jgo Reading Room: Other Books To Read

This is me, raising my banners high, seeking people with whom I'd like to work, live, trade, support. All flags flying!

updated: 2023-05-02

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- - - - - A

June Abbas 2010 _Structures for Organizing Knowledge: Exploring Taxonomies, Ontologies, and Other Schema_ (240 pages)

Geneive Abdo 2000 _No God But God: Egypt and the Triumph of Islam_ (230 pages; 2.4MB)

Geneive Abdo 2017 _The New Sectarianism: The Arab UpRisings and the ReBirth of the Shia-Sunni Divide_ (250 pages; 2.4MB; 297.8042; NE)

(15) Sasha Abramsky 2017 _Jumping at Shadows: The Triumph of Fear & the End of the USA Dream_ (324 pages; 302.120973 Abr; Main)

(37) ►Bruce D. Abramson 2021-06-22 _The New Civil War: Exposing Elitists, Fighting Utopian Leftisn, & Restoring the USA_ (181-192 pages; ISBN 9781645438403; OCLC 1266210840; Amplify/RealClear; ILL request)◀

Christopher H. Achen & Larry M. Bartels 2017 _Democracy for Realists: Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government_ ("identity politics"; 400 pages; 48MB)

Bruce Ackerman 2011 _The Decline and Fall of the American Republic_ (270 pages; 2.1MB)

Barbara Adam, Ulrich Beck & Jost van Loon 2000 _The Risk Society and Beyond_ (230 pages; 1.3MB)

(33) ►J. Christian Adams 2014 _Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democrat Party's Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming the USA_ (ILL request)◀

J.N. Adams, Mark Janse & Simon Swain 2003 _BiLingualism in Ancient "Society": Language Contact & the Written Word_ (340 pages)

J.N. Adams 2003 _BiLingualism and the Latin Language_ (850 pages)

(55) ►Jeremy Adams 2021-08-03 _Hollowed Out: A Warning about America's Next Generation_/_Hollowed Out: A Warning about USA's Next Generation_ (nihilism; 213-256 pages; ISBN 9781684511983; OCLC 1243743732; Regnery; ILL request)◀

Mike S. Adams 2013 _Letters to a Young Regressive: How to Avoid Wasting Your Life Protesting Things You Don't Understand_ (265 pages; 375KB)

Mike S. Adams 2008 _"Feminists" Say the Darndest Things: A Politically InCorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" on Campus_ (225 pages; 506KB)

Nick Adams & Dave Erickson 2017 _The Case Against the Establishment_ (135 pages)

Miriam Adderholdt Elliott & Jan Goldberg 1987, 1992, 1999 _Perfectionism: What's Bad About Being Too Good_ (135 pages)

Miriam Adderholdt Elliott, Donna Johnson & Nathan Levy 2015 _Perfectionism vs. The Pursuit of Excellence: What Can Be Bad About Being Too Good_ (145 pages)

Mahnaz Afkhami 1995 _Faith and Freedom: Women's Human Rights in the Muslim World_ (235 pages)

Jim Agee 2007 _Acquisitions Go Global: An Introduction to Library Collection Management in the 21st Century_ (150 pages)

Sohrab Ahmari 2016 _The New Philistines: Contemporary "Art" Is Obsessed with the Politics of "Identity"_ (140 pages; 1.4MB)

Ahmed ibn Naqib al-Misri & Nuh Ha Mim Keller c. 1000, 1997 _Reliance of the Traveller_ (1,230 pages; Shafii School)

Fouad Ajami 1982, 1992 _The Arab Predicament: Arab Political Thoughts and Practice Since 1967_ (290 pages)

Cem Akin & Leah Rottke 2011 _The Home Orchard HandBook_ (190 pages; 17.1MB)

(57) ►David Albright &am; Sara Burkhard 2021-05-17 _Iran's Perilous Pursuit of Nuclear Weapons_ (502 pages; ISBN 9798731072649; OCLC 999; think-tank-published Institute for Science and InterNational Security; ILL request)◀

Randy Alcorn 2015 _Happiness_ (480 pages; 248.4; Jax+NE)

Edward Alexander 2002 _Classical Liberalism and the Jewish Tradition_ (seems to conflate neo-liberalism with classical liberalism; 170 pages)

John B. Alexander 1999, 2000 _Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in 21st Century Warfare_ (355.8; NE)

John B. Alexander, PhD 2003, 2007 _Winning the War: Advanced Weapons, Strategies, and Concepts for the Post-2001/09/11 World_ (325 pages; 970KB)

John B. Alexander, Janet Morris & Richard Groller 1990 _Warrior's Edge_ (230 pages; 133.8; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Matthew Alexander & John Bruning 2008 _How to Break a Terrorist: The USA Interrogators Who Used Brains, Not Brutality, to Take Down the Deadliest Man in Iraq_ (295 pages; 959KB)

Mark Alexander 2016 _Trojan West: The Left's Stategy to Destroy Western Civilization_ (255 pages; 3.1MB )

Matthew Alexander 2011 _Kill or Capture: How a Special Operations Task Force Took Down a Notorious al-Qaeda Terrorist_ (300 pages; 528KB)

Masih Alinejad 2018 _The Wind in My Hair: My Fight for Freedom in Modern Iran_ (390 pages; 21.3MB)

(50) Saul Alinsky 1971 _Rules for Radicals_ (196 pages; ISBN 9780394717368; Vintage; 320.53 Ali; Main)

(23) David Allen 2002, 2015 _Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity_ (345 pages; 3.3MB; 646.7 All; Main)

David Allen 2008 _Making It All Work_ (650.1; CD)

Gary Allen 2013 _None Dare Call It Conspiracy_ (160 pages)

(29) ►Jonathan Allen & Amie Parnes 2017-04-18 _Shattered: InSide HitleryRottenClinton's Doomed Campaign_ (470 pages; 6.7MB; ISBN 0553447084/ 9780553447088; Crown; ILL request)◀

(49) Graham T. Allison 2017, 2018 _Destined for War: Can the USA and Red China Escape Thucydides's Trap_ (364 pages; 4.7MB; 327.73051 All; Main)

Scott T. Allison & George R. Goethals 2010 _Heroes: What They Do and Why We Need Them_ (240 pages; 962KB)

Gordon W. Allport & Leo Postman 1947 _The Psychology of Rumor_ (240 pages)

Jeannette Altamba & Roberto R. Heredia 2018 _An Introduction to BiLingualism: Principles and Processes_ (425 pages; 28MB)

(24) ►David L. Altheide 2002 _Creating Fear: News and the Construction of Crisis_ (media; propaganda; 220-223 pages; ISBN 9780202306605; OCLC 986240491; Routledge/Aldine de Gruyter; ILL request)◀

Johannes Althusius & Frederick S. Carney 1603, 1995 _Politica: An Abridged Translation of Politics Methodically Set Forth and Illustrated with Sacred and Profane Examples_ (300 pages; 1.8MB)

Johannes Althusius & Jeffrey J. Veenstra 1605, 2013 _On Law and Power_ (135 pages; 2.5MB)

Marc Ambinder & D.B. Grady 2013 _Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry_ (325 pages; 1.1MB)

Brian C. Anderson, Heather Mac Donald, Andrew Klavan & Victor Davis Hanson 2013 _The Beholden State: California's Lost Promise and How to ReCapture It_ (340 pages; 13.1MB)

James E. Anderson 2014 _Public PolicyMaking_ (380 pages; 18.4MB)

Joel Anderson & Nathan Anderson 2015 _59 Illustrated National Parks: Celebrating 100 Years of Wilderness and Wonder_ (160 pages)

Ryan T. Anderson 2015 _Truth OverRuled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom_ (270 pages; 1.2MB)

(65) Ryan T. Anderson 2018, 2019 _When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the "Transgender" Moment_ (251-255 pages; ISBN 9781594039614; OCLC 1129896767; Encounter; 306.768 And; E)

Terry L. Anderson & Donald R. Leal 1991, 2001 _Free Market Environmentalism_ (240 pages)

Terry L. Anderson & Donald R. Leal 2015 _Free Market Environmentalism for the Next Generation_ (210 pages; 1.7MB)

Dorine C. Andrews & Susan K. Stalick 1994 _Business ReEngineering: The Survival Guide_ (310 pages)

Paul Andrews 1994 _Gates_ (biography)

Tamra Andrews 2000 _Nectar and Ambrosia: An Encyclopedia of Food in World Mythology_ (275 pages)

Todd Andrik 2012 _Reporting the Revolutionary War: Before It Was History, It Was News_ (390 pages)

(50) Amy Andrychowicz 2018 _Vertical Vegetables: Simple Projects That Deliver More Yield in Less Space_ (gardening; 192 pages; 635 And; Main+Jax)

Tamim Ansary 2002 _West of Kabul, East of New York_ (290 pages; 973.04927)

(29) ►Michael Anton 2020 _The Stakes: USA at the Point of No Return_ (417-490 pages; 2.6MB; ISBN 1684510619/ 9781684510610; OCLC 1144466956; Regnery; ILL request)◀

Michael Anton 2019-02-05 _After the Flight 03 Election: The Vote that Saved the USA & What We Still Have to Lose_ (100 pages; ISBN 1641770600/ 9781641770606; Encounter)

Larry P. Arnn, Carol Miller Swain & Matthew Spalding 2021-03-30, 2021-05-04 _The 1776 Report_ (108-128 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 9781641772259; Encounter)

Elaine N. Aron 2013 _The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You_ (225 pages; 766KB)

Elaine N. Aron 2002 _The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping Our Children Thrive When the World Overwhelms Them_ (340 pages; 1.2MB)

Raymond Aron 1957, 2007, 2017 _The Opium of the Intellectuals_ (375 pages; 742KB)

John Arquilla 2011 _Insurgents, Raiders, and Bandits: How Masters of Irregular Warfare Have Shaped Our World_ (330 pages; 2.6MB)

John Arquilla & David Ronfeldt 2001 _Networks and NetWar: The Future of Terror, Crime and Militancy_ (380 pages; 1.5MB)

John Arquilla & David Ronfeldt 1997 _In Athena's Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age_ (520 pages; 1.2MB)

John Arquilla 2000 _Swarming & the Future of Conflict_ (98 pages; 1.4MB)

Robin Artisson, Jesseca Trainham & Elizabeth Ahmad 2016 _The Words of Odin: A New Rendering of Havamal for the Present Age_ (155 pages; 5.5MB)

Dave Asprey 8888 _Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators, and Mavericks Do to Win at Life_ (158.1; Main)

Stephen Astor 2014 _Israel & the USA Press: A Story of Love and Hate_ (58 pages; 466KB)

Charles Francis Atkinson & Otto Rank 1989 _Art & Artist_ (510 pages)

(39) ►Sharyl Attkisson 2020-11-24 _Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship & Hate Journalism_ (303-310 pages; 1.8MB; ISBN 9780062974693; OCLC 1204659008; HarperCollins; ILL request)◀

(50) Sharyl Attkisson 2014 _StoneWalled_ (422 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; HarperCollins; 323.445 Att)

Zachary Auburn 2016 _How to Talk to Your Cat about Gun Safety, and Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their 9 Lives_ (140 pages; 75.7MB)

(40) Jim Auchmutey 2019 _How to Talk to Your Cat about Gun Safety, and Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their 9 Lives_ (266 pages; 641.760973 Auc; Main+Jax)

Robert Aunger 2000, 2001 _Darwinizing Culture: The Status of Memetics as a Science_ (250 pages)

Rick Austin 2012 _Secret Garden of Survival: How to Grow a Camouflaged Food Forest_ (120 pages; 7.9MB)

Rick Austin 2016 _Secret LiveStock of Survival: How to Raise the Very Best Choices for Retreat and Homestead LiveStock_ (210 pages; 25.9MB)

Ken Ausubel 2000 _When Healing Becomes a Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies_ (480 pages; 2.6MB)

Thomas Eugene Avery & Graydon Lennis L. Berlin 1992 _Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and AirPhoto Interpretation_ (470 pages)

- - - - - B

(50) David Bach 2005 _Start Late, Finish Rich: A No-Fail Plan for Achieving Financial Freedom at Any Age_ (358 pages; 21.8MB; 332.024; NE+Jax)

(50) Robert B. Baer 2014 _The Perfect Kill: 21 Laws for Assassins_ (336 pages; 327.1273; Main+NE)

(50) Robert B. Baer 2003 _See No Evil: The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA's War on Terrorism_ (320 pages; 327.1273; NE)

(50) Robert B. Baer 2003, 2004 _Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude_ (225 pages; 953.8053; Main+NE)

(50) Robert B. Baer 2008 _The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian SuperPower_ (279 pages; 955.054; Main)

Robert C. Balling ii 1992 _The Heated Debate: GreenHouse Predictions versus Climate Reality_ (190 pages)

James Bamford 2008 _The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 2001/09/11 to EavesDropping on USA Citizens_ (395 pages; 327.1273 Bam; Main+NE)

Manly Banister 2012 _The Craft of BookBinding_ (150 pages; 25MB)

Ian Bannon & Paul Collier 2003 _Natural Resources and Violent Conflict_ (428 pages)

Moshe Bar 2011 _Predictions in the Brain: Using Our Past to Generate a Future_ (400 pages; 10.4MB)

Albert Laszlo Barabasi 2018 _The Formula: The Uniersal Laws of Success_ ()

William J. Barber ii & Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove 2016 _The 3rd ReConstruction: How a Moral Movement Is OverComing the Politics of Division and Fear_ (165 pages; 1.2MB)

Mitchell Bard 2011 _The Arab Lobby_ ()

Charles Ferguson Barker 2016 _Under Ohio: The Story of Ohio's Rocks and Fossils_ (56 pages)

Michael Barnett & Raymond Duvall 2005 _Power in Global Governance_ (375 pages)

Thomas P.M. Barnett 2004 _The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the 21st Century_ (430 pages; 355.033073)

Joseph L. Baron 1996 _A Treasury of Jewish Quotations_ (642 pages)

Bruce Harold Barritt & K. Bert van Dalfsen 1992 _Intensive Orchard Management: A Practical Guide to the Planning, Establishment, and Management of High Density Apple Orchards_ (200 pages)

Judy Barron & Sean Barron 1992, 2013 _There's a Boy in Here: Emerging from the Bonds of Autism_ (260 pages; 601KB)

(19) Will Barrow 2016 _Buster: The Military Dog Who Saved a Thousand Lives_ (313 pages; LT 958.1047 Bar; Main)

Amanda Barry-Hirst 212 _PR Power: InSide Secrets from the World of Spin_ (230 pages; 831KB)

Mel Bartholomew 2013 _All New Square Foot Gardening 2: The Revolutionary Way to Grow More in Less Space_ (265 pages; 17.4MB)

(35) ►Maria Bartiromo & James Freeman 2020-10-27 _The Cost: Trump, Red China, & the USA Revival_ (295 pages; 2MB; ISBN 9781982163983/ 9781982163990; OCLC 1191456591; Threshold; ILL request)◀


(41) Bruce R. Bartlett 2017 _The Truth Matters: A Citize's Guide to Separating Facts from Lies & Stopping "Fake News" in Its Tracks_ (136 pages; 070.9051 Bar; Main)

Jacques Barzun 1985, 2001 _Simple & Direct_ (275 pages)

Nicholas A. Basbanes 2003 _A Splendor of Letters: The Permanence of Books in an ImPermanent World_ (444 pages; 302.2244 Bas; Main+Jax; preservation, restoration)

(44) Monica Ramirz Basco 1999 _Never Good Enough: Freeing YourSelf from the Chains of Perfectionism_ (273 pages; 155.2 Bas; Main)

William Bates 2017 _Jerky CookBook: Easy and Delicious Jerky Recipes_ (50 pages; 1.8MB)

Bruce Bawer 2012 _The Victims' Revolution: The Rise of "Identity Studies" and the Closing of the Leftist Mind_ (395 pages; 895KB)

Max H. Bazerman & Michael D. Watkins 2004, 2008 _Predictable Surprises: The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming, and How to Prevent Them_ (325 pages)

(50) Max H. Bazerman 2014 _The Power of Noticing: What the Best Leaders See_ (215 pages; 658.4092; Main+NE+FtBraden)

Daniel Carter Beard 2001, 2012 _The American Boy's Handy Book: What to Do and How to Do It_ (400 pages; 12MB)

Daniel Carter Beard 2014 _Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties: A Guide to Building Shelters in the Wilderness_ (245 pages; 2.9MB)

Henry Beard 2005 _X-Treme Latin: All the Latin You Need to Know for Survival in the 21st Century_ (125 pages; 717KB)

(22) ►Glenn Beck & Kyle Olson 2014 _Conform: Exposing the Truth about Communist Corpse and Public Education_ (258-265 pages; 2.8MB; ISBN 1476773882/ 1476773890/ 9781476773889/ 9781476673896; OCLC 862788402; Threshold/Mercury Radio Arts; ILL request)◀

(30) Glenn Beck, Kevin Balfe & Joshua Charles 2011 _The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Constitution Adapted for the 21st Century_ (430 pages; 342.73029; Main+NE)

(49) Glenn Beck 2016 _Liars: How Regressives Exploit Our Fears for Power and Control_ (335 pages; 320.5130973 Bec; NE+E)

(55) Glenn Beck & Kevin Balfe 2012 _Cowards: What Politicians, Radicals, & the Media Refuse to Say_ (306 pages; 320.520973 Bec; NE+Main)

Glenn Beck, Kevin Balfe & Hannah Beck 2013 _Miracles and Massacres: True and UnTold Stories of the Making of America_ (290 pages; 973)

Glenn Beck 2010 _Broke: The Plan to Restore Our Trust, Truth and Treasure_ (320.973)

Glenn Beck 2013 _Control: Exposing the Truth about Guns_ (363.33)

Glenn Beck & Keith Ablow 2011 _7 Wonders That Will Change Your Life_ (289 pages; 158.1)

(57) Glenn Beck 2003 _The Real America: Messages from the Heart & HeartLand_/_The Real USA: Messages from the Heart & HeartLand_ (245 pages; ISBN 0743486331; Pocket; 973.92 Bec; Main)

Martha Beck 2011 _Finding Your Way in a Wild New World: ReClaim Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want_ (290 pages; 4.2MB; 158.1)

Ulrich Beck 1992 _Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity_ (272 pages)

Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens & Scott Lash 1994 _Reflexie Modernization: Politics, Tradition, and Aesthetics in the Modern "Social Order"_ (225 pages)

Ulrich Beck & Amos Weisz 1995, 2015 _Ecological Politics in an Age of Risk_ (230 pages; 1.1MB)

Ulrich Beck 2013 _World at Risk_ (278 pages; 755KB)

Ulrich Beck & Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim 2013 _Distant Love_ (220 pages; 1.1MB)

Ulrich Beck 2015 _What Is Globalization_ (190 pages; 638KB)

Ulrich Beck & Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim 2013 _Individualization: Institutionalized Individualism and Its "Social" and Political Consequences_ (220 pages; 2.7MB)

--Wilfred Beckerman 2002, 2003, 2015 _A Poverty of Reason: Sustainable Development and Economic Growth_ (110 pages; 16MB)

M.J. Beckman 1981 _Born Again Republic_ (155 pages)

Helen Beebee, Christopher Hitchcock & Peter Menzies 2012 _The Oxford HandBook of Causation_ (795 pages; 2.5MB)

Jennifer E. Beer, Caroline C. Packard, Elizabeth Elwood Gates & Eileen Stief 2012 _The Mediator's HandBook_ (200 pages; 4.8MB)

Robert Neelly Bellah, Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler & Steven M. Tipton 1996, 2007 _Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in USA Life_ (355 pages; 4.2MB; 973.9)

Hilaire Belloc 1913, 1948, 2014 _The Servile State_ (230 pages; 522KB)

() Saul Bellow 1976 _To Jerusalem and Back: A Personal Account_ (915.694 & biography)

(40) Scott Belsky 2010 _Making Ideas Happen: OverComing the Obstacles Between Vision & Reality_ (250 pages; 48MB; RBDigital)

(54) ►Ross Benes 2021-01-26 _Rural Rebellion: How Nebraska Became a Republican Stronghold_ (a snippet of recent developments; 237-256-321 pages; 1.8MB; ISBN 9780700630455; OCLC 1157756934; UKansas; ILL request)◀

(35) Gregory Benford 2010 _The Wonderful Future That Never Was_ (207 pages; 609 Ben; Main)

(49) Gregory Benford 1999, 2001 _Deep Time: How Humanity Communicates Across Millennia_ (230 pages; 333.714 Ben; NE)

Jason Benham & David Benham 2015, 2016 _Whatever the Cost: Facing Your Fears, Dying to Your Dreams, and Living Powerfully_ (240 pages; 7.8MB)

Jason Benham & David Benham 2016 _Living Among Lions: How to Thrive Like Daniel in Today's Babylon_ (290 pages; 1.2MB)

Jason Benham & David Benham 2018 _Miracle in Shreveport: A Memoir of Baseball, Fatherhood, and the Stadium That Launched a Dream_ (195 pages; 671KB)

Jason Benham & David Benham 2019 _Bold and Broken: Becoming the Bridge between Heaven and Earth_ (200 pages; 1.9MB)

Daniel Benjamin & Steven Simon 2002, 2003 _The Age of Sacred Terror: Radical Islam's War against America_ (490 pages; 303.625; )

Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris & Hal Roberts 2018 _Network Propaganda: Manipulation, DisInformation, and Radicalization in USA Politics_ (leftists; 2015 April through 2018 January; 465 pages; 24.6MB)

(50) Gary Bennett 1998 _AiKiDo Techniques & Tactics_ (183 pages; 796.815 Ben; NE)

W. Lance Bennett 2016 _News: The Politics of Illusion_ (300 pages)

William John Bennett 2003 _Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism_ (170 pages; 303.625)

William John Bennett 8888 _America the Strong_ ()

(30) Debra A. Benton 2020 _An Introvert's Guide to NetWorking: Practical Tools to Leverage Your Strengths & Expand Your Network_ (138 pages; ISBN 9781647396695; Rockridge; on order 2021-10-20; Ben; Main+BLPerry)

Matthias Bergmann, Thomas Jahn, Tobias Knobloch, Wolfgang Krohn, Christian Pohl & Engelbert Schramm 2013 _Methods for TransDisciplinary Research: A Primer for Practice_ (285 pages)

LIndsey M. Berke, Jonathan Butcher 2019-01-01 _The Not-So-Great Society_ (Heritage)

Bruce D. Berkowitz 2003, 2007, 2010 _The New Face of War: How War Will Be Fought in the 21st Century_ (265 pages; 952KB)

Karen Berman, Joe Knight & John Case 2013 _Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean_ (290 pages; 2.7MB)

Paul Berman 2003 _Terror & Leftism_ (303.625; Main)

Edward L. Bernays & Mark Crispin Miller 1928, 2004 _Propaganda_ (175 pages)

Edward L. Bernays 1923, 2011, 2015 _Crystalizing Public Opinion_ (brain-washing; propaganda; PR; advertising; 95-216 pages; 1.2MB)

Gabrielle Bernstein 2016 _The Universe Has Your Back_ (195 pages; 2.4MB)

Theodore Menline Bernstein 8888 _The Careful Writer_ (480 pages)

Viktoria Berry 2017 _Canning and Preserving CookBook_ (45 pages; 894KB)

L. Reynosa, Andrea Billingiere & J. Billingiere 2013 _A Beginner's Guide to AiKiDo_ (84 pages; 545KB)

(59) Kai Bird & Martin J. Sherwin 2005 _American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer_ (720 pages; biography Oppenheimer)

(55) Jeffrey H. Birnbaum 1993, 2000 _The Lobbyists: How Influence Peddlers Work Their Way in Washington DC_ (287 pages; 324.78; NE)

Russell Bishop 2011 _WorkArounds that Work: How to Conquer AnyThing That Stands in Your Way at Work_ (245 pages; 1.9MB)

Russell Bishop 8888 _Getting Things Done_ ()

(47) ►Conrad Black 2018-05-14, 2020 _Donald J. Trump: A Presidency Like No Other_/_A Presidency Like No Other: Donald J. Trump & the Restoring of the USA_ (256-327 pages; 1.5MB; ISBN 9781621577874/ 9781641771061; OCLC 1137195029; Regnery/Encounter; ILL request)◀

(52) ►Conrad Black 2007-10-23 _Richard M. Nixon: A Life in Full_ (1,184 pages; ISBN 9781586485191; PublicAffairs; ILL request)◀

(54) ►Conrad Black 2013 _A Matter of Principle_ (776 pages; ISBN 9781594036590; OCLC 820397522; Perseus; ILL request)◀

Thomas C. Blackburn & Kat Anderson _Before the Wilderness_ ()

Josh Blackman 2016 _UnRaveled: ObummerDoesn'tCare, Religious Liberty, and Executive Power_ (560 pages; 1.9MB)

(49) Gerald Blaine 2010 _The Kennedy Detail: JFK's Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence_ (427 pages; ISBN 9781439192962; Gallery; 973.922 Lan; N)

David Blair 2002, 2003 _Degrees in Violence: Robert Mugabe and the Struggle for Power in Zimbabwe_ (215 pages)

Jane Blair 2011 _Hesitation Kills: A Female Marine Officer's Combat Experience in Iraq_ (285 pages; 9MB)

(42) Heidi Blake 2018, 2019 _From Russia with Blood: The Kremlin's Ruthless Assassination Program & Vladimir Putin's Secret War on the West_ (323-352 pages; 25.6MB; ISBN 9780316417235; Mulholland/Little Brown; ; on order 2019-12-15; 327.470182 Bla; NE)

Humphrey Bland 1727, 1762, 2018 _A Treatise of Military Discipline: In Which Is Laid Down & Explained the Duty of the Officer & Soldier..._ (285 pages; 9MB)

(60) Nicholas Blanford 2011 _Warriors of God: Inside Hezbollah's 30-Year Struggle Against Israel_ (522 pages; 956.9204; Main)

(58) Tony Blankley 2013 _The West's Last Chance: Will We Win the Clash of Civilizations?_ (232 pages; 778KB; 909.09821 Bla; Jax)

Harold Blastland & Andrew Dilnot 2008 _The Numbers Game: The CommonSense Guide to Understanding Numbers in the News, in Politics, & in Life_ (225 pages; 1MB)

Harold Bloom 2013 _The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History_ (480 pages; 1.5MB)

Howard Bloom 2013, 2016 _The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead_/_The Mohammed Code: How a Desert Prophet Gave You ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/Caliphate, al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram: How Muhammad Invented Jihad_ (340 pages; 3.7MB)

Ruthie Blum 2012 _To 4377 in a HandBasket: Carter, Obummer, and the "Arab Spring"_ (200 pages; 1MB)

(50) Matt Blumberg & Hanny Hindi 2013 _StartUp CEO: A Field Guide to Scaling Up Your Business_ (658.4092)

(20) ►Robert W. Bly 2001 _Become a Recognized Authority in Your Field_ (290 pages; ILL request)◀

Philip Bobbitt 2003, 2011 _The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History_ (945 pages; 6.1MB)

Yossef Bodansky 1999 _Islamic Anti-Semitism as a Political Instrument_ (190 pages)

Eric Bodnar 2018-12-31 _Fluent Japanese from Anime and Manga: How to Learn Japanese Vocabulary, Grammar, & Kanji the Easy & Fun Way_ (100 pages; ISBN 9781792956805; )

(29) Paul Bogard 2017 _The Ground Beneath Us: From the Oldest Cities to the Last Wilderness: What Dirt Tells Us about Who We Are (307 pages; ISBN 9780316342261; Little,Brown; 631.4 Bog; Main)

Paul Boghossian 2007 _Fear of Knowledge: Against Relativism and Constructivism_ (140 pages; 446KB)

Paul Boghossian 2007 _Fear of Knowledge: Against Relativism and Constructivism_ (140 pages; 446KB)

(42) Vanessa K. Bohns 2021 _You Have More Influence Than You Think: How We UnderEstimate Our Power of Persuasion & Why It Matters_ (235 pages; ISBN 9781324005711; Norton; on order 2021-09-03 Boh; Main+BLPerry)

Sue Boinsky & Paul A. Garber 2000-05-15 _On the Move: How and Why Animals Travel in Groups_ (810 pages; 446KB; ISBN 0226063402/ 9780226063409; UChicago)

Allum Bokhari 2017 _The Antifa HandBook_ (25 pages)

(29) ►Allum Bokhari 2020 _Deleted: Big Tech's Battle to Erase the Trump Movement & Steal the Election_ (280 pages; 1MB; due out 2020-09-22; ILL request)◀

Paul F. Boller ii 1967 _Quotesmanship: The Use of Quotations for Polemical and Other Purposes_ ()

(55) Eric Bolling 2016 _Wake Up USA: The 9 Virtues That Made Our Polity Great and Why We Need Them More Than Ever_ (226 pages; 1.2MB; 320.5; NE+E)

(53) Eric Bolling 2017 _The Swamp: Washington DC's Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism and How President Trump Can Drain It_ (228 pages; 1.3MB; 320.973; E)

Robert Bolton 2009 _People Skills: How to Assert YourSelf, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts_ (310 pages; 3.6MB; 99999.9999; Mars)

Becky Bond & Zack Exley 2016 _Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big "Organizing" Can Change EveryThing [but Failed Miserably for the Authors]_ (220 pages; 1.7MB)

Michael Bond 2020 _From Here to There: The Art & Science of Finding & Losing Our Way_ (304 pages; ISBN 9780674244573; OCLC 1162746212; Belknap)

(80) Michael Shaw Bond 2015 _The Power of Others: Peer Pressure, GroupThink, and How the People around Us Shape [Some Things] We Do_ (pop-psych; 300 pages; 11.2MB; 302.3; Main)

Elizabeth Bone & Christopher Bolkcom 2003, 2004 _UnManned Aerial Vehicles: Background and Issues for Congress_ (65 pages)

(17) Dan Bongino 2019 _Exonerated: The Failed TakeDown of President Donald Trump by the Swamp_ (205 pages; 973.933 Bon; E)

(29) Dan Bongino 2020 _Follow the Money: The Shocking Connections of the Anti-Trump Cabal_ (245 pages; due out 2020-10-06; E)

(44) ►Dan Bongino 2017 _Protecting the President: An InSide Account of the Troubled Secret Service in an Era of Evolving Threats_ (169-230 pages; 627KB; ISBN 1944229868/ 9781944229863; OCLC 1009007452; WND; ILL request)◀

(57) ►Daniel Joseph Boorstin 1962, 1992-09-01, 2012, 2013, 2018 _The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in the USA_ (319-321-325-336 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 9780689702808/ 9780679741800; OCLC 912408009/ 1118980125; Atheneum; ILL request)◀

Faith Booysen 2012 _StoneHenge: Times Square BC: 5K Year Old Mystery Solved_ (115 pages)

Morton Borden 1984, 2011 _Jews, Turks, and Infidels_ (170 pages)

(40) ►Andrew G. Bostom 2013 _The Mufti's Islamic Jew-Hatred_ (88 pages; 682KB; ILL request)◀

(37) ►Andrew G. Bostom 2007, 2008, 2020 _The Legacy of Mohammedan Anti-Semitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History_ (825 pages; ISBN 1654264318/ 9781654264314; OCLC ; ILL request)◀

Andrew G. Bostom 2012-09-18, 2015 _Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Mohammedan Totalitarianism_ (730 pages; 5.3MB)

Andrew G. Bostom 2014 _Iran's Final Solution for Israel: The Legacy of Mohammedan Jihad and Shi'ite Islamic Jew-Hatred in Iran_ (360 pages; 2.2MB)

Andrew G. Bostom 2005, 2010 _The Legacy of Jihad: Mohammedan Holy War and the Fate of Non-Mohammedans_ (665 pages; 10MB)

Nick Bostrom & Nilan M. Cirkovic 2008 _Global Catastrophic Risks_ ()

Michael T. Bosworth, Rick Page & Sallie Sherman _Solution Selling_ ()

Shmuley Boteach 2005 _The Private Adam: Becoming a Hero in a Selfish Age_ (280 pages)

Shmuley Boteach 2002 _Why Can't I Fall in Love?: A 12-Step Program_ (300 pages)

Shmuley Boteach 2016 _The Israel Warrior: Standing Up for the Jewish State from Campus to Street Corner_ (215 pages; 1.3MB)

Shmuley Boteach 2011 _Kosher Jesus_ (265 pages; 556KB)

Shmuley Boteach 2010 _Renewal: A Guide to the Values-Filled Life_ (230 pages; 568KB)

Michael Bouchard 2016 _ForEver Searching: Lost in the Smoky Mountains: 1969 Cold Case File: Dennis Lloyd Martin_ (88 pages; 6.9MB)

James Bovard 2000, 2015 _Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen_ (330 pages; 1.5MB)

James Bovard 2016 _The Fair Trade Fraud: How Congress Pillages the Consumer and Decimates USA Competitiveness_ (350 pages; 1.4MB)

James Bovard 2000 _Feeling Your Pain: The Explosion & Abuse of Government Power in the Clinton-Gore Years_ (973.929; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

James Bovard 2007, 2015 _Attention Deficit Democracy_ (290 pages; 3.7MB)

James Bovard 2004, 2015 _The Bush Betrayal_ (330 pages; 1.2MB)

James Bovard 2004 _Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil_ (440 pages; 973.931; Main)

Karlyn Bowman & Jennifer Marsico 2014 _The Tea Party Movement: The Latest_ ()

Barry Bozeman & Jan Youtie 2018 _The Strength in Numbers: The New Science of Team Science_ ()

John Braddock 2017 _A Spy's Guide to Strategy_ (180 pages; 18MB)

Alice Bradley 1918, 2012, 2015 _Wheatless and Meatless Menus and Recipes from Miss Farmer's School of Cookery_ (42 pages)

Arthur T. Bradley, PhD 2012 _HandBook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family_ (425 pages; 20.3MB)

Michael E. Bratman 2006, 2007 _Structures of Agency: Essays_ (325 pages; 3.1MB)

Joseph Braude 2003 _The New Iraq_ (230 pages)

Joseph Braude 2011 _The Honored Dead: A Story of Friendship, Murder, and the Search for Truth in the Arab World_ (300 pages; 364.1523092; Main+NE)

Shannon Bream 2019 _Finding the Bright Side: The Art of Chasing What Matters_ (180 pages; 944KB)

Dave Breese 1992 _7 Men Who [Harmfully] Rule the World from the Grave_ (235 pages; 1.4MB)

Andrew Breitbart 2011, 2012 _Righteous Indignation_ (260 pages; 942KB)

(80) Jason Brennan 2012 _Libertarianism_ (200 pages; 320.512; Main+E)

(50) Joel Brenner 2011 _USA the Vulnerable: InSide the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare_ (308 pages; 364.1680973 Bre; Main)

Howard Bright 2019 _Home Grown Humus: The Best & Perfect Guide to Mastering the Art of Organic Gardening & Making Grown Humus_ (10 pages; 651KB)

Steven Brill 2015 _America's Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, BackRoom Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken HealthCare System_ (500 pages; 368.38200973; Main+NE)

Esther Brody 2001 _The 250 Best Cakes and Pies_ (190 pages)

Esther Brody 2003 _250 Best Brownies, Bars, and Squares_ (190 pages)

Yaron Brook 8888 _The Rise of Totalitarian Islam_ ()

Geraldine Brooks 1995, 1996 _9 Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women_ (305.48; fakebook)

Sandra C. Brossman 2000 _Awakening to Oneness: A Personal Guide to Wholeness and Inner Peace_ (250 pages)

Reuben Brower 1959 _On Translation_ ()

(44) Brene Brown 2008 _I Thought It Was Just Me but It Isn't: Telling the Truth about Perfectionism, Inadequacy, and Power_ (125 pages; 152.4 Bro; Woodville)

(44) Brene Brown 2010 _The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are_ (137 pages; 158 Bro; Main+NE)

Don Brown 2015 _Call Sign Extortion 17: The Shoot-Down of SEAL Team Six_ (304 pages; 1.5MB)

Donald E. Brown 2017 _Human Universals_ (335 pages; 1.3MB)

Margaret Wright Brown, Kate Cohan & Gertrude Stiles 2012 _Mending and Repair of Books_ (30 pages; 212KB)

Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Cote, Sean M. Lynn-Jones & Steven Miller 2004 _New Global Dangers: Changing Dimensions of International Security_ ()

Michael F. Brown & Sumit Ganguly 1997 _Government Policies and Ethnic Relations in Asia and the Pacific_ ()

Marie Browning 1999 _HandCrafted Journals, Albums, ScrapBooks, & More_ (125 pages; 686.3; E)

(45) ►Derrick Broze 2020-01-21 _How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State_ (196 pages; ISBN 9781087860503; OCLC ; Tcr; ILL request)◀

Tammy Bruce 2001 _The New Thought Police: Inside the Left's Assault on Free Speech and Free Minds_ (330 pages; 320.513; Main)

(40) ►Victoria Bruce 2017 _SellOut: How Washington [& Wall Street] Gave Away USA's Technological Soul, and One Man's Fight to Bring It Home_ (275 pages; 885KB; ILL request)◀

Hilde Bruch 2001 _The Golden Cage: The Enigma of Anorexia Nervosa_ (172 pages)

Franz-Josef Brueggemeier, Mark Cioc & Thomas Zeller 2005 _How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the 3rd Reich_ (275 pages)

(40) ►Russell Brunson 2017 _Expert Secrets: The UnderGround PlayBook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World_ (290 pages; 7.5MB; ILL request)◀

Andrea J. Buchanan & Miriam Peskowitz 2009 _The Daring Book for Girls_ (280 pages; 2.8MB)

Patrick Joseph Buchanan 2011 _Suicide of a SuperPower: Will America Survive to 2025?_ (488 pages; 1.5MB; 973.932 hard; Main+NE)

Jack Buckby & Matt Palumbo 2017 _A Paradoxical Alliance: An Anglo-American Analysis of the Left's Love Afair with Islam_ (195 pages; 1.9MB)

F.H. Buckley 2016 _The Way Back: ReStoring the Promise of the USA_ (375 pages; 10.3MB)

James L. Buckley 2014 _Saving Congress from Itself: Emancipating the States and Empowering Their People_ (115 pages; 1.6MB)

William F. Buckley ii _Getting It Right_ (biography Buckley)

William F. Buckley ii 1991, 1992 _In Search of Anti-Semitism_ (220 pages)

Will Budiaman 2015 _HandCrafted Bitters: Simple Recipes for Artisanal Bitters and the Cocktails That Love Them_ (190 pages; 6.7MB)

Stephen Budiansky 2002 _The Character of Cats: The Origins, Intelligence, Behavior, and Stratagems of Felis silvestris catus_ (636.8; E)

Stephen Budiansky 1999 _The Covenant of the Wild: Why Animals Choose Domestication_ ()

(57) Stephen Budiansky 1997 _The Nature of Horses: Exploring Equine Evolution, Intelligence, and Behavior_ (636.1; Main)

Natasha Bure 2018 _Let's Be Real: Living Life as an Open and Honest You_ (223 pages; 305.2352; Main)

Oliver Burkeman 2012 _The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking_ (245 pages; 726KB)

Elinor Burkett 2000 _The Baby Boon: How Family-Friendly USA Cheats the Childless_ (270 pages)

James Burnham 1941 _The Managerial Revolution_ ()

James Burnham 1964, 2014 _The Suicide of the West: The Meaning and Destiny of Liberalism_ (400 pages; 981KB)

David D. Burns 1999, 2009 _Feeling Good_ (616.85; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

(38) Eric Burns 2006 _Infamous Scribblers: The Founding Fathers and the Rowdy Beginnings of USA Journalism_ (467 pages; 071.3; Main)

(38) John Burns & Chris Porter 2016-10-11 _Big Shifts Ahead: Demobraphic Clarity for Business_ (467 pages; ISBN 1599327228/ 9781599327228; Advantage)

Fred Burton & Samuel Katz 2018 _Beirut Rules: The Murder of a CIA Station Chief and Hezbollah's War Against the USA_ (390 pages; 2.8MB)

David M. Buss 2000 _The Dangerous Passion: Why Jealousy Is as Necessary as Love and Sex_ (275 pages; 681KB)

(39) ►Jonathan Butcher 2022-03-22 _Splintered: Racist Critical Theory & the Progressive War on Truth (256 pages; ISBN 9781637582664; OCLC 1269054903; Bombardier; ILL request)◀

(35) Lee Butcher 1987 _Accidental Millionaire: The Rise and Fall of Steve Jobs at Apple Computer_ (biography Jobs)

Richard Butler 2000, 2001, 2003 _The Greatest Threat: Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the Crisis of Global Security_ (280 pages)

(37) Shaun Bythell 2020 _Confessions of a BookSeller_ (WigTown; 323 pages; ISBN 9781567926644; Godine; 381.46002 Byt; Main+NE)

- - - - - C

Soner Cagaptay 2017 _The New Sultan: Erdogan and the Crisis of Modern Turkey_ (245 pages; 2.6MB)

Herman Cain 2016 _The Right Problems: What the President, Congress, and Every Candidate Should Be Working On_ (160 pages; 353KB)

Herman Cain 2005, 2011 _They Think You're Stupid: Why Democrats Lost Your Vote and What Republicans Must Do To Keep It_ (240 pages; 6.5MB)

Herman Cain & Rich Lowrie/?Rich Lowry? 2011 _9-9-9: An Army of Davids_ ()

Herman Cain, Ziad K. Abdelnour & Wesley A. Whittaker 2011 _Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics_ (260 pages; 1.3MB)

Herman Cain 2001 _CEO of Self: You're In Charge_ (178 pages)

Herman Cain 1999 _Leadership Is Common Sense_ ()

(27) Susan Cain 2012 _Quiet Power: The Secret Strength of Introverts_ (270 pages; 155.418232; Main+NE)

Gianno Caldwell 2019 _Taken for Granted: How Non-Leftism Can Win Back the USA Citizens That Illiberal Leftism/ Demism/ Redism/ Regressivism/ Socialism/ Fascism/ Marxism/ Communism/ Collectivism Failed_ (205 pages; 1.4MB)

Abigail B. Calkin 2015 _The Soul of My Soldier: Reflections of a Military Wife_ (225 pages; 3.2MB)

Josep Cambras 2007 _BookBinding Techniques and Projects: Decorative Techniques_ (140 pages; 686.3; Main)

Mark J. Camp & James Lainsbury 2006 _RoadSide Geology of Ohio_ (400 pages)

Angus Campbell 8888 _The American Voter_ ()

(47) Guy Campbell 2010 _Getting It Wrong: 10 of the Greatest MisReported Stories in USA "Journalism"_ (269 pages; 071.30904 Cam; Main)

Joseph W. Campbell 2009, 2016 _The Boys' Book of Survival: How to Survive AnyThing, AnyWhere_ (135 pages; 66.5MB)

Stephen W. Campbell 2019 _The Bank War & the Partisan Press: NewsPapers, Financial Institutions, & the Post Office in Jacksonian USA_ (225 pages; 3.5MB)

Ergun Mehmet Caner 2004 _Voices from Behind the Veil_ (210 pages; 2MB)

(43) Jack Canfield & Pamela Bruner 2012 _Tapping into Ultimate Success: How to Overcome Any Obstacle and SkyRocket Your Results_ (311 pages; 158.1; E)

(50) Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, & Les Hewitt 2000 _The Power of Focus_ (158.1; E+NE)

Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark & Deborah Norville 2011 _Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Inspirational Stories about Finding Your Purpose, Passion, and Joy_ (390 pages; 4MB; 158 Can; E+NE)

Jack Canfield & Janet Switzer 2015 _The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be_ (610 pages; 4MB; 158 Can; NE+BLPerry)

Jack Canfield & D.D. Watkins 210 _Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life of Your Dreams_ (140 pages; 13.3MB; 999.9999; Mars)

