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📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized Second Highest 📚

updated: 2020-03-23 (c.165)

note: I have been up-dating these manually, so they get out of synch. I will have to develop a script to re-generate the Highest & Second priority pages from the general, prioritized page, do the counts, etc.

elevated priorities
(1-19) Red (highest)
(20-29) Orange
(30-39) Aqua
(40-49) Green
(50-69) Blue
(70-79) Fuchsia
(80-89) Purple
(90-100) xBlack (lowest)


(20) ▷Glenn Adamson 2018 _Fewer, Better Things: The Hidden Wisdom of Objects_ (260 pages; 4MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Christopher Alexander 1979 _The Timeless Way of Building_ (552 pages; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Robert W. Bly 2001 _Become a Recognized Authority in Your Field_ (290 pages; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷David L. Bullock 1988 _Allenby's War: The Israel-Palestinian-Arabian Campaigns 1916-1918_ (155 pages; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Jim Coburn 2015 _Opequon Creek: Early Settlers of the Shenandoah Valley_ (76 pages; 360KB; ILL request)◁

(20) Harold Evans 2004 _They Made America: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine: 2 Centuries of Inventors_ (609.2273; Main+NE+Jax+FtBraden+BLPerry)

(20) John Ferling 2007, 2009 _Almost a Miracle: The American Victory in the War of Independence_ (679 pages; 6.6MB; 973.33 Fer; Main)

(20) Scott Finazzo 2016 _Prepper's Survival Medicine HandBook: A Life-Saving Collection of Emergency Procedures from USA Army Field Manuals_ (242 pages; 613.69 Fin; Jax)

(20) ▷Richard B. Freeman & Hal Salzman 2018 _USA Engineering in a Global Economy_ (310 pages; 19.4MB; NBER; ILL request)◁

(20) Stephen Fried 2018 _Rush: Revolution, Madness, and the Visionary Doctor Who Became a Founding Father_ (597 pages; 973.3092 & biography Rush; Woodville)

(20) David Frye 2018 _Walls: An History of Civilization in Blood and Brick_ (292 pages; 909 Fry; Main)

(20) Michael Grant 1994 _Constantine the Great_ (267 pages; 937.08092; Main+FtBraden)

(20) Jonathan Haidt 2012, 2013 _The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion_ (410 pages; 5.1MB; 201.615; Main+NE+Jax)

(20) ▷John Lawrence Hammond 1952 _Gladstone and Liberalism_ (210 pages; biography Gladstone; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Victor Davis Hanson 2013 _The Savior Generals: How 5 Great Commanders Saved Wars That Were Lost from Ancient Greece to Iraq_ (316 pages; 5.1MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Victor Davis Hanson & Jared William Carter 2015 _Mexifornia ii: Rise of the Cartels_ (23 pages; 135KB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Erin Hatton 2011 _The Temp Economy: From Kelly Girls to PermaTemps in PostWar America_ (232 pages; 2.1MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Calvin Hayes 2008 _Popper, Hayek and the Open Society_ (300 pages; 724KB; ILL request)◁

(20) William Holmes Honan 1997 _Treasure Hunt: A New York Times Reporter Tracks the Quedlinburg Hoard_ (290 pages; 364.162; Main+NE)

(20) Ann Hulbert 2018 _Off the Charts: The Hidden Lives and Lessons of USA Child Prodigies_ (372 pages; 17.1MB; 371.950973 HUL; NE)

(20) Thomas Jefferson & Peter J. Hatch 2012 _A Rich Spot of Earth: Thomas Jefferson's Revolutionary Garden at Monticello_ (263 pages; 635; E)

(20) John Anderson Kay 2015 _Other People's Money: The Real Business of Finance_ (336 pages; 6.6MB; 332 Kay; Main)

(20) ▷Charles Poor Kindleberger, Robert Z. Aliber & Robert Solow 1996, 2011, 2015 _Manias, Panics and Crashes: An History of Financial Crises_ (360 pages; 939KB; ILL request)◁

