jgo Reading Room: Economics, job markets, money, banking, finance, trade

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updated: 2022-10-31

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Economics and STEM job markets:

James D. Gwartney

Friedrich August Hayek

Thomas Sowell

Ludwig von Mises

Walter E. Williams

  - - - - - R

Alvin Rabushka 2008, 2010, 2015 _Government Extortion in Colonial America_/_Government Taxation in Colonial America_ (935 pages; 10.1MB)

Alvin Rabushka & Pauline Ryan 1982 _The Tax Revolt_ (California, proposition 13; 260 pages)

Alec Rackowe 1967 _All the Millionaires_ ()

Alfred R. Radcliffe-Brown 1965 _Structure and Function in Primitive Society: Essays and Addresses_ (224; ???was catalogued; now it is not???)

Mariusz Jan Radlo 2016 _OffShoring, OutSourcing and Production Fragmentation: Linking MacroEconomic & Micro-Business Perspectives_ (220 pages; 4.6MB)

Anita Raghavan 2013 _The Billionaire's Apprentice: The Rise of the Indian-American Elitists & the Fall of the Galleon Hedge Fund_ (500 pages; 2.9MB)

Condy Raguet 1840, 1967 _A Treatise on Currency and Banking_ ()

Anthony Ralston 1996 _The Demographics of Candidates for Faculty Positions in Computer Science_ ()

(47) Al Ramadan, Dave Peterson, Christopher Lochhead & Kevin Maney 2016 _Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, & "Innovators" Create & Dominate_ (487 pages; ISBN 9780062407610; OCLC ; Harper; 648.4012 Ram; NE)

Thomas Ramge & Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger 2018 _ReInventing Capitalism in the Age of Big Data_ ()

Dave Ramsey 2014 _Complete Guide to Money: The HandBook of Financial Peace University_ (320 pages; 19.1MB)

Dave Ramsey 2011 _EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches_ (305 pages; 1.7MB; 658.421)

Dave Ramsey 2013 _The Total Money MakeOver: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness_ (237 pages; 13.8MB; 332.024)

Meredith Ramsay 2013 _Community, Culture, and Economic Development: Continuity and Change in 2 Small Southern Towns_ (200 pages; 13.1MB)

David K. Randall 2016 _The King and Queen of Malibu: The True Story of the Battle for Paradise_ (255 pages; 15.1MB)

(44) Marc Randolph 2019-09-17 _That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix [like that scene in Aliens when the little monster rips out of the human's belly!] & the Amazing Life of an Idea_ (316-325-336-337 pages; 657KB; ISBN 9780316530200; OCLC 1230231526; Little, Brown/BackBay; 384.55506573 Ran; Main)

Gautham Rao 2008, 2016 _The Creation of the American State: Customs Houses, Law, and Commerce in the Age of Revolution_/_National Duties: Custom Houses and the Making of the American State_ (260 pages; 5.4MB)

Alfred Rappaport & John C. Bogle 2011 _Saving Capitalism from Short-Termism: How to Build Long-Term Value and Take Back Our Financial Future_ (245 pages; 471KB)

George David Rappaport 1996 _Stability and Change in Revolutionary Pennsylvania: Banking, Politics, and "Social Structure"_ (265 pages)

Ethan M. Rasiel 1999 _The Evil Destructive Value-Loss McKinsey Way: Using the Techniques of the World's Worst Strategic Consultants to Destroy Your Integrity & Your Business_ (180 pages; 1.1MB)

Ethan M. Rasiel & Paul N. Friga 1999 _The Deranged McKinsey Mind: Understanding & Defeating the Problem-Creating Tools & Management Techniques of the World's Most Destructive Consulting Firm_ (260 pages; 1.7MB)

Sidney Ratner 1972 _The Tariff in USA History_ (110 pages) Sidney Ratner 1980 _Taxation and Democracy in America_ ()

(50) Steven Rattner 2010 _OverHaul: An Insider's Account of the Obummer Regime's [TakeOver & Near Destruction] of the Auto Industry_ (336 pages; 338.4)

N.K. Rauh 1994 _The Sacred Bonds of Commerce: Religion, Economy, and Trade Society at Hellenistic Roman Delos 166BCE-87BCE_ (365 pages)

