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Engineering/ Mechanical/ Architecture/ Manufacturing/ Making/ Building

3M 2002 _A Century of Innovation: The 3M Story_ ()

  - - - - - A

Dan Aadland 2017 _The Pocket Guide to Equine Knots: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Most Important Knots for Horse and Rider_ (191 pages; 623.9992 Aad; FtBraden)

Henry Adams 1986 _Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres_ (440 pages; 1.5MB)

J.G.U. Adams 1985 _Risk and Freedom: The Record of Road Safety Regulation_ ()

Nate Adams 2017 _The Home Comfort Book: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Comfortable, Healthy, Long Lasting, and Efficient Home_ (190 pages)

Sean Patrick Adams 2014 _Home Fires: How USA Citizens Kept Warm in the 19th Century_ (190 pages; 4.4MB)

Steven Adams 1987, 1992 _The Arts & Crafts Movement_ ()

(20) ►Glenn Adamson 2018 _Fewer, Better Things: The Hidden Wisdom of Objects_ (260 pages; 4MB; ILL request)◀

(30) ►Glenn Adamson 2021 _Craft: An American History_ (400 pages; ILL request)◀

Michael Adas 1989, 2015 _Machines as the Measure of Men: Science, Technology, and Ideologies of Western Dominance_ (450 pages; 3MB)

Bill Addis 2015 _Building: 3K Years of Design, Engineering, and Construction_ (630 pages)

Dennis Adler 2004 _Duesenberg_ (265 pages; 40.7MB)

Dennis Adler & Jay Leno 1998, 2004 _Packard_ (150 pages)

Georgius Agricola/Georg Bauer 1530, 1556, 1912, 1950, 2011, 2014 _Bermannus: Sive de Re Metallica Dialogus_/_Bermanus: A Dialogue on Metallurgy_ (100-1K pages; 11.7MB)

Arshad Ahmed & John Sturges 2014 _Materials Science in Construction: An Introduction_ (370 pages; 14.4MB)

Leslie Aitchison 1960 _An History of Metals_ (2 volumes)

(37) Daniel Marc Albert 2019, 2020 _Are We There Yet: The American Automobile, Past, Present, & Driverless_/_Are We There Yet: The USA Automobile, Past, Present, & Driverless_ (liberty; privacy violation; power-madness; fear; irrational fear of freedom; 304-389 pages; ISBN 9780393292749/ 9780393292756 OCLC 1104345096/ 1107592749; Norton; 303.4832 Alb; Main)

Albert B. Albrecht 2009 _The American Machine Tool Industry: Its History, Growth, & Decline: A Personal Perspective_ ()

Ken Alder 2002 _The Measure of All Things: The 7 Year Odyssey & Hidden Error that Transformed the World_ (Little Brown)

(17) ►Christopher Alexander 1979, 1980 _The Timeless Way of Building_ (552 pages; ISBN 0195022483/ 9780195022483; OCLC 223631397; Oxford; ILL request)◀

(49) ►Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, Max Jacobson, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King & Shlomo Angel 1977 _A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction_ (1,150 pages; ILL request)◀

Daniel Alef 2009 _William Crapo Durant: GM's Genius_ (11 pages; 259KB)

Daniel Alef 2016 _A Road Well Traveled: Profiles of USA's Great Automobile Pioneers_ (400 pages; 7.6MB)

Christopher Alexander 1964, 1971 _Notes on the Synthesis of Form_ (215 pages)

W.D. Alexander & A. Street 8888 _Metals in Service of Man_ ()

(19) Randy Alfred 2012 _Mad Science: Einstein's Fridge, Dewar's Flask, Mach's Speed, and 362 Other Inventions & Discoveries That Made Our World_ (390 pages; 500 MAD; Main)

Barry Allen 2008 _Artifice and Design: Art and Technology in Human Experience_ ()

Edward Allen & Joseph Iano 2013 _Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods_ (1,000 pages; 70.9MB)

Francis B. Allen & Freeric Knapp 1912 _John Fitch: The First in the World's History to Invent and Apply Steam Propulsion of Vessels Through Water_ ()

John C. Allen ii 2011 _UnCommon Vernacular: The Early Houses of Jefferson County, West Virginia 1735-1835_ (375 pages)

Robert Allen 2010 _BulletProof Feathers: How Science Uses Nature's Secrets to Design Cutting-Edge Technology_ (190 pages)

Braden R. Allenby & Daniel Sarewitz 2011 _The Techno-Human Condition_ (225 pages; 1.2MB)

Torsten K.W. Althin 1948 _C.E. Johansson 1864-1943: The Master of Measurement_ (Aktiebolaget)

James Ambrose & Patrick Tripeny 2010 _Simplified Engineering for Architects and Builders_ (736 pages; 16.5MB)

(25) Nancy W. Ambrosiano 1997, 2005 _Complete Plans for Building Horse Barns, Big & Small_ (448 pages; 728.922 Amb; Main)

(60) Alex Anderson 2002 _Kids Start Quilting: 7 Easy Projects_ (48 pages; 746.46041 AND; NE+E)

Chris Anderson 2012 _Makers: The New Industrial Revolution_ (265 pages; 10.8MB)

Corby G. Anderson, Robert C. Dunne & John L. Uhrie 2014 _Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: 100 Years of Innovation_ (685 pages)

David Anderson 2014 _Design for Manufacturability: How to Use Concurrent Engineering to Rapicly Develop Low-Cost, High-Quality Products for Lean Production_ (475 pages; 42.3MB)

George A. Anderson 1993 _Winning: A Race Driver's HandBook_ (190 pages)

George B. Anderson 1980 _100 Booming Years: An History of Bucyrus-Erie Company 1880-1980_ (300 pages)

Joel Andreas 2009 _Rise of the Red Engineers: The "Cultural Revolution" and the Origins of Red China's New Class_ ()

A. Andrew 1890, 2017 _Shoes of All Kinds and Styles: Men's and Boys' Shoes_ (catalog; 76 pages; 3.3MB)

Edward Deming Andrews, Faith Andrews & Alan Gowans 1966 _Religion in Wood: A Book of Shaker Furniture_ (125 pages)

Emily Anthes 2020, 2021 _The Great InDoors: The Surprising "Science" of How Buildings Shape Our Behavior, & Happiness_ (290-304 pages; ISBN 9780374166632; OCLC 1119996649; ScientificAmerican/Farfar, Straus, & Giroux/Picador)

(40) Mary Appelhof & Joanne Olszewski 2017 _Worms Eat My Garbage: How to Set Up and Maintain a Worm Composting System_ (183 pages; 639.75 App; Main+NE)

(17) Bryan Appleyard 2022 _The Car: The Rise & [Attacks Against] the Machine That Mde the Modern World [and Turned Peasants into Free Armored Knights]_ (engineering; liberty 🗽; 305 pages; ISBN ; Pegasus; on order 2022-09-27; Main)

Jerry Apps 2013 _Barns of Wisconsin_ (220 pages; 12.5MB)

Jerry Apps 2015 _One-Room Country Schools: History and Recollections_ (240 pages; 10.4MB)

Hannah Arendt 1959 _The Human Condition_ ()

Ian Armit 2002 _Towers in the North: The Brochs of Scotland_ (170 pages)

Jan Corey Arnett 19.6MB _USA Barns_ (74 pages; 19.6MB)

W. Brian Arthur 2009 _The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves_ (245 pages; 586KB)

Ascent Center for Technical Knowledge 2016 _AutoDesk NASTRAN In-CAD 2017 Essentials_ (340 pages)

Michael F. Ashby & Kara Johnson 2013 _Materials and Design: The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design_ (400 pages; 13.1MB)

Mark S. Ashton & Matthew J. Kelly 2018 _The Practice of Silviculture: Applied Forest Ecology_ (740 pages; 194.6MB)

B. Terry Asprin 1975 _FoundryWork for the Amateur_ ()

(50) Bulent Atalay 2011 _Math & the Mona Lisa_ (314 pages; 5.7MB; 709.2 Ata; Main)

Dan Atcheson & William McElroy 2012 _Fences & Retaining Walls_ (390 pages; 8MB)

Norman Atkinson 1996 _Sir Joseph Whitworth: The World's Best Mechanician_ (Sutton)

B. Michael Aucoin 2002 _From Engineer to Manager: Mastering the Transition_ (360 pages; 3.4MB)

Sunny Y. Auyang 2004 _Engineering -- an Endless Frontier_ ()

  - - - - - B

Adele Fleet Bacow & Kenneth E. Kruckemeyer 1986 _Bridge Design: Aesthetics and Developing Technologies_ ()

Harold Bagust 2006 _The Greater Genius: A Biography of Marc Isambard Brunel_ (155 pages)

(50) Safi Bahcall 2019 _LoonShots: How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries_ (349 pages; 658.4094 BAH; NE)

A.J. Baime 2010 _Go Like 4377: Forc, Ferrari, & Their Battle for Speed & Glory at Le Mans_ (310 pages; 1.5MB)

Ron Baird & Dan Comerford 1989 _The Hammer: The King of Tools_ ()

Jill Baker 2018 _Technology of the Ancient Near East from the NeoLithic to the Early Roman Period_ (330 pages; 10.7MB)

(50) John Milnes Baker 2013, 2018 _USA House Styles: A Concise Guide_ (180 pages; 728.0973 BAK; Main)

Kevin Baker 2016 _USA the Ingenious: How a Polity of Dreamers, Immigrants, and Tinkerers Changed the World_ (310 pages; 27.7MB)

C.A. Bakker, M.C. den Hollander, E. van Hinte & Y. Zijlstra 2014 _Products That Last: Product Design for Circular Business Models_ (110 pages)

Ted Balaker & Samuel C. Staley 2006 _Why the Congestion Crisis Matters More Than Some Think, and What We Can Do about It_ (200 pages; 1.9MB)

A.J. Balfour 2016 _More Than Automobiles: The Packards of Warren, Ohio_ (110 pages)

Richard Banfield, Martin Eriksson & Nate Wlkingshaw 2017 _Product Leadership: How Top Product Managers Launch Awesome Products and Build Successful Teams_ (240 pages; 8.1MB)

Christopher Bardt 2019 _Material and Mind_ (380 pages; 5.6MB)

Mike Barela 2014 _Getting Started with AdaFruit Trinket: 15 Projects with the Low-Cost AVR ATtiny85 Board_ (250 pages; 68.9MB)

Bruce A. Barker 2015 _Codes for HomeOwners: Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Building: Current with 2015-2017 Codes_ (230 pages; 109MB)

Maurice Willmore Barley 1987 _The English FarmHouse and Cottage_ (340 pages)

Joseph Barnes 1788, 1928 _Remarks on Mr. John Fitch's Reply to Mr. James Rumsey's Pamphlet_ ()

Sharon Barnes 2018 _Quilt Block Houses: Appealing Yet Absurd_ (9.9MB)

George Basalla 1988, 1989 _The Evolution of Technology_ (150 pages; 4.5MB)

Dayna Baumeister, Rose Tocke, Jamie Dwyer, Sherry Ritter & Janine M. Benyus 2014 _BioMimicry Resource HandBook: A Seed Bank of Best Practices_ (275 pages)

Simon Bayliss & Rory Bergin 2020-09-16 _The Modular Housing HandBook_ (230 pages; 89.4MB; ISBN 1859468659/ 9781859468654; RIBA)

Alex W. Bealer 2009 _Old Ways of Working Wood: The Techniques and Tools of a Time-Honored Craft_ (250 pages)

Elizabeth Beaton 1997 _Scotland's Traditional Houses: Country, Town, & Coastal Homes_ (100 pages)

Andrea Beaty & David Roberts 2016 _Iggy Peck, Architect_ (32 pages; 8.2MB)

Andrea Beaty & David Roberts 2016 Rosie Revere, Engineer_ (32 pages; 8.9MB)

Derrick Beckett 1969 _Great Buildings of the World: Bridges_ (190 pages)

John Beckmann, William Johnston, William Francis & J.W. Griffith 1846 _An History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins_ ()

(32) Scott Bedford 2013 _Made By Dad: 67 BluePrints for Making Cool Stuff_ (330 pages; 745.5 Bed; Main)

Peter Beeley 2001 _Foundry Technology_ (700 pages; 15.7MB)

Will Beemer 2016 _Learn to Timber Frame: Craftsmanship, Simplicity, Timeless Beauty_ (190 pages; 51MB)

George M. Beltzhoover ii 1900, 2010, 2017 _James Rumsey: The Inventor of the SteamBoat_ (21 pages; 118KB)

Ted Belytschko, Wing Kam Liu, Brian Moran & Khalil Elkhodary 2013 _NonLinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures_ (820 pages; 35.4MB)

(49) Gregory Benford 2010 _The Wonderful Future That Never Was_ (207 pages; 609 Ben; Main)

Cristina Paredes Benitez & Alex Sanchez Vidiella 2010 _Small Eco Houses: Living Green in Style_ (410 pages)

Asher Benjamin 8888 _The Country Builder's Assistant_ (64 pages; 2.6MB)

(11) David Bennett 1999 _The Creation of Bridges: From Vision to Reality, the Ultimate Challenge of Architecture, Design, and Distance_ (architecture; 232 pages; 624.2 Ben; Jax)

Ross Bentley 1998 _Speed Secrets: Professional Race Driving Techniques_ (160 pages; 1.3MB)

Ross Bentley 2017 _Speed Secrets: The Lost Art of High-Performance Driving_ (160 pages; 21.6MB)

Janine M. Benyus 2009 _BioMimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature_ (315 pages)

Christopher Beorkrem 2013 _Material Strategies in Digital Fabrication_ (210 pages; 19.8MB)

Donald J. Berg 1997 _USA Country Building Design: ReDiscovered Plans for 19th-Century USA FarmHouses, Cottages, Landscapes, Barns, Carriage Houses & OutBuildings_ (160 pages)

Suzanne Berger 2013 _Making in America from Innovation to Market_ (MIT; 255 pages; 1.6MB)

(50) Deborah Berke & Steven Harris 1997 _Architecture of the EveryDay_ (229 pages; 720.103 ARC; NE)

Scott Berkun 2010 _The Myths of Innovation_ (240 pages; 4.7MB)

(45) F. Clifton Berry ii 1993 _Inventing the Future: How Science and Technology Transform Our World_ (180 pages; 621.381 Ber; NE)

James D. Bethune 2014 _Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks_ (760 pages; 35.6MB)

Pierre Bezier 2014 _The Mathematical Basis of the UniSurf CAD System_ (70 pages; 7.9MB)

Wiebe Bijker 1995 _Of Bicycles, Bakelites, and Bulbs_ ()

Onder Bilgi 2001 _Metallurgists of the Central Black Sea Region: A New Perspective on the Question of the Indo-European-Original HomeLand_ (110 pages)

John M. Bill 2005 _Duesenberg RaceCars & Passenger Cars: Photo Archive_ (125 pages)

John M. Bill 2010 _Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg Racers & Record-Setters: Photo Archive_ (125 pages)

David P. Billington 1983 _The Tower and the Bridge: The New Art of Structural Engineering_ ()

(50) Pamela Riddle Bird 2004 _Inventing for Dummies_ (358 pages; 608.0688; FtBraden)

Black & Decker 2015 _The Complete Guide to Concrete and Masonry: Build with Concrete, Brick, Block & Natural Stone_ (272 pages)

(28) Black & Decker 2017 _Wood Floors: HardWood, Laminate, Bamboo, Wood Tile, and More_ (160 pages; 645.1 WOO; Main+Jax)

J. Lewis Blackburn & Thomas J. Domin 2014 _Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications_ (675 pages; 83.3MB)

Winfrey P. Blackburn ii, R. Scott Gill & John Nation 2007 _Kentucky Houses of Stratton Hammon_ (200 pages)

Pat Blackley & Chuck Blackley 2009 _Virginia's Historic Homes and Gardens_ (128 pages)

(14) Howland Blackiston 2013 _Building BeeHives for Dummies_ (638.14 Bla; Main)

(47) ►Nelson Manfred Blake 1956, 1995 _Water for the Cities: An History of the Urban Water Supply_ (341 pages; OCLC 1069438220; SyracuseU; ILL request)◀

Percy Blandford 1976 _Old Farm Tool and Machinery: An Illustrated History_ ()

C.R. Blick 1991 _Early Metallurgical Sites in Great Britain 2000BCE to 1500CE_ (110 pages)

Arthur Block 1979 _Murphy's Law_ ()

David Blockley 2010 _Bridges: The Science and Art of the World's Most Inspiring Structures_ (330 pages; 3.4MB)

Sally F. Bloomfield & Kumar Jyoti Nath 2009 _Use of Ash and Mud for HandWashing in Low Income Communities_ ()

(40) John Bloom 2016 _Eccentric Orbits: The Iridium Story_ (537 pages; ISBN 9780802121684; Atlantic; 384.51 Blo; Main)

Tim Bodmar 2013 _The Complete Guide to Building Classic Barns, Fences, Storage Sheds, Animal Pens, OutBuildings, GreenHouses, Farm Equipment, & Tools_ (190 pages; 21.5MB)

(50) Francoise de Bonneville, Deke Dusinberre & Reves de Blanc 1994 _The Book of Fine Linen_ (208 pages; 746.9; over-size 9.7x1x12.5inches; Main)

Thomas E. Bonsall 2000 _More Than They Promised: The Studebaker Story_ (485 pages)

W. Borchers 2013 _Metallurgy_ (300 pages)

Franco Borsi 1989 _Leon Battista Alberti: Architectural Documents_ (280 pages )

Richard Bottrell 2016 _A Practical Guide to Coal Fired Power Plant Efficiency: For Operators and Engineers_ (6.5MB)

(50) Sharon Bowers & David Bowers 2016 _The Useful Book: 201 Life Skills They Used to Teach in Home Ec and Shop_ (403 pages; 640 Bow; Main+Woodville+FtBraden)

Marcus Bowman 2015 _ScrewCutting_ (510 pages; 43.7MB)

Thomas Alexander Boyd 1935 _Poor John Fitch: Inventor of the SteamBoat_ ()

Marjorie Nice Boyer 1976, 2013 _Medieval French Bridges_ (260 pages)

