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Howard Saalman 1968 _Medieval Cities_ (120 pages)

Ariel Sabar 2008, 2009 _My Father's Paradise: A Son's Search for His Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq_/_My Father's Paradise: A Son's Search for His Family's Past_ (360 pages; 2.3MB)

Larry J. Sabato 2013 _The Kennedy Half-Century: The Presidency, Assassination, & [Devastating] Legacy of [Joseph &] John F. Kennedy_ (610 pages; 10.3MB)

Satish Saberwal 1995 _Wages of Segmentation: Comparative Historical Studies on Europe and India_ (200 pages)

Edwin Legrand Sabin 1920, 2012 _Boys' Book of Border Battles_ (366 pages; 864KB)

Edwin Legrand Sabin 1995 _Kit Carson Days 1809-1868_ ()

Edwin Legrand Sabin 2010 _Pluck on the Long Trail: Boy Scouts in the Rockies_ ()

Jack Sacco 2011 _Where the Birds Never Sing: The True Story of the 92nd Signal Battalion and the Libertion of Dachau_ (340 pages; 3.4MB)

Joe Sacco 2000, 2002, 2011 _Safe Area Gorazde: The War in Eastern Bosnia 1992-1995_ (260 pages)

Howard Morley Sachar 1985 _Diaspora: An Inquiry into the Contemporary Jewish World_ (909.04924; Main)

Howard Morley Sachar 1977, 1987, 2007, 2016 _An History of Israel: vol1 from the Rise of Zionism to Our Time_ (956.94; Main)

Howard Morley Sachar 1977, 1987 _An History of Israel: vol2 From the Aftermath of the YomKippur War_ (956.94; NE)

Howard Morley Sachar 2005 _An History of the Jews in the Modern World_ (909.04924; Main)

Howard Morley Sachar 1994 _FareWell Espana: The World of the Sephardim Remembered_ (946.004924; Main)

Howard Morley Sachar 1992, 1993, 2013 _An History of the Jews in the USA_ (1,000 pages; 5.8MB; 973.04924; Main)

Howard Morley Sachar 2013 _The Course of Modern History_ ()

Harry Sacher 1916, 2014, 2018 _Zionism and the Jewish Future_ (250 pages; ISBN 0342638920/ 9780342638925/ 9781294515609; Franklin, Nabu)

Julius Friedrich Sachse 1900, 2012 _The German Sectarians of PA 1742-1800_ (2 volumes)

Julius Friedrich Sachse 1912 _The WaySide Inns on the Lancaster RoadSide between Philadelphia and Lancaster_ ()

James J. Sack 1993, 2004 _From Jacobite to Conservative: Reaction and Orthodoxy in Britain c. 1760-1832_ (300 pages)

James J. Sack 1979, 1991 _The Grenvillites 1801-1829: Party Politics and Factionalism in the Age of Pitt and Liverpool_ (245 pages)

David Sacks 2007 _Letter Perfect: The Marvelous History of Our Alphabet from A to Z_ (400 pages; 43.4MB)

David Sacks 2008 _Language Visible: UnRaveling the Mystery of the Alphabet from A to Z_ (400 pages; 2.2MB)

Jonathan Sacks 1990 _Tradition in an Untraditional Age_ ()

Georges Hormuz Sada & Jim Nelson Black 2005, 2006 _Saddam's Secrets: How an Iraqi General Defied and Survived Saddam Hussein_ (310 pages; 827KB)

Syedah Fatima Sadeque 1956 _The Slave King: Baybars i of Egypt_ (294 pages)

Helene Sader 2019 _The History and Archaeology of Phoenicia_ (390 pages; 36.6MB)

John Sadler & Rosie Serdville 2016 _Caesar's Greatest Victory: The Battle of Alesia, Gaul 52BCE_ (310 pages; 30.8MB)

John Sadler 2016 _Scottish Battles_ ()

John Sadler & Rosie Serdville 2013 _Battle of Flodden 1513_ (250 pages; 3.5MB)

John Sadler 1988 _Battle for Northumbria: An Odyssey through the Violent History of the Turbulent Border Kingdom_ (170 pages)

Nigel Sadler 2019 _The Legacy of Slavery in Britain_ (100 pages; 6.5MB)

Andres Saenz & Andres Tijerina 2001 _Early Tejano Ranching: Daily Life at Ranchos San Jose and El Fresnillo_ (190 pages)

Angel Saenz-Baillos 1996 _An History of the Hebrew Language_ ()

?George H. Saffell 8888 _Men of the Revolution_ ()

William Thomas Roberts Saffell 1858, 2007, 2011 _Records of the Revolutionary War_ ()

William Thomas Roberts Saffell & Joseph Thompson McAllister 2014, 2017 _Index to Saffell's List of Virginia Soldiers in the Revolution_ (58 pages; 123KB)

William H. Safford 1861 _The Blennerhassett Papers_ ()

S. Safrai & M. Stern 1974 _The Jewish People in the First Century_ ()

Janine M. Safran 2013 _Defining Boundaries in al-Andalus: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Islamic Iberia_ (255 pages; 1.6MB)

Linda Safran 1997, 1998 _Heaven on Earth: Art and the Church in Byzantium_ (300 pages)

Jesse Sage & Liora Kasten 2006 _Enslaved: Stories of Modern Day Slavery_ ()

Marc Sageman 2004 _Understanding Terror Networks_ ()

Clifford J. Sager 1977 _Marriage Contracts and Couple Therapy: Hidden Forces in Intimate Relationships_ (345 pages)

H.W.F. Saggs 1984 _The Might That Was Assyria_ (330 pages)

H.W.F. Saggs 1995 _Babylonians_ (190 pages)

M. Saghieh 1983 _Byblos in the 3rd Millennium BCE_ (220 pages)

Girard Sagmiller & Kaylea Dooley 2012 _We Can Do It!: A Rosie the Riveter Story: A Biography of My Mom: One Woman's Story of Her Generation during World War 2 and Working as a Real-Life Rosie the Riveter_ (44 pages; 609KB)

Marshall Sahlins, Elman Service & Thomas G. Harding 1960, 2016 _Evolution and Culture_ (150 pages)

Christian C. Sahner 2018 _Christian Martyrs under Islam: Religious Violence and the Making of the Muslim World_ (350 pages; 7.3MB)

Edward W. Said 2012 _Culture and Imperialism_ (410 pages; 3.9MB)

Antoine de St. Exupery 1942 _AirMan's Odyssey_ ()

Henry St. John viscount Bolingbroke 1754 _Remarks on the History of England_ ()

Henry St. John viscount Bolingbroke 1967 _The Works of lord Bolingbroke_ (4 volumes)

Henry St. Simon & Georg G. Iggers 1988 _The Doctrine of Saint Simon: An Exposition_ (275 pages)

-Richard Sakwa 2014 _FrontLine Ukraine: Crisis in the BorderLands_ (315 pages; 6.1MB)

Redcliffe N. Salaman 1985 _The History and Social Influence of the Potato_ ()

Anthony J. Saldarini 2001 _Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees in "Palestinian" "Society"_ (345 pages; 4.8MB)

Kirkpatrick Sale 1995 _Rebels Against the Future: The Luddites and Their War on the Industrial Revolution - Lessons for the Computer Age_ ()

Tony Sale 1999, 2000 _The Colossus Computer 1943-1996 and How It Helped to Break the German Lorenz Cipher in WW2_ ()

Steve Salerno 2005 _Sham: How the Self-Help Movement Made USA Helpless_ (motivation; 275 pages; 695KB)

B.A. Saletore 1934 _Social and Political Life in the Vijayanagara Empire_ ()

Sandor Salgo 2000 _Thomas Jefferson: Musician and Violinist_ ()

(55) ►Sharon V. Salinger 2000, 2007 _To Serve Well and Faithfully: Labor and Indentured Servants in Pennsylvania 1682-1800_ (192-200 pages; ISBN 9780788416668/ 9780521334426; OCLC 502240534/ 230966536; CambridgeU/Heritage; ILL request)◀

Harrison E. Salisbury 1985, 1987 _The Long March: The UnTold Story_ (Chiang Kai-Shek; 400 pages)

Harrison E. Salisbury 1993 _The New Emperors: Red China in the Era of Mao and Deng_ (560 pages)

W. Allen Salisbury 1992, 2018-12-01 _The Civil War and the American System: USA's Battle with Britain 1860-1876_ (440-576 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 9781790547456/ 9780943235066; OCLC 28416704; EIR)

Robert Sallares 2002 _Malaria and Rome: An History of Malaria in Ancient Italy_ (350 pages; 6.6MB)

Richard Sallet, LaVern J. Rippley & Armand Bauer 1974 _Russian-German Settlements in the United States_ ()

Alexander S. Salley 1911, 1967 _Narratives of Early Carolina_ ()

John S. Salmon 2001 _The Official Virginia Civil War BattleField Guide_ ()

Frank Salter 2017 _On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration_ (380 pages; 3.9MB)

Michael Salter 2007 _Nazi War Crimes, US Intelligence and Selective Prosecution at Muremberg_ ()

Peter Salway 1981, 1984, 1993, 1997 _An History of Roman Britain_ (563 pages; 7.2MB; 936.2; NE)

Louis Francis Salzmann 2015 _English Industries of the Middle Ages_ (230 pages; 504KB)

Jonathan D. Sama & Benjamin Shapell 2015 _Lincoln and the Jews: An History_ (280 pages; 37.6MB)

Jonathan D. Sama & Adam Mendelsohn 2010 _Jews and the Civil War: A Reader_ (440 pages; 2.5MB)

Aylett Sammes 1676 _Antiquities of Ancient Britain Derived from the Phoenicians_ ()

Jeffrey T. Sammons & John H. Morrow ii 2014 _Harlem's Rattlers and the Great War: The UnDaunted 369th Regiment and the African American Quest for Equality_ (625 pages; 6.1MB)

Anthony Sampson 1975, 1983 _7 Sisters: Great Oil Companies and the World They Made_ (320 pages)

Gareth Sampson 2010 _The Crisis of Rome: The Jugurthine and Northern Wars and the Rise of Marius_ (Cimbri, Teutones, Ambrones; 190 pages; 2.7MB)

Geoffrey Sampson 1985 _Writing Systems_ ()

Robert J. Sampson 2011 _Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect_ ()

Wolfgang W.E. Samuel 2019 _Silent Warriors, Incredible Courage: The DeClassified Stories of Cold War Reconnaissance Flights and the Men Who Flew Them_ (380 pages; 18.2MB)

Richard J. Samuels 1994 _"Rich Nation, Strong Army": National Security and the Technological Transformation of Japan_ ()

Shirley Samuels 2004 _Facing America: Iconography and the Civil War_ (190 pages; 9.1MB)

Dell F. Sanchez 2010 _Out From Hiding_ (184 pages; 2.2MB)

Claudio Sanchez-Albornoz 1975-1991 _Spain: An Historical Enigma_ (18 volumes)

E.M. Sanchez-Saavedra 1978 _A Guide to VA Military Organizations in the American Revolution 1774-1787_ ()

Shlomo Sand & Yael Lotan 2010 _The Invention of the Jewish People_ (340 pages; 810KB)

Nancy K. Sandars 1972 _The Epic of Gilgamesh_ ()

(28) Nancy K. Sandars 1978 _The Sea People: Warriors of the Ancient Mediterranean 1250BCE-1150BCE_ (910.0918; Main)

Neil Sandberg 1986 _Jewish Life in Los Angeles_ ()

Timothy Sandefur 2018 _Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man_ (140 pages; 981KB)

Mae E. Sander 2000 _Jewish Time-Travel: A Travel Narrative and Guide to Jewish Historic Sites in Europe and Israel_ (545 pages)

Charles W. Sanders ii 2017 _While in the Hands of the Enemy: Military Prisons of the Civil War_ (400 pages)

Elizabeth Sanders 1999 _Roots of Perversion: Farmers, Workers, and the USA State 1877-1917_ (regressive era; 530 pages)

I.J. Sanders 1960 _English Baronies: A Study of Their Origin and Descent 1086-1132_ ()

Nancy I. Sanders 2010 _America's Black Founders: Revolutionary Heroes & Early Leaders_ (150 pages; 10.5MB; J 973.0496 SAN; Main+NE+BLPerry)

Paula Sanders 1994 _Ritual, Politics, and the City in Fatimid Cairo_ (246 pages)

Sol W. Sanders 1969 _A Sense of Asia_ ()

Sol W. Sanders 1975 _Honda: The Man and His Machines_ ()

Sol W. Sanders 1989 _Mexico: Chaos on Our DoorStep_ ()

Sol W. Sanders 1986 _The Costa Rican Laboratory_ ()

(65) Eric W. Sanderson & Markley Boyer 2009, 2013 _Manahatta: A Natural History of New York City_ (352 pages; ISBN 9780810996335/ 9781419707483; OCLC 823552592; Abrams; 508.7471 San; Main)

John Sanderson 1824 _Biograpy of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence_ ()

E.W.C. Sandes 1937 _The Royal Engineers in Egypt and the Sudan_ ()

E.W.C. Sandes 1933, 1935, 2006, 2009 _The Military Engineer in India_ (660 pages)

Jame Sandifer 2011 _The UnAuthorized Biography of Ronald Reagan and the Reagan Administration_ ()

Samuel Sandmel 1967 _Herod: Profile of a Tyrant_ ()

Agnar Sandmo 2010 _Economics Evolving: An History of Economic Thought_ ()

Frank Sandor 2012, 20015 _Magyar Origins: A 21st Century Look at the Origins of Ancient Hungarians_ (420 pages)

Ellis Sandoz 1998, 2013 _Political Sermons of the American Founding Era_ (2 volumes; 1,750 pages; 7.1MB)

Celia Sandys 1999, 2000 _Churchill: Wanted Dead or Alive_ (230 pages; biography)

Celia Sandys 2003, 2004, 2014 _Chasing Churchill: Travels with Winston Churchill_ (290 pages; 16.7MB; 941.082 DVD)

Jonathan Sandys, Wallace Henley & James Baker 2015 _God and Churchill: How the Great Leader's Sense of Divine Destiny Changed His Troubled World and Offers Hope for Ours_ (299 pages; 3.4MB)

Charles B. Sanford 1984 _The Religious Life of Thomas Jefferson_ ()

David Sanger 2012 _Confront and Conceal: Obummer's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power_ ()

G.B. Sansom 1931, 1943 _Japan: A Short Cultural History_ ()

George B. Sansom 1974 _The Western World and Japan_ ()

George Sansom 1958 _A History of Japan to 1334_ ()< ()

George Sansom 1961 _A History of Japan 1334-1615_ ()

George Sansom 1963 _A History of Japan 1615-1867_ ()

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Ann Fears Crawford, Sam Guyler & Jaime Platon 1967, 1988 _The Eagle: The AutoBiography of Santa Anna_ (290 pages)

George Santayana 1922, 1967, 2009 _Soliloquies in England and Later Soliloquies_ ()

George Santayana 8888 _Scepticism and Animal Faith_ ()

George Santayana 1931 _The Genteel Tradition at Bay_ ()

George Santayana _Life of Reason_ ()

George Santayana 1920 _Character and Opinion in the United States_ ()

Pedro Santoni 1996 _Mexicans at Arms: Puro Federalists and the Politics of War 1845-1848_ ()

Richard G. Santos 1968 _Santa Anna's Campaign against Texas 1835-1836_ (170 pages)

Antonio Santosuosso 2004 _Barbarians, Marauders, and Infidels_ ()

Rick Sapp 2018 _Amerindians: State by State_/_Native Americans: State by State_/_Descendants of Early Immigrants: State by State_ (440 pages)

Drew Sappington 2011 _Hidden History of St. Augustine_ (144 pages)

Parmata Saran & Edwin Eames 1980 _The New Ethnics: Asian Indians in the United States_ ()

Herbert Howland Sargent 8888 _The Campaign of Santiago de Cuba_ ()

Lyman Tower Sargent 1995 _Extremism in the USA: A Reader_ ()

Winthrop Sargent 1856 _The History of Braddock's Expedition_ ()

Jadunath Sarkar 1920 _Mughal Administration_ ()

Jonathan D. Sarna 1981 _Jacksonian Jew: The 2 Worlds of Mordecai Noah_ ()

Jonathan D. Sarna & Benjamin Shapell 2015 _Lincoln and the Jews: An History_ (280 pages; 37.6MB)

Jonathan D. Sarna & Adam D. Mendelsohn 2011 _Jews and the Civil War: A Reader_ (435 pages; 1.9MB)

Jonathan D. Sarna 2004 _American Judaism: An History_ ()

Jonathan D. Sarna 1986 _The American Jewish Experience_ ()

Jonathan D. Sarna 2012 _When General Grant Expelled the Jews_ ()

Jonathan D. Sarna 8888 _Speaking of Jews: Rabbis, Intellectuals, and the Creation of an American Public Identity_ ()

Jonathan D. Sarna, Jonathan D. Dalin & David G. Dalin 1997 _Religion and State in the American Jewish Experience_ ()

Jonathan D. Sarna, Benny Kraut & Samuel K. Joseph 1985 _Jews and the Founding of the Republic_ ()

Jonathan D. Sarna & Ellen Smith 1995 _The Jews of Boston: Essays on the Occasion of the Centenary (1895-1995) of the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston_ ()

Gustav Saron & Louis Hotz 1955 _The Jews in South Africa_ ()

Peter Sarris 2011 _Empires of Faith: The Fall of Rome to the Rie of Islam 600CE-700CE_ (435 pages; 2.7MB)

Homa Sarshar & Debbie Adhami 1996 _The History of Contemporary Iranian Jews: vol1_ ()

Houman M. Sarshar 2014 _The Jews of Iran: The History, Religion, & Culture of a "Community" in the Islamic World_ (255 pages; 3.7MB)

Houman M. Sarshar 2000 _The History of Contemporary Iranian Jews: vol4_ ()

Houman M. Sarshar 2002 _Esther's Children: A Portrait of Iranian Jews_ ()

George Sarton 1927 _Introduction to the History of Science_ ()

(80) Benjamin E. Sasse 2018 _Them: Why We Hate [Initiators of Force & Fraud] and How to Heal_ (280 pages; 2.9MB; 323.650973 Sas; Main+E+NE)

Saskia Sassen 2006, 2008 _Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages_ (500 pages; 2.2MB)

Charles W. Sasser 2017 _Crushing the Collective: The Last Chance to Keep USA Free and Self-Governing_ (345 pages; 1.4MB)

H.H. ben Sasson 1969, 1976 _An History of the Jewish People_ ()

