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Devin E. Naar 2016 _Jewish Salonica: Between the Ottoman Empire and Modern Greece_ (390 pages)
R' Naason 8888 _An Historical Account of the Clanna Rory_ ()
Stanley Nadel 1990 _Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and "Class" in New York City 1845-1880_ (240 pages)
(45) Pamela Susan Nadell 2019 _USA's Jewish Women: An History from Colonial Times to Today_ (321 pages; 17.1MB; 305.4889 Nad; Main+E)
Paul C. Nagel & Jeff Riggenbach 1997, 2009, 2012 _John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life_ (420 pages; 5.5MB)
Paul C. Nagel 1983 _Descent from Glory: 4 Generations of the John Adams Family_ (420 pages)
Paul C. Nagel 1999 _The Adams Women: Abigail and Louisa Adams, Their Sisters and Daughters_ (315 pages)
Tilman Nagel & Thomas Thornton 2000 _The History of Islamic Theology from Muhammad to the Present_ ()
D. Brendan Nagle 8888 _The Ancient World: A Social and Cultural History_ ()
(65) Andrew Nagorski 2019 _1941: The Year Germany Lost the War_ (381 pages; 940.5421 Nag; Main+E)
John A. Nagy 2016 _George Washington's Secret Spy War: The Making of USA's First SpyMaster_ (374 pages; 973.385; Main)
John A. Nagy 2013 _Dr. Benjamin Church, Spy: A Case of Espionage on the Eve of the American Revolution_ (215 pages; 3.8MB)
John A. Nagy 2011 _Spies in the Continental Capital: Espionage Across Pennsylvania During the American Revolution_ (245 pages; 1.9MB)
Asher Naim 2003 _Saving the Lost Tribe: the Rescue and Redemption of the Ethiopian Jews_ (266 pages; 325.5694 NAI)
V.S. Naipaul 2011 _India: A Wounded Civilization_ (170 pages; 388KB)
P. Sukumaran Nair 2008 _Indo-Bangladesh Relations_ ()
Alasdair Nairn 2002 _Engines That Move Markets: Technology Investing from RailRoads to the Internet and Beyond_ ()
Paul D. Naish 2017 _Slavery and Silence: Latin America and the USA Slave Debate_ (290 pages; 6MB)
Rory Naismith 2017 _Medieval European Coinage: vol8 Britain & Ireland c. 400-1066_ (900 pages; 30.6MB; see Philip Grierson for vol1; Peter Illisch for vol2; Miqul Crusafont for vol6; William R. Day for vol12)
Rory Naismith 2011 _Money and Power in Anglo-Saxon England: The Southern English Kingdoms 757-965_ (360 pages; 4.8MB)
Bernard C. Nalty 1997 _Winged Shield, Winged Sword: An History of the United States Air Force 1950-1997_ ()
Bernard C. Nalty 1986 _Strength for the Fight: An History of Black Americans in the Military_ ()
June Namias 2005 _White Captives: "Gender" and Ethnicity on the American Frontier_ (395 pages; 3.8MB)
Lewis Namier 1929, 1957, 1963 _The Structure of Politics at the Accession of George iii_ ()
sir Lewis Namier ≈ John Brooke 1964 _Charles Townshend_ (195 pages)
Malcolm W. Nance 2016 _The PLot to Hack the USA: How Putin's CyberSpies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election_ (230 pages; 3.2MB)
Chaya Naor & Ram ben Shalom 2016 _Medieval News and the Christian Past: Jewish "Historical Consciousness" in Spain and Southern France_ (300 pages)
Napoleon Bonapart 1858-1870 _Correspondance de Napoleon 1er_ ()
Andrew P. Napolitano 2012 _Theodore and Woodrow: How 2 American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom_ (300 pages; 1.4MB)
A.K. Narain 1959, 1962 _The Indo-Greeks_ (200 pages)
A.K. Narain 2003 _The Indo-Greeks ReVisited and Supplemented_ (590 pages)
Don Nardo 2000 _Building History: Roman Roads and Aqueducts_ (96 pages)
Dolly Nasby 2005-10-03 _Shepherdstown WV: Images of America_ ()
--Catherine Nash 2015 _Genetic Geographies: The Trouble with Ancestry_ (230 pages; 1.5MB)
Gary B. Nash 1968, 1993 _Quakers and Politics, PA 1681-1726_ (350 pages)
Gary B. Nash 1990 _Race and Revolution_ ()
Gary B. Nash 1976, 1979, 1986, 1998 _The Urban Crucible: The Northern SeaPorts & the Origins of the American Revolution_ (270-560 pages)
Gary B. Nash & Graham Russell Gao Hodges 2009 _Friends of Liberty: Thomas Jefferson, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, & Agrippa Hull: A Tale of 3 Patriots, 2 Revolutions, and a Tragic Betrayal of Freedom in the New Nation_ (330 pages; 2.1MB)
(55) Gary B. Nash 2005, 2006 _The UnKnown American Revolution: The UnRuly Birth of Democracy and the Struggle to Create the USA_ (512 pages; 4.3MB; 973.3; Main)
