2012 April

1st month of the 2nd quarter of the 23rd year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2019-03-14

  "The most effective industrial research director I know says: 'The number of competent research people grows only with the square root of the total research group, the number of people capable of sustained superior performance with the cube root of the total.'   To increase the number of superior researh performers from 3 to 10, one therefore would have to increase the size of the total group from 30 to 1K.   Most experienced men would concur in the general proposition that the number of superior performers in any group -- whether this be skilled mechanics, doctors in a hospital, or professors at a university -- does not grow anywhere near as fast as the total group." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg61  

2012 Apr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30          

  "The odds against any new product's becoming even a moderate success are roughtly 5 to 1, and the odds against it becoming a smash hit are 100 to 1.   We know that out of every 100 new products or services 1, on average, becomes a real success and the foundation of a substantial and profitable business.   Another 19 or so become respectable bread-winners or productive specialties without ever becoming spectacular.   We also know that 1 of every 100 new products and services is as spectacular a failure as was the Edsel.   One, IOW, liquidates itself immediately.   19 others fade before they have done serious damage.   That leaves 60 of the new products and services that, in all probablity, will neither become successes to the point where they really earn their keep, nor turn into failures blatant enough to be abandoned.   60 out of every 100 new products and services have therefore to be pruned lest they become investments in managerial ego." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pp73-74  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2012 April

1st month of the 2nd quarter of the 13th year of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama economic depression

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone thousand billion billion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for us, but we also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.   (Note that I've intentionally chosen to capitalize all such abbreviations for prefixes representing positive exponents and use lower-case for prefixes representng negative exponents, i.e. when all significant digits are to the right of the decinal point.)
1,180, 591,620, 717,411, 303,424Zzetta-/zebi-2^70

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed, which appear after the slashes.


2012-04-01 06:00PDT (09:00EDT) (13:00GMT) (15:00 Jerusalem)
Jeffry Bartash _MarketWatch_
less job growth expected in 2012Q2

Jeanne Starmack _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
riches and risks in fracking

Beryl Lieff Benderly _AAAS Science_
More misinformation from the White House
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG: White House proves again they're clueless about STEM job markets
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Business is a process which converts a resource, distinct knowledge, into a contribution of economic value in the market-place.   The purpose of a business is to create a customer.   The purpose is to provide something for which an independent outsider, who can choose not to buy, is willing to exchange his purchasing power.   And knowledge alone (excepting only the case of the complete monopoly) gives the products of any business that leadership position on which success and survival ultimately depend." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg103  



Anthony Watts
weather modeling to predict malara out-breaks is significantly different from climate modeling

Clayton E. Cramer _PJ Media_
ultra-sound mandates and personal responsibility

2012-04-02 10:53PDT (13:53EDT) (17:53GMT) (19:53 Jerusalem)
Jason Perlow _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
a look back at Univac (gallery), including the ERA1101 with power supply designed by Seymour Cray at Electronic Research Associates

Jerry Seper _Washington Times_
ICE arrested 3,168 illegal aliens who had committed other crimes
World Net Daily/MSFTNBC
AZ Family
Stephen Hunt: Salt Lake UT Tribune
Dave Cook: Christian Science Monitor
John Agar: Michigan Live
Kevin Freking: Minneapolis MN Star Tribune/AP
Ishton W. Morton: Examiner
"This 6-day operation, the largest of its kind, involved the collaboration of more than 1,900 ICE officers and agents from all of ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations' (ERO) 24 field offices, assistance from ICE Homeland Security Investigations as well as coordination with our federal, state and local law enforcement partners throughout the United States.   Arrests occurred in all 50 states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 3 U.S. territories and DC.   ERO officers arrested 2,834 individuals that had prior criminal convictions including at least 1,063 aliens who had multiple criminal convictions.   Of those arrested, 1,477 had felony convictions including murder, manslaughter, attempted murder, kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, armed robbery, terroristic threats, drug trafficking, child abuse, battery on a child, sexual crimes against minors, and aggravated assault.   Of the total 2,834 criminal aliens arrested, 50 were gang members and 149 were convicted sex offenders.   In addition to being convicted criminals, 698 of those arrested were also immigration fugitives who had previously been ordered to leave the country but failed to depart.   Additionally, 559 were illegal re-entrants who had been previously removed from the country.   Because of their serious criminal histories and prior immigration arrest records, at least 204 of those arrested during the enforcement action were presented to U.S attorneys for prosecution on a variety of charges including illegal re-entry after deportation, a felony which carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison...   In all, the San Diego agents targeted 14 illegal immigrants and found 6.   They arrested 6 others who were not targets, increasing the day's arrest tally to 12.   Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman for ICE, said the non-targets either had deportation orders or were previously removed from the United States.   The sweep included 116 different nationalities and represented the third such sweep under the program called Operation Cross Check.   The last sweep resulted in the arrest of about 2,900 people."

Anthony Watts
Another Obummer (and MoonBeam Brown) sanctioned tax-victim-funded boodoggle has gone belly up
"The financial pipe-line was cut short before engineers could begin operating the Blythe Solar Power Project, a 1 giga-watt system with capacity to power 300K homes, according to the company...   $2.1G of conditional loan guarantees from the U.S. Department of Energy."

Zach Benoit _Billings MT Gazette_
school children are beneficiaries of Shale Exploration

"Washington Watcher" _V Dare_
will Marco Rubio's immigration bill be a DREAM or another NIGHTMARE?

_NY Sun_
Ex parte Obummer vs. the USA

Richard A. Clarke _NYTimes_
How Red China steals our secrets
"when an American company pays for research and a Chinese firm gets the results free; it destroys our competitive edge.   Shawn Henry, who retired last Friday as the executive assistant director of the F.B.I. (and its lead agent on cybercrime), told Congress last week of an American company that had all of its data from a 10-year, $1G research program copied by hackers in one night...   If given the proper authorization, the United States government could stop files in the process of being stolen from getting to the Chinese hackers.   If government agencies were authorized to create a major program to grab stolen data leaving the country, they could drastically reduce today's wholesale theft of American corporate secrets...   94% of companies served by the computer-security firm Mandiant were unaware that they had been victimized...   Sony, Citibank, Lockheed, Booz Allen, Google, EMC and the NASDAQ have admitted to being victims.   The government-owned National Laboratories and federally funded research centers have also been penetrated."

"Washington Watcher" _V Dare_
Marco Rubio's new NIGHTMARE act

Dice Report: 85,576 job ads

body shop36,545
full-time temp52,008
part-time temp1,681


2012-04-02 (5772 Nisan 10)
Mary Beth McCauley _Jewish World Review_
campaign 2012 and god in government

2012-04-02 (5772 Nisan 10)
Kristen Chick _Jewish World Review_
extremist Muslim Brotherhood may end up controlling all branches of new Egyptian government
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2012-04-02 (5772 Nisan 10)
Jason Walsh _Jewish World Review_
left is leading a revolt against excessive taxes in Ireland

2012-04-02 (5772 Nisan 10)
Rose Pastore _Jewish World Review_
whey may curb obesity
Proposed Bills 2012

S&P 500(SPX)1,419.04
10-year US T-Bond(UST10Y)2.20
crude oil(DLK2)$105.23/barrel
reformulatedgasoline(RBJ2) $3.38/gal
dollarindex (DXY)78.818
yenperdollar (USDYEN)82.21
dollarspereuro (EURUSD)$1.3334
dollarsperpound (GBPUSD)$1.6028
swissfrancsperdollar (USDCHF) 0.9037
indianrupeesperdollar (USDINR) 50.8755
mexicanpesosperdollar (USDMXN) 12.7295

I usually get this info from MarketWatch.
Proposed Bills 2011

  "People inside a business [and job-seekers, for that matter] can rarely be expected to recognize their own distinct knowledge; they take it for granted.   What one knows how to do, by and large, comes easy.   As a result the people in the business tend to assume, unthinkingly, that there is nothing to their knowledge or special ability, indeed that everybody else must have it too.   What looms large on their horizon are the things they find hard -- that is, the things they are not particularly good at." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg104  



Pat Frank
proxy science and proxy pseudo-science

Eric Shawn _Fox_
charges filed against Dem officials in Indiana for petition fraud in 2008

Jack Dunphy _PJ Media_
pols and media love focus on race

2012-04-03 08:06PDT (11:06EDT) (15:06GMT) (17:06 Jerusalem)
Saritha Rai _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
How India's off-shoring bodyshoppers are more industriously hiring cheap, pliant, young students with flexible ethics
"Bangalore-based IT [off-shoring/bodyshopping] firm MindTree might seem a little unusual.   At MindTree, whose customers include 48 Fortune 500 companies, several executives serve on the advisory boards of select engineering colleges across India.   At one particular college, the company co-teaches a full credit course in testing...   One estimate by [lobbyists for India IT executives] NASSCOM put direct campus hiring by the industry at 300K in 2011...   N.S. Parthasarathy, president and COO of MindTree...   India's largest IT [off-shoring/bodyshopping] company, the Mumbai-based Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), has created a special unit called Academic Interface Program.   TCS has a memorandum of understanding with 200 colleges and universities across India...   [90% of those to whom Tata makes employment offers accept.]...   Cognizant Technology Solutions engages on 3 separate levels at campuses -- with students, placement officers and academics...   Shankar Srinivasan, chief people officer at Cognizant..."
Gee, if there were a talent shortage, you'd expect firms that operate in the USA to both engage in such activities as those listed, plus actively target recruiting at the 1.8M unemployed and under-employed US citizen STEM talent...jgo

Kirtlan Griffin
Warmists in US government encouraging leftist regimes to build coal plants, while discouraging freer countries

Reid Smith _American Spectator_
Rand Paul's war on promiscuous power

Michelle Malkin _V Dare_
left's election forgery racket

Rob Jenkins _Chronicle of Higher Education_
How much do academicians really work?

Brett Berk _Business Week_
Flying car, Transition, $279K
"Terrafugia has already garnered 100 $10K deposits on its vehicle, which is projected to go on sale next year at a starting price of $279K.   Nearly 95% of those customers are pilots, which aligns with the company's business plan to service existing members of the general aviation market."
Don't you just hate that when you get serviced over by a company... or the guberment?...jgo

Mike Lee _Forbes_
Was Obummer's non-recess appointment of fellow radical leftist Richard Cordray constitutional?
"During a seconds-long inter-session recess in 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt made over 160 recess appointments.   In response, the Senate Judiciary Committee issued a report condemning the notion that the president can unilaterally make appointments during such a 'constructive recess'.   The Report explains that '[the Recess Appointments Clause] was carefully devised so as to accomplish the purpose in view [filling vacancies occurring while the Senate was in recess], without in the slightest degree changing the policy of the Constitution, that such appointments are only to be made with the participation of the Senate'.   The Report further makes clear that, by providing for recess appointments, '[t]he framers of the Constitution were providing against a real danger to the public interest, not an imaginary one.   They had in mind a period of time during which it would be harmful if an office were not filled; not a constructive, inferred, or imputed recess, as opposed to an actual one [but fell flat in failing to explicitly reject the appointments by a floor vote of the senate].'   In unilaterally making appointments to the CFPB and NLRB while the Senate was holding pro-forma sessions, President Obama has nonetheless attempted to fabricate a constructive, inferred, or imputed recess.   Not only are president Obama's 2012 January 4 appointments unconstitutional, but the justification for those actions does great violence to the Constitution's separation of powers and system of checks and balances."

Thomas E. Brewton
Jim Grant's address to the NY Fed

Phyllis Schlafly _GOP USA_
increasing Islamic indoctrination in US text-books
World Net Daily
Town Hall

2012-04-03 (5772 Nisan 11)
Ed Koch _Jewish World Review_
chickens coming home to roost in the Middle East

2012-04-03 (5772 Nisan 11)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Jewish World Review_
expect religious partisans to present themselves in the most favorable light
"a $3M public education campaign is being launched nationwide to 'clarify' what Shariah is.   The question is: Will this campaign be truthful and helpful, or will it amount to an exercise in what is not only permissible under Shariah, but obligatory: lying for the faith, or taqiyya in Arabic."

2012-04-03 (5772 Nisan 11)
John Fauber _Jewish World Review_
genome sequencing has its limits when it comes to predicting susceptibility to disease

2012-04-03 (5772 Nisan 11)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the invincible dogma
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Out of each 100 businesses started, 75 or so die before their 5th birth-day with management failure as the leading cause of death." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg130  



2012-04-04 06:35PDT (09:35EDT) (13:45GMT) (15:45 Jerusalem)
Zack Whittaker _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Yahoo! confirms 2K employees to be dumped
Benjamin Pimentel: MarketWatch
David Louie: KGO San Francisco CA
Brandon Bailey: San Jose CA Mercury News
San Jose CA Mercury News/AP: the last 6 RIFs
"Chief executive Scott Thompson is sweeping out over 14% of the Yahoo work-force that no longer fit into his plans as part of Yahoo's long term evolution.   The forced exodus will result in a $125M–$145M in charges, and will save the company around $375M annually."
Therese Poletti: MarketWatch: job cuts just the start at Yahoo!

Paul McDougall _Information Week_
MSFT pushing, again, for more visas for cheap, pliant foreign labor with flexible/questionable ethics
Proposed Bills 2012

Ron Radosh _PJ Media_
Obummer doubling down on even more extreme leftist unconstitutional programs than FDR's

Anthony Watts
Spencer's posited 1%-2% cloud cover variation confirmed... over Red China

2012-04-04 07:46PDT (10:46EDT) (14:46GMT) (16:46 Jerusalem)
Nick Heath _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Is the "tech skills crisis" a myth?
Yes, "tech skills shortage" is a myth (discussion)

2012-04-04 09:34PDT (12:34EDT) (16:34GMT) (18:34 Jerusalem)
_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
TN's Tax Freedom Day was March 31, national average will, ironically, be April 17
Roger Harris
"'That means Americans [on average] will work 107 days into the year, from January 1 to April 17, to earn enough money to pay this year's combined 29.2% federal, state, and local tax bill.', the foundation says."
contact Roger Harris

2012-04-04 10:38PDT (13:38EDT) (17:38GMT) (19:38 Jerusalem)
Matthew Ciccocioppo _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Volvo moving 220 sales-people from Asheville NC to Shippensburg PA construction equipment plant

2012-04-04 11:10PDT (14:10EDT) (18:10GMT) (20:10 Jerusalem)
_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
LeGacy Resource Corp., head-quartered in Oak Ridge, and its partner, Wichita Tribal Enterprises LLC, have won a NASA contract worth up to $42M over 4.5 years providing procurement services

20012-04-04 14:03PDT (17:03EDT) (21:03GMT) (23:03 Jerusalem)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Massive visa fraud charged in law-suit against Larsen & Toubro InfoTech Limited
"Mumbai-based Larsen & Toubro is a major user of H-1B visas, ranking fifth last year on the list of largest visa users.   The company had 1,608 visa approvals in 2011, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service [USCIS]."

Robert Talbert _Chronicle of Higher Education_
should an introduction to Computer Science be a liberal studies requirement?

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
LATimes should release the Khalidi tape in time for PassOver

Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
It's more about Obummer's lust for power and our struggle for freedom than it is the US constitution

Rick Richman _PJ Media_
short steps from income extortion to the Socialist Insecurity Abomination to Obummercare to control over individuals' liberty to travel

Ed Driscoll _PJ Media_
Why we need big, bold SF

Bridget Johnson_PJ Media_
Allen West: Obummer doth protest too much in desperation

Peter Ferrara _American Spectator_
Obummer's unilateral surrender to thug states

Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
Obummer's officiousness

Grover G. Norquist _American Spectator_
the taxing election of 2012

Thomas E. Brewton
leftist death squads
Paul Greenberg: Town Hall
"The prefix 'bio-' lets us know that something besides ethics is being practiced here [just as the prefix 'social' in 'social justice' tell us that something contrary to justice is being advocated].   The meaning of the word has been changed, its quality altered.   Prefixes can serve as a warning."

2012-04-04 (5772 Nisan 12)
John Bolton _Jewish World Review_
Israel should be prepared for more Obummer leaks
"Indeed, the only conclusion to be drawn from Mr. Obama's actions and rhetoric is that he fears an Israeli military strike more than he fears Iran achieving nuclear-weapons capability."

2012-04-04 (5772 Nisan 12)
Mark Clayton _Jewish World Review_
Al-Qaeda rocked by cyber-attack, but who did it?

