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  - - - - - G

Rita Gabis 2015 _A Guest at the Shooters' Banquet: My GrandFather's SS Past, My Jewish Family, A Search For the Truth_ (455 pages; 20.7MB)

Edwin Gabler 1988 _The American Telegrapher: A "Social" History 1860-1900_ ()

Neal Gabler 1988, 1989, 2010 _An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood_/_An Empire of Their Own: How Zukor, Laemmle, Fox, Mayer, Cohn, and the Warner Brothers Invented Hollywood_ (500 pages; 5.9MB)

Richard A. Gabriel & Karen S. Metz 1992 _An History of Military Medicine_ (at least 2 volumes)

Richard A. Gabriel 2011 _Hannibal: The Biography of Rome's Greatest Enemy_ (290 pages; 934KB)

Matthew Gabriele 2011 _An Empire of Memory: The Legend of Charlemane, the Franks, and Jerusalem Before the First Crusade_ (256 pages)

Francesco Gabrielli & E.J. Costello 1969 _Arab Historians of the Crusades_ (360 pages)

Donald C. Gaby 1993 _The Miami River and Its Tributaries_ (190 pages)

(50) John Lewis Gaddis 2018 _On Grand Strategy_ (368 pages; 1.1MB; 355.4 Gad; Main+NE)

John Lewis Gaddis 2002 _The LandScape of History: How Historians Map the Past_ (200 pages; 1.1MB)

John Lewis Gaddis 1997 _We Now Know: ReThinking Cold War History_ ()

John Lewis Gaddis 1972 _The United States and the Origins of the Cold War 1941-1947_ ()

John Lewis Gaddis 1982 _Strategies of Containment_ ()

Joan Gadol 1969 _Leon Battista Alberti: Universal Man of the Early Renaissance_ (270 pages)

Joachim E. Gaehde & Florentine Muetherich 1976, 1977 _Carolingian Painting_ (Mutherich; 126 pages)

Joseph Gaer & Ben Siegel 1964 _The Puritan Heritage: America's Roots in the Bible_ (250 pages)

Alan D. Gaff 2004 _Bayonets in the Wilderness: Anthony Wayne's Legion in the Old NorthWest_ (400 pages)

John Gage 1822 _The History and Antiquities of Hengrave in Suffolk_ ()

R.A. Gage 1985 _The Scots Abroad: Labour, Capital, Enterpise 1750-1914_ ()

John G. Gager 1985 _The Origins of Anti-Semitism: Attitudes toward Judaism in Pagan and Christian Antiquity_ (310 pages)

Traianos Gagos & Peter van Minnen 1994 _Settling a Dispute: Toward a Legal Anthropology of Late Antique Egypt_ (Aphrodito; 165 pages)

Harry A. Gailey 2000 _MacArthur Strikes Back: Decision at Buna, New Guinea 1942-1943_ (265 pages; 940.5426; Main)

James R. Gaines 2007 _For Liberty and Glory: Washington, la Fayette, and Their Revolutions_ (533 pages; 973.41; Main)

Leslie Isaiah Gaines 2002 _Cincinnati's Over-the-Rhine_ (150 pages)

Steven S. Gaines 1973, 1974 _Marjoe_ (230 pages)

Marc Galanter 1999 _Cults: Faith, Healing and Coercion_ ()

Catia Galatariotou 1991, 2004 _The Making of a Saint: The Life, Times, and Sanctification of Neophytos the Recluse_ ()

David W. Galenson 1981 _White Servitude in Colonial America: An Economic Analysis_ ()

Gershon Galil 1996 _The Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah_ ()

G. Karl Galinsky 1969, 2015 _Aeneas, Sicily, and Rome_ (390 pages)

G. Karl Galinsky 1972 _The Herakles Theme_ (320 pages)

G. Karl Galinsky 2012 _Augustus: Introduction to the Life of an Emperor_ (220 pages; 2MB)

G. Karl Galinsky 2012 _Augustan Culture: An Intrepretive Introduction_ (490 pages)

Lothar Gall & J.A. Underwood 1986 _Bismarck: The White Revolutionary_ (at least 2 volumes)

Frank Gallagher & John M. del Vecchio 2014 _The Bremer Detail: Protecting the Most Threatened Man in the World_ (298 pages; 2.576MB)

(53) Gary W. Gallagher 2006 _The Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1864_ (400 pages; 3.3MB; 973.732)

(57) Gary W. Gallagher 2000 _The Richmond Campaign of 1862_ (272 pages; 973.732; Main)

Gary W. Gallagher 2016 _The American War: An History of the Civil War Era_ (295 pages)

Gary W. Gallagher, J. Matthew Gallman & Will Gallagher 2019 _Civil War Places: Seeing the Conflict through the Eyes of Its Leading Historians_ (195 pages; 28.8MB)

Hugh Gregory Gallagher 1985 _FDR's Splendid Deception: The Moving Story of Roosevelt's Massive Disability and the Intense Efforts to Conceal It from the Public_ ()

Jim Gallagher 2006 _Daniel Morgan: Fighting Frontiersman_ (88 pages)

P. Gallagher & D.W. Cruickshank 1990 _God's Obvious Design: Papers for the Spanish Armada Symposium 1988_ ()

Thomas Gallant 2015 _The Edinburgh History of the Greeks 1768-1913_ (310 pages)

Thomas Gallant 2016 _Modern Greece: From the War of Independence to the Present_ (370 pages; 6.6MB)

Albert Gallatin & E. James Ferguson 1967 _The Selected Writings of Albert Gallatin_ ()

Albert Gallatin 1826 _A Table of Indian Languages ot the USA_ (9999999 pages)

Albert Gallatin 1836, 1973, 2008 _A Synopsis of the Indian Tribes within the USA East of the Rocky Mountains and in the British and Russian Possessions in North America_ (415 pages)

Albert Gallatin 2009 _A Vocabulary of Seneca_ (77 pages)

Albert Gallatin 1848, 2011 _Peace with Mexico_ (49 pages; 200KB)

Alan Gallay 2010, 2015 _Indian Slavery in Colonial America_ (440 pages)

Alan Gallay 2003 _The Indian Slave Trade: The Rise of the English Empire in the American South_ (455 pages)

(55) James Matthew Gallman, Gary W. Gallagher, James Robertson ii, Thavolia Glymph, Daniel Sutherland, Kathryn Shively Meier, Stephen Cushman, Elizabeth Varon, Judith A. Giesberg, James Marten, T. Parrish, William Blair et al. 2015 _Lens of War: Exploring Iconic Photographs of the Civil War_ (270 pages; 4.3MB; 973.700222 Len; Jax)

Charles B. Galloway 1898 _Christianity and the American Commonwealth_ ()

(12) Scott Galloway 2017 _The 4: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, FB, and Google_ (all immoral to various extents; 310 pages; 11.5MB; 338.761 Gal; Main)

William Albert Galloway & Thomas Wildcat Alford 1974, 2012 _Old Chillicothe; Shawnee and Pioneer History; Conflicts and Romances in the Northwest Territory_ (390 pages)

John R. Galvin 1989 _The Minutemen_ ()

Robert W. Galvin 2002 _America's Founding Secret: What the Scottish Enlightenment Taught Our Founding Fathers_ (140 pages; 2.2MB)

Ray Gamache 2018 _Gareth Jones: EyeWitness to the Holodomor_ (270 pages)

Bruce Gamble 2010 _Fortress Rabaul: The Battle for the SouthWest Pacific 1942 January - 1943 April_ (418 pages; 2.512MB)

Bruce Gamble 2013 _Target Rabaul: The Allied Siege of Japan's Most Infamous StrongHold 1943 March - 1945 August_ (418 pages; 18.917MB)

Clive Gamble 2007 _Origins and Revolutions: Human "Identity" in Earliest PreHistory_ (355 pages; 8MB)

Richard M. Gamble 2012 _In Search of the City on a Hill: The Making and UnMaking of an American Myth_ (224 pages)

Gerald Gamm 2001 _Urban Exodus: Why the Jews Left Boston and the Catholics Stayed_ ()

Terry J. Gander 1996 _Jane's Infantry Weapons_ ()

Terry Ganey & Peter Hernon 2012 _Under the Influence: The UnAuthorized Story of the Anheuser-Busch Dynasty_ (585 pages; 1.3MB)

Anna Gannon 2003 _The Iconography of Early Anglo-Saxon Coinage 6th to 8th Centuries_ (230 pages; 4.1MB)

(55) ►Michael Gannon 1990, 1991, 2011 _Operation DrumBeat: The Dramatic True Story of Germany's First U-Boat Attacks Along the USA Coast in World War 2_ (WW2/WWii; 480-520 pages; 4.5MB; ISBN ; OCLC ; Harper&Row; ILL request)◀

F.L. Ganshof & Janet Sondheimer 1971 _Carolingians and the Frankish Monarchy_ (315 pages)

Laura Leedy Gansler 2005 _The Mysterious Private Thompson: The Double Life of Sarah Emma Edmonds, Civil War Soldier_ (265 pages)

Spencer Gantt 2012 _Why Lincoln Chose War and How He Ran His War_ (140 pages; 306KB)

David Gantz, Einhard & Notker Balbulus/the stammerer 1969 _2 Lives of Charlemagne_ (160 pages; 1.2MB; see also Lewis Thorpe)

Virginia Armistead Garber 1910 _The Armistead Family 1635-1910_ ()

Victor Garcia, Wat Tyler & Paul Sharkey 2014 _Museifushugi: The Revolutionary Idea in Japan: vol1 from the 6th Century to 1939_ (290 pages; 1.3MB)

Mabel Henshaw Gardiner & Ann Henshaw Gardiner 1928, 1938 _Chronicles of Old Berkeley: A Narrative History of a Virginia County From Its Beginnings to 1926_ (310 pages; Durham, NC, Seeman Press, 1938. 975.497 G223)

Ann Henshaw Gardiner "Justice In Old Berkeley--The Court And The Church" _West Virginia History_ (Charleston, West Virginia, vol8 1946-1947. Arc 1. 4:8.)