(20) James Kirchick 2017 _The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age_ (a view from the forces of evil; 273 pages; 2.6MB; 940.56 Kir; Main+NE)

(20) ▷Jonathan Kirsch 1998 _Moses: A Life_ (415 pages; ILL request)◁

(20) Michael Kofler & David Kramer 2001 _MySQL_ (data-base/data-base access language; 659 pages; 005.7565)

(20) ▷Robert A. Levy & William Mellor 2010 _The Dirty Dozen: How 12 Supreme Court Cases Radically Expanded Government and Eroded Freedom_ (310 pages; 1MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Hunter Lewis 2013 _Free Prices Now!: Fixing the Economy by Abolishing the Fed_ (265 pages; 738KB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Gerard N. Magliocca 2013 _American Founding Son: John Bingham and the Invention of the 14th Amendment_ (295 pages; 3.5MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Michelle Malkin 2015 _Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of USA TinkerPreneurs_ (325 pages; 4.2MB; ILL request)◁

(20) Tim Marshall 2015 _Prisoners of Geography: 10 Maps That Explain EveryThing about the World_ (310 pages; 25.1MB; 320.12 Mar; Main+E)

(20) ▷Stef Maruch & Aahz Maruch 2011 _Python for Dummies_ (425 pages; 2.1MB; ILL request)◁

(20) David G. McCullough 1972, 2007 _The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge_ (Roebling; 636 pages; 57.2MB; 624.2 MCC; Main+NE)

(20) David G. McCullough 2019 _The Pioneers: The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the USA Ideal West_ (330 pages; 977 MCC; Main+NE+Woodille+Jax+FtBraden+E+BLPerry)

(20) ▷Joris Meys & Andrie de Vries 2015 _R for Dummies_ (390 pages; 6MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Stephen Moore & Arthur B. Laffer 2018 _Trumponomics: InSide the USA First Plan to Revive Our Economy_ (295 pages; 2.9MB; ; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Steven W. Mosher 2017 _Bully of Asia: Why Red China's Dream Is the New Threat to World Order_ (400 pages; 1.3MB; ILL request)◁

(20) Jason Padgett & Maureen Seaberg 2014 _Struck By Genius: How a Brain Injury Made Me a Mathematical Marvel_ (240 pages; 155.935; Main+E)

(20) David Perlmutter & Kristin Loberg 2015 _Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life_ (452 pages; 2.8MB; 612.33 Per; large; E)

(20) ▷Dennis Prager 2012, 2013 _Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph_ (440 pages; 1.2MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Carol Rainey 2008 _100 Miles from Home: Nuclear Contamination in the Communities of the Ohio River Valley: Mound, Paducah, Piketon, Fernald, Maxey Flats, and Jefferson Proving Ground_ (ILL request)◁

(20) David Reich 2018 _Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA an the New Science of the Human Past_ (335 pages; 30.7MB; 572.86; Main+NE)

(20) Richard M. Restak 2001 _Mozart's Brain and the Fighter Pilot: UnLeashing Your Brain's Potential_ (215 pages; 612.8; Main+Jax+NE)

(20) Richard Rhodes 2011 _Hedy's Folly: The Life and BreakThrough Inventions of Hedy Lamarr, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World_ (260 pages; 5.6MB; biography Lamarr; large; Main)

(20) ▷Wayne Allyn Root 2009, 2010 _The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold and Tax Cuts_ (390 pages; 1.4MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Mike Rose 2005 _The Mind at Work: Valuing the Intelligence of the USA Worker_ (290 pages; 1.1MB; ILL request)◁

(20) Antonin Scalia & Bryan A. Garner 2008, 2009 _Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges_ (245 pages; 376KB; 340.0711; NE)

(20) Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg & Alan Eagle 2014 _Immoral Google: How Immoral Google Works_ (286 pages; 338.76102504 Sch; NE)

