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  - - - - - H

Michael Haag 2009 _The Templars: The History and the Myth from Solomon's Temple to the FreeMasons_ (375 pages; 1.2MB)

Michael Haag 2013 _The Tragedy of the Templars: The Rise and Fall of the Crusader States_ (435 pages; 4.1MB)

Fiona K. Haarer, Rob Collins, Keith J. FitzPatrick-Matthews, Sam Moorhead & David Petts 2014 _410CE: The History and Archaeology of Late and Post-Roman Britain_ (230 pages)

Jonathan Haas 2001 _From Leaders to Rulers_ (280 pages; 8MB)

Lawrence J. Haas 2016 _Harry & Arthur: Truman, VanDenBerg, and the Partnership That Created the [Post-WW2] Free World_ (336 pages; 700KB)

Michelle M. Haas 2013 _God Favors the Bold: Voices of the Texas Navy 1836-1845_ (410 pages)

Tanni Haas 2014 _The World's Richest Man: Carlos Slim in His Own Words_ (140 pages; 476KB)

Richard N. Haass 1998 _The Reluctant Sheriff: The United States After the Cold War_ ()

Mary R. Habeck 2003 _Storm of Steel: The Development of Armor Doctrine in Germany and the Soviet Union 1919-1939_ ()

Samuel Haber 1991 _The Quest for Authority and Honor in the American Professions 1750-1900_ ()

Mark Haberlein 2009 _The Practice of Pluralism: Congregational Life and Religious Diversity in Lancaster, PA 1730-1820_ (264 pages)

A.B.M. Habibullah 1945 _The Foundation of Moslem Rule in India_ ()

C. Habicht 1985 _Pausanias's Guide to Ancient Greece_ ()

Rachel Hachlili 2005 _Jewish Funerary Customs, Practices and Rites in the Second Temple Period_ ()

David HaCohen 1985 _Time to Tell: An Israeli Life 1898-1984_ (240 pages)

Stuart Hadaway 2016 _From Gaza to Jerusalem: The First World War in the Holy Land_ (245 pages; 8.4MB)

Judith M. Hadley & J. Richards 2000 _Cultures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the 9th and 10th Centuries_ (325 pages)

Hans F. Haefele & Notker the stammerer 1959 _Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Scriptores Refum Germanicarum: Taten Kaiser Karls des Grossen_ ()

John Denis Haeger 1991, 2017 _John Jacob Astor: Business and Finance in the Early Republic_ (355 pages; 10.8MB)

Kenneth J. Hagan 2007 _This People's Navy: The Making of USA Sea Power_ ()

Ann Hagedorn 2002 _Beyond the River: The UnTold Story of the Heroes of the UnderGround RailRoad_ ()

Hermann Hagedorn 1935 _The Magnate: William Boyce Thompson and His Time_ ()

Claudia Hagen 2015 _American Women during World War 2_ (450 pages)

Victor Wolfgang von Hagen 1976 _The Germanic People in America_ ()

Heinrich von Hagenmayer 1875 _Verhaltniss der Gesta Francorum zu dem Hierosolymita Ekkehards von Aura_ ()

Heinrich von Hagenmayer 1877 _Ekkehardi Uraugiensis Abbatio Hierosolymita_ ()

Heinrich von Hagenmayer 1879 _Peter der Eremite: ein kritischer Beltrag zur Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges_ ()

Heinrich von Hagenmayer 1890 _Anonymi Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolymitanorum_ ()

Heinrich von Hagenmayer 1896 _Galterii Cancellarii Bella Antiochena_ ()

Heinrich von Hagenmayer 1901 _Epistulae et chartae ad historiam primi Belli Sacri spectantes quae supersunt aevo aequales ac genuinae: Die Kreuzzugsbriefe aus den Jahren 1088-1109_ ()

Heinrich von Hagenmayer 1902 _Chronologie de la premiere croisade 1094-1100_ ()

Heinrich von Hagenmayer 1913 _Fulcheri Carnotensis Historia Hierosolymita 1095-1127_ ()

Edward Hagerman 1988 _The American Civil War and the Origins of Modern Warfare: Ideas, Organization and Field Command_ ()

Mark Hagger 2012 _William: King & Conqueror_ (245 pages; 3MB)

Don N. Hagist 2014 _British Soldiers, American War: Voices of the American Revolution_ (372 pages; 2MB)

(59) ►Don N. Hagist 2015 _The Revolution's Last Men: The Soldiers Behind the Photographs_ (256 pages; 8.2MB; ILL request)◀

Don N. Hagist 2008 _Wenches, Wives and Servant Girls: A Selection of Advertisements for Female RunAways in American NewsPapers 1770-1783_ ()

William Hague 2005 _Pitt the Younger_ (565 pages; 3.8MB)

William Hague 2008 _William Wilberforce: The Life of the Great Anti-Slave Trade Campaigner_ (600 pages)

James W. Hagy 1979 _Castle's Woods and Early Russell County, 1769-1799_ (118 pages)

(50) Steven Hahn 2016 _A Nation without Borders: The United States of America and Its World in an Age of Civil Wars 1830-1910_ (596 pages; ISBN 9780670024681; Penguin/Viking; 973.5 Hah)

Steven Hahn 1983 _The Roots of Southern Populism: Yeoman Farmers and the Transformation of the Georgia UpCountry 1850-1890_ (360 pages; 5.3MB)

(55) ►Francis Haines 1970-01-01, 1975, 1995-10-01, 1996 _The Buffalo: The Story of American Bison & Their Hunters from PreHistoric Times to Present_ (241-244 pages; ISBN 9780806127811; OCLC 957498142/ 1100245215/ 595944836/ 65424; Crowell/U of OK; ILL request)◀

Gerald K. Haines & J. Samuel Walker 1981 _American Foreign Relations: An Historiographical Review_ ()

Erik Haites et al. 1975 _Western River Transportation: The Era of Early Internal Development_ ()

Joy Hakim 1994 _The Book of Us: The New Nation_ ()

Richard Hakluyt, Jack Beeching & Edmund Goldsmid 8888 _The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation_ (16 volumes of 400-500 pages each)

Richard Hakluyt & Jack Beeching 2006 _Voyages and Discoveries_ (abridged; 430 pages; 1.1MB)

Henry Sale Halbert & Frank Lawrence Owsley 1995 _The Creek War of 1813 and 1815_ (370 pages; 973.5238; Main)

(50) David Halberstam 1972, 1993, 2001, 2002 _The Best and the Brightest_ (780 pages; 3.2MB; 973.922 Hal; Main)

David Halberstam 2001 _War in a Time of Peace: Bush, Clinton and the Generals_ (941 pages; 327.73; large)

David Halberstam 1993 _The 1950s_ (800 pages; 973.92; Main+NE+BLPerry+FtBraden)

(45) Stephen P. Halbrook 2009 _Target Switzerland: Swiss Armed Neutrality in World War 2_ (WW2; 320 pages; 6.4MB; 940.3 Hal; Main)

Stephen P. Halbrook 2013, 2014 _Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and "Enemies of the State"_ (270 pages; 3.9MB)

A.R.B. Haldane 1952 _The Drove Roads of Scotland_ ()

H.R. Haldeman 1978 _The Ends of Power_ ()

John F. Haldon 1997 _Byzantium in the 7th Century: The Transformation of a Culture_ ()

John F. Haldon 2016 _The Empire That Would Not Die: The Paradox of Eastern Roman Survival 640CE-740CE_ (420 pages; 2.8MB)

Charles A. Hale 1968 _Mexican Liberalism in the Age of Mora 1821-1853_ ()

Charles A. Hale 1989 _The Transformation of Liberalism in Late 19th-Century Mexico_ ()

Christopher Hale 2008 _Himmler's Crusade: The Nazi Expedition to Find the Origins of the "Aryan Race"_ (464 pages; 4.2MB)

Douglas Hale 1980 _The Germans from Russia in Oklahoma_ (90 pages)

Edward Everett Hale 2012 _Stories of Invention, Told by Inventors and Their Friends_ (318 pages; 500KB)

Edward Everett Hale _The Man without a Country and Other Tales_ (149 pages; 350KB)

John P. Hale 1887, 1971, 2017 _Trans-Alleghany Pioneers: Historical Sketches of the First "White" Settlements West of the Alleghenies 1748 and After_ (Cincinnati; 345 pages)

John Rigby Hale 1993, 1994, 1995 _The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance_ (648 pages; 940.21; Main)

John Rigby Hale 1985 _War and Society in Renaissance Europe 1450-1620_ ()

John Rigby Hale 2000 _Renaissance in Europe 1480-1520_ (285 pages)

John Rigby Hale 1965 _Renaissance_ (Italy; 945.05)

Laura Virginia Hale 1978 _A BiCentennial Remembrance: The Revolutionary Years 1776-1781 in Old Frederick County, Virginia_ (92 pages)

Hale 1906 _Archives and History of the State of WV_ ()

Elie HaLevy 1938 _L'Ere des tyrannes_/_The Era of Tyrants_ ()

Elie HaLevy 1928 _The Growth of Philosophic Radicalism_ ()

Elie HaLevy & Marco Bresciani 2014 _The Origins of the First World War_ (87 pages; 282KB)

Elie HaLevy 1949 _History of the English People in the 19th Century: vol1 England in 1815_ ()

Elie HaLevy 1965 _History of the English People in the 19th Century: vol2 the Liberal Awakening 1815-1830_ ()

Elie HaLevy 1951 _History of the English People in the 19th Century: vol3 Victorian Years 1841-1895_ ()

Evan W. Haley 2009 _Baetica Felix: People and Prosperity in Southern Spain from Caesar to Septimius Severus_ (290 pages; 1.7MB)

James L. Haley 2002, 2004, 2015 _Sam Houston_ (525 pages; 7.7MB)

P. Edward Haley 1970 _Revolution and Intervention: The Diplomacy of Taft and Wilson with Mexico 1916-1917_ (320 pages)

(49) Hillel Halkin 2002 _Across the Sabbath River: In Search of a Lost Tribe of Israel_ (394 pages; 909.04924)

Andrew W. Hall 2014 _Civil War Blockade Running on the Texas Coast_ (140 pages; 2.2MB)

Awelkhan Hall, Zengxiang Li & Karl W. Luckert 1998 _Kazakh Traditions of China_ (240 pages)

Bert S. Hall 1997 _Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe: GunPowder, Technology, and Tactics_ ()

Bert S. Hall & Delno C. West 1976 _On Pre-Modern Technology and Science_ ()

Clayton Colman Hall 1912 _Baltimore: Its History and Its People_ ()

Coryne Hall, Penny Wilson, Sue Woolmans & Greg King 2018 _Imperial Crimea: Estates, Enchantments, and the Last of the Romanovs_ (770 pages; 941KB)

D.G.E. Hall 1955 _An History of South East Asia_ ()

David D. Hall 2011-04-26, 2012 _A Reforming People: Puritanism and the Transformation of Public Life in New England_ (255-288 pages; 2.8MB; ISBN 9780307595287/ 9780807873113; OCLC 988491779; UNCCH/Knopf/Penguin/RandomHouse)

Edith Hall 2014 _Introducing the Ancient Greeks from Bronze Age SeaFarers to Navigators of the Western Mind_ (325 pages; 2.8MB)

Edith Hall 1989, 1991 _Inventing the Barbarian: Greek Self-Definition through Tragedy_ (290 pages)

Henry R. Hall 2012 _The Ancient History of the Near East_ (340 pages; 1.2MB)

Henry R. Hall 2014 _The Oldest Civilization of Greece: Studies of the Mycenaean Age_ (160 pages; 1.7MB)

James R. Hall 2006 _Den of Misery: Indiana's Civil War Prison_ (155 pages; 3.3MB)

Jonathan M. Hall 2014 _Artifact and Artifice: Classical Archaeology and the Ancient Historian_ (270 pages; 12.3MB)

Jonathan M. Hall 2013 _An History of the Archaic Greek World c. 1200BCE-479BCE_ (380 pages; 4.4MB)

KrisAnne Hall 2012 _The Path to Restoring America_ (58 pages; 529KB)

KrisAnne Hall 8888 _Essential Stories for Junior Patriots_ ()

KrisAnne Hall 8888 _BedTime Stories for Budding Patriots_ ()

KrisAnne Hall 8888 _In Defense of Liberty_ (84 pages; 648KB)

Linda B. Hall 1981 _Alvaro Obregon: Power and Revolution in Mexico 1911-1920_ ()

Linda B. Hall 1995 _Oil, Banks, and Politics: The United States and PostRevolutionary Mexico 1917-1924_ ()

Mark David Hall 1997 _The Political and Legal Philosphy of James Wilson 1742-1798_ ()

Mark David Hall 2019 _Did the USA Have a Christian Founding?: Separating Modern Myth from Historical Truth_ (230 pages; 2.6MB)

Mark David Hall & J. Daryl Charles 2019 _USA and the Just War Tradition: An History of USA Conflicts_ (330 pages; 859KB)

Mark David Hall 2012 _Roger Sherman and the Creation of the USA Republic_ (230 pages; 1.4MB)

Peter Hall 2002 _Cities of Tomorrow_ ()

(50) Richard Andrew Hall 2007 _The World of the Vikings_ (240 pages; 948.022)

Richard H. Hall 1993 _Patriots in Disguise: Woman Warriors of the Civil War_ (225 pages)

Richard H. Hall 2006 _Women on the Civil War BattleFront_ (400 pages)

Robert W. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Anne Arundel county 1650-1704_ ()

Robert W. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Prince George's county 1650-1710_ ()

Robert W. Hall & Sandra T. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Calvert county 1640-1710_ ()

Robert W. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Charles county 1640-1710_ ()

Robert W. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: St. Mary's county 1633-1710_ ()

Robert W. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Kent county 1640-1710_ ()

Robert W. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Baltimore county 1658-1710_ ()

Robert W. Hall & Sandra T. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Talbot county 165-1710_ ()

Robert W. Hall & Sandra T. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Queen Anne's county 1640-1710_ ()

Robert W. Hall & Sandra T. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Cecil county 1640-1710_ ()

Robert W. Hall & Sandra T. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Dorchester county 1655-1710_ ()

Robert W. Hall 2016 _Early LandOwners of Maryland: Old Somerset county 1655-1710_ ()

Thomas E. Hall & J. David Ferguson 1998 _The Great Depression: An International Disaster of Perverse Economic Policies_ ()

Virginius Cornick Hall 8888 _Portraits in the Collection of the Virginia Historical Society_ (pg 55)

William H. Hallahan 2000 _The Day the American Revolution Began_ ()

William H. Hallahan 1994 _MisFire: The History of How America's Small Arms Have Failed Our Military_ ()

Elizabeth M. Hallam & Charles West 2019 _Capetian France 987-1328_ (490 pages; 168MB)

Henry Hallam 1899 _History of Europe During the Middle Ages_ ()

Mark H. Haller 1963, 1983 _Eugenics: Hereditarian Attitudes in USA Thought_ (260 pages)

(50) Michael Anthony Halleran 2010 _The Better Angels of Our Nature: FreeMasonry in the American Civil War_ (229 pages; 973.71 Hal)

(60) Christine E. Hallett 2014 _Veiled Warriors: Allied Nurses of the First World War_ (359 pages; 940.475 Hal; Main)

F.E. Halliday 1967 _An Illustrated Cultural History of England_ ()

Richard P. Hallion 1992 _Storm Over Iraq; Air Power and the Gulf War_ ()

Richard P. Hallion 2003 _Taking Flight: Inventing the Aerial Age from Antiquity through the First World War_ ()

C.R. Hallpike 2018 _Ship of Fools: An Anthology of Learned NonSense about Primitive "Society"_ (180 pages; 989KB)

John Hallwas & Roger D. Launius 1999 _Cultures in Conflict: A Documentary History of the Mormon War in Illinois_ (375 pages)

Heinz Halm & Michael Bonner 1996 _The Encyclopedia of Islam: The Near and Middle East, The Empire of the Mahdi: The Rise of the Fatimids_ (440 pages)

(55) ►Stefan Halper 2010 _The Beijing Consensus: How [Red] China's Authoritarian Model Will Dominate the 21st Century_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; ; ILL request)◀