Juliet Gardiner 2000 _The 1940s House_ ()

Robert Gardiner 2001 _Steam, Steel and ShellFire: The Steam WarShip 1815-1905_ ()

Robert Gardiner & Richard W. Unger 2000 _Cogs, Caravels, and Galleons: The Sailing Ship 1000-1650_ (180 pages)

Alexander Gardner 2017 _Gardner's Photographic SketchBook of the Civil War_ (210 pages; 25.4MB)

Brian Gardner 1968 _Quest for Timbuctoo_ (210 pages)

Brian Gardner 1971, 1990 _The East India Company_ (310 pages)

Lloyd C. Gardner 1988 _Approaching VietNam: From World War 2 through Dienbienphu 1941-1954_ ()

Robert Gardner & Karl G. Heider 1968 _Gardens of War: Life and Death in New Guinea Stone Age_ (180 pages)

Paul J. Garfield & Wallace F. Lovejoy 1964 _Public Utility Economics_ ()

Jay Garfinkel 2000, 2001 _Wanderlust: 20 ExtraOrdinary Travel Adventures: 500 Years of Travel Writing by Explorers of Jewish Origin_ (352 pages; 860KB; 910.89924 WAN; BLPerry)

Ildar H. Garipzanov, Caroline Goodson & Henry Maguire 2017 _Graphic Signs of "Identity", Faith, and Power in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages 300-900_ (385 pages)

Ildar H. Garipzanov 2018 _Graphic Signs of Authority in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages 300-900_ (395 pages; 30.3MB)

Ildar H. Garipzanov, Patrick Geary & Przemyslaw Urbanczyk 2008 _Franks, Northmen, and Slavs: "Identities" and State Formation in Early Medieval Europe_ (255 pages)

Y. Garlan & J. Lloyd 1988 _Slavery in Ancient Greece_ ()

Lynda Garland 1999, 2002 _Byzantine Empresses: Woman and Power in Byzantium 527CE-1204CE_ (355 pages; 5.2MBs)

Robert Garland 2014 _Wandering Greeks: The Ancient Greek Diaspora from the Age of Homer to the Death of Alexander the Great_ (335 pages)

Robert Garland 2017 _Athens Burning: The Persian Invasion of Greece and the Evacuation of Attica_ (480BCE-479BCE; 180 pages; 2.9MB)

Grace Kelso Garner 1978 _Earliest Settlers, Western Frederick, Eastern Hampshire Counties in Virginia: Their Descendants_ (43 pages)

Peter Garnsey & Caroline Humfress 2001 _The Evolution of the Late Antique World_ (260 pages)

Peter Garnsey 1996 _Ideas on Slavery from Aristotle to Augustine_ (280 pages)

John Arthur Garraty 1968 _The New CommonWealth 1877-1890_ ()

John Arthur Garraty & Peter Gay 1972, 1981 _The Columbia History of the World_ (1,230 pages; 909)

John A. Garraty 1968 _Labor and capital in the Gilded Age_ ()

John A. Garraty & Marc C. Carnes 1991 _American National Biography_ (at least 19 volumes)

Joel Garreau 1981 _The 9 Nations of North Ameria_ (427 pages; 970.053)

Joel Garreau 2005, 2006 _Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies, and What It Means to Be Human_ (390 pages; 474KB; 306.45)

Garet Garrett/Edward Peter Garrett 2002 _Salvos Against the New Deal: Selections from the Saturday Evening Post 1933-1940_ ()

Garet Garrett/Edward Peter Garrett 1955 _The American Story_ ()

Garet Garrett/Edward Peter Garrett 2011 _Defend the USA First: The Anti-War Editorials of the Saturday Evening Post 1939-1942_ (190 pages; 841KB)

Garet Garrett/Edward Peter Garrett 2011 _The Bubble that Broke the World_ (185 pages; 1.4MB)

Hester Garrett 8888 _Some Vances and Related Families_ ()

Laurie Garrett 1994 _The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases_ (745 pages; 614.4)

Major Garrett 2006 _The Enduring Revolution: The InSide Story of the Republican Ascendancy and Why It Will Continue_ (330 pages)

Major Garrett 2018 _Mr. Trump's Wild Ride: The Thrills, Chills, Screams, and Occasional BlackOuts of an ExtraOrdinary Presidency_ (330 pages; 4.5MB)

Major Garrett & Timothy J. Penny 1998 _The 15 Biggest Lies in Politics_ (230 pages; 855KB)

Valery M. Garrett 2002 _Heavy Is High, the Emperor Is Far Away: Merchants and Mandarins in Old Canton ()

Mary Garrison, Janet L. Nelson & Dominic Tweddle 2001 _Alcuin and Charlemagne: The Golden Age of York_ (96 pages)

Webb B. Garrison 1992 _Civil War Trivia and Fact Book: Unusual and Often Over-Looked Facts About America's Civil War_ ()

Webb B. Garrison 1999 _Amazing Women of the Civil War: Fascinating True Stories of Women Who Made a Difference_ (280 pages; 3.4MB)

Webb B. Garrison 2011 _Curiosities of the Civil War: Strange Stories, Infamous Characters, and Bizarre Events_ (550 pages; 1.4MB)

Webb Garrison ii 2002 _Strange Battles of the Civil War_ (310 pages; 6.6MB)

Wendell Phillips Garrison 1891 _The Prelude to Harper's Ferry_ (Andover, MA, 1891)

David J. Garrow 1988 _Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King ii and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference_ (800 pages; 3.4MB; biography King)

David J. Garrow 1981 _The FBI and Martin Luther King ii from Solo to Memphis_ (320 pages; 323.4002)

(33) David J. Garrow 2017 _Rising Star: The Making of Barack Hussein Obummer_ (1,460 pages; biography Obummer)

Jim Garry 2012 _Weapons of the Lewis and Clark Expedition_ (190 pages; 762KB)

John Garstang 1953 _PreHistoric Mersin: Yumuk Tepe in Southern Turkey_ (260 pages)

Devra Gartenstein 2010 _CaveMen, Monks, and Slow Food: An History of Eating Well_ (225 pages; 913KB)

(40) Eric Gartman 2015 _Return to Zion: The History of Modern Israel_ (358 pages; 956.9405 Gar; NE)

John W. Garver 2007 _China and Iran: Ancient Partners in a Post-Imperial World_ ()

James Louis Garvin 1932 _The Life of Joseph Chamberlain 1836-1885_ (vol1; 500 pages)

James Louis Garvin 1933 _The Life of Joseph Chamberlain 1885-1895_ (vol2; 500 pages)

James Louis Garvin 1934 _The Life of Joseph Chamberlain 1895-1900_ (vol3; 500 pages; see vol4 by Julian Amery)

Alison Gascoigne, Leonie Hicks & Marianne O'Doherty 2016 _Journeying along Medieval Routes in Europe and the Middle East_ (285 pages)

Norman Gash 1988 _Aristocracy and People: Britain 1815-1865_ ()

Moses Gaster 2018 _History of the Acient Synagogue of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews: The Cathedral Synagogue of the Jews in England...Anniversary of Its Inauguration 1701-1901_ (205 pages; ISBN 0342588486/ 9780342588480; Franklin)

James C. Gaston 1982, 2000 _Planning the USA Air War: 4 Men and 9 Days in 1941_ (150 pages)

Leonard Gaston 2016 _Innovation in Weapon Systems: What Can History Teach Us?_ (200 pages; 2MB)

Paul M. Gaston 2009, 2013 _Coming of Age in Utopia: The Odyssey of an Idea_ (350 pages; 2.7MB)

Joseph F. Gastright 1980 _Gentlemen Farmers to City Folks: A Study of Wallace Woods, Covington, Kentucky_ ()

Azar Gat 2000 _British Armour Theory and the Rise of the Panzer Arm: Revising the Revisionists_ ()

Iain Gately 2008 _Drink: A Cultural History of Alcohol_ (ethanol; 560 pages; 5.7MB)

Henry Louis Gates ii 2014 _Finding Your Roots: The Official Companion to the National Socialist Television Series_ (929.1072)

Willard B. Gatewood 1990, 2000 _Aristocrats of Color: The Black Elite 1880-1920_ (460 pages)

Peter Gatrell 2005 _A Whole Empire Walking: Refugees in Russia during World War 1_ (330 pages)

Richard A. Gaunt 2014 _From Pitt to Peel: Conservative Politics in the Age of Reform_ ()

F. Gregory Gause iii 1994 _Oil Monarchies_ ()

Edwin S. Gaustad 1976 _Historical Atlas of Religion in America_ ()

Edwin S. Gaustad 2003 _Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land: An History of Church and State in America_ (184 pages; 1.9MB)

Edwin S. Gaustad 1995, 1996 _Sworn of the Altar of God: A Religious Biography of Thomas Jefferson_ (250 pages; 2.2MB)

Edwin S. Gaustad 1999 _Liberty of Conscience: Roger Williams in America_ ()

Edwin S. Gaustad 2004 _Faith of the Founders: Religion and the New Nation 1776-1826_ ()

Edwin S. Gaustad & Mark A. Noll 2003 _A Documentary History of Religion in America_ (3 volumes)

Edwin S. Gaustad & Philip L. Barlow 2001 _New Historial Atlas of Religion in America_ ()

Edwin S. Gaustad & Leigh Schmidt 2002 _The Religious History of America: The Heart of the American Story from Colonial Times to Today_ ()

David P. Gauthier 1979 _The Logic of Leviathan: The Moral & Political Theory of Thomas Hobbes_ ()

Emile Gauvreau & Lester Cohen 1942, 2016 _Billy Mitchell: Founder of Our Air Force, Prophet without Honor_ (180 pages; 2.8MB)

Gerard W. Gawalt 2015 _Clashing Dynasties: Charles Francis Adams and James Murray Mason in the Fiery Cauldron of Civil War_ (315 pages)

Gerard W. Gawalt 2012 _George Mason & George Washington: The Power of Principle_ (195 pages)

Peter Gay 1966, 2013 _The Enlightenment: An Interpretation, vol1 The Rise of Modern Paganism_ (585 pages; 4.6MB)

Peter Gay 1969, 2013 _The Enlightenment: An Interpretation, vol2 The Science of Freedom_ (740 pages; 5.1MB)

R. Gayre of Gayre 1974 _The Lost Clan: Sant' Andrea degli Scozzesi of Gurro Novarra, Italy_ ()

Carver Clark Gayton 2014 _When Owing a Shilling Costs a Dollar: The Saga of Lewis G. Clarke, Born a White Slave_ (220 pages; 3.7MB)

Daphne Palmer Geanacopoulos 2017 _The Pirate Next Door: The Untold Story of 18th Century Pirates' Wives, Families, & Communities_ (145 pages; 1MB)

Deno J. Geanakoplos 1959, 1973 _Emperor Michael Paleologus and the West 1258-1282: A Study in Byzantine-Latin Relations_ ()

John White Geary, William Alan Blair & Bell Irvin Wiley 1995, 2005 _A Politician Goes to War: The Civil War Letters of John White Geary_ (280 pages)

Patrick J. Geary 2015 _Readings in Medieval History: vol1 The Early Middle Ages_ (295 pages; 7.6MB)

Patrick J. Geary 1988 _Before France and Germany: The Creation and Transformation of the Merovingian World_ (260 pages; 3.3MB)

Patrick J. Geary 2003 _The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe_ (216 pages)

Patrick J. Geary 1996 _Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the End of the First Millenium_ (264 pages)

Patrick J. Geary 1988 _Before France and Germany: The Creation and Transformation of the Merovingian World_ (270 pages; 3.3MB)

Patrick J. Geary 1985, 1986 _Aristocracy in Provence: The Rhone Basin at the Dawn of the Carolingian Age_ (170 pages)

David Gebhard & Harriette von Breton 1975 _L.A. in the Thirties 1931-1941_ (160 pages)

John Geddes 1974 _Great Scots_ ()

Joshua Gee 1943 _Narrative of Joshua Gee of Boston, MA, while he was captive in Algeria of the Barbary Pirates 1680-1687_ ()

Joshua Gee 1970, 2015 _The Trade and Navigation of Great-Britain Considered: Shewing, That the Surest Way for a Nation to Increase in Riches Is to Prevent the Importation of Such Foreign Commodities As May be Raised at Home_ (280 pages)

Clifford Geertz 1973, 1977, 2017 _The Interpretation of Cultures_ (470 pages)

Anna Geifman 2010 _Death Orders_ ()

Stephen H. Gehlbach 2016 _American Plagues: Lessons from Our Battles with Disease_ (300 pages; 6.4MB)

Roger L. Geiger 2014 _The History of American Higher Education: Learning and Culture from the Founding to World War 2_ (555 pages; 5.4MB)

Ignace J. Gelb 1952, 1963 _A Study of Writing_ ()

Ignace J. Gelb 1944 _Hurrians and Subarians_ ()

Leslie H. Gelb & Richard K. Betts 1979 _The Irony of VietNam: The System Worked_ (Brookings)

Norman Gelb 1984 _Less Than Glory: A Revisionist's View of the American Revolution_ (245 pages)

Norman Gelb 2018 _Desperate Venture: The Story of Operation Torch, the Allied Invasion of North Africa_ (355 pages; 1.1MB)

