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Alice Morse Eale 1903, 1971 _2 Centuries of Costume in America 1620-1820_ ()
Andrew Eames 2011 _Blue River, Black Sea: A Journey Along the Danube into the Heart of the New Europe_ (455 pages; 8MB)
Caville Earle 1975 _The Evolution of a Tidewater Settlement System: All Hallow's Parish Maryland 1650-1783_ ()
Jonathah Earle & Diane Mutti Burke 2013-08-20 _Bleeding Kansas, Bleeding Missouri: The Long Civil War on the Border_ (360 pages; ISBN 9780700619283; Kansas)
Timothy Earle 1997 _How Chiefs Come to Power: The Political Economy in PreHistory_ (260 pages)
Timothy Earle 2002 _Bronze Age Economics: The Beginnings of Political Economies_ (415 pages)
(78) Pete Earley 2007, 2008 _Comrade J: The UnTold Secrets of Russia's Master Spy in the USA after the End of the Cold War_ (340 pages; 816KB; Biography Tretyakov; Main)
Alan R. Earls 2008 _Greater Boston's Blizzard of 1978_ (120 pages)
Alan R. Earls 2004 _Digital Equipment Corporation: Images of America_ (125 pages)
William Easterly 2002 _The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and MisAdventures in the Tropics_ ()
Lloyd E. Eastman, Jerome Chen, Suzanne Pepper & Lyman P. van Slyke 1991 _The Nationalist Era in China 1927-1949_ (420 pages)
Max Eastman 1962 _Reflections on the Failure of Socialism_ ()
Clement Eaton 1964 _The Freedom-of-Thought Struggle in the Old South_ (410 pages)
Henry Eaton 2013 _The Origins and OnSet of the Romanian Holocaust_ (215 pages; 3MB)
Roger Eatwell 1995 _Fascism: An History_ ()
(63) Jennie Ebeling, J. Edward Wright, Mark Elliott & Paul V.M. Flesher 2018 _The Old Testament in Archaeology and History_ (670 pages; 16.3MB; ILL request)◀
William Ebenstein & Alan O. Ebenstein 1963, 1999, 2001 _Great Political Thinkers_ ()
Wolfram Eberhard 1952 _Conquerors and Rulers: Social Forces in Medieval China_ ()
Wolfram Eberhard 1948 _An History of China_ ()
Gary L. Ebersole 1995 _Puritan to PostModern Images of Indian Captivity_ (320 pages)
Nicholas Eberstadt 2014 _The Great Society at 50: The Triumph and the Tragedy_ ()
Nicholas Eberstadt 1988 _The Poverty of Communism_ ()
Nicholas Eberstadt 1995 _The Tyranny of Numbers: Mismeasurement and Misrule_ ()
Nicholas Eberstadt 2012 _A Nation of Takers: USA's Entitlement Epidemic_ (134 pages; 6.8MB; 336.39; Main)
Patricia Buckley Ebrey 2009 _The Aristocratic Families in Early Imperial China: A Case Study of the Po-Ling Tsui Family_ (250 pages)
Patricia Buckley Ebrey & James L. Watson 1986 _Kinship Organization in Late Imperial China 1000-1940_ (320 pages)
Cecil B. Eby/Cecil D. Eby 2007 _Comrades and Commissars: The Lincoln Battalion in the Spanish Civil War_ (544 pages)
Cecil B. Eby ii & David Hunter Strother 1998 _A Virginia Yankee in the Civil War: The Diaries of David Hunter Strother_ (300 pages; 4.7MB)
Cecil D. Eby ii 1956, 1973 _Porte Crayon: The Life of David Hunter Strother_ (250 pages)
Cecil B. Eby/Cecil D. Eby 1973 _"That Disgraceful Affair": The Black Hawk War_ (345 pages)
Cecil B. Eby/Cecil D. Eby 1998 _Hungary at War: Civilians and Soldiers in World War 2_ (325 pages)
William Ecenbarger 2000 _Walkin' the line: a journey from past to present along the Mason-Dixon_ (220 pages)
Hamilton J. Eckenrode 1916 _The Revolution in VA_ (Houghton Hifflin)
(39) Allan W. Eckert 2001 _The Frontiersmen: A Narrative_ (Winning of America #1; 626 pages; 917.3; Main+Jax)
(50) Allan W. Eckert 2012 _Wilderness Empire_ (Winning of America #2; 760 pages; 4.9MB; 973.2 Eck; Main)
(55) Allan W. Eckert 2002 _The Conquerors: A Narrative_ (Winning of America #3; 720 pages; 973.27)
Allan W. Eckert 2002, 2003 _The Wilderness War: A Narrative_ (Winning of America #4; 485 pages)
Allan W. Eckert 2004 _GateWay to Empire: A Narrative_ (Winning of America #5; 680 pages)
Allan W. Eckert 1988, 1989, 2004 _TwiLight of Empire_ (Winning of America #6; 575 pages)
Alfred E. Eckes 1995 _Opening America's Market: U.S. Foreign Trade Policy Since 1776_ ()
Alfred E. Eckes 1979 _The United States and the Global Struggle for Minerals_ ()
Arthur M. Eckstein 1987 _Senate and General: Individual Decision-Making and Roman Foreign Relations 264BCE-194BCE_ (400 pages)
Arthur M. Eckstein 2006, 2007 _Mediterranean Anarchy, InterState War, and the Rise of Rome_ (390 pages; 4.2MB)
Arthur M. Eckstein 2008 _Rome Enters the Greek East: From Anarchy to Hierarchy in the Hellenistic Mediterranean 230BCE-170BCE_ (450 pages)
Peter W. Edbury 1997 _John of Ibelin and the Kingdom of Jerusalem_ (230 pages)
Peter W. Edbury 1996, 1998 _The Conquest of Jerusalem and the 3rd Crusade: Sources in Translation_ (208 pages)
Peter W. Edbury & John Gordon Rowe 1991 _William of Tyre: Historian of the Latin East_ ()
Peter W. Edbury, Jonathan P. Phillips, Marcus Bull & Norman Housley 2003 _The Experience of Crusading_ (650 pages)
Anne-Marie Edde 2011 _Saladin_ ()
S.A. Eddie 2013 _Freedom's Price: Serfdom, Subjection, and Reform in Prussia 1648-1848_ (390 pages; 6.9MB)
Carl Edeburn 2003 _Sturgis: The Story of the Rally_ (320 pages)
Wilbur Edel 1997 _Kekionga!: The Worst Defeat in the History of the US Army_ (150 pages; 1.9MB)
Michael Edelstein 1982 _OverSeas Investment in the Age of High Imperialism: The United Kingdom 1850-1914_ ()
Anthony Eden 8888 _Full Circle: The Memoirs of Anthony Eden_ ()
Jeff Eden 2018 _Slavery and Empire in Central Asia_ (230 pages; 2.2MB)
