jgo Reading Room: History -- M

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  - - - - - M

Laurence J.C. Ma 1971 _Commercial Development and Urban Change in Sung China 960-1279_ ()

Amin Maalouf 1984 _The Crusades Through Arab Eyes_ ()

John R. Maass 2015 _The Road to YorkTown: Jefferson, LaFayette, and the British Invasion of Virginia_ (200 pages; 7.7MB)

R.A.S. Macalister 2014 _The Philistines: Their History and Civilization_ (150 pages; 4.4MB)

Meredith MacArdle 2012 _TimeLine History of the Middle Ages from 400CE to 1500CE_ (135 pages)

Douglas MacArthur 2012 _Reminiscences_ (470 pages; 8.3MB)

Carlile Aylmer Macartney 1930, 2008 _The Magyars in the 9th Century_ (250 pages)

Carlile Aylmer Macartney 1962 _Hungary: A Short History_ ()

Carlile Aylmer Macartney 2008 _Hungary: From 9th Century Origins to the 1956 UpRising_ (270 pages)

Carlile Aylmer Macartney 1974 _Maria Theresa and the House of Austria_ (170 pages)

Catherine Macaulay 8888 _History of England_ ()

Thomas Babington Macaulay 1899 _History of England from the Accession of James Second_ (at least 2 volumes)

Thomas Babington Macaulay 1854 _Critical and Historical Essays Contributed to the Edinburgh Review_ (3 volumes)

Thomas Babington Macaulay 1842, 1900 _Miscellanies_ ()

Martha MacCallum 2020 _UnKnown Valor: A Story of Family, Courage, & Sacrifice from Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima_ (325 pages; 25.5MB)

Wilburn E. MacClenny 1910 _The Life of reverend James O'Kelly and the Early History of the Christian Church in the South_ ()

Hyam Maccoby 1980 _Revolution in Judea_ ()

Hyam Maccoby 1993 _Judaism on Trial: Jewish-Christian Disputations in the Middle Ages_ (235 pages)

Leslie S.B. MacCoul 1989 _Dioscorus of Aphrodito: His Work and His World_ (215 pages)

(67) Diarmaid MacCulloch 2003, 2004, 2005 _The Reformation: An History_ (831 pages; 270.6 Mac; Main)

(67) Diarmaid MacCulloch 2018 _Thomas Cromwell: A Revolutionary Life_ (biography Thomas Cromwell; Main+NE)

J.A. MacCulloch 1911 _The Religion of the Ancient Celts_ ()

Margaret MacCurtain 9999 _An History of Ireland_ ()

Margaret MacCurtain 1972 _Tudor and Stuart Ireland_ (220 pages)

Alan R. MacDonald 2016 _The Burghs and Parliament in Scotland c. 1550-1651_ (250 pages; 2.2MB)

Burton MacDonald 2011 _Pilgrimage in Early Christian Jordan: A Literary and Archaeological Guide_ (255 pages)

Dwight MacDonald 1962 _Against the American Grain_ ()

Elizabeth P. MacDonald 1947 _UnderCover Girl_ ()

Eve MacDonald 2015 _Hannibal: A Hellenistic Life_ (345 pages; 1.5MB)

sir George MacDonald 1934, 2014, 2017 _The Roman Wall in Scotland_ (485 pages; 3.1MB)

Iain MacDonald 1994 _Saint Margaret_ (64 pages)

Iain MacDonald 2013 _Clerics and Clansmen: The Diocese of Argyll between the 12th and 16th Centuries_ (460 pages)

James Macdonald 2003 _A Free Nation Deep in Debt: The Financial Roots of Democracy_ ()

John MacDonald 1988 _Great Battles of the Civil War_ (973.7; Main+NE; over-size)

Kevin MacDonald 2019 _Individualism and the Wetern Liberal Tradition: "Evolutionary" Origins, History, & Prospects for the Future_ (530 pages; 2.9MB)

Kimberly MacDonald 2016 _Genealogy on a ShoeString Budget: Researching Your Family History without Breaking the Bank_ (20 pages; 434KB)

L. Lloyd MacDonald 2012 _Tejanos in the 1835 Texas Revolution_ (360 pages; 1.4MB)

Malcolm MacDonald 1969 _People and Places: Random Reminiscences of the Right Honorable Malcolm MacDonald_ ()

Michael Patrick MacDonald 2008 _Easter Rising: A Memoir of Roots and Rebellion_ (305.891)

William Lloyd MacDonald 1965, 1982, 1986 _The Architecture of the Roman Empire: vol1 An Introductory Study_ (225 pages; ISBN 9780300028195; OCLC 963219093; YaleU)

William Lloyd MacDonald 1988 _The Architecture of the Roman Empire: vol2 An Urban Appraisal_ (316 pages; ISBN 9780300034707; OCLC 949133940; YaleU)

William MacDonald 1904 _Select Charters and Other Documents Illustrative of American History 1606-1775_ ()

William MacDonald 1898, 2016 _Documentary Source Book of American History 1606-1898_ ()

William MacDonald 1928, 1929 _Documentary Source Book of American History 1606-1929_ ()

Giles MacDonough 2009 _After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation_ (650 pages; 5.7MB)

John Donald MacDougall 1917 _Scots and Scots' Descendants in America_ ()

Margaret Oliphant MacDougall 1953 _The Clan MacKay: A Celtic resistance to feudal superiority_ ()

Norman Macdougall 2001 _An Antidote to the English: The Auld Alliance 1295-1560_ (160 pages)

Simon MacDowall & Howard Gerrard 2001 _Adrianople 378CE: The Goths Crush Rome's Legions_ (Fritigern vs. Valens; 95 pages)

Simon MacDowall & Peter Dennis 2015 _Catalaunian Fields 451CE: Rome's Last Great Battle_ (Champagne, Huns; 95 pages)

Thomas MacEntee 2015 _The Genealogy Do-Over WorkBook_ (98 pages; 1.1MB; High Definition Genealogy)

Thomas MacEntee 2013 _Staying Safe with "Social Media": A Guide for Genealogy and Family History_ (25 pages; 1.5MB)

Christopher Hatch MacEvitt 2008, 2009 _The Crusades and the Christian World of the East: Rough Tolerance_ (280 pages)

Alan MacFarlane 2000 _The Riddle of the Modern World: Of Liberty, Wealth, and Equality_ (320 pages; 320.1)

Alan MacFarlane 1978, 1988 _The Origins of English Individualism: The Family Property and "Social" Transition_ (200 pages)

Alan MacFarlane & Gerry Martin 2011 _The Glass Bathyscaphe: How Glass Changed the World_ (260 pages; 2.1MB)

Alan MacFarlane 1989 _The Culture of Capitalism_ (265 pages)

Roderick MacFarquhar 1997 _The Politics of Red China: The Eras of Mao and Deng_ ()

Giolla Iosa Mor Mac Firbis c. 1400 _Leaghar Buidhe Lecain_ (Yellow Book of Lecan including Leaghar na gCeart--Book of Rights)

Penny MacGeorge 2003 _Late Roman WarLords_ (360 pages; 4.2MB)

Lindsay J. MacGibbon & Thomas Ross 1889, 2018 _The Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland from the 12th to the 18th Century vol1_ (5 volumes 1887-1892; 595 pages)

Lindsay J. MacGibbon & Thomas Ross 1889, 2015 _The Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland from the 12th to the 18th Century vol2_ (5 volumes 1887-1892; 620 pages)

Lindsay J. MacGibbon & Thomas Ross 1889, 2019 _The Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland from the 12th to the 18th Century vol3_ (5 volumes 1887-1892; 670 pages)

Lindsay J. MacGibbon & Thomas Ross 1892, 2019 _The Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland from the 12th to the 18th Century vol4_ (5 volumes 1887-1892; 600 pages)

Lindsay J. MacGibbon & Thomas Ross 1892, 2019 _The Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland from the 12th to the 18th Century vol5_ (5 volumes 1887-1892; ???? pages)

Douglas A. MacGregor 2003 _A Transformation Under Fire: Revolutionizing How America Fights_ ()

Forbes Macgregor 1984 _Famous Scots_ ()

Geddes MacGregor 1980 _Scotland Forever Home_ ()

Gregor MacGregor 1881 _The History of Glasgow: From the Earliest History to the Present Time_ ()

Lindsay J. MacGregor & Richard Oram 2000 _Atholl & Gowrie: North PerthShire: An Historical Guide_ (255 pages)

Neil MacGregor 2011, 2013 _An History of the World in 100 Objects_ (707 pages; 56.7MB; 930.1)

Marco Machado 2018 _The ReBirth of the Philosopher "King": Trump's Campaign and the Leadership of the Information Age_ (145 pages; 399KB)

Tibor R. Machan 2001 _Individual Rights ReConsidered: Are the Truths of the US Declaration of Independence Lasting?_ ()

Niccolo Machiavelli 1527, 2003 _The Discourses_ ()

Julie MacIntosh 2011 _DeThroning the King: The Hostile TakeOver of Anheuser-Busch, an American Icon_ (400 pages; 2MB)

(60) Ben MacIntyre 2014 _A Spy among Friends: Kim Philby's Great Betrayal_ (368 pages; 327.1247; Main+NE)

(61) Ben MacIntyre 2016 _Rogue Heroes: The History of the SAS, Britain's Secret Special Forces Unit That Sabotaged the Nazis and Changed the Nature of War_ (380 pages; 940.5412; E)

(63) Ben MacIntyre 2012 _Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies_ (399 pages; 940.54; Main+NE)

(64) Ben MacIntyre 2010 _Operation MinceMeat: How a Dead Man and a Bizarre Plan Fooled the Nazis and Assured an Allied Victory_ (400 pages; 940.548641; Main+NE+E)

(65) Ben MacIntyre 2007 _Agent ZigZag: A True Story of Nazi Espionage, Love, and Betrayal_ (364 pages; 940.548641; Main+NE)

(85) Ben MacIntyre 2004 _The Man Who Would Be King: The First American in Afghanistan_ (351 pages; biography Josiah Harlan; NE+FtBraden)

(87) Ben MacIntyre 2001 _The Englishman's Daughter: A True Story of Love and Betrayal in World War 1_ (254 pages; 940.48141; Main+Jax+Outreach)

(89) Ben MacIntyre 1997 _The Napoleon of Crime: The Life and Times of Adam Worth, Master Thief_ (336 pages; biography Worth; Main)

(91) Ben MacIntyre 1992 _Forgotten FatherLand: The Search for Elisabeth Nietzsche_ (256 pages; 320.5; Main)

(92) Ben MacIntyre 2018 _The Spy and the Traitor: The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War_ (358 pages; 327.1273047; Main+Jax)

Arien Mack 1991, 1994 _In Time of Plague: The History & "Social" Consequences of Lethal Epidemic Disease_ (210 pages)

Thomas S. Mack 2997 _"Gentleman George" Hunt Pendleton: Party Politics & Ideological "Identity" in 19th-Century USA_ (9999 pages; Kent State U)

Angus Mackay 1906, 2010 _The Book of MacKay_ ()

Charles Mackay 1888 _A Dictionary of LowLand Scotch_ ()

Charles Mackay 1859 _Life and Liberty in America: Sketches of a Tour of the United States and Canada in 1857-1858_ ()

George A. Mackay 1931 _A Scots Brigade Flag for Amsterdam_ ()

John MacKay 2012 _The Reay Fencibles, or lord Reay's highlanders_ ()

Robert MacKay 2010, 2011 _History of the House and Clan of MacKay, containing for connection and elucidation, besides accounts of many other Scottish families..._ ()

Alexander Mackay-Smith 1948 _The ThoroughBred in the Lower Shenandoah Valley 1785-1842_ ()

reverend Canon MacKenzie 1899 _Scotland's Share in Civilizing the World_ ()

Compton Mackenzie 1979 _Realms of Silver_ ()

Donald MacKenzie & Judy Wajcman 1985, 1999 _The Social Shaping of Technology_ ()

Frederick Mackenzie 1968 _The Diary of Frederick Mackenzie_ ()

George E. Norbury Mackenzie 1907, 1912, 1996 _Colonial Families of the United States of America_ (see vol1 pg6 and vol4 page205)

William Mackenzie 1841 _History of Galloway from the Earliest Period to the Present Time_ ()

William Vincent McKean 1863 _The National Almanac and Annual Record for the Year 1863: vol1_ (battle of Big Bethel)

Peter Handyside M'Kerlie/Peter Handyside McKerlie & Immeline M.H. M'Kerlie/Immeline M.H. McKerlie 1877, 1906, 1993, 2016 _History of the Lands and Their Owners in Galloway with Historical Sketches of the District_ (at least 2 volumes)

Peter Handyside McKerlie 1891 _Galloway in Ancient and Modern Times_/_Galloway: Ancient and Modern_ ()

Colin Mackerras 1989 _Western Images of China_ ()

B. Allan Mackie 1997 _Notches of All Kinds: A Book of Timber Joinery_ ()

John D. Mackie 1952 _The Earlier Tudors 1485-1558_ ()

John D. Mackie 1991 _An History of Scotland_ (400 pages; 5.4MB)

Donald W. MacKinnon 1978 _In Search of Human Effectiveness: Identifying and Developing Creativity_ (210 pages)

Donald W. MacKinnon 1962 _The Nature and Nurture of Creative Talent_ ()

Robin MacKintosh/Robin Mackintosh 2013 _Augustine of Canterbury: Leadership, Spirituality, & Mission_ (200 pages; 592KB)

Tim Mackintosh-Smith 2012 _Travels with a Tangerine: A Journey in the FootNotes of ibn Battutah_ (365 pages; 3.5MB)

mrs. Archibald Mackirdy & William Nicholas Willis 2010, 2015 _The White Slave Market_ (175 pages)

Judith Mackrell 2008 _Bloomsbury Ballerina: Lydia LopoKova, Imperial Dancer and Mrs. John Maynard Keynes_ ()

Kenneth Macksey 2003 _Guderian: Panzer General_ ()

Cecily Mackworth 1975 _The Destiny of Isabelle Eberhardt_ ()

William Maclay & George Washington Harris 2010 _Sketches of Debate in the First Senate of the United States 1789-1791_ ()

Alistai Maclean & Alastair M. Dunnett 1972 _Alistair Maclean Introduces Scotland_ ()

Fitzroy Maclean 1970, 2012 _A Concise History of Scotland_ (250 pages)

J.P. MacLean 1900 _An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America_ ()

J.P. MacLean 2015 _Mound Builders_ (170 pages; 1MB)

Simon MacLean 2003, 2007 _Kingship and Politics in the Late 9th Century: Charles the Fat and the end of the Carolingian Empire_ (380 pages)

Simon MacLean 2009 _History and Politics in Late Carolingian & Ottoman Europe: The Chronicle of Regino of Pruem and Adalbert of Magdeburg_ (320 pages)

Julio Crespo MacLennan 2018 _Europa: How Europe Shaped the Modern World_ (477 pages; 940; Main)

Christine MacLeod 1988 _Inventing the Industrial Revolution: The English Patent System 1660-1800_ ()

Duncan J. MacLeod 1974 _Slavery, Race and the American Revolution_ ()

Innes Macleod 1986 _Discovering Galloway_ ()

Edward MacLysaght _Irish Life in the 17th Century_ ()

David S. MacMillan 1967 _Scotland and Australia 1788-1850_ ()

(44) Margaret MacMillan 2020-10-06 _War: How Conflict Shaped Us_ (304-312-325 pages; 32.2MB; 1.35 pounds; ISBN 1984856138/ 9781984856135; OCLC 1158508035; RandomHouse/Penguin/Profile; 355.0208 Mac; Main)

(50) Margaret MacMillan & Richard Holbrooke 2002, 2003, 2007 _Paris 1919: 6 Months That Changed the World_ (624 pages; 3MB; 940.3141 Mac; Main)

(55) ►Margaret MacMillan 2013, 2014 _The War that Ended Peace: The Road to 1914_ (739 pages; 18.6MB; 2.35 pounds; ISBN 140006855/ 9781400068444; OCLC 1136023481/ 902842307/ 945084057; RandomHouse; 940.311; !!!???was catalogued, now it is not???!!!; ILL request)◀

(70) Margaret MacMillan 2015 _History's People: Personalities and the Past_ (389 pages; 920.02)

Margaret MacMillan 2009, 2010 _Dangerous Games: The Uses & Abuses of History_ (188-200 pages; 513KB; ISBN 0812979966/ 9780812979961; OCLC 731262110; Modern)

Ramsay MacMullen 1988, 1990 _Corruption and the Decline of Rome_ (320 pages)

Ramsay MacMullen 1997 _Christianity and Paganism in the 4th to 8th Centuries_ (270 pages)

Willard Carey MacNaul 1915 _The Jefferson-Lemen Compact_ ()

Neil MacNeil & Richard A. Baker 2013 _The American Senate: An Insider's History_ ()

Richard MacNeish 1992 _The Origins of Agriculture and Settled Life_ ()

Thomas MacNevin 2012 _The Confiscation of Ulster in the Reign of James the First, commonly called the Ulster plantation_ ()

Gearold MacNiocaill 1972 _Ireland before the Vikings_ (180 pages)

K.M. MacPhee 2012 _DalRiada: HeartLand of Scotland_ (135 pages)

Crawford B. MacPherson 1962 _The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: From Hobbes to Locke_ ()

Malcolm MacPherson 2006 _Roberts Ridge: A Story of Courae and Sacrifice on Takur Ghar Mountain, Afghanistan_ (384 pages)

Alan MacQuarrie 2013 _Medieval Scotland: Kingship and Nation_ (256 pages; 3.7MB)

J.G. MacQueen 1986 _Hittites and Their Contemporaries in Asia Minor_ ()

Ann MacSween & Mick Sharp 1990 _PreHistoric Scotland_ ()

John MacTaggart 1824 _Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopedia_ ()

Thomas F. Madden 2005, 2006, 2013 _The New Concise History of the Crusades_ (255 pages; 14.1MB)

Thomas F. Madden 2017 _The Crusades Controversy: Setting the Record Straight_ (40 pages; 1.2MB)

Thomas F. Madden 2012 _Venice: A New History_ (455 pages; 18.7MB)

(33) Thomas F. Madden 2008 _Empires of Trust: How Rome Built, and the USA Is Building, a New World_ (350 pages; 1.7MBs; RBdigital audio)

(45) Thomas F. Madden 2008 _The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire_ (350 pages; 1.7MBs; RBdigital audio)

(69) Thomas F. Madden 2004, 2005 _Crusades: The Illustrated History_ (220 pages; 909.07 Cru; E)

(75) Thomas F. Madden 2004, 2005 _An History of Venice_ (RBdigital audio)

(85) Thomas F. Madden 2004, 2005 _The Medieval World 1_ (RBdigital audio)

(87) Thomas F. Madden 2004, 2005 _The Medieval World 2_ (RBdigital audio)

Robert Maddin 1988 _The Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys_ (400 pages)

Angus Maddison 2003 _The World Economy: Historical Statistics_ ()

Angus Maddison 2001 _The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective_ ()

John Masefield 2005 _25 Days: The Rescue of the BEF from Dunkirk 1940 May 10-1940 June 3_ (British Expeditionary Force; 245 pages)

James Madison & George Mason 2008 _Bill of Rights with Writings that Formed Its Foundation_ (56 pages; Little Books of Wisdom)

James Madison _Writings_ (esp. "to Edmund Pendleton")

James Madison & Jonathan Elliott 1787, 1881 _Debates on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution_ ()

James Madison & Gordon Lloyd 1787, 2015 _Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787_ (684 pages; 1.6MB)

James Madison & Saul K. Padover 1953 _The Complete Madison_ ()

James Madison, William C. Rives & Philip R. Fendall 1865, 2009, 2010 _Letters and Other Writings of James Madison_ (4 volumes)

James Madison & Galliard Hunt 1908 _The Writings of James Madison_ (at least 8 volumes)

James Madison & Marvin Meyers 1973, 1981 _The Mind of the Founder: Sources of the Political Thought of James Madison_ (495 pages)

James H. Madison 2006 _Eli Lilly: A Life 1885-1977_ (340 pages)

Axel Madsen 2007 _John Jacob Astor: America's First MultiMillionaire_ (300 pages; 3.5MB)

Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen 1973 _The World of the Huns: Studies in Their History and Culture_ ()

Paul Magdalino 1993 _The Empire of Manuel i Komnenos 1143-1180_ ()

D.F. Magee, esq. 1913 _Early Settlement & History of Little Britain Township, including Fulton Township_ ()

John Magill 1832 _The Pioneer to the Kentucky Emigrant_ ()

lieutenant-colonel Robert L. Maginnis 2013 _Deadly Consequences: How Cowards Are Pushing Women into Combat_ (245 pages; 1MB)

lieutenant-colonel Robert L. Maginnis 2016 _Future War: Super Soldiers, Terminators, CyberSpace, and the National Security Strategy for 21st Century Combat_ (860 pages; 1.5MB)

lieutenant-colonel Robert L. Maginnis & Angie Peters 2016 _Never Submit: Will the Extermination of Christians Get Worse Before It Gets Better_ (385 pages; 1MB)

lieutenant-colonel Robert L. Maginnis 2017 _The Deeper State: Inside the War on Trump by Corrupt Elites, Secret Societies, and the Builders of an Imminent Final Empire_ (290 pages)

Gerard N. Magliocca 2013 _American Founding Son: John Bingham and the Invention of the 14th Amendment_ (295 pages; 3.5MB; ILL request)

Lois N. Magner 2005 _An History of Medicine_ ()

Jodi Magness 2012 _The Archaeology of the Holy Land from the Destruction of Solomon's Temple to the Muslim Conquest_ (390 pages; 177.6MB)

Jodi Magness 2003 _The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Israel_ (240 pages)

Jodi Magness 1993 _Jerusalem Ceramic Chronology c. 200CE-80CE_ (300 pages)

Phillip W. Magness & Sebastian N. Page 2011 _Colonization After Emancipation: Lincoln & the Movement for Black ReSettlement_ (175 pages; 987KB)

Myron Magnet 2013 _The Founders at Home: the Building of America 1735-1817_ (500 pages; 14.4MB)

Myron Magnet 1993, 2000 _The Dream and the Nightmare: The 1960s' Legacy to the "UnderClass" (230 pages; 2.4MB)

Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Palsson 1960 _Njal's Saga_ ()

Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Palsson 1969 _Laxdaela Saga_ ()

Magnus Magnusson 2003 _Scotland: The Story of a Nation_ (740 pages)

Paul Robert Magocsi & Geoffrey J. Matthews 1993, 1995 _Historical Atlas of East Central Europe_ (210 pages)

Paul Robert Magocsi 2002 _Historical Atlas of Central Europe_ (280 pages)

Paul Robert Magocsi 1996, 2010 _An History of Ukraine: The Land and Its People_ (775-890 pages)

Paul Robert Magocsi 2014 _Ukraine: An Illustrated History_ (345 pages; 45.5MB)

Paul Robert Magocsi 1985 _Ukraine: An Historical Atlas_ (75 pages)

Paul Robert Magocsi 2015 _With Their Backs to the Mountains: An History of Carpathian Rus and Carpatho-Rusyns_ (540 pages)

Paul Robert Magocsi 2006 _The People From NoWhere: An Illustrated History of Carpatho-Rusyns_ ()

Paul Robert Magocsi & Yohanan Petrovsky Shtern 2016 _Jews and Ukrainians: A Millennium of Co-Existence_ (310 pages)

Paul Robert Magocsi 1989 _The Carpatho-Rusyn Americans_ (100 pages)

Harry J. Magoulias 1984 _O City of Byzantium: Annals of Niketas Choniates_ ()

(40) James A. Mahaffey 2017 _Atomic Aventures: Secret Islands, Forgotten M-Rays, & Isotopic Murder: A Journey into the Wild World of Nuclear Science_ (363 pages; ISBN 978681774213; Pegasus; 333.7924 Mah; Main)

Jerome Dean Mahaffey 2007 _Preaching Politics: The Religious Rhetoric of George Whitefield and the Founding of a New Nation_ ()

Jerome Dean Mahaffey 2011 _The Accidental Revolutionary: George Whitefield and the Creation of America_ ()

Jerome Dean Mahaffey 1895 _The Empire of the Ptolemies_ ()

Usha Mahajani 1960 _The Role of Indian Minorities in Burman and Malaya_ ()

Alfred Thayer Mahan 1890, 1894, 1987, 2016 _The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783_ (350 pages; 2.9MB)

Alfred Thayer Mahan & John B. Hattendorf 2015 _Mahan on Naval Strategy: Selections from the Writings of Rear-Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan_ (425 pages; 2.1MB)

Alfred Thayer Mahan 1913, 1968 _The Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence_ ()

Kishore Mahbubani 2005 _Beyond the Age of Innocence: ReBuilding Trust Between America and the World_ ()

B. Mahieu 2012 _Between Rome and Jerusalem: Herod the Great and His Sons in their Struggle for Recognition: A Chronological Investigation of the period 40BCE-30CE, with a Time Setting of New Testament Events_ ()

John K. Mahon 1991 _The War of 1812_ (490 pages)

John K. Mahon 1983 _History of the Militia and the National Guard_ (365 pages)

Kevin A. Mahoney 2019 _Setting the Rising Sun: Halsey's Aviators Strike Japan 1945 Summer_ (360 pages; 8MB)

D.A. Mahony 1863, 2018 _Prisoner of State_ (Civil War; 415 pages)

Pauline Maier 1980 _The Old Revolutionaries: Political Lives in the Age of Samuel Adams_ ()

