This is me, raising my banners high, seeking people with whom I'd like to work, live, trade, support. All flags flying!
updated: 2024-01-07
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- - - - - A
(49) Rachel Abramowitz 2000, 2002 _Is That a Gun in Your Pocket?: The Truth about Female Power in Hollywood_ (494 pages; 384.8092)
Joseph Addison 2010, 2011, 2013 _Cato: A Tragedy in 5 Acts_ ()
Joseph Addison, Christine Dunn Henderson, Mark E. Yellin & Forrest McDonald 2004 _Cato: A Tragedy in 5 Acts_ ()
Joseph Addison & Elizabeth Inchbald 2010 _Cato: A Tragedy in 5 Acts_ ()
(45) Martha Alderson 2011 _The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master_ (movies; novels; 240 ages; ISBN 9781440525889; Adams; 808.3 Ald; )
Teresa M. Amabile 1983, 2012 _The Social Psychology of Creativity_ (235 pages; 6.5MB)
Teresa M. Amabile 2018 _Creativity in Context: Update to The "Social" Psychology of Creativity_ (325 pages; 6.5MB)
Nina Amir, Ron Arons & Jane Atkinson 2017 _The Write NonFiction Now Guide to Building Author Platform_ (325 pages; 1.2MB)
Barry Anderson & Janie L. Geyen 2012 _The DSLR FilmMaker's HandBook: Real-World Production Techniques_ ()
(45) Tom Ang 2016 _Digital Potographer's HandBook_ (770 Ang)
(45) Tom Ang 2014 _Potography: The Definitive Visual History; (480 pages; ISBN 9781409346456; DK; 770.9 Ang; )
(17) Philip Athans 2010 _The Guide to Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction: 6 Steps to Writing & Publishing Your BestSeller_ (movies; novels; 244 pages; 808.3876 Ath; Main)
Michael Anglo 1977 _Penny Dreadfuls and Other Victorian Horrors_ (120 pages)
Linda Arvidson 1925 _When the Movies Were Young_ ()
- - - - - B
Jill Badonsky 2010 _The 9 Modern Day Muses and a BodyGuard_ (260 pages)
Ted Baehr 2016 _How to Succeed in Hollywood (Without Losing Your Soul_ (560 pages; 5.9MB)
Austen Barron Bailly, Margaret C. Conrads, Sarah N. Chasse, Greil Marcus, John Herron, Jake Milgram Wien, Leo G. Mazow, Erika Doss, Rob Lazebnik, Richard J. Powell, Matthew Bernstein & Pellom McDaniels iii 2015 _American Epics: Thomas Hart Benton and Hollywood_ (245 pages)
(50) Nicholson Baker 1996 _The Size of Thoughts_ (355 pages; 814.53 Bak; Main)
(68) Edward Ball 2013 _The Inventor and the Tycoon: A Gilded Age Murder and the Birth of Moving Pictures_ (movies; 447 pages; 777 Bal; Main)
Tino Balio 1976 _The American Film Industry_ ()
Glen Ballou 2015 _HandBook for Sound Engineers_ (1710 pages; 48MB)
Rita Barnard 1995 _The Great Depression and the Culture of Abundance: Kenneth Fearing, Nathanael West, and Mass Culture in the 1930s_ (275 pages)
Ruth Barton & Simon Trezise 2018 _Music and Sound in Silent Film from Nickelodeon to the Artist_ (225 pages)
Ruth Barton 2010-08-13, 2012-02-01 _Hedy Lamarr: The Most Beautiful Woman in Film_ (312 pages; ISBN 9780813126043; UKY )
(22) Susan Wise Bauer 2008 _The Complete Writer WorkBook for Writing with Ease Level 1_ (153 pages; ISBN 9781933339269; Peace Hill; 372.623 Bau; NE)
(24) Susan Wise Bauer 2008 _The Complete Writer WorkBook for Writing with Ease Level 2_ (188 pages; ISBN 9781933339390; Peace Hill; 372.623 Bau; NE)
(27) Susan Wise Bauer 2009 _The Complete Writer WorkBook for Writing with Ease Level 4_ (141 pages; ISBN 9781933339313; Peace Hill; 372.623 Bau; NE)
Bryce Beattie 2018 _Pulp Era Writing Tips_ (180 pages; 1.8MB)
Wendy Laura Belcher 2016 _Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success_ (365 pages; 2.2MB)
Robert L. Belknap & Robin Feuer Miller 2016 _Plots_ (190 pages; 328KB)
(50) James Scott Bell 2004 _Write Great Fiction: Plot and Structure_ (235 pages; 726KB; 808.394; Jax)
James Scott Bell 2004 _Write Great Fiction: Conflict and Suspense_ (270 pages; 1.1MB)
James Scott Bell & Ron Rozelle 2005 _Write Great Fiction: Description and Setting_ (220 pages; 873KB)
James Scott Bell & Nancy Kress 2005 _Write Great Fiction: Characters, Emotion and ViewPoint_ (240 pages; 1.3MB)
James Scott Bell 2008 _Write Great Fiction: Revision and Self-Editing_ (270 pages; 620KB)
James Scott Bell 2017 _How to Write Pulp Fiction_ (120 pages; 1.7MB)
Andrew Bergman 1972 _We're In the Money: Depression USA and Its Films_ ()
Ernest Betts 1973 _The Film Business: An History of the British Cinema 1896-1972_ ()
Lloyd Billingsley 2014 _Hollywood Party: Stalinist Adventures in the American Movie Industry_ (320 pages; 1.6MB)
Leonard Bishop 1988 _Dare to Be a Great Writer: 329 Keys to Powerful Fiction_ (300 pages)
M.B.B. Biskupsi 2011 _Hollywood's War with Poland 1939-1945_ (365 pages; 2.8MB)
G.W. Bitzer 1973 _Billy Bitzer: His Story_ ()
Jill Blackwell 2016 _The Dissertation Strategy Instruction Manual: Sample Instructions, and Exercises to Develop a Quality Dissertation as Quickly and Painlessly as Possible_ (205 pages; 1.3MB)
Gary L. Bloomfield & Arlen C. Davidson 2004 _Duty, Honor, Applause: USA's Entertainers in World War 2_ (500 pages)
Robert Bly 2009 _Money-Making Writing Jobs_ (330 pages)
(45) Stephen Humphrey Bogart 1995 _Bogart: In Search of My Father_ (movies; 325 pages; biography Bogart; Main+Jax)
Peter Bogdanovich 2012 _Who the Devil Made It: Conversations with Legendary Film Directors_ (855 pages; 4.8MB)
Jay David Bolter 1990, 2001 _Writing Space: The Computer, HyperText, and the History of Writing_ (235 pages; 1.6MB)
