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updated: 2022-06-11

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  - - - - - A

Albert of Aachen & Susan B. Edgington 2007 _Historia Ierosolimitana: History of the Journey to Jerusalem_ (1K pages)

Mark Aarons & John Loftus 1991 _RatLines: How the Vatican's Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the Soviets_ ()

(22) ►Guido Abbatista 2008 _Edmund Burke, the Atlantic American War, and the Poor Jews at Eustatius: Empire & the Law of Nations_ (ISSN 1123-7023; unique identifier 7180061469; UFirenze/UFlorence/UTrieste/Cyber Review of Modern Historiography; Jewish-American Society or Historic Preservation: Golden Rock to Golden Door   UChicago/American Historical Review: St. Eustatius in the American Revolution   Victor Enthoven: Early American Studies: "That Abominable Nest of Pirates": St. Eustatius and the North Americans 1680-1780   IR Proper Design.nl/PamKatPhotography: a short tour through Orangestad, St. Eustatius   1951 June: Consuela Mary McKee: Loyola U Chicago: the Caribbean lands and the American Revolution   2019 October: Jeremy Smilig: U of Southampton: Anglo-Jewry and the Revolution Era 1789-1815)

Lawrence F. Abbott 1927 _12 Great Modernists: Herodotus, St. Francis, Erasmus, Voltaire, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, Francois Millet, George Stephenson, Beethoven, Emerson, Darwin, Pasteur_ ()

Margery Post Abbott 2003 _Historical Dictionary of the Friends (Quakers)_ ()

Richard H. Abbott 1972 _Cobbler in Congress: The Life of Henry Wilson 1812-1875_ (280 pages)

Rawi Abdelal 2007 _Capital Rules: The Construction of Global Finance_ ()

James G. Abegglen 1958, 1960 _The Japanese Factory: Aspects of Its Social Organization_ ()

E. Lawrence Abel 2018 _John Wilkes Booth and the Women Who Loved Him_ (455 pages; 17MB)

Ernest L. Abel 2003 _Arab Genetic Disorders: A Layman's Guide_ ()

Theodore Abel 1938 _Why Hitler Came Into Power_ ()

(55) Alex Abella 2003 _Shadow Enemies: Hitler's Secret Terrorist Plot against the USA_ (320 pages; 940.548743)

Robert Abelman & David J. Atkin 2010 _The TeleViewing Audience: The Art and Science of Watching TV_ (195 pages)

(52) ►Richard Philip Abels 1998, 2013, 2019 _Alfred the Great: War, Kingship, and Culture in Anglo-Saxon England_ (385 pages; 3.4MB; ISBN 9781138808119+ 9781138808126; OCLC 1079311766; Routledge; ILL request)◀

Richard Abels 1988 _Lordship and Military Obligation in Anglo-Saxon England_ ()

David B. Abernethy 2000 _The Dynamics of Global Dominance: European OverSeas Empires 1415-1980_ ()

Thomas P. Abernethy 1955 _From Frontier to Plantation in TN_ ()

Thomas P. Abernethy 1937 _Western Lands and the American Revolution_ ()

J.W. Abert 1848, 1962, 2016 _Report of Lieutenant J.W. Abert of His Examination of New Mexico in the Years 1846-1847_ (32 pages)

J.W. Abert 1848, 1962, 2016 _Western USA in 1846-1847: The Travel Diary of Lieutenant J.W. Abert, Who Mapped New Mexico for the USA Army_ (110 pages)

John Aberth 2005, 2016 _The Black Death: The Great Mortality of 1348-1350: A Brief History with Documents_ (200 pages; 7.8MB)

John Aberth 2006 _The First HorseMan: Disease in Human History_ (190 pages)

John Aberth 2011 _Plagues in World History_ (245 pages; 2.2MB)

John Aberth 2013 _From the Brink of the Apocalypse: Confronting Famine, War, Plague, and Death in the Later Middle Ages_ (340 pages; 4.4MB)

Youssef H. Aboul-Enein _Militant Islamist Ideology: Understanding the Global Threat_ ()

Barnett Abrahams 2013 _The Expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290_ (88 pages; 367KB)

Mark Abrahamson 2004 _Global Cities_/_Global Hell-Holes: Over-Populated, Over-Crowded, Over-Regulated, Over-Taxes_ (190 pages)

Lynn Abrams 2002 _Bismarck and the German Empire 1871-1918_ ()

Robert B. Abrams 2017 _The Colosseum: An History_ (135 pages; 36.2MB)

-Sasha Abramsky 2015 _The House of 20K Books_ (359 pages; biography)

Tony Abramson 8888 _Studies in Early Medieval Coinage: vol3 Sifting the Evidence_ ()

Jeffrey Abt 2011, 2012-01-15 _American Egyptolotist: The Life of James Henry Breasted & the Creation of His Oriental Institute_ (536 pages; ISBN 9780226001104; UChicago)

Jareer abu-Haidar 2001 _Hispano-Arabic Literature and the Early Provencal Lyrics_ ()

Anna Brechta Sapir Abulafia 2013 _Christians and Jews in the 12th-Century Renaissance_ (200 pages; 3.2MB)

David Abulafia 1995 _The French Descent into Renaissance Italy 1494-1495_ ()

David Abulafia 1988 _Frederick ii: A Medieval Emperor_ ()

David Abulafia 2011 _The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean_ ()

Janet L. Abu-Lughod 1989, 1991 _Before European Hegemony: The World System 1250-1350CE_ (450 pages)

Janet L. Abu-Lughod 1993, 1994 _The World System in the 13th Century: Dead-End or PreCursor?_ (28 pages)

Janet L. Abu-Lughod 2000 _New York, Chicago, Los Angeles: USA's Global Cities [or Hell-Holes]?_ (580 pages)

Ahmad ibn Ali Abu Salih al-Armani Maqrizi, B.T.A. Evetts & A.J. Butler 1895 _The Churches and Monasteries of Egypt and Some Neighboring Countries_ ()

Sylvio Acatos & Maximilien Bruggmann 1990 _Pueblos: Pre-Historic Indian Cultures of the SouthWest_ ()

Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson 2006 _Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy_ (430 pages; 9.2MB)

Avidit Acharya, Matthew Blackwell & Maya Sen 2018 _Deep Roots: How Slavery Still Shapes Southern Politics_ ()

Gilbert Achcar 2010 _The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives_ (399 pages; 1.5MB)

Gilbert Achcar 2013 _Marxism, Orientalism, Cosmopolitanism_ (176 pages)

Gilbert Achcar 2002 _Clash of Barbarisms: 2001 September 11 and the Making of the New World DisOrder_ (128 pages)

Joel Achenbach 2004 _The Grand Idea: George Washington's Potomac and the Race to the West_ (467 pages; 975.202)

Neal Acherson 2003 _Stone Voices: The Search for Scotland_ ()

Neal Acherson 1996 _Black Sea_ ()

Dean G. Acheson 1969 _Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department_ ()

R.J. Acheson 2014 _Radical Puritans in England 1550-1660_ (120 pages; 252KB)

Sam Acheson 1935, 1938, 1973, 2009 _35K Days in Texas: An History of the Dallas ews and Its Forbears_ ()