Pauline Maier 1986 _The American People: An History_ (770 pages)

(29) Pauline Maier 2010 _Ratification: The People Debate the Constitution 1787-1788_ (589 pages; 342.7302 Mai; Main)

Pauline Maier 1972, 1973, 1992, 2013 _From Resistance to Revolution: Colonial Radicals and the Development of American Opposition to Britain 1765-1776_ (305 pages; 3.9MB)

Gideon Mailer 2016, 2017-01-16 _John Witherspoon's American Revolution: Enlightenment and Religion from the Creation of Britain to the Founding of the United States of America_ (430-440 pages; 9.8MB; ISBN 9781469628189; OCLC 951190457; UNC)

Jackson Turner Main 1972, 1973, 2014 _Political Parties Before the Constitution_ (480 pages; 14.4MB)

Jackson Turner Main 1965, 1969, 1973 _The Social Structure of Revolutionary America_ (330 pages)

(29) ►Jackson Turner Main 1961, 1974, 2017 _The Anti-Federalists: Critics of the Constitution 1781-1788_ (281-304-308-310 pages; ISBN 9780393007602; OCLC 251372673/ 640084793/ 46988342; Norton/UNC; ILL request)◀

Victor H. Mair & Jane Hickman 2014 _ReConfiguring the Silk Road: New Research on East-West Exchange in Antiquity_ (135 pages)

Charles Keith Maisels 2003 _The Emergence of Civilization: From Hunting and Gathering to Agriculture, Cities, and the State of the Near East_ (400 pages; 10.9MB)

Stephen Ephraim Maizlish 1983 _The Triumph of Sectionalism: The Transformation of Politics in Ohio 1844-1856_ (300 pages)

Stephen Ephraim Maizlish 2018 _A Strife of Tongues: The Compromise of 1850 and the Ideological Foundations of the American Civil War_ (320 pages; 7.3MB)

John Major 1521, 1740, 2010 _Historia Majoris Britanniae tam Angliae quam Scotiae_ (435 pages)

R.C. Majumdar 1951 _The History and Culture of the Indian People: The Vedic Age_ ()

R.C. Majumdar 1955 _Ancient Indian Colonization in South East Asia_ ()

R.C. Majumdar et al. 1958 _Advanced History of India_ ()

(57) Adam Makos 2019 _SpearHead: An USA Tank Gunner, His Enemy, and a Collision of Lives in World War 2_ (393 pages; 940-541273 Mak; Main+E)

Sandra C. Malamed 2010 _The Return to Judaism: Descendants from the Inquisition Discovering Their Jewish Roots_ (320 pages)

Goffredo Malaterra/Galfredus Malaterra 2005 _The Deeds of Count Roger of Calabria and Sicily and of Duke Robert Guiscard his Brother_ ()

Goffredo Malaterra/Galfredus Malaterra & Kenneth Baxter Wolf 2005 _The Deeds of Count Roger of Calabria and Sicily and of His Brother Duke Robert Guiscard_ (240 pages)

Ian M. Malcolm 2012 _Life Aboard a WarTime Liberty Ship_ (190 pages; 6.9MB)

Noel Malcolm 2015 _Agents of Empire: Knights, Corsairs, Jesuits, and Spies in the 16th Century Mediterranean World_ (630 pages; 19.6MB)

Napier Malcolm 1921?, 2014 _5 Years in a Persian Town_ (320 pages)

mrs. Napier Malcolm 1911 _Children of Persia_ (95 pages)

S.K. Malik 1992 _The Quranic Concept of War_ ()

Ed Maliskas 2016 _John Brown to James Brown: The Little Farm Where Liberty Budded, Blossomed, and Boogied_ (285 pages)

(52) Carter Malkasian 2001 _The Korean War 1950-1953_ (96 pages; ISBN 1841762822; Osprey; 951.9042 Mal; Main)

(13) ►Michelle Malkin 2015, 2016 _Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of USA TinkerPreneurs_ (325 pages; 4.2MB; ISBN 1501130838/ 9781501130830; OCLC 948692162; First Threshold/Mercury Ink; ILL request)◀

(32) Michelle Malkin 2004 _In Defense of Internment: The Case for "Racial Profiling" in World War ii & the War on Terror_ (WW2; 376 pages; ISBN 089526051; Regnery; 940.631; NE)

(35) Michelle Malkin 2009, 2010 _Culture of Corruption: Obummer and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies_ (386 pages; 1.005MB; 973.932; Main+NE+E+BLPerry+FtBraden)

(39) Michelle Malkin 2005 _UnHinged: Exposing Leftists Gone Wild_ (231 pages; 920KB; 320.51; NE)

(52) ►J.F. Mallory 2013, 2017-09-19, 2018 _Origins of the Irish_ (320-328 pages; ISBN 9780500293300; OCLC 1202001371; Thames & Hudson; ILL request)◀

Otto Tod Mallery 1947 _More Than Conquerors: Building Peace on Fair Trade_ (204 pages; ISBN 99999; OCLC 2556099; Harper)

Otto Tod Mallery 1941, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1972 _Economic Union and Durable Peace_ (183 pages; ISBN 9780836927788; OCLC 875646939/ 247414; Harper)

Otto Tod Mallery 1943, 1944, 1945, 1972 _Family Record Book: Schweighauser-Tod-Otto-Mallery Families_ (archival materials; 2 volumes: v1 1711-1933, v2 1933-1951; ISBN 999; OCLC 26516433; economist & Philadelphia Recreation Association president)

Karla Mallette 2005 _The Kingdom of Sicily 1100-1250: A Literary History_ ()

Karla Mallette 1992 _The Norman Kingdom of Sicily_ ()

Donald L. Mllick & Peter W. Merlin 2012 _The Smell of Kerosene: A Test Pilot's Odyssey: NASA Research Pilot Stories, XB-70 Tragic Collision, M2-F1 Lifting Body, YF-12 BlackBird, Apollo LLRV Lunar Landing Research Vehicle (NASA SP-4108)_ (255 pages; 4.2MB)

Klaus-Michael Mallmann, Martin Cueppers & Krista Smith 2010 _Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine_ (274 pages; 2.3MB)

Daniel L. Mallock 2016 _Agony and Eloquence: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and a World of Revolution_ (465 pages; 5.8MB)

James P. Mallory 1989, 1991 _In Search of the Indo-Europeans_ (280 pages)

James P. Mallory & Victor Mair 2000, 2008 _The Tarim Mummies: Ancient China and the Mystery of the Earliest People from the West_ (350 pages)

Dumas Malone 1948, 1981 _Jefferson and His Time: The Sage of Monticello_ ()

Dumas Malone 1948 _Jefferson the Virginian_ ()

Dumas Malone 1962 _Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty_ ()

Dumas Malone 1970 _Thomas Jefferson, the President: First Term 1801-1805_ ()

Michael Shawn Malone 2012, 2015 _Four Percent: The Story of Uncommon Youth in a Century of American Life_ (280 pages; 14.5MB)

(80) Michael Shawn Malone 2014 _The Intel Trinity: How Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy Grove Built the World's Most Important Company_ (and drove out much more elegant chip designs; 541 pages; 3.1MB; 338.7621 Mal; Main)

Patrick M. Malone 1993, 2000 _The Skulking Way of War: Technology and Tactics Among the New England Indians_ (133-144 pages; 7.107MB; ISBN 9781568331652; OCLC 255006728; Johns Hopkins U/Madison)

William S. Maltby 2009 _The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire_ (240 pages; 1.4MB)

William S. Maltby 1971 _The "Black Legend" in England: The Development of Anti-Spanish Sentiment 1558-660_ (175 pages)

Olive Christian Malvery 2012 _The White Slave Market: An History of White Slaves through the Ages_ (340 pages; 32MB)

Mahmood Mamdani 1996 _Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism_ (340 pages)

David Mamet 2011-06-02 _The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture_ (241-256 pages; 452KB; ISBN 9781595230768/ 9781595230973; OCLC 824132150/ 1083589051; Sentinel; 320.5130973)

David Mamet 1997 _The Old Religion_ (190 pages; biography Mamet)

(51) ►David Mamet 2011 _Why I Am No Longer a Brain-Dead Leftist_ (article Village Voice)◀

John Man 2004, 2013 _Genghis Khan: Life, Death, and Resurrection_ (390 pages; 2.1MB)

John Man 2010 _The Leadership Secrets of Genghis Khan_ ()

John Man 2012 _Kublai Khan: The Mongol King Who ReMade China_ (465 pages; 4.2MB)

John Man 2006 _Kublai Khan: From Xanadu to SuperPower_ ()

John Man 2014 _The Mongol Empire: Genghis Khan, His Heirs and the Founding of Modern China_ (390 pages; 15.8MB)

John Man 2009 _The Great Wall: The ExtraOrdinary Story of China's Wonder of the World_ (340 pages; 13.5MB)

John Man 2009 _Attila: The Barbarian King Who Challenged Rome_ (320 pages)

John Man 2010 _Alpha Beta: How the Alphabet Shaped the Western World_ (320 pages; 970KB)

John Man 2009, 2010 _The Gutenberg Revolution: How Printing Changed the Course of History_ (295 pages; 2.6MB)

John Man 2015 _A Viking Odyssey: Around the World 1K Years Ago_ (185 pages; 2MB)

John Man 2017 _Amazons: The Real Warrior Women of the Ancient World_ (999999 pages; 9999MB)

John Man 2018 _Searching for the Amazons: The Real Warrior Women of the Ancient World_ (290 pages; 9999MB)

John Man 2009, 2014 _Marco Polo: The Journey That Changed the World_ (395 pages; 915.0422; E)

Peter C. Mancall 1995 _Envisioning America: English Plans for the Colonization of North America 1580-1640_ ()

Martha Manchaca 2001 _Recovering History, Constructing Race: The Indian, Black, and White Roots of Mexican Americans_ ()

(55) ►Jean Manco 2013, 2016 _Ancestral Journeys: The Peopling of Europe from the First Venturers to the Vikings_ (300 pages; 50MB; ILL request)◀

Jean Manco 2015 _Blood of the Celts: The New Ancestral Story_ (230 pages; 60.1MB)

(57) ►Jean Manco 2020 _The Origins of the Anglo-Saxons: DeCoding the Ancestry of the English_ (245 pages; ILL request)◀

Neville Mandel 1976 _The Arabs and Zionism before World War 1_ ()

Michael Mandelbaum 2002 _The Ideas That Conquered the World: Peace, Democracy, and Free Markets in the 21st Century_ (520 pages; 1.6MB)

Michael Mandelbaum 1979, 1980 _The Nuclear Question: The United States and Nuclear Weapons 1946-1976_ (280 pages)

Michael Mandelbaum 2009 _The Case for Goliath: How USA Acts as the World's Government in the 21st Century_ (315 pages; 770KB; 327.73)

Michael Mandelbaum 2014 _The Road to Global Prosperity_ (265 pages; 1.5MB; 337)

Michael Mandelbaum 2016 _Mission Failure: USA and the World in the Post-Cold-War Era_ (475 pages; 1.8MB)

J.S. Mangat 1969 _An History of the Asians in East Africa_ ()

Andrew Mango 2000 Ataturk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey_ ()

Cyril A. Mango 2002 _The Oxford History of Byzantium_ (949.502)

Tom Mangold 1991 _Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton: The CIA's Master Spy Hunter_ ()

Michael Mangus 2016 _Ohio: A Military History_ (340 pages)

Clarence Manion 2011 _Americanism: The Key to Peace_ (215 pages; 635KB)

William Lewis Manly 2016 _Death Valley in 1849: An AutoBiography of a Pioneer Who Survived the California Desert_ (490 pages; 9.2MB)

(53) Charles C. Mann 2005, 2006 _1491: New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus_ (550 pages; 7.5MB; 970.011 Man; Main+Woodville)

(57) Charles C. Mann 2011 _1493: UnCovering the New World Columbus Created_ (535 pages; 17.4MB; 909.4 Man; Main+Jax+NE+BLPerry)

Charles C. Mann 2011 _1493: UnCovering the New World Columbus Created_ (545 pages; 14.4MB)

Golo Mann & Charles Kessler 1976 _Wallenstein_ ()

James Mann 2000 _About Face: An History of America's Curious Relationship with China from Nixon to Clinton_ ()

James Mann 2004 _Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush's War Cabinet_ ()

Jessica Mann 2005, 2006, 2014 _Out of Harm's Way: The WarTime Evacuation of Children from Britain_ (340 pages; 1.3MB)

Kenny Mann 1996 _Egypt, Kush, Aksum: NorthEast Africa_ (100 pages)

--Michael Mann 2012 _The Sources of "Social Power": vol1 An History of Power from the Beginning to 1760CE_ (570 pages; 89.4MB)

--Michael Mann 2012 _The Sources of "Social Power": vol2 The Rise of the "Classes" and Nation-States 1760-1914_ (830 pages; 130MB)

--Michael Mann 2012 _The Sources of "Social Power": vol3 Global Empires and Revolution 1890-1945_ (510 pages; 2.2MB)

--Michael Mann 2013 _The Sources of "Social Power": vol4 Globalizations 1945-2011_ (490 pages; 2MB)

Robert A. Mann 2009, 2010 _The B-29 SuperFortress Chronology 1934-1960_ (310 pages; 3.5MB)

Vivian B. Mann 2007 _Convivencia: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spain_ (250 pages)

Vivian B. Mann 2010 _UnEasy Communion: Jews, Christians, and the AltarPieces of Medieval Spain_ (175 pages)

Vivian B. Mann, Richard I. Cohen & Fritz Backhaus 1996 _From Court Jews to the Rothschilds: Art, Patronage, and Power 1600-1800_ (240 pages)

William J. Mann 2014 _Tinseltown_ (the murder of William Desmond Taylor)

William J. Mann 2016 _The Wars of the Roosevelts: The Ruthless Rise of USA's "Greatest" Political Family_ (595 pages; 10MB)

Karl Mannheim 1940 _Man & Society in an Age of Reconstruction_ ()

Alan Manning 2016 _Father Lincoln: The UnTold Story of Abraham Lincoln and His Boys Robert, Eddy, Willie, and Tad_ (280 pages; 7MB)

Molly Guptil Manning 2014 _When Books Went to War: The Stories That Helped Us Win World War 2_ (290 pages; 12.2MB)

Nikki M. Manning 8888 _Historic UnderGround Missoula_ ()

Patrick Manning 1990 _Slavery and African Life: Occidental, Oriental and African Slave Trades_ (240 pages)

Robert D. Manning 2001 _Credit Card Nation: The Consequences of America's Addiction to Credit_ (400 pages)

William Manning 2016 _The Key of Liberty: Shewing the Causes Why a Free Government Has Always Failed, and a Remedy Against It_ (90 pages)

Frelderic Manns 1988 _John and Jamnia: How the Break Occurred between Jews and Christians c. 80CE-100CE_ (Yavneh/Yavne)

Edward Deering Mansfield 2013 _Life of General Winfield Scott_ (370 pages; 375KB)

Harold Mansfield 1966, 2014 _Vision: The Story of Boeing: A Saga of the Sky and the New Horizons of Space_ (375 pages)

Harvey Chaflin Mansfield 2001, 2014 _A Student's Guide to Political Philosophy_ (58 pages; 1MB)

Harvey Chaflin Mansfield 1991, 1993 _America's Constitutional Soul_ (225-250 pages)

Harvey Chaflin Mansfield 2012 _Statesmanship and Party Government: A Study of Burke and Bolingbroke_ (285 pages; 1MB)

Harvey Chaflin Mansfield 1989 _Taming the Prince: The Ambivalence of Modern Executive Power_ (350 pages)

Peter Mansfield 2004 _An History of the Middle East_ (429 pages; 956; Main)

Stephen Mansfield 2001 _Forgotten Founding Father: The Heroic Legacy of George Whitefield_ ()

Stephen Mansfield 1995, 2002 _Never Give In: The ExtraOrdinary Character of Winston Churchill_ (225 pages)

Calvin Manson 2009 _How to Build Log Homes, Shanties and Shacks: Log Home Plans_ (240 pages; 4.5MB)

Peter R. Mansoor 1999 _The GI Offensive in Europe: The Triumph of American Infantry Divisions 1941-1945_ ()

Paul Mantoux 1961, 2013 _The Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century: An Outline of the Beginnings of the Modern Factory System in England_ (540 pages; 3MB)

Jeffrey T. Manuel 2015 _Taconic Dreams: The Struggle to Sustain Mining on Minnesota's Iron Range 1915-2000_ (300 pages; 2.6MB)

Beatrice Forbes Manz 1989, 1999, 2002, 2005 _The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane_ (240 pages)

Zeev Maoz 2009 _Defending the Holy Land: A Critical Analysis of Israel's Security & Foreign Policy_ (730 pages; 3.5MB)

Walter Map & F.K. Furnivall 1170, 1864 _Quete de Saint Graal and Joseph d'Arimathie_/_The Quest for the Holy Grail and Joseph of Arimathea_ ()

Manning Marable 2007 _Race, Reform, and Rebellion: The Second ReConstruction and Beyond in Black USA 1945-2006_ (320 pages; 3.4MB)

David Maraniss 2012 _Barack Obummer: The Story_ (641 pages; biography Obummer)

Ammianus Marcellinus & J.C. Rolfe 1935-1937 _History_/_Res Gestae_ ()

Ammianus Marcellinus & Charles Yonge 2014 _The Later Roman Empire 354CE-378CE_ (800 pages; 3MB)

Victor Marchetti & John D. Marks 1974, 1989 _The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence_ ()

Albert H. Marckwardt 1958, 1980 _American English_ ()

David Marcombe 2003, 2004 _Leper Knights: The Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem in England c. 1150-1544_ (335 pages)

Degna Marconi 1962 _My Father, Marconi_ ()

Juan Marcos & Bejarano Gutierrez 2016 _The Jews of Iberia: A Short History_ (110 pages; 2.3MB)

Juan Marcos & Bejarano Gutierrez 2018 _Forgotten Origins: The Lost Jewish History of Jesus and Early Christianity_/_Forgotten Origins: The Lost Jewish History of Early Christianity_ (540 pages; 2.3MB)

Amy Dockser Marcus 2008 _Jerusalem 1913: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict_ (230 pages; 843KB)

Jacob Rader Marcus 1969, 1970 _The Colonial American Jew 1492-1776_ (3 volumes; 1,700 pages)

Jacob Rader Marcus 1989, 1990 _United States Jewry 1776-1985: vol1 The Sephardic Period_ (vol1; 840 pages)

Jacob Rader Marcus 1969, 1999 _The Jew in the Medieval World: A SourceBook 315-1791_ (600 pages)

Joyce Marcus 1993 _MesoAmerican Writing Systems_ ()

Joyce Marcus & Kent V. Flannery 1994 _Zapotec Civilization: How Urban Society Evolved in Mexico's Oaxaca Valley_ ()

Maeva Marcus 1985 _The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800_ pg744

Henry Marczali 1910 _Hungary in the 18th Century_ ()

Arthur J. Marder 1981 _Old Friends, New Enemies: The Royal Navy and the Imperial Navy: Strategic Illusions 1936-1941_ (at least 2 volumes)

Jerry Maren 2006 _Short and Sweet: The Life and Times of the Lollipop Munchkin_ (200 pages)

Robert A. Margo 8888 _Employment and Unemployment in the 1930s_ ()

Daniel S. Margolies 2012 _A Companion to Harry S. Truman_ (620 pages; 1.9MB)

Matt Margolis, Mark Noonan & Matthew Souders 2016 _The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Hussein Obummer_ (350 pages; 771KB)

Matt Margolis & Jeffrey Lord 2019 _Trumping Obummer: How President Trump [Partially] Saved Us from Barack Hussein Obummer's Legacy_ (215 pages; 2.5MB)

Matt Margolis 2018 _The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obummer_ (215 pages; 585KB)

Jack D. Marietta & G.S. Rowe 2006 _Troubled Experiment: Crime and Justice in PA 1682-1800_ ()

Robert Marion 1994 _Was George Washington Really the Father of Our Country?_ ()

Eduard Mark 2012 _Defending the West: The United States Air Force and European Security 1946-1998_ (56 pages)

Robert Mark & Ahmet S Cakmak 1992 _The Hagia Sophia from the Age of Justinian to the Present_ (275 pages)

Jean Markale 2003 _Montsegur and the Mystery of the Cathars_ (300 pages)

Jean Markale 1976 _Celtic Civilization_ ()

(55) Howard Markel 2017 _The Kelloggs: The Battling Brothers of Battle Creek_ (506 pages; ISBN 9780307907271; OCLC ; Pantheon; biography Kellogg; Main+E)

Isaac Markens 2014 _Abraham Lincoln and the Jews_ (63 pages)

Clements R. Markham 1872 _Reports on the Discovery of Peru_ ()

Donald E. Markle 2004 _Spies and SpyMasters of the Civil War_ (300 pages; 6.2MB)

Charles W. Markman 1991 _Chicago Before History_ ()

Glenn E. Markoe 2000, 2001 _People of the Past: Phoenicians_ (215 pages)

Peter Markoe 1787, 2008 _The Algerine Spy in Pennsylvania: Letters Written by a Native of Agiers on the Affairs of the United States in America, from the Close of the year 1783 to the Meeting of the Convention_ (155 pages)

Carole Marks 1989 _Farewell, We're Good and Gone: The Great Black Migration_ (200 pages )

Gary L. Marks 1990 _Pilgrims Then and Now_ ()

Jonathan Marks 1995 _Human BioDiversity: Genes, Race, and History_ ()

Robert B. Marks 2015 _The Origins of the Modern World: A Global and Environmental Narrative from 15th to the 21st Century_ (270 pages; 4.9MB)

Robert A. Markus 1997 _Gregory the Great and His World_ (260 pages)

Robert A. Markus 1991 _The End of Ancient Christianity_ (250 pages; 33.7MB)

David F. Marley 1994 _Pirates and Privateers of the Americas_ (445 pages)

H. Carlton Marlow & Harrison M. Davis 1976 _The American Search for Woman_ ()

Edward J. Marolda & Robert J. Schneller 2012 _Shield and Sword: The USA Navy and the Persian Gulf War_ (525 pages; 5.8MB)

Eric Maroney 2009 _The Other Zions: The Lost Histories of Jewish Nations_ (230 pages; 14.3MB)

Justin Marozzi 2008 _The Way of Herodotus: Travels with the Man Who Invented History_ (348 pages; 910.92)

John P. Marquand 1936 _The Late George Apley_ ()

John P. Marquand 1950 _Point of No Return_ ()

Joao Pedro Marques 2006 _The Sounds of Silence: 19th-Century Portugal and the Abolition of the Slave Trade_ (290 pages)

Peter Marren 2004, 2013 _1066: The Battles of York, Stamford Bridge & Hastings_ (175 pages; 6.3MB)

Peter Marren 2006 _Battles of the Dark Ages_ (215 pages; 4.6MB)

A. Marretta 2011 _Valcamonica Rock Art Parks: Guide to Visiting Routes_ ()

?Texe Marrs 2013 _DNA Science and the Jewish BloodLine_ (245 pages; 1.5MB)

Michael Marrus 1985 _The UnWanted: European Refugees in the 20th Century_ ()

John Marsden 1995 _Northanhymbre Saga: The History of the Anglo-Saxon Kings of Northumbria_ (250 pages)

John Marsden 2010 _Kings, Mormaers, and Rebels: Early Scotland's Other Royal Family_ (215 pages)

John Marsden 1995 _The Fury of the NorthMen: Saints, Shrines, and Sea-Raiders in the Viking Age 793CE-878CE_ (190 pages)

John Marsden 2003 _Galloglas: Hebridean and West Highland Mercenary Warrior Kindreds in Medieval Ireland_ (160 pages)

John Marsden 2000 _Somerled: And the Emergence of Gaelic Scotland_ (175 pages)

John Marsden, Bede & John Gregory 1996 _The Illustrated Bede_ (205 pages)

Sharon D. Marsh 2017 _The 1st Florida Cavalry Union Volunteers in the Civil War: The Men and Regimental History and What That Tells Us about the Area During the War_ (350 pages; 4.4MB)

D. Marshal et al. 2010 _The Making of Human Concepts_ ()

Bruce Marshall 1998 _Uniforms of the Republic of Texas and the Men That Wore Them 1836-1846_ (80 pages; picture-book)

Charles F. Marshall 1998 _A Ramble through My War: Anzio and Other Joys_ (300 pages; 940.54; Main)

Chester Marshall 1984 _Sky Giants Over Japan: A Diary of a B-29 Combat Crew in WW2_ ()

Christopher Marshall 1994 _Warfare in the Latin East 1192-1291_ (308 pages)

Henrietta Marshall 2018 _The Story of Germany_ (430 pages; 725KB)

Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall 1905, 2009 _Our Island Story: An History of England for Boys and Girls_ (342 pages)

Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall 2014, 2020 _European History from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Reformation_/_The Story of Europe: European History from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Protestant Reformation_ (150-164 pages; 731KB)

Natalie Marshall 2016 _Lady Cannibal: The True Story of Katherine Knight_ (16 pages; 287KB)

O.S. Marshall 1887 _History of De Celeron's Expedition to the Ohio in 1749_ ()

P.J. Marshall 1998 _The Oxford History of the British Empire: The 18th Century_ ()

Peter J. Marshall & David Manuel 1977, 2009 _The Light and the Glory 1492-1793_ (500 pages; 4.3MB)

Peter J. Marshall, David Manuel & Anna Wilson Fishel 1977, 2009 _From Sea to Shining Sea 1787-1837_ (200 pages; 1.7MB)