(67) Jack M. Sasson, Gary Beckman & Karen S. Rubinson 1995, 2000, 2016 _Civilizations of the Ancient Near East_ (4 volumes, 3024 pages; Reference 939.4)

David Solomon Sassoon 1949, 2006 _An History of the Jews in Baghdad_ (245 pages)

John Sassoon 1993 _From Sumer to Jerusalem: The Forbidden Hypothesis_ (128 pages)

K.A. Nilakanta Sastri 1952, 1967, 1996 _Age of the Nandas and Mauryas_ ()

K.A. Nilakanta Sastri 1955 _An History of South India from PreHistoric Times to the Fall of Vijayanagar_ ()

(63) Robert Barry Satloff 2006 _Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands_ (250 pages; 940.5318)

Michael Satlow 2013 _The Gift in Antiquity_ ()

T. Iyenga Sato & Kenoske Sato 1921 _Japan and the California Problem_ ()

Tsugitaka Sato 1997 _State and Rural Society in Medieval Islam: Sultans, Muqtas, and Fallahun_ ()

(60) David Satter 2016 _The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep: Russia's Road to Terror and Dictatorship under Yeltsin and Putin_ (220 pages; 940.5 NE)

Ronald N. Satz 1974 _American Indian Policy in the Jacksonian Era_ ()

Eberhard Sauer 2017 _Sasanian Persia: Between Rome and the Steppes of Eurasia_ (325 pages; 14.6MB)

Rabban Sauma/Rabban Sawma & Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge 1928, 2013 _Monks of Kublai Khan, Emperor of China: Medieval Travels from China through Central Asia to Persia and Beyond_ (360 pages; http://syriaca.org/bibl/1982 http://zotero.org/groups/392292/items/MXPZX6EE http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/847237237)

Andrew Saunders 1989, 1995 _Fortress Britain: Artillery Fortifications in the British Isles and Ireland_ (245 pages)

David Saunders 2014 _Russia in the Age of Reaction and Reform 1801-1881_ (390 pages; 1.3MB)

John Joseph Saunders 1965, 1978, 1979, 2002 _An History of Medieval Islam_ (230 pages; 3MB)

John Joseph Saunders 1971, 2001 _The History of the Mongol Conquests_ (285 pages)

Lisa Saunders 2017 _Shays' Rebellion: The Hanging of Co-Leader Captain Henry Gale_ (28 pages; 540KB)

Robert A. Saunders 2010 _EthnoPolitics in CyberSpace: The Internet, Minority Nationalism, and the Web of "Identity"_ (215 pages; 1.1MB)

Claudio Saunt 2014 _West of the Revolution: An UnCommon History of 1776_ (288 pages; 5.2MB)

Claudio Saunt 2005 _Black, White, and Indian: Race and the UnMaking of an American Family_ (312 pages; 8MB)

Claudio Saunt 1999 _A New Order of Things: Property, Power, and the Transformation of the Creek Indians 1733-1816_ (314 pages)

F. Tupper Saussy 1980, 1982 _The Miracle on MainStreet_ ()

F. Tupper Saussy 2001, 2015 _Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies_ (320 pages; 34.8MB)

Charlie Savage 2007, 2008 _TakeOver: The Return of the Imperial Presidency and the Subversion of American Democracy_ (400 pages; 2.9MB)

Charlie Savage 2015 _Power Wars: Inside Obummer's post-2001/09/11 Presidency_ (700 pages; 4.9MB)

Elizabeth Savage 1993 _The Human Commodity_ ()

Raymond Savage 1925, 1926 _Allenby of Armageddon: A Record of the Career and Campaigns of Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby_ (300 pages)

(55) ►Theodore P. Savas & J. David Dameron 2006 _Guide to the Battles of the American Revolution_ (425 pages; 5.3MB; ILL request)◀

Lauret Savoy 2015 _Trace: Memory, History, Race, and the USA Landscape_ (230 pages; 1.3MB)

Harry Leonard Sawatsky 1971 _They Sought a Country: Mennonite Colonization in Mexico_ ()

Rabban Sauma/Rabban Sawma & Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge 1928, 2013 _Monks of Kublai Khan, Emperor of China: Medieval Travels from China through Central Asia to Persia and Beyond_ (360 pages)

Birgit Sawyer 2003 _The Viking-Age Rune-Stones: Custom and Commemoration in Early Medieval Scandinavia_ (300 pages)

Birgit Sawyer & Peter Sawyer 1993 _Medieval Scandinavia: From Conversion to Reformation c. 800-1500_ (280 pages)

John Reynolds Sawyer 2016 _The Secret Civil War_ (175 pages; 10.2MB)

L.A. Sawyer & W.H. Mitchell 1970, 1985 _The Liberty Ships: The History of the Emergency Type Cargo Ships Constructed in the USA during the Second World War_ (250 pages)

Mark Sawyer 2006 _Racial Politics in Post-Revolutionary Cuba_ ()

Peter H. Sawyer 1998, 2015 _From Roman Britain to Norman England_ (330 pages; 4.8MB)

Peter H. Sawyer 1968 _Anglo-Saxon Charters: An Annotated List and Bibliogaphy_ ()

(52) ►Ralph D. Sawyer & Mei-chuen Lee Sawyer 2004 _The Tao of SpyCraft: Intelligence Theory & Practice in Traditional China_ (621 pages; 5.3MB; ISBN 9780813342405; OCLC 1050008276; Westview; ILL request)◀

(57) Ralph D. Sawyer 2011 _Ancient Chinese Warfare_ (554 pages; ISBN 9780465021451; 355.020931 Saw: Main)

A.H. Sayce 2014 _The First Chaldean Empire and the Hyksos in Egypt_ (160 pages; 3.4MB)

Derek Sayer 2000 _The Coasts of Bohemia: A Czech History_ (460 pages)

(65) Dorothy Leigh Sayers 1951, 1976 _The Emperor Constantine: A Chronicle_ (191 pages; 822.9 Say; Main)

Evan Sayet 2012 _The KinderGarden of Eden: How the Modern Leftist Thinks_ (140 pages; 295KB)

P. Saywer 1976 _Medieval Settlement, Continuity and Change_ ()

David Sax 209 _Save the Deli: In Search of Perfect Pastrami, Crusty Rye, and the Heart of Jewish DelicatEssen_ (340 pages; 19MB)

Jeremy Scahill 2013 _Dirty Wars: The World Is a BattleField_ ()

Peter C. Scales 1994 _The Fall of the Caliphate of Cordoba: Berbers and Andalusis in Conflict_ (255 pages)

Robert H. Scales ii 1994, 1998 _Certain Victory: The US Army in the Gulf War_ ()

Robert H. Scales ii 2003 _Yellow Smoke: The Future of Land Warfare for America's Military_ ()

G.V. Scammell 1989 _The First Imperial Age: European OverSeas Expansion c. 1400-1715_ ()

Mark Scandrette & Lisa Scandrette 2016 _Belonging and Becoming: Creating a Thriving Family Culture_ (220 pages; 2.6MB)

Rowan Scarborough 2004 _Rumsfeld's War: The UnTold Story of America's Anti-Terrorist Commander_ ()

Ruth Scarborough 1983, 1997 _Belle Boyd: Siren of the South_ (230 pages)

Chris Scarre 1995 _Past Worlds: The Times Atlas of Archaeology_ ()

Chris Scarre 1999 _The 70 Wonders of the Ancient World: The Great Monuments and How They Were Built_ (295 pages)

Chris Scarre 1995 _Chronicle of the Roman Emperors: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers of Imperial Rome_ (230 pages)

Chris Scarre 2018-01-16 _The Human Past_ (230 pages; ISBN 9780500294208; OCLC ; Thames Hudson)

Gregory Schaaf 2004 _Franklin, Jefferson, and Madison: On Religion and the State_ ()

Joseph Schacht & G.E. Bosworth 1974 _The Legacy of Islam_ ()

Peter Schaefer 2002, 2003 _The History of the Jews in the Greco-Roman World: The Jews of Israel from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest_ (255 pages; 1.4MB)

Peter Schaefer 1998 _JudeoPhobia: Attitudes toward the Jews in the Ancient World_ (300 pages; 3.6MB)

Paul Bigelow Schaeffer 2015 _Some Aspects of the Government of Baldwin ii, Second Latin King of Jerusalem 1118-1131_ (106 pages)

Daniel L. Schafer 2010 _Anna Madgigine Jai Kingsley: African Princess, Florida Slave, Plantation SlaveOwner_ (192 pages; 1.448MB)

James A. Schafer ii 2013 _The Business of Private Medical Practice: Doctors, Specialization, and Urban Change in Philadelphia 1900-1940_ (245 pages; 7.2MB; ILL request)

Anthony Schaffer 2011 _Operation Dark Heart: SpyCraft and Special Ops on the FrontLines of Afghanistan -- and the Path to Victory_ (320 pages)

Kori N. Schake 2012 _State of DisRepair: [Reforming] the Culture and Practices of the State Department_ (190 pages; 693KB)

Abraham Schalit 1969 _Koenig Herodes: Der Mann und sein Werk_ ()

James V. Schall 2001 _War-Time Clarification: Who Is Our Enemy?_ ()

Michael Schaller 1979 _The USA Crusade in China 1938-1945_ ()

Michael Schaller 1985 _The American Occupation of Japan: The Origins of the Cold War in Asia_ ()

Simon Schama 1987, 1997 _The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age_ ()

Simon Schama 2001 _An History of Britain: vol2 The Wars of the British 1603-1776_ (544 pages)

Simon Schama 2002, 2003 _An History of Britain: vol3 The Fate of Empire 1776-2000_ (576 pages; 941; Main)

Simon Schama 2007 _Rough Crossings: The Slaves, the British, and the American Revolution_ (512 pages; 326.0973; Main)

(40) Simon Schama 2013, 2014 _The Story of the Jews: vol1 Finding the Words 1000BCE - 1492CE_ (512 pages; 909.0492 Sch; Main_NE)

(45) Simon Schama 2015 _The Story of the Jews: vol2 When Words Fail 1492 - Present_/_The Story of the Jews: vol2 Belonging 1492-1900_ (790 pages; 090.0492 Sch; Main+NE)

Simon Schama 1996 _Landscape and Memory_ (672 pages; 304.23; Main)

Simon Schama 1991, 1992 _Dead Certainties: Unwarraned Expectations_ (333 pages; 974.4; Main)

(50) Simon Schama 1977, 1992 _Patriots and Liberators: Revolution in the Netherlands 1780-1813_ (745 pages; 949.205; NE)

(50) Mark S. Schantz 2008, 2011 _Awaiting the Heavenly Country: The Civil War & America's Culture of Death_ (255 pages; 7.6MB; 949.205; NE)

William August Schaper 1901, 1968, 2009 _Sectionalism in SC_ ()

Morris U. Schappes 1971 _A Documentary History of the Jews of the United States 1654-1875_ ()

colonel John Thomas Scharf & T. Westcott 1884 _History of Philadelphia 1609-1884_ (3 volumes)

colonel John Thomas Scharf 1879 _History of Maryland from the Earliest Period to the Present Day_ (2 volumes)

colonel John Thomas Scharf 1879 _History of Maryland 1765-1812_ ()

colonel John Thomas Scharf 1874 _The Chronicles of Baltimore: Being a Complete History of Baltimore Town and Baltimore City from the Earliest Period to the Present Time_ ()

colonel John Thomas Scharf 1882 _History of Western Maryland_ ()

colonel John Thomas Scharf 1887 _History of the Confederate States Navy from Its "Organization" to the Surrender of Its Last Vessel_ ()

Virginia Scharff 2010 _The Women Jefferson Loved_ ()

Daniel J. Scharfstein 2011 _The InVisible Line: 3 USA Families and the Secret Journey from Black to White: A Secret History of Race in the USA_ (400 pages; 1.8MB)

(30) ►Leona Schechter & Jerrold Schechter 2002, 2003 _Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed USA History_ (310-340 pages; ISBN 1574883275/ 9781574883275; OCLC 49551009; ILL request)◀

(22) George F. Scheer & Hugh F. Rankin 1957, 1963 _Rebels and RedCoats: The American Revolution through the Eyes of Those Who Fought & Lived It_ (AmRev; 572-639 pages; ISBN 9780306803079; OCLC 977674504/ 925142222; Da Capo/Mentor/World; 973.3 S315R; Main)

Teva J. Scheer 2010 _Our Daily Bread: German Village Life 1500-1850_ (230 pages; 2MB)

Harry N. Scheiber & Lawrence M. Friedman 1965, 1969, 1987, 2012, 2013 _The Ohio Canal Era: A Case Study of Government and the Economy 1820-1861_ (450 pages)

Andrew P. Scheil 2004 _The FootSteps of Israel: Understanding Jews in Anglo-Saxon England_ (375 pages)

Edgar Schein, Paul J. Kampas, Peter S. de Lisi & Michael M. Sonduck 2004 _DEC Is Dead, Long Live DEC: The Lasting Legacy of Digital Equipment Corporation: Lessons on Innovation, Technology, and the Business Gene_ (325 pages; 1.6MB)

Robert L. Scheina 2003 _Santa Anna: A Curse Upon Mexico_ (125 pages; 439KB)

Raymond P. Scheindlin 1998 _A Short History of the Jewish People_ ()

Raymond P. Scheindlin 1999 _Wine, Women, and Death: Medievel Hebrew Poems on the Good Life_ (216 pages)

Linda Schele & David Friedel 1990 _A Forest of Kings: The UnTold Story of the Ancient Maya_ ()

Linda Schele & Mary Ellen Miller 1986 _The Blood of Kings: Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art_ ()

Orville Schell 1994 _Mandate of Heaven: The Legacy of Tiananmen Square and the Next Generation of China's Leaders_ (450 pages)

Orville Schell & John Delury 2013 _Wealth and Power: Red China's Long March to the 21st Century_ (480 pages; 17.5MB)

(1) ►honorable USMC lieutenant-colonel Stuart Scheller 2022-09-06 _Crisis of Command: How We Lost Trust & Confidence in USA's General Officers & Politicians_ (272 pages; ISBN 9781637585443; OCLC 12912678004; Knox/Permuted; ; ILL request)◀

Thomas Schelling 1966 _Arms and Influence_ ()

Jules Schelvis & Karin Dixon 2014 _Sobibor: An History of a Nazi Death Camp_ (320 pages; 4.7MB)

David Schenck, Robert Henry & David Vance 1891, 2016-08-28, 2016-09-17 _Narrative of the Battle of Cowan's Ford [1781-02-01]... and Narrative of the Battle of King's Mountain_ (60 pages; ISBN 9781372375569; Reece & Elam/Wentworth)

Nancy Scheper-Hughes 1992 _Death without Weeping: The Violence of EveryDay Life in Brazil_ ()

Robert L. Scheuttinger & Eamonn F. Butler 1979 _Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls_ ()

Robert Schick 1996 _Christian Communities of Israel from Byzantine to Islamic Rule_ (570 pages)

Clara Eve Schieber 1923 _The Transformation of American Sentiment Toward Germany 1870-1914_ ()

Katy Schiel 2003 _The Whiskey Rebellion_ ()

Peter D. Schiff & Andrew J. Schiff 2010 _How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes_ ()

Zeev Schiff & Ehud Yaari 1984 _Israel's Lebanon War_ ()

Georg M. Schild 1995 _Between Ideology and RealPolitik: Woodrow Wilson and the Russian Revolution 1917-1921_ ()

Friedrich von Schiller 1791-1793 _The History of the 30 Years' War in Germany_ ()

(55) Dan Schilling & Lori Longfritz 2019 _Alone at Dawn: Medal of Honor Recipient John Chapman and the UnTold Story of the World's Deadliest Special Operations Force_ (340 pages; 43.6MB; 958.104742 Sch; Jax)

Shonda Schilling 2011 _The Best Kind of Different_ (224 pages)

David Schippers 2000 _SellOut: The Inside Story of President Clinton's Impeachment_ (Why didn't they impeach him and Reno, and then indict and imprison them for that anti-constitutional mass murder in Texas?!?; 340 pages; 973.929)

Gerrie Schipske 2008 _Rosie the Riveter of Long Beach_ (125 pages; 35.7MB)

Wolfgang Schivelbusch 2006 _3 New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany 1933-1939_ ()

Wolfgang Schivelbusch 1986 _The RailWay Journey: The Industrialization of Time and Space in the 19th Century_ ()

Fabian von Schlabrendorff 1994 _The Secret War Against Hitler_ ()

Phyllis Schlafly 1964 _A Choice, Not an Echo_ ()

Phyllis Schlafly & Ron Paul 2014 _A Choice, Not an Echo_ (315 pages; 725KB)

Phyllis Schlafly & Ed Martin 2016 _The Classical Liberal Case for Trump_ (270 pages; 896KB)

Phyllis Schlafly & George Neumayr 2012 _No Higher Power: Obummer's War against Religious Freedom_ (220 pages; 1.2MB)

Phyllis Schlafly 2016 _Who Killed the USA Family?_ (300 pages; 2MB)

Neil Schlager 1994 _When Technology Fails: Significant Technological Disasters, Accidents, and Failures of the 20th Century_ ()

John T. Schlebecker 1975, 1976, 1978 _WhereBy We Thrive: An History of USA Farming 1607-1972_ (342 pages; ISBN 9780813800905; OCLC 490062488/ 631616985/ 888574513; Iowa State U)

Brent Schlender & Rick Tetzeli 2015 _Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless UpStart into a Visionary Leader_ (464 pages)

Thomas J. Schlereth 1991 _Victorian America: Transformations in EveryDay Life_ ()

Arthur Meier Schlesinger i 1917 _The Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution 1763-1776_ ()

(40) Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii 1945, 1953, 1988 _The Age of Jackson_ (545 pages; 973.5)

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(32) Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii 1957, 1988, 2003 _The Crisis of the Old Order 1919-1933_ (Age of Bozovelt #1; 557 pages; 2.8MB; 973.917 Sch; Main)

(45) Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii 1958, 1959, 1988, 2003 _The Coming of the Raw Deal 1919-1933_ (Age of Bozovelt #2; 680 pages; 1.8MB; 973.917 Sch; Main)

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Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii 1957 _The Age of Roosevelt_ ()

Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii 1958, 1963, 2015 _Prelude to Independence: The Newspaper War on Britain 1764-1776_ (345 pages)

Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii 1965 _A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House_ ()

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(59) ►Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii & Fred L. Israel 1971 _History of American Presidential Elections 1789-1968_ (99999 pages; ISBN 99999999; OCLC 9999999; ?????; ILL request)◀