Andre Aciman 1994, 2007 _Out of Egypt_ (350 pages; 721KB)

Randall K.Q. Ackee/Randall K.Q. Akee & Jonathan B. Taylor 2014 _Social and Economic Change on American Indian Reservations: A DataBook of the US Censuses and the American Community Survey 1990-2010_ ()

Bruce A. Ackerman 1991 _We the People: Foundations_ ()

Bruce A. Ackerman & James S. Fishkin 2004, 2005 _Deliberation Day_ (280 pages; 1.5MB)

Bruce A. Ackerman 2005 _The Failure of the Founding Fathers_ ()

Bruce A. Ackerman 2010 _The Decline and Fall of the American Republic_ ()

Diane Ackerman 2011 _A Natural History of Love_ (350 pages; 1.1MB; 9999.9999)

Elliot Ackerman 2019 _Places & Names: On War, Revolution, & Returning_ (245 pages; 2.4MB; endorsed by National Socialist Radios)

James Ackerman 1990 _The Villa: Form and Ideology of Country Houses_ ()

(50) Kenneth D. Ackerman 2003-06-01, 2011 _Dark Horse: The Surprise Election & Political Murder of President James A. Garfield_ (416-551 pages; ISBN 9780786711512/ 0786711515; OCLC 1170397724; Carroll & Graf)

Marsha E. Ackermann 2002 _Cool Comfort: America's Romance with Air-Conditioning_ ()

Wayne Ackerson 2005 _The African Institution (1807-1827) and the AntiSlavery Movement in Great Britain_ (250 pages)

(29) Peter Ackroyd 2012 _Foundation: The History of England from Its Earliest Beginnings to the Tudors_ (950Kya-; 486 pages; 4.1MB; 942 Ack; Main)

Peter Ackroyd 2013 _The Tudors: The History of England from Henry viii to Elizabeth i_ (507 pages; 11.7MB; 942.05 Ack; NE)

(32) Peter Ackroyd 2014 _Rebellion: The History of England from James i to the Glorious Revolution_ (1566-1689; 502 pages; 6.7MB; 941.06 Ack; Main)

Peter Ackroyd 2012 _Albion: The Origins of English Imagination_ (516 pages; 942; Main)

Peter Ackroyd 1984 _T.S. Eliot_ (400 pages; biography Eliot)

Peter Ackroyd 2007 _Chaucer_ (200 pages; 1.7MB; biography Chaucer)

Peter Ackroyd 2008 _Newton_ (200 pages; 1.2MB; biography Newton)

(39) Peter Ackroyd 2008, 2009 _Poe: A Life Cut Short_ (205 pages; 411KB; biography Poe; Main)

Peter Ackroyd 2011 _London Under: The Secret History beneath the Streets_ (228 pages; 914.2104 Ack; Main+NE)

Peter Ackroyd 2009, 2010 _Venice: Pure City_ (403 pages; 3.6MB: 945.311 Ack; Main+NE)

Israel Acrelius 17??, 2012 _An History of New Sweden: The Settlements on the Delaware_ (500 pages)

Harold Acton 1956, 1959, 1998-06-01 _The Bourbons of Naples 1734-1825_ (740 pages; ISBN 1853752916/ 9781853752919; Prion)

Douglass Adair 1974, 1998 _Fame and the Founding Fathers_ (485 pages)

James Adair 1775 _History of the American Indians in the South_ ()

Robert Adam & James Adam 2006 _Works in Architecture_ ()

Arthur Adams, Marcellus Donald Alexander von Redlich, Aileen Lewers Langston, Allan Cabaniss, James Orton Buck & Timothy Field Beard 1941, 1972, 1974, 1988, 2002, 2015 _Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants_ (at least 3 volumes; 929.1 reference)

Arthur E. Adams 1963 _Bolsheviks in the Ukraine: The Second Campaign 1918-1919_ ()

Charles Adams 8888 _When in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case for Southern Secession_ ()

Charles Francis Adams ii 1856, 1971 _Works of John Adams_ (at least 10 volumes)

Charles Francis Adams ii 2016 _RailRoads: Their Origins and Problems_ (155 pages; 341KB)

Charles Francis Adams ii 1916, 2010 _Charles Francis Adams 1835-1915: An AutoBiography_ (280 pages)

Charles Francis Adams iii? 1998 _The Magnificent Rogues of San Francisco: A Gallery of Fakers and Frauds, Rascals and Robber Barons, Scoundrels and Scalawags_ (325 pages)

E. Charles Adams 1992 _The Origin & Development of the Pueblo Katsina Cult_ ()

Ephraim Douglass Adams 1910 _British Interests and Activities in TX 1838-1846_ ()

Ephraim Douglass Adams 1925, 1958 _Great Britain and the American Civil War_ (2 volumes)

Frank Adams & Myles Horton 1975 _UnEarthing Seeds of Fire: The Idea of Highlander_ (school; Birmingham; 245 pages)

Henry Adams 8888 _Mont St. Michel and Chartres_ ()

Henry Adams 1907, 1946 _The Education of Henry Adams_ ()

Henry Adams 1986 _History of the United States during the Administration of James Madison_ ()

Henry Adams 1986 _History of the United States during the Administration of Thomas Jefferson_ ()

Henry Adams 1996 _John Randolph_ ()

Henry Adams 1879, 1943, 2014 _The Life of Albert Gallatin_ (350 pages; 1.8MB)

Henry H. Adams 1977 _Harry Hopkins: A Biography_ ()

Herbert Baxter Adams 1883, 2010 _Saxon Tithingmen in America_ (32 pages)

J. Christian Adams 2011 _Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department_ (300 pages; 487KB)

J.N. Adams 2008 _BiLingualism and the Latin Language_ (860 pages)

James L. Adams 1989 _Yankee Doodle Went to Church: The Righteous Revolution of 1776_ ()

James Truslow Adams 1934, 2007 _America's Tragedy_ ()

James Truslow Adams 1933, 1980, 2001, 2017 _The Epic of America_/_The Epic of the USA_ (440 pages; 60.8MB)

John Adams 1777 _Novanglus: An History of the Dispute with America_ (refuting essays of Daniel Leonard)

John Adams, Abigail Smith, Thomas Jefferson & Lester J. Cappon 1988 _The Adams-Jefferson Letters_ ()

John Adams & George A. Peek 1954 _The Political Writings of John Adams_ ()

John Adams & Charles Francis Adams 1850-1856 _The Works of John Adams_ ()

John Adams, L. Kinvin Wroth & Hiller B. Zobel 1965 _The Adams Papers: Legal Papers of John Adams_ (3 volumes; 1200 pages)

John Adams & Will Butts 1787, 2015 _A Defence of the Constitution of the United States of America_ (vol1; 440 pages; 1.2MB)

John Adams & Will Butts 1787, 2015 _A Defence of the Constitution of the United States of America_ (vol2; 365 pages; 1.4MB)

John Adams & Will Butts 1787, 2016 _A Defence of the Constitution of the United States of America_ (vol3; 470 pages; 1.2MB)

John Adams & George W. Carey 2000 _The Political Writings of John Adams_ ()

