jgo Reading Room: Immigration

This is me, raising my banners high, seeking people with whom I'd like to work, live, trade, support. All flags flying!
updated: 2024-08-06

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Missing Manuals

_How Can Background Investigations of Visa Applicants Be Made More Effective While Restraining Costs?_

_How Quickly Should Exemptions to H-1B Caps/Limits Be Eliminated?_

_By How Much Should H-1B Caps/Limits Be Reduced?_

_How Quickly Should Exemptions to H Caps/Limits Be Eliminated?_

_By How Much Should H Caps/Limits Be Reduced?_

_How Best Can Student, Guest-Work, and Permanent Legal Resident (Green Card) Standards Be Adopted and Enforced?_

_How Best Can Skill-Level Standards for Visas Be Drafted?_

_How Best Can Fees for Visa Applications Be Made to Match Reasonable Costs of Processing Them without Turning Totally Political?_

  - - - - - A

Leisy J. Abrego 2014 _Sacrificing Families: Navigating Laws, Labor, and Love Across Borders_ (272 pages)

Thomas Adam & Ruth Gross 2006 _Traveling Between Worlds: German-American Encounters_ ()

Nick Adams 2016 _Green Card Warrior: My Quest for Legal Immigration in an Illegals' System_ (100 pages; 3MB)

Michel Agier 2016 _BorderLands: Towards an Anthropology of the [Cosmo Freak Power-Mad Rights-Violating MindSet]_ (185 pages; 885KB)

Edward Alden 2008, 2009 _The Closing of the American Border: Terrorism, Immigration and Security Since 2001/09/11_ (360 pages; 1MB)

Hirsi Ali 2010 _Nomad: From Islam to America, A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations_ (biography)

(37) ►Laurence J. Alison, Emily K. Alison, Neil D. Shortland & Frances Surmon-Böhr 2020-12-22, 2021 _ORBIT: The Science of Rapport-Based Interviewing for Law Enforcement, Security, & Military_ (245 pages; 1.1MB; ISBN 970197545959; OCLC 1183398195; OxfordU; ILL request)◀

(55) Tyler Anbinder 2016 _City of Dreams: The 400-Year Epic History of Immigrant NY_ (738-760 pages; 10.9MB; ISBN 9780544104655; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 974.71 Anb; Main+E)

Peter Andreas & Timothy Snyder 2000 _The Wall Around the West: State Borders and Immigration Controls in North America and Europe_ (245 pages)

Peter Andreas 2009, 2012 _Border Games: Policing the USA-Mexico Divide_ (195 pages; 1.6MB)

Darrell Ankarlo 2010 _Illegals: The Unacceptable Cost of America's Failure to Control Its Borders_ (360 pages; 2.6MB)

Mary Antin 1914 _They Who Knock at Our Gates: A Complete Gospel of Immigration_ ()

Thomas J. Archdeacon 1984 _Becoming American: An Ethnic History_ (297 pages; 973.04; Main)

Lawrence Auster 1991 _The Path to National Suicide: An Essay on Immigration & Multi-Culturalism_ (90 pages)

Eiichiro Azuma 2005 _Between 2 Empires: Race, History, and TransNationalism in Japanese America_ (320 pages)

(42) ►Victor Avila 2020-10-20 _Agent Under Fire_ (criminology; invasion; 181-196 pages; ISBN 9781632215307/ 9780632215291; OCLC 1201383608; Liberty Hill; ILL request)◀

  - - - - - B

David Bacon 2009 _Illegal People: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigration_ (260 pages; 331.6)

Kevin Bales & Ron Soodalter 2010 _The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today_ (336 pages; 1.2MB)

A. Deniz Balgamis & Kemal H. Karpat 2008 _Turkish Migration to the USA from Ottoman Times to the Present_ (220 pages)

Rosana Barbosa 2008 _Immigration and Xenophobia: Portuguese Immigrants in Early 19th Century Rio de Janeiro_ (145 pages; 1.3MB)

Elliott Robert Barkan 1996 _And Still They Come: Immigrants and American Society 1920-1990s_ (260 pages)

Michael Barone 2013 _Shaping Our Nation: How Surges of Migration [sic] Transformed the USA and Its Politics_ (310 pages; 5.1MB)

James R. Barrett 2012 _The Irish Way: Becoming American in the MultiEthnic City_ (380 pages; 6MB)

Gunther Barth 1964 _Bitter Strength: An History of the Chinese in the USA 1850-1870_ (305 pages)

Patrick J. Bascio 2009 _On the Immorality of Illegal Immigration [Including Invasion]: A Priest Poses an Alternative Christian View_ (220 pages)

Zygmunt Bauman 2016 _Strangers at Our Door_/_Barbarian Force-Initiating Invaders at Our Door_ (125 pages; 245KB)

(41) Douglas C. Baynton 2016 _Defectives in the Land: Disability and Immigration in the Age of Eugenics_ (177 pages; 363.930973 Bay; Main)

Roy Howard Beck 1996 _The Case Against [Excessive, Low-Standards/No-Standards] Immigration: "Social", and Environmental Reasons for Reducing USA Immigration_ (280 pages)

Peter Bellwood 2014 _First Migrants: Ancient Migration in Global Perspective_ (326 pages; 6.1MB)

(31) ►Todd Bensman 2020-02-02, 2021-02-23 _USA's Covert Border War: The UnTold Story of the Nation's Battle to Prevent Jihadist InFiltration_ (280-320 pages; 1.1MB; ISBN 1642937258/ 9781642937251; OCLC 1179287667; Posthill/Bombardier; ILL request)◀

Naboth Benson & Adolph B. Hedin 1938, 1969 _Swedes in America 1638-1938_ (600 pages)

Rodney Benson 2014 _Shaping Immigration News: A French-American Comparison_ (spin/propaganda; 296 pages)

Jerry H. Bentley & Herbert F. Ziegler 2010 _Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past_ (1,000 pages; 159MB)

Jerry H. Bentley 1993 _Old World Encounters: Cross-Cultural Contacts & Exchanges in Pre-Modern Times_ (230 pages)

Lauren Benton 2009 _A Search for Sovereignty: Law and Geography in European Empires 1400-1900_ (350 pages; 4MB)

Roni Berger 2004 _Immigrant Women Tell Their Stories_ (280 pages; 823KB)

Rowland Tappan Berthoff 1953 _British Immigrants in Industrial America 1790-1950_ ()

Jagdish Bhagwati, Gordon H. Hanson et al. 2009 _Skilled Immigration Today: Prospects, Problems, and Policies_ (400 pages)

Martha H. Bigelow & Lourdes Ortega 2010 _Mogadishu on the Mississippi: Language, Racialized "Identity", and Education in a New Land_ (195 pages)

Angeline Kearns Blain 2017 _I Used to Be Irish: Leaving Ireland, Becoming American_ (290 pages; 2.9MB)

Irene Bloemraad 2006 _Becoming a Citizen: Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada_ (370 pages)

(50) Stephen G. Bloom 2001 _Postville: A Clash of Cultures in HeartLand USA_ (338 pages; 977.733 Blo; Main)

John Bodnar 1987 _The Transplanted: An History of Immigrants in Urban USA_ (310 pages)

Tito Boeri, Gordon H. Hanson & Barry McCormick 2002 _Immigration Policy and the Socialist Illfare State: A Report for the Fondazione Rodolofo de Benedetti_ (345 pages; 4.9MB)

(59) Clint Bolick & Yebbie Booosh 2013 _Immigration Wars: Forging an American [but Not USA] "Solution"_ (274 pages; 2.2MB; 325.73 Bus; NE+Jax)

Charles Knowles Bolton 1910, 1967, 1981, 2006, 2007, 2011, 2012 _Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America_ (400 pages)

Michael D. Bordo, Alan M. Taylor & Jeffrey G. Williamson 2003, 2005, 2007 _Globalization in Historical Perspective_ (585 pages; 8.1MB)

George J. Borjas 2001 _Heaven's Door: Immigration Policy and the American Economy_ (296 pages)

George J. Borjas 2014 _Immigration Economics_ (290 pages; 9.6MB)

George J. Borjas 2016 _Labor Economics_ ()

George J. Borjas 1990 _Friends or Strangers: The Impact of Immigrants on the USA Economy_ (265 pages)

Dale Hanson Bourke 2014 _Immigration: Tough Questions, Direct Answers (150 pages; 16.4MB)

Anthony T. Bouscaren 1963 _International Migrations Since 1945_ ()

Charles Bowden, Julian Cardono 2008 _Exodus_ (275 pages)

Tom Bower 2016 _Broken Vows: Tony Blair -- the Tragedy of Power_ (688 pages; 2.1MB)