Jacob M Schlesinger 1997, 1999 _Shadow Shoguns: The Rise and Fall of Japan's PostWar Political Machine_ (355 pages)

James R. Schlesinger, Harold Brown, Tillie K. Fowler & Charles A. Horner 2004 _Final Report of the Independent Panel to Review DoD Detention Operations_ ()

Joachim Schliesinger 2017 _Traditional Slavery in SouthEast Asia and Beyond_ (60.2MB)

Chaim Schloss 2002 _2000 Years of Jewish History_ (329 pages)

Gustave Leon Schlumberger 1923 _Renaud de Chatillon, Prince d'Antioche, Seigneur de la Terre d'Outre-Jourdain_ (436 pages)

Denise Schmandt-Besserat 1992 _Before Writing: vol1 From Counting to Cuneiform_ (280 pages)

Denise Schmandt-Besserat 2010 _Before Writing: vol2 A Catalog of Near Eastern Tokens_ (450 pages)

Denise Schmandt-Besserat 2010 _How Writing Came About_ (200 pages; 9.8MB)

Denise Schmandt-Besserat 1979 _Early Technologies_ ()

Alvin J. Schmidt 1997 _The Menace of MultiCulturalism: Trojan Horse in the USA_ (220 pages)

Donald E. Schmidt 2005 _The Folly of War: American Foreign Policy 1898-2005_ ()

Ethan Schmidt 2014 _Native Americans in the American Revolution_ ()

Ethan Schmidt 2015 _The Divided Dominion_ ()

Christopher Schmidt-Nowara 2016 _Slavery, Freedom, and Abolition in Latin America and the Atlantic World_ (215 pages; 22.7MB)

Eugene D. Schmiel 2014 _Citizen-General: Jacob Dolson Cox and the Civil War Era_ (350 pages; 10.5MB)

Samuel M. Schmucker 1903 _The Life of Thomas Jefferson_ ()

James Schnabel & Robert J. Watson 1979 _The History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff_ (at least 2 volumes)

Jeffrey T. Schnapp 2000 _A Primer of Italian Fascism_ ()

Stephen A. Schneider 2014 _You Can't PadLock an Idea: Rhetorical Education at the Highlander Folk School 1932-1961_ (Birmingham; 200 pages; 2.6MB)

Katherine Schober 2018 _Tips and Tricks of DeCiphering German HandWriting: A Translator's Tricks of the Trade for Transcribing German Genealogy Documents_ (125 pages; 4.5MB)

Helmut Schoeck 1987 _Envy: A Theory of "Social Behavior"_ ()

Harold Schoen 2015 _Growing Up: Farm Life & BasketBall in the 1940s & 1950s_ (215 pages; 7.4MB)

David Schoenbaum 1980 _Hitler's Social Revolution: Class and Status in Nazi Germany 1933-1939_ ()

Thomas J. Scoenbaum 1988 _Waging Peace and War: Dean Rusk in the Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson Years_ (450 pages)

Walter Smith Schoenberger 1969 _Decision of Destiny_ ()

(50) Gabriel Schoenfeld 2004 _The Return of Anti-Semitism_ (305.8924)

Michael Schoenhals 2015 _Red China's Cultural Revolution 1966-1969: Not a Dinner Party_ (380 pages; 7.1MB)

Michael Schoenhals 2012 _Spying for the People: Mao's Secret Agents 1949-1967_ (267 pages; 38MB)

Ralph Schoenman 1988 _The Hidden History of Zionism_ (160 pages)

Johann David Schoepf & Alfred J. Morrison 1911 _Travels in the Confederation 1783-1784_ (2 volumes)

Louise Schofield 2007 _The Mycenaeans_ (200 pages)

Walter V. Scholes & Marie V. Scholes 1970 _The Foreign Policies of the Taft Administration_ ()

Allen W. Scholl 1995 _The Brothers Crawford_ ()

Frank Scholle & Don Linz 8888 _Colerain Township_ (Hamilton county OH; 125 pages; 41.3MB)

Bernhard Walter Scholz & Barbara Rogers-Gardner 1970, 1972 _Carolingian Chronicles: Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard's Histories_ (240 pages)

Joseph Schomaker 1997 _Ohio Country: The Indians of Fernald_ ()

David Schonberger 2016 _Arabic Hebrew Lexicon: A Collection of Shared, Similar, and Related Arabic-Hebrew and Hebrew-Arabic Word Pairs_ (210 pages)

Thomas D. Schoonover 1978 _Dollars over Dominion: The Triumph of Liberalism in Mexican-United States Relations 1861-1867_ ()

Thomas D. Schoonover 1986 _Mexican Lobby: Matias Romero in Washington 1861-1867_ ()

Esther Schor 2006 _Emma Lazarus_ ()

Carl E. Schorske 2012 _Fin-de-Seicle Vienna: Politics & Culture_ (politics & culture in Vienna in the late 1800s; 420 pages; 20.5MB)

Angela Schottenhammer 2008, 2009 _The East Asian Mediterranean: Maritime CrossRoads of Culture, Commerce, and Human Migration_ (390 pages)

Angela Schottenhammer 2010 _Trading Networks in Early Modern East Asia_ (210 pages)

Angela Schottenhammer 2012 _Taiwan: A Bridge Between the East and South China Seas_ (130 pages)

Angela Schottenhammer, Ralph Kauz, Roderich Ptak & Bert G. Fragner 2009 _Horses in Asia: History, Trade, and Culture_ (255 pages)

James Schouler 1868 _An History of Massachusetts in the Civil War vol1_ ()

William Schouler 1865, 2016 _Americans of 1776_ (310 pages)

Del Schrader 1975 _Jesse James Was One of His Names_ ()

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Cornelia Schrader-Muggenthaler 1989 _The Alsace Emigration Book_ ()

Peter Schrag 1970 _The Decline of the WASP_ ()

Stuart Schram 1963 _The Political Thought of Mao Tsetung_ (Mao Zedong)

Ellen Schrecker 1999 _Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in the USA_ (600 pages)

Joshua Schreier 2010 _Arabs of the Jewish Faith_ (250 pages; 2.7MB)

Joshua Schreier 2017 _The Merchant of Oran: A Jewish Port at the Dawn of Empire_ (200 pages; 4.8MB)

Joshua Schreier 2017 _The Merchants of Oran: A Jewish Port at the Dawn of Empire_ (200 pages; 4.8MB)

Samuel A. Schreiner ii 2003 _The Passionate Beechers: A Family Saga of Sanctity and Scandal That Positively Changed the USA_ (375 pages)

Netti Schreiner-Yantis 1987 _The 1787 census of Virginia: An Accounting of the Name..._ ()

John H. Schroeder 1973 _Mr. Polk's War: American Opposition and Dissent_ ()

(17) Alan Schroeder 1992 _Booker T. Washington_ (143 pages; biography Washington junior; Jax+NE)

Sarah Lindsay Schroeder 1979 _Park-Glenn & Allied Families - VA, WV, KY, IN_ ()

Susan Schroeder, Stephanie Wood & Robert Haskett 1997 _Indian Women of Early Mexico_ ()

Glenna R. Schroeder-Lein 2008 _The Encyclopedia of Civil War Medicine_ (445 pages; 2.6MB)

Gary C. Schroen 2005 _First In: An Insider's Account of How the CIA SpearHeaded the War on Terror in Afghanistan_ ()

Hermanfrid Schubart, Hans Georg Niemeyer, Manuel Pellicer Catalan, Maria Eugenia Aubet et al. 2001 _The Phoenicians in Spain: An Archaeological Review of the 8th-6th Centuries BCE: A Collection of Articles Translated from Spanish_ (300 pages)

Charles Schuchert & Clara Mae LeVene _O.C. Marsh; Pioneer in Paleontology_ (Othniel Charles Marsh)

Peter H. Schuck 1985 _Clamor at the Gates_ ()

Peter H. Schuck _Why Government Fails So Often_ ()

Peter H. Schuck & Rogers M. Smith 8888 _Citizenship Without Consent_ ()

Jacob Schucker 2009 _The Life & Public Services of Salmon P. Chase, USA Senator and Governor of Ohio, Secretary of the Treasury, and Chief-Justice of the USA_ (690 pages)

Emil Schuerer, Geza Vermes & Fergus Millar 1973, 2017_The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ_/_An History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ_ (325 pages; 2.5MB)

Stephen A. Schuker 1976 _The End of French Predominance in Europe_ ()

Jana K. Schulman 2002 _The Rise of the Medieval World 500-1300_ (580 pages)

(55) Duane P. Schultz 2002 _The Most Glorious Fourth: Vicksburg and Gettysburg 1863 July 4_ (973.7349)

Eric B. Schultz & Michael J. Tougias 1999 _King Philip's War: The History and Legacy of USA's Forgotten Conflict_ (416 pages; 973.24)

Jane E. Schultz 2005 _Women at the Front: Hospital Workers in Civil War America_ (365 pages; 3.3MB)

Kathryn Schulz 2010, 2011 _Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error_ (405 pages; 128)

Hagen Schulze & Deborah Lucas Schneider 1998 _Germany: A New History_ ()

Robert D. Schulzinger 1984 _The Wise Men of Foreign Affairs: The History of the Council on Foreign Relations_ (342 pages)

Michael Schumacher & Denis Kitchen 2013 _Al Capp: A Life to the Contrary_ (310 pages; 14.3MB)

Nathan Schur 1989, 1992 _The History of the Samaritans_ (305 pages)

William Lytle Schurz 1954 _This New World: The Civilization of Latin America_ ()

Ernest L. Schusky 1983 _Manual for Kinship Analysis_ ()

Valerie Schutte & Estelle Paranque 2918 _Forgotten Queens in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Political Agency, Myth-Making, and Patronage_ (200 pages; 2.3MB) 

Klaus Schwabe 1971 _Deutsche Revolution und Wilson Frieden: die Amerikanische und deutsche Friedens-strategie zwischen Ideologie und Machtpolitik 1918-1919_ ()

Leslie A. Schwalm 2009 _Emancipation's Diaspora: Race and ReConstruction in the Upper MidWest_ (390 pages; 4.5MB)

Benjamin Schwartz 1964 _In Search of Wealth and Power: Yen Fu and the West_ ()

Benjamin I. Schwartz 1951 _Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao_ ()

Bernard Schwartz 1980 _The Roots of the Bill of Rights_ ()

D.R. Schwartz 1990 _Agrippa i: The Last King of Judaea_ ()

Evan I. Schwartz 2002 _The Last Lone Inventor: A Tale of Genius, Deceit & the Birth of Television_ ()

Frederic Schwartz 1992 _Mother's House: The Evolution of Vanna Venturi's House in Chestnut Hill_ ()

James E. Schwartz 2002 _Frederick V. Geier 1893-1981_ (142 pages)

Joel Schwartz 1993 _The New York Approach: Robert Moses, Urban Leftists, and ReDevelopment of the Inner City_ (370 pages)

Seth Schwartz 2014 _The Ancient Jews from Alexander to Muhammad_ (202 pages; 618KB)

Seth Schwartz 2009 _Imperialism and Jewish Society 200BCE-640CE_ (310 pages; 3.5MB)

Seth Schwartz 2009 _Were the Jews a Mediterranean "Society"?: Reciprocity and Solidarity in Ancient Judaism_ (215 pages; 3.9MB)

Seth Schwartz 2013 _The History of the Jews in Antiquity_ (250 pages; 903KB)

Seth Schwartz 1990 _Josephus and Judaean Politics_ (256 pages; ISBN 9004092307/ 879004092303; OCLC 21595783; Brill)

Stuart B. Schwartz 2015 _Sea of Storms: An History of Hurricanes in the Greater Caribbean from Columbus to Katrina_ (450 pages; 4.8MB)

Warren E. Schwartz 1989 _The Last Contrary_ ()

Jack L. Schwartzwald 2014 _The Ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome: A Brief History_ (220 pages; 1.2MB)

(45) Geraldine Schwarz & Laura Morris 2020-09-22 _Those Who Forget: My Family's Story in Nazi Europe -- A Memoir, an History, a Warning_ (308 pages; ISBN 9781501199080; on order 2021-01-24; 940.53109 Sch; E)

Philip J. Schwarz 2001 _Migrants Against Slavery: Virginians and the Nation_ ()

H. Norman Schwarzkopf & Peter Petre 1992 _It Doesn't Take a Hero_ ()

Silvan B. Schweber 2008, 2009, 2010 _Einstein and Oppenheimer: The Meaning of Genius_ (430 pages)

Silvan B. Schweber 1994 _QED and the Men Who Made It_ (780 pages)

(19) Larry Schweikart & Michael Patrick Allen 2004, 2014 _A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to USA's Age of Entitlement_ (1K pages; 2.3MB; 973; Main+NE+Jax)

(20) Larry Schweikart 2011 _7 Events That Made America America and Proved That the Founding Fathers Were Right All Along_ (258 pages; 973)

(22) Larry Schweikart 2008 _48 Leftist Lies about USA History That You Probably Learned in School_ (290 pages; 973)

(49) ►Larry Schweikart, Ph.D., Dave Dougherty & Michael Patrick Allen 2011 _The Patriot's History Reader: Essential Documents for Every USA Citizen_ (464 pages; ISBN 9781595230782; OCLC 1059144212; Sentinel/Penguin/RandomHouse; ILL request)◀

(38) ►Larry Schweikart 2011 _What Would the Founders Say?_ (250 pages; 857KB; ILL request)◀

Larry Schweikart & Dave Dougherty 2012 _A Patriot's History of the Modern World: vol1 From USA's Exceptional Ascent to the Atomic Bomb 1898-1945_ (490 pages; 4.4MB)

Larry Schweikart & Dave Dougherty 2013 _A Patriot's History of the Modern World: vol2 From the Cold War to the Age of Entitlement 1945-2012_ (700 pages; 7.5MB)

Larry Schweikart 1999, 2000 _The Entrepreneurial Adventure: An History of Business in the United States_ (620 pages)

Larry Schweikart & Lynne Pierson Doti 2009 _USA Entrepreneur: The Fascinating Stories of the People Who Defined Business in the United States_ (540 pages; 2.1MB)

Larry Schweikart 1990 _The Encyclopedia of American History and Biography_ ()

(52) ►Larry Schweikart 2017 _The Politically InCorrect Guide to the Presidents: part1 From Washington to Taft_ (330 pages; 1.9MB; ISBN 9781621575245; OCLC 1004512566; Regnery; see Steven F. Hayward for part2; ILL request)◀

Larry Schweikart 2016 _Halsey's Bluff_ (320 pages; 859KB)

(50) ►Larry Schweikart 2006, 2007 _USA's Victories: Why the USA Usually Wins Wars & Will Win the War on Terror_ (325 pages; ISBN 1595230386/ 9781595230386; OCLC 144685442; ILL request)◀

Larry Schweikart 1982 _A History of Banking in Arizona_ (250 pages)

Larry Schweikart 1984 _Banking in the West_ (95 pages)

Larry Schweikart & Bradley J. Birzer 2002 _The American West_ (500 pages)

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(45) Larry E. Schweikart 1990 _Banking and Finance to 1913_ (528 pages; reference 650.3 Enc; Main)

(50) Larry Schweikart 1990 _Banking and Finance 1913-1985_ (505 pages; reference 650.3 Enc; Main)

(50) George Keene Schweitzer 1986 _Pennsylvania Genealogical Research_ (227 pages; 929.1 Sch; Main)

Theodore Schweitzer 2017 _An American Spy Inside North Korea_ (600 pages; 22.6MB)

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(55) Peter Schweizer 2015 _Clinton Cash: The UnTold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich_ (364.1323 Sch; Main+NE)

Lois G. Schwoerer 1981 _The Declaration of Rights 1689_ ()

James R. Scobie 1971 _Argentina: A City and a Nation_ ()

Arthur P. Scott 1930 _Criminal Law in Colonial Virginia_ ()

Beulah Mohart Scott & D.J. Lake 8888 _Atlas of Pickaway county OH_ and _Index to Atlas of Pickaway county OH_ ()

David C. Scott & Brendan Murphy 2010 _The Scouting Party: Pioneering & Preservation, Progressivism & Preparedness in the Making of the Boy Scouts of America_ (300 pages; 1.6MB)

David C. Scott & Tweed Roosevelt 2008 _We Are Americans, We Are Scouts: The Chief Scout Citizen on Building a Scouting Way of Life_ (140 pages)

David C. Scott & Douglas Brinkley 2014 _My Fellow Americans: Scouting, "Diversity", & the USA Presidency_ (380 pages; 34.8MB)

Emmet Scott 2011, 2012 _Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited: The History of a Controversy_ (272 pages; 5.7MB)

Emmet Scott 2013 _The Impact of Mohammedanism_ (195 pages; 2.4MB)

Emmett Jay Scott 1919, 2016, 2018 _Scott's Official History of the American Negro in the World War_ (600 pages; 916KB)

Emmett Jay Scott 1919, 2014 _The True Story of the Harlem HelFighters in World War 1_ (30 pages; 712KB)

Emmett Jay Scott 1919, 2012 _Negro Migration during the War_ (180 pages; 367KB)

Franklin D. Scott 1950 _The United States and Scandinavia_ ()

Hew Scott & Donald Farquhar MacDonald 2012 _Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae: the succession of ministers in the Church of Scotland from the reformation_ (470-554 pages; 2.5MB)

James C. Scott 1998 _Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to "Improve" the "Human Condition" Have Failed_ (460 pages; 7.6MB)

James C. Scott 2017 _Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States_ (320 pages; 3.2MB; a bit of a raving leftist whackadoodle)

James M. Scott 2017 _Exile: A Conversation with N.T. Wright_ (325 pages)

(52) James M. Scott 2018 _Rampage: MacArthur, Yamashita, & the Battle of Manila_ (635 pages; ISBN 9780393246940; Norton; 940.54259916 Sco; Main+E+NE)

(54) James M. Scott 2015 _Target Tokyo: Jimmy Doolittle & the Raid That Avenged Pearl Harbor_ (648 pages; ISBN 9780393089622; Norton; 940.54 Sco; Main+Jax)

(44) Michael Scott 2016 _Ancient Worlds: A Global History of Antiquity_ (410 pages; 930)

Michael Scott 2010-01-01 _From Democrats to Kings: The DownFall of Athens to the Epic Rise of Alexander the Great_ (294-320 pages; ISBN 9781848311312/ 9781590203910; OCLC 716866643; Icon/Abrams/Overlook)

Norman H. Scott 2018 _Shenandoah Iron: An History of Mining, Smelting, and Transporting Iron in the Virginia Counties of Clarke, Frederick, Page, Rockingham, Shenandoah, and Warren_ (340 pages)