Doug Gelbert 2010 _A Walking Tour of Winchester, Virginia_ (38 pages; 1.9MB)

Doug Gelbert 2011 _A Walking Tour of Indianapolis, Indiana_ (50 pages; 2.2MB)

Doug Gelbert 2011 _A Walking Tour of Cincinnati, Ohio_ (65 pages; 2.6MB)

Doug Gelbert 2012 _Walking Tours of 8 Towns in the BuckEye State_ (86 pages; 49.4MB)

David Gelernter 2007 _Americanism: The 4th Great Western Religion_ (240 pages; 213KB)

Donald E. Gelfand & Russell D. Lee 1973 _Ethnic Conflicts and Power_ ()

Irwin F. Gellman 1979 _Good Neighbor Diplomacy: United States Policies in Latin America 1933-1945_ ()

Irwin F. Gellman 1972 _Roosevelt and Batista: Good Neighbor Diplomacy in Cuba 1933-1945_ ()

Ernest Gellner 1987 _Culture, "Identity", and Politics_ (190 pages)

Ernest Gellner 1988, 1990 _Plough, Sword, and Book: The Structure of Human History_ (280 pages)

Ernest Gellner 1994 _Conditions of Liberty: Civil "Society" and Its Rivals_ (230 pages)

James L. Gelvin 2014, 2016 _The Israel-Palestine Conflict: 100 Years of War_ (315 pages; 10.3MB)

Matthias Gelzer 1981 _Roman Nobility_ ()

Henry A. Gemery & Jan S. Hogendorn 1979 _The Uncommon Market_ ()

Genesee County Historical Society 1979 _Flint MI 1890-1960_ (125 pages)

Eugene D. Genovese 1972, 1974 _Roll, Jordan Roll: The World the Slaves Made_ ()

Eugene D. Genovese _The Slave Economy of the Old South: Selected Essays in Economic and Social History_ ()

Eugene D. Genovese 1989 _Political Economy of Slavery: Studies in the Economy and Society of the Slave South_ ()

Eugene D. Genovese & Leonard Hochberg 1989 _Geographic Perspectives in History_ ()

Michael A. Genovese 2001 _The Power of the American Presidency 1789-2000_ ()

Klaus Gensicke & Alexander Fraser Gunn 2007, 2011 _The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Nazis: The Berlin Years_ (301 pages)

Emilio Gentile & George Staunton 2006 _Politics as Religion_ ()

Curt J. Gentry 1991 _J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets_ ()

Geoffrey of Monmouth 1136, 2010 _Historia Regum Brittaniae_/_History of the Kings of Britain_ (320 pages; 923KB)

Geoffrey of Monmouth & Lewis Thorpe 1136, 8888 _Historia Regum Brittaniae_/_History of the Kings of Britain_ (280 pages; 755KB)

Geoffrey of Monmouth & J.A. Giles 1136, 2010 _Historia Regum Brittaniae_/_History of the Kings of Britain_ (320 pages; 923KB)

Andrew R. George & Irving L. Finkel 2000 _Wisdom, Gods, and Literature: Studies in Assyriology in Honor of W.G. Lambert_ (460 pages)

Carol V.R. George & David H. Bennett 1975, 1976 _Remember the Ladies: New Perspectives on Women in USA History: Essays in Honor of Nelson Manfred Blake_ ("Women in the Nativist Movement")

David Lloyd George 1933 _War Memoirs_ (at least 2 volumes)

(53) Denise George 2017 _The Lost 11: The Forgotten Story of Black American Soldiers Brutally Massacred in World War 2_ (398 pages; 940.54 Geo; Main)

F.J. George 1985 _The Singapore Saga_ ()

Isabel George 2012 _The Most Decorated Dog in History: Sergeant Stubby_ (295 pages; 2.3MB)

Isabel George 2015 _D-Day Dogs: Remarkable True Stories of Heroic Dogs_ (52 pages; 2.2MB)

Isabel George 2014 _Warrior: The True Story of the Real War Horse_ (79 pages; 1.2MB)

(43) Isabel George 2007 _Animals at War_ (60 pages; on order; J 355.42409 Geo; Jax)

Isabel George 2012 _A Dog with a Destiny: Smoky_ (295 pages; 2.4MB)

John George 1992 _Nazis, Communists, Klansmen, and Others on the Fringe: Political Extremism in the USA_ (510 pages)

Philip Gerard 2003 _Secret Soldiers: How a Troupe of American Artists, Designers and Sonic Wizards Won WW2's Battles of Deception Against the Germans_ ()

David A. Gerber 1976 _Black Ohio and the Color Line 1860-1915_ (500 pages)

(50) Jane S. Gerber 1992, 1994 _The Jews of Spain: An History of the Sephardic Experience_ (333 pages; 3.5MB; 946.004924 Ger; NE)

Richard A. Gerberding & Paul Fouracre 1996 _Late Merovingian France: History & Hagiography 640-720_ (385 pages)

Richard A. Gerberding 1987 _The Rise of the Carolingians and the Liber Historiae Francorum_ (215 pages)

(75) Fawaz A. Gerges 1992, 1994 _Making the Arab World: Nasser, Qutb, and the Clash That Shaped the Middle East_ (483 pages; 1MB; 956.04 Ger; Main+NE)

Cyndie L. Gerken 2015 _Marking the Miles Along the National Road Through Ohio: A Survey of Old Stone Mile Markers on Ohio's National Road_ (330 pages)

Jacques Gernet, J.R. Foster & Charles Hartman 1982, 1996, 2004 _An History of Chinese Civilization_ (830 pages)

Jacques Gernet 1962 _Daily Life in China on the Eve of the Mongol Invasion 1250-1275_ (245 pages)

(53) William Geroux 2016 _The Mathews Men: 7 Brothers & the War Against Hitler's U-Boats_ (390 pages; 940.5451 Ger; Main)

Chris Gerrard, Pam Graves, Andrew Millard & Richard Annis 2018 _Lost Lives, New Voices: UnLocking the Stories of the Scottish Soldiers at the Battle of Dunbar 1650_ (375 pages; 62.3MB)

James Gerrard 2013 _The Ruin of Roman Britain_ (355 pages; 18.1MB)

Ilya Gershevitch 1993 _Cambridge History of Iran_ ()

Ilya Gershevitch 1968, 1985, 1993 _The Cambridge History of Iran: vol2 The Median & Achaemenian Periods_ (950 pages)

Louis L. Gerson 1967 _John Foster Dulles_ (370 pages)

Noel Gerson/Samuel Edwards 1974 _Rebel: A Biography of Thomas Paine_ ()

Hugo Gerstle 2017 _Liberty and Coercion: The Paradox of USA Government from the Founding to the Present_ (440 pages; 3.8MB)

Hugo N. Gerstl 2011 _Amazing Grace: The Story of Grace O'Malley the Notorious Pirate Woman_ (400 pages; 1.4MB)


(9) Bill Gertz 1999 _Betrayal: How the Clinton Administration Undermined American Security_ (290 pages; 327.73 Ger; Jax)

(17) Bill Gertz 2000 _The China Threat: How Red China Targets the USA_ (280 pages; 327.73051 Ger; Main)

(20) ►Bill Gertz 2017 _iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age_ (370 pages; 2.7MB; ISBN 1501154966/ 1501154982/ 9781501154966/ 9781501154980; OCLC 992491896/ 946693541; Threshold/Simon&Schuster; 99999999 Ger; ILL request)◀

(22) Bill Gertz 2006-09-19 _Enemies: How America's Foes Steal Our Vital Secrets & How We Let It Happen_ (304 pages; ISBN 9780307338051; OCLC ; Crown Forum/Three Rivers; 327.120973 Ger; Main)

(24) ►Bill Gertz 2019-09-03, 2021 _Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy_ (239-256 pages; ISBN 9781641770545/ 9781641771665; OCLC 1182514576; Encounter; 99999999 Ger; ILL request)◀

Bill Gertz 2008 _The Failure Factory: How UnElected Bureaucrats, Leftist Democrats, and Big Government Republicans Are UnderMining USA's Security and Leading us to War_ (290 pages; 1.6MB; 99999999)


Masha Gessen 2017 _The Future Is History: How Totalitarianism ReClaimed Russia_ (510 pages; 3.2MB)

Ingrid Gessner 2016 _Yellow Fever Years: An Epidemiology of 19th-Century American Literature and Culture_ (255 pages; 11.9MB)

Paul Gething & Edoardo Albert 2012 _Northumbria: The Lost Kingdom_ (190 pages; 12.7MB)

Warren Getler & Bob Brewer 2008 _Shadow of the Sentinel: One Man's Quest to find the Hidden Treasure of the Confederacy_ ()

Jan-Bart Gewald 2001 _Herero Heroes: A Socio-Political History of the Herero of Namibia 1890-1923_ ()

Wesley M. Gewehr 1930 _The Great Awakening in Virginia 1740-1790_ ()

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Glenn G. Gilbert 1971 _The German Language in America: A Symposium_ ()

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Steve Gilland 2000, 2006 _Early Families of Frederick county Maryland and South Central Pennsylvania_ (200 pages)

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Marion Spjut Gilliland 1989 _Material Culture of Key Marco, Florida_ ()

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Mark Gitenstein 1992 _Matters of Principle: An Insider's Account of [USA Left's] Rejection of Robert Bork's Nomination to the Supreme Court_ (360 pages)

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Paul W. Glad 1960 _The Trumpet Soundeth: William Jennings Bryan and His Democracy_ ()

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Brooke Gladstone & Josh Neufeld 2011 _The Influencing Machine: Brooke Gladstone on the Media_ () William Ewart Gladstone 1876, 2013 _The Bulgarian Horrors and the Question of the East_ (50-780 pages; 451KB)

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Thomas Gladysz 2018 _Louise Brooks: The Peristent Star_ (flapper; 285 pages)

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Aly Goetz & Jefferson Chase 2007 _Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State_ ()

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Raymond Goldsmith 1987 _PreMoodern Financial Systems_ ()

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David B. Goldstein 2008 _Jacob's Legacy: A Genetic View of Jewish History_ (170 pages; 1.5MB)

Donald M. Goldstein & Katherine V. Dillon 2000 _The Pearl Harbor Papers: Inside the Japanese Plans_ ()

Israel Goldstein 1930 _A Century of Judaism in New York: B'nai Jeshurun 1825-1925, New York's Oldest Ashkenazic Congregation_ ()

Jonathan Goldstein 1978 _Philadelphia and the China Trade 1682-1846: Commercial, Cultural, and Attitudinal Effects_ (120 pages)

Jonathan Goldstein 1998 _The Jews of China: Historical and Comparative Perspectives: Volume 1_ (325 pages)

Jonathan Goldstein 2002 _People of an AlMighty God: Competing Religions in the Ancient World_ (580 pages)

Jonathan Goldstein & Max Wallace 2002 _Schmelvis: In Search of Elvis Presley's Jewish Roots_ (200 pages)

Jonathan Goldstein 2011 _Stephen Girard's Trade with China 1787-1824: The "Norms" Versus the Profits of Trade_ (140 pages)

Jonathan A. Goldstein 1990 _Semites, Iranians, Greeks, and Romans: Studies in Their InterActions_ (265 pages)

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(45) Nancy Bazelon Goldstone 2018 _Daughters of the Winter Queen: 4 Remarkable Sisters, the Crown of Bohemia, and the Enduring Legacy of Mary, Queen of Scots_ (480 pages; 85MB; 943.7023092 Gol; NE)

(47) Nancy Bazelon Goldstone 2009 _The Lady Queen: The Notorious Reign of Joanna i Queen of Naples, Jerusalem, and Sicily_ (365 pages; biography Joanna; Main+Jax)