Phil Marshall 2013 _The Marshall Family of Limavady: vol2 the Murray and Watt Families_ (236 pages; "The 5th Ohio Light Artillery participated in the Siege of Vicksburg and..."pg150)

Rosalind K. Marshall 2009 _St. Giles': The Dramatic Story of a Great Church and Its People_ (230 pages)

Rosalind K. Marshall 2014 _Columba's Iona: A New History_ (215 pages; 8.1MB)

Rosalind K. Marshall 2003 _Scottish Queens 1034-1714_ (215 pages)

Rosalind K. Marshall 1977 _Mary of Guise_ (280 pages)

S.L.A. Marshall 1947 _Men against Fire_ ()

Stephen Marshall 2012 _The City on the Hill from Below: The Crisis of Prophetic Black Politics_ (235 pages)

Tim Marshall 2016, 2017 _A Flag Worth Dying For: The Power and Politics of National Symbols_ (260 pages; 11.6MB; 306.2; Main)

Tim Marshall 2015 _Prisoners of Geography: 10 Maps That Explain EveryThing about the World_ (310 pages; 25.1MB; 320.12; Main+E)

William F. Marshall 1996 _Ulster Sails West: The Story of the Great Emigration from Ulster to North America_ (80 pages)

Daniel Marston 2013 _The 7 Years' War_ ()

Daniel Marston 2014 _The French-Indian War 1754-1760_ (100 pages; 12.7MB)

Jerrilyn Greene Marston 1987 _King and Congress: The Transfer of Political Legitimacy 1774-1776_ ()

John Marszalek 1993 _Sherman: A Soldier's Passion for Order_ ()

John F. Marszalek 1997 _The Petticoat Affair: Manners, Mutiny, and Sex in Andrew Jackson's White House_ ()

(35) John F. Marszalek 1993 _Sherman: A Soldier's Passion for Order_ (635 pages; ISBN 0029201357; Free; B Sherman; Jax)

Scott Martelle 2014 _The Admiral and the Ambassador: One Man's Obsessive Search for the Body of John Paul Jones_ (280 pages; 2.7MB)

James Marten 2000 _The Children's Civil War_ (380 pages; 5.8MB)

James Marten 2012 _Children and Youth During the Civil War Era_ (275 pages; 981KB)

James Marten 2014 _America's Corporal: James Tanner in War and Peace_ (200 pages; 3.3MB)

James Marten 2007 _Civil War America: Voices from the Home Front_ (350 pages)

James Marten 2011 _Sing Not War: The Lives of Union and Confederate Veterans in Gilded Age USA_ (340 pages; 2.1MB)

Bernard Martin & Daniel Jeremy Silver 1974 _An History of Judaism: vol1 From Abraham to Maimonides_ ()

Bernard Martin & Daniel Jeremy Silver 1974 _An History of Judaism: vol2 Europe and the New World_ ()

Bradley K. Martin 2007 _Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty_ (870 pages; 3.1MB)

Calvin Martin 1978 _Keepers of the Game: The Indian-Animal Relationships and the Fur Trade_ ()

Colin Martin & Geoffrey Parker 1999 _The Spanish Armada_ ()

David C. Martin 2003 _Wilderness of Mirrors: Intrigue, Deception, and the Secrets that Destroyed 2 of the Cold War's Most Important Agents_ ()

David G. Martin 1998 _General James Longstreet & His New Jersey Relations_ ()

Fred J. Martin ii 2013-12-20, 2014-02-15 _Abraham Lincoln's Path to ReElection in 1864: Our Greatest Victory_ (525-535 pages; 4.7MB; ISBN 9781491835302/ 9781491835319; OCLC 908514988; AuthorHouse/Atlas)

Frederick Townsend Martin 1911, 2018 _The Passing of the Idle Rich_ (265 pages)

Glenn L. Martin 1960 _Box Kites to Bombers: The Story of the Glenn L. Martin Company_ (38 pages)

H. Desmond Martin 1950 _The Rise of Chingis Khan and His Conquest of North China_ ()

James Kirby Martin & Mark Edward Lender 1982, 2005, 2015 _A Respectable Army: The Military Origins of the Republic 1763-1789_ (250 pages; 5.2MB)

James Kirby Martin, David Preston, Mark Edward Lender, Edward G. Lengel, Charles Neimeyer & Jim Piecuch 2017 _Theaters of the American Revolution_ (War for Independence; 240 pages)

Janet Martin 2008 _Medieval Russia 980-1584_ (530 pages; 4.9MB)

Joseph Plumb Martin 1962, 1991, 2000, 2019 _Private Yankee Doodle_/_Memoir of a Revolutionary Soldier_ (190-300 pages; 2.3MB; EasternAcorn)

Justin Martin 2018 _A Fierce Glory: Antietam: The Desperate Battle That Saved Lincoln and Doomed Slavery_ (310 pages)

Lucinda Martin/Maria Martin 1807, 1818, 2012 _History of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Maria Martin who was 6 years a slave in Algiers; 2 of which she was confined in a dark and dismal dungeon, loaded with irons_ (72 pages; probably fictional)

Marsha Martin 1998, 2005 _Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Land Records, 1729-1750, and Land Warrants, 1710-1742_ (5.5x8.5, paper, index, 204 pp. Names of owners, adjoining property owners, heirs, wives, etc., giving relationships of heirs; history of the land back to the original patent. M0163 - $18.50)

Martin Martin 1695 _Western Islands of Scotland_

Paul Martin 2014 _Villains, Scoundrels, and Rogues: Incredible True Tales of Mischief and Mayhem_ (304 pages; 364.1092; NE+E)

Paula Martin 1988 _Spanish Armada Prisoners: The Story of the Nuestra Senora del Rosario and her Crew, and of other prisoners in engand 1587-1597_ ()

Paul S. Martin & Richard G. Klein 1989 _Quaternary Extinctions: A Pre-Historic Revolution_ (890 pages)

Ralph G. Martin 1971, 2007 _Jennie: The Life of Lady Randolph Churchill_/_Jennie: The Life of the American Beauty Who Became the Toast and Scandal of 2 Continents, Ruled an Age and Raised a Son, Winston Churchill, Who Shaped History_ (760 pages; 2.4MB; biography Churchill; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Sean Martin 2005, 2014 _The Cathars: The Most Successful Heresy of the Middle Ages_ (190 pages; 2.2MB)

Sean Martin 2007 _The Black Death_ (160 pages; 289KB)

Steve Martin 1999 _Britain's Slave Trade_ (190 pages)

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Steve Martin 2015 _A Short History of Disease: Plagues, Poxes, & Civilizations_ (310 pages; 1.4MB)

Thomas Martin & Christopher W. Blackwell 2015 _Alexander the Great: The Story of an Ancient Life_ (200 pages; 691KB)

Wendy Martin, Susan Imbarato, Mary Rowlandson, Sarah Kemble Knigth, William Byrd ii et al. 1994-08-01, 2009, 2014 _Colonial American Travel Narratives_ (352-384 pages; ISBN 9780140390889; OCLC 874851947/ 902571103; Penguin)

Elizabeth Martinez 1990, 1994 _500 Years of Chicano History in Pictures_ (230 pages)

Oscar J. Martinez 1983 _Fragments of the Mexican Revolution: Personal Accounts from the Border_ ()

Oscar J. Martinez 1988 _Troublesome Border_ ()

Jorge Martinez-Laso, Eduardo Gomez-Casado & Antonio Arnaiz-Villena 2012 _PreHistoric Iberia: Genetics, Anthropology, and Linguistics_ (245 pages)

Don Martini 1877, 1986 _Southeastern Indian NoteBook: A Biographical-Genealogical Guide to the 5 Civilized Tribes 1685-1865_ ()

Gina M. Martino 2018 _Women at War in the BorderLands of the Early American NorthEast_ (210 pages; 5.9MB)

Martinsburg Statesman _Martinsburg, Its Surroundings_ (Martinsburg, WV 1877; 917.5497 M386 Pam)

Kati Marton 2010 _Hidden Power: Presidential Marriages That Shaped Our History_ (420 pages; 1.5MB)

Andrei Martyanov 2018 _Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of USA Strategic Planning_ (240 pages; 578KB)

William Marvel 1994 _Andersonville: The Last Depot_ (337 pages; 973.771; Main)

Michael H. Marvins, Joe Holley & Roy Flukinger 2018 _The Texas Hill Country: A Photographic Adventure_ (245 pages; 107.1MB)

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Nur Masalha 2012 _Expulsion of the "Palestinians": The Concept of Transfer in Zionist Political Thought 1882-1948_ (225 pages; 721KB)

Nur Masalha 2018 _"Palestine": A 4K Year "History"_ (295 pages; 1.8MB)

J. Alden Mason 1957 _The Ancient Civilizations of Peru_ ()

George Mason & Rogert A. Rutland 1970 _The Papers of George Mason 1752-1792_ (3 volumes)

I.L. Mason 1984 _Evolution of Domesticated Animals_ ()

Kathryn Harrod Mason 1951 _James Harrod of Kentucky_ (250 pages)

Laura Mason 1998 _Sugar-Plums and Sherbet: The PreHistory of Sweets_ (240 pages)

Philip Mason 1985 _The Men Who Ruled India_ ()

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Allan Massie 2011 _The Royal Stuarts: An History of the Family that Shaped Britain_ (370 pages; 941.060922)

Robert K. Massie 2003 _Castles of Steel: Britain, Germany, and the Winning of the Great War at Sea_ ()

Robert K. Massie 1992 _Dreadnought: Britain, Germany and the Coming of the Great War_ ()

Rhonda Massingham 2012 _Vertical Vegetables and Fruit_ (631.546)

Paul Masson-Oursel et al. 1934 _Ancient India and Indian Civilization_ ()

Michael Massy-Beresford 2007 _GliderBorne: The Story of the 2nd Battalion, the OxfordShire and BuckinghamShire Light Infantry (the 52nd) in World War 2_ ()

Roy Masters 2011 _Hypnotic States of America: A Spiritual Survival Manual for Every American Family in a Perilous World_ ()

Bat Masterson/W.B. Masterson 2013 _Famous GunFighters of the Western Frontier: Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Luke Short, and Others_ (110 pages; 3.2MB)

Dee Masterson 2012 _White Slavery in Colonial America_ (92 pages; 398KB)

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Ralph Whitney Mathisen 2014 _Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations from PreHistory to 640CE_ (590 pages)

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Timothy M. Matovina 1995, 2013 _The Alamo Remembered: Tejano Accounts and Perspectives_ (160 pages; 4MB)

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John Matthews 1990 _Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court 364CE-425CE_ (455 pages)

Victor Harold Matthews 2007 _Old Testament Parallels: Laws and Stories from the 2016 Ebla and Its Landscape: Early State Formation in the Ancient Near East_ (510 pages; 17.7MB)

Paolo Matthiae 1941 _American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman_ ()

F.O. Matthiessen 1941 _American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman_ ()

David Mattingly 2006, 2007, 2008 _An Imperial Possession: Britain in the Roman Empire_ (630 pages; 7.8MB)

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Philip Matyszak 2003, 2008 _Chronicle of the Roman Republic: The Rulers of Ancient Rome from Romulus to Augustus_ (230 pages)

Michael J. Mauboussin 2006 _More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in UnConventional Places_ ()

Christof Mauch 1983 _The Shadow War Against Hitler: The Covert Operations of America's WarTime Secret Intelligence Service_ ()

Kari L. Maund 2006, 2011 _The Welsh Kings: Warriors, WarLords, and Princes_ (230 pages; 4.2MB)

Kari L. Maund 1991 _Ireland, Wales, and England in the 11th Century_ (240 pages)

Geoffrey Ernest Maurice de St. Croix 1989 _The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World from the Archaic Age to the Arab Conquests_ (720 pages)

Philip Mauro 2014 _The 70 Weeks: And the Great Tribulation_ (268 pages)

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Andre Maurois & Hamish Miles 1928, 1965 _Disraeli: A Picture of the Victorian Age_ (369 pages; biography Disraeli)

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general Dabney Herndon Maury 1894 _Recollections of a Virginian in the Mexican, Indian, and Civil Wars_ ()

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James Mavor 1925 _An Economic History of Russia_ ()

Fay Maxwell 1975 _Augusta county VA Record of Baptisms 1740-1749: John Craig, DD, Pastor_ ()

Gordon S. Maxwell 1990 _A Battle Lost: Romans and Caledonians at Mons Graupius_ (112 pages; history+archaeology)

Herbert Maxwell 1891, 1896, 2013 _An History of Dumfries and Galloway_ (425 pages; 3.1MB)

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Hu Maxwell & Howard Llewellyn Swisher 1897 _History of Hampshire County West Virginia From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present_ (Morgantown, WV: A. Brown Boughner, 1897; 744 pages)

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Ian Maxwell 2012 _Tracing Your Scottish Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians_ (190 pages; 2.4MB)

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M. Perceval Maxwell 1994 _The OutBreak of the Irish Rebellion of 1641_ (400 pages)

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Ernest R. May 1959 _The World War and American Isolation 1914-1917_ ()

Ernest R. May 1961 _Imperial Democracy: The Emergence of America as a Great Power_ ()

Gregory May 2018 _Jefferson's Treasure: How Albert Gallatin Saved the New Nation from Debt_ (535 pages; 4.3MB)

Henry F. May 1976, 1978 _The Enlightenment in America_ (420 pages)

Robert E. May 1973 _The Southern Dream of a Caribbean Empire_ ()

Robert E. May 1985 _John A. Quitman: Old South Crusader_ (485 pages)

Robert E. May 2013 _Slavery, Race, and Conquest in the Tropics_ (300 pages; 6.1MB)

R.J. May 2003 _Disorderly Democracy: Political Turbulence and Institutional Reform in Papua New Guinea_ ()

Samuel J. May 1869 _Some Recollections of our AntiSlavery Conflict_ ()

Samuel J. May 1861-06-01, 2018 _The Fugitive Slave Law and Its Victims_ (170 pages; 3.1MB)

Brantz Mayer 1867 _Ta-gah-ju-te: or Logan the Indian and Captain Michael Cresap_ ()

Brantz Mayer 1871 _Baltimore: Past and Present_ (562 pages)

Hans Eberhart Mayer & J. Gillingham 1988 _The Crusades_ (366 pages)

Henry Mayer & James M. Elson 1997 _Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson_ ()

Henry Mayer 1998 _All On Fire: William Lloyd Garrison and the Abolition of Slavery_ (700 pages)

Jane Mayer 2008 _The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals_ ()

Robert A. Mayers 2009 _The War Man: The True Story of a Citizen-Soldier Who Fought from Quebec to YorkTown_ (352 pages)

Patrick Mayhew 1985 _One Family's War_ ()

Louise A. Mayo 1988 _The Ambivalent Image: 19th-Century USA's Perception of the Jew_ (215 pages)

(37) ►Adrienne Mayor 2003 _Greek Fire, Poison Arrows & Scorpion Bombs: Biological & Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World_ (310 pages; ILL request)◀

(41) Adrienne Mayor 2009, 2010, 2011 _The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates, Rome's Deadliest Enemy_ (448 pages; 7.8MB; 939.343 May)

Adrienne Mayor 2011 _The First Fossil Hunters: Dinosaurs, Mammoths, and Myth in Greek and Roman Times_ (385 pages; 7.5MB)

Adrienne Mayor 2007 _Fossil Legends of the First Americans_ (475 pages)

Ernst Mayr 2002 _What Evolution Is_ ()

Ernst Mayr 1985 _The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance_ ()

Ernst Mayr 1989 _Toward a New Philosophy of Biology: Observations of an Evolutionist_ () Benjamin E. Mays 1971 _Born to Rebel: An AutoBiography_ ()

David John Mays 1952 _Edmund Pendleton 1721-1803_ (2 volumes)

Simon Mays 1998 _The Archaeology of Human Bones_ ()

Amihai Mazar 1992 _Archaeology of the Land of the Bible 10K-586BCE_ (608 pages)

Amihai Mazar, Andrew Mein & Claudia V. Camp 2001 _Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan_ (335 pages)

Benjamin Mazar 1975 _The Mountain of the Lord_ (300 pages)

Benjamin Mazar, Baruch A. Levine & Shmuel Ahituv 1986 _The Early Biblical Period: Historical Studies_ (255255 pages)

Eilat Mazar 2002 _The Complete Guide to the Temple Mount Excavations_ ()

Eilat Mazar 2008 _Preliminary Report on the City of David Excavations 2005 at the Visitors Center Area_ (85 pages)

Mark Mazower 2007 _Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews 1430-1950_ (535 pages; 5.4MB)

Robert Mazrim 2008 _The Sagamo Frontier: History & Archaeology in the Shadow of Lincoln_ (350 pages; 6.1MB)

Maureen Fennell Mazzaoui 1981 _The Italian Cotton Industry in the Later Middle Ages 1100-1600_ ()

Philip Mazzei & Margherita Marchione 1980 _My Life and Wanderings_ ()

Philip Mazzei & Margherita Marchione 1983 _Philip Mazzei: Selected Writings and Correspondence_ (at least 2 volumes)

Tilar J. Mazzeo 2016 _Irena's Children: The ExtraOrdinary Story of the Woman Who Saved 2,500 Children from the Warsaw Ghetto_ (325 pages; 21.9MB)

Mark Mazzetti 2013 _The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth_ ()

William G. McAdoo 1931, 1971 _Crowded Years: The Reminiscences of William G. McAdoo_ ()

Barbara McAfee 8888 _Full Voice: The Art and Practice of Vocal Presence_ ()

Jeanette McAfee 8888 _Navigating the "Social" World_ ()

Melani McAlister 2005 _Epic Encounters: Culture, Media, and USA Interests in the Middle East Since 1945_ ()

Joseph Thompson McAllister 1913, 2017 _VA Militia in the Revolutionary War_ (330 pages; 912KB)

Mary McAvoy 2019 _Rehearsing Revolutions: The Labor Drama Experiment and Radical [Leftist] Activism in the Early 20th Century_ (255 pages; 3.1MB)

James McBride 1869, 2008, 2010, 2012 _Pioneer Biography: Sketches of the Lives of Some of the Early Settlers of Butler county Ohio_ (2 volumes)

Spencer W. McBride 2017 _Pulpit and Nation: Clergymen and the Politics of Revolutionary America_ (300 pages; 1.2MB)

Christian McBurney 2016 _Abductions in the American Revolution: Attempts to Kidnap George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and Other Military and Civilian Leaders_ (230 pages; 10.1MB)

Joseph McCabe 1913 _The Empresses of Constantinople_ ()

Kate McCafferty 2003 _Testimony of an Irish Slave Girl_ (240 pages)

Michael McCafferty 2008 _Native American Place Names of Indiana_ (325 pages)

Carmel McCaffrey & Leo Eaton 2003, 2012 _In Search of Ancient Ireland: The Origins of the Irish from NeoLithic Times to the Coming of the English_ (295 pages; 11.2MB)

James McCague 1968 _The Second Rebellion: The Story of the New York City Draft Riots of 1863_ ()

General Warren McCain 2015 _A Soldier's Diary 1861-1865_ (73 pages; 207KB)

Jonathan L. McCain & Vince de Creshio 2017 _Understanding Trump: Saving the USA from the Regressive Agenda_ (100 pages; 2MB)

Iain McCallum 1999, 2006 _Blood Brothers: Hiram and Hudson Maxim: Pioneers of Modern Warfare_ (310 pages)

Martha McCallum 2020 _UnKnown Valor: A Story of Family, Courage, & Sacrifice from Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima_ (325 pages; 25.5MB)

Peter McCandless 2011 _Slavery, Disease, and Suffering in the Southern LowCountry_ (315 pages; 2MB)

David A. McCants 1990 _Patrick Henry, the Orator_ ()

P. Kyle McCarter 1975 _The Antiquity of the Greek Alphabet and the Early Phoenician Scripts_ (139 pages)

(29) Andrew McCarthy 2015-02-03 _Journeys Home: Inspiring Stories, Plus Tips & Strategies to Find Your Family History_ (287-288 pages; 33.9MB; ISBN 9781426213816; OCLC 967823004; National Geographic; 929.1072 JOU; NE)

Andrew C. McCarthy 2011 _Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy_ ()

Andrew C. McCarthy 2009 _How the Obummer Regime has Politicized Justice_ (48 pages; 168KB)

Andrew C. McCarthy 2014 _Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obummer's Impeachment_ (248 pages; 872KB)

(85) Andrew C. McCarthy 2019 _Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency_ (248 pages; 872KB; 324.9730905 McC; NE)

Karen McCarthy 2011 _The Other Irish: The Scots-Irish Rascals Who Made America_ ()

Kathleen D. McCarthy 2003 _American Creed: Philanthropy and the Rise of Civil "Society" 1700-1865_ (310 pages)

Tom McCarthy 2018 _The Greatest Medal of Honor Stories Ever Told_ (270 pages)

Scott McCartney 1999 _ENIAC: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World's First Computer_ ()

Ben C. McCary 1957 _Indians in 17th-Century VA_ ()

Robert Waterman McChesney 2011 _Will the Last Reporter Please Turn Out the Lights: The Collapse of Journalism and What Can Be Done to Fix It_ (372 pages; 071.3; NE)

major-general Joseph A. McChristian 1974 _The Role of Military Intelligence 1965-1967_ ()

Brion McClanahan 2009 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers_ (354 pages; 1.469MB)

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(29) ►Brion T. McClanahan, Ph.D. 2016 _9 Presidents Who Screwed-Up the USA: And 4 Who Tried to Save Her_ (352 pages; 1.8MB; ISBN 9781621577232; OCLC 1013826417; Regnery; ILL request)◀
(27) ►Brion T. McClanahan, Ph.D. & Ron Paul, M.D. 2017 _How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up the USA_ (206-310 pages; 837KB; ISBN 1621576353/ 9781621576358/ OCLC 979556842/ 1059182227; Regnery; ILL request)◀

(15) ►Brion T. McClanahan, Ph.D. 2012-11-13 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Real USA Heroes_ (269-272-290 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 9781596983205; OCLC 773667771; Regnery; ILL request)◀

Wilfred M. McClay 2000 _A Student's Guide to US History_ ()

Timothy McCleary _Ghosts on the Land: Apsaalooke (Crow Indian) Interpretations of Rock Art_ ()

James E. McClellan iii & Harold Dorn 1999, 2006, 2008 _Science and Technology in World History 1865-1910_ (490 pages; 5.3MB)

James McClellan 1997, 2000 _Liberty, Order, and Justice: An Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of USA Government_ (615 pages)

Robert McClellan 1971 _The Heathen Chinee: A Study of USA Attitudes Toward China 1890-1905_ (270 pages)

David C. McClelland 1961, 2016 _The Achieving "Society"_ (510 pages; 29.7MB)

Robert Green McCloskey 1951, 1964, 1977 _USA Conservatism in the Age of Enterprise_ (190 pages)

McClung 8888 _Sketches of Western Adventure_ ()

A.K. McClure 1900 _Our Presidents and How We Make Them_ ()

David McClure 2002 _AyrShire in the Age of Improvement_ ()

David McClure & Franklin B. Dexter 1996 _Ohio Country Missionary: The Diary of David McClure 1748-1820 Including His Travels in Western Pennsylvania and Ohio_ (225 pages)

Arthur H. McCollum 1940-10-07 "McCollum Memo: Smoking Gun of Pearl Harbor"

Robert McColley 1964 _Slavery and Jeffersonian VA_ ()

David G. McComb 2010 _Galveston: An History_ (285 pages; 4.9MB)

Lorraine McConaghy & Judith Bentley 2013 _Free Boy: A True Story of Slave and Master_ (100 pages; 1MB)

Michael N. McConnell 1997 _A Country Between: The Upper Ohio Valley and Its People 1724-1774_ (350 pages)

Mary St. Patrick McConville 1928 _Political Nativism in the State of Maryland 1830-1860_ ()

Gavan McCormack 2007 _Client State: Japan in the American Embrace_ ()

Michael McCormick 2002 _Origins of the European Economy: Communications and Commerce 300CE-900CE_ (1,110 pages; 33.1MB; sklaveni slaves pp737-738)

RicHard P. McCormick 1950 _Experiment in Independence: New Jersey in the Critical Period 1781-1789_ ()

Thomas J. McCormick 1967 _China Market: America's Quest for Informal Empire_ ()

James McCosh 1875 _The Scottish Philosophy_ ()

Theodore McCown 1937 _The Stone Age of Mount Carmel: Excavations at the Wady el-Mughara_ ()

David B. McCoy 2018 _Charlemagne: Carolingian Dynasty Rise to Power and the Saxon War, the Daily Livesof Peasants, Becoming Holy Roman Emperor, the Carolingian Renaissance_ (195 pages)

Donald R. McCoy 1967 _Calvin Coolidge: The Quiet President_ (biography Coolidge)

Drew R. McCoy 1980, 1996 _The Elusive Republic: Political Economy in Jeffersonian America_ (270 pages; 1.4MB)

Drew R. McCoy 1950, 1989 _The Last of the Fathers: James Madison and the Republican Legacy_ (400 pages)

Mary Pattillo McCoy 1999 _Black Picket Fences: Privilege and Peril Among the Black Middle Class_ ()

Thomas K. McCraw 2012 _The Founders of Finance: How Hamilton, Gallatin, and Other Immigrants Forged a New Economy_ (485 pages; 330.973)

David J. McCreery 1994 _Rural Guatemala 1760-1940_ (460 pages)