George Nash 1983 _The Life of Herbert Hoover_ ()
George H. Nash 2013 _The Crusade Years 1933-1955: Herbert Hoover's Lost Memoir of the Raw Deal Era and Its Aftermath_ (568 pages; 4.9MB)
Gerald D. Nash 1990 _World War 2 and the West: ReShaping the Economy_ (280 pages)
Gerald D. Nash 1990 _The USA West TransFormed: The Impact of the Second World War ()
June C. Nash 1989 _From Tank Town to High Tech: The Clash of Community and Industrial Cycles_ (355 pages)
Lee Nash 1987, 1988 _Understanding Herbert Hoover: 10 Perspectives_ (190 pages)
Roderick Frazier Nash & Char Miller 1967, 2014 _Wilderness and the American Mind_ (440 pages; 10.4MB)
Elias Nason & Thomas Russell 1876, 2016 _The Life and Public Services of Henry Wilson_ (425 pages)
Vali Nasr 2013, 2014 _The Dispensable Nation: American Foreign Policy in Retreat_ (310 pages; 4.2MB)
Vali Nasr 2016 _The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future_ (300 pages; 1.2MB)
Andrew J. Nathan & Bruce Gilley 2002 _Red China's New Rulers: The Secret Files_ (150 pages)
Andrew J. Nathan & Andrew Scobell 2012 _Red China's [Rulers'] Search for Security_ (420 pages)
Eze Nathan 1986 _The History of the Jews of Singapore_ ()
Geoffrey S. Nathan 2002 _The Family in Late Antiquity: The Rise of Christianity and the Endurance of Tradition_ (280 pages; 1.2MB)
Kadir I. Natho 2009 _Circassian History_ (560 pages; 8.3MB)
Richard F. Nation 2005 _At Home in the Hoosier Hills: Agriculture, Politics, and Religion in Southern Indiana 1810-1870_ (280 pages)
National Geographic 1984 _Exploring America's Valleys: From the Shenandoah to the Rio Grande_ (199 pages; 917.3)
National Geographic 2015 _Battles of the Revolutionary War_ (map)
Paul Naudon 1991 _The Secret History of FreeMasonry: Its Origins and Connetion to the Knights Templar_ ()
Barry Naughton 1995 _Growing out of the Plan: Red Chinese Economic Reform 1978-1993_ ()
Joseph Naveh 1982, 1987, 2012 _Early History of the Alphabet_ (275 pages; 7.181MB)
Sean Naylor 2005 _Not a Good Day To Die: The UnTold Story of Operation Anaconda_ ()
Ahmad Nazmi & Janusz Danecki 2015 _Commercial Relations Between ARabs and Slavs 9th-11th Centuries_ (290 pages; 12.5MB)
Daniel Wunderlich Nead 1914 _Pennsylvania Germans in the Settlement of Maryland_ ()
Larry Neal & Rondo Cameron 1991, 1993, 2015 _A Concise Economic History of the World from PaleoLithic Times to the Present_ (480 pages)
Larry Neal 1990 _The Rise of Financial Capitalism: InterNational Capital Markets in the Age of Reason_ ()
John Ernest Neale 1934, 1965, 1971, 2005, 2014 _Elizabeth i and Her Parliaments 1559-1581_ (440 pages; 2.6MB)
Kenneth Nebenzahl & R. Don Higginbotham 1976 _Atlas of the American Revolution_ (200 pages)
Michael A. Neblo, Kevin M. Esterling & David M.J. Lazer 2018 _Politics with the People: Building a Directly Representative Democracy_ (195 pages; 1.9MB)
Joseph Needham 1954, 1958 _Science and Civilization in China: vol1 Introductory Orientations_ ()
Joseph Needham, Wang Ling & Derek J. de Solla Price 1960, 2008 _Heavenly ClockWork: The Great Astronomical Clocks of Medieval China_ (320 pages)
Joseph Needham & Wang Ling 1962 _Science and Civilization in China: vol4 part1 Physics Orientations_ ()
Joseph Needham & Wang Ling 1965 _Science and Civilization in China: vol4 part2 Mechanical Engineering_ ()
Joseph Needham & Tsien Tsuen-Hsuin 1985 _Science and Civilization in China: vol5 part1 Paper and Printing_ ()
Joseph Needham, Ho Ping-Yu, Lu Gwei-Djen & Wang Ling 1986 _Science and Civilization in China: vol5 part7 Military Technology; The GunPowder Epic_ ()
Jacob Needleman 2002 _The American Soul: ReDiscovering the Wisdom of the Founders_ ()
Mark E. Neely ii 1992 _The Fate of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties_ (290 pages; 1.5MB)
John Ulric Nef 1942, 1968 _War and Human Progress: An Essay on the Rise of Industrial Civilization_ (470 pages)
Avraham Negev & Shimon Gibson 2005 _Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land_ ()
(50) Michael S. Neiberg 2011 _Dance of the Furies: Europe & the OutBreak of World War 1_ (292 pages; ISBN 9780674049543; Belknap/Harvard; 940.311 Nei; Main?)