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(53) Nancy Bazelon Goldstone 2012 _The Maid and the Queen: The Secret History of Joan of Arc_ (296 pages; 944.026 Gol; Main+NE)

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Michael A. Gomez 2005 _Black Crescent: The Experience and Legacy of African Muslims in the Americas_ ()

Alice Bertha Gomme 1894, 1964, 1984 _The Traditional Games of England, Scotland and Ireland_ ()

A.W. Gomme 1957 _The Population of Athens in the 5th and 4th Centuries BCE_ ()

Philip B. Gonzales 2016 _Politica: Nuevomexicanos and USA Political Incorporation 1821-1910_ (1070 pages; 4.6MB)

Edwin M. Good 1982 _Giraffes, Black Dragons, and Other Pianos: A Technological History from Cristofori to the Modern Concert Grand_ ()

Rebecca H. Good 8888 _Finding Your People in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia_ ()

(50) Maria Goodavage 2015 _Top Dog: The Story of Marine Hero Lucca_ (390 pages; 956.7044; large; Main)

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Peter Goodgame 2015 _The Globalists & the Islamists: Fomenting the Clash of Civilizations for a New World Order_ (180 pages; 720KB)

Briscoe Goodhart 8888 _History of the Independent Loudoun Virginia Rangers_ ()

Philip Goodhart 1965 _50 Ships That Saved the World: The Foundation of the Anglo-American Alliance_ (267 pages)

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Anthony Goodman & Anthony Tuck 1992 _War and Border Societies in the Middle Ages_ (212 pages; 473KB)

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Michael E. Goodrich 1995-09-01 _Violence and Miracle in the 14th Century_ (227 pages; ISBN 9780226302942; UChicago)

Thomas Goodrich 1998-04-01 _War to the Knife: Bleeding Kansas 1854-1861_ (304 pages; ISBN 9780811719216; Stackpole)

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George Stephen Goodspeed _An History of the Babylonians and Assyrians_ (172 pages)

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E. Marvin Goodwin 1990 _Black Migration in the USA from 1915-1960_ (140 pages)

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Jason Goodwin 1999 _Lords of the Horizon: An History of the Ottoman Empire_ (956.1015)

Jack Goody 1971 _Technology, Tradition, and the State in Africa_ (85 pages)

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Jack Goody 2013 _Capitalism and Modernity: The Great Debate_ (200 pages; 664KB)

Jack Goody 1973, 1975 _The Character of Kinship: The Great Debate_ (250 pages; 35.7MB)

Jack Goody, Joan Thirsk & E.P. Thompson 1976 _Family and Inheritance_ ()

Jack Goody 1977 _The Domestication of the Savage Mind_ (190 pages)

Jack Goody 2009, 2010 _Renaissances: The One or the Many_ (340 pages)

Jack Goody 2012, 2013 _The "Theft" of History_ (350 pages; 1.5MB)

Jack Goody 1987 _The Interface between the Written and the Oral_ (350 pages)

Jack Goody 1986 _The Logic of Writing and the "Organization" of "Society"_ (200 pages)

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Adam Gopnik 2009 _Angels and Ages: A Short Book about Darwin, Lincoln, and Modern Life_ (245 pages; 1.4MB)

Daniel Gordis 2016, 2017 _Israel: A Concise History of a Nation ReBorn_ (560 pages; 11MB)

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Cyrus H. Gordon 1966 _Ugarit and Minoan Crete: The Bearing of Their Texts on the Origins of Western Culture_ ()

Cyrus H. Gordon 1949 _Ugaritic Literature; A Comprehensive Translation of the Poetic and Prose Texts_ ()

C. Langdon Gordon 1984 _A Sketch of the Historic Opequon Presbyterian Church, Winchester, VA_ ()

D.H. Gordon 1958 _The PreHistoric Background of Indian Culture_ ()

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David Gordon et al. 1982 _Segmented Work, Divided Workers: The Historical Transformation of Labor in the United States_ ()

E. Clifford Gordon 1883, 1883, 1886 _The Battle of Big Bethel_ ()

Edward E. Gordon & Elaine H. Gordon 2002 _Literacy in America: Historic Journey and Contemporary Solutions_ ()

George Gordon lord Byron 2012 _The Age of Bronze_ (50 pages)

John Steele Gordon 1997, 2010 _Hamilton's Blessing: The ExtraOrdinary Life and Times of Our National Debt_ (214 pages; 5.6MB; 336.34)

John Steele Gordon 2002, 2003 _A Thread Across the Ocean: The Heroic Story of the TransAtlantic Cable_ (260 pages)

Marshall Gordon 1980 _Presbyteries and Profit_ ()

Matthew S. Gordon 2000 _The Breaking of a Thousand Swords: An History of the Turkish Military of Samarra AH200-275/815CE-889CE_ (315 pages)

Michael R. Gordon & Bernard E. Trainor 2006 _Cobra ii: The Inside Story of the Invasion of Iraq_ ()

Michael R. Gordon 1995 _The Generals' War: The Inside Story of the Conflict in the Gulf_ ()

Murray Gordon 1989, 1998 _Slavery in the Arab World_ (278 pages; 942KB)

Robert Aaron Gordon 1973 _Economic Instability and Growth: The American Record_ ()

Robert B. Gordon 2000, 2001 _A Landscape Transformed: The IronMaking District of Salisbury Connecticut_ (175 pages)

Sarah Gordon 1939 _The History of the Presbyterian Church and other Sketches of Gerrardstown, West Virginia_ (Edwards Bros., Ann Arbor, MI, 1939; p.61; Mormonite FHL #975.497/G1 K2g)

Sarah Gordon 1984 _Hitler, Germans and the Jewish Question_ (430 pages)

Stewart Gordon 1993 _The New Cambridge History of India: the Marathas 1600-1818_ ()

Stewart Gordon 2016 _Shackles of Iron: Slavery Beyond the Atlantic_ (170 pages; 2.3MB)

(71) Stewart Gordon 2007, 2008 _When Asia Was the World: Traveling Merchants, Scholars, Warriors, and Monks Who Created the "Riches of the East"_ (228 pages; 3MB; 915.04 Gor; Main+E+NE+Jax+FtBraden+Woodville)

Thomas Gordon & John Trenchard 1720-1723, 1737, 1995 _Cato's Letters_ ()

Thomas Gordon 1728 _Tacitus's Works_/_The Works of Tacitus_ ()

Thomas Gordon 1722 _A Discourse on Standing Armies_ ()

Annette Gordon-Reed 1997 _Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy_ ()

(47) Annette Gordon-Reed & Peter S. Onuf 2016 _Most Blessed of the Patriarchs: Thomas Jefferson and the Empire of the Imagination_ (370 pages; 973.46092 Gor; Main)

(35) Gershom Gorenberg 2011 _The UnMaking of Israel_ (325 pages; 956.9405; Main)

Rosemary Goring 8888 _Scotland: The AutoBiography: 2K years of Scottish History by Those Who Saw It Happen_ ()

Vanessa B. Gorman 2001, 2020 _Miletos: The Ornament of Ionia: An History of the City to 400BCE_ (320 pages; ISBN 9780472037773; OCLC ; UMich)

Francis Richard Gorroum 1942 _The Greek Historians_ ()

Charles Frederic Goss 1912, 2015 _Cincinnati, the Queen City 1788-1912_ (at least 4 volumes; 950 pages; 2.5MB)

John Goss 1991 _The Mapping of North America: 3 Centuries of Map-Making 1500-1860_ ()

Thomas Joseph Goss 2003 _The War within the Union High Command: Politics and Generalship during the Civil War_ (310 pagess)

Vladimir P. Goss & Christine Verzar Bornstein 1986 _The Meeting of 2 Worlds: Cultural Exchange between East and West in the Period of the Crusades_ (450 pages)

Bradley M. Gottfried 2012 _The Maps of Antietam: An Atlas of the Antietam (Shaprsburg) Campaign, including the Battle of South Mountain 1862 September 2-20_ (340 pages; 12.4MB)

Bradley M. Gottfried 2009 _Maps of the First Bull Run: An Atlas of the First Bull Run (Manassas) Campaign including the Battle of Ball's Bluff 1861 June-October_ (140 pages; 3.4MB)

Bradley M. Gottfried 2013 _The Maps of Gettysburg: The March to Gettysburg including the Battles of Second Winchester and Stephenson's Depot 1863 June 3-30_ (155 pages; 17.5MB)

Bradley M. Gottfried 2016 _The Maps of the Wilderness: An Atlas of the Wilderness Campaign 1864 May 2-7_ (330 pages; 324MB)

Robert S. Gottfried 1985 _The Black Death: Natural & Human Disaster in Medieval Europe_ (200 pages)

Richard James Horatio Gottheil 2014 _Zionism_ (275 pages; 186MB)

Josh Gottheimer 2003 _Ripples of Hope: Great American Civil Rights Speeches_ ()

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Theodore Gottlieb 1938 _The Origin and Evolution of the Betsy Ross Flag: Legend or Tradition?_ (Elizabeth Phoebe Griscom Ross Claypole, Caroline/Mary Pickersgill, et al.)

Jean Gottmann 1955 _Virginia at Mid-Century_ ()

Emily Benichou Gottreich & Daniel J. Schroeter 2011 _Jewish Culture and Society in North Africa_ (380 pages; 3.8MB)

Louis Reichenthal Gottschalk 1942 _LaFayette and the Close of the American Revolution_ ()

Louis Reichenthal Gottschalk 1975 _LaFayette in America 1777-1783_ (458 pages; 973.3)

Olaf Goubitz, C. van Driel-Murray & W. Groenman van Waateringe 2007 _Stepping through Time: Archaeological FootWear from PreHistoric Times until 1800_ (390 pages)

David Goudsward 2013 _H.P. Lovecraft in the Merrimack Valley_ (190 pages; biography, geography)

William Gouge 1852 _The Fiscal History of TX_ ()

Barry Gough 2017 _Churchill & Fisher: Titans at the Admiralty_ (630 pages)

Eliga H. Gould & Peter S. Onuf 2005, 2015 _Empire and Nation: The American Revolution in the Atlantic World_ (380 pages; 4.4MB)

Eliga H. Gould 2012 _Among the Powers of the Earth: The American Revolution and the Making of a New World Empire_ (335 pages; 5.7MB)

Harold A. Gould 2010 _The South Asia Story: The First 60 Years of USA Relations with India and Pakistan_ (130 pages; 2.7MB)

Harold A. Gould 1987 _The Hindu Caste System: vol1 Sacralization of a "Social" Order_ (185 pages)

Harold A. Gould 1988 _The Hindu Caste System: vol2 Caste Adaptation in Modernizing Indian "Society"_ (190 pages)

Harold A. Gould 1990 _The Hindu Caste System: vol3 Politics and Caste_ ()

John Gough 1827 _The Manners and Customs of Westmorland_ ()

Lewis L. Gould 2001 _America in the Regressive Era 1890-1914_ ()

Lewis L. Gould 2008 _Bull Moose on the Stump: The 1912 Campaign Speeches of Theodore Roosevelt_ (220 pages)

(34) Lewis L. Gould 1980 _The Presidency of William McKinley_ (1858-1919; 294 pages; 973.88 Gou; Main)

Peter Gould & Rodney White 1974 _Mental Maps_ ()

William B. Gould 1977 _Black Workers in White Unions_ ()

Arsene de Goulevitch 1962 _Czarism and Revolution_ ()

Philip Gourevitch 1998 _We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families_ ()

Catherine Gourley 2010 _The Horrors of Andersonville: Life and Death Inside a Civil War Prison_ (192 pages; 973.782092 J)

