2013 November

2nd month of the 4th quarter of the 24th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2021-03-09

  "The 70M [tax-victims] in the productive sector of the economy are compelled to support government payments of one sort or another to 80M recipients.   Some 44% of the federal budget is allocated for grants to individuals.   The federal government in the 1976 fiscal year spent approximately $80G more than its revenues, borrowing and printing cheap money [scrip, and selling bonds] to cover the deficit.   The value of the dollar has declined 25% in the past 3 years.   Our national debt has exceeded $600G, and interest payments alone cost us more than $100M a day.   Our children and grand-children will be paying for today's extravagance." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pp3-4  

2013 November
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  "New England 'society' exhibited the principels of sir Robert Filmer, whose _Patriarcha_, written in the 1630s or 1640s, was first published in 1680 (though he published other works as early as 1648).   Chesapeake 'society', OTOH, was moving toward the principles of John Locke's refutation of Filmer in his _Two Treatises on Government_, published in 1690.   It would have been impossiblee for anyone in the Chesapeake region or anywhere else to have read Locke in the period of [Mary Beth Norton's] study, and there is no evidence that anyone in New England read Filmer before or after 1680." --- Edmund Sears Morgan 2004 _The Genuine Article: An Historian Looks at Early America_ pg46  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2013 November

2nd month of the 4th quarter of the 14th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



_Polling Report_
job ratings of congress
job ratings of pres. Obummer
Real Clear Politics: latest polls
Rasmussen: daily job ratings of pres. Obummer
Gallup: rating pres. Obummer
Gallup: rating pres. Obummer

Denise Dick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Army STEM van making the rounds to urge students to strive for dead-end jobs
"Pam Lubich, Chaney STEM coordinator, learned about the Army's STEM van about a year ago when it visited a school in Trumbull County.   She e-mailed, asking to have the van visit Chaney.   Earlier this year, she got a return e-mail message, asking to come to the school.   Representatives from Youngstown State University's College of STEM and DeVry University also attended Thursday's event as well as Army captain Myles A. Frohling of the recruiting office in Niles; staff-sergeant James Balog, a 2002 Chaney graduate, of the Warren recruiting office; and sergeant Keith E. Johnson, staff-sergeant Christian Gomez and sergeants-first-class Rodney Sims and Brendan J. Fergus, all of the Boardman Recruiting Center."

David Stockwell
a sea-change for climate science

_Global Post_
Ciudad Juarez may be recovering from gang wars

2013-11-01 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Cameron Huddleston _Jewish World Review_
what not to buy at dollar stores
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2013-11-01 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare victims and Israel
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2013-11-01 (5774 Mar-Cheshvan 28)
R' Ephraim Buchwald _Jewish World Review_
a revolutionary re-defining of parenthood
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Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
changes in security clearance system coming after Navy Yard murders

Dan Carrigan _Cumberland PA Sentinel_/_abc_
"structurally deficient" bridges at heart of infrastructure problems

Tim Ball
water is replacing climate as the next UN environmental crisis hysteria
"CO2 was the pre-meditated IPCC target because it was the exhaust of industrialized developed nations.   Maurice Strong said those nations were the problem for the planet and it's our responsibility to get rid of them...   Exploitation of fear about environmental problems kept shifting from ozone depletion, acid rain, desertification, rainforest destruction, global warming, sea level rise, climate change, and climate crisis...   Once the problem is falsely established, control is not far behind...   UNEP, the agency that brought you Agenda 21 and the IPCC established The International Decade for Action 'WATER FOR LIFE' 2005-2015."

Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
BLS says inflation-adjusted median wages fell 3.2% since start of Obummer regime
BLS data release

Thomas E. Brewton
C.S. Lewis on ObummerDoesn'tCare and the Nanny State

Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer runs the big con

Tom Piatak _V Dare_
Pat Buchanan at 70: "He told you so"
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Rich Galen _Cybercast News Service_
ObummerDoesn'tCare spiraling even further downward

Carl Higbie _Daily Caller_
commanders order Navy SEALS to remove Navy Jack from their uniforms: somewhat similar Gadsden flag is popular among Tea Partiers
Liz Klimas: Blaze
"The last time I checked, all military personnel are under oath to 'support and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic'.   The Tea Party stands for constitutional rights and founding principles of civil liberties and limited government.   Radical? Not unless you're a leftist hell-bent on destroying the foundations of our country."

Heather Ginsberg _Town Hall_
DHS wasting over-time pay to accomplish little
"nearly $8.7M in overtime pay was spent on employees who were sometimes doing nothing more than watching 'sports and entertainment' channels on TV.   According to the government investigator, collecting overtime pay in the DHS is a 'long-standing abuse' and has become a 'persistent pattern'."

Dave Gorak _Joliet IL Herald News_/_Chicago IL Sun-Times_/_MidWest Coalition to Reduce Immigration_
immigration law perversion means higher unemployment
"Why is it that in all the clamor for 'reforming' our immigration laws that were created to protect American jobs, is it never explained how giving work permits to nearly 12M illegal aliens and doubling legal immigration to 2M people every year would affect the 20M Americans who can't find full-time work?   Aren't our citizens also entitled to search for a better life?   Both political parties have declared economic war against the very people whose votes they seek during election years.   Because and for what?   Because the greedy business community wants a guaranteed supply of cheap labor, and members of congress see more value in Hispanic votes than they do in putting Americans back to work."

Michael W. Cutler _Californians for Population Stabilization_
speed kills at USCIS
"Also, USCIS manages the Obama Administration's pet project, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals).   Thus far, USCIS has adjudicated hundreds of thousands of applications without [so much as] in-person interviews [let alone proper background investigations].   The program has an approval rate in excess of 90%.   It is estimated that each year USCIS processes more than 6M applications for immigration benefits, including more than 600K applications for naturalization.   The pressure to keep up with the massive influx of applications means that the priority for the beleaguered adjudications officers is to approve applications as often as possible.   It is important to understand that it takes just minutes to approve an application, but hours or days to deny one.   There is an inverse relationship between speed and accuracy.   Further, there are scant resources available for field investigations to uncover fraud.   As more aliens succeed in gaming the process and get away with fraud, more aliens are encouraged to file applications based on fraud, knowing that the likelihood their crimes will be discovered is nearly zero, and even if discovered, no action will be taken against them.   As just one example, on 2013 April 13, ICE reported that a New York City lawyer had been sentenced to 5 years in prison for running an immigration fraud scheme.   It's believed the fraudulent operations went on for more than a decade and involved at least 25K alien clients who conspired with the lawyer's firm to defraud the system...   It is mind-boggling that after all of the potential counts to his indictment, David was permitted to plead guilty to just one count each of immigration fraud and mail fraud when it is believed that he committed thousands of separate crimes."

Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
What America will look like in 2050? (part 2)
Proposed Bills 2013

  "How far it will take you, no one can predict.   By the time you have tracked down all uncertainties, followed up side lines to their dead ends, filled in gaps in logical or chronological sequence, and reached solid conclusions of your own, you will have acquired a sizable amount of information, written matter, and technique.   But you may still not be entitled to tell your inquiring friend, 'I have all my material.'" --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg21  



Mike Elgan _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
technology is both cause and cure of crashes

FrankJ _Honey's Bob Brinker BeeHive Buzz_
Peter Schweizer _Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes and Line Their Own Pockets_
"His previous book and a segment on the TV show '60 Minutes' led in part to passage of the STOCK Act in Congress which was intended to prevent politicians and their staff from trading on insider knowledge.   Unfortunately the act was 'largely gutted' by Boehner, Reid and Obama when it was modified without a vote in Congress.   Editor's note by FrankJ: my understanding is they modified the act to make access to politicians' holdings more difficult to see, ostensibly out of 'national security concerns'.   Mr. Schweizer likened what goes on in Washington to a professional wrestling match.   At first the opponents seem trying to best one another, but as the match wears on, the observer realizes the contestants are simply 'business partners'.   One area where the permanent political class behaves in a bipartisan way is the enrichment of themselves, family members and friends.   Two examples which were part of his previous book include Dennis Hastert and his land deal in rural Illinois.   It worked like this: buy some rural property; ear-mark money for the Prairie Parkway in a highway bill; make sure the new road runs past the property; sell up and make $2M.   Deals like this are not deemed unethical by the House Ethics Committee so long as at least one other individual benefits from the road.   Or, you could cash in with the VISA initial public offering as Nancy Pelosi and her husband did.   They were offered 5K shares pre-IPO and made $100K in one day according to the guest.   All perfectly legal at the time.   A caller Margie, from San Francisco mentioned the listing of 56 postal service facilities for sale with CBRE Group which is headed by Richard C. Blum, husband of senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA).   Value of the deal in the billions, commission rates from 2 to 6%.   Coincidence?   The guest said that things like this that look like coincidences often are not...   Together the parties work a scam called the 'toll booth' in order to extract money from industries.   A bill is drafted and comes out of committee with bipartisan support.   At that point it should be scheduled for a floor vote but this is delayed until the affected industry group ponies up contributions...   hedge funds with politically active investors do better than funds without...   Leadership PACs are a 'life-style subsidy' according to Mr. Schweizer.   Politicians can convert money to personal use for themselves."
Proposed Bills 2013

  "By taxation and inflation, government drains away so much of our savings that we lack the capital necessary for investment in expanding private industry and creating jobs.   More than 18K Internal Revenue agents operate across our landscape to enforce an incomprehensible tax code that only a curious cult of specialists can [even pretend to] understand, and then only imperfectly.   In Washington [DC], bureaucrats confer [self-importantly] on the design of bath-tubs and lawn-mowers, typewriters [now word-processors] ripple incessantly, papers are whisked from an 'in' box to an 'out' box and thence to the next 'in' box, and the Federal Register establishes a new record [nearly every year] by publishing 60K [80K, 100K] finely-printed pages of new rules and regulations in a single year [the vast majority of them unconstitutional]...   Congress has brought us here." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pp3-4  



light turn-out expected in election
"In 2011, turn-out in Mahoning County was 44%, and 49% in both Trumbull and Columbiana counties.   In 2009, turn-out in Mahoning was 41%, 44% in Trumbull, and 42% in Columbiana.   Without a statewide ballot issue, turn-out in the 2007 general election was 31% in Mahoning, 32% in Trumbull, and 38% in Columbiana.   In comparison, turn-out for last year's presidential election was 72% in Mahoning, 68% in Trumbull and 70% in Columbiana...   'Turn-out won't be great.', said Joyce Kale-Pesta, Mahoning county's board of elections director, adding it should be 35% to 40%.   It would be lower if it weren't for a contested Youngstown mayoral election, Kale-Pesta said.   Buy if early voting is a factor, the mayor's race may not attract many voters, she said.   There were 4,939 early voters in Youngstown in 2011.   It's about half that for this election.   The county is likely to have about 9K early voters for this election, a little more than half of those who cast ballots early in 2011."

Thomas E. Brewton
Yellen/Fed WANT 2% inflation
Gene Epstein: Barron's: deflating Keynesian myths of benefits of inflation

"Just the Facts"
tornado counts (graphs)

Werner Brozek, "Just the Facts" & Nick Stokes
statistical significances: How long is "the pause"?

Patrick Cleburne _V Dare_
remembering battle of Gettysburg is "just not Obummer's thing"
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James Fulford _V Dare_
senator Jeff Sessons on "special interests" and congressional procedures
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Brenda Walker _V Dare_
How Islam managed to stay medieval for 1,400 years
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Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
5 things you should know about Ken Cuccinelli

Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
selective rushed cremation of some Navy victims in Chinook shoot-down/crash fans the flames of families' suspicion
"'Why would they cremate Michael [whose hair was barely singed] and they would not cremate Pat, who was so badly burnt?'"

Tim Kern _Washington DC Times_
Today's USA is run by insulated elites who have nothing but power and money on their minds

Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
extreme leftist Dems try to proclaim sanity to be "extremism"

Farhad Manjoo _Wall Street Journal_
Sili Valley: too arrogant, too proud, too self-centered, too much cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with flexible ethics
"as much as its [executives] might like to do so, Silicon Valley simply can't 'exit' the U.S.A.; it wouldn't work anywhere else."

Deborah L. Jacobs _Forbes_
11 sneaky ways executives & managers dump older workers

David P. Hornick _PJ Media_
10 worst purveyors of anti-semitism: #5 Manchester Guardian
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Even more disturbing in SouthEast Asia is the common practice among Chinese businessmen, particularly in Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines, of importing tens if not hundreds of thousands of illegal workers from mainland China.   As is true even in the USA, local workers fume when illegal [aliens] take over jobs at lower wages.   Indeed, in Indonesia, where roughly 6M working-age Indonesians (almost all pribumi) were unemployed in 1996, the violent protest that erupted when a Chinese conglomerate imported a thousand illegal workers from China seems understandable." --- Amy Chua 2003, 2004 _World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability_ pg280  



Donald Ingber _Chronicle of Higher Education_
science-driven invention: basic research and technology
"With 18 core and 11 associate faculty members, we have produced more than 625 publications, 600 patent applications, scores of corporate collaborations, several start-ups, and 2 human clinical trials over the past 4.5 years."

Werner Brozek & "Just the Facts"
remote sensing systems data reach Ben Santer's 17 years
"for 204 months, the slope is = -0.000122111 per year... the slope is not positive. And of course, 204 months is equal to 17 years."

Paul Murphy
warmism: credible politics, incredible "science"

Anthony Watts
sun-spot frequency in October increased the most in cycle 24

Steve Sailer _V Dare_
has anyone ever measured class-room discussion quotient?
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Lucas Mearian _IT News_/_IDG_
helium-filled 6TB Western Digital HGST drive available
"The new drive uses 23% less power and is 38% lighter than the 4TB drives...   The helium-drives run at 4 to 5 degrees cooler than today's 7200rpm drives, HGST stated..."

Star Parker _Town Hall_
Ted Cruz and Ben Carson in 2016
Jewish World Review
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Matthew Needham _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare at fault for cancelled insurance... just as everyone knew it would be

Ken Blackwell _Town Hall_
saving Motor City

Matt Barber _Town Hall_
When being called evil is a kindness

Deroy Murdock _Town Hall_
libertarians are key in VA gubernatorial contest

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
the grasping hand of government

Elliot Jager _News Max_
immigration officer unions say US government should enforce existing immigration laws before considering reform/perversion measures
"The heads of 2 unions -- representing investigators, hearing officers and other personnel responsible for enforcing immigration laws -- say that their members have been hamstrung by the political echelon of the Department of Homeland Security, according to a report in National Review.   Chris Crane, who represents Immigration and Customs Enforcement workers, and Kenneth Palinkas, representing Citizenship and Immigration Services employees, say congress should hold off on immigration reform at least until existing laws are properly enforced.   Crane wrote House law-makers Monday to say that his members have faced demands 'by DHS political appointees to ignore the law'.   As a consequence 'violent criminal aliens are released every day from jails back into American communities'.   He said his officers have faced disciplinary action if they do not apply Obama administration directives..."

_News Max_/_Reuters_
thousands of Russians protest against excessive immigration

Charles C. Johnson _Daily Caller_
Twit repeatedly suspending account critical of ObummerDoesn'tCare
"The purpose of @mycancellation or mycancellation.com was to allow some of the millions of Americans who are losing their health insurance to post pictures of themselves with their cancellation letters.   'Help us show Washington the faces who lost what they liked.', the account asked.   '[ObummerDoesn'tCare] canceled your health insurance.   Now, send us your letter.', the tag-line for the web-site advertised."

_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
2 horse & buggy crashes: 1 person killed, 4 people and 1 horse injured

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2013-11-04 (5774 Kislev 01)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare schadenfreude and the crumbling of a schady fraud
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2013-11-04 (5774 Kislev 01)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
making up for what schools no longer deliver
"Yes, certain sports endure. But if you recall the days of the ham radio club, the home economics club, the chemistry club and the jazz band ensemble, you haven't been to a public school very recently."
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Cory Franklin _Political Mavens_
the irony of "the best and the brightest"
"It may not be high on the list, but among the problems for HealthCare.gov is who's writing the public relations copy.   When the Department of Health and Human Services recently promised to summon 'the best and brightest' to fix the web-site of [ObummerDoesn'tCare], president Obama's signature legacy, the discomfiting impression is the copywriter was some intellectually arrogant 28-year-old with an ignorance of history.   Wasn't that writer aware the words 'best and brightest' are an ironic allusion to the men behind America's worst 20th Century foreign policy debacle? Certainly not a promising portent.   _The Best And The Brightest_ was the 1972 best-seller about the VietNam War by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist David Halberstam.   A young reporter stationed in VietNam in the early 1960s, Halberstam noted as the war unfolded how the official American accounts of military success differed from what he was witnessing on the ground.   His book was a J'accuse of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations and their attempts to deceive the American public...   Halberstam borrowed the term 'the best and the brightest' from a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley..."

2013-11-04 (5774 Kislev 01)
Howard Mintz _Jewish World Review_
liar lawyer?
San Jose CA Mercury News
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2013-11-04 (5774 Kislev 01)
David M. Shribman _Jewish World Review_
Lincoln vs. Hitler: 2 anniversaries converge this month that recall the best and worst of the human experience
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2013-11-04 (5774 Kislev 01)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
the unraveling of civilization
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_Devil's Lake ND Journal_
Apple to employ about 2K at manufacturing facility in AZ
Brittany Hillen: Slash Gear
Tucson AZ Weekly Range
Seeking Alpha

Anthony Watts
NASA mapping Greenland ice sheet from the air

Megan O'Neil _Chronicle of Higher Education_
Clifford I. Nass, Stanford prof who studied multi-tasking, has died at age 55
"In 2009, Mr. Nass and 2 colleagues published a study concluding that people presented with multiple streams of information simultaneously are unable to pay attention or move from one task to another as well as those who executed a single job at a time...   preteen girls who spend large amounts of time multi-tasking with digital devices suffer negative effects."

Susanna Kim _abc_
tech execs abusing guest-workers to facilitate off-shoring jobs
"Tech companies have lobbied aggressively [against] immigration reform to allow more [low-skilled] foreign workers to enter the U.S.A. to 'increase America's global competitiveness'...   'I think Americans would be shocked by that, at least I hope.', said Ron Hira, public policy professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology.   'It's government policy that is actually trying to speed up the off-shoring of jobs.'"