John Adams 1841, 2011, 2014, 2018 _Thoughts on Government_ (27-30 pages; 740KB)

John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Adrienne Koch & William Peden 1946 _The Selected Writings of John & John Quincy Adams_ ()

John Joseph Adams 2008 _WasteLands: Stories of the Apocalypse_ ()

John Quincy Adams, David Waldstreicher & Matthew Mason 2016 _John Quincy Adams and the Politics of Slavery: Selections from the Diary_ (330 pages; 1.7MB)

Max Adams 2013 _The King in the North: The Life and Times of Oswald of Northumbria_ (455 pages; 8.3MB)

Max Adams 2021 _The First Kingdom: Britain in the Age of Arthur_ (due out 2021-02-04)

Michael C.C. Adams 8888 _Living Hell: The Dark Side of the Civil War_ (305 pages; 2.8MB)

Nick Adams & Michael R. Drew 2012 _Pendulum: How Past Generations Shape Our Present and Predict Our Future_ (270 pages; 4.2MB)

(29) ►Nick Adams 2016 _ReTaking the USA: Crushing Political Correctness_ (240 pages; 1.4MB; ILL request)◀

(34) ►Nick Adams 2012 _Exceptional USA: A Message of Hope from a Modern-Day de Tocqueville_ (210 pages; ILL request)◀

Richard E.W. Adams 1977 _The Origins of Maya Civilization_ ()

Robert Adams 1981 _HeartLand of Cities_ (Petra)

Robert Adams & S. Cook 1816 _The Narrative of Robert Adams, a Sailor, Who Was Wrecked on the Western Coast of Africa, in the Year 1810, Was Detained 3 Years in Slavery by the Arabs of the Great Desert, and Resided Several Months in the City of Timbuctoo_ (inspiration for _Robinson Crusoe_)

Robert McCormick Adams 1965 _Land Behind Baghdad: An History ofSettlement on the Diyala Plains_ (185 pages)

Samuel L. Adams 2014 _"Social" and Economic Life in 2nd Temple Judea_ (260 pages; 1.5MB)

Sean Patrick Adams 2014 _Home Fires: How USA Citizens Kept Warm in the 19th Century_ (190 pages; 4.4MB)

Steven Adams 1987, 1992 _The Arts & Crafts Movement_ ()

William Howard Adams 2003 _Gouverneur Morris: An Independent Life_ (350 pages; 2.5MB)

William Howard Adams 1997 _The Paris Years of Thomas Jefferson_ (9999 pages; YaleU)

Michael Adas 2001 _Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History_ (265 pages)

Frank Ezra Adcock 1959 _Roman Political Ideas and Practice_ ()

Frank Ezra Adcock 1957 _The Greek and Macedonian Art of War_ ()

Markinfield Addey 1863, 2018 _StoneWall Jackson: The Life and Military Career of Thomas Jonathan Jackson, Lieutenant-General in the Confederate Army_ (240 pages)

Larry H. Addington 1994 _The Patterns of War Since the 18th Century_ ()

(50) Ferdinand Addis 2017, 2018 _The Eternal City: An History of Rome_ (632 pages; 945.63 ADD; Main+NE)

Charles Greenstreet Addison 1842, 2012, 2015 _The History of the Knights Templars_ (247 pages; 1.4MB)

Joseph Addison & Richard Steele 2009 _The Spectator (Complete)_ (320 pages; 4.1MB)

Joseph Addison, Richard Steele & Angus Ross 1988 _Selections from The Tatler & The Spectator_ (580 pages; ISBN 0140432981/ 9780140432985)

Joseph Addison, Richard Steele & Robert Joseph Allen 1970 _Selections from The Tatler & The Spectator_ (440 pages; ISBN 0030807905/ 9780030807909; OCLC 258055375; Rinehart)

Joseph Addison & Richard Steele 2004 _The Spectator volume 2 1672-1729_ (360 pages; 1.9MB; ISBN ?1177004453/ ?9781177004459?; OCLC ?944984758?)

Joseph Addison, Richard Steele &Henry Morley 2008 _The Spectator volume 1 part 1_ (580 pages; ISBN ???/ ???; OCLC ???; Dodo)

Joseph Addison & Richard Steele 2019 _The Spectator volume 1_ (1,230 pages; 9.2MB; ISBN ???/ ???; OCLC ???; mmm)

Joseph Addison & Richard Steele 2015, 2016 _The Spectator volume 3_ (312-330 pages; ISBN 1347135502/ 1354514726/ 9781347135501/ 9781354514726; OCLC 960948730; Palala)

Davids Adelbert 2002 _The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium_ ()

(35) Remi Adeleke 2019 _Transformed: A Navy SEAL's UnLikely Journey from the Throne of Africa, to the Streets of the Bronx, to Denying All Odds_ (360 pages; 11.5MB; biography Remi Adeleke; Main)

Jeremy Adelman 2009 _Sovereignty and Revolution in the Iberian Atlantic_ (408 pages)

Lesley Adkins 2003, 2004 _Empires of the Plain: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon_ ()

Roy Adkins 2006 _Nelson's Trafalgar: The Battle That Changed the World_ (432 pages; 1.359MB)

David A. Adler & Rose Eichenbaum 1987 _The Number on My GrandFather's Arm_ (28 pages)

Elkan Nathan Adler 1930 _London_ ()

Elkan Nathan Adler 1987, 2011 _Jewish Travellers in the Middle Ages: 19 first-hand accounts_ (432 pages)

Jacques Adler 1987 _The Jews of Paris and the Final Solution: Communal Response and Internal Conflicts 1940-1944_ ()

Joseph Adler, Irene Bloom & William Theodore de Bary 1999, 2000 _Sources of Chinese Tradition from Earliest Times to 1600_ (980 pages)

Michael A. Adler 2000 _The Pre-Historic Pueblo World 1150-1350_ ()

Mortimer J. Adler 1968 _The Annals of America_ (18 volumes)

Selig Adler & Thomas E. Connolly 1960 _From Ararat to SubUrbia: The History of the Jewish Community of Buffalo_ ()

Anthony Adolph & Ryan Tubridy 2009 _Tracing Your Scottish Family History_ ()

Adomnan of Iona & Richard Sharpe c.697, 1995 _Life of Columba_ (425 pages; )

J.M. Adovasio ≈ Jake Page 2002 _The First Americans: In Pursuit of Archaeology's Greatest Mystery_ (pre-Clovis human presence; earliest site in Southwestern PA)

S.A.M. Adshead 1993, 2014 _Central Asia in World History_ (280 pages)

Wendell Affield & William M. Petersen, M.D. 2021-09-02 _Barbara: UnCharted Course Through BorderLine Personality Disorder_ (396 pages; ISBN 9781945902086; OCLC ; Whspering Petals)

Wendell Affield 2012-02-25 _Muddy Jungle Rivers: A River Assault Boat Coxswain's Memory Journey of His War in VietNam_ (352 pages; ISBN 9780984702305; OCLC ; Hawthorn Petal)

Wendell Affield 2017-11-03 _Herman: 1940s Lonely Hearts Search: ChickenHouse Chronicles volume 1_ (156 pages; ISBN 9781945902000; OCLC ; Whspering Petals)