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Mary Grabar 2013 _Bill Ayers: Teaching Revolution_ (140 pages; 387KB; released 2013-05-03)

Mary Grabar 2013 _Exiled: Stories from Non-Leftist Professors Who Have Been Ridiculed, Ostracized, Marginalized, Demonized, and Frozen Out_ (115 pages; 388KB; released 2013-04-23)

Lester L. Grabbe 2008 _Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It_ (328 pages)

Lester L. Grabbe 2007 _An Introduction to 2nd Temple Judaism: History and Religion of the Jews in the Time of Nehemiah, the Maccabees, Hillel, and Jesus_ (170 pages; 1.3MB)

Lester L. Grabbe 2017 _The Land of Canaan in the Late Bronze Age_ (235 pages; 1.2MB)

Lester L. Grabbe 8888 _Ahab Agonistes: The Rise and Fall of the Omri Dynasty_ (360 pages)

Joseph L. Grabill 1971 _Protestant Diplomacy and the Near East: Missionary Influence on American Policy 1810-1927_ ()

Bessie Berry Grabowski 1931 _The DuVal Famiy of VA, 1701: Descendants of Daniel DuVal, Huguenot_ (Dietz printing company)

Kevin Grace & Tom White _Cincinnati Cemeteries: The Queen City Underground_ ()

Kevin Grace & Tom White 2003 _Cincinnati's Over the Rhine_ (120 pages; 45MB)

Kevin Grace & Tom White _Cincinnati Revealed_ ()

David B. Gracy 1987 _Moses Austin: His Life_ (295 pages)

David B. Gracy & Stephen F. Austin 1970 _Establishing Austin's Colony_ (91 pages)

Benjamin Franklin Grady & Lucy Booker Roper 2015 _The South's Burden: The Curse of Sectionalism in the USA_ (175 pages; 1.1MB)

Tim Grady 2011 _The German-Jewish Soldiers of the First World War in History and Memory_ (260 pages; 688KB)

David Graeber 2014 _Debt: The First 5K Years_ (540 pages; 5.1MB)

Isacque Graeber & Steuart Henderson Britt 1942 _Jews in a Gentile World: The Problem of Anti-Semitism_ (425 pages)

Norman Graebner 1955 _Empire on the Pacific_ ()

Iris Barbara Graefe 1978 _Germans from Russia in Colorado_ ()

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Garrett M. Graff 2017 _Raven Rock: The Story of the USA Government's Secret Plan to Save Itself--While the Rest of Us Die_ (540 pages; 137MB)

Henry Franklin Graff 2002 _Grover Cleveland_ (154 pages; biography Cleveland)

Anthony Grafton 2000, 2002 _Leon Battista Alberti: Master Builder of the Italian Renaissance_ (400 pages)

Anthony Grafton, Glenn W. Most & Salvatore Settis 2010, 2013 _The Classical Tradition_ ()

Anthony Grafton & Joanna Weinberg 2011 _I Have Always Loved the Holy Tongue: Isaac Casaubon, the Jews, and a Forgotten Chapter in Renaissance Scholarship_ (380 pages; 2.9MB)

Rod Gragg 2011 _By the Hand of Providence: How Faith Shaped the American Revolution_ (300 pages; 5.3MB)

Rod Gragg 2014 _The Pilgrim Chronicles: An EyeWitness History of the Pilgrims and the Founding of Plymouth Colony_ (350 pages; 22.1MB)

Rod Gragg 1991, 2010 _Forged in Faith: How Faith Shaped the Birth of the Nation_ (270 pages; 968KB)

Rod Gragg 2006 _Planters, Pirates, and Patriots: Historical Tales from the South Carolina Grand Stand_ (190 pages; 5.5MB)

Rod Gragg 2018 _The Word: The History of the Bible and How It Came to Us_ (310 pages)

Rod Gragg 1991, 2010 _Confederate Goliath: The Battle of Fort Fisher_ (343 pages; 968KB; 973.7)

Rod Gragg 2016 _My Brother's Keeper: Christians Who Risked All to Protect Jewish Targets of the Nazi Holocaust_ (331 pages; 22.8MB; 940.531835)

Don Graham 2004 _Kings of Texas: The 150-Year Saga of an American Ranching Empire_ (300 pages; 1.3MB)

George W. Graham 1905 _The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence_ (200 pages; 373KB)

Hugh Davis Graham & Ted Robert Gur 1969 _The History of Violence in America_ ()

H.G. Graham 1899 _The Social Life of Scotland in the 18th Century_ ()

Ian Charles Cargill Graham 1956 _Colonists from Scotland: Emigration to North America 1707-1783_ ()

James Graham 1856, 1859, 2015 _The Life of general Daniel Morgan of the VA Line of the Army of the United States with portions of his correspondence_ (NY; Derby & Jackson; 380 pages; 1.7MB)

James Robert Graham 1904, 2010 _The Planting of the Presbyterian Church in Northern Virginia_ ()

John Graham 1869 _An History of the Siege of Londonderry and Defense of Enniskillen in 1688 and 1689_ ()

Lawrence Otis Graham 1999 _Our Kind of People: Inside America's Balck Upper Class_ ()

Loren R. Graham 1993 _The Ghost of the Executed Engineer: Technology and the Fall of the Soviet Union_ ()

Margaret B.W. Graham & Alec T. Shuldiner 2001 _Corning and the Craft of Innovation_ ()

Mark W. Graham & Eric H. Cline 2011 _Ancient Empires: From Mesopotamia to the Rise of Islam_ ()

Mark W. Graham 2006 _News and Frontier "Consciousness" in the Late Roman Empire_ ()

Otis L. Graham ii 2015 _Presidents and the USA Environment_ (since 1890; 410 pages; 2.4MB)

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John D. Grainger 2013 _Seleukos Nikator: Constructing a Hellenistic Kingdom_ ()

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John D. Grainger 2014 _The Seleukid Empire of Seleukos iii 223BCE-187BCE_ (mmm pages)

John D. Grainger 2002 _The Roman War of Antiochos the great_ (380 pages)

(55) ►John D. Grainger 2013-09-13 _Roman Conquests: Egypt & Judaea_ (245 pages; 11MB; 1.17 pounds; ISBN 1848848234/ 9781848848238; Pen&Sword; ILL request)◀

John D. Grainger 2002, 2003, 2005 _Nerva and the Roman Succession Crisis 96-99CE_ (162 pages; ISBN 9780415289177/ 9780415349581; OCLC 315612897; Routledge)

Richard Michael Gramly 1999 _Fort Laurens 1778-1779: A Pictorial Record of Excavations_ (60 pages)

Saxo Grammaticus, Peter Fisher & Hilda Ellis Davidson 1979 _The History of the Danes_ (520 pages)

J.L. Granatstein 1998 _Who Killed Canadian History?_ ()

Grandmaison 2010 _A treatise on the military service, of light horse, and light infantry, in the field, and in the fortified places..._ ()

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Antonia Gransden 1974 _Historical Writing in England c. 550 - c. 1307_ ()

Alexander Grant 1991 _Independence and Nationhood: Scotland 1306-1469_ (256 pages)

Alexander Grant & Keith J. Stringer 1993, 1998 _Medieval Scotland: Crown, Lordship & Community_ (310 pages)

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Anne MacVicar Grant of Laggan 2018 _Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady between the Years 1773 and 1807_ (275 pages; 1.8MB)

Anne MacVicar Grant of Laggan 1811, 2013 _Essays on the Superstitions of the HighLanders of Scotland vol1_ (125 pages; 380KB)

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James Grant 1850, 2015 _Memorials of the Castle of Edinburgh_ (200 pages)

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Michael Grant 1982 _From Alexander to Cleopatra: The Hellenistic World_ (319 pages; 909; Main)

Michael Grant 1973, 2011 _The Jews in the Roman World_ (355 pages; 2.4MB; 301.45; ???was catalogued; now it is not???)

Michael Grant 1994 _Constantine the Great_ (267 pages; 937.08092; Main+FtBraden)

Michael Grant 1971 _Herod the Great_ (biography Herod; Main)

Michael Grant 1982 _Readings in the Classical Historians_ (685 pages; 938; )

(3) Michael Grant 1982 _Greek & Latin Authors 800BCE-1000CE_ (685 pages; 938 Gra; Main+NE; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(43) Michael Grant 2000 _The 12 Caesars_ (937; Main+FtBraden)

(50) Michael Grant 1991 _The Founders of the Western World_ (938 Gra; Main+NE)

Michael Grant 1997 _The Roman Emperors: A Biographical Guide to the Rulets of Imperial Rome 31BCE-476CE_ ()

Michael Grant 2013 _The Severans: The Roman Empire Transformed_/_The Severans: The Changed Roman Empire_ (160 pages; 2MB)

Michael Grant 1960 _The World of Rome_ ()

Michael Grant 1976, 1990 _The Fall of the Roman Empire_ (230 pages)

Michael Grant 2013 _Collapse and Recovery of the Roman Empire_ (140 pages; 4.7MB)

Ulysses S. Grant & Elizabeth D. Samet 2019 _The Annotated Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant_/_The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant_ (1068 pages; biography Grant; Main+Jax)

Johanna C. Granville 2003 _The First Domino: InterNational Decision-Making During the Hungarian Crisis of 1956_ (335 pages)

Norman S.B. Gras & Henrietta Larson 1939 _CaseBook in American Business History_ ()

Steven Grasse 2016 _Colonial Spirits: A Toast to Our Drunken History_ (215 pages; 24.6MB)

(57) ►Fabio L. Grassi 2018 _A New HomeLand: The Massacre of the Circassians, Their Exodus to the Ottoman Empire and Their Place in Modern Turkey_ (230 pages; 1.5MB; ILL request)◀

C. Hartley Grattan 1929 _Why We Fought_ (revisionist)

Jonathan Gratian 2016 _Flight Path: Son of Africa to Warrior-Diplomat_ (340 pages; 12.1MB)

Roberta Brandes Gratz 2010 _The Battle for Gotham: New York in the Shadow of Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs_ (400 pages; 3.4MB)

Lester W. Grau 1993 _The Cossack Brotherhood ReBorn: A Political/Military Force in a Realm of Chaos_ ()

David Elton Graves 2014 _Biblical Archaeology: An Introduction with Recent Discoveries that support the Reliability of the Bible_ (365 pages)

Donald E. Graves 1989 _Sir William Congreve and the Rocket's Red Glare_ (32 pages)

Philip P. Graves 1922, 1924 _Israel: The Land of 3 Faiths_ ()

William S. Graves 2019 _USA's Siberian Adventure 1918-1920_ (290 pages; 2.2MB)

Paul Graves-Brown, Sian Jones & Clive Gamble 1996, 2013 _Cultural "Identity" and Archaeology: The Construction of European "Communities"_ (295 pages; 4.1MB)

Christopher Gravett 1992 _Hastings 1066: The Fall of Saxon England_ ()

Christopher Gravett & Adam Hook 2012 _Norman Stone Castle: vol1 The British Isles 1066-1216_ (64 paes; 4MB)

Christopher Gravett 2007 _History of Castles_ (190 pages; 102MB)

sir Alexander Gray 1945 _The Socialist Tradition: Moses to Lenin_ ()

Colin S. Gray 2002 _Strategy for Chaos: Revolutions in Military Affairs and the Evidence of History_ ()

Dave Gray 2009 _Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants 1775-1800_ (304 pages)

(52) Edward G. Gray 2016 _Tom Paine's Iron Bridge: Building a United States_ (Schuylkill; 235 pages; 320.51 Gra; NE)

Esther Katherine Thompson, Lewis Cecil Gray & Lewis Cecil Thompson 1933, 1958, 1992 _History of Agriculture in the Southern USA to 1860_ (2 volumes; 1070 pages)

