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Constitution, Law, Criminology, Ethics & Morality:
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anonymous 2018 _Deep State Tyrants: Conspiracy, Cover-Up, & the Russian Hoax_ (29 pages; 1.4MB)
Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen & Harry Lewis 2008, 2020 _Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, & Happiness After the Digital Explosion_ (336 pages; ISBN 9780134850016; Addison Wesley)
(37) Elias Aboujaoude 2011 _Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality_ (349 pages; 616.8584 Abo; Main)
Charles F. Adams 1854, 2012 _Works of John Adams_ (5500 pages; 7.8MB)
J. Christian Adams 2011 _Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department_ (300 pages; 487KB)
John Adams 1797 _A Defense of the Constitution of Government of the United States_ (3 volumes)
Willi Paul Adams 1980 _The First State Constitutions_ ()
Willi Paul Adams, Richard B. Morris, Rita Kimber, Robert Kimber 2001 _The First American Constitutions: Republican Ideology and the Making of the State Constitutions in the Revolutionary Era_ (400 pages; 1.9MB)
Mortimer Jerome Adler 1958 _The Idea of Freedom_ (680 pages)
James Alfred Aho 1994 _This Thing of Darkness: A Sociology of the Enemy_ (220 pages)
Jay S. Albanese 2001 _TransNational Crime and the 21st Century: Criminal Enterprise, Corruption, and Opportunity_ (170 pages)
Jay S. Albanese 2014 _Organized Crime from the Mob to TransNational Organized Crime_ (400 pages; 4.6MB)
Jay S. Albanese & Philip Lee Reichel 2013 _TransNational Organized Crime: An OverView from 6 Continents_ (210 pages; 3.9MB)
Mark Albion 2006 _True to YourSelf: Leading a Values-Based Business_ (190 pages; 524KB)
(40) ►Katherine Albrecht & Liz McIntyre 2005, 2006 _SpyChips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Purchase and Watch Your Every Move_ (280 pages; 1.8MB; ILL request)◀
Katherine Albrecht & Liz McIntyre 2006 _The SpyChip Threat: Why Christians Should Resist RFID and Electronic Surveillance_ (280 pages; 2.4MB)
Ellen Alderman & Caroline Kennedy 1995 _The Right to Privacy_ (405 pages; 323.448; Main)
(50) ►Herbert E. Alexander & Gerald E. Caiden 1986 _The Politics and Economics of Organized Crime_ (175 pages; ISBN 9780669093421; OCLC 610409125/ 797262749; Lexington; ILL request)◀
(55) ►major-general Robert Alexander, esq. 1856 _The Rise and Progress of British Opium Smuggling and Its Effects Upon India, China, and the Commerce of Great Britain_ (5 letters to lord Shaftesbury; 65-80 pages; ISBN ; OCLC 20344883/ 557392604; Judd & Glass/Seeley, Jackson & Company; ILL request)◀
Dean Alfange 1937 _The Supreme Court and the National Will_ (297 pages; when he was a Raw Dealer)
Firas Adnan Jabbar al-Jubouri 2014 _MileStones on the Road to Dystopia: Interpreting George Orwell's Self-Division in an Era of Force and Fraud_ (260 pages)
William B. Allen & Gordon Lloyd 2001 _The Essential AntiFederalist_ (378 pags; 781KB)
Kristofer Allerfeldt 2018-01-12, 2018-01-23 _Organized Crime in the USA 1865-1941_ (290 pages; 4.3MB; 1.2 pounds; ISBN 9781476670652; McFarland)
Robert S. Alley 1988 _The Supreme Court on Church and State_ ()
Johannes Althusius & Jeffrey J. Veenstra 1605, 2013 _On Law and Power_ (135 pages; 2.5MB)
Ruben Alvarado 2011 _Common Law & Natural Rights_ (150 pages; 322KB)
Akhil Reed Amar 2015 _The Law of the Land: A Grand Tour of Our Constitutional Republic_ (371 pages; 1.2MB; 342.73; Main)
Akhil Reed Amar 2005 _America's Constitution: A Biography_ ()
Akhil Reed Amar 1998 _The Bill of Rights: Creation and ReConstruction_ ()
Akhil Reed Amar 2016 _The Constitution Today: Timeless Lessons for the Issues of Our Era_ (454 pages; 342.73; Main)
David Ammerman 1974, 1975 _In the Common Cause: American Response to the Coercive Acts of 1774_ ()
Henry Anderson 2014 _An Enquiry into the Natural Right of Mankind to Debate Freely Concerning Religion_ (370 pages; 337MB)
Ryan T. Anderson 2015 _Truth OverRuled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom_ (270 pages; 1.2MB)
Peter Andreas & Kelly M. Greenhill 2011 _Sex, Drugs, and Body Counts: The Politics of Numbers in Global Crime and Conflict_ (275 pages; 2.5MB)
(17) Peter Andreas 2013 _Smuggler Nation: How Illicit Trade Made the USA_ (454 pages; 8.4MB; 364.1336 And; Main)
Lori B. Andrews, Mark A. Rothstein & Maxwell Mehlman 2006, 2010, 2015 _Genetics: Ethics, Law, and Policy_ (880 pages)
William Andrews 1890 _Old-Time Punishments_ ()
Paul M. Angle 1973 _Bloody Williamson: A Chapter in American Lawlessness_ ()
(13) Julia Angwin 2014 _DragNet Nation: A Quest for Privacy, Security, and Freedom in a World of Relentless Surveillance_ (immoral tech tyrants; deep state; 289 pages; 972KB; 323.448 Ang; Main)
Michael G. Ankerich 2013 _Dangerous Curves Atop Hollywood Heels: The Lives, Careers, and MisFortunes of 14 Hard-Luck Girls of the Silver Screen_ (400 pages; 30.8MB)
(35) Anthony Appiah 2006 _Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers_ (196 pages; ISBN 0393061559; Norton; 172 App; Main)
(9) Anne Applebaum 2020 _TwiLight of "Democracy": The Seductive Allure of Authoritarianism_ (215 pages; 1.2MB; 321.9 App; Main)
Shahida Arabi 8888 _20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths Use to Silence You_ ()
Dan Ariely 2013 _The Honest Truth about Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone... Especially Ourselves_ (330 pages; 4.8MB)
Hadley Arkes 1994, 1997 _The Return of George Sutherland: Restoring a Jurisprudence of Natural Rights_ (300 pages)
Dominick T. Armentano 1990, 1996, 2014 _AntiTrust and Monopoly: Anatomy of a Policy Failure_ (300 pages; 1.3MB)
(14) ►Larry P. Arnn 2013 _The Founders' Key: The Divine and Natural Connection Between the Declaration and the Constitution and What We Risk by Losing It_ (220 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Hillsdale; ILL request)◀
(15) ►President Trump's Advisory 1776 Commission, Larry Paul Arnn, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Carol M. Swain, M.S.L., Ph.D., Matthew Spalding, Ph.D. et al. 2020-02-15 _The 1776 Report_ (AmRev; 75-128 pages; ISBN 9781641772259; 9798709839465; OCLC 9999; GPO, Encounter & others; ILL request)◀
Paul Aron 2008 _We Hold These Truths... and Other Words That Made the USA_ ()
Ron Arons 2008 _The Jews of Sing Sing: Gotham Gangsters & Gonuvim_ (375 pages; 3.8MB)
Bradley Shavit Artson & Adam Siegel 2008 _It's a Mitzvah: Step-By-Step Guide to Jewish Living_ (230 pages)
Michael Asken, Loren W. Christensen, Dave Grossman 2010 _Warrior MindSet_ (256 pages)
Harry Atwood 1927, 1962 _The Constitution Explained_ ()
Zachary Auburn 2016 _How to Talk to Your Cat about Gun Safety, and Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their 9 Lives_ (140 pages; 75.7MB)
Jerold S. Auerbach 1976 _Unequal Justice: Lawyers and "Social Change" in Modern America_ ()
John Augustus 1852, 1939 _John Augustus: 1st Probation Officer_ ()
Andreas Harald Aure 2015 _The Right to Wage War: The German Reception of Grotius 50 Years after "De Iure Belli ac Pacis"_ (210 pages; 3.7MB)
Michael Avery & Danielle McLaughlin 2013 _The Federalist Society: How Non-Leftists Took Back [Some of] the Law Back from [Power-Mad Oath-Breaking Illiberal Leftists]_ (295 pages; 1.2MB)
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Paul Babiak & Robert D. Hare 2007 _Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work_ ()
Ronet D. Bachman, Russell K. Schutt & Margaret Suzanne Plass 2015, 2016 _Fundamentals of Research in Criminoogy and Criminal Justice_ (660 pages; 13.1MB)
F.G. Bailey 1991 _The Prevalence of Deceit_ ()
F. Lee Bailey 1971 _The Defense Never Rests_ ()
(25) Bernard Bailyn 1993 _The Debate on the Constitution: vol1 Federalist and AntiFederalist Speeches, Articles, and Letters During the Struggle Over Ratification_ (Enlightenment; postAmRev; 342.73029 Deb Part 1; Main)
(29) Bernard Bailyn 1993 _The Debate on the Constitution: Part 2: 1788 January to August_ Richard Henry Lee to Edmund Pendleton "The Guarantee of Essential Rights: A Scheme for Amending the Constitution" (Enlightenment; postAmRev; 342.73029 Deb Part 2; Main)
Robert M. Baird, Reagan Mays Ramsower & Stuart E. Rosenbaum 2000 _CyberEthics: "Social" & Moral Issues in the Computer Age_ (twisted tech "ethics"; 345 pages)
Deirdre Bair 2016 _Al Capone: His Life, Legacy, and Legend_ (360 pages; 14.1MB)
James Jay Baker & Wayne LaPierre 2002 _Shooting Straight_ ()
Nancy V. Baker 1992 _Conflicting Loyalties: Law and Politics in the Attorney General's Office, 1789-1990_ ()
Radley Balko 2013 _Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces_ (400 pages; 363.20973; E)
Radley Balko 2006 _OverKill: The Rise of ParaMilitary Police Raids in America_ ()
Lea Ball 2004 _The Federalist - Anti-Federalist Debate over States' "Rights": A Primary Source Investigation_ (64 pages)
Michelle Ballard, Kimberly Bowden, Sean Nealon & Jessica Hoffman 2014, 2016 _Corporate Ethics for Big Data_ (27 pages; 3MB)
Kenneth A. Bamberger & Deirdre K. Mulligan 2015 _Privacy on the Ground: Driving Corporate Behavior in the USA and Europe_ (340 pages; 1.4MB)
(32) James Bamford 2008 _The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 2001/09/11 to EavesDropping on USA Citizens_ (395 pages; 327.1273 Bam; Main+NE)
George Bancroft 1886, 1982 _A Plea for the Constitution_ ()
Christopher P. Banks & John C. Blakeman 2012 _The USA Supreme Court and New Federalism: From the Rhenquist to the Roberts Court_ (350 pages; 819KB)
(22) ►Veronica Barassi 2020 _Child, Data, Subject: How Immoral Tech Tyrants Are Violating Our Privacy from before Birth_/_Child, Data, Subject: How Tech Companies Are Profiling US from before Birth_ (immoral tech tyrants; crime; criminology; 215-226 pages; ISBN 9780262044714; OCLC 1147266452; MIT; ILL request)◀
Harold Barclay 2013 _People without Government: An Anthropology of Anarchism_ (192 pages; 510KB)
Burl Barer 2011 _Fatal Beauty: Rodeo Star, Seductress, Killer_ (340 pages; 5.8MB)
Harry Elmer Barnes 1927 _The Evolution of Penology in PA: A Study in American Social History_ ()
Randy E. Barnett, J.D. 2016 _Our Republican Constitution: Securing the Liberty of We the People_ (280-320 pages; 827KB-1.2MB)
Randy E. Barnett, J.D. 2014 _The Structure of Liberty: Justice and the Rule of Law_ (375 pages; 1.2MB)
(20) ►Randy E. Barnett, J.D. 2003, 2013, 2014 _Restoring the Lost Constitution: The Presumption of Liberty_ (430-432 pages; 2.9MB; ISBN 9780691159737; OCLC 1226333552; PrincetonU; ILL request)◀
(24) ►Randy E. Barnett, J.D. 1991, 1993 _The Rights Retained by the People: The History and Meaning of the 9th Amendment_ (350-546 pages; 990KB; ISBN 9780916969441; OCLC 638621011/ 832385484; GMU; ILL request)◀
(25) ►Randy E. Barnett, J.D. & Evan D. Bernick, J.D. 2021-11-02 _The Original Meaning of the 14th Amendment: Its Letter & Spirit_ (488 pages; ISBN 9780674257764/ 9780674257764; OCLC 1240773347; Belknap/HarvardU; interviews, reviews; ILL request)◀
Randy E. Barnett, J.D. & Howard E. Katz 2013, 2014 _Constitutional Law: Cases in Context_ (1,700 pages; 17.7MB)
Randy E. Barnett, J.D. & Howard E. Katz 2016 _Constitutional Law 2016: Cases in Context_ (290 pages; 1.2MB)
Randy E. Barnett, J.D. & Howard E. Katz 2016 _Constitutional Rights 2016: Cases in Context_ (1000 pages; 11.2MB)
Randy E. Barnett, J.D. & Josh Blackman 2017-12-11, 2018 _Constitutional Rights: Cases in Context_ (1049 pages; ISBN 9781454892908; OCLC 1010621345; Wolters Kluwer)
(30) ►Randy E. Barnett, J.D. & Josh Blackman & Erwin Chemerinsky 2019, 2020 _An Introduction to Constitutional Law: 100 Supreme Court Cases Everone Should Know_ (320-369-400 pages; 18MB; ISBN 9781543813906; OCLC 1154682147; Wolters Kluwer; interview; ILL request)◀
(32) ►Randy E. Barnett, J.D. 2016-04-19 _Our Republican Constitution: Securing Liberty & Sovereignty of We the People_ (296-320 pages; ISBN 9780062412287; OCLC 908990107; Broadside/HarperCollins; ILL request)◀
Micky Barnetti, Matt Crypto, Dead Writers Club, Pointer Institute for Media Studies & Rex Curry, J.D. 2015 _Lies My Teacher Told Me: Swastikas, Nazis, Pledge of Allegiance_ (95 pages; 460KB)
Micky Barnetti, Matt Crypto, Dead Writers Club, Pointer Institute for Media Studies & Rex Curry, J.D. 2015 _Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of American Nazism_ (95 pages; 482KB)
Simon Baron-Cohen 2011 _The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty_ (250 pages; 1.4MB)
Clemens Bartollas 1981 _Introduction to Corrections_ ()
Benjamin H. Barton & Stephanos Bibas 2017 _ReBooting Justice: More Technology, Fewer Lawyers, and the Future of Law_ (270 pages; 1.5MB)
David Barton 1997, 2008, 2013 _Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution, and Religion_ (640 pages; 4MB)
(39) S. Jonathan Bass 2001 _Blessed Are the PeaceMakers: Martin Luther King ii, 8 "White" Religious Leaders, & the Letter from Birmingham Jail_ (322 pages; ISBN 080712655; Louisiana State U; 323.092 Bas; Main)
(17) ►Luigi Marco Bassani, Ph.D. 2010-06-30, 2012-07-20 _Liberty, State, & Union: The Political Theory of Thomas Jefferson_ (Enlightenment; AmRev; postAmRev; 277 pages; ISBN 9780881462876/ 9780881461862; ASIN B01FIZ4SC2; OCLC 759908099/ 758887118; MercerU; ILL request)◀
(22) ►Luigi Marco Bassani, Ph.D. 2021-03-28 _Chaining Down Leviathan: The USA Dream of Self-Government 1776-1865_ (1776-1865; 303-380 pages; 875KB; ISBN 9781733407519; ASIN B0918PPYF1; OCLC 999; Abbeville Institute; ILL request)◀
Bob Batchelor 2019 _The Bourbon King: The Life and Crimes of George Remus: Prohibition's Evil Genius_ (325 pages; 2.6MB)
Rob Bauer 2018 _OutSide the Lines of Gilded Age BaseGall: Alcohol, Fitness, and Cheating in 1880s BaseBall_ (195 pages; 339KB)
Roy F. Baumeister 2015 _Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty_ (448 pages; 3.8MB)
Deborah Baumgold 1988, 2017 _Thomas Hobbes's Political Theory_ (615 pages; 11.1MB)
J.M. Beattie 1986, 2001 _Crime and the Courts in England 1660-1800_ (675 pages)
J.M. Beattie 2012 _The First English Detectives: The Bow Street Runners and the Policing of London 1750-1840_ (340 pages)
Tom L. Beauchamp & James F. Childress 2012 _Principles of BioMedical Ethics_ (470 pages)
Cesare Bonesana marchese Beccaria/marquis Cesare Beccaria 1764 _Essay on Crimes and Punishments_
Cesare & Edward D. Ingraham 1764, 1819, 2018 _AnEssay on Crimes and Punishments_ (235 pages)
(5) ►Glenn Beck & Kyle Olson 2014 _Conform: Exposing the Truth about "Common Core" [Communist Corpse] and Public Education_ (258-265 pages; 2.8MB; ISBN 1476773882/ 1476773890/ 9781476773889/ 9781476673896; OCLC 862788402; Threshold/Mercury Radio Arts; ILL request)◀
(9) Glenn Beck, Kevin Balfe & Joshua Charles 2011 _The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Constitution Adapted for the 21st Century_ (AmRev; 1787-1808; postAmRev; 430 pages; 342.73029; Main+NEast)
(10) Glenn Beck 2016 _Liars: How Regressives Exploit Our Fears for Power and Control_ (335 pages; ISBN 9781476798882; OCLC ; Threshold; 320.5130973 Bec; NE+East)
(14) Glenn Beck & Kevin Balfe 2012 _Cowards: What Politicians, Radicals, & the Media Refuse to Say_ (306 pages; ISBN 9781451693478; OCLC ; Threshold/Mercury; 320.520973 Bec; NE+Main)
(25) ►John C. Beck 2013 _Good vs. Good: Why the 8 Great Goods Are Behind Every Good (and Bad) Decision_ (226-230 pages; 6.3MB; ISBN 0984749144/ 9780984749140; OCLC 843058031; North Star; ILL request)◀
(10) Martha Nibley Beck 2021 _The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self_ (327 pages; ISBN 9781984881489; 158.1 Bec; Main)
Richard R. Beeman 2009 _Plain, Honest Men: The Making of the USA Constitution_ (530 pages; 6.3MB)
(27) Michael A. Bellesiles 2000 _Arming the USA: The Origins of a National Gun Culture_ (603 pages; ISBN 0375402101; Knopf; 363.33 Bel; Jax+NE)
(17) ►Doron S. ben Atar 2004, 2008 _Trade Secrets: Intellectual Piracy and the Origins of American Industrial Production_ (281-295 pages; 1.3MB; ISBN 030010006/ 9780300100068; OCLC 845607775; Yale; ILL request)◀
Michael Les Benedict & John F. Winkler 2004 _The History of Ohio Law_ (940 pages)
Michael Les Benedict 2016 _The Blessings of Liberty: A Concise History of the Constitution of the United States of America_ (530 pages; 15.4MB)
(17) William John Bennett 1998 _The Death of Outrage: Bill Clinton & the Assault on American Ideals_ (criminology; ethics; 973.929; NE+FtBraden)
(50) William John Bennett 1993 _The Book of Virtues: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories_ (831 pages; 808.8 BOO; Main)
(27) ►William John Bennett 1995, 1996, 2008 _The Moral Compass_ (ethics; 824 pages; ISBN 9781416558460; OCLC 181602299; Simon & Schuster; ILL request)◀
Daniel J. Benny 2013 _Industrial Espionage: Developing a CounterEspionage Program_ (220 pages; 21.2MB)
Bruce L. Benson 1998 _To Serve and Protect: Privatization and Community in Criminal Justice_ (401 pages; 1MB)
Bruce L. Benson 2010 _Property Rights: Eminent Domain and Regulatory Takings Re-Examined_ ()
Bruce L. Benson & Melvin L. Greenhut 1989 _American AntiTrust Laws in Theory and Practice_ (288 pages)
Bruce L. Benson & Paul R. Zimmerman 2010 _HandBook on the Economics of Crime_ (533 pages)
Bruce L. Benson, Terry L. Anderson & Thomas E. Flanaan 2006 _Self-Determination: The Other Path For Native Americans_ (352 pages)
Jeremy Bentham, J.H. Burns & H.L.A. Hart 1982 _A Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation_ (400 pages; 688KB)
Jeremy Bentham 2012 _The Principles of Morals and Legislation_ (350 pages; 1.4MB)
Lauren Benton 2009 _A Search for Sovereignty: Law and Geography in European Empires 1400-1900_ (350 pages; 4MB)
Jerome Beranger 2016 _Big Data and Ethics: The Medical DataSphere_ (300 pages; 12.6MB)
Raoul Berger 1973 _Impeachment: The Constitutional Problems_ ()
Raoul Berger 1997-06-01 _Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the 14th Amendment_ (578 pages; ISBN 9780865971448; OCLC ; Liberty)
Yitzhak Berger, David Shatz, Rivkah Teitz Blau, Shalom Carmy, Michelle Friedman, Basil Herring, Robert Pollack, Haim Sompolinsky, Moshe HaLevi Spero & Rachel Yehuda 2005 _Judaism, Science, and Moral Responsibility_ (310 pages; 1.2MB)
Paul Bergman & Sara J. Bergman 2018 _The Criminal Law HandBook: Know Your Rights, Survive the System_ (642 pages; 345.7305; Main)
Harold J. Berman 1983, 1985 _Law and Revolution: vol1 The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition_ (665 pages; 4.3MB)
Harold J. Berman 2003, 2006 _Law and Revolution: vol2 The Impact of the Protestant Reformations on the Western Legal Tradition_ (510 pages; 5.5MB)
Harold J. Berman 1993 _Faith and Order: The ReConciliation of Law and Religion_ (420 pages; 5.2MB)
(50) Robin E. Berman, Arthur Kurzweil & Dale L. Mintz 2006 _The HaDassah Jewish Family Book of Health and Wellness_ (ethics; medicine; 503 pages; 613.2088 BER; Main)
David E. Bernstein 2011, 2012 _Rehabilitating Lochner: Defending Individual Rights against Regressive Perversion_ (200 pages; 2.1MB)
(27) ►Brian Besong 2018 _An Introduction to Ethics: A Natural Law Approach_ (225-232 pages; 4.9MB; ISBN 1498298893/ 1498298915/ 9781498298896/ 9781498298919; OCLC 996973468; Cascade; ILL request)◀
Charlene Bangs Bickford, Kenneth R. Bowling, Helen E. Veit, William di Giacomantonio 1986 _Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America 1789-03-04 to 1791-03-03: Legislative histories: Funding Act [HR63] through Militia Bill [HR112]: vol5_ (770 pages)
Charlene Bangs Bickford, Kenneth R. Bowling, Helen E. Veit, William di Giacomantonio 1986, 1996,2004 _Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America 1789-03-04 to 1791-03-03: Legislative histories: Mitigation of... on UnClaimed Western Lands: vol6_ (730 pages)
Charlene Bangs Bickford, Kenneth R. Bowling, Helen E. Veit, William di Giacomantonio 1986, 1996,2004 _Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America 1789-03-04 to 1791-03-03:... session 1790 December-1791 March: vol14_ (1000 pages)
Charlene Bangs Bickford, Kenneth R. Bowling, Helen E. Veit, William di Giacomantonio 1986, 1996,2004 _Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America 1789-03-04 to 1791-03-03: Correspondence: First Session 1789 March-May: vol15_ (670 pages)
Charlene Bangs Bickford, Kenneth R. Bowling, Helen E. Veit, William di Giacomantonio 1986, 2004 _Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America 1789-03-04 to 1791-03-03: Correspondence: First session 1789 September-November: vol17_ (660 pages; 8.2MB)
Charlene Bangs Bickford, Kenneth R. Bowling, Helen E. Veit, William di Giacomantonio 1986, 2004 _Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America 1789-03-04 to 1791-03-03: Correspondence: Supplement: vol22_ (1136 pages)
Anthony Bianco 2010 _The Big Lie: Spying, Scandal, and Ethical Collapse at Hewlett Packard_ (360 pages; 979KB)
Mary Sarah Bilder 2015 _Madison's Hand: Revising the Constitutionl Convention_ (375 pages; 1.4MB)
Warren M. Billings & Brent Tarter 2017 _Esteemed Bookes of Lawe and the Legal Culture of Early Virginia_ (240 pages; 4.9MB)
D.A. Binchy 1936 _Studies in Early Irish Law_ ()
John J. Binder 2017 _Al Capone's Beer Wars: A Complete History of Organized Crime in Chicago during Prohibition_ (400 pages; 17.6MB)
Tom Bingham 2011 _The Rule of Law_ (190 pages; 995KB)
(85) Michael Binstein & Charles Bowden 1993 _Trust Me: Charles Keating and the Missing Billions_ (410 pages; 364.168 Bin; NE)
Chris Bird 2006 _Thank God I Had a Gun: True Accounts of Self-Defense_ (338 pages; 2MB)
Chris Bird 2011 _The Concealed HandGun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self-Defense_ (569 pages; 8.6MB)
Bettine Birge 2017 _Marriage and the Law in the Age of Khubilai Khan: Cases from the Yuan Dianzhang_ (Kublai khan; 320 pages)
R.J.M. Blackett 2018 _The Captive's Quest for Freedom: Fugitive Slaves, the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law, and the Politic of Slavery_ (520 pages; 11MB)
Josh Blackman, J.D. 2013 _UnPrecedented: The Constitutional Challenge to ObummerDoesn'tCare_ (345 pages; 649KB)
sir William Blackstone 1769-1772, 2013 _Commentaries on the Laws of England_ (4.3MB)
Ken Blackwell & Ken Klukowski 2010 _The Blueprint: Obummer's Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency_ ()
Kenn Blanchard 2014 _Black Man with a Gun_ (180 pages; 876KB)
Randall W. Bland 1976 _Constitutional Law in the USA_ ()
Paul Bloom 2013 _Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil_ (280 pages; 1.6MB)
Paul Bloom 2016 _Against Empath: The Case for Rational Compassion_ (255 pages; 1.7MB)
(49) Howard Blum 2008 _American Lightning: Terror, Mystery, Movie-Making, & the Crime of the Century_ (crime; 255 pages; ISBN 9780307346940; Crown; 364.152 Blu; Main)
Michael Bobelian 2018, 2019-05-15 _Battle for the Marble Palace: Abe Fortas, Earl Warren, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, & the Forging of the Modern Supreme Court_ (390 pages; 86KB; ISBN 9781943156665; OCLC 1083186670; Schaffner)
Etienne de la Boetie 2021 _Government: The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed_ ()
(75) Carl T. Bogus 2000 _The Second Amendment in Law and History: Historians and Scholars on the Right to Bear Arms_ (344.73; Main)
Sissela Bok 1989, 1999, 2011 _Lying: Moral Choice in Public & Private Life_ (360 pages; 86KB)
Clint Bolick 1993 _GrassRoots Tyranny: The Limits of Federalism_ (192 pages)
(55) Eric Bolling 2016 _Wake Up USA: The 9 Virtues That Made Our Polity Great and Why We Need Them More Than Ever_ (226 pages; 1.2MB; 320.5; NE+E)
(53) Eric Bolling 2017 _The Swamp: Washington DC's Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism and How President Trump Can Drain It_ (228 pages; 1.3MB; 320.973; E)