William B. McCreery 1893, 1993, 2018 _My Experience as a Prisoner of War and Escape from Libby Prison_ (46 pages)

J.W. McCrindle 1896 _The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great_ ()

(49) Robert McCrum 2010 _Globish: How the English Language Became the World's Language_ (331 pages; ISBN 9780393062557; Norton; 420.9 McC; Main)

Robert McCrum, Robert MacNeil & William Cran 1986, 1992 _The Story of English_/_The Study of English_ ()

Andrew McCulloch 2000 _Galloway, A Land Apart_ ()

Art McCulloch 2003 _The War and Uncle Walter: The Diary of an Eccentric_ ()

Dana McCulloch 2015 _UnOfficial Guide to FamilySearch.org: How to Find Your Family History on the Largest Free Genealogy WebSite_ (230 pages; 13.8MB)

John Herries McCulloch 1935 _The Scot in England_ ()

C. Hax McCullough 1969 _100 Years of Banking: The History of Mellon National Bank and Trust_ ()

(100) David G. McCullough 1992, 1993 _Truman_ (1117 pages; biography Truman; Main+NE+E+BLPerry)

(20) David G. McCullough 1972, 2007 _The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge_ (Roebling; 636 pages; 57.2MB; 624.2 MCC; Main+NE)

(80) David G. McCullough 1977 _The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal 1870-1914_ (690 pages; 70.8MB; 972.875 MCC; Main) v

(40) David G. McCullough 2015 _The Wright Stuff_/_The Wright Brothers_ (320 pages; 39.6MB; biography Wright; Main+NE+E+Jax)

David G. McCullough 1981, 2007 _Mornings on HorseBack: The Story of an ExtraOrdinary Family, a Vanished Way of Life,and the Unique Child Who Became Theodore Roosevelt_ (445 pages; 23.7MB; biography Theodore Roosevelt; OutReach)

(80) David G. McCullough 2011 _The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris_ (861 pages; 920.0092/920.009213 MCC; large; OutReach)

(48) David G. McCullough 1968, 1987 _The Johnstown Flood: The Incredible Story Behind One of the Most Devastating Disasters USA HasEver Known_ (302 pages; 974.8 McC; Main)

(39) David Willis McCullough 1998 _Chronicles of the Barbarians: FirstHand Accounts of Pillage and Conquest from the Ancient World to the Fall of Constantinople_ (392 pages; 57.2MB; 930 CHR; Main)

David Willis McCullough 2000, 2010 _Wars of the Irish Kings: A Thousand Years of Struggle from the Age of Myth through the Reign of Queen Elizabeth i_ (390 pages; 2.3MB)

Emily Arnold McCully 1995 _The Pirate Queen_ (junior, biography McCully)

Ruthanne Lum McCunn 2014 _Chinese Yankee: A True Story from the Civil War_ (260 pages; 4.5MB)

Ruthanne Lum McCunn 1988 _Chinese American Portraits: Personal Histories 1828-1988_ ()

Stephanie McCurry 2010, 2012 _Confederate Reckoning: Power and Politics in the Civil War South_ (445 pages; 3.3MB)

John J. McCusker 1978 _Money and Exchange in Europe and America 1600-1775: A HandBook_ ()

John J. McCusker 2001 _How Much Is That in Real Money: An Historical Commodity Price Index for Use As a Deflator of Money Values in the Economy of the USA_ (140 pages)

John J. McCusker & Russell R. Menard 1985 _The Economy of British America 1607-1789_ ()

Brian K. McCutchen & Timothy B. Smith 2012 _Shiloh National Military Park_ (128 pages)

Marc McCutchen 1993 _The Writer's Guide to EveryDay Life in the 1800s_ (310 pages)

Marc McCutchen 1995 _The Writer's Guide to EveryDay Life from Prohibition through World War 2_ (250 pages)

Dennis K. McDaniel 1997 _John Ogden: Abolitionist and Leader in Southern Education_ (135 pages)

W. Caleb McDaniel 2013 _The Problem of Democracy in the Age of Slavery: Garrisonian Abolitionists and TransAtlantic Reform_ (355 pages; 1.3MB)

Raven I. McDavid 1980 _Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States_ ()

Scott McDermott 2002 _Charles Carroll of Carrollton: Faithful Revolutionary_ ()

Cornelia McDonald, Virginia Lyne Tunstall & Hunter McDonald 2011 _A Diary with Reminiscences of the War and Refugee Life in the Shenandoah Valley 1860-1865_ (600 pages)

Forrest McDonald 8888 _A Founding Father's Library_ ()

Forrest McDonald, John Dickinson & Richard Henry Lee 1999 _Empire & Nation: Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, Letters from the Federal Farmer_ (190 pages; 590KB)

(39) ►Forrest McDonald 1962, 2004 _Insull: The Rise and Fall of a Billionaire Utility Tycoon_ (bio; ILL request)◀

Forrest McDonald 1979, 1982 _Alexander Hamilton_ (bio)

(33) ►Forrest McDonald 1985 _Novus Ordo Seclorum: The Intellectual Origins of the Constitution_ (ILL request)◀

Michael J. McDonald & John Muldowny 1982 _TVA and the Dispossessed: The Resettlement of Population in the Norris Dam Area_ ()

R. Andrew McDonald 2003, 2016 _OutLaws of Medieval Scotland: Challenges to the Canmore Kings 1058-1266_ (195 pages)

R. Andrew McDonald 1998, 2008 _The Kingdom of the Isles: Scotland's Western Seaboard c.1100-1336_ (270 pages)

(40) ►Robert S. McDonald 2019 _Thomas Jefferson's Lives: Biographers & the Battle [to Control] History_ (385 pages; 1.2MBILL request)◀

Michael A. McDonnell 2007, 2012 _The Politics of War: Race, Class, and Conflict in Revolutionary Virginia_ (550 pages; 3.2MB)

(47) Michael A. McDonnell 2015 _Masters of Empire: Great Lakes Indians and the Making of America_ (402 pages; 3.8MB; 977.401 McD; Main)

Michael A. McDonnell, Clare Corbould, Frances M. Clarke & W. FitzHugh Brundage 2015 _Remembering the Revolution: Memory, History, and Nation Making from Independence to the Civil War_ (310 pages; 1.5MB)

Sanford N. McDonnell 1999 _This Is Old Mac Calling All the Team: The Story of James S. McDonnell and McDonnell Douglas_ (120 pages)

James Lee McDonough & J.P. Jones 1987, 1988 _War So Terrible: Sherman and Atlanta_ (375 pages)

(49) James Lee McDonough 2016 _William Tecumseh Sherman: In the Service of My Country: A Life_ (biography Sherman)

(53) Yona Zeldis McDonough 2014 _Little Author in the Big Woods: A Biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder_ (156 pages; biography Wilder; Main)

Walter A. McDougall 1997, 1998 _Promised Land, Crusader State: The American Encounter with the World Since 1776_ (295 pages)

Walter A. McDougall 1985 _The Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the Space Age_ ()

Walter A. McDougall 2016 _The Tragedy of USA Foreign Policy: How America's Civil Religion Betrayed the National Interest_ (400 pages; 1.4MB)

(65) Walter A. McDougall 2004 _Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New USA History 1585-1828_ (638 pages; 973.2 McD; Main)

David McDowall 1989 _An Illustrated History of Britain_ (190 pages)

Gary L. McDowell, Sharon L. Noble, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese & Morton Frisch 1997 _Reason and Republicanism: Thomas Jefferson's Legacy of Liberty_ ()

R.B. McDowell 1998 _Crisis and Decline: The Fate of the Southern Unionists_ (227 pages; 1.8MB)

Earl B. McElfresh 1994 _Antietam BattleField, Sharpsburg, Maryland 1862_ ()

Earl B. McElfresh 1993 _The BattleField of Shiloh, Tennessee 1862_ ()

Davis Dunbar McElroy 1969 _Scotland's Age of Improvement_ ()

Robert S. McElvaine 1993 _The Great Depression: America 1929-1941_ ()

Kayleigh McEnany 2018 _The New American Revolution: The Making of a Populist Movement_ (325 pages; 74.9MB )

Colin McEvedy & Richard Jones 1978 _Atlas of World Population History_ (360 pages)

Gordon F. McEwan 2006, 2008 _The Incas: New Perspectives_ (190 pages)

Indra Kagis McEwen 2004 _Vitruvius: Writing the Body of Architecture_ ()

(44) Sean McFate 2019 _The New Rules of War: Victory in the Age of Durable DisOrder_ (318 pages; ISBN 9780062843586; Morrow/HarperCollins; 355.02 McF; Main)

William S. McFeely 1991 _Frederick Douglass_ (465 pages; biography Douglass; ME+Jax)

Agnes Geraldine McGann 1944 _Nativism in Kentucky to 1860_ ()

Scott McGaugh 2013 _Surgeon in Blue: Jonathan Letterman, the Civil War Doctor Who Pioneered BattleField Care_ (360 pages; 947KB)

Kent J. McGaughy 2003 _Richard Henry Lee of Virginia: A Portrait of an American Revolutionary_ (260 pages; 6.2MB)

Donald McGavran 1968 _The Bridges of God_ ()

Donald McGavran 1970 _Understanding Church Growth_ ()

Donald McGavran & Win Arn 1973 _How to Grow a Church_ ()

Harold McGee, Patricia Dorfman & Justin Greene 2007 _On Food & Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen_ (880 pages; 31MB)

Eric McGeer 2000 _The Land Legislation of the Macedonian Emperors_ (145 pages)

(58) Michael E. McGerr 2003, 2005, 2010 _A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Regressive Movement in America 1870-1920_ (395 pages; 2.5MB; 324.2732 McG; Main)

Ann McGinley-Bok 2006 _Family Remembrances_ ()

Robert McGinn & Larry Vaden 1978 July "Michael Cresap & the Cresap Rifles" _WV History_ (vol39 pp341-347)

Stephen McGinty 2007 _Churchill's Cigar_ ()

Lisa McGirr 2016 _The War on Alcohol: Prohibition and the Rise of the USA State_ (330 pages; 363.4109730904; Main)

Neale McGoldrick & Margaret Crocco 1994 _ReClaiming Lost Ground: The Struggle for Woman Suffrage in New Jersey_ ()

William E. McGoun 1993 _Pre-Historic Peoples of South Florida_ ()

Patrick E. McGovern, Stuart J. Fleming & Solomon H. Katz 2000, 2003 _The Origins and Ancient History of Wind: Food and Nutrition in History and Anthropology_ (430 pages; 7MB)

William McGovern 1939 _The Early Empires of Central Asia_ ()

Hollie Popham McGowan 1976 _Scotts of Texas_/_The Scotts and related families_ ()

William McGowan 1992 _Only Man Is Vile: The Tragedy of Sri Lanka_ ()

Sean McGrail 1990 _Maritime Celts, Frisians, and Saxons_ ()

Edward J. McGrath ii, Craig O. Thompson, rear-admiral Fernandez L. Ponds & commander Jeffrey W. James 2016, 2017-01-01 _Second to Last to Leave USS Arizona_ (439-471-500 pages; ISBN 9780692787205; OCLC 1127054754/ 1089835527; RMR)

sister Paul-of-the-Cross McGrath 1930 _Political Nativism in Texas 1825-1860_ (200 pages)

(55) ►Roger D. McGrath 1984, 1987 _GunFighters, HighWayMen, and Vigilantes: Violence on the Frontier_ (criminology; 288 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; UCalifornia; ILL request)◀

John T. McGreevey 2003 _Catholicism and American Freedom: An History_ ()

Andrew James McGregor 2006 _A Military History of Modern Egypt from the Ottoman Conquest to the Ramadan War_ (310 pages)

Richard McGregor 2010 _The Party: The Secret World of Red China's Communist Rulers_ (330 pages; 964KB)

Richard McGregor 2017 _Asia's Reckoning: Red China, Japan, and the Fate of USA Power in the Pacific Century_ (396 pages; 24.3MB; 327.7305)

Neil McGuigan & Alex Woolf 2018 _The Battle of Carham: A Thousand Years On_ (340 pages)

Neil McGuigan 2019 _Mael Coluim iii, Canmore: The World of an 11th-Century King_ (245 pages)

Frank McGuinness 1988 _Carthaginians 1988_ ()

Timothy J. McGuire 2015 _An Identification Guide to Recovered Colonial and Revolutionary War Artifacts_ (270 pages; 15.5MB)

Martin J. McGuirk 2000 _Baltimore & Ohio RailRoad in the Potomac Valley_ (128 pages)

John McGurk 2006 _Sir Henry Docwra 1564-1631: Derry's Second Founder_ ()

W. McGurn 1991 _Perfidious Albion: The Abandonment of Hong Kong_ ()

Stuart McHardy 2011 _A New History of the Picts_ (190 pages)

John McHugh & Roland de Vaux 1997 _Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions_ (600 pages)

Tom McHugh 1972, 1979, 2004, 2009-02-12, 2013-06-05 _The Time of the Buffalo_ (339-350-459 pages; 15.6MB; ISBN 9780785819165/ 9780803281059; OCLC 1227314824/ 58465566; Castle/Knopf/UNebraska)

Jeremy McInerney 2000, 2013 _Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age part 1_ (DVD-video 938.07092)

Jeremy McInerney 2014 _Ethnicity in the Ancient Mediterranean_ (570 pages; 19.7MB)

Jeremy McInerney 2010 _The Cattle of the Sun: Cows and Culture in the World of the Ancient Greeks_ (350 pages)

Walter McIntire 1948 _Lakeland and the Borders of Long Ago_ ()

Charles McIntosh 1903, 2008-01-10 _Past and Present of Piatt county IL: Together with Biographical Sketches of Many Prominent and Influential Citizens_ (pdf 520 pages; 997.367; M18p)

Elizabeth P. McIntosh 1998 _Sisterhood of Spies: The Women of the OSS_ (280 pages; 940.54)

Gregory C. McIntosh & Norman J.W. Thrower 2000 _The Piri Reis Map of 1513_ ()

Jane McIntosh 2005 _Ancient Mesopotamia_ ()

Jane McIntosh 1986 _The Practical Archaeologist: How We Know What We Know about the Past_ (190 pages; 930.1)

Wyatt McIntyre & Vicki Claudio 2012 _A Pastoral Letter to the Captives, and other works: Selected Hostage Accounts from the Barbary Pirates Era_ (150 pages; 759KB)

Claude McKay 1968 _Harlem: Negro Metropolis_ ()

Derek McKay 1978 _Prince Eugene of Savoy_ (280 pages)

Ernest A. McKay 1971 _Henry Wilson, Practical Radical: Portrait of a Politician_ (250 pages)

Ernest A. McKay 1996 _Against Wilson and War 1914-1917_ (210 pages)

Thomas Hudson McKee 1906, 1970, 1971, 2009, 2012, 2016 _The National Conventions and Platforms of All Political Parties 1789-1905_ (460 pages)

C. McKeever & Robert Younger 1997 _Civil War Battle Flags of the Union Army and Order of Battle_ (175 pages)

Blake McKelvey 1963 _The Urbanization of America_ ()

Tom C. McKenney 2009 _Jack Hinson's One-Man War: A Civil War Sniper_ (400 pages; 1.74MB)

Thomas Loraine McKenney & James Hall 1933, 1934 _The Indian Tribes of North America with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs_ (3 volumes)

Fred A. McKenzie 1976 _The American Invaders_ ()

Richard B. McKenzie 1993 _What Went Right in the 1980s_ (385 pages)

(29) ►Robert Tracy McKenzie, Ph.D. 2013-08-01, 2014 _The First ThanksGiving: What the Real Story Tells Us About Loving God & Learning from History_ (219 pages; ISBN 9780830825745; OCLC 1059171541; IVP Academic; ILL request)◀

(52) ►Robert Tracy McKenzie, Ph.D. 2021 _We the Fallen People: The Founders & the Future of American Democracy_/_We the Fallen People: The Founders & the Future of USA Freedom_ (294 pages; ISBN 9780830852963; OCLC 1245579228/ 1252736913; IVP/InterVarsity Press Academic; ILL request)◀

Niall McKeown 2007 _The Invention of Ancient Slavery_ (140 pages)

(55) A.B. McKillop 2000, 2002 _The Spinster & the Prophet: H.G. Wells, Florence Deeks, and the Case of the Plagiarized Text_ (477 pages; 941.08; Main; read with Herbert George Wells 1925 _Outline of History_)

P.S. McKillop 1902 _Britain and America: The Lost Israelites, or the 10 Tribes Identified in the Anglo-Celtic Race_ (probably twaddle)

Fred B. McKinley & Greg Riley 2006 _Black Gold to BlueGrass: From the Oil Fields of Texas to SpindleTop Farm of Kentucky_ (370 pages)

Robert McKinnon 1980 _Scotland Today_ ()

Alan McKirdy 2015 _Set in Stone: The Geology and Landscapes of Scotland_ (95 pages)

Alan McKirdy, John Gordon & Roger Crofts 2017, 2018 _Land of Mountain and Flood: The Geology and LandForms of Scotland_ (310 pages)

May McKisack 1959 _The 14th Century 1307-1399_ ()

Rosamond McKitterick 1994 _Books, Scribes, and Learning in the Frankish Kingdoms 6th-9th Centuries_ (500CE-900CE?; 300 pages)

Rosamond McKitterick 1989 _The Carolingians and the Written Word_ (300 pages)

Rosamond McKitterick 1993, 1994, 2008 _Carolingian Culture: Emulation and Innovation_ (350 pages)

Rosamond McKitterick 2008 _Charlemagne: The Formation of a European Identity_ (480 pages; 1.4MB)

Rosamond McKitterick 2001 _The Early Middle Ages: Europe 400-1000_ (315 pages)

Rosamond McKitterick 1977 _The Frankish Church and the Carolingian Reforms 789-895_ (250 pages)

Rosamond McKitterick 1983, 2016 _The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians 751-987_ (420 pages)

Rosamond McKitterick 2004 _History and Memory in the Carolingian World_ (345 pages; 6.8MB)

Rosamond McKitterick 2017 _Perceptions of the Past in the Early Middle Ages_ (165 pages)

Rosamond McKitterick 1992 _The Uses of Literacy in Early Mediaeval Europe_ (355 pages)

John R. McKivigan & Mitchell Snay 1998 _Religion and the AnteBellum Debate over Slavery_ ()

Charles McKnight 1902, 2010 _Our Western Border_ ()

Charles McKnight 8888 _History of the Western Borders_ ()

James McLachlan 2016 _Princetonians 1748-1768: A Biographical Dictionary_ (725 pages)

Sean McLachlan & Gerry Embleton 2009 _American Civil War Guerrilla Tactics_ ()

Brian D. McLaren 2012 _Why Did Jesus, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?: Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World_ ()

Jack McLaughlin 1990 _Jefferson and Monticello: The Biography of a Builder_ ()

Raoul McLaughlin 2016 _The Roman Empire and the Silk Routes: The Ancient World Economy & the Empires of Parthia, Central Asia & Han China_ (275 pages; 11.1MB)

Raoul McLaughlin 2014 _The Roman Empire and the Indian Ocean: The Ancient World Economy & the Kingdoms of Africa, Arabia, & India_ (295 pages; 13.1MB)

Bethany McLean & Peter Elkind 2003 _The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron_ ()

Dabney N. McLean 1996 _The English Ancestry of Thomas Jefferson_ ()

John McLean 1997 _The Presence of the Past: Christian Heritage Sites in the Rhins of Galloway_ (150 pages)

Alison McLeay 1986 _The Tobermory Treasure: The True Story of a Fabulous Armada Galleon_ ()

William G. McLoughlin 1986, 2018 _Cherokee Renascence in the New Republic_ (485 pages; 74.4MB)

Frank McLynn 2002 _Villa and Zapata: An History of the Mexican Revolution_ (496 pages)

Frank McLynn 2007 _1759: The Year Britain Became Master of the World_ (440 pages; 6.1MB)

Darrin M. McMahon 2002 _Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity_ (262 pages; 6.1MB)

Darrin M. McMahon 2013 _Divine Fury: An History of Genius_ (360 pages; 5.9MB)

Jeff McMahon 1985 _Reagan and the World_ ()

Marie P. McMahon 1990 _The Radical Whigs: John Trenchard & Thomas Gordon: Libertarian Loyalists to the New House of Hanover_ (215 pages; ISBN 0819176273/ 9780819176271)

Douglas R. McManis 1975 _Colonial New England: An Historical Geography_ ()

Douglas R. McManis 1965 _Historical Geography of the United States: A Bibliography_ ()

Edgar J. McManus 1966 _An History of Negro Slavery in NY_ ()

Edgar J. McManus 1973 _Black Bondage in the North_ ()

John C. McManus 2014 _The Dead and Those About to Die: D-Day: The Big Red 1 at Omaha Beach_ (367 pages; 940.5421422 MCM; Woodville)

John C. McManus 2016 _Deadly Sky: The USA Combat AirMan in World War 2_ (465 pages; 19.8MB; 940.54 MCM; Main)

John C. McManus 2010, 2011 _Grunts: InSide the USA Infantry Combat Experience World War 2 through Iraq_ (517 pages; 356,114 MCM; Main)

Mike McManus, Harriet McManus & Marco Ciavolino 2008 _How to Cut USA's Divorce Rate in Half_ (110 pages)

H.R. McMaster 1996, 1998, 2011 _Dereliction of Duty: Johnson, McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to VietNam_ (446 pages; 2.1MB; 959.704 McM; Main+NE+E+Jax)

John Bach McMaster 1901 _McMaster's Primary History of the United States_ ()

John Bach McMaster 1897 _A School History of the United States_ ()

John Bach McMaster 1887, 2011, 2016 _Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters_ (305 pages)

John Bach McMaster 2011 _The USA in the World War 1918-1920_ (524 pages; 1.8MB)

John Bach McMaster & Frederick D. Stone 2013 _Pennsylvania and the Federal Constitution 1787-1788_ (670 pages; 2.1MB)

John Bach McMaster 1884-1923, 2010, 2011 _An History of the People of the United States: From the Revolution to the Civil War_ (at least 6 volumes; 620 pages)

John Bach McMaster 2008 _An History of the People of the United States: From the Revolution to the Civil War_ (vol2; 590 pages)

John Bach McMaster 2015 _An History of the People of the United States: From the Revolution to the Civil War_ (vol3; 99999 pages)

John Bach McMaster 2001 _An History of the People of the United States: From the Revolution to the Civil War_ (vol4; 662 pages)

John Bach McMaster 2015 _An History of the People of the United States: From the Revolution to the Civil War_ (vol5; 600 pages)

John Bach McMaster 2010 _An History of the People of the United States: From the Revolution to the Civil War_ (vol6; 684 pages)

John Bach McMaster 2009 _An History of the People of the United States: From the Revolution to the Civil War_ (vol7 1883-1913; 684 pages)

John Bach McMaster 2008 _An History of the People of the United States: From the Revolution to the Civil War_ (vol8; 640 pages)

James H. McMechen 1887, 2013 _Legends of the Ohio Valley: Thrilling Incidents of Indian Warfare_ (97 pages; 262KB)

(50) Sean McMeekin 2015 _The Ottoman EndGame: War, Revolution, and the Making of the Modern Middle East 1908-1923_ (550 pages; 956.02 McM; Main)

Hamilton McMillan 1888 _Sir Walter Raleigh's Lost Colony_ ()

(48) Christian W. McMillen 2015 _Discovering Tuberculosis: A Global History_ (338 pages; 616.995 McM; Main)

Laurie Hovell McMillin 2006 _Buried Indians: Digging Up the Past in a MidWestern Town_ (Wisconsin; 270 pages)

James F. McMurry ii & Rebecca L. McMurry 2000 _Jefferson, Callender, and the Sally Story_ (130 pages)

Richard M. McMurry 2002 _The 4th Battle of Winchester: Toward a New Civil War Paradigm_ (150 pages; 1.1MB)

James Brian McNabb 2017 _A Military History of the Modern Middle East_ (455 pages; 10.4MB)

Jo Ann Kay McNamara, John E. Halborg & Gordon Whatley 1992 _Sainted Women of the Dark Ages_ ()

Jo Ann Kay McNamara 1996 _Sisters in Arms: Catholic Nuns through 2 Millennia_ (760 pages)

Jim McNeil 2003 _Masters of the Shoals: Tales of the Cape Fear Pilots Who Ran the Union Blockade_ (200 pages)

William F. McNeil 2005 _Visitors to Ancient America: The Evidence for European and Asian Presence in America Prior to Columbus_ (300 pages)

F. Marian McNeill 1932 _The Scots Kitchen with Old Time Recipes_ ()

J.R. McNeill 1992, 2003 _The Mountains of the Mediterranean World: An Environmental History_ (440 pages)

(55) ►J.R. McNeill 2010 _Mosquito Empires: Ecology & War in the Greater Caribbean 1620-1914_ (380 pages; 2.3MB; ILL request)◀

William Hardy McNeill 1982, 1984 _The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society Since 1000CE_ ()

William Hardy McNeill 1867, 1979, 1998 _A World History_ (650 pages)

William Hardy McNeill 1954 _America, Britain, and Russia: Their Cooperation and Conflict 1941-1946_ ()

William Hardy McNeill 1986 _PolyEthnicity and National Unity in World History_ (80 pages)

William Hardy McNeill 1989 _The Age of GunPowder Empires 1450-1800_ (49 pages)

William Hardy McNeill & Ruth S. Adams 1978 _Human Migration: Patterns and Politics_ (540 pages)

William Hardy McNeill 2013 _The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since 1KCE_ (418 pages; 5MB)