2012-04-04 (5772 Nisan 12)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
dupes for the state

2012-04-04 (5772 Nisan 12)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
political word games
"But what is the Constitution's Bill of Rights supposed to protect the ordinary citizen from?   Government institutions!   If judges are to defer to the very institutions that the Bill of Rights tries to protect the citizen from, what is the point of having a Bill of Rights?"
We all know the joke that you can tell a politician is lying because his lips are moving, but it was easy to tell Bill Clinton was lying even before he opened his mouth...jgo
Proposed Bills 2012

  "To keep a man on the pay-roll always costs at least 3 times his wage or salary.   He needs space to work in, heat, light, and a locker in the wash-room.   He needs materials to work with, supplies, a telephone, and so on.   He needs a supervisorr.   In a hundred hidden ways he creates costs." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg157 (The employee must materialize the coin ⋐pronounced quan, quantum of value sufficient to cover his costs to the employer⋑. --- jgo 1995-1996)  



2012-04-05 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Scott Gibbons & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 311,339 in the week ending March 31, a decrease of 12,054 from the previous week.   There were 353,817 initial claims in the comparable week in 2011.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.9% during the week ending March 24, unchanged from the prior week's unrevised rate of 2.9%.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,624,702, a decrease of 74,771 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 3.3% and the volume was 4,085,667.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending March 17 was 7,050,709, a decrease of 107,760 from the previous week.   Extended benefits were available in AL, AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MD, MA, MO, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, WA, WV, and WI during the week ending March 17.   States reported 2,815,108 persons claiming EUC (Emergency Unemployment Compensation) benefits for the week ending March 17, an increase of 2,442 from the prior week.   There were 3,563,031 claimants in the comparable week in 2011.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

Anthony Watts
Nunavut government says polar bears are not in danger

CGC: 37,880 lay-offs announced for March, 143,094 year to date
Tucker Echols: Washington DC Business Journal
Money News
Timothy R. Homan: Business Week
Marcia Heroux Pounds: Florida Sun Sentinel
Chris Quinn: San Antonio TX
Telecommunications: 4,089
government: 5,750
CA: 3,904
NC: 3,717
WA: 3,208

Scott Ott _PJ Media_
Leftist groups demand IDs of visitors, oppose IDs for voters

2012-04-05 15:01:47PDT (18:01:47EDT) (22:01:47GMT) (2012-04-06 00:01:47 Jerusalem)
John Boudreau _San Jose CA Mercury News_
wealthy Chines seek EB-5 visas
"The exit door for many of these wealthy Chinese is opened by the fast-track visas America offers for well-heeled immigrants.   Known as the EB-5, the visa requires applicants to invest $500K in projects in economically struggling regions or $1M in a commercial venture in other locations.   The investments must create or preserve 10 jobs for 2 years.   If successful, the applicants and their families -- spouses and children younger than 21 -- are awarded permanent residency...   Between 1992 and 2011, the number of applications for investor visas jumped 700%, from 474 to 3,805, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS].   In the past two years alone, the number applicants has nearly quadrupled.   More applications by far come from [Red China] than any other country.   Last year, 77% of all of those who applied for these visas were Chinese...   Indeed, most Chinese who come to the United States on these visas strive to remain under-the-radar, particularly those doing business in [Red China], whose laws forbid transferring more than $50K a year out of the country.   Many Americans, bruised by the long recession and its painful aftermath, worry about the United States being eclipsed by China.   But many successful Chinese complain about [Red China's] pervasive corruption, polluted air, contaminated food and educational system that stresses memorization over creative thinking...   Katie Yao with Sand Hill Property, a Redwood City developer that is planning to build a hotel across the street from the yet-to-be-built new Apple campus in Cupertino...'We are only trying to raise $20M -- that means 20 (Chinese) families.', she said.   'We offer 6% returns and profit-sharing.'"

Frank Schell _American Spectator_
Educationist propagandists attempting to remove words from history
"Among the offending words are 'dinosaur', 'Halloween', and many others deemed unfit to an enlightened body politic because of sensitivities and perceived bias...   First, we should get rid of any mention of the Renaissance and of the 18th century Age of Enlightenment.   Science and the arts flourished during those times, and the idea evolved that Man is fundamentally a creature of Reason.   Indeed, this could be highly offensive to emotional people who are not interested in being confused by facts.   Second, we should get rid of all editorial, op-ed and other columns, and indeed all print, social and other electronic media that express any opinions.   By their very nature, opinions suggest some sort of value judgment and hierarchy of views and are therefore destined to offend someone, sometime, somewhere.   Third, the English language is rich in words with the power to offend both people and animals.   There is no limit to the number of words that could be expunged from our common usage.   A blue chip non-partisan Congressional committee could be mobilized to identify them.   For example, 'work' may alienate Europeans who protect lengthy vacation entitlements; 'Russian roulette' may imply that the successor to the USSR is reckless; 'Belgian waffle' may suggest that Belgians are indecisive; 'Dutch treat' could mean that the Dutch are parsimonious and poor hosts; 'Trojan Horse' might imply that the majestic animal known as equus is actually duplicitous; 'Arctic Circle' could be offensive to students of Pythagoras who liked triangles; the Brazilian song, 'The Girl from Ipanema' could be offensive to boys from the beach by that name who feel excluded from music; and 'Chinese wall' may be taken to mean that the [Red Chinese] system is not fully transparent, damaging relations with the world's second largest economy.   As one droll observer told me, references to shoe-string potatoes are potentially offensive to those wearing tassel loafers."

Ben Stein _American Spectator_
history and today

Jeffrey Lord _American Spectator_
Mark Stevens: A profile in courage

48% of Americans know someone who has given up looking for work
"up from 43% in February and ties the highest result measured in regular tracking since 2010.   This finding hovered around 40% for most of 2011."

Steven Horwitz
Keynes's aggregates concealing the mechanisms of change

2012-04-05 (5772 Nisan 13)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Thomas Friedman's clueless Middle East twofer
"starts out with praise for imprisoned Palestinian terrorist Marwan Barghouti...   The problem from the Palestinian point of view with Friedman's advice to throw rocks wrapped in maps showing possible territorial swaps is that to do so means recognizing the legitimacy of a Jewish state.   And that is something no Palestinian leader has ever had the courage to do no matter where Israel's borders would be drawn or how many settlements would be uprooted.   Let's remember that Barghouti's mass murder spree took place in the immediate aftermath of an Israeli peace offer that was not much different from the scheme Friedman now thinks the Palestinians will accept.   PA leader Yasir Arafat turned down Ehud Barak's offers of a state in 2000 and 2001 and answered it with a terror war that cost more than 1K Israelis their lives courtesy of killers like his Fatah cohort Barghouti.   Arafat's successor Mahmoud Abbas walked away from another such offer in 2008. With the Islamists of Hamas now joining Abbas in a new coalition, the odds that the PA will be able to accept a similar offer are zero."

2012-04-05 (5772 Nisan 13)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
Lone-wolf terrorists are a growing threat. Moderate Muslims are among those in the cross-hairs
Proposed Bills 2012

  "IBM similarly created the computer industry [bzzzt! wrong!] by innovating [pfft! wrong!] the concept of programming as a distinct function which bridged the gap between the technically highly complex machine and the technically untrained potential customers, and which yet could be learned by high school graduates in a short time." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg160  



Anthony Watts
warmists and UK government trying to kill the Freedom of Information Act

Linda Linonis _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Roses from Israel to decorate area PassOver tables tonith

Anthony Watts
7th international climate conference in Chicago May 21 - 23

2012-04-06 05:52PDT (08:52EDT) (12:52GMT) (14:52 Jerusalem)
_Cumberland PA Sentinel_/_AP_
Harrisburg man fatally crushed by pipe in natural gas drilling accident

2012-04-06 11:06PDT (14:06EDT) (18:06GMT) (20:06 Jerusalem)
Justin James _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
10 under-paid, mostly low-respect IT jobs with excessive "requirements" that are "hardest to fill"

Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
March employment/unemployment report shows this is still the weakest economic "recovery" ever
Paul Wiseman: San Jose CA Mercury News/AP
Mark Matthews: KGO San Francisco CA

George H. Wittman _American Spectator_
Obummer's World Bank nomination goes south

Jay D. Homnick _American Spectator_
Truth and falsehood at PassOver

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
Sheep shearing season has arrived

Anthony Watts
fiat displaces science

Alex Rawls
ugly battle between corrupt government thugs pushing "alternative energy' in Kalifornia and rural residents

Robert Curry
John Locke vs. the Scottish enlightenment

Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
Indian "IT" firms are heading for a fall: they understand some kinds of software but not America
"India's IT firms understand [some kinds of] software, but not America.   It is the American character not to back down, and to fight for what is right.   Our children are taught this from their earliest ages.   Even new arrivals, immigrants or people on work visas are quick to grasp this essential truth.   America's institutions reflect the national character.   Our political system encourages sharp and hard contests.   Our legal system facilitates a fight, as India's IT companies are now learning.   Three of India's largest IT out-sourcing [and off-shoring] firms, Infosys Technologies, Larsen & Toubro InfoTech and Tata Consultancy Services, are involved in law-suits filed against them by current and former employees.   The law-suits are a problem for each of the companies.   But taken together, the cases are a major threat to the Indian IT industry in America."

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Indian bodyshop, Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited (L&T) also charged with sexism
"Former Larsen & Toubro employee Nanda Pai filed the action, joining a class action suit filed by another female ex-employee making similar charges and seeking a settlement of "no less than $100M.'   There will a hearing on that case, Shanbhag v. Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited, in the New Jersey district federal court on April 16.   (Users of PACER, the federal courts' electronic reporting system, can follow the case at 2:11 -cv-06965-FSH-PS; the initials at the end of the citation are those of the district court judge, Faith S. Hochberg, and the magistrate judge, Patty Schwartz.)"

Edwin S. Rubenstein _V Dare_
in March, natives lost jobs while immigrants and illegal aliens gained (with graph)
"Total employment fell 31K, or 0.02%.   (This is the seasonally adjusted household employment growth figure reported by BLS.)   Foreign-born employment rose by 194K, or by 0.86%.   (This and the following figure are estimated on the assumption that seasonal adjustments in a given month are the same for both native and immigrant labor.)   Native-born employment declined by 225K, or by 0.19%...   Over the past 12 months: Immigrants gained 1.057M jobs, a 4.9% increase; native-born workers gained 1.394M positions, a 1.2% increase.   ADVANTAGE IMMIGRANTS.   The foreign-born working age population increased by 4.6%; the comparable native population increased by 1.0%.   ADVANTAGE IMMIGRANTS.   The unemployment rate for immigrants fell by 0.9 percentage points; the rate for natives fell by 0.8 percentage points.   ADVANTAGE IMMIGRANTS.   The immigrant labor force (people working or looking for work) increased by 3.8%; the native-born labor force increased by 0.3%.   ADVANTAGE IMMIGRANTS."

William L. Anderson
Krugman wants more economic destruction

2012-04-06 (5772 Nisan 14)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
the eternal liberation movement
"Hamas terror boss Fathi Hamad is a notable figure.   Hamad is both the director of Hamas's al Aksa television station and the terror group's 'minister of the interior' and national security.   His double portfolio is a clear expression of the much ignored fact that for terrorists, propaganda is inseparable from violence...   Hamad made two central points.   First he claimed that the Palestinian war against Israel is the keystone of the global jihad.   Second he said the Palestinians are not a distinct people, but transplanted Egyptians and Saudis."

2012-04-06 (5772 Nisan 14)
Judith Sills _Jewish World Review_
From mild uncertainty to impending doom, the mood at your workplace is likely darker than usual. How is anxiety affecting you and your co-workers?

2012-04-06 (5772 Nisan 14)
Carlin Flora _Jewish World Review_
How to become indispensable in scary times at work
Proposed Bills 2012

  "The deliberate commitment of present resources to an unknown and unknowable future is the specific function of the entrepreneur in the term's original meaning.   J.B. Say, the great French economist who coined the word around the year 1800, used it to describe the man who attracts capital locked up in the unproductive past (e.g. in marginal land) and commits it to the risk of making a different future." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg186  



Anthony Watts
Anchorage breaks 1955 snow record
"The 3.4 inches that fell by Saturday afternoon brings the total to 133.6 inches."

Anthony Watts & John Droz
Red China going back from focus on solar to nuclear

Scott Nishimura _Fort Worth TX Star-Telegram_
opposition to excessive H-1B (and E and F and J and L) visas remains strong

Wynton Hall _Breitbart_
87,897,000 American residents are not in the labor force
Proposed Bills 2012

  "To make the right decision the knowledge worker must know what performance and results are needed.   In turn, the knowledge worker must be 'excited', to use [Frederick R. Kappel's] word.   He cannot be supervised [micro-managed].   He must direct, manage, and motivate himself.   And that he will not do unless he can see how his knowledge and work contribute to the whole business.   It is therefore essential that the job of every managerial and professional member of the organization be defined in terms of the contribution it should make to the attainment of the company's economic results...   For people who have to have knowledge and judgment, self-direction and the 'excitement' that motivates, the emphasis has to be on contribution and results.   If a company is to obtain the needed contributions, it must reward those who make them." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pp234-235  



Jan Falstad _Billings MT Gazette_
retail leasing starts to rebound as recession eases in oil country

Jan Falstad _Billings MT Gazette_
Glendive at starting gate for another oil production race

Anthony Watts
quotes from Ernest Rutherford... and Samuel L. Clemens

2012-04-08 02:00PDT (05:00EDT) (09:00GMT) (11:00 Jerusalem)
Russ Lemmon _Treasure Coast FL Palm_
good friends are like gold

2012-04-08 13:03PDT (16:03EDT) (20:03GMT) (22:03 Jerusalem)
Emil Protalinski _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Utah Medicaid hacked, over 181K records and 25K SINs stolen

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
strangers in a stranger land: left's attempts to deceive in order to get Obummer re-elected

David Wheeler _Chronicle of Higher Education_
New twists in on-line discrimination against US citizens for admissions to US colleges and universities
"Madan Padaki, the CEO of Erudient, a division of Manipal Global Education... Clay Hensley, director of international strategy and relationships for the College Board...   In other research done by Erudient, the company contacted Indian students who were actively searching for U.S. universities to apply to.   Company representatives called the students each day to ask them what steps they had taken.   About 70% of the time, says Mr. Padaki, the students said they were trying to reach out to people, such as Indian students already in the United States, alumni of particular universities, and admissions counselors."

Kevin Carey _Chronicle of Higher Education_
a future full of badges
"The badges movement is based on the idea that people should be able to gather useful, verifiable evidence of everything they learn, not just everything they learn while attending an accredited post-secondary institution."

2012-04-08 14:00:03PDT (17:00:03EDT) (21:00:03GMT) (23:00:03 Jerusalem)
Daniel Golden _Bloomberg_
USA's universities are thoroughly infiltrated by foreign spies admits FBI
"Attempts by countries in East Asia, including [Red China], to obtain classified or proprietary information by 'academic solicitation', such as requests to review academic papers or study with professors, jumped eightfold in 2010 from a year earlier, according to a 2011 U.S. Defense Department report.   Such approaches from the Middle East doubled, it said.   'Placing academics at U.S. research institutions under the guise of legitimate research offers access to developing U.S. technologies and cutting-edge research' in such areas as information systems, lasers, aeronautics and under-water robots, the report said...   Foreigners on temporary visas made up 46% of science and engineering graduate students at Georgia Institute of Technology and Michigan State and 41% at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2009, according to a federal survey.   [Red China] sent 76,830 graduate students to U.S. universities in 2010-2011, more than any other country and up almost 16% from the prior year, according to the Institute of International Education in New York...   Yu XiaoHong...cited an affiliation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a civilian organization, Scheeres said.   The Beijing address Yu listed in the Michigan online directory is the same as the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology, where instructors train Chinese military cadets and officers.   Scheeres said he wasn't aware of that military connection, nor that Yu co-wrote a 2004 article on improving the precision of anti-satellite weapons...   Hanjuan Jin, a former software engineer at Motorola Inc., was found guilty in February in federal court of stealing the Schaumburg, IL-based company's trade secrets and acquitted of charges she did so to benefit [Red China's] military...   More than 270K Americans studied abroad for credit in 2009-2010, up 4% from the year before.   President Barack Obama has announced an initiative to send 100K American students to [Red China], and [the Red China government] has committed 10K scholarships for them.   As a junior at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan, Glenn Duffie Shriver studied at East China Normal University in Shanghai.   After graduation, he fell in with Chinese agents, who paid him more than $70K.   At their request, he returned to the U.S.A. and applied for jobs in the State Department and the CIA.   He was sentenced to 4 years in prison in 2011 January after pleading guilty to conspiring to provide national-defense information to intelligence officers of the People's Republic of China...   [Red China] also has more than 3K front companies in the U.S.A. 'for the sole purpose of acquiring our technology'...   U.S. and Canadian universities reaped $2.5G in 2011 from licensing technology, up from $222M in 1991, according to the Association of University Technology Managers in Deerfield, IL...   Chen Dingchang, the head of a Chinese military-sponsored working group on anti-satellite technology, led a delegation in 1998 to the University of Florida to learn about diamond-coating manufacturing, used in missile seekers and other systems, said Mark Stokes, executive director of the Project 2049 Institute in Arlington, VA, which studies [Red Chinese] aerospace technology.   In a 1999 report in a Chinese journal, the authors, including Chen, said the university's cooperation would assist in overcoming a technical bottleneck in [Red China's] development of anti-satellite warheads."
Higher Education and National Security: The Targeting of Sensitive, Proprietary, and Classified Information on Campuses of Higher Education
"[In one case, Russia obtained] scientific research that cost the US government $40M for the price of $800 in airplane tickets!"
SlashDot discussion

Nancy Thorner _Illinois Review_
president Obummer's jobs policy includes anti-US STEM worker H-1B visas
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Permanent jobs (not counting recession unemployment) in the Fortune 500 have been shrinking steadily year by year since around 1970, at first slowly, but since 1977 or 1978 at a pretty fast clip.   By 1984, the Fortune 500 had lost permanently at least 4M to 6M jobs.   And governments in America, too, now employ fewer peopel than they did 10 or 15 years ago [if only because of the passing population bubble]...   IOW, we have not in fact created 35M new jobs; we have created 40M or more, since we had to offset a permanent job shrinkage of at least 5M jobs in the traditional employing institutions...   Of the 40M-plus jobs created since 1965 [to 1984] in the economy, high technology did not contribute more than 5M or 6M.   High tech thus contributed no more than 'smoke-stack' lost...   only 1 or 2 out of every 100 new businesses -- a total of 10K per year -- are remotely 'high tech', even in the loosest sense of the term." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pp252-253  



2012-04-09 06:35PDT (09:35EDT) (13:35GMT) (15:35 Jerusalem)
_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_AP_
Sony to cut 10K jobs over the next year
Chris Gallagher: San Jose CA Mercury News/Reuters

2012-04-09 07:35PDT (10:35EDT) (14:35GMT) (16:35 Jerusalem)
_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_AP_
AOL to sell over 800 patents to MSFT for about $1.06G
Larry Dignan: Ziff Davis/CBS: may be about map wars

2012-04-09 09:45PDT (12:45EDT) (16:45GMT) (18:45 Jerusalem)
Erik Schelzig _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_AP_
VW conducting national search to fill TN assembly plant jobs

_KGO San Francisco CA_/_AP_
UC Davis/Nationwide Children's Hospital study suggests link between obesity during pregnancy and autism

Rich Baehr _PJ Media_
GOP looks poised to take control of the U.S. Senate and to increase its majority in the House

Anthony Watts
Too many cooks spoil the carbon foot-print: ACS report on cook-stoves and particulates in India

Jennifer Howard _Chronicle of Higher Education_
federal government releasing docs about 3200 DC slaves freed 1862-04-16

Gary Kelly
Election 2012: a republic or marxism?