Wendell Affield 2018-02-02 _Pawns: The Farm, Nebish, Minnesota, 1950s: ChickenHouse Chronicles volume 2_ (390 pages; ISBN 9781945902031; OCLC ; Whspering Petals)

P.N. Agarwala 1985 _An History of Indian Business: A Complete Account of Trade Exchanges from 3000BCE to the Present Day_ ()

Hiroyuki Agawa 1979 _The Reluctant Admiral: Yamamoto and the Imperial Navy_ ()

Dionisius A. Agius & Richard Hitchcock 1994, 1996 _Arab Influence in Medieval Europe_ (192 pages)

William Aglionby 1666, 1667, 1669, 2011 _Il Nipotismo di Roma_/_The History of the Popes' Nephews from the Time of Sixtus iv to the Deat of the Last Pope Alexander vii_ (344 pages; 1240794606/ 9781240794607; EEBO/ProQuest)

sir Andrew Agnew & Constance Agnew 1864, 1891, 1893, 2010 _An History of the Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway with Contemporary Anecdotes, Traditions, and Genealogical Notices of Old Families of the Sheriffdom 1330 to 1747_/_The Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway_ (480 pages)

Hugh LeCaine Agnew 1993 _Origins of the Czech National Renascence_ ()

Hugh Agnew 2004 _The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown_ ()

James B. Agnew "Washington's Mercenaries" (Army, 31; 1981 August, pp50-54)

Mary Virginia Agnew 1926 _The Book of the Agnews_ (J.E. Caldwell & Company, Philadelphia, PA)

Rosemary Agonito 2012, 2014 _Miss Lizzie's War: The Double Life of Southern Belle Spy Elizabeth van Lew_ (300 pages; 2.1MB)

Georgius Agricola/Georg Bauer, Lou Henry Hoover & Herbert Hoover 1912, 1950, 2011, 2014 _De Re Metallica_ (650 pages)

Irving A. Agus 1969 _The Heroic Age of Franco-German Jewry_ (370 pages)

Yohanan Aharoni 1962 _The Land of the Bible: An Historical Geography_ (496 pages)

Eleanor Ahern 1943 _The Way We Wash Our Clothes_ (140 pages)

Shmuel Ahituv 2008 _Echoes from the Past: Hebrew and Cognate Inscriptions from the Biblical Period_ (520 pages)

Sydney E. Ahlstrom 1972 _A Religious History of the American People_ ()

Afsar Ahmed 2015 _Taj Mahal or Mummy Mahal: A Secret Hidden by Shah Jahan_ (100 pages)

Nils Ahnlund & Michael Roberts 1940, 1983 _Gustav Adolf the Great_ ()

Muhammad Manazir Ahzan 1979, 2016 _Social Life under the Abbasids_ (290 pages)

William H. Aiken & Basil D. Henning 1960 _Conflict in Stuart England_ ()

David Aikman 2003 _Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity Is Transforming [Red] China and Changing the Global Balance of Power_ ()

Cyrille Aillet 2010 _Les Mozarabes: Christianisme, Islamization et Arabisation en Peninsule Iberique 9th-12th Centuries_ ()

Jonathan Aitken 1993 _Nixon: A Life_ (633 pages; biography Nixon)

Thomas Aitken 1985 _Albert Gallatin: Early USA's Swiss-Born Statesman_ (200 pages)

Fouad Ajami 1998 _The Dream Palace of the Arabs: A Generation's Odyssey_ ()

(57) ►Rhetta Akamatsu 2010 _The Irish Slaves: Slavery, Indenture and Contract Labor Among Irish Immigrants_ (202 pages; 1MB; ILL request)◀

Takeru Akazawa & Emoke Szathmary 1996 _PreHistoric Mongoloid Dispersals_ ()

M.J. Akbar 1985 _India: The Siege Within: Challenges to the Nation's Unity_ ()

Rhetta Akematsu 2010 _The Irish Slaves: Slavery, Indenture, and Contract Labor Among Irish Immigrants_ (200 pages; 1MB)

Ilhan Aksit, Zeynep Celik, Edhem Eldem Zainab Bahrani & Hasan Basri Ozsu 2012 _Hagia Sophia: The History and the Architecture_ (290 pages)

Ekrem Akurgal 2001 _The Hattian and Hittite Civilizations_ ()

Emmanuel Akyeampong, Robert H. Bates, Nathan Nunn & James Robinson 2014 _Africa's Development in Historical Perspective_ (530 pages; 4.9MB)

Muzaffar Alam & Sanjay Subrahmanyam 2010 _Indo-Persian Travels in the Age of Discoveries 1400-1800_ ()

field-marshal lord Alanbrooke, Alex Danchev & Daniel Todman 1945, 2001 _War Diaries 1939-1945_ ()

Ali ibn al-Athir/Abu al-Hassan Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ash-Shaybani/Ali Izz al-Din ibn al-Athir al-Jazari "Kamel Altevarykh"/"The Complete History" _Recueil des historiens des croisades. Historiens orientaux_/_Collection of the Historians of the Crusades: Oriental Historians_ (vol1 pp16, 189-744 pg278)

Albache 1857 _Western Annals_ ()

Catherine L. Albanese 1976, 1977 _Sons of the Fathers: The Civil Religion of the American Revolution_ (265 pages)

Albert of Aachen 8888 _Historia Hierosolymitanae expeditionis_ or _Chronicon Hierosolymitanum de bello sacro_ ()

Albert of Aachen & Susan B. Edgington 2007 _Historia Ierosolymitana: History of the Journey to Jerusalem_ ()

Rainer Albertz & David Green 2003 _Israel in Exile: The History and Literature of the 6th Century BCE_ (440 pages)

Robert Greenhalgh Albion & Robert Howe Connery 1962 _Forrestal and the Navy_ (350 pages)

William F. Albright 1940, 1957, 2003 _From the Stone Age to Christianity_ ()

(59) Leslie Alcock 1971, 2001 _Arthur's Britain: History and Archaeology 367CE-634CE_ (437 pages; 942.914; Main)

Leslie Alcock 2003 _Kings and Warriors, Craftsmen and Priests_ ()

Derek H. Aldcroft 1979, 1981, 1987 _From Versailles to Wall Street 1919-1929_ (375 pages)

John Richard Alden 1952 _The War of the Revolution_ ()

Henry Clay Alder & Larry L. Nelson 2002 _An History of Jonathan Alder: His Captivity and Life With the Indians [b. 1773 Ohio; Shawnee and Mingo Indians]_ (222 pages)

Edwin A. Alderman 1907 _Classics Old and New: A Series of School Readers: A 5th Reader_ ()

Pat Alderman 1970, 1986 _The OverMountain Men: Early Tennessee History 1760-1795_ (300 pages)

(65) Alexandra Aldrich 2019 _Astor Orphan: A Memoir_ (259 pages; biography Aldrich; Main+E)

Chilson D. Aldrich 1946 _The Real Log Cabin_ ()

(63) Gary Aldrich 1996 _Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent inside the Clinton Crime Family White House_ (222 pages; 353.001325)

M.A. Aldrich 2010 _The Search for a Vanishing Beijing: A Guide to China's Capital through the Ages_ (410 pages; 8.9MB)