(15) Alexandrea J. Ravenelle 2019 _Hustle and Gig: Struggling and Surviving [Instead of Thriving in the Corrupt Bodyshopping/Contract/Contingent/Consulting] Economy_ (273 pages; 331.2596 Rav; Main)

Paula M. Rayman 8888 _Beyond the Bottom Line: The Search for Dignity at Work_ ()

(57) ►Robert Rector & William F. Lauber 1995 _America's Failed $5.4T War on Poverty_ (115 pages; ISBN 9780891950622; OCLC 32938527; Heritage; ILL request)◀

Lawrence W. Reed 2015 _Great Myths of the Great Depression_ (46 pages; 3.1MB)

Albert Rees & Donald Philip Jacobs 1961, 1975, 2019 _Real Wages in Manufacturing 1890-1914_ (159 pages; ISBN 9780691041698/ 9780691625881; OCLC 1119145989/ 922164279; Princeton)

Robert B. Reich 1992, 2010 _The Work of Nations_ (345 pages; 889KB)

Robert B. Reich 2007 _SuperCapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and EveryDay Life_ (275 pages; 1.7MB)

Leisa Reid 2016 _Manage to Success: A Guide to Cultivating Happy and Productive Employees_ (100 pages)

Robert Reid 1986 _Land of Lost Content: The Luddite Revolt 1812_ ()

Shaun Rein 2014 _The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends That Will Disrupt the World_ (240 pages)

(10) Carmen M. Reinhart & Kenneth Rogoff 2009 _This Time Is Different: 8 Centuries of Financial Folly_ (500 pages; 15.7MB; 338.542 Rei; Main)

(44) ►George Reisman, Ph.D. 1996-11-01, 1998, 2012 _Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics_ (1K-1046 pages; 16.7MB; ISBN 9780915463732; OCLC 955537183; Jameson/TJS; ILL request)◀

(45) ►George Reisman, Ph.D. 2018-09-22 _Marxism/Socialism: A Sociopathic Philosophy Conceived in Gross Error & Ignorance, Culminating in Economic Chaos, Enslavement, Terror, & Mass Murder_ (128-136 pages; ISBN 9781723785078; OCLC 999; ASIN B07GN8WJB1; TJS; ILL request)◀

George Reisman 2020 _Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics_ (vol1of2; 525 pages)

George Reisman 2020 _Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics: A Complete and Integrated Understanding of the Nature and Value of Human Economic Life_ (vol2of2; 560 pages)

George Reisman 2012 _The Government Against the Economy_ (225 pages; 557KB)

George Reisman 2012 _The Benevolent Nature of Capitalism & Other Essays_ (165 pages; 650KB)

George Reisman 2014 _Why Nazism Is Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian_ (20 pages; 592KB)

George Reisman 2014 _Labor Unions, Thugs, and Storm Troopers_ (12 pages; 487KB)

George Reisman 2018 _3 Essays: Capitalism: The Cure for Racism; The White Privilege Scam: The Moral Necessity of Discrimination and "Hate Speech"_ (65 pages; 550KB)

George Reisman 2015 _How the 1% Provides the Standard of Living of the 99%_ (14 pages; 433KB)

George Reisman 2015 _Controlling the Government's Guns_ (12 pages; 606KB)

Robert V. Remini 1967 _Andrew Jackson and the Bank War_ (190 pages)

Charles E. Mitchell Rentschler 2018 _Fortitude: The Story of My Ancestors_ (155 pages; 19.3MB)

Charles E. Mitchel Rentschler 2014 _The Cathedral Builder: A Biography of J. Irwin Miller_ (190 pages; 3.3MB; Cummins)

Alan Reynolds 2006 _Income and Wealth_ (240»pages)

Lloyd George Reynolds & Peter O. Gregory 1965, 1975 _Wages, Productiity, and Industrialization in Puerto Rico_ (350 pages)

Morgan O. Reynolds 1984 _Power & Privilege: Labor Unions in America_ ()

Morgan O. Reynolds 8888 _Economics of Labor_ ()

Morgan O. Reynolds 8888 _Making America Poorer_ ()

Deborah L. Rhode 2010, 2011 _The Beauty Bias: The InJustice of Appearance in Life and Law_ (265 pages; 1.1MB)

