jgo Reading Room: Economics, job markets, money, banking, finance, trade

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updated: 2023-10-16

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Economics and STEM job markets:

James D. Gwartney

Friedrich August Hayek

Thomas Sowell

Ludwig von Mises

Walter E. Williams

  - - - - - S

economist Murray Sabrin, Ph.D. 9999 _Tax Free 2000: The Rebirth of American Liberty_ ()

(29) ►economist Murray Sabrin, Ph.D. 2021-07-19 _Universal Medical Care from Conception to End of Life_ (220 pages; ISBN 978166243368; OCLC 1265345683; Page; ILL request)◀

(32) ►economist Murray Sabrin, Ph.D. 2019-07-13 _Why the Federal Reserve Sucks_ (274-284 pages; ISBN 9780359568840; OCLC 1110435181; Gallatin House; ILL request)◀

(34) ►economist Murray Sabrin, Ph.D. 2021-10-05 _Navigating the Boom/Bust Cycle: An Entrepreneur's Survival Guide (196 pages; ISBN 9781637421192; OCLC ; Business Expert; ILL request)◀

(58) --Jefrey D. Sachs 2011 _The Price of Civilization: USA Values & the Return to Prosperity_ (324 pages; 330.973 Sac; Main)

Jeffrey D. Sachs 2005, 2006, 2008 _The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time_ (440 pages; 7MB; CD-spoken 339.4609; )

Jonah Sachs 2018 _UnSafe Thinking: How To Be Nimble and Bold When You Need It Most_ (223 pages; 658.409; Main+NE)

William S. Sachs & Ari Hoogenboom 1965 _The Enterprising Colonials_ (230 pages)

Tim Sackett 2018 _The Talent Fix: A Leader's Guide to Recruiting Great Talent_ (190 pages; 1.2MB)

Marshall Sahlins 1972, 1974, 2017 _Stone Age Economics_ (350 pages; 6.8MB)

Joseph T. Salerno 2010, 2011, 2015 _Money: Sound and UnSound_ (635 pages; 2.3MB)

W. Allen Salisbury 1992, 2018-12-01 _The Civil War and the American System: USA's Battle with Britain 1860-1876_ (576 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 9781790547456/ 9780943235066; OCLC 28416704; EIR)

Richard M. Salsman 1993 _The Collapse of Deposit Insurance and the Case for Abolition_ (30 pages)

Cezley Sampson 2011 _End of Monopoly: Competition in Electric Markets--Comparative Studies_ (370 pages)

Paul A. Samuelson 1970 _Economics_ ()

(45) ►Robert J. Samuelson 2008, 2010 _The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath: The Past and Future of American Affluence_ (316-350 pages; 1.1MB; ISBN 9780812980042; OCLC 695894155; RandomHouse; ILL request)◀

Nima Sanandaji 2015 _Scandinavian Unexceptionalism: Culture, Markets, and the Failure of Third-Way Socialism_ (150 pages; 2.3MB)

Nima Sanandaji 2016 _Debunking Utopia: Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism_ (200 pages; 2.2MB)

Nima Sanandaji & Tino Sanandaji 2014 _SuperEntrepreneurs: And How Your Country Can Get Them_ (77 pages)

Timothy Sandefur 2006 _CornerStone of Liberty: Property Rights in 21st Century America_ (130 pages)

Michael Sandel 8888 _Democracy's Discontent_ ()

Thomas J. Sargent & Francois R. Velde 2002 _The Big Problem of Small Change_ ()

Saskia Sassen 2006, 2008 _Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages_ (500 pages; 2.2MB)

Saskia Satkowiak & Cynthia Lang 2015 _The Cable Industry: A Short History through 3 Generations_ (80 pages; 3.9MB)

S.B. Saul 1985 _The Myth of the Great Depression_ ()

Nikil Saval 2014 _Cubed: A Secret History of the WorkPlace_ (355 pages; 9.7MB)

AnnaLee Saxenian 8888 _Regional Advantage_ ()

Jean Baptiste Say 1803, 1826, 2007 _Treatise on Political Economy_ ()

Jim Scalo 2018 _Work Them to Life: UpGrade Your Office Space to Win the Talent War_ (200 pages)

Simon Schama 1987, 1997 _The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age_ (700 pages)

E.E. Schattsneider/E.E. Schattschneider 1935, 1974 _Politics, Pressures, and the Tariff: A Study of Free Private Enterprise in Pressure Politics, as Shown in the 1929-1930 Revision of the Tariff_ (300 pages)

Ronald Schatz 1983 _The Electrical Workers: An History of "Labor" at General Electric and Westinghouse 1923-1960_ ()

Roger E. Schechter 1993 _UnFair Trade Practices and Intellectual Property_ (440 pages)

Sylvester J. Schieber 2012 _The Predictable Surprise: The UnRaveling of the USA Retirement System_ (470 pages; 7.3MB)

Peter D. Schiff 2007 _Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse_ ()

(80) Peter D. Schiff, Andrew Schiff & Brendan Leach 2010 _How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes_ (233 pages; 338.542 Sch; E)

(75) Peter D. Schiff, Andrew Schiff & Brendan Leach 2012 _The Real Crash: USA's Coming Bankruptcy--How to Save YourSelf and Your Country_ (335 pages; 330.973; Main)

Osar Schisgall 1981, 1987 _Eyes on Tomorrow: The Evolution of Procter & Gamble_ ()