(29) Christopher Booker 2004 _The 7 Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories_ (728 pages; 809.924 Boo; Main)
(42) Jon Boorstin 1990 _The Hollywood Eye: What Makes Movies Work_ (224 pages; 791.43 Boo)
Eric Bork 2018 _The Idea: The 7 Elements of a Viable Story for Screen, Stage, or Fiction_ (135 pages; 3.9MB)
Pierre Bourdieu & Randal Johnson 1993, 1994 _The Field of Cultural Production_ (310 pages)
Pierre Bourdieu 1986, 2010 _Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste_ (630 pages)
Pierre Bourdieu, John Thompson, Gino Raymond & Matthew Adamson 1999 _Language and Symbolic Power_ (310 pages)
Eileen Bowser 1964 _The Films of Carl Dreyer_ ()
Eileen Bowser 1994 _The TransFormation of Cinema 1907-1915_ (320 pages)
Harry Box 2013 _Set Lighting Technician's HandBook: Film Lighting Equipment, Practice, and Electrical Distriubtion_ (600 pages; 24.1MB)
(49) Ray Bradbury 1996 _Zen in the Art of Writing_ (movies; novels; 176 pages; 808.02)
Stephen F. Breimer 1999 _The ScreenWriter's Legal Guide_ ()
Scott Breivold 2006 _Howard Hawks: Interviews_ (255 pages)
Vincent Brook 2012 _Land of Smoke and Mirrors_ (310 pages; 4.8MB)
Will Brooker 8888 _Batman Unmasked: Analyzing a Cultural Icon_ ()
Blain Brown 2016 _Cinematography: Theory and Practice: Image Making for Cinematographers & Directors_ (430 pages)
Karl Brown 1973 _Adventures with D.W. Griffith_ ()
Kevin Brownlow 1979 _Hollywood: The Pioneers_ ()
Kevin Brownlow 1968 _The Parade's Gone By_ ()
Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman 2002 _HardBoiled Mystery Writers: Raymond Chandler, Dashiel Hammett, Ross MacDonald_ (315 pages)
Warren Buckland 1998 _Teach Yourself Film Studies_ (791.437; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)
(47) Paul Buhle & David Wagner 2002 _Radical Hollywood: The UnTold Story Behind USA's Favorite Movies_ (movies; 460 pages; 791.4309; BLPerry)
John Buntin 2009 _L.A. Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of USA's Most Seductive City_ (425 pages; 1.9MB)
Joe Bunting 2019 _14 Prompts: Writing Prompts for Surprising Creativity_ (62 pages)
R.W. Burchfield 1996 _The New Fowler's Modern English Usage_ (864 pages; 423.1)
David Burkus 2013 _The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas_ ()
(55) Ty Burr 2012 _"Gods" Like Us: On Movie Stardom and Modern Fame_ (410 pages; 306.48)
Jeremy G. Butler 8888 _Television: Critical Methods & Applications_ ()
- - - - - C
Daniel Calvisi 2012 _Story Maps: How to Write a Great ScreenPlay_ (280 pages; 684KB)
Daniel Calvisi 2013 _Story Maps: The Films of Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, Memento, The Prestige)_ (180 pages; 1.5MB)
Daniel Calvisi 2013 _Story Maps: 12 Great ScreenPlays (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Up, Rocky, Sex & the City, X-Men, Black Swan, Juno, The Matrix)_ (80 pages; 261KB)
Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyers 1988 _The Power of Myth_ (291.13)
Paul A. Cantor 2019 _Pop Culture and the Dark Side of the USA Dream: Con Men, Gangsters, Drug Lords, and Zombies_ (215 pages; 1.8MB)
Paul A. Cantor 2012 _The Invisible Hand in Popular Culture: Liberty vs. Authority in USA Film and TV_ (215 pages; 1.8MB)
Paul A. Cantor & Stephen Cox 2010 _Literature and the Economics of Liberty: Spontaneous Order in Culture_ (520 pages; 1.7MB)
(50) Orson Scott Card 1990, 2001, 2015 _How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy_ (140 pages; 755KB; 808.3876)
Orson Scott Card 2010 _Characters & ViewPoint: Proven Advice and Timeless Techniques_ (240 pages; 1.9MB)
Harry Carey ii 2013 _Company of Heroes: My Life as an Actor in the John Ford Stock Company_ (265 pages; 14.8MB)
(49) Mark C. Carnes 1995 _Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies_ (movies; 304 pages; 791.43658 Pas; Main)
(50) Charles Casillo 2018 _Marilyn Monroe: The Private Life of a Public Icon_ (movies; 360 pages; 23.3MB; biography Marilyn Monroe; Main+Woodville)
Leonard Cassuto 2008, 2009 _Hard-Boiled Sentimentality: The Secret History of USA Crime Stories_ (335 pages; 1.1MB)
J. Cavelos 1999 _The Science of Star Wars_ (St.Martin's)
John G. Cawelti 2014 _Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture_ (335 pages; 2.2MB)
C.W. Ceram 1965 _Archaeology of the Cinema_ ()
(47) Raymond Chandler & Barry Day 2014 _The World of Raymond Chandler in His Own Words_ (movied; novels; 250 pages; 121.8MB; biography Chandler; Main)
Charles Chaplin 1964 _My AutoBiography_ ()
Al Clark 1996 _Raymond Chandler in Hollywood_ (125 pages; 27.6MB)
(30) Roy Peter Clark 2016 _The Art of X-Ray Reading: How the Secrets of 25 Great Works of Literature Will Improve Your Writing_ (326 pages; 808.042 Cla; Main )
(24) Jane K. Cleland 2016 _Mastering Suspense & Plot_ (movies; 225 pages; 808.3872; Jax)
Bryan Collins 2014 _A HandBook or the Productive Writer: 33 Ways You Can Finish What You Started_ (200 pages; 2.3MB)
Mark T. Conard 2005 _The Philosophy of Film Noir_ (255 pages; 2.3MB)
(29) Michael E. Cooley 1993 _The Inventive Writer: Using Critical Thinking to Persuade_ (books; movies; 520 pages; 808.042; Main) Chris Cron
(52) ►Robert Michael Cotter/Bobb Cotter 2009-10-21, 2016-03-31 _An History of the Doc Savage Adventures in Pulps, PaperBacks, Comics, Fanzines, Radio, & Film_ (233-240 pages; 5.9MB; ISBN 978147666986; OCLC 933438354; Farrinne/McFarland; ILL request)◀
