updated: 2020-03-23 (c.165)
note: I have been up-dating these manually, so they get out of synch. I will have to develop a script to re-generate the Highest & Second priority pages from the general, prioritized page, do the counts, etc.
(20) ▷Glenn Adamson 2018 _Fewer, Better Things: The Hidden Wisdom of Objects_ (260 pages; 4MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Christopher Alexander 1979 _The Timeless Way of Building_ (552 pages; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Robert W. Bly 2001 _Become a Recognized Authority in Your Field_ (290 pages; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷David L. Bullock 1988 _Allenby's War: The Israel-Palestinian-Arabian Campaigns 1916-1918_ (155 pages; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Jim Coburn 2015 _Opequon Creek: Early Settlers of the Shenandoah Valley_ (76 pages; 360KB; ILL request)◁
(20) Harold Evans 2004 _They Made America: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine: 2 Centuries of Inventors_ (609.2273; Main+NE+Jax+FtBraden+BLPerry)
(20) John Ferling 2007, 2009 _Almost a Miracle: The American Victory in the War of Independence_ (679 pages; 6.6MB; 973.33 Fer; Main)
(20) Scott Finazzo 2016 _Prepper's Survival Medicine HandBook: A Life-Saving Collection of Emergency Procedures from USA Army Field Manuals_ (242 pages; 613.69 Fin; Jax)
(20) ▷Richard B. Freeman & Hal Salzman 2018 _USA Engineering in a Global Economy_ (310 pages; 19.4MB; NBER; ILL request)◁
(20) Stephen Fried 2018 _Rush: Revolution, Madness, and the Visionary Doctor Who Became a Founding Father_ (597 pages; 973.3092 & biography Rush; Woodville)
(20) David Frye 2018 _Walls: An History of Civilization in Blood and Brick_ (292 pages; 909 Fry; Main)
(20) Michael Grant 1994 _Constantine the Great_ (267 pages; 937.08092; Main+FtBraden)
(20) Jonathan Haidt 2012, 2013 _The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion_ (410 pages; 5.1MB; 201.615; Main+NE+Jax)
(20) ▷John Lawrence Hammond 1952 _Gladstone and Liberalism_ (210 pages; biography Gladstone; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Victor Davis Hanson 2013 _The Savior Generals: How 5 Great Commanders Saved Wars That Were Lost from Ancient Greece to Iraq_ (316 pages; 5.1MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Victor Davis Hanson & Jared William Carter 2015 _Mexifornia ii: Rise of the Cartels_ (23 pages; 135KB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Erin Hatton 2011 _The Temp Economy: From Kelly Girls to PermaTemps in PostWar America_ (232 pages; 2.1MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Calvin Hayes 2008 _Popper, Hayek and the Open Society_ (300 pages; 724KB; ILL request)◁
(20) William Holmes Honan 1997 _Treasure Hunt: A New York Times Reporter Tracks the Quedlinburg Hoard_ (290 pages; 364.162; Main+NE)
(20) Ann Hulbert 2018 _Off the Charts: The Hidden Lives and Lessons of USA Child Prodigies_ (372 pages; 17.1MB; 371.950973 HUL; NE)
(20) Thomas Jefferson & Peter J. Hatch 2012 _A Rich Spot of Earth: Thomas Jefferson's Revolutionary Garden at Monticello_ (263 pages; 635; E)
(20) John Anderson Kay 2015 _Other People's Money: The Real Business of Finance_ (336 pages; 6.6MB; 332 Kay; Main)
(20) ▷Charles Poor Kindleberger, Robert Z. Aliber & Robert Solow 1996, 2011, 2015 _Manias, Panics and Crashes: An History of Financial Crises_ (360 pages; 939KB; ILL request)◁
(20) James Kirchick 2017 _The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age_ (a view from the forces of evil; 273 pages; 2.6MB; 940.56 Kir; Main+NE)
(20) ▷Jonathan Kirsch 1998 _Moses: A Life_ (415 pages; ILL request)◁
(20) Michael Kofler & David Kramer 2001 _MySQL_ (data-base/data-base access language; 659 pages; 005.7565)