Orion Cotton Scott 1917 _The Scotch-Irish and Charles Scott's Descendants & Related Families_ (published by J.H. Watson of Berwyn, IL)

Otto Scott 1993 _The Secret 6: John Brown and the Abolitionist Movement_ (360 pages)

Otto J. Scott 1979 _The Sacred Fool Quartet: vol1 James i: The Fool as King_ ()

Otto J. Scott 1979 _The Sacred Fool Quartet: vol2_ ()

Otto J. Scott 1979 _The Sacred Fool Quartet: vol3 The Secret 6: The Fool as Martyr_ ()

Otto J. Scott 1979 _The Sacred Fool Quartet: vol4_ ()

Otto J. Scott 1974 _Creative Ordeal: The Story of Raytheon_ ()

-Peter Dale Scott 2017 _The USA Deep State: Big Money, Big Oil, and the Struggle for USA Democracy_ (340 pages; 1.4MB)

Stanley Richmond Scott & Robert H. Montgomery _Family History of Jim Bishop of Whitburn, Scotland; Robert Hamilton Bishop of Oxford, OH; Ebenezer Bishop of McDonough county IL; and John Scott of Ireland_ ()

Tom Scott 2012 _The City-State in Europe 1000-1600: Hinterland, Territory, Region_ (400 pages)

Tom Scott 2002 _"Society" and Economy in Germany 1300-1600_ (300 pages)

sir Walter Scott 1830 _History of Scotland_ ()

sir Walter Scott 8888 _Chronicles of the Canongate_ ()

Winfield Scott 1864 _Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Scott_ ()

Winfield Scott 1835 _Infantry Tactics: Rules for the Exercise and Manoeuvres of the United States Infantry_ (3 volumes)

(50) R.A. Scotti 2003 _Sudden Sea: The Great Hurricane of 1938_ (400 pages; 363.34 Sco; large; Woodville)

Giles Scott-Smith & Hans Krabbendam 2003 _The Cultural Cold War in Western Europe 1945-1960_ ()

Donald Scragg 2008 _Edgar, King of the English 959-975_ ()

Laird Scranton 2016 _The Mystery of Skara Brae: NeoLithic Scotland and the Origins of Ancient Egypt_ (200 pages)

Marcus Scriven 2011 _Splendour & Squalor: The Discrace and DisIntegration of 3 Aristocratic Dynasties_ (20th century Britain; 400 pages; 19MB)

H.H. Scullard 1970 _Scipio Africanus: Soldier and Politician_ (290 pages)

H.H. Scullard 1974 _The Elephant in the Greek and Roman World_ (280 pages)

H.H. Scullard 1986 _Roman Britain: OutPost of the Empire_ (190 pages)

H.H. Scullard 2014 _The History of the Roman World 753BCE-146BCE_ (565 pages; 2.8MB)

Vincent Scully 1969 _American Architecture and Urbanism_ ()

Vincent Scully 1991 _Architecture: The Natural and the ManMade_ ()

Vincent Scully 1995 _The Shingle and the Stick Style_ ()

Vincent Scully 1974 _The Shingle Style Today, or The Historian's Revenge_ ()

Glenn Seaborg 1981 _Kennedy, Khruschev, and the Test Ban_ ()

Thomas B. Seabright 1894 _The Old Pike, An History of the National Road_ (Uniontown, PA, 1894)

Lochlainn Seabrook 2017-03-07 _Abraham Lincoln Was a Liberal, Jefferson Davis Was a Conservative: The Missing Key to Understanding the American Civil War_ (246 pages; ISBN 9781943737451/ 9781943737444; OCLC 1110123768; SeaRaven)

William B. Seabrook 1930, 1994 _Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes, and Yezidee Devil Worshippers_ (340 pages)

Samuel Seabury (A.W. Farmer) 1774 _The Congress Canvassed_ ()

Robert Seager ii 1963 _And Tyler Too: A Biography of John and Julia Gardiner Tyler_ ()

Sterling Seagrave & Peggy Seagrave 2010 _Dragon Lady: The Evil History of China's Last Empress_ (615 pages; 1.9MB)

Rebecca M. Seaman, Ph.D. 2018-04-12 _Epidemics and War: The Impact of Disease on Major Conflicts in History_ (340-355 pages; 2MB; ISBN 9781440852244; OCLC 1022074768; ABC-CLIO)

Thomas B. Searight 1894, 2015 _The Old Pike: An History of the National Road_ (580 pages; 4.2MB)

James F. Searing 2003 _West African Slavery and Atlantic Commerce: The Senegal River Valley 1700-1860_ (260 pages)

Eleanor Searle 1988 _Predatory Kinship and the Creation of Norman Power 840-1066_ (360 pages)

John R. Searle 1969 _Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language_ ()

Louis M. Sears 1927 _Jefferson and the Embargo_ ()

(44) Stephen W. Sears 2003 _Landscape Turned Red: The Battle of Antietam_ (431 pages; 973.7336 Sea; E)

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Albert Seaton 1985 _The HorseMen of the Steppes: The Story of the Cossacks_ (268 pages; 947)

James E. Seaver 1824, 2013 _A Narrative of the Life if Mrs. Mary Jemison_ (90 pages; 473KB)

Ormond Seavey _Becoming Benjamin Franklin: The AutoBiography and the Life_ ()

(40) Anne Sebba 2007 _American Jennie: The Remarkable Life of Lady Randolph Churchill_ (398 pages; biography Churchill; NE )

Robert Secor, Glenn Ruby, John M. Pickering & Irwin Richman 1975 _Pennsylvania 1776_ (380 pages)

Christopher Seddon 2016 _PreHistoric Investigations: From Denisovans to NeanderThals, DNA to Stable Isotopes, Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers, Stone Knapping to Metallurgy, Cave Art to Stone Circles, Wolves to Dogs_ (260 pages; 2.3MB)

Henry Sedgwick 2017 _A Short History of Italy 476-1600_ (200 pages)

John Sedgwick 2018 _Blood Moon: An American Epic of War and Spendor in the Cherokee Nation_ (500 pages; 52.8MB; Ridge vs. John Ross; Civil War)

Jean W. Sedlar 1994 _East Central Europe in the Middle Ages 1000-1500_ (550 pages)

Graham E. Seel & David L. Smith 2005 _The Early Stuart Kings 1603-1642_ (130 pages; 605KB)

Chris Seeman 2013 _Rome and Judea in Transition: Hasmonean Relations with the Roman Republic and the Evolution of the High Priesthood_(250 pages)

(59) ►Ronald Segal 2001-03-07, 2002 _Islam's Black Slaves: The Other Black Diaspora_ (470-480 pages; ISBN 9780374227746; OCLC ; Farrar, Straus & Giroux; ILL request)◀

Ronald Segal 1969 _The Americans: A Conflict of Creed and Reality_ ()

Tom Segev 2001 _Elvis in Jerusalem: Post-Zionism and the Americanization of Israel_ ()

Tom Segev & Haim Watzman 2013 _One Palestine, Complete: Jews & Arabs under the British Mandate_ (625 pages; 2.5MB)

Dan Vittorio Segre 2008 _Memoirs of a Fortunate Jew: An Italian Story_ (275 pages; 99999)

(42) Gino Segre & Bettina Hoerlin 2016 _The Pope of Physics: Enrico Fermi and the Birth of the Atomic Age_ (350 pages; biography Fermi)

Noriko Seguchi & Beatrix Dudzik 2019-06-29 _3D Data Acquisition for BioArchaeology, Forensic Anthropology, & Archaeology_ (999 pages; ISBN 9780128153093; OCLC ; Academic)

Roderick Seidenberg 1950 _Post-Historic Man: An Inquiry_ ()

(27) ►Charles Seife & Matt Zimet 2000, 2014 _Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea_ (248 pages; ISBN 067088457/ 9780670884575; OCLC 62452343; 513; NE; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Tatiana Seijas 2014 _Asian Slaves in Colonial Mexico: From Chinos to Indians_ (285 pages; 5.5MB)

(20) Samantha Seiple 2015 _Lincoln's SpyMaster: Allan Pinkerton, USA's First Private Eye_ (211 pages; 76.6MB; J 363.289 Sei; junior/youth; Main+NE)

(20) Samantha Seiple 2019 _Nazi Saboteurs: Hitler's Secret Attack on the USA_ (206 pages; in Acquisition 2020-02-06; Sei; junior/youth; Main )

Frederick Seitz 2007 _A Selection of HighLights from the History of the National Academy of Sciences_ ()

Jay Sekulow 2018 _Jerusalem: A Biblical and Historical Case for the Jewish Capital_ (350 pages; 2.3MB)

Torrey Seland 2014 _Reading Philo: A HandBook to Philo of Alexandria_ (360 pages; 1.7MB)

John Selby 1976 _The Road to YorkTown_ ()

John E. Selby 1977 _Dumore_ ()

John E. Selby 1988 _The Revolution in VA 1775-1783_ ()

John Millin Selby 1968 _StoneWall Jackson as Military Commander_ ()

Edna Mae Selden 8888 _Selden and Kindred of Virginia_ ()

Mary Selden Kennedy 1911 _Seldens of Virginia and Allied Families_ (at least 2 volumes)

Robert O. Self 2012 _All in the Family: The ReAlignment of USA Democracy Since the 1960s_ (520 pages; 1.1MB)

Stanislaw Seliga & Leon Koczy 1969 _Scotland and Poland_ ()

Stanislaw Seliga 8888 _The Scots and Old Poland_ ()

Gail Selinger 2017-09-01 _Pirates of New England: Ruthless Raiders & Rotten Renegades_ (198-224 pages; young; ISBN 9781493029297; OCLC 969418362; Globe Pequot)

David Sellin & James K. Ballinger 1984 _Americans in Brittany and Normandy 1860-1910_ (220 pages)

Helaine Selin & Pamela Kndall Stone 2009 _ChildBirth Across Cultures_ ()

(60) Walter Carruthers Sellar, Robert Julian Yeatman & John Reynolds 1931, 1959, 1993 _1066 and All That: A Memorable History of England_ (116 pages; 942 Sel; Main)

Charles Grier Sellers 1992, 1994 _The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America 1815-1846_ (500 pages; 2.5MB)

Charles Grier Sellers 1957 _James K. Polk: Jacksonian 1795-1843_ ()

Charles Grier Sellers 1966 _James K. Polk: Continentalist 1843-1846_ ()

Vladimir Semenoff & A.B. Lindsay 1906 _The Battle of Tsu-shima Between the Russian and Japanese Fleets, fought on 1905 May 27_ ()

Vladimir Semenoff & A.B. Lindsay 1909 _Rasplata (The Reckoning): His Diary During the Blockade of Port Arthur and the Voyage of Admiral Rojestvensky's Fleet_ ()

Valeria Semenyuk 2017 _Eastern Slavs in Ancient Times_ (2,300 pages; 3.4MB)

Robert Baylor Semple 1894, 1976, 2009, 2010 _An History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Virginia_ ()

Ellen Churchill Semple 1911, 1923, 2008, 2015 _Influences of Geographic Environment_ (730 pages)

Ellen Churchill Semple 1931 _The Geography of the Mediterranean Region: Its Relations to Ancient History_ (730 pages)

Surendra Nath Sen 1958 _The Military System of the Marathas_ ()

Donald J. Senese 1989 _George Mason and the Legacy of Constitutional Liberty_ ()

Peter R. Senich _The Long Range War_ ()

(43) Wayne Senner 1989, 1991 _The Origins of Writing_ (245 pages; 411 ORI; NE)

Richard Sennett 2008 _The Craftsman_ ()

Mary Sennholz 1975 _Faith and Freedom: A Biographical Sketch of a Great American, John Howard Pew_ ()

Mary Sennholz 1993 _Leonard E. Read: Philosopher of Freedom_ (240 pages)

H.C. Seppings Wright 1905 _With Togo: The Story of 7 Months' Active Service Under His Command_ ()

Lewis Sergeant 2002, 2014 _The Franks from Their Origin as a Confederacy to the Establishment of the Kingdom of France_ (197 pages; 1.2MB)

Andrea Seri 2012 _The House of Prisoners Slavery and State in Uruk during the Revolt against Samsu-Iluna_ (310 pages)

Milton C. Sernett 1997 _Bound for the Promised Land: African American Religion and the Great Migration_ (350 pages; 758KB)

Elman Rogers Service 1968, 1971 _Primitive "Social" "Organization"_ ()

Jacob J. Sessler 1933 _Communal Pietism among Early American Moravians_ ()

John van Seters 2010 _The Hyksos: A New Investigation_ (230 pages)

R.W. Seton-Watson 2012 _German, Slav and Magyar: A Study in the Origins of the Great War_ ()

Christian Settipani _La Noblesse du Midi Carolingien_ ()

Christian Settipani & Patrick van Kerrebrouck 1993 _La Prehistoire des Capetiens 481-987: Premiere Partie Merovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens_ ()

Kenneth Meyer Setton & M.W. Baldwin 1955, 1969 _An History of the Crusades: The First 100 Years_ ()

Seutonius & R. Graves 1957 _The 12 Caesars_ ()

Ephraim Sevela 1977 _FareWell Israel!_ ()

(35) ►Tim Severin 2013 _The Brendan Voyage: Across the Atlantic in a Leather Boat_ (280 pages; 3.3MB; LT 910.41 Sev; Main; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Tim Severin 1986, 2015 _Tracking Marco Polo_ (164 pages; 2.8MB; 910.924)

Tim Severin 1992, 2015 _In Search of Genghis Khan_ (265 pages; 1.7MB)

Tim Severin 1989, 2001, 2013 _Crusader: By Horse to Jerusalem_ (320 pages; 1.5MB)

Tim Severin 1968 _Explorers of the Mississippi: An History of the Conquistadors, Voyageurs, and Charlatans who Discovered, Opened Up, and Explored the Father of Waters_ (285 pages)

Tim Severin 2002 _Seeking Robinson Crusoe_/_In Search of Robinson Crusoe_ (333-375 pages; 996.18)

Tim Severin 1995 _The China Voyage: Across the Pacific by Bamboo Raft_ (300 pages)

Tim Severin 1983, 2013 _The Sinbad Voyage_ (230 pages; 3.3MB)

Samuel Sewall, Aaron Zuraire & Sidney Kaplan 1969, 2014 _The Selling of Joseph: A Memorial_ (20 pages; 547KB)

Desmond Seward 1996, 2014 _The Monks of War: The Military Religious Orders_ (350 pages; 3.4MB)

Desmond Seward 1996, 2009 _Jerusalem's Traitor: Josephus, Masada, and the Fall of Judea_ (337 pages; 1.4MB)

Desmond Seward 1991 _Metternich: The First European_ (300 pages; 943.604092)

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(60) Ingrid Seward 2017 _My Husband and I: The InSide Story of the Royal Marriage_ (princess/queen Elizabeth & Philip; 305 pages; 941.0850922; biography Elizabeth; NE+E)

William Sewel 1717, 1811 _The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress of the Christian People Called Quakers_ (2 volumes)

Richard H. Sewell 1976, 1980 _Ballots for Freedom: AntiSlavery Politics in the USA 1837-1860_ (385 pages)

Richard H. Sewell 1965 _John P. Hale and the Politics of Abolition_ (290 pages)

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Robert Francis Seybolt 1939, 2011 _The Public Schools of Colonial Boston 1635-1775_ ()

Charles Seymour 1934, 1964 _American Diplomacy During the World War_ ()

Charles Seymour 1926 _The Intimate Papers of Colonel House_ (4 volumes)

Bouthaina Shaaban 1991 _Both Right and Left Handed: Arab Women Talk About Their Lives_ ()

Fuad Shaban 1990, 1991 _Islam and Arabs in Early American Thought: The Root of Orientalism in America_ (240 pages)

Rachel Shabi 2009 _We Look Like the Enemy: The Hidden Story of Israel's Jews from Arab Lands_ (270 pages; 4.5MB)

Tom Shachtman 1981 _Edith and Woodrow: A Presidential Rommance_ (611 pages; 973.913092; large; Main)

James Atkins Shackford & John B. Shackford 1956, 1994 _David Crockett: The Man and the Legend_ (330 pages)

Cynthia Shafer-Elliott 2014 _Food in Ancient Judah: Domestic Cooking in the Time of the Hebrew Bible_ (245 pages; 3MB)

Gershon Shafir 1996 _Land, Labor, and the Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 1882-1914_ (280 pages)

Jack L. Shagena 2004 _Who Really Invented the SteamBoat?: Fulton's Clermont Coup_ (430 pages)

Tahir Shah 2006 _The Caliph's House: A Year in Casablanca_ (360 pages; 1.5MB)

John M. Shahan & Alexander Waugh 2013 _Shakespeare Beyond Doubt?: Exposing an Industry in Denial_ (280 pages; 7.2MB)

Irfan Shahid 1984 _Rome and The Arabs: A Prolegomenon to the Study of Byzantium and the Arabs_ (220 pages)

Yossi Shain 1999 _Marketing the American Creed Abroad: Diasporas in the USA and Their HomeLands_ (300 pages)

Zaki Shalom 2012 _The Role of USA Diplomacy in the Lead-Up to the 6 Day War: Balancing Moral Commitments and National Interests_ (185 pages)

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David Shambaugh 2004 _Modernizing Red China's Military: Progress, Problems, Prospects_ ()

David L. Shambaugh 1995 _Deng Xiaoping: A Portrait of Yet Another Power-Mad Red Chinese Dictator_ (180 pages; 4MB)

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David L. Shambaugh 1984 _The Making of a Premier: Zhao Ziyang's Provincial Career_ (155 pages)

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G.E. Shankle 1955 _American NickNames and Their Significance_ ()

Hershel Shanks 1992, 2011-11-18 _Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: A Parallel History of Their Origins & Early Development_ (450-461 pages; 1.5 pounds; ISBN 9780205859160; OCLC 826631941; Pearson/Biblical Archaeology)

Hershel Shanks 2007 _Jerusalem's Temple Mount: From Solomon to the Golden Dome_ (200 pages; 1.95 pounds; ISBN 0826428843/ 9780826428844; OCLC ; Continuum)

Hershel Shanks 1995 _Jerusalem: An Archaeological Biography_ (250 pages)

(49) ►Hershel Shanks 2001, 2003, 2010, 2010-11-26 _Ancient Israel: From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple_ (375-411 pages; 1.34 pounds; ISBN 0205096433/ 9780205096425; OCLC 645708562; Biblical Archaeology; ILL request)◀