Jack Canfield, Ram Gaglani & Kelly Johnson 2017 _Success Affirmations: 52 Weeks for Living a Passionate and Purposeful Life_ (230 pages; 561KB; 999.9999; Mars)

Hadley Cantril 1944 _Gauging Public Opinion_ ()

Jay Carafano 2016 _Surviving the End: A Practical Guide for EveryDay Americans in the Age of Terrorism_ ()

G.V. Carey 1953 _American into English: A HandBook for Translators_ ()

Susan Carey 2009 _The Origin of Concepts_ (600 pages; 3MB)

Brandy Carlisle 2017 _Salting and Pickling for Beginners: Top 30 Tasty Salting and Pickling Recipes to Make Your Delicious Meals_ (45 pages; 1.7MB)

(80) Tucker Carlson 2018 _Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution_/_Ship of Fools: How a Group of Power-Mad Elitists Is Bringing the USA to the Brink of Revolution_ (230 pages; 2.4MB; 305.52 Car; NE+E+BLPerry)

Patrick J. Carnes 2001 _Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction_ ()

(49) Adam Carolla, Drew Pinsky & Marshall Fine 1998 _Dr. Drew and Adam Book: A Survival Guide to Life and Love_ (265 pages; YA 306.7 Pin; E+NE+BLPerry)

Adam Carolla 2010 _In 50 Years We'll All Be Chicks and Other Complaints from an Angry Middle-Aged White Guy_ (250 pages; 4.6MB)

Adam Carolla 2012 _Rich Man, Poor Man_ (72 pages; 9.1MB)

(55) Adam Carolla 2012 _Not Taco Bell Material_ (320 pages; 8.1MB; 818.602; Main)

Adam Carolla 2014 _President Me: The USA That's in My Head_ (280 pages; 1.5MB)

Adam Carolla 2014 _Daddy, Stop Talking!: And Other Things My Kids Want But Won't Be Getting_ (250 pages; 2.7MB)

Daniel P. Carpenter 2001 _The Forging of Bureaucratic Autonomy: Reputations, Networks, and Policy "Innovation" in Executive Agencies 1862-1928_ (490 pages)

Kyle Carpenter 2019 _You Are Worth It: Building a Life Worth Fighting For_ (310 pages; 35.9MB)

(55) ►Ted Galen Carpenter & Malou Innocent 8888 _Perilous Partners: The Benefits and PitFalls of USA's Alliances with Authoritarian Regimes_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; ; ILL request)◀

Nicholas Carr 2017 _Utopia Is Creepy_ ()

(55) Dan Carrison 1999 _Semper Fi: Business Leadership the Marine Corps Way_ (226 pages; AMACOM; 658.4 Car; Main)

(52) Ryder Carroll 2018 _The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future_ (310 pages; 16.8MB; 640.43 Car; Main+NE)

Jay Carter 8888 _Nasty People_ ()

(55) ►Stephen L. Carter 1996-02-22, 1996-12-19 _Integrity_ (288 pages; ISBN 9780465034666/ 9780060928070; OCLC ; Basic/Harper Perennial; ILL request)◀

(55) ►Stephen L. Carter 1999-03-03 _Civility: Manners, Morals, & the Etiquette of Democracy_ (352 pages; ISBN 9780060977597; OCLC ; Harper Perennial; ILL request)◀

(44) ►Gerard Casey 2017-09-01 _Freedom's Progress?: An History of Political Thought_ (978 pages; ISBN 9781845409425; OCLC ; Imprint Academic)

(45) ►Gerard Casey 2019-10-01 _Zap: Free Speech & Tolerance in the Light of the Zero [Initiation of Force & Fraud] Principle_ (180 pages; ISBN 9781788360173; OCLC ; Societas)

Gerard Casey 2020 _After Me Too: Feminism, Patriarchy, Toxic Masculinity, Estrogen Poisoning, Effeminization, & Sundry Cultural Delights_ (320 pages; 905KB)

John L. Casey 2014 _Dark Winter: How the Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell_ (190 pages; 930KB)

Jack Cashill 2004 _Ron Brown's Body: How One Man's Death Saved the Clinton Presidency and Hillary's Future_ (336 pages)

Jack Cashill 2003 _First Strike: TWA Flight 800 and the Attack against the USA_ (295 pages; 833KB)

Jack Cashill 2016 _TWA 800: The Crash, the Cover-Up, and the Conspiracy_ (350 pages; 3.1MB)

(48) Jack Cashill 2005 _HoodWinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hiacked USA Culture_ (307 pages; 306.2; Main)

(43) Jack Cashill 2015 _Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Leftism Exposed_ (250 pages; 320.513; Main)

(75) Peter Catapano & Simon Critchley 2017 _[Corrupt] Modern "Ethics" in 77 Arguments: A Stone Reader_ (435 pages; 170 MOD; Main)

Ed Catmull & Amy Wallace 2014 _Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration_ (368 pages; 6.8MB)

R.M. Catton & S.W. Catton 2014 _Barack Obummer & the Road to Bondage: A Case Study_ (24 pages; 646KB)

Richard J. Cavaness 2018 _The Gratitude Effect: Shift Your MindSet, Optimize Your OutComes, and Boost Emotional Well-Being_ (125 pages; 1.1MB)

Damon Centola 2018 _How Behavior Spreads: The "Science" of Complex Contagions_ ()

Christopher Cerf & Victor S. Navasky 1998 _The Experts Speaks: The Definitive Compendium of Authoritative MisInormation_ (435 pages)

Karen Cerulo 2006 _Never Saw It Coming: Cultural Challenges to Envisioning the Worst_ ()

(29) Jason Chaffetz 2018 _The Deep State: How an Army of Bureaubums Protected Barack Hussein Obummer and Is Working to Destroy the Trump Agenda_ (250 pages; 1.3MB; evil OverDrive)

(50) ►Jason Chaffetz 2021 _They Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste: The Truth about Disaster Illiberalism_ (265 pages; ISBN 9780063066137; OCLC 1164352653; Broadside/HarperCollins; ILL request)◀

Peter Chalk & Angel Rabasa 2001 _Colombian Labyrinth: The Synergy of Drugs and Insurgency and Its Implications for Regional Stability_ ()

Jerome A. Chanes 1995 _AntiSemitism in America Today: OutSpoken Experts Explore the Myths_ ()

F. Stuart Chapin iii, Pamela A. Matson & Peter M. Vitousek 2011, 2012 _Principles of Terrestrial EcoSystem Ecology_ (520 pages; 8.9MB)

(30) Susannah Charleson 2010, 2018 _Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search-and-Rescue Dog_ (288 pages; 5.2MB; 636.70886; Main+NE+E)

(45) Susannah Charleson 2013 _The Possibility Dogs: What a Handful of "UnAdoptables" Taught Me about Service, Hope, and Healing_ (491 pages; 636.7; large; Main)

Alston Chase 1995, 2001 _In a Dark Wood: The Fight Over Forests and the Myth of Nature_ (530 pages)

Alston Chase 1986 _Playing God in Yellowstone: The Destruction of USA's First National Park_ (440 pages)

Andrew J. Cherlin 2009 _The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today_ ()

Phyllis Chesler 2006 _The Death of Feminism: What's Next in the Struggle for Women's Freedom_ ()

Gilbert Keith Chesterton 1910, 2007, 2017, 2019 _What's Wrong with the World_ (90 pages; 2.4MB)

Donna R. Childs 2009, 2010 _Prepare for the Worst, Plan for the Best: Disaster Preparedness and Recovery for Small Businesses_ (240 pages; 2MB)

(65) Christopher John Chivers 2018 _The Fighters: USA Citizens in Combat in Afghanistan and Iraq_ (374 pages; 956.7044 CHI; Main+Jax)

Nicholas A. Christakis & James H. Fowler 2009 _Connected: The Surprising Power of Our "Social" Networks and How They Shape Our Lives_ (340 pages; 2MB; I wonder whether they discuss corrupt influence, and crony socialism)

Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths 2016 _Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions_ (360 pages; 3MB)

Gale E. Christianson 1999 _GreenHouse: The 200-Year Story of Global Warming_ (280 pages)

(50) Amy Chua 2018 _Political Tribes: Group "Instinct" & the Fate of Nations_ (293 pages; 987KB; 305 Chu; Main)

(21) ►Cheryl K. Chumley 2016, 2017 _The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country from the Beast in Washington_ (332-336 pages; 3MB; ISBN 1944229108/ 1942475144/ 9781944229108/ 9781942475149; OCLC 928608020/ 930067854; ILL request)◀

(20) Cheryl K. Chumley 2020-09-08, 2021 _Socialists Don't Sleep: Christians [& Jews] Must Rise or America Will Fall_ (284 pages; ISBN 9781630061470; OCLC 1137849106; Humanix; on order 2021-04-22)◀

(45) ►Cheryl K. Chumley 2014 _Police State USA: How Our Out-of-Control Government Is Turning Orwell's Nightmare into Reality_ (263 pages; ISBN 9781936488148; OCLC 871684452; WND; ILL request)◀

Michael Suk-Young Chwe 2013 _Rational Ritual: Culture, CoOrdination, and Common Knowledge_ (144 pages; 1.6MB)

(45) Robert B. Cialdini 1993, 2007 _Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence & Persuade_ (413 pages; 153.852 Cia; Main+NE)

(48) Robert B. Cialdini 1993, 2007 _Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion_ (320 pages; 153.852 Cia; ??)

Arky Ciancutti & Thomas L. Steding 2000 _Built on Trust: Gaining Competitive Advantage in Any Organization_ ()

Jack Citrin & David O. Sears 2014 _USA "Identity" and the Politics of Multi-Culturalism_ (340 pages; 1MB)

(55) Tom Clancy & general Chuck Horner 1999 _Every Man a Tiger_ (560 pages; 956.7044; Main+NE+Jax)

(57) Tom Clancy & Carl Stiner 2002 _Shadow Warriors: Inside the Special Forces_ (356.16 cla; NE+E+BLPerry+FtBraden)

(44) Andy Clark 2016 _Surfing UnCertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind_ (401 pages; 128.2; Main)

Barbara Clark 1991, 2014 _Growing Up Gifted: Developing the Potential of Children at School and at Home_ (420 pages; 11.7MB)

David Clarke 2009 _Kiss Me Like You Mean It: Solomon's Crazy In Love How-To Manual_ ()

(50) Richard Alan Clarke 2010 _Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It_ (290 pages; 363.3259 Cla; NE)

(50) Richard Alan Clarke 2004 _Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror_ (363.320973 Cla; Main+NE+FtBradem)

(50) Richard Alan Clarke 2008 _Your Government Failed You: Breaking the Cycle of National Security Disasters_ (358.033 Cla; Main+NE)

(50) Richard Alan Clarke 2019 _The 5th Domain: Defending Our Country, Our Companies, and OurSelves in the Age of Cyber Threats_ (363.325 Cla; NE)

(48) Sally Clarkson & Sarah Clarkson 2016 _The LifeGiving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging & Becoming_ (249 pages; 248.4 Cla; Jax)

Bruce D. Clayton 1980 _Life After DoomsDay: A Survivalist Guide to Nuclear War and Other Major Disaters_ ()

Bernard Clayton 8888 _Bernard Clayton's New Complete Book of Breads_ ()

Elisabeth S. Clemens & Doug Guthrie 2010, 2011 _Politics and Partnerships: The Role of Voluntary Associations in USA's Political Past and Present_ (330 pages; 4.3MB)

Donald B. Cleveland & Ana D. Cleveland 1990 _Introduction to Indexing and Abstracting_ ()

(59) Henry Cloud 2011 _Necessary Endings: The Employees, Businesses, and Relationships That All of Us Have to Give Up in Order to Move Forward_ (238 pages; 650.13)

Richard Cloward & Frances Fox Piven 1997 _The Breaking of the [Leftist Extremist Conspiracy against the USA]_ ()

(45) Gregg Clunis 2019 _Tiny Leaps, Big Changes: EveryDay Strategies to Accomplish More, Crush Your Goals, and Create the Life You Want_ (203 pages; 158.1 Clu; Main+E+Jax)

Tom A. Coburn 2017 _Smashing the DC Monopoly: Using Article 5 to Restore Freedom and Stop RunAway Government_ (230 pages; 1.6MB)

(50) Douglas Cockerell & Noel Rooke 2007, 2013 _BookBinding and the Care of Books_ (140 pages; 4.3MB; 686.3; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Douglas Cockerell & Noel Rooke 2012 _BookBinding: The Classic Arts and Crafts Manual_ (350 pages; 11.2MB)

Angelo Codevilla 8888 _To Make and Keep Peace Among Ourselves and with All Nations_ ()

Sophie D. Coe & Michael D. Coe 2013 _The True History of Chocolate_ (270 pages; 64.3MB)

Michael S. Coffman & Kate Mathieson 2013 _Radical Islam in the House: The Plan to Take the USA for the Global Islamic State_ (130 pages; 2.1MB)

David Cohen 8888 _Great Psychologists as Parents_ ()

(60) Herb Cohen 1982 _You Can Negotiate AnyThing_ (255 pages; 158.5 Coh; Main)

Lizabeth Cohen _A Consumers' Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in PostWar USA_ (560 pages; 339.47)

Marty Cohen 2019 _Moral Victories in the Battle for Congress: Cultural Classical Liberalism and the House GOP_ (255 pages; 6.3MB)

(59) David Coleman 2016 _The Complete Frugal Living Bible: A to Z: Healthy Minimalist Living with HomeSteading_ (163 pages; 332.024)

David G. Coleman & Joseph M. Siracusa 8888 _Real-world Nuclear Deterrence, The Making of International Strategy_ ()

John Coleman 1992, 1997, 2010 _Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Committee of 300_ ()

(50) Steve Coll 2004 _Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to 2001-09-10_ (695 pages; 958.104)

Steve Coll 2018 _Directorate S: The CIA and USA's Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan_ (765 pages; 15.9MB)

James M. Collier & Kenneth F. Collier 2000 _Vote-Scam: The Stealing of America_ (405 pages; ISBN 9780963416308; OCLC 45358741; Victoria House)

James M. Collier, Kenneth F. Collier & Virginia Collier 2012-12-12 _Vote-Scam: The Stealing of America 2012_

James M. Collier, Kenneth F. Collier & Virginia Collier 2015 _Vote-Scam: The Stealing of America 2015_ (ISBN 9781504019903; OCLC 1100979130; Open Road)

Randall Collins 1979, 2019 _The Credential "Society": An Historical Socialistology of Education and Stratification_ (320 pages)

(50) Sophia Collins 2016 _Fun & Games for a Smarter Dog: 50 Great Brain Games to Engage Your Dog_ (175 pages; 636.7; E+NE)

Geoff Colvin 2008 _Talent is OverRated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from EveryBody Else_ (245 pages; 367KB)

(52) Joe Conason 2016 _Man of the World: The Further [Corrupt] Endeavors of Bill Clinton_ (486 pages; 6.1MB; biography Clinton)

John Connor, Dino Marino & Leslie Watts 2017 _The StraitJacket of Perfectionism: How to Stop Chasing Perfect and Finally Achieve Your Greatest Goals_ (98 pages; 2.1MB)

David Conway 2004 _In Defence of the Realm: The Place of Nations in Classical Liberalism_ (200 pages)

(35) Charles C.W. Cooke 2015 _The Conservatarian Manifesto: Libertarians, Conservatives, and the Fight for the Right's Future_ (246 pages; 320.520973; Main+NE)

Timothy E. Cook 2005 _Governing with the News: The News Media as a Political Institution_ (325 pages)

Stephanie Coontz 2005 _Marriage, an History: From Obedience to Intimacy, or How Love Conquered Marriage_ ()

(40) ►Horace Cooper 2020 _How Trump is Making Black America Great Again: The UnTold Story of Black Advancement in the Era of Trump_ (200 pages; 2.2MB; ILL request)◀

Joel M. Cooper 2007 _Cognitive Dissonance: 50 Years of a Classic Theory_ (200 pages; 2.3MB)

Mick Cope 2002 _Personal Networking_ ()

Stephen Cope 2012, 2015 _The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling_ (304-306 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 0553386077/ 9780553386073; Bantam)

David A. Copeland & Daniel Schorr 2006 _The Idea of a Free Press: The Enlightenment & Its UnRuly Legacy_ (300 pages)

Matthew Copeland 2012 _Gary Jonson: America's Best Hope--The Case for a Libertarian President_ (36 pages; 211KB)

Pam Corbin 2010 _The River Cottage Preserves HandBook_ (205 pages; 25.5MB)

(39) Kari A. Cornell 2018 _Dig In!: 12 Easy Gardening Projects Using Kitchen Scraps_ (64 pages; J 635 Cor; Woodville)

Jerome R. Corsi 2006 _Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and USA Politicians_ (300 pages)

Jerome R. Corsi 2016 _Partners in Crime: The Clintons' Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit_ (350 pages; 3.2MB)

Jerome R. Corsi 2019 _Silent No More: How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller's Witch Hunt_ (245 pages)

Jerome R. Corsi 2018 _Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump (and the Agenda through Which He Was Elected)_ (230 pages; 578KB)

Jerome R. Corsi 2011 _Where's the Birth Certificate?: the definitive case against Barack Hussein Obummer's eligibility for the presidency_ (973.932092; NE)

Jerome R. Corsi 2009 _America for Sale: Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty_ (330.973 COR; Main+NE)

Gerald A. Cory 2000 _Toward Consilience_ ()

Skip Coryell 2011 _We Hold These Truths: 2001-09-11 was just the beginning_ ()

Steve Cote 2004 _Stockmanship: A Powerful Tool for Grazing Land Management_ ()

Stephen Coughlin 2015 _Catastrophic Failure: BlindFolding America in the Face of Jihad_ ()

Cade Courtley 2016 _SEAL Survival Guide: Active Shooter and Survival Medicine Excerpt_ (69 pages; 4.2MB)

John Coveyou 2018 _SubAtomic: An Atom Building Game_ (board-game; from quarks to heavy elements, matter/anti-matter annihilation)

Jonathan Cowie 2012 _Climate Change: Biological and Human Aspects_ (565 pages; 5.7MB)

Paul C. Cozby 2014 _Methods in Behavioral Research_ (440 pages; 11MB)

(40) Kathryn D. Cramer 2002 When Faster, Harder, Smarter Is Not Enough: 6 Steps for Achieving What You Want in a Rapid-Fire World_ (250 pages; 3.7MB)

Gary L. Crawford 2020-07-02 _Clarify Simplify Amplify: A Coach Approach to Making Your Dreams Come True_ (180-232 pages; 1.5MB; ISBN 9781950948253; Freiling)

Martin Crawford 2010 _Creating a Forest Garden: Working with Nature to Grow Edible Crops_ (375 pages; 35.7MB)

(50) ►Martin Crawford 2016 _How to Grow Your Own Nuts: Choosing, Cultivating, and Harvesting Nuts in Your Garden_ (260 pages; 39.8MB; ILL request)◀

Martin Crawford 2012 _How to Grow Perennial Vegetables: Low-Maintenance, Low-Impact Vegetable Gardening_ (215 pages; 7.9MB)

(50) ►Martin Crawford 2015 _Trees for Gardens, Orchards, and PermaCulture_ (245 pages; ILL request)◀

(50) ►Martin Crawford & Caroline Aitken 2014 _Food from Your Forest Garden: How to Harvest, Cook, and Preserve Your Forest Garden Produce_ (245 pages; 29MB; ILL request)◀

M.D. Creekmore 2016 _The Prepper's Guide to Surviving the End of the World as We Know It: Gear, Skills, and Related Know-How_ (175 pages; 4.7MB)

(43) ►Dan Crenshaw 2020 _Fortitude: USA Resilience in the Era of Outrage_ (190 pages; 767KB; ILL request)◀

Mort Crim 1999 _Good News for a Change!_ (180 pages)

Patricia Crone 2004, 2005 _God's Rule: Government and Islam: 6 Centuries of Medieval Islamic Political Thought_ (465 pages)

Audrey Kurth Cronin 2009 _How Terrorism Ends: Understanding the Decline and Demise of Terrorist Campaigns_ (330 pages; 790KB)

William V. Cruess 1918, 2016 _Syrup from Sweet Sorghum_ (29 pages; 2.5MB)

(55) Henry A. Crumpton 2012 _The Art of Intelligence: Lessons from a life in the CIA_ (338 pages; 327.1273 Cru; Main+E)

(55) Ted Cruz 2015 _A Time For Truth: ReIgniting the Promise of the USA_ (biography)

Ken Cuccinelli 2013 _The Last Line of Defense: The New Fight for American Liberty_ (265 pages; 3.4MB)

Alan Harris Cutler & Helen Elmquist Cutler 1986 _The Jew as Ally of the Muslim: Medieval Roots of Anti-Semitism_ (565 pages)

Daniel Czitrom 1982 _Media & the American Mind_ (260 pages; 2.9MB)

- - - - - D

Robert A. Dahl 1998 _On Democracy_ ()

Tracy Dahlby 2005 _Allah's Torch: A Report from Behind the Scenes in Asia's War on Terror_ ()

Michael Dahlen 2016 _Liberty Lost: USA Big Government and the Erosion of the USA Constitution: A Brief History_ (48 pages; 1.7MB)

Michael Dahlen 2016 _Ending Big Government: The Essential Case for Capitalism and Freedom_ (370 pages; 2.5MB)

Theodore Dalrymple/Anthony Daniels 2001, 2003 _Life at the Bottom: The WorldView that Makes the UnderClass_ ()

Theodore Dalrymple/Anthony Daniels 2015 _Admirable Evasions: How Psychology UnderMines Morality_ (127 pages; 150; ???was catalogues; now it is not???)

(57) Antonio R. Damasio 2003 _Looking for Spinoza_ (355 pages; 152.4; Main)

(58) Antonio R. Damasio 2000 _The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness_ (386 pages; 153; NE)

(59) Antonio R. Damasio 1994 _Descartes's Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain_ (612.8232; ???was catalogued; now it is not???)

(59) Antonio R. Damasio 2010 _Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain_ (612.823; ???was catalogued; now it is not???)

Avinoam Danin, Miriam Webber et al. 2010 _Botany of the Shroud: The Story of the Floral Images on the Shroud of Turin_ ()

Charlie Daniels 2017 _Never Look At the Empty Seats_ ()

Bill Dannemeyer 8888 _Shadow in the Land_ ()

(70) Mark Danner 2016 _Spiral: Trapped in the ForEver War_ (267 pages; 355.00973; Main)

Ed Darack 2017 _The Final Mission of Extortion 17: Special Ops, Helicopter Support, SEAL Team Six, and the Deadliest Day of the USA War in Afghanistan_ (SEAL Team 6; 230 pages; 52.9MB)

(50) Robert Darnton 2009 _The Case for Books: Past, Present, and Future_ (218 pages; 676KB; 002.09 Dar; Main)

(35) ►Rupert Darwall 2017 _Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex_ (345 pages; 3.5MB; ILL Request)◀

Nonie Darwish 2006 _Now They Call Me InFidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for USA, Israel, and the War on Terrorism_ ()

Ali Dashti & F.R.C. Bagley 1994 _23 Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad_ (220 pages)

Jan Davidson, Bob Davidson & Laura van der Kam 2004, 2005, 2007 _Genius Denied: How to Stop Wasting our Brightest Young Minds_ (245 pages; 9.6MB)

G.M. Davis 2015 _House of War: Islam's Jihad Against the World_ (208 pages; 1.2MB)

(63) Jayna Davis 2004 _The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing_ (355 pages; 976.638; Main)

(55) Jennifer Pharr Davis 2018 _The Pursuit of Endurance: Harnessing the Record-Breaking Power of Strength & Resilience_ (fastest Appalachian Trail time; 305 pages; 796.5 Dav; Main)

(40) ►Richard Arnold Davis & David L. Meyer 2009 _A Sea without Fish: Life in the Ordovician Sea of the Cincinnati Region_ (360 pages; 38.3MB; ILL request)◀

Todd Davis 2017 _Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work_ (245 pages; 5.6MB)

Michael I. Days 2016 _Obummer's Accomplishments: The Destruction He Wreaked as President_ ()

Steve Deace 2014 _Rules for Patriots: How [Classical Liberals] Can Win Again_ ()

Steve Deace 2016 _A Nefarious Plot_ (200 pages; 1.9MB)

(27) Steve Deace 2018 _Truth Bombs: Confronting the Lies [Classical Liberals] Believe (to Our Own Demise)_ (202 pages; 324.2734 Dea; NE)

(49) Steve Deace & Todd Erzen 2021-03-26 _Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful & Dangerous Bureaubum in USA History_ (180 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 9781637581117; OCLC 1247381833/ 1245784880/ 1244432101; Post Hill; 999.9999 Dea; NE)

Donald Howard Dean 2010 _The USA Cane Mill: An History of the Machines, the Manufacturers, Sugar Cane and Sorghum_ (340 pages)

Elaine de Beauport 1997 _3 Faces of Mind_ ()

Max Decharne 2002 _Straight from the Fridge, Dad: A Dictionary of "Hipster" Slang: Righteous Jive for All You WeedHeads, Moochers, B-Girls, Gassers, BandRats, Trigger-Men, Grifters, SnowBirds, and Long-Gone Daddies_ (200 pages; 366KB)

Max Decharne 2017 _Vulgar Tongues: An Alternative History of English Slang_ (380 pages; 3.9MB)

Launcelot Turpin de Crisse & Joseph Otway 1754, 1761, 2018 _Essay on the Art of War_ (c. 400 pages)

Justin Deering _The End of the World Delusion: How DoomSayers Endanger Society_ ()

Donn de Grand Pre 2000 _Barbarians inside the Gates: The Black Book of Bolshevism_ (Barbarians #1; 460 pages)

Donn de Grand Pre 2002 _Barbarians inside the Gates: The Viper's Venom_ (Barbarians #2; 500 pages)

Donn de Grand Pre 2000 _Barbarians inside the Gates: The Rattler's Revenge_ (Barbarians #3; 600 pages)

Gray Delany, Zach Werrell & Harry Stein 2015 _How to Bag A RINO_ (222 pages)

James Delingpole 2013 _The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism: The Left's Plan to Frighten Your Kids, Drive Up Energy Costs, and Hike Your Taxes!_ (256 pages)

John F. deMartini 2002 _The BreakThrough Experience: A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation_ (280 pages; 1.1MB)

John F. deMartini 2013 _The Values Factor: The Secret to Creating an Inspired & Fulfilling Life_ (385 pages; 966KB)

John F. deMartini 2004 _How to Make One 4377 of a Profit & Still Get to Heaven_ (250 pages; 643KB)

John F. deMartini 2006 _Count Your Blessings: The Healing Power of Gratitude & Love_ (265 pages; 379KB)

John F. deMartini 2006 _The Gratitude Effect_ (140 pages; 494KB)

John F. deMartini 2005 _You Can Have an Amazing Life in Just 60 Days_ (235 pages; 1.4MB)

John F. deMartini 2010 _Inspired Destiny: Living a Fulfilling & Purposeful Life_ (250 pages; 580KB)

Jim deMint 2019 _Conservative [Classical Liberal]: Knowing What to Keep_ (245 pages; 2.4MB)

Janet V. Denhardt & Robert B. Denhardt 2015 _The New Public Service: Serving, Not Steering_ (255 pages; 947KB)

Joel Denker 8888 _The World on a Plate_ ()

(37) Stephen Denning 2001 _The SpringBoard: How StoryTelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations_ (220 pages; 658.452; Main+Jax)

(45) Lydia Denworth 2020 _Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, & ExtraOrdinary Power of Life's Fundamental Bond_ (297 pages; ISBN 9780393651546; Norton; 158.25 Den; Main+Jax)

Emanuel Derman 2011 _Models Behaving Badly: Why Confusing Illusion with Reality Can Lead to Disaster, on Wall Street, and in Life_ (235 pages; 3.2MB)

Alan Dershowitz 2014 _Terror Tunnels: The Case for Israel's Just War against Hamas_ (238 pages; 818KB)

(50) Alan M. Dershowitz 2003, 2007 _The Case for Israel_ (264 pages; 1.2MB; 956.94 Der; Main+NE+Jax+FtBraden)

Alan Dershowitz 2008 _The Case against Israel's Enemies: Exposing Jimmy Carter and Others Who Stand in the Way of Peace_ (304 pages; 592KB)

Alan Dershowitz 2015 _The Case against [Obummer's] Iran Deal: How Can We Now Stop Iran from Getting Nukes?_ (240 pages; 1.4MB)

(50) Alan M. Dershowitz 2002 _Why Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat, Responding to the Challenge_ (303.625 Der; Main)

Dennis Deruelle 8888 _Your HealthCare PlayBook: Winning the Game of Modern Medicine_ ()

(52) Dinesh d'Souza 1991 _Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus_ (319 pages; 370.19 DSO; Main)

(50) ►Dinesh d'Souza 2020 _United States of Socialism: Who's Behind It? Why It's Evil. How to Stop It_ (295 pages; 10.4MB; DSO; ILL request)◀

(59) Jack Devine & Vernon Loeb 2014-06-03 _Good Hunting: An American SpyMaster's Story_ (336 pages; 2.1MB; ISBN 9781374130329; Sarah Crichton/Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Picador; 327.1273 Dev; Main)

(59) ►Jack Devine 2021-03-01 _SpyMaster's Prism: The Fight Against Russian Aggression_ (266-304 pages; 1.7MB; ISBN 9781640123786; OCLC 1244523130; Potomac/UNebraska; ILL request)◀

Frans B.M. de Waal 1989, 2007 _Chimpanzee Politics: Power and Sex Among Apes_ (250 pages; 11MB)

Frans B.M. de Waal 2009 _Good Natured: The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals_ (360 pages; 5.5MB)

Frans B.M. de Waal, Stephen Macedo & Josiah Ober 2016 _Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved_ (220 pages; 2.1MB)

Frans B.M. de Waal 2006 _Our Inner Ape: A Leading Primatologist Explains Why [He Thinks] We Are Who We Are_ (300 pages; 807KB)

Frans B.M. de Waal 2013 _The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates_ (300 pages; 11.5MB)

Frans B.M. de Waal & Nathan Emery 2016 _Bird Brain: An Exploration of Avian Intelligence_ (190 pages; 223MB)

Frans B.M. de Waal 8888 _Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?_ (350 pages; 8.2MB)

Peter H. Diamandis & Steven Kotler 2015 _Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth, and [hopefully positively] Impact the World_ (330 pages; 2.7MB; 338.04092; ???was catalogued; now it is not)

Peter H. Diamandis & Steven Kotler 2012 _Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think_ (430 pages; 6.5MB; 303.483; Main+NE)

Stuart Diamond 2012 _Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life_ (416 pages)

Tom Diaz & Barbara Newman 2005 _Lightning Out of Lebanon: Hezbollah Terrorists on USA Soil_ (260 pages; 1.7MB)

Albert Binkley Dickas 2015 _Ohio Rocks!: A Guide to Geologic Sites in the Buckeye State_ (120 pages; 32MB)

Eleanor Dickey 2016 _Learning Latin the Ancient Way_ (195 pages)

Paul Dickson 1994, 2014 _War Slang: American Fighting Words & Phrases Since the Civil War_ (455 pages; 2.2MB)

Paul Dickson & Robert Skole 2012 _Journalese: A Dictionary for DeCiphering the News_ (84 pages; 1.5MB)

H. Diels & W. Kranz 8888 _Fragmente der Vorsokratiker_ ()

(50) Robert L. Dilenschneider 1990 _Power and Influence: Mastering the Art of Persuasion_ (258 pages; 659.2 Dil; Main+NE)

Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh & Mike Stanton 2002 _Triumph of the Optimists: 101 Years of Global Investment Returns_ ()

James Dines 1996 _Mass Psychology_ (Time Psychology? Space Psychology? Force Psychology?)

John V.H. Dippel 2015 _1800 and Froze to Death: The Impact of America's First Climate Crisis_ (220 pages)

(17) ►Lou Dobbs & Dennis Kneale 2020 _The Trump Century: How Our President Changed the Course of History_ (317-340 pages; 1.5MB; ISBN 0063029049/ 9780063029040; OCLC 1182803691/ 1195888096; due out 2020-09-22; Broadside/HarperCollins; ILL request)◀

DoD 1970 _USA Army Survival Manual_ (275 pages)

John Doerr 2018 _Measure What Matters: How [Corrupt, Immoral Organizations Like] Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs_ (objectives, key results; 310 pages; 19.4MB)

Glen Doherty & Brandon Webb 2017 _Navy SEAL Sniper: An Intimate Look at the Sniper of the 21st Century_ (250 pages; 31.5MB)

Barry R. Donadio 2013 _TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account_ (120 pages; 989KB)

(40) Heather Mac Donald 2018 _The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Sex Pandering Corrupt the University and UnderMine Our Culture_ (278 pages; 1.5MB; 370.1170973; E)

(45) Heather Mac Donald 2000 _The Burden of Bad Ideas: How Modern Intellectuals MisShape Out "Society"_ (242 pages; 361.25 Mac; Main+NE)

Tim Donner & Leesa Donner 2019 _The Second American Revolution: Tech Tyranny & Digital Despots_ (245 pages; 4.9MB)

Tim Donnelly 2016 _Patriot Not Politician: Win or Go Homeless_ (360 pages)

Jack Donovan 2012 _The Way of Men_ (190 pages; 1MB)

Jack Donovan 2016 _Becoming a Barbarian_ (100 pages; 2.6MB)

Steve Doocy & Kathy Doocy 2018 _The Happy CookBook: A Celebration of the Food That Makes the USA Smile_ (245 pages; 79.1MB)

Steve Doocy & Kathy Doocy 2009 _The Mr. & Mrs. Happy HandBook: EveryThing I Know About Love & Marriage (with Corrections by Mrs. Doocy)_ (265 pages; 14.1MB)

Steve Doocy 2008 _Tales from the Dad Side: MisAdVentures in Fatherhood_ (215 pages; 965KB)

Mary Douglas & Aaron Wildavsky 1983 _Risk and Culture_ ()

Tom Douglas 1983 _Groups: Understanding People Gathering Together_ (260 pages)

Mark Dowie 1996 _Losing Ground: American Environmentalism at the Close of the 20th Century_ (330 pages)

Jerry Doyle 2009, 2010 _Have You Seen My Country Lately?: America's Wake-Up Call_ (265 pages; 808KB)

Frances Drake 2014 _Global Warming: The Science of Climate Change_ (280 pages; 4.2MB)

Paul Driessen 2011 _Eco-Imperialism: Green Power -- Black Death_ (240 pages; 406KB)

Michael Drout 8888 _Way With Words: Writing, Rhetoric, and the Art of Persuasion_ ()

Ken Denmead 2011 _The Geek Dad's Guide to WeekEnd Fun: Cool Hacks, Cutting-Edge Games, and More Awesome Projects for the Whole Family_ (230 pages; 7.7MB)

(38) Ken Denmead 2010 _Geek Dad: Awesomely Geeky Projects for Dads and Kids to Share_ (222 pages; 8MB; 790.191 Den; Main+NE)

(42) Lee Alan Dugatkin & Lyudmila Trut 2017 _How to Tame a Fox and Build a Dog: Visionary Semi-Scientists and a Siberian Tale of Jump-Started Evolution_ (216 pages; 13.3MB; 636.9776 Dug; NE)

Robin Dunbar 1998 _Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language_ (230 pages)

Victoria L. Dunckley 2015 _ReSet Your Child's Brain: A 4-Week Plan to End MeltDowns, Raise Grades, and Boost "Social Skills" by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time_ (375 pages; 9.4MB)

(45) Marc J. Dunkelman 2014 _The Vanishing Neighbor: The Transformation of USA Neighborliness_ (291 pages; 307.0973 Dun; NE)

Patrick T. Dunleavy 2011 _The Fertile Soil of Jihad: Terrorism's Prison Connection_ (160 pages; 508KB)

Charles W. Dunn, Charles R. Kesler, Hadley R. Arkes, Paul A. Cantor, Allan Carlson, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Ken Myers & Wilfred M. McClay 2012 _USA Culture in Peril_ (180 pages; 1MB)

Walter Duranty 1935 _I Write as I Please_ (Soviet propagandist who tried to cover up Holodomor & Holocaust employed as columnists by NY Times; 335 pages)

(50) Kevin Dutton 2010 _Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Pseudo-Science of Changing Minds_ (296 pages; 153.852 Dut; Main)

Wayne W. Dyer 1995 _Your Sacred Self: Making the Decision to Be Free_ (291.44; Jax)

(45) Wayne W. Dyer 2006 _Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling_ (250 pages; 204.4; E+NE)

- - - - - E

Terry Eagleton 1991, 2007 _Ideology: An Introduction_ (240 pages)

Pete Earley 2007 _Comrade J: The Untold Secrets of Russia's Master Spy in America after the End of the Cold War_ (340 pages; biography Tretyakov)

East Central Indiana Therapeutic Riding Center 2009 _East Central Indiana Therapeutic Riding Center Pet-Treat CookBook: More than 100 Pet-Treat Recipes that Will Delight..._ ()

William Easterly 8888 _The Tyranny of Experts_ ()

Richard M. Ebeling 2019 _For a New Liberalism_ (300 pages; 2.1MB)

(12) Jennifer Lyon Eberhardt, Ph.D. 2019-03-26 _Biased: UnCovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do_ (media; ethics; crime; 340-352 pages; ISBN 9780735224935; OCLC ; Viking; 303.385 Ebe; Main+Jax)

Aton Edwards 2009 _Preparedness Now!: An Emergency Survival Guide_ (340 pages; 2.1MB)

Cam Edwards & Jim Geraghty 2015 _Heavy Lifting: Grow Up, Get a Job, Get Married, and Other Manly Advice_ (250 pages; 1.7MB)

David Edwards & David Cromwell 2018 _Propaganda Blitz: How the Corporate [Illiberal Leftist] Media Distort Reality_ (UK; 325 pages; 733KB)

Lee Edwards 1997 _The Power of Ideas_ ()

John Egerton 1991 _Shades of Gray: Dispatches from the Modern South_ (250 pages)

(39) Gavin Ehringer 2017 _Leaving the Wild: The UnNatural History of Dogs, Cats, Cows, and Horses_ (356 pages; 1.7MB; with a touch of watermelon propaganda; 636.009 Ehr; NE)

Donnie Eichar 2013 _Dead Mountain: The UnTold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident_ (280 pages; 10.5MB)

Kurt Eichenwald 2012 _500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars_ (630 pages; 5.6MB)

Albert Einstein 8888 _Ideas and Opinions_ ()

Paul Ekman 1995 _Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage_ ()

Mark Elbroch 2003 _Mammal Tracks & Sign: A Guide to North American Species_ (770 pages; 148.9MB)

Alasdair Elder 2017 _The Red Trojan Horse: A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism_ (170 pages; 905KB)

(39) Larry Elder 2000 _The 10 Things You Can't Say in America_ (306.0973; NE+Jax)

(49) Larry Elder 2002 _ShowDown: Confronting Bias, Lies, and the Special Interests That Divide America_ (361.61; Main)

Rick Elkin 2018 _Trump's Reckoning: BullDozing Regressivism, ReBuilding Americanism_ (325 pages; 2MB)

(49) Jordan Ellenberg 2021 _Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, & EveryThing Else_ (463 pages; ISBN 9781984879059; on order)

Richard Ellis 8888 _Empty Ocean_ ()

(15) Natalie Madorsky Elman & Eileen Kennedy-Moore 2003 _The UnWritten Rules of Friendship: Simple Strategies to Help Your Child Make Friends_ (340 pages; 641.1 Elm; Main+NE)

Ezekiel J. Emanuel 2014 _Perverting American Health Care: How [ObummerDoesn'tCare Is Making Health-Care] Terribly Complex, Blatantly Unjust, Outrageously Expensive, Grossly Inefficient, Error Prone_ ()

(55) Clint Emerson & Ted Slampyak 2015, 2016 _100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative's Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving any Dangerous Situation_ (256 pages; 106.3MB; 613.69; Main+Jax+FtBraden)

(39) Steven Emerson 2002, 2003 _American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us_ (261 pages; 735KB; 303.625; Main; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; the evil forces of PC or anti-Semitic censorship are at work)

Steven Emerson 2006 _Jihad Incorporated: A Guide to Militant Islam in the USA_ (525 pages; 4.2MB)

Maria Emmerich & Craig Emmerich 2020 _The Carnivore CookBook_ (440 pages; 10.9MB)

F. William Engdahl 2009 _Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order_ (268 pages)

Jon Entine 2000 _Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We Are Afraid To Talk About It_ (380 pages; 796.089; NT+BLPerry)

(45) Edward J. Epstein/Edward Jay Epst 2017 _How the USA Lost Its Secrets: Edward Snowden, the Man and the Theft_ (350 pages; 327.12730092 Eps; Main)

(39) Thomas Erikson 2021 _Surrounded by SetBacks: Turning Obstacles into Success When Everything Goes to 7734_ (99999 pages; ISBN 9781250789518; St.Martin's; on order 2021-08-17; )

(55) Danny Ertel & Mark Gordon 2015, 2016 _The Point of the Deal: How to Negotiate Whe "Yes Is Not Enough_ (255 pages; RBdigital mp3; 7 hours: 51 minutes = 471 minutes)

Kevin Espiritu 2019 _Field Guide to Urban Gardening: How to Grow Plants, No Matter Where You Live_ (215 pages; 53.4MB)

Tasha Eurich 2013 _Bankable Leadership: Happy People, Bottom-Line Results, and the Power to Deliver Both_ (300 pages; 1.6MB)

- - - - - F

(12) Brian Murray Fagan 2007 _The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History 1300-1850_ (246 pages; 4.2MB; 551.694 Fag; Main)

Oriana Fallaci 2002, 2006 _The Force of Reason_ (285 pages; 940.6; Main)

Oriana Fallaci 2002 _The Rage and the Pride_ (160 pages; 303.6; Main)

Frantz Fanon & Charles Markham 1967 _Black Skin, White Masks_ ()

Frantz Fanon 1968, 2004 _The Wretched of the Earth_ (250 pages; 960.0971244; BLPerry)

Douglas Farah 2004 _Blood from Stones: The Secret Financial Network of Terrorism_ (225 pages; 303.625; Main)

George Farah 2004 _No Debate: How the Republican and Democrat Parties Secretly Control the Presidential "Debates"_ (224 pages; 324.73; Main)

Fanny Merritt Farmer 1896, 2012, 2018 _Fannie Farmer Cook Book_ (624 pages; 50MB)

Fanny Merritt Farmer, Marion Cunningham, Lauren Jarrett, Fannie Farmer CookBook Corporation & Archibald Candy Corporation 1996 _The Fannie Farmer Cook Book_ (896 pages)

John Stephen Farmer & William Ernest Henely 1905, 2012 _A Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English_ ()

Warren Farrell 1999, 2000 _Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say: Destroying Myths, Creating Love_ (372 pages; 306.7 Far; NE; odd catalogue entry)

Warren Farrell 1993, 2014 _The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex_ (400 pages; 15.3MB; 305.32; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Warren Farrell 1988, 2016 _Why Men Are the Way They Are_ (380 pages; 106MB)

Warren Farrell 2017 _Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth behind the Pay Gap and What Women Can Do about It_ (295 pages; 5.2MB)

Warren Farrell & John Gray 2018 _The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling_ (492 pages; 155.432 Far; Main; fake book)

Tarek Fatah 2010 _The Jew Is Not My Enemy: UnVeiling the Myths That Fuel Mohammedan Anti-Semisism_ (260 pages; 3.3MB)

Steven Feazel & Carol Miller Swain 2016-08-23, 2016-10-03 _Abduction: How [Illiberal Leftism] Steals Our Children's Hearts & Minds [& Bodies]_ (277-322 pages; 1.1MB; ISBN 9781635251463; Christian Faith)

William J. Federer 2007 _What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an: An History of Islam and the United States_ (287 pages; 297.09; E)

Bruce Feiler 2013 _The Secrets of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, ReThink Family Dinner, Fight Smarter, Go Out and Play, and Much More_ (310 pages; 1.2MB)

Noah Feldman 2007 _After Jihad: American and the Struggle for Islamic Democracy_ (280 pages; 512KB)

(50) ►Chris Fenton 2020-07-28 _Feeding the Dragon: Inside the Trillion Dollar Dilemma Facing Hollywood, the NBA, & USA Businesses_ (280-288 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 9781642935868; OCLC 1256715351/ 1184240619; PostHill; ILL request)◀

Niall Ferguson 2012, 2013 _The Great DeGeneration: How Institutions Decay and Economies Die_ (306.0917 Fer; Main+NE)

Niall Ferguson 2005 _Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American "Empire"_ (327.73; duplicate entry; ???was catalogued; now it is not???)