Joy Neighbors 2017 _The Family Tree Cemetery Field Guide: How to Find, Record, and Preserve Your Ancestors' Graves_ (230 pages; 68.1MB)
Robin Neillands 1996 _The Dervish Wars: Gordon and Kitchener in the Sudan 1880-1898_ (245 pages)
William Cooper Nell 2017, 2018 _The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution_ (245-400 pages; 1.9MB-2.9MB)
Humbert S. Nelli 1970 _Italians in Chicago 1880-1930_ (320 pages)
Cathi Nelson 2017 _Photo Organizing Made Easy: Going from OverWhelmed to OverJoyed_ (190 pages; 634KB)
Craig Nelson 2007 _Thomas Paine: Enlightenment, Revolution, and the Birth of Modern Nations_ ()
(54) Craig Nelson 2016 _Pearl Harbor: From Infamy to Greatness_ (FotL; 532 pages; ISBN 9781451660494; Scribner; 940.54 Nel; Main+Jax)
Donald M. Nelson 1946 _Arsenal of Democracy: The Story of USA War Production_ ()
James L. Nelson 2004 _Reign of Iron: The Story of the First Battling IronClads, the Monitor and the Merrimack_ ()
Janet L. Nelson 1991 _The Annals of St. Bertin_ ()
Janet L. Nelson 1986 _Politics and Ritual in Early Medieval Europe_ (400 pages)
Janet L. Nelson 1996 _The Frankish World 750-900_ ()
Janet L. Nelson 1999 _Rulers and Ruling Families in Early Medieval Europe: Alfred, Charles the Bald, and Others_ (335 pages)
John Carl Nelson 2014 _Historical Atlas of the 8G: World Population History 3000BCE to 2020CE_ (100 pages)
John R. Nelson 1987 _Liberty and Property: Political Economy and Policy-Making in the New Nation 1789-1812_ (210 pages)
Julie Nelson Steven K. Drummond 2015 _Roman Imperial Frontier in the West_ (275 pages; 3.2MB)
Larry L. Nelson 1999, 2004, 2013 _A Man of Distinction Among Them: Alexander McKee and the Ohio Country Frontier 1754-1799_ (270 pages; 1.8MB)
M. Frederick Nelson 1945 _Korea and the Old Orer in Eastern Asia_ ()
Paul David Nelson 2005 _Francis Rawdon-Hastings, marquess of Hastings: Soldier, Peer of the Realm, Governor-General of India_ ()
Paul David Nelson 1985 _Anthony Wayne, Soldier of the Early Republic_ ()
Peter Nelson 2009 _A More UnBending Battle_ ()
Ralph Nelson 1959 _Merger Movements in American Industry_ ()
Walter Henry Nelson 1965, 1970 _Small Wonder: The Amazing Story of VolksWagen_ (300 pages)
Mary Lou Nemanic 2007 _One Day for Democracy: Independence Day & the Americanization of Iron Range Immigrants_ (295 pages)
Ethel S. Nepveux 1994 _George Alfred Trenholm and the Company That Went to War 1861-1865_ (Civil War; 123 pages)
(50) ►Roy Conyers Nesbit 2002, 2003-12-22, 2010 _Missing: Believed Killed: Amelia Earhart, Amy Johnson, Glenn Miller & the Duke of Kent_ (192-194 pages; ISBN 9780750930031/ 9781848843196; OCLC 1023233727/ 759695531/ 615909822; Sutton/Pen & Sword; ILL request)◀
David Nesbitt 1999 _Full Circle: A Story of Ballybay Presbyterians_ ()
William Nester 2000 _"Haughty Conquerors": Amherst and the Great Indian UpRising of 1763_ ()
William Nester 2004 _The Frontier War for American Independence_ ()
BenZion Netanyahu 2003, 2012 _The Founding Fathers of Zionism_ (232 pages)
BenZion Netanyahu 2001 _The Origins of the Inquisition in 15th-Century Spain_ (1,390 pages)
Curtis P. Nettels/Curtis P. Nettles 1962, 1969, 1994 _The Emergence of a National Economy 1775-1815_ ()
Ehud Netzer 2001 _The Palaces of the Hasmoneans and Herod the Great_ ()
Ehud Netzer & R. Laureys-Chachy 2006 _The Architecture of Herod the Great Builder_ ()
Charles E. Neu 1975 _The Troubled Encounter: The United States and Japan_ ()
O. Neugebauer 1952, 1969, 1993 _The Exact Sciences in Antiquity_ (240 pages)
Jonathan Neumann 2018 _To Heal the World?: How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel_ (270 pages; 6MB)
William L. Neumann 1963 _America Encounters Japan: From Perry to MacArthur_ (353 pages)
Jacob Neusner & Ernest Frerichs 1985 _"To See Ourselves as Others See Us": Christians, Jews, "Others" in Late Antiquity_ ()
Jacob Neusner 1992 _A Short History of Judaism_ ()
Jacob Neusner 1975 _An History of the Jews in Babylonia v. later Sasanian Times_ ()
Henry Neville _Plato Redivivus: a Dialogue concerning Government_ ()
Alfred Nevin 1852 _Churches of the Valley_ ()
John Williamson Nevin _The Anxious Bench_ ()
Allan Nevins 1947 _The Ordeal of the Union: vol1 Fruits of Manifest Destiny 1847-1852_ (2 volumes; 973.6)
Allan Nevins 1947 _The Ordeal of the Union: vol2 A House Dividing 1852-1857_ (2 volumes; 973.6)