Jeanette Pavini _MarketWatch_
Adding up the costs when you lose a smart-phone

2012-04-09 13:35PDT (16:35EDT) (20:35GMT) (22:35 Jerusalem)
Miriam Jordan _Wall Street Journal_
surge in demands for visas for cheap, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics

_Work Permit_
organizations warn that US employers are again/still abusing L-1 visas as H-1B visa substitutes

Don Willmott _Dice_
10 tech jobs and the idiotic, irrelevant hoops you'll have to jump through to get one

Dave Leach
Michigan welcomes cheap, pliant labor with questionable ethics
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Despite the explosive growth of computers, for instance, data processing and information handling in all their phases (design and engineering of both hardware and software, production, sales an service) are not expected to add as many jobs to the American economy in the late 1980s and early 1990s as the steel and automotive industries are almost certain to lose." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pp255-256  



Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
Wedel is still unemployed
Recall the case of Darin Wedel, whose spunky wife managed to not only get in a question to president Obama about the H-1B work visa program, but also managed to stand her ground when the president tried to defend the program.
When I first commented on this at the time: article 1, article 2, and article 3.
I speculated that Wedel would definitely get a job, as the industry lobbyists would want to shut down the bad publicity right away.   But then it turned out that Wedel needs to stay in the Dallas area for family reasons, and I commented
If in a presidential election debate the president is asked about the Wedel case, he may get off the hook by saying that Wedel is a tough case, as he must stay in the Dallas area, due to child custody issues.   Too bad, the president might say, because Intel in New York wanted to hire Wedel.
(See http://heather.cs.ucdavis.edu/Archive/TINotAnIndianFirm.txt)
It is now looking like that later speculation of mine might turn out correct, sad to say.   If the question does arise during a debate, Obama will have a ready answer as above.   The industry lobbyists are undoubtedly giving the same answer to anyone in Congress who questions the industry's demands that Congress expand the H-1B program: "Lots of employers contacted Wedel, showing that there IS a shortage of electrical engineers, as we've been saying.   Too bad he can't leave Dallas, but there ARE jobs for him."
IOW, Obama and the industry lobbyists have their out, right?   Well, not so fast.
The firm that laid Wedel off in the first place, Texas Instruments, IS in Dallas.   It's one of the largest employers of electrical engineers in the world.   TI also testified to Congress last year that they have a shortage of people.   So, one would think that surely at least there should be something at TI for Darin Wedel.
Indeed, as I said at the above URL,
I just checked TI's Careers Web page, specifying the Dallas area (note this point), and found positions for IC Test Engineer, Test and Characterization Engineer, Test Engineer, Product/Test Engineer, Product Engineer and so on.   Based on what I know about Wedel's background, I believe he could do many of these jobs.   But I also believe it's likely some of these are being filled by H-1Bs (young ones, naturally).
TI, of course, would say that Wedel is "over-qualified" for those jobs (read, "too old/expensive"), while he is UNDERqualified for all the other jobs.   Doesn't leave much, does it?

So, if the President does indeed answer a debate question about Wedel by saying, "It turned out that there were plenty of employers who would have hired him, but sadly, he could not leave the Dallas area", that will NOT be a valid answer.   But it WILL be an answer that people will accept, all too easily, without realizing that a major employer right there in Dallas is ignoring Wedel.   The old Lincoln quote, "You can't fool all of the people all of the time" may need updating in this modern era of PR uber-experts.   We may have to settle for senator Grassley's statement, all in the H-1B context (he's a critic of the program), "No one should be fooled [by the industry lobbyists concerning H-1B]."
Anna M. Tinsley: Fort Worth TX Star-Telegram: Fort Worth engineer who got Obama's attention still doesn't have a job
Centre PA Daily
Omaha NB World-Herald
"Rodan": the web log mocracy
Investor's Business Daily
John Hayward: Human Events
Beryl Lieff Benderly: AAAS Science
Wedel video
And in no case did any prospective employer offer to intervene for him or post a bond to free him up from some of the restrictions of his child visitation court order...jgo

2012-04-10 04:04PDT (07:04EDT) (11:04GMT) (13:04 Jerusalem)
_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_AP_
Whirlpool opening new plant in Cleveland TN

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Wading through life to get to the Civil War...

Patrick Reddy _PJ Media_
when inflation hits, leftist pols lose

Anthony Watts
Engineers, scientists, astronauts ask NASA administration to look at empirical evidence rather than climate models

What astronauts say about climate

Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
Wrong, wrong wrong: US international relations disasters celebrated in certain quarters

Eric Peters _American Spectator_
freedom is a big, heavy, powerful car
"At the very least, I expect the government to pass a law requiring that every motor vehicle be fitted with a GPS transponder...   Government will be happy to oblige.   It wants information, in real time -- all the time.   And most of all, it wants control.   Your movements will be kept track of, the information stored in computer banks and cross-referenced against other bits of data to aid the state in properly profiling you.   It is already happening.   To expect that it will not happen to cars is wishful thinking.   The technology exists to erect the 'intelligent highway' -- one where transponders in your vehicle communicate in real time with satellites overhead and receiver/transmitters posted along the side of the road...   And if a cop wants to stop you, he'll be able to shut you down at the touch of a button -- literally.   GM's OnStar system already has this capability -- and it has been used...   Any old car that can't be monitored, that isn't subject to immediate control, will be outlawed."

2012-04-10 16:52PDT (19:52EDT) (23:52GMT) (2012-04-11 01:52 Jerusalem)
Lauren Weber _Wall Street Journal_
recruiting cheap, pliant tech labor with flexible/questionable ethics

Don Reisinger _CIO Insight_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Hackett Group expects IT off-shoring to to get worse before leveling off

Stephanie Moore _Forbes_
Cross-border bodyshoppers and off-shorers
"For the sake of context, the L-1 visa, if abused, is particularly dangerous for American workers because it allows off-shore vendors to bring [unlimited numbers of] non-US staff to the US and pay them home-country wages.   So, for example, a developer from India on an L-1 visa in Manhattan can legally be paid $7K per year, even if an American developer or an H1B visa developer (who must be paid prevailing US-wage) would be paid closer to $70K per year.   The problem is that the L-1 visa was meant for intra-company transfers (e.g. Acme Company France to Acme Company US), and yet outsourcing companies have found ways to use them for client projects and thus avoid paying prevailing wage for some IT roles -- effectively wiping out the competition for US staff or for legitimate H-1B staff...   the recent delays and rejections in L-1 visa processing (as the government attempts to better enforce visa rules) is making it more difficult (and presumably more expensive) to conduct business in the US due to the lack of [cheap, young, pliant] local workers [with flexible/questionable ethics]...   Wouldn't a better and more productive approach be to do some training -- just as the vendors in India do all the time?...   How many US- or India-based companies, who claim they are desperate for US-based engineering skills, can say they invest similar amounts in training US resources?"

Phyllis Schlafly _GOP USA_
Charter schools being abused
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"Charter schools have opened up a path for foreigners to run schools at the expense of the U.S. [tax-victims], without much news coverage.   One of the few breakthroughs in the media was a 2011 June 7, front-page article in the New York Times, which carried over to 2 full inside pages, about the many charter schools run by a secretive and powerful sect from Turkey called the Gulen [or Guelen] Movement...   In Texas, 36 Turkish charter schools, called the Harmony Network, have received over $100M in government funds.   These schools now have 290 (mostly Turkish) employees on H-1B visas, about 16% of its work-force.   In Inver Grove Heights, MN, a substitute teacher...reported about what goes on inside a charter school called Tarek Ibn Ziyad Academy, TIZA.   TIZA is a K-through-8th-grade charter school funded by U.S. [tax-victims] and sponsored by Islamic Relief.   The teacher says there is no clear division between the subjects studied during school and the study of the Quran after school.   She says that homework assignments for after-school religious instruction are written on the board right alongside assignments for math and social studies.   Getz says she was informed that, on Fridays, the Muslim holy day, there would be a school assembly in the gym after lunch.   She was instructed to take her students before the assembly to the bath-room, 4 at a time, for 'ritual washing', and afterwards 'teachers led the kids into the gym, where a man dressed in white with a white cap' led the students in Muslim prayers.   This school has only 300 students, but it has a waiting list of 1,500.   TIZA shares its building with a mosque and also with the headquarters of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, whose mission is 'establishing Islam in Minnesota'."

Andrea Koncz & Kevinn Gray _NACE_
Median salary offers rose 4.5% for class of 2012

2012-04-10 (5772 Nisan 18)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Leftists try to turn PassOver into Obummer worship

2012-04-10 (5772 Nisan 18)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Jewish World Review_
Political compromise of USA security
"A troubling pattern of putting U.S. and allied security interests second to the Obama administration's political priorities is now well established.   If allowed to continue, it not only will make the world more dangerous, it is going to get people killed -- probably in large numbers and some of them may be Americans.   A prime example of the phenomenon was the disclosure of minute details of the 2011 raid by SEAL Team 6 within hours of its successful liquidation of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.   The revelation of special operations tradecraft horrified those in and out of the U.S. military who appreciate that safe-guarding the secrecy of such techniques is essential to ensuring their future utility and the safety of those who employ them."

2012-04-10 (5772 Nisan 18)
Jason Koebler _Jewish World Review_
Scientists warn of ethical battle concerning military mind control tech

2012-04-10 (5772 Nisan 18)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
random thoughts on current events
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Americans were asked in the early 1980s whether they would retire from working if they had enough money to live comfortably, about 80% said they would not." --- Howard Gardner, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & William Damon 2001 _Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet_ pg15  



Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Taking southern unionism on the road

Anthony Watts
nano-copper/gold catalyst helps convert green house gas CO2 to more effective green house gas CH4

Patrick Michaels
on the death of credibility in the journal Nature

J. Christian Adams _PJ Media_
voter identification has broken leftist containment

2012-04-11 07:30PDT (10:30EDT) (14:30GMT) (16:30 Jerusalem)
Matt Hardigree _Jalopnik_
meet Allan Hill, who lives in an abandoned Packard auto plant in Detroit
Free Republic
Empowerment Network
Auto web logger in Germany

2012-04-11 12:01PDT (15:01EDT) (19:01GMT) (21:01 Jerusalem)
John McKee _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
6 tactics of natural leaders

2012-04-11 13:21PDT (16:31EDT) (20:31GMT) (22:31 Jerusalem)
Erica L. Green _Baltimore MD Sun_
Baltimore schools will have to dump over 100 foreign teachers because plenty of capable US teachers are available
"More than 100 international teachers in the Baltimore city school system will most likely lose their jobs and work visas, after a recent labor market test conducted by the district showed that there were hundreds of foreign instructors teaching in subjects that could be filled by qualified and certified American teachers...   [A recruiting test] advertising, interviewing and application review process...found 213 American teachers who are eligible and interested in teaching in subjects currently taught by teachers...   Alonso met several times with the international community, vowing that he was personally committed to helping every foreign teacher --and has spent $8M doing so in the last year -- but warned that the district would have limitations and would need to follow labor laws.   The system convened an entire committee devoted to the issue, personally over-seen by Chief of Staff Tisha Edwards, and hired a team of immigration attorneys to spearhead the efforts and work with each teacher individually on their immigration filings."

W. James Antle iii _American Spectator_
76% believe US economy is still in recession... as Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues

Dave Gibson _Examiner_
Indian government trying to dictate terms, conditions, limits of USA's H-1b visa program
There is an error in the column: the US government, says the State Department, issues about 110K H-1B visas each year...jgo

2012-04-11 (5772 Nisan 19)
Robert Marquand _Jewish World Review_
European court ends "safe harbor" for violence advocating Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri

2012-04-11 (5772 Nisan 19)
Jason Koebler _Jewish World Review_
first man arrested on the basis of warrantless privacy violation by police drones vows to contest case in court: claims trespassing and self-defense against attacks

2012-04-11 (5772 Nisan 19)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
media dishonesty and race hustlers
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Innovation, indeed, creates a resource.   There is no such thing as a 'resource' until man finds a use for something in nature and thus endows it with economic value.   Until then, every plant is a weed and every mineral just another rock." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg280 [echoing an argument jgo was making beginning in 1995 on usenet]  



2012-04-12 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Scott Gibbons & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 381,875 in the week ending April 7, an increase of 62,530 from the previous week.   There were 448,029 initial claims in the comparable week in 2011.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.7% during the week ending March 31, a decrease of 0.2 percentage point from the prior week's unrevised rate of 2.9%.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,448,994, a decrease of 187,712 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 3.1% and the volume was 3,943,591.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending March 24 was 6,952,876, a decrease of 97,833 from the previous week.   Extended benefits were available in AL, AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MD, MA, MO, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, WA, WV, and WI during the week ending March 24.   States reported 2,794,553 persons claiming EUC (Emergency Unemployment Compensation) benefits for the week ending March 24, a decrease of 20,555 from the prior week.   There were 3,550,786 claimants in the comparable week in 2011.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Loudoun Rangers descendants' reunion planned for 2012 June

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
southern unionism in music

Zack Whittaker _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
in industrial espionage case, federal appeals court ruled that software is "not physical property"
"After working at the banking giant, he left to develop his own HFT platform for a Chicago-based start-up...   He was charged under the National Stolen Property Act, which criminalises the theft of trade secrets.   He was sentenced to 97 months in jailed and fined $12,500.   He was acquitted in an appeals court after the judges found that [Sergey Aleynikov] had been wrongly charged under the Economic Espionage Act...   Chief judge Dennis Jacobs wrote in the court's unanimous decision: 'Because Aleynikov did not assume physical control over anything when he took the source code, and because he did not thereby deprive [Goldman Sachs] of its use, Aleynikov did not violate the NSPA.'"

Anthony Watts
Little Ice Age triggered by volcanic activity?
Willis Eschenbach: Dronning Maud meets the Little Ice Age

Tim Ball
Titanic anniversary: unusual climate + extreme ice conditions = tragic accident

Jeffrey Lord _American Spectator_
Romney has the same problem-set as GHWBush: arrogance and hostility to conservatives and libertarians

William Tucker _American Spectator_
cultural disintegration: _Coming Apart_

Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
Baltimore decides it doesn't need H-1B teachers after all
It would seem obvious that civil service employers should be especially hesitant to use the H-1B program irresponsibly, since [tax-victims'] money is involved.   Yet irresponsible usage is common.
Lately some school districts have been politically sensitive about the matter, as I reported a few months ago.
Now we see a similar situation in Baltimore, as seen in the enclosed article.
Thanks, as usual, to an alert reader who pointed me to this article.   And for those of you who brought to my attention the CBS News segment that ran this morning, my sincere thanks but I will not be discussing it here, for my usual reasons (sorry).
2012-04-11: Erica L. Green: City schools will have to shed more than 100 international teachers: In meeting with Filipino teachers, Alonso says more than 100 will not be sponsored for permanent visas
P.S. Most readers are well aware of this, but for completeness I must state that I forgot to mention that the article was wrong about H-1B requiring a labor market test.   Green card sponsorship does, and the article seemed to indicate that the Baltimore schools were sponsoring their H-1Bs for green cards.

Kenneth Rapoza _Forbes_
Infosys still under investigation for visa fraud

John Miller _CBS_
Whistle-blower calls out "IT" cross-border bodyshopping and off-shoring firm Infosys over US jobs

John Miller _CBS_
Whistle-blower accuses Infosys of visa fraud

Julia Preston _NYTimes_
Whistle-blower who charged Infosys with visa fraud keeps his job... but not his work
"It has been 17 months since Jack B. Palmer first made a quiet complaint through internal channels at Infosys, the giant Indian outsourcing company he works for, saying he suspected some managers were committing visa fraud.   Since then, Mr. Palmer says, he has been harassed by superiors and co-workers, side-lined with no work assignment, shut out of the company's computers, denied bonuses and hounded by death threats.   But what has driven him nearly crazy, with bouts of depression alternating with rage, Mr. Palmer said, is the silence.   Since last April, Mr. Palmer has been stewing day after day in his home near Montgomery, AL, contemplating a blank Infosys screen on his computer and agonizing over whether his whistle-blowing was worth it... a small minority of Americans employed by the huge company, which has $6.8G in annual revenues and about 15K employees in the United States alone, most from India."

Thomas E. Brewton
inflation is still intentional
Richard Lehmann: Forbes: Ben Bernanke's not so secret inflation plan
Nathan Lewis: Forbes: Keynesian easy money is nothing but currency devaluation

Thomas E. Brewton
sclerotic government regulation
Christopher Helman: Forbes: How a stupid law blocks a stupid way to fuel the USA: ethanol from natural gas and coal
"Using steam and catalysts like nickel, Celanese breaks apart the hydrocarbons in these feedstocks and reforms them into acetic acid.   When coal is used, the gasification process captures bad stuff like mercury and cadmium.   Vinegar and ethanol are closely related.   Ethanol is the stuff in a bottle of wine that gets you drunk; vinegar is what the ethanol turns into when you leave the bottle undrunk for too long.   Air oxidizes ethanol into vinegar by pulling off its hydrogen atoms.   In simplest terms, what Celanese does is reverse the process, taking the acetic acid components it already makes and using metal-based catalysts to add hydrogen to it to form high-purity ethanol."