Niall Ferguson 2003, 2004 _Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power_ (909.0971241 Fer; Main; duplicate entry)

Niall Ferguson 2011 _Civilization: The West and the Rest_ (909.09821 Fer; Main)

Niall Ferguson 2018 _The Square and the Tower: Networks and Power from the FreeMasons to [Evil] FB_ (563 pages; 302.309 Fer; Main)

Niall Ferguson, Fareed Zakaria & Rudyard Griffiths 2007 _Is This the End of the Liberal InterNational Order?: The Munk Debate on GeoPolitics_ (125 pages; 997KB)

(12) ►Dario Fernandez-Morera & Bob Souer 2016 _The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise_ (370 pages; 4.2MB; ISBN 1610170954/ 9781610170956; ILL request)◀

(30) ►Dario Fernandez-Morera 2016 _American Academia and the Survival of Marxist Ideas_ (200 pages; ISBN 0275952649/ 9780275952648; ILL request)◀

Elizabeth Wernock Fernea 1998 _In Search of Islamic Feminism: One Woman's Global Journey_ ()

(65) Keith Ferrazzi 2009 _Who's Got Your Back: The Breakthrough Program to Build Deep, Trusting Relationships That Create Success and Won't Let You Fail_ (330 pages; 1.8MB; 650.1 Fer; Main )

(32) Timothy Ferriss 2009 _The 4-Hour WorkWeek: Escape 9-5, Live AnyWhere, and Join the New Rich_ (396 pages; 16.3MB; 650.1 Fer; Main+E+Jax)

(50) Timothy Ferriss 2016 _Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers_ (673 pages; 9.4MB; 158.1 Fer; BLPerry+NE)

(21) Timothy Ferriss 2017 _Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World_ (598 pages; 4MB; 650.1 Fer; Main+BLPerry)

Leon Festinger 1957 _A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance_ (230 pages)

Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken & Stanley Schachter 2009, 2013 _A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance_ (250 pages; 1.6MB)

Leon Festinger & James Carlsmith 2011 _A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance_ (18 pages; 98KB)

Paul Findley 2001 _Silent No More: Confronting USA's False Images of Islam_ (320 pages)

(42) Arlene Fink 2006 _How to Conduct Surveys: A Step-By-Step Guide_ (300.72 Fin; Main)

(47) Iain Finlayson 1990 _Denim: An American Legend_ (126 pages; 338.4 Fin; Jax)

Selwyn R. Firth 2015 _Climate Change & Global Warming Lies: The Convenient Lies We Have Been Sold Prove How Stupid We Are!_ (170 pages; 692KB)

(25) Stanley Eugene Fish 2016 _Winning Arguments: What Works and Doesn't Work in Politics, the BedRoom, the CourtRoom, and the ClassRoom_ (212 pages; 808; Main+NE)

Ada M. Fisher, M.D. 2013 _Common Sense Conservative Prescriptions: Solutions for What Ails Us_ (680 pages; 2.2MB)

Andy Fisher 2002, 2013 _Radical EcoPsychology_ (400 pages; 1.6MB)

(57) Helen E. Fisher 2009 _Why Him? Why Her?: Finding Real Love by Understanding Your Personality Type_ (289 pages; 155.264; NE)

(65) Roger Fisher & William Ury 1991, 2011 _Getting to Yes_ (210 pages; 887KB; 158.5; NE)

(63) Brian Fishman 2016 _The Master Plan: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, al-Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy for "Final Victory"_ (354 pages; 320.55; E)

(32) Tom Fitton 2020-10-20 _A Republic Under Assault: The Left's OnGoing Attack on USA Freedom_ (312 pages; 6MB; ISBN 9781982163655; OCLC 1204341512; Threshold; on order 2021-02-10, 2021-03-21; ; Main)

Robert L. Fitzpatrick & Joyce K. Reynolds 2012 _False Profits: Seeking Financial and Spiritual Deliverance in Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Schemes_ (225 pages; 726KB)

Mickey Flacks/Miriam Flacks & Dick Flacks/Richard Flacks 2018 _Making History, Making Blintzes: How 2 Red Diaper Babies Found Each Other and Discovered the USA_ (500 pages)

(50) ►Fred Fleitz 2016 _ObummerBomb: A Dangerous and Growing National Security Fraud_ (242 pages; 2.1MB; ISBN ; OCLC ; ; ILL request)◀

(52) ►Fred Fleitz, senator Jon Talent & Gordon G. Chang 2016-05-16 _Warning Order: Red China Prepares for Conflict, & Why We Must Do the Same_ (129-130 pages; ISBN 9781533302199; OCLC 1198377890; Center for Security Policy; ILL request)◀

(55) ►Fred Fleitz, Michaela Dodge, Eric Edelman, Frank J. Gaffney, John Hopkins, Peter Huessy, Robert Joseph, Matthew Kroenig, Peter Pry & Mark Schneider 2020-03-25 _Growing Challenges for USA's Nuclear Deterrence_ (132 pages; ISBN 9798630679871; OCLC 999; Center for Security Policy; ILL request)◀

"Fjordman" 2008 _Defeating Eurabia_ ()

(73) Anthony Flint 2009 _Wrestling with Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took on New York's Master Builder and Transformed the USA City_ (Robert Moses; 230 pages; 307.76; Main)

Daniel J. Flynn 2004 _Intellectual Morons: How Ideology Makes Smart People Fall for Stupid Ideas_ (300 pages; 417KB)

Daniel J. Flynn 2008 _A Classical Liberal History of the USA Left_ (460 pages; 1.5MB)

James R. Flynn 2012 _Are We Getting Smarter?_ (317 pages; 1.6MB)

(47) Stephen E. Flynn 2007 _The Edge of Disaster: ReBuilding a Resilient Nation_ (240 pages; 363.34 Fly; Main)

Dan Flores 2016 _Coyote America: A Natural and SuperNatural History_ (280 pages; 44.2MB)

Samuel C. Florman 8888 _The Existential Pleasures of Engineering_ ()

Samuel C. Florman 8888 _The Introspective Engineer_ ()

Wilson Follett 1966 _Modern American Usage_ ()

John Fonte 8888 _Sovereignty or Submission: Will USA Citizens Rule Themselves or Be Ruled by Others?_ ()

Christopher Foreman ii 1989 _Signals from the Hill: Congressional OverSight and the Challenge of "Social Regulation"_ (215 pages)

Tim Forsyth 1980, 2003, 2004 _Critical Political Ecology: The Politics of Environmental Science_ (330 pages; 929KB)

James W. Forsythe 2012 _Obaminable Care: A Prescription for Chaos_ (ObummerDoesn'tCare; 99 pages; 434KB)

(39) Jody Foster, M.D. & Michelle Joy, M.D. 2017 _The Schmuck in My Office: How to Deal Effectively with Difficult People At Work_ (329 pages; 658.3045 Fos; Main+BLPerry)

(29) Gabrielle Fox 2000 _The Essential Guide to Making HandMade Books_ (125 pages; 686.3; Jax)

Nancy Jo Fox 1986 _Liberties with Liberty: The Fascinating History of USA's Proudest Symbol_ ()

(19) Porter Fox 2018 _NorthLand: A 4K-Mile Journey along USA's Forgotten Border_ (247 pages; 974; Main+NE)

(60) ►Seth J. Frantzman 2021-06-22 _Drone Wars: Pioneers, Killing Machines, Artificial Intelligence, & the Battle for the Future_ (260 pages; ISBN 1642936758/ 9781642936759; OCLC 1201297695; Posthill/Bombardier; ILL request)◀

John L. Fraser 2018 _The Truth Behind Trump Derangement Syndrome: There Is More Than Meets the Eye_ (110 pages; 4.6MB)

(39) Richard C. Freed 2003 _Writing Winning Business Proposals: Your Guide to Landing the Client, Making the Sale, Persuading the Boss_ (302 pages; 808.06665 Fre; NE)

D. Freeman 1983 _Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making & UnMaking of an Anthropological Myth_ (999999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; HarvardU)

Kathleen Banks Freeman 2008 _Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers: A Complete Translation of the Fragments in Diels_ (248 pages)

R. Allan Freeze 2000 _The Environmental Pendulum: A Quest for the Truth about Toxic Chemicals, Human Health, and Environmental Protection_ (330 pages)

Paul Fregosi 1998 _Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st Centuries_ ()

Paul Marie Louis Frentrop 2003 _An History of Corporate Governance 1602-2002_ ()

Daniel Friberg 2015 _The Real Right Returns: A HandBook for the True Opposition_ (138 pages; 1.4MB)

Roger Friedland & Richard Hecht 1996 _To Rule Jerusalem_ (570 pages; 38.8MB)

(55) ►ambassador David M. Friedman, J.D. 2022-02-08 _SledgeHammer: How Breaking with the Past Brought Peace to the Middle East_ (c.256 pages; ISBN 9780063098114; OCLC 1250514499; HarperCollins/Broadside; ILL request)◀

George Friedman & Meredith Friedman 1996 _The Future of War: Power, Technology and American Dominance in the 21st Century_ ()

George Friedman 2003 _Afghanistan and America's New Way of War_ ()

(43) George Friedman 2009, 2010 _The Next 100 Years_ (303.49 Fri; Main)

(50) George Friedman 2011, 2012 _The Next Decade_ (909.831 Fri; Main+NE)

(49) ►George Friedman 2016 _FlashPoints: The Emerging Crisis in Europe_ (260 pages; 940.5612; NE; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(59) ►John M. Friend & Bradley A. Thayer 2018-11-01 _How Red China Sees the World: Han-Centrism and the Balance of Power in InterNational Politics_ (208 pages; ISBN 9781612349831; OCLC 1071683227; UNebraska/Potomac; ILL request)◀

Gerald Ed Frost 1996 _Loyalty MisPlaced: MisDirected "Virtue" and "Social" DisIntegration_ (155 pages)

(63) Francis Fukuyama 2018 _"Identity": The Demand for "Dignity" and the Politics of Resentment_ (218 pages; 2.3MB; 320.019; Main)

(63) Robert Fulghum 1988 _All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten_ (196 pages; 128; Main+NE+BLPerry)

Myron L. Fuller, Frederick G. Clapp & Richard Bryant Dole 1912 _UnderGround Waters of SouthWestern Ohio_ ()

Michael Fumento 2003 _BioEvolution_ (485 pages)

(5) ►John H. Fund 2004, 2009 _Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy_ (173-241 pages; ISBN 1594032246/ 9781594032240; OCLC 1104081123; Encounter; 324.973; Main; ???was catalogued; now it is not??? ILL request)◀

(10) ►John H. Fund & Hans von Spakovsky 2012 _Who's Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk_ (298 pages; ISBN 1594036187/ 9781594036187; OCLC 744288914; ILL request)◀

Mckenzie Funk 2014 _WindFall: The Booming Business of Global Warming_ (320 pages; 7.7MB)

Frank Furedi 2002 _Culture of Fear_ (220 pages)

Frank Furedi 2006 _Culture of Fear ReVisited_ (230 pages)

Chris Fussel & C.W. Goodyear 2017 _One Mission: How Leaders Build a Team of Teams_ (290 pages; 9MB)

(41) Amy Fusselman 2015 _Savage Park: A Meditation on Play, Space, and Risk for USA Citizens Who Are Nervous, Distracted, and Afraid to Die_ (135 pages; 813.6 Fus; E)

- - - - - G

(33) ►Brigitte Gabriel 2018 _Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom_ (260 pages; 5.2MB; ILL request)◀

Brigitte Gabriel 2006, 2008 _Because they Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns the USA_ (288 pages; 956.7204; Main+NE+Jax)

Brigitte Gabriel 2008, 2010 _They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It_ (280 pages; 753KB; 363.325; Main)

(50) ►Steve Gabriel 2018 _SilvoPasture: A Guide to Managing Grazing Animals, Forage Crops, and Trees in a Temperate Farm EcoSystem_ (310 pages; ILL request)◀

(39) ►Matt Gaetz 2020-09-22 _FireBrand: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the MAGA Revolution_ (215 pages; 3.4MB; ISBN 1642937649/ 9781642937640; Bombardier; ILL request)◀

Frank J. Gaffney ii 2012 _The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obummer Regime_ (50 pages; 155KB)

(31) ►Frank J. Gaffney ii & Clare M. Lopez 2016 _See No Sharia: "Countering Violent Extremism" and the DisArming of the USA's First Lines of Defense_ (353 pages; 853KB; ILL request)◀

(50) ►Frank J. Gaffney ii 2006 _War Footing: 10 Steps the USA Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World_ (300 pages; 355.033573; Main; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(63) ►Frank J. Gaffney ii, Christopher Holton & Clare Lopez 2015 _Guelen and the Guelenist Movement: Turkey's Islamic Supremacist Cult and Its Contributions to the Civilization Jihad_ (100 pages; 1MB; ILL request)◀

Frank Galli 2016 _Precision Rifle Marksmanship: The Fundamentals: A Marine Sniper's Guide to Long Range Shooting_ (400 pages; 52.4MB)

Steven S. Gaines 1973-01-01 _Marjoe: The Life of Marjoe Gortner_ (230 pages; ISBN 9780060114015; Harper&Row)

Catey L. Gallagher 2016 _The Literally Illustrated Collection of Idioms, Metaphors, and Euphemisms_ (45 pages; 39.6MB)

(45) Carmine Gallo 2018 _5 Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great_ (244 pages; 658.45 Gal)

David Galula 1967, 2006 _CounterInsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice_ (120 pages; 1.3MB)

(41) Arun Gandhi 2017 _The Gift of Anger & Other Lessons from My GrandFather Mahatma Gandhi_ (292 pages; 170.44 Gan; Main)

(33) Allen Gannett 2018 _The Creative Curve: How to Develop the Right Idea at the Right Time_ (270 pages; 658.4 Gan; E)

Lucius Gantt 2003 _I Talked about the Beast_ ()

Lucius Gantt 2009 _Beast Too: Dead Men Writing_ (290 pages)

(18) Chris P. Gardner & Mim Eichler Rivas 2009 _Start Where You Are: Life Lessons in Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be_ (290 pages; 158.1 Gar; E+NE)

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross 2007 _My Year Inside Radical Islam_ (290 pages; 297.814 Gar; Main+NE)

(50) ►Rick Gates 2020-10-13 _Wicked Game: An InSider's Story on How Trump Won, Mueller Failed, & the USA Lost_ (245 pages; 1.7MB; ISBN 9781642937937923; Post Hill; ILL request)◀

Karen Szklany Gault 2010 _The Complete Guide to Growing Your Own Fruits and Berries: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide_ (280 pages; 5.7MB)

David C. Geary 2013 _Male, Female: The Evolution of Human Sex Differences_ (545 pages; 6.4MB)

Tom Gegax 2003 _Winning in the Game of Life: Self-Coaching Secrets for Success_ (318 pages)

(75) Abigail R. Gehring 2011 _The HomeSteading HandBook: Back to Basics Guide to Growing Your Own Food, Canning, Keeping Chickens, Generating Your Own Energy, Crafting, Herbal Medicine, and More_ (268 pages; 640; Main+FtBraden)

(50) Michael J. Gelb 1998 _How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci_ (322 pages; 153.35; Main+Jax)

Michael J. Gelb 2002 _Discover Your Genius_ ()

(58) Michael J. Gelb 2012 _Brain Power: Improve Your Mind As You Age_ (230 page; 155.6713; E)

Ross Gelbspan 1998 _The Heat Is On: The Climate Crisis_ (280 pages)

Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer 8888 _The Post-American Presidency: The Obummer Regime's War against USA_ (400 pages; 1.2MB)

Pamela Geller 2011, 2015, 2016 _Stop the Islamization of USA_ (225 pages; 17MB)

Pamela Geller 2017 _Fatwah: Hunted in the USA_ (225 pages; 17MB)

John George & Laird Wilcox 1996 _American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, Klansmen, Communists, and Others_ (200 pages; 28.9MB)

(70) Fawaz A. Gerges 1992, 1994 _Making the Arab World: Nasser, Qutb, and the Clash That Shaped the Middle East_ (483 pages; 1MB; 956.04 Ger; Main+NE)

Carla Gericke 2020 _The Ecstatic Pessimist: Stories of Hope_ (172 pages; 735KB)

Stephanie German 2019 _So Your Boss Can't Lead: A Practical Guide to Be the Leader You Want_ (89 pages; 1.4MB)

Resi Gerritsen & Ruud Haak 2015 _K9 Scent Training: A Manual for Training Your Identification, Tracking, and Detection Dog_ (200 pages; 28.9MB)

Resi Gerritsen, Ruud Haak & Simon Prins 2013 _K9 Behavior Basics: A Manual for Proven Success in Operational Service Dog Training_ (250 pages; 28.4MB)

Bill Gertz 2019 _Deceiving the Sky: InSide Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy_ (245 pages; 1.7MB)

(21) Bill Gertz 1999 _Betrayal: How the Clinton Administration Undermined American Security_ (290 pages; 327.73 Ger; Jax)

(23) Bill Gertz 2004 _Treachery: How USA's Friends & Foes Are Secretly Arming Our Enemies_ (280 pages; 355.033 Ger; NE)

(33) Bill Gertz 2000 _The China Threat: How Red China Targets the USA_ (280 pages; 327.73051 Ger; Main)

(40) ►Bill Gertz 2017 _iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age_ (370 pages; 2.7MB; 99999999 Ger; ILL request)◀

Normal Geschwind & Albert M. Galaburda 1986, 1987 _Cerebral Lateralization: Biological Mechanisms, Associations, and Pathology_ (280 pages)

Onkar Ghate & Elan Journo 2017 _Failing to Confront Islamic Totalitarianism from George W. Bush to Barack Hussein Obummer and Beyond_ (200 pages; 1.6MB)

Hamilton A.R. Gibb & Harold Bowen 1951, 1956 _Islamic Society and the West: vol1 Islamic Society in the 18th Century_ ()

Hamilton A.R. Gibb & Harold Bowen 1957, 1962 _Islamic Society and the West: vol2_ ()

Herbert Adams Gibbons 1916, 1968, 2013, 2016, 2018 _The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire: An History of the Osmanlis Up to the Death of Bayezid i 1300-1403_ (375 pages; 2.2MB-4.6MB)

Chris Gibson 2017 _Rally Point: 5 Tasks to Unite the Country and ReVitalize the USA Dream_ (245 pages; 14.1MB)

David William Gibson 2015 _The Edge Becomes the Center: An Oral History of Gentrification in the 21st Century_ (315 pages; 307.3416; Main)

Gerd Gigerenzer & Peter M. Todd 1999, 2000 _Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart_ (400 pages; 5.8MB)

(25) Gerd Gigerenzer 2007 _Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the UnConscious_ (280 pages; 898KB; 153.4 Gig; Main)

(37) Gerd Gigerenzer 2002, 2015 _Calculated Risks: How to Know When Numbers Deceive You_ (310 pages; 7.5MB; 519.2 Gig; Main)

(44) Gerd Gigerenzer 2014 _Risk Savvy: How to Make Good Decisions_ (310 pages; 9.5MB; ILL request)◀

(49) Gerd Gigerenzer 2010 _Rationality for Mortals: How People Cope with UnCertainty_ (245 pages; 6.2MB; ILL request)◀

Mike Giglio 2019 _Shatter the Nations: ISIL/ and the War for the Caliphate_ (325 pages; 6.1MB)

Daniel Gilbert 2006 _Stumbling on Happiness_ (325 pages; 1.1MB)

George Gilder 1990, 1994 _Life After Television: The Coming Transformation of Media and American Life_ (128 pages)

George Gilder & Joe Lieberman 2012 _The Israel Test: Why the World's Most Besieged State Is a Beacon of Freedom and Hope for the World Economy_ (320 pages; 385KB)

Martin Gilens 2012 _Affluence & Influence: Economic InEquality & Political Power in the USA_ (340 pages; 7.9MB)

Megan Giller 2017 _Bean-to-Bar Chocolate: USA's Craft Chocolate Revolution: The Origins, the Makers, and the Mind-Blowing Flavors_ (230 pages; 41.8MB)

brevet-lieutenant-colonel G.L. Gillespie 1873 _Battle Field of Winchester, VA (Opequon) [1864-09-19]_ (1 sheet, 94cm x 114cm; OCLC 815508967; 3rd battle of Winchester)

Nick Gillespie & Matt Welch 2011, 2012 _The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America_ (295 pages; 1.3MB)

Tarleton Gillespie 2018 _[Self-Appointed] "Custodians" of the Internet: Platforms, Content "Moderation", and the Hidden Decisions That Shape "Social" Media_ ()

Jonathan T. Gilliam 2017 _Sheep No More: The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival_ (200 pages)

Thomas Gilovich & Lee Ross 2015 _The Wisest One in the Room: How You Can Benefit from Socialist Psychology's Most PowerMad Insights_ (320 pages; 5MB)

Thomas Gilovich, Dale Griffin & Daniel Kahneman 2002 _Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment_ (880 pages; 12.3MB)

Benjamin Ginsberg 2016 _Presidential Government_ (500 pages; 20.9MB)

Herbert Gintis 2009, 2014 _The Bounds of Reason: Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences_ (275 pages; 3.3MB)

(39) ►Ryan James Girdusky & Harlan Hill 2020 _They're Not Listening: How the Elitists Created the Nationalist Populist Revolutions_ (225 pages; 3.4MB; ILL request)◀

(27) Jeffrey H. Gitomer 2007 _Getting Your Way: How to Speak, Write, Present, Persuade, Influence, and Sell Your Point of View to Others_ (202 pages; 303.342; Main+Jax+NE)

(65) Rudolph W. Giuliani & Ken Kurson 2002 _Leadership_ (202 pages; 658.4094; Main+E+NE)

Jacques Givet 1982 _The Anti-Zionist Complex_ (166 pages)

(37) Malcolm Gladwell 2013 _David and Goliath: UnderDogs, MisFits, and the Art of Battling Giants_ (332 pages; 893KB; 155.24 Gla; E+NE+Jax+BLPerry+FtBraden+Woodville)

(50) Malcolm Gladwell 2009 _What the Dog Saw and Other Adventures_ (410 pages; 1MB; 814.6 Gla; E+NE+FtBraden+Jax)

(50) Malcolm Gladwell 2019 _Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know_ (390 pages; 1MB; 302 Gla; Main+FtBraden+Jax+E+NE+Woodville)

Lillian Glass 1997 _Toxic People: 10 Ways Of Dealing With People Who Make Your Life Miserable_ ()

Lillian Glass 1998 _Attracting Terrific People: How To Find and Keep the People Who Bring Your Life Joy_ (224 pages)

Lillian Glass & D. Vincent Sullivan 2012 _A Guide to Identifying Terrorists Through Body Language_ (188 pages; 812KB)

(43) Barry Glassner 1999, 2009, 2010 _The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things_ (360 pages; 1.1MB; 152.46; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Nathan Glazer 1975, 1978 _Affirmative Discrimination: Ethnic InEquality and Public Policy_ (240 pages)

Jamie Glazov 2018 _Jihadist PsychoPath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us_ (230 pages; 2.7MB)

Jamie Glazov 2009 _United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror_ (260 pages; 957KB)

Jamie Glazov 2010 _ShowDown with Evil: Our Struggle against Tyranny and Terror_ (260 pages; 694KB)

Maggie Glezer 2004 _A Blessing of Bread: The Many Rich Traditions of Jewish Bread Baking Around the World: Recipes and Rituals, Memories and Mitzvahs_ (320 pages)

Edward A. Glinka 2016 _Planned Collapse of Americanism: President Trump's Biggest Challenge_ (435 pages; 4.4MB)

Kevin Glynn 2000 _Tabloid Culture: Trash Taste, Popular Power, and the Transformation of American Television_ (330 pages)

(27) Seth Godin 2007 _The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (& When to Stick)_ (80 pages; 158.1 God; Main)

Victor Goertzel, Mildred George Goertzel, Ted George Goertzel & Ariel Hansen 1962, 2004 _Cradles of Eminence: Childhoods of More Than 700 Famous Men and Women_ (445 pages)

Jeff Goins 2012 _Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams into Your Comfortable Life_ (170 pages; 817KB)

(50) Dore Gold 2003, 2004 _Hatred's Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism_ (309 pages; 297.814; NE)

Dore Gold 2004 _Tower of Babble: How the United Nations Has Fueled Global Chaos_ (315 pages; 1.7MB)

Dore Gold 2007 _The Fight for Jerusalem: Radical Islam, the West, and the Future of the Holy City_ (500 pages; 1.4MB)

Dore Gold 2009-08-01 _The Rise of Nuclear Iran: How Tehran defies the West_ (400 pages; 1.8MB)

Bernard Goldberg 2003 _Arrogance: Rescuing America from the Media Elite_ (310 pages; 302.23; NE)

(39) Bernard Goldberg 2007, 2008 _Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right: How One Side Lost Its Mind and the Other Lost Its Nerve_ (271 pages; 320.52; Main+Jax+NE)

Bernard Goldberg 2009 _A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (and Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Hussein Obummer and the MainStream Media_ (184 pages; 973.932; Main+NE)

Jonah Goldberg 2018 _Suicide of the West: How the ReBirth of Nationalism, Populism, and "Identity Politics" Is Destroying American Democracy_ (340 pages)

(39) Alisa J. Golden 2010 _Making HandMade Books: 100+ Bindings, Structures, & Forms_ (256 pages; 686.3 Gol; Main)

Marissa Martino Golden 2000 _What Motivates Bureaucrats?: Politics and Administration During the Reagan Years_ (310 pages; 12.4MB)

Brian Goldman 2010 _The Night Shift: Real Life in the Heart of the ER_ (280 pages; 586KB)

David P. Goldman 2011 _It's Not the End of the World, It's Just the End of You: The Great Extinction of Nations_/_How Civilizations Die (And Why Islam Is Dying Too)_ (338 pages; 1.1MB)

(55) ►David P. Goldman 2020-06-26, 2020-07-08 _You Will Be Assimilated: Red China's PLan to Sino-Form the World_ (239-274 pages; 2.8MB; ISBN 9781642935400; OCLC 1193925592; Bombardier; ILL request)◀

William M. Goldstein & Robin M. Hogarth 1997 _Research on Judgment and Decision Making: Currents, Connections, and Controversies_ (760 pages)

(48) Daniel Goleman 2013 _Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence_ (153.733 GOL; Main+NE)

Alberto R. Gonzales 2016 _True Faith and Allegiance: A Story of Service and Sacrifice in War and Peace_ (490 pages)

(48) Laurence Gonzales 2012 _Surviving Survival: The Art & Science of Resilience_ (257 pages; ISBN 9780393083187; Norton; 155.935 Gon; Main+NE)

(19) ►Mike Gonzalez 2019, 2020 _The Plot to Change America: How "Identity" Politics Is Dividing the Land of the Free_ (250-264 pages; 835KB; ISBN 1641771003/ 9781641771009; 1134460974; Encounter; ILL request)◀

Liam Gooding 2016 _How to Become a Modern Viking: A Man's Guide to UnLeashing the Warrior Within_ (225 pages; 369KB)

Gary S. Goodman 2000 _Please Don't Shoot the Messenger: How to Talk to Demanding Bosses, Clueless Colleagues, Tough Customers, and Difficult Clients without Losing Your Cool_ (224 pages)

Jack Goody 2004 _Islam in Europe_ ()

(12) Tristan Gooley 2014, 2015 _The Lost Art of Reading Nature's Signs: Use OutDoor Clues to Find Your Way, Predict the Weather, Locate Water, Track Animals, and Other Forgotten Skills_ (402 pages; 796.5 Goo; Main+BLPerry)

C. Langdon Gordon, John J. Fox iii & Arthur L. Stanley 209 _An History of Opequon Presbyterian Church_ (128 pages; OCLC 655742914; Commercial)

Lucie Duff Gordon 1865, 1983 _Letters from Egypt_ ()

Paul V. Gorka 1986 _Budapest Betrayed: A Prisoner's Story of the Betrayal of the Hungarian Resistance Movement to the Russians_ (170 pages)

Sebastian L. Gorka 2016 _Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War_ (250 pages; 29.6MB)

Sebastian L. Gorka 2019 _The Art of Winning: Defeating USA's Enemies with Not Apologies_ (245 pages)

(14) ►Sebastian L. Gorka 2019 _The War for America's Soul: Donald Trump, the Left's Assault on the USA, and How We Take Back Our Country_ (223-245 pages; 6.4MB; ISBN 1621579409/ 9781621579403; OCLC 1141146692; Regnery; ILL request)◀

(39) ►Sebastian L. Gorka 2018-10-09 _Why We Fight: Defeating USA's Enemies with Not Apologies_ (245-256 pages; 5.5MB; ISBN 9781621576402; Regnery; ILL request)◀

Marjoe Gortner 1949-01-01 _Marjoe!: A Modern Miracle: Life-Story of Wee Marjoe Gortner_ (38 pages)

--Adre Gorz 1980 _Ecology as Politics_ (205 pages)

--Adre Gorz 1973 _Socialism and Revolution_ (260 pages)

--Adre Gorz 2010 _The Immaterial_ (200 pages)

--Adre Gorz 2011 _Critique of Economic Reason_ (245 pages)

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(89) John Mordechai Gottman & Joan de Claire 2001 _The Relationship Cure: A 5-Step Guide for Building Better Connections with Family, Friends, and Lovers_ (319 pages; 158.2 Got; BLPerry)

John Mordechai Gottman & Nan Silver 2012 _What Makes Love Last: How to Build Trust and Avoid Betrayal_ (282 pages; 306.7 Got; Main)

John Mordechai Gottman, Julie Schwartz Gottman, Doug Abrams & Rachel Carlton Abrams 2018 _8 Dates: Essential Conversations for a LifeTime of Love_ (231 pages; 306.8 Got; Main+BLPerry)

(89) John Mordechai Gottman 2016 _The Man's Guide to Women: "Scientifically" "Proven" Secrets from the "Love Lab" about What [SOME] Women Really Want_ (210 pages; 155.333 Got; Main+Jax+BLPerry)

John Mordechai Gottman, James D. Murray, Catherine Swanson & Rebecca Tyson 2005 _The Mathematics of Marriage: Dynamic NonLinear Models_ ()

John Mordechai Gottman 1993 _What predicts Divorce?: The Relationship Between Marital Processes and Marital Outcomes_ ()

John Mordechai Gottman 1995, 2012 _Why Marriages Succeed or Fail and How You Can Make Yours Last_ (240 pages; 1.7MB)

(70) Jonathan Gottschall 2015 _The Professor in the Cage: Why Men Fight and Why We Like to Watch_ (280 pages; 155.232)

David Goudsward 2020 _Sun, Sand, and Sea Serpents_ (240 pages; 1.7MB)

(20) Robert Gough & Cheryl Moore Gough 2011 _The Complete Guide to Saving Seeds: 322 Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers, Fruits, Trees and Shrubs_ (311 pages; 631.521 Gou; Main+FtBraden)

H.G. Gough 1968 _The Chapin "Social" Insight Test_ ()

Michael Gove 8888 _Celsius 7/7_ ()

sir Ernest Gowers 1963 _Plain Words: Their ABC_ ()

Raymon Grace 2003 _The Future Is Yours: Do Something About It!_ (216 pages; 1.8MB)

Garrett M. Graff 2011 _The Threat Matrix: The FBI at War in the Age of Terrorism_ (670 pages; 363.325165; Main)

(59) Wade Graham 2016 _Dream Cities: 7 Urban Ideas That Shape the World_ (323 pages; 307.1216; Main)

Temple Grandin 8888 _Thinking in Pictures_ (bio Grandin)

Temple Grandin 1998 _Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals_ ()

Temple Grandin _Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior_ ()

Larry Grathwohl & Frank Reagan 2013 _Bringing Down America: An FBI Informer with the Weathermen_ ()

John Gray 1998 _False Dawn_ ()

(35) M. Nolan Gray 2022 _Arbitrary Lines: How Zoning Broke the USA City & How to Correct It_ (241 pages; ISBN 9781642832549; OCLC ; Island; on order 2022-06-26 Gra; Main+NE)

Donald Green, Bradley Palmquist & Eric Schickler 2004 _Partisan Hearts and Minds_ ()

(50) David Greenberg 2016 _Republic of Spin: An Inside History of the American Presidency_ (540 pages; 973.099; NE)

Jay R. Greenberg & Stephen A. Mitchell 1984 _Object Relations in PsychoAnalytic Theory_ ()

Bill Greene 2007 _Common Genius: Guts, Grit and Common Sense: How Ordinary People Create Prosperous Societies and How Intellectuals Make Them Collapse_ ()

Robert Greene 2000 _48 Laws of Power_ (445 pages; 2.8MB)

Daniel Greenfield 2011 _10 Reasons to Abolish the UN_ (32 pages; 110KB)

Jane Greenfield 2014 _The Care of Fine Books_ (150 pages; 6.5MB)

(41) Thomas S. Greenspon 2007 _What to Do When Good Enough Isn't Good Enough: The Real Deal on Perfectionism: A Guide for Kids_ (140 pages; 4.2MB; J 155.4 Gre; Main)

Vicki L. Gregory 2018, 2019 _Collection Development and Management for 21st Century Library Collections: An Introduction_ (280 pages)

(45) Eric Greitens 2015 _Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life_ (301 pages; 155.24 Gre; NE)

(45) Eric Greitens 2012 _The Warrior's Heart: Becoming a Man of Compassion & Courage_ (264 pages; 359.984 Gre; NE)

(45) Eric Greitens 2012 _The Heart and the Fist: The Education of a Humanitarian, the Making of a Navy SEAL_ (309 pages; 359.984 Gre; Main+Jax)

Katerina Griffith 2020 _How to Deal with Difficult People: Smart Tips on How to Handle the People Problem & Get the Best Out of Your Life_ (160 pages; 752KB)

Louis E. Grivetti & Howard Yana Shapiro 2009 _Chocolate: History, Culture, and Heritage_ (1K pages)

Kenneth W. Gronbach 2008-07-03 _The Age Curve: How to Profit from the Coming Demographic Storm_ (280 pages; ISBN 0814401813/ 9780814401811; AMACOM)

(55) ►Kenneth W. Gronbach & M.J. Moye 2017-04-13 _UpSide: Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead_ (276-280 pages; 5.6MB; ISBN 081443469/ 9780814434697; OCLC 1033461995; AMACOM; ILL request)◀

(27) ►Tim Groseclose 2011, 2012 _Left Turn: How Illiberal Leftist Media Bias Distorts the Amerian Mind_ (304 pages; 1.296MB; ILL request)◀

Tim Groseclose 2014 _Cheating: An Insider's Report on the Use of Race in Admissions at UCLA_ (190 pages; 2.586MB)

Paul R. Gross & Norman Levitt 1997 _Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science_ (350 pages; 1.2MB)

Dave Grossman & Gloria Degaetano 1999 _Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill_ ()

(35) Dave Grossman, Kristine Paulsen & Katie Miserany 2016 _Assassination Generation: Video-Games, Aggression, and the Psychology of Killing_ (264 pages; 2.7MB; 303.6 Gro; Main)

(37) ►Dave Grossman & Loren W. Christensen 2008, 2012 _On Combat: The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and in Peace_ (380-403 pages; 1.1MB; ISBN 0964920549/ 9780964920545; OCLC 1128860073/ 1099797146; ILL request)◀

(42) ►Dave Grossman 2009, 2014 _On Killing: The Psychology Cost of Learning to Kill in War and "Society"_ (377-400 pages; 3.2MB; ISBN 9780316040938; OCLC 427757599; Little Brown; ILL request)◀

Dave Grossman, Michael Asken & Loren W. Christensen 2010 _Warrior MindSet: Mental Toughness Skills for a Nation's PeaceKeepers_ (250 pages; 4.5MB)

Matt Grossmann & David A. Hopkins 2016 _Asymmetric Politics: Ideological Republicans and Group Interest Democrats/Reds/Leftists_ (390 pages; 13.8MB)

Mardy Grothe 2005 _Viva la Repartee: Clever ComeBacks and Witty Retorts from History's Great Wits & WordSmiths_ (082.0207; Main)

Claus Grupen 2010 _Introduction to Radiation Protection: Practical Knowledge for Handling RadioActive Sources_ (400 pages)

Jeffrey Grupp 2010 _The TeleScreen: An Empirical Study of the Destruction and DeSpiritualization of Consciousness_ (204 pages)

John D. Guandolo 2013, 2018 _Raising a Jihadi Generation: Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in the USA_ (140 pages; 2.6MB)

John D. Guandolo 2019 _Islam's Deception: The Truth about Sharia_ (120 pages)

(59) Peter Guber 2011 _Tell to Win: Connect, Persuade, and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story_ (250 pages; 658.45; Main)

Rosemary Ellen Guiley 2001 _BreakThrough Intuition: How to Achieve a Life of Abundance by Listening to the Voice Within_ ()

(33) Chris Guillebeau 2012 _The $100 StartUp: ReInvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future_ (285 pages; 658.11; Main+NE)

(50) Chris Guillebeau 2010 _The Art of Non-Conformity: Set Your Own Rules, Live the Life You Want, and Change the World_ (303.372; Main)

Os Guinness 2012 _A Free People's Suicide: Sustainable Freedom and the American Future_ (225 pages; 818KB)

Os Guinness 2013 _The Global Public Square: Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity_ (241 pages; 732KB)

Stephen Guise 2013 _Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results_ (125 pages; 299KB)

Stephen Guise 2015 _How to Be an Imperfectionist: The New Way to Self-Acceptance, Fearless Living, and Freedom from Perectionism_ (165 pages; 12.2MB)

(42) Steven R. Gundry 2019 _The Longevity Paradox: How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age_ (373 pages; 613.2 Gun; Main+NE+E+Jax)

Julie Gunlock 2013 _From CupCakes to Chemicals: How the Culture of Alarmism Makes Us Afraid of EveryThing, and How to Fight Back_ (150 pages; 6MB)

Joel D. Gunn 2000 _The Years without Summer: Tracing 536CE and Its Aftermath_ (165 pages)

Robert Gunning 1968 _The Techniques of Clear Writing_ ()

Martin Gurri 2014, 2018 _The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of "Authority" in the New Millennium_ (362-440 pages; 2MB-20.6MB)

(40) Greg Gutfeld 2014 _Not Cool: The Hipster Elite and Their War on You_ (272 pages; 818.602)

(45) Greg Gutfeld 2015 _How To Be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively Correct_ (228 pages; 3.6MB; 320.5209)

Greg Gutfeld 2010 _The Bible of UnSpeakable Truths_ (275 pages; 922KB)

Greg Gutfeld 2020 _The Plus: Self-Help for People Who Hate Self-Help_ (215 pages; 2.2MB)

Greg Gutfeld 2018 _The Gutfeld Monologues: Classic Rants from the 5_ (300 pages; 2.8MB; 791.4572; E)

Stephanie Gutman 2000 _The Kinder, Gentler Military: Can USA's "Gender"-Neutral Fighting Force Still Win Wars?_ (300 pages; 355.0082; ???was catalogued; now it is not???)