Allan Nevins 1927 _The Emergence of Modern America 1865-1878_ ()
Allan Nevins 1953 _A Study in Power: John D. Rockefeller: Industrialist and Philanthropist_ ()
Allan Nevins 1932, 1966, 2018 _Grover Cleveland: A Study in Courage_ (810 pages)
Allan Nevins 1936, 1957 _Hamilton Fish: The Inner History of the Grant Administration_ (925 pages)
Allan Nevins & Jeannette Mirsky 1952 _The World of Eli Whitney_ ()
Allan Nevins 1969 _The Diary of John Quincy Adams 1794-1845: American Diplomacy, and Political, Social, and Intellectual Life, from Washington to Polk_ ()
M. Christopher New 1996 _Maryland Loyalists in the American Revolution_ ( pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; TideWater)
(17) Timothy Newark & Angus McBride 1985, 1988 _The Barbarians: Warriors & Wars of the Dark Ages_ (144 pages; 355.02; YA; NE)
Thomas Newbigging 1911 _A Nook in Galloway_ ()
Frederick T. Newbraugh 1975 _Warm Spring Echoes: About Berkeley Springs and Morgan County: part 1 to 1860_ (98 pages)
Gordon Darnell Newby 2009 _An History of the Jews of Arabia from Ancient Times to Their Eclipse Under Mohammedanism_ (175-190 pages; ISBN 0872495582/ 1570038856/ 9780872495586/ 9781570038853; U of SC)
W.W. Newcomb & Hal Story 2007 _The Indians of Texas from PreHistoric to Modern Times_ (395 pages)
Jerry Newcombe 2018 _American Amnesia: Is the USA Paying the Price for Forgetting God, the Source of Our Liberty_ (365 pages)
C. Armour NewComer 1895 _Cole's Cavalry: or 3 Years in the Saddle in the Shenandoah Valley_ ()
Chester Newell 1838, 1973, 2012 _History of the Revolution in Texas, Particularly of the War of 1835 & 1836_ (200 pages; 398KB)
David Newell 2014 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Surviving Tyranny_ (10.6MB)
Bernard Newgrosh 2007 _Chronology at the CrossRoads: The Late Bronze Age in Western Asia_ (700 pages)
Beaumont Newhall 1976 _The Daguerreotype in America_ (175 pages; 772.12 Reference)
Malyn Newitt 2011 _Portugal in European and World History_ (260 pages; 1.6MB)
(50) ►Annalee Newitz 2021 _Four Lost Cities: A Secret History of the [Over-Crowded] Urban Age_ (320 pages; Norton; ILL request)◀
Andrew J. Newman 2003 _Society and Culture in the Early Modern Middle East_ (445 pages)
Gerald Newman & Leslie Ellen Brown 1997 _Britain in the Hanoverian Age 1714-1837_ ()
Harry Wright Newman 1985 _To Maryland From Overseas: A Complete Digest of Jacobite Loyalists Sold into White Slavery in Maryland, and the British and Continental Background of Approximately 1400 Maryland Settlers from 1634 to the Early Federal Period with Source Documentation_ ()
James Newman 1995 _The Peopling of Africa: A Geographic ReInterpretation_ ()
(22) ►Patrick Newman 2021-10-28 _Cronyism: Liberty versus Power in Early USA 1607-1849_ (1607-1849; 318-364 pages; ISBN 9781610167383; OCLC 9999; Auburn/LvMI; interview; ILL request)◀
Paul B. Newman 2011 _Travel and Trade in the Middle Ages_ (240 pages)
Paul B. Newman 2011 _Daily Life in the Middle Ages_ (301 pages; 50MB; ISBN 9780786408979; McFarland)
Richard S. Newman 2003 _The Transformation of American Abolitionism: Fighting Slavery in the Early Republic_ (260 pages; 3.3MB)
Richard S. Newman 2008, 209 _Freedom's Prophet: Bishop Richard Allen, the AME Church, & the Black Founding Fathers_ (350-365 pages; 1.7MB; ISBN 0814758576/ 9780814758571; NYU)
Roger Chatterton Newman 2011 _Brian Boru: King of Ireland_ (280 pages; 1.2MB)
Roger K. Newman 1994 _Hugo Black: A Biography_ ()
Simon P. Newman 1999 _Parades and the Politics of the Street: Festive Culture in the Early American Republic_ ()
(17) Harvey P. Newquist 2009 _This Will Kill You: A Guide to the Ways in Which We Go_ (328 pages; 614.4; )
E.P. Newton 1913 _Historical Notes of St. James Parish, Hyde Park on Hudson_ ()
sir Isaac Newton 16?? _Principia Mathematica_ ()
J.H. Newton, G.G. Nichols & A.G. Sprankle 1879 _History of the Pan-Handle_ ()
Michael E. Newton 2011 _Angry Mobs and Foundng Fathers: The Fight for Control of the American Revolution_ (200 pages; 485KB)
Michael E. Newton 2010 _The Path to Tyranny: An History of Free "Society's" Descent into Tyranny_ (285 pages; 700KB)
Michael E. Newton 2015 _Alexander Hamilton: The Formative Years_ (765 pages; 2.3MB)
Ronald C. Newton 1977 _German Buenos Aires 1900-1933: "Social Change" and Cultural Crisis_ (240 pages; 2MB)