Osar Schisgall 1977 _Howard Morgans of Procter & Gamble_ (240 pages)

(50) Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii 1957, 1988, 2003 _The Crisis of the Old Order 1919-1933_ (557 pages; 2.8MB; 973.917)

(52) Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii 1958, 1988, 2003 _The Coming of the Raw Deal 1933-1935_ (680 pages; 1.8MB; 973.917 Sch; NE)

(20) Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg & Alan Eagle 2014 _Immoral Google: How Immoral Google Works_ (286 pages; 338.76102504 Sch; NE)

Andrew M. Schocket 2007 _Founding Corporate "Power" in Early National Philadelphia_ (280 pages)

(20) ►Juliet B. Schor 1991, 1993, 2008 _The Over-Worked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure_ (260 pages; 3.7MB; ILL request)◀

(45) Juliet B. Schor 2010 _Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth_ (258 pages; 338.927 Sch; Main)

Robert Schuettinger & Eamonn Butler 1979, 2009, 2011 _40 Centuries of Wage and Price Controls: How Not to Fight Inflation_ (190 pages; 6.5MB)

Eugen Maria Schulak, Arlene Oost-Zinner & Herbert Ungerkoefler 2011 _The Austrian School of Economics: An History of Its Ideas, Ambassadors, & Institutions_ (260 pages; 860KB)

(38) Brigid Schulte 2014 _OverWhelmed: Work, Love, & Play When No One Has the Time_ (353 pages; 994KB; 331.44 Sch; Main+Woodville)

(49) Bill Schultheis 2013 _The CoffeeHouse Investor: How to Build Wealth, Ignore Wall Street, & Get on with Your Life_ (200 pages; 332.6 Sch; Main)

(39) Ellen E. Schultz 2011 _Retirement Heist: How Companies Plunder and Profit from the Nest Eggs of USA Workers_ (245 pages; 963KB; 331.252 Sch; Main+NE+E)

(47) George P. Schultz, John B. Taylor & Milton Friedman 2020-03-01 _Choose Economic Freedom: Enduring Policy Lessons from the 1970s & 1980s_ (123-136 pages; ISBN 9780817923440; OCLC 1240237075; HooverInstitution/StanfordU)

Joseph A. Schumpeter 1954 _History of Economic Analysis_ ()

Joseph A. Schumpeter 1939 _Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historcal, and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process_ ()

Joseph A. Schumpeter 1942, 1950 _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_ ()

Klaus Schwab 2017 _The 4th Industrial Revolution_ (190 pages; 5.9MB)

(50) Peter Schwartz 1991, 1996 _The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World_ (258 pages; 658.4 Sch; NE)

(50) Peter Schwartz 2003, 2004 _Inevitable Surprises: Thinking Ahead in a Time of Turbulence: The Scenarios That Are Changing Your World and Your Business_ (247 pages; 921KB; 658.4 Sch; Main)

(45) Larry E. Schweikart 1990 _Banking and Finance to 1913_ (528 pages; reference 650.3 Enc; Main)

(50) Larry Schweikart 1990 _Banking and Finance 1913-1985_ (505 pages; reference 650.3 Enc; Main)

Larry E. Schweikart & Lynne Pierson Doti 2010 _American Entrepreneur: The Fascinating Stories of the People Who Defined Business in the USA_ ()

Mary M. Schweitzer 1987 _Custom and Contract: Household, Government, and the Economy in Colonial Pennsylvania_ ()

(9) Peter Schweizer 2013 _Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets_ (320.973 Sch; NE)

(10) ►Peter Schweizer 1993 _Friendly Spies: How America's Allies Are Using Economic Espionage to Steal Our Secrets_ (330-342 pages; ISBN 9780871134974; OCLC 26762704; Atlantic; ILL request)◀

(13) ►Peter Schweizer 2003 _Reagan's War: The Epic Story of His 40-Year Struggle & Final Triumph Over Communism_ (339 pages; ISBN 9780385722285/ 9780385504713; OCLC 1236159428; Anchor/RandomHouse; 327.7347 Schweizer; ILL request)◀

(15) Peter Schweizer 2015 _Clinton Cash: The UnTold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich_ (243 pages; ISBN 9780062369284; Harper; 364.1323 Sch; Main+NE)

(20) Peter Schweizer 2005 _Do As I Say Not As I Do: Profiles in Leftist Hypocrisy_ (258 pages; 320.51 Sch; NE)

(22) Peter Schweizer & Rochelle Schweizer 1998 _Disney: The Mouse Betrayed_ (374 pages; ISBN 9780895263872; OCLC 975835660; Regnery; 384.8 Sch; Jax)

(25) Peter Schweizer 2011 _Throw Them All Out_ (211 pages; 364.1323 Sch; Main+E+NE+Jax)

Tibor Scitovsky 1976, 1992 _The Joyless Economy: The Psychology of Human Satisaction_ (340 pages; 5.7MB)

Suzanne Scotchmer 2005 _Innovation and Incentives_ ()

James Scott & Drew Spaniel 2016 _Red China's Espionage Dynasty: Economic Death by a Thousand Cuts_ (60 pages; 864KB)

James C. Scott 2017 _Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States_ (320 pages; 3.2MB)

James C. Scott 1998 _Seeing Like a [Power-Mad] State: How Certain Schemes... Have Failed_ (450 pages; 7.6MB)

Tom Scott 2002 _"Society" and Economy in Germany 1300-1600_ (300 pages)