(50) ►Jules Bonavolonta & Brian Duffy 1996, 1997 _The Good Guys: How We Turned the FBI 'Round and Finally Broke the Mob (402 pages; ISBN 9780671010072; OCLC 37495717; Simon&Schuster/Pocket; ILL request)◀
James E. Bond 1992 _I Dissent: The Legacy of Chief Justice James McReynolds_ ()
Dan Bongino 2017 _Protecting the President: An InSide Account of the Troubled Secret Service in an Era of Evolving Threats_ (185 pages; 628KB)
Dan Bongino 2016 _Life InSide the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Walked Away from It All_ (200 pages; 1.3MB)
Dan Bongino 2016 _The Fight: A Secret Service Agent's InSide Account of Security Failings and the Political Machine_ (230 pages; 691KB)
(53) Dan Bongino 2019 _Exonerated: The Failed TakeDown of President Donald Trump by the Swamp_ (205 pages; 973.933 Bon; E)
(61) Dan Bongino 2020 _Follow the Money: The Shocking Connections of the Anti-Trump Cabal_ (245 pages; due out 2020-10-06; E)
(50) Fergus M. Bordewich 2016 _The First Congress: How James Madison, George Washington, and a Group of ExtraOrdinary Men Invented the [USA] Government_ (416 pages; 27MB; 327.7309; NE)
(50) Robert Heron Bork 1996, 2010 _Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Leftism and American Decline_ (432 pages; 2MB; 306.0973; Main)
(50) Robert Heron Bork 1997, 1999, 2009 _The Tempting of America: The Usurpation of Law by Politics/The Political Seduction of the Law_ (448 pages; 2.2MB; 347.73; NE)
Robert Heron Bork 2003 _Coercing Virtue: The WorldWide Rule of Judges_ (176 pages)
Robert Heron Bork 2005 _A Country I Do Not Recognize: The Legal Assault on American Values_ (196 pages)
Robert Heron Bork 2008 _A Time to Speak_ (750 pages)
Robert Heron Bork 2013 _Saving Justice: Watergate, the Saturday Night Massacre, and Other Adventures of a Solicitor-General_ (158 pages; 441KB)
Joseph Borkin 1962 _The Corrupt Judge: An Inquiry into Bribery and Other High Crimes and Misdemeanors in the Federal Courts_ (300 pages)
Alejandro F. Botta & Lester L. Grabbe 2011 _The Aramaic and Egyptian Legal Traditions at Elephantine: An Egyptological Approach_ (245 pages)
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Jason Brennan 2018 _When All Else Fails: The Ethics of Resistance to State "InJustice"_ (275 pages; 780KB)
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Bill Broyles & Charles Bowden 2010 _Desert Duty: On the Line with the USA Border Patrol_ (245 pages; 2.9MB)
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Harold H. Bruff 2015 _UnTrodden Ground: How Presidents Interpret the Constitution_ (550 pages; 3.2MB)
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Patrici Calvo 2018 _The Cordial Economy: Ethics, Recognition, and Reciprocity_ (185 pages; 563KB)
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Stanley W. Campbell 2012 _The Slave Catchers: Enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law 1850-1860_ (235 pages; 517KB)
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Donald R. Chambers 2019 _Freedom First: Brief Reaings on Liberty, Peacem and Prosperity_ (230 pages; 744KB)
Alfred N. Chandler 1945 _Land Title Origins: A Tale of Force and Fraud_ ()
J. Daryl Charles 2017 _Natural Law and Religious Freedom: The Role of Moral First Things in Grounding and Protecting the Firt [Originally in 1787 3rd] Freedom_ (300 pages3.9MB)
Patrick J. Charles 2014 _Historicism, Originalism, and the Constitution: The Use and Abuse of the Past in USA Jurisprudence_ (260 pages; 3.1MB)
Stuart Chase 1942-01-01, 1968, 2015-11-03 _The Road We Are Traveling 1914-1942: When the War Ends_ (106-112 pages; ISBN 9784871873406; OCLC 632203141/ 1030434563/ 480153254/ 492596012; ASIN B001YUZ3VG; 20th Century Fund/Ishi/Greenwood)
(49) Sarah Chayes 2015 _Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security_ (criminology; 260 pages; 4.2MB; ISBN 9780393239461; OCLC 962097367; Norton; 364.1323 Cha; NE)
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Arista Maria Cirtautus 1997, 2002, 2006 _The Polish Solidarity Movement: Revolution, Democracy, and Natural Rights_ (324-330 pages; 3.4MB; ISBN 0415169402/ 9780415169400; OCLC 750808884; Taylor&Francis/Routledge)
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Henry Cloud & John Townsend 2009 _Safe People: How to Find Relationships That Are Good for You and Avoid Those That Aren't_ (200 pages; 1.6MB; ILL request)
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Kendall Coffey 2010 _Spinning the Law: Trying Cases in the Court of Public Opinion_ ()
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(30) ►Saul Cornell 1999, 2002, 2012 _The Other Founders: Anti-Federalists and the Dissenting Tradition in USA 1788-1828_ (327-352 pages; ISBN 0807825034/ 0807847860/ 9780807825037/ 9780807847862; OCLC 634687289; UNCCH/Omohundro; ILL request)◀
(44) ►Saul Cornell 2006 _A Well-Regulated Militia: The Founding Fathers and the Origins of Gun "Control" in the USA_ (270-295 pages; 1.1MB; ISBN 0195341031/ 9780195341034; OCLC 255550771; Oxford; 344.7305; Main; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀
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Lawrence Delbert Cress 2011 _Citizens in Arms: The Army and Militia in USA to the War of 1812_ (240 pages; 1.3MB)
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(55) Kevin Cullen 2013 _Whitey Bulger: USA's Most Wanted Gangster & the ManHunt That Brought Him to Justice_ (478 pages; ISBN 9780393087727; 364.1092 Cul; Main+E)
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Michael Kent Curtis 2012 _No State Shall Abridge: The 14th Amendment and the Bill of Rights_ (280 pages; 1.4MB)
Barry Cushman 1998 _Rethinking the Raw Deal Court: The Structure of a Constitutional Revolution_ (325 pages; 4.3MB)
Clare Cushman 1995 _The Supreme Court Justices: Illustrated Biographies 1789-1995_ ()
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Samuel de Canio 2015 _Democracy and the Origins of the USA Regulatory State_ (310 pages; 1.9MB)
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Donald Devine 2004 _In Defense of the West: USA Values under Siege_ (175 pages)
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Alistair Dickinson 2018 _The Essential Business Guide to GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation, Success with Personal Data Compliance_ (from MyCRM i.e. My CRiMinal customer relationship management violations of privacy; 365 pages; 2.6MB)
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Thomas J. DiLorenzo/Thomas J. di Lorenzo 2012 _Organized Crime: The UnVarnished Truth about Government_ (225 pages; 472KB)
Michael R. Dimino, Bradley A. Smith & Michael E. Solimine 2016 _Voting Rights and Election Law_ (1,170 pages; 5.7MB)
John J. Dinan 2006, 2016, 2018 _The American State Constitutional Tradition_ (430-440 pages; ISBN 9780700614356; OCLC 1099647552/ 62282190/ 449352071; Kansas)
Brian R. Dirck 2012 _Lincoln and the Constitution_ (180 pages; 1.5MB)
Daniel di Salvo 2011 _Government Unions and the Bankrupting of the USA_ (51 pages; 184KB)
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H. Tristram Engelhardt ii 1996 _The Foundations of BioEthics_ (455 pages)
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Richard Allen Epstein, LL.B. 2007 _Anti-Trust Consent Decrees in Theory and Practice: Why Less Is More_ ()
Richard Allen Epstein, LL.B. 1995 _Bargaining with the State_ (344 pages)
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Richard Allen Epstein, LL.B. 2008 _Cases and Materials on Torts_ ()
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Richard Allen Epstein, LL.B. 2000 _Contract: Freedom and Restraint_ ()
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Richard Allen Epstein, LL.B. 2002 _Equal Opportunity or More Opportunity?: The Good Thing About Discrimination_ ()
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Richard Allen Epstein, LL.B. 2000 _Mortal Peril: Our Inalienable Right to Health Care?_ ()
Richard Allen Epstein, LL.B. 2006 _OverDose: How Excessive Government Regulation Stifles Pharmaceutical Innovation_ ()
Richard Allen Epstein, LL.B. 2002 _Principles for a Free Society: Reconciling Individual Liberty with the Common Good_ ()
Richard Allen Epstein, LL.B. 2004 _Race, Racism, and American Law (CaseBook Series)_ ()
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Andrew Guthrie Ferguson 2017 _The Rise of Big Data Policing: Surveillance, Race, and the Future of Law Enforcement_ (260 pages; 893KB)
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Monte S. Finkelstein 1998 _Separatism, the Allies, and the Mafia: The Struggle for Sicilian Independence 1943-1948_ (290 pages; ISBN 9780934223515; OCLC 478024266; LehighU)
(14) ►John Finnis 1980, 2011 _Natural Law and Natural Rights_ (500 pages; 3.3MB; ILL request)◀
Gianluca Fiorentini & Sam Peltzman 1995 _The Economics of Organized Crime_ ()
William A. Fischel 1995 _Regulatory Takings: Law, Economics, and Politics_ ()
Dov Aharoni Fischer/Dov Aharoni/Dov Aharoni Fischer/Dov Aharoni Fisch 1985 _General Sharon's War against Time Magazine: His Trial & Vindication: Featuring Original CourtRoom Sketches & Photographs_ (1980s libel law-suit; 336 pages; OCLC 233657905)
Dov Aharoni Fischer/Dov Aharoni Fisch 1984 _Jews for Nothing: On Cults, InterMarriage, & Assimilation_ (368 pages; ISBN /873063473/ 9780873063470; OCLC 11461733; Phillip Feldheim)
(22) Stanley Eugene Fish 2016 _Winning Arguments: What Works and Doesn't Work in Politics, the BedRoom, the CourtRoom, and the ClassRoom_ (212 pages; 808; Main+NE)
Barry A.J. Fisher & David R. Fisher 2012 _Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation_ (530 pages; 52.4MB)
Louie Fisher 2013, 2014 _Presidential War Power_ (370-390 pages; 2.2MB; ISBN 0700619313/ 9780700619313; Kansas)
Louis Fisher 2019 _ReConsidering Judicial Finality: Why the Supreme Court Is Not the Last Word on the Constitution_ (262-288 pages; ISBN 9780700628100; OCLC 1084632283; Kansas)
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Colin Flaherty 2013 _White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It_ (407 pages; 2.4MB)
Colin Flaherty 2015 _Don't Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and Those Who Enable It_ (526 pages; 2.1MB)
Mary Flanagan & Helen Nissenbaum 2014 _Values at Play in Digital Games_ (ethics or brain-washing?; 210 pages; 7.5MB)
Jim Fleming 2016 _The Second Amendment and the USA Gun: Evolution and Development of a Right Under Siege_ (160 pages; 15MB)
George P. Fletcher 1990 _A Crime of Self-Defense: Bernhard Goetz and the Law on Trial_ ()
Ed Flint 2010 _Corrupt Judges_ (370 pages; 644KB)
Florida Sheisters' Guild 2016 _Drafting Marriage Contracts in Florida_ (340 pages; 881KB)
R. Barri Flowers 2018 _Murderess on the Loose: The 1922 Hammer Wrath of Clara Phillips: An Historical True Crime Short_ (95 pages; 810KB)
Walter Earl Fluker 2009 _Ethical Leadership: The Quest for Character, Civility, and Community_ (245 pages; 2.5MB)
Daniel J. Flynn 2000 _Cop Killer: How Mumia Abu-Jamal Conned Millions into Believing He Was Framed_ (38 pages)
(55) Thomas J. Foley & John Sedgwick 2012 _Most Wanted: Pursuing Whitey Bulger, the Murderous Mob Chief the FBI Secretly Protected_ (341 pages; ISBN 9781451663914; Simon&Schuster; 364.1092 Cul; Main+E)
Carol M. Ford, Dee Young & Linda J. Groundwater 2015 _Bob Crane: The Definitive Biography_ (650 pages; 3.1MB)
Don Henry Ford ii 2006 _Contrabando: Confessions of a Drug-Smuggling Texas CowBoy_ (230 pages)
Paul Leicester Ford 1888 _Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States Published During Its Discussion by the People 1787-1788_ ()
James Alan Fox, Jack A. Levin & David R. Forde 2013 _Elementary Statistics in Criminal Justice Research_ (375 pages; 17.9MB)
James Fox 1982, 2014 _White Mischief: The Murder of Lord Erroll_ (320 pages; 2.6MB)
Marvin Fox 1975 _Modern Jewish Ethics: Theory & Practice (250 pages)
Stephen R. Fox 1989 _Blood and Power: Organized Crime in the 20th-Century USA_ (512 pages; 364.106)
William F. Fox 2000, 2012 _Understanding Administrative Law_ (545 pages; 3MB)
--Samuel A. Francis 2001 _Good Behaviour: The Supreme Court and Article 3 of the USA Constitution_ (110 pages)
Matthew J. Franck 1996 _Against the Imperial Judiciary: The Supreme Court vs. the Sovereignty of the People_ (279-288 pages; ISBN 9780700607617; OCLC 477117259; Kansas)
Marvin E. Frankel & Gary P. Naftalis 1977 _The Grand Jury_ ()
Marvin E. Frankel 1994 _Faith and Freedom: Religious Liberty in the USA_ (342.73; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)
Susy Frankel & Daniel Gervais 2014 _The Evolution and Equilibrium of Copyright in the Digital Age_ (330 pages; 2MB)
Katja Franko 2013 _Globalization and Crime_ (270 pages; 942KB)
David Fraser 2006 _A Land Fit for Criminals: An Insider's View of Crime, Punishment and Justice in England and Wales_ ()
(25) ►David Freddoso 2011 _Gangster Government: Barack Hussein Obummer and the Washington Thugocracy_ (260 pages; 567KB; ILL request)◀
Adam Freedman 2012 _The Naked Constitution: What the Founders Said and Why It Still Matters_ (370 pages; 1.1MB)
Jonathan Freedman 1975 _Crowding and Behavior: The Psychology of High-Density Living_ (175 pages)
Malcolm Freeley 1979 _The Process Is the Punishment_ ()
Jennifer Freisen 8888 _The State Constitutional Law_ ()
Tony Allan Freyer 2014, 2015 _The Passenger Cases and the Commerce Clause: Immigrants, "Blacks", & States' [Powers] in AnteBellum USA_ (204-216 pages; ISBN 9780700620081; OCLC 1099775219/ 900465905; Kansas)
Barry Friedman 2017 _UnWarranted: Policiing without Permission_ (440 pages; 1.2MB)
(35) ►Cary A. Friedman 2006, 2012 _Wisdom from the BatCave: How to Live a Super, Heroic Life_ (95-110 pages; ISBN 9780976196624; OCLC 122158070; Compass; ILL request)◀
David Director Friedman, Peter Leeson & David Skarbek 2019 _Legal Systems Very Different from Ours_ (1000 pages; 4.2MB)
(38) David Director Friedman 2000, 2001 _Law's Order: What Economics Has to Do with Law & Why It Matters_ (329 pages; 1.7MB; 330.1 Fri; Main)
Lawrence M. Friedman 1993, 1994 _Crime and Punishment in American [USA] History_ (580 pages; 2.2MB)
Lawrence M. Friedman 2019 _An History of American [USA] Law_ (845 pages; 19MB)
(30) ►Mark D. Friedman 2014 _Libertarian Philosophy in the Real World: The Politics of Natural Rights_ (290 pages; 1.1MB; ILL request)◀
(40) Robert I. Friedman 2009 _Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America [the USA]_ (criminology; 296 pages; 865KB; 364.1 Fri; Main)
Carl J. Friedrich 1967 _The Impact of American Constitutionalism Abroad_ ()
Richard R. Friman & Peter Andreas 1999 _The Illicit Global Economy and State Power_ ()
Richard R. Friman & Peter Andreas 1996 _NarcoDiplomacy: Exporting the USA War on Drugs_ ()
(59) ►Dominic Frisby 2019, 2020, 2021-02-01 _DayLight Robbery: How Tax Shaped Our Past & Will Change Our Future_ (270-280-288 pages; 2MB; ISBN 9780241360866/ 9780241360842; OCLC 1155716254; Penguin; ILL request)◀
Brett M. Frischmann, Michael J. Madison & Katherine J. Strandburg 2014 _Governing Knowledge "Commons"_ (510 pages; 19MB)
Christian G. Fritz 2009 _USA Sovereigns: The People and USA's Constitutional Tradition before the Civil War_ (430 pages)
Bruce P. Frohnen 2001 _The Anti-Federalists: Selected Writings and Speeches_ (760 pages)
Bruce P. Frohnen & George W. Carey 2016 _Constitutional Morality and the Rise of Quasi-Law_ (280 pages; 1.2MB)
Richard D. Fuerle 2003 _Natural Rights: A New [only very slightly muddled] Theory_ (130 pages; 314KB)
Francis Fukuyama 2000 _The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the ReConstitution of "Social" Order_ (355 pages)
Lon L. Fuller 1964, 2004 _The Morality of Law: Storrs Lectures on Jurisprudence_ ()
John Fund & Hans von Spakovsky 2014 _Obummer's Enforcer: Eric Holder's Injustice Department_ (Harper Collins/Broadside)
(50) Amy Fusselman 2015 _Savage Park: A Meditation on Play, Space, and Risk for USA Citizens Who Are Nervous, Distracted, and Afraid to Die_ (135 pages; 813.6 Fus; E)
Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges & Willard Small 1965, 2012 _The Ancient City: A Study of the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greek and Rome_ (390 pages; 1.1MB)
- - - - - G
(38) ►Brigitte Gabriel 2018 _Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom_ (260 pages; 5.2MB; ILL request)◀
Traianos Gagos & Peter van Minnen 1994 _Settling a Dispute: Toward a Legal Anthropology of Late Antique Egypt_ (Aphrodito; 165 pages)
B.J. Galt 2019 _Make USA Constitutional Again: After Debt Default, Survival, & a Constitutional Government_ (155 pages; 7.7MB)
Daniel Gardner 2008 _The Science of Fear: How the Culture of Fear Manipulates Your Brain_ (360 pages; 1MB)
(30) Simson Garfinkel 2000, 2001 _DataBase Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century_ (312 pages; 323.448 Gar; Main)
Bryan A. Garner 2004 _The Winning Brief: 100 Tips for Persuasive Briefing in Trial and Appellate Courts_ (525 pages; 4.8MB)
(3) John Arthur Garraty 1988 _Quarrels That Have Shaped the Constitution_/_Quarrels That Have perverted the Constitution_ (392 pages; ISBN 9780061320842; Harper&Row; 342.73 QUA; NE)
(17) ►Brandon L. Garrett 2014 _Too Big to Jail: How Prosecutors Compromise with Corporations [and their executives and boards]_ (384 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 0674659910/ 9780674659919; OCLC 926061446; Harvard; ILL request)◀
Patrick M. Garry 2012 _Limited Government and the Bill of Rights_ (200 pages; 1.1MB)
Jacinta M. Gau 2018 _Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice_ (445 pages; 17.4MB)
Gilbert Geis 2006 _White-Collar Criminal: The Offender in Business and the Professions_ (450 pages)
(35) ►Michele Gelfand 2018 _Rule Makers, Rule Breakers: How Tight and Loose Cultures Wire Our World_/_Rigidos contra Flexibles_ (375 pages; 8.8MB; ILL request)◀
Tracey E. George & Suzanna Sherry 2009 _What Every Law Student Really Needs To Know: An Introduction to the Study of Law_ (240 pages)
Scott Douglas Gerber 1995 _To Secure These Rights: The Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Interpretation_ (325 pages; 1.2MB)
(47) ►Eugene Clifton Gerhart 1958, 2003 _USA's Advocate: Robert H. Jackson_/_Robert H. Jackson: Country Lawyer, Supreme Court Justice, USA's Advocate_ (545 pages; ISBN 9781575887739; OCLC 51630033/ 963368201; Bobbs-Merrill/Robert Jackson Center; ILL request)◀
Larry N. Gerston 2007 _American Federalism: A Concise Introduction_ (175 pages; 2.3MB)
Jonathan Gibbons 2010 _2011 Global Study on Homicide: Trends, Context, Data_ ()
John C. Gibbs 2013 _Moral Development and Reality: Beyond the Theories of Kohlberg, Hoffman, Haidt_ (375 pages; 7.9MB)
Jonathan Gienapp 2018 _The Second Creation: "Fixing" the USA Constitution in the Founding Era_ (455 pages; 1MB)
Otto Gierke/Otto von Gierke 1957 _Natural Law and the Theory of "Society" 1500-1800_ ()
Peter Gill 2014 _MisLeading DNA Evidence: Reasons for MisCarriages of Justice_ (95 pages; 2.8MB)
Jonathan T. Gilliam 2017 _Sheep No More: The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival_ (197 pages; 2.1MB)
Howard Gillman 1993, 2012 _The Constitution Besieged: The Rise and Demise of Lochner Era Police Powers Jurisprudence_ (320 pages; 693KB)
Howard Gillman, Mark A. Graber & Keith E. Whittington 2016 _American Constitutionalism: vol1 Structures of Government_ (775 pages; 1MB)
Howard Gillman, Mark A. Graber & Keith E. Whittington 2014 _American Constitutionalism: vol2 Powers, Rights, and Liberties_ (920 pages; 1MB)
Benjamin Ginsberg, Theodore J. Lowi, Caroline J. Tolbert & Margaret Weir 2016 _We the People_ (755 pages; 147.5MB)
Tom Ginsburg 2003 _Judicial Review in New Democracies: Constitutional Courts in Asian Cases_ (300 pages; 3.4MB)
(50) Mark Gitenstein 1992 _Matters of Principle: An InSider's Account of USA's Extreme Left's Rejection of Robert Bork's Nomination to the Supreme Court_ (368 pages; 347.73; Main)
Michael Gizzi & R. Craig Curtis 2016 _The Fourth Amendment in Flux: The Roberts Court, Crime Control, & Digital Privacy_ (190-200 pages; ISBN 9780700622566; OCLC 934432627; Kansas)
Lillian Glass 2013 _The Body Language of Liars: From Little White Lies to Pathological Decaption_ (225 pages; 4.3MB)
Lillian Glass & D. Vincent Sullivan 2015 _Body Language of Terrorists: Protect Yourself and Those Around You by Spotting Signals That Identify Potential Threats_ (190 pages; 2.6MB)
(55) Lillian Glass 1991 _Say It...Right: How to Talk in Any Business or Social Situation_ (808.56)
(45) Barry Glassner 1999, 2009, 2010 _The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things_ (360 pages; 1.1MB; 152.46; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)
Mary Ann Glendon, Michael W. Gordon & Paolo G. Carozza 1999 _Comparative Legal Traditions_ ()
(49) Misha Glenny 2008 _McMafia: A Journey through the Global Criminal UnderWorld_ (364.106 Gle; Main)
Thomas A. Glessner 2016 _Created Equal: Reflections on the UnAlienable Right to Life_ (230 pages; 2.1MB)
Jonathan Glover 2012 _Humanity: A Moral History of the 20th Century_ (480 pages; 1.7MB)
Tim Godlove 2015 _Guide to HealthCare Information Protection and Privacy for Executives_ (310 pages; 743KB)
Bruce Goldfarb 2020 _18 Tiny Deaths: The UnTold Story of Frances Glessner Lee & the Invention of Modern Forensics_ (368 pages; ISBN 9781728217543; OCLC 1152812515; SourceBooks)
Ronald Goldfarb 1975 _Jails: The Ultimate Ghetto_ ()
Ronald Goldfarb 1965 _Ransom_ ()
(50) Ronald L. Goldfarb, Barry Siegel, Hodding Carter, Edward Wasserman, David Cole, Thomas Blanton & Jon Mills 2015 _After Snowden: Privacy, Secrecy, and Security in the Information Age_ (311 pages; 363.252 Aft; Main)
Robert M. Goldman 2001 _ReConstruction and "Black" Suffrage: Losing the Vote in Reese & Cruikshank_ (182-200 pages; ISBN 9780700610693; OCLC 247745485; Kansas)
Abraham S. Goldstein 1981 _The Passive Judiciary: Prosecutorial Discretion & the Guilty Plea_ ()
Lawrence Goldstone 2018 _The Activist: John Marshall, Marbury v. Madison, & the Myth of Judicial Review_ (275 pages; 54.9MB)
Robert A. Goldwin 1990 _Why Blacks, Women, & Jews Are Not Mentioned in the [USA] Constitution, and Other UnOrthodox Views_ (195 pages)
Terry Golway 2014-03-03 _Machine Made: Tammany Hall & the Creation of Modern USA Politics_ (corruption; criminology; 400 pages; ISBN 9780871403759; LiveRight)
Frank Johnson Goodnow 1911, 2017 _"Social" "Reform" and the Constitution_ (400 pages; 1.1MB)
reverend Charles Augustus Goodrich 1829, 2018 _Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence_ (400 pages; 2.4MB)
John D. Gordan iii 2014 _The Fugitive Slave Rescue Trial of Robert Morris: Benjamin Robbins Curtis on the Road to Dred Scott_ (140 pages; 6.3MB)
David Gordon 2017 _An Austro-Libertarian View: vol1 Economics, Philosophy, Law_ (500 pages; 3.9MB)
Robert W. Gordon 2017 _Taming the Past: Essays on Law in History and History in Law_ (415-444 pages; 2MB; ISBN 9781107193239; CambridgeU)
William M. Gordon 2007 _Roman Law, Scots Law and Legal History_ (340 pages)
Robert D. Gorgoglione 1995 _Foundations of American Constitutional Government_ (290 pages)
Robert D. Gorgoglione 2010 _Essays on Foundations of American Constitutional Government_ (575 pages)
(52) Ken Gormley 2010 _The Death of USA Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr_ (789 pages; 973.929 GOR; Main+NE)
Neil M. Gorsuch, Bryan Garner, Carlos Bea, Rebecca White Berch, Harris L. Hartz, Nathan L. Hecht, Brett M. Kavanaugh, Alex Kozinski et al. 2016 _The Law of Judicial Precedent_ (930 pages)
Allan Gotthelf & James G. Lennox 2014 _MetaEthics, Egoism, and Virtue_ (190 pages)
