This is me, raising my banners high, seeking people with whom I'd like to work, live, trade, support. All flags flying!
updated: 2025-02-23
MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware; MSFT-related software is defective by design.
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Shana Abe 2006 _The Dream Thief_ (Drakon #2; 279 pages; F Abe; NE+Jax)
Shana Abe 2008 _Queen of Dragons_ (Drakon #3; 288 pages; F Abe; Main+NE)
Shana Abe 2009 _The Treasure Keeper_ (Drakon #4; 310 pages; F Abe; Main)
Shana Abe 2010 _The Time Weaver_ (Drakon #5; 325 pages; F Abe; NE)
Roger D. Abrahams 1985 _Afro-American FolkTales_ ()
Douglas Adams & James Goss & David Fisher 2015 _City of Death_ (Dr.Who; time travel; 295 pages; F Ada)
Joseph Addison 2010, 2011, 2013 _Cato: A Tragedy in 5 Acts_ ()
Joseph Addison, Christine Dunn Henderson, Mark E. Yellin & Forrest McDonald 2004 _Cato: A Tragedy in 5 Acts_ ()
Joseph Addison & Elizabeth Inchbald 2010 _Cato: A Tragedy in 5 Acts_ ()
Dan Adrian 2016 _Galimar: Rise of the Quantum Traveler_ (600 pages; 1.6MB)
Brooks A. Agnew 2016-02-13 _Bearth: Two Earths, One Race for Time_ (Bearth #1; 204 pages; self-published)
Brooks A. Agnew 2016-02-13 _Bearth: The Grand Division_ (Bearth #2; 398 pages; self-published)
Brooks A. Agnew 2017-01-21 _Bearth: The Gathering L'Olam_ (le aulem=space-time universe-eternity; Bearth #3; 444 pages; self-published)
Cecelia Ahern 2013 _The Time of My Life_ (486 pages; F Ahe; Main+Jax)
Janet Ahlberg & Allan Ahlberg 1986 _The Jolly Postman, or Other People's Letters_ (letters of fairy-tale characters; 29 pages; J F Ahl; Woodville)
Bobby Akart 2020-11-03, 2020-11-13 _New Madrid EarthQuake_ (455 pages; 2.9MB)
Bobby Akart 2020-04-29 _Virus Hunters #1_ (290 pages)
Bobby Akart 2020-06-08 _Virus Hunters #2_ (290 pages)
Bobby Akart 2020-07-11 _Virus Hunters #3_ (290 pages)
James Alexander 2012 _Conduit: The Beginning_ (228 pages)
Horatio Alger ii 1893, 1974 _Cast Upon the Breakers_ ()
Horatio Alger ii 1975 _Dean Dunham: The Waterford Mystery_ ()
Horatio Alger ii 1867, 1990 _Ragged Dick: Street Life in NY with the Boot-Blacks_ (186 pages)
Alison Weir 2019 _Anna of Kleve: The Princess in the Portrait_ (TudorQueens #4; 498 pages; F WEI; Main+E+NE)
Nina Allan 2016 _The Race_ (447 pages; mmm)
Nancy Campbell Allen 2011 _Love Beyond Time_ (190 pages; 680KB)
Nancy Campbell Allen 2011 _A Time for the Heart_ (240 pages; 1.1MB)
Nancy Campbell Allen 2011 _No Time for Love_ (210 pages; 724KB)
Nancy Campbell Allen 2011 _Echoes_ (220 pages; 785KB)
Nancy Campbell Allen 2011 _Faith of Our Fathers: vol1 A House Divide_ (440 pages; 2.4MB)
Isabel Allende 2005 _Zorro_ ()
Margery Allingham 1931, 2014 _Look to the Lady_/_The Gyrth Chalice Mystery_ (ordered list; 275 pages; 2.8MB)
Margery Allingham 1931, 2013 _Police at the Funeral_ (ordered list; 245 pages; 2MB)
Margery Allingham 1949 _Deadly Duo: Wanted: Someone Innocent; Last Act_ (200 pages; PB F All; Main)
Margery Allingham 1937, 2014 _Dancers in Mourning_ (ordered list; 295 pages; 2.2MB)
Steve Alten 2016, 2017 _UnDisclosed_ (F Alt; Main+NE)
Gillian Anderson & Jeff Rovin 2016 _The Sound of Seas_ (Earthend #3; 277 pages; F And)
Poul Anderson 1960, 1988 _Guardians of Time_ (time travel; 250 pages)
Poul Anderson 1965 _Corridors of Time_ (time travel; 99999 pages)
Ryan Andrews 2014 _The Birth of Prudence_ (220 pages; 332KB)
J.C. Andrijeski 2017 _Rook: Bridge and Sword Awakenings_ (Bridge&Sword #1; 460 pages; 4.8MB)
J.C. Andrijeski 2017 _Shield: Bridge and Sword Awakenings_ (Bridge&Sword #2; 490 pages; 4.9MB)
J.C. Andrijeski 2017 _Sword: Bridge and Sword Awakenings_ (Bridge&Sword #3; 500 pages; 3.6MB)
J.C. Andrijeski 2017 _Shadow: Bridge and Sword Awakenings_ (Bridge&Sword #4; 600 pages; 5.9MB)
J.C. Andrijeski 2017 _Knight: Bridge and Sword Apocalypse_ (Bridge&Sword #5; 650 pages; 5.1MB)
Piers Anthony 2014 _Volk_ (340 pages; 768KB)
Maggie Anton 2005 _Rashi's Daughters: Book 1 Joheved_ (369 pages; F Ant; BLPerry)
Diana Karter Appelbaum 1997 _Cocoa Ice_ (youth)
Alex Archer 2006 _Destiny_ (RogueAngel #1; 350 pages; 640KB)
Alex Archer 2006 _Solomon's Jar_ (RogueAngel #2; 350 pages; 553KB)
Alex Archer 2006 _The Spider Stone_ (RogueAngel #3; 350 pages; 736KB)
Alex Archer 2007 _The Chosen_ (RogueAngel #4; 350 pages; 645KB)
Alex Archer 2015 _Death Mask_ (RogueAngel #52; 315 pages; 861KB)
Fantastic Fiction: Kelley Armstrong: Stitch in Time
Kelley Armstrong/Kelly Armstrong 2020-10-31, 2021-03-17 _A Stitch in Time_ (Stitch in Time #1; 336 pages; ISBN 9781596069688; Subterranean; only have the fake book)
Kelley Armstrong 2023 _A Twist of Fate_ (Stitch in Time #2; fakebook)
Kelley Armstrong 2023 _A Turn of the Tide_ (Stitch in Time #3; fakebook)
Kelley Armstrong 2023 _A Castle in the Air_ (Stitch in Time #4; 295 pages; Main+NE)
Fantastic Fiction: Kelley Armstrong: Rip Through Time
H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Kelley Armstrong 2022 _A Rip Through Time_ (#1; Scotland; Mallory/Catriona; Dr.Gray)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.9: Kelley Armstrong 2023 _The Poisoner's Ring_ (Rip Through Time #2; 341 pages; ISBN 9781250820037; OCLC ;Minotaur; libraries; F Arm; Main+Woodville)
Kelley Armstrong 2023 _Cocktails & Chloroform_ (#2.5)
Kelley Armstrong 2024 _Disturbing the Dead_ (#3; 337 pages; Minotaur; Main+Woodville)
Kelley Armstrong 2024 _Schemes & Scandals_ (#3.5)
Kelley Armstrong 2025 _Death at a Highland Wedding_ (#4)
H2.0: Kelley Armstrong 2004 _Bitten_ (OtherWorld #1; 430 pages; 1.3MB; hard)
H2.0: Kelley Armstrong 2010 _Stolen_ (OtherWorld #2; 570 pages; 1.3MB)
Raymond Arroyo 2017 _Will Wilder #2: The Lost Staff of Wonders_ (345 pages; 18.1MB; Youth)
Madeline Ashby 2016 _Company Town_ (280 pages; 1.5MB)
Neal L. Asher 2017 _Infinity Engine_ (Transformation #3; 464 pages; hard)
Neal L. Asher 2013 _GodLinked_ (AgentCormacOfPolity #1; 420 pages; mmm)
Neal L. Asher 2013 _The Line of Polity_ (AgentCormacOfPolity #2; 580 pages; mmm)
Neal L. Asher 2007 _Brass Man_ (AgentCormacOfPolity #3; 500 pages; mmm)
Neal L. Asher 2013 _Polity Agent_ (AgentCormacOfPolity #4; 580 pages; mmm)
Neal L. Asher 2014 _Line War_ (AgentCormacOfPolity #5; 580 pages; mmm)
Neal L. Asher 2013 _The Technician_ (Polity; 500 pages; mmm)
Neal L. Asher 1998 _The Engineer_ (??; 200 pages; mmm)
Neal L. Asher 2006 _The Engineer ReConditioned_ (??; 245 pages; mmm)
Isaac Asimov 1950, 2008 _Pebble in the Sky_ (time travel; 255 pages; F Asi)
Penelope Aubin 1722, 2004, 2013 _The Noble Slaves_ (195 pages; 337KB)
N.S. Austin 2016 _Critically EnDangered_ (EnDangered #1; 315 pages; 3.8MB)
N.S. Austin 2017 _Beyond the Great Dying_ (EnDangered #2; 500 pages; 3.4MB)
Jason Ayres 2014 _The Time Bubble_ (220 pages; 1MB)
Jason Ayres 2014 _Global Cooling_ (TimeBubble #2; 200 pages; 768KB)
Jason Ayres 2015 _Man Out of Time_ (TimeBubble #3; 250 pages; 876KB)
Jason Ayres 2017 _Splinters in Time_ (TimeBubble #4; 285 pages; 3.7MB)
MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.
Bret Baier 2023-11-14 _Duel Across Time_ (HistoryClub #1; 128 pages; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2008 _The House of the Stag_ (Anvil #2; 350 pages; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2010 _The Bird of the River_ (Anvil #3; 268 pages; F Bak)
MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.
Kage Baker 1997, 2005-12-27, 2006 _In the Garden of Iden_ (Company #1; 329-336 pages; ISBN 9780765314574; OCLC 62776344; Tor/Doherty/Harcourt; F Bak)
Kage Baker 1999-02-01, 2000-03-07 _Sky Coyote_ (Company #2; 292-310 pages; ISBN 9780380731800; OCLC 38833366; Harcourt Brace; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2000-02-07, 2006-05-02 _Mendoza in Hollyweird_ (Company #3; 334-352 pages; ISBN 97800765315304; OCLC 65468811; Tor/Doherty/Harcourt; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2001, 2004-12-01 _The GraveYard Game_ (Company #4; 298-336 pages; ISBN 9780151004492/ 9780765311849; OCLC 43615632; Harcourt; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2005 _The Life of the World to Come_ (Company #6; 336-416 pages; ISBN 9780765354327; OCLC 61477942; Tor/Doherty/Melia; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2005-11-01 _The Children of the Company_ (Company #7; 300-304 pages; ISBN 9780765314550/ 9780765353672; OCLC 58648066; Tor/Doherty; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2006-09-19, 2007 _The Machine's Child_ (Company #8; 352 pages; ISBN 9780765354617; OCLC 156891132; Tor/Doherty/Melia; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2007 _Gods and Pawns_ (Company #9; 335 pages; ISBN 9780765315526/ 9780765315533; OCLC 70867042; Tor/Doherty; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2007 _Rude Mechanicals_ (Company #10; 114 pages; ISBN 9781596060876; OCLC 123755370; Subterranean; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2007-07-10 _The Sons of Heaven_ (Company #11; 430-432s pages; ISBN 9780765317469; OCLC 85814207; Tor/Doherty; F Bak)
Kage Baker 2013 _In the Company of Thieves_ (Company #??; 325 pages; ISBN 9781616961299/ 9781616961329; OCLC 837180464; Tachyon; F Bak)
MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.
Dion Baia 2018 _Blood in the Streets_ (215 pages; 2.1MB)
H.C. Bailey 2010 _Call Mr. Fortune_ (265 pages; 496KB)
H.C. Bailey 1942 _Meet Mr. Fortune_ (530 pages)
H.C. Bailey 1934, 2008 _Shadow on the Wall_ (190 pages)
H.C. Bailey 1937, 2008 _Black Land, White Land_ (190 pages)
Jodie Bailey 2022 _Witness in Peril_ (murder mystery, romance, 219 pages)
J.G. Ballard 8888 _The Drowned World_ ()
J.G. Ballard 2009 _The Complete Stories of J.G. Ballard_ (1,200 pages; 60%; hard)
David Baldacci 2011 _Zero Day_ (JohnPuller #1; 643 pages; LT F Bal; Main)
David Baldacci 2012 _The Forgotten_ (JohnPuller #2; 628 pages; LT F Bal; BLPerry)
David Baldacci 2003 _Split Second_ (King+Maxwell #1; 534 pages; F Bal; OutReach)
David Baldacci 2004 _Hour Game_ (King+Maxwell #2; 437 pages; F Bal; BLPerry+Ft.Braden+Woodville)
David Baldacci 2007 _Simple Genius_ (King+Maxwell #3; 420 pages; F Bal; BLPerry+Main+Woodville)
Josiah Bancroft 2018 _Senlin Ascends_ (Babel #1; 435 pages; Main+E)
Josiah Bancroft 2018 _The Hod King_ (Babel #3; 435 pages; Main+E)
Iain M. Banks 2008 _Consider Phlebas_ (Culture #1; 519 pages; Jax)
Iain M. Banks 1989 _The Player of Games_ (Culture #2; 309 pages; Main)
Iain M. Banks 1998 _Excession_ (Culture #5; 343 pages; Main)
Iain M. Banks 1998 _Look to Windward_ (Culture #6; 343 pages; Main+Woodville)
Iain M. Banks 2001 _Look to Windward_ (Culture #7; 369 pages; Main)
Iain M. Banks 2008 _Matter_ (Culture #8; 593 pages; Main)
T.F. Banks 2009 _The Emperor's Assassin: Memoirs of a Bow Street Runner_ (constable Henry Morton #2; 335 pages)
Dave Bara 2017 _StarBound_ (lightship #2; 357 pages; F Bar; Main
Dave Bara 2017 _Defiant_ (lightship #3; 357 pages; F Bar; Main
Dave Bara 2021 _Trinity_
Dave Bara 2022 _Trinity's Children_
Mitchell G. Bard 2013 _After Anatevka: Tevye in Israel_ (370 pages; 928KB)
Rachel Barenbaum 2022 _Atomic Anna_ (time travel; 433 pages; F Bar; FtBraden+Woodville)
Joseph Lee Bargdill &am; Richard David Riddell 2020-05-13 _Search for Freedom_ (258 pages; ISBN ; self-published)
Emily Croy Barker 2021 _How to talk to a goddess : and other lessons in real magic_ (429 pages; F Bar; NE)
Nevada Barr 1993, 2003 _Track of the Cat_ (Anna Pigeon #1; 238 pages; hard?)
Nevada Barr 1993, 2003 _A Superior Death_ (Anna Pigeon #2; 315 pages; digital?)
Edmond Barrett 2017 _Out of Era_ (325 pages; 797KB)
Kerry Barrett 2015 _A Step in Time_ (330 pages; 1.9MB)
Kerry Barrett 2016 _The Forgotten Girl_ (265 pages; 1.4MB)
Lorna Barrett 2022 _Clause of Death_ (9999 pages; ISBN 9780593333501; on order 2022-10-06; )
Dave Barry & Ridley Pearson 2004 _Peter and the StarCatchers_ ()
Jeff Bartlett 2018 _Against All Enemies_ (400 pages; 1.9MB; time travel; SEAL)
Jeff Bartlett 2018 _After the Galaxy: The UnSung_ (#1; 325 pages; 4.4MB)
Jeff Bartlett 2018 _After the Galaxy: UnSung Armada_ (#2; 260 pages; 3.5MB)
Jeff Bartlett 2018 _After the Galaxy: The Crucible_ (#3; 210 pages; 4.2MB)
Teresa Bassett 2020 _The Time Crystals_ (290 pages)
Kemp P. Battle 1986 _Great American FolkLore_ ()
Lyman Frank Baum 1900, 2000 _The Marvelous Land of Oz_ (Oz #2; 320 pages; youth)
Lyman Frank Baum 1900, 2017 _American Fairy Tales_ (100 pages; 1.6MB)
Stephen Baxter 2002 _Manifold: Origin_ (Manifold #3; 440 pages; hard)
Greg Bear 2008 _City at the Edge of Time_ (476 pages; F Bea; Jax)
Greg Bear 2007 _Quantico_ (Quantico #1; 326 pages; F Bea; Jax)
Greg Bear 2009 _Mariposa_ (Quantico #2; 340 pages; F Bea; Main)
J.P. Beaubien 2016 _Aeon Legion: Labyrinth_ (#1; 420 pages; 3.5MB)
Glenn Beck 2012 _Agenda 21_ (295 pages; F Bec; Main+NE)
Glenn Beck & Jack Henderson 2013 _The Eye of Moloch_ (419 pages; hard)
Giles Becker 2017 _The WeaponsMaker_ (88.3 #1; 375 pages; 5.6MB)
Giles Becker 2017 _At Large_ (88.3 #2; 274 pages; 4.6MB)
Giles Becker 2017 _Action Figure_ (88.3 #3; 355 pages; 3.6MB)
Philip Becnel 2018 _Freedom City_ (155 pages; 525KB)
David Beers 2014 _The Singularity: Heretic_ (Singularity #1; 225 pages; 5.5MB)
David Beers 2015 _The Singularity: Traitor_ (Singularity #2; 200 pages; 6.1MB)
N.L. Belardes 8888 _Lords, Part 1_ (186 pages)
Charles Belfoure 2014 _The Paris Architect: A Novel_ (380 pages; 1.8MB)
R.S. Belcher 2018 _King of the Road_ (Brotherhood of the Wheel #2; 382 pages; TOR; F Bel; Main+Woodville)
Ted Bell 2010 _WarLord_ ()
Ted Bell 2010 _The Time Pirate_ ()
John Bellairs & Edward Gorey 2018 _The House with a Clock in Its Walls_ (Lewis Barnavelt #1; 179 pages; J F Bel; Main)
John Bellairs & Mercer Meyer 1975, 1993 _The Figure in the Shadows_ (Lewis Barnavelt #2; 155 pages; J F Bel; Main+NE)
Edward Bellamy 1888, 1967, 1996, 2016 _Looking Backward 2000-1887_ (265 pages; 360KB-1.1MB)
Ludwig Bemelmans 1939 _Madeline_ ()
Gregory Benford 2010 _TimeScape_ (500 pages; 1.6MB)
Gregory Benford & Larry Niven 2014, 2015 _ShipStar_ (415 pages; 1.4MB; hard)
Gregory Benford 2017 _The Berlin Project_ (alternate history; 470 pages; 8.9MB)
Gregory Benford 2007 _In the Ocean of Night_ (GalacticCenter #1; 445 pages; 1.3MB)
Gregory Benford 2007 _Across the Sea of Suns_ (GalacticCenter #2; 510 pages; 1.4MB)
Gregory Benford 2007 _Great Sky River_ (GalacticCenter #3; 455 pages; 628KB)
Gregory Benford 2007 _Tides of Light_ (GalacticCenter #4; 515 pages; 1.8MB)
Gregory Benford 2007 _Furious Gulf_ (GalacticCenter #5; 440 pages; 1.4MB)
Gregory Benford 2007 _Sailing Bright Eternity_ (GalacticCenter #6; 515 pages; 1.5MB)
Charles Bennett, Fredric M. Frank, Gary Cooper, Paulette Goddard, Howard da Silva 1947, 2007 _UnConquered_ (147 minutes; DVD-Video Feature Films Unc; Jax+Woodville)
Raymond Benson/David Michaels 2007 _Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: FallOut_ (SC #4; 353 pages; paper)
Raymond Benson 8888 _Evil Hours_ ()
Raymond Benson 8888 _Face Blind_ ()
Raymond Benson 8888 _Sweetie's Diamonds_ ()
Raymond Benson 8888 _A Hard Day's Death_ ()
Raymond Benson & John Milius 8888 _HomeFront: The Voice of Freedom_ ()
Mary A. Bentley 2023 _Flash Point_ (Jack Ryan ii; 233 pages; F Ben; Main+Jax+NE)
Mary A. Benton 2011 _Winds of Time_ (Texas 1846-1950; 233 pages; F Ben; NE)
Alex Berenson 2014 _The Counterfeit Agent_ (JohnWells #8; LT F Ber; East)
Alex Berenson 2015 _Twelve Days_ (JohnWells #9; LT F Ber; NE)
Alex Berenson 2016 _The Wolves_ (JohnWells #10; LT F Ber; Jax)
Alex Berenson 2017 _The Prisoner_ (JohnWells #11; F Ber; Main+NE)
Alex Berenson 2018 _The Deceivers_ (JohnWells #12; F Ber; Main+Jax+NE)
Johannes Bergman 2014 _The Test of the Magi_ (254 pages)
Lisa Tawn Bergren 2008 _The Betrayed_ (Gifted #2; 410-460 pages; 832KB; was catalogued, now it is not)
Lisa Tawn Bergren 2009 _The Blessed_ (Gifted #3; 445 pages; was catalogued, now it is not)
David F. Bernhardt 2017-11-04 _Empire: A Novel of Possibilities_ (445 pages; ISBN 9781386596172; Darft2Digital)
Beth Bernobich 2014 _The Time Roads_ (302 pages; F Ber; Jax)
John Bierhorst 1976 _The Red Swan: Myths and Tales of the American Indians_ ()
John Bierhorst 1985 _The Mythology of North America_ ()
Parker Bilal 2012 _The Golden Scales_ (time travel; Makana #1; 397 pages; F Bil; Jax)
John Birmingham 2017 _Stalin's Hammer_ (Axis of Time, Rome, Cairo, Paris; 390 pages; 1.1MB)
John Birmingham 2016 _A Girl in Time_ (350 pages; 2.2MB)
John Birmingham 2017 _Fortune and Glory_ (55 pages; 1.1MB)
(1) Anne Bishop _CrowBones_
Tim Black 2016 _Eye_ (455 pages; 2.3MB)
William Black 1877, 2015, 2016, 2018 _A Princess of Thule_ (275 pages; 5MB)
Ellison Blackburn 2016 _If There Be Giants_ (Watchers #1; 285 pages; 3.2MB)
Ellison Blackburn 2017 _Second Son_ (Watchers #2; 250 pages; 3.8MB)
Thomas W. Blackburn, Randolph Scott, Ruth Roman, Zachary Scott, Lloyd Bridges 1950 _Colt .45_ (74 minutes)
Axel Blackwell 2016 _The TimeWeaver's Wager_ (220 pages; 5.5MB)
Gary Blackwood 2004 _Year of the HangMan_ (250 pages; 1.6MB)
Stephen Blake & Scott Lloyd 2006 _Pendragon: The Definitive Account of the Origins of Arthur_ ()
Bob Blink 2013 _Corrector_ (JakeWaters #1; 320 pages; 812KB)
Bob Blink 2015 _Back-Tracker_ (JakeWaters #2; 380 pages; 1.5MB)
Bob Blink 2016 _Double-Back_ (JakeWaters #3; 360 pages; 1.2MB)
Bob Blink 2014 _Cross-Over_ (Amai; 550 pages; 2.3MB)
Bob Blink 2010 _Time-Lines_ (Amai; 590 pages; 2.2MB)
Lawrence Block 1976, 2009 _The Sins of the Fathers_ (Matthew Scudder #1; 300 pages; 421KB; Jax; paper)
Lawrence Block 1976, 1991 _Time to Murder and Create_ (Matthew Scudder #2; 300 pages; 421KB; Jax; paper)
Lawrence Block 1976, 1992 _In the Midst of Death_ (Matthew Scudder #3; 300 pages; 421KB; Main+Jax; paper)
Lawrence Block 1981, 2001 _A Stab in the Dark_ (Matthew Scudder #4; 300 pages; 421KB; outreach; paper)
Lawrence Block 1992, 2013 _A Walk Among the TombStones_ (Matthew Scudder #10; 330 pages; 2.7MB; Main+Jax)
Lowell Boggs 2016 _Stitches In Time: One Man's Search for Jesus in 1st Century_ (540 pages; 1.6MB)
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Laura Anne Gilman, Pati Nagle & Patricia Rice 2012 _Beyond Grimm_ ()
Rick Boling 2015-10-14 _Then Again_ (546 pages; ISBN 9780692554807; WM)
Christopher Bollen 2011 _Lightning People_ (406 pages; cross-border bodyshopping & Manhattan)
Paul F. Boller ii 1995 _Not So!: Popular Myths about America from Columbus to Clinton_ (278 pages; 973; )
Larry Bond & Jim de Felice 2005 _First Team: Angels of Wrath_ (First Team #2; 400 pages; F Bon; Main+Jax)
Larry Bond & Jim de Felice 2006 _First Team: Fires of War_ (First Team #3; 383 pages; F Bon; Main+Jax)
Larry Bond & Jim de Felice 2008 _First Team: Soul of the Assassin_ (First Team #4; 383 pages; F Bon; Jax)
Robert Boren 2016 _Bug Out! Texas: part 1 Texas LockDown_ (350 pages; 561KB)
B.A. Botkin 1944 _A Treasury of American FolkLore_ ()
Ben Bova 1990 _Orion in the Dying Time_ (Orion #3; 356 pages; F Bov; NE)
Ben Bova 1995 _Orion Among the Stars_ (Orion #5; 320 pages; F Bov; Main)
Ben Bova 2012 _Orion and King Arthur_ (Orion #5; 383 pages; F Bov; Main)
Ray Bradbury 8888 _The Machineries of Joy_ ()
Ray Bradbury 8888 _Bradbury Stories_ ()
Ray Bradbury 8888 _The Stories of Ray Bradbury_ ()
Kaliane Bradley 2024 _The Ministry of Time_ (284 pages; Simon&Schuster; on order 2024-05-01; popular 2024-05-15; F Bra; BLPerry+FtBraden)
Esther Wood Brady 2014 _Toliver's Secret: The Country Was Counting on Her_ (176 pages; 4.9MB)
Max Brand/Frederick Faust, Felix Jackson, Gertrude Purcell, Marlene Dietrich, James Stewart, Mischa Auer 1939, 1940, 2003 _Destry Rides Again_ (95 minutes; DVD-Video Feature Films Des; OutReach)
(35) Peter Brandvold 2002, 2015 _The Devil & Lou Prophet_ (Prophet#1; 331 pages; LT F Bra; NE)
G.L. Breedon 2011-07-28 _The Wizard of Time_ (Wizard of Time #1; 296 pages; Kosmosaic) John Brick 1953 _RifleMan: A Novel about One of the Little-Known Heroes of the American Revolution_ (340 pages)
William Bright 1993 _A Coyote Reader_ (202 pages; 398.24)
David Brin 2013 _Existence_ (896 pages)
Doug Brode 2021-06-11 _The Ship_ (296 pages; Alien Sky)
David S. Brody 2009 _Cabal of the Westford Knight: Templars at the Newport Tower_ (Templars in America #1; 425 pages; 7.4MB)
David S. Brody 2013 _Thief on the Cross: Templar Secrets in America_ (Templars in America #2; 335 pages; 1.8MB)
David S. Brody 2013 _Powdered Gold: Templars and the American Ark of the Covenant_ (Templars in America #3; 300 pages; 3.4MB)
Jessica Brody 2016 _Return of the Continuums_ (Continuum #2; YA F Bro)
Abbie Farwell Brown 1976 _The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts_ (225 pages; 270 Bro: Main)
Fantastic Fiction: Dale Brown: Patrick McLanahan series
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Dale Brown Flight of the Old Dog (McLanahan #1; Fine/ Berkley/ Penguin/ Putnam/ Random House)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Dale Brown 1992 _Night of the Hawk_ (Patrick McLanahan #4; 462 pages; Fine/ Putnam; F Bro; Main; due 2024-05-23)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Dale Brown 1992 _Shadows of Steel (Patrick McLanahan #5; ISBN ; OCLC ; Putnam/ Random House; libraries; Main; due 2024-05-13)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Dale Brown _Edge of Battle_ (Jason Richterh#2; 418 pages; Morrow/ Harper)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5: Dale Brown 1997 _Fatal Terrain_ (Patrick McLanahan #6; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; Main; due 2024-08-27)
Dale Brown 1998 _The Tin Man_ (Patrick McLanahan #7; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; )
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4: Dale Brown 1999 _Battle Born_ (Patrick McLanahan #8; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; Main+Woodville)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.3: Dale Brown 2002 _Wings of Fire_ (Patrick McLanahan #10; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; Main+NE)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4: Dale Brown 2003 _Air Battle Force_ (Patrick McLanahan #11; 630 pages; PB F Bro; Main+NE; Harper) H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Dale Brown 2004 _Plan of Attack_ (Patrick McLanahan #12; Morrow/Harper; Main; due 2025-02-03) H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Dale Brown 2007 _Strike Force_ (Patrick McLanahan #13; ISBN 9780061173103; OCLC ; Morrow/Harper; Main+Jax+NE+BLPerry) Dale Brown 2008 _Shadow Command_ (Patrick McLanahan #14; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; Woodville)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Dale Brown 2009 _Rogue Forces_ (Patrick McLanahan #15; ISBN 9780061560873; Morrow/Harper; Main) Dale Brown 2010 _Executive Intent_ (Patrick McLanahan #16; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; Outreach)
Dale Brown 2011 _A Time for Patriots_ (Patrick McLanahan #17; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; Main+Jax+NE)
Dale Brown 2012 _Tiger's Claw_ (Patrick McLanahan #18; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; BLPerry+NE)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4: Dale Brown Starfire (Patrick McLanahan #19; 630 pages)
Dale Brown 2015 _Iron Wolf_ (Patrick McLanahan #20/#3; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; Main+Jax)
Dale Brown 2017 _Price of Duty_ (Patrick McLanahan #21; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries;
Dale Brown 2018 _The Moscow Offensive_ (Patrick McLanahan #22/#4; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; Main+Jax+East+FtBraden)
Dale Brown 2019 _The Kremlin Strike_ (Patrick McLanahan #23/#5; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; Main+Jax+East+NE)
Dale Brown 2020 _Eagle Station_ (Brad McLanahan /#6; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries; East)
Fantastic Fiction: Dale Brown: Jason Richter series
Dale Brown 2005 _Act of War_ (Jason Richter #1; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries;
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Dale Brown 2006 _Edge of Battle (Jason Richter #2; 418 pages; Morrow/ Harper)
Fantastic Fiction: Dale Brown: independent of series
Dale Brown 1988 _Silver Tower_ (#1; 999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries)
Dale Brown 1990 _ 2. Hammerheads (1990)
Dale Brown 1993 _Chains of Command_ (#3; 999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries)
Dale Brown 1994 _Storming Heaven_ (#4; 999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; publisher; libraries)
Fantastic Fiction: Dale Brown & Jim de Felice: DreamLand series
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2001 _ 1. Dreamland (DreamLand #1; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2002 _ 2. Nerve Center (DreamLand #2; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2002 _ 3. Razor's Edge (DreamLand #3; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2003 _ 4. Piranha (DreamLand #4; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2003 _ 5. Strike Zone (DreamLand #5; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2004 _ 6. Armageddon (DreamLand #6; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2005 _ 7. Satan's Tail (DreamLand #7; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2006 _ 8. End Game (DreamLand #8; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2007 _ 9. Retribution (DreamLand #9; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2008 _ 10. Revolution (DreamLand #10; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2009 _ 11. Whiplash (DreamLand #11; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2010 _ 12. Black Wolf (DreamLand #12; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2011 _ 13. Raven Strike (DreamLand #13; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2012 _ 14. Collateral Damage (DreamLand #14; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2014 _ 15. Drone Strike (DreamLand #15; )
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2015 _ 16. Target Utopia (DreamLand #16; )
Fantastic Fiction: Dale Brown & Jim de Felice: Puppet Master series
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2016 _Puppet Master_ (PuppetMaster #1;
Dale Brown & Jim de Felice 2018 _Act of Revenge_ (PuppetMaster #2;
Dale Brown 2021 _Arctic Storm Rising_ (Nick Flynn #1?; 377 pages; F Bro; Main+BLPerry+FtBraden)
Dale Brown 2022 _CountDown to MidNight_ (Nick Flynn #2; 9999 pages; F Bro; MARS???)
Dale Brown 2023 _Weapons of Opportunity_ (Nick Flynn #3; 9999 pages; F Bro; MARS???)
Dale Brown 2024 _The Devil's Fortress_ (Nick Flynn #4; 999 pages; ISBN 9798212188401; OCLC ; BlackStone; libraries; F Bro; NE+Jax)
Fantastic Gareth Brown
Gareth Brown 2024 _The Book of Doors_ (time travel; 403 pages; ISBN 9780063323988; Morrow/Harper; F Bro; Woodville+NE)
Gareth Brown 2025 _The Society of UnKnowable Objects_ (time travel)
Philip Raymond Brown 2020-08-12 _It Gives You Strength_ (It Gives You Strength #1; 312 pages; ISBN 9781735281209)
Philip Raymond Brown 2021-11-30 _Harvesting Earthlings for Fun and Profit_ (It Gives You Strength #2; 399 pages)
Robert Browne 2011 _The Paradise Prophecy_ (401 pages; F Bro; East)
Gregory B. Bruite 2017 _She Fell from Heaven_ (200 pages; 4.7MB)
Fantastic David Bruns & J.R. Olson: WMD Files series suggested order
David Bruns & J.R. Olson 2015, 2019-10-15, 2020 _Weapons of Mass Deception_ (WMD #1; 419 pages; ISBN 9781950806072; ILL request)
David Bruns & J.R. Olson 2016, 2020 _Jihadi Apprentice_ (WMD #2; 323 pages; ILL request)
David Bruns & J.R. Olson 2019 _Rules of Engagement_ (WMD #3; 329 pages; F Bru; Jax)
David Bruns & J.R. Olson 2020-09-15 _The Pandora Deception_ (Don Riley #2; WMD #4; 356 pages; ISBN 9781250200334; OCLC ; St.Martin's; libraries; F Bru; East+Woodville)
David Bruns & J.R. Olson 2021 _CountDown_ (KirkMcGarvey #2; 356 pages; F Hag; Jax)
David Bruns & J.R. Olson 2021 _The Pandora Deception_ (KirkMcGarvey #23?; 356 pages; on order 2021-05-02)
Helen Bryan 2012 _War Brides_ (482 pages; 1.9MB; hard; NE)
Jason Bryant 2017 _The Green Cafe: A Universe Is Waiting_ (265 pages; 3MB)
Martin Buber 1999 _Gog and Magog_ (315 pages)
Michael Buckley 2015 _Raging Sea_ (355 pages; Woodville; YA)
Aldys Budry 8888 _Some Will Not Die_ ()
John Buchan 8888 _Greenmantle_ (Hannay)
John Buchan 8888 _Mr. Steadfast_/_Mr. Standfast_ (Hannay)
John Buchan 8888 _3 Hostages_ (Hannay)
John Buchan 8888 _Island of Sheep_ (Hannay)
John Buchan 8888 _Prester John_ ()
John Buchan 8888 _Hunting Tower_/_HuntingTower_ ()
John Buchan 8888 _The Half-Hearted_ ()
John Buchan 8888 _Salute to Adventurers_ ()
John Buchan 8888 _The African Colony: Studies in the ReConstruction_ ()
John Buchan 8888 _John Burnet of Barns_ ()
John Buchan 8888 _The Path of the King_ ()
James Lee Burke 1987, 2002 _The Neon Rain_ (Robicheaux #1; detective?; 275 pages; F Bur)
James Lee Burke 1992 _A Stained White Radiance_ (Robicheaux #5; detective?; 305 pages; F Bur)
James Lee Burke 2002 _Jolie Blon's Bounce_ (Robicheaux #12; detective?; 507 pages; LT F Bur)
James Lee Burke 1993, 2004 _Last Car to Elysian Fields_ (Robicheaux #13; detective?; 517 pages; LT F Bur)
James Lee Burke 2020 _A Private Cathedral_ (Robicheaux #23; detective?; 370 pages; F Bur)
Daniel R. Burkhard 2021-02-27 _Resonance_ (Machina of Time #1; 439 pages)
Frances Hodgson Burnett 8888 _The Secret Garden_ ()
Dror Burstein & Gabriel Levin 2016, 2018 _Muck_ (406 pages; F Bur; Main)
Wilhelm Busch & Mark Ledsom 1865, 2015 _Max & Moritz: A Tale of 2 Rascals in 7 Pranks_ (117 pages; 10.5MB)
Wilhelm Busch & Andy Gaus 2003 _Max & Moritz and Other Bad Boy Tales_ (108 pages)
Jim Butcher 2009 _Blood Rites_ (Dresden #6; 454 pages; F But; Main)
Jim Butcher 2009 _Turn Coat_ (Dresden #11; hard+CD)
Jim Butcher 2011 _Ghost Story_ (Dresden #13; hard+CD)
Jim Butcher 2014 _Skin Game_ (Dresden #15; hard+CD)
Jim Butcher & Kerrie L. Hughes 2016 _Shadowed Souls_ (F But)
Jim Butcher, Kerrie L. Hughes, Seanan McGuire, Kevin L. Anderson & Rob Thurman 2016 _Shadowed Souls_ (Dresden story collection; 340 pages; 1.3MB)
Jackson Cain 2020 _Dead Men Don't Lie_ (OutLaw Tom Slater #1; 440 pages; 1.1MB)
Italo Calvino & William Weaver 1979, 1993 _If On a Winter's Night a Traveler_ (254 pages; ISBN 9780679420255; OCLC 27265571; Knopf/ RandomHouse; Felonious State U, TCC, UF/HogTown, Clay/Orange Park, West Florida/Pensacola, Hernando/Brooksville, Pasco-Hernando State College/New Port Richey, USF/Tampa, Gulf Beaches/Madeira Beach, Hillsborough CC/Tampa, USF/St.Petersburg, Seminole/Casselberry, UCF/Orlando, Osceola/Kissimmee, Sarasota, Brevard/Cocoa, FIT/Melbourne, FGCU/Ft.Myers, Palm Beach/WPB, FAU/RatsMouth, Broward/Ft.Lauderdale, Miami-Dade, FIU, Louisville, Hanover College, Boone/Burlington, Kenton/Erlanger, Knox/Vincennes, U of Cincinnati, Wittenberg U/Springfield, Columbus, UIUC; ILL request)
Marc Cameron 2012 _Act of Terror_ (Jericho Quinn #2; 406 pages)
Marc Cameron 2013 _State of Emergency_ (Jericho Quinn #3; 416 pages)
Marc Cameron 2014 _Time of Attack_ (Jericho Quinn #4; 448 pages)
Marc Cameron 2019-02-26 _Open Carry_ (Arliss Cutter #1; 320 pages)
Marc Cameron 2020-12-01 _Stone Cross_ (Arliss Cutter #2; 400 pages)
Fantastic Jack Campbell
Fantastic Jack Campbell: Doomed Earth
Jack Campbell/John G. Henry 2024 _In Our Stars_ (Doomed Earth #1; 386 pages; F Cam; Main+Jax)
Jack Campbell/John G. Henry 2025 _Destiny's Way_ (Doomed Earth #2)
Fantastic Jack Campbell: Lost Stars
Jack Campbell/John G. Henry 2012 _Lost Stars: Tarnished Knight_ (Lost Stars #1; 390 pages; F Cam; Main)
Jack Campbell/John G. Henry 2012 _Lost Stars: Perilous Shield_ (Lost Stars #2; 406 pages; F Cam; East)
Jack Campbell/John G. Henry 2014 _Lost Stars: ImPerfect Sword_ (Lost Stars #3; 369 pages; F Cam; East)
Jack Campbell/John G. Henry 2016 _Lost Stars: Shattered Spear_ (Lost Stars #4; 342 pages; F Cam; Main+East)
Janice Cantore 2013 _Critical Pursuit_/_Uniform Heart_ (374 pages; Tyndale; F Can; FtBraden)
Janice Cantore 2014 _Visible Threat_/_A Heart of Justice_ (383 pages; Tyndale; F Can; FtBraden)
Orson Scott Card 2010, 211 _PathFinder_ (PathFinder #1; YA F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2014 _Ruins_ (PathFinder #2; YA F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2014 _Visitors_ (PathFinder #3; YA F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2019 _Lost and Found_ (YA F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2006 _Treason_ (F Car)
Orson Scott Card 1995 _EarthFall_ (HomeComing #4; F Car)
Orson Scott Card 1995 _EarthBorn_ (HomeComing #5; F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2018 _A Town Divided_ (F Car)
Orson Scott Card 1997 _Stone Tables_ (F Car)
Orson Scott Card 1987, 2002 _SongMaster_ (F Car)
Orson Scott Card 1987 _Wyrms_ (F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2008 _StoneFather_ (F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2008 _Sarah_ (Women of Genesis #1; Sri/Sara; F Car; evil e-book)
Orson Scott Card 2008 _Rebekah_ (Women of Genesis #2; Rivkah/Rebkah; F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2008 _Rachel and Leah_ (Women of Genesis #2; Raqel; F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2006 _Empire_ (Empire #1; F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2006 _Hidden Empire_ (Empire #2; F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2005 _Magic Street_ (F Car)
Orson Scott Card 1992 _Lost Boys_ (F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2007 _Invasive Procedures_ (F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2007 _Space Boy_ (J F Car)
Orson Scott Card 1995 _Alvin Journeyman_ (Alvin Maker #4; F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2003 _Crystal City_ (Alvin Maker #6; F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2010, 2011 _The Lost Gate_ (Mither Mages #1; F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2010, 2011 _The Gate Thief_ (Mither Mages #2; F Car)
Orson Scott Card 2010, 2011, 2015 _GateFather_ (Mither Mages #3; F Car)
T. Carmi 1981 _The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse_ ()
F. Hampton Carmine 2021-11-25 _Orphans of Kolander_ (329 pages; self-published)
Jack Carr 2019 _True Believer_ (James Reece #2; 480 pages; special forces; thriller; F Car; Main+Jax)
Jack Carr 2020 _Savage Son_ (James Reece #3; 419 pages; special forces; thriller; F Car; Main+Jax)
Jack Carr 2021 _The Devil's Hand_ (James Reece #4; 524 pages; special forces; thriller; F Car; Main+Jax)
Jack Carr 2022 _In the Blood_ (James Reece #5; 459 pages; special forces; thriller; F Car; Main+Jax)
Jack Carr 2023 _Only the Dead_ (James Reece #6; 9999 pages; special forces; thriller; F Car; Main+Jax)
Malcolm Carrick 1973 _Wise Men of Gotham_ (48 pages; 12 stories)
Lewis Carroll, Martin Gardner, Mark Burstein & John Tenniel 2015 _Annotated Alice: Alice's Adventures in WonderLand & Through the Looking-Glass_ (46+364 pages; Main+NE)
Gerard Carruthers, Liam McIlvanney 2014 _The Cambridge Companion to Scottish Literature_ (350 pages; 1.201MB)
Bert Carson 2011-01-17 _Fourth & Forever_ ()
Bert Carson 2011-02-04 _Southern Investigation_ ()
A.F. Carter 2023 _Boomtown_ (rust-belt, police, gangs; 349 pages; F Car; NE+East)
Jeffrey A. Carver 2015 _Dragons in the Stars_ (293 pages; YA F Car) Steph Cha 2013 _Follow Her Home_ (Juniper Song #1; 285 pages; 830KB)
Steph Cha 2014 _Beware Beware_ (Juniper Song #2; 300 pages; 744KB)
Michael Chabon 2000, 2012 _The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay_ (645 pages; 5.2MB)
Karen Chance 2006 _Touch the Dark_ (vampires;time travel; Cassandra Palmer #1; 307 pages; PB F Cha)
Raymond Chandler 1939, 1988, 2018 _The Annotated Big Sleep_ (Philip Marlowe #1; 465 pages)
Raymond Chandler 1940 _FareWell, My Lovely_ (Philip Marlowe #2)
Raymond Chandler 1942 _The High Window_ (Philip Marlowe #3)
Raymond Chandler 1943 _The Lady in the Lake_ (Philip Marlowe #4)
Raymond Chandler 1949 _The Little Sister_ (Philip Marlowe #5)
Raymond Chandler 1953 _The Long GoodBye_ (Philip Marlowe #6)
Leslie Charteris 8888 _Meet the Tiger_/_The Saint Meets the Tiger_ (#1)
Leslie Charteris 2014 _Enter the Saint_ (#2; 322 pages; 905KB)
Leslie Charteris 2014 _The Saint versus Scotland Yard_/_The Holy Terror_ (282 pages; 1.423MB)
Leslie Charteris 1982 _The Fantastic Saint_ (hard)
Leslie Charteris, John Kruse & Peter Bloxson 1988 _Salvage for the Saint_ (large)
Leslie Charteris 1979 _The Saint and the Templar Treasure_ (Saint #51; hard)
C.J. Cherryh 2000 _Precursor_ (Foreigner #4; ILL request)
C.J. Cherryh 2006 _Pretender_ (Foreigner #8)
C.J. Cherryh 2007 _Deliverer_ (Foreigner #9)
C.J. Cherryh 2009 _Conspirator_ (Foreigner #10)
C.J. Cherryh 2010 _Deceiver_ (Foreigner #11)
C.J. Cherryh 2011 _Betrayer_ (Foreigner #12)
C.J. Cherryh 2012 _Intruder_ (Foreigner #13)
C.J. Cherryh 2013 _Protector_ (Foreigner #14)
C.J. Cherryh 2013, 2014 _PeaceMaker_ (Foreigner #15)
C.J. Cherryh 2015 _Tracker_ (Foreigner #16)
C.J. Cherryh 2016 _Visitor_ (Foreigner #17)
C.J. Cherryh 2017 _Convergence_ (Foreigner #18)
C.J. Cherryh 2018 _Emergence_ (Foreigner #19?)