William G. Scott 1992 _Chester I. Barnard and the Guardians of the Managerial State_ (245 pages)

Douglas R. Sease & Tom Herman 1996 _The Flat-Tax Primer: A Non-Partisan Guide to What It Means for the Economy, the Government, and You_ ()

Ronald E. Seavoy 2006-09-07, 2013 _An Economic History of the United States: from 1607 to the Present_ (370 pages; 1.3MB)

Ronald E. Seavoy 1982 _The Origins of the USA Business Corporation 1784-1855: Broadening the Concept of Public Service During Industrialization_ (300 pages)

Larry J. Sechrest 1993, 2008 _Free Banking: Theory, History, and a Laissez-Faire Model_ ()

Kabir Sehgal 2015 _Coined: The Rich Life of Money and How Its History Has Shaped Us_ (317 pages; 332.49; Main)

Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman 1911, 1914, 2012 _The Income Tax: A Study of the History, Theory, and Practice of Income Taxation at Home and Abroad_ (extortion; 760 pages)

Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman 2014 _The Economic Interpretation of History_ (185 pages; 159.4MB)

Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman 2013 _The Shifting and Incidence of Taxation_ (450 pages)

George A. Selgin 1988 _The Theory of Free Banking: Money Supply under Competitive Note Issue_ ()

George A. Selgin 2017 _Money: Free and UnFree_ (370 pages; 3.5MB)

George A. Selgin, James A. Dorn, Claudio Borio, Jeffrey Lacker, John Allison, Bennett McCallum, James Buchanan et al. 2017 _Monetary Alternatives: ReThinking Government Fiat "Money"_ (310 pages; 1.8MB)

George A. Selgin 2011 _Praxeology and Understanding: An Analysis of the Controversy in Austrian Economics_ (78 pages; 571KB)

George A. Selgin 2016 _10 Things Every Economist Should Know about the Gold Standard_ (40 pages; 1.2MB)

Charles Grier Sellers 1992, 1994 _The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America 1815-1846_ (500 pages; 2.5MB)

Hans F. Sennholz 1985 _Money and Freedom_ ()

Hans F. Sennholz 1979 _The Age of Inflation_ ()

(20) Lisa Servon 2017 _The UnBanking of the USA: How the New "Middle Class" Survives_ (250 pages; 2.3MB; 332.10973; Main+E)

(67) Andy Serwer, Peter Liebhold et al. 2015 _USA Enterprise: An History of Business in the USA_ (224 pages; 123.9MB; 338.0973; Main)

Alan F. Sewell 2018 _Exploding the Globalist Establishment's Deceptive Myths: On Trade, Immigration, and Politics_ (330 pages; 1.6MB)

Ofer Sharone 2013 _Flawed System/Flawed Self: Job Searching and UnEmployment Experiences_ (230 pages; 1.2MB)

Colin Shaw 2019 _Happy Employees Make Happy Customers: How to Build Great Employee Engagement to Create a Great Customer Experience_ (100 pages; 4.1MB)

William A. Shaw 1930 _The Theory and Principles of Central Banking with Special Reference to the Working of the Bank of England and of the Federal Reserve System of the United States_ (254 pages)

Nicholas Shazson 2012 _Treasure Islands: UnCovering the Damage of OffShore Banking and Tax Havens_ (364.1338; )

(49) Ellen Rupert Shell 2009 _Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture_ (296 pages; 1.7MB; 381.149 She; Main+E)

(38) ►Ellen Ruppel Shell 2018 _The Job: Work and Its Future in a Time of Radical Change_ (380 pages; 1.7MB; ILL request)◀

Judy Shelton 1994, 2009 _Money MeltDown: Restoring Order to the Global Currency System_ (400 pages; 1.3MB)

Andrew Sheng 8888 _From Asian to Global Financial Crisis_ ()

Oded Shenkar 2004, 2006 _The Chinese Century: The Rising Chinese Economy and Its Impact on the Global Economy, the Balance of Power, and Your Job_ (207 pages; 1.145MB)

Andrew J. Sherman 2005 _Raising Capital: Get the Money You Need to Grow Your Business_ (444 pages; 658.15224; NE)

Michael Shermer & Alex Grobman 2007, 2008 _The Mind of the Market: Compassionate Apes, Competitive Humans, and Other Tales from Evolutionary Economics_ (329 pages; 613KB; 330.1; Main+NE+Jax)

(50) Robert J. Shiller 2000, 2005, 2015 _Irrational Exuberance_ (304 pages; 4.9MB; 332.63 Shi; Main)

Robert J. Shiller 2003 _The New Financial Order: Risk in the 21st Century_ ()

Robert J. Shiller 2020 _Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral & Drive Major Economic Events_ (390 pages)

Bob Shively & John Ferrare 2010 _Understanding Today's Electricity Business_ (210 pages)

(55) ►Andrei Shleifer 2000, 2004, 2013 _InEfficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral Finance_ (216 pages; ISBN 9780198292289/ 9780198292272; OCLC 1147958858/ 864751856; OxfordU; ILL request)◀

Nikolai Shmelev & Vladinir Popov 1989 _The Turning Point: ReVitalizing the Soviet Economy_ (320 pages)

Anja Shortland 2019 _Kidnap: Inside the Ransom Business_ (255 pages; 1.7MB)

Bob G. Shupe 2019 _Behind the HealthCre Cost Curtain_ (415 pages; 586KB)