Becket Adams _Blaze_
Mike Rowe's non-partisan, full-throated defense of self-sufficiency and hard work

_Investor's Business Daily_
GOP's losers should stop trying to spread their bad advice, and media should stop encouraging them to do so

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer regime gave itself needless Libya/immigration problem

Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
now Obummer is lying about lying (video)

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
double-dealing Middle East is bring double-dealt by the Obummer regime

David Limbaugh _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare is Obummer un-masked
Jewish World Review
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Michael W. Cutler _Californians for Population Stabilization_
How do you eat an elephant?
"The Senate's massive immigration bill, S744, is often described as simply being about amnesty for illegal aliens.   In point of fact, there are many components to S744, with amnesty being just one of many provisions by which the Senate bill, if enacted, would irreparably harm America and Americans.   Among provisions of the bill are ones that would import huge numbers of foreign high-tech workers who would unfairly compete with American workers.   In addition to roughly tripling the number of H-1B visas, for the first time the spouses and adult children of these high-tech workers would also be granted Employment Authorization Documents that would enable them to take any job in any industry with equal entitlement to a job as an American worker.   They would sail through the E-Verify Program.   Other provisions -- too numerous to note here -- would provide waivers of deportation for criminal aliens, and other components of the bill would undermine public safety and national security."

Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
What America will look like in 2050? (part 3)
What America will look like in 2050? (part 4)
Proposed Bills 2013

  "An America that slides toward [more deeply into] socialism at home and weakness abroad cannot remain free for long." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg8  


2013-11-05: USA general election day

2013-11-05 David Skolnick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
election day in Mahoning valley
"Among the big races on today's ballot are: Youngstown mayor and city council president; two charter amendments in the city and two others in the city of Canfield; trustee races in Austintown, Canfield, Poland, Hubbard and Liberty, among numerous others; and school board races in Youngstown, Austintown, Boardman, Poland, Canfield, Girard, Hubbard and Warren, among others.   The Canfield and South Range school districts are looking for voters to approve new tax levies, while the West Branch school district is asking for support of a 0.75% income tax.   Among the renewal issues is a 0.85-mill, 5-year levy from the Mahoning County Mental Health Board to raise $3,266,510 annually."
Mark Wiggins & Michael Moore: KVUE Austin TX
Michael Falcone: abc
Breann Bierman: KPHO Phoenix AZ
Tina Shively & Kenneth Null: KVUE/AP
Cindy Ramirez: El Paso TX Times
Aaron Kinney: San Jose CA Mercury News/Bay Area News Group
Gainesville GA Times
Cumberland PA Sentinel

Anthony Watts & Bjorn Lomborg
National Geographic's scare-mongering

Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
NIGHTMARE act alternatives

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
appointments to the top posts at DHS lack immigration law enforcement experience

2013-11-05 (5774 Kislev 02)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
leftist universities have been getting worse for several generations
Town Hall
Investor's Business Daily
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2013-11-05 (5774 Kislev 02)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
in ObummerDoesn'tCare hubris has met nemesis
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2013-11-05 (5774 Kislev 02)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
and old "new" program
Town Hall
"Who decides what is 'sub-standard'?   What is older than the idea that some exalted elite know what is good for us better than we know ourselves?   Obama uses the rhetoric of going 'forward', but he is in fact going backward to an age when despots told everybody what they had better do and better not do.   [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is old in yet another way.   One of the fundamental reasons why private medical insurance has gotten so expensive is that politicians in state after state have mandated what this insurance must cover, regardless of what individuals want."
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Michael Barone _Town Hall_
audacious wild-catters trigger fracking revolution

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Gallup: Obummer approval dropped to 39%, disapproval rose to 53%

Chuck Norris _Town Hall_
porn's part in slavery

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
3 Republican state Dem senators who lied to Americans about ObummerDoesn'tCare

Bruce McQuain _Hot Air_
USA doctor shortage?

Mona Charen _Town Hall_
now that some of the media's eyes are opening, will they investigate the attack on US consulate in Benghazi?, abuses by IRS?, SEALs' Chinook shoot-down?, Fast and Furious?

Patrick J. Buchanan _Town Hall_
memo to Angela Merkel: Tell Obummer to take a hike
"Merkel just won a third term as chancellor with a record vote and has an approval rating near 80%...   Germany is running the world's largest trade surplus...   By this standard, America was a selfish nation and a rotten global citizen for the first 7 decades of the 20th century, when we ran trade surpluses every year, averaging 4% of GDP.   From the Civil War through the Roaring 1920s, with a high tariff, we became the mightiest manufacturing power the world had ever seen.   Our economic independence enabled us to stay out of two world wars.   And when we did go in, we won within months in 1918, and we won again only a few years after Pearl Harbor.   Is this a record to be ashamed of?...   Though Germany is smaller than Montana, with a population not a fourth that of the United States, she is the power-house of the European Union, makes some of the finest products on earth, and sells abroad one-third of all she produces.   Her unemployment rate is only 5%."

John Ransom _Town Hall_
the brighter side of the ObummerDoesn'tCare fiasco

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Obummer campaign fund bundler Joe Liemandt is backing not-so-libertarian candidate in VA gubernatorial election
Meredith Jessup: Blaze

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
BATFE is opening store in its HQ to boost employee morale

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
Iceland, Switzerland and the golden rule of government fiscal policy

Steven Malanga _Investor's Business Daily_
bail-outs from federal government, for bankrupt cities, would reward and encourage more bad behavior: no global warming for 17 years

_Investor's Business Daily_
global warming hysterics are over-run by the facts

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
rioting continues in France, and no, leftists can't do anything correctly

John W. Whitehead _Blaze_
welcome to the United Police States of America, where police shoot first and ask questions later: another zone of power-madness and hoplophobia

Jason Howerton _Blaze_
Army veteran mother banned from visiting daughter's school after posting image of her concealed carry permit on the web: more hoplophobia

Jason Howerton _Blaze_
another power-mad 12 hours

Paul C. Knappenberger & Patrick J. Michaels
climate models have been inconsistent with reality for over 25 years

Kathleen Lynn _Bergen NJ Dispatch_
Teaneck-based Cognizant Technology -- owned jointly by Dun & Bradstreet and Satyam -- has record revenues

Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
did you hear the one about the 4 Iranians and 1 Afghan who boarded a Canadian plane at the last minute lacking visas and using phony tickets?
"An Air Canada flight is getting ready to push back from the gate at Caracas airport, to fly to Toronto.   The pilot reads the manifest, and finds there are 5 more passengers than he'd expected.   He finds that 4 are Iranian, 1 is Afghan.   Upon investigation, it turns out that none of them had a visa, and their tickets were phony.   The passengers are taken off the plane, and after a bit some people at the airport -- 2 security people and someone working for Air Canada -- are arrested...   as the oldest Iran hand in town, I'd like to focus your mind on one of the basic facts about Iranian-sponsored terrorism.   Despite all their yelling and screaming about martyrdom, it's very rare for Iranians to blow themselves up.   Almost always, they get others–typically Arabs (often of the Sunni variety)–to blow THEMselves up.   The Iranian terrorists, from Hezbollah to Islamic Jihad, do plenty of killing, but they slaughter others, not themselves.   That way they get a double frisson: their enemies die, and the dirty work is done by (as the Iranians would say) a stupid Arab...   I don't think the 4-Iranians-plus-1-Afghan were terrorists.   More likely, they were disgruntled people hoping to defect or otherwise find asylum in Canada...   Not that they wouldn't be pleased to do such a thing -- Hezbollah has been trying to destroy an American or American -- friendly air-liner for years.   It's just that they don't normally do their own dirty work.   Remember that when they organized the assassination of the Saudi ambassador to Washington, the would-be hit men were going to be Mexicans, not Iranians."

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
leftism, the decline of an illusion

Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Michele Bachmann condemns Obummer regime's pressure on Israel
"''The administration, contrary to public assurances that it supported Israeli-Palestinian peace talks without preconditions, pressured Israel to free jailed Palestinian terrorists to bring the Palestinian Authority to the negotiating table.   This pressure is symptomatic of a larger, fundamentally flawed approach that has failed the cause of peace.'   One of those freed terrorists, explained Bachmann, was Al Haj Othman Amar Mustafa, who murdered an American and former marine, Steven Frederick Rosenfeld, in 1989."

Rebecca Kaplan _CBS_
Obummer pushes corrupt executives to keep pushing for immigration law perversion
Aamer Madhani: USA Today/Gannett

Nick Gailey _Californians for Population Stabilization_
national economic success and population: comparing Germany and USA

Peter Ferrara _American Spectator_
the coming ObummerDoesn'tCare bail-out (when what should happen is we ALL bail out and leave the left holding the bag)

Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
as Obummer regime ramps up advocating amnesty for illegal aliens, compelling new data show labor glut in all fields (with graph)

David Durham _V Dare_
the open-borders lobby's new PR offensive -- CEOs for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics -- and how to fight it
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Robert Batemarco _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
how "the world was made safe" for crony socialism
Proposed Bills 2013

  "This report of yours will be no mere precis or resume of what was in the nucleus.   It should offer something not directly or fully treated in any one source.   It will be a new arrangement consisting of tested facts and fresh thught." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg21  



1869-11-06: in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University defeats Princeton University, 6-4, in the first official inter-collegiate American football game
1888-11-06: Benjamin Harrison won the presidential election, defeating incumbent Grover Cleveland with enough electoral votes, even though Cleveland led in the popular vote
1918-11-06: the Second Polish Republic is proclaimed in Poland
1935-11-06: before the New York section of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Edwin Armstrong presents his paper "A Method of Reducing Disturbances in Radio Signaling by a System of Frequency Modulation", i.e. FM radio.

Allen Wastler _CNBC_
visa abuse, what price for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with flexible ethics

Anthony Watts
Antarctic ice core could provide info about 1.5M years ago

election results
Jason Howerton: Blaze: Mark Levin's reaction
Mark Levin show
VA results
Cumberland PA Sentinel
Ed Kemmick: Billings MT Gazette
Jane Prendergast & Carl Weiser: Cincinnati OH Enquirer: 28% turn-out
Sara Carter _Blaze_
Obummer regime is running 680 "green military" projects despite slashing defense budgets
"The projects include 357 solar, 29 wind and 5 other undisclosed endeavors regarding 'electricity generation', according to a document provided by the Defense Department.   There are 289 thermal energy projects as well...   'even environmental groups are saying a lot of these things aren't even protecting our environment, in fact they make it worse.   Not only are we wasting [tax-victims'] money but there is dubious environmental benefits as well.'...   U.S. law-makers, however, were up in arms last year over the Navy's so-called 'green fleet' where the cost of the alternative biofuel was a whopping $26 per gallon.   The Navy spent $12M for 450K gallons of bio-fuel to power a carrier strike group off the coast of Hawaii in 2012.   'That $26.6-per-gallon purchase is nowhere near the $2.50 the service pays for each gallon of petroleum.   (It has been stated that it would be about $16 per gallon if it were mixed with standard jet fuel.)', National Defense Magazine wrote at the time.   Loris added that the Air Force also purchased 11K gallons of a biofuel from a Colorado company at $59 a gallon in 2012 -- more than 10 times the cost of regular fuel.   In total, the Air Force spent $649K to test the efficiency of alternative fuels in the military planes in 2012, National Defense magazine reported...   The 2013 Pentagon budget plan was to cut $500G in spending over the next decade...   These cuts are in addition to the more than $480M already being cut from the military."

Saker Khan _Daily Illini_
U of IL prof has developed music theory and composition app
"By providing intelligent feed-back to its users, the app allows students to check their responses while studying music theory and structure...   Having created two educational software programs to help students learn music algorithms and music theory, Taube is now working to use technology as an effective learning tool in music class-rooms -- an update he feels the field has long needed...   Harmonia as a modern tool to help students learn how to analyze the theory and structure of music...   Right now, Harmonia provides music analysis in editable PDF file formats.   Taube explained that it is basically an interactive word processor that lets users combine text, images, video clips, audio clips and notations to receive feed-back on their computers and work independently."

Anthony Watts
natural aerosols, such as emissions from volcanoes or plants, may contribute more uncertainty to climate than previously thought

Tim Ball
PR spin doctors deliberately deceived public about global warming and "climate change"
"IN a 2003 speech, Michael Crichton...said, 'The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda.   Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the disinformation age) it takes on a special urgency and importance.'   We are in virtual reality primarily as Public Relations (PR) and its methods are applied to every aspect of our lives.   The term 'spin doctors' is more appropriate because it is what they are really doing.   A spin doctor is defined as: 'a spokesperson employed to give a favorable interpretation of events to the media, esp. on behalf of a political party'.   It doesn't say 'truthful interpretation'."

Bob Barr _Town Hall_
the new NewSpeak/DoubleThink test

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
still more on ObummerDoesn'tCare's lack of privacy and security

2013-11-06 (5774 Kislev 03)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
Obummer betrays our very lives
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2013-11-06 (5774 Kislev 03)
Anthony L. Komaroff _Jewish World Review_
chelation therapy has not been shown to decrease heart disease
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2013-11-06 (5774 Kislev 03)
John Rosemond _Jewish World Review_
the day I stopped being the class clown
"Both the clown and the comedian are disruptive, but the one needs tough love, while the other just needs tough."
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2013-11-06 (5774 Kislev 03)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
free exercise of religion
Betsy McCaughey
"Francis and Philip Gilardi insisted on living their beliefs as they run their business.   For a decade, they've provided health insurance for their 400 employees but excluded abortion drugs, contraception and sterilization because they conflict with Catholic teachings.   However, the Obama administration requires all health plans to provide them.   On 2013 Jan. 2, the Gilardi brothers sued in federal court, asking for temporary protection from the $14M annual penalty they would face for not complying.   A lower federal court turned down the Gilardi brothers, but last Friday, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia granted their request.   Judge Janice Rogers Brown ruled that if you like your G0D, you can keep him.   Your freedom to practice your faith isn't just protected inside a house of worship.   Quoting from the Bible, she reminded the government's lawyers that 'Faith without works is dead'.   If the Gilardi brothers want to paint signs on their trucks saying, 'It's not a choice, it's a child' and decline to provide contraception products to their employees, that's their right...   More than three dozen for-profit companies owned by Catholics, Mennonites and other people with religious scruples are in court, resisting the administration's requirement.   So far, 6 federal appeals courts have ruled on these cases, with 4 deciding for religious freedom and 2 siding with the [Obummer regime].   It makes a Supreme Court show-down in 2014 almost inevitable."
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2013-11-06 (5774 Kislev 03)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
privatize everything
Town Hall
"The city of Sandy Springs, GA, contracted out most of its services.   Residents were surprised to notice that the streets got cleaned faster, and traffic lights were synchronized.   It's not that the old government workers were lazy -- they just didn't have the same incentive to find better ideas.   They figured they'd never lose the job if they just did what they'd always done."
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Roger Harris _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
physician bodyshopper TeamHealth 2013Q3 profit tops $29M

Andria Cheng _MarketWatch_
Dish Network is dumping 2,800 employees, shutting down last 300 Blockbuster stores

_Hanover NJ Eagle_
more girls studying STEM means more unemployed US citizen women STEM professionals

2013-11-06 (5774 Kislev 03)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
What's good for Obummer is necessarily bad for Israel
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Stephanie Kalina-Metzger _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
parent question about use of biased coverage of federal government "shut-down" in school assignment, is followed by president of the local Education Association asking FB connection whether Jewish-black family are "neo-Nazis", which is widely posted, generating much controversy
"'What I'd really like to come of this entire issue is a policy put in place where teachers, when bringing political topics to the class-room, are required to bring in 2 perspectives.', he said.   'The students will benefit from this.   It will increase their debate skills and critical thinking skills, and if you're not in favor of that, than you're in favor of indoctrination.'"

Joab Jackson _IT News_/_IDG_
Bruce Schneier wants to make surveillance costly again
"What the NSA leaks show is that 'we have made surveillance too cheap.   We have to make surveillance expensive again.', Schneier said.   'The goal should be to force the NSA, and all similar adversaries, to abandon wholesale collection in favor of targeted collection.'"

2013-11-06 (5774 Kislev 03)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the Obummer regime's fable factory
Town Hall
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John Rosenberg _PJ Media_
Obummer regime's rules were written in 2010 to undermine employer-provided insurance as well

L. Brent Bozell iii _Cybercast News Service_
media in Utah actively distort issues like ObummerDoesn'tCare and immigration
"The honorable thing for the Utah media to do is apologize and acknowledge that while they were too short-sighted to see the oncoming disaster, senator Lee saw the forest for the trees."
Rich Noyes: Media Research Center

2013-11-06 (5774 Kislev 03)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
congressionally duped Americans
Town Hall
"A year after the [Socialist Insecurity] Act's passage, it was challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court, in Helvering v. Davis.   The court held that [Socialist Insecurity] is not an insurance program, saying, 'The proceeds of both employee and employer taxes are to be paid into the Treasury like any other internal revenue generally, and are not earmarked in any way.'   In a 1960 case, Flemming v. Nestor, the Supreme Court held, 'To engraft upon the [Socialist Insecurity] system a concept of accrued property rights would deprive it of the flexibility and boldness in adjustment to ever-changing conditions which it demands.'"
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2013-11-06 (5774 Kislev 03)
Brandon Darby _Texas GOP Vote_
massive smuggling tunnel found under border between Tijuana and San Diego

2013-11-06 (5774 Kislev 03)
James Simpson _Accuracy in Media_
grand theft by Obummer: the biggest heist in USA history
Proposed Bills 2013

  "The number of alleged witches executed [in New England] was probably a good deal smaller in proportion to total population than in Switzerland, France, Germany, and Scotland during any comparable period during the 16th and 17th centuries (the span of the great European witch-hunts).   Demos counts 16 executions in New England and 93 indictments, excluding the 20 executions and 141 indictments in the Salem episode [for a total of 36 executions and 234 indictments]." --- Edmund Sears Morgan 2004 _The Genuine Article: An Historian Looks at Early America_ pg54  



2013-11-07 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 327,074 in the week ending November 2, an increase of 4,222 from the previous week.   There were 361,800 initial claims in the comparable week in 2012.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 1.9% during the week ending October 26, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 2,495,070, a decrease of 13,964 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.2% and the volume was 2,783,667.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending October 19 was 3,958,691, an increase of 74,777 from the previous week.   There were 5,078,237 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending October 19...   States reported 1,370,774 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending October 19, an increase of 64,837 from the prior week.   There were 2,118,175 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

2013-11-07 (5774 Kislev 04)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare: health care for the pushy
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2013-11-07 (5774 Kislev 04)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
end runs around the USA constitution
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2013-11-07 (5774 Kislev 04)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
who lied: Shrub WRT the Iraq war or Obummer WRT ObumerDoesn'tCare?
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2013-11-07 (5774 Kislev 04)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
why are women left holding the bag?
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2013-11-07 (5774 Kislev 04)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
a forever family
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2013-11-07 (5774 Kislev 04)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
looking for a different sort of president
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Terry Oldberg
logician tells EPA there is currently no scientific or logical basis for regulation of CO2 emissions

Lena Hulden, Ross McKitrick & Larry Hulden
spread of malaria has more to do with household size, over-crowding than temperature
"the probability of malaria eradication jumps sharply when average household size drops below four persons.   Part of the effect commonly attributed to income growth is likely due to declining household size...   contrasting malaria with dengue fever, another mosquito-borne illness spread mainly by day-time out-door contact.   Malaria is a parasitic disease that is transmitted to humans by infected Anopheles mosquitoes.   It infects red blood cells, causing anemia, nausea, fever and sometimes death.   There are about 225M cases annually leading to 800K fatalities, of which 90% are in Africa, and most of whom are children."