C.J. Cherryh 2001 _HammerFall_ (Marak #1)
Gilbert Keith Chesterton 2010 _The Innocence of Father Brown_ (Father Brown #1; 226 pages; NE)
Gilbert Keith Chesterton 8888 _The Secret of Father Brown_ (Father Brown #4; 204 pages; F Che; NE)
Gilbert Keith Chesterton 8888 _The Scandal of Father Brown_ (Father Brown #5; 178 pages; F Che; NE)
Gilbert Keith Chesterton 8888 _Orthodoxy_ (apologetics; 168 pages; 239; Main)
Gilbert Keith Chesterton 8888 _DayLight and Nightmare_ ()
William Rufus Chetwood 1726 _The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Robert Boyle_ ()
Lydia Maria Child & Christopher Manson 2014 _Over the River and Through the Wood_ (32 page)
Lydia Maria Child & Carolyn L. Karcher 1824, 1835, 1843, 1986 _Hobomok and Other Writings on Indians_ (300 page; 3.3MB)
Preston W. Child 2014 _Ice Station Wolfenstein_ (Black Sun #1; 342 pages; 703KB)
Preston W. Child 2014 _Deep Sea One_ (Black Sun #2; 402 pages; 745KB)
Preston W. Child 2014 _Black Sun Rising_ (Black Sun #3; 400 pages; 1.3MB)
Preston W. Child 2015 _Quest for Valhalla_ (Black Sun #4; 290 pages; 1.7MB)
Preston W. Child 2015 _Nazi Gold_ (Black Sun #5; 241 pages; 743KB)
Preston W. Child 2015 _The Black Sun Conspiracy_ (Black Sun #6; 257 pages; 774KB)
Preston W. Child 2015 _The Atlantis Scrolls_ (Black Sun #7; 229 pages; 972KB)
Preston W. Child 2015 _The Library of Forbidden Books_ (Black Sun #8; 215 pages; 1MB)
Preston W. Child 2015 _Tomb of Odin_ (Black Sun #9; 186 pages; 853KB)
Sam Christer 2011 _The StoneHenge Legacy_ (362 pages; F Chr; Main+East)
Sam Christer 2011 _The Venice Conspiracy_ (361 pages; F Chr; Main+East)
Sam Christer 2014 _The Rome Prophecy_ (375 pages; F Chr; Main)
Fantastic Agatha Christie: Hercule Poirot series suggested order
Agatha Christie 1932, 2006 _The Mysterious Affair at Styles_ (HerculePoirot #1; 224 pages; F Chr; Main)
Agatha Christie 1932, 2012 _Murder on the Links_ (HerculePoirot #2; 288 pages; LT F Chr; Main)
Agatha Christie 1932, 2011 _Hercule Investigates_ (HerculePoirot #3; 318 pages; LT F Chr; Jax)
Agatha Christie 1926, 2011 _The Murder of Roger Ackroyd_ (HerculePoirot #4; 286 pages; large)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4: Agatha Christie 1932, 2011 _The Big 4_ (HerculePoirot #5; 256 pages; LT)
Agatha Christie 1932, 2014 _The Mystery of the Blue Train_ (HerculePoirot #6; 350 pages; large)
Agatha Christie 1932, 2014 _13 at Dinner_ (HerculePoirot #7; 350 pages; large)
Agatha Christie 1932, 1988 _Peril at End House_ (HerculePoirot #8; 307 pages; large)
Agatha Christie 1933, 2012 _Lord Edgware Dies_ (HerculePoirot #9; 326 pages; large)
Agatha Christie 1934, 1965 _Murder on the Orient Express_ (HerculePoirot #10; 372 pages; large)
Agatha Christie 1934, 2013 _3 Act Tragedy_ (HerculePoirot #11; 301 pages; large)
Agatha Christie 1935, 2011 _Death in the Clouds_ (HerculePoirot #12; 253 pages; large)
Agatha Christie 1963, 1983, 1988 _ABC Murders_ (HerculePoirot #13; 357 pages; large)
Agatha Christie 1936, 2012 _Murder in Mesopotamia_ (HerculePoirot #14; 326 pages; large)
Agatha Christie 1936, 2011 _Cards on the Table_ (HerculePoirot #15; 324 pages; large)
Agatha Christie 1938, 2011 _Death on the Nile_ (HerculePoirot #17; 382 pages; large)
Fantastic Agatha Christie: Miss Marple series suggested order
Agatha Christie 2011 _The Murder at the Vicarage_ (Miss Marple #1; LT F Chr; Main)
Agatha Christie 2011 _The Body in the Library_ (Miss Marple #2 or #3; LT F Chr; Main)
Agatha Christie 1942, 2011 _The Moving Finger_ (Miss Marple #3 or #4; LT F Chr; Main)
John Christopher 8888 _The Death of Grass_ ()
Paul Christopher 8888 _The Templar Legion_ ()
Paul Christopher 2006 _The Lucifer Gospel_ (350 pages; paper)
Beth Ciotta 2012 _Her Sky CowBoy_ (342 pages; ISBN 9780451238474; 775418099; Signet/New American Library/NAL)
Tom Clancy & Mark Greaney 2016 _Commander In Chief_ (Jack Ryan #20; 953 pages; LT F Gre; NE)
Tom Clancy & Mark Greaney 2016 _True Faith and Allegiance_ (Jack Ryan #22; 879 pages; LT F Gre; Woodville)
Tom Clancy & Steve Pieczenik 1995 _Op-Center_ (OpCenter #1; large)
Tom Clancy & Steve Pieczenik 1995 _Op-Center: Mirror Image_ (OpCenter #2; ???)
Tom Clancy & Steve Pieczenik 1997 _Acts of War_ (OpCenter #4; paper)
Tom Clancy & Steve Pieczenik 1998 _Balance of Power_ (OpCenter #5; large)
Andrew Clark & Dee Matthews 2014 _The Time Store_ (TimeStore #1; 390 pages; 1.3MB)
Andrew Clark & Dee Matthews 2016 _Phelix_ (TimeStore #2; 370 pages; 2.3MB)
Charles Badger Clark 1983 _Sun and Saddle Leather_ ()
(5) P. Djeli Clark 2019 _The Haunting of Tram Car 015_ (143 pages; Doherty/TOR; F Cla; Main)
James Clavell 1983, 2009 _Tai-Pan: The Epic Novel of the Founding or Hong Kong_ (732 pages; PB F Cla; Main)
James Clavell 1981 _Noble House: A Novel of Contemporary Hong Kong_ (1206 pages; F Cla; OutReach)
Robert Glass Cleland 1976 _This Reckless Breed of Men_ ()
Clemence Annie Housman 1859, 2017 _The Were-Wolf_ (35 pages; 1.6MB)
S.W. Clemens 2016 _Time Management_ (370 pages; 956KB)
Samuel L. Clemens/Mark Twain 1884, 1885, 1965 _The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn_ (large)
Peter Clines 9999 _Paradox Bound_ (373 pages; F Cli)
Terry Cloutier 2021-08-06 _Past Lives_ (Past Lives #1; 400 pages; ISBN ; self-published)
Billy Coffey 2011 _Paper Angels_ ( F Cof; Main+E)
Dan Coffman 8888 _A Sinister Charade_ ()
Genevieve Cogman 2020 _The Dark Archive_ (InVisible Library #7; 338 pages; ISBN 9781984804785; Ace; on order 2022-06-08 F Cog; Main+NE)
William S. Cohen 2015 _Final Strike_ (Falcone #3; large?; Main?)
Eoin Colfer 2013 _The Reluctant Assassin_ (WARP #1; youth)
Eoin Colfer 2015 _The HangMan's Revolution_ (WARP #2; youth)
Eoin Colfer 2015 _The Forever Man_ (WARP #3; youth)
Eoin Colfer 2002 _Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident_ (Artemis Fowl #2; J F Col)
Eoin Colfer 2003 _Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code_ (Artemis Fowl #3; J F Col)
Eoin Colfer 2005 _Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception_ (Artemis Fowl #4; J F Col)
Eoin Colfer 2006, 2008 _Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony_ (Artemis Fowl #5; J F Col)
Eoin Colfer 2010 _Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex_ (Artemis Fowl #7; J F Col)
Eoin Colfer 2012 _Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian_ (Artemis Fowl #8; J F Col)
Susan Coll 2022 _Bookish People_ (on order 2022-10-06; )
Max Allen Collins 2011 _True Detective_ (Nathan Heller #1; 461 pages; F Col; Main)
Suzanne Collins 2009 _Catching Fire_ (#2)
Richard Condon & Louis Menand 2005 _The Manchurian Candidate_ (brain-washing; 527 pages; ISBN 1587249987; OCLC ; Wheeler; ; LT F; OutReach)
Marc Connelly/Marcus Cook Connelly 1929, 1936, 2006 _The Green Pastures_ (hard 812.5 C752G + DVD Gre)
Lucy Connelly 2023 _An American in Scotland_ (Emilia McRoy, M.D., 293 pages; F Con)
Michael Connelly 2010 _The Black Echo_ (Harry Bosch #1; detective; 508 pages; LT F Con; Jax)
Michael Connelly 1993 _The Black Ice_ (Harry Bosch #2; detective; CD + evil Overdrive) Michael Connelly 2010 _The Concrete Blonde_ (Harry Bosch #3; detective; 597 pages; LT F Con; Jax)
Joseph Conrad 2007 _Heart of Darkness and Other Tales_ (4 in 1; 178 pages; F Con; Main)
Robin Cook 2023 _Manner of Death_ (337 pages; Putnam; F Coo; Main+NE+Jax)
Robin Cook 1994 _Contagion_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #2; 434 pages; F Coo)
Robin Cook 1999 _MMMMM_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #3; 9999 pages; F Coo)
Robin Cook 1999 _Vector_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #4; 404 pages; F Coo)
Robin Cook 2006 _Marker_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #5; 533 pages; F Coo)
Robin Cook 2006 _Crisis_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #6; 468 pages; F Coo)
Robin Cook 2007 _Critical_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #7; 452 pages; F Coo)
Robin Cook 2008 _Foreign Body_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #8; 651 pages; LT F Coo)
Robin Cook 2009 _Intervention_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #9; 585 pages; LT F Coo)
Robin Cook 2010 _Cure_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #10; 647 pages; LT F Coo)
Robin Cook 2018 _Pandemic_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #11; 386 pages; F Coo)
Robin Cook 2019 _Genesis_ (Jack Stapleton & Laura Montgomery #12; 387 pages; F Coo)
John Esten Cooke 1854 _Leather Stocking and Silk; or, Hunter John Myers and His Times: A Story of the Valley of Virginia_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1854 _The Virginia Comedians; or, Old Days in the Old Dominion (2 volumes)
John Esten Cooke 1854 _The Youth of Jefferson; or, A Chronicle of College Scrapes at Williamsburg, in Virginia, A.D. 1764_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1855 _Ellie; or, The Human Comedy_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1856 _The Last of the Foresters; or, Humors on the Border. A Story of the Old Virginia Frontier_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1859 _Henry St. John, Gentleman, of "Flower of Hundreds", in the County of Prince George, Virginia: A Tale of 1774-1775_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1866 _Surry of Eagle's-Nest; or, The Memoirs of a Staff-Officer Serving in Virginia. Edited, from the MSS. of Colonel Surry_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1867, 1871 _Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes and Adventures of the War_/_Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of the War, with Thrilling Narratives of the Daring Deeds, Willing Sacrifices and Patient Sufferings Incident to "Wearing of the Gray"_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1868 _Fairfax: or, The Master of Greenway Court, A Chronicle of the Valley of the Shenandoah_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1869 _Mohun; or, The Last Days of Lee and His Paladins. Final Memoirs of a Staff Officer Serving in Virginia. From the MSS. of Colonel Surry of Eagle's Nest_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1869 _Hilt to Hilt; or, Days and Nights on the Banks of the Shenandoah in the Autumn of 1864. From the MSS. of Colonel Surry of Eagle's Nest_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1870 _Hammer and Rapier_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1870 _The Heir of Gaymount: A Novel_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1871 _Out of the Foam: A Novel_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1872 _Doctor Vandyke: A Novel_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1873 _Her Majesty the Queen: A Novel_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1874 _Pretty Mrs. Gaston, and Other Stories_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1875 _Justin Harley: A Romance of Old Virginia_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1877 _Canolles: The Fortunes of a Partisan of '81_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1878 _Professor Pressensee, Materialist and Inventor_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1879, 2012 _Stories of the Old Dominion from the Settlement to the End of the Revolution_ (230 pages; 3.4MB)
John Esten Cooke 1970 _Mr. Grantley's Idea_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1880 _The Virginia Bohemians: A Novel_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1883 Fanchette by One of Her Admirers_ ()
John Esten Cooke 1885 _My Lady Pokahontas: A True Relation of Virginia. Writ by Anas Todkill, Puritan and Pilgrim with Notes by John Esten Cooke _ ()
John Esten Cooke 1885 _The Maurice Mystery_ ()
John Esten Cooke & N. Bryllion Fagin 1946 _Poe as a Literary Critic_ ()
John Esten Cooke & Richard Barksdale Harwell 1961 _Outlines from the Outpost_ ()
Olivia E. Coolidge 2001 _Greek Myths_ (245 pages; J 292 Coo; Main)
Olivia E. Coolidge 2001 _The Trojan War_ (245 pages)
Olivia E. Coolidge & Erwin Schachner 1967 _Marathon Looks on the Sea_ (235 pages)
Olivia E. Coolidge 1951 _Legends of the North_ ()
Olivia E. Coolidge 1970 _Tales of the Crusades_ ()
Cam Cooper 2010 _The 12th Imam_ ()
Doug J. Cooper 2019-05-13 _Bump Time Origin_ (BumpTime #1; 378 pages; ISBN 9781733780117)
James Fenimore Cooper 1820 _Precaution_ ()
James Fenimore Cooper 1823 _The Pioneers_ ()
James Fenimore Cooper 1823 _The Pilot_ ()
James Fenimore Cooper 1825 _Lionel Lincoln_ ()
James Fenimore Cooper 1826 _The Last of the Mohicans_ ()
James Fenimore Cooper 1827 _The Prairie_ (youth paper)
James Fenimore Cooper 1840 _PathFinder_ ()
James Fenimore Cooper 1841 _The DeerSlayer_ (Leatherstocking #1; BLPerry; YA)
James Fenimore Cooper 1846 _The ChainBearer_ ()
James Fenimore Cooper 1847 _The Crater_ ()
James Fenimore Cooper 1827, 1985 _The Leatherstocking Tales_ (vol1; Pioneers/Mohicans, Prairie; Main)
James Fenimore Cooper 1827, 1985 _The Leatherstocking Tales_ (vol2; PathFinder, DeerSlayer; Main)
Jill Cooper 2013 _Time Trap_ (Rewind Conspiracy #1; 230 pages; 4.2MB)
Jill Cooper 2017 _Time Loop_ (Rewind Conspiracy #Lee2; 315 pages; 3.8MB)
Jill Cooper 2017 _Time Scape_ (Rewind Conspiracy #3; 285 pages; 2.9MB)
Kim Cooper 2014 _The Kept Girl_ (265 pages; 1.9MB)
Susan Cooper 2000 _Over Sea, Under Stone_ (DarkRising #1; 196 pages; junior; paper)
Susan Cooper 1973 _The Dark Is Rising_ (DarkRising #2; 244 pages; junior; paper)
Susan Cooper 1974 _GreenWitch_ (DarkRising #3; 147 pages; junior; paper)
Susan Cooper 1975 _The Grey King_ (DarkRising #4; 208 pages; junior; paper)
Susan Cooper 1975 _Silver on the Tree_ (DarkRising #5; 274 pages; junior; paper)
Nathan Van Cooper 2013 _In Times Like These_ (InTimesLikeThese #1; 380 pages; 2.5MB)
Nathan Van Cooper 2015 _The Chronothon_ (InTimesLikeThese #2; 460 pages; 2.7MB)
Nathan Van Cooper 2016 _The Day After Never_ (InTimesLikeThese #3; 410 pages; 2.6MB)
Christy Cooper-Burnett 2020-07-15 _No Way Home: A Time Travel novel of Adventure & Survival_ (Christine Stewart #1; 245 pages; ISBN 9781684335022; Black Rose) Travis J.I. Corcoran 2017 _The Powers of the Earth_ (Aristillus #1; 660 pages; 4.3MB)
Travis J.I. Corcoran 2018 _The Causes of Separation_ (Aristillus #2; 720 pages; 4.6MB)
Barry Cord 2019 _The Long Wire_ (western; telegraph; 174 pages; LT F Cor; Main)
Bernard Cornwell 2009 _Lords of the North_ (Saxon Tales #3; 403 pages; 842KB; LT)
Bernard Cornwell 2009 _Sword Song_ (Saxon Tales #4; 338 pages; 720KB; LT)
Bernard Cornwell 2010 _The Burning Land_ (Saxon Tales #5; 356 pages; 1.191MB; LT)
Bernard Cornwell 2012 _Death of Kings_ (Saxon Tales #6; 340 pages; 1.049MB)
Bernard Cornwell 2014 _The Pagan Lord_ (Saxon Tales #7; 325 pages; 899KB)
Bernard Cornwell 2015 _The Empty Throne_ (Saxon Tales #8; 321 pages; 731KB)
Bernard Cornwell 2009 _Agincourt_ (635 pages; LT F Cor; Main)
Bernard Cornwell 1991 _StormChild_ (440 pages; LT F Cor )
Bernard Cornwell 1996 _The Winter King: A Novel of Arthur_ (WarLord #1; 431 pages; 744KB; F Cor; OutReach)
Bernard Cornwell 1997 _Enemy of God: A Novel of Arthur_ (WarLord #2; 396 pages; 1.2MB; F Cor; NE)
Bernard Cornwell 1997, 1998 _ExCalibur: A Novel of Arthur_ (WarLord #3; 435 pages; 1.3MB; F Cor; Jax+NE+OutReach)
Larry Correia 2009 _Monster Hunter: International_ (Monster Hunter #1) Larry Correia 2010 _Monster Hunter: Vendetta_ (Monster Hunter #2) Larry Correia 2011 _Monster Hunter: Alpha_ (Monster Hunter #3) Larry Correia 2013 _Monster Hunter: Legion_ (Monster Hunter #4) Larry Correia 2015 _Monster Hunter: Nemesis_ (Monster Hunter #5) Larry Correia 2018 _Monster Hunter: Siege_ (Monster Hunter #6) (22) Larry Correia & Sarah A. Hoyt 2020 _Monster Hunter: Guardian_ (Monster Hunter #7; 433 pages; Baen; F Cor; Main)
(22) Larry Correia 2021 _Monster Hunter: BloodLines_ (Monster Hunter #8?; 324 pages; Baen; F Cor; Main+BLPerry)
(22) Larry Correia & Jason Cordova 2023 _Fever_ (Monster Hunter #10?; 277 pages; Baen; F Cor; Main+East)
Patricia Cornwell 2020 _Spin_ (402 pages; on order 2021-01-24)
Douglas Corriveau 2015 _The Jump Journal: A New Adult SF Thriller_ (360 pages; 1.5MB)
Sarah Cortez, Liz Martinez, Joseph Bruchac, Kimberly Roppolo, Jean Ray Baxter, David Cole, Lawrence Block, A.A. Hedgecoke et al. 2010 _Indian Country Noir_ (285 pages; 1.1MB)
Skip Coryell 2008 _Church and State_ ()
Skip Coryell 2012 _The God Virus: vol1 Thousand Year Night_ ()
Skip Coryell 2013 _The Shadow Militia: The Golden Horde Advances: vol2 Thousand Year Night_ ()
Gary Cottrell 2011, 2012 _Time Ship_ (360 pages; 718KB)
Dick Couch 2005 _Covert Action_ (400 pages; 528KB)
Dick Couch & George Galdorisi 2014 _Out of the Ashes_ (OpCenter #13; 364 pages; 2.6MB; hard)
Dick Couch & George Galdorisi 2015 _Into the Fire_ (OpCenter #14; 364 pages; 2.6MB; E)
Dick Couch 1996 _Rising Wind_ (paper)
Fantastic Catherine Coulter & J.T. Ellison: Brit in the FBI series suggested order
Catherine Coulter & J.T. Ellison 2014 _The Lost Key_ (Brit in FBI #2; LT F Cou; Main)
Catherine Coulter & J.T. Ellison 2015 _The End Game_ (Brit in FBI #3; LT F Cou; Main)
Catherine Coulter & J.T. Ellison 2017 _The Devil's Triangle_ (Brit in FBI #4; F Cou; Main)
Catherine Coulter & J.T. Ellison 2018 _The Sixth Day_ (Brit in FBI #5; LT F Cou; Main)
Catherine Coulter & J.T. Ellison 2019 _The Last Secon_ (Brit in FBI #6; LT F Cou; Main)
Robert Crais 1992, 1993, 2011 _Lullaby Town_ (Elvis Cole #3; 317 pages; 3.4MB; paper F Cra; Main+NE)
Robert Crais 2011 _Free Fall_ (Elvis Cole #4; 220 pages; 3.4MB)
Robert Crais 2011 _Voodoo River_ (Elvis Cole #5; 220 pages; 3.4MB)
Robert Crais 1997, 2014 _SunSet Express_ (Elvis Cole #6?; 350 pages; 1.3MB)
Robert Crais 2003 _The Last Detective_ (Elvis Cole #9; 320 pages; 1.4MB)
Robert Crais 2005 _The Forgotten Man_ (Elvis Cole #10; 513 pages; large F Cra; Main)
Robert Crais 2007 _The First Rule_ (Joe Pike #1; 380 pages; 2.1MB)
Robert Crais 2007 _The WatchMan_ (Joe Pike #???; 380 pages; 2.1MB)
John Gleason Cramer 9999 _Fermi's Question_ ()
John Gleason Cramer 9999 _Einstein's Bridge_ ()
John Gleason Cramer 9999 _Twistor_ ()
Kevin Cramer 2019 _Diorama_ (465 pages) Dean Crawford & Michele Briere 2015 _The Nemesis Origin_ (WarnerLopez #1; 300 pages; 834KB)
Dean Crawford 2015 _The Fusion Cage_ (WarnerLopez #2; 300 pages; 847KB)
Dean Crawford 2015 _The Identity Mine_ (WarnerLopez #3; 290 pages; 848KB)
Dean Crawford 2015 _The Black Knight_ (WarnerLopez #4; 320 pages; 954KB)
Dean Crawford 2016 _The Extinction Code_ (WarnerLopez #5; 280 pages; 775KB)
Dean Crawford 2016 _The Genesis Cypher_ (WarnerLopez #6; 270 pages; 860KB)
Sharon Creech 9999 _Absolutely Normal Chaos_ (9999 pages; J F Cre; Main+BLPerry+Ne)
Michael Crichton 2011-03-22 _AirFrame_ (448 pages; F Cri)
H.W. Crocker iii 2018-08-14 _Armstrong: The Custer of the West_ (Armstrong #1; 256 pages)
H.W. Crocker iii 2021-06-01 _Armstrong Rides Again_ (Armstrong #2; 256 pages)
Susan J. Crockford 2015 _Eaten: A Terrifying Polar Bear Attack Thriller_ (230 pages; 694KB)
S.R. Cronin 2012 _One of One_ (46. Ascending #1; 320 pages; 1.1MB)
S.R. Cronin 2012 _Shape of Secrets_ (46. Ascending #2; 280 pages; 1.7MB)
(34) Lynn Cullen 2023 _The Woman with the Cure_ (disease; poliomyelitis; Dorothy Millicent Horstmann; 627 pages; ISBN 978885785891; OCLC ; Thorndike/ Gale/ Cengage; LT F Cul; Main+NE)
Andrew Cunningham 2020-11-08 _Yestertime: A Novel of Time Travel_ (35 pages)
Julie Czerneda 8888 _Reap the Wild Wind_ (ClanChronicles #1/Stratification #1; 450 pages; hard)
Julie Czerneda 8888 _Riders of the Storm_ (ClanChronicles #2/Stratification #2; 450 pages; hard)
Julie Czerneda 8888 _Rift in the Sky_ (ClanChronicles #3/Stratification #3; 450 pages; hard)
Julie Czerneda 8888 _A Thousand Words for Stranger_ (ClanChronicles #4/TradePact #1; 450 pages; hard)
Julie Czerneda 8888 _Ties of Power_ (ClanChronicles #5/TradePact #2; 450 pages; hard)
Julie Czerneda 8888 _To Trade the Stars_ (ClanChronicles #6/TradePact #3; 450 pages; hard)
Julie Czerneda 8888 _The Gate to Futures Past_ (ClanChronicles #8/ReUnification #2; 398 pages; hard)
Susan Daitch 2016 _The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir_ (F Dai; Main)
(58) Stephanie Dalley 1989, 1991, 2000, 2006, 2009 _Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, Flood, Gilgamesh, & Others_ (339 pages; ISBN 9780199538362; OCLC 1012123749/ 495010667/ 874723070; OxfordU/Ross MacDonald; 299.21 Dal/Dai; Main)
Carroll John Daly 1923 _The Knights of the Open Palm_ ()
Carroll John Daly 1927, 2017 _The Snarl or the Beast_ (Race Williams #?; 315 pages; 2MB)
John Darrin 2015 _The Rockets' Red Glare_ (367 pages; F Dar; BLPerry)
A.D. Davies & Joe Dinicola 2015 _Project Return Fire: A Time Travel Action Adventure_ (280 pages; 4.1MB)
A.D. Davies 2020-06-14 _Tomb of the First Priest_ (Lost Origins #1; 552 pages; ISBN 9781913239022; Antony Davies)
A.D. Davies 2019-04-05 _Curse of the Eagle Plague_ (Lost Origins #2; 434 pages; ISBN 9781999978167; Antony Davies)
Sioned Davies 2007 _The Mabinogion_ (325 pages; 1.7MB; Celtic myths)
Bryan Davis 2017 _Time Echoes_ (TimeEchoes #2; 160 pages; 801KB)
Bryan Davis 2017 _InterFinity_ (TimeEchoes #2; 235 pages; 734KB)
Bryan Davis 2017 _Fatal Convergence_ (TimeEchoes #3; 230 pages; 882KB)
Bryan Davis 2014 _Reapers_ (Reapers #1; 390 pages; 2.2MB)
Dee Davis 2013-06-24 _EveryThing In Its Time_ (TaT #1; 358 pages; ISBN ; self-published)
Chad Daybell 2012 _Evading Babylon_ (Times of Turmoil #1; 165 pages; 769KB)
Chad Daybell 2013 _Martial Law_ (Times of Turmoil #2; 165 pages; 778KB)
Chad Daybell 2015 _Days of Fury_ (Times of Turmoil #3; 155 pages; 1.1MB)
Chad Daybell 2018 _ReClaiming Liberty_ (Times of Turmoil #4; 145 pages; 902KB)
Denise Daye 2020-01-20 _Trapped In Time_ (Time Travel Romance #1; 285 pages; ISBN 9781734317299; Timeless Papers)
Mary Deal 2017 _The Ka_ (470 pages; 743KB)
Paul Deaver 2016 _Beyond Eternity_ (220 pages; 1.3MB)
Sebastien de Castell 2017 _Tyrant's Throne_ (GreatCoats #4; 601 pages)
Daniel Defoe 1722, 2001 _A Journal of the Plague Year_ (1665; 186 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Dover; libraries; F Def; NE)
Vina Delmar, Arthur Richman, Irene Dunne, Cary Grant, Ralph Bellamy 1937, 2003 "The Awful Truth" (DVD-video feature films Awf)
Ernest Dempsey, Jason Whited & Anne Storer 2021-09-14 _The Secret of the Stones_ (Sean Wyatt archaeology; 332 pages)
Maya Deren 1953, 1983 _Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti_ ()
Bryan Devore 2015 _The Paris Protection_ (300 pages; 767KB)
Tom de Weese 2016 _Erase: A Political Thriller_ (300 pages; 618KB)
J.S. Dewes 2021 _The Last Watch_ (476 pages; ISBN 9781250236340; on order 2021-04-25)
Damian Dibben 2018 _Tomorrow_ (dog; 334 pages; NE)
Peter Dickinson 1993 _A Bone from a Dry Sea_ (199 pages; Delavroix; YA F Dic; NE)
Thomas Atwood Digges, Robert H. Elias & Thomas McMahon 1775, 1943, 1986 _Adventures of Alonso_ ()
Benjamin Disraeli 1844, 1982 _Coningsby_ (500 pages; hard)
Franklin W. Dixon 2000 _DareDevils_ (148 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2005 _Burned_ (154 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2007 _Pushed_ (154 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2007 _Hazed_ (153 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2008 _Haunted_ (183 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2009 _Double Deception_ (158 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2009 _Galaxy X_ (164 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2009 _X-plosion_ (150 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2009 _The X-factir_ (157 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2010 _Private Killer_ (151 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2010 _Lost Brother_ (152 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2011 _ForEver Lost_ (153 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2011 _Movie Menace_ (165 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2011 _Movie Mission_ (164 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Franklin W. Dixon 2012 _Movie Mayhem_ (167 pages; J F Dix; Main)
Cory Doctorow 2007 _OverClocked: Stories of the Future Present_ (280 pages; hard)
Cory Doctorow & Charles Stross 2012 _Rapture of the Nerds_ (340 pages; hard)
Lou Dobbs & James O. Born 2014 _Border War_ ()
Richard Doetsch 2010 _The 13th Hour_ (time travel; Nick Quinn; 541 pages; LT F Doe; OutReach)
Richard Doetsch 2022 _The 13th Hour: Chaos_ (time travel; Nick Quinn #2; 541 pages)
Philip Donlay 2012 _Category 5_ (Donovan Nash #1; 325 pagees; 1MB)
Philip Donlay 2015 _Code Black_ (Donovan Nash #2; 306 pagees; 2.4MB)
K. Patrick Donoghue 2018 _SkyWave_ (Rorschach Explorer #1; 320 pagees; 641KB)
Stacey Donovan 2018 _SunRise Cabin_ (321 pages; F Don; Woodville)
Richard M. Dorson 1964 _Buying the Wind: Regional FolkLore in the United States of America_ ()
Richard M. Dorson 1973 _America in Legend: FolkLore from the Colonial Period to the Present_ ()
Ian Douglas 2016 _Altered Starscape_ (373 pages; PB F Dou; Main+E)
Kirk Douglas 1992, 2009 _The Gift_ (300 pages; 884KB)
Kirk Douglas 1990 _Dance with the Devil_ (300 pages)
Arthur Doweyko 2012 _Cold Heart_ ()
Arthur Doweyko 2014 _Algorithm_ ()
Tim Downs 2004 _Chop Shop_ (BugMan #2; 338 pages)
Tim Downs 2007 _First the Dead_ (BugMan #3; 363 pages)
Tim Downs 2008 _Less Than Dead_ (BugMan #4; 345 pages)
Tim Downs 2011 _Nick of Time_ (BugMan #6; 314 pages)
Tim Downs 2005 _Plague Maker_ (390 pages)
Arthur Conan Doyle & Greg Spalenka 1887, 1986 _A Study in Scarlet, The Hound of the Baskervilles_ (Sherlock Holmes #1; 301 pages; ISBN 089577254X; Reader's Digest; F Doy; Woodville)
Arthur Conan Doyle & Sergio Martinez 1988 _The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes_ (#4; Reader's Digest; F Doy; Main+NE)
Arthur Conan Doyle & DAvid Johnson 1991 _The Return of Sherlock Holmes_ (#6; Reader's Digest; F Doy; Main)
Arthur Conan Doyle 1994 _The Valley of Fear_ (#7; 320 pages; Book-of-the-Month; F Doy; Main)