Shawn Coyne 2015 _The Story Grid: What Good Editors Know_ (340 pages; 4.6MB)
Brian Craft 2013 _The ScreenWriter's Way: Build Your Story from the Ground Up_ (135 pages; 2.3MB)
(13) Chris Cron 2016 _Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond OutLining and Write a Riveting Novel Before You Waste 3 Years Writing 327 Pages That Go NoWhere_ (books; movies; 280 pages; 808.3 Cro; NE)
Bosley Crowther 1960 _Hollywood Rajah: The Life and Times of Louis B. Mayer_ ()
(17) Mason Curry 2013 _Daily Rituals: How Artists Work_ (192 pages; 725KB; 700.922 Cur; NE)
Daniel J. Czitrom 2010 _Media and the USA Mind: From Morse to McLuhan_ (255 pages; 1.5MB)
- - - - - D
Lon Davis 20014 _Silent Lives: 100 Biographies of the Silent Film Era_ (445 pages; 28.8MB)
Max Decharne 2005, 2010 _HardBoiled Hollywood: The True Crime Stories That Inspired the Great Noir Films_ (230 pages)
Giorgio de Santillana & Hertha von Dechend 1969 _Hamlet's Mill: An Essay on Myth and the Frame of Time_ (500 pages)
Lori Devoti 2018 _Hello, Plot, Are You Out There?: The No-Plot PLotting Method for Character-Driven Novels_ (150 pages; 1.5MB)
(29) Maria di Battista 2001 _Fast-Talking Dames_ (movies; 365 pages; YaleU; 791.43 diB; Main)
Thorold Dickinson 1971 _A Discovery of Cinema_ ()
W.K.L. Dickson 1970 _An History of the Kinetograph, Kinetoscope, and Kinetophonograph_ ()
(20) Cory Doctorow 2014 _Information Doesn't Want to Be Free: Laws for the Internet Age_ (192 pages; 725KB; 301; Main+NE)
(47) Thomas Patrick Doherty 2013 _Hollywood and Hitler 1933-1939_ (movies; 429 pages; 791.430943 Doh; Main)
Marshall Dotson 2016 _The Story Structure Secret: Actions and Goals_ (400 pages; 1.5MB)
Philip Durham 1963, 1968 _Down These Mean Streets a Man Must Go: Raymond Chandler's Knight_ (180 pages)
- - - - - E
Eric Edson 2012 _Story Solution: 23 Actions All Great Heroes Must Take_ (365 pages; 2MB)
Estel Eforgan 2010 _Leslie Howard: The Lost Actor_ ()
Lotte Eisner 1969 _The Haunted Screen: Expressionism in the German Cinema and the Influence of Max Reinhardt_ ()
(15) Will Eisner 1996, 2008 _Graphic StoryTelling and Visual Narrative_ (164 pages; 808.066741 Eis; FtBraden)
Will Eisner 2008 _Comics and Sequential Art: Principles and Practices from the Legendary Cartoonist_ (192 pages)
Anita Elberse 2013 _BlockBusters: Hit-Making, Risk-Taking, & the Big Business of Entertainment_ (310 pages; 1.3MB)
(30) Marc Eliot 2006 _Jimmy Stewart: A Biography_ (movies; 463 pages; biography Stewart; Main+NE)
(39) Marc Eliot 2014 _American Titan: Searching for John Wayne_ (movies; 413 pages; Morrow; biography Wayne; NE)
David E. Elkins 2013 _The Camera Assistant's Manual_ (625 pages; 15MB)
(42) David Ellwand 2016 _Retro Photo: An Obsession: A Personal Selection of Vintage Cameras & the Photographs They Take (movies; 211 pages; Candlewick; 771.3 Ell; Main)
Edward Jay Epstein 2012 _The Hollywood Economist 2.0: The Hidden Financial Reality Behind the Movies_ (230 pages; 5.1MB)
(24) William K. Everson 1998 _American Silent Film_/_USA Silent Film_ (movies; 387 pages; DaCapo/OxfordU; 791.43 Eve; Main)
(17) Scott Eyman 2014 _John Wayne: The Life and Legend_ (movies; LT biography; large)
(17) Scott Eyman 2020 _Cary Grant: A Brilliant Disguise_ (movies; biography Grant; large)
(25) Scott Eyman 2017 _Hank and Jim: The 50-Year Friendship of Henry Fonda & James Stewart_ (movies; 791.4302 Eye; E)
Scott Eyman 8888 _Print the Legend: The Life and Times of John Ford_ ()
Scott Eyman 8888 _Lion of Hollywood: The Life and Legend of Louis B. Mayer_ ()
Scott Eyman 8888 _Empire of Dreams: The Epic Life of Cecil B. DeMille_ ()
Scott Eyman 8888 _Mary Pickford: America's Sweetheart_ ()
Scott Eyman 8888 _The Speed of Sound_ ()
(29) Scott Eyman & Robert J. Wagner 2014 _You Must Remember This: Life & Style in Hollywood's Golden Age_ (movies; 791.43028092 Wag; Main)
- - - - - F
(52) ►Douglas Fairbanks ii 1993-03-01, 1995 _A 7734 of a War_ (movies & reality; 278 pages; ISBN 9780312088071/ 9780860519645; OCLC 60117582; St.Martin/Robson; ILL request)◀
(52) Leonard Feather 1972 _From Satchmo to Miles_ (music; movies; 920 Fea; Main)
Leslie Fiedler 1960, 1998 _Love and Death in the USA Novel_ (510 pages)
(30) Raymond Fielding 1967 _A Technological History of Motion Pictures and Television_ (movies; 255 pages; 681.13)
Raymond Fielding 1972 _The USA NewsReel 1911-1967_ ()
Joel Finler 1968 _Stroheim_ ()
(80) Max Fleischer & Jerry Beck 1996 "Betty Boop: Pre-Code: Jazzy Guest Stars" (VC 741.5 BET v.2; includes 1932 "Minnie the Moocher", "The Old Man of the Mountain")
(45) Glenn Frankel 1986, 2014 _The Searchers: The Making of an American Legend_ (movies; 405 pages; Bloomsbury; 791.4372 Fra; Main+NE)
John Frazer 1980 _Artificially Arranged Scenes: The Films of Georges Melies_ ()
Alison Freer 2015 _How to Get Dressed: A Costume Designer's Secrets for Making Your Clothes Look, Fit, and Feel Amazing_ (250 pages; 13.2MB)
Philip French 1971 _The Movie Moguls: An Informal History of the Hollywood Tycoons_ ()
(34) Otto Friedrich 1986, 2014 _City of Nets: A Portrait of Hollywood in the 1940s_ (movies; 495-739 pages; 2.8MB; 979.4; Main)