Charles Halperin 1987 _Russia and the Golden Horde: The Mongol Impact on Medieval Russian History_ (190 pages; 889KB)

Charles J. Halperin 2009 _The Tatar Yoke: The Image of the Mongols in Medieval Russia_ ()

Charles J. Halperin 1987 _Russia and the Golden Horde: The Mongol Impact on Medieval Russian History_ (190 pages; 889KB)

Baruch Halpern 1988 _The First Historians: The Hebrew Bible and History_ (285 pages)

Louis Halphen & Rene Poupardin 1913 _Chroniques des Comtes d'Anjou et des Seigneurs d'Amboise_ ()

Louis Halphen & Rene Poupardin 2014 _The Rise and Fall of the Carolingian Empire_ (910 pages; 2.4MB)

Louis Halphen, Paul Vinogradof, W.R. Lethaby & Montague James 2016, 2018 _The Cambridge Medieval History: book13 Learning and Literature in the Early Middle Ages_ (185 pages; 517KB)

Guy Halsall 2007, 2008 _Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West 376-568_ (600 pages; 4.9MB)

Guy Halsall 2003, 2008 _Warfare and Society in the Barbarian West 450-900_ (330 pages; 1.5MB)

Guy Halsall 2013 _Worlds of Arthur: Facts and Fictions of the Dark Ages_ (385 pages; 3MB)

Murat Halstead 1895, 1974 _The Paddy's Run Papers_/_Paddy's Run (Shandon) Papers_ ()

Murat Halstead 1901, 2013, 2015, 2018 _Galveston: The Horrors of a Stricken City_ (365 pages; 5.3MB)

Murat Halstead 1901, 2018 _The Illustrious Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President: The True Story of the Assassination, in the Shadow of Death, Passing Away..._ (460 pages)

Murat Halstead 1904 _The War Between Russia and Japan: Containing Thrilling Accounts of Fierce Battles by Sea and Land including the Causes..._ ()

Murat Halstead 1892, 2009, 2010 _The Life of Jay Gould: How He Made His Millions_ (490 pages)

Murat Halstead & William B. Hesseltine 1960 _Three Against Lincoln: Reports of the Caucuses of 1860_ ()

(48) ►Gail S. Halvorsen & Denise H. Williams 2017 _The Candy Bomber: UnTold Stories from the Berlin AirLift's Uncle Wiggly Wings_ (1948-1949; 199-300 pages; ISBN 9781462121335; OCLC 989033317; Horizon/Cedar Fort; ILL request)◀

Pekka Hamalainen 2008 _The Comanche Empire_ (500 pages; 1.6MB; 978.004; Main)

Brigitte Hamann 2010 _Hitler's Vienna: A Portrait of the Tyrant as a Young Man_ (490 pages)

Carl J. Hambro 1940 _I Saw It Happen in Norway_ (210 pages)

Alonzo L. Hamby 1995 _Man of the People: A Life of Harry S. Truman_ ()

Helena Hamerow 2003 _Early Medieval Settlements: The Archaeology of Rural Communities in North-West Europe 400-900_ (230 pages)

A.G. Hamilton 1893, 2017 _The Story of the Famous Tunnel Escape from Libby Prison_ (12 pages; 189KB)

Alexander Hamilton 8888 _Writings_ "joint statement by William P. van Ness & Nathaniel Pendleton"

Alexander Hamilton & Harold C. Syrett 1961-1973 _The Papers of Alexander Hamilton_ (19+ volumes)

Alexander Hamilton & Henry Cabot Lodge 1775, 2011 _The Farmer Refuted_ (90 pages; 344KB; natural law; natural rights)

Bernard Hamilton 2000 _The Leper King and His Heirs: Baldwin iv and the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem_ (300 pages; 17.8MB)

(50) Charles Hamilton 1755, 1959 _Braddock's Defeat: The Journal of Captain Robert Cholmley's Batman..._ (134 pages; 973.2 H217B)

Charles Hamilton 1991 _The Hitler Diaries: Fakes That Fooled the World_ ()

Charles Granville Hamilton 1954, 2018 _Lincoln and the Know-Nothing Movement_ (34 pages)

Clive Hamilton 2018 _Silent Invasion: Red China's Influence in Australia_ (365 pages; 3.8MB)

Edward Pierce Hamilton 1964, 1995 _Fort Ticonderoga: Key to a Continent_ (230 pages; 3.8MB)

George Heard Hamilton 1967, 1975, 1983, 1992 _The Art and Architecture of Russia_ (470 pages)

Henry Hamilton 1932 _The Industrial Revolution in Scotland_ ()

Holman Hamilton 1964, 1966, 2005 _Prologue to Conflict: The Crisis and Compromise of 1850_ (245 pages)

Ian Hamilton 1944 _Listening for the Drums_ ()

James Hamilton 2002-2004 _Michael Faraday_ (450 pagess)

James Alexander Hamilton 1869, 2015 _Reminiscences of James A. Hamilton: Men and Events at Home and Abroad During Three-Quarters of a Century_ (650 pages)

Jeffrey Hamilton 2005, 2010 _The Plantagenets: History of a Dynasty_ (245 pages; 2.4MB)

Jill duchess of Hamilton 1996, 1997 _Scottish Plants for Scottish Gardens_ ()

Ronald Hamilton 2015 _Daniel Morgan: Forgotten Hero_ (170 pages; 673KB)

Ross Hamilton 2001 _The Mystery of the Serpent Mound_ ()

reverend Thomas Hamilton 8888 _History of the Irish_ ()

reverend Thomas Hamilton 2014 _History of the Irish Presbyterian Church_ (238 pages; 217.8MB)

(52) James Hamilton-Paterson 2016 _Marked for Death: The First War in the Air_ (356 pages; ISBN 9781681771588; Pegasus; 940.44 Ham; Main?)

Augustus C. Hamlin 2011 _Martyria: Andersonville Prison_ (270 pages; 233KB)

Thomas D. Hamm 2003 _The Quakers in America_ (300 pages; 3.7MB)

Thomas D. Hamm 8888 _From Bush River to Miami_ ()

Thomas D. Hamm & Susan E. King 2015 _Richmond_ (125 pages; 30MB)

Eric Hammel 2013 _6 Days in June: How Israel Won the 1967 Arab-Israeli War_ (480 pages; 1.9MB)

Eric Hammel 1985-09-01, 2005, 2009-06-23 _The Root: The Marines in Beirut 1982 August - 1984 February_ (440-490-512 pages; 4.3MB; ISBN 9780151790067/ 9780760322048; OCLC 58456768; Harcourt/Pacifica/Zenith)

Carl I. Hammer 1997, 2000 _Charlemagne's Months and Their Bavarian Labors: The Politics of the Seasons in the Carolingian Empire_ (92 pages)

Carl I. Hammer 2007 _From Ducatus to Regnum: Ruling Bavaria under the Merovingians and Early Carolingians_ (370 pages)

Joshua Hammer 2016 _The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu and Their Race to Save the World's Most Precious Manuscripts_ (280 pages; 8.8MB)

Thomas X. Hammes 2004 _The Sling and the Stone: On War in the 21st Century_ ()

Bray Hammond 1957 _Banks and Politics in America 1783-1865_ ()

Gene Paige Hammond & Jason Hammond 8888 _Shenandoah Valley Pioneer Settlers: A Few of Them and Some Notes of Interest_ ()

John Lawrence Hammond 1979 _The Politics of Benevolence: Revival Religion and American Voting Behavior_ ()

John Lawrence Hammond 1952 _Gladstone and Liberalism_ (210 pages; biography Gladstone)

M.K. Hammond 2013 _The Rabbi of Worms_ (270 pages; 2.5MB; 11th century)

Mason Hammond & Lester J. Barston 1972 _The City in the Ancient World_ (630 pages)

Nicholas G.L. Hammond 1981 _Atlas of the Greek and Roman World in Antiquity_ ()

Scott J. Hammond, Kevin R. Hardwick, Howard L. Lubert & Herbert D. Croly 2007 _Classics of USA Political & Constitutional Thought: vol1 Origins through the Civil War_ (1,200 pages)

Scott J. Hammond, Kevin R. Hardwick, Howard L. Lubert & Herbert D. Croly 2007 _Classics of USA Political & Constitutional Thought: vol2 ReConstruction to the Present_ (975 pages)

Brian Hamnett 1994 _Juarez_ ()

Bob Hampton & George Schember 2016 _Walking in the FootSteps of General Daniel Morgan_ (62 pages)

(50) Dan Hampton 2020 _Operation Vengeance: The Astonishing Aerial Ambush That Changed World War 2_ (430 pages; in acauisition 2020-08-07; 940.5426 23)

(55) Dan Hampton 2012 _Viper Pilot: A Memoir of Air Combat_ (1986-2006; 337 pages; 358.40092 Ham)

James Hampton 1762 _The General History of Polybius_ ()

William Judson Hampton 1922 _Our Presidents and Their Mothers_ ()

Carol Lee Hamrin & Suisheng Zhao/Zhao Suisheng 1995 _Decision-Making in Deng's Red China_ ()

Carol Lee Hamrin 1986, 1987 _Red China's Establishment Intellectuals_ (240 pages)

Barbara A. Hanawalt 2005 _The European World 400-1450_ (190 pages)

Thomas W. Hanchett 2017 _Sorting Out the New South City: Race, Class, and Urban Development in Charlotte 1875-1975_ (350 pages; 15.2MB)

Thomas W. Hanchett & Ryan Sumner 2003 _Charlotte and the Carolina Piedmont_ (128 pages)

Graham Hancock 1989 _Lords of Poverty_ ()

John Hancock 1865 _Essays on the Elective Franchise; Or, Who Has the Right to Vote?_ ()

(52) Larry J. Hancock 2015 _Surprise Attack: From Pearl Harbor to 2001/09/11 to Benghazi_ (568 pages; ISBN 9781619025660; OCLC ; CounterPoint; 327.1273 Han; Main+Jax)

W.H. Hancock 1954 _Country and Calling_ ()

Richard Handler & Eric Gable 1997 _The New History in an Old Museum: Creating [or Twisting] the Past at Colonial Williamsburg_ (272 pages)

Oscar Handlin 1969, 1976, 1979, 1991 _Boston's Immigrants 1790-1880: A Study in Acculturation_ (400 pages)

Oscar Handlin & Mary Flug Handlin 1966 _The Popular Sources of Political Authority: Documents on the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780_ (400 pages)

Oscar Handlin 1962 _The NewComers_ ()

Charles N. Handy 2002 _Handy's Vocabulary of Miami_ (40 pages)

Lowell K. Handy 1994 _Among the Host of Heaven: The Syro-Palestinian Pantheon As Bureaucracy_ (210 pages)

Lewis U. Hanke 1949 _The Spanish Struggle for Justice in the Conquest of America_ ()

Catherine Hanley 2019 _Matilda: Empress, Queen, Warrior_ (285 pages; 19.8MB)

Cliff Hanley 1965 _A Skinfull of Scotch_ ()

John H. Hann & Bonnie G. McEwan 1998 _The Apalachee Indians and Mission San Luis_ (208 pages)

Alfred Jackson Hanna & Kathryn Abbey Hanna 1971 _Napoleon iii and Mexico: American Triumph over Monarchy_ ()

Charles Augustus Hanna c. 1900, 1968, 1972 _Ohio Valley Genealogies: Relating Chiefly to Families in Harrison, Belmont and Jefferson Counties, Ohio, and Washington, Westmoreland, and Fayette Counties, Pennsylvania_ (Reprinted: Genealogical Publishing company Inc Baltimore, MD 1968, 1972)

Charles Augustus Hanna 1900 _Historical Collections of Harrison County, Ohio_ ()

Charles Augustus Hanna 1902, 2009 _The Scotch-Irish_ (2 volumes)

Rev. Dr. Charles Morton Hanna Sr. 8888 _Hanna Genealogy_ ()

David Hanna 2016 _Rendezvous with Death: The USA Citizens Who Joined the Foreign Legion in 1914 to Fight for France and for Civilization_ (330 pages; 26.3MB)

reverend James Arthur MacClannahan Hanna 1959, 1960 _Hanna of Castle Sorbie, Scotland, and Descendants 1150-1955_ (Edwards Bros., Ann Arbor, MI, 1959, 1960)

reverend James Arthur MacClannahan Hanna 8888 _The House of Dunlap_ ()

sister M. Teresa of Avila Hanna SSND St. Louis, MO 1954 _The Hanna Family in the Westward Movement 1730-1843_ (Mormonite Family History Library #965,609)

Mark G. Hanna 2015 _Pirate Nests and the Rise of the British Empire 1570-1740_ (450 pages; 5.7MB)

Ronnie Hanna 1992 _Land of the Free: Ulster and the American Revolution_ (110 pages)

Sarah Ann Hanna 1906 _The House of Hanna_ ()

Peter Hannaford 2001 _The Quotable Coolidge_ ()

Eleanor L. Hannah 2007 _Manhood, Citizenship, and the National Guard: Illinois 1870-1917_ (325 pages)

Leslie Hannah 1976 _The Rise of Corporate Economy_ ()

Daniel Hannan 2013 _Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World_ (416 pages; 1.1MB)

Daniel Hannan 2010 _The New Road to Serfdom: A Letter of Warning to the USA_ (230 pages; 502KB)

William C. Hannas, James Mulvenon & Anna B. Puglisi 2013 _Red Chinese Industrial Espionage: Technology Acquisition and Military Modernization_ (300 pages; 2.5MB)

David Hannay 1926, 1947 _The Great Chartered Companies_ ()

Mark Hanna & Joe Mitchell Chapple 1904, 2015 _Mark Hanna: His Book_ (Marcus Alonzo Hanna; 90 pages)

Patrick Hannay 1622, 1875 _The Nightingale, Sheretine and Mariana, A Happy Husband, Elegies on the Death of Queen Anne, Songs and Sonnets_ (1875 edition has memoir of Patrick Hannay by David Laing.)