Paul Boyle, Keith Halfacree & Vaughan Robinson 1998 _Exploring Contemporary Migration [Emigration & Immigration across Polity Borders]_ ()

Ilona Bray 215 _USA Immigration Made Easy_ (680 pages; 10MB)

Horace J. Bridges 1919, 2016 _On Becoming an American: Some Meditations of a Newly Naturalized Immigrant_ (200 pages)

Vernon Briggs ii, Walter Fogel & Fred H. Schmidt 1977, 2014 _The Chicano Worker_ (140 pages; 896KB)

Vernon Briggs ii 1992, 1994, 2003 _Mass Immigration and the National Interest_ (305 pages)

John D. Brite 1939 _The Attitude of European States Toward Emigration to the American Colonies... 1607-1820_ ()

Helle Merete Brix, Lars Hedegaard & Torben Hansen 2003 _In the House of War: Islam's Colonization of the West_ ()

William R. Brock 1982 _Scotus Americanus: A Survey of the Sources for Links between Scotland and USA in the 18th Century_ (190 pages;)

William Jeremy Bromwell 1856, 1969, 2014 _History of Immigration to the USA: Exhibiting the Number, Sex, Age, Occupation, and Country of Birth of Passengers Arriving in the USA 1819-09-30 to 1855-12-31_ (225-845 pages; 660K-120.6MB; cited in _Historical Statistics_)

David C. Brotherton & Philip Kretsedemas 2008 _Keeping Out the Other: A Critical Introduction to Immigration Enforcement Today_ (432 pages)

Bill Broyles & Charles Bowden 2010 _Desert Duty: On the Line with the USA Border Patrol_ (245 pages; 2.9MB)

(19) Patrick Joseph Buchanan 2013 _A Republic, Not an Empire: ReClaiming USA's Destiny_ (430 pages; 764KB; 327.73009)

Patrick Joseph Buchanan 2007 _Day of Reckoning: How Hubris, Ideology, and Greed are Tearing the USA Apart_ (294 pages; 973.93)

F.H. Buckley 2016 _The Way Back: Restoring the Promise of the USA_ (384 pages)

F.H. Buckley 2013 _The American Illness: Essays on the Rule of Law_ (??? pages)

(15) Howard G. Buffett 2018 _Our 50-State Border Crisis: How the Mexican Border Fuels the Drug Epidemic across the USA_ (356 pages; 363.28409 Buf; Main)

Carlos Bulosan 1943, 2014 _USA Is in the Heart: A Personal History_ (355 pages; 726KB)

Samuel C. Busey 1856, 1969, 2015 _Immigration: Its Evils and Consequences_ (165 pages)

Frances Butwin 1969, 1985, 1991 _Jews in America_ (87 pages)

  - - - - - C

Philip Cafaro 2015 _How Many Is Too Many?_ (330 pages; 1MB)

(40) Christopher Caldwell 2009, 2010 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ (422 pages; 919KB; 304.8088; Main)

Kitty Calavita 1992, 2010 _InSide the State: The Bracero Program, Immigration, & the INS_ (285 pages; 1.1MB)

Kitty Calavita 1982 _California's Employer Sanctions: The Case of the Disappearing Law_ (60 pages)

Julia Maria Schiavone Camacho 2012 _Chinese Mexicans: TransPacific Migration and the Search for a HomeLand 1910-1960_ (235 pages; 1.7MB)

Steven A. Camarota 2002 _The Golden Door: How Militant Islamic Terrorists Entered and Remained in the United States 1993-2001_ ()

Dominic Candeloro 2010 _Chicago's Italians: Immigrants, Ethnics, Americans_ (16 pages; 12.3MB)

(19) Francisco Cantu 2018 _The Line Becomes a River_ (250 pages; 2MB; 363.285092; Main)

Steven Capsuto & Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu 2016 _Jewish Immigrants in Early 1900s USA: A Visitor's Account_ (105 pages; 7.5MB)

Joseph H. Carens & Deborah Chasman 2010 _Immigrants, Invaders, Illegal Aliens and the "Right" to Occupy & Take Over_ (120 pages; 698KB)

Paula Wheeler Carlo 2005 _Huguenot Refugees in Colonial New York: Becoming American in the Hudson Valley_ (240 pages)

Cary Carson 1998 _Becoming Americans: Our Struggle to Be Both Free and Equal_ (200 pages)

Stephen Castles & Godula Kosack 1973 _Immigrant Workers and Class Structure in Western Europe_ (515 pages)

Stephen Castles, Hein de Haas & Mark J. Miller 2013, 2017 _The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World_ (400-410 pages; 7.1MB)

Stephen Castles & Alastair Davidson 2000 _Citizenship and Migration: Globalization and the Politics of Belonging_ (245 pages)

Stephen Castles, Hein de Haas & Mark J. Miller 2013 _The Age of Migration: International Population Movements_ (390 pages)

Sanjoy Chakravorty, Devesh Kapur & Nirvikar Singh 2016 _The Other 1%: Indians in America_ (370 pages; 44MB)

Stefanie Chambers 2017 _Somalis in the Twin Cities and Columbus: Immigrant Incorporation in New Destinations_ (or not; 220 pages)

Anthony B. Chan 1983 _Gold Mountain: The Chinese in the New World_ ()

Sucheng Chan 1991 _Asian Americans: An Interpretive History_ (264 pages)

Gordon H. Chang 2019 _Ghosts of Gold Mountain: The Epic Story of the Chinese Who Built the TransContinental RailRoad_ (331.62510978 Cha; Main+E)

Gordon H. Chang 2019 _The Chinese and the Iron Road: Building the TransContinental RailRoad_ (550 pages; 33.1MB)

Jason Oliver Chang 2017 _Chino: Anti-Chinese Racism in Mexico 1880-1940_ (270 pages; 5MB)

Linda Chavez 1991, 1992 _Out of the Barrio: Toward a New Politis of Hispanic Assimilation_ (220 pages)

Jack Chen 1980, 2016 _The Chinese of America_ (320 pages; 10.8MB)

Barry R. Chiswick, Sarit Cohen-Goldner, Joseph F. Ferrie, Volker Grossmann, James F. Hollifield, Martin Kahanec, Pramod Khadka, Linda G. Lesky, Briant Lindsay Lowell, James Ted McDonald, Paul W. Miller, David Stadelmann, Casey Warman, Yoram Weiss, Carole J. Wilson, Christopher Worswick & Klaus F. Zimmermann 2011 _"High-Skilled" Immigration in a Global Labor Market_ (350 pages; 11.8MB; where "high-skilled" is defined to include people with low skill levels)

Catherine Ceniza Choy 2003 _Empire of Care: Nursing and Migration in Filipino American History_ (272 pages)

Philip P. Choy, Lorraine Dong & Marlon K. Hom 1995 _The Coming Man: 19th Century Perceptions of the Chinese_ (175 pages)

John Christgau 2001 _Enemies: World War 2 Alien Internment_ (200 pages)

Dino Cinel 1982 _From Italy to San Francisco: The Immigrant Experience_ (350 pages)

David Coates & Peter Siavelis 2009 _Getting Immigration Right: What Every USA Citizen Needs to Know_ (295 pages; 1.3MB)

Deborah Cohen 2011 _Braceros: Migrant Citizens and TransNational Subjects in the PostWar USA and Mexico_ (350 pages; 3.8MB)

(40) ►Elizabeth F. Cohen 2020 January _Illegal: How America's Lawless Immigration Regime Threatens Us All_ (261 pages; ISBN 9781541699847; OCLC 1141148706; Basic; ILL request)◀

Gary B. Cohen 2006 _The Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in Prague 1861-1914_ (330 pages)

Jocelyn Cohen & Daniel Soyer 2005, 2008 _My Future Is in the USA: AutoBiographies of Eastern European Jewish Immigrants_ (340 pages; 2.2MB)

Robin Cohen & Colin Holmes 1995 _The Campbridge Survey of World Migration_ (580 pages)

Peter Wilson Coldham 1987 _The Complete Book of Emigrants 1607-1660_ (600 pages)

Peter Wilson Coldham 1988, 2010 _The Complete Book of Emigrants in Bondage 1614-1775_ (930 pages)

John Philip Colletta 2002 _They Came in Ships: Finding Your Immigrant Ancestor's Arrival_ (140 pages)

Paul Collier 2007 _The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It_ (228 pages; 386KB)

Paul Collier 2013, 2015 _Exodus: How Migration Is Changing Our World_ (310 paes; 2.6MB)

Ted Conover 1987 _Coyotes: A Journey Across Borders_ ()

Kathleen Neils Conzen 1990 _Making Their Own America: Assimilation Theory and the German Peasant Pioneer_ ()

Frank J. Coppa & Thomas J. Curran 1977 _The Immigrant Experience in the USA_ (220 pages)