(49) Michael Frizot 1998 _A New History of Photography_ (movies; 775 pages; ISBN 3829013280; Koenemann; R 770.9 NEW; Main)
- - - - - G
Neal Gabler 1988, 1989, 2010 _An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood_/_An Empire of Their Own: How Zukor, Laemmle, Fox, Mayer, Cohn, and the Warner Brothers Invented Hollywood_ (500 pages; 5.9MB)
(20) Neal Gabler 2006 _Walt Disney: The Triumph of the USA Imagination_ (movies; 851 pages; Biography Disney; Main+Jax)
(20) Zsa Zsa Gabor & Wendy Leigh 1991, 1993 _One LifeTime Is Not Enough_ (movies; 311 pages; LT biography Gabor; NE)
John Gabree 1973 _Gangsters: From Little Caesar to the GodFather_ ()
Harry Geduld 1975 _The Birth of the Talkies: From Edison to Jolson_ ()
J. Richard Gentry 8888 _The Science of Spelling_ ()
Sandra Gerth 2016 _Show, Don't Tell: How to Write Vivid Descriptions, Handle BackStory, and Describe Your Characters' Emotions_ (110 pages; 315KB)
(50) Gary Giddins 2018 _Bing Crosby: Swinging on a Star: The War Years 1940-1946_ (movies; music; 725 pages; 57.6MB; biobraphy Crosby & 782.42164 Gid; Main)
(52) Gary Giddins 2001, 2002, 2003 _Bing Crosby: A Pocketful of Dreams: The Early Years 1903-1940_ (movies; music; 725 pages; 4MB; biobraphy Crosby; Main)
(55) ►Gary Giddins 2009 _Satchmo: The Genius of Louis Armstrong_ (music; movies; 210 pages; 1.1MB; ILL request)◀
(59) ►Gary Giddins 1987 _Celebrating Bird: The Triumph of Charlie Parker_ (725 pages; 57.6MB; 788.66 Gid; NE; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)
Barry Gifford 2000, 2001 _Out of the Past: Adventures in Film Noir_ (190 pages)
Denis Gifford 1969 _Movie Monsters_ ()
Lillian Gish 1969 _The Movies, Mr. Griffith, and Me_ ()
(24) Karen Glass 2018 _Know and Tell: The Art of Narration_ (217 pages; ISBN 9781983560187; OCLC ; CreateSpace; libraries; on order 2023-09-09 Gla; BLPerry)
Tracey Goessel 2015-10-01 _The First King of Hollywood: The Life of Douglas Fairbanks_ (560 pages; 17.5MB; ISBN 9781613734049/ 9781613738948; OCLC 1064707732; ChicagoReview)
Michael Goi 2013 _American Cinematographer Manual vol1_ (950 pages)
Michael Goi 2013 _American Cinematographer Manual vol2_ (570 pages)
(40) David B. Goldstein & Otto Kroeger 2013 _Creative You: Using Your Personality Type to Thrive_ (291 pages; ISBN 9781582703657; Atria; 155.264 Gol; E)
Aaron Goold 2017 _The Video Editing HandBook: Simple Strategies for Editing Effective Video_ (290 pages; 8.6MB)
Sharon Gosling 2015 _The Art and Making of Penny Dreadful_ ()
- - - - - H
Robert Bartlett Haas 1976 _Muybridge: Man in Motion_ ()
(54) Richard Hack 2009 _The Duchess of Death: The UnAuthorized Biography of Agatha Christie_ (284 pages; ISBN 9781597776202; Phoenix, Biography Agatha Christie)
Peter Haining 2013 _The Golden Age of Crime Fiction: The Authors, the Artists, and Their Creations from 1920 to 1950_ (215 pages)
Rayne Hall 2015 _Writing Deep Point of View: Professional Techniques for Fiction Authors_ (130 pages; 852KB)
Kevin Hamilton & Ned O'Gorman 2018 _LookOut America!: The Secret Hollywood Studio at the Heart of the Cold War_ (310 pages)
Benjamin Hampton 1970 _History of the American Film Industry From Its Beginnings to 1931_ ()
(45) ►Ralph Hancock, Letitia Fairbanks & Kelley Smoot 2019-02-01 _Douglas Fairbanks: The 4th Musketeer_ (movies; 296 pages; ISBN 9781493039920/ 9781493039937; OCLC 110071970; Lyons; ILL request)◀
Janice Hardy 2016 _Understanding "Show, Don't Tell" and Really Getting It_ (130 pages; 394KB)
Aljean Harmetz 1992 _Round Up the Usual Suspects: The Making of Casablanca: Bogart, Bergman, and World War 2_ (288 pages; 791.4372; Main+NE)
(14) Renee Harmon 1993 _The Beginner's Guide to Directing_ (movies; 197 pages; Walker; 791.43 Har; NE)
(50) Anne Conover Heller 2009 _Ayn Rand and the World She Made_ (novels; movies; Nan A. Talese; 567 pages; biography Rand; Jax)
R.M. Henderson 1970 _D.W. Griffith: The Years at Biograph_ ()
John Allen Hendricks & Bruce Mims 2014 _Keith's Radio Station: Broadcast, Satellite, and Internet_ (530 pages; 15.4MB)
(50) Katherine Hepburn 1987, 1988 _The Making of the African Queen: How I Went to Africa with Bogart, Bacall, and Huston and Almost Lost My Mind_ (movies; 176 pages; 791.43; large; Main)
(40) ►Booton Herndon 1977 _Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks: The Most Popular Couple the World Has Ever Known_ (movies; 324 pages; 920; Main; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀
Charles Higham 1973 _Cecil B. de Mille_ ()
Charles Higham 1975 _Warner Brothers_ ()
Erin HIll 2016 _Never Done: An History of Women's Work in Media Production_ (270 pages; 23.4MB)
Laurance Landreth Hill 2015 _In the Valley of the Cahuengas: The Story of Hollywood_ (72 pages; 5.9MB)
(45) Tony Hillerman 1991 _The Best of the West: An Anthology of Classic Writing from the USA West_ (novels; 528 pages; ISBN 0060923520; Harper/Perennial; 818.08 BES; NE)
James Hirsen 2005, 2006 _HollyWeird Nation: Left Coast Lies, Old Media Spin, & the New Media Revolution_ (280 pages; 622KB)
(37) James L. Hirsen 2003 _Tales from the Left Coast: True Stories of Hollywood Stars & Their Outrageous Politics_ (movies; 314 pages; 791.43 Hir; Main)
Shelley Hitz 2015 _How to Write a Book From OutLine to Finish Line: 10 Simple Ways to OutLine Your NonFiction Book_ (45 pages; 3.8MB)