Anthony Watts
sun-spot gropu AR1890 takes direct aim at earth

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
how could we possibly trust Obummer on Iran?

Benjamin Brophy _American Spectator_
DC repels a good man

James Beattie _Cybercast News Service_
federal government spent $1.8M to try to attract potential foreign investment to Ohio
"Ohio lost 224,698 manufacturing jobs between 2003 and 2011, according to the census bureau's North American Industry Classification System.   Manufacturing was down in the Buckeye State from 838,725 paid employees in 17,082 establishments in 2003 to 614,027 paid employees in 14,526 establishments in 2011."

Scott DesJarlais _Cleveland TN Daily Banner_
granting illegal aliens amnesty will increase costs for hard-working Tennesseans

Barry Davis _KENS San Antonio TX_
volunteers help keep a close eye for barbarian invaders along the border
"LV says she never goes outside her home anymore without a gun and her cell phone.   The illegal immigrant problem has gotten so bad, Vickers herself has reported 148 illegal immigrants to Border Patrol this year alone...   The Texas Border Volunteers was formed seven years ago.   Each member has to go through a background check and is carefully screened.   They literally post patrols on ranches in Brooks county, watching for illegal [aliens].   If [suspected illegal aliens] are spotted, they are quickly reported to Border Patrol.   Two man teams post on more than 53K acres of ranch land, armed with thermal imaging and night vision scopes.   The teams rarely ever come into contact with [illegal alines], in fact they intentionally try to stay hidden from view...   In their 7 years history the Texas Border Volunteers has reported more than 2,200 illegal immigrants to Border Patrol."

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
MoonBeam brown regime does the right thing for abused Chinese workers
"The state labor department fined BYD, a Chinese electric car company, about $100K for [abusing] a small group of workers brought in from China to work in its modest LA factory, one that had received $2M in tax breaks from the City of Los Angeles.   The workers, who seem to be engineers, were paid $2,200 a month by their employer plus free housing, according to the company; the workers said that they got $1.50 an hour (in Chinese currency) and $50 a day for expenses.   The state minimum wage people said the workers were not paid the California minimum wage, which is about 4 times what these workers were getting, that they were not covered by workers' compensation, and that they were not 'given a second brief rest period'."
Proposed Bills 2013

  "I consider the foundation of the Constitution to be laid on this ground: that 'all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people'.   To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of al boundless field of power no longer susceptible of any definition...   I am for reserving to the states the powers not yielded by them to the Union, and to the legislature of the Union its constitutional share in the division of powers; but I am not for transferring all the powers of the states to the general government, and all those of that government to the executive branch." --- Thomas Jefferson (quoted in Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pp8-9)  



IRS refunded $4G to identity thieves
NY Post/AP
"The IRS sent a total of 655 tax refunds to a single address in Lithuania, and 343 refunds went to a lone address in Shanghai."

2013-11-08 (5774 Kislev 05)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry, who served in VietNam, throws freedom-seeking women under the bus: Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that won't allow its women -- 20M of them -- to obtain driver's licenses
"Manal al-Sharif, the 34-year-old female computer scientist leading the protest movement, spent 9 days in jail in 2011 for 'incitement to public disorder' for driving her brother's car in public."
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2013-11-08 (5774 Kislev 05)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's lies about ObummerDoesn'tCare were chronicled from the beginning
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2013-11-08 (5774 Kislev 05)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: our liar in chief
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2013-11-08 (5774 Kislev 05)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
a day late and a dollar short
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Denis Byrne _Political Mavens_
was John F. Kennedy the first neo-conservative?
"In 1893...the superintendent of the U.S. census pronounced the geographic frontier closed."

Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_

2013-11-08 (5774 Kislev 05)
Roy Gutman _Jewish World Review_
Obummer vowed to prevent Iran making nuclear weapons. Iran promised to show him who is boss.   guess who will win
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2013-11-08 (5774 Kislev 05)
Ronald S. Lauder _Jewish World Review_
the West is still failing Hitler's test
"We see a United Nations that appears incapable of stopping any form of genocide and instead, focuses its attention and condemnation on the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel.   We see the mullahs of Iran pushing to create nuclear bombs along with the long-range missiles to deliver them.   All the while, we hear Iran's leaders mockingly boast that they will wipe Israel from the pages of history.   Once again, we see world leaders incapable of acting, refusing to see what is right in front of them, pretending that what the Iranian mullahs say and what they do isn't real, that it's not really happening.   We see a Western world that is lulled into a false sense of security by a new Iranian president whose track record is not nearly as good as people think.   Let's hope the world does not wait again until it is too late to stop the calamity."
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2013-11-08 (5774 Kislev 05)
R' Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
a train ride that impacted 2 lives: Bible-hater confronts proud Jew
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Steve Goreham _Washington DC Times_
are wood-burning power plants drive by EPA regulations misguided?
Watts Up with That

Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
DC to grant driver's licenses to illegal aliens

Nicholas Stix _V Dare_
racism and the city: a report from the Rockaways
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Laurie Roth _News with Views_
HR3350 is a tiny step in the right direction

Paul E. Rondeau _Washington DC Times_
PC admins conspire with Planned Parenthood to fire award-winning computer science teacher in Oregon
"Diss is the only teacher in Oregon to earn the distinction of being credentialed to teach computer science for college credit at the high school level.   Diss is a highly qualified high school educator who has been teaching for more than a decade at a desperate public school that almost closed in 2010 -- a school that serves a population which is 75% minority.   Diss earned special recognitions for his work with at-risk black students and for helping to stop gang violence in Portland parks.   But, because he refused to allow Planned Parenthood into his class-room, school administrators branded him 'unfit to teach'...   While Planned Parenthood hopes to get Diss's teaching credentials revoked, the Portland Association of Teachers has hired lawyers to protect Diss' First Amendment rights."

John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
no contrition from Infosys after settlement in their abuse of visitor visas for guest-work
"The Indian press regards H-1B visas as a God-given right and anything that exploits that is fine.   Interestingly, the clearest expression of that view in the context of this story comes from Pakistan: Enforcing immigration law is oppression against 'brown people'.   Rafia Zakaria writes: 'Corporations are quick to complain about the obstacles to their access to various markets in the developing world, but never a word is said about the global caste system that allows workers with equal merit born in one part of the world to be deemed more deserving of a job than those born in another.   An Indian engineer can be easily thwarted in his ambitions by the lack of a visa, while an American one is deemed deserving of infinite legal protections.'"

Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 73.2 at the end of October to 72 in mid-November
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Only about 10%-2% of the price paid for home heating is accounted for by the fuel cost.   The balance represents distribution charges -- the cost of the pipe-line.   So even if the field price of gas were to double or triple -- a pessimistic estimate, I believe -- the effect on most home-owners would be relatively modest, and certainly would be far less than the cost of converting to other fuels...   If regulation continues, the volume of gas carried in inter-state pipe-lines will decline." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg21  



Edwin S. Rubenstein _V Dare_
massive American worker displacement mega-trend continues (with graphs, tables)
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Proposed Bills 2013

  "One of the major reasons why many congressmen advocated budget deficits is rooted in an out-moded economic theory.   In the 1930s the English economist John Maynard Keynes theorized that a country would move out of a depression by spending more.   Many eonomists believe Keynes would have a different view if he were alive today, because even he did not advocate deficit spending in every national budget...   This approach has tantalizing appeal, but it fails to consider a number of points.   For instance, in the budget resolution in late 1975, the 1974 recession was a major consideration leading congress to adopt high spending levels.   However, that 'stimulative' spending would normally not have an impact until mid- to late-1976 [or even mid-1977].   It is hard to see how this helps bring the economy out of recession, since the up-turn in the economy had already begun in May of 1975.   So the 'stimulation' usually comes at least a year late...   What it may do [often does], in fact, is stimulate inflation and encourage another recession in the future [by distorting economic signals related to supply of goods, services, and currency; and related to demand for goods, services, and currency; and prices of goods, services/labor, and currency]." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pp26-27  



1202-11-10: Fourth Crusade: Despite letters from pope Innocent iii forbidding it and threatening excommunication, Catholic crusaders begin a siege of the Catholic city of Zara (now Zadar, Croatia).
1293-11-10: Raden Wijaya is crowned as the first monarch of Majapahit kingdom of Java, taking throne name Kertarajasa Jayawardhana.
1444-11-10: Battle of Varna: The crusading forces of king Vladislaus iii of Varna (aka Ulaszlo i of Hungary and Wladyslaw iii of Poland) are crushed by the Turks under Sultan Murad ii and Vladislaus is killed.
1520-11-10: Danish king Christian ii executes dozens of people in the Stockholm blood-bath after a successful invasion of Sweden.
1580-11-10: After a 3-day siege, the English Army beheads over 600 Papal soldiers and civilians at Dún an Óir, Ireland.
1619-11-10: René Descartes has the dreams that inspire his _Meditations on First Philosophy_.
1659-11-10: Chattrapati Shivaji maharaj, Maratha king kills Afzal Khan, adilshahi in the battle popularly known as Battle of Pratapgarh.
1674-11-10: Anglo-Dutch War: As provided in the Treaty of Westminster, Netherlands cedes New Netherlands to England.
1702-11-10: English colonists under the command of James Moore besiege Spanish St. Augustine during Queen Anne's War.
1766-11-10: The last colonial governor of New Jersey, William Franklin, signed the charter of Queen's College (later renamed Rutgers University).
1775-11-10: The United States Marine Corps is founded at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia by Samuel Nicholas.
1793-11-10: A Goddess of Reason is proclaimed by the French Convention at the suggestion of Chaumette.
1801-11-10: The U.S. state of Tennessee outlawed the practice of dueling.
1821-11-10: Cry of "Independence" by Rufina Alfaro at La Villa de Los Santos, Panama setting into motion a revolt which lead to Panama's independence from Spain and to it immediately becoming part of Colombia
1847-11-10: Passenger ship "Stephen Whitney" wrecked in thick fog off the southern coast of Ireland, killing 92 of the 110 on board.
1865-11-10: Swiss-born Hartmann Heinrich Wirz, commander of Andersonville GA POW camp, was hanged
1871-11-10: Henry Morton Stanley locates missing explorer and missionary, Dr. David Livingstone in Ujiji, near Lake Tanganyika, famously greeting him with the words, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?".
1898-11-10: Beginning of the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898, the only instance of a municipal government being overthrown in US history.
1917-11-10: 41 suffragists were arrested in front of the White House.
1919-11-10: The first national convention of the American Legion is held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, ending on November 12.
1928-11-10: Michinomiya Hirohito was enthroned as Emperor of Japan.

Jonnelle Marte _MarketWatch_
job seekers pay big bucks to accumulate credentials to compete

Sean Barron _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Boy Scouts work toward robotics merit badge at YSU event

Anthony Watts
federal judge orders release of some climate data as result of CEI FOIA suit

Andrew Klavan _PJ Media_
the unbearable blindness of David Simon

Stephen Green _PJ Media_
2014: the collapsing Obummerconomy

Chuck Norris _World Net Daily_
federal government's 3 tentacles in Communist Corpse
"the feds have already started invading academic arenas via CCSS in 3 ways: funding, influencing class-room curricula and siphoning student information from schools."

P. David Hornick _PJ Media_
10 worst purveyors of anti-semitism: #4 BBC

Daniel K. Eisenbud _Jerusalem Post_
Israelis protest at USA consulate against the 3r intifada remarks of the haughty John Kerry, who served in VietNam

Rober Anghis _News with Views_
William Gordon's thanks-giving sermon from 1774-12-15
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Even in this time of relatively full employment, too many well educated and capable over-40 executives and professionals have been chasing too few high-level positions.   Business has continued to down-size.   Who would hae predicted a few years ago the tremendous cut in big-company employment and the serious financial problems brought about by mergers and acquisitions, junk bonds and various other kinds of 'creative' financing...   These factors and others (demographics, for one) have made unemployment a fact of life for the over-40 executive and professional." --- E. Patricia Birsner 1991 _Mid-Career Job Hunting_ pg iv  


2013-11-11: USA Veterans' Day

William Anft _Chronicle of Higher Education_
STEM "crisis": reality or myth?

Michael Kan _IT News_/_IDG_
Foxconn is considering making display panels in Arizona

2013-11-11 (5774 Kislev 08)
Kathryn Lopez _Jewish World Review_
no one is disposable
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2013-11-11 (5774 Kislev 08)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
sadly, GOP's near-RINO losership has not learned lessons
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2013-11-11 (5774 Kislev 08)
Betsy Hart _Jewish World Review_
new information slows down speed of time
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2013-11-11 (5774 Kislev 08)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
too many of those who presume they rule us, and their reflexive enforcers, see citizenry as a threat
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2013-11-11 (5774 Kislev 08)
Jay Weaver _Jewish World Review_
holocaust survivors accuse Obummer regime of ignoring their pleas for justice
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2013-11-11 (5774 Kislev 08)
Jay Weaver _Jewish World Review_/_AFP_
Israel moves to defend against dangerous Iran deal
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2013-11-11 (5774 Kislev 08)
Andrew Goldfinger _Jewish World Review_
why numbers matter
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Kevin Lim _Global Post_/_Reuters_
Batman son of Suparman jailed for theft and drug abuse

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
USA agriculture sales are poised for decline
"farm income value rising from $275T in 2003 to $425G the last 3 years.   Conditions are now right for that growth to decline, with corn demand waning and [Red China's] appetite for U.S. export crops like soybeans tapering off...   American demand for corn for fuel has been a significant driver, starting early last decade when ethanol replaced the additive MTBE as an octane booster in gasoline.   MTBE, or methyl tertiary butyl ether, was phased out by the federal government after it was ruled a human health threat."

Bridget Johnson _PM Media_
Texas law-makers strive to have terrorist attack at Ft. Hood officially recognized as such
"But the continued refusal of the administration to acknowledge the attack as an act of terrorism has left the Fort Hood survivors shortchanged on honors and benefits, something that could change in a big bipartisan way with a bit of momentum this month.   The Honoring the Fort Hood Heroes Act was introduced in the upper chamber in September by senator John Cornyn (R-TX) and in the House by representatives John Carter (R-TX) and Roger Williams (R-TX).   Carter and Williams share Fort Hood in their district boundaries."

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
America's wilderness years

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
SD investigation focuses on EB-5 investment visa
"There are multiple causes for this interest, including the mysterious shooting death of a leading state political appointee and EB-5 middleman, Richard Benda, the spectacular collapses of 2 major EB-5-supported ventures in the state, and an unusual tie between the EB-5 activity (which is a 99-plus per cent federal program) and the South Dakota state government..."
"unknown to me the South Dakota state government held the USCIS license to run the regional center and had subcontracted that out to South Dakota Regional Center, Inc., and thus had the power to undo the contract.   Governor Daugaard did just that.   That's commendable.   The regional center had been the broker for the questionable deals.   The new proprietors of the middleman function, state government officials, will probably proceed slowly and carefully.   Any slow-down of this fast-burgeoning program, which sells a family-sized handful of visas to alien investors putting up $500K each, is a good thing."

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
gerrymandering the investor visa
"'How come the EB-5 moneys, that are supposed to be used in depressed areas, all go to the glitziest parts of town?'   The puzzled voice at the other end of the phone was a Los Angeles reporter who was writing on the immigrant investor (EB-5) program, which was being used to fund a luxury hotel project.   EB-5 (for employment-based, fifth class) gives alien investors and their families a full set of green cards in exchange for half-million-dollar investments in depressed areas of the United States if the money is used in so-called 'targeted employment areas' (TEAs)..."

Mike Beaudet & Kevin Rothstein _Fox Boston MA_
immigration enforcement down since Secure Communities
"'ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is finding out about far more non-citizens who are getting arrested for crimes than ever before but they're actually arresting and removing fewer of them.', said the report's author, Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies, a group which favors stricter enforcement of immigration laws.   Vaughan did her research from documents leaked to her as well as records produced as part of a law-suit against U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement...   in Massachusetts there were 1,096 'hits', or non-citizens identified and 1,846 arrests or requests for deportations issued.   This year, Vaughan predicts there will be 7,883 identifications but only 1,522 arrests or requests for deportations issued."

Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
What America will look like in 2050? (part 5)

Glyn Wright _Eagle Forum_
Communist Corpse sneaks leftist politics into class-rooms (video)

Masaki Kondo _Bloomberg_
wealthy love Fed's inflationary policy more than the poor
"The graph of the day shows the [statistical difference] in sentiment between U.S. households with income of over $50K and those earning less than $15K widened to the most since 2007 February, based on data from the New York-based Conference Board.   The Standard & Poor's 500 Index has more than doubled to a record from a low in 2009 March, while the S&P/Case-Shiller gauge of home prices advanced about 17 percent during the period.   'The wealthy have lots of equities, so they are benefiting more from higher stock prices.', said Jin Kenzaki, a foreign bond strategist in Tokyo at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc's RBS Securities unit..."

Kimberly Hefling _abc_/_AP_
record number of foreign students hit USA
Mint Press News
MSFTN (with graphs)
From the Trenches World Report
Black-Listed News
Joe Guzzardi: Californians for Population Stabilization
"All told, 819,644 students came to the United States to study abroad in the 2012-13 school year...   About 235K of the international students were from China, a 21% increase...   The top destinations for international students were the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in Champaign, IL, Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, New York University, and Columbia University in New York.   By contrast, 283,332 U.S. students studied abroad for academic credit -- a 3% increase from a year earlier.   In the past 20 years, the number of U.S. students studying abroad has tripled.   But less than 10% of American students study abroad during their college years.   The United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, France and China were the top destinations."