Duvon Clough Corbitt 1971 _A Study of the Chinese in Cuba 1847-1947_ ()

Ann Corcoran 2015 _Refugee ReSettlement and the Hijra to the USA_ (93 pages; 1.2MB)

Wayne Cornelius, Takeyuki Tsuda, Philip L. Martin & James F. Hollifield 2004 _Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective_ (560 pages)

Jefferson Cowie 2001 _Capital Moves: RCA's 70-Year Quest for Cheap Labor_ (288 pages)

Caroline Cox & Ziallo Gogui 2013 _This Immoral Trade: Slavery in the 21st Century_ (215 pages; 6.1MB)

Michael H. Crawford & Benjamin C. Campbell 2012 _Causes and Consequences of Human Migration: An Evolutionary Perspective_ (568 pages; 7.3MB)

Rudolf Cronau 1909 _Drei Jahrhunderte deutschen Lebens in Amerika_/_300 Years of German Lives in America_ ()

William Cunningham 1897, 1969, 2015 _Alien Immigrants to England_ (320 pages)

Dieter Cunz 1948 _The Maryland Germans: An History_ ()

Thomas J. Curran 1975 _Xenophobia and Immigration 1820-1930_ (200 pages)

Edward E. Curtix iv 2009 _Muslims in America: A Short History_ (168 pages)

  - - - - - D

Rafaela M. Dancygier 2010 _Immigration and Conflict in Europe_ (368 pages)

Roger Daniels 1989 _An History of Indian Immigration to the USA_ ()

Roger Daniels 1997, 1998 _Not Like Us: Immigrants and Minorities in the USA 1890-1924_ (190 pages)

Roger Daniels 1998 _Asian America: Chinese and Japanese in the United States since 1850_ (384 pages)

(50) Roger Daniels 1990, 1991, 2002, 2018, 2019 _Coming to America: An History of Immigration and Ethnicity in USA Life_ (450-565 pages; 973.04 Dan; Main)

Roger Daniels & Otis L. Graham 2001 _Debating USA Immigration 1882-Present_ (230 pages; 929KB)

Roger Daniels 2004 _Guarding the Golden Door: American Immigration Policy and Immigrants since 1882_ (344 pages; 1.1MB)

Roger Daniels 1971, 1972 _Concentration Camps USA: Japanese Americans and World War 2_ (180 pages)

Roger Daniels 1993 _Concentration Camps North America: Japanese in the United States and Canada during World War 2_ (160 pages)

(50) Meri Nana-Ama Danquish 2000 _Becoming American: Personal Essays by First Generation Immigrant Women_ (236 pages; 305.48 BEC; Main)

Maurice R. Davie 1936 _World Immigration_ ()

Marni Davis 2012 _Jews and Booze: Becoming American in the Age of Prohibition_ (265 pages; 1.7MB)

(59) Shulem Deen 2015 _All Who Go Do Not Return: A Memoir_ (310 pages; 34MB; 296.8232 Dee)

Grace Pena Delgado 2013 _Making the Chinese Mexican: Global Migration, Localism, and Exclusion in the USA-Mexico BorderLands_ (310 pages; 2.4MB)

Marcello Di Cinto 2013 _Walls: Travels Along the Barricades_ (290 pages; 538KB)

Frank Reid Diffenderffer 2014 _The German Immigration into Pennsylvania through the Port of Philadelphia from 1700-1775: part 2 The Redemptioners_ (295 pages; 3.6MB)

Hasia R. Diner 1983 _Erin's Daughters in the USA: Irish Immigrant Women in the 19th Century_ (200 pages)

Hasia R. Diner 2009 _Hungering for the USA: Italian, Irish, and Jewish FoodWays in the Age of Migration_ (310 pages; 3.6MB)

(50) Hasia R. Diner 2015 _Roads Taken: The Great Jewish Migrations to the New World and the Peddlers Who Forged the Way_ (280 pages; 2.4MB; 381.1089 Di; Main)

Leonard Dinnerstein & David Reimers 2008 _Ethnic Americans: Immigration and American "Society"_ (250 pages; 1.2MB)

Lawrence Distasi 2001 _Una Storia Segreta: The Secret History of Italian American Evacuation and Internment During World War 2_ (350 pages)

James C. Docherty 2016 _Scottish Migration Since 1750: Reasons and Results_ (200 pages; 10.2MB)

Howard Dodson 2010 _Becoming American: The African-American Journey_ (140 pages; 2.1MB)

Jay P. Dolan 2010 _The Irish Americans: An History_ (360 pages; 1.5MB)

Virginia R. Dominguez 1975 _From Neighbor to Stranger: The Dilemma ofCaribbean People in the USA_ (170 pages)

Heidi Gurcke Donald 2007 _We Were Not the Enemy: Remembering the USA' Latin-American Civilian Internment Program of World War 2_ (100 pages; 1.1MB)

(47) ►Jon E. Douglas 2004 _Illegals: The Imminent Threat Posed by our Unsecured US-Mexico Border_ (265 pages; ISBN 9780785262367; OCLC 760624744; WND; ILL request)◀

R.M. Douglas 2012 _Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War_ (500 pages; 10.7MB)

Mark Dow 2004 _American Gulag: Inside US Immigration Prisons_ ()

Wells Earl Draughon 2007 _While America Sleeps: How Islam, Immigration, and Indoctrination Are Destroying America From Within_ (270 pages)

Joanna Dreby 2010 _Divided by Borders: Mexican Illegal Aliens, and Their Abandoned Children_ (330 pages; 2.6MB)

(58) Thomas Dublin 1993 _Immigration Voices: New Lives in the USA 1773-1986_ (319 pages; 325.73 Imm; NE)

(50) William Dudley 2002 _Illegal Immigration: Opposing ViewPoints_ (206 pages; 342.73)

Robert N.H. Duong 2016 _Becoming Americans: A VietNamese Boat People Story of Escaping Communism and Finding Freedom in the USA_ (130 pages; 5.3MB)

  - - - - - E

Richard M. Ebeling, Jacob G. Hornberger, Bettina Bien Greaves, Ron Unz, Leonard Read, Samuel Bostaph, Lawrence Reed, James Bovard, Ludwig von Mises & Sheldon Richman 1995, 2013 _The Case for Free Trade and Open Immigration_ (140 pages; 589KB)

Barry Edmonston & James P. Smith 1997 _The New Americans: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration_ (440 pages)

James R. Edwards 8888 _The Congressional Politics of Immigration Reform_ ()

Rocky Elmore 2015 _Out on Foot: Nightly Patrols and Ghostly Tales of a USA Border Patrol Agent_ (225 pages; 11.9MB)

David Eltis & David Richardson 2010 _Atlas of the TransAtlantic Slave Trade_ (325 pages; 339MB)

David Eltis 2002 _Coerced & Free Migration: Global Perspectives_ (430 pages)

Lawrence J. Epstein 2007 _At the Edge of a Dream: The Story of Jewish Immigrants on New York's Lower East Side 1880-1920_ ()

Charlotte Erickson 1957 _American Industry and European Immigration 1860-1885_ ()

Charlotte Erickson 1972 _Invisible Immigrants: The Adaptation of English and Scottish Immigrants in 19th Century America_ ()

Robert Ernst 1949 _Immigrant Life in New York City 1825-1863_ ()

John Esposito 1992 _The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality?_ ()

Elizabeth Ewen 1985 _Immigrant Women in the Land of Dollars: Life and Culture on the Lower East Side 1890-1925_ (300 pages; 2MB)

Walter A. Ewing 2018 _Immigrant Experiences: Why Immigrants Come to the United States of America and What They Find When They Get Here_ (165 pages; 7.6MB)

  - - - - - F

Thomas Faist 2000 _The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and TransNational "Social" Spaces_ (390 pages; 4.4MB)

Julie Farnam 2005 _USA Immigration Laws Under the Threat of Terrorism_ (175 pages)

M.A. Farrell 2015 _The End of Immigration: The HandBook to End Immigration, Legal & Illegal_ (42 pages; 915KB)

James T. Fawcett & Benjamin V. Carino 1987 _Pacific Bridges: The New Immigration from Asia and the Pacific Islands_ ()

Stanley Feldstein & Lawrence Costello 1974 _The Ordeal of Assimilation: A Documentary History of the "White" Working Class 1830s-1970s_ (500 pages)

Peter Fell & Debra Hayes 2007 _What Are They Doing Here?: A Critical Guide to Asylum and Immigration_ (270 pages)

James Fergusson 2017 _al-Britannia, My Country: A Journey Through Muslim Britain_ (375 pages; 13.3MB)

Vincent A. Ferraro 2013 _Immigrants and Crime in the New Destinations_ (240 pages)

Joel S. Fetzer & J. Christopher Soper 2004 _Muslims and the State in Britain, France, and Germany_ (226 pages)