(42) David Hockney 2016 _An History of Pictures from the Cave to the Computer Screen_ (movies; 360 pages; ISBN 9781419722752; Abrams; 759 Hoc; NE)
Lee Horsley 2009 _The Noir Thriller_ (320 pages; 9.3MB)
Theodore Huff 1964 _Charles Chaplin: A Biography_ ()
Peter Hutchinson 1983 _Games Authors Play_ (150 pages)
Joe Hyams 1975 _Bogart & Bacall: A Love Story_ (245 pages; 920; Main)
- - - - - I
(39) Noah Isenberg 2017 _We'll Always Have Casablanca: The Life, Legend, & AfterLife of Hollywood's Most Beloved Movie_ (movies; 334 pages; Norton; 791.4372 Ise; Main)
- - - - - J
Lewis Jacobs 1968 _The Rise of the USA Film_ ()
Fredric Jameson 2016 _Raymond Chandler: The Detections of Totality_ (95 pages; 631KB)
(35) Anne H. Janzer 2016 _The Writer's Process: Getting Your Brain in Gear_ (192 pages; ISBN 9780986406225; OCLC ; Cuesta Park Consulting; 808.02 Jan; East)
Vera John-Steiner 8888 _Creative Collaboration_ ()
Claudia Hunter Johnson 2000, 2014 _Crafting Short ScreenPlays That Connect_ (390 pages; 1.2MB)
- - - - - K
(55) Stefan Kanfer 2011 _Tough without a Gun: The Life and ExtraOrdinary AfterLife of Humphrey Bogart_ (movies; 288 pages; biography Bogart; Main+NE+Jax)
Frigyes Karinthy 1912 _Igy Irtok Ti_/_This Is How You Write_ ()
Stephen Karpf 1973 _The Gangster Film: Emergence, Variation, and Decay of a Genre 1930-1940_
(50) Scott Barry Kaufman & Carolyn Gregoire 2015 _Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind_ (pop-psych; 252 pages; 153.35 Kau; Main)
Walter Kerr 1975 _The Silent Clowns_ ()
Marcus N. Klein 1994 _Easterns, Westerns, and Private Eyes: USA Matters 1870-1900_ (220 pages)
(55) Austin Kleon 2012 _Steal Like an Artist: 19 Things Nobody Told You about Being Creative_ (140 pages; ISBN 9780761169253; Workman; 153.35 Kle; Main)
Stephen Thomas Knight 1981 _Form and Ideology in Crime Fiction_ (195 pages)
Sigfried Kracauer 1947 _From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film_ ()
(72) Vanda Krefft 2017 _The Man Who Made the Movies: The Meteoric Rise and Tragic Fall of William Fox_ (movies; 927 pages; 8.3MB; biography Fox; Main)
(47) Gary Krist 2018 _The Mirage Factory: Illusion, Imagination, and the Invention of Los Angeles_ (402 pages; 38.4MB; 979.494051 Kri; Main+E)
Dale Kutzera 2015 _The Plot Machine: Design Better Stories Faster_ (100 pages; 1.4MB)
- - - - - L
Kalton C. Lahue 1966 _World of Laughter: The Motion Picture Comedy Short 1910-1930_ ()
C.S. Lakin 2014 _Say What?: The Fiction Writer's Handy Guide to Grammar, Punctuation, and Word Usage__ (223 pages; 428.2; E)
Kurt Lancaster 2012 _DSLR Cinema: Crafting the Film Look with Large Sensor Video Cameras_ ()
Mick LaSalle 2001, 2014 _Complicated Women: Sex and Power in Pre-Code Hollywood_ (304 pages; 622KB)
Tom Lazarus 2001 _Secrets of Film Writing_ ()
(50) Raymond Lee 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973 _The Films of Mary Pickford_ (175 pages; OCLC 1193498731/ 2108765; Castle; 791.43; Main)
- - - - - M
David Madden 1968, 1979 _Tough Guy Writers of the 1930s_ ()
Eric Maisel 2002 _The Van Gogh Blues: The Creative Person's Path through Depression_ (pop-psych; 257 pages; 616.8527 MAI; Main)
Eric Maisel 2002 _Write Mind: 299 Things Writers Should Never Say to Themselves_ (pop-psych; 134 pages; 808.02019 Mai; Main)
Jim Makichuk 2013 _The Working Writer's ScreenPlay_ (264 pages)
David Mamet 1992 _On Directing Film_ (125 pages)
Stephen Manes 1982 _Pictures of Motion and Pictures That Move_ (56 pages; biography Muybridge; junior)
(50) William J. Mann 2014 _TinselTown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood_ (515 pages; 49.7MB; 364.1523 Man; Jax)
(55) William J. Mann 2006 _Kate: The Woman Who Was Hepburn_ (621 pages; ISBN 0805076255; biography Katharine Hepburn; Main+NE)
(48) Wil Mara 2019 _The Movie Industry: Immoral Globalist Propagandists_ (32 pages; J 384.8 Mar; E; the new C3 FrameWork for Socialist Propaganda in Schools)
Edward Margolies 1981 _Which Way Did He Go?: The Private Eye in Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Chester Himes, and Ross MacDonald_ (110 pages)
William H. Marling 1998 _The American Roman Noir: Hammett, Cain, and Chandler_ (245 pages)
Manjula Martin 2017 _Scratch: Writers, Money, and the Art of Making a Living_ (287 pages; 808.0202; Main)
William C. Martell 2011 _The Secret of Action ScreenWriting_ (235 pages; 1.1MB)
Arthur Marx 1976 _Goldwyn_ ()
Gerald Mast 1979 _The Comic Mind_ ()
Jason Mattera 2013 _Hollywood Hypocrites_ ()
(22) Bob Mayer 205 _The Novel Writer's ToolKit: A Guide_ (246 pages; 808.02 May; Main)
Joseph McBride 1972 _Focus on Howard Hawks_ ()
Sean McCann 2000 _GumShoe USA: Hard-Boiled Crime Fiction and the Rise and Fall of Raw Deal Illiberal Leftism_ (370 pages; 1.2MB)
(27) ►Marc McCutcheon 1996 _The Writer's Digest SourceBook for Building Believable Characters_ (movies; novels; writing; 282 pages; ISBN 0898796830; OCLC 999; Writer's Digest/CoinsMagazine, E Galbraith between Kenwood & Pine; ILL request)◀
Robert McKee 1997 _Story_ ()
Robert H. McKim 1980 _Experiences in Visual Thinking_ (180 pages)
Kevin McLaughlin 2018 _You Must Write: Success Through Heinlein's Rules_ (160 pages; 1.1MB)
Jennifer L. McMahon, B. Steve Csaki, Daw-Nay Evans, Shai Biderman et al. 2010 _The Philosophy of the Western_ (340 pages; 3.1MB)