Gordon Coop
how does your number of genetic ancestors grow over past centuries & millennia?
Proposed Bills 2013

  "The length of unemployment for managers now [c. 1990] averages somewhere between 8 months and 1 year.   In some industries (the financial industry, for instance) the length of unemployment has been much longer than that.   Of course, some executives and professionals find immediate re-employment.   But for each person in that happy circumstance, someone else has already been searching 1 year to 18 months, depending to some extent upon the health of the business or industry in which he or she is searching for work." --- E. Patricia Birsner 1991 _Mid-Career Job Hunting_ pg22  



Anthony Watts & Valen E. Johnson
raising the bar on statistical significance

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
how can "historical memory" be made a more palatable dish?

2013-11-12 (5774 Kislev 09)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
opposition to ObummerDoesn'tCare is no surprise
Town Hall
"according to Politico, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] was the most partisan bill to become law in the past 100 years.   Politico points to a study conducted by JPMorgan's Michael Cembalest, who reviewed major legislation that became law during the past century.   Cembalest reviewed a variety of bills that covered civil rights, entitlement programs, welfare reform, labor relations, tax preferences and a variety of other monumental, and sometimes controversial, issues.   Consider: The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which gave the federal government the ability to create money, was controversial in its day -- but it was supported in the House by 99% of Democrats and 41% of Republicans.   The [Socialist Insecurity] Act of 1935, which did plenty to transform America, received support from 96% of House Democrats and 81% of House Republicans.   The Civil Rights Act of 1964 received House support from 80% of Republicans and 61% of Democrats.   Heck, even the Revenue Act of 1913, which established the income tax and was, before [ObummerDoesn'tCare], the most controversial bill in the last 100 years, received support in the House from 5% of Republicans (and 98% of Democrats).   'Regardless of what anyone thinks about its merits and failings, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] has an original sin problem.', says Cembalest in his report.   'For the first time in 100 years, one party crammed down a bill with national implications without any agreement from the opposing party.'"
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2013-11-12 (5774 Kislev 09)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
too little focus on the man, too much focus on the assassination
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2013-11-12 (5774 Kislev 09)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
cheer up, things are getting better
Human Progress.org
"Consider, for example, infant mortality: Only half a century ago, more than 100 children of every 1K who were born perished within a year.   That figure has plunged 80%.   Or consider warfare: In the 1500s and 1600s, the world's great powers warred against one another more often than not, and almost constantly during certain periods.   Over the past several decades great-power conflict has been the exception rather than the norm.   Those changes produce others: 'Average global life expectancy at birth', Tupy wrote recently in Reason, 'hovered around 30 years from the Upper Paleolithic to 1900.'   In 2010 the global average life expectancy was 67, and it is on the cusp of reaching 68..."
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2013-11-12 (5774 Kislev 09)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
fate and a flight
"What that simple truth should translate into is, 'Live life and quit being paranoid.'   Also, 'Don't let the bureaucrats win.'"
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2013-11-12 (5774 Kislev 09)
Mark Patinkin _Jewish World Review_
new things that bug me
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2013-11-12 (5774 Kislev 09)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
if you want a non-leftist child
James Kirkpatrick: V Dare
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2013-11-12 (5774 Kislev 09)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the coming betrayal of Israel
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Rex Crum _MarketWatch_
Apple maps gaining ground

Anthony Watts
50K turn out in Poland to rally against UN climate hysteria

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
EPA moving stealthily forward on "massive power grab of property across the USA"

Michelle Quinn _San Jose CA Mercury News_
corrupt tech execs hit wall on attempts to pervert immigration laws
"For tech [opponents] of comprehensive immigration reform, one option would be to 'de-link' the [cheap, young, pliant, low-skill, flexible ethics] visa and green card proposals, which most [corrupt] law-makers support, from the bigger, tougher problem of [creating yet another] path to citizenship for the roughly 11M illegal immigrants [now, and eventually 30M to 40M more]...   The immigration system is broken for everyone and should be fixed for everybody."

Jim Puzzanghera _Los Angeles CA Times_
Frank Keating of American Bankers Association opposes immigration reform, supports S744
"The banking industry's top lobbyist...   'it's time to open the doors to immigrants to [totally destroy] the economy'...   The [reprehensible] senate-proposed [bill] would, among other provisions, increase high-tech visas [for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled STEM labor with flexible ethics, weaken] farm labor programs and [weaken] border security [at the discretion of the DHS secretary].   Obama renewed his push [against] immigration reform after the end of the divisive partial government 'shut-down' last month...   William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee, said Keating and other supporters of the Senate immigration bill will cost the country 'millions more American jobs' and '[tax-victim] resources' by luring more [guest-workers] and immigrants to come to the U.S.A. illegally.   'Frank Keating would ask us to follow Reagan as an example on immigration when Reagan's amnesty of 1986, and the unfulfilled promises of better immigration enforcement in that bill, are why we have 12M to 20M illegal immigrants in America today.', Gheen said."

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
3 compliance failures in e-Verify for government contractors
"I think most people concerned with the issue assume that the E-Verify program to identify illegal-alien workers covers all firms with federal contracts.   I know I did.   But a recent decision by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in a contract dispute indicates that E-Verify coverage of federal contractors is, in fact, full of holes."

Thomas E. Brewton
extreme leftist Dems oppose both the "Wall Street" and Hillary factions

Susan Katz Keating & Richard Miniter _Investor's Business Daily_
intelligence warnings of pending attack in Benghazi were loud and clear

Donald A. Collins _V Dare_
Will blacks opt for Luis Gutierrez-style tribal division, or for American unity?
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Jed Graham _Investor's Business Daily_
ObummerDoesn'tCare + $10 minimum wage == 70% employment cost hike
"Hourly compensation costs for a for-profit firm employing a full-time minimum-wage worker could jump by $5.52 to $13.32 an hour (including pay-roll taxes for [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare) vs. $7.80 now...   By shifting low-wage workers to part-time, for-profit employers faced with a $2.85 hike in the federal minimum wage (from $7.25 now) could avoid the equivalent of an additional $2.44-an-hour wage hike.   That $2.44 figure reflects the pretax (wage-equivalent) cost of [ObummerDoesn'tCare's] non-deductible employer fine for each full-time worker who accesses subsidies to purchase coverage via the new exchanges.   With a $10.10 minimum wage, a worker would earn $293 per 29-hour work-week.   That's ever so slightly more than the $290 a 40-hour work-week would net at the $7.25 minimum wage in effect in 30 states."

David Steinberg _PJ Media_
Medicaid for al-Qaeda; ObummerDoesn'tCare allows anyone on earth to fraudulently enroll
"Non-citizens are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program).   This is not a new development...   Getting fraudulent applications for Medicaid or CHIP approved is now easier, and thus more likely...   Applicants attempting to register for Medicaid as non-citizens by using Healthcare.gov will have their identification checked in real-time by the SAVE (Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements) data-base.   But if SAVE verification fails, the applicant is not prevented from enrolling in Medicaid/CHIP.   In fact, the opposite occurs: the applicant is likely enrolled in Medicaid immediately.   The applicant is then given a 90-day period to clear up the identification problem...   The cancellation of unverified enrollments is left to each state's available manpower and political will.   At the end of the 90-day period, if states do indeed ask the applicant to produce identification or to have the enrollment canceled, the applicant is allowed to ask for an extension of the 90-day period..."

_Investor's Business Daily_
"big business" execs try to wrap amnesty in the Reagan mantle
"We don't think so.   For one thing, there is no urgency -- a recent Esquire survey found that 54% of Americans oppose [creating yet another] path to U.S. citizenship for law-breaking illegal immigrants while only 32% support it...   Reagan attorney-general Ed Meese reportedly said that amnesty was in fact Reagan's biggest regret, according to an account in the Conservative Heritage Times, because he, like the people who supported him, believed in the rule of law...   Thousands [of illegal aliens] are on food stamps and turn their taxpayer-paid largess into a gravy train of packages to distant homelands such as Jamaica, Guatemala and Mexico.   What's more, 'free' social services to illegals -- from bilingual schools to health care to food aid to legal aid -- abound, making it all the more attractive to emigrate outside the law.   A report from Judicial Watch shows that illegals received $29M in 'free' drugs from 2009 to 2011 courtesy of U.S. [tax-victims]...   27 years and 6 other amnesties have passed since 1986 and the borders still haven't been secured."

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
what is the "real" unemployment rate?
"Add to all of this the fact that millions of workers are, out of necessity, in jobs for which they are overqualified.   Half of all college graduates are working jobs which do not require a college degree.   Even if you subtract out those who are exactly where they want to be by choice, that's a staggering figure.   The 'under-employment rate', if you will, is surely well above 20%.   Yet we continue to churn out college grads, pretty much ensuring that this dangerously wasteful trend will continue, even as household incomes continue to stagnate."

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
college students' distorted views of political landscape
Dan Joseph: Cybercast News Service

Joseph Farah _
now Obummer is trying to tell other countries where their citizens can build houses
"I look around and I see perfectly normal and acceptable behavior condemned roundly by members of the [Obummer regime].   Then I watch in amazement as they excuse and rationalize some of the most destructive and dangerous behavior imaginable...   Iran talks endlessly about exterminating the state of Israel while frantically building nuclear weapons.   Obama holds out his hand in one diplomatic gesture after another.   There are never any consequences.   Saudi Arabia enslaves people, prohibits the practice of any religion except Sunni Islam, bans travel into Mecca by any non-Muslims and funds terrorist madrassas around the world.   Obama bows to the king.   Syria's president is accused of killing hundreds of people with chemical weapons.   Obama threatens to attack Syria and kill more to punish Bashar Assad.   Assad promises to destroy the chemical weapons.   Obama lets him off the hook.   But then, Israel announces it will build homes in its own country, in its own capital city -- and [Obummer] goes ballistic...   Israel's population is growing.   It needs more housing for its people.   Many of them would, understandably, like to live near Jerusalem.   But Obama denounces these beautiful housing developments and condo projects in and around the eternal Jewish capital..."

Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
USA labor force participation rate hits lowest level in 35 years

John Cornyn calls for halt of ObummerDoesn'tCare navigators on heels of video showing them engaged in/promoting fraud
Proposed Bills 2013

  "You have enemies?   Good.   That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life" -- Winston Churchill (source: Information Week/UBM)  



Bob Tisdale
comments on ocean temperatures (with lots of graphs & GIS images)

2013-11-13 (5774 Kislev 10)
Matt Pearce _Jewish World Review_
racist has DNA tested by talk-show, results say he's more than one-eighth a member of the race he dislikes
"Cobb told the Bismarck Tribune on Monday that he doubted the validity of the test and said he planned to take up to 3 more DNA tests and publish the results...   'For starters, we could declare a Mexican illegal invaders and Israeli Mossad/IDF spies no-go zone.', Cobb wrote in the announcement, adding that he hoped new residents would always fly at least one 'racialist' banner, such as a Nazi flag.   'If leftist journalists or antis come and try to make trouble, they just might break one of our local ordinances and would have to be arrested by our town constable.   See?'...   local health officials who have targeted Cobb's run-down properties for code violations."
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2013-11-13 (5774 Kislev 10)
Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
Finally, good news from the MidEast: No deal yet on Iran nukes
Investor's Business Daily
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2013-11-13 (5774 Kislev 10)
Lisa Gerstner _Jewish World Review_
people with big bux in one bank get special deals
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2013-11-13 (5774 Kislev 10)
MIchael Ollove _Jewish World Review_
children's dental coverage is uncertain in ObummerDoesn'tCare
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2013-11-13 (5774 Kislev 10)
Rivy Poupko Kletenik _Jewish World Review_
quintessential soul food
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2013-11-13 (5774 Kislev 10)
Jim Mullen _Jewish World Review_
the Big Apple vs. the Crab Apple
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2013-11-13 (5774 Kislev 10)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
JFK proved that charisma does not mean much
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2013-11-13 (5774 Kislev 10)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
why the slowest post-WW2 economic "recovery" is stalling out
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2013-11-13 (5774 Kislev 10)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare gets worse next year
Investor's Business Daily
"A review of the experiences of nearly 900K patients under-going 8 different surgical procedures found that Medicaid patients were 50% more likely to die in the hospital after surgery than patients with private coverage.   This review, by researchers at the University of Virginia, is one of several studies proving that Medicaid patients get worse care than patients [who pay cash or use] private insurance...   In California, a Blue Cross plan on the exchange covers 47% fewer doctors than Blue Cross subscribers in California currently get.   In New York, only a quarter of physicians have decided to take exchange insurance, because the payments are so low."
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2013-11-13 (5774 Kislev 10)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
does Washington DC know best?
Town Hall
World Net Daily
"According to some estimates, there are more than 100M traffic signals in the U.S.A., but whatever the number, how many of us would like Washington, in the name of public health and safety, to be in sole charge of their operation?...   Today's average well-stocked U.S. super-market stocks 60K to 65K different items from all over the U.S.A. and the world...   Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek, one of the greatest economists of the 20th century, said it is a fatal conceit for anyone to think that a single mind or group of minds, no matter how intelligent and well-meaning, could manage to do things better than the spontaneous, unstructured, complex and creative forces of the market.   The biggest challenges in any system, whether it's an economic, biological or ecological system, are information, communication and control.   Congressmen's taking over control of the nation's traffic signals would require a massive amount of information that they are incapable of possessing...   the people in Washington have great confidence that they can run our health care system better than we, our physicians and hospitals.   Charles Darwin wisely noted more than a century and a half ago that 'ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge'.   Congress exudes confidence...   Politicians really don't care about what Joe thinks is best, because they arrogantly think they know what's best and have the power to coerce.   Hayek said, 'The curious task of economics is to illustrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.'   We economists have failed miserably in that task."
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Donald Lambro _Town Hall_
drilling beneath the surface of dreadfully weak economic numbers

Terry Jeffrey _Town Hall_
current tech allows government to control vehicles, but deployment plans are more hedged
Cybercast News Service
"In May, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [NHTSA] published its 'Preliminary Statement of Policy Concerning Automated Vehicles'.   It pointed to a 'continuum' of automobile development that 'runs from vehicles with no active control systems all the way to full automation and self-driving'...   Last year, under then-Secretary Ray LaHood, the Department of Transportation started a program in Michigan to pilot test 'vehicle-to-vehicle' communications systems -- or V2V.   [Similar tests were run in San Diego, CA over a decade ago.]...   'Data that may be exchanged', said the plan, 'includes each vehicle's latitude, longitude, time, heading angle, speed, lateral acceleration, longitudinal acceleration, yaw rate, throttle position, brake status, steering angle, headlight status, turn signal status, vehicle width, vehicle mass, bumper height and the number of occupants in the vehicle.'   NHTSA already sees that V2V's ability to track and gather information from cars -- and the eventual ability to automate cars -- could have applications beyond simply deterring accidents...   The people who are bringing us [ObummerDoesn'tCare] may not be able to efficiently create and run such a system, but who can doubt they would like to have one?"

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
approval of government officials and functionaries reaches yet another new low
Terence P. Jeffrey: Cybercast News Service: pres. Obummer's honesty and trustworthiness rating hits all-time low
Lesley Clark: McClatchy: Obummer approval ratings plunge

John Stossel _Town Hall_
is this a libertarian era?
World Net Daily
Jewish World Review
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Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
John Boehner says he won't let S744 come out of conference committee
World Net Daily
David Sherfinski & Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
"This leaves the Gang of 8 bill pretty much dead, but doesn't rule out informal negotiations over a different piece of legislation.   According to reports, president Obama and Democrats like New York senator Chuck Schumer made it impossible to negotiate on the legislation, paving the way for them to [try to] use immigration against Republicans in the 2014 election cycle...   Boehner says he is still looking for an eventual deal on immigration reform."

Rich Danker _Daily Caller_
bogus Yellenomics
Greg Robb: MarketWatch: Yellen backs Fed's massive inflation-driving/currency-devaluing program

_World Net Daily_
GAO says TSA behavioral-profiling program is only "slightly better than chance"

Dave Flessner _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
audit chides TN over lack of enforcement of employment requirements for tax credits
Chattanooga TN Times Free Press
"Tennessee's tax collectors are not adequately documenting that growing businesses getting tax breaks from the state are generating the jobs they promise, a state audit suggests... Tennessee offers new or expanding businesses job tax credits of up to $4,500 for each new job created for up to 15 years, but the tax break depends upon the state verifying that the business invests at least $500K in the facility and add [as few as] 25 full-time jobs."

Frank Munger _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
"IT" News

Bill Straub _PJ Media_
DHS nominee Jeh Johnson faces potential hold over border security... even from Lindsey Grahamnesty and John McCain

Richard Fernandez _PJ Media_
statistics only let us view the world through the rear window

Annie Lowrey _NYTimes_
House withholds fast-track authority for "Trans-Pacific Partnership" trade deal
Michael Shank: Washington DC Times: Tea Party and leftists unite against fast-track authority on Trans-Pacific Partnership" and "Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership" pacts

Joseph Cotto _Washington DC Times_
amnesty for illegal aliens seems unlikely, but a sharp eye should be kept out in case lunacy makes a come-back

2013-11-13 Moss Gropen _San Diego CA Reader_
Beware the "Guelenization" of public charter schools
"'Think of a combination of the Scientologists, the Moonies, and the Mafia.   That's what the Gulenists are like.', says Sharon Higgins.   'They're shady, nebulous, and very secretive.   Very few Americans know that they're behind [several chains of tax-victim]-funded charter schools.'   Higgins, a former public school parent and self-described parent activist who lives in Oakland, has crafted a quasi-career tracking and chronicling the domestic activities of this Turkey-based group.   She lays out the details: Over the past few years, the Gulen [Guelen] movement, an Islamic group that melds religion and politics, has succeeded in a stealth campaign to infiltrate the American educational system via the portal of the charter school.   Among their goals, according to Higgins and other Gulen watchers, is fund-raising for the Gulen movement in Turkey and the recruitment of future members.   Critics allege that Gulen public charter schools reject qualified American teachers, instead importing Turkish men via H-1B visas...   These non-union teachers are then paid salaries characterized as inflated, and are expected, in turn, to donate a substantial portion to the Gulen movement via a network of 'charitable' foundations.   There are also charges of sweetheart deals with local Gulen-owned businesses.   Gulen U.S.A., say some, is no less than an intricately woven Turkish rug of deceit.   Operating under all-American monikers like 'Magnolia Public Schools' and structured as tax-exempt not-for-profit entities, there are nearly 150 Gulen charter schools operating now in America, with around a dozen in California, including one in San Diego: Momentum Middle School in San Carlos.   If the Gulenists have their way, San Diego Unified School District will host another Turk-centric schoolhouse when the 2014 Fall semester opens."

