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updated: 2024-10-24
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Science/ physics/ medicine/ chemistry:
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Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H.H. Lichtman & Shiv Pillai 2015 _Basic Immunology: Functions and DisOrders of the Immune System_ (320 pages; 51.2MB)
Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H.H. Lichtman & Shiv Pillai 2014, 2021-05-20 _Cellular and Molecular Immunology_ (520-600 pages; 77.6MB; ISBN 9780323757485)
James S. Aber, Irene Marzolf, Johannes Ries & Susan Elizabeth Ward Aber 2019-10-01 _Small Format Aerial Photography and UAS Imagery: Principles, Techniques, & GeoScience Applications_ (382-394 pages; ISBN 9780128129425; OCLC 1129051175; Elsevier)
John D. Aber & Jerry M. Melillo 2001 _Terrestrial EcoSystems_ ()
John Aberth 2016 _The Black Death: The Great Mortality of 1348-1350: A Brief History with Documents_ (200 pages; 7.8MB)
J. Abbot, J.S. Armstrong, A. Bolt, R. Carter, R. Darwall, James Delingpole, C. Essex, S. Franks, K. Green, D. Laframboise et al. 2015 _Climate Change: The Facts_ ()
Martin Lee Abbott & Jennifer McKinney 2013 _Understanding and Applying Research Design_ (440 pages; 7MB)
Thomas Abraham 2018 _Polio: The Odyssey of Education_ ()
(39) ►John Abramson, M.D., M.Sc. 2004-09-21 _OverDo$ed America: The Broken Promise_/_OverDo$ed USA: The Broken Promise of USA Medicine_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; HarperCollins; ILL request)◀
Henry H. Abuer 2012 _Dogmatism in Science and Medicine: How Dominant Theories Monopolize Research and Stifle the Search for Truth_ ()
David Acheson 2017 _The Calculus Story: A Mathematical Adventure_ (200 pages; 5.4MB)
Peter Achinstein 2004 _Science Rules: An Historical Introduction to Scientific Methods_ (420 pages)
Erwin H. Ackerknecht 1982 _A Short History of Medicine_ ()
Robert John Ackermann 1985, 2014 _Data, Instruments, and Theory: A Dialectical Approach to Understanding Science_ (220 pages)
Amir D. Aczel 2001, 2003 _Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery in Physics_ (290 pages)
Martin R. Adams, Maurice O. Moss & Peter McClure 2016 _Food MicroBiology_ (550 pages; 6.7MB)
Charlotte Adelman & Bernard L. Schwartz 2017 _MidWestern Native Shrubs and Trees: Gardening Alternatives to Non-Native Species_ (440 pages; 156.5MB)
Zach N. Adelman 2015 _Genetic Control of Malaria and Dengue_ (475 pages; 14.1MB)
Charles L. Adler 2014 _Wizards, Aliens, and StarShips: Physics and Math in Fantasy and Science Fiction_ (370 pages; 3.9MB)
Jon Agar 2013 _Science in the 20th Century and Beyond_ (610 pages; 1.3MB)
(45) ►Lauren Aquirre 2021-06-01 _The Memory Thief and the Secrets Behind How We Remember: A Medical Mystery_ (336 pages; ISBN 9781643136523; OCLC ; Pegasus; ILL request)◀
(50) ►Yakir Aharanov 2003 _Quantum Paradoxes: A Guide through the Mysteries of Quantum Physics_ (320 pages; ISBN 9783527403912; OCLC 51992313; Wiley; ILL request)◀
Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson & Julian Lewis 2007, 2014 _Molecular Biology of the Cell_ (1,392 pages; 102.7MB)
(2) Amir R. Alexander 2014 _Infinitesimal: How a Dangerous Mathematical Theory Shaped the Modern World_ (352 pages; 511; Main)
Ralph B. Alexander 2018 _Science Under Attack: The Age of UnReason_ (245 pages)
Ralph B. Alexander 2012 _Global Warming False Alarm: The Bad Science (Pseudo-Science) Behind the UN's Asertion That Man-Made CO2 Causes Global Warming_ (215 pages; 3MB)
(20) Stephon Alexander 2021 _Fear of a Black Universe: An OutSider's Guide to the Future of Physics_ (dark matter; physics; 245 pages; ISBN 9781541699632; Basic; 523.1 Ale; Main)
Ken Alibek 1999, 2014 _BioHazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program Told from the InSide by the Man Who Ran It_ (325 pages; 5.9MB)
T. Clifford Allbutt 1925 _Notes on the Composition of Scientific Papers_ ()
(14) Arthur Allen 2014 _The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus & Sabotaged the Nazis_ (disease; WW2; 384 pages; 614.5262 All; NE)
C. David Allis, Marie Laure Caparros, Thomas Jenuwein & Danny Reinberg 2015 _EpiGenetics_ ()
Althea Press 2015 _Essential Oils Natural Remedies: The Complete A-Z Reference of Essential Oils for Health and Healing_ (445 pages; 3.5MB)
Richard D. Altick 1951 _The Scholar Adventurers_ ()
Richard D. Altick 1981 _The Art of Literary Research_ ()
Linda Jacobs Altman 1998 _Plague and Pestilence: An History of Infectious Disease_ (125 pages)
Joseph Alton & Amy Alton 2014 _The Survival Medicine HandBook_ (575 pages; 14.5MB)
Luis W. Alvarez 1987, 2017 _Alvarez: Adventures of a Physicist_ (200 pages; 6.6MB)
Walter Alvarez 2013, 2015 _T. Rex and the Crater of Doom_ (200 pages; 7.8MB)
Harold Ambler 2012 _Don't Sell Your Coat_ (272 pages; 4.691MB; weather/climate)
Mauro Ambrosoli 1997 _The Wild and the Sown: Botany and Agriculture in Western Europe 1350-1850_ ()
(17) Anil Ananthaswamy 2018 _Through 2 Doors at Once: The Elegant Experiment That Captures the Enigma of Our Quantum Reality_ (physics; 290 pages; 530.12 Ana; NE)
David Andersson 2016 _Medical Terminology: The Best and Most Effective Way to Memorize, Pronounce, and Understand Medical Terms_ (180 pages; 5.1MB)
David Andersson 2018 _Lab Values: EveryThing You Need to Know about Laboratory Medicine and Its Importance in the Diagnosis of Diseases_ (185 pages; 1.6MB)
Jay Martin Anderson 2012 _Mathematics for Quantum Chemistry_ (175 pages; 8.8MB)
Laurie Halse Anderson & Lori Earley 2000, 2011, 2016 _Fever 1793: Yellow Fever_ (245-251 pages; 3.8MB; ISBN 9781439528570; Simon&Schuster/Atheneum/PawPrints; teen/YA)
Lynn C. Anderson, Glen Otto, Kathleen R. Pritchett-Corning & Mark T. Whary 2015 _Laboratory Animal Medicine_ (1,700 pages; 107.3MB)
Warwick Anderson 2006 _Colonial Pathologies: American Tropical Medicine, Race, and Hygiene in the Philippines_ (360 pages; 11.4MB)
Wilda C. Anderson 1984 _Between the Library and the Laboratory: The Language of Chemistry in 18th-Century France_ (200 pages)
Warren A. Andiman 2018 _Animal Viruses and Humans: A Narrow Divide: How Lethal Zoonotic Viruses Spill Over & Threaen Us_ (340 pages; 7.3MB)
Bill Andrews & Jon Cornell 2017 _Telomere Lengthening: Curing All Disease Including Aging and Cancer_ ()
Dale W. Andrews 1992 _Band of Brothers: Creators of Modern Vascular Surgery_ ()
Frank M. Andrews 1975, 1979, 2009 _Scientific Productivity: The Effectiveness of Research Groups in 6 Coutries_ (490 pages)
(32) Lori B. Andrews & Dorothy Nelkin 2001 _Body Bazaar: The Market for Human Tissue in the BioTechnology Age_ (240 pages; 174.25; Main)
Lori B. Andrews 1999 _The Clone Age: Adventures in the New World of Reproductive Technology_ ()
Rani Lill Anjum & Stephen Mumford 2018 _Causation in Science and the Methods of Scientific Discovery_ (295 pages; 4.1MB)
Krishnarao Appasani & George M. Church 2018 _Genome Editing and Engineering: From TALENs, ZFNs, and CRISPRs to Molecular Surgery_ (445-490 pages; 17.2MB)
Joyce Oldham Appleby 2013 _Shores of Knowledge: New World Discoveries and the Scientific Imagination_ (310 pages; 3.5MB)
Luisa Cagliati Arano, Adele Westbrook & Oscar Ratti 1976, 1981, 1992 _The Medieval Health HandBook: Tacuinum Sanitatis_ (150 pages)
(50) ►J. David Archibald 2014-08-19 _Aristotle's Ladder, Darwin's Tree: The Evolution of Visual Metaphors for Biological Order_ (242-256 pages; ISBN 9780231164122; OCLC 863199858; ColumbiaU; UWF/Pensacola; ILL request)◀
Rutherford Aris, Ted H Davis ≈ Roger H. Stuewer 1983 _Springs of Scientific Creativity: Essays on Founders of Modern Science_ (340 pages)
Jacome Armas/Jay Armas 2021-11-04 _Conversations on Quantum Gravity_ (716 pages; ISBN 9781107168879; OCLC ; CambridgeU)
Lyle Armstrong 2013 _EpiGenetics_ (290 pages; 36.1MB)
(9) Catharine Arnold 2018 _Pandemic 1918: EyeWitness Accounts from the Greatest Medical Holocaust in Modern History_ (1918-1922; disease; 357 pages; 614.5 Arn; Main+East)
(14) ►Ron Arnold & Paul Driessen 2014, 2018-04-10 _Cracking Big Green: To Save the World from the Save-the-Earth Money Machine_ (170-205 pages; 1.7MB; ISBN 1980691924/ 9781980691921; Northwoods Studio/CFACT; weather/climate; ILL request)◀
Gilberto Artioli 2010 _Scientific Methods and Cultural Heritage: An Introduction to the Application of Materials Science to Archaeometry and Conservation Science_ (360 pages; 16.8MB)
(34) ►Katherien Ashenburg 2007, 2008 _The Dirt on Clean: An UnSanitized History_ (208-224 pages; ISBN 9780374531379; OCLC 216941706; North Point; ILL request)◀
Arnold Aspinall, Christopher F. Gaffney & Armin R. Schmidt 2008-04-04, 2009 _Magnetometry for Archaeologists_ (358 pages; ISBN 9780759111066; OCLC 277275468; AltaMira)
Michael Aston & Trevor Rowley 1974 _Landscape Archaeology: An Introduction to FieldWork Techniques on Post-Roman Landscapes_ (200 pages)
Peter W. Atkins 1974 _Quanta: A HandBook of Concepts_ ()
Peter W. Atkins 2018 _Conjuring the Universe: The Origins of the Laws of Nature_ (200 pages; 1.4MB)
Peter W. Atkins & Ronald S. Friedman 2010 _Molecular Quantum Mechanics_ (580 pages)
Peter W. Atkins, Julia de Paula & James Keeler 2018 _Physical Chemistry_ (1,000 pages)
Alicia Atkinson 2015 _Esential Oils for Beauty, Wellness, and the Home: 100 Natural, Non-Toxic Recipes for the Beginner and Beyond_ (190 pages; 5.1MB)
D.E. Atkinson 1977 _Cellular Energy Metabolism and Its Regulation_ ()
(27) Scott W. Atlas, M.D. 2011 _In Excellent Health: Setting the Record Straight on USA's Health Care & Charting a Path for Future Improvements_ (disease; 359 pages; 362.10973 Atl; Main)
(32) Scott W. Atlas, M.D. 2021-11-23 _A Plague upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop Covid from Destroying the USA_ (disease; SARS-cov-2; 352 pages; ISBN 9781637582206; OCLC 1250203953; Bombardier/Simon&Schuster; on order 2021-11-21 Atl; Main+NE)
Samuel Aryeetey Attoh, Barbara Elizabeth McDade, Godson Chintuwa Obia, Joseph Ransfor Oppong, William Yaw Osei, Ian Yeboah & Ibipo Johnston Anumonwo 2009, 2010 _Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa_ (470 pages)
Paul S. Auerbach, MD 2015 _Medicine for the OutDoors: The Essential Guide to First Aid and Medical Emergencies_ (540 pages; 10MB)
(25) ►Sunny Y. Auyang 1995 _How Is Quantum Field Theory Possible?_ (physics; 280 pages; ISBN 9780195093452; OCLC 1082516054; OxfordU; ILL request)◀
Dennis T. Avery & Siegfried Fred Singer 2006 _UnStoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years_ (265 pages; 2.5MB)
Donald H. Avery 2013, 2020 _Pathogens for War: Biological Weapons, Canadian Life Scientists, and North American BioDefence_ (440 pages; 3.7MB)
John C. Avise 2003 _The Hope, Hype, and Reality of Genetic Engineering_ ()
(12) ►Douglas Axe, William M. Briggs & Jay W. Richards 2020-10-13 _The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe_ (disease; 245-266 pages; 6.8MB; ISBN 1684511410/ 9781684511419; OCLC 1200235811; Regnery; ILL request)◀
Muhammad Mazhar Ayaz 2014 _Instant Notes on Veterinary Entomology_ (125 pages)
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Donald L. Baars 1995 _Navajo Country: A Geology and Natural History of the Four Corners Region_ ()
M. Badino, J. Navarro & Helge Kragh 2013 _Research and Pedagogy: An History of Quantum Physics through Its TextBooks_ ()
James E. Baggott/Jim Baggott 2004 _Beyond Measure: Modern Physics, Philosophy, and the Meaning of Quantum Theory_ (390 pages)
James E. Baggott/Jim Baggott 2005, 2009 _A Beginner's Guide to Reality_ (265 pages; 959KB)
(19) James E. Baggott, Ph.D. 2011, 2016 _The Quantum Story: An History in 40 Moments_ (physics; 469-480 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 9780198784777; OCLC 951155673; OxfordU; 530.1209 Bag; Main)
James E. Baggott/Jim Baggott 2012 _Higgs: The Invention and Discovery of the "God Particle"_ (290 pages; 2.2MB)
(39) ►James E. Baggott/Jim Baggott, Ph.D. 2019 _Quantum Space: Loop Quantum Gravity and the Search for the Structure of Space, Time, and the Universe_ (448 pages; ISBN 9780198809111; OCLC ; OxfordU; ILL request)◀
(40) ►James E. Baggott/Jim Baggott, Ph.D. 2017-09-04 _Mass: The Quest to Understand Matter from Greek Atoms to Quantum Fields_ (320-368 pages; 2.9MB; ISBN 9780198759713; OCLC ; OxfordU; ILL request)◀
(40) ►James E. Baggott/Jim Baggott, Ph.D. 2020-03-10 _The Quantum CookBook: Mathematical Recipes for the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics_ (320 pages; ISBN 9780198827856; OCLC ; OxfordU; ILL request)◀
James E. Baggott/Jim Baggott 2018 _Origins: The Scientific Story of Creation_ (420 pages; 11.4MB)
(42) ►James E. Baggott/Jim Baggott, Ph.D. 2020-09-01 _Quantum Reality: The Quest for the Real Meaning of Quantum Mechanics: A Game of Theories_ (320 pages; ISBN 9780198830153; OCLC ; OxfordU; ILL request)◀
Ronald Bailey 2005 _Liberation Biology: The Scientific and Moral Case for the BioTech Revolution_ ()
Richard Baker 2021-11-23 _AstroPhysics or Dummies: AstroPhysics & Cosmology for the Complete Beginner_ (258 pages; self-published)
Simon Baker, Caroline Griffiths & Jane Nicklin 2012 _Instant Notes MicroBiology_ (350 pages; 12.8MB)
Philip Ball 2012 _Curiosity: How Science Became Interested in EveryThing_ ()
(14) ►Tim Ball 2014 _The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science_ (289-298 pages; 1.58MB; ISBN 0988877740/ 9780988877740; OCLC 959688962; Stairway; weather/climate; ILL request)◀
(17) ►Tim Ball 2014, 2016 _Human Caused Global Warming; The Biggest Deception in History_ (110-121 pages; 5.1MB; ISBN 1773021303/ 1773021311/ 9781773021300/ 9781773021317; OCLC 973559727; Tellwell/SmashWords; weather/climate; ILL request)◀
Peter A. Bandettini 2020 _fMRI_ (MIT; 270 pages)
(30) Julian B. Barbour 1999, 2000 _The End of Time_ (371 pages; ISBN 0195117298; OxfordU; 530.11 Bar; NE)
Charles Ferguson Barker 2016 _Under Ohio: The Story of Ohio's Rocks and Fossils_ (55 pages)
Connie Barlow 2002, 2008 _The Ghosts of Evolution: NonSensical Fruit, Missing Partners, and Other Ecological Anachronisms_ (300 pages; 104MB)
Iralee Barnard 2014 _Field Guide to the Common Grasses of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska_ (245 pages)
Ethne Barnes 2005 _Diseases of Human Evolution_ (485 pages)
Ethne Barnes 2012 _Atlas of Developmental Field Anomalies of the Human Skeleton: A PaleoPathology Perspective_ (220 pages; 34.7MB)
Marcia A. Barnes 2012 _Genes, Brain, and Development: The NeuroCognition of Genetic DisOrders_ (225 pages; 1.4MB)
John D. Barrow 2007 _The InFinite Book: A Short Guide to the BoundLess, TimeLess, and EndLess_ (345 pages; 3MB)
John D. Barrow 2007 _New Theories of EveryThing: The Quest for Ultimate Explanation_ (265 pages; 1.6MB)
John D. Barrow 2002, 2003, 2004, 2009 _The Constants of Nature: The Numbers That EnCode the Deepest Secrets of the Universe_/_The Constants of Nature: From Alpha to Omega_ (360 pages; 4.3MB)
John D. Barrow 2009 _The Book of Nothing: Vacuums, Voids, and the Latest Ideas about the Origins of the Universe_ (375 pages; 2.5MB)
(59) John D. Barrow 2005, 2011 _The Artful Universe Expanded_ (321 pages; 4.1MB; 111.85 Bar; Main)
John D. Barrow 2014 _The Origin of the Universe_ (172 pages; 2.1MB)
John D. Barrow 2012, 2014 _MathLetics: 100 Amazing Things You Didn't Know about the World of Sports_ (310 pages; 4.8MB)
John D. Barrow 2013 _The Christian Origin of Modern Science_ (12 pages; 558KB)
John D. Barrow & Joseph Silk 1986, 1994 _The Left Hand of Creation: The Origin and Evolution of the Expanding Universe_ (25 pages)
(30) ►A.S. Barwich 2020 _Smellosophy: What the Nose Tells the Mind_ (366-384 pages; ISBN 9780674983694; OCLC 1227310333/ 1183430792; HarvardU; ILL request)◀
Jacques Barzun 1964 _Science: The Glorious Entertainment_ ()
Jacques Barzun 2002 _The House of Intellect_ ()
(37) ►Joe Bastardi 2018 _The Climate Chronicles: InConvenient Revelations You Won't Hear from Algore and Others_ (AccuWeather; WeatherBell; PennStateU; 150 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; ; ILL request)◀
Mary Batten & Beverly Doyle 2016 _Aliens from Earth: When Animals and Plants Invade Other EcoSystems_ (32 pages; junior)
Georgius Agricola/Georg Bauer, Lou Henry Hoover & Herbert Hoover 1912, 1950, 2011, 2014 _De Re Metallica_ (650 pages)
Henry H. Bauer 2012 _Dogmatism in Science and Medicine: How Dominant Theories Monopolize Research and Stifle the Search for Truth_ (301 pages; 3.169MG)
Henry H. Bauer 1994 _Scientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method_ (190 pages)
Laurent Baulieu, John Iliopoulos & Roland Seneor 2017 _From Classical to Quantum Fields_ (980 pages; 18.2MB)
(20) ►Jeremy J. Baumberg & Rory Barnett 2018 _The Secret Life of Science: How It Really Works and Why It Matters_ (248 pages; ISBN 0691174350/ 9780691174358; OCLC 1038406057; Princeton; ILL request)◀
(59) ►Derrick Baxby 1981, 1999 _Edward Jenner's CowPox: The Riddle of Vaccinia Virus & Its Origins_/_Edward Jenner's UnPublished Inquiry and the Royal Society_ (108-110 pages; OCLC 729087716; Heinemann; ILL request)◀
Wooster Beach 1852, 2017 _The American Practice of Medicine: vol1 Being a Treatise on the Character, Causes, Symptons, Morbid Appearances, and Treatment of the Diseases_ (680 pages; 1 of 3 volumes)
(59) K. Christopher Beard & Mark Klinger 2004 _The Hunt for the Dawn Monkey: UnEarthing the Origins of Monkeys, Apes, and Humans_ (345 paes; 569.8; Main)
Andrea Beaty & David Roberts 2016 _Ada Twist, Scientist_ (32 pages; 7.9MB)
Guy K. Beauchamp & Linda Bartoshuk 1997 _Tasting and Smelling_ (220 pages; 3.5MB)
Adam Becker 2018 _What Is Real?: The UnFinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics_ (355 pages; 18MB)
Petr Beckmann 1977 _The Health Hazards of Not Going Nuclear_ (185 pages)
(52) Michael J. Behe 2001 _Darwin's Black Box: The BioChemical Challenge to Evolution_ (307 pages; 2.2MB; 572.838 Beh; BLPerry)
Michael J. Behe 2007 _The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism_ (330 pages; 1.5MB)
(52) Michael J. Behe 2019 _Darwin Devolves: The New "Science" about DNA That Challenges Evolution_ (342 pages; 9MB; 576.8 Beh; Main)
Andrew McIlwaine Bell 2010 _Mosquito Soldiers: Malarria, Yellow Fever, and the Course of the American Civil War_ (205 pages; 2.6MB)
Larry Bell 2011 _Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax_ (315 pages; 1.8MB)
(29) ►Mary Bell & Shan Gao 2016 _Quantum NonLocality and Reality: 50 Years of Bell's Theorem_ (physics; 441 pages; ISBN 9781107104341; OCLC 1041579928; CambridgeU; ILL request)◀
Robert Bell 1992 _ImPure Science: Fraud, Compromise, and Political Influence in Scientific Research_ (315 pages)
Stephen Bell & Melvin de Pamphilis 2012 _Genome Duplication_ (445 pages; 34.5MB)
Scott Bembenek 2017 _The Cosmic Machine: The Science That Runs Our Universe and the Story Behind It_ (thermodynamics; 350 pages; 4.3MB)
Howard Jefrey Bender 2016 _The Matter of AntiMatter_ (1.8MB)
Fabrizio Benedetti 2014 _Placebo Effects_ (420 pages; 14.4MB)
(17) ►Alex Berenson 2020 _UnReported Truths about Covid-19 and LockDowns: vol1 Introductions and Death Counts and Estimates_ (ILL request)◀
Alex Berezow & Hank Campbell 2012 _Science Left Behind: Feel-Good Fallacies and the Rise of the Anti-Scientific Left_ (320 pages; 2.4MB)
Lee Berger & John Hawks 2017 _Almost Human: The Astonishing Tale of Homo Naledi and the Discovery That Changed Our Human Story_ (215 pages; 82.2MB)
Yitzhak Berger, David Shatz, Rivkah Teitz Blau, Shalom Carmy, Michelle Friedman, Basil Herring, Robert Pollack, Haim Sompolinsky, Moshe HaLevi Spero & Rachel Yehuda 2005 _Judaism, Science, and Moral Responsibility_ (310 pages; 1.2MB)
(30) ►William Berkson 1974, 2014 _Fields of Force: The Development of a World View from Faraday to Einstein_ (1791-1955; 370 pages; ISBN 9781138013414/ 9780470070291; OCLC 859384418/ 1261837062; Wiley/Routledge/Halsted; ILL request)◀
Howard Berliner 1985 _A System of Scientific Medicine: Philanthropic Foundations in the Flexner Era_ (99999 pages; Tavistock)
(55) David Berlinski 2008 _The Devil's Delusion: Atheism & Its Scientific Pretensions_ (237 pages; CrownForum; 215 Ber; Main)
(55) David Berlinski 2005 _Infinite Ascent: A Short History of Mathematics_ (197 pages; ModernLibrary; 510.9 Ber; Main)
--J.D. Bernal 1954 _Science in History_ (Marxist)
--J.D. Bernal 1954, 2012 _Science in History: vol1 The Emergence of Science_ (Marxist; 390 pages; 20.1MB)
Richard J. Bernstein 2011 _Beyond Objectivism and Relativism: Science, Hermeneutics, and Praxis_ (295 pages; 1.6MB)
Tim M. Berra 1990 _Evolution & the Myth of Creationism: A Basic Guide to the Facts in the Evolution Debate_ (210 pages; 999999.99999)
William Ian Beardmore Beveridge 1950, 1957, 2015 _The Art of Scientific Investigation_ (230 pages; 746KB)
William Ian Beardmore Beveridge 1980 _Seeds of Discovery: The Logic, Illogic, Serendipity, and Sheer Chance of Scientific Discovery_ (145 pages)
Carol Benedict 1996 _Bubonic Plague in 19th-Century China_ (256 pages; ISBN 9780804726610; OCLC 925105784; StanfordU)
(45) Alex Berenson 2019, 2020 _Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, & Violence_ (260 pages; 1.5MB; 362.2950973 Ber; Main)
(50) Bob Berman 2014 _Zoom: How EveryThing Moves from Atoms and Galaxies to Blizzards and Bees_ (323 pages; 531.11 Ber; E)
(50) Robin E. Berman, Arthur Kurzweil & Dale L. Mintz 2006 _The HaDassah Jewish Family Book of Health and Wellness_ (ethics; medicine; 503 pages; 613.2088 BER; Main)
(19) F. Clifton Berry ii 1993 _Inventing the Future: How Science and Technology Transform Our World_ (180 pages; 621.381 Ber; NE)
Tarun Betala 2017 _The Things We Don't Know: How ManKind Found Answers to Some of Life's Most Pressing Questions_ (175 pages; 3.1MB)
(50) ►Michael Betrus 2020 July, 2020-11-13, 2020-11-17, 2021 _Covid-19: LockDowns on Trial_ (3rd edition; disease; 375-386-390 pages; ISBN 9798561704420; OCLC 1240429304; self-published; ILL request)◀
(29) ►Blaine T. Bettinger 2016, 2019, 2020 _The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing & Genetic Genealogy_ (genealogy; DNA; 260-271 pages; 44.4MB; ISBN 1440300577/ 9781440300578; OCLC 1048445592; Family Tree; ILL request)◀
Laura L. Betzig 1986, 2018 _Despotism & Differential Reproduction: A Darwinian View of History_ (185 pages; 3MB)
William I.B. Beveridge 1951, 1953, 1957, 1970, 2015, 2017 _The Art of Scientific Investigation_ (200 pages; 1.2MB)
William I.B. Beveridge 1980 _The Seeds of Discovery: A Sequel to the Art of Scientific Investigation_ (130 pages)
William I.B. Beveridge 1977 _The Last Great Plague: An UnFinished Story of Discovery_ (99999 pages; Prodist)
Robert T. Beyer & John von Neumann 1955 _Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics_ (450 pages)
William Gilmore Bayer & Howard Pyle 1912, 2012, 2016 _On Hazardous Service: Scouts and Spies of the North and South_ (280 pages; 1.2MB)
Richard A. Bideaux, Kenneth W. Bladh, Monte C. Nichols & John W. Anthony 2000 _HandBook of Mineralogy: Arsenates, Phophates, Vanadates_ ()
Harvey Bialy 2004 _Oncogenes, Aneuploidy, and AIDS: A Scientific Life & Times of Peter H. Duesberg_ (315 pages)
Janine Bijsterbosch, Stephen M. Smith & Christian F. Beckmann 2017 _Introduction to Resting State fMRI Functional Connectivity_ (155 pages; 7.4MB)
(50) ►Riley Black 2021-09-28 _Deep Time: A Journey through 4.5 Billion Years of Our Planet_ (science; 224 pages; ISBN 9781787397439; OCLC ; Welbeck; best science books of 2021; ILL request)◀
(50) ►Sue Black 2021-06-01 _Written in Bone: Hidden Stories in What We Leave Behind_ (criminology; archaeology; science; 314-336 pages; ISBN 9781951627805; OCLC 1253759618; Doubleday/Arcade/Bantam; ILL request)◀
F. William Blaisdell & Moses Grossman 1999 _Catastrophes, Epidemics, and Neglected Diseases: San Francisco General Hospital and the Evolution of Public Care_ ()
(50) ►Paul Blanchard, Robert L. Devaney & Glen R. Hall 2011-03-08, 2011-04-11 _Differential Equations_ (834-855 pages; 31MB; ISBN 9781133109037; OCLC 1058034104; Cengage; ILL request)◀
Matthijs Blankensteijn & Raffaele Altara 8888 _Inflammation in Heart Failure_ (200 pages; 10.8MB)
(40) ►Martin J. Blaser 2014-04-01, 2015, 2018 _Missing Microbes: How the OverUse/MalUse of AntiBiotics is Fueling Our Modern Plagues_ (disease; 275-288 pages; 139.4MB; ISBN 9781250069276/ 9780805098105; OCLC 1006385597; Picador/Holt; citations in other books; ILL request)◀
(50) Daniel R. Bloch 2012 _Organic Chemistry DeMystified_ (624 pages; 547; NE)
Mary L. Boas 2005 _Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences_ (860 pages; 18.3MB)
J.D. Bjorken & S. Drell 8888 _Relativistic Quantum Mechanics_ ()
Ottar N. Bjornstad 2018 _Epidemics: Models & data Using R_ (315 pages)
(45) Elizabeth Helen Blackburn & Elissa Epel 2017 _The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer_ (340 pages; 15MB; 572.87; Main+Jax+NE)
Sarah Jayne Blakemore 2018 _Inventing Ourselves: The Secret Life of the TeenAge Brain_ (245 pages; 13MB)
Burton J. Bledstein 1976 _The Culture of Professionalism: The Middle "Class" & the Development of Higher Education in the USA_ (99999 pages; Norton)
Michael Bliss 1999 _William Osler: A Life in Medicine_ (99999 pages; OxfordU)
(50) Daniel R. Bloch 2012 _Organic Chemistry DeMystified_ (624 pages; 547; NE)
Khaled J. Bloom 1993 _The Mississippi Valley's Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878_ (285 pages)
Sally F. Bloomfield & Kumar Jyoti Nath 2009 _Use of Ash and Mud for HandWashing in Low Income Communities_ ()
(29) Andrew Blum 2019 _The Weather Machine: A Journey InSide the Forecast_ (207 pages; 551.63 Blu; Main+NE)
(45) Ralph Blum & Mark Scholz 2010 _Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers: No More UnNecessary Biopsies, Radical Treatment..._ (293 pages; ISBN 9781590513422; OCLC ; Other; 616.99463 Blu; Main+NE)
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Thomas J. Bollyky 2018, 2019-10-01 _Plagues and the Paradox of Progress: Why the World Is Getting Healthier in Worrisome Ways_ (276 pages; 35.8MB; ISBN 9780262537964; MIT)
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Kenneth Bordens & Bruce Barrington Abbott 2013 _Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach_ (600 pages; 13.2MB)
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Nick Bostrom 2002, 2013 _Anthropic Bias: Observation Selection Effects in Science and Philosophy_ (230 pages; 1.1MB)
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Daniel B. Botkin 2012 _The Moon in the Nautilus Shell: Discordant Harmonies ReConsidered_ (440 pages; 7.4MB)
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Robert Boyle 1661 _The Sceptical Chymist_ ()
Earl Boysen & Nancy C. Muir 2011 _NanoTechnology for Dummies_ (350 pages; 16MB)
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Denis Brian 1995 _The Voice of Genius: Conversations with Nobel Scientists and Other Luminaries_ ()
William M. Briggs 2016-07-08, 2016-07-15 _UnCertainty: The Soul of Modeling, Probability, & Statistics_ (265 pages; 5.4MB; ISBN 3319397559/ 9783319397559; Springer)
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John Hedley Brooke 2014 _Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives_ (560 pages; 13.1MB)