(20) ▷Robert A. Levy & William Mellor 2010 _The Dirty Dozen: How 12 Supreme Court Cases Radically Expanded Government and Eroded Freedom_ (310 pages; 1MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Hunter Lewis 2013 _Free Prices Now!: Fixing the Economy by Abolishing the Fed_ (265 pages; 738KB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Gerard N. Magliocca 2013 _American Founding Son: John Bingham and the Invention of the 14th Amendment_ (295 pages; 3.5MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Michelle Malkin 2015 _Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of USA TinkerPreneurs_ (325 pages; 4.2MB; ILL request)◁
(20) Tim Marshall 2015 _Prisoners of Geography: 10 Maps That Explain EveryThing about the World_ (310 pages; 25.1MB; 320.12 Mar; Main+E)
(20) ▷Stef Maruch & Aahz Maruch 2011 _Python for Dummies_ (425 pages; 2.1MB; ILL request)◁
(20) David G. McCullough 1972, 2007 _The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge_ (Roebling; 636 pages; 57.2MB; 624.2 MCC; Main+NE)
(20) David G. McCullough 2019 _The Pioneers: The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the USA Ideal West_ (330 pages; 977 MCC; Main+NE+Woodille+Jax+FtBraden+E+BLPerry)
(20) ▷Joris Meys & Andrie de Vries 2015 _R for Dummies_ (390 pages; 6MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Stephen Moore & Arthur B. Laffer 2018 _Trumponomics: InSide the USA First Plan to Revive Our Economy_ (295 pages; 2.9MB; ; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Steven W. Mosher 2017 _Bully of Asia: Why Red China's Dream Is the New Threat to World Order_ (400 pages; 1.3MB; ILL request)◁
(20) Jason Padgett & Maureen Seaberg 2014 _Struck By Genius: How a Brain Injury Made Me a Mathematical Marvel_ (240 pages; 155.935; Main+E)
(20) David Perlmutter & Kristin Loberg 2015 _Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life_ (452 pages; 2.8MB; 612.33 Per; large; E)
(20) ▷Dennis Prager 2012, 2013 _Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph_ (440 pages; 1.2MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Carol Rainey 2008 _100 Miles from Home: Nuclear Contamination in the Communities of the Ohio River Valley: Mound, Paducah, Piketon, Fernald, Maxey Flats, and Jefferson Proving Ground_ (ILL request)◁
(20) David Reich 2018 _Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA an the New Science of the Human Past_ (335 pages; 30.7MB; 572.86; Main+NE)
(20) Richard M. Restak 2001 _Mozart's Brain and the Fighter Pilot: UnLeashing Your Brain's Potential_ (215 pages; 612.8; Main+Jax+NE)
(20) Richard Rhodes 2011 _Hedy's Folly: The Life and BreakThrough Inventions of Hedy Lamarr, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World_ (260 pages; 5.6MB; biography Lamarr; large; Main)
(20) ▷Wayne Allyn Root 2009, 2010 _The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold and Tax Cuts_ (390 pages; 1.4MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Mike Rose 2005 _The Mind at Work: Valuing the Intelligence of the USA Worker_ (290 pages; 1.1MB; ILL request)◁
(20) Antonin Scalia & Bryan A. Garner 2008, 2009 _Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges_ (245 pages; 376KB; 340.0711; NE)
(20) Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg & Alan Eagle 2014 _Immoral Google: How Immoral Google Works_ (286 pages; 338.76102504 Sch; NE)
(20) Peter Schweizer 2013 _Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets_ (320.973 Sch; NE)
(20) Lisa Servon 2017 _The UnBanking of the USA: How the New "Middle Class" Survives_ (250 pages; 2.3MB; 332.10973; Main+E)
(20) Edward James Stackpole & Wilbur S. Nye 1961 _Sheridan in the Shenandoah: Jubal Early's Nemesis_ (Hunter flees before Early; battle of Winchester/Opequon; 413 pages; 973.7 S775; Main)
(20) Rodney Stark 2005 _The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success_ (281 pages; 270; Main)
(20) ▷Gunter Stemberger 2000 _Jews and Christians in the Holy Land: Israel in the 4th Century_ (350 pages; ILL request)◁