Edward Morrisey _Fiscal Times_
Obummer extortion increase proposal aimed at 400 individuals: bill of attainder

_PJ Media_
H. Douglas Brown admits leftists' abuse of academia for political indoctrination
"radical and self-admittedly 'subversive' attitudes that affect the future of society are discussed with matter-of-fact non-chalance.   The main draw-back of Professor Brown's verbal style (at least from my point of view) is that he often resorts to the academics' tried-and-true escape hatch, which is to rephrase statements as questions, so as to have plausible deniability if later confronted.   Thus, for example, instead of just flatly saying something like 'We should indoctrinate students with leftist ideologies', he asks 'Should we indoctrinate students with leftist ideologies?' and only after 5 minutes of talking in circles eventually concludes 'Yes'...   the 'authority figures' controlling academia are no longer uptight conservatives, but are instead now liberals, progressives and radicals themselves, so when students are encouraged to ignore those in charge, then they may very well ignore the progressive messages as well.   Professor Brown's talk focuses specifically on this 'problem': His basic thesis is that it is no longer sufficient to simply tell students to think for themselves, because then we lose the ability to influence them, and there's no guarantee that the students will then develop [leftist] worldviews...   Although he (and his legions of fellow educational theorists) seems partly aware of his biases, and frankly admits them, he also seems to be blithely oblivious to the depth of his political prejudices...   it's just another random day at a random university; stuff like this goes on all the time. And it's this normalcy of [leftism] that makes it so alarming..."

Kathy Shaidle _PJ Media_
Why skipping college was one of the smartest decisions of my life
"no one in my family had gone to college.   In fact, I was the first one to finish high school.   Filling out applications, applying for grants, moving into a dorm -- you might as well have been talking about a voyage to the moon...   Instead, I graduated from a two-year media program at a community college, armed with an award-winning writing and production portfolio...   I'd say 90% of the jobs I've ever held have been in my field...Today, we have more and more people chasing more and more worthless degrees...   Like me, Clarey's been saying for years that BAs are today what high school diplomas used to be: that is, so commonplace that not having one makes no difference if you're a genius, an energetic entrepreneur, or both.   Like me, he believes too many people are being pushed into getting a degree (i.e., brain-washed in junk science and political correctness at their own expense) when they should be learning a trade or just plain left alone.   And like me, Clarey thinks lots of would-be students should use the money they're wasting on tuition as start-up capital instead...   As Clarey explains in Worthless: yes, in general, people with degrees earn more than people who just have a high school diploma -- BUT only those who have degrees in fields of study that are in high demand in the real-life work-force...   'There is a flood of teachers in the labor market and maybe 300 or so outstanding baseball players.'"

Sophie Elsner _Global Post_
did slaves catch or process your seafood?

Howard R. Gold
when JOBS is a 4-letter word

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
H-1b application season has opened: program's flaws are showing

Charles Grassley
Whistle-blower talks about Infosys abusing B-1 visas as subterfuge to dodge loose rules on H-1B visas

Unni Krishnan _Bloomberg_
India's government, bodyshop and off-shoring execs realize degree mills have run rampant for decades, but they'll clean up their acts... sometime

Dave Gibson _Examiner_
Cook county IL refuses to detain illegal aliens flagged by USA ICE, pre-empting federal law, meanwhile Obummer/Holder DoJ attacks states which comply with federal immigration laws

Jerry Bowyer _Forbes_
2 cheers for Glenn Beck... with some reservations
"Glenn Beck's analyses of the history of authoritarian movements has many people concerned, and justifiably so.   Most recently Beck has been laying out the ways in which the [regressive] movement in the U.S.A. has been following a 3 phase strategy to undermine the free-market constitutional order traditional to America.   He has also uncovered ways in which [regressivist] propaganda on behalf of [president Obummer] taps surreptitiously into language of earlier extremist thought, most notably Stuart Chase's book, _The Road We Are Traveling_, and his invocation of Political System X.   Chase was a Fabian socialist who was influential in the left wing of the New Deal, and may have coined the phrase 'New Deal'.   Beck argues that phase 1 of the program, which focused largely on the institutionalization of the socialist movement and the de-legitimatization of traditional free institutions, has been completed over roughly the past 100 years.   Phase 2 of the agenda, largely a matter of creating an escalating series of crises, Beck argues can happen 'at lightning speed'.   Phase 3 refers to a time in which the people, tired of chaos and crisis, permit the Left to grab power and perhaps even to liquidate inconvenient groups of people...   The [regressive] movement is totalitarian at its core.   Whenever it has been allowed free reign, it has become highly repressive, and in some cases, genocidal."

2012-04-12 (5772 Nisan 20)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
Dare we actually listen to violent Muslims?

2012-04-12 (5772 Nisan 20)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
What if the government rejects its constitution?
Proposed Bills 2012

  "As recently as 1929, health care represented an insignificant portion of national expenditure in all developed countries, taking up a good deal less than 1% of GNP [or, as it's also known, percent of claptrap] or of consumer expenditures.   Now, half a century later, health care, and especially the hospital, accounts in all developed countries for 7% to 11% of a much larger [claptrap].   Yet economic performance has been going down rather than up...   In contrast to Great Britain, the United States has so far tried to satisfy all demands of health care regardless of cost.   As a result, hospital costs in America have exploded." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pp310-311  



_Council for Community and Economic Research_
cost of living by city

Mark Johnson
How airports like BWI (Baltimore) help set outlier high temperature records (site/siting)

Whistle-blower report prompts call to action
"Grassley said, 'If you're bringing them here to work full time and maybe cheaper labor, it's not only against the law, it's immoral and unjustified and unethical.'   Palmer says the practice displaced American workers qualified for the same jobs, but, he charges, it increased profits.   Palmer said, 'For example...if I'm gonna pay you $15K a year, why would I pay an American or a legal worker $65K a year?   It makes no -- it's just economics.'   Ron Hira, an expert on immigration and visa policy, told CBS News the problem is bigger than just one company.   'A number of companies, very profitable, large companies that are expanding very rapidly are exploiting loop-holes that should be closed.',he said."

Jane M. von Bergen _Philadelphia PA Inquirer_
Does the USA have a high-tech worker glut?

Larry Elder _Front Page Magazine_
corrupting higher education

William L. Anderson
perverse notions of "national greatness" among neo-cons and Keynesians and regressives
Proposed Bills 2012

  "The Code of Hammurabi, setting down the laws of Babylon some 3700 years ago, prescribed cutting off the hand of any surgeon who killed a patient while removing an abscess.   Physicians were unregulated in Europe until Frederick ii in 1221 decided that no one should practice medicine unless he was accepted by the docors of the southern Italian school of Salerno, whose knowledge the emperor trusted." --- Howard Gardner, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & William Damon 2001 _Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet_ pg17  


Proposed Bills 2012

  "We have known, for instance, for several hundred years that mathematics is a problem subject in school.   A small minority of students, certainly no more than one-fifth, seem to have no difficulty with mathematics and learn it easily.   The rest never really learn it.   It is possible, of course, to drill a very much larger percentage to pass mathematics tests.   The Japanese do this through heavy emphasis on the subject.   But that does not mean that [more than 20% of] Japanese children learn mathematics.   They learn to pass the tests and then immediately forget mathematics.   10 years later, by the time they are in their late 20s, Japanese do just as porly on mathematics tests as do westerners.   In every generation there is a mathematics teacher of genius who somehow can make even the untalented learn, or at least learn a good deal better.   But nobody has ever been able, then, to replicate what this one person does...   we do not understand the problem.   No one knows the answer.   And without understanding the problem[s], we have not been able to find any solution[s]." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg324  



_Youngstown OH Vindicator_/_AP_
split between USA+Canada and rest of Western Hemisphere at summit in Cartagena Colombia

Willis Eschenbach
Missing the missing summer: Tambora

William Pannapacker _Chronicle of Higher Education_
screening out and stigmatizing introverts

quarterly update of climate data and graphs

Sebastian Luening, Fritz Vahrenholt & Pierre Gosselin
climate models don't track well with temperature indicators over the last 6K years
Thomas E. Brewton
P. Gosselin: Max Planck Institute director concurs

Anthony Watt
quote of the week from James Madison
An elective despotism was not the government we fought for; but one in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among the several bodies of magistracy as that no one could transcend their legal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others." —-- James Madison

_Seattle Post Intelligencer_/_AP_
Boeing resumes bringing Russian engineers into Washington, while 1.8M US engineers remain unemployed
Tacoma WA News Tribune/McClatchy

William L. Anderson
Krugman says victims of natural disasters should just "believe in government"
Proposed Bills 2012

  "30 years ago [c. 1954], the overwhelming majority of American physicians practiced on their own.   By 1980, only 60% were doing so.   Now [1984], 40% (and 75% of the younger ones) practice in a group, wither in a partnership or as emloyees of a Health Maintenance Organization or a hospital.   A few people who saw what was happening early on, around 1970, realized that it offered an opportunity for innovation.   A service company could design the group's office, tell the physicians what equipment they needed, and either manage their group practice for them or train their managers." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg335  



Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
presidential candidate, former congress-critter and governor Buddy Roemer on Obummer, Reagan, PACs, foreign policy, federal spending, the NIGHTMARE act, and populist on-line campaign finance

Eizabeth Dwoskin _Business Week_
Teen-aged illegal aliens dare US government to deport them

_AFL-CIO Dept. for Professional Employees_
Gaming the system 2012: Guest-worker programs and professional and technical workers in the USA (pdf)
"The science and engineering 'workforce' is about 4.8M, whiel 15.7M workers hold science and engineering degrees [and many capable and experienced STEM workers do not have STEM degrees]...   in 2009...the US high-tech industr[ies] lost 245,600 jobs...   Between 2006 and 2010, architecture and engineering occupations experienced a loss of nearly 150K jobs...   From 2005 to 2010, the median weekly earnings for computer systems analysts and scientists increased from $1,210 to $1,220...an annual average increase of only 0.1% and a 9.6% loss in buying power, after adjustment for inflation.   Similarly, for computer programmers, the average weekly wage increased from $1,205 in 2005 to $1,218 in 2010, which, after adjustment for inflation, represents a 10.4% loss in buying power...   A 2009 study from the CFR shows that H-1B admissions at current levels are associated with about a 5% to 6% drop in wages for computer programmers and systems analysts.   In 2011, Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce reported that engineering wages gew more slowly over the last 3 decades than any other occupationaly category, only 18%...   in 2011 the government prevailing wage for computer systems analysts was $40K to $52K less than the average wage for computer systems analysts in Silicon Valley."

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
K-12 schools may be losing interest in H-1B visas

Aaron Goldstein _American Spectator_
remarks at the Worcester Tea party Government Extortion Day rally

Margaret Heffernan _CBS_
Daring to fail
"'innovation' doesn't just require risk-taking.   It requires failure.   But how many companies reward that?   The other day I ran into the head of a fantastic school that, every year, runs a Failure Week.   The point of the exercise is to encourage the students to dare to fail.   Every afternoon, students stand up and discuss -- proudly -- what they tried, how it failed and what they learned from the experience.   The bigger the failure, the bigger the learning, the the greater the kudos.   The point of the exercise is to accustom the students to the idea that failure = learning."
OTOH, those people who fail and fail and fail before they succeed aren't being totally wiped out with each failure.   The difficult part is that, if you try to hold back too much insurance against failure, some cushion, that, too, can be a cause of failure.   But if it kills you, you can't try again.   If a result of failure is that you no longer have the resources to try again a little differently, you're toast.   But these "feel good" articles typically fail to get into such difficult cases...jgo

Dan Burrows _CBS_
6 scary facts about the US government budget deficits and debt

Steve Ranger _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Tech Republic's CIO panel says there is no tech skills shortage

Anthony Watts
Santorini caldera showing signs of re-awakening
"In [about] 1650BCE, a series of massive volcanic eruptions decimated the ancient sea-faring Minoan civilization.   Over the next 4 millennia, the largely sub-aquatic Santorini caldera had a series of smaller eruptions, with 5 such events within the past 600 years, and ending most recently in 1950.   From the air, the Santorini caldera appears as a small cluster within the larger collection of Greek islands in the southern Aegean Sea.   Following a 60-year lull, Santorini woke up on 2011 January 09 with a swarm of low-magnitude earth-quakes."

_News Channel 5_/_AP_
TN bill to limit foreign teachers in charter schools passed by legislature, heads to governor's desk
Knoxville TN News Sentinel
Fox Nashville TN

Andrew Klavan _PJ Media_
Why racism doesn't mix with conservatism or libertarianism or Objectivism

David Louie _KGO San Francisco CA_
the disingenuous Janet Napolitano says she wants to hire computer wranglers to fight cyber-crime: can't be bothered with securing borders and ports, conscientiously examining visa applications, making sure those on temp visas leave...

_Business Insider_
27 signs Americans' living standards are falling

Eric Eversole _Washington Times_
Obummers condone denial of troops' votes
"In 2010, for example, local election officials in at least 14 states failed to comply with the new law.   The worst offenders, counties and boroughs in New York and Illinois, missed the dead-line by more than 2 weeks.   More than 40K military and over-seas ballots were impacted by this failure with many of the ballots being sent only 25 days before the election.   Two years later, military voters are waking to the same rotten story in the presidential primaries.   Thus far, at least 3 states -- Alabama, Ohio and Wisconsin -- have had local election officials that failed to mail their absentee military ballots on time.   Wisconsin and Alabama are repeat offenders from 2010.   Much of the blame for this recurring nightmare rests with the Department of Justice and its Voting Section.   Time and again, the Voting Section has been dilatory in its investigations and has failed to take timely action."

2012-04-16 (5772 Nisan 24)
Ibrahim Busnaina _Jewish World Review_
top 3 reasons med school applicants are rejected\
"Grades... Extracurricular activities... [Med school preference]."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "A profession is a set of behaviors, a code of behavior above the market-place.   You do not lie to your patients.   You do not deceive them.   You do not over-charge them, and you do not abandon them." --- George Packer Berry (quoted in Howard Gardner, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & William Damon 2001 _Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet_ pg90)  



Anthony Watts
AAAS Science/PhysOrg reports scientists want custom source code used to produce results reported in articles should be included in submissions

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
Freedom From Government Extortion Day

Patrick Richardson _PJ Media_
Another privacy violation by government bill
Proposed Bills 2012

Anthony Watts
explosives may be used to dislodge cows frozen to death this winter in National Forest near Aspen

_Billings MT Gazette_
Greg Mortenson taken to court over frauds in _3 Cups of Tea_ and _Stones Into Schools_
"list more than two dozen alleged fabrications and accusations of wrong-doing"

Mike McNally _PJ Media_
Obummer still coddling dictators at Americas summit

Nicole Ferraro _Internet Evolution_/_UBM_
beware dishonest/deceptive rhetoric on web freedom

Phyllis Schlafly _GOP USA_
Obummer's war on women
World Net Daily
Town Hall

study reveals extraordinarily diverse DNA of people in Scotland
Auslan Cramb: London Telegraphs
"Conti and Napoleon both share the M34 marker, which is Saracen in origin.   The project found that Scotland has almost 100 different groups of male ancestry from across Europe and further afield.   More than 150 different types of female DNA from Europe, Asia and Africa were discovered...   Scotland's DNA also found that more than 1% of all Scotsmen are direct descendants of the Berber and Tuareg tribesmen of the Sahara, a lineage which is around 5600 years old.   Royal Stewart DNA was confirmed in 15% of male participants with the Stewart surname...   [Maeatae, who fought the Roman legions in 208CE...around Stirling... Cornishmen (duh, Stuart/Stewart/Steward of Dol, Brittany/Bretagne)...]"

2012-04-17 (5772 Nisan 25)
Jason Koebler _Jewish World Review_
Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) allows more government privacy violations
"Jim Dempsey, vice president for public policy at the Center for Democracy and Technology. 'This is about government monitoring.   [SOPA] is about the First amendment, [CISPA] is about the Fourth, but they both take a legitimate problem and try to tackle it with an over-broad solution.'   CISPA's main goal, according to sponsoring representatives Mike Rogers and Dutch Ruppersberger, is as follows: Foreign governments and independent hackers are stealing information from American corporations all the time, costing the companies billions of dollars.   The government knows how to stop these attacks and wants to help out private companies, but the current law doesn't allow them to share classified information with private companies.   CISPA would open that pipe-line, but it would be a two-way street -- the way the bill is written, companies can share users' information with the government if they sense a 'cyber threat'."

2012-04-17 (5772 Nisan 25)
Ewen Callaway _Jewish World Review_
shorting sleep time linked with addictions

2012-04-17 (5772 Nisan 25)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
NYSlimes at it again
"My response to the look doesn't depend on how I feel about black teenagers.   It depends on how I feel about anybody who looks like a thug.   Besides, given the epidemic of black-on-black crime, a black kid getting on the train would also be worried if the door slides open and he sees three young black kids in saggy pants and hoodies.   But let's give Mr. Staples the benefit of the doubt.   Let's assume white people do have a built in concern when we see black teenagers on the street late at night, or on the subway.   Why don't we have that same concern -- fear is the more precise word -- when we see a bunch of young Hassidic Jews hanging around?   Could it be because there aren't a lot of violent Hassidic Jews out there -- and there are a disproportionate number of black kids involved in street crime?"