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Nigel Bruce, Daniel Pope & Debbi Stanistreet 2017 _Quantitative Methods for Health Research: A Practical Interactive Guide to Epidemiology_ (560 pages; 12.2MB)
Rex Buchanan 2010 _Kansas Geology: An Introduction to Landscapes, Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils_ (230 pages)
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Helen Bynum 2012 _Spitting Blood: The History of Tuberculosis_ (330 pages; 3MB)
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(50) ►James R. Brannan & William E. Boyce 2015-01-01 _Differential Equations: An Introduction to Modern Methods & Applications_ (675 pages; 20.4MB; ISBN 9781118531778/ 9781119657637; OCLC 1110683899/ 885014848; Wiley/ClemsonU; ILL request)◀
(39) ►William Broad & Nicholas J. Wade 1983, 1989 _Betrayers of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science_ (256 pages; ISBN 9780192818898; OCLC 320288032; OxfordU; ILL request)◀
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(48) ►Robert Bryce 2020 _A Question of Power: Electricity & the Wealth Nations_ (260 pages; 25MB; 333.79 Bry; Mars; ILL request)◀
(55) ►Robert Bryce 2011 _Power Hungry: The Myths of "Green" Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future_ (414 pages; 4.5MB; 333.79; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀
(40) ►Peter Burke 2020 _The Polymath: A Cultural History from Leonardo da Vinci to Susan Sontag_ (352 pages; ISBN 99999; OCLC 99999; YaleU; ILL request)◀
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Edward J. Calabrese 1994 _Biological Effects of Low Level Exposures: Dose-Response Relationships_ (310 pages)
(30) Dorothy Calimeris 2015 _The Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Action Plans: 4-Week Meal Plans to Heal the Immune System & Restore OverAll Health_ (291 pages; ISBN 9781942411253; Sonoma; 641.5631 Cal; Main)
(20) Gerald N. Callahan 2006 _Infection: The UnInvited Universe_ (disease; 288 pages; ISBN 9780312348465; St.Martin's; 616.9 Cal; Main)
(34) ►Craig Callender 2002, 2004 _Time, Reality, & Experience_ (328-384 pages; ISBN 9780521529679; OCLC 783085202; CambridgeU/Stanford; ILL request)◀
(39) Mira Calton, C.N. & Jayson Calton, Ph.D. 2019 _ReBuild Your Bones: The 12-Week Osteoporosis Protocol_ (disease; 323 pages; ISBN 9781635653724; OCLC ; Rodale; 616.716 Cal; Main)
Scott Camazine, Jean Louis Deneubourg, Nigel R. Franks, James Sneyd, Guy Theraula & Eric Bonabeau 2003 _Self-Organization in Biological Systems_ (550 pages)
Thomas W.M. Cameron 1956 _Parasites and Parasitism_ ()
Mark J. Camp & Graham T. Richardson 1999 _RoadSide Geology of Indiana_ (300 pages)
Mark J. Camp 2006 _RoadSide Geology of Ohio_ (400 pages)
A. Malcolm Campbell & Laurie J. Heyer 2006 _Discovering Genomics, Proteomics and BioInformatics_ (464 pages)
A. Malcolm Campbell & Christopher J. Paradise 2016 _Using DNA Information to Make Proteins_ (100 pages; 5MB)
Bruce A. Campbell 2011 _Radar Remote Sensing of Planetary Surfaces_ (350 pages; ISBN 9780521189651; OCLC 712541468; CambridgeU)
James B. Campbell & Randolph H. Wynne 2007, 2011, 2014 _Introduction to Remote Sensing_ (655-667 pages; 55.1MB; ISBN 9781609181765/ 9781462506750; OCLC 760079467/ 1033772871; Guilford)
William C. Campbell 2012 _Ivermectin and Abamectin_ (anti-parasitics; 465 pages; 13.9MB)
William C. Campbell & Claire O'Connell 2020 _Catching the Worm: Towards Ending River Blindness, & Reflections on My Life_ (disease; anti-parasitics; 195 pages; 21.5MB)
Walter Cannon 1945 _The Way of an Investigator_ (99999 pages; Norton)
(50) Norman F. Cantor 2001 _In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made_ (615 pages; 1.4MB; 614.5732 Can; Main+NE)
Theresa M. Capriotti & Joan Parker Frizzell 2016 _PathoPhysiology: Introductory Concepts and Clinical Perspectives_ (1,190 pages)
Jerome Cardan 1550 _De Subtilitate_ ()
Francois Cardarelli & M.J. Shields 1999 _Scientific Unit Conversion_ (475 pages; 72MB)
Francois Cardarelli 8888 _Encyclopedia of Scientific Units, Weights, and Measures: Their SI Equivalences and Origins_ ()
(57) Nessa Carey 2012 _The EpiGenetics Revolution: How Modern Biology Is ReWriting Our Understanding of Genetis, Disease, and Inheritance_ (339 pages; 4.4MB; 616.042; NE)
Nessa Carey 2019 _Hacking the Code of Life: How Gene Editing Will ReWrite Our Futures_ (150 pages; 594KB)
Alan Carlin 2015 _Environmentalism Gone Mad: How a Sierra Club Activist and Senior EPA Analyst Discovered a Radical Green Energy Fantasy_ (630 pages; 3.7MB)
J.C. Carleson 2015 _Placebo Junkies: Pick Your Poison_ (300 pages; 2.5MB)
(42) Murray Carpenter 2014 _Caffeinated: How Our Daily Habit Helps, Hurts, & Hooks Us_ (270 pages; 362.299 Car; Main)
Charles E. Carraher ii 2017 _Introduction to Polymer Chemistry_ (575 pages; 40.5MB)
Walter G. Carrara, Ronald M. Majewski & Ron S. Goldman 1995-07-01 _Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar: Signal Processing Algorithms_ (SAR; 554 pages; ISBN 9780890067284; OCLC 421951892; Artech)
Charles E. Carraher ii 2017 _Polymer Chemistry_ (675 pages)
Jo Ann Carrigan 1994 _The Saffron Scourge: An History of Yellow Fever in Louisiana 1796-1905_ (530 pages)
Sean B. Carroll, Ph.D., Jennifer K. Grenier & Scott D. Weatherbee 2013 _From DNA to Diversity: Molecular Genetics and the Evolution of Animal Design_ (260 pages; 20.8MB)
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(27) ►Sean M. Carroll, Ph.D. 2019-09-12 _SpaceTime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity_ (physics; 516 pages; ISBN 9781108488396; OCLC ; CambridgeU; ILL request)◀
Sean M. Carroll, Ph.D. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 _From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time_ (455 pages; 4MB)
Sean M. Carroll, Ph.D. 2013 _The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads Us to the Edge of a New World_ (340 pages; 12.6MB)
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Nancy Cartwright 1983 _How the Laws of Physics Lie_ (220 pages)
Nancy Cartwright 1983, 1999 _The Dappled World: A Study of the Boundaries of Science_ (250 pages; 10.4MB)
John L. Casey 2014 _Dark Winter: How the Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell_ (180 pages; 930KB)
James Cassedy 1962 _Charles V. Chapin and the Public Health Movement_ (9999 pages; HarvardU)
James Cassedy 1991 _Medicine in America: A Short History_ (9999 pages; Johns Hopkins U)
Jean Marc Cavaillon & Mervyn Singer 2017 _Inflammation: From Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms to the Clinic_ (1,730 pages; 13.4MB)
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza 2001 _Genes, People & Languages_ (230 pages)
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Paolo Menozzi & Alberto Piazza 1994, 2018 _The History & Geography of Human Genes_ (420 pages; 135.9MB)
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza & Albert Ammerman 1984, 2014 _The NeoLithic Transition and the Genetics of Populations in Europe_ (190 pages)
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza & Francesco Cavalli-Sforza 1995, 1996 _The Great Human Diasporas: The History of Diversity and Evolution_ (310 pages)
Roderick A. Cawson & Edward W. Odell 208 _Cawson's Essentials of Oral Pathology & Oral Medicine_ (460 pages; 17.4MB)
Gita Chadha & Renny Thomas 2022-06-09 _Mapping Scientific Method: Disciplinary Narrations_ (360 pages; ISBN 9781032283525; OCLC ; Routledge)
Alan F. Chalmers 2013 _What Is This Thing Called Science?_ (295 pages; 1.4MB)
(33) Jorge Cham & Daniel Whiteson 2017 _We Have No Idea: A Guide to the UnKnown Universe_ (354 pages; 523.1; Main+NE)
John Sharpe Chambers 1938 _The Conquest of Cholera: USA's Greatest Scourge_ (366 pages; OCLC 253022782; MacMillan)
Bertram K.C. Chan 2015 _BioStatistics for Epidemiology and Public Health Using R_ (450 pages; 24.8MB)
Kim Seng Chan & Jeanne Tan 2016 _Understanding Advanced Organic and Analytical Chemistry_ (560 pages; 18.9MB )
Kim Seng Chan & Jeanne Tan 2016 _Understanding Advanced Physical InOrganic Chemistry_ (560 pages; 15.9MB)
Hasok Chang 2004 _Inventing Temperature: Measurement and Scientific Progress_ ()
Hsiang-Ke Chao, Szu-Ting Chen & Roberta L. Millstein 2013 _Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics_ (255 pages; 1.8MB)
Allan Chapman 2016 _Physicians, Plagues, and Progress: The History of Western Medicine from Antiquity to Antibiotics_ (535 pages; 6.4MB)
(35) Kit Chapman 2019 _SuperHeavy: Making and Breaking the Periodic Table_ (304 pages; 546.44 Cha; Main)
(50) James C. Chatters 2002 _Ancient Encounters: Kennewick Man and the First Americans_ (304 pages; 979.701; Main)
(28) Jean Sherman Chatzky, Michael F. Roizen & Ted Spiker 2017 _Age-Proof: Living Longer without Running Out of Money or Breaking a Hip_ (328 pages; 2.3MB; 650.1 Cha; Main+E+NE)
(33) Charles Wesley Chesterman 1995 _Field Guide to North American Rocks & Minerals_ (850 pages; 552.097 Che; NE)
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(40) Marcus Chown 2017 _The Ascent of Gravity: The Quest to Understand the Force That Explains EveryThing_ (267 pages; 531.14 Cho; Main)
Marcus Chown 2020 _The Magicians: Great Minds & the Central Miracle of Science_ (280 pages; 757KB)
Marcus Chown 2003 _The Universe Next Door: The Making of Tomorrow's Science_ (200 pages)
(40) Nicholas A. Christakis 2019 _BluePrint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good "Society"_ (520 pages; 576.801 Chr; Main)
Emilio Chuvieco 2020-02-05 _Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing: An Environmental Approach_ (415-432 pages; ISBN 9781138583832; OCLC 1162984806; CRC/Taylor & Francis)
Edmund S. Cibas & Barbara S. Ducatman 2014 _Cytology: Diagnostic Principles and Clinical Correlates_ (576 pages)
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Bjoern E. Clausen & Jon D. Laman 2017 _Inflammation: Methods and Protocols_ (450 pages)
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Brian Clegg 2018 _Gravitational Waves: How Einstein's SpaceTime Ripples Reveal the Secrets of the Universe_ (175 pages; 1.4MB)
Brian Clegg 2018 _The Graphene Revolution: The Weird Science of the Ultra-Thin_ (175 pages; 2.5MB)
Brian Clegg 2014 _The Quantum Age: How the Physics of the Very Small has TransFormed Our Lives_ (280 pages; 1.5MB)
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Frank Close 2011 _The InFinity Puzzle: Quantum Field Theory and the Hunt for an Orderly Universe_ (440 pages; 5.1MB)
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Aidan Cockburn & Eve Cockburn 1983 _Mummies, Diseases, and Ancient Cultures_ ()
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I. Bernard Cohen 1961, 1985, 1987 _The Birth of a New Physics_ (260 pages)
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Richard Coico & Geoffrey Sunshine 2015 _Immunology: A Short Course_ (420 pages; 24.4MB)
Don Colbert 8888 _Reversing Inflammation: Prevent Disease, Slow Aging, and Super-Charge Your Weight Loss_ ()
Michael F. Cole 2019 _Unifying Microbial Mechanisms: Shared Strategies of Pathogenesis_ (350 pages)
John Coleman & Joseph S. d'Aleo 2018 _Weather Channel Pioneers: Tales from Those Who Made It Happen_ (130 pages)
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(30) Francis Collins 2009 _The Language of Life: DNA & the Revolutio nin Personalized Medicine [or Precise BioWarfare Targetting]_ (332 pages; ISBN 9780061733178; OCLC ; Harper; 616.042 Col; Jax)
Harry Collins 2017 _Gravity's Kiss: The Detection of Gravitational Waves_ (99999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; MIT)
Amanda Colosimo 2010 _Truths and Myths: Practical Applications of the Scientific Method_ (85 pages)
Robert Colville 2016 _The Great Acceleration: How the World Is Getting Faster Faster_ (390 pages; 1.6MB)
Phillip Compeau & Pavel Pevzner 2014 _BioInformatics Algorithms: An Active Learning Approach_ (380 pages)
Jeff Conant 2005 _Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment_ ()
Jennet Conant 2013 _Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War 2_ (340 pages; 30.4MB)
Jennet Conant 2008 _The Irregulars: Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in WarTime Washington_ (DC; 400 pages; 1.6MB)
Jennet Conant 2007 _109 East Palace: Robert Oppenheimer and the Secret City of Los Alamos_ (440 pages; 30MB)
Jennet Conant 2017 _Man of the Hour: James G. Conant, Warrior Scientist_ (600 pages; 46.9MB)
Roger Conant & Joseph T. Collins 1998 _Reptiles and Amphibians: Eastern/Central North America_ ()
Lawrence I. Conrad et al. 1995 _The Western Medical Tradition 800BCE-180CE_ (CambridgeU)
Lawrence B. Conyers 2013-06-20 _Ground-Penetrating Radar for Archaeology_ (241-258 pages; 28.7MB; ISBN 9780759123496; OCLC 900478919; AltaMira)
Lawrence B. Conyers 2014, 2016-06-16 _Interpreting Ground-Penetrating Radar for Archaeology_ (220 pages; 12.9MB; ISBN 9781611322170; OCLC 1120588816; LeftCoast/Routledge)
David B. Cook 2012 _Quantum Chemistry: A Unified Approach_ (300 pages)
John Cook, Balu Sankaran & Ambrose E.O. Wasunna 1988 _General Surgery at the District Hospital_ ()
Noble David Cook 1998 _Born to Die: Disease and New World Conquest 1492-1650_ (255 pages)
Noble David Cook & W. George Lovell 1991 _Secret Judgments of God: Old World Diseases and Colonial Spanish America_ ()
Roger M. Cooke 1991 _Experts in UnCertainty: Opinion and Subjective Probability in Science_ (330 pages; 4.2MB)
Frederick L. Coolidge & Thomas Wynn 2017 _The Rise of Homo Sapiens: The Evolution of Modern Thinking_ (330 pages; 8.8MB)
Julian Lowell Coolidge 2015 _An History of the Conic Sections and Quadric Surfaces_ (99999 pages; 17.3MB)
Alan Cooper, E. Abel, A.G. Davies 2011 _BioPhysical Chemistry_ (244 pages)
Donald Cooper 1965 _Epidemic Disease in Mexico City 1761-1813_ ()
Neil Cossons, Andrew Nahum & Peter Turvey 1992 _Making of the Modern World: MileStones of Science & Technology_ (99999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; John Murray)
Jose R. Costello, Brent Hoffman & Colin Groves 2016 _Bovids of the World: Antelopes, Gazelles, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, and Relatives_ (650 pages; 217MB)
Richard Courant & Herbert Robbins & Ian Stewart 1941, 1996 _What Is Mathematics: An Elementary Approach to Ideas & Methods_/_What Are Mathematics_ (566 pages; ISBN 9780195105193; OCLC 717996000/ 301053374; OxfordU)
Vincent Courtillot & Joe McClinton 2002 _Evolutionary Catastrophes: The Science of Mass Extinction_ (180 pages; 2.7MB)
John Coveyou 2018 _SubAtomic: An Atom Building Game_ (board-game; from quarks to heavy elements, matter/anti-matter annihilation)
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(50) Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw 2009 _Why Does E=MC² and Why Should We Care_ (249 pages; 943KB; 530.11 Cox; Main)
Jerry A. Coyne 2009, 2010 _Why Evolution Is True_ (300 pages; 3.4MB)
Nancy Craig, Rachel Green & Carol Greider 2014 _Molecular Biology: Principles of Genome Function_ ()
Christopher J. Cramer 2013 _Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and Models_ (610 pages; 11.1MB)
(37) ►John G. Cramer 2016, 2018 _Quantum HandShake: Entanglement, NonLocality, & Transactions_ (218 pages; ISBN 9783319796529/ 9783319246406; OCLC 1032027336/ 1166897162; Springer; ILL request)◀
(45) ►Dorothy H. Crawford 2007, 2018 _Deadly Companions: How Microbes Shaped Our History_ (280 pages; 7.4MB; ILL request)◀
Michael H. Crawford 2006 _Anthropological Genetics: Theory, Methods, and Applications_ (480 pages; 13.8MB)
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(32) Robert P. Crease 2019 _The WorkShop and the World: What 10 Thinkers Can Teach Us about Science and "Authority"_ (319 pages; 11.3MB; 306.45 Cre; Main+E)
Francis Crick 2008 _What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Diiscovery_ (200 pages; 5.7MB)
Susan J. Crockford 2016 _Polar Bears: Outstanding Survivors of Climate Change_ (58 pages; 2.6MB)
(11) ►Susan J. Crockford 2019 _The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened_ (200 pages; 12.8MB; ISBN 0993119085/ 9780993119088; OCLC 1097602874; ILL request)◀
(14) ►Susan J. Crockford 2017 _Polar Bear Facts & Myths: A Science Summary for All Ages_ (38 pages; ISBN 1541123336/ 9781541123335; OCLC 1015249279; ILL request)◀
A.C. Crombie 1953 _Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science 1100-1700_ (380 pages)
A.C. Crombie 1957, 1996 _The History of Science: vol1 from Augustine to Galileo 400CE-1650_ (370 pages)
A.C. Crombie 1952, 1959 _Medieval and Early Modern Science: vol2 Science in the Later Middle Ages and Early Modern Times 13th-17th Centuries_ (370 pages)
A.C. Crombie 1963 _Scientific Change_ (890 pages)
Paul Crook 1994, 2009 _Darwinism, War, and History: The Debate over the Biology of War from the ⎿Origin of Species⏌to the First World War_ ()
Alan Cromer 1995 _UnCommon Sense: The Heretical Nature of Science_ (250 pages; 4.6MB)
Alfred W. Crosby 1972, 1973, 2003 _The Columbian Exchange: Biological Consequences of 1492_ (310 pages; 3MB)
Alfred W. Crosby 1989, 2003-07-21, 2010 _America's Forgotten Pandemic: The Influenza of 1918_ (329-337-356 pages; 2.8MB; ISBN 9780521541756; OCLC 768658702; CambridgeU)
Guy Crosby, PhD, Julia Collin Davison, Bridget Lancaster, Jack Bishop, Dan Souza, Lisa McManus, Tucker Shaw & Bryan Roof 2012 _The Science of Good Coking: Master 50 Simple Concepts to Enjoy a LifeTime of Success in the Kitchen_ (480 pages; 16.1MB)
(37) Molly Caldwell Crosby 2010, 211 _Asleep: The Forgotten Epidemic That Remains One of Medicine's Greatest Mysteries_ (disease; 291 pages; 837KB; 362.196 Cro; Main)
(27) ►Richard Crume 2019 _Urban Health Issues: Exploring the Impacts of Big-City Living_ (285 pages; 3MB; ILL request)◀
Thomas Crump 2002 _A Brief History of Science as Seen through the Development of Scientific Instruments_ (450 pages)
Julius M. Cruse & Robert E. Lewis 2010 _Atlas of Immunology_ (935 pages; 207.1MB)
Marcos Cueto 2007, 2008 _Cold War, Deadly Fevers: Malaria Eradication in Mexico 1955-1975_ (270 pages)
Andrew Cunningham & Perry Williams 1992 _The Laboratory Revolution in Medicine_ (99999 pages; CambridgeU)
(50) Eve Curie & Vincent Sheean 1937, 1943 _Madame Curie: A Biography_ (395 pages; biography Curie; Main)
(23) ►Judith A. Curry & Peter J. Webster 1998 _ThermoDynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans_ (465 pages; 8.6MB; weather & climate; ILL request)◀
(24) ►Judith A. Curry & Vitaly I. Khvorostyanov 2014 _ThermoDynamics, Kinetics, and MicroPhysics of Clouds_ (785 pages; 34MB; weather & climate; ILL request)◀
Helen Czerski 2017 _Storm in a TeaCup: The Physics of EveryDay Life_ (265 pages; 1.3MB)
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Paul C. Daiber 2019 _Special Algebra for Special Relativity: Proposed Theory of Non-Finite Numbers _ (520 pages; 11.8MB)
Richard C. Dales 1973, 2015 _The Scientific Achievement of the Middle Ages_ (190 pages; 1.3MB)
Alan J.P. Dalton 1973 _Chemicals from Biological Resources_ (24 pages)
Protasio Lemos da Luz, Peter Libby, Francisco Rafael Martins Laurindo & Antonio Carlos Palandri Chagas 2018 _Endothelium and CardioVascular Diseases: Vasular Biology and Clinical Syndromes_ (675 pages; 137.3MB)
C.D. Darlington 1969 _The Evolution of Man and Society_ ()
Lorraine J. Daston & Peter Galison 2010 _Objectivity_ (490 pages)
Rupert Darwall 2017 _Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex_ (345 pages; 3.5MB)
(55) Ann Rosalie David & Edmund Tapp 1993 _The Mummy's Tale: The Scientific and Medical Investigation of Natsef-Amun, Priest in the Temple at Karnak_ (170 pages; 932.015; NE)
Jan Davidson, Bob Davidson & Laura van der Kam 2004, 2005, 2007 _Genius Denied: How to Stop Wasting our Brightest Young Minds_ (245 pages; 9.6MB)
Jamie A. Davies 2014 _Life UnFolding: How the Human Body Creates Itself_ (300 pages; 9.6MB)
Kevin Davies & Michael White 1996 _BreakThrough: The Race to Find the Breast Cancer Gene_ ()
Kevin Davies 2020 _Editing Humanity: The CRISPR Revolution & the New Era of Genome Editing_ (325 pages; due out 2020-10-06)
Paul C.W. Davies 2003 _How to Build a Time Machine_ ()
Paul C.W. Davies & Neils Henrik Gregersen 2011 _Information and the Nature of Reality_ (390 pages; 1.4MB)
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Kenneth P. Davis 1996-01-01 _The Brotherhood of Cheerful Service: An History of the Order of the Arrow_ (293 pages; ISBN 9780839549987; OCLC ; BSA)
(50) Mike Davis 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010-03-16, 2012 _The Monster at Our Door: The Global Threat of Avian Flu_ (189-212-228 pages; 2.6MB; ISBN 9781595581709; OCLC 1061303315; New Press; 636.5 Dav; Main)
Mike Davis 2007-09-17 _Planet of Slums_ (240 pages; 894KB; ISBN ; Verso)
Philip J. Davis & David Park 1987, 1988 _No Way: The Nature of the Impossible_ (315 pages)
Richard Arnold Davis, David L. Meyer & Steven M. Holland 2009 _A Sea without Fish: Life in the Ordovician Sea of the Cincinnati Region_ (350 pages; 38.3MB)
Richard Arnold Davis 1992 _Cincinnati Fossils: An Elementary Guide to the Ordovician Rocks & Fossils of the Cincinnati Ohio Region_ (Cincinnati Museum Center)
(43) Robert J. Davis 2012 _Coffee Is Good for You: From Vitamin C & Organic Foods to Low-Carb & Detox Diets, the Truth about Diet & Nutrition Claims_ (212 pages; 613.2 Dav; E)
(50) Richard Dawkins 2009 _The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution_ (465 pages; 576.8; Main+E+NE+Jax)
(50) Richard Dawkins 2004, 2005 _The Ancestor's Tale_ (673 pages; 576.8 Daw; Main)
M. Joan Dawson 2013 _Paul Lauterbur and the Invention of MRI_ (NMR; 285 pages; 9.2MB)
Lois Elizabeth DeBakey 1976 _The Scientific Journal: Editorial Policies and Practices; GuideLines for Editors, Reviewers, and Authors_ ()
Lois Elizabeth DeBakey & Phil R. Manning 2003 _Medicine: Preserving the Passion in the 21st Century_ ()
Lois Elizabeth DeBakey 1963 _The Physician-Scientist as Characted in Nineteenth-Century American Literature_ ()
(49) ►Brian Deer 2020 _The Doctor Who Fooled the World: Science, Deception, & the War on Vaccines_ (408 pages; ISBN 99999; OCLC 99999; Johns Hopkins U; ILL request)◀
W.A. Deer, R.A. Howie & J. Zusman 1996 _An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals_ (700 pages)
Edson de Faria & Welington de Melo 2010 _Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theory_ (300 pages; 17.1MB)
(9) Brent H. Hoff, Carter Smith iii & Charles H. Calisher 2000 _Mapping Epidemics: An Historical Atlas of Disease_ (112 pages; 614.4 Hof; BLPerry)
Edmond de Hoffmann & Vincent Stroobant 2013 _Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications_ (490 pages; 10.4MB)
T. Howard Deighton 1907, 2012 _The Struggle for Supremacy: Being a Series of Chapters in the History of the Leblanc Alkali Industry in Great Britain_ (130 pagess)
(28) Paul de Kruif 1926, 2002 _Microbe Hunters_ (disease; 355 pages; 1.6MB; 616.01 deK; Main)
Francois de la Porte & Arthur Goldhammer 2012 _Chagas Disease: History of a Continent's Scourge_ (disease; 200 pages)
James de Lemos & Torbjorn Omland 2017 _Chronic Coronary Artery Disease: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease_ (510 pages; 277.4MB; see Zipes)
James Delingpole 2012 _Watermelons: How Environmentalists Are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy, and Stealing Your Children's Future_ (320 pages; 1.1MB)
William Dembski 2004 _UnCommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism UnConvincing_ (400 pages; 1.4MB)
(49) Robert E. Denney 1994 _Civil War Medicine: Care & Comfort of the Wounded_ (400 pages; 973.775 Den; Main)
David T. Dennis, Kenneth L. Gage et al. 1999 _Plague Manual: Epidemiology, Distribution, Surveillance, and Control_ (345 pages; 2MB)
Michael Denton 2016 _Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis_ (345 pages; 2MB)
(50) Rob de Salle, Ian Tattersall & Patricia J. Wynne 2012 _The Brain: Big Bangs, Behaviors, and Beliefs_ (350 pages; 612.82 deS; Main)
Derek J. de Solla Price 1963 _Little Science, Big Science_ ()
Robert S. Desowitz 1993 _The Malaria Capers: Tales of Parsites & People_ (280 pages)
Robert S. Desowitz 1987 _New Guinea TapeWorms and Jewish GrandMothers: Tales of Parsites & People_ (215 pages; 641KB)
Robert S. Desowitz 1998 _Tropical Diseases from 50KBCE to 2500CE_ (245 pages)
Dickson Despommier 2013 _People, Parasites, and PlowShares: Learning from Our Body's Most Terrifying Invaders_ (230 pages; 11.5MB)
(47) Philipp Dettmer 2021 _Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive [Usually]_ (99999 pages; ISBN 9780593241318; OCLC ; RandomHouse; on order 2021-08-12; Main+Jax)
(52) David Deutsch 2011 _The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations that Transform the World_ (496 pages; 501; Main)
Diane Devereaux 2018 _The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning: EveryThing You need to Know to Can Meats, Vegetables, Meals in a Jar, and More_ (375 pages; 8.3MB)
Shauna Devine 2014 _Learning from the Wounded: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science_ (370 pages; 5.5MB)
(50) Keith J. Devlin & Gary Lorden 2007 _The Numbers Behind NUMB3RS: Solving Crime with Mathematics_ (243 pages; 1.3MB; 363.2501; E)
(39) ►Jay L. DeVore 2000 _Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences_ (775 pages; 519.5; Main; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀
Elaine Dewar 1995 _The Cloak of Green_ (490 pages)
Richard de Will 2011 _WorldViews: An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science_ (385 pages; 2.2MB)
Sofia Dias, A.E. Ades, Nicky J Welton, Jeroen P. Jansen & Alexander J. Sutton 2018 _Network Meta-Analysis for Decision-Making_ (450 pages; 11.6MB)
Christopher W. di Carlo 2011 _How to Become a Really Good Pain in the A**: A Critical Thinker's Guide to Asking the Right Questions_ (390 pages; 8.1MB)
William Brisbane Dick 1872, 1975, 2014, 2017 _Encyclopedia of Practical Receipts and Processes_ (600 pages; 4.6MB)
James L. Dickerson 2011, 2012 _Yellow Fever: A Deadly Disease Poised to Kill Again_ (260 pages; 2.3MB)
(59) Terence Dickinson 2012 _Hubble's Universe: Greatest Discoveries & Latest Images_ (300 pages; ISBN 9781770851078; Firefly; 522.2919 Dic; NE)
Murray Dickson 2011, 2012 _Where There Is No Dentist_ (275 pages)
Robert F. Diegelmann & Charles E. Chalfant 2016 _Basic Biology and Clinical Aspects of Inflammation_ (565 pages; 3.7MB)
(40) Rodney R. Dietert 2016 _The Human SuperOrganism: How the MicroBiome is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life_ (341 pages; 613 Die; Main)
Thomas J. DiLorenzo/Thomas J. di Lorenzo & James T. Bennett 2017 _From Pathology to Politics: Public Health in the USA_ (170 pages; 1.1MB)
Thomas J. DiLorenzo/Thomas J. di Lorenzo & James T. Bennett 2018 _Public Health Profiteering_ (190 pages; 911KB)
Thomas J. DiLorenzo/Thomas J. di Lorenzo 1996 _Frightening USA's Elderly: How the Age Lobby Holds Seniors Captive_ (98 pages)
Lowell Dingus 2015 _Hell Creek, Montana: USA's Key to the PreHistoric Past_ (245 pages; 3.8MBs)