(20) Peter Schweizer 2013 _Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets_ (320.973 Sch; NE)

(20) Lisa Servon 2017 _The UnBanking of the USA: How the New "Middle Class" Survives_ (250 pages; 2.3MB; 332.10973; Main+E)

(20) Edward James Stackpole & Wilbur S. Nye 1961 _Sheridan in the Shenandoah: Jubal Early's Nemesis_ (Hunter flees before Early; battle of Winchester/Opequon; 413 pages; 973.7 S775; Main)

(20) Rodney Stark 2005 _The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success_ (281 pages; 270; Main)

(20) ▷Gunter Stemberger 2000 _Jews and Christians in the Holy Land: Israel in the 4th Century_ (350 pages; ILL request)◁

(20) Steffanie A. Strathdee, Thomas L. Patterson & Teresa Barker 2019 _The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save Her Husband from a Deadly SuperBug_ (epidemiology; UCSD Med Center; 337 pages; 616.9041 Str; Main+NE)

(20) ▷Andrea Sutcliffe 2015 _Steam: The UnTold Story of USA's First Great Invention_ (280 pages; 858KB; ILL request)◁

(20) Adam Tanner 2017 _Our Bodies, Our Data: How Companies Make Billions Selling Our Medical Records_ (218 pages; 1.4MB; 610.285; Main)

(20) ▷Mark Thornton 2014 _The Great Economists: 10 Economists Whose Thinking Changed the Way We Live_ (255 pages; 790KB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Sergio A. Tinoco 2016 _Proud USA Citizen_/_Proud American: The Migrant, Soldier, and Agent_ (270 pages; ILL request)◁

(20) Gia-Bao Tran 2011 _VietNAmerica: A Family's Journey_ (288 pages; 973.049597 Tra; Main)

(20) Donald Trump 2011 _Time to Get Tough_ (216 pages; 330.973 Tru; Main+NE)

(20) Lynne Truss 2003, 2004 _Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation_ (209 pages; 428.2)

(20) Steven Waldman 2009 _Founding Faith: How Our Founding Fathers Forged a Radical New Approach to Religious Liberty_ /_Founding Faith: Providence, Politics, and the Birth of Religious Freedom_ (277 pages; 323.44 Wal; Main+NE)

(20) ▷Thomas G. West 2017 _The Political Theory of the USA Founding: Natural Rights, Public Policy, and the Moral Conditions of Freedom_ (400 pages; 2MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Peter H. Wilson 2016 _Heart of Europe: An History of the Holy Roman Empire_ (1008 pages; 47.2MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Christopher D. Winan 2013 _Adventures in 3D Printing: Limitless Possibilities and Profit Using 3D Printers_ (390 pages; 36MB; ILL request)◁

(20) ▷Guy Winch 2017 _The Squeaky Wheel: Complaining the Right Way to Get Results, Improve Your Relationships, and Enhance Self-Esteem_ (230 pages; 461KB; ILL request)◁

(20) Timothy Charles Winegard 2019 _The Mosquito: A Human History of our Deadliest Predator_ (485 pages; 595.772 Win; Main+NE+Jax)

(20) ▷Andrew Yang 2014 _Smart People Should Build Things: How to Restore Our Culture of Achievement, Build a Path for Entrepreneurs, and Create New Jobs in the USA_ (270 pages; 736KB; ILL request)◁

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(21) ▷David J. Jeremy 1991 _InterNational Technology Transfer: Europe, Japan, and the USA 1700-1914_ (270 pages; ILL request)◁

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(22) William Greider 2009 _Come Home, America: The Rise and Fall and Redeeming Promise of our Country_ (320 pages; 330.973; Main)

(22) Jane Hyun & Audrey S. Lee 2013 _Flex: The New PlayBook for Managing Across Differences_ (303 pages; 658.3008; Main)

(22) ▷Michael B. Junge 2012 _Purple Squirrel: Stand Out, Land Interviews, and Master the Modern Job Market_ (239 pages; 784KB; ILL request)◁