Godfrey Boyle & Peter Harper 1976 _Radical Technology: Food, Shelter, Tools, Materials, Energy, Communication, Autonomy, Community_ ()

Earl Boysen & Nancy C. Muir 2011 _NanoTechnology for Dummise_ (350 pages; 15.9MB)

Gary Brackett 2013 Carpentry and Framing: Complete HandBook_ (230 pages; 13.1MB)

Barry H.G. Brady & E.T. Brown 2007 _Rock Mechanics for UnderGround Mining_ (615 pages; 33.6MB)

Nyle C. Brady & Ray R. Weil 2009 _Elements of the Nature and Properties of Soils_ (610 pages)

(28) Stewart Brand 1994, 1995 _How Buildings Learn: What Happens after They're Built_ (460 pages; 35.4MB; 720.1 Bra; NE)

(57) Anthony Brandt & David Eagleman 2017 _The RunAway Species: How Human Creativity ReMakes the World_ (296 pages; 163.35 Bra; Mars)

Daniel A. Brandt & J.C. Warner 2009 _Metallurgy Fundamentals_ (300 pages)

Gareth Branwyn 2018 _Tips and Tales from the WorkShop: A Handy Referencefor Makers_ (215 pages; 19.2MB)

Kevin Brennan 2019 _Mastering Product Management: A Step-by-Step Guide_ (155 pages; 1.7MB)

Donald Breyer, Kenneth Fridley, David Pollock ii & Kelly Cobeen 2014 _Design of Wood Structures_ (1008 pages; 79MB)

Alan Bridgewater & Gill Bridgewater 1999 _Making Marble-Action Games, Gadgets, Mazes, & Contraptions: Designs for 10 OutLandish, Ingenious, and Intricate WoodWorking Projects_ (140 pages; 12.3MB)

Alan Bridgewater & Gill Bridgewater 2011 _Making Wooden Mechanical Models: 15 Designs with Visible Wheels, Cranks, Pistons, Cogs, and Cams_ (140 pages; 23.3MB)

Cris Briger, Paul Briger & Michel Zabe 2007 _Comfortable and Joyous Homes, City, Country, and LakeSide_ (240 pages)

Ashleigh Brilliant 1989 _The Great Car Craze_ ()

Damian Brindle 2018 _How to Drive Safely: 49 Expert Tips, Trick, and Advice for New Teen Drivers_ (82 pages; 1.9MB)

Douglas G. Brinkley 2004 _Wheels for the World: Henry Ford, His Company, and a Century of Progress_ (880 pages)

James M. Brodie 1993 _Created Equal: The Lives and Ideas of Black American Innovators_ ()

Wayne G. Broehl 1959 _Precision Valley: The Machine Tool Companies of Springfield, VT_ (265 pages)

Alec Broers 2005 _The Triumph of Technology: The BBC Reith Lectures_ ()

Tamra Brookings 2015 _Tiny House Living: Tiny Home WoodWorking Plans & Interior Design Ideas for Living in Less Than 400 Square Feet and Feel Large_ (728.37)

Adam Brouillard 2015 _The Perfect Corner: A Driver's Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Their Own Optimal Line Through the Physics of Racing_ (100 pages; 12.5MB)

Dan Brown 1998 _One Giant Leap: The Story of Neil Armstrong_ (J biography Neil Armstrong_)

David J. Brown 1993, 2005 _Bridges: 3K Years of Defying Nature_ (200 pages)

George Brown 2013 _PineWood Derby Secrets_ (72 pages; 2.4MB)

Henry T. Brown 1868, 1906, 2008, 2012 _507 Mechanical Movements: Mechanisms and Devices_ (95 pages; 9.5MB)

Kenneth A. Brown 1988 _Inventors at Work: InterViews with 16 Notable USA Inventors_ ()

Blaine Brownell, Marc Swackhamer & Blair Satterfield 2015 _HyperNatural: Architecture's New Relationship with Nature_ (175 pages)

Roger Bruce 1995 _Seeing the UnSeen: Dr. Harold E. Edgerton and the Wonders of Strobe Alley_ ()

(13) ►Victoria Bruce 2017 _SellOut: How Washington Gave Away America's Technological Soul_/_SellOut: How Washington [& Wall Street] Gave Away USA's Technological Soul, and One Man's Fight to Bring It Home_ (275-288 pages; 885KB; ISBN 1632862581/ 9781632862587; OCLC 990020995; Bloomsbury; Chipola, St.Johns/St.Augustine, Dunedin, Winter Haven; ILL request)◀

Tim Bryan 1999, 2003 _Brunel: The Great Engineer_ (155 pages)

R.W. Brunskill 2002 _Traditional Buildings in Cumbria_ ()

R.W. Brunskill 1985 _Timber Building in Britain_ ()

R.W. Brunskill 2009 _Brick and Clay Building in Britain_ ()

R.W. Brunskill 1987 _Vernacular Architecture of the Lake Counties_ ()

Eric Bruton 2000 _The History of Clocks & Watches_ ()

John Bryant & Chris Sangwin 2008 _How Round Is Your Circle?: Where Engineering & Mathematics Meet_ (PrincetonU)

(48) Robert Bryce 2020 _A Question of Power: Electricity & the Wealth Nations_ (260 pages; 25MB; 333.79 Bry; Mars)

Douglas Bryden 2014 _CAD and Rapid Prototyping for Product Design_ (175 pages; 16.2MB)

(50) Erik Brynjolfsson & Andrew McAfee 2014 _The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies_ (300 pages; 303.483 Bry; Main)

Robert Buderi 1996 _The Invention that Changed the World: How a Small Group of Radar Pioneers Won the Second World War and Launched a Technical Revolution_ ()

(50) Richard W. Bulliet 2016 _The Wheel: Inventions & ReInventions_ (256 pages; 621.8 Bul; Main)

Monte Burch 2012 _Building Small Barns, Sheds, & Shelters_ (240 pages; 14.7MB)

Monte Burch 1984 _Complete Guide to Building Your Own Log Home_ ()

Roger Burlingame 1947 _Inventors Behind the Inventor_ ()

Bob Burns & Mike Burns 8888 _Wilderness Navigation: Finding Your Way Using Map, Compass, Altimeter, & GPS_ (175 pages; 19.7MB)

Mike Busch 2018 _Engines: What Every AirCraft Owner Needs to Know about Design, Operation, Condition Monitoring, Maintenance, and TroubleShooting of Piston AirCraft Engines_ (500 pages; 37.3MB)

Judy Buswick, Ted Buswick & Alun John Richards 2006 _Slate of Hand: Stone for Fine Art & Folk Art_ (195 pages)

Kevin Butcher, Matthew Ponting, Jane Evans, Vanessa Pashley & Christopher Sommerfield 2015 _The Metallurgy of Roman Silver Coinage from the Reform of Nero to the Reform of Trajan_ (820 pages; 16.8MB)

Judith Buttriss 1999 _Nutrition and Food Procesing_ ()

  - - - - - C

CADArtifex 2018 _SolidWorks 2018: A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users_ (770 pages; 55.9MB)

CADArtifex 2017 _SolidWorks Exercises: Learn by Practicing: Learn to Design 3D Models by Practicing with These 100 Real-World Mechanical Exercises_ (260 pages; 48.3MB)

Marty Cagan 2017 _Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love_ (360 pages; 573KB)

Stu Campbell 1983 _The Home Water Supply: How to Find, Filter, Store, and Conserve It_ (230 pages)

John Cantrell & Gillian Cookson 2002 _Henry Maudslay & the Pioneers of the Machine Age_ (Tempus)

Gerald M. Carbone 2017 _Brown and Sharpe and the Measure of American Industry_ (McFarland)

Donald S.L. Cardwell 1972, 1991 _Turning Points in Western Technology_ (240 pages)

Rachel Carley 1997 _The Visual Dictionary of USA Domestic Architecture_ (260 pages)

Marilyn Carr 1985 _The AT Reader: Theory and Practice in Appropriate Technology_ ()

(29) John Michael Carroll 1999 _Working Alone: Tips & Techniques for Solo Building_ (construction; 152 pages; 690.8 Car; NE)

John Carroll 2014 _Measuring, Marking, & Layout: A Builder's Guide_ (215 pages; 6.8MB)

John Carroll 2014 _The Complete Visual Guide To Building a House_ (530 pages; 80MB)

John Carroll 2000 _Classic Jeeps: The Jeep from World War 2 to the Present Day_ (140 pages)

Kevin A. Carson 2010 _The HomeBrew Industrial Revolution: A Low-OverHead Manifesto_ (400 pages)

Michael Carter & Stephen P. Bentley 2016 _Soil Properties and Their Correlations_ (225 pages; 31.1MB)

Thomas Carter & Elizabeth Collins Cromley 2005 _Invitation to Vernacular Architecture: A Guide to the Study of Ordinary Buildings and Landscapes_ (120 pages)

Robert H. Casey 2016 _The Model T: A Centennial History_ (165 pages)

Steven Casey 1993 _Set Phasers on Stun and Other Tales of Design, Technology, and Human Error_ ()

Herbert Newton Casson 1909, 2013 _Cyrus Hall McCormick_ (340 pages; 1.7MB)

Enrico Castelli 1964 _Tecnica e Casistica_ ()

Jonathan Catherman 2014 _The Manual to Manhood: How to Cook the Perfect Steak, Change a Tire, Impress a Girl, & 97 Other Skills You Need to Survive_ (280 pages; 84.9MB)

Eric Chaline 2012 _50 Machines That Changed the Course of History_ (215 pages)

(30) Jack Challoner 2018 _How Technology Works: The Facts Visually Explained_ (255 pages; ISBN 9781465479648; DK/Dorling Kindersley; 600 How; Main+NE)

Jack Challoner 2016 _Maker Lab: 28 Super Cool Projects: Build, Invent, Create, Discover_ (160 pages; J 507.8 CHA; E)

Jagabanduhu Chakrabarty 2012 _Theory of Plasticity_ (885 pages; 19.5MB)

(50) Jack Challoner 2016 _Maker Lab: 28 Super Cool Projects: Build, Invent, Create, Discover_ (160 pages; 507.8; junior)

M. Chandler 8888 _Ceramics in the Modern World_ ()

Laura Chang 2000 _Scientists at Work: Profiles of Today's GroundBreaking Scientists from Science Times_ ()

Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk & Hsu-Pin Wang 2005 _Computer-Aided Manufacturing_ (675 pages)

Andy Chapman 2014 _WoodTurning Basics: 7 Handy Kitchen Items: On-Line Course_ ()

Giles Chapman 2018 _Drive: The Definitive History of Driving_ (350 pages)

Steve Chappell 2011 _A Timber Framer's WorkShop: Joinery, Design & Construction of Traditional Timber Frames_ (272 pages)

(50) Matt Chapple & Simon Brown 2016 _Make It, Own It, Love It: The Essential Guide to Sewing, Altering, and Customizing_ (175 pages; 646.4; Main+NE+E)

(39) Fu-Tung Cheng, Eric Olsen & Matthew Millman 2005 _Concrete at Home: Innovative Forms & Finishes, Floors, Walls, FirePlaces, CounterTops_ (216 pages; Taunton; 693.5 Che; Main+NE)

Clement D. Child 2002 _Electric Arcs: Experiment Upon Arcs Between Different Electrodes in Various Environments_ ()

Francis D.K. Ching 2014 _Building Construction Illustrated_ (465 pages; 337.9MB)

Stephen Blake Christena 2014 _Learn to Weld: Beginning MIG Welding and Metal Fabrication Basics_ (170 pages; 72.7MB)

(50) Asa Christiana 2017 _Build Stuff with Wood: Make Awesome Projects with Basic Tools_ (202 pages; 684.08 CHR; Main+Woodville)

Mark Christopher 8888 _Invention: Get on the Shelf: How to get your invention selling & making money_ (68 pages; 228KB)

Arturo O. Cifuentes 1989 _Using MSC/NASTRAN: Statics and Dynamics_ (445 pages)

Cincinnati Milacron 1984 _Cincinnati Milacron 1884-1984: Finding Better Ways_ ()

Herbert A. Claiborne 1957 _Comments on Virginia BrickWork before 1800_ ()

David A. Clark 2014 _Milling_ (110 pages; 23.8MB)

(15) ►John Drury Clark 1972, 2018 _Ignition!: An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants_ (9999 pages; ISBN 9780713599175; OCLC 1047593303; Rutgers; ILL request)◀

(50) Ronald William Clark 1985, 2011 _The Works of Man_ (352 pages; 1.1MB; 620 Cla; Main)

Arthur C. Clarke & Clive Staples Lewis & Ryder W. Miller 2003, 2005 _From Narnia to a Space Odyssey: The War of Ideas Between Arthur C. Clarke and C.S. Lewis_ (170 pages)

R.M. Clarke 2011 _Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg_ (425 pages)

Antony Clayton 2002, 2010 _SubTerranean City: Beneath the Streets of London_ (128 pages)

Henry Clews 1974 _Electric Power from the Wind_ ()

Lydia Aloan Cline 2018 _Fusion 360 for Makers: Design Your Own Digital Mmodels for 3D Printing and CNC Fabrication_ (295 pages; 59.1MB)

Robert Clow 201 _Restoring Scotlahd's Castles_ (200 pages)

Brice Cochran 2014 _Creating a Timber Frame House: a Step by Step Guide_ (96 pages; 10.8MB)

Donald P. Coduto 2015 _Foundation Design: Principles and Practices_ (984 pages; 43MB)

Lewis A. Coffin 2012 _USA Country Houses of the 1930s with Photographs and Floor Plans_ (160 pages; 39.1MB)

Ben Collins 2016 _How to Drive: Real World Instruction and Advice from Hollywood's Top Driver_ (260 pages; 13.9MB)

Carl W. Condit 1998 _The Chicago School of Architecture: An History of Commercial and Public Building in the Chicago Area 1875-1925_ (230 pages)

Carl W. Condit 1977 _The RailRoad and the City: A Technological and Urbanistic History of Cincinnati_ (325 pages)

Carl W. Condit 1952 _The Rise of the SkyScraper: The Genius of Chicago Architecture from the Great Fire to Louis Sullivan_ ()

Carl W. Condit 1968 _American Building Techniques and Materials from the First Colonial Settlements to the Present_ ()

(50) Sean Connolly 2017 _The Book of Massively Epic Engineering Disasters_ (240 pages; J 624.171 CON; Main+NE)

Drew Conroy 2015 _Oxen: A Teamster's Guide to Raising, Training, Driving, & Showing_ (295 pages; 76.2MB)

George Constable & Bob Somerville 2003 _A Century of Innovation: 20 Engineering Achievements That Transformed Our Lives_ ()

Consumer Guide 1978 _The Tool Catalog: An Expert Selection of the World's Finest Tools_ (280 pages; 621.908; )

Harriet G. Cooke 2008 _Six-Minute Solutions for Mechanical PE Exam Mechanical Systems and Materials Problems_ (80 pages)

Gail Cooper 1998, 2002 _Air Conditioning America: Engineers and the Controlled Environment 1900-1960_ (235 pages)

(50) Gordon Cooper & Bruce Henderson 2000 _Leap of Faith: An Astronaut's Journey Into the Unknown_ (280 pages; biography Cooper; Main)

Fred Coppersmith & J.J. Lynx 1949 _Patent Applied For: A Century of Fantastic Inventions_ ()

R. Cordoba 2013 _Craft Treatises and HandBooks: The Dissemination of Technical Knowledge in the Middle Ages_ (including Theophilus's _De Diversis Artibus_; 320 pages)

Kari A. Cornell 2018 _Dig In!: 12 Easy Gardening Projects Using Kitchen Scraps_ (64 pages; J 635 COR; Woodville)

John W. Cosgrove & John A. Hudson 2016 _Structural Geology and Rock Engineering_ (540 pages; 38.2MB)

Robert Courland 2011 _Concrete Planet: The Strange and Fascinating Story of the World's Most Common Man-Made Material_ (390 pages; 7.7MB)

Ruth Schwartz Cowan 1983 _More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the MicroWave_ ()

Cameron Coward 2015 _3D Printing_ (345 pages; 29.1MB)

A. Richard Crabb 1969, 1970 _Birth of a Giant: The Men and Incidents That Gave USA the MotorCar_ (455 pages)

Paul Craddock 2017 _Early Indian Metallurgy: The Production of Lead, Silver, and Zinc through 3 Millennia in NorthWest India_ (260 pages)

Carol Davidson Cragoe 2008 _How to Read Buildings: A Crash Course in Architectural Styles_ (245 pages)

Nathan Craig 2016 _Survival: DisAppear without a Trace, Find Food, Build Shelter, Filter Water, and Start a Fire in the Deepest Wilderness_ (25 pages; 2.8MB)

Ian Craighead 2015 _Rolls-Royce Merlin 1933-50 (All Engine Models) Owners' Manual_ (155 pages)

(35) Matthew B. Crawford 2010-04-27 _Shop Class as SoulCraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work_ (235 pages; ISBN 0143117467/ 9780143117469; Penguin; 331 Cra; Main)

(35) Matthew B. Crawford 2020-06-09 _Why We Drive: Toward a Philosophy of the Open Road_ (360 pages; 3.5MB; ISBN 0062741969/ 9780062741967; William Morrow; 388.342 Cra; NE; evil book rental)

(45) ►Matthew B. Crawford 2010-04-15, 2011-03-01 _The Case for Working with Your Hands: Why Office Work Is Bad for Us & Fixing Things Feels Good_ (235 pages; ISBN 0141047291/ 9780141047294; Penguin/Viking; ILL request)◀

Susan Crawford 2018 _Fiber: The Coming Tech Revolution and Why the USA Might Miss It_ (250 pages; 954KB)

(17) Creative HomeOwner Press 2007 _New Country & FarmHouse Home Plans_ (384 pages; ISBN 9781580113588; Creative HomeOwner; 728.37 NEW; Main)

(9) Creative Publishing International & Black & Decker 2010 _The Complete Photo Guide to Sheds, Barns, & OutBuildings_ (architecture; 448 pages; 690.89 Com; NE)

(17) Creative Publishing International & Black & Decker 2008 _The Complete Guide to Roofing, Siding, & Trim_ (271 pages; 695 Com; Main_NE)

