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(80) Lee A. Iacocca & William Novak 1984, 1985 _Iacocca: An AutoBiography_ (579 pages; 6.3MB; biography Iacocca; large; NE)
(40) Lee A. Iacocca & Catherine Whitney 2007 _Where Have All the Leaders Gone?_ (274 pages; 525KB; 303.34 Iac; Main+NE+E+Jax)
V.L. Ianin 2008 _The Cambridge History of Russia From Early Rus to 1689_ ()
(40) ►Raymond Ibrahim 2018 _Sword and Scimitar: 14 Centuries of War between Islam and the West_ (340 pages; 35MB; ILL request)◀
Harold L. Ickes 1953-1955 _The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes_ ()
Wilt L. Idema & Stephen H. West 2016 _Records of the 3 Kingdoms in Plain Language_ (230 pages; 5.3MB)
Stanley J. Idzerda 1977 _LaFayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers_ ()
Merritt Ierley 1993 _Traveling the National Road: Across the Centuries on USA's First HighWay_ (265 pages)
Stefan Ihrig 2014 _Atatuerk in the Nazi Imagination_ (320 pages; 4.9MB)
Tal Ilan 1999 _Integrating Women into Second Temple History_ ()
Henry Iliowzi 1897 _"In the Pale": Stories and Legends of the Russian Jews_ ()
Joseph E. Illick 1976 _Colonial Pennsylvania_ ()
Peter Illisch 2017 _Medieval European Coinage: vol2 Western Germany_ (1,140 pages; 60.2MB; see Philip Grierson for vol1; Miquel Crusafont for vol6; Rory Naismith for vol8; William R. Day ii for vol12)
Richard H. Immerman 1998 _John Foster Dulles: Piety, Pragmatism, and Power in US Foreign Policy_ (221 pages)
Steiner Imsen 2010 _The Norwegian Domination and the Norse World c.1100-c.1400_ (285 pages)
Halil Inalcik 1973, 1989, 2001 _The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age 1300-1600_ (265 pages)
Halil Inalcik 1997 _An Economic and "Social" History of the Ottoman Empire_ (470 pages)
Halil Inalcik 2017 _The Ottoman Empire and Europe: The Ottoman Empire and Its Place in European History_ (120 pages)
Allison Ind 1963 _A Short History of Espionage_ ()
Ronald B. Inden 2001 _Imagining India_ (300 pages)
Fay Ingalls 1949, 2010 _The Valley Road_ (300 pages)
Barbara Ingham & Paul Mosley 2013 _Sir William Arthur Lewis: A Biography_ (340 pages; 2.9MB)
Harald Ingholt 1928 _Studier over Palmyrensk Skulptur_ ()
(70) Christopher Ingraham 2019 _If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home By Now: Why a Couple Coastal Leftist Loons Left the Over-Populated, Over-Crowded, Over-Taxed, Over-Regulated Commuting Commune Life for a Little House on the Minnesota Prairie and Failed to Appreciate It but Tried to Denigrate It_ (275 pages; 070.92 Ing; Main+NE)
Matthew Innes 2007 _An Introduction to Early Medieval Western Europe 300-900: The Sword, the Plough, and the Book_ (560 pages)
Matthew Innes 2000 _State and "Society" in the Early Middle Ages: The Middle Rhine Valley 400-1000_ (325 pages; 6MB)
Stephen Innes 1983 _Labor in a New Land: Economy and Society in 17th Century Springfield_ ()
Stephen Innes 1988 _Work and Labor in Early America_ (297 pages)
George P. Insh 1922 _Scottish Colonial Schemes_ ()
Bernard Ireland 2002 _War at Sea 1914-1945_ ()
Stanley Ireland 2008 _Roman Britain: A SourceBook_ (290 pages; 2MB)
John P. Irish 2015 _Historical Thinking Skills: A WorkBook for USA History_ (HS Advanced Placement; 270 pages)
Maya Soifer Irish 2016 _Jews and Christians in Medieval Castile: Tradition, CoExistence, and Change_ (335 pages)