Ryan W. McMaken 2012 _Commie CowBoys: The Bourgeoisie and the Nation-State in the Western Genre_ (145 pages; 257KB)
John Michell 1988, 2006 _Euphonics: A Poet's Dictionary of Sounds_ (80 pages)
(54) Petrine Day Mitchum & Audrey Pavia 2014 _Hollywood HoofBeats: The Fascinating Story of Horses in Movies & Television_ (movies; 223 pages; 791.43 Mit; Jax)
Tom Monteleone 2010 _The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing a Novel_ (380 pages; 1.7MB)
(32) Joe Moran 2018, 2019 _First You Write a Sentence: The Elements of Reading, Writing... and Life_ (writing; movies; novels; non-fiction; 9999 pages; ISBN 9780143134343/ 9780241978511; OCLC ; Viking/Penguin/RandomHouse; 808.042 Mor; Main+Jax)
Jessica Page Morrell 2006 _Between the Lines: Master the Elements of Fiction Writing_ (300 pages; 1.1MB)
(15) Walter Mosley 2019 _Elements of Fiction_ (movies; novels; 115 pages; 808.3 Mos; Main+E)
(45) Eddie Muller 2021 _Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir_ (movies; 259 pages; ISBN 9780762498970; OCLC ; Running; on order 2022-03-15 Mul; Main+Jax)
Charles Musser 1994 _The Emergence of Cinema: The USA Screen to 1907_ (590 pages)
Eadweard Muybridge 1957 _Animals in Motion_ ()
(59) Eadweard Muybridge 1955 _The Human Figure in Motion_ (196 pages; 612.76; )
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Beaumont Newhall 1964 _The History of Photography from 1839 to the Present_ (319 pages; 770.9; NE)
Tom Nolan 1999, 2015 _Ross MacDonald_ (496 pages; 4.1MB; biography MacDonald; Main)
William F. Nolan 1985, 1987 _The Black Mask Boys: Masters in the Hard-Boiled School of Detective Fiction_ (273 pages; SC Bla; Jax)
Joseph H. North 1973 _The Early Development of the Motion Picture 1887-1909_ ()
- - - - - O
Emmanuel Oberg 2016 _ScreenWriting UnChained: ReClaim Your Creative Freedom and Master Story Structure_ (460 pages; 10MB)
Geoffrey O'Brien 1981, 1997 _HardBoiled USA: Lurid PaperBacks and the Masters of Noir_ (205 pages)
Patricia T. O'Conner 1998 _Woe Is I: The GrammarPhobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English_ (227 pages; 428.2)
Paul O'Dell & Anthony Slide 1971 _D.W. Griffith and the Rise of Hollywood_ ()
John Oller 2004 _Jean Arthur: The Actress NoBody Knew_ (350 pages; 5.5MB)
Barney Oliver 8888 _Modern English Misusage: The Rules of Grammar Explained with Precision and Wit_ ()
(17) Richard Olsenius 2007 _The Ultimate Field Guide to Digital Video_ (230 pages; ISBN 9781426201226; NationalGeographic; 778.59 Ols; )
Dennis O'Neil 2001, 2013 _The DC Comics Guide to Writing Comics_ (125 pages; 27MB)
- - - - - P
Malcolm Parkes 1992 _Pause & Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West_ ()
Sidney A. Pearson ii, John Marini, Brigid McMenamin, David K. Nichols, Anne R. Pierce et al. 2008, 2009 _Print the Legend: Politics, Culture, and Civic Virtue in the Films of John Ford_ (200 pages; 1.8MB)
Gerald Peary & Roger Shatzkin 1977 _The Classic American Novel and the Movies_ (340 pages)
Lori Perkins 1999 _The Insider's Guide to Getting an Agent_ (235 pages)
Laurence Phelan 2016, 2017 _Film & TV Locations: Scout Out the World's Top Spots for Famous Film and T Scenes_ (128 pages; 910.202; Main+Jax)
Mary Pickford 1955 _SunShine and Shadow_ ()
Jane Piirto 2003, 2004 _Understanding Creativity_ (510 pages)
Jane Piirto 2002 _My Teeming Brain: Creativity in Creative Writers_ (385 pages)
Dennis Porter 1981 _The Pursuit of Crime: Art and Ideology in Detective Fiction_ (255 pages)
James F. Pontuso, Nivedita Bagchi, Paul A. Cantor, Leon Harold Craig, Kenneth de Luca, Ralph Hattox, Peter Augustine Lawler, David K. Nichols, Mary P. Nichols, Michael Palmer & Paul Peterson 2005 _Political Philosophy Comes to Rick's: Casablanca and USA Civic Culture_ (200 pages)
Neil Postman 1985 _Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business_ (180 pages; 302.234)
(17) Dan Poynter 2007 _Dan Poynter's Self-Publishing Manual: How to Write, Print, & Sell Your Own Book_ (writing; 463 pages; ISBN 9781568601427; 070.593 Poy; Main+Jax)
George C. Pratt 1966 _SpellBound in Darkness: Readings in the History and Criticism of the Silent Film_ ()
Skip Press 2000 _The Complete Idiot's Guide to ScreenWriting_ (380 pages; 2MB)
Steven Pressfield & Shawn Coyne 2011, 2012 _The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles_ (190 pages; 1MB; 808.02)
Steven Pressfield & Shawn Coyne 2012 _Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life's Work_ (145 pages; 327KB)
Steven Pressfield 2014 _Do the Work_ (98 pages; 361KB)
Steven Pressfield & Shawn Coyne 2011 _The Warrior Ethos: Define and Defend Your Sense of Purpose_ (114 pages; 267KB)
Steven Pressfield & Shawn Coyne 2016 _NoBody Wants to Read Your S*t: What That Is and What You Can Do About It_ (210 pages; 1.5MB)
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(50) Paula Rabinowitz 2014 _USA Pulp: How PaperBacks Brought Modernism to Main Street_ (390 pages; 14.9MB; 002.0973; Main)
Mary Lynn Rampolla 2015 _A Pocket Guide to Writing in History_ (165 pages; 5.8MB)
Eddie Robson 2003 _Coen Brothers_ ()
Peter Roffman & Jim Purdy 1981 _The Hollywood Social Problem Film_ ()
(37) Jonathan Rosenbaum 2004 _Essential Cinema: On the Necessity of Film [Movie/Video] Canons_ (445 pages; 791.43 Ros; Main)
