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"Res ipsa loquitur." (The facts speak for themselves.) |
Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk/Eugen Boehm ritter von Bawerk
George Mason U: Donald J. Boudreaux
Mercatus Center: Donald J. Boudreaux
Foundation For Economic Education
Hillsdale College: Economics 101
Hoover Institution Stanford U: Thomas Sowell
George Mason U: Walter E. Williams
Carl Menger's _Principles of Economics_
FEE: Carl Menger and the Austrian School of Economics
FFF: Carl Menger and the Foundations of Austrian Economics
Amazon: Carl Menger _Principles of Economics_ with Friedrich August Hayek & Peter G. Klein
McMaster U: Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk's _Capital and Interest_
Amazon: Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk books
Ludwig von Mises _Economic Freedom & Interventionism_
Ludwig von Mises _Human Action_
Ludwig von Mises _Theory of Money and Credit_ (pdf)
Markets and Data (more graphs)
Amazon: books on Austrian School of Economics
Amazon: books by Donald J. Boudreaux
Amazon: books by Randall Holcombe
Amazon: books by Robert P. Murphy
George Selgin: The Theory of Free Banking: Money Supply Under Competitive Note Issue
Crash Course: economic schools of thought (video)
Steve Horwitz: What Austrian Economics IS (IMO) and what Austrian Economics is not (IMO) (video)
I'm not sure whether these are Austrian School, but they are interesting
Freedom Keys
_Learn Liberty_
Springer Verlag: Review of Austrian Economics
Freedom Keys topic/page index
Freedom Keys on Price Controls
2017-05-04: Brian Domitrovic: economic productivity during the "gilded age"
how mercantilism was a causal factor of the American revolution
USA economic history: transition to global economy (which was beginning in the 1500s): 1960s-1990s
1974-12-11: Frierich August Hayek: The Pretence of Knowledge
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