Timothy J. Shannon 2007, 2013, 2014 _The 7 Years' War in North America: A Brief History with Documents_ (190 pages; 11.4MB)

Steven Shapin 2008 _The Scientific Revolution_ (225 pages; 4.1MB)

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(59) Anita Shapira 2014 _Ben Gurion: Father of Modern Israel_ (280 pages; 4.6MB; biography David ben Gurion; Main+NE)

Dani Shapiro 2019 _Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Paternity, and Love_ (240 pages; 1.1MB)

Fred R. Shapiro 2006 _The Yale Book of Quotations_ ()

James Shapiro 2010, 2011 _Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?_ (350 pages; 1.8MB)

Leonard Shapiro 1984 _The Russian Revolutions of 1917_ ()

Michael G. Shapland 2019 _Anglo-Saxon Towers of Lordship_ (280 pages)

Natan Sharansky/Anatoly Sharansky & Ron Dermer 2004 _The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror_ (303 pages; 691KB; 321.8 Sha; Main)

Natan Sharansky/Anatoly Sharansky 1998 _Fear No Evil: The Classic Memoir of One Man's Triumph Over the Police State_ (460 pages; 1.9MB)

Robert J. Sharer 1994 _The Ancient Maya_ ()

Heather J. Sharkey 2017 _An History of Muslims, Christians, and Jew in the Middle East_ (380 pages; 7.9MB)

K.L. Sharma 1998 _Caste, Feudalism, and Peasantry: "Social" Formation of Shekhawati_ (235 pages)

Ram Sharan Sharma 1968, 2015 _Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India_ (460 pages)

Ursula Sharma 2002 _Caste_ ()

Ursula M. Sharma & Mary Searle-Chatterjee 1995 _Contextualising Caste: Post-Dumontian Approaches_ (190 pages)

Lyon Sharman 1934 _Sun Yat-sen: His Life and Meaning_ ()

Alan Sharp 2018-12-15 _Versailles 1919: A Centennial Perspective_ (310 pages)

Andrew Sharp 1956 _Ancient Voyagers in the Pacific_ ()

I. Sharpless 1902 _A Quaker Experiment in Government: History of Quaker Government in PA 1682-1783_ ()

Joseph Sharpless 1816 _Family Record: Containing the Settlement and Genealogy to the Present Time of the Sharples Family in North America_ ()

Lemuel Shattuck 1835, 1971, 2017 _An History of the Town of Concord_ (400 pages)

Edward L. Shaughnessy 1991, 1992 _Sources of Western Zhou History: Inscribed Bronze Vessels_ (300 pages)

Ari Shavit 2013 _My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel_ (445 pages; 19.8MB; 956.054; Main+NE)

Yaacov Shavit 2013 _Jabotinsky and the Revisionist Movement 1925-1948_ (455 pages; 2.2MB)

Alan George Lewers Shaw 1966, 1977 _Convicts and the Colonies: A Study of Penal Transportation from Great Britain & Ireland to Australia and Other Parts of the British Empire_ (399 pages)

Archer Shaw 1950 _The Lincoln Encyclopedia: The Spoken and Written Words of Abraham Lincoln_ ()

Elijah Shaw 1843, 2012, 2015 _A Short Sketch of the Life of Elijah Shaw, who served for 22 years in the Navy of the United States..._ (85 pages)

(53) Frank Shaw & Joan Shaw 1990, 1993 _We Remember the Battle of Britain_ (257 pages; LT 940542 WE; NE)

(50) Ian Shaw 2000 _The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt_ (512 pages; 932 OXF; Main)

James Shaw 1899 _The Scotch-Irish in History_ ()

Joseph W. Shaw 2006 _Kommos: A Minoan Harbor Town and Greek Sanctuary in Southern Crete_ ()

Philip A. Shaw 2011 _Pagan Goddesses in the Early Germanic World: Eostre, Hreda, and the Cult of Matrons_ (128 pages)

R.E. Shaw 1966 _Erie Water West: An History of the Erie Canal_ ()

R. Paul Shaw & Yuwa Wong 1989 _Genetic Seeds of Warfare: Evolution, Nationalism and Patriotism_ ()

Richard Shaw 2015 _Torah Codes: End to Darkness_ (movie)

Stanford J. Shaw 1991-10-01 _The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic_ (375-385 pages; ISBN 0814779247/ 9780814779248; NYU/Palgrave)

Teresa Shawcross 2009 _The Chronicle of Morea: Historiography in Crusader Greece_ (330 pages; 7.1MB)

(60) Eric Shawn 2006 _The UN Exposed: How the UN Sabotages America's Security and Fails the World_ (318 pages; 341.23)

Jack Shay 2016 _The Fort McClellan POW Camp: German Prisoners in Alabama 1943-1946_ (250 pages; 12MB)

Ahmad M.H. Shboul _Byzantium and the Arabs: The Image of the Byzantines as Mirrored in Arabic Literature_ ()

John Gilmary Shea 2005 _Elements of a Miami-Illinois Grammar_ (45 pages)

William L. Shea 2003 _Vicksburg Is the Key: The Struggle for the Mississippi River_ (230 pages; 3.1MB)

Scott Sumpter Sheads & Daniel Carroll Toomey 1997 _Baltimore During the Civil War_ (200 pagess)

William H. Shedd 1904 _Islam and the Oriental Churches_ ()

James J. Sheehan 2007 _Where Have All the Soldiers Gone?_ ()

John Sheen 2007 _Images of War: 1918, the German Offensives, Rare Photographs from WarTime Archives_ ()

Kristalyn Marie Shefveland 2016 _Anglo-Native Virginia: Trade, Conversion, & Indian Slavery in the Old Dominion 1646-1722_ (182 pages; 6.7MB)

(57) Raja Shehadeh, Penny Johnson, Avi Shlaim, JamesBarr, Salim Tamari et al. 2016 _Shifting Sands: The UnRaveling of the Old Order in the Middle East_ (261 pages; 956.4 Shi; Main)

Gideon Shelach-Levi 2015 _The Archaeology of Early China from Pre-History to the Han Dynasty_ (380 pages; 47.6MB)

Garrett Ward Sheldon 2003 _The Political Philosophy of James Madison_ ()

Garrett Ward Sheldon 1991 _The Political Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson_ ()

Gilbert Sheldon 1932 _The Transition from Roman Britain to Christian England_ ()

Charles M. Shelton 1979 _In His Steps_ ()

Christina Shelton 2012 _Alger Hiss: Why He Chose Treason_ (330 pages; biography Hiss)

Moshe Shemesh 2008 _Arab Politics, "Palestinian Nationalism", and the 6 Day War: The Crystallization of Arab Strategy and Nasir's Descent to War 1957-1967_ (335 pages)

(53) Joshua Wolf Shenk 2006 _Lincoln's Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness_ (360 pages; 2.7MB; biography Lincoln; Main)

Richard Shenkman & Kurt Reiger 1982 _One-Night Stands with American History_ ()

(55) ►Geoffrey Carroll Shepard 2021-11-23, 2022 _The Nixon Conspiracy: Watergate & the Plot to Remove the President_ (384 pages; ISBN 9781642937152; OCLC 1285700317; Bombardier/ Post Hill; ILL request)◀

Gordon M. Shepherd 2004 _The Synaptic Organization of the Brain_ ()

Jack Shepherd 1975 _The Adams Chronicles: 4 Generations of Greatness_ ()

James F. Shepherd & Gary M. Walton 1972 _Shipping, Maritine Trade and Economic Development of Colonial North America_ ()

Robert Shepherd 1988 _A Class Divided: Appeasement and the Road to Munich 1938_ ()

Thomas Shepherd 1673 _Eye-Salve_ ()

Ruth Sheppard & William W. Fowler ii 2006 _Empires Collide: The French and Indian War 1754-1763_ (270 pages)

Si Sheppard & Christa Hook 2009-06-23 _Actium 31BCE: DownFall of Antony & Cleopatra_ (95 pages; ISBN 1846034051/ 9781846034053; Osprey)

Steve Sheppard 1999 _The History of Legal Education in the United States: Commentaries and Primary Sources_ ()

Richard B. Sher 1985 _Church and University in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Moderate Literati of Edinburgh_ ()

Richard B. Sher & Jeffrey Smitten 1990 _Scotland and America in the Age of Enlightenment_ ()

Eugene R. Sheridan 1998 _Jefferson and Religion_ ()

P.H. Sheridan 1888, 1992 _Personal Memoirs of P.H. Sheridan, General United States Army_ (2 volumes)

Dennis Sherman & Joyce Salisbury 2010 _The West in the World Renaissance to Present_ (595 pages)

(60) Josepha Sherman 1990 _Indian Tribes of North America_ (144 pages; 970.1 She; Main)

William Tecumseh Sherman 1875 _Memoirs of general William T. Sherman_ (leather-bound; 2 volumes; vol1 405 pages; biography Sherman; Main)

William Tecumseh Sherman 1875 _Memoirs of general William T. Sherman_ (leather-bound; 2 volumes; vol2 409 pages; biography Sherman; Main)

(55) William Tecumseh Sherman 1990 _Memoirs of general William T. Sherman_ (hard-bound; 1 volume; 973.7092 She; NE)

William Tecumseh Sherman, John Sherman & Rachel Sherman Thorndike 2014 _The Sherman Letters: 50 Years of USA History_ (300 pages; 651KB)

(50) Michael Shermer & Alex Grobman 2009 _Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It?_ (360 pages; 940.5318; Main+NE )

Yvonne Sherratt 2013 _Hitler's Philosophers_ (300 pages; 193; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Michael S. Sherry 1987 _The Rise of American Air Power: The Creation of Armageddon_ ()

Martin F. Sherwin 1975 _A World Destroyed: Hiroshima and the Grand Alliance_ ()

A.N. Sherwin-White 1939 _The Roman Citizenship_ ()

Mary B. Sherwood 1982 _Pilgrim: A Biography of William Brewster_ (245 pages)

Robert E. Sherwood 1948 _Roosevelt and Hopkins_ ()

Aran Shetterly 2007 _The Americano: Fighting with Castro for Cuba's Freedom_ ()

David E. Shi 1985, 1986, 2007 _The Simple Life: Plain Living and High Thinking in USA Culture_ (330 pages)

Keizo Shibusawa 1958, 1969 _Japanese Society in the Meiji Era_ ()

Renee Rose Shield 2002 _Diamond Stories: Enduring Change on 47th Street_ ()

David S. Shields 1997 _Civil Tongues & Polite Letters in British America_ ()

Kuo-heng Shih 1944 _China Enters the Machine Age_ ()

Carl Shilleto 2010 _Pegasus Bridge and Horsa Bridge_ ()

Yuri Shilov 2015 _Ancient History of Aratta-Ukraine 20KBCE-1KCE_ (460 pages)

Benjamin Shimberg et al. 1973 _Occupational Licensing_ ()

David K. Shipler 2015 _Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land_ (755 pages; 3.8MB)

David K. Shipler 2015 _Freedom of Speech: Mightier Than the Sword_ (336 pages; 323.4430973; Main+NE)

Pat Shipman 2015 _The Invaders: How Humans and Their Dogs Drove Neanderthals (almost) to Extinction_ (280 pages; 4.5MB)

Glover Shipp 1997 _Marriage is a Covenant, Not a Contract_ (32 pages)

Clifford K. Shipton 1945 _Roger Conant_ ()

(44) William L. Shirer 1960, 1987, 2011, 2012 _The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: An History of Nazi Germany_ (1249 pages; ISBN 0831774045; OCLC 756654223; Gallery/Simon&Schuster/Rosetta; Oversize 943.086 Shi; Jax)

George N. Shirinian 2017 _Genocide in the Ottoman Empire: Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks 1913-1923_ (435 pages; 5.3MB)

Susan L. Shirk 2007 _[Red] China: Fragile SuperPower -- How [Red] China's Internal Politics Could DeRail Its Peaceful Rise_ ()

Craig Shirley 2014 _Rendezvous with Destiny: Ronald Reagan and the Campaign That Changed USA_ (750 pages; 3.2MB)

(50) Craig Shirley 2017 _Reagan Rising: The Decisive Years 1976-1980_ (425 pages; 3.3MB; biography Reagan; Main)

(55) Craig Shirley 2015 _Last Act: The Final Years and Emerging Legacy of Ronald Reagan_ (430 pages; 1.7MB; biography Reagan)

(55) Craig Shirley 2013 _1941 December: 31 Days that Changed America and Saved the World_ (690 pages; 8.1MB; 940.5373)

(52) ►Craig Shirley 2019, 202 _Mary Ball Washington: The UnTold Story of George Washington's Mother_ (280-355 pages; 4.6MB; ISBN 0062456512/ 9780062456519/ 0042456520/ 9780062456526; OCLC 1193573580; ILL request)◀

Glenn Shirley 1957, 2005 _Law West of Fort Smith: An History of Frontier Justice in the Indian Territory_ (Isaac Charles Parker; 333 pages; ISBN 9781590910450; OCLC 441938208; Eastern National)

(50) Amity Shlaes 2013 _Coolidge_ (1025 pages; 17.2MB; biography Calvin Coolidge)

(70) Amity Shlaes 2019 _Great Society: A New History_ (LBJ's Raw Deal; 973.923 Shl; Main)

Avi Shlaim 2014 _The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World_ (950 pages; 8.2MB)

Aryeh Shmuelevitz 1984 _The Jews of the Ottoman Empire in the Late 15th and the 16th Centuries: Administrative, Economic, Legal and Social Relations as Reflected in the Responsa_ ()

Ella Shohat 2017 _On the Arab-Jew, Palestine, and Other Displacements: Selected Writings of Ella Shohat_ (455 pages; 15.2MB)

Ella Shohat 2006 _Taboo Memories, Diasporic Voices_ (380 pages; 6.9MB)

Earl Shorris 2006 _The Life and Times of Mexico_ ()

Russell Shorto 2005 _The Island at the Center of the World_ (400 pages; 5.9MB)

Dennis E. Showalter 1975 _RailRoads and Rifles: Soldiers, Technology, and the Unification of Germany_ ()

Dennis E. Showalter 2004 _The Wars of German Unification_ ()

Otto Shrag 2015 _When Europe Was a Prison Camp_ (290 pages)

James Shreeve 1995, 1996 _The Neandertal Enigma: Solving the Mystery of Modern Human Origins_ (360 pages)

James Shreeve 2005 _The Genome War_ ()

Jimmy Lee Shreeve 2015 _Human Sacrifice: A Shocking Expose of Ritual Killings Worldwide_ (340 pages; 7.3MB)

Tom Shroder & John Konrad 2011 _Fire on the Horizon: The UnTold Story of the Gulf Oil Disaster_ (270 pages; 1.5MB; 363.119622 Kon; Main)

(47) Uri Shulevitz 2005 _The Travels of Benjamin of Tudela through 3 Continents in the 12th Century (E Shu)

Malka Hillel Shuleweitz 1999, 2000 _The Forgotten Millions: The Modern Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands_ (250 pages)

Mark R. Shulman 1995 _Navalism and the Emergence of American Sea Power 1882-1893_ ()

David L. Shultz 2017 _Double Canister at 10 Yards: The Federal Artillery and the Repulse of Pickett's Charge 1863-07-03_ (120 pages; 13MB)

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(70) ►Katherine A.S. Sibley 2004 _Red Spies in the USA: Stolen Secrets & the Dawn of the Cold War_ (375 pages; ILL request)◀

Marilyn McAdams Sibley 2014 _Travelers in Texas 1761-1860_ (245 pages; 7.1MB)

Gary Sick 1985 _All Fall Down: America's Tragic Encounter with Iran_ ()

Martin Sicker 1990 _The Genesis of the State_ (170 pages)

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Martin Sicker 1988 _The Bear and the Lion: Soviet Imperialism and Iran_ (150 pages)

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(54) Hampton Sides 2018 _On Desperate Ground: The Marines at the Reservoir: The Korean War's Greatest Battle_ (394 pages; ISBN ; Doubleday; 951.9042 Sid; Main)

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Ralph H. Sidway 8888 _Facing Islam: What the Ancient Church Has to Say about the Religion of Muhammad_ ()

Keith C. Sidwell 1997 _The World of Rome: An Introduction to Roman Culture_ ()

Wilbur H. Siebert 1993 _The UnderGround RailRoad in Ohio_ ()

(55) ►Mona L. Siegel 2005 _The Moral Disarmament of France: Education, Pacifism, and Patriotism 1914-1940_ (325 pages; ILL request)◀

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Paul E. Sigmund 2005 _The Selected Political Writings of John Locke_ ()

Michael Signer 2015 _Becoming Madison: The ExtraOrdinary Origins of the Least Likely Founding Father_ (370 pages; biography Madison)

Walter Signorelli 2018 _Rome and America [USA]: The Great Republics: What the Fall of the Roman Republic Portends for the USA_ (600 pages; 3MB)

Rose Sigut 2017 _Marriage Contract: Scots Geneology_ (genealogy; 17 pages; 1.6MB)

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Nina Silber 2003 _LandMarks of the Civil War_ (140 pages)

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Nina Silber 8888 _The Romance of Reunion: Northerners and the South 1865-1900_ ()

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William L. Silber 2012 _Volcker: The Triumph of Persistence_ ()

Neil Asher Silberman 1982 _Digging for God and Country: Exploration, Archaeology, and the Secret Struggle for the Holy Land 1799-1917_ (228 pages)

Elizabeth Silberry 2000 _The New Crusaders: Images of the Crusades in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries_ (240 pages)

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Roger D. Silk & James W. Lintott 2011 _Managing Foundations and Charitable Trusts: Essential Knowledge, Tools, and Techniques for Donors and Advisors_ (280 pages; 1.2MB)

Robert Silverberg 1968, 2013 _The Mound Builders of Ancient America_/_The Mound Builders_ (265 pages; 16MB)

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Barbara J. Silvertsen 2009-03-09, 2011 _The Parting of the Sea: How Volcanoes, EarthQuakes, & Plagues Shaped the Story of Exodus_ (239-264 pages; ISBN 9780691137704/ 9780691150215 ; OCLC 934408378; PrincetonU)

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Qian Sima, Burton Watson 1993 _Records of the Grand Historian: Han Dynasty_ ()

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Marc Simmons 1988 _New Mexico: An Interpretive History_ ()

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Brendan Simms 2015 _The Longest Afternoon: The 400 Men Who Decided the Battle of Waterloo_ (210 pages; 1.3MB)

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Gerhard Simon 8888 _Nationalism and Policy Toward the Nationalities in the Soviet Union_ ()

Herbert A. Simon 1957, 1976, 1997 _Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organization_ (380 pages; 1.9MB)

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James F. Simon 2012 _FDR and Chief Justice Hughes: The President, the Supreme Court, and the Epic Battle Over the Raw Deal_ (470 pages; 3.2MB)

Leon Simon 1920, 2018 _Studies in Jewish Nationalism_ (180 pages)

Paul Simon 1994 _Freedom's Champion: Elijah Lovejoy_ (230 pages)

Doris Simonis 1998, 1999 _Scientists, Mathematicians, and Inventors_ (245 pages)

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Dean Keith Simonton 1994 _Greatness: Who Makes History and Why_ ()

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Colin Simpson 1972 _The Lusitania_ ()

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James Simpson, James M.K. Reed & Alvin D. White 1894, 1942, 1969 _History of Cross Creek GraveYard and the Cross Creek Cemetery_ (Washington county PA?)