David Ricardo & Piero Sraffa 1951 _The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Pamphlets 1815-1823_ ()

George A. Rich 2016 _History of American [USA] Industries since Columbus: The Development of Shoes and Leather-Making Industries_ (98 pages)

Gertrude Randolph Bramlette Richards 1932 _Florentine Merchants in the Age of the Medici: Letters and Documents from the Selfridge Collection of Medici Manuscripts_ (320 pages)

Jay W. Richards 2009 _Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism Is the Solution_ (274 pages; 484KB)

(35) ►Jay W. Richards 2018-06-19 _The Human Advantage: The Future of American Work in an Age of "Smart" Machines_ (260 pages; 1.9MB; ISBN 9780451496164; OCLC 1033592023; Crown Forum; ILL request)◀

John F. Richards 1983 _Precious Metals in the Later Medieval and Early Modern Worlds_ (490 pages)

R.D. Richards 1929, 1965 _The Early History of Banking in England_ ()

Clinton Richardson 2017 _Ancient Selfies: History Revealed through the World's First "Social" Media: Ancient Coins_ (340 pages; 170.2MB)

J.D. Richardson 1908 _A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents 1789-1908_ ()

Donald R. Richberg 1957 _Labor Union Monopoly_ ()

Jesse Richman, Howard Richman & Raymond Richman 2014 _Balanced Trade: Ending the UnBearable Costs of USA's Trade Deficits_ (140 pages; 2.4MB)

Jesse Richman, Howard Richman & Raymond Richman 2008 _Trading Away Our Future: How to Reform Our Government-Driven Trade Deficits and Faulty Tax System Before It's Too Late_ (230 pages)

(50) ►Sheldon Richman 2013 _Your Money Or Your Life: Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax_ (130 pages; 1.2MB; ILL request)◀

(52) ►Sheldon Richman 2016 _USA's Counter-Revolution: The Constitution ReVisited_ (150 pages; 1.1MB; ILL request)◀

(53) ►Sheldon Richman, Ron Paul, Richard Ebeling & Jacob Hornberger 2013 _Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare [Illfare] State_ (145 pages; 704KB; ILL request)◀

(40) James Rickards 2016 _The New Case for Gold_ (180 pages; 332.6328 Ric; NE)

(45) James Rickards 2012 _Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis_ (288 pages; 1.1MB; 332.4 Ric; Main)

(50) ►Sheldon Richman 2013 _Your Money Or Your Life: Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax_ (130 pages; 1.2MB; ILL request)◀

(52) ►Sheldon Richman 2016 _USA's Counter-Revolution: The Constitution ReVisited_ (150 pages; 1.1MB; ILL request)◀

(40) James Rickards 2016 _The New Case for Gold_ (180 pages; 332.6328 Ric; NE)

(45) James Rickards 2012 _Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis_ (288 pages; 1.1MB; 332.4 Ric; Main)

(53) ►James Rickards 2021-01-12 _The New Great Depression: Winners & Losers in a Post-Pandemic World_ (208 pages; ISBN 9780593330272; OCLC 1228469344; Portfolio; ILL request)◀

James Rickards 2014 _The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the InterNational Money System_ (357 pages; 3.2MB)

James Rickards 2016 _The Road to Ruin: The Global Elitists' Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis_ (340 pages; 1.2MB)

James Rickards 2019 _Aftermath: 7 Secrets of Wealth Preservation in the Coming Chaos_ (325 pages; 1.5MB)

Robin E. Rider, Tore Frangsmyr/Fraengsmyr & J.L. Heilbron 1990 _The Quantifying Spirit in the 18th Century_ (400 pages)

(45) Matt Ridley 2010 _The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves_ (438 pages; 2.2MB; 339.2 Rid; Main+NE)

(50) Matt Ridley 2015 _The "Evolution" of EveryThing: How New Ideas Emerge_ (360 pages; 2.2MB; 303.483 Rid; Main+NE)

(55) Matt Ridley 2020 _How Innovation Works: And Why It Flourishes in Freedom_ (400 pages; ILL request)

Eric Ries 2011 _The Lean StartUp: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous "Innovation" to Create Radically Corrupt Businesses_ (310 pages; 4.1MB)

Jeremy Rifkin 1995 _The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era_ ()