Robert A. Rosenstone 2012, 2017 _History on Film, Film on History_ (195 pages; 4.8MB )
(24) Steven Joseph Ross 2017 _Hitler in Los Angeles: How Jews Foiled Nazi Plots Against Hollywood and the USA_ (414 pages; 39.1MB; 979.494; NE)
Leo Rosten 1941 _Hollywood: The Movie Colony, the Movie Makers_ ()
Albert Rothenberg 1990, 1994 _Creativity & Madness: New Findings and Old StereoTypes_ (200 pages; 2.8MB)
Peter Rubie & Gary Provost 2015 _How to Tell a Story: The Secrets of Writing Captivating Tales_ (2.2MB)
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Paul Saenger 1997 _Space Between Words: USA Cinema in the 1940s_ (570 pages)
(5) Martin W. Sandler 2002 _Photography: An Illustrated History_ (movies; 156 pages; 770.9 San; Main)
Thomas Schatz 1999 _Boom and Bust: USA Cinema in the 1940s_ (570 pages)
(13) Laura Schellhardt 2008 _ScreenWriting for Dummies_ (360 pages; 1.9MB; 808.23 Sch; )
(59) Richard Schickel & George Perry 2008 _You Must Remember This: The Warner Brothers Story_ (479 pages; 791.43 Main; Jax)
(59) ►Richard Schickel 1962 _The Stars_ (479 pages(260 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; ; ILL request)◀
Budd Schulberg 1972, 2012 _Writers in the USA: The 4 Seasons of Success_ (215 pages; 4.8MB)
Kate Scott 2014 _How to Write Essays: A Guide for Mature Students Who Have Forgotten How_ (40 pages; 447KB)
David O. Selznick & Rudy Behlmer 1972 _Memo from David O. Selznick_ (549 pages; 792)
Mack Sennett 1954 _King of Comedy_ ()
(24) Lee Server 1993 _Danger Is My Business: An Illustrated History of the Fabulous Pulp Magazines_ (144 pages; 051.09041; NE)
Lee Server 1994 _Over My Dead Body_ (100 pages)
Lee Server 2002 _Encyclopedia of Pulp Fiction Writers_ (144 pages; 813.5; Main)
Alan Sepinwall 2012 _The Revolution Was Televised: The Cops, Crooks, Slingers, and Slayers Who Changed TV Drama ForEver_ (388 pages; 384.5532; NE)
(39) Susan Shapiro 2018 _The ByLine Bible: Get Published in 5 Weeks_ (267 pages; 808.02; Main+E+BLPerry)
Charles Sheffield 1999, 2000 _The BorderLands of Science: How to Think Like a Scientist and Write Science Fiction_ (360 pages)
Joshua Wolf Shenk 2014 _Powers of Two: Finding the Essence of Innovation in Creative Pairs_ (335 pages; 153.35)
Ella Shohat 8888 _Israeli Cinema_ ()
Ed Sikov 1998, 2017 _On SunSet Boulevard: The Life and Times of Billy Wilder_ (670 pages; 5.3MB)
(50) Ed Sikov 1989 _Screwball: Hollywood's Madcap Romantic Comedies_ (240 pages; Crown; 791.43 Sik; Main)
Fred Silva 1971 _Focus on "The Birth of a Nation"_ ()
Alain Silver & James Ursini 2018 _Film Noir Prototypes: Origins of the Movement_ (340 pages)
Paul Silvia 2007 _How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing_ (145 pages; 701KB)
Roger L. Simon 2011 _Turning Right at Hollywood and Vine: The Perils of Coming Out Conservative in Tinseltown_ (225 pages; 682KB)
Upton Sinclair 1933 _Upton Sinclair Presents William Fox_ ()
Phillip Sipiora & James S. Baumlin 2002, 2012 _Rhetoric and Kairos: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis_ (260 pages; 3.7MB)
Paul Skenazy 1982 _The New Wild West: The Urban Mysteries of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler_ ()
Robert Sklar 1975 _Movie-Made USA_ ()
Anthony Slide 1970 _Early American Cinema_ ()
Erin A. Smith 2000 _Hard-Boiled: "Working Class" Readers and Pulp Magazines_ (200 pages)
Starr Smith 2005, 2006 _Jimmy Stewart: Bomber Pilot_ (280 pages; 9.2MB)
(3) Brian Solis 2009 _Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: How "Social" Media Is ReInventing the Aging Business of PR_ (314 pages; 659.2; Main)
Jerry Speir 1981 _Raymond Chandler_ ()
A.M. Sperber & Eric Lax 1997 _Bogart_ ()
Brian Stableford 1998, 2012 _Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction_ (190 pages; 466KB)
Robert H. Stanley 1978 _The Celluloid_ ()
Steve Stockman 2011 _How to Shoot Video That Doesn't Suck_ ()
(35) Will Storr 2021 _The Science of StoryTelling: Why Stories Make Us Human and How to Tell Them_ (291 pages; ISBN 9781419747953; OCLC ; Abrams; on order 2023-02-14 Sto; Main+East)
Linda Strahan, Kathleen Moore & MIchael Heumann 2011 _Write It: A Process Approach to College Essays, with Readings_ (485 pages)
David Stump 2013 _Digital Cinematography: Fundamentals, Tools, Techniques, and WorkFlows_ (310 pages)
Robert W. Sullivan iv 2017 _Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies_ (560 pages; 10MB)
Robert W. Sullivan iv 2017 _Cinema Symbolism 2: More Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies_ (820 pages; 29.3MB)
Montague Summers 2013 _The Gothic Quest: An History of the Gothic Novel_ (840 pages; 4.4MB)
David Swartz 2012 _Culture and Power: The Socialistology of Pierre Bourdieu_ (340 pages; 1.5MB)
- - - - - T
John Russell Taylor & Arthur Jackson 1971 _The Hollywood Musical_ ()
Bob Thomas 1970 _Thalberg: Life and Legend_ ()
R. Murray Thomas & Dale L. Brubaker 2007 _Theses and Dissertations: A Guide to Planning, Research, and Writing_ (340 pages; 1.6MB)
David Thomson 8888 _Showman: The Life of David O. Selznick_ ()
(52) David Thomson 2013 _Moments That Made the Movies_ (303 pages; ISBN 9781950385126; Thames&Hudson; 791.4375 Tho; Main)
(55) David Thomson 2017 _Warner Brothers: The Making of an USA Movie Studio_ (220 pages; 384.80979494 Tho; Main)