(20) Steffanie A. Strathdee, Thomas L. Patterson & Teresa Barker 2019 _The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save Her Husband from a Deadly SuperBug_ (epidemiology; UCSD Med Center; 337 pages; 616.9041 Str; Main+NE)
(20) ▷Andrea Sutcliffe 2015 _Steam: The UnTold Story of USA's First Great Invention_ (280 pages; 858KB; ILL request)◁
(20) Adam Tanner 2017 _Our Bodies, Our Data: How Companies Make Billions Selling Our Medical Records_ (218 pages; 1.4MB; 610.285; Main)
(20) ▷Mark Thornton 2014 _The Great Economists: 10 Economists Whose Thinking Changed the Way We Live_ (255 pages; 790KB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Sergio A. Tinoco 2016 _Proud USA Citizen_/_Proud American: The Migrant, Soldier, and Agent_ (270 pages; ILL request)◁
(20) Gia-Bao Tran 2011 _VietNAmerica: A Family's Journey_ (288 pages; 973.049597 Tra; Main)
(20) Donald Trump 2011 _Time to Get Tough_ (216 pages; 330.973 Tru; Main+NE)
(20) Lynne Truss 2003, 2004 _Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation_ (209 pages; 428.2)
(20) Steven Waldman 2009 _Founding Faith: How Our Founding Fathers Forged a Radical New Approach to Religious Liberty_ /_Founding Faith: Providence, Politics, and the Birth of Religious Freedom_ (277 pages; 323.44 Wal; Main+NE)
(20) ▷Thomas G. West 2017 _The Political Theory of the USA Founding: Natural Rights, Public Policy, and the Moral Conditions of Freedom_ (400 pages; 2MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Peter H. Wilson 2016 _Heart of Europe: An History of the Holy Roman Empire_ (1008 pages; 47.2MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Christopher D. Winan 2013 _Adventures in 3D Printing: Limitless Possibilities and Profit Using 3D Printers_ (390 pages; 36MB; ILL request)◁
(20) ▷Guy Winch 2017 _The Squeaky Wheel: Complaining the Right Way to Get Results, Improve Your Relationships, and Enhance Self-Esteem_ (230 pages; 461KB; ILL request)◁
(20) Timothy Charles Winegard 2019 _The Mosquito: A Human History of our Deadliest Predator_ (485 pages; 595.772 Win; Main+NE+Jax)
(20) ▷Andrew Yang 2014 _Smart People Should Build Things: How to Restore Our Culture of Achievement, Build a Path for Entrepreneurs, and Create New Jobs in the USA_ (270 pages; 736KB; ILL request)◁
(21) ▷David J. Jeremy 1991 _InterNational Technology Transfer: Europe, Japan, and the USA 1700-1914_ (270 pages; ILL request)◁
(22) William Greider 2009 _Come Home, America: The Rise and Fall and Redeeming Promise of our Country_ (320 pages; 330.973; Main)
(22) Jane Hyun & Audrey S. Lee 2013 _Flex: The New PlayBook for Managing Across Differences_ (303 pages; 658.3008; Main)
(22) ▷Michael B. Junge 2012 _Purple Squirrel: Stand Out, Land Interviews, and Master the Modern Job Market_ (239 pages; 784KB; ILL request)◁
(22) Steven Levy 2011 _In the Plex: How Immoral Google Executives and Their Sychophants Think, Operate, Violate Privacy, Discriminate, Deceive, and Seek to Destroy Justice and Liberty_ (420 pages; 3.1MB; 338.761 LEV; Main+Jax)
(22) Antonio Garcia Martinez 2016 _[Immoral] Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Sili Valley_ (515 pages; 971KB; 338.47 Gar; Main)
(22) Bob Mayer 205 _The Novel Writer's ToolKit: A Guide_ (246 pages; 808.02 May; Main)
(22) ▷Philip Meneely, Rachel Dawes Hoang, Iruka N. Okeke & Katherine Heston 2017 _Genetics: Genes, Genomes, and Evolution_ (730 pages; ILL request)◁
(22) Sarah H. Parcak 2019 _Archaeology from Space: How the Future Shapes [Our Knowledge of] Our Past_ (277 pages; 42MB; 930.1 Par; Main)
(22) Eli Pariser 2011 _The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You_ (294 pages; 905KB; 004.678 Par; Main)
(22) Sheri Riley 2017 _Exponential Living: Stop Spending 100% of Your Time on 10% of Who You Are_ (330 pages; 158.1 Ril; Main)