Bill Guyton 2001 _Glaciers of California: Modern Glaciers, Ice Age Glaciers, the Origin of Yosemite Valley, and a Glacier Tour in the Sierra Nevada_ (220 pages)

Dylan Gwinn 2015 _Bias in the Booth_ ()

- - - - - H

Jennifer Hadden 2015 _Networks in Contention: The Divisive Politics of Climate Change_ (230 pages; 1.5MB)

(40) ►Chris Hadfield 2013-10-29, 2015-01-01, 2015-04-14 _An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth: What Going to Space Taught Me about Ingenuity, Determination, & Being Prepared for AnyThing_ (230-322 pages; 12.9MB; ISBN 9780316253031/ 9780316253017; OCLC 1052752314; MacMillan/Little Brown; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(41) Fritz Haeg, Will Allen, Diana Balmori et al. 2008, 2010 _Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn_ (170 pages; 712.6; Jax)

Robert W. Hahn 1996 _Risks, Costs, and Lives Saved: Getting Better Results from Regulation_ (280 pages)

(10) Jonathan Haidt 2012, 2013 _The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion_ (410 pages; 5.1MB; 201.615 Hai; Main+NE+Jax)

(44) Jonathan Haidt & Greg Lukianoff 2018 _The Coddling of the USA Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up Generations for Failure_ (338 pages; 5.2MB; 306.20973; Main+NE)

(57) Jonathan Haidt 2006 _The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding "Modern" "Truth" in "Ancient" "Wisdom"_ (297 pages; 628KB; 170; NE)

Catherine Hakala-Ausperk 2013 _Build a Great Team: 1 Year of Success_ (285 pages; 023.9)

(31) Nikki R. Haley 2019 _With All Due Respect: Defending USA with Grit & Grace_ (285 pages; 1.5MB; 327.73 Hal; E)

David W. Hall & Mark A. Buckner 2002 _A Manual for Officer Training_ (210 pages)

Robert Ernest Hall 2002 _Digital Dealing: How e-Markets Are Transforming the Economy_ ()

(34) Robert Ernest Hall 203 _Digital Engines: The Science of Auctions, Stock Markets and e-Markets_ (230 pages; 381)

(31) Trish Hall 2019 _Writing to Persuade: How to Bring People Over to Your Side_ (224 pages; 808.042 Hal; Main)

Wael B. Hallaq 2004 _The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law_ (250 pages; 5.8MB)

Mark Halperin & John Heilemann 2012 _Double Down_ (324.9730931)

Judith Wynn Halsted 2002, 2009 _Some of My Best Friends Are Books: Guiding Gifted Readers_ (565 pages)

(10) ►Heidi Grant Halvorson 2015 _No One Understands You and What to Do About It_ (224 pages; 750KB; ILL request)◀

(49) Heidi Grant Halvorson 2018 _ReInforcements: How to Get People to Help You_ (200 pages; 253.852 HAL; Main)

Mary Katharine Ham & Guy Benson 2015 _End of Discussion: How the Left's Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less Free (and Less Fun)_ (305 pages; 1.7MB)

Philip Hamburger 2017 _The Administrative Threat_ (68 pages; 292KB)

(43) Ken Hamblin 1999 _Plain Talk and Common Sense from the Black Avenger_ (287 pages; 306.0973 Ham; Main)

Robert L. Hamblin et al. 1973 _A Mathematical Theory of "Social" Change_ ()

Jay Hambridge 2012 _The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry_ (174 pages; 5.7MB)

Tawfik Hamid 2015 _Inside Jihad: Understanding and Confronting Radical Islam_ ()

(39) ►Arian Hamilton & Rachel L. Nelson 2020-05-05 _It's about D* Time: How to Turn Being UnderEstimated into Your Greatest Advantage_ (210-242 pages; 2.2MB; 0593136411/ 9780593136416; OCLC 1140374394; Currency; ILL request)◀

Mark S. Hamm 2013 _The Spectacular Few: Prisoner Radicalization and the Evolving Terrorist Threat_ (245 pages; 2.6MB)

Peter McLaren, Ramin Farahmandpur, Carlos Tejeda, Manuel Espinoza & Nathalia E. Jamamillo 2005 _Red Seminars: Radical Excursions into "Educational Theory", Cultural Politics, & [Brain-Washing]_ (578 pages; ISBN 9781572735705; OCLC 56108210; Hampton)

Kevin Hancock & Deanne Stillman 2016 _Not for Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse_ (500 pages; 89.5MB)

(59) Charles B. Handy 2002 _The Elephant and the Flea: Reflections of a Reluctant Capitalist_ (330.122)

(65) Charles B. Handy 1989, 1991, 1995 _The Age of Unreason_ (658.4)

(67) Charles B. Handy 1995 _The Age of Paradox_ (300 pages; 302.35)

Phil Haney & Art Moore 2016 _See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad_ (250 pages; 3MB)

Jack Hanna 1990 _Monkeys on the Interstate_ ()

Jack Hanna 2008 _Jungle Jack: My Wild Life_ (280 pages; 2.8MB)

(45) Jack Hanna & Hester Mundis 1996 _Ultimate Guide to Pets_ (256 pages; 636.0887 Han)

Daniel Hannan 2010 _The New Road to Serfdom: A Letter of Warning to America_ (228 pages; 406KB)

Ann Larkin Hansen 2017 _The BackYard HomeStead Seasonal Planner: What to Do & When to Do It in the Garden, Orchard, Barn, Pasture, & Equipment Shed_ (355 pages; 25.7MB)

(35) Morten T. Hansen 2018 _Great at Work: How Top Performers Do Less, Work Better, and Achieve More_ (310 pages; 19.7MB; 650.1 Han; Jax+NE)

(47) ►Jim Hanson 2021-05-16 _Winning the Second Civil War without Firing a Shot_ (192 pages; ISBN 9781645720423; OCLC 1240575125; Republic; ILL request)◀

Jim Hanson 2020-08-10 _The Myth of White Fragility: A Field Guide to Identifying & Overcoming the Race Grifters_ (103 pages; ISBN 9798673907863)

Victor Davis Hanson 2019 _The Case for Trump_ (390 pages; 1.5MB)

(37) ►Victor Davis Hanson 2021-10-05 _The Dying Citizen: How Regressive Elitists, Tribalis, & Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of the USA_ (448 pages; 1.5MB; ISBN 9781541647534; OCLC 1237347266; Basic; due out between 2021-08-01 & 2021-10-05; ILL request)◀

(55) Brian Hare & Vanessa Woods 2013 _The Genius of Dogs: How Dogs Are Smarter Than You Think_ (367 pages; 12.7MB; 636.7083 Har; Main+E)

Eszter Hargittai 2009 _Research Confidential: Solutions to Problems Most "Social" "Scientists" Pretend They Never Have_ (300 pages)

Orin Hargraves 8888 _It's Been Said Before_ ()

Jane Harman 2021-05-18 Insanity Defense: Why Our Failure to Confront [Difficult] National Security Problems Makes Us Less Safe_ (264-272 pages; 1.8MB; ISBN 9781250758774; OCLC 1236897967; St.Martin's)

Henry Harpending & Gregory Cochran 2013 _West Hunter_ (380 pages; 2.9MB)

(2) ►Bev Harris 2003, 2004 _Black Box Voting: Ballot-Tampering in the 21st Century_ (ISBN1-890916-90-0; 232 pages; pdf or ILL request)◀

(14) ►David J. Harris ii 2018, 2019 _Why I Couldn't Stay Silent: One Man's Battle as a Black Conservative_ (140 pages; ISBN 9781949709070; ILL request)◀

John Harris 2010 _Enhancing Evolution: The Ethical Case for Making Better People_ ()

() Sam Harris 2004 _The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason_ (200)

William W. Harris 1997 _Faces of Lebanon_ ()

John Harrison 2019-12-16 _WildCat!: The Films of Marjoe Gortner_ (240 pages; 17.9MB; ISBN 9781629335018; BearManor; "EarthQuake", "Bobbie Jo & the OutLaw", "Food of the Gods", "When You Coming Back Red Ryder")

(27) ►David Harsanyi 2007, 2013 _Nanny State: How Food Fascists, TeeTotaling Do-Gooders, Priggish Moralists, and Other BoneHeaded Bureaubums Are Turning the USA into a Nation of Children_ (291-295 pages; 715KB; ISBN 0767924320/ 9780767924320; OCLC 868063352; Broadway; ILL request)◀

Carl L. Hart, Ph.D. 2021 _Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear_ (295 pages)

Carl L. Hart, Ph.D. & Charles J. Ksir, Ph.D. 2014, 2017 _Drugs, "Society", & Human Behavior_ (450-485 pages; 31.2MB-144.8MB)

(57) Carl L. Hart, Ph.D. 2013 _High Price: A NeuroScientist's Journey of "Self-Discovery" That Challenges EveryThing You Know about Drugs & "Society"_ (340 pages; 2.8MB; 362.298; E)

(50) Yoko Hasegawa, Wakae Kambara et al. 2005 _Elementary Japanese: vol1_ (385 pages; 495.782421; with CDs; Main)

Eric Haseltine 2018 _Brain Safari: 5-Minute Experiments to Explore the Space between Your Ears_ (230 pages)

Eric Haseltine 2010 _Long Fuse, Big Bang: Achieving Long-Term Success through Daily Victories_ (260 pages; 881KB)

(30) ►James Hasson 2019-08-27 _Stand Down: How Socialist Warriors against Justice Are Sabotaging USA's Military_/_Stand Down: How "Social" "Justice" Warriors Are Sabotaging America's Military_ (226-256 pages; 2.2MB; ISBN 9781621579182; OCLC 1126373740/ 1226373740; Regnery Gateway/Salem; ILL request)◀

(14) ►Peter J. Hasson 2020 _The Manipulators: FB, Google, Twit, & Big Tech's War on Non-Collectivists_ (immoral tech tyrants; 229-245 pages; 2.2MB; ISBN 1621579581/ 9781621579588; OCLC 1138142093; Regnery; ILL request)◀

Eric Havelock 1957 _The Liberal Temper in Greek Politics_ ()

Mykel Hawke 2011 _Green Beret Survival Manual: Essential Strategies for Shelter and Water, Food and Fire, Tools and Medicine, Navigation and Signaling_ (630 pages; 5.7MB)

(35) ►Josh Hawley 2021-05-04 _The Tyranny of Big Tech_ (immoral tech tyrants; 207-320 pages; 4.9MB; ISBN 9781684512393; OCLC 1232258107; Regnery; 322.30973 Haw; NE)◀

(11) ►Calvin Hayes 2008 _Popper, Hayek and the Open "Society"_ (300 pages; 724KB; ILL request)◀

(55) ►Andrew Heaton 2021-07-12 _Los Angeles Is Hideous: Poems about an Ugly City_ (humor; 45 pages; ISBN 9780989613194; OCLC 999999; Last House Standing; ILL request)◀

(55) ►Andrew Heaton 2014-05-08 _Laughter Is Better Than Communism_ (humor; 180 pages; ISBN 9780989613125; OCLC 999999; Last House Standing; ILL request)◀

(55) ►Andrew Heaton 2017-12-09 _Frank Got Abducted_ (humor; 306 pages; ISBN 9780989643170; OCLC 999999; Last House Standing; ILL request)◀

(48) Chris Hedges 2018 _America: The FareWell Tour_/_USA: The FareWell Tour_ (218 pages; 305.620973 Hed; Main+Jax+NE)

Margaret Heffernan 2011 _Willful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril_ (295 pages; 1MB)

(39) ►Pete Hegseth 2020 _American Crusade: Our Fight to Stay Free_ (315-339 pages; 2.1MB; ISBN 9781546098744; OCLC 1105152235/ 1199076910; Center/Hachette; ILL request)◀

(49) ►Pete Hegseth 2020-11-24 _Modern Warriors: Real Stories from Real Heroes_ (268-280 pages; 48.7MB; ISBN 9780063046542; OCLC 1143621680; Broadside/Fox; on order 2020-12-13; 355.0092 Heg; Main+Woodville+FtBraden)◀

Jay Heinrichs 2013 _Thank You for Arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us about the Art of Persuasion_ (434 pages; 1.8MB)

Kurt A. Heller, Franz J. Monks, Robert J. Sternberg & Rena F. Subotnik 1993, 2000 _International HandBook of Giftedness and Talent_ (940 pages; 11.9MB)

Harry Helson 1964 _Adaptation Level Theory_ ()

(50) ►Gabriel Hemery & Sarah Simblet 2014 _The New Sylva: A Discourse of Forest & Orchard Trees for the 21st Century_ (390 pages; ILL request)◀

(39) Mollie Ziegler Hemingway 2021-10-12 _Rigged: How the Media, Immoral Tech Tyrants, & Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists Seized Our Elections_/_Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, & the Democrats Seized Our Elections_ (432 pages; ISBN 9781684512591/ 9781684512638; OCLC 1273723779; Regnery/Salem; on order 2021-10-22 Hem; Main+Woodville)◀

(70) Mollie Hemingway & Carrie Severino 2019 _Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court_ (375 pages; 2.8MB; 347.732634 Hem; E+NE)

Ellen Hendricksen 2018 _How to Be YourSelf: Quiet Your Inner Critic and Rise Above "Social" Anxiety_ (285 pages; 4MB)

(40) ►Hanne Nabintu Herland 2020-09-15, 2020-09-17 _Trump: The Battle for America_/_Trump: The Battle for the USA_ (156 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 9781838127770; OCLC 99999999999999; PaperTrue; ILL request)◀

(45) ►Hanne Nabintu Herland 2017 _The Culture War: How the West Lost Its Greatness & Was Weakened from Within, & How to Make Us Great Again_ (254 pages; ISBN 9781945757631/ 9781945757648; OCLC 1012551373/ 1012541352/ 1027651677; Christian; ILL request)◀

(15) ►Matthew Hertenstein 2013, 2015 _The Tell: The Little Clues That Reveal Big Truths about Who We Are_ (280 pages; 3MB; ISBN 0465036597/ 9780465036592; OCLC 1030743053; Basic/Perseus; ILL request)◀

--Mitch Hescox & Paul Douglas 2016 _Caring for Creation: The Evangelical's Guide to Climate Change and a Heathy Environment_ (good intentions, bad science; 185 pages; 4.1MB)

(59) Ben Hewitt & Penny Hewitt 2015 _The Nourishing HomeStead: One Back-to-the-Land Family's Plan for Cultivating Soil, Skills, and Spirit_ (340 pages; 363.583)

Hugh Hewitt 2012 _The Brief against Barack Hussein Obummer: The Rise, Fall & Epic Fall of the Hoax & Chains Presidency_ (230 pages; 1.3MB)

Hugh Hewitt 2017 _The 4th Way_ (250 pages; 4.4MB)

Hugh Hewitt 2014 _The Happiest Life: 7 Gifts, 7 Givers, and the Secret to Genuine Success_ (180 pages; 642KB)

Hugh Hewitt 2012 _In, but Not Of: A Guide to Christian Ambition and the Desire to Influence the World_ (280 pages; 747KB)

Hugh Hewitt 1996 _Searching for God in the USA_ (500 pages)

(15) ►John R. Hibbing, Kevin B. Smith & John R. Alford 2013 _PreDisposed: Illiberal Leftists, Classical Liberals, & the Biology of Political Differences_ (288-295 pages; 4.1MB; ISBN 0415535875/ 9780415535878/ OCLC 1120308771; Routledge; ILL request)◀

Carl Higbie & Brandon Caro 2016 _Enemies, Foreign and Domestic: A SEAL's Story_ (220 pages)

Robert Higgs 2007, 2012 _Neither Liberty nor Safety: Fear, Ideology, and the Growth of Government_ (210 pages; 849KB)

Robert Higgs & Carl P. Close 2012 _The Challenge of Liberty: Classical Liberalism Today_ (440 pages; 2.5MB)

(50) ►Rich Higgins 2020-09-29 _The Memo: 20 Years InSide the Deep State Fighting for USA First_ (205 pages; 882KB; ISBN 9780999705933; OCLC ; Calamo; ILL request)◀

Gertrude H. Hildreth 1966, 2000 _Introduction to the Gifted_ (560 pages)

Erika B. Hilliard 8888 _Living Fully With Shyness and «Social» Anxiety_ ()

(49) Lewis Hill & Leonard Perry 2011, 2012 _The Fruit Gardener's Bible: A Complete Guide to Growing Fruits & Nuts in the Home Garden_ (319 pages; 25.2MB; 634 Hil; Main)

Jeff Himmelman 2012 _Yours in Deception: A Personal Portrait of Ben Bradlee, Legendary Editor of the Washington DC Compost_ (500 pages; 14.4MB)

Philip J. Hilts _Protecting America's Health_ ()

Thomas Hine 1995 _The Total Package: The Secret History and Hidden Meanings of Boxes, Bottles, Cans, and Other Persuasive Containers_ ()

Cathy Hinners 2016 _Muslim Brotherhood: The Threat in Our BackYard: A Guide from DailyRollCall.com_ (155 pages; 1.9MB)

Ann Hironaka 2005 _NeverEnding Wars: The International Community, Weak States, and the Perpetuation of Civil War_ ()

James L. Hirsen PhD JD 2005 _Hollywood Nation: Left Coast Lies, Old Media Spin, and the New Media Revolution_ (260 pages; 633KB)

James L. Hirsen PhD JD 2007 _Tales from the Left Coast: True Stories of Hollywood Stars and Their Outrageous Politics_ (335 pages; 1.5MB)

James L. Hirsen PhD JD 1999 _The Coming Collision: Global "Law" vs. USA Liberties_ (200 pages)

(44) Christopher Hitchens 2011 _Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens_ (dreadful ruminations on USA enlightenment, Jefferson, Franklin, John Brown, Lincoln, Mark Twain, Sinclair, JFK, Saul Bellow, Nabokov, UPdike, Vidal Loco, Isaac Newton, men who made England, Hilary Mantel, Edmund Burke, Samuel Johnson, Flaubert, the dark side of Dickens, Marx, Rebecca West, Ezra Pound, Orwell, Jessica Mitford, Maugham, Waugh, Wodehouse, Anthony Powell, John Buchan, Graham Greene, Philip Larkin, Stephen Spender, Edward Upward, J.G. Ballard, Flashman, Saki, Harry Potter, Stieg Larsson, prince Charles, off-shore accounts, Afghanistan, Bhutto, ...; ISBN 9781455502776; OCLC ; Twelve; 814.54 Hit; Main)

David Hockney 2006 _Secret Knowledge: ReDiscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters_ (art; 330 pages)

(49) ►Kevin Hobbs, David West & Thibaud Harem 2020 _The Story of Trees and How They Changed the Way We Live_ (205 pages; 19.5MB; ILL request)◀

Pete Hoekstra & Teri Blumenfeld 2015 _Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya_ (178 pages)

Eric Hoffer 8888 _Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Media_ (180 pages)

Bruce Hoffman 2006 _Inside Terrorism_ (470 pages; 4.5MB)

(39) Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha & Chris Yeh 2014 _The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age_ (193 pages; 790KB; 658.3; Main+Jax)

(40) Joe Hoft 2020 _In God We Trust: Not Lying Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Lunatics_ ()

David Hogberg 2015 _Medicare's Victims: How the USA Government's Largest Health Care Program Harms Patients and Impairs Physicians_ (325 pages; 2MB)

Ryan Holiday 2019 _Stillness Is the Key_ (280 pages)

Ryan Holiday 2014 _The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph_ (195 pages; 2.1MB)

Ryan Holiday 2018 _Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, & the Anatomy of Intrigue_/_Conspiracy: A True Story of Power, Sex, & a Billionaire's Secret Plot to Destroy a Media Empire_ (325 pages; 1.3MB; ISBN 0783118457/ 9780735217645; Portfolio)

(54) Ryan Holiday 2012, 2013 _Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator_ (259-340 pages; ISBN 1591846285/ 9781591846284; Portfolio; 659.20285 Hol; Main+NE)

(31) Charles Holme 1914, 1990 _The Art of the Book_ (280 pages; over-size 686.2 Hol; Main)

(39) ►Kim R. Holmes 2016, 2017 _The Closing of the Leftist Mind: How GroupThink and Intolerance Define the Left_ (300-362 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 1594038511/ 9781594038518; OCLC 914219248; Encounter; ILL request)◀

(25) Nigel Holmes 2014 _Lonely Planet's Instant Expert: A Visual Guide to the Skills You've Always Wanted_ (203 pages; 032 Hol; Main+NE)

Christopher Holton & Clare Lopez 2015 _The Gulen Movement: Turkey's Islamic Supremacist Cult and Its Contributions to the Civilization Jihad_ (Guelen; Gülen; 90 pages; 899KB)

Harold Holzer 2020 _The Presidents vs. the Press: The Endless Battle between the White House & the Media from the Founding Fathers to Fake News_ (565 pages)

Barbara Hong 2018 _Failing Up: A Professor's Odyssey of Flunking, Determination, and Hope_ (280 pages; 3.9MB)

(50) Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling 2020 _A Libertarian Walks into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate a USA Town (& Some Bears)_ (274 pages; ISBN ; PublicAffairs; on order 2021-10-20; Main+East)

Bruce M. Hood 2010 _The Science of Superstition: How the Developing Brain Creates SuperNatural Beliefs_ (310 pages; 1.4MB)

Rowan Hooper 2018 _SuperHuman: Life at the Extremes of Our Capacity_/_SuperHuman: Life at the Extremes of Mental and Physical Ability_ (340 pages; 1.4MB)

Hans Hermann Hoppe 2018 _Getting Libertarianism Right_ (98 pages; 1.1MB)

Faisal Hoque & Drake Baer 2014 _EveryThing Connects: How to Transform and Lead in the Age of Creativity, Innovation, and Sustainability_ (288 pages)

(70) Alexandra Horowitz & Sarah L. Thomson 2016 _Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know_ (238 pages; 636.7 Hor; NE+E+Jax+Woodville)

Ben Horowitz 2014 _The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers_ (300 pages)

Daniel Horowitz 2016 _Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop UnElected Judges from "TransForming" the USA_ (280 pages; 4.6MB)

(2) ►David Horowitz 2020 _Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win_ (260 pages; 801KB; ISBN 1630061387/ 9781630061388; OCLC 1119594993; Humanix; released 2020-06-16; evil OverDrive; ILL request)◀

David Horowitz & Daniel Greenfield 2013 _Why Israel Is the Victim_ (27 pages; 322KB)

(8) David Horowitz 2017 _Big Agenda: President Trump's Plan to Save USA_ (188 pages; 537KB; 973.933 Hor; Main+E)

(29) David Horowitz 2016 _Regressive Racism_ (343 pages; 994KB; 305.800973 Hor; NE)

(42) David Horowitz & Richard Poe 2007 _The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party_ (300 pages; 740KB; 324.2736 Hor; Main)

(44) David Horowitz 2007 _The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying the USA_ (255 pages; 740KB; ISBN 978168451054; OCLC 1243744039; Regnery; on order 2021-04-09; Hor; Main)

David Horowitz & Jacob Laksin 2010 _Obummer and the War against the Jews_ (26 pages; 115KB)

David Horowitz & Jacob Laksin 2012 _The New Leviathan: How the Left-Wing Money Machine Shapes American Politics and Threatens America's Future_ (310 pages; 14.1MB)

David Horowitz & John Perazzo 2012 _Government versus the People_ (39 pages; 242KB)

David Horowitz & Jamie Glazov 2003, 2005 _Left Illusions: An Intellectual Odyssey_ ()

David Horowitz 2012 _Radicals: Portraits of a Destructive Passion_ (240 pages; 650KB)

David Horowitz 2008 _Barack Hussein Obummer's Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model_ (37 pages; 130KB)

David Horowitz 2004 _UnHoly Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left_ (290 pages; 2.3MB; 320.53)

David Horowitz 1999 _Hating Whitey and Other Regressive Causes_ (295 pages; 305.8)

David Horowitz 1998 _The Politics of Bad Faith: The Radical Assault on the USA's Future_ (220 pages)

(50) David Horowitz 2019 _Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian USA_ (192 pages; 429KB; 322.10973 Hor; E)

Donald L. Horowitz 1985, 2001 _Ethnic Groups in Conflict_ (700 pages; 8.3MB)

Donald L. Horowitz 2000, 2003 _The Deadly Ethnic Riot_ (600 pages)

Leonard G. Horowitz 2001, 2003 _Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare_ (520 pages)

John Horvat ii 2013 _Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society: Where We've Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go_ (390 pages; 2.3MB)

Steven Horwitz 2015 _Hayek's Modern Family: Classical Liberalism and the Evolution of "Social Institutions"_ (300 pages)

(30) Andrew Hosken 2015 _Empire of Fear: InSide the Islamic State_ (321 pages; 956.1 HOS; Main+NE)

John T. Houghton 1997, 2015 _Global Warming: The Complete Briefing_ (390 pages; 64MB)

(40) Keith Houston 2016 _The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time_ (428 pages; 002.09 Hou; Main)

Sarah Blaffer Hrdy 2009 _Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding_ ()

John D. Huber & Charles R. Shipen 2002 _Deliberate Discretion: The Institutional Foundations of Bureaucratic Autonomy_ (290 pages)

Peter Huber 1999, 2008 _Hard Green: Saving the Environment from the Environmentalists_ (250 pages; 493KB)

Mike Huckabee 2015 _God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy_ (265 pages; 1.3MB; 973 Jax+NE+FtBraden)

Mike Huckabee 2011 _A Simple Government: 12 Things We Really Need from Washington DC (and a Trillion That We Don't)_ (220 pages; 320.520973)

Mike Huckabee 2008 _Do the Right Thing: Inside the Movement That's Bringing Common Sense Back to the USA_ (230 pages; 320.520973)

Mike Huckabee & John Perry 1997 _Character Is the Issue: How People with Integrity Can Revolutionize the USA_ (186 pages; 320.973)

Deal W. Hudson 1995 _Happiness and the Limits of Satisfaction_ ()

Deal W. Hudson 2010 _Onward Christian Soldiers: The Growing Political Power of Catholics and Evangelicals_ (352 pages)

Deal W. Hudson & Matt Smith 2012 _Issues for Catholic Voters: 2012_ ()

(14) ►Jerome Hudson 2019 _50 Things They Don't Want You to Know about Trump_ (310-336 pages; 2MB; released 2019-09-17 delayed to 2020-10-27; 310 pages; 2MB; ISBN 0062932527/ 9780062932525; OCLC 1114270204; Broadside/HarperCollins; ILL request)◀

Jacob H. Huebert 2010 _Libertarianism Today_ ()

(50) colonel John Hughes-Wilson 2017 _The Secret State: An History of Intelligence and Espionage_ (510 pages; 327.1209 Hug; Main+NE)

John Peter Peroncel Hugoz/Jean-Pierre Peroncel-Hugoz 1987, 1988 _The Raft of Mohammed: "Social" and Human Consequences of the Return to Traditional Religion in the Arab World_ (190 pages)

James C. Humes 2009 _Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincoln: 21 Powerful Secrets of History's Greatest Speakers_ (215 pages; 1.4MB)

Joseph M. Humire, Ilan Berman, Leonardo Coutinho, Joel Hirst, Diego Naeira, Julian M. Obiglio, Adrian Oliva, Alex Perez, Jon B. Perdue, Martin Rodil & Ivan Witker 2014 _Iran's Strategic Penetration of Latin America_ (140 pages; 747KB)

Carol Sue Humphrey 2013 _The American Revolution & the Press: The Promise of Independence_ (275 pages)

(15) colonel David Hunt 2005, 2006 _They Just Don't Get It: How the Washington DC Establishment Is Still Compromising Your Safety, and What You Can Do about It_ (260 pages; 461KB; 363.32; Main)

(39) Mary Hunt 2012 _7 Money Rules for Life: How to Take Control of Your Financial Future_ (200 pages; ISBN 9780800721121; Revell; 332.024 Hun; Main)

Jane McMorland Hunter 2014 _For the Love of an Orchard: EveryBody's Guide to Growing and Cooking Orchard Fruit_ (280 pages; 19.6MB)

(45) Derek Hunter 2018 _Outrage, Inc.: How the Illiberal Leftist Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood_ (260 pages; 2.6MB; 302.23 Hun; E)

(50) Samuel P. Huntington 2004, 2005 _Who Are We?: The Challenges to USA's National Identity_ (428 pages; 305.8 Hun; Main+NE)

(30) Charles Hurt 2019 _Trump Still Winning 2020_/_Still Winning: Why USA Went All In on Donald Trump and Why We Must Do It Again_/_Trump Double 2020 Down_ (276 pages; 13.6MB; 973.933 Hur; E)

Ed Husain 2009 _The Islamist: Why I Became a Mohammedan Fundamentalist, What I Saw InSide, Why I Left_ (310 pages; 702KB)

Fouad Hussein 2005 _Al-Zarqawi: The Second Generation of al-Qaeda_ ()

(24) Alex Hutchinson 2018 _Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance_ (306 pages; 2.9MB; 612.044; Main+NE)

John Hutchinson & Anthony Smith 1996 _Ethnicity_ ()

Mal Jay Hyman 2019-03-20 _Burying the Lead: The Media & the JFK Assassination_ (media; written by socialistologist; 561-576-617 pages; 1.8MB; ISBN 9781634241878; OCLC 1117295666; Trine Day)

(14) Kay S. Hymowitz 2012 _Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys_ (240 pages; 155.332; Main)

(17) Jane Hyun & Audrey S. Lee 2013 _Flex: The New PlayBook for Managing Across Differences_ (303 pages; 658.3008; Main)

- - - - - I

Conn Iggulden & Hal Iggulden 2012 _The Dangerous Book for Boys_ (280 pages)

Conn Iggulden & Hal Iggulden 2008 _The Dangerous Book for Boys: Things to Know_ (260 pages)

Conn Iggulden & Hal Iggulden 2008 _The Dangerous Book for Boys: Things to Do_ (215 pages)

G. John Ikenberry 2001, 2017 _After Victory: Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the ReBuilding of Order after Major Wars_ (330 pages)

Ivan Illich & Barry Sanders 1988 _ABC: The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind_ ()

(54) ►Chuck A. Ingels 2005 _The Home Orchard: Growing Your Own Deciduous Fruit & Nut Trees_ (200 pages; ILL request)◀

Kristen Interman & Inmaculada de Melo-Martin 2018 _The Fight against Science: How to Bridge the Gap between [Power-Mad Pseudo-Scientists] and the Public_ ()

Greg Ip 2015 _FoolProof: Why Safety Can Be Dangerous and How Danger Makes Us Safe_ (310 pages; 3.9MB)

Harold R. Isaacs 1989 _Idols of the Tribe_ ()

Raphael Israeli 2017 _Mohammedan Anti-Semitism in Cristian Europe: Elemental and Residual Anti-Semitism_ (275 pages; 2MB)

Pico Iyer 8888 _The Joys of Quiet_ ()

- - - - - J

(37) Heinrich Eduard Jacob, Eden Paul & Cedar Paul 1998 _Coffee: The Epic of a Commodity_ (296 pages; 641.3 Jac; NE)

(43) Jane Jacobs 2004 _Dark Age Ahead_ (240 pages; 901; NE)

(45) ►Jane Jacobs 1961, 1993, 2011 _The Death and Life of Great American Cities_ (624 pages; 307.12160973 Jac; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(57) ►Jane Jacobs 1992 _Systems of Survival: A Discussion on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics_ (236 pages; 174.4 Jac; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(59) ►Jane Jacobs 1984, 1985 _Cities and the Wealth of Nations_ (257 pages; 330.9173 Jac; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(50) Gary M. Jackson 2018 _Surviving "Mass Victim" Attacks: What to do When the UnThinkable Happens_ (213 pages; 613.69 Jac; Main)

Kevin Jackson 8888 _Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Leftism_ ()

Maggie Jackson 2009 _Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age_ (315 pages)

Anita Jain 2008 _Marrying Anita: A Quest for Love in the New India_ (300 pages; 954.56035)

Derek James 2015 _Survival Plants: Secrets to Eating Wild Plants When There Is Nothing Else to Eat_ (17 pages; 136KB)

Morris Janowitz 1967 _The Community Press_ ()

(45) Gregg Jarrett 2018 _The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear HitleryRottenClinton and Frame Donald Trump_ (332 pages; 930KB; 973.932; E+Jax)

(51) Gregg Jarrett 2019 _Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in USA Political History_ (SpyGate, Russia hoax; 516 pages; 324.973 Jar; NE)

Karl Jaspers & Richard F. Grabau 2010 _Philosophy of Existence_ (128 pages; 470KB)

Karl Jaspers 1966 _Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus: The Great Philosophers_ (120 pages)

Harry Jay 2013 _Latin Phrases: Translate Latin Phrases to English at Your FingerTips_ (115 pages; 304KB)

Terence P. Jeffrey 2010 _Control Freaks: 7 Ways Leftists Plan to Ruin Your Life_ (260 pages; 873KB)

Mihaly Lajos Jeney/Louis Michel de Jeney/Ludwig Michael von Jeney 1760, 2018 _The Partisan: The Art of Making War in Detachment_ (170 pages)

Leo Jenkins 2017 _Lest We Forget: A Ranger Medic's Story_ (175 pages; 3.8MB)

Robin Jenkins 1961 _Dust on the Paw_ ()

Virginia Scott Jenkins 1994 _The Lawn: An History of an American Obsession_ (240 pages)

Brian Jennings 2009 _Censorship: The Threat to Silence Talk Radio_ ()

(50) ►Phillip Jennings 2010 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to the VietNam War_ (244 pages; ISBN 9781596985674; OCLC 246893447; Regnery/Perseus; ILL request)◀

Guenther Jikeli 2015 _European Mohammedan AntiSemitism: Why Young Urban Males Say They Don't Like Jews_ (350 pages; 2.4MB)

Anthony James Joes 2004 _America and Guerrilla Warfare_ (430 pages)

Anthony James Joes 2007 _Urban Guerrilla Warfare_ (230 pages; 1.8MB)

Anthony James Joes 2010 _Victorious Insurgencies: 4 Rebellions that Shaped Our World_ (330 pages; 2.5MB)

(12) Richard R. John 2010 _Network Nation: Inventing USA Telecommunications_ (520 pages; 4.8MB; 384 Joh; Main)

(37) ►Richard R. John 1995, 1998, 2009 _Spreading the News: The USA Postal System from Franklin to Morse_ (369-384 pages; ISBN 9780674833425; OCLC 1064505596/ 41888077; HarvardU; ILL request)◀

Alex Johnson 2015 _Improbable Libraries_ ()

(28) Arthur W. Johnson 1988 _The Practical Guide to Book Repair and Conservation_ (110 pages; 025.7)

Gary Johnson 8888 _Homesteading For Beginners: How to Start a Homestead and Live a Life of Freedom_ (19 pages; 151KB)

Gary Johnson 2012 _7 Principles of Good Government_ (152 pages; 2MB)

Kimberly Johnson

S. Johnson 2001 _Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, & Software_ ()

(37) Robert L. Jolles 2005 _How to Run Seminars and WorkShops: Presentation Skills for Consultants, Trainers, and Teachers_ (290 pages; 658.456)

David E. Jones 2002 _An Instinct for Dragons_ ()

Phil M. Jones 2017 _Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words for Influence and Impact_ (150 pages; 1.6MB)

Paul Jordan 8888 _Riddles of the Sphinx_ ()

John B. Judis & Ruy Teixeira 2004 _The Emerging Democratic Majority_ (200 pages; 324.0973)

Mark Juergensmeyer 2003 _Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence_ (310 pages)

--Sebastian Junger 2010 _War_ (from a collectivist POV; 285 pages; 1.6MB)

(87) --Sebastian Junger 2016 _Tribe: On HomeComing and Belonging_ (from a collectivist POV; 168 pages; 1MB; 302.3 Jun; Main+E+Jax)

- - - - - K

Geoffrey Kabat 2017 _Getting Risk Right: Understanding the Science of Elusive Health Risks_ ()

Charles Kadushin 2012 _Understanding "Social" Networks: Theories, Concepts, and Findings_ (255 pages; 3MB; I wonder whether he discusses corrupt influence, and crony socialism)

Jerome Kagan & Nancy Snidman 2004 _The Long Shadow of Temperament_ (290 pages; 2.3MB)

Jerome Kagan 2009 _The 3 Cultures: Natural Sciences, "Social" "Sciences", and the Humanities in the 21st Century_ (310 pages; 2.5MB)

Jerome Kagan 1997 _Galen's Prophecy: Temperament in Human Nature_ (385 pages)

Jerome Kagan 2009 _An Argument for Mind_ (290 pages; 871KB)

Robert Kagan 2003 _Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order_ (327.7304)

David Kahane 2010 _Rules for Radical Classical Liberals: Beating the Left at Their Own Game_ (300 pages)

Jennifer B. Kahnweiler 2009 _The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength_ (190 pages; 2.1MB)

David Kaiser 2011, 2012 _How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, CounterCulture, and the Quantum Revival_ (390 pages; 2.7MB)

Robert G. Kaiser 2009 _So Damn Much Money: The Triumph of Lobbying and the Corrosion of USA Government_ (398 pages; 1.1MB; 328.73078)

Robert G. Kaiser 2013 _Act of Congress: How America's Non-Essential Institution Works, and How It Doesn't_ (440 pages; 3.3MB)

Jigoro Kano, Naoki Murata & Yukimitsu Kano 2013 _Mind Over Muscle: Writings from the Founder of Judo_ (155 pages)

Robert Kaplan & Ellen Kaplan 2000 _The Nothing That Is: A Natural History of Zero_ (237 pages; 4.2MB)

Ryszard Kapuscinski, William R. Brand, Katarzyna Mroczkowska Brand & Klara Glowczewska 1987, 2007 _Another Day of Life_ (160 pages; 384KB)

Ryszard Kapuscinski 2009 _Travels with Herodotus_ (280 pages; 632KB)

Christelyn D. Karazin & Janice Rhoshalle Littlejohn 2012 _Swirling: How to Date, Mate, and Relate: Mixing Race, Culture, and Creed_ (270 pages; 4.7MB)

(55) Dean Karnazes 2005 _UltraMarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner_ (280 pages; 796.42)

Jim Karol, Michael Ross & Daniel G. Amen 10`9 _Ultimate Memory Magic: The Transformative Program for Sharper Memory, Mental Clarity, and Greater Focus at Any Age_ ()

Efraim Karsh 2006 _Islamic Imperialism: An History_ ()

Raheem Kassam 2017 _No Go Zones: How Sharia Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You_/_No Go Zones: How Sharia Is Spreading in the USA_ (245 pages)

(50) Dan Kaufman 2018 _The Rise of Wisconsin: The Non-Leftist Rescue of a Degenerate Regressive Leftist Bastion and the Future of USA Politics_ (319 pages; 320.9775 Kau; Main)

(55) Scott Barry Kaufman & Carolyn Gregoire 2015 _Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind_ (pop-psych; 252 pages; 153.35 Kau; Main)

Guy Kawasaki 8888 _Enchantment_ ()

(49) ►John Kay & Mervyn King 2020-03-17 _Radical UnCertainty: Decision-Makign Beyond the Numbers_ (528-544 pages; ISBN 9781324004776/ 9781408712603; OCLC 1152720910/ 1220861526; Norton/LittleBrown; ILL request)◀

(59) Sam Kean 2017 _Caesar's Last Breath: "DeCoding" the Secrets of the Air Around Us_ (373 pages; 80.2MB; 551.51)

Daniel P. Keating 1976 _Intellectual Talent, Research, and Development_ (355 pages)

Margaret Keck & Kathryn Sikkink 1998 _Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in InterNational Politics_ ()

Jim Keith 2003 _Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness_ (256 pages)

Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri & Nuh Ha Mim Keller 1997 _Reliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law_ (1,232 pages)

Larry Kelley 2012 _Lessons from Fallen Civilizations: Can a Bankrupt America Survive the Current Islamic Threat?_ ()

Brian Kelly 2016 _101 Secrets: How to Be a High Information Voter_ (125 pages; 605KB)

(25) ►Brian Kelly 2017 _Repealing ObummerDoesn'tCare Should Be Simple: The Congress Is In Its Own Way_ (i.e. congress is blocking itself; 72 pages; 633KB; ILL request)◀

(39) ►Julie Kelly 2017 _DisLoyal Opposition: How the NeverTrump "Right" Tried and Failed to Take Down the President_ (72 pages; 633KB; ILL request)◀

(40) Stuart Kelly 2007 _The Book of Lost Books: An Incomplete History of All the Great Books You'll Never Read_ (344 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 1400062977/ 9781400062973; 002.09 Kel; Main)

(20) Dacher Keltner 2009 _Born to Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life_ (340 pages; 634KB; 155.323 Kel; Main)

(41) Dacher Keltner 2009 _The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence_ (340 pages; 634KB; 303.3)

Martin Kemp 1992 _The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat_ (380 pages)

(48) Beth Kempton 2019-12-31 _Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life_ (236-256 pages; 2.2MB; ISBN 9780062905154; OCLC 1084727136; Harper; 158.1 Kem; FtBraden+Main)

Paul Kengor 2010, 2014 _Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Regressives for a Century_ (590 pages; 7MB)

Paul Kengor 2014 _11 Principles of a Reagan Conservative_ (175 pages)

Paul Kengor 2013 _All the Dupes Fit to Print: "Journalists" Who Have Served as Tools of Communist Propaganda_ (89 pages; 4.9MB)

(39) Robert F. Kennedy ii 2021 _The Real Anthony Fauci: Big Pharma's Global War on Democracy [Liberty], Humanity, & Public Health_ (216 pages; ISBN 9781510766808; Simon&Schuster; on order 2021-10-20; Main+NE)

(3) Eileen Kennedy-Moore & Mark S. Lowenthal 2011 _Smart Parenting for Smart Kids: Nurturing Your Child's "True" Potential_ (306 pages; 649,155 Ken; Main)

Barbara A. Kerr 1985 _Smart Girls, Gifted Women_ (190 pages)

Barbara A. Kerr 1997 _Smart Girls_ (260 pages)

Barbara A. Kerr & Sanford J. Cohn 2001 _Smart Boys: Talent, Manhood, and the Search for Meaning_ (350 pages)

Barbara A. Kerr & Robyn McKay 2014 _Smart Girls in the 21st Century: Understanding Talented Girls and Women_ (400 pages)

Thomas Kersting/Tom Kersting 2016 _DisConnected: How to ReConnect Our Digitally Distracted Kids_ (105 pages; 262KB)

Jack Kerwick 2015 _The American Offensive: Dispatches from the Front_ (210 pages; 1.3MB)

Charles R. Kesler 2013 _I Am the Change: Barack Hussein Obummer and the Future of Illiberal Leftism_ (309 pages; 523KB)

Ralph Keyes 2010 _Euphemia: Our Love Affair with Euphemisms_ (260 pages; 706KB; 423.1 Key; Main+E)

Ralph Keyes 2009 _I Love It When You Talk Retro: Hoochie Coochie, Double Whammy, Drop a Dime, and the Forgotten Origins of USA Speech_ (310 pages; 1.9MB)

Majid Khadduri/Majda D. Khaddun 1940, 1955, 2010 _War and Peace in the Law of Islam_ (320 pages)

Abu Zayd Abdu r-Rachman ibn Muhammad ibn Khaldun al-Hadrami, N.J. Dawood & Franz Rosenthal 1377, 2014 _The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History_/_Prolegomena_ (512 pages; 2MB)

Madhulika Khandelwal 2008 _Becoming American, Being Indian: An Immigrant Community in NY_ ()

Parag Khanna 2010 _Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization_ (485 pages; 28.7MB)

Parag Khanna 2017 _Technocracy in the USA: Rise of the Info-State_ (130 pages; 1.9MB)

Parag Khanna 2011 _How too Run the World: Plotting a Course to the Next Dark Ages_/_How too Run the World: Plotting a Course to the Next Renaissance_ (270 pages; 730KB)

Devvy Kidd 2016 _Taking Politics Out of Solutions_ (415 pages)

Brian Kilcommons & Sarah Wilson 2006 _My Smart Puppy: Fun, Effective, and Easy Puppy Training_ ()

William Kilpatrick 9999 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad_ ()

Eunsun Kim, Sebastien Falletti & Daid Tian 2015 _A Thousand Miles to Freedom: My Escape from North Korea_ (230 pages; 886KB)

Beth Kimmerle 2003 _Candy: The Sweet History_ (170 pages)

Ben Kinchlow 2016 _Black Yellow-Dogs_ (130 pages; 1.5MB)

Paul Kindstedt 2012 _Cheese and Culture: An History of Cheese and Its Place in Western Civilization_ (265 pages; 3MB)

Cliff Kincaid 2015 _The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse_ (146 pages)

Ben Kinchlow 1995 _You Don't Have To If You Don't Want To: The Marvelous Power to Choose_ (210 pages)

Ben Kinchlow 2013 _Black Yellow-Dogs: The Most Dangerous Citizen Is Not Armed, But UnInformed_ (147 pages)

(59) Charles King 2019 _"Gods" of the Upper Air: How a Circle of Renegade [DisHonest] "Anthropologists" "ReInvented" Race, Sex, and "Gender" in the 20th Century_ (431 pages; 32.9MB; 301.092 Kin; E; Frank Boas, Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict)

Gilbert King 2004 _The Most Dangerous Man in the World: Dawood Ibrahim_ (128 pages)

Kendall King & Alison MacKey 2009 _The BiLingual Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Why, When, and How to Teach Your Child a Second Language_ (290 pages; 644KB)

(55) Patrick King 2017, 2019-12-06 _Improve Your "People Skills": How to "Connect" with AnyOne, Communicate "Effectively", Develop "Deep Relationships", & Become a "People Person"_ (200-220 pages; 3.6MB; ISBN 9781647430535; OCLC 1032073137; PKCS/CreateSpace)

Zella King ≈ Amanda Scott 2014 _Who Is Your Personal BoardRoom?: How to Choose People, Assign Roles, and Have Conversations with Purpose_ (215 pages; 4MB)

Gwen Kinkead _ChinaTown: A Portrait of a Closed Society_ ()

(28) Charlie Kirk 2020-03-03 _The MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas That Will Win the Future_ (244-256 pages; 1.3MB; ISBN 9780062974686; OCLC 1142236943; Harper/Broadside; on order 2020-03-29; fake-book evil Overdrive/Libby)

(37) Russell Kick 2001, 2009 _You Are Being Lied To: The DisInformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical WhiteWashes and Cultural Myths_ (302.23; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

(35) Russell Kick 2009-01-01 _You Are Still Being Lied To: The ReMixed DisInformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical WhiteWashes and Cultural Myths_ (400-447 pages; 12.9MB; ISBN 9781934708071; OCLC 216937045/ 1052702792; Disinformation/Red Wheel Weiser; ILL request)◀

Russell Kirk & Gleaver Whitney 2001, 2014 _The USA Cause_ (135 pages; 260KB)

Russell Kirk 1957, 2002, 2004, 2014 _The USA Cause_ (170 pages; 283KB)

Aaron J. Klein 2014 _The REAL Benghazi Story: What the White House and Hillary Don't Want You to Know_ (245 pages; 981KB)

Aaron J. Klein & Brenda J. Elliott 2011 _Red Army: The Radical Network That Must Be Defeated to Save the USA_ (480 pages; 6.7MB; 99999.99999)

(44) Aaron J. Klein & Brenda J. Elliott 2016 _The Manchurian President: Barack Hussein Obummer's Ties to Communists, Socialists, and Other Anti-USA Extremists_ (395 pages; 2.1MBs; 973.932 Kle; Main)