Haywood S. Hansell ii 1986 _The Strategic Air War Against Germany and Japan_ ()

Gladys Hansen, Richard Hansen & F. William Blaisdell 2013 _EarthQuake, Fire, & Epidemic: Personal Accounts of the 1906 Disaster_ (440 pages; 5MB)

Gladys Hansen & Emmet Condon 1989 _Denial of Disaster: The UnTold Story and Photographs of the San Francisco EarthQuake and Fire of 1906_ (440 pages; 5MB)

Harry Hansen 1961, 1962, 1991, 2010 _The Civil War: An History_ (680 pages)

James R. Hansen 2003 _The Bird Is on the Wing: AeroDynamics and the Progress of the American AirPlane_ ()

John F. Hansen 2007 _The Vision that Changed a Nation: the legacy of William Tennent_ (159 pages)

Joyce Hansen 1993 _Between Two Fires: Black Soldiersin the Civil War_ (160 pages; 973.7415; junior)

Kevan M. Hansen 2013 _Finding Your German Ancestors: A Beginner's Guide_ (1.1MB)

Marcus Lee Hansen 1940 _The Mingling of the Canadian and American Peoples_ ()

Marcus Lee Hansen 1940, 1951, 1961 _The Atlantic Migration 1607-1860_ ()

Valerie Hansen 2012 _The Silk Road: A New History_ (304 pages; 4.2MB; 950.1)

Freeman Hansford 1971 _The Valley of Virginia in the American Revolution 1763-1789_ ()

Liz Hanson 2013 _Edinburgh Through Time_ (192 pages; 12.9MB)

Neil Hanson 2005 _The Confident Hope of a Miracle: The True Story of the Spanish Armada_ ()

(13) ►Victor Davis Hanson 2013, 2014 _The Savior Generals: How 5 Great Commanders Saved Wars That Were Lost from Ancient Greece to Iraq_ (305-320 pages; 5.1MB; ISBN 160819342/ 160819163/ 9781608191635/ 9781608193424; OCLC 943909566/ 854832659; Bloomsbury; ILL request)◀

(17) ►Victor Davis Hanson & Jared William Carter 2015 _Mexifornia ii: Rise of the Cartels_ (23 pages; 135KB; ISBN ; ILL request)◀

(27) ►Victor Davis Hanson 2015 _Seductions of Appeasement_ (114 pages; 606KB; ISBN ; ILL request)◀

(39) ►Victor Davis Hanson & John Heath 1998, 2001, 2011 _Who Killed Homer: The Demise of Classical Education and the Recovery of Greek Wisdom_ (285 pages; ISBN 1459617584/ 9781459617582/ 1893554260/ 9781893554269; OCLC 960186131; large print; ReadHowYouWant; ILL request)◀

(40) ►Victor Davis Hanson 2004 _Ripples of Battle: How Wars of the Past Still Determine How We Fight, How We Live, and How We Think_ (278-304 pages; 682KB; ISBN 0385721943/ 9780386721943; OCLC 57554927; Anchor; ILL request)◀

(45) Victor Davis Hanson 2010 _The Father of Us All: War and History, Ancient and Modern_ (273 pages; 544KB; 355.009 Han; Jax)

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(75) ►Victor Davis Hanson 1995 _The Other Greeks: The Family Farm & the Agrarian Roots of Western Civilization_ (541-560 pages; 911KB; ISBN 0029137519/ 9780029137512; OCLC 31604821; ILL request)◀

(77) ►Victor Davis Hanson 2002, 2015 _Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience_ (295 pages; 1.6MB; ISBN 1138131172/ 0415098165/ 9781138131170; OCLC 933449152; ILL request)◀

(80) ►Victor Davis Hanson 1996, 1997 _Fields without Dreams: Defending the Agrarian Ideal_ (289-310 pages; ISBN 0694835703/"9780684835709; OCLC 43387902; Free Press; ILL request)◀

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Victor Davis Hanson 1989, 2013 _The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in Classical Greece_ (240 pages; 1.1MB)

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Victor Davis Hanson 2002 _An Autumn of War: What America Learned from 2001 September 11 and the War on Terrorism_ (973.931 NE)

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George W. Harper 2016 _From Before Ur to Babylon: A Non-Theological Study of the Origins of the Hebrew People and the Jewish Faith_ (410 pages)

Glyn Harper & John Tonkin-Covell 2014 _The Battles of Monte Cassino_ (300 pages; 5.5MB)

Gordon Harper 2014 _The Fights on the Little Horn: 50 Years of Research into Custer's Last Stand_ (408 pages; 7.9MB)

John Lamberton Harper 2004, 2007 _American Machiavelli: Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of USA Foreign Policy_ (365 pages; 6.4MB)

Judith E. Harper 2004 _Women During the Civil War: An Encyclopedia_ (485 pages; 7.4MB)

(42) Kyle Harper 2017 _The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire_ (417 pages; 26.5MB; 937.06 Har; Main)

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Christopher Harper-Bill & Ruth Harvey 1986 _The Ideals & Practice of Medieval Knighthood: vol1 Papers from the 1st & 2nd Strawberry Hill Conferences_ (190 pages)

Christopher Harper-Bill & Ruth Harvey 1988 _The Ideals & Practice of Medieval Knighthood: vol2 Papers from the 3rd Strawberry Hill Conference 1986_ (155 pages)

Christopher Harper-Bill & Ruth Harvey 1988 _The Ideals & Practice of Medieval Knighthood: vol3 Papers from the 3rd Strawberry Hill Conference 1988_ (190 pages)

John W. Harpster 1960 _CrossRoads: Descriptions of Western Pennsylvania 1720-1829_ (340 pages)

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Carolyn L. Harrell 1997 _When the Bell Tolled for Lincoln: Southern Reaction to the Assassination_ ()

(55) Edgar Harrell & David Harrell 2005, 2014 _Out of the Depths: An UnForgettable WW2 Story of Survival, Courage, and the Sinking of the USS Indianapolis_ (189 pages; 14.6MB; 940.545973; E)

Mary Edith Harrell 1967 _The Scott Family: An Account of lieutenant colonel William Scott of Peterborough NJ and Greenfield, Saratoga county NY and his Descendants Through the 5th Generation_ ()

Jill Harries 1995 _Sidinius Apollinaris and the Fall of Rome 407CE-485CE_ (300 pages)

Meirion Harries & Susie Harries 1991 _Soldiers of the Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Imperial Japanese Army 1868-1945_ ()

Meirion Harries & Susie Harries 1997, 1998, 2009 _The Last Days of Innocence: USA at War 1917-1918_ (580 pages)

Averell W. Harriman & Elie Abel 1975 _Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin 1941-1946_ ()

James Harrington 8888 _Oceana_ ()

Peter Harrington & Frederic A. Sharf 1998 _Omdurman 1898: The Eye-Witnesses Speak_ ()

Sue Harrington & Martin Welch 2014, 2015 _The Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of Southern Britain 450CE-650CE: Beneath the Tribal Hidage_ (230 pages; 40.2MB)

Alexander Harris 1872, 2012 _A Biographical History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania_ (630 pages; pg434?)

Alex Harris & Brett Harris 2008 _Do Hard Things: A TeenAge Rebellion Against Low Expectations_ (300 pages; 4MB)

Alex Harris & Brett Harris 2010 _Start Here: Start Doing Hard Things Where You Are_ (175 pages; 451KB)

Bill Harris 2002 _The HellFighters of Harlem_ ()

David Harris 1991 _Black Horse Odyssey: Search for the Lost City of Rome in China_ (290 pages)

David R. Harris & Gordon C. Hillman 1989, 2014 _Foraging and Farming: The Evolution of Plant Exploitation_ (715 pages; 15.5MB)

Eve Harris & John Richard Harris 2014 _The Oriental Cults in Roman Britain_ (120 pages)

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John R. Harris 1991 _International Technology Transfer: Europe, Japan and the USA_ ()

Jonathan Harris 2003, 2014 _Byzantium and the Crusades_ (280 pages; 13.9MB)

Jonathan Harris 2017 _Constantinople: Capital of Byzantium_ (295 pages; 12MB)

Jonathan Harris 2013, 2014 _The Utopian Globalists: Artists of WorldWide Revolution 1919-2009_ (350 pages; 4.1MB)

Jonathan Gil Harris 2003 _Sick Economies: Drama, Mercantilism, and Disease in Shakespeare's England_ ()

Joseph E. Harris 1971 _The African Presence in Asia: Consequences of East African Slave Trade_ (150 pages)

Leon Harris 1979 _Merchant Princes_ ()

Malcolm Hart Harris 1936 _An History of Louisa County_ ()

Malcolm Hart Harris 1977, 2006 _Old New Kent County_ ()

Marvin Harris 1964 _Patterns of Race in the Americas_ ()

Mavin Harris 1978 _Cannibals and Kings: The Origins of Cultures_ ()

Mavin Harris 1981 _America Now: The Anthropology of Changing Culture_ ()

Michael Harris 2017 _Solitude: In Pursuit of a Singular Life in an OverCrowded World_ (265 pages; 1.4MB)

Michael Harris 2014 _The End of Absence: ReClaiming What We've Lost in a World of Constant Connection_ (240 pages; 302.231)

Robert Harris & Jeremy Paxman 1982-01-01, 2002, 2007-12-18 _A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical & Biological Warfare_ (299-401-445 pages; 5.7MB; ISBN 9780812966534; OCLC 1089667949; Hill&Wang/RandomHouse; was catalogued, now it is not)

Stephen L. Harris 2006 _Duffy's War: Father Francis Duffy, Wild Bill Donovan, and the Irish Fighting 60th in World War 1_ (445 pages; 2.8MB)

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Tim Harris 2014 _Rebellion: Britain's First Stuart Kings 1567-1642_ (590 pages; 4.8MB)

Tim Harris 2006 _Restoration: Charles ii and His Kingdoms 1660-1685_ (500 pages; 7.8MB)

Tim Harris 2007 _Revoluion: The Great Crisis of the British Monarchy 1685-1720_ (620 pages; 4MB)

William Vernon Harris 1979, 1985 _War and Imperialism in Republican Rome 327BCE-70BCE_ (305 pages)

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James P. Harrison 1996 _Mastering the Sky: An History of Aviation from Ancient Times to the Present_ ()

John A. Harrison 1972 _The Chinese Empire: A Short History of China from NeoLithic Times to the End of the 18th Century_ ()

Lawrence E. Harrison & Samuel P. Huntington 2000, 2001 _Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress_ (380 pages)

Mark Harrison 2012, 2013 _Contagion: How Commerce has Spread Disease_ (disease; 415 pages; 3.4MB)

Mark Harrison 2003, 2004, 2013 _Disease and the Modern World: 1500 to the Present Day_ (disease; 270 pages; 1.1MB)

Mark Harrison 2003, 2004 _Medicine in an Age of Commerce and Empire: Britain & Its Tropical Colonies 1600-1830_ (disease; 375 pages)

Mark Harrison 2003, 2004 _Medicine and Victory: British Military Medicine in the Second World War_ (disease, trauma; 320 pages; 4MB)

Mark Harrison 2006, 2008 _The Vikings: Voyagers of Discovery and Plunder_ (200 pages)

Richard A. Harrison 2014 _Princetonians 1776-1783: A Biographical Dictionary_ (530 pages)

Richard J. Harrison 1988 _Spain at the Dawn of History: Iberians, Phoenicians, & Greeks_ (175 pages)

Robert Harrison & Jeremy Paxman 2002 _A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret History of Chemical and Biological Warfare_ ()

Robert Pogue Harrison 1992 _Forests: The Shadow of Civilization_ ()

Tom Harrison 1976 _Living Through the Blitz_ ()

Roy Harrod 1951 _The Life of John Maynard Keynes_ ()

Stanley Harrold 2004 _The Rise of Aggressive Abolitionism: Addresses to the Slaves_ (245 pages)

Stanley Harrold 2002 _Subversives: AntiSlavery Community in Washington DC 1828-1865_ (270 pages)

David Harsanyi 2013 _Obummer's 4 HorseMen_ (200 pages; 445KB)

David Harsanyi 2012 _The End Is Near-ish: Hope or Change 2008-2012_ (145 pages; 345KB)

Alan Hart 1984 _Arafat: Terrorist or PeaceMaker?_ (Yessir Iamfat; 280 pages)

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(35) ►Basil H. Liddell Hart 1929, 1993, 2001 _Sherman: Soldier, Realist, American_ (456-474 pages; ISBN 9781931313926; OCLC 54100995; Simon/Ingram/ Dodd, Mead; ILL request)◀

Basil H. Liddell Hart 1967, 1968, 1991 _Strategy_ (448 pages)

Basil H. Liddell Hart 1998 _Thoughts on War_ (336 pages)

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Basil H. Liddell Hart & Paul Findlay 1953 _The Rommel Papers_ ()

(68) Bradley W. Hart 2018 _Hitler's American Friends: The Third Reich's Supporters in the USA_ (296 pages; 320.5330973 Har; E)

Cyril Hart 1992 _The Danelaw_ ()

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Freeman H. Hart 1942 _The Valley of VA in the American Revolution, 1763-1789_ (Chapel Hill, NC; UNC Press)

Henry H. Hart 1950 _Sea Road to the Indies_ ()

Henry H. Hart 1967 _Marco Polo: Venetian Adventurer_ ()

Ivor B. Hart 1962 _The World of Leonardo da Vinci: Man of Science, Engineer, and Dreamer of Flight_ ()

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(55) Claire Hartfield 2018 _A Few Red Drops: The Chicago Race Riots of 1919_ (305.896 junior)

Robert George Hartje 1967, 1994, 2007 _Van Dorn: The Life and Times of a Confederate General_ (370 pages)

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Charles W. Hartley, G. Bike Yazicioglu & Adam T. Smith 2012 _The Archaeology of Power and Politics in Eurasia: Regimes and Revolutions_ (475 pages)

Johannes Hartog 1976 _The Jews and St. Eustatius: The 18th Century Jewish Congregation Honen Dalim & Description of the Old Cemetery_ (67 pages; ISBN ; OCLC 253906173/ 742078286/ 233911066; Winward Islands Bank/Theodor Maxwell Pandt)

Johannes Hartog & Carl G. Buncamper 1976-01-01 _History of St. Eustatius_ (173 pages; ISBN ; OCLC 906263704/ 495554145; Central USABicentennial Commission of the Netherlands Antilles/de Witt/de Wit)

William D. Hartung 2010 _Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex_ ()

Henry Hartwell, James Blair, Edward Chilton & Hunter D. Farish 1940 _The Present State of VA, and the College 1697_ ()

David S. Hartwig 2012 _To Antietam Creek: The Maryland Campaign of 1862 September_ (800 pages)

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John Hooper Harvey 1950, 1969 _The Gothic World 1100-1600: A Survey of Architecture and Art_ ()

John Hooper Harvey 1975 _Medieval Craftsmen_ ()

Penny Harvey & Hannah Knox 215 _Roads: An Anthropology of Infrastructure and Expertise_ (255 pages; 2.9MB)

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Willard A. Harvey ii 1998 _RailRoads of the Ohio Valley 1947-1960: book 3 Aurora, IN to Cairo, IL_ (96 pages)

Willard A. Harvey ii 1998 _RailRoads of the Ohio Valley 1968-1990s: book 4 Pittsburgh, PA to Parkersburg, WV_ (96 pages)

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Eric Haseltine 2019 _The Spy in Moscow Station: A CounterSpy's Hunt for a Deadly Cold War Threat_ (265 pages; 2.5MB)

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Jacquetta Hawkes _The Atlas of Early Man_ ()

Jacquetta Hawkes _The First Great Civilizations_ ()

Christopher Hawkins 1811 _Observations on the Tin Trade of the Ancients_ ()

Francis Hawkins 1646 _Youth's Behavior, or Decency in Conversation Amongst Men_ ()

Ralph K. Hawkins 2013 _How Israel Became a People_ (288 pages)

William R. Hawkins & Erin Anderson 2004 _The Open Borders Lobby and National Security After 2001-09-11_ ()

Francis L. Hawks _Narrative of Events Connected with the Rise and Progress of the Protestant Episcopal Church in VA_ (pg63)

Samuel Hawley 2005, 2014 _The Imjin War: Japan's Sixteenth-Century Invasion of Korea and Attempt to Conquer China_ (670 pages; 2.7MB)

Paul Leland Haworth 1915, 2004, 2015, 2017 _George Washington: Farmer_ ()

Charles H. Haws 1980 _Scots in the Old Dominion_ ()

Enid Pearson Hawthorn 8888 _The Pearson Family Tree from England to America_ ()

Douglas Hay 1975 _Albion's Fatal Tree_ ()

Malcolm Hay 1992 _Europe and the Jews_ ()

Richard A. Hay, Robert L. D. Cooper & John S. Wade 2002 _The Genealogie of the Saint Claires of Rosslyn_ ()

David Hayden 2012 _Muhammad and the Birth of Islamic Supremacism: The War with the Jews 622CE-628CE_ (280 pages; 1.1MB)

Horace Edwin Hayden 1891 _VA Genealogies_ (800 pages)

Charles B. Haydon & Stephen W. Sears 1993 _For Country, Cause, and Leader: The Civil War Journal of Charles B. Haydon_ (470 pages)

Carlton J.H. Hayes 1932, 1936, 1947 _A Political and Cultural History of Modern Europe: vol1 1500-1830_ ()

Carlton J.H. Hayes 1932, 1936, 1947 _A Political and Cultural History of Modern Europe: vol2 1830-1935_ ()

Charles Hayes 2015 _The LongHunter_ (180 pages; 8.2MB)

Charles E. Hayes 2018 _Waking the Wilderness: Taming the Early Frontier: God, Guns, and Grit Tame the Wilderness_ (155 pages; 12.7MB; Kentucky)

Kevin J. Hayes 1997 _The Library of William Byrd of Westover_ ()

Paddy Hayes 2016 _Queen of Spies: Daphne Park, Britain's Cold War Spy Master_ (328 pages; bio)

William C. Hayes 1953 _The Sceptre of Egypt: part 1 From the Earliest Times to the End of the Middle Kingdom_ ()

J.D. Hayhurst 1974 _The Pneumatic Post of Paris_ ()

Edward R. Haymes & Susan T. Samples 1996 _Heroic Legends of the North: An Introduction to the Nibelungen and Dietrich Cycles_ ()s

Haymond 8888 _History of Harrison county WV_ ()