(57) David Thomson 2018 _Television: A Biography_ (412 pages; 791.450973; Jax)
(59) David Thomson 2012 _The Big Screen: The Story of the Movies_ (595 pages; 791.430973; Main)
Geoffrey Thornton 2007 _What's Wrong?: Visual Adventures in Critical Thinking_ (32 pages)
John C. Tibbetts & James M. Welsh 2005 _The Encyclopedia of Novels into Film_ (570 pages)
Gene Tierney & Mickey Herskowitz 1979-04-01 _Self-Portrait_ (227 pages; ISBN 9780883261521)
Robert Brent Toplin 2010 _History by Hollywood: The Use and Abuse of the USA Past_ (270 pages)
Paul Trent 1975 _Those Fabulous Movie Years: The 1930s_ ()
John Truby 2007 _The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master StoryTeller_ (808.543)
Kate L. Turabian, Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams et al. 2013 _A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers_ (448 pages; 808.02; both reference+check-out copies)
- - - - - U
Brenda Ueland 1991, 2014, 2015 _If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence, and Spirit_ (130 pages; 698KB)
University of Chicago 2003 _The Chicago Manual of Style_ (300 pages; 808.027; 2003 both reference+check-out; 2010 reference only)
- - - - - V
(30) Jeff van der Meer & Jeremy Zerfoss 2013 _WonderBook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction_ (232-352 pages; ISBN 9781419704420; Abrams Image; 808.3 van; Main)
Jeffrey Vance & Tony Maietta 2008-12-08 _Douglas Fairbanks_ (368-376 pages; ISBN 9780520256675; OCLC 778289741; UofCrazyCalifornia/AMPAS)
A. Nicholas Vardac 1949 _Stage to Screen_ ()
Paul Varner 2009 _The A to Z of Westerns in Cinema_ (280 pages; 1.4MB)
Vern 2012 _Seagalology: A Study of the Ass-Kicking Films oof Steven Seagal_ (490 pages; 1.4MB)
Victor Verney 2015 _Raymond Chandler: Trenches of France, Streets of L.A._ (195 pages; 8.4MB)
Dave Viera & Maria Viera 2004 _Lighting for Film and Digital Cinematography_ (290 pages)
Michelle Vogel 2005-03-22, 2009-12-07 _Gene Tierney: A Biography_ (247 pages; ISBN 9780786420353; McFarland)
- - - - - W
Edward Wagenknecht 1962 _The Movies in the Age of Innocence_ ()
(50) Robert J. Wagner & Scott Eyman 2008 _I Loved Her in the Movies: Memories of Hollywood's Legendary Actresses_ (biography)
(55) Robert J. Wagner & Scott Eyman 2008 _Pieces of My Heart_ (biography)
Elizabeth Ward & Alain Silver 1987 _Raymond Chandler's Los Angeles_ ()
Beatrice Warde & Henry Jacob 1955 _The Crystal Goblet: 16 Essays on Typography_ ()
Marina Warner 1995 _From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers_ (450 pages)
Marina Warner 1999 _No Go, the BogeyMan: Scaring, Lulling, and Making Mock_ (420 pages) dd>Marina Warner 2012 _Stranger Magic: Charmed States and the Arabian Nights_ (560 pages; 6.3MB)
Marina Warner 2014 _Once Upon a Time: A Short History of the Fairy Tale_ (215 pages; 1.8MB)
Olivia Watson 2017 _The Murder of Alfalfa_ (36 pages; 868KB; biography of "Our Gang"/"Little Rascals" actor Carl Switzer who became quick to anger)
(37) Alissa Wayne/Aissa Wayne & Steve Delsohn 1991, 1998, 2012 _John Wayne: My Life with the Duke_/_John Wayne: My Father_ (229 pages; 3.8MB; biography)
Pilar Wayne & Alex Throleifson 1987 _John Wayne: My Father_ (260 pages)
Christopher Wehner 2001 _ScreenWriting on the Internet: Researching, Writing, and Selling Your Script on the Web_ (170 pages)
K.M. Weiland 2016 _5 Secrets of Story Structure: How to Write a Novel That Stands Out_ (59 pages; 6.3MB)
K.M. Weiland 2016 _Creating Character Arcs: The Masterful Author's Guide to Uniting Story Structure, Plot, and Character Development_ (280 pages; 5.6MB)
Rosanne Welch 2018 _When Women Wrote Hollywood: Essays on Female ScreenWriters in the Early Film Industry_ (220 pages; 5.7MB)
Eileen Whitfield 1997 _Pickford: The Woman Who Made Hollywood_ (biography Pickford)
Dennis L. Wilcos, Glen T. Cameron & Bryan H. Reber 2015 _Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics_ (420 pages; 75.4MB)
Tom Williams 2013 _Mysterious Something in the Light: The Life of Raymond Chandler_ (385 pages; 5.3MB)
(50) Garry Wills 1997 _John Wayne's USA: The Politics of Celebrity_ (380 pages; Simon&Schuster; biography John Wayne; Main)
Steve Windsor 2015 _9 Day Novel: OutLining Your Novel: Plotting Your Way to Success_ (190 pages; 1.9MB)
Robin Wood 2006 _Howard Hawks_ (230 pages; 2.8MB)
Karen Woodward 2016 _How to Write a "Choose Your Own Adventure" Story: The Story That's Also a Game_ (50 pages; 931KB)
Kate Wright 2004 _ScreenWriting Is StoryTelling: Creating an A-List ScreenPlay that Sells!_ ()
Israel Zangwill & Edna Nahshon 2005 _From the Ghetto to the Melting Pot: Israel Zangwill's Jewish Plays_ (565 pages)
Maurice Zolotow 1974, 1979 _Shooting Star: A Biography of John Wayne_ (400 pages)
Here are some frequently handy references for grammar & punctuation:
Bill Trottier's _ScreenWriter's Bible_
There are hundreds of these sites. Find one you like.
(39) ►Christine Woodside 2016-09-06, 2017, 2018 _Libertarians on the Prairie: Laura Ingalls Wilder, Rose Wilder Lane, & the Making of the Little House Books_ (259-280-292-414 pages; 3.4MB; ISBN 9781628726565/ 9781683247425/ 9781628728651; OCLC 1020300533/ 973807391; Arcade/Thorndike/Center Point/SkyHorse; ILL request)◀
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