2012-04-17 (5772 Nisan 25)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Mixing and matching
American Spectator
Town Hall
"When there was a large Jewish population living on New York's lower east side, a century ago, Jews did not live at random among themselves.   Polish Jews had their neighborhoods, Rumanian Jews theirs, and so on.   Meanwhile German Jews lived uptown.   In Chicago, when Eastern European Jews began moving into German Jewish neighborhoods, German Jews began moving out.   It was much the same story in Harlem or in other urban ghettoes, where blacks did not live at random among themselves.   Landmark scholarly studies by E. Franklin Frazier in the 1930s showed in detail how different neighborhoods within the ghettoes had people of different educational and income levels, with different male\female ratios and different ways of life living in different places.   There was nothing random about it.   Within Chicago's black community, the delinquency rate ranged from more than 40% in some black neighborhoods to less than 2% in other black neighborhoods.   People sort themselves out.   None of this was peculiar to blacks or Jews, or to the United States.   When emigrants from Scotland went to Australia, the Scottish highlanders settled separately from the Scottish lowlanders.   So did emigrants from northern Italy and southern Italy.   Separate residential patterns that are visible to the naked eye, when the people are black and white, are also pervasive among people who physically all look alike.   Charles Murray's eye-opening new book, _Coming Apart_, shows in detail how different segments of the white American population not only live separately from each other but have very different ways of life -- and are growing increasingly remote from one another in beliefs and behavior."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "The massive 19th-century migration from Europe to the Americas, both North and South, and to Australia and New Zealand, changed the economic and political geography of the world beyond recognition.   It created an abundance of entrepreneurial opportunities.   It made obsolete the geo-political concepts on which European politics and military strategies had been based for several centuries.   Yet it took place in a mere 50 years, from the mid-1860s to 1914...   It also took only 30 years, from 1830 to 1860, to transform both western Europe and the eastern United States from rural and farm-based societies into industry-dominated big-city civilizations...   The belief that populations changed slowly in times past is pure myth.   Or rather, static populations staying in one place for long periods of time have been the exception historically rather than the rule." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg340  



Robert Moore _Cenantua_
At what point did I change my focus?

Thomas E. Brewton
extravagant GSA blow-outs are right in line with Keynesian policy

Wayne Hale
How we nearly lost shuttle Discovery in 2005 July
canonical post

2012-04-18 05:45PDT (08:45EDT) (12:45GMT) (14:45 Jerusalem)
Derek Abma _Financial Post_
Conference Board of Canada doesn't expect to see full employment in Canada until at least 2016

David P. Goldman _PJ Media_
sympathy for the leftist devil

Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
nutty Bill Clinton falsely claiming USA "needs" more cheap, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics
"overwhelming evidence that what the United States needs is not more immigration but rather an immigration moratorium.   Even the most casual economic observer can figure out that adding more than 100K immigrants every month, month in and month out year after year and issuing them work permits, is a disaster for the approximately 20M unemployed and under-employed Americans...   Since 2001, the total numbers of H-1B visas issued to engineers has exceeded engineering job creation in every year.   At the same time, American colleges and universities produce more than enough science, math, and engineering graduates to fill available jobs.   Said Michael S. Teitelbaum, Vice President, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: 'No one who has come to the question with an open mind has been able to find any objective data suggesting general ''shortages'' of scientists and engineers.'...   The Urban Institute, a Washington DC-based non-partisan economic and social policy organization, confirmed Teitelbaum's statement.   Urban Institute analyst Harold Satzman, Ph.D. found that: 'The United States' education system produces a supply of qualified [science and engineering] graduates in much greater numbers than jobs available.'"

2012-04-18 14:53PDT (17:53EDT) (21:53GMT) (23:53 Jerusalem)
_Investor's Business Daily_
Obummer admin doubles down on political grants for "green energy" boondoggles

William L. Anderson
Krugman still believes geometrically increasing inflation will "save" Europe

2012-04-18 (5772 Nisan 26)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
GSA scandals: partying at our expense and biasd project labor agreements

2012-04-18 (5772 Nisan 26)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's biggest problem is his record

2012-04-18 (5772 Nisan 26)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
Good Economists
"It's difficult to be a good economist and simultaneously be perceived as compassionate.   To be a good economist, one has to deal with reality...   Between 1787 and 1930, our nation suffered both mild and severe economic downturns.   There was no intervention to stimulate the economy, but the economy always recovered.   During the 1930s, there were massive interventions, starting with president Herbert Hoover and later with president Franklin D. Roosevelt.   Their actions turned what would have been a sharp 3- or 4-year economic down-turn into a 10-year affair.   In 1930, when Hoover began to 'fix' the economy, unemployment was 6%.   FDR did even more to 'fix' the economy.   As a result, unemployment remained in double digits throughout the decade and reached 20% in 1939...   Americans have been miseducated into thinking that Roosevelt's New Deal saved our economy.   That miseducation extends to most academics, including economists, at our universities, who are arrogant enough to believe that it's possible for a few people in Washington to have the information and knowledge necessary to manage the economic lives of 313M people.   Good economists recognize our limitations, making us not nice people to be around."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "A little-known fact about the news business is that, compared to other businesses, it has been quite profitable.   20% to 22% profit margins are the norm, in an economic world where anything in the double digits is usually considered a success.   When a newspaper is integrated into a larger corporation, it is often the most profitable unit in the company.   Television news shows have been known to carry entire networks with their earnings." --- Howard Gardner, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & William Damon 2001 _Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet_ pg138  



Patriots' Day: 237th anniversary of the 1775-04-19 skirmishes at Lexington and Concord, MA
Battle Road
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on Lexington Battle Green
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on Patriots' Day
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on Skirmishes at Lexington & Concord
Lexington local Patriots' Day observances schedule
letter by E. James Adkins
about Patriots' Day
wiseGeek: What is Patriots' Day?
History, analysis, and unabashed gossip about the start of the American Revolution in Massachusetts
FreeRepublic: Jim Koch wants natonal Patriots' Day Celebrations
EyeWitness to History
Liberty Ride
Worcester Polytechnic Intitute: Battle of Lexington and Concord
U.S. History: Battle of Lexington
National Park Service
Mohican Press: Lexington Green
Boston 1775
Lexington Historical Society tours
Doctor Samuel Prescott, William Dawes & Paul Revere
American Revolution: Midnight Ride: Paul Revere and the "mechanics"
Wikipedia on Paul Revere
Wikipedia on Samuel Prescott
Wikipedia on Longfellow's poem
Color Pro: William Dawes
US History
Rense on Samuel Prescott
Concord MA: The Love Story
captain John Parker
Wikipedia on captain John Parker
EyeWitness Account of the Skirmish
Captain Parker
American Revolutionary War
Patriot Resource
The American Revolution
Library of Congress

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Sesqui'fying the day -- morning, 1862 April 19 -- the Federal advance on Luray, Page county VA (about 21 miles SW of Front Royal in the Shenandoah Valley) (with portraits)
Hotchkiss's challenge in the Page Valley (with map & portraits)

2012-04-18 17:18PDT (20:18EDT) (2012-04-19 00:18GMT) (2012-04-10 02:18 Jerusalem)
Toni Bowers _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
What recruiters see in the first 6 seconds of looking at your resume

2012-04-19 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Scott Gibbons & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 367,550 in the week ending April 14, a decrease of 22,916 from the previous week.   There were 381,834 initial claims in the comparable week in 2011.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.7% during the week ending April 7, unchanged from the prior week's unrevised rate of 2.7%.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,432,102, a decrease of 37,981 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 3.1% and the volume was 3,893,218.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending March 31 was 6,765,080, a decrease of 187,807 from the previous week.   Extended benefits were available in AL, AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MD, MA, MO, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, WA, WV, and WI during the week ending March 31.   States reported 2,775,134 persons claiming EUC (Emergency Unemployment Compensation) benefits for the week ending March 31, a decrease of 19,419 from the prior week.   There were 3,527,093 claimants in the comparable week in 2011.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07, and seasonal adjustment factors were revised.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

Benjamin Carlson _Global Post_
Chinese transferring their funds out of the hands of the ruling Red Chinese thugs
"Between 2000 and 2009, according to a 2011 report by Global Financial Integrity (GFI), [Red China's] citizens ranked first in the world in 'illicit' financial out-flows: $2.74T, more than five times the second-place contender, Mexico.   As of last year, according to a study by China Merchants Bank and Bain & company consulting company, Chinese who possessed more than 10M yuan in investable assets -- roughly $1.6M -- had collectively parked over $550G abroad.   And that's not counting the wealthy Chinese who emigrated entirely -- 27% of those who have $15M or more, according to the same report."

Jack Dunphy _PJ Media_
culture drives crime

2012-04-19 09:06PDT (12:06EDT) (16:06GMT) (18:06 Jerusalem)
Christopher S. Rugaber _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_AP_
Conference Board's leading economic indicators are up slightly
Ruth Mantell: MarketWatch

_Changing Gears_
Do we need more unemployed engineers?
"The conventional wisdom is that more engineers will lead to more innovation and help create the so-called jobs of tomorrow.   But when Hal Salzman heard that from the president, he had a very different reaction: disbelief.   Salzman is a sociologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey.   He's been looking at the job market for engineers for years now, and he says despite all the fears out there of a shortage, and falling behind other countries, the US graduates plenty of engineers each year—more than are hired.   And, of course, not all of them want to work directly in the field.   So, why work so hard to create more?   'What are these engineers going to do?', he said.   'If you produce more engineers, and we're only hiring now maybe 50%-60% of the engineers who graduate each year [35% by some estimates], where are they going to go?   What kind of jobs?   Are they supposed to sit around and wait until the economy improves?'   Salzman says hoping more engineers would help the economy is kind of like saying building more cars would help the auto industry.   Instead, he says, the market does a pretty good job in this field.   For instance, an oil boom in recent years has increased demand for petroleum engineers.   'The response is just what you'd expect out of Econ 101, which is: salaries went up and almost immediately the number of graduates increased.', Salzman said.   Salzman doesn't disagree that engineering can be a good job, and he says graduates landing lots of jobs is exactly what we want.   In recent years, the unemployment rate among engineers is about half the national average [but 2-3 times the historical full-employment level for the profession].   But adding 10K more to the pool, he says, could make it harder to find work, and drive down wages.   Already, many of the best and brightest students are attracted to higher-paid Wall Street or consulting careers.   What about the idea that America needs more engineers to compete globally? Salzman doesn't buy that either.   He says only a small percentage of engineers are involved in anything that could be classified as innovation.   Most are building things like bridges or roads.   'Last I looked, those were not sectors that are booming.', he said.   At the same time, much of the engineering we do need is being out-sourced [off-shore or by bringing foreign engineers here]."
Unmentioned in the article is the issue of age discrimination...jgo
Norm Matloff: "The answer to this week's puzzler" is, of course, that it was A for Age [that was not addressed].
I'll briefly explain my point in the puzzler below, and add some links I think some of you will find interesting, maybe even fun to read.   Then I will get serious again, and raise a question that I've never truly asked before in such a direct, even confrontational, manner.
That Changing Gears article highlighted three new engineering graduates, reporting that they are getting great job offers.   Good for them, but unfortunately the article overlooks the key point that I constantly focus on, the age issue.
The article ends with this passage:
And, back in Akron, Joseph Bersuder, Marcus Grimm, and Cameron Close, the 3 engineering students, say they and their peers found plenty of offers in engineering.
"At the end of my job search, I probably turned away 6 or 7 interviews.", Close said.
The question is, if we had more engineers, like the President and so many advocate, would that still be the case?

That last is the wrong question.   The right question is, 10-15 years from now, when Bersuder, Grimm and Close reach their mid-30s, will employers be pursuing them with as much vigor?   The answer is likely No; the employers will still be hiring the new graduates, just as they are now, only Bersuder et al won't be new grads anymore.
No need to rehash the age issue now, is there?   During the last year, for instance, I've cited various quotes of CEOs in which they say their hiring -- amid a claimed labor "shortage" -- targets the new grads.   I've also repeatedly explained why it is NOT an issue of up-to-date skill sets; it's just plain money, with the over-35 engineers being too expensive in salary and benefits.
But it is sad about the article not only fails to cover this key issue of age, but also doesn't discuss the fact that this situation is causing an Internal Brain Drain [Brain Waste] in the U.S.A.   Who wants to enter a field that may well become a dead end?   Many students who are aware of that are searching for alternative professions.
Charles Vest, quoted in the article as saying the nation needs more engineers, ought instead to be having nightmares about the Internal Brain Drain -- what could be more disastrous for the nation than to have its best and brightest STEM Bachelor's degree graduates shun STEM careers?
Professor Salzman, quoted extensively in the Changing Gears article, is someone whose work I've admired for quite a while now.   He conducted the section of the 2001 NRC study that found that many employers admitted to paying H-1Bs less than comparable Americans.   And of course he is also an author of the famous Urban Institute study, co-authored by Lindsay Lowell, that found we are producing plenty of STEM graduates, far more than we need.
Clearly there is a pressing need for Salzman and Lowell to conduct a follow-up study, investigating WHY the students abandon STEM after earning their bachelor's degrees.   As many of you will recall, I have argued that this is due to low salaries (relative to other career alternatives that people with these analytical talents have), which in turn is caused largely by the H-1B influx.   That influx also drives the age discrimination issue as well.   [And it depresses professional ethics...jgo]
I'll return to this point, but first list a web log page commenting on the Changing Gears article.
That blog is written by Daniel Kuehn, an economics PhD student who has, among other things, been doing research with Salzman.   Well, there is another interesting connection, somewhat amusing (and maybe a bit embarrassing to me) but with very important implications.
Kuehn was a participant in the Georgetown University conference last summer, titled Dynamics of the STEM Labor Market, which I reported on here.
(As noted in that link, the conference rules forbade identifying the participants, but in this case Kuehn identified himself.)
Kuehn is apparently an open borders type, who views any restriction on foreign workers as undesirable impediments to the labor market.   Nothing wrong with that; though I disagree, it is certainly an intellectually consistent stance.   He highlighted this divergence of view-points in his web-log review of the conference, at his link above.
In his review, the amusing/embarrassing passage is:
[I learned that] people are not their politics.   One of the guys that aggravated me the most during the work-shop because of his restrictive stance on "high-skill" immigration was really a pleasure to sit across from and talk to about other stuff during dinner.
Well, that "aggravating" guy was me.   :-)   Thanks, Daniel, for the compliment, even if a bit back-handed.
The serious point, though, is this: As I've written before, I found that Georgetown conference to be a real eye-opener, as I was appalled to find a general consensus among most of those present that we should "get the Indians".   If you recall, the consensus, which I strongly object to, is that there are Good Guys and Bad Guys among H-1B employers, with the Good Guys being the "Intels" and the Bad Guys being the "Infosyses".   "Get the Indians" means to pass legislation that places extra restrictions on the Indian/Indian-American-owned rent-a-programmer firms, while actually loosening controls on the U.S. main-stream firms.
My language here, "get the Indians", is overly harsh, in the sense it wrongly conjures up an image of racism and even bullying and sadism.   :-)   So, let me assure readers that I don't ascribe such feelings to any of the participants of the conference.
Yet, if that phrasing has the wrong connotation, let me offer an equally-harsh but arguably accurate alternative, "Let's throw the Indians under the bus.", which I regard as equally disturbing, and based on false premises.
I think that there is a general understanding among researchers on H-1B that the age issue for engineers, especially in CS/EE is real, and that there is indeed an Internal Brain Drain.   Harvard's Richard Freeman has written on the latter, and implied that there is an H-1B connection.   Berkeley's Clair Brown has written on the age issue in EE, and explicitly connected it to the influx of foreign students.   Eric Weinstein uncovered that internal NSF study that advocated bringing in a large influx of foreign students to hold PhD salaries down.   Whether that represented official government policy or not, the resulting effects were that (a) STEM PhD wage growth did slow and (b) fewer American students were attracted to doctoral study, due to stagnant wages, just as the NSF forecast.   I've shown repeatedly, including at the Georgetown conference, that the U.S. main-stream firms abuse the H-1B program too, both directly and via the age issue (go back to the Brown comment above).   NONE of the phenomena cited in this paragraph are related to the Indian IT services firms (who don't hire PhDs, don't hire EEs, etc.); these troubling phenomena all relate to the U.S. main-stream firms.
I ask, then, why the willingness to "throw the Indians under the bus"?   Indian employers hire only 12% of the H-1Bs, and yet the main-stream, i.e. majority, employers' abuse of the visa program is pernicious.
Is it possible that Kuehn's assessment of the conference participants was wrong, that most are just as open borders as he is?   Again, that's a legitimate ideology, but I know a number of the participants personally and thus am baffled by their endorsement of the "under the bus" notion.
Isn't an Internal Brain Drain something we should all be worried about, if not even terrified by?   How can anyone in good conscience support "reform" bills, such as Lofgren's, that unfairly scapegoat the Indians while unjustifiably actually making things easier for the main-stream?
As I said, the Georgetown conference, filled with the movers and shakers on H-1B policy from both the research world and the executive branch of the federal government, was a real eye-opener for me.   It has both puzzled and disturbed me ever since.

W. James Antle iii _American Spectator_
grid-lock is not to blame for US senate's failures to vote for a budget which cuts spending and balances
"But when senate Budget committee chairman Kent Conrad proposed holding a vote on a budget based on the Simpson-Bowles commission recommendations -- the first meaningful budget vote by senate Democrats in 3 years -- Senate Majority 'Leader' Harry Reid promptly pulled out the rug from under him.   The senate will continue to flout its legal responsibility to pass a federal budget."

W. James Antel iii _American Spectator_
oath-breaker Nasty Pelosi's corrupt view of the US constitution
"Nowhere in her column does Pelosi actually grapple with 2 issues: the fact that Article III, giving Congress the power to regulate the jurisdiction of federal courts, is actually in the Constitution; she does not identify the constitutionally enumerated power that gives federal government the authority mandate the purchase of health insurance or otherwise implement [Obummercare].   (Pelosi is also oddly silent on the jurisdiction-stripping in federal laws designed to combat terrorism and restrict habeus corpus appeals in death penalty cases.)"