Edwyn Gray 1991 _The Devil's Device: Robert Whitehead and the History of the Torpedo_ ()

Lewis Cecil Gray, Esther Katherine Thompson & Henry Charles Taylor 1933, 1958, 1992 _History of Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860_ (at least 2 volumes; 1K pages)

Michael Gray 2019 _American Titans: The Tycoons Who Built the USA_ (145 pages; 4.9MB)

T.M. Gray 2006 _Gray's NecroNomicon_ (1,523 pages)

Wood Gray 1942, 1964 _The Hidden Civil War: The Story of the Copperheads_ (northern anti-Lincoln)

Albert Kirk Grayson 1975, 2000 _Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles_ (290 pages)

Albert Kirk Grayson 1987 _Assyrian Rulers of the 3rd and 2nd Millennia BCE to 1115BCE_ (350 pages)

Albert Kirk Grayson 1987 _Assyrian Rulers of the Early 1st Millennium BCE 1114BCE-859BCE_ (290 pages)

Albert Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny 2012 _Royal Inscriptions of Sennacherib i king of Assyria 704BCE-681BCE_ (260 pages)

Solomon Grayzel 1947, 1965, 1968 _An History of the Jews: From the Babylon Exile to the Present 1728-1968_ (880 pages)

Andrea Graziosi 2009 _Stalinism, Collectivization, and the Great Famine_ (Holodomor; 9999999 pages)

Andrea Graziosi, Lubomyr A. Hajda, Halyna Hryn, Alexander Babyonshev, Karel C. Berkhoff, Elena Boeck, Hennadi Boriak et al. 2014 _After the Holodomor: The Enduring Impact of the Great Famine on Ukraine_ (Holodomor; 310 pages)

Percy L. Greaves 1973 _Understanding the Dollar Crisis_ ()

Geoffrey Greatrex & Samuel N.C. Lieu 2005 _The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars 363CD-628CE_ (395 pages; 3MB)

N'Omi Greber 1983, 1984 _Recent Excavations at the Edwin Harness Mound, Liberty Works, Ross County Ohio_ (93 pages)

Andrew M. Greeley 1892, 1972, 1973 _That Most Distressful Nation_ (275 pages)

Annie Maria V. Green 1887, 1983, 2014, 2014-09-20, 2015-08-27 _16 Years on the Great American Desert: The Trials and Triumphs of a Frontier Life_ (Greeley, CO; 84-86 pages; 542KB; ISBN 1340528592; OCLC 54071117; Sagwan/Truesdell/Coren)

Benny Green 1989 _Britain at War_ ()

(50) Carol Green 1990 _Laura Ingalls Wilder: Author of the Little House Books_ (46 pages; biography Wilder; Main+FtBraden)

Constance McLaughlin Green 1967 _The Secret City: An History of Race Relations in the Nation's Capital_ (380 pages)

Constance McLaughlin Green 1965 _Eli Whitney and the Birth of American Technology_ ()

Edward Rodney Richey Green 1969, 1996 _Essays in Scotch-Irish History_ ()

Bennett Wood Green 1889 _Word-Book of VA Folk-Speech_ ()

Bryan Clark Green, Calder Loth & William M.S. Rasmussen 2001 _Lost Virginia: Vanished Architecture of the Old Dominion_ ()

Edward Rodney Richey Green 1965, 1969, 1996 _Essays in Scotch-Irish History_ ()

Harry Clinton Green & Mary Wolcott Green 1997 _Wives of the Signers: The Women Behind the Declaration of Independence_ ()

(49) ►James R. Green 2007-03-13 _Death in the HayMarket: A Story of Chicago, the First "Labor Movement", & the Bombing That Divided Gilded Age USA_ (1886; 383-400 pages; 3.6MB; ISBN 9781400033225; OCLC 1154539847; Anchor/Pantheon; ILL request)◀

John Green 2013 _England During the Dark Ages 449-1071_ (62 pages; 4.4MB)

John Richard Green 1892-1894, 1896, 1899 _A Short History of the English People_ (pdf vol3)

Judith A. Green 2006 _Henry i: King of England and Duke of Normandy_ ()

Michael Green & Gladys Green 1995 _Patton's Tank Drive: D-Day to Victory_ ()

Michael Green & James D. Brown 2007 _M4 Sherman at War_ (125 pages; 8.1MB)

Michael Green 2017 _Allied Tanks of the Second World War_ (200 pages; 59.5MB)

Miranda Green 2008 _The gods of Roman Britain_ (76 pages)

Peter Green & Eugene N. Borza 1991, 2013 _Alexander of Macedon 356BBCE-323BCE_ (600-660 pages; 5MB)

Peter S. Green 1990, 1993 _Alexander to Actium: The Historical Evolution of the Hellenistic Age_ (960 pages; 90.1MB)

Philip Slaughter Raleigh Travers Green 2008 _Genealogical and Historical Notes on Culpeper county VA_ ()

Samuel Swett Green 1895, 1970 _The Scotch-Irish in America_ ()

Stanley Green 1987 _The Mexican Republic: The First Decade 1823-1832_ ()

Thomas Marshall Green 1889, 1997, 2014 _Historic Families of Kentucky with Special Reference to Stocks Immediately Derived from the Valley of Virginia, Tracing in Detail Their Various Genealogical Connexions and Illustrating from Historic..._ (270 pages; 993KB)

Timothy Green 2007 _Ages of Gold_ ()

Amy S. Greenberg 2013 _A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln, and the 1846 USA [War with] Mexico_ (344 pages; 973.62)

Amy S. Greenberg 2019 _Lady First: The World of First Lady Sarah Polk_ (415 pages; 41.8MB)

D. Greenberg 1974, 1976, 2011 _Crime and Law Enforcement in the Colony of NY 1691-1776_ (255 pages)

David Greenberg 2016 _Republic of Spin: An InSide History of the USA Presidency_ (540 pages; 973.099; NE)

Joseph Greenberg 1987 _Language in the Americas_ ()

Kenneth S. Greenberg 8888 _Honor and Slavery_ ()

Paul Greenberg 1996 _No Surprises: 2 Decades of Clinton Watching_ ()

Raphael Greenberg & Ammon Ben-Tor 1994 _The Archaeology of Ancient Israel_ (419 pages)

Raphael Greenberg & Adi Keinan 2009 _Israeli Archaeological Activity in Eastern Israel 1967-2007_ ()

Mark Lee Greenblatt 2014 _Valor: UnSung Heroes from Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front_ ()

Stephen Greenblatt 2011, 2012 _The Swerve: How the World Became Modern_ (365 pages; 6.1MB; 940.21 Gre; Main+NE+E+Jax+BLPerry)

Stephen Greenblatt 2010 _Will in The World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare_ (455 pages; 6.1MB; biography Shakespeare)

A. Wilson Greene 1992, 2005 _Whatever You Resolve to Be: Essays on Stonewall Jackson_ (180 pages)

A. Wilson Greene & Gary W. Gallagher 2018 _A Campaign of Giants: The Battle for Petersburg: vol1 From the Crossing of the James to the Crater_ (720 pages)

Casey Edward Greene & Shelly Hennley Kelly 2002 _Through a Night of Horrors: Voices from the 1900 Galveston Storm_ (215 pages)

Evarts B. Greene & Virginia D. Harrington 1932, 1966, 1977, 1981, 1993 _American Population before the Federal Census of 1790_ (Columbia University Press and Genealogical Publishing Company of Baltimore, MD)

Jack P. Greene 1965 _Diary of colonel Landon Carter of Sabine Hall 1752-1778_ (2 volumes)

Jack P. Greene & J.R. Pole 1983 _Colonial British America: Essays in the New History of the Early Modern Era_ ()

Jack P. Greene & J.R. Pole 1991 _The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the American Revolution_ ()

Jack P. Greene 1993 _The Intellectual Construction of America: Exceptionalism and Identity from 1492 to 1800_ ()

Jack P. Greene 1988 _Pursuits of Happiness: The Social Development of Early Modern British Colonies and the Formation of American Culture_ ()

Jacqueline Dembar Greene 2000 _Slavery in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia_ (63 pages; 303.362 junior)

Katherine Glass Greene 1926, 2007 _Winchester, VA and Its Beginnings, 1743-1814_ (Strasburg; Shenandoah Publishing House)

Lorenzo Johnston Greene & Carter Godwin Woodson 1930, 1970 _The Negro Wage Earner_ (400 pages)

Lorenzo Johnston Greene 1942, 1969, 2016 _The Negro in Colonial New England 1620-1776_ (400 pages)

Meg Greene & Paula Stathakis 2011 _The EveryThing Founding Fathers Book: All You Need to Know about the Men Who Shaped the USA_ (295 pages; 1.5MB)

Molly Greene 2015 _The Edinburgh History of the Greeks 1453-1768_ (310 pages; 1.7MB)

Nathanael Greene, Richard K. Showman, Dennis Michael Conrad & Roger N. Parks 1976 _The Papers of General Nathanael Greene_ ()

Howard Greenfeld 2005 _A Promise Fulfilled: Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, David ben Gurion, and the ReCreation of the State of Israel_ (143 pages; 320.54 junior; Main)

(80) Mark Greengrass 2014, 2015 _Christendom Destroyed: Europe 1517-1648_ (689 pages; 45MB; 940.23 Gre; Main)

E. Diane Greenhill 1988 _From Diploma to Doctorate: 100 Years of Nursing_ ()

Richard E. Greenleaf 1961 _Zumarraga and the Mexican Inquisition 1536-1543_ ()

Alan Greenspan 2007 _The Age of Turbulence: Adventurers in a New World_ ()

Stanley I. Greenspan & N.T. Greenspan 1985 _First Feelings: MileStones in the Emotional Development of Your Baby and Child from Birth to Age 4_ ()

Glenn Greenwald 2014 _No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the USA Surveillance State_ (290 pages; 108MB)

Diana Greenway 1996 _Henry, ArchDeacon of Huntingdon: Historia Anglorum_ ()

Joseph George Greenwood & Bennett Woodcroft 1971 _The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria_ ()

James Kimmins Greer 1952, 1993 _Texas Ranger: Jack Hays in the Frontier SouthWest_ (235 pages; 3.4MB)

Margaret R. Greer, Maureen Quilligan & Walter D. Mignolo 2008 _ReReading the "Black Legend": The Discourses of Religious & Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires_ (465 pages; 6.2MB)

Ellen Stuart Gregg 1975 _A Crane's Foot (or Pedigree) of the Gregg, Stuart, Robertson, Dobbs and allied families_ (681 pages)

Ellen Stuart Gregg 1977 _A Pictorial Pedigree_ (175 pages; in particular pg331)

Gary L. Gregg ii & Mark David Hall 2014 _USA's Forgotten Founders_ (195 pages; 623KB)

Josiah Gregg 2014 _Commerce of the Prairies: The Journal of a Santa Fe Trader 1831-1839_ (460 pages; 941KB)

Samuel Gregg 2013 _Tea Party Catholic: The Catholic Case for Limited Government, a Free Economy, and Human Flourishing_ (260 pages; 2.8MB)

Susan Alling Gregg 1988 _Foragers and Farmers: Population Interaction and Agricultural Expansion in PreHistoric Europe_ ()

A. James Gregor 1969 _The Ideology of Fascism: The Rationale of Totalitarianism_ ()

A. James Gregor 2004 _Faces of Janus: Marxism & Fascism in the 20th Century_ (245 pages)

A. James Gregor 2008 _Marxism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism: Chapters in the Intellectual History of Radicalism_ (416 pages)