William Hardy McNeill 2010 _History of Western Civilization: A HandBook_ (690 pages; 39.6MB)

William Hardy McNeill 1974 _The Shape of European History_ (175 pages)

William Hardy McNeill 2011 _Europe's Steppe Frontier 1500-1800_ (255 pages; 1.4MB)

William Hardy McNeill & J.R. McNeill 2003 _The Human Web: A Bird's-Eye View of World History_ (360 pages)

William Hardy McNeill 1995 _Keeping Together in Time: Dance & Drill in Human History_ (99999 pages; HarvardU)

Dan McNichol 2005 _The Roads that Built America: The Incredible story of the USA interstate system_ ()

Tom McNichol 2008 _AC/DC: The Savage Tale of the First Standards War_ (200 pages; 640KB)

Randy McNutt 2017 _GunBoat Cincinnati: BattleWagon of Vicksburg_ (15 pages; 1.3MB)

Randy McNutt 2009 _King Records of Cincinnati: Images of the USA_ (125 pages; 36.4MB)

Randy McNutt 2017 _Mad Anthony: General Anthony Wayne's Victory in the NorthWest Territory_ (24 pages; 1.8MB)

(37) James M. McPherson 1990 _Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution_ (173 pages; 973.7092 McP; Main)

(34) James M. McPherson & William J. Cooper ii 1998 _Writing the Civil War: Original Coverage of the Civil War_ (?David Hunter Stother?; 356 pages; 973.7 McP; Main)

(40) James M. McPherson 1982 _The Most Fearful Ordeal: Original Coverage of the Civil War_ (?David Hunter Stother?; 420 pages; 973.7072 McP; Main+NE)

(44) James M. McPherson 1988 _Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era_ (973.7 McP; Main+Jax+Woodville)

(50) James M. McPherson 1997 _For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War_ (237 pages; 973.7 McP; Main)

(50) James M. McPherson 2002 _Antietam: The Battle That Changed the Course of the Civil War_/_CrossRoads of Freedom: Antietam: The Battle That Changed the Course of the Civil War_ (205 pages; 3.8MB; 973.7336 McP; Main+NE)

(52) James M. McPherson 1982 _Ordeal by Fire_ (973.7 McP; Jax)

(52) James M. McPherson 2000 _To the Best of My Ability: The American Presidents_ (480 pages; 973.099 McP; Main+Jax+NE)

(52) James M. McPherson 2003 _Hallowed Ground: A Walk at Gettysburg_ (141 pages; 973.7349 McP; Main+NE+FtBraden)

(52) James M. McPherson 2006 _Into the West: From ReConstruction to the Final Days of the USA Frontier_ (1864-1880; 96 pages; ISBN 9780689865435; Atheneum; J 978.02 McP; Main+NE+FtBraden)

James M. McPherson 1975 _The Abolitionist Legacy: From ReConstruction to the NAACP_ (450 pages)

James M. McPherson 1964 _The Struggle for Equality: Abolitionists and the Negro in the Civil War and ReConstruction_ ()

James M. McPherson 2015 _The War that Forged a Nation: Why the Civil War Still Matters_ (231 pages; 640KB)

John McPherson & Geri McPherson 1993 _Naked into the Wilderness: Wilderness Living & Survival Skills_ ()

Marcus McPherson 2015 _Women Soldiers in the Civil War: 26 True Stories of Female Soldiers Who Fought in the Bloodiest American War_ (110 pages; 9.7MB)

Kim McQuaid 1993, 1994 _UnEasy Partners: Big Business in USA Politics 1945-1990_ (235 pages pages)

Jeffrey McQuain & Stanley Malless 1998 _Coined by Shakespeare_ ()

(49) Donald McRae 2002 _Heroes without a Country: USA's Betrayal of Joe Louis and Jesse Owens_ (796.08996; Main)

Hamish McRae 1995 _The World in 2020_ ()

Hamish McRae & Frances Cairncross 1973 _Capital City: London as a Financial Center_ ()

Charles McRaven 1978 _Building the Hewn Log House_ ()

Charles McRaven 1994 _Building and Restoring the Hewn Log House_ ()

Edwin C. McReynolds 1957 _The Seminoles_ ()

Clay McShane, Joel A. Tarr & Harriet Ritvo 2007 _The Horse in the City: Living Machines in the 19th Century_ (230 pages)

(47) Grady McWhiney & Perry D. Jamieson 1982-01-01 _Attack and Die_ (209 pages; ISBN 9780817300739; UAlabama; 973.7 McW; Main)

(44) ►Grady McWhiney, Ph.D. & Forrest McDonald, Ph.D. 1988, 1989-05-30, 1990, 2005, 2012 _Cracker Culture: Celtic Ways in the Old South_ (290-325 pages; 13.6MB; ISBN 9780817304584/ 9780817303280; OCLC 1003700512/ 759596755/ 1004878926; UAlabama; 9999; Mars; ILL request)◀


Grady McWhiney & Sue McWhiney 1969 _To Mexico with Taylor and Scott 1845-1847_ (210 pages)

Grady McWhiney & Perry D. Jamieson 1982 _Attack and Die: Civil War Military Tactics and the Southern Heritage_ (973.7; Main)

Cameron McWhirter 2011 _Red Summer: The Summer of 1919 and the Awakening of Black USA_ (352 pages; 305.800973; Main)

Diane McWhorter 2001 _Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama: The Climactic Battle ofthe Civil Rights Revolution_ (710 pages; 31.6MB)

John H. McWhorter 2008, 2009 _Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue: The UnTold History of English_ (230 pages; 420.9 MCW; Main)

John H. McWhorter 2001, 2003 _The Power of Babel: A Natural History of Language_ (327 pages; 417.7 MCW; E+BLPerry)

John H. McWhorter 2000, 2001 _Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America_ (299 pages; 305.896073 MCW; Main)

John H. McWhorter 2006 _Winning the Race: Beyond the Crisis in Black America_ ()

John H. McWhorter 2004 _Authentically Black: Essays for the Black Silent Majority_ ()

John H. McWhorter 2016 _Words on the Move: Why English Won't -- and Can't -- Sit Still (Like, Literally)_ (260 pages; 1.3MB; mmm)

Carey McWilliams 1968 _North from Mexico: The Spanish-Speaking People of the United States_ ()

Jon Meacham 2012, 2013 _Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power_ (800 pages; 24MB)

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Jon Meacham 2008 _American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House_ (483 pages; biography Jackson; Main+BLPerry+FtBraden+Jax+NE+Woodville)

Jon Meacham 2018 _The Soul of the USA: The Battle for Our Better Angels_ (973; NE+E+Jax+FtBraden+Woodville)

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Walter Russell Mead 2001, 2008 _God and Gold: Britain, USA, and the Making of the Modern World_ (455 pages; 1.2MB)

Walter Russell Mead 2007 _Power, Terrorism, Peace, and War: USA's Grand Strategy in a World of Risk_ (250 pages; 521KB)

Walter Russell Mead 2017 or 2018 _The Arc of a Covenant: God, the USA, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People_ (280 pages)

Everard Kidder Meade 1956-1957 "Notes on the History of the Lower Shenandoah Valley" _Proceedings of the Clarke County Historical Association_ vol14 ()

Marion Meade 1991 _Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Biography_ ()

Robert Douthat Meade 1969 _Patrick Henry: Practical Revolutionary_ (2 volumes)

Richad Meadow & Hans-Peter Uerpmann 1986 _Equids in the Ancient World_ ()

Annette M.B. Meakin 1906, 2012 _Russia: Travels and Studies_ (440-530 pages)

Howard Means 2011 _Johnny Appleseed: The Man, the Myth, the American Story_ ()

Philip Ainsworth Means 1932 _Fall of the Inca Empire and the Spanish Rule in Peru 1530-1780_ ()

David C. Mearns 1950 _The Declaration of Independence: The Story of a Parchment_ ()

John J. Mearsheimer 2018 _Great Delusion: Illiberal Leftist Dreams and InterNational Realities_ (313 pages; 873KB; 909.82 Mea; E)

John R. Mearsheimer 1988 _Liddell Hart and the Weight of History_ ()

Jacob R. Mecklenborg 2010, 2014 _Cincinnati's InComplete Subway: The Complete History_ (200 pages; 13.7MB)

Mark Meckler & Jenny Beth Martin 2012 _Tea Party Patriots: The 2nd USA Revolution_ (230 pages; 1.1MB)

Patricia Fife Medert 2001 _Chillicothe, Ohio: Frontier Settlement to State Capital_ (105 pages)

William F. Medlin 2015 _Quaker Families of South Carolina and Georgia_ (290 pages; 1.1MB)

William K. Medlin 1952 _Moscow and East Rome_ ()

Rafael Medoff 2019 _The Jews Should Just Keep Quiet: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and the Holocaust_ (395 pages; 2.4MB)

Michael Medved 1993, 2011 _Hollywood vs. USA: Popular Culture and the War on Tradition_ (400 pages; 755KB)

Michael Medved 2008 _The 10 Big Lies about USA: Combatting Destructive Distortions about Our Nation_ (280 pages; 1.043MB)

Michael Medved 2017 _The USA Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic_ (390 pages; 18.3MB)

Michael Medved 2019 _God's Hand on the USA: Divine Providence in the Modern Era_ (390 pages)

Zhores A. Medvedev 1969 _The Rise and Fall of T.D. Lysenko_ ()

Charles Mee 1987 _Genius of the People_ ()

Douglas V. Meed 2001 _Fighting Texas Navy 1832-1843_ (250 pages; 4.3MB)

Scott A. Meehan 2016 _Stone In a Sling: A Soldier's Journey_ (310 pages; 4.4MB)

Charles K. Meek 1968 _Land Law and Custom in the Colonies_ (330 pages)

John Franklin Meginness 2012 _Biographical Annals of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania: Contining Biographical and Genealogical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens and Many of the Early Settlers_ (4,000 pages; 12.8MB)

Kathryn Shively Meier 2013 _Nature's Civil War: Common Soldiers & the Environment in 1862 Virginia_ (220 pages; 2.6MB)

Otto Friedrich August Meinardus 2002 _2K Years of Coptic Christianity_ (368 pages; 7.6MB)

D.W. Meinig 1988 _The Shaping of USA: vol1 Atlantic USA 1492-1800_ (515 pages)

D.W. Meinig 1995 _The Shaping of USA: vol2 Continental USA 1800-1867_ (645 pages)

D.W. Meinig 2000 _The Shaping of USA: vol3 TransContinental USA 1850-1915_ (470 pages)

D.W. Meinig 2006 _The Shaping of USA: vol4 Global USA 1915-2000_ (455 pages)

Christine Meinsen 2013 _Communist Infiltration of USA Churches 1887-2012: World Council of Churches, National Council of Churches_ (60 pages)

Natan M. Meir 2010 _Kiev, Jewish Metropolis: An History 1859-1914_ ()

David Meir-Levi 2011 _Stolen History: How the Palestinians and Their Allies Attack Israel's Right to Exist by Erasing Its Past_ (29 pages; 92KB)

David Meir-Levi 2007 _History UpSide Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression_ (150 pages; 940KB)

Betty Smith Meischen 2010 _From JamesTown to Texas: An History of Some Early Pioneers of Austin County_ (670 pages; 2.3MB)

Avi Melamed & Lucy Aharish 2016 _Inside the Middle East: Making Sense of the Most Dangerous and Complicated Region on Earth_ (380 pages; 3.1MB)

Joanne Pope Melish 1998 _DisOwning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation and "Race" in New England 1780-1860_ ()

Paul Mellars & Chris Stringer 1989 _The Human Revolution_ ()

H.E.L. Mellersh 1976 _Chronology of the Ancient World 10KBCE to 799CE_ (vol1; 902.02 reference; Main)

H.E.L. Mellersh 1999 _Chronology of the Expanding World 1492-1762_ (vol2; 902.02 reference; Main)

James Mellon 2011 _The Judge: A Life of Thomas Mellon, Founder of a Fortune_ (580 pages; 4.8MB)

Roy E.H. Mellor & E. Alistair Smith 1979 _Europe: A Geographical Survey of the Continent_ (190 pages)

Elizabeth W. Mellyn 2014 _Mad Tuscans and Their Families: An History of Mental DisOrder in Early Modern Italy_ (290 pages; 2.3MB)

J. Gordon Melton 2014 _Faiths across Time: 5K Years of Religious History_ (4 volumes; 2K pages; 29.2MB)

Tracy Matthew Melton 2005 _Hanging Henry Gambrill: The Violent Career of Baltimore's Plug Uglies 1854-1860_ (500 pages)

Allan Meltzer 2002, 2003 _An History of the Federal Reserve_ ()

Brad Meltzer 2012 _Heroes for My Daughter_ (124 pages; 902.02 junior; Main+NE)

Brad Meltzer 2013 _Heroes for My Son_ (111 pages; 920.02 junior; Main+NE+Jax)

Brad Meltzer & Keith Ferrell 2013 _History DeCoded: The 10 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time_ ()

(53) Brad Meltzer & Josh Mensch 2019 _The First Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill George Washington_ (413 pages; 8.3MB; 973.4 Mel; Main+E+NE+Jax+BLPerry)

Milton Meltzer 1993 _Slavery: A World History_ ()

Thomas Melville & Marjorie Melville 1971 _Guatemala: The Politics of Land Ownership_ ()

Arthur M. Melzer 2014 _Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing_ (460 pages; 3MB)

Albert Memmi 1976 _Portrait of a Jew_ ()

Albert Memmi 1966 _The Liberation of the Jew_ ()

Albert Memmi & Eleanor Levieux 1976 _Jews and Arabs_ (210 pages)

Louis Menand 2001, 2002 _The MetaPhysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America_ (540 pages; 4.6MB; 973.9; Main)

H.L. Mencken 8888 _American Language_ ()

Adam D. Mendelsohn 2014 _The Rag Race: How Jews Sewed Their Way to Success in the USA and the British Empire_ (320 pages; 4.9MB)

Ezra Mendelsohn 1985, 1987 _The Jews of East Central Europe between the World Wars_ (310 pages)

Isaac Mendelsohn 1949 _Slavery in the Ancient Near East_ (160 pages; Babylonia, Assyria, Syria, Israel, Palestine)

Alan Mendelson 1988 _Philo's Jewish Identity_ (180 pages)

William Mendenhall of Bath 1865, 1912, 2019 _History, Correspondence, and Pedigrees of the Mendenhalls_ (570 pages)

(40) Antonio J. Mendez 2012 _Argo: How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History_ (310 pages; 955.0542 Men; NE)

Louis Mendola & Jacqueline Alio 2014 _The People of Sicily: A Multi-Cultural Legacy_ (360 pages; 2.5MB)

(15) Maria Rosa Menocal 2002, 2009 _The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain_ (336 pages; 1.7MB; 946.02; Main+NE+E+Jax+BLPerry+FtBraden+Woodville)     read with    
(15) ►Dario Fernandez-Morera 2016 _The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise_ (370 pages; 2.1MB; ILL request)◀

Arthur F. Menton 1996 _The Book of Destiny: Toledot Charlap_ (genealogy; 600 pages)

Arthur F. Menton 1999 _Ancilla to Toledot Charlap_ (genealogy; 600 pages)

Wolfgang Menzel 2015 _The Wars with the Romans: A Short History of Germany in the Ancient World_ (120 pages; 4MB)

Wolfgang Menzel 2015 _The Wars of the Goths and the Franks: A Short History of Germany in the Dark Ages_ (135 pages; 2.6MB)

Gavin Menzies & Simon Vance 2003, 2008 _1421: The Year China Discovered America_ (672 pages)

(19) Gavin Menzies 2008, 2009 _1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance_ (368 pages; 945.05; Main+E)

Gavin Menzies 2011 _The Lost Empire of Atlantis: History's Greatest Mystery Revealed_ ()

Tema N. Merback & Dina Frydman Balbien 2010 _In the Face of Evil: Based on the Life of Dina Frydman Balbien_ (holocaust; 365 pages)

Eric Mercer 1975 _English Vernacular Houses_ ()

Gloria Merchant 2014-05-13 _Pirates of Colonial Newport_ (158-160-162 pages; 8.2MB; ISBN 9781540222558/ 9781626192508; OCLC 870099079; History)

Martin Meredith 2011 _Born in Africa: The Quest for the Origins of Human Life_ (280 pages; 2.6MB)

Martin Meredith 1984, 1985 _The First Dance of Freedom: Black Africa in the PostWar Era_ (400 pages)

Martin Meredith 2007, 2009 _Mugabe: Power, Plunder, and the Struggle for Zimbabwe's Future_ (270 pages; 765KB)

Martin Meredith 2005 _The Fate of Africa: From the Hopes of Freedom to the Heart of Despair: An History of 50 Years of Independence_ (750 pages; 9.5MB; 960.32; ???was catalogued; now it is not)

Martin Meredith 2014 _The Fortunes of Africa: A 5K-Year History of Wealth, Greed, and Endeavour_ (775 pages; 7.7MB; 960; Main)

Suzanne Meredith 2016 _Where Liberty Dwells, There Is My Country: American Civil War Letters, Photographs, and News Reports_ (290 pages)

Josef W. Meri & Jere L. Bacharach 2006 _Medieval Islamic Civilization: An Encyclopedia_ ()

Robert L. Meriwether 1974 _The Expansion of South Carolina 1729-1765_ ()

Frederick Merk 1963 _Manifest Destiny and Mission in American History_ ()

Frederick Merk 1972 _Slavery and the Annexaton of Texas_ ()

Peter Merkl 9999 _Political Violence under the Swastika_ ()

Benjamin R. Merkle 2009 _The White Horse King: The Life of Alfred the Great_ (another gramps; 250 pages; 2.7MB)

Frank J. Merli 1970 _Great Britain and the Confederate Navy_ ()

Fatima Mernissi & Mary Jo Lakeland 1993, 1997 _Forgotten Queens of Islam_ (230 pages)

John Meroney 8888 _Left in the Past_ ()

James Hart Merrell 8888 _Into the American Woods: Negotiations on the PA Frontier_ ()

H. Roy Merrens 1977 _The Colonial SC Scene: Contemporary Views 1697-1774_ ()

Thomas Merrick & Douglas Graham 1979 _Population and Economic Development in Brazil 1800 to Present_ (400 pages)

Boynton Merrill ii 1976 _Jefferson's Nephews_ ()

Eugene H. Merrill 2008 _Kingdom of Priests: An History of Old Testament Israel_ (550 pages; 2.5MB)

J.M. Merrill 1971 _William Tecumseh Sherman_ ()

Andrew H. Merrills 2004, 2017 _Vandals, Romans, and Berbers: New Perspectives on Late Antique North Africa_ (355 pages; 7.8MB)

James L. Merriner 1999 _Mr. ChairMan: Power in Dan Rostenkowski's USA_ (350 pages)

(43) Robert W. Merry 2009 _A Country of Vast Designs: James K. Polk, the Mexican War and the Conquest of the American Continent_ (973.6; Main)

(50) Robert W. Merry 2017 _President McKinley: Architect of the USA Century_ (608 pages; biography McKinley; Main+NE)

Ulrich Merten 2017 _Forgotten Voices: The Expulsion of the Germans from Eastern Europe after World War 2_ (345 pages; 5.3MB)

Robert K. Merton 1938, 1970, 2002 _Science, Technology, and Society in 17th-Century England_ (335 pages)

Paul E. Mertz 1978 _New Deal Policy and Southern Rural Poverty_ ()

Ted Merwin 2015 _Pastrami on Rye: An OverStuffed History of the Jewish Deli_ (250 pages; 6.6MB)

Ted Merwin 2006 _In Their Own Image: New York Jews in Jazz Age Popular Culture_ (225 pages)

Yaakov Meshorer 1967 _Jewish Coins from the Second Temple Period_ ()

Yaakov Meshorer 2001 _A Treasury of Jewish Coins from the Persian Period to Bar Kokhba_ ()

Timothy Messer-Kruse 2011 _The Trial of the HayMarket [Leftist] Anarchists: Terrorism and Justice in the Gilded Age_ (1886; 244 pages)

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Ronald A. Messier 2010 _The Almoravids the the Meanings of Jihad_ (248 pages; 3.3MB)

Dwight R. Messimer 2001 _Find and Destroy: AntiSubMarine Warfare in World War 1_ ()

(40) Eric Metaxas 2016 _If You Can Keep It: the Forgotten Promise of USA Liberty_ (260 pages; 323.440973; Main)

(41) Eric Metaxas 2007 _Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery_ (281 pages; biography Wilberforce; E+NE+Jax)

(50) Eric Metaxas & Timothy J. Keller 2010 _Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy_ (biography Bonhoeffer; Main+NE+E)

Alex Metcalfe 2009, 2014 _The Muslims of Medieval Italy_ (336 pages; 3.3MB)

Alex Metcalfe 2003, 2014 _Muslims and Christians in Norman Sicily: Arabic Speakers and the End of Islam_ (304 pages; 2.3MB)

Allan Metcalf 2004 _Presidential Voices: Speaking Styles from George Washington to George W. Bush_ (345 pages)

Isaac Metzker & Harry Golden 1990 _A Bintel Brief: 60 Years of Letters of Letters from the Lower East Side to the Jewish Daily Forward_ (240 pages)

Wendy Mewes 2006 _Discovering the History of Brittany_ (128 pages)

John Meyendorff 1997 _Byzantium and the Rise of Russia: A Study of Byzantino-Russian Relations in the 14th Century_ (320 pages)

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(82) Dakota Meyer & Bing West 2012 _Into the Fire: A First-Hand Account of the Most Extraordinary Battle in the Afghan War: Ganjigal_ (239 pages; 958.104742 May; Main)

Duane Meyer 1961, 1987 _The Highland Scots of NC 1732-1776_ ()

Eugene L. Meyer 2018 _5 for Freedom: The African American Soldiers in John Brown's Army_ (300 pages; 11.1MB)

Gerard Meyer 1989 _Vito Marcantonio: Radical Politician 1902-1954_ (300 pages)

Isidore S. Meyer 1973 _The Hebrew Exercises of Governor William Bradford_ (76 pages)

Karen Meyer 2018 _Simon Kenton: UnLikely Hero_ (115 pages; 2.6MB)

Karen Meyer 2015 _Conflict at Chillicothe: Settlers of the Ohio Frontier_ (97 pages; 494KB)

Karl Ernest Meyer & Shareen Blair Brysac 1999, 2006 _Tournament of Shadows: The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia_ ()

Sam Meyer 1995 _Paradoxes of Fame: The Francis Scott Key Story_ (100 pages)

Eric M. Meyers, Ehud Netzer & Carol L. Meyers 1992 _Sepphoris_ ()

Eric M. Meyers & Mark A. Chancey 2012 _Alexander to Constantine: Archaeology of the Land of the Bible_ (400 pages)

Mark D. Meyerson & Edward D. English 2000 _Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: Interactional Cultural Changd_ (345 pages; 1.7MB)

Michael Meyerson 2009 _Liberty's BluePrint: How Madison and Hamilton Wrote the Federalist Papers, [Re]Defined the Constitution, and Made "Democracy" [UnSafe] for the World_ (325 pages; 1.1MB)

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Jim MIchael 2010 _Ancient Amerindian Symbols with Old World Connections_ ()

Pamela Michael 1986 _A Country Harvest_ ()

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Francois-Andre Michaux 2011 _Flora Borealis Americana_ ()

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Francisque Michel 1840 _Chronicle of the War between the English and the Scots in 1173 and 1174, by Jordan Fantosm_ ()

John Michell 1999 _Who Wrote Shakespeare?_ (270 pages)

Eric Micheletti & Cyril Lombardini 2003 _Special Forces: War on Terrorism in Afghanistan_ ()

Robert Michels 1925 _Sozialismus und Faszismus_ ()

Robert Michels 2008 _Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy_ (425 pages; 1.1MB)

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Thomas J. Mickey 2013 _America's Romance with the English Garden_ (272 pages)

John Micklethwait & Adrian Wooldridge's _The Fourth Revolution_ ()

J. William Middendorf ii 2006 _A Glorious Disaster: Barry Goldwater's Presidential Campaign and the Origins of the "Conservative" Movement: In Your Heart, You Know He's Right_ (290 pages)

Martin Middlebrook 1976 _Convoy: The Germans Called It the Greatest Convoy Battle of All Time_ ()

Martin Middlebrook 2011, 2012 _Convoy SC122 and HX229: Climax of the Battle of the Atlantic 1943 March_ (340 pages; 12.4MB)

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Robert Middlekauff 1982, 2007 _The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution 1763-1789_ (696 pages; 13.9MB; 973.3; Main+NE+Jax)

Robert Middlekauff 2015 _Washington's Revolution: The Making of America's First Leader_ (384 pages; 4.392MB)

Drew Middleton 1946 _Our Share of Night: A Personal Narrative of the War Years_ ()

Richard Middleton 1998 _Colonial America: An History 1585-1776_ ()

Marc van de Mieroop 2006, 2015 _An History of the Ancient Near East c. 3000BCE-323BCE_ (400 pages; 11.4MB)

Marc van de Mieroop 2010, 2011 _An History of Ancient Eypt_ (420 pages; 4.6MB)

Marc van de Mieroop 2004 _King Hammurabi of Babylon: A Biography_ ()

Marc van de Mieroop 1992 _Society and Enterprise in Old Babylonian Ur_ (320 pages)

Marc van de Mieroop & Michael Hudson 2002 _Debt and Economic Renewal in the Ancient Near East_ (350 pages)