Martin Sicker 2002 _The Political Economy of Work in the 21st Century: Implications for an Aging USA WorkForce_ (215 pages; 2.7MB)

(55) ►Bernard H. Siegan 1997 _Property and Freedom: The Constitution, the Courts, and Land-Use Regulation_ (275-291 pages; ISBN 9781560003236/ 9781560009740; OCLC 813738240/ 36776526; Transaction; ILL request)◀

Barry N. Siegel 1984 _Money in Crisis: The Federal Reserve, the Economy, and Monetary Reform_ (350 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Ballinger)

Barry N. Siegel 2014 _Money, Banking, and the Economy: A Monetarist View_ (530 pages; 50.2MB)

Fred Siegel 2014 _The Revolt Against the Masses: How Leftism Has Undermined the Middle Class_ (240 pages)

Jeremy J. Siegel 2008 _Stocks for the Long Run: The Definitive Guide to Financial Market Returns and Long-Term Investment Strategies_ (380 pages; 332.6322)

William L. Silber 2006 _When Washington Shut Down Wall Street: The Great Financial Crisis of 1914 and the Origins of America's Monetary Supremacy_ ()

William L. Silber 2012 _Volcker: The Triumph of Persistence_ ()

Charles Silver & David A. Hyman 2018 _OverCharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much for Health Care_ (580 pages; 2.5MB)

Kenneth J. Sim, Randy T. Simmons & Ryan M. Yonk 2016 _Nature UnBound: Bureaucracy vs. the Environment_ (300 pages; 1.3MB)

Georg Simmel, Tom Bottomore & David Frisby 1978, 2011 _The Philosophy of Money_ (620 pages; 2.1MB)

Roger Simmermaker 2013 _My Company 'Tis of Thee: 50 Patriotic USA Companies USA Consumers Should Know About_ (155 pages)

Roger Simmermaker 2005 _How USA Citizens Can Buy Products Made in the USA: The Power of Consumer Patriotism_ (500 pages; 951KB)

Julian Lincoln Simon 1981 _The Ultimate Resource_ (400 pages)

Julian Lincoln Simon 1998 _The Ultimate Resource 2_ (760 pages)

Fereidoon P. Sioshansi 2011 _Competitive Electricity Markets: Design, Implementation, Performance_ (610 pages; 18.3MB)

Mark L. Sirower 2010 _The Synergy Trap: How Companies Lose the Acquisition Game_ (310 pages; 2.1MB)

--Ganesh Sitaraman 2017 _The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution: Why Economic InEquality Threatens Our Republic_ (420 pages; 1.1MB)

Leslie Sklair 2011 _Assembling for Development: The Maquila Industry in Mexico and the USA_ ()

Theda Skocpol 2013 _Diminished Democracy: From Membership to Management in USA Civic Life_ (380 pages; 11.5MB)

Mark Skousen 2016 _The Making of Modern Economics: The Lives and Ideas of the Great Thinkers_ (500 pages; 9.7MB)

(17) ►Mark Skousen 2005-07-01, 2016-03-01 _Vienna & Chicago: Friends or Foes?: A Tale of 2 Schools of Free-Market Economics_ (economics; 295-306 pages; 4.6MB; ISBN 9780895260291; OCLC 470445385; Regnery/Capital; ILL request)◀

(32) ►Mark Skousen 2007, 2012, 2016 _The Big 3 of Economics: Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes_/_The Bad 2 out of 3 of Economics: Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes_ (economics; 245 pages; 2.2MB; ISBN 9780765616944; OCLC 928944658/ 695040334; Routledge/ Taylor&Francis; ILL request)◀

Mark Skousen 1992 _Dissent on Keynes: A Critical Appraisal of Keynesian Economics_ (260 pages)

(37) ►Mark Skousen 2013-06-13 _A Viennese Waltz Down Wall Street: Austrian Economics for Investors_ (economics; 256 pages; ISBN 9781621290926; OCLC 855897698; Laissez Faire; ILL request)◀

W. Cleon Skousen 2011 _The Naked Capitalist_ (140 pages; 1.3MB)

Robert Slater 2003 _The Wal-Mart Decade: How a New Generation of Losers Turned Sam Walton's Legacy into [One of the World's Worst] Companies_ (245 pages)

Robert Slater 1999 _Saving Big Blue: Leadership Lessons and TurnAround Tactics of IBM's Lou Gerstner_ (309 pages; 338.7)

Stephen Slivinski 2006 _Buck Wild: How Republicans [& Dems/Reds/Leftists/Regressives] Broke the Bank and Became the [Parties] of Big Government_ (250 pages; 785KB)

Herbert E. Sloan 1995, 2001 _Principle and Interest: Thomas Jefferson and the Problem of Debt_ (380 pages; ISBN 0813920930/ 9780813920931)

(22) Sarah Smarsh 2018 _HeartLand: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth_ (290 pages; 4.2MB; 305.562093 Sma; Main+E)

Edward Smeloff & Peter Asmus 2013 _ReInventing Electric Utilities: Competition, Citizen Action, and Clean Power_ (245 pages; 10.4MB)

David M. Smick 2017 _The Great Equalizer: How Main Street Capitalism Can Create an Economy for EveryOne_ (232 pages; 338.973; NE)

Vaclav Smil 2013 _Made in the USA: The Rise and Retreat of American Manufacturing_ (256 pages; 7.5MB)