Rob Dinnis & Chris Stringer 2014 _Britain: 1M Years of the Human Story_ (190 pages)
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 1930, 1935, 1958, 1982, 2013 _Principles of Quantum Mechanics_ (300 pages)
Katharina Dittmar & David Liberles 2011 _Evolution after Gene Duplication_ (350 pages; 3.8MB)
Alan F. Dixson 2009 _Sexual Selection & the Origins of Human Matinb Systems_ (220 pages; 4.8MB)
Michael B. Dobson 2001 _Anaesthesia at the District Hospital_ (155 pages)
Theodosius Dobzhansky 1962, 1970 _ManKind Evolving: The Evolution of the Human Species_ (400 pages)
Paul Doherty 2004, 2009 _The Death of Alexander the Great: What--or Who--Really Killed the Young Conqueror of the Known World?_ (280 pages; 24MB)
Cyril Domb 2007 _The Critical Point: An Historical Introduction to the Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena_ (400 pages; 18.9MB)
Pinliang Dong & Qi Chen 2018-01-04 _LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications_ (220 pages; ISBN 9781138747241; OCLC 1061201128; CRC/Taylor & Francis)
Elliot N. Dorff & Laurie Zoloth 2015 _Jews and Genes: The Genetic Future in Contemporary Jewish Thought_ (470 pages; 1.6MB)
Richard C. Dorf 2003 _CRC HandBook of Engineering Tables_ (650 pages; 19.9MB)
Dietrich Dorner/Dietrich Doerner 2009 _The Logic of Failure: Recognizing and Avoiding Error in Complex Situations_ (240 pages; 3.1MB)
(13) Jennifer A. Doudna & Samuel H. Sternberg 2017 _A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing & the UnThinkable Power to Control Evolution_ (CRISPR; 304 pages; 576.5072 Dou; NE)
Jennifer A. Doudna & Prashant Mali 2017 _CRISPR-Cas: A Laboratory Manual_ (190 pages)
Angela E. Douglas 2018 _Fundamentals of MicroBiome Science: How Microbes Shape Animal Biology_ ()
Graham Douglas, Fiona Nicol & Colin Robertson 2013 _MacLeod's Clinical Examination_ (460 pages; 35.3MB)
J.W. Downs 2012 _Practical Conic Sections: The Geometric Properties of Ellipses, Parabolas, and Hyperbolas_ (110 pages; 5MB)
Gerard S. Doyle 2010 _When There Is No Doctor: Preventive and Emergency HealthCare in UnCertain Times_ (200 pages; 988KB)
Michael P. Doyle & Robert L. Buchanan 2012 _Food MicroBiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers_ (1,100 pages)
Alice Dreger 2015 _Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and One Scholar's Search for Justice_ (345 pages; 1.4MB)
Liam Drew 2018 _I, Mammal: The Story of What Makes Us Mammals_ ()
(19) ►Madeline Drexler 2002 _Secret Agents: The Menace of Emerging Infections_ (disease; 316 pages; 614.4; Main; ???was catalogued; now it is not???; ILL request)◀
Paul Driessen 2011 _Eco-Imperialism: Green power--Black Death_ (235 pages; 406KB)
Rosemary Drisdelle 2010 _Parasites: Tales of Humanity's Most UnWelcome Guests_ (260 pages; 3.8MB)
Willie Drye 2003 _Storm of the Century: The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935_ (Florida Keys; 315 pages)
Christine M. du Bois 2018 _The Story of Soy_ (260 pages; 4.5MB)
Rene DuBos 1952 _The White Plague: Tuberculosis, Man and Society_ ()
Rene Dubos 1959 _Mirage of Health: Utopias, Progress, and Biological Change_ ()
Rene Dubos 1975 _The Professor, the Institute, and DNA_ (RockefellerU)
(12) William Dudley 1999 _Epidemics_ (disease; 188 pages; 614.4 Epi; Main)
Angela Williams Duea 2010 _The Complete Guide to Food Preservation: Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Freeze, Dry, Can, and Preserve Food_ (375 pages; 10.2MB)
Peter H. Duesberg 1997 _Inventing the AIDS Virus_ (700 pages; 6.5MB)
John Duffy 1993-05-01 _From Humors to Medical Science: An History of USA Medicine_ (418 pages; ISBN 0252063007/ 9780252063008; OCLC 301462891; U of IL)
(49) ►John Duffy 1953, 1972, 1979 _Epidemics in Colonial USA_ (265-274 pages; ISBN 0807102059/ 9780807102053; OCLC 1131620387; LSU; ILL request)◀
John Duffy 1992-06-01 _The Sanitarians: An History of USA Public Health_ (344 pages; ISBN 978025206766; UofIL)
John Duffy 1968-10-15 _An History of Public Health in New York City 625-1866_ (639 pages; ISBN 9780871542120; Sage)
Paul Dumesny, J. Noyer & Donald Grant 1908, 1921, 2016 _Wood Products: Distillates and Extracts_ (350 pages)
(40) ►Anthony Duncan 2018 _The Conceptual FrameWork of Quantum Field Theory_ (782 pages; ISBN 9780199573264; OCLC 1148190306; OxfordU; ILL request)◀
Kevin M. Dunn 2003 _CaveMan Chemistry: 28 Projects, from the Creation of Fire to the Production of Plastics_ (415 pages)
(25) Rob R. Dunn 2017 _Never Out of Season: How [Measures Taken to Provide] the Food We Want When We Want It Threatens Our Food Supply and Our Future_ (323 pages; 14.3MB; 641.3 Dun; Main)
(29) Rob R. Dunn 2018 _Never Home Alone: From Microbes to Millipedes, Camel Crickets, & HoneyBees, the Natural History of Where We Live_ (270 pages; 19.5MB; 570 Dun; Main)
John Dvorak 2017 _Mask of the Sun: The Science, History, & Forgotten Lore of Eclipses_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Pegasus)
John J. Dvorak 2021 _How the Mountains Grew: A New Geological History of North America_ (444 pages; ISBN 978164313748; OCLC ; Pegasus)
George E. Dvorchak ii, MD 2010 _The Pocket First-Aid Guide: Treatment and Prevention of OutDoor Emergencies_ (155 pages; 5.2MB)
Freeman Dyson 1997 _Imagined Worlds_ ()
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David M. Eagleman 2011 _Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain_ (300 pages; 3.3MB)
David M. Eagleman & Richard E. Cytowic 2011 _Wednesday Is Indigo Blue: Discovering the Brain of Synesthesia_ (synaesthesia; 310 pages; 4.4MB)
David M. Eagleman 2015, 2017 _The Brain: The Story of You_ (245 pages; 57.4MB)
David M. Eagleman & Anthony Brandt 2017 _The RunAway Species: How Human Creativity RaMakes the World_ (300 pages; 22.1MB)
(40) ►John Earman 1989, 1992 _World Enough and Space-Time: Absolute versus Rational Theories of Space & Time_ (256 pages; ISBN 9780262550215; OCLC 669693793; MIT; ILL request)◀
(40) ►John Earman 1995, 1996, 2010, 2015, 2017 _Bangs, Crunches, Whimpers, and Shrieks: Singularities & Acausalities in Relativistic SpaceTimes_ (257-260-272 pages; ISBN 019509591/ 789-195095913; OCLC 837910245/ 263551509; OxfordU; ILL request)◀
Richard D. Easton & Eric F. Frazier 2013 _GPS DeClassified: From Smart Bombs to Smart Phones_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; UNebrasks)
(39) ►Myron Echenberg 2015 _Plague Ports: The Global Urban Impact of Bubonic Plague 1894-1901_ (355 pages; 2.1MB; ILL request)◀
(50) ►Myron Echenberg 2011-02-28 _Africa in the Time of Cholera: An History of Pandemics from 1817 to Present_ (230 pages; ISBN 9781107001497; ILL request)◀
Arthur Stanley Eddington 2015 _The Philosophy of Physical Science_ (215 pages; 2MB)
(50) ►C. Henry Edwards, David Penney & David Calvis 2014-09-04, 2019 _Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing & Modeling_ (780 pages; 47.2MB; ISBN 9780321796981/ 9780134837390; OCLC 1023548484; Pearson; ILL request)◀
David Eifrig ii, MD 8888 _The Doctor's Protocol Field Manual_ (110 pages; 3.6MB)
(27) Martine Ehrenclou 2012 _The Take-Charge Patient: How You Can Get the Best Medical Care_ (304 pages; 610.696 Ehr; Main+NE)
Porleifur Einarsson 1994, 1999 _Geology of Iceland_ (300 pages)
Albert Einstein, Alice Calaprice & Freeman Dyson 2010, 2011 _The Ultimate Quotable Einstein_ (600 pages; 1.5MB)
(30) Albert Einstein & Robert W. Lawson 2005 _Relativity: The Special & General Theory_ (166 pages; ISBN 9781579125158; Tess; 530.11 Ein; Main)
Charles Elachi & Jakob J. van Zyl 2006, 2021-05-04 _Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing_ (552-560 pages; ISBN 9781119523017; OCLC 1176139301; Wiley)
Cyril Elgood 1951 _Medical History of Persia and the Eastern Califate_ ()
Mircea Eliade & Stephen Corrin 1980 _The Forge and the Crucible_ ()
Jordan Ellenberg 2014 _How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking_ (460 pages; 8.6MB)
Gregory Ellis 2011 _The Glycation Factor: How the Recommended Healthy Diet Maims and Kills_ (375-557 pages; 3.6MB; ISBN 9781618427632; OCLC 9999; BookBaby)
Joann G. Elmore, Dorothea M.G. Wild, Heidi D. Nelson & David L. Katz 2020 _Jekel's Epidemiology, BioStatistics, and Preventive Medicine_ (455 pages; 10.6MB)
(14) Richard Elwes 2010 _Mathematics 1001: Absolutely EveryThing That Matters in Mathematics_ (415 pages; 510; NE)
(30) E. Wesley Ely, M.D./Wes Ely 2021 _Every Deep-Drawn Breath: A Critical Care Doctor on Healing, Recovery, & Transforming Medicine_ (332-999 pages; ISBN 9781982171148; Scribner; LT on order 2021-07-13, 2021-09-05 616.028 Ely; Main+FtBraden)
James Barry Engelhardt, Carol Brodkin-Sang & Stacey Atkinson 2017 _Musings of a Medical Dinosaur: Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We Are Going_ (430 pages; 18MB)
(47) ►Jeremy England 2020-09-15 _Every Life Is on Fire: How ThermoDynamics Explains the Origins of Living Things_ (272 pages; ISBN 9781541699014; OCLC 1227648061; Basic; ILL request)◀
Jon Entine, Claude E. Barfield, Euros Jones, Doug Nelson, Alexander Rincus, Richard Tren, Mark Whalon & Jeanette Wilson 2011 _Crop ChemoPhobia: Will Precaution Kill the Green Revolution_ (165 pages; 1.8MB)
Alex Epstein 2014 _The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels_ (245 pages; 5.1MB)
Steven Epstein 1996 _Impure Science: AIDS, Activism, and the Politics of Knowledge_ (470 pages; 5.5MB)
Christopher Essex & Ross McKitrick 2008 _Taken By Storm: The Troubled Science, Policy, and Politics of Global Warming_ (390 pages)
Colin Evans 2007 _The CaseBook of Forensic Detection: How Science Solved 100 of the World's Most Baffling Crimes_ (375 pages; 7.2MB)
Dylan Evans 2014 _Placebo: Mind Over Matter in Modern Medicine_ (230 pages; 353KB)
Merran Evans, Nicholas Hastings & Brian Peacock 2010-12-21, 2011-05-09 _Statistical Distributions_ (230-321 pages; 10.1MB; ISBN 9780470390634; Wiley)
(47) ►Allen Everett & Thomas Roman 2011-12-15, 2012, 2013 _Time Travel and Warp Drives: A Scientific [or at least scientifical] Guide to ShortCuts through Space & Time_ (268-280-282 pages; 2.5MB; ISBN 9780226224985; OCLC 814454773; UChicago; ILL request)◀
(34) ►Michael J. Everhart 2017 _Oceans of Kansas: A Natural History of the Western Interior Sea_ (427-450 pages; 18.5MB; ISBN 9780253026323; OCLC 1012845077/ 1013907923; IndianaU; ILL request)◀
Paul W. Ewald 1994, 1996 _Evolution of Infectious Disease_ (disease; 315 pages; 3.8MB)
Paul W. Ewald 2002 _Plague Time: The New Germ Theory of Disease_ (disease; 270 pages; 3.8MB; ISBN 0385721846/ 9780385721844; OCLC 491833461; Anchor)
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(52) John Farndon, Alex Woolf, Anne Rooney & Liz Gogerly 2007 _The Great Scientists from Euclid to Stephen Hawking_ (160 pages; ISBN 9780760791974; Metro; 509 Far; Woodville)
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Richard G. Feachem, David Bradley et al. 1983-01-01 _Sanitation and Disease: Health Aspects of Excreta & WasteWater Management_ (501 pages; ISBN 9780471900948; OCLC 911306130; Wiley)
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Laura C. Fine 2015 _The Aging Eye: Preventing and Treating Eye Disease_ (49 pages)
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Seth Fletcher 2018 _Einstein's Shadow: A Black Hole, a Band of Astronomers, and the Quest to See the UnSeeable_ ()
James Thomas Flexner 1984 _An American Saga: The Story of Helen Thomas & Simon Flexner_ (Little, Brown)
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John G. Fuller 1973 _Fever!: The Hunt for a New Killer Virus_ ()
Michael Fumento 1997 _Polluted Science: The EPA's Campaign to Expand Clean Air Regulations_ (435 pages)
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Richard A. Gabriel & Karen S. Metz 1992 _An History of Military Medicine_ ()
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Galileo Galilei & Stillman Drake 1992 _Dialogue Concerning the 2 Chief World Systems_ ()
Galileo Galilei, Henry Crew & Alfonso de Salvio 1954 _Dialogues Concerning 2 New Sciences_ ()
Richard B. Gallagher, Jean Gilder, Gustav J.V. Nossal & Gaetano Salvatore 1995 _Immunology: The Making of a Modern Science_ (235 pages; 3.4MB)
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Rodolfo Gambini & Jorge Pullin 2020-04-01 _Loop Quantum Gravity for Everyone_ (104 pages; ISBN 9789811211959; OCLC ; World Scientific)
George Gamow 2012 _30 Years That Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory_ (265 pages; 11.5MB)
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Reginald H. Garrett & Charles M. Grisham _BioChemistry_ ()
B. John Garrik 2008 _Quantifying and Controlling Catastrophic Risks_ ()
Hugh G. Gauch 2003 _Scientific Method in Practice_ ()
Guenter Gauglitz & David S. Moore 2014 _HandBook of Spectroscopy_ (4 volumes; 1,776 pages; 38.4MB)
(14) Henry Gee 1999 _In Search of Deep Time: Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of Life_ (265 pages; 560.72)
Henry Gee 2004 _Jacob's Ladder: The History of the Human Genome_ (280 pages; 862KB)
Henry Gee 2000, 2008 _Deep Time: Cladistics, the Revolution in Evolution_ (265 pages)
(27) Henry Gee 2013 _The Accidental Species: MisUnderstandings of Human Evolution_ (200 pages; 1.2MB; 599.938; Main)
(29) ►Henry Gee 2021-11-09 _A Very Short History of Life on Earth: 4.6 Billion Years in 12 Pithy Chapters_ (288 pages; ISBN 9781250276650; OCLC ; St.Martin's; 9999999 Gaz; )◀
Murray Gell-Mann & Yuval Neeman 2018 _The 8-Fold Way_ (325 pages; 8.9MB)
Elaina George & Dave Racer 2015 _Big Medicine: The Cost of Corporate Control and How Doctors and Patients Working Together Can ReBuild a Better System_ (190 pages; 1.2MB)
(24) Rose George 2018 _9 Pints: A Journey through the Money, Medicine, and Mysteries of Blood_ (353 pages; ISBN 9781627796378; Metropolitan/Holt; 612.11 Geo; Main+NE)
(39) Rose George 2008 _The Big Necessity: The UnMentionable World of Human Waste & Why It Matters_ (288 pages; ISBN 9780805082715; Metropolitan; 363.72 Geo; Main)
Cynthia Gibas & Per Jambeck 2001 _Developing BioInformatics Computer Skills_ (430 pages)
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Ronald N. Giere & Richard S. Westfall 1973 _Foundations of Scientific Method: The 19th Century_ (310 pages)
Avery Gilbert 2014 _What the Nose Knows: The Science of Scent in EveryDay Life_ (295 pages; 992KB)
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(35) Paul Gill 2016 _An History of Medicine in 50 Objects_ (224 pages; ISBN 9781770857186; Firefly; 610.9 Pau; NE)
Con Gillen 2013 _Geology and Landscapes of Scotland_ (235 pages)
J.D. Gillett 1972 _The Mosquito: Its Life, Activities, and Impact on Human Affairs_ (350 pages)
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William E. Glassley 2018 _A Wilder Time: Notes from a Geologist at theEdge of the Greenland Ice_ ()
(80) James Gleick 2016 _Time Travel_ (336 pages; 530.11; Main)
(82) James Gleick 1993 _Genius: Richard Feynman_ (531 pages; biography Richard Feynman; NE+Jax & on shelf)
Timothy M. Goater, Cameron P. Goater & Gerald W. Esch 2013 _Parasitism: The Diversity and Ecology of Animal Parasites_ (520 pages; 53.8MB)
Jerome Goddard 2007 _Physician's Guide to Arthropods of Medical Importance_ ()
Jerome Goddard 2008 _Infectious Diseases and Arthropods_ ()
Peter Goddard 1998 _Paul Dirac: The Man and His Work_ ()
Peter Godfrey-Smith 2009 _Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science_ (265 pages; 2.8MB)
Richard V. Goering, Hazel Dockrell & Mark Zuckerman 1995 _Mim's Medical MicroBiology and Immunology_ (568 pages; ISBN 9780702071546; Elsevier)
Christopher G. Goetz, Michel Bonduelle & Toby Gelfand 1995 _Charcot: Constructing Neurology_ ()
(40) Thomas Goetz 2014 _The Remedy: Robert Koch, Arthur Conan Doyle, and the Quest to Cure Tuberculosis_ (290 pages; 614.542)
Lois Swirsky Gold, Thomas H. Stone, Neela B. Manley & Bruce N. Ames 2003 _MisConceptions about the Causes of Cancer_ (138 pages)
(19) ►Simone Gold, M.D., J.D. 2020-10-15 _I Do Not Consent: My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture_ (90 pages; 669KB; ISBN 9781642938906; ASIN B08L8JK7FL; OCLC 99999999; Bombardier; ILL request)◀
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Connie Goldsmith 2006 _Invisible Invaders: Dangerous Infectious Diseases_ (100 pages)
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Connie Goldsmith 2010, 2011 _Battling Malaria: On the Front Lines Against a Global Killer_ (120 pages)
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Byron Good 1990 _Medicine, Rationality and Experience_ ()
Stephen W. Goode & Scott A. Annin 2014 _Differential Equations and Linear Algebra_ (800 pages; 12.4MB)
David Goodstein 2010 _On Fact and Fraud: Cautionary Tales from the Front Lines of Science_ (185 pages; 1.8MB)
John Goodwin, David Hanson & Troy Wolfskill 2011 _Solving Real Problems with Chemistry_ (150 pages)
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(40) ►J. Richard Gott iii 2001-05-01 _Time Travel in Einsteins' Universe: The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time_ (291 pages; ISBN 9780395955635; OCLC 999; Houghton Mifflin; ILL request)◀
Michael Gough 2003 _Politicizing Science: The Alchemy of PolicyMaking_ (300 pages; 3.3MB)
Michael Gough 1986 _Dioxin, Agent Orange: The Facts_ (280 pages)
Stephen Jay Gould 1987, 2010 _An Urchin in the Storm_ (245 pages; 746KB; 574 Gou; Main)
Stephen Jay Gould 1985 _The Flamingo's Smile: Reflections on Natural History_ ()
Stephen Jay Gould 2003 _The HedgeHog, the Fox, and the Magister's Pox: Mending the Gap Between Science and the Humanities_ (303.483 Gou; Main)
Stephen Jay Gould 1996 _Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin_ (576.8 GOU; Main)
Stephen Jay Gould 1989 _Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and Nature of History_ (560.9 Gou; Main+NE)
Stephen Jay Gould 1987 _Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Myth and Metaphor in the Discovery of Geological Time_ (551.701 Gou; Main+NE)
Stephen Jay Gould 1981 _The Mismeasure of Man_ (questionable; 153.93 Gou; NE)
Stephen Jay Gould 2002 _The Structure of Evolutionary Theory_ (1,420 pages; 8.9MB)
Stephen Jay Gould 2011 _Dinosaur in a HayStack: Reflections on Natural History_ (480 pages; 575)
Thomas B. Graboys & P. Zheutlin 2008 _Life in the Balance: A Physician's Memoir of Life, Love, and Loss with Parkinson's Disease and Dementia_ ()
(45) Charles Graeber 2018 _The BreakThrough: ImmunoTherapy and the Race to Cure Cancer_ (302 pages; 616.994061 Gra; Main)
Edward Grant 1996 _The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages: Their Religious, Institutional and Intellectual Contexts_ (260 pages; 1.3MB)
Edward Grant 1996, 2001 _God and Man in the Middle Ages_ (390 pages; 4.6MB)
(35) ►John Grant 2007 _Corrupted Science: Fraud, Ideology, and Politics in Science_ (325 pages; ILL request)◀
John Greaves & John Roboz 2013 _Mass Spectrometry for the Novice_ (300 pages; 12MB)
(50) ►Henry T. Greely 2021 _CRISPR People: The Science & Ethics of Editing Humans_ (400 pages; MIT; ILL request)◀
David R. Green, Billy J. Gregory & Alexander Karachok 2020-07-31 _Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing: UAS or Environmental Appllications_ (345-363 pages; ISBN 9781482246070; OCLC 1195949860; CRC)
Arthur Greenberg 2000 _A Chemical History Tour: Picturing Chemistry from Alchemy to Modern Molecular Science_ (320 pages)
Brian Greene 2008 _The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality_ (580 pages; 4.1MB)
Brian Greene 2011 _The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos_ (450 pages; 4.8MB)
Harry W. Greene, Michael Fogden & Patricia Fogden 2000 _Snakes: The Evolution of Mystery in Nature_ (355 pages)
Jeremy A. Greene 2014 _Generic: The UnBranding of Modern Medicine_ (360 pages; 4.3MB)
Sandra C. Greer 2017 _Elements of Ethics for Physical Scientists_ (245 pages; 2.4MB)
Charles T. Gregg 1985 _Plague: An Ancient Disease in the 20th Century_ (365 pages)
Alice Gregory 2018 _Nodding Off: The Science of Sleep from Cradle to Grave_ ()
(17) John Gribbin 1998 _Q Is for Quantum: Particle Physics from A to Z_ (595 pages; 539.703 Gri; Main)
(44) John Gribbin 2003 _The Scientists: An History of Science Told through the Lives of Its Greatest Inventors_ (509.22 Gri; Main)
(49) John Gribbin 2016 _13.8: The Quest to Find the True Age of the Universe and the Theory of EveryThing_ (240 pages; 523.12 Gri; Main)
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(18) Joel Grice 2010 _Beginner's Guide to Minerals & Rock_ (317 pages; 552 Gri; Main)
Peter Karl F. Grieder 2010, 2014 _Extensive Air Showers: High-Energy Phenomena and AstroPhysical Aspects: A Tutorial, Reference Manual, & Data Book_ (2 volumes; 1113 pages; ISBN 9783540769408; Springer)
(75) Henry Winter Griffith, Stephen Moore, Kenneth Yoder, Mark Pederson & Jo A. Griffith 2012 _Complete Guide To Symptoms, Illness, & Surgery_ (1,160 pages; 616.075; BLPerry+Jax)
(12) ►David J. Griffiths & Darrell F. Schroeter 2018-08-16 _Introduction to Quantum Mechanics_ (508 pages; 25.8MB; ISBN 9781107189638; CambridgeU; ILL request)◀
David J. Griffiths 2008 _Introduction to Elementary Particles_ ()
Ray Griffiths & Lorraie Nicolle 2018 _Mitochodria in Health & Disease_ (325 pages; 2.5MB)
Seren Griffiths 2018 _Scientific Dating in Archaeology_ (256 pages; ISBN 9781789255621; OCLC ; Oxbow)
Mirko D. Grmek, Mireille Muellner & Leonard Muellner 1991 _Diseases in the Ancient Greek World_ ()
Gerhard Groessing 2012 _Quantum Cybernetics: Toward a Unification of Relativity and Quantum Theory via Circularly Causal Modeling_ (150 pages; 2.2MB)
(30) Jerome E. Groopman 2007 _How Doctors Think_ (307 pages; 610 Gro; Main+E+NE+Jax+BLPerry)
Juergen H. Gross 2006 _Mass Spectrometry_ (500 pages; 10.8MB)
Sheila Grossman & Carol Mattson Porth 2013 _Porth's PathoPhysiology_ (1,600 pages; 134.3MB)
Pamela G. Grube & Joseph S. d'Aleo 2002 _The Oryx Resource Guide to el Nino & la Nina_ (235 pages; 3.8MB)
Peter Grunwald 2017 _BioCatalysts: BioChemical Fundamentals and Applications_ (1,300 pages; 27.8MB)
Steven S. Gubser 2010 _The Little Book of String Theory_ (175 pages; 1.4MB)
Bernard Guineau & Francois Delemare 2000 _Colors: The Story of Dyes and Pigments_ (160 pages)
Steven R. Gundry 2017 _The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain_ (410 pages; 1.1MB)
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L.W. Hackett 1937 _Malaria in Europe: An Ecological Study_ (disease)
Chris Hadfield 2013 _An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth: What Going to Space Taught Me about Ingenuity, Determination, and Being Prepared for AnyThing_ (310 pages; 12.9MB)
(30) Chris Hadfield 2014 _You Are Here: Around the World in 92 Minutes_ (200 pages; 778.35 Had; Main)
Nortin M. Hadler MD 2016 _By the BedSide of the Patient: Lessons for the 21st-Century Physician_ (200 pages; 2MB)
Nortin M. Hadler MD 2012 _Worried Sick: A Prescription for Health in an OverTreated USA_ (385 pages; 1.1MB)
Nortin M. Hadler MD 2007 _The Last Well Person: How to Stay Well Despite the Health-Care System_ (315 pages)
Nortin M. Hadler MD 2013 _The Citizen Patient: Reforming Health Care for the Sake of the Patient, Not the System_ (250 pages; 1.9MB)
Nortin M. Hadler MD 2010 _Stabbed in the Back: Confronting Back Pain in an OverTreated "Society"_ (430 pages; large)
(55) Thomas Hager 2006 _The Demon Under the Microscope: From BattleField Hospitals to Nazi Labs, One Doctor's Heroic Search for the World's First Miracle Drug_ (340 pages; 1.3MB; 615.2723)
(50) Bernard Haisch 2006 _The God Theory: Universes, Zero-Point Fields, and What's Behind It All_ (157 pages; 215; Main)
John E. Hall 2015 _Guyton and Hall TextBook of Medical Physiology_ (1,150 pages; 49MB)
William Hall, Anthony McDonnell & Jim O'Neill 2018 _Super-Bugs: An Arms Race against Bacteria_ (246 pages)
Barry Halliwell & John M.C. Gutteridge 2015 _Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine_ (880 pages; 58.2MB)
Joseph Y. Halpern 2019 _Actual Causality_ (responsibility, blame, cause; 230 pages)
(20) Paul Halpern 2015 _Einstein's Dice and Schroedinger's Cat: How 2 Great Minds Battled Quantum Randomness to Create a Unified Theory of Physics_ (270 pages; 530.133 Hal; Main)
(34) Paul Halpern 2017 _The Quantum Labyrinth: How Richard Feynman and John Wheeler Revolutionized Time and Reality_ (311 pages; 17.1MB; 530.12 Hal; Main)
(80) ►Paul Halpern 2009, 2010 _Collider: The Search for the World's Smallest Particles_ (260-265 pages; 1.2MB; ISBN 0470643919/ 9780470643914l 700510747; Wiley; ILL request)◀
Paul Halpern 2020 _Synchronicity: The Epic Quest to Understand the Quantum Nature of Cause & Effect_ (304 pages; ISBN 9781541673632; OCLC 1195485554; Basic)
(82) Paul Halpern 2021 _Flashes of Creation: George Gamow, Fred Hoyle, & the Great Big Bang Debate_ (9999 pages; ISBN 9781541673596/ 9781541673595; OCLC 1226566008; Basic; on order 2021-07-13; )
Francis Halzen & Alan Martin 1984 _Quarks & Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics_ ()
Dean Hamer & Peter Copeland 1994 _The Science of Desire: The Search for the Gay Gene and the Biology of Behavior_ ()
Patrick Hamill 2013 _A Student's Guide to Lagrangians and Hamiltonians_ (185 pages; 8MB)
Gary D. Hammer & Stephen J. McPhee 2014 _PathoPhysiology of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Medicine_ (770 pages; 107.6MB)
Richard W. Hamming & Bret Victor 2020 _The Art of Doing Science & Engineering: Learning to Learn_ (420 pages; 9.9MB)
Xianlin Han 2016 _Lipidomics: Comprehensive Mass Spectrometry of Lipids_ (490 pages; 11.4MB)
William A. Hance 1964, 2006 _Geography of Modern Africa_ (650 pages)
(39) John Hands 2016 _CosmoSapiens: Human Evolution from the Origin of the Universe_ (674 pages; 577 Han; Main )
Thomas L. Hankins 1985, 2015 _Science and the Enlightenment_ (210 pages; 5.8MB)
Norwood Russell Hanson 1958, 1965 _Patterns of Discovery_ (230 pages)
Thor Hanson 2015 _The Triumph of Seeds: How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History_ (300 pages; 29.2MB)
Thor Hanson 2018 _Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees_ (304 pages)
Christopher J. Haraden 2003 _Storm of the Century: New England's Great Blizzard of 1978_ (140 pages)
(10) Yuval Noah Harari 2015 _Sapiens: A Brief History of HumanKind_ (443 pages; 909 Har; Main+NE+E+Jax)
(12) Yuval Noah Harari 2017 _Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow_ (449 pages; 12.5MB; 909.83 Har; Main+NE)
Yuval Noah Harari 2018 _21 Lessons for the 21st Century_ (390 pages; 5MB; 909.83; Main+NE+E)
Robyn Hardyman 2014 _Fighting Malaria_ (48 pages)
C.R. Harington 1992 _The Year Without a Summer?: World Climate in 1816_ (570 pages)
F.M. Harold 1986 _The Vital Force: A Study of BioEnergetics_ ()
Harry D. Harootunian, James Chandler & Arnold I. Davidson 1994 _Questions of Evidence: Proof, Practice, and Persuasion across the Disciplines_ (512 pages)
David R. Harper & Andrea S. Meyer 1999 _Of Mice, Men, and Microbes: Hantavirus_ (270 pages; 3.4MB)
(55) Eugene E. Harris 2014, 2015 _Ancestors in Our Genome: The New Science of Human Evolution_ (226 pages; 611.018166 Har; Main)
Randy Harris 2013 _Modern Physics_ (630 pages; 25.5MB)