Charlene Miers 2002 _Independence Hall in American Memory_ ()

Suzanne Miers 1975 _Britain and the Ending of the Slave Trade_ ()

Anthony C. Miesel & M.L. del Mastro 1975, 2010 _The Rule of Saint Benedict_ (130 pages; 365KB)

Joel S. Migdal 1988, 1989 _Strong "Societies" and Weak States: State-"Society" Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World_ (310 pages)

Shirley Keller Mikesell 1991, 2009 _Early Settlers of Montgomery county OH_ (at least 3 volumes)

Alan Mikhail 2020 _God's Shadow: Sultan Selim, His Ottoman Empire, & the Making oftheModernWorld_ (485 pages)

Maged S.A. Mikhail 2014 _From Byzantine to Islamic Egypt: Religion, "Identity", and Politics after the Arab Conquest_ (400 pages; 1.2MB)

Jerald T. Milanich & Samuel Proctor 1997 _Tacachale: Essays on the Indians of Florida and SouthEastern Georgia During the Historic Period_ (970.1; Main)

Kenneth W. Milano 2013 _The Philadelphia Nativist Riots: Irish Kensington Erupts_ (1844-05-06; 150 pages)

Emma Miles 1975 _The Spirit of the Mountains_ ()

Jim Miles 1989, 2002 _To the Sea: An History and Tour Guide of the War in the West: Sherman's March Across Georgia 1864_ ()

Stanley Milgram 1967, 2008, 2009 _Obedience to Authority_ ()

Shirley Gorson Milgrim & Richard Fish 1979 _Haym Salomon: Liberty's Son_ (115 pages)

Sidney M. Milkis & Jerome M. Mileur 2002 _The Raw Deal and the Triumph of Illiberal Leftism_ (295 pages)

Sidney M. Milkis & Jerome M. Mileur 2009 _Theodore Roosevelt, the Regressive Party, and the "Transformation" of the USA Constitutional Republic_ (365 pages)

Sidney M. Milkis & Michael C. Nelson 2015 _The USA Presidency: Origins and Development 1776-2014_ (610 pages; 6.9MB)

James Mill 8888 _The History of British India_ ()

Andrew Millar 1752 _Political Discourses_ ()

Fergus Millar 1993 _The Roman Near East 31BCE-337CE_ ()

Fergus Millar, Eyal ben Eliyahu & Yehudah Cohn 2013 _HandBook of Jewish Literature from Late Antiquity 135CE-700CE_ (150 pages)

John Millar 8888 _The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks_ ()

(45) Candice Millard 2011 _Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine, & the Murder of a President_ (1881; 339 pages; ISBN ; Doubleday; 973.84092 Mil; Main+NE+Jax+BLPerry+East)

(47) Candice Millard 2005, 2006, 2009 _River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey_ (1912; 416-430 pages; 3.9MB; 918.1 Mil; Main+Jax+BLPerry)

Oliver de Mille 2009 _A Thomas Jefferson Education: Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the 21st Century_ ()

(50) Aaron David Miller 2008 _The Much Too Promised Land: USA's Elusive Search for Arab-Israeli-Peace_ (405 pages; 956.05; Main)

Barbra Miller 2019 _If I Survive: Nazi Germany & the Jews: 100-Year-Old Lena Goldstein's Miracle Story_ (200 pages; 4.4MB)

Charles Grant Miller 1922 _Treason to American Tradition: The Spirit of Benedict Arnold ReIncarnated in United States History Revised in TextBooks_ ()

Christopher L. Miller 1985, 1986 _Blank Darkness: Africanist Discourse in French_ (280 pages)

(45) Donald L. Miller 2019 _Vicksburg: Grant's Campaign That Broke the Confederacy_ (663 pages; ISBN 9781451641371; Simon&Schusteron order 2019-11-19; 973.7344 Mil; Jax)

Douglas T. Miller & Marion Nowak 1977 _The 1950s: The Way We Really Were_ (435 pages)

Edward A. Miller ii 1997 _Lincoln's Abolitionist General: The Biography of David Hunter_ (293-340 pages)

Fergus Miller 1967, 2013 _The Roman Empire and Its Neighbours_ (300 pages)

Fergus Miller 2006 _A Greek Roman Empire: Power and Belief under Theodosius ii 408-450_ (300 pages)

Fergus Miller 2002 _The Roman Republic in Political Thought_ (230 pages)

Fergus Miller 1998, 2002 _The Crowd in Rome in the Late Republic_ (245 pages)

Fergus Miller 1993 _The Roman Near East 31BCE-337CE_ (610 pages)

Fergus Miller 2002 _Rome, the Greek World, and the East: vol1 The Roman Republic and the Augustan Revolution_ (405 pages)

Fergus Miller 2004, 2005 _Rome, the Greek World, and the East: vol2 Government, "Society", and Culture in the Roman Empire_ (490 pages; 1.6MB)

Fergus Miller 2006, 2011 _Rome, the Greek World, and the East: vol3 The Greek World, the Jews, & the East_ (540 pages; 4.3MB)

Floyd Miller 1968 _Bill Tilghman: Marshal of the Last Frontier_ (250 pages)

Geoffrey Miller 2000, 2011 _The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature_ (520 pages; 38MB)

Geoffrey Miller & Glenn Geher 2008, 2012 _Mating Intelligence: Sex, Relationships, and the Mind's ReProductive System_ (475 pages; 4.1MB)

Geoffrey Miller & Tucker Max 2015 _Mate: Become the Man Women Want_ (350 pages; 3MB)

George H. Miller 1971 _RailRoads and the Granger Laws_ (296 pages; ISBN 9780299058708; OCLC 925079300; UWisc)

Helen Hill Miller 1975 _George Mason: Gentleman Revolutionary_ (380 pages)

Helen Hill Miller 1938 _George Mason: Constitutionalist_ (340 pages)

Helen Hill Miller 1987 _George Mason: The Man Who Didn't Sign_ ()

Hunter Miller 1889 _Treaties and Conventions Concluded between the United States of America and Other Powers since 1776-07-04_ ()

James H. Miller 1908 _History of Summers County_ ()

James Maxwell Miller & John B. Hayes 2006 _An History of Ancient Israel and Judah_ (552 pages)

Joan Miller 1986 _One Girl's War_ ()

John Miller 2014 _The Glorious Revolution_ (145 pages; 580KB)

John Miller 1987 _Bourbon and Stuart: Kings and Kingship in France and England in the 17th Century_ ()

John Chester Miller 1977, 1991 _The Wolf by the Ears: Thomas Jefferson and Slavery_ ()

John Chester Miller 1943, 1959, 1976 _Origins of the American Revolution_ (550 pages)

John Chester Miller 1948 _Triumph of Freedom 1775-1783_ (700 pages)

John Chester Miller 1959 _Alexander Hamilton and the Growth of the New Nation_ ()

John Chester Miller 1959 _Alexander Hamilton: Portrait in Paradox_ ()

John Chester Miller 1936, 1966, 1967 _Sam Adams: Pioneer in Propaganda_ ()

John E. Miller 2014 _Small-Town Dreams: Stories of MidWestern Boys Who Shaped America_ (544 pages)

John E. Miller 1994 _Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little Town: Where History and Literature Meet_ (220 pages)

John J. Miller & Mark Molesky 2007 _Our Oldest Enemy: An History of America's Disastrous Relationship with France_ (300 pages; 805KB; 327.73044; Main)

Keith D. Miller 1992 _Voice of Deliverance: The Language of Martin Luther King ii and Its Sources_ ()

Ken Miller 2015 _Dangerous Guests: Enemy Captives During the War for Independence_ (260 pages; 2.3MB)

Kenneth E. Miller 1968 _Government and Politics in Denmark_ (300 pages)

Kenneth E. Miller 2010 _From Regressive to Raw Dealer: Frederick C. How and USA Leftism_ (500 pages)

Kerby A. Miller, Arnold Schrier, Bruce D. Boling & David N. Doyle 2003 _Irish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan: Letters and Memoirs from Colonial and Revolutionary America 1675-1815_ (800 pages; 15.6MB)

Kimberly Michelle Miller 2016 _The Darien Scheme: DeBunking the Myth of Scotland's Ill-Fated American Colonization Attempt_ ()

(59) Kristie Miller 2014 _Ellen and Edith: Woodrow Wilson's First Ladies_ (360 pages; 3.5MB; 973.91; Main+E)

Lee Miller 2007 _Roanoke: The Mystery of the Lost Colony_ (975.6175 junior; Main)

Lilliam B. Miller 1966 _Patrons and Patriotism: The Encouragement of the Fine Arts in the United States 1790-1860_ ()

Marcus Miller 1973 _Roots by the River: The History, Doctrine, and Practice of the Old Germany Baptist Brethren in Miami county OH_ ()

Marla R. Miller 2010 _Betsy Ross and the Making of the USA_ (470 pages; 965KB; Elizabeth Phoebe Griscom Ross Claypole, Caroline/Mary Pickersgill, et al.)

Mary Montgomery Miller 8888 _Kate Barry_ ()

Merle Miller 1974 _Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman_ ()

Michael Miller, Virginia L. Nester, Rees Thorne & Charles Foreman 1980 _Images of the Past: A Photographic Review of Wincheter and Frederick County Virginia_ ()

Nathan Miller 1974, 2000 _Sea of Glory: A Naval History of the American Revolution_ (550 pages)

Nathan Miller 2003 _New World Coming: The 1920s and the Making of Modern America_ ()

Nathan Miller 1992 _Theodore Roosevelt: A Life_ ()

Norman James Miller 8888 _Winestead and Its Lords_ ()

Perry Miller 1965 _The Life of the Mind in America from the Revolution to the Civil War_ ()

Perry Miller 1953 _Errand into the Wilderness_ ()

Perry Miller 1983 _The New England Mind: The 17th Century_ ()

Perry Miller 1956 _The American Puritan: Their Prose and Poetry_ ()

Perry Miller 1939 _The New England Mind: From Colony to Province_ ()

Perry Miller 1939 _The New England Mind: The 17th Century_ ()

Perry Miller & Thomas H. Johnson 1963 _The Puritans_ (2 volumes)

Randall M. Miller 1989 _States of Progress: Germans and Blacks in America Over 300 Years_ ()

Randall M. Miller, Harry S. Stout & Charles Reagan Wilson 1998 _Religion and the American Civil War_ ()

Randall M. Miller & William A. Pencak 2002 _Pennsylvania: An History of the CommonWealth_ (700 pages)

Richard F. Miller 2015 _States at War: vol5 A Reference Guide for Ohio in the Civil War_ (920 pages; 1.6MB)

Richard Lawrence Miller 1986 _Truman: The Rise to Power_ ()

Richard Lawrence Miller 2012 _Lincoln and His World: vol4 The Path to the Presidency 1854-1860_ ()

Robert Earnest Miller 8888 _Cincinnati: The World War 2 Years_ ()

Robert Earnest Miller 2014 _World War 2 Cincinnati: From the Front Lines to the Home Front_ (155 pages; 9.9MB)

Robert Moats Miller 1985 _Henry Emerson Fosdick: Preacher, Pastor, Prophet_ ()

Robert Ryal Miller 1985 _Mexico: An History_ ()

Robynne Elizabeth Miller 2015 _From the Mouth of Ma: A Search for Caroline Quiner Ingalls_ (46 pages; 493KB)

Roger L. Miller & George C. Crout 2000 _MiddleTown: Steel City (OH)_ (125 pages)

Ron Miller 2012 _SellOut: Musings from Uncle Tom's Porch_ (255 pages; 1.2MB)

Samuel S. Miller 1887 _Early Settlers and Early Times on Donnels Creek and Vicinity, Clark County Ohio_ ()

Scott Miller 2011 _The President and the Assassin: McKinley, Terrorism, and Empire at the Dawn of the USA Century_ (430 pages; 7.1MB)

Sean Miller 2001 _Charters of the New Minster, Winchester: Anglo-Saxon Charters vol9_ (300 pages)

Terry E. Miller, Ronald G. Knapp & A. Chester Ong 2014 _America's Covered Bridges: Practical Crossings_ (260 pages; 44.1MB)

Thomas Condit Miller & Hu Maxwell 1909-1913 _West Virginia & Its People_ (Lewis Historical Publishing Company vol2 pp 483-485 for info on Catharine Patterson & William Snodgrass)

Thomas Miller 1990 _The Selected Writings of John Witherspoon_ ()

Tom Miller 2017 _Red China's Asian Dream: Empire Building along the New Silk Road_ (240 pages; 5MB)

William Miller 1962 _Men in Business_ ()

William Miller 1942 _The Age of Enterprise_ ()

William E. Miller 2011 _Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Cavalry Battle near Gettysburg_ (30 pages; 899KB)

William J. Miller 2004 _Great Maps of the Civil War: Pivotal Battles and Campaigns_ (76 pages)

William Lee Miller 2003 _The First Liberty: America's Foundation in Religious Freedom_ ()

William Lee Miller 1998 _Arguing About Slavery: John Quincy Adams and the Great Battle in the United States Congress_ (575 pages)

William R. Miller 2016 _3 Strikes in the War of 1812: 3 USA Victories in the War of 1812 That Permanently Ejected the British, and Ultimately Their Amerindian Allies from What is Now the MidWestern USA East of the Mississippi_ (125 pages)

Miller 8888 _Cincinnati's Beginnings_ ()

Alan R. Millett 1991 _Semper Fidelis: The History of the United States Marine Corps_ ()

Alan R. Millett, Peter Maslowski & William B. Feis 1994, 2012 _For the Common Defense: A Military History of the United States of America_ (725-965 pages; 50.8MB)

Helen D. Millgate 1998 _Mr. Brown's War: A Diary of the Second World War_ ()

Fred Milligan 2003 _Ohio's Founding Fathers_ ()

Walter Millis 1935 _The Road to War: America 1914-1917_ ()

Walter Millis 1931 _The Martial Spirit_ ()

Walter Millis 1956, 1958, 1967, 1981 _Arms and Men: A Study in American Military History_ (330 pages)

Gary B. Mills 8888 _Southern Loyalists in the Civil War_ ()

Robert Mills 1826 _Statistics of South Carolina_ ()

Steve Mills 2019 _The Dawn of the Drone: From the Back-Room Boys of World War 1_ (325 pages; 29.8MB; ISBN 1612007899/ 9781612007892; Casemate)

James A. Millward 2007, 2009 _Eurasian CrossRoads: An History of Xinjiang_ (345 pages)

Roy Millward & Adrian Robinson 1974 _The Lake District_ ()

Henry Hart Milman 1863, 2012 _The History of the Jews: The Asmoneans, the Patriarch of the West, and the Prince of Captivity_ (508 pages)

George R. Milner 2005 _The MoundBuilders: Ancient Peoples of Eastern North America_ (224 pages)

Giles Milton & Roland Philipps 2004, 2005, 2006 _White Gold : the Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa's One Million European Slaves_ (325-352 pages; 3.5MB)

Giles Milton 2002, 2003 _Samurai William: The EnglishMan Who Opened Japan_ (biography William; Main+NE)

Giles Milton 2011 _Big Chief Elizabeth: The Adventures and Fate of the First English Colonists in America_ (350 pages; 9MB; 970; Main+NE+Jax)

Giles Milton 2016, 2017 _Churchill's Ministry of UnGentleManly Warfare: The Mavericks Who Plotted Hitler's Defeat_ (356 pages; 940.54; Main+NE+E+Jax_Woodville)

Giles Milton 1999, 2000 _Nathaniel's Nutmeg: The True and Incredible Adventures of the Spice Trader Who Changed the Course of History_ (338.1; Main+NE)

Giles Milton 2014 _The Perfect Corpse_ (330 pages; 1MB)

Giles Milton 2013 _The Riddle and the Knight: In Search of sir John Mandeville, the World's Greatest Traveler_ (240 pages; 1.5MB)

Giles Milton 2019 _Soldier, Sailor, FrogMan, Spy, AirMan, Gangster, Kill or Die: How the Allies Won on D-Day_ (500 pages; 31.6MB)

(40) Giles Milton 2010, 2014, 2016 _When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain: History's UnKnown Chapters_ (261 pages; 899KB; 909; Main+Jax)

Giles Milton 2014 _Russian Roulette: How British Spies Thwarted Lenin's Plot for Global Revolution_ (378 pages; 327.1241 MIL; Main)

Joyce Milton & Ronald Radosh 1997 _The Rosenberg File_ (606 pages)

Joyce Milton 1999 _The First Partner: HitleryRottenClinton_ (435 pages; biography)

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G.E. Mingay 1963 _English Landed Society in the 18th Century_ ()

Scott L. Mingus 2009 _Flames Beyond Gettysburg: The Gordon Expedition 1863 June_ (300 pages; 3MB)

Richard Miniter 2011 _Mastermind: The Many Faces oof the 2001/09/11 Terrorist Attack Architect, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed_ (280 pages; 815KB)

Fred Minnick 2016 _Bourbon: The Rise and Fall, and ReBirth of an American Whiskey_ (235 pages; 31.3MB)

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Steven Mintz 2009 _Mexican American Voices: A Documentary Reader_ ()

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Alexander Mirkovic 2004 _Prelude to Constantine: The Abgar Tradition in Early Christianity_ (175 pages)

Laurie E. Miroff & Timothy D. Knapp 2009 _Iroquoan Archaeology and Analytic Scale_ ()

Laurent Mirouze 1990 _World War 1 Infantry in Colour Photographs_ ()

Arthur Mirsky 1983 _Self-Guided Walking Tour of Selected Building Materials in DownTown Indianapolis_ (10 pages)

Jeanette Mirsky & Allan Nevins 1952 _The World of Eli Whitney_ ()

Paul R. Misencik & Sally E. Misencik 2020 _American Indians of the Ohio Country in the 18th Century_ (265 pages)

Nissim Mishal & Michael Bar-Zohar 2012 _Mossad: The Greatest Missions of the Israeli Secret Service_ (400 pages)

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Stephen Missick 2013 _The Quest for the Historical Moses_ (88 pages)

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B.R. Mitchell 1975 _European Historical Statistics 1750-1970_ ()

Broadus Mitchell 1947 _Depression Decade: From New Era through New Deal 1929-1941_ ()

Charles W. Mitchell 2007 _Maryland Voices of the Civil War_ (560 pages)

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James Mitchell 1997 _The Craft of Modular Post & Beam: Building Log & Timber Homes Affordably_ (690.837)

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Joshua Mitchell 1993 _Not by Reason Alone: Religion, History, and Identity in Early Modern Political Thought_ ()

Kathleen Mitchell & Ian Wood 2002 _The World of Gregory of Tours_ (440 pages)

Piers D. Mitchell 2004, 2005 _Medicine in the Crusades: Warfare, Wounds, and the Medieval Surgeon_ (295 pages)

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Robert D. Mitchell 1977 _Commercialism and Frontier: Perspectives on the Early Shenandoah Valley_ ()

Ruth Mitchell 1943 _The Serbs Choose War_ ()

Stephen Mitchell 2014 _An History of the Later Roman Empire 284CE-641CE_ (568 pages; 17.3MB)

Rosalind Mitchison & Nicholas T. Phillipson 1997 _Scotland in the Age of Improvement_ ()

Reid Mitenbuler 2015 _Bourbon Empire: The Past and Future of USA's Whiskey_ (310 pages; 663.52; Main)

Steven Mithen 2004, 2006 _After the Ice: A Global Human History 20KBCE-5KBCE_ (660 pages)

Vasili Mitrokhin 2004 _The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World_ ()

Gottlieb Mittelberger 1960 _Journey to Pennsylvania_ ()

Rana Mitter 2004 _A Bitter Revolution: Red China's Struggle with the Modern World_ ()

Michael Mitterauer & Reinhard Spieder 1984 _The European Family: Patriarchy to Partnership from the Middle Ages to the Present_ (240 pages)

Alan Mittleman, Jonathan D. Sarna, Robert Licht, Marshall J. Breger, Naomi W. Cohan et al. 2002 _Jews and the USA Public Square: Debating Religion and Republic_ (380 pages)

T. Scott Miyakawa 1964 _Protestants and Pioneers: Individualism and Conformity on the American Frontier_ ()

Soji Mizuno 1981 _Early Foundations for Japan's 20th Century Emergence_ ()

F.J. Moberly 1927 _The Campaign in Mesopotamia 1914-1918: vol4_ (290 pages)

Joseph Meleze Modrzejewski & Robert Cornman 1997 _The Jews of Egypt from Rameses ii to Emperor Hadrian_ (290 pages)

Roger W. Moeller & Kurt W. Carr 2015 _First Pennsylvanians: The Archaeology of Native Americans in Pennsylvania_ (245 pages)

(55) Susan D. Moeller 1999 _Compassion Fatigue: How the Media Sell Disease, Famine, War, and Death_ (390 pages; 070.4 Moe; Main)

Magnus Moerner 1985 _The Andean Past_ ()

Magnus Moerner & Harold Sims 1985 _Adventurers and Proletarians: The Story of Migrants in Latin America_ ()

Magnus Moerner 1967 _Race Mixture in the History of Latin America_ ()

Alistair Moffat 2011 _The Faded Map: Lost Kingdoms of Scotland_ (265 pages; 1.5MB)

Alistair Moffat 2005, 2009 _Before Scotland: The Story of Scotland Before History_ (340 pages)

Alistair Moffat 2016 _Scotland: An History from Earliest Times_ (565 pages)

Alistair Moffat & James F. Wilson 2011, 2017 _The Scots: A Genetic Journey_ (260 pages; 996KB)

Alistair Moffat 2011, 2017 _The Reivers: The Story of the Border Reivers_ (320 pages; 2.4MB)

Alistair Moffat 2011 _The Highland Clans_ (176 pages; 929.209411; Main)

Alistair Moffat 2018 _The Borders: An History of the Borders from Earliest Times_ (England-Scotland; 600 pages)

Edwin Moise 2017 _The Myths of Tet: The Most MisUnderstood Event of the VietNam War_ (misunderstood in large part due to leftist media propaganda; 280 pages; 1.8MB)

Gamal Mokhtar 1981 _Ancient Civilizations of Africa_ ()


(19) ►Joel Mokyr 1990, 1992, 2005, 2008, 2014 _The Lever of Riches: Technical Creativity and Economic Progress_/_The Lever of Riches: Technological Creativity and Economic Progress_ (349-360 pages; ISBN 9780195074772; OCLC 9850683220 1111709429; OxfordU; ILL request)◀

(24) ►Joel Mokyr 2004 _The Gifts of Athena: Historical Origins of the Knowledge Economy_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; ; ILL request)◀

(25) ►Joel Mokyr 2010 _The Enlightened Economy: An Economic History of Britain 1700-1850_ (540 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; ; ILL request)◀

(27) ►Joel Mokyr 2012 _The Economies of the Industrial Revolution_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; ; ILL request)◀


Kristian Molin 2001 _Unknown Crusader Castles_ ()

Miklos Molnar & Anna Magyar 2001 _A Concise History of Hungary_ (380 pages; 9.3MB)

Ed Moloney 2003 _A Secret History of the IRA_ (600 pages)

Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke, Flint McClumpha, C. Barter, & Mary Herms 1893 _Essays, Speeches, and Memoirs of Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Motke_ (2 volumes)

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Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke & J.R. McIlraith 1896 _Moltke's Letters to His Wife and Other Relatives_ (2 volumes)

Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke 1971 _Strategy, Its Theory and Application: The Wars for German Unification 1866-1871_ ()

Helmuth von Moltke & Daniel J. Hughes 2009 _Moltke on the Art of War: Selected Writings_ (280 pages; 909KB)

William Molyneaux 1698, 1770, 1776 _The Cause of Ireland_ ()

Annika Mombauer 2005 _Helmuth von Moltke and the Origins of the First World War_ (335 pages; 6.6MB)

Arnaldo Momigliano 1975 _Alien Wisdom: The Limits of Hellenization_ (175 pages; 3.9MB)

Hans Mommsen, Elborg Forester & Larry Jones 1996, 1989 _The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy_ ()

E. Jennifer Monaghan 2005 _Learning to Read and Write in Colonial America_ ()

Frank Monaghan 1935 _John Jay, Defender of Liberty_ ()

Tom Monaghan 2002 _Renaissance, ReFormation, and the Age of Discovery 1450-1700_ ()

sir Iain Moncrieffe & David Hicks 1967, 1984 _The Highland Clans_ (240 pages)

sir Iain Moncrieffe & Don Pottinger 1956 _Blood Royal_ (64 pages)

John Monfasani 2011 _George Amiroutzes: The Philosopher and His Tractates_ (200 pages)

Gabriel Monod & Charles Bemont 2012 _Medieval Europe 395-1270_ (230 pages)

Robert Monro 1637, 1999 _Monro, His Expedition with the Worthy Scots Regiment Called MacKeys_ ()

(50) Marianne Monson 2018 _Women of the Blue & Gray: True Civil War Stories of Mothers, Medics, Soldiers, and Spies_ (237 pages; 973.7082 Mon; Main+E)

Ashley Montagu 1997 _Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race_ ()

Edward Wortley Montagu 1759 _Reflections on the Rise and Fall of Ancient Republics_ ()

lieutenant-colonel Herbert P. Montague 1972 _The Scottish University Tradition_ ()

Ludwell Lee Montague 1992 _General Walter Bedell Smith as Drector of Central Intelligence 1950 October-1953 February_ ()

Robert V. Montague iii 2012 _History and Genealogy of Peter Montague of Jamestowne Virginia 1603_ ()

Peter Monteath 2011 _Germans_ (in South Australia; 465 pages; 14.4MB)