Robert Eden 1989 _The New Deal and Its Legacy: Critique and Reappraisal_ ()
Maitland Armstrong Edey 1974 _The Sea Traders_ (913.39; Main)
Andrew Edgar 1885 _Old Church Life in Scotland_ ()
Frederick Milnes Edge 1865, 2013 _Major-General McClellan and the Campaign on the YorkTown Peninsula_ ()
David Edgerton 2006 _The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900_ (275 pages; 3.5MB)
(57) Robert B. Edgerton 2001 _Hidden Heroism: Black Soldiers in the USA's Wars_ (270 pages; 355.0089; Main)
(4) ►Robert B. Edgerton 2010 _Sick "Societies": Challenging the Myth of Primitive Harmony_ (290 pages; 1.1MB; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) ►Ter Ellingson 2001 _The Myth of the Noble Savage_ (495 pages; 5MB; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) ►Lawrence H. Keeley 1996, 1997 _War before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage_ (272 pages; 1.849MB; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) Shepard Krech iii 1999, 2000 _The Ecological Indian: Myth and History_ (318 pages; 333.7089; NE) read with
(4) ►Steven A. LeBlanc 2007 _PreHistoric Warfare in the American SouthWest_ (410 pages; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) ►Katherine E. Register & Steven A. le Blanc 2013 _Constant Battles: The Myth of the Peaceful, Noble Savage_ (290 pages; 3.9MB; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) ►Glen E. Rice & Steven le Blanc 2012 _Deadly Landscapes: Case Studies in PreHistoric SouthWestern Warfare_ (390 pages; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) ►Stephen Warren 2014 _The Worlds the Shawnees Made: Migration & Violence in Early USA_ (300 pages; 4MB; ILL request)◀
Thomas Alva Edison & Dagobert D. Runes 1948 _The Diary and Sundry Observations of Thomas Alva Edison_ ()
Charles River Editors 2014 _The Crusader States: The History of the European States Established in the Middle East during the Crusades_ (56 pages; 3.6MB)
Friedrich Edler 1911, 2007, 2014 _The Dutch Republic and the American Revolution_ (255 pages; 216.8MB)
Max M. Edling 8888 _A Revolution in Favor of Government: Origins of the USA Constitution and the Making of the American State_ (335 pages; 1.4MB)
Christopher Edmonds & Douglas Century 2019 _No Surrender: The Story of an Ordinary Soldier's Courage in the Face of Evil_ (340 pages; 17.1MB)
Sarah Emma Edmonds 1865, 1999 _Memoirs of a Soldier, Nurse, and Spy: A Woman's Adventures in the Union Army_ (285 pages)
J.R. Edmondson 2000 _The Alamo Story from History to Current Conflicts_ ()
R. David Edmunds 1983 _The Shawnee Prophet_ ()
R. David Edmunds 1984 _Tecumseh and the Quest for Indian Leadership_ ()
Hoito Edoin 1987 _The Night Tokyo Burned: The Incendiary Campaign against Japan, 1945 March-August_ ()
(45) Robert M. Edsel & Bret Witter 2009, 2013 _The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, & the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History_ (1944-1945; WW2; 598 pages; ISBN 9780316240079; Little, Brown; 940.53 Eds; Main+BLPerry+NE)
Evelyn Edson 1997 _Mapping Time and Space: How Medieval MapMakers Viewed Their World_ ()
Michael Edwardes 1963, 2017 _The Battle of Plassey and the Conquest of Bengal_ (195 pages; 14.7MB)
Bernard Edwards 2012 _Royal Navy Versus the Slave Traders: Enforcing Ablition at Sea 1808-1898_ (215 pages; 2.6MB)
Bernard Edwards 2020 _From Hunter to Hunted: The U-Boat in the Atlantic 1939-1943_ (205 pages; 3.7MB)
Catharine Edwards & Greg Woolf 2006 _Rome the Cosmopolis_ (260 pages)
James C. Edwards & Dick Titterington 2017 _Quantrill's Revenge: A Comprehensive Tour Guide to William C. Quantrill's Raid of Lawrence, Kansas_ (365 pages)
Kevin J. Edwards & Ian B.M. Ralston 2003 _Scotland after the Ice Age: Environment, Archaeology, and History 8000BCE-1000CE_ (325 pages)
Lee Edwards & Elizabeth Edwards Spalding 2016 _A Brief History of the Cold War_ (265 pages; 1.2MB)
Lee Edwards 2004 _A Brief History of the Modern American [Classical Liberal] Movement_ (109 pages)
Lee Edwards 1999 _The [Classical Liberal] Revolution: The Movement That ReMade the USA_ (415 pages; 1.4MB)
Lee Edwards 2004 _The Essential Ronald Reagan: A Profile in Courage, Justice, and Wisdom_ (200 pages)
Lee Edwards 2000 _Freedom's College: The History of Grove City College_ (325 pages)
Lee Edwards 2001 _Global Economy: Changing Politics, "Society", and Family_ (335 pages)
Lee Edwards 2015 _Goldwater: The Man Who Made a Revolution_ (565 pages; 2.6MB)
Lee Edwards 2017 _Just Right: A Life in Pursuit of Liberty_ (475 pages)
Lee Edwards 2013 _Leading the Way: The Story of Ed Feulner and the Heritage Foundation_ (455 pages; 4.2MB)
Lee Edwards 2001 _MediaPolitik: How the [Leftist] Mass Media Have Transformed World Politics_ (355 pages)
Lee Edwards 1990 _Missionary for Freedom: The Life and Times of Walter Judd_ (355 pages)
Lee Edwards 1997 _The Power of Ideas: The Heritage Foundation at 25 Years_ (245 pages)
Lee Edwards 2005 _To Preserve and Protect: The Life of Edwin Meese iii_ (170 pages)
Lee Edwards 2009 _Reading the Right Books: A Guide for the Intelligent Classical Liberal_ (160 pages)
Lee Edwards 2011 _Ronald Reagan: A Basic Introduction_ (100 pages)
Lee Edwards 2014 _William F. Buckley ii: The Maker of a Movement_ (200 pages; 759KB)
Nancy Edwards 1996, 2006 _The Archaeology of Early Medieval Ireland_ (235 pages)
Nat Edwards 2007 _Caledonia's Last Stand: In Search of the Lost Scots of Darien_ ()