Akira Iriye 1967 _Across the Pacific: An Inner History of American East Asian Relations_ ()
Akira Iriye 1977 _From Nationalism to InterNationalism: US Foreign Policy to 1914)
Akira Iriye 1972 _Pacific Estrangement: Japanese and American Expansion 1897-1911_ (304 pages)
Akira Iriye 1973 _After Imperialism: The Search for a New Order in the Far East 1921-1931_ ()
Akira Iriye 1987 _The Origins of the Second World War in Asia and the Pacific_ ()
Peter Irons 1999 _A People's History of the Supreme Court_ ()
sir Edmund Ironside, Roderick MacLeod & Denis Kelly 1962 _Time UnGuarded: The Ironside Diaries 1937-1940_ ()
H.A. Ironside 1914, 2014 _The 400 Silent Years: Between Malachi and Matthew_/_The 400 Silent Years: From Malachi to Matthew_ (115 pages; 514KB)
Clifford Irving 2014 _The Battle of Jerusalem: The 6-Day War of 1967 June_ (120 pages; 6MB)
David John Cawdell Irving 1981 _The War Between the Generals_ ()
David John Cawdell Irving 1977, 2009, 2013 _The Trail of the Fox: The Search for the True Field Marshal Rommel_ (650 pages; 9.8MB)
Gordon Irving 1972 _Brush Up Your Scotland_ ()
Joseph Irving 1879 _The Book of DumbartonShire_ ()
Nicholas Irving 2016 _Way of the Reaper: My Greatest UnTold Missions and the Art of Being a Sniper_ (956.7044342)
Washington Irving 8888 _Life of Washington_ (5 volumes)
Washington Irving 1833, 2013 _A Tour on the Prairies: An Account of 30 Days in Deep Indian Country_ (165 pages; 1.1MB)
Washington Irving & Charles Neider 1975 _George Washington: A Biography_ (abridged)
reverend Clarke H. Irwin 1890, 2010 _An History of Presbyterianism in Dublin and the South and West of Ireland_ (178 pages; in particular pp3-13)
Robert Irwin 2010 _The New Cambridge History of Islam: vol4 Islamic Cultures and "Societies" to the End of the 18th Century_ (930 pages; 8.6MB; for vol1 see Chase F. Robinson; vol2 Maribel Fierro)
Will Irwin 2005 _The Jedburghs: The Secret History of the Allied Special Forces in France 1944_ (323 paes; 940.5486)
Benjamin Isaac 2004, 2006 _The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity_ (585 pages)
Eric Isaac 1970 _Geography of Domestication_ ()
Rhys Isaac 2005 _Landon Carter's Uneasy Kingdom: Revolution and Rebellion on a VA Plantation_ ()
Rhys Isaac 1982 _The Transformation of Virginia 1740-1790_ ()
Harold Isaacs 1975 _Idols of the Tribe_ ()
Walter Isaason 2007 _Einstein: His Life and Universe_ (704 pages; biography hard + CD)
Walter Isaacson 2004 _Benjamin Franklin: An American Life_ (586 pages; 25.9MB; biography Franklin; hard + CD; Main+E+NE+FtBraden)
Walter Isaacson 2017 _Leonardo da Vinci_ (599 pages; 535.025MB; biography Franklin; Main+E+NE+Jax)
Walter Isaacson 2003 _A Benjamin Franklin Reader_ ()
Walter Isaacson & Evan Thomas 1986 _The Wise Men_ (327.2092)
Timothy T. Isbell 2007 _Shiloh and Corinth: Sentinels of Stone_ (150 pages)
Timothy T. Isbell 2006 _Vicksburg: Sentinels of Stone_ (165 pages)
Bliss Isely 1953 _The Presidents: Men of Faith_ ()
(47) ►Bliss Isely 1962, 2011 _The HorseMan of the Shenandoah: A Biographical Account of the Early Days of George Washington_ (232 pages; ISBN 1258119978/ 9781258119973; OCLC 818729; Bruce; biography Washington; ILL request)◀
Jeter Allen Isely 1947 _Horace Greeley and the Republican Party 1853-1861: A Study of the New York Tribune_ (360 pages)