(47) Simon Sebag Montefiore 2011 _Jerusalem: The Biography_ (768 pages; 7.8MB; 956.94)

(60) Simon Sebag Montefiore 2016 _The Romanovs 1613-1918_ (816 pages; 26MB; 948.099; NE)

Simon Sebag Montefiore 2013 _Istanbul, Rome and Jerusalem: Titans of the Holy Cities_ (114 pages; 1MB)

Simon Sebag Montefiore 2012 _Titans of History_ (673 pages; 5.6MB)

(85) Simon Sebag Montefiore 2004 _Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar_ (785 pages; biography)

Simon Sebag Montefiore 2000, 2001 _Prince of Princes: The Life of Potemkin_ (634 pages; biography)

John M. Monteiro, James Woodard & Barbara Weinstein 2018 _Blacks of the Land: Indian Slavery, Settler "Society", and the Portuguese Colonial Enterprise in South America_ (275 pages; 1.7MB)

Charles Louis de Secondat baron de Montesquieu 8888 _The Spirit of the Laws_ ()

Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu 8888 _Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and Their Decline_ ()

Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu 7777 _Persian Letters_ ()

A.W. Montford 2010, 2015 _The Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of Science_ ()

A.W. Montford 2012 _Hiding the Decline_ (325 pages)

Bernard Law Montgomery 1958 _The Memoirs of Field Marshal the Viscount Montgomery of Alamein_ ()

David Montgomery 1967 _Beyond Equality_ ()

David Henry Montgomery _The Beginner's American History_ ()

David Henry Montgomery 1890 _The Leading Facts of American History_ ()

Eric Montgomery 1965 _The Scotch-Irish in America's History_ ()

James A. Montgomery 2006 _The History of Yaballaha iii and of His Vicar Bar Sauma_ (90 pages)

M.R. Montgomery & Peter Gandy 2002 _Jefferson and the Gun-Men: How the West Was Almost Lost_ (Burr, Pike, Wilkinson; 340 pages; 1.3MB)

Scott L. Montgomery & Daniel Chirot 2015 _The Shape of the New: 4 Big Ideas and How They Made the Modern World_ (497 pages; 1.5MB)

Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd 1981 _Burke's Presidential Families of the United States of America_ ()

Dominic Montserrat 2014 _Akhenaten: History, Fantasy and Ancient Egypt_ (240 pages; 10MB)

Joseph V. Montville, Mark R. Cohen, Olivia Remie Constable, Ahmad Dallal, Thomas F. Glick, Diana Lobel, Kathryn A. Miller & Raymond P Scheindlin 2011 _History As Prelude: Muslims and Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean_ (200 pages; 1.1MB)

Leigh Montville 2004-04-13, 2006 _Ted Williams: The Biography of an American Hero_ (520-550 pages; 1.5MB; ISBN 0385507488/ 9780385507486/ 9780739333433; OCLC 144563759; Doubleday/Broadway/RandomHouse)

F. Kennon Moody 2013 _FDR and His Hudson Valley Neighbors_ ()

Kim Moody 2007 _From Illfare State to Real Estate: Regime Change in New York City 1974 to the Present_ (330 pages)

Robert E. Moody 1978 _The Letters of Thomas Gorges, Deputy Governor of the Province of Maine 1640-1643_ ()

T.W. Moody 8888 _The Londonderry Plantation_ ()

T.W. Moody 1978 _Nationality and the Pursuit of National Independence_ (175-287 pages)

T.W. Moody, F.X. Martin, Daibhi O Croinin, Art Cosgrove & F.J. Byrne 1980-2011 _A New History of Ireland_ (9 volumes; each of which costs $60-$70)

Radhakumud Mookerji 1912 _An History of Indian Shipping and Maritime Activity_ ()

Tom Moon 1991 _This Grim and Savage Game: OSS and the Beginning of US Covert Operations in World War 2_ ()

Tom Moon & Carl F. Eifler 1975 _The Deadliest Colonel_ ()

Michael J. Mooney 2013 _The Life and Legend of Chris Kyle: American Sniper, Navy SEAL_ (140 pages; 2.9MB)

Andrew M.T. Moore, Gordon C. Hillman & Anthony J. Legge 2000 _Village on the Euphrates: From Foraging to Farming at Abu Hureyra_ ()

Arthur K. Moore 1957, 2014 _The Frontier Mind_ (275 pages)

Barrington Moore 1966, 2015 _"Social" Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World_ (590 pages; 2.7MB)

Bob Moore 1997 _Victims and Survivors: The Nazi Persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands 1940-1945_ ()

Charles Moore 2013 _Margaret Thatcher: vol1 From Grantham to the Falklands_ (900 pages; 64.9MB; biography Thatcher)

Charles Moore 2016 _Margaret Thatcher: vol2 At Her Zenith: In London, Washington, and Moscow_ (870 pages; 15.6MB; biography Thatcher)

Clarence Bloomfield Moore & Richard R. Polhemus 2002 _The Tennessee, Green, and Lower Ohio Rivers Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore_ (390 pages)

Elma Lee Moore 2010 _Ohio's Covered Bridges_ (130 pages; 59.8MB)

Frank Moore 1862, 2014, 2017 _The Patriot Preachers of the American Revolution, with Biographical Sketches_ (270-390 pages; 1.2MB)

Frank Moore 1856, 2010 _Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution, with Notes & Illustrations_ (400 pages)

Jacqueline M. Moore 2003 _Booker Taliaferro Washington, W.E.B. du Bois, and the Struggle for Racial UpLift_ (190 pages)

John Hammond Moore 1976 _Albemarle, Jefferson's County_ ()

John R. Moore 1967 _The Economic Impact of TVA_ ()

Karl Moore & David Charles Lewis 2009 _The Origins of Globalization_ (280 pages; 1.7MB)

Leonard Moore 1991 _Citizen Clansmen: The Ku Klux Klan in Indiana 1921-1928_ ()

Michael Edward Moore 2017 _A Sacred Kingdom: Bishops and the Rise of Frankish Kingship 300-850_ (425 pages)

R. Laurence Moore 1986 _Religious OutSiders and the Making of Americans_ ()

Robert H. Moore 2006 _Tragedy in the Shenandoah Valley: The Story of the Summers-Koontz Execution_ (128 pages)

Robert I. Moore 2007, 2008 _The Formation of a Persecuting "Society": Authority and Deviance in Western Europe 950-1250_ (225 pages; 2.2MB)

Robin Moore 2003 _The Hunt for Bin Laden: Task Fore Dagger: On the Ground with the Special Forces in Afghanistan_ ()

(50) ►Stephen L. Moore 2012 _Savage Frontier: vol1 Rangers, Riflemen, & Indian Wars in Texas 1835-1837_ (340 pages; 2.1MB; ILL request)◀

(55) Stephen L. Moore 2015 _The Battle for Hell's Island: How a Small Band of Carrier Dive-Bombers Helped Save Guadalcanal_ (498 pages; 940.5426; Jax)

(58) Stephen L. Moore 2014 _Pacific PayBack: The Carrier Aviators Who Avenged Pearl Harbor at the Battle of Midway_ (436 pages; 940.5426; Main)

Virginia Moore 1994 _Scottsville on the James_ ()

Alan Moorehead 1960, 2000 _The White Nile_ (960.2 M825W)

Warren King Moorehead & Arthur W. McGraw 1899, 1992 _The Indian Tribes of Ohio: Historically Considered 1600-1840_ (ISBN=1-56651-080-5)

Max L. Moorhead 1968, 1976 _The Apache Frontier: Jacobo Ugarte and Spanish-Indian Relations in Northern New Spain 1769-1791_ (325 pages)

Max L. Moorhead 1991 _The Presidio: Bastion of the Spanish BorderLands_ (295 pages)

Sam Moorhead & David Stuttard 2016 _The Romans Who Shaped Britain_ (275 pages; 100.7MB)

Halvor Moorshead 8888 _The Arthur Hoag Research Project_ ()

Kimberlee Sue Moran & Claire L. Gold 2019 _Forensic Archaeology: MultiDisciplinary Perspectives_ (351 pages; ISBN 9783030032890; OCLC ; Springer)

Michael Moran 2012 _The Reckoniing: Debt, Democracy, and the Future of American Power_ (242 pages; 330.973)

William L. Moran 1987, 1992, 2000 _The Amarna Letters_ (448 pages)

John Morby 1989 _Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook_ ()

Mordechai ben Porat 2015 _To Baghdad and Back: The Miraculous 2K Year HomeComing of the Iraqi Jews_ (350 pages; 30.5MB)

Lucas E, Morel, Clarence Thomas, Joseph Formieri, Fred Caplan, John Channing Briggs, Michael Burlingame et al. 2014-11-07, 2015 _Lincoln and Liberty: Wisdom for the Ages_ (369-392 pages; ISBN 9780813151014; OCLC 908405754; UPressKY)

W.H. Moreland 1923 _From Akbar to Aurangzeb: A Study in Indian Economic History_ ()

W.H. Moreland 1920 _India at the Death of Akbar_ ()

Mike Morell 8888 _The Great War of Our Time_ ()

John A. Morello 2001 _Selling the President 1920: Albert D. Lasker, Advertising and the Election of Warren G. Harding_ (112 pages; ISBN 9780275970307; OCLC 44927146; Praeger)

Felix Morely 1981 _Freedom and Federalism_ ()

Barry Moreno 2000 _The Statue of Liberty Encyclopedia_ ()

Jonathan D. Moreno 2000 _UnDue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans_ (347 pages; 174.28 Mor; Main+NE)

Enrico Moretti 2012 _The New Geography of Jobs_ (300 pages; 5.5MB)

David O. Morgan & Anthony Reid 2010 _The New Cambridge History of Islam: vol3 The Eastern Islamic Empire 11th-18th Centuries_ (745 pages; 3.5MB; for vol1 see Chase F. Robinson; vol2 Maribel Fierro)

(45) Edmund Sears Morgan 2009 _American Heroes: Profiles of Men & Women Who Shaped Early USA_ (278 pages; ISBN 9780393070101; Norton; 973.2 Mor; NE)

Edmund Sears Morgan 8888 _Benjamin Franklin_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan 1989 _Inventing the People: The Rise of Popular Sovereignty in England and America_ (310 pages; 1.3MB)

Edmund Sears Morgan 2006 _The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John Winthrop_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan 8888 _The Puritan Family: Religion and Domestic Relations in 17th-Century New England_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan 8888 _Puritan Political Beliefs_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan & Helen Morgan 1953, 1974, 1995, 2011 _The Stamp Act Crisis: Proloue to Revolution_ (330 pages; 1.4MB)

Edmund Sears Morgan 1959 _Prologue to Revolution: Sources and documents of the Stamp Act Crisis_ ()

(50) Edmund Sears Morgan 2003, 2005 _American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial VA_ (454 pages; ISBN 0965727009; HistoryBookClub; 975.502 Mor; Main)

Edmund Sears Morgan 1952, 1969, 1889 _Virginians at Home: Family Life in the 18th Century_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan & Rosemarie Zagarri 1956, 2012 _The Birth of the Republic 1763-1789_ (240 pages)

Edmund Sears Morgan 1976 _The Meaning of Independence: John Adams, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan 8888 _The Genius of George Washington_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan & Helen M. Morgan 1953 _The Stamp Act Crisis: Prologue to Revolution_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan 8888 _The Challenge of the American Revolution_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan 8888 _The American Revolution: 2 Centuries of Interpretation_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan 8888 _The Gentle Puritan: A Life of Ezra Stiles_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan 8888 _Visible Saints: The History of a Puritan Idea_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan 1967 _Roger Williams: The Church and the State_ ()

Edmund Sears Morgan 8888 _So What about History_ ()

George Morgan 1907, 2000 _The True Patrick Henry_ (480 pages)

--Henry Lewis Morgan 1984 _League of the Iroquois: A Classic Study of an American Indian Tribe with Original Illustrations_ (500 pages)

--Henry Lewis Morgan 1871, 2014 _Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family_ (600 pages; 2MB)

--Henry Lewis Morgan 1877, 2015 _Ancient Society: Researches in the Lines of Human Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilization_ (765 pages; 1.1MB)

Howard Wayne Morgan 1969-06-01 _From Hayes to McKinley: National Party Politics 1877-1896_ (618 pages; ISBN 9780815621362; OCLC 732269316/ 1025425685; SyracuseU)

Howard Wayne Morgan 2003 _William McKinley and His America_ (480 pages; 2.1MB)

Howard Wayne Morgan 1970 _The Gilded Age_ ()

Howard Wayne Morgan 1965 _America's Road to Empire_ ()

James Patrick Morgan 2016 _Grenville Mellen Dodge in the Civil War: Union SpyMaster, RailRoad Builder, and "Organizer" of the 4th iowa Volunteer Infantry_ (200 pages; 9.4MB)

Jessie Borror Morgan 1968-01-01 _The Good Life in Piatt county: An History of Piatt county IL_ ()

John G. Morgan 8888 _A Point in History - Battle of Point Pleasant_ ()

Kenneth Morgan 2007 _Slavery and the British Empire from Africa to America_ ()

Kenneth O. Morgan 1992 _The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain_ (646 pages; 941)

Lewis Henry Morgan 1962 _League of the Iroquois_ ()

Michael D. Morgan 2010 _Over-the-Rhine: When Beer Was King_ (170 pages; 4.6MB)

Philip D. Morgan 1998 _Slave CounterPoint: Black Culture in the 18th-Century Chesapeake and LowCountry_ ()

Philip D. Morgan & Sean Hawkins 2004 _Black Experience and the Empire_ (British; )

(45) Robert Morgan 2011 _Lions of the West: Heroes and Villains of the Westward Expansion_ (497 pages; 978.02; Main+NE)

(47) Robert Morgan 2007 _Boone: A Biography_ (538 pages; 1.8MB; biography Boone; NE)

Robert Morgan & Ron Powers 2001 _The Man Who Flew the Memphis Belle: Memoir of a WW2 Bomber Pilot_ ()

Wayne Morgan 1963 _The Gilded Age_ ()

William Rogers Morgan 1861 _St. Paul iin Britain: The Origin of British as Opposed to Papal Christianity_ ()

Henry Morgenthau & John Morton Blum 1959 _From the Morgenthau Diaries: vol1 Years of Crisis 1928-1939_ ()

Henry Morgenthau iii 1991 _Mostly Morgenthaus: A Family History_ ()

Delman Morin 1969 _Dwight David Eisenhower: A Gauge of Greatness_ ()

Elting E. Morison 1974 _From Know-How to NoWhere: The Development of American Technology_ (195 pages)

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1952 _Of Plymouth Plantation_ ()

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1975 _The Conservative American Revolution_ (48 pages)

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1929, 1948, 1961, 1965, 1967 _Sources & Documents Illustrating the American Revolution 1764-1788 and the Formation of the Federal Constitution_ (425 pages)

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1972, 1994 _The Oxford History of the American People_ (at least 3 volumes)

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1953, 1954, 1966 _By Land and By Sea_ ()

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1921, 1979 _Maritime History of MA_ ()

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison, Freerick Merk & Frank Friedel 1970 _Dissent in 3 American Wars_ (973; )

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1991 _Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus_ (660 pages; 9.9)

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1986 _The Great Explorers: The European Discovery of America_ (740 pages; 9.9)

(55) admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1971 _The European Discovery of America: The Northern Voyages 500-1600CE_ (973.15; )

(55) admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1974 _The European Discovery of America: The Southern Voyages 1492-1616_ (36.00 hard Jax)

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 2001, 2011 _Sicily-Salerno-Anzio: 1943 January-1944 June_ (420 pages)

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 2001 _The Battle of the Atlantic 1939 September-1943 May_ (420 pages)

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1948, 2001 _History of United States Naval Operations in World War 2: The Rising Sun in the Pacific 1931-1942 April_ ()

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1989 _The 2-Ocean War: A Short History of the United States Navy in the Second World War_ (590 pages)

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison 1986 _3 Centuries of Harvard 1636-1936_ (500 pages)

admiral Samuel Eliot Morison, Henry Steele Commager & William E. Leuchtenburg 1942, 1956, 1962, 1980 _Growth of the American Republic_ (2 volumes; 1,000 pages)

(19) Paul Morland 2019 _The Human Tide: How Population Shaped the Modern World_ (344 pages; 304.6 Mor; Main+E)

John Morley 1888 _The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth_ ()

James Kelly Morningstar 2017 _Patton's War: A Radical Theory of War_ (500 pages; 11.9MB)

James A. Morone 2003 _HellFire Nation: The Politics of Sin in American History_ ()

John B. Morrall 1958 _Political Thought in Medieval Times_ ()

Park Morrill 1897 _Floods of the Mississippi River_ ()

Anne Cary Morris 1888, 1970 _The Diary and Letters of Gouvernour Morris_ (2 volumes)

Benny Morris 2011 _Righteous Victims: An History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict 1881-1998_ (790 pages; 7MB)

Benny Morris 2003 _The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem: ReVisited_ (660 pages; 1.9MB)

Benny Morris 2009 _1 State, 2 States: Resolving the Israel/Palestine Conflict_ (245 pages; 2MB)

Benny Morris 2008 _1948: An History of the First Arab-Israeli War_ (535 pages; 7MB)

Benny Morris 1994 _Israel's Border Wars 1949-1956: Arab InFiltration, Israeli Retaliation, and the CountDown to the Suez War_ (460 pages; 6.4MB)

Benny Morris 2003 _The Road to Jerusalem: Glubb Pasha, Palestine, and the Jews_ (310 pages)

Benny Morris & Dror Zeevi 2019 _The 30-Year Genocide: Turkey's Destruction of Its Christian Minorities 1894-1924_ (660 pages)

(29) Charles R. Morris 2008, 2017 _A Rabble of Dead Money: The Great Crash and the Global Depression 1929-1939_ (385 pages; 973.916 Mor; Main)

(29) Charles R. Morris 2017 _ComeBack: USA's New Economic Boom_ (RBdigital audio)

Charles R. Morris 2006 _The Tycoons: How Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, & J.P. Morgan Invented the American SuperEconomy_ (380 pages; 2MB)

(33) ►Charles R. Morris 2006 _The Dawn of Innovation: The First American Industrial Revolution_ (375 pages; 6.3MB; ILL request)◀

(35) ►Charles R. Morris 1980 _The Cost of Good Intentions: New York City & the Illiberal Leftist Experiment_ (255 pages; ILL request)◀

(38) ►Charles R. Morris 1999 _Money, Greed, and Risk: Why Financial Crises & Crashes Happen_ (310 pages; ILL request)◀

(40) Charles R. Morris 209 _The Sages: Warren Buffett, George Soros, Paul Volcker, & the Maelstrom of Markets_ (201 pages; 595KB; 332.092273 Mor; NE)

(40) Charles R. Morris 2008, 2009 _The $2T MeltDown: Easy Money, High Rollers, & the Great Credit Crash_ (194 pages; 825KB; 332.0415 Mor; Main)

Charles R. Morris 1984, 1986 _A Time of Passion: USA 1960-1980_ (260 pages)

Charles Morris 1904 _Men and Issues of 1904: Containing Intimate Biographies of the Presidential Candidates and Leading Statesmen of All the Parties_ ()

Colin Morris 1987 _The ReDiscovery of the Individual 1050-1200_ (180 pages)

Craig F. Morris 2017 _The Origins of American Strategic Bombing Theory_ (255 pages; 11MB)

David J. Morris 2004 _Storm on the Horizon: Khafji--The Battle That Changed the Course of the Gulf War_ ()

(60) Dick Morris 2003 _Off With Their Heads: Traitors, Crooks, & Obstructionists in USA Politics, Media, & Business_ (973.931; NE)

(65) Dick Morris & Eileen McGann 2008 _Fleeced: How Barack Hussein Obummer, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Illiberal Leftists Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That Help Iran, and Washington DC Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming US, and What to Do about It_ (320.973; Main+E+NE+Jax)

Dick Morris 2009 _Catastrophe: How Barack Hussein Obummer, Congress, & the Special Interests Are Transforming a Slump into a Crash, Freedom into Socialism, & a Disaster into a Catastrophe and How to Fight Back_ (973.932; Main+NE+Jax+BLPerry)

Dick Morris & Eileen McGann 2010 _Take Back the USA: A Battle Plan_ (320.973; Main+NE+Jax)

Dick Morris & Eileen McGann 2011 _Revolt!: How to Defeat Barack Hussein Obummer and Repeal His Socialist Programs: A Patriot's Guide_ (330 pages; 320.52; NE)

Dick Morris 2016 _Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hitlery Rotten Clinton_ (250 pages; 923KB)

Donald R. Morris 1965 _The Washing of the Spears: An History of the Rise of the Zulu Nation under Shaka and Its Fall in the Zulu War of 1879_ ()

Edmund Morris 1979, 2001, 2010 _The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt_ (Roosevelt #1; 960 pages; 11.2MB; biography Roosevelt)

Edmund Morris 2001, 2002 _Theodore Rex_ (Roosevelt #2; 790 pages; 7MB; biography Roosevelt)

Edmund Morris 2010 _Colonel Roosevelt_ (Roosevelt #3; 780 pages; 12.5MB; biography Roosevelt)

Edmund Morris 1999 _Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan_ (870 pages; 8.8MB; biography Reagan)

Edmund Morris 2019 _Edison_ (790 pages; biography Edison)

Edmund Morris 2009 _Beethoven: The Universal Composer_ (250 pages; biography Beethoven)

(49) Eric Morris 1993 _Circles of Hell: The War in Italy 1943-1945_ (498 pages; 940.54 Mor; NE)

Gouverneur Morris & Beatrix Cary Davenport 1939, 2010 _A Diary of the French Revolution vol1_ (675 pages)

Gouverneur Morris & Beatrix Cary Davenport 1939 _A Diary of the French Revolution vol2_ ()

(49) Ian Morris 2010 _Why the West Rules--For Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal about the Future_ (750 pages; 4.6MB; 909.0982 Mor; NE)

(53) Ian Morris 2014 _War! What Is It Good For?: Conflict and the Progress of Civilization from Primates to Robots_ (archaeology; 495 pages; 303.66 Mor; Main)

J. Brent Morris 2014 _Oberlin: HotBed of Abolitionism: College, Neighborhood, & the Fight for Freedom & Equality in AnteBellum USA_ (335 pages; 3.4MB)

James Morris 1973 _Heaven's Command: An Imperial Progress_ ()

Joe Alex Morris 1960 _Nelson Rockefeller_ ()

John Morris 1980 _Nennius: British History and the Welsh Annals_ ()

John Edward Morris 2019 _The Welsh Wars of Edward i: A Contribution to Mediaeval Military History_ (360 pages)

Jonathan Morris 2019 _Coffee: A Global History_ (210 pages; 4.4MB)

(35) ►Marc Morris 2020, 2021 _The Anglo-Saxons: The Making of England 410-1066_ (440-508 pages; ISBN 9781643133126; OCLC 1105153424; Pegasus; ILL request)◀

Marc Morris 2015 _King John: Treachery & Tyranny in Medieval England: The Road to Magna Carta_ (400 pages; 2.9MB)

(59) Marc Morris 2009, 2015 _A Great and Terrible King: Edward i and the Forging of Britain_ (470 pages; 4.2MB; 942.035 Mor; Main+Jax)

(64) Marc Morris 2012, 2013 _The Norman Conquest: The Battle of Hastings and the Fall of Anglo-Saxon England_ (262 pages; 942.02 Mor; Main)

Peter Morris/Richard Morris & Richard Addyman/Peter Addyman 1976 _The Archaeological Study of Churches_ ()

Richard Morris 1988, 1989 _Churches in the Landscape_ (530 pages)

Richard Morris 1972 _The Development of a Revolutionary Mentality: Papers Presented at the First Library of Congress Symposium 1972 May 5-6_ (??)

Richard B. Morris 1979 _The Emerging Nations and the American Revolution_ ()

Richard B. Morris 1965 _The PeaceMakers: The Great Powers and American Independence_ ()

Richard B. Morris 1946 _Government and Labor in Early America_ ()

Richard B. Morris 1957 _Alexander Hamilton and the Founding of the Nation_ ()

Robert Morris 8888 _Select Architecture_ ()

Robert Morris 1982 _The Truth about the Betsy Ross Story_ (Elizabeth Phoebe Griscom Ross Claypole, Caroline/Mary Pickersgill, et al.)