Carla Hegeman Crim 2013 _Essential Sewing Reference Tool_ (128 pages; 646.2 Cri; Main+BLPerry)

Kevin J. Crisman & Arthur B. Cohn 1998 _When Horses Walked on Water: Horse-Powered Ferries in 19th-Century America_ (290 pages)

Gary Cross & Rick Szostak 2004 _Technology and USA "Society"_ (375 pages)

Mariesa L. Crow 2009 _Computational Methods for Electric Power Systems_ (290 pages; 6.6MB)

Jeffrey L. Cruikshank & David B. Sicilia 1997 _The Engine That Could: 75 Years of Values-Driven Change at Cummins Engine Company_ (630 pages)

Thomas Crump 2002 _A Brief History of Science as Seen through the Development of Scientific Instruments_ (450 pages)

Thomas Crump 2007 _A Brief History of the Age of Steam from the First Engine to the Boats and RailWays_/_The Age of Steam: The Power that Drove the Industrial Revolution_ (310 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Carroll & Graf)

Thomas Crump 2010 _A Brief History of How the Industrial Revolution Changed the World_ (385 pages)

C. Lyle Cummins ii 1998 _The Diesel Odyssey of Clessie Cummins_ (390 pages)

Kevin Cunningham 2012 _Types of Maps_ (48 pages)

Vincent Curcio 2001 _Chrysler: The Life and Times of an Automotive Genius_ (710 pages)

Richard L. Currier 2015 _UnBound: How 8 Technologies Made Us Human and Brought Our World to the Brink_ (400 pages; 7.2MB)

Darwin Curtis 1987 _The Rumseian Experiment: Being an Account of the Imaginous Mr. Rumsey's Creation of SteamBoats During the First Years of Our Republick_ (35 pages)

Glenn Hammond Curtis 1912, 2016 _The Curtiss Aviation Book_ (345 pages; 3.3MB)

Marianne Cusato, Ben Pentreath, Richard Sammons & Leon Krier 2011 _Get Your House Right: Architectural Elements to Use & Avoid_ (270 pages; 11.6MB)

E.L. Cussler & G.D. Moggridge 2011 _Chemical Product Design_ (445 pages; 15.2MB)

  - - - - - D

(58) DK/Dorling Kindersley 1996 _The Complete Book of Sewing_ (320 pages; 646.4 COM)

Anna Dahlstroem 2019 _StoryTelling in Design: Principles and Tools for Defining, Designing, and Selling Multi-Device Design Products_ (195 pages)

Frederick Dalzell, W. Bernard Carlson & John Sprague 2009 _Engineering Invention: Frank J. Sprague and the USA Electrical Industry_ (300 pages; 369KB)

B.K. Datta 2014 _Powder Metallurgy: An Advanced Technique of Processing Engineering Materials_ (280 pages; 5.7MB)

Maurice Daumas & Eileen B. Hennessy 1962, 1970, 1980 _An History of Technology and Invention: Progress Through the Ages: vol1 The Origins of Technological Civilization to 1450_ (700 pages)

Maurice Daumas & Eileen B. Hennessy 1970 _An History of Technology and Invention: Progress Through the Ages: vol2 First Stages of Mechanization 1450-1725_ ()

Maurice Daumas & Eileen B. Hennessy 1980 _An History of Technology and Invention: Progress Through the Ages: vol3 Expansion of Mechanization 1725-1860_ ()

Pete Davies 2014 _American Road_ ()

Mackenzie L. Davis 2010 _Water and WasteWater Engineering_ (2000 pages; 42.6MB; ISBN 0071713840/ 978071713849; McGraw-Hill)

Michael D. Davis 2011 _Coal Mining Equipment at Work: Featuring the World Famous Mines and Mining Companies of Western Kentucky_ (125 pages)

Frank Dawson 2012 _John Wilkinson: King of the IronMasters_ (9999 pages; History Press)

(50) Alain de Botton 2006 _The Architecture of Happiness_ (280 pages; 720.1 DEB; Main+NE)

(29) Lyon Sprague de Camp 1963, 1993, 1995 _The Ancient Engineers: Technology and Invention from the Earliest Times to the Renaissance_ (475 pages; 620.009 deC; Main)

(41) Lyon Sprague de Camp 1961, 1993 _The Heroes of American Invention_ (290 pages; 608.773 deC; Main+NE+BLPerry)

(55) Lyon Sprague de Camp 1961 _The Heroic Age of American Invention_ (290 pages; 608.773 deC; Jax)

(15) Reinier de Graaf 2017 _Four Walls and a Roof: The Complex Nature of a Simple Profession_ (513 pages; ISBN 9780674976106; HarvardU; 720 Gra; Main)

Villard de Honnecourt & Theodore Bowie 1959, 2012 _The SketchBook of Villard de Honnecourt_ (150 page; 13.9MB)

Norbert J. Delatte ii 2009 _Beyond Failure: Forensic Case Studies for Civil Engineers_ ()

Edward Denison & Ian Stewart 2012 _How to Read Bridges: A Crash Course in Engineering and Architecture_ (245 pages)

Andrew H. Dent & Leslie Sherr 2014 _Material Innovation: Product Design_ (215 pages)

(44) Sally Denton 2016 _The Profiteers: Bechtel & the Men Who Built the World_ (c.WW2; 436 pages; ISBN 9781476706467; Simon&Schuster; 338.762 Den; NE)

(50) ►T.K. Derry & Trevor I. Williams 1960, 1993 _A Short History of Technology from the Earliest Times to 1900CE_ (800 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; OxfordU; ILL request)◀

Clarence W. de Silva 2015 _Sensors and Actuators: Engineering System Instrumentation_ (840 pages; 50.9MB)

(29) ►Jay L. DeVore 2000, 2017, 2018 _Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences_ (560-775 pages; ISBN 0176783555/ 1337094269/ 9780176783556/ 9781337094269; OCLC 1125025046/ 960856431; Nelson/Cengage; 519.5; Main; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Gene D. Dickirson 2007 _GDT Speedster from Dream to Reality_ (kit/home-made car; 175 pages; 10.3MB)

Patrick Dillon & Stephen Biesty 2014, 2018 _The Story of Buildings: 15 Stunning Cross-Sections from the Pyramids to the Sydney Opera House and Beyond_ (96 pages)

Vidya Dinamani & Heather Samarin 2003, 2007, 2008, 2020-11-02 _GroundWork: Get Better at Making Better Products_ (216 pages; ISBN 9780578776323; OCLC ; Advantage Quest/Wiley/Product Rebels/self-promo)

(15) ►Robert Clyde Dixon 1976, 1984, 1994 _Spread Spectrum Systems_/_Spread Spectrum Techniques_ (573 pages; ISBN 9780471593423; OCLC 924758807; Wiley; ILL request)◀

Harry F.R. Dolan 2017 _Early American Furniture_ (100 pages)

Alfred Dolge 1911, 2014 _Pianos and Their Makers: A Comprehensive History of the Development of the Piano from the Monochord to the Concert Grand Player Piano_ (540 pages)

William Donaldson 2008, 2015 _Principles of Construction and Efficiency of Water-Wheels_ (95 pages)

Antonio Donnanno 2019 _Fashion PatternMaking Techniques for Accessories: Shoes, Bags, Hats, Gloves, Ties, Buttons, and Dog Clothing_ (245 pages)

Antonio Donnanno 2016 _Fashion PatternMaking Techniques: vol3 How to Make Jackets, Coats, and Cloaks for Women and Men_ (190 pages)

(28) Jim Donovan 2019 _Shoot for the Moon: The Space Race and the ExtraOrdinary Voyage of Apollo 11_ (453 pages; 53.2MB; 629.454 Don; Main)

William Henry Dooley 2013 _A Manual for ShoeMaking and Leather and Rubber Products_ (355 pages; 1.5MB)

Richard C. Dorf 2003 _CRC HandBook of Engineering Tables_ (650 pages; 19.9MB)

Florence Dorsey 1947, 1999 _Road to the Sea: The Story of James B. Eads and the Mississippi River_ (350 pages)

David Doyle 2015 _SB2C HellDiver in Action_ (80 pages)

(35) Michael E. Doyle 2007 _Color Drawing: Design Drawing Skills and Techniques for Architects, LandScape Architects, & Interior Designers_ (425 pages; 720.294 Doy; Main)

A.G. Drachmann 1963 _The Mechanical Technology of Greek and Roman Antiquity_ ()

K. Eric Drexler 2013 _Radical Abundance: How a Revolution in NanoTechnology Will Change Civilization_ (360 pages; 1MB)

Leonard D. du Boff 2005 _The Law in Plain English for Crafts_ (215 pages; 1.7MB)

Roger C. Dugan, Mark F.F. McGranaghan, Surya Santoso & H. Wayne Beaty 2012 _Electrical Power Systems Quality_ (560 pages; 30MB)

(50) Mark Duginske 2001 _The Art of the Band Saw: Award-Winning Designs_ (144 pages; 684.083 Dug; Main+Jax)

Paul Dumesny, J. Noyer & Donald Grant 1908, 1921, 2016 _Wood Products: Distillates and Extracts_ (350 pages)

David Ewing Duncan 1998 _Calendar: Humanity's Epic Struggle to Determine a True & Accurate Year_ (99999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Avon)

Kevin M. Dunn 2003 _CaveMan Chemistry: 28 Projects, from the Creation of Fire to the Production of Plastics_ (415 pages)

(50) ►Jeff Dungan ≈ William Abranowicz 2018 _The Nature of Home: Creating Timeless Houses_ (245 pages; ILL request)◀

(50) Judith DuPre & Adrian Smith 2008, 2013 _SkyScrapers: An History of the World's Most ExtraOrdinary Buildings_ (176 pages; 720.483 DuP; over-size; Main)

Kevin Durant 8888 _Quilting for Beginners: Ultimate Step by Step Quilting Guide to Master All the Quilting Techniques as a Beginner_ (30 pages; 4.1MB)

Bhaskar Dutta & Francis H. Froes 2016 _Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Alloys: State of the Art, Challenges, and Opportunities_ (125 pages)

C.P. Dwyer 1998 _The Homestead Builder: Practical Hints for Handy-Men_ (150 pages)

  - - - - - E

James Buchanan Eads 1876 _Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River_ ()

Helen Jones Earley & JamesR. Walkinshaw 1997 _Setting the Pace: Oldsmobile's First 100 Years_ (485 pages)

Kenneth Easterling 2013 _Introduction to the Physical Metallurgy of Welding_ (275 pages; 27.8MB)

Charles E. Ebeling 2009 _An Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering_ (530 pages)

Mick Ebeling 2015 _Not Impossible: The Art and Joy of Doing What Couldn't Be Done_ (265 pages; 4.6MB)

Scott Eberhardt & David Anderson 2009 _Understanding Flight_ (320 pages; 6.9MB)

Michael Eckert, Helmut Schubert & Thomas Hughes 1997 _Crystals, Electrons, Transistors: From a Scholar's Study to Industrial Research_ ()

Julian Edgar 2018 _Discovering Engineering That Changed the World_ (140 pages)

David Edgerton 2006 _The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900_ (275 pages; 3.5MB)

Harold E. Edgerton 2000 _Exploring the Art and Science of Stopping Time_ ()

Herbert L. Edlin 1969 _What Wood Is That?: A Manual of Wood Identification_ ()

Betsy Wells Edwards & Taylor Dabney 1998 _Virginia Country: Inside the Private Historic Homes of the Old Dominion_ (240 pages)

Clive A. Edwards, Norman Q. Arancon & Rhonda L.Sherman 2010 _Vermiculture Technology: EarthWorms, Organic Wastes, and Environmental Management_ (610 pages; 26.1MB)

David Edwards 2018 _Creating Things That Matter: The Art and Science of Innovations That Last_ (260 pages; 27.3MB)

Owen Dudley Edwards 1989 _Elegant Solutions: Quintessential Technology for a User-Friendly World_ (260 pages; 27.3MB)

Edward Eigen 2018 _On Accident: Episodes in Architecture and Landscape_ (400 pages; 10.8MB)

J.L. Elbert 1975 _Dueseberg: The Migtiest USA Motor Car_ (185 pages)

Donald F. Elger, Barbara A. le Bret, Clayton T. Crowe & John A. Robertson 2015 _Engineering Fluid Mechanics_ (590 pages; 14.8MBs)

Simon P. Ellis 2000, 2002, 2013 _Roman Housing_ (215 pages)

Irene Emery 2009 _The Primary Structure of Fabrics: An Illustrated Classification_ (360 pages)

Sara Emslie 2017 _Urban Pioneer: Interiors Inspired by Industrial Design_ (155 pages)

(58) John English 2015 _Harvest Your Own Lumber: How to Fell, Saw, Dry, and Mill Wood_ (131 pages; 634.98 Eng; NE)

(53) Nick Engler 1992 _Using the Band Saw_ (124 pages; 634.083 Eng; Main)

Robert F. Ensminger 2003 _The Pennsylvania Barn: Its Origin, Evolution, and Distribution in North America_ (360 pages)

Steven Eppinger & Karl Urich 2015 _Product Design and Development_ (440 pages; 13.6MB)

Alain Erlande-Brandenburg 1995 _Cathedrals and Castles: Building in the Middle Ages_ (175 pages)

Pieter Estersohn 2014 _Kentucky: Historic Houses and Horse Farms of BlueGrass Country_ (245 pages)

(20) Harold Evans, Gail Buckland & David Leer 2004 _They Made America: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine: 2 Centuries of Inventors_ (609.2273 Eva; Main+NE+Jax+FtBraden+BLPerry)

Harry B. Evans 1997 _Water Distribution in Ancient Rome: The Evidence of Frontinus_ (190 pages)

Leonard Evans 1991 _Traffic Safety and the Driver_ ()

Leonard Evans & Richard C. Schwing 1985 _Human Behavior and Traffic Safety_ ()

Chase Reynolds Ewald & Audrey Hall 2016 _USA Rustic_ (200 pages; 182.2MB)

Rex A. Ewing & LaVonne Ewing 2002 _Logs, Wind and Sun: HandCraft Your Own Log Home... Then Power It with Nature_ ()

  - - - - - F

Guilhem Fabre, Jean Luc iches, Philippe Leveau & Jean Louis Paillet 1992 _The Pont du Gard: Water and the Roman Town_ (127 pages)

(50) Jason Fagone 2013 _Ingenious: A True Story of Invention, Automotive Daring, and the Race to Revive the USA_ (370 pages; 629.222 Fag; Main)

Cynthia G. Falk & Geoffrey Gross 2008 _Architecture and Artifacts of the Pennsylvania Germans: Constructing "Identity" in Early America_ (250 pages)

Cheryl Fall 2007 _Quilting for Dummies_ (390 pages; 19MB)

Bill Fane 2016 _AutoCAD for Dummies_ (535 pages)

Leonard M. Fanning 1955 _Nikolaus August Otto: Father of the internal combustion engine_ ()

Charles Faraday 2017 _Sewing: Learn Hand Sewing Techniques and Strategies_ (36 pages; 4.7MB)

John Farndon 2010 _The World's Greatest Idea_ (245 pages; 1.4MB)

(50) Steven Robert Farnsworth 2010 _Welding for Dummies_ (360 pages; 671.52 Far; BLPerry)

J. Wayne Fears 2010 _How to Build Your Dream Cabin in the Woods_ ()

Josef Feller 2005, 2013 _Traditional IronWork Designs_ (96 pages; 24.1MB)

Eugene S. Ferguson 1992 _Engineering and the Mind's Eye_ (260 pages)

Eric Fernie 2014 _Romanesque Architecture: The First Style of the European Age_ (290 pages)

Eric Fernie 1984 _The Architecture of the Anglo-Saxons_ (190 pages)

Eric Fernie 2001 _The Architecture of Norman England_ (370 pages)

John Ferrell 1976 _From Single to Multi-Purpose Planning: The Role of the Army Engineers in River Development Policy 1824-1930_ ()

Clyde P. Fickes & W. Ellis Groben 2005 _Building with Logs & Log Cabin Construction_ ()

Tom Fidgen 2013 _The UnPlugged WoodShop: Hand-Crafted Projects for the Home & WorkShop_ (235 pages; 90MB)

Charlotte Fiell & Pater Fiell 2000 _Industrial Design A-Z_ ()

Ronald K. Fierstein 2015 _A Triumph of Genius: Edwin Land, Polaroid, and the Kodak Patent War_ (635 pages; 35.9MB)

Julie Boatman Filucci 2018 _Honest Vision: The Donald Douglas Story: Timeless Leadership Lessons from an Engineering Mind and Aviation Icon_ (340 pages; 37.1MB)

(11) Fine WoodWorking 2000 _Finishes & Finishing Techniques: Professional Secrets for Simple and Beautiful Finishes from Fine WoodWorking_ (201 pages; 684.084 FIN; BLPerry)

Fisher Body 19919696 _The Story of Fisher Body_ (20 pages)

David E. Fisher & Marshall J. Fisher 1996 _Tube: The Invention of Television_ ()

(50) David E. Fisher 1988 _A Race on the Edge of Time: Radar--The Decisive Weapon_ (371 pages; 940.5486 Fis; Main)

D. Fishlock 1967 _The New Materials_ (230 pages)

Charles Fishman, Fred Sanders et al. 2019 _One Giant Leap: The Impossible Mission That Flew Us to the Moon_ (470 pages; 57MB)

John Fitch 2010 _The Original Steam-Boat Supported; or A Reply to Mr. James Rumsey's Pamphlet, Shewing the True Priority of John Fitch, and the False Datings, etc., of James Rumsey_ (60 pages)

John Fitchen 1989 _Building Construction Before Mechanization_ (335 pages)

John Fitchen 1997 _The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals: A Study of Medieval Vault Erection_ (355 pages)

Richard Flatau 2012 _CordWood Construction: Best Practices_ (190 pages; 11.5MB)

John Fleming & Hugh Honour 2000 _The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture_ ()

(5) Bob Flexner 2005 _Understanding Wood Finishing: How to Select and Apply the Right Finish_ (308 pages; 684.084 Fle; Main; 2016 edition listed on Amazon)

Stephanie Flores 2015 _DIY Water Filtration: Water Purification Made Simple for Use at Home, During Emergencies, and EveryWhere Between_ (28 pages; 571KB)