David Drake 2017 _The Spark_ (Arthurian #1; 337 pages)
David Drake & Tony Daniel _The Heretic_ (Raj Whitehall #15?; 287 pages)
David Drake & Tony Daniel _The Savior_ (Raj Whitehall #10 or #16?; 287 pages)
David Drake, Eric Flint & Steve M. Stirling 2014 _Hope ReFormed_ (Raj Whitehall #?; CollectionCombo #4; 680 pages; 4.1MB)
Anne Dublin 2014 _Stealing Time_ (Jonah Wiley; 140 pages; 609KB)
Alfred Duggan 2007 _Conscience of the King: Cerdic Elesing of Wessex_ (290 pages)
Tom Dulaney 2012 _1777: Invasion: American Revolution Historical Thriller_ (180 pages; 451KB)
Alexandre Dumas 8888 _The Count of Monte Cristo_ (hard adult+junior+teen)
Robert Dugoni 2025 _Hold Strong_ (F Dug; Main+Jax)
Joseph Duncan 8888 _The Oldest Living Vampire Tells All_ (The Oldest Living Vampire #1)
Joseph Duncan 8888 _The Oldest Living Vampire In Love_ (The Oldest Living Vampire #3; 462 pages; 2.025MB)
Finley Peter Dunn 2012, 2019 _Mr. Dooley Says_ (80-240 pages; 207KB)
Finley Peter Dunn 2019 _Mr. Dooley in Peace and War_ (150 pages; 1.7MB)
Finley Peter Dunn 2011 _Mr. Dooley in the Hearts of His CountryMen_ (120 pages; 290KB)
Lynette Eason 2014 _NoWhere to Turn_ (HiddenID#2; NE+FtBraden)
Lynette Eason 2015 _No Place to Hide_ (HiddenID#3; NE+FtBraden)
Lynette Eason 2018 _Oath of Honor_ (BlueJustice #1; 362 pages; F Eas; FtBraden) Lynette Eason 2018 _Called to Protect_ (BlueJustice #2; 311 pages; F Eas; FtBraden) Lynette Eason 2019 _Code of Valor_ (BlueJustice #3; 336 pages; F Eas; FtBraden+East) Lynette Eason 2019 _Vow of Justice_ (BlueJustice #4; 316 pages; F Eas; FtBraden+East) Lynette Eason 2016 _Without Warning_ (Elite Guardians #2; 346 pages; soft; NE+Jax)
Lynette Eason 2017 _Moving Target_ (Elite Guardians #3; 327 pages; soft; NE+Jax)
Dan Eaton 2015 _The Secret Gospel_ (303 pages; 1.1MB)
Allan W. Eckert 2011 _That Dark and Bloody River: Chronicles of the Ohio River Valley_ (870 pages; 4.9MB)
Greg Egan 2014 _The Arrows of Time_ (Orthogonal #3; 360 pages; 4MB)
James Ellroy & Otto Penzler 2010, 2011 _The Best USA Noir of the Century_ (story collection; 731 pages; 2.4MB; SC Bes; Main+NE)
Ben Elton 1999 _Blast from the Past_ (295 pages; hard NE)
Ben Elton 2002 _Dead Famous_ (382 pages; hard)
Ben Elton 2004 _Past Mortem_ (372 pages; hard NE)
David Ely 1963 _Seconds_ (217 pages; ISBN 9780062264930; OCLC 83125281; Harper; creeeepy)
Duncan Emrich 1972 _FolkLore on the American Land_ ()
Wayne Erbsen 1996 _OutLaw: Ballad, Legends, and Lore_ ()
Richard Erdoes & Alfonso Ortiz 1984 _American Indian Myths and Legends_ ()
Loren D. Estelman 2017 _Nearly Nero: The Adventures of Claudius Lyo, the Man Who Would be Wolfe_ (190 pages; ISBN 9781507203279/ 9781507203262; OCLC ; Blue Ash/Aunt Thelma's place; Tyrus; F Est)
Aaron J. Ethridge 2015 _The Last Time Traveler_ (300 pages; 804KB)
Chris Fabry, Alex Kendrick & Stephen Kendrick 2015 _War Room: Prayer Is a Powerful Weapon_ (425 pages)
Charles Samuel Faddis & Hannah Faddis 2011 _CodeName Aphrodite_ (310 pages; 638KB)
Charles Samuel Faddis & Hannah Faddis 2011 _Barbarossa_ (460 pages; 819KB)
Charles Samuel Faddis & Hannah Faddis 2013 _Caffa_ (420 pages; 1MB)
Eleanor Fairburn 1995 _The White SeaHorse: A Novel about Granuaile, Legendary Sea-Queen_ (275 pages)
Jason Fairchild, Erika Giselle Santiago & Jenny Jensen 2015 _Time Wars: Manifest Destiny_ (300 pages; 1.2MB)
Ada Fairfax 2016 _Running the InSide TimeLine_ (DawnOfTimeTravel #1; 580 pages; 1.8MB)
Gerard Fairlie 1938 _BullDog Drummond on Dartmoor_ (BullDog Drummond #11; 254 pages)
Gerard Fairlie 1939 _BullDog Drummond Attacks_ (BullDog Drummond #12; 287 pages)
Gerard Fairlie 1945 _Captain BullDog Drummond_ (BullDog Drummond #13; 256 pages)
Gerard Fairlie 1947 _BullDog Drummond Stands Fast_ (BullDog Drummond #14; 319 pages)
Gerard Fairlie 1949 _Hands Off BullDog Drummond_ (BullDog Drummond #15; 271 pages)
Gerard Fairlie 1951 _Calling BullDog Drummond_ (BullDog Drummond #16; 255 pages)
Gerard Fairlie 1954 _The Return of the Black Gang_ (BullDog Drummond #17; 192 pages)
Lorrie Farrelly 2014 _TimeLapse_ (315 pages; 899KB)
Edna Ferber, Howard Estabrook, Rchard Dix, Irene Dunne, Estelle Taylor 1931, 2006 _Cimarron_ (123 minutes; DVD-Video Feature Films Cim; OutReach)
Edna Ferber, Arnold Schulman, Glenn Ford, Maria Schell, Anne Baxter 1960, 1961 _Cimarron_ (107 minutes)
Edna Ferber 1958 _Cimarron_ (300 pages; hard)
Edna Ferber 1958 _3 Living Novels of American Life: ShowBoat, So Big, Cimarron_ (663 pages; hard)
Edna Ferber 2000, 2018 _Giant_ (409 pages; hard; Main+Jax; 2018 edition has info on the movie)
Edna Ferber 2008 _Butter Side Down_ (409 pages; hard; Main+Jax)
Derrick Ferguson, Josh Reynolds & Rob Davis 2014 _The Vril Agenda_ (235 pages; 2.4MB)
Derrick Ferguson, Aaron Smith & Joshua Reynolds 2013 _Dan Fowler: G-Man Volume 2_ (150 pages; 2.6MB)
Derrick Ferguson et al. 2010 _How the West Was Weird_ (165 pages; 459KB)
Michael Ferrara 2017 _The Sons of Lubyanka_ (395 pages; 1.1MB)
Jasper Fforde 2024 _Red Side Story_ (400 pages; on order 2024-02-28; F Ffo; Main+East)
Jeremy Finley 2018 _The Darkest Time of Night_ (326 pages; F Fin; Main+East+Jax+Woodville)
Domino Finn 2015 _Shade City: A Dante Butcher Novel_ (260 pages; 4MB)
Jack Finney 1995, 2013 _From Time to Time_ (#2; 303 pages; F Fin; Main)
Jack Finney 1986 _About Time: 12 Stories_ (#3; 219 pages; F Fin; Main)
Ursula Flacke 999 _Das Madchen aus dem Vinschgau_/_The Maiden from Vinschgau_ (the Venosta/Venago valley; 497 pages)
Roger Fleming 2014 _Majority Rules_ (285 pages; 826KB)
Eric Flint 2008 _Ring of Fire 2_ (#2? #9?; Story Collections; paper; Main+NE+E)
Eric Flint & Herbert Sakalaucks 2018 _Essen Defiant_ (1634; 185 pages; 1.1MB)
Eric Flint & Charles E. Gannon 2013 _1635: The Papal Stakes_ ()
Eric Flint & David Carrico 2019 _1636: The Flight of the Nightingale_ (#28; 335 pages)
Eric Flint & Charles E. Gannon 2020 _1637: No Peace Beyond the Line_ (#29; 430 pages)
Eric Flint 2019 _1637: The Polish Maelstrom_ (#19?; 492 pages; F Fli; Main+NE)
Eric Flint & Herbert Sakalaucks 2013 _The Danish Scheme_ (235 pages; 450KB)
Eric Flint & Garrett W. Vance 2018 _Second Chance Bird_ (1635; 355 pages; 560KB)
Eric Flint & Kim Mackey 2013 _Essen Steel_ (1634; 110 pages; 548KB)
Eric Flint & Douglas W. Jones 2013 _Joseph Hanauer_ (1634? 1635?; 170 pages; 405KB; (elections systems analyst) )
Eric Flint, Paula Goodlett & Gorg Hunt 2018 _1637: The Volga Rules_ (385 pages; 2.3MB)
Eric Flint & Herbert Sakalaucks 2018 _1635: The Battle or Newfoundland_ (240 pages; 672KB)
Eric Flint & Dave Freer 2018 _All the Plagues of 4377_ (424 pages; F Fli)
Eric Flint & Marilyn Kosmatka 8888 _Time Spike_ ()
Eric Flint & David Drake 2002 _The Tyrant_ (Raj Whitehall #8; 394 pages; F Fli; Main)
Joseph Flynn 2014-01-06 _Tall Man in Ray-Bans_ (JohnTallWolf #1; 135 pages; 2MB; Stray Dog)
Joseph Flynn 2013-11-16 _War Party_ (JohnTallWolf #2; 155 pages; 2.5MB; Stray Dog)
Joseph Flynn 2014-10-10 _Super Chief_ (JohnTallWolf #3; 130 pages; 3.4MB; Stray Dog)
Michael F. Flynn 2010 _Up Jim River_ (Spiral Arm #2; 332 pages; TOR; F Fly; Main)
Michael F. Flynn 2012 _In the Lion's Mouth_ (Spiral Arm #3; 303 pages; TOR; F Fly; Main)
Michael F. Flynn 2013 _On the Razor's Edge_ (Spiral Arm #4; 349 pages; TOR; F Fly; Main)
Tom Flynn 2018 _Messiah Games_ (Messiah #1; 970 pages; 1.6MB)
Tom Flynn 2018 _Nothing Sacred_ (Messiah #2; 810 pages; 1.7MB)
Tom Flynn 2018 _Behold, He Said_ (Messiah #3; 920 pages; 1.6MB)
Magnus Flyte 2012 _City of Dark Magic_ (time travel; CoDM #1; 448 pages; F Fly)
Magnus Flyte 2013 _City of Lost Dreams_ (time travel; CoDM #2; 357 pages; F Fly)
Ken Follett 1977, 1987 _Paper Money_ (216 pages; Morrow; F Fol; Main)
Ken Follett 1997 _The Third Twin_ (469 pages; Ballantine; PB F Fol; NE)
Ken Follett 2002, 2003 _Hornet Flight_ (559 pages; Thorndike; LT F Fol; OutReach)
Ken Follett 2007, 2008 _World without End_ (1014 pages; New American Library; F Fol; East)
Ken Follett 2010, 2014 _Fall of Giants_ (1249 pages; Thorndike; LT F Fol; FtBraden)
Ken Follett 2012, 2014 _Winter of the World_ (1205 pages; Thorndike; LT F Fol; Main)
Ken Follett 2021 _Never_ (802 pages; Viking; F Fol; )
Ken Follett 2020 _The Evening and the Morning_ (913 pages; Viking; F Fol; )
Elisabeth Grace Foley 8888 _The Mountain of the Wolf_ ()
Todd A. Fonseca 2008 _The Time Cavern_ (AaronAndJake #1; 160 pags; 333KB)
Todd A. Fonseca 2011 _The Inverted Cavern_ (AaronAndJake #2; 180 pags; 551KB)
M.R. Forbes 2015 _StarShip Eternal_ (war eternal #1; 430 pages; 3.4MB)
M.R. Forbes 2015 _The End of Liberty_ (war eternal #2; 220 pages; 925KB)
M.R. Forbes 2020 _The Sheriff_ (SF Western; 420 pages; 1.3MB)
John Ford, Frank S. Nugent, James Warner Bellah, John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Shirley Temple 1948, 2000 _Fort Apache_ (133 minutes; VHS Feature Films For)
Cecil Scott Forester/Cecil Louis Troughton Smith 8888 _Rifleman Dodd_ (320 pages; ILL request)
Cecil Scott Forester/Cecil Louis Troughton Smith 8888 _The Sky and the Forest_ (nnnn pages; ILL request)
Cecil Scott Forester/Cecil Louis Troughton Smith 8888 _The Barbary Pirates_ (nnnn pages; hard)
Cecil Scott Forester/Cecil Louis Troughton Smith 2018 _The Good Shepherd_ (222 pages; 2.9MB)
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(3) ►Dale Brown 1989 _Day of the Cheetah_ (McLanahan #2; 504 pages; ISBN 9781556111211/ 9780425120439; OCLC 18950286; Fine; Felonious State U, TyndallAFB, GAdsden/Quincy, Jefferson/Monticello, Jackson/Marianna, 3 Rivers Regional/Mayo, Washington/Chipley, Lynn Haven, NW Regional/Panama City, Columbia/Lake City, NW Florida State College/Niceville, Valparaiso, Destin, Bradford/Starke, Ft. Walton Beach, Mary Esther, Central GA Tech/Warner-Robins, Citrus/Beverly Hills, Clay/Orange Park, Jax, Marion/Ocala, Auburn U, UWF, Hernando/Brooksville, Pasco/Hudson, St. Johns/St.Augustine, Tarpon Springs, Lake/Tavares, Clearwater, Largo, Seminole, Gulf Beaches/Madeira Beach, Remington College/Tampa, Volusia/Daytona Beach, Gulfport, St.Pete Beach, USF/St.Petersburg, Embry-Riddle/Daytona Beach, Altamonte Springs, Seminole/Casselberry, Maitland, Orange/Orlando, Winter Haven, Haines City, Osceola/Kissimmee, Manatee/Bradenton, Bartow, New College of Florida/Sarasota, Brevard/Cocoa, DeSoto/Arcadia, Indian River/Vero Beach, Lee/Lehigh Acres, Ft. Myers Beach, St.Lucie/Ft.PIerce, Collier/Naples, Nova SEU/Ft.Lauderdale, Mercer/Harrodsburg, Boone/Burlington, U of Cincinnati, Olney Central College, Chillicothe, LangleyAFB, WPAFB, Earlham Collage/Richmond, Clark/Springfield, Grove City, Capital U/Columbus, Ohio State U; ILL request)◀
- - - - - C
(22) ►Douglas Coupland 1995-06-01, 1997, 2008-11-11, 2009, 2011-06-21 _MicroSerfs_ (371 pages; 4.5MB; ISBN 9780060391485/ 9780061624261/ 9781554683666; OCLC 777929994; HarperCollins/HarperPerennial; Fiction; ILL request)
Alisa Craig 1992 _The Wrong Rite_ (Madoc Rhys #5 #1-#4 AWOL; 284 pages; Morrow; F Cra; Main)
- - - - - D
- - - - - E
- - - - - F
Sibelan Forrester, Helena Goscilo & Martin Skoro 2013 _Baba Yaga: The Wild Witch of the East in Russian Fairy Tales_ (250 pages; 19.8MB)
William R. Forstchen 1990 _Rally Cry_ (Lost Regiment #1; 410 pages; )
William R. Forstchen 1991 _Union ForEver_ (Lost Regiment #2; 460 pages; )
William R. Forstchen 1992 _Terrible Swift Sword_ (Lost Regiment #3; 460 pages; 3.3MB)
William R. Forstchen 1993 _Fateful Lightning_ (Lost Regiment #4; 455 pages; )
William R. Forstchen 1993 _Battle Hymn_ (Lost Regiment #5; 380 pages; 3.6MB)
William R. Forstchen 2017 _Never Sound Retreat_ (Lost Regiment #6; 275 pages; 2.5MB)
William R. Forstchen 2017 _A Band of Brothers_ (Lost Regiment #7; 320 pages; 1.7MB)
William R. Forstchen 2017 _Men of War_ (Lost Regiment #8; 310 pages; 1.4MB)
Frederic Forsyth LT
Michael Dylan Foster & Shinonome Kijin 2015 _The Book of Yokai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese FolkLore_ (309 pages; 398.20952 Fos; Main+NE)
Tim Frady & Teresa Frady 2013 _The Time Cruisers in the Exodus Trap_ (TimeCruisers #1; 150 pages; 443KB)
Tim Frady & Teresa Frady 2016 _The Man from NoWhere_ (TimeCruisers #2; 75 pages; 5MB)
Joan Francis 2003, 2011 _Old Poison_ (DianaHunter #1; 200 pages; 644KB)
Joan Francis 2008, 2011 _Silent Coup_ (DianaHunter #2; 330 pages; 910KB)
Joan Francis 2011 _Corporatocracy Rules_ (DianaHunter #3; 200 pages; 720KB)
Joan Francis 2013 _Deadly Treasure_ (DianaHunter #4; 200 pages; 651KB)
J.K. Franks 2016 _Downward Cycle_ (Catalyst #1; 340 pages; 4.9MB)
J.K. Franks 2017 _Kingdoms of Sorrow_ (Catalyst #2; 495 pages; 2.3MB)
J.K. Franks 2018 _Ghost Country_ (Catalyst #3; 540 pages; 1.8MB)
George MacDonald Fraser 8888 _Flashman & the Mountain of Light_ ()
Mark Frost 2012 _The Paladin Prophecy_ (Paladin #1; 560 pages; 4MB)
Mark Frost 2014 _Alliance_ (Paladin #2; 350 pages; 3.8MB)
Mark Frost 2015 _Rogue_ (Paladin #3; 360 pages; 1.7MB)
Mark Frost 2007 _The 2nd Objective_ (319 pages; hard)
- - - - - G
Diana Gabaldon 2014 _DragonFly in Amber_ (Outlander #2)
Diana Gabaldon 1994 _Voyager_ (Outlander #3)
Diana Gabaldon 1997 _Drums of Autumn_ (Outlander #4)
Diana Gabaldon 2001 _The Fiery Cross_ (Outlander #5)
George Galdorisi 2016 _Scorched Earth_ (OpCenter #15; 364 pages; 2.6MB; Main+E+NE+Jax)
Shelby Gallagher 2018 _The Divide_ (Great State #1; 195 pages; 2.3MB)
Fernando Gamboa, Christy Cox & Peter Gauld 2014 _The Last Crypt_ (394 pages; 4.2MB)
Charles E. Gannon 2017, 2018 _Caine's Mutiny_ (Caine Riordan #4; 1056 pages)
Charles E. Gannon 2019 _Marque of Caine_ (Caine Riordan #5; 500 pages)
Aaron D. Gansky 2016 _The Bargain: One Man Stands between a Destitute Town and Total Destruction_ (290 pages; 807KB)
Jeffrey Gantz 2007 _The Mabinogion_ (280 pages; 1.4MB; Celtic myths)
Garet Garrett/Edward Peter Garrett 2010 _Satan's Bushel_ (140 pages; 491KB)
Garet Garrett/Edward Peter Garrett 2010 _The Driver_ (Driver #1; 200 pages; 592KB)
Garet Garrett/Edward Peter Garrett 2010 _The Cinder Buggy: A Fable in Iron and Steel_ (Driver #2; 365 pages; 708KB)
Jared Garrett 2018 _Beat_ (Beat #1; 380 pages; 861KB)
Jared Garrett 2018 _Push_ (Beat #2; 430 pages; 735KB)
John Webster Gastil 2020-07-31 _Gray Matters_ (370 pages; 629KB)
Andy Gavin 2013 _UnTimed_ (RulesOfTheRegulator #1; 340 pages; 2.1MB)
Andy Gavin 2013 _The Darkening Dream_ (TwiLightOfTheAncients #1; 385 pages; 941KB)
Kathleen O'Neal Gear & Michael Gear 2010 _Coming of the Storm: Book 1 of Contact: The Battle for America_ ()
Kathleen O'Neal Gear & Michael Gear 2011 _Fire the Sky: Book 2 of Contact: The Battle for America_ ()
W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal Gear _The People of the LongHouse_ ()
W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal Gear _The Dawn Country_ ()
W. Michael Gear 2019 _Pariah_ (Donovan #4; 484 pages; DAW; F Gea; Main)
Geoffrey of Monmouth 1136 _Historia Regum Brittaniae_/_The History of the Kings of Britain_ (translated by Lewis Thorpe 1966)
Tess Gerritsen 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2012 _The Surgeon_ (Rizzoli+Isles #1; 374 pages; ISBN 9780345447845; OCLC 842256114; Ballantine/Bantam; ILL request)
Tess Gerritsen 2002 _The Apprentice_ (Rizzoli+Isles #2; 344 pages; ISBN 9780345447852; OCLC 999; Ballantine/Bantam; F Ger; Jax+BLPerry)
Tess Gerritsen 2004 _The Sinner_ (Rizzoli+Isles #3; 344 pages; ISBN 9780345447852; OCLC 999; Ballantine/PawPrints; mmm; Jax+BLPerry)
Tess Gerritsen 2004 _Body Double_ (Rizzoli+Isles #4; 399 pages; ISBN 978034548933/ 9780375433740; OCLC 1023823389; Ballantine/PawPrints; ILL request)
Tess Gerritsen 2005 _Vanish_ (Rizzoli+Isles #5; 512 pages; ISBN 0375425123; OCLC 999; RandomHouse; LT F Ger; Woodville)
Tess Gerritsen 2006 _The Mephisto Club_ (Rizzoli+Isles #6; 355 pages; ISBN 999; OCLC 999; Ballantine; F Ger; Jax+East)
Tess Gerritsen 2008 _The KeepSake_ (Rizzoli+Isles #7; 349 pages; ISBN 9780345497628; OCLC 999; Ballantine; F Ger; Main+NE+Woodville+Jax+BLPerry)
Tess Gerritsen 2010 _Ice Cold_ (Rizzoli+Isles #8; 431 pages; ISBN 9781602858435; OCLC 999; Thorndike/Center Point; LT F Ger; NE)
Tess Gerritsen 2010 _The Silent Girl_ (Rizzoli+Isles #9; 318 pages; ISBN 9780345515506; OCLC 999; Ballantine; F Ger; Main+BLPerry+East+Jax+NE+Woodville)
Tess Gerritsen 2012 _Last To Die_ (Rizzoli+Isles #10; 463 pages; ISBN 9781611735468; OCLC 999; Thorndike/Center Point; LT F Ger; Main+NE)
Tess Gerritsen 2014 _Die Again_ (Rizzoli+Isles #11; 431 pages; ISBN 9781602858435; OCLC 999; Thorndike/Center Point; F Ger; East+FtBraden+Jax+Main+NE)
Tess Gerritsen 2017 _I Know a Secret_ (Rizzoli+Isles #12; 318 pages; ISBN 9780345543882; OCLC 999; Thorndike/Center Point; F Ger; Main+BLPerry+East+NE+Woodville)
Tess Gerritsen 2022 _Listen To Me_ (Rizzoli+Isles #13; 300 pages; ISBN 9780345543882; OCLC 999; Ballantine; on order 2022-07-18; Main+East+Jax+NE)
Simon Gervais 2019 _Hunt Them Down_ (Pierce Hunt #1; 325 pages; F Ger; Woodville)
Simon Gervais 2019 _Trained to Hunt_ (Pierce Hunt #2; 307 pages; F Ger; Woodville)
Simon Gervais 2020 _Time to Hunt_ (Pierce Hunt #3; 275 pages; F Ger; Woodville+Main+FtBraden)
Phil Geusz 2019 _Freedom City_ (250 pages; 2.4MB)
William Gibson & Bruce Sterling 1991 _The Difference Engine_ (429 pages; hard)
Melanie Gideon 2016 _Valley of the Moon_ (time travel?; Lux Lysander; 629 pages; LT F Gid; Main)
(29) Adam Gidwitz 2016 _The Inquisitor's Tale: The 3 Magical Children & Their Holy Dog_ (363 pages; J F Gid; Woodville)
W.S. Gilbert & A.S. Sullivan 1938, 2010 _The Complete Plays of Gilbert & Sullivan_ (822.8)
Laini Giles 2015 _The Forgotten Flapper: A Novel of Olive Thomas_ (410 pages; 1.6MB)
Laura Anne Gilman 2016 _Silver on the Road_ (DevilsWest #1; 380 pages; F Gil; Main+NE)
Laura Anne Gilman 2017 _The Cold Eye_ (DevilsWest #2; F Gil; Main+NE)
Ceci Giltenan 2015 _The Pocket Watch_ (Pocket Watch Chronicles #1?; 305 pages; 17MB)
Ceci Giltenan 2016 _The Midwife_ (Pocket Watch Chronicles #?; 170 pages; 2.3MB)
Newt Gingrich & William R. Forstchen & Albert S. Hanser 2010 _Valley Forge: George Washington and the Crucible of Victory_ (George Washington #2; 430 pages; hard)
Newt Gingrich & William R. Forstchen & Albert S. Hanser 2010 _Victory at YorkTown_ (George Washington #3; 345 pages; hard)
Newt Gingrich & William R. Forstchen & Albert S. Hanser 2007 _Pearl Harbor_ (Pacific War #1; 390 pages; 1.6MB; hard)
Newt Gingrich & William R. Forstchen 2008 _Days of Infamy_ (Pacific War #2; 400 pages; 2.8MB; hard)
Newt Gingrich & William R. Forstchen 1995 _1945_ (380 pages; hard)
Robert Gleason 2018 _The Evil That Men Do_ (385 pages; 4.4MB)
Brian Godawa 2013 _Noah Primeval_ (Nephilim #1; 390 pages; 1.7MB)
Brian Godawa 2012 _Enoch Primordial_ (Nephilim #2; 390 pages; 983KB)
Brian Godawa 2013 _Gilgamesh Immortal_ (Nephilim #3; 360 pages; 1.2MB)
Brian Godawa 2013 _Abraham Allegiant_ (Nephilim #4; 400 pages; 1MB)
Brian Godawa 2013 _Joshua Valiant_ (Nephilim #5; 365 pages; 1.5MB)
Kenneth William Goddard 1992 _Prey_ (HenryLightHouse #1; 335 pages; Main; paper)
Robert Goddard 2010 _Long Time Coming_ (520 pages; F God; Main)
Daniel Godfrey 2017-06-20 _Empire of Time_ (New Pompeii #2; 432 pages; ISBN 9781785653155; Titan)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe & Martin Breenberg 1808, 1992 _Faust: A Tragedy Part 1_ (156 pages; 832.6)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe & Walter Kaufmann 1831, 1961, 1990 _Goethe's Faust: The Original German and a New Translation and Introduction_ (503 pages; 832.6)
Lee Goldberg 2023 _Calico_ (time travel; detective Beth McDade; 308 pages; ISBN 9781448310135; Severn; F Gol; Main+Jax)
Christopher Golden, Kelly Armstrong, Jonathan Maberry et al. 2017 _Indigo_ (343 pages; St.Martin's; F IND; Main+FtBraden+Jax)
Robert Goldsborough 1986 _Murder in E Minor: A Nero Wolfe Mystery_ (Nero Wolfe continued #1; 196 pages; Bantam; F Gol; Main)
Robert Goldsborough 1987 _Death on a DeadLine: A Nero Wolfe Mystery_ (Nero Wolfe continued #2; 316 pages; Bantam; LT F Gol; Main)
David Lynn Golemon 2006 _Event_ (time travel; EventGroup #1; 352 pages; F Gol; NE)
David Lynn Golemon 2008 _Legend_ (time travel; EventGroup #2; 502 pages; PB F Gol; Main)
David Lynn Golemon 2011 _Legacy_ (time travel; EventGroup #6; 422 pages; F Gol; Main)
David Lynn Golemon 2012 _Ripper_ (time travel; EventGroup #7; 351 pages; F Gol; Main)
David Lynn Golemon 2013 _Carpathian_ (time travel; EventGroup #8; 437 pages; F Gol; NE)
David Lynn Golemon 2014 _OverLord_ (time travel; EventGroup #9; 375 pages; F Gol; NE)
David Lynn Golemon 2016 _The Traveler_ (time travel; EventGroup #11; 308 pages; F Gol; NE)
Allan H. Goodman 2014 _Father, Son, Stone_ (463 pages; F Goo; NE)
Mark Goodwin 2016 _Apocalypse_ (Wormwood/Elijah #1; 290 pages; 1.9MB)
Mark Goodwin 2017 _The Days of Elijah_ (Wormwood/Elijah #2; 290 pages; 1.7MB)
Nathan Dylan Goodwin 2013-09-15 _Hiding the Past_ (Forensic Genealogist #1; 229 pages; 914KB)
Nathan Dylan Goodwin 2014-09-10 _The Lost Ancestor_ (Forensic Genealogist #2; 263 pages; 2.056MB)
Nathan Dylan Goodwin 2014-12-01 _The Orange Lilies_ (Forensic Genealogist #3; 100 pages; 1.313MB)
Nathan Dylan Goodwin 2015-09-02 _The America Ground_ (Forensic Genealogist #4? #5?; 266 pages)
Nathan Dylan Goodwin 2016-08-30 _The SpyGlass File_ (Forensic Genealogist #4? #5?; 288 pages)
Nathan Dylan Goodwin 8888 _The Missing Man_ (Forensic Genealogist #6; 145 pages; 2.8MB)
Kathleen Ann Goonan 1996 _The Bones of Time_ (382 pages; F Goo; Main)
Kathleen Ann Goonan 1996 _Light Music_ (406 pages; F Goo; Main)
Dan Gordon 2015 _Day of the Dead: Book 1 Gaza_ (298 pages; 1.6MB)
Dan Gordon 2015 _Day of the Dead: Book 2 America_ ()
Dan Gordon 8888 _Murder in the First_ (DVD)
Dan Gordon 8888 _Wyatt Earp_ (DVD)
Dan Gordon 8888 _Just Play Dead_ (DVD)
Dan Gordon 1997 _The Assignment_ (279 pages; paper)
Tina Gower 2016 _Romancing the Null_ (OutlierProphecies #1; 210 pages; 3.3MB)
Tina Gower 2016 _Conditional Probability of Attraction_ (OutlierProphecies #2; 235 pages; 3.2MB)
Tina Gower 2016 _The Werewolf Coefficient_ (OutlierProphecies #3; 280 pages; 2.5MB)
Tina Gower 2016 _Standard Deviation of Death_ (OutlierProphecies #4; 250 pages; 2.7MB)
Bruce Graeme 1925 _BlackShirt_ ()
Bruce Graeme 1939 _Body Unknown_ ()
Bruce Graeme 1952 _BlackShirt Strikes Back_ ()
Bruce Graeme 8888 _A Case for Solomon_ ()
Jean Grainger 2016 _Letters of Freedom_ (Carmel Sheehan #1; 72 pages; 2.1MB)
Jean Grainger 2017 _The Future's Not Ours to See_ (Carmel Sheehan #2; 280 pages; 1.6MB)
Dan Grant 2018 _The Singularity: Witness_ (Singularity #1; 410 pages; 5.1MB)
Peter Grant 2016 _Brings the Lightning_ (AmesArchive #1; 220 pages; 4.2MB)
Robert Graves 1982 _Count Belisarius_ (564 pages; F Gra; Main)
Robert Graves & Grevel Lindop 2013 _The White Goddess: An Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth_ (540 pages; 2.3MB)
Berkeley Gray 1944 _Miss Dynamite_ (190 pages)
Berkeley Gray 1947 _Alias Norman Conquest_ ()
Juliana Gray 2016 _A Most Extraordinary Pursuit_ (time travel; EmmelineTruelove #1)
Juliana Gray 2017 _A Strange Scottish Shore_ (time travel; EmmelineTruelove #2)
Mark Greaney 2022 _Armored_ (Joshua Duffy #1; bodyguard; 495 pages; on order 2022-07-17; Main+East+NE)
Mark Greaney 2010 _On Target_ (Grey #2; 870 pages; hard)
Mark Greaney 2011 _Ballistic_ (Grey #3; 870 pages; hard)
Mark Greaney 2013 _Dead Eye_ (Grey #4; 870 pages; hard)
Mark Greaney 2016 _Back Blast_ (Grey #5; 870 pages; hard)
Mark Greaney 2017 _GunMetal Gray_ (Grey #6; 870 pages; hard)
Mark Greaney 2018 _Agent in Place_ (Gray #7?; 507 pages; F Gre; Main+NE)
(32) ►Hannah Green 1964, 1969, 1976, 2003, 2009 _I Never Promised You a Rose Garden_ (282 pages; ISBN ; OCLC 61098358; Signet; Felonious State U, TCC/TSC, FAMU, Gadsden/Quincy, Thomas U/Thomasville, Chipola College/Marianna, SW Georgia Regional/Bainbridge, Calhoun/Blountstown, Brooks/Quitman, Jackson/Marianna, Franklin/Eastpoint, Valdosta State U, 3 Rivers Regional/Mayo, NW Regional/Panama City, GCSC/Panama City, Florida GateWay College/Lake City, Levy/Bronson, NW Florida State College/Niceville, UF/HogTown, City College/HogTown, Bradford/Starke, FSCJax, College of Central Florida/Ocala, Jax, Marion/Ocala, Auburn U, FJCJ/Jax, UNF/Jax, Nassau/Fernandina Beach, UWF, Pasco/Hudson, Flagler College/St.Augustine, Pasco-Hernando State College/New Port Richey, St.Leo, Lake/Tavares, Flagler/Palm Coast, Oldsmar, Clearwater Christian College, USF/Tampa, Seminole, Florida College/Temple Terrace, Ponce/Pinellas Park, U of Tampa, Hillsborough CC/Tampa, Volusia/Daytona Beach, Gulfport; F Gre; ILL request)◀
Roger Lancelyn Green, Roger Green & Michael Rosen 2011 _Tales of Ancient Egypt_ (220 pages; 3.4MB)
Conor Grennan 2019 _The Hadley Academy for the Improbably Gifted_ (360 pages)
Stephen Aaron Grey 2014 _Ant Farm: A Novel about What's Bugging Society_ (176 pages)
Michelle Griep 2011 _UnderCurrent_ (300 pages)
Roy M. Griffis 2015 _The Big Bang_ (Lonesome George #1; 262 pages)
James S. Griffith 1988 _Southern Arizona Folk Arts_ ()
Elly Griffiths 2011, 2012 _The House at Sea's End_ (Ruth Galloway #3; 353 pages; F Gri)
Elly Griffiths 2012 _A Room Full of Bones_ (Ruth Galloway #4; 346 pages; F Gri)
Elly Griffiths 2013 _A Dying Fall_ (Ruth Galloway #5; 346 pages; F Gri)
Elly Griffiths 2014 _The Outcast Dead_ (Ruth Galloway #6; 374 pages; F Gri)
Elly Griffiths 2015 _The Ghost Fields_ (Ruth Galloway #7; 370 pages; F Gri)
Elly Griffiths 2016 _The Woman in Blue_ (Ruth Galloway #8; 358 pages; F Gri)
Elly Griffiths 2017 _The Chalk Pit_ (Ruth Galloway #9; 360 pages; F Gri)
Elly Griffiths 2018 _The Dark Angel_ (Ruth Galloway #10; 345 pages; F Gri)
Elly Griffiths 2019 _The Stone Circle_ (Ruth Galloway #11; 364 pages; F Gri)
Elly Griffiths 2019 _The Lantern Men_ (Ruth Galloway #12; 358 pages; F Gri)
Elly Griffiths 2021 _The Night Hawks: A Ruth Galloway Mystery_ (Ruth Galloway #13; 350 pages; F Gri; ???)
Tracey Garvis Graves 2024-03-26 _The Trail of Lost Hearts_ (time travel/romance; St. Martin's)
Terry Griggs 2000 _Cat's Eye Corner_ (999 pages; Raincoast; J F Gri; ???)
Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm & Ludwig Emil Grimm 1815 _Grimm's Fairy Tales_/_Kinder und Haus-Maerchen_ (#2)
Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm & Ludwig Emil Grimm 1822 _Grimm's Fairy Tales_/_Kinder und Haus-Maerchen_ (#3)
Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Ludwig Emil Grimm & Maria Tatar 2004 _Annotated Brothers Grimm_ (450 pages; 398.20943)
Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Ludwig Emil Grimm, Svetlana Bagdasaryan & Margaret Hunt 1812, 2015 _Grimms Maerchen_ (Deutsch+English; 29 pages; 3.2MB)
Ken Grimwood 1986, 2002 _RePlay_ (time travel; 310 pages; F Gri)
Winston Groom 2016 _El Paso_ (477 pages; Main+Jax+NE)
Andrew Gross 2016 _The One Man_ (hard)
Chuck Grossart 2017 _The Argus Deceit_ (time trave; 308 pages; F Gro; Main; due 2024-03-07)
Gary Grossmann & Ed Fuller 2019 _RED Hotel_ (520 pages; 1.9MB)
Lisa Grunwald 2019 _Time After Time_ (time travel; 401 pages; F Gru; Main+East+NE)
Charlotte Guest & Colin Jones 2017 _The Mabinogion: The 4 Branches of the Mabinogi_ (96 pages; 4.6MB; Celtic myths)
Guillaume le Clerc & D.D.R. Owen 1990, 1991 _Fergus of Galloway: Knight of King Arthur_ (144 pages)
G.F. Gustav 2014 _L.A. Dark_ (Jeremy'sRun #1; 150 pages; 944KB)
G.F. Gustav 2013 _Blood Loss_ (Jeremy'sRun #2; 285 pages; 1.5MB)
G.F. Gustav 2013 _Run Through the Jungle_ (Jeremy'sRun #3; 415 pages; 1.8MB)
G.F. Gustav 2014 _The Prophet's Niece_ (Jeremy'sRun #4; 770 pages; 2.4MB)
G.F. Gustav 2016 _The Zzyzx Operation_ (Jeremy'sRun #5; 760 pages; 2.2MB)
- - - - - H
Henry Rider Haggard 1928 _The Works of Henry Rider Haggard_ (813.4)
Henry Rider Haggard_ 1963 _King Solomon's Mines_ ()
Henry Rider Haggard_ 2008 _Quartermain: The Complete Adventures_ ()
Henry Rider Haggard_ 2009 _The Allan Quartermain Series: 15 Books and Stories in 1 Volume_ (1,855 pages; 6.1MB)
Henry Rider Haggard_ 2009 _Ayesha, She & Ayesha, The Return of She_ ()
Henry Rider Haggard_ 2012 _Montezuma's Daughter_ (355 pages; 895KB)
Matt Haig 2018 _How to Stop Time_ (325 pages; F Hai; Main+FtBraden+Jax+Woodville)
James L. Haley 2016 _The Shores of Tripoli: Lieutenant Putnam and the Barbary Pirates_ (448 pages; 4.6MB; hard; Main+E)
T.C. Haliburton 1854 _The Americans at Home_ (at least 2 volumes)
Paul Hamden & Syann Hamden 2022-09-07 _The Zeta Race: Inside the Hive Mind: From Human to Alien (201 pages)
<Fantastic Peter F. Hamilton
H4.0, E3.0, R2.6: Peter F. Hamilton 2018 _Salvation_ (Salvation #1)
Peter F. Hamilton 2019 _Salvation Lost_ (Salvation #2; 493 pages; del Rey/RandomHouse F Ham)
Peter F. Hamilton 2020 _The Saints of Salvation_ (Salvation #3; 493 pages; del Rey/RandomHouse F Ham)
Peter F. Hamilton 2014 _The Abyss Beyond Dreams_ (time travel; 614 pages; ISBN 9780345547194; Del Rey; F Ham; OutReach)
<Fantastic Peter F. Hamilton: Commonwealth Chronicle of the Fallers
Peter F. Hamilton 2014 _The Abyss Beyond Dreams_ (time travel; 614 pages; ISBN 9780345547194; Del Rey; F Ham; OutReach)
Dashiell Hammett 1930, 1931, 1982 _The Glass Key_ (225 pages; 3.1MB; LT)
Dashiell Hammett 1927, 1983 _Red Harest_ (Continental Op #1; 275 pages; 1.3MB; LT)
Dashiell Hammett 1983 _The Dain Curse_ (Continental Op #2; 240 pages; 3.1MB; LT)
Dashiell Hammett 1933, 1989, 1990 _Woman in the Dark_ (LT)
Jennifer Handford 2012 _Daughters for a Time_ (283 pages; F Han; Main)
James R. Hannibal 2013 _Shadow Catcher_ (Nick Baron #1; 360 pages; F Han; Main+NE)
James R. Hannibal 2013 _Shadow Maker_ (Nick Baron #2; 371 pages; F Han; Main+NE)
Kristin Hannah 2024 _The Women_ (1965-1975; VietNam; 648 pages; ISBN 9798891640467; OCLC ; Thorndike/ St. Martin's; libraries; LT F Han; Main+NE+East+Jax+Woodville)
Victor Davis Hanson 2011 _The End of Sparta_ (445 pages)
Elizabeth M. Harbison/Beth Harbison 2015 _If I Could Turn Back Time_ (time travel; 351 pages; ISBN 9781628996791; Thorndike; LT F Har; Main)
Thomas Hardy 1997 _The Mayor of Casterbridge_ (hard adult+teen)
<Fantastic Deborah Harkness
<Fantastic Deborah Harkness: All Souls
Deborah Harkness 2011 _A Discovery of Witches_ (AllSouls #1?; Diana Bishop; 579 pages; ISBN ; Viking; F Har; Woodville+Jax+BLPerry+East+BLPerry+FtBraden)
Deborah Harkness 2013-05-28 _Shadow of Night_ (AllSouls #2; Diana Bishop; 592 pages; ISBN 9780143123620; Penguin/Thorndike; LT F Har; Main)
Deborah Harkness 2014 _The Book of Life_ (AllSouls #3; Diana Bishop; 799 pages; ISBN 97801410467621; Penguin/Thorndike; LT F Har; NE)
Deborah Harkness 2018-09-18 _Time's Convert_ (AllSouls #4; time travel; Diana Bishop; 448 pages; ISBN 9780399564512; Viking; F Har; Main+NE+East+Woodville+Jax+BLPerry)
Deborah Harkness 2024 _The Black Bird Oracle_ (AllSouls #5; time travel; Diana Bishop; 638 pages; ISBN 9780399564512; Viking; LT F Har; NE+East)
J.J. Harlyn 2016 _Memories Lost in Time_ (250 pages; 345KB)
C.S. Harris 2005-11-01, 2017 _What Angels Fear_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #1; 320-340-420 pages; ISBN 0451219686/ 9780451219718; OCLC 1036999219; Berkley Prime; Brooks/Quitman, Dougherty/Albany, Suwannee Regional/Live Oak, NW Regional/Panama City, Destin, Alachua/HogTown, Ft.Walton Beach, Citrus/Beverly Hills, Jax, Marion/Ocala, Auburn, Putnam/Palatka, Nassau/Fernandina Beach, West Florida/Pensacola, Hernando/Brooksville, Pasco/Hudson, St.Johns/St.Augustine, Tarpon Springs, Lake/Tavares; F Har; Main)
C.S. Harris 2006-11-07, 2007-11-06 _When Gods Die_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #2; 338 pages; ISBN 0451219686 ; New American Library; F Har; Main)
C.S. Harris 2007-11-06, 2008-10-07 _Why Mermaids Sing_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #3; 341 pages; ISBN 9780451225337; Obsidian; F Har; Main)
C.S. Harris 2008-11-04, 2009-11-03 _Where Serpents Sleep_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #4; 341 pages; ISBN 9780451225122 ; Obsidian; F Har; Main)
C.S. Harris 2009-11-03, 2010-08-03 _What Remains of Heaven_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #5; 341 pages; ISBN 9780451225122 ; NAL/Obsidian; F Har; Main)
C.S. Harris 2011 _Where Shadows Dance_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #6; 342 pages; ISBN 9780451232236; NAL/Obsidian; F Har; Main)
C.S. Harris 2012-03-06, 2013-03-05 _When Maidens Mourn_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #7; 342 pages; ISBN 9780451235770; NAL/Obsidian; F Har; Main)
C.S. Harris 2013, _What Darkness Brings_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #8; 353 pages; ISBN 9780451239273 ; NAL/Obsidian; F Har; Main+Jax)
C.S. Harris 2014 _Why Kings Confess_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #9; 340 pages; ISBN 9780451417558; NAL/Obsidian; F Har; Main)
C.S. Harris 2014 _Who Buries the Dead_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #10; 338 pages; ISBN 9780451417565; NAL/ Obsidian/ Penguin; F Har; Main)
C.S. Harris 2024 _What Cannot Be Said_ (Sebastian St. Cyr #19; 352 pages; F Har; Main+East+BLPerry)
Charlaine Harris, Christopher Golden, Kelley Armstrong, Jonathan Maberry, Kat Richardson, Seanan McGuire, Tim Lebbon, Cherie M. Priest, James A. Moore & Mark Morris 2017 _Indigo_ (343 pages; hard; F IND; Main+Jax)
J.Y. Harris 2013 _TimeKeepers: A Revolutionary Tale_ (140 pages; 2.6MB)
J.Y. Harris 2013 _TimeKeepers: Civil Disturbance_ (180 pages; 3.7MB)
J.Y. Harris 2013 _TimeKeepers: Good As Gold_ (135 pages; 3.6MB)
Joel Chandler Harris 1883 _Nights with Uncle Remus_ ()
Joel Chandler Harris 1904 _The Tar Baby and Other Rhymes of Uncle Remus_()
Robert J. Harris 2019 _Castle MacNab_ (newRichardHannay #2; WW2; 212 pages; F Har; Main)
Robert J. Harris 2021 _A Study in Crimson: Sherlock Holmes 1942_ (306 pages; Pegasus; F Har; Main)
Robert Harris 2013, 2014 _An Officer and A Spy_ (large)
Cora Harrison 2020 _Winter of Despair_ (236 pages; F Har; Jax)
Cora Harrison 2019 _Season of Darkness_ (Gaslight Mystery #1; 216 pages; F Har; Jax)
Gaslight Mystery #2 see Victoria E. Thompson
Gaslight Mystery #3 see Victoria E. Thompson
Cora Harrison 2021, 2022 _Spring of hope_ (Gaslight Mystery #4; F Har; Jax)
William Harrison 1980 _Brubaker_ (210 pages)
Erin Hart 2003, 2004 _Haunted Ground_ (Nora Gavin #1; 475 pages; ISBN 9780743470995; OCLC 55957036; Pocket Star; Dothan, Santa Fe College/HogTown, Jax, Jefferson/Monticello, Thomas/Thomasville, Brooks/Quitman, 3 Rivers/Mayo, Suwanee River Regional/Live Oak, NW Regional/Panama City, Columbia/Lake City, Defuniak Springs, Levy/Bronson; ILL request)
Erin Hart 2005 _Lake of Sorrows_ (Nora Gavin #2; LT F Har; Ft.Braden)
Erin Hart 2010 _False Mermaid_ (Nora Gavin #3; LT F Har; FtBraden)
Erin Hart 2013 _The Book of Killowen_ (Nora Gavin #4; F Har; Main+Jax)
C. Chase Harwood 2014 _Of Sudden Origin_ (Sudden Origin #1; 345 pages; 4.6MB)
C. Chase Harwood 2014 _Children of Fiends_ (Sudden Origin #2; 335 pages; 3.1MB)
C. Chase Harwood 2017 _A House Divided_ (Sudden Origin #3; 300 pages; 4.2MB)
Andrew Hastie 2021-10-02 _Anachronist_ (Infinity Engines #1; 390 pages; ISBN 9781916474799; Here Be Dragons)
Andrew Hastie 2018-02-13 _Maelstrom_ (Infinity Engines #2; 418 pages; ISBN 9781980284765; Here Be Dragons)
Penny Haw 2023 _The Woman at the Wheel_ (Cäcilie Bertha Ringer Benz; pg308; on order 2024-01-04; F Haw; BLPerry+Woodville)
Ethan Hawke & Greg Ruth 2016 _Indeh: A Story of the Apache Wars_ (232 pages; 78.2MB; 979.0049725 HAW; graphic novel; Main+Woodville)
Ethan Hawke 2015 _Rules for a Knight_ (190 pages; 13.9MB; ILL request)
Nathaniel Hawthorne 1986 _The House of Seven Gables_ (F Haw; Jax+East)
Nathaniel Hawthorne 1989 _Twice-Told Tales_ (F Haw; Jax)
Nathaniel Hawthorne 2003 _Rappaccini's Daughter_ (F Haw; NE)
Nathaniel Hawthorne 1982 _Tales & Sketches_ (1493 pages; F Haw; Main)
Ernest Haycox 1933 _Starlight Rider_ (LT F Hay; NE)
Ernest Haycox 1938, 1982 _SunDown Jim_ (373 pages; LT F Hay; Main)
Elizabeth Haydon 2001 _Destiny: Child of the Sky_ (SymphonyOfAges #3; 556 pages; hard)
Elizabeth Haydon 2001 _Requiem for the Sun_ (SymphonyOfAges #4; 460 pages; hard)
Elizabeth Haydon 2001 _Elegy for a Lost Star_ (SymphonyOfAges #5; 310 pages; hard; E+NE+Jax)
Oliver Hayes 2013 _King Lud_ (Celtic Twilight #1; 35 pages; 1.3MB)
Oliver Hayes 2013 _The Lost Tomb of King Arthur_ (Celtic Twilight #2; 45 pages; 2.1MB)
Oliver Hayes 2013 _Niall of the 9 Hostages_ (Celtic Twilight #3; 25 pages; 1.1MB)
Oliver Hayes 9999 _I Am Pilgrim_ ()
Bessie Doak Haynes & Edgar Haynes 1966 _The Grizzly Bear: Portraits from Life_ ()
Kevin Hearne 2011 _Hexed_ (AtticusOSullivan/IronDruid #2; paper)
Kevin Hearne 2011 _Hammered_ (AtticusOSullivan/IronDruid #3; paper)
Kevin Hearne 2012 _Tricked_ (AtticusOSullivan/IronDruid #4; paper)
Kevin Hearne 2012 _Trapped_ (AtticusOSullivan/IronDruid #5; Granuaile; paper)
Kevin Hearne 2012 _Hunted_ (AtticusOSullivan/IronDruid #6; Granuaile; paper)
Kevin Hearne 2014 _Shattered_ (AtticusOSullivan/IronDruid #7; Granuaile; paper)
Kevin Hearne 2016 _Staked_ (AtticusOSullivan/IronDruid #8; Granuaile; 300 pages; paper)
John Heatwole 1997 _Shenandoah Voices: FolkLore, Legends, and Traditions of the Valley_ (145 pages)
Rachel Heffington 8888 _She But Sleepeth_ ()
D.E. Heil 2020-06-16 _Higher Justice_ (TrueJustice #1; large)
John G. Hembry 9999 _Stark's War_ (Stark's War #1)
John G. Hembry 9999 _Stark's Command_ (Stark's War #2)
John G. Hembry 9999 _Stark's Crusade_ (Stark's War #3)
John G. Hembry 9999 _A Just Determination_ (Paul Sinclair #1)
John G. Hembry 9999 _Burden of Proof_ (Paul Sinclair #2)
John G. Hembry 9999 _Rule of Evidence_ (Paul Sinclair #3)
John G. Hembry 9999 _Against All Enemies_ (Paul Sinclair #4)
Sue Henry 2007 _The Refuge_ (Maxie & Stretch #3; 258 pages; F Hen; Main+Jax+NE+BLPerry)
Sue Henry 2009 _The End of the Road_ (Maxie & Stretch #4; 214 pages; F Hen; Main+Jax+BLPerry)
George Alfred Henty 2012 _In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce_ ()
George Alfred Henty 1884 _With Clive in India_ ()
George Alfred Henty 2002 _The Cat of Bubasted: A Tale of Ancient Egypt_ (291 pages; junior fic)
George Alfred Henty 1999 _A Knight of the White Cross_ ()
George Alfred Henty & Clark Highsmith 2010 _For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem_ ()
George Alfred Henty 2010 _The Boy Knight: A Tale of the Crusades_ ()
George Alfred Henty 2012 _The Young Carthaginian_ ()
George Alfred Henty 2011 _In the Heart of the Rockies_ ()
George Alfred Henty 2004 _With Lee in Virginia_ (304 pages; junior; paper)
George Alfred Henty 1898, 2000 _Won by the Sword: A Tale of the 30 Years' War_ (373 pages; teen)
Vaughn Heppner 2014 _The Lost StarShip_ (Lost StarShip #1; 390 pages; 736KB)
Vaughn Heppner 2015 _The Lost Command_ (Lost StarShip #2; 445 pages; 864KB)
Vaughn Heppner 2015 _The Lost Destroyer_ (Lost StarShip #3; 420 pages; 807KB)
Vaughn Heppner 2015 _The Lost Colony_ (Lost StarShip #4; 440 pages; 626KB)
M.G. Herron 2015 _The TransLocator: The Complete Saga_ (685 pages; 6.2MB)
William Hertling 2011-11-19 _Avogadro Corp: The Singularity is Closer Than It Appears_ (Singularity #1; 300 pages; ISBN 9780984755707; Liquididea)
William Hertling 2012-05-24 _A.I. Apocalypse_ (Singularity #2; 262 pages; ISBN 9780984755745; LiquidIdea)
William Hertling 2013-08-05 _The Last FireWall_ (Singularity #3; 322 pages; ISBN 9780984755769; LiquidIdea)
William Hertling 2015-03-05 _The Turing Exception_ (Singularity #4; 304 pages; ISBN 9781942097013; LiquidIdea)
Saul Herzog 2021-01-04 _The Asset: American Assassin_ (Lance Spector #1; spy thriller)
Stefan Heym 1948, 1970, 2015 _The Crusaders: An Epic Novel of World War 2_ (645 pages; 2.1MB)
Frank L. Hicks ii 2008 _Holes in Time_ (227 pages; 698KB)
Keigo Higashino, Alexander O. Smith & Elye J. Alexander 2011 _The Devotion of Suspect X_/_Yogisha X no Kenshin_ (DetectiveGalileo #1; 298 pages; F Hig; Main)
Scott Higginbotham/Scott Howard 2013 _For a Thousand Generations_ (14thCentury #1; 400 pages; 1.4MB)
Scott Higginbotham/Scott Howard 2013 _A Matter of Honor_ (14thCentury #2=Edward Leaver #1; 180 pages; 652KB)
Scott Higginbotham/Scott Howard 2013, 2015 _A Soul's Ransom: A Novel of the 14th Century_ (425 pages; 986KB)
Tracy L. Higley 2015 _Awakening_ (479 pages; LT F Hig; NE)
Rayven T. Hill 2014 _Blood and Justice_ (Jake+AnnieLincoln #1; 300 pages; 1.3MB)
Rayven T. Hill 2014 _Cold Justice_ (Jake+AnnieLincoln #2; 300 pages; 1MB)
Rayven T. Hill 2014 _Justice for Hire_ (Jake+AnnieLincoln #3; 300 pages; 892KB)
Andrew D. Himmel 2018 _The Reluctant Healer_ (310 pages; 1.9MB)
Adam Hirsch 2016 _The People and the Books: 18 Classics of Jewish Literature_ (407 pages; 809.88924; Main)
Reece Hirsch 2010 _The InSider_ (330 pages; paper; Main+NE+Woodville)
Reece Hirsch 2013 _The Adversary_ (Chris Bruen #1; 392 pages; hard; Main+NE+E)
Reece Hirsch 2014 _Intrusion_ (Chris Bruen #2; 320 pages; qpb; Mars)
Mark Hodges 2013 _Brutus: First King of England, Princeof Troy_ (Welsh Chronicles #1; 95 pages; 196KB)
Mark Hodges 2013 _Gwendolyn_ (Welsh Chronicles #2; 140 pages; 431KB)
Mark Hodges 2012 _Lear and Cordelia: The Story of King Lear and His Youngest Daughter_ (Welsh Chronicles #3; 98 pages; 549KB)
Mark Hodges 2012 _Dynfal Moel Myd: Giver of the Law_ (Welsh Chronicles #4; 92 pages; 561KB)
Mark Hodges 2012 _Belyn and Branyn_ (Welsh Chronicles #5; 85 pages; 691KB)
Mark Hodges 2012 _The Celtic Sack of Rome_ (Welsh Chronicles #6; 75 pages; 438KB)
Mark Hodges 2012 _Morvidus, Slain by a Dragon, and His Sons_ (Welsh Chronicles #7; 70 pages; 445KB)
Mark Hodges 2012 _The Roman Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar_ (Welsh Chronicles #8; 75 pages; 542KB)
Mark Hodges 2012 _Caractacus and Claudius: The 3rd Roman Invasion of Britain and the Coming of Christ to the White Isle_ (Welsh Chronicles #9; 130 pages; 500KB)
T. Ellery Hodges 2014 _The Never Hero_ (JonathanTibbs #1; 420 pages; 1.4MB)
Eric Hodgins & William Steig 1948, 2005-02-11 _Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House_ (197-240 pages; ISBN 9780743262323; OCLC ; Simon&Schuster/Pocket)
Eric Hodgins & William Steig 2018-08-24 _Blandings' Way_ (324-326 pages; ISBN 9780331359411/ 9781397685643/ 9789997516916; OCLC ; Forgotten/Simon&Schuster)
Heinrich Hoffmann 1845, 2012 _Struwwelpeter_ (32 pages)
Heinrich Hoffmann, Colin Blyth, Georgina Blyth Roche & Valerie Blyth 2000, 2015 _Struwwelpeter 2000_ (64 pages; Deutsch+English)
Heinrich Hoffmann, Samuel L. Clemens/Mark Twain & Fritz Kredel 1845, 2013 _Slovenly Peter_/_Struwwelpeter_ (48 pages)
Heinrich Hoffmann & Theodor Hosemann 1845, 2012 _Slovenly Kate & Other Stories from the Struwwelpeter Library_ (32 pages)
Heinrich Hoffmann & Walter Hayn 2013 _Slovenly Betsy: The American Struwwelpeter from the Struwwelpeter Library_ (96 pages)
Phil Hogan 2015 _A Pleasure and a Calling_ (400 pages; large)
Daniel Holdings 2015 _3 Days in the Belly of the Beast: Some Lines Are Not Meant to be Crossed_ (Cooper Chronicle #1; 375 pages; 2.3MB)
Daniel Holdings 2012, 2016 _As the Darkness Falls: Things Are Not As They Seem_ (Cooper Chronicle #2; 385 pages)
Daniel Holdings 2015 _Between the Veil: The Things UnSeen_ (Cooper Chronicle #3; 315 pages)
Gin Hollan 2018 _The Gadgeteer_ (Arabeth Barnes #1; 305 pages; 4.7MB)
Gin Hollan 2018 _The Crystal Curse_ (Arabeth Barnes #2; 250 pages; 4.9MB)
Charlie N. Holmberg 2022 _Keeper of Enchanted Rooms_ 999 pages; ISBN 9781662500343 )
Deborah Hopkinson 2002 _Cabin in the Snow_ (74 pages; Aladdin; J F Hop; NE; Bleeding Kansas) Daniel Horch 2002, 2014 _The Angel with 100 Wings: A Tale from the Arabian Nights_ (265 pages; 431KB)
Dara Horn 2018 _Eternal Life_ (LT F Hor; Jax; F Hor; Main)
Anthony Horowitz 2006 _StormBreaker_ (Alex Rider #1; 230 pages; 2MB)
Jay Hosking 2017 _Three Years with the Rat_ (time travel?; 273 pages; F Hos)
Francis J. Houston 2001 _Opequon_ (80 pages)
Linda Howard 2016 _TroubleMaker_ (384 pages; hard)
Henry Howe 1857, 1873 _The Great West_ (550 pages)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2014 _WitchFinder_ (Magical Empire #1; 414 pages; 1.559MB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2014 _The Blood Like Wine_ (20 pages; 661KB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2006 _Draw One in the Dark_ (Shifter #1; 448 pages; 615KB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2013 _Gentleman Takes a Chance_ (Shifter #2; 496 pages; 576KB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2013 _Noah's Boy_ (Shifter #3; 304 pages; 562KB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2014 _Night Shifters_ (Shifter #4?; 723 pages; 2.381MB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2011 _DarkShip Thieves_ (DarkShip #1; 512 pages; 558KB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2011 _DarkShip Renegades_ (DarkShip #2; 400 pages; 612KB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2013 _A Few Good Men_ (DarkShip #3/Earth's Revolution #1; 384 pages; 582KB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2016 _Through Fire_ (DarkShip #4; 395 pages; 2.7MB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2014 _The Big Ship and the Wise Old Owl_ (33 pages; 1.128MB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2013 _Crawling Between Heaven and Earth_ (169 pages; 881KB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2013 _Wings_ (258 pages; 1.314MB)
Sarah A. Hoyt 2014 _The Price of Gold_ (21 pages; 627KB)
S.L. Huang 2018 _Zero Sum Game_ (336 pages; Tor; F Hua)
G.P. Hudson 8888 _Sol Shall Rise_ (PikeChronicles #1; 320 pages; 1.4MB)
G.P. Hudson 2015 _Prevail_ (PikeChronicles #2; 265 pages; 1.8MB)
G.P. Hudson 2015 _Ronin_ (PikeChronicles #3; 220 pages; 1.3MB)
<Fantastic Roy Huff: 7 rules of Time Travel
Roy Huff 2020 _7 Rules of Time Travel_ (7 Rules #1;
Roy Huff 2021 _The Trouble with Time Travel_ (7 Rules #2;
Roy Huff 2022 _Time Travel Tribulations_ (7 Rules #3;
Roy Huff 2023 _Time Travel Universe_ (7 Rules #4;
Tanya Huff 2015 _An Ancient Peace_ (PeaceKeeper #1; 325 pages; 1.3MB)
Tanya Huff 2017 _A Peace Divided_ (PeaceKeeper #2; 375 pages; 1.9MB)
Tanya Huff 2018 _The Privilege of Peace_ (PeaceKeeper #3; 345 pages; 1.9MB)
Clair Huffaker & Nancy Pearl 2012 _The CowBoy and the Cossack_ (375 pages; 2.1MB)
Lee Hunnicutt 2016 _The Travelers_ (time-travelers; 385 pages; 2MB)
colonel David Hunt & R.J. Pineiro 2017 _Without Mercy_ (Hunter Stark #2?; 480 pages; 2.7MB; paper; E+Jax)
colonel David Hunt & R.J. Pineiro 2018 _Without Fear_ (Hunter Stark #3?; 520 pages; 4.1MB)
Erin Hunter 2020 _OathKeeper_ (BraveLands #1; 250 pages; F Hun)
(3) Georgia Hunter 2017 _We Were the Lucky Ones_ (403 pages; ISBN 9780399563089 ; OCLC ; Viking; libraries; F Hun; NE+East)
Stephen C. Hunter 1993 _Point of Impact_ (BobLeeSwagger #1; 450 pages; paper)
Stephen C. Hunter 1998 _Time to Hunt_ (467 pages)
Stephen C. Hunter 2014 _Sniper's Honor_ (BobLeeSwagger #9; 500 pages; large)
Stephen C. Hunter 2000 _Hot Springs_ (EarlSwagger #1; 478 pages; hard)
Stephen C. Hunter _Pale Horse Coming_ (EarlSwagger #2; father Earl; 749 pages; large)
Stephen C. Hunter _Havana_ (EarlSwagger #3; father Earl; 403 pages; hard)
Stephen C. Hunter 1995 _Dirty White Boys_ (482 pages; paper)
Stephen C. Hunter 2012 _Soft Target_ (359 pages; large)
Stephen C. Hunter 2017 _G-Man_ (Swagger #5; gf Charles; 447-480 pages; paper)
Stephen C. Hunter 2014 _Sniper's Honor_ (Swagger #9; WW2; 432-511 pages; LT F Hun)
Stephen C. Hunter 2019 _Game'of'Snipers_ (Swagger #11; mmm mmm; 400 pages; hard)
Stephen C. Hunter 2017 _G-Man_ (Swagger #10; gf Charles; 464 pages; large)
Stephen C. Hunter 2022 _Targeted_ (Swagger #12 ancestor in AmRev; 384 pages; large)
Kameron Hurley 2011, 2014 _God's War_ (Bel Dame Apocrypha #1; 280 pages; 526KB)
Kameron Hurley 2011, 2014 _InFidel_ (Bel Dame Apocrypha #2; 295 pages; 581KB)
Zora Neal Hurston 1939 _Moses: Man of the Mountain_ (F; BLPerry)
Sara Hylton 2008 _The Legacy of Anger_ ()
Harry Hyndman 2017 _Walking with Ghosts_ (REACh time travel; 230 pages; 3.2MB)
Vicente Blasco Ibanez 1918, 1920, 1983, 2015 _The 4 HorseMen of the Apocalypse_ (370 pages; 1.2MB; hard)
Vicente Blasco Ibanez, Benedikt D. Hobart, Charlotte Brewster Jordan & Ruth Alonso 1918, 2013 _The 4 HorseMen of the Apocalypse_ (4.4MB; English+Spanish)
David Ignatius 2024 _Phantom Orbit_ (371 pages; Main+Woodville)
Shawn Inmon 2020-04-17 _A Door into Time_ (Alex Hawk #1; 332 pages; self-published)
Shawn Inmon 2020-07-06 _Lost in Kragon-ah_ (Alex Hawk #2; 384 pages)
Shawn Inmon 2020-09-15 _Return from Kragon-ah_ (Alex Hawk #3; 364 pages)
Shawn Inmon 2021-01-18 _Warrior of Kragon-ah_ (Alex Hawk #4; 336 pages)
Shawn Inmon 2021-03-19 _Prince of Kragon-ah_ (Alex Hawk #5; 396 pages)
Ian C.P. Irvine 2016 _Time Ship_ (TimeShip #1; 230 pages; 4.5MB)
Ian C.P. Irvine 1998 _The Shadow on the Glass_ (ViewFromTheMirror #1; 650 pages; paper)
Annie Lyons 2023 _The Air Raid Book Club_ (1938; WW2; 327 pages; ISBN 9780063296190; OCLC ; Morrow; on order 2023-08-06; Main+NE+East)
Robert Irwin, Malcolm Lyons & Ursula Lyons 2010 _The Arabian Nights_ (vol1; 1002 pages; 12MB)
Robert Irwin, Malcolm Lyons & Ursula Lyons 2010 _The Arabian Nights_ (vol2; 890 pages; 13MB)
Robert Irwin, Malcolm Lyons & Ursula Lyons 2010 _The Arabian Nights_ (vol3; 884 pages; 11MB)
Robert Irwin 1994 _The Arabian Nights: A Companion_ (340 pages; 2.4MB)
Vladimir Jabotinsky & Michael R. Katz 2005 _The 5: A Novel of Jewish Life in Turn-of-the-Century Odessa_ ()
Brenda Jackson 2022 _The House on BlueBerry Lane_ (ISBN 9781335620972; F)
Joseph Jacobs _Celtic Fairy Tales_ ()
Joseph Jacobs _Indian Fairy Tales_ ()
Alan Jacobson 2014 _Crush_ (Karen Vail #?; 999 pages; ISBN 9781497692077)
Merdith Jaeger 2021-11-02 _The Pilot's Daughter_ (352 pages; Dutton)
Chris James 2016 _Repulse: Europe at War 2062-2064_ (320 pages; 5.5MB)
Peter James 2018 _Absolute Proof_ (554 pages)
<Fantastic P.D. James: inspector Adam Dalgliesh series suggested order
P.D. James 1962 _Cover Her Face_ (Adam Dalgliesh #1; 250 pages; Scribner; F Jam; Main)
P.D. James 1963 _A Mind to Murder_ (Adam Dalgliesh #2; 267 pages; Hall; LT F Jam; outreach)
P.D. James 1967, 1995, 2001_UnNatural Causes_ (Adam Dalgliesh #3; 267 pages; Scribner; F Jam; Main)
P.D. James 1971, 1999, 2001_Shroud for a Nightingale_ (Adam Dalgliesh #4; 363 pages; Scribner; F Jam; Main)
P.D. James 1975 _The Black Tower_ (Adam Dalgliesh #5)
P.D. James 1977 _Death of an Expert Witness_ (Adam Dalgliesh #6)
P.D. James 1986 _A Taste for Death_ (Adam Dalgliesh #7)
P.D. James 1989, 1990 _Devices and Desires_ (Adam Dalgliesh #8; 433 pages; Knopf; F Jam; Main)
P.D. James 1994 _Original Sin_ (Adam Dalgliesh #9)
P.D. James 1997 _A Certain Justice_ (Adam Dalgliesh #10)
P.D. James 2001 _Death in Holy Orders_ (Adam Dalgliesh #11; 628 pages; Knopf; LT F Jam; Outreach)
P.D. James 2003 _The Murder Room_ (Adam Dalgliesh #12; 653 pages; RandomHouse; LT F Jam; Outreach)
P.D. James 2005 _The LightHouse_ (Adam Dalgliesh #13; 528 pages; RandomHouse; LT F Jam; Outreach)
P.D. James 2008 _The Private Patient_ (Adam Dalgliesh #14; 352 pages; Scribner; F Jam; Main+Jax+Woodville)
Rebecca Price Janney 1997 _The Secret of the Lost Colony_ (130 pages)
Jeanne Marie le prince de Beaumont 1757 _Beauty and the Beast_ (one of John Adams's favorites)
Carole Jefferson 2015 _A Blessing and a Curse_ (275 pages)
Jessica Kerwin Jenkins 2013 _All the Time in the World_ (300 pages; 390 Jen)
Jennifer Jensen 2014 _Through the Shimmer of Time_ (225 pages; 1.8MB; junior)
Adam Peter Johnson 2020-10-21 _Branches_ (249 pages; ISBN ; self-published)
Kenneth Johnson 2017 _The Man of Legends_ (425 pages; 2.4MB)
Nunnally Johnson, Alan Le May, Gary Cooper, Loretta Young, William Demarest 1945 _Along Came Jones_ (90 minutes; DVD)
William W. Johnstone & J.A. Johnstone 2015 _Winchester 1886_ (379 pages; PB F Joh)
William W. Johnstone & J.A. Johnstone 2015 _Winchester 1887_ (363 pages; PB F Joh)
Kirby Jonas & Clint Walker 2003 _Yaqui Gold_ ()
Carrie Jones 2016 _Time Stoppers_ (370 pages; J F Jon)
Gwyn Jones 2013 _The Mabinogion_ (305 pages; 1.6MB; Celtic myths)
James Jones 8888 _From Here to Eternity_ (hard)
Jeffrey McClain Jones 2020-12-04 _The Girl Who Sees Angels_ (Sophie Ramon #1; 326 pages; ISBN 9798564895569; sell-published; paper)
Jeremy C. Jones 2017 _TimeLine: A Tale of Altered History_ (TimeLine #1; 300 pages; 917KB)
Jeremy C. Jones 2017 _TimeLine: Trapped in the Past_ (TimeLine #2; 320 pages; 1.4MB)
K.J. Jones 2020 _Extinction Level Event_ (ELE #1; 410 pages; 470KB)
Sherry Jones 2018 _Josephine Baker's Last Dance_ (365 pages; Main+BLPerry)
Robert Jordan 1990, 2009 _The Eye of the World_ (WheelOfTime #1; 750 pages; 4.8MB)
Carl G. Jung ≈ R.F.C. Hull 1954, 1970 _4 Archetypes_ ()
Eva Jurczyk 2022 _The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections_ (323 pages; Poisoned Pan; on order 2022-03-27 F Jur; Main+NE+FtBraden)
Kel Kade 2019 _Fate of the Fallen_ (Shroud of Prophecy #1; 347 pages; Tor; F Kad; Main+East)
Daphne Kalmar 2018 _A Stitch in Time_ (167 pages; J F Kal; East+NE)
Elizabeth Kantor 2006 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to English and American Literature_ (278 pages; 766KB; 820.9)
Janice Kaplan 2007 _Looks to Die For_ (Lacy Fields #1; 287 pages; ISBN 9781416532118; OCLC ; Simon & Schuster; libraries; F Kap; Main)
Janice Kaplan 2008 _A Job to Kill For_ (Lacy Fields #2; 294 pages; ISBN 9781416532132; OCLC ; Simon & Schuster; libraries; F Kap; East)
Frigyes Karinthy, Antal Fery & Paul Tabori 8888, 1966, 1978 _Voyage to Faremido, and Capillaria_ (120 pages)
Frigyes Karinthy 1929 _Minden Maskeppen Van_/_EveryThing Is Different_ ("Lancszemek"/"Chains")
Nachman Kataczinsky 2014 _The Shield_ (330 pages; 1MB)
Nachman Kataczinsky 2016 _Beyond the Shield_ (300 pages; 844KB)
Amie Kaufman 2018 _Ice Wolves_ (Elementals #1; 333 pages; Harper; J F)
Amie Kaufman 2019 _Scorch Dragons_ (Elementals #2; 333 pages; Harper; J F)
Amie Kaufman 2020 _Battle Born_ (Elementals #3; 333 pages; Harper; J F)
James J. Kaufman 2011 _The Collectibles_ (Collectibles/Conciliators #1; 320 pages; 924KB)
James J. Kaufman 2013 _The Concealers_ (Collectibles/Conciliators #2; 385 pages; 1.6MB)
James J. Kaufman 2015 _The Conciliators_ (Collectibles/Conciliators #3; 340 pages; 1MB)
Margaret Kay 2018 _Operation: Protected Angel_ (Shepherd Security #1; 225 pages; 390KB)
Emily Kazmierski 2018, 2019 _For Your Ears Only_ (Ivory Tower Spies #1; 240 pages; 1.9MB)
Ezra Jack Keats 1962 _The Snowy Day_ ()
Ronie Kendig 2019 _Storm Rising_ (Book of the Wars #1; 381 pages; F Ken; Jax+FtBraden)
Ronie Kendig 2020 _Kings Falling_ (Book of the Wars #2; 346 pages; F Ken; Jax)
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison 1997 _BlackMantle: A Triumph_ ()
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison 2014 _Tales of Spiral Castle: Stories of the Keltiad_ ()
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison 1988 _The Silver Branch_ (442 pages; Keltiad #1; Jax)
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison 1990 _The Hawk's Gray Feather_ (400 pages; Keltiad #?; youth)
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison 1994 _The Oak above the Kings_ (Keltiad #?)
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison 1986 _The Throne of Scone_ ()
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison 1998 _The Hedge of Mist_ (500 pages; Keltiad #6)
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison 1998 _The Deers Cry_ (361 pages; Keltiad #8)
senator/SecNav/ambassador John Pendleton Kennedy 1894, 2011 _Horse-Shoe Robinson: A Tale of the Tory Ascendancy_ (550 pages; 1.5MB)
senator/SecNav/ambassador John Pendleton Kennedy 2012 _QuodLibet_ (172 pages; 385KB)
senator/SecNav/ambassador John Pendleton Kennedy 2016 _Rob of the Bowl: A Legend of St. Inigoe's_ (190 pages; 680KB)
senator/SecNav/ambassador John Pendleton Kennedy 2016 _Mr. Ambrose's Letters On the Rebellion_ (390 pages; 12.6MB)
J.W. Kent 2013 _The Bridge at Ardendale_ (Fergus #1; 170 pages)
J.W. Kent 2013 _The Wind from the Islands_ (Fergus #2; 185 pages; 308KB)
J.W. Kent 2013 _The Bards Will Sing_ (Fergus #3; 159 pages; 309KB)
J.W. Kent 2013 _The Fields of Valdenhaim_ (Fergus #4; 230 pages; 744KB)
J.W. Kent 2014 _With Fire and Sword_ (Fergus #5; 199 pages; 523KB)
Sherrilyn Kenyon 2014 _Dark Bites_ (Dark-Hunter #0.5 short-stories; 561 pages; F Ken; NE+East+BLPerry)
Sherrilyn Kenyon 2007 _Dark Bites_ (Dark-Hunter #1/#12???; 340 pages; PB F Ken; FtBraden)
Sherrilyn Kenyon 2004 _Night Pleasures_ (Dark-Hunter #2; 324 pages; F Ken; OutReach)
Judith Kerr 1998, 2012 _When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit_ (191 pages; J F Ker; Main)
Philip Kerr 1996 _The Grid_ (451 pages; F Ker)
Philip Kerr 1996 _The Grid_ (Bernie Gunther #1; 245 pages; F Ker)
Jody A. Kessler 2015-03-03 _The Night Medicine_ (Night Medicine #1; 333 pages; ISBN 9780986240621; ; ?F Kes?)
A.A. Khan 2016 _Law_ (BookOfTime #1; 320 pages; 3MB)
Raymond Khoury 2019 _Empire of Lies_ (time travel; 444 pages; F Kho)
Lea Kirk, Danielle Fine, Sue Brown-Moore & Laurel Kriegler 2016 _Prophecy_ (Prophecy #1; 315 pages; 3MB)
Lea Kirk 2016 _Salvation_ (Prophecy #2; 215 pages; 655KB)
Marshall Klarfeld & Mary Klarfeld 8888 _Gilgamesh 10_ ()
David Klass 2008 _FireStorm_ (CareTaker #1; 299 pages; YA F Kla; Woodville)
David Klass 2020 _Out of Time_ (372 pages; F Kla; Woodville)
Andrew Klavan 2022-10-25 _A Strange Habit of Mind_ (Cameron Winter #1; mystery; 288 pages; ???? Kla)
Andrew Klavan 2019 _Another Kingdom_ (Another Kingdom #1; time travel; 339 pages; F Kla)
Andrew Klavan 2020 _The Nightmare Feast_ (time travel; Another Kingdom #2; time travel; 301 pages; F Kla)
Andrew Klavan 2021 _The Emperor's Sword_ (Another Kingdom #3; time travel; 346 pages; F Kla)
Andrew Klavan 1993 _Corruption_ (332 pages)
Andrew Klavan 1993 _The Animal Hour_ (309 pages)
Andrew Klavan 1995 _True Crime_ (308 pages)
Andrew Klavan 1998 _The UnCanny_ (343 pages)
Andrew Klavan 2001 _Man and Wife_ (302 pages)
Andrew Klavan 2015 _Werewolf Cop_ (296 pages)
Andrew Klavan 2012 _If We Survive_ (341 pages; youth)
Andrew Klavan 2015 _Hostage Run_ (Mindwar #2; youth)
Andrew Klavan 2016 _Game Over_ (Mindwar #3; 311 pages; youth)
Andrew Klavan 2008 _Empire of Lies_ (383 pages)
Andrew Klavan 8888 _The Last Thing I Remember_ (340 pages; YA/Youth)
Andrew Klavan 2012 _The HomeLanders_ (HomeLander #1-4; 1,131 pages; YA/Youth)
Andrew Klavan 2012 _The Long Way Home_ (HomeLander #2; 345 pages; YA/Youth)
Andrew Klavan 2012 _Crazy Dangerous_ (330 pages; YA/Youth)
Andrew Klavan 2013 _Nightmare City_ (306 pages; YA/Youth)
Andrew Klavan 2003 _Dynamite Road_ (Weiss and Bishop #1; 317 pages)
Andrew Klavan 2004 _ShotGun Alley_ (Weiss and Bishop #2; 301 pages)
Andrew Klavan 2006 _Damnation Street_ (Weiss and Bishop #3; 310 pages)
Andrew Klavan 2008 _Empire of Lies_ (Weiss and Bishop #4; 383 pages)
Andrew Klavan _The Truth of the Matter_ ()
Andrew Klavan _The Final Hour_ ()
Damian Knight 2015 _The Pages of Time_ (Pages #1; 320 pages; 3.1MB)
Damian Knight 2015 _Ripples of the Past_ (Pages #2; 320 pages; 3.1MB)
Josephine Gibson Knowlton 1948 _The Innocent Cause_ (sister of Charles Dana Gibson; sketch of main character "Rose Montgomery", is actually of her, JGK, an early illustration by CDG)
Gini Koch 2012 _Alien Diplomacy_ (#5)
Gini Koch 2012 _Alien vs. Alien_ (#6)
Gini Koch 2015 _Alien in the House_ (#7)
Gini Koch 2013 _Alien Research_ (#8)
Gini Koch 2013 _Alien Collective_ (#9)
Gini Koch 2014 _Universal Alien_ (#10)
Gini Koch 2015 _Alien Separation_ (#11)
Gini Koch 2015 _Alien in Chief_ (#12)
Gini Koch 2016 _Camp Alien_ (#13)
Elizabeth Kolbert 2014 _The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History_ (576.84 + CD)
Steven Konkoly 2014 _Alpha_ (Black Flagged #1; 285 pages; 486KB)
Steven Konkoly 2014 _Redux_ (Black Flagged #2; 380 pages; 4.3MB)
Dean Ray Koontz 2020 _Elsewhere_ (353 pages; F Koo)
William Kotzwinkle 2021 _Felonious Monk_ (on order 2021-08-17)
Peter D. Kramer 2001 _Spectacular Happiness_ (313 pages; hard)
Tom Kratman 2008 _Caliphate_ (500 pages; 886KB)
Tom Kratman 2011 _CountDown: The Liberators_ (CountDown #1; 700 pages; 1.2MB)
Tom Kratman 2011 _CountDown: M Day_ (CountDown #2; 715 pages; 775KB)
Tom Kratman 2012 _CountDown: H Hour_ (CountDown #3; 620 pages; 1.1MB)
Tom Kratman 2003 _A State of DisObedience_ (440 pages; 790KB)
Nancy Kress 2009 _Beggars in Spain_ (415 pages; 1MB)
Naomi Kritzer 2004 _Freedom's Gate_ (Dead Rivers #1; 355 pages; paper)
Robert Kroese 2013 _Schroedinger's Gat_ (195 pages; 815KB)
Jason Krumbine 2018 _Defiance_ (Defiance #1; 320 pages; 1.1MB)
Jason Krumbine 2018 _Hand of God_ (Defiance #2; 205 pages; 913KB)
Eleanor Kuhns 2012 _A Simple Murder_ (1790s; 322 pages; F Kuh; Main+NE)
Mike Kupari 2015 _Her Brother's Keeper_ (365 pages; hard)
Lynn Kurland 2010 _A Time for Love_ (611 pages; hard)
Robert Lacey 2004 _Great Tales from English History: The Truth about King Arthur, Lady Godiva, Richard the LionHeart, and More_ (254 pages; 942.01)
Alex Lamb 2015, 2017 _Roboteer_ (Roboteer #1; 425-439 pages; ISBN 9781473206090; OCLC 999603680; Victor Gallancz/Orion)
Alex Lamb 2015, 2017 _Nemesis_ (Roboteer #2; 99999 pages; ISBN 9781473206120; OCLC 920711994; Victor Gallancz/Orion)
Alex Lamb 2015, 2017 _Exodus_ (Roboteer #3; 613 pages; ISBN 9781473206144; OCLC 1036795770; Victor Gallancz/Orion)
Harold Lamb 1981 _Durandal_ (156 pages)
Harold Lamb & Alicia Austin 1983 _The Sea of Ravens_ (243 pages)
Harold Lamb 1997, 1998 _Son of Tobias_ (250 pages; large)
Harold Lamb 2009 _Swords from the West_ (622 pages; 5MB)
Harold Lamb 2010 _Swords from the Sea_ (567 pages; 4.6MB)
Harold Lamb 2010 _Swords from the East_ (495 pages; 4.1MB)
Harold Lamb 2006 _Wolf of the Steppes_ (606 pages; Cossack #1)
Harold Lamb 2006 _Warriors of the Steppes_ (636 pages; 4.2MB; Cossack #2)
Harold Lamb 2007 _Riders of the Steppes_ (547 pages; 4.5MB; Cossack #3)
Harold Lamb 8888 _Swords of the Steppes_ (Cossack #4)
Joe B. Lansdale, Derrick Ferguson et al. 2013 _Black Pulp_ (300 pages; 797KB)
Joe B. Lansdale et al. 2019 _Black Pulp 2_ (330 pages; 3.3MB)
Soraya M. Lane 2017 _Wives of War_ (WW2; 340 pages; 3.1MB)
Andrew Lang, H.J. Ford & G.P. Jacomb Hood 1965 _The Blue Fairy Book_ (416 pages; 398)
Andrew Lang 1965 _The Brown Fairy Book_ (350 pages; 398.2)
Andrew Lang 1966 _The Red Fairy Book_ (380 pages; 398)
Andrew Lang 1966 _The Violet Fairy Book_ (416 pages; 398.2)
Andrew Lang 1967 _The Grey Fairy Book_ (416 pages; 398.2)
Andrew Lang 1967 _The Crimson Fairy Book_ (372 pages)
Andrew Lang _The Lilac Fairy Book_ ()
Andrew Lang 1995 _The Olive Fairy Book_ (335 pages; 398.2)
Andrew Lang _The Orange Fairy Book_ ()
Andrew Lang 1967 _The Pink Fairy Book_ (360 pages; 398.21)
Andrew Lang 1966 _The Yellow Fairy Book_ (321 pages; 398)
Reif Larsen 2015 _I Am Radar_ (999 pages; Penguin; F Lar; Main)
Ward Larsen 2011 _Fly By Night_ (Jammer Davis #2; 321 pages; OceanView; F Lar; NE)
Keith Laumer 1987 _Retief: Envoy to New Worlds_ (Retief #1; 245 pages)
Keith Laumer 1986 _Retief and the WarLords_ (Retief #4; 192 pages)
Keith Laumer 1986 _Retief's Ransom_ (Retief #7; 159 pages)
Keith Laumer 1986 _Retief: Emissary to the Stars_ (Retief #8; 172 pages)
Keith Laumer 1987 _Retief: Diplomat at Arms_ (Retief #11; 172 pages)
Keith Laumer 1985 _The Return of Retief_ (Retief #13; 236 pages)
Keith Laumer 1986 _Retief in the Ruins_ (Retief #14; 247 pages)
Keith Laumer 1986 _Retief and the PanGalactic Pageant of Pulchritude_ ()
Antoine Laurain, Jane Aitken & Emily Boyce 2018 _Vintage 1954_ (time travel; 218 pages; F Lau)
Shelly Laurenston 2014 _Bite Me_ (375 pages; Pride #?)