Richard Edwards, Jacob K. Friefeld & Rebecca S. Wingo 2017 _HomeSteading the Plains: Toward a New History_ (260 pages; 4.4MB)
Samuel Edwards/Noel Gerson 1974 _Rebel: A Biography of Thomas Paine_ ()
Thomas M. Charles Edwards 2000, 2007 _Early Christian Ireland_ (715 pages)
Whit Edwards 2014 _The Prairie Was on Fire: EyeWitness Accounts of the Civil War in the Indian Territory (188 pages; ISBN 9780941498791/ 978941498722; OCLC 962886002; OK Historical Society)
Peter Edwell 2007 _Between Rome and Persia: The Middle Euphrates, Mesopotamia, and Palmyra Under Roman Control_ ()
Bonnie Effros 2012 _Uncovering the Germanic Past: Merovingian Archaeology in France 1830-1914_ (400 pages)
Bonnie Effros 2003 _Merovingian Mortuary Archaeology and the Making of the Early Middle Ages_ (285 pages; 4.4MB)
Bonnie Effros & Isabel Moreira 2020 _The Oxford HandBook of the Merovingian World_ (1040 pages)
Estel Eforgan 2010 _Leslie Howard: The Lost Actor_ ()
John Efron et al. 2013 _The Jews: An History_ (550 pages)
Kieran Egan 2004 _Getting It Wrong from the Beginning: Our Regressivist Inheritance from Herbert Spencer, John Dewey, and Jean Piaget_ ()
Timothy Egan 2016 _The Immortal IrishMan: The Irish Revolutionary Who Became an American Hero_ (biography Thomas Francis Meagher)
Douglas R. Egerton 2010-09-28, 2014 _Year of Meteors: Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, and the Election That Brought the Civil War_ (1860; 400-416 pages; 3.2MB; ISBN 9781596916197/ 9781608192618; OCLC 887095611; Bloomsbury)
(55) Douglas R. Egerton 2016 _Thunder at the Gates: The Black Civil War Regiments that Redeemed the USA_ (MA 54th infantry; 429 pages; 973.7415 Ege; Main+E)
Gerald G. Eggert 1974 _Richard Olney: Evolution of a Statesman_ ()
Edward Eggleston 1872, 1957 _Hoosier School-Master_ ()
Edward Eggleston 1901, 2009, 2010 _The Transit of Civilization from England to America in the 17th Century_ ()
Larry G. Eggleston 2013 _Women in the Civil War: ExtraOrdinary Stories of Soldiers, Spies, Nurses, Doctors, Crusaders, and Others_ (215 pages; 13.2MB)
William Henry Egle 1897 _Notes and queries: historical, biographical, and genealogical relating chiefly to interior Pennsylvania_ ()
William Henry Egle 1883 _History of the Counties of Dauphin and Lebanon Counties_ ()
William Henry Egle 1921 _The Descendants of Robert Hoge or Hogg, of Tuscarora Valley, PA, including the Families of Lytle, McCullough, McKee, Sturgeon, Dunbar, Graham, Vance, Robinson, Stitt, Harnish, Potts, McBride_ ()
Eggleston 8888 _Tecumseh and the Shawnee Prophet_ ()
J.D. Eggleston 1927 January "Officers of the Virginia Line at Winchester, 1783" _William & Mary Quarterly_ 2ndseries #7 pg 61
Max Egremont 1980 _Balfour: A Life of Arthur James Balfour_ (380 pages)
Hermann Ehrenberg & Charlotte Churchill 1843, 1935 _With Milam and Fannin: Adventures of a German Boy in Texas's Revolution_ (215 pages)
Victor Ehrenberg 1964, 2013 _The Greek State_ (310 pages; 1.2MB)
Victor Ehrenberg 1964, 2013 _The Greek State_ (310 pages; 1.2MB)
Rachel Ehrenfeld 2011 _Funding Evil: How Terrorism Is Financed and How to Stop It_ (380 pages; 1.5MB)
(47) Gavin Ehringer 2017 _Leaving the Wild: The UnNatural History of Dogs, Cats, Cows, and Horses_ (356 pages; 1.7MB; with a touch of watermelon propaganda; 636.009 Ehr; NE)
Carl S. Ehrlich 1996 _The Philistines in Transition: An History from c. 1000BCE-730BCE_ (235 pages)
Bart D. Ehrman 2012 _Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth_ ()
John Ehrman 1984 _The Younger Pitt: vol1 The Years of Acclaim_ ()
John Ehrman 1969 _The Younger Pitt: vol2 The Reluctant Transition_ ()
John Ehrman 1996 _The Younger Pitt: vol3 The Consuming Struggle_ ()
Henry W. Ehrmann & Martin A. Schain 1992 _Politics in France_ ()
David J. Eicher 2001, 2002 _The Longest Night: A Military History of the Civil War_ (980 pages; 3.1MB)
David J. Eicher 1995 _Civil War BattleFields: A Touring Guide_ (258 pages; 973.7 EIC; NE+Jax)
John H. Eicher & David J. Eicher 2001 _Civil War High Commands_ (980-1020 pages; 3.1MB)
Jonathan Eig 2008 _Opening Day: The Story of Jackie Robinson's First Season_ (320 pages; 796.357; ???was catalogued; now it is not???;)
Susan L. Einbinder 2008 _No Place of Rest: Jewish Literature, Expulsion, and the Memory of Medieval France_ (270 pages)
Susan L. Einbinder 2002 _Beautiful Death: Jewish Poetry and Martyrdom in Medieval France_ (220 pages; 4.2MB )
Einhard the Frank, Notker the Stammerer & Lewis Thorpe 1979, 2009, 2011 _2 Lives of Charlemagne_ (95 pages; 316KB; 2.4 ounces)
Einhard, Emma & Paul Edward Dutton 1998, 2015 _Charlemagne's Courtier: The Complete Einhard_ (245 pages; 1.5MB)
Robin L. Einhorn 2006, 2008 _American Taxation, American Slavery_ (390 pages; 3.3MB)
Paul Einzig 1960 _In the Centre of Things_ ()
Sue Eisenfeld 2015 _Shenandoah: A Story of Conservation and Betrayal_ (200 pages; 775KB; ISBN 9780803238305)
Dwight D. Eisenhower 1948, 2013 _Crusade in Europe_ (550 pages; 15.5MB)
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Antonin Scalia, Richard C. Tallman & Dorothy Wright Nelson 2011 _Crusade in Europe, by Dwight D. Eisenhower, and How This Case Affected USA Copyright Laws_ (650 pages)
Dwight D. Eisenhower 1963 _The White House Years: Mandate for Change 1953-1956_ ()
Dwight D. Eisenhower 1965 _Waging Peace: The White House Years 1956-1961_ (730 pages)
Dwight D. Eisenhower 1963 _Mandate for Change 1953-1956_ ()