Mae M. Ngai 2004, 2005, 2014 _Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America_ ()
Ian Niall 1970 _The Galloway Shepherd_ ()
Alessandra Nibbi 1985 _Ancient Byblos ReConsidered_ ()
David Niccolle & Adam Hook 2005 _Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1192-1302_ (64 pages)
David Niccolle 2014 _The Great Islamic Conquests 632CE-750CE_ (96 pages; 10.2MB)
Charles Nicholl 2004 _Leonardo da Vinci: Flights of the Mind_ ()
David Nicholls 1995 _God and Government in an "Age of Reason"_ ()
Alice Nichols 1954-01-01 _Bleeding Kansas_ ()
Beach Nichols 1876 _Atlas of York county PA_ ()
David A. Nichols _Eisenhower 1956: The President's Year of Crisis - Suez and the Brink of War_ ()
(49) David Allen Nichols 2017 _Ike & McCarthy: Dwight Eisenhower's Secret Campaign Against Joseph McCarthy_ (385 pages; 973.921092 Nic; Jax)
David Andrew Nichols 2007 _A Matter of Justice: Eisenhower and the Beginning of the Civil Rights Revolution_ ()
David Andrew Nichols 2008 _Red Gentlemen and White Savages: Indians, Federalists, and the Search for Order on the American Frontier_ (291 pages)
David Andrew Nichols 2016 _Engines of Diplomacy: Indian Trading Factories and the Negotiation of USA "Empire"_ (255 pages; 5.8MB)
Deborah L. Nichols, Frances F. Berdan & Michael E. Smith 2017 _ReThinking the Aztec Economy_ (310 pages; 12.1MB)
Rober L. Nichols 1980 _Stephen Long: An American Frontier Exploration_ ()
Ryan Nichols 2007 _Thomas Reid's Theory of Perception_ ()
Helen Jane Nicholson 2004 _The Crusades_ (248 pages; 2.9MB)
Helen Jane Nicholson 2011 _The Knights Templar on Trial: The Trials of the Templars in the British Isles 1308-1311_ (288 pages; 863KB)
Helen Jane Nicholson 2014 _A Brief History of the Knights Templar_ (352 pages; 6MB)
Helen Jane Nicholson 2013 _The Knights Hospitaller_ (200 pages)
Helen Jane Nicholson 2004 _Love, War, and the Grail: Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knights in Medieval Epic and Romance 1150-1500_ (300 pages)
Helen Jane Nicholson 2001 _The Chronicle of the 3rd Crusade: The Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi_ (422 pages)
Robert Lawrence Nicholson 1978 _Tancred: A Study of His Career and Work_ ()
Ranald Nicholson 1974, 1978, 1986 _Scotland: The Later Middle Ages_ ()
Thomas Nicholson 1816 _An Affecting Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Thomas Nicholson (a Native of New Jersey) Who Has Been 6 Years a Prisoner Among the Algerines and from whom he fortunately made his escape afew months previous to commodore Decatur's late Expedition: to which is added a concise description of Altiers, of the Customs, Manners, etc. of the Natives and some particulars of commodore Decatur's late expedition against the Barbary Powers_ ()
John B. Nici 2015 _Famous Works of Art and How They Got That Way_ (320 pages; 40MB)
Renee Nickell & Allen B. West 2018 _Always My Hero: The Road to Hope & Healing Following My Brother's Death in Afghanistan_ (265 pages; 8.4MB)
major John Baily Calvert Nicklin & mrs. Katherine Cox Gottschalk "Genealogies of Virginia Families" _Virginia Magazine of History and Biography_ (vol40 #2 pp179-186 1932 April)
major John Baily Calvert Nicklin & mrs. Katherine Cox Gottschalk "The Pendleton Family" _Virginia Magazine of History and Biography_ vol40 #2 pp179-186 1932 April (CD from Broderbund Banner Blue division)
Donald MacGillivray Nicol 1992 _Byzantium and Venice: A Study in Diplomatic and Cultural Relations_ (480 pages)
Donald MacGillivray Nicol 1993 _The Last Centuries of Byzantium 1261-1453_ (480 pages)
Donald MacGillivray Nicol 1992 _The Immortal Emperor: The Life and Legend of Constantine Palaiologos, Last Emperor of the Romans_ (160 pages; 33MB)
Nicolas of Damascus 8888 _Universal History_/Nicolas de Damas, Edith Permentier & Francesca Prometea Barone 2011 _Histoires - Receuil de contumes -- Vie d'Auguste -- Autobiographie_ ()
David Nicolle 1996 _Fornovo 1495; France's Bloody Fighting Retreat_ ()
David Nicolle & Wayne Reynolds 2008 _Poitiers 732CE: Charles Martel Turns the Islamic Tide_ (96 pages)
David Nicolle & Wayne Reynolds 2005 _Carolingian Cavalryman 768CE-987CE_ (64 pages)
David Nicolle & Angus McBride 1984 _The Age of Charlemagne 768CE-987CE_ (48 pages)
David Nicolle & Graham Turner 2014 _The Conquest of Saxony 782CE-785CE_ (96 pages)