R. Emmett Tyrrell ii _American Spectator_
all the angry leftists
"You will recall how open to experience [leftists] have been when we attempted to introduce vouchers, charter schools, missile defense, and supply-side economics...   as for openness may I suggest you light up a fat cigar, say in an outdoor café, or ride your bicycle without a helmet...   Roger Scruton [said] 'My own view is that left-wing positions largely come about from resentment -- I agree with Nietzsche about this -- a resentment about the surrounding social order.   They have privileges, I don't.   Or, I have them and I can't live up to them.   Things should be organized differently.   And there's always some sense on the left that power is in the wrong hands.'...   there is only one political value that all [leftists] through the generations continue to profess.   It is not personal liberty.   It is not public order.   It is disturbing the peace...   These [leftists] may suffer superior 'openness to experience', but it is limited to things their leaders approve of, and more fundamentally they are very angry.   They are angry with anyone who presumes to seek high public office against them -- even the candidate's wife.   They are angry because they are losing."

Kashmir Hill _Forbes_
congress set to mandate warrantless violation of your privacy while in your vehicle
The Swash
Paul Joseph Watson: Prison Planet
Old-Thinker News
Paul Joseph Watson: InfoWars
Mountain Republic
Liz Klimas: The Blaze
Senior Magazine: Are you riding on a black box?
2010-05-20: The NewsPaper
National Motorists Association
"most Americans already have black boxes in their cars.   They've been around since 1996, are found in at least 60M vehicles, and are a feature in 85% of new cars every year.   'Virtually every car that has an air bag has some kind of recording ability.', says James Casassa, of Wolf Forensics which specializes in down-loading crash information from vehicles made by GM, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota and Honda.   The recorders capture information about how fast you were going and whether you slammed on the brakes in the seconds before and after a crash...   IEEE mentions that some BMWs now have wireless event recorders that can beam their info back to a dealership..."
And it's the same people (e.g. GE, Siemens) involved in the violations of privacy WRT medical records, bodyshopping and off-shoring...jgo

2012-04-19 (5772 Nisan 27)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
"Victims" who persecute

2012-04-19 (5772 Nisan 27)
Warren Richey _Jewish World Review_
Supremes rule that family of American can't sue PLO for damages under the Torture Victim Protection Act (TVPA)
"The US Supreme Court ruled 9 to 0 on Wednesday that the 1991 antitorture law authorizes civil law-suits only against an individual who actually carried out the torture or extrajudicial killing -- not against an organization with which the alleged torturer or killer was associated...   The 11-page decision in the case, Mohamad v. Palestinian Authority (11-88), was written by 'justice' Sonia Sotomayor."

2012-04-19 (5772 Nisan 27)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
liberate "zones of electronic repression": thugs should not be allowed to use Western tech to crush dissent
"there has been not just the hope but the expectation that advancing communications technologies -- personal computers, the Internet, e-mail, smart phones, satellites, and the like -- would inevitably spread freedom while constraining the power of the despots.   This just in: It's not turning out that way.   Instead, Iran's rulers have been using high technology to break the backs of their domestic opponents...   Iranian [and Red Chinese] security forces [and corrupt government operatives within the USA] have the means to locate mobile phones...to which encrypted messages have been sent -- and to do it within minutes."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "All factual evidence shows that the last 20 years, the years since the early 1960s, have been years of unprecedented advance and improvement in the health of Americans...   all indicators of physical health and functioning have been moving upward at a good clip.   And yet the nation is gripped by collective hypochondria..." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg349  



Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Sesqui-fying 1862 April 20 -- Luray learns of Charley Wheat's fate

Theodore Dalrymple _PJ Media_
Is aspirin the "elixir of life"?

Howard Lovy _PJ Media_
"What she did know, though, is how to be a good reporter -- which means knowing the right questions to ask.   It means cutting through the half-truths and spins being lobbed her way by the great many people with agendas..."

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Tragedy in the Shenandoah Valley... soon to be an e-book

2012-04-20 05:39PDT (08:39EDT) (12:39GMT) (14:39 Jerusalem)
Tricia Forbes _KSLA_
federal government refuses to deport illegal alien Palestinian arrested and charged 35 times in Alabama
"Officers in Hueytown arrested an illegal immigrant on drug charges recently.   When they ran his name through the system, they learned he had previously been arrested 34 times in Alabama...   When Hueytown police chief Chuck Hagler contacted ICE agents about the recent arrest, he wasn't expecting the response he got.   Sofyan Eldani was not only in this country illegally, but had a criminal history that goes back 12 years.   ICE wouldn't do anything according to chief Hagler...   In Jefferson and Shelby counties, Eldani has been arrested 35 times for different crimes, ranging from bad checks to assault."

R' Pinchas Winston
Knowing the Big Picture: _Drowning in Pshat_
"Weve been losing friends for decades now, if they were ever friends in the first place, but we are now watching what was Israel's closest ally, the United States, distance itself from supporting Israel as it once did, regardless of the rhetoric being pushed from the White House.   The hard, cold facts speak for themselves, one of which is that president Obama (or the people behind him), is a master of deception...   We wait because we are drowning in Pshat.   Everyone can see what is happening to the Jewish people today, and where it might be heading, but few know what to make of it in a historical sense.   They lack context, because Pshat, Remez, and Drush -- Torah, Mishnah, and the Talmud, together with all of their commentaries do not provide it, not without the help of Sod, or Kabbalah.   Kabbalah provides context, historical and philosophical."

2012-04-20 07:00PDT (10:00EDT) (14:00GMT) (16:00 Jerusalem)
Brian Monitrovic _Forbes_
devaluation of dollar/inflation, helped drive the Great Recession

Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
the illogic of climate hysteria

Anthony Watts
Using data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, scientists get new insights into the origins of cosmic rays

Bob Owens _PJ Media_
TARP bail-out recipient Bank of India shows further contempt for the USA in politically motivated move by dropping firearms firm
Mike Piccione: Daily Caller
"McMillan is heavily involved with U.S. national security.   McMillan rifle stocks are the standard for the Marine Corps' favored M40A3 sniper rifle.   McMillan products, from stocks and other accessories to complete rifles, are used by U.S. regular and special forces and by American military allies around the globe...   [Bank of India] was the recipient of well over $100G in federal money.   They are also one of just 2 vendors processing payments for Barack Obama's 2012 presidential campaign, employing a system that disables safe-guards against illegal foreign donations.   [Bank of India] Stadium in Charlotte, NC, is the site of the Democratic Nation Convention in September."

Caroline May _Daily Caller_
US tax-victim funded USAID being abused to train foreign workers for off-shoring work and work in USA
InformationWeek: U.S.A. Suspends Controversial Out-Sourcing Training Program: Funding stopped for USAID program that trained students in the Philippines to work in off-shore, English language call centers serving U.S. companies
"the government has been sending money to the Philippines to train foreign workers for jobs in English-speaking call centers.   According to New York Democratic representative Tim Bishop and North Carolina Republican representative Walter Jones, this is unacceptable and 'shocking'.   The pair are calling on the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to immediately suspend what is known as the Job Enabling English Proficiency (JEEP) program.   According to Jones' office, in 2010, after the two men compelled USAID to end a similar training program in Sri Lanka, the agency assured the congressmen that they would 'conduct a review to ensure the project will not take any jobs away from Americans'.   In a letter to the USAID administrator, Rajiv Shah, Bishop and Jones expressed their displeasure at learning of the effort they thought the agency had explicitly promised against."

Alain Sherter _CBS_
cancer survivor jailed for erroneous $280 medical bill in IL: Have debtor prisons returned?
London Daily Mail
Harry Bradford: Huffington Post
Carla K. Johnson: Business Week
Carla K. Johnson: DeKalb IL Daily Chronicle/AP
Belleville IL News-Democrat
Your Black World
Investment Watch
Alex Jones: InfoWars

Duane Lester _PJ Media_
Casting blunders in comic-book-based movies: There's still no accounting for tastes

2012-04-20 (5772 Nisan 28)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Hemorrhage of hatred
"Hatred of Jews is the central animating feature of the political and strategic reality of the Middle East.   It is hatred of Jews that dictates the legal regimes, foreign policies, military aspirations, cultural mores, educational themes and even public health policies of our neighbors from Ramallah to Teheran.   Despite the centrality of Jew hatred in all aspects of public life in the Arab and Muslim world, our neighbors' unrelenting and irrational abhorrence for Israel and the Jewish people remains a dirty secret that you aren't supposed to mention in polite company.   From Washington to Brussels, talk of the policy implications of Arab and Muslim Jew hatred is prohibited.   Omar Abu-Sneina, a convicted terrorist murderer is one of the thousand Palestinian terrorists that Israel released from prison in order to secure the release of Israeli hostage IDF sergeant Gilad Schalit.   Originally from Hebron, Abu-Sneina was released to Hamas-controlled Gaza.   This week the IDF announced that since his release Abu-Sneina has returned to the terror business.   The Israel Security Agency intercepted a memory card he sent his family in Hebron with instructions for how his fellow terrorists should go about kidnapping and holding IDF soldiers hostage.   The instructions demonstrate how for Abu-Sneina, Israelis don't even deserve to be treated like animals.   Among other things, he discussed how to hide a hostage."

2012-04-20 (5772 Nisan 28)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
if CAIR is saying bad things about you, you're probably a good person
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Around 1910, there were up to 200 automobile companies in the United States alone.   By the early 1930s, their number had shrunk to 20, and by 1960 4.   In the 1920s, literally hundreds of companies were making radio sets and hundreds more were going into radio stations.   by 1935, the control of broadcasting had moved into the hands of the 3 'networks' and there were only a dozen manufacturers of radio sets left.   Again, there was an explosion in the number of newspapers founded between 1880 and 1900.   In fact, newspapers were among the major 'growth industries' of the time.   Since World War 1, the number of newspapers in every major country has been going down-hill steadily." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg371  



Anthony Watts
Japan's National Astronomical Observatory reports solar activity due to fall, earth to cool

Jim Brunner _Seattle Times_
dentist, candidate for WA legislature, reached settlement in H-1B pay dispute

212-04-21 05:25PDT (08:25EDT) (12:25GMT) (14:25 Jerusalem)
Gregory Bresiger _NY Post_
congress-critters eyeing extorting from 401(k) and IRA investments, eliminating mortgage interest deductions

Ron Radosh _PJ Media_
3 American Professors: useful idiots of the Tehran regime

Gene Epstein _View from 1776_/_Barron's_
Fiscal follies and monetary mischief: economics and common sense vs. limited and inflexible models

Elizabeth Hartfield _abc_
Orrin Hatch facing primary challenge
Proposed Bills 2012

  "One cannot promote what one does not understand.   But at least society should not discourage, penalize, or make difficult such innovations.   Seen in this perspective, the recent trend in developed countries, and especially in the United States, to discourage the individual who tries to come up with a bright-idea innovation (by raising patent fees, for instance) and generally to discourage patents as 'anti-competitive' is short-sighted and deleterious." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg382  



Donnelle Eller _Des Moines IA Register_
phony claims of "skill shortage" in Iowa

Jan Falstad _Billings MT Gazette_
When seeking employment, it really is who you know
"Brown was interviewing 8 students for 2 bank trainee positions, looking for applicants with adaptability and flexibility, which he defines as the ability to multi-task.   'In one day, they may talk to a truck driver from Williston, ND, driving back from the oil fields and then talk to a CFO (chief financial officer) for a medical organization.', Brown said.   Like other cities, the higher paying professional jobs in Billings get filled largely by word of mouth, employers asking friends who would be a good fit.   That's why mentoring is so important to a student's career, said Justin Millet, a brokerage associate at Wells Fargo Advisors...   Humphrey met one person, who introduced him around until now he greets 40 to 50 friends at the Chamber After Hours socials and through the Downtown Billings Association.   'In Billings, if they like you, they hire you.', Humphrey said.   'Today, if Justin (Millet) and I became unemployed, we could probably have a job within a week with a back-up job, easy.'   After Humphrey pitched networking to a business class at Montana State University Billings, Cody Valkenburg and a friend responded.   Valkenburg, who graduates this month with a business administration degree, said the social event wasn't what they anticipated.   'I was expecting very powerful people who would be very hard to approach and talk to.', he said.   'But there was just a room full of professional people who were human and were willing to talk to you.'"

2012-04-22 15:00:42PDT (18:00:42EDT) (22:00:42GMT) (2012-04-23 00:00:42 Jerusalem)
Norm Matloff _Bloomberg_
Software engineers will one day work for English majors
Arizona Daily Star
Tampa Bay FL Tribune
"Although the very term 'coding' evokes an image of tedium, it is an intellectually challenging activity, creative and even artistic.   If you like puzzles and are good analytically, software development may be your cup of tea.   You not only get to solve puzzles for a living, but in essence you compose them.   Wages for new computer-science graduates working as software engineers are at, or near, the top of most surveys, certainly compared with new humanities grads.   We hear about the gap a lot this time of year, as students compare job offers.   You had better be good to get that first job in computer engineering, because you will probably be asked to code on command during job interviews; employers have been burned too often by those with high grades yet low ability.   But those who are chosen are generally paid well and love the work.   The down-side? Well, say you interview as a graduating college senior at FB.   You may find, to your initial delight, that the place looks just like a fun-loving dorm -- and the adults seem to be missing.   But that is a sign of how the profession has devolved in recent years to one lacking in longevity.   Many programmers find that their employability starts to decline at about age 35.   Gone by 40: Employers dismiss them as either lacking in up-to-date technical skills -- such as the latest programming-language fad -- or 'not suitable for entry level'.   IOW, either under-qualified or over-qualified.   That doesn't leave much, does it? Statistics show that most software developers are out of the field by age 40.   Employers have admitted this in unguarded moments.   Craig Barrett, a former chief executive officer of Intel Corp., famously remarked that 'the half-life of an engineer, software or hardware, is only a few years', while Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has blurted out that young programmers are superior.   [Former cross-border bodyshopper] Vivek Wadhwa, a former technology executive and now a business writer and Duke University researcher, wrote that in 2008 David Vaskevitch, then the chief technology officer at MSFT, 'acknowledged that the vast majority of new MSFT employees are young, but said that this is so because older workers tend to go into more senior jobs and there are fewer of those positions to begin with'.   More than a decade ago, Congress commissioned a National Research Council study of the age issue in the profession.   The council found that it took 23.4% longer for the over-40 workers to find work after losing their jobs, and that they had to take an average pay cut of 13.7% on the new job.   Why do the employers prefer to hire the new or recent grads? Is it really because only they have the latest skill sets? That argument doesn't jibe with the fact that young ones learned those modern skills from old guys like me.   Instead, the problem is that the 35-year-old programmer has simply priced herself out of the market.   As Wadhwa notes, even if the 45-year-old programmer making $120K has the right skills, 'companies would rather hire the younger workers'.   Whether the employers' policy is proper or not, this is the problem facing workers in the software profession.   And it's worsened by the H-1B work-visa program.   Government data show that H-1B software engineers tend to be much younger than their American counterparts.   Basically, when the employers run out of young Americans to hire, they turn to the young H-1Bs, bypassing the older Americans.   Fewer Managerial Jobs: With talent, street smarts and keen networking skills, you might still get good work in your 50s.   Moving up to management is also a possibility, but as MSFT's Vaskevitch pointed out, these jobs are limited in number.   Qualifications include being 'verbally aggressive', as one manager put it to me, and often a willingness to make late- night calls to those programmers in India you have offshored the work to.   Finally, those high programmer salaries are actually low, because the same talents (analytical and problem-solving ability, attention to detail) command much more money in other fields, such as law and finance.   A large technology company might typically pay new law-school graduates and MBAs salaries and compensation approaching double what they give new master's degree grads in computer science.   If you choose a software-engineering career, just keep in mind that you could end up working for one of those 'lowly' humanities majors someday."
Software Engineering Is a Dead-End Career

David Archibald
back-testing the solar activity - sea level relationship

John Haughton
Was the 1995 meeting in Madrid the tipping point in the corruption of science as related to climate
Personally, I would have put it around 1987...jgo

Hope Yen _Dallas TX Morning News_/_AP_
Half of new grads are unemployed or under-employed
NE MS Daily Journal
Philadelphia PA Inquirer
San Jose CA Mercury News
USA Today/Gannett
WCPO Cincinnati OH
WV State Journal
"About 1.5M, or 53.6%, of bachelor's degree-holders under the age of 25 last year were jobless or under-employed, the highest share in at least 11 years.   In 2000, the share was at a low of 41%, before the dot-com bust erased job gains for college graduates in the telecommunications and IT fields.   Out of the 1.5M who languished in the job market, about half were under-employed, an increase from the previous year...   In the last year, they were more likely to be employed as waiters, waitresses, bartenders and food-service helpers than as engineers, physicists, chemists and mathematicians combined (100K versus 90K).   There were more working in office-related jobs such as receptionist or pay-roll clerk than in all computer professional jobs (163K versus 100K).   More also were employed as cashiers, retail clerks and customer representatives than engineers (125K versus 80K)."

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Hanson_
Leftism and Obummer were always about the Power

Ed Driscoll _PJ Media_
Questioning the voice of "authority"
"Then: [Leftist] journalists in the 1960s told us all to 'Question Authority'. Now: Journalists on the Left reminisce about the days when they were 'The Voice of Authority'."

Janice Fiamengo _PJ Media_
Can the Humanities be saved?

Aaron Goldstein _American Spectator_
Another 60 Minutes hatchet job on Israel
Proposed Bills 2012

  "In 1947... Robert Maynard Hutchins... _A Free and Responsible Press_...   The report noted that, from 1910 to 1947, daily newspapers in the United States had dwindled from about 2,600 to 1,750, and weeklies from about 16K to 10,500.   Hutchins envisioned -- and feared -- the day when every community might be left with only a single major paper, creating a virtual monopoly on local coverage.   He worried about the nationwide chains of newspapers that were growing in size and power: in 1947, 76 chains owned 375 dailies, almost 25% of the country's total." --- Howard Gardner, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & William Damon 2001 _Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet_ pg158  



Sean Barron _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
STEM projects were show-cased at YSU: Future Homeless of America

Willis Eschenbach
an ocean of over-confidence

_Washington Examiner_/_AP_
DHS investigating Infosys for suspected visa abuses
NY Daily News
Erika Kinetz: Victoria Advocate
Dhanya Ann Thoppil: Wall Street Journal
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG
Patrick Thibodeau: CIO/IDG
"The US Department of Homeland Security has found a 'significant percentage' of errors in the company's verifications of US work visa applications, Infosys said in a US regulatory filing last week."