(22) David Foster Wallace 2003 _EveryThing and More: A Compact History of InFinity_ (319 pages; 511.3; Main)
(22) Natalie Wexler 2019 _The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of USA's Broken Education System and How to Correct It_ (324 pages; 372.6 Wex; Main)
(23) David Allen 2002, 2015 _Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity_ (345 pages; 3.3MB; 646.7 All; Main)
(23) ▷Howard P. Chudacoff, Judigh E. Smith & Peter Baldwin 2016 _The Evolution of American Urban History_ (270 pages; 6.1MB; ILL request)◁
(24) Kyran Dale 2016 _Data Visualization with Python and [Evil MSFT] JavaScript: Scrape, Clean, Explore & Transform Your Data_ (553 pages; 005.133 DAL; Main)
(24) Martin Doyle 2018 _Source: How Rivers Made the USA and the USA ReMade Its Rivers_ (340 pages; 333.9162 Doy; E)
(24) David ben Gurion 1966, 1974 _The Jews in Their Land_ (392 pages; 956.94; Main)
(24) colonel David Hunt 2005, 2006 _They Just Don't Get It: How the Washington DC Establishment Is Still Compromising Your Safety, and What You Can Do about It_ (260 pages; 461KB; 363.32; Main)
(24) Kay S. Hymowitz 2012 _Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys_ (240 pages; 155.332; Main)
(24) Shola Richards 2018 _Go Together: How the Concept of Ubuntu Will Change How You Work, Live, and Lead_ (189 pages; 199.68 RIC; Main+BLPerry)
(24) James F. Simon 2012 _What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States of America_ (348 pages; 1.8MB; 342.73029; Main+Jax+NE)
(25) Nancy W. Ambrosiano 1997, 2005 _Complete Plans for Building Horse Barns, Big & Small_ (448 pages; 728.922 Amb; Main)
(25) ▷Tim Ball 2014 _The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science_ (298 pages; 1.58MB; weather/climate; ILL request)◁
(25) ▷Tim Ball 2014, 2016 _Human Caused Global Warming; The Biggest Deception in History_ (110 pages; 5.1MB; weather/climate; ILL request)◁
(25) Norman F. Cantor 2015 _Antiquity: From the Birth of Sumerian Civilization to the Fall of the Roman Empire_ (260 pages; 1.9MB; 930 Can; Main+FtBraden)
(25) Philip Coggan 2012 _Paper Promises: Debt, Money, and the New World Order_ (294 pages; 332.042; E)
(25) Creative Publishing International & Black & Decker 2010 _The Complete Photo Guide to Sheds, Barns, & OutBuildings_ (448 pages; 690.89 Com; NE)
(25) Creative Publishing International & Black & Decker 2008 _The Complete Guide to Roofing, Siding, & Trim_ (271 pages; 695 Com; Main_NE)
(25) ▷Susan J. Crockford 2019 _The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened_ (200 pages; 12.8MB; ILL request)◁
(25) ▷Judith A. Curry & Peter J. Webster 1998 _ThermoDynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans_ (465 pages; 8.6MB; weather & climate; ILL request)◁
(25) ▷Judith A. Curry & Vitaly I. Khvorostyanov 2014 _ThermoDynamics, Kinetics, and MicroPhysics of Clouds_ (785 pages; 34MB; weather & climate; ILL request)◁
(25) Sophia Dembling 2012 _The Introvert's Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World_ (270 pages; 155.232 Dem; NE)
(25) DK/Dorling Kindersley 2017 _Coding Projects in Python_ (pdf down-load)
(25) Pedros Domingos 2015 _The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will ReMake Our World_ (329 pages; 003.54 Dom; Main)
(25) Michael E. Doyle 2007 _Color Drawing: Design Drawing Skills and Techniques for Architects, LandScape Architects, & Interior Designers_ (425 pages; 720.294 Doy; Main)
(25) ▷Ron Arnold & Paul Driessen 2014, 2018 _Cracking Big Green: To Save the World from the Save-the-Earth Money Machine_ (170-205 pages; 1.7MB; weather/climate; ILL request)◁
(25) Jennifer Lyon Eberhardt 2019 _Biased: UnCovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do_ (340 pages; 303.385 Ebe; Main+Jax)
(25) Richard A. Epstein 2003 _Skepticism and Freedom: A Modern Case for Classical Liberalism_ (311 pages; 340.1; Main)
(25) Chuck Fulkerson _The Shawnee_ (J 973.04973 Ful; Main+BLPerry+E+Jax+NE)
