
Paul Krugman 2020 _How to Argue with Zombies Like Me: How I Lost My Mind & Became a Schizophrenic Neo-Keynesian Zombie_ ()
Paul Krugman 2009 _The Lack of Conscience of an Illiberal Leftist_ (295 pages; 619KB)
(40) ►Larry Kudlow & Brian Domitrovic 2016-09-06 _JFK and the Reagan Revolution_ (econ history, 250-256 pages; ISBN 9781595231147; OCLC 952277295; Portfolio; Jax, Pensacola, Dunedin, Hillsborough/Tampa, Emory, UCF, Eastern Florida State College/Cocoa, Lee/Lehigh Acres, WPB, Broward/Ft.Lauderdale, FIU/Miami; ILL request)◀
Larry Kudlow 2018 _Insanity Once More: Pain Points of Our Economy and the Ideal Model That Trump Can Pursue to Restore Us_ (210 pages; 320KB)
Larry Kudlow & Brian Domitrovic 2016 _JFK & the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of USA Prosperity_ (240 pages; 7.2MB)
Arthur Kuhn 1986 _GM Passes Ford 1918-1938: Designing the General Motors Performance-Control System_ ()
Allan Kulikoff 1992 _The Agrarian Origins of USA Capitalism_ (390 pages)
(35) ►Michelle Kulp 2020 _Work from Home & Make 6 Figures: The Joy of Making More in Half the Time without the Hassles of a Job, Boss or Commute_ (110 pages; ILL request)◀
Timur Kuran 2004, 2005 _Islam & Mammon: The Economic Predicaments of Islamism_ (230 pages; 2.6MB)
Stanley Kurtz 2012 _Spreading the Wealth: How Obummer Is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities_ ()
Joel Kurtzman 1993, 1994 _The Death of Money: How the Electronic Economy Has DeStabilized the World's Markets and Created Financial Chaos_ (256 pages; 332.4; Main)
(50) Joel Kurtzman, Glenn Rifkin & Victoria Griffith 2004 _MBA in a Box: Practical Ideas from the Best Brains in Business_ (256 pages; 658; Main)
(48) Robert Kuttner 2007 _The Squandering of the USA: How the Failure of Our Politics UnderMines Our Prosperity_ ( 330.973; Main)
Simon Kuznets 1962 _The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: Economic and Social Factors_ ()
James Kwak 2017 _Economism: Bad Economics and the Rise of InEquality_ (250 pages; 4.8MB)
John E. Kwoka ii 2013 _Power Structure: Ownership, Integration, and Competition in the USA Electricity Industry_ ()
David Kynaston 2008 _Austerity Britain_ ()
James Kynge 2006 _China Shakes the World: The Rise of a Hungry Nation_ ()
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