Josh Constine _TechCrunch_
Zuckerberg has hired CTO Darius Contractor to fight, via the net, against immigration reform: FB+LinkedIn+MSFT conspire
Erica Pearson: NY Daily News
"A Stanford computer science graduate and son of an Indian immigrant, Contractor was the VP of Engineering for Bebo from 2006 to 2009, where he helped grow daily page views from 100M to 350M before it sold to AOL for $850M.   Now he'll be working for...a bi-partisan lobbying group funded by Silicon Valley [executives] that aims to create [yet another] path to citizenship for [illegal aliens] and expand the [already vastly excessive, low-standards] H-1B visa program...   The CTO's first project was recruiting an army of mentors to help teams of young [illegal aliens] at a...hackathon this week-end at [privacy violator] LinkedIn's head-quarters.   These mentors (some who I know personally) include Dropbox head of design Soleio Cuervo, Generator Lab co-founder Jay Zalowitz, open source guru Conrad Irwin, Quora growth product manager Rob Matei, IronPearl founder and current PayPal growth head Stan Chudnovsky, LivingSocial co-founder Aaron Batalion, and a slew of former and current Facebook product people including Arjun Banker, Itamar Rosen, Roddy Lindsay, and Bobby Goodlatte.   The [illegal alien] hackathon will be hosted by Zuckerberg on November 20 and 21 and see over 20 young immigrants working with the mentors to build tools that [spew propaganda] about the need for [immigration law perversion], and pressure congress to make it happen."

Kris Anne Hall _Bear Witness Central_
articles of impeachment against Eric Holder
Before It's News
canonical Kris Anne Hall site
Western Center for Journalism
Rena Schild: American OverLook
Gorge Spelvin: Coach Collins Is Right
Proposed Bills 2013

  "If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders." --- Abigail Van Buren (source: _Jewish World Review_; donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review)  



2013-11-14 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 357,836 in the week ending November 9, an increase of 26,485 from the previous week.   There were 478,543 initial claims in the comparable week in 2012.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.0% during the week ending November 2, an increase of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 2,560,359, an increase of 59,748 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.3% and the volume was 2,963,198.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending October 26 was 3,907,671, a decrease of 53,536 from the previous week.   There were 4,997,171 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending October 26...   States reported 1,333,709 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending October 26, a decrease of 37,065 from the prior week.   There were 2,095,605 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

Anthony Watts
U of Exeter: Amazon rain-forest more resilient to moisture variation than previously believed

Bill Straub _PJ Media_
is EPA trying to rig UN IPCC study for the Obummer regime?
Travis Loller: Knoxville TN News Sentinel/AP: TVA to close 8 coal-powered generating units in AL and KY

Doug Proctor
Language, styles of expression sustain political debates
"Specifically, the skeptics use declarative, as in 'this will', 'this shall' or 'this does', and, of course, [their] negative equals.   The warmists use conditionals, i.e. words like 'could' or 'should' or 'may' or 'might' that indicate undefined probabilities and, in truth, possibilities, things that are determinable only after the fact.   The use of conditionals after 25 years is remarkable (here I make a declarative statement).   Despite all the models and claims of correlation/matching of observation, we still have no 'does', 'shall' or 'will' in the [UN] IPCC or other CAGW programme.   The dangers and fears are in the distant future, discussed only as emerging from the present, but still only becoming obvious in some, never-close-to-today, tomorrow...   The MSM in particular seizes on this particular form of Certainty (regardless of how they, themselves, perceive it).   'Anyone connected with the IPCC is credible, therefore I am comfortable with what they say.'   Personal investigation in this regard is unnecessary..."
Gene Selkov wrote: "We are not using the same mental vocabulary talking about lots of things.   Many words that once had common and widely accepted meaning have now been redefined within certain political and social groups.   Often, the meaning is inverted.   For example, the new 'liberals' [i.e. leftists] oppose liberty to the extent that a whole group of people who still think liberty is important is now forced to adopt a new name.   They call themselves 'libertarians'.   Same with 'progressives' [also leftists], who fight tooth and nail against all progress.   'Nutritious' food is anything but.   I often feel I can no longer use many common words, lest I be misunderstood."
Sweet Old Bob wrote: "Some people seem to be 'wired' to look at almost everything from the perspective of 'feeling' and reason is not considered.   These people will NEVER be convinced by logic.   Their language is emotion and the only way to 'reason' with them is to speak in emotional terms.   'Logical' people have to learn this 'new' language to win ANY arguement with them."

2013-11-14 (5774 Kislev 11)
Rick Jensen _Jewish World Review_
ideology and "men of reason"
"Ideology is such an abomination, president Obama rages against those he believes are guided by different ideas of governance.   Campaigning for now-Governor Terry McAuliffe, who is the subject of 2 federal investigations and an unindicted investor in an illegal scheme to profit from fraudulent life insurance policies on the lives of dying people, the president lambasted 'extreme' Republicans whose ideology prevented Democrats from moving forward with their agenda of greater government control of Americans' lives.   This fearsome ideology or worldview is one of [constitutionally] limited government -- fiscally responsible government spending and a country wherein the government is controlled by the citizens, not bureaucrats and elected elites.   This is diametrically opposed to today's Democratic Party and as such is a 'dangerous' ideology."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2013-11-14 (5774 Kislev 11)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
PunditFact/PolitiFact: media bias strikes again... at me
"In 1900, at all 3 levels of government -- federal, state and local -- government took less than 10% of the American people's money.   Now, we're talking about 35%, and when you add a dollar value to mandates, we're talking almost 50%."
census bureau: income per capita 2012=$28,281; 1900=$438; federal receipts 1901=$588M; 2012=$2.38T
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2013-11-14 (5774 Kislev 11)
Mary Schmich _Jewish World Review_
travel to the places that only an older person can take you
"At some point in life, if you're lucky enough to know an old person well, you recognize that that person's stories are the closest you can come to time travel...   According to the 2010 census, there were 53,364 centenarians in the United States, up from just a little more than 32K in 1980.   To qualify as truly, amazingly old these days, you have to be 105.   Here's another e-mail, from a reader who wrote [to] me a while back about 2 friends, ages 104 and 107."
Someone failed to inform the tech executives.
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2013-11-14 (5774 Kislev 11)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
USA being dragged off the tiger's back by pres. Obummer
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2013-11-14 (5774 Kislev 11)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
freedom and federalism
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George Avalos _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Lockheed Martin to dump 4K more employees
KGO abc San Francisco CA
Tim Devaney: Washington DC Times
Nathan Donato-Weinstein: Sili Valley business journal
Jeff St. Clair: WKSU
Fox Tampa Bay FL
"Bethesda, MD-based Lockheed Martin, maker of Patriot missile defense system, and the F-35 and F-16 fighter planes, will close plants in Goodyear, AZ; Akron, OH; Newtown, PA; and Horizon City, TX; as well as four buildings at its Sunnyvale campus, by mid-2015, eliminating 2K jobs...   Lockheed Martin said it has cut its work-force to 116K employees from 146K since 2008."
National Motorists Association
Weekly Standard: in 2001, Lockheed Martin sold their red-light camera division to Affiliated Computer Services for $800M

Andy Pattullo
UN IPCC conference in Warsaw, COP19 -- there's something in the water

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
4 charges in articles of impeachment against Eric Holder

Paul Hsieh _PJ Media_
will medical innovations be there when you need them?: we must protect the freedoms necessary for advancement of medical science and technology

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
teachers may be coming to DC on H-1b visas
"There is a strong possibility that the controversial Gulen [Guelen] Turkish Charter Schools, together with their emphasis on hiring teachers from Turkey via the H-1B program, will arrive soon in the District of Columbia, the Washington Post reported this week...   the Post, as is its wont, said nothing about these schools' tendencies to use the H-1B program to hire staff when there are multitudes of qualified American teachers out of work...   These schools not only have a record of displacing resident teachers (both citizens and green card holders) with imports from Turkey -- they never seem to hire from other countries -- but they have, as we reported earlier, used the H-1B program to bring Turkish-language teachers into their schools, despite the fact that there is absolutely no known demand for high school-level instruction in that language.   Harmony, as it routinely does, denies that it is connected to Fethullah Gulen, who has the Wizard of Oz-like characteristic of being identified in Turkey as a leading Muslim cleric while simultaneously proclaiming himself a secular educator in the United States.   Gulen, who had to go to court to get his own green card, lives in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania.   He leads a movement rather than an organization."

Ken Klukowski _Family Research Council_
ObummerDoesn'tCare "fix" is unconstitutional
Kat News 2 Day
Liberty News
Tim Brown: Freedom OutPost
Bob Adelmann: New American

_V Dare_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's unimpressive Asian tech "geniuses"
donate to V Dare

Monte Morin _Los Angeles CA Times_
dogs were domesticated between 18,800 and 32,100 years ago (with map)
"James Serpell, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine...   In research published Thursday in the journal Science, evolutionary biologists analyzed the mitochondrial genomes of 18 ancient dogs and wolves.   Then they compared them to an array of modern counterparts, and even a few coyotes.   The authors concluded that dog domestication most likely occurred in Ice Age Europe, between 18,800 and 32,100 years ago -- much earlier, and much farther north, than previously believed.   Dogs, the authors argued, evolved from a now extinct species of European wolf that followed bands of nomadic or semi-nomadic humans who were hunting woolly mammoths and other large prey...   A burial site in Israel contained the 12K-year-old remains of an elderly man cradling a puppy."

Robert P. Murphy _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
the economics of ObummerDoesn'tCare
"Structure...   Intended Consequences...   Entirely Predictabel Effects...   'But the president said I could keep my plan'...   Job Losses..."
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Again, if you do not discipline yourself to the habit of always writing down author, title, and page number each time you note a fact or copy a quotation, you will lose endless hours later in an irritating search for the exact reference." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg25  



1777-11-15: 1st draft of Articles of Confederation

1867-11-15: "the first stock ticker is unveiled in New York City. The advent of the ticker ultimately revolutionized the stock market by making up-to-the-minute prices available to investors around the country. Prior to this development, information from the New York Stock Exchange, which has been around since 1792, traveled by mail or messenger" (source: Jewish World Review; donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review)

Anthony Watts
U of CO at Denver: wind turbines killed 600K bats in 2012

Glenn Reynolds _PJ TV_
how hydraulic fracturing revolutionized the energy industry

"Just the Facts"
a big-picture look at "earth's temperature" -- a Santer 17 update

Suzanne Lucas _CBS_
Yahoo adopts forced bell curve ratings of employees, as MSFT is ending it
"Managers, you may rate 10% of your people 'superior performers', 40% as 'exceeds expectations', 40% as 'meets expectations' and the remaining 10% as 'below expectations'.   Sound familiar? This breakdown is known as a 'stacked ranking' or 'forced bell curve ranking'.   MSFT was one of the many big companies that used this method to classify how their employees perform.   No more.   The software maker has declared that approach a failure and scrapped it at precisely the same moment that Yahoo is embracing it.   Both Bloomberg and Forbes point to the latter as further evidence of Marissa Mayer's bad management.   Words like 'epic fail' and 'HR disaster' are being thrown around.   Combine this with Mayer's telecommuting ban, and she looks like the manager who is trying to take a company back to 'Mad Men' days...   Peter Cohan explains that it's all about incentives.   He writes: 'And stack ranking is an incentive system that rewards the wrong behavior.   The winners in the stack ranking game are the engineers and marketers who spend all their time meeting with each manager who will decide whether they get a bonus or get fired.   And during those meetings, the winners talk about all the great things they claim to have accomplished [i.e. it rewards effective braggarts, often regardless of what they've contributed to the firms' productivity].   The losers in the stack ranking game are the people who decide that their accomplishments -- whether it's developing a customer-pleasing new piece of software or implementing an effective marketing campaign -- will speak for themselves when it comes to deciding their position in the stack.'"

Emma Dumain & Emily Cahn _Roll Call_
immigration reform or perversion bill(s) may be enacted next year, but not now
"An immigration over-haul in the House isn't dead, but it won't happen this year, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee said Friday.   Representative Greg Walden, R-OR, said the House would likely pass legislation to fix the nation's broken immigration system by the end of next year.   He made the comments at a Friday breakfast briefing with reporters that was sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor."

Anthony Watts & Benny Peiser
Japan stunned UN climate summit by ditching CO2 target

Eddie Gregg _Billings MT Gazette_
HS students at Career Center get a chance to learn about, use surgical robot

2013-11-15 (5774 Kislev 12)
Celia Rivenbark _Jewish World Review_
exchange student survives Southern comforts
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2013-11-15 (5774 Kislev 12)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
so, who's your daddy now?
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2013-11-15 (5774 Kislev 12)
Steven Emerson _Jewish World Review_
is there a Muslim exception to the 1st amendment?: free political speech and exercise of religion vs. initiation of force or fraud
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2013-11-15 (5774 Kislev 12)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
the demise of pax Americana
"Secretary of state John Kerry spent the first part of last week lying to Israeli and Gulf Arab leaders and threatening the Israeli people.   He lied to prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the Saudis about the content of the deal US and European negotiators had achieved with the Iranians.   Kerry told them that in exchange for Iran temporarily freezing its nuclear weapons development program, the USA and its allies would free up no more than $5G dollars in Iranian funds seized and frozen in foreign banks.   Kerry threatened the Israeli people with terrorism and murder -- and so invited both -- if Israel fails to accept his demands for territorial surrender to PLO terrorists that reject Israel's right to exist."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2013-11-15 (5774 Kislev 12)
R' Avraham Edelstein _Jewish World Review_
fidelity is not a religious idea
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2013-11-15 (5774 Kislev 12)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
November 16 is another day that should live in infamy
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2013-11-15 (5774 Kislev 12)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
church, state, and the supremes
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2013-11-15 (5774 Kislev 12)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare cannot be repaired
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2013-11-15 (5774 Kislev 12)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer left out the "mea culpa" from his litany of dodges and excuses over ObummerDoesn'tCare
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Dennis Byrne _Political Mavens_
same-sex "marriage" may be legal in IL and HI, but it's still wrong

Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
tech giants agree to small negotiated fines for visa fraud
"In its recent on-line edition, Forbes published a list of the top 10 companies that hire foreign-born workers.   Based on 2012 data from the U.S. Department of Labor [US DoL] and the Census Bureau, the 10, in reverse order, are: Mahindra Satyam, Ernest and Young, Accenture, L&T Infotech, MSFT, Deloitte Consulting, IBM, Tata Consultancy, Wipro, and Infosys.   The federal government's lax over-sight of visa programs has led to the three biggest H-1B users, IMB, Tata and Infosys, to agree to out of court settlements in high profile immigration fraud cases.   In September, IBM reached a settlement with Department of Justice over allegations that it violated the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act when it hired programmers who held H-1B visas or foreign student visas instead of equally qualified Americans.   IBM's job postings specifically stated its preference for F-1 foreign-born students or H-1Bs.   Under the agreement's terms, IBM paid a token $44K fine and promised to revise its training and recruiting practices.   In April as part of a class action law-suit, Tata settled with 13K non-citizen employee plaintiffs who had been forced to endorse their tax refund checks payable to Tata.   The company agreed to set up a $30M settlement fund for current and former employees.   Finally, 2 weeks ago Infosys agreed to pay $34M as the result of what company whistle-blower Jay Miller called 'systemic visa fraud' that displaced thousands of American workers.   Among the charges against Infosys were that it knowingly petitioned for foreign workers claiming they had special skills not available in the United States.   Instead, the immigrant employees required on the job training, often given by the Americans they were displacing.   CBS News obtained internal Infosys memorandums showing that the company instructed its foreign-born employees how to lie to immigration officials.   Miller said Infosys executives knew about the fraudulent practices but, to increase company profits, continued them..."

Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
professors warn that grads face competition from H-1B guest-workers: H-1B workers -- many under 30 and getting entry-level work -- compete directly with new grads
Networking World
"Karen Panetta, a professor of electrical engineering at Tufts University, says a master's degree is the new bachelor degree in the employment market...   She said her students owe $50,000, on average.   'It's the house you are not going to be able to buy for another 10 years.', she said.   Ron Hira, a public policy professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology and the forum moderator, said there are an estimated 650K H-1B workers in the U.S.A., and the program 'is used very extensively for cheap labor'.   The major H-1B using firms are mostly off-shore companies based over-seas.   For those firms, median salaries range from $61K to $70,500.   But for U.S. firms that are also large users of H-1B visas, median salaries are higher.   They include: MSFT, $95K; Intel, $85K; and Google, $110K, according to Hira's data...   Hal Salzman, a professor of public policy at Rutgers University, said that the U.S.A. produces enough graduates to satisfy the demand of the labor market.   But if the cap increase goes through, it will swamp the market, especially hitting under-30 workers...   'If you stop the flow of H-1Bs', Gupta told the audience of House policy analysts, 'it will encourage businesses like us' and 'it will encourage the off-shore businesses to start investing in local work-forces.   Today, they have no incentive to hire an American work-force.'"