John S.D. Eisenhower 2013 _So Far from God: The USA War with Mexico 1846-1848_ (430 pages; 6.8MB)
John S.D. Eisenhower 1997, 1999 _Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott_ (470 pages)
(50) John S.D. Eisenhower & Joanne Eisenhower 2001 _Yanks: The Epic Story of the USA Army in World War 1_ (353 pages; FreePress; 940.41273 Eis; Main+E+NE)
Susan Eisenhower 2020-08-11 _How Ike Led: The Principles behind Eisenhower's Biggest Decisions_ (391 pages; 31.3MB; 10.6 ounces; ISBN 1250238773/ 9781250238771; Thomas Dunne)
Otto Eisenschiml 1961 _The Hidden Face of the Civil War_ ()
Otto Eisenschiml 1937 _Why Was Lincoln Murdered_ ()
Shmuel N. Eisenstadt 1968 _The Protestant Ethic and Modernization_ ()
Shmuel N. Eisenstadt 1986 _The Origins and Diversity of Axial Age Civilizations_ (560 pages)
Elizabeth L. Eisenstein 1983, 1996, 2005 _The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe_ ()
Elizabeth L. Eisenstein 1980, 2012, 2013 _The Printing Press as an Agent of Change_ (400 pages; 31.1MB)
Elizbeth L. Eisenstein 1996 _Printing as Divine Art: Celebrating Western technology in the age of the hand press_ ()
Riane Eisler 1988, 2011 _The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future_ (295 pages; 3.6MB)
Robert Burton Ekelund ii & Mark Thornton 2004 _Tariffs, Blockades, and Inflation: The Economics of the Civil War_ ()
Robert Burton Ekelund ii & Robert D. Tollison 1997 _Politicized Economies: Monarhy, Monopoly, and Mercantilism_ ()
Arthur Alphonse Ekirch 1955 _The Decline of American Liberalism_ ()
Arthur Alphonse Ekirch 1966 _Ideas, Ideals, and American Diplomacy: An History of Their Growth and Interaction_ ()
A. Roger Ekirch 1990 _Bound for America: The Transportation of British Convicts to the Colonies 1718-1775_ ()
Andrew J. Ekonomou 2007 _Byzantine Rome and the Greek Popes: Eastern Influences on Rome and the Papacy from Gregory the Great to Zacharias 590CE-752CE_ (350 pages; 1.6MB)
Modris Eksteins 2000 _Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age_ (420 pages; 905KB)
Bandele Yobachi el-Amin 2014 _Moorish/Muurish Treaties: Guide to Treaties and Declarations_ (80 pages)
Ivan Eland 2004 _The Empire Has No Clothes: US Foreign Policy Exposed_ ()
Ivan Eland 2009, 2014 _ReCarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty_ (480 pages; 69MB)
Ivan Eland 2017-11-01 _11 Presidents: Promises vs. Results in Achieving Limited Government_ (384 pages; 1.4MB; ISBN 9781598133066; Independent Institute)
Josette Elayi & A.G. Elayi 2014 _A Monetary and Political History of the Phoenician City of Byblos in the 5th & 4th Centuries BCE_ (390 pages)
Daniel Elazar 1989 _People and Polity_ ()
Daniel J. Elazar & Peter Medding 1983 _Jewish Communities in Frontier Societies: Argentina, Australia, and South Africa_ (290 pages)
Ismar Elbogen 1944, 1945 _A Century of Jewish Life_ (800 pages; follow-on to Heinrich Graetz 6-volume)
John Elden 2016 _First LongHunter: Conrad Decker_ (200 pages)
Stuart Elden 2013 _The Birth of Territory_ (490 pages; 9.3MB)
Diana Elder & Nicole Dyer 2018 _Research Like a Pro: A Genealogist's Guide_ (240 pages; 1.8MB)
Larry Elder 2013 _Dear Father, Dear Son_ ()
Robert Elegant 1992 _Pacific Destiny_ ()
Geoff Eley 2013 _Nazism as Fascism: Violence, Ideology, and the Ground of Consent in Germany 1930-1945_ (245 pages)
Yaffa Eliach 1999 _There Once Was a World: A 90-Year Chronicle of the Shtetl of Eishyshok_ (830 pages)
Yaffa Eliach 2011 _Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust: The First Original Hasidic Tales in a Centuryy_ (290 pages; 734KB)
Norbert Elias 1996 _The Germans: Power Struggles and the Development of Habitus in the 19th and 20th Centuries_ (500 pages)
Robert H. Elias & Eugene D. Finch 1812, 1982 _Letters of Thomas Atwood Digges 1742-1821_ ()
Thomas Elias & Peter Dykeman 2009 _Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide to Over 200 Natural Foods_ (288 pages)
Mordechai Eliav 1997 _Britain and the Holy Land 1838-1914: Selected Documents from the British Consulate in Jerusalem_ (420 pages)
sir Charles Eliot 1921 _Hinduism and Buddhism: An Historical Sketch_ ()
sir Charles Eliot 1900, 1965 _Turkey in Europe_ ()
Judith Laikin Elkin 1998 _The Jews of Latin America_ ()
Judith Laikin Elkin & Gilbert W. Merkx 1987 _The Jewish Presence in Latin America_ ()
Stanley Elkins & Eric McKitrick 1995 _The Age of Federalism: The Early American Republic 1788-1800_ (930 pages; 4.6MB)
Ronnie Ellenblum 2007 _Crusader Castles and Modern Histories_ (376 pages)
Ronnie Ellenblum 1998 _Frankish Rural Settlement in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem_ (344 pages; 6MB)
Jonathan R. Eller 2020 _Bradbury Beyond Apollo_ (465 pages; 5MB)
Robert J. Ellings & Aaron L. Friedberg 2001 _Strategic Asia: Power and Purpose 2001-2002_ ()
G. Ellington 1869 _The Women of NY or the UnderWorld of the Great City_ ()
Charles Winslow Elliott 1937 _Winfield Scott: The Soldier and the Man_ ()
Gil Elliot 1972 _The 20th Century Book of the Dead_ ()
John Huxtable Elliott & Neil Pinches 1964 _Imperial Spain 1469-1716_ (440 pages; 6.9MB)
John Huxtable Elliott 1977, 1990, 2007 _Spain and Its World 1500-1700_ (300 pages)
John Huxtable Elliott 1977, 2006 _Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in America 1492-1830_ (550 pages; 10.3MB)
John Huxtable Elliott 1992 _The Old World and the New 1492-1650_ (135 pages; 2.2MB)
Valerie Edwards Elliott 2004 _Oxford_ (Oxford OH; 125 pages; 43.8MB)