Samuel Smiles 1876, 2011 _Thrift_ (215 pages; 805KB)

Gene Smiley 2002, 2003 _Rethinking the Great Depression_ (190 pages; 301KB)

Gene Smiley 1994 _The American Economy in the 20th Century_ ()

Tavis Smiley 2006 _The Covenant with Black America_ (254 pages)

Tavis Smiley 2007 _The Covenant in Action_ (219 pages; 535KB)

Tavis Smiley 2016 _The Covenant with Black America: Ten Years Later_ (299 pages; 2.9MB)

Adam Smith c. 1772 _The Theory of Moral Sentiments_ ()

Allen William Smith 2004 _The Looting of Socialist InSecurity: How the Government Is Draining USA's Retirement Account_ (235 pages; 368.4; Main)

Asher L. Smith & J.W. Hawxhurst 1866 _How to Get Rich: A Key to Honest Wealth, Being a Practical Guide to Business Success Applicable to All Trades and Professions_ (140 pages)

Billy Gordon Smith 1990, 1994 _The "Lower Sort": Philadelphia's Laboring People 1759-1800_ (260 pages)

Billy Gordon Smith 2004 _Down and Out in Early USA_ (340 pages)

Charles Huggh Smith 2014 _Get a Job, Build a Career, Defy a Bewildering Economy_ (160 pages; 763KB)

Craig R. Smith & Lowell Ponte 2011 _The Inflation Deception: 6 Ways Government Tricks Us and 7 Ways to Stop It!_ (260 pages; 818KB)

Craig R. Smith & Lowell Ponte 2012 _The Great Debasement: The 100-Year Dying of the Dollar and How to Get America's Money Back_ (270 pages; 1.1MB)

Craig R. Smith & Lowell Ponte 2013 _The Great Withdrawal: How the Regressives' 100-Year Debasement of the USA Ends_ (240 pages; 1.1MB)

Craig R. Smith & Lowell Ponte 2014 _Don't Bank on It!: The UnSafe World of 21st Century Banking_ (245 pages; 1.6MB)

Craig R. Smith & Lowell Ponte 2015 _We Have Seen the Future and It Looks Like Baltimore: American Dream vs. Regressive Dream_ (240 pages)

Craig R. Smith & Lowell Ponte 2016 _Money, Morality, & the Machine: Smith's Law in an UnEthical, Over-Governed Age_ (220 pages)

(48) Hedrick Smith 2012 _Who Stole the American Dream?: Can We Get It Back?_ (557 pages; 973.91; Main+E+Jax)

James P. Smith & Finis Welch 1978 _Race Differences in Earnings: A Survey and New Evidence_ ()

Mark A. Smith 1926 _The Tariff on Wool_ ()

(50) Maye Smith & Faye Hudson 1997 _Maye & Faye's Building & Loan: The Story of a Remarkable Sisterhood_ (247 pages; 332.32 SMI; Main)

Michael D. Smith & Rahul Telang 2016 _Streaming, Sharing, Stealing: Big Data and the Future of Entertainment_ (220 pages; 1.1MB)

Mickey C. Smith 2013 _Principles of Pharmaceutical Marketing_ (535 pages; 10.5MB)

Mickey C. Smith 2004 _The Rexall Story: An History of Genius and Neglect_ (175 pages)

Robert H. Smith 2000 _Dead Bank Walking: One Gutsy Bank's Struggle for Survival and the Merger That Changed Banking ForEver_ (440 pages )

Stephen Smith 2011 _Environmental Economics: A Very Short Introduction_ (145 pages; 3.6MB)

Tara Smith 2000 _Viable Values: A Study of Life as the Root and Reward of Morality_ (215 pages; 3MB)

Tara Smith 2006 _Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist_ (325 pages; 656KB)

Vera C. Smith 1936 _The Rationale of Central Banking_ ()

Donald R. Snodgrass 1980 _InEquality and Economic Development in Malaysia_ ()

Bill Snow & Amber Cordova 2011 _Venture Capital 101_ ()

Bill Snow 2011 _Mergers and Acquisitions for Dummies_ (350 pages; 15.5MB)

Charles Percy Snow 1960, 1961, 1962 _Science and Government: The Godkin Lectures at Harvard University_ ()

Brian Snowden, Howard R. Vane, Roger W. Garrison et al. 2005 _Modern MacroEconomics: Its Origins, Development, & Current State_ (820 pages)

Richard Sobel 1999 _When Giants Stumble_ (245 pages)

Richard Sobel 1999 _Panic on Wall Street: An History of USA's Financial Disasters_ (recessions; 470 pages)

Richard Sobel 1989 _The White Collar Working "Class": From Structure to Politics_ (200 pages)

Robert Sobel 1965 _The Big Board_ ()

Robert Sobel 1980 _The Worldly Economists_ (250 pages)

Robert Sobel 1993 _The Age of Giant Corporations: A MicroEconomic History of USA Business 1914-1992_ (320 pages; 4.2MB)

Robert Sobel 1999 _The Rise & Fall of the Conglomerate Kings_ ()

(67) Robert Sobel, Roger Lowenstein, Mark Skousen et al. 2006-01-02, 2009 _Crashes, Booms, Panics, and Government Regulation_ (Blackstone; evil Overdrive/Libby audio)

Cassie Sobelton 2019 _The Employee WellBeing HandBook: A Guide for Collaborating Across All Departments, Benefit Vendors, and Health Practitioners to Build a Culture of Wellness within any Organization_ (140 pages)