Ferdinand Gregorovius & Annie Hamilton 2015 _History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages vol1 400CE-568CE_ (600 pages; 2.3MB)

Ferdinand Gregorovius & Annie Hamilton 2011 _History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages vol2 568CE-800CE_ (590 pages; 2MB)

Ferdinand Gregorovius & Annie Hamilton 2001 _History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages vol3 800CE-1002CE_ (640 pages)

Ferdinand Gregorovius & Annie Hamilton 2014 _History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages vol4 part1 1003CE-1106CE_ (330 pages; 1.7MB)

Ferdinand Gregorovius & Annie Hamilton 2014 _History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages vol4 part2 1101CE-1199CE_ (12th century; 200 pages; 1.2MB)

Ferdinand Gregorovius & Annie Hamilton 2014 _History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages vol5 part1 1200CE-1260CE_ (12th century; 390 pages)

Gregory bar Habraeus/Adul Faraj/Adulpharagius/Mor Gregorios bar Ebraya/Gregorii Barhebraei, Joannes Baptista Abbeloos & Thomas Josephus Lamy 1877, 2010 _Chronicon Ecclesiasticum_ (vol3 pp279-282; 330 pages)

Gregory of Tours & Lewis Thorpe 1974 _The History of the Franks_ (710 pages; 2.4MB)

Gregory of Tours & Ernest Brehaut 590, 2012, 2015, 2016 _The History of the Franks_ (150-300 pages; 1.2MB-2.1MB)

Gregory of Tours & O.M. Dalton 590, 1927 _The History of the Franks_ (300 pages; 1.2MB)

Jack Gregory & Rennard Strickland 1976, 1996 _Sam Houston with the Cherokees 1829-1833_ (230 pages)

James N. Gregory 2005 _The Southern Diaspora: How the Great Migrations of Black and White Southerners Transformed the USA_ (460 pages; 2.1MB)

Ross Gregory 1971 _The Origins of American Intervention in the First World War_ ()

John Grehan & Martin Mace 2015 _Operations in the Middle East 1939-1942_ (215 pages; 10.3MB)

Avner Greif 2006 _Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade_ (520 pages; 799KB)

H. Kent Greiger 1968 _The Family in Soviet Russia_ ()

Jane Grenville 1998 _Medieval Housing_ (220 pages)

Charles Theodore Greve 1904 _Centennial History of Cincinnati and Representative Citizens_ ()

Michael S. Greve 2015 _Federalism and the Constitution: Competition versus Cartels_ (72 pages; 2.6MB)

Philip J. Greven ii 1970, 1972 _4 Generations: Population, Land, and Family in Colonial Andover, Massachusetts_ (340 pages)

Joseph C. Grew 1944 _My 10 Years in Japan_ ()

Jonathan Marc Gribetz 2014 _Defining Neighbors: Religion, Race, and the Early Zionist-Arab Encounter_ (299 pages; 2.8MB)

Kenneth J. Grieb 1969 _The United States and Huerta_ ()

David Alan Grier 2007 _When Computers Were Human_ ()

Philip Grierson & Mark Blackburn 2007 _Medieval European Coinage: vol1 The Early Middle Ages 5th-10th Centuries_ (690 pages; 45.7MB; see Philip Grierson for vol1 & vol9; Ulrich Klein for vol3; Miquel Crusafont for vol6; Rory Naismith for vol8; William R. Day for vol12)

Philip Grierson 1986, 2017 _Medieval European Coinage: vol9 The British Isles_ (see Miquel Crusafont for vol6; Rory Naismith for vol8; William R. Day for vol12)

Peter Hays Gries 2005 _Red China's New Nationalism: Pride, Politics, and Diplomacy_ ()

Gene Griessman 1998 _The Words Lincoln Lived By: 52 Timeless Principles to Light Your Path_ ()

Margaret Grieve 1931, 1971, 1992 _A Modern Herbal_ ()

Patricia E. Grieve 2009 _The Eve of Spain: Myths of Origins in the History of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Conflict_ (315 pages)

Keith P. Griffler 2004, 2010 _Front Line of Freedom: African Americans and the Forging of the UnderGround RailRoad in the Ohio Valley_ (190 pages; 2.5MB)

William C. Gryffeth 2016 _The Stranger In My Genes_ (188 pages; 929.2097 GRI; NE)

Patrick Griffin 2001-11-01 _The People with No Name: Ireland's Ulster Scots, America's Scots Irish, and the Creation of a British Atlantic World, 1689-1764_ (245 pages; 2.9MB)

Patrick Griffin 2017 _The Townshend Moment: The Making of Empire and Revolution in the 18th Century_ (365 pages)

Roger Griffin 1991, 1993, 2013 _The Nature of Fascism_ (255 pages; 17MB)

Elmer C. Griffith 1910 _Early Banking in Kentucky_ ()

Lucille Griffith 1970 _The Virginia House of Burgesses 1750-1774_ ()

Paddy Griffith & Peter Dennis 2004 _Fortifications of House of the Western Front 1914-1918_ ()

Sidney Harrison Griffith 2008, 2012 _The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque: Christians and Muslims in the World of Islam_ (237 pages; 1.7MB)

Bill Griffiths 1996 _The Battle of Maldon_ ()

Bill Griffiths 1995 _An Introduction to Early English Law_ ()

Paul Griffiths & Mark S.R. Jenner 2000 _Londinopolis: Essays in the Cultural and "Social" History of Early Modern London_ (285 pages)

Percival Griffiths 1952 _The British Impact on India_ ()

Percival Griffiths 1957 _Modern India_ ()

Erik Grigg 2018 _Warfare, Raiding, and Defence in Early Medieval Britain_ (400CE-850CE; 220 pages; 54.3MB)

Hugh Blair Grigsby & Robert Alonzo Brock 1891, 2010-01-04 _The History of the Virginia Federal Convention of 1788 with some Account of Eminent Virginians of that Era Who Were Members of the Body_ ()

Hugh Blair Grigsby 1855, 1885 _The Virginia Convention of 1776: A discourse delivered before the alpha of the phi beta kappa society in the chapel of William & Mary college_ ()

Hugh Blair Grigsby _Virginia Convention of 1788_ ()

(59) Nicolas Grimal & Ian Shaw 1988, 1992 _An History of Ancient Egypt_ (512 pages; 932.01 Gri; Main)

Barbara F. Grimes 1996 _Ethnologue: Languages of the World_ ()

Mark Grimsley & Steven E. Woodworth 2006 _Shiloh: A BattleField Guide_ (175 pages; 6.6MB)

Merilee S. Grindle, Pilar Domingo, Manuel Contreras, James Dunkerley et al. 2003 _Proclaiming Revolution: Bolivia in Comparative Perspective_ (440 pages)

Duncan Grinnell-Milne 1968 _The Killing of William Rufus: An Investigation in the New Forest_ ()

A. Whitney Griswold 1938 _The Far Eastern Policy of the United States_ ()

Richard Griswold del Castillo 1990 _The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: A Legacy of Conflict_ ()

Frank E. Grizzard ii 2005 _The Ways of Providence: Religion and George Washington_ ()

G.N. Grob 1972 _Workers and Utopia_ ()

W.J. Mike Groen, Nicholas Marquez-Grant & Robert C. Janaway 2015-04-27 _Forensic Archaeology: A Global Perspective_ (616 pages; ISBN 9781118745984; OCLC ; Wiley-Blackwell)

Clyde L. Groff, Walter B. Groff & Jane Evans Best 1985 _The Groff Book: vol1 A Good Life in a New Land_ (210 pages)

Clyde L. Groff, Walter B. Groff & Jane Evans Best 1985 _The Groff Book: vol2 A Continuing Saga_ (210 pages)

Lulu Grogan 1923 _GateWay to Independence_ (school savings banks)

Kathleen A. Gronnerud & Scott J. Spitzer 2018 _Modern American Political Dynasties: A Study of Power, Family, & Political Influence_ (362 pages; ISBN 9781440854422; OCLC 1090100846; Praeger)

(17) Winston Groom 2011 _Kearny's March: The Epic Creation of the USA West 1846-1847_ (310 pages; 9MB; 979.02 Gro; Main)

(42) Winston Groom 2012 _Shiloh 1862_ (446 pages; 5.1MB; 973.731 Gro; NE)

(44) Winston Groom 2009, 2010 _Vicksburg 1863_ (496 pages; 2.259MB; 973.7344 Gro; Main)

Winston Groom 2006 _Patriotic Fire: Andrew Jackson and Jean LaFfite at the Battle of New Orleans_ (292 pages; 973.5239; Main+NE)

Winston Groom 1995 _Shrouds of Glory: Atlanta to Nashville: The Last Great Campaign of the Civil War_ (308 pages; 973.736; Main)

Winston Groom 2015 _The Generals: Patton, MacArthur, Marshall, and the Winning of World War 2_ (500 pages; 10.6MB)

(49) Winston Groom 2013 _The Aviators: Eddie Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, Charles Lindbergh, and the Epic Age of Flight_ (464 pages; 629.13092273 Gro; Main+NE)

(60) Winston Groom 2018 _The Allies: Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, and the UnLikely Alliance That Won World War 2_ (455 pages; 10.6MB; 940.53092 Gro; NE)

Alan Gropman 1997 _The Big L: USA Logistics in World War 2_ ()

Peter Grose 1983 _Israel in the Mind of America_ ()

Peter Grose 1994 _Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles_ ()

Peter Grose 2015 _A Good Place to Hide: How One French Community Saved Thousands of Lives in World War 2_ (340 pages; 4.2MB)

Tim Groseclose 2011 _Left Turn: How Leftist Bias Distorts the USA Mind_ (290 pages; 2.2MB)

Daniel R. Gross 8888 _Discovering Anthropology_ ()

Gerhard P. Gross & David T. Zabecki 2016 _The Myth and Reality of German Warfare: Operational Thinking from Moltke the Elder to Heusinger_ (425 pages; 20.3MB)

Henri Gross & Moise Bloch 1897 _Gallia Judaica: Geographical Dictionary of Franch_ ()

Jan T. Gross 2012 _Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland_ (205 pages; 2.1MB)

Miriam Gross 1977, 1978 _The World of Raymond Chandler_ ()

Nachum Gross, Salo W. Baron, Arcadus Kahan et al. 1975 _The Economic History of the Jews_ ()

Robert A. Gross 1976, 2011 _The MinuteMen and Their World_ (270 pages; 758KB)

Avraham Grossman 2004, 2012 _Pious and Rebellious: Jewish Women in Medieval Europe_ (340 pages; 1.8MB)

Dave Grossman 2009 _On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society_ (367 pages; 355.0019; NE)

David Grossman 2011 _Rural Arab Demography and Early Jewish Settlement in Israel: Distribution and Population Density During the Late Ottoman and Early Mandate Periods_ (235 pages)

James R. Grossman 2011 _Land of Hope: Chicago, Black Southerners, and the Great Migration_ (390 pages; 5.2MB)

Maxine L. Grossman 2010 _ReDiscovering the Dead Sea Scrolls: An Assessment of Old and New Approaches and Methods_ (325 pages; 3.6MB)

Hugo Grotius 1625, 1626, 1654, 1738, 1749 _De Jure Belli ac Pacis_/_The Rights of War and Peace_/_On the Law of War and Peace_ ()

Anna Groundwater 2013 _The Scottish Middle March 1573-1625: Power, Kinship, Allegiance_ (248 pages)

Simon N.C. Grove & Norman Grieve 2016 _The Awful Hand & Murder Hole_ (50 pages; 194MB)

Warren Grover 2003, 2017 _Nazis in Newark_ (400 pages; 73.1MB; ISBN 0765805162/ 9780765805164; Routledge)