Dennis E. Haynes & Arthur W. Bergeron ii 2006 _A Thrilling Narrative: The Memoir of a Southern Unionist_ (180 pages)

(50) ►John Earl Haynes & Harvey Klehr 2005 _In Denial: Historians, Communism & Espionage_ (Cold War; 305-316 pages; ISBN 9781594030888; OCLC ; Encounter; ILL request)◀

John Earl Haynes et al. 1998 _The Soviet World of American Communism_ ()

(47) John Earl Haynes & Harvey Klehr 1999, 2000 _Venona: DeCoding Soviet Espionage in USA_ (Cold War; 487 pages; 6.1MB; ISBN 0300077718; YaleU; 327.1247 Hay; Main)

J.N. Hays 1998, 2009 _The Burdens of Disease: Epidemics & Human Response in Western History_ (disease; 380 pages)

Samuel P. Hays 1957 _The Response to Industrialism_ ()

(15) Philip J. Haythornthwaite 1991 _Invincible Generals: Gustavus Adolphus, Marlborough, Frederick the Great, George Washington, Wellington_ (1600s-1800s; 240 pages; 355.009; NE)

Jack Ernest Shalom Hayward 2013 _Out of Slavery: Abolition and Afterward 1833 1983_ (195 pages; 546KB)

John Haywood 2009 _The Historical Atlas of the Celtic World_ (140 pages)

John Haywood 2016 _Northmen: The Viking Saga 793CE-1241CE_ (390 pages; 7.3MB)

Mary Ellen Hayward & Charles Belfoure 2012 _The Baltimore RowHouse_ (280 pages; 15MB)

Steven F. Hayward 2005 _Greatness: Reagan, Churchill, and the Making of Extraordinary Leaders_ ()

Steven F. Hayward _The Age of Reagan: The Conservative CounterRevolution 1980-1989_ ()

Steven F. Hayward 2012 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Presidents: part2 From Wilson to Obummer_ (272 pages; 561KB)

Samuel Hazard 1853 _Colonial Records of PA_ ()

Xaviant Haze 2016 _The Suppressed History of American Banking: How Big Banks Fought Jackson, Killed Lincoln, and Caused the Civil War_ (230 pages; 6.3MB)

William Elliott Hazelgrove 2018-12-04 _Wright Brothers, Wrong Story: How Wilbur Solved the Problem of Manned Flight_ (325-332 pages; 3.9MB; ISBN 9781633884588; Prometheus)

William Elliott Hazelgrove 2017-09-15, 2019-09-09 _Al Capone and the 1933 World's Fair: The End of the Gangster Era in Chicago_ (270-280 pages; 5MB; ISBN 9781442272262; Rowman)

William Elliott Hazelgrove 2017 _Forging a President: How the Wild West Created Teddy Roosevelt_ (275 pages; 1.8MB)

William Elliott Hazelgrove 2020-05-12 _Henry Knox's Noble Train: The Story of a Boston BookSeller's Heroic Expedition That Saved the American Revolution_ (215-280 pages; 3.8MB; ISBN 9781633886148; Prometheus)

(57) ►William Elliott Hazelgrove 2016-10-17 _Madame President: The Secret Presidency of Edith Wilson_ (336-350-352 pages; 1.5MB; ISBN 9781621574750; Regnery; ILL request)◀

Alastair Hazell 1906, 1970 _The Last Slave Market: Dr. John Kirk & the Struggle to End the African Slave Trade_ (340 pages)

John Hazelton 1906, 1970 _The Declaration of Independence: Its History_ ()

James C. Hazlett, Edwin Olmstead & M. Hume Parks 2004 _Field Artillery Weapons of the Civil War_ (315 pages)

Yoram Hazony 2000 _The Jewish State: The Struggle for Israel's Soul_ ()

David Head 2015 _Privateers of the Americas: Spanish American Privateering from the United States in the Early Republic_ (210 pages; 3.3MB)

James Headlam-Morley 1930, 2015 _Studies in Diplomatic History_ (310 pages; 4.1MB)

Joel Tyler Headley 1864, 2016 _The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution_ (255 pages; 821KB)

Daniel R. Headrick 1991 _The Invisible Weapons: Telecommunications and International Politics 1851-1945_ ()

Daniel R. Headrick 1988 _The Tentacles of Progress: Technology Transfer in the Age of Imperialism 1850-1940_ ()

Daniel R. Headrick 1981 _The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the 19th Century_ ()

Daniel R. Headrick 1981 _Technology: A World History_ (190 pages; 1.6MB)

A. Heald & J. Barber 2015 _Caithness Archaeology: Aspects of PreHistory_ (185 pages)

David F. Healy 1963 _The United States in Cuba 1898-1902_ ()

J.F. Healy 1978 _Mining and Metallurgy in the Greek and Roman World_ (310 pages)

Mark Healy 1991 _The Ancient Assyrians_ ()

Maureen Healy 2004 _Vienna and the Fall of the Habsburg Empire: Total War and EveryDay Life in World War 1_ ()

Seamus Heaney 1975, 1996 _North_ ()

Chester G. Hearn 2004 _Circuits in the Sea: The Men, the Ships, and the Atlantic Cable_ (285 pages; 4.5MB)

Chester G. Hearn 1996, 1999 _6 Years of Hell: Harpers Ferry During the Civil War_ (325 pages; 5.3MB)

Barbara J. Heath 1999 _Hidden Lives: The Archaeology of Slave Life at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest_ ()

Chuck Heath & Chuck Heath ii 2012 _Our Sarah: Made in Alaska_ (275 pages; 4.7MB)

Dwight B. Heath 1963 _Mourt's Relation: A Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth_ ()

Ian Heath & Angus McBride 1995 _Byzantine Armies 1118CE-1461CE_ (48 pages)

Sidney Heath 1912 _Pilgrim Life in the Middle Ages_ ()

William Heath 2013 _BlackSnake's Path: The True Adventures of William Wells_ (365 pages; 1.3MB)

William Heath 2015 William Wells and the Struggle for the Old NorthWest_ (500 pages; 7.3MB)

(25) Peter J. Heather 2009, 2010 _Empires and Barbarians: The Fall of Rome and the Birth of Europe_ (734 pages; 940.1 Hea; Main)

(39) Peter J. Heather 2005, 2006, 2007 _The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians_ (572 pages; 7.1MB; 937.09 Hea; Main)

(50) Peter J. Heather 2014 _The Restoration of Rome: Barbarian Popes and Imperial Pretenders_ (470 pages; 909.07 Hea; Main)

Peter J. Heather 1992, 2003 _Goths and Romans 332CE-489CE_ (390 pages)

Peter J. Heather 2003 _The Visigoths from the Migration Period to the 7th Century: An Ethnographic Perspective_ (560 pages)

(50) Colin D. Heaton & Anne Marie Lewis 2021 _Above the Reich: Deadly DogFigths, Blistering Bombing Raids, & Other War Stories_ (9999 pages; ISBN 9780593183885; on order 2021-04-25; Hea; Main)

Herbert Heaton 1936 _Economic History of Europe_ ()

Tim Heaton 2015 _Bless Your Heart, You Freaking Idiot: Southern Sayings Translated_ (210 pages; 705KB)

Robert O. Heavner 1978 _Economic Aspects of Indentured Servitude in Colonial PA_ ()

J. Jean Hecht 1956, 1980 _The Domestic Servant Class in 18th Century England_ (230 pages)

Michael Hechter 1976, 1977 _Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development 1536-1966_ ()

August Hechscher 1991 _Woodrow Wilson_ ()

H.L. Heckel iii 2017 _Marriage Contract_ (66 pages)

John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder & William C. Reichel 1876, 1971, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2018 _History, Manners, & Customs of the Indian Nations Who Once Inhabited Pennsylvania & the Neighboring States_ (440-640 pages; 1.6MB-14.6MB)

Lotte Hedeager & John Hines 1992 _Iron-Age "Societies": From Tribe to State in Northern Europe 500BCE-700CE_ (265 pages)

Lotte Hedeager 2011 _Iron-Age Myth and Materiality: An Archaeology of Scandinavia 400CE-1000CE_ (310 pages; 8.7MB)

Stanley Hedeen 2008-02-15- _Big Bone Lick: The Cradle of USA Paleontology_ (182-195-204 pages; 2.6MB; ISBN 9780813124858/ 9780813133867; OCLC 698587356; KY)

Chris Hedges 2014 _War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning_ (215 pages; 657KB)

James Hedges 1952 _The Browns of Providence Plantation: The Colonial Years_ ()

John W. Hedges 1987 _Tomb of the Eagles: A Window on Stone Age Tribal Britain_ (245 pages)

Marchament Hedham 8888 _Excellencie of a Free State_ ()

Joan D. Hedrick 1994 _Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life_ ()

Ulysses P. Hedrick 1950 _An History of Horticulture in America_ ()

Friedrich Heer 1967, 1968, 2002 _The Holy Roman Empire_ (310 pages)

Robert W. Hefner 2010 _The New Cambridge History of Islam: vol6 Muslims and Modernity: Culture and Society Since 1800_ (770 pages; 4.6MB; for vol1 see Chase F. Robinson; vol2 Maribel Fierro)

--Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1820, 1991, 2005 _Elements of the Philosophy of Right_ (collectivism; 565 pages; 984KB)

Benjamin Paul Hegi, Alfred F. Hurley & John K. Hurley 2015 _From Wright Field, Ohio, to Hokkaido, Japan: General Curtis E. LeMay's Letters to His Wife Helen 1941-1945_ (445 pages)

Pete Hegseth 2016 _In the Arena: Good Citizens, a Great Republic, and How One Speech Can ReInvigorate the USA_ (300 pages; 4MB)

(47) ►Pete Hegseth 2020 _American Crusade: Our Fight to Stay Free_ (315-339 pages; 2.1MB; ISBN 9781546098744; OCLC 1105152235/ 1199076910; Center/Hachette; ILL request)◀

(50) ►Pete Hegseth 2020-11-24 _Modern Warriors: Real Stories from Real Heroes_ (268-280 pages; 48.7MB; ISBN 9780063046542; OCLC 1143621680; Broadside/Fox; ILL request)◀

Elias Heifetz 1921, 2016 _The Slaughter of the Jews in the Ukraine in 1919_ (415 pages; 1.1MB)

J.L. Heilbron 1986, 2000 _The Dilemmas of an UpRight Man: Max Planck and the Fortunes of German Science_ (260 pages; 2.4MB)

Samuel C. Heilman 2017 _Who Will Lead Us?: The Story of 5 Hasidic Dynasties in the USA_ (Chassidim; 330 pages; 5MB)

Sebastian Heilmann 2016 _Red China's Political System_ (520 pages; 92.8MB)

Heinrich Heine 1971 _Ludwig Boerne--ein Denkschrift: Saemtliche Schriften vol4_ ()

Paul Heinegg 1995-2000, 2005 _Free African Americans in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland and Delaware_ (at least 2 volumes)

Albert Heiner 1991 _Henry J. Kaiser: Western Colossus_ ()

Robert Heinrich, Deborah Harding & Henry Louis Gates ii 2016 _From Slave to Statesman: The Life of Educator, Editor, and Civil Rights Activist Willis M. Carter of Virginia_ (160 pages; 3.9MB)

Waldo Heinrichs 1988 _Threshold of War: FDR and American Entry in World War 2_ ()

James R. Heintze, Bruno Nettl & Paul Henry Lang 1969, 1970 _Attitudes Toward Persian Music in Tehran_ ()

James R. Heintze 2009 _Music of the Fourth of July: A Year-by-Year Chronicle of Performancesand Works Composed for Independence Day_ (425 pages)

James R. Heintze 2013 _The Fourth of July Encyclopedia_ (350 pages)

James R. Heintze 1990 _Early American Music_ (500 pages)

Andrew R. Heinze 2004 _Jews and the American Soul: Human Nature in the 20th Century_ ()

Andrew R. Heinze 1992 _Adapting to Abundance: Jewish Immigrants, Mass Consumption, and the Search for American "Identity"_ (265 pages)

Martin Heinzelmann & Christopher Carroll 2006 _Gregory of Tours: History and Society in the 6th Century_ (240 pages)

Ursula Heinzelmann 2014 _Beyond BratWurst: An History of Food in Germany_ (375 pages; 13.9MB)

Charles Heiser 1973, 1990, 2013 _Seed to Civilization: The Story of Food_ (220 pages)

Charles B. Heiser ii, PhD 1985, 1992 _Of Plants and People_ (240 pages)

Francis Bernard Heitman 1890 _Historical Register of the United States Army_ (USAGPO)

Francis Bernard Heitman 1914 _Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army during the War of Revolution_ (USAGPO)

James Peter Helfers 2005 _Multi-Cultural Europe and Cultural Exchange in the Middle Ages and Renaissance_ ()

Abraham Ernest Helffenstein 1911 _Pierre Fauconnier and His Descendants_ ()

Anne Conover Heller 2010 _Ayn Rand and the World She Made_ ()

James G. Heller 1965 _Isaac Mayer Wise: His Life, Work, and Thought_ ()

Richard Hellie 1971 _Enserfment and Military Change in Muscovy_ (435 pages)

Richard Hellie 1982 _Slavery in Russia 1450-1725_ ()

Sarah Helm 2015, 2016 _Ravensbruck: Life and Death in Hitler's Concentration Camp for Women_ (775 pages; 69.6MB)

Wouter Helmer, Henri Kerkdijk-Otten & Staffan Widstrand Ronald Goderie 2013 _The Aurochs: Born to Be Wild_ (150 pages)

Richard Henry Helmholz 1974, 2007 _Marriage Litigation in Medieval England_ (250 pages)

Hinton Rowan Helper 1860 _The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It_ ()

Richard M. Helwig 1991 _Along the River of the Miamis and Other Ohio Historic Indian Stories_ (165 pages)

John Hemming 1970, 2004 _The Conquest of the Incas_ ()

Yitzhak Hen 2007 _Roman Barbarians: The Royal Court and Culture in the Early Medieval West_ (205 pages)

Yitzhak Hen 2001 _The Royal Patronage of Liturgy in Frankish Gaul to the Death of Charles the Bald_ (190 pages)

Yitzhak Hen 1995 _Culture and Religion in Merovingian Gaul 481CE-751CE_ (300 pages)

H. O'Neill Henchen 1932 _Archaeology of Cornwall and Scilly_ ()

Ronald S. Hendel 2005 _Remebering Abraham: Culture, Memory, and History in the Hebrew Bible_ ()

Heather Hendershot 2016 _Open to Debate: How William F. Buckley Put [Illiberal Leftist USA] on the Firing Line_ (415 pages; 3.9MB)

Archibald Henderson 1949 _The Campus of the First State University_ ()

Bruce B. Henderson 2017 _Sons and Soldiers: The UnTold Story of Jews Who Escaped the Nazis and Returned with the USA Army to Fight Hitler_ (429 pages; 3.8MB; 940.531 HEN; Main+E)

Ernest F. Henderson 2013 _An History of Germany in the Middle Ages_ (460 pages; 1.2MB)

George Henderson 2013 _The Norse Influence on Celtic Scotland_ (400 pages; 1.1MB)

George Henderson & Isabel Henderson 2011 _The Art of the Picts: Sculpture and MetalWork in Early Medieval Scotland_ (245 pages)

Isabel Henderson & Glyn Daniel 1967 _The Picts_ (220 pages)

John Henderson 2019 _Florence Under Siege: Surviving Plague in an Early Modern City_ (400 pages; 60.4MB)

sir Nicholas Henderson 1964 _Prince Eugen of Savoy_ (325 pages)

W.O. Henderson 1975 _The Rise of German Industrial Power: 1834-1914_ ()

W.O. Henderson 1934 _The LancaShire Cotton Famine 1861-1865_ ()

Nancy Hendrickson 2014 _How to Use Maps in Genealogy_ (25 pages; 3.4MB)

Michael F. Hendy 1985, 2008 _Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy c.300-1450_ (820 pages)

Geraldine Heng 2018 _The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages_ (495 pages; 7.1MB)

Martin Hengel 1989, 2000 _The Zealots: Investigations into the Jewish Freedom Movement in the Period from Herod i until 70CE_ (512 pages)