Jacob August Riis, Kenyon Cox & W.T. Fitler 1970, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2018 _How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of NY_ (350 pages; 1.8MB; 305.569)

James C. Riley 1980 _InterNational Government Finance and the Amsterdam Capital Market_ ()

James C. Riley 2005 _Poverty and Life Expectancy: The Jamaica Paradox_ (250 pages)

Jason L. Riley 2014, 2016 _Please Stop Helping Us: How Leftists Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed_ (200 pages; 928KB)

William Z. Ripley 1927 _Main Street and Wall Street_ ()

Barry Ritholtz & Aaron Task 2009 _BailOut Nation: How [Politicians, Bureaubums] Greed And Easy Money Corrupted Wall Street, and Shook the World Economy_ (350 pages; 3.6MB)

Lawrence S. Ritter 1967 _Money and Economic Activity_ ()

Lauren A. Rivera 2016 _Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs_ (370 pages; 4.1MB)

Pietra Rivoli 2005, 2009 _The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade_ (245 pages; 382 Riv; Main)

Stephen Roach 2014 _UnBalanced: The CoDependency of USA and Red China_ (330 pages; 1MB)

Lionel Robbins 1935, 1949, 1952 _An Essay on the Nature & Significance of Economic Science_ (200 pages)

(50) ►Lionel Robbins 1935, 2009, 2017 _The Great Depression_ (recessions; 238 pages; ISBN 9781412810081/ 9781138536029; OCLC 369163494/ 1032692919; MacMillan/Transaction/Routledge; ILL request)◀

Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge 2010 _Organizational Behavior_ ()

Tony Robbins 2014 _Money: Master the Game -- 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom_ ()

William L. Robbins & Jonathan G. Lasch 2011 _Seed-Stage Venture Investing: An InSider's Guide to Start-Ups for Scientists, Engineers, and Investors_ (300 pages)

(37) ►Alasdair Roberts 2012-04-15, 2013 _USA's First Great Depression: Economic Crisis and Political DisOrder [Conflict] after the Panic of 1837_ (1837; recessions; 255-264 pages; 2.3MB; leftist/collectivist; ISBN 9780801450334; CornellU; ILL request)◀

(24) Jessi Roberts 2019 _BackRoads Boss Lady: Happiness Ain't a Side Hustle: Straight Talk on Creating the Life You Deserve_ (296 pages; 338.7687 Rob; Woodville)

Russell D. Roberts 2006 _The Choice: A Fable of Free Trade and Protection_ (130 pages)

Russell D. Roberts 2008 _The Price of EveryThing: A Parable of Possibility and Prosperity_ (210 pages; 4.1MB)

Russell D. Roberts 2002 _The Invisible Heart: An Economic Romance_ (280 pages; 1.8MB)

Russell D. Roberts 2019 _Gambling with Other People's Money: How Perverse Incentives Caused the Financial Crisis_ (110 pages; 2.5MB)

Russell D. Roberts 2006 _The Choice: A Fable of Free Trade and Protection_ (130 pages)

(40) sort-of economist Russ Roberts/Russell D. Roberts, Ph.D. 2022 _Wild Problems: A Guide to the Decisions That Define Us_ (econ; 207 pages; ISBN 9780593418253; OCLC ; Portfolio/Penguin; on order 2022-10-31 Rob; Main+NE)

Brian C. Robertson 8888 _There's No Place Like Work_ ()

Kristin E. Robertson 2019 _Happy Mondays: Create a Company Culture in which People Love to Go to Work_ (230 pages)

David E. Robinson 2012 _Extreme Plight: Americans On the Line_ ()

Jerry Robinson 2012 _Bankruptcy of Our Nation_ (310 pages; 1.3MB)

Julia Williams Robinson 2017 _Complex Housing: Designing for Density_ (over-crowding; 280 pages; 37.2MB)

Mark Robinson 2001 _21 Ways to Create Healthy, Happy, and Motivated Employees: A Collection of Proven Strategies That Enhance Employee Productivity_ (155 pages)

Seth Rockman 2011 _Scraping By: Wage Labor, Slavery, and Survival in Early Baltimore_ (375 pages; 1.5MB)

Hugh Rockoff 2012, 2013 _USA's Economic Way of War_ (360 pages; 4.4MB-6.6MB)