Jack A. Gottschalk, Brian P. Flanagan, Lawrence J. Kahn & Dennis M. Larochelle 2000 _Jolly Roger with an Uzi: The Rise and Threat of Modern Piracy_ (165 pages)
Larry Gragg 2015 _Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel: The Gangster, the Flamingo, and the Making of Modern Las Vegas_ (215 pages; 3.3MB)
John Graham & Laura Tesh 2009 _Free, Sovereign, and Independent States: The Intended Meaning of the American Constitution_ (690 pages; 2.1MB)
Paer Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij & Bruno Verschuere 2014 _Detecting Deception: Current Challenges and Cognitive Approaches_ (340 pages; 2.3MB)
Kenneth L. Grasso & Cecekua Rodriguez Castillo 1997 _Liberty Under Law: USA Constitutionalism, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow_ (220 pages)
Gratian & Augustine Thompson 1140, 1993 _The Treatise on Laws (Decretum distinctions 1-20) with the Ordinary Gloss_ (160 pages)
Michael Graves 2013-08-27 _Digital Archaeology: The Art & Science of Digital Forensics_ (608 pages; ISBN 9780321803900; OCLC ; Adison Wesley)
judge James P. Gray 2007 _Wearing the Robe: The Art and Responsibilities of Judging in Today's Courts, A Guide to the Practices and Principles of a Judge_ (330 pages; 3.2MB)
judge James P. Gray 2019 _2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty: Solutions that Are Practical, Effective, Responsible, Libertarian_ (355 pages; 1.7MB)
A.C. Grayling 2011 _Towards the Light: The Story of the Struggles for Liberty and Rights that Made the Modern West_ (340 pages; 2.9MB)
A.C. Grayling 2020 _The Good State: On the Principles of Democracy_ (245 pages; 789KB)
Robert Graysmith 1993 _The Murder of Bob Crane: Who Killed the Star of Hogan's Heroes?_ (270 pages)
George Grayson 2013 _The Cartels: The Story of Mexico's Most Dangerous Criminal Organizations and Their Impact on USA Security_ (320 pages; 2.6MB)
(49) ►James R. Green 2007-03-13 _Death in the HayMarket: A Story of Chicago, the First "Labor Movement", & the Bombing That Divided Gilded Age USA_ (383-400 pages; ISBN 9781400033225; OCLC 1154539847; Anchor/Pantheon; ILL request)◀
Jack Greenbeg 1977 _Judicial Process & Social Change_ ()
D. Greenberg 1974, 1976, 2011 _Crime and Law Enforcement in the Colony of NY 1691-1776_ (255 pages)
Jan Crawford Greenberg 2007 _Supreme Conflict: The Inside Story of the Stuggle for Control of the United States Supreme Court_ ()
Joshua Greene 2013 _Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them_ (415 pages; 4.1MB)
(57) Glenn Greenwald 2014 _No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the USA Surveillance State_ (259 pages; 108MB; 327.12)
Glenn Greenwald 2011 _With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful_ (295 pages; 733KB)
John Greenya 2018 _Gorsuch: The Judge Who Speaks for Himself_ (260 pages; 2.1MB)
Laura Grenfell 2013 _Promoting the Rule of Law in Post-Conflict States_ (325 pages; 1.4MB)
Carrie Gress 2019-03-01 _The Anti-Mary Exposed: Rescuing the Culture from Toxic Feminity_ (160-220 pages; 719KB; ISBN 9781505110265; OCLC 1090423580; TAN)
Michael S. Greve 1999 _Real Federalism: Why It Matters, How It Could Happen_ (190 pages)
Michael S. Greve 2015 _Federalism and the Constitution: Competition versus Cartels_ (72 pages; 2.6MB)
Michael S. Greve 2012 _The UpSide-Down Constitution_ (510 pages; 5MB)
Michael S. Greve 2013 _The Constitution: Understanding the USA's Founding Document_ (129 pages; 1.5MB)
Stephen M. Griffin 2015 _Broken Trust: Dysfunctional Government & Constitutional Reform_ (197-216 pages; ISBN 9780700621224; OCLC 1099775983/ 907061127; Kansas)
William Griffith 2013 _American Mafia: True Stories of Families Who Made Windy City History_ (225 pages; 9.5MB)
Bill Griffiths 1995 _An Introduction to Early English Law_ ()
Dave Grossman 8888 _The BulletProof Mind: Prevailing in Violent Encounters... and After_ (video)
Dave Grossman 8888 _On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society_ ()
Dave Grossman & Loren W. Christensen 2008 _On Combat: The Psychological and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and in Peace_ ()
Dave Grossman, Kristine Paulsen & Katie Miserany 2016 _Assassination Generation: Video-Games, Aggression, and the Psychology of Killing_ (264 pages; 2.7MB; 303.6)
Olaf Groth & Mark Nitzberg 2018 _Solomon's Code: Humanity in a World of "Thinking" Machines_ (270 pages; 1.1MB)
Hugo Grotius 1625 _The Law of War and Peace_ ()
Hugo Grotius 1625, 1626, 1654, 1738, 1749 _De Jure Belli ac Pacis_/_The Rights of War and Peace_/_On the Law of War and Peace_ ()
Hugo Grotius 1625, 2009 _The Rights of War and Peace_ (1,183 pages; 1.9MB)
Hugo Grotius & A.C. Campbell 1625, 2014 _The Rights of War and Peace_ (430 pages; 1.1MB)
Hugo Grotius 2013 _Mare Liberum_ (80 pages; 303KB)
Hugo Grotius & David Armitage 1625, 2004 _The Free Sea: with William Welwod's Critique & Grotius's Reply_ (170 pages; 775KB)
Hugo Grotius & Romain F.L. Girard 1625, 2014 _Natural Law & "Social" "Contract" Theory_ (68 pages)
Hugo Grotius, James Brown Scott & Ralph van Deman Magoffin 1916 _The Freedom of the Seas: The Right which Belongs to the Dutch to Take Part in the East Indian Trade_ (180 pages; 1.3MB)
Francis J. Grund 1837, 2007 _The Americans in Their Moral, "Social", and Political Relations_ (370 pages)
Os Guinness 1999 _Character Counts: Leadership Qualities in Washington, Wilberforce, Lincoln, and Solzhenitsyn_ (160 pages)
(57) ►Jack Disbrow Gunther & Charles O. Gunther 1935, 2011-01-01, 2015-05-19 _The Identification of FireArms: From Ammunition Fired ThereIn with an Analysis of Legal Authorities_ (342-365-493 pages; 88.3MB; ISBN 9781632202765; OCLC 890435440; Palladium/SkyHorse/Wiley; ILL request)◀
Ted Robert Gurr 1989 _Violence in America: vol1 The History of Crime_ (280 pages)
Ted Robert Gurr 1989 _Violence in America: vol2 Protest, Rebellion, Reform_ (528 pages)
Martin Gurri 2018 _The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of "Authority" in the New Millennium_ (tech power-madness & "ethics"; 440 pages; 20.6MB)
(37) ►Kevin Raeder C. Gutzman, J.D., Ph.D. 2007 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to the USA Constitution_ (258-265-270 pages; 753KB; ISBN 1596985054/ 9781596985056; OCLC 122973871/ 1191804666/ 961387937; Regnery; ILL request)◀
- - - - - H
Knud Haakonssen 1996 _Natural Law & Moral Philosophy from Grotius to the Scottish Enlightenment_ (390 pages; 57MB)
Stephen Haber, Armando Razo & Noel Maurer 2003 _The Politics of Property Rights: Political Instability, Credible Commitments, and Economic Growth in Mexico 1876-1929_ (400 pages; 5.6MB)
Margaret A. Hagen 201 _Wores of te Court: The Fraud of Psciatric Testimo ad te Rape of USA Justice_ (340 pages; 1.8MB)
William D. Haglund & Marcella H. Sorg 1997 _Forensic Taphonomy: The Post-Mortem Fate of Human Remains_ ()
Douglas J. Hagmann 2003 _Tactical Surveillance: An Investigator's Guide to Conducting Surveillance Operations_ (135 pages)
Douglas J. Hagmann 2016 _Stained by Blood: A Murder Investigation_ (210 pages; 977KB)
(57) Terrence Hake & Wayne Klatt 2015 _Operation GreyLord: The True Story of an UnTrained UnderCover Agent & USA's Biggest Corruption Bust_ (crime; criminology; 279 pages; ISBN 9781627229197; ABA; 361.32309773 Hak; E)
(41) ►Stephen P. Halbrook 2008, 2014, 2019 _The Founders' Second Amendment: Origins of the Right to Bear Arms_ (425-440 pages; 808KB; ISBN 1538129663/ 9781538129661; OCLC 1109784701; Rowman & Littlefield; ILL request)◀
(43) ►Stephen P. Halbrook 2013 _Gun Control in the Third Reich: DisArming the Jews and Enemies of the State_ (247-270 pages; 3.4MB; ISBN 1598131613/ 9781598131611; OCLC 938249885; ILL request)◀
(45) ►Stephen P. Halbrook 2018 _Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France: Tyranny & Resistance_ (242-245 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 1598133071/ 159813308/ 9781598133073/ 9781598133080; OCLC 1029790900; Rowman & Littlefield; ILL request)◀
(47) ►Stephen P. Halbrook 2010 _Securing Civil Rights: FreedMen, the 14th Amendment, & the Right to Bear Arms_ (230 pages; ISBN ; ILL request)◀
(47) ►Stephen P. Halbrook 1998 _FreedMen, the 14th Amendment, & the Right to Bear Arms 1866-1876_ (230 pages; ISBN 0275963314/ 9780275963316; OCLC 246168780; Praeger; ILL request)◀
Stephen P. Halbrook & Richard E. Gardner 1982 _To Keep and Bear Their Private Arms: The Adoption of the Second Amendment 1787-1791_ (96 pages; article in Northern KY Law Review vol10 #1)
Bernard Hale 1987, 2014 _The History of the Common Law of England_/_The History and Analysis of the Common Law of England_ ()
Matthew Hale 1736 _History of Pleas of the Crown_ ()
John A. Hall 1990 _Powers and Liberties: The Causes and Consequences of the Rise of the West_ (270 pages)
Kermit L. Hall 1999 _The Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions_ ()
KrisAnne Hall 2014 _In Defense of Liberty_ (80 pages; 648KB)
KrisAnne Hall 2012 _Liberty First: The Path to Restoring the USA_ (130 pages; 576KB)
KrisAnne Hall 8888 _Reclaiming our Constitution: An Introduction to the Historic Foundations of American Liberty_ ()
KrisAnne Hall 2014 _Sovereign Duty_ (200 pages; 636KB)
Mark David Hall 1997 _The Political and Legal Philosophy of James Wilson 1742-1798_ (220 pages)
Richard A.S. Hall 2019 _The Justice of War: Its Foundations in Ethics & Natural Law_ (270 pages; 2.2MB)
Tim Hall 2018 _The Economic Geographies of "Organized" Crime_ (11 pages; 1.6MB)
(55) Daniel Halper 2014 _Clinton, Inc.: The Audacious ReBuilding of a [Corrupt, Power-Mad] Political Machine_ (319 pages; 973.929; Main+NE+FtBraden)
Joseph Y. Halpern 2019 _Actual Causality_ (responsibility, blame, cause; 230 pages)
Philip Hamburger 2014 _Is Administrative Law Unlawful?_ (635 pages; 2.3MB)
(40) Philip Hamburger 2017 _The Administrative Threat_ (64 pages; 292KB; 342.7306 Ham; Main+NE)
Philip Hamburger 2008 _Law and Judicial Duty_ (704 pages)
Philip Hamburger 2002 _Separation of Church and State_ ()
Alexander Hamilton & Henry Cabot Lodge 1775, 2011 _The Farmer Refuted_ (90 pages; 344KB; natural law; natural rights)
Hammurabi & C.H. Johns 2000 _The Oldest Code of Laws in the World_ ()
Hammurabi & Leonard William King 2013 _The Code of Hammurabi_ (50 pages; 335KB)
Stephen Handelman 1994, 1995, 1997 _Comrade Criminal: Russia's New Mafiya_/_Comrade Criminal: The Theft of the Second Russian Revolution_ (360-400 pages; ISBN 9780718100155; OCLC 35881418; Michael Joseph)
(50) Daniel Hannan 2013 _"Inventing" Freedom: How the English-Speaking People Made the Modern World_ (395 pages; 323.44; )
William C. Hannas, James Mulvenon & Anne B. Puglisi 2013 _Red Chinese Industrial Espionage: Technology Acquisition and Military Modernisation_ (310 pages; 4.9MB)
Valerie P. Hans & Neil Vidmar 1986 _Judging the Jury_ ()
(40) Jason Hanson 2015 _Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life: A Former CIA Oficer Reveals Safety and Survival Techniques to Keep You and Your Family Protected_ (255 pages; 1.2MB; 613.69 Han; Jax)
(45) ►Jim Hanson & lieutenant-colonel Samantha Nerove 2021-05-16 _Winning the Second Civil War without Firing a Shot_ (192 pages; ISBN 9781645720423; OCLC 1240575125/ 1253401098; Republic; ILL request)◀
(59) ►Arthur Leon Harding, Albert C. Outler et a. 1955, 1976, 1980 _Natural Law & Natural Rights_ (99 pages; OCLC 875361370; SMU; ILL request)◀
David T. Hardy 2015 _Origins and Development of the Second Amendment_ ()
Robert D. Hare 1999 _Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us_ (199 pages)
Jill Harries 2007 _Law and Crime in the Roman World_ (155 pages; 7.5MB)
Jill Harries 1999, 2001 _Law and Empire in Late Antiqity_ (240 pages; 2.8MB)
(48) Blake J. Harris 2018 _The History of the Future: Oculus, evil FB, and the Revolution That Swept Virtual Reality_ (006.8 Har; Main)
Graham Harris 2002 _Treasure and Intrigue: The Legacy of Captain Kidd_ (348 pages; ISBN 9781550024098; OCLC 49795768; Dundurn)
(44) ►David Harsanyi 2018, 2019 _First Freedom: A Ride through USA's Enduring History with Arms_ (310-320 pages; 24.7MB; ISBN 9781501174001/ 9781501174018; OCLC 1085212453; Threshold; ILL request)◀
David Harsanyi 2014 _The People Have Spoken and They Are Wrong: The Case against Democracy_ (230 pages; 878KB)
David Harsanyi 2018 _Nanny State: How Food Fascists, TeeTotaling Do-Badders, Priggish Moralists, & Other BoneHeaded Bureaucrats Are Turning USA into a Nation of Children_ (310 pages; 24.7MB)
Hendrik A. Hartog 1981 _Law in the American Revolution and the Revolution in the Law_ (260 pages)
Woodrow Hartzog 2018 _Privacy's BluePrint: The Battle to Control the Design of New Technologies_ (355 pages; 7.7MB)
Russell Hasan 2014 _Golden Rule Libertarianism: A Defense of Freedom in "Social", Economic, and Legal Policy_ (315 pages; 4.9MB)
Russell Hasan 2014 _What They Won't Tell You about Objectivism: Thoughts on the Objectivist Philosophy in the Post-Randian Era_ (115 pages; 931KB)
Justin Haskins 2018 _Socialism Is Evil: The Moral Case Against Marx's Radical Dream_ (100 pages; 692KB)
John Hasnas 2005, 2006 _Trapped: When Acting Ethically Is against the Law_ (80 pages; 1.3MB)
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Jack Hoban 2012 _The Ethical Warrior: Values, Morals, & Ethics for Life, Work, & Service_ (310 pages; 1.4MB)
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C. Alexander Hortis & James B. Jacobs 2014-05-06 _The Mob and the City: The Hidden History of How the Mafia Captured New York_ (370 pages; 8.7MB; 1.36 pounds; ISBN 9781616149239; Prometheus)
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Peter Israel & Stephen Jones 201 _Others UnKnown: The Oklahoma City Bombing Case & Conspiracy_ (340 pages; 4.3MB)
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Jake Jacobs 2013 _Mobocracy: The Cultural & Political War to Destroy Our Republic under God_ (310 pages; 1.6MB)
Jennifer Jacquet 2015 _Is Shame Necessary?: New Uses for an Old Tool_ (215 pages; 4.3MB)
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Stuart H. James, Jon J. Nordby & Suzanne Bell 2014 _Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques_ (600 pages; 259.5MB)
Hunt Janin 2009 _Medieval Justice: Cases and Laws in France, England, and Germany 500-1500_ (220 pages)
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Martin Sanchez Jankowski 1991 _Islands in the Street_ ()
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Donald Jeffries 2017 _Survival of the Richest: How the Corruption of the MarketPlace & the Disparity of Wealth Created the Greatest Conpiracy of All_ (270 pages; 1.9MB)
Mark E. Jeftovic 2019 _UnAssailable: Protect YourSelf from DePlatform Attacks, Cancel-Culture & Other OnLine Disasters_ (200 pages; 2.8MB)
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David J. Jeremy 1991 _InterNational Technology Transfer: Europe, Japan, and the USA 1700-1914_ (270 pages)
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(57) Dean Jobb 2015 _Empire of Deception: The Incredible Story of a Master Swindler Who Seduced a City_ (crime; criminology; 581 pages; ISBN 9781410482259; LT 364.163092 Job; Main)
Byron Johnson 2011 _More God, Less Crime_ (300 pages; 2.2MB)
Craig E. Johnson 2015 _Organizational Ethics: A Practical Approach_ (540 pages; 5MB)
David Ralph Johnson 1979 _Policing the Urban UnderWorld: The Impact of Crime on the Development of the USA Police 1800-1887_ (230 pages)
Herbert A. Johnson 8888 _Law and Judicial Duty_ ()
(55) Loch K. Johnson 2000 _Bombs, Bugs, Drugs, and Thugs: Intelligence & USA's Quest for security_ (298 pages; 327.1273 Joh; Main+NE)
Nicholas Johnson 2014 _Negroes and the Gun: The Black Tradition of Arms_ (370 pages; 5.6MB)
Nicholas J. Johnson, David B. Kopel, George A. Mocsary & Michael P. O'Shea 2012 _FireArms Law & the Second Amendment: Regulation, Rights, and Policy_ (1,000 pages; 2.6MB)
David Cay Johnston 2003 _Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich_ (330 pages; 336.2)
David Cay Johnston 2007 _Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You with the Bill)_ (320 pages; 338.973)
H.F. Jolowicz & Barry Nicholas 2008 _An Historical Introduction to the Study of Roman Law_ ()
Jason Jones & John Zmirak 2016 _The Race to Save Our Century: 5 Core Principles to Promote Peace, Freedom, and a Culture of Life_ (200 pages; 812KB)
Martha S. Jones 2018 _BirthRight Citizens: An History of Race and Rights in AnteBellum USA_ (240 pages; 5.1MB)
Albert R. Jonson, Mark Siegler & William J. Winslade 2015 _Clinical Ethics: A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine_ (250 pages; 1.6MB)
William Q. Judge 1999, 2012 _The Leader's Shadow: Exploring and Developing Executive Character_ (ethics; 230 pages; 12.9MB)
Franciscus Junius, Todd M. Rester & Andrew M. McGinnis 2015 _The Mosaic Polity_ (200 pages; 780KB)
Justinian & C. Kolbert 2007 _The Digest of Roman Law: Theft, Rapine, Damage, and Insult_ (180 pages; 833KB)
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Daniel Kahneman & Amos Tversky 2000 _Choices, Values, and Frames_ ()
Howard P. Kainz 2004 _Natural Law: A ReEvaluation_ (190 pages)
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(40) Michael G. Kammen 1987 _A Machine That Would Go of Itself: The Constitution in American Culture_ (530 pages; 342.73)
Michael G. Kammen 1986 _The Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History_ ()
Richard R.E. Kania & Richards P. Davis 2011 _Managing Criminal Justice Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice_ (320 pages)
Garth Kant 2016 _Capitol Crime: Washington DC's Cover-Up of the Killing of Miriam Carey_ (190 pages; 4.6MB)
Benjamin Kaplan 1966 _An UnHurried View of Copyright_ ()
(50) David A. Kaplan 2018 _The Most Dangerous Branch: Inside the Supreme Court's Assault on the Constitution_ (446 pages; 347.7326 Kap; Main)
Frank Karsten & Karel Beckman 2012 _Beyond Democracy: Why Democracy Does Not Lead to "Solidarity", Prosperity, & Liberty but to "Social" Conflict, RunAway [Government] Spending, & Tyrannical Government_ (100 pages; 1.4MB)
Raheem Kassam 2017 _No Go Zones: How Sharia Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You_/_No Go Zones: How Sharia Is Spreading in the USA_ (245 pages)
Saul M. Kassin & Lawrence S. Wrightsman 1988 _The American Jury on Trial_ ()
Rose Keefe 2003 _Guns and Roses: The UnTold Story of Dean O'Banion, Chicago's Big Shot before Al Capone_ (330 pages; 2.1MB)
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Ray Kelly 8888 _Vigilance: My Life Serving America and Protecting Its Empire City_ ()
(10) Dacher Keltner 2009 _Born to Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life_ (340 pages; 634KB; 155.323 Kel; Main)
G.E. Kennedy & L.S.P. Prabhu 2017 _Data Privacy Law: A Practical Guide_ (150 pages; 8.2MB)
Michael G. Kenny 1994 _The Perfect Law of Liberty: Elias Smith and the Providential History of America_ ()
Paul Kens 1998 _Lochner v. New York: Economic Regulation on Trial_ (216-226 pages; ISBN 9780700609192; OCLC 909488046; Kansas)
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Cecilia M. Kenyon 1955 _Men of Little Faith: The Anti-Federalists on the Nature of Representative Government_ ()
(50) Bernard B. Kerik/Bernie Kerik 201-11-12, 2002 _The Lost Son: A Life in Pursuit of Justice_ (criminology; 361-384-704 pages; ISBN 9780786241453/ 0060009012; OCLC 1003438310; Morrow/Thorndike/Harper/Torch/Regan; B Kerik; Main)
Michael H. Kernis, Edward L. Deci & Richard M. Ryan 1995, 2013 _Efficacy, Agency, and Self-Esteem_ (250 pages; 671KB)
Cornelius Martin Kerwin & Scott R. Furlong 2018 _RuleMaking: How Government Agencies Write "Law" and Make Policy_ (300 pages; 9.5MB)
(57) ►Charles R. Kesler 2021-02-16 _Crisis of the "Two Constitutions": The Rise, Decline, & Recovery of USA Greatness_ (451-488 pages; ISBN 9781641771023; OCLC 1119581057; Encounter; ILL request)◀
Ralph Ketcham 1986 _The Anti-Federalist Papers and the Constitutional Convention Debates_ ()
Mary Morgan Ketchel & senator Marsha Blackburn 2020 _Camilla Can Vote: Celebrating the Centennial of Women's Right to Vote_ (17 pages; 17.7MB)
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(49) Dean King 2013 _The Feud: The Hatfields & McCoys_ (1854-1913; 430 pages; ISBN 9780316167062; Little, Brown; 975.4404 Kin; Main)
(59) Gilbert King 2012 _Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America_ (434 pages; 2.3MB; 305.896 Kin; Main+E)
(60) Gilbert King 2018 _Beneath a Ruthless Sun: A True Story of Violence, Race, and Justice Lost and Found_ (416 pages; 19.6MB; 364.1532092 Kin; Main+E+NE+Jax)
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Robin Kirk 2003 _More Terrible than Death: Massacres, Drugs, and America's War in Colombia_ ()
Terry Kirkpatrick 2012 _60 Miles of Border: An American [USA] LawMan Battles Drugs on the Mexican Border_ (320 pages; 3.6MB)
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T. Kleanthous 2018 _The Legal Dictatorship and How It Corrupts_ (England; 115 pages; 19MB)
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Mark Kleiman 8888 _When Brute Force Fails_ ()
Aaron J. Klein & Brenda J. Elliott 2016 _Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Hussein Obummer from Office_ (420 pages; 2.4MB; ILL request)
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William Kleinknecht 1996 _The New Ethnic Mobs: The Changing Face of Organized Crime in America_ ()
David Klinger 2004 _Into the Kill Zone: A Cop's Eye View of Deadly Force_ ()
James T. Kloppenberg 2016 _Toward Democracy: The Struggle for Self-Rule in European & American Thought_ (890 pages; 4MB)
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David B. Kopel, J.D. 1995 _Guns: Who Should Have Them?_ (475 pages; ISBN 9780879759582; OCLC 32393136/ 995091312/ 260180019; Prometheus)
David B. Kopel, J.D. & Paul H. Blackman 1997 _No More Wacos: What's Wrong with Federal Law Enforcement & How to Fix It_ (524 pages; ISBN 9781573921251; OCLC 35978546/ 918316274; Prometheus)
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David B. Kopel, J.D. 2009-12-04 _Aiming for Liberty: The Past, Present & Future of Freedom & Self-Defense_ (182-192 pages; ISBN 978936783581; OCLC 435628750; Merril)
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(35) Gary Krist 2012 _City of Scoundrels: The 12 Days of Disaster That Gave Birth to Modern Chicago_ (347 pages; 25.4MB; 977.311 Kri; Main)
John Kroger 2008 _Convictions: A Prosecutor's Battles against Mafia Killers, Drug KingPins, & Enron Thieves_ (480 pages; 737KB)
(32) ►David Kupelian 2010, 2011-03-15 _How Evil Works: Understanding and OverComing the Destructive Forces That Are TransForming the USA_ (#2; 289-300 pages; ISBN 9781439168202; OCLC 799140748; Threshold; Lake Worth Beach; ILL request)◀
David Kupelian 2015, 2016 _The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture_ (#3; 275 pages; 1.1MB)
Timur Kuran 1995, 1997 _Private Truths, Public Lies: The "Social" Consequences of Preference Falsification_ (440 pages)
Timur Kuran 2012 _The Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East_ (430 pages; 2MB)
Marina Kurchiyan & Alena V. Ledeneva 2000 _Economic Crime in Russia_ ()
Philip Kurland & Ralph Lerner 1987, 2000 _The Founders' Constitution_ (5 volumes; 3330 pages)
David Kyle & Rey Koslowsky 2001 _Global Human Smuggling_ ()
- - - - - L
Ronald M. Labbe & Jonathan Lurie 2003, 2005 _The SlaughterHouse Cases: Regulation, ReConstruction, & the Fourteenth Amendment_ (200-312 pages; ISBN 9780700612901/ 9780700614097; OCLC 1063456981; Kansas)
Michael James Lacey & Knud Haakonssen 1992 _A Culture of Rights: The Bill of Rights in Philosophy, Politics, and Law 1791 and 1991_ ()
Robert Lacey 2016 _Meyer Lansky: The Thinking Man's Gangster_ (445 pages; 3.7MB)
Alison L. la Croix 2010, 2011 _The Ideological Origins of USA Federalism_ (310 pages)