David P. Henige 1998 _Numbers from Nowhere: The American Indian Contact Population Debate_ ()

William Waller Hening 1810-1823 _Statutes at Large: Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia..._ ()

William Waller Hening 1808 _Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Virginia_ ()

William Waller Hening 1825 _The Virginia Justice, Comprising the Office and Authority of a Justice of the Peace, in the Commonwealth of VA_ ()

(50) John Hennessy 1992 _Return to Bull Run: The Campaign and Battle of Second Manassas_ (607 pages; 973.732 Hen; NE)

Joseph M. Henning 2000 _OutPosts of Civilization: Race, Religion, and the Formatie Years of American-Japanese Relations_ ()

James A. Henretta 1973 _The Evolution of American Society 1700-1815_ ()

Florette Henri & Richard Stillman 1970 _Bitter Victory: An History of Black Soldiers in World War 1_ ()

Robert Henry 1943 _A Village in Piccadilly_ ()

Florette Henri 1976 _Black Migration: Movement North 1900-1920_ ()

Anders Henriksson 1983 _The Tsar's Loyal Germans: The Riga German Community, Social Change and the Nationality Question 1855-1905_ (210 pages)

Donald Henry 1989 _From Foraging to Agriculture: The Levant at the End of the Ice Age_ ()

J. Maurice Henry _History of the Church of the Brethren in Maryland_ ()

Joanne Lander Henry 2002 _Log Cabin in the Woods: A True Story about a Pioneer Boy_ ()

Patrick Henry, Samuel Byron & Robert Yates 2010 _The Anti-Federalist Papers_ ()

other Patrick Henry 2013 _We Only Know Men: The Rescue of Jews in France during the Holocaust_ (205 pages)

William Wirt Henry 1891 _Patrick Henry: Life, Correspondence, and Speeches_ ()

Valley Virginia Henshaw _The West Virginia Historical Magazine Quarterly_ (vol4 #2 1904 April by The WV Historical & Antiquarian Society, Charleston, WV)

Jason Hensley 2016 _Part of the Family: Christadelphians, the KinderTransport, and Rescue from the Holocaust_ (420 pages; 73.4MB)

Curtis T. Henson ii 1982 _Commissioners and Commodores: The East India Squadron and American Diplomacy in China_ ()

Donald Henson 1998 _A Guide to Late Anglo-Saxon England from Alfred to Edgar ii_ ()

Donald Henson 2001 _The English Elite in 1066_ ()

Margaret Swett Henson 1982 _Juan Davis Bradburn: A ReAppraisal of the Mexican Commander of Anahuac_ ()

G.A. Henty & Maynard Brown 1996 _By Pike & Dyke: A Tale of the Rise of the Dutch Republic_ (340 pages)

T.A. Heppenheimer 1995 _Turbulent Skies: The History of Commercial Aviation_ ()

Michael Herb 1999 _All in the Family: Absolutism, Revolution and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies_ ()

Kathleen Herbert 1997 _Peace-Weavers and Shield-Maidens: Women in Early English Society_ ()

Maire Herbert 1996 _Iona, Kells, and Derry: The History and Hagiography of the Monastic Family of Columba_ (310 pages)

Jeffrey Herbst 2000, 2014 _States and Power in Africa: Comparative Lessons in Authority and Control_ (290 pages; 6.3MB)

Jurgen Herbst 1982 _From Crisis to Crisis: American College Government 1636-1819_ ()

Brian Lane Herder, Darren Tan & Nikolai Bogdanovic 2017 _Operation Torch 1942: The Invasion of French North Africa_ (96 pages; 33.7MB)

Jeffrey Herf 1991 _War by Other Means: Soviet Power, West German Resistance, and the Battle of the Euromissiles_ (369 pages)

Jeffrey Herf _Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World_ ()

Gregg Herken 1982 _The Winning Weapon: The Atomic Bomb in the Cold War 1945-1950_ ()

David Herlihy 1990 _Opera Muliebria: Women and Work in Medieval Europe_ ()

David Herlihy 1968 _Medieval Culture and Society_ ()

David Herlihy 1985 _Medieval Households_ (260 pages; 2.6MB)

David Herlihy, Robert S. Lopez & Vsevolod Slessarev 1969 _Economy, "Society", and Government in Medieval Italy_ (260 pages)

David Herlihy & Christiane Klapisch-Zuber 1985, 2013 _The Tuscans and Their Families: A Study of the Florentine Catasto of 1427_ (415 pages; 21MB)

(41) David Herlihy & Samuel K. Cohn ii 1997 _The Black Death and the Transformation of the West_ (disease; 117 pages; 567KB; 940.192)

(38) Gerhard Herm 1975 _The Phoenicians: The Purple Empire of the Ancient World_ (939.44 Her; Main)

(39) ►Arthur Herman 2021-08-03 _The Viking Heart: How Scandinavians Conquered the World_ (50CE-1200CE; 484-512 pages; 21.6MB; ISBN 9781328595904/ 9780358536734; OCLC 1159043093; Mariner/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; ILL request)◀

(47) Arthur Herman 2017, 2018 _1917: Lenin, Wilson, and the Birth of the New World Order_ (rise of power-mad collectivism; 1914-1922; 480 pages; 1.5MB; 940.3 Her; NE)

(50) Arthur Herman 2016 _Douglas MacArthur: American Warrior_ (937 pages; ISBN 9780812994889; RandomHouse; B MacArthur; Main)

Arthur Herman 2004 _To Rule the Waves: How the British Navy Shaped the Modern World_ (648 pages; 359.00942; was catalogued as real book; now evil FB/Windoze media)

Geoffrey Herman 2012 _A Prince without a Kingdom: The Exilarch in the Sassanian Era_ ()

Hans Hermans, Richard Geilen & Pieter Wagenaar Hummelinck 1960, 1965, 1975, 1987 _6 Islands in the Sun: Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Maarten_ (170-180 pages; Sint Eustatius/Statia; ISBN ; OCLC 59110776/ 15221825/ 742078361; de Wit)

Theo Hermans, Reinier Salverda & Ulrich Tiedau 2017 _From Revolt to Riches: Culture & History of the Low Countries 1500-1700_ (300 pages; 20MB)

Ashley Hern 8888 _Edgar Aetheling: England's Lost King_ ()

William Henry Herndon & Jesse W. Weik 1889, 1892, 1917, 1942, 1949, 1983, 2014, 2016 _Abraham Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life_/_Life of Lincoln_ (2 volumes; 510 pages; biography Lincoln)

Ian Hernon 2013 _Fortress Britain: All the Invasions and Incursions Since 1066_ (272 pages; 9.8MB)

Annika Hernroth-Rothstein & Tiffany Gabbay 2020 _Exile: Portraits of the Jewish Diaspora_ (200 pages; 2.5MB)

Herodotus & A. de Selincourt 1954 _The Histories_ ()

Herodotus & Andrea L. Purvis _The Histories_ ()

Theodore W. Herr 8888 _Genealogical Record of Reverend Hans Herr_ ()

Cheesman A. Herrick 1926 _White Servitude in PA_ ()

Genevieve Forbes Herrick & John Origen Herrick 1925, 2016 _The Life of William Jennings Bryan_ (410 pages)

James W. Herrick 1995 _Iroquois Medical Botany_ ()

Walter R. Herrick ii 1966 _The American Naval Revolution_ ()

Judith Herrin 2008, 2009 _Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire_ (390-400 pages; 18MB-23.7MB)

Judith Herrin 2001, 2004, 2012 _Women in Purple: Rulers of Medieval Byzantium_ (275 pages)

Judith Herrin 2013 _UnRivalled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium_ (345 pages; 2.9MB)

Judith Herrin & B. Hamilton 2003 _The Christian World of the Middle Ages_ ()

George C. Herring 2008 _From Colony to SuperPower: USA Foreign Relations Since 1776_ (1,000 pages; 7.4MB)

George C. Herring 1979 _USA's Longest War: The United States in VietNam 1950-1975_ ()

Patricia Roche Herring 1995, 1996 _General Jose Cosme Urrea: His Life and Times 1797-1849_ (195 pages)

Bruce Herschensohn 2010 _An American Amnesia: How the USA Congress Forced the Surrenders of South VietNam and Cambodia to the Reds_ (190 pages; 2.6MB)

Burton Hersh 1992 _The Old Boys: The USA Elite and the Origins of the CIA_ ()

Burton Hersh 1978 _The Mellon Family: A Fortune in History_ ()

Seymour M. Hersh 8888 _The Dark Side of Camelot_ ()

Theodore Hershberg _Philadelphia: Work, Spae, Family, and Group Experience in the 19th Century_ ()

Melville Herskovitz 1941 _The Myth of the Negro Past_ ()

Arthur Hertzberg 1959, 1984, 2014 _The Zionist Idea: An Historical Analysis and Reader_ (645 pages; 3.2MB)

Arthur Hertzberg 1989 _The Jews in America: 4 Centuries of an UnEasy Encounter_ ()

Arthur Hertzberg 1990 _The French Enlightenment and the Jews_ (410 pages)

Allen D. Hertzke, Kyle Harper & Roger Finke 2015 _Religious Freedom in America: Constitutional Rots & Contemporary Challenges_ (280 pages; 2.1MB)

John Hervey 1944 _Racing in America 1665-1865_ (2 volumes)

Ernst Herzfeld 1941 _Iran in the Ancient East_ ()

Ernst Herzfeld 1935 _Archaeological History of Iran_ ()

Theodor Herzl 1895, 2018 _The Jewish State_ (155 pages; 313KB)

Theodor Herzl & Jonathan Keren-Black 1895, 2013 _The Jewish State: A Revised and Readable Translation_ (130 pages)

Judith Heskel 1997 _The North Aegean Wars 371BCE-360BCE_ (185 pages)

Darrel Hess 2014 _McKnight's Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation_ ()

Earl J. Hess 2012 _The Civil War in the West: Victory and Defeat from the Appalachians to the Mississippi_ (973.734; Main)

Earl J. Hess 1997 _The Union Soldier in Battle: Enduring the Ordeal of Combat_ (235 pages; 999999)

Earl J. Hess 2018 _Fighting for Atlanta: Tactics, Terrain, & Trenches in the Civil War_ (400 pages; 13.1MB; 999999)

-Moses Hess & Maurice J. Bloom 1862, 1958, 2011 _Rome and Jerusalem_ (120 pages; 426KB)

-Moses Hess & Meyer Waxman 1945, 2016 _Rome and Jerusalem: A Study in Jewish Nationalism_ (260 pages)

Thomas Hess 1997 _America's Political Dynasties_ ()

William Best Hesseltine 1962, 1972 _Civil War Prisons_ (120 pages; 3.1MB)

Charlton Heston 1995 _In the Arena: An AutoBiography_ (590 pages)

Paul Hetherington 1994 _Medieval Rome: A Portrait of the City and Its Life_ (119 pages)

Jennifer L. Hevelone-Harper 2005 _Disciples of the Desert: Monks, Laity, and Spiritual Authority in 6th-Century Gaza_ (215 pages)

James King Hewiston 1915 _The Covenanters: An History of the Church of Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution_ ()

Mark Alan Hewitt 2001 _Gustav Stickley's CraftsMan Farms: The Quest for an Arts and Crafts Utopia_ (248 pages)

Robert H. Hewson 2000, 2001 _Armenia: An Historical Atlas_ ()

David Hey 1986 _YorkShire from 1000CE_ (330 pages)

Heather Heying & Bret Weinstein 2021-09-14 _A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution & the Challenges of Modern Life_ (320 pages; ISBN 9780593086889; OCLC ; Portfolio)

Christine Heyrman 1984 _Commerce and Culture: The Maritime Communities of Colonial Massachusetts 1690-1750_ ()

Colin Heywood 2001 _An History of Childhood: Children & Childhood in the West from Medieval to Modern Times_ (230 pages)

(80) ►Catherine Hezser 2006 _Jewish Slavery in Antiquity_ (445 pages; 4.9MB; ILL request)◀

Christopher Hibbert 1987 _The English: A "Social" History 1066-1945_ ()

Christopher Hibbert 1980, 1999, 2012 _The House of Medici: Its Rise and Fall_ (155 pages; 3.8MB)

Christopher Hibbert 1997 _Wellington: A Personal History_ (480 pages; biography Wellington)

Tayeb el-Hibri 1999, 2007 _ReInterpreting Islamic Historiography: Harun al-Rashid and the Narrative of the Abbasid Caliphate_ (240 pages; 4.1MB)

Des Hickey 1984 _Operation Avalanche: The Salerno Landings 1943_ (370 pages)

(41) Donald R. Hickey 1989, 2012, 2013 _The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict_ (RBdigital mp3; 14h 59m=899m)

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Richard Hingley 1998, 2005 _Settlement and Sacrifice: The Later PreHistoric People of Scotland_ (64 pages)

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William Wade Hinshaw 2014 _Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy: vol6 Virginia_ (1045 pages)

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Burt Hirschfeld 1968 _The Vital Link: The Story of the Suez Canal_ (187 pages; 962)

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Mark Hodges 2012 _10 Myths of Modern Academia: vol3 The Crusades: 10 Common Myths Found in College Texts and Lectures Explored and Exploded_ (100 pages; 542KB)

Mark Hodges 2012 _10 More Myths of Modern Academia Exploded: From the Neutrality of Secularism to the War between Religion and Science_ (80 pages; 476KB)

Richard Hodges & William Bowden 1998 _The 6th Century: Production, Distribution, and Demand_ (300 pages)

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Richard Hodges 2006 _GoodBye to the Vikings?: Re-Reading Early Medieval Archaeology_ (200 pages)

Robert Howard Hodgkin 1935, 1952, 1967 _History of the Anglo-Saxons_ (2volumes; total c. 1K pages)

Thomas Hodgkin 2011 _Theodoric the Goth: King of the OstroGoths, Regent of the VisiGoths, & ViceRoy of the Eastern Roman Empire in the 4th Century CE_ (290 pages)

Thomas Hodgkin 2016, 2018 _Italy and Her Invaders: vol1 The Visigothic Invasions_ (380 pages; 885KB)

Thomas Hodgkin 2016, 2018 _Italy and Her Invaders: vol2 The Hunnish Invasion_ (670 pages; 700KB)

Thomas Hodgkin 2016, 2018 _Italy and Her Invaders: vol3 The OstroGothic Invasion_ (690 pages; 760KB)

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Godfrey Hodgson 2006 _Woodrow Wilson's Right Hand: The Life of colonel Edward M. House_ ()

Louise Hodgson 1969 _Elmer L. Winter: The ManPOWER Man_ (182 pages; Elmer Louis Winter 1912-2009)

Marshall G.S. Hodgson 1955, 1980, 2005 _The Order of Assassins_/_The Secret Order of Assassins: The Struggle of the Early Nizari Ishmailis against the [rest of] the Islamic World_ (360 pages)

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Marshall G.S. Hodgson 1961, 2009 _The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization: vol1 The Classical Age of Islam_ (535 pages; 4.6MB)

Marshall G.S. Hodgson 1961, 2009 _The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization: vol2 The Expansion of Islam in the Middle Periods_ (600 pages; 4.8MB)

Marshall G.S. Hodgson 1961, 2009 _The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization: vol3 The GunPowder Empires and Modern Times_ (475 pages; 3.2MB)

Natasha R. Hodgson 2007, 2017 _Women, Crusading, and the Holy Land in Historical Narrative_ (300 pages)

Tamar Hodos 2006 _Local Responses to Colonization in the Iron Age Mediterranean_ (270 pages; 8.2MB)

Larry J. Hoefling 2009 _Scots and Scotch Irish: Frontier Life in NC, VA and KY_ (155 pages)

Larry J. Hoefling 2005 _Chasing the Frontier: Scots-Irish in Early America_ (280 pages)

Rosemarijn Hoefte & Johanna C. Kardux 1994 _Connecting Cultures: The Netherlands in 5 Centuries of TransAtlantic Exchange_ ()

Adolph A. Hoehling 1991 _Vicksburg: 47 Days of Siege_ (973.7344)

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Wilhelm Hoettl 1954 _The Secret Front: The Story of Nazi Political Espionage_ ()