Shelly Laurenston 2015 _The UnLeashing_ (373 pages; CallofTheCrows #1)
Shelly Laurenston 2016 _The UnDoing_ (373 pages; CallofTheCrows #2; F Lau; E)
Shelly Laurenston 2017 _The UnYielding_ (373 pages; CallofTheCrows #3; F Lau; E)
David LaVigne 2012 _Out of Time: A Story of Archaeology... sort of_ (225 pages; 668KB)
Carole Lawrence 2017 _Edinburgh TwiLight_ (Ian Hamilton #1; 440 pages; 2.3MB)
Carole Lawrence 2018 _Edinburgh Dusk_ (Ian Hamilton #2; 350 pages; 2.3MB)
H.J. Lawson 2016 _New Order: Urban Fantasy_ (HiddenVampireSlayer #1; 120 pages; 1.3MB)
H.J. Lawson 2016 _Slayer Trials: Urban Fantasy_ (HiddenVampireSlayer #2; 160 pages; 1.3MB)
Ann Leckie 2013, 2015 _Ancillary Justice_ (Imperial Radch #1; 571 pages; LT F Lec; Jax)
Ann Leckie 2015 _Ancillary Mercy_ (Imperial Radch #3; 359 pages; ISBN 9780316246682; OCLC ; Orbit; libraries; F Lec; Main+NE)
Ann Leckie 2017 _Provenance_ (Imperial Radch #4?; 439 pages; ISBN 9780316388672; OCLC ; Orbit; libraries; F Lec; Main)
Ann Leckie 2023 _Translation State_ (Imperial Radch #5; 422 pages; ISBN 9780316289719; OCLC ; Orbit; libraries; F Lec; Main+East+Woodville)
Michael Ledwidge 2023 _The Girl in the Vault_ (F Led; Main+NE+Woodville)
Catherine Lee 2013 _Dark Heart_ (Cooper&Quinn #1; 280 pages; 1MB)
Catherine Lee 2014 _Dark Past_ (Cooper&Quinn #2; 320 pages; 1.1MB)
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller 2013 _The Dragon Variation_ (Liaden #1; 970 pages; 2.1MB)
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller 2013 _The Agent Gambit_ (Liaden #2; 670 pages; 878KB)
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller 2013 _Korval's Game_ (Liaden #3; 845 pages; 1.1MB)
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller 2020 _Trader's Leap_ (Liaden #23; 365 pages)
Flemming Lee, Norman Worker & Leslie Charteris 1975 _Catch the Saint_ (153 pages; hard)
Stephen Leigh 2015 _The Crow of Connemara_ (315 pages; 1.5MB)
Peter Lerangis 2019 _ThrowBack_ (ThrowBack #1; 340 pages; J F Ler; NE)
Peter Lerangis 2020 _The Chaos Loop_ (ThrowBack #2; 293 pages; J F Ler; NE)
Julius Lester 1969 _Black FolkTales_ ()
Allan Leverone 2013 _Parallax View_ (Tracie Tanner #1; 295 pages; 2.9MB)
Allan Leverone 2014 _All Enemies_ (Tracie Tanner #2; 270 pages; 2.8MB)
Ira Levin 1976 _The Boys from Brazil_ (310 pages; hard)
Lee Levin 2011 _The Messiah of Septimania_ (450 pages; 1.1MB) Wyndham Lewis 1982 _The Revenge for Love_ (240 pages)
John Ligato 2017 _The Near Enemy_ (John Booker #1?; 420 pages; 1.6MB)
Joshua Light 8888 _The Reluctant Tourist & the HitchHiker_ ()
Joshua Light 8888 _The Legacy_ ()
Alan Lightman 2017 _Song of 2 Worlds_ (155 pages; 12.9MB)
Alan Lightman 2011 _Einstein's Dreams_ (140 pages; 2.3MB)
Brad Linaweaver, Edward E. Kramer, Poul Anderson, John Barnes, Gregory Benford, James P. Hogan et al. 1998 _Free Space_ (collection; 350 pages)
Brad Linaweaver 1999 _The Land Beyond Summer_ (212 pages)
Brad Linaweaver & Dafydd ab Hugh 1995 _Knee-Deep in the Dead_ (Doom #1)
Brad Linaweaver & Dafydd ab Hugh 1995 _Doom: Hell on Earth_ ()
Brad Linaweaver & Dafydd ab Hugh 1996 _Infernal Sky_ (Doom #3)
Brad Linaweaver & Dafydd ab Hugh 1996 _EndGame_ (Doom #4)
Brad Linaweaver & J. Neil Schulman 2013 _The HeartMost Desire_ ()
Brad Linaweaver, J. Neil Schulman 2013 _Alongside Night: The Movie Edition_ ()
Brad Linaweaver, J. Neil Schulman, Chris McCarver & Lee Oaks 2013 _Alongside Night: The Graphic Novel_ ()
Brad Linaweaver & J. Neil Schulman 1999 _The Robert Heinlein Interview and Other Heinleiniana_ ()
Frank B. Linderman & Charles M. Russell 2012 _Indian Why Stories_ (110 pages; 4.1KB)
George Lippard 2013, 2015 _The Quaker City: The Monks of Monk Hall: A Romance of Philadelphia Life, Mystery, and Crime_ (630 pages; 2KB)
James Litherland 2013 _Millennium Crash_ (WatchBearers #1; 320 pages; 2.2MB)
James Litherland 2014 _Centenary Separation_ (WatchBearers #2; 320 pages; 2.4MB)
Robert Littell 8888 _The Company: A Novel of the CIA_ ()
Cixin Liu & Ken Liu 2014 _The 3-Body Problem_ (Remembrance #1; 390 paes; 3.9MB)
Louis Zibai Liu & Zihan Liu 2010 _The Story of the Nestorian Christians in the Tang Dynasty China: The Love between Han Xiangzi, 1 of the 8 Immortals, and the White Peony_ (400 pages)
Morgan Llewelyn 2007 _Grania: She-King of the Irish Seas_ (415 pages; 1.1MB)
Morgan Llewelyn 2012 _Pirate Queen_ (155 pages; 581KB)
Morgan Llewelyn 1982 _The Horse Goddess_ (417 pages)
Morgan Llewelyn 2010 _Finn Mac Cool_ (400 pages; 1.2MB; NE, BLPerry)
Morgan Llewelyn 2010 _Brendan_ (350 pages; 727KB)
Morgan Llewelyn 1998 _1916_ ( )
Morgan Llewelyn 2001 _1921_ ( )
Morgan Llewelyn 2008 _1999_ ( )
Robert J. Lloyd 2021 _The Bloodless Boy_ (Robert Hooke, Harry Hunt; 1678; 400 pages; F Llo; Main+NE)
Thomas Locke 2014, 2015 _Emissary_ (Realm #1; 394 pages; Revell/Baker; F Loc; Woodville)
Thomas Locke 2016 _Merchant of Alyss_ (Realm #2; 354 pages; Revell/Baker; F Loc; Woodville)
Thomas Locke 2018 _The Golden Vial_ (Realm #3; 354 pages; Revell/Baker; F Loc; Woodville)
Lynda Cohen Loigman 2022 _The MatchMaker's Gift_ (306 pages; ISBN 9781250278098; OCLC ; St.Martin's; libraries; F Loi; Main+East+NE)
John A. Lomax & Alan Lomax 1934 _American Ballads and Folk Songs_ ()
Jack London & Barry Moser 1994 _The Call of the Wild_ (J F Lon; Main+NE)
Jack London 1980 _Iron Heel_ ()
Helen Dortch Longstreet & Clark T. Thornton c. 1935, 2015 _Travail of the New Slavery_ (30 pages; 501KB)
Richard Lord & Robert Coleman 2016 _Encompassing_ (Encompassing #1; 340 pages; 1.4MB)
Richard Lord 2016 _Encompassing Reality_ (Encompassing #2; 250 pages; 1.6MB)
Jess Lourey 2016 _Salem's Cipher_ (Salem's Cipher #1; 462 pages; F Lou; Main+Jax)
Jess Lourey 2016 _Mercy's Chase_ (Salem's Cipher #2; 374 pages; F Lou; Main+Jax)
Jeffrey Lowder 2019 _The Last Orphan_ (325 pages; 787KB; Mountain Meadows Massacre aftermath)
Elizabeth Lowell 2005 _Always Time to Die_ (St.Kilda Consulting #1; pages; F Low; Main+East)
Robert Ludlum 88888 _The Janson Directive_ ()
Alan Lupack 1990, 1991 _3 Middle English Charlemagne Romances: The Sultan of Babylon, the Siege of Milan, and the Tale of Ralph the Collier_ (200 pages)
Norma Jean Lutz, Colleen L. Reece & Susan Martins Miller 2011 _American Dream: The New World, Colonial Times, and Hints of Revolution 1620-1765_ (SistersInTime #1 for girls 8-12; 550 pages; 1.2MB)
Norma Jean Lutz, Veda Boyd Jones, JoAnn A. Grote & Susan Martins Miller 2011 _American Challenge: Revolution, A New Nation, and Westward Expansion 1770-1819_ (SistersInTime #2 for girls 8-12; 555 pages; 1.2MB)
Norma Jean Lutz & Veda Boyd Jones 2012 _American Struggle: "Social" Change, Native Americans, and Civil War 1832-1862_ (SistersInTime #3 for girls 8-12; 550 pages; 1.3MB)
Norma Jean Lutz, Callie Smith Grant, Susan Martins Miller & JoAnn A. Grote 2012 _American ReBirth: Civil War, National Recovery, and Prosperity 1865-1893_ (SistersInTime #4 for girls 8-12; 555 pages; 4.1MB)
Chris Lynch 2015 _The Liberators_ (WW2; J F Lyn)
V.A. MacAlister 2001 _The Mosquito War_ ()
Tony Scott Macauley 2011 _A Dream before Dying: The Initiation_ (220 pages; 633KB)
sir George MacDonald c.1860, 2009 _The Complete Fairy Tales_ (200 pages; 2.4MB)
sir George MacDonald, Leighton Isaac & David Jack c.1860, 2016 _Robert Falconer_ (420 pages; 29.6MB; illustrated)
sir George MacDonald c.1860, 2013 _The Princess and the Goblin_ (134 pages; 1.4MB)
sir George MacDonald c.1860, 2015 _The Light Princess_ (38 pages; 1.5MB)
sir George MacDonald c.1860, 2017 _The Princess and Curdie_ (425 pages; 1MB-2.7MB)
sir George MacDonald c.1860, 1980 _The Wise Woman and Other Stories_ (195 pages; 2.2MB)
sir George MacDonald c.1860, 2017 _The Diary of an Old Soul_ (125 pages; 1.1MB)
sir George MacDonald c.1860, 2017 _The Curate's Awakening, The Lady's Confession, & The Baron's Apprenticeship_ (trilogy; 1,180 pages; 4.5MB)
sir George MacDonald c.1860, 2017 _The Parish Trilogy: Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, The SeaBoard Parish, & The Vicar's Daughter_ (trilogy; 1,020 pages; 3.9MB)
sir George MacDonald, Arthur Hughes & Zach Fink c.1860, 2011 _Phantasies_ (220 pages; 16MB; illustrated)
sir George MacDonald c.1860, 2012 _The History of Gutta-Percha Willie_ (120 pages; 476KB)
sir George MacDonald c.1860, 2015 _Malcolm & the Marquis's Secret: Complete Marquise of Lossie Collection_ (120 pages; 3.2MB)
sir George MacDonald & Sheila Stewart 2011 _At the Back of the North Wind_ (235 pages; 1MB; modernized language)
John D. MacDonald 1975 _The Deep Blue Good-By_ (Travis McGee #1; 200 pages; Lippincott; F Mac)
John D. MacDonald 1983, 1995 _Nightmare in Pink_ (Travis McGee #2; 291 pages; Fawcett; PB F Mac)
Helen MacInnes
John J. Macionis 2005, 2007 _Society: The Basics_ ()
David Mack 2018 _The MidNight Front: A Dark Arts Novel_ (#1; 455 pages; 9.3MB)
David Mack 2019 _The Iron Codex: A Dark Arts Novel_ (#2; )
Mary Mackey 2009 _The Widow's War_ (365 pages; 770KB)
Ken MacLeod 2013 _Intrusion_ (410 pages)
Ken MacLeod 2014 _Descent_ (nnn pages)
Ken MacLeod 2016 _The Corporation Wars: Dissidence_ (CW#1; 400 pages; 1.7MB)
Ken MacLeod 2016 _The Corporation Wars: Insurgence_ (CW#2; 380 pages; 1.8MB)
Ken MacLeod 2017 _The Corporation Wars: Emergence_ (CW#3; nnn pages; nnnMB)
Ken MacLeod 2001 _The Star Fraction_ (FallRevolution #1; 320 pages; hard)
Ken MacLeod 2000 _The Stone Canal_ (FallRevolution #2; 304 pages; hard)
Ken MacLeod 1999 _The Cassini Division_ (FallRevolution #3; 240 pages; hard)
Seumas MacManus 8888 _Donegal Fairy Tales_ ()
Robert David MacNeil 2011 _Iona Portal_ (Synaxis Chronicles #1; 296 pages; 1.09MB)
Robert David MacNeil _Iona StrongHold_ (Synaxis Chronicles #2)
Brad Magnarella 2017 _Blue Curse_ (Blue Wolf #1; 250 pages; 5.1MB)
Adrian Magson 2017 _The Bid_ (BLPerry)
Muhsin Mahdi & Husain Haddawy 2008 _The Arabian Nights_ (559 pages; 1.9MB)
Kanan Makiya 2010 _The Rock: A Tale of 7th-Century Jerusalem_ (350 pages; 1.6MB)
David Mamet 2018 _Chicago_ (1920s; 332 pages; 1.8MB; Main+E)
Giovanni Marana before 1787 _Turkish Spy_ ()
John J. Marcatante & Robert J. Potter 1971 _American FolkLore and Legends_ ()
Steve Margolis 2017 _Future Fortune_ (TimeLink #1; 270 pages; 608KB)
Wayne Marinovich 2014 _Celt: The Journey of Kyle Gibbs_ (Kyle Gibbs #1; 410 pages; 5.9MB)
Wayne Marinovich 2014 _Phoenix_ (Kyle Gibbs #2; 315 pages; 4.3MB)
Wayne Marinovich 2017 _Kharon_ (Kyle Gibbs #3; 280 pages; 3.6MB)
Peter Markoe 1787 _The Algerine Spy in Pennsylvania_ ()
Herb Marlow 2017 _Winchester Doctor_ (WinchesterBattles #1; 180 pages; 3MB)
Samuel Marquis 2016 _BodyGuard of Deception_ (WW2 #1; 330 pages; 1MB)
Samuel Marquis 2017 _Altar of Resistance_ (WW2 #2; 360 pages; 1.4MB)
Alice Marriott & Carol K Rachlin 1968 _American Indian Mythology_ ()
Jacqueline Briggs Martin 1998 _SnowFlake Bentley_ ()
Allison Maruska 2015 _The 4th Descendant_ (304 pages; 4.3MB)
Robert Masello 2016 _The Jekyll Revelation_ (490 pages; 3.4MB hard)
Robert Masello 9999 _Blood and Ice_ ()
Mary Lou Masey 1968 _Stories of the Steppes: Kazakh Folk-Tales_ (135 pages)
Wendy Mass 2009 _11 BirthDays_ (267 pages; WillowFalls #1; junior)
Wendy Mass 2010 _Finally_ (267 pages; WillowFalls #2; junior)
Wendy Mass 2011 _13 Gifts_ (341 pages; WillowFalls #3; youth)
Wendy Mass 2013 _The Last Present_ (246 pages; WillowFalls #4)
Wendy Mass 2015 _Graceful_ (246 pages; WillowFalls #5)
Matthew Mather 2015 _Nomad_ (New Earth #1; 340 pages; 985KB)
Matthew Mather 2016 _Sanctuary_ (New Earth #2; 280 pages; 871KB)
Matthew Mather 2016 _Resistance_ (New Earth #3; 275 pages; 635KB)
Matthew Mather & Lucas Bale 2017 _Destiny_ (New Earth #4; 400 pages; 616KB)
Matthew Mather 2013 _CyberStorm_ (355 pages; 1.1MB)
Jason Matthews 2015 _Palace of Treason_ (843 pages; large)
Linsay Mattick, Josh Greenhut & Sopie Blackall 2018-09-18 _Winnie's Great War_ (245 pages; 37MB; ISBN 0316447129/ 9780316447126; Little Brown)
Robin Maxwell 2012 _Jane: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan_ (F Max; Main)
Alan Le May/Alan Lemay, Jesse Lasky i, Gary Cooper, Madeleine Carroll, Paulette Goddard 1940 _North West Mounted Police_ (126 minutes; movie)
Bob Mayer 2012 _NightStalkers_ (Area 51 the NightStalkers #1; 315 pages; 2.2MB)
Bob Mayer 2013 _The Book of Truth_ (Area 51 the NightStalkers #2; 270 pages; 2.2MB)
Bob Mayer 2014 _The Rift_ (Area 51 the NightStalkers #3; 270 pages; 4.2MB)
Bob Mayer 2015 _Time Patrol_ (Area 51 the NightStalkers #4/Time Patrol #1; 145 pages; 2.6MB)
Bob Mayer 2016 _October 29: Black Tuesday_ (Time Patrol #2; 315 pages; 3.4MB)
Bob Mayer 2016 _March 15: Ides of March_ (Time Patrol #3; 200 pages; 1.6MB)
Bob Mayer 2016 _June 6: D Day_ (Time Patrol #4; 230 pages; 1.5MB)
Bob Mayer 2016 _July 4: Independence Day_ (Time Patrol #5; 145 pages; 1.9MB)
Bob Mayer 2016 _July 4: Fifth Floor_ (Time Patrol #6; 95 pages; 1.1MB)
Bob Mayer 2016 _September 11: Nine Eleven_ (Time Patrol #7; 145 pages; 1.9MB)
Bob Mayer 2016 _February 14: Valentines Day_ (Time Patrol #8; 140 pages; 1.5MB)
Bob Mayer 2017 _October 31: Hallows Eve_ (Time Patrol #9; 180 pages; 1.6MB)
Gilliam McAllister 2022 _Wrong Place, Wrong Time_ (time travel; 472 pages; ISBN 9780063316508; Harper; LT F McA; Jax+NE)
Rob McCarthy 2018 _mmmm mmm of mmm_ (Harry Kent #3; 373 pages; F McC; Main+Jax)
Terence McCauley 2018 _Where the Bullets Fly_ (400 pages; LT F McC; Woodville)
Robert McCloskey 1941 _Make Way for Ducklings_ ()
Jon McConnell & Dayna McConnell 2021-09-21 _The Time Trials_ (330 pages; ISBN 9781946501691; Tiny Fox)
Jon McConnell & Dayna McConnell 2021-07-12 _The 5th TimeKeeper_ (436 pages; ISBN 9781946501441; Tiny Fox)
K.D. McCrite 8888 _In Front of God and Everybody: Confessions of April Grace_ ()
Johnston McCulley 1919 _The Curse of Capistrano_ (Zorro #1)
Johnston McCulley 1924 _The Mark of Zorro_ (Zorro #2)
Johnston McCulley 1926 _The Avenging Twins_ (Avenging Twins #1)
Johnston McCulley/Harrington Strong _The Brand of Silence_ ()
Paul McCusker 2009 _Out of Time_ (Time Thriller #2; junior)
Paul McCusker 2009 _Memory's Gate_ (Time Thriller #3; junior)
Jack McDevitt 2010 _Chindi_ (Academy/Priscilla Hutchins #3; 530 pages; 1.4MB)
Jack McDevitt 2003 _Omega_ (Academy/Priscilla Hutchins #4; 438 pages; 1.4MB)
Jack McDevitt 2007 _MMMMM_ (Academy/Priscilla Hutchins #5; 371 pages; 1.4MB)
Jack McDevitt 2007 _Cauldron_ (Academy/Priscilla Hutchins #6; 373 pages; 1.4MB)
Jack McDevitt 2014 _StarHawk_ (Academy/Priscilla Hutchins #7; 389 pages; 1.4MB)
Jack McDevitt 2014 _The Long SunSet_ (Academy/Priscilla Hutchins #8; 451 pages; 1.4MB)
Patricia Aakhus McDowell 1991-01-01 _The Voyage of Mael Duin_ (224 pages; ISBN 9780863273094; OCLC ; Merlin)
<Fantastic Julie McElwain: Kendra Donovan series suggested order
Julie McElwain 2020-08-04, 2021-12-14 _Shadows in Time_ (Kendra Donovan #5; 372-384 pages; ISBN 9781643138602/ 9781643134741; OCLC 1178733377; publisher Pegasus; NW Regional/Panama City, Alachua/HogTown, Bradford/Starke, Jax, Nassau/Fernandina Beach, West Florida/Pensacola, St.Johns/St.Augustine, Tarpon Spring, East Lake/Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Oldsmar, Volusia/Daytona Beach, Seminole/Casselberry, Winter Park, Orange/Orlando, Manatee/Bradenton, Sarasota, Brevard/Cocoa, Sanibel, Huntsville, Collier/Naples, Martin/Stuart, Boynton Beach, RatsMouth, Nova SEU/Ft.Lauderdale, Miami-Dade College, FIU/Miami, Miami-Dade, Louisville, Campbell/Cold Spring, CHPL/Cincinnati, Lane/Hamilton, Greene/Xenia, SW Ohio/Grove City; F McE; Mars)
Julie McElwain 2023-02-21 _Ripples in Time_ (Kendra Donovan #6; 386-394 pages; ISBN 979-8987381014; OCLC 1371989103; publisher Seshat?; Alachua/HogTown, Pasco/Hudson, St.Johns/St.Augustine, Volusia/Daytona Beach, Orange/Orlando, Sarasota, Palm Beach/WPB, MIami-Dade, FIU, CHPL/Cincinnati, Greene/Xenia, Indianapolis, Columbus, Urbana; F McE; Mars)
K.D. McEntire 8888 _LightBringer_ ()
Ian McEwan 2012 _Sweet Tooth_ (LT F McE; Main)
Freida McFadden 2023 _Ward D_ (332 pages; F McF; Main+Woodville+FtBraden)
Eloise Jarvis McGraw 1996 _The MoorChild_ (241 pages; J F McG; Jax)
Seanan McGuire 2017, 2018 _Beneath the Sugar Sky_ (Wayward #3; 174 pages; Tor/Tom Doherty; F McG; Main)
Seanan McGuire 2018, 2019 _In an Absent Dream_ (Wayward #4; 204 pages; Tor/Tom Doherty; F McG; Main)
Seanan McGuire 2020 _Come Tumbling Down_ (Wayward #5; 206 pages; Tor/Tom Doherty; F McG; Main)
Seanan McGuire 2009 _Rosemary and Rue_ (October Daye #1; on order; Main+Jax)
Seanan McGuire 2010 _A Local Habitation_ (October Daye #2)
Seanan McGuire 2011 _An Artificial Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2011, 2012 _Late Eclipses_ (October Daye #4; PB F McG; Main)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2011, 2013 _One Salt Sea_ (October Daye #5; PB F McG; Main)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2012 _Ashes of Honor_ (October Daye #6; PB F McG; East)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2013 _Chimes at midnight_ (October Daye #7)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2014 _The Winter Long_ (October Daye #8; PB F McG; Main)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2015 _A Red Rose Chain_ (October Daye #9; PB F McG; East)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2016 _Once Broken Faith_ (October Daye #10; PB F McG; East)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2017 _The Brightest Fell_ (October Daye #11; PB F McG; Main)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2018 _Night and Silence_ (October Daye #12; PB F McG; Main)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2019 _The UnKindest Tide_ (October Daye #13; PB F McG; Main)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2020 _A Killing Frost_ (October Daye #14; PB F McG; Main)
Night_ (October Daye #3)
Seanan McGuire 2021 _When Sorrows Come_ (October Daye #15; PB F McG; Main+Woodville)
Seanan McGuire & Gini Koch 2015 _Temporally Out of Order_ () ????