Benny Peiser
the "ungreening" of Germany
"German utilities and private investors have plans to construct or modernise some 84 power stations, energy and water industry association BDEW said on Monday.   Of the total number counted 29 units were gas-fired and 17 coal-fired generation plants, it said."

Matthew McLaughlin _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
celebrating a century of 4-H
"4-H, the iconic organization named for its values of head, heart, hand and health, is celebrating 100 years in Pennsylvania this year as well as its growth in that 100 years into an organization with successful and diverse programming...   During the late 19th century, after finding farmers were resistant to change, researchers and universities discovered their children were much more willing to try new agricultural practices and technology.   As a result, youth programs became a means of introducing new technology and practices to farming communities.   One such program in Ohio was started by A.B. Graham in 1902, which is considered by 4-H to be the time and place the organization was born.   It was not until 1910, however, that the iconic 4-H logo -- a clover with an H on each leaf -- was designed, and programs were not widely known as 4-H clubs until 1912, according to 4-H's web-site."

W. James Antle iii _American Spectator_
The first federal government spending cuts are the deepest... but if only the planned cuts were deep enough

Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
Why there cannot be a global warming consensus: That's just not how science works

Beryl Lieff Benderly _AAAS Science_
What a difference age makes
"Matloff has been arguing for years that the dirty secret of the so-called shortage of technically trained American workers is age discrimination, specifically that many employers prefer young workers, who are energetic and cheap, to older workers who have years of experience and expect their paychecks to reflect that.   The argument often made that only young workers have the up-to-date skills that employers need 'doesn't jibe with the fact that young ones learned those modern skills from old guys like me', he writes.   (Matloff is a professor of computer science at University of California-Davis.)   'Basically, when employers run out of [cheap] young Americans to hire, they turn to [cheap] young H-1Bs, bypassing older Americans.'"

Numbers of illegal aliens in USA from Mexico has dropped a little

Neil McAllister _InfoWorld_/_
7 programming myths busted!
"What Brooks actually says is that, in one study, the very best programmers were 10 times more productive than the very worst programmers, not the average ones.   Most developers fall somewhere in the middle.   If you really see a 10-fold productivity differential in your own staff, chances are you've made some very poor hiring choices in the past (along with some very good ones).   What's more, the study Brooks cites was from 1966.   Modern software project managers know better than to place too much faith in developer productivity metrics, which are seldom reliable.   For one thing, code output doesn't tell the whole story.   Brooks himself admits that even the best programmers spend only about 50% of the work-week actually coding and debugging."
"The best programmers on the team may be so much better than the rest that just a few of [them] can put out more than all the rest combined." --- Alistair Cockburn 2002 _Agile Software Development_ pg 61

William L. Anderson
Krugman is the amnesiac economist
"I make this lengthy point about the NYT because this is a paper that openly and arrogantly contradicts nature itself, as the people who write for the paper, including the vast majority of its columnists, believe that laws of time and space do not apply to them.   That makes them free to rewrite history and declare themselves to be akin to the Masters of the Universe."

2012-04-23 (5772 Ayyr 01)
Sheera Frenkel _Jewish World Review_
Egypt begins to curtail relations with Israel

2012-04-23 (5772 Ayyr 01)
John Thorne _Jewish World Review_
political debate in Tunisia between violent Islamics and secularists

2012-04-23 (5772 Ayyr 01)
Eryn Brown _Jewish World Review_
researchers develop DNA- and RNA-like molecules
"Researchers at the Medical Research Council in Cambridge, England, demonstrated that six synthetic molecules that are similar to -- but not exactly like -- DNA and RNA have the potential to exhibit 'hallmarks of life' such as storing genetic information, passing it along and under-going evolution.   The man-made molecules are called 'XNAs'...   Steven Benner, a bio-chemist at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in Gainesville, FL...   scientists believe life on Earth probably was RNA-based before it became DNA-based -- and could have been based on an even simpler XNA, such as TNA (made with a sugar called threose), before that."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "The number of independently owned dailies dropped from 1,750 (a number that, in 1947 Hutchins worried about) to 700 in 1980, and to approximately 300 by the 1990s.   By the beginning of the 21st century, Westinghouse owned CBS, GE owned NBC, AOL Time/Warner owned Turner Broadcasting (including CNN), Disney owned abc, and Rupert Murdoch or Bill Gates seemed to own just about everything else." --- Howard Gardner, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & William Damon 2001 _Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet_ pp162-163  



2012-04-24 03:11PDT (06:11EDT) (10:11GMT) (12:11 Jerusalem)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_

U of FL plan to "decimate" computer science programs is drawing protests

Market Ticker
Michael Stratford: Chronicle of Higher Education
"The university runs a large computer science program, with about 600 under-graduates and 400 students pursuing master's degrees.   It is also a research university that is now training about 130 PhD students...   About $1.7M is set to be cut from the budget of the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) department.   That cut would eliminate money to pay for teaching assistants -- compensation that PhD students count on to finance their educations.   The CISE support staff is being cut as well, and that includes people who provide tech support, said Sitharam...   Faculty members who remain in CISE will see their job descriptions changed from teaching and research to just teaching.   And while the university points out that this doesn't preclude them from conducting research...   The university said cutting teaching assistant funding will save $1.4M.   Despite these cuts and shifts in work-load, the university says that the computer science program will 'maintain its brain-power and research capacity'...   the university claims in its statement that there will be no layoffs of tenure-track faculty...   Another controversial aspect of this plan involves moving CISE students to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering."

Nigel Calder
Svensmark's cosmic jackpot: "Evidence of nearby super-novae affecting life on earth"

2012-04-24 06:25PDT (09:25EDT) (13:25GMT) (15:25 Jerusalem)
Toni Bowers _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
employees and employers should both be wary of inflated, deflated and obscure job titles

Michael Cutler on USA Talk Radio Network
Michael Cutler
AND magazine on Michaael Cutler

Chuck Norris _Town Hall_
Soros + Obummer + Holder vs. sheriff Joe Arpaio + US citizens

John Kehr
Warmism: Science vs. Political Power-Play

_Cumberland PA Sentinel_/_AP_
35-year PA legislator, House Democrat leader, resigned Monday, after February conviction on 5 felony counts of corruption
"He had said he would resign from the Legislature before he is sentenced for illegally using state employees and other public resources for political campaigns between 2001 and 2006.   A jury convicted DeWeese in February on 3 counts of theft and 1 count each of conspiracy and conflict of interest.   The state constitution bars felons from serving in the General Assembly, but that ban is not triggered until the sentence is imposed.   [Part of 25 arrests of Dem and Rep caucuses in the PA House.]"

Anthony Watts
Columbia US Earf Institute declares that trees do 8 times as well in the NY, NY urban heat island than outside of it
"The study, just published in the journal Tree Physiology, shows that common native red oak seedlings grow as much as 8 times [as fast] in New York's Central Park than in more rural, cooler settings in the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountains. "

Paul Driessen
E15 -- 15% ethanol -- won't work in many cars
"Bowing to pressure from ADM, Cargill, Growth Energy and other Big Ethanol lobbyists, Lisa Jackson's EPA has decided to allow ethanol manufacturers to register as suppliers of E15 gasoline.   E15 contains 15% ethanol, rather than currently mandated 10% blends...   [The Obummer admin] already plans to provide [tax-victim]-financed grants, loans and loan guarantees to 'help station owners install 10K blender pumps over the next 5 years' and promote the use of 'bio-fuels'."

Kenneth Corbin _PC Advisor_/_CIO_/_IDG_
head of unconstitutional Dept. of Educationism Arne Duncan plans idiotic, misdirected, inefficient career and tech training scheme
IDG Norway
CIO Australia
HR1325: Joe Donnelly of IN: unconstitutional waste of tax-victims' earnings on misdirected, ineffective training
S1243: Kay Hagan of NC: unconstitutional waste of tax-victims' earnings on misdirected, ineffective training

Alejandra Cancino _Chicago Tribune_/_McClatchy_
WEF and cross-border bodyshopper and off-shorer Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu claims "shortage of skilled workers" without any evidence of such
Orlando FL Sentinel
Job Market Monitor/UBM

Indian firms got 72,429 H-1B visas in FY2011, Red China 10,849
"Sources at the US Consulate told CNBC-TV18 that Indian companies got 72,429 H1-B visas in FY2011 compared with 51,664 in FY2010.   Compare this [Red China] which received 10,849 H1-B visas in FY2011 and 11,242 in FY2010.   Regarding the receipt of L-1 visas, in FY2011 the US issued India 26,919 in FY2011 as compared to 36,821 in FY2010.   [Red China] got 3,241 in FY2011 versus 2,437 in FY2010."

2012-04-24 (5772 Ayyr 02)
Philip Moeller _Jewish World Review_
families are changing but are still key to happiness
"family really matters in shaping happiness and well-being.   People are directly influenced by the quantity and quality of family interactions -- phone calls between mothers and daughters, extended family vacations, visits with in-laws, and perhaps later, time with Grams and Gramps.   Beyond the time and emotional bonding between individual family members, relatives also form a powerful support and approval network.   The way we interact with that network can make our lives much easier and healthful, or much harder and stressful...   Pew looked at changes in the living arrangements of adults between 1960 and 2008.   The percentage of married adults dropped during this period from 72% to 52%.   The percentage of widowed people also declined, from 9% of all adults in 1960 to 7% in 2008.   The percentage of people who were separated or divorced nearly tripled over this time, however, from 5% to 14%.   And the percentage of adults who had never been married nearly doubled, from 14% in 1960 to 27% in 2008."

2012-04-24 (5772 Ayyr 02)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Jewish World Review_
losing the jihadists' war on America: Violent Muslims' propaganda is slowly blinding us to the enemy within
"the prospect of victory is becoming more remote by the day.   No one seems able to explain the reason.   In an effort to provide the missing answer, on Tuesday , the Center for Security Policy is making available via the Internet a new, free 10-part video course titled 'The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within'.   This course connects the proverbial dots, drawing on a wealth of publicly available data and firsthand accounts to present a picture that has, for more than a decade, been obscured, denied and suppressed.   In addition to the threat of violent jihad, America faces another, even more toxic danger -- a stealthy and pre-violent form of warfare aimed at destroying our constitutional form of democratic government and free society.   The Muslim Brotherhood is the prime mover behind this seditious campaign, which it calls 'civilization jihad'.   The Muslim Brotherhood? Yes, that would be the same organization to which President Obama recently transferred $1.5G of our tax dollars in a lump-sum payment.   For him to do so, secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had to waive congressionally imposed restrictions born of fully justified concerns about the nature and direction of the Shariah-adherent government the Brotherhood is birthing in Egypt...   During [William Jefferson Blythe Clinton's] presidency, a top Muslim Brother, Abdurahman Alamoudi, was put in charge of recruiting, training and credentialing Muslim chaplains for the U.S. military and prison system.   Incredibly, some of them are believed to be in place still, even though Alamoudi turns out to have been a top al Qaeda financier and is doing hard time at Colorado's Supermax on terrorism charges...   the [Brotherhood's] access to and influence with senior officials in the [George W. Bush admin] induced the federal government to...reach out to the Muslim community in this country using virtually exclusively Brotherhood front organizations as liaisons; and provide support to and participation in Shariah-compliant finance - an industry engaged in what one of its leaders, Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, calls 'jihad with money'...   On April 25, Glenn Beck will release an important new hour-long documentary that addresses many of these same points, titled 'Rumors of War III'."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2012-04-24 (5772 Ayyr 02)
Julie Deardorff _Jewish World Review_
Doubts cast on much food intolerance testing
"allergists and gastroenterologists say that although food intolerance does occur -- most of it involving specific food sugars like lactose or fructose -- the tests being marketed to consumers have no scientific basis...   In an allergic reaction, the immune system overreacts to a food by producing an antibody called Immunoglobulin E that causes hives, vomiting, diarrhea and respiratory problems, among other symptoms.   To diagnose an allergy, allergists use a blood test that checks for IgE, skin prick testing and other methods.   The gold standard is an oral food challenge, which involves eating small doses of the suspect food under medical supervision.   Food intolerances are unpleasant reactions that do not involve the immune system, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.   They can be caused by enzyme deficiencies, sensitivities to food additives such as sulfites and monosodium glutamate, or reactions to naturally occurring chemicals.   For example, people who lack an enzyme needed to digest sugar in milk have lactose intolerance.   Sulfites used to preserve dried fruit, canned goods and wine trigger asthma attacks in sensitive people.   Adverse reactions to wheat or the protein gluten come in several forms.   Celiac disease is an immune system reaction to gluten that causes inflammation in the small intestine.   A wheat allergy is an allergic reaction to wheat, almost always caused by the gluten.   And gluten sensitivity means a person has symptoms after ingesting gluten but doesn't have either of the other conditions, said Stefano Guandalini, founder and medical director of the University of Chicago's Celiac Disease Center...   Blood tests are a common way to test for sensitivity or intolerance; many of these also involve an antibody, this one called Immunoglobulin G, or IgG.   The tests often purport to check for sensitivities to hundreds of common foods, many of which rarely trigger food allergies, such as sugar or yeast.   Blood is exposed to a panel of food proteins, and the labs measure the degree of IgG antibody that binds to each food.   But while IgE can indicate the presence of an allergen, IgG hasn't been shown to be a similar marker for intolerance.   Instead, IgG is believed to indicate exposure to food and possibly even tolerance, Lavine wrote in the Canadian Medical Association Journal."

2012-04-24 (5772 Ayyr 02)
Menachem Wecker _Jewish World Review_
Why more MBAs pursue education-related jobs
"Though the education industry's not known for doling out high salaries, business students seem to be increasingly seeking jobs in the policy, technology, and management of education, say education professionals and business students."

2012-04-24 (5772 Ayyr 02)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Who is "racist"? part 1 of 2
American Spectator
"too many people in the media see their role as filtering and slanting the news to fit their own vision of the world."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "We do not know whether privatization [A word that I (Peter F. Drucker) coined in 1969 in _The Age of Discontinuity_, but which others credit to Robert Poole ii], that is, turning activities back from government to non-governmental operation (albeit not necessarily to operation by a business enterprise, as most people have interpreted the term) will work or will go very far." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg395  



Matthew McLaughlin _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
it will be Lou Barletta vs. Gene Stilp, Marc A. Scaringi vs. Bob Casey in general election
2012 PA primary results

Roger L. Simon
Walter Duranty award for Journalistic Mendacity
PJ Media

Abraham H. Miller _PJ Media_
Jew-bashing at universities is the new normal

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
H-1B program grace notes

Anthony Watts
US Snail + wind warms + electric vehicles: What could possibly go wrong?
"Take the 3 most inefficient and subsidized things in government today, add them together, and there's no way that spells SUCCESS. It does spell FAIL though."

Mark Parry _Chronicle of Higher Education_
students seek additional educational content on-line, dissatisfied with profs'
"they generally shop around for content in places educators would endorse.   Students seem most favorably inclined to materials from other universities.   They mention lecture videos from Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology...   they prefer recognized 'brands' like the Mayo Clinic.   Students often seek this outside content due to dissatisfaction with their own professors...   Ms. Morgan confesses to some concerns about her own data.   She wonders how much students are 'telling me what I want to hear'.   She also worries that she's tapping into a disproportionate slice of successful students."

Jason Koebler _US News & World Report_
Ill-conceived legislation would increase unconstitutional federal spending on STEM education to encourage "minorities" to enter devastated fields

Quin Hillyer _American Spectator_
Holder's outrages continue

Aaron Goldstein _American Spectator_
Obummer vs. Arizona: administrative, not constitutional
transcripts of arguments

Peter Ferrara _American Spectator_
Obummer and Holder stealing our elections

Eric Peters _American Spectator_
If the feral federal government and protection rackets have their way your car won't be your car after 2014
S1813: Barbara Boxer of CA: mandates black-boxes in "private" vehicles

Suzanne Lucas _CBS_
Sloppy writing may be undermining your job search
"There are some people out there who can get a job despite bad grammar and the lack of a shift key, but you are not one of them.   Those people are the geniuses who have such unique skill sets that it is a job seekers' market for them.   This is not you.   You are normal.   You need all the help you can get."