Gen la Greca 2014 _The Pioneer vs. the Illfare State_ (40 pages; 1.5MB)
(49) ►Mark Lamb 2020-11-19 _American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World_ (115 pages; ISBN 9781734805390; OCLC 1236104009; BCG; ILL request)◀
(59) Peter Lance 2013, 2014 _Deal with the Devil: The FBI's Secret 30-year Relationship with a Mafia Killer_ (652 pages; ISBN 9780061455360/ 9780061455346; OCLC 1062221774; Morrow; 364.1060973 Lan; )
(67) ►Peter Lance 2021-01-26 _Homicide at Rough Point: The UnTold Story of How Doris Duke, the Richest Woman in the USA, Got Away with Murder_ (438-412 pages; 3.3MB; ISBN 9781736363607; OCLC 1240248829; Tenacity Media; ILL request)◀
Aubrey C. Land et al. 1977 _Law, "Society", and Politics in Early MD_ ()
Susan Landau 2017 _Listening In: CyberSecurity in an InSecure Age_ (240 pages)
Frederick S. Lane 2009 _USA Privacy: The 400-Year History of Our Most Contested Right_ (295 pages; 809KB)
Julia Lane, Stefan Bender & Helen Nissenbaum 2014 _Privacy, Big Data, and the "Public Good": FrameWorks for Engagement_ (330 pages; 1.8MB)
Andrea Lankford 2010 _Ranger Confidential: Living, Working, and Dying in the National Parks_ (259 pages; 485KB)
(55) Sandra Lansky & William Stadiem 2014 _Daughter of the King: Growing Up in GangLand_ (240 pages; ISBN ; Weinstein; 364.1092 Lan; Main)
(50) Tim Larkin 2017 _When Violence Is the Answer: Learning How to Do What It Takes When Your Life Is At Stake_ (294 pages; 613.55; Main+Jax)
(75) Erik Larson 2003, 2004 _The Devil In the White City: Murder, Magic, & Madness at the Fair That Changed the USA_ (294 pages; 364.1523 Lar; Woodville+Jax)
Mick la Salle 2014 _Complicated Women: Sex and Power in Pre-Code Hollywood_ (295 pages; 450KB)
Kurt T. Lash 2014 _The 14th Amendment and the Privileges and Immunities of USA Citizenship_ (315 pages; 2MB)
(37) Barry Latzer 2017 _The Rise and Fall of Crime in the USA_ (criminology; 408 pages; ISBN 9781594039294; OCLC 959537036; 2 Rivers/Encounter; 364.15097 Lat; Main+NE)
(39) ►Barry Latzer 2021-03-17 _The Roots of Violent Crime in the USA: From the Gilded Age through the Great Depression_ (criminology; 419 pages; ISBN 978807174296; OCLC 1152424850; LSU; ILL request)◀
(40) ►Barry Latzer 2022-06-21 _The Myth of OverPunishment: A Defense of the USA Justice System & a Proposal to Reduce Incarceration While Protecting the Public_ (criminology; 137 pages; ISBN 9781645720324; OCLC 1289266482; Republic; ILL request)◀
(22) Josh Lauer 2017 _CreditWorthy: An History of Consumer Surveillance and Financial "Identity" in the USA_ (privacy violation; 352 pages; 332.70973 Lau; Main)
Frank Laurent 1959 _The Business of a Trial Court_ ()
Hersch Lauterpacht & James Crawford 2012 _Recognition in International Law_ (504 pages)
Michael S. Law 2018 _The Founders' Revolution: The Forgotten History & Principles of the Declaration of Independence_ (225 pages; 1.6MB)
Susan C. Lawrence 2016 _Privacy and the Past: Research, Law, Archives, Ethics_ (185 pages; 928KB)
Gary Lawson & Guy I. Seidman 2017 _A Great Power of Attorney: Understanding the Fiduciary Constitution_ (225 pages; 1.7MB)
Gary Lawson 2015 _Federal Administrative Law_ (1,200 pages)
Gary Lawson 2017 _Evidence of the Law: Proving Legal Claims_ (255 pages; 1.1MB)
Gary Lawson, Geoffrey P. Miller, Robert G. Natelson & Guy I. Seidman 2010-07-05, 2013 _The Origins of the "Necessary and Proper" Clause_ (190 pages; ISBN 9780521119580/ 9781110766370; OCLC 827267252; CambridgeU)
William Edward Heatpole Lecky 2015 _History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne_ (490 pages; 2MB)
William Edward Heatpole Lecky 2012 _The Map of Life Conduct and Character_ (370 pages; 668KB)
Aaron Lee, Courtney Marsh & Rex Curry, J.D. 2005 _Americans on Politics, Policy, and Pop Culture: The 101 Best Opinion-Editorials from OpEds.com_ (; 290 pages)
(49) Henry C. Lee & Thomas W. O'Neil 2002, 2004, 2009 _Cracking Cases: The Science of Solving Crimes_ (criminology; 313-316 pages; ISBN 9781591027478/ 1573929859; OCLC 308219390; Prometheus; 363.25 Lee; BLPerry)
Mike Lee 2011 _The Freedom Agenda: Why a Balanced Budget Amendment Is Necessary to Restore Constitutional Government_ (233 pages; 539KB)
(40) Mike Lee 2019 _Our Lost Declaration: USA's Fight Against Tyranny from king George to the Deep State_ (230 pages; 1.7MB; 983.313 Lee; E)
Mike Lee 2015 _Our Lost Constitution: The Willful Subversion of the USA's Founding Document_ (244 pages; 1.4MB)
(40) Mike Lee 2017 Written Out of History: The Forgotten Founders Who Fought Big Government_ (232 pages; 22.9MB; 973.30922 Lee; NE)
Mike Lee 2013 _Why John Roberts Was Wrong About HealthCare: A Non-Leftist Critique of the Supreme Court's ObummerDoesn'tCare Ruling_ (57 pages; 1.3MB)
(55) Dick Lehr & Gerard O'Neill 2015 _Black Mass: Whitey Bulger, the FBI, & a Devil's Deal_ (419 pages; ISBN 9781610395533; Public Affairs; 364.106 Leh; BLPerry)
Gordon Leidner 2013 _The Founding Father: Quotes, Quips, & Speeches_ (175 pages; 1.8MB)
Johan Leman & Stef Janssens 2014 _Human Trafficking and "Migrant" Smuggling in SouthEast Europe and Russia: Criminal Entrepreneurship and Traditional Culture_ (170 pages)
(10) Jill Lepore 2018 _These Truths: An History of the USA_ (932 pages; 115.5MB; 973 Lep; Main+NE; natural rights)
(27) Barron H. Lerner 2014 _Good Doctor: A Father, a Son, & the [Change] of Medical Ethics_ (223 pages; 174.2 Ler; Main)
(21) Ian Leslie 2014 _Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It_ (216 pages; 153.8 Les; Main)
Rianne Letschert & Jan van Dijk 2011 _The New Faces of Victimhood: Globalization, TransNational Crimes, and Victim Rights_ (340 pages; 1.1MB)
Shirley Robin Letwin & Noel B. Reynolds 2008 _On the History of the Idea of Law_ (355 pages)
William Letwin 1981 _Law and Economic Policy in America: The Evolution of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act_ ()
William Edward Leuchtenburg 1995, 1996 _The Supreme Court Corrupted: The Constitutional Revolution in the Age of Roosevelt_ (355 pages; 1.6MB)
Jack E. Levin 2015 _Proverbs for Young People_ (72 pages; 17.5MB)
(50) Mark Reed Levin 2015 _Plunder and Deceit: Big Government's Abuse of Young People and the Future_ (256 pages; 320.520973 LEV; NE+E)
Aaron Levine & Moses Pava 1999 _Jewish Business Ethics: The Firm and Its StakeHolders_ (350 pages)
Aaron Levine 2012 _Economic Morality and Jewish Law_ (260 pages; 1.4MB)
Michael Levine 1994 _The Big White Lie: The Deep Cover Operation That Exposed the CIA Sabotage of the Drug War_ ()
Cynthia Levinson & Sanford Levinson 2017 _Fault Lines in the Constitution: The Framers, Their Fights, and the Flaws That Affect Us Today_ (190 pages; 50.6MB)
Saul Levmore & Martha C. Nussbaum 2011-01-01 _The Offensive Internet: Speech, Privacy, & Reputation_ (312 pages; ISBN 9780674050891; OCLC ; HarvardU)
Saul Levmore & Martha C. Nussbaum 2014-09-01 _USA Guy: Masculinity in USA Law & Literature_ (352 pages; ISBN 9780199331376; OCLC ; OxfordU)
Saul Levmore & Catherine M. Sharkey 2012-01-03 _Foundations of Tort Law_ (436 pages; ISBN 9781422498866; OCLC ; Lexis/Nexis)
Leonard W. Levy 1994 _The Establishment Clause: Religion and the First Amendment_ ()
Leonard W. Levy 1999 _The Origins of the Bill of Rights_ ()
(14) ►Robert A. Levy & William Mellor 2010 _The Dirty Dozen: How 12 Supreme Court Cases Radically Expanded Government and Eroded Freedom_ (310 pages; 1MB; ILL request)◀
Anthony Lewis 1966, 1989 _Gideon's Trumpet_ ()
Brad Lewis 2009 _Hollywood's Celebrity Gangster: The InCredible Life and Times of Mickey Cohen_ (435 pages; 897KB)
Bradley Lewis 2010 _Did Bugsy Siegel Really Invent Las Vegas?_ (17 pages; 705KB)
Dorothy Otnow Lewis 2009 _Guilty by Reason of Insanity: A Psychiatrist Explores the Minds of Killers_ (340 pages; 3MB)
Hunter Lewis 2018 _The Secular Saints and Why Morals Are Not Just Subjective_ (375 pages; 631KB)
Jon Lewis 2017 _Hard-Boiled Hollywood: Crime and Punishment in PostWar Los Angeles_ (240 pages; 10MB)
Robert Lewis 2011 _Raising a Modern-Day Knight: A Father's Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood_ (200 pages; 2.4MB)
Donald R. Liddick 2004 _The Global UnderWorld: TransNational Crime and the United States of America_ (175 pages; 1.9MB)
Jethro K. Lieberman 1991 _The Lawyer's Guide to Writing Well_ ()
Paul Lieberman 2012 _Gangster Squad: Covert Cops, the Mob, and the Battle for Los Angeles_ (550 pages; 3.4MB)
Stephen Liggett 2017 _Making a Medicine_ (210 pages; 595KB; science, tech, economics, ethics)
Paul Likoudis 1996 _The Legacy of CHD: A Critical Report & Analysis of the USA Bishops' Campaign for Human "Development"_ (90 pages)
(50) ►Paul Likoudis 2002 _AmChurch Comes Out: The USA Bishops, Pedophile Scandals, & the HomoSexual Agenda_ (ethics; criminality; 260 pages; ISBN 9780971955806; OCLC 905127022/ 50450391; Roman Catholic Faithful; ILL request)◀
Roman Lillie 2016 _Hollywood InSanity: Searching for Meaning Where None Exists_ (280 pages; 707KB)
Van Lindberg 2008 _Intellectual Property and Open Source: A Practical Guide to Protecting Code_ (380 pages; 2.3MB)
Amnon Linder 1988 _The Jews in Roman Imperial Legislation_ (435 pages)
Amnon Linder 1998 _The Jews in the Legal Sources of the Early Middle Ages_ (999999 pages)
Alexander Lindey 1952 _Plagiarism and Originality_ ()
Jon R. Lindsay, Tai Ming & Derek S. Reveron 2015 _Red China and CyberSecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the Digital Domain_ (390 pages; 13.2MB)
Ray Liotta 2014 _The Making of the Mob_ (DVD on order)
Jessica Litman 2000, 2006 _Digital Copyright_ (200 pages; 2MB)
Marshall B. Lloyd 2018 _TransNational Crimes in the Americas: Law, Policy, and Institutions_ (300 pages; 3.5MB)
John Locke 1689 _2 Treatises of Civil Government_/_On the Original Extent and End of Civil Government_/_2 Treatises of Government: Key Philosophical Political Work_ (major influence on Thomas Jefferson)
John Locke 1689, 1690, 2009 _2 Treatises of Government and a Letter Concerning Toleration_ (180 pages; 756KB)
John Locke, Ian Shapiro, John Dunn & Ruth W. Grant 1689, 1690, 2003 _2 Treatises of Government and a Letter Concerning Toleration_ (380 pages; 3MB)
John Locke & W. von Leyden 2002, 2007 _Essays on the Law of Nature_ (300 pages)
Clemens Lode & Conna Craig 2017 _Philosophy for Heroes: part1 Knowledge_ (7.7MB)
(37) ►Dana Loesch 2016 _FlyOver Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To_ (245 pages; 855KB; ISBN 9780399563881; OCLC 922909253; Sentinel; ILL request)◀
(43) ►Dana Loesch 2014, 2015 _Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America_ (300 pages; 498KB; ISBN 9781455584338; OCLC 960929139; Center Street; ILL request)◀
(47) ►Dana Loesch 2020-02-25 _Grace Canceled: How Outrage Is Destroying Lives, Ending Debate, & Endangering Liberty_ (190-256 pages; 3.3MB; ISBN 9781684510146; OCLC 1141472744; Regnery/Eagle/Salem; ILL request)◀
(37) ►Mike Lofgren 2016 _The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government_ (310 pages; 1.3MB; ISBN 9780525428343; OCLC 962368717; Viking; ILL request)◀
Robert M. Lombardo 2009 _The Black Hand: Terror by Letter in Chicago_ (255 pages)
Tony Long 2016 _Lethal Force: My Life As the Met's Most Controversial Marksman_ (345 pages; 10.3MB)
(42) ►Sylvia Longmire 2013 _Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars_ (248 pages; ISBN 9781137278692; OCLC 828246125; Palgrave MacMillan; ILL request)◀
(44) ►Jeffrey Lord 2019 _Swamp Wars: Donald Trump and the New USA Populism vs. the Old Order_ (240-290 pages; 2.2MB; ISBN 9781642930184; OCLC 1242292891; Bombardier; ILL request)◀
(44) ►John R. Lott ii 2013 _Dumbing Down the Courts: How Politics Keeps the Smartest Judges Off the Bench_ (340-350 pages; 3.9MB; ISBN 9781626522497; OCLC 857977688; Beacon Hill; ILL request)◀
John R. Lott ii 2010 _Straight Shooting: Firearms, Economics and Public Policy_ (185 pages)
John R. Lott ii 2003 _The Bias against Guns: Why Almost Everything You've Heard about "Gun Control" Is Wrong_ (250 pages; 3.8MB)
(43) John R. Lott ii 2016 _The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies_ (250 pages; 36.8MB; 363.330973 Lot; E)
(47) ►John R. Lott ii & Andrew Pollack 2020 _Gun Control Myths: How Politicians, Media, & Botched "Studies" have Twisted the Facts on Gun Control_ (280 pages; 52.1MB; ILL request)◀
(37) ►Gina Loudon & Dathan Paterno 2012 _Ladies & Gentlemen: Why the Survival of Our Republic Depends on the Revival of Honor_ (310 pages; 1.2MB; ILL request)◀
(37) ►Gina Loudon 2018 _Mad Politics: Keeping Your Sanity in a World Gone Crazy_ (250 pages; 2.7MB; ILL request)◀
(57) Rich Lowry 2003 _Legacy: Paying the Price for the Clinton Years_ (470 pages; 973.929 Low; NE)
Colin Rhys Lovell 1962 _English Constitutional and Legal History_ ()
Lora Lumpe 2000 _Running Guns: The Global Black Market in Small Arms_ ()
(39) Richard H. Lustig 2017 _The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science behind the Corporate TakeOver of Our Bodies & Brains_ (344 pages; ISBN 9781101982587; Avery; 152.42 Lus; Main+NE)
Regina Luttrell & Jamie Ward 2018 _A Practical Guide to Ethics in Public Relations_ (245 pages; 8.4MB)
Donald S. Lutz 1988 _The Origins of American Constitutionalism_ ()
David Lynch 2018 _The Role of Circuit Courts in the Formation of USA Law in the Early Republic: Following Supreme Court Justices Washington, Livingston, Story, and Thompson_ (245 pages; 750KB)
Holly Fernandez Lynch, Barbara E. Bierer, I. Glenn Cohen, Suzanne M. Rivera et al. 2017 _Specimen Science: Ethics & Policy Implications_ (430 pages; 1.3MB)
- - - - - M
Heather Mac Donald 2003, 2010 _Are Cops Racist?_ ()
Ben MacIntyre 1997 _The Napoleon of Crime: The Life and Times of Adam Worth, Master Thief_ (336 pages; biography Worth; Main)
(44) ►sheriff Richard I. Mack, retired 2014-01-01 _Are You a David?_ (150 pages; ISBN 9780984885619; OCLC 910937880; self-published; ILL request)◀
(47) ►sheriff Richard I. Mack, retired 2009 _The County Sheriff: USA's Last Hope_ (50 pages; ISBN 9780615351209; OCLC 423091541; self-published; ILL request)◀
(49) ►sheriff Richard I. Mack, retired & Timothy Robert Walters 1995 _Government, God, & Freedom: A Fundamental Trinity_ (205 pages; ISBN 9780964193529; OCLC 33441397; Rawhide Western; ILL request)◀
(50) ►sheriff Richard I. Mack, retired & Randy Weaver 2003 _Vicki, Sam, & the USA: How the Government [Clinton Crime Family Regime] Killed All Three_ (167 pages; ISBN 9781576361528; OCLC 55617546; SunRise; ILL request)◀
(55) ►sheriff Richard I. Mack, retired 2011 _The Magic of "Gun Control"_/_The Magical Thinking of "Gun Control"_ (144 pages; ISBN 9780984885602; OCLC 780170328; Van Shaar; ILL request)◀
sheriff Richard Mack 1999 _The Proper Role of Law Enforcement_ ()
(55) ►G. Calvin MacKenzie & Michael Hafken 202 _Scandal Proof: Do Ethics Laws Make [People in] Government Ethical?_ (196 pages; ISBN 9780815754022; OCLC 916498018; Brookings; ILL request)◀
(35) Rebecca MacKinnon 2012 _Consent of the Networked: The World-Wide Struggle for Internet Freedom_ (immoral tech tyrants; 294 pages; ISBN 9780465024421; Basic; 302.231 Mac; Main)
Christine MacLeod 2002 _Inventing the Industrial Revolution: The English Patent System 1660-1800_ (300 pages)
Robert J. Macoun & Peter Reuter 2001 _Drug War Heresies: Learning from Other Vices, Times, and Places_ ()
James Madison, George Mason et al. 2012 _USA Historical Documents: The Virginia Declaration of Rights_ (9 pages; 229KB)
(19) ►Gerard N. Magliocca 2013 _American Founding Son: John Bingham and the Invention of the 14th Amendment_ (295 pages; 3.5MB; ILL request)◀
Myron Magnet 2019 _Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution_ (155 pages; 793KB)
Michael Maharrey 2020 _Constitution Owner's Manual: The Real Constitution Politicians Don't Want You to Know About_ (220 pages; 1.4MB)
Michael Maharrey & Michael Boldin 2013 _Nulliication Objections: Dismantling the Opposition_ (60 pages; 180KB)
Michael Maharrey 2012 _Our Last Hope: ReDiscovering the Lost Path to Liberty_ (220 pages; 642KB)
Shi Mai'an, Lao Guanzhong & Sidney Shapiro 1981 _Outlaws of the Marsh_ ()
(24) Pauline Maier 2010 _Ratification: The People Debate the Constitution 1787-1788_ (589 pages; 342.7302 Mai; Main)
(57) Thomas Maier 2019 _Mafia Spies: The InSide Story of the CIA, Gangsters, JFK, & Castro_ (388 pages; ISBN 9781510741713; SkyHorse; 364.106 Mai; Main)
Jackson Turner Main 1961, 1974, 2006 _The AntiFederalists: Critics of the Constitution 1781-1788_ (310 pages)
sir Henry Sumner Maine 1873, 2005, 2011, 2012 _Ancient Law: Its Connection to the History of Early "Society"_ (260 pages; 670KB)
sir Henry Sumner Maine 1886, 2009 _Popular Government: 4 Essays_ ()
sir Henry Sumner Maine 2000 _International Law_ ()
sir Henry Sumner Maine 2012 _Lectures on the Early History of Institutions_ ()
sir Henry Sumner Maine 2014 _The Early History of the Property of Married Women_ ()
sir Henry Sumner Maine 1871, 2016 _Village-Communities in the East and West_ (270 pages)
sir Henry Sumner Maine 2008, 2012 _Early Law and Custom_ (400 pages)
Frederic William Maitland 1961, 2001, 2010 _The Constitutional History of England_ (570 pages)
Joyce Lee Malcolm 2002, 2004 _Guns and Violence: The English Experience_ (350 pages; 2.8MB)
Joyce Lee Malcolm 1996 _To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right_) (232 pages)
Michael S. Malone 2015 _4%: The ExtraOrdinary Story of Exceptional USA Youth_ (280 pages; 14.5MB)
Earl M. Maltz 1990 _Civil Rigths, the Constitution, & Congress 1863-1869_ (198-212 pages; ISBN 9780700604678; OCLC 477117731; Kansas)
David Mamet 2011 _The Secret Knowledge: on the Dismantling of USA Culture_ (245 pages; 747KB)
(32) ►Pierre Manent & Ralph C. Hancock 2020 _Natural Law and Human Rights: Toward a Recovery of Practical Reason_ (175 pages; 1MB; ILL request)◀
(32) ►Rafael A. Mangual 2022-07-26 _Criminal (In)Justice: What the Push for DeCarceration & DePolicing Gets Wrong & Who It Hurts Most_ (244-256 pages; ISBN 9781546001515; OCLC 1285916676; Center Street; Lee/Lehigh Acres, Dayton, Cincinnati/Hamilton County 363.2973 M277 2022; ILL request)◀
Avro Manhattan 1983 _The Vatican Billions_ (295 pages)
John F. Manley & Kenneth M. Dolbeare 1987 _The Case Against the Constitution: From the AntiFederalists to the Present_ ()
--Thomas E. Mann & Norman J. Ornstein 2016 _It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the USA Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of "Extremism"_ (230 pages; 830KB)
(59) William J. Mann 2014 _TinselTown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood_ (515 pages; 49.7MB; 364.1523 Man; Jax)
Harvey Chaflin Mansfield 1993 _America's Constitutional Soul_ (250 pages)
Jack Maple & Chris Mitchell 2000 _The Crime Fighter: How You Can Make Your Community Crime-Free_ (272 pages)
Greg Marcus 2016 _The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding "Balance" through the Soul Traits of Mussar_ (255 pages; 5.2MB)
Curtis Marez 2004 _Drug Wars: The Political Economy of Narcotics_ ()
Jack D. Marietta & G.S. Rowe 2006 _Troubled Experience: Crime and Justice in Pennsylvania 1682-1800_ (360 pages)
John Marini & Ken Masugi 2019 _UnMasking the Administrative State: The Crisis of USA Politics in the 21st Century_ (320 pages; 1MB)
Frederick W. Marks iii 1986 _Independence on Trial: Foreign Affairs and the Making of the Constitution_ ()
Marinella Marmo, Nerida Chazal & Andrew Goldsmith 2016 _TransNational Crime and Criminal Justice_ (230 pages; 2.7MB)
Clay Martin 2012 _Concrete Jungle: A Green Beret's Guide to Urban Survival_ (132 pages; 1.1MB)
(55) Paul Martin 2014 _Villains, Scoundrels, and Rogues: Incredible True Tales of Mischief & Mayhem_ (304 pages; ISBN 9781616149277; Prometheus; 364.1092 Mar; E)
Virginia Martin 2012 _Law and Custom in the Steppe: The Kazakhs of the Middle Horde and Russian Colonialism in the 19th Century_ (255 pages; 1.5MB)
Charles Martindell, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Patrick Henry, George Mason & Melancton Smith 2016 _The Federalist-AntiFederalist Debates: Optimized for ClassRoom Use_ (190 pages; 5.9MB)
Jerry L. Mashaw & Lillian Vellee 2012 _Creating the Administrative Constitution: The Lost 100 Years of USA Administrative Law_ (420 pages; 1.7MB)
Jerry L. Mashaw 1999 _Greed, Chaos, & Governance: Using Public Choice to Improve Public Law_ (230 pages)
George Mason iv & James Madison 2008 _Bill of Rights with Writings That Formed Its Foundation_ (56 pages)
Victor Harold Matthews 2007 _Old Testament Parallels: Laws and Stories from the Ancient Near East_ (448 pages)
Thomas Mauriello, Ann Darby & John Consoli 2003 _The DollHouse Murders: A Forensic Expert Investigates 6 Little Crimes_ ()
Elaine Tyler May 2017 _Fortress America: How We Embraced Fear and Abandoned Democracy_ (200 pages; 18.1MB)
Larry May & Jeff Brown 2009 _Philosophy of Law: Classic and Contemporary Readings_ ()
Samuel J. May 1861-06-01, 2018 _The Fugitive Slave Law and Its Victims_ (170 pages; 3.1MB)
Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger 2011 _Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age_ (240 pages; 1.9MB)
William Mayton 2017 _The Sustainers: Citizens of the United States of America_ (145 pages; 1.4MB)
Andrew C. McCarthy 2014 _Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obummer's Impeachment_ ()
Dennis V.N. McCarthy & Philip W. Smith 1985 _Protecting the President: The InSide Story of a Secret Service Agent_ (210 pages)
(17) Kevin M. McCarthy & William L. Trotter 1994 _Twenty Florida Pirates_ (96 pages; ISBN 9781561640508; OCLC 29564990; Pineapple; 910.9163 McC; Jax+NE)
Betsy McCaughey 2012 _Decoding the Obummer Health Care Perversion Law: What You Need To Know_ ()
Betsy McCaughey 8888 _Beating ObummerDoesn'tCare_ ()
Fred S. McChesney 1997 _Money for Nothing: Politicians, Rent Extraction, and Political Extortion_ (230 pages)
Brion McClanahan 2012 _The Founding Fathers Guide to the Constitution_ ()
Thomas K. McCraw 1986 _Prophets of Regulation: Charles Francis Adams, Louis D. Brandeis, James M. Landis, Alfred E. Kahn_ (400 pages; 5.9MBs)
Vincent McCrudden 2014 _Leverage & Extortion: One Man's Story of How the USA Government Operates_ (250 pages; 429KB)
(45) Val McDermid 2014 _Forensics: What Bugs, Burns, Prints, DNA, and More Tell Us about Crime_ (310 pages; 3MB; 363.25 McD; Main)
Stacy Pratt McDermott 2012 _The Jury in Lincoln's USA_ (265 pages; 3MB)
(12) ►Forrest McDonald, Ph.D. 1985, 1987 _Novus Ordo Seclorum: The Intellectual Origins of the Constitution_ (359 pages; ISBN 9780700602841/ 9780700603114; OCLC 12214284; KU/Lawrence; 8 editions in 1,836 libraries: Felonious State U, Felonious State U Law, R.A.Gray, Florida Supremes, FAMU, Valdosta State U, Santa Fe College/HogTown, UF/HogTown, FSCJax, Jax, Marion/Ocala, Auburn U, Ludwig von Mises Institute (LvMI)/Auburn, Florida Coastal School of Law/Jax, St.Johns River/Palatka, UNF/Jax, UWF, USF/Tampa, Seminole, Stetson/Deland, Stetson Law/Gulfport, Daytona State College, Orange/Orlando, UCF/Orlando, New College of Florida/Sarasota, Eastern Florida State College/Cocoa, Brevard/Cocoa, Palm Beach Atlantic U/WPB, FAU, Miami-Dade College, FIU/Miami, U of Miami, UNCCH, UNCCH Law, Louisville, Northern Kentucky U/Highland Heights, Mt.St.Joseph/Cincinnati, CHPL/Cincinnati, U of Cincinnati, Miami U/Hamilton, Miami U/Oxford; ILL request)◀
Forrest McDonald & Ellen Shapiro McDonald 1986 _A Constitutional History of the United States_ ()
Forrest McDonald 2000-10-24, 2002, 2012 _States' Rights and the Union: Imperium in Imperio 1776-1876_ (295 pages; ISBN 9780700610402/ 9780700612277; OCLC 1025313460/ 1159853127; Kansas)
Forrest McDonald 1956, 1991, 20017 _We the People: The Economic Origins of the Constitution_ (450 pages; 36.7MB)