Richard Harris 2017 _Rigor Mortis: How Sloppy Science Creates Worthless Cures, Crushes Hope, and Wastes Billions_ (270 pages; 1.9MB)
Sam Harris 2010 _The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values_ (320 pages; 1.4MB)
Gordon Harrison 1978 _Mosquitoes, Malaria, and Man: An History of the Hostilities Since 1880_ (disease; 300 pages)
Mark Harrison 2012, 2013 _Contagion: How Commerce has Spread Disease_ (disease; 415 pages; 3.4MB)
Mark Harrison 2003, 2004, 2013 _Disease and the Modern World: 1500 to the Present Day_ (disease; 270 pages; 1.1MB)
Mark Harrison 2003, 2004 _Medicine in an Age of Commerce and Empire: Britain & Its Tropical Colonies 1600-1830_ (disease; 375 pages)
Mark Harrison 2003, 2004 _Medicine and Victory: British Military Medicine in the Second World War_ (disease, trauma; 320 pages; 4MB)
Daniel L. Hartl & Andrew G. Clark 1997, 2006 _Principles of Population Genetics_ (535 pages)
Dennis L. Hartmann 2015 _Global Physical Climatology_ (485 pages; 82.7MB)
Leland Hartwell, Michael Goldberg & Janice Fischer 2014 _Genetics: From Genes to Genomes_ (816 pages)
(40) Derek Harvey 2018 _How Science Works: The Facts Visually Explained_ (255 pages; ISBN 9781465464194; DK; 502 How; Main+NE)
Russell Hasan 2014 _The Apple of Knowledge: Introducing the Philosphical Scientific Method and Pure Empirical Essential Reasoning_ (425 pages; 4MB)
(24) Steven Hatch 2016 _SnowBall in a Blizzard: A Physician's Notes on UnCertainty in Medicine_ (293 pages; 616.075 Hat; Main)
Steven Hatfill, Robert Coullahan & John Walsh 219 _Three Seconds Until MidNight_ (disease; 1918 influenza; 925 pages; 20.4MB)
Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow 2010 _The Grand Design_ (530.142)
R. Scott Hawley & Michelle Walker 2003 _Advanced Genetic Analysis: Finding Meaning in a Genome_ (256 pages)
Deborah Hayden 2008 _Pox: Genius, Madness, and the Mysteries of Syphilis_ (390 pages; 3.4MB)
Howard C. Hayden 2002, 2004, 2005 _The Solar Fraud: Why Solar Energy Won't Run the World_ (210 pages)
Ethan Hayes 2020-10-28 _Quantum Physics for Beginners: The Easy Guide to Understand How EveryThing Works through the Behavior of Matter, the Law of Attraction, & the Theory of Relativity_ (195 pages; self-published)
Gary Haynes 2016 _CRC HandBook of Chemistry & Physics_ (2,670 pages; 93.4MB; see John Rumble for 2019/100th edition)
William H. Haynes 2008 _American Megafaunal Extinctions at the End of the Pleistocene_ (195 pages; 4.4MB)
Jo N. Hays 1998, 2009 _The Burdens of Disease: Epidemics & Human Response in Western History_ (disease; 380 pages)
Jo N. Hays 2005, 2006 _Epidemics and Pandemics: Their Impacts on Human History_ (disease; 490 pages; 29.8MB; ISBN 9781851096589; OCLC 62344920)
(29) Kevin Hazzard 2016 _A Thousand Naked Strangers: A Paramedic's Wild Ride to the Edge & Back_ (Atlanta; EMT/EMS; 362.18092 Haz; Main+Jax)
(37) ►Kent Heckenlively, J.D. & Judy Milkovitz, Ph.D. 2014, 2017-02-21 _Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human RetroViruses & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, & Other Diseases_ (disease; 415-464 pages; ISBN 9781510713949; OCLC 939426661; SkyHorse/Perseus; FAU, Marietta, Birmingham, Montgomery; GoodReads, author interview; good & bad; ILL request)◀
Leonhard Held, Niel Hens, Philip O'Neill & Jacco Wallinga 2019 _HandBook of Infectious Disease Data Analysis_ (CRC; 555 pages)
(39) David J. Helfand 2016 _A Survival Guide to the MisInformation Age: Scientific Habits of Mind_ (325 pages; 500 Hel; Main+E)
Carl Hempel 1996 _Philosophy of Natural Science_ (110 pages)
Sandra Hempel 2014 _The Medical Detective: John Snow, Cholera, and the Mystery of the Broad Street Pump_ (300 pages; 2.6MB)
Donald Ainslie Henderson & Richard Preston 2014 _SmallPox: The Death of a Disease: The InSide Story of Eradicating a Worldwide Killer_ (330 pages; 4.8MB)
(20) ►John Henderson 2019, 2020 _Florence Under Siege: Surviving Plague in an Early Modern City_ (disease; 363-400 pages; 60.4MB; ISBN 0300196342/ 9780300196344; OCLC 1126308267; uniqueID 8277616867; Yale; ILL request)◀
Joseph Hennis 2016 _Medicine: History of Medicine: The Most Important People and Discoveries Through the Ages_ (50 pages; 3.8MB; might be quacky)
John Henry 2008 _The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science_ (170 pages; 1MB)
John Henry 2011 _A Short History of Scientific Thought_ (315 pages)
(24) David Herlihy & Samuel K. Cohn ii 1997 _The Black Death and the Transformation of the West_ (disease; 117 pages; 567KB; 940.192)
Stacy Mintzer Herlihy & E. Allison Hagood 2012 _Your Baby's Best Shot: Why Vaccines Are Safe and Save Lives_ (215 pages; 669KB)
R.H. Herman, R.M. Cohn & P.D. McNamara 1980 _Principles of Metabolic Control in Mammalian Systems_ ()
Joseph Hermanowicz 8888 _Lives in Science_ ()
John Herschel 1830 _A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy_ ()
Rosanna Hertz & Margaret K. Nelson 2018 _Random Families: Genetic Strangers, Sperm Donor Siblings, and the Creation of New Kin_ ()
Rachel Herz 2009 _The Scent of Desire: Discovering Our Enigmatic Sense of Smell_ (280 pages; 699KB)
Darrel Hess 2014 _McKnight's Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation_ ()
Hans Hess, William I. Ausich, Carlton E. Brett & Michael J. Simms 2003 _Fossil Crinoids_ (290 pages)
Tony Hey & Patrick Walters 2003, 2009 _The New Quantum Universe_ (350 pages; 66MB)
Lee Hieb 8888 _Surviving the Medical MeltDown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of ObummerDoesn'tCare_ ()
Roger Highfield & Paul Carter 1994 _The Private Lives of Albert Einstein_ (340 pages)
(47) Jan Hilgevord 1994 _Physics and Our View of the World_ (304 pages; 530.01 PHY)
(55) ►Sarah E. Hill 2019-10-10 _This Is Your Brain on Birth Control: The Surprising Science of Women, Hormones, & the Law of UnIntended Consequences_ (310-318-320 pages; 9MB; ISBN 9781409178835/ 9780525536031; OCLC 1158928679/ 1121395561; Orion Spring/ Avery/ Penguin/RandomHouse; ILL request)◀
(50) Rachel Hills 2015 _The Sex Myth: The Gap Between Our Fantasies and Reality_ (267 pages; 306.7; Main+Jax)
(44) Michael A. Hiltzik 2015 _Big Science: Ernest Lawrence and the Invention That Launched the Military-Industrial Complex_ (512 pages; 51.7MB; biography Lawrence; Main)
Don Hinrichsen 1999, 2013 _Coastal Waters of the World: Trends, Threats, and Strategies_ (300 pages; 5.2MB)
Hans Juergen Hinz 2011 _ThermoDynamic Data for BioChemistry and BioTechnology_ (445 pages)
Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman & Donald N. Yates 2013 _When Scotland Was Jewish: DNA Evidence, Archeology, Analysis of Migrations, and Public and Family Records Show 12th Century Semitic Roots_ (264 pages)
Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman & Donald N. Yates 2014 _The Early Jews and Muslims of England and Wales: A Genetic and Genealogical History_ (240 pages; 42.4MB)
Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman & Donald N. Yates 2013 _Jews and Muslims in British Colonial America: A Genealogical History_ (280 pages; 17.3MB)
Neville Hodgkinson 1996 _AIDS: The Failure of Contemporary Science_ (345 pages)
T. Charlie Hodgman, Andrew French & David R. Westhead 2009, 2010 _Instant Notes BioInformatics_ (345 pages; 3.6MB)
Peter M. Hoffmann 2012 _Life's Ratchet: How Molecular Machines Extract Order from Chaos_ (280 pages; 29MB)
Ronald Hoffman, Edward J. Benz ii, Leslie E. Silberstein, Helen E. Heslop, Jeffrey I. Weitz, John Anastasi, Mohamed E. Satama & Syed Ali AbuTalib 2017 _Hematology: Principles and Practice_ (2,380 pages; 98.8MB)
Celia Holland 2013 _Ascaris: The Neglected Parasite_ (445 pages)
John H. Holland 1996 _Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity_ (200 pages)
John H. Holland 1999 _Emergence: From Chaos to Order_ (270 pages)
John H. Holland 2012 _Signals and Boundaries: Building Blocks for Complex Adaptive Systems_ (310 pages; 2.9MB)
Steven M. Holland, Richard Arnold Davis & David L. Meyer 2009 _A Sea without Fish: Life in the Ordovician Sea of the Cincinnati Region_ (350 pages; 38.3MB)
Jack Hollander 2003 _The Real Environmental Crisis: Why Poverty, Not Affluence, Is the Environment's #1 Enemy_ (240 pages; 2.5MB)
J. Michael Hollas 2013 _Modern Spectroscopy_ (470 pages; 9MB)
Ann M. Holloway & Richard P. Wayne 2010 _Atmospheric Chemistry_ (270 pages)
Richard Holmes 2009 _The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science_ (580 pages; 12.1MB)
Steven Holzner 2016 _Physics 1 for Dummies_ (380 pages; 5.2MB)
(39) ►Steven Holzner 2008-06-03, 2009, 2018 _Differential Equations for Dummies_ (294-360 pages; ISBN 9780470178140/ 9780470472019; OCLC 984812866; Wiley; evil OverDrive; ILL request)◀
(39) ►Steven Holzner 2009-03-12 _Small Business Web Sites Made Easy_ (264-272 pages; ISBN 9780071614818; OCLC 224765092; McGraw-Hill; ILL request)◀
(39) ►Steven Holzner 2012, 2013 _Quantum Physics for Dummies_ (325 pages; 11.6MB; ILL request)◀
(12) Mark Honigsbaum 2019 _The Pandemic Century: 100 Years of Panic, Hysteria, & Hubris_ (450 pages; 614.490904 Hon; Main+NE)
(17) Mark Honigsbaum 2001, 2002 _The Fever Trail: In Search of the Cure for Malaria_/_The Fever Trail: The Hunt for the Cure for Malaria_ (307 pages; 616.9362 Hon; BLPerry)
(39) ►Dan Hooper 2019-04-06, 2020, 2021 _At the Edge of Time: Exploring the Mysteries of Our Universe's First Seconds_ (230-233-248 pages; ISBN 9780691206424; OCLC 1193065011; PrincetonU; ILL request)◀
Rowan Hooper 2018 _SuperHuman: Life at the Extremes of Our Capacity_ ()
Donald R. Hopkins & Alexandra M. Levitt 2015 _Deadly OutBreaks: How Medical Detectives Save Lives Threatened by Killer Pandemics, Exotic Viruses, and Drug-Resistant Parasites_ ()
Donald R. Hopkins 1983, 2002 _The Greatest Killer: Smallpox in History_/_Princes and Peasants_ (380-390 pages; 36.4MB; 0226351661/ 0226351688/ 9780226351667/ 9780226351681; OCLC 1015435674; UChicago)
(55) John Horgan 1996 _The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age_ (308 pages; 501; Main)
John Horgan 1999 _The UnDiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation_ ()
Jacob G. Hornberger, Richard M. Ebeling, Sheldon Richman, Thomas Szasz, Milton Friedman, Lawrence Wilson, Jarret Wollstein, Lawrence Reed, Dominick Atmentano & William Dale 2013 _The Dangers of Socialized Medicine_ (87 pages; 446KB)
Christopher C. Horner 2007 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism_ (366 pages; 1.581MB)
Christopher C. Horner 2010 _Power Grab: How Obummer's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt USA_ (400 pages; 1.6MB)
(50) Alexandra Horowitz 2013 _On Looking: 11 Walks with Expert Eyes_ (300 pages; 158.1 Hor; Main)
(39) Sabine Hossenfelder 2018 _Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray_ (291 pages; 530.15 Hos; Main)
Louis Marie Houdebine 2003 _Animal TransGenesis and Cloning_ ()
F. Clark Howell & Francois Bouliere 1963 _African Ecology and Human Evolution_ ()
Fred Hoyle 1994 _Home Is Where the Wind Blows: Chapters from a Cosmologist's Life_ (435 pages)
James Hubbard, MD 2016 _The Survival Doctor's Complete HandBook_ (275 pages; 9.4MB)
Colleen Hubert 2021-04-10 _The Defeat of Covid: 500+ Medical Studies Show What Works & What Doesn't_ (naturopath; 343 pages; ISBN 9780578248219; Bowker)
(37) ►epidemiologist Andrew G. Huff, Ph.D. 2022-09-13 _The Truth about Wuhan: How I UnCovered the Biggest Lie in History_ (216 pages; EcoHealth; ISBN 9781510773899/ 9781510773882; OCLC 1301482191; SkyHorse/Norton; ILL request)◀
Toby E. Huff 2017 _The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China, and the West_ (440 pages)
Toby E. Huff 2010 _Intellectual Curiosity and the Scientific Revolution_ (360 pages; 3MB)
Toby E. Huff 2005 _An Age of Science and Revolutions 1600-1800: The Medieval & Early Modern World_ (170 pages)
Marc Humphrey, Paul V. Pancella & Norah Berrah 2015 _Idiot's Guides: Quantum Physics_ (345 pages; 6.4MB)
Luke Hunter 2015 _Wild Cats of the World_ (230 pages; 228.6MB)
(49) Dan Hurley 2006 _Natural Causes: Death, Lies, & Politics in USA's Vitamin & Herbal Supplement Industry_ (324 pages; 338.4 Hur; Main)
- - - - - I
Craig D. Idso, Robert M. Carter & S. Fred Singer 2015 _Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming: The NIPCC Report on Consensus_ (115 pages)
Phyllis McKay Illari, Federica Russo & Jon Williamson 2011 _Causality in the Sciences_ (800 pages; 12.4MB)
Ivan Illich 1976 _Medical Nemesis_ ()
Guido W. Imbens & Daniel B. Rubin 2015 _Causal Inference for Statistics, "Social", and BioMedical Sciences: An Introduction_ (635 pages; 9.7MB)
Scott Imhoff, Brandon Ross Sugg & Yiran Zhang 2015 _Differential Equations in 24 Hours with Solutions and Historical Notes_ (275 pages; 10.9MB)
(37) Chris Impey 2018 _Einstein's Monsters: The Life and Times of Black Holes_ (295 pages; 523.8875 Imp; Main)
(40) Chris Impey 2015 _Beyond: Our Future in Space_ (321 pages; 9.6MB; 629.40112 Imp; Main)
(5) Jessie Inchauspae/Inchauspe/Inchauspé 2022 _Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar_ (9999 pages; ISBN 9781982179410; OCLC 1295100725; Simon&Schuster/Short; on order 2022-03-27 Inc; Main)
B. Lynn Ingram & Frances Malamud-Roam 2013 _The West without Water: What Past Floods, Droughts, and Other Climatic Clues Tell Us about Tomorrow_ (270 pages; 3.6MB)
William B. Irvine 2018 _You: A Natural History_ ()
William Irving, Tim Boswell & Dlawer AlaAldeen 2009, 2010 _Instant Notes Medical MicroBiology_ (350 pages; 4.6MB)
(50) Walter Isaacson 2021-03-09 _The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, & the Future of the Human Race_ (536-560 pages; 535.025MB; 576.5 Isa; Main+E+Jax)
Lynne A. Isbell 2009 _The Fruit, the Snake, and the Serpent: Why We See So Well_ (215 pages; 2.5MB)
- - - - - J
John David Jackson, Ph.D. 2006-10-06, 2012 _Mathematics for Quantum Mechanics: An Introductory Survey of Operators, EigenValues, and Linear Vector Spaces_ (112 pages; 4.7MB; ISBN 9780486453088; OCLC ; Dover)
Daniel J. Jacob 1999 _Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry_ (270 pages; 7.6MB)
Elaine Sarkin Jaffe, Daniel A. Arber, Elias Campo, Nancy Lee Harris & Leticia Quintanilla-Fend/Leticia Quintanilla-Martinez 2016 _HematoPathology_ (1,190 pages; 350.2MB)
(59) Hope Jahren 2016 _Lab Girl_ (botany; 290 pages; ISBN 9781101874936; Knopf; biography Jahren; Jax+E)
Mahesh C. Jain 2010 _Quantum Mechanics: A TextBook for UnderGraduates_ (310 pages; 4.8MB)
Nisha Jain, Vijay Singh & Surbhi Sharma 2011 _Instant Notes Food BioTechnology_ (315 pages)
J.F. James 2011 _A Student's Guide to Fourier Transforms with Applications in Physics & Engineering_ (162 pages; 6.8MB)
Max Jammer 2010 _Concepts of Mass in Classical and Modern Physics_ (245 pages)
Max Jammer 1966 _The Conceptual Development of Quantum Mechanics_ (390 pages)
Nihar Jana, Anirban Basu & Prakash Narain Tandon 2016 _Inflammation: The Common Link in Brain Pathologies_ (335 pages; 3.4MB)
Alan G. Japp, Colin Robertson & Rohana J. Wright 2017 _The Conceptual Development of Quantum Mechanics_ (300 pages; 24.2MB )
Lisa Jardine 2000 _Ingenious Pursuits: Building the Scientific Revolution_ (450 pages)
(50) Gail Jarrow 2016 _Bubonic Panic: When Plague Invaded the USA_ (197 pages; 614.5732 junior)
John R. Jensen 1996, 2016 _Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective_ (623-656 pages; ISBN 9780134058160; OCLC 1020478039; Pearson/Prentice Hall)
William Stanley Jevons 2015 _The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method_ (820 pages; 1.8MB)
Mark Jobling, Chris Tyler Smith, Edward Hollox, Matthew Hurles & Toomas Kivisild 2013 _Human Evolutionary Genetics_ (630 pages; 85.6MB)
George Johnson 2000 _Strange Beauty: Murray Gell-Mann and the Revolution in 20th Century Physics_ (464 pages)
George Johnson 2014 _The Cancer Chronicles: UnLocking Medicins's Deepest Mystery_ (304 pages)
George Johnson 2010 _Fire in the Mind: Science, Faith, and the Search for Order_ (402 pages; 969KB)
George Johnson 2008 _The 10 Most Beautiful Experiments_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Knopf)
Jay K. Johnson, Marco Giardano, Kenneth L. Kvamme, R. Berle Clay et al. 2006-03-19, 2009 _Remote Sensing in Archaeology: An Explicitly North American Perspective_ (241-322 pages; ISBN 9780817353438; OCLC 941138606; UAlabama)
Norman A. Johnson 2007 _Darwinian Detectives: Revealing the Natural History of Genes and Genomes_ (241 pages; 1MB)
Norman A. Johnson 2007 _Darwinian Detectives: Revealing the Natural History of Genes and Genomes_ (241 pages; 1MB)
Richard Johnson 1998 _Viral Infections of the Nervous Sysytem_ (Lippincott-Raven)
(33) Steven Johnson 2006 _The Ghost Map: The Story of London's Most Terrifying Epidemic and How It Changed, Science, Cities, and the Modern World_ (299 pages; 1.4MB; 614.514 Joh; Main+Jax+NE)
Andrew Zimmerman Jones & Daniel Robbins 2009 _String Theory for Dummies_ (375 pages; 2.3MB)
Craig H. Jones 2000 _The Mountains That ReMade merica: How Sierra NEvada Geology Impacts Modern Life_ (360 pages; ISBN 9780520325500; OCLC ; UCalifornia)
Martin Jones 2016 _UnLocking the Past: How Archaeologists Are ReWriting Human History with Ancient DNA_ (340 pages; 5.9MB)
Richard Jones 2012 _Mosquito_ (205 pages)
(30) Richard Jones 2015 _House Guests, House Pests: A Natural History of Animals in the Home_ (288 pages; 43.5MB; 591.7664 Jon; Main)
Richard A.L. Jones 2002 _Soft Condensed Matter_ (200 pages)
Steve Jones 1996 _In the Blood: God, Genes, and Destiny_ (390 pages)
George Grigson Ellett Jones or William Henry Samuel Jones & Ronald Ross 1907, 2013, 2014 _Malaria: A Neglected Factor in the History of Greece and Rome_ (120-220 pages)
Tony Jones 2000 _Splitting the Second: The Story of Atomic Time_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Institute of Physics)
Donald Joralemon 2009 _Exploring Medical Anthropology_ (170 pages)
David Joravsky 1970 _The Lysenko Affair_ ()
Thomas F. Jordan 2012 _Quantum Mechanics in Simple Matrix Form_ (270 pages; 7.1MB)
Lynn B. Jorde, John C. Carey & Michael J. Bamshad 2015 _Medical Genetics_ (350 pages; 16.8MB)
Deepa Joshi 2012-01-01 _Microbes and Malignancy: Infection as a Cause of Human Cancers_ (465 pages; ISBN 9789350300268; OxfordU)
Pankaj S. Joshi 2015-03-08 _The Story of Collapsing Stars: Black Holes, Naked Singularities, & the Cosmic Play of Quantum Gravity_ (256 pages; ISBN 9780199686766; OxfordU)
Horace Freeland Judson 1979, 1996, 2013 _The 8th Day of Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Biology_ (710 pages; 4.9MB)
Horace Freeland Judson 2004 _The Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science_ (465 pages)
Thomas Jue & Kazumi Masuda 2013 _Application of Near InfraRed Spectroscopy in BioMedicine_ (155 pages; 4.1MB)
- - - - - K
Geoffrey Kabat 2017 _Getting Risk Right: Understanding the Science of Elusive Health Risks_ ()
(39) Colin Kahl & Thomas Wright 2021-08-24 _AfterShocks: Pandemic Politics & the End of the Old InterNational Order_ (disease; power-madness; government resistance to quarantine; 464 pages; ISBN 9781250275745; St. Martin's; on order 2021-07-12)
Robert A. Kainer & Thomas O. McCracken 1998 _Horse Anatomy: A Coloring Atlas_ ()
Rita Kakkar 2015 _Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy: Basic Concepts and Applications_ (420 pages; 25.2MB)
(55) Michio Kaku 2004 _Einstein's Cosmos: How Albert Einstein's Vision Transformed Our Understanding of Space and Time_ (530.11)
(57) Michio Kaku 2014 _The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind_ (377 pages; ISBN 9780385530828; OCLC ; Doubleday; 612.8 Kak; NE)
(60) Michio Kaku 2021 _The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of EveryThing_ (225 pages; ISBN 9780385542746; Doubleday; 523.1 Kak; Jax+NE)
(65) Michio Kaku 2008 _The Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, TelePorters, and Time Travel_ (530)
(65) Michio Kaku 2011 _Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100_ (303.48)
Bobbie Kalman 2004 _The Life Cycle of the Mosquito_ ()
(40) Gordon Kane 2000 _SuperSymmetry: Squarks, Photinos, and the UnVeiling of the Ultimate Laws of Nature_ (199 pages; 539.725 Kan; Jax)
Gordon Kane 2013 _SyperSymmetry and Beyond: From the Higgs Boson to the New Physics_ ()
Sewon Kang, Masayuki Amagai, Anna L. Bruckner, Alexander H. Enk, David J. Margolis, Amy J. McMichael & Jeffrey S. Oeringer 2018, 2019 _FitzPatrick's Dermatology_ (2 volumes; 1,850 pages; 186.6MB)
(29) Eugene Herbert Kaplan 2010 _What's Eating You?_ (parasites?; 302 pages; 616.96; NE)
(49) Chavi Eve Karkowsky, M.D. 2020 _High Risk: Stories of Pregnancy, Birth, & the UnExpected_ (medical; 287 pages; ISBN 9781631495014; Liveright/Norton; 618.2 Kar; NE)
Arno Karlen 1996 _Man and Microbes: Disease & Plagues in History & Modern Times_ (260 pages)
Peter M. Kash, Linda Friedland & Jay Lombard 2017 _Freedom from Disease: The BreakThrough Approach to Preventing Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, and Depression by Controlling Insulin and Inflammation_ (245 pages; 2.6MB)
Victor J. Katz & Karen Hunger Parshall 2014 _Taming the UnKnown: An History of Algebra from Antiquity to the Early 20th Century_ (480 pages; 11.6MB)
Kenn Kaufman, Kimberly Kaufman & Jeff Sayre 2015 _Kaufman Field Guide to Nature of the MidWest_ (400 pages)
G.R. Kaye 1915 _Indian Mathematics_ ()
Sam Kean 2010, 2011 _The DisAppearing Spoon and Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements_ (360 pages; 6.3MB)
Brian Keating 2018 _Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science's Highest Honor_ ()
(57) Patrick Radden Keefe 2017-01-01, 2017-01-09, 2019 _Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty_ (535-974 pages; ISBN 9780385545686/ 9780385697545; OCLC 1249958342; Picaor/ Penguin/ RanomHouse/ Thorndike/ Cengage/ Doubleday; LT 929.20973 Kee; )
(38) Jeanette Keith 2012 _Fever Season: The Story of a Terrifying Epidemic & the People Who Saved a City_ (261 pages; 614.54198 Kei; Main)
Edward A. Keller & Duane E. de Vecchio 2014 _Natural Hazards: Earth's Processes As Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes_ (565 pages)
Evelyn Fox Keller 1984 _A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock_ (265 pages)
Walter G. Kelley & Allan C. Peterson 2000 _Difference Equations: An Introduction with Applications_ (400 pages)
Jesse Kelso & Griffin Smith 2020 _War on Influenza: History, Causes, and Treatment of the World's Most Lethal Pandemic_ (disease; 130 pages)
Susan K. Kendall 2018 _Health Sciences Collection Management for the 21st Century_ (300 pages; 4.1MB)
(9) Christine Kenneally 2014 _The Invisible History of the Human Race: How DNA and History Shape Our Identities and Our Futures_ (368 pages; 1.4MB; 599.935; Main+Jax+NE)
J.B. Kennedy 2003 _Space, Time, and Einstein: An Introduction_ (190 pages)
James Kennedy 2018 _Fighting ChemoPhobia: The Story of How We Became Afraid of Chemicals and What to do about It_ (225 pages; 17.8MB)
(27) Charles Kenny 2021 _The Plague Cycle: The UnEnding War between Humanity & Infectious Disease_ (304 pages; ISBN 9781982165338; OCLC ; Scribner; on order 2022-01-05; Main+BLPerry)
Nathaniel O. Keohane & Sheila M. Olmstead 2013 _Markets and the Environment_ (280 pages; 1.5MB)
Daniel J. Kevles 1986 _In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity_ ()
Daniel J. Kevles 1978 _The Physicists: The History of a Scientific Community in Modern America_ ()
(17) Ali S. Khan & William Patrick 2016 _The Next Pandemic: On the Front Lines against HumanKind's Gravest Dangers_ (275 pages; 615.78 Kha; Main+NE)
Madhav Khandekar & Cliff Ollier 2014 _About Face!: Why the World Needs More Carbon Dioxide_ ()
Nancy Khardori 2016 _Food MicroBiology in Human Health and Disease_ (195 pages; 9.3MB)
(35) Tracy Kidder 2003 _Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World_ (325 pages; 2.1MB; biography Farmer; E+Woodville)
Robert Kilwardby & Albert G. Judy 1976 _De Ortu Scientiarum_ ()
(50) Michael S. Kinch 2019 _The End of the Beginning: Cancer, Immunity, and the Future of a Cure_ (disease; 294 pages; 616.994061 Kin; Main)
(54) ►Michael S. Kinch & Lori Weiman 2021-04-06 _The Price of Health: The Modern Pharmaceutical Enterprise and the Betrayal of an History of Care_ (disease; 336-383 pages; 8.4MB; ISBN 9781643136806; Pegasus; ILL request)◀
(59) ►Michael S. Kinch 2016-11-07, 2018 _A Prescription for Change: The Looming Crisis in Drug Development_ (349-352 pages; 800KB; ISBN 9781469647579/ 9781469630625; UNC; ILL request)◀
M.S. King 2017 _Climate BogeyMan: The Criminal InSanity of the Global Warming/Climate Change Hoax_ (200 pages; 50.7MB)
M.S. King 2017 _Libtard Savant: The Strange Paradox of the High IQ Illiberal Leftist_ (57 pages; 10.4MB)
M.S. King 2018 _Andrew the Great: The Heroic Story of Andrew Jackson That "They" Don't Want You to Know_ (180 pages; 12.5MB)
Judi Kingry & Lauren Devine 2006 _Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving_ (440 pages)
David Kinkela 2011 _DDT and the American Century: Global Health, Environmental Politics, and the Pesticide That Improved the World_ (260 pages; 1.8MB)
Jeff Kinley & Ramond Damadian 2015 _Gifted Mind: The Dr. Raymond Damadian Story, Inventor of the MRI_ (NMR; 230 pages; 5.6MB)
Ernest Kinnie 2016 _Modern Science in Crisis: Funding, Noble Causes, Politics, Paradigms: Influences on Scientists That Affect the Validity of Their Work_ (135 pages; 39.8MB)
Jo Kirby & Maarten van Bommel 2014 _Natural Colorants for Dying and Lake Pigments: Practical Recipes and Their Historical Sources_ ()
Irving Kirsch 2010 _The Emperor's New Drugs: Exploding the Anti-Depressant Myth_ (615.78)
Peter Kitcher 1987 _Vaulting Ambition: SocioBiology and the Quest for Human Nature_ ()
Ian J. Kitching, Peter L. Forey, Christopher J. Humphries & David M. Williams 1992, 1998 _Cladistics: The Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis_ (220 pages)
Robert D. Klauber 2013-12-04 _Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory_ (558 pages; ISBN 9780984513956; OCLC ; Sandtrove)
Yaakov Kleiman 2004 _DNA and Tradition: The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews_ (200 pages)
David Klein 8888 _A Short History of Mathematics in the United States_ ()
David R. Klein 2016 _Organic Chemistry as a Second Language_ (385 pages; 39MB)
Ronald Kless 2021-08-31 _Quantum Field Theory: A Diagrammatic Approach_ (550 pages; ISBN 9781108486217; OCLC ; CambridgeU)
(30) William K. Klingaman & Nicholas P. Klingaman 2013 _The Year Without Summer: 1816 and the Volcano that Darkened the World and Changed History_ (338 pages; 551.2109598 Kli; Main)
Charles Klotsche 1993-09-01 _Color Medicine: The Secrets of Color Vibrational Healing_ (144 pages; ISBN 9780929385273; OCLC ; Light Technology)
William Klug & Michael Cummings 2000 _Concepts of Genetics_ ()
(29) Jeffrey Kluger 2004 _Splendid Solution: Jonas Salk and the Conquest of Polio_ (disease; 370 pages; 610.92)
Julian C. Knight 2009 _Human Genetic Diversity: Functional Consequences for Health and Disease_ (420 pages; 9.3MB)
(59) ►Andrew H. Knoll 2021-04-27 _A Brief History of Earth: 4 Billion Years in 8 Chapters_ (217-260-272 pages; ISBN 9780062853912; OCLC 1245424941; Custom House; ILL request)◀