(22) Steven Levy 2011 _In the Plex: How Immoral Google Executives and Their Sychophants Think, Operate, Violate Privacy, Discriminate, Deceive, and Seek to Destroy Justice and Liberty_ (420 pages; 3.1MB; 338.761 LEV; Main+Jax)

(22) Antonio Garcia Martinez 2016 _[Immoral] Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Sili Valley_ (515 pages; 971KB; 338.47 Gar; Main)

(22) Bob Mayer 205 _The Novel Writer's ToolKit: A Guide_ (246 pages; 808.02 May; Main)

(22) ▷Philip Meneely, Rachel Dawes Hoang, Iruka N. Okeke & Katherine Heston 2017 _Genetics: Genes, Genomes, and Evolution_ (730 pages; ILL request)◁

(22) Sarah H. Parcak 2019 _Archaeology from Space: How the Future Shapes [Our Knowledge of] Our Past_ (277 pages; 42MB; 930.1 Par; Main)

(22) Eli Pariser 2011 _The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You_ (294 pages; 905KB; 004.678 Par; Main)

(22) Sheri Riley 2017 _Exponential Living: Stop Spending 100% of Your Time on 10% of Who You Are_ (330 pages; 158.1 Ril; Main)

(22) David Foster Wallace 2003 _EveryThing and More: A Compact History of InFinity_ (319 pages; 511.3; Main)

(22) Natalie Wexler 2019 _The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of USA's Broken Education System and How to Correct It_ (324 pages; 372.6 Wex; Main)

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(23) David Allen 2002, 2015 _Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity_ (345 pages; 3.3MB; 646.7 All; Main)

(23) ▷Howard P. Chudacoff, Judigh E. Smith & Peter Baldwin 2016 _The Evolution of American Urban History_ (270 pages; 6.1MB; ILL request)◁

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(24) Kyran Dale 2016 _Data Visualization with Python and [Evil MSFT] JavaScript: Scrape, Clean, Explore & Transform Your Data_ (553 pages; 005.133 DAL; Main)

(24) Martin Doyle 2018 _Source: How Rivers Made the USA and the USA ReMade Its Rivers_ (340 pages; 333.9162 Doy; E)

(24) David ben Gurion 1966, 1974 _The Jews in Their Land_ (392 pages; 956.94; Main)

(24) colonel David Hunt 2005, 2006 _They Just Don't Get It: How the Washington DC Establishment Is Still Compromising Your Safety, and What You Can Do about It_ (260 pages; 461KB; 363.32; Main)

(24) Kay S. Hymowitz 2012 _Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys_ (240 pages; 155.332; Main)

(24) Shola Richards 2018 _Go Together: How the Concept of Ubuntu Will Change How You Work, Live, and Lead_ (189 pages; 199.68 RIC; Main+BLPerry)

(24) James F. Simon 2012 _What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States of America_ (348 pages; 1.8MB; 342.73029; Main+Jax+NE)

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(25) Nancy W. Ambrosiano 1997, 2005 _Complete Plans for Building Horse Barns, Big & Small_ (448 pages; 728.922 Amb; Main)

(25) ▷Tim Ball 2014 _The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science_ (298 pages; 1.58MB; weather/climate; ILL request)◁

(25) ▷Tim Ball 2014, 2016 _Human Caused Global Warming; The Biggest Deception in History_ (110 pages; 5.1MB; weather/climate; ILL request)◁

(25) Norman F. Cantor 2015 _Antiquity: From the Birth of Sumerian Civilization to the Fall of the Roman Empire_ (260 pages; 1.9MB; 930 Can; Main+FtBraden)

(25) Philip Coggan 2012 _Paper Promises: Debt, Money, and the New World Order_ (294 pages; 332.042; E)

(25) Creative Publishing International & Black & Decker 2010 _The Complete Photo Guide to Sheds, Barns, & OutBuildings_ (448 pages; 690.89 Com; NE)