Aaron J. Klein & Brenda J. Elliott 2016 _Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Hussein Obummer from Office_ (420 pages; 2.4MB; ILL request)

(79) Aaron J. Klein 2005 _Striking Back: The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre and Israel's Deadly Response_ (256 pages; 364.152 Kle; Main+NE)

Aaron J. Klein 2008 _Schmoozing with Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal Their Global Plans to a Jew_ (215 pages; 568KB; 99999.99999)

(17) Edward Klein 2017 _All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump_ (280 pages; 973.933 Kle; Main)

(57) Edward Klein 2015 _UnLikeable: The Problem with Hillary_ (287 pages; 327.730092 Kle; Main)

(40) Edward Klein 2014 _Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obummers_ (302 pages; 973.932 Kle; Main+E+NE+Jax)

(63) Edward Klein 2012 _The Amateur: Barack Hussein Obumer in the White House_ (277 pages; 973.932092 Kle; Main+E+NE+Jax+BLPerry)

Edward Klein 2005 _The Truth about HitleryRottenClinton: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President_ (305 pages; biography Clinton; Main+NE+Jax)

(50) Edward Klein 2004 _FareWell Jackie: A Portrait of Her Final Days_ (212 pages; biography Onassis; Main+E+NE)

(50) Edward Klein 2003 _The Kennedy Curse: Why USA's First Family Has Been Haunted by Tragedy for 150 Years_ (260 pages; 929.70973 Kle; Main+NE+Jax+FtBraden)

(60) Edward Klein 1997 _All Too Human: The Love Story of Jack & Jackie Kennedy_ (260 pages; biography Kennedy; large; Jax)

Gary Klein 1999 _Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions_ ()

Gary Klein 2004 _The Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Make Better Decisions at Work_ ()

(40) Joe Klein 2015 _Charlie Mike: A True Story of Heroes Who Brought Their Mission Home_ (Eric Greitens, Jake Wood, SEAL; 304 pages; 363.3457632 Kle; Main+Jax)

Samantha Kleinberg 2015 _Why: A Guide to Finding and Using Causes_ (275 pages; 5.6MB)

Arnold Kling 2013, 2017 _The 3 Languages of Politics: Talking Across the Political Divides_ (145 pages; 300KB)

William K. Klingaman & Nicholas P. Klingaman 2013 _The Year without Summer: 1816 and the Volcano That Darkened the World and Changed History_ (345 pages; 1.1MB)

(40) Jake Knapp & John Zeratsky 2018 _Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day_ (287 pages; 650.11 Kna; Jax)

(90) Leonard Kniffel, Barack Hussein Obummer, Julie Andrews, Bill Gates, David Mamet, Laura Bush, Ken Burns, Lew Alcindor/Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Cokie Roberts, Ron Reagan, Garrison Keillor, Ralph Nader, Jamie Lee Curtis, Algore & Oprah Winfrey 2011 _Reading with the Stars: A Celebration of Books and Libraries_ (158 pages; 027; Main)

(45) Jeff Koehler 2017 _Where the Wild Coffee Grows: The UnTold Story of Coffee from the Cloud Forests of Ethiopia to Your Cup_ (268 pages; 338.17373 Koe; NE)

Keith Koffler 2017 _Bannon: Always the Rebel_ (245 pages; 843KB)

Alfred J. Kolatch 1996 _Great Jewish Quotations: By Jews and About Jews_ (624 pages)

Wayne Kopping 2007 _Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West_ (DVD)

Wayne Kopping 2009 _The Third Jihad: Radical Islam's Vision for USA_ (DVD)

Meera Kothand 2018 _But I'm Not an Expert: Go from Newbie to Expert and Radically SkyRocket Your Influence without Feeling like a Fraud_ (175 pages; 7.1MB)

(18) John Kounios & Mark Beeman 2015 _The Eureka Factor: Aha Moments, Creative Insight, and the Brain_ (274 pages; 612.8)

Bill Kovach & Tom Rosenstiel 2014 _The Elements of Journalism: What NewsPeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect_ (345 pages; 3.1MB)

(37) Arnold Kozak 2015 _Awakened Introvert: Practical Mindfulness Skills to Help You Maximize Your Strengths & Thrive in a Loud & Crazy World_ (224 pages; ISBN 9781626251601; NewHarbinger; 155.232 Koz; )

(37) John Kralik 2011 _A Simple Act of Gratitude: How Learning to Say Thank You Changed My Life_ (179.9)

Martin S. Kramer 1989 _Hezbollah's Vision of the West_ (77 pages)

Peter D. Kramer 1993 _Listening to Prozac_ (616.85)

Carol Stock Kranowitz 1998 _The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Integration Dysfunction_ (322 pages; 618.928 Kra; OutReach)

Stephen D. Krasner 1999 _Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy_ (260 pages; 2.6MB)

Neil J. Kressel 2012 _"The Sons of Pigs and Apes": Mohammedan AntiSemitism and the Conspiracy of Silence_ (275 pages; 1.7MB)

Stanley Krippner & Teresa M. McIntyre 2003 _The Psychological Impact of War Trauma on Civilians_ ()

William Kristol & Lawrence F. Kaplan 2003 _The War Over Iraq_ ()

Jean G. Kropper 1997 _HandMade Books and Cards_ (145 pages; 686.3; Main)

George D. Krumbhaar 2017 _Working the Federal [Government] Budget_ (270 pages; 1.9MB)

Joshua Kurlantzick 2013 _"Democracy" in Retreat: The Revolt of the Middle Class and the WorldWide Decline of "Representative" Government_ ()

(55) Mark Kurlansky 2016 _Paper: Paging Through History_ (380 pages; 676.09)

(55) ►Stanley Kurtz 2010 _Radical-in-Chief: Barack Hussein Obummer and the UnTold Story of American Socialism_ (485-498 pages; 3.2MB; ISBN 9781439155080/ 9781439155097/ OCLC 938995399; Threshold; ILL request)◀

Stanley Kurtz 2012 _Spreading the Wealth: How Barack Hussein Obummer Is Robbing the SubUrbs to Pay for the Cities_ (240 pages; 1MB)

Jim A. Kuypers 2013 _Partisan Journalism: An History of Media Bias in the USA_ (310 pages; 2.1MB)

(50) Taya Kyle & Jim de Felice 2019 _American Spirit: Profiles in Resilience, Courage, & Faith_ (348 pages; 1.3MB; 920.973 Kyl; Woodville+E)

- - - - - L

Leo Lafferty-Whyte & Ross J. Holmes 2018 _Life Satisfaction: A Scientist's Guide_ (200 pages)

Maria L. Lagos 1994 _Autonomy and Power: The Dynamics of Class and Culture in Rural Bolivia_ ()

lieutenant-colonel Terry Lakin 8888 _Officer's Oath_ ()

Deepak Lal 2012 _Lost Causes: The Retreat from Classical Liberalism_ (280 pages; 1.1MB)

Deepak Lal 2012 _Reviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the 21st Century_ (325 pages; 4.3MB)

G.L. Lambert 2018 _She Ain't It: How to Expose Damaged, Desperate, and Deceitful Women & Find Your Game Changer_ (325 pages; 3.3MB)

Gerard Francis Lameiro 2010 _Choosing the Good Life: Two Competing Visions_ (60 pages; 291KB)

Gerard Francis Lameiro 2014 _Renewing the USA and Its Heritage of Freedom: What Freedom-Loving USA Citizens Can Do to Help_ (335 pages; 3.3MB)

Gerard Francis Lameiro 2014 _USA's Economic War--Your Freedom, Money, and Life: A Citizen's HandBook for Understanding the War between USA Capitalism and Socialism_ (330 pages; 4.8MB)

Gerard Francis Lameiro 2015 _Great News for the USA: The Constitution, Freedom, and Prosperity Are Coming Back!_ (200 pages; 1.5MB)

Gerard Francis Lameiro 2018 _More Great News for the USA: The Dawning of the New Classical Liberal Era_ (200 pages; 1.1MB)

George P. Landow 1992 _HyperText: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology_ ()

George P. Landow & Paul Delaney 1991 _HyperMedia and Literary Studies_ ()

(50) Charles Lane 2019 _Freedom's Detective: The Secret Service, the Ku Klux Klan, & the Man Who MasterMinded USA's First War on Terrorism_ (348 pages; ISBN 9781335006851; Hanover Square; 363.283092 Lan; Main+Jax)

Christopher Lane 8888 _Shyness: Now Normal Behavior Became a Sickness_ ()

Edward William Lane 1984, 2009, 2011 _Arabic-English Lexicon_ (8 volumes)

Marti Olsen Laney 8888 _The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World_ ()

Michael D. Lang & Alison Taylor 2000 _The Making of a Mediator: Developing Artistry in Practice_ (280 pages)

Loral Langemeier 8888 _The Millionaire Maker_ ()

(26) Shereen LaPlantz 1995 _Cover to Cover: Creative Techniques for Making Beautiful Books, Journals, & Albums_ (140 pages; 686.3; Main)

Yaakov Lappin 2010 _The Virtual Caliphate: Exposing the Mohammedan State on the Internet_ (200 pages; 686KB)

(39) Christopher Lasch 1996 _The Revolt of the "Elites" and the Betrayal of Democracy [and Natural Individual Rights]_ (276 pages; 918KB; ISBN 0393036995; Norton; 306.0973 Las; )

(48) Robert H. Latiff 2017 _Future War: Preparing for the New Global BattleField_ (192 pages; 355.0201; Main)

Jon Latimer 2002 _Alamein_ (940.5423; Main)

(55) Jon Latimer 2003 _Deception in War: The Right of the Bluff, the Value of Deceit, and the Most Thrilling Episodes of Cunning in Military History_ (350 pages; 355.422; Main)

(40) Neil J. Lavender & Alan A. Cavaiola 2012 _Impossible to Please: How to Deal with Perfectionist CoWorkers, Controlling Spouses, and Other Incredibly Critical People_ (182 pages; 158.2 Lav; Main+E)

Randall D. Law 2015 _The Routledge History of Terrorism_ (480 pages; 1.7MB)

Jennifer Lawler 8888 _Dojo Wisdom_ ()

Gustav le Bon 1895, 1960, 2002, 2004 _The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind_ (205 pages; 416KB)

Michael A. Ledeen _The War Against the Terror Masters_ ()

Michael A. Ledeen 2014 _Machiavelli on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavellis' Iron Rules Are as Timely and Important Today as 5 Centuries Ago_ ()

Bruce Lee 1975 _The Tao of Jeet Kune Do_ (208 pages; 4.6MB)

Bruce Lee 2014 _The Tao of Jeet Kune Do: Summary & Study Guide_ (46 pages; 153KB)

(50) Laurel Leff 2005 _Buried by the Times: The Holocaust and USA's "Most Important" Newspaper_ (436 pages; 13.6MB; 070.4 Lef)

Mark Leibovich 2013 _This Town: 2 Parties and a Funeral Plus Plenty of Valet Parking in USA's Gilded Capital_ (400 pages; 1.7MB)

(28) Richard Leider & David A. Shapiro 2001 _Whistle While You Work: Heeding Your Life's Calling_ (150 pages; 331.702; Main+BLPerry)

(30) Andrew Leigh 2018 _Randomistas: How Radical Researchers Are Changing Our World_ ()

Andrew Leigh & Michael Maynard 2012 _Perfect Communications: All You Need to Get It Right_ (125 pages; 352KB)

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon 2015 _Ashley's War: The UnTold Story of a Team of Women Soldiers on the Special Ops BattleField_ (265 pages; 1.8MB)

Doug Lemov, Erica Woolway & Katie Yezzi 2012 _Practice Perfect: 42 Rules for Getting Better at Getting Better_ (280 pages; 550KB)

(39) Patrick Lencioni 2016 _The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the 3 Essential Virtues_ (219 pages; 658.4092 Len; Main)

Alexander T.J. Lennon 2003 _The Battle for Hearts and Minds: Using Soft Power to Undermine Terrorist Networks_ ()

(44) ►Mark Reed Levin 2021-07-13 _American Marxism_ (304 pages; 999.1MB; ISBN 9781501135972; OCLC 1249572909; Threshold; ILL request)◀

(37) Yuval Levin 2014 _The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, & the Birth of Right & Left_ (275 pages; 320.5097 Lev; Main)

(40) Yuval Levin 2017 _The Fractured Republic: ReNewing USA's [Mythical] "Social Contract" in the Age of Individualism_ (262 pages; 3.2MB; 306.2097 Lev; NE)

Bruce E. Levine 2018 _Resisting Illegitimate Authority: A Thinking Person's Guide to Being an Anti-Authoritarian: Strategies, Tools, and Models_ (210 pages; 4MB)

(35) Dave Levitan 2017 _Not a Scientist: How Politicians Mistake, MisRepresent, and Utterly Mangle Science_ (256 pages; 11.2MB; 303.483 Lev; Main+NE)

(35) Daniel J. Levitin & Luke Daniels 2014 _The "Organized" Mind: How to Put Things in Place, Focus on What Matters, and Live Well_ (496 pages; 153.42 Lev; E+NE+Woodville)

(45) Daniel J. Levitin 2016 _A Field Guide to Lies: Critical Thinking in the Information Age_ (292 pages; 153.42 Lev; Main+E)

Norman Levitt 1999 _Prometheus BeDeviled: Science and the Contradictions of Contemporary Culture_ (425 pages; 5MB)

Marty Jay Levitt & Terry Conrow 1993 _Confessions of a Union Buster_ (310 pages)

Gregg LeVoy 1997 _Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life_ ()

Adrian Levy & Cathy Scott-Clark 2013 _The Siege: 68 Hours Inside the Taj Hotel_ (330 pages; 10.5MB; 2008 November Muslim terrorist attack)

Mark R. Levy & Michael S. Kramer 1972, 1973 _The Ethnic Factor: How USA's Minorities Decide Elections_ (identity politics; 280 pages)

(50) Corey R. Lewandowski & David N. Bossie 2018 _Trump's Enemies: How the Deep State Is UnderMining President Trump_ (304 pages; 973.933 Lew; E)

Corey R. Lewandowski & David N. Bossie 2019 _Trump: USA First: The President Succeeds against All Odds_ (295 pages; 999.9999; MMMMM)

A.W. Lewis 2012 _Basic BookBinding_ (140 pages; 14.7MB)

Benny Lewis 2014 _Fluent in 3 Months: The Radical New Way That Anyone, at Any Age, Can Learn to Speak Any Language from Anywhere in the World_ (249 pages; 418.0071)

Bernard Lewis 1999 _Semites and Anti-Semites: An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice_ (280 pages; 305.8; ???was catalogued, now it is not???!)

Bernard Lewis 2004 _From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East_ (438 pages; 956; Main)

Clive Staples Lewis 8888 _The Weight of Glory and Other Essays_ ()

I.M. Lewis 1977 _Symbols and Sentiments: Cross-Cultural Studies in Symbolism_ ()

-Michael M. Lewis 2004 _From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East_ (power-mad deep-state leftist; 438 pages; 320.97309 Main+BLPerry+E+FtBraden+Jax+NE+Woodville)

Philip Lewis 2002 _Islamic Britain_ ()

Richard C. Lewontin, Steven Rose & Leon J. Kamin 2017 _Not In Our Genes: Biology, Ideology, and Human Nature_ (335 pages)

Alan J. Lichtman & Ken DeCell 8888 _The 13 Keys to the Presidency_ ()

Philip Lieberman 2013 _The UnPredictable Species: What Makes Humans Unique_ (250 pages; 3.2MB)

Paul C. Light 2009 _A Government Ill Executed: The Decline of Federal Government Bureaubums and How to Reverse It_ (power-madness; 280 pages)

Mark Lilla 2003 _The Reckless Mind: Intellectuals in Politics_ (230 pages)

Thomas Lillesand, Ralph W. Kiefer & Jonathan Chipman 2015 _Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation_ (760 pages; 44.4MB)

(49) ►Louisa Lim 2014, 2015 _The People's Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen ReVisited_ (Red China: 270 pages; 4.8MB; ILL request)◀

(14) ►David Limbaugh 2019 _Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Collectivists Must Not Win_ (482 pages; 324.2736 Lim; )

(80) David Limbaugh 2012 _The Great Destroyer: Barack Hussein Obummer's War on the Republic_ (973.932 Lim; Main+NE)

(40) David Limbaugh 2010 _Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of president Barack Hussein Obummer_ (973.932 Lim; Main+NE)

(40) David Limbaugh 2003 _Persecution: How Leftists Are Waging War against Christianity_ (400 pages; 323.442 Lim; Main+Jax)

(70) David Limbaugh 201 _Absolute Power: The Legacy of Corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department_ (345.73 Lim; NE)

(70) David Limbaugh 2007 _Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today's Democrat Party_ (436 pages; 324.2736 Lim; Main+Jax)

Brad Linaweaver 2006 _Post-Nationalism: George W. Bush [Shrub] as President of the World_ (160 pages)

William S. Lind 2000, 2014 _The 4 Generations of Modern War_ (2.3MB)

William S. Lind & USMC-lieutenant-colonel Gregory A. Thiele 2015, 2016 _4th Generation Warfare HandBook_ (130 pages; 757KB)

William S. Lind 2014 _On War: The Collected Columns of William S. Lind 2003-2009_ (800 pages; 2.1MB)

William S. Lind & Gregory A. Thiele 1985 _Maneuver Warfare HandBook_ (150 pages; 2.4MB)

Charles Lindholm 2008 _The Islamic Middle East: Tradition and Change_ (350 pages; 4.9MB)

(39) ►mathematician James Lindsay, Ph.D. 2022-03-02 _Race Marxism: The Truth about Racist Critical Theory & Praxis_ (310 pages; ISBN 9798795810911; ASIN B09TN37KJC; OCLC 1302336620; self-published; ILL request)◀

Lawrence B. Lindsey 2016 _Conspiracies of the Ruling Class: How to Break Their Grip Forever_ (280 pages; 4.2MB)

Baylen Linnekin 8888 _Biting the Hands That Feed Us_ ()

Walter Lippmann 1922, 2012, 2016 _Public Opinion_ (brain-washing, propaganda; 270 pages; 1.8MB)

(50) Deborah E. Lipstadt 1986, 1993 _Beyond Belief: The American Press and the Coming of the Holocaust 1933-1945_ (384 pages; 943 Lip; Main)

Liu Mingfu 2010 _The China Dream_ ()

John Locke 1974 _An Essay Concerning Human Understanding_ (abridged; 475 pages; 153)

(7) ►John Locke, George Berkeley, David Hume 1974 _The Empiricists_ (517 pages4.1MB; 192; !???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Matt Loehr & Cecil Murphey 2010 _Who's Got Your Back: Why We Need Accountability_ (185 pages; 420KB)

Diana Loera 2015 _Best West Virginia Recipes_ (47 pages; 1.2MB)

Mike Lofgren 2016 _Inside the Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government_/_Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government_ (315 pages; 1.1MB)

Dave Logan, John King & Halee Fischer-Wright 2012 _Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization_ (210 pages; 2.8MB)

(34) William Bryant Logan 2019 _Sprout Lands: Tending the Endless Gift of Trees_ (3432 pages; 582.16 Log; Main)

(32) ►Matthew Lohmeier 2021-05-01, 2021-05-15 _Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the UnMasking of the American Military_ (211-216-230 pages; ISBN 9781737067320/ 9781737067306/ 9781737067399; OCLC 1252722770/ 1257709638/ 1253373102; ; ILL request)◀

Svetlana Lokhova 2020 _The Spider: Stefan A. Halper & the Dark Web of a Coup_ (295 pages)

Svetlana Lokhova 2019 _The Spy Who Changed History: The UnTold Story of How the Soviet Union Stole USA's Top Secrets_ (475 pages; 27.8MB)

Charles Long 1986 _Significations: Signs, Symbols and Images in the Interpretation of Religion_ ()

Carl Lopez 2003 _Going Faster!: Mastering the Art of Race Driving_ (290 pages)

Clare Lopez, Harold Rhode, Christopher Hull, Daniel Pipes, David Goldman, Burak Bekdil, Uzay Bulut & Deborah Weiss 2018 _Ally No More: Erdogan's New Turkish Caliphate and the Rising Jihadist Threat to the West_ (192 pages; 3MB)

Jeffrey Lord 2019 _Swamp Wars_ (230 pages)

John Losee 2012, 2017 _Theories of Causality from Antiquity to the Present_ (210 pages; 3.5MB)

Gina Loudon & Dathan Paterno 2012 _Ladies and Gentlemen: Why the Survival of Our Republic Depends on the Revival of Honor_ (320 pages; 938KB)

Trevor Loudon 2013 _Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Regressives in the US Congress_ (690 pages; 4.9MB)

Trevor Loudon & Will Rainier 2020-02-17 _White House Reds: Communists, Socialists & Security Risks Running for USA President 2020_ (270 pages; 846KB; ISBN 9798614830618; Independent)

-Maryann Cusimano Love 2002, 2010 _Beyond Sovereignty: Issues for a Global Agenda_ (380 pages; 6MB)

Amory B. Lovins 1979 _Soft Energy Paths: Towards a Durable Peace_ (240 pages)

Theodore J. Lowi 1969, 1979, 2009 _The End of Illiberal Leftism: The Second Republic of the USA_ (320 pages)

Camilla Persson Benbow & David Lubinski 1997 _Intellectual Talent_ (440 pages)

(35) ►Fred V. Lucas 2016-05-03 _Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals & Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections_ (310-314 pages; 1.3MB; ISBN 1941071406/ 9781941071403; OCLC 962274892; Stairway; ILL request)◀

Carrie L. Lukas _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism_ (221 pages; 798KB)

(55) Anna Pualina Luna 2021 _Bringing Them Home: The UnTold Cost of Putting Mission irst_ (999 pages; ISBN 9781637580189; OCLC 1242466670; Post Hill; 9999.9999 Lun; Mars)

(49) Marcus Luttrell & James D. Hornfischer 2012 _Service: A Navy SEAL at War_ (956.7044 Lut; Main+NE+E)

(37) Harry Miller Lydenberg, John Archer & John Alden 1960 _The Care and Repair of Books_ (120 pages; 025.7 L983C)

Jack Lyle 1967 _The News in Megalopolis_ ()

H. Lysing 1936 _Secret Writing: An Introduction to Cryptograms, Ciphers, and Codes_ ()

lieutenant-general Rick Lynch 2018 _Adapt or Die: Leadership Principles from an American General_ ()

(50) Julie Lythcott-Haims 1960 _Your Turn: How to Be an Adult_ (485 pages; ISBN 9781250137777; on order 2021-05-02)

- - - - - M

Yossi Maaravi 2018 _You Deserve Better: Success in Real-Life Negotiations!_ (240 pages; 2MB)

Richard MacGregor 2012 _The Party: The Secret of China's Communist Rulers_ ()

Charles MacKay, Josef Penso de la Vega & Martin S. Fridson 1996 _ExtraOrdinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds_ ()

Sandra Mackey 2003 _The Reckoning: Iraq and the Legacy of Saddam Hussein_ (400 pages; 956.7044; Main)

Chris MacLeod 2018 _The "Social Skills" GuideBook: Manage Shyness, Improve Your Conversations, and Make Friends without Giving Up Who You Are_ (355 pages; 995KB)

Pete Magill 2018 _SpeedRunner: 4 Weeks to Your Fastest Leg Speed in any Sport_ (240 pages; 228.1MB)

lieutenant-colonel Robert Lee Maginnis 2017, 2018 _The Deeper State: Inside the War on Trump by Corrupt Elitists, Secret Societies, and the Builders of an Imminent Final Empire_ (655 pages; 1.1MB)

lieutenant-colonel Robert Lee Maginnis 2013 _Deadly Consequences: How Cowards Are Pushing Women into Combat_ ()

lieutenant-colonel Robert Lee Maginnis & Angie Peters 2015 _Never Submit: Will the Extermination of Christians Get Worse Before It Gets Better?_ (390 pages; 1MB)

lieutenant-colonel Robert Lee Maginnis 2016 _Future War: Super Soldiers, Terminators, CyberSpace, and the National Security Strategy for 21st Century Combat_ (390 pages)

lieutenant-colonel Robert Lee Maginnis 2018 _Alliance of Evil: Russia, Red China, the USA, and a New Cold War: Has the Mystery of the End Times Finally Arrived?_ (340 pages; 983KB)

lieutenant-colonel Robert Lee Maginnis 2019 _Progressive Evil: How Radicals Are ReDefining USA's Rights, Institutions, and Ideals, Making Her Globally Irrelevant for the End Times_ (710 pages; 846KB)

Joyce Lee Malcolm 8888 _Guns and Violence_ ()

(80) Michelle Malkin 2009, 2010 _Culture of Corruption: Obummer and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies_ (386 pages; 1.005MB; 973.932; Main+NE+E+BLPerry+FtBraden)

(55) Michelle Malkin 2005 _UnHinged: Exposing Leftists Gone Wild_ (231 pages; 920KB; 320.51; NE)

Michelle Malkin 2013 _In Defense of Internment: The Case for "Racial Profiling" in World War 2 and the War on Terror_ (376 pages; 5.731MB)

(15) ►Michelle Malkin 2015, 2016 _Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of USA TinkerPreneurs_ (325 pages; 4.2MB; ISBN 1501130838/ 9781501130830; OCLC 948692162; First Threshold/Mercury Ink; ILL request)◀

(55) ►Andreas Malm 2020-09-22 _Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the 21st Century_ (215-224 pages; ISBN 9781839762154; OCLC 1153031442; Verso; ILL request)◀

Mahmood Mamdani 1976 _Politics and Class Formation in Uganda_ ()

(57) David Mamet 2006 _The Wicked Son: Anti-Semitism, Self-Hatred, and the Jews_ (189 pages; 305.8924; NE)

Charles C. Man 2018 _The Wizard and the Prophet: Two Remarkable Scientists [Pseudo-Scientists?] and Their Dueling Visions to Shape Tomorrow's World_ ()

(49) Joseph Mancuso 1993 _Winning with the Power of Persuasion: Mancuso's Secrets for Small Business Success_ (209 pages; 338.04; BLPerry)

Maud S. Mandel 2014 _Mohammedans and Jews in France: History of a Conflict_ (250 pages; 3.1MB)

Christopher Manes 1990, 1991 _Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the UnMaking of Civilization_ (290 pages)

Dominic Mann 2016 _Self-Discipline: How to Develop the MindSet, Mental Toughness, and Self-Discipline of a USA Navy SEAL_ (49 pages; 724KB)

Thomas E. Mann & Norman J. Ornstein 2006 _The Broken Branch: How Congress Is Failing the USA and How to Get It Back on Track_ (repeal 17th amendment; add impeachment of senate & House; 275 pages; 819KB)

Jane J. Mansbridge 1990 _Beyond Self-Interest_ (400 pages)

Kate Manser 2020 _You Might Die Tomorrow, So Live Today_ (167 pages; 1.2MB)

Harvey Chiflin Mansfield 1975, 1987 _Congress against the President_ ()

Stephen Mansfield & William Boykin 2013 _Mansfield's Book of Manly Men: An Utterly Invigorating Guide to Being Your Most Masculine Self_ (260 pages; 7.3MB)

Ahmad Mansour 8888 _Generation Allah: Why We Need to ReThink the Fight Against Religious Extremism_ ()

(45) Anja Manuel 2016 _This Brave New World: India, Red China, and the USA_ (340 pages; 327.7305 Man; Main)

Roibeard O Maolalaigh & Iain MacAonghuis 2008 _Scottish Gaelic in 12 Weeks_ (230 pages)

James G. March & Herbert A. Simon 1993 _Organizations_ (290 pages)

Eric Margolis, Stephen Laurence, Aurore Avargues Weber, Martin Giurfa, Joshua Plotkin et al. 2015 _The Conceptual Mind: New Directions in the Study of Concepts_ (730 pages; 25.7MB)

Luke Marion 2019 _The AutoPilot Garden: MIGardener's Guide to Hands-Off Gardening_ (140 pages; 43.6MB)

Dawna Markova & Agie McArthur 8888 _Collaborative Intelligence: Thinking with People Who Think Differently_ ()

(40) ►Alex Marlow 2021 _Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media's Hidden Deals & Secret Corruption_ (288 pages; ISBN 9781982160746; OCLC 1244815808; Pocket/Threshold; on order 2021-04-05; Main+NE)◀

Michael J. Marquardt 2014 _Leading with Questions: How Leaders Find the Right Solutions by Knowing What to Ask_ (310 pages; 1.5MB)

L. David Marquet 2013 _Turn the Ship Around: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders_ (272 pages)

() Teresa Marrone 2011-04-01 _Wild Berries & Fruits Field Guide of Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio_ (325 pages; ISBN 9781591933069; Adventure)

(30) Brigitte Mars 2017 _The Natural First Aid HandBook: Household Remedies, Herbal Treatments, Basic Emergency Preparedness Everyone Should Know_ (185 pages; 616.0252 Mar; Main+NE)

Orison Swett Marsden 2014 _An Iron Will_ (48 pages; 821KB)

Orison Swett Marsden 2017 _Architects of Fate_ (280 pages)

Orison Swett Marsden 2011 _Pushing to the Front_ (560 pages; 1.6MB)

Orison Swett Marsden 1899, 2013 _Character: The Grandest Thing in the World_ (74 pages; 640KB)

Orison Swett Marsden 1921, 2013 _Masterful Personality_ (340 pages; 823KB)

(19) Tim Marshall 2015 _Prisoners of Geography: 10 Maps That Explain EveryThing about the World_ (310 pages; 25.1MB; 320.12 Mar; Main+E)

Dan Martin & Barbara Seiden 2011 _Apocalypse: How to Survive a Global Crisis_ ()

Gus Martin 2013 _Essentials of Terrorism: Concepts and Controversies_ (360 pages)

Michael Galen Martin 2013 _Leftism: The Demise of America_ (440 pages)

(54) ►Orin Martin, Manjula Martin & Alice Waters 2019 _Fruit Trees for Every Garden: An Organic Approach to Growing Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Citrus, & More_ (270 pages; 219.7MB; ILL request)◀

(54) ►R. Sanford Martin & Christine Schultz 2009 _How to Prune Fruit Trees_ (110 pages; 5MB; ILL request)◀

Roger L. Martin 2009 _The Opposable Mind: Winning Through Integrative Thinking_ (220 pages; 633KB)

(49) Steve J. Martin, Noah J. Goldstein & Robert B. Cialdini 2014 _The Small Big: Small Changes That Spark Big Influence_ (260 pages; 658.409 Mar; Main)

Ron Martinelli 2016 _The Truth Behind the Black Lives Matter Movement and the War on Police_ (165 pages)

Ron Martinelli 1991 _The Violent Gang_ ()

Manuela Dunn Mascetti 1998 _Sayings: The Wisdom of Zen_ (56 pages)

James P. Masciarelli 2000 _PowerSkills: Building Top-Level Relationships for Bottom-Line Results_ ()

Laura Mason 1998 _Sugar-Plums and Sherbet: The PreHistory of Sweets_ (240 pages)

Lilliana Mason 2018 _UnCivil Agreement: How Politics Became Our "Identity"_ ()

Mychal Massie 2015 _Blacks are Victims: Because They're Told They Are_ ()

(54) Ginette Mathiot 2015 _Preserving: Conserving, Salting, Smoking, Pickling_ (319 pages; 641.4; Main+NE)

Jason Mattera 2014 _Crapitalism: Leftists [Crony Socialists] Who Got Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars_ (300 pages; 2.2MB)

(55) Jason Mattera 2010 _Obummer Zombies: How the Leftist Machine BrainWashed My Generation_ (260 pages; 320.51; Main)

Matt Mattus 2018 _Mastering the Art of Vegetable Gardening: Rare Varietiex, UnUsual Options, Plant Options, Plant Lore & Guidance_ (260 pages; 45MB)

Martin Mawyer 2012 _Twilight in America: The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America_ ()

John C. Maxwell 2014 _Good Leaders Ask Great Questions: Your Foundation for Successful "Leadership"_ (304 pages; 658.4092 MAX; NE+Jax)

John C. Maxwell 2014 _How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life_ (145 pages; 757KB)

(48) John C. Maxwell 2007 _The 21 IrRefutable Laws of "Leadership": Follow Them and People Will Follow You_ (309 pages; 658.4092 Max; Main+E)

Sandra May 2017 _My All American Pressure Canner CookBook: 120 FoolProof and Fun Recipes_ (290 pages; 5.1MB)

Katherine Mayberry 1996 _Teaching What You're Not: "Identity Politics" in Higher Education_ (375 pages; 3.6MB)

Dale Mayer 2010, 2015 _The Complete Guide to Companion Planting: EveryThing You Need to Know to Make Your Garden Successful_ (280 pages; 5MB)

(35) Emerson Mayer 2021 _The Gut-Immune Connection: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals_ (disease; 277 pages; ISBN 9780063014787; OCLC ; Harper; on order 2022-01-05 May; )

(32) Jane Mayer 2009 _The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals_ (973.931 May; )

Adrienne Mayor 2000 _The First Fossil Hunters_ ()

Otto Mayr 1976 _Philosophers and Machines_ ()

Jane F. McAlevey 2016 _No ShortCuts: "Organizing" for "Power" in the New Gilded Age: An Extreme Regressive/Leftist Screed_ (290 pages; 9.1MB)

Andrew Carstairs McCarthy 2010, 2011, 2012 _The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America_ (454-466 pages; 1.9MB; ISBN 9781594035807; OCLC 779630906; Encounter; ILL request)◀

Andrew Carstairs McCarthy 2009 _Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad_ (360 pages)

Andrew Carstairs McCarthy 2012 _Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy_ (184 pages; 594KB)

Andrew Carstairs McCarthy 2010 _How Obummer Embraces Islam's Sharia Agenda_ (48 pages; 176KB)

(39) Andrew Carstairs McCarthy 2019, 2020 _Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency_ (248 pages; 872KB; ISBN 9781641771221; OCLC 1142879434; 324.9730905 McC; NE)

(50) ►Andrew Carstairs McCarthy 2014-06-03 _Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obummer's Impeachment_ (234-248 pages; ISBN 9781594037764/ 9781594037771; OCLC 931535946; Encounter; ILL request)◀

(40) Mary McCarthy & Philip Manna 1997 _Making Books by Hand: A Step-by-Step Guide_ (100 pages; 686.302)

Stanley A. McChrystal, Tantum Collins, David Silverman & Chris Fussell 2015 _Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World_ (270 pages; 2.3MB)

Stanley A. McChrystal, Jeff Eggars & Jay Mangone 2018 _Leaders: Myth and Reality_ (465 pages; 34.6MB)

(55) Stanley A. McChrystal 2013 _My Share of the Task_ (452 pages; 23.7MB; biography McChrystal; Main+NE)

Maxwell McCombs 2014 _Setting the Agenda: Mass Media and Public Opinion_ (brain-washing; propaganda; PR; advertising; 200 pages; 1.4-3.4MB)

James S. McCormac & Gary Meszaros 2009-05-01, 2013-01-20 _Wild Ohio: The Best of Our Natural Heritage_ (200 pages; 57MB; ISBN 9780873389853; KentStateU)

Mike McCormick 2021 _Joe Biden UnAuthorized_ ()

Patricia A. McDaniel 2003 _Shrinking Violets and Caspar Milquetoasts: Shyness, Power, and Intimacy in the USA 1950-1990_ (215 pages; 970KB)

Kayleigh McEnany 2018 _The New USA Revolution_ (280 pages; 75.1MB)

Bruce S. McEwen & Elizabeth Norton Lasley 2012 _The End of Stress As We Know It_ (250 pages; 2.1MB)

Alex McFarland & Jason Jimenez 2016 _Stand Strong USA: Courage, Freedom, and Hope for Tomorrow_ (180 pages; 3.9MB)

(12) ►K.T. McFarland/Kathleen Troia McFarland 2020 _Revolution: Trump, Washington, & We the People_ (350-370 pages; 4.7MB; ISBN 1642934046/ 9781642934045; OCLC 1129101879; Post Hill; ILL request)◀

(55) Sean McFate 2019 _The New Rules of War: Victoryy in the Age of Durable DisOrder_ (318 pages; 355.02 McF; Main)

(35) Jane McGonigal 2011 _Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World_ (380 pages; 306.487 McG)

(35) ►William McGowan/Bill McGowan 2001 _Coloring the News: How Crusading for Diversity Has Corrupted American Journalism_ (070.4 McG; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(50) William McGowan/Bill McGowan 2014 _Pitch Perfect: How to Say It Right the First Time, Every Time_ (266 pages; 658.452 McG; Main)

(45) Phillip C. McGraw 2012 _Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World_ (241 pages; 158.1 McG; Jax+E)

Richard McGregor 2010 _The Party: The Secret World of China's Communist Rulers_ (336 pages; 964KB)

Emmett McGroarty, Jane Robbins & Erin Tuttle 2017 _"DeConstructing" the Administrative State_ ()

Michael T. McGuire & Alfonso Troisi 1998 _Darwinian Psychiatry_ (345 pages; 5.1MB)

Paul McGuire & Troy Anderson 2018 _Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elitists, and the CountDown to Armageddon_ (300 pages; 2.9MB)

Francis McManamon, Linda S. Cordell, Kent Lightfoot, and George Milner 2008 _Archaeology in America_ (4 volumes)

William H. McRaven 2017 _Make Your Bed: Little ThingsThat Can Change Your Life and Maybe Your World_ (122 pages; 1.4MB)

William H. McRaven 2009 _Spec Ops: Case Studies in Special Operations Warfare Theory and Practice_ (420 pages; 12.6MB)

Nancy McWilliams 1994 _PsychoAnalytic Diagnosis: Understanding Personality Structure in the Clinical Process_ (390-440 pages; 2.3MB)

Walter Russell Mead 2005, 2007 _Power, Terror, Peace & War_ (250 pages; 532KB; 99999.9999; Mars)

Walter Russell Mead 8888 _Mortal Splendor: The American "Empire" in Transition_ ()

Walter Russell Mead & Richard C. Leone 2001 _Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World_ (327.73; Main+NE)

John J. Mearsheimer 2001 _The Tragedy of Great Power Politics_ ()

(50) John J. Mearsheimer 2018 _Great Delusion: Illiberal Leftist Dreams and InterNational Realities_ (313 pages; 873KB; 909.82 Mea; E)

(80) John Medina 2014 _Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to 5_ (323 pages; 1MB; 649.1 Med; E; more pop-psych than neurophysiology)

Joost Abraham Maurits Meerloo 1956, 2009 _The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and BrainWashing_ (320 pages)

Pia Mellody, Andrea Wells Miller & J. Keith Miller 1989 _Facing Codependence: What It Is, Where It Comes From, How It Sabotages Our Lives_ ()

H. Keith Melton 1996 _The Ultimate Spy Book_ (175 pages)

(50) Wilma Melville & Paul Lobo 2019 _Hero Dogs: How a Pack of Rescues, Rejects, and Strays Became USA's Greatest Disaster-Search Partners_ (327 pages; 636.70886; Main)

(14) Marco Mencagli 2018 _The Secret Therapy of Trees_ (582.16 Men; Main+NE+Jax)

Henry Louis Mencken 1937 _The American Language: An inquiry into the development of the English in the United States_ (427.973)

Ilana Mercer 2011 _Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for the USA from Post-Apartheid South Africa_ (330 pages; 1.1MB)

Hugo Mercier 2020 _Not Born Yesterday: The Science of Who We Trust & What We Believe_ (375 pages; 2.1MB)

Fatima Mernissi 1975 _Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in a Modern Muslim Society_ ()

(50) John C. Merrill 1983, 1991 _Global Journalism_ (380 pages; on shelf; 3%)

Robert K. Merton 1968 _"Social" Theory and Socal Structure_ ()

Bill Meulemans 2019 _How the Left and Right Think: The Roots of Division in USA Politics_ (280 pages)

Erin Meyer 2016 _The Culture Map: DeCoding How People Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures_ (280 pages; 3.8MB)

Herbert E. Meyer 2010 _How to Analyze Information: A Step-by-Step Guide to Life's Most Vital Skill_ (20 pages; 148KB)

Herbert E. Meyer 2001 _Real-World Intelligence: Organized Information for Executives_ (100 pages; 762KB)

Herbert E. Meyer 2016 _Why Is the World So Dangerous_ (24 pages; 1.3MB)

Herbert E. Meyer 2016 _Hard Thinking: The Fusion of Politics & Science_ (70 pages; 602KB)

Herbert E. Meyer 1979 _The War Against Progress_ (195 pages)

Jeff Meyer 2018 _Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute: Tools to Spark Your Dream and Ignite Your Follow-Through_ (340 pages; 1.3MB)

---David Michaels 2020 _The Triumph of Doubt: Dark Money & the Science of Deception_ (330-344 pages; ISBN 9780190922665; OCLC 1149070779; OxfordU)

Patrick J. Michaels & Robert C. Balling ii 2000 _The Satanic Gases: Clearing the Air about Global Warming_ (220 pages)

Maged S.A. Mikhail 2014 _From Byzantine to Islamic Egypt: Religion, "Identity", and Politics after the Arab Conquest_ (400 pages; 1.2MB)

Stanley Milgram 2010 _Obedience to "Authority"_ (231 pages)

Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome & John McBrewster 2009 _Ancient Music: Music of Mesopotamia... Greece... Rome, Lyres of Ur... India... Tamil..._ ()

Randall H. Miller 2014 _Buck the System: Stop Marking Time and Start Making Noise_ (98 pages; 556KB)

Rory Miller 2014 _Facing Violence: Preparing for the UnExpected_ (240 pages; 943KB)

Rory Miller & Lawrence A. Kane 2012 _Scaling Force: Dynamic Decision Making Under Threat of Violence_ (350 pages; 1.3MB)

Saul L. Miller 2009 _Why Teams Win: 9 Keys to Success in Business, Sport, and Beyond_ (215 pages; 1MB)

Kate Millett & Sophie Keir 1981, 2012 _Going to Iran_ (330 pages; 3.4MB)

Guy Milliere _The Resistible Rise of Barack Hussein Obummer_ ()

(55) Travis Mills 2015 _Tough as They Come_ (256 pages; 958.1047 Mil; Woodville+NE)

Jack Mind 2020 _GasLighting: Recognize Manipulative, and How to Avoid the GasLight Effect, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, Aggressive Narcissist, Personality "DisOrder", CoDependency, Empath, Covert Emotional Manipulation_ (155 pages; 757KB)

Galina Mindlin, Don Durousseau & Joseph Cardillo 2012 _Your PlayList Can Change Your Life; 10 Proven Ways Your Favorite Music Can Revolutionize Your Health, Memory, Organization, Alertness, and More_ ()

(40) ►Frank Miniter 2007 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Hunting_ (269-291 pages; 584KB; ISBN 9781596985216; OCLC 1054381439/ 157022940; Regnery; ILL request)◀

(15) ►Frank Miniter 2005 _DisInformation: 22 Media Myths That UnderMine the War on Terror_ (265 pages; ISBN 0895260069/ 9780895260062; OCLC 61684137; Regnery; 070.4; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(29) ►Richard Miniter 2003, 2004 _Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clinton's Failures UnLeashed Global Terror_ (317 pages; ISBN 0895260484/ 9780895260482; OCLC 173164610; Regnery; 973.929; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Meredith Minkler 2012 _Community Organizing_ (500 pages; 4.3MB)

Kenneth Minogue _The Servile Mind: How Democracy Erodes the Moral Life_ ()

Demetrius Minor 8888 _Preservation and Purpose: The Making of a Young Millennial, A Manifesto for Faith, Family and Politics_ ()

Ludwig von Mises, Arthur Goddard & Ralph Raico 2012 _The Free and Prosperous CommonWealth: An Exposition of the Ideas of Classical Liberalism_ (210 pages)