Lee Simpson 2016 _A New Outline of History: vol1 The Ancient Western World_ (320 pages; 1.8MB)

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Richard Wright Simpson 1996, 2009, 2011, 2016 _History of Old Pendleton District with a Genealogy of the Leading Families of the District_ (230 pages)

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Harold Dana Sims 1990 _The Expulsion of Mexico's Spaniards 1821-1836_ ()

(45) Michael Sims 2017 _Arthur and Sherlock: Conan Doyle & the Creation of Holmes_ (245 pages; biography Doyle; Main+NE)

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Andrew Sinclair 1992, 2002 _The Sword and the Grail_ (240 pages)

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Milton Singer 1972 _When a Great Tradition Modernizes_ ()

Peter W. Singer 8888 _Wired for War_ ()

Arvind Singhal & Everett Rodgers 1989 _India's Information Revolution_ ()

John K. Singlaub 1991 _Hazardous Duty: An American Soldier in the 20th Century_ ()

Otis Singletary 1960 _The Mexican War_ ()

Jeffrey L. Singman 1995 _Daily Life in Elizabethan England_ ()

Jeffrey L. Singman 1999 _Daily Life in Medieval Europe_ ()

William Gurnee Sinnigen 1981 _Ancient History from PreHistoric Times to the Death of Justinian_ ()

Denis Simor 1959, 1976 _History of Hungary_ (300 pages)

Chester Hale Sipe 1997 _The Indian Chiefs of Pennsylvania_ (565 pages)

Charles A. Siringo 2017 _A CowBoy Detective: A True Story of 22 Years with a World Famous Detective Agency_ (550 pages; 2MB)

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Jeffrey L. Pasley 2016 _The First Presidential Contest: 1796 and the Founding of USA "Democracy"_ (520 pages; 6.9MB)

Karapet Sital & James R. Russell 2000 _The Heroes of Kasht (Kasti K'Ajer): An Armenian Epic_ ()

Thomas Sizgorich 2014 _Violence and Belief in Late Antiquity: Militant Devotion in Christianity and Islam_ (400 pages)

David Curtis Skaggs 1973 _Roots of MD Democracy 1753-1776_ ()

David Curtis Skaggs 2014 _William Henry Harrison and the Conquest of the Ohio Country: Frontier Fighting in the War of 1812_ (328 pages; 3.638MB)

David Curtis Skaggs & Gerald T. Althoff 2012 _A Signal Victory: The Lake Erie Campaign 1812-1813_ (264 pages; 1.715MB)

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Chris Skidmore 2018-04-24 _Richard iii: England's Most Controversial King_ (464 pages; ISBN 9781250045485; St.Martin's)

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Kiron K. Skinner, Annelise Anderson & Martin Anderson 2003, 2004 _Reagan, a Life in Letters_ (950 pages; 2.7MB; biography Reagan; Main+NE)

Kiron K. Skinner 2013 _Turning Points in Ending the Cold War_ (325 pages; 2.1MB)

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Patricia Skinner 2009 _Challenging the Boundaries of Medieval History: The Legacy of Timothy Reuter_ ()

Patricia Skinner 2003, 2012 _Jews in Medieval Britain: Historical, Literary, and Archaeological Perspectives_ (190 pages)

Quentin Skinner 1978 _The Foundations of Modern Political Thought: vol2 The Age of Reformation_ ()

Hariet Sklar 1982 _Harriet Beecher Stowe_ ()

Robert Sklar 1970 _The Plastic Age 1917-1930_ (344 pages; ISBN ; OCLC 757327529; Braziller)

Marshall Sklare 1958 _The Jews: Social Patterns of an American Group_ ()

Theda Skocpol 1992, 2009 _Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of "Social Policy" in the USA_ (725 pages; 8.9MB)

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Robert A. Slayton 1988 _Back of the Yards: The Making of a Local Democracy_ (290 pages)

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John Cotesworth Slessor 2009 _Air Power and Armies_ (272 pages)

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Douglas Sloan 1971 _The Scottish Enlightenment and the American College Ideal_ ()

Herbert E. Sloan 1995, 2001 _Principle and Interest: Thomas Jefferson and the Problem of Debt_ (380 pages; ISBN 0813920930/ 9780813920931)

Irving J. Sloan 1970 _Our Violent Past: An American Chronicle_ ()

William David Sloan & Julie Hedgepeth Williams 1994 _The Early American Press 1690-1783_ (240 pages; ISBN 01313275254/ 978-313275258)

Bob Slosser 1984 _Reagan Inside Out_ ()

Richard Slotkin 1973 _ReGeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier 1600-1860_ ()

(49) Richard Slotkin 2012 _The Long Road to Antietam: How the Civil War became a Revolution_ (478 pages; 973.733 Slo; Main)

Patrick J. Sloyan 2015 _The Politics of Deception: JFK's Secret Decisions on VietNam, Civil Rights, and Cuba_ (320 pages)

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Alastair S. Small 1992 _Gravina: An Iron Age and Republican Settlement in Apulia: vol2 Artefacts_ (390 pages)

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Betty Ann Smiddy & Frank Wilmes 2005 _Cincinnati's Golden Age_ (120 pages; 49.3MB)

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Samuel Smiles 2009 _The Life of Thomas Telford_ ()

Samuel Smiles 1857 _The Life of George Stephenson, RailWay Engineer_ ()

Samuel Smiles 1885 _Men of Invention and Industry_ ()

Samuel Smiles 1864 _Industrial Biography: Iron-Workers and Tool-Makers_ ()

Abbott Emerson Smith 1947, 1971 _Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict Labor in America 1607-1776_ ()

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Alexander Smith, Martyn Allen, Tom Brindle & Michael Fulford 2017 _The Rural Settlement of Roman Britain: New Visions o the CountrySide of Roman Britain vol1_ (470 pages)

Andrew F. Smith 2009 _Eating History: 30 Turning Points in the Making of USA Cuisine_ (390 pages; 3MB)

Anthony Smith 1986 _The Ethnic Origins of Nations_ ()

Anthony D. Smith 2013 _Nationalism: Theory, Ideology, History_ (190 pages; 1.5MB)

Anthony D. Smith 1993 _National "Identity"_ (230 pages)

Arthur Smith 1918 _The Real Colonel House_ ()

Arthur D. Howden Smith 1928, 1929, 2005 _John Jacob Astor: LandLord of New York_ (290 pages; 3.4MB)

Barbara Briggs Smith 2007-10-01 _Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in WV: Images of Rail_ ()

Bessie White Smith 1929 _The Boyhoods of the Presidents_ ()

Bessie White Smith 1932 _The Romances of the Presidents_ ()

Bradley F. Smith 1983 _The Shadow Warriors: OSS and the Origins of the CIA_ ()

Bruce D. Smith 1994, 1995 _The Emergence of Agriculture_ (250 pages)

Bruce D. Smith 1990 _The Mississippian Emergence_ (320 pages)

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(50) Cecil Woodham Smith 1962 _The Great Hunger: Ireland 1845-1849_ (510 pages; 338.15 Woo; Woodville)

Charles D. Smith 2012 _Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict_ (624 pages)

Clifford T. Smith 1978 _An Historical Geography of Western Europe before 1800_ ()

Colin Smith, Charles Melville & Ahmad Ubaydli 1983 _Christians and Moors in Spain_ (3 volumes)

Craig R. Smith 1988 _The Road to the Bill of Rights: The Constitutional Ratification Debates of 1787-1788_ (200 pages)

(42) Craig R. Smith 1989 _Freedom of Expression and Partisan Politics_ (231 pages; 323.443)

Craig R. Smith 2005 _Daniel Webster and the Oratory of Civil Religion_ (290 pages)

Craig R. Smith 2011 _Silencing the Opposition: How the USA Government Suppressed Freedom of Expression During Major Crises_ (360 pages; 1.3MB)

Craig R. Smith 2013 _Herod from 4377: Confessions and Reminiscences_ (440 pages; 716KB)

Daniel Smith 1965 _The Great departure: America and World War 1, 1914-1920_ ()

Daniel Blake Smith 1980, 1986 _Inside the Great House: Planter Life in 18th Century Chesapeake Society_/_Inside the Big House: Planter Family Life in 18th Century Chesapeake Society_ ()

David A. Smith 2015 _The Price of Valor: The Life of Audie Murphy, America's Most Decorated Hero of World War 2_ (258 pages; 865KB)

David G. Smith 2014 _On the Edge of Freedom: The Fugitive Slave Issue in South Central Pennsylvania 1820-1870_ (335 pages; 4.6MB)

Denis Mack Smith 1983 _Mussolini: A Biography_ ()

Denis Mack Smith 1959 _Italy: A Modern History_ ()

Drew Smith 2016 _Organize Your Genealogy: Strategies and Solutions for Every Researcher_ (230 pages; 16.8MB)

Elias Smith 1840 _The Life, Conversion, Preaching, Travels and Sufferings of Elias Smith_ ()

Elisabeth Smith 2008 _Teach Yourself 1-Day German_ (438.3421 CD)

Elisabeth Smith 2009 _Teach Yourself 1-Day Italian_ (458.3 CD + Book)

Elisabeth Smith 2005 _Teach Yourself 1-Day Spanish_ (468.3 CD + Book)

Elmer Lewis Smith, John G. Stewart & M. Ellsworth Kyger 1964 _The Pennsylvania Germans of the Shenandoah Valley_ ()

Elwyn Allen Smith 1962 _The Presbyterian Ministry in American Culture: A Study in Changing Concepts, 1700-1900_ ()

Francis Hopkinson Smith 2001 _Colonel Carter of Cartersville_ ()

Gaddis Smith 1986 _Morality, Reason, and Power: American Diplomacy in the Carter Years_ ()

Gary Scott Smith 1989 _God and Politics: 4 Views on the Reformation of Civil Government: Theonomy, Principles Pluralism, Christian America, National Confessionalism_ ()

Gavin D. Smith 2011 _The A-Z of Whisky_ (230 pages; 2MB)

Geddes Smith 1941 _A Plague on Us_ ()

Gene Smith 2016 _When the Cheering Stopped: The Last Years of Woodrow Wilson_ (290 pages; 1.2MB)

Gene Smith 2009 _Mounted Warriors from Alexander the Great and Cromwell to Stuart, Sheridan, and Custer_ (330 pages; 2.3MB)

Geoffrey S. Smith 1992 _To Save a Nation: USA Extremism, the New Deal and the Coming of World War 2_ (230 pages)

George Smith 1876 _The Chaldean Account of Genesis_ (285 pages; 3.4MB)

George H. Smith 2013 _The System of Liberty: Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism_ (230 pages; 928KB)

George H. Smith 1992 _The Lysander Spooner Reader_ ()

George W. Smith & Charles Judah 1968 _Chronicles of the Gringos: The US Army in the Mexican War 1846-1848_ ()

George Washington Smith 2013 _An History of Southern Illinois: A Narrative Account of Its Historical Progress, Its People, and Its Principal Interests_ (3.4MB)

H. Clifford Smith 1933 _Sulgrave Manor and the Washingtons_ ()

(47) Hedrick Smith 2012 _Who Stole the American Dream?: Can We Get It Back?_ (557 pages; 973.91; Main+E+Jax)

Henry Nash Smith 1970 _Virgin Land: The American West as Symbol and Myth_/_Virgin Land: The American West in Myth and Symbol_ ()

Herschel H. Smith 1981, 1986, 1993, 1998 _An History of Aircraft Piston Engines_ (255 pages)

Holland McTyeire Smith 1949, 1991, 2017 _Coral and Brass_ (240 pages; 2.6MB)

James Morton Smith 1956 _Freedom's Fetters: The Alien and Sedition Laws and American Civil Liberties_ ()

James Morton Smith 1959 _17th Century America_ ()

James Morton Smith 1995 _The Republic of Letters: The Correspondence between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison 1776-1826_ ()

Jean Edward Smith 1996 _John Marshall: Defiler of a Nation_ ()

Jean Edward Smith 2002 _Grant_ (781 pages; 973.82; )

John Smith & Karen Ordahl Kupperman 1988 _Captain John Smith: A Select Edition of His Writings_ ()

John I. Smith 1979 _The Courage of a Southern Unionist_ ()

John N. Smith 2002 _Final Flight: The Story of the Glenn Miller Connection with Twinwood Farm AirField & the Area Around Bedford_ (24 pages; ISBN 978187038497; OCLC 54844929; GMS)

John Martin Smith 2007 _French Lick and West Baden Springs_ (post-cards; 125 pages; 43.5MB)

Joshua Byron Smith 2017 _Walter Map and the Matter of Britain_ (260 pages)

Julia M.H. Smith 2006 _Province & Empire: Brittany and the Carolingians_ (250 pages)

Julia M.H. Smith 2007 _Europe After Rome: A New Cultural History 500-1000_ (375 pages)

Justin H. Smith 1963, 2010 _The War with Mexico_ (600 pages; 1.8MB)

Kathleen E.R. Smith 2003 _God Bless America: Tin Pan Alley Goes to War_ (280 pages)

Lane Smith 2006 _John, Paul, George, & Ben_ (Hancock, Revere, Washington, Franklin; 40 pages; children)

Larry E. Smith 1981 _English for Cross-Cultural Communication_ ()

Lawrence Smith 2018 _A Few Greats_ (satirical history; Peter, Catherine, madame du Barry, Frederick, Louis; 1.3MB)

Lee Smith 2010 _The Strong Horse: Power, Politics and the Clash of Arab Civilizations_ (239 pages; 956.05)

Les Smith & Dan Swesey 2001 _Build Your Own Log Furniture: 10 Great Projects You Can Build for Fun or Profit_ ()

Lewis Ferdinand Smith 1805 _A Sketch of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the Regular Corps, Formed and Commanded by Europeans in the Service of the Native Princes of India, with Details of the Principal Events and Actions of the Late Harhatta War_ ()

Margaret Bayard Smith & Gaillard Hunt 1906, 1965 _The First 40 Years of Washington [DC] Society in the Family Letters of Margaret Bayard Smith_ ()

Mark M. Smith 1998 _Debating Slavery: Economy and Society in the AnteBellum American South_ ()

Mark S. Smith 2001 _The Origins of Biblical MonoTheism: Israel's PolyTheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts_ (356 pages)

Mark S. Smith 2010 _The Early History of God_ (289 pages)

Martin Smith 1991 _Burma: Insurgency and the Politics of Ethnicity_ ()

Melancton Smith 2009 _The Anti-Federalist Writings of the Melancton Smith Circle_ ()

Michael Thomas Smith 2003 _A Traitor and a Scoundrel: Benjamin Hedrick and the Cost of Dissent_ (205 pages)

Myron J. Smith 2010 _The USS Carondelet: A Civil War IronClad on Western Waters_ (280 pages; 8.2MB)

Myron J. Smith 2017 _Joseph Brown and His Civil War IronClads: The USS Chillicothe, Indianola, and Tuscumbia_ (385 pages; 23.5MB)

Neal Clifford Smith 1991 _Letters Home: Genealogical and Family Historical Data on 19th Century German Settlers in Australia, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, & the USA_ ()

Norman Kemp Smith 8888 _Prolegomena to an Idealist Theory of Knowledge_ ()

Page Smith 1962 _John Adams: vol1 1735-1784_ ()

Page Smith 1962 _John Adams: vol2 1784-1826_ ()

Page Smith 1970 _Daughters of the Promised Land: Women in USA History_ ()

Paul Hubert Smith, Gerard W. Gawalt, Rosemary Plakas, Ronald M. Gephart 1921-1923, 1967-1987 _Letters of Delegates to Congress 1774-1789_ (at least 14 volumes)

Peter Smith 1980 _Mexico: The Quest for a United States Policy_ ()

Ralph Crosby Smith & Jim Carmihael 1976 _The Story of USA Hunting and FireArms_ (170 pages)

Richard B. Smith 2010 _Ethan Allen & the Capture of Fort Ticonderoga: America's First Victory_ (120 pages; 8MB)

Richard Harris Smith 1972, 2005 _OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency_ (445 pages; 4.6MB)

Richard M. Smith 1984, 2002 _Land, Kinship, and Life-Cycle_ (550 pages)

Richard Norton Smith 1993, 1997 _Patriarch: George Washington and the New American Nation_ (440 pages; biography Washington; Jax+BLPerry)

Richard Norton Smith & Douglas Brinkley 2000 _Who's Buried in Grant's Tomb: A Tour of Presidents' GraveSites_ (220 pages; 973.0999)

Robert Smith 1781-12-13, 2010, 2011 _The Obligations of the Confederate States of North America to Praise God: 2 Sermons Preached at Pequea 1781-12-13, the Day Recommended by the Honourable Congress as a Day of ThanksGiving to God, For The Various Interpositions Of His Providence_ (54 pages)

Robert F. Smith 2016 _Manufacturing Independence: Industrial Innovation in the American Revolution_ (285 pages; 6.8MB)

Ryan K. Smith 2014 _Robert Morris's Folly: The Architectural and Financial Failures of an American Founder_ (350 pages; 4.5MB)

Samuel Smith 1765 _History of the Colony of Nova Caesaria, or New Jersey_ ()

Samuel Stanhope Smith 1795 _The Divine Goodness to the United States of America -- A Discourse on the Subjects of National Gratitude_ ()

Scott Thompson Smith 2012 _Land and Book: Literature and Land Tenure in Anglo-Saxon England_ ()

Sidney Smith 1928 _Early History of Assyria to 1000BCE_ ()

Starr Smith 2005, 2006 _Jimmy Stewart: Bomber Pilot_ (280 pages; 9.2MB)

Stuart Tyson Smith 2003, 2004 _Wretched Kush: Ethnic "Identities" and Boundaries in Egypt's Nubian Empire_ (245 pages; 23.7MB)