James O. Finckenauer & Elin J. Waring 2019 _Russian Mafia in America [the USA]: Immigration, Culture, and Crimes_ (345 pages)

Marianne Gilbert Finnegan 2002 _Memories of a Mischling: Becoming an American_ (220 pages)

Michael H. Fisher 2013 _Migration: A World History_ (175 pages; 8MB)

David FitzGerald 2008 _A Nation of Emigrants; How Mexico Manages Its Migration_ (264 pages)

David Scott FitzGerald, David Cook-Martin & Angela S. Garcia 2014 _Culling the Masses: The Democratic Origins of Racist Immigration Policy in the Americas_ (512 pages; 5.6MB)

Joseph R. FitzPatrick 1971 _Puerto Rican Americans: The Meaning of Migration to the MainLand_ (190 pages)

Thomas Fleming 1995 _Immigration and the USA Identity: Selections from Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture 1985-1995_ (225 pages)

Theresa Flores & PeggySue Wells 2010 _The Slave Across the Street_ (160 pages)

Robert Franz Foerster 1919, 1969, 2015 _The Italian Emigration of Our Times_ (580 pages; 1.7MB)

Aaron Spencer Fogleman 1996, 2014 _Hopeful Journeys: German Immigration, Settlement, and Political Culture in Colonial America 1717-1775_ (250 pages; 3.6MB)

Nancy Foner 2000, 2002 _From Ellis Island to JFK: New York's 2 Great Waves of Immigration_ (350 pages; 2.2MB)

Don Henry Ford ii 2006 _Contrabando: Confessions of a Drug-Smuggling Texas CowBoy_ (230 pages)

(1) ►Chad Fowler 2005 _My Job Went to India: 52 Ways to Save Your Job_ (220 pages; ILL request)◀

(18) Porter Fox 2018 _NorthLand: A 4K-Mile Journey along USA's Forgotten Border_ (247 pages; 974; Main+NE)

(32) ►Stephen Fox 2000 _USA's Invisible Gulag: A Biography of German American Internment & Exclusion in World War 2: Memory & History_ (370 pages; ILL request)◀

Samuel T. Francis 2001, 2002 _USA Extinguished: Mass Immigration and the DisIntegration of USA Culture_ ()

Frank George Franklin 1906, 2016 _The Legislative History of Naturalization in the USA from the Revolutionary War to 1861_ (315 pages)

Jill Andresky Fraser 2002 _White-Collar SweatShop: The Deterioration of Work and Its Rewards in Corporate USA_ (340 pages)

Richard B. Freeman & Hal Salzman 2018 _USA Engineering in a Global Economy_ (NBER; 310 pages; 19.4MB)

(15) John Carlos Frey 2019 _Sand and Blood: USA's Stealth War on the Mexican Border_ (243 pages; 303.4872721 Fre; Main)

Andrew Friedman 2013 _Covert Capital: Landscapes of Denial and the Making of USA "Empire" in the SubUrbs of Northern Virginia_ (432 pages; 8.2MB)

(50) ►George Friedman 2016 _FlashPoints: The Emerging Crisis in Europe_ (260 pages; 940.5612; NE; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Gerald Ed Frost 1996 _Loyalty MisPlaced: MisDirected "Virtue" and "Social" DisIntegration_ (155 pages)

(20) David Frye 2018 _Walls: An History of Civilization in Blood and Brick_ (292 pages; 909 Fry; Main)

(87) Francis Fukuyama 2018 _"Identity": The Demand for "Dignity" and the Politics of Resentment_ (218 pages; 2.3MB; 320.019; Main)

Howard B. Furer 1973 _The Germans in America 1607-1970: A Chronology and Fact Book_ ()

  - - - - - G

Donna R. Gabaccia 2012 _Foreign Relations: American Immigration in Global Perspective_ (296 pages)

Frank J. Gaffney ii, Christopher Holton & Clare Lopez 2015 _Guelen and the Guelenist Movement: Turkey's Islamic Supremacist Cult and Its Contributions to the Civilization Jihad_ (100 pages; 1MB)

Allon Gal et al. 2010 _The Call of the HomeLand: Diaspora Nationalisms, Past and Present_ ()

Ernesto Galarza 1964 _Merchants of Labor: The Mexican Bracero Story_ ()

Richard Gambino 2000 _Blood of My Blood: The Dilemma of the Italian-Americans_ (380 pages)

Erasmo Gamboa 2017 _Bracero RailRoaders: The Forgotten World War 2 Story of Mexican Workers in the USA West_ (230 pages; 5.8MB)

(1) ►Hilarie T. Gamm 2018 _Billions Lost: The USA Tech Crisis and the Road Map to Change_ (370 pages; 15.1MB; ILL request)◀

Herbert J. Gans 1982 _The Urban Villagers: Group and Class in the Life of Italian-Americans_ (440 pages )

Fred Gardaphe 1989 _Italian American Ways_ ()

C. Harvey Gardiner 1975 _The Japanese and Peru 1873-1973_ (200 pages)

Lloyd P. Gartner 1960 _The Jewish Immigrant in England 1870-1914_ ()

Mary Yanaga George 2018 _Becoming American: 3 Generations_ (295 pages)

David A. Gerber 2011 _American Immigration: A Very Short Introduction_ (150 pages; 1.1MB)

German Heritage Society of Greater Washington DC 1997 _First Germans at JamesTown: A Commemoration_ ()

Justin Gest 2010 _Apart: Alienated and Engaged Muslims in the West_ (256 pages)

Fariborz Ghadar 2014 _Becoming American: Why Immigration [How Many? Which Ones? With What Characteristics?] Is Good for Our Nation's Future_ (210 pages; 2.4MB)

Bimal Ghosh 2000 _Managing Migration: Time for a New InterNational Regime?_ (265 pages; 3.4MB)

(40) ►James G. Gimpel & James R. Edwards ii 1999 _The Congressional Politics of Immigration Reform_ (342 pages; ISBN 9780205282036; OCLC 237327327; Allyn & Bacon; ILL request)◀

Terri Givens, Gary P. Freeman & David L. Leal 2008 _Immigration Police and Security: USA, European, and Commonwealth Perspectives_ (232 pages)

(59) Tom Gjelten 2015 _A Nation of Nations: A Great American Immigration Story: The Dramatic and Compelling Story of the Destruction of the USA during the Last 50 Years_ (405 pages; 21.4MB; 305.8009755 Gje; Main)

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Thomas Kessner 1977 _The Golden Door: Italian and Jewish Immigrant Mobility in New York City 1880-1915_ (250 pages)

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James M. Kettner 1984, 2014 _The Development of USA Citizenship 1608-1870_ (390 pages; 2.3MB)

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Margery Kirkpatrick 1993 _From the Middle Kingdom to the New World: Aspects of the Chinese Experience in Migration to British Guiana_ ()

Terry Kirkpatrick 2012 _60 Miles of Border: An American [USA] LawMan Battles Drugs on the Mexican Border_ (320 pages; 3.6MB)

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Arnold Krammer 1997 _UnDue Process: The UnTold Story of USA's German Alien Internees_ (220 pages)

(43) ►Alan M. Kraut 1995 _Silent Travelers: Germs, Genes, & the Immigrant Menace_ (disease; 369-375 pages; ISBN 0801850967/ 9780801850967; OCLC 191274449; Johns Hopkins; ILL request)◀

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Gary A. Kulhanjian 1977 _A Guide to Armenian Immigrants, Studes and Institutions_ ()

S.W. Kung 1962 _Chinese in American Life: Some Aspects of Their History, Status, Problems, and Contributions_ ()

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Raj V. Kuppa 2015 _The Dark Side of H-1B Visa_ (155 pages; 316KB)

Lon Kurashige 2002 _Japanese American Celebration and Conflict: An History of Ethnic Identity and Festival_ (296 pages)

  - - - - - L

David Marshall Lang 1981, 1989 _The Armenians: A People in Exile_ (200 pages)

Nicholas Latham 2000 _Ronald Reagan and the Politics of Immigration Reform_ (255 pages; 4.9MB)

Peter Laufer 2004 _WetBack Nation: The Case for Opening the Mexican-American Border_ ()

Noel L. Leathers 1974 _The Japanese in the USA_ (60 pages)

Adam LeBor 1997 _A Heart Turned East_ ()

Catherine Lee 2013 _Fictive Kinship: Family ReUnification and the Meaning of Race and Nation in American Migration_ (200 pages; 1.2MB)

Erika Lee 2003 _At America's Gates: Chinese Immigration during the Exclusion Era 1882-1943_ (352 pages; 2.6MB)

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Erika Lee & Judy Yung 2012 _Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America_ (432 pages)