Ivan Misner, Stewart Emery & Rick Sapio 8888 _Who's in Your Room?: The Secret to Creating Your Best Life_ (pop psych; 65 pages; 1.5MB)

MIT 2019 _Why Humans Matter More Than Ever_ (195 pages; 752KB)

(19) ►James E. Mitchell & Bill Harlow 2016-11-26 _Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying to Destroy the USA_ (310 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 1101906847/ 9781101906842; OCLC 934676658; Crown/RandomHouse; on order; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Richard P. Mitchell 1993 _The Society of Muslim Brothers_ (390 pages)

(58) Robert H. Mnookin 2010 _Bargaining with the Devil: When to Negotiate, When to Fight_ (302.3; Main)

(53) Susan D. Moeller 1999 _Compassion Fatigue: How the Media Sell Disease, Famine, War, and Death_ (390 pages; 070.4 Moe; Main)

(44) Wendy Mogel 2001 _The Blessing of a Skinned Knee: Using Jewish Teachings to Raise Self-Reliant Children_ (287 pages; 296.74 Mog; NE)

Magnus Moerner 1970 _Race and Class in Latin America_ ()

(64) Lotte Moller 2021 _Bees & Their Keepers: A Journey through Seasons & Centuries_ (224 pages; ISBN 9781419751141; Abrams; on order 2021-07-13; )Violet Moller 2019 _The Map of Knowledge: A Thousand-Year History of How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found_ (285 pages; 113.7MB)

Charles Whitlock Moore 1868, 2010, 2015 _The New Masonic Trestle-Board: Adapted to the Work and Lectures As Practised in the Lodges, Chapters, Councils, and Encampments of Knights Templars, in the United States of America_ (225 pages)

(35) Thomas J. Moore 1993 _LifeSpan: What Really Affects Human Longevity_ (318 pages; 612.68 Moo; Main+NE)

Waltraud Queiser Morales 1992 _Bolivia: Land of Struggle_ ()

(50) Michael J. Morell & Bill Harlow 2015 _The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism -- From al Qa'ida to ISIL/ISIS/IS/Daesh/Caliphate_ (362 pages; 363.325163 Mor; Main)

Melanie Morgan 2017 _Canning and Preserving for Beginners: Over 100 Recipes for Canned Meat, Vegetables, Fruits, and Berries_ (150 pages; 6.1MB)

Stephen L. Morgan & Christopher Winship 2014 _CounterFactuals and Causal Inference: Methods & Principles_ (515 pages; 5.8MB)

(45) Chris Morris & Janet Morris 1992 _The American Warrior_ (271 pages; 306.27; BLPerry; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Julian Morris 2000 _ReThinking Risk and the Precautionary Principle_ ()

(45) ►Chuck Morse 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2013 _The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini_ (172-186 pages; ISBN 0595659438/ 1935071033/ 9780595659432/ 9781935071037; OCLC ; iUniverse/Midpoint/WND; ILL request)◀

Greg Mortenson 2009 _Stones into Schools_ (371.823 large)

Greg Mortenson 2007 _3 Cups of Tea_ (371.8220)

Kurt W. Mortenson 8888 _Maximum Influence: The 12 Universal Laws of Power Persuasion_ ()

(50) Mary Caperton Morton 2017 _Aerial Geology: A High-Altitude Tour of North America's Spectacular Volcanoes, Canyons, Glaciers, Lakes, Craters, and Peaks_ (303 pages; 106.6MB; 557; Main)

Oliver Morton 2015 _The Planet ReMade: How GeoEngineering Could Change the World_ (430 pages; 3.5MB)

Katie Moseman 2017 _Fixing to Eat: Southern Cooking for the Southern at Heart_ (110 pages; 5.4MB)

Ken Mudge & Steve Gabriel 2014 _Farming the Woods: An Integrated PermaCulture Approach to Growing Food and Medicinals in Temperate Froests_ (375 pages)

(40) Malcolm Muggeridge 1976 _A Third Testament_ (St.Augustine, Blaise Pascal, William Blake, Soren Kierkegaard, Leo Tolstoy, Dietrich Bonhoeffer; 207 pages; 920 Mug; Main)

Stephen Mumford & Rani Lill Anjum 2013, 2014 _Causation: A Very Short Introduction_ (140 pages; 1.5MB)

(45) Neil Munro 1991 _The Quick and The Dead: Electronic Combat and Modern Warfare_ (324 pages; 623.043 Mun; NE)

Neil Munson 2018 _People Skills for Engineers_ (200 pages; 4.4MB; 9999.9999; Mars)

(59) Olaus Johan Murie 1954 _A Field Guide to Animal Tracks_ (374 pages; 591.5 M977; Jax)

Charles Murray 1996, 1997 _What It Means to Be a Libertarian_ (190 pages; 439KB)

Charles Murray 2012 _Coming Apart: The State of White [& Yellow, Olive, Brown, & Black] USA 1960-2010_ (400 pages; 4.4MB)

Charles Murray 2016 _In Our Hands: A Plan to Eradicate the Illfare State_ (214 pages; 798KB; 361.6)

David Murray, Joel Schwartz & S. Robert Lichter 2001 _It Ain't Necessarily So: How Media Make and UnMake the Scientific Picture of Reality_ (250 pages; 2.5MBs)

(25) Douglas Murray 2017 _The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, "Identity", Islam_ (343 pages; 1.9MB; 940.56 Mur; E)

William Murray 2016 _Utopian Road to 7734: Enslaving USA and the World with Central Planning_ (300 pages; 606KB)

Adnan Musallam 2005 _From Secularism to Jihad: Sayyid Qutb and the Foundations of Radical Islamism_ (270 pages; 2.3MB)

(40) ►Moorthy S. Muthuswamy & Steven Emerson 2002, 2003 _Defeating Political Islam: The New Cold War_/_Defeating Political Mohammedanism: The New Cold War_ (280 pages; 2.8MB; ILL request)◀

Brendan Cathbad Myers 2008 _The Other Side of Virtue_ (310 pages)

(55) ►Jonathan Paul Myers 2021-09-30 _American to the Corps: Iraq, Bosnia, Benghazi, Snowden: A Marine Corps Intelligence Officer's Incredible Journey_ (291-302 pages; ISBN 9780578789910/ 9780578889788; OCLC 1266222787; self; ILL request)◀

- - - - - N

(35) Moises Naim 2014 _The End of Power: From BoardRooms to BattleFields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn't What It Used to Be_ (320 pages; 303.3; Main)

Malcolm W. Nance 2013 _Terrorist Recognition HandBook: A Practitioner's Manual for Predicting and Identifying Terrorist Activities_ (425 pages; 31.3MB)

Vali Nasr 2016 _The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future_ (300 pages; 1.2MB)

Seyyed Hossein Nast 2000 _Ideals and Realities of Islam_ ()

Joan Nathan 1994, 1998 _Jewish Cooking in America_ (641.5676; )

(19) Joe Navarro & Marvin Karlins 2008 _What Every Body Is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed Reading People_ (153.69 Nav; Main)

Peter Navarro 2015, 2019 _Crouching Tiger: What Red China's Militarism Means for the World_ (325 pages; 8.2MB)

Peter W. Navarro & Greg Autry 2011 _Death by China: Confronting the Dragon: A Practical Call to Action_/_Death by Red China: Confronting the Dragon: A Practical Call to Action__ (310 pages; 584KB)

Thomas H. Naylor, William H. Willimon & Magdalene R. Naylor 1999 _The Search for Meaning_ ()

Shawn Needham 2019 _Sickened: How Government Ruined HealthCare and How to Fix It_ (110 pages; 3.9MB)

(2) ►Paul Nehlen 2017 _Wage the Battle: Putting America First in the Fight to Stop Globalist Politicians and Secure the Borders_/_Wage the Battle: Putting USA First in the Fight to Stop Globalist Politicians & Business Executives & Investors, and Secure the Borders & Ports_ (155 pages; 531KB; ILL request)◀

Tyr Neilsen & Bente Wemundstad 2015 _Viking Wisdom: Havamal: The Sayings of Odin_ (100 pages; 8.2MB)

Robert H. Nelson 2010 _The New Holy Wars: Economic Religion vs. Environmental Religion in Contemporary America_ (400 pages)

Tony Nester 2012 _When the Grid Goes Down: Disaster Preparations and Survival Gear for Making Your Home Self-Reliant_ (80 pages; 4.5MB)

Marion Nestle 2018 _UnSavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat_ (and how pseudo-scientists conduct political propaganda campaigns)

Ben Nesvig 2012 _First World Problems: 101 Reasons Why the Terrorists Hate Us_ (160 pages; 396KB)

Jonathan Neumann 2018 _To Heal the World: How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and EnDangers Israel_ (270 pages; 6MB)

Alec Nevala-Lee 2018 _Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of SF_ (535 pages; 5.3MB)

Lawrence W. Newman 2019 _The Climate Change Hoax: PathWay to Socialism_ (100 pages)

Cal Newport 2016 _Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World_ (275 pages; 1.3MB)

T. Edward Nickens 2014 _The Total OutDoorsMan Skills & Tools: 324 Essential Tips & Tricks_ (240 pages; 18.8MB)

Elizabeth Nickson 2012 _Eco-Fascists_ ()

Johnathan Nightingale & Melissa Nightingale 2017 _How F*ed Up Is Your Management?: An UnComfortable Conversation about Modern Leadership_ (240 pages; 1.1MB)

(2) ►Mordechai Nisan 2011 _Only Israel West of the River: The Jewish State & the Palestine Question_ (160 pages; 545KB; ILL request)◀

Mordechai Nisan 2002 _Minorities in the Middle East: An History of Struggle and Self-Expression_ (345 pages; 1.4MB)

Mordechai Nisan 2004 _The Conscience of Lebanon: A Political Biography of Etienne Sakr/Abu-Arz_ (220 pages; 1.9MB)

Mordechai Nisan 2015 _Politics and War in Lebanon: UnRaveling the Enigma_ (250 pages; 1.5MB)

Mordechai Nisan 1999 _"Identity" and Civilization: Essays on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam_ (225 pages)

Mikkel Clair Nissen 2013 _Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed_ (140 pages; 5.2MB)

Hans Noel 2013 _Political Ideologies and Political Parties in the USA_ (230 pages; 5MB)

Douglas E. Noll 8888 _Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts_ (304 pages)

George Noory 8888 _Late Night Snacks_ ()

Caroline Nordstrom 2004 _Shadows of War: Violence, Power, and InterNational Profiteering in the 21st Century_ ()

Michael Novak 1996 _Business as a Calling: Work and the Examined Life_ (240 pages; 306.36)

Ted Nugent 1991 _Blood Trails: The Truth About BowHunting_ (145 pages)

Ted Nugent 2000 _God, Guns, & Rock and Roll_ (300 pages)

Ted Nugent 2004 _Blood Trails 2: The Truth About BowHunting_ (145 pages)

Ted Nugent & Shemane Nugent 2005 _Kill It & Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish_ (240 pages)

Ted Nugent 2008 _Ted, White, & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto_ (245 pages)

(20) ►Devin Nunes 2020 _CountDown to Socialism_ (88 pages; 1.5MB; due out 2020-09-17; ILL request)◀

(55) ►Devin Nunes 2010, 2016 _Restoring the Republic: A Clear, Concise, and Colorful BluePrint for America's Future_ (160 pages; 1.2MB; ILL request)◀

(30) Abraham M. Nussbaum 2016 _The Finest Traditions of My Calling: One Physician's Search for the Renewal of Medicine_ (300 pages; 610.696 Nus; Main)

(60) Martha C. Nussbaum 2019 _The Cosmopolitan Tradition: A "Noble" but Flawed Ideal_ (300 pages; 2.2MB; 999.99999999 Nus; Mars)

Rachel Love Nuwer 2018 _Poached: InSide the Dark World of WildLife Trafficking_ ()

Margaret Nydell 1987, 2012 _Understanding Arabs: A Contemporary Guide to Arab Society_ (315 pages; 2.9MB)

Joseph S. Nye ii 2005 _Soft Power: The Means To Success in World Politics_ ()

Joseph S. Nye ii, Philip D. Zelikow & David C. King 1997 _Why People Don't Trust Government_ (340 pages)

- - - - - O

Richard O'Brien 1990, 1992 _The Story of American Toys from the Puritans to the Present_ (252 pages; 338.4 OBr; Main)

Eoghan Odinsson 2012 _Northern Wisdom: The Havamal, Tao of the Vikings_ (230 pages; 922KB)

(24) Leslie Odom ii 2018 _Failing Up: How to Take Risks, Aim Higher, and Never Stop Learning_ (200 pages; 2.9MB; 158; Main)

Carol Off 2014 _Bitter Chocolate: Anatomy of an Industry_ (330 pages; 1.1MB)

(13) Nick Offerman 2015 _Gumption: ReLighting the Torch of Freedom with USA's Gutsiest TroubleMakers_ (382 pages; 973.00207 Off; Main+NE+E)

(20) Nick Offerman 2021 _Where the Deer and the Antelope Play: The Pastoral Observations of an Ignorant USA Citizen Who Loves to Walk OutSide_ (320 pages; ISBN 9781101984697; Penguin; on order 2021-08-29 Off; Main+Jax)

Ohio Geological Survey 1972 _BedRock Geology of the Addyston Quadrangle and Part of the Burlington Quadrangle, Hamilton county Ohio_ ()

(25) ►James O'Keefe 2013 _BreakThrough: Our Guerilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy_ (350 pages; 4.1MB; ILL request)◀

(5) James O'Keefe 2018 _American Pravda: My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News_ (310 pages; 2.9MB; 070.43 OKe; NE)

Elise A. Rogers Halliday Okobi 2013 _Library Services for Adults in the 21st Century_ (245 pages)

Jacqueline Olds & Richard S. Schwartz 2009 _The Lonely Americans: Drifting Apart in the 21st Century_ ()

Rosemary O'Leary, Robert F. Durant, Daniel J. Fiorino & Paul S. Weiland 1998, 1999 _Managing for the Environment: Understanding the Legal, Organizational, and Policy Challenges_ (460 pages)

John R. Oneal & Bruce Russett 2001 _Triangulating Peace: Democracy, InterDependence, and International Organizations_ ()

(37) Cathy O'Neil 2016 _Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases InEqulity and Threatens Democracy_ (259 pages; 005.7 ONE; Main+NE)

(45) ►Tyler O'Neil 2020 _Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center_ (SPLC; 230 pages; 2.9MB; ILL request)◀

(47) Daniel Oppenheimer 2016 _Exit Right: The People Who Left the Left and ReShaped the USA Century_ (400 pages; 324.20922)

Andy Oram 2001 _Peer-to-Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies_ (440 pages; 1.5MB)

Toby Ord 2020 _The Precipice: Existential Risk & the Future of Humanity_ (440 pages; ISBN 9780316484923; OCLC 1164504666; Hachette)

Bill O'Reilly 2019 _The United States of Trump: How the President Sees the USA_ (295 pages)

(38) Michael B. Oren 2015 _Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide_ (400 pages; 327.7305 Ore; Main+NE)

Myron Orfield _American MetroPolitics_ ()

P.J. O'Rourke 2004 _Peace Kills_ (190 pages; 973.931)

P.J. O'Rourke 2001 _On the Wealth of Nations_ (330.153)

Linda Orriss 2014 _Craft BookBinding_ (96 pages; 65.7MB)

(40) ►Bob Ortega 1998 _In Sam We Trust: The UnTold Story of Sam Walton and How WM Is Devouring America_ (413 pages; 381.149 Ort; ILL request)◀

Frank Ostaseski 2019 _The 5 Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us about Living_ (290 pages; 294.3423 OST; Main+Jax)

Mortimer Ostow 1996 _Myth and Madness: The Psychodynamics of AntiSemitism_ ()

(45) Cindy L. Otis 2020 _True or False: A CIA Analyst's Guide to Spotting Fake News_ (313 pages; on order 2020-08-27; J 070.43 Oti; Main)

(28) ►Shawn Lawrence Otto & Lawrence M. Krauss 2016 _The War on Science: Who's Waging It, Why It Matters, What We Can Do About It_ (510 pages; 2.6MB; 303.483; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(55) ►reverend Bill Owens & Deborah de Sousa Owens, Ed.D. 2019 _A Dream DeRailed: How the Left Hijacked Civil Rights to Create a Permanent UnderClass_ (145-160 pages; ISBN 9781513652054; 1129123575; New Dream; ILL request)◀

Burgess Owens 2016 _Illiberal Leftism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies, and Wimps_ (340 pages; 3.2MB)

(38) Candace Owens 2019 _BlackOut: How Black USA Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation_ (300 pages; ISBN 9781982133276; Threshold; on order 2020-10-01; 324.2734 Owe; Main)

- - - - - P

Ion Mihai Pacepa & Ronald Rychlak 2013 _DisInformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for UnderMining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism_ (449 pages; 3.9MB)

(30) ►Carter Page 2020 _Abuse & Power: How an Innocent American Was Framed in an Attempted Coup against the President_ (245 pages; ISBN 1684511208/ 9781684511204; Regnery; ILL request)◀

Karen Page & Andrew Dornenburg 2008 _The Flavor Bible: The Essential Guide to Culinary Creativity, Based on the Wisdom of USA's Most Imaginative Chefs_ (380 pages; 19.3MB)

Scott E. Page 2008 _The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and "Societies"_ (450 pages; 3.9MB)

David P. Paine & James D. Kiser 2012 _Aerial Photography & Image Interpretation_ (640 pages; 65.1MB)

(50) Kimberly Palmer 2014 _The Economy of You: Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur and Recession-Proof Your Life_ (239 pages; 658.11; Main+Jax)

Tim Palmer 2012 _California Glaciers_ (125 pages)

(27) Stephanie Palmer 2008 _Good in a Room: How to Sell YourSelf (and Your Ideas) and Win Over Any Audience_ (271 pages; 650.1; Main)

(38) ►Matt Palumbo & Corey Iacono 2014-08-24, 2014-12-06, 2014-12-07 _In Defense of Classical Liberalism: An Economic Analysis_ (256-302 pages; 2.4MB; ISBN 9781503247499; CreateSpace; ILL request)◀

(40) ►Matt Palumbo 2019 _Debunk This!: Shattering Illiberal Leftist Lies_ (August; 256 pages; ISBN 9781642933048; OCLC 1091844723; Post Hill; ILL request)◀

(45) ►Matt Palumbo 2021 _Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo & de Blasio Ruined New York_ (245 pages; ISBN 9781642937763; OCLC 1197841500; Post Hill; ILL request)◀

(35) Alex Soojung-Kim Pang 2016 _Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less_ (310 pages; 612.042 Pan; Main)

Jean-Louis Panne, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, Nicolas Werth, Stephane Courtois, Mark Kramer, Jonathan Murphy, Remi Kauffer 1999 _The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression_ (858 pages)

(55) Michael V. Pantalon 2011 _Instant Influence: How to Get AnyOne to do AnyThing Fast_ (240 pages; 153.852 Pan; Main)

Ilario Pantano & Malcolm McConnell 2006 _WarLord: No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy_ (956.7044)

Ilario Pantano & Malcolm McConnell 2011 _WarLord: Broken by War, Saved by Grace_ (956.7044)

Derek Parfit 1986 _Reasons & Persons_ (560 pages; 2.2MB)

(44) Robert L. Park 2001 _Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud_ (230 pages; 509.73 Par; Main+NE)

Yeonmi Park & Maryanne Vollers 2015 _In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom_ (280 pages; 10.7MB)

(61) ►Star Parker 2019 _Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump InFlames the Culture War & Why This Is Good News for the USA_ (215 pages; 1.5MB; ILL request)◀

Star Parker 2019 _America Divided_ (150 pages; 303KB)

Star Parker 2014 _Blind Conceit: Politics, Policy, and Racial Polarization: Moving Forward to Save the USA_ (150 pages; 486KB)

(50) Star Parker 2003 _Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves USA's Poor and What We Can Do About It_ (229 pages; 362.5 Par; Main)

C. Northcote Parkinson 1957 _Parkinson's Law and Other Studies in Administration_ ()

Kris Paronto/Tanto 2019 _The Patriot's Creed: Inspiration & Advice for Living an Heroic Life_ (250 pages; 1.9MB)

Kris Paronto/Tanto 2017 _The Ranger Way: Living the Code On and Off the BattleField_ (250 pages; 3.4MB)

Michael L. Parsons 1995 _Global Warming: The Truth Behind the Myth_ ()

(49) Frank Partnoy 2012 _Wait: The Art & Science of Delay_ (290 pages; ISBN 9781610390040; OCLC 9999; Public Affairs; 153.83 Par; Main+East)

Raphael Patai 1983, 2010 _The Arab Mind_ (430 pages; 306.089927; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Fabio Patronelli 2014 _Nectar, Ambrosia, and the Food of the Gods: Nettare Ambrosia e Cibo degli Dei_ (bilingual; 115 pages; 237KB)

(40) Ron Paul & Kelley Ashby Paul 2019 _The Case Against Socialism_ (354 pages; 335 Pau: Main)

Ron Paul 2011 _Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Effect Our Freedom_ (328; 320.011; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Jane Pauley 2014 _Your Life Calling: ReImagining the Rest of Your Life_ (300 pages; biography; large)

David Paulides 2012 _Missing 411: Western USA & Canada: UnExplained DisAppearances_ (375 pages)

David Paulides 2012 _Missing 411: Eastern USA: UnExplained DisAppearances_ (350 pages)

David Paulides 2015 _Missing 411: A Sobering CoIncidence_ (390 pages)

David Paulides 2016 _Missing 411: Hunters vol1_ (350 pages)

David Paulides 2017 _Missing 411: Off the Grid_ (400 pages)

Laer Pearce 2012 _Crazifornia: Tales from the Tarnished State--How California is Destroying Itself and Why it Matters to America_ (362 paes; 689KB)

Neil Peart 2002 _Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road_ (460 paes; 2.5MB)

Neil Peart 2011 _RoadShow: Landscape with Drums: A Concert Tour by MotorCycle_ (400 paes; 1.5MB)

Stanton Peele 1999 _Diseasing of America_ ()

Stanton Peele 1998 _The Meaning of Addiction_ ()

Stanton Peele 1992 _Truth About Addiction and Recovery_ (616.85)

Robert Young Pelton 2006 _Licensed to Kill: Privatizing the War on Terrorism_ (360 pages; 35MB)

Robert Young Pelton 2003 _The World's Most Dangerous Places_ (2,808 pages)

Robert Young Pelton 1999 _Come Back Alive: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Disasters, Kidnappings, Animal Attacks, and Other Nasty Perils of Modern Travel_ (300 pages)

Adam L. Penenberg & Marc Barry 2000, 2008 _Spooked: Espionage in Corporate America_ (200 pages; 480KB; 658.47)

Alex Pentland 2014 _Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread: The Lessons from a New Science_ (303.483)

David Pepper 1996 _Modern Environmentalism: An Introduction_ ()

John Perazzo 1999 _The Myths That Divide Us: How Lies Have Poisoned USA Race Relations_ (629 pages; ISBN 9780965126816; OCLC 43166326; World Studies)

John Perazzo & David Horowitz 2011 _From Shadow Party to Shadow Government: George Soros & the Effort to Radically Change [I.e. Destroy] the USA_ (56 pages; ISBN ; OCLC 755632550; Horowitz Freedom Center)

John Perazzo 2017 _Left Wing Hate Groups_ ()

John Perazzo 2017 _Black Lives Matter: Marxist Hate Dressed Up as "Racial Justice"_ ()

Dana Perino 2021-03-09 _EveryThing Will Be Okay: Life Lessons for Young Women (from a Former Young Women)_ (223 pages; 1.9MB; ISBN 9781538737088; OCLC 1240167240; 363.1; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

John Perkins 1982 _With Justice for All_ ()

Tony Perkins 2015 _No Fear: Real Stories of a Courageous New Generation Standing for Truth_ ()

(50) ►Michael Perlman 1998 _The Power of Trees: The ReForesting of the Soul_ (220 pages; ILL request)◀

Nathan Perlmutter & Ruth Ann Perlmutter 1982, 1984 _The Real Anti-Semitism in America_ (300 pages)

Ingolf Pernice 1996 _Harmonization of Legislation in Federal Systems_ ()

Charles Perrow 1984 _Normal Accidents: Living with High Risk Technologies_ (363.1; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Rick Perry 2010 _Fed Up!: Our Fight to Save America from Washington DC_ (220 pages; 320.520973 / 320.5209; Main+NE)

Charles M. Peters 2018 _Managing the Wild: Stories of People and Plants and Tropical Forests_ ()

E. Kirsten Peters 2012 _The Whole Story of Climate: What Science Reveals About the Nature of Endless Change_ (290 pages; 2.3MB)

Tom Peters 2001 _Women Roar_ (60 pages)

(32) Jesse Lee Peterson 2015 _The Antidote: Healing the USA from Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood_ (224 pages; 806KB; ISBN 9781942475002; WND; 305.896074 Pet; Jax)

(44) Jesse Lee Peterson 2005 _Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits [Abuses] Black America_ (216-250 pages; 780KB; WND; 305.896 Pet; NE)

(44) Jordan B. Peterson & Ethan van Scriver 2018 _12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos_ (409 pages; 18.7MB; 170.44 Pet; Main+NE+E+BLPerry+FtBraden+Jax+Woodville)

(45) Jordan B. Peterson 2021 _Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life_ (402 pages; ISBN 9780593084649; Portfolio/Penguin; 170.44; Jax+E)

Jordan B. Peterson 2002 _Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief_ (565 pages; 6.6MB)

Theodore Peterson, Jay W. Jensen & William L. Rivers 1966 _The Mass Media and Society_ ()

Michael T. Petro 2012 _Welcome To Soviet America: The Culture War: Is the Cold War Being Fought and Lost on USA Soil_ (355 pages)

Henry Petroski 2010 _The Book on the BookShelf_ (306 pages; 3MB; 022.4; )

Donald R. Pettit 2016 _SpaceBorne_ (175 pages)

Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer & Michal Maltas 2013 _The BioDynamic Orchard Book_ (100 pages)

Jeffrey Pfeffer 2015 _Leadership BS: Fixing WorkPlaces and Careers One Truth at a Time_ (259 pages; 658.4092; NE)

Jeff Scott Philips 2016 _Big Fat Food Fraud: Confessions of a Health-Food Hustler_ (245 pages; 3.1MB)

Kevin Phillips 1969_The Emerging Republican Majority_ (324.24; )

Melanie Phillips 2012 _Londonistan: How Britain [and Denmark and Sweden and France...] Created a Terror State from Within_ (288 pages; 943KB)

Melanie Phillips 2011 _The World Turned UpSide Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power_ (505 pages; 1.4MB)

Michael Phillips 2012 _The Holistic Orchard: Tree Fruits & Berries the Biological Way_ (830 pages; 67.7MB)

(57) Tom Philpott 2020 _Perilous Bounty: The Looming Collapse of USA Farming & How We Can Prevent It_ (246-272 pages; 3.4MB; ISBN 9781635573138; Bloomsbury; on order 2020-07-15 due out 2020-08-11; 363.192 Phi; Main)

Lawrence Pierce 2015 _A New Little Ice Age Has Started: How to Survive and Prosper During the Next 50 Difficult Years_ (130 pages; 1.3MB)

(27) Michael Pillsbury 2015 _The Hundred Year Marathon: Red China's Secret Strategy to Replace the USA as the Global SuperPower_ (319 pages; 327.112 Pil; Main)

(44) Daniel H. Pink 2018, 2019 _Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us_ (242 pages; ISBN 9781786891709/ 9781594488849; OCLC 1018028294/ 1099843373; Riverhead/Canongate; 153.1534 Pin; Main)

(45) Daniel H. Pink 2018 _When: The "Scientific" Secrets of Perfect Timing_ (258 pages; ISBN 9780735210611/ 9780525535041; OCLC 1018028294/ 1099843373; Riverhead/Canongate; 153.753 Pin; Main)

(46) ►Daniel H. Pink 2012 _A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future_ (286 pages; ISBN 9781594481710; OCLC 948249835; Riverhead/Canongate; ILL request)◀

(49) Daniel H. Pink 2012 _To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth about Moving Others_ (260 pages; ISBN 9781594487156; Riverhead; 158.2 Pin; Main)

--(22) Steven Pinker 1997, 2009 _How the Mind Works_ (660 pages; 2.123MB; 153 Pin; NE+Jax)

--(32) Steven Pinker 2011 _The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined_ (832 pages; 6.183MB; 303.609 Pin; Main)

--(37) Steven Pinker 2018 _Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, & Progress_ (556 pages; ISBN 9780525427575; 303.44 Pin; Main+E)

--(50) Steven Pinker 2010 _The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language_ (546 pages; 1.537MB; 400 Pin; Main)

--(64) Steven Pinker 2002 _Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature_ (509 pages; 155.234 Pin; E+NE+BLPerry)

Drew Pinsky & S. Mark Young 2009 _The Mirror Effect: How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing USA_ (280 pages; 613KB; 306.0973; NE)

Drew Pinsky & Todd Gold 2003, 2009 _Cracked: Life on the Edge in a Rehab Clinic_ (280 pages; 553KB; 362.2918; NE)

Everett Piper 2010 _Why I am a Liberal and Other Conservative Ideas_ (235 pages; 503KB)

(50) Daniel Pipes 1997 _Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From_ (258 pages; 909.8; Main)

Daniel Pipes 1991 _Friendly Tyrants_ (520 pages)

Daniel Pipes 1998 _The Hidden Hand_ (390 pages)

Daniel Pipes 2002 _In the Path of God_ (365 pages)

(50) Daniel Pipes 2003 _Militant Islam Reaches America_ (326 pages; 320.557; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

(50) Daniel Pipes 2015 _Nothing Abides: Perspectives on the Middle East and Islam_ (329 pages; 956.05; NE)

Daniel Pipes 1993 _SandStorm: Middle East Conflicts & the USA_ (410 pages)

Daniel Pipes 1981 _Slave Soldiers & Islam: The Genesis of a Military System_ (247 pages)

Sally C. Pipes 2008 _The Top 10 Myths of USA Health Care: A Citizen's Guide_ ()

(55) Sally C. Pipes 2010 _The Truth About ObummerDoesn'tCare_ (276 pages; 362.1; Main)

Sally C. Pipes 2013 _The Cure for ObummerDoesn'tCare_ (55 pages; 330KB)

Sally C. Pipes 8888 _Top 10 Myths of American Health Care_ ()

(50) Jeanine Pirro 2018 _Liars, Leakers, and Leftists: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy_ (274 pages; 2.1MB; 973.933; NE+E)

(50) Jeanine Pirro 2019 _Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge: The Left's Plot to ReMake/Destroy the USA_ (310 pages; 1.9MB; 973.933; NE+E)

Jeanine Pirro & Catherine Whitney 2004, 2015 _To Punish and Protect: One DA's Fight Against a System That Coddles Criminals_ (280 pages; 391KB)

Dana J.H. Pittard, Wes J. Bryant & David Petraeus 2019 _Hunting the Caliphate: USA's War on ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate & the Dawn of the Strike Cell_ (340 pages; 4.2MB)

Anthony M. Platt 1966, 1972, 1980, 2009 _The Child Savers: The Invention of Delinquency_ ()

Carolyn Platt, Gary Meszaros et al. 2014 _Ohio Hill Country: A ReWoven Landscape_ (64 pages; 19.6MB)

Scott Plous 1993 _The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making_ ()

(49) ►Helen Pluckrose & mathematician James Lindsay, Ph.D. 2020-08-25 _Cynical Theories: How Activist "Scholarship" Made EveryThing about Race, "Gender", & "Identity", & Why This Harms Everybody_ (352 pages; ISBN 9781634312028; OCLC 1200303731; Pitchstone/Swift; ILL request)◀

Cecile Bibawy 2021 _Loving Her Mind_ (caring for mentally ummm abnormal)

Norman Podhoretz 2001 _My Love Affair with America: The Cautionary Tale of a Cheerful [American]_ (248 pages; 365KB)

Norman Podhoretz 2007 _World War 4: The Long Struggle Against IslamoFascism_ (240 pages; 973.931; ???was catalogued, now not there???)

Marshall T. Poe 2010 _An History of Communications_ (340 pages; 2.1MB)

(50) ►Susan Poizner 2017 _Growing Urban Orchards: How to Care for Fruit Trees in the City and Beyond_ (120 pages; 8.4MB; ILL request)◀

Kenneth Michael Pollack 2002 _The Threatening Storm_ (494 pages; 956.70443; Main+NE)

Kenneth Michael Pollack 2008 _A Path Out of the Desert: A Grand Strategy for USA in the Middle East_ (539 pages; 327.73056; hard; Main+NE)

Joel B. Pollak 2016 _See No Evil: 19 Hard Truths the Left Can't Handle_ ( )

(5) ►Joel B. Pollak 2020-07-14 _Red November: Will the Country Vote Blue for Trump or Red for Socialism_ (358-360 pages; 2.1MB; ISBN 1546099840/ 9781546099840; OCLC 1123241179; released 2020-07-14; ILL request)◀

(20) ►Joel B. Pollak 2020-09-29 _The Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons & Legacy of Donald Trump's Presidency_ (305 pages; 1.7MB; ILL request)◀

(27) ►Joel B. Pollak 2021-05-14 _The Zionist Conspiracy: (And How to Join It)_ (167 pages; 1.1MB; ISBN 1546099840/ 9781546099840; OCLC 1123241179; released 2020-07-14; ILL request)◀

Lindsey Pollak 2014 _Becoming the Boss: New Rules for the Nexy Generation of "Leaders"_ (301 pages; 658.4092; Main+Woodville+FtBraden)

(34) Michael Pollan 2006 _The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of 4 Meals_ (450 pages; 1.8MB; 394.12; Main+E+FtBraden+NE)

Michael Pollan 2008 _In Defense of Food_ (244 pages; 613; Jax+E)

Michael Pollan 2013 _Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation_ (450 pages; 2MB; 641.5; Main+NE+E+Jax+BLPerry)

Matthew Polly 2011 _Tapped Out: Rear Naked Chokes, the Octagon, and the Last Emperor: An Odyssey in Mixed Martial Arts_ (290 pages; 756KB)

Matthew Polly 2018 _Bruce Lee_ (640 pages; 86.3MB; biography Lee; Main)

Lowell Ponte 1972, 1976 _The Cooling: Has the Next Ice Age Already Begun? Can We Survive It?_ (300 pages)

Ithiel de Sola Pool 1983, 2009 _Technologies of Freedom_ (290 pages; 3.1MB)

Ithiel de Sola Pool 1990 _Technologies without Boundaries: On TeleCommunications in a Global Age_ (280 pages)

Patrick Poole, Joseph E. Schmitz, William G. Boykin, Harry Edward Soyster, Henry Cooper, Michael del Rosso, Frank J. Gaffney ii, John Guandolo, Clare M. Lopez & Andrew C. McCarthy 2011 _Shariah: The Threat to the USA: An Exercise in Competitive Analysis_ (370 pages; 655KB)

Karl Raimundo Popper 1934, 1959, 2002 _Logik der Forschung_/_The Logic of Scientific Discovery_ ()

Karl Raimundo Popper 1945, 1971, 2006, 2013 _The Open Society and Its Enemies_ (770 pages; 2.2MB)

Karl Raimundo Popper 1957, 2010, 2013 _The Poverty of Historicism_ (175 pages; 1.3MB)

Karl Raimundo Popper, Jorgen Mejer, Arne F. Peterson 2001 _World of Parmenides_ ()

--Gareth Porter & John Kiriakou 2020 _The CIA InSider's Guide to the Iran Crisis from CIA Coup to the Brink of War_ (the deep stater, USA can do no right view of international relations; 140 pages; 1.6MB)

-Richard A. Posner 2001 _Public Intellectuals: A Study of Decline_ ()

(45) ►Jack Posobiec 2021-06-01 _The Antifa: Stories from InSide the Black Bloc_ (criminology; mostly-violent Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist rioters; 233-291-300 pages; 658KB; ISBN 9780999705964/ 9780999705971; OCLC 1257555453; Calamo; ILL request)◀

(39) Virginia I. Postrel 2013 _The Power of Glamour: Longing and the Art of Visual Persuasion_ (269 pages; 111.85; Jax)

(39) Wendell Potter 2010 _Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company InSider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care & Deceiving USA Citizens_ (277 pages; ISBN 9781608192816; Bloomsbury; 659.2 Pot; Main?)

Robert Baden Powell 1908, 2013, 2014 _Scouting for Boys: The Original Edition_ (410 pages; 10MB)

Robert Baden Powell 1911, 2009 _Boy Scouts HandBook: The First Edition 1911_ (300 pages; 5.9MB)

Robert Baden Powell 1940 _HandBook for Boys: 32nd Printing_ ()

Robert Baden Powell 1948 _HandBook for Boys_ ($0.65; 555 pages)

Robert Baden Powell 1958 _HandBook for Boys 1958_ ()

Robert Baden Powell & William Hillcourt 1960 _Boy Scouts HandBook: 6th Edition, 1911_ (470 pages)

Robert Baden Powell, Thomas J. Watson ii, Joseph A. Brunton ii, Irving J. Feist & Alden G. Barber 1965, 1967 _Boy Scouts HandBook: 7th Edition, 1911_ (440 pages)

Robert Baden Powell & Thomas J. Watson ii 1969 _Boy Scouts HandBook: 7th Edition, 1911_ (300 pages; 5.9MB)

Robert Baden Powell, Frederick L. Hines & Arch Monson 1972, 1976 _Scout HandBook 8th Edition_ (475 pages)

S. Steven Powell & David Horowitz 1988 _Covert Cadre: InSide the Institute for Policy Studies_ (460 pages)

Walter W. Powell & Elisabeth S. Clemens 1998 _Private Action and the Public Good_ (330 pages)

(50) Samantha Power 2002, 2007 _A Problem from Hell: USA and the Age of Genocide_ (610 pages; 304.663 BLPerry+Jax)

(48) Kirsten Powers 2015 _The Silencing: How the Left Is Killing Free Speech_ (280 pages; 323.44; Main)

(35) William Powers 2010 _Hamlet's Blackberry: A Practical Philosphy for Building a Good Life in the Digital Age_ (267 pages; 303.4833; Main)

(3) ►Dennis Prager 2012, 2013 _Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs USA Values to Triumph_/_Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph_ (440 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 0061985120/ 9780061985126; OCLC 1005494298; ILL request)◀

Chad Prather 2021-10-12 _Am I Crazy?: An UnApologetic Patriot Takes on the InSanity of Today's "Woke" [Extreme Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist] World_ (250 pages; ISBN 9781630062057; Humanix)

Matthew Pressman 2018 _On Press: The Illiberal Leftist Values That Perverted the News_ (325 pages; 31.7MB)

Kenneth Prewitt 8888 _What Is Your Race?: The Census and Our Flawed Efforts to Classify Americans_ ()

Ron Price & Stacy Ennis 2016 _Growing Influence: A Story of ow to Lead wit Caracter, Expertise, ad Impact_ (195 pages; 2.5MB)

David Priess 2016 _The President's Book of Secrets: The UnTold Story of Intelligence Briefings to USA's Presidents from Kennedy to Obummer_ (390 pages; 13MB)

(48) Dana Priest & William M. Arkin 2011 _Top Secret USA: The Rise of the New American Security State_ (390 pages; 13MB; 363.32517 Pri; Main)

Erik Prince 2013 _Civilian Warriors: The Inside Story of BlackWater and the UnSung Heroes of the War on Terror_ (390 pages; 13.2MB)

James A. Pritchard 1999 _Preserving Yellowstone's Natural Conditions: Science and the Perception of Nature_ (370 pages)

(35) Stephen R. Prothero 2016 _Why Illiberal Leftists Win the Culture Wars Even When They Lose Elections: The Battles That Define USA from Jefferson's "Heresies" to Gay "Marriage"_ (326 pages; 306.20973 Pro; Main)

(39) Stephen R. Prothero 2010 _God Is Not One: The 8 Rival Religions That Run the World and Why Their Differences Matter_ (388 pages; 200 Pro; NE)

Peter Vincent Pry 2016 _BlackOut Wars: State Initiatives to Achieve Preparedness Against an ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) Catastrophe_ (350 pages; 6.7MB)

Peter Vincent Pry 2013 _Apocalypse UnKnown: The Struggle to Protect USA from an ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) Catastrophe_ (380 pages; 3.3MB)

Peter Vincent Pry 2012 _Civil-Military Preparedness for an ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) Catastrophe_ (180 pages; 4.6MB)

George Edgin Pugh 1978 _Biological Origin of Human Values_ (465 pages)

Victor Purcell 1965 _The Chinese in SouthEast Asia_ ()

Robert D. Putnam 2000 _Bowling Alone: Civic Disengagement in America_ (541 pages; 306.0973; E)

Robert D. Putnam 2015 _Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis_ (386 pages; 305.5130973; Main+E)

- - - - - Q

Stephen Quayle & Duncan Long 2001 _Breathe no Evil: Tactical Guide to Biological and Chemical Terrorism_ (266 pages)

Paxton Quigley 1989, 1990 _Armed & Female_ (237 pages; 362.88; Main)

Nabeel Qureshi 2016 _No God But One: Allah or Jesus? A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam & Christianity_ (290 pages; 2.2MB)

Sayyid Qutb, John B. Hardie & Hamid Algar 1953 _"Social Justice" in Islam_ ()

Sayyid Qutb 1964, 1991, 2006 _MileStones_ (150 pages)

- - - - - R

(40) Gideon Rachman 2016 _Easternization: Asia's Rise and USA's Decline from Obummer to Trump and Beyond_ (300 pages; 355.03305 Rac; Main)

Ralph Raico 2012 _Classical Liberalism and the Austrian School_ (365 pages; 1.3MB)

Lee Rainie & Barry Wellman 2012 _Networked: The New "Social" Operating System_ (365 pages; 1.9MB; I wonder whether they discuss corrupt influence, and crony socialism)

(49) ►Vivek Ramaswamy 2021 _Woke, Inc.: InSide Corporate USA's Socialist War Against Justice_/_Woke, Inc.: InSide Corporate America's Social Justice Scam_ (358 pages; ISBN 978154690786; OCLC 1237631944; Center Street; on order 2021-09-06 Ram; Main+NE)◀

Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, Yaron Brook, Andrew Bernstein, Onkar Ghate, Elan Journo, Gregory Salmieri, Don Watkins, Jonathan Hoenig ≈ Stuart K. Hayashi 2018 _A New Text-Book of Americanism_ (210 pages; 12.8MB)

Otto Rank 1958 _Beyond Psychology_ ()

Otto Rank, lord FitzRoy Richard Somerset Raglan & Alan Dundes 1990 _In Quest of the Hero_ ()

Otto Rank _Psychology & the Soul_ ()

Otto Rank 1978 _Truth & Reality_ ()

Ahmed Rashid 2001 _Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia_ (958.104 large)

Ahmed Rashid 2008 _Descent into Chaos: The USA and the Failure of Nation Building in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia_ (954.053)

Ahmed Rashid 2012 _Pakistan on the Brink: The Future of the USA, Pakistan, and Afghanistan_ ()

(55) ►Steven Rattner 2010 _OverHaul: An Insider's Account of the Obummer Regime's Emergency TakeOver of the Auto Industry_ (336 pages; 338.4; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Jonathan Rauch 1994, 1995 _Demosclerosis: The Silent Killer of American Government_ (250 pages)

Jonathan Rauch 2008 _Government's End: Why Washington DC Stopped Working_ (300 pages; 970KB)

Alan Charles Raul 2012 _Privacy and the Digital State: Balancing Public Information and Personal Privacy_ (140 pages; 438KB)

Louis Rawlings, Hugh Bowden & Mick Rawlings 2995, 2006 _Herakles and Hercules: Exploring a Graeco-Roman Divinity_ (265 pages)