Alfred Owen Aldridge 1967 _Benjamin Franklin and Nature's God_ (270 pages)

Daniel W. Aldridge iii 2011 _Becoming American: The African American Quest for Civil Rights 1861-1976_ (370 pages)

() Buzz Aldrin & Ken Abraham 2009 _Magnificent Desolation: The Long Journey Home from the Moon_ (biography)

(63) Buzz Aldrin & Leonard David 2013 _Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration_ (629.422; E+NE)

(59) Buzz Aldrin & Malcolm McConnell 1991 _Men from Earth_ (629.454)

Frank Vernon Aler 1888, 2009, 2010, 2012 _History of Martinsburg and Berkeley County, West Virginia_ (Hagerstown, MD, 1888 The Mail Publishing company; 975.497 A369; 425 pages)

Adele Logan Alexander 1991 _Ambiguous Lives: Free Women of Color in Rural Georgia_ ()

Archibald Alexander 1845 _Biographical Sketches of the Founder and the Principal Alumni of Log College_ (Princeton, NJ)

Archibald Alexander 1968 _The Log College_ ()

Bevin Alexander 2002 _How Wars Are Won: The 13 Rules of War from Ancient Greece to the War on Terror_ ()

Bevin Alexander 2005 _How USA Got It Right: The USA March to Military and Political Supremacy_ (310 pages; 823KB)

Caroline Alexander 8888 _The War That Killed Achilles: The True Story of Homer's Iliad and the Trojan War_ (320 pages; 1.9MB)

Charles C. Alexander 1975 _Holding the Line: The Eisenhower Era 1952-1961_ ()

Charles C. Alexander 1965, 1995 _The Ku Klux Klan in the SouthWest_ (280 pages)

Christopher Alexander 1977 _A Pattern Language_ ()

Christopher Alexander 1979 _The Timeless Way of Building_ ()

Frederick Warren Alexander 1912 _Stratford Hall and the Lees Connected with Its History_ ()

Garth Alexander 1973 _Silent Invasion: The Chinese in SouthEast Asia_ ()

James W. Alexander _The Life of Archibald Alexander, DD, LLD, first professor in the Theological seminary at Princeton, NJ_ ()

Jennier Karns Alexander 2008 _The Mantra of Efficiency: From WaterWheel to Social Control_ ()

Jocelyn Alexander 2006 _The UnSettled Land: State-Making & the Politics of Land in Zimbabwe 1893-2003_ (220 pages)

John K. Alexander 2002 _Samuel Adams: America's Revolutionary Politician_ ()

Julie Loan Ky Alexander 2017 _A Rose on the Steel Ground: From VietNam to USA_ (280 pages; 810KB)

Peter A. Alexander 2012 _The GunSmith of Grenville County: Building the USA LongRifle_ ()

Ralph Alexander 2009 _Global Warming False Alarm_ ()

Samuel Davies Alexander 8888 _Princeton College during the 18th Century_ (Anson D.F. Randolph & Company)

Ted Alexander 8888 _The Battle of Antietam: The Bloodiest Day [1862-09-17]_ (190 pages; 9.7MB)

Virginia Wood Alexander 8888 _Pendleton District & Anderson County, SC, Wills, Estates, Inventories, Tax Returns & Census Records_ ()

William Alexander 1820 _Observations on the Construction and Fitting Up of Meeting Houses_ ()

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Alan Appelbaum 2013 _The Dynasty of the Jewish Patriarchs_ (235 pages)

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(49) Anne Applebaum 2012 _Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944-1956_ (566 pages; 12.8MB; 947.0009 App; Main+NE+E+Jax+Woodville)

Joyce Oldham Appleby 2013 _Shores of Knowledge: New World Discoveries and the Scientific Imagination_ (310 pages; 3.5MB)

Joyce Oldham Appleby 1984 _Capitalism and a New Social Order: The Republican Vision of the 1790s_ (120 pages)

Joyce Oldham Appleby 1992 _Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination_ (355 pages)

Joyce Oldham Appleby 2007 _A Restless Past: History and the USA Public_ (190 pages; 1.2MB)

(59) Joyce Oldham Appleby 2000 _Inheriting the Revolution: the First Generation of Americans_ (320 pages; 973; Main)

Joyce Oldham Appleby & Arthur M. Schlesinger ii 2000, 2003, 2013 _Thomas Jefferson_ (180 pages; 1.2MB; biography Jefferson; Main+FtBraden)

Joyce Oldham Appleby, Lynn Hunt, & Margaret Jacobs 1994 _Telling the Truth about History_ ()

Debbie Applegate 206 _The Most Famous Man in America: The Biography of Henry Ward Beecher_ ()

(55) ►Roy E. Appleman 2009 _Disaster in Korea: The Red Chinese Confront MacArthur_ (456 pages; ISBN 9781603441285; OCLC 837003482; TAMU; ILL request)◀

Roy Appleman 1961 _South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu_ ()

Jay Appleton 1990 _The Symbolism of Habitat_ ()

Nathaniel Appleton 1748 _The Cry of Oppression_ ()

Yitzhak Arad 1987, 1999 _Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps_ (440 pages; 6.2MB)

Mark Arax & Rick Wartzman 2005 _The King of California: J.G. Boswell and the Making of a Secret USA Empire_ (565 pages; 12.3MBs)

Mordechai Arbell 2000 _Portuguese Jews of Jamaica_ (85 pages)

William Archer 2017 _World War 1: From the Perspective of the Animals That Served_ (38 pages)

David Archibald 2016 _American Gripen: The Solution to the F-35 Nightmare_ ()

Malcolm Archibald 2016 _Dance If Ye Can: A Dictionary of Scottish Battles_ (240 pages; 730KB)

James Arcuri 2018 _For God & Country: A Spy & a Patriot, Haym Salomon Gave His Fortune & His Life for Liberty & the Cause_ (490-550 pages; 3.4MB)

John Ardagh 1928 _Ireland and the Irish_ ()

(59) Adam Ardrey 2013 _Finding Arthur: The True Origins of the Once and Future King_ (352 pages; 942.014)

Hannah Arendt & Amos Elon 1963, 1965, 2006 _Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil_ (340 pages; 535KB)

William Arens 1980 _The Man-Eating Myth: Anthropology and Anthrophagy_ (225 pages; 2.8MB; see also Christy G. Turner, Daniel Diehl, Carole A. Travis-Henikoff, Hans Askenasy)

Esther B. Aresty 1964 _The Delectable Past_ ()

Chris Argyris 8888 _The Management Trap_ ()

Chris Argyris 2000 _Flawed Advice and the Management Trap_ ()

Kaity Argyropoulo 1975 _From Peace to Chaos: A Forgotten Story_ ()

(57) Philippe Aries, Paul Veyne, Arthur Goldhammer & Georges Duby 1992 _An History of Private Life: vol1 From Pagan Rome to Byzantium_ (at least 5 volumes; Belknap/HarvardU; 390.009 HIS V.1)

(63) Philippe Aries, Paul Veyne, Arthur Goldhammer & Georges Duby 1988 _An History of Private Life: vol2 Revelations of the Medieval World_ (390.009)