David Nicolle & Angus McBride 1984 _The Age of Charlemagne: Warfare in Western Europe 750CE-1000CE_ ()
David Nicolle & Christa Hook 2013 _Manzikert 1071: The Breaking of Byzantium_ (96 pages)
David Nicolle 1993 _Hattin 1187: Saladin's Greatest Victory_ (96 pages)
David Nicolle & Gerry Embleton 2014 _Forces of the Hanseatic League 13th-15th Centuries_ (48 pages; 11.2MB)
Harold Nicolson 1935 _Dwight Morrow_ ()
Harold Nicolson 1933 _PeaceMaking_ ()
Francis R. Nicosia 2014 _Nazi Germany and the Arab World_ (248 pages)
Susan Niditch 1996 _Oral World and Written Word: Ancient Israelite Literature_ (184 pages)
Sharon Graham Niederhaus & John L. Graham 2007 _Together Again_ ()
E.V. Niemeyer ii 1974 _Revolution at Queretaro: The Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1916-1917_ ()
Daniel L. Niewyk 1980 _The Jews in Weimar Germany_ ()
John Nightingale 2001 _Monasteries and Patrons in the Gorze Reform: Lotharingia c.850-1000_ (325 pages)
N.A. Nikam & Richard McKeon 1959 _The Edicts of Asoka_ ()
Momir Nikic 2013 _Real Scythians_ (115 pages; 403KB)
Aleksandr Nikitenko & Helen Saltz Jacobson 2001 _Up from Serfdom: My Childhood and Youth in Russia 1804-1924_ (245 pages; 3.2MB)
Blair Niles 1935 _The James_ ()
Hezekiah Niles 1777-1839, 1822 _Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America_ ()
Martin P. Nilsson 1933 _Homer and Mycenae_ ()
Martin P. Nilsson 2017 _The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology_ (255 pages; 1.1MB)
(30) Janice P. Nimura 2021 _The Doctors Blackwell: How Two Pioneering Sisters Brought Medicine to Women & Women to Medicine_ (320 pages; on order 2021-01-27, 2021-03-21)
Yehuda Nini 2016 _The Jews of the Yemen 1800-1914_ (260 pages)
Robert Nisbet 1988, 2013 _The Present Age: Progress [Regress] and Anarchy in Modern USA_ (communitarian/collectivist, traditionalist; 155 pages; 516KB)
Robert Nisbet 1980, 1981, 2017 _History of the Idea of Progress [Regress]_ (communitarian/collectivist, traditionalist; 380 pages; 1.6MB)
Robert Nisbet 1983 _Prejudices: A Philosophical Dictionary_ (communitarian/collectivist, traditionalist; 300 pages)
Richard E. Nisbett & Dov Cohen 1996 _Culture of Honor: The Psychology of Violence in the South_ ()
Hans J. Nissen et al. 1994 _Archaic BookKeeping_ ()
Hans J. Nissen & Elizabeth Lutzeier 2011 _The Early History of the Ancient Near East 9000BCE-2000BCE_ (215 pages; 22.4MB)
Matthew Nitecki & Doris Nitecki 1994 _Origins of Anatomically Modern Humans_ ()
(60) John Niven 1995 _Salmon P. Chase: A Biography_ (546 pages; biography Chase)
(63) John Niven 1983 _Martin van Buren: The Romantic Age of USA Politics_ (715 pages; biography van Buren)
(55) Catherine Nixey 2018 _The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World_ (315 pages; 47.6MB; 270.2 Nix; Main+NE)
C.E.V. Nixon & Barbara Saylor Rodgers 1994 _In Praise of Later Roman Emperors: The Panegyrici Latini_ ()
Richard M. Nixon 8888 _6 Crises_ ()
Allen G. Noble 1984 _Wood, Brick and Stone: The North American Settlement Landscape_ ()
David F. Noble 1977 _America by Design_ ()
Samuel Noble & Alexander Treiger 2014 _The Orthodox Church in the Arab World 700-1700: An Anthology of Sources_ (355 pages; 2MB)
Thomas F.X. Noble & J.J. Contreni 1987 _Religion, Culture, and Society in the Early Middle Ages_ (Fulk Nerra/Foulques Ner)
Thomas F.X. Noble 2006 _From Roman Provinces to Meieval Kingdoms_ (425 pages; 3.6MB)
William Noble & Iain Davidson 1996 _Human Evolution, Language and Mind_ ()
Albert Jay Nock 1926 _Jefferson_ ()
Arthur Darby Nock 1963 _Early Gentile Christianity and Its Hellenistic Background_ ()
Ivor Noel-Hume 1997 _The Virginia Adventure: Roanoke to James Towne: An Archaeological and Historical Odyssey_ ()
H. Noelle 1974 _Die Kelten und Ihre Stadt Manching_ ()
Henry S. Noerdlinger 1956 _Moses and Egypt: The Documentation to the Motion Picture "The 10 Commandments"_ ()
Gary Noesner 2010 _Stalling for Time: My Life as an FBI Hostage Negotiator/Corrupt Gang Run Amuck_ (230 pages; 623KB)
J.B. Nolan 1938 _Benjamin Franklin in Scotland_ ()
Marcus Noland & Stephen Haggard 2007 _Famine in North Korea: Markets, Aid, and Reform_ (360 pages; 3MB)
Fan Stylian Noli/Fan Stilian Noli 1947 _George Castrioti Scanderbeg (1405-1468)_ (230 pages)