Anita J. Ellis & Susan Labry Meyn 2007 _Rookwood and the American Indian: MasterPieces of American Art Pottery from the James J. Gardner Collection_ (270 pages)
David M. Ellis 1969 _The Frontier in USA Development_ (415 pages)
Edward Sylvester Ellis 1898 _Great Americans of History: Thomas Jefferson a Character Sketch_ ()
Edward Sylvester Ellis 2012, 2019 _The RifleMen of the Miami_ (82-140 pages; 300KB-1.9MB)
Edward Robb Ellis 1966 _The Epic of NY City: A Narrative History_ ()
Edward Robb Ellis 1970, 1995 _A Nation in Torment: The Great American Depression 1929-1939_ (560 pages)
Franklin Ellis & Samuel Evans 1883, 1974-01-01 _History of Lancaster county PA with Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Pioneers and Prominent Men_ ()
Havelock Ellis 1904, 1926 _A Study of British Genius_ ()
(52) Jerry Ellis 1995 _Marching through Georgia: My Walkd with Sherman_ (306 pages; 917.5504; Main)
John Ellis 1975, 1986 _The Social History of the Machine Gun_ ()
Joseph J. Ellis 2004, 2005 _His Excellency: George Washington_ (biography Washington)
Joseph J. Ellis 1997 _American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson_ ()
(50) Joseph J. Ellis 2015 _The Quartet: Orchestrating the 2nd American Revolution 1783-1789_ (320 pages; 1.485MB; 342.7302 Ell; Main+NE)
Joseph J. Ellis 1995 _Representative Men_ ()
(52) Joseph J. Ellis 2013 _Revolutionary Summer: The Birth of American Independence_ (973.3; Main+NE+E)
Joseph J. Ellis 2013 _American Creation: Triumphs and Tragedies at the Founding of the Republic (973.3; large; Main)
Joseph J. Ellis 2002 _After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture_ ()
Joseph J. Ellis 2013 _First Family: Abigail and John_ (biography Adams)
Joseph J. Ellis 1993, 2011 _Passionate Sage: The Character of John Adams_ (277 pages; 1.8MB; biography Adams; Main)
Lee Ellis 8888 _Leading with Honor: Leadership Lessons from the Hanoi Hilton_ ()
Mary Louise Ellis & William Warren Rogers 1988 _Tallahassee, Favored Land_ ()
Richard E. Ellis 1971 _The Jeffersonian Crisis: Courts and Politics in the Young Republic_ ()
Richard E. Ellis 1987 _The Union at Risk: Jacksonian Democracy, States' Rights, and the Nullification Crisis_ ()
Richard J. Ellis 2008 _Presidential Travel: The Journey from George Washington to George W. Bush_ ()
Curtis W. Ellison 8888 _Miami University 1809-2009: Bicentennial Perspectives_ ()
Douglas W. Ellison 1983 _Sole Survivor: An Examination of the Frank Finkel Narrative_ ()
Thomas Ellison 1886, 1968 _The Cotton Trade of Great Britain_ ()
Michael Ellsberg 2012 _The Education of Millionaires: Everything You Won't Learn in College about How To Be Successful_ ()
Jacques Ellul 1973 _Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes_ (352 pages)
Christine El Mahdy 2014 _Tutankhamen: The Life and Death of the Boy-King_ (352 pages; 4MB)
Charles J. Elmore 2002 _General David Hunter's Proclamation: The Quest for African-American Freedom before and during the Civil War_ (93 pages)
Amos Elon 1975 _Herzl_ ()
Amos Elon 1996, 2014 _Founder: A Portrait of the First Rothschild and His Time_ (200 pages; 4.7MB)
Mark H Elovitz 1974 _A Century of Jewish Life in Dixie: The Birmingham Experience_ ()
Zvi Elpeleg & David Harvey 1992, 1993 _The Grand Mufti: Haj Amin al-Hussaini, Founder of the "Palestinian National Movement"_ (260 pages; 3.9MB)
Zvi Elpeleg & Shmuel Himelstein 2012 _The Grand Mufti: Haj Amin al-Hussaini, Founder of the "Palestinian National Movement"_ (260 pages; 3.9MB)
Zvi Elpeleg & Rachel Kesel 2015 _Through the Eyes of the Mufti: The Essays of Haj Amin_ (245 pages)
George McKee Elsey 2005 _An UnPlanned Life_ ()
Jean Bethke Elshtain 1982, 1984 _The Family in Political Thought_ (340 pages)
Gine Elsner 8888 _Von Jachymov nach Haigerloch: Der Weg des Urans fuer die Bombe: Zugleich eine Geschichte des Joachimsthaler Lungenkrebses_ ()
James M. Elson 2007 _Patrick Henry in His Speeches and Writing_ ()
James M. Elson 2004 _Lynchburg, VA: the First 200 Years_ ()
Ruth Miller Elson 1964 _Guardians of Tradition: American SchoolBooks of the 19th Century_ ()
Jon Elster 1983 _Sour Grape: Studies in the Subversion of Rationality_ ()
David Eltis 2000 _The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas_ ()
David Eltis & David Richardson 2014 _The Cambridge World History of Slavery: vol3 1420CE-1804CE_ (760 pages; 5.6MB; see also Keith Bradley)
David Eltis & David Richardson 2010 _Atlas of the TransAtlantic Slave Trade_ ()
Geoffrey R. Elton 1953, 1967 _The Tudor Revolution in Government: Administrative Changes in the Reign of Henry viii_ (475 pages)
Hugh Elton 2013 _Frontiers of the Roman Empire_ (155 pages; 1.1MB)
J.F. Elton 1867 _With the French in Mexico_ ()
Louis R. Eltscher 1998 _Curtiss-Wright: Greatness and Decline_ (200 pages)
Mark Elvin 1973 _The Pattern of the Chinese Past_ (340 pages)
Ezra Stiles Ely 1827, 2012 _The Duty of Christian Freemen to Elect Christian Rulers: A Discourse_ (34 pages)
Melvin Patrick Ely 210 _Israel on the Appomattox: A Southern Experiment in Black Freedom from the 1790s through the Civil War_ (645 pages; 3.4MB)
William Ely 1887 _History of the Big Sandy Valley_ (Cattlattsburg, KY, 1887)
Barnett Elzas 1905 _The Jews of South Carolina from the Earliest Times to the Present Day_ ()
Carol R. Ember, Melvin R. Ember & Peter N. Peregrine 2014 _Human Evolution and Culture: Highlights of Anthropology_ (550 pages; 68.4MB)