_Investor's Business Daily_
ObummerDoesn'tCare "Fix" is an attempt at destroying the US constitution

Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
record high foreign-born college enrollment spells continuing bad news for U.S. students
"For high school students aspiring to attend college, the recent Institute of International Education (IIE) report represents a ton of bad news.   During the 2012-2013 academic year, foreign-born enrollment at American colleges increased by a record 819,644 students.   Those seats represent 819,644 opportunities denied to hard-working U.S. kids whose parents urged them to excel and sacrificed to bring up them as responsible young adults.   In 1955 the total foreign-born enrollment was 34K.   Since then, it's increased every decade.   Because school administrators prefer the full out-of-state tuition and the diversity that overseas students represent, no end is in sight...   in 2010, 8 out of every 10 Chinese under-graduate students used an agent to file their applications.   Because the agents are paid to place each student, cheating is rampant.   Estimates are that 90% of Chinese students fake recommendation letters, 70% of college application essays are ghost written, and 50% of high school transcripts are falsified.   In a shocking conflict of interest, some American universities also have contracts with agents that guarantee them a commission for each student enrolled."
Proposed Bills 2013

  "In fact, it has been found that 5 years after graduation 50% of all engineers are in some form of management." --- Robert M. Glorioso & Francis S. Hill ii 1975 _Introduction to Engineering_ pg18  



1093-11-16: jahrzeit of St. Margaret of Wessex queen of Scotland, daughter of Edward aetheling

Anthony Watts
planting more acres of maize to produce ethanol has caused environmental damage

Anthony Watts
another climate factor known to be unknown: volcano out-gassing

Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
incorrect parameters and variables
Many of you probably think I strongly agree with the Computerworld article, Professors Warn That Grads Could Face Competition From H-1B Workers.
But actually, I find it to be quite inaccurate, which should be no suprise to those of you who read my writings carefully.   (I'm not scolding the rest of you, of course; we all have limited time to peruse things.)
First of all, as I've often mentioned, the job market for new computer science graduates has actually [improved a little] in the last couple of years, at least in the urban, tech-heavy regions, such as California, Illinois, Massachusets, New York, Texas, Washington, and so on.   (There actually is a somewhat subtler aspect in that new domestic grads are often shunted into the "talking" jobs rather than development, but though this disappoints some of them, others are OK with it.)
The impact of the H-1Bs on the older, 35+ workers (including new grads of that age) is huge -- it makes it much easier for employers to avoid hiring the older workers -- but this article is discussing impact on new grads.
Second, we see yet again the espousing of a fallacy I've exposed, and which really is obvious.   The claim is that the major U.S. firms are not abusing H-1B, because they are paying more than the Indian bodyshops.   But the U.S. firms are GETTING more; they're hiring people with master's degrees or higher from generally good CS programs, whereas the Indian firms typically hire at the bachelor's level, from typically weaker foreign programs.   So the article's conclusion that the U.S. firms are using the program responsibly is unwarranted; the U.S. firms are paying bargain prices for their level of worker, while the Indian firms are getting bargains at their level.
Again, this is for what I call Type I salary savings, paying an H-1B less than a similar American would be paid (same experience, education etc.).   Type II salary savings, hiring younger H-1Bs in lieu of older Americans, is just widely practiced among the U.S. "main-stream" firms as the by the Indian ones.
I do like the Panetta quote in the article: "We can't solve the problem unless we have all the parameters and variables of the equation."   Indeed.   We're getting a lot of incorrect parameters and variables, sadly.

Anthony Watts & Richard Feynman
a view of science worth reflecting upon

Cesar Bustamante _Mountain View CA Patch_
11% of Mountain View residents 25+ have master's or doctor's degrees
Proposed Bills 2013

  "As early as 4,000BCE the people of Mesopotamia were using the true arch, or vault. Certainly these were preceded by many attempts to imitate the inspiring arch shapes in nature." --- Robert M. Glorioso & Francis S. Hill ii 1975 _Introduction to Engineering_ pp 34-35  



_Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Trumbull county election board rejected about 24 provisional ballots: 8 were at the wrong precinct, 16 not registered to vote in Ohio

Jan Falstad _Billings MT Gazette_
companies succeed when employees thrive
"Dimock, Simmons and their 17 employees have applied the latest science about how people learn, synthesized hundreds of personal growth and motivational books and are now applying the results through individual and small-group coaching...   employees were more engaged and the company started setting productivity records...   Last year, the median American wage earner took home 9% less money than in 1999, according to CNN Money.   In contrast, the 400 richest people control more wealth than the bottom 150M put together, according to Berkeley professor and former U.S. labor-secretary Robert Reich...   One thing that needs work is how to summarize what Elation does, Dimock said.   So, they've hired a couple of young techies to polish the web-site, write a press release and work on their presentation.   'Our elevator pitch is an hour long.', Dimock said."

Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
I need to clarify my posting of yesterday.
First, I had referred to what I have called Type I and II salary savings that accrue to employers of H-1Bs: Hiring H-1Bs at lower wages than are paid to comparable Americans, and hiring younger H-1Bs in lieu of older Americans, to save money that way.   Afterward, a reader asked (again) why I didn't mention what he called "Type 0" -- the negative impact on wages of the swelling of the labor market under the H-1B program.
Actually, I've brought this up many times, and have often referred to the (unquantified) statement in the 2001 NRC report that there is a "Type 0" effect.   However, the question at hand in my posting yesterday, is a little different, which I should have clarified then.
My posting concerned a Computerworld article reporting that an increase in the H-1B cap would lower wages for new American grads.   I down-played the issue, saying that the job market for new computer science graduates [has been improving] these days.   That would seem to beg the question, so let me go into more detail on this.
As you know, the computer-related H-1Bs fall into two main categories -- foreign students hired from U.S. university campuses, and workers brought in directly from abroad.   Let's call these Category A and Category B, respectively.   Note by the way that under the senate bill [S744] that passed (but which the House does not want to take up), Category A is considered "good H-1B" while Category B is viewed as the bad part of the visa program, a distinction that I have strongly disputed, including in my posting yesterday.
Though I don't have data on this, in my experience the primary group that competes with new American grads is Category A, not B.   On one level, the competition between the American and foreign new grads is literal -- both groups are signing up for the same on-campus employment interviews, attending the same campus job fairs, relying on the same faculty connections with industry, and so on.   But it's also true on a more indirect level, but the Category B workers, though young, are not viewed as new grads; they generally have some experience, at least in the form of an intensive job-like training course in some specialized computer language or platform.  
Yes, there is still an impact on wages of new American new grads from Category B, but it is less direct, and I believe it would be small if the senate bill were ever enacted.   As I said yesterday, I believe the largest impact on Americans would be on the older U.S. workers.
Well, then what about the impact of Category A on new U.S. grads?   The answer centers on the Optional Practical Training [OPT] feature of the F-1 student visa.   Any STEM foreign student [can gain] the [privilege] to work for 29 months after graduation -- almost 2.5 years.   Contrary to president Obama's rhetoric, "We train the foreign students in our schools but then send them home after graduation.", we DON'T send them home.   I work with a lot of CS foreign students, and I've never seen a single instance of one returning home in spite of a wish to stay here.   I read various foreign worker blogs, and haven't seen any instances there either.   Surely such cases exist, but I believe they are rare.
Accordingly, the effect of the Senate bill in terms of Category A would likely be to transfer some workers from OPT to H-1B status.   Employers who want a worker for more than 2.5 years would likely take advantage of the expanded H-1B program.   This would be especially true of the employers who wish to sponsor their foreign workers for green cards, which as I've explained is typically not the benevolent act it would seem to be; many employers, including big, household name firms, find this to be highlight attractive as it renders the worker immobile, unable to jump ship to another firm.
By the way, I mentioned yesterday that more than wages are at stake, in the sense that many American new grads are shunted into the "talking jobs", doing only semi-technical work such as customer support, software testing and the like, while the H-1Bs are assigned the technical work.   Sure enough, another reader responded to my posting yesterday that students at the well-known university he is affiliated with had complained that the jobs they were being offered didn't make use of their training.   To [SOME of] those of you out there who are economists, a job is a job (at least at the same wages), but some students [and experienced pros] are deeply disappointed if they don't get to do development work.   Ironically, being a outgoing and articulate is a negative here, as you are flagged as being right for the talking jobs.
But in terms of wages and employability, while I shouldn't have given the impression yesterday that the senate bill [S744] would have no impact at all on the new American grads (I didn't actually say this, but it probably sounded that way), I do believe the impact would be primarily on the older Americans, age 35 and above.   If we didn't have OPT, things might be quite different, with more direct impact on new American grads as well.
One side remark about OPT: The extension to 29 months was made during the George W. Bush administration, and defended by the Obama administration when it was challenged in court.   Bush instituted this 29-month policy by executive fiat [by a regulation change], rather than by going through congress, an action of highly questionable legality, as the statute had specified 12 months.   (The challengers, the Programmers Guild, lost in court anyway [as I recall, the loss was not on the question of the regulatory change, itself, but on the matter of standing to sue].)   So I find it ironic that the Republicans are currently saying that Obama is operating under questionable legality in allowing, by executive fiat, health insurers to extend existing, substandard policies for a year.   A bit hypocritical, I'd say.

Andy May
climate and human civilization over the last 18K years

Anthony Watts
WashU: volcano discovered smoldering under a Km of ice in West Antarctica

David P. Hornick _PJ Media_
10 worst purveyors of anti-semitism: #3 PLO

Dave Urbanski _Blaze_
power-mad McDonough GA code-nazis go nuts attacking restaurant that flies USA, GA, POW/MIA, Army, Navy, AF, Marine flags
Fox Atlanta
Gateway Pundit

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
the corrupt world of the coliseum
"The new pyramid is not just agricultural.   Go to Silicon Valley.   In all the old quaint homes of Menlo Park, Mountain View, and Palo Alto that I remember visiting in the 1960s, there is only a small middle class.   The houses, true, are almost preserved in amber, appearing just as they did on the tree-lined streets a half-century ago.   But what is in them now?   Strapped $400K a year-income couples paying $10K a month in taxes and mortgages for $800-per-square-foot old frame cottages are not what I remember.   Even a far greater number of residents are renting $2K a month apartments, while a vast underclass of families in Redwood City and East Palo Alto quadruples up in rented 1K square-foot houses.   A few tech and financing geniuses live in splendor in Woodside or Portola Valley (well, not quite in splendor: air-lift their multi-million-dollar castles to Fresno or Merced and their square footages and design would suddenly be considered no more than mere $500K nice, big houses)...   We are entering the age of the bread-and-circuses Coliseum: luxury box seats for the fleshy senatorial class, free food and tickets for the rest -- and the shrinking middle out in the sand of the arena providing the entertainment."

_Coach Collins Is Right_
granting undocumented leftists amnesty will bring House republicans a pyrrhic, suicidal "victory"

Laurie Cardoza-Moore _World Net Daily_
the borders of Israel
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Suspension bridges had their beginnings in the tropical climates where vines grow to enormous lengths.   A suspension bridge today is not fundamentally different from the crude system developed by early man.   All modern man has done is make his suspension bridges longer, stronger, and more comfortable." --- Robert M. Glorioso & Francis S. Hill ii 1975 _Introduction to Engineering_ pg35  



1307-11-18: according to legend, William Tell shoots an apple off of his son's head. (source: Jewish World Review; donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review)
1421-11-18: a sea-wall at the Zuiderzee dike breaks, flooding 72 villages and killing about 10K people in the Netherlands
1477-11-18: "The Sayings of the Philosophers" was published, the earliest known book printed in England to carry a date
1883-11-18: American and Canadian railroads institute five standard continental time zones, ending the confusion of thousands of local times
1903-11-18: the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty is signed by the United States and Panama, giving the Americans exclusive rights over the Panama Canal Zone
1928-11-18: release of the animated short Steamboat Willie, the first fully synchronized sound cartoon, directed by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks, featuring the third appearances of cartoon stars Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. This is also considered by the Disney corporation to be Mickey's birthday.

2013-11-18 (5774 Kislev 15)
Stacy Teicher Khadaroo _Jewish World Review_
how to get HS drop-outs into "recovery"
"Nationally, about 600K students drop out of high school in a given year.   And more than 5.8M 16-to-24-year-olds are 'disconnected' -- not in school and not working.   In 2011, governmental support (such as food stamps) and lost tax revenues associated with disconnected youths cost [tax-victims] more than $93.7G, according to Measure of America, an initiative of the Social Science Research Council, a nonprofit based in New York...   Since 2008, New York City's centers have re-enrolled at least 17K students, and the centers in Newark, NJ, have brought back at least 3,900, according to the National League of Cities...   At least 10 districts are motivating dropouts to come back not just to finish high school, but also to take community-college courses free of charge — sometimes enough to earn an associate's degree or a training certificate.   The most notable is the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo district (PSJA), where 90% of the population is Hispanic and about a third is low income.   When Daniel King became superintendent there in 2007, he faced a drop-out rate of about 18%.   Nearly half the drop-outs that year were seniors -- 237 of them."
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2013-11-18 (5774 Kislev 15)
Nancy A. Youssef _Jewish World Review_
Christians too afraid to complain in Egypt as treatment worsens
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2013-11-18 (5774 Kislev 15)
personal stories conveyed by R' Pronman and recounted by R' Nachman Seltzer _Jewish World Review_
there is more than 1 way to save a life
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2013-11-18 (5774 Kislev 15)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
Obummer orders his omelet unscrambled
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2013-11-18 (5774 Kislev 15)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
how the GOP losership will probably squander an election
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2013-11-18 (5774 Kislev 15)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
leftist/Dems still want additional extortion and debasement of the currency
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Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
GAO under-lined flaws in TSA's "behavior screening" program

Lynn O'Shaughnessy _CBS_
STEM job markets
"The claims about STEM shortages come from employers, along with their lobbyists and trade associations, claims Michael Teitelbaum, who a fellow in science policy at Harvard University and a senior advisor at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.   The tech industry can benefit if Americans -- and more importantly -- politicians believe that America is falling behind in producing highly skilled workers.   While claiming that there is a STEM shortage, industry groups have lobbied Congress to allow more foreign IT workers to work in the U.S.A.   'This is all about industry wanting to lower wages.', Norman Matloff, a professor of computer science at the University of California at Davis, told the Chronicle of Higher Education.   If your child wants to major in a STEM, make sure he or she is doing so for the right reasons.   It looks like the popular motivations for turning to these majors -- a practically guaranteed job and a high salary -- are [not] sure things."

Jan Falstad _Billings MT Gazette_
Billings MT's 1st ISP is shutting down
"The pioneering local business had difficulty competing with the larger providers, which own the phone lines and other telecommunications infrastructure, said director Chris Little...   Internet Montana, which began in 1995, has had as many as 4K customers and now has about 1,800, he said...   The ISP world now belongs to the telecomm giants that own the fiber optic networks and phone lines like Charter Communications or CenturyLink, Little said."

Becket Adams _Blaze_
would-be customer got nothing, couldn't reach human, reported bad service; firm tried to levy fine and harmed their credit rating

Liz Klimas _Blaze_
musicians/instrument-makers revive Leonardo da Vinci's viola organista
Clin Lecher: Popular Science
Sydney Australia Morning Herald

Becket Adams _Blaze_
Scott Walker fans being attacked by leftist operatives
Wall Street Journal
Judson Phillips: Washington DC Times

Becket Adams _Blaze_
did Obummer regime BLS fake unemployment numbers for 2012 September for political purposes?
John Crudele: NYPost
Jeff Cox: CNBC: jobs numbers under fire

John W. Schoen _CNBC_
USA cities on the edge

Sharona Schwartz _Blaze_
Roger Daltrey criticized UK's lax immigration policies
London Times
London Telegraph
Daily Mail
"The Who frontman Roger Daltrey has slammed the British Labor Party for its lax immigration policy which he says 'destroyed the jobs of my mates'. In a candid interview published this weekend in The Sunday Times magazine, Daltrey said he would never forgive the party which he used to support for welcoming the influx of immigrants, a policy he blames for the unemployment among Britain's working class. 'I will never, ever forgive the Labor Party for allowing this mass immigration with no demands put on what people should be paid when they come to this country. I will never forgive them for destroying the jobs of my mates, because they allowed their jobs to be undercut with stupid thinking on Europe, letting them all in, so they can live 10 to a room, working for Polish wages.', Daltrey told the Sunday Times."

Sharona Schwartz _Blaze_
Palestinian Authority reportedly gave out $50K bonuses to convicted terrorists

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
Barack Obummer, making more people become libertarians

Stuart Pfeifer _Los Angeles CA Times_
Del Monte to pay $1.2M for employment discrimination, human trafficking

_Conservative HQ_
amnesty for illegal aliens, and Paul Ryan's ambition to be president
"Now it looks like another promising Republican, House Budget committee chairman Paul Ryan, is about to follow Rubio down the plank and over the side into the shark-infested waters of granting amnesty to illegal immigrants...   The shills for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the cheap labor opportunists and the inside-the-Beltway party hacks of the 'buy the Hispanic vote' wing of the Republican Party did their best to neutralize and [insult] the outraged conservative base during the senate's hurried deliberations on S744.   Yet, as far as we can tell, no one out here in real outside-the-Beltway America was convinced that S744 -- with its amnesty, corruption, pork and special interest favors -- is a good bill."

Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
abolish income extortion and the IRS

Daniel Martin Gray _Washington DC Times_
illegal aliens are making the USA a 3rd world country

Jeffrey Anderson & Shaun Waterman _Washington DC Times_
more USCIS staffers pressured to rubber-stamp visa applications
"Documents obtained by The Washington DC Times and whistleblower accounts from inside the USCIS Laguna Niguel field office show that staffers, who said they were acting under orders from senior officials, often rushed or skipped altogether economic reviews of applicants to the EB-5 visa program, which doles out coveted green cards to foreign investors who sink $500K or more into a U.S.A.-based business.   E-mails from the Laguna Niguel office show that the EB-5 vetting process was a daily struggle for government analysts charged with, among other tasks, assessing the economic viability of applicants' investment plans.   The internal documents detail repeated violations of agency procedures that allowed foreign applicants to bypass proper economic review.   Economic reviews of EB-5 applicants and their projects are needed, immigration analysts say, because of the security risks posed by investors who have not been screened for links to foreign intelligence services, terrorist groups or organized crime; or whose funds come from, or flow to, unvetted sources...   The FBI and the Securities Exchange Commission [SEC] are investigating a suspected Ponzi scheme in Texas involving an EB-5 applicant, and the FBI also is looking into foreign business executives who bought into the program, particularly Chinese nationals, who constitute the majority of the program's investors...   The manager's actions 'highlight that [the office's] chain of command pays lip service to the notion of rigor and due diligence', while fast-tracking the process for the 'benefit of external political stake-holders acting on behalf of wealthy and politically connected EB-5 applicants under review', according to the analyst, who has conducted internal audits for several other Cabinet-level federal agencies and Fortune 500 companies."