Gary L. McDowell 2010 _The Language of Law and the Foundations of USA Constitutionalism_ (415 pages; 2.2MB)
John O. McGinnis & Michael B. Rappaport 2013 _Originalism and the Good Constitution_ (300 pages; 1.2MB)
Kelly McGonigal 8888 _The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It_ ()
Roger D. McGrath 1987 _GunFighters, HighWayMen, and Vigilantes: Violence on the Frontier_ (criminology; 288 pages; UCalifornia)
Thomas K. McGraw 1986 _Prophets of Regulation: Charles Francis Adams, Louis D. Brandeis, James M. Landis, Alfred E. Kahn_ (405 pages; 5.9MB)
(40) Chris McGreal 2018 _American OverDose: The Opioid Tragedy in 3 Acts_ (316 pages; 362.29 McG; NE)
Emmett McGroarty, Jane Robbins & Erin Tuttle 2017 _"DeConstructing" the Administrative State_ ()
(22) Kevin McKeown 1999 _Your Secrets Are My Business: A Security Expert Reveals How Your Trash, License Plate, Credit Cards, Computer, and Even Your Mail Make You an Easy Target for Today's Information Thieves_ (260 pages; 303.4833 McK; Main)
Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin 1905, 1962, 2009 _The Confederation and the Constitution 1783-1789_ (385 pages)
Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin 1932, 2002 _The Foundations of USA Constitutionalism_ (175 pages)
Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin 1936 _A Constitutional History of the USA_ ()
(39) admiral William Harry McRaven 2021 _The Hero Code: Lessosn Learned from Lives Well Lived_ (157 pages; ISBN 9781538719961; on order 2021-04-25; McR; Main)
(45) admiral William Harry McRaven 2017 _Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Improve Your Life and Maybe the World_ (140 pages; 1.4MB; 179.6 McR; Main+Jax+E+NE)
Griffith J. McRee 2010 _Life and Correspondence of James Iredell: One of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the USA vol1_ (2 volumes; 580 pages)
Lawrence M. Mead 2019 _Burdens of Freedom: Cultural Dierence and USA Power_ (330 pages; 5.4MB)
Charles K. Meek 1968 _Land Law and Custom in the Colonies_ (330 pages)
Heather Meeker 2015 _Open Source for Business: A Practical Guide to Open Source Software Licensing_ (340 pages; 5MB)
David Mellinkoff 1982 _Legal Writing: Sense and NonSense_ ()
William H. Mellor & Dick M. Carpenter ii 2016 _BottleNeckers: Gaming the Government for Power and Private Profit_ (365 pages; 1.9MB)
Buckner F. Melton 2005 _The Quotable Founding Fathers: A Treasury of 2,500 Wise and Witty Quotations from the Men & Women Who Created the USA_ (350 pages; 1.3MB)
(55) ►Allen Porter Mendenhall, J.D., LL.M., Ph.D. 2017, 2018, 2019 _Oliver Wendell Holmes ii: Pragmatism & the Jurisprudence of Agon_/_Oliver Wendell Holmes ii: Aesthetic Dissent & the Common Law_ (law; 171 pages; ISBN 9781611487916/ 9781611487930/ 9781611487923; OCLC 1121441044; BucknellU; ILL request)◀
(55) ►Allen Porter Mendenhall, J.D., LL.M., Ph.D. 2020, 2021 _The 3 Ps of Liberty: Pragmatism, Pluralism, and PolyCentricity_ (law; 248 pages; ISBN 9783030396077/ 9783030396053/ 9783030396046; OCLC 1237861413/ 1147975209/ 1164636880; Palgrave MacMillan/Springer; ILL request)◀
(55) ►Allen Porter Mendenhall, J.D., LL.M., Ph.D. 2021 _Shouting Softly: Lines on Law, Literature, & Culture_ (law; 99999 pages; ISBN 9781587317972; OCLC 1268136405; St. Augustine's; ILL request)◀
(55) ►Allen Porter Mendenhall, J.D., LL.M., Ph.D. 2017 _Of Bees and Boys: Lines from a Southern Lawyer_ (law; 76 pages; ISBN 9780692888940; OCLC 1008889536; Red Dirt; ILL request)◀
George E. Mendenhall 1955 _Law and Covenant in Israel and the Ancient Near East_ ()
Thomas Mercaldo 2016 _Dare to Soar: A Gift, and a Challenge to the Eagle Scout_ (160 pages; 857KB)
(50) ►James L. Merriner 2004, 2008 _Grafters and Goo Goos: Corruption & Reform in Chicago 1833-2003_ (criminology; 302 pages; ISBN 9780809328741; OCLC 228363952; SIU Carbondale; ILL request)◀
(50) ►Timothy Messer-Kruse 2012-07-26 _The HayMarket Conspiracy: TransAtlantic Anarchist Networks_ (1886; 236-256 pages; 883KB ISBN 9780252037054/ 9780252094149; OCLC 924763959; UIllinois; ILL request)◀
Hank Messick 1971 _Lansky_ ()
Aaron Eitan Meyer & Brooke Goldstein 2011 _Lawfare: The War Against Free Speech: A First Amendment Guide for Reporting in an Age of Islamist Warfare_ (230 pages; 261KB)
David Meyers & Elise Meyers Walker 2018 _Ohio's Black Hand Syndicate: The Birth of "Organized" Crime in the USA_ (190 pages)
(40) Arthur Holland Michel 2019 _Eyes in the Sky: The Secret Rise of Gorgon Stare & How It Will Watch Us All_ (138 pages; ISBN 9780544972001; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 363.232 Mic; Main)
Ryan Michler 2018 _Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men_ (260 pages; 16.5MB)
Alice Miller, Hildegarde Hannum & Hunter Hannum 2002 _For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence_ (310 pages; 509KB)
Danile Miller & John Griffing 2018-05-23, 2020-11-09 _Texit: Why & How Texas Will Leave the USA_ (272 pages; ISBN 9781948035088; OCLC ; Defiance)
Emily Miller 8888 _Emily Gets Her Gun_ ()
Frank W. Miller 1970 _Prosecution_ ()
Fred D. Miller ii 1997 _Nature, Justice, and Rights in Aristotle's Politics_ (430 pages)
James Miller 2018 _Can Democracy Work?: A Short History of a Radical Idea from Ancient Athens to Our World_ (310 pages; 1.1MB)
Robert T. Miller & Ronald B. Flowers 1996 _Toward Benevolent Neutrality: Church, State, and the Supreme Court_ (2 volumes)
Ian Millhiser 2016 _Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted_ (365 pages; ThinkRegress)
(30) ►Richard Miniter 2003 Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clinton's Failures UnLeashed Global Terror_ (973.929; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀
Jeffrey A. Miron 2004 _Drug War Crimes: The Consequences of Prohibition_ ()
Ian I. Mitroff 2018 _Technology [Executives] Run Amok: Crisis Management in the Digital Age_ (175 pages; 640KB)
Al W. Moe 2013 _Vegas and the Mob: 40 Years of Frenzy_ (180 pages; 1.5MB)
Stefan Molyneux 2017 _The Art of the Argument: Western Civilization's Last Stand_ (165 pages; 779KB)
Stefan Molyneux 2013 _Universally Preferable Behaviour: A Rational Proof of Secular Ethics_ (175 pages; 840KB)
Mary Wortley Montagu & Sophia Fermor 2016 _Woman not Inferior to Man: A Short and Modest Vindication of the Natural Right of the Fair-Sex to a Perfect Equality of Power, Dignity, and Esteem with the Men_ (43 pages; 858KB)
Charles Louis de Secondat baron de Montesquieu 8888 _The Spirit of the Laws_ ()
Adam D. Moore 2015 _Privacy, Security, and Accountability: Ethics, Laws, and Policy_ (260 pages; 2.3MB)
(45) Geoffrey A. Moore 2021 _The Infinite StairCase: What the Universe Has to Tell Us about Life, Ethics, & Mortality_ (217 pages; ISBN 9781950665983; BenBella; on order 2021-09-03 Tuc; Main+NE)
Gerson Moreno-Riano, Patricia G. Avery, Peter J. Boettke, J. Budzisewski, Steve Finkel, Nick Fotion, Ewa Golebiowska, Peter T. Leeson, Robert Cummins Neville, David Resnick, Michal Shamir, Henrik Syse & Roger P. Weissberg 2006 _Tolerance in the 21st Century: Prospects & Challenges_ (245 pages)
Alan Morinis 2008 _EveryDay Holiness: The Jewish Spiritual Path of Mussar_ (355 pages; 1.1MB)
Roger Morris 1996 _Partners in Power: The Clintons and Their America_ (529 pages; 973.929; ; Clinton Crime Family)
Jeffrey B. Morris 2011 _[Corruption] on the Bench: The Craft and Activism of Jack Weinstein_ (400 pages; 7.3MB)
Thomas D. Morris 1974, 2010 _Free Men All: The Personal Liberty Laws of the North 1780-1781_ (260 pages)
Thomas D. Morrison 1996 _Southern Slavery and the Law 1619-1860_ ()
Jennifer Roback Morse 2018 _The Sexual State: How Elitist Ideologies Are Destroying Lives & Why the Church Was Right All Along_ (300 pages; 2.1MB)
Kenneth B. Moss 2019 _Marque and Reprisal: The Spheres of Public & Private War_ (464 pages; ISBN 9780700627752; OCLC 1111287852; Kasnas)
Janice M. Mueller 2003 _An Introduction to Patent Law_ ()
Myles Munroe 2000, 2004 _The Burden of Freedom: Discover the Keys to Your Individual and National Freedom_ (250 pages; 1.8MB)
Angela F. Murphy 2014 _The Jerry Rescue: The Fugitive Slave Law, "Northern Rights", and the USA Sectional Crisis_ (205 pages)
Liam B. Murphy & Thomas Nagel 2002, 2004, 2008 _The Myth of Ownership: [Confiscatory] Taxes & Justice_ (228 pages; ISBN 9780195176568/ 9780195150163/ 9780195150162; OCLC 884668984/ 604521094; OxfordU)
Kenneth R. Murray 2004, 2006 _Training at the Speed of Life: vol1 The Definitive TextBook for Police and Military Reality Based Training_ (368 pages)
Ernest Mushinge 2018 _Why Software Development Needs Ethics to Succeed_ (45 pages; 1.3MB)
Brendan Cathbad Myers 2008 _The Other Side of Virtue_ (310 pages)
Laurie Mylroie 8888 _Study of Revenge_ ()
- - - - - N
Ethan Nadelmann 2006 _Cops Across Borders: The Internationalization of USA Criminal Law Enforcement_ (545 pages)
Loretta Napoleoni 2003 _Modern Jihad: Tracing the Dollars behind the Terror Networks_ ()
Andrew P. Napolitano, J.D. 2004 _Constitutional Chaos: What happens when government breaks its own laws_ (234 pages; 345.73; ???was catalogued, now it is not)
(49) Andrew P. Napolitano, J.D. 2006 _The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land_ (290 pages; ISBN 1595550305; Nelson Current; 342.7302 Nap; East)
Andrew P. Napolitano, J.D. 2009 _A Nation of Sheep_ (250 pages; 792KB)
(52) ►Andrew P. Napolitano, J.D. 2012-11-12 _Theodore and Woodrow: How 2 American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom_ (298-300 pages; 1.4MB; ISBN 9781595553515; OCLC 779873387; Nelson; ILL request)◀
Andrew P. Napolitano, J.D. 2014 _Suicide Pact: The Radical Expansion of Presidential Powers and the Lethal Threat to American Liberty_ (480 pages)
Andrew P. Napolitano, J.D. 2013 _The Freedom Answer Book_ (270 pages)
Andrew P. Napolitano, J.D. 2014 _It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong: The Case for Personal Freedom_ (310 pages; 640KB)
(50) ►Andrew P. Napolitano, J.D. 2009-04-14 _Dred Scott's Revenge: A Legal History of Race and Freedom in America_ (288 pages; ISBN 9781595552655; OCLC 875721621; Nelson; 342.730873; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀
Darcia Narvaez 2014 _NeuroBiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture, and Wisdom_ (450 pages; 4.6MB)
Mangai Natarajan 2019 _InterNational and TransNational Crime and Justice_ (500 pages; 6.6MB)
Robert G. Natelson 2014 _The Original Constitution: What It Actually Said and Meant_ (340 pages; 998KB)
Robert G. Natelson 2020-04-15 _The Law of Article V: State Initiation of Constitutional Amendments_ (125 pages; 523KB)
Evil National Lawyers Guild, Anthony Baez Foundation & October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality 1999 _Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement_ (365 pages; some killings were righteous/defense, others were criminal/initiations of force)
Joe Navarro & Marvin Carlins 2009 _What Every Body Is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People_ (270 pages; 1.3MB)
R.T. Naylor 2002, 2004 _Wages of Crime: Black Markets, Illegal Finance, and the UnderWorld Economy_ ()
David Neal 1992 _The Rule of Law in a Penal Colony: Law and Politics in Early New South Wales_ (280 pages)
Richard Neely 1983 _How Courts Govern America_ ()
Richard Neely 1994 _Tragedies of Our Own Making: How Private Choices Have Created Public Bankruptcy_ ()
Richard Neely 8888 _Take Back Your Neighborhood: Organizing a Citizens' Patrol Force_ (224 pages; 364.40973; ???was catalogued, now it is not)
Aryeh Neier 8888 _Taking Liberties: 4 Decades in the Struggle for Rights_ ()
Clark M. Neily iii 8888 _Terms of Engagement: How Our Courts Should Enforce the Constitution's Promise of Limited Government_ ()
William E. Nelson 2000, 2018 _Marbury v. Madison: The Origins and Legacy of Judicial Review_ (170-175-184 pages; 1.3MB; ISBN 9780700626533/ 9780700626403; OCLC 1022075032; Kansas)
William E. Nelson 1975, 1979, 1988 _The Americanization of the Common Law: The Impact of Legal Change on Massachusetts 1760-1830_ ()
Eliot Ness & Oscar Fraley 1987 _The Untouchables: The Real Story_ ()
Eliot Ness & Oscar Fraley 1959 _The Untouchables: The Explosive, InSide Story of the Capone Empire as Told by the Man Who Smashed It_ (155 pages)
(40) ►Gerald L. Neuman 1996, 2010 _Strangers to the Constitution: Immigrants, Boroders, and Fundamental Law_ (275 pages; 1.3MB; ILL request)◀
Richard K. Neumann ii 1990 _Legal Reasoning and Legal Writing: Structure, Strategy, and Style_ ()
(55) ►Michael Newton 2011-07-20, 2011-08-10 _Chronology of Organized Crime WorldWide 6KBCE to 2010CE_ (360 pages; 6.8MB; 1.44 pounds; 9780786444113; McFarland; ILL request)◀
Sarah E. Newton 1994 _Learning to Behave: A Guide to American Conduct Books before 1900_ (240 pages)
Melville B. Nimmer 1963 _Nimmer on Copyright_ (4 volumes)
Mordechai Nisan 2010 _Privacy and Intimacy_ (70 pages)
Helen Nissenbaum 2009 _Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of "Social" Life_ (295 pages; 950KB)
M.D. Noel 2014 _Good Guys with Guns, Bad Guys with Guns_ (29 pages; 736KB)
John T. Noonan ii 2002 _Persons and Masks of the Law: Cardozo, Holmes, Jefferson, and Wythe as Makers of the Masks_ ()
John T. Noonan ii & Edward McGlynn Gaffney ii 2001 _Religious Freedom: History, Cases, and Other Materials on the Interaction of Religion and Government_ (duplicate entry under Religion)
Peggy Noonan 2000 _The Case Against HitleryRottenClinton_ (181 pages; 973.929; Main+NE+BLPerry)
John Nores 2019 _Hidden War: How Special Operations Game Wardens Are ReClaiming USA's WildLands from the Drug Criminal Gang Syndicates_ (ISBN 9781946267610; OCLC 1117488396; Gun Digest)
John Nores & James A. Swan 2010 _War in the Woods: Combatting Marijuana Cartels on USA Public Lands_ (200 pages; ISBN 9781599219301; OCLC 601044874; Lyons)
Kimberly Jade Norwood 2016 _Ferguson's Fault Lines: The Race Quake That Rocked a Nation_ (240 pages)
Kimberly Jade Norwood 2013 _Color Matters: Skin Tone Bias_ (245 pages; 1.6MB)
- - - - - O
Barbara Oakley 2010 _Evil Genes: Why Rome Fell, Hitler Rose, Enron Failed, and My Sister Stole My Mother's BoyFriend_ (455 pages; 8.3MB)
Franklin Oakley 2005 _Natural Law, Laws of Natur, Natural Rights: Continuity & DisContinuity in the History of Ideas_ (150 pages)
David M. O'Brien 2017 _Constitutional Law and Politics: vol1 Struggles for Power and Government Accountability_ (1,100 pages)
David M. O'Brien 2017 _Constitutional Law and Politics: vol2 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties_ (1,700 pages)
Joseph F. O'Brien & Andris Kurins 1992 _The Fall of the GodFather: Boss of Bosses: The FBI and Paul Castellano_ (370 pages)
(42) Robert O'Harrow ii 2005 _No Place to Hide: Behind the Scenes of Our Emerging Surveillance Society_ (328 pages; 303.4833; Main)
Patrick O'Kane 2017 _GDPR: Fix It Fast: Apply GDPR to Your Company in 10 Simple Steps_ (220 pages; 646KB)
(39) William Oldfield & Victoria Bruce 2018 _Inspector Oldfield and the Black Hand Society: USA's Original Gangsters and the USA Postal Detective Who Brought Them to Justice_ (310 pages; 46.1MB; 364.1060973; Main+E+Jax)
Brad O'Leary 2008 _The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Hussein Obummer's War against USA Values_ (220 pages)
Walter J. Oleszek, Mark J. Oleszek, Elizabeth E. Rybicki & William A. Heniff ii 2015 _Congressional Procedures and the Policy Process_ (490 pages; 3MB)
Rob Olive 2012 _Essential Liberty_ (380 pages; 947KB)
Barbara Olson 1999 _H377 to Pay: The UnFolding Story of Hitlery Rotten Clinton_ (344 pages; 973.929; Main+NE+Jax+FtBraden+Woodville)
Barbara Olson 2001 _The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House_ (240 pages; 973.929; BLPerry+E+FtBraden+NE)
Walter K. Olson 1991, 1992 _The Litigation Explosion: What Happened When USA UnLeashed the LawSuit_ (375 pages)
Walter K. Olson 1997 _The Excuse Factory: How Employment Law Is Paralyzing the USA WorkPlace_ (375 pages)
Walter K. Olson 2002 _The Rule of Sheisters: How the New Litigation Elite Threatens USA's Rule of Law_ (375 pages; 517KB)
Walter K. Olson 2011 _Schools for MisRule: Legal Academia and an OverLawyered USA_ (285 pages; 946KB)
Peter S. Onuf 1987, 2019 _Statehood and Union: An History of the NorthWest Ordinance_ (215 pages)
Peter S. Onuf 1983 _The Origins of the Federal Republic: Jurisdictional Controversies in the USA 1775-1787_ (295 pages)
Peter S. Onuf 1991 _The New USA Nation 1775-1820: vol1 The Revolution in USA Thought_ (350 pages)
Peter S. Onuf 1991 _The New USA Nation 1775-1820: vol3 The Revolution in the States_ (520 pages)
(50) J.M. Opal 2017 _Avenging the People: Andrew Jackson, the Rule of Law, and the American Nation_ (337 pages; biography Jackson; Main)
(45) Bill O'Reilly & Martin Dugard 2021-05-04 _Killing the Mob: The Fight Against Organized Crime in the USA_ (292-304 pages; 87.9MB; ISBN 9781250273659; OCLC 1182020092; St.Martin's/Wheeler; release 2021-05-04; 9999 O'Re; Main)
Karen Orren & John Compton 2018 _The Cambridge Companion to the USA Constitution_ (490 pages; 2.2MB)
James Ostrowski, J.D. 2014-09-16 _Progressivism: A Primer on the Idea Destroying America_/_Regressivism: A Primer on the Idea Destroying the USA_ (214-226 pages; ISBN 9780971925387; OCLC 900090471; Cazenovia)
(50) John Ott ii 2016 _Bibi the Bunny Learns Taxation Is Theft_ (or extortion, or robbery; 24 pages)
(49) James P Owen 2014 _Cowboy Values: ReCapturing What the USA Stood for_ (101 pages; 170.973; Main+Jax)
- - - - - P
Herbert L. Packer 1969 _The Limits of the Criminal Sanction_ ()
Antonio Padoa-Schioppa 1997 _Legislation and Justice_ (450 pages)
Antonio Padoa-Schioppa & Caterina FitzGerald 2017 _An History of Law in Europe from the Early Middle Ages to the 20th Century_ (780 pages; 2.4MB)
George Papadopoulos 2019 _Deep State Target_ (999999 pages; ISBN 9781635764932; OCLC 1081428592; Diversion)
Eli Pariser 2011 _The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You_ (294 pages; 905KB; 004.678; Main)
James Robert Parish 2001 _The Hollywood Book of Death: The Bizarre, Often Sordid, Passings of More than 125 USA Movie and TV "Idols"_ (415 pages; 22.7MB)
Kunal M. Parker 2013 _Common Law, History, and Democracy in the USA 1790-1900: Legal Thought before [Regressivism]_ (300 pages)
Charles Parlin 1973 _Shearman and Sterling 1873-1973_ (sheister firm)
Lyman Ray Patterson 1968 _Copyright in Historical Perspective_ ()
Ellen Frankel Paul & Howard Dickman 1990 _Liberty, Property, and the Future of Constitutional Self-Government_ (330 pages)
Ellen Frankel Paul & Howard Dickman 1988 _Liberty, Property, and the Foundations of the American Constitution_ (180 pages)
Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller ii & Jeffrey Paul 2001 _Natural Law and Modern Moral Philosophy_ (265 pages)
Ellen Frankel Paul 1987 _Property Rights and Eminent Domain_ (270 pages; 40.5MB)
(33) ►Ellen Frankel Paul 2004 _Natural Rights Liberalism from Locke to Nozick_ (415 pages; ILL request)◀
(40) ►Rand Paul & Doug Staford 2012-09-12 _Government Bullies: How EveryDay USA Citizens Are Being Harassed, Abused, & Imprisoned by the Feds_ (280-320 pages; ISBN 9781455522774/ 9781455522750; OCLC 841185254; Center Street; ILL request)◀
(18) ►Katie Pavlich 2012 _Fast and Furious: Barack Obummer's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up_ (222-240 pages; 2MB; ISBN 1596983213/ 9781596983212; OCLC 773667741; ILL request)◀
Katie Pavlich 2014 _Assault and Flattery: The Truth about the Left and Their War Against Women_ (270 pages; 2.4MB)
Lisa Pease & James di Eugenio 2018-12-18 _A Lie Too Big to Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy_ (512-525 pages; 3MB; ISBN 9781627310703; OCLC 1030901889; Feral House)
(45) ►M. Scott Peck 1983, 2005, 2006 _The People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil_ (320 pages; ISBN 9780099728603; OCLC 1302625026; Simon&Schuster/Touchstone/Arrow ; ILL request)◀
Leslie P. Peirce 2003 _Morality Tales: Law and [Sex] in the Ottoman Court_ (510 pages; 5.6MB)
Neal R. Peirce & Lawrence D. Longley 1968, 1981 _The People's President: The Electoral College in USA History_ (400 pages)
Terro Jennings Peretti 2020 _Partisan Supremacy: How the [Leftists &] GOP Enlisted Courts to Rig America's Election Rules_ (360-374 pages; ISBN 9780700630196; OCLC 1152384791; Kansas)
(50) Douglas Perry 2014 _Eliot Ness: The Rise & Fall of an American Hero_ (335 pages; 7.5MB; biography Ness; Main+Jax)
(50) Richard Perry/Rick Perry 2010 _Fed Up!_ (220 pages; 320.5209; Main+NE)
Ronald J. Pestritto 2000 _Founding the Criminal Law: Punishment and Political Thought in the Origins of America_ ()
Anne Helen Petersen 2014 _Scandals of Classic Hollywood: Sex, Deviance, and Drama from the Golden Age of USA Cinema_ (295 pages; 5.3MB)
Merrill D. Peterson 2010 _Democracy, Liberty, and Property: The State Constitutional Conventions of the 1820s_ (435 pages; 1.2MB)
(45) ►Paul E. Peterson, Ph.D. & Michael W. McConnell 2018 _Scalia's Constitution: Essays on Law & Education_ (151 pages; ISBN 9783319589305; OCLC 1053671800; Palgrave MacMillan; ILL request)◀
Joseph R. Petrucelli 2013 _Detecting Fraud in Organizations: Techniques, Tools, and Resources_ (375 pages; 4.8MB)
Adriana Petryna, Andrew Lakoff & Arthur Kleinman 2005 _Global Pharmaceuticals: Ethics, Markets, Practices_ ()
Philip Pettit 2014 _Just Freedom: A Moral Compass for a Complex World_ (280 pages; 484KB)
Philip Pettit 1997 _Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government_ (305 pages; 975KB)
Philip Pettit 2013 _A Theory of Freedom from the Psychology to the Politics of Agency_ (195 pages; 902KB)
Stephan L. Pevar 2012 _The Rights of Indians, and Tribes_ (530 pages; 2.5MB)
George E. Pfautsch 2007 _Flawed Justice: When Our UnAlienable Rights Are Ignored_ (110 pages; 6.3MB)
Raymond S. Pfeiffer & Ralph P. Forsberg 2013 _Ethics on the Job: Cases and Strategies_ (170 pages; 6.3MB)
Eva Pierrakos & Donavan Thesenga 2013 _Fear No Evil: The PathWork Method of TransForming the Lower Self_ (270 pages; 547KB)
Mark Pieth 2002 _Financing Terrorism_ ()
--(50) Steven Pinker 2011 _The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined_ (832 pages; 6.183MB; 303.609 Pin; Main)
Jeanine Pirro & Catherine Whitney 2004, 2015 _To Punish and Protect: One DA's Fight Against a System That Coddles Criminals_ (280 pages; 391KB)
R. Carter Pittman 1956 _The Supreme Court, the Broken Constitution, and the Shattered Bill of Rights_ ()
R. Carter Pittman, Joel LeFevre & Joyce LeFevre 8888 _Our Bill of Rights: How It Came To Be_ ()
J.R. Pole 1987 _The American Constitution for and Against: The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers_ ()
(37) ►Andrew Pollack, Max Eden & Hunter Pollack 2019 _Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies That Created the Parkland Attacker and Endanger USA's Students_ (325 pages; 799KB; ILL request)◀
Albin J. Pollock 1935 _The UnderWorld Speaks: An Inight to Vices, Crimes, Corruption_ ()
Frederick Pollock & Frederic William Maitland 1923, 2012 _The History of English Law Before the Time of Edward i_ (1,560 pages; 3MB)
Alexander I. Poltorak & Paul J. Lerner 2008 _Essentials of Licensing Intellectual Property_ (240 pages; 587KB)
(30) ►Mark Pope, Lisa Y. Flores & Patrick J. Rottinghaus 2014 _The Role of Values in Careers_ (300 pages; 4.3MB; ILL request)◀
(30) ►Marlo Alexis Portella 2018 _Islam: Religion of Peace?: The Violation of Natural Rights & Western Cover-Up_ (280 pages; 760KB; ILL request)◀
Darwin Porter & Danforth Prince 2008 _Hollywood Babylon: It's Back!: All Those Celebrities, All Those Scandals, All That Nudity, and All That Sin_ (400 pages; 57.3MB)
Andrew Porwancher 2016 _John Henry Wigmore and the Rules of Evidence: The Hidden Origins of Modern Law_ (225 pages)