(25) Creative Publishing International & Black & Decker 2008 _The Complete Guide to Roofing, Siding, & Trim_ (271 pages; 695 Com; Main_NE)

(25) ▷Susan J. Crockford 2019 _The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened_ (200 pages; 12.8MB; ILL request)◁

(25) ▷Judith A. Curry & Peter J. Webster 1998 _ThermoDynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans_ (465 pages; 8.6MB; weather & climate; ILL request)◁

(25) ▷Judith A. Curry & Vitaly I. Khvorostyanov 2014 _ThermoDynamics, Kinetics, and MicroPhysics of Clouds_ (785 pages; 34MB; weather & climate; ILL request)◁

(25) Sophia Dembling 2012 _The Introvert's Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World_ (270 pages; 155.232 Dem; NE)

(25) DK/Dorling Kindersley 2017 _Coding Projects in Python_ (pdf down-load)

(25) Pedros Domingos 2015 _The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will ReMake Our World_ (329 pages; 003.54 Dom; Main)

(25) Michael E. Doyle 2007 _Color Drawing: Design Drawing Skills and Techniques for Architects, LandScape Architects, & Interior Designers_ (425 pages; 720.294 Doy; Main)

(25) ▷Ron Arnold & Paul Driessen 2014, 2018 _Cracking Big Green: To Save the World from the Save-the-Earth Money Machine_ (170-205 pages; 1.7MB; weather/climate; ILL request)◁

(25) Jennifer Lyon Eberhardt 2019 _Biased: UnCovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do_ (340 pages; 303.385 Ebe; Main+Jax)

(25) Richard A. Epstein 2003 _Skepticism and Freedom: A Modern Case for Classical Liberalism_ (311 pages; 340.1; Main)

(25) Chuck Fulkerson _The Shawnee_ (J 973.04973 Ful; Main+BLPerry+E+Jax+NE)

(25) David Graeber 2018 _BullShit Jobs: A Theory_ (360 pages; 6.4MB; 308.361 Gra; Main+E)

(25) ▷Terry A. Halpin 2015 _Object-Role Modeling Fundamentals: A Practical Guide to Data Modeling with ORM_ (190 pages; 41.1MB; ILL request)◁

(25) ▷Tony Hsieh 2010 _Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose_ (253 pages; 1.1MB; 658.409 Hsi; Main)     read with    
(25) ▷Aimee Groth 2017 _The Kingdom of Happiness: InSide Tony Hsieh's Zapponian Utopia_ (325 pages; 4.6MB; ; ILL request)◁

(25) Laura Ingraham 2017 _Billionaire at the Barricades: The Populist Revolution from Reagan to Trump_ (307 pages; 973.933 Ing; Main)

(25) Mary Elaine Jacobsen 1999 _Liberating EveryDay Genius: A Revolutionary Guide for Identifying and Mastering Your Exceptional Gifts_ (400 pages; 4.3MB; 153.98 Jac; NE)

(25) Max Jacobson, Murray Silverstein & Barbara Winslow 2002 _Patterns of Home: The 10 Essentials of Enduring Design_ (282 pages; 728.370222 Jac; Main)

(25) Hannah Jenkins 2017 _The American House: 100 Contemporary Homes_ (432 pages; 728.0973; Main)

(25) Kevin Walter Johnson, Jane Kise & Karen Eilers 2018 _Find Your Fit: UnLock God's Unique Design for Your Talents, Spiritual Gifts, and Personality_ (248.83 Joh; Main)

(25) ▷John Krill ii 2015 _Fedzilla vs. the Constitution: How a Government of Limited Power Mutated into a Monster Trampling the Constitutional Rights_ (445 pages; 2.6MB; ILL request)◁

(25) Ian Leslie 2014 _Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It_ (216 pages; 153.8 Les; Main)

(25) Dan Miller 2005 _48 Days to the Work You Love_ (650.13 Mil; E)