Lee Know 2018 _Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine: The Key to Understanding Disease, Chronic Illness, Aging, and Life Itself_ (265 pages; 4.4MB; naturopath)
Paul L. Kocin & Louis W. Uccellini 2004 _NorthEast SnowStorms_ (2 volumes; 800 pages)
Jeff Koehler 2017 _Where the Wild Coffee Grows: The UnTold Story of Coffee from the Cloud Forests of Ethiopia to Your Cup_ (303 pages)
(15) Gina Bari Kolata 1999 _Flu: The Story of the Great Inluenza Pandemic of 1918 & the Search for the Virus That Caused It_ (disease; 330 pages; 614.518 Kol; NE)
(41) Gina Bari Kolata 2017 _Mercies in Disguise: A Story of Hope, a Family's Genetic Destiny, and the Science That Rescued Them_ (prion?; 262 pages; 616.042; NE)
Herbert Ho Ping Kong & Michael Posner 2014 _The Art of Medicine: Healing and the Limits of Technology_ (210 pages; 2.1MB)
(40) Maria Konnikova 2013 _The MasterMind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes_ (273 pages; 1.6MB; 153.4 Kon; Main)
(29) Steve E. Koonin 2021-05-04 _UnSettled: What "Climate Science" Tells Us, What It Doesn't, & Why It Matters_ (240-306 pages; 26.3MB; ISBN 9781950665792; BeBella; 363.73874 Koo; Main)
(49) David A. Koplow 2003 _Smallpox: The Figth to Eradicate a Global Scourge_ (265 pages;616.912 Kop; Main)
S.L. Kotar & J.E. Gessler 2017 _Yellow Fever: A WorldWide History_ (445 pages; 16.8MB)
Sebastian Kotzenburg, Michael Maskos, Oskar Nuyken & Karl Hughes 2017 _Polymer Chemistry_ (555 pages)
James Kozubek 2016, 2018 _Modern Prometheus: Editing the Human Genome with CRISPR-CAS9_ (470 pages; 3.3MB)
Helge S. Kragh 1999 _Cosmology and Controversy_ ()
Helge S. Kragh 2002 _Quantum Generations: An History of Physics in the 20th Century_ (500 pages)
Helge S. Kragh 2007, 2013 _Conceptions of Cosmos: From Myths to the Accelerating Universe_ (280 pages; 4.5MB)
Helge S. Kragh 2011 _Higher Speculations: Grand Theories and Failed Revolutions in Physics and Cosmology_ (400 pages; 7.1MB)
Kenneth S. Krane 2019-05-14 _Modern Physics_ (400 pages; ISBN 9781119590583; Wiley)
(35) Lawrence M. Krauss 2017 _The Greatest Story Ever Told So Far: Why Are We Here?_ (322 pages; 530.11; Main+NE)
(14) ►Alan M. Kraut 1995 _Silent Travelers: Germs, Genes, & the Immigrant Menace_ (disease; DNA; 369-375 pages; ISBN 0801850967/ 9780801850967; OCLC 191274449; Johns Hopkins; ILL request)◀
(27) ►Alan M. Kraut 2004 _Goldberger's War: The Life & Work of a Public Health Crusader_ (disease; Joseph Goldberger; 313-340 pages; ISBN 0809016370/ 9780809016372; OCLC 54817306; Hill & Wang; ILL request)◀
Mike Krebill 2016 _The Scout's Guide to Wild Edibles: Learn How To Forage, Prepare, & Eat 40 Wild Foods_ (180 pages; 2.9MB)
Claudia Kren 1985 _Medieval Science and Technology: A Select Annotated Bibliography_ ()
John Kricher 2009 _The Balance of Nature: Ecology's Enduring Myth_ (250 pages; 746KB)
Sheldon Krimsky & Peter Shorett 2005 _Rights and Liberties in the BioTech Age: Why We Need a Genetic Bill of Rights_ ()
(50) Sheldon Krimsky 2000 _Hormonal Chaos: The Scientific and "Social" Origins of the Environmental Endocrine Hypothesis_ (616.4 Kri)
Sheldon Krimsky 2003 _Science in the Primate Interest: Has the Lure of Profits Corrupted BioMedical Research?_ ()
(30) Vidya Krishnan 2022 _The Phantom Plague: How Tuberculosis Shaped History_ (300 pages; ISBN 9781541768468; OCLC ; PublicAffairs; on order 2022-03-08 Kri; Main)
Claudia Kuenzer & Stefan Dech 2013-07-09 _Thermal IfraRed Remote Sensing: Sensors, Methods, Applications_ (537-555 pages; ISBN 9789400766389; OCLC 1202849774; Springer)
(59) Manjit Kumar 2011 _Quantum: Einstein, Bohr, and the Great Debate about the Nature of Reality_ (448 pages; 530.12)
Stanley Leonard Robbins, Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Ramzi S. Cotran & Jon C. Aster 1989, 2014 _Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease_ (1,360-1,468 pages; 95.5MB; 4th edition on-the-desk)
(50) ►Kai Kupferschmidt 2021 _Blue: In Search of Nature's Ratest Color_ (224 pages; TheExperiment; ILL request)◀
John Kuriyan, Boyana Konforti & David Wemmer 2012 _The Molecules of Life: Physical and Chemical Principles_ (980 pages; 76MB)
- - - - - L
Patrick la Belle 2010 _SuperSymmetry DeMystified_ (470 pages; 5.6MB)
A.J. Lack 2007 _Instant Notes Plant Biology_ (335 pages; 20.1MB)
Caleb W. Lack & Jacques A. Rousseau 2016 _Critical Thinking, Science, and PseudoScience: Why We Can't Trust Our Brains_ (290 pages; 3.9MB)
Donna Laframboise 2011 _The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World's Top Climate Expert_ ()
Donna Laframboise 2013 _Into the DustBin: Rajendra Pachauri, the Climate Report & the Nobel Peace Prize_ ()
Imre Lakatos & John Worrall 1976, 2015 _Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery_ (190 pages; 1.3MB)
(47) Daniela Lamas 2018 _You Can Stop Humming Now: A Doctor's Stories of Life, Death, and In Between_ (245 pages; 616.028; Main)
Tom Lancaster & Stephen J. Blundell 2014 _Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur_ (512 pages; 25.5MB; ISBN 9780199699339; OCLC ; OxfordU)
(50) Richard H. Langley & John T. Moore 2010 _Organic Chemistry ii for Dummies_ (360 pages; 547)
(55) William Lanouette, Bela Silard & Jonas Salk 1992 _Genius in the Shadows: A Biography of Leo Szilard_ (587 pages; ISBN 0684190117; Scribner's/Maxwell MacMillan; B Szilard)
Edward J. Larson 1997 _Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and USA's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion_ ()
(55) Rosa Lasaponara & Nicola Masini 2012 _Satellite Remote Sensing: A New Tool for Archaeology_ (364 pages; ISBN 9789048188000; OCLC 1055880174; Springer)
Norman P. Lasca & John Donahue _Archaeological Geology of North America_ ()
David Latchman 2012 _Gene Control_ (440 pages; 33.5MB)
Bruno Latour 1988 _Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Culture_ (275 pages)
Julia Lawless 1995, 2013 _The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils_ (265 pages; 1.6MB)
Dan Lawrence, Mark Altaweel & Graham Philip 2020-09-03 _New Agendas in Remote Sensing and Landscape Archaeology in the Near East_ (327-346 pages; ISBN 9781789695731; OCLC 1198095644; Archaeopress)
(15) ►Eric Lax 2004-04-12, 2015 _The Mold in Dr. Florey's Coat: The Story of Penicillin and the Age of Medical Miracles_ (disease; 307-325 pages; 891KB; ISBN 9780805067903/ 9781435291713; OCLC 876724356; Holt/Owl/Paw Prints; 615.3295654; Main+FtBraden; ???was catalogued, now it is not???; ILL request)◀
George Laycock 1966 _The Alien Animals: The Story of Imported WildLife_ (230 pages)
(37) ►John Leake & Peter A. McCullough, M.D. 2022-05-05 _The Courage to Face Covid-19: Preventing Hospitalization & Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmacautical Complex_ (309 pages; ISBN 9798986236315; OCLC 999; Counterplay; ILL request)◀
F.R. Leavis & Stefan Collini 2013 _2 Cultures?: The Significance of C.P. Snow_ (120 pages; 302KB)
(35) Judith Walzer Leavitt 1996 _Typhoid Mary: Captive to the Public's Health_ (disease; 331 pages; 614.5112 Lea; Main)
Joshua Lederberg 1992 _Emerging Infections_ ()
Susan E. Lederer 1995 _Subjected to Science, Human Experimentation in America Before the Second World War_ ()
Leon M. Lederman & Dick Teresi 1993, 2012 _The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question_ (440 pages; 2.3MB)
Leon M. Lederman & Christopher T. Hill 1993, 2012 _Beyond the God Particle_ (315 pages; 3.7MB)
(45) ►Vivian S. Lee 2020 _The Long Fix: Solving USA's Health Care Crisis with Strategies that Work for Everyone_ (295 pages; 1MB; ILL request)◀
Henry Marshall Leicester & Herbert Klickstein 1963 _A Source Book in Chemistry 1400-1900_ ()
(45) Gerald M. Lemole, SAndra A. McLanahan, Dwight L. McKee & Ted Spiker 2021 _Lymph & Longevity: The UnTapped Secret to Health_ (215 pages; ISBN 9781982180256; Scribner's; on order 2021-10-22 Lem; Main+East)
(19) Nathan H. Lents 2018 _Human Errors: A Panorama of Our Glitches, from [seemingly] Pointless Bones to Broken Genes_ (DNA; 233 pages; 612 Len; Main+BLPerry)
Bruno Leone 2016 _Disease in History_ (100 pages)
Armand Marie Leroi 2014 _The Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented Science_ (500 pages; 7.2MB)
Armand Marie Leroi 2005 _Mutants: On the Form, Varieties, and Errors of the Human Body_ (455 pages)
Arthur M. Lesk 2010 _Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function, and Genomics_ (475 pages; 21.5MB)
Arthur M. Lesk 2010 _Introduction to BioInformatics_ (300 pages)
John Leslie 1996 _End of the World_ ()
Chris Leuchars 2007 _No Court for King Cholera: John Snow and the UnMasking of a Disease_ (315 pages)
Rugh Leventhal & Russell F. Cheadle 2019 _Medical Parasitology: A Self-Instructionanl Text_ (300 pages; 22MB)
Janna Levin 2003 _How the Universe Got Its Spots: Diary of a FiniteTime in a Finite Space_ (215 pages)
Ira N. Levine 2011 _Physical Chemistry_ (1K pages; 28.4MB)
Ira N. Levine 2016, 2018 _Quantum Chemistry_ (1,550 pages; 2MB)
Myron M. Levine & Patricia M. Graves 2006 _Battling Malaria: Strengthening the USA Military Malaria Vaccine Program_ (195 pages; 2.2MB)
(27) ►Alan Levinovitz 2020, 2021 _Natural: How Faith in Nature's Goodness Leads to Harmful Fads, UnJust Laws, & Pseudo-Science_ (264 pages; ISBN 9780807002865; OCLC 1184236343; Beacon; ILL request)◀
(21) Dave Levitan 2017 _Not a Scientist: How Politicians Mistake, MisRepresent, and Utterly Mangle Science_ (256 pages; 11.2MB; 303.483 Lev; Main+NE)
Alexandra M. Levitt 2013 _Deadly OutBreaks: How Medical Detectives Save Lives Threatened by Killer Pandemics, Exotic Viruses, and Drug-Resistant Parasites_ (240 pages; 1.6MB)
Elinor Levy & Mark Fischetti 2007 _The New Killer Diseases: How the Alarming Evolution of Germs Threatens Us All_ (360 pages; 994KB)
Stuart B. Levy 1992 _The AntiBiotic Paradox: How Miracle Drugs Are Destroying the Miracle_ (no, it is how the genetic mutability of micro-organisms is letting them survive despite the miracle.)
Bernie Lewin 2017 _Searching for the Catastrophe Signal: The Origins of the [UN] InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change_ (375 pages; 12.1MB)
David L. Lewis 2014 _Science for Sale: How the USA Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect Corporate Profits_ (340 pages; 3.4MB)
John S. Lewis 1996 _Mining the Sky_ ()
Richard Lewontin 1982 _Human Diversity_ (175 pages)
Richard Lewontin 2001 _It Ain't Necessarily So: The Dream of the Human Genome and Other Illusions_ (355 pages)
Richard Lewontin, Steven Rose & Leon J. Kamin 2017 _Not in Our Genes: Biology, Ideology, and Human Nature_ (335 pages)
Jacob Liberman, David Olszewski, Brian Breiling, Barbara C. Thomason et al. 1996-05-01 _Light Years Ahead: The Illustrated Guide to Full Spectrum and Colored Light in Mind-Body Healing_ (424 pages; ISBN 9780890877623; OCLC 32625317/ 832681457; Celestial Arts)
Jacob Liberman 1990-10-01 _Light: Medicine of the Future: How We Can Use It to Heal OurSelves Now_ (255-304 pages; ISBN 9781879181014; OCLC 932418775; Bear)
Jacob Liberman, Gina Liberman & Erik Liberman 2018-02-13, 219 _Luminous Life: How the Science of Light UnLocks the Art of Living_ (232 pages; ISBN 9781608685172; OCLC 1026790793; New World Library)
S. Robert Lichter & Stanley Rothman 1999 _Environmental Cancer: A Political Disease?_ (245 pages)
Michael Lieberman & Alisa Peet 2017 _Marks' Basic Medical BioChemistry: A Clinical Approach_ (62 pages; 122.9MB)
Stephen Liggett 2017 _Making a Medicine_ (210 pages; 595KB; science, tech, economics, ethics)
Alan Lightman 2018 _Searching for Stars on an Island in Maine_ (230 pages; 2.6MB)
Alan Lightman 2014 _The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew_ (170 pages; 2.5MB)
Thomas Lillesand, Ralph W. Kiefer & Jonathan Chipman 2015 _Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation_ (725 pages; 44.4MB; ISBN 9781118343289; OCLC 1200580391; Wiley)
David C. Lindberg 2008 _The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context 600BCE to 1450CE_ (506 pages; 6.7MB; R509.4)
David C. Lindberg 1978 _Science in the Middle Ages_ (540 pages)
David Lindley 1996 _Where Does the Weirdness Go?: Why Quantum Mechanics Is Strange, but Not as Strange as You Think_ ()
Richard S. Lindzen 1990 _Dynamics in Atmospheric Physics_ (315 pages; 28.1MB)
Richard S. Lindzen 1990 _The Atmospherre: A Challenge: The Science of Jule Gregory Charney_ (310 pages)
Richard S. Lindzen et al. 2013 _Does the Earth Have an Adaptive InfraRed Iris_ (NASA Technical Report)
Richard S. Lindzen, S. Chapman & V.M. Canuto 1970 _Atmospheric Tides_ (190 pages)
Richard S. Lindzen, Roger Kimball, William Happer, Craig Idso, Roy W. Spencer, Patrick Moore & Bruce M. Everett 2016 _The Climate Surprise: Why CO2 Is Good for the Earth_ (22 pages)
(50) Frank Lipman, M.D. & Stephanie Gunning 203 _Total Renewal: 7 Key Steps To Resilience, Vitality, & Long-Term Health_ (295 pages; 613 Lip; Main)
(39) Barbara K. Lipska & Elaine McArdle 2018 _The NeuroScientist Who Lost Her Mind: My Tale of Madness and Recovery_ (cancer; 188 pages; 616.99477; Main+NE)
Socrates Litsios 2006 _The Tomorrow of Malaria_ (disease; 185 pages; 760KB)
Lester K. Little 2006 _Plague and the End of Antiquity: The Pandemic of 541-750_ (disease; 375 pages; 7.3MB)
Mario Livio 2013, 2014 _Brilliant Blunders: From Darwin to Einstein: Colossal Mistakes by Great Scientists That Changed Our Understanding of Life and the Universe_ (340 pages; 12.6MB)
Mario Livio 2009 _Is God a Mathematician_ (300 pages; 510; Main)
Mario Livio 2005 _The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved: How Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of Symmetry_ (350 pages; 512.209; Main+Jax)
Mario Livio 2002 _The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi_ (294 pages; 516.204; Jax)
Mario Livio 2017 _Why: What Makes Us So Curious_ (252 pages; 153.3; Main)
Jason Lloyd, Daniel Sarewitz, Ted Nordhaus &zmp; Alex Trembath 2017 _The Rightful Place of Science: Climate Pragmatism_ (150 pages)
Jeffrey A. Lockwood 2009 _Locust: The Devastating Rise & Mysterious Disappearance of the Insect That Shaped the USA Frontier_ (315 pages; 1.6MB)
Jeffrey A. Lockwood 2008 _6-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War_ (370 pages; 3.4MB)
Bjorn Lomborg 2001 _The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World_ (540 pages; 6.9MB)
Bjorn Lomborg 2007 _Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist_ (250 pages; 3.5MB)
Pamela O. Long 1985 _Science and Technology in Medieval Society_ ()
Malcolm S. Longair 1999 _The Large, the Small, and the Human Mind_ (200 pages; 006.3)
Norman Longmate 1966 _King Cholera: The Biography of a Disease_ ()
J. Kenji Lopez-Alt 2015 _The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science_ (945 pages; 188.2MB)
Phoebe Lostroh 2011 _Molecular & Cellular Biology of Viruses_ (CRC; 510 pages; 65.2MB; ISBN 9780815345237)
Josip Lovric 2011 _Introducing Proteomics: From Concepts to Sample Separation, Mass Spectrometry, and Data Analysis_ (290 pages; 7.1MB)
(20) ►Ashley Lucas, Ph.D., R.D. 2022-07-22 _5 Steps to ReSet the Scale: Discover Why Weight Gain Is Not Your Fault & How to Take the Weight Off for Good_ (former ballerina; 124 pages; ISBN 9788842025312; OCLC 999; ASIN B0B754GHG6; self-published; interview; ILL request)◀
Matthew D. Lund 2010 _N.R. Hanson: Observation, Discovery, and Scientific Change_ (Norwood Russell Hanson; 245 pages; 2.3MB)
Michael Lustgarten 2016 _Microbial Burden: A Major Cause of Aging and Age-Related Disease_ (193 pages; 6.9MB)
Peter M. Lydyard, A. Whelan & M.W. Fanger 2007, 2012 _Instant Notes Immunology_ (335 pages; 10.7MB)
Mark Lynas 2018 _Seeds of Science: Why We Got It So Wrong on GMOs_ ()
Thomas R. Lyons & Thomas Eugene Avery 1977, 1981, 2017-10-26, 2018-12-13 _Remote Sensing: A HandBook for Archaeologists & Cultural Resource Managers_ (125 pages; ISBN 9780266766674/ 9781527872783; UMich)
- - - - - M
George MacDonald 1957 _The Epidemiology and Control of Malaria_ ()
Arien Mack 1991, 1994 _In Time of Plague: The History & "Social" Consequences of Lethal Epidemic Disease_ (210 pages)
Katie Mack 220 _The End of EveryThing: AstroPhysically Speaking_ (225 pages; 7.1MB)
Donald M. MacKay 1969 _Information, Mechanism, and Meaning_ (190 pages)
Dana MacKenzie 2013 _The Universe in Zero Words: The Story of Mathematics as Told through Equations_ (215 pages)
Dana MacKenzie 2008 _The Big Splat, or How Our Moon Came to Be: A Violent History_ (240 pages; 3.1MB)
(29) Deborah MacKenzie 2020-07-14 _Covid-19: The Pandemic that Never Should Have Happened & How to Stop the Next One_ (279-305 pages; 1MB; ISBN 9780306924248; OCLC 1148596957; Hachette/LittleBrown; 614.5924 Mac; E)
George W. MacKey 2012, 2013 _Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics_ (155 pages; 7.3MB)
(24) David MacNeal 2017 _Bugged: The Insects Who Rule the World and the People Obsessed with Them_ (308 pages; 30.5MB; 595.7 Mac; E)
Jack Madden 2017 _Inconvenient Facts: Proving Global Warming Is a Hoax_ (210 pages; 467KB)
(27) Allan Magaziner & Batya Swift Yasgur 2004 _The All-Natural Cardio Cure: A Drug-Free Cholesterol and Cardiac Inflammation Reduction Production_ (308 pages; 616.105 Mag; Jax)
W.F. Maggie 1963 _A Source Book in Physics_ ()
Joao Magueijo 2003, 2004, 2011 _Faster Than the Speed of Light: The Story of a Scientific Speculation_ (275-277 pages; ISBN 9780099428084/ 9780142003619; OCLC 224657235/ 1001830797; Perseus/Arrow)
G. Majno 1975 _The Healing Hand: Man & Wound in the Ancient World_ (HarvardU)
Ralph Hermon Major 1941 _Fatal Partners: War and Disease_ ()
Angshul Majumdar & Rabab Kreidieh Ward 2015 _MRI: Physics, Image ReConstruction, and Analysis_ (CRC; 210 pages; 41.1MB)
Robert W. Mann, David R. Hunt & Scott Lozanoff 2016 _Photographic Regional Atlas of Non-Metric Traits & Anatomical Variants in the Human Skeleton_ (730 pages)
Ronald L. Mallett, PhD & Bruce Henderson 2009 _Time Traveler: A Scientist's Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality_ (240 pages; 2.1MB)
Jean Manco 2013, 2016 _Ancestral Journeys: The Peopling of Europe from the First Venturers to the Vikings_ (305 pages; 50MB)
Gerald L. Mandell, John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin &am; Martin J. Blaser 2019-08-08 _Principles & Practice oof Infectious Diseases_ (4,160-17,700 pages; 139.4MB; 2 volumes; 17.85 pounds; ISBN 0323482554/ 9780323482554; Elsevier)
Franz Mandl & Graham Shaw 2013 _Quantum Field Theory_ (500 pages; 9MB)
Peter Mansfield 2013 _The Long Road to Stockholm: The Story of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An AutoBiography_ (NMR; 220 pages; 4.6MB)
(40) ►Lynn Alexander Sagan Margulis, Ph.D. & Dorion Sagan 2002-06-19 _Acquiring Genomes: A Theory of the Origins of Species_ (256 pages; ISBN 978465043910; OCLC 999; Basic; ILL request)◀
(42) ►Lynn Alexander Sagan Margulis, Ph.D. & Dorion Sagan 1986-01-01 _MicroCosmos: Four Billion Years of Evolution from Our Microbial Ancestors_ (301 pages; ISBN 978671441692; OCLC 999; Summit; ILL request)◀
(49) ►Lynn Alexander Sagan Margulis, Ph.D. 1998-10-08 _Symbiotic Planet: A New Look at Evolution_ (gaia hypothesis; 160 pages; ISBN 97846572712; OCLC 999; Basic; ILL request)◀
(29) ►Howard Markel, M.D., Ph.D. 1997 _Quarantine: East European Jewish Immigrants & the New York City Epidemics of 1892_ (1892; disease; immigration; 262 pages; ISBN 9780801855122; OCLC 538164573; Johns HopkinsU; ILL request)◀
(32) ►Howard Markel, M.D., Ph.D. 2021-09-21 _The Secret of Life: Rosalind Franklin, James Watson, Francis Crick, & the Discover of DNA's Double Helix_ (576 pages; ISBN 9781324002239; OCLC 99999; Norton; ILL request)◀
(44) Howard Markel, M.D., Ph.D. 2017 _The Kelloggs: The Battling Brothers of Battle Creek_ (506 pages; ISBN 9780307907271; OCLC ; Pantheon; biography Kellogg; Main+East)
Jonathan Marks 2003 _What It Means to Be 98% Chimpanzee: Apes, People, and Their Genes_ (325 pages)
Jennifer Marohasy, Peter Ridd, Roy Spencer, Nichola Scafetta, Ian Plimer, Willie Soon, Sallie Baliunas, Jo Nova, Anthony Watts, Matt Ridley & Bjorn Lomborg 2017 _Climate Change: The Facts 2017_ (400 pages; 7.8MB)
(14) Brigitte Mars 2017 _The Natural First Aid HandBook: Household Remedies, Herbal Treatments, Basic Emergency Preparedness Everyone Should Know_ (185 pages; 616.0252 Mar; Main+NE)
Perry Marshall 2015 _Evolution 2.0: Breaking the DeadLock Between Darwin and Design_ (390 pages; 4.3MB)
Anadi Martel 2018-05-15 _Light Therapies: A Complete Guide to the Healing Power of Light_ (384 pages; ISBN 9781620557297; OCLC 1050788547; Healing Arts/Inner Traditions)
Amelia Marti & Guillermo Zalba 2017 _Telomeres, Diet, and Human Disease: Advances and Therapeutic Opportunities_ (185 pages; 5.2MB)
(39) Albert Martin 2018 _Very, Very, Very Dreadful: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918_ (198 pages; 614.51809041 Mar; Main+Jax)
Rod Martin ii 2016 _Thermophobia: Shining a Light on Global Warming_ (120 pages; 3MB)
Rod Martin ii 2018 _Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear_ (35 pages; 2.7MB)
Sean Martin 2007 _The Black Death_ (160 pages; 289KB)
Steve Martin 2015 _A Short History of Disease: Plagues, Poxes, & Civilizations_ (310 pages; 1.4MB)
Susan B. Martinez 2013 _The Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man: CrossBreeding and the UnExpected Family Tree of Humanity_ (576 pages)
Yoshiro Maru 2016 _Inflammation and Metastasis_ (490 pages; 4.4MB)
Leo Marx 2000 _The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America_ (415 pages; 1.6MB)
M. Mastenbjoerk & S. Meloni 2019 _Suture Like a Surgeon: A Doctor's Guide to Surgical Knots & Suturing Techniques Used in Departments of Surgery, Emergency Medicine, & Family Medicine_ (110 pages)
Karen M. Masterson 2014 _The Malaria Project: The USA Government's Secret Mission to Find a Miracle Cure_ (400 pages; 14.6MB)
(25) Gabor Mate 1999 _Scattered: How Attention Deficit DisOrder Originates & What You Can Do About It_ (348 pages; 616.8589 Mat; Main)
(30) Gabor Mate 2022 _The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, & Healing in a "Toxic Culture"_ (562 pages; ISBN 9780593083888; Avery/ Penguin/ RandomHouse; on order 2022-09-27 Mat; Main)
Christoper K. Mathews, Kensal E. van Holde, Dean R. Appling & Spencer J. Anthony-Cahill 1990, 2016 _BioChemistry_ (1,340 pages; 88.4MB)
James Mattson & Merrill Simon 1996 _The Pioneers of NMR and Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: The Story of MRI_ ()
D.T. Max 2006, 2008 _The Family That Couldn't Sleep: Unraveling a Venetian Medical Mystery_ (325 pages; 728KB)
Robert May 1992 _Infectious Diseases of Humans_ ()
Ernst Mayr 1982, 1985 _The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance_ (960 pages)
Ernst Mayr 1993 _One Long Argument: Charles Darwin and the Genesis of Modern Evolutionary Thought_ (210 pages)
Ernst Mayr & William B. Provine 1980, 1998 _The Evolutionary Synthesis: Perspectives on the Unification of Biology_ (490 pages)
Simon Mays 2010 _The Archaeology of Human Bones_ (410 pages; 6.8MB)
Mazzarella Media 2013 _Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils: & the Scientific Method_ (550 Roc DVD junior)
Kathleen McAuliffe 2016 _This Is Your Brain on Parasites: How Tiny Creatures Manipulate Our Behavior and Shape Society_ (290 pages; 27MB; 612.8; was listed as real book, now fake)
Betty McBride 2018 _HomeMade AntiBiotics: Top 30 Effective Natural Remedies_ (79 pages; 3.9MB; 999999)
Jack Edward McCallum 2008 _Military Medicine from Ancient Times to the 21st Century_ (360-383 pages; ISBN 9781851096930; OCLC 470779333; ABC-Clio)
Kathryn L. McCance, Sue E. Huether, Valentina L. Brashers & Neal S. Rote 2015 _Understanding PathoPhysiology_ (1,150 pages; 153.1MB)
Kathryn L. McCance, Sue E. Huether, Valentina L. Brashers & Neal S. Rote 2015 _PathoPhysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children_ (1,830 pages; 381.8MB)
Kathryn L. McCance, Sue E. Huether, Valentina L. Brashers & Neal S. Rote 2018 _PathoPhysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children_ (1,700 pages)
(25) Matt McCarthy, M.D. 2015 _The Real Doctor Will See You Shortly: A Physician's First Year_ (315 pages; 1.5MB; 610.7155092 McC; Main)
(25) ►Matt McCarthy, M.D. 2019 _SuperBugs: The Race to Stop an Epidemic_/_A Tale of Human Ingenuity: SuperBugs: Deadly Microbes & the Extraordinary Race for a Cure_ (disease; 295 pages; 14.5MB; ILL requestILL request)◀
Terence McCarthy 2012, 2013 _How on Earth?: Anwers to the Puzzles of Our Planet_ (155 pages; 48.6MB)
James E. McClellan iii & Harold Dorn 1999, 2006 _Science and Technology in World History_ (535 pages; 23.4MB)
Roger M. McCoy 2005 _Field Methods in Remote Sensing_ (159 pages; ISBN 9781593850791; OCLC 56334252; Guilord)
(37) ►Johnjoe McFadden 2021-09-02 _Life Is Simple: How Occam's Razor Set Science Free & Shapes the Universe_ (Ockham; 360-376 pages; ISBN 9781541620445; OCLC 1230231938; Murray/ Basic/ Perseus/ Hachette/ Hodder&Stoughton; ILL request)◀
(10) ►Mark McDonald, M.D. 2021-11-08, 2021-11-11 _United States of Fear: How America Fell Viction to a Mass Delusional Psychosis_ (134-142 pages; ISBN 9781637583197; OCLC 1289324258; ASIN B09LRHHY2M; Bombardier; GoodReads, interviews; ILL request)◀
(20) ►Mark McDonald, M.D. 2022-08-15 _Freedom from Fear: A 12 Step Guide to Personal & National Recovery_ (144 pages; ISBN 9781637586204; OCLC 99; Bombardier; interviews; ILL request)◀
(42) Scott McGaugh 2013 _Surgeon in Blue: Jonathan Letterman, the Civil War Doctor Who Pioneered BattleField Care_ (342 pages; ISBN 9781611458398; 973.775092 McG; Main)
Harold McGee, Patricia Dorfman & Justin Greene 2007 _On Food & Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen_ (880 pages; 31MB)
Alan McGown 2015 _Science in the Real World: A Simplified Story of How Technology Using Chemistry and Physics Is Used in the Real World of Industry_ (200 pages; 199MB)
Sharon Bertsch McGrayne 2011 _The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes's Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian SubMarines, and Emerged Triumphant from 2 Centuries of Controversy_ (325 pages; 1.2MB)
Timothy McGrew, Marc Alspector-Kelly & Fritz Allhof 2009 _Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology_ (665 pages)
Robert A. McGuire & Philip R.P. Coelho 2011 _Parasites, Pathogens, and Progress: Diseases and Economic Development_ (345 pages; 5.9MB)
(39) Maryn McKenna 2010-03-23 _SuperBug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA_ (271-288-292 pages; 11MB; ISBN 9781416557272; Free Press; 616.9297 McK; Main)
Thomas McKeown 1979, 2014 _The Role of Medicine: Dream, Mirage or Nemesis_ (215 pages)
Duncan P. McKinnon, Bryan S. Haley, Jay K. Johnson, Rory Becker, Daniel P. Bigman et al. 2017-09-12 _Archaeological Remote Sensing in North America: Innovative Techniques for Anthropological Applications_ (304 pages; ISBN 9780817319595; OCLC 1033595299; UAlabama)
Alan McKirdy 2015 _Set in Stone: The Geology and Landscapes of Scotland_ (95 pages)
Alan McKirdy, John Gordon & Roger Crofts 2017, 2018 _Land of Mountain and Flood: The Geology and LandForms of Scotland_ (310 pages)