Thomas A. Hoff & Adam Hook 2005 _The USA DoughBoy 1916-1919_ ()

Peter Charles Hoffer 1998 _Law and People in Colonial America_ ()

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Bruce Hoffman 2015 _Anonymous Soldiers: The Struggle for Israel 1917-1947_ (640 pages; 2.8MB)

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Joyce Hoffmann 8888 _Theodore White and Journalism as Illusion_ ()

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Paul Hollander & Anne Applebaum 2007 _From the Gulag to the Killing Fields: Personal Accounts of Political Violence and Repression in Communist States_ ()

Paul Hollander 1998 _Political Pilgrims: Western Intellectuals in Search of the Good Society_ ()

Donald Holley 2000 _The Second Great Emancipation: The Mechanical Cotton Picker, Black Migration, and How They Shaped the Modern South_ (275 pages)

I.B. Holley ii 2008 _The HighWay Revolution 1895-1925: How the United States Got Out of the Mud_ ()

Mary Austin Holley & James Perry Bryant 1838, 2014 _Mary Austin Holley: The Texas Diary 1835-1838_ (140 pages; 4.7MB)

Mary Austin Holley 1833, 1836, 1935, 1973, 1985, 2018 _Texas: Observations Historical, Geographic, and Descriptive 1833_ (420 pages)

David A. Hollinger 1995 _PostEthnic America: Beyond MultiCulturalism_ ()

Ken Hollings 2011, 2014 _Welcome to Mars: Fantasies of Sciene in the American Century 1947-1959_/_Welcome to Mars: Politics, Pop Culture, and Weird Science in 1950s USA_ (300 pages; 1.2MB)

J.N. Hollister _The Shi'a of India_ ()

(25) William Eugene Hollon 1966 _The Great American Desert: Then & Now_ (917.8 H745; Main)

David Holloway 1994 _Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy 1939-1956_ ()

R. Ross Holloway 1994, 2014 _The Archaeology of Early Rome and Latium_ (220 pages; 7.6MB)

Catherine Holmes 2005 _Basil ii and the Governance of Empire 975-1025_ ()

David L. Holmes 2006 _The Faiths of the Founding Fathers_ (230 pages; 1.6MB)

Emma Holmes & John F. Marszalek 1994 _Diary of Miss Emma Holmes 1861-1866_ (525 pages)

(50) George Holmes 1988 _The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval Europe_ (398 pages; 940.1 Oxf; Main+NE)

Kim R. Holmes 2016 _The Closing of the Leftist Mind: How GroupThink and InTolerance Define the Left_ (310 pages; 1.2MB)

Maurice Holmes 1975 _Early LandOwners of Decatur county IN_ (pg265)

R. Holmes 2008 _The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science_ ()

Richard Holmes 2001 _RedCoat: The British Soldier in the Age of Horse and Musket_ ()

Richard Holmes 2005 _In the FootSteps of Churchill_ (350 pages; biography)

Thomas Rice Holmes 1907, 2013, 2017 _Ancient Britain and the Invasions of Julius Caesar_ (775 pages)

Urban Tigner Holmes ii 1952, 1966 _Daily Living in the 12th Century, Based on Observations of Alexander Neckam in London and Paris_ ()

William Gordon Holmes 2014 _The Age of Justinian: An History of the 6th Century CE_ (790 pages; 4.3MB)

E.J. Holmyard 1957, 1968 _Alchemy_ ()

John Baker Holroyd 1783 _Observations on the Commerce of the American States_ ()

Michael Holroyd 1994 _Lytton Strachey_ ()

Sanford Holst 2015 _Phoenician Secrets: Exploring the Ancient Mediterranean_ (370 pages; 6.9MB)

Jerry W. Holsworth 2011 _Civil War Winchester_ (135 pages; 6.7MB)

Jerry W. Holsworth 2012 _Stonewall Jackson and Winchester, Virginia_ (140 pages)

(63) ►Frank L. Holt & Peter Green 2005, 2012 _Into the Land of Bones: Alexander the Great in Afghanistan_ (240-255 pages; 881KB; ISBN 0520274326/ 9780520274327; OCLC 797975980; ILL request)◀

Marilyn Irvin Holt 2003 _Children of the Western Plains: The 19th-Century Experience_ (245 pages)

(65) Michael FitzGibbon Holt 1999, 2003 _The Rise and Fall of the American Whig Party: Jacksonian Politics and the OnSet of the Civil War_ (1,248 pages; 12.6MB; 324.2732; Main)

Michael FitzGibbon Holt 2005 _The Fate of Their Country: Politicians, Slavery Extension, and the Coming of the Civil War_ (190 pages; 875KB)

Michael FitzGibbon Holt 1966, 1969, 1990 _Forging a Majority: The Formation of the Republican Party in Pittsburgh 1848-1860_ (400 pages)

Michael FitzGibbon Holt 1988 _The Origins of the Republican Party 1852-1856_ (570 pages)

Michael FitzGibbon Holt 1978, 1983 _The Political Crisis of the 1850s_ (340 pages)

Michael FitzGibbon Holt 1992 _Political Parties and American Political Development from the Age of Jackson to the Age of Lincoln_ ()

(59) ►Michael FitzGibbon Holt 2008-10-15, 2011, 2018 _By 1 Vote: The Disputed Presidential Election of 1876_ (300-402 pages; 5.4MB; ISBN 9780700616084/ 9780700617876; OCLC 694831732; UPressKansas; ILL request)◀

Peter M. Holt 1986 _The Age of the Crusades: The Near East From the 11th Century to 1517_ ()

Peter M. Holt 2004 _The Crusader states and Their Neighbors 1098-1291_ ()

Peter M. Holt 1978 _Eastern Mediterranean Lands in the Period of the Crusades_ (112 pages)

Peter M. Holt 1958, 1970 _The Mahdist State in the Sudan 1881-1898: A Study of Its Origins, Development, and OverThrow_ (250-270 pages)

Peter M. Holt, Ann K.S. Lambton & Bernard lewis 1977 _The Cambridge History of Islam: vol1A The Central Islamic Lands from Pre-Islamic Times to the First World War_ (530 pages)

Peter M. Holt, Ann K.S. Lambton & Bernard lewis 1977 _The Cambridge History of Islam: vol1B_ (300 pages)

Peter M. Holt, Ann K.S. Lambton & Bernard lewis 1977 _The Cambridge History of Islam: vol2A The Indian Sub-Continent, South-East Asia, Africa, and the Muslim West_ (430 pages)

Peter M. Holt, Ann K.S. Lambton & Bernard lewis 1977 _The Cambridge History of Islam: vol2B Islamic "Society" and Civilization_ (560 pages)

Richard Holt 1988 _The Mills of Medieval England_ ()

W. Stull Holt 1933, 2000 _Treaties Defeated by the Senate: A Study of the Struggle between President and Senate over the Conduct of Foreign Relations_ (336 pages)

Woody Holton 2008 _UnRuly Americans & the Origins of the Constitution_ (375 pages; 711KB)

Woody Holton 1999 _Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, Slaves, and the making of the American Revolution in VA_ ()

Woody Holton 2010 _Abigail Adams_ (500 pages; 3.5MB)

Harold Holzer 2004 _The Lincoln-Douglas Debates_ ()

Harold Holzer 2006 _Lincoln at Cooper Union: The Speech That Made Abraham Lincoln President_ (360 pages; 12.3MB)

(55) Harold Holzer 2014 _Lincoln & the Power of the Press: The War for Public Opinion_ (733 pages; 16.7MB; 973.71 Hol; Main)

Harold Holzer 2007, 2008 _Lincoln President-Elect: Abraham Lincoln and the Great Secession Winter 1860-1861_ (630 pages; 39.4MB)

Harold Holzer, Abraham Lincoln & Don E. Fehrenbacher 2008 _Lincoln BiCentennial Collection_ (3 volumes; Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858; Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1859-1865; The Lincoln Anthology: Great Writers on His Life and Legacy from 1860 to Now)

Harold Holzer 2020 _The Presidents vs. the Press: The Endless Battle between the White House & the Media from the Founding Fathers to Fake News_ (565 pages)

Henry Mark Holzer 1980 _The Gold Clause_ ()

Henry Mark Holzer & Erika Holzer 2002 _Aid and Comfort: Jane Fonda in North VietNam_ ()

George Caspar Homans 1941, 1970, 1971, 1975 _English Villagers of the 13th Century_ (470 pages)

Gordon Home 1931 _Old London Bridge_ (370 pages)

(20) William Holmes Honan 1997 _Treasure Hunt: A New York Times Reporter Tracks the Quedlinburg Hoard_ (290 pages; 364.162; Main+NE)

William Holmes Honan 1991 _Visions of Infamy: The UnTold Story of How Journalist Hector C. Bywater Devised the Plans That Led to Pearl Harbor_ ()

Thomas C. Hone, Norman Friedman & Mark D. Maldeles 1999 _American And British Carrier Development 1919-1941_ ()

Mark Honer 2017 _Town Teams: Bigger than Baseball_ ()

Gale Edwin Spitler Honeyman _Descendants of John and Susanna (Ulrich) Deeter_ Evelyn Honeyman_ (101 S. Main St., Laura, OH 45337; John Deeter & Susanna Ulrich?)

Katrina Honeyman 1982 _Origins of Enterprise: Business Leadership in the Industrial Revolution_ ()

Robert Honyman 1775, 1939 _Colonial Panorama_ ()

Dorothy Hoobler & Thomas Hoobler 2005 _Captain John Smith: JamesTown and the Birth of the American Dream_ ()

Ari Hoogenboom 1995 _Rutherford B. Hayes: Warrior & President_ (626 pages; ISBN 9780700606412; OCLC 805286767/ 243813141; Easton/UKansas)

Andrew Hook 1975 _Scotland and America_ ()

Sidney Hook 1943, 2013 _The Hero in History_ (185 pages; 1.1MB)

Sidney Hook 1987 _Out of Step: An UnQuiet Life in the 20th Century_ (610 pages)

Sidney Hook 1994 _From Hegel to Marx: Studies in the Intellectual Development of Karl Marx_ (320 pages)

Della Hooke 1988 _Anglo-Saxon Settlements_ ()

Della Hooke 2009 _The Anglo-Saxon Landscape: The Kingdom of the Hwicce_ (200 pages)

Della Hooke 2011 _Trees in Anglo-Saxon England: Literature, Lore, and Landscape_ (315 pages; 23.5MB)

Della Hooke & Simon Burnell 1996 _Landscape and Settlement in Britain 400CE-1066CE_ (155 pages)

Gregory Hooker 2005 _Shaping the Plan for Operation Iraqi Freedom: The Role of Military Intelligence Assessments_ ()

J.T. Hooker 1990 _Reading the Past_ ()

Richard Hooker 1845 _The Works of the learned and Judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker_ ()

Richard Hooker & Arthur Stephen McGrade 1593, 1989 _Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity_ (at least 6 volumes; 275 pages)

Richard Hooker, Bradley Belschner & Brian Marr 1593, 2019 _The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity in Modern English vol1_ (at least 6 volumes; 340 pages; 953KB)

Richard J. Hooker 1953 _The Carolina BackCountry on the Eve of Revolution: The Journal and Other Writings of Charles Woodmason_ ()

reverend Thomas Hooker 1639 _Fundamental Orders of Connecticut_ ()

Alfred Hooper 1948 _The Makers of Mathematics_ ()

Candice Shy Hooper 2016 _Lincoln's Generals' Wives: 4 Women Who Influenced the Civil War for Better and for Worse_ (410 pages; 5MB)

Townsend Hoopes 1973 _The Devil and John Foster Dulles_ ()

Townsend Hoopes & Douglas Brinkley 1997 _FDR and the Creation of the UN_ (300 pages)

Townsend Hoopes 1969 _The Limits of Intervention: An Inside Account of How the Johnson Policy of Escalation Was Reversed by Raving Leftists in Order to Achieve Defeat in the Jaws of Victory_ (245 pages; 959.704)

Earnest A. Hooten 2007 _PreHistoric Indian Village Site and Cemetery Near Madisonville, Ohio_ (Ft. Ancient; 200 pages)

Herbert Hoover 1938 _Address upon the American Road_ ()

Herbert Hoover 1922 _American Individualism_ ()

Herbert Hoover 1952 _The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The Cabinet and the Presidency 1920-1933_ ()

Herbert Hoover 1952 _The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The Great Depression 1929-1941_ ()

Herbert Hoover & George H. Nash 2011 _Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath_ (1080 pages; 4.3MB)

Stephen Hoover 2014 _The Munchkins of Oz: Legends, Myths & Realities_ (130 pages; 4.6MB)

Donald R. Hopkins 1983, 2002 _The Greatest Killer: Smallpox in History_/_Princes and Peasants_ (380-390 pages; 36.4MB; 0226351661/ 0226351688/ 9780226351667/ 9780226351681; OCLC 1015435674; UChicago)

(22) ►Keith Hopkins 1978, 1981, 2007, 2013 _Conquerors and Slaves_ (Rome; 268-285 pages; ISBN 9780521219457/ 9780521281812; OCLC 254442902; CambridgeU; ILL request)◀

T.C.F. Hopkins 2008 _Empires, Wars, and Battles: The Middle East from Antiquity to the Rise of the New World_ (250 pages; 1MB)

(59) Peter Hopkirk 1992 _The Great Game: The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia_ (565 pages; 320.958)

Peter Hopkirk 2006 _Foreign Devils on the Silk Road: The Search for the Lost Treasures of Central Asia_ ()

Hans-Hermann Hoppe 2014 _From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy: A Tale of Moral and Economic Folly and Decay_ (70 pages; 910KB)

(43) ►Hans Hermann Hoppe 2001, 2007, 2018 _Democracy: The "god" That Failed: The Economics & Politics of Monarchy, Democracy, & Natural Order_ (304-320 pages; 753KB; ISBN 9781138522169; OCLC 1018041610/ 315723746; Routledge/Taylor&Francis/Transaction; ILL request)◀

Kenneth Hopper, William Hopper & Russell L. Ackoff 2009 _The Puritan Gift: ReClaiming the USA Dream Amidst Global Financial Chaos_ (355 pages; 3.3MB)

James David Horan 1952 _Desperate Women: True Stories of Women of the Wild West_ (325 pages)

James David Horan 1954, 2015 _Confederate Agent: A Discovery in History_ (456 pages; 8.7MB)

William Horbury, W.D. Davies & John Sturdy 2000 _The Cambridge History of Judaism: vol3 The Early Roman Period_ (100BCE-250CE; 1,330 pages; see W.D. Davies for vol1 & 2; William Horbury for vol3; Steven T. Katz for vol4; Robert Chazan for vol6)

Peregrine Horden & Nicholas Purcell 2000 _The Corrupting Sea: A Study of Mediterranean History_ (770 pages)

Jiro Horikoshi, Shorjiro Shindo & Harold N. Wantiez 1981 _Eagles of Mitsubishi: The Story of the Zero Fighter_ ()

James Horn 2005 _A Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America_ ()

James Horn 1996 _Adapting to a New World: English Society in the 17th Century Chesapeake_ ()

Jeff Horn 2006 _The Path Not Taken: French Industrialization in the Age of Revolution 1750-1830_ ()

Jonathan Horn 2015 _The Man Who Would Not Be Washington: Robert E. Lee's Civil War and His Decision that Changed American History_ (375 pages; 31.2MB)

Richard E. Horn 2011 _How to Survive the Coming Insurrection_ ()

Allen M. Hornblum 2010 _The InVisible Harry Gold: The Man Who Gave the Soviets the Atom Bomb_ (455 pages; 1.6MB)

Alistair Horne 1970, 1971 _Death of a Generation: Nueve Chapelle to Verdun and the Somme_ (128 pages)

Alistair Horne 1969, 1990 _To Lose a Battle: France 1940_ (726 pages; 940.5344)

Christopher C. Horner 2007 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism_ (366 pages; 1.581MB)

Christopher C. Horner 2012 _The Leftist War on Transparency: Confessions of a Freedom of Information "Criminal"_ (310 pages; 2MB)

Christopher C. Horner 2010 _Power Grab: How Obummer's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt USA_ (400 pages; 1.6MB)