Drew McGunn 2017 _Forget the Alamo!_ (Lone Star Reloaded #1; 220 pages; 4.7MB)
Drew McGunn 2017 _Comanche Moon_ (Lone Star Reloaded #2; 340 pages; 4.3MB)
Mark McKay 2015 _A Terminal Agenda_ (Severance #1)
Mark McKay 2016 _A Trade to Die For_ (Severance #2)
Mark McKay 2016 _Revenge Season_ (Severance #3)
Kirsten McKenzie 2019-09-13 _15 PostCards_ (Old Curiosity Shop #1; 390 pages)
Kirsten McKenzie 2019-09-13 _The Last Letter_ (Old Curiosity Shop #2; 454 pages)
Kirsten McKenzie 2019-09-13 _Telegram Home_ (Old Curiosity Shop #3; 360 pages)
Jenn McKinlay 2020 _One for the Books_ (Library Lover's Mystery #11; 311 pages; F McK; Jax)
J.R. McLeay 2014 _The Cicada Prophecy: A Medical Thriller_ (390 pages; 1MB)
Rachel McMillan 2022 _The Mozart Code_ (WW2; Cold War; spy mystery; 354 pages; F McM: East+Jax)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper 1920 _BullDog Drummond_ (BullDog Drummond #1; 320 pages)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper 1922 _The Black Gang_ (BullDog Drummond #2; 318 pages)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper 1924 _The Third Round_ (BullDog Drummond #3; 320 pages)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper 1926 _The Final Count_ (BullDog Drummond #4; 319 pages)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper 1928 _The Female of the Species_ (BullDog Drummond #5; 312 pages)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper 1929 _Temple Tower_ (BullDog Drummond #6; 320 pages)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper 1932 _The Return of BullDog Drummond_ (BullDog Drummond #7; 316 pages)
Herman C. McNeile/ Sapper McNeile & Ronald Coleman & Loretta Young 1933/1934 Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back"/"Knock-Out" (BullDog Drummond #8; 317 pages)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper 1935 _BullDog Drummond at Bay_ (BullDog Drummond #9; 310 pages)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper 1937 _Challenge_ (BullDog Drummond #10; 311 pages)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper & Garnett Weston 1937 "BullDog Drummond's Revenge" (movie serial episode; VHS video-cassette)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper & Garnett Weston 1938 "BullDog Drummond's Peril" (movie serial episode; VHS video-cassette)
Herman C. McNeile/Sapper McNeile & Garnett Weston & John Howard & Heather Angel & Anthony Quinn 1938 "BullDog Drummond in Africa" (movie serial episode c. 60 minutes; hmm, says here there were 25 in the series)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper & Garnett Weston 1939 "Arrest BullDog Drummond" (movie serial episode)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper & Garnett Weston 1939 "BullDog Drummond's Secret Police" (movie serial episode; VHS video-cassette)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper & Garnett Weston 1939 "BullDog Drummond's Bride" (movie serial episode; VHS video-cassette)
Karen McQuestion 2021-03-03 _The MoonLight Child_ (326 pages; NightSky)
John McWilliams 2015 _LandFall_ (250 pages; 3.5MB)
Chris Mead & Derek Smith 2014 _Swallow the Sky: A Space Opera_ (315 pages; 2MB)
Amy Patricia Meade 2012 _Don't Die Under the Apple Tree_ (Rosie Riveter #1; 248 pages; PB F Mea; Main+E+NE)
Brad Meltzer 2009 _Die Bank_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2009 _El Libro del Destino_/_Book of Destiny_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2009 _El Libro del Fato_/_Book of Fate_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2009 _Das Spiel_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2010 _Ricatto Incrociato_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2010 _L'Arma di Caino_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2010 _Der Code_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2011 _Dead Even_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2011 _Der Fall_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2011 _Die Machtigen_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2011 _Dead Even_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2011 _Absolute Identity Crisis_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2011 _The Inner Circle_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2012 _L'Archivo Prohibito_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2012 _Identity Crisis_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2012 _The Zero Game_/_Arischio Zero_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2012 _The Millionaires_/_I Millionari_ ()
Brad Meltzer 2013 _5th Assassin_ ()
Jerry Merritt 2016 _A Gift of Time_ (385 pages; 822KB)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.8: Kate Messner & Kelley McMorris 2015 _Rescue on the Oregon Trail_ (Ranger #1)
Kate Messner 2015 _Danger in Ancient Rome_ (time travel; Ranger #2; 129 pages; Scholastic; J F Mes; NE)
Kate Messner 2015 _Long Road to Freedom_ (time travel; Ranger #3; 131 pages; Scholastic; J F Mes; Main)
Kate Messner 2016 _Race to the South Pole_ (time travel; Ranger #4; 138 pages; Scholastic; J F Mes; Main)
Kate Messner 2017 _Journey Through Ash and Smoke_ (time travel; Ranger #5; 124 pages; Scholastic; J F Mes; Main)
Kate Messner 2017 _Escape from the Great EarthQuake_ (time travel; Ranger #6; 160 pages; Scholastic; J F Mes; Main)
Eric Meyer 2016 _Echo Six: Black Ops--ISIL/ISIS/IS/Daesh/caliphate Killing Fields_ (250 pages; 1.1MB)
Theresa Meyers 2011, 2013 _The Hunter_ (legend #1; 350 pages; 1.5MB; western; paper)
Theresa Meyers 2012 _The Slayer_ (legend #2; 350 pages; 1.4MB; paper)
Theresa Meyers 2013 _The Chosen_ (legend #3; 390 pages; 1.4MB; paper)
Theresa Meyers 2012 _The Inventor_ (73 pages; 425KB; paper)
Emma Mickley 2014 _The Lord Son's Travels_ (470 pages; 1.5MB)
China Mieville 2016 _This Census-Taker_ (220 pages; 4.8MB)
Miguel de Cervantes 8888 _Life in Algiers_ ()
Miguel de Cervantes 8888 _Dungeons of Algiers_ ()
"Adam Mill" 2018 _ReCrudescence_ (370 pages; 844KB; Cassandra living backwards in time)
Edward Miller & J.B. Manas 2012-06-20 _The Kronos Interference_ (358 pages; ISBN 9780615651620; Pop Culture Zoo)
Linda Lael Miller 1995 _Pirates_ (time travel?; 293 pages; Pocket; F Mil; Jax)
Randall H. Miller 2015 _Wrong Town_ (Mark Landry; 345 pages; 1.1MB)
Randall H. Miller 2017 _Family Matters_ (Mark Landry; 190 pages; 793KB)
Kyle Mills 2021 _Enemy at the Gates_ (Vince Flynn; Mitch Rapp #20; 340 pages; hard; NE)
Kyle Mills 2022 _Oath of Loyalty_ (Vince Flynn; Mitch Rapp #21; 999 pages; ISBN 9781982164911; on order 2022-09-27; Main+East+NE+Jax)
Kyle Mills 2023 _Code Red_ (Vince Flynn; Mitch Rapp #??; 999 pages; ISBN ; on order 2023-10-02; Main)
John Milton 8888 _Paradise Lost_ ()
John Milton 8888 _mmm_ ()
Nissan Mindel 1986 _The StoryTeller: Selected Short Stories_ ()
Frank Miniter 2017 _Kill Big Brother_ (185 pages; 2.6MB)
David Mitchell 2015 _The Bone Clocks_ (825 pages; LT F Mit; Main)
David Stephen Mitchell 2004 _Cloud Atlas_ (509 pages; F Mit; Main+East+NE+Woodville)
Fantastic Fiction: Margaret Mizushima: Timber Creek
Margaret Mizushima 2020 _Hanging Falls_ (#6; 282 pages; NE+Woodville)
Margaret Mizushima 2024-10-08 _Gathering Mist_ (#9; 256 pages; ISBN 978-1639108947; Mars)
Doug Molitor 2016 _Memoirs of a Time Traveler_ (#1; 260 pages; 2.2MB)
R. Hope Moncrieff 1994 _Classical Mythology: Myths and Legends_ (530 pages)
Frances T. Montgomery _Billy Whiskers_ ()
Catherine Monroe 2006 _The BareFoot Girl: A Novel of St. Margaret, Patroness of the Abused_ (260 pages)
John Moody 2021-09-11 _Of Course They Knew, Of Course They..._ (300-312 pages; ISBN 9781883283971/ 9781883283926; OCLC 1273931890; Brick Tower; F Moo)
John Moody 2022-09-10 _The World We Wish_ (304 pages; ISBN 978188328742; OCLC 999; Brick Tower; F Moo)
Michael Moorcock 1953 _The Nomad of Time_ (3in1; hard)
Clement C. Moore 19?? _The Night Before Christmas_ ()
Graham Moore 2016 _The Last Days of Night_ (543 pages; LT F Moo; NE)
Richard K. Morgan 2004 _Broken Angels_ (Takeshi Kovacs #2; 540 pages; 1.3MB; F Mor; NE; no longer shelved; fakebook only; garrrrumph)
Richard K. Morgan 2005 _Woken Furies_ (Takeshi Kovacs #3; 540 pages; 1.4MB; F Mor; NE; no longer shelved)
Richard K. Morgan 2005 _Market Forces_ (460 pages; 1.8MB; F Mor; NE; no longer shelved)
Alan Morris 1998 _Heart of Valor_ (GuardiansOfTheNorth #2; 443 pages; large)
Alan Morris 1998 _Bright Sword of Justice_ (GuardiansOfTheNorth #3; 375 pages; large)
Keith Lee Morris 2016 _Travelers Rest_ (time travel?; 358 pages; F Mor)
Lynn Morris 2011 _The Stars for a Light_ (Cheney Duvall, M.D. #1; time travel?; 313 pages; F Mor; Jax+NE+East)
Lynn Morris 2011 _Shadow of the Mountains_ (Cheney Duvall, M.D. #2; time travel?; 338 pages; F Mor; FtBraden)
Lynn Morris 2012 _Toward the Sunrising_ (Cheney Duvall, M.D. #3; time travel?; 9999 pages; F Mor; NE)
Boyd Morrison & Beth Morrison 2025 _The White Fortress_ (Lawless #3; 480 pages; ISBN 9781035902095; St.Martin's; on order 2025-01-28)
Steven W. Mosher & Chuck de Vore 2013 _Red China Attacks_ (330 pages; 830KB)
Walter Mosley 1999 _Walking the Dog_ (Socrates Fortlow #2; 208 pages; Main+NE+E+Jax+BLPerry)
Walter Mosley 1990 _Devil in a Blue Dress_ (Easy Rawlins #1; 208 pages; E+Woodville+BLPerry)
Jess Mountfield 2012 _Sherdan's Prophecy_ (Sherdan #1; 270 pages; 3.4MB)
Jess Mountfield 2013 _Sherdan's Legacy_ (Sherdan #2; 260 pages; 3.3MB)
Jess Mountfield 2014 _Sherdan's Country_ (Sherdan #3; 230 pages; 2.6MB)
D.J. Munro 2015 _Slave to Fortune_ (355 pages; 3.3MB)
C.M. Murphy 2017 _The Secret Truth of Time_ (245 pages; 849KB)
Alex Myers 2013 _Time Change_ (TimeTravel/TimeChange #1; 330 pages; 778KB)
Alex Myers 2013 _The Way Back_ (TimeTravel/TimeChange #2; 280 pages; 3.1MB)
Alex Myers 2013 _Friends_ (TimeTravel/TimeChange #3; 590 pages; 594KB)
Alex Myers 2014 _Revolutionary_ (320 pages; 2.9MB)
Carla Neggers 2018 _Impostor's Lure_ (Sharpe & Donovan #8; 332 pages; F Neg; Main+East+Jax)
Carla Neggers 2019 _Rival's Break_ (Sharpe & Donovan #9; 314 pages; F Neg; Main+East+Jax)
K.J. Nelson 202-10-26 _Relive_ (Journeyer #1; 320 pages; 12.7MB)
Annalee Newitz 2019 _The Future of Another Time_ (359 pages; F New; Main)
Lisa A. Nichols 2019 _Vessel_ (294 pages; F Nic)
Jennifer A. Nielsen 2019 _Words on Fire_ (320 pages; 12.7MB)
Nathan Nipper 2024-05-08 _American Inheritance_ (311-318 pages; ISBN 9798888455678; OCLC 1439050817; Post Hill; libraries; F Nip; Mars)
Noel Laura Nisbet & Robert Nisbet 2011 _Cossack Fairy Tales and Folk Tales_ (135 pages; 251KB)
Fantastic Fiction: Jeff Noon
Jeff Noon 2017 _A Man of Shadows_ (time travel?; John Nyquist #1; 350 pages; Angry Robot; F Noo; Jax)
Jeff Noon 2018 _The Body Library_ (time travel?; John Nyquist #2; 000 pages; Angry Robot)
Jeff Noon 2020 _Creeping Jenny_ (time travel?; John Nyquist #3; 000 pages; Angry Robot)
Jeff Noon 2021 _Within Without_ (time travel?; John Nyquist #4; 000 pages; Angry Robot)
Oliver North 2018 _The RifleMan_ (War for Independence; 310 pages)
Andre Norton 8888 _The Second Venture_ ()
Andre Norton 2000 _Time Traders_ (RossMurdockTimeTrader #1; 370 pages; hard)
Andre Norton 2000 _Time Traders ii_ (RossMurdockTimeTrader; Defiant Agents+Key Out of Time; 370 pages; hard)
Andre Norton 1963 _Key Out of Time_ (RossMurdockTimeTrader #4; 99999 pages; hard; youth)
Andre Norton & Sherwood Smith 1999 _Echoes in Time_ (RossMurdockTimeTrader #6; 99999 pages; hard; youth)
Andre Norton & Sherwood Smith 2002 _Atlantis EndGame_ (RossMurdockTimeTrader #7; 253 pages; hard)
Andre Norton 1995, 2014 _Mirror of Destiny_ (5 Senses #1; 394 pages; 2.9MB; paper; Main)
Andre Norton 1999, 2014 _Wind in the Stone_ (5 Senses #2; 280 pages; 1.8MB; hard; Main+NE)
Andre Norton 1999, 2014 _The Scent of Magic_ (5 Senses #3; 380 pages; 2.9MB; paper; Main+NE)
Rod Norville 2009 _A Man Beyond Time_ (220 pages; 473KB)
(37) Chigozie Obioma 2024-06-04 _The Road to the Country_ (1967-1970 Nigeria civil war; historical fiction; 358-384 pages; ISBN 9780593596975; OCLC 1397051615; Hogarth; Alachua/HogTown, Winter Park, Sarasota, Lee/Lehigh Acres, Huntsville-Madison, Nashville, Evansville VanDerBergh, Columbus Metro; on order 2024-06-05: F Obi; Mars)
Quinn O'Connell ii & James J. Patterson 2014 _Roughnecks_ (470 pages; 11.4MB)
Mike Ogden 2013 _The Goddess of Freedom_ (273 pages)
Malka Older 2016 _Infomocracy_ (CentenalCycle #1; 380 pages; Tor; F Old; Main)
Malka Older 2023 _The Mimicking of Known Successes_ (CentenalCycle #2; 169 pages; Tom Doherty/Tor; F Old; Main+NE)
Malka Older 2024 _The Imposition of UnNecessary Obstacles_/_The Imposition of UnNecessary Objects_ (208 pages; Tor; on order 2024-02-25; F Old; Main+NE)
Stewart O'Nan 2016 _City of Secrets_ (230 pages; large)
Kathleen M. O'Neal 8888 _An Abyss of Light_ ()
ambassador Michael Oren 2004-04-27 _ReUnion_ (368 pages; ISBN 9780452285149; Plume/Penguin/RandomHouse)
ambassador Michael Oren 2020-09-01 _The Night Archer & Other Stories_ (336 pages; ISBN 9781642935783; Wicked Son)
ambassador Michael Oren 2021-05-11 _To All Who Call in Truth_ (304 pages; ISBN 9781642935806; Wicked Son)
ambassador Michael Oren 2022-10-25 _Swann's War_ (256 pages; ISBN 9781950539604; Dzanc)
David Orlo 2013 _The Cloud Strike Prophecy_ (ReganHart #1; 320 pages; 653KB)
David Orlo 2016 _The Jerusalem Protocol_ (ReganHart #2; 370 pages; 3.8MB)
James Orton 2016 _To Raise a King_ (Broken Crown #1; 460 pages; 5.5MB)
Mary Pope Osborne 2014 _Heroes for All Times_ (#28; youth)
Mary Pope Osborne 2014 _High Time for Heroes_ (#51; youth)
Perri O'Shaughnessy 2007 _Motion to Suppress_ (475 pages; 2MB)
Patricia O'Sullivan 2013-03-30, 2019-04-05 _A Notable Occupation_ (220-295 pages; ISBN 9781092764797; Maplewood)
Erik A. Otto 2018 _Detonation_ (625 pages; 5.4MB)
--Shawn Lawrence Otto 2014 _Sins of Our Fathers_ (352-358 pages; ISBN 9781571311092; OCLC 1059157550; Minneapolis/Milkweed Editions; F Ott)
Ruth Ozeki 2013 _A Tale for the Time Being_ (422 pages; F Oze; East)
Heberto Padilla 1999 _Heroes are Grazing in My Garden_ (240 pages)
Felix J. Palma 2012 _The Map of the Sky_ (MapOfTime #2; 600 pages; 3.6MB)
Cristoper Paolini 2020 _To Sleep iN a Sea of Stars_ (878 pages; F Pao; Main)
Cory Parella 9999 _Justin Time_ ()
Robert B. Parker & Helen Brann 2013 _Silent Night_ (Spenser/Jesse Stone #42; LT F Par; NE)
Robert B. Parker 2008 _Sea Change_ (Stone/Paradise #5; 325 pages; large)
Robert B. Parker 2008 _Stranger in Paradise_ (Stone/Paradise #7; 325 pages; large)
Robert B. Parker 2009, 2010 _Night and Day_ (Stone/Paradise #8; 335 pages; large)
Robert B. Parker 2010 _Split Image_ (Stone/Paradise #9; 315 pages; large)
Robert B. Parker & Michael Brandman 2011 _Killing the Blues_ (Stone/Paradise #10; 295 pages; large)
Robert B. Parker & Michael Brandman 2012 _Fool Me Twice_ (Stone/Paradise #11; 300 pages; large)
Robert B. Parker & Michael Brandman 2013 _Damned If You Do_ (Stone/Paradise #12; large)
Robert B. Parker & Reed Farrel Coleman 2014 _Blind Spot_ (Stone/Paradise #13; 500 pages; large)
Robert B. Parker & Reed Farrel Coleman 2015 _The Devil Wins_ (Stone/Paradise #14; 475 pages; large)
Robert B. Parker & Reed Farrel Coleman 2016 _Debt to Pay_ (Stone/Paradise #15; 338 pages; hard)
Robert B. Parker _3 Weeks in Spring_ ()
Robert B. Parker _Love & Glory_ ()
Robert B. Parker _Nightmares & Dreamscapes_ ()
Robert B. Parker _All Our Yesterdays_ ()
Robert B. Parker 1991 _Perchance to Dream_ (sequel to Raymond Chandler's _The Big Sleep_; large)
Robert B. Parker 2013 _Appaloosa_ (western #1; LT F Par)
Robert B. Parker 2013 _Resolution_ (ColeAndHitch #2; LT F Par)
Robert B. Parker 2013 _Brimstone_ (ColeAndHitch #3; LT F Par)
Robert B. Parker 2013 _Blue-Eyed Devil_ (ColeAndHitch #4)
Robert B. Parker & Robert Knott 2013 _IronHorse_ (ColeAndHitch #5)
Robert B. Parker & Robert Knott 2014 _Bull River_ (ColeAndHitch #6; 340 pages)
Robert B. Parker & Robert Knott 2014 _The Bridge_ (ColeAndHitch #7; large)
Robert B. Parker & Robert Knott 2016 _BlackJack_ (ColeAndHitch #8)
Robert B. Parker & Robert Knott 2017 _Revelation_ (ColeAndHitch #9; 324 pages)
Robert B. Parker & Robert Knott 2018 _Buckskin_ (ColeAndHitch #10)
Dan Parkinson 1998 _Viper's Spawn_ (TimeCop #1; 240 pages)
Dan Parkinson 1998 _The Scavenger_ (TimeCop #2; 245 pages)
Dan Parkinson 1999 _Blood Ties_ (TimeCop #3; 240 pages)
Dan Parkinson 1998 _The Whispers_ (Gates of Time #1; 275 pages; paper)
Dan Parkinson 1999 _Faces of Infinity_ (Gates of Time #2; 285 pages)
Dan Parkinson 1999 _Paradox Gate_ (Gates of Time #3; 255 pages)
Carrie Stuart Parks 2019 _Fragments of Fear_ (328 pages; F Par; Main; Anasazi archaeology, RFID, nano-chips)
Carrie Stuart Parks 2014 _A Cry from the Dust_ (GwenMarcey #1; 368 pages; LT F Par; Jax; Mountain Meadow Massacre)
Carrie Stuart Parks 2015 _The Bones Will Speak_ (GwenMarcey #2; 327 pages; F Par; Jax; Montana)
Carrie Stuart Parks 2015 _When Death Draws Near_ (GwenMarcey #3; 327 pages; F Par; Main; KY)
Sean Parnell 2018-09-11 _Man of War_ (EricSteele #1; 368 pages; F Par;; Morrow)
Sean Parnell 2019 _All Out War_ (EricSteele #2; 486 pages; F Par;; Morrow)
Sean Parnell 2020 _One True Patriot_ (EricSteele #3; 384 pages; F Par;; Morrow)
Ambrose Parry 2018 _The Way of All Flesh_ (407 pages; F Par; Main)
Ambrose Parry 2019 _The Way of All Flesh_ (407 pages; F Par; Main)
Paul D. Parsons 2013 _Baden-Powell's Beads_ (Beads #1; 290 pages; 813KB)
Paul D. Parsons 2013 _Baden-Powell's Beads: London_ (Beads #2; 280 pages; 722KB)
Paul D. Parsons 2013 _Baden-Powell's Beads: Aksum_ (Beads #3; 290 pages; 1.7MB)
Paul D. Parsons 2013 _Baden-Powell's Beads: Jerusalem_ (Beads #4; 300 pages; 1.6MB)
James Patterson & Brian Sitts 2021 _The Shadow_ (378 pages; F Pat)
James Patterson 1992, 2018 _Along Came a Spider_ (Alex Cross #1; 459 pages; F Pat)
James Patterson 1996, 2018 _Kiss the Girls_ (Alex Cross #2; 481 pages; F Pat)
James Patterson 2022 _Triple Cross_ (Alex Cross #???; 999 pages; F Pat)
Orlando Patterson 1982 _Die the Long Day_ (253 pages; hard)
Steve Paul, Daniel Woodrell, Matthew Eck, Catherine Browder, Nancy Pickard, John Lutz, J. Malcolm Garcia et al. 2012 _Kansas City Noir_ (220 pages; 999KB)
Gary Paulsen & Ruth Paulsen 1990 _The Island_ (Wisconsin; 202 pages; YA F Pau; Jax+NE)
Gary Paulsen & Drew Willis 1987, 2009, 2017 _Hatchet_ (Brian #1; 186 pages; 1.7MB; YA F Pau)
Gary Paulsen 1991, 1993, 2001 _The River_ (Brian #2; 132 pages; 14.7MB; YA F Pau)
Gary Paulsen 1996, 2001 _Brian's Winter_ (Brian #3; 133 pages; 12.1MB; YA F Pau)
Gary Paulsen 1999, 2007 _Brian's Return_ (Brian #4; 117 pages; 11MB; youth)
Mervyn Laurence Peake 1946, 1967, 2007-06-26 _Titus Groan_ (Gormenghast #1; 400-543 pages; ISBN 978158567972; OCLC ; Weybright & Talley/Abrams/Overlook)
Mervyn Laurence Peake 1950 _Gormenghast_ (Gormenghast #2; 99999 pages; ISBN 999; OCLC ; Weybright & Talley/Abrams/Overlook)
Mervyn Laurence Peake 1858 _Titus Alone_ (Gormenghast #3; 99999 pages; ISBN 999; OCLC ; Weybright & Talley/Abrams/Overlook)
Mervyn Laurence Peake & Maeve Gilmore 1972, 2011, 2022 _Titus Awakes_ (Gormenghast #4; 288 pages; ISBN 999; OCLC ; Weybright & Talley/Abrams/Overlook/Vintage)
Ridley Pearson 2012 _The Risk Agent_ (Risk Agent #1; LT F Pea; E)
David Pedreira 2018 _GunPowder Moon_ (288; F Ped; Jax)
J.F. Penn 2017 _Map of Shadows_ (MapWalkers #1; 205 pages; 2.2MB)
J.F. Penn 2019 _Map of Plagues_ (MapWalkers #2; 205 pages; 2.2MB)
J. Grace Pennington 8888 _Rumpled_ ()
Stephanie C. Perkins 2019 _Murder Once Removed_ (#1; 318 pages; F Per; Woodville+NE)
Stephanie C. Perkins 2020 _Lineage Most Lethal_ (#2; 340 pages; F Per; NE)
Charles Perrault 1729, 2014 _Histories of Past Times_ (320 pages; 342.7MB)
Charles Perrault & Gustave Dore 1969, 2012, 2015 _Perrault's Fairy Tales_ (82 pages; 13.2MB)
Charles Perrault & Sally Holmes 1993 _The Complete Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault_ (156 pages; 398.21 junior)
Anne Perry 2019 _Death in Focus_ (Elena Standish #1; F Per; Main+East+Jax+NE+Woodville)
Anne Perry 2020 _A Question of Betrayal_ (Elena Standish #2; 284 pages; 1930s; MI6; Mussolini; F Per; East+Woodville)
Anne Perry 2021 _A Darker Reality_ (Elena Standish #3; 307 pages; 1930s; MI6; DC; F Per; Main+East+NE+Jax)
Anne Perry 2022 _A Truth to Lie For_ (Elena Standish #4; 1934; England; 269 pages; F Per; Jax+East)
Anne Perry 2023 _The Traitor Among Us_ (Elena Standish #5; 1933-1945; MI6; 291 pages; F Per; Main+East+NE)
Joshua Perry 2024-07-23 _Seraphim_ (mystery; 272 pages; ISBN 9781685891138; Melville House/ Penguin/ RandomHouse; )
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2014 _A Morbid Taste for Bones_ (Cadfael #1; 200 pages; 5.4MB; F Pet)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2014 _One Corpse Too Many_ (Cadfael #2; 220 pages; 5.6MB)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2014 _Monk's Hood_ (Cadfael #3; 280 pages; 5.5MB)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2014 _Saint Peter's Fair_ (Cadfael #4; 270 pages; 5.8MB)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2014 _The Leper of Saint Giles_ (Cadfael #5; 220 pages; 5.4MB)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2014 _The Virgin in the ICE_ (Cadfael #6; 270 pages; 5.4MB; large)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2014 _The Sanctuary Sparrow_ (Cadfael #7; 280 pages; 5.7MB)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1983, 1997 _The Devil's Novice_ (Cadfael #8; mm pages; Main+Jax)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1994, 1997 _Dead Man's Ransom_ (Cadfael #9; mm pages; Main+Jax)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1986, 1988 _The Raven in the ForeGate_ (Cadfael #12; mm pages; Jax)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1986, 1988 _The Rose Rent_ (Cadfael #13; mm pages; Main)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2014 _The Hermit of Eyton Forest_ (Cadfael #14; mm pages; Large; Jax)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1988, 1989 _The Confession of Brother Haluin_ (Cadfael #15; mm pages; Main+NE)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1990 _The Heretic's Apprentice_ (Cadfael #16; mm pages; Main+Jax)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1990 _The Potter's Field_ (Cadfael #17; mm pages; Main+Jax)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1991 _The Summer of the Danes_ (Cadfael #18; mm pages)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2014 _The Holy Thief_ (Cadfael #19; mm pages)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1994, 1995 _Brother Cadfael's Penance_ (Cadfael #20; mm pages; large; Main)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1975, 2001 _The Crocodile on the SandBank_ (AmeliaPeabody #1; 262 pages; F Pet; Main)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1990 _The Curse of the Pharaohs_ (AmeliaPeabody #2; mm pages; on order; CD)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1991 _The Mummy Case_ (AmeliaPeabody #3; mm pages; on order; CD)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1992 _The Lion in the Valley_ (AmeliaPeabody #4; mm pages; on order; CD)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0: Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1988, 1993 _The Deeds of the Disturber_ (AmeliaPeabody #5; 498 pages; Atheneum/G.K. Hall)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1991 _The Last Camel Died at Noon_ (AmeliaPeabody #6; mm pages; on order; CD)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1996 _The Hippopotamus Pool_ (AmeliaPeabody #8; mm pages; on order; CD)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1997 _Seeing a Large Cat_ (AmeliaPeabody #9; mm pages; on order; CD)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1998 _The Ape Who Guards the Balance_ (AmeliaPeabody #10; mm pages; on order; CD)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 1999 _The Falcon at the Portal_ (AmeliaPeabody #11; mm pages; on order; CD)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2000 _He Shall Thunder in the Sky_ (AmeliaPeabody #12; mm pages; on order; CD)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2001 _The Lord of the Silent_ (AmeliaPeabody #13; mm pages; on order; CD)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2001, 2002 _The Golden One_ (AmeliaPeabody #14; mm pages; LT F Pet; BLPerry)
Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters/Edith Mary Pargeter/Barbara Mertz 2017 _The Painted Queen_ (AmeliaPeabody #20; mm pages; inacquisition)
Ursula Pflug 2013 _The Alphabet Stones_ (220 pages; 817KB)
Helen Phillips 2022 _The Beautiful Bureaucrat_ (999 pages; F Phi; Main)
Michael R. Phillips 1997 _A Rift in Time_ (Rift #1; 604 pages; F Phi; Main)
M.C. Planck 2012, 2013 _The Kassa Gambit_ (#?; 288 pages)
M.C. Planck 2014 _Sword of the Bright Lady_ (#1?; 429 pages)
M.C. Planck 2015 _Gold Throne in Shadow_ (#2?; 315 pages)
M.C. Planck 2016 _Judgment at Verdant Court_ (#3?; 315 pages)
Frederik Pohl & Cyril M. Kornbluth 1984 _Venus Inc_ (includes _Space Merchants_ & _Merchant's War_, 340 pages)
Frederik Pohl & Cyril M. Kornbluth 1958, 1960, 2011 _The Space Merchants_ (250 pages)
Frederik Pohl & Cyril M. Kornbluth 2016 _Search the Sky_ (150 pages; 479KB)
Frederik Pohl & Cyril M. Kornbluth 1956 _The Presidential Year_ (250 pages)
Frederik Pohl & Cyril M. Kornbluth 1966, 2016 _Gladiator-at-Law_ (190 pages; 2.3MB)
Frederik Pohl, Cyril M. Kornbluth & Robert A.W. Lowndes/Paul Dennis Lavond 2016 _Einstein's Planetoid_ (45 pages; 1.3MB)
Barry Pollack 2012 _Seeking Sinai_ (320 pages; 815KB)
Alexander Pope
Brian L. Porter 2014 _The Nemesis Cell_ (220 pages; 3.1MB)
Lina J. Potter & Elizabeth Adams 2018 _First Lessons: A Strong Woman in the Middle Ages_ (Medieval Tale #1; 285 pages; 2.7MB)
Lina J. Potter & Elizabeth Adams 2018 _The Clearing: A Strong Woman in the Middle Ages_ (Medieval Tale #2; 370 pages; 1.3MB)
Lina J. Potter & Elizabeth Adams 2018 _Palace Intrigue: A Strong Woman in the Middle Ages_ (Medieval Tale #3; 415 pages; 1.6MB)
David Poyer 1988 _The Med_ (DanLenson #1; 519 pages; F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 1988 _The Med_ (DanLenson #4; 519 pages; F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 1998 _Tomahawk_ (DanLenson #5; 371 pages; F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2000, 2001 _China Sea_ (DanLenson #6; 415 pages; PB F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2002 _Black Storm_ (DanLenson #7; 292 pages; F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2005 _The Command_ (DanLenson #8; 305 pages; PB F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2006 _The Threat_ (DanLenson #9; 305 pages; F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2007 _Korea Strait_ (DanLenson #10; 323 pages; F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2008 _The Weapon_ (DanLenson #11; 357 pages; F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2009 _The Crisis_ (DanLenson #12; 357 pages; F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2011 _The Towers_ (DanLenson #13; 2001-09-11; 357 pages; F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2014 _The Cruiser_ (DanLenson #14; 310 pages; LT F Poy; NE)
David Poyer 2015 _Tipping Point: The War with Red China--the First Salvo_ (DanLenson #15; 314 pages; F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2016 _Onslaught: The War with Red China--the Opening Battle_ (DanLenson #16; 314 pages; LT F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2017 _Hunter Killer: The War with Red China--the Battle for te Cetral Pacific_ (DanLenson #17; 314 pages; LT F Poy; Main)
David Poyer 2018 _Deep War: The War with Red China--the Nuclear Precipice_ (DanLenson #18; 298 pages; LT F Poy; Main)
Tim Pratt 2017 _The Wrong Stars_ (Axiom #1; 395 pages; 1.1MB)
Tim Pratt 2018 _The Dreaming Stars_ (Axiom #2; 380 pages; 1MB)
Burt Prelutsky 2017 _Angels on Tap_ (100 pages)
Burt Prelutsky 2017 _The Dreaming Stars_ (100 pages)
James D. Prescott 2017 _The Genesis Conspiracy_ (265 pages; 1.5MB)
Steven Pressfield 2006 _The Virtues of War_ (Alexander; 348 pages; hard)
Steven Pressfield 2006 _The Afghan Campaign_ (Alexander; 354 pages; 746KB; hard)
Steven Pressfield 1998, 2007 _Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae_ (385 pages; 2.2MB; hard)
Steven Pressfield 2007 _The Tides of War: A Novel of Alcibiades and the Peloponnesian War_ (610 pages; 4.2MB; hard)
Steven Pressfield 2008 _Killing Rommel_ (320 pages; 9.3MB; LT F Pre)
Steven Pressfield 2011 _The Profession_ (320 pages; hard)
Douglas J. Preston 9999 _mmm mmm_ (365 pages; Forge/Tom Doherty/St.Martin's; Main)
Fantastic Fiction: Douglas J. Preston
Fantastic Fiction: Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child
Fantastic Fiction: Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child: Gideon Crew
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2011 _Gideon's Sword_ (Gideon Crew #1; 474 pages; large)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2012 _Gideon's Corpse_ (Gideon Crew #2; 498 pages; large)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2014 _The Lost Island_ (Gideon Crew #3; 497 pages; large; Main+FtBraden)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2016 _Beyond the Ice Limit_ (Gideon Crew #4; 518 pages; large; Main)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2018 _The Pharaoh Key_ (Gideon Crew #5; 300 pages; Main+E+Jax+BLPerry)
Fantastic Fiction: Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child: Agent Prendergast/Pendergast
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 1995, 1998 _The Relic_ (Prendergast #1; 456 pages; PB F Pre; OutReach)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 1997 _Reliquary_ (Prendergast #2; 382 pages; F Pre; Main)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2002 _The Cabinet of Curiosities_ (Pendergast #3; audio fakebook)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2003, 2004 _Still Life with Crows_ (Prendergast #4; 575 pages; PB F Pre; Jax+NE)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2005 _Brimstone_ (Prendergast #5; 740 pages; PB F Pre; Woodville)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2005 _Dance of Death_ (Prendergast #6; 706 pages; LT F Pre; OutReach)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2006 _The Book of the Dead_ (Prendergast #7; 852 pages; LT F Pre; OutReach)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2007 _The Wheel of Darkness_ (Prendergast #8; 388 pages; F Pre; East+NE)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2008 _Cemetery Dance_ (Prendergast #9; 661 pages; LT F Pre; ?????)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2010 _Fever Dream_ (Prendergast #10; 661 pages; LT F Pre; Main)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2011 _Cold Vengeance_ (Prendergast #11; 356 pages; F Pre; Main+BLPerry+FtBraden+Jax+NE+Woodville)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2012 _Two Graves_ (Prendergast #12; 723 pages; LT F Pre; NE)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2013 _White Fire_ (Prendergast #13; 403 pages; LT F Pre; NE)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2014 _Blue Labyrinth_ (Prendergast #14; 403 pages; F Pre; BLPerry+Main+FtBraden+Jax+NE)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2015 _Crimson Shore_ (Prendergast #15; 454 pages; LT F Pre; BLPerry)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2021 _Bloodless_ (Prendergast #20; 574 pages; LT F Pre; Main+FtBraden)
Douglas J. Preston & Lincoln Child 2023 _Dead Mountain_ (mmm #mmm; 368 pages; Main+NE+Jax+East)
Richard Preston 1997 _The Cobra Event_ (404 pages; Main+Jax+NE)
Charlie Price 2010 _Interrogation of Gabriel James_ (190 pages; 320KB)
David P. Prouty 2017-05-14 _Home of the Brave_ (384 pages; ISBN 9780998940007)
Newbell Niles Puckett 1926 _Folk Beliefs of the Southern Negro_ ()
Natasha Pulley 2021 _The Kingdoms_ (436 pages; F Pul)
Philip Pullman 2001 _The Golden Compass: His Dark Materials_ (370 pages; 6.6MB; YA F Pul; Jax)
Philip Pullman 1997, 2007 _The Subtle Knife: His Dark Materials_ (YA F Pul; large; FtBraden)
Philip Pullman 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007 _The Amber SpyGlass: His Dark Materials_ (480 pages; 6.2MB; YA F Pul; large; FtBraden))
Jonathan F. Putnam 2016 _These Honored Dead_ (Lincoln&Speed #1; 297 pages; Main+Jax)
Jonathan F. Putnam 2017 _Peris from te Eart_ (Lincoln&Speed #2; 325 pages; F Put; Jax)
Jonathan F. Putnam 2018 _Final Resting Place_ (Lincoln&Speed #3; 282 pages; F Put; Jax)
Jonathan F. Putnam 2019 _A House Divided_ (Lincoln&Speed #4; 314 pages; F Put; Jax)
Emily Ann Putzke 8888 _Sweet Remembrance_ ()
Howard Pyle 1967 _Otto of the Silver Hand_ (J F Pyl; Main)
Howard Pyle 1997 _BearSkin_ (junior fiction; Main)
Howard Pyle 1996 _The Story of King Arthur and His Knights_ (J 398.2 Pyl; FtBraden)
Thomas Pynchon 8888 _Gravity's Rainbow_ ()
Ellery Queen 1933 _The American Gun Mystery_ (large; Main)
Ellery Queen 1956 _QBI: Queen's Bureau of Investigation_ (Main)
Spencer Quinn 2020 _Of Mutts and Men_ (Chet & Bernie; 299 pages; on order 2020-08-05; F Qui; Main+Jax+NE)
Matthew Quirk 2023 _Inside Threat_ (Erik Hill; 416 pages; on order 2023-06-09; F Qui; Main+East+BLPerry)
Paul Radin 1956, 1969 _The Trickster: A Study in American Indian Mythology_ ()
Andrea Rand & Tim Jessell 2015-10-20 _The Chronicles of Kibblestan: Revolution_ (330 pages; ISBN 9780996749107; Colimar)
Robert Rapoza 2016-04-08 _The Vilcabamba Prophecy_ (NickRandall archaeologist #1; 230 pages; 2MB; ISBN 9780692646335; Ravenswood)
Jean Raspail 1973, 2014 _The Camp of the Saints_ (320 pages; 883KB)
Vaddey Ratner 2017 _Music of the Ghosts_ (567 pages; LT F Rat; Main)
Sarah Rayne 2011 _Property of a Lady_ (spooky; NellWest & Michael Flint #1; 252 pages; Severn; F Ray)
Sarah Rayne 2012 _The Sin Eater_ (spooky; NellWest & Michael Flint #2; 268 pages; Severn; F Ray)
Christopher Reich 2018 _The Take_ (Simon Riske #1; 637 pages; LT F Rei; Main+NE+Jax)
Christopher Reich 2013 _The Prince of Risk_ (369 pages; F Rei; Main+NE+Jax)
Kathy Reichs 2017 _2 Nights_ (324 pages; ISBN 9780345544070; Bantam; F Rei; Main+NE+Jax+BLPerry+East+FtBraden+Woodville)
Kathy Reichs 2021 _The Bone Code_ (354 pages; ISBN 9781982139964; Scribner; F Rei; Main+East+FtBraden+NE)
Kathy Reichs 2022 _Cold Cold Bones_ (340 pages; ISBN 9781982190026; Scribner; F Rei; BLPerry+East+FtBraden)
Kathy Reichs 2023 _The Bone Hacker_ (340 pages; ISBN ; Thorndike; on order 2023-07-29; Main?)
Kathy Reichs & Brendan Reichs 2010 _Virals_ (Virals #1; YA F Rei)
Kathy Reichs & Brendan Reichs 2011 _Seizure_ (Virals #2; YA F Rei)
Kathy Reichs & Brendan Reichs 2013 _Code_ (Virals #3; YA F Rei)
Kathy Reichs & Brendan Reichs 2014 _Exposure_ (Virals #4; YA F Rei)
Kathy Reichs & Brendan Reichs 2015 _Terminal_ (Virals #5; YA F Rei)
Julie Reilly 2011 _Time Watchers: The Greatest of These_ (410 pages; 955KB)
Fantastic Fiction: Tiffany Reisz
Tiffany Reisz 2017 _The Night Mark_ (time travel; photography; 390 pages; ISBN 9780778328551; MIRA; F Rei; East)
Lexi Revellian 2016 _The Trouble with Time: Time Rats_ (TimeRats #1; 280 pages; 5.2MB)
Erich Marie Remarque & Arthur Wesley Wheen 1958, 1982 _All Quiet on the Western Front_ (295 pages; YA F Rem; Main)
Arturo Perez Reverte 2002 _Queen of the South_ (436 pages)
Henry Reymond 1967 _Deadlier than the Male_ (BullDog Drummond #18; 192 pages)
Henry Reymond 1969 _Some Girls Do_ (BullDog Drummond #19; 192 pages)
Fantastic Fiction: Alastair Reynolds
Fantastic Fiction: Alastair Reynolds: Poseidon's Children
Alastair Reynolds 2012 _Blue Remembered Earth_ (Poseidon's Children #1; 500 pages; 1.6MB)
Alastair Reynolds 2019 _Permafrost_ (time travel; 175 pages; ISBN 9781250303561; Tom Doherty; F Rey; Main)
Douglas E. Richards 2010 _Prometheus Project: Trapped_ (177 pages; junior)
Douglas E. Richards 2010 _Prometheus Project: Captured_ (227 pages; junior)
Douglas E. Richards 2010 _Prometheus Project: Stranded_ (307 pages; junior)
Douglas E. Richards 2010 _The Devil's Sword_ ()
Douglas E. Richards 2012 _Out of This World_ ()
Douglas E. Richards 2012 _Wired_ (wired #1; 350 pages; 2MB)
Douglas E. Richards 2013 _Amped_ (wired #2; 380 pages; 1.4MB; mp3)
Douglas E. Richards 2013 _The Cure_ (310 pages; 1MB; mp3)
Douglas E. Richards 2014 _Quantum Lens_ (350 pages; 2MB)
Douglas E. Richards 2015 _Brain Web_ (350 pages; 2.9MB)
Douglas E. Richards 2015-08-31 _Split Second_ (364 pages; ISBN 9781517153151; self-published)
Douglas E. Richards 2016 _Game Changer_ (485 pages; 2.5MB)
Jean Francois Richet, John Carpenter, James de Monaco, Ethan Hawke Laurence Fishburne, Maria Bello 2005 _Assault on Precinct 13_ (109 minutes; DVD-Video Feature Films Ass; NE+Woodville)
Fantastic Fiction: A.G. Riddle
A.G. Riddle 2013 _The Atlantis Gene_ (OriginMystery #1; 440 pages; 1.8MB)
A.G. Riddle 2013 _The Atlantis Plague_ (OriginMystery #2; 420 pages; 1.6MB)
A.G. Riddle 2014 _The Atlantis World_ (OriginMystery #3; 350 pages; 1.2MB)
A.G. Riddle 2022 _Lost in Time_ (time travel; sequel to Departure; pages; ISBN 9781804541760/ 9781804541777; Head of Zeus; on order 2023-01-26 F Rid; Main+FtBraden)
Ransom Riggs 2014 _Hollow City_ (Peregrines Peculiar Children #2; 399 pages; ISBN 9781594746123; YA F Rig; FtBraden+Jax+NE+Woodville)
Parker Rimes 2014 _The Backward Time Traveler_ (300 pages; 2.2MB)
Paul Rimmasch 2011 _The Lost Stones_ ()
J.D. Rinehart 2015 _Crown of 3_ (1st volume of series; 407 pages; junior)
John Ringo 2001 _A Hymn Before Battle_ (LegacyOfTheAldenata #1; 467 pages; hard)
John Ringo 2001 _Gust Front_ (LegacyOfTheAldenata #2; 720 pages; 2.2MB; ???)
John Ringo 2003 _Hell's Faire_ (LegacyOfTheAldenata #4; 312 pages; hard)
John Ringo & Michael Z. Williamson 2004 _The Hero_ (LegacyOfTheAldenata #5; 312 pages; hard)
John Ringo & Julie Cochrane 2004, 2006 _Cally's War_ (LegacyOfTheAldenata #6; 490 pages; PB F Rin; Main)
(LegacyOfTheAldenata #7; have read)
John Ringo & Tom Kratman 2005 _Yellow Eyes_ (LegacyOfTheAldenata #8; 608 pages; F Rin; Main)
John Ringo 2007 _Sister Time_ (LegacyOfTheAldenata #9; 343 pages; F Rin; NE)
John Ringo 2009 _Honor of the Clan_ (LegacyOfTheAldenata #10; 351 pages; F Rin; NE)
John Ringo 2009 _Eye of the Storm_ (LegacyOfTheAldenata #11; 351 pages; F Rin; Main)
John Ringo & Tom Kratman 2009 _The Tuloriad_ (LegacyOfTheAldenata #12; 380 pages; hard)
John Ringo 2013 _Under a GraveYard Sky_ (BTR #1; 367 pages; 2MB; F Rin; Main+E+NE+Woodville)
John Ringo 2014 _To Sail a Darkling Sea_ (BTR #2; 374 pages; 2.3MB; F Rin; Main+E+NE+Woodville)
John Ringo 2014 _Islands of Rage & Hope_ (BTR #3; 405 pages; 2.3MB; F Rin; Main+E+NE+Woodville)
John Ringo 2015 _Strands of Sorrow_ (BTR #4; 343 pages; 2.6MB; F Rin; Main+E+NE+Woodville)
John Ringo & Gary Poole 2016 _Black Tide Rising_ (BTR #5; 287 pages; 1.7MB; SC Bla; Main+E+NE)
Chris Roberson 2016 _FireWalk_ (Recondito #1; Main)
Chris Roberson 2018 _FireWalkers_ (Recondito #2; Main)
M.C. Roberts & R.F. Maclay 2021-02-15 _The Stone of Destiny_ (Tom Wagner #0 prequel; 145 pages; self-published)
M.C. Roberts & R.F. Maclay 2020-11-15 _The Sacred Weapon_ (Tom Wagner #1; 408 pages; self-published)
M.C. Roberts & R.F. Maclay 2020-12-16 _The Library of the Kings_ (Tom Wagner #2; 356 pages; self-published)
M.C. Roberts & R.F. Maclay 2021-05-23 _The InVisible City_ (Tom Wagner #3; 304 pages; self-published)
M.C. Roberts & R.F. Maclay 2021 _The Golden Path_ (Tom Wagner #4; 9999 pages; self-published)
M.C. Roberts & R.F. Maclay 2021 _The Chronicle of the Round Table_ (Tom Wagner #5; 9999 pages; self-published)
M.C. Roberts & R.F. Maclay 2021 _The Chalice of Eternity_ (Tom Wagner #6; 9999 pages; self-published)
Kenneth Lewis Roberts 1947, 1996 _Rabble in Arms_ (586 pages; USA Revolution; F Rob; Main)
James Oliver Robertson 1980 _American Myth, American Reality_ ()
Fantastic Fiction: Alex Robinson
Alex Robinson 2008 _Too Cool To Be Forgotten_ (time travel; 125 pages; Graphic Novel F Rob; Main)
Jeremy Robinson 2005, 2015 _The Didymus Contingency_ (290 pages; 1.9MB)
Jeremy Robinson & Sean Ellis 2014 _Prime_ (JackStigler #0; 275 pages; 992KB; hard)
Jeremy Robinson & J. Kent Holloway 2010 _Instinct_ (JackStigler #2; 350 pages; 953KB; hard)
Jeremy Robinson 2013 _Ragnarok_ (JackStigler #4; 297 pages; hard)
Jeremy Robinson 2013 _Omega_ (JackStigler #5; 297 pages; hard)
Jeremy Robinson & Sean Ellis 2014 _Savage_ (JackStigler #6; 350 pages; 1.6MB; hard)
Jeremy Robinson & Sean Ellis 2015 _Cannibal_ (JackStigler #7; 350 pages; 1.6MB; hard)
Jeremy Robinson & Sean Ellis 2016 _Empire_ (JackStigler #8; 350 pages; 1.6MB; hard)
Jeremy Robinson 2009 _Pulse_ (JackStigler other#1; 325 pages; 974KB; hard)
Jeremy Robinson & J. Kent Holloway 2017 _Centurion_ (JackStigler #3; 160 pages; m)
Jeremy Robinson 2017 _Threshold_ (JackStigler other#3; 340 pages; 1MB; m)
Jeremy Robinson & Sean Ellis 2015 _Cannibal_ (JackStigler #7; 160 pages; hard)
Jeremy Robinson & Sean Ellis 2016 _Empire_ (JackStigler #8; 360 pages; 1.6MB; hard)
Kim Stanley Robinson 8888 _The Wild Shore_ ()
Kim Stanley Robinson 2018 _Red Mon_ ()
Kim Stanley Robinson 2009 _Galileo's Dream_ (532 pages; F Rob; Main)
Max Robinson 2017 _Quantum Mechanics: A Trilogy of Time Travel_ (50 pages; 1MB)
Steve Robinson 2014 _In the Blood_ (Jefferson Tayte #1; 394 pages; 5.138MB)
Steve Robinson 2014 _To the Grave_ (Jefferson Tayte #2; 328 pages; 5.216MB)
Steve Robinson 2014 _The Last Queen of England_ (Jefferson Tayte #3ish; 324 pages; 4.56)
Steve Robinson 2014 _The Lost Empress_ (Jefferson Tayte #4; 337 pages; 2.754MB)
Russell Brent Rock 2016 _Caged Lightning_ (hard)
David Gray Rodgers 2013 _The Songs of Slaves: A Novel of the Fall of Rome_ (600 pages; 1.7MB)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2022 _The Starless Crown_ (554 pages; on order 2022-03-04 F Rol)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2002 _Amazonia_ (420 pages; Perry)
James Rollins & Grant Blackwood 2014 _The Kill Switch_ (Tucker Wayne #2???)