(50) Kim Flottum 2010, 2014 _The BackYard BeeKeeper: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Keeping Bees in Your Yard and Garden_ (207 pages; 638.1 Flo; FtBraden)

(23) Alec Foege 2013 _The Tinkerers: The Amateurs, DYIers, and Inventors Who Make the USA Great_ (216 pages; 609.2273 Foe; Main)

Edward Ford 2016 _Getting Started with CNC: Personal Digital Fabrication with Shapeoko and Other Computer-Controlled Routers_ (165 pages; 13.2MB)

Dominique Forest 2014 _The Art of Things: Product Design Since 1945_ (580 pages)

Gerald L. Foster 2004 _USA Houses: A Field Guide to the Architecture of the Home_ (400 pages)

Mark S. Foster 1981 _From StreetCar to SuperHighWay: American City Planners and Urban Transportation 1900-1940_ ()

Patrick R. Foster 2015 _Studebaker: The Complete History_ (190 pages)

Patrick R. Foster 2019 _Jeep: The History of USA's Greatest Vehicle_ (190 pages)

Patrick R. Foster 2020 _Jeep: 8 Decades from Willys to Wrangler_ (190 pages)

Patrick R. Foster 2017 _Packard: An Illustrated History 1899-1958_ (125 pages)

Patrick R. Foster &BillTilden 2016 _Willys: The Complete Illustrated History 1903-1963_ (125 pages)

(50) Liz Fourez 2016 _A Touch of FarmHouse Charm: Easy DIY Projects to Add a Warm and Rustic Feel to Any Room_ (190 pages; 747.88 Fou; Main+FtBraden)

(50) Matthew Frederick & Louis Eguaras 2007, 2010 _101 Things I Learned in Architecture School_ (210 pages; 1.7MB; 641.5092 Egu; Main)

Alison Freer 2015 _How to Get Dressed: A Costume Designer's Secrets for Making Your Clothes Look, Fit, and Feel Amazing_ (250 pages; 13.2MB)

Robert Friedel 2010 _A Culture of Improvement: Technology and the Western Millennium_ (600 pages; 8.9MB)

Robert Friedel, Paul Israel & Bernard S. Finn 1986 _Edison's Electric Light: Biography of an Invention_ ()

Donald Friedman 2010 _Historical Building Construction: Design, Materials, and Technology_ (310 pages)

Tony Fry & Anne-Marie Willis 2015 _Steel: A Design, Cultural, and Ecological History_ (267 pages; 4.8MB)

Fred Fulkerson 2015 _SolidWorks Basics: A Project Based Approach_ (350 pages; 39.5MB)

  - - - - - G

W.K.V. Gale 1969, 1977 _Iron and Steel_ (100 pages)

W.K.V. Gale 2008 _IronWorking_ (30 pages)

Michel Gallet & James C. Palmes 1972 _Stately Mansions: 18th Century Paris Architecture_ ()

Fred A. Gannon 2012 _Shoe Making, Old and New_ (88 pages)

Donald A. Gardner 2004 _Classic Country Homes: Presenting 100 Inspired Country & FarmHouse Plans_ (175 pages)

Alfred Benjamin Garrett 2012 _The Flash of R Genius_ (250 pages)

James B. Garrison, Geoffrey Gross & John D. Milner 2013 _Stone Houses: Traditional Homes of R Brognard Okie_ (220 pages)

(55) John S. Garrison 2015 _Glass_ (122 pages; ISBN 1628924241/ 1628924292/ 9781628924244/ 9781628924299; Bloomsbury; 620.144 Gar; Main)

Lewis Gaspar 1984 _Carpentry_ ()

James M. Gaynor & Nancy L. Hagedorn 1994 _Tools: Working Wood in 18th-Century America_ (120 pages)

Fred A. Geier 1970 _The Cincinnati Milling Machine Company: Yesterday and Tomorrow_ ()

Philip O. Geier ii & Frederick V. Geier 1966 _Men of Purpose 1884-1964_ ()

Mark Gelernter 2001 _An History of USA Architecture: Buildings in Their Cultural and Technological Context_ (360 pages)

(40) Kenneth Geiser 2001 _Materials Matter_ (479 pages; 620.11 Gei; Main)

Gemstone Equipment _Pelton Water Wheel Turbine 10.625"_ ()

George Gently 1984 _Hardening, Tempering, and Heat Treatment_ (120 pages)

(17) G.N. Georgano 1970 _The History of Sports Cars_ (320 pages; Dutton; 28 cm.; 629.2222 Geo; Main)

Paul F. Gerrard & Michael Castiglione 2017 _Optimum Drive: The Road Map to Driving Greatness_ (194 pages; 1.9MB)

Neil Gershenfeld, Alan Gershenfeld & Joel Gershenfeld 2017 _Designing Reality: How to Survive and Thrive in the 3rd Digital Revolution_ (3D printing/additive manufacturing; 297 pages)

(45) Jon Gertner 2012 _The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of USA Innovation_ (422 pages; 23.2MB; 384 Ger; Main)

(10) S.W. Gibbia 1971 _Wood Finishing and ReFinishing_ (698.3 Gib; Jax)

C.R. Gibbs 1995 _Black Inventors from Africa to the USA_ ()

John Gibbs 8888 _Book of Architecture_ ()

John Gibbs 8888 _Rules for Drawing_ ()

Stan Gibilisco 2006, 2016 _Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics_ (760 pages; 23.3MB; 621.3; ???was catalogued, now it is not???) Stan Gibilisco 2006, 2016 _Beginner's Guide to Reading Schematics_ (180 pages; 9.5MB)

Joseph Gies 1963 _Bridges and Men_ (340 pages)

Patrick Gilbert, Natalia Bobadilla, Lise Gastaldi, Martine le Boulane & Olga Lelebina 2018 _Innovation, Research, and Development Management_ (220 pages; 1.6MB)

Bertrand Gille 1978, 1986 _History of Techniques: vol1 Techniques and Civilizations_ (1,400 pages)

Bertrand Gille 1978, 1986 _History of Techniques: vol1 Techniques and Civilizations_ (1,400 pages)

(47) Jeff Gillman 2008 _The Truth about Organic Gardening: Benefits, DrawBacks, & the Bottom Line_ (208 pages; 635.0484 Gil; Main)

Gil Gilpatrick 2001, 2011 _Building Wooden SnowShoes & ShowShoe Furniture_ (155 pages)

Gil Gilpatrick 2010 _Building a Strip Canoe_ (110 pages)

(47) ►Jean Gimpel 1976, 1977, 1979, 1988, 1992-01-01 _The Medieval Machine_ (255-274 pages; ISBN 9780712654845/ 9780708815465/ 9780704530980/ 9780140045147; OCLC 5661691/ 925193989/ 1123247244/ 283800463; Penguin/Pimlico/Futura/Victor Gollanz/Wildwood; 330.902; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Daniel J. Gingery & Vincent R. Gingery 2011 _Build Your Own Metal Working Shop from Scrap_ (864 pages)

David J. Gingery 2011 _The CharCoal Foundry_ (BuildOwnMetalShop #1; 80 pages; 1.4MB)

David J. Gingery 2011 _The Metal Lathe_ (BuildOwnMetalShop #2; 145 pages; 3.9MB)

David J. Gingery 2012 _The Metal Shaper_ (BuildOwnMetalShop #3; 140 pages; 2.4MBs)

David J. Gingery 2014 _The Milling Machine_ (BuildOwnMetalShop #4; 155 pages; 24.6MB)

David J. Gingery 2015 _The Drill Press_ (BuildOwnMetalShop #5; 180 pages; 6.8MB)

David J. Gingery 2015 _The Dividing Head & Deluxe Accessories_ (BuildOwnMetalShop #6; 200 pages; 15MB)

David J. Gingery 2015 _Designing & Building the Sheet Metal Brake_ (BuildOwnMetalShop #7; 55 pages; 3.2MB)

Vincent J. Gingery 2003 _Making Crucibles_ (64 pages)

Rebecca Ginsburg & Clifton Ellis 2010 _Cabin, Quarter, Plantation: Architecture and Landscapes of North American Slavery_ (260 pages)

Steve Ginter 2012 _McDonnell F2H-3/4 Big Banjo_ (175 pages)

(47) Jonathan Glancey 2006, 2017 _Architecture: A Visual History_ (416 pages; 720 Gla; Main)

(40) Andrew Glass 2015-08-25 _Flying Cars: The True Story_ (128 pages; J)

Chellis Glendinning 1990 _When Technology Wounds_ (285 pages; 362.19698; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

J. Duncan Glover, Thomas J. Overbye & Mulukutla S. Sarma 2016 _Power System Analysis and Design_ (930 pages; 92.8MB)

Stephen B. Goddard 1996 _Getting There: The Epic Struggle Between Road and Rail in the USA Century_ ()

Donald G. Godfrey 2001 _Philo T. Farnsworth: The Father of Television_ ()

Turan Goenen 2015 _Electric Power Distribution Engineering_ (1000 pages; 75MB)

David L. Goetsch 2014 _Project Management for Engineering and Technology_ (350 pages; 5.9MB)

Rich Gold 2007 _The Plenitude: Creativity, Innovation and Making Stuff_ (111 pages; 153.35 GOL; NE)

Eugen Goldbeck & Gustav Goldbeck 1952 _Otto and the Otto Engine_ ()

Eugen Goldbeck & Gustav Goldbeck 1952 _From Engines to Autos: 5 Pioneers in Engine Development_ ()

David E. Goldberg & Mark Somerville 2014 _A Whole New Engineer: The Coming Revolution in Engineering Education_ (288 pages; 4.5MB)

(40) Lawrence Goldstone 2016 _Drive!: Henry Ford, George Selden, and the Race to Invent the Auto Age_ (372 pages; 20.4MB; 338.47629 Gol; Main)

(80) Lynne Goldsworthy 2017 _Quick & Easy Quilts: 20 Modern Machine Quilting Projects_ (746.46 Gol; Jax)

Edwin M. Good 1982, 2002 _Giraffes, Black Dragons, and Other Pianos: A Technological History from Cristofori to the Modern Concert Grand_ (390 pages)

W.L. Goodman 1964 _The History of WoodWorking Tools_ (200 pages)

J.E. Gordon & Philip Ball 1984, 1991, 2006 _The New Science of Strong Materials_ (280 pages; 5.3MB)

(50) ►J.E. Gordon 2009 _Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down_ (415 pages; 20.3MB; ISBN ; OCLC ; Penguin; ILL request)◀

Herbert Gottfried & Jan Jennings 1993 _USA Vernacular: Buildings and Interiors 1870-1940_ (460 pages)

Herbert Gottfried & Jan Jennings 2009 _USA Vernacular: Buildings and Interiors 1870-1960_ (370 pages)

Jean Gottmann & Robert A. Harper 1990 _Since MegaloPolis: The Urban Writings of Jean Gottmann_ ()

Olaf Goubitz, C. van Driel-Murray & W. Groenman van Waateringe 2007 _Stepping through Time: Archaeological FootWear from PreHistoric Times until 1800_ (390 pages)

Bernhard Graf 2002 _Bridges That Changed the World_ (128 pages)

Karen Gravelle & Helen Flook 2009 _The Driving Book: EveryThing New Drivers Need to Know but Don't Know to Ask_ (175 pages; 6.1MB)

(34) Colleen Graves 2017 _The Big Book of MakerSpace Projects: Inspiring Makers to Experiment, Create, and Learn_ (291 pages; J 622.988 Gra; NE+BLPerry+FtBraden)

(47) Mike Gray 1992 _Angle of Attack: Harrison Storms & the Race to the Moon_ (304 pages; 629.1092 Gra; Main)

Ann Norton Green 2008, 2009 _Horses at Work: Harnessing Power in Industrial America_ (325 pages; 2.2MB)

Michael Greenhalgh 2013 _From the Romans to the RailWays: The Fate of Antiquities in Asia Minor: Technology and Change in History_ (400 pages)

Joseph George Greenwood & Bennett Woodcroft 1971 _The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria_ ()

(30) ►Abbie Griffin, Raymond L. Price & Bruce Vojak 2012 _Serial Innovators: How Individuals Create & Deliver BreakThrough Innovations in Mature Firms_ (230 pages; 2.5MB; ILL request)◀

(37) Mark Griffiths 2013 _WoodWorking in a WeekEnd: 20 Simple Projects for the Home_ (192 pages; 684.08 Gri; E)

Leonard L. Grigsby 2016 _Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution_ (770 pages; 80.8MB)

Walter T. Grondzik & Alison G. Kwok 2014 _Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings_ (1,830 pages; 139.4MB)

Mikell P. Groover 2015 _Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing_ (800 pages; 34.2MB)

Mikell P. Groover 2015 _Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems_ (930 pages; 79.2)

Marshall Gross 8888 _Roof Framing_ ()

Sam Gruber, Scott Tilden & Paul Rocheleau 2003 _USA Synagogues: A Centure of Architecture and Jewish Community_ (235 pages)

Arnulf Gruebler 2003 _Technology and Global Change_ (450 pages)

Ernest Gundling 2000 _The 3M Way to Innovation: Balancing People and Profit_ (230 pages)

Karl Gurcke 1987 _Bricks and BrickMaking: A HandBook for Historical Archaeology_ (335 pages)

(45) William Gurstelle 2001, 2012 _BackYard Ballistics: Build Potato Cannons, Paper Match Rockets, Cincinnati Fire Kites, Tennis Ball Mortars, and More Dynamite Devices_ (240 pages; 531.55 Gur; NE)

(49) William Gurstelle 2006 _Adventures from the Technology UnderGround: Catapults, PulseJets, Rail Guns, FlameThrowers, Tesla Coils, Air Cannon, and the Garage Warriors Who Love Them_ (224 pages; 621.815; Main)

(50) William Gurstelle 2014 _Defending Your Castle: Build Catapults, CrossBows, Moats, BulletProof Shields, and More Defensive Devices to Fend Off Invading Hordes_ (623.441; Main)

Lawrence R. Gustin 2012 _Billy Durant: Creator of General Motors_ (290 pages; 39.3MB)

Lawrence R. Gustin, Bob Lutz & Kevin M. Kirbitz 2018 _David Buick's Marvelous Motor Car: The Men and the Automobile That Launched General Motors_ (290 pages)

Pier Giovanni Guzzo & Antonio d'Ambrosio 2000, 2002 _Pompeii: Guide to the Site_ (159 pages)

  - - - - - H

H.J. Habakkuk 1962 _American and British Technology in the 19th Century_ ()

(29) Garrett Hack & John S. Sheldon 1999 _Classic Hand Tools_ (218 pages; 621.908 Hac; Main+NE)

Chris Hackett 2014 _The Big Book of Maker Skills: Tools & Techniques for Building Great Tech Projects_ (200 pages; 13.8MB)

Keith Haddock 2008 _Bucyrus Heavy Equipment: Construction and Mining Machines 1880-2008_ (215 pages)

Keith Haddock 2005 _Bucyrus: Making the Earth Move for 125 Years_ (155 pages)

Keith Haddock 2001 _Extreme Mining Machines: Stripping Shovels and Walking DragLines_ (125 pages)

Keith Haddock 2000 _Colossal EarthMovers_ (95 pages)

Keith Haddock 1998 _Giant EarthMovers: An Illustrated History_ (215 pages)

Gina Hagler 2013 _Modeling Ships and Space Craft: The Science and Art of Mastering the Oceans and Sky_ ()

Edward Everett Hale 2012 _Stories of Inention, Told by Inventors and Their Friends_ (318 pages; 500KB)

Bert S. Hall & Delno C. West 1976 _On Pre-Modern Technology and Science: A Volume of Studies in Honor of Lynn White ii_ ()

Derek Hall 2010 _Philosophy, Invention, and Engineering_ (64 pages)

Harold Hall 2012, 2016 _Metal Lathe for Home Machinists_ (165 pages; 39.4MB)

Byron D. Halsted 1881, 2011 _Barns and OutBuildings and How to Construct Them_ (230 pages; 55.6MB)

(29) Katie Hamilton & Gene Hamilton 1994 _The Hand Tool Companion: The Back-to-Basics Guide for Learning about and Using Hand Tools_ (145 pages; 621.908 Ham; Main)

Martin Hammond 2001 _Bricks and BrickMaking_ (30 pages)

Susan Hanafee 2011 _Red, Black, and Global: The Transformation of Cummins_ (290 pages)

Bruce Hanington & Bella Martin 2012 _Universal Methods of Design: 100 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions_ (200 pages; 53.4MB)

(49) ►Charles G. Hanna ii 2002 _How to Manage the Design and Construction of Your Own Home or Anything Else_ (180 pages; ILL request)◀

Anne Larkin Hansen, Mike Severson & Dennis L. Waterman 2011 _A LandOwner's Guide to Managing Your Woods: How to Maintain a Small Acreage for Long-Term Health, BioDiversity, and High-Quality Timber Production_ (300 pages; 6.4MB)

(45) James R. Hansen, Jeremy Bobb et al. 2005 _First Man: The Life of Neil Armstrong_ (769 pages; biography Neil Armstrong_)

(47) ►James R. Hansen 1987-06-01, 2013-04-25 _Engineer in Charge: An History of the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory 1917-1958_ (620 pages; 8.8MB; ISBN 9780318234557; OCLC 907732880; GPO/Cia; ILL request)◀

(49) ►James R. Hansen 1995, 2013-03-12, 2018-10-13 _SpaceFlight Revolution: NASA/ Langley Research Center from Sputnik to Apollo_ (542-574 pages; 7.6MB; ISBN 9780342711468; OCLC 62404314/ 812965294; GPO/NASA/Franklin Classics; ILL request)◀

(50) ►James R. Hansen 2003-11-07 _The Bird Is on the Wing: AeroDynamics and the Progress of the American AirPlane_ (280-288 pages; ISBN 9781585442887/ 9781585442881; OCLC 1067000769; TAMU; ILL request)◀

Jesse Hansen "FFT Tutorial" _Electrical Engineering 436: Communication Systems_ (pdf)

Jeffrey A. Hanson 2017 _Thermal and Fluids Systems Reference Manual for the Mechanical PE Exam_ (370 pages)