(25) Mary Caperton Morton 2017 _Aerial Geology: A High-Altitude Tour of North America's Spectacular Volcanoes, Canyons, Glaciers, Lakes, Craters, and Peaks_ (303 pages; 106.6MB; 557; Main)

(25) Douglas Murray 2017 _The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, "Identity", Islam_ (343 pages; 1.9MB; 940.56 Mur; E)

(25) Nick Offerman 2015 _Gumption: ReLighting the Torch of Freedom with USA's Gutsiest TroubleMakers_ (382 pages; 973.00207 Off; Main+NE+E)

(25) ▷James O'Keefe 2013 _BreakThrough: Our Guerilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy_ (350 pages; 4.1MB; ILL request)◁

(25) ▷James O'Keefe 2018 _American Pravda: My Figt for Trut i the Era of Fake News_ (310 pages; 2.9MB; ILL request)◁

(25) Roger A. Pielke ii 2010 _The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won't Tell You about Global Warming_ (276 pages; 3.4MB; 363.73874 Pie; Main)

(25) David Quammen 2018 _The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life_ (461 pages; 14MB; 591.38; Main+NE+E)

(25) Luke Reynolds 2018 _Fantastic Failures: True Stories of People Who [Improved] the World by Falling Down First_ (288 pages; J 920.02 Rey; Main)

(25) ▷Reihan Salam 2018 _Melting Pot or Civil War?: A Son of Immigrants Makes the Case Against Open Borders_ (215 pages; 1.4MB; ILL request)◁

(25) Mark Shaw 2018 _Denial of Justice: Dorothy Kilgallen, Abuse of Power, and the Most Compelling JFK Assassination Investigation in History_ (340-473 pages; crime; biography Dorothy Kilgallen; Main)

(25) ▷James Simpson 2015 _The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase the USA_ (65 pages; 2.4MB; ILL request)◁

(25) ▷Richard K. Vedder & Lowell E. Gallaway 1977, 1993 _Out of Work: Unemployment and Government in 20th Century America_ (336 pages; ILL request)◁

(25) John D. Wagner & Clayton de Korne 2002 _Barns, Sheds, & OutBuildings: Complete How-To Information & Design Concept for 10 Buildings_ (448 pages; 728.92 Wag; Main)

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(26) Shereen LaPlantz 1995 _Cover to Cover: Creative Techniques for Making Beautiful Books, Journals, & Albums_ (140 pages; 686.3; Main)

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(27) Richard R. John 2010 _Network Nation: Inventing USA Telecommunications_ (520 pages; 4.8MB; 384 Joh; Main)

(27) Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger & Kenneth Cukier 2013, 2014 _Big Data: A Revolution That Will TransForm How We Live, Work, and Think_ (240 pages; 306.46 May; Main)

(27) Stephanie Palmer 2008 _Good in a Room: How to Sell YourSelf (and Your Ideas) and Win Over Any Audience_ (271 pages; 650.1; Main)

(27) Steven Pressfield 2014, 2015 _The Lion's Gate: On the Front Lines of the 6 Day War_ (430 pages; 17MB; 956.046; Main)

(27) John Curtis Samples 2010 _The Struggle to Limit Government: A Modern Political History_ (340 pages; 320.520973; Main)

(27) Lee Smolin 2007 _The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next_ (392 pages; 3.3MB; 530.14; Main)

(27) Michael Southworth & Eran ben Joseph 1997 _Streets and the Shaping of Towns and Cities_ (184 pages; 711.7 Sou; Main)

(27) June Sprigg 1997 _Shaker Design_ (228 pages; 745.0974 Spr)

(27) Linda Tirado 2014 _Hand to Mouth: Living in Boot-Strap America_ (190 pages; 836KB; 362.5097)

(27) Martin Tolchin & Susan J. Tolchin 1992 _Selling Our Security: The Erosion of America's Assets_ (332.673)