Leslie Richard Groves ii 1975, 2009 _Now It Can Be Told: The Story of the Manhattan Project_ (485 pages; 2.8MB)

Farley Grubb 2013 _German Immigration and Servitude in the USA 1709-1920__German Immigration and Servitude in America 1709-1920_ (455 pages; 7.7MB)

Carol S. Gruber 1975 _Mars and Minerva: World War 2 and the Uses of the Higher Learning in America_ ()

Helmut Gruber & Pamela Graves 1998 _Women and Socialism, Socialism and Women: Europe between the 2 World Wars_ ()

Ira D. Gruber 8888 _John Peebles's American War 1776-1782_ ()

Ruth Gruber 1947, 1998 _Exodus 1947: The Ship That Launched a Nation_ ()

Ruth Gruber 1983, 2000 _Haven: The Dramatic Story of 1K World War 2 Refugees and How They Came to America_ ()

Ruth Ellen Gruber 1992 _Jewish Heritage Travel: A Guide to Central and Eastern Europe_ (305 pages; 947.004924)

Ira D. Gruder 2010 _Books and the British Army in the Age of the American Revolution_ ()

Erich S. Gruen 1984 _The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome_ (2 volumes; 860+pages)

Erich S. Gruen 1998 _Heritage and Hellenism: The ReInvention of Jewish Tradition_ (350 pages; 4.9MB)

Erich S. Gruen 1990, 1996 _Studies in Greek Culture and Roman Policy_ (200 pages)

Erich S. Gruen 1995 _Culture and National Identity in Republican Rome_ (330 pages)

Ion Grumeza 2010 _The Roots of Balkanization: Eastern Europe 500CE-1500CE_ ()

W.E. Grumman 1904 _The Revolutionary Soldiers of Redding, CT, and the Record of Their Services_ ()

Richard M. Grummere 1963, 1986 _The American Colonial Mind and the Classical Tradition: Essays in Comparative Culture_ (230 pages)

Richard Grunberger 1995, 1971 _The 12-Year Reich: A Social History of Nazi Germany 1933-1945_ ()

George B. Grundy 1901 _The Great Persian War_ ()

Isobel Grundy 2001 _Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Comet of the Enlightenment_ (700 pages)

Martha J.P. Grundy 8888 _The Southern Connection: Ancestors of Eleanor Addison Smith Holliday Price_ ()

Gustave E. von Grunebaum 1953 _Medieval Islam: A Study in Cultural Orientation_ ()

Gustave E. von Grunebaum 1955 _Unity and Variety in Muslim Civilization_ ()

Gustave E. von Grunebaum 2005 _Classical Islam: An History 600CE to 1258CE_ ()

Constantin de Grunwald & Roger Capel 1960 _Saints of Russia_ ()

Jacek Gruszczyriski, Marek Jankowiak & Jonathan Shepard 2020 _Viking-Age Trade: Silver, Slaves, and Gotland_ (490 pages)

Mike Guardia 2015 _Shadow Commander: The Epic Story of Donald D. Blackburn: Guerrilla Leader and Special Forces Hero_ (200 pages; 5.2MB)

(40) Peter Guardino 2017 _The Dead March: An History of the Mexican-American War_ (502 pages; 973.62; Main)

Lajos Gubsci 2011 _Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin_ (49 pages)

Heinz Guderian & Constantine FitzGibbon 1952, 1996 _Panzer Leader_ ()

Heinz Guderian & Christopher Duffy 1937, 1992 _Achtung Panzer!: The Development of Tank Warfare_ ()

Jeffrey J. Gudmens _Staff Ride HandBook for the Battle of Shiloh 1862 April 6-7_ (161 pages; 1.86MB)

Bruce I. Gudmundsson 1989 _StormTroop Tactics: Innovation in the German Army 1914-1918_ ()

Wayne Gudmundsson 1991 _Testaments in Wood_ ()

(49) Allen C. Guelzo 2008-02-05 _Lincoln and Douglas: The Debates That Defined America_ (383 pages; Simon&Schuster ; 973.68 Gue; Main)

(50) Allen C. Guelzo 1999, 2003 _Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President_ (biography Lincoln; E)

(52) Allen C. Guelzo 2012 _Fateful Lightning: A New History of the Civil War_ (576-580 pages; ISBN 9780199843282; OxfordU; 973.7 Gue; Main)

Allen C. Guelzo 2004-02-03 _Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in the USA_ (340-390 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 9780743221825; Simon&Schuster)

(57) Allen C. Guelzo 2013-05.14, 2014-02-11 _Gettysburg: The Last Invasion_ (632-660 pages; ISBN 9780307740694; Vintage/KCOOL; 973.7349 Gue; Main)

(57) ►Allen C. Guelzo 2018-05-01 _ReConstruction: A Concise History_ (185 pages; 5.6MB; ISBN 9780190865696; OxfordU; ILL request)◀

(60) ►Allen C. Guelzo 2016-02-12 _Redeeming the Great Emancipator_ (200 pages; 3.4MB; ISBN 9780674286115; HarvardU; ILL request)◀

(62) ►Allen C. Guelzo 2009-01-01, 2017 _Abraham Lincoln as a Man of Ideas_ (216 pages; 2.6MB; ISBN 9780674286115/ 9780809335824; OCLC 953552545; Southern Illinois U; ILL request)◀

Scot M. Guenter 1990 _The American Flag 1777-1924: Cultural Shifts from Creation to Codification_ (245 pages; Elizabeth Phoebe Griscom Ross Claypole, Caroline/Mary Pickersgill, et al.)

Alfred Hudson Guernsey & Henry Mills Aiden 1866, 1977, 2018 _Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War_ (435 pages)

Francesco Guicciardini & Mario Domandi 1970 _The History of Florence_

Francesco Guicciardini & Sidney Alexander 1969 _The History of Italy_ ()

Robert Guillain & William Byron 1981 _I Saw Tokyo Burning: An EyeWitness Narrative from Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima_ ()

Mauro F. Guillen 2015, 2016 _The Architecture of Collapse: The Global System in the 21st Century_ (230 pages; 3.9MB)

Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot _A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times_ (at least 6 volumes)

John F. Guilmartin ii 2002 _Galleons and Galleys_ ()

Francois Guizot 2013 _France during the Dark Ages_ (150 pages; 3.9MB)

--Jo Guldi 2012 _Roads to Power: Britain Invents the InfraStructure State_ (310 pages; 3.5MB)

Harold I. Gullan 2001 _Faith of Our Mothers: The Stories of Presidential Mothers from Mary Washington to Barbara Bush_ ()

Bill Gunston 2006 _The Development of Jet and Turbine Aero Engines_ (272 pages)

John Gunther 1950 _Roosevelt in Retrospect_ ()

Xuezhi Guo 2012 _Red China's Security State: Philosophy, Evolution, and Politics_ (490 pages; 2.9MB)

Atulchandra Gupta 1958 _Studies in the Bengal Renaissance_ ()

Motta Gur 1974 _The Temple Mount Is in Our Hands_ ()

Joseph Gurn 1932 _Charles Carroll of Carrollton 1737-1832_ ()

Gene Gurney 1961 _Journey of the Giants: The Story of the B-29 SuperFort: The Weapon That Won the War in the Pacific_ (270 pages)

Gene Gurney 1963, 2015 _B-29 SuperFortress: The Plane That Won the War_ (230 pages; 7.4MB)

O.R. Gurney 1954 _The Hittites_ ()

Jeffrey S. Gurock 1979 _When Harlem Was Jewish: 1870-1930_ (210 pages)

Gregory Guroff & Fred V. Carstensen _Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union_ ()

William Gurstelle 2014 _Defending Your Castle: Build Catapults, Cross-Bows, Moats, BulletProof Shields, and More Defensive Devices to Fend Off the Invading Hordes_ (176 pages)

William Gurstelle 2004 _The Art of the Catapult: Build Greek Ballistae, Roman Onagers, English Trebuchets, and More Ancient Artillery_ (192 pages)

John Gurwood 1834 _The Dispatches of Field Marshall the Duke of Wellington during His Various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low countries, and France from 1799 to 1818_ (at least 2 volumes)

David P. Gushee 1994 _The Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust: A Christian Interpretation_ ()

Nevin Gussack 2015 _Collectivism and Collaborationism during World War 2_ (170 pages)

Lawrence Gustin 1973, 2012 _Billy Durant: Creator of General Motors_ (295 pages; 39.3MB)

Dimitri Gutas 2012 _Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early Abbasaid "Society" 2nd-4th/5th-10th Century_ (240 pages; 2.5MB)

Peter J. Guthorn 1966 _American Maps and Map Makers of the Revolution_ ()

rabbi Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez 2018 _Persecution and Conversion: Iberian Jewish Responses to Violence in the Medieval Period_ (90 pages; 1.1MB)

rabbi Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez 2017 _Against the Greeks: Understanding the Classical Jewish WorldView_ (65 pages; 920KB)

rabbi Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez 8888 _Secret Jews: The Rise of the Inquisition Box Set: The Complex Identity of Crypto-Jews and Crypto-Judaism_ (475 pages; 3.5MB)

Paul C. Gutjahr 1999 _An American Bible: An History of the Good Book in the United States 1777-1880_ ()

Curt S. Gutkind 1938 _Cosimo de Medici: Pater Patriae 1389-1464_ ()

(57) Herbert George Gutman 1976-01-01, 1977 _The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom 1750-1925_ (664-775 pages; ISBN 9780394471167; Pantheon; 301.42 Gut; Jax)

Herbert George Gutman 1976 _Work, Culture, and Society in Industrializing America_ ()

Israel Gutman 1994 _Resistance: The Warsaw Ghetto UpRising_ ()

Yisrael Gutman & Michael Berenbaum 1994 _Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp_ ()

David S. Gutterman 2005 _Prophetic Politics: Christian "Social Movements" and American Democracy_ ()

Kevin R.C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D. 2017 _Thomas Jefferson-Revolutionary: A Radical's Struggle to ReMake the USA_ (300 pages; 2.5MB)

Kevin R.C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D. 2012 _James Madison and the Making of the USA_ (420 pages; 1.5MB)

Kevin R.C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D. 2007 _Virginia's American Revolution from Dominion to Republic 1776-1840_ (240 pages)

Kevin R.C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D. 2007 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to the USA Constitution_ (265 pages; 753KB)

Donna J. Guy 2000 _White Slavery and Mothers Alive and Dead: The Troubled Meeting of Sex, Gender, Public Health, and Progress in Latin America_ (200 pages)

Martin Luis Guzman & Virginia H. Taylor 1965 _Memoirs of Pancho Villa_ ()

Edward M. Gwathmey 1931 _John Pendleton Kennedy_ (PS2163 .G8)

John H. Gwathney 1938, 1996 February _Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines 1775-1783_ (lists Arnold, John, Spy, Northwestern Territory List; Dietz Press)

John H. Gwathmey 1981 _12 Virginia Counties, where the Western Migration Began_ ()

Richard J. Gwyn 2009 _John A: The Man Who Made Us_ (Canadian prime-minister John A. MacDonald; 520 pages; 4.1MB)

David M. Gwynn 2018 _The Goths_ (200 pages; 4.7MB)

Samuel C. Gwynne 2010 _Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History_ (371 pages; 978.00497; Main+Jax+NE+Woodville)

(49) Samuel C. Gwynne 2019 _Hymns of the Republic: The Story of the Final Year of the American Civil War_ (395 pages; ISBN 9781501116223; Scribner; on order 2019-11-05; 973.7 Gwy; Jax)

Toyoo Gyohten & Charles E. Morrison 1992 _Regionalism in a Converging World_ ()


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