<Fantastic James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski: Sigma Force series suggested order
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski & Grant Blackwood 2004 _SandStorm_ (Sigma Force #1; hard + CD)
★James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski & Grant Blackwood 2008 _The Last Oracle_ (Sigma Force #5)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski & Grant Blackwood 2009 _DoomsDay Key_ (Sigma Force #6; 655 pages)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski & Grant Blackwood 2011 _Skeleton Key_ (Sigma Force #6.5; 655 pages)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski & Grant Blackwood 2011 _The Devil Colony_ (Sigma Force #7; hard + CD)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski & Grant Blackwood 2012 _Tracker_ (Sigma Force #7.5; hard + CD)
James Rollins & Grant Blackwood 2012 _BloodLine_ (Sigma Force #8)
James Rollins & Grant Blackwood 2013 _Eye of God_ (Sigma Force #9; 410 pages)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2014? _The 6th Extinction_ (Sigma Force #10)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2015 _The MidNight Watch (Sigma Force #10.5)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2015 _The Bone Labyrinth_ (Sigma Force #11)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2016 _The 7th Plague_/_The Seventh Plague_ (Sigma Force #12)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2016 _Ghost Ship_ (Sigma Force #12.5)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2017 _Demon Crown_ (Sigma Force #13)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2014? _Crucible_ (Sigma Force #14)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2020 _The Last Odyssey_ (Sigma Force #15)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2022 _Kingdom of Bones_ (Sigma Force #16)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2023 _Tides of Fire_ (Sigma Force #17)
James Rollins/ Jim Czajkowski 2024 _Arkangel_ (Sigma Force #18>; 672 pages; ISBN 9780062893185; OCLC ; libraries; on order 2024-07-09; LT F Rol; Woodville+NE)
J. Thomas Rompel 2016 _The 4th Branch_ (citizen warrior #1; 395 pages; 8.9MB)
J. Thomas Rompel 2019 _One Down_ (citizen warrior #2; 350 pages; 5.4MB)
Kermit Roosevelt 2006 _In the Shadow of the Law_ (385 pages; 573KB)
Kermit Roosevelt 2015 _Allegiance_ (400 pages; 5.3MB)
Mark J. Rose 2016 _Matt Miller in the Colonies: book 1 Journeyman_ (373 pages; Skydenn Looking Glass)
Mark J. Rose 2017-01-04 _Matt Miller in the Colonies: book 2 Prophet_ (340 pages; Skydenn Looking Glass)
Mark J. Rose 2019-06-02 _Matt Miller in the Colonies: book 3 Virginian_ (422 pages; Skydenn Looking Glass)
Mark J. Rose 2023-02-28 _Matt Miller in the Colonies: book 3 Architect_ (403 pages; Skydenn Looking Glass)
Joel C. Rosenberg & Christopher Lane 2010 _The 12th Imam_ (12th #1)
Joel C. Rosenberg & Christopher Lane 2012 _The Tehran Initiative_ (12th #2)
Joel C. Rosenberg & Christopher Lane 2014 _Damascus CountDown_ (12th #3)
Joel C. Rosenberg 2011 _The Fire Duke_ (Keepers of the Hidden Ways #1; 368 pages)
Joel C. Rosenberg _The Silver Stone_ (Keepers of the Hidden Ways #2; 245 pages)
Joel C. Rosenberg _The Crimson Sky_ (Keepers of the Hidden Ways #3; 341 pages)
Joel C. Rosenberg 2015 _The Third Target_ ()
Joel C. Rosenberg 2014 _The Auschwitz Escape_ (480 pages)
Joel C. Rosenberg _The Last Jihad_ ()
Joel C. Rosenberg _The Last Days_ ()
Joel C. Rosenberg _The Ezekiel Option_ ()
Joel C. Rosenberg 1938, 2009 _Dead Heat_ ()
rabbi Zvi Rosenfeld 2012 _The Ring of Fate_ (285 pages; 633KB)
David Rosenfelt 2022 _Citizen K-9_ (KTeam #1; police; detectives; 263 pages; 633KB)
Adrienne Ross & John Morgan 2017 _Aunt Alma: Raisin' a Little Heaven on Earth_ (15.6MB)
Adrienne Ross & John Morgan 2017 _Aunt Alma UnLeashed: Old, Bold, and Out of Control_ (110 pages)
(3) Veronica Roth 2024 _When Among Crows_ (Baba Jaga/Yaga; 176 pages; on order 2024-04-04; F Rot; Main+East+Woodville)
Veronica Roth 2013, 2014 _Allegiant_ (531 pages; LT YA F Rot)
Veronica Roth 2011, 2014 _Divergent_ (531 pages; LT YA F Rot)
Veronica Roth 2014 _Insurgent_ (555 pages; large YA + CD)
Jeff Rovin 2000 _Divide and Conquer_ (OpCenter #7; paper)
Jeff Rovin 2001 _Line of Control_ (OpCenter #8; PB F Cla; NE)
Jeff Rovin 2002 _Mission of Honor_ (OpCenter #9; Main)
Jeff Rovin 2003 _Sea of Fire_ (OpCenter #10; PB F Cla; Jax)
Jeff Rovin 2004 _Call to Treason_ (OpCenter #11; paper)
Jeff Rovin 2005 _War of Eagles_ (OpCenter #12; paper)
Jeff Rovin & George Galdorisi 2017, 2018 _Dark Zone_ (OpCenter #16; F Rov; East+NE+OutReach)
John Rowland 2016 _Murder in the Museum_ (200 pages; hard)
Suzannah Rowntree 8888 _Death Be Not Proud_ ()
Asa S. Rubin 2010 _Children of the Origin Project_ (429 pages)
Nancy N. Rue 2012 _Too Far to Say Far Enough_ (508 pages; F Rue; East)
Juno Rushdan 2020 _Nothing to Fear_ (400 pages)
Mark E. Russinovich 2012 _Trojan Horse_ (319 pages; hard)
Michael Rutger 2018 _The Anomaly_ (archaeology; SF; 339 pages; F Rut; Main+East)
Gordon Ryan 2010 _State of Rebellion_ (Pug Connor/Rebellion #1; 390 pages; 987KB)
Ned Ryun 2021-06-14 _The Adversaries: A Fictional Story of Boston and Bunker Hill_ (438-455 pages; 4MB)
Rafael Sabatini 1924, 2004 _The Sea-Hawk_ (370 pages; hard)
Sharon Sala 2017 _Race Against Time_ (312 pages)
Erica Sandbothe 2013 _CodeCrafter_ (140 pages; 294KB)
Fantastic Fiction: Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson 2020-07-28, 2023 _Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds_ (Stephen Leeds (trilogy in 1 volume?); 352 pages; F San; on order 2023-01-24 Main+Jax)
Brandon Sanderson &
Steve Argyle 2023 _The Frugal Wizard's HandBook for Surviving in Medieval England_ (time travel; 366 pages; ISBN 9781250899675; Tor/Doherty; F San; Main+East+NE)
Rose Sandy 2014 _The DeCrypter: Secret of the Lost Manuscript_ (CallaCress #1; 460 pages; 3MB)
Robert D. SanSouchi 1993 _Cut from the Same Cloth: American Women of Myth, Legend and the Tall Tale_ ()
Rob Satterwhite & Kim Aiken 2016 _The TimeLiner_ (325 pages; 5.4MB)
Michael Savage 2011 _Abuse of Power_ (Jack Hatfield #1; 357 pages; F Sav; Main)
Michael Savage 2013 _A Time for War_ (Jack Hatfield #2; 312 pages; F Sav; Main)
Dorothy L. Sayers 800, 1957, 2014 _The Song of Roland_ (200 pages; 643KB)
Dorothy L. Sayers 1935 _Gaudy Night_ ()
John Scalzi 2011 _Fuzzy Nation_ (301 pages; Main+NE)
John Scalzi 2023 _Starter Villain_ (264 pages; Main)
John Scalzi 2008 _Zoe's Tale_ (Old Man's War #4; 335 pages; Main young adult)
John Scalzi 2015 _The End of All Things_ (Old Man's War #6; 380 pages; Main+BLPerry+E+Woodville)
Anthony Schaffer 2011 _Operation Dark Heart: Spycraft and Special Ops on the FrontLines of Afghanistan... and the Path to Victory_ (320 pages)
Anthony Schaffer & William H. Keith 2013 _The Last Line_ (384 pages)
Julie Schaper, Steven Horwitz, Steve Thayer, Mary Logue, Pete Hautman Ellen Hart, John Jodzio, Mary Sharratt, Brad Zellar et al. 2013 _Twin Cities Noir_ (315 pages; 4.4MB)
Kevin Schillo 2017 _The Tabernacle of Legion_ (355 pages; 1.8MB)
Jay Schiffman 2018 _Game of the "Gods"_ (335 pages; F Sch; Main+East)
retired lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schlichter, J.D., esq. 2016-09-16 _People's Republic_ (Kelly Turnbull #1; 216 pages; ISBN 9781539018957; self-published; F Sch;)
retired lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schlichter, J.D., esq. 2017-06-02 _Indian Country_ (Kelly Turnbull #2; 452 pages; ISBN 978988402966; self-published; F Sch;)
retired lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schlichter, J.D., esq. 2018-11-30 _WildFire_ (Kelly Turnbull #3; 328 pages; ISBN 9780988402980; self-published; F Sch;)
retired lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schlichter, J.D., esq. 2019-11-24 _Collapse_ (Kelly Turnbull #4; 332 pages; ISBN 9781734199307; self-published; F Sch;)
retired lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schlichter, J.D., esq. 2020-11-20 _Crisis_ (Kelly Turnbull #5; 357 pages; ISBN 9781734199321; self-published; F Sch;)
retired lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schlichter, J.D., esq. 2021-07-19 _The Split_ (Kelly Turnbull #6; 374 pages; ISBN 9781734199338; self-published; F Sch;)
retired lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schlichter, J.D., esq. 2022-10-12 _Inferno_ (Kelly Turnbull #7; 379 pages; ISBN 9781734199376; self-published; F Sch;)
James Schmitz 2016 _Oneness_ (427KB)
Patricia Schonstein 2003 _A Time of Angels_ (prophecies; clairvoyants; 223 pages; F Sch; Main)
Roni Schotter & Giselle Potter 2006 _The Boy Who Loved Words_ ()
J. Neil Schulman & Brad Linaweaver 1999 _Nasty, Brutish, and Short Stories_ (164 pages)
J. Neil Schulman & Brad Linaweaver 1999 _Profile in Silver: and Other ScreenWritings_ (500 pages)
Stephan A. Schwartz 2017-09-17 _Awakening: A Novel of Aliens and Consciousness_ (252 pages; ISBN 978976853626; Greenwood)
Andre Schwarz-Bart & Stephen Becker 1959, 2000 _The Last of the Just_ (374 pages)
Manda Scott 2003 _Dreaming the Eagle_ (Ft.Braden)
Manda Scott 2006 _Boudica: Dreaming the Hound_ (Main)
Richard Scott 2014 _Mission in Time_ (300 pages; 1.1MB)
sir Walter Scott 1808, 2011 _Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field_ (200 pages; 373KB)
sir Walter Scott 1815, 2017 _Guy Mannering_ (225 pages; 1.2MB)
sir Walter Scott 1816, 2014 _The Antiquary_ (535 pages; 2.8MB)
sir Walter Scott 1816 _Tales of My LandLord_ ()
sir Walter Scott 1818, 1975, 2010 _Rob Roy_ (450-730 pages; 1.3MB; hard)
sir Walter Scott 1821, 2016 _Kenilworth_ (450 pages; 2.3MB)
sir Walter Scott 1823, 2016 _Quentin Durward_ (280 pages; 1.9MB)
sir Walter Scott 1824, 2016 _St. Ronan's Well_ (140 pages; 1.4MB)
sir Walter Scott 1825, 2012 _Tales of the Crusaders_ (720 pages; 1.1MB)
sir Walter Scott 1827, 2017 _Chronicles of the Canongate_ (235 pages; 639KB)
sir Walter Scott 1829 _Anne of Geierstein: The Maiden of the Mist_ (540 pages; 1.6MB)
Steven Seagal & Tom Morrissey 2017 _The Way of the Shadow Wolves: The Deep State and the Hijacking of the USA_ (230 pages; 420KB)
Alph Secakuku 1995 _Following the Sun and Moon_ ()
Rebecca Serle 2020 _In Five Years_ (time travel; 255 pages; F Ser)
Tim Severin 2012 _The Book of Dreams_ (Saxon #1; 345 pages; 1.3MB)
Tim Severin 2013, 2016 _The Emperor's Elephant_ (Saxon #2; 360 pages; 1.7MB)
Tim Severin 2015 _The Pope's Assassin_ (Saxon #3; 295 pages; 1.7MB)
Sarah R. Shaber 2011 _Louise's War: A World War 2 Novel of Suspense_ (Louise Pearlie #1; 194 pages; F Sha; Main)
Sarah R. Shaber 2012 _Louise's Gamble_ (Louise Pearlie #2; 181 pages; F Sha; Main)
Sarah R. Shaber 2013 _Louise's Dilemma_ (Louise Pearlie #3; 180 pages; F Sha; Main)
Sarah R. Shaber 2014 _Louise's Blunder_ (Louise Pearlie #4; 182 pages; F Sha; Main)
Sarah R. Shaber 2015 _Louise's Chance_ (Louise Pearlie #5; 180 pages; F Sha; Main)
Sarah R. Shaber 2016 _Louise's Lies_ (Louise Pearlie #6; 180 pages; F Sha; Main)
Robert J. Shade 2012 _Forbes Road: Love, War, and Revenge on the Pennsylvania Frontier_ (Forbes Road #1; 480 pages; 912KB)
Robert J. Shade 2013 _Conestoga Winter: A Story of Border Vengeance_ (Forbes Road #2; 320 pages; 1.8MB)
Robert J. Shade 2015 _The Camp Follower Affair: Mary Fraser in the Ohio Country_ (Forbes Road #3; 180 pages; 2.9MB)
Robert J. Shade 2016 _Lord Dunmore's Folly: Treachery on the Ohio_ (Forbes Road #4; 565 pages; 4.2MB)
Charles Sheffield 1990 _SummerTide_ (Heritage #1; 290 pages; paper)
Charles Sheffield 1991 _Divergence_ (Heritage #2; 290 pages; paper)
Charles Sheffield 1991 _Transcendence_ (Heritage #3; 290 pages; paper)
Charles Sheffield 1999 _Transvergence_ (Heritage #4?; 290 pages; paper)
Charles Sheffield 1997 _Convergence: The Return of the Builders_ (Heritage #5?; 290 pages; paper)
Charles Sheffield 2004 _Resurgence_ (Heritage #6?; 290 pages; paper)
Charles Sheffield 1992 _The Heritage Universe: Summertide, Divergence, Transcendence_ (Heritage #999?; 720 pages; hard)
Charles Sheffield 1997 _Kingdoms of the Wall_ (hard)
Charles Sheffield 1992 _Trips in Time_ (collections)
Charles Sheffield 1967 _The Time-Hoppers_ (hard)
Mike Shepherd 2004 _Kris Longknife: Mutineer_ (Kris Longknife #1 of 14; 400 pages; 753KB)
Mike Shepherd 2004 _Kris Longknife: Deserter_ (Kris Longknife #2 of 14; 350 pages; 723KB)
Josepha Sherman 1997 _Trickster Tales_ ()
(15) Frances Sherwood 2002 _The Book of Splendor_ (1500-1612; Yahudah Loew ben Bezalel, HRE Rudolf ii, Tycho Brahe; 348 pages; ISBN 0393021386; OCLC ; Norton; libraries; F She; East)
Martin L. Shoemaker 2019 _The Last Dance_ (Near-Earth Mysteries #2; 455 pages; 4.2MB)
Martin L. Shoemaker 2020 _The Last Campaign_ (Near-Earth Mysteries #2; )
Daniel Silva 2000 _The Kill Artist_ (GabrielAlton #1; hard; Jax)
Daniel Silva 2002 _The English Assassin_ (GabrielAlton #2; large; outreach)
Daniel Silva 2003 _The Confessor_ (GabrielAlton #3; large)
Daniel Silva 2003 _A Death in Vienna_ (GabrielAlton #4; large)
Daniel Silva 2005 _Prince of Fire_ (GabrielAlton #5; hard)
Daniel Silva 2006 _The Messenger_ (GabrielAlton #6; large)
Daniel Silva 2007 _The Secret Servant_ (GabrielAlton #7; large)
Daniel Silva 2008 _Moscow Rules_ (GabrielAlton #8; large)
Daniel Silva 2009 _The Defector_ (GabrielAlton #9; large)
Daniel Silva 2010 _The Rembrandt Affair_ (GabrielAlton #10; large)
Daniel Silva 2011 _Portrait of a Spy_ (GabrielAlton #11; hard)
Daniel Silva 2012 _The Fallen Angel_ (GabrielAlton #12; large; NE)
Daniel Silva 2013 _The English Girl_ (GabrielAlton #13; large)
Daniel Silva 2014 _The Heist_ (GabrielAlton #14; large)
Daniel Silva 2015 _The English Spy_ (GabrielAlton #15; large; Jax)
Daniel Silva 2016 _The Black Widow_ (GabrielAlton #16; large)
Shayne Silver 2017 _UnChained_ (Feathers & Fire #1; 300 pages; 2.3MB)
Shayne Silver 2017 _Rage_ (Feathers & Fire #2; 330 pages; 2.3MB)
Robert Silverberg 1996 _Starborne_ (hard)
Robert Silverberg 2000, 2004 _Sailing to Byzantium_ (hard)
Robert Silverberg 2018 _Time and Time Again_ (time travel; 463 pages; story collection; Main)
Jaymie Simmon 2012 _The God Gene_ (400 pages; 1.2MB)
Paulina Simons/Paullina Simons 2019 _The Tiger Catcher_ (End of Forever #1; time travel; 443 pages; F Sim)
Paulina Simons/Paullina Simons 2019 _A Beggar's Kingdom_ (End of Forever #2; time travel; 638 pages; F Sim)
Paulina Simons/Paullina Simons 2019 _InExpressible Island_ (End of Forever #3; time travel; 438 pages; F Sim)
Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch 2014, 2018 _The War Below_ (256 pages; J F Skr; NE)
Evelyn Skye 2016 _The Crown's Game_ (390 pages; Junior)
Jack Slater 2021-12-15 _Dark State_ (Jason Trapp #1; 999 pages; mmm)
Alexander McCall Smith & Iain McIntosh 2021 _Your Inner Hedgehog_ (Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld #?; 216 pages; on order 2021-04-09; Main )
C.L. Smith 2018-04-29 _Balaam's Curse_ (Stones of Gilgal #1; 325 pages; Mountain View)
C.L. Smith 2019-12-16, 2016-10-31 _A River to Cross_ (Stones of Gilgal #2; 316 pages; Mountain View)
C.L. Smith 2019-08-01, 2019-09-16 _Trouble in the Ruins_ (Stones of Gilgal #3; 312 pages; ISBN 9781683148609; Mountain View)
Ian K. Smith 2018 _The Ancient 9_ (416 pages; Main+BLPerry+FtBraden)
Ginger Smith 2020-11-10 _The Rush's Edge_ (316-328 pages; ISBN 9780857668646; OCLC 1133128482; Angry Robot; Fiction)
L. Neil Smith 2001 _The American Zone_ (350 pages; 753KB)
Mick Smith 2009 _Fools and Visionaries: Barbarians Inside the Gates_ (240 pages; 652KB)
Philip Smith 8888 _Japanese Fairy Tales_ ()
Stan C. Smith 2021-07-24 _Genesis Sequence_ (220 pages; ISBN 979...; self-published)
Wilbur A. Smith 1966, 2007 _Sound of Thunder_ (480 pages; paper + cassette)
Jack Smithers 1983 _Combined Forces_ (BullDog Drummond #20)
Tobias Smollett 8888 _The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker_ (one of George Washington's favorites)
John Sneeden 2014 _The Signal_ (Delphi Group #1; 521 pages; 2.8MB)
John Sneeden 2015 _The Portal_ (Delphi Group #2; 343 paes; 848KB)
Charles Percy Snow 1934, 2008 _The Search_ (310 pages)
Dan Sofer 2015 _A Love and Beyond: A Mystery and Adventure Novel in Jerusalem_ (330 pages; 1.3MB)
Zvi Speiser 2017 _2036: The Proof_ (415 pages; 655KB)
Dana Stabenow 1998 _Fire & Ice_ (Liam Campbell #1; 304 pages; 1.1MB; F Sta; NE)
Dana Stabenow 1992 _A Cold Day for Murder_ (Kate Shugak #1; 173 pages; 1.4MB; PB F Sta; Main)
M.L. Stainer 2014 _The Lyon's Roar_ (Lyon #1; 155 pages; 2.6MB)
Richard Dean Starr, Guy Williams ii, Sandra Curtis, Jeff Mariotte, Robin Wayne Bailey, Robert Greenberter, Peter David, Greg Cox, Nancy Holder, Tim Lasiuta, C.J. Henderson, Elizabeth Massie, Jan Adkins, Mike Bullock, Matthew Baugh, Jean Schanberer, Andy Mangels, Michael A. Martin, A.C. Crispin, Kathleen O'Malley, Loren D. Estleman, Edward Gorman, Robert Morrish, Terence Butler, Max Allen Collins & Isabel Allende 2008 _Tales of Zorro_ (285 pages)
Richard Dean Starr, Carole Nelson Douglas, Alan Dean Foster et al. 2009, 2011 _More Tales of Zorro_ (235 pages)
Ilan Stavans 1998 _The Oxford Book of Jewish Stories_ (493 pages; SC Oxf)
John Steakley 1984 _Armor_ (425 pages; 1.3MB)
R.E. Stearns 2017 _Barbary Station_ (ShieldRunner Pirates #1; 435 pages; Saga/Simon&Schuster; F Ste; Main)
R.E. Stearns 2018 _Mutiny at Vesta_ (ShieldRunner Pirates #2; 464 pages; Saga/Simon&Schuster; F Ste; Main)
Den Stephens 2017 _How to Get Rich through Time Travel_ (GRTT #1; 535 pages; self-published)
Den Stephens 2018 _Arkin Must Die_ (GRTT #2; 464 pages; self-published)
Den Stephens 2020 _How to Screw Up History_ (GRTT #3; 425 pages; self-published)
Jeffrey S. Stephens 2022-08-30 _The Handler_ (415 pages; ISBN 9781637585825; Post Hill)
Neal Stephenson 2001 _The Big U_ (308 pages; F Ste; Main)
Neal Stephenson 2003 _QuickSilver_ (Baroque #1; 927 pages; F Ste; Main)
Neal Stephenson 2004 _The Confusion_ (Baroque #2; 815 pages; F Ste; Jax)
Neal Stephenson 2008 _The Diamond Age_ (499 pages; on order 2023-12-01 F Ste; Main)
Neal Stephenson 2008 _Snow Crash_ (470 pages; F Ste; Woodville)
Neal Stephenson 2015 _SeveNeves_/_SevenEves_ (867 pages; F Ste; Main+Jax+East+NE)
Neal Stephenson & Nicole Galland 2017 _The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O._ (time travel; 752 pages; F Ste; )
Javaka Steptoe 2001 _In Daddy's Arms I Am Tall: African-Americans Celebrating Fathers_ ()
Michael R. Stern 2017 _Storm Portal_ (QuantumTouch #1; 235 pages; 1.5MB)
Hannah Sternberg 8888 _Queens of All the Earth_ ()
Laurence Sterne & Ian Campbell Ross 1999, 2002, 2009, 2013 _The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman_ (a favorite of Thomas Jefferson & Martha; fiction+823.6)
George R. Stewart 1949 _Earth Abides_ (370 pages; hard)
Glynn Stewart 2016 _The Terran Privateer_ (DuchyOfTerra #1; 415 pages; 1.7MB)
Glynn Stewart 2017 _Duchess of Terra_ (DuchyOfTerra #2; 485 pages; 3.7MB)
Glynn Stewart 2017 _Terra and Imperium_ (DuchyOfTerra #3; 400 pages; 3.5MB)
Glynn Stewart 2016 _To Serve & Protect_ (Onset #1; 400 pages; 2.8MB)
Glynn Stewart 2016 _My Enemy's Enemy_ (Onset #2; 300 pages; 2.2MB)
Glynn Stewart 2017 _Blood of the Innocent_ (Onset #3; 300 pages; 23MB)
Glynn Stewart 2018 _Stay of Execution_ (Onset #4; 315 pages; 2.6MB)
Jo Stewart-Kearns 2015 _The Other Exodus_ (317 pages; 1.5MB)
S.M. Stirling 2024 _To Turn the Tide_ (To Make the Darkness Light #1; time travel; 454 pages; Baen; F Sti; Main)
Steve M. Stirling 2006 _A Meeting at Corvallis_ (Change #3; 330 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 2010 _The High King of Montival_ (Change #7; 330 pages; F Sti; Mai)
Steve M. Stirling 2010 _The Tears of the Sun_ (Change #8; 330 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 2012 _The Lord of Mountains_ (Change #9; 330 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 2013 _The Given Sacrifice_ (Change #10; 330 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 2014 _The Golden Princess_ (Change #11; 330 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 2015 _The Desert and the Blade_ (Change #12; 330 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 2015 _The Change: Tales of DownFall and ReBirth_ (Change #12.5; 330 pages; SC Cha; paper)
Steve M. Stirling 2016 _Prince of OutCasts_ (Change #13; 330 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 2017 _The Sea Peoples_ (Change #14; 330 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 2018 _Black Chamber_ (Black Chamber #1; alternate history; 388 pages; Main+E)
Steve M. Stirling 1988 _Marching through Georgia_ (Draka #1; 410 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 1990 _Under the Yoke_ (Draka #2)
Steve M. Stirling 1990_The Stone Dogs_ (Draka #3; 522 pages)
Steve M. Stirling _The Domination_ (Draka #1+#2+#3; 796 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 1996 _The Drakon_ (416 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 2000 _The Drakas!_ (384 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 8888 _Law and Order_ ()
Steve M. Stirling 2008 _In the Courts of the Crimson Kings_ (LordsOfCreation #2; 300 pages; hard)
Steve M. Stirling & David Drake 2013 _WarLord_ (Raj Whitehall #1+#2, Forge, Hammer, Steel, Sword in 1 volume; F Sti; Main)
Steve M. Stirling & David Drake _The General: The Hammer_ (Raj Whitehall #2, General #4; 320 pages)
Steve M. Stirling & David Drake _Hope ReBorn_ (Raj Whitehall #1+#2 in 1 volume; CollectionCombo #1; 592 pages)
Steve M. Stirling & David Drake _The General: The Anvil_ (Raj Whitehall #3; 320 pages)
Steve M. Stirling & David Drake _The General: The Steel_ (Raj Whitehall #4; 320 pages)
Steve M. Stirling & David Drake _Hope ReArmed_ (Raj Whitehall #3+#4; 544 pages)
Steve M. Stirling & David Drake _The General: The Sword_ (Raj Whitehall #5; 352 pages)
Steve M. Stirling 2012 _The Chosen_ (Raj Whitehall #6; see Flint & Drake for _The Tyrant_ #8)
Steve M. Stirling & David Drake _The General: The Heretic_ (Raj Whitehall #9)
Steve M. Stirling & David Drake _Hope ReNewed_ (Raj Whitehall #5+#6 in 1 volume; CollectionCombo #3; 400 pages)
Steve M. Stirling & David Drake 2013 _Conqueror_ (Raj Whitehall #3+#4+#5? in 1 volume; CollectionCombo #2; 640 pages)
Aryeh Lev Stollman 2003 _The Dialogues of Time and Entropy_ (226 pages; NE)
Sean Stone 2019-10-30 _Phoenix Born_ (Jacob Graves #1; 270; self-published)
Robert Storey 2013 _2040: Revelations_ (Ancient Origins #1; 494 pages; 1.2MB)
Robert Storey 8888 _2041 Sanctuary: Dark Descent_ (Ancient Origins #2; )
Rex Stout 1949, 1966, 1975 _The First Rex Stout Omnibus: Featuring Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin_ (Nero Wolfe; The DoorBell Rang; The Second Confession; More Deaths Than One; 479 pages; Viking/Collins)
Rex Stout 1974 _Triple Zeck: A Nero Wolfe Omnibus_ (502 pages; And Be a Villain; The Second Confession; In the Best Families)
Rex Stout 9999 _The League of Frightened Men_ (#2)
Rex Stout 2009 _The Rubber Band & The Red Box_ (#3 & #4; 257 pages; Bantam Dell)
Rex Stout 9999 _Too Many Cooks_ (#5)
Rex Stout 9999 _Some Buried Caesar_ (#6)
Rex Stout 1994 _Over My Dead Body_ (#7; 257 pages; Bantam)
Rex Stout 9999 _Where There's a Will_ (#8)
Rex Stout 1941 _Black Orchids_ (#9; 192 pages)
Rex Stout 9999 _Not Quite Enough_ (#10)
Rex Stout 9999 _The Silent Speaker_ (#11)
Rex Stout 9999 _Too Many Women_ (#12)
Rex Stout 1948 _And Be a Villain_ (#13; 242 pages)
Rex Stout 9999 _The Second Confession_ (#14)
Rex Stout 1945-1947, 1949 _Trouble in Triplicate_ (#14 or #15; 223 pages)
Rex Stout 9999 _Curtains for Three_ (#16)
Rex Stout 1950, 1995 _3 Doors to Death_ (#16 or #17; 219 pages)
Rex Stout 9999 _In the Best Families_ (#18)
Rex Stout 9999 _Murder By the Book_ (#19)
Rex Stout 9999 _Triple Jeopardy_ (#20)
Rex Stout 9999 _Prisoner's Base_ (#21)
Rex Stout 9999 _The Golden Spiders_ (#22)
Rex Stout 9999 _Three Men Out_ (#23)
Rex Stout 9999 _The Black Mountain_ (#24; Montenegro)
Rex Stout 9999 _Before MidNight_ (#25)
Rex Stout 9999 _Three Witnesses_ (#26)
Rex Stout 1958 _Might as Well Be Dead_ (#27; 208 pages)
Rex Stout 9999 _Three for the Chair_ (#28)
Rex Stout 9999 _If Death Ever Slept_ (#29)
Rex Stout 9999 _And Four to Go_ (#30)
Rex Stout 9999 _Champagne for One_ (#31)
Rex Stout 9999 _Plot It YourSelf_ (#32)
Rex Stout 9999 _Three at Wolfe's Door_ (#33)
Rex Stout 9999 _Too Many Clients_ (#34)
Rex Stout 9999 _The Final Deduction_ (#35)
Rex Stout 9999 _Homicide Trinity_ (#36)
Rex Stout 9999 _Gambit_ (#37)
Rex Stout 9999 _Mother Hunt_ (#38)
Rex Stout 9999 _A Right to Die_ (#39)
Rex Stout 9999 _Trio for Blunt Instruments_ (#40)
Rex Stout 9999 _The DoorBell Rang_ (#41)
Rex Stout 9999 _Death of a Doxy_ (#42)
Rex Stout 1968 _The Father Hunt_ (#43; 193 pages)
Rex Stout 9999 _Death of a Dude_ (#44)
Rex Stout 9999 _Please Pass the Guilt_ (#45)
Rex Stout 9999 _A Family Affair_ (#46)
Rex Stout 9999 _Death Times Three_ (#47)
Rex Stout 1961, 1984, 1991 _Five of a Kind: The Third Nero Wolfe Omnibus_ (441 pages; The Rubber Band; In the Best Families; Three Doors to Death (3 stories); Man Alive; Omit Flowers; Door to Death)
Rex Stout 1934-, 1965 _Royal Flush: The Fourth Nero Wolfe Omnibus_ (Fer de Lance; Murder By the Book; Three Witnesses: The Next Witness; When a Man Murders; Die Like a Dog)
Whitley Strieber 2013 _Alien Hunter_ (Alien Hunter #1; 316 pages; NE)
Fantastic Fiction: Charles Stross
Fantastic Fiction: Charles Stross: Merchant Princes
1. 2004 The Family Trade
2. 2005 The Hidden Family
3. 2006 The Clan Corporate
4. 2007 The Merchants' War
5. 2009 The Revolution Business
6. 2010 The Trade of Queens
Fantastic Fiction: Charles Stross: Empire Games H4.0, E3.0, R3.2: Charles Stross 2017 _Empire Games_ (time-travel; Empire Games #1; 331 pages; F Str)
Charles Stross 2017, 2018 _Dark State_ (time-travel; Empire Games #2; 349 pages; F Str)
Charles Stross 2021 _Invisible Sun_ (time-travel; Empire Games #3; 349 pages; F Str)
Fantastic Fiction: Carsten Stroud
Carsten Stroud 2012 _Niceville_
Carsten Stroud 2013 _HomeComing_
Carsten Stroud 2015 _The Reckoning_
Carsten Stroud 2018 _The Shimmer_ (crime, time-travel; Jack Redding; Julie Karras; 332 pages; ISBN 9780778331223; Mira; F Str; Woodville)
John Van Stry 2014 _Portals of Infinity: book1 Champion for Hire_ (160 pages)
John Van Stry 2014 _Portals of Infinity: book2 The God Game_ (155 pages; 3.6MB)
John Van Stry 2016 _Days of Future Past: part1 Past Tense_ (210 pages)
John Van Stry 2017 _Days of Future Past: part2 Present Tense_ (215 pages)
Mark T. Sullivan 2012 _Rogue_ (Robin Monarch #1; 373 pages; F Sul; Main+Jax)
Mark T. Sullivan 2013 _OutLaw_ (Robin Monarch #2; 325 pages; F Sul; Main+NE)
Mark T. Sullivan 2014 _Thief_ (Robin Monarch #2; 336 pages; F Sul; Main+NE)
Chogan Swan 2018 _1799 PlanetFall Earth: Alien Incursion_ (SymbiontWars# 1; 220 pages; 2.6MB)
Chogan Swan 2018 _No Longer Aliens: Alien Inurgent_ (SymbiontWars# 2; 240 pages; 2.4MB)
Vikas Swarup 2014 _The Accidental Apprentice_ (large)
Helen Susan Swift 2012 _The HandFasters_ (LowLand Romance? #1; 300 pages; 1.2MB)
Helen Susan Swift 2016 _The Tweedie Passion_ (LowLand Romance? #2; 170 pages; 1.9MB)
Jonathan Swift
Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2018 _mmm_ (Chronicles of Christoval Alvarez #10; 253-266 pages; East)
Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2016-06-18 _The BookSeller's Tale_ (Oxford Medieval #1; 247-258 pages; Shakenoak; F Swi; East)
Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2016-09-23 _The Novice's Tale_ (Oxford Medieval #2; 252-264 pages; Shakenoak; F Swi; Main+NE)
Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2017-05-03 _The HuntsMan's Tale_ (Oxford Medieval #3; 249-262 pages; Shakenoak; F Swi; East+NE)
Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2017-07-26 _The Merchant's Tale_ (Oxford Medieval #4; 269 pages; Shakenoak; F Swi; East+NE)
Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2018-01-30 _The Troubador's Tale_ (Oxford Medieval #5; 270 pages; Shakenoak; F Swi; East+NE)
Ann Swinfen, M.S., Ph.D. 2018-07-04 _The StoneMason's Tale_ (Oxford Medieval #6; 273-286 pages; Shakenoak; F Swi; East+NE)
Luke Talbot 2013 _KeyStone: The Find of a Century Starts a Race Against Time_ (556 pages; 1.5MB)
Booth Tarkington _Penrod_ ()
Booth Tarkington _Penrod Jashber_ ()
Booth Tarkington 1996, 1999, 2010 _17_ (hard)
Booth Tarkington 1989 _Magnificent Ambersons_ (hard)
Judith Tarr & Emma Galvin 1993, 2016 _His Majesty's Elephant_ (215 pages)
Ann Tatlock 2014 _Once Beyond a Time: A Troubled Family, Missing Child, and a House Beyond Time_ (320 pages; 1.9MB)
Brad Taylor 2011, 2012 _One Rough Man_ (Pike Logan #1; special forces thriller; 564 pages; F Tay)
Brad Taylor 2012 _All Necessary Force_ (PIke Logan #2; special forces thriller; 383 pages; F Tay)
Dennis E. Taylor 2016 _We Are Legion (We Are Bob)_ (Bobiverse #1; 380 pages; 2.2MB)
Dennis E. Taylor 2017 _For We Are Many_ (Bobiverse #2; 320 pages; 2.4MB)
Dennis E. Taylor 2017 _All These Worlds_ (Bobiverse #3; 280 pages; 2.9MB)
Jodi Taylor 2021-08-10 _Plan for the Worst_ (St.Mary's #11; 512 pages; ISBN 978147226698; HeadLine)
Jodi Taylor 2022-02-08 _Another Time, Another Place_ (St.Mary's #12; 352 pages; ISBN 9781472273208; HeadLine)
Jodi Taylor 2022-04-14 _A Catalogue of Catastrophe_ (St.Mary's #13; 350 pages; ISBN 999; HeadLine)
Jodi Taylor 2021-06-01 _Doing Time_ (Time Police #1; 480 pages; ISBN 9781472266774; HeadLine)
Jodi Taylor 2021-12-14 _Hard Time_ (Time Police #2; 544 pages; ISBN 9781472273147; HeadLine)
Jodi Taylor 2022-03-22 _Saving Time_ (Time Police #3; 512 pages; ISBN 9781472273239; HeadLine)
Jodi Taylor 2020-04-07 _White Silence_ (Elizabeth Cage #1?; 384 pages; ISBN 9781472264480; HeadLine)
Jodi Taylor 2020-04-07 _Dark Light_ (Elizabeth Cage #2; 368 pages; ISBN 9781472264213; HeadLine)
Adrian Tchaikovsky 2015, 2018 _Children of Time_ (635 pages; 2.2MB)
Adrian Tchaikovsky 2019 _Children of Ruin_ (490 pages)
Adrian Tchaikovsky 2021 _Shards of Earth_ (final Architect #1; 548 pages; F Tch; Main+Jax)
Adrian Tchaikovsky 2022 _Eyes of the Void_ (Final Architect #2; 592 pages; F Tch; Main+NE)
Stephen Templin 2017 _Trident's First Gleaming_ (SOG#1; 335 pages; 457KB)
Stephen Templin 2017 _From Russia without Love_ (SOG#2; 290 pages; 2.5MB)
Alfred lord Tennyson 1961 _Idylls of the King_ (821)
Josephine Tey 1951, 1966, 1988 _To Love & Be Wise_ (large + hard)
Steve Thayer 1995 _The Weatherman_ (time travel?; Weatherman #1; 452 pages; F Tha)
Steve Thayer 1999 _Silent Snow_ (time travel?; Weatherman #2; 340 pages; F Tha; East)
Aaron Thier 2016 _Mr. Eternity_ (1460-2500; Gulf of Mexico; watermelon climate hysteria; 258 pages; ISBN 9781632860934; OCLC ; Bloomsbury; libraries; F Thi; NE)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Prague CounterPoint_ (Zion Covenant #2; 400 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Munich Signature_ (Zion Covenant #3; 400 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Jerusalem Interlude_ (Zion Covenant #4; 400 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Danzig Passage_ (Zion Covenant #5; 400 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Warsaw Requiem_ (Zion Covenant #6; 400 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _London Refrain_ (Zion Covenant #7; 282 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Paris Encore_ (Zion Covenant #8; 300 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Dunkirk Crescendo_ (Zion Covenant #9; 300 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2003 _First Light_ (AD Chronicles #1; 395 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; hold req)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Second Touch_ (AD Chronicles #2; 359 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Third Watch_ (AD Chronicles #3; 441 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2004 _Fourth Dawn_ (AD Chronicles #4; 332 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2006 _Fifth Seal_ (AD Chronicles #5; 330 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2006 _Sixth Covenant_ (AD Chronicles #6; 326 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2006 _Seventh Day_ (AD Chronicles #7; 300 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2006 _Eighth Shepherd_ (AD Chronicles #8; 300 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2006 _Ninth Witness_ (AD Chronicles #9; 300 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2006 _Tenth Stone_ (AD Chronicles #10; 300 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2006 _Eleventh Guest_ (AD Chronicles #11; 300 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
Bodie Thoene & Brock Thoene 2006 _Twelfth Prophecy_ (AD Chronicles #12; 300 pages; Tyndale; F Tho/The?; Jax)
James Alexander Thom 2010 _From Sea to Shining Sea_ (890 pages; 5.1MB)
Ross Thomas 1984 _BriarPatch_ (332 pages)
(35) Will Thomas 2005 _To Kingdom Come_ (Barker & Llewelyn #2; 277 pages; Main)
(45) Will Thomas 2006 _LimeHouse Text_ (Barker & Llewelyn #3; 337 pages; Main)
(50) Will Thomas 2007 _The HellFire Conspiracy_ (Barker & Llewelyn #4; 311 pages; Main+E)
(70) Will Thomas 2007 _The Black Hand_ (Barker & Llewelyn #5; 280 pages; Main)
Will Thomas 2014 _Fatal Enquiry_ (Barker & Llewelyn #6; 293 pages; Main)
Will Thomas 2015 _Anatomy of Evil_ (Barker & Llewelyn #7; 326 pages; Main)
Will Thomas 2016 _Hell Bay_ (Barker & Llewelyn #8; 290 pages; Main)
Will Thomas 2017 _Old Scores_ (Barker & Llewelyn #9; 294 pages; Main)
Will Thomas 2018 _Blood Is Blood_ (Barker & Llewelyn #10; 99999 pages; ISBN 9781250170385; Minotaur; Main)
Will Thomas 2020 _Lethal Pursuit_ (Barker & Llewelyn #11; 308 pages; F Tho; Main)
Will Thomas 2021 _Dance with Death_ (Barker & Llewelyn #12; 307 pages; F Tho; Main)
Will Thomas 2022 _Fierce Poison_ (Barker & Llewelyn #13; 294 pages; on order 2022-07-24; Main)
Victoria E. Thompson 2000, 2010 _Murder on Astor Place_ (Gaslight Mystery #1; 278 pages; F Tho; Jax)
Victoria E. Thompson 2000, 2010 _Murder on St. Mark's Place_ (Gaslight Mystery #2; 277 pages; F Tho; Jax)
Victoria E. Thompson 2001 _Murder on Gramercy Park_ (Gaslight Mystery #3; PB F Tho; NE)
Gaslight Mystery #4 see Cora Harrison?