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Joann Faung Jeen Lee 2009 _Asian Americans in the 21st Century: Oral Histories_ ()

Mary Paik Lee & Sucheng Chan 1990 _Quiet Odyssey: A Pioneer Korean Woman in America_ (264 pages)

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Johan Leman & Stef Janssens 2014 _Human Trafficking and "Migrant" Smuggling in SouthEast Europe and Russia: Criminal Entrepreneurship and Traditional Culture_ (170 pages)

Michael C. LeMay 2012 _Transforming America: Perspectives on USA Immigration: The Making of a Nation of Nations: vol1 The Founding to 1865_ (260 pages; 3.3MB)

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Jan Lucassen, Ulbe Bosma & Gert Oostindie 2012 _PostColonial Migrants and Identity Politics: Europe, Russia, Japan, and the USA in Comparison_ (265 pages; 3.1MB)

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Frederick C. Luebke 1980 _Ethnicity on the Great Plains_ (230 pages)

Karl Lueoend 1979 _Schweizer in America: Karrieren und Misserfolge in der Neuen Welt_ ()

Michael Luick-Thrams 2005 _Vanished: German-American Internment 1941-1948_ (100 pages)

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(39) ►Carey McWilliams 2000 _Factories in the Field: The Story of [cheap, pliant] Migratory Farm Labor in California_ (363 pages; ISBN 9780520224131; OCLC 1026808431; U of Crazy California; ILL request)◀


Giles Merritt 2016 _Slippery Slope: Europe's Troubled Future_ (270 pages; 341.2422 MER; Main)

Anthony M. Messina & Gallya Lahav 2005 _The Migration Reader: Exploring Politics and Policies_ (698 pages)

Sandro Mezzadra & Brett Neilson 2013 _Border as Method, or The Multiplication of [cheap, pliant] Labor_ (379 pages; 1.1MB)

(35) David Miller 2016 _Strangers In Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration_ (218 pages; 325.101 Mil; Main)

(33) John J. Miller 1998 _The Un-Making of Americans: How Multi-Culturalism Has UnderMined the Assimilation Ethic_ (293 pages; 306.40973 Mil; Main)

Kerby A. Miller, Arnold Schrier, Bruce D. Boling & David N. Doyle 2003 _Irish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan: Letters and Memoirs from Colonial and Revolutionary America 1675-1815_ ()

Kerby A. Miller 1985, 1988 _Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America_ (675 pages)

Stuart Creighton Miller 1969 _UnWelCome Immigrant: American Image of the Chinese 1785-1882_ ()

(18) ►Todd Miller/ David Miller 2014 _Border Patrol Nation: Dispatches from the Front Lines of HomeLand Security_ (350 pages; ISBN 0872866319/ 9780872866317; OCLC 90782182/ 1059168182; City Lights; 999.9999 Mil; Main; ILL request)◀

Pyong Gap Min 1998 _Changes and Conflicts: Korean Immigrant Families in NY_ ()

Pyong Gap Min, Yen Le Espiritu, Hung C. Thai, Sharmila Rudrappa, Bangela D. Alsaybar, Rose Kim, Nazli Kitria & Mia Tuan 2002 _Second Generation: Ethnic "Identity" among Asian Americans_ (274 pages; 916KB)

Ronald Mize & Alicia Swords 2020 _Consuming Mexican Labor from the Bracero Program to NAFTA_ (290 pages; 2.3MB)


Jeannette Money 1999 _Fences and Neighbors: The Political Geography of Immigration Control_ (235 pages)

Joan W. Moore & Alfredo Cuellar 1971 _Mexican Americans_ (170 pages)

Robert Moore & Tina Wallace 1975 _Slamming the Door: The Administration of Immigration Control_ ()

Ted Morgan 1978 _On Becoming American: A Celebration of What It Means and How It Feels_ (325 pages)

Ben Morreale, Robert Carola & Leslie Caron Carola 2008 _Italian Americans: The Immigrant Experience_ (230 pages)

Dick Morris & Eileen McGann 8888 _Outrage: How Illegal Immigration, the United Nations, Congressional RipOffs, Student Loan OverCharges, Tobacco Companies, Trade Protection, & Drug Companies Are Ripping Us Off and What to Do About It_ ()

Chuck Morse 2005 _Barney Frank and the Law of UnIntended Consequences: How the Frank Amendment Helped Terrorists Get Legal Visas_ (76 pages)

Jonathan W. Moses 2006, 2013 _InterNational Migration: Globalization's Last Frontier_ (265 pages; 861KB)

Jonathan W. Moses 2011 _Emigration and Political Development_ (290 pages; 5.6M)


Susana M. Munoz 2015 _"Identity", Socialist Rioting, and the Destruction of Higher Education: The Journey Stories of Invaders, Illegal Aliens, and Inciters of Violence_ (160 pages; 1.7MB)

(25) Douglas Murray 2017 _The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, "Identity", Islam_ (343 pages; 1.9MB; 940.56 Mur; E)

  - - - - - N

Alixa Naff 1993 _Becoming American: The Early Arab Immigrant Experience_ (385 pages)

Thomas Nail 2016 _[Twisted] Theory of the Border_ (275 pages; 1.9MB)

Thomas Nail 215 _The [Mythologized] Figure of the Migrant_ (300 pages; 1.9MB)

(67) Sonia Nazario 2006, 2007, 2014 _Enrique's Journey_ (291-359 pages; Random House; 305.23089 Naz; Main)◀

Paul Nehlen 2017 _Wage the Battle: Putting USA First in the Fight to Stop Globalist Politicians [and Business Executives] and Secure the Borders [and Ports]_ (155 pages; 531KB)

Humbert S. Nelli 1970 _Italians in Chicago 1880-1930: A Study in Ethnic Mobility_ (320 pages)

Brent Nelson 1994 _America Balkanized: Immigration's Challenge to Government_ (145 pages)

Clifford L. Nelson 1972 _German-American Political Behavior in Nebraska and Wisconsin 1916-1920_ ()

Mary Lou Nemanic 2007 _One Day for Democracy: Independence Day & the Americanization of Iron Range Immigrants_ (295 pages)

Immanuel Ness & Peter Bellwood 2014 _The Global PreHistory of Human Migration_ (448 pages; 10.3MB)

Immanuel Ness 2011 _Guest Workers and Resistance to USA Corporate Despotism_ (195 pages; 780KB)

Immanuel Ness 2010 _Immigrants, Unions, and the New USA Labor Market_ (230 pages; 2MB)

(40) ►Gerald L. Neuman 1996, 2010 _Strangers to the Constitution: Immigrants, Boroders, and Fundamental Law_ (275 pages; 1.3MB; ILL request)◀

Joseph Nevins & Mizue Aizeki 2008, 2013 _Dying to Live: A Story of USA Immigration in an Age of Global Apartheid_ (225 pages; 7.7MB)

John J. Newman 1998 _American [USA] Naturalization Records 1790-1990: What They Are and How to Use Them_ (125 pages)

John J. Newman 1985 _American [USA] Naturalization Process and Records 1790-1985_ (125 pages)

Mae M. Ngai 2004, 2005, 2014 _Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America_ (400 pages; 4.3MB)

Joalo Frederico Normano, Antonello Gerbi & Anita Bradley 1943 _The Japanese in South America: An Introductory Survey with Special Reference to Peru_ (130 pages)

Michael Novakovic 2016 _A Pilgrim for Freedom_ (250 pages; 7.2MB)

Walter Nugent 1992 _Crossings: The Great TransAtlantic Migrations 1870-1914_ (250 pages)

Charles F. Nunn 1979, 2003 _Foreign Immigrants in Early Bourbon Mexico 1700-1760_ (256 pages)

  - - - - - O

Bustenay Oded 1979 _Mass Deportations and Deportees in the Neo-Assyrian Empire_ (145 pages)

Daniel Okrent 2019 _The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics, and the Law That Kept 2 Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European Immigrants Out of the USA_ (490 pages; 53MB; 344.743048 Okr; Main+NE)

Peggy Sands Orchowski 2015 _The Law That Changed The Face of America: The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965_ (230 pages; 1.6MB)

Leo O. Orleans 1988 _Chinese Students in America: Policis, Issues and Numbers_ ()

Lorena Oropeza 2005 _Raza Si! Guerra No!/Race Yes! War No!: Chicano Protest and Patriotism during the Viet Nam War Era_ (296 pages)

Pia M. Orrenius & Madeline Zavodny 2010 _Beside the Golden Door: USA Immigration Reform & Perversion in a New Era of Globalization_ (AEI propagana; 170 pages)

Robert C. Ostergren 1988 _A Community TransPlanted: The Trans-Atlantic Experience of a Swedish Immigrant Settlement in the Upper MidWest 1835-1915_ ()