Hugh Rockoff 2004 _Drastic Measures: An History of Wage & Price Controls in the USA_ (300 pages)

Llewellyn H. Rockwell 2014 _The Gold Standard: Perspectives in the Austrian School_ (165 pages; 1.7MB)

Kevin Rodgers 2016 _Why Aren't They Shouting: A Banker's Tale of Change, Computers, and Perpetual Crisis_ (310 pages; 9.3MB)

Dani Rodrik 2015 _Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science_ (210 pages; 1.3MB)

Dani Rodrik 1997 _Has Globalization Gone Too Far?_ (108 pages; 1.5MB)

Dani Rodrik 2011 _The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy_ (350 pages; 918KB)

Wilhelm Roepke 1960, 1971, 1998, 2014 _A Humane Economy: The "Social" FrameWork of the Free Market_ (320 pages; 951KB)

James E. Torold Rogers 1886 _6 Centuries of Work and Wages: The History of English Labour_ ()

Mark R. Rogers 1994 _HandBook of Key Economic Indicators_ ()

Wayne Allyn Root 2013 _The Ultimate Obummer Survival Guide: Secrets to Protecting Your Family, Your Finances, and Your Freedom_ ()

Wayne Allyn Root 8888 _Murder of the Middle Class_ ()

Carl Roper 2013 _Trade Secret Theft, Industrial Espionage, and the Red China Threat_ (310 pages; 17.7MB)

Stephen Rose 1995 _The Decline of Employment Stability in the 1980s_ ()

Stephen Rose 2010 _ReBound: Why America Will Emerge Stronger from the Financial Crisis_ ()

Ellen Israel Rosen 2002 _Making SweatShops: The Globalization of the US Apparel Industry_ ()

Sherwin Rosen 1981 _Studies in Labor Markets_ ()

David I. Rosenbaum 1998 _Market Dominance: How Firms Gain, Hold, or Lose It and the Impact on Economic Performance_ (270 pages; 3.4MB)

Emily S. Rosenberg 2003 _Financial Missionaries to the World: The Politics and Culture of Dollar Diplomacy 1900-1930_ (345 pages; 1.3MB)

Nathan Rosenberg 1972 _Technology and USA Economic Growth_ (200 pages)

Nathan Rosenberg 1994 _Exploring the Black Box: Technology, Economics & History_ (280 pages)

(50) ►Nathan Rosenberg & Luther E. Birdzell 1986, 1987, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1999, 2021 _How the West Grew Rich: The Economic Transformation of the Industrial World_ (285-353 pages; ISBN 9781350186729/ 9780465031085; OCLC 1238060148/ 247236620; Basic/Tauris/Bloomsbury; ILL request)◀

Nathan Rosenberg 1854, 1969 _The "American System" of Manufactures: The Reports of the Committee on the Machinery of the USA 1855 and the Special Reports of George Wallis and Joseph Whitworth 1854_ (380 pages)

Jack Rosenthal 2021-03-23 _Teen Investing 11: 101 of the Most Important Financial Literacy Terms_ (57 pages; ISBN 9798725604641)

Jack Rosenthal 2021-03-21 _Teen Entrepreneurship: The #1 Book for Teen Entrepreneurs_ (107 pages; ISBN 9798730893931)

(59) Mark S. Rosentraub 1997 _Major League Losers: The Real Cost of Sports & Who's Paying for It_ (513 pages; 338.4 Ros; NE)

Robert J.S. Ross 2004 _Slaves to Fashion: Poverty and Abuse in the New SweatShops_ ()

Joseph Rossman 1931 _The Psychology of the Inventor: A Study of the Patentee_ ()

Walt Whitman Rostow 1990, 1992 _Theorists of Economoic Growth from David Hume to the Present_ (715 pages)

Walt Whitman Rostow 1960, 1971, 1991 _The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto_ (315 pages; 3.6MB)

Walt Whitman Rostow 1979 _The World Economy_ ()

Walt Whitman Rostow 1998 _The Great Population Spike and After: Reflections on the 21st Century_ (230 pages)

Alvin E. Roth 2015 _Who Gets What--and Why: The New Economics of MatchMaking and Market Design_ (275 pages; 1.5MB)