(65) Philippe Aries, Paul Veyne, Arthur Goldhammer, Roger Chartier & Georges Duby 1993 _An History of Private Life: vol3 Passions of the Renaissance_ (390.009)

Philippe Aries, Paul Veyne, Arthur Goldhammer & Georges Duby 1994 _An History of Private Life: vol4 From the Fires of Revolution to the Great War_ ()

Philippe Aries, Antoine Prost, Gerard Vincent, Paul Veyne, Arthur Goldhammer & Georges Duby 1994 _An History of Private Life: vol5 Riddles of Identity in Modern Times_ ()

Philippe Aries & Patricia Ranum 1975 _Western Attitudes toward Death from the Middle Ages to the Present_ (130 pages; 778KB)

Philippe Aries & Helen Weaver 2013 _The Hour of Our Death_ (680 pages; 8.2MB)

Philippe Aries 1965 _Centuries of Childhood_ (430 pages)

Stephen Aris 1970 _But There Are No Jews in England_ ()

Hadley Arkes 1994, 1997 _The Return of George Sutherland: Restoring a Jurisprudence of Natural Rights_ (300 pages)

Anthony Arlidge & Igor Judge 2014 _Magna Carta UnCovered_ (200 pages; 1.5MB)

Joanna Arman 2017 _The Warrior Queen: The Life & Legend of Aethelflaed, Daughter of Alfred the Great_ (325 pages; 5.1MB)

Domnick T. Armentano 1982 _AntiTrust and Monopoly: The Anatomy of a Political Failure_ ()

Dick Armey & Matt Kibbe 2010 _Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto_ (265 pages; 751KB)

Ian Armit 2002 _Towers in the North: The Brochs of Scotland_ (170 pages)

Ian Armit 1998, 2009 _Scotland's Hidden History_ (190 pages)

Ian Armit 2016 _Celtic Scotland_ (140 pages)

David Armitage 2000 _The Ideological Origins of the British Empire_ (170 pages)

(50) David Armitage 2017 _Civil Wars: An History of Ideas_ (349 pages; 355.0218 Arm; Main+E)

Sydney Armitage-Smith 2015-10-21, 2018-10-15 _John of Gaunt_ (556 pages; 1.9MB; ISBN 9780343210185; Lume/Franklin)

Thomas Armour, Donald Beightol & Willie Caldwell 2005 _The Way We Were: Grove City Pennsylvania_ (140 pages)

(50) Benjamin Armstrong 2013 _21st Century Mahan: Sound Military Conclusions for the Modern Era_ (Alfred Thayer Mahan; 179 pages; 359.4 Arm; Main)

Gordon Armstrong 2005 _Illinois Artillery Officer's Civil War: The Diary and Letters of John Cheney_ (304 pages)

Jennifer Armstrong 2005 _Photo by Brady: A Picture of the Civil War_ (160 pages)

Peter Armstrong & Stephen Walsh 2013 _Otterburn 1388: Bloody Border Conflict_ (95 pages; 53.6MB)

W. Alan Armstrong & F.M.L. Thompson 1992 _The Cambridge Social History of Britain 1750-1950: vol1 Regions and Communities_ (600 pages)

(42) Zella Armstrong & Janie Preston Collup French 1918, 1922, 1974 _Notable Southern Families_ (genealogy; 999999 pages; ISBN 9780806305080; Lookout/King/Genealogical; 929.2 Arm v.1-2; Main)

W.H.G. Armytage 2003 _A Social History of Engineering_ ()

Girolamo Arnaldi 2005 _Italy and Its Invaders_ ()

Johann P. Arnason, S.N. Eisenstadt & Bjorn Wittrock 2004 _Axial Civilizations and World History_ (560 pages)

Bob Arnebeck 1991 _Through a Fiery Trial: Building Washington 1790-1800_ ()

Eric Arnesen 2002 _Black Protest and the Great Migration: A Brief History with Documents_ (230 pages)

Eric Arnesen & Susan R. Grayzel 2012 _Black Protest and the Great Migration & First World War_ ()

Ethel Stephens Arnett 1976 _David Caldwell_ ()

Larry Arnn 2013 _The Founders' Key: The Divine and Natural Connection Betweent he Declaration and the Constitution and What We Risk by Losing It_ (215 pages; 593KB)

Bill T. Arnold & Richard S. Hess 2014 _Ancient Israel's History: An Introduction to Issues and Sources_ (561 pages; 46MB)

Christopher J. Arnold 1984 _Roman Britain to Saxon England_ ()

Christopher J. Arnold 1988 _An Archaeology of the Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms_ (270 pages; 11MB)

Christopher J. Arnold & Jeffrey L. Davies 2000 _Roman & Early Medieval Wales_ (205 pages)

Channing Arnold & Frederick J. Tabor Frost 1909 _The American Egypt: A Record of Travel in Yucatan_ ()

David Arnold 2013 _The Age of Discovery 1400-1600_ (85 pages; 761KB)

Frank Arnold 2011 _What Makes Great Leaders Great_ ()

Henry Harley Arnold 1949, 1989 _Global Mission_ (610 pages)

James R. Arnold 2012 _Chickamauga 1863: The River of Death_ (96 pages; 11MB)

Jonathan J. Arnold 2014 _Theodoric and the Roman Imperial Restoration_ (340 pages; 1.7MB)

Matthew Arnold 1910 _On the Study of Celtic Literature_ ()

Matthew Arnold 1910 _On Translating Homer_ ()

Matthew Arnold 1869, 2011 _Culture and Anarchy_ (165 pages; 453KB)

Peter Arnold, Gillian Heller & Colin Tatz 2007 _Worlds Apart: The Re-Migration of South African Jews_ ()

Thomas Arnold 2002 _The Renaissance at War_ ()

Thomas W. Arnold 1924, 2016 _The Califate_ (250 pages; 609KB)

William Thomas Arnold 1903 _German Ambitions as They Affect Britain and the United States of America_ ()

Harriette Simpson Arnow 1963 _The Flowering of the Cumberland_ ()

Paul Aron 2008 _We Hold These Truths... and Other Words That Made the USA_ ()

(50) Paul Aron 2016 _Founding Feuds: The Rivalries, Clashes, and Conflicts That Forged a Nation_ (220 pages; 973.3092)

Stephen Aron 1996, 1999 _How the West Was Lost: The Transformation of Kentucky From Daniel Boone to Henry Clay_ (290 pages)

E. Aroneanu & T. Wissen 1996 _Inside the Concentration Camps_ ()

Eric Aronoff & Robert D. Newman 2013 _Composing Cultures: Modernism, American Literary Studies, and the Problem of Culture_ (230 pages; 1.1MB)

Ron Arons 2014 _Mind Maps for Genealogy_ (75 pages)

Sidney H. Aronson 1964 _Status and Kinship in the Higher Civil Service: Standards of Selection in the Adams, Jefferson, and Jackson Administrations_ (280 pages)

Theo Aronson 2015 _The Coburgs of Belgium_ (300 pages; 2.3MB)

Theo Aronson 2016 _Crowns in Conflict: The Triumph and the Tragedy of European Monarchy 1910-1918_ (430 pages; 747KB)