Bill N. McKnight 1993 _Biological Pollution: The Control and Impact of Invasive Exotic Species_ (260 pages)
Daniel McLaughlin, Jonathan Stamford & David White 2006 _Instant Notes Human Physiology_ (460 pages)
(12) David M. McMahon 2006, 2013 _Quantum Mechanics DeMystified_ (393-506 pages; ISBN 0071765638/ 9780071765633; OCLC 870421776; McGraw-Hill; 530.12 McM; Main)
(12) ►David M. McMahon 2008, 2011 _Quantum Field Theory DeMystified_ (310 pages; 9.5MB; ISBN 071543821/ 9780071543828; McGraw-Hill; 530.12 McM; ; ILL request)◀
David M. McMahon 2008 _String Theory DeMystified_ (300 pages)
(48) Christian W. McMillen 2015 _Discovering Tuberculosis: A Global History_ (338 pages; 616.995 McM; Main)
Chris McMullen 2015 _An Advanced Introduction to Calculus-Based Physics_ (565 pages; 23.8MB)
J.R. McNeill 2010 _Mosquito Empires: Ecology & War in the Greater Caribbean 1620-1914_ (380 pages; 2.3MB)
(33) Donald G. McNeil ii 2016 _Zika: The Emerging Epidemic_ (disease; 203 pages; 614.5885 ; Main+E)
(55) Robert Alan McNutt 2016 _Your Health, Your Decisions: How to Work with Your Doctor to Become a Knowledge-Powered Patient_ (150 pages; 610.696; Main+E)
Lynne McTaggart 2008 _The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe_ (285 pages; 1.1MB)
James E. McWilliams 2008 _American Pests: The Losing War on Insects from Colonial Times to DDT_ (300 pages; 1.5MB)
William Joel Meggs & Carol Svec 2003, 2004 _The Inflammation Cure: How to Combat the Hidden Factor Behind Heart Disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes, Alzheimer's Disease, Osteoporosis, and Other Diseases of Aging_ (238 pages; 329KB; 615.0473; FtBraden)
Gerhard Meisenberg & William H. Simmons 2016 _Principles of Medical BioChemistry_ (640 pages; 232.6MB)
Kenneth Mellanby 1992 _The DDT Story_ (115 pages)
Paul A. Mellars 1995, 2015 _The Neanderthal Legacy: An Archaeological Perspective from Western Europe_ (480 pages; 132.7MB)
Bert Mendelson 2012 _Introduction to Topology_ (225 page; 14MB)
Philip Meneely 2014 _Genetic Analysis: Genes, Genomes, and Networks in Eukaryotes_ (580 pages)
►Philip Meneely 2009 _Advanced Genetic Analysis: Genes, Genomes and Networks in Eukaryotes_ (530 pages; ILL request)◀
►Philip Meneely, Rachel Dawes Hoang, Iruka N. Okeke & Katherine Heston 2017 _Genetics: Genes, Genomes, and Evolution_ (730 pages; ILL request)◀
(44) Joseph Mercola, M.D. 2017 _Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost BrainPower, and Increase Your Energy_ (science or pseudo-science?; 339 pages; 613.25 Mer: Main+BLPerry+Jax)
(49) ►Joseph Mercola, M.D. & Ronnie Cummins 2021-04-29 _The Truth about Covid-19: The Great Reset, LockDowns, Vaccine PassPorts, & the New Normal_ (224 pages; ISBN 9781645020882; OCLC 1235870038; Chelsea Green; ILL request)◀
Ray M. Merrill 2018 _Fundamental Mathematics for Epidemiology Study_ (135 pages; 13.6MB)
Ray M. Merrill 2019 _Introduction to Epidemiology_ (350 pages; 51.8MB)
Albert Messiah 2014 _Quantum Mechanics_ (1,140 pages; 50.4MB)
Patrick J. Michaels & Paul C. Knappenberger 2016 _LukeWarming: The New Climate Science That Changes EveryThing_ (240 pages; 6.1MB)
Patrick J. Michaels 2011 _Climate Coup: Global Warming's Invasion of Our Government and Our Lives_ (295 pages; 7.6MB)
Patrick J. Michaels 2004 _MeltDown: The Predictable Distortion of Global Warming by "Scientists", Politicians, and the Media_ (200 pages; 5.6MB)
Patrick J. Michaels, Sallie L. Baliunas & Robert C. Balling ii 2005 _Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming_ (295 pages; 6MB)
Gerhard Michal & Dietmar Schomburg 2013 _BioChemical PathWays: An Atlas of BioChemistry and Molecular Biology_ (400 pages; 127.3MB)
(47) Leslie D. Michelson 2015 _The Patient's PlayBook: How to Save Your Life and the Lives of Those You Love_ (320 pages; 610.696; Main+BLPerry)
Mary Midgley 1985 _Evolution as a Religion_ ()
(30) ►Judy A. Milkovits, Ph.D. & Kent Heckenlively, J.D. 2020, 2021 _Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science_ (disease; science; 221 pages; ISBN 978151076658; OCLC 1242792793; Norton/SkyHorse; ILL request)◀
(50) ►Ian Miller 2022-01-20 _UnMasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates_/_UnMasked: The Global Failure of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 Mask Mandates_ (232 pages; ISBN 9781637583760; OCLC ; PostHill; author interview, GoodReads; ILL request)◀
(17) Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg & William Broad 2001, 2002 _Germs: Biological Weapons and America's Secret War_ (disease; 380 pages; 358.38)
Kenneth Miller 2007 _Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution_ (360 pages)
Linda E. Miller, Ph.D. & Christine Dorresteyn Stevens, Ed.D. 2021-01-28 _Clinical Immunology and Serology: A Laboratory Perspective_ (648 pages; ISBN 978080369448; Davis)
Michael Miller 2016 _Division by Zero: Universal Field Theory and the "Axiomatic" FrameWork for Universal Numbers_/Division by Zero: ReThinking Mathematics, ReImaging Space and Time_ (890 pages)
Neil Miller 2008 _Kartchner Caverns: How 2 Cavers Discovered and Saved One of the Wonders of the Natural World_ (215 pages)
Steve Milloy 2016 _Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA_ (270 pages; 723KB)
Steve Milloy 2002 _Junk Science Judo: Self-Defence Against Health Scares and Scams_ (270 pages; 723KB)
Erika Lorraine Milam 2019 _Creatures of Cain: The Hunt for Human Nature in Cold War USA_ (405 pages; 15.2MB)
Greg Milner 2016 _Pinpoint: How GPS Is Changing Technology, Culture & Our Minds_ (9999 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Norton)
Alanna Mitchell 2018 _The Spinning Magnet: The ElectroMagnetic Force That Created the Modern World and Could Destroy It_ (earth's fluctuating field; 333 pages)
Piers D. Mitchell 2004, 2005 _Medicine in the Crusades: Warfare, Wounds, and the Medieval Surgeon_ (295 pages)
Leonard Mlodinow 2015 _The UpRight Thinkers: The Human Journey from Living in Trees to Understanding the Cosmos_ (345 pages; 16.2MB)
Leonard Mlodinow 2018 _Elastic: Flexible Thinking in a Time of Change_ (240 pages; 10.6MB)
Leonard Mlodinow 2008 _The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives_ (260 pages; 898KB)
Seth Mnookin 2011, 2012, 2016 _The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science, & Fear_/_The Panic Virus: A True Story of Behind the Vaccine-Autism Controversy_ (439 pages; ISBN 9781439158654; OCLC 833917583; Simon&Schuster/Black)
(39) Sharon Moalem & Jonathan Prince 2007, 2009 _Survival of the Sickest: A Medical Maverick Discovers Why We Need Disease: The Surprising Conections between Disease and Longevity_ (360 pages; 961KB; 616.042)
Sharon Moalem 2014 _Inheritance: How Our Genes Change Our Lives and Our Lives Change Our Genes_ (260 pages; 735KB)
Alistair Moffat & James F. Wilson 2012 _The Scots: A Genetic Journey_ (272 pages)
(29) John W. Moffat 2008 _ReInventing Gravity: A Physicist Goes Beyond Einstein_ (272 pages; ISBN 9780061170881; Smithsonian; 530.143 Mof; Main)
Stephanie Elizabeth Mohr 2018 _First in Fly: Drosophila Research and Biological Discovery_ ()
James Montaldi 2021-09-30 _Singularities, Bifurcations, and Catastrophes_ (350 pages; ISBN 9781107151642; OCLC ; CambridgeU)
Andrew W. Montford 2011, 2015 _The Hockey Stick Illusion_ (480 pages; 3MB)
(30) David R. Montgomery & Anne Bikle 2015 _The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health_ (309 pages; 5.5MB; 579.1757 Mon; Main)
Douglas C. Montgomery 2017 _Design and Analysis of Experiments_ (740 pages; 19.4MB)
Thomas J. Montville, Karl R. Matthews & Kalmia E. Kniel 2017 _Food MicroBiology: An Introduction_ (560 pages )
Harold A. Mooney & James A. Drake 1986 _Ecology of Biological Invasions of North America and Hawaii_ ()
David S. Moore 2001 _The Dependent Gene: The Fallacy of "Nature vs. Nurture"_ ()
James Carrick Moore 1815, 1995, 2012 _The History of the Small Pox_ (312 pages, ISBN 9780217350020; OCLC 14835993)
John H. Moore, Christopher C. Davis, Michael A. Coplan & Sandra C. Greer 2009 _Building Scientific Apparatus_ (650 pages; 67.1MB)
John T. Moore 2016 _Chemistry for Dummies_ (380 pages; 4MB)
John T. Moore & Richard H. Langley 2010 _Organic Chemistry 2 for Dummies_ (380 pages; 10.5MB; 547)
John T. Moore & Richard H. Langley 2011 _BioChemistry for Dummies_ (355 pages; 32MB; 000.000)
Keith L. Moore, T.V.N. Persaud & Mark G. Torchia 2020 _The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology_ (503 pages; ISBN 9780323611541; OCLC 1139496244; Elsevier)
Patrick Albert Moore 2010 _Confessions of a GreenPeace DropOut: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist_ (400 pages)
Walter J. Moore 2015 _Schroedinger: Life and Thought_ (515 pages; 14MB)
Michel Moldorange 2001 _The MisUnderstood Gene_ ()
(24) Marc Morano 2018 _The Politically InCorrect Guide to Climate Change_ (2.6MB; 363.7 Mor; E)
(30) Marc Morano 2021-03-23 _Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think_ (256 pages; ISBN 9781684510856; OCLC 1249108258; Regnery; 363.7 Mor; E)
Philip Moriarty 2018 _When the UnCertainty Principle Goes to 11: How to Explain Quantum Physics with Heavy Metal_ ()
Andreas Moritz 2010-04-01 _Heal YourSelf with SunLight_ (206 pages; ISBN 9780979275739; Ener-Chi)
Charles R. Morris 2009 _The Surgeons: Life & Death in a Top Heart Center_ (325 pages; 616KB)
Dennis Russell Morris 2021-11-28 _The Unified Field Theory: Why the Universe Is 4 Dimensional & the Fermion Content of the Universe_ (121 pages; ISBN 9798775473211; OCLC ; self-published)
Errol Morris 2018 _The AshTray: [Thomas Kuhn] The Man Who Denied Reality_ (223 pages)
(39) Robert D. Morris 2007 _The Blue Death: Disease, Disaster, & the Water We Drink_ (disease; 310 pages; ISBN 0060730897/ 9780060730895; HarperCollins; 614.43 Mor; Main)
(37) Thomas Neil Gareth Morris 2018, 2019 _The Mystery of the Exploding Teeth & Other Curiosities from the History of Medicine_ (351 pages; ISBN 9781524743680/ 9781524743703; OCLC 1079020588/ 1102469138/ 1089269884; Dutton/Corgi; 610 Mor; Main+Woodville)Stephen S. Morse 1993, 1996 _Emerging Viruses_ (352 pages)
Steven W. Mosher & Thomas W. Fuller 2010 _Climategate: The Crutape Letters_ (CRU; 185 pages; 1.6MB)
F.K. Mostofi 1967 _Bilharziasis_ ()
(18) Annibale Mottana, Rodolfo Crespi, Martin Prinz, George Harlow, Joseph Peters, Catherine Athill, Hugh Young & Simon Plaisance 1978 _Simon & Schuster's Guide to Rocks & Minerals_ (607 pages; 552 Mot; Main)
(39) Siddhartha Mukherjee 2022 _The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human_ (medicine; 473 pages; ISBN 9781982117351; OCLC ; Scribner; on order 2022-10-31 Muk; Main+East)
Richard A. Muller 2012 _Energy for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the HeadLines_ (368 pages; 5.9MB)
Richard A. Muller 2008 _Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the HeadLines_ (375 pages; 5.7MB)
Kary Mullis 1998, 2010 _Dancing Naked in the Mind Field_ (240 pages; 442KB)
Robert P. Multhauf 1966, 1967 _The Origins of Chemistry_ (400 pages)
James Munkres 2013 _Topology_ (500 pages; 9.4MB)
(8) Jim Murphy 2003 _An American Plague: The True Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793_ (disease; 373 pages; 931KB; 614.541 Mur; Main+NE+Jax+BLPerry+FtBraden)
(29) Jim Murphy & Alison Blank 2012, 2015 _Invincible Microbe: Tuberculosis & the Never-Ending Search for a Cure_ (disease; 160 pages; J 616.995 Mur; NE)
Charles Murray 2003, 2009 _Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences 800BC to 1950_ (680 pages; 6.9MB; 908.79; Main; dup of entry in history)
(50) Iain Murray 2008 _The Really Inconvenient Truths: 7 Environmental Catastrophes Leftists Don't Want You To Know About Because They Cause Them_ (373 pages; 931KB; 363.7; Main+NE)
Jocelyn Murray 1981 _Cultural Atlas of Africa_ (230 pages)
Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal & Michael A. Pfaller 2015 _Medical MicroBiology_ (840 pages; 77.4MB)
(29) George Musser 2015 _Spooky Action at a Distance: The Phenomenon That ReImagines Space and Time... And What It Means for Black Holes, the Big Bang, and Theories of Everything_ (286 pages; 530.11; Main+E)
Enos M. Mutwale, Anthony L. Roberts & Alice Roberts 2013 _The Elegance of Curiosity: Incredible Wonders of Curiosity_ ()
- - - - - N
Gary Paul Nabhan 2004, 2006 _Why Some Like It Hot: Food, Genes, and Cultural Diversity_ (235 pages; 1.9MB)
(39) ►R. Kent Nagle, Edward B. Saff & Arthur David Snider 2017-01-01, 2017-01-09, 2019 _Fundamentals of Differential Equations_ (710-717 pages; ISBN 9780321977069/ 9781292240992; OCLC 1083204348; Pearson; ILL request)◀
Hari Nair & William Clarke 2016 _Mass Spectrometry for the Clinical Laboratory_ (300 pages; 5.9MB)
National Research Council 2015 _Research on Health Effects oof Low-Level Ionizing Radiation Exposure: Opportunities for the Armed Forces RadioBiology Research Institute_ (200 pages; 2MB)
James V. Neel & Y.R. Ahuja 1985 _Genetic MicroDifferentiation in Human and Other Animal Populations_ ()
Carnot E. Nelson & Donald K. Pollock 1970 _Communication Among Scientists and Engineers_ ()
Randolph M. Nesse & George C. Williams 1994 _Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine_ ()
(45) Kris Newby 2019 _Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons_ (318 pages; 616.9246 New; Main)
Henry Nicholls 2018 _SleepyHead: The NeuroScience of a Good Night's Rest_ ()
John W. Nicholson 2017 _The Chemistry of Polymers_ ()
Andrew Nikiforuk 1993, 1996 _The 4th HorseMan: A Short History of Epidemics, Plagues, Famine, and Other Scourges_ (250 pages)
Andrew Nikiforuk 2011 _Empire of the Beetle: How Human Folly & a Tiny Bug Are Killing North America's Great Forests_ (230 pages; 1.2MB)
Andrew Nikiforuk 2008 _Pandemonium: Bird Flu, Mad Cow Disease, & Other Biological Plagues of the 21st Century_ (325 pages; 1.3MB)
Hidetoshi Nishimori & Gerardo Ortiz 2010 _Elements of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena_ (380 pages; 9.5MB)
Robert Nola & Howard Sankey 2000, 2001 _After Popper, Kuhn, and Feyerabend: Recent Issues in Theories of Scientific Method_ (256-370 pages; ISBN 9781402002465; OCLC 1154244656/ 708541352; Kluwer/Springer)
Philip Norrie 2016 _A History of Disease in Ancient Times: More Lethal Than War_ (150 pages; 1.2MB)
Gustav J.V. Nossal 2007 _Diversity and Discovery: The History of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute 1965-1996_ (280 pages)
Gustav J.V. Nossal 1975 _Medical Science and Human Goals_ (200 pages)
Martin A. Nowak & Robert May 2001 _Virus Dynamics: Mathematical Principles of Immunology and Virology_ (250 pages; 3.4MB)
Abraham M. Nussbaum 2016 _The Finest Traditions of My Calling: One Physician's Search for the Renewal of Medicine_ (300 pages; 610.696; Main)
Robert L. Nussbaum, Roderick R. McInnes & Huntington F. Willard 2015 _Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine_ (530 pages; 39.6MB)
David E. Nye 1996 _American Technological Sublime_ ()
- - - - - O
John Maxwell O'Brien 1992, 2003 _Alexander the Great: The Invisible Enemy: A Biography_ (350 pages; 2MB)
M.R. O'Connor 2015 _Resurrection Science: Conservation, De-Extinction, and the Precarious Future of Wild Things_ (260 pages; 1.7MB)
Charles Officer & Jake Page 1996 _The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy_ (215 pages)
(12) Paul A. Offit, M.D. 2010, 2011 _Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All_ (290 pages; 614.47083; Main)
(15) Paul A. Offit, M.D. 2013 _Do You Believe In Magic?: The Sense and Non-Sense of Alternative Medicine_ (330 pages; 615.5; Main)
(17) ►Paul A. Offit, M.D. 2009 _Vaccinated: One Man's Quest to Defeat the World's Deadliest Diseases_ (265 pages; 2.2MB; ILL request)◀
(19) ►Paul A. Offit, M.D. 2008 _Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure_ (330 pages; 1.9MB; ILL request)◀
(20) Paul A. Offit, M.D. 2020 _OverKill: When Modern Medicine Goes Too Far_ ("patient advocate"; 276 pages; ISBN 9780062947499; OCLC ; Harper; on order; Mars)◀
(17) Danielle Ofri 2017 _What Patients Say, What Doctors Hear: What Doctors Say, What Patients Hear_ (242 pages; 610.696; Main+East)
James G. Ogg, Gabi M. Ogg & Felix M. Gradstein 2016 _A Concise Geologic Time Scale: 2016_ (200-240 pages; 67.4MB; ISBN 9780444637710)
Guenther Ohloff, Wilhelm Pickenhagen & Philip Kraft 2012 _Scent and Chemistry: The Molecular World of Odors_ (340 pages)
Tommy Ohlsson 2011 _Relativist Quantum Physics: From Advanced Quantum Mechanics to Introductory Quantum Field Theory_ ()
(55) ►Susumu Ohno 1970, 1979, 2013, 2014 _Evolution by Gene Duplication_ (155-160 pages; ISBN 9783642866616; OCLC 888449779; Springer/Allen&Unwin); ILL request)◀
Samir Okasha 2002 _Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction_ (150 pages; 1.3MB)
(22) Michael B.A. Oldstone 1998, 2009 _Viruses, Plagues, and History: Past, Present, and Future_ (disease; 200-380 pages; 7MB; 614.57 Old; Main)
(40) Larry Olmsted 2016 _Real Food, Fake Food: Why You Don't Know What You're Eating & What You Can Do About It_ (318 pages; 641.3 Olm; Main+Jax+E+NE)
Richard Christopher Olsen 2016-08-15 _Remote Sensing from Air and Space_ (294-310 pages; ISBN 9781510601505; OCLC 940455349; SPIE)
Joost J. Oppenheim & Ethan M. Shevach 1991 _ImmunoPhysiology: The Role of Cells and Cytokines in Immunity and Inflammation_ (435 pages)
(47) ►Jeffrey Orens 2021 _The Soul of Genius: Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, & the Meeting That Changed the Course of Science_ (336 pages; Pegasus; ILL request)◀
(40) Wendy Orent 2004 _Plague: The Mysterious Past & Terrifying Future of the World's Most Dangerous Disease_ (disease; 276 pages; 614.5732 Ore; Main)
(40) ►Jane M. Orient, M.D. 2015 _Emerging Diseases: Protecting Your Family from Pandemics, Viral Threats, and Rogue Vaccines_ (; ILL request)◀
(20) Ben Orlin 2018 _Math with Bad Drawings: Illuminating the Ideas That Shape Our [Models of] Reality_ (367 pages; 518 Orl; Main+NE)
J.J. Ortezky 2014 _Essential Oils: AromaTherapy, Essential Oils for Beginniers, and Essential Oil Recipes to Improve Your Health_/_Medicinal Herbs: Includes AromaTherapy, Essential Oils, and Herbal Medicines to Improve Your Health_ (110 pages; 2.3MB)
(29) Chad Orzel 2009 _How to Teach Physics to Your Dog_ (physics; 241 pages; 1.8MB; 530.12 Orz; Main)
Chad Orzel 2009 _How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog_ (250 pages; 1.8MB)
Chad Orzel 2012 _How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog_ (330 pages; 2MB)
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(17) Michael T. Osterholm, M.D., M.P.H. & Mark Olshaker 2017 _Deadliest Enemy: Our War against Killer Germs_ (disease; 341 pages; 4.9MB; 614.4 Ost; Main)
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Harry Ostrer 2012 _Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People_ (290 pages; 6.7MB)
John Nash Ott 1973, 1976, 1990 _Health and Light: The Effects of Natural & Artificial Light on Man & Other Living Things_ (208-222-229 pages; ISBN 9780898040982; OCLC 978123706/ 1040573822/ 537783308; Pocket/Ariel/Devin-Adair)
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Dennis Overbye 1991, 1993, 1999 _Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos: The Story of the Scientific Quest for the Secret of the Universe_ (440 pages)
Judy Owen, Jenni Punt & Sharon Stranford 2013 _Kuby Immunology_ (574 pages)
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Douglas W. Owsley & Jerome C. Rose 1997 _BioArchaeology of the North Central USA: A Volume in the Central and Northern Plains Archeological OverView_ ()
- - - - - P
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Randall M. Packard 2007, 2010 _The Making of a Tropical Disease: A Short History of Malaria_ (disease; 310 pages; 1.6MB)
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Justin Pahara & Julie Legault 2018 _Zero to Genetic Engineering Hero: The Beginner's Guide to Programming Bacteria at Home, School, & in the MakerSpace_ (180 pages)
Prem Chadrna Pandey, Prashant K. Srivastava, Heiko Balzter, Bimal Bhattacharya & George P. Petropoulos 2020-08-05 _HyperSpectral Remote Sensing: Theory & Applications_ (409 pages; ISBN 9780081028940; OCLC 1198604628; Elsevier)
Richard Panek 2011 _The 4% Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality_ (310 pages; 14MB)
(62) Sarah H. Parcak 2009-03-31 _Satellite Remote Sensing for Archaeology_ (286-320 pages; ISBN 9780415448789; OCLC 244057169; Routledge)
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Wade W. Oliver 1941 _Man Who Lived for Tomorrow: A Biography of William Hallock Park, M.D._ (507 pages; OCLC 563918482/ 891305868/ 976625137/ 1079081190/ 1374523; Dutton)
(37) Steve Parker 2013 _Kill or Cure: An Illustrated History of Medicine_ (400 pages; ISBN 9781465408426; DK; 610 Par; Main)
John Parrington 2015 _The Deeper Genome: Why There Is More to the Human Genome than Meets the Eye_ (260 pages; 3.1MB)
Julie Parsonnet 1999-02-15 _Microbes and Malignancy: Infection as a Cause of Human Cancers_ (465 pages; ISBN 9780195104011; OCLC 923847287; OxfordU)
(54) Angela Paskett 2014 _Food Storage for Self-Sufficiency and Survival: The Essential Guide for Family Preparedness_ (200 pages; 4.9MB; 641.4 Pas; Main)
(55) Allison Pataki 2018 _Beauty in the Broken Places: A Memoir of Love, Faith, & Resilience_ (stroke; 245 pages; biography Pataki; Woodville+NE)
Graham L. Patrick 2012 _Instant Notes Organic Chemistry_ (360 pages; 10.1MB)
(23) ►Gordon Patterson 2009 _The Mosquito Crusades: An History of the American Anti-Mosquito Movement from the Reed Commission to the First Earth Day_ (disease; 280 pages; 2.9MB; ILL request)◀
(45) James Patterson & Matt Eversmann 2021 _E.R. Nurses: True Stories from USA's Greatest UnSung Heroes_ (400 pages; ISBN 9780759554269; Little, Brown; on order 2021-10-06; Mars)
Kevin T. Patton & Gary A. Thibodeau 2015 _Structure & Function of the Body_ (anatomy, physiology; 500 pages; 85.7MB)
Frederic Paugam 2014 _Towards the Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory_ (470 pages; 9.4MB)
Eldor A. Paul 2014 _Soil MicroBiology, Ecology, and BioChemistry_ (570 pages; 29.8MB)
(45) Gill Paul 2016 _An History of Medicine in 50 Objects_ (disease; technology; 224 pages; ISBN 9781770857186; Firefly; 610.9 Pau; NE)
Richard Paul & Linda Elder 2014 _The Thinker's Guide to Socratic Questioning_ (100 pages; 1.3MB)
Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz & James A. Vyvyan 2014 _Introduction to Spectroscopy_ (780 pages; 41.2MB)
Lynn Payer 1988 _Medicine and Culture: Varieties of Treatment in the United States, England, West Germany, and France_ ()
Amy Pearce 8888 _Scientists Greater than Einstein_ ()
Judea Pearl, Madelyn Glymour & Nicholas P. Jewell 2016-03-07 _Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer_ (140 pages; 8.2MB; ISBN 1119186846/ 9781119186847; Wiley)
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(14) Chris Pellant & Roger Phillips 1990 _Rocks, Minerals & Fossils of the World_ (175 pages; 552 Pel; Main)
(23) Mark Pendergast 2010 _InSide the OutBreaks: The Elite Medical Detectives of the Epidemic Intelligence Service_ (disease; 418 pages; 614.4 Pen; Main)
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Jerome K. Percus 2001 _Mathematics of Genome Analysis_ ()
Dexter Perkins 2010, 2014 _Mineralogy_ (450 pages; 26.3MB)
Sidney Perley 1891, 2001 _Historic Storms of New England: Its Gales, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Showers with Thunder and Lightning_ (300 pages)
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(44) Nicholas Perricone 2007 _Ageless Face, Ageless Mind: Erase Wrinkles and Rejuvenate the Brain_ (354 pages; 613.0424 PER; Main+NE; glycosylation)
(38) Alex Perry 2011 _LifeBlood: How to Change the World One Dead Mosquito at a Time_ (242 pages; 614.532 Per; Main)
Michael E. Peskin & Dan V. Schroeder 1995-10-02 _An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory_ (850 pages; ISBN 9780201503975; OCLC ; CRC)
C.J. Peters & Mark Olshaker 1998 _Virus Hunter: 30 Years of Battling Hot Viruses Around the World_ (310 pages)
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Vesselin Petkov 2010 _Space, Time, & SpaceTime: Physical & Philosophical Implications of Minkowski's Unifications of Space and Time_ (300 pages; 4.8MB)
David Petriello 2015, 2020 _Bacteria and Bayonets: The Impact of Disease in USA Military History_ (255 pages; 12.5MB)
Adriana Petryna, Andrew Lakoff & Arthur Kleinman 2005 _Global Pharmaceuticals: Ethics, Markets, Practices_ ()
Edward J. Petuch 2003 _Cenozoic Seas: The View from Eastern North America_ (320 pages; 35.9MB)
(27) ►John Pezzullo 2013 _BioStatistics for Dummies_ (400 pages; 8.1MB; ILL request)◀
Leigh Phillips 2015 _Austerity Ecology & the Collapse-Porn Addicts: A Defence of Growth, Progress, Industry, and Stuff_ (290 pages; 3.5MB)
Robert Piccioni 2016 _Feynman Lectures Simplified: 4A Math for Physicists_ (260 pages; 2.9MB)
Roger A. Pielke i 1990, 2013 _The Hurricane_ (230 pages; 42.8MB; weather & climate)
Roger A. Pielke i & Roger A. Pielke ii 1997 _Hurricanes: Their Nature and Impacts on "Society"_ (; weather & climate)
(19) Roger A. Pielke ii 2010 _The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won't Tell You about Global Warming_ (276 pages; 3.4MB; 363.73874 Pie; Main)
(33) ►Roger A. Pielke ii 2014, 2015 _The Rightful Place of Science: Disasters and Climate Change_ (125 pages; 572KB; weather & climate; ILL request)◀
Roger A. Pielke ii 2010 _The Climate Fix: What Pseudo-Scientists & Politicians Won't Tell You About Global Warming_ (275 pages; 3.4MB)
Roger A. Pielke ii 2007 _The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics_ (195 pages; 1.4MB)
(27) ►E.C.. Pielou 2008 _After the Ice Age: The Return of Life to Glaciated North America_ (365 pages; 6.6MB; weather & climate; ILL request)◀
Benjamin A. Pierce 2016 _Genetics: A Conceptual Approach_ (965 pages; 355.1MB)
(30) John R. Pierce & James V. Writer 2005 _Yellow Jack: How Yellow Fever Ravaged the USA & Walter Reed [& associates] Discovered Its Deadly Secrets_ (disease; 278 pages; 614.541 Pie; Main)
(35) ►Lawrence Pierce 2015 _A New Little Ice Age Has Started: How to Survive and Prosper during the Next 50 Difficult Years_ (125 pages; 1.3MB; weather & climate; ILL request)◀
(30) Massimo Pigliucci 2010 _NonSense on Stilts: How to Tell Science from Bunk_ (330 pages; 500 Pig; Main)
Giuseppe Pileio, Malcolm H. Levitt, Gabriele Stevanato et al. 2020 _Long-Lived Nuclear Spin Order: Theory & Applications_ (430 pages; 8.3MB)
Helen Pilcher 2016 _Bring Back the King: The New Science of De-Extinction_ (300 pages; 2.3MB)
Davie Pimentel & Hugh Lehman 1993 _The Pesticide Question: Environment, Economics, and Ethics_ ()
Jonathan H. Pincus & Gary J. Tucker 1974 _Behavioral Neurology_ ()
--Steven Pinker 2003 _Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature_ (525 pages; 3.9MB; 155.234)
--Steven Pinker 2007 _The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature_ (524 pages; 4.8MB)
--Steven Pinker 1997, 2009 _How the Mind Works_ (660 pages; 2.123MB; 153)
--Steven Pinker 2010 _The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language_ (546 pages; 2.8MB; 400)