Carveth Read 1909, 2012 _Logic: Deductive and Inductive_ (400 pages; 524KB)

(45) Reader's Digest 1998 _The Living Forest_ (160 pages; ISBN 0762101377; 577.3 LIV; NE)

(45) ►Michael Rechenwald/Rectenwald 2019-09-30 _Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag & the Simulation of Freedom_ (160-215-216 pages; 2.6MB; ISBN 9781943003280/ 9781943003266; OCLC 1119389893; World Encounter/New English Review; ILL request)◀

Michael Rechenwald 2019 _SpringTime for SnowFlakes: "Social Justice" & Its PostModern [Dark Ages] Parentage_ (150 pages; 6.2MB)

Jim Redden 2000 _Snitch Culture_ (320 pages)

Tim Redding & Tim Whitmire 2014 _Freed To Lead: F3 and the Unshackling of the Modern-Day Warrior_ (128 pages; 1.9MB)

Lauren Redniss 2015 _Thunder & Lightning: Weather Past, Present, Future_ (270 pages; 313MB)

(39) Erik Reece 2016 _Utopia Drive: A Road Trip through USA's Most Radical Idea_ (346 pages; ISBN 9780374106577; Farrar, Straus & Giroux; 335.02 Ree; Main)

(40) Erik Reece & John J. Cox 2006 _Lost Mountain: A Year in the Vanishing Wilderness: Radical Strip Mining & the Devastation of Appalachia_ (250 pages; ISBN 9781594489082; Riverhead; 622.292 Ree; Main)

(70) Simon Reeve 2006 _One Day in September: The Full Story of the 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre and the Israeli Operation "Wrath of God"_ (304 pages; 364.152)

(63) Robert R. Reilly 2011 _The Closing of the Mohammedan Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist Crisis_ (240 pages; 320.557 Rei; Main)

Robert R. Reilly 2015 _Trying to Make People Think Gay Is Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior is Changing EveryThing_ (240 pages; 756KB)

Robert R. Reilly 2014 _The Prospects & Perils of Catholic-Muslim Dialogue_ (50 pages)

George Reisman 2014 _Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian_ (15 pages; 572KB)

William Reno 1995 _Corruption and State Politics in Sierra Leone_ ()

James Reston 1967 _The Artillery of the Press_ ()

Jean Francois Revel & J.F. Bernard 1971, 1999 _Without Marx or Jesus: The New American Revolution Has Begun_ ()

(50) Jean Francois Revel & Diarmid Cammell 2003 _Anti-Americanism_/_Obsession Anti-Americaine_ (170 pages; 303.48)

(17) ►Glenn Harlan Reynolds 2007 _An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government, and Other Goliaths_ (300 pages; 890KB; ILL request)◀

(19) Luke Reynolds 2018 _Fantastic Failures: True Stories of People Who [Improved] the World by Falling Down First_ (288 pages; J 920.02 Rey; Main)

Chares Reznikoff & Uriah Engeman 1950 _The Jews of Charleston_ ()

Steven Richards 8888 _Think Your Way to Success_ ()

Cliff Richey & Hilaire Richey Kallendorf 2010 _Acing Depression: A Tennis Champion's Toughest Match_ ()

Thomas E. Ricks 1997, 2007 _Making the Corps: 63 Men Came to Parris Island to Become Marines_ (325 pages; 553KB)

Matt Ridley 2015, 2016 _The Evolution of EveryThing: How New Ideas Emerge_ (360 pages; 824KB)

(22) Sheri Riley 2017 _Exponential Living: Stop Spending 100% of Your Time on 10% of Who You Are_ (330 pages; 158.1 Ril; Main)

(48) Karen Rinaldi 2019 _It's Great to Suck at Something: The UnExpected Joy of Wiping Out & What It Can Teach Us about Patience, Resilience, & the Stuff That Really Matters_ (238 pages; 158.1 Rin; Main)

(55) ►Ashley Rindsberg 2021-05-03 _The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times's Mis-Reporting, Fabrications, & Distortions Radically Alter History_ (284 pages; 5.9MB; ISBN 9781736703304; OCLC 99999999; MidNight Oil; ILL request)◀

Mark Rippetoe & Jason Kelly 2013 _Starting Strength_ (340 pages; 9.7MB)

Mark Rippetoe & Andy Baker 2014 _Practical Programming for Strength Training_ (250 pages; 3MB)

Charlotte Rivers 2014 _Little Book of Book Making: Timeless Techniques and Fresh Ideas for Beautiful HandMade Books_ (190 pages; 39.1MB; 686)

William L. Rivers 1970 _The Adversaries, Politics and the Press_ ()

(50) Gary Rivlin 2010 _Broke, USA: From PawnShops to Poverty, Inc.: How the Working Poor Became Big Business_ (358 pages; 339.4609)

(50) Mary Roach 2016 _Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War_ (285 pages; 12.3MB; 355.0709 ROA; Main+NE)

Mel Robbins 2017 _The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with EveryDay Courage_ (230 pages; 18.2MB)

John Roberts 1989 _From Trickster to BadMan: The Black Folk Hero in Slavery and Freedom_ ()

Paul Craig Roberts & Lawrence M. Stratton 1995 _The New Color Line: How Quotas and Privilege Destroy Democracy_ (247 pages)

Paul Craig Roberts 2014 _How America Was Lost: From 2001-09-11 to the Police/Warfare State_ (465 pages; 1.4MB)

(59) ►Ian Robertson 2021-06-03, 2022 _How Confidence Really Works: The New "Science" of Self-Belief: Why Some People Learn It & Others Don't_ (pop-psych; 224-320 pages; ISBN 9781787633711/ 9780552177511; OCLC 1258218262/ 1258129737; Bantam; ILL request)◀

(40) Phil Robertson & Mark Schlabach 2013 _Happy, Happy, Happy: My Life and Legacy as the Duck Commander_ (262 pages; biography Robertson; large)

(45) ►Phil Robertson 2019-02-05 _The Theft of USA's Soul: Blowing the Lid Off the Lies that Are Destroying Our Country_ (224 pages; ISBN 9781400210046/ 9781400210152; OCLC 1133215619/ 1088907942; Thomas Nelson; ILL request)◀

Sadie Carroway Robertson 2014 _Live Original: How the Duck Commander Teen Keeps It Real and Stays True to Her Values_ (225 pages; 29.3MB)

(40) Sadie Carroway Robertson & Beth Clark 2018 _Live Fearless: A Call to Power, Passion, and Purpose_ (196 pages; 248.833 Rob; Main)

(59) Marie Monique Robin 2010 _The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption, and the Control of the World's Food Supply_ (372 pages; 338.766 Rob; NE)

Mary Robinson 2018 _Climate "Justice": Hope, Resilience, and the Fight [Against Freedom, Justice, & Science]_ ()

Kathryn Robles 2019 _BackYard Orchards: How to Grow Fruit in the City_ (57 pages; 2.5MB)

Llewellyn H. Rockwell/Lew Rockwell 2014, 2019 _Against the Left: A Rothbardian Libertarianism_ (115 pages; 1.3MB)

(37) Jose A. Rodriguez ii & Bill Harlow 2012 _Hard Measures: How Aggressive CIA Actions After 2001/09/11 Saved USA Lives_ (269 pages; 9.1MB; biography Rodriguez; Main)

Mary Beth Rogers 2016 _Turning Texas Red: What It Will Take to Break the GOP Majority on USA's Truest-Bluest Republican State_ (250 pages; 1.6MB)

Paul E. Ronan 2010 _Heroes, Villains & Dupes_ (246 pages; 2.4MB)

(14) ►Wayne Allyn Root 2020-11-10 _Trump Rules: Learn the Trump Rules & Tools of Mega Success & Wealth from the Greatest Warrior & Winner in History_ (280 pages; 2.4MB; ISBN 1952106664/ 9781952106668; OCLC 941074128; Redwood; ILL request)◀

Wayne Allyn Root 2015 _The Power of Relentless_ ()

Wayne Allyn Root 2009 _The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold, and Tax Cuts_ (404 pages; 1.4MB)

Kermit L. Rose 2013 _9 Digit Number Puzzles_ ()

Kermit L. Rose 2013 _The 1st Book of ABC Puzzles_ ()

Kermit L. Rose 2013 _The 2nd Book of ABC Puzzles_ ()

Peter G. Rose 2014 _Delicious December: How the Dutch Brought Us Santa, Presents, and Treats: A Holiday Cook Book_ (169 pages; 93.4MB)

Peter G. Rose 2009 _Summer Pleasures, Winter Pleasures: A Hudson Valley Cook Book_ (138 pages)

Peter G. Rose 2009 _Food, Drink and Celebrations of the Hudson Valley Dutch_ (160 pages; 3.6MB)

David Rosen 2016 _99 Negotiating Strategies: Tips, Tactics & Techniques Used by Wall Street's Toughest Deal-Makers_ (145 pages; 602KB)

Emanuel Rosen 2009 _The Anatomy of Buzz ReVisited: Real-Life Lessons in Word-of_Mouth Marketing_ (380 pages; 901KB )

Jay Rosen 1999 _What Are Journalists For_ (brain-washing; propaganda; deception; 340 pages)

(55) ►Nir Rosen 2010 _Aftermath: Following the BloodShed_ (587 pages; 956.7044; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(54) ►William Rosenau, Ph.D. 2020 _Tonight We Bombed the USA Capitol: The Explosive Story of M19, USA's First Female Terrorist Group_ (310 pages; 10MB; ILL request)◀

Joel C. Rosenberg 2009 _Inside the Revolution: How the Followers of Jihad, Jefferson & Jesus Are Battling to Dominate the Middle East and Transform the World_ (956.054)

Joel C. Rosenberg _Inside the Revival: Good News & Changed Hearts Since 2001/09/11_ ()

Joel C. Rosenberg _Epicenter: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future_ ()

Joel C. Rosenberg 2012 _Implosion: Can America Recover from Its Economic & Spiritual Challenges in Time_ (380 pages; 277.3083)

Joel C. Rosenberg _Israel at War_ ()

Tina Rosenberg 2011 _Join the Club: How Peer Pressure Can Transform the World_ (400 pages; 303.484)

James Rosone & Miranda Watson 2016 _Interview with a Terrorist_ (255 pages; 5.2MB)

(39) Alec Ross 2016 _The Industries of the Future_ (300 pages; 338.064)

Lyle H. Rossiter ii M.D. 2011 _The Illiberal Leftist Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness_ (425 pages)

Theodore Roszak 1992, 2002 _The Voice of the Earth_ (360 pages)

Albert Rothenberg 1990, 1994 _Creativity & Madness: New Findings and Old StereoTypes_ (200 pages; 2.8MB)

David Rothenberg 8888 _Nightingales in Berlin: Searching for the Perfect Sound_ ()

(49) David Jochanan Rothkopf 2014 _National InSeucrity: USA Leadership in an Age of Fear_ (482 pages; ISBN 9781610393409; PublicAffairs; 355.033073 Rot; )

Avik Roy 2013 _How Medicaid Fails the Poor_ (48 pages; 264KB)

Barry Rubin & Wolfgang G. Schwanitz 2014 _Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East_ (360 pages)

Barry Rubin & Judith Colp Rubin 2014 _Chronologies of Modern Terrorism_ (405 pages)

(64) Barry Rubin 1989, 1992 _Istanbul Intrigues_ (300 pages; 940.5484)

(67) Barry Rubin & Judith Colp Rubin 2003 _Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography_ (354 pages; biography Yessir Iamfat)

David Rubin 2010 _The Islamic Tsunami: Israel and America in the Age of Obummer_ (245 pages; 4.3MB)

(14) David Rubin 2020 _Don't Burn This Book: Thinking for Yourself in an Age of UnReason_ (224 pages; 1.1MB; ISBN 9780593084304; OCLC 1140353170; Sentinel/Penguin/RandomHouse; on order 2020-09-10; 320.513 Rub; Libby; Main )◀

(27) ►David C. Rubin 2018-10-01 _Trump and the Jews_ (215-224 pages; 4.8MB; ISBN 9780982906774; OCLC 1050133415; Shiloh; ILL request)◀

David C. Rubin 2015 _God, Israel, and Shiloh: Returning to the Land_ (190 pages; 3.9MB)

David C. Rubin 1995 _Memory in Oral Traditions: The Cognitive Psychology of Epic, Ballads, and Counting-Out Rhymes_ ()

Michael Rubin 8888 _Dancing with the Devil: The Perils of Engaging Rogue Regimes_ ()

Rhea Joyce Rubin 2000, 2010 _DeFusing the Angry Patron: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Libraries_ (120 pages)

(50) Robert E. Rubin & Jacob Weisberg 2004 _In an Uncertain World: Tough Choices from Wall Street to Washington_ (425 pages; 336.73)

S. Rubin 1987 _The Secret Science of Covert Inks_ ()

Enrique Rueda 8888 _The Homosexual Network_ ()

(59) Michael Ruhlman 2017 _Grocery: The Buying and Selling of Food in the USA_ (290 pages; 381.456; Main)

Don Miguel Angel Ruiz & Janet Mills 1997, 2011 _The 4 Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom_ (138 pages; 219KB; 299.792; Main+NE)

Don Miguel Angel Ruiz, Janet Mills & Don Jose Ruiz 2011 _The 5th Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self Mastery_ (248 pages, 425KB; 299.7; Main+NE)

Orla Ryan 2012 _Chocolate Nations: Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa_ (190 pages; 568KB)

- - - - - S

(42) Gad Saad 2020-10-06 _The Parasitic Mind: How Bad Ideas are Killing Common Sense & Rational Debate_ (225-235 pages; ISBN 9781621579595; OCLC 1198447259/ 1144464513; Regnery/Eagle; ILL request)◀

(31) ►David O. Sacks & Peter A. Thiel 1996, 2015 _The Diversity Myth: MultiCulturalism and the Politics of Intolerance at Stanford_ (320 pages; 2.9MB; ILL request)◀

Marc Sageman 2011 _Understanding Terrorist Networks_ (220 pages; 528KB)

Julie Salamon 2008 _Hospital: Man, Woman, Birth, Death, Infinity, Plus Red Tape, Bad Behavior, Money, God, and Diversity on Steroids_ (363 pages; 684KB; 362.11; ???was catalogued, now it is not???) Matthew J. Salganik 2018 _Bit by Bit: "Social" "Research" in the Digial Age_ ()

Kamal Salibi 1988 _A House of Many Mansions_ ()

Pauline A. Saliga & Jane H. Clarke 1998 _The Sky's the Limit: A Century of Chicago Sky-Scrapers_ (280 pages; 720.483; ???was catalogues, now it is not???)

(37) Anthony Salvanto 2018 _Where Did You Get This Number?: A Pollster's Guide to Making Sense of the World_ (256 pages; 303.38; Main+NE)

Jason Salzman 1998, 2003, 2004, 2009 _Making the News: A Guide for Activists and Non-Profits_ (300 pages; 3.4MB)

Anthony Sampson 1977 _The Arms Bazaar: From Lebanon to Lockheed_ ()

Gregory Sams 2014 _The State Is Out of Date: We Can Do It Better_ (288 pages)

James Sanders 2013 _The Downing of TWA Flight 800_ (235 pages; 3.5MB)

David E. Sanger 2012 _Confront and Conceal: Obummer's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of USA Power_ (500 pages; 7.6MB)

Rick Santorum 2014 _Blue Collar Conservatism: ReCommitting to a USA That Works_ (210 pages; 693KB)

Rick Santorum 2012 _USA Patriots: Answering the Call to Freedom_ (170 pages; 1.2MB)

Benjamin E. Sasse 2018 _Them: Why We Hate Each Other and How to Heal_ (265 pages)

Charles Sasser 2017 _Crushing the Collective: The Last Chance to Keep the USA Free and Self-Governing_ (345 pages; 1.4MB)

Karla Sasser & Gary Solomon 2015 _Friggin Bean Counters: Navigating the BS-Infested Cubicles of the Accounting Department_ (415 pages; 18.6MB)

(30) Michael Savage 2020 _Our Fight for the USA: The War Continues_ (260 pages; 1.7MB; available in large print)

(75) Michael Savage 2003 _The Emeny Within: Saving the USA from the Illiberal Leftist Assault on Our Schools, Faith, and Military_ (221 pages; 320.513 Sav; Main+E+NE+Jax)

(70) Michael Savage 2010 _Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obummer's Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security_ (365 pages; 320.973 Sav; Main+NE)

(75) Michael Savage 2012 _Trickle Down Tyranny: Crushing Obummer's Dream of the Socialist States of America_ (323 pages; 320.5209 Sav; Main+NE)

(33) Michael Savage 2016 _Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country after Obummer_ (286 pages; 1.4MB; 320.520973; Main)

(75) Michael Savage 2005 _Leftism Is a Mental DisOrder_ (221 pages; 320.513 Sav; Main)

(75) Michael Savage 2005 _Stop Mass Hysteria: USA's Insanity from the Salem Witch Trials to the Trump Witch Hunt_ (339 pages; 320.0973 Sav; Main)

(35) ►Michael Savage 2017 _Trump's War: His Battle for the USA_ (280 pages; ILL request)◀

Sam L. Savage, Jeff Danziger & Harry M. Markowitz 2012 _The Flaw of Averages: Why We UnderEstimate Risk in the Face of UnCertainty_ (400 pages; 7.7MB)

(37) ►Evan Sayet 2012-10-23 _The KinderGarden of Eden: How The Modern Illiberal Leftist Thinks and Why He's Convinced That Ignorance Is Bliss_ (112-144 pages; 295KB; ISBN 9781480010420; OCLC 825554160; ILL request)◀

(44) ►Evan Sayet 2020-08-11 _The Woke Supremacy: An Anti-Socialist Manifesto_ (150-158-160 pages; 1.8MB; ISBN 9788670286749; OCLC 1199009516; ILL request)◀

Robert Scali 2017 _The UnConventional Close Protection Training Manual: Learn How to Defend Yourself and Protect Others_ (675 pages; 7MB)

Emily Jo Scalzo 2017 _The Politics of Division_ (50 pages)

(47) Rowan Scarborough 2007 _Sabotage: USA's Enemies within the CIA_ (229 pages; ISBN 9781596985100; Regnery; 327.1273 Sca; Main)

Joseph Schacht & C.E. Bosworth 1979 _The Legacy of Islam_ (560 pages)

Joseph Schacht 1983 _An Introduction to Islamic Law_ (300 pages)

David Lewis Schaefer 8888 _Illiberal Justice: John Rawls vs. the American Political Tradition_ (380 pages)

Jeffrey A. Schaler 2002 _Addiction Is a Choice_ ()

Jonathan Schanzer 2008 _Hamas vs. Fatah_ (256 pages)

(47) Paul Scharre 2018 _Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War_ (436 pages; 623.4; Main)

(50) ►Andreas Schedler 2006 _Electoral Authoritarianism: The Dynamics of UnFree Competition_ (260 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; ; ILL request)◀

Robert Scheer 2015 _What They Know About You: How Data-Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies Are Destroying Democracy_ (272 pages)

Wolfgang Schivelbusch & Jefferson Chase 2004 _The Culture of Defeat: On National Trauma, Mourning, and Recovery_ ()

Phyllis Schlafly 1964 _A Choice, Not an Echo_ ()

Phyllis Schlafly & Ron Paul 2014 _A Choice, Not an Echo_ (315 pages; 725KB)

Phyllis Schlafly & Ed Martin 2016 _The Classical Liberal Case for Trump_ (270 pages; 896KB)

Phyllis Schlafly & George Neumayr 2012 _No Higher Power: Obummer's War against Religious Freedom_ (220 pages; 1.2MB)

Phyllis Schlafly 2016 _Who Killed the USA Family?_ (300 pages; 2MB)

Arthur Meier Schlesinger 1991, 1992 _The Dis-Uniting of America_ (160 pages; 973 Sch)

(40) Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii 1957, 1988, 2003 _The Crisis of the Old Order 1919-1933_ (Age of Bozovelt #1; 557 pages; 2.8MB; 973.917 Sch; Main)

(50) Arthur Meier Schlesinger ii 1958, 1959, 1988, 2003 _The Coming of the Raw Deal 1919-1933_ (Age of Bozovelt #2; 680 pages; 1.8MB; 973.917 Sch; Main)

Kurt Schlichter 2014 _Conservative Insurgency: The Struggle to Take America Back 2013-2041_ (280 pages; 841KB)

(59) Kurt Schlichter 2018 _Militant Normals: How Regular USA Citizens Are Rebelling against the Elitists to ReClaim Our Democratic Republic_ (268 pages; ISBN 9781546081951; Center Street; 324.2734 Sch; E)

Kurt Schlichter 2012 _I Am a "Conservative": UnCensored, UnDiluted, and Absolutely Un-PC_ (140 pages; 243KB)

Kurt Schlichter 2012 _I Am a "Liberal": A "Conservative's" Guide to Dealing with Nature's Most Irritating Mistake_ (175 pages; 321KB)

(50) Eric Schmitt & Thom Shanker 2012 _CounterStrike: The UnTold Story of America's Secret Campaign against alQaeda_ (352 pages; 973.931 Sch; Main)

(47) Gabriel Schoenfeld 2010 _Necessary Secrets: National Security, the Media, and the Rule of Law_ (309 pages; 323.44 Sch; Main)

David Schoenbrod 2008 _Power without Responsibility: How Congress Abuses the People [and Constitution] through Delegation_ (265 pages; 1.3MB)

Katharina Schramm, David Skinner & Richard Rottenburg 2012 _"Identity Politics" and the New Genetics: Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging_ (220 pages; 1.5MB)

Laura Schroff & Alex Tresniowski 2011 _An Invisible Thread_ (230 pages; 974.71)

Laura Schroff _An Invisible Thread Christmas Story_ ()

Peter H. Schuck & James Q. Wilson 2008 _Understanding America: The Anatomy of an Exceptional Nation_ ()

Natasha Dow Schuell 2012 _Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas_ (435 pages; 5.8MB)

Paul Schullery 1997, 2004, 2014 _Searching for Yellowstone: Ecology and Wonder in the Last Wilderness_ (350 pages; 7.5MB)

Norman W. Schur 1973 _British Self-Taught_ ()

(59) ►Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret 2020-07-09 _Covid-19: The Great ReSet/Evil Power-Grab_ (270 pages; ISBN 2940631123/ 9782940631124; ILL request)◀

Stephan A. Schwartz 2015 _The 8 Laws of Change: How to Be an Agent of Personal and "Social" Transformation_ (220 pages; 871KB)

Tony Schwartz 1974 _The Responsive Chord_ ()

Peter Schweizer 2007 _LandMark Speeches of the USA "Conservative" [Classical Liberal] Movement_ (9999999 pages)

(17) Darrell Scott 2020 _Nothing to Lose: Unlikely Allies in the Struggle for a Better Black USA_ (210 pages; 1.7MB; released 2020-09-15; ISBN 1642934658/ 97816429345656; Post Hill; ILL request)◀

Emmet Scott 2013 _The Impact of Mohammedanism_ (195 pages; 2.4MB)

James C. Scott 1998, 1999 _Seeing like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed_ (460 pages; 7.6MB)

Tim Scott & Trey Gowdy 2018 _Unified: How Our UnLikely Friendship Gives Us Hope for a Divided Country_ (210 pages; 3.4MB)

Roger Scruton 2002 _The West and the Rest: Globalization and the Terrorist Threat_ (202 pages; 317KB)

(40) Roger Scruton 2015 _Fools, Frauds, and FireBrands: Thinkers of the New Left_ (296 pages; 320.5 Scr; Main)

(50) Alan Sears & Craig Osten 2005 _The ACLU vs the USA: Exposing the Agenda to ReDefine Moral Values_ (243 pages; 2.1MB; 323.0420973 Sea; Main)

Randal Sedwick 2017 _12 Dangerous Lies Told about Donald Trump by abc "News", NBC, and CBS_ (19 pages; 2.1MB)

Yaron Segal 2011 _Applied Meteorology: An Innovative Look at Weather Modification, Governing Conditions That May Optimize Rain Production from Clouds_ (100 pages)

(37) ►Charles Seife 2000 _Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea_ (248 pages; 513; NE; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀

(47) Charles Seife 2010 _Proofiness: The Dark Arts of Mathematical Deception_ (295 pages; 1.2MB; 510; Main+NE)

Jay Sekulow 2016 _UnHoly Alliance: The Agenda Iran, Russia, and the Jihadists Share for Conquering the World_ (310 pages; 1.7MB)

Jay Sekulow 2015 _UnDemocratic: Hos UnElected, UnAccountable Bureaucrats Are Stealing Your Liberty and Freedom_ (325 pages; 2.7MB)

Lawrence Sellin 2013 _Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution_ (45 pages; 1.3MB)

Amartya Kumar Sen 1999 _Democracy as Freedom_ ()

Amartya Kumar Sen 1999 _Development as Freedom_ (366 pages; 330.01)

Rinku Sen 8888 _Stir It Up: Lessons in "Community Organizing and Advocacy"_ ()

(57) Peter M. Senge 1990, 2006 _The 5th Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization_ (424 pages; 658.4)

Reva Seth 2008 _First Comes Marriage: Modern Relationship Advice from the Wisdom of Arranged Marriages_ (200 pages; 492KB)

Simran Sethi 2015 _Bread, Wine, Chocolate: The Slow Loss of Foods We Love_ (340 pages; 2.4MB)

Richard Settersten & Barbara E. Ray 2010 _Not Quite Adults: Why 20-Somethings Are Choosing a Slower Path to Adulthood, and Why It's Good for Everyone_ ()

Alan Sewell 2018 _Exploding the Power-Mad Globalist Establishment's Deceptive Myths_ (235 pages; 1.4MB)

(49) ►Stephanie Shackelford, Ed.D. & Bill Denzel, M.B.A. 2021-09-28 _You on Purpose: Discover Your Calling & Create the Life You Were Meant to Live_ (272 pages; ISBN 9780801018701; OCLC 1236899565/ 1241730030; Baker; ILL request)◀

Jon M. Shane 2007 _What Every Chief Executive Should Know_ ()

(50) Ben Shapiro 2004 _BrainWashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth_ (222 pages; 378.73 Sha; Main)

Ben Shapiro 2013 _Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans_ (337 pages; 2.9MB)

(50) Ben Shapiro 2019 _The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great_ (256 pages; 306.0973 Sha; Main+NE)

Ben Shapiro 2014 _The People vs. Barack Obummer: The Criminal Case Against the Obummer Regime_ (300 pages; 2.2MB)

(50) Ben Shapiro 2011 _PrimeTime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV_ (394 pages; 791.450973; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

(59) Daniel Shapiro 2016 _Negotiating the NonNegotiable: How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts_ (300 pages; 302.3)

Daniel Shapiro 2019 _Facts Don't Care about Your Feelings_ (300 pages; 395KB)

--Ira Shapiro 2018 _Broken: Can the USA Senate Save Itself and the Country?_ (310 pages)

Laura Shapiro 2004, 2005 _SomeThing from the Oven: ReInventing Dinner in 1950s USA_ (306 pages; 641.5082; )

Barry Shaw 2011 _Israel: Reclaiming the Narrative_ (310 pages; 958KB)

Jonathan Shay 2010 _Achilles in VietNam: Combat Trauma and the UnDoing of Character_ (265 pages; 893KB)

Jonathan Shay 2010 _Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of HomeComing_ (345 pages; 845KB)

Noah ben Shea 1993 _Great Jewish Quotes: 5K Years of Truth and Humor from the Bible to George Burns_ (192 pages)

G. Richard Shell 2006 _Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiating Strategies for Reasonable People_ (320 pages; 2.6MB)

(32) David Shenk 2010, 2011 _The Genius in All of Us: New Insights into Genetics, Talent, and IQ_ (302 pages; 2.2MB; 155.234 She; Main)

(50) Sue Shephard 2000, 2001 _Pickled, Potted, and Canned: How the Art and Science of Food Preserving Changed the World_ (366 pages; 641.4)

Robin Shepherd 2009 _A State Beyond The Pale: Europe's Problem with Israel_ (320 pages; 857KB)

Kay Sheppard 2000 _From the First Bite: A Complete Guide to Recovery from Food Addiction_ ()

(47) Nancy Sherman 2008 _The UnTold War: InSide the Hearts, Minds, & Souls of Our Soldiers_ (338 pages; 1.6MB; 355.0019 She; Main)

(19) ►Kyle Shideler, Gabriel Nadales, Erin Smith, Matthew Vadum & Erin Smith 2020-10-29 _UnMasking Antifa: 5 Perspectives on a Growing Threat_ (120 pages; 506KB; ISBN 9798555435422; OCLC 99999999; Independent; ILL request)◀

Tim Shipman 2016 _All Out War: The Full Story of How Brexit Sank Britain's [Power-Mad] Political "Class"_ (645 pages; 11.4MB)

Theodore Shoebat 2017 _Christianity Is at War: The Manifesto for Christian Militancy_ (845 pages)

Zachary Shore 2010 _Blunder: Why Smart People Made Bad Decisions_ (260 pages; 602KB)

Edward Shorter 1992, 2008 _From Paralysis to Fatigue: An History of PsychoSomatic Illness in the Modern Era_ (420 pages; 1.6MB)

Mike Shotwell 2016 _Immersed in Red: My Formative Years in a Marxist Household_ (250 pages; 4.9MB)

K.S. Shrader-Frechette 1991 _Risk and Rationality: Philosophical Foundations for Populist Reforms_ ()

Abigail Shrier 2020 _Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters_ (275 pages; 4.2MB)

Karl Shuker 1995 _Dragons: A Natural History_ (120 pages; 398.2454 YA)

Scott Shupe 2018-05-29 _Ohio WildLife Encyclopedia: An Illustrated Guide to Birds, Fish, Mammals, Reptiles, & Amphibians_ (245-1000 pages; 89.7MB; ISBN 9781510728837; SkyHorse)

Scott Shupe 2018-05-08 _Kentucky WildLife Encyclopedia: An Illustrated Guide to Birds, Fish, Mammals, Reptiles, & Amphibians_ (245-1000 pages; 73.1MB; ISBN 9781510728820; SkyHorse)

Scott Shupe 2019-05-28 _Florida WildLife Encyclopedia: An Illustrated Guide to Birds, Fish, Mammals, Reptiles, & Amphibians_ (255-1360 pages; 117.6MB; ISBN 9781510728868; SkyHorse)

Scott Shupe 2019-05-07 _Illinois WildLife Encyclopedia: An Illustrated Guide to Birds, Fish, Mammals, Reptiles, & Amphibians_ (245-1360 pages; 117.6MB; ISBN 9781510728851; SkyHorse)

Efraim Sicher 2013 _Race, Color, Identity: ReThinking_ (390 pages; 2.7MB)

(50) Tom Siciliano & Jeff Caliguire 2005 _Shifting into Higher Gear: An Owner's Manual for Uniting Your Calling and Career_ (180 pages; 650.14; BLPerry + Ft.Braden)

Bruce K. Siddle 1995 _Sharpening the Warrior's Edge: The Psychology & Science of Training_ (145 pages)

(47) Martin Sieff 2008 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East_ (230 pages; 635KB; ISBN 9781596980518; OCLC 1191804653/ 166367692; Regnery)

Bob Siegel 2017 _The Holocaust Against Israel_ (115 pages; 97KB)

Charles Siegel 2011 _Classical Liberalism_ (235 pages)

Fred Siegel 2006 _The Prince of the City: Giuliani, NY, and the Genius of American Life_ (974.71043; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Fred Siegel 1997, 2000 _The Future Once Happened Here: NY, DC, LA, and the Fate of USA's Big, Over-Populated, Over-Crowded, Over-Regulated, Over-Taxed Cities_ (300 pages)

(55) ►Fred Siegel/Frederick F. Siegel 2014, 2015 _The Revolt Against the Masses: How Illiberal Leftism Has UnderMined the Middle "Class"_ (230-239 pages; 926KB; ISBN 9781594037955; OCLC 1011945566; Encounter; ILL request)◀

Jeremy J. Siegel & Donald Coxe 2008 _Stocks for the Long Run_ (380 pages; 332.6322; )

(45) Seth M. Siegel 2015 _Let There Be Water: Israel's Solution for a [Fresh] Water-Starved World_ (337 pages; 6.7MB; 333.91; NE)

Rachel Josefowitz Siegel, Ellen Cole & Susan Steinberg-Oren 2000 _Jewish Mothers Tell Their Stories: Acts of Love and Courage_ ()

Saemund Sigfusson, Carrie Overton & Benjamin Thrope 2017 _Pocket Havamal_ (50 pages; 1.4MB)

Ahmet Sik 8888 _The Imam's Army_/_Imamin Ordusu_ ()

John R. Silber 1974, 1990 _Straight Shooting: What's Wrong with America and How to Fix It_ ()

George Silverman 8888 _The Secrets of Word-of-Mouth Marketing_ ()

Linda Kreger Silverman 1993, 2000 _Counseling the Gifted and Talented_ (360 pages)

Linda Kreger Silverman 2002 _UpSide-Down Brilliance: The Visual-Spatial Learner_ (425 pages)

Ken Silverstein & Daniel Burton-Rose 2001 _Private Warriors_ ()

Jonathan Silvertown 2009 _An Orchard InVisible: A Natural History of Seeds_ (215 pages; 1.9MB)

(48) Vincent A. Simeone 2013 _Grow More with Less: Sustainable Garden Methods for Great Landscapes with Less Water, Less Work, Less Money_ (635.048; Main+FtBraden)

Amelia Simmons 1796, 1984, 2013 _American Cookery: The First American Cook Book_ (80 pages; 384KB)

Richard E. Simmons iii & Jerry Leachman 2011 _The True Measure of Man: How Perceptions of Success, Achievement & Recognition Fail Men in Difficult Times_ (165 pages; 379KB)

Christopher A. Simon, Brent S. Steel & Nicholas P. Lovrich 2010 _State and Local Government Sustainability in the 21st Century_ (400 pages)

Herbert A. Simon 1997, 2013 _Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organizations_ (375 pages; 1.4MB)

Jonathan D. Simon 2018 _Code Red: Computerized Elections and the War on USA Democracy_ (Dem/Red/Leftist/Regressive; 350 pages; 36MB)

Roger L. Simon 2016 _I Know Best: How Moral Narcissism Is Destroying Our Republic, If It Hasn't Already_ (220 pages; 1MB)

(17) ►James Simpson 2015 _The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase the USA_ (65 pages; 2.4MB; ILL request)◀

(40) ►Michael K. Simpson & Marshall Goldsmith 2004 _UnLocking Potential: 7 Coaching Skills That TransForm Individuals, Teams, and "Organizations"_ (160 pages; 4.9MB; ILL request)◀

(40) Peter E. Sims 2011 _Little Bets: How BreakThrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries_ (215 pages; 1.9MB; 658.409 Sim; Main)

(45) Jen Sincero 2013 _You Are a BadAss: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life_ (254 pages; 158.1; Main+E+Jax)

(46) Jen Sincero 2017 _You Are a BadAss at MAKING Money: Master the MindSet of Wealth_ (269 pages; 322.024; E+Jax)

(47) Jen Sincero 2018 _You Are a BadAss Every Day: How to Keep Your Motivation Strong, Your Vibe High, and Your Quest for Transformation UnStoppable_ (215 pages; 158.1; E+BLPerry)

Peter Warren Singer 2007 _Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry_ ()

(54) Peter Warren Singer & Emerson T. Brooking 2018 _LikeWar: The Weaponization of "Social" Media_ (immoral tech tyrants; 405 pages; ISBN 9781328695741; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 302.231 Sin; Main)

S. Fred Singer 1998, 2001 _Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming's UnFinished Debate_ (120 pages)

S. Fred Singer & Dennis T. Avery 2007 _UnStoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years_ (270 pages; 2.5MB)

Robert S. Singh 2016 _After Obummer: ReNewing USA Leadership, ReStoring Global Order_ (154 pages; 1.1MB)

Elias B. Skaff 1993 _The Place of the Patriarchs of Antioch in Church History_ (480 pages)

Anne Marie Slaughter 2004 _A New World Order_ ()

Owen Slot 2017 _The Talent Lab: The Secret to Finding, Creating, & Sustaining Success_ ()

Paul Slovic 2013 _The Feeling of Risk: New Perspectives on Risk Perception_ (450 pages; 3MB)

(50) Tavis Smiley 2011 _Fail Up_ (263 pages; 2.8MB; 158.1; Main)

Esther K. Smith 2012 _How to Make Books: Fold, Cut, & Stitch Your Way to a One-of-a-Kind Book_ (120 pages; 18MB)

George H. Smith & Marilyn Moore 2014 _Individualism: A Reader_ (220 pages; 613KB)

George H. Smith 2013 _The System of Liberty: Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism_ (230 pages; 928KB)

Gregory Bruce Smith 2018 _Political Philosophy & the Republican Future: ReConsidering Cicero_ (230 pages; 1.4MB)

Helen Smith 2013 _Men on Srike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream, and Why It Matters_ ()

Kenwyn K. Smith & David N. Berg 1987 _Paradoxes of Group Life: Understanding Conflict, Paralysis, and Movement in Group Dynamics_ ()

Kitty Smith 1993 _Serving the Difficult Customer: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Library Staff_ ()

(24) Lee Smith 2019 _The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes UnCovered the Biggest Political Scandal in USA History_ (340 pages; 2.3MB; 973.933 Smi; NE)

(27) ►Lee Smith 2020 _The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the USA President_ (240 pages; 1.9MB; ILL request)◀

Lucas Smith 2017 _Athlete: Quotes from the Most Successful Athletes of All Time_ (wisdom, ignorance, & stupidity; 58 pages; 1.3MB)

Lucas Smith 2017 _Science: Most Successful Scientists of All Time_ (wisdom, ignorance, & stupidity; 47 pages; 1.9MB)

Lucas Smith 2017 _Artist: Most Successful Artists of All Time_ (wisdom, ignorance, & stupidity; 72 pages; 1.6MB)

Lucas Smith 2017 _Motivator: Most Successful Motivators of All Time_ (wisdom, ignorance, & stupidity; 48 pages; 948KB)

Lucas Smith 2017 _Author: Most Successful Authors of All Time_ (wisdom, ignorance, & stupidity; 84 pages; 1.8MB)

Lucas Smith 2017 _Politics: Most Successful Politicians of All Time_ (wisdom, ignorance, & stupidity; 66 pages; 1.6MB)

(35) ►Rob Smith 2020 _Always a Soldier: Service, Sacrifice, & Coming Out as USA's Favorite Black, Gay Republican_ (310 pages; ILL request)◀

(39) general Rupert Smith 2007 _The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World_ (448 pages; 1.3MB; 355.02; Main)

(50) Scott Taylor Smith 2013 _When SomeOne Dies: The Practical Guide to the Logistics of Death_ (307 pages; ISBN 9781410459923; Thorndike; LT 306.9 Smi; Main)

Virginia Smith 2008 _Clean: An History of Personal Hygiene & Purity_ (460 pages; 2.2MB)

Dan Smoot 1973, 1985 _The Business End of Government_ ()

Mark Snyder 1986 _Public Appearances, Private Realities: The Psychology of Self-Monitoring_ (255 pages)

(40) Timothy Snyder 2018 _The Road to UnFreedom: Russia, Europe, USA_ (359 pages; 320.53094; Main)

(25) Robby Soave 2019 _Panic Attack: Young Radicals [Leftist Extremists] in the Age of Trump_ (other; 324 pages; ISBN 9781250169884; All Points; 378.198 Soa; Main)

(14) Ivette Soler 2011 _The Edible Front Yard: The Mow-Less, Grow-More Plan for a Beautiful, Bountiful Garden_ (635; Main+East)

Rebecca Solnit 1994 _Savage Dreams_ (401 pages; 99999.999; )

Rebecca Solnit 8888 _River of Shadows_ ()

Rebecca Solnit 8888 _Yosemite & the Invention of Wilderness_ ()

Rebecca Solnit & Mark Klett 2005 _Yosemite in Time: Ice Ages, Tree Clocks, Ghost Rivers_ (140 pages)

(21) ►John Solomon & Seamus Bruner 2020 _FallOut: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, & the Washington DC Lies That Enriched the Clinton Crime Family & BiteMe Crime Family_ (340 pages; 1.4MB; ILL request)◀

Karen Solomon & Jennifer Martine 2014 _Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It and Other Cooking Projects_ (160 pages; 12MB)

Jeramiah Solven 2018 _The Whole Man Project: Military Athletic Performance Manual_ (160 pages; 13.5MB)

David Solway 2007 _The Big Lie: On Terror, AntiSemitism, and Identity_ (320 pages)

Ilya Somin 8888 _Democracy and Political Ignorance_ ()

Patrick Sookhdeo & Douglas Murray 2015 _Dawa: The Islamic Strategy for ReShaping the Modern World_ (330 pages; 3.4MB)

Patrick Sookhdeo, Anna Bekele, Robert R. Reilly, J. Michael Waller & Stephen Ulph 2016 _Meeting the Ideological Challenge of Islamism: How to Combat Modern Radical Islam_ (200 pages; 535KB)

Patrick Sookhdeo, Katharine C. Gorka 2013 _Fighting the Ideological War: Winning Strategies from Communism to Islamism_ (240 pages; 987KB)

Patrick Sookhdeo 2016 _UnMasking Islamic State: Revealing Their Motivation, Theology, and End Time Predictions_ (185 pages; 2MB)

Patrick Sookhdeo 2008, 2015 _Faith, Power, and Territory: A HandBook of British Islam_ (350 pages; 5.2MB)

Patrick Sookhdeo 2014 _Understanding Sharia Finance: The Muslim Challenge to Western Economics_ (115 pages; 1MB)

(50) ►Sam Sorbo 2021-01-21 _Words for Warriors: Fight Back against Crazy Socialists & the Toxic Illiberal Left_ (250 pages; ISBN 9781630061852; OCLC ; Humanix; ILL request)◀

(52) Stephen R. Soukup 2021 _The Dictatorship of "Woke" "Capital": How Political "Correctness" Captured Big Business__The Dictatorship of Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists: How Political "Correctness" Captured Already Somewhat Corrupt Business Executives & Investors_ (200 pages; ISBN 9781641771429; OCLC ; Encounter; on order 2021-08-04; Main+NE)

Howie Southworth & Greg Matza 2016 _One Pan to Rule Them All: 100 Cast-Iron Skillet Recipes for InDoors and Out_ (260 pages; 55.8MB)

Hans A. von Spakovsky 2012 _Who's Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk_ ()

Hans A. von Spakovsky 2014 _Obummer's Enforcer: Eric Holder's Justice Department_ ()

(49) ►Robert Stanley Spalding & Seth Kaufman 2019-10-01 _Stealth War: How Red China Took Over While USA's Elitists Slept_ (234-245 pages; 851KB; ISBN 0593084349/ 9780593084342; OCLC 1102323878; Portfolio/Penguin; ILL request)◀

Robert Spencer 2014 _Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We're In_ (288 pages; 1.2MB)

(44) ►Robert Spencer 2012, 2014, 2021-07-13 _Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam's Obscure Origins_ (250-280 pages; 1.4MB; ISBN 1610171330/ 9781610171335; OCLC 883649585; Posthill/Bombardier/ISI/OpenRoad; ILL request)◀

Robert Spencer 2005 _The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non_Muslims_ (590 pages; 1.1MB)

Robert Spencer 2006 _The Truth about Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion_ (224 pages; 843KB)

Robert Spencer 2006 _The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran_ (265 pages; 1MB; 297.1226; Main)

Robert Spencer & David Horowitz 8888 _Islamophobia: Thought Crime of the Totalitarian Future_ (56 pages; 228KB)

Robert Spencer 2006 _Islam UnVeiled_ ()

(50) Robert Spencer 2018 _The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ Caliphate_ (445 pages; 297.7209 Spe; NE)