Andrew Porwancher 2016 _The Devil Himself: A Tale of Honor, InSanity, and the Birth of Modern USA_ (325 pages)
-Eric A. Posner & Adrian Vermeule 2011 _The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Republic_ (250 pages; 619KB)
Richard A. Posner 1985 _The Federal Courts_ ()
Richard A. Posner 1975, 1977, 2014 _The Economic Analysis of Law_ (1,000 pages; 3.5MB)
Richard A. Posner 2010 _How Corrupt Judges Think_ (390 pages; 1.6MB)
Claire Potter 8888 _War on Crime_ ()
Harry Potter 2015 _Law, Liberty and the Constitution: A Brief History of the Common Law_ (362 pages; 42.7MB)
(35) William Poundstone 2008 _Gaming the Vote: Why Elections Aren't Fair (And What We Can Do About It)_ (338 pages; ISBN 9780809048939; ; 324.973 Pou; Main+E)
(11) Sidney K. Powell 2014, 2018 _Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice_ (444 pages; 3.4MB-3.7MB; 353.465 Pow; NE)
(44) Sidney K. Powell 2020 _Conviction Machine: Standing Up to Federal Prosecutorial Abuse_ (195-215 pages; 2.1MB-6.3MB; 999.9999 Pow; NE)
Richard Power 2000 _Tangled Web: Tales of Digital Crime from the Shadows of CyberSpace_ (425 pages)
Dennis Prager 2015 _The 10 Commandments: Still the Best Moral Code_ (110 pages; 419KB)
Dennis Prager 2012, 2013 _Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph_ (440 pages; 1.2MB)
John Webb Pratt 1967 _Religion, Politics, and Diversity: The Church-State Theme in New York History_ (315 pages)
(54) ►Stephen B. Presser, J.D. 1994-10-06 _Recapturing the Constitution: Race, Religion, & Abortion ReConsidered_ (397 pages; ISBN 9780895264923; OCLC 875318062; Regnery; ILL request)◀
(62) ►Stephen B. Presser, J.D. 2016-12-02, 2017 _Law Professors: 3 Centuries of Shaping American Law_/_Law Professors: 3 Centuries of Perverting/Corrupting USA Law_ (502 pages; ISBN 9781634590457; OCLC 1002614948; West; ILL request)◀
(62) ►Stephen B. Presser, J.D. 1991-01-01, 1991-08-01 _The Original MisUnderstanding: The English, the Americans, & the Dialectic of Federalist Jurisprudence_ (272 pages; ISBN 9781634590457/ 9780890894255; OCLC 246681990; Carolina; ILL request)◀
Francis Paul Prucha 1997 _American Indian Treaties: The History of a Political Anomaly_ (555 pages; 12.4MB)
Samuel F. Pufendorf/Samuel von Pufendorf 1695 _The Divine Feudal Law: Covenant with Mankind, Represented_ ()
Samuel F. Pufendorf/Samuel von Pufendorf 1687 _Of the Nature and Qualification of Religion in Reference to Civil Society_ ()
Samuel F. Pufendorf/Samuel von Pufendorf, Thomas Behme & William Abbott Oldfather 1660 _2 Books of the Elements of Universal Jurisprudence_ ()
Samuel F. Pufendorf/Samuel von Pufendorf, Andrew Tooke, Ian Hunter, David Saunders & Jean Barbeyrac 1673, 2003 _The Whole Duty of Man According to the Law of Nature_ ()
James Pyle & Maryann Karinch 2014 _Find Out AnyThing from AnyOne, AnyTime_ (280 pages; 1.8MB)
- - - - - Q
Yang Qiang 2013 _Mongolian Legal Tradition and the Modern Transformation_ (275 pages)
Gary Queensbury & Dave Grossman 2020 _Spotting Danger Before It Spots You: Build Situational Awareness to Stay Safe_ (160 pages; 12.5MB)
- - - - - R
Selwyn Raab 2014 _5 Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of USA's Most Powerful Mafia Empires_ (815 pages; 1.6MB)
Dorothy Rabinowitz 2004 _No Crueler Tyrannies: Accusation, False Witness, and Other Terrors of Our Times_ ()
Jeremy A. Rabkin 2005 _Law without Nations: Why Constitutional Government Requires Sovereign States_ ()
Leon Radzinowicz 1986 _An History of English Criminal Law and Its Administration from 1750_ ()
Leon Radzinowicz 1999 _Adventures in Criminology_ ()
Leon Radzinowicz 1977 _Crime & Justice_ ()
Leon Radzinowicz 1969 _Ideology & Crime_ ()
Leon Radzinowicz 1955 _Mens Rea in Statutory Offenses_ ()
John A. Ragosta 2013 _Religious Freedom: Jefferson's Legacy, USA's Creed_ (300 pages; 2MB)
John A. Ragosta 2010 _WellSpring of Liberty: How Virginia's Religious Dissenters Helped Win the American Revolution and Secured Religious Liberty_ (265 pages; 2.8MB)
(35) Adrian Raine 2013 _The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime_ (478 pages; 4.8MB; 616.85; Main)
Adrian Raine & Andrea L. Glenn 2014 _PsychoPathy: An Introduction to Biological Findings and Their Implications_ (245 pages; 2.5MB; 9999999)
Jack N. Rakove 2009 _The Annotated USA Constitution and Declaration of Independence_ (355 pages; 1.8MB)
Gautham Rao 2008 _The Creation of the American State: Customs Houses, Law, and Commerce in the Age of Revolution_ ()
John Rappoport 2018 _Oklahoma City Bombing: v Suppressed Truth_ (80 pages; 1.6MB)
David C. Raskin, Charles R. Honts & John C. Kircher 2013 _Credibility Assessment: Scientific Research and Applications_ (410 pages; 1.5MB)
David W. Rasmussen & Bruce L. Benson 1994 _The Economic Anatomy of a Drug War: Criminal Justice in the Commons_ (260 pages)
T.A. Rathbun & J.E. Buikstra 1986 _Human Identification: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology_ ()
Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen 2019 _The Ideas That Made America: A Brief History_/_The Ideas That Made the USA: A Brief History_ (220 pages; 5.9MB)
Walter B. Raushenbush & Ray A. Brown 1975 _The Law of Personal Property_ ()
Eric S. Raymond 2001 _The Cathedral & the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary_ (250 pages; 464KB; 005.4469; Main)
Richard Rayner 2009, 2010 _A Bright and Guilty Place: Murder, Corruption, and L.A.'s Scandalous Coming of Age_ (330 pages; 1.7MB)
(59) Gil Reavill 2013 _Mafia Summit: J. Edgar Hoover, the Kennedy Brothers, and the Meeting that UnMasked the Mob_ (300 pages; 364.106; Main+E)
Richard Reavis 8888 _The Ashes of Waco_ ()
(59) Terry Reed & John Cummings 1994 _Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA_ (556 pages; 972.929; NE)
John Phillip Reid 1995 _Constitutional History of the American Revolution_ (175 pages)
(50) ►Robert R. Reilly & Larry P. Arnn 2020 _USA on Trial: A Defense of the Founding_ (410 pages; ILL request)◀
Peter Reuter & Edwin M. Truman 2004 _Chasing Dirty Money: The Fight Against Money Laundering_ ()
Howard Rheingold 2002 _Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution_ ()
William H. Rehnquist 2000 _All the Laws but One: Civil Liberties in WarTime_ (254 pages)
William H. Rehnquist 2001 _The Supreme Court_ ()
Philip Lee Reichel & Ryan Randa 2018 _TransNational Crime and Global Security_ (690 pages; 2.9MB)
Philip Lee Reichel 2012 _HandBook of TransNational Crime and Justice_ (520 pages; 13.1MB)
Thomas A. Reppetto 2018 _American Detective: Behind the Scenes of Famous Criminal Investigations_ (300 pages; 2.5MB)
Deborah L. Rhode 2010, 2011 _The Beauty Bias: The InJustice of Appearance in Life and Law_ (265 pages; 1.1MB)
Aaron Rhodes 2018 _The Debasement of Human Rights: How Politics Sabotage the Ideal of Freedom_ (285 pages; 707KB)
Charles Elmer Rice 1999, 2011 _50 Questions on the Natural Law: What It Is & Why We Need It_ (400 pages; 900KB)
David A.J. Richards 1989 _Foundations of USA Constitutionalism_ (330 pages)
Neil Richards 2015 _Intellectual Privacy: ReThinking Civil Liberties in the Digital Age_ (230 pages; 882KB)
Sheldon Richman, Laurence Vance, James Bovard, Jacob Hornberger & Richard M. Ebeling 2013 _The Tyranny of "Gun Control"_ (165 pages; 1MB)
Sheldon Richman, Walter E. Williams, Richard M. Ebeling & Jacob Hornberger 2013 _Your Money or Your Life: Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax_ (extortion; 132 pages; 1.2MB)
Sheldon Richman 2013 _Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Illfare State_ (150 pages; 704KB)
Sheldon Richman 2016 _America's Counter-Revolution: The Constitution ReVisited_ (155 pages; 1.1MB)
Annika Richterich 2018 _The Big Data Agenda: Data Ethics and Critical Data Studies_ (155 pages)
(24) Thomas E. Ricks 2020 _First Principles: What USA's Founders Learned from the Greeks & Romans & How that Shaped Our Country_ (AmRev; 386-416 pages; ISBN 9780062997456; OCLC 1229182354; HarperCollins; 973.099 Ric; Main+NE+Woodville)
Matt Ridley 1998 _The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of CoOperation_ (300 pages)
Philip Riedel 2005 _HandBook of TransNational Crime and Justice_ ()
(57) Jonathan Rieder 2013 _Gospel of Freedom: Martin Luther King ii's Letter from Birmingham Jail & the Struggle that Changed a Nation_ (218 pages; ISBN 9781620400586; Bloomsbury; 320.092 Rie; BLPerry)
William L. Riordin 2019-11-15 _Plunkitt of Tammany Hall_ (corruption; criminology; 60 pages; ISBN 97814200964592; Digireads)
A.S. Ritchie 1895 _Natural Rights_ ()
David George Ritchie 1903, 2010, 2011 _Natural Rights_ ()
Jerry Roberts 2012 _The Hollywood Scandal Almanac: 12 Months of Sinister, Salacious, and Senseless History_ (375 pages; 2MB)
Paul Craig Roberts & Lawrence M. Stratton 2008 _The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice_ (288 pagees; 708KB)
(9) Russell D. Roberts 2014, 2015 _How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life: An UnExpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness_ (261 pages; 766KB; 170; Main; theory of moral sentiments)
Jeffrey Robinson 2000 _The Conglomeration of InterNational Organized Crime_ ()
Matthew Robinson 2002 _Mobocracy: How the Media's Obsession with Polling Twists the News, Alters Elections, & UnderMines Democracy_ (260 pages)
Matthew B. Robinson 2018 _Media Coverage of Crime and Criminal Justice_ (415 pages; 4.3MB)
Patrick Robinson, Matthew McCabe & Jonathan Keefe 2013 _Honor and Betrayal: The UnTold Story of the Navy SEALs Who Captured the Butcher of Fallujah, and the Shameful Ordeal They Later Endured_ (360 pages; 747KB)
(59) Robert A. Rockaway 2000 _But He Was Good to His Mother: The Lives & Crimes of Jewish Gangsters_ (280 pages; 3.2MB; ISBN 9652292494/ 9789652292490; Gefen; 364.3 Roc; NE)
Fred Rodell 1955 _9 Men: A Political History of the Supreme Court from 1790 to 1955_ ()
(11) Jeni Rogers 2019 _200+ Ways to Protect Your Privacy: Simple Ways to Prevent Hacks and Protect Your Privacy On and OffLine (254 pages; 005.8 Rog; Main+Jax)
(49) Tamara L. Roleff 2000 _Crime and Criminals_ (190 pages; 364.973 Cri; Main)
Heinrich A. Rommen 1936, 2013 _The Natural Law: A Study in Legal and "Social" History and Philosophy_ (300 pages; 1MB)
Carl Roper 2013 _Trade Secret Theft, Industrial Espionage, and the Red China Threat_ (310 pages; 17.7MB)
A.M. Rosenthal 2015 _38 Witnesses: The Kitty Genovese Case_ (100 pages; 2.4MB)
Paul Rosenszweig & Brian W. Walsh 2010 _One Nation Under Arrrest: How Crazy Laws, Rogue Prosecutors, and Activist Judges Threaten Your Liberty_ ()
Kermit Roosevelt 2006 _The Myth of Judicial Activism_ ()
(55) Damon Root 2014 _OverRuled: The Long War for Control of the USA Supreme Court_ (270 pages; 347.7326; Main+NE)
(42) ►Carl Roper 2013, 2014 _Trade Secret Theft: Industrial Espionage & the Red China Threat_ (criminology; 303 pages; ISBN 9781439899380; OCLC 900605336; CRC; ILL request)◀
Larken Rose 2015 _The Most Dangerous Superstition_ (240 pages; 1.7MB)
Susan Rose-Ackerman & Bonnie J. Palifka 2016 _Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform_ (630 pages; 3.1MB)
Arthur Rosett & Donald R. Cressey 1976 _Justice by Consent_ ()
Jack Rosewood & Dwayne Walker 215 _The Waco Siege: An American Tragedy_ (100 pages; 2.7MB)
Luke Rosiak 2019 _Obstruction of Justice: How the Deep State Risked National Security to Protect Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Fascists/ Collectivists_ (300 pages; 3.4MB)
(41) Tara Ross 2012 _Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College_ (282 pages; 324.63 ROS; Main)
Tara Ross 2017 _The Indispensible Electoral College: How the Founders' Plan Saves Our Country from Mob Rule_ (295 pages; 13MB)
Morris Rossabi 2017 _How Mongolia Matters: War, Law, and Society_ (nnn pages)
Ralph A. Rossum 2001 _The Supreme Court, and the 17th Amendment_ ()
(58) ►Ralph A. Rossum 2014 _Understanding Clarence Thomas: The Jurisprudence of Constitutional Restoration_ (295-304 pages; ISBN 9780700619481; OCLC 857664371; Kansas; ILL request)◀
(18) Marc Rotenberg, Jeramie Scott & Julia Horwitz 2015 _Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions_ (99999 pages; 323.448 Pri; Main)
Marc Rotenberg 2018 _Privacy Law SourceBook 2018_ (1,130 pages; 1.5MB)
Murray N. Rothbard 1981, 2002, 2015 _The Ethics of Liberty_ (350 pages; 1.3MB)
(59) ►Richard Rothstein 2017 _The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated the USA_ (342-345-360 pages; 25.6MB; ISBN 9781631492853; OCLC 1237737400; Liveright/Norton; 305.8009 Rot; Main+E+NE)◀
Larry Ruddell 2014 _Business Ethics: Faith That Works_ (205 pages; 1.2MB)
Christopher Ruddy 8888 _Vincent Foster: The Ruddy Investigation_ ()
(57) Christopher Ruddy 1997 _The Strange Death of Vincent Foster: An Investigation_ (320 pages; 364.1522; Main)
(37) John Gerard Ruggie 2013 _Just Business: MultiNational Corporations and Human Rights_ (1,251 pages; 174.4; Main)
J.G. Rule 1983 _Outside the Law_ ()
(49) Gianni Russo 2019 _Hollywood GodFather: My Life in the Movies & the Mob_ (criminology; movies; 294 pages; ISBN 9781250181398; St.Martin's; biography Russo; Main)
(57) ►Gus Russo 2007 _SuperMob: How Sidney Korshak & His Criminal Associates Became USA's Hidden Power Brokers_ (criminology; Pritzker; Hyatt; 623 pages; ISBN 9781596912113; OCLC 153578345; Bloomsbury; ILL request)◀
Robert Allen Rutland 1955, 211 _The Birth of the Bill of Rights_ (240 pages)
John H. Ryan & Angela M. Dodge 2013 _Preparing Witnesses to Give Effective Testimony: The Attorney's Essential Guide_ (110 pages; 480KB)
(33) ►Jim Ryun, Ned Ryun & Drew Ryun 2017-08-15 _The Warrior Physician: Heroes Among Us: Stories of the Faithful That Shaped Our World_ (Joseph Warren; 112-114 pages; ISBN 9780768418651; OCLC 99999; ASIN B075LKYSTV; Treasure House/Destiny Image; goodreads, AbeBooks; ILL request)◀
(37) ►Jim Ryun, Ned Ryun & Drew Ryun 2002-06-16 _Heroes Among Us: Deep Within Each of Us Dwells the Heart of a Hero_ (319-320 pages; ISBN 9780768430059; OCLC 50170935; Treasure House/Destiny Image; ILL request)◀
(39) ►Ned Ryun 2019-12-06, 2020-01-07 _Restoring Our Republic: The Making of the Republic & How We Reclaim It Before It's Too Late_ (277-288 pages; 4.7MB; ISBN 9781705870778; OCLC 1136133803; goodreads; ILL request)◀
- - - - - S
(50) Gad Saad 2020-10-06 _The Parasitic Mind: How Bad Ideas are Killing Common Sense & Rational Debate_ (225-235 pages; ISBN 9781621579595; OCLC 1198447259; Regnery/Eagle; ILL request)◀
(58) --Jefrey D. Sachs 2011 _The Price of Civilization: USA Values & the Return to Prosperity_ (324 pages; 330.973 Sac; Main)
Jonathan Sacks 1999 _Morals and Markets_ ()
Andrew St. Laurent 2008 _Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing_ (200 pages; 3.2MB)
Joel Samantha 2014 _Criminal Procedure_ (700 pages; 28.5MB)
Stanton E. Samenow 2014 _Inside the Criminal Mind_ (365 pages; 3.2MB)
Stanton E. Samenow 1989, 2011 _Before It's Too Late: Why Some Kids Get Into Trouble -- and What Parents Can Do About It_ (240 pages; 470KB; 362.74; Main)
John Curtis Samples, James M. Buchanan, Alex Kozinski, Steven A. Engel, Roger Pilon, Joyce Lee Malcolm, Robert M.S. McDonald, Tom G. Plmer, Jacob T. Levy, Walter Berns, Michael Hayes, James A. Dorn & John Tomasi 2002, 2003 _James Madison and the Future of Limited [as opposed to Totalitarian] Government_ (215 pages; 2.4MB)
Timothy Sandefur 2013 _The Conscience of the Constitution: The Declaration of Independence and the Right to Liberty_ (190 pages; 2.9MB)
Timothy Sandefur 2016 _The CornerStone of Liberty: Property Rights in 21st Century USA_ (210 pages; 1.2MB)
Timothy Sandefur 2010 _The Right to Earn a Living: Economic Freedom and the Law_ (350 pages; 1.1MB)
Timothy Sandefur 2016 _The Permission "Society": How the [PowerMad Elitists] Turn Our Freedom into Privileges [and Privileges into Rights] and What We Can Do about It_ (270 pages; 1.1MB)
Ellis Sandoz 2013 _Give Me Liberty: Studies in Constitutionalism and Philosopy_ ()
(30) Benjamin E. Sasse 2017 _The Vanishing USA Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis and How to ReBuild a Culture of Self-Reliance_ (310 pages; 2.2MB; 305.240973 Sas; Main+E+NE)
(80) Benjamin E. Sasse 2018 _Them: Why We Hate [Initiators of Force & Fraud] and How to Heal_ (280 pages; 2.9MB; 323.650973 Sas; Main+E+NE)
David Satter 2004 _Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State_ ()
Robert Satter 1990 _Doing Justice_ ()
Charlie Savage 2015, 2017 _Power Wars: The Relentless Rise of Presidential Authority & Secrecy_ (840 pages; 2.8MB; ISBN 0316286591/ 9780316286596; Back Bay/Little Brown)
Joel Sawyer 2015 _Natural Right and Classical Liberal Thought_ (320 pages; 1.1MB)
Antonin Scalia & Kevin A. Ring 2016 _Scalia's Court: A Legacy of LandMark Opinions and Dissents_ (590 pages; 1.9MB)
Antonin Scalia & Bryan A. Garner 2012 _Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts_ (590 pages; 1.9MB)
(20) Antonin Scalia & Bryan A. Garner 2008, 2009 _Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges_ (245 pages; 376KB; 340.0711; NE)
Antonin Scalia & Bryan A. Garner 2012 _Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts_ (600 pages; 19MB; 9999.9999; UUU)
(40) ►Antonin Scalia 1997 _A Matter of Interpretation: Federal Courts and the Law_ (159 pages; 347.3073534; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀
Antonin Scalia & Steven G. Calabresi 2007 _Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate_ (360 pages; 1MB)
(55) Antonin Scalia, Christopher J. Scalia & Edward Whelan 2017 _Scalia Speaks: Reflections on Law, Faith, and Life Well Lived_ (420 pages; 2.2MB; biography Scalia)
Jack Schafer & Marvin Karlins 2015 _The Like Switch: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Influencing, Attracting, and Winning People Over_ (280 pages; 2.2MB)
John M. Scheb & John M. Scheb ii 1998 _Criminal Law & Procedure_ ()
Danny Schechter 2010 _The Crime of Our Time: Why Wall Street Is not Too Big to Jail_ (300 pages; 755KB)
Roger E. Schechter 1993 _UnFair Trade Practices and Intellectual Property_ (440 pages)
(27) Robert Scheer 2015 _They Know EveryThing About You: How Data-Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies Are Destroying Our Constitutional Democratic Republic_ (256 pages; 323.4480973; Main)
Irwin A. Schiff 1984 _The Socialist Insecurity Swindle: How Anyone Can Drop Out_ (except they quickly locked down those escape hatches; )
(50) David P. Schippers & Alan P. Henry 2000 _SellOut: The InSide Story of president Clinton's [Half-Hearted, Hardly-Trying] Impeachment_ (criminology; 338 pages; 973.929; Main+NE)
(39) ►Phyllis Schlafly 1964 _The GraveDiggers_ (126 pages; OCLC 1021077950; Alton Pere Marquette; ILL request)◀
(42) ►Phyllis Schlafly 2004, 2005 _The Supremacists: The Tyranny of [Oath-Breaking] Judges and How to Stop It_ (190-244 pages; ISBN 9781890636655; OCLC 1005470123; ; ILL request)◀
(50) ►Phyllis Schlafly & George Neumayr 2012 _No Higher Power: Obummer's War on Religious Freedom_ (217 pages; ISBN 9781621570127; OCLC 930796507; Regnery; ILL request)◀
(59) ►Matt Schlapp & Deal W. Hudson 2022 _The Desecrators: Defeating the Cancel Culture Mob & ReClaiming One Nation Under God_ (219 pages; ISBN 9781505120097; OCLC 1287920592; TAN; ILL request)◀
Arthur M. Schlesinger 1946 _Learning to Behave: An Historical Study of American Etiquette Books_ ()
(32) retired lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schlichter, J.D., esq. 2018 _Militant Normals: How Regular USA Citizens Are Rebelling against the Elitists to ReClaim Our Democratic Republic_ (268 pages; ISBN 9781546081951; Center Street; 324.2734 Sch; East)
(27) Bruce Schneier 2015 _Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World_ (398 pages; 1.9MB; Windoze audio)
Jodi Schorb 2014 _Reading Prisoners: Literature, Literacy, and the TransFormation of USA Punishment 1700-1845_ (255 pages; 2.9MB)
James Schouler 1882 _History of the United States under the Constitution_ ()
(59) Peter H. Schuck 2014 _Why Government Fails So Often and How It Can Do Better_ (471 pages; 4MB; 320.60973; NE)
J. Neil Schulman, Wendy McElroy, Samuel Edward Konkin iii, N. Stephan Kinsella & Steve Heller 2018 _Origitent: Why Original Content Is Property_ (185 pages; 2.5MB)
Quentin J. Schultze 2004 _Habits of the High-Tech Heart: Living Virtuously in the Information Age_ (250 pages; 2.2MB)
Fabian Schuppert 2013 _Freedom, Recognition, and Non-Domination: A Republican Theory of Global Justice_ (215 pages; 585KB)
Bernard Schwartz 1993 _An History of the Supreme Court_ ()
(11) Peter Schweizer 2020 _Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by USA's Regressive Elitists (360 pages; ISBN 006289790/ 9780062897909; OCLC 1153983707; 320.973 Sch; Jax)
(14) Peter Schweizer 2013 _Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets_ (320.973 Sch; NE)
(17) ►Peter Schweizer 1993 _Friendly Spies: How America's Allies Are Using Economic Espionage to Steal Our Secrets_ (330-342 pages; ISBN 9780871134974; OCLC 26762704; Atlantic; ILL request)◀
(39) Peter Schweizer 2015 _Clinton Cash: The UnTold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich_ (243 pages; ISBN 9780062369284; Harper; 364.1323 Sch; Main+NE)
(47) Peter Schweizer 2005 _Do As I Say Not As I Do: Profiles in Leftist Hypocrisy_ (258 pages; 320.51 Sch; NE)
(49) Peter Schweizer & Rochelle Schweizer 1998 _Disney: The Mouse Betrayed_ (374 pages; Regnery; 384.8 Sch; Jax)
(50) Peter Schweizer 2011 _Throw Them All Out_ (211 pages; 364.1323 Sch; Main+E+NE+Jax)
Arthur P. Scott 1930 _Criminal Law in Colonial Virginia_ ()
James Scott & Drew Spaniel 2016 _Red China's Espionage Dynasty: Economic Death by a Thousand Cuts_ (60 pages; 864KB)
William Seagle 8888 _Men of Law_ ()
S. Adam Seagrave 2014 _The Foundations of Natural Morality: On the Compatibility of Natural Rights and the Natural Law_ (180 pages; 634KB)
Albert A Seedman & Peter Hellman 2014, 2018 _50 Years after Kitty Genovese: InSide the Case That Rocked Our Faith in Each Oter_ (90 pages; 2.2MB)
Lewis Amherst Selby-Bigge, Shaftesbury, Francis Hutcheson, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham 1897, 2016 _British Moralists: Selections from Writers Principally of the 18th Century vol1_ ()
Lewis Amherst Selby-Bigge, Samuel Clarke, Richard Price, William Wollaston, William Paley, Bernard Mandeville, John Locke, Henry Home lord Kames, Thomas Hobbes 1897, 2010, 2016 _British Moralists: Selections from Writers Principally of the 18th Century vol2_ (460 pages)
Scott Selisker 2016 _Human Programming: BrainWashing, Automatons, and USA Freedom_ (260 pages; 2.2MB)
Robert Sellers 2009, 2018 _Hollywood HellRaisers: The Wild Lives and Fast Times of Marlon Brando, Dennis Hopper, Warren Beatty, and Jack Nicholson_ (325 pages; 785KB)
David J. Senese 1989 _George Mason and the Legacy of Constitutional Liberty: An Examination of the Influence of George Mason on the USA Bill of Rights_ (190 pages)
Gaia Servadio 1976-01-01 _Mafioso: An History of the Mafia from Its Origins to the Present Day_ (3005 pages; ISBN 0436447002/ 9780436447006; Secker&Warburg)
(59) Lee Server 2018 _Handsome Johnny: The Life and Death of Johnny Rosselli: Gentleman Gangster, Hollywood Producer, CIA Assassin_ (530 pages; 54.6MB; biography Rosselli; Main+Jax)
Barry Alan Shain 2013 _The Nature of Rights at the USA Founding and Beyond_ (340 pages)
Jon M. Shane 2008 _What Every Chief Executive Should Know: Using Data to Measure Police Performance_ (290 pages;1.9MB)
Andrew Shankman 2017 _Original Intents: Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, and the USA Founding_ (175 pages)
Ben Shapiro 2014 _The People Vs. Barack Obummer: The Criminal Case Against the Obummer Regime_ (295 pages; 2.2MB)