Don Soderquist 2005 _The WM Way: The InSide Story of the "Success" of the World's Largest Company [by Locking Employees in the Store Over-Night, Preventing Them from Comparing Compensation, Not Paying Them for All of Their Work, and Strong-Arming Inventors & Vendors into Making Their Products Shoddier]_ (210 pages; 381.149)

(48) John Soforic 2018 _The Wealthy Gardener: Life Lessons on Prosperity between Father and Son_ (419 pages; 332.024 Sof; Main+NE)

Dorothy Solinger 1999 _Contesting Citizenship in Urban China: Peasant Migrants, the State, and the Logic of the Market_ ()

Jacob Soll 2014 _The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations_ (276 pages; 5.4MB; 657.09; NE)

Jacob Soll 2010 _The Information Master: Jean Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System_ (290 pages; 1.9MB)

James H. Soltow 1965 _The Economic Role of Williamsburg_ ()

Herman Miles Somers & Anne Ramsay Somers 1961, 1962 _Doctors, Patients, and Health [Protection Rackets]: The "Organization" and Financing of Medical Care_ ()

Gordon Kent Sorey 1980 _The Foreign Policy of a MultiNational Enterprise: An Analysis of the Policy InterActions of Dow Chemical Company and the USA_ ()

Andrew Ross Sorkin 2009 _Too Big to Fail_ (590 pages; 10.5MB; 330.973; NE+E+Woodville)

Guy Sorman 2009 _Economics Does Not Lie: A Defense of the Free Market in a Time of Crisis_ (340 pages; 766KB)

Guy Sorman 8888 _The Empire of Lies: The Truth about China in the 21st Century_ ()

Didier Sornette 2009 _Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems_ (440 pages; 12.4MB)

George Soule 1947 _Prosperity Decade: from War to Depression 1917-1929_ ()

  - - - - - Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell 2004 _Affirmative Action Around the World_ (250 pages; 1.8MB)

Thomas Sowell 1999 _Barbarians Inside the Gates_ (260 pages; 2.2MB)

(35) Thomas Sowell 1972 _Black Education: Myths and Tragedies_ (325 pages; 378.73 Sow; BLPerry)

(21) ►Thomas Sowell 2020 _Charter Schools and Their Enemies_ (260 pages; 30.8MB; ISBN 1541675134/ 9781541675131; OCLC 1137840292; ILL request)◀

Thomas Sowell 2006, 2007 _On Classical Economics_ (315 pages)

Thomas Sowell 1974 _Classical Economics ReConsidered_ ()

(39) Thomas Sowell 2018, 2019 _Discrimination & Disparities_ (308 pages; 812KB; 305.8 Sow; Main)

Thomas Sowell 1983 _The Economics and Politics of Race: An InterNational Perspective_ (315 pages)

(47) ►Thomas Sowell 1985, 1986 _Education: Assumptions versus History_ (203 pages; ISBN 9780817981129; OCLC 470990719; StanfordU Hoover Institution; ILL request)◀

Thomas Sowell 2002 _The Einstein Syndrome_ (230 pages; 2.1MB)

Thomas Sowell & Lynn D. Collins 1978 _Essays and Data on American Ethnic Groups_ (415 pages; ISBN 9780877662112; OCLC 4555077/ 823228233/ 760364953; Urban Institute)

Thomas Sowell 2006 _Ever Wonder Why? and Other Controversial Essays_ (455 pages; 2.3MB)

Thomas Sowell 2013 _Intellectuals and Race_ ()

Thomas Sowell 2012 _Intellectuals and Society_ (significant revisions)

Thomas Sowell 1997 _Late-Talking Children_ (649.68)

Thomas Sowell 2007 _A Man of Letters_ (315 pages; 2.4MB)

Thomas Sowell 1981 _Markets and Minorities_ ()

Thomas Sowell 1985 _Marxism: Philosophy and Economics_ (280 pages)

Thomas Sowell 1996, 1997 _Migrations and Cultures_/_Migrations and Culture_ (520 pages)

Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Culture_ ()

Thomas Sowell 2000, 2001 _A Personal Odyssey_ (315 pages; 759KB; biography)

Thomas Sowell 1990 _Preferential Policies: An InterNational Perspective_ (215 pages)

(15) Thomas Sowell 1999, 2010 _The Quest for Cosmic Justice_ (214 pages; 303.372 Sow; Main)

Thomas Sowell 1991 _Racial Preference and "Racial Justice": The New Affirmative Action Controversy_ (344.73)

Thomas Sowell 1972, 2015 _Say's Law: An Historical Analysis_ (250 pages)

(42) ►Thomas Sowell 2011-10-04 _The Thomas Sowell Reader_ (449-460 pages; 703KB-1.2MB; ISBN 9780465022502; OCLC 701015474; Basic; ILL request)◀

Thomas Sowell 2012 _"Trickle Down" Theory and "Tax Cuts for the Rich"_ ()

Debora L. Spar 2003 _Ruling the Waves: From the Compass to the Internet, an History of Business and Politics along the Technological Frontier_ (400 pages)

David Sparks 8888 _Paperless_ ()

Earl Sparling 1930 _Mystery Men of Wall Street_ ()

Dimitri Speck 2013 _The Gold Cartel: Government Intervention on Gold, the Mega Bubble in Paper, and What This Means for Your Future_ (328 pages)