Paul Sperry 2005, 2008 _Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington_ (384 pages; 731KB)

Sean Spicer 2018 _The Briefing: Politics, the Press, and the President_ (278 pages; 973.933 Spi; E+NE)

(19) ►Sean Spicer 2020-10-13 _Leading the USA: President Trump's Commitment to People, Patriotism, & Capitalism_ (294 pages; 2.1MB; ISBN 154605944/ 9781546059448; OCLC 1140684466; Center Street; ILL request)◀

Linda J. Spielman 2017 _A Field Guide to Tracking Mammals in the NorthEast_ (190 pages; 29.8MB)

Peter Spielmann, Aaron Zelman & Dean Sharp 1979 _The Insurance Conspiracy Made Elementary by Sherlock Holmes_ (165 pages)

Erick Stakelbeck 2011 _The Terrorist Next Door: How the Government is Deceiving You about the Islamist Threat_ ()

Michael Bugay Stanier 2016 _The Coaching Habit: Sa Less, Ask More, & Cage te Wa ou Lead ForEver_ (240 pages; 3.3MB)

Porter Stansberry 2017 _The American Jubilee: A National Nightmare Is Closer than You Think_/_The USA Jubilee: A National Nightmare Is Closer than You Think_ ()

Porter Stansberry 2015 _USA 2020: The Survival BluePrint_ (275 pages)

Lee Staples 2016 _Roots to Power: A Manual for GrassRoots "Organizing"_ (500 pages; 2.9MB)

Todd Starnes 2014 _God Less America: Real Stories from the Front Lines of the Attack on Traditional Values_ (260 pages; 1.4MB)

Paul Starr 2005 _The Creation of the Media: Political Origins of Modern Communications_ (485 pages)

Paul Starr 2017 _The Socialist Transformation of USA Medicine: The Rise of a Sovereign Profession and the Making of a Vast Industry_ (580 pages)

Rene Stauffer 2010 _Roger Federer: Quest for Perfection_ (580 pages)

Shelby Steele 2006 _White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era_ (305.896; Main)

Shelby Steele 2015 _Shame: How America's Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country_ ()

Gil J. Stein _Catastrophe: The Looting and Destruction of Iraq's Past_ ()

Harry Stein 2012 _No Matter What They'll Call This Book Racist_ ()

Harry Stein _Why We Won't Talk Honestly About Race_ ()

Harry Stein 2000 _How I Accidentally Joined the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and Found Inner Peace_ (320.52; Main)

Ted Steinberg 2006 _American Green: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Lawn_ (220 pages; 635.9647; Main)

Michele Flynn Stenehjem 8888 _An American First: John T. Flynn and the America First Committee_ ()

Bret Stephens 2014 _America in Retreat: The New Non-Interventionism and the Coming Global DisOrder_ (260 pages; 327.73; Main)

(29) Jane Stern 2003, 2007 _Ambulance Girl: How I Saved Myself By Becoming an EMT_ (228 pages; 593KB; biography Stern; NE+E)

(50) Jessica Stern 2010 _Denial: A Memoir of Terror_ (300 pages; 364.1532; )

Larry Sternberg 2005 _Why Jews Should Not Be Leftists_ (272 pages; 2.4MB)

Roger Stevenson & Hugh Henry Ferguson 1770, 1775, 2018 _Military Instructions for Officers Detached in the Field_ (280 pages)

(30) Creek Stewart 2012 _Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag: Your 72-Hour Disaster Survival Kit_ (208 pages; ISBN 9781440318740; Riverhead; 613.69 Ste; Main)

Mark Steyn 2008 _America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It_ (224 pages; 303.48273 Ste; NE+E)

Mark Steyn 2011 _After America: Get Ready for Armageddon_ (424 pages; 1MB; 973.932 Ste; Main+NE+E+Jax)

Mark Steyn 2014 _Lights Out: Islam, Free Speech And The Twilight Of The West_ (322 pages; 512KB)

Holly Stiel 1995 _Thank You Very Much: A Book for AnyOne Who Has Ever Said, "May I Help You?"_ (140 pages)

Holly Stiel & Delta Collins 1994 _Ultimate Service: The Complete HandBook to the World of the Concierge_ (180 pages)

Jeremy Stone 2018 _History of the Deep State vol1_ (200 pages; 1.5MB)

Jeremy Stone 2018 _History of the Deep State vol2_ (195 pages; 2MB)

Rex Stone & Arthur M. Browning 2017 _101 Items for Your Bug Out Bag_ (36 pages; 208KB)

(8) Storey Publishing 2020 _Storey's Curious Compendium of Practical and Obscure Skills: 214 Things You Can Actually Learn How to Do_ (344 pages; ISBN 1635861917/ 9781635861914; on order 2020-10-25; 646.7 Sto; Main+Woodville; book rental)

Philip A. Stott & Sean Sullivan 2000 _Political Ecology: Science, Myth, and Power_ (280 pages)

Wilber Stout 2012 _Geology of Southern Ohio_ (800 pages)

Allan C. Stover 2014 _UnderAge and Under Fire; Accounts of the Youngest Americans in Military Service_ ()

Alan H. Strahler 2013 Introducing Physical Geography_ (660 pages; 236.8MB)

(53) ►Kimberley Strassel 2016 _The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech_ (400 pages; 1MB; ISBN 1455591882/ 9781455591886; Twelve; ILL request)◀

Kimberley Strassel 2019 _Resistance At All Costs: How Trump Haters Are Brekaing the USA_ (245 pages; 585KB)

Neil Strauss 2009 _Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life_ (420 pages; 13.1MB)

Dick Strawbridge 2010 _Practical Self Sufficiency_ (290 pages)

Gunther Siegmund Stent 1956-01-01, 1978-12-04 _Paradoxes of Progress_ (231-448 pages; ISBN 9780716700869/ 9780716700807; OCLC 898984152; Freeman)

Dominic Streatfeild/Streatfield 2006, 2007 _BrainWash: The Secret History of Mind Control_ (448 pages)

Joel Strom 8888 _Learn to Lead: Finding Success as a GrassRoots Political Leader_ ()

Natalie Jomini Stroud 2011 _Niche News: The Politics of News Choice_ (270 pages; 1.6MB)

(30) Sue Stuart-Smith 2020 _The Well-Gardened Mind: The Restorative Power of Nature_ (340 pages; ISBN 9781476794464; William Collins/Scribner; on order 2020-09-10; 615.8515 Stu; Main)

Kayt Sukel 2016 _The Art of Risk: The New Science of Courage, Caution, and Chance_ (280 pages; 1.6MB)

Jonathan M. Sullivan M.D. & Andy Baker 2016 _The BarBell Prescription: Strength Training for Life After 40_ (380 pages)

George Summey ii 1949 _American Punctuation_ ()

James Surowiecki 2005 _The Wisdom of Crowds_ (303.38; NE)

Brian Sussman 2010, 2016 _Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam_ (235 pages; 1.9MB)

Brian Sussman 2016 _Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's Green Agenda Will Dismantle USA_ (355 pages; 7.5MB)

(32) Robert I. Sutton 2017 _The A**Hole Survival Guide: How to Deal with People Who Treat You Like Dirt_ (214 pages; ISBN 9781328695918; OCLC 1054926611; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/Portfolio/Penguin/Mariner; 650.13 Sut; Main+Jax)

Elizabeth Svoboda 2013, 2014 _What Makes a Hero?_ (230 pages; 1MB; don't have book)

Carol Miller Swain 2011-11-13, 2020-11-30 _Be the People: A Call to ReClaim USA's Faith & Promise_ (336 pages; 876KB; ISBN 9780785253129; W/Thomas Nelson)

H. Michael Sweeney 1999 _The Professional Paranoid: How to Fight Back When Investigated, Stalked, Harassed, or Targeted by Any Agency, Organization, or Individual_ (197 pages)

Barbara Swell 2014 _The Lost Art of Pie Making Made Easy_ (72 pages; 5.4MB)

Barbara Swell 2014 _Aunt Barb's Bread Book: Yesterday's Breads for Today's Kitchens_ (75 pages; 5.7MB)

Barbara Swell 2014 _Old-Time FarmHouse Cooking: Rural USA Recipes & Farm Lore_ (72 pages; 4.8MB)

Barbara Swell 2008 _Log Cabin Cooking: Pioneer Recipes & Food Lore_ (64 pages)

- - - - - T

Vesela Tabakova 2014 _Jams & Jellies: Ridiculously Easy Artisan Recipes AnyOne Can Make_ (43 pages; 4.7MB)

James Tabor, PhD & Eugene Gallagher 1995 _Why Waco: Cults and the Battle for Religious Freedom in the USA_ ()

(54) Nassim Nicholas Taleb 2010 _The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable_ (430-444 pages; 12.1MB; 003.54 Tal 2ND Ed.; NE)

(57) Nassim Nicholas Taleb 2018-02-27; 2020-01-07 _Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life_ (295 pages; 8.8MB; ISBN 0425284646/ 9780425284643; OCLC 106182022; RandomHouse/Penguin; 302.12 Tal; Main)

(59) ►Nassim Nicholas Taleb 2020-06-30 _Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails: Real World PreAsymptotics, Epistemology, & Applications_ (435 pages; 8.8MB; ISBN 1544508050/ 9781544508054; STEM; ILL request)◀

(60) ►Nassim Nicholas Taleb 2020-10-14 _Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life & in the Markets_ (360 pages; 1.9MB; ISBN 1400067930/ 9781400067930; RandomHouse; ILL request)◀

(62) Nassim Nicholas Taleb 2012-11-27, 2014-01-28 _AntiFragile: Things that Gain from DisOrder_ (519-535-625 pages; 19.6MB; ISBN 9781400067820; RandomHouse; 155.24 Tal; Main)

(39) Douglas W. Tallamy 2021 _The Nature of Oaks: The Rich Ecology of Our Most Essential Native Trees_ (197 pages; ISBN 9781643260440; Timber; on order 2021-08-06 Tal; Main+E)

(47) ►John Tamny 2021-03-30 _When Politicians Panicked: The New Coronavirus, Expert Opinion, & a Tragic Lapse of Reason_ (258-286-304 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 9781642938371; OCLC 1202772716; PostHill; ILL request)◀

(30) Miles Tanner 2019 _Navigating with or without a Compass: Using Bearings & Nature to Find Your Way_ (124 pages; ISBN 9780762493968; Black Dog & Leventhal; 796.50289 Tan; Main+Woodville)

Nick J. Tate 2012, 2013 _ObummerDoesn'tCare Survival Guide_ (220 pages; 1.8MB)

Billy Joe Tatum 1976 _Wild Foods Field Guide and CookBook_ ()

Janet M. Tavakoli 2014 _UnVeiled Threat: A Personal Experience of Fundamentalist Islam and the Roots of Terrorism_ (140 pages; 1.9MB)

(45) Carol Tavris & Elliot Aronson 2008, 2015 _Mistakes Were Made (but Not By Me): Why We [Try to] Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts_ (390 pages; 1.5MB; 153; Main+Woodville)

John Taylor 8888 _Getting Off Track_ ()

Kathleen Taylor 2004, 2006 _BrainWashing: The Science of Thought Control_ (325 pages; 1.192MB)

Ibn Taymiyah 8888 _The Sword on the Neck of the Accuser of Muhammad_ ()

(50) ►Stan Tekiela 2004-04-06 _Trees of Ohio: Field Guide_ (345 pages; ISBN 9781591930464; Adventure; ILL request)◀

►Shai ben Tekoa 2018 _Phantom Nation: Inventing the Palestinians as the Obstacle to Peace_ (1,370 pages; 14.5MB; ILL request)◀

Shibley Telhami 2002 _The Stakes: USA & the Middle East_ (204 pages; 327.73056; Main)

Peter Temin 1980 _Taking Your Medicine: Drug Regulation in the USA_ (281 pages)

(57) ►Robert Terkla & Nicholas Irving 2018 _Never Fear AnyThing: My UnTold Story as a Sniperin Our Nation's Longest War_ (160 pages; 21.5MB; ILL request)◀

(39) Phililp E. Tetlock & Dan Gardner 2015 _SuperForecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction_ (303.49; Main+E)

(40) Phililp E. Tetlock 2005 _Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know_ (321 pages; 320.01 Tet; Main)

Georges Teyssot 1999 _The American Lawn_ (230 pages)

(30) Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval 2006 _The Power of Nice_ (658.4092; Main)

(47) Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval 2009 _The Power of Small_ (140 pages; 650.1; Main)

Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval 2005 _Bang!: Getting Your Message Heard in a Noisy World_ ()

Richard H. Thaler 8888 _Advances in Behavioral Finance_ ()

Richard H. Thaler & evil lying power-mad Cass R. Sunstein 2008 _Nudge: Worsening Dictatorship Over Health, Wealth, Happiness_ (293 pages; 330.019; Main+Jax+BLPerry+FtBraden)

Bradley A. Thayer 2004-08-13, 209 _Darwin and InterNational Relations: On the Evolutionary Origins of War & Ethnic Conflict_ (425-435 pages; 5.4MB; ISBN 9780813192529; OCLC 660133993; UKentucky)

Robert E. Thayer 1997 _The Origin of EveryDay Moods: Managing Energy, Tension, and Stress_ (280 pages; 2.9MB)

(50) Stephan Thernstrom & Abigail Thernstrom 1997 _America in Black and White: One Nation, Indivisible_ (704 pages; 305.896073 The; Main)

(55) Louis Theroux 2007 _The Call of the Weird: Travels in USA SubCultures_ (266 pages; 306.1 The; Main)

Wilfred Thesiger 2007 _Arabian Sands_ ()

Marc A. Thiessen 2009 _Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept USA Safe and How Barack Hussein Obummer Is Inviting the Next Attack_ (490 pages; 3MB)

Cal Thomas 2014 _What Works: Common Sense Solutions for a Stronger America_ ()

Isaiah Thomas 1810, 1874, 1988, 2015 _The History of Printing in USA with a Biography of Printers & an Account of NewsPapers_ (490-640 pages)

Keith Thomas 1983, 1991, 1996 _Man and the Natural World: Chanting Attitudes in England 1500-1800_ (425 pages; 2MB)

William Thomas 2002 _All Fall Down: The Politics of Terrorism and Mass Persuasion_ (268 pages; 973.931; Main)

C. Bradley Thompson 2015 _NeoConservatism: An Obituary for [a Bad] Idea_ (290 pages; 1.4MB)

(59) Wright Thompson 2020 _Pappyland: A Story of Family, a Fine Bourbon, & the Things That Last_ (246 pages; Julian van Winkle iii; ISBN 9780735221253; Penguin; 338.76635 Tho; Main)

(50) Julie Thompson-Adolf 2018 _Starting & Saving Seeds: Grow the Perfect Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs, and Flowers for Your Garden_ (160 pages; 635 Tho; Main)

Wayne Thorburn 2014 _Blue State: An Insider's Story of How the GOP Came to Have a Majority Again in Texas Politics_ (300 pages; 13.8MB)

Kenneth R. Timmerman 1991, 1992 _The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq_ (560 pagess)

Kenneth R. Timmerman 2004 _Preachers of Hate: Moammedaism and the War against the USA_ (390 pages; 572KB)

(50) Edward Timperlate/Edward Timperlake & William C. Triplett ii 1998 _Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised USA Security for Red Chinese Cash_ (275 pages; 324.7 Tim; Main)

Susan Tolchin 1996, 1998 _The Angry American: How Voter Rage Is Changing the Nation_ ()

Mark Tomass 2016 _The Religious Roots of the Syrian Conflict: The ReMaking of the Fertile Crescent_ (290 pages; 5MB)

Brian Tracy _The Ultimate Goals Program: How To Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Thought Possible_ ()

(59) Phuc Tran 2021 _Sigh, Gone: A Misfit's Memoir of Great Books, Punk Rock, and the Fight to Fit In_ (Saigon; 308 pages; ISBN 9781250194718; on order 2021-04-22; Main)

(45) Jack Tresidder 2005 _The Complete Dictionary of Symbols_ (544 pages; 302.2223 COM; Main)

(20) Donald Trump 2011 _Time to Get Tough_ (216 pages; 330.973 Tru; Main+NE)

(35) Donald J. Trump 2015 _Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again_ (193 pages; 184MB; 320.973; Main+E)

Donald J. Trump & Tony Schwartz 1987, 1989 _Trump: The Art of the Deal_ (biography)

Donald J. Trump & Robert T. Kiyosaki 2011 _Midas Touch: Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich and Why Most Don't_ (658.11; NE)

Donald J. Trump, Meredith McIver, Sharon Lechter & Robert T. Kiyosaki 2006 _Why We Want You to Be Rich: 2 Men, 1 Message_ (332.024; NE)

Donald J. Trump 2009 _Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education in Business and Life_ (650.1; Main+NE)

Donald J. Trump 1987, 1989 _The Art of the Deal_ (biography; yuge)

(35) Donald J. Trump ii 2019 _Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate & Wants to Silence Us_ (294 pages; 973.933 Tru; E)

(59) Donald J. Trump ii 2020 _Illiberal Leftist Privilege: Joe BiteMe & the Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Defense of the InDefensible_ (310 pages; 3.7MB)

(45) Ivanka Trump 2009 _The Trump Card: Playing to Win in Work and Life_ (650.1 Tru; Main)

Abigail Tucker 2016, 2017 _The Lion in the Living Room: How House Cats Tamed Us and Took Over the World_ (245 pages; 3MB)

Mark Tungate 2007 _Adland: A Global History of Advertising_ (278 pages; 659.102; Main+NE)

France Winddance Twine 1998 _Racism in a Racial Democracy: The Maintenance of White Supremacy in Brazil_ ()

Larry Tye 1998 _The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays & the Birth of Public Relations_ (300 pages; 659.2; Main)

- - - - - U

(65) William Ury 2015 _Getting to Yes with Yourself_ (192 pages; 3.6MB; 158.1 Ury; Main)

William Ury 2007 _The Power of a Positive No: How to Say No and Still Get to Yes_ (240 pages; 2.2MB)

William Ury 2007 _Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations_ (170 pages; 2.2MB)

William L. Ury 2000 _The Third Side: Why We Fight & How We Can Stop_ (240 pages)

USA government (DoC, DoD, NASA, USAF) 2014 _History of USA Weather and Climate Modification: Hurricane Modification Attempts with Projects SkyFire, WhiteTop, SkyWalker, Cloud Seeding, Hail Suppression, Ionosphere_ (6MB)

- - - - - V

(48) ►Matthew Vadum 2011, 2016 _Subversion Inc.: How Obummer's ACORN Red Shirts Are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Tax-Victims_ (450 pages; 2.6MB; ILL request)◀

(49) ►Matthew Vadum 2017 _Team Jihad: How Sharia-Supremacists Collaborate with Leftists to Destroy the USA_ (100 pages; 1.5MB; ILL request)◀

Pierre van den Berghe 1981 _The Ethnic Phenomenon_ ()

Tyler J. VanDerWeele 2015 _Explanation in Causal Inference: Methods for Mediation and InterAction_ (715 pages; 12MB)

Patrick van Horne, Jason Riley & Shawn Coyne 2014 _Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps' Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life_ (220 pages; 2.8MB)

Laura VanDerKam 2012 _What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: A Short Guide to Making Over Your Mornings and Life_ (190 pages; 548KB)

Laura VanDerKam 2013 _What the Most Successful People Do at Work: A Short Guide to Making Over Your Career_ (60 pages; 1MB)

Laura VanDerKam 2014 _I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time_ (4 pages; 35.8MB)

Yanis Varoufakis 2017 _Adults in the Room: My Battle with the European and USA [Corrupt, Power-Mad] Deep Establishment_ (545 pages; 3MB)

Billy Vaughn, Monica Morrill, Cari Blake et al. 2013 _Betrayed: The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17_ (250 pages; 7.2MB)

Karen Vaughn 2018 _World Changer: A Mother's Story: The UnBreakable Spirit of USA Navy SEAL Aaron Carson Vaughn_ (245 pages; 24MB)

Richard K. Vedder & Wendell Cox 2006 _The Wal-Mart Revolution: How Big-Box Stores Benefit Consumers, Workers, and the Economy_ ()

Suzanne Venker & Phyllis Schlafly 2011 _The FlipSide of Feminism: What Conserative Women Know and Men Can't Say_ (240 pages; 605KB)

Richard A. Viguerie & David Franke 2004 _America's Right Turn: How Conservatives Used New and Alternative Media to Take Over the USA_ (345 pages)

Richard A. Viguerie & David Franke 2006 _Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause_ (270 pages)

Richard A. Viguerie & Jenny Beth Martin 2016 _TakeOver: The 100-Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It_ (370 pages; 2MB)

Lynn Vincent & Robert Stacy McCain 2006 _Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democrat Party_ (280 pages; 931KB)

Terry Virts 2017 _View from Above: An Astronaut Photographs the World_ (295 pages)

Joe Vitale 8888 _7 Lost Secrets of Success: Million Dollar Ideas of Bruce Barton, America's Forgotten Genius_ (mp3)

Joe Vitale 2006 _Life's Missing Instruction Book_ (158; NE+Jax)

William J. Voegeli 2014-11-04 _The Pity Party: A Mean-Spirited Diatribe Against Liberal Compassion_/_The Pity Party: A Compassionate Diatribe Against Illiberal Leftist Viciousness_ (289-310 pages; 619KB; ISBN 9780062289292; OCLC 870564135; Broadside/HarperCollins)

William J. Voegeli 2010-05-11, 2012-10-09 _Never Enough: USA's Limitless Illfare State_ (270 pages; 2.8MB; ISBN 9781594033766; OCLC 728840731; Encounter)

Eckart Voland, Athanasios Chasiotis & Wulf Schiefenhoevel 2005 _GrandMotherhood: The Evolutionary Significance of the Second Half of Female Life_ ()

- - - - - W

Paul Waggener 2016 _Operation Werewolf: The Complete Transmissions: Condemnation of the Empire of Nothing_ (92 pages; 809KB)

(45) Cami Walker 2009 _29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Improve Your Life_ (226 pages; ISBN 9780738213569; OCLC ; Da Capo; 155.232 Wal; East)

Scott Walker 2013 _Unintimidated_ (265 pages; 9.7MB)

Lawrence Wallack, Katie Woodruff, Lori Dorfman & Iris Diaz 1999 _News for a Change: An Advocate's [Propagantist's] Guide to Working with the Media [to Con the Public]_ (160 pages)

(35) ►Judith S. Wallerstein, Julia Lewis & Sandra Blakeslee 2000, 2001, 2014 _The UnExpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 Year LandMark Study_ (351 pages; ISBN 9780786886166; OCLC 1041112404; Hyperion/Hatchett; ILL request)◀

Jessica Walliser 2014 _Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control_ (230 pages; 14.7MB)

Jessica Walliser 2011 _Good Bug Bad Bug: Who's Who, What They Do, & How to Manage Them Organically_ ()

(2) ►Neale Donald Walsch 2019 _The Essential Path: Making the Daring Decision to Become Who and What You Are_ (119 pages; ISBN 9781250218834; OCLC 1158997365; St.Martins; 158.2 Wal; BLPerry; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀

Mark S. Walton 2006 _Generating Buy-In_ (128 pages; 1.044MB)

Timothy Walton 2006 _Challenges in Intelligence Analysis_ (300 pages; 2.3MB)

(60) ►Terence Ward 2018-10-09 _The Wahhabi Code: How the Saudis Spread [Initiation of Force & Fraud] Globally_ (136-190 pages; 8MB; ISBN 1951627172/ 9781951627172/ 9781628729719; OCLC 1139764490; Norton; ILL request)◀

Bill Warner, PhD 2014 _Mohammed and the UnBelievers: A Political Life_ (Islamic trilogy vol1; 185 pages; 1.4MB; doctorate is in mathematical physics)

Bill Warner, PhD 2014 _The Political Traditions of Mohammed: The Hadith for the UnBelievers_ (Islamic trilogy vol2; 185 pages; 1.4MB; doctorate is in mathematical physics)

Bill Warner, PhD 2014 _A Simple Koran: The ReConstructed Historical Koran_ (Islamic trilogy vol3; 420 pages; 2.3MB; doctorate is in mathematical physics)

Bill Warner, PhD 2014 _A 2 Hour Koran_ (taste of Islam vol1; 90 pages; 1.5MB; doctorate is in mathematical physics)

Bill Warner, PhD 2014 _The Sira: The Life of Mohammed_ (taste of Islam vol2; 90 pages; 385KB; doctorate is in mathematical physics)

Bill Warner, PhD 2014 _Sharia Law for Non-Muslims_ (taste of Islam vol3; 90 pages; 2.8MB; doctorate is in mathematical physics)

Bill Warner, PhD 2010, 2014 _The Doctrine of Slavery_ (taste of Islam vol4; 85 pages; 1.3MB; doctorate is in mathematical physics)

Bill Warner, PhD 2010 _The Hadith: The Sunna of Mohammed_ (taste of Islam vol5; 85 pages; doctorate is in mathematical physics)

Bill Warner, PhD 2014 _The Islamic Doctrine of Christians and Jews_ (taste of Islam vol6; 85 pages; 1.2MB)

Bill Warner, PhD 2014 _The Islamic Doctrine of Women_ (taste of Islam vol7; 70 pages; 1.3MB)

Bill Warner, PhD 8888 _A Self-Study Course on Political Islam Level 1_ ()

Bill Warner, PhD 2011 _A Self-Study Course on Political Islam_ (level1 vol1; 90 pages)

Bill Warner, PhD 2011 _A Self-Study Course on Political Islam_ (level3 vol3; 120 pages)

Bill Warner, PhD 2015 _Lectures on the Foundations of Islam: A Self-Study Course_ (70 pages; 1.6MB)

Bill Warner, PhD 2014 _Factual Persuasion: Changing the Minds of Islam's Supporters_ (70 pages)

Ibn Warraq 2017 _The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology_ (385 pages; 1.4MB)

Ibn Warraq 2003 _Leaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out_ ()

Thomas L. Warren 2005 _Cross-Cultural Communication: Perspectives in Theory and Practice_ (140 pates)

Aldren A. Watson 2012 _Hand BookBinding: A Manual of Instruction_ (150 pages; 26KB)

Anne L. Watson 2016 _Baking with Cookie Molds: Secrets and Recipes for Making Amazing HandCrafted Cookies for Your Christmas, Holiday, Wedding, Tea, Party, Swap, Exchange, or EveryDay Treat_ (210 pages; 33MB)

Anne L. Watson 2016 _Cookie Molds Around the Year: An Almanac of Molds, Cookies, and Other Treats for Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, ThanksGiving, Other HoliDays, and Every Season_ (310 pages; 23.6MB)

Daniel Watson 2004, 2005 _Watson's Dictionary of Weasel Words, Contemporary Cliches, Cant, & Management Jargon_ (350 pages)

Thomas A. Watson, Christian Bentulan & Amanda Shore 2015 _Forgotten Forbidden USA: Rise of Tyranny_ (290 pages; 2.2MB)

(60) Jesse Watters 2021-07-06 _How I Saved the World_ (289-320 pages; ISBN 9780063049086; OCLC 1245249467; HarperCollins/Broadside; on order 2021-07-23)

Duncan J. Watts 2011 _Everything Is Obvious Once You Know the Answer: How Common Sense [Sometimes] Fails Us_ (342 pages; 153.4; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Doug Wead 2019 _InSide Trump's White House: The Real Story of His Presidency_ (440 pages; 43.3MB)

Spencer R. Weart 2003, 2008 _The "Discovery" of Global Warming_ (230 pages)

Richard M. Weaver 2013 _Ideas Have Consequences_ (200 pages; 566KB)

Brandon Webb 2010 _The 21st Century Sniper: A Complete Practical Guide_ (245 pages; 7.5MB)

(55) Christopher Webber 2014 _Give Me Liberty: Speakers & Speeches That Have Shaped the USA_ (419 pages; 808.5109 Web; Main)

(15) Kim Wehle & Penny Ross Burk 2020 _What You Need to Know about Voting and Why_ (325 pages; ISBN 9780062974785; Harper; on order 2020-06-26; 324.65 Weh; Main)

Karl E. Weick 2012 _Making Sense of the Organization: vol2 The Impermanent Organization_ (300 pages; 1.2MB)

(30) Kelly Weill 2022 _Off the Edge: Flat Earthers, Conspiracy Culture, & Why People Will Believe Anything_ (245 pages; ISBN 9781643750682; OCLC ; Algonquin; on order 2022-04-06 Wei; Main+NE)

David L. Weiner 2005 _Reality Check: What Your Mind Knows but Isn't Telling You_ ()

Steven Weinberg 2018 _Third Thoughts_ (science, pseudo-science, politics, space)

(50) Sam Weinman 2016 _Win at Losing: How Our Biggest SetBacks Can Lead to Our Greatest Gains_ (158 Wei; NE; pop-psych)

Mark F. Weinstein 2011 _Habitually Great Communication_ (3.1MB, 228 pages)

Mark F. Weinstein _Habitually Great: Master Your Habits, Own Your Destiny_ (382 pages)

Deborah Weiss 2015 _The "Organization of Islamic CoOperation's" Jihad on Free Speech_ (65 pages; 1.6MB)

Gary R. Weiss 2013 _Ayn Rand Nation: The Hidden Struggle for America's Soul_ (813.52; Main)

Jerry Weissman 2003 _Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story_ ()

Alexander Wendt 1999 _Social Theory of InterNational Politics_ ()

L. Jon Wertheim 2009 _Strokes of Genius: Federer, Nadal, & the Greatest Match Ever Played_ (210 pages; 493KB)

Max Wertheimer & Michael Wertheimer 1959 _Productive Thinking_ (Harper)

David Wessel 2012 _Red Ink: InSide the High-Stakes Politics of the Federal [Government] Budget_ (200 pages; 7.8MB)

(40) ►Allen B. West 2020 _We Can OverCome: An American Black NonLeftist Manifesto_ (215 pages; ILL request)◀

Allen B. West 2018 _Hold Texas, Hold the Nation: Victory or Death_ (150 pages; 4.2MB)

(60) ►Allen B. West 2014 _Guardian of the Republic: An American Ronin's Journey to Faith, Family, and Freedom_/_Guardian of the Republic: An USA Ronin's Journey to Faith, Family, and Freedom_ (225 pages; 6.3MB; ISBN 1452619425/ 9781452619422/ 9780804138109/ 0804138109; ILL request)◀

Darrell M. West 2000, 2001 _Rise and Fall of the Media Establishment_ (125 pages)

(44) Diana West 2007, 2008 _The Death of the Grown-Up_ (250 pages; 305.24 Wes; Main)

(59) ►Diana West 2013 _American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character_ (414 pages; 1.7MB; ILL request)◀

Diana West 2013 _The Rebuttal: Defending _American Betrayal_ from the Book-Burners_ (210 pages; 1.3MB)

(59) ►Diana West 2019 _The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers InSide the Anti-Trump Conspiracy_ (130 pages; 6.9MB; ILL request)◀

Drew Westen 2007 _Political Brain_ (457 pages; 324.973; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

H.B. Wheatley 1902 _How to Make an Index_ ()

Liz Wheeler 8888 _Young, Conservative, and Why It's Smart to be Like Us_ ()

Graham J. White 1979 _FDR & the Press_ ()

John W. Whitehead 2001 _Grasping for the Wind: The Search for Meaning in the 20th Century_ (320 pages; 909.82 WHI; Main)

John W. Whitehead 2004 _The Second USA Revolution: The Emerging American Police State_ (250 pages)

(44) ►John N. Whitehead 2015, 2022-01-23 _BattleField America: The War on the American People_/_BattleField USA: The War against the USA Citizens_ (359 pages; 16.5MB; ISBN 9781590795224; OCLC ; pub; ILL request)◀

John Whitehead 2013 _A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State_ (288 pages; 7.7MB)

(57) Craig R. Whitney 2003 _All the Stops: The Glorious Pipe Organ and its American Masters_ (320 pages; 786.519 Whi; Main)

Carrie Rosefsky Wickham 2015 _The Muslim Brotherhood: Evolution of an Islamist Movement_ (410 pages; 1.7MB)

Wolf Wickham 2017 _The Pocket Heathen: UpDated Translation of the Havamal_ (45 pages; 620KB)

(43) Lis W. Wiehl 2004 _Winning Every Time: How to Use the Skills of a Lawyer in the Trials of Your Life_ (288 pages; 158.5 Wie; Main+NE)

(43) Benjamin Wiker 2008 _10 Books That Screwed Up the World and 5 Others That Didn't Help_ (249 pages; 531KB; 909.09821 Wik; Main)

Aaron Wildavsky & Mary Douglas 1983 _Risk and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers_ (220 pages; 2.3MB)

(50) Aaron Wildavsky 1995, 1997 _But Is It True?: A Citizen's Guide to Environmental Health and Safety Issues_ (570 pages; 363.7 Wil; Main)

Aaron Wildavsky 1987 _Speaking Truth to Power: The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis_ (470 pages)

Aaron Wildavsky 2004 _Leadership in a Small Town_ (380 pages)

Geert Wilders 2012 _Marked for Death: Islam's War Against the West_ (300 pages; 1.1MB)

(50) George F. Will 2019 _The "Conservative" Sensibility_ (600 pages; 320.520973 Wil; Main+NE)

Michael William 2018 _The Genesis of Political Correctness: The Basis of a False Morality_ (250 pages; 835KB)

Armstrong Williams 1996 _Hope and Healing in America's Inner Cities_ ()

Armstrong Williams 1995 _Beyond Blame: How We Can Succeed by Breaking the Dependency Barrier_ (305.38 WIL; Main)

(5) Florence Williams 2017 _The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative_ (275 pages; 17.4MB; 155.9 Wil; E)

Mary E. Williams 2003 _Culture Wars: Opposing ViewPoints_ (306.0973; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)

Michael C. Williams 2005 _The Realist Tradition and the Limits of International Relations_ ()

(35) ►Terence K. Williams 2020 _From the Foster House to the White House_ (200 pages; 1.1MB; ILL request)◀

Kevin D. Williamson 2019 _The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics_ (245 pages; 5.1MB)

(42) Jocko Willink 2020 _Leadership Strategy & Tactics: Field Manual_ (306 pages; 2.3MB; ISBN 9781250226846; St.Martin's; 658.4092 Wil; Main)

(45) Jocko Willink & Leif Babin 2017 _Extreme Ownership: How USA Navy SEALs Lead & Win_ (322 pages; ISBN 9781250183866; St.Martin's; 303.34 Wil; NE)

H.W. Wilson 1991 _Indexing from A to Z_ ()

James Q. Wilson 1989, 1991 _Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It_ (455 pages)

Timothy Wilson 2002 _Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious_ ()

Ronald Wingate 1955 _Wingate of the Sudan: The Life and Times of General Sir Reginald Wingate, Maker of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan_ ()

Ira Winkler 2008 _Spies Among Us: How to Stop the Spies, Terrorists, Hackers, and Criminals You Don't Know You Encounter Every Day_ (340 pages; 3MB)

Craig Winn & Ken Power 2003 _Tea with Terrorists_ ()

Craig Winn 2004 _Prophet of Doom: Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Mohammad's Own Words_ ()

Denise Winn 2011 _The Manipulated Mind: BrainWashing, Conditioning, and Indoctrination_ (210 pages; 502KB)

(44) Wayne L. Winston 2009 _Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers, and Sports Enthusiasts Use Mathematics in Baseball, Basketball, & Football_ (796.0151 Win; Jax)

Daniel Wirls 1992 _BuildUp: The Politics of Defense in the Reagan Era_ ()

(27) Ricnard John Wiseman 2003 _The Luck Factor: Changing Your Luck, Changing Your Life: The 4 Essential Principles_ (209 pages; ISBN 0786869143; Hyperion; 158 Wis; Main)

Robert S. Wistrich 2009, 2010 _A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad_ (1185 pages; 4MB)

Michael Witwer 8888 _Empire of Imagination: Gary Gygax and the Birth of Dungeons & Dragons_ (300 pages; 794.8; )

Milton Wolf 2011 _Do No Harm: The President's Cousin Explains Why His Hippocratic Oath Requires Him to Oppose ObummerDoesn'tCare_ ()

Claire Wolfe & Aaron Zelman _The State vs. the People_ ()

Claire Wolfe 1998 _I Am Not a Number!_ ()

Tom Wolfe 2000 _Hooking Up_ ()

Peter Wood 2006 _A Bee in the Mouth: Anger in America Now_ (304 pages; ISBN 9781594030536; OCLC 751001926; Encounter)

Thomas E. Woods ii 2014 _Real Dissent: A Libertarian Sets Fire to the Index Card of Allowable Opinion_ (347 pages; 876KB)

(24) Thomas E. Woods ii 2010 _Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century_ (309 pages; 833KB; 320.473 Woo; Main)

(55) ►Robert L. Woodson i 2021-05-11 _Red, White, and Black: Rescuing USA History from Revisionists & Race Hustlers_ (188-224 pages; 3.1MB; ISBN 9781642937787; OCLC 1240413929; Emancipation; ILL request)◀

(59) ►Robert L. Woodson i 2020-12-15 _Lessons from the Least of These: The Woodson Principles_ (175 pages; 1.6MB; ISBN 1642936472/ 9781642936476; OCLC 1154336845; Bombardier; ILL request)◀

Michael Wooldridge 2009 _An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems_ (480 pages; 8.7MB)

C. Edmund Wright _How Karl Rove and the Establishment Lost... Again_ (344 pages)

(39) ►Crystal Wright 2016 _Con Job: How Democrats Gave Us Crime, Sanctuary Cities, Abortion Profiteering, and Racial Division_ (300 pages; 2.2MB; ILL request)◀

Lawrence Wright 2006 _The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 2001/09/11_ (973.931)

(39) Michelle Wucker 2016 _The Gray Rhino: How to Recognize & Act on the Obvious Dangers We Ignore_ (284 pages; 658.4062 Wuc; Main)

Andrea Wulf 2015 _The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World_ (490 pages; 59.5MB)

John M. Wunder 1979 _Sand and Gravel Resources of the Lower Great Miami River Valley, Ohio_ ()

(39) Robert Wuthrow 2018 _The Left Behind: Decline & Rage in Rural America_ (192 pages; ISBN 9780691177663; PrincetonU; 306.0973 Wut; Main)

- - - - - Y

Asadullah Yate, Abdassamad Clarke & al-Mawardi 1996 _Laws of Islamic Governance: al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah_ (390 pages)

Ben-Dror Yemini 2017 _Industry of Lies: Media, Academia, and the Israeli-Arab Conflict_ (345 pages; 3.7MB)

Scott Yenor 2011-02-15, 2012-11-30 _Family Politics: The Idea of Marriage in Modern Political Thought_ (377-385 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 9781602583054/ 9781602584792; OCLC 795626628; BaylorU)

Scott Yenor 2020-10-01 _The Recovery of the Family: Exposing the Limits of Modern Ideologies_ (355-461 pages; 3.2MB; ISBN 9781481312820; OCLC 1157536611; BaylorU)

(40) Bat Yeor, Bat Ye'or, Gisele Orebi, Miriam Kochan & David Littman 2001 _Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide_ (528 pages; 909.09767 Bat; Main)

Bat Yeor, Bat Ye'or, Gisele Orebi 2010 _Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis_ (384 paes; 887KB)

Bat Yeor, Bat Ye'or, Gisele Orebi 1971, 1974 _The Jews of Egypt_ ()

Bat Yeor, Bat Ye'or, Gisele Orebi 2011 _Europe, Globalization, and the Coming Universal Caliphate_ (212 pages; 525KB)

Bat Yeor, Bat Ye'or, Gisele Orebi 2013 _Understanding Dhimmitude_ (244 pages; 796KB)

Bat Yeor, Bat Ye'or, Gisele Orebi 1996 _The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam -- From Jihad to Dhimmitude: 7th-20th Century_ ()

Bat Yeor, Bat Ye'or, Gisele Orebi 1985 _The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam_ ()

Bat Yeor, Bat Ye'or, Gisele Orebi 2005 _The Euro-Arab Axis_ ()

Leslie Yerkes, Charles Decker & Bob Nelson 2008 _Beans: 4 Principles for Running a Business in Good Times or Bad_ (658.922 do not have book)

Leslie Yerkes, Randy Martin & Ben Dewey 2005 _They Just Don't Get It: Changing Resistance into Understanding_ (165 pages; 2.4MB)

Milo Yiannopoulos 2017 _Dangerous_ (310 pages)

(47) ►John Yoo & Dean Reuter 2016-02-09 _Liberty's Nemesis: The UnChecked Expansion of the State_ (570 pages; 3.1MB; ISBN 1594038376/ 9781594038372; Encounter; ILL request)◀

Byron York 2020 _Obsession: Inside the Washington DC Establishment's Never-Ending War on Trump_ (310 pages; 1.9MB; ISBN 1684511062)

William Young & James Wolfe 1771, 2019 _Manoeuvres: Oractucak Observations on the Art of War_ (430 pages)

(63) Malala Yousafzai & Christina Lamb 2013 _I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban_ (280 pages; 8.3MB; J biography Malala Yousafzai; NE; 371.822 You; NE)

Mosab Hassan Yousef & Ron Brackin 2011 _Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and UnThinkable Choices_ (304 pages; biography)

- - - - - Z

(59) ►John Zada 2021-02-22 _Veils of Distortion: How the Media News Warps Our Minds_ (157-212 pages; 493KB; ISBN 9781777357108; ISBN Canada/Library & Archives Canada; ILL request)◀

Damon Zahariades 2017 _The Joy of ImPerfection: A Stress-Free Guide to Silencing Your Inner Critic, Conquering Perfectionism, and Becoming the Best Version of YourSelf!_ (170 pages; 2.8MB)

Muhammad Qasim Zaman 2007 _The Ulama in Contemporary Islam: Custodians of Change_ (300 pages; 3.9MB)

Leslie Zebrowitz 1997 _Reading Faces: Window to the Soul?_ (275 pages)

Barbie Zelizer, Pablo J. Boczkowski & C.W. Adnerson 2021-12-20 _The Journalism Manifesto_ (230 pages; ISBN 9781509542635; ; Polity)

Barbie Zelizer 1998-12-01 _Remembering to Forget: Holocaust Memory through the Camera's Eye_ (300 pages; ISBN 9780226979724; ; UChicago)

Barbie Zelizer 2017-01-04 _What Journalism Could Be_ (256 pages; ISBN 9781509507863; ; Polity)

Barbie Zelizer 1992-12-15 _Covering the Body: The Kennedy Assassination & the Shaping of "Collective" Memory_ (307 pages; ISBN 9780226979700; ; UChicago)

Ron Zemke & John Bush 2011 _Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service_ (230 pages; 8.8MB)

Jennifer Zeng 2005 _Witnessing History: One Woman's Fight for Freedom and Falun Gong_ (360 pages; 2MB)

(29) Philip G. Zimbardo 2008, 2011 _The Lucifer Effect: How Good People Turn Evil_ (576 pages; 1.9MB; 155.962 Zim; NE)

(17) Salena Zito & Brad Todd 2018 _The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition ReShaping USA Politics_ (309 pages; 21.8MB; 306.20973 Zit; E+NE)

Gregg Zoroya 2017 _The Chosen Few: A Company of Paratroopers and Its Heroic Struggle to Survive in the Mountains of Afghanistan_ (370 pages; 56MB)

Robert Zubrin 2012, 2013 _Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of AntiHumanism_ (328 pages; 2.6MB)

(50) Gregory Zuckerman 2013 _The Frackers: The Outrageous InSide Story of the New Billionaire WildCatters_ (410 pages; 4.2MB; 338.7622 Hof; NE)

(43) James Zumwalt 2012, 2013 _DoomsDay: Iran, the Clock Is Ticking_ (390 pages; 863KB)


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