Hideaki Haraguchi 1989 _Comparative Analysis of 20th-Century Houses_ (92 pages)

Yuval Noah Harari 2017 _Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow_ (449 pages; 12.5MB; 909.83 HAR; Main+NE)

(47) Tim Harford 2017 _50 Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy_ (321 pages; 809 Har; Main)

Jay Harman 2014 _The Shark's PaintBrush: BioMimicry and How Nature Is Inspiring Innovation_ (330 pages)

Spencer Hart 2001 _The Wright Space_ (250 pages)

Marie Hartley & Joan Ingilby 1997 _Making Boots, Shoes, and Clogs_ (48 pagess)

Kate Hartman 2014 _Wearable Electronics: Design, Prototype, and Wear Your Own Interactive Garments_ (make; 270 pages; 86.5MB)

(55) James Haskins 1991, 2001, 2003 _Outward Dreams: Black Inventors and Their Inventions_ (100 pages; 609.22; junior; Main+NE+E+Jax+BLPerry+FtBraden)

Charles B. Hatfield 2013 _Designing, Cutting, and Grading Boot and Shoe Patterns, and Complete Manual for the Stitching Room, by an Expert of 30 Years_ (150 pages; 1.1MB)

Nehemiah Hawkins 2016 _Maxims and Instructions for the Boiler Room: Useful to Engineers, Firemen & Mechanics, Relating to Steam Generators, Pumps, Appliances, Steam Heaging, Practical Plumbing, etc._ (700 pages; 9.6MB)

John G. Hawthorne & Cyril Stanley Smith 1963 _On Divers Arts: The Treatise of Theophilus_ ()

(49) Christine Haynes 2014 _The Complete Photo Guide to Clothing Construction_ (184 pages; ISBN 9781589237773; Creative; 646.4 Hay; Main)

George Haynes 2016 _Fundamentals of NanoTechnology: An Advanced Tutorial_ (19.1MB)

Mary Ellen Hayward & Charles Belfoure 2012 _The Baltimore RowHouse_ (280 pages; 15MB)

Daniel R. Headrick 2009 _Technology: A World History_ (195 pages; 1.6MB)

J.F. Healy 1978 _Mining and Metallurgy in the Greek and Roman World_ (310 pages)

Roderick Heather 2010 _The Iron Tsar: The Life and Times of John Hughes_ (240 pages)

Julia Heeb 2014 _Copper Shaft-Hole Axes and Early Metallurty in South-Eastern Europe: An Integrated Approach_ (170 pages)

Francis Hegarty, John Amoore, Paul Blackett, Justin McCarthy & Richard Scott 2017 _HealthCare Technology Management: A Systematic Approach_ (CRC; 560 pages; 25.7MB)

Carl Heldmann 1984 _How to Afford Your Own Log Home_ ()

(17) Stevie Henderson 2002 _Great 2x4 Accessories for Your Home: Making CandleSticks, CoatRacks, Mirrors, FootStools, & More_ (127 pages; 684 Hen; Main)

Ulla Hentze 2018 _Shoe Business: Start a Business Making Designer Shoes_ (120 pages; 6.3MB)

(25) ►Mark Alan Hewitt 1990 _The Architect and the American Country House 1890-1940_ (architecture; 312 pages; ISBN 978030047400; OCLC 442679431; YaleU; ILL request)◀

J.B. Heywood 1988 _Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals_ ()

Russell C. Hibbeler 2014 _Structural Analysis_ (720 pages; 85MB)

Russell C. Hibbeler 2013 _Statics & Mechanics of Materials_ (912 pages; 107MB)

Grant Hildebrand 1991 _The Wright Space: Pattern and Meaning in Frank Lloyd Wright's Houses_ (190 pages)

Callum A.S. Hill 2006 _Wood Modification: Chemical, Thermal, and Other Processes_ (255 pages)

Donald Hill 1984, 1997 _An History of Engineering in Classical and Medieval Times: Important Technological Achievements 600BCE to 1450CE_ (260 pages)

(19) Lewis Hill & Leonard Perry 2011, 2012 _The Fruit Gardener's Bible: A Complete Guide to Growing Fruits & Nuts in the Home Garden_ (319 pages; 25.2MB; ISBN 9781603425674; OCLC ; Storey; 634 Hil; Main)

(24) Lewis Hill 1985 _Secrets of Plant Propagation: Starting Your Own Flowers, Vegetables, Fruits, Berries, Shrubs, Trees, and HousePlants_ (168 pages; 631.53 Hil; Jax)

Raymond T. Hill 2014 _Basic Theories of AeroNautics: An Introduction to Using Simple Mathematics and Physics to Design AeroPlanes_ (65 pages; 4.5MB)

David Hilliam 2003 _Castles and Cathedrals: The Great Buildings of Medieval Times_ (64 pages)

Tom Hindes 2016 _20-Minute Whittling Projects: Fun Thingsto Carve from Wood: Step-by-Step Instructions & Photos to Whittle Expressive Figures, Wizards, Gargoyles, Dogs_ (98 pages; 14.1MB)

Brooke Hindle 1966 _Technology in Early America_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; UNCCH)

(43) Brooke Hindle & Steven Lubar 1986 _Engines of Change: The USA Industrial Revolution 1790-1860_ (309 pages; 338.06; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Arthur Horseman Hiorns 2014 _Principles of Metallurgy_ (400 pages; 2MB)

(17) William J. Hirsch ii 2008 _Designing Your Perect House: Lessons from an Architect_ (architecture; 239 pages; ISBN 9780979882036; Dalsimer; 728.37 Hir; Main)

Jessica Elin Hirschman, Candace Ord Manroe & Candie Frankel 1997 _The Comfortable Home: Stylish Ideas for Living_ (280 pages)

Gardner Dexter Hiscox 2012, 2015 _1800 Mechanical Movements, Devices and Appliances_ (416 pages; 76MB)

(40) Jack Hitt 2012 _Bunch of Amateurs: A Search for the USA Character_ (280 pages; 609.2273 Hit; E)

(27) Alison K. Hoagland 2018 _The Log Cabin: An American Icon_ (292 pages; 728.73 Hoa; Main)

A. Trevor Hodge 2002 _Roman Aqueducts & Water Supply_ (500 pages)

Henry Hodges & Judith Newcomer 1992 _Technology in the Ancient World_ (280 pages)

Donald Hoffmann 1998 _Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Sullivan, and the SkyScraper_ (90 pages; 720.483; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Marta Hoffmann 1964 _The Warp-Weighted Loom: Studies in the History and Technique of an Ancient Implement_ ()

Peter J. Hoffman, Eric S. Hopewell & Brian Janes 2014 _Precision Machining Technology_ (780 pages; 151.5MB)

(39) ►Donald R. Hoke 1990 _Ingenious Yankees: The Rise of the "American System" of Manufactures in the Private Sector_ (345 pages; ISBN 9780231067560; OCLC 19455813; ColumbiaU; ILL request)◀

I.B. Holley ii 2008 _The HighWay Revolution 1895-1925: How the United States Got Out of the Mud_ (200 pages)

(25) Tony Holmes & Frederick Thomas Jane 1998 _Jane's Historic Military AirCraft: Historic Military AirCraft Recognition Guide_ (448 pages; 623.746 Hol; Main)

(29) Nathalia Holt 2016 _Rise of theRocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us from Missiles to the Moon to Mars_ (338 pages; 629.4072 Hol; Main+Jax)

(20) HomeSkills 2013 _Carpentry: An Introduction to Sawing, Drilling, Shaping, & Joining Wood_ (128 pages; 684.08 CAR; Main+Woodville)

Penrose B. Hoopes 1936 _Connecticut's Contribution to the Development of the SteamBoat_ (Fitch)

Ken Horner 2015 _Essential Guide to the Steel Square: Facts, Short-Cuts, and Problem-Solving Secrets for Carpenters, WoodWorkers, & Builders_ (190 pages; 46MB)

John F. Hornick 2015-12-04 _3D Printing Will Rock the World_ (364-376 pages; ISBN 9781516946792; OCLC 973878395)

Dennis E. Horvath & Terri Horvath 2002 _Indiana Cars: An History of the Automobile in Indiana_ (195 pages)

Joan Horvath 2014 _Mastering 3D Printing_ (200 pages; 5.3MB)

(20) Joan Horvath & Richard H. Cameron 2021 _Geometry: Learn by [Programming], 3D Printing, & Building_ (256 pages; ISBN 9781680456714; O'Reilly/Make; on order 2021-07-13; )

(40) ►David A. Hounshell 1984, 1985, 1997 _From the "American System" to Mass Production 1800-1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the USA_ (411-430 pages; ISBN 9780801829758/ 9780801831584; OCLC 487379952; Johns Hopkins U; ILL request)◀

Hugh Howard & Roger Straus iii 2012 _Houses of the Founding Fathers: The Men Who Made the USA and the Way They Lived_ (360 pages)

(17) Hugh Howard & Roger Strauss iii 2003 _Thomas Jefferson: Architect: The Built Legacy of Our Third President_ (204 pages; ISBN 0847825469; Rizoli; 720.92 How; Main)

Andrew Huang/Bunnie Huang 2019 _The Hardware Hacker: Advetures i Makig & Breakig Hardware_ (400 pages; 34.4MB)

Gregory D. Huber 2017 _The Historic Barns of SouthEastern Pennsylvania: Architecture & Preservation built 1750-1900_ (280 pages)

Thomas C. Hubka 2013 _Houses without Names: Architectural Nomenclature and the Classification of the USA's Common Houses_ (128 pages)

Thomas C. Hubka 1004 _Big House, Little House, Back House, Barn: The Connected Farm Buildings of New England_ (230 pages)

Thomas P. Hughes 2000 _Rescuing Prometheus_ ()

Thomas P. Hughes 1989, 2004 _American Genesis: A Century of Invention and Technological Enthusiasm_ (540 pages)

Thomas Parke Hughes 1971, 1993 _Elmer Sperry: Inventor and Engineer_ (360 pages)

Thomas Parke Hughes 1964 _The Development of Western Technology Since 1500_ (145 pages)

Thomas Parke Hughes 1983, 1993 _Networks of Power: Electrification in Western "Society" 1880-1930_ (480 pages)

Brent Hull 2014 _Building a Timeless House in an Instant Age_ (150 pages; 9.2MB)

Donald Hunt 2014 _Water Filtration: What I Can Teach You About Water Filters_ (9 pages; 1.2MB)

W. Ben Hunt 1939, 1974, 1975 _How to Build and Furnish a Log Cabin: The Easy, Natural Way Using Only Hand Tools and the Woods Around You_ (160 pages)

Scott Hurff 2015 _Designing Products People Love: How Great Designers Create Successful Products_ (324 pages; 9.7MB)

R. Douglas Hurt 1982 _American Farm Tools: From Hand-Power to Steam-Power_ (115 pages)

Vaclav Husa, Josef Petrau & Alena Surbota 1967, 1968 _Traditional Crafts and Skills: Life and Work in Medieval and Renaissance Times_ ()

Ada Louise Landman Huxtable 1985, 1992, 1993 _The Tall Building Artistically ReConsidered: The Search for a SkyScraper Style_ (U of Crazy California Press; 125 pages)

Charles K. Hyde 2005 _The Dodge Brothers: The Men, the Motor Cars, and the Legacy_ (260 pages; 19.1MB)

Charles K. Hyde, Mike McCartney et al. 2009 _Storied Independent AutoMakers: Nash, Hudson, and American Motors_ (320-385 pages; 19.6MB-32.7MB)

Charles K. Hyde & Dave K. Lawson 2003 _Riding the Roller Coaster: An History of the Chrysler Corporation_ (320 pages; 32.7MB)

Charles K. Hyde 1998, 2016 _Copper for the USA: The USA Copper Industry from Colonial Times to the 1990s_ (280 pages; 19.1MB)

Charles K. Hyde 2013 _Arsenal of Democracy: The USA Automobile Industry in World War 2_ (255 pages; 8.4MB)

  - - - - - I

Merritt Ierley 1999 _The Comforts of Home: The American House and the Evolution of Modern Convenience_ (280 pages)

(33) Merritt Ierley 1999 _Open House: A Guided Tour of the USA Home 1637-Present_ (317 pages; 728.0973 Ier; NE)

(39) Merritt Ierley 2002 _Wondrous Contrivances: Technology at the Threshold_ (306 pages; 609.73 Ier; Main)

(40) Chris Impey 2015 _Beyond: Our Future in Space_ (321 pages; 9.6MB; 629.40112 Imp; Main)

Otis Ingrams & Simon Brown 2017 _LeatherWorks: Traditional Craft for Modern Living_ (144 pages)

(40) Paul Ingrassia 2012 _Engines of Change: An History of the USA Dream in 15 Cars_ (395 pages; 629.222 Ing; NE)

(40) Walter Isaacson 2014, 2015 _The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution_ (542 pages; 51.4MB; 004.092 Isa; Main+E+NE+Jax)

Patricia Carter Ives 1987 _Creativity and Inventions: The Genius of Afro-Americans and Women in the USA and Their Patents_ ()

  - - - - - J

Albert Jackson & David Day 1978, 1992 _Tools & How to Use Them_ (340 pages)

Kenneth T. Jackson 1985 _CrabGrass Frontiers: The SubUrbanization of the United States_ ()

(35) Tom Jackson 2015 _Chilled: How Refrigeration Changed the World, and Might Do So Again_ (270 pages; 621.5609 Jac; Main+NE)

(19) Max Jacobson, Murray Silverstein & Barbara Winslow 2002 _Patterns of Home: The 10 Essentials of Enduring Design_ (282 pages; 728.370222 Jac; Main)

John L. Jacobus 2013 _The Fisher Body Craftsman's Guide: An Illustrated History_ (350 pages)

Peter L. Jakab 1990 _Visions of a Flying Machine: The Wright Brothers and the Process of Invention_ ()

Ainsworth James 2017 _Illustrated Guide to Shoe and Boot Making_ (155 pages; 30.4MB)

G. James 8888 _Modern Engineering Mathematics_ ()

Portia P. James 1989 _The Real McCoy: African-American Invention and Innovation 1619-1930_ ()

Shamoon Jamshed 215 _Using HPC for Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Guide to High Performance Computing for CFD Engineers_ (200 pages; 12.8MB)

Alan Jefferis, David A. Madsen & David P. Madsen 2016 _Architectural Drafting and Design_ (1,180 pages; 266.9MB)

Charles Jencks 1995 _The Architecture of the Jumping Universe: How Complexity Science Is Changing Architecture and Culture_ (720.103; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

(25) Hannah Jenkins 2017 _The American House: 100 Contemporary Homes_ (432 pages; 728.0973; Main)

J. Geraint Jenkins 1977, 1981 _The English Farm Wagon: Origins and Structure_ (255 pages)

(17) ►David J. Jeremy 1991 _InterNational Technology Transfer: Europe, Japan, and the USA 1700-1914_ (270 pages; ILL request)◀

(35) Phil Jergenson, Richard Jergenson & Wilma Keppel 2008 _How to Build with Grid Beams: A Fast, Easy, and Affordable System for Constructing Almost Anything_ (273 pages; 680 Jer; E)

(19) Jeff Jewitt 2000 _Great Wood Finishes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Beautiful Results_ (234 pages; 684.084 Jew; BLPerry)

Tony Jing 2018 _Hacking Product Design: A Guide to Designing Products for StartUps_ (125 pages; 5.6MB)

Wolfgang Joensson 2018 _Iconix: Exceptional Product Design_ (255 pages; 9.8MB)

(20) Richard R. John 2010 _Network Nation: Inventing USA Telecommunications_ (520 pages; 4.8MB; 384 Joh; Main)

(47) Dale Johnson 2008 _Teach Yourself Visually Calculus_ (515; E+Jax)

(44) Edwin R. Johnson 1983 _Old House WoodWork Restoration: How to Restore Doors, Windows, Walls, Stairs, and Decorative Trim to Their Original Beauty_ (694.60288 Joh; Jax)

Randy Johnson 2012 _No-Fuss Wood Finishing: Tips, Techniques, & Secrets from the Pros for Expert Results_ (144 pages)

Richard A. Johnson 2005 _Six Men Who Built the Modern Auto Industry_ (375 pages)

Stephen B. Johnson 2006 _The Secret of Apollo: Systems Management in American and European Space Programs_ (300 pages)

(40) Steven Johnson 2014 _How We Got to Now: 6 Innovations That Made the Modern World_ (290 pages; 303.483 Joh; Main+NE+E)

(42) Steven Johnson 2010 _Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation_ (325 pages; 4.8MB; 303.48 Joh; Main+NE)

(50) Bob Dorigo Jones 2007 _Remove Child Before Folding_ (106 pages; 363.19 Jon; Main)

Terry Jones 2012 _On Innovation_ ()

Will Jones 2014 _How to Read Houses: A Crash Course in Domestic Architecture_ (245 pages)

Will Jones 2017 _How to Modern Buildings: A Crash Course in Architecture of the Modern Era_ (245 pages)

Terry Jordan 1978 _Texas Log Building: A Folk Architecture_ ()

Richard Jurek & Gerald D. Griffin 2019 _The Ultimate Engineer: The Remarkable Life of NASA's Visionary Leader George M. Low_ ()

Lorraine Justice 2019 _The Future of Design: Global Product Innovation for a Complex World_ (155 pages)

  - - - - - K

Geoffrey Kabat 2017 _Getting Risk Right: Understanding the Science of Elusive Health Risks_ ()

Zach Kaplan 8888 _Getting Started with 3D Carving: 5 Step-by-Step Projects to Launch You on Your Maker Journey_ (150 pages; 15.9MB)

Kailash C. Kapur & Michael Pecht 2014 _Reliability Engineering_ (500 pages; 17.4MB)

Harry Karlinsky 2012 _The Evolution of InAnimate Objects: The Life and Collected Works of Thomas Darwin 1857-1879_ (220 pages; 3.2MB)

Frances A. Karnes & Suzanne M. Bean 1995 _Girls and Young Women Inventing_ ()

Vasiliki Kassianidou & George Papasavvas 2012 _Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy in the Second Millennium BCE_ (300 pages)