A. Michael Spence 1974 _Market Signaling: Informational Transfer in Hiring and Related Screening Processes_ (215 pages)

Paul Sperry 2011 _The Great American Bank Robbery_ (322 pages; 559KB)

(39) ►Mark Spitznagel 2021 _Safe Haven: Investing for Financial Storms_ (208 pages; ISBN 9781119401797; OCLC 1253306757; Wiley; ILL request)◀

(47) ►Mark Spitznagel 2013 _The Dao of Capital: Austrian Investing in a Distorted World_ (332 pages; ISBN 9781118347034; OCLC 958121591; Wiley; ILL request)◀

Lysander Spooner & Phillip W. Magness 2018 _Two Treatises on Competitive Currency & Banking_ (210 pages; 496KB)

Greg Spotts & Robert Greenwald 2005 _Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price_ (220 pages; 2MB)

Irvine H. Sprague 1986 _BailOut: An InSider's Account of Bank Failures and Rescues_ ()

Peter Spufford 2003 _Power and Profit: The Merchant in Medieval Europe_ (425 pages)

(54) Brenda Stalcup 2002 _The Industrial Revolution_ (269 pages; 58MB; 330.9034; FtBraden)

Guy Standing 2011 _The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class_ (340 pages; 868KB)

Robert Stanley 1993 _Dimensions of Law in the Service of Order: Origins of the Federal Income Tax 1861-1913_/_Dimensions of UnConstitutional Law in the Service of Power-Madness: Origins of Federal Income Extortion 1861-1913_ ()

(50) Thomas J. Stanley & Sarah Stanley Fallaw 2019 _The Next Millionaire Next Door: Enduring Strategies for Building Wealth_ (260 pages; 332.02401 Sta; Main+Jax+E+NE)

(55) ►Thomas H. Stanton 1991 _A State of Risk: Will Government-Sponsored Enterprises Be the Next Financial Crisis?_ (215 pages; ILL request)◀

Thomas H. Stanton 2002 _Government-Sponsored Enterprises: Mercantilist Companies in the Modern World_ (135 pages)

Edward Stanwood 1903 _American Tariff Controversies in the 19th Century_ ()

Thomas A. Stapleford 2009 _The Cost of Living in the USA: A Political History of Economic Statistics 1880-2000_ (430 pages)

Jason Stapleton 2020-09-10 _The Namadic Wealth Formula: A BluePrint for Generating Predictable & Sustainable Income from AnyWhere on Earth_ (70 pages; 1.2MB)

David Stasavage 2020 _The Decline & Rise of Democracy: A Global History from Antiquity to Today (415 pages)

Peter N. Stearns 2012 _The Industrial Revolution in World History_ (315 pages; 3.5MB)

David Stebenne 2020 _Promised Land: How the Rise of the "Middle Class" Transformed the USA 1929-1968_ (310 pages; due out 2020-04-18; has appeared on All Things Leftist)

(50) ►David Ramsay Steele 1992, 1999-09-01, 2013 _From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist "Society" & the Challenge of Economic Calculation_ (440 pages; 1.7MB; ISBN 9780875484495; OCLC 924887799; OpenCourt; ILL request)◀

Benn Steil 2013 _The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order_ (465 pages; 4.5MB)

Ben Stein 2017 _The Capitalist Code: It Can Save Your Life and Make You Very Rich_ (170-200 pages; 401KB-682KB)

Herbert Stein 1984, 1994, 2011 _Presidential Economics: The Making of Economic Policy from Roosevelt to Clinton_ (320 pages)

Judith Stein 2010 _Pivotal Decade: How the USA Traded Factories for [Fraudulent] Finance in the 1970s_ (375 pages; 1.8MB)

Stanley J. Stein & Barbara H. Stein 2003 _Silver, Trade, and War: Spain and America in the Making of Early Modern Europe_ (360 pages)

Trudy Steinfeld & Emanuel Contomanolis 2017 _Winning the War for College Talent_ (230 pages)

Gus R. Stelzer 1994 _Nightmare of Camelot: An Expose of the Free Trade Trojan Horse_ ()

James Stent 2016 _Red China's Banking Transformation: The UnTold Story_ (285 pages; 4MB)

Paula Stephan 2012, 2015 _How Economics Shapes Science_ (375 pages; 4.1MB)

Paula E. Stephen & Ronald G. Ehrenberg 8888 _Science & the University_ ()

Paula E. Stephen & Ronald G. Ehrenberg 8888 _Economics of Science & Innovation_ ()

Paula E. Stephen 8888 _Striking the Mother Lode in Science: The Importance of Age, Time, & Place_ ()

Paula E. Stephen 2012 _How Economics Shapes Science_ (375 pages; 4.1MB)

J.W. Stephens 1867 _How to Get Rich: The Money Maker's Manual_ ()

Edward R. Stettinius 1944 _Lend-Lease: Weapon for Victory_ (350 pages)

sir James Steuart 1767 _An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy_ ()

Angela Steusse 2016 _Scratching Out a Living: Latinos, Race, and Work in the Deep South_ (320 pages; 7.5MB)

Andrew Stewart 2018 _"American System": Speeches on the Tariff Question, and on Internal Improvements, Principally Delivered in the House of Representatives of the USA_ (665 pages; 5.5MB)

James B. Stewart 1991, 2012 _Den of Thieves_ (1980s; 600 pages; 14.2MB; 364.168; )