William Iseminger 2010 _Cahokia Mounds: USA's First City_ (170 pages; 6.2MB)
colonel James Isenberg 1928 _George Rogers Clark: Fort Harrod's Pioneer Hero of the American Revolution_ (27 pages)
Thomas Isham, sir Gyles Isham & N. Marlow 1971 _Diary of Thomas Isham of Lamport 1671-1673_ ()
ibn Ishaq & Alfred Guillaume 768, 2002 _The Life of Muhammad: The Sira_ ()
Micheline Ishay 1997 _The Human Rights Reader: Major Political Writings, Essays, Speeches, and Documents from the Bible to the Present_ ()
Jonathan I. Israel 1985, 1997 _European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism 1550-1750_ (280 pages)
Jonathan I. Israel 1975 _Race, Class and Politics in Colonial Mexico 1610-1670_ ()
Jonathan I. Israel 2014 _Revolutionary Ideas: An Intellectual History of the French Revolution from the Rights of Man to Robespierre_ (888 pages)
Jonathan I. Israel 2001 _Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750_ ()
Paul Israel 1998, 2000 _Edison: A Life of Invention_ (552 pages; biography Edison; biography Edison)
Raphael Israeli 2016 _"Pisces" Out of Morocco and the Saga of the Clandestine Jewish Exodus_ ()
Raphael Israeli 2016 _Old Historians, New Historians, No Historians: The DeRailed Debate on the Genesis of Israel_ (230 pages; 1.9MB)
Raphael Israeli 2016 _Christianophobia: The Persecution of Christians under Islam_ (260 pages; 1.3MB)
Raphael Israeli 2004 _Islamikaze: Manifestations of Islamic Martyrology_ (485 pages; 2.2MB)
Raphael Israeli 2015 _Israel's Nightmares: Palestinian and Muslim Zombies Haunting Israel_ (515 pages)
Raphael Israeli 2016 _The Internationalization of ISIL/ISIS/IS/Daesh/Caliphate: The Muslim State in Iraq and Syria_ (280 pages; 1.1MB)
Raphael Israeli 2013 _From Arab Spring to Islamic Winter_ (330 pages; 1.3MB)
Raphael Israeli 2002 _Jerusalem Divided: The Armistice Regime 1947-1967_ (240 pages; 1.5MB)
Raphael Israeli & Albert Benabou 2013 _Savagery in the Heart of Europe: The Bosnian War 1992-1995_ (585 pages)
Raphael Israeli 2013 _Death Camps of Croatia: Visions and ReVisions 1941-1945_ (220 pages; 809KB)
Raphael Israeli 2014 _Defeat, Trauma, Lesson: Israel Between Life and Extinction_ (400 pages; 1.1MB)
Raphael Israeli 2002 _Islam in China: Religion, Ethnicity, Culture, and Politics_ (345 pages; 1MB)
Raphael Israeli 2009 _Muslim Anti-Semitism in Christian Europe: Elemental and Residual Anti-Semitism_ (280 pages)
Raphael Israeli 2008 _The Islamic Challenge in Europe_ (270 pages)
Sasha Issenberg 2012 _The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns_ (390 pages; 1.8MB)
B.S.J. Isserlin & J. du Plat Taylor 1997 _Motya: A Phoenician and Carthaginian City in Sicily: Field Work and Excavation_ (110 pages)
Norman Itzkowitz 1972 _Ottoman Empire and Islamic Tradition_ (120 pages; 845KB)
Larry E. Ivers 2016 _This Torrent of Indians: War on the Southern Frontier 1715-1728_ (290 pages; 6.4MB)
J. Moss Ives 1936 _The Ark and the Dove: The Beginnings of Civil and Religious Liberties in America_ ()
Motohiko Izawa & Matthew Hunter 2017 _An UpSide Down History of the World: vol1 The Rise & Fall of Ancient Egypt & Confucian China_ (295 pages; 26.6MB)
Misa Izuhara 2003 _Comparing "Social" Policies: Exploring New Perspectives in Britain and Japan_ ()
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