(60) Peter Katz & Vincent Scully ii 1994 _The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of "Community"_ (240 pages; 720.103 Kat; NE)

Rolf Katzenbach, Steffen Leppla & Deepankar Choudhury 2016 _Foundation Systems for High-Rise Structures_ (300 pages; 43.7MB)

Henry J. Kauffman 1992 _Architecture of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country 1700-1900_ (150 pages)

Henry J. Kauffman 1995 _Early American Copper, Tin, & Brass: HandCrafted Metalware from Colonial Times_ (100 pages)

Henry J. Kauffman 1995 _MetalWorking Trades in Early America: The BlackSmith, the WhiteSmith, the Farrier, the EdgeTool Maker, the Cutler, the LockSmith, the GunSmith, the Nailer, & the TinSmith_ (165 pages)

Henry J. Kauffman 1975 _The American FarmHouse_ (255 pages)

Henry J. Kauffman 1972 _The American FirePlace: Chimneys, MantelPieces, FirePlaces, & Accessories_ (340 pages)

Henry J. Kauffman 1998 _The American GunSmith_ (29 pages)

Henry J. Kauffman 1980, 1997 _The Pennsylvania-Kentucky Rifle_ (365 pages)

Henry J. Kauffman 2007 _American Axes: A Survey of Their Development & Their Makers_ (160 pages)

Henry J. Kauffman 1982 _Easy-to-Make Wooden CandleSticks, Chandeliers, & Lamps_ (32 pages)

John Keats 1959 _The Insolent Chariots_ ()

Larry Keeley, Helen Walters, Ryan Pikkel & Brian Quinn 2013 _10 Types of Innovation_ ()

G.L. Kehl 1949 _The Principles of Metallographic Laboratory Practice_ (170 pages)

Braden Kelley 2010 _Stoking Your Innovation BonFire: A RoadMap to a Sustainable Culture of Ingenuity and Purpose_ (210 pages; 2.1MB)

A. Kelly 1966, 1987 _Strong Solids_ (410 pages)

(41) Kevin Kelly 2016 _The InEvitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future_ (328 pages; 1.2MB; 303.483 Kel; Main)

Kevin Kelly 2010 _What Technology Wants: Technology Is a Living Force that Can Expand Our Individual Potential--if We Listen to What It Wants_ (406 pages; 2.2MB; 303.48; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Kevin Kelly 2018 _Cool Tools: A Catalog of Possibilities_ (460 pages; 314.4MB)

Thomas J. Kelly 2009 _Moon Lander: How We Developed the Apollo Lunar Module_ ()

(40) John Kelsey 2013 _WoodWorking: Techniques & Projects for the First-Time WoodWorker_ (111 pages; 684.08 Kel; Main+NE)

John Dustin Kemper 1967 _The Engineer and His Profession_ ()

Steve Kemper 2017 _ReInventing the Wheel: A Story of [Sometimes Disappointing] Genius, Innovation, and Grand Ambition_ (330 pages; 2.5MB; Dean Kamen)

(52) Pagan Kennedy 2016 _Inventology: How We Dream Up Things that Change the World_ (270 pages; 609 Ken; Main)

(49) Paul M. Kennedy 2013 _Engineers of Victory: The Problem Solvers Who Turned the Tide in the Second World War_ (436 pages; 12.7MB; 940.54 Ken; Jax+NE)

Mik Kersten 2018 _Project to Product: How to Survive and Thrive in the Age of Digital Disruption with the Flow FrameWork_ (260 pages; 9.2MB)

Stephen Key 2011 _One Simple Idea: Turn Your Dreams into a Licensing GoldMine While Letting Others Do the Work_ (257 pages; 732KB)

(50) Susan Khalje 1999 _Linen and Cotton: Classic Sewing Techniques for Great Results_ (139 pages; 646.4 Kha; Main+Jax)

Amina Khan 2017 _Adapt: How Humans Are Tapping into Nature's Secrets to Design and Build a Better Future_ (340 pages; 1.7MB)

Yasmin Sabina Khan 2004 _Engineering Architecture: The Vision of Fazlur R. Khan_ (400 pages)

Richard R. Kibbe, Roland O. Meyer, Warren T. White, John E. Neely, Jon Stenerson & Kelly Curran 2014 _Machine Tool Practices_ (800 pages; 63.2MB)

James Kidd 2011 _75 Tools Every Man Needs and How to Use Them Like a Pro_ (175 pages)

David Kiley 2004 _Driven: InSide BMW, the Most Admired Car Company in the World_ (320 pages)

Kenneth Kilby 1971 _The Cooper and His Trade_ ()

Fiske Kimball 2001 _Domestic Architecture of the USA Colonies and of the Early Republic_ (300 pages)

Beverl Kimes 2005 _Packard: An History of the Motor Car and the Company_ (820 pages)

Paul H. King, Richard C. Fries & Arthur T. Johnson 2018 _Design of BioMedical Devices and Systems_ (530 pages; 19.9MB)

(13) Ross King 2013 _Brunelleschi's Dome: How a Renaissance Genius ReInvented Architecture_ (architecture; 1377-1446; 200 pages; 3.4MB; 726.60945 Kin; Main+NE+out-reach)

Simon King & Kuen Chang 2016 _Understanding Industrial Design: Principles for UX and InterAction Design_ (User EXperience; 280 pages; 8.2MB)

Thomson King 1943 _From the Potomac to the Thames: Being the Progress of One James Rumsay 1743-1792_ (30 pages)

W.J. King & James G. Skakoon 2001, 2016 _UnWritten Laws of Engineering_ (45 pages; 209KB)

(60) Jim Kingshott 1994 _Sharpening: The Complete Guide_ (151 pages; 621.908 Kin; NE)

Richard Shelton Kirby, Sidney Withington, Arthur Burr Darling & Frederick Gridley Kilgour 1990 _Engineering in History_ (530 pages)

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Marilyn W. Klein 1986 _Clues to USA Architecture_ (63 pages)

(45) Maury Klein 2008 _The Power Makers: Steam, Electricity, and the Men Who Invented Modern USA_ (540 pages; 609.73 Kle; Main)

Sveta Kletina 2013 _How to Make Penny Lafer Shoes: Full Guide & Video Tutorial_ (39 pages; 2.4MB)

Richard E. Klingner 2010 _Masonry Structural Design_ (575 pages; 17.6MB)

Liza Wallace Kloski & Nick Kloski 2018 _Getting Started with 3D Printing: A Hands-On Guide to the Hardware, Software, and Services That Make the 3D Printing EcoSystem_ (245 pages)

Rhea Mansfield Knittle 1927, 1935, 1948 _Early American Glass_ (490 pages)

Anne Kelly Knowles 2013 _Mastering Iron: The Struggle to Modernize an American Industry 1800-1868_ (330 pages; 17.7MB)

Ken Kocienda 2018 _Creative Selection: InSide Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak_ (290 pages; 16.4MB)

Terry L. Koglin 2003 _Movable Bridge Engineering_ ()

Jaecheol Koh 2017 _Siemens NX 10 Nastran: Tutorials for Beginners and Advanced Users_ (550 pages)

Sharon Duane Koomler 2000 _Shaker Style: Form, Function, & Furniture_ (175 pages)

Sheri Koones 2005 _Modular Mansions_ (155 pages; 15.7MB)

(30) Sheri Koones 2016 _PreFabulous Small Houses_ (architecture; 233 pages; 728 Koo; Main+E+BLPerry)

(40) Sheri Koones 2022 _Bigger Than Tiny, Smaller Than Average_ (224 pages; ISBN 9781423658450; Gibbs Smith; on order 2021-10-20; Koo; Main)

(24) Peter Korn 2003 _WoodWorking Basics: Mastering the Essentials of Craftsmanship_ (186 pages; 684.08 Kor; BLPerry)

(39) ►Peter Korn 2013, 2015-03-31 _Why We Make Things and Why It Matters: The Education of a Craftsman_ (175 pages; 8.2MB; ISBN 1567925464/ 9781567925463; OCLC ; David R. Godine; ILL request)◀

Joan Koster 1979 _HandLoom Construction: A Practical Guide for the Non-Expert_ ()

(43) Chris Kraft 2001 _Flight: My Life in Mission Control_ (371 pages; 629.4092 Kra; Main+BLPerry)

Robert C. Kreipke 2007, 2014 _The Model T: A Pictorial Chronology of the Most Famous Car in the World_ (155 pages)

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(50) Peter Gwillim Kreitler 1990 _FlatIron: A Photographic History of the World's First Steel Frame SkyScraper 1903-1989_ (216 pages; 779; Main)

Joel Kotkin 8888 _The Human City: Urbanism For The Rest Of Us_ ()

Benjamin R. Krueger, Brooke Young & Roxie Brunsting 2016 _BioMimicry: Nature as Designer_ (110 pages)

(50) Alex Kuskowski 2016 _Cool OutDoor Arts & Crafts: Great Things to Do in the Great OutDoors_ (32 pages; J 745.5 Kus; Main)

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Matt Larson & Ron van Gelderen 2000, 2001 _Lasalle: Cadillac's Companion Car_/_La Salle: Cadillac's Companion Car_ (415 pages)

Will Larson 2019 _An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management_ (280 pages; 6.8MB; SW engineer at several immoral companies)

William Lawrence Lassiter 1966 _Shaker Architecture_ (280 pages; 6.8MB; SW engineer at seceral immoral companies)

Bruno Latour 1988 _Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Culture_ (275 pages)

Luciano Lavagno, Igor L. Markov, Grant Martin & Louis K. Scheffer 2016 _Electronic Design Automation for IC Implementation, Circuit Design, and Process Technology_ (795 pages; 66.8MB)

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Brian Lawley & Pamela Schure 2017 _Product Management for Dummies_ (345 pages; 9.3MB)

Norbert Lechner 2014 _Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects_ (690 pages; 143.7MB)

Dora Lee & Margot Thompson 2011 _BioMimicry: Inventions Inspired by Nature_ (40 pages; junior)

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Albert C. Leighton 1971 _Transport and Communication in Early Medieval Europe 500CE-1100CE_ ()

Matt Lemay 2017 _Product Management in Practice: A Real-World Guide to the Key Connective Role of the 21st Century_ (185 pages; 5.4MB)

John Bedford Leno 2014 _The Art of Boot & ShoeMaking_ (290 pages; 4.3MB)

Andres Lepik 2008 _SkyScrapers_ (155 pages)

Stephen Leslie 2013 _The New Horse-Powered Farm: Tools and Systems for the Small-Scale, Sustainable Market Grower_ (360 pages; 107.8MB)

Joel Levy 2014 _50 Weapons That Changed the Course of History_ (215 pages)

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George F. Limbrunner, Craig d'Allaird & Leonard Spiegel 2015 _Applied Statics and Strength of Materials_ (550 pages; 37MB)

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James E. Lindell, Wade P. Moore & Horace W. King 2017 _HandBook of Hydraulics_ (400 pages; 42MB)

(41) David Lindsay 2000 _House of Invention: The Secret Life of EveryDay Products_ (170 pages; 609 LIN; Main+E+NE)

(31) David Linley 1996 _ExtraOrdinary Furniture_ (192 pages; 749 Lin; Main)

Frank Linton 2017 _The Observation Hive HandBook: Studying Honey Bees at Home_ (100 pages; 11.2MB)

Hod Lipson & Melba Kurman 2013 _Fabricated: The New World of 3D Printing_ (290 pages; 28.3MB)

(50) Mario Livio 2008 _The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World's Most Astonishing Number_ (300 pages; 51.1MB; 516.204 Liv; Jax)

Nathaniel Lloyd 1925 _An History of English BrickWork_ ()

Martin Locock 1994 _Meaningful Architecture: "Social" Interpretations of Buildings_ (contributor R. Samson; )

Gary Logsdon 2008 _Water Filtration Practice: Including Slow Sand Filters and PreCoat Filtration_ (300 pages)

C. Todd Lombardo, Bruce McCarthy, Evan Ryan & Michael Connors 2017 _Product RoadMaps ReLaunched: How to Set Direction while Embracing UnCertainty_ (255 pages; 10.2MB)

Stephen Longstreet 1952 _A Century on Wheels: The Story of Studebaker_ (120 pages)

Mary Wales Loomis 1978 _Custom Make Your Own Shoes and HandBags: A Simplified Method of Making Women's Shoes and HandBags at Home_ (115 pages)

Ana M. Lopez 2009 _MetalWorking through History: An Encyclopedia_ (175 pages; 2.3MB)

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Albert Love & James Saxon Childers 1965 _Listen to Leaders in Engineering_ ()

Chris Lubkemann 2012 _Big Book of Whittle Fun: 31 Simple Projects You Can Make with a Knife, Branches, & Other Found Wood_ (125 pages)

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Art Ludwig 2012 _Water Storage: Tanks, Cisterns, Aquifers, and Ponds for Domestic Supply, Fire, and Emergency Use--Includes How to Make FerroCement Water Tanks_ (125 pages)

Lyz Luidens & Camille Griffin 2015 _Silk Screening_ (32 pages; 10.4MB)

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Niall F. MacAlevey 2016 _PreStressed Concrete in Building_ (250 pages)

(14) David Macaulay 2010 _Built To Last_ (272 pages; ISBN 9780547342405; Houghton Mifflin; J 729 Mac; Main+Jax+NE)

(40) Thomas J. MacDonald & Laura Donnelly 2011 _Rough Cut: WoodWorking with Tommy Mac_ (185 pages; 684.08 Mac; Main)

Neil MacKay 1991 _A Chemical History of 3M 1933-1980_ (200 pages)

Donald MacKenzie & Judy Wajcman 1992, 1999 _The "Social" Shaping of Technology_ (465 pages)

B. Allan Mackie/B. Allen Mackie 1997 _Notches of All Kinds: A Book of Timber Joinery_ ()

B. Allan Mackie/B. Allen Mackie 1979 _Building with Logs_ ()

Christine MacLeod 2002 _Inventing the Industrial Revolution: The English Patent System 1660-1800_ (300 pages)

Daniel Madar 2009 _Big Steel: Technology, Trade, and Survival in a Global Market_ (245 pages)

Robert Maddin 1988 _The Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys_ (400 pages)

Axel Madsen 1999 _The Deal Maker: How William C. Durant Made General Motors_ (300 pages)

David A. Madsen & David P. Madsen 2016 _Engineering Drawing and Design_ (1,660 pages)

Sayed Jafar Mahmud 1988 _Metal Technology in Medieval India_ ()

Mark W. Maier & Eberhardt Rechtin 2009 _The Art of Systems Architecting_ (460 pages; 9.2MB)

Rowland J. Mainstone 2013 _Developments in Structural Form_ (370 pages; 70.1MB)

Rowland J. Mainstone 1988 _Hagia Sophia: Architecture, Structure, and Liturgy of Justinian's Great Church_ (280 pages)

Michelle Malkin 2015 _Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of USA TinkerPreneurs_ (325 pages; 4.2MB)

Amiya Ranjan Mallick 2014 _Practical Boiler Operation Engineering and Power Plant_ (565 pages; 14.6MB)

F.J.T. Maloney 8888 _Glass in the Modern World_ ()

S.K. Mandal 2014 _Steel Metallurgy_ (360 pages; 23MB)

Fred L. Mannering & Scott S. Washburn 2012 _Principles of HighWay Engineering and Traffic Analysis_ (340 pages; 14.2MB)

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(22) Eli Maor & Eugen Jost 2014 _Beautiful Geometry_ (geometry; 180 pages; 516 Mao; Main)

Degna Marconi 1962 _My Father, Marconi_ ()

Edward Markham 2014 _Hardening and Tempering_ (50 pages; 592KB)

(37) ►Roman Mars & Kurt Kohlstedt 2020-10-26 _The 99% InVisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of EveryDay Design_ (400 pages; ISBN 9780358126607; OCLC 999; Mariner; ILL request)◀

Sylvia Libow Martinez & Gary S. Stager 2013 _Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the ClassRoom_ (252 pages; 1.3MB)

Teri Masaschi 2014 _FoolProof Wood Finishing: Learn How to Finish or ReFinish Wood Projects with Stain, Glaze, Milk Paint, Top Coats, and More_ (195 pages)

Kelvin Mason 1999 _The Small-Scale Vertical Shaft Lime Kiln: A Practical Guide to Design, Construction, and Operation_ (105 pages)

Otis Tuton Mason 1907, 2012 _The Origins of Invention_ (365 pages; 937KB)

James C. Massey 1996 _House Styles in the USA: The Old-House Journal Guide to the Architecture of USA Homes_ (260 pages)

Marshall Masters & Duane W. Brayton 2018 _Radio Free Earth: Community Preparedness and 2 Way Radios_ (400 pages)

Paul F. Mastro 2016 _Plastics Product Design_ (310 pages; 17.1MB)

(43) Betsy Matheson/Betsy Matheson Symanieetz 2011 _DIY Projects for the Self-Sufficient HomeOwner: 25 Ways to Build a Self-Reliant LifeStyle_ (160 pages; 643.7 Mat; Jax)

Andrew Mathewson, Derek Laval, Julia Elton, Eric Kentley & Robert Hulse 1992, 2006 _The Brunels' Tunnel_ (80 pages)

Marc R. Matrana 2009 _Lost Plantations of the South_ (330 pages; 10.6MB)

Christopher A. Mattson & Carl D. Sorensen 2016, 2017 _Fundamentals of Product Development: Creating Desirable and Transferable Designs_ (325-350 pages)

Ilaria Mazzoleni & Shauna Price 2013 _Architecture Follows Nature: BioMimetic Principles for Innovative Design_ (255 pages; 340.8MB)

Virginia Savage McAlester & Lee McAlester 1984 _A Field Guide to USA Houses_ (515 pages)

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C.L. McCabe & C.L. Bauer 8888 _Metals, Atoms, and Alloys_ ()

Bobby McAlpine & Susan Sully 2017 _Poetry of Place: The New Architecture and Interiors of McAlpine_ (280 pages)

Iain McCallum 1999, 2006 _Blood Brothers: Hiram and Hudson Maxim: Pioneers of Modern Warfare_ ()

James E. McClellan iii & Harold Dorn 2015 _Science and Technology in World History_ (540 pages; 23.4MB)