(25) David Graeber 2018 _BullShit Jobs: A Theory_ (360 pages; 6.4MB; 308.361 Gra; Main+E)
(25) ▷Terry A. Halpin 2015 _Object-Role Modeling Fundamentals: A Practical Guide to Data Modeling with ORM_ (190 pages; 41.1MB; ILL request)◁
◐(25) ▷Tony Hsieh 2010 _Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose_ (253 pages; 1.1MB; 658.409 Hsi; Main) read with
(25) ▷Aimee Groth 2017 _The Kingdom of Happiness: InSide Tony Hsieh's Zapponian Utopia_ (325 pages; 4.6MB; ; ILL request)◁◑
(25) Laura Ingraham 2017 _Billionaire at the Barricades: The Populist Revolution from Reagan to Trump_ (307 pages; 973.933 Ing; Main)
(25) Mary Elaine Jacobsen 1999 _Liberating EveryDay Genius: A Revolutionary Guide for Identifying and Mastering Your Exceptional Gifts_ (400 pages; 4.3MB; 153.98 Jac; NE)
(25) Max Jacobson, Murray Silverstein & Barbara Winslow 2002 _Patterns of Home: The 10 Essentials of Enduring Design_ (282 pages; 728.370222 Jac; Main)
(25) Hannah Jenkins 2017 _The American House: 100 Contemporary Homes_ (432 pages; 728.0973; Main)
(25) Kevin Walter Johnson, Jane Kise & Karen Eilers 2018 _Find Your Fit: UnLock God's Unique Design for Your Talents, Spiritual Gifts, and Personality_ (248.83 Joh; Main)
(25) Ian Leslie 2014 _Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It_ (216 pages; 153.8 Les; Main)
(25) Dan Miller 2005 _48 Days to the Work You Love_ (650.13 Mil; E)
(25) Mary Caperton Morton 2017 _Aerial Geology: A High-Altitude Tour of North America's Spectacular Volcanoes, Canyons, Glaciers, Lakes, Craters, and Peaks_ (303 pages; 106.6MB; 557; Main)
(25) Douglas Murray 2017 _The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, "Identity", Islam_ (343 pages; 1.9MB; 940.56 Mur; E)
(25) Nick Offerman 2015 _Gumption: ReLighting the Torch of Freedom with USA's Gutsiest TroubleMakers_ (382 pages; 973.00207 Off; Main+NE+E)
(25) Roger A. Pielke ii 2010 _The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won't Tell You about Global Warming_ (276 pages; 3.4MB; 363.73874 Pie; Main)
(25) David Quammen 2018 _The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life_ (461 pages; 14MB; 591.38; Main+NE+E)
(25) Luke Reynolds 2018 _Fantastic Failures: True Stories of People Who [Improved] the World by Falling Down First_ (288 pages; J 920.02 Rey; Main)
(25) Mark Shaw 2018 _Denial of Justice: Dorothy Kilgallen, Abuse of Power, and the Most Compelling JFK Assassination Investigation in History_ (340-473 pages; crime; biography Dorothy Kilgallen; Main)
(25) John D. Wagner & Clayton de Korne 2002 _Barns, Sheds, & OutBuildings: Complete How-To Information & Design Concept for 10 Buildings_ (448 pages; 728.92 Wag; Main)
(25) ▷John Krill ii 2015 _Fedzilla vs. the Constitution: How a Government of Limited Power Mutated into a Monster Trampling the Constitutional Rights_ (445 pages; 2.6MB; ILL request)◁
(25) ▷James O'Keefe 2013 _BreakThrough: Our Guerilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy_ (350 pages; 4.1MB; ILL request)◁
(25) ▷James O'Keefe 2018 _American Pravda: My Figt for Trut i the Era of Fake News_ (310 pages; 2.9MB; ILL request)◁
(25) ▷Reihan Salam 2018 _Melting Pot or Civil War?: A Son of Immigrants Makes the Case Against Open Borders_ (215 pages; 1.4MB; ILL request)◁
(25) ▷James Simpson 2015 _The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase the USA_ (65 pages; 2.4MB; ILL request)◁
(25) ▷Richard K. Vedder & Lowell E. Gallaway 1977, 1993 _Out of Work: Unemployment and Government in 20th Century America_ (336 pages; ILL request)◁
(26) Shereen LaPlantz 1995 _Cover to Cover: Creative Techniques for Making Beautiful Books, Journals, & Albums_ (140 pages; 686.3; Main)
(27) Richard R. John 2010 _Network Nation: Inventing USA Telecommunications_ (520 pages; 4.8MB; 384 Joh; Main)