T. Lynn Smith 1972 _Brazil: People and Institutions_ (770 pages)

(29) Tanya M. Smith 2018 _The Tales Teeth Tell: Development, Evolution, Behavior_ (archaeology; 277 pages; ISBN 9780262038713; MIT; 599.943 Smi; NE)

Ted A. Smith 2014 _Weird John Brown: Divine Violence and the Limits of Ethics_ (210 pages; 3.3MB)

Thomas C. Smith 1955 _Political Change and Industrial Development in Japan: Government Enterprise 1868-1880_ ()

Thomas H. Smith 1977 _The Mapping of Ohio_ (260 pages)

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Tony Smith 1981 _The Patterns of Imperialism: The United States, Great Britain, and the Late-Industrializing World Snce 1815_ ()

Vincent A. Smith 1958, 1981 _The Oxford History of India_ ()

Warren B. Smith 1961 _White Servitude in Colonial SC_ ()

Wilfred Cantwell Smith 1957 _Islam in Modern History_ ()

William Smith 1854 _Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography_ ()

William Smith & William Henry Waldo Sabine 1971 _Historical Memoirs of William Smith 1778-1783_ ()

William Smith 1882 _Old YorkShire_ ()

Woodruff D. Smith 2002 _Consumption and the Making of Respectability 1600-1800_ ()

Noah Smithwick 2016 _The Evolution of a State: Recollections of Old Texas Days_ (235 pages; 1.7MB; founding of Texas rangers)

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(15) ►Alfred P. Smyth 1989 _WarLords and Holy Men: Scotland 80-1000CE_ (279-280 pages; ISBN ; OCLC 21027535; Edinburgh U; Felonious State U, Auburn, UWF, USF, Stetson/Deland, Emory, UCF, Moultrie Colquitt, FGCU/Ft.Myers, U of Alabama/Huntsville, Southern Illinois U/Carbondale, U of Cincinnati, Indiana U/Bloomington, Miami U/Oxford, Wright State U/Dayton, Indiana State U/Terre Haute, Ohio State U, UIUC, Purdue; ILL request)◀

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Clifford Smyth 1931, 2007 _Francisco Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru_ ()

John F.D. Smyth 1784 _A Tour in the United States of America: Containing an Account of the Present Situation of That Country_ ()

William J. Smyth 2007 _Map-Making, Landscapes and Memory: A Geography of Colonial and Early Modern Ireland c. 1530-1750_ ()

Mitchell Snay 1997 _Gospel of DisUnion: Religion and Separatism in the AnteBellum South_ ()

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John Snell 1963 _Illusion and Necessity: The Diplomacy of Global War_ ()

Mark A. Snell 2011 _West Virginia and the Civil War: Mountaineers Are Always Free_ (300 pages; 1.5MB)

Frank Snepp 1977 _Decent Interval_ ()

Tui Snider 2017 _Understanding Cemetery Symbols: A Field Guide for Historic GraveYards_ (225 pages; 13MB)

Paul M. Sniderman 1981 _A Question of Loyalty_ ()

Dan Snow 2012 _Battle Castles: 500 Years of Knights and Siege Warfare_ (325 pages; 140.6MB)

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Dean R. Snow 1980 _The Archaeology of New England_ ()

Donald M. Snow & Dennis M. Drew 2009 _From Lexington to Baghdad and Beyond: War and Politics in the American Experience_ ()

Edgar Snow 1972 _The Long Revolution_ ()

Richard Snow 2013 _I Invented the Modern Age: The Rise of Henry Ford_ (364 pages; 20.6MB; 338.7629222)

Frank M Snowden ii 1991 _Before Color Prejudice: The Ancient View of "Blacks"_ (175 pages)

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Louis L. Snyder 1984 _MacroNationalisms: An History of Pan-Movements_ ()

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Timothy Snyder 2015 _Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning_ (462 pages; 940.5318 SNY; NE)

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Robert Sobel 1998 _Coolidge: An American Enigma_ (biography Coolidge)

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Robert Sobel 1981 _IBM: Colossus in Transition_ ()

Ed Sobey 8888 _UnScrewed_ ()

Jack A. Sobon & Roger Schroeder 1984 _Timber Frame Construction: All About Post-and-Beam Building_ ()

Jean R. Soderlund 1983 _William Penn and the Founding of PA_ ()

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Jacob Soll 2010 _The Information Master: Jean Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System_ (290 pages; 1.9MB)

Werner Sollors 1986 _Beyond Ethnicity: Consent and Descent in American Culture_ ()

Burt Solomon 209 _FDR V. the Constitution: The Court-Packing Fight and the Triumph of Democracy_ (340 pages; 3.4MB)

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Daniel J. Solove 2011 _Nothing to Hide: The False TradeOff Beteeen Privacy and Security_ ()

Lee Soltow 1975 _Men and Wealth in the United States 1850-1870_ ()

David Solway 2009 _Hear, O Israel!_ (181 pages)

Werner Sombart 1951 _The Jews and Modern Capitalism_ ()

John lord Somers 1710, 1773, 1774 _Vox populei, Vox dei: Judgment of Whole Kingdoms and Nations concerning the Rights, Privileges, and Properties of the People_ ()

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Ilya Somin 2013 _Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government Is Smarter_ (270 pages; 4.5MB)

Christina Hoff Sommers 1994 _Who Stole Feminism?_ (320 pages; 305.42 SOM; Main)

Lawrence Sondhaus 2001 _Naval Warfare 1815-1914_ ()

(55) ►Aengus Song 2015 _Flowers from the Garden of Evil: Everyone's Guide to the Elements of Authoritarian Dogma_ (385 pages; 1.3MB; ISBN ; OCLC ; ; ILL request)◀

Herbert S. Sonnenfeld 1948 _Palestine: Land of Israel_ (120 pages)

Jorg Sonntag/Joerg Sonntag & Coralie Zermatten 2016 _Loyalty in the Middle Ages: Ideal & Practice of [An InterNational Value]_ (455 pages)

Saba Soomekh 2012 _From the Shahs to Los Angeles: 3 Generations of Iranian Jewish Women between Religion & Culture_ (225 pages; 737KB)

Georges Sorel 8888 _Reflections on Violence_ ()

Charles E. Sorensen & Samuel T. Williamson 1956, 2006 _My 40 Years with Ford_ (cast-iron Charlie; 360 pages; 1.7MB)

Steve Sorensen 2013 _Growing Up with Guns_ (215 pages)

Theodore Sorensen/Ted Sorensen 1965 _Kennedy_ ()

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Pitirim Sorokin 1941 _The Crisis of Our Age: The Social and Cultural OutLook_ ()

Pitirim Sorokin 1937, 1962 _Social and Cultural Dynamics_ (at least 3 volumes)

Tivador Soros, Humphrey Tonkin, George Soros & Paul Soros 2011 _Masquerade: The InCredible Story of How [Misanthrope] George Soros's Father OutSmarted the Gestapo_ (280 pages; 3.4MB)

Julia Sorrell & Mark Sorrell 2018 _Alan Sorrell: The Man Who Created Roman Britain_ (190 pages)

Jack M. Sosin 1967 _The Revolutionary Frontier 1763-1783_ ()

Janet Soskice 2009 _The Sisters of Sinai: How 2 Lady Adventurers Discovered the Hidden Gospels_ (320 pages; 2MB)

John G. Sotos 2008 _The Physical Lincoln: Finding the Genetic Cause of Abraham Lincoln's Height, Homeliness, Pseudo-Depression, and Imminent Cancer Death_ (300 pages)

John G. Sotos 2008 _The Physical Lincoln Complete_ (The Physical Lincoln+The Physical Lincoln SourceBook; 800 pages)

John G. Sotos 2017 _The Mary Lincoln Mind-Body SourceBook: Including a Unifying Diagnosis to Explain Her Public Decay, Manifest InSanity, and Slow Death_ (300 pages)

Gardner Soule 8888 _The Long Trail_ ()

(35) ►Diahan Southard 2020 _Your DNA Guide: The Book: Step-by-Step Plans_ (240 pages; ILL request)◀

Susan Southard 2015 _Nagasaki: Life After Nuclear War_ (416 pages; 28.6MB)

Ed Southern 2004 _The Jamestown Adventure: Accounts of the Virginia Colony 1605-1614_ ()

Pat Southern 208 _Empress Zenobia: Palmyra's Rebel Queen_ (215 pages; 3.9MB)

Patricia Southern 2012 _Roman Britain: A New History 55BCE-450CE_ (480 pages; 9.7MB)

Patricia Southern 2012 _Ancient Rome: The Empire 30BCE-476CE_ (480 pages; 9.7MB)

Patricia Southern 2015 _The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine_ (510 pages; 16.9MB)

R.W. Southern 1959 _The Making of the Middle Ages_ ()

(57) Emma Southon 2019 _Agrippina: The Most ExtraOrdinary Woman of the Roman World_ (274 pages; biography Agrippina; Main+E)

(50) Dawn B. Sova 2001 _Edgar Allen Poe, A to Z: The Essential Reference to His Life & Work_ (310 pages; Checkmark; B Poe; Main)

Andrew Jackson Sowell 2016 _Rangers and Pioneers of Texas: One of the Most Authentic Accounts of 19th Century Texas_ (350 pages; 1.8MB)

Daniel Soyer 1997 _Jewish Immigrant Associations and American Identity in New York 1880-1939_ ()

David Spalding 1993 _Dinosaur Hunters: Eccentric Amateurs and Obsessed Professionals_ (310 pages)

Matthew Spalding 2001 _The Founders' Almanac: A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders & Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding_ ()

Matthew Spalding 1996-08-30 _A Sacred Union of Citizens: George Washington's Farewell Address & the USA Character_ (240 pages; ISBN 9780847682614; Rowman & Littlefield)

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Robert Spalding 2019 _Stealth War: How Red China Took Over While USA's Elitists Slept [or Actively Helped Them]_ (245 pages)

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Bradford Spangenberg 1976 _British Bureaucracy in India: Status, Policy and the ICS in the Late 19th Century_ ()

John Spanier 1965 _The Truman-MacArthur Controversy and the Korean War_ ()

Edward K. Spann 1983 _The New Metropolis: New York City 1840-1857_ (slum expansion & corruption; 535 pages)

Nancy Spannaus & Christopher White 1996 _The Political Economy of the American Revolution_ (481 pages)

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Jared Sparks 8888 _Correspondence of the American Revolution_ ()

Randy J. Sparks 2014 _Where the Negroes Are Masters: An African Port in the Era of the Slave Trade_ (320 pages; 5MB)

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E. Wilder Spaulding 1938 _His Excellency George Clinton: Critic of the Constitution_ ()

Alan H. Spear 1967 _Black Chicago: The Making of a Ghetto 1890-1920_ ()

John R. Spear 1900 _The American Slave-Trade: An Account of Its Origin, Growth and Suppression_ ()

Percival Spear 1961 _India: A Modern History_ ()

Edward L. Spears 1954 _Assignment to Catastrophe: Prelude to Dunkirk 1939 July-1940 May_ ()

Edward L. Spears 1955 _Assignment to Catastrophe: The Fall of France 1940 June_ ()

John Randolph Spears 1892, 2015 _Illustrated Sketches of Death Valley and Other Borax Deserts of the Pacific Coast_ (220 pages; 6.6MB)

W.A. Speck 1977 _Stability and Strife, England 1714-1760_ ()

Ronald H. Spector 2001 _At War at Sea: Sailors and Naval Combat in the 20th Century_ (463 pages; 359.009 SPE; Main)

Ronald H. Spector 1985, 2012 _Eagle Against the Sun: the American War with Japan_ (589 pages; 26MB; 940.54 SPE; Main)

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Lonnie R. Speer 1997, 2005, 2016 _Portals to Hell: Military Prisons of the Civil War_ (430 pages; 7.8MB)

Paul Spellman 2014 _Old 300: Gone to Texas_ (460 pages; 4.4MB)

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Mary Spence 1984 _The Explorations of John Charles Fremont_ (3 volumes)

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Diana Spencer 2010, 2013 _Roman Landscape: Culture & "Identity"_ (225 pages)

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Donald S. Spencer 1977 _Louis Kossuth and Young America: A Study in Sectionalism and Foreign Policy 1848-1852_ ()

Frederick Spencer, lord Hamilton _Here, There and Everywhere_ ()

Herbert Spencer 2010 _Essays: Scientific, Political & Speculative_ ()

Herbert Spencer 1884, 2010 _The Man versus the State_ ()

Herbert Spencer 2010 _Social Statics_ ()

Herbert Spencer 2009 _First Principles_ ()

Ivor D. Spencer 1959 _The Victor and the Spoils: A Life of William L. Marcy_ ()

Neal Spencer, Anna Stevens & Michaela Binder 2017 _Nubia in the New Kingdon: Lived Experience, Pharaonic Control, and "Indigenous" Traditions_ (630 pages)

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Sterling D. Spero & Abram L. Harris 1931 _The Black Worker: The Negro and the Labor Movement_ ()

Sean Spicer 2018 _The Briefing: Politics, the Press, and the President_ (245 pages; 2.3MB)

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Philip Spiegel 208 _Triumph Over Evil: The Heroic Campaigns That Saved 2M Soviet Jews_ (540 pages)

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Konrad Spindler & Ewald Osers 2001 _The Man in the Ice: The Preserved Body of a NeoLithic Man Reveals the Secrets of the Stone Age_ ()

Matthew Spinka 1953 _An History of Christianity in the Balkans: A Study in the Spread of Byzantine Culture among the Slavs_ ()

Jonathan P. Spiro 2009 _Defending the Master Race: Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant_ ()

(58) Bob Spitz 2018 _Reagan: An American Journey_ (863 pages; biography Reagan; MainBookRent+Jax)

Burton Spivak 1979, 1988 _Jefferson's English Crisis: Commerce, Embargo and the Republican Revolution_ (250 pages)

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William Buell Sprague 1857 _Annals of the American Pulpit_ ()

Thomas Sprat 1667, 2010 _History of the Royal Society_ (460 pages)

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Julia Cherry Spruill 1938 _Woman's Life and Work in the Southern Colonies_ ()

Matt Spruill 1993 _Guide to the Battle of Chickamauga_ (328 pages)

Peter Spufford 2003 _Power and Profit: The Merchant in Medieval Europe_ (425 pages)

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Susan Jane Staffa 1977 _Conquest and Fusion: The Social Evolution of Cairo 642CE-1850CE_ ()

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Paul Strathern 2013, 2014 _The Venetians: A New History from Marco Polo to Casanova_ (360 pages; 3.5MB)

Paul Strathern 2009 _The Artist, the Philosopher, and the Warrior: The Intersecting Lives of da Vinci, Machiavelli, and Borgia and the World They Shaped_ (455 pages; 2.1MB; 945.06; )

Andreas N. Stratos 1968 _Byzantium in the 7th Century: vol1 602-634_ ()

Andreas N. Stratos 1968 _Byzantium in the 7th Century: vol3 642-668_ (300 pages)

Andreas N. Stratos 1968 _Byzantium in the 7th Century: vol4 668-685_ (190 pages)

Andreas N. Stratos 1980 _Byzantium in the 7th Century: vol5 Justinian ii, Leontius, and Tiberius 685-711_ (200 pages)

Andreas N. Stratos, Marc Ogilvie-Grant & Harry T. Hionides 1968 _Byzantium in the 7th Century_ (box-set)

Billy J. Stratton 2013 _Buried in Shades of Night: Contested Voices, Indian Captivity, and the Legacy of King Philip's War_ (220 pages; 7.2MB)

Donald Stratton & Ken Gire 2016 _All the Gallant Men: A USA Sailor's FirstHand Account of Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor_ (310 pages; 6.5MB; 940.5426)

John M. Stratton 1969 _Agricultural Records AD220-1968_ ()

(50) John Strausbaugh 2016 _City of Sedition: The History of New York during the Civil War_ (423 pages; 974.703 Str; NE)

Barry S. Strauss 1997 _Fathers and Sons in Athens_ ()

(27) Barry S. Strauss 2019 _10 Caesars: Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine_ (410 pages; 937.060922 Str; Main+NE)

(42) Barry S. Strauss 2012 _Masters of Command: Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, & the Genius of Leadership_ (289 pages; 355.0092237 Str; Main)

(45) Barry S. Strauss 2006 _The Trojan War: A New History_ (258 pages; ISBN 9780743264419; Simon&Schuster; 939.21 Str; Main)

(49) Barry S. Strauss 2004 _The Battle of Salamis: The Naval Encounter That Saved Greece & Western Civilization_ (294 pages; ISBN 0743244508; Simon&Schuster; 938.03 Str; Main)

Leon Strauss 1995 _Liberalism Ancient & Modern_ (283 pages)

(47) William Strauss & Neil Howe 1991, 1992 _Generations: The History of the USA's Future 1584 to 2069_ (538 pages; 973 Str; Main)

(49) William Strauss & Neil Howe 1997 _The 4th Turning: An American Prophecy: What the Cycles of History Tell Us about USA's Next Rendezvous with Destiny_ (382 pages; 303.4973 Str; Jax)

Joseph Reese Strayer 1992 _The Albigensian Crusades_ (300 pages)

Joseph Reese Strayer 2005 _On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State_ (148 pages; 383KB)

Joseph Reese Strayer 1980, 2019 _The Reign of Philip the Fair_ (450-460 pages; ISBN 9780691053028; OCLC 760542350/ 185429519; PrincetonU)

Joseph Reese Strayer 1974 _Western Europe in the Middle Ages: A Short History_ (240 pages)

Tom Streeter 2006 _The Church and Western Culture: An Introduction to Church History_ ()

Matthew Strickland 2004 _War & Chivalry: The Conduct & Perception of War in England & Normandy 1066-1217_ (405 pages)

Rennard Strickland & Jack Gregory 1996 _Sam Houston with the Cherokees_ ()

Harry Miller Strickler 1924 _Massanutten, Settled by the PA Pilgrim 1726: The First White Settlement in the Shenandoah Valley_ ()

Richard Striner 2012 _Lincoln and Race_ (120 pages; 1MB)

Christopher Stringer 8888 _Lone Survivors: How We Came to Be the Only Humans on Earth_ (336 pages; 2MB)

Christopher Stringer & Robin McKie 1996 _African Exodus: The Origins of Modern Humanity_ ()

Christopher Stringer & Clive Gamble 1993 _In Search of the Neanderthals_ ()

Keith J. Stringer, Angus J.L. Winchester, Richard Britnell, Dauvit Broun, Janet Burton, David Ditchburn, Philip Dixon, Piers Dixon, Fiona Edmonds, Richard Oram, Chris Tabraham & Simon Taylor 2017 _Northern England and Southern Scotland in the Central Middle Ages_ (375 pages)