Dave Horner & Jack Woodwon 1968 _The Blockade-Runners: True Tales of Running the Yankee Blockade of the Confederate Coast_ (230 pages)

William T. Horner 2010 _Ohio's KingMaker: Mark Hanna, Man and Myth_ (Marcus Alonzo Hanna; 350 pages)

James D. Hornfischer 2011 _Neptune's Inferno: The US Navy at Guadalcanal_ (516 pages; 10.23MB; 940.5426; )

James D. Hornfischer 2004, 2008 _The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The ExtraOrdinary World War 2 Story of the US Navy's Finest Hour_ (499 pages; 6.95MB; 940.5425995; )

James D. Hornfischer 2016 _The Fleet at Flood Tide: USA at Total War in the Pacific 1944-1945_ (602 pages; 940.5459; )

Erik Horning & David Lortin 1999 _Akhenaten and the Religion of Light_ ()

Erik Hornung 1996 _Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt: The One and the Many_ (285 pages)

David Horowitz 2001 _UnCivil Wars: the Controversy Over Slavery_ ()

David Horowitz 2009 _A Cracking of the Heart_ ()

David Horowitz 2013 _Fight Fire with Fire_ (28 pages; 1.086MB)

David Horowitz 2011 _A Point in Time: The Search for Redemption in This Life and the Next_ ()

David Horowitz 2005 _The End of Time_ ()

David Horowitz 2012 _Radicals: Portraits of a Destructive Passion_ (230 pages; 436KB)

David Horowitz & Jeff Riggenbach 2000, 2008 _The Art of Political War: and Other Radical Leftist Pursuits_ (215 pages; 324.72)

David Horowitz 1997 _Radical Son_ (bio)

David Horowitz & Peter Collier 1989 _Destructive Generation_ ()

David Horowitz 1998 _The Politics of Bad Faith_ ()

David Horowitz 8888 _Hating Whitey and Other Regressive Causes_ ()

David Horowitz 8888 _The Professors_ ()

David Horowitz 8888 _Indoctrination U_ ()

David Horowitz 8888 _Left Illusions: An Intellectual Odyssey_ ()

David Horowitz & Ben Johnson 8888 _Party of Defeat: How Democrats and Radicals Undermined America's War on Terror Before and After 2001/09/11_ ()

David Horowitz 8888 _The Black Book of the American Left: vol2 Regressives_ ()

David Horowitz 8888 _The Black Book of the American Left: vol6 Regressive Racism_ ()

David Horowitz 8888 _The Black Book of the American Left: vol? Culture Wars_ ()

David Horowitz 8888 _The Black Book of the American Left: vol? The Left in the University_ ()

Lois Horowitz 1999 _Dozens of Cousins: Blue Genes, Horse Thieves, and Other Relative Surprises in Your Family Tree_ ()

Robert Britt Horowitz 2013 _America's Right: Anti-Establishment Conservatism from Goldwater to the Tea Party_/_USA's Right: Establishment Classical Liberalism from Goldwater to the Tea Party_ ()

Roger Horowitz 2016 _Kosher USA: How Coca-Cola Became Kosher and Other Tales of Modern Food_ (310 pages; 2.2MB)

Roger Horowitz 2005 _Putting Meat on the Table: Taste, Technology, Transformatio_ (190 pages)

Rosemary Horrox 1994 _The Black Death_ (355 pages)

Peter Horry & Mason Locke Weems 1857 _The Life of Francis Marion..._ ()

Richard A. Horsley & John S. Hanson 1985, 1999 _Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular Movements in the Time of Jesus_ (312 pages)

(50) ►Reginald Horsman 1970, 1975 _The Frontier in the Formative Years 1783-1815_ (237 pages; ISBN 9780826303134/ 9780030830358; OCLC 1079371577/ 1079370598; UNM/Holt, Reinhart & Winston; ILL request)◀

Reginald Horsman 1992 _Expansion and American Indian Policy 1783-1812_ ()

Reginald Horsman 1962 _The Causes of the War of 1812_ ()

David Horspool 2009 _The English Rebel: 1K Years of TroubleMaking from the Normans to the Nineties_ (460 pages; 16.4MB)

George Horton 8888 _The Blight of Asia: On the History of the Systematic Extermination of Christian Populations in Asia_ (110 pages; 800KB)

Lester V. Horwitz 1999 _The Longest Raid of the Civil War: Little-Known & UnTold Stories of Morgan's Raid into Kentucky, Indiana, & Ohio_ (445 pages)

Robert H. Horwitz 1979, 1982, 1986 _The Moral Foundations of the American Republic_ (335 pages)

(54) Tony Horwitz 2011 _MidNight Rising: John Brown and the Raid That Sparked the Civil War_ (661 pages; 2.8MB; LT 973.7114 Hor; Main)

(55) Tony Horwitz 2008 _A Voyage Long and Strange: ReDiscovering the New World: On the Trail of Vikings, Conquistadors, Lost Colonists, and other Adventures in Early America_ (696 pages; 4.4MB; LT 970.01 Hor; Main)

Jacob Hoschander 2012 _The Book of Esther in the Light of History_ (326 pages)

Halford Lancaster Hoskins 1928 _British Routes to India_ (480 pages)

William George Hoskins 1970, 1981, 2014 _The Making of the English Landscape_ (295 pages; 36.8MB)

William George Hoskins 1957, 2013 _The Midland Peasant: The Economic and "Social" History of a LeicesterShire Village_ (340 pages)

John D. Hosler 2018 _The Siege of Acre 1189-1191: Saladin, Richard the LionHeart, & the Battle That Decided the 3rd Crusade_ (260 pages; 19MB)

John A. Hostetler 1968 _Amish Society_ ()

Jed Hotchkiss 1899 _Confederate Military History: vol3 Virginia_ ()

Hubert Houben, Graham A. Loud & Diane Milburn 2002, 2007 _Roger ii of Sicily: A Ruler between East and West_ (230-250 pages; ISBN 0521652081/ 0521655730/ 9780521652087/ 9780521655736; OCLC 1075296050; Cambridge U)

Davis W. Houck 8888 _Rhetoric As Currency: Hoover, Roosevelt & the Great Depression_ ()

Peter W. Houck & Edward Addison Craighill 8888 _Confederate Surgeon: The Personal Recollections of E.A. Craighill_ ()

Jim Hougan 1984 _Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA_ (364.132; )

Richard Hough 1958, 2000 _The Fleet That Had To Die_ ()

(57) ►Vince Houghton 2019 _The Nuclear Spies: USA's Atomic Intelligence Operation against Hitler and Stalin_ (240 pages; 925 pages; ILL request)◀

Ralph A. Houlbrooke 1984, 2014 _The English Family 1450-1700_ (270 pages; 1.5MB)

Ralph A. Houlbrooke 2018 _Love and Dishonour in Elizabethan England: 2 Families and a Failed Marriage_ (245 pages)

David A. Hounshell 1984, 1985 _From the American System to Mass Production 1800-1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the USA_ (425 pages)

Albert H. Hourani & Nadim Shehadi 1992 _The Lebanese in the World: A Century of Emigration_ ()

George Fablo Hourani & John Carswell 1951, 1963, 1995 _Arab SeaFaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times_ ()

Edward M. House & Charles Syemour 1921 _What Really Happened at Versailles_ ()

Kirk W. House 2005 _Curtiss-Wright_ (128 pages; 41.6MB)

Norman Housley 2006 _Contesting the Crusades_ ()

Norman Housley 2008 _Fighting for the Cross_ ()

Peter Houston & Ted Franklin Belue 1842, 1997 _A Sketch of the Life and Character of Daniel Boone_ (96 pages)

R.A. Houston 1985 _Scottish Literacy and Scottish "Identity": Illiteracy and Society in Scotland and Northern England 1600-1800_ ()

R.A. Houston & W.W.J. Knox 2001, 2002 _The New Penguin History of Scotland from the Earliest Times to the Present Day_ (565 pages)

W.A. Houston 2016 _The Contract: A Spiritual Guide to Relationships_ (92 pages; 371KB)

Wade L. Houston 2006 _Fighting the American Revolution: Tactics, Battles & BattleFields_ ()

Richard G. Hovannisian 2004 _The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times: vol1 The Dynastic Periods from Antiquity to the 14th Century_ (360 pages)

Clinton N. Howard 1947 _The British Development of West Florida 1763-1769_ ()

(55) Douglas Arthur Howard 2001 _The History of Turkey_ (1071-1993; 241 pages; 956.1 How; Main)

Ian Howard 2008 _Harthacnut: The Last Danish King of England_ ()

Michael Howard 1995 _Stategic Deception in the Second World War_ ()

Michael C. Howard 2012 _TransNationalism in Ancient and Medieval "Societies": The Role of Cross-Border Trade and Travel_ (300 pages; 3.9MB)

(55) Philip K. Howard 2014 _The Rule of Nobody: Saving America from Dead Laws and Broken Government_ (244 pages; 649KB; 340.11 How; Main+NE)

(55) Philip K. Howard 2001 _The Lost Art of Drawing the Line: How Fairness Went Too Far_ (255 pages; 378KB; 349.73 How; NE)

Robert West Howard 8888 _The DawnSeekers_ ()

Rodney Howard-Browne & Paul L. Williams 2018 _The Killing of Uncle Sam: The Demise of the United States of America_ (485 pages; 7.4MB)

James Howard-Johnston 2006 _East Rome, Sasanian Persia, and the End of Antiquity: Historiographical and Historical Studies_ (325 pages)

James Howard-Johnston 2010 _Witnesses to a World Crisis: Historians and Histories of the Middle East in the 7th Century_ (565 pages; 13.9MB)

David Howarth 1981, 2001 _The Voyage of the Armada: The Spanish Story_ ()

David Howath 1981 _1066: The Year of the Conquest_ ()

(40) Daniel Walker Howe 2009 _What Hath God Wrought: the Transformation of America 1815-1848_ (928 pages; 973.5 How; Main)

Daniel Walker Howe 1979, 1984 _The Political Culture of the American Whigs_ (414 pages)

Frederic C. Howe 1915 _Socialized Germany_ ()

George F. Howe 2018 _NorthWest Africa: Seizing the Initiative in the West: United States Army in World War 2: The Mediterranean Theater o Operations_ (900 pages; 5.1MB)

Henry Howe & John Warner Barber 1844, 1845 _Historical Collections of Virginia: Containing a Collection of the..._ ()

Henry Howe 1856 _Historical Collections of Virginia_ ()

Henry Howe & John Warner Barber 1847, 1888, 1896, 1902, 1907 _Historical Collections of Ohio_ (2 volumes)

Henry Howe 8888 _The Great West_ ()

Henry Howe 1982 _History of Butler County Ohio 1803-1889 Excerpted from the Centennial History of Ohio 1898 Edition of Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio_ ()

Henry Howe 8888 _Achievement of Americans_ ()

Henry Howe 8888 _Life and Death on the Ocean_ ()

Henry Howe 8888 _Travels and Adventures of Celebrated Travelers_ ()

Henry Howe 8888 _The Picture Preacher_ ()

Irving Howe 1976 _The World of Our Fathers: The Journey of the East European Jews to America and the Life They Found and Made_ (760 pages)

Irving Howe & Kenneth Libo 1979 _How We Lived_ ()

John R. Howe 1966 _The Changing Political Thought of John Adams_ ()

Martha C. Howell 1986 _Women, Production, and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities_ ()

Martha C. Howell 2009 _The Marriage Exhange: Property, "Social" Place, and "Gender" in Cities of the Low Countries 1300-1550_ (285 pages; 3.6MB)

Raymond C. Howell 1987 _The Royal Navy and the Slave Trade_ ()

Wilbur Samuel Howell 1941, 1965 _The Rhetoric of Alcuin & Charlemagne: A Translation with an Introduction, the Latin Text, and Notes_ ()

William Howells 1997 _Getting There: The Story of Human Evolution_ ()

William Dean Howells 2016 _Amazing Stories from the History of Ohio: The Renegades, the First Great Settlements, the Captivity of James Smith, Indian Heroes and Sages, Life in the BackWoods, the Civil War..._ (225 pages; 3.2MB)

Henry Hoyle Howorth 2008, 2013 _History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th Century: The So-Called Tartars of Russia and Central Asia_ ()

Derek Howse 1980, 2003 _Greenwich Time and the Longitude_ (200 pages)

Gerald Howson 1970 _Thief-Taker General: The Rise and Fall of Jonathan Wild_ ()

Susan Howson & Donald Moggridge 1990 _The WarTime Diaries of Lionel Robbins and James Meade 1943-1945_ ()

Frederick E. Hoxie 1989 _The Crow_ ()

Frederick E. Hoxie 1997 _Parading through History: The Making of the Crow Nation in the USA 1805-1935_ (400 pages)

C.I. Hoy 1936 _John Jacob Astor_ (325 pages; 5.7MB)

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Robert G. Hoyland 2014 _In God's Path: The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic Empire_ (321 pages; 18.4MB)

B. Dexter Hoyos 1997, 1998 _UnPlanned Wars: The Origins of the First and Second Punic Wars_ (340 pages)

B. Dexter Hoyos 2010 _The Carthaginians_ (280 pages; 2.9MB)

B. Dexter Hoyos 2008 _Hannibal: Rome's Greatest Enemy_ (310 pages; 17MB)

B. Dexter Hoyos 8888 _Hannibal's Dynasty: Power and Politics in the Western Mediterranean 247BCE-183BCE_ (310 pages; 17MB)

(60) B. Dexter Hoyos 2015 _Mastering the West: Rome & Carthage at War_ (337 pages; 4.4MB; 937.04 Hoy; Main)

Edwin Palmer Hoyt 1988, 2000 _The GI's War: The Story of American Soldiers in Europe in WW2_ ()

Edwin Palmer Hoyt 2011 _Seals at War_ ()

Edwin Palmer Hoyt 2000, 2011 _How They Won the War in the Pacific: Nimitz and His Admirals_ (580 pages; 4.6MB)

Edwin Palmer Hoyt 1986 _Japan's War: The Great Pacific Conflict 1853 to 1952_ ()

Edwin Palmer Hoyt 1993 _3 Military Leaders: Heihachiro Togo, Isoroku Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Yamashita_ ()

(68) Edwin Palmer Hoyt 1962 _The Vanderbilts and Their Fortunes_ (920 H868V; Main)

Edwin Palmer Hoyt ii 1966 _The House of Morgan_ ()

H.M. Hozier 1867 _The 7 Weeks' War: Its Antecedents and Incidents_ ()

John Hruschka 2012 _How Books Came to America: The Rise of the USA Book Trade_ (240 pages; 1.9MB)

Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Andrzej Poppe, Frank E. Sysyn, Uliana M. Pasicznyk & Marta Skorupsky 1997 _History of Ukraine-Rus: vol1 from PreHistory to the 11th Century_ (595 pages)

Cho-Yun Hsu 1965 _Ancient China in Transition: An Analysis of "Social" Mobility 722BCE-222BCE_ (250 pages)

Nian-Sheng Huang 2000, 2001 _Franklin's Father Josiah: Life of a Boston Tallow Chandler 1657-1745_ (155 pages; ISBN 0871699036/ 9780871699039)

Ray Huang 1975 _Taxation and Government Finance in 16th-Century Ming China_ (390 pages)

Ray Huang 1982 _1587: A Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline_ (270 pages)

Yukon Huang 2017 _Cracking the Red China Conundrum: Why Conventional Economic Wisdom Is Wrong_ (270 pages; 6.8MB)

G.E. Hubbard 1938 _Eastern Industrialization and Its Effect on the West_ ()

Glenn Hubbard & Tim Kane 2013 _Balance: The Economics of Great Powers from Ancient Rome to Modern America_ ()

Robert Ernest Hubbard 2017 _Major General Israel Putnam: Hero of the American Revolution_ (250 pages; 6MB)

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Valentine C. Hubbs 1981 _Hessian Journals: UnPublished Documents of the American Revolution_ ()

H. Hubert 1974 _Les Celtes et l'Expansion Celtique_ ()

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Charles O. Hucker 1975, 1995 _China's Imperial Past: An Introduction to Chinese History and Culture_ (490 pages)