(50) Ben Shapiro 2021 _The Authoritarian Moment: How the Left Weaponized USA's Institutions against Dissent [& Rights & Liberty]_ (275 pages; ISBN 9780063001824; Broadside; on order Sha; Main+E)
Martin Shapiro 1981, 1986, 2015 _Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis_ (250 pages; 1.4MB)
Clifford Shaw & Henry D. McKay 1942, 1969 _Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas_ ()
Dennis Shaw 2017 _Lawyer, Liar: Judges Are the Worst_ (60 pages; 1.9MB)
(9) Julia Shaw 2018 _Evil: The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side_ (neurophysiology; ethics; criminology; 304 pages; ISBN 9781419729492; OCLC ; Abrams; 616.8582 Sha; Main+Jax)
Mark Shaw 2016, 2017 _The Reporter Who Knew Too Much: The Mysterious Death of What's My Line TV Star and Media Icon Dorothy Kilgallen_ (338-350 pages; 5.4MB; ISBN 9781682614433; OCLC 1014026444; Post Hill)
(17) Mark Shaw 2018, 2020 _Denial of Justice: Dorothy Kilgallen, Abuse of Power, and the Most Compelling JFK Assassination Investigation in History_ (340-473 pages; crime; ISBN 9781642931655; OCLC 1129703581; Post Hill; biography Dorothy Kilgallen; Main)
(55) ►Mark Shaw 2021-06-01 _Collateral Damage: The Mysterious Deaths of Marilyn Death Monroe & Dorothy Kilgallen, & the Ties that Bind Them to Robert Kennedy & the JFK Assassination_ (608 pages; ISBN 9781642938180; OCLC 1242820111; Post Hill; ILL request)◀
William Shawcross 2012 _Justice and the Enemy: Nuremberg, 2001/09/11, and the Trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed_ ()
Luke C. Sheahan 2020 _Why Associations Matter: The Case for First Amendment Pluralism_ (227-240 pages; ISBN 9780700629251; OCLC 1127136004; Kansas)
Colleen A. Sheehan & Gary L. McDowell 1998 _Friends of the Constitution: Writings of the "Other" Federalists_ (565 pages)
Daniel Sheehan 2013 _The People's Advocate: The Life and Legal History of America's Most Fearless Public Interest Lawyer_ (672 pages; 1.6MB)
Kevin Shepherdson, William Hioe & Lyn Boxall 2016 _88 Privacy Breaches to Beware Of: Practical Data Protection Tips from Real-Life Experiences_ (215 pages; 2.4MB)
(45) Michael Shermer 2004, 2005 _The Science of Good and Evil: Why People Cheat, Gossip, Care, Share, and Follow the Golden Rule_ (350 pages; 171.7 She; Jax)
(55) Michael Shermer 2015 _The Moral Arc: How Science & Reason Lead Humanity Toward Truth, Justice, & Freedom_ (550 pages; 8MB)
(55) David K. Shipler 2015 _Freedom of Speech: Mightier Than the Sword_ (336 pages; 323.4430973; Main+NE)
Andrei Shleifer & Robert W. Vishny 2002 _The Grabbing Hand: Government Pathologies and Their Cures_ (280 pages)
Anja Shortland 2019 _Kidnap: Inside the Ransom Business_ (255 pages; 1.7MB)
(65) ►Russell Shorto 2021-02-02 _SmallTime: A Story of My Family & the Mob_ (259-272 pages; 1.7MB; ISBN 9780393245585; OCLC 1155074107; Norton; ILL request)◀
(49) ►John W. Shy 1990, 1994, 1997, 2008 _People Numerous and Armed: Reflections on the Military Struggle for American Independence_ (356 pages; ISBN 9780472064311; OCLC 1006592042; UMich; ILL request)◀
Algernon Sidney & Thomas G. West 1698, 1990, 1996, 2015 _Discourses Concerning Government_ (480 pages; 1.6MB)
Bernard H. Siegan 1981 _Economic Liberties and the Constitution_ ()
Bernard H. Siegan 1997 _Property and Freedom: The Constitution, the Courts, and Land-Use Regulation_ ()
Barry Siegel 2017 _A Death in White Bear Lake: The True Chronicle of an All-American Town_ (565 pages; 12.9MB)
(42) ►Mona L. Siegel 2005, 2011 _The Moral Disarmament of France: Education, Pacifism, and Patriotism 1914-1940_ (310-325 pages; ISBN 0521187788/ 9780521187787; OCLC 665137538; ILL request)◀
David Siemers 2003 _The AntiFederalists: Men of Great Faith and Forbearance_ ()
David Siemers 2018 _The Myth [UnAchieved Ideal] of CoEqual Branches: Restoring the USA Constitution's Separation of Functions_ (230 pages; 1.1MB)
Jessica Silbey 2014 _The Eureka Myth: Creators, Innovators, and EveryDay Intellectual Property_ (365 pages; 1.8MB)
(50) Harvey A. Silverglate 1998 _The Shadow University: The Betrayal of Liberty on USA's Campuses_ (415 pages; 690KB; 378.121; Main)
(64) ►Harvey A. Silverglate & Alan M. Dershowitz 2008, 2009, 2011-06-07, 2017 _Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent_ (crime; criminology; 323-392 pages; 690KB; ISBN 9781594035227; OCLC 1015315091/ 1023157032; Encounter/NotableTrialsLibrary; ILL request)◀
Jay Simkin & Aaron Zelman 8888 _Gun Control: GateWay to Tyranny_ ()
George K. Simon 2010 _In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People_ (176 pages)
(29) James F. Simon 2002 _What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, [his evil cousin] John Marshall, & the Epic Struggle to Create a United States_ (348 pages; ISBN 0684848708; Simon&Schuster; 342.73029 Sim; NE)
Joel Simon 2019 _We Want to Negotiate: The Secret World of Kidnapping, Hostages, and Ransom_ (185 pages; 1MB)
Roger L. Simon 2016 _I Know Best: How Moral Narcissism Is Destroying Our Republic, If It Hasn't Already_ (220 pages; 1MB)
Barbara Sinclair 2016 _UnOrthodox LawMaking: New Legislative Proceses in the USA Congress_ (310 pages; 5.7MB)
Peter Singer 2002 _One World: The Ethics of Globalization_ (250 pages; 2MB)
Peter Singer 2016 _Ethics in the Real World: 82 Brief Essays on Things That Matter_ (355 pages; 170; Main; probably unethical)
Allan Sipe 2017 _NIS/NCIS San Diego: History of the Naval Investigative Service and Naval Criminal Iinvestigative Service in the San Diego Region_ (105 pages; 13.3MB)
Dan Sisson & Thom Hartmann 2014 _The American Revolution of 1800: How Jefferson Rescued "Democracy" from Tyranny and Faction, and What it Means Today_ (300 pages; 1.5MB)
--Ganesh Sitaraman 2017 _The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution: Why Economic InEquality Threatens Our Republic_ (420 pages; 1.1MB)
(40) E. Benjamin Skinner 2008 _A Crime So Monstrous: Face-to-Face with Modern-Day Slavery_ (328 pages; ISBN 9780743290074; Free; 306.362 Ski; Main)
Cliff Sloan & David McKean 2010 _The Great Decision: Jefferson, Adams, Marshall, and the Battle for the Supreme Court_ (275 pages; 858KB)
Jeffrey S. Slovak 1986 _Styles of Urban Policing_ ()
Samuel Smiles c.1865, 2015, 2018 _Character_ (98-150 pages; 595KB-1.1MB)
Luellen Smiley 2017 Cradle of Crime: A Daughter's Tribute_ (255 pages; 9MB)
Adam Smith & Ryan Patrick Hanley 1759, 2009 _The Theory of Moral Sentiments_ (300 pages; 1.5MB)
Bernie Lee Smith-de Boe/Yoder 2016 _Americans Knocking at Freedom's Door: The Uniquely American Heritage of Religious Freedoms and Government of and by the People_ (335 pages; 484KB)
Bradley A. Smith 2009 _UnFree Speech: The Folly of Campaign Finance "Reform"_ (290 pages; 2MB)
(39) ►George H. Smith 2013-04-22 _The System of Liberty: Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism_ (Enlightenment; 236 pages; ISBN 9781107005075; OCLC ; CambridgeU; ILL request)◀
James Allen Smith 2011 _The Spirit of USA Government: A Study of the Constitution, Its Origin, Influence, and Relation to Democracy_ (110 pages; 732KB)
James Morton Smith 1956 _Freedom's Fetters: The Alien and Sedition Laws and American Civil Liberties_ ()
Kimberly K. Smith 2019, 2020 _The Conservation Constitution: The Conservation Movement & Constitutional Change 1870-1930_ (333-344 pages; ISBN 9780700628445; OCLC 1096343256; Kansas)
Mark W. Smith 2018 _Duped: How the Anti-Gun Lobby Eploits the Parkland School Shooting and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back_/_Duped: How Anti-Gunners Are Taking Your Freedom_/_Duped: How the Hoplophobe Lobby Abuses the Parkland School Attack and How Arms Owners Can Defend Themselves_ (150 pages; 2.5MB)
Melancton Smith, Michael Zuckert & Derek Webb 2009 _The Anti-Federalist Writings of the Melancton Smith Circle_ (470 pages)
Michael D. Smith & Rahul Telang 2016 _Streaming, Sharing, Stealing: Big Data and the Future of Entertainment_ (220 pages; 1.1MB)
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Patricia Smith 1993 _The Nature and Process of Law_ ()
Robert Ellis Smith 1993 _Our Vanishing Privacy_ (130 pages)
Robert Ellis Smith 2013, 2018 _Compilation of State and Federal Privacy Laws_ (80 pages; 2.2MB)
(67) Sally Bedell Smith 2007 _For Love of Politics [and Power]: Bill & Hillary Clinton in the White House_ (572 pages; 973.929; Main+NE)
Steven D. Smith 1995, 1998, 1999 _ForeOrdained Failure: The Quest for a Constitutional Principle of Religious Freedom_ ()
Steven D. Smith 2014 _The Rise and Decline of American Religious Freedom_ (230 pages; 1MB)
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Tara Smith 2000 _Viable Values: A Study of Life as the Root and Reward of Morality_ (215 pages; 3MB)
Tara Smith 2006 _Ayn Rand's "Normative" Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist_ (325 pages; 656KB)
William Snyder 1883 _Great Opinions by Great Judges_ ()
(24) ►John Solomon & Seamus Bruner 2020 _FallOut: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, & the Washington DC Lies That Enriched the Clinton Crime Family & BiteMe Crime Family_ (340 pages; 1.4MB; ILL request)◀
Daniel J. Solove 2011 _Nothing to Hide: The False TradeOff Beteeen Privacy and Security_ (245 pages; 790KB)
Daniel J. Solove 2008 _Understanding Privacy_ (260 pages; 2.4MB)
Eugene Soltes 2016 _Why They Do It: Inside the Mind of the White-Collar Criminal_ (450 pages; 4.6MB)
Ilya Somin 2016 _Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter_ (300 pages; 5.5MB)
Edward Sorel 2016 _Mary Astor's Purple Diary: The Great USA Sex Scandal of 1936_ (167 pages; biography Astor; Main+NE+Woodville)
E. Wilder Spaulding 1938 _His Excellency George Clinton: Critic of the Constitution_ ()
William Spelman 1989 _Sitting Ducks, Ravenous Wolves, and Helping Hands: New Approaches to Urban Policing_ ()
Gerry Spence 2005 _Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, Preail--Every Place, Every Time_ (287 pages; 153.852; Jax)
(47) ►Costas Spirou & Dennis R. Judd 2016, 2017 _Building the City of Spectacle: Mayor Richard M. Daley & the ReMaking of Chicago_ (criminology; 239-303 pages; ISBN 9781501706301/ 9781501700477; OCLC 8162998445/ 945586059; CornellU; ILL request)◀
Lysander Spooner 2011 _Natural Law: The Science of Justice: A Treatise on Natural Law, Natural Justice, Natural Rights, Natural Liberty, and Natural "Society"_ (16 pages; 120KB)
Robert Spotswood 8888 _The Practicks of the Laws of Scotland_ ()
Robin Chapman Stacey 2007 _Dark Speech: The Performance of Law in Early Ireland_ ()
Debbie Stanley 2020 _Ethical PitFalls for Professional "Organizers"_ (80 pages; 2.2MB)
Peter James Stanlis 1958, 2017 _Edmund Burke and the Natural Law_ (290 pages; 673KB)
Paul B. Stares 1996 _Global Habit: The Drug Problem in a Borderless World_ ()
Andrew Stark 2010 _Drawing the Line: Public and Private in the USA_ (235 pages; 2.2MB)
(50) Todd Starnes 2017 _The Deplorables' Guide to Making the USA Great Again_ (214 pages; 306.0973 Sta; E)
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Kenneth W. Starr 2008 _First Among Equals_ (350 pages; 926KB)
Kenneth W. Starr 2018 _Contempt: A Memoir of the [1990s] Clinton Investigation_ (338 pages; 973.929; E)
admiral James Stavridis & R. Manning Ancell 2017 _The Leader's BookShelf_ (280 pages; 1.6MB)
James Steel 2018 _Corrupt Deep State Exposed: Fear, Mobsters, Russia Hoax, Deception, and Conspiracy_ (125 pages; 2.1MB)
(55) ►Richard W. Steele 1999 _Free Speech in the Good War_ (309 pages; ISBN 9780312173364; OCLC 402/9282; St. Martin's; ILL request)◀
Peter Stein 1999 _Roman Law in European History_ (140 pages; 669KB)
(47) Matthew Stewart 2014 _Nature's God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic_ (292 pages; 277.307 Ste; Jax)
Alexandra Stiglmayer 1994 _Mass Rape: The War Against Women in Bosnia-Herzegovina_ ()
Deanne Stillman 2013 _TwentyNine Palms: A True Story of Murder, Marines, and the Mojave_ (280 pages; 905KB)
Shannon C. Stimson 1990 _The American Revolution in the Law: Anglo-American JurisPrudence Before John Marshall_ (220 pages)
Anson Phelps Stokes 1950 _Church and State in the United States_ (3 volumes)
Michael H. Stone 2017 _The Anatomy of Evil_ (490 pages; 3.9MB)
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Herbert J. Storing & Murray Dry 1985, 2006 _The Anti-Federalist: Writings by the Opponents of the Opponents of the Constitution_ (370 pages)
Herbert J. Storing 1981 _The Complete Anti-Federalist_ (at least 2 volumes)
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Joseph Story & Melville M. Bigelow 1833, 1891 _Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States_ (2 volumes)
Joseph Story 2013 _Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States_ (Kermit Roosevelt iii; 435 pages; 1.7MB)
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Joseph Story & Thomas M. Cooley 1873 _Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States_ ()
Joseph Story 1986, 2013 _A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States_ (415 pages; 1.6MB)
Joseph Story & William Story 1852 "The Value and Importance of Legal Studies" _The Miscellaneous Writings of Joseph Story_ ()
Katherine J. Strandburg, Brett M. Frischmann & Michael J. Madison 2017 _Governing Medical Knowledge "Commons"_ (395 pages; 4.3MB)
Benjamin Straumann 2015 _Roman Law in the State of Nature: The Classical Foundations of Hugo Grotius's Natural Law_ (270 pages; 1.2MB)
Leo Strauss 1953, 1965 _Natural Right and History_ (336 pages)
Stuart Streichler 2005 _Justice Curtis in the Civil War Era: At the CrossRoads of USA Constitutionalism_ (295 pages)
Jane Stromseth, David Wippman & Rosa Brooks 2006 _Can Might Make Right?: Building the Rule of Law after Military Interventions_ (420 pages; 18MB)
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Don Stuart & John M. Christy 2014 _Freedom Permits Even an Ignorant Ranch Hand from FlyOver Country to Express His Opinions with No Regard to Political Correctness_ (200 pages)
Mark A. Stuart 1985 _Gangster #2: Longy Zwillman: The Man Who Invented Organized Crime_/_Gangster: The True Story of Longy Zwillman: The Man Who Invented Organized Crime_ (235 pages; ISBN 0818403977/ 0352318082/ 9780818403972/ 9780352318084; OCLC 1108985214; W.H. Allen/Lyle Stuart)
Myron Sugerman 217 _The Chronicles of the Last Jewish Gangster: From Meyer to Myron_ (270 pages; 3.4MB)
John F. Sullivan 2007 GateKeeper: Memoirs of a CIA PolyGraph Examiner_ (270 pages; 866KB)
William John L. Sullivan 2016 _12 Years in the Saddle for Law and Order on the Frontiers of Texas_ (200 pages; 524KB)
Mark W. Summers 1987, 1988 _The Plundering Generation: Corruption and the Crisis of the Union 1849-1861_ (375 pages)
Ted Sumner 8888 _Deep Cover Cop_ ()
Robert B. Surrick 2003 _Lawyers, Judges, and Journalists: The Corrupt and the Corruptors_ (345 pages)
Nicolas P. Suzor 2019 _Lawless: The Secret Rules That Govern Our Digital Lives_ (205 pages; 1.5MB)
Carol M. Swain, Ph.D. 2011 _Be the People: A Call to ReClaim USA's Faith and Promise_ (330 pages; 876KB)
(44) ►Carol M. Swain, Ph.D. & Christopher J. Schorr, Ph.D. 2021-08-01 _Black Eye for USA: How Racist Critical Theory Is Burning Down the House_ (176 pages; ISBN 9781737419808; OCLC ; Be the People; ILL request)◀
Gresham Sykes 1958 _Society of Captives_ ()
(27) ►Henrik Syse 2004, 2007 _Natural Law, Religion, and Rights: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Natural Law and Natural Rights with Special Emphasis on the Teachings of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke_ (275 pages; ISBN 189031871/ 9781890318710; DLC 00010789; OCoLC 44794800; St. Augustine's Press; ILL request)◀
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Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau 2015 _Federal Courts in the Early Republic: Kentucky 1789-1816_ (235 pages)
(44) Stephan Talty 2017 _The Black Hand: The Epic War Between a Brilliant Detective and the Deadliest Secret Society in USA History_ (320 pages; 12.6MB; 364.106; Main+Jax)
(15) Adam Tanner 2017 _Our Bodies, Our Data: How Companies Make Billions Selling Our Medical Records_ (218 pages; 1.4MB; 610.285; Main)
(40) Adam Tanner 2014 _What Stays in Vegas: The World of Personal Data, the LifeBlood of Immoral Big Business, and the End of Privacy as We Know It_ (CRM; 999999 pages; 338.761795 Tan; Main+E)
(50) Joseph Tartakovsky 2018 _The Lives of the Constitution: 10 Exceptional Minds that Shaped [or Violated] USA's Supreme Law_ (310 pages; 6.6MB; 342.73 Tar; Main+NE)
(44) ►Brandon Tatum 2021-11-30 _Beaten Black and Blue: Being a Black Cop in an USA Under Siege_ (224 pages; ISBN 9781642938517; OCLC 1244257376; Bombardier; ILL request)◀
Carol Tavris 2017 _Anger: The MisUnderstood Emotion_ (370 pages; 1.9MB)
John Taylor 1814, 1950, 2013 _An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States of America_ (555 pages; 3.5MB)
(29) Kathleen Taylor 2004 _BrainWashing: The Science of Thought Control_ (494 pages; 153.853 Tay; NE)
(33) Kimball Taylor 2016 _The Coyote's BiCycle: The UnTold Story of 7K BiCycles & the Rise of a BorderLand Empire_ (407 pages; 364.13709721 Tay; Main)
(60) Richard H. Thaler 2015 _MisBehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics_ (415 pages; 4.4MB; 330.019; Main)
Michael J. Thali, M.D., Mark D. Viner & B.G. Brogdon 2010-11-22 _Forensic Radiology_ (654 pages; ISBN 9781420075626; OCLC ; CRC)
James Bradley Thayer 1893, 2015 _The Origin and Scope of the American Doctrine of Constitutional Law_ (a regressive attack; 34 pages)
John Thibault 2016 _How to Change a Law: Improve Your Neighborhood, Influence Your Country, Impact the World_ (155 pages; 6.7MB)
David Thibodeau, Leon Whiteson & Aviva Layton 2018 _Waco: A Survivor's Story_ (370 pages; 11MB)
Adam Thierer 2002 _Copy Fights: The Future of Intellectual Property in the Information Age_ (330 pages; 725KB)
Kenneth R. Thomas 8888 _Federalism, State Sovereignty, and the Constitution: Basis and Limits of Congressional Power_ (38 pages; 431KB)
Matthew Thomas 2018 _Proof USA's Founding Fathers Were Conservatives [Classical Liberals]: 493 Quotes for Conservatives [Classical Liberals], Republicans, Libertarians, & Tea Partiers from USA's Founding Fathers with John Locke & Alexis de Tocqueville_ (75 pages; 5.2MB)
Suja A. Thomas 2016 _The Missing USA Jury: Restoring the Fundamental Role of the Criminal, Civil, and Grand Juries_ (250 pages; 1MB)
Christian Thomasius & Thomas Ahnert 2011 _Institutes of Divine Jurisprudence with Selections from Foundations of the Law of Nature & Nations_ (680 pages; 2.1MB)
Arthur R. Thompson 2016, 2018 _To the Victor Go the Myths & Monuments: The History of the 1st 100 Years of the War against God and the USA Constitution 1776-1876, and Its Modern Impact_ (800 pages; 9.6MB)
C. Bradley Thompson 2019 _America's Revolutionary Mind: A Moral History of the American Revolution & the Declaration That Defined It_ (440 pages; 1.2MB)
Francis Newton Thorpe 1909, 2015 _The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and Other Organic Laws of the States, Territories, and Colonies, Now or Heretofore Forming the United States of America_ (7 volumes)
(31) ►Brian Tierney 2014 _Liberty and Law: The Idea of Permissive Natural Law 1100-1800_ (390 pages; ILL request)◀
(31) ►Brian Tierney 1997 _The Idea of Natural Rights: Studies on Natural Rights, Natural Law, and Church Law 1150-1625_ (390 pages; 5.4MB; ILL request)◀
John F. Timoney 2010 _Beat Cop to Top Cop: A Tale of 3 Cities_ (352 pages)
Ian Tinny & Rex Curry, J.D. 2013 _Pledge of Allegiance & Swastika Secrets: Nazi Salute Came from USA's Pledge_ (38 pages; 303KB)
Ian Tinny & Rex Curry, J.D. 2014 _Drug Detection Dog Training: Newest Expose of K-9 Fraud: What Lawyers Do About It_ (38 pages; 376KB)
Ian Tinny, Matt Crypto, Pointer Institute for Media Studies & Dead Writers Club 2015 _The 3rd Reich: Swastikas Were "S" Letters for "Socialist": The Pledge of Allegiance Was the Origin of Hitler Salutes & Nazi Behavior_ (109 pages; 433KB)
Ian Tinny, Rex Curry, J.D. & Dead Writers Club 2015 _Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: Nazis, Swastikas, Pledge of Allegiance_ (99 pages; 506KB)
David W. Tollen 8888 _The Tech Contracts HandBook: Software Licenses and Technology Services Agreements for Lawyers and BusinessPeople_ (245 pages; 1.1MB)
Brian Tome 2018 _The 5 Marks of a Man: Finding Your Path to Courageous Manhood_ (200 pages; 14.5MB)
Michael Tonry 1996 _Malign Neglect: Race, Crime, & Punishment_ (240 pages; 4.7MB)
(60) Jeffrey Toobin 2007, 2008 _The 9: InSide the Secret World of the Supreme Court_ (480 pages; 916KB; 347.7326; NE+Jax+BLPerry+Woodville)
(60) Jeffrey Toobin 2012 _The Oath: The Obummer White House and the Supreme Court_ (352 pages; 7.2MB; 347.732609; Main+NE+Jax)
Alvin Townley 2009 _Legacy of Honor: The Values and Influence of USA's Eagle Scouts_ (315 pages; 2.2MB)
Alvin Townley 2009 _Spirit of Adventure: The Eagle Scouts and the Making of USA's Future_ (310 pages; 572KB)
J.T. Townsend 2015 _Queen City Notorious: Cincinnati's Most Sensational Murder Cases_ (530 pages; 7.4MB)
Joel Trachtman 2013 _The Tools of Argument: How the Best Lawyers Think, Argue, and Win_ (195 pages; 826KB)
(50) James L. Trainum 2016 _How the Police Generate False Confessions: An Inside Look at the Interrogation Room_ (300 pages; 345.73056; Main)
(39) ►John Trenchard, Thomas Gordon & Ronald Hamowy 1722, 1723, 1995, 2007 _Cato's Letters: Essays on Liberty, Civil & Religious, & other Important Subjects_ (479-493-1018 pages; ISBN 9780865971332/ 9780865971325/ 9780865971318/ 9780865971295; DLC 1106821884/ 1055091968; Liberty Fund; ILL request)◀
Peter Trepp 2018 _The New Rules of Consumer Privacy: Building Loyalty with Connected Consumers in the Age of Face Recognition and AI_ (180 pages; 1.9MB)
Carl R. Trueman 2020-10-26 _The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, & the Road to Sexual Revolution_n (420-425 pages; 932KB; ISBN 9781433556333; OCLC 1135609610; Crossway)
(22) ►Richard Tuck 2002 _Natural Rights Theory: Their Origin & Development_ (185 pages; 3.3MB; ISBN 0521225124/ 0521285097/ 9780521225120/ 9780521285094; OCLC 823227563; Cambridge; ILL request)◀
Barbara M. Tucker 1984 _Samuel Slater and the Origins of the American Textile Industry 1790-1860_ (260 pages)
Barbara M. Tucker & Kenneth H. Tucker 1995, 2008 _Industrializing America: The Rise of Manufacturing Entrepreneurs in the Early Republic_ (Samuel Colt, John Fox Slater, Horatio Nelson Slater, Amos Adams Lawrence; 260 pages)
Kenneth Tucker 2011 _Eliot Ness and the Untouchables: The Historical Reality & the Film & Television Depictions_ (280 pages; 3.8MB)
St. George Tucker 1803, 1999 _View of the Constitution of the United States of America_ ()
Grace-Marie Turner, James C. Capretta, Thomas P. Miller & Robert E. Moffit 2011 _Why ObummerDoesn'tCare is Wrong for America: How the New Health Care Law Drives Up Costs, Puts Government in Charge of Your Decisions, and Violates Your Constitutional Rights_ (265 pages; 414KB)
(48) Joseph Turow 2017 _The Aisles Have Eyes: How Retailers Track Your Shopping, Strip Your Privacy, and Define Your Power_ (330 pages; 1.2MB; 658.8342; Main)
Charlotte A. Twight 2015 _Dependent on DC: The Rise of Federal Control over the Lives of Ordinary USA Citizens_ (425 pages; 1.7MB)
Amanda L. Tyler 2017 _Habeas Corpus in WarTime: From the Tower of London to Guantanamo Bay_ (455 pages; 3.1MB)
Tom R. Tyler 1990, 2006 _Why People Obey the Law_ (310 pages)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii 1996, 2015 _Boy Clinton: The Political Biography_ (356 pages; 20.4MB; 973.929; ???was catalogued; now it is gone??!)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii 2007 _The Clinton Crack-Up: The Boy President's Life after the White House_ (973.929; ???was catalogued; now it is not??!)