Jack C. McCormac & Russell H. Brown 2015 _Design of ReInforced Concrete_ (672 pages; 18MB)

Cyrus McCormick 1931 _The Century of the Reaper: An Account of Cyrus Hall McCormick, the Inventor of the Reaper_ (300 pages)

(18) David G. McCullough 1972, 2007 _The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge_ (Roebling; 636 pages; 57.2MB; 624.2 MCC; Main+NE)

Randy McDaniel 2004 _A BlackSmithing Primer: A Course in Basic and Intermediate BlackSmithing_ (174 pages)

Thomas McErlean 2007 _Harnessing the Tides: The Early Medieval Tide Mills at Nendrum Monastery, Strangford Lough_ ()

Michael E. McGrath 2018 _[Evil, Privacy- & Liberty-Destroying] Autonomous Vehicles: Opportunities, Strategies, [Destructions]_ (185 pages; 13.5MB)

Michael J. McGrath, Cliodhna Ni Scanaill & Dawn Nafus 2014 _Sensor Technologies: HealthCare, Wellness, and Environmental Applications_ (310 pages; 7.5MB)

(29) ►Michael J. McGuire & Nancy Zeilig 2013-10-16, 2014-04-13 _The Chlorine Revolution: Water DisInection & the Fight to Save Lives_ (340-430 pages; 2.7MB; ISBN 1583219137/ 9781583219133; ILL request)◀

Burt McKinley 2000 _Black Inventors of the USA_ ()

Brett McLeod 2015 _The WoodLand HomsStead: How to Make Your Land More Productive and Live More Self-Sufficiently in the Woods_ (230 pages; 39.9MB)

Sally McMurry & Nancy van Dolsen 2011 _Architecture and Landscape of the Pennsylvania Germans 1720-1920_ (270 pages)

Dan McNichol 2006 _The Roads That Built the USA: The InCredible Story of the USA InterState System_ ()

(42) ►John Angus McPhee 1974, 1980, 1993, 1994, 1999 _The Curve of Binding Energy: A Journey into the Awesome & Alarming World of Theodore B. Taylor_ (engineering; 231-240 pages; ISBN 9780374515980; OCLC 713969586/ 934748856; Farrar, Straus & Giroux; ILL request)◀

Clay McSane 1994 _Down the Asphalt Path: The Automobile and the American City_ ()

Jianjun Mei & Thilo Rehren 2009 _Metallurgy and Civilisation: Eurasia and Beyond_ (200 pages)

William H. Mellor & Dick M. Carpenter ii 2016 _BottleNeckers: Gaming the Government for Power and Private Profit_ (365 pages; 1.9MB)

Cheryl Mendelson & Harry Bates 1999 _Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House_ (900 pages; 12.5MB)

Brian Menold 2017 _Wooden Puzzles: 20 Hand-Made Puzzles and Brain Teasers_ (175 pages; 72.4MB)

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Henry C. Mercer 2013 _Ancient Carpenters' Tools: Illustrated and Explained together with the Implementsof the LumberMan, Joiner, and Cabinet-Mker in Use in the 18th Century_ (330 pages; 23.5MB)

Herbert E. Merritt 1989 _The Formative Years of Cincinnati Milacron 1854-1889_ (130 pages)

Robert K. Merton 1938, 1970, 2002 _Science, Technology, and Society in 17th-Century England_ (335 pages)

Valerie Michael 1993, 1994, 2006 _The LeatherWorking HandBook: A Practical Illustrated SourceBook of Techniques and Projects_ (128 pages; "Chicago screws", "backscrews"; 745.531 MIC; Jax)

Michel Michaud 2012 _CATIA Core Tools: Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application_ (790 pages; 46.4MB)

William J. Middendorf 2016 _Observation Hives: Design and Construction_ (110 pages)

William D. Middleton & William D. Middleton iii 2009 _Frank Julian Sprague: Electrical Inventor and Engineer: RailRoads Past and Present_ (330 pages; 11.1MB)

(17) Ron Miller 1999 _The History of Rockete_ (128 pages; Watts; J 621.4356 Mil; Main)

Terry E. Miller, Ronald G. Knapp & A. Chester Ong 2014 _America's Covered Bridges: Practical Crossings_ (260 pages; 44.1MB)

Steve Mills 2019 _The Dawn of the Drone: From the Back-Room Boys of World War 1_ (325 pages; 29.8MB; ISBN 1612007899/ 9781612007892; Casemate)

(37) Mark Miodownik 2014 _Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our ManMade World_ (265 pages; 34.8MB; 620.11 Mio; Main)

(18) James Mitchell 1997 _The Craft of Modular Post & Beam: Building Log & Timber Homes Affordably_ (690.837 Mit; Main+NE)

L. Mitchell 8888 _Ceramics: Stone Age to Space Age_ ()

(15) ►Dave Mock 2005, 2018 _Qualcomm Equation: How a Fledgling Telecomm Company Forged a New Path to Big Profits & Market Dominance_ (Hedy Lamarr, Paul Jacobs; 266 pages; ISBN 9780814409978; OCLC 1231958535; AMACOM; ILL request)◀

(44) Francesc Zamora Mola 2017 _150 Best New Eco Home Ideas_ (479 pages; 720.47 Mol; Main)

Luca Molinari & Rafaello Porro 2014 _Lamborghini: 100 Years of Innovation in Half the Time_ (170 pages)

B.J. Moniz 2012 _Metallurgy_ (560 pages)

Douglas C. Montgomery 2009 _Statistical Quality Control_ (755 pages; 37.9MB)

Douglas C. Montgomery 2013, 2014 _Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers_ (820 pages; 24.8MB)

Douglas C. Montgomery 2017 _Design and Analysis of Experiments_ (740 pages; 19.4MB)

(17) Carla Mooney & Tom Casteel 2018 _Industrial Design: Why IdiotPhones Aren't Round and Other Mysteries_ (122 pages; J 745.2 Moo; Main+NE)

Elma Lee Moore 2010 _Ohio's Covered Bridges_ (130 pages; 59.8MB)

Kitty Moore 2015 _Sewing: Sewing for Beginners: Quick & Easy Way to Learn How to Sew with 50 Patterns for Beginners!_ (127 pages; 7.8MB)

John Moray 1910 _A Brief Account of Last Century's Inventive Steam Pirate_ ()

Bret Morgan & Julie Nicoletta 2000 _The Architecture of the Shakers_ (175 pages)

George D. Morgan 2013 _Rocket Girl: The Story of Mary Sherman Morgan, America's First Female Rocket Scientist_ (4.3MB)

William Morgan, Radek Kurzaj, Ned Pratt & Richard Olsen 204 _The Abrams Guide to USA House Styles_ (415 pages)

(27) Deborah Morgenthal 1998 _The Ultimate T-Shirt Book: Creating Your Own Unique Designs: Batik, Tie-Dye Painting, Marbling, Stamping, Screen Printing_ (112 pages; 746.6 Mor; BLPerry)

Elting E. Morison 1974 _From Know-How to Nowhere: The Development of American Technology_ (195 pages)

(37) Michael Morley 2000 _Building with Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs): Strength and Energy Efficiency through Structural Panel Construction_ (693.97 Mor; BLPerry)

Gabriele Moroti & Emilia Daniele Pistoia 2006 _Leon Battista Alberti: Florence and Tuscany: Itineraries through Architecture and Ideas_ (80 pages)

Edmund Morris 1865, 2008 _Derrick and Drill: An Insight into the Discovery, Development, and Present Condition and Future Prospects of Petroleum in NY, PA, OH, WV, etc._ (270 pages)

Hugh Morrison 2010, 2011 _Early American Architecture from the First Colonial Settlements to the National Period_ (600 pages)

Baker H. Morrow & V.B. Price 1997 _Anasazi Architecture in USA Design_ (270 pages)

Thomas Moser & Brad Lemley 2002 _Thomas Moser: Artistry in Wood_ (190 pages)

(30) Thomas Moser & Christian Becksvoort 1977 _How to Build Shaker Furniture_ (209 pages; 684.104 Mos; Main)

Mohsen Mostafavi & David Leatherbarrow 1993 _On Weathering_ ()

Wade Motawi 2018 _How Shoes Are Made: A Behind the Scenes Look at a Real Sneaker Factory_ (HowShoesAreMade #1; 215 pages; 36MB)

Wade Motawi 2018 _Shoes Material Design Guide: The Shoe Designers' Complete Guide to Selecting and Specifying FootWear Materials_ (HowShoesAreMade #2; 195 pages; 18.5MB)

Wade Motawi 2018 _How to Start Your Own Shoe Company: A Start-Up Guide to Designing, Manufacturing, and marketing Shoes_ (HowShoesAreMade #3; 175 pages; 66.8MB)

N.F. Mott 8888 _The Atomic Structure and Strength of Metals_ ()

R.A. Mott & Peter Singer 1983 _Henry Cort the Great Finer: Creator of Puddled Iron_ ()

Robert L. Mott 2013 _Machine Elements in Mechanical Design_ (800 pages; 74.6MB)

(45) Dale Mulfinger 2017 _The Family Cabin: Inspiration for Camps, Cottages, and Cabins_ (265 pages; 728.72 Mul; Main)

Lisa Murnan 2018 _How to Get a UX Design Job: Create a Compelling Portfolio, Submit a Stand-Out Presentation, and Ace the Interview to Land Your User Experience Dream Job_ (135 pages; 3.4MB)

G. Murphy 1957 _Properties of Engineering Materials_ ()

Vanessa Murray 2017 _Made to Last: A Compendium of Artisans, Trades, & Projects_ (259 pages; 680 MUR; Main)

  - - - - - N

Andrew Nahum 2005 _Frank Whittle: Invention of the Jet_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Icon)

Alan Naldrett 2016 _Lost Car Companies of Detroit_ (140 pages; 14.5MB )

Don Nardo 2000 _Building History: Roman Roads and Aqueducts_ (95 pages)

(40) Rafael Nathan 2014 _HandMade Furniture: 21 Classic WoodWorking Projects to Build for Your Home_ (112 pages; 684.1 Nat; Main+NE)

Naval Education 1994, 2012 _Basic Machines and How They Work_ (128 pages; 12.4MB)

Maria Navarre 2017 _Hand Shoe Making_ (69 pages; 10.6MB)

Carnot E. Nelson & Donald K. Pollock 1970 _Communication Among Scientists and Engineers_ ()

Robin Nelson 2014 _From Leather to Basketball Shoes_ (24 pages)

Paul Netscher 2014 _Successful Construction Project Management: The Practical Guide_ (250 pages; 1.3MB)

Paul Netscher 2014 _Building a Successful Construction Company: The Practical Guide_ (270 pages; 1.3MB)

George C. Neumann 1988 _Early American Antique Country Furnishings: NorthEastern USA 1650-1800_ (353 pages; 749.1; Jax; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Donald G. Newman, Jerome P. Lavelle & Ted G. Eschenbach 2013 _Engineering Economic Analysis_ (690 pages)

Angel David Nieves 2018 _An Architecture of Education: African American Women Design the New South_ (245 pages)

Allen G. Noble, Richard K. Cleek & M. Margaret Geib 1996 _The Old Barn Book: A Field Guide to North American Barns & Other Farm Structures_ (230 pages; 7.4MB)

(55) ►David F. Noble 1977, 2013 _USA by Design: Science, Technology and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism_ (410 pages; 3.3MB; ISBN ; OCLC ; Knopf; ILL request)◀

Don Norman 2013 _The Design of EveryDay Things_ (370 pages; 1.9MB)

(22) Ryan North 2018 _How to Invent EveryThing: A Survival Guide for the Stranded Time Traveler_ (437 pages; 56.8MB; 609 Nor; Main)

David E. Nye 2013 _America's Assembly Line_/_USA's Assembly Line_ (340 pages; 10.6MB)

David E. Nye 8888 _American Technology Sublime_ (cited by Carl Hoffmann 2001 _Hunting WarBirds_)

  - - - - - O

Kenneth P. Oakley 1957 _Man the Tool-Maker_ ()

Robbin Obomsawin & Roger Wade 2004 _The Arts & Crafts Cabin_ ()

Patrick J. O'Brian 2015 _Risen from the Ashes: The History of the West Baden Springs Hotel_ (220 pages)

Patrick J. O'Brian 2015 _Pluto in the Valley: The History of the French Lick Springs Hotel_ (200 pages)

Patrick P. O'Connor & Andre Kleyner 2012 _Practical Reliability Engineering_ (500 pages; 17.9MB)

John Peter Oleson 2008 _The Oxford HandBook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World_ (880 pages; 23MB)

Michael Olmert 2009 _Kitchens, SmokeHouses, and Privies: OutBuildings and the Architecture of Daily Life in the 18th-Century Mid-Atlantic_ (300 pages)

Dan Olsen 2015 _The Lean Product PlayBook: How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer FeedBack_ (300 pages; 5.8MB)

(59) James M. O'Neill 1963 _Early American Furniture: Designs in the Colonial Style_ (141 pages; R 749.2; Main)

(48) Paul Orfalea 2007 _Copy This!: Lessons from a HyperActive Dyslexic Who Turned a Bright Idea into One of America's Best Companies_ (Kinko's; 225 pages; 338.76168 Orf; NE)

Eric C. Orlemann 2000 _Building Giant EarthMovers_ (125 pages)

(59) Thomas Hamilton Ormsbee 1951 _Field Guide to Early American Furniture_ (464 pages; R 749.212; Main)

(17) ►Larry Osborne 2013 _Innovation's Dirty Little Secret: Why Serial Innovators Succeed Where Others Fail_ (215 pages; 1.6MB; ISBN 0310494508/ 9780310494508; ILL request)◀

Jheni Osman 2011 _100 Ideas That Changed the World_ (400 pages; 2.4MB)

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John R. Stilgoe 1985 _Metropolitan Corridor: RailRoads and the American Scene_ ()

Al Stohlman 1977 _The Art of Hand Sewing Leather_ (72 pages)

(50) ►Brooke C. Stoddard 2015 _Steel: From Mine to Mill, the Metal that Made America_ (304 pages; 43.3MB; ISBN ; OCLC ; Quarto; ILL request)◀

Tadeusz Stolarski, Y. Nakasone & S. Yoshimoto 2011 _Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software_ (475 pages; 10.7MB)

Wesley Winans Stout & Kaufman T. Keller 1946 _Bullets by the Billion_ (75 pages)

Wesley Winans Stout & Kaufman T. Keller 1947 _Great Engines and Great Planes_ (130 pages)

Hans Straub 1952, 1960, 1964 _An History of Civil Engineering_ (250 pages)

Amy Stross 2018 _The SubUrban Micro-Farm: Modern Solutions for Busy People_ (347 pages; 635 Str; Main+E)

K.A. Stroud 8888 _Engineering Mathematics_ ()

Christopher Stuart 2011 _DIY Furniture: A Step-by-Step Guide_ (144 pages)

Keith Summerour, Marc Kristal, Andrew Ingalls & Gemma Ingalls 2017 _Creating Home: Designs for Living_ (235 pages)

(17) Sarah Susanka 2005 _InSide the Not So Big House: Discovering the Details That Bring a Home to Life_ (architecture; 210 pages; ISBN 1561586811; Taunton; 728.37 Sus; NE)

(17) ►Andrea Sutcliffe 2015 _Steam: The UnTold Story of USA's First Great Invention_ (260-280 pages; 858KB; ISBN 1422364402/ 9781422364406; ILL request)◀

Scott T. Swank & Bill Finney 1999 _Shaker Life, Art, & Architecture: Hands to Work, Hearts to God_ (230 pages)

(11) Earl Swift 2011 _The Big Roads: The UnTold Story of the Engineers, Visionaries, and TrailBlazers Who Created the USA SuperHighWays_ (390 pages; 6.2MB; 388.1 Swi; Main)

  - - - - - T

Theodore A. Talay 2013 _NASA's Flight AeroDynamics Introduction_ (NASA/Langley Research Center; 260 pages; 8.3MB)

Gay Talese 2014 _The Bridge: The Building of the Varrazano-Narrows Bridge_ (190 pages; 66.1MB)

(1) Leigh Tate 2013 _5 Acres & a Dream: The Book: The Challenges of Establishing a Self-Sufficient HomeStead_ (251 pages; 640 Tat; Main+NE+BLPerry)

Ken Tate & Duke Tate 2020 _The Alchemy of Architecture: Memories & Insights from Ken Tate_ (155 pages)

Arnold Joseph Taylor 1985, 1986 _Studies in Castles & Castle-Building_ (300 pages)

John R. Taylor 1996 _An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements_ ()

(39) Michael John Hadrick Taylor & Frederick Thomas Jane 1991 _Jane's American Fighting AirCraft of the 20th Century_ (320 pages; 623.746 Jan; Main)

Richard Taylor 2003 _How to Read a Church: A Guide to Images, Symbols, & Meanings in Churches & Cathedrals_ (215 pages)

Travis S. Taylor 2009 _Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering_ (315 pages; 16.6MB)

(30) Zachary Taylor & Colin Bullock 2002 _Mini Power Tool HandBook_ (144 pages; 621.9 Tay; Main)

(14) John Thackara 2005 _In the Bubble: Designing in a Complex World_ (321 pages; ISBN 0262201577; MIT; 620.0042 Tha; Main)

Jeremy Thake 2001 _The Micro-Hydro Pelton Turbine Manual: Design, Manufacture, and Installation for Small-Scale Hydro-Power_ (230 pages)

(35) Rob Thallon 2008 _Graphic Guide To Frame Construction_ (243 pages; 694.2 Tha 3rd ED.; Main)

E.T. Thayer 2017 _The Finishers' Manual: Containing the Receipts of an Expert for Finishing the Bottoms of Boots and Shoe, as Well as Other Valuable Information_ (50 pages)

Theophilus & C.R. Dodwell 1987 _De Diversis Artibus_/_The Various Arts_ (420 pages)

Theophilus & R. Hendrie 1847, 2012 _De Diversis Artibus_/_An Essay upon the Various Arts_ (150 pages)

Catherine Thimmesh & Melissa Sweat 2000 _Girls Think of EveryThing: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women_ (57 pages; J 609.2273 THI; BLPerry+Main_NE)