Hans S. Plendl 1982 _Philosophical Problems of Modern Physics_ ()
Stanley A. Plotkin, Walter Orenstein, Paul A. Offit & Kathryn M. Edwards 2017 _Plotkin's Vaccines_ (1,700 pages; 57.8MB)
(59) ►James Plummer ii/Hakeem Oluseyi & Joshua Horwitz 2021 _A Quantun of Life: My Unlikely Journey from the Street to the Stars_ (368 pages; Ballantine; ILL request)◀
George Poinar ii & Roberta Poinar 2007, 2008 _What Bugged the Dinosaurs?: Insects, Disease, & Death in the Cretaceous_ (270 pages; 3.1MB)
Nicholas Pokoluk & Megan Metzelaar 2015 _Scourge of the AGEs: Glycation and Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, and Aging_ (50 pages; 631KB; advanced glycosylation end-products)
Russell A. Poldrack, Jeanette A. Mumford & Thomas E. Nichols 2011 _HandBook of Functional MRI Data Analysis_ (325 pages)
Russell A. Poldrack 2018 _The New Mind Readers: What NeuroImaging Can & Cannot Reveal about Our Thoughts_ (200 pages; 4.6MB)
(39) Patti Polk 2010 _Collecting Rock, Gems, & Minerals_ (271 pages; 552 Pol; Main+NE)
Justin Pollard 2010, 2011 _Boffinology: The Real Stories Behind Our Greatest Scientific Discoveries_ (325 pages)
Roberto Polli 2019-10-01 _Working with the Future: Ideas & Tools to Govern UnCertainty_ (165 pages; ISBN 8885486908/ 9788885486904; EGEA Spa/Bocconi U)
Roberto Polli, Michael Healy & Achilles Kameas 2010-09-17 _Theory and Applications of Ontology: Computer Applications_ (585 pages; ISBN 9048188466/ 9789048188468; Springer)
Karl Raimundo Popper 1963 _The Logic of Scientific Discovery_ ()
Karl Raimundo Popper 1976, 1982, 2002, 2005 _UnEnded Quest: An Intellectual AutoBiography_ (315 pages; 3.6MB)
(23) Robert S. Porter, Justin L. Kaplan & Madhavi T. Reddy 2018 _The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy_ (3,530 pages; 616.075; Main)
Roy Porter & Dorothy Porter 1988 _In Sickness and in Health: The British Experience_ ()
Roy Porter 2003, 2004 _Blood and Guts: A Short History of Medicine_ (215 pages; 3.9MB)
Roy Porter 1997 _The Greatest Benefit to ManKind: A Medical History of Humanity_ ()
Theodore M. Porter 1996 _Trust in Numbers: The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life_ (300 pages; 3.4MB)
Theodore M. Porter 2018 _Genetics in the MadHouse: The UnKnown History of Human Heredity_ (447 pages)
James Posken 2022-03-22 _Horizons: The Global Origins of Modern Science_ (464 pages; ISBN 9780358251798; OCLC ; Mariner)
John Postgate 2000 _Microbes and Man_ (380 pages; 25.2MB)
Christopher Potter 2018 _The Earth Gazers: On Seeing OurSelves_ ()
Jeff Potter 2010 _Cooking for Geeks: Real Science, Great Hacks, and Good Food_ (415 pages)
Merle Potter 2009 _Fluid Mechanics DeMystified_ (300 pages; 17.7MB)
(49) ►J.H. Powell 1965, 1993, 2014, 2016 _Bring Out Your Dead: The Great Plague of Yellow Fever in Philadelphia in 1793_ (disease; 315 pages; 2.9MB; ILL request)◀
Scott K. Powers & Edward Howley 2017 _Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance_ (645 pages; 5.9MB)
Vinayak K. Prasad & Adam S. Cifu 2015 _Ending Medical Reversal_ (270 pages; 1.7MB)
Carl J. Pratt 2021-03-14 _Quantum Physics for Beginners: From Wave Theory to Quantum Computing: Understanding How EveryThing Works by a Simplified Explanation of Quantum Physics & Mechanics Principles_ (82 pages; ISBN 9798718003864; OCLC ; )
(30) Richard Preston 2019 _Crisis in the Red Zone: The Story of the Deadliest Ebola OutBreak in History, and of the OutBreaks to Come_ (disease; 390 pages; 614.58852 Pre; Main+NE+Jax)
(40) Richard Preston 1994 _The Hot Zone_ (disease; 422 pages; Anchor/RandomHouse; 614.57 Pre; Jax+BLPerry)
(49) Richard Preston 2002 _The Demon in the Freezer_ (disease, anthrax, smallpox; 240 pages; RandomHouse; 616.91205 Pre; Main+BLPerry)
(55) Richard Preston 2008 _Panic in Level 4_ (disease; 188 pages; RandomHouse; 616.024 Pre; Main)
Derek John de Solla Price 1963, 1965, 1986 _Little Science, Big Science and Beyond_ (112 pages)
Larry W. Price 1981 _Mountains and Man: A Study of Process and Environment_ (490 pages)
Martin F. Price, Alton C. Byers, Donald A. Friend, Thomas Kohler & Larry W. Price 2013 _Mountain Geography: Physical and Human Dimensions_ (390 pages; 58.4MB)
Procter & Gamble & National Cancer Institute 1979 _Carcinogenic and Mutagenic n-Substituted Aryl Compound_ ()
Addy Pross 2012 _What Is Life?: How Chemistry Becomes Biology_ (200 pages; 722KB)
William B. Provine 1989 _Sewall Wright and Evolutionary Biology_ (550 pages)
Stanley B. Prusiner 2014 _Madness and Memory: The Discovery of Prions--A New Biological Principle of Disease_ (335 pages; 6.5MB)
Mark Ptashne 1986, 2004 _A Genetic Switch: Phase Lambda ReVisited_ (170 pages; 3.3MB)
R.J. Putman 1989 _Mammals as Pests_ ()
- - - - - Q
(1) David Quammen 2018, 2019-08-06 _The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life_ (461-480 pages; ISBN 9781476776620/ 9781476776637; OCLC ; Simon&Schuster; 591.38; Main+NE+E; 35%)
(8) David Quammen 2012 _SpillOver: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic_ (zoonotic disease; 575 pages; 4.3MB; 614.43; Main+NE)
(29) David Quammen 2014 _Ebola: The Natural and Human History of a Deadly Virus_ (disease; 119 pages; 4.3MB; 614.57; Main+NE+Jax)
Taihao Quan 2016 _Molecular Mechanisms of Skin Aging and Age-related Diseases_ (255 pages; 19.5MB; CRC)
(15) Jonathan D. Quick & Bronwyn Fryer 2018 _The End of Epidemics: The Looming Threat to Humanity & How to Stop It_ (disease; 290 pages; 614.4 Qui; Main)
- - - - - R
Lennart Rade & Bertil Westergren 1992 _Beta Mathematics HandBook: Concepts, Theorems, Methods, Algorithms, Formulas, Graphs, Tables_ (CRC; 490 pages)
Michael A. Radin 2019 _Difference Equations for Scientists & Engineers_ (300 pages; 27.2MB)
Alastair I.M. Rae 2005 _Quantum Physics: A Beginner's Guide_ (225 pages; 1.3MB)
Alastair I.M. Rae 2012-03-26 _Quantum Physics: Illusion or Reality_ (156 pages; 1.3MB; ISBN 9781107604643; CambridgeU)
Alastair I.M. Rae 2012, 2013 _Quantum Physics_ (150 pages; 3.1MB)
(50) Dawn Rafel 2018 _The Strange Case of Dr. Couney: How a Mysterious European ShowMan Saved Thousands of American Babies_ (284 pages; 618.9201; Main)
Venki Ramakrushnan 2018 _Gene Machine: The Race to DeCipher the Secrets of the Ribosome_ ()
Ramachandran Ramani 2018 _Functional MRI: Basic Principles & Emerging Clinical Applications for Anesthesiology & the Neurological Sciences_ (250 pages; 7.9MB)
Ainissa Ramirez 2020, 2021 _The Alchemy of Us: How Humans & Matter Transformed One Another_ (328 pages; ISBN 9780262542265; OCLC 1155701808; MIT)
Pierre Ramond 1990, 2001 _Field Theory: A Modern Primer_ (340 pages)
(40) David K. Randall 2019 _Black Death at the Golden Gate: The Race to Save the USA from the Bubonic Plague_ (273 pages; ISBN 9780393609455; Norton; 616.9232 Ran; E)
(17) Lisa Randall 2015 _Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding InterConnectedness of the Universe_ (412 pages; 4.6MB; 523.1126 Ran; Main)
(20) Lisa Randall 2009 _Warped Passages: UnRaveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions_ (499 pages; 3.8MB; 530.01 Ran)
(30) Lisa Randall 2011 _Knocking on Heaven's Door: How Physics and Scientific Thinking Illuminate the Universe and the Modern World_ (442 pages; 4.4MB; 500 Ran; Main)
Lisa Randall 2012 _Higgs Discovery: The Power of "Empty" Space_ (110 pages; 738KB)
David C. Raskin, Charles R. Honts & John C. Kircher 2013 _Credibility Assessment: Scientific Research and Applications_ (410 pages; 1.5MB)
Sonja A. Rasmussen & Richard A. Goodman 2018 _The CDCP Field Epidemiology Manual_ (515 pages; 10MB)
Daniel Ratner & Mark A. Ratner 2004 _NanoTechnology and Homeland Security: New Weapons for New Wars_ ()
Del Ratzsch 2010 _The Battle of Beginnings: Why Neither Side Is Winning the Creation-Evolution Debate_ (235 pages; 2.7MB)
Michael G. Raymer 2017 _Quantum Physics: What Everyone Needs to Know_ (320 pages; 5.1MB)
(49) Azra Raza 2019 _The First Cell and the Human Costs of Pursuing Cancer to the Last_ (347 pages; 12.5MB; Basic; 616.994 Raz; Main)
(27) Jeffrey Rediger 2020 _Cured: The Life-Changing Science of Spontaneous Healing_ (386 pages; 2MB; ISBN 9781250193193; FlatIron; 616.08 Red; Main)
(38) Bruce Cameron Reed 2021 _The Physics of the Manhattan Project_ (256 pages; ISBN 9783030613723; Springer; on order 2020-06-13; 999 Ree; NE)
Martin Rees 2018 _On the Future: Prospects for Humanity_ (tools/technology used in science)
Daniel Reff 1991 _Disease, DePopulation, and Cultural Change in NorthWestern New Spain_ ()
(9) David Reich 2018 _Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA an the New Science of the Human Past_ (335 pages; 30.7MB; 572.86 Rei; Main+NE)
(47) ►Benjamin Reilly 2015 _Slavery, Agriculture, and Malaria in the Arabian Peninsula_ (disease; 210 pages; 8.2MB; ILL request)◀
Stanley Joel Reiser 1981 _Medicine and the Reign of Technology_ ()
Oscar Reiss, M.D. 1998, 2005 _Medicine and the American Revolution: How Diseases and Their Treatments Affected the Colonial Army_ (270 pages; ISBN 0786421606/ 9780786421602; McFarland)
(49) ►Jürgen Renn 2020 _The Evolution of Knowledge: ReThinking Science for the Anthropocene_ (561-584 pages; ISBN 9780691171982; OCLC 1097467976; PrincetonU)◀
Michael Renslow 2013 _Manual of AirBorne Topographic Lidar_ (910 pages; 18.5MB)
William Rhind 2008 _The Geology of Scotland and Its Islands_ (180 pages)
(40) ►John Rhodes 2013-11-01 _The End of Plagues: The Global Defeat of Infectious Diseases_ (disease; 259 pages; ISBN 9781137278524; OCLC 861240603; Palgrave MacMillan; ILL request)◀
(13) Richard Rhodes 1997 _Deadly Feasts: Tracking the Secrets of a Terrifying New Plague_ (disease; prion; 259 pages; 616.8 Rho; FtBraden)
(15) Richard Rhodes 2002 _Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb_ (623.4 Rho; NE)
Domenico Ribatti 2017 _Inflammation and Angiogenesis_ (110 pages; 4.1MB)
Carlo Riccardi, Francesca Levi-Schaeffer & Ekaterini Tligada 2018 _ImmunoPharmacology and Inflammation_ (365 pages)
(19) Matt Richtel 2019 _An Elegant Defense: The ExtraOrdinary New Science of the Immune System_ (disease; 315 pages; 9.9MB; 616.079 Ric; Main+NE)
Robin E. Rider, Tore Frangsmyr/Fraengsmyr & J.L. Heilbron 1990 _The Quantifying Spirit in the 18th Century_ (400 pages)
(9) Mark Ridley 2001 _The CoOperative Gene: How Mendel's Demon Explains the Evolution of Complex Beings_ (324 pages; ISBN 0743201612; Free Press; 572.838 Rid; Main)
(14) Matt Ridley 2010, 2011-06-07 _The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves_ (438 pages; 2.2MB; ISBN 9780061452052; Harper; 339.2 Rid; Main+NE)
(22) Matt Ridley 2015 _The "Evolution" of EveryThing: How New Ideas Emerge_ (360 pages; 2.2MB; 303.483 Rid; Main+NE)
(25) ►Matt Ridley 2020 _How "Innovation" Works: And Why It Flourishes in Freedom_ (400 pages; 1.4MB; ISBN 0062916599/ 9780062916594; OCLC 1154312948; Harper Collins; ILL request)◀
Matt Ridley 2003 _The Agile Gene_ ()
James C. Riley 1989 _Sickness, Recovery and Death: An History and Foreast of Ill Health_ ()
Charles L. Rino 2011 _The Theory of Scintillation with Applications in Remote Sensing_ (220 pages; 12.9MB)
(42) ►Carol Ann Rinzler 1996-05-01 _Why Eve Doesn't Have an Adam's Apple: A Dictionary of Sex Differences_ (200 pages; ISBN 9780816033522; OCLC 636418487; Facts On File; ILL request)◀
Jessica Riskin 2016 _The Restless Clock: An History of the Centuries-Long Argument over What Makes Living Things Tick_ (535 pages; 11MB)
(50) ►Stuart Ritchie 2020-07-21 _Science Fictions: How Fraud, Negligence, & Hype UnderMine the Search for Truth_ (368 pages; ISBN 9781250222695; OCLC ; Metropolitan; ILL request)◀
Gary Roberson 2015 _The Geology of Indiana Caverns & the Binkley Cave System_ ()
Charlotte Roberts & Keith Manchester 2010 _The Archaeology of Disease_ (345 pages; 14.6MB)
David C. Roberts & Roger Tory Peterson 1996, 2001 _Peterson Field Guide to Geology of Eastern North America_/_Geology: Eastern North America_ (395 pages)
Andrew Robinson 2005 _The Last Man Who Knew EveryThing: Thomas Young, the Anonymous PolyMath Who Proved Newton Wrong, Explained How We See, Cured the Sick, and DeCiphered the Rosetta Stone, Among Other Feats of Genius_ (300 pages)
Gene Dedrick Robinson ii & Gene Dedrick Robinson iii 2012 _Global Warming: Alarmists, Skeptics, and Deniers: A GeoScientist Looks at the Science of Climate Change_ (200 pages)
(40) ►Tara Rodden Robinson 2010 _Genetics for Dummies_ (375 pages; 3.3MB; ILL request)◀
Fiammetta Rocco 2003, 2012 _The Miraculous Fever-Tree: Malaria, Medicine, and the Cure That Changed the World_ (340 pages)
Fiammetta Rocco 2004 _Quinine: Malaria & the Quest for a Cure That Changed the World_ (340 pages)
Bonnie Rochman 2017 _The Gene Machine: How Genetic Technologies Are Changing the Way We Have Kids and the Kids We Have_ ()
David Rock 2009 _Your Brain at Work_ ()
Ernest Rodenwaldt et al. 1952-1956 _World Atlas of Epidemic Diseases_ ()
(49) ►Diana Rodgers & Robb Wolf 2020 _Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat: Why Well-Raised Meat Is Good for You and Good for the Planet_ (310 pages; 11.5MB; ILL request)◀
(42) Adam Rogers 2014 _Proof: The Science of Booze_ (264 pages; 2.1MB; 663.1; Main+NE)
Lynn Rogers 1992 _Dirt and Disease: Polio before FDR_ ()
(46) Naomi Rogers 2014 _The Polio Wars: Sister Elizabeth Kenny & the Golden Age of USA Medicine_ (456 pages; ISBN 9780195380590; OxfordU; 614.549 Rog; Main)
Pejman Rohani & Samuel Scarpino 2018 _Pertussis: Epidemiology, Immunology, and Evolution_ (280 pages; 9.2MB)
Ivan Roitt, David Male & Johathan Brostoff 1996 _Immunology_ (400 pages)
Michael F. Roizen 2004 _The Real-Age MakeOver: Take Years Off Your Looks and Add Them to Your Life_ (506 pages; 13.9MB; 613.0434; Jax+NE)
Michael F. Roizen & Gary Hallgren 2008 _You: The Owner's Manual: An InSider's Guide to the Body That Will Make Healthier and Younger_ (525 pages; 13.9MB; 613; Main+BLPerry+FtBraden+E+Jax+NE+OutReach)
(55) Michael F. Roizen & Elizabeth Anne Stephenson 1999 _RealAge: Are You as Young as You Can Be_ (448 pages; 613.0434; large; Main)
(37) Al Roker 2018 _The Storm of the Century: Tragedy, Heroism, Survival, and the Epic True Story of USA's Deadliest Natural Disaster: The Great Gulf Hurricane of 1900_ (Galveston; 312 pages; 18.3MB; 976.4139 ROK; Main+Jax)
David Rollinson & Russell Stothard 2020 _Advances in Parasitology_ (230 pages; 14.4MB)
G.J. Romanes 2014 _Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, and Sea Urchins: A Research on Primitive Nervous Systems_ (225 pages; 3MB)
Anne Rooney 2009 _The Story of Medicine: From Early Healing to the Miracles of Modern Medicine_ (200 pages; 7MB)
Lisa M. Rose 2016 _MidWest Foraging: 115 Wild and Flavorful Edibles from Burdock to Wild Peach_ (300 pages; 260.1MB)
Lisa M. Rose 2017 _MidWest Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 109 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness_ (300 pages; 489MB)
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(29) ►William Rosen 2014 _The Third Horseman: Climate Change and the Great Famine of the 14th Century_ (disease; 300 pages; 7.6MB; ILL request)◀
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Bruce Rosenblum & Fred Kuttner 2011 _Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness_ (290 pages; 2.2MB)
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Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2011 _Becoming a Critical Thinker_ (200 pages; 21.8MB)
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Joshua Schimel 2011 _Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded_ ()
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Pete Shanks 2005 _Human Genetic Engineering: A Guide for Activists, Skeptics, and the Very Perplexed_ ()
Steven Shapin 2008 _The Scientific Revolution_ (225 pages; 4.1MB)
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(19) Nina L. Shapiro 2018 _Hype: A Doctor's Guide to Medical Myths, Exaggerated Claims, and Bad Advice: How to Tell What's Real and What's Not_ (284 pages; 610 Sha; Main+Jax)
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Abner Shimony 1993 _The Search for a Naturalistic World View: vol1 Scientific Method and Epistemology_ (335 pages; 23MB)
Abner Shimony 1993 _The Search for a Naturalistic World View: vol2 Natural Science and MetaPhysics_ (335 pages)
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Leonard Shlain 2004 _Sex, Time, & Power: How Women's Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution_ (435 pages; 5MB)
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Kristin Shrader-Frechette 2000 _Ethics of Scientific Research_ (245 pages; 1MB)
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(35) Laura Spinney 2019 _Pale Rider: The Spanish Flu of 1918 and How It Changed the World_ (332 pages; 614.518 Spi; Main)
Garrison Sposito 2016 _The Chemistry of Soils_ (260 pages; 13.1MB)
John Stachel & Albert Einstein 1998 _Einstein's Miraculous Year: 5 Papers That Changed the Face of Physics_ (198 pages)
Paul Stamets 2011 _Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World_ (345 pages; 78.8MB)
Anthony Standen 1950 _Science Is a Sacred Cow_ ()
Dennis J. Stanford, Bruce A. Bradley & Michael Collins 2012 _Across Atlantic Ice: The Origin of America's Clovis Culture_ (336 pages)
H. Eugene Stanley 1988 _Introduction to Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena_ (330 pages)
Russell Stannard 2010 _The End of Discovery: Are We Approaching the Boundaries of the Knowable?_ (230 pages; 697KB)
Natalie Starkey 2018 _Catching StarDust: Comets, Asteroids, and the Birth of the Solar System_ (256 pages)
Douglas P. Starr 1998 _Blood: An Epic History of Medicine and Commerce_ (441 pages; 362.1785; was catalogued; now it is not??!)
(60) Douglas P. Starr 2010 _The Killer of Little Shepherds: A True Crime Story and the Birth of Forensic Science_ (300 pages; 364.152; Main)
Dietrich Stauffer & Ammon Aharony 1994 _Introduction to Percolation Theory_ (190 pages)
(35) Suzanne Staubach 2005, 2013 _Clay: The History & Evolution of Humankind's Relationship with Earth's Most Primal "Element"_ (272-288 pages; ISBN 9781611685039; OCLC 840463257; Berkley; 620.191 Sta; Main)
Jennifer Stearns, Michael Surette & Julienne C. Kaiser 2014 _MicroBiology for Dummies_ (330 pages; 9.8MB)
Jim Steele 2013 _Landscapes and Cycles: An Environmentalist's Journey to Climate Skepticism_ (335 pages)
(34) Andrew Steele 2020 _Ageless: The New Science of Getting Older without Getting Old_ (334 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Doubleday; 612.67 Ste; BlPerry+NE)
Jacob Stegenga 2018 _Care and Cure: An Introduction to Philosophy of Medicine_ (280 pages; 532KB)
Jacob Stegenga 2018 _Medical Nihilism_ (245 pages; 1.2MB; small effects, misleading evidence, thin theoretical basis for treatments, malleability of empirical methods)
Paul E. Steiner 1968 _Disease in the Civl War: Natural Biological Warfare in 1861-1865_ ()
Jeffrey I. Steinfeld 2012 _Molecules and Radiation: An Introduction to Modern Molecular Spectroscopy_ (500 pages; 9.1MB)
Paul J. Steinhardt & Neil Thurok 2008 _Endless Universe: Beyond the Big Bang_ ()
(47) Paul J. Steinhardt 2019 _The Second Kind of Impossible: The ExtraOrdinary Quest for a New Form of Matter_ (387 pages; 548 Ste; Jax)
Nancy Leys Stepan 2011, 2012 _Eradication: Ridding the World of Diseases Forever?_ (315 pages; 1.6MB)
(37) ►Paula E. Stephan 2012, 2015 _How Economics Shapes Science_ (360-375 pages; ISBN 0674088166/ 9780674088160; OCLC 906121555; Harvard; ILL request)◀
(38) ►Mary Jane Sterling 2009-07-07, 2013-07-11 _Linear Algebra for Dummies_ (251-362-375 pages; 588KB; ISBN 9780470430903; OCLC 769848556; Wiley; ILL request)◀
(25) Jane Stern 2003, 2007 _Ambulance Girl: How I Saved Myself By Becoming an EMT_ (228 pages; 593KB; biography Stern; NE+E)
Shlomo Sternberg 2019 _A Mathematical Companion to Quantum Mechanics_ (325 pages; 20.3MB)
H. Steuer & U. Zimmermann 1993 _Montanarchaeologie in Europa_ ()
(17) ►Allan Stevo 2020-11-14 _Face Masks in One Lesson_ (390 pages; 1.3MB; ISBN 9781953847003; OCLC ; Crafting52; ILL request)◀
Christopher S. Stevenson, Lisa A. Marshall & Douglas W. Morgan 2006 _In Vivo Models of Inflammation_ (200 pages)
(11) Amy Stewart 2011 _Wicked Bugs: The Louse That Conquered Napoleon's Army & Other Diabolical Insects_ (c.1816; disease; 271 pages; 632.7 Ste; Main+BLPerry+Woodille)
C. Neal Stewart 2011 _Research Ethics for Scientists_ (215 pages; 964KB)
Ian Stewart 2016 _Calculating the Cosmos: How Mathematics UnVeils the Universe_ (345 pages; 10.3MB)
(37) Ian Stewart 2013 _Visions of InFinity: The Great Mathematical Problems_ (340 pages; 510; East)
James Stewart, Lothar Redlin & Saleem Watson 2015 _Algebra & Trigonometry_ (1,000 pages; 118.7MB)
(35) Stephen M. Stigler 2016 _The 7 Pillars of Statistical Wisdom_ (230 pages; ISBN 9780674088917; OCLC ; HarvardU; 519.5 Sti; Main)
Christoph Stippich, A.L. Bart, M. Knauth & K. Sartor 2007, 2015 _Clinical Functional MRI: PreSurgical Functional NeuroImaging_ (340 pages; 33.8MB)
Jeannette Stirling 2010 _Representing Epilepsy: Myth and Matter_ (285 pages)
Gregory Stock 2002, 2003 _ReDesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Genetic Future_ (290 pages)
Robert Stock 2012, 2013 _Africa South of the Sahara: A Geographical Interpretation_ (590 pages; 87.2MB)
(25) Henry Stommel & Elizabeth Stommel 1983 _Volcano Weather: The Story of 1816, the Year without a Summer_ (177 pages; J 551.6; junior; Main)
(35) ►A. Douglas Stone 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 _Einstein and the Quantum: The Quest of the Valiant Swabian_ (344 pages; ISBN 9780691168562; OCLC 1023249774; PrincetonU; ILL request)◀
David Stone 2016 _Hands of an Angel, Mind of a Demon, Heart of a Saint: True Stories from a 10 Year Paramedic_ (200 pages; 5.5MB)
Judith Stone & Robert Stone 2011 _Atlas of Skeletal Muscles_ ()
Mark Stoneking 2016 _An Introduction to Molecular Anthropology_ (340 pages; 22.7MB)
Tom Strachan & Andrew Read 1996, 2010 _Human Molecular Genetics_ (807 pages)
(20) Steffanie A. Strathdee, Thomas L. Patterson & Teresa Barker 2019 _The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save Her Husband from a Deadly SuperBug_ (epidemiology; UCSD Med Center; 337 pages; 616.9041 Str; Main+NE)
(40) Barbara Strauch 2010 _The Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain_ (229 pages; 616.89; Main+Jax)
Anselm L. Strauss et al. 1984 _Chronic Illness and the Quality of Life_ ()
Daniel G. Strawn, Hinrich L. Bohn & George A. O'Connor 2015 _Soil Chemistry_ (360 pages; 20.2MB)
Chris Stringer 2007 _Homo Britannicus: The InCredible Story of Human Life in Britain_ (245 pages)
Leigh Stringer 2016 _The Healthy WorkPlace: How to Improve the Well-Being of Your Employees and Boost Your Company's Bottom Line_ (245 pages; 4.2MB)
(40) Steven Henry Strogatz 2003 _Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe_ (515 Str; Main)
(50) Steven Henry Strogatz 2003 _Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order_ (003.7; Main)
(60) Steven Henry Strogatz 2012 _The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Math, from 1 to InFinity_ (316 pages; 510; Main+NE)
Patrick W. Stroman 2016 _Essentials of Functional MRI_ (CRC; 300 pages; 50.7MB)
L. Stryer 1988 _BioChemistry_ ()
Mark A. Suckow, Steven H. Weisbroth & Craig L. Franklin 2005, 2007 _The Laboratory Rat_ (900 pages; 32.4MB)
Lisa M. Sullivan 2020 _BioStatistics for Population Health: A Primer_ (98 pages; 6.7MB)
(40) Michael E. Summers & James Trefil 2017 _Exoplanets: Diamond Worlds, Super Earths, Pulsar Planets, & the New Search for Life Beyond Our Solar System_ (218 pages; ISBN 9781588345943; Smithsonian; 523.24 Sum; Main)
William C. Summers 2012 _The Great Manchurian Plague of 1910-1911: The GeoPolitics of an Epidemic Disease_ (210 pages; 3.1MB)
Fiona Sunquist, Mel Sunquist & Terry Whittaker 2014 _The Wild Cat Book: EveryThing You Ever Wanted to Know about Cats_ (265 pages; 24.7MB)
(45) ►Leonard Susskind & Art Friedman 2014, 2015-05-12 _Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum_ (380 pages; 18.4MB; ISBN 9780465062904; Basic; ILL request)◀
(50) Leonard Susskind 2008 _The Black Hole War: My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics_ (470 pages; 530.12 Sus; Main)
Brian Sussman 2010, 2016 _Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam_ (230 pages; 1.9MB)
Brian Sussman 2012, 2016 _Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's "Green" Agenda Will Dismantle the USA_ (360 pages; 7.5MB)
(39) Paul M. Sutter 2018 _Your Place in the Universe: Uderstanding Our Big Messy Existence_ (272 pages; 523.1 Sut; E)
(17) Shanna H. Swan & Stacey Colino 2021 _Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male & Female Reproductive Development, & Imperiling the Future of the Human Race_ (292 pages; ISBN ; 9781982113667; on order 2021-03-10; Main)
Kara W. Swanson 2014 _Banking on the Body_ (335 pages; 2.7MB)
(8) Bryan Sykes 2005 _Adam's Curse_ (318 pages; 599.936 Syk; Main)
(17) Bryan Sykes 2018, 2019 _Once a Wolf: The Science behind Our Dogs' Astonishing Genetic Evolution_ (280 pages; 16.4MB; 638.7 Syk; Main)
(22) ►Bryan Sykes 2011, 2013-05-06 _DNA USA: A Genetic Portrait of America_ (369-385 pages; ISBN 9780871403582/ 9780871044121; OCLC 812254226/ 755705002; Liveright; ILL request)◀
Rebecca Wragg Sykes 2014 _Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death, and Art_ (390 pages; due otu 2020-08-20)
R.F. Symes 2014 _Rocks & Minerals_ (DK/Dorling Kindersley/EyeWitness; 72 pages)
- - - - - T
Raymond Tallis, Roger Kimball, Frank Furedi & Robert Whelan 2011 _From 2 Cultures to No Culture: C.P. Snow's 2 Cultures Lecture 50 Years On_ (95 pages; 215KB)
(47) ►John Tallmadge 2004-10-11 _The Cincinnati Arch: Learning from Nature in the City_ (220-240 pages; ISBN 9780820326764; OCLC 834866303; UGeorgia; ILL request)◀
Laurence Tancredi 2005 _HardWired Behavior: What NeuroScience Reveals About Morality_ ()
Charles Tanford 1992 _The Scientific Traveler: A Guide to the People, Places, and Institutions of Europe_ ()
Charles Tanford & Jacqueline Reynolds 2004 _Nature's Robots: An History of Proteins_ ()
Philippe Taquet & Kevin Padian 1999 _Dinosaur Impressions: PostCards from a Paleontologist_ (250 pages)
Rene Taton & A.J. Pomerans 1964 _The Beginnings of Modern Science from 1450 to 1800_ (670 pages)
(5) Ian Tattersall & Rob de Salle 2019 _Accidental Homo Sapiens: Genetics, Behavior, and Free Will_ (222 pages; ISBN 9781643130262; OCLC ; Pegasus; 155.7 Tat; Main+East)
(12) Ian Tattersall, Rob de Salle, & Patricia J. Wynne 2012 _The Brain: Big Bangs, Behaviors, and Beliefs_ (350 pages; ISBN 9780300175226; OCLC ; YaleU; 612.82 deS; Main)
(13) Ian Tattersall 1995 _The Last Neanderthal_ (208 pages; ISBN 0813336759; OCLC ; WestView; 569.9 Tat; Main+NE)
(15) Ian Tattersall 1998 _Becoming Human: Evolution & Human Uniqueness_ (258 pages; ISBN 0151003408; OCLC ; Harcourt Brace; 599.938 Tat; Main)
(17) Ian Tattersall 2012 _Masters of the Planet: The Search for Our Human Origins_ (266 pages; ISBN 9780230108752; OCLC ; Palgrave MacMillan; 599.938 Tat; Main)
(30) Ian Tattersall 2015 _The Strange Case of the Rickety Cossack: And Other Cautionary Tales from Human Evolution_ (244 pages; ISBN 9781137278890; OCLC ; Palgrave MacMillan; 599.938; Main)