(49) ►Carol Roth 2021-06-29 _The [Crony Socialist] War on Small Business: How the Government Used/Abused the Pandemic to Crush the BackBone of the USA_ (352 pages; ISBN 9780063081413; OCLC 1245956156; Broadside/HarperCollins; ILL request)◀

Gabriel Roth 2006 _Street Smart: Competition, Entrepreneurship, and the Future of Roads_ ()

Murray Newton Rothbard 1963, 2000, 2009, 2013 _America's Great Depression_ (recessions; 361 pages; 3MB; ISBN 9781494837; OCLC 982960016; BN/LvMI)

Murray Newton Rothbard 1995, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2010, 2013 _Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought_ (2 volumes; 1,084 pages; 3.7MB; ISBN 9780945466482; OCLC 847362931; LvMI/Aldershot/Elgar; vol1 before Adam Smith 556 pages)

Murray Newton Rothbard 1995, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2010, 2013 _Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought_ (2 volumes; 1,084 pages; 3.7MB; ISBN 9780945466482; OCLC 839998183/ 827743873; LvMI/Aldershot/Elgar; vol2 classical economics 528 pages)

Murray Newton Rothbard & Robert Wenzel 2014 _Austrian School Business Cycle Theory_ (125 pages)

Murray Newton Rothbard 8888 _The Case Against the Fed_ ()

Murray Newton Rothbard & Leonard P. Liggio & Patrick Newman 1975, 1979, 1988, 1999, 2011, 2019-10-22 _Conceived in Liberty_ (332-1,616 pages; OCLC 1056881; Arlington House)

Murray Newton Rothbard & Patrick Newman 2019-10-22 _Conceived in Liberty: vol5 The New Republic 1794-1791_ (332 pages; ISBN 9781610167086; OCLC 1129013761; Arlington House/LvMI)

Murray Newton Rothbard 2011 _Economic Controversies_ (1000 pages; 3.2MB )

Murray Newton Rothbard 1969, 2011 _Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure_ (50 pages; 325KB)

Murray Newton Rothbard 1995, 2010 _Economic Thought before Adam Smith: vol1 An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought_ (1,350 pages; 2.1MB)

(55) ►Murray Newton Rothbard 1956, 1981, 1998-06-29, 2003-02-01, 2014, 2015-07-04 _The Ethics of Liberty_/_Etyka Wolnosci_/_La Etica de la Libertad_/_Jiyu No Rinrigaku_/_Die Ethik der Freiheit_/_L'Etica della Liberta_ (308-361 pages; 757KB; ISBN 9780814775592/ 9781500264789; OCLC 1029071502/ 1232085395; NYU; ILL request)◀

(39) ►Murray Newton Rothbard 1964, 1990, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018 _What Has Government Done to Our Money?_ (111-116-118 pages; 333KB; ISBN 9781610161428/ 9781469971780/ 9781607967767; OCLC 694874472/ 813255751/ 1112073941; Auburn/LvMI/BN; ILL request)◀

Murray Newton Rothbard 2006, 2014 _For a New Liberty_ (420 pages; 589KB )

Murray Newton Rothbard 2002, 2010 _An History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War 2_ (500 pages; 992KB)

Murray Newton Rothbard 1962, 2009 _Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market_ (1500 pages; 4.1MB)

Murray Newton Rothbard 1983, 2008 _The Mystery of Banking_ ()

Murray Newton Rothbard 2009 _The Origins of the Federal Reserve_ (recessions;)

(59) ►Murray Newton Rothbard 1962-06-01, 1973, 2007, 2008, 2012 _The Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies_ (recessions; 260-286 pages; ISBN 9780404516055/ 9781607964773/ 9781933550084; OCLC 933707734/ 123960691; ColumbiaU/AMS/Eigal Meirovich/LvMI Auburn; ILL request)◀

(59) ►Murray Newton Rothbard, Patrick Newman & Andrew P. Napolitano 2017 _The Progressive Era_/_The Regressive Era_ (600 pages; ISBN 9781610166744; OCLC 1181818726; ILL request)◀

Murray Newton Rothbard 1970 _Power and Market: Government and the Economy_ ()

Winifred Barr Rothenberg 1992 _From Market-Places to a Market Economy: The TransFormation of Rural Massachusetts 1750-1850_ (280 pages)