George J. Stigler 1955 _Business Concentrations and Price Policy: A Conference of the Universities-Natinal Bureau Committee for Economic Research_ ()

George J. Stigler 1975 _The Citizen and the State: Essays on Regulation_ (215)

George J. Stigler 1982 _The Economist as Preacher and Other Essays_ ()

George J. Stigler 1965 _Essays in the History of Economics_ ()

George J. Stigler 1949 _Lectures on 5 Economic Problems_ ()

George J. Stigler 1988 _Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist_ ()

George J. Stigler 1983 _The "Organization" of Industry_ (325 pages)

(11) David A. Stockman 2013 _The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in the USA_ (743 pages; 330.973; Main+NE)

David A. Stockman 2016 _Trumped!: A Nation on the Brink of Ruin and How to Bring It Back_ (500 pages; 10.2MB; 99999.99999)

(22) Farah Stockman 2021 _American Made: What Happens to People When Work Disappears_ (99999 pages; ISBN 9781984801159; RandomHouse; on order 2021-08-29; Main+Jax)

Ellwyn R. Stoddard 1987 _Maquila: Assembly Plants in Northern Mexico_ (90 pages)

T.L. Stokes 1940 _Chip Off My Shoulder_ ()

Donald Storrie & Ola Bergstrom 2003 _Contingent Employment in Europe and the USA_ (265 pages)

Lynn A. Stout 2012 _The ShareOwner Value Myth: How Putting ShareOwners First Harms Investors, Corporations, and the Public_ (145 pages; 519KB)

Michael Strangelove 2005, 2015 _The Empire of Mind: Digital Piracy and the Anti-Capitalist Movement_ (310 pages; 1.3MB)

Susan Strasser 1999, 2014 _Waste and Want: A "Social" History of Trash_ (360 pages; 668KB)

Michael Stratheford 2012 _Motivating Employees: How to Keep Employees Happy While Maximizing Productivity_ (35 pages; 120KB)

Simon William Straus 1920, 2012, 2013, 2016 _History of the Thrift Movement in America_ (260-270 pages)

Steven D. Strauss 2011 _Get Your Business Funded: Creative Methods for Getting the Money You Nedd_ (238 pages; 658.15224; E)

Edward Stringham, Rosolino A. Candela, Winston Bush, Jason Osborne, Gordon Tullock, Christopher J. Coyne, J. Patrick Gunning, Peter T. Leeson, James M. Buchanan et al. 2018 _Anarchy, State, and Public Choice_ (240 pages)

Michael Strong & John Mackey 2009 _Be the Solution: How Entrepreneurs and Conscious Capitalists Can Solve All the World's Problems_ (390 pages; 1.9MB)

Jean Strouse 1999 _Morgan: American Financier_ (biography Morgan)

Paul Studenski & Herman Edward Krooss 2003 _Financial History of the USA_ (530 pages)

Joe Studwell 2002, 2007 _The China Dream: The Elusive Quest for the Greatest UnTapped Market on Earth_ (410 pages; 2.4MB; ILL request)

C.R. Subramanian 1992 _India and the Computer: A Study in Planned Development_ ()

Bob Sullivan 2018 _[Fraudulent] Gotcha Capitalism: How Hidden Fees Rip You Off Every Day and What You Can Do About It_ (390 pages ;3.7MB)

Walter Sulzbach 1942 _Capitalist WarMongers_ ()

Festus Paul Summers 1953, 2012 _William L. Wilson and Tariff "Reform"_ (290 pages)

William Graham Sumner 1874, 1883, 1884, 2005 _An History of American Currency_ (408 pages; 6.8MB)

Arun Sundararajan 2016 _The "Sharing" [Bodyshopping] Culture: The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based [Anonymous, Crowd-Abusing] Capitalism_ (245 pages; 2.5MB)

Steven M. Suranovic _International Trade Theory and Policy_ ()

Anthony Sutton 1977 _The War on Gold_ ()

Francis X. Sutton 1962 _The American Business Creed_ (400 pages)

James A. Swanson & Michael L. Baird 2003 _Engineering Your Start-Up: A Guide for the High-Tech Entrepreneur_ ()

(55) Mimi Swartz & Sherron Watkins 2003 _Power Failure: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Enron_ (386 pages; 3.7MB; 333.79 Swa; NE)

(29) ►Alecia Swasy 1993,1994, 2004, 2012, 2013 _Soap Opera: The Inside Story of Procter & Gamble_ (P&G; 365-378 pages; 5.3MB; ISBN 9780671897819; OCLC 728751370; RandomHouse/Crown/Simon&Schuster/Touchstone; 338.767; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

John J. Sweeney 1996 _USA Needs a Raise_ ()

Frank J. Swetz & David Eugene Smith 1986, 1987 _Capitalism and Arithmetic: The New Math of the 15th Century_ (370 pages)

Kara Swisher 2003 _There Must Be a Pony in Here SomeWhere: The DC Warner Time Turner AOL Debacle and the Quest for a Digital Future_ (310 pages; 456KB)

Charles J. Sykes 2012 _A Nation of Moochers: America's Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing_ ()

(30) Paula Szuchman & Jenny Anderson 2011, 2012 _Spousonomics: Using Economics to Master Love, Marriage, & Dirty Dishes_/_It's Not You, It's the Dishes: How to Minimize Conflict & Maximize Happiness in Your Relationship_ (332 pages; 2.7MB; 648.78 Szu; Main)


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