2012-04-25 (5772 Ayyr 03)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
devious government extortion
"The Washington, DC-based Tax Foundation does a yeoman's job of keeping track of how much we're paying in taxes and who's paying what.   It turns out that American taxpayers worked this year from Jan. 1 to April 17, 107 days, to earn enough money to pay their federal, state and local tax bills.   That statistic requires some clarification, and I ask my readers to help me examine it.   According to the Congressional Budget Office, Congress will spend $3.8T this year, about 24% of our $15T gross domestic product.   But federal tax revenue will be much less, only $2.5T, or 16% of the GDP.   That means there's a shortfall of $1.3T.   Some people, including economists, say there's a deficit.   That's true, but only in an accounting sense, not in any meaningful economic sense.   Let's look at it.   If Congress spends $3.8T out of this year's $15T GDP, what must it do to accomplish that goal? If you said it must "find a way to force us not to spend $3.8T privately," go to the head of the class.   One way to force us to spend $3.8T less is to tax us that amount, but we're being taxed only $2.5T.   Where does the extra $1.3T come from? It surely doesn't come from the tooth fairy, Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.   The fact of business is that if Congress spends $3.8T of what we produce this year, it necessarily must force us to spend $3.8 trillion less privately this year.   The most honest way to force us to do that is through taxation.   Another way is to enter the bond market and make interest rates higher than they otherwise would be, thereby forcing us to spend less on private investment in homes and businesses.   Then there is debasement of the currency through inflation, which is taxation by stealth."
Proposed Bills 2012

  "To be sure, some innovation efforts will do better than anyone expects, but others will do much less well.   And everything takes longer than we hope or estimate; everything also requires more effort...   to demand innovative efforts which, if everything goes acording to plan, yield 3 times the minimum results needed is only elementary precaution." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg404  



2012-04-26 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Scott Gibbons & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 366,743 in the week ending April 21, a decrease of 3,484 from the previous week.   There were 387,867 initial claims in the comparable week in 2011.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.7% during the week ending April 14, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,410,877, a decrease of 36,897 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 3.0% and the volume was 3,783,787.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending April 7 was 6,677,959, a decrease of 87,160 from the previous week.   Extended benefits were available in AL, AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MD, MA, MO, NV, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, WA, WV, and WI during the week ending April 7.   States reported 2,729,204 persons claiming EUC (Emergency Unemployment Compensation) benefits for the week ending April 7, a decrease of 45,930 from the prior week.   There were 3,448,260 claimants in the comparable week in 2011.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07, and seasonal adjustment factors were revised.]
EUC (Excel)
more graphs

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
The war from within -- contemporary southerners reflecting on the Civil War... sans lost cause

Ian Wishart
century-old map of NZ in new history book throws doubt on claims of sea level change

Quin Hillyer _American Spectator_
fire this man, immediately
"This EPA official who said his strategy is to 'crucify' oil and gas companies ought be fired before week's end.   Period.   This isn't regulatory enforcement, it's criminal prosecutorial abuse.   Then again, the Obama administration is rather good at such regulatory abuses."

Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
solicitor general Donald Verrilli's latest losing hand
"It seems to me that the Federal Government just doesn't want to know who is here illegally or not." --- chief justice John Roberts

Aaron Goldstein _American Spectator_
Obummer is no Jimmy Carter

Ross Kaminsky _American Spectator_
Paul Ryan on government extortion, polls and America's future

Rand Simberg _PJ Media_
Asymmetry of ideology: Leftists are unable to understand the moral universe
"University of Virginia psychology professor Jonathan Haidt has been doing some interesting research on what makes 'liberals' (that is to say, Leftists, since they're not really liberal at all) and conservatives tick...   It explains a remarkable amount about current (and not-so-current) events.   It is all the more interesting because he seems to be a recovering [leftist] himself."

_Chronicle of Higher Education_
U of FL dropped college of engineering dean's plan to shift CS focus from research to teaching
university president Bernie Machen's statement on budget

2012-04-26 14:02PDT (17:02EDT) (21:02GMT) (23:02 Jerusalem)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Mean-spirited Zoe Lofgren drives toxic environment by pushing for even more excessive visas

Jerry Bowyer _Forbes_
Glenn Beck, national decline and the story of the Roman empire
"the left really does have a strong totalitarian bent.   No nation is guaranteed eternal life, let alone eternal prosperity and hegemony.   And the United States is, indeed, aggressively moving in the wrong direction...   All of this was transacted with the Roman Denarius.   It didn't matter that it was hated.   It mattered that it was universally accepted for commercial purposes and held its value better than the alternatives.   When the leaders of Jerusalem revolted against Rome the first time in 66CE, they threw out the hated Roman silver coins and minted patriotic shekels, out of the baser bronze.   The coinage, of course traded at much lower values against the Roman coins despite strong political pressure for its use...   The point of all of this is that as shaky as Rome's coinage was and as much as it was hated by captive people of the empire, it would last another 200 years due chiefly to a lack of alternatives.   Reserve currencies do not generally crash quickly, though they do crash.   Great nations are generally granted many reprieves, many amnesties, many second chances.   I'm not saying that we've got another 200 years, if we continue down our current path of debt and debasement.   I don't know how much time we have for course corrections.   All this amounts to the following: I'm not ready to give up on us yet, but I'm definitely read to hedge my bets."

2012-04-26 (5772 Ayyr 04)
Scott Peterson _Jewish World Review_
Iran's cyber prowess: Could it really have cracked codes for controlling UAVs?
"aviation and cyber experts explain why it's possible and what damage could be done by America's enemies...   captured during a spy mission over Iran in December, signaling to Washington that the data was not destroyed and that Iran can crack the encryption codes.   The bat-wing RQ-170 Sentinel...   Hajizadeh said he provided '4 cues... to let the Americans know how deep we could penetrate into [the intelligence systems and devices of] this drone', according to Fars News, which is linked to the Revolutionary Guard.   The Iranian general laid out specific details of the drone's maintenance and mission history: Work was done in California on 2010 Oct. 16, and the drone flew a mission from Kandahar, Afghanistan, on 2010 Nov. 18, he said.   Technical problems brought the drone back in 2010 December to Los Angeles -- close to the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works location at Palmdale, CA, where the drone was made.   Hajizadeh also stated that two weeks prior to the assassination raid on the bin Laden compound in 2011 May 2, the drone had flown a mission 'right on top of his hiding spot', and had made other flights into Pakistani air-space...   'It's much safer to assume that Iran is at least as capable as some of its hackers, and some of its hackers have proven to be very capable.', says Mr. Carr, author of the book _Inside Cyber Warfare_...   Iran had exploited a navigational weakness to jam and confuse the drone, causing it to land in Iran...   Iranian officials in recent days stated that Beijing and Moscow 'have been most aggressive in their pursuit of details'..."

2012-04-26 (5772 Ayyr 04)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
Law games: Regressive/Leftist activists are corrupting the laws of war and putting free nations at increased risk

2012-04-26 (5772 Ayyr 04)
Danielle Kurtzleben _Jewish World Review_
6 unusual economic indicators

2012-04-26 (5772 Ayyr 04)
Jessica Harper _Jewish World Review_
6 supposedly "hottest" tech careers of 2012: bodyshop bodyshop bodyshop bodyshop

2012-04-26 (5772 Ayyr 04)
Charlie Kirk _Breitbart_
much leftist bias begins in HS economics text-books
Proposed Bills 2012

  "The new venture therefore needs to start out with the assumption that its product or service may find customers in markets no one thought of, for uses no one envisaged with the product or service was designed, and that it will be bought by customers outside its field of vision and even unknown to the new venture.   If the new venture does not have such a market focus from the very beginning, all it is likely to create is the market for a competitor." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pp441-442  



2012-04-26 20:34PDT (2012-04-27 00:34EDT) (2012-04-27 04:34GMT) (2012-04-27 06:34 Jerusalem)
Michael Kozuchowski _Daily Illini_
U of IL students protest working conditions at local Flex-N-Gate factory owned by Shahid Khan
"Owned by local billionaire Shahid Khan -- a University alumnus, owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars... failed to provide proper health and safety conditions for their workers, protestors say...   Veer Kothari, member of the UGA and senior in Business, said that the rally's main goal was to spread awareness...   Beginning in 2011 December, local Flex-N-Gate employees started to file complaints with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA], according to members of the GEO.   Since then, employees have made accusations of more than 30 violations, members say.   Kothari said one main concern is the carcinogenic compound used to coat bumpers, the chemical hexavalent chromium, which comes from chromium.   She said Flex-N-Gate workers have objected to the lack of training and protective equipment..."

2012-04-27 06:04PDT (09:04EDT) (13:04GMT) (15:04 Jerusalem)
Scott Thurm _Wall Street Journal_
35 US-based multi-nationals add most jobs over-seas, not in USA
"boosted their employment at home by 3.1%, or 113K jobs, between 2009 and 2011, the same rate of increase as the nation's other employers.   But they also added more than 333K jobs in their far-flung—and faster-growing— foreign operations."

2012-04-27 07:27PDT (10:27EDT) (14:27GMT) (16:27 Jerusalem)
Paul Ivice _Treasure Coast FL Palm_
Florida "WorkForce Solutions" helped over 30K find jobs in March
"For the third consecutive month, the work-force boards helped more than 30K unemployed Floridians find jobs, including placements for more than 7K who had been receiving unemployment compensation.   In the Treasure Coast, Workforce Solutions helped 1,170 people find jobs in March, of which 306 had been receiving unemployment compensation."

2012-04-27 07:51PDT (10:51EDT) (14:51GMT) (16:51 Jerusalem)
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index rose from 76.2 in late March to 76.4 at the end of April
St. Louis Fed

Paul Ryan _American Spectator_
Empowering individuals or bureaubums?

Stephen Moore & Peter Ferrara _American Spectator_
The road from serfdom

Cray shares soar nearly 22% on strong 2012Q1 results

Bill diPuccio
HS science video pilot: "The GreenHouse Effect"

Gary Shapiro _American Spectator_
50 of the ways the Obummer admin has hurt the economy and job markets
"Since President Obama has taken office we have at least 2M more employable Americans, yet after trillions of dollars of stimulus and deficit spending, we actually have fewer non-government jobs than we did the day he took the oath of office."

Trevor Williams _Anti-American Atlanta GA_
Infosys bodyshop opened new Atlanta office
LCA applications showing under-mining local market compensation

John Williams _King World News_
"recovery" is an illusion from phony government numbers

Michael Pollaro _Forbes_
increases in currency supply inevitably result in eonomic busts

2012-04-27 (5772 Ayyr 05)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
It's taken decades, but Israel is finally learning not to hate itself

2012-04-27 (5772 Ayyr 05)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
Obummer does not "know best"
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Businesses are not paid to reform customers.   They are paid to satisfy customers." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg443  



USA Science & Engineering Festival at Walter E. Washington Convention Center in DC

Robert X. Cringely _Beta News_
Sneaky Ill-Begotten Monstrosities off-shoring
"IBM's public position is they are creating jobs in smaller towns when in fact they are displacing workers from other parts of the United States by moving jobs to these GDFs or to off-shore locations...   In the case of Dubuque and Columbia, IBM secured heavy incentives from state and local governments to minimize their costs in these locations and are achieving further savings by paying the technical team members, most of whom are new hires or fresh college grads with no experience, a fraction of what experienced support personnel would require...   When IBM opened the Dubuque center the people of Iowa expected great things.   The center was staffed by a small number of US IBMers in management positions.   Big Blue then brought over people from India for 'training', then sent them back.   Few H-1B visas were even required.   Every time IBM sent a batch of trainees back to India from Iowa they laid off US workers.   While Dubuque was led to believe they'd get an influx of highly-paid new residents, what the city actually received was a transient work-force of under-paid people...   With hundreds of thousands of laid-off IT workers in the USA, why can't American workers be hired for these positions? Because IBM doesn't want US employees.   Or, for that matter, European employees, though these are harder to jettison.   Lay-offs at IBM are rarely due to job performance, though complaining will get you sacked.   Big Blue tends to position these actions as job eliminations, but jobs aren't usually eliminated, they are just relocated to GDF or GR locations staffed by cheaper workers...   These draconian tactics might be justified if survival of the company or the best interests of the customer were involved, but they aren't.   It's mainly about executive compensation.   Meanwhile IBM's work for customers is becoming increasingly shoddy."

2012-04-28 12:00PDT (15:00EDT) (19:00GMT) (21:00 Jerusalem)
Kate Tulenko _Salon_
foreign invasion of health-care workers
"Approximately 15% of all health-care workers and 25% of all physicians in the United States were born and educated elsewhere.   This means that 1.5M health-care jobs are 'in-sourced', occupied by foreign-born, foreign-trained workers brought into the United States on special visas earmarked for healthcare jobs.   This number is 150% [of] the total number of jobs in the U.S. auto-manufacturing industry.   It's amazing to consider that in 2008 and 2009, the auto industry, which makes up just 3.6% of the U.S. economy, received a $97G bail-out.   If we estimate that each of these 1.5M in-sourced health-care jobs has an average wage of $60K, that's $90G a year in wages going to people brought into the United States to work rather than training Americans to do the same jobs."

Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
True the Vote
Proposed Bills 2012

  "low marks on its 'production values', including its slow pacing and its paucity of local community color...   Creative success requires trial and error, time to make mistakes and correct them -- in short, an incubation period during which the new ideas can be safely nurtured.   Progress within domains requires fields that are willing and able to provide such incubation periods.   The failure of [Carol Marin's] 22:00 News [in Chicago] was a field failure, an incapacity to make enough of a commitment to the show to see it to fruition.   Happily, the failure did not take Marin's career along with it..." --- Howard Gardner, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & William Damon 2001 _Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet_ pp184, 185  



Florida History Fair

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
My great-grand-mother's wood cook-stove

Gene A. Nelson _Social Contract_
How record immigration levels robbed American high-tech workers of $10T
"policies that began in 1965 with the passage of the [Hart-Celler-Kennedy Immigration & Nationality act, IANA1965].   The changes were dramatically accelerated by the unprecedented increases in immigration that followed the [Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Reform & Control act, IRCA1986, and Kennedy-d'Amato-Dodd-Moynihan-Simpson Immigration] act of 1990 [IMMACT1990].   Currently, there are a record 39.96M [legal] immigrants, comprising 12.92% of the U.S. population.   The economic law of supply and demand predicts that the work-force gluts resulting from the immigrant glut will drive down wages and worsen working conditions."

William F. McClenney
On fracking

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
leftist reactionarians: Our new regressivism

J. Christian Adams _PJ Media_
widespread contempt in Obummer DoJ for citizens of states trying to reduce voting fraud (and illegal immigration)

Kyle Smith _PJ Media_
England: It was fun while it lasted

_Treasure Coast FL Palm_
Jensen Beach HS team won world Robotics Competition in St. Louis, MO
Robert Guttersohn: Youngstown OH Vindicator: WGHarding HS robotics team placed 8th in USA

Francine Berman _Chronicle of Higher Education_
academia and government are catching on that information is valuable and expensive: but few wish to pay
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Western countries are supposed to be democracies, accountable to voter assessments and preferences, and all Western publics believe they have too much immigration...   Certain influential Europeans believed after WW2 that it should be possible to bring immigrants from the 3rd World to the 1st.   But once immigration was possible in some circumstances, it became irresistible in most circumstances." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pp328-329  



professor Gerald L. Boerner
Anne Frank

Anthony Watts
wind farms causing atmospheric warming?!

Anthony Watts
Al Armendariz, who talked about "crucifying" US energy industry, has resigned from EPA

Marlene Taylor _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
bees seeking new digs
Cumberland PA Sentinel/AP

2012-04-30 08:51PDT (11:51EDT) (15:51GMT) (17:51 Jerusalem)
Saritha Rai _Tech Republic_/_Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
Indian bodyshops are levelling, equal-opportunity abusers: quest for cheap, pliant labor with flexible/questionable ethics giving Indian women a more even chance

John Kehr
how stratospheric temperature is de-coupled from surface temperature: Arrhenius vs. Ångström

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
judiciary chair Lamar Smith unleashes on Holder for willfully ignoring the US constitution
Lamar Smith: National Review
"'All government officials are bound by the limits of the Constitution and the rule of law, including the president and the attorney general.', the chairman added."

Patrick Poole _PJ Media_
Ohio colleges partner with terrorist Hamas & CAIR
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

Kathy Shaidle _PJ Media_
Talent is not everything: 5 "secrets" to free-lance success
"today, 'fitting in' with the company 'culture' is prioritized over competence and intelligence. Yet somehow, even a curmudgeon like me can manage to remain polite, helpful, and engaged for the length of that email or phone call with a client."

David P. Goldman _PJ Media_
persistence, culture, and success

"Mike the mad biologist"
Bruni gets the college problem complete backwards
"The problem with a college education is not that it is 'useless', but that it costs too much for what you're getting.   If it didn't saddle many graduates with massive debt, it would be a good thing.   Unlike 50 years ago (and the model hasn't changed much), working a minimum wage job in the summer and part-time can't put you through school anymore.   So it's not the education that's at issue, it's the debt...   But a surplus liberal arts degrees aren't why companies are importing computer scientists and the like.   They are doing this because it's cheaper and younger labor.   Employers don't want older technology workers, in part due to age bias (30 year olds don't want to hire 55 year olds).   They also think older workers will want (or need) higher wages.   And older workers, unlike those who residency status depends on their employment, will be more 'troublesome'.   That is, refuse to be [abused].   Finally, we're not limited by technology workers."

Dominic Gates _Seattle WA Times_
Grassley looks into Boeing's abuse of B-1 visas for Russian engineers

10 most-hated companies in USA

William L. Anderson
Paul Krugman and Ron Paul debate economics

2012-04-30 (5772 Ayyr 08)
Ibrahim Garba _Jewish World Review_
At least Nigerian Christians at prayer were butchered as violent Islamics made good on threats

2012-04-30 (5772 Ayyr 08)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Who is "racist"? part 2 of 2
Proposed Bills 2012

  "Scale matters. America has about 2M Muslims (excluding black Muslims) scattered about the country.   If its Muslim population were proportionate to that of France and similarly dispersec, it would have close to 40M, concentrated in a handful of major cities and poised to take political control of them...   The jury is still out on whether the US melting pot will work on Muslims as it has worked on other immigrants." --- Christopher Caldwell 2009 _Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West_ pp340-341  


Proposed Bills 2012

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population

  "Whenever I have asked people what they want out of life, the overwhelming response was, 'To be happy.'.   Upon further questioning about what happiness means, it always included achieving some permanent, unchanging condition in which they would not have to worry or be concerned about the future.   Therefore, the ability that is responsible for all of humankind's achievements & progress, thinking in the future, with its concomitant concern about the future, is the very same ability that prevents humans from ever achieving the permanent state of happiness we all seek." --- William B. Williams 1995 _Future Perfect_ pp 102-103  

Movies Coming Soon

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