(20) Roy Morris ii 2003-02-04, 2004-03-05 _Fraud of the Century: Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel Tilden, & the Stolen Election of 1876_ (311-320 pages; ISBN 9780743223867/ 9780743255523; OCLC 55225179; Simon&Schuster; 324.973082 Mor; Main)

Sylvia Morris 2009 _Edith Kermit Roosevelt: Portrait of a First Lady_ (600 pages; 10.3MB)

Thomas D. Morris 1974, 2010 _Free Men All: The Personal Liberty Laws of the North 1780-1781_ (260 pages)

A.J. Morrison 1922 _Travels in Virginia in Revolutionary Times_ ()

Dane Morrison 1998 _American Indian Studies_ (456 pages)

Dane Anthony Morrison 2014 _True Yankees: The South Seas and the Dscovery 0f American Identity_ (280 pages; 9MB)

Dane Anthony Morrison & Nancy Lusignan Schultz 2015 _Salem: Place, Myth, and Memory_ (368 pages; 8.3MB)

David Morrison & Jean-Luc Pilon 1994 _Threads of Arctic PreHistory_ ()

E.E. Morrison 1974 _From Know-How to NoWhere_ ()

Jeffry H. Morrison 2007 _John Witherspon and the Founding of the American Republic_ (240 pages)

Thomas D. Morrison 1996 _Southern Slavery and the Law 1619-1860_ ()

Wilbur H. Morrison 1991 _Donald W. Douglas: A Heart with Wings_ (255 pages)

William Douglas Morrison 2017 _The Story of the Jews under Roman Rule, and the Story of the Tuscan Republics (Florence, Siena, Pisa, and Lucca) with Genoa_ (930 pages)

(45) ►William Douglas Morrison 1890, 1895, 1899, 2019, 2020-03-30 _The Jews under Roman Rule: Rome's Conquest, Ocupation, & Wars in Israel & Judaea: How It Changed the Jewish Temple & Law_ (175-426 pages; 11MB; 9.9 ounces; 178987212/ 9781789872125; OCLC 923973987; Putnam/Pantianos; ILL request)◀

Robert Morrissey & Catherine Tihanyi 1997, 2003 _Charlemagne and France: A Thousand Years of Mythology_ (420 pages)

Tessa Morris-Suzuki 1994 _The Technological Transformation of Japan from the 17th to the 21st Century_ ()

Honore Willsie Morrow 1928, 2005 _Mary Todd Lincoln: An Appreciation of the Wife of Abraham Lincoln_ (265 pages)

(45) ►Arthur David Morse 1967, 1968, 1983, 1998 _While 6M Died: A Chronicle of USA [media & government] Apathy_ (420 pages; ISBN 9780879518363; OCLC 1016107648; Overlook/RandomHouse/Hart; ILL request)◀

(30) ►Chuck Morse 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2013 _The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini_ (mufti; 172-186 pages; ISBN 0595659438/ 1935071033/ 9780595659432/ 9781935071037; OCLC ; iUniverse/Midpoint/WND; ILL request)◀

Chuck Morse 2015 _Communism is not Dead_ ()

Chuck Morse 2005 _Barney Frank and the Law of UnIntended Consequences: How the Frank Amendment Helped Terrorists Get Legal Visas_ (76 pages)

John T. Morse ii 1898 _Thomas Jefferson_ ()

Samuel F.B. Morsse 1835, 2012 _Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the USA_ (195 pages)

Gavin Mortimer 2010 _Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy_ (300 pages)

(50) Ian Mortimer 2008, 2009, 2010 _The Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England: A HandBook for Visitors to the 14th Century_ (350 pages; 3.3MB; 942.03; Main+Jax)

(52) Ian Mortimer 2013 _The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England_ (400 pages; 2.1MB; 942.055 Mor; Jax)

Ian Mortimer 2017 _The Time Traveler's Guide to Restoration Britain: A HandBook for Visitors to the 17th Century 1660-1699_ (450 pages; 55.4MB)

(54) Ian Mortimer 2016 _Millennnium: From Religion to Revolution: How Civilization Has Changed Over a Thousand Years_ (400 pages; 6.6MB; 303.4 Mor; Main)

Ian Mortimer 2014 _Edward iii: The Perfect King_ (525 pages; 7.2MB)

Andrew Morton 2015 _17 Carnations: The Royals, the Nazis and the Biggest Cover-Up in History_ (370 pages; 5.7MB)

Frederic Morton 2007 November _The Story of Winchester in Virginia: The Oldest Town in the Shenandoah Valley_ (330 pages)

Frederic Morton 1962 _The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait_ (300 pages; 11.3MB)

John Fass Morton 2012 _Next Generation Homeland Security: Network Federalism and the Course to National Preparedness_ (420 pages; 1.5MB)

LaDene Morton 2015 _The Country Club District of Kansas City_ (160 pages)

Louis Morton 1941, 1969 _Robert Carter of Nomini Hall: A Virginia Tobacco Planter of the 18th Century_ ()

Ohland Morton 1948 _Teran and Texas: A Chapter in Texas-Mexican Relations_ (190 pages)

Oren F. Morton 1910 _History of Pendleton county WV_ ()

Richard L. Morton 1960 _Colonial Virginia_ (at least 2 volumes)

Sabatino Moscati 1965, 1999 _The World of the Phoenicians_ ()

Sabatino Moscati & Alastair Hamilton 1988, 2000 _The Phoenicians_ (665 pages)

John Jacob Moscou & Thomas Lediard 1737 _History of the Ancient Germans_/_The History of Our Great Ancestors_ ()

George L. Mose 2001 _The Nationalization of the "Masses": Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars through the Third Reich_ ()

A. Dirk Moses 2008 _Empire, Colony, Genocide: Conquest, Occupation, & SubAltern Resistance in World History_ (490 pages; 1.4MB)

Paul Moses 2009 _The Saint and the Sultan: The Crusades, Islam, and Francis of Assisi's Mission of Peace_ (302 pages; 261.2709)

Robert Moses 1970 _Public Works: A Dangerous Game_ (950 pages)

Frederick C Mosher 1987 _Presidential Transitions and Foreign Affairs_ (270 pages)

Steven W. Mosher & Thomas W. Fuller 2010 _Climategate: The Crutape Letters_ (185 pages; 1.6MB)

Steven W. Mosher 2017 _Bully of Asia: Why Red China's Dream Is the New Threat to World Order_ (400 pages; 1.3MB)

Steven W. Mosher 2000 _Hegemon: Red China's Plan to dominate Asia and the world_ (193 pages; 327.51)

Steven W. Mosher 1990 _China Misperceived: USA Illusions and Chinese Reality_ (260 pages; 951.059)

Steven W. Mosher 2008 _Broken Earth: the Rural Chinese_ (340 pages; 4.3MB)

Steven W. Mosher 1985 _Journey to the Forbidden China_ (188 pages)

Steven W. Mosher 2017 _The USA and the Republic of China: Democratic Friends, Strategic Allies, and Economic Partners_ (175 pages; 541KB)

Charles Mosley 2003 _Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage_ (3 volumes)

Charles Mosley & Hugh Brogan Mosley 1994 _American Presidential Families_ ()

Leonard Mosley 1978 _Dulles: A Biography of Eleanor, Allen and John Foster Dulles and Their Family Network_ (biography Dulles)

Candida Moss 2013 _The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom_ (315 pages; 618KB)

David Moss 1989 _The Politics of Left-Wing Violence in Italy 1969-1985_ (305 pages)

Ernestine Parke Moss 1979 _Hickel Heritage_ (Ernestine P. Moss, Stonewall, Memphis, TN 38107. pages 98-110; mentions Groves)

George Donelson Moss 1990 _VietNam: An American Ordeal_ ()

H.St.L.B. Moss 1961 _The Birth of the Middle Ages 395-814_ ()

Marissa Moss 2016 _USA's Tea Parties: Not 1 but 4! Boston, Charleston, New York, Philadelphia_ (56 pages; 12.5MB)

Ernest Mossner 1954 _The Life of David Hume_ ()

John Lothrop Motley 1855, 2006, 2009, 2013 _The Rise of the Dutch Republic_ (470 pages; 1.2MB)

David Motadel 2014 _Islam and Nazi Germany's War_ (512 pages; 7.5MB)

Frederick W. Mote 1999, 2003 _Imperial China 900-1800_ (1,115 pages)

Hiroshi Motomurs 2006 _Americans in Waiting_ ()

R.A. Mott & Peter Singer 1983 _Henry Cort the Great Finer: Creator of Puddled Iron_ ()

Clement G. Motten 1950 _Mexican Silver and the Enlightenment_ ()

Francis V. Moulder 1977, 1979 _Japan, China and the Modern World Economy_ ()

A.C. Moule 2011 _Christians in China Before the Year 1550_ (330 pages)

Candy Moulton 1999 _The Writer's Guide to EveryDay Life in Wild West from 1840-1900_ (315 pages)

Gary E. Moulton, Meriwether Lewis & William Clark 2018 _The Lewis and Clark Expedition: Day by Day_ (760 pages; 2.6MB)

Clay Mountcastle 2009 _Punitive War: Confederate Guerrillas and Union Reprisals_ ()

Vernon B. Mountcastle 1998 _Perceptural NeuroScience: The Cerebral Cortex_ ()

Charles Loch Mowat 1943, 2016 _East Florida as a British Province 1763-1784_ (245 pages)

Hamid Mowlana 1986 _Global Information and World Communication: New Frontiers_ ()

George E. Mowry 1947, 1960 _Theodore Roosevelt and the Regressive Movement_ (395 pages)

Mark Moyar 2015 _Strategic Failure: How President Obummer's Drone Warfare, Defense Cuts, and Military Amateurism Have Imperiled the USA_ (385 pages; 3.2MB)

Walter Moyle 1727 _The Whole Works_ ()

Daniel Patrick Moynihan 1970 _Beyond the Melting Pot_ ()

Marwan Muasher 2014 _The 2nd Arab Awakening and the Battle for Pluralism_ (225 pages; 855KB)

Friedrich Max Mueller 1890-1894 _The Sacred Books of the East_ (at least 48 volumes)

Friedrich Max Mueller 2000 _The Sacred Books of the East: vol1 part1 The Upanishads_ (430 pages)

Friedrich Max Mueller 2000 _The Sacred Books of the East: vol1 part2 The Upanishads_ (330 pages; 1.1MB)

Friedrich Max Mueller 2001 _The Sacred Books of the East: vol3 part1 The Sacred Books of China: Texts of Confucianism: Shu King, Shin King, Hsiao King_ (530 pages)

Friedrich Max Mueller 2001 _The Sacred Books of the East: vol4 part1 The Zend-Avesta_ (340 pages)

Friedrich Max Mueller 2000 _The Sacred Books of the East: vol38 part2 The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankarakarya_ (500 pages)

Friedrich Max Mueller 2000 _The Sacred Books of the East: vol39 part1 The Sacred Books of China: Texts of Taoism_ (420 pages)

Hans Eberhard Mueller 1984 _Bureaucracy, Education, and Monopoly: Civil Service Reforms in Prussia and England_ (290 pages)

John Mueller 2004 _The Remnants of War_ ()

Michael Mueller 2007 _Canaris: The Life and Death of Hitler's SpyMaster_ ()

Eckhard Mueller-Mertens 1963 _Karl der Grosse, Ludwig der Fromme, und die Freien_ ()

Abu AbdUllah Muhammad ibn Muhammad Ibrahim/ibn Battuta/Shams-ud-Dim & ibn Juzayy c.1355 _A Presentation by an Observer on the Wonders of Great Cities and Marvels of the Road_ ()

Henry A. Muhlenberg 1849 _The Life of Major-General Peter Muhlenberg of Revolutionary Army_ ()

Anka Muhlstein 1982 _Baron James: Rise of the French Rothschilds_ ()

Andrew Forest Muir 1839, 1988, 2011 _Texas in 1837: An Anonymous, Contemporary Narrative by a Citizen of Ohio_ (220 pages; 3.5MB)

Diana Jean Muir 2018 _The Ancestors of John Harper of Bath county Kentucky_/The Ancestors of John Harper and Christine Robinson of Bath county Kentucky_ (445-600 pages)

Diana Jean Muir 2018 _The Ancestors of Clifford Earl McAllister: vol1 Pedigree Diagrams_ (530 pages)

Bruce Muirhead 1999 _Against the Odds: The Public Life and Times of Louis Rasminsky_ ()

Gautam Mukunda 2012-09-04 _Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter_ (320 pages; ISBN 9781422186701; OCLC ; Harvard)

John M. Mulder 1978 _Woodrow Wilson: The Years of Preparation_ ()

James Muldoon 1997 _Varieties of Religious Conversion in the Middle Ages_ (248 pages)

Marc Mulholland 2003 _Northern Ireland: A Very Short Introduction_ ()

FitzHugh Mullan 1989 _Plagues and Politics: The Story of the USA Public Health Service_ ()

Craig M. Mullaney 2009 _The UnForgiving Minute: A Soldier's Education_ (415 pages; 1.2MB)

Tom Mullen & Liz Makowski 2016 _Little Friends: vol1 Air War_ (90 pages; 20.5MB)

Tom Mullen & Liz Makowski 2016 _Little Friends: vol2 Air War, Planes, Men, Times and the Events of WW2_ (160 pages; 24MB)

Gert Muller 2013 _The Ancient Black Hebrews_ (76 pages; 1.2MB)

Jon Muller 1986 _Archaeology of the Lower Ohio River Valley_ ()

Benno Muller-Hill & George R. Fraser 1988 _Murderous Science: Elimination by "Scientific" Selection of Jews, Gypsies, and Others in Nazi Germany 1933-1945_ (215 pages)

(45) ►Casey B. Mulligan 2020-09-03 _You're Hired!: UnTold Successes & Failures of a Populist President_ (237-300 pages; ISBN 9781645720133; OCLC 1153819415; Republic; ILL request)◀

Gerald W. Mullin 1972 _Flight and Rebellion: Slave Resistance in 18th-Century VA_ ()

Timothy J. Mullin 1999 _The Fighting SubMachine Gun, Machine Pistol, and ShotGun: A Hands-On Evaluation_ (205 pages)

(45) ►Tony R. Mullis 204 _PeaceKeeping on the Plains: Army Operations in Bleeding Kansas_ (bloody Kansas; 278 pages; ISBN 9780826215352; OCLC 799716897; UMissouri; ILL request)◀

Kevin Mulroy 1993 _Freedom on the Border: The Seminole Maroons in Florida, the Indian Territory, Coahuila and TX_ ()

Lewis Mumford 1934 _Technics and Civilization_ ()

(59) Lewis Mumford 1961 _The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects_ (657 pages; 301.36; Main)

Lewis Mumford 1972 _Roots of Contemporary American Architecture_ ()

Robin R. Mundhill 2002 _England's Jewish "Solution": Experiment and Expulsion 1262-1290_ (Edward i; 355 pages)

John H. Mundy & Peter Riesenberg 1958 _The Medieval Town_ ()

(55) Liza Mundy 2017 _Code Girls: The UnTold Story of the USA Women Code Breakers of World War 2_ (416 pages; ISBN 0316352535/ 9780316352536; 940.548673 Mun; Main+E)

Usama ibn Munqidh & Paul M. Cobb 2008 _The Book of Contemplation: Islam and the Crusades_ (400 pages; 830KB)

Dana G. Munro 1964 _Intervention and Dollar Diplomacy in the Caribbean 1900-1921_ ()

R.W. Munro 1971 _Clansmen and Kinsmen_ ()

John A. Munroe 1987 _Federalist Delaware 1775-1815_ (275 pages)

John A. Munroe 1978 _Colonial Delaware: An History_ (280 pages)

Stuart C. Munro-Hay 1991 _Aksum: An African Civilization of Late Antiquity_ (290 pages)

Stuart C. Munro-Hay 2002 _Ethiopia: The Unknown Land: A Cultural and Historical Guide_ (390 pages; 963)

Roberta Munske & Wilmer L. Kerns _Hampshire County WV 1754-2004_ (contains bio of Richard Williams)

Richard Munson 2005 _From Edison to Enron: The Business of Power and What It Means for the Future of Electricity_ (200 pages)

Susanne Harman Munson 2018 _Jefferson's GodFather: The Man Behind the Man: George Wythe, Mentor to the Founding Fathers_ (500 pages; 1.8MB)

Ramon Muntaner, Anna Kinsky lady Goodenough & Hugh Chesterman 1921, 1926, 1967 _The Chronicle of Muntaner_ ()

Peter Munz 1969 _Frederick Barbarossa: A Study in Medieval Politics_ ()

Yasusuke Murakami & Yataka Kosai 1986 _Japan in the Global Community_ ()

Joshua Muravchik 2002, 2003 _Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism_ (438 pages; 1.9MB)

Joshua Muravchik 1986 _The Uncertain Crusade: Jimmy Carter and the Dilemma of [Muddled] Human Rights Policy_ (264 pages)

Joshua Muravchik 2007 _The Future of the United Nations: Understanding the [Horrid, Evil] Past to Chart a Way Forward_ (175 pages)

Joshua Muravchik 2010 _Obummer's Radical Transformation of America: Year One_ (48 pages; 198KB)

Joshua Muravchik 1986 _Making David into Goliath: How [Some Are Trying to Turn] the World Against Israel_ (320 pages; 1.4MB)

William Murchison 2013 _The Cost of Liberty: The Life of John Dickinson_ ()

Adrian Murdoch 2006 _The Last Roman: Romulus Augustulus and the Decline of the West_ (215 pages)

Adrian Murdoch 2009 _Rome's Greatest Defeat: Massacre in the Teutoburg Forest_ (245 pages; 858KB)

Alexander Murdoch 2009, 2010 _Scotland and America c. 1600-c. 1800_ (200 pages; 3.5MB)

Steve Murdoch & Andrew B. Mackillop/Andrew B. Mckillop 2002, 203 _Fighting for Identity: Scottish Military Experience c. 1550-1900_ (300 pages)

George Peter Murdock 1959 _Africa: Its People and Their Culture History_ ()

Myrtle Cheney Murdock & John R. Murdock 2012 _The American's Creed and William Tyler Page_ (127 pages)

Camil Muresanu 2018 _John Hunyadi: Defender of Christendom_ (240 pages)

James H. Murnane & Peader Murnane 1999 _At the Ford of the Birches: An History of the Town of Ballybay, Its People and Vicinity_ (675 pages)

Dwight D. Murphey 1979 _Burkean Conservatismand Classical Liberalism_ ()

Rhoads Murphey 1977 _The Outsiders: The Western Experience in India and China_ ()

Angela F. Murphy 2014 _The Jerry Rescue: The Fugitive Slave Law, "Northern Rights", and the USA Sectional Crisis_ (205 pages)

Antoin E. Murphy 1997 _John Law: Economic Theorist and Policy-Maker_ ()

Audie Murphy 1949, 2002 _To Hell and Back_ (289 pages; 655KB)

(65) Brian Murphy 2005 _The Root of Wild Madder: Chasing the History, Mystery, & Lore of the Persian Carpet_ (297 pages; 746.755 Mur)

Bruce Allen Murphy 2003 _Wild Bill: The Legend and Life of William O. Douglas_ ()

Cait N. Murphy 2009 _Crazy 1908: How a Cast of Cranks, Rogues, BoneHeads, and Magnates Created the Greatest Year in BaseBall History_ (390 pages; 1.1MB)

Edward F. Murphy 2010 _VietNam Medal of Honor Heroes_ (352 pages; 1.4MB)

James L. Murphy 1975 _An Archaeological History of the Hocking Valley_ ()

Jim Murphy 2010 _How George Washington Saved the American Revolution_ ()

John A. Murphy 1997 _Fort Laurens_ (48 pages)

Lucy Eldersveld Murphy & Wendy Hamand Venet 1997 _MidWestern Women: Work, Community and Leadership at the CrossRoads_ (296 pages)

Muriel Kleist Murphy 1972 _Marcus Alonzo Hanna and his Ancestors_ ()

Ric Murphy 2014 _Freedom Road: An American Family Saga from JamesTown to World War_ (440 pages; 2.3MB)

Richard E. Murphy 2015 _Alcuin of York: De Virtutibus et Vitiis: Of Virtues & Vices_ (74 pages)

(17) ►Robert P. Murphy 2009 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression & the Raw Deal_ (190-260 pages; 1.7MB; ISBN 1596980966/ 9781596980969; OCLC 955138144; Regnery; ILL request)◀

Robert Murphy 1964 _Diplomat Among Warriors_ ()

Thomas Murphy 1889 _The Presbytery of the Log College; or the Cradle of the Presbyterian Church in America_ (Philadelphia)

Murray 8888 _Travels in the United States_ ()

Alan V. Murray 2000 _The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: A Dynastic History 1099-1125_ (250 pages)

Alexander Callander Murray 1983 _Germanic Kinship Structure: Studies in Law and "Society" in Antiquity and in the Early Middle Ages_ (245 pages)

Alexander Callander Murray 1978, 2002 _Reason and Society in the Middle Ages_ ()

Alexander Callander Murray 1999, 2019 _From Roman to Merovingian Gaul_ (685 pages; 2.7MB)

Alexander Callander Murray 1998 _After Rome's Fall: Narrators and Sources of Early Medieval History_ (390 pages)

Alexander Callander Murray 2005, 2019 _Gregory of Tours: The Merovingians_ (280 pages; 3.7MB; Georgius Florentius Gregorius)

Alexander Edward Murray 8th earl of Dunmore viscount Fincastle & Percy Clare Elliott-Lockhart 1898, 2005 _A Frontier Campaign: A Narrative of the Operations of the Malakand and Buner Field Forces 1897-1898_ ()

Charles J. Murray & John Wiley 1997 _The Supermen: The Story of Seymour Cray and the Technical Wizards behind the SuperComputer_ ()

Charles Murray 2003, 2009 _Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences 800BC to 1950_ (680 pages; 6.9MB; 908.79; dup of entry in history)

Charles Murray 2013 _American Exceptionalism: An Experiment in History_ (59 pages)

(25) Douglas Murray 2017 _The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, "Identity", Islam_ (343 pages; 1.9MB; 940.56 Mur; E)

G.E. Patrick Murray, Robert Bailey, Gil Cohen, Jim Dietz et al. 2001, 2006 _Bomber Missions: Aviation Art of World War 2_ (140 pages)

Gilbert Murray 1934 _The Rise of the Greek Epic_ ()

Kevin Murray 1998 _From Clermont to Jerusalem: The Crusades and Crusader Societies 1095-1500_ (328 pages)

Robert K. Murray 1955 _Red Scare: A Study in National Hysteria 1919-1920_ ()

(38) Stuart A.P. Murray, Nicholas A. Basbanes & Donald G. Davis ii 2009, 2018 _The Library: An Illustrated History_ (310 pages; 87.7MB; ISBN 9781510733329; SkyHorse; on order 2019-01-24; 027.009 Mur; Main)

(39) ►William J. Murray 2016 _Utopian Road to Hell: Enslaving USA and the World with Central Planning_ (300 pages; 606KB; ILL request)◀

Williamson Murray & Allan R. Millett 1992 _Calculations; Net Assessment and the Coming of World War 2_ ()

Williamson Murray 1996 _Military Innovation in the InterWar Period_ ()

Williamson Murray & Allan R. Millett 2000 _A War To Be Won: Fighting the Second World War_ ()

Williamson Murray 1984 _The Change in the European Balance of Power 1938-1939_ ()

Williamson Murray & Robert H. Scales ii 2003 _The Iraq War: A Military History_ ()

Edward R. Murrow 1941 _This Is London_ ()

Edward R. Murrow 1952 _This I Believe: The Living Philosophies of 100 Thoughtful Men and Women in All Walks of Life_ ()

Bernard I. Murstein 1974 _Love, Sex, and Marriage through the Ages_ (630 pages)

M. Bakri Musa 1999 _The Malay Dilemma ReVisited: Race Dynamics in Modern Malaysia_ (390 pages; 1.1MB)

Jon Musgrave 2015 _Slaves, Salt, Sex, & Mr. Crenshaw: The Real Story of the Old Slave House and America's Reverse UnderGround RailRoad_ (slavers in Illinois; 600 pages)

Muhammad Muslih 1988, 1989 _The Origins of "Palestinian Nationalism"_ (280 pages)

Lucien Musset 1965, 1979 _The Germanic Invasions: The Making of Europe 400CE-600CE_ (290 pages)

Eric Musson, A.E. Robinson & Kim Stanley 1969 _James Watt and the Steam Revolution_ ()

Pat Muth 2016 _A Title in the Making: Perot Movement Laid the Foundation to Take Back USA: Where Do We Go From Here?_ (460 pages; 5.4MB)

(40) ►Moorthy S. Muthuswamy & Steven Emerson 2002, 2003 _Defeating Political Islam: The New Cold War_/_Defeating Political Mohammedanism: The New Cold War_ (280 pages; 2.8MB; ILL request)◀

Charles G. Mutzenberg 1917 _Kentucky's Famous Feuds and Tragedies_ ()

David S. Muzzey 1934 _James G. Blaine: A Political Idol of Other Days_ ()

Albert Cook Myers 1912, 1967, 2012 _Narratives of Early PA, West NJ and DE 1630-1707_ (465-500 pages)

Albert Cook Myers 1902 _Quaker Arrivals in Philadelphia 1682-1750_ ()

Albert Cook Myers 1937 _William Penn, His Own Acount of the Lenni Lanape or Delaware Indians_ ()

Alec R. Myers 1975 _Parliaments and Estates in Europe to 1789_ (175 pages)

Gustavus Myers 1936 _History of the Great American Fortunes_ ()

Gustavus Myers 1968, 1971, 2012, 2020-10-13 _The History of Tammany Hall_ (430-436 pages; ISBN 9789354179471/ 9781458500656; OCLC 781679357; Alpha/Dover/UMich)

Marvin Meyers & James Madison 1973 _The Mind of the Founder: Sources of the Political Thought of James Madison_ ()

Steven Lee Myers 8888 _The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin_ ()

(55) Walter Dean Myers & Bill Miles 2006, 2009 _The Harlem HellFighters: When Pride Met Courage_ (150 pages; 2.9MB; 940.4127 junior; Main+Jax+BLPerry)

Thant Myint-U 2011 _Where China Meets India: Burma and the New CrossRoads of Asia_ (385 pages; 1.5MB)

Gunnar Myrdal 1944 _An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy_ ()

J.N.L. Myres 1986, 1989 _The English Settlements_ ()

Harold Mytun & Laurie Burgess 2018 _TheDeath Across Oceans: Archaeology of Coffins and Vaults in Britain, USA, and Australia_ (300 pages; 125MB)


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