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(28) Black & Decker 2017 _Wood Floors: HardWood, Laminate, Bamboo, Wood Tile, and More_ (160 pages; 645.1 WOO; Main+Jax)

(28) Jean Sherman Chatzky, Michael F. Roizen & Ted Spiker 2017 _Age-Proof: Living Longer without Running Out of Money or Breaking a Hip_ (328 pages; 2.3MB; 650.1 Cha; Main+E+NE)

(28) Richard Alan Clarke 2019 _The 5th Domain: Defending Our Country, Our Companies, and OurSelves in the Age of Cyber Threats_ (344 pages; 363.325 Cla; NE)

(28) Daniel Covington 2016 _Analytics: Data Science, Data Analysis, and Predictive Analytics for Business_ (285 pages; 658.47 Cov 5th ED.; Main)

(28) Jim Donovan 2019 _Shoot for the Moon: The Space Race and the ExtraOrdinary Voyage of Apollo 11_ (453 pages; 53.2MB; 629.454 Don; Main)

(28) ▷Richard A. Epstein 1985 _Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain_ (365 pages; 4.6MB; ILL request)◁

(28) Alec Foege 2013 _The Tinkerers: The Amateurs, DYIers, and Inventors Who Make the USA Great_ (216 pages; 609.2273 Foe; Main)

(28) Charles Hurt 2019 _Trump Still Winning 2020_/_Still Winning: Why USA Went All In on Donald Trump and Why We Must Do It Again_/_Trump Double 2020 Down_ (276 pages; 13.6MB; 973.933 Hur; E)

(28) Arthur W. Johnson 1988 _The Practical Guide to Book Repair and Conservation_ (110 pages; 025.7)

(28) Richard Leider & David A. Shapiro 2001 _Whistle While You Work: Heeding Your Life's Calling_ (150 pages; 331.702; Main+BLPerry)

(28) ▷Shawn Lawrence Otto & Lawrence M. Krauss 2016 _The War on Science: Who's Waging It, Why It Matters, What We Can Do About It_ (510 pages; 2.6MB; 303.483; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◁

(28) Steven Joseph Ross 2017 _Hitler in Los Angeles: How Jews Foiled Nazi Plots Against Hollywood and the USA_ (414 pages; 39.1MB; 979.494; NE)

(28) Nancy K. Sandars 1978 _The Sea People: Warriors of the Ancient Mediterranean 1250BCE-1150BCE_ (910.0918; Main)

(28) Zach Schonbrun 2018 _The Performance Cortex: How NeuroScience Is ReDefining Athletic Genius_ (341 pages; 5.8MB; 612.044; Main)

(28) Allen G. Taylor 2013 _SQL for Dummies_ (460 pages; 005.7565 Tay; Main)

(28) Richard W. Wrangham 2019 _The Goodness Paradox: The Strange Relationship between Virtue and Violencein Human Evolution_ (377 pages; 155.9 Wra; Main)

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(29) Christian Becksvoort 1998 _The Shaker Legacy: Perspectives on an Enduring Furniture Style_ (233 pages; 749.213 Bec; NE)

(29) Lawrence S. Leff & Elizabet Waite 2019 _Geometry: The Easy Way_ (504 pages; 516.22 Wai; Main+E+NE)

(29) George Musser 2015 _Spooky Action at a Distance: The Phenomenon That ReImagines Space and Time... And What It Means for Black Holes, the Big Bang, and Theories of Everything_ (286 pages; 530.11; Main+E)

(29) ▷James Madison Page 2017 _The True Story of Andersonville Prison: A Defense of Major Henry Wirz_ (140 pages; 1.8MB; ILL request)◁

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Neither this page, nor the opinions expressed or implied in it are endorsed by Michael Badnarik, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Wayne Allyn Root, Warner Brothers, cousin Barack Hussein Obummer, cousin Donald J. Trump, cousins William & Harry & Georgie, nor by my hosts, Kermit and Rateliff.

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