Mark A. Noll 1989 _Princeton and the Republic: The Search for a Christian Enlightenment in the Era of Samuel Stanhope Smith_ (350 pages)
Mark A. Noll 1992 _An History of Christianity in the United States and Canada_ ()
Mark A. Noll 2002 _America's God: From Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln_ ()
Mark A. Noll 2006 _The Civil War as a Theological Crisis_ ()
Mark A. Noll 2015 _In the Beginning Was the Word: The Bible in USA Public Life 1492-1783_ (435 pages; 8.6MB)
Peggy Noonan 1990 _What I Saw at the Revolution: A Political Life in the Reagan Era_ (340 pages)
Thomas S. Noonan 1998 _The Islamic World, Russia, and the Vikings 750CE-900CE: The Numismatic Evidence_ (340 pages)
Arthur L. Norberg 2005 _Computers and Commerce: A Study of Technology and Management at Eckert-Mauchley..._ ()
Christian Norberg-Schultz 1988 _Architecture: Meaning and Place_ ()
Christian Norberg-Schultz 1980 _Genius Loci: Toward a Phenomenology of Architecture_ ()
Max Nordau & Gustav Gottheil 2012 _Zionism and Anti-Semitism: The CornerStone Classic_ (40 pages)
Christian Norberg-Schultz 1988 _New World Architecture_ ()
Kate Norgate 1887, 2005 _England Under the Angevin Kings vol1_ (525 pages)
Kate Norgate 1887, 2017 _England Under the Angevin Kings vol2_ (540 pages)
Kate Norgate 1887, 1969 _Richard the Lion Heart_ (340 pages)
Kate Norgate 1902, 2011, 2018 _John Lackland or Bad King John_ (315 pages; 1.2MB)
E. Herbert Norman 1940 _Japan's Emergence as a Modern State_ ()
E. Herbert Norman 1943 _Soldier and Peasant in Japan: The Origins of Conscription_ ()
Jesse Norman 2013 _Edmund Burke: The First Conservative_ (330 pages; 4.1MB)
Christopher Norment 2014 _Relicts of a Beautiful Sea: Survival, Extinction, and Conservation in a Desert World_ (265 pages; 1.2MB)
Philip Norrie 2016 _A History of Disease in Ancient Times: More Lethal Than War_ (150 pages; 1.2MB)
Harry T. Norris 1982 _The Berbers in Arabic Literature_ ()
J.E. Norris 1890, 1972, 2001, 2009, 2016 _History of the Lower Shenandoah Valley: Counties of Frederick, Berkeley, Jefferson and Clarke; Their Early Settlement and Progress to the Present Time; Geological Features; A Description of Their Historic and Interesting Localities; Cities, Towns and Villages; Portraits of Some of the Prominent Men, and Biographies of Many of the Representative Citizens_ (Chicago: A. Warner & company; 975.59 N856; Mormonite FHL book 975.59 H2m; 800-910 pages; large)
John Norris 2020 _Logistics in World War 2 1939-1945_ (390 pages)
(59) Robert Stan Norris 2002 _Racing for the Bomb: General Leslie R. Groves, the Manhattan Project's Indispensable Man_ (722 pages; biography Groves; Main)
Douglass Cecil North & Robert Paul Thomas 1973 _The Rise of the Western World: A New Economic History_ ()
Douglass Cecil North 1982 _Structure and Change in Economic History_ ()
Douglass Cecil North 1961, 1966 _The Economic Growth of the United States 1790-1860_ ()
Douglass Cecil North, Barry R. Weingast & John Wallis 2009, 2013 _Violence and "Social" "Orders": A Conceptual FrameWork for Interpreting Recorded Human History_ (320 pages; 1.9MB)
Gary North 1986 _Honest Money: Biblical Principles of Money and Banking_ ()
Michael North & Kenneth Kronenberg 2015 _The Baltic: An History_ (430 pages; 4.8MB)
Oliver North 2010 _American Heroes in Special Operations_ (300 pages; 9.8MB)
Oliver North 2013 _American Heroes on the HomeFront_ (265 pages; 211.6MB)
(27) ►Oliver North 2019 _The Rifleman_ (Daniel Morgan; 255 pages; 3.7MB; ILL request)◀
Roger North 1826 _Lives of the Right Hon. Frances North_ ()
David Northrup 1995, 2017 _Indentured Labor in the Age oof Imperialism 1834-1922_ (525 pages)
Herbert R. Northrup 1964, 1965 _Boulwarism: The Labor Ralations Policy of the General Electric Company_ (GE)
John Worrell Northrupp 1904, 1992, 2018 _Chronicles from the Diary of a War Prisoner in Andersonville_ (225 pages)
Linda S. Northrupp 1998 _From Slave to Sultan: The Career of al-Mansur Qalawun and the Consolidation of Mamluk Rule in Egypt and Syria 1279-1290CE_ (349 pages)
Mary Beth Norton 1996 _Liberty's Daughters: The Revolutionary Experience of American Women 1750-1800_ (390 pages)
Mary Beth Norton 1997 _Founding Mothers and Fathers: "Gendered" Power and the Forming of American Society_ (512 pages)
Mary Beth Norton, Jane Kamensky & Carol Sheriff 2014 _A People and a Nation: An History of the United States_ (960 pages)