Edwin R. Embree & Julia Waxman 1949 _Investment in People: The Story of the Julius Rosenwald Fund_ ()
Michael Embree 2006 _Bismarck's First War: The Campaign of Schleswig and Jutland 1864_ (470 pages; 14.5MB)
Alvin T. Embrey 1937 _History of Fredericksburg VA_ (Richmond; Old Dominion Press)
Jason Emerson 2012 _Giant in the Shadows: The Life of Robert T. Lincoln_ (630 pages; 7MB)
Jason Emerson 2012 _Mary Lincoln's Insanity: The Discovery of Her Lost Letters_ (16 pages; 293KB)
Oliver Farrar Emerson 1909 _A Middle English Reader_ ()
(40) Steven Emerson 2002, 2003 _American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us_ (261 pages; 735KB; 303.625; Main; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; the evil forces of PC or anti-Semitic censorship are at work)
reverend Rufus Emery 1890 _Genealogical Records of Descendants of John & Anthony Emery of Newbury, MA_ pg 67 (83 in pdf)
Isaac Samuel Emmanuel & Suzanne A. Emmanuel 1970 _History of the Jews of the Netherlands Antilles_ (2 volumes)
Pieter C. Emmer & Chris Emery 2006 _The Dutch Slave Trade 1500-1850_ (175 pages)
Alexander Emmerich 2013 _John Jacob Astor and the First Great American Fortune_ (200 pages; 7.5MB)
(75) Dan Emmett 2014 _Within Arm's Length: A Secret Service Agent's Definitive InSide Account of Protecting the President_ (299 pages; 363.284092; E)
Nathanael Emmons 1801 _A Discourse Delivered on the Annual Fast in Massachusetts 1801 April 9_ ()
Bill Emmott 2008, 2009 _Rivals: How the Power Struggle Between China, India, and Japan Will Shape our Next Decade_ (300 pages; 6.6MB)
Jonathan W. Emord 2008 _The Rise of Tyranny_ (145 pages)
Jonathan W. Emord 2012 _Restore the Republic_ (200 pages; 768KB)
E. Endicott-West 1989 _Mongolian Rule in China: Local Administration in the Yuan Dynasty_ ()
Robert M. Engberg 1919 _The Hyksos ReConsidered_ ()
Barbara Alpern Engel & Janet Martin 2015 _Russia in World History_ (155 pages; 13.9MB)
Pal Engel 2001 _Realm of St. Stephen: An History of Medieval Hungary 895-1526_ (400 pages)
D. Engels 1978 _Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army_ ()
Thomas S. Engeman, Edward J. Erler & Thomas B. Hofeller 1988 _The Federalist Concordance_ ()
Stanley L. Engerman 2007 _Slavery, Emancipation, and Freedom: Comparative Perspectives_ (120 pages)
Stanley L. Engerman 1999 _Terms of Labor: Slavery, Serfdom, and Free Labor_ (355 pages; 3.2MB)
Stanley L. Engerman & Eugene D. Genovese 1975 _Race and Slavery in the Western Hemisphere_ ()
Stanley L. Engerman, Kenneth L. Sokoloff, Stephen Haber & Elisa V. Mariscal 2011 _Economic Development in the Americas since 1500: Endowments and Institutions_ ()
Stephen Douglas Engle 2001 _Struggle for the HeartLand: The Campaigns from Fort Henry to Corinth_ (251 pages; 973.73; )
William Englebrecht 2003 _Iroquoia: The Development of a Native World_ ()
William H. English _The Conquest of the North-West_ ()
Mohammed Ennaji 2013 _Slavery, the State, and Islam_ (250 pages)
James E. Ennes ii 1979 _Assault on the Liberty_ ()
Robert F. Ensminger 2003 _The Pennsylvania Barn: Its Origin, Evolution, and Distribution in North America_ (360 pages)
Chris Enss 2017 _The Pinks: The First Women Detectives, Operatives, and Spies with the Pinkerton National Detective Agency_ (180 pages; 11.3MB)
Alain Enthoven & Wayne K. Smith 1971 _How Much Is Enough?_ ()
Jon Entine 2007 _Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People_ (432 pages; 305.8924)
Israel Ephal 1997 _The Ancient Arabs: Nomads on the Borders of the Fertile Crescent 9th-5th Centuries BCE_ (265 pages)
Garrett Epps 2013 _Democracy ReBorn: The 14th Amendment and the Fight for Equal Rights in Post-Civil War USA_ (340 pages; 648KB)
Melech Epstein 1950 _Jewish Labor in USA: An Industrial, Political and Cultural History of the Jewish Labor Movement 1882-1914_ ()
S.R. Epstein 1991 _Wage Labor and Guilds in Medieval Europe_ ()
Steven A. Epstein 2001 _Genoa and the Genoese 958-1528_ (400 pages; 2.4MB)
Steven A. Epstein 2006 _Purity Lost: Transgressing Boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean 1000-1400_ (255 pages; 2.7MB)
Steven A. Epstein 2018 _Speaking of Slavery: Color, Ethnicity, and Human Bondage in Italy_ (245 pages; 911KB)
Desiderius Erasmus & John Gough Nichols 1875 _Pilgrimages to St. Mary of Walsingham and St. Thomas of Canterbury, with the Colloquy of Rash Vows, and the Characters of ArchBishop Warham and Dean Colet_ ()
Rebecca Erbelding 2018 _Rescue Board: The UnTold Story of USA's Efforts to Save the Jews of Europe_ (335 pages; 27.3MB )
Carl Erdmann 1977, 2010 _The Origin of the Idea of Crusade_ (484 pages)
Richard Erdoes 1988 _AD 1000: Living on the Brink of Apocalypse_ ()
George Erdosy 1995 _The Indo-Aryans of Ancient South Asia: Language, Material Culture, and Ethnicity_ ()
Charlotte Erichsen-Brown 1979 _Medicinal and Other Uses of North American Plants: An Historical Survey with Special References to Eastern Indian Tribes_ ()
Edward J. Erickson 2010, 2015 _Gallipoli: The Ottoman Campaign_ (280 pages; 20MB)
Edward J. Erickson 2016 _"Palestine": The Ottoman Campaigns of 1914-1918_ (230 pages; 24MB)
Joe E. Ericson 2000 _The Nacogdoches Story: An Informal History_ ()
(50) Howard J. Erlichman 2010 _Conquest, Tribute, and Trade: The Quest for Precious Metals and the Birth of Globalization_ (333.854209031 Erl; Main+NE)