Jane Stromseth, David Wippman & Rosa Brooks 2006 _Can Might Make Right?: Building the Rule of Law after Military Interventions_ (420 pages; 18MB)

Paul Strong & Sanders Marble 2011 _Artillery in the Great War_ ()

Randall E. Stross 2007 _The Wizard of Menlo Park: How Thomas Alva Edison Invented the Modern World_ (375 pages; 1.8MB)

(35) ►general David Hunter Strother/Porte Crayon 1857, 1871, 2007, 2014 _Virginia Illustrated: Containing a Visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the Adventures of Porte Crayon and His Cousins_ (220-300 pages; ISBN 9781418104276; OCLC 191069799; UMich/Harper; ILL request)◀

(40) ►general David Hunter Strother/Porte Crayon & Cecil D. Eby ii 1961, 1989, 1998, 2000 _A Virginia Yankee in the Civil War: The Diaries of David Hunter Strother_ (294-314 pages; ISBN 9780807847572; OCLC 1144664610/ 906761475; UNC; ILL request)◀

David Hunter Strother & John Edmund Stealey iii 2006 _Porte Crayon's Mexico: David Hunter Strother's Diaries in the Early Porfirian Era 1879-1885_ (1080 pages)

David Hunter Strother/Porte Crayon 1860, 2012 _A Summer in New England_ (190 pages)

David Hunter Strother 1973 _Historical Address Delivered by general David Hunter Strother at Berkeley Springs WV at the Centennial Celebration 1876-07-04_ (24 pages)

David Hunter Strother 1965 _The Last Hours of the John Brown Raid_ ()

David Hunter Strother 1960 _With Sigel at New Market: The Diary of colonel David Hunter Strother_ ()

David Hunter Strother 1847 _Illustrated Life of General Winfield Scott, Commander-in-Chief of the Army in Mexico_ ()

George M. Stroud 1856 _A Sketch of the Laws Relating to Slavery in the Several States of the United States of America_ ()

Guy G. Stroumsa & Arieh Kofsky 1998 _Sharing the Sacred: Religious Contacts and Conflicts in the Holy Land_ (285 pages)

Hazel Stroup 2017 _Butler County Ohio Cemetery Records: vol8 Somerville Cemetery 1-26; Venice Cemetery 27-68_ (74 pages)

Cushing Strout 1963 _The American Image of the Old World_ ()

Philippa Strum 1984 _Louis D. Brandeis: Justice for the People_ ()

Andrew Stuart 1798 _Genealogical History of the Stewarts from the earliest period..._ (includes Steuart's "Refuted")

John Ferdinand Smyth Stuart 1784, 2010 _Tour in the United States of America_ ()

John Stuart 1832 _Memoirs of the Indian Wars and Other Occurrences_ ()

Nancy Rubin Stuart 2008, 2009 _The Muse of the Revolution: the Secret Pen of Mercy Otis Warren and the Founding of a Nation_ (328 pages; 4.9MB)

Nancy Rubin Stuart 2013 _Defiant Brides: The UnTold Story of 2 Revolutionary-Era Women and the Radical Men They Married_ (255 pages; 3.8MB)

Roderick W. Stuart 2002, 2010 _Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward iii, King of England, and Queen Philippa_ (385 pages)

Ray Stubblebine 2006 _Stickler's CraftsMan Homes; Plans, Drawings, Photographs_ (536 pages)

William Stueck 1982 _The Road to Confrontation: American Policy toward China and Korea_ ()

Karl Stumpp 1966, 1971, 1978 _The German-Russians: 2 Centuries of Pioneering_ (144 pages)

Snorri Sturluson, Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Palsson 1976 _King Harald's Saga_ ()

Snorri Sturluson & Lee M. Hollander 1991 _Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway_ (870 pages; 9.5MB)

Peter A. Sturrock 2013 _AKA Shakespeare: A Scientific Approach to the Authoriship Question_ (340 pages; 15.4MB)

David Stuttard 2014 _An History of Ancient Greece in 50 Lives_ (288 pages; 938)

Michael S. Suarez & H.R. Woudhuysen 2013 _The Book: A Global History_ (760 pages; 13.7MB)

Orest Subtelny 2009 _Ukraine: An History_ (880 pages; 8.5MB)

Jaime Suchlicki 1996, 2008, 2009 _Mexico: From Montezuma to the Rise of the PAN_ (240 pages; 1.6MB)

Jeff Suess 2015 _Lost Cincinnati_ (185 pages; 6.4MB)

Jeff Suess 2016 _Hidden History of Cincinnati_ (175 pages; 5.8MB)

Suetonius & Robert Graves 2007 _The 12 Caesars_ ()

Peter F. Sugar 1993 _SouthEastern Europe under Ottoman Rule 1354-1804_ ()

Peter F. Sugar, Peter Hanak & Tibor Frank 1990, 1994 _An History of Hungary_ (432 pages; 943.9 HIS; Main)

John Sugden 1999-04-15, 2013 _Tecumseh: A Life_ (500 pages; 2.6MB)

John Sugden 2000-09-01 _Blue Jacket: Warrior of the Shawnees_ (350 pages)

Thomas J. Sugrue 1996 _The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and InEquality in PostWar Detroit_ ()

Michael J. Sulick 2012, 2014 _Spying in America: Espionage from the Revolutionary War to the Dawn of the Cold War_ (330 pages; 2.1MB)

Andrew Sulivan 2006 _The Conservative Soul_ ()

Mark Sullivan 1935, 1937 _Our Times: The United States 1900-1925_ (6 volumes)

Richard Eugene Sullivan 1959, 2012 _The Coronation of Charlemagne: What Did It Signify?_ (100 pages)

Richard Eugene Sullivan 1963, 1974 _Aix a Chapelle in the Age of Charlemagne_ (215 pages)

Richard Eugene Sullivan 1995 _"The Gentle Voices of Teachers": Aspects of Learning in the Carolingian Age_ (355 pages)

colonel Roy F. Sullivan 2010 _The Texas Navies_ (170 pages)

colonel Roy F. Sullivan 2007 _Civil War in Texas and the SouthWest_ (215 pages)

William John L. Sullivan 2016 _12 Years in the Saddle for Law and Order on the Frontiers of Texas_ (200 pages; 524KB)

C.L. Sulzberger 1985 _World War 2_ ()

Jon Tetsuro Sumida 1989 _In Defense of Naval Supremacy: Finance, Technology and British Naval Policy 1889-1914_ ()

(54) Anthony Summers & Robbyn Swan 2016 _A Matter of Honor: Pearl Harbor: Betrayal, Blame, and a Family's Quest for Justice_ (520 pages; 4.3MB; ISBN 9780062405517; Harper; 940.5426693 Sum; Main+E)

Festus P. Summers 1993 _Baltimore and Ohio in the Civil War_ (canal, rail-road; 425 pages)

Mark Wahlgren Summers 1987, 1988 _The Plundering Generation: Corruption and the Crisis of the Union 1849-1861_ (375 pages)

Mark Wahlgren Summers 2003 _Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion: The Making of a President 1884_ (375 pages; 6.7MB)

Charles Sumner 2014 _White Slavery in the Barbary States_ (73 pages; 187KB)

Ian Sumner & Gerry Embleton 1995 _The French Army 1914-1918_ ()

William Graham Sumner, Albert Galloway Keller 1918, 1919 _Graham, The Forgotten Man and Other Essays_ ()

William Graham Sumner 1874, 1883, 1884, 2005 _An History of American Currency_ (408 pages; 6.8MB)

William Graham Sumner 1890 _Alexander Hamilton_ ()

William Graham Sumner 2013 _Robert Morris: The Financier and the Finances of the American Revolution vol1_ (310 pages)

Lewis Preston Summers 1903, 1929 _History of SouthWest VA 1769-1800_ ()

Jonathan Sumption 2000 _The Albigensian Crusade_ ()

Jonathan Sumption 1975 _Pilgrimage: An Image of Medieval Religion_ ()

Jonathan Sumption 2016 _Edward iii: An Heroic Failure_ (115 pages; 16.3MB)

Willard Sunderland 2006 _Taming the Wild Field: Colonization and Empire on the Russian Steppe_ ()

Elke Sundermann 2014 _Discover Erie Tribes in History_ (31 pages; 1.3MB)

Elke Sundermann 2014 _Explore More About Ohio Tribes in History_ (118 pages; 4.1MB)

Betty Lee Sung 1967 _Mountain of Gold: The Story of the Chinese in the USA_ (340 pages)

Betty Lee Sung 1971, 1974 _The Story of the Chinese in the USA_ (340 pages)

Ronald Grigor Suny 2015 _"They Can Live in the Desert but NoWhere Else": An History of the Armenian Genocide_ (500 pages; 16MB)

Steven Suskin & David Malloy 2016 _The Great Comet: The Journey of a New Musical to Broadway_ (215 pages)

Warren Susman 1985, 2003, 2012 _Culture as History: The TransFormation of USA Society in the 20th Century_ (305 pages; 4.9MB)

Lance J. Sussman 1995 _Isaac Leeser and the Making of American Judaism_ ()

(60) ►Robert Wald Sussman 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019 _The Myth of Race: The Troubling Persistence of an UnScientific Idea_ (375 pages; 2.2MB; ISBN 067466003/ 9780674660038; OCLC 1090078980; Harvard; at least 6 editions; ILL request)◀

Warren I. Sussman 2012 _Culture as History: The Transformation of USA "Society" in the 20th Century_ (310 pages; 2.7MB)

Andrea Sutcliffe 2004 _Steam: The UnTold Story of America's First Great Invention_ (272 pages)

Jane Sutcliffe & Alexander Farquharson 2014 _The White House Is Burning: 1814 August 24_ (128 pages; youth)

Calvin E. Sutherd 1969 _A Compilation of Gaines Family Data With Special Emphasis on the Lineage of William and Isabella (Pendleton) Gaines_ (pg32)

Daniel E. Sutherland 2009 _A Savage Conflict: The Decisive Role of Guerrillas in the American Civil War_ ()

Daniel E. Sutherland 1999 _Guerrillas, Unionists & Violence on the Confederate HomeFront_ ()

Dan Sutherland 1995 _Seasons of War_ ()

Elizabeth Sutherland 1999 _5 Euphemias: Women in Medieval Scotland 1200-1420_ (282 pages)

Elizabeth Sutherland & Tony Gray 2001 _The Pictish Guide_ (155 pages)

Jonathan D. Sutherland 2004 _African Americans at War: An Encyclopedia_ (2 volumes)

Stella H. Sutherland 1936 _Population Distribution in Colonial America_ ()

Cameron Sutt 2015 _Slavery in Arpad-Era Hungary in a Comparative Context_ (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages 450-1450CE #31; 230 pages; ISBN: 13:97809004248355 10:9004248331)

Paul S. Sutter & William Cronon 2009 _Driven Wild: How the Fight against Automobiles Launched the Modern Wilderness Movement_ (350 pages; 3.6MB)

Gerald D. Suttles 1968, 1969, 1973, 2008 _The Social Order of the Slum_ (240 pages)

Ann Sutton & Myron Sutton 1985 _Eastern Forests_ ()

Anthony C. Sutton 1986 _The Best Enemy Money Can Buy_ ()

Anthony C. Sutton 1973 _National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union_ (270 pages)

Anthony C. Sutton 1968 _Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1917-1930_ (415 pages)

Anthony C. Sutton 1973 _Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930-1945_ (415 pages)

Anthony C. Sutton 1973 _Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1945-1965_ (470 pages)

Anthony C. Sutton 1974 _Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution_ (195-220 pages; 1.1MB; ISBN 0870002767/ 9780870002762; Arlington)

Anthony C. Sutton 1975 _Wall Street and FDR_ (195 pages; 0870003283/ 190557716/ 9780870003288/ 9781905570713; Arlington)

Anthony C. Sutton 1976 _Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler_ (99999 pages; ISBN 0945001533/ 9780945001539; GSG)

Anthony C. Sutton 1977 _The War on Gold_ ()

Anthony C. Sutton 2014 _The Federal Reserve Conspiracy_ (88 pages; 2.2MB)

Anthony C. Sutton 1983 _Technological Treason_ ()

Anthony C. Sutton 2015 _Energy: The Created Crisis_ (185 pages)

Anthony C. Sutton 2014 _USA's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones_ (320 pages; 1.3MB)

Robert Sutton 2017 _"Stark Mad Abolitioinists": Lawrence, Kansas, and the Battle over Slavery in the Civil War Era_ (295 pages; 5.3MB)

Carl Fredrik Sverdrup 2017 _The Mongol Conquests: The Military Operations of Genghis Khan & Subeetei_ (Chingis/Jenghis/Chinggis; Subotai; 295 pages; 5.3MB)

Susan Swain 2015 _First Ladies: Presidential Historians on the Lives of 45 Iconic American Women_ (462 pages; 10.7MB; 973.099 Swa; NE)

Michael D. Swaine & Ashley J. Tellis 2000 _Interpreting China's Grand Strategy_ ()

Elizabeth Swanson & James Brewer Stewart 2018 _Human Bondage and Abolition: New Histories of Past and Present Slaveries_ (295 pages; 4.1MB)

Mark N. Swanson 2010 _The Coptic Papacy in Islamic Egypt 641-1517: vol2 The Popes of Egypt_ (190 pages; for vol1 see Stephen Davis)

(55) ►Michael Swanson 2021-01-24 _Why the VietNam War?: Nuclear Bombs & Nation Building in SouthEast Asia 1945-1961_ (445 pages; ISBN 9781734139258; OCLC ; Campania Partners; ILL request)◀

John Reed Swanton 8888 _The Indian Tribes of North America_ ()

Michael Swanton 1997 _The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle_ ()

Michael Swanton 1993 _Anglo-Saxon Prose_ ()

Rachel L. Swarns 2012 _USA Tapestry: The Story of the Black, White and MultiRacial Ancestors of Moochelle Obummer_ (400 pages; 2.6MB)

Koenraad Wolter Swart 1949, 2012 _Sale of Offices in the 17th Century_ (160 pages; 546KB)

Mimi Swartz & Sherron Watkins 2003 _Power Failure: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Enron_ ()

Del Sweeney 1995 _Agriculture in the Middle Ages: Technology, Practice, and Representation_ (400 pages)

Frank W. Sweet 2005 _Legal History of the Color Line: The Rise and Triumph of the One-Drop Rule_ ()

Henry Sweet 1887 _An Anglo-Saxon Primer_ ()

Julie Anne Sweet 2010-05-01 _William Stephens: Georgia's Forgotten Founder_ (232 pages; ISBN 9780807135587; LSU)

Julie Anne Sweet 2005-02-28 _Negotiating for Georgia: British-Creek Relations in the Trustee Era 1733-1752_ (274 pages; ISBN 9780820326757; U of Georgia)

William Warren Sweet 1952 _Religion in the Development of American Culture 1765-1840_ ()

Robert P. Swieringa 1975 _Beyond the Civil War Synthesis: Political Essays of the Civil War Era_ (340 pages)

Helen Susan Swift 2013 _Women of Scotland: A Journey to Scottish History_ (225 pages; 673KB)

Kerwin Swint 2008 _MudSlingers: The 25 Dirtiest Political Campaigns of All Time_ ()

(70) Clarice Swisher 1995 _The Ancient Near East_ (128 pages; 935 junior)

James Swisher 2007 _The Revolutionary War in the Southern BackCountry_ (375 pages; 4.3MB)

James K. Swisher 2019 _Daniel Morgan: An InExplicable Hero_ (250 pages; 3.5MB)

(73) Anthony Swofford 2003 _JarHead: A Marine's Chronicle of the Gulf War & Other Battles_ (260 pages; 956.7044)

Charles S. Sydnor 1965 _American Revolutionaries in the Making: Political Practices in Washington's VA_ ()

Charles S. Sydnor 1952 _Gentlemen FreeHolders_ ()

Scott Syfert 2014 _The First American Declaration of Independence?: The Disputed History of the Mecklenburg Declaration of 1775-05-20_ (250 pages; 15.9MB)

Bryan Sykes 2000 _The Human Inheritance_ ()

Christopher Sykes 1965, 1973 _CrossRoads to Israel 1917-1948_ (400 pages)

sir Percy Sykes 1921, 2015 _An History of Persia_ (785 pages; 25.2MB)

Rebecca Wragg Sykes 2020, 2021 _Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death, & Art_ (400 pages; ISBN 9781472937476; OCLC 1223065512; Bloomsbury)

sir Ronald Syme 1939 _The Roman Revolution_ ()

John Addington Symmonds 1929 _Renaissance in Italy_ (945.05; Main )

Craig L. Symonds 2005 _Decision at Sea: 5 Naval Battles That Shaped USA History_ (378 pages; 359.4; Main+NE )

Craig L. Symonds 2015 _The USA Navy: A Concise History_ (140 pages)

Craig L. Symonds & William J. Clipson 1986 _A BattleField Atlas of the American Revolution_ (110 pages; 973.3; Main)

Craig L. Symonds & William J. Clipson 1983 _A BattleField Atlas of the Civil War_ (106 pages; 973.7; Main)

Craig L. Symonds 2018 _World War 2 at Sea: A Global History_ (770 pages; 940.545; Main+E)

Edward A. Synan 1965 _The Popes and the Jews in the Middle Ages_ ()

Jeff Sypeck 2002 _The Holy Roman Empire and Charlemagne in World History_ (128 pages; 944.0142 or youth/junior biography)

David Syrett 2006 _Admiral Lord Howe_ ()

Harold C. Syrett 1961-1979 _Papers of Alexander Hamilton_ (at least 19 volumes)

Ilkka Syvanne 2015 _Military History of Late Rome 284-361_ (310 pages; 75.5MB)

Margaret Connell Szasz 2007 _Indian Education in the American Colonies 1607-1783_ ()

Margaret Connell Szasz 2007 _Scottish Highlanders and Native Americans: Indigenous Education in the 18th Century Atlantic World_ (300 pages)

David P. Szatmary 1980, 1984 _Shays's Rebellion: The Making of an Agrarian Insurrection_ (200 pages)

Michael Szenberg 1973 _The Economics of the Israeli Diamond Industry_ ()

Jozsef Szeredy 2002 _Asiatic Chiefs_ ()

Tad Szulc 1986 _Fidel: A Critical Portrait_ ()

Tad Szulc 1978 _The Illusion of Peace_ ()

Leszek Szymanski 1994 _Casimir Pulaski: A Hero of the American Revolution_ ()


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