John M. Rothgeb ii 2013, 2014 _USA Trade Policy: Balancing Economic Dreams and Political Realities_ (240 pages; 14.4MB)

----David J. Rothkopf & David Cay Johnston 2007 _Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense_ (338.973)

----David J. Rothkopf 2008 _SuperClass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making_ (305.5)

William E. Rothschild 2006, 2007 _The Secret to GE's Success: A Former InSider Reveals the "Leadership" Lessons of the World's Most Competitive [Immoral] Company_ (300 pages)

Jeffrey S. Rothstein 2016 _When Good Jobs Go Bad: Globalization, De-Unionization, and Declining Job Quality in the North American Auto Industry_ (195 pages; 801KB)

Jonathan Rothwell 2013 _The Hidden STEM Economy_ ()

Dan Rottenberg 2006 _The Man Who Made Wall Street: Anthony J. Drexel and the Rise of Modern Finance_ (285 pages)

(45) Nouriel Roubini 2022 _MegaThreats: Ten Dangerous Threats That Imperil Our Future and How to Survive Them_ (312 pages; ISBN 9780316284059; OCLC ; Little, Brown & Co.; on order 2022-10-31 Rou; Main+NE)

Saul A. Rubinstein & Thomas A. Kochan 2000 _Learning from Saturn: Possibilities for Corporate Governance and Employee Relations_ (175 pages)

Richard S. Ruch 1976 _The Scanlon Plan at Herman Miller: A General Information Report on Its Development, Description, and Impact_ (Joseph Scanlon; ESOP; 42 pages)

Deborah Rudacille 2010 _Roots of Steel: Boom and Bust in a USA Mill Town_ (Dundalk,MD; 290 pages; 816KB)

(30) John Gerard Ruggie 2013 _Just Business: MultiNational Corporations and Human Rights_ (1,251 pages; 174.4; Main)

(30) Michael Ruhlman 2017 _Grocery: The Buying and Selling of Food in the USA_ (290 pages; 381.456; Main)

(24) Leah Ruppanner 2020 _MotherLands: How States Push Mothers Out of Employment_ (173 pages; ISBN 9781439918654; OCLC 1178546521; TempleU; 306.8743; NE)

(13) Douglas Rushkoff 1999, 2000, 2001 _Coercion: Why We Listen to What They Say_/_Coercion: The Persuasion Professionals & Why We Listen to What They Say_ (293-321 pages; ISBN 9781573228299/ 1573221155/ 9780751530308; OCLC 649820378/ 45350073; Riverhead/Warner; 302.23 Rus; Main)

Douglas Rushkoff & Leland Purvis 2010, 2011 _Program or Be Programmed: 10 Commands for a Digital Age_ (150 pages; 532KB)

(17) ►Douglas Rushkoff 2016, 2017 _Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus: How Growth Became the Enemy of Prosperity_ (immoral tech tyrants; 275-285 pages; 2.9MB; ISBN 014313129/ 9780143131298; OCLC 1120885458; ILL request)◀

John Edwards Russell 1896, 2017 _The Panics of 1837 and 1857: An Address_ (recessions; 28 pages)

Thomas Carl Rustici 2012 _Lessons from the Great Depression: The Economic Effects of the Smoot-Hawley Act of 1930 and the Beginning of the Great Depression_ (recessions; 360 pages; 3.1MB)

Thomas Carl Rustici, Nathaniel Snow & Carrie Milton 2009 _MicroEconomics: A Free Market Approach_ (610 pages)

Thomas Carl Rustici, James Caton, Dima Shamoun & Theo Shamoun 2015 _MacroEconomics: vol1 The Monetary Foundations of the MacroEconomy_ (500 pages)

Thomas Carl Rustici, James Caton, Dima Shamoun & Theo Shamoun 2015 _MacroEconomics: vol2 Past and Present_ (615 pages)

Brent Ruswick 2012 _Almost Worthy: The Poor, Paupers, and the "Science" of Charity in the USA 1877-1917_ (275 pages; 2.4MB)

Terry Ryan 2005 _The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio: How My Mother Raised 10 Kids on 25 Words or Less_ (351 pages; 12.2MB; biography Ryan)

Catherine E. Rymph 2017 _Raising Government Children: An History of Foster Care and the USA Illfare State_ (260 pages; 3.3MB)


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