H.D. Northrup 1891 _Life and Deeds of General Sherman_ (560 pages)
Herbert R. Northrup 1944 _Organized Labor and the Negro_ ()
Mary Beth Norton, Carol Sheriff, David W. Blight & Howard P. Chudacoff 2011 _A People and a Nation: An History of the United States_ ()
John Julius Norwich 1997 _Britain's Heritage_ (207 pages; 941; Main)
John Julius Norwich 1989 _Byzantium: The Early Centuries_ (410 pages)
John Julius Norwich 1992 _Byzantium: The Apogee_ (410 pages)
John Julius Norwich 1997 _A Short History of Byzantium_ (949.502; Main)
John Julius Norwich 2014 _Cities That Shaped the Ancient World_ (230 pages; 64.7MB)
John Julius Norwich 1975, 1991 _Great Architecture of the World_ (288 pages; 720.9; NE)
John Julius Norwich 1967 _The Normans in the South 1016-1130_ ()
John Julius Norwich 2004 _The Normans in Sicily: The Normans in the South 1016-1130 and the Kingdom in the Sun_ (816 pages)
(10) John Julius Norwich 2015 _Sicily: An Island at the CrossRoads of History_ (362 pages; 945.8 Nor; Main)
(55) John Julius Norwich 2006 _The Middle Sea: An History of the Mediterranean_ (909.09822 Nor; Main)
John Julius Norwich 2017 _4 Princes: Henry viii, Francis i, Charles v, Suleiman the Magnificent and the Obsessions that Forged Modern Europe_ (300 pages; 14.3MB; 940.232; NE)
John Julius Norwich 2018 _The Story of France_ (944; Main+NE)
John Julius Norwich 1989 _An History of Venice_ (945.31; NE)
Stephen H Norwood 2013 _AntiSemitism and the USA Far Left_ (320 pages; 8.8MB)
Vladimir Nosek 2009 _Independent Bohemia: An Account of the Czecho-Slovak Struggle for Liberty_ ()
Wallace Notestein 1947, 1970 _The Scot in History_ ()
Wallace Notestein 1954 _The English People on the Eve of Colonization 1603-1630_ ()
Stratton Nottingham _Addisons and Allied Families: Jacob, Custis, Kellam, Whittington, Teackle, Hack, Scarburgh, Usphur, and Kendall_ ()
Michael Novak & Jana Novak 2007 _Washington's God: Religion, Liberty, and the Father of Our Country_ ()
Michael Novak 2002 _On Two Wings: Humble Faith and Common Sense at the American Founding_ ()
Michael Novak 1971 _The Rise of the UnMeltable Ethnics_ ()
Peter Novick 1988 _That Noble Dream_ ()
Peter Novick 1999 _The Holocaust in American Life_ ()
A. Novikoff-Priboy, Eden Paul & Cedar Paul 1937 _Tsushima_ ()
Martin A. Nowak 2011 _Super-Co-Operators_ ()
Stanley Noyes 1993, 1994 _Los Comanches: The Horse People 1751-1845_ (385 pages)
Stanley Noyes, Daniel J. Gelo, Alice Snearly, Lon Kelley & Larry McMurtry 1999 _Comanches in the New West 1895-1908: Historic Photographs_ (127 pages)
Joanne Randa Nucho 2016 _EveryDay Sectarianism in Urban Lebanon: InfraStructures, Public Services, and Power_ (185 pages; 10.4MB)
Nell Marion Nugent 1934 _Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1800 in 5 Volumes_ ()
Walter Nugent 1992 _Crossings: The Great TransAtlantic Migrations 1870-1914_ (250 pages)
Walter Nugent 2009 _Habits of "Empire": An History of American Expansionism_ ()
(49) ►Walter T.K. Nugent 1963, 2013 _The Tolerant Populists: Kansas Populism & Nativism_ (231 pages; ISBN 9780226054087; OCLC 995243115; UChicago; ILL request)◀
Sherwin B. Nuland 2005 _Maimonides_ (233 pages; 296.181; Main)
G. Warren Nutter & Henry Adler Einhorn 1969 _Enterprise Monopoly in the United States 1899-1958_ ()
G. Warren Nutter & Phillip W. Magness 2020 _The Strange World of Ivan Ivanov_ (110 pages; 2.1MB)
John Jacob Nutter 1999 _The CIA's Black Ops: Covert Action, Foreign Policy, and Democracy_ (350 pages; 3.9MB)
Elizabeth Miles Nuxhall/Elizabeth Miles Nuxoll 1975, 1985 _Congress and the Munitions Merchants: The Secret Committee of Trade during the American Revolution 1775-1777_ (573 pages; ISBN 978082406604/ 9780824066611; OCLC 489734174/ 995222985; CUNY/Garland)
David E. Nye 2010 _When the Lights Went Out: An History of BlackOuts in the USA_ (300 pages; 4.5MB)
Peter Joffre Nye 2019 _The Fast Times of Albert Champion: From Record-Setting Racer to Dashing Tycoon: An UnTold Story of Speed, Success, and Betrayal_ (450 pages; 7.6MB; AC Spark Plugs/ACDelco)
Roger Nye 1993 _The Patton Mind_ ()
Russel B. Nye 1945 _George Bancroft: Brahmin Rebel_ ()
Edo Nyland 2006 _Odysseus and the Sea People: A Bronze Age History of Scotland_ (300 pages; 4.9MB)
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