Russell Thorndike 1915 _Doctor Syn: A Tale of the Romney Marsh_ (#1)
Russell Thorndike 1935 _Doctor Syn on the High Seas_ (#2)
Russell Thorndike 1935 _Doctor Syn Returns_/_The Scarecrow Rides_ (#3)
Russell Thorndike 1936 _Further Adventures of Doctor Syn_ (#4)
Russell Thorndike 1938 _Courageous Exploits of Doctor Syn_ (#5)
Russell Thorndike 1939 _Amazing Quest of Doctor Syn_ (#6)
Russell Thorndike 1944 _Shadow of Doctor Syn_ (#7)
John Thornton 2016 _Colony Ship Conestoga_ (8 volumes: Quest, Marooned, Repairing, Alone, Reconnoiter, Conflict, Ascent, Last Flight; 2200 pages; 9MB)
John Thornton 2015 _Quest for the Conestoga_ (#1; 185 pages; 1.7MB)
John Thornton 2015 _Marooned on the Conestoga_ (#2; 255 pages; 1.6MB)
John Thornton 2015 _Repairing the Conestoga_ (#3; 230 pages; 1.9MB)
John Thornton 2016 _Alone on the Conestoga_ (#4; 270 pages; 2.1MB)
John Thornton 2016 _Reconnoiter of the Conestoga_ (#5; 300 pages; 5.5MB)
John Thornton 2016 _Conflict on the Conestoga_ (#6; 290 pages; 3.7MB)
John Thornton 2016 _Ascent of the Conestoga_ (#7; 330 pages; 4.7MB)
John Thornton 2016 _Last Flight of the Conestoga_ (#8; 400 pages; 1.8MB)
Lavie Tidhar 2016 _Central Station_ (270 pages)
Tim Tigner 2016 _Chasing Ivan_ (KyleAchilles #0; 170 pages; 6.1MB)
Tim Tigner 2016 _Pushing Brilliance_ (KyleAchilles #1; 280 pages; 4MB)
Tim Tigner 2016 _The Lies of Spies_ (KyleAchilles #2; 290 pages; 6.9MB)
Uwe Timm 2000, 2003 _Morenga. Roman._/_Morenga: a Novel_ (340 pages)
Kenneth R. Timmerman 2010 _St. Peter's Bones_ (285 pages; 617KB)
Sammy Tippit & Randy Willis 2014 _Twice a Slave_ (310 pages; 3.6MB)
Charles Todd 1995, 2011 _A Test of Wills_ (Ian Rutledge #1; 305 pages; F Tod; Main)
Richard Todd 2014 _Time Tunnel: The Towers_ (Time Tunnel #1?; 410 pages; 5.7MB)
Richard Todd 2019 _Time Tunnel: The Twin Towers_ (Time Tunnel #2?; 410 pages; 5.7MB)
Richard Todd 2019 _Time Tunnel: The Twin Towers_ (Time Tunnel #3?; 380 pages; 3.8MB)
Leonard D. Tourney 2004 _Time's Fool: A Mystery of Shakespeare_ (320 pages; F Tou; Main)
Gene Towne, C. Graham Baker/Graham Baker, Vincent Lawrence, David Hertz, Colin Clive, Jean Arthur, Charles Boyer 1937, 1991 "History Is Made at Night" (VHS feature films His)
Simon Toyne 2012 _The Key_ (Sancti #2; 436 pages; F Toy; Main)
Simon Toyne 2013 _The Tower_ (Sancti #3; 436 pages; F Toy; Main)
B. Traven 1926, 1930, 1931, 1935, 1940, 1954, 1968, 1974, 1983, 1991 _The Death Ship: The Story of an American Sailor_/_El Barco de la Muerte_/_Das Totenschiff: Die Geschichte eines Amerikanischen Seemanns_/_Le Vaisseau des Morts_/_Het Dodenschip_/_La Mortula Sipo_/_Nave de los Muertos_ (372 pages; paper)
Phillip Tsen 2015 _The PM Executioner: A Project Manager's Journey in OffShoring Jobs_ (280 pages; 568KB)
Mike Trigg 2022-08-16 _Bit Flip_ (288 pages)
Charlie Tull 2012 _Two-Twelve: A Mountain Pilot's Tale_ (292 pages)
(40) Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev 1943, 1961, 1984, 1994 _Fathers and Sons_ (280 pages; Main+NE+E)
Russell Turney 2012 _The Watchers_ (230 pages; 888KB)
Scott Turow 1986 _Presumed Innocent_ (#1; 430 pages; 1MB; hard+paper)
Scott Turow 2009 _Burden of Proof_ (#2; 520 pages; 1.2MB)
Scott Turow 2010 _Pleading Guilty_ (#3; 480 pages; 1.5MB)
Harry Turtledove 2011 _SuperVolcano: Eruption_ (SuperVolcano #1; 420 pages; F Tur; Main+FtBraden+Jax+NE)
Harry Turtledove 2011 _SuperVolcano: All Fall Down_ (SuperVolcano #2; 405 pages; F Tur; Main+Jax)
Harry Turtledove 2011 _SuperVolcano: Things Fall Apart_ (SuperVolcano #3; 394 pages; F Tur; Main+Jax+FtBraden+NE)
Royall Tyler & Caleb Crain 1797, 1970, 2010 _The Algerine Captive: The Life and Adventures of Doctor Updike Underhill_ (300 pages; 866KB)
Royall Tyler 1787, 2012, 2016 _The Contrast_ (85 pages; 175KB)
Royall Tyler & Murasaki Shikibu c. 1010, 1510, 2006, 2018 _The Tale of Genji_ (260-1,315 pages; 12MB)
Kimberly Unger 2020 _Nucleation_ (275 pages; F Ung; Main)
Kim van Alkemade 2023 _Counting Lost Stars_ (422 pages; F Alk; Main+Woodville)
Nathan van Coops 2013 _In Times Like These_ (In Times Like These #1; 355 pages; 4.1MB; mmmm)
Nathan van Coops 2015 _The Chronothon_ (In Times Like These #2; 455 pages; 3.3MB; mmmm)
Nathan van Coops 2020-11-01 _Time of Death_ (Paradox PI #1; 186 pages; ISBN 9782950669073; SkyLighter; mmmm)
Dirk van den Boom & Timo Kuemmel 2016 _The Emperor's Men: 1 Arrival_ (250 pages; 533KB)
Dirk van den Boom & Timo Kuemmel 2017 _The Emperor's Men: 2 Betrayal_ (290 pages; 2.5MB)
Dirk van den Boom & Timo Kuemmel 2017 _The Emperor's Men: 3 Passage_ (270 pages; 2.6MB)
S.S. van Dine 1934, 2013 _Casino Murder Case_ (Philo Vance #???; 269 pages; F Van; Main)
Mark L. Van Name 2008 _One Jump Ahead_ ()
Mark L. Van Name 2009 _Slanted Jack_ ()
Mark L. Van Name 2010 _OverThrowing Heaven_ ()
Mark L. Van Name 2010 _Jump Gate Twist_ ()
Mark L. Van Name 2011 _Children No More_ ()
Mark L. Van Name 2012 _No Going Back_ ()
Mark L. Van Name, Larry Correia, Mercedes Lackey & Catherine Asaro 2012 _A Cosmic Christmas_ ()
Mark L. Van Name & David Drake 2015 _Onward Drake!_ (383 pages; Baen; SC Onw; NE)
Stanford Vaterlaus 2010 _The Prophet: TimeBreach Series_ ()
Vernor Vinge 1992 _A Fire upon the Deep_ (Zones of Thought #1; 390 pages; Jax)
Vernor Vinge 2011 _Children of the Sky_ (Zones of Thought #3; 440 pages; Jax)
Erich von Daeniken 2013 _Remnants of the Gods: A Virtual Tour of Alien Influence in Egypt, Spain, France, Turkey, and Italy_ (224 pages)
Erich von Daeniken 8888 _Evidence of the Gods: A Visual Tour of Alien..._ ()
Erich von Daeniken 2018 _The Gods Never Left Us_ (224 pages; New Page/Carer; 001.94 Dan; Main)
Alexei D. Voskressenski 1997 _Cranks, Knaves, and Jokers of the Celestial: Chinese Parables and Funny Stories_ (140 pages)
K.B. Wagers 2016 _Behind the Throne_ (IndrananWar #1; 420 pages; 2MB; Main+E)
K.B. Wagers 2016 _After the Crown_ (IndrananWar #2? #3?; 420 pages; 2MB; Main+E)
K.B. Wagers 2017 _Beyond the Empire_ (IndrananWar #3?; 420 pages; 2MB; Main+E)
K.B. Wagers 2018 _There before the Chaos_ (FarianWar #1; 465 pages; Main+E)
Arthur Waley 1935 _Tales of Genji_ ()
John Walker 2016 _Behemoth_ (RiseOfManKind #1; 315 pages; 1.3MB)
John Walker 2016 _Warfare_ (RiseOfManKind #2; 330 pages; 1.4MB)
Julie Ann Walker 2012 _4377 on Wheels_ (Black Knights, Inc. #1; 364 pages; PB F Wal; paper; Main)
Rod Walker 2016 _Mutiny in Space_ (150 pages; 3.2MB)
(25) Rysa Walker 2014 _TimeBound_ (Chronos Files #1; 370 pages; 4.4MB; YA; Main)
Rysa Walker 2014 _Time's Edge_ (Chronos Files #2; 440 pages; 2.2MB)
Rysa Walker 2015 _Time's Divide_ (Chronos Files #3; 540 pages; 2.8MB)
C.F. Waller 2016 _Tourists of the Apocalypse_ (310 pages; 904KB)
(43) Michael Walsh 2010 _Early Warning_ (Devlin #2; 390 pages; PB F Wal; NE)
Michael Walsh 2011 _Shock Warning_ (Devlin #3; 386 pages)
Michael Walsh 2003 _And All the Saints_ (383 pages; PB F Wal; Mai+NE)
David Walton 2015 _SuperPosition_ (SuperPosition #1; 303 pages; Pyr/Prometheus; F Wal; Main)
David Walton 2015 _SuperSymmetry_ (SuperPosition #2; 303 pages; Pyr/Prometheus; F Wal; )
Jo Walton 2014 _What Makes This Book So Great_ (445 pages; SF collection)
Jim Waltzer 2016 _Of Sound Mind_ (350 pages; hard)
Hayden Ward 2016 _With Blossoms Gold_ ()
Elizabeth Warner 2002 _Russian Myths_ (80 pages; 398.20947; Main)
Elizabeth Waters & Michael Spence 2012 _Treasures of Albion_ (#1; 83 pages; 249KB)
Elizabeth Waters & Michael Spence 2012 _Treasures of Albion_ (#2; 76 pages; 229KB)
Peter Watts 2018 _The Freeze-Frame Revolution_ (186 pages; 934KB; Main+E)
Darren Wearmouth 2016 _Fast Forward_ (280 pages; 875KB)
Nick Webb 2015 _Constitution_ (LegacyFleet #1; 360 pages; 651KB)
Robert Webb 2020 _Come Again_ (time travel; 294 pages; F Web)
David Weber & Jacob Holo 2019 _The Gordian Protocol_ (time travel?; 500 pages; F Web)
David Weber 2024 _Toll of Honor_ (512 pages; on order 2024-10-22; F Web; Main)
Fantastic Fiction: David Weber (author/editor): Worlds of Honor series
David Weber 1998 _More Than Honor_ (512 pages; on order 2024-10-22; F Web; Main)
David Weber & S.M. Stirling 1999 _Worlds of Honor_ (Honor Harrington #??; 590 pages; hard)
(25) David Weber & S.M. Stirling 2001 _Changer of Worlds_ (Honor Harrington #15/Worlds of Honor #3; 374 pages; F Web; Main)
David Weber & S.M. Stirling 2003 _The Service of the of Sword_ (Honor Harrington Worlds of Honor #4)
(25) David Weber & S.M. Stirling 2011 _In Fire Forged_ (Honor Harrington Worlds of Honor #5; 9999 pages; F Web; MARS)
(25) David Weber & S.M. Stirling 2013 _Beginnings_ (Honor Harrington Worlds of Honor #6; 9999 pages; F Web; MARS)
(25) David Weber & S.M. Stirling 2023 _What Price Victory?_ (Honor Harrington Worlds of Honor #7; 9999 pages; F Web; MARS)
Fantastic Fiction: David Weber (author/editor): Saganami series
David Weber 2004 _The Shadow of Saganami_ ()
David Weber 2013 _Storm from the Shadows_ (Honor Harrington/Saganami #2; 755 pages; Main+NE)
David Weber 2013 _Shadow of Freedom_ (Honor Harrington/Saganami #3; 439 pages; Main)
David Weber 2016 _Shadow of Victory_ (Honor Harrington/Saganami #4; 9999 pages)
H4.0, E3.5, R4.0: David Weber & Timothy Zahn 2014 _A Call to Duty_
H4.0, E3.5, R3.9: David Weber, Thomas Pope & Timothy Zahn 2015 _A Call to Arms_
David Weber, Timothy Zahn & Thomas Pope 2018-03-06 _A Call to Vengeance_ (Honor Harrington #3 prequel Manticore Ascendant; 480-672 pages; ISBN 9781476782102; OCLC 1004994610; Baen/Simon&Schuster; )
David Weber, Timothy Zahn & Thomas Pope 2016 _A Call to Insurrection_ (Honor Harrington #4 prequel Manticore Ascendant; 370-528 pages; ISBN 9781982125899; OCLC 1294312614; Baen/Simon&Schuster)
David Weber & Daniel Dos Santos 2011-10-4 _A Beautiful Friendship_ (Honor Harrington Star Kingdom #1; 368 pages; ISBN 9781451637472; OCLC 706026860; Baen/Simon&Schuster)
David Weber & Jane Lindskold 2012-10-02 _Fire Season_ (Honor Harrington Star Kingdom #2; 287-304 pages; ISBN 9781451638400; OCLC 779265977; Baen/Simon&Schuster)
David Weber & Jane Lindskold 2012-10-02 _TreeCat Wars_ (Honor Harrington Star Kingdom #3; 384-392 pages; ISBN 9781451639339/9781476736631; OCLC 860755771; Baen/Simon&Schuster)
David Weber & Jane Lindskold 2022-06-07 _A New Clan_ (Honor Harrington Star Kingdom #4; 423-432 pages; ISBN 9781982191894; OCLC 1296690737; Baen/Simon&Schuster)
David Weber & Jane LIndskold 2025 _Friends Indeed_
Nick Webb 2015 _Constitution_ (Legacy Fleet #1; 370 pages; 415KB)
Nick Webb 2015 _Warrior_ (Legacy Fleet #2; 375 pages; 469KB)
Nick Webb 2016 _Victory_ (Legacy Fleet #3; 410 pages; 484KB)
Nick Webb 2016 _Independence_ (Legacy Fleet #4; 370 pages; 461KB)
Nick Webb 2017 _Defiance_ (Legacy Fleet #5; 385 pages; 766KB)
Nick Webb 2018 _Liberty_ (Legacy Fleet #6; 325 pages; 1.4MB)
Sigrid Weidenweber 2011 _Catherine: Inside the Heart and Mind of a Great Monarch_ (VolgaFlowsForEver #1; 420 pages; 1.3MB)
Sigrid Weidenweber 2011 _The Volga Germans: Revealing the Resolve & Courage of Determined Pioneers_ (VolgaFlowsForEver #2; 500 pages; 1.7MB)
Marta Weigle 1970 _The Penitentes of the SouthWest_ ()
Marta Weigle & Peter White 1988 _The Lore of New Mexico_ ()
Andy Weir 2014 _The Martian_ (385 pages; 3MB; hard + CD + DVD)
Andy Weir 2222 _Hail Mary_ (385 pages; LT F Wei; hold req submitted)
Jennifer Foehner Wells 2014 _Fluency_ (Confluence #1; 370 pages; 3.4MB)
H.G. Wells 1930, 2005 _The Shape of Things to Come_ (425 pages; 1.5MB)
H.G. Wells 1940, 2018 _The New World Order_ (96 pages; 721KB)
Martha Wells 2011 _The Cloud Roads_ (BooksOfRaksura #1; 270 pages; hard)
Martha Wells 2016 _The Edge of Worlds_ (BooksOfRaksura #4; 388 pages; hard)
Bing West 2003 _The PepperDogs_ (430 pages; 922KB; F Wes; NE)
Richard F. Weyand 2018-12-17 _Empire: Reformer_ (Empire #1; 354 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2019-02-20 _Empire: Usurper_ (Empire #2; 318 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2019-03-18 _Empire: Tyrant_ (Empire #3; 327 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2019-04-19 _Empire: Commander_ (Empire #4; 326 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2019-09-17 _Empire: WarLord_ (Empire #5; 336 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2019-10-16 _Empire: Conqueror_ (Empire #6; 330 pages)
Richard F. Weyand & Stephanie Osborn 2020-07-31 _Empire: Imperial Police_ (Empire #7; 341 pages)
Richard F. Weyand & Stephanie Osborn 2020-07-31 _Empire: Imperial Detective_ (Empire #8; 326 pages)
Richard F. Weyand & Stephanie Osborn 2020-09-01 _Empire: Imperial Inspector_ (Empire #9; 303 pages)
Richard F. Weyand & Stephanie Osborn 2021-05-18 _Empire: Imperial Inspector_ (Empire #10; 327 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2020 _Empire: MMMMMMMMMM_ (Empire #11; 9999999 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2020-11-01 _Empire: Investigation_ (Empire #12; 339 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2019-10-16 _Empire: Intervention_ (Empire #13; 327 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2022-10-07, 2023-10-03 _Eve of War_ (Agency #1 of 5; 326-343 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2022-10-07, 2022-12-14 _The Favor_ (Agency #2 of 5; 346 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2023-02-10 _The Cure_ (Agency #3 of 5; 326 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2023-10-03 _Marque_ (Agency #4 of 5; 326 pages)
Richard F. Weyand 2023-10-03 _Reprisal_ (Agency #5 of 5; 339 pages)
April White 2012 _Marking Time_ (ImmortalDescendants #1; 430 pages; 1.3MB)
April White 2014 _Tempting Fate_ (ImmortalDescendants #2; 400 pages; 3MB)
Deb Hosey White ≈ David Stewart White 2010 _Pink Slips and Parting Gifts_ (245 pages; 643KB)
Tad White 2017 _Vacation of a LifeTime_ (39 pages; 4.9MB)
(50) John W. Whitehead 2021-06-21 _The Erik Blair Diaries: Battlefield of the Dead_ (206 pages; dystopian SF; ISBN 9781954968028; OCLC 999; Waterside; F Whi)
(29) Lis Wiehl & Pete Nelson 2011 _Waking Hours_ (East Salem #1; 329 pages; F Wie; Main+NE)
(30) Lis Wiehl & Pete Nelson 2013 _Fatal Tide_ (East Salem #3; 325 pages; F Wie; Main+NE)
(20) Lis Wiehl & April Henry 2010 _Hand of Fate_ (Triple Threat #2; 389 pages; LT F Wie; East)
(20) Lis Wiehl & April Henry 2011 _Heart of Ice_ (Triple Threat #3; 389 pages; LT F Wie; Main)
(10) Lis Wiehl & April Henry 2016 _The NewsMakers_ (NewsMakers #1; 337 pages; LT F Wie; Main+Jax)
(30) Irene Hannon part of series with Lis Wiehl 2020 _Point of Danger_ (Triple Threat #?1; 378 pages; F Han; NE)
(45) Rick Wilber 2016 _Alien Morning_ (300 pages; East)
Phil M. Williams 2020-01-28 _2050: Psycho Island_ (Psycho Island #1; 460 pages)
Phil M. Williams 2020-04-24 _2050: Exodus_ (Psycho Island #2; 384 pages)
Michael Z. Williamson 2015 _FreeHold: Earth's Most Wanted Woman_ (FreeHold #1; 680 pages; 1.8MB)
Michael Z. Williamson 2005 _The Weapon_ (FreeHold #2; 500 pages; 1.2MB)
Michael Z. Williamson 2015-05-05, 2016-06-28 _A Long Time Until Now_ (TemporalDisplacement #1; 672-960 pages; ISBN 9781476780337; Baen)
Michael Z. Williamson 2021-12-07 _That Was Now, This Is Then_ (TemporalDisplacement #2; 544 pages; ISBN 9781982125769; Baen)
Walter Jon Williams 1991 _Days of Atonement_ (hard)
Walter Jon Williams 1992 _Aristoi_ (hard)
Walter Jon Williams 1995 _Metropolitan_ (hard)
Walter Jon Williams 1997 _City on Fire_ (hard)
Walter Jon Williams 2008, 2009 _This Is Not a Game_ (Dagmar #1; hard)
Walter Jon Williams 2011 _Deep State_ (Dagmar #2; hard)
Walter Jon Williams 2012 _The 4th Wall_ (Dagmar #3; hard)
Connie Willis 1987 _Lincoln's Dreams_ (hard)
Connie Willis 2000-01-01 _UnCharted Territory_ (176 pages; G.K.Hall; hard)
Connie Willis 2018-04-30 _I Met a Traveller in an Antique Land_ (88 pages; SubTerranean; hard)
Connie Willis 2020 _Jack_ (112 pages; SubTerranean; hard)
Fantastic Fiction: Connie Willis: Oxford Time Travel
1. 2010 _BlackOut_ (not catalogued)
Connie Willis 2010 _All Clear_ (DoomsDay/Oxford Time Travel #2 or #4; 656 pages; Spectra; F Wil)
Connie Willis 1985 _Fire Watch_ (DoomsDay/Oxford Time Travel after #2; not catalogued)
(20) Connie Willis 2023 _The road to Roswell_ (399 pages; F Wil; Main+East)
Daniel Howard Wilson, David Giuntoli & Claire Coffee 2017 _The ClockWork Dynasty_ (309 pages; Doubleday; F Wil; East+Jax+Mai+NE)
(43) Francis Paul Wilson 2019 _The Void Protocol_ (Ice #3; 333 pages; 5MB; hard; Main+NE)
(43) Francis Paul Wilson 8888 _Demonsong_ ()
(43) Francis Paul Wilson 8888 _The Compendium of Srem_ ()
(43) Francis Paul Wilson 8888 _Aryans and Absinthe_ ()
(43) Francis Paul Wilson 8888 _Black Wind_ ()
(43) Francis Paul Wilson 8888 _Jack: Secret Histories_ ()
(43) Francis Paul Wilson 8888 _The Barrens & Others_ ()
(43) Francis Paul Wilson 8888 _Jack: Secret Vengeance_ ()
(43) Francis Paul Wilson 8888 _Cold City_ ()
Janice Woods Windle 1994 _True Women: A Novel of Texas_ (451 pages; hard + paper)
Fantastic Viction: Jacqueline Winspear: Maisie Dobbs
✓ 1. 2003 _Maisie Dobbs_
✓ 2. 2004 _Birds of a Feather_
✓ 3. 2005 _Pardonable Lies_
Jacqueline Winspear 2006 _Messenger of Truth_ (Maisie Dobbs #4; Main+NE+Jax)
Jacqueline Winspear 2008 _An InComplete Revenge_ (Maisie Dobbs #5; Main+NE+E+Jax)
Jacqueline Winspear 2009 _Among the Mdd_ (Maisie Dobbs #6; Main+E+Jas)
7. 2010 _The Mapping of Love and Death_
8. 2011 _A Lesson in Secrets_
9. 2012 _Elegy for Eddie_
10. 2013 _Leaving EveryThing Most Loved_
11. 2015 _A Dangerous Place_
12. 2016 _Journey to Muinich_
13. 2017 _In This Grave Hour_
14. 2018 _To Die but Once_
Jacqueline Winspear 2019 _The American Agent_ (Maisie Dobbs #15; Main+NE+E+Jax; popular)
16. 2021 _The Consequences of Fear_
17. 2022 _A SunLit Weapon_
18. 2024 _The Comfort of Ghosts_
(35) Owen Wister 1902, 1993 _The Virginian: A HorseMan of the Plains_ (large; OutReach)
1. 1919 _My Man Jeeves_
2. 1923 _The Inimitable Jeeves_
3. 1925 _Carry On, Jeeves_
4. 1930 _Very Good, Jeeves_
5. 1934 _Thank You, Jeeves_
6. 1934 _Right Ho, Jeeves_
✓ 7. 1938 _The Code of the Woosters_
8. 1946 _Joy in the Morning_/_Jeeves in the Morning_
9. 1949 _The Mating Season_
10. 1953 _Ring for Jeeves_/_The Return of Jeeves_
11. 1954 _Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit_
12. 1960 _Jeeves in the Offing_/_How Right You Are, Jeeves_
13. 1963 _Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves_
Pelham Grenville Wodehouse 1971, 2009 _Jeeves and the Tie that Binds_ (Jeeves #14; 205 pages; Scribner; Main)
15. 1974 _Aunts Aren't Gentlemen_/_The Cat-Nappers_
Pelham Grenville Wodehouse 1994 _The Jeeves Omnibus_ (Stiff Upper Lip; Inimitable; Carry On; 527 pages; Main)
Pelham Grenville Wodehouse 1934, 1999 _Right Ho, Jeeves_/_Brinkley Manor_ (Jeeves #6 or #2; 260 pages; Main+E+Jax)
Pelham Grenville Wodehouse 1938, 1975 _The Code of the Woosters_ (Jeeves #7 or #3; 222 pages; Jax)
Pelham Grenville Wodehouse 2007 _Plum Pie_ (Jeeves #12/#13.5; 319 pages; OverLook; Main)
Olga Wojtas 2018 _Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Golden Samovar_ (time travel; 246 pages; F Woj)
2020 _Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Vampire Menace_
2022 _Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Weird Sisters_
2024 _Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Gondola of Doom_
2025 _Miss Blaine's Prefect and the UnCharted Island_
Claire Wolfe & Aaron Zelman 2005 _RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone_ (220 pages)
Inger Ash Wolfe 2008 _The Calling_ (370 pages; hard)
John Truman Wolfe 2009 _The Gift_ ()
John Truman Wolfe 2007 _Mind Games_ ()
David Wood & Sean Ellis 2014 _Oracle_ (Jade Ihara #1; 328 pages; 1.2MB)
David Wood & Sean Ellis 2014 _Changeling_ (Jade Ihara #2; 284 pages; 1.3MB)
Fantastic Fiction: Sarah Woodbury: After Cilmeri
Sarah Woodbury 2011 _Daughter of Time_ (After Cilmeri #1; 340 pages; 758KB)
Sarah Woodbury 2011 _FootSteps in Time_ (After Cilmeri #2; 320 pages; 671KB)
3. 2012 _Winds of Time_
Sarah Woodbury 2011 _Prince of Time_ (After Cilmeri #4; 360 pages; 823KB)
Sarah Woodbury 2012 _CrossRoads in Time_ (After Cilmeri #5; 320 pages; 1.2MB)
Sarah Woodbury 2012 _Children of Time_ (After Cilmeri #6; 340 pages; 720KB)
Sarah Woodbury 2012 _Exiles in Time_ (After Cilmeri #7; 340 pages; 745KB)
Sarah Woodbury 2013 _CastAways in Time_ (After Cilmeri #8; 350 pages; 692KB)
Sarah Woodbury 2014 _Ashes of Time_ (After Cilmeri #9; 340 pages; 704KB)
Sarah Woodbury 2014 _Warden of Time_ (After Cilmeri #10; 340 pages; 680KB)
Sarah Woodbury 2015 _Guardians of Time_ (After Cilmeri #11; 370 pages; 721KB)
Sarah Woodbury 2016 _Masters of Time_ (After Cilmeri #12; 365 pages; 688KB)
Sarah Woodbury 2016 _OutPost in Time_ (After Cilmeri #13; 370 pages; 745KB)
(39) Elvira Woodruff 1993 _George Washington's Socks: A Time Travel Adventure_ (TimeTravelAdventures #1; 176 pages)
(43) Elvira Woodruff 2012 _George Washington's Spy: A Time Travel Adventure_ (TimeTravelAdventures #2; 240 pages; 879KB)
Elvira Woodruff & Michael Dooling 1999 _The Memory Coat_ (TimeTravelAdventures #3; 32 pages)
Stuart Woods 2005 _Chiefs_ (Will Lee #1; 427 pages; hard)
Stuart Woods 2005 _Run Before the Wind_ (Will Lee #2; 373 pages; hard)
Stuart Woods 2009 _Deep Lie_ (Will Lee #3; 450 pages; hard)
Stuart Woods 1989, 2009, 2011 _Grass Roots_ (Will Lee #4; 669 pages; hard)
Stuart Woods 1991, 2009 _New York Dead_ (StoneBarrington #1; 303 pages; hard)
Stuart Woods 1996, 2009 _Dirt_ (StoneBarrington #2; 272 pages; hard)
Stuart Woods 1997, 2009 _Dead in the Water_ (StoneBarrington #3; 325 pages; hard)
Stuart Woods 1998, 2009 _Swimming to Catalina_ (StoneBarrington #4; 325 pages; hard)
Stuart Woods 1999 _Worst Fears Realized_ (StoneBarrington #5; 332 pages; hard)
Stuart Woods 2004 _Reckless Abandon_ (StoneBarrington #10; 368 pages; large)
Stuart Woods 2011 _Bel-Air Dead_ (StoneBarrington #20; 395 pages; large)
Stuart Woods 2011, 2012 _Son of Stone_ (StoneBarrington #21; 441 pages; large)
Stuart Woods 2012 _DC Dead_ (StoneBarrington #22; 385 pages; large)
Stuart Woods 2012 _Severe Clear_ (StoneBarrington #24; 401 pages; large)
Stuart Woods 2013 _UnIntended Consequences_ (StoneBarrington #26; 399 pages; large)
Stuart Woods 2012 _Unnatural Acts_ ()
Stuart Woods 2013 _Collateral Damage_ (381 pages)
Reavis Z. Wortham 2022 _The Texas Job_ (399 pages)
(35) Herman Wouk 1978 _War & Remembrance_ (Jax)
Bradley Wright 2016 _Whiskey & Roses_ (Xander King #1; 340 pages; 3.5MB)
Bradley Wright 2016 _Vanquish_ (Xander King #2; 285 pages; 3.5MB)
John Charles Wright 2016 _Swan Knight's Son: Green Knight's Squire_ (Moth&CobWeb #1; 160 pages; 4.2MB)
John Charles Wright 2016 _Feast of the Elfs: The Green Knight's Squire Book 2_ (Moth&CobWeb #2; 170 pages; 2.2MB)
John Charles Wright 2016 _Swan Knight's Sword: Green Knight's Squire Book 3_ (Moth&CobWeb #3; 175 pages; 2.1MB)
John Charles Wright 2017 _Daughter of Danger: The Dark Avenger's SideKick Book 1_ (Moth&CobWeb #4; 140 pages; 3.5MB)
John Charles Wright 2007 _The Phoenix Exultant_ (GoldenAge #2; 335 pages; hard)
John Charles Wright 2007 _The Golden Transcendence: The Last of the Masquerade_ (GoldenAge #3; 335 pages; hard)
John Charles Wright 2012 _Count to a Trillion_ (CountOfTheEschatonSequence #1; 364 pages; F Wri; NE)
John Charles Wright 9999 _The Judge of Ages_ (CountOfTheEschatonSequence #3; 380 pages; F Wri)
John Charles Wright 9999 _The Architect of Aeons_ (CountOfTheEschatonSequence #4; 380 pages; F Wri)
Tom Wright 2016 _The Malhutan Chronicles_ (280 pages; 1.7MB)
John Wyndham 1951 _Day of the Triffids_ ()
Jonathan Yanez & J.R. Castle 2018 _Into the Breach_ (Gateway to the Galaxy #1; 250 pages; 1.1MB)
Bill Yenne 2012 _A Damned Fine War: A Novel of Alternate History_ (445 pages; 2.1MB)
Milo Yiannopoulos, Tom Kratman, Nick Cole, Larry Correia, Brad R. Torgersen, John C. Wright, Vox Day, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Sarah A. Hoyt, Brian Niemeier, A.M. Freeman, Chrome Oxide, E.J. Shumak, Ray Blank et al. 2017 _Forbidden Thoughts_ (350 pages; 1.8MB)
Diane Joy Yoder 2017-10-19 _God's Secret Agent_ (235-256 pages; 1MB; ISBN 9781947319011; OCLC 1035764835; TGS International)
Ella Young 8888 _Celtic Wonder-Tales_ ()
Richard L. Young 2012 _DATA Corp_ (66 pages)
Waldemar Young, Harold Lamb, Lynn Riggs, Jeanie MacPherson, Courtney Ryley Cooper, Frank J. Wilstach, Grover Jones, Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur, James Ellison 1936, 1937, 1993 _The Plainsman_ (113 minutes; VHS Feature Films Pla)
Philip Youngman-Carter 1970, 2013 _Mr. Campion's Falcon: An Albert Campion Mystery_ (widower of Margery Allingham; 155 pages; 589KB)
Charles Yu 2010 _How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe_ (time travel?; 239 pages; F Yu)
Lidia Yuknavitch 2022 _Thrust_ (time travel?; 338 pages; F Yuk)
Fantastic Fiction: Timothy Zahn
Fantastic Fiction: Timothy Zahn: Icarus saga
Timothy Zahn 1999 _The Icarus Hunt_
Timothy Zahn 2023 _The Icarus Plot_ (451 pages; Pocket; F Zah; Jax)
Timothy Zahn 2023 _The Icarus Twin_
Timothy Zahn 2024 _The Icarus Job_
Timothy Zahn 2024 _The Icarus Changeling_
Timothy Zahn 2024 _The Icarus Needle_
Timothy Zahn 2024 _The Icarus Coda_
Fantastic Fiction: Timothy Zahn: BlackCollar
Timothy Zahn 1983 _The BlackCollar_
Dima Zales & Anna Zaires 2015 _The Time Stopper_ (MindDimensions #0; 60 pages; 207KB)
Dima Zales & Anna Zaires 2014 _The Thought Readers_ (MindDimensions #1; 295 pages; 355KB)
Dima Zales & Anna Zaires 2014/2015 _The Thought Pushers_ (MindDimensions #2; 400 pages; 421KB)
3. Dima Zales & Anna Zaires 2014 _The EnLightened_
4. Dima Zales & Anna Zaires 2015 _The Elders_
0. Dima Zales & Anna Zaires 2015 _Mind Dimensions_
Dima Zales & Anna Zaires 2016 _Oasis: The Last Humans_ (LastHumans #1; 370 pages; 401KB)
Dima Zales & Anna Zaires 2016 _Limbo_ (LastHumans #2; 210 pages; 382KB)
Dima Zales & Anna Zaires 2016 _Haven_ (LastHumans #3; 210 pages; 387KB)
Israel Zangwill 1907 _Ghetto Comedies_ ()
Israel Zangwill 1909 _The Melting Pot: A Drama in 4 Acts_ ()
Aaron Zelman & L. Neil Smith 2008 _Hope: A Novel About Freedom and What Could Be_ (220 pages; 917KB)
Aaron Zelman & L. Neil Smith 1999 _The Mitzvah: For Those Who Love Freedom and Those Who Should_ (240 pages)
Irene Zlato 2016 _ChaaceTime: The Origins_ (SpaceCycles #1; 490 pages; 3.6MB)
Elizabeth Haydon 2001 _Prophecy: Child of Earth_ (SymphonyOfAges #2; 730 pages; 1.9MB; paper+hard; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀
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(45) ►SecNav/ambassador John Pendleton Kennedy & general David Hunter Strother/Porte Crayon 1852, 1986, 2010, 2012 _Swallow Barn: A Sojourn in the Old Dominion_ (inspired in part by an 1832 visit to his cousin's home "The Bower"; 506 pages; ISBN 9780807113226; OCLC 666865200/ 494521851; Putnam/Louisiana StateU; PS2162 .S92 1929; ILL request)◀
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Herman C. McNeile/Sapper McNeile & Gerard Fairlie & Ray Milland & Heather Angel & Reginald Denny 1937 "BullDog Drummond Escapes"/"Bulldog Drummond Again" (stage-play & movie serial episode)
Herman C. McNeile/H.C. Sapper & Garnett Weston 1937 "BullDog Drummond Comes Back" (movie serial episode)
Fantastic Fiction: Kate Messner
Fantastic Fiction: Kate Messner: Ranger in Time
- - - - - N
Fantastic Fiction: Jeff Noon: Nyquist mysteries
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- - - - - P
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Tom Rob Smith 2008 _Child 44_ (Leo Demidov #1; 726 pages; Grand Central; LT F Smi; Main)
- - - - - T
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- - - - - V
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Amy Waldman 2019 _A Door in the Earth_ (Main+NE)
Fantastic Fiction: Timothy Zahn & David Weber: Manticore Ascendant
Fantastic Fiction: David Weber & Jane LIndskold: Star Kingdom/TreeCats
Fantastic Fiction: Pelham Grenville Wodehouse: Jeeves & Wooster
Fantastic Fiction: Olga Wojtas
- - - - - X
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Fantastic Fiction: Dima Zales/Misha Bell & Anna Zaires: Mind Dimensions series
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