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Benjamin T. Hudson 1996 _Prophecy of Berchan: Irish and Scottish High-Kings of the Early Middle Ages_ (280 pages)

Benjamin T. Hudson 2005 _Viking Pirates and Christian Princes: Dynasty, Religion, and Empire in the North Atlantic_ (280 pages)

Benjamin T. Hudson 1994 _Kings of Celtic Scotland_ (215 pages; 2.6MB)

Charles Hudson 2018 _Knights of Spain, Warriors of the Sun: Hernando de Soto and the South's Ancient Chiefdoms_ (590 pages; 20.7MB)

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J. Blaine Hudson 2011 _Fugitive Slaves and the UnderGround RailRoad in the Kentucky BorderLand_ (200 pages)

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Winthrop S. Hudson 1981 _Religion in America_ ()

Theodore Huebener 1962 _The Germans in America_ ()

Lois Miner Huey 2016 _FloodWaters and Flames: The 1913 Disaster in Dayton, Ohio_ (48 pages)

Toby E. Huff 2003, 2017 _The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China, and the West_ (440 pages)

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James Huffman 8888 _Ups and Downs of a Confederate Soldier_ ()

Hugh of St. Victor & Charles Henry Buttimer 1939 _Hugonis de Sancto Victore Didascalicon de Studio Legendi: A Critical Text_ ()

Hugh of St. Victor & Jerome Taylor 1961 _The Didascalicon of Hugh of St. Victor: A Medieval Guide to the Arts_ ()

Ann Hughes 1987 _Politics, Society and Civil War in WarwickShire 1620-1660_ ()

B.P. Hughes 1974, 1975 _FirePower: Weapons Effectiveness on the BattleField 1630-1850_ (Scribner)

Daniel J. Hughes &emp; Harry Bell 1993 _Moltke on the Art of War: Selected Writings_ ()

E.R. Hughes 1937 _The Invasion of China by the Western World_ ()

Edward Hughes 1965 _North Country Life in the 18th Century: The North East_ ()

Emmet John Hughes 1963 _Ordeal of Power; A Political Memoir of the Eisenhower Years_ ()

Ezekiel Hughes 8888 _The Wales-Ohio Project_ ()

H. Stuart Hughes 1964 _History as Art and Science_ ()

Ian Hughes 2010 _Stilicho: The Vandal Who Saved Rome_ (290 pages; 4.6MB)

Ian Hughes 2012, 2013 _Aetius: Atilla's Nemesis_ (265 pages; 3MB)

Ian Hughes 2019 _Atilla the Hun: Arch-Enemy of Rome_ (230 pages)

Ian Hughes 2015 _Patricians and Emperors: The Last Rulers of the Roman Empire_ (230 pages; 27.2MB)

J. Donald Hughes 2014 _Environmental Problems of the Greeks and Romans_ (310 pages; 6.2MB)

Jonathan Hughes & Louis P. Cain 2006-07-08, 2010 _American Economic History_ (700 pages)

Jonathan R.T. Hughes 1978, 1991 _The Governmental Habit Redux: Economic Controls from Colonial Times to the Present_ (280 pages)

Matthew Hughes 2013 _Allenby and British Strategy in the Middle East 1917-1919_ (245 pages; 1.1MB)

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Robert Hughes 1986, 1987, 1988, 2012 _The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia's Founding_ (600 pages; 10.9MB; 994)

Sarah S. Hughes 1979 _Surveyors & Statesmen: Measuring Colonial Virginia_ (195 pages)

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Thomas Parke Hughes 1964 _The Development of Western Technology Since 1500_ (145 pages)

Thomas Parke Hughes 2005 _Human-Built World: How to Think about Technology and Culture_ ()

Thomas Parke Hughes 1983, 1993 _Networks of Power: Electrification in Western "Society" 1880-1930_ (480 pages)

Thomas Patrick Hughes & Frank Munsell 1898, 2010 _American Ancestry: Embracing Lineages from the Whole of the USA_ (237 pages)

Thomas Patrick Hughes 1998, 2011 _Rescuing Prometheus: 4 Monumental Projects that Changed Our World_ (375 pages; 2.6MB)

Thomas Parke Hughes 1989, 2004 _American Genesis: A Century of Invention and Technological Enthusiasm 1870-1970_ (540 pages)

Victoria Tin-bor Hui 2005 _War and State Formation in Ancient China and Early Modern Europe_ (300 pages; 5.4MB)

Johan Huizinga & F. Hopman 1990 _The Waning of the Middle Ages_ ()

Archer Butler Hulbert 1905, 2000 _Washington and the West_ ()

Archer Butler Hulbert 1994, 2009 _The Old National Road: The historic highway of America_ (160 pages)

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Archer Butler Hulbert & C. Stephen Badgley 1906, 2010 _The Ohio River_ (385 pages; 2.8MB)

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Mary E. Hull 2000 _Shays' Rebellion and the Constitution in USA History_ (110 pages)

William Lovell Hull 1954, 1978 _The Fall and Rise of Israel: The Story of the Jewish People during theTime of Their Dispersal & ReGathering_ (424 pages; OCLC 29227806; Zondervan)

Peter Hulme & Ludmilla Jordanova 1990 _The Enlightenment and Its Shadows_ (250 pages;)

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Ivor Noel Hume 1966 _1775: Another Part of the Field_ ()

Ivor Noel Hume 1970, 1991, 2001 _A Guide to Artifacts of Colonial America_ (340 pages)

Martin A.S. Hume 1899 _Calendar of Letters and State Papers Relating to English Affairs, Preserved in, or Originally Belonging to, the Archives of Simancas: vol4 Elizabeth 1587-1603_ ()

Edward Humes 2007 _Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for the American Soul_ ()

Edward Humes 2011 _Force of Nature: The UnLikely Story of WM's "Green" Revolution_ (265 pages; 338.927)

Caroline Humfress 2007 _Orthodoxy and the Courts in Late Antiquity_ (330 pages; 3.8MB)

Jeffrey Rogers Hummel 1996, 2013 _Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: An History of the American Civil War_ (460 pages; 1.8MB)

Hans J. Hummer 2005, 2006 _Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe: Alsace and the Frankish Realm 600-1000_ (310 pages; 4.4MB)

Carol Sue Humphrey 1996 _The Press of the Young Republic 1783-1833_ (190 pages; 2.6MB)

David Humphreys & Rosemarie Zagarri 1991 _Life of General Washington with George Washington's Remarks_ ()

David Humphreys 2000, 2017, 2018 _An Essay on the Life of Major General Israel Putnam_ (260 pages; 3.5MB)

Margaret Humphreys 2008 _Intensely Human: The Health of the Black Soldier in the American Civil War_ (215 pages; 2.5MB)

Margaret Humphreys 2001 _Malaria: Poverty, Race, & Public Health in the USA_ (200 pages; 2.4MB)

Margaret Humphreys 1999 _Yellow Fever and the South_ (230 pages)

Margaret Humphreys 2013 _Marrow of Tragedy: The Health Crisis of the American Civil War_ (390 pages; 4.8MB)

Margaret Humphreys 1996, 2011 _Empty Cradles: Oranges & SunShine_ (375 pages; 4.5MB)

R. Stephen Humphreys 1977, 2008 _From Saladin to the Mongols: The Ayyubids of Damascus 1193-1260_ ()

Taras Hunczak & Richard Pipes 1978 _The Ukraine 1917-1921: A Study in Revolution_ (380 pages)

Norris Hundley ii 1966 _Dividing the Waters: A Century of Controversy between the United States and Mexico_ ()

Dave Hunt 2006 _Judgment Day!: Islam, Israel, & the Nations_ (570 pages; 738KB)

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Gaillard Hunt 1902 _The Life of James Madison_ ()

George T. Hunt 1940, 1960, 1967 _The Wars of the Iroquois: A Study in InterTribal Trade Relations_ (210 pages)

John Hunt 2016 _Warriors, WarLords, and Saints: The Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Mercia_ (160 pages; 15.8MB)

Michael H. Hunt 1988 _Ideology and US Foreign Policy_ ()

Michael H. Hunt 1983 _The Making of a Special Relationship: The United States and China to 1914_ ()

Michael H. Hunt 1973 _Frontier Defense and the Open Door: Manchuria in Chinese-American Relations 1895-1911_ ()

Michael H. Hunt 1983 _The Making of a Special Relationship: The United States and China to 1914_ ()

Morton M. Hunt 1959, 1994 _The Natural History of Love_ (470 pages)

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Roger D. Hunt 2011 _Colonels in Blue: Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia_ (220 pages; 11.3MB)

Terry Hunt & Carl Lipo 2011 _The Statues that Walked: UnRaveling the Mystery of Easter Island_ ()

W. Ben Hunt 1939, 1974, 1975 _How to Build and Furnish a Log Cabin: The Easy, Natural Way Using Only Hand Tools and the Woods Around You_ (160 pages)

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J. Marvin Hunter 1920, 1923, 1985, 1996, 2016, 2019 _The Trail Drivers of Texas: Interesting Sketches of Early CowBoys_ (1085-1,100 pages; 2MB; ISBN 9780292730762; OCLC 69654047; UTexas/Argosy-Antiquarian)

Louis C. Hunter 1949, 2012 _SteamBoats on the Western Rivers_ (704 pages)

Robert Hancock Hunter 1813-1902: From His Arrival in Texas 1822 through the Battle of San Jacinto 1836_ (46 pages)

R.J. Hunter 2012 _The Ulster Plantation in theCounties of Armagh and Cavan 1608-1641_ (6.3MB)

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Stephen C. Hunter & John Bainbridge ii 2005 _American GunFight: The Plot to Kill Harry Truman_ (368 pages; 364.152)

William W. Hunter 2013 _History of India from Ancient Times to the 20th Century_ (223 pages)

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Charles Clifford Huntington 2009, 2010, 2012 _An History of Banking and Currency in Ohio before the Civil War_ (316 pages)

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Zsolt Hunyadi & Jozsef Laszlofszky 2014 _The Crusades and the Military Orders_ (516 pages)

Dennis P. Hupchick 1994 _Culture and History in Eastern Europe_ (195 pages)

Dennis P. Hupchick 2002 _The Balkans from Constantine to Communism_ (460 pages)

Dennis P. Hupchick 2017 _The Bulgarian-Byzantine Wars for Early Medieval Balkan Hegemony: Silver-Lined Skulls and Blinded Armies_ (350 pages; 3.9MB)

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Daniel Hurewitz 2007 _Bohemian Los Angeles and the Making of Modern Politics_ (365 pages; 4.9MB)

Henry R. Hurst 1984 _Excavations at Carthage: 1 The Salammbo Site_ ()

Henry R. Hurst 1994 _Excavations at Carthage: 2 The Circular Harbor, North Side_ (330 pages)

Jack Hurst 1993, 1994 _Nathan Bedford Forrest: A Biography_ (433 pages; biography Forrest)

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R. Douglas Hurt 2002 _The Indian Frontier 1763-1846_ (310 pages)

Richard Huscroft 2009 _The Norman Conquest: A New Introduction_ ()

Richard Huscroft 2006 _Expulsion: England's Jewish "Solution"_ (Edward i; 192 pages)

Richard Huscroft 2004, 2005, 2016 _Ruling England 1042-1217_ (250 pages; 11.9MB)

Richard Huscroft 2004, 2005, 2016 _Tales from the Long 12th Century: The Rise and Fall of the Angevin Empire_ (325 pages; 3.6MB)

Hobart Huson 1974 _Captain Phillip Dimmitt's Commandancy of Goliad 1835-1836: An Episode of the Mexican Federalist War in Texas, Usually Referred to as the Texian Revolution_ (290 pages)

James Huston 1998 _Religion and the Founding of the American Republic_ ()

James L. Huston 1987 _The Panic of 1857 and the Coming of the Civil War_ ()

R.A. Huston 1985 _Scottish Literacy and Scottish Identity 1600-1800_ ()

Reeve Huston 2010 _The Early American Republic: An History in Documents_ (245)

Alma R. Hutchens 1991 _Indian Herbology of North America_ ()

Francis Hutcheson _A System of Moral Philosophy_ ()

Francis Hutcheson _An Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue_ ()

Francis Hutcheson 1728 _Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections_ ()

John Hutchinson & Anthony D. Smith 1994 _Nationalism_ ()

Louise Daniel Hutchinson 1982 _Anna J. Cooper: A Voice from the South_ (200 pages)

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William T. Hutchinson et al. 1962 _The Papers of James Madison_ ()

William R. Hutchison 1987 _Errand to the World: American Protestant Thought and Foreign Missions_ ()

(52) James M. Hutchisson 205 _Poe_ (290 pages; ISBN 1578067219; UMiss; B Poe; Main)

Donald A. Hutslar 1977 _The Log Architecture of Ohio_ ()

James H. Hutson 1980 _John Adams and the Diplomacy of he American Revolution_ ()

James H. Hutson 1998 _Religion and the Founding of the American Republic_ ()

James H. Hutson 2005 _Divided by God: America's Church-State Problem and What We Should Do about It_ ()

James H. Hutson 1975 _A Decent Respect to the Opinions of ManKind: Congressional State Papers 1774-1776_ ()

James H. Hutson, Daniel L. Driesbach, John Witte ii, Mark A. Noll et al. 1999, 2000 _Religion and the New Republic: Faith in the Founding of America_ (218 pages; 1.4MB)

James H. Hutson 2005, 2009 _The Founders on Religion: A Book of Quotations_ (280 pages; 2.6MB)

James H. Hutson & Jaroslav Pelikan 1998 _Religion and the Founding of the American Republic_ (145 pages)

James H. Hutson 2005, 2009 _Church and State in USA: The First 2 Centuries_ (220 pages; 620KB)

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Richard Jay Hutto 2006 _Their Gilded Cage: The Jekyll Island Club Members_ ()

J.H. Hutton 1946 _Caste in India: Its Nature, Function and Origins_ ()

Paul Andrew Hutton 2009 _Soldiers West: Biographies from the Military Frontier_ ()

Paul Andrew Hutton & Robert M. Utley 2004 _The Custer Reader_ ()

Paul Andrew Hutton 1999 _Phil Sheridan and His Army_ ()

Paul Andrew Hutton 2016 _The Apache Wars: The Hunt for Geronimo, the Apache Kid, and the Captive Boy Who Started the Longest War in American History (490 pages; 73.6MB)

(45) Robin Hutton 2018 _War Animals: The UnSung Heroes of World War 2_ (256 pages; 940.541 Hut; Main+NE)

Ronald Hutton 1993 _Restoration: A Political and Religioius History of England and Wales 1658-1667_ (390 pages)

Michael Huxley 1952 _The Root of Europe: Studies in the Diffusion of Greek Cultures_ ()

Richard Huzzey 2012 _Freedom Burning: Anti-Slavery and Empire in Victorian Britain_ (310 pages; 2MB)

Albert M. Hyamson 1979 _The British Consulate in Jerusalem in Relation to the Jews of Israel 1838-1914_ (580 pages)

Anne F. Hyde 2012 _Empires, Nations, and Families: An History of the North American West 1800-1860_ (640 pages; 9.2MB)

Charles K. Hyde 2014 _Images from the Arsenal of Democracy_ (300 pages; 76.3MB)

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H. Montgomery Hyde 1966 _Cynthia: The Spy Who Changed the Course of the War_ ()

H. Montgomery Hyde 1969 _John Law: The History of an Honest Adventurer_ ()

Samuel C. Hyde ii 8888 _Plain Folk of the South Revisited_ ()

W.W. Hyde 1947 _Ancient Greek Mariners_ ()

Ann Hyland 1994 _The Medieval WarHorse from Byzantium to the Crusades_ ()

William George Hyland 8888 _In Defense of Thomas Jefferson_ ()

William George Hyland 2019 _George Mason: The Founding Father Who Gave Us the Bill of Rights_ (515 pages; 4.5MB)

Harold M. Hyman 1997 _The ReConstruction Justice of Salmon P. Chase: In Re Turner and Texas v. White_ (220 pages)

Charles S. Hyneman & Donald S. Lutz 1983 _American [USA] Political Writing During the Founding Era 1760-1805_ (1440 pages; 2.4MB )

R. Hyslop 2008 _Varangian_ ()


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