(27) Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger & Kenneth Cukier 2013, 2014 _Big Data: A Revolution That Will TransForm How We Live, Work, and Think_ (240 pages; 306.46 May; Main)
(27) Stephanie Palmer 2008 _Good in a Room: How to Sell YourSelf (and Your Ideas) and Win Over Any Audience_ (271 pages; 650.1; Main)
(27) Steven Pressfield 2014, 2015 _The Lion's Gate: On the Front Lines of the 6 Day War_ (430 pages; 17MB; 956.046; Main)
(27) John Curtis Samples 2010 _The Struggle to Limit Government: A Modern Political History_ (340 pages; 320.520973; Main)
(27) Lee Smolin 2007 _The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next_ (392 pages; 3.3MB; 530.14; Main)
(27) Michael Southworth & Eran ben Joseph 1997 _Streets and the Shaping of Towns and Cities_ (184 pages; 711.7 Sou; Main)
(27) June Sprigg 1997 _Shaker Design_ (228 pages; 745.0974 Spr)
(27) Linda Tirado 2014 _Hand to Mouth: Living in Boot-Strap America_ (190 pages; 836KB; 362.5097)
(27) Martin Tolchin & Susan J. Tolchin 1992 _Selling Our Security: The Erosion of America's Assets_ (332.673)
(28) Black & Decker 2017 _Wood Floors: HardWood, Laminate, Bamboo, Wood Tile, and More_ (160 pages; 645.1 WOO; Main+Jax)
(28) Jean Sherman Chatzky, Michael F. Roizen & Ted Spiker 2017 _Age-Proof: Living Longer without Running Out of Money or Breaking a Hip_ (328 pages; 2.3MB; 650.1 Cha; Main+E+NE)
(28) Richard Alan Clarke 2019 _The 5th Domain: Defending Our Country, Our Companies, and OurSelves in the Age of Cyber Threats_ (344 pages; 363.325 Cla; NE)
(28) Daniel Covington 2016 _Analytics: Data Science, Data Analysis, and Predictive Analytics for Business_ (285 pages; 658.47 Cov 5th ED.; Main)
(28) Jim Donovan 2019 _Shoot for the Moon: The Space Race and the ExtraOrdinary Voyage of Apollo 11_ (453 pages; 53.2MB; 629.454 Don; Main)
(28) ▷Richard A. Epstein 1985 _Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain_ (365 pages; 4.6MB; ILL request)◁
(28) Alec Foege 2013 _The Tinkerers: The Amateurs, DYIers, and Inventors Who Make the USA Great_ (216 pages; 609.2273 Foe; Main)
(28) Charles Hurt 2019 _Trump Still Winning 2020_/_Still Winning: Why USA Went All In on Donald Trump and Why We Must Do It Again_/_Trump Double 2020 Down_ (276 pages; 13.6MB; 973.933 Hur; E)
(28) Arthur W. Johnson 1988 _The Practical Guide to Book Repair and Conservation_ (110 pages; 025.7)
(28) Richard Leider & David A. Shapiro 2001 _Whistle While You Work: Heeding Your Life's Calling_ (150 pages; 331.702; Main+BLPerry)
(28) ▷Shawn Lawrence Otto & Lawrence M. Krauss 2016 _The War on Science: Who's Waging It, Why It Matters, What We Can Do About It_ (510 pages; 2.6MB; 303.483; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◁
(28) Steven Joseph Ross 2017 _Hitler in Los Angeles: How Jews Foiled Nazi Plots Against Hollywood and the USA_ (414 pages; 39.1MB; 979.494; NE)
(28) Nancy K. Sandars 1978 _The Sea People: Warriors of the Ancient Mediterranean 1250BCE-1150BCE_ (910.0918; Main)
(28) Zach Schonbrun 2018 _The Performance Cortex: How NeuroScience Is ReDefining Athletic Genius_ (341 pages; 5.8MB; 612.044; Main)
(28) Allen G. Taylor 2013 _SQL for Dummies_ (460 pages; 005.7565 Tay; Main)
(28) Richard W. Wrangham 2019 _The Goodness Paradox: The Strange Relationship between Virtue and Violencein Human Evolution_ (377 pages; 155.9 Wra; Main)
(29) Christian Becksvoort 1998 _The Shaker Legacy: Perspectives on an Enduring Furniture Style_ (233 pages; 749.213 Bec; NE)
(29) Lawrence S. Leff & Elizabet Waite 2019 _Geometry: The Easy Way_ (504 pages; 516.22 Wai; Main+E+NE)
(29) George Musser 2015 _Spooky Action at a Distance: The Phenomenon That ReImagines Space and Time... And What It Means for Black Holes, the Big Bang, and Theories of Everything_ (286 pages; 530.11; Main+E)
(29) ▷James Madison Page 2017 _The True Story of Andersonville Prison: A Defense of Major Henry Wirz_ (140 pages; 1.8MB; ILL request)◁