Caglar Ozden & Maurice Schiff 2005, 2006, 2007 _InterNational Migration, Remittances, and the Brain Drain_ (300 pages; 2.1MB)

  - - - - - P

Dominic A. Pacyga 1991, 2003 _Polish Immigrants and Industrial Chicago: Workers on the South Side 1880-1922_ (310 pages)

Nikos Papastergiadis 2000 _The Turbulence of Migration [Emigration & Immigration across Polity Borders]_ ()

Robert E. Park 1921 _Race and Culture_ ()

Rhacel Parrenas 2015 _Servants of Globalization: Migration and Domestic Work_ (245 pages; 1.1MB)

William T. Parsons 1976 _The Pennsylvania Dutch: A Persistent Minority_ ()

Tony Payan 2006, 2016 _The 3 USA-Mexico Border Wars: Drugs, Immigration, and Homeland Security_ (260 pages; 1.9MB)

David N. Pellow & Lisa Sun-Hee Park 2002 _The Silicon Valley of Dreams: Environmental Injustice, Immigrant Workers, and the High-Tech Global Economy_ (300 pages; 1.2MB)

Nathan Perl-Rosenthal 2015 _Citizen Sailors: Becoming American in the Age of Revolution_ (375 pages; 5MB)

Tiffany Peterson 2004 _Japanese Americans_ (30 pages)

William Peterson 1971, 1981 _Japanese Americans_ ()

Nathalie Peutz, Nicholas de Genova, William Walters &ammp; Galina Cornelisse 2010 _The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, & the Freedom of Movement_ (510 pages; 1.1MB)

James R. Phelps, Jeffrey Dailey & Monica Koenigsberg 2014 _Border Security_ (420 pages)

Linda Schelbitzki Pickle 1996 _Contented Among Strangers: Rural German-Speaking Women and Their Families in the 19th-Century MidWest_ ()

Jane Pinchot 1973, 1979 _The Mexicans in the USA_ (95 pages)

Sasha Polakow-Suransky 2017 _Go Back to Where You Came From: The BackLash against [Excessive, Low-Standards/No-Standards] Immigration and the Fate of Western "Democracy"_ (358 pages; 304.84 Pol; Main)

Rosalie Pedalino Porter 1996 _Forked Tongue: The Politics of BiLingual Education_ (355 pagess)

Alejandro Portes & Ruben G. Rumbaut 2001 _Legacies: The Story of the Immigrant Second Generation_ (345 pages; 7.7MB)

Alejandro Portes & Ruben G. Rumbaut 2014 _Immigrant USA: A Portrait_ (540 pages; 37MB)

Alejandro Portes 2016 _Spanish Legacies: The Coming of Age of the Second Generation_ (325 pages; 31.2MB)

George W. Potter 1960 _To the Golden Door: The Story of the Irish in Ireland and America_ (630 pages)

Benjamin W. Powell et al. 2015 _The Economics of Immigration: Market-Based Approaches_ (265 pages; 8.8MB)

C.A. Price 1963 _Southern Europeans in Australia_ (350 pages)

Lant Pritchett 2006 _Let Their People Come: Breaking the GridLock on Global Labor Mobility_/_Give Us Your Cheap, Young, Pliant Labor, Your Terrorists, InterNational Criminal Gangsters, Your Contagion-Ridden, Your Invaders, 5th Columnists, Intellectual Property Thieves, Spies, Hostile Foreign Operatives Yearning to Murder, Maim, Rape, Sabotage, and Destroy to Help Drive Down These Self-Respecting Westerners Resistant to the Cosmo-Globalist Power-Mad Elitists_ (160 pages;)

Emberson E. Proper 1900 _Colonial Immigration Laws: A study of the regulation of immigration by the English colonies in America_ ()

  - - - - - Q

►Sam Quinones 2015 _DreamLand: The True Tale of the USA's Opiate Epidemic_ (375 pages; 2.9MB; 362.2930973 QUI; Main; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa & Mim Eichler Ross 2011 _Becoming Dr. Q.: My Journey from Migrant Farm Worker to Brain Surgeon_ (315 pages; 2.9MB)

  - - - - - R

Kimberly Rae 2014 _Captive No More: True Stories of Rescued Trafficking Victims and the Heroes Who Brought Them to Freedom_ (128 pages; 3.5MB)

Anita Raghavan 2013 _The Billionaire's Apprentice: The Rise of the Indian-American Elitists and the Fall of the Galleon Hedge Fund_ (500 pages; 2.9MB)

--Jorge Ramos 2002 _No Borders_ (302 pages; bio)

Burt Rashbaum 2001 _Becoming an American and Other Stories_ (110 pages; 348KB)

George Rath 1991 _The Black Sea Germans in the Dakotas_ ()

Arthur Lachlan Reed 2007 _Lucky Lach: Becoming an American_ ()

Philip Reichel & Ryan Randa 2018 _TransNational Crime and Global Security_ (690 pages; 2.9MB)

Andreas V. Reichstein 2001 _German Pioneers on the American Frontier: The Wagners in Texas and Illinois_ ()

Anthony Reid 2001 _Sojourners and Settlers: Histories of SouthEast Asia and the Chinese_ (240 pages)

Ira De A. Reid 1939, 1970 _The Negro Immigrant: His Background, Characteristics and "Social Adjustment" 1899-1937_ ()

David M. Reimers 1999 _UnWelCome Strangers: USA "Identity" [Culture, Ethical Standards] and the Turn Against [Vastly Excessive] Immigration [in a Time of Dysfunctional Job Markets, Recession, Inflation, Over-Population, and Over-Crowding]_ (210 pages)

David M. Reimers 1992 _Still the Golden Door: The 3rd World Comes to the USA_ (350 pages)

H.S. Reinmuth 1970 _Early Stuart Studies_ (R.C. Johnson "The Transportation of Vagrant Children from London to Virginia 1618-1622") ()

Stanley A. Renshon 2005 _The 50% American: Immigration and National "Identity" in an Age of Terrorism_ (230 pages; 3.3MB)

Stanley A. Renshon 2001 _One USA?: Political Leadership, National "Identity", and the Dilemmas of Diversity_ (305 pages; 4.4MB)

Belinda I. Reyes, Hans P. Johnson & Richard van Swearingen 2002 _Holding the Line: The Effect of the Recent [Feeble, Half-Hearted] Border Build-Up on UnAuthorized [Illegal] Immigration_ (170 pages)

colonel Walter T. Richmond 2016 _Hasta la Vista Europe!: What You Are Not Being Told about the "Refugee" Crisis and How It Is Destroying Europe_ (535 pages; 22MB)

Jason Riley 2008 _Let Them In_/_Let Your Cheap, Young, Pliant Labor, Your Terrorists, InterNational Criminal Gangsters, Your Contagion-Ridden, Your Invaders, 5th Columnists, Intellectual Property Thieves, Spies, Hostile Foreign Operatives Yearning to Murder, Maim, Rape, Sabotage, and Destroy to Help Drive Down These Self-Respecting Westerners Resistant to the Cosmo-Globalist Power-Mad Elitists_ (268 pages; 334KB)

La Vern J. Rippley 1976 _The German Americans_ ()

Moses Rischin 1977 _The Promised City: New York's Jews 1870-1914_ (340 pages)

Jillion R. Rising 2016 _United We Stand: Don't Tread on USA_ (195 pages; 573KB)

Caroline Robbins 1962 _A Note on General Naturalization under the Later Stuarts and a Speech in the House of Commons on the Subject in 1664_ ()

Kenneth Lewis Roberts 1922, 2010, 2015 _Why Europe Leaves Home_ (400 pages; 1.6MB)

Craig Robertson 2010 _The Passport in the USA: The History of a Document_ (340 pages; 2.3MB)

Gregory Rodriguez 2008 _Mongrels, Bastards, Orphans, and Vagabonds: Mexican Immigration and the [Fiction] of Race in America_ (325 pages; 1.1MB)

Tamara L. Roleff 2004 _Immigration: Opposing ViewPoints in World History_ (239 pages; 325.73; was catalogued; now it is not)

Ananda Rose 2012 _ShowDown in the Sonoran Desert: Religion, Law, and the Immigration Controversy_ (208 pages)

Norton Rose 8888 _Norton Rose on Border Security_ ()

Edward Alsworth Ross 1914, 2015 _The Old World in the New: The Significance of Past and Present Immigration to the American People_ (260 pages; 3.6MB)

Sebastian Rotella 1998 _TwiLight on the Line: UnderWorlds and Politics at the USA-Mexico Border_ (320 pages; 363.45; ???was catalogued; now it is not???)