Daniel R. Ernst 2014 _Tocqueville's Nightmare: The Administrative State Emerges in the USA 1900-1940_ (230 pages; 3.7MB)
Kathleen A. Ernst 8888 _Too Afraid to Cry: Maryland Civilians in the Antietam Campaign_ ()
Elizabeth Errington & Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis 2007 _From Persepolis to the Punjab_ ()
R. Malcolm Errington 1971, 1972 _The Dawn of Empire: Rome's Rise to World Power_ (310 pages )
R. Malcolm Errington 2007 _Roman Imperial Policy from Julian to Theodosius_ (340 pages; 1.1MB)
Andrew Erskine 2003, 2005 _A Companion to the Hellenistic World_ (615 pages)
John Erskine 1769 _Shall I Go to War with My American Brethren?_ ()
Thomas Ertman 1997 _Birth of the Leviathan: Building States and Regimes in Medieval and Early Modern Europe_ (365 pages; 3MB)
Sybille Korsch Escalona/Sibylle Korsch Escalona 1968, 1973 _The Roots of Individuality_ (535 pages)
Stefan Esders, Yaniv Fox, Yitzhak Hen & Laury Sarti 2019 _East and West in the Early Middle Ages: The Merovingian Kingdoms in Mediterranean Perspective_ (360 pages; 8.6MB)
Hanan Eshel, David Louvish & Aryeh Amihay 2008 _The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Hasmonean State_ (224 pages; 2.142MB)
Henry Frank Eshleman 1917, 2013 _Historic Background and Annals of the Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of SouthEastern Pennsylvania, and of Their Remote Ancestors from the Middle of the Dark Ages down to the Time of Revolution_ (680 pages; 1.7MB)
Henry Frank Eshleman 1909 _Lancaster County Indians: Annals of the Susquehannocks and Other Indian Tribes_ (Conestoga, Lenape/Delaware, Mengwe; 710 pages; 1.4MB)
Henry Frank Eshleman 8888 _History of Lancaster County's HighWay System from 1714 to 1760_ (45 pages; 1.4MB)
Henry Frank Eshleman 1922 _Map of the Early Roads of Lancaster County PA 1714 to 1760 Compiled from the Records of the Courts_ (1 map, 25cm x 26cm)
Henry Frank Eshleman & William Frederic Worner 1921, 2015 _Awakening and Early Progress of the Pequea, Conestoga, & Other Susquehanna..._ (610 pages)
Emanuel Omoh Esiemokhai 2003 _Iraq the New Carthage: InterNational Law and Diplomacy in the Iraq Crisis_ ()
Emel Esin 1980 _An History of Pre-Islamic and Early-Islamic Turkish Culture_ (385 pages)
Jorg Esleben, Christina Kraenzle & Sukanya Kulkarni 2008 _Mapping Channels between Ganges and Rhein: German-Indian Cross-Cultural Relations_ ()
Anthony Esolen 2008 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization_ (340 pages)
Hubert Essame 1974 _Patton: The Commander_ ()
Essex Federation of Women's Institutes 2002 The Essex Village Book_ (215 pages)
Raymond A. Esthus 1988 _A Double Eagle and Rising Sun: The Russians and Japanese at Portsmouth in 1905_ ()
Raymond A. Esthus 1967 _Theodore Roosevelt and Japan_ ()
Robbie Ethridge 2010 _From Chicaza to Chickasaw: The European Invasion and the TransFormation of the Mississippian World 1540-1715_ (345 pages; 3MB)
Robbie Ethridge & Sheri M. Shuck-Hall 2009 _Mapping the Mississippian Shatter Zone: The Colonial Indian Slave Trade in the USA South_ (525 pages; 4.7MB)
Eusebius _Life of Constantine_ (at least 3 volumes)
sir Arthur Evans 1921 _The Palace of Minos_ ()
sir Arthur Evans 2014 _The Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult, and Its Mediterranean Relations, with Illustrations from Recent Cretan Finds_ (130 pages; 1.4MB)
David Evans 1996, 1999 _Sherman's Horsemen_ (670 pages)
David C. Evans & Mark R. Peattie 1997 _Kaigun: Strategy, Tactics and Technology in the Imperial Japanese Navy 1887-1941_ ()
Eli N. Evans 1988, 1989 _Judah P. Benjamin: The Jewish Confederate_ (500 pages)
Emory G. Evans 1975 _Thomas Nelson of YorkTown: Revolutionary Virginian_ (200 pages)
Eric J. Evans 2014 _The Forging of the Modern State: Early Industrial Britain 1783-1870_ (620 pages; 4.8MB)
G.H. Evans 1948 _Business Incorporations in the United States 1800-1943_ ()
Harold Evans 2003 _War Stories: Reporting in the Time of Conflict from the Crimea to Iraq_ (96 pages; 070.4333; FtBraden)
Harry B. Evans 1997 _Water Distribution in Ancient Rome_ ()
James Allan S. Evans 2002 _The Age of Justinian: The Circumstances of Imperial Power_ (350 pages; 875KB)
James Allan S. Evans 2005 _The Emperor Justinian and the Byzantine Empire_ ()
James Allan S. Evans 2011 _The Power Game in Byzantium: Antonina and the Empress Theodora_ (280 pages)
M. Stanton Evans 2007, 2009 _BlackListed by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies_ (672 pages; 5.2MB)
M. Stanton Evans & Herb Romerstein 2012 _Stalin's Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt's Government_ (306 pages; 4.8MB)
M. Stanton Evans 1994 _The Theme is Freedom_ ()
(49) Mari-Lynn Evans 2004 _The Appalachians: America's First & Frontier_ (496 pages; 974 App; Main+NE)
Nelson W. Evans & Emmons B. Stivers 1900 _An History of Adams County, Ohio_ (E.B. Stivers, West Union, OH, 1900; pp92,115,125,472,565-566)
Peter B. Evans 2012 _Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformation_ (340 pages; 3MB)
Peter B. Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer & Theda Skocpol 1985 _Bringing the State Back In_ ()
Ralph Evans 2004 _Lordship and Learning: Studies in Memory of Trevor Aston_ (270 pages)
Richard J. Evans 1994, 1995, 1997 _Deng Xiaoping and the Making of Modern Red China_ (339 pages; biography Deng)
(59) Richard J. Evans 2016 _The Pursuit of Power: Europe 1815-1914_ (819 pages; ISBN 9780670024575; Penguin/RandomHouse; 940.28 Eva; Main)
