Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR)

plug: graphs prepared using Mariner Calc

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updated: 2025-01-16

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Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR)

LFPR & aggregate Employment to Population ratio (since 1948, by special request scaled to be comparable in raio of horizontal to vertical scale with another such graph posted elsewhere on the web while including Monthly Labor Review projection/prediction points & Emp/Pop ratio)
LNU01300000 (aggregate LFPR)
LNU02300000 (aggregate emp/pop ratio)
retrieved via


LFPR & Employment to Population ratios (since 1948)
LFPR & Employment to Population ratios (since 1998)
LFPR & Employment to Population ratios (since 2008)
LNU01300001 LFPR men
LNU02300001 % of CivNon-InstPop 16+ Men Employed
LNU01300000 aggregate LFPR
LNU02300000 aggregate % of CivNon-InstPop 16+ Employed


LFPR by age monthly (since 1948)

LFPR by Age (annual)

LNU01300086 (16-17)
LNU01300088 (18-19)
LNU01300089 (25-34)
LNU01300091 (35-44)
LNU01300092 (45+)
LNU01300093 (45-54)
LNU01300094 (55-59)
LNU01300095 (55-64)
LNU01300096 (60-64)
LNU01300097 (65+)


LFPR by age for 16-17 & 18-19-year olds (since 1948)



LFPR by age for 16- & 17-year olds (year-over-year since 1948)
LFPR by age for 18- & 19-year olds (year-over-year since 1948)

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