Byron M. Roth 2010 _The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature_ (575 pages; 989KB)

Sharmila Rudrappa 2004 _Ethnic Routes to Becoming American: Indian Immigrants and the Cultures of Citizenship_ (245 pages; 3.4MB)

Jan Jarboe Russell 2015 _The Train to Crystal City: FDR's Secret Prisoner Exchange Program and USA's "Only" Family Internment Camp During World War 2_ (410 pages; 19.7MB; 940.5317764 Rus; Main+NE+Jax)

  - - - - - S

Rachel St. John 2012 _Line in the Sand: An History of the Western USA-Mexico Border_ (296 pages)

(20) ►Reihan Salam 2018 _Melting Pot or Civil War?: A Son of Immigrants Makes the Case Against Open Borders_ (215 pages; 1.4MB; ILL request)◀

Rifat Anjum Salam 2013 _Negotiating Tradition, Becoming American: Family, Sex, and Authonomy for Second Generation South Asians_ (255 pages)

Richard Sallet & Lavern J. Rippley 1974 _Russian-German Settlements in the USA_ (200 pages)

Rosemary C. Salomone 2010 _True American: Language, Identity, and the Education of Immigrant Children_ (310 pages; 2.7MB)

Christian G. Samito 2011 _Becoming American Under Fire: Irish Americans, African Americans, and the Politics of Citizenship during the Civil War Era_ (310 pages; 2.3MB)

George J. Sanchez 1995 _Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles 1900-1945_ (400 pages)

Sol W. Sanders 8888 _Mexico: Chaos on Our DoorStep_ ()

John Phillip Sanderson 1856, 2010 _Republican LandMarks: The Views and Opinions of USA StatesMen on Foreign Immigration_ (360 pages)

Al Santoli 1989 _New Americans: Immigrants & Refugees in the USA Today_ (405 pages)

Saskia Sassen 2000 _Guests and Aliens: Invited Visitors & UnInvited Invaders_ (215 pages; Socialistologist)

Saskia Sassen 2015 _Losing Control?: Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization_ (125 pages; surrendering to invasion; Socialistologist)

Saskia Sassen 1990 _The Mobility of Labor and Capital: A Study in InterNational Investment and Labor Flow [with Other People's Money and Labor]_ (230 pages; Socialistologist)

Saskia Sassen 2008 _Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages_ (500 pages; 2.2MB; Socialistologist)

Jennifer B. Saunders, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh & Susanna Snyder 2016 _Intersections of Religion and Migration: Issues at the Global CrossRoads_ (ahem, Borders; 350 pages; 2.8MB)

Michael Savage 2015 _Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth_ (320.5209 SAV; Main)

(57) Michael Savage 2015 _Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture_ (350 pages; 320.520973 SAV; NE+Jax)

(45) Michael Savage 2002 _The Savage Nation: Saving USA from the Leftist Assault on Our Borders, Language, and Culture_ (220 pages; 306.0973 Sav; NE)

Harry Leonard Sawatzky 1971 _They Sought a Country: Mennonite Colonization in Mexico_ ()

Edgar H. Schein 2016 _Becoming American: My First Learning Journey_ (105 pages; 4.9MB)

Giovanni Schiavo 1928, 1975 _The Italians in Chicago_ ()

Giovanni Schiavo 1952 _4 Centuries of Italian-American History_ ()

Carl Ulrik Schierup, Peo Hansen & Stephen Castles 2006 _Migration, Citizenship, and the European Socialist Illfare State: A European Dilemma_ (325 pages; 4.6MB)

Karen Schniedewind & Klaus J. Bade 1992 "Fremde in der Alten Welt: Die TransAtlantische Rueckwanderung" _Deutsche im Ausland --Fremde in Deutschland: Migration in Geschichte und Gegenwart_ ()

Karen Schniedewind 1991 _Sozialgeschichte deutscher Rueckwanderer aus den USA nach Bremen 1850-1914_ ()

Peter Schrag 2010 Not Fit for Our Society: Immigration and Nativism in the USA_ (310 pages; 1MB)

William A. Schwab & G. David Gearhart 2013 _Right to DREAM: Immigration Perversion and USA's Future_ (155 pages; 602KB)

Hans Peter Schwartz 8888 _The New Migration to Europe_ ()

Otey Scruggs 1988 _Braceros, WetBacks, and the Farm Labor Problem_ ()

Lisa See 1995 _On Gold Mountain: The 100-Year Odyssey of a Chinese-American Family_ (390 pages; 929.2 SEE; Main)

Tatiana Seijas 2014 _Asian Slaves in Colonial Mexico: From Chinos to Indians_ (285 pages; 5.5MB)

Andrew D. Selee 2018 _Vanishing Frontiers: The Forces Driving Mexico and the USA Together_ (323 pages; 337.73 SEL; Main)

Maxine Schwartz Seller 1980, 1994 _Immigrant Women_ (390 pages)

Manuel P. Servin 1970, 1972, 1974 _The Mexican Americans: An Awakening Minority_ (230 pages)

Alan F. Sewell 2018 _Exploding the Globalist Establishment's Deceptive Myths: On Trade, Immigration, and Politics_ (330 pages; 1.6MB)

Cheryl Lynne Shanks 2009 _Immigration and the Politics of USA Sovereignty 1890-1990_ (390 pages; 4MB)

Louise Shelley 2010 _Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective_ (356 pages)

Jason H. Silverman 2015 _Lincoln and the Immigrant_ (150 pages; 2.8MB)

Paul A. Silverstein 2004 _Algeria in France: TransPolitics, Race, and Nation_ (295 pages)

Julian Simon 1989 _The Economic Consequences of Immigration_ ()

James Simpson 2015 _The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase the USA_ (65 pages; 2.4MB)

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Abbot Emerson Smith 1965, 1971, 2009 _Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict Labor in America 1670-1776_ (430 pages; 1.7MB)

Warren B. Smith 1961, 1970 _White Servitude in Colonial SC_ (at least 60 pages)

Carl Solberg 1970 _Immigration and Nationalism: Argentina and Chile 1890-1914_ ()

Werner Sollors 1986, 1987 _Beyond Ethnicity: Consent and Descent in USA Culture_ (305 pages; 6.3MB)

Rebecca Solnit 2011 _A Book of Migrations_ (255 pages; 1MB)

Sam Solomon & E. al Maqdisi 2009 _Modern Day Trojan Horse: al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?_ (160 pages)

Ann Sorrentino 1989 _Italian American Ways_ ()

Lauren Southern 2016 _Barbarians: How [Some of] the Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam [Harmed] My Generation_ (60 pages; 490KB)

Daniel Soyer et al. 2004 _A Coat of Many Colors: Immigration, Globalization, and Reform in New York City's Garment Industry_ (290 pages)

Paul Spickard 2008 _Japanese Americans: The Formation and Transformations of an Ethnic Group_ (280 pages)

J. Michael Springmann 2017 _GoodBye, Europe? Hello, Chaos?: Merkel's "Migrant" Bomb_ (245 pages; 1.7MB)

Ilan Stavans, Anya Ulinich et al. 2009, 2014 _Becoming Americans: Immigrants Tell Their Stories from JamesTown to Today_ (740 pages)

Edward A. Steiner 1906 _On the Trail of the Immigrant_ ()

Georg M. Stephenson 1964 _An History of American Immigration 1820-1924_ ()

Angela Steusse 2016 _Scratching Out a Living: Latinos, Race, and Work in the Deep South_ (320 pages; 7.5MB)

Norman R. Stewart 1967 _Japanese Colonization in Eastern Paraguay_ ()

Ellwyn R. Stoddard 1973, 1981 _Mexican Americans_ ()

William Osborn Stoddard & C. Chase Emerson 1903, 2019 _Ahead of the Army_ (230-320 pages; 492KB)

M. Mark Stolarik 1988 _Forgotten Doors: The Other Ports of Entry to the United States_ (JV6450 .F67 1988 pg 66)

David Stoll 8888 _El Norte or Bust!_ ()

Ulas Sunata 2011 _"Highly Skilled" Labor Migration: The Case for ICT Specialists from Turkey in Germany_ (Gaestarbeiteren)

Betty Lee Sung 1972 _The Chinese in the USA_ (335 pages)

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Brian Sussman 2012 _Pursuing Liberty: America Through the Eyes of the Newly Free_ ()

Teiiti Suzuki 1969 _The Japanese Immigrant in Brazil_ ()

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Loretto Dennis Szucs 1998 _They Became Americans: Finding Naturalization Records and Ethnic Origins_ (260 pages)

  - - - - - T

Donald Reed Taft & Richard Robbins 1955 _InterNational Migrations: The Immigrant in the Modern World_ (670 pages)

Jere Takahashi 1998 _Nisei Sansei: Shifting Japanese American Identities and Politics_ (261 pages)

Ronald Takaki 1998 _Strangers from a Different Shore: An History of Asian Americans_ (640 pages)