Arno Arrak 2011 _What Warming?: Satellite View of Global Temperature Change_ ()

Arrian & Aubrey de Selincourt 1971 _Campaigns of Alexander_ ()

Martin Arrowsmith 2014 _DNA: Family History Genealogy and Ancestry Research Through DNA Testing_ (73 pages; 2MB)

Raymond Arsenault 2011 _Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Justice_ (300 pages; 2MB)

Frederick Binkerd Artz 1953, 1958, 1967, 1980, 2014 _The Mind of the Middle Ages 200CE-1500CE: An Historical Survey_ (552-566-586 pages; ISBN 9780226028392; OCLC 1033591826/ 252247891; Knopf/UChicago)

Frederick Binkerd Artz 1974 _Reaction and Revolution 1814-1832_ ()

Joan Aruz, Sarah B. Graff & Yelena Rakic 2013 _Cultures in Contact from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the Second Millennium BCE_ (354 pages; ISBN 9781588394750; OCLC 859828323; YaleU)

Bernard Asbell 1961 _When FDR Died_ ()

Thomas S. Asbridge 2005 _The First Crusade: A New History: The Roots of Conflict between Christianity and Islam_ (448 pages)

(48) Thomas S. Asbridge 2014 _The Greatest Knight: The Remarkable Life of William Marshal, the Power Behind 5 English Thrones_ (444 pages; 13.271MB; 942.03; E)

Thomas S. Asbridge 2000 _The Creation of the Principality of Antioch 1098-1130_ (245 pages)

Thomas S. Asbridge & Susan B. Edgington 1999 _Walter the Chancellor's "The Antiochene Wars": A Translation and Commentary_ ()

(40) Elizabeth Asbrink & Fiona Graham 2018 _1947: Where Now Begins_ (280 pages; 909.82 Asb; Main+NE)

Herbert Asbury 2008 _The Gangs of NY: An Informal History of the UnderWorld 1928_ ()

Herbert Asbury 1927 _A Methodist Saint: The Life of Bishop Asbury_ ()

Neal Ascherson 1996, 2015 _Black Sea: The BirthPlace of Civilisation and Barbarism_ (310 pages)

Neal Ascherson 2004 _Stone Voices: The Search for Scotland_ (320 pages)

Eric H. Ash 2004 _Power, Knowledge, and Expertise in Elizabethan England_ ()

John Ash 1995 _A Byzantine Journey_ ()

Sharon Ash, William Labov & Charles Boberg 2005 _Atlas of North American English: Phonetics, Phonology and Sound Change_ ()

P.M. Ashburn 1947 _The Ranks of Death: A Medical History of the Conquest of America_ ()

sir Eric Ashby 1958 _Technology and the Academics: An Essay on Universities and the Scientific Revolution_ ()

LeRoy Ashby 1987 _William Jennings Bryan: Champion of Democracy_ (biography Bryan)

Geoffrey Ashe 1960 _From Caesar to Arthur_ ()

Geoffrey Ashe 1982 _Kings and Queens of Early Britain_ ()

Jerry Asher & Eric Hamel 2009 _Duel for the Golan: The 100-Hour Battle That Saved Israel_ (288 pages; 1.2MB)

Michael Asher 2006 _Khartoum: The Ultimate "Imperial Adventure"_ (500 pages; 74MB)

Gerald Ashford 1971 _Spanish Texas: Yesterday and Today_ ()

Elliott Ashkenazi 1988 _The Business of Jews in Louisiana 1840-1875_ ()

Maurice Ashley 1967 _England in the 17th Century_ (255 pages)

Maurice Ashley & Antonia Fraser 2000 _The Stuarts_ (110 pages)

Patrick J. Ashmore 1996, 2003 _NeoLithic and Bronze Age Scotland: An Authoritative and Lively Account of Scottish PreHistory_ (125 pages)

Robert Ashton 1969 _James i: By His Contemporaries: An Account of His Career and Character as Seen by Some of His Contemporaries_ (280 pages)

T.S. Ashton 1955 _An Economic History of England: The 18th Century_ ()

T.S. Ashton 1959 _An Economic History of England: Economic Fluctuations in England 1700-1800_ ()

T.S. Ashton 1948, 1997 _Industrial Revolution_ ()

Eliyahu Ashtor 1983 _The Jews and the Mediterranean Economy 10th-15th Centuries_ ()

Eliyahu Ashtor 1973, 1993 _The Jews of Moslem Spain_ (3 volumes, c. 900 pages)

Eliyahu Ashtor 1976, 1978 _A Social and Economic History of the Near East in the Middle Ages_ (384 pages)

Manan Asif, Maya Allison, Beatrix Ruf, David Crowley, & Anthony Downey 2015 _Slavs and Tatars: Mirrors for Princes_ (art since 2006; 190 pages)

Hossein Askari 2013 _Conflicts in the Persian Gulf: Origins and Evolution_ (230 pages; 1.4MB)

Hans Askenasy 1994 _Cannibalism_ (260 pages; 3.8MB)

Ronald D. Asmus 2010 _A Little War That Shook the World: Georgia, Russia, and the Future of the West_ (260 pages; 965KB)

Arthur Aspinall 1927, 2005 _Lord Brougham & the Whig Party_ (310 pages)

Robert B. Asprey 1994 _War in the Shadows: The Guerrilla in History_ ()

H.H. Asquith 1928 _Memories and Reflections 1852-1927_ ()

Merv Astle 2011 _Gregorian Calendar_ (235 pages; 527KB)

Michael Aston & Trevor Rowley 1974 _Landscape Archaeology: An Introduction to FieldWork Techniques on Post-Roman Landscapes_ (200 pages)

Gerald Astor 1998 _The Right to Fight: An History of African Americans in the Military_ ()

Jeremy Atack & Peter Passell 1979, 1994-05-17 _A New Economic View of American History: from Colonial Times to 1940_ ()

Aziz S. Atiya 1962 _Crusade, Commerce, and Culture_ (270 pages)

Gaius Glenn Atkins 2011 _Modern Religious Cults and Movements_ ()

(50) William Atkins 2018 _The Immeasurable World: Journeys in Desert Places_ (352 pages; 910.9154 Atk; Main+NE)

George W. Atkinson 1876 _History of Kanawha County_ (Charleston)

Kenneth Atkinson 2012 _Queen Salome: Jerusalem's Warrior Monarch of the 1st Century BCE_ ()

(38) Rick Atkinson 2007 _The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy 1943-1944_ (790 pages; 940.5421; Main+E+FtBraden)

(49) Rick Atkinson 2019 _The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton 1775-1777_ (revolution #1 of 3; 776 pages; 973.3 Atk; Main+E+NE+Jax)

(53) Rick Atkinson 2002, 2007 _An Army at Dawn: The War in North Aftica 1942-1943_ (681 pages; 940.5423 Atk; Main)

(59) Rick Atkinson 2013 _The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe 1944-1945_ (870 pages; 940.5421 Atk; Main)

Rick Atkinson 2004 _In the Company of Soldiers: A Chronicle of Combat_ (300 pages; 956.7044)

Rick Atkinson 1993 _Crusade: The UnTold Story of the Persian Gulf War_ ()