(59) Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii & Mark W. Davis 2004 _Madame HitleryRottenClinton: The Dark Road to the White House_ (231 pages; biography Clinton)
- - - - - U
Akinyele Omowale Umoja 2013 _We Will Shoot Back: Armed Defense in the Mississippi Freedom Movement_ (345 pages; 3MB)
Katherine Unterman 2015 _Uncle Sam's PoliceMen: The Pursuit of Fugitives across Borders_ (280 pages; 2.9MB)
Abel Parker Upshur 1863, 1971, 2008, 2010 _Brief Enquiry into the Nature and Character of Our Federal Government_ (99999 pages; ISBN 9781240073054; OCLC 943626741; Gale/Nabu/Da Capo/Campbell)
Melvin I. Urovsky 2015 _Dissent and the Supreme Court: Its Role in the Court's History and the Nation's Constitutional Dialogue_ (528 pages)
(50) Joe Urschel 2015 _The Year of Fear: Machine Gun Kelly and the ManHunt That Changed the Nation_ (290-295 pages; 2.7MB; ISBN 9781250020796; Minotaur; 364.152 Urs; E)
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Massimo Vallerani & Sarah Rubin Blanshei 2012 _Medieval Public Justice_ (360 pages)
Germinal G. Van 2020-03-28 _Classical Liberalism in Africa: A Manifesto_ (116 pages; ISBN 9788622246654; OCLC )
Germinal G. Van 2020-01-05 _The Totalitarian State of America: A Critique of American Government_/_The Totalitarian State of the USA: A Critique of USA Government_ (231 pages; ISBN 9781071012901; OCLC )
Ernest van den Haag 1973 _Punishing Criminals_ ()
Ibo van de Poel & Lamber Royakkers 2011 _Ethics, Technology, and Engineering: An Introduction_ (365 pages; 3.1MB)
David van Drunen 2014 _Divine Covenants and Moral Order: A Biblical Theology of Natural Law_ (595 pages; 2.6MB)
David van Drunen 2010 _Natural Law and the 2 Kingdoms: A Study in the Development of Reformed Thought_ (477 pages; 960KB)
David van Drunen 2010 _A Biblical Case for Natural Law_ (59 pages; 193KB)
Charl van Wyk 2007 _Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense_ (128 pages)
Jeremy Peter Varon 2004 _Bringing the War Home: The Weather UnderGround, the Red Army Faction, and Revolutionary Violence in the 1960s and 1970s_ (415 pages; 3.3MB)
Laurie Thomas Vass 2017 _The Restoration of the USA Natural Rights Republic: Correcting the Consequences of the Republican Party Abdication of Natural Rights and Individual Freedom_ (133 pages; 3.2MB)
Thomas E. Vass 2014 _Equal Rights for All, Special Privileges for None: Re-Examining the Anti-Federalist Populist Heritage of Freedom_ (320 pages; 691KB)
Emmerich Vattel 1758, 1759 _Law of Nations_ ()
Emmerich de Vattel, Edward Duncan Ingraham & Joseph Chitty 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013 _The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns..._ ()
Stephen L. Vaughn 1980-01-01, 1981, 2011, 2017 _Holding Fast the Inner Lines: Democracy, Nationalism, & the Committee on Public Information_ (397 pages; ISBN 9780807898024/ 9780807813737; OCLC 942774686/ 614640396; UNC)
Michael Vecchione & Jerry Schmetterer 2015 _Crooked Brooklyn: Taking Down Corrupt Judges, Dirty Politicians, Killers, and Body Snatchers_ (260 pages; 2.7MB)
Adrian Vermeule 2016 _Law's Abnegation_ (regulation; 245 pages; 852KB)
Bruno Verschuere, Gershon ben Shakhar & Ewout Meijer 2011 _Memory Detection: Theory and Application of the Concealed Information Test_ (330 pages; 2MB)
Stefan H. Verstappen 2011 _The Art of Urban Suvival: A Family Safety and Self Defense Manual_ (306 pages)
Edwin Vieira 2007 _Constitutional Homeland Security: The Nation in Arms_ (185 pages)
Edwin Vieira 2004 _How to DeThrone the Imperial Judiciary_ (320 pages)
Richard A. Viguerie & Mark J. FitzGibbons 2011 _The Law That Governs Government: ReClaiming the Constitution from Usurpers and "Society's" Biggest LawBreaker_ (70 pages; 618KB)
Paul Vinogradoff 1920, 2015 _Outlines of Historical Jurisprudence_ (2 volumes; 800 pages; 1.9MB)
Paul Vinogradoff 1900, 1923 _Historical Jurisprudence_ ()
Paul Voigt & Axel von dem Bussche 2017 _The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A Practical Guide_ (375 pages; 831KB)
Arthur Taylor von Mehren 1957, 1977 _The Civil Law System: Cases and Materials for the Comparative Study of Law_ ()
Arthur Taylor von Mehren 1992 _Law in the USA: A General and Comparative View_ (120 pages)
Friedrich von Wieser 1983 _The Law of Power_ ()
Aldert Vrij 2011 _Detecting Lies and Deceit: PitFalls and Opportunities_ (500 pages; 2.7MB)
Nicholas L. Vulich 2016 _Shot All to 4377: Bad A* OutLaws, GunFighters, and LawMen of the Old West_ (225 pages; 3.7MB)
- - - - - W
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(20) Steven Waldman 2009 _Founding Faith: How Our Founding Fathers Forged a Radical New Approach to Religious Liberty_ /_Founding Faith: Providence, Politics, and the Birth of Religious Freedom_ (277 pages; 323.44 Wal; Main+NE)
Jeremy Waldron, Wai Chee Dimock, Don Herzog, Michael Rosen & Meir Dan-Cohen 2012 _Dignity, Rank, and Rights_ (165 pages; 521KB)
(32) ►Jeffrey Walker 2005 _Statistics in Criminology and Crimina Justice: Analysis and Interpretation_ (999 pages; ISBN 9781401960230; OCLC ; pub; Cincinnati/Hamilton County 364.015195 qW181s, 2005; ILL request)◀
(35) Jim Wallis 2010 _ReDiscovering Values On Wall Street, Main Street, and Your Street: A Moral Cmpass for the New Economy_ (255 pages; 174.4 Wal; NE)
Michael Wallis 2011 _Pretty Boy: The Life and Times of Charles Arthur Floyd_ (535 pages; 2.9MB)
Michael Wallis 2008 _Billy the Kid: The Endless Ride_ (320 pages; 1.3MB)
Peter J. Wallison 2018 _Judicial Fortitude: The Last Chance to Rein in the Administrative State_ (200 pages; 1.3MB)
James Walsh 1998, 2009 _You Can't Cheat an Honest Man: How Ponzi Schemes and Pyramid Frauds Work_ (280 pages; 834KB)
Michael Walzer 2008 _Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality_ (360 pages; 765KB)
Matt Ward 2018 _Demons of the Valley: How [Executives of] Today's Tech Giants Monopolize the Future [and Block Positive Changes]_ (245 pages; 6.3MB)
Mercy Otis Warren 2012 _Observations on the New Constitution and on the federal and state conventions_ (24 pages)
Ann Ward & Lee Ward 2013 _Natural Right and Political Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Catherine Zuckert & Michael Zuckert_ (460 pages)
George Washington 2013 _Acts of Congress 1789: includes the Constitution and the Bill of Rights_ ()
Robert A. Waters 2002 _Guns Save Lives: True Stories of Americans Defending Their Lives with FireArms_ (184 pages; 1.9MB)
William J. Watkins ii 2016 _CrossRoads for Liberty: Recovering the Anti-Federalist Values of USA's First Constitution_ (330 pages; 3.1MB; ILL request)
Bradley C.S. Watson 2009 _Living Constitution, Dying Faith: Regressivism & the New "Science" of Jurisprudence_ (240 pages)
Bradley C.S. Watson 2017 _Regressive Challenges to the USA Constitution: A New "Republic"_ (320 pages; 4.2MB)
Olivia Watson 2017 _The Murder of Alfalfa_ (36 pages; 868KB; biography of "Our Gang"/"Little Rascals" actor Carl Switzer who became quick to anger)
(35) Clint Watts 2018 _Messing with the Enemy: Surviving in a "Social Media" World of Hackers, Terrorists, Russians, and Fake News_ (289 pages; 355.0202855 Wat; Main+E)
J.C. Watts ii 2016 _Dig Deep: 7 Truths to Finding Strength Within_ (225 pages; 1.2MB)
(57) ►Richard M. Weaver 1948, 1976, 1984, 2013, 2015, 2017 _Ideas Have Consequences_ (203 pages; ISBN 9780226090061; OCLC 881401631; UChicago; ILL request)◀
Daniel Webster, James Kent, James Story, Nathaniel Chipman, Charles Jared Intersoll & Perry Miller 1962 _Legal Mind in USA: From Independence to the Civil War_ (290 pages)
Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D. & Dawna Kaufmann 2013 _Ann Rule Presents--Final Exams: True Crime Cases from Cyril Wecht_ (255 pages; 3.2MB)
(55) Kevin Weeks & Phyllis Karas 206 _Brutal: The UnTold Story of My Life InSide Whitey Bulger's Irish Mob_ (283 pages; ISBN 0061122696; Regan; 364.1092 Wee; Main)
Allen Weinstein 2013 _Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case_ (769 pages; 4.2MB)
Steve Weisman 2012 _50 Ways to Protect Your Identity in a Digital Age: New Financial Threats_ ()
Michael R. Weisser 2013 _Guns for Good Guys, Guns for Bad Guys_ (240 pages; 639KB)
Michael R. Weisser 2013 _Hunters in the Wilderness: Opening and Closing the Frontier_ (190 pages; 664KB)
Lenore J. Weitzman 1974 _Legal Regulation of Marriage: Tradition and Change_ (115 pages)
Harmann Wellenreuther 1990 _German and American Constitutional Thought_ ()
(40) ►Thomas G. West 2017 _The Political Theory of the USA Founding: Natural Rights, Public Policy, and the Moral Conditions of Freedom_ (400 pages; 2MB; ILL request)◀
William A. Westley 1970 _Violence & the Police_ ()
Ben Westhoff 2019 _Fentanyl, Inc.: How Rogue Chemists Are Creating the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic_ (345 pages; 2MB)
John Adams Wettergreen 1988 _The Regulatory Revolution and the New Bureaucratic State_ ()
Richard F. Wetzell 2003 _Inventing the Criminal: An History of German Criminology 1880-1945_ (355 pages; 1.5MB)
Patryk Wezowski & Kasia Wezowski 2012 _The Micro Expressions Book for Business: How to read facial expressions for more effective negotiations, sales, and recruiting_ (135 pages; 625KB)
Robert Weldon Whalen 2016-09-01 _Murder, Inc., and the Moral Life: Gangsters & Gangbusters in La Guardia's New York_ (1931-1941; 280 pages; 3.2MB; 1.25 pounds; ISBN 9780823271559; Empire State)
Willis P. Whichard 2000, 2001 _Justice James Iredell_ (370 pages)
Matthew Whitaker 2020 _Above the Law: The InSide Story of How the Justice Department Tried to Subvert President Trump_ (260 pages; 15.1MB)
Christopher Whitcomb 2001 _Cold Zero: Inside the FBI Hostage Rescue team_ (420 pages; 363.232; ???was catalogued; now it is not???)
G. Edward White 2012 _Law in USA History: vol1 From the Colonial Years through the Civil War_ (570 pages)
G. Edward White 2016 _Law in USA History: vol2 From ReConstruction through the 1920s_ (660 pages; 2.9MB)
G. Edward White 2000 _The Constitution and the Raw Deal_ (390 pages)
G. Edward White 1991 _The Marshall Court and Cultural Change 1815-1835_ (855 pages)
Mark D. White & Robert Arp 2009 _Batman and Philosophy: The Dark Knight of the Soul_ (300 pages; 754KB)
Mark D. White 2014 _The Virtues of Captain America: Modern-Day Lessons on Character from a World War 2 SuperHero_ (240 pages; 637KB)
Mark D. White 2010 _Iron Man and Philosophy: Facing the Stark Reality_ (280 pages; 755KB)
Mark D. White 2013 _Superman and Philosophy: What Would the Man of Steel Do?_ (245 pages; 823KB)
Morton Gabriel White 1978 _The Philosophy of the American Revolution_ (290 pages; natural rights, natural law)
Morton Gabriel White 1989 _The Philosophy of the Federalist, and the Constitution_ (280 pages; natural rights, natural law)
Morton Gabriel White 2012 _The Intellectual versus the City: From Thomas Jeferson to Frank Lloyd Wright_ (270 pages)
John W. Whitehead 2001 _Grasping for the Wind: The Search for Meaning in the 20th Century_ (320 pages; 909.82; Main)
John W. Whitehead 2004 _The Second USA Revolution: The Emerging American Police State_ (250 pages)
John W. Whitehead 2015 _BattleField USA: The War on the American People_ (350 pages; 16.5MB)
John Whitehead 2013 _A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State_ (288 pages; 7.7MB)
Paul B. Wice 1974 _Freedom for Sale_ ()
Stephen B. Wicker 2013 _Cellular Convergence and the Death of Privacy_ (200 pages; 11.7MB)
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William M. Wiecek 1977, 2018 _The Sources of Anti-Slavery Constitutionalism in the USA 1760-1848_ (260 pages; 829KB)
William M. Wiecek 1998 _The Lost World of Classical Legal Thought: Law and Ideology in the USA 1886-1937_ (285 pages; 6.3MB)
William M. Wiecek 1988 _Liberty Under Law: The Supreme Court in USA Life_ (230 pages)
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Pat Williams 2016 _American Scandal: The Solution for the Crisis of Character_ (USA; 195 pages; 1.4MB)
Phil Williams 1997 _Russian Organized Crime: The New Threat_ ()
Robert F. Williams 1962, 2015 _Negroes with Guns_ (130 pages; 1.9MB)
Michael Willrich 2003 _City of Courts: "Socializing" InJustice in Regressive Era Chicago_ (365 pages)
Bradford P. Wilson, Ken Masugi, Akhil Reed Amar, George Anastaplo, Hadley Arkes, Randy E. Barnett, J.D., et al. 1997 _The Supreme Court and USA Constitutionalism_ (300 pages)
James Mathew Wilson 2017 _The Vision of the Soul: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in the Western Tradition_ (360 pages; 1.4MB)
James Q. Wilson 1991 _Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It_ (455 pages)
James Q. Wilson 1983 _Crime & Public Safety_ ()
James Q. Wilson 1968 _Varieties of Police Behavior_ ()
James Q. Wilson & Richard J. Herrnstein 1998 _Crime and Human Nature_ (630 pages)
James Q. Wilson 1993 _The Moral Sense_ (170; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)
Jeremy M. Wilson & Erin Dalton 2007 _Human Trafficking in Ohio: Markets, Responses, and Considerations_ (105 pages; 896KB)
Woodrow Wilson 1908, 1961, 2006, 2013 _Constitutional Government in the United States_ (150 pages; 937KB)
L. Thomas Winfree & Patrick R. Anderson 1987 _Expert Witnesses_ ()
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Anders Winroth 2007 _The Making of Gratian's Decretum_ (260 pages)
C.H. Wirszubski 1950 _Libertas as a Political Idea at Rome During the Late Republic and Early Principate_ (195 pages)
Seymour Wishman 1986, 2013, 2016 _Anatomy of a Jury_ (300 pages; 958KB)
Seymour Wishman 2013 _Confessions of a Criminal Lawyer_ (240 pages; 664KB)
John Witte ii 2012 _From Sacrament to Contract: Marriage, Religion, and Law in the Western Tradition_ (400 pages; 2.8MB)
Michael Allan Wolf 2008 _The Zoning of the USA: Euclid v. Ambler_ (188-204 pages; ISBN 9780700616206; OCLC 214065107; Kansas)
Claire Wolfe 2003 _I Am Not a Number: Freeing the USA from the ID State_ (200 pages)
W. Kirk Wood 2009 _Nullification: A Constitutional History 1776-1833_ (2 volumes)
Zachary R. Wood 2018 _UnCensored: My Life and UnComfortable Conversations at the InterSection of Black and White USA_ (257 pages; 1.7MB; 920.009296; Main)
Thomas E. Woods ii 2008, 2009 _Who Killed the Constitution?: The Federal Government vs. American Liberty from WW1 to Barack Obummer_ (265 pages; 635KB)
Thomas E. Woods ii 2011 _RollBack: Repealing Big Government Before the Coming Fiscal Collapse_ (235 pages; 496KB)
(31) Thomas E. Woods ii 2010 _Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century_ (309 pages; 833KB; 320.473 Woo; Main)
Dan Wos & Bill Dolan 2016 _Good Gun Bad Guy: Behind the Lies of the Anti-Gun Radical_ (240 pages; 721KB)
Dan Wos 2017 _Good Gun Bad Guy 2: Destroying the Anti-Gun Narrative_ (200 pages; 874KB)
Alexandra Addison Wrage 2007 _Bribery and Extortion: UnderMining Business, Governments, and Security_ (175 pages; 15MB)
Richard W. Wrangham & Dale Peterson 1997 _Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence_ (340 pages)
(28) Richard W. Wrangham 2019 _The Goodness Paradox: The Strange Relationship between Virtue and Violencein Human Evolution_ (377 pages; 155.9 Wra; Main)
David Wright & Dale de Hert 2016 _Enforcing Privacy: Regulatory, Legal, and Technological Approaches_ (495 pages; 1.2MB)
Tim Wu 2016 _The [Immoral] Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get InSide Our Heads_ (405 pages; 4.1MB)
Ilan Wurman 2017 _A Debt against the Living: An Introduction to Originalism_ (168 pages; 1.4MB)
Charl van Wyk 2007 _Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense_ (128 pages)
- - - - - X
Lin Xun, Micky Barnetti, Dead Writers Club & Pointer Institute for Media Studies 2016 _Libertarian History_ (235 pages; 554KB)
Lin Xun, Micky Barnetti, Rex Curry, J.D. & Dead Writers Club 2016 _A People's History of the United States (195 pages)
- - - - - Y
(50) Richard Yancey 2004 _Confessions of a Government Extortionist: One Man's Time Inside the IRS_ (353.0072; Main+NE)
Robert Yates & John Lansing 1787, 2002 _Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention 1787_ (340 pages)
David Yerushalmi & Robert Muise 1787, 2002 _Offensive and Defensive Lawfare: Fighting Civilization Jihad in USA's Courts_ (110 pages; 7.9MB)
(55) ►John Yoo 2020-07-28 _Defender in Chief: Donald Trump's Fight for Presidential Power_ (310 pages; 3.1MB; ISBN 1250269571/ 9781250269577; All Points; ILL request)◀
(40) Kevin Young 2017 _Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts, & Fake News_ (media; ethics; crime; 560 pages; ISBN 9781555977917; Graywolf; 001.95 You; NE)
- - - - - Z
Paul J. Zak 2012 _The Moral Molecule: How Trust Works_ (250 pages; 905KB)
Edward Zamble & Frank J. Porporino 1988 _Coping, Behavior, & Adaptation in Prison InMates_ ()
Machteld Zee 2016 _Choosing Sharia?: Multi-Culturalism, Islamic Fundamentalism and British Sharia Councils_ (200 pages; 3.5MB)
E. Paul Zehr 2010 _Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a SuperHero_ (310 pages; 3.5MB)
Aaron Zelman, Garn Turner & Richard W. Stevens 1999 _Dial 911 and Die_ (270 pages)
Aaron Zelman 1996 _Granpa Jack Exposes How Gun Control Kills Kids!_ ()
Aaron Zelman & Richard W. Stevens 1999 _Granpa Jack Exposes How the United Nations is Killing Your Freedoms!_ ()
Melvyn B. Zerman 1981 _Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Inside the American Jury System_ ()
Linda Shuo Zhao 2013 _Financing Illegal Migration: Chinese UnderGround Banks and Human Smuggling in New York City_ (165 pages; 1.2MB)
(47) Philip G. Zimbardo 2008, 2011 _The Lucifer Effect: How Good People Turn Evil_ (576 pages; 1.9MB; 155.962 Zim; NE)
Franklin E. Zimring 2006, 2008 _The Great American Crime Decline_ (260 pages; 5.2MB)
Franklin E. Zimring & Gordon J. Hawkins 1973 _Deterrence: The Legal Threat in Crime Control_ (375 pages)
Franklin E. Zimring 2017, 2018 _When Police Kill_ (300 pages; 31.1MB)
Shoshana Zuboff 2019 _The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power_ (690 pages; 5.5MB)
Michael P. Zuckert 2011 _Natural Rights and the New Republicanism_ (410 pages; 2MB)
Michael P. Zuckert 2016 _The Natural Rights Republic: Studies in the Foundation of the USA Political Tradition_ (300 pages)