Mini S. Thomas & John Douglas McDonald 2015 _Power System SCADA and Idiot Grids_ (325 pages; 31.8MB)

Robert Thomas 2018 _The Art & Craft of the BlackSmith: Techniques and Inspiration for the Modern Smith_ (160 pages; 682 Tho; Jax)

Mary Kathryn Thompson & John Martin Thompson 2017 _ANSYS Mechanical APDL for Finite Element Analysis_ (455 pages; 38.3MB)

Milton O. Thompson & Neil A. Armstrong 2003 _At the Edge of Space: The X-15 Flight Program_ ()

Rob Thompson 2011 _Prototyping and Low-Volume Production_ (190 pages)

Ruth Thomson & Chris Fairclough 1986 _Making Shoes_ (32 pages)

Troy Throne 2015 _Building the Fastest PineWood Derby Car: Speed Secrets for Crossing the Finish Line First!_ (135 pages; 89.7MB)

(49) Ole Thorstensen 1998, 2015, 2018 _Making Things Right: The Simple Philosophy of a Working Life_/_En Snekkers DagBok_ (233 pages;690.24 Tho; E)

Mynna Thruston 1922 _James Rumsey: The Inventor of the SteamBoat_ ()

Robert Henry Thurston 1878, 1886, 2009, 2017 _An History of the Growth of the Steam Engine_ (515 pages; 17.3MB)

Thomas Thwaites 2011 _The Toaster Project: An Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance from Scratch_ ()

Levi Tillemann 2015 _The Great Race: The Global Quest for the Car of the Future_ (340 pages; 15.6MB)

David A. Tillman 2018 _Coal-Fired Electricity and Emissions Control: Efficiency and Effectiveness_ (280 pages; 116.1MB)

Chloe Timperley 2020-07-23, 2020-08-05 _Generation Rent: Why You Can't Buy a Home or Even Rent a Good One_ (270-340 pages; 598KB; ISBN 1912454262/ 9781912454266; Canbury)

Steve Tomashek 2012 _Tiny Whittling: More Than 20 Projects_ (112 pages; 736.4 TOM; Main+Woodville)

Michael Tomlinson & John Woodward 2014 _Pile Design and Construction Practice_ (600 pages; 105.8MB)

Alan Toogood 1999 _American Horticultural Society Plant Propogation: The Fully Illustrated Plant-by-Plant Manual of Practical Techniques_ (310 pages)

Charles H. Townes 1999 _How the Laser Happened: Adventures of a Scientist_ ()

(37) James Trefil 2017 _The Story of "Innovation": How Yesterday's Discoveries Lead to Tomorrow's BreakThroughs_ (303 pages; ISBN 9781426217050; National Geographic; 509 Tre; Main)

James Grayson Trulove & Il Kim 1999 _The New USA Cottage: Innovations in Small-Scale Residential Architecture_ (220 pages)

Barbara M. Tucker 1984 _Samuel Slater and the Origins of the American Textile Industry 1790-1860_ (260 pages)

Barbara M. Tucker & Kenneth H. Tucker 1995, 2008 _Industrializing America: The Rise of Manufacturing Entrepreneurs in the Early Republic_ (Samuel Colt, John Fox Slater, Horatio Nelson Slater, Amos Adams Lawrence; 260 pages)

(45) Sean Tucker 2021 _The Meaning in the Making: The Why & How Behind Our Human Need to Create [Value]_ (319 pages; ISBN 9781681987231; Ingram; on order 2021-09-03 Tuc; Main+Jax)

Edwin Tunis 1999 _Colonial CraftsMen and the Beginnings of American Industry_ (150 pages)

Maria Turner 1930 _James Rumsey: Pioneer in Steam Navigation_ ()

(50) Robert C. Twombly 1986 _Louis Sullivan: His Life and Work_ (530 pages; biography Sullivan; Main+NE)

R.F. Tylecote 2002 _An History of Metallurgy_ (200 pages)

R.F. Tylecote 1987 _The Early History of Metallurgy in Europe_ ()

Henry Grattan Tyrrell 1911 _Bridge Engineering_ ()

  - - - - - U

Steven Ujifusa 2012 _A Man and His Ship: USA's Greatest Naval Architect and His Quest to Build the SS United States_ (440 pages; 47.5MB; William Francis Gibbs)

Steven Ujifusa 2018 _Barons of the Sea and Their Race to Build the World's Fastest Clipper Ship_ (440 pages; 16MB)

David G. Ullman 2015 _The Mechanical Design Process_ (470 pages; 19.6MB)

(17) Dell Upton 1998 _Architecture in the United States of America_ (335 pages; 368 pages; 720.973 Upt; Main)

USDA 1915, 2015 _Wood HandBook: Wood as an Engineering Material_ (500 pages; 23.2MB)

Abbott Payson Usher 1929, 2011, 2013 _An History of Mechanical Inventions_ (480 pages; 13.4MB; HarvardU)

  - - - - - V

Brenda Vale & Robert James Vale 2000, 2002 _The New Autonomous House: Design and Planning for Sustainability_ (256 pages; 728.0472 Val; Main)

James E. Vance ii 1995 _The North American RailRoad: Its Origin, Evolution, and Geography_ (380 pages)

Ibo van de Poel & Lamber Royakkers 2011 _Ethics, Technology, and Engineering: An Introduction_ (365 pages; 3.1MB)

Stephen van Dulken 2000 _Inventing the 20th Century: 100 Inventions That Shaped the World_ ()

Johan van Lengen 2007, 2008 _The BareFoot Architect: A HandBook for Green Building_ (700 pages)

Ethlie Ann Vare & Greg Ptacek 1989 _Mothers of Invention: From the Bra to the Bomb, Forgotten Women and Their UnForgettable Ideas_ ()

Ethlie Ann Vare & Greg Ptacek 1993 _Women Inventors and Their Discoveries_ ()

Ethlie Ann Vare 2002 _Patently Female: From AZT to TV Dinners: Stories of Women Inventors and Their BreakThrough Ideas_ (220 pages; 609.2273; VAR; Main+E)

Laszlo Vass & Magda Molnar 2013 _HandMade Shoes for Men_ (200 pages)

Sarah Veblen 2012 _The Complete Photo Guide to Perfect Fitting_ (sewing clothing; 220 pages; 88.4MB)

Kristine Vejar & Sara Remingson 2015 _The Modern Natural Dye: A Comprehensive Guide to Dying Silk, Wool, Linen, and Cotton at Home_ (192 pages; 746.6 VEJ; Main+Jax)

Gaurav Verma & Samar Malik 2017 _AutoDesk Fusion 350 Black Book_ (735 pages)

Gaurav Verma & Matt Weber 2017 _SolidWorks Electrical 2017 Black Book_ (275 pages)

Tom Vert & Jeffrey D. Smith 2016 _Refractory Material Selection for SteelMaking_ (380 pages; 11.9MB)

Walter G. Vincenti 1990 _What Engineers Know and How They Know It: Analytical Studies from Aeronautical History_ ()

Thomas Durant Visser 1997, 2000 _Field Guide to New England Barns and Farm Buildings_ (215 pages; 20.5MB)

Marquita Volken 2014 _Archaeological FootWear: Development of Shoe Patterns and Styles from PreHistory 'til the 1600s_ (400 pages)

Jeff Vollmer 2010 _Puzzle Boxes: Fun and Intriguing BandSaw Projects_ (Royal Woods; 140 pages; 10.3MB)

  - - - - - W

(25) John D. Wagner & Clayton de Korne 2002 _Barns, Sheds, & OutBuildings: Complete How-To Information & Design Concept for 10 Buildings_ (448 pages; 728.92 Wag; Main)

John R. Walker & W. Richard Polanin 2009 _Arc Welding_ (190 pages)

(17) Les Walker & Jeff Milstein 1976, 1979 _Designing Houses: An Illustrated Guide_ (architecture; 153 pages; ISBN 0879510358; 728.37 Wal; Main)

Lester Walker 1987 _Tiny Houses_ ()

John Wall 2018 _StreamLiner: Raymond Loewy and Image-Making in the Age of USA Industrial Design_ (335 pages; 4.9MB)

John Wanberg 2017 _Composite Materials: Fabrication HandBook #3_ (140 pages; 15.5MB)

Wego Wang 2010 _Reverse Engineering: Technology of ReInvention_ (CRC; 345 pages; 14.7MB)

(55) ►Christopher Wanjek 2020 _SpaceFarers: How Humans Will Settle the Moon, Mars, & Beyond_ (400 pages; ISBN 9780674984486; OCLC 1176220791; HarvardU; ILL request)◀

Allen C. Ward, Dentar P. Oosterwal & Durward K. Sobek ii 2018 _Visible Knowledge for Flawless Design: The Secret Behind Lean Product Development_ (110 pages; 4.6MB)

Caroline F. Ware 1966 _The Early New England Cotton Manufacture: A Study in Industrial Beginnings_ ()

Kenneth Warren 1933 _Big Steel: The First Century of the United States Steel Corporation 1901-2001_ (415 pages; 16.1MB)

Kenneth Warren 2008 _Bethlehem Steel: Builder & Arsenal of the United States of America_ (330 pages; 4.9MB)

Lura Woodside Watkins 2013 _Early New England Potters and Their Wares_ (360 pages; 11.6MB)

(50) Aldren Auld Watson 1982 _Hand Tools: Their Ways and Workings_ (621.908 Wat; Jax)

Frank B. Watts 2011 _Engineering Documentation Control HandBook: Configuration Management and Product LifeCycle Management_ (360 pages; 11.6MB)

John Waymouth 1971 _Electric Discharge Lamps_ ()

(30) Amy Webb 2016 _The Signals Are Talking: Why Today's Fringe Is Tomorrow's MainStream_ (322 pages; ISBN 9781610396660; OCLC ; PublicAffairs; 658.4 Web; Main)

James Webb Young 2012, 2015 _A Technique for Producing Ideas_ (19 pages; 1.1MB)

Michael Webb 2018 _Architects' Houses: 30 Innovative & Imaginative Homes Architects Designed & Live In_ ()

Robert J. Weber & David N. Perkins 1992 _Inventive Minds: Creativity in Technology_ (360 pages)

Robert J. Weber 1992 _Forks, Photographs, and Hot Air Balloons: A Field Guide to Inventive Thinking_ ()

Thomas Webster & Dewey Caron 1999 _Observation Hives: How to Set Up, Maintain, and Use a Window to the World of Honey Bees_ (110 pages)

Kelly Weinersmith & Zach Weinersmith 2017 _Soonish: 10 Emerging Technologies That'll Improve and/or Ruin EveryThing_ (601.12 WEI; Main)

G. Weisgerber & L. Willies 2001 _The Use of Fire in PreHistoric and Ancient Mining: FireSetting_ ()

Alan Weisman 2007 _The World without Us_ (340 pages; 2.1MBs)

H. Eugene Weiss 2003 _Chrysler, Ford, Durant, and Sloan: Founding Giangs of the USA Automotive Industry_ (195 pages)

Matthew Wells 2010 _Engineers: An History of Engineering and Structural Design_ (245 pages; 27MB)

Matthew Wells 2005 _SkyScrapers: Structure and Design_ (180 pages)

Matthew Wells 2002 _30 Bridges_ (190 pages)

Mark R. Wenger & Kevin Burke 1994 _Carter's Grove: The Story of a Virginia Plantation_ (97 pages)

Timothy H. Wentzell 2003 _Machine Design_ (500 pages)

Tom Wessels 2010 _Forest Forensics: A Field Guide to Reading the Forested Landscape_ (160 pages; 32.9MB)

Mark West 2016 _The Fabric FormWork Book: Methods for Building New Architectural and Structural Forms in Concrete_ (300 pages; 119.3MB)

Thompson Westcott 1857, 2001, 2015 _The Life of John Fitch: The Inventor of the Steam-Boat_ ()

(49) ►Peter Westwick 2020 _Stealth: The Secret Contest to Invent InVisible Aircraft_ (272-336 pages; ISBN 9780190677442; OCLC 1154771885; OxfordU; ILL request)◀

Alexander G. Weygers 1997 _The Complete Modern BlackSmith_ (300 pages; 682; Main+NE)

Alexander G. Weygers 1974 _The Making of Tools_ (94 pages; 99999)

Andrew Wheen 2010 _From Dot-Dash to Dot.Com: How Modern Telecommunications [Was Developed] from the Telegraph to the Internet_ (310 pages)

Marcus Whiffen 1992 _USA Architecture Since 1780: A Guide to the Styles_ (330 pages)

Marcus Whiffen 1983 _USA Architecture: vol1 1607-1860_ (280 pages)

Marcus Whiffen & Frederick Koeper 1983 _USA Architecture: vol2 1860-1976_ (245 pages)

Craig Whitaker 1996 _Architecture and the USA Dream_ (300 pages)

Situr E. Whitaker 2018 _The Indianapolis Automobile Industry: An History 1893-1939_ (300 pages; 24.1MB)

Garry Whitby 1983 _Glassware Manufacture for Developing Countries_ ()

Graham White 1994, 1995 _Allied AirCraft Piston Engines of World War 2: History and Development of FrontLine AirCraft Piston Engines Produced by Great Britain and the USA_ ()

John H. White 1997 _American Locomotives: An Engineering History 1830-1880_ (610 pages)

Charles Whittlesey 1845 _Justice to the Memory of John Fitch Who in 1785 Invented a Steam Engine and Steam Boat, Planned, Constructed, and Put in Operation the Steam Boat_ (108 pages)

Elspeth Whitney 1990 _Paradise Restored: The Mechanical Arts from Antiquity Through the 13th Century_ ()

Janet Wickell 2000 _Teach Yourself Quilting_ (746.46; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Rick Wiebe 2010 _Classic Whittling: Basic Techniques and Old-Time Projects_ (127 pages; 736.4; Main+NE)

J. Wight 1972 _Brick Building in England_ ()

James K. Wight 2016 _ReInforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design_ (1,170 pages; 25.9MB)

C. Keith Wilbur 1992 _HomeBuilding and WoodWorking in Colonial USA_ (120 pages)

J.P. Wild 1970 _Textile Manufacture in the Northern Roman Provinces_ (200 pages)

Alan Williams 2003 _The Knight and the Blast Furnace: An History of the Metallurgy of Armour in the Middle Ages & the Early Modern Period_ (945 pages)

Richard Williams 2004 _Lime Kilns and Lime Burning_ ()

E.B. Wilson 1952 _An Introduction to Scientific Research_ ()

H. Weber Wilson 1986 _Great Glass in USA Architecture: Decorative Windows and Doors Before 1920_ (125 pages)

Joseph S. Wilson & Olivia J. Carril 2015 _The Bees in Your BackYard: A Guide to North America's Bees_ (280 pages; 356.9MB)

Simon Winchester 2013 _The Men Who United the States: America's Explorers, Inventors, Eccentrics, and Mavericks, and the Creation of One Nation, Indivisible_ (973; Main+Jax+NE)

Simon Winchester 2018 _The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World_ (395 pages; 14.9MB; 620.009 WIN; Main+Jax)

Charlie Wing 2012 _How Your House Works: A Visual Guide to Understanding and Maintaining Your Home_ (200 pages; 11.8MB)

Michael Wingate 1985 _Small-Scale Lime Burning: A Practical Introduction_ (140 pages)

Robert Winston 2011 _Bad Ideas?: An Arresting History of Our Inventions_ (390 pages)

John Wiseman 2014 _SAS Survival HandBook: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving AnyWhere_ (660 pages)Pius Wong 2017 _Engineer's Guide to Improv and Art Games_ (145 pages; 2.9MB)

Allen J. Wood, Bruce F. Wollenberg & Gerald B. Sheble 2013 _Power Generation, Operation, and Control_ (640 pages; 17.2MB)

sir Alan Muir Wood 2004 _Civil Engineering in Context_ (245 pages)

WoodCarving Illustrated 2014 _Complete Starter Guide to Whittling: 24 Easy Projects You Can Make in a WeekEnd_ (96 pages)

Everett B. Woodruff, Herbert B. Lammers & Thomas F. Lammers 2016 _Steam Plant Operation_ (740 pages; 122.1MB)

Steve Wozniak & Gina Smith 2006 _iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented a Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It_ (621.39; Main+NE)

Frank E. Wrenick & Elaine V. Wrenick 2016 _Automobile Manufacturers of Cleveland and Ohio 1864-1942_ (260 pages; 23.4MB)

Hans E. Wulff 1966 _The Traditional Crafts of Persia, Their Development, Technology, and Influence on Eastern and Western Civilization_ ()

Duncan C. Wyllie 2017 _Rock Slope Engineering: Civil Applications_ (590 pages; 40.4MB)

Norman Wymer 1957, 1964 _Great Inventors_ ()

  - - - - - X

  - - - - - Y

Andrew Yang 2014 _Smart People Should Build Things: How to Restore Our Culture of Achievement, Build a Path for Entrepreneurs, and Create New Jobs in the USA_ (270 pages; 736KB)

Otis E. Young ii & Robert Lenon 1971, 1977 _Western Mining: An Informal Account of Precious Metals Prospecting, Placering, Lode Mining, and Milling on the USA Frontier from Spanish Times_ (350 pages)

  - - - - - Z

G. Pascal Zachary 2018 _Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the USA Century_ (550 pages; 26.6MB)

Francesc Zamora 2016 _156 Best Cottage and Cabin Ideas_ (470 pages; 190.3MB)

Laura Zerra 2018 _A Modern Guide to KnifeMaking: Step-by-Step Instruction for Forging Your Own Knife from Expert BladeSmiths, Including Making Your Own Handle, Sheath, and Sharpening_ (159 pages; 621.932; Main)

Jared Zicek 2017 _StreamLied Dreams: 10 Amazing UnBuilt Automobile Designs 1916-1939_ (100 pages; 12.9MB)

Shoshana Zuboff 1988 _In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power_ ()

Gregory Zuckerman 2013 _The Frackers: The Outrageous InSide Story of the New Billionaire WildCatters_ (410 pages; 4.2MB; 338.7622 Hof; NE)

  - - - - - some of the journals and trade publications I would subscribe to if I could afford them

_Design News_

_Design Engineering_

_CAD Digest_

_CAD CAM News_

_Manufacturing Day_

_Manufacturing & Technology News_


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