Rick Atkinson 2004 _In the Company of Soldiers: A Chronicle of Combat_ ()

W.C. Atkinson 1960 _An History of Spain and Portugal_ ()

Jacques Attali & Barbara Ellis 1986 _A Man of Influence: sir Siegmund Warburg 1902-1982_ ()

Ypie Attema 1976, 1981 _St. Eustatius: A Short History of the Island & Its Monuments_ (87 pages; ISBN 9789060111536; OCLC 461983127; de Walburg)

Michael Attwell 1986 _South Africa: Background to the Crisis_ ()

David G. Attwill 2006 _The Chinese Sultanate: Islam, Ethnicity, & the Panthay Rebellion in SouthWest Chin 1856-1873_ (264 pages; ISBN 9780804751599; OCLC 475502399; StanfordU)

Maria Eugenia Aubet & Mary Turton 2001 _The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies and Trade_ (445 pages)

Maria Eugenia Aubet 2013 _Commerce and Colonization in the Ancient Near East_ (420 pages)

Louis Auchincloss 2000 _Woodrow Wilson_ ()

Francoise Audouze & Oliver Buchenschutz 1992 _Towns, Villages, and CountrySide of Celtic Europe_ (245 pages)

Jerold S. Auerbach 1976 _Unequal Justice: Lawyers and "Social Change" in Modern America_ ()

Walter E. Aufrecht, Neil A. Mirau & Steven W. Gauley 1997 _Aspects of Urbanism in Antiquity: From Mesopotamia to Crete_ ()

Helen Augur 1955 _The Secret War of Independence_ ( pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Duell, Sloan & Pearce)

Harold Aurand 2003 _CoalCracker Culture: Work and Values in Pennsylvania Anthracite 1835-1935_ (155 pages)

(64) Marcus Aurelius, Jacob Needleman & John P. Piazza 2008 _The Essential Marcus Aurelius_ (110 pages; 188 Mar; Main)

Giorgio Ausenda, Julian D. Richards, John Hines, David Turton, Ross Balzaretti, Dennis H. Green, Sven Schuette, David N. Dumvills, Mortem Axboe & Ian N. Wood 2003 _After Empire: Towards an Ethnology of Europe's Barbarians_ (315 pages)

Allan D. Austin 1984 _African Muslims in AnteBellum America: A SourceBook_ ()

Allan D. Austin 1997, 2012 _African Muslims in AnteBellum America: TransAtlantic Stories and Spiritual Struggles_ (210 pages; 10.7MB)

Gareth Austin & Kaoru Sugihara 1993 _Local Suppliers of Credit in the Third World 1750-1960_ ()

John Langshaw Austin & J.O. Urmson 1975 _How to Do Thins with Words_ ()

Michel M. Austin 2006 _The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest; A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation_ ()

Norman Austin 1969 _The Greek Historians: Herodotus, Thucydides, Polybius, Plutarch_ ()

Geoffrey D. Austrian 1982 _Herman Hollerith: Forgotten Giant of Information Processing_ ()

Nahman Avigad 1983 _Discovering Jerusalem_ (260 pages)

(55) Shlomo Avineri & Haim Watzman 2013, 2014 _Herzl's Vision: Theodor Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State_ (275 pages; 3.3MB; 322.1 Avi; NE)

(40) John P. Avlon 2022 _Lincoln and the Fight for Peace_ (Civil War; reconstruction; 354 pages; ISBN 978198108120; OCLC ; Simon&Schuster; on order 2022-03-04 Avl; Main+NE)

Arieh L. Avneri 1982, 1984 _The Claim of Dispossession: Jewish Land-Settlement and the Arabs 1878-1948_ (300 pages)

Haim Avni & Gila Brand 1991 _Argentina and the Jews_ ()

Catalin Avramescu & Alistair Ian Blyth 2011 _An Intellectual History of Cannibalism_ (360 pages; 1.3MB)

Paul Avrich 1972, 1976 _Russian Rebels 1600-1800_ ()

(55) Carole Engle Avriett 2018 _Coffin Corner Boys: One Bomber, 10 Men, & their Harrowinb Escape from Nazi-Occupied France_ (940.544973 Avr; Main)

Alan Axelrod 2002 _America's Treaties and Alliances_ (450 pages; 341.026673 Reference)

Alan Axelrod 2002 _America's Wars_ (355.00973)

Alan Axelrod 2007, 2008 _Blooding at Great Meadows: Young George Washington & the Battle That Shaped the Man_ (260 pages)

Alan Axelrod 2007 _Bradley: A Biography_ (200 pages; 374KB)

Alan Axelrod 1993 _Chronicle of the Indian Wars_ (973.0497; reference at Main, stacks at NE & Jax)

Alan Axelrod 2007 _Miracle at Belleau Wood: The Birth of the Modern USMC_ (940.45844;')

(43) Alan Axelrod 1999 _Patton on Leadership_ (658.4)

Alan Axelrod 2010 _Patton's Drive: The Making of America's Greatest General_ ()

Alan Axelrod 1992 _The War between the Spies: An History of Espionage during the American Civil War_ (973.785)

James Axtell 2016 _Wisdom's WorkShop: The Rise of the Modern University_ (425 pages; 8.1MB)

James Axtell 1981 _The European and the Indian: Essays in the EthnoHistory of Colonial North America_ ()

Michael Axworthy 2010 _Sword of Persia: Nader Shah, from Tribal Warrior to Conquering Tyrant_ (360 pages; 7.6MB)

Michael Axworthy 2016 _An History of Iran: Empire of the Mine_ (375 pages; 4.1MB)

David Ayalon 1956, 2016 _GunPowder and Firearms in the Mamluk Kingdom_ (170 pages; 3.1MB)

David Ayalon 1988 _Outsiders in the Lands of Islam: Mamluks, Mongols, and Eunuchs_ (320 pages)

David Ayalon 1994 _Islam and the Abode of War: Military Slaves and Islamic Adversaries_ (310 pages)

A.J. Ayer 8888 _Language, Truth and Logic_ ()

J. Ayer 1904 _A Century of Finance 1804-1904: The London House of Rothschild_ ()

Edward L. Ayers 1984 _Vengeance and Justice: Crime and Punishment in the 19th Century American South_ ()

(30) Edward L. Ayers 2003, 2004 _In the Presence of Mine Enemies: War in the Heart of the USA 1859-1863_ (1859-1863; Civil War; 472 pages; ISBN 9780393326017; Norton; on order 2021-10-20 Bur; Jax+NE)

Eric O. Ayisi 1992-05-01 _St. Eustatius: The Treasure Island of the Caribbean_ (224 pages; ISBN 9780865433472/ 9780865433489; OCLC 995212758; AfricaWorld)

G.E. Aylmer 1986 _Rebellion or Revolution?: England 1640-1660_ ()

G.E. Aylmer 2002 _The Crown's Servants: Government and Civil Service under Charles ii 1660-1685_ (330 pages)

Ahmad Aziz 1962 _An History of Islamic Sicily_ ()

Jeremy R. Azrael 1978 _Soviet Nationality Policies and Practices_ ()

John Allembillah Azumah 2014 _The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-Religious Dialogue_ (280 pages; 1.3MB)


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