Ronald Takaki 1998 _A Larger Memory: An History of Our Diversity, with Voices_ (384 pages)

Winthrop Talbot 2016 _Americanization: Principles of Americanism, Essentials of Americanization, Technic of Race-Assimilation_ (370 pages)

Jurgen Tampke 2007 _The Germans in Australia_ (200 pages)

Tom Tancredo 2005 _Open Borders, Open Wounds: What USA Needs to Know about Illegal Immigration_ (175 pages)

Tom Tancredo 2006 _In Mortal Danger: The Battle for USA's Border and Security_ (215 pages)

Tom Tancredo & Phil Ross 2013 _Hating America: The Left's Long History of Despising and Slowly Destroying Our Great Country_ (275 pages; 665KB)

Yash Tandon 1973 _Problems of a DisPlaced Minority: The New Position of East Africa's Asians_ ()

Melissa Tate 2020 _Choice Privilege: What's Race Got to Do with It?_ ()

(33) Kimball Taylor 2016 _The Coyote's BiCycle: The UnTold Story of 7K BiCycles & the Rise of a BorderLand Empire_ (407 pages; 364.13709721 Tay; Main)

Philip A.M. Taylor 1971, 1972 _The Distant Magnet: European Immigration to the USA_ (320 pages)

Michael S. Teitelbaum 2014 _Falling Behind?: Boom, Bust, and the Global Race for Scientific Talent_ (272 pages; 2.2MB)

Edward E. Telles & Vilma Ortiz 2008, 2009 _Generations of Exclusion: Mexican Americans, Assimilation, and Race_ (383 pages)

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Daniel J. Tichenor 2002 _Dividing Lines: The Politics of Immigration Control in the USA_ (390 pages; 10.9MB)

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Sergio A. Tinoco 2016 _Proud USA Citizen_/_Proud American: The Migrant, Soldier, and Agent_ (270 pages; ILL request)◀

Don Heinrich Tolzman 2000 _The German-American Experience_ ()

Silvano M. Tomasi & Madeline Engel 1970 _Italian Experience in the USA_ ()

John Torpey 1999, 2000 _The Invention of the Passport_ (Crazy California Socialistologist; 215 pages)

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Gloria Pilar Totoricaguena 2015 _Basque Diaspora: Migration, Identity, Culture, and Politics_ (290 pages; 7.6MB)

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Christine M. Totten 1983 _Roots in the Rhineland: America's German Heritage in 300 years of Immigration 1683-1983_ ()

Gia-Bao Tran 2011 _VietNAmerica: A Family's Journey_ (288 pages; 973.049597 Tra; Main)

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Zebulon Baird Vance 1904, 2018 _The Scattered Nation_ (66 pages)

John Vanek 2016 _The Essential Abolitionist: What You Need to Know about Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery_ (240 pages; 561KB)

Chia Youyee Vang 2009 _Hmong in Minnesota_ (90 pages; 1.1MB)

Vincent Vargas 2023-11-14 Borderline: Defending the Home Front_ (320 pages; ISBN 9781250285577; OCLC 1391451195; St. Martin's; ILL request)

Jacob L. Vigdor 2010 _From Immigrants to Americans: The Rise and Fall of Fitting In_/_From Immigrants to USA Citizens: The Rise and Fall of Fitting In_ (220 pages; 3.6MB)

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Myron Weiner 2015 _Sons of the Soil: Migration and Ethnic Conflict in India_ (400 pages)

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Deborah Weiss 2015 _The Organization of Islamic CoOperation's Jihad Against Free Speech_ (66 pages; 1.6MB)

David Weissbrodt & Laura Danielson 8888 _Immigration Law and Procedure in a NutShell_ (800 pages; 1.4MB)

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Jack Wertheimer 1991 _UnWelCome Strangers: East European Jews in Imperial Germany_ (280 pages)

Darrell M. West 2010 _Brain Gain_ (175 pages; 1.5MB)

Thomas C. Wheeler 1992 _The Immigrant Experience: The Anguish of Becoming American_ (215 pages)

Colin White & Laurie Boucke 2013 _The UnDutchables: An Observation of the Netherlands, Its Culture, and Its Inhabitants_ (312 pages)

Colin White & Laurie Boucke 2004 _The UnDutchables: Leven in Holland_ (256 pages)

Colin White & Laurie Boucke 2002 _The UnDutchables BirthDay Calendar: Verjaardagskalender_ ()

Colin White & Laurie Boucke 2002 _The UnDutchables 6.0_ ()

Roger White 2010 _Migration and International Trade: The US Experience Since 1945_ (220 pages)

Chilton Williamson ii 1996 _The Immigration Mystique: USA's False Conscience_ (220 pages)

Chilton Williamson ii, David A. Hartman & Peter Brimelow 2007 _Immigration and the USA Future_ (300 pages)

Walter Wilcox 1931 _InterNational Migrations_ ()

Geert Wilders 2012 _Marked for Death: Islam's War Against the West and Me_ (306 pages; 1.1MB)

Jeremy M. Wilson & Erin Dalton 2007 _Human Trafficking in Ohio: Markets, Responses, and Considerations_ (105 pages; 896KB)

Robert Winder 2004, 2005 _Bloody Foreigners: The Story of [Excessive] Immigration to Britain_ (550 pages)

Kenneth J. Winkle 1988 _The Politics of Community: Migration and Politics in AnteBellum Ohio_ (250 pages)

Carl Frederick Wittke 1939, 1964, 1967 _We Who Built America: The Saga of the Immigrant_ (560 pages)

Carl Frederick Wittke 1936 _German Americans and the World War_ ()

Carl Frederick Wittke 1952 _Refugees of Revolution: The German 48ers in America_ ()

Carl Frederick Wittke 1956, 1970 _The Irish in the USA_ (310 pages)

Marianne S. Wokeck 1999 _Trade in Strangers: The Beginnings of Mass Migration to North America_ (340 pages; 6.1MB)

Frosty Wooldridge 2004 _Immigration's UnArmed Invasion: Deadly Consequences_ (345 pages)

Russell O. Wright 2008 _Chronology of Immigration in the United States of America_ (200 pages)

Claus Wust/Klaus Wust 1969, 1975, 1989 _The Virginia Germans_ (320 pages)

Mark Wyman 1996 _Round-Trip to America: The Immigrants Return to Europe 1880-1930_ (265 pages)

  - - - - - X

  - - - - - Y

Dori Jones Yang 2011 _Voices of the Second Wave: Chinese Americans in Seattle_ (400 pages)

Jia Lynn Yang 2020 _One Mighty and Irresistible Tide: The Epic Struggle Over USA Immigration 1924-1965: Vastly Excessive Immigration InFill after Frontiers Were Gone_ (320 pages; 1.7MB)

Robert M. Yerkes 1921, 2013, 2014 _Psychological Examining in the United States Army_ (910 pages)

Robert K. Yin 1973 _Race, Creed, Color, or National Origin_ (310 pages)

Stanley Yokell 2018 _Becoming American: A Story of One of the Greatest Generation_ (235 pages; 791KB)

Charles H. Young & Helen R.Y. Reid 1938 _The Japanese Canadians_ ()

Toni Young 1999 _Becoming American, Remaining Jewish: The Story of Wilmington, Delaware's First Jewish Community 1879-1924_ (380 pages)

  - - - - - Z

Tara Zahra 2016 _The Great Departure: Mass Migration from Eastern Europe and the Making of the Free World_ (392 pages; 4.4MB; 304.8704; Main+E)

Linda Shuo Zhao 2013 _Financing Illegal Migration: Chinese UnderGround Banks and Human Smuggling in New York City_ (165 pages; 1.2MB)

Helen Zia 2001 _Asian American Dreams: The Emergence of an American People_ (368 pages)

Christina A. Ziegler-McPherson 2009 _Americanization in the States: Immigrant Socialist Illfare Policy, Citizenship, and National "Identity" in the USA 1908-1929_ (325 pages; U of HogTown Press)

(20) ►John Zmirak & Al Perrotta 2018 _The Politically InCorrect Guide to Immigration_ (190 pages; 1.7MB; ILL request)◀

Aristide R. Zolberg 2008, 2009 _A Nation by Design: Immigration Policy in the Fashioning of America_ (672 pages; 6.2MB)

Aristide R. Zolberg & Peter M. Benda 2001 _Global Migrants, Global Refugees: Problems and Solutions_ (375 pages)

Ira Zornberg 2018 _Immigration Wars: The History of USA Immigration Policies_ (230 pages)

John E. Zucchi 1988 _Italians in Toronto: Development of a National "Identity" 1875-1935_ (280 pages)

Marcia A. Zug 2016 _Buying a Bride: An Engaging History of Mail-Order Matches_ (310 pages; 3.8MB)


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