(37) Ian Tattersall 2022-07-28, 2022-11-10 _Understanding Human Evolution (Understanding Life)_ (208 pages; ISBN 9781009098755/ 9781009101998; OCLC ; CambridgeU; 599.938; Main)
Gary Taubes 8888 _Good Calories, Bad Calories_ ()
(17) Paul Tawrell 2007 _Wilderness Camping & Hiking: The Ultimate OutDoors Book_ (223 pages; 796.5; East)
(39) Jeremy Taylor 2015 _Body by Darwin: How Evolution Shapes Our Health and Transforms Medicine_ (252 pages; 576.8; Main+East)
John R. Taylor 1982 _An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of UnCertainties in Physical Measurements_ ()
Max Tegmark 8888 _Our Mathematical Universe_ ()
Jason Thalken 2015 _Fight Like a Physicist: The Incredible Science Behind Martial Arts_ (128 pages; 13.8MB)
B. Thaller 1992 _The Dirac Equation_ ()
Gary A. Thibodeau & Kevin T. Patton 2011 _Structure & Function of the Body_ (576 pages)
Herve This & Malcolm de Bevoise 2012 _Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor_ (380 pages; 1.1MB)
Andrew Thomas 2018 _Hidden in Plain Sight 1: The Simple Link between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics_ (165 pages; 3MB)
(48) David Hurst Thomas 2000 _Skull Wars: Kennewick Man, Archaeology, and the Battle for Native American "Identity"_ (326 pages; 970.00497)
Madhavi Thomas 2014 _Inflammation in Parkinson's Disease: Scientific and Clinical Aspects_ (230 pages; 2MB)
(20) physcist Kip Thorne, Ph.D. 2014 _The Science of InterStellar_ (791.4372; Main)
(35) physcist Kip Thorne, Ph.D. 1994 _Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy_ (530.11; Jax)
Randy Thornhill & Corey L. Fincher 2014 _The Parasite-Stress Theory of Values and "Sociality": Infectious Disease, History, and Human Values WorldWide_ (430 pages; 1.7MB)
Pieter Thyssen & Arnout Ceulemans 2017 _Shattered Symmetry: Group Theory from the 8-Fold Way to the Periodic Table_ (500 pages; 107.1MB)
Michel Tibayrenc 2017 _Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases_ (650 pages; 75.4MB)
(33) Philip M. Tierno 2001 _The Secret Life of Germs: Observations & Lessons from a Microbe Hunter_ (290 pages; 616.01 Tie; Main)
(69) Adrian Tinniswood 2019 _The Royal Society and the Invention of Modern Science_ (219 pages; 506.041; Main)
(39) ►Paul A. Tipler & Ralph Llewellyn 2012-01-01 _Modern Physics_ (physics; intermediate; 700 pages; ISBN 9781429250788; OCLC ; Freeman; ILL request)◀
Bob Tisdale 2013 _Climate Models Fail_ (470 pages; 46.4MB)
Bob Tisdale 2018 _Dad, Why Are You a Global Warming Denier?_ (95 pages; 4.4MB)
Bob Tisdale 2018 _Dad, Is Climate Getting Worse in the USA?_ (140 pages; 16.1MB)
(44) ►Bob Tisdale 2019-05-19 _Extremes and Averages in Contiguous USA Climate: Graphs of 100 Years of NOAA Contiguous USA Climate "Data"_ (406 pages; ISBN 9781090493910; OCLC; ; GoodReads; ILL request)◀
(1) ►Robert Tisserand, Rodney Young & Tony Balacs 1995, 2013 _Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals_ (775 pages; 21.2MB; ILL request)◀
Trygve Tollefsbol 2016 _Medical Epigenetics_ (890 pages; 41.5MB)
(55) Eric Topol 2019 _Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligece Can Make HealthCare Human Again_ (addressing the reductions in patient-doctor communication; 330 pages; 23.9MB; 362.10285 Top; Jax)
(25) Edwin Fuller Torrey 2005 _Beasts of the Earth: Animals, Humans, and Disease_ (disease; 191 pages; 616.959 Tor; Main)
Leo Torrey 1985 _Stretching the Limits_ ()
Charles H. Townes 1999 _How the Laser Happened: Adventures of a Scientist_ ()
John Townsend 2006 _Pox, Pus, & Plague: An History of Disease & Infection_ (56 pages)
(39) ►John S. Torday 2022-09-27 _Quantum Mechanics, Cell-Cell Signaling, and Evolution_ (178 pages; ISBN 9780323912976; OCLC ; Academic; ILL request)◀
Nigel H. Trewin 2002 _The Geology of Scotland_ (540 pages)
(37) Evelyn Tribole 2007 _The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet: Maximize the Power of Omega-3s to SuperCharge Your Health, Battle Inflammation, & Keep Your Mind Sharp_ (340 pages; ISBN 978007146869; OCLC ; McGraw-Hill; 612-397 Tri; BLPerry)
Trivium 2019 _CBIC Exam Book 2019-2020: Certification Baord of Infection Control and Epidemiology Exam_ (275 pages)
Frederick R. Troeh & Louis M. Thompson 2005 _Soils and Soil Fertility_ (490 pages)
S.W. Tromp 1963 _Medical BioMeteorology: Weather, Climate and the Living Organism_ ()
(37) Jonathan B. Tucker 2001 _Scourge: The Once & Future Threat of Smallpox_ (disease; 291 pages; ISBN 871138301; 616.912 Tuc; Main)
(39) Wallace H. Tucker 2017 _Chandra's Cosmos: Dark Matter, Black Holes, & Other Wonders Revealed by NASA's Premier X-Ray Observatory_ (266 pages; ISBN 9781588345875/ 9781588346513; Smithsonian; 523.1 Tuc; Main)
Luca Turin 2007 _The Secret of Scent: Adventures in Perfume and the Science of Smell_ (220 pages)
Luca Turin & Tania Sanchez 2018 _Perfumes: The Guide_ (335 pages)
Jon Turney 2010 _The Rough Guide to the Future_ (370 pages; 3.2MB)
Peter D. Turnpenny & Sian Ellard 2016 _Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics_ (390 pages; 25.1MB)
B.K. Tyagi 2004 _The Invincible Deadly Mosquitoes (260 pages)
Ishwar Singh Tyagi 2012 _Principles of Quantum Mechanics_ (14.1MB)
John L. Tymoczko, Jeremy M. Berg & Lubert Stryer 2015 _BioChemistry: A Short Course_ (800 pages; 71MB)
(40) ►Brian Tyson, M.D. George C. Fareed, M.D. 2022-01-13 _OverComing the Covid-19 Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7K Patients_ (28 pages; ISBN 9798985558319; OCLC 999; ASIN B09RG738YK; self-published; ILL request)◀
Alexander Tzagoloff 1982, 2013 _Mitochondria_ (340 pages)
- - - - - U
Peter A. Ubel 2012 _Critical Decisions: How You and Your Doctor Can Make the Right Medical Choices Together_ (360 pages; 610.696; Main+Jax)
(40) ►Jaime Uribarri 2017 _Dietary AGEs and Their Role in Health and Disease_ (390 pages; 7.1MB; advanced glycosylation end-products; ILL request)◀
Jessica M. Utts 2014 _Seeing Through Statistics_ (645 pages; 13.4MB)
- - - - - V
(54) Vijay Vad 2014 _The New Rules of Running: 5 Steps to Run Faster & Longer for Life_ (260 pages; ISBN 9781583335383; Avery/Penguin; 617.1027 Vad; Main)
Fritz Vahrenholt & Sebastian Luning 2015 _The Neglected Sun: Why the Sun Precludes Climate Catastrophy_ (365 pages; 8.3MB)
Geoffrey K. Vallis 2006 _Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals and Large-Scale Circulation_ (740 pages; 40.9MB)
(35) ►David Vance 2020 _The Genealogist's Guide to Y-DNA Testing for Genetic Genealogy_ (295 pages; 36MB; ILL request)◀
(39) Arnold van de Laar 2018 _Under the Knife: An History of Surgery in 28 Remarkable Operations_ (357 pages; 617; Main)
Mick van Schothorst 2017 _Of Microbes and Man: Their Physical & Spiritual InterConnectedness_ (94 pages; 361KB)
Alex Vasquez 2016 _Inflammation Mastery: The Colorful and Definitive Guide Toward Health and Vitality and Away from the Boredom, Risks, Costs, and InEfficacy of Endless Analgesia, ImmunoSuppression, and PolyPharmacy_ (1,160 pages; 81.6MB)
Martinus J.G. Veltman 2003, 2018 _Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics_ (340 pages; 10.8MB)
J. Craig Venter 2008 _A Life DeCoded: My Genome, My Life_ (400 pages)
(55) J. Craig Venter 2013 _Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life_ (240 pages; 303.48; Main)
Kris Verburgh 2018 _The Longevity Code: Secrets to Living Well for Longer from the Front Lines of Science_ (265 pages; 10.6MB)
John Demetrius Vergados/Ioannis Demetrios Vergados 2017 _The Standard Model and Beyond_ (440 pages; 21MB)
Patrik Verstreken 2016 _Parkinson's Disease: Molecular Mechanisms UnderLying Pathology_ (310 pages; 9.7MB)
Giovanni Vignale 2011 _The Beautiful Invisible: Creativity, Imagination, and Theoretical Physics_ (310 pages; 2.4MB)
Margaret C.M. Vissers, Mark Hampton & Anthony J. Kettlw 2017 _Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism in Health and Disease_ (CRC; 450 pages; 18.5MB)
Donald Voet & Judith G. Voet 2010 _Biochemistry_ (1,420 pages; 129MB)
Morris J. Vogel & Charles E. Rosenberg 1979 _The Therapeutic Revolution: Essays in the "Social" History of American Medicine_ ()
Tyler Volk 2018 _Quarks to Culture: How We Came to Be_ ()
John von Neumann & Nicholas A. Wheeler & Robert T. Beyer 1932, 2018 _Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics_ (7.3MB)
- - - - - W
(11) Nicholas J. Wade 2007 _Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors_ (314-332 pages; 1.536MB; ISBN 9780143038320; OCLC 86175798; Penguin; 599.938; Main+NE)
(9) Meredith Wadman 2017 _Vaccine Race: Science, Politics, and the Human Costs of Defeating Disease in PostWar USA_ (disease; 436 pages; 23.5MB; 614.523; Main+E)
Guenter Wagner 2014 _Homology, Genes, and Evolutionary Innovation_ (480 pages; 13.2MB)
H. Wagner & K. Silber 2007 _Instant Notes Physiological Psychology_ (265 pages; 9.4MB)
Keith Wailoo & Stephen Pemberton 2006 _The Troubled Dream of Genetic Medicine_ ()
Deane Waldman, M.D. 2019-10-12 _Curing the Cancer in USA HealthCare: StatesCare & Market-Based Medicine_ (375 pages; 4.7MB)
M. Mitchell Waldrop 1992, 1993, 2019 _Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order & Chaos_ (375 pages; 4.7MB)
Gabrielle Walker 2007 _An Ocean of Air: Why the Wind Blows and Other Mysteries of the Atmosphere_ ()
Sally M. Walker & Douglas W. Owsley 2012 _Their Skeletons Speak: Kennewick Man and the PaleoAmerican World_ (96 pages; 970.01 junior; Main)
Sara Imari Walker, Paul C.W. Davies & George F.R. Ellis 2017 _From Matter to Life: Information and Causality_ (500 pages; 7.5MB)
(21) David Foster Wallace 2003 _EveryThing and More: A Compact History of InFinity_ (319 pages; 511.3; Main)
Ron Walls, Robert Hockberger & Marianne Gausche-Hill 2017 _Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice_ (2,650 pages; 131.9MB)
A. Damien Walmsley, Trevor F. Walsh & Philip Lumley, F.J. Trevor Burke, Adrian C. Shortall, Richard Hayes-Hall & Iain A. Pretty 2007 _Restorative Dentistry_ (230 pages)
James Joseph Walsh 2013 _Medieval Medicine_ (250 pages; 429KB)
James Joseph Walsh 2011 _Old-Time Makers of Medicine: The Story of the Students and Teachers of the Sciences Related to Medicine During the Middle Ages_ (450 pages; 911KB)
James Joseph Walsh 2011 _Makers of Modern Medicine_ (185 pages; 767KB)
Peter Langdon Ward 2015-11-03 _What Really Causes Global Warming?: GreenHouse Gases or Ozone Depletion [or Factors Completely Different]?_ (235-268 pages; ISBN 9781630478001/ 9781630477981; OCLC 922913061/ 943464563; Morgan James)
Haider Warraich 2019 _State of the Heart: Exploring the History, Science, and Future of Cardiac Disease_ (330 pages; 2.7MB)
David A. Warrell & Herbert M. Gilles 2017 _Essential Malariology_ (345 pages; 13.5MB)
(50) Cat Warren 2013 _What the Dog Knows: The Science and Wonder of Working Dogs_ (330 pages; 636.70886 War; NE)
(50) Cat Warren & Patricia J. Wynne 2019 _What the Dog Knows: Scent, Science, and the Amazing Ways Dogs Perceive the World_ (330 pages; on order 2019-11-05; 636.70886 War; Jax)
(50) Bill Wasik 2012 _Rabid: A Cultural History of the World's Most Diabolical Virus_ (614.563; Main+NE)
(39) James D. Watson 2001 _The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA_ (226 pages; Touchstone; 574.873 Wat; NE)
(45) James D. Watson 2001, 2002 _Genes, Girls, and Gamow: After the Double Helix_ (259 pages; Knopf/Borzoi; B Watson; Main)
J. Throck Watson & O. David Sparkman 2013 _Introduction to Mass Spectrometry: Instrumentation, Applications, and Strategies for Data Interpretation_ (860 pages; 13MB)
(35) ►Debbie Parker Wayne 2019 _Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies_ (700 pages; 34.8MB; ILL request)◀
Andrew Wear 1993 _Medicine in Society: Historical Essays_ ()
James Owen Weatherall 2016 _Void: The Strange Physics of Nothing_ (215 pages; 965KB)
James L.A. Webb ii 2008, 2009 _Humanity's Burden: A Global History of Malaria_ (240 pages)
Roger Webber 2016 _Communicable Diseases: A Global Perspective_ (750 pages; 58MB)
Charles Webster 2013 _From Paracelsus to Newton: Magic and the Making of Modern Science_ (125 pages; 8.6MB)
Benjamin S. Weeks 2011 _Microbes and "Society"_ (460 pages)
Sally S. Weeks, Harmon P. Weeks ii & George R. Parker 2011 _Native Trees of the MidWest: Identification, WildLife Value, and Landscaping_ (345 pages; 14.7MB)
Sally S. Weeks & Harmon P. Weeks ii 2012 _Shrubs and Woody Vines of Indiana and the MidWest: Identification, WildLife Value, and Landscaping Use_ (465 pages; 30.6MB)
Scott Weidensaul 2000 _Mountains of the Heart: A Natural History of the Appalachians_ (300 pages)
Richard Weikhart 2004, 2006 _From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany_ (300 pages)
Raymond R. Weil & Nyle C. Brady 2016 _The Nature and Properties of Soils_ (1,090 pages; 155MB)
(35) Steven Weinberg 2015 _To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science_ (416-430 pages; 2.1MB; ISBN 9780062346650; Harper; 509 Wei; Main)
(39) ►Steven Weinberg 1995-06-30, 2015 _The Quantum Theory of Fields: vol1 Foundations_ (physics; 609-635 pages; ISBN 9780521550017/ 9780521670531; OCLC 915566301; CambridgeU; ILL request)◀
(45) ►Steven Weinberg 1996-08-01, 2001, 2005, 2013 _The Quantum Theory of Fields: vol2 Modern Applications_ (physics; gauge theories; symmetries; 489-512 pages; ISBN 9780521670548/ 9780521550024; OCLC 634036129/ 706055802; CambridgeU; ILL request)◀
(47) ►Steven Weinberg 2021-8-31 _Foundations of Modern Physics_ (physics; 250 pages; ISBN 9781108841764; OCLC ; CambridgeU; ILL request)◀
(47) ►Steven Weinberg 2015-11-09 _Lectures on Quantum Mechanics_ (physics; 480 pages; ISBN 9781107111660; OCLC ; CambridgeU; ILL request)◀
Winkler G. Weinberg, MD 2004 _No Germs Allowed_ (830 pages; 2.9MB)
Stanley Weinberger 1994, 1998 _Parasites: An Epidemic in Disguise_ ()
Jonathan Weiner 1999 _Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior_ ()
Jonathan Weiner 2014 _The Beak of the Finch: A Story of Evolution in Our Time_ (345 pages; 5.5MB)
James A. Weisheipl 1971 _The Development of Physical Theory in the Middle Ages_ (98 pages)
James A. Weisheipl 1980 _Albertus Magnus and the Sciences_ (650 pages)
Elizabeth Weiss 2014 _PaleoPathology in Perspective: Bone Health and Disease through Time_ (255 pages; 13.4MB)
George Weisz 2014 _Chronic Disease in the 20th Century_ (315 pages; 1.2MB)
Jonathan Wells 2011 _The Myth of Junk DNA_ (145 pages; 1.5MB)
Jonathan Wells 2006 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design_ (280 pages; 2.1MB)
Jonathan Wells 2002 _Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?: Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution Is Wrong_ (345 pages; 12.3MB)
Jonathan Wells 2017 _Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution_ (230 pages; 4.3MB)
(39) Spencer Wells 2004, 2012 _The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey_ (235 pages; 3.5MB; 599.938; Main+NE)
(39) Dan Werb 2019 _City of Omens: A Search for the Missing Women of the BorderLands_ (292 pages; 614.40972; Main )
David Werner, Carol Thuman & Jane Maxwell 2013 _Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care HandBook_ (480 pages; 35.5MB)
Walter H Wernsdorfer & Ian McGregor 1989 _Malaria: Principles and Practice of Malariology_ (1,800 pages)
Mary Jane West-Eberhard 2003 _Developmental Plasticity and Evolution_ (800 pages; 15.9MB)
Anthony Westen 2010 _A RuleBook for Arguments_ (100 pages; 767KB)
Robert Whitaker 2010 _Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in the USA_ (404 pages; 7.2MB; 616.89 WHI; Main)
Kathleen Harnett White 2014 _Fossil Fuels: The Moral Case_ (65 pages)
Kathleen Harnett White & Stephen Moore 2016 _Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy_ (250 pages; 6.3MB)
Michael White 8888 _Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer_ ()
Tim D. White & Pieter A. Folkens 2005 _The Human Bone Manual_ (480 pages; 23MB)
David Whitehouse 2002 _The Moon: A Biography_ (310 pages)
David Whitehouse 2006 _The Sun: A Biography_ (335 pages)
David Whitehouse 2009 _Renaissance Genius: Galileo Galilei & His Legacy to Modern Science_ (245 pages)
David Whitehouse 2009 _One Small Step: Astronauts in Their Own Words_ (200 pages)
David Whitehouse 2015, 2016 _Journey to the Centre of the Earth: A Scientific Exploration into the Heart of Our Planet_ (275 pages; 5.1MB)
David Whitehouse, Merilyn Simonds, Tycho Brahe, Timothy Ferris, Diane Ackerman, Loren Eiseley & Grey Owl 2009 _Night: A Literary Companion_ (200 pages)
Charles R. Whitlock 2001 _Mediscams: How to Spot and Avoid Health Care Scams, Medical Frauds, and Quackery from the Local Physician to the Major Health Care Providers and Drug Manufacturers_ (300 pages; 364.163)
Thomas M. Whitmore 1992 _Disease and Death in Early Colonial Mexico: Simulating AmerIndian Population_ ()
Gavin Whittaker, Andy Mount & Matthew Heal 2012 _Instant Notes Physical Chemistry_ (285 pages; 11.5MB)
Ari Whitten 2018-07-12 _The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy: How to Use Red & Near-InfraRed Light Therapy for Anti-Aging, Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Performance Enhancement, & Brain Optimization_ (294 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; CreateSpace)
J.B. Whittow 1979 _Geology and Scenery in Scotland_ ()
Brandt C. Wible 2017 _Diagnostic Imaging: Interventional Proedures_ (1K pages)
(38) David Wick & William Faris 1995, 1996 _The Infamous Boundary: 7 Decades of Heresy in Quantum Physics_ (300 pages; 530.1209 Wic; Main)
Frank Wilczek 2009 _The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces_ (270 pages; 5.9MB; 531.1; NE)
Christian Wilde, Young Park, Peter Stokes & Rosamond Grupp 2003, 2012 _Hidden Causes of Heart Attack and Stroke: Inflammation, Cardiology's New Frontier_ (340 pages; 2.5MB)
Eli Wilhide 2014 _Understanding Telomeres: The Science of Aging Well_ (12 pages; 740KB)
Richard C. Wilkerson, Yvonne Marie Linton & Daniel Strickman 2020 _Mosquitoes of the World: vol1_ (480 pages)
Richard C. Wilkerson, Yvonne Marie Linton & Daniel Strickman 2020 _Mosquitoes of the World: vol2_ (480 pages)
Gareth Williams 2010-05-17, 2011-09-15 _Angel of Death: The Story of Smallpox_ (445 pages; ISBN 9781349324545; Palgrave MacMillan)
Greer Williams 1969 _The Plague Killers_ (335 pages)
Greer Williams 1959, 1960 _The Virus Hunters_ (495 pages)
Hugh Aldersey Williams 2011 _Periodic Tales: A Cultural History of the Elements, from Arsenic to Zinc_ (451 pages; 7.6MB)
(47) Jim Williams & Joe Glickman 2018 _Path of the Puma: The Remarkable Resilience of the Mountain Lion_ (311 pages; 599.7524 Wil; Main)
Paige Williams 2018 _The Dinosaur Artist: Obsession, Betrayal, and the Quest for Earth's Ultimate Trophy_ ()
Tony Williams 2010 _The Pox and the Covenant: Mather, Franklin, & the Epidemic that Changed USA's Destiny_ (295 pages)
(29) Michael Willrich 2011 _Pox: An American History_ (disease; 422 pages; 614.521; Main)
(32) ►Christopher Wills 1999 _Children of Prometheus: The Accelerating Pace of Human Evolution_ (315 pages; ILL request)◀
(27) ►Christopher Wills 1996-08-20 _Yellow Fever/ Black Goddess: The CoEvolution of People & Plagues_ (disease; bubonic, cholera, typhus, HTLV3/HIV/AIDS; 315 pages; ISBN 0201442353/ 9780201442359; Basic/Addison-Wesley; ILL request)◀
Christopher Wills 1991 _Exons, Introns, and Talking Genes_ ()
Edward O. Wilson 2002 _The Future of Life_ (250 pages; 1.1MB; 333.9522)
(70) Edward O. Wilson & Debby Cotter Kaspari 2019 _Genesis: The Deep Origin of "Societies"_ (153 pages; 9999MB; 591.5 Wil; Main)
John Wilson 2011 _Ghost Mountains and Vanished Oceans: North America from Birth to Middle Age_ (245 pages; 2.5MB)
(49) Noah Wilson-Rich, Kelly Allin, Norman Carreck & Andrea Quigley 2014 _The Bee: A Natural History_ (224 pages; 48.6MB; 595.799 Wil; Main)
Charles E.A. Winslow 1952 _Man and Epidemics_ ()
(45) Arthur Winter 2016 _Organic Chemistry 1 for Dummies_ (400 pages; 7.3MB; 000.000)
(59) Peter Wohlleben 2018 _Weather Detective: ReDiscovering Nature's Secret Signs_ (195 pages; 551.5; Main+NE)
Peter Woit 2007 _Not Even Wrong: The Failure of String Theory_ (300 pages; 1.3MB)
(55) ►Robb Wolf 2011 _The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet_ (365 pages; 4.7MB; ILL request)◀
(55) ►Robb Wolf 2017 _Wired to Eat: Turn Off Cravings, ReWire Your Appetite for Weight Loss, & Determine the Foods That Work for You_ (380 pages; 20.2MB; ILL request)◀
Audra J. Wolfe 2018 _Freedom's Laboratory: The Cold War Struggle for the Soul of Science_ ()
Klaus Wolff, Richard C. Johnson, Arturo Saavedra & Ellen K. Roh 2017 _FitzPatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology_ (965 pages; 51.2MB)
Richard Wolfson 2000 _Einstein's Relativity and the Quantum Revolution: part 1 Egypt_ (530.11 CD + DVD)
Robert L. Wolke 2010 _What Einstein Told His Cook: Kitchen Science Explained_ (355 pages; 859KB)
Bill Wolverton 8888 _How to Grow Fresh Air: 50 House Plants That Purify Your Home or Office_ ()
Chris Woodford 2015 _Atoms under the FloorBoards: The Surprising Science Hidden in Your Home_ (336 pages; 502)
Geraldine Woods 1998 _Science in Ancient Egypt_ (509.32)
Geraldine Woods 1999 _Science of the Early Americas_ (64 pages; 509.7)
Billy Woodward, Joel Shurkin & Debra Gordon 8888 _Scientists Greater than Einstein: The Biggest LifeSavers of the 20th Century_ ()
Adrian Woolfson 2000 _Life without Genes_ ()
(39) David Wootton 2015 _The Invention of Science: A New History of the Scientific Revolution_ (769 pages; 22MB; 509 Woo; Main)
(55) ►David Wootton 2006, 2007 _Bad Medicine: Doctors Doing Harm Since Hippocrates_ (304-314 pages; ISBN 9780192803559/ 9780199212798; OCLC 1066101602; OxfordU; ILL request)◀
(50) Valerie Ann Worwood 2016 _The Complete Book of Essential Oils and AromaTherapy: Over 800 Natural, Non-Toxic, and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health, Beauty, and Safe Home and Work Environments_ (670 pages; 615.3219 Wor; NE+E)
(35) Jennifer Ashley Wright 2017 _Get Well Soon: History's Worst Plagues and the Heroes Who Fought Them_ (320 pages; 614.4 Wri; Main+E)
Gregory Wrightstone 2017, 2018 _InConvenient Facts: The Science That Algore Doesn't Want You to Know_ (155 pages; 17.1MB)
(33) Andrea Wulf 2015 _The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World_ (473 pages; 59.5MB; biograph Alexander von Humboldt; Main+NE+E)
(48) Charles M. Wynn, Arthur W. Wiggins & Sidney Harris 2001 _Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction: Where Real Science Ends and PseudoScience Begins_ (220 pages; 501 Wyn; BLPerry; ???was catalogued, now it is not???)
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- - - - - Y
(22) Seema Yasmin 2021 _Viral BS: Medical Myths & Why We Fall for Them_ (263 pages; ISBN ; OCLC ; Johns HopkinsU; on order 2022-01-05; Main+BLPerry)
Donald N. Yates 2012 _Old World Roots of the Cherokee: How DNA, Ancient Alphabets and Religion Explain the Origins of America's Largest Indian Nation_ (207 pages)???
(30) Ashley Jean Yeager 2021 _Bright Galaxies, Dark Matter, and Beyond: The Life of Astronomer Vera Rubin_ (236 pages; ISBN 9780262046121; MIT; B Rubin; Main+Jax)
Shing-Tung Yau & Steve Nadis 2010 _The Shape of Inner Space: String Theory and the Geometry of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions_ (390 pages)
(30) Ed Yong 2016 _I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes within Us and a Grander View of Life_ (355 pages; 3.9MB; 579.17; Main+E)
James Harvey Young 1967 _The Medical Messiahs_ ()
Mark Joseph Young 2021-06-25 _The Essential Guide to Time Travel: Temporal Anomalies & Replacement Theory_ (218 pages; ISBN 9781989940297; DimensionFold)
Robert J. Young & Peter A. Lovell 2011 _Introduction to Polymers_ (676 pages)
(39) Lisa Yount 2003 _Epidemics_ (122 pages; 614.4 Epi; Main)
- - - - - Z
(49) ►David W. Zachmann & Paul du Chateau 2011-01-27 _Schaum's OutLines: Partial Differential Equations_ (241-245 pages; ISBN 9780071756181; OCLC 814055155; McGraw-Hill; ILL request)◀
Jan Zalasiewicz & Mark Williams 2012 _Goldilocks Planet: The 4G Year Story of Earth's Climate_ (310 pages; 1.7MB)
Muhammad H. Zaman 2020 _Biography of Resistance: The Epic Battle Between People & Pathogens_ (300 pages; 1.7MB)
Ernest Zebrowski ii 1999 _Perils of a Restless Planet: Scientific Perspectives on Natural Disasters_ (315 pages)
Anthony Zee 1986, 1999, 2007, 2016 _Fearful Symmetry: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics_ (365 pages)
Anthony Zee 2010 _Quantum Field Theory in a NutShell_ (576 pages; 10MB)
(39) Anthony Zee 2018 _On Gravity: A Brief Tour of a Weighty Subject_ (181 pages; 530.11 Zee; Main)
(44) ►Anton Zeilinger 2003, 2010-10-12 _Dance of the Photons: From Einstein to Quantum Teleportation_ (305-320 pages; ISBN 9780374239664/ 0374239665; OCLC 777073679; Farrar, Straus, & Giroux; GoodReads; at least 10 editions; ILL request)◀
Howard M. Zentner 1942 _Human Plague in the United States_ ()
(28) Philip Ziegler 1971, 1996, 2009, 2016 _The Black Death_ (disease; 250 pages; 1.7MB; 614.573/940.17 Zie; Main)
(50) ►Dennis G. Zill 2017-01-01, 2018 _A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications_ (389-420 pages; 47.2MB; ISBN 9781305965720; OCLC 971589958; Cengage; ILL request)◀
John Ziman 2000 _Real Science: What It Is and What It Means_ (395 pages; 4.3MB)
Carl Zimmer 2007 _Smithsonian Intimate Guide to Human Origins_ (176 pages)
Carl Zimmer 2000, 2001 _Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures_ (310 pages; 4.7MB)
(7) Carl Zimmer 2018 _She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity_ (657 pages; 576.5 Zim; Main+East)
(37) ►Carl Zimmer 2021-03-09 _Life's Edge: The Search for What It Means to Be Alive_ (368 pages; ISBN 9780593182710; OCLC ; Dutton; best science books of 2021; ILL request)◀
(39) Carl Zimmer 2001 _Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea_ (364 pages; 576.809 Zim; BLPerry)
(45) ►Carl Zimmer 2011-09-15 _A Planet of Viruses_ (109 pages; ISBN 9780226983356; OCLC ; UChicago; ILL request)◀
Marc Zimmer 2020 _The State of Science: What the Future Holds and the Scientists Making It Happen_ (215 pages; 856KB)
Barry E. Zimmerman & David J. Zimmerman 2003 _Killer Germs: Microbes & Diseases That Threaten Humanity_ ()
Hans Zinsser 1935, 1963, 1967, 1996, 2007 _Rats, Lice, & History_ (disease; 320 pages; 3.4MB; ISBN 1412806720/ 9781412806725; Routledge)
Douglas P. Zipes, Peter Libby, Robert O. Bonow, Douglas L. Mann & Gordon F. Tomaselli 2018 _Braunwald's Heart Disease_ (2K pages; 187.7MB; see de Lemos)
James W. Zubrick 2015, 2016 _The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual: A Student's Guide to Techniques_ (305 pages; 8.1MB)
(25) ►Harriett Zuckerman & William T. Golden 1977, 2018 _Scientific Elite: Nobel Laureates in the USA_ (325 pages; 7MB; ILL request)◀
Daniel Zwillinger 2011 _CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae_ (830 pages; 18.8MB)
- - - - - Journals and popular science publications I would subscribe to if I could afford them:
AAAS _Science_
ACS _BioChemistry_
_Journal of Chemical Education_
_Scientific American_
_Medical Daily_
_Medical News Today_
_Annual Review of BioChemistry_