Richard J. Evans 2004 _The Coming of the Third Reich_ (622 pages; 943.08)
Richard J. Evans 2005 _The Third Reich in Power_ (940 pages; 943.086)
Richard J. Evans 2015 _The Third Reich in History and Memory_ (483 pages; 943.086)
Richard J. Evans 1989 _In Hitler's Shadow_ ()
??Richard J. Evans 2001, 2002, 2008 _Lying about Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David John Cawdell Irving Trial_ (318 pages; 1.3MB; 940.5318)
Richard J. Evans 2000, 2015 _In Defense of History_ (280 pages; 794KB)
Richard J. Evans & Milton Mayer 1966, 2017 _They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-1945_ (370 pages; 993KB)
Richard K. Evans 2007, 2016 _The Ancestry of Diana, Princess of Wales for 12 Generations_ ()
Robert Evans 2013 _Barbary Slave_ (350 pages; 959KB)
Victoria Sylvia Evans 2014 _Ladies-in-Waiting: Women Who Served at the Tudor Court_ (195 pages; 2.7MB)
Willis Fryatt Evans 1928, 2004 _History of Berkeley county WV_ (Wheeling, 1928. 975.497 E92; 5.5x8.5, paper, index, 382 pp. Includes a large biographical section. E1945 - $33.00)
Willis Fryatt Evans 1928 _West Virginia: An History_ ()
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard 1940, 2015 _The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People_ (330 pages; 629KB)
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard 1990 _Kinship and Marriage among the Nuer_ (220 pages)
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard & Andre Singer 1981 _An History of Anthropological Thought_ (218 pages; 306.09)
Bernardine Evaristo 2002 _The Emperor's Babe_ (Lucius Septimius Severus; 250 pages; 821; Main+NE)
William R. Everdell 1983, 2000 _The End of Kings: An History of Republics and Republicans_ (350 pages)
David Everett 1817 _Slaves in Barbary_ ()
Theodore Evergates 2016 _Henry the Liberal: Count of Champagne 1127-1181_ (310 pages)
Theodore Evergates 2007 _The Aristocracy in the County of Champagne 1100-1300_ (400 pages)
Theodore Evergates 1993 _Feudal Society in Medieval France: Documents from the County of Champagne_ (190 pages)
(53) Anthony Everitt 2011 _Cicero: The Life and Times of Rome's Greatest Politician_ (359 pages; 4.4MB; biography Cicero; Main+BLPerry)
(64) Anthony Everitt 2012, 2013 _The Rise of Rome: The Making of the World's Greatest Empire_ (478 pages; 5.7MB; 937.63 Eve; E)
(70) Anthony Everitt 2016 _The Rise of Athens: The Story of the World's Greatest Civilization_ (540 pages; 25.4MB; 938.5 Eve; Main)
(73) Anthony Everitt 2009 _Hadrian and the Triumph of Rome_ (392 pages; 6.3MB; 937.07 Eve; Main)
(74) Anthony Everitt 2009 _Augustus and the Triumph of Rome_ (392 pages; 6.3MB; 937.07 Eve; Main)
Anthony Everitt 2019 _Alexander the Great: His Life and His Mysterious Death_ (445 pages; 23.5MB)
(74) Anthony Everett 2006-10-17 _Augustus: The Life of Rome's First Emperor_ (405 pages; ISBN 1400061288/ 9781400061280; RandomHouse; biography Augustus; Main)
Lefevre Eversley 2017 _The Turkish Empire: Its Growth and Decay_ (435 pages; 800KB)
William Bragg Ewald ii 1981 _Eisenhower the President: Crucial Days 1951-1960_ ()
Gordon Ewart & Dennis Gallagher 2014 _Fortress of the Kingdom: Archaeology and Research at Edinburgh Castle_ (186 pages)
Charles R. Ewen & John H. Hann 1998 _Hernando de Soto Among the Apalachee: The Archaeology of the First Winter Encampment_ (256 pages; 975.988)
(50) David Ewen 1962 _Popular America Comosers from Revolutionary Times to the Present_ (217 pages; H.W. Wilson; 927.8 Ewe; Main)
Rex A. Ewing & LaVonne Ewing 2002 _Logs, Wind and Sun: HandCraft Your Own Log Home... Then Power It with Nature_ ()
Andrew Exum 2004 _This Man's Army: A Soldier's Story from the Front Lines of the War on Terrorism_ ()
Harry A. Ezratty 2002 _500 Years in the Jewish Caribbean: The Spanish and Portuguese Jews in the West Indies_ (210 pages)
Harry A. Ezratty 2010 _Baltimore in the Civil War: The Pratt Street Riot and a City Occupied_ (125 pages; 5.6MB)
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(4) ►Robert B. Edgerton 2010 _Sick "Societies": Challenging the Myth of Primitive Harmony_ (290 pages; 1.1MB; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) ►Ter Ellingson 2001 _The Myth of the Noble Savage_ (495 pages; 5MB; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) ►Lawrence H. Keeley 1996, 1997 _War before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage_ (272 pages; 1.849MB; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) Shepard Krech iii 1999, 2000 _The Ecological Indian: Myth and History_ (318 pages; 333.7089; NE) read with
(4) ►Steven A. LeBlanc 2007 _PreHistoric Warfare in the American SouthWest_ (410 pages; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) ►Katherine E. Register & Steven A. le Blanc 2013 _Constant Battles: The Myth of the Peaceful, Noble Savage_ (290 pages; 3.9MB; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) ►Glen E. Rice & Steven le Blanc 2012 _Deadly Landscapes: Case Studies in PreHistoric SouthWestern Warfare_ (390 pages; ILL request)◀ read with
(4) ►Stephen Warren 2014 _The Worlds the Shawnees Made: Migration & Violence in Early USA_ (300 pages; 4MB; ILL request)◀
(45) ►Nicole Etcheson 2004-01-29, 2006 _Bleeding Kansas: Contested Liberty in the Civil War Era_ (370 pages; ISBN 9780700612871/ 9780700614929; OCLC 969772089; UKansas; ILL request)◀
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