Jesse Mossman _V Dare_
extreme leftist software engineer from India elected to Seattle city council
"Though it would be bad for America, it will be hilarious to see Gates, Zuckerberg, and the rest of the Cheap Labor Lobby lose their ill-gotten gains to the socialist policies they enabled."
donate to V Dare

_Coach Collins Is Right_
Marxist Jan Schakowsky, whose husband Robert Creamer wrote part of ObummerDoesn'tCare from prison, tells us her plan to destroy you
Proposed Bills 2013

  "efficiency of a fuel-burning electrical power generating plant is given as the ration of the electrical energy produced to the chemical energy of the fuel consumed.   Typically this efficiency is about 30%." --- Robert M. Glorioso & Francis S. Hill ii 1975 _Introduction to Engineering_ pg136  


1863-11-19: Lincoln travels to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to deliver a short speech at the dedication for the cemetery of soldiers killed during the battle there on 1863 July 1 to 3. The address he gave became perhaps the most famous speech in American history

2013-11-19 (5774 Kislev 16)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the war against achievement
Washington DC Times
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2013-11-19 (5774 Kislev 16)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare can be undone, albeit at some cost, but the Obummer regime's bad foreign policy puts the world in danger
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2013-11-19 (5774 Kislev 16)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
you may not know the half or Obummer's deceptions related to ObummerDoesn'tCare
"[ObummerDoesn'tCare] must be repealed -- yesterday."
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2013-11-19 (5774 Kislev 16)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
domestic spying
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2013-11-19 (5774 Kislev 16)
Denis Prager _Jewish World Review_
the Midas touch and the leftist touch
"Since the left came to dominate universities, schools of education and, increasingly, high schools, each has becomes inferior to what it was prior to left-wing influence...   The left-wing influence on art and music has been almost entirely destructive...   While all rational people want to protect the environment, environmentalism has become a destructive leftist religion...   The cultural left has created and celebrated an unbelievable coarsening of the culture, especially injurious to the young...   For decades, the left has sought to weaken the American military, the most potent force for peace and liberty on planet earth...   Left-wing policies have done incalculable to damage to black America.   Left-wing mayors of nearly every major American city have supervised the economic ruin of many of those cities...   The left-engineered welfare state with its monumental national debts is crushing the economies of virtually every European country that has adopted them, and it [is doing] the same to the American economy."
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Cindy Uken _Billings MT Gazette_
Montana medical residency program received over 920 applications for 8 spots

Rick Moran _PJ Media_
Obummer's historic Gettysburg Address slight
Mike Opelka: Blaze
thousands attended 150 anniversary commemoration... pres. Obummer did not
Washington DC Times

Allison Linn _CNBC_
cheap trash, or expensive middling quality?: retail gap
"'There is a 2 Americas kind of thing going on.', said Chris Christopher, director of U.S. and global consumer markets for IHS Global Insight.   The result is a retail market-place in which even basic goods like socks and razors are becoming either incredibly cheap or extremely expensive, experts say...   'A lot of retailers say they're investing in price.', Sozzi said.   'What they're basically doing is taking quality out of the product and then offering the product at a cheaper price.'"

Anthony Watts
arctic temperatures have been falling since before 1950

David Whitehouse
why global cooling continues

10 companies which pay Americans the least
24/7 Wall Street

Thomas E. Brewton
pretensions of the leftist elite
Gary Galles: Ludwig von Mises Institute: nothing is so galling as a meddling government

Stuart Pfeifer _Los Angeles CA Times_
most people plan to seek new jobs in 2014
UK Recruitment International
Digital Journal
"The number of employees who intend to seek new work has been above 80% for the last 4 years, after jumping from 60% in 2009, Right Management said."

G. Chambers Williams iii _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Nashville-based Bridgestone suing IBM for $600M over failed system out-dated from the start

Josh Flory _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Conley building gets AT&T fiber-optic telecomm upgrade

Steve Goreham _Washington DC Times_
UN climate change conferees in Warwaw tell business execs to support climate hysteria's insanely draconian restrictions

_Conservative HQ_
don't buy Karl Rove's BS

Allen B. West _Washington DC Times_
ObummerDoesn'tCare is a man-caused disaster

_Conservative HQ_
impeachment of Eric Holder is gathering steam

_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
it is past time to maintain, repair and replace bridges

Carl Weiser _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_
congress-critter Henry Radel (Trey Radel) pled guilty to misdemeanor cocaine possession in DC

Carly Harrington _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Start-Up Day to feature local entrepreneurs

Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer: the law c'est moi

Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
what happens when an amnesty roll-out fails?

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
marriage fraud inside "diversity visa", all tucked into a useless program

Cynthia Fagen _News Max_
illegal aliens from India stream into USA via Mexico
"About 3.4M South Asians from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives live in the United States, according to 'South Asian Americans Leading Together'."

Beth Saboe _MTN News_/_KBZK Bozeman MT_
corrupt Manhattan, MT JP holding man for exercising his rights
Heather Callaghan: Activist Post: mountain man's (and his family's and neighbors') defense of individual rights leaves city judge speechless

Tia Ghose _Fox_/_Live Science_
Gezer's 14th century BCE remains found
"it sat along the Way of the Sea, or the Via Maris, an ancient trade route that connected Egypt, Syria, Anatolia and Mesopotamia...   scarab, or beetle, amulet from King Amenhotep iii, the grand-father of King Tut.   They also found shards of Philistine pottery..."
Proposed Bills 2013

"Cost of energy in various forms [c. 1975]:
Fuel oil$0.005/KWh
Electricity (central station)$0.02/KWh
Gas Turbine$0.03/KWh
Food (sugar, bread, butter)$0.10/KWh
Lead-acid storage battery$0.20/KWh
Thermo-electric generator$0.30/KWh
Fuel cells$4.00/KWh
FlashLight battery$40.00/KWh
Mercury battery$500.00/KWh
Electric watch battery$70,000.00/KWh"
--- Robert M. Glorioso & Francis S. Hill ii 1975 _Introduction to Engineering_ pg140



2013-11-20 (5774 Kislev 17)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
gangsters' and Obummer regime's very dangerous game
Town Hall
Christine Rousselle: Town Hall: "knock-out game" gangster's victim shot him
Steve Sailer: V Dare
A.W. Morgan: V Dare: leftist women just doesn't get it

donate to V Dare
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

Michelle Malkin _Town Hall_
Arne Duncan's war against women and children
V Dare
donate to V Dare

2013-11-20 (5774 Kislev 17)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
do Americans prefer to be deceived?
Town Hall
"There's more to the deceit and dishonesty about [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare discussed in my recent columns.   Congress tells us that one-half (6.2%) of the [Socialist Insecurity] tax is paid by employees and that the other half is paid by employers, for a total of 12.4%.   Similarly, we are told that a Medicare tax of 1.45% is levied on employees and that another 1.45% is levied on employers.   The truth of the matter is that the burden of both taxes is borne by employees.   In other words, we pay both the employee and the so-called employer share.   You say, 'Williams, that's nonsense! Just look at what it says on my pay stub.'   OK, let's look at it.   Pretend you are my employer and agree to pay me $50K a year, out of which you're going to send $3,100 to Washington as my share of [Socialist Insecurity] tax (6.2% of $50K), as well as $725 for my share of Medicare (1.45% of $50K), a total of $3,825 for the year.   To this you must add your half of [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare taxes, which is also $3,825 for the year.   Your cost to hire me is $53,825.   If it costs you $53,825 a year to hire me, how much value must I produce for it to be profitable for you to keep me? Is it our agreed salary of $50K or [$53,825.01]? If you said [$53,825.01], you'd be absolutely right.   Then who pays all of the [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare taxes? If you said that I do, you're right again.   The [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare fiction was created because Americans would not be so passive if they knew that the tax they are paying is double what is on their pay stubs -- not to mention federal income taxes.   The economics specialty that reveals this is known as the incidence of taxation.   The burden of a tax is not necessarily borne by the party upon whom it is levied.   The Joint Committee on Taxation held that 'both the employee's and employer's share of the pay-roll tax is borne by the employee'.   The Congressional Budget Office 'assumes -- as do most economists -- that employers' share of pay-roll taxes is passed on to employees in the form of lower wages than would otherwise be paid'.   Health insurance is not an employer gift, either...   There's more deceit and dishonesty.   In 1950, I was 14 years old and applied for a work permit for an after-school job.   One of the requirements was to obtain a [Socialist Insecurity kkkard].   In bold letters on my [Socialist Insecurity kkkard], which I still possess, are the words 'For Social Security Purposes -- Not For Identification'.   That's because earlier Americans feared that their [Socialist Insecurity number (SIN)] would become an identity number.   According to the [Socialist Insecurity Abomination] web-site, 'this legend was removed as part of the design changes for the 18th version of the card, issued beginning in 1972'.   [The Privacy Commission and the authors of the Privacy Act of 1974 also promised to prevent the abuse of the SIN for identification purposes.]   That statement assumes we're idiots.   We're asked to believe that the sole purpose of the removal [of the disclaimer] was for design purposes.   Apparently, the fact that our [Socialist Inecurity number (SIN)] had become a major identification tool, to be [abused] in every aspect of our lives, had nothing to do with the [SIA's] getting rid of the legend saying 'For Social Security Purposes -- Not For Identification'.   [There was a massive replacement of the cards that had the disclaimer with the newer cards without it as part of the 1986 amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.]"
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Christopher Monckton
more on the UN climate conference at Warsaw

2013-11-20 (5774 Kislev 17)
Sharon Palmer _Jewish World Review_
dispelling nutrition myths
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2013-11-20 (5774 Kislev 17)
Sharon Palmer _Jewish World Review_
some medications have to be taken for the rest of your life
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2013-11-20 (5774 Kislev 17)
_Jewish World Review_/_AFP_
Hamas leader Ismail Haniya's grand-daughter being treated for infection in a Jewish hospital in Israel
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Christa Case Bryant _Jewish World Review_
Israel becomes "promised land" for non-Jewish computer wranglers
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Hannah Winston _Chronicle of Higher Education_
11 nano-satellites launched

Bob Tisdale
2013 October global surface temperature anomaly update
"The base years for anomalies are 1981-2010."

Anthony Watts
the "climate reparations" scam

_Daily Illini_
sex "disparity" in STEM fields is rooted in college... or primary school
"58% of all under-graduates were women...   they account for 51% of PhDs, 67% of college graduates, and 70% of valedictorians in 2012...   While women account for half of all jobs in the U.S.A., women fill only 25% of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) jobs...   females only account for 18% of students in STEM fields.   OTOH, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT], the highest-ranked engineering school in the country, women make up 44% of its engineering department.   On the other side of the spectrum, Carnegie Mellon University [CMU], generally ranked in the top 10 best engineering schools in the country but below [U of IL], still manages to have 30% women [in] its engineering program."

_Conservative HQ_
time for GOP to squash amnesty for illegal aliens

Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
US government may have approved refugee visas for dozes of terrorists

_Financial Express_
Indian guest-worker filed suit against Bosch for taking tax refunds
A Generation of New Technology
Yahoo/Business Wire

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
OECD meeting gives clues on how to manage (and limit) family migration
"Here are some of the management techniques used by other OECD countries in connection with visa-creating marriages: Give a language test to the incoming spouse...   Provide language training to the new brides...   Regulate the marriage brokers...   Set minimum income standards for migrant marriages...   Demand Home Office [DHS] notification [in advance] of certain visa-creating marriages."

Taylor Smith
EPA listening to the public session turns into propaganda spewing from bussed-in environmental extremists
Paul Driessen

Jane Prendergast _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
6 Ohio congress-critters tell DoE secretary Arne Duncan that individual school admins, teachers, parents should decide whether to adopt Communist Corpse... without being forced

Bill Straub _PJ Media_
House votes to encourage drilling for gas and oil

J. Christian Adams _PJ Media_
pressure continues to grow for a select committee to investigate Benghazi

Andrew C. McCarthy _PJ Media_
John Kerry, who served in VietNam, finds common cause with Tehran's barbaric terror regime
"Secretary of State John 'I don't think we're stupid' Kerry should think again...   for over 30 years, Iran [the Iranian government] has aided and abetted terrorists in strikes against American diplomats and other American personnel serving over-seas -- in addition, perhaps, to attacks on Americans here at home."

James Gordon Meek _abc_
FBI video shows al-Qaeda in KY handling heavy weapons
"In the video, Waad Ramadan Alwan is seen expertly field stripping what the FBI identified as a Russian PKM machine gun.   Other still images provided by the FBI from hours-worth of surveillance footage show Alwan and an accomplice, Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, handling a Stinger missile launcher and a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) launcher."

_Before It's News_
abc uncovers Obummer regime has flooded USA with Islamic terrorists under guise of Iraqi refuge-seekers

_World Net Daily_
archaeologists at Tel Shiloh have discovered an altar from the Iron Age/First Temple period

Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
congress finds corner-cutting, suspects office of personnel management in cover-up

Phyllis Schlafly _Eagle Forum_
Obummer regime striving to make USA global sucker

Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
congressional losership working for the enemy
Proposed Bills 2013

  "The earliest Spanish explorers of the Los Angeles basin reported accumulations of smoke from Indian camp-fires.   We were unable to generate a serious air pollution problem in Los Angeles, however, until we introduced millions of automobiles into the basin." --- Robert M. Glorioso & Francis S. Hill ii 1975 _Introduction to Engineering_ pg162  



William K. Alcorn _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Youngstown air base to lose planes and jobs
"The Youngstown Air Reserve Station's 910th Airlift Wing is scheduled to lose four C-130 cargo planes and some 50 full-time and 150 part-time jobs in Fiscal Year 2014.   The 910th said Wednesday that two of its C-130 Hercules cargo transport aircraft, previously on loan to the C-130 training facility at Little Rock, AR, were permanently transferred effective Oct. 1, which began Fiscal Year 2014.   Further, 2 more of the 910th's C-130s are scheduled to be reassigned by 2014 March 31, bringing its complement of aircraft to 8."

2013-11-21 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 322,510 in the week ending November 16, a decrease of 40,996 from the previous week.   There were 403,637 initial claims in the comparable week in 2012.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.0% during the week ending November 9, an increase of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 2,548,141, an increase of 44,428 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.3% and the volume was 2,945,515.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending November 2 was 3,875,295, a decrease of 32,376 from the previous week.   There were 5,241,438 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending November 2...   States reported 1,301,562 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending November 2, a decrease of 32,147 from the prior week.   There were 2,156,505 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

2013-11-21 (5774 Kislev 19)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
Wild Turkey on the Rocks?
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2013-11-21 (5774 Kislev 19)
Mary Schmich _Jewish World Review_
I'm rebelling against the snoops
"the hair-care products place...   FB.   The NSA.   Google.   Amazon.   [Yahoo!   Oracle.   SAP.   GE.   Siemens.   Sears.]   Everybody's snooping on us...   Now the snoops are everywhere, pretending their intrusions are for our own good.   'Would you like a rewards card?', says the supermarket cashier...   According to Forbes, your ZIP code can be matched to other information you give a store and used to find out your address, phone number and buying history, supplying marketers with new ways to target you.   The marketers.   That's who's spooky.   They're as sly and scary as any government.   And so I rebel."
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2013-11-21 (5774 Kislev 19)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
gratitude is the ultimate long view
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2013-11-21 (5774 Kislev 19)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare-speak fails in its attempt to mask the cluster of fiascoes
Town Hall
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2013-11-21 (5774 Kislev 19)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
the "shut-down" and the roll-out
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2013-11-21 (5774 Kislev 19)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Pelosi never met anyone who liked his or her health plan
Town Hall
"Pelosi, whose net worth -- combined with her husband's -- is estimated between $35M and $180M, never 'met anybody who liked his or her plan'?   Her out-of-touch comment...   Pelosi's world is that of rich people and government workers whose health care plans are better than those of their counterparts in the private sector.   How would she know that, according to a [pre-ObummerDoesn'tCare] ABC News-Kaiser Family Foundation-USA Today survey, '88% of the insured rate their coverage as excellent or good' and '89% are satisfied with the quality of care they receive'?   Ms. Pelosi, meet Kristen Powers, Fox News analyst and a Democratic strategist.   After her policy was canceled and her premiums doubled, Powers said: 'My blood pressure goes up every time they say that they're protecting us from substandard health insurance plans, because there is nothing to support what they're saying...   I am losing my health insurance...   If I want to keep the same health insurance, it's going to cost twice as much.   There's nothing substandard about my plan.   All of the things they say that are not in my plan are in my plan, all of the things they have listed.   There's no explanation for the doubling of my premiums other than the fact that it's subsidizing other people.   They need to be honest about that, that that's the reason they don't want to change it...'"
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2013-11-21 (5774 Kislev 19)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
"single-payer" health care insurance is a singularly bad idea
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Jim Steele
contrasting good science and bad science: disease, climate change and the case for the golden toad (fungus is among us)

_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Knoxville Locomotive Works to build new plant, create 203 new jobs

Christopher Monckton
on CO2 residence times: chicken or egg?

Willis Eschenbach
UN IPCC 1 model, 1 vote pseudo-science pseudo-democracy examined via "violin plots"

Leah Barkoukis _Town Hall_
Border Patrol union warns of on-going threat of nearly unguarded northern border

Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
will GOP budget team snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again?

Fred Wszolek _Town Hall_
UAW subverting secret ballot in TN
"'We know if we go for a traditional election where the outside organizations could campaign against us, we'd probably lose.'"

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
Obummerconomy: work more, get less

Bob Beauprez _Town Hall_
historic exodus from work-force masks jobs crisis
Investor's Business Daily
more graphs

Bob Goldman _Town Hall_
if the bosses don't see you, they won't reward you

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
death of EB-5 middleman Benda ruled suicide by SD AG

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
DHS wasting time fabricating regulations for unlikely alien situations

Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
National Socialist Radio goes for emotion, neglects WHY of immigration-related detention
"Now, I know about the remarkable background of this story.   I can even claim to have played a very small part in its evolution.   I think if Robbins wants to describe the current situation with immigrant detention as part of an 'enforcement-only' approach, he should have noted that it is a response to the absurd situation of a few years ago, which, for the sake of discussion, I will call 'enFARCE-ment only'.   [I wrote an article] in 2005 about the surreal phenomenon of illegal immigrants crossing the Rio Grande and searching for the Border Patrol to ensure their safe passage northward...   tens of thousands of people from Brazil and other countries were being released with an order to appear later in immigration court for a hearing.   And because immigration court dockets were already filled to overflowing, that hearing was usually scheduled several months in the future...   They simply vanished into the continental vastness of the United States...   Congressional appropriations gradually increased ICE's detention capability from the 2005 level of 19,450 spaces.   The detention-bed mandate, which came in 2009, required that ICE fill 34K beds.   As Robbins noted, the annual cost of the program is a whopping $2G."

Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
American Bankers Association chief calls for eliminating border security, giving unlimited visas to anyone, and amnesty for illegal aliens

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
there is much internal diversity within the diversity visa program

James Fulford _V Dare_
Eric Cantor's apartment building stormed by alien mob: minority occupation "turbas" in the USA
donate to V Dare

Donald A. Collins _V Dare_
Obummer goes to pieces over immigration -- but even un-amnestied aliens will negatively affect the USA and our politics
donate to V Dare

Michael Puente _WBEZ_
Hobart IN may host detention center for illegal aliens

Garth Kant _World Net Daily_
power-mad Harry Reid is breaking the rules to get his way

_World Net Daily_
ASCE: $4T needed by 2020 to repair US roads
Tim Hornyak: CNBC

_World Net Daily_
"smart" TVs track who is watching, and exactly what on screen
Jesse Emspak: Discovery
"In the TV settings, Huntley found the option 'Collection of Viewing Info' and it was set to 'ON'.   He tried turning it off, but that didn't seem to work; he looked at the traffic from the TV and it appeared unchanged.   He also noticed something even more disturbing -- the TV was gathering file names from his external USB hard drive.   'My wife was shocked to see our children's names being transmitted in the name of a Christmas video file that we had watched from USB.', he wrote on his blog.   As an experiment, he put a file on a USB thumb drive and plugged it into the TV.   Sure enough, the file name showed up in the out-going traffic."

_World Net Daily_
new volcanic island, Nishino-shima, develops about 620 miles south of Tokyo in Bonin islands
Becky Oskin: Live Science
Christina Reed: Discovery

Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Mexican drug gangs abuse USA asylum/refugee visa program

_News Max_
Obummer's approval ratings reach a new low

Scott Wartman _Cincinnati OH Encquire/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
US senate candidate Matt Bevin warmly welcomed at Boone county KY Christmas party for the party
"Bevin, a Louisville businessman challenging senator Mitch McConnell in 2014, won a straw poll conducted of the attendees at the Christmas gala.   He received 365 votes, while McConnell received 58...   Bevin bought seats at the gala, which raises funds for the Boone county GOP, as did U.S. representative Thomas Massie and U.S. senator Rand Paul, who did not attend.   But McConnell did not buy enough tickets, said Rick Brueggemann, Boone county GOP chairman."
judge Andrew P. Napolitano encouraged limits to government, respect for individual rights

Joab Jackson _"IT" News_/_IDG_
SRAM L2 & L3 cache memory has more frequent errors when used at higher altitudes...
"memory modules on the top of a server rack [slightly warmer] had 20% more transient errors than those closer to the bottom of the rack...   with L3 caches, Cielo [at LANL, 7,058 feet above sea level] was bedeviled by 735 transient faults for every 219 that Jaguar [at ORNL, 817 feet] endured...   [examining DRAM they found] the fault rate of one vendor was 4 times the rate of another vendor..."

Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
negative effects of ObummerDoesn'tCare impact doctors, nurses, patients, hospitals, insurance companies... and schools

David Louie _KGO San Francisco CA_
yet another firm begins work on flying car
"Zee.Aero is working on a flying car. It has filed for a number of patents, which are public, but it turned down an interview, saying it's still in stealth mode. The brains behind it is Stanford Aeronautics and Astronautics Professor Ilan Kroo, who is listed as the inventor on its patents... About 10 ambitious companies on two continents all have the same vision... Terrafugia of its flying car, called The Transition, shows it flying this summer in Indiana. CEO and co-founder Carl Dietrich is supportive of new competition... The Transition is a street legal car, and the driver can fly with a sport pilot certificate. The base price is $279K. Production is about two years off. It has a range of 100 miles and can fly at 100 miles per hour."
2009-03-19: Terrafugia Transition test flight (expected to cost about $194K)
NY Daily News: Terrafugia Transition
Moeller 200G
Moeller 400
2013-11-10: Moeller SkyCar: approved for untethered test flights
SkyCar news

_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Roane State CC's Advanced Materials Training and Education Center to offer no-cost training
"The program takes approximately 14 weeks to complete, and participants are trained to work as manufacturing technicians.   Courses include OSHA safety certification, computer skills, basic lean manufacturing, basic machining and measuring, basic plumbing and basic computer-aided drafting and design (CADD).   AMTEC participants also receive specialized instruction in composites and solar energy technologies.   The training program is valued at $4K-$5K. The AMTEC program is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor/ETA/OGCM."

Robert N. Charette _IEEE Spectrum_
is it fair to steer students into STEM disciplines facing a glut of workers?
"Salzman spoke of the latest data on STEM graduates and jobs, reiterating that STEM programs turn out at least 50% more IT graduates every year than there are U.S. job openings.   He also said that if the H-1B program is ramped up to the numbers that are being advocated (up from 85K to 185K), that worker oversupply could possibly increase to the 90% mark or more.   Salzman called attention to Georgetown University's report earlier this year that showed recent information system majors had a 14.7% unemployment rate, the highest of the majors it tracks.   Even contemporary computer science graduates were experiencing an 8.7% unemployment rate."
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG: professors warn that grads face competition from H-1B guest-workers: H-1B workers -- many under 30 and getting entry-level work -- compete directly with new grads

Thor Olavsrud _CIO_/_IDG_
for consumer marketeers big privacy violation can led to big takes
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Finally, we hae often tended to be more concentrated with whether something can be done and less concerned with whether it should be done." --- Robert M. Glorioso & Francis S. Hill ii 1975 _Introduction to Engineering_ pg162  



1718-11-22: English pirate Edward Teach -- better known as "Blackbeard" -- was killed during a battle off the Virginia coast
1869-11-22: in Dumbarton, Scotland, the clipper Cutty Sark is launched --- one of the last clippers ever to be built, and the only one still surviving to this day
1977-11-22: the Anglo-French supersonic Concorde jetliner began scheduled flights to New York from London and Paris
1988-11-22: in Palmdale, California, the first prototype B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is revealed (source: Jewish World Review donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review)

2013-11-22 (5774 Kislev 19)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
thanks to the All-Mighty
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2013-11-22 (5774 Kislev 19)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
a vastly changed Middle East
"the national borders of the Arab states -- and Israel -- that have remained largely intact since 1922.   As Yoel Guzensky and Erez Striem from the Institute for National Security Studies wrote in a paper published this week, while the borders of Arab states remain largely unchanged, the old borders no longer reflect the reality on the ground."
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2013-11-22 (5774 Kislev 19)
R' Benjamin Hecht _Jewish World Review_
how not to de-paper an self-absorbed society: the challenge and cheapening of specialness
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2013-11-22 (5774 Kislev 19)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
US government's offer to Iran is a lousy deal for USA and Israel
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2013-11-22 (5774 Kislev 19)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
David, Goliath and the next arms-rights recall
Town Hall
"In September, grass-roots Second Amendment activists ousted two top Democratic state senators for their promotion of radical, job-destroying gun-control measures backed by New York and DC special interests.   Vice-president Joe Biden himself personally lobbied state Democrats to adopt the new gun-rights restrictions.   Billionaire gun-grabber Michael Bloomberg dumped gobs of cash and lobbying expertise into the state.   But bigger coffers and bully pulpits weren't enough...   The gun-rights activists were outspent by at least a 7-to-1 margin.   Giron's district went for Obama by 20 points; yet she lost by 12...   grass-roots gun-rights groups in other states are gearing up to launch similar recalls.   It's no wonder Hudak's allies have sunk to such slimy depths as to sabotage recall activists' ability to gather signatures and communicate with voters.   The lumbering Goliaths of gun control are tone-deaf, policy-dumb and totally desperate."
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2013-11-22 (5774 Kislev 19)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Dems and Reps are failing to live up to brands... and their oaths of office
Town Hall
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2013-11-22 (5774 Kislev 19)
Ann McFeatters _Jewish World Review_
should we blame Canada or merge, instead?
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2013-11-22 (5774 Kislev 19)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
remembering Stanley Ann Dunham Obama
Town Hall

cousins of pres. Barack Hussein Obama (Barry Soteru) in 4 parts
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
based in part on the research of William Addams Reitwiesner with numerous details cross-checked at other sites found using ixquick.
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2013-11-22 (5774 Kislev 19)
Celia Rivenbark _Jewish World Review_
small screen, big binges
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2013-11-22 (5774 Kislev 19)
Celia Rivenbark _Jewish World Review_
the colliding myths of Novembeer
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Michael Kim _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Taiwan's Foxconn (with factories in Red China) is investing $40M in PA to tap research and American talent
"Foxconn, best known as the maker of Apple's iPhone and iPad, plans to spend $30M over the next two years to expand its existing office in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.   The investment will involve hiring 500 employees, the company said in an e-mail message.   In addition, Foxconn wants to draw upon robotics research at Pennsylvania's Carnegie Mellon University, by giving $10M in funding to the institution.   The Taiwanese company denied the investments were related to serving a specific customer.   In addition to serving Apple, Foxconn also makes tablets for Amazon, TVs for Sharp, and game consoles for Sony and MSFT...   Earlier this month, Foxconn said it was exploring establishing a manufacturing base in Arizona to possibly build display panels.   The company is also considering technology partnerships in Virginia and New Jersey...   automation tech... research capabilities... software development..."

Anthony Watts & Stefan Rahmstorf
poll of sea-level scientists vs. reality: reality wins, again

Anthony Watts
U Buffalo: Greenland ice sheet was smaller 3K-5K years ago than it is today

Dina Cappiello _Billings MT Gazette_/_AP_
wind energy subsidiary of Duke Energy pled guilty to causing eagle deaths at 2 Wyoming installations
Cybercast News Service

Jean Kaufman _PJ Media_
winners and losers: real victims and power-mad government beneficiaries of ObummerDoesn'tCare

Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
the USA may lose the race to exa-scale super-computers
"Today, U.S. firms -- Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Intel, in particular -- dominate the global high performance computing (HPC) market.   On the Top 500 list, the worldwide ranking of the most powerful super-computers, HP now has 39% of the systems, IBM, 33%, and Cray, nearly 10%...   The Europeans are now building an exascale system using ARM chips designed by British semiconductor firm Arm Holdings, and hope to deliver the system by 2020...   Europe has already committed to spending the equivalent of $1.6G, in contrast to U.S. funding, which has been slight and is waiting for action from congress [which faces $1.3T deficits and a $17T debt].   Meanwhile, [Red China] could deliver a system before 2020.   Its Tianhe-2, a super-computer developed by [Red China's] National University of Defense Technology, maintained its global top ranking in the latest Top 500 bench-mark of the world's most powerful super-computer.   Tianhe-2 system runs at nearly 34 petaflops [1 quadrillion == 1 million billion == 1*1015 Floating-point Operations Per Second].   [Red China] is expected to produce two 100-petaflop [speed] systems as early as 2015, one built entirely from China-made chips and interconnects...   Riken is the home of the world's fourth largest system, Fujitsu's K system, which runs at 10.5 petaflops and uses SPARC [Sun Palo Alto Research Center] chips...   DRAM, for instance, is too slow and too expensive to support exascale, which is one million trillion calculations per second [1 quintillion == 1 billion billion == 1*1018], or 1K times faster than the single petaflop systems available today.   Among the possibilities is phase-change memory, which has 100 times the performance of flash memory products...   Roughly, 1 megawatt [1MW] a year costs $1M.   While the DOE has set a goal of building an exascale system that uses 20MW or less, Joseph said that may be too stringent a goal.   Instead, he envisioned 50MW-to-100MW data centers built to support large-scale systems..."

Taylor Armerding _"IT" News_/_IDG_
retailers actively attack people's privacy
"'Privacy is dead -- get over it.', has been a mantra of [evil people for over a decade, but most people still resist and object to such abuses]."

_Conservative HQ_
John Boehner may be working with leftists to resurrect amnesty for illegal alien: 75% of the people in his congressional district oppose it
"[Phyllis Schlafly wrote, citing the various polls, etc.]: 'The Congressional Budget Office [CBO] projections indicate that amnesty, plus its scheduled increases in legal immigration, will add an additional 4.6M new voters by 2014...   The 2008 National Annenberg Election Survey found that 62% of immigrants prefer a single government-run health care system.   The 2010 Cooperative Congressional Election Study found that 69% of immigrants support [ObummerDoesn'tCare], and the Pew Research Center found that 75% of Hispanic and 55% of Asian immigrants support bigger government...   81% of native-born Americans believe the schools should teach students to be proud of being American, compared to only 50% of immigrants who had become naturalized U.S. citizens.   Only 37% of naturalized citizens (compared to 67% of native-born citizens) think our Constitution has a higher legal authority than international law...   Hispanics have the most negative view of capitalism in America -- 55%...'"

Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
price of electricity hit record for October; up 42% over last decade
"The average price of electricity in October was 13.2 cents per kilowatt hour (KWH), up from 12.8 cents per KWH in October 2012—and up from 9.3 cents per KWH in 2003 October."

Gary Galles _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
Socialist Insecurity: the most successful Ponzi scheme in history
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Thinking about what you need to do is depressing.   Doing what you need to do is uplifting." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review; donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review) 



National Adoption Day

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
9th Maryland at Charles Town WV: lieutenant-colonel Simpson's folly?

William L. Anderson _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
Krugman's adventures in fairyland
Proposed Bills 2013

  "It is interesting to note that although the electrical power associated with each signal in a computer is low, it is not zero, and the transfer of information in any system requires the expenditure of energy.   Hence, it costs money to transfer information." --- Robert M. Glorioso & Francis S. Hill ii 1975 _Introduction to Engineering_ pg291  




Yom Rishon



Robert Moore _Cenantua_
A daring, federal scouting party rode into Confederate-held Berryville, Clarke county VA

Paul Homewood
Red China's "emission cuts" are not what they seem

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
Iran will not develop a nuclear bomb. Period

Bill Straub _PJ Media_
leaving fracking up to the states: House continues energy bill bonanza

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
a culture in ruins

Stephen Green _PJ Media_
the USA's bistromath economy

David P. Hornick _PJ Media_
10 worst purveyors of anti-semitism: #2 sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi

_KGO San Francisco CA_/_AP_
prison in-mates learn tech sector from Sili Valley pros: more cheap, pliant labor with quesitonable ethics
USA Today/Gannett
Deseret News
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Middle C on a piano has a frequency of 256 Hz." --- Robert M. Glorioso & Francis S. Hill ii 1975 _Introduction to Engineering_ pg323  



1667-11-25: a deadly earthquake rocks Shemakha in the Caucasus, killing 80K people
1703-11-25: the Great Storm of 1703, the greatest windstorm ever recorded in the southern part of Great Britain, reaches its peak intensity which it maintains through November 27. Winds gust up to 120 mph, and 9K people die.
1759-11-25: disastrous earthquake hits Mediterranean, Beirut and Damascus completely destroyed, 30K-40K dead
1783-11-25: following the American Revolutionary War: The last British troops leave New York City three months after the signing of the Treaty of Paris
1795-11-25: Partitions of Poland: Stanislaus August Poniatowski, the last king of independent Poland, is forced to abdicate and is exiled to Russia
1839-11-25: a cyclone slams India with high winds and a 40 foot storm surge, destroying the port city of Coringa (which has never been completely rebuilt). The storm wave sweeps inland, taking with it 20K ships and thousands of people. An estimated 300K deaths result from the disaster
1867-11-25: Alfred Nobel -- as in the Peace Prize -- patents dynamite
1874-11-25: the United States Greenback Party is established as a political party consisting primarily of farmers affected by the Panic of 1873 (source: Jewish World Review; donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review)

2013-11-25 (5774 Kislev 22)
Karen Kaplan _Jewish World Review_
by tracking 2-month-old babies' eyes, scientists can detect signs of autism
"Among typical children, interest in the eyes increased steadily with age.   But for children with autism, interest in the eyes waned starting between 2 and 6 months of age...   Warren Jones and Ami Klin of the Marcus Autism Center at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta recruited 110 infants for their study...   By the time the toddlers were 3 years old, 13 were formally diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder..."
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2013-11-25 (5774 Kislev 22)
Melanie Phillips _Jewish World Review_
it's 1938 all over again
"The West missed its cues last time...   The man who actually calls the shots -- the only man who matters [in Iran] -- is Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei.   Earlier this week, Khamenei said the Jews of Israel 'cannot be called humans, they are like animals, some of them' and that Israel was 'the rabid dog of the region'.   What do you do with rabid dogs? That's right: you put them down.   That's what Khamanei intends to do to the Jews of Israel.   That's why he says Israel is 'doomed to collapse' and why his regime has repeatedly declared it will wipe Israel 'off the page of history'.   Dehumanizing the Jews: ring any bells? Know what happened next?   But it's not just the Jews who are in Iran's sights.   It's the west, upon which it has been waging a self-declared war since the Islamic revolution of 1979.   'Death to America! Death to Israel!', chanted the crowd in response.   Yup, that's the agenda.   Always has been.   And they mean it.   That's why Iran wants nuclear weapons.   That's why its nuclear program poses such a mortal threat not just to Israel but to Britain, America and Europe.   That's why Iran is the principal terrorist regime in the world and why it has murdered countless western victims.   That's why Britain, America and Europe said it was 'unthinkable' that Iran should be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.   The most stunning aspect of the Iranian war against the west, however, is that since 1979 the [West's 'leaders' have] effectively denied that it is taking place."
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2013-11-25 (5774 Kislev 22)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
another raw deal from the Obummer regime; considering the alternatives
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2013-11-25 (5774 Kislev 22)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Obummer policies have been helping his crony socialists
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2013-11-25 (5774 Kislev 22)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
the fatal conceit of ObummerDoesn'tCare
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2013-11-25 (5774 Kislev 22)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
the leftist/Dems' naked power grab
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2013-11-25 (5774 Kislev 22)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
the food police are gluttons for punishment of others
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2013-11-25 (5774 Kislev 22)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
when a society's first line of defense fails
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Lucas Mearian _"IT" News_/_ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Western Digital combines 120GB SSD with 1TB HDD in lap-top disk drive
"Western Digital (WD) today released a lap-top drive that combines a full-sized solid-state drive (SSD) with a 1TB hard disk drive...   The company claims its WD Black Dual Drive is 17 times faster than a traditional hard disk drive and costs about 3 times less per gigabyte than an SSD.   The new drive only works with Windows hardware and will retail for $299.   The drive does not come as a stand-alone unit, but as a kit that includes installation instructions and hardware.   It comes in a standard 9.5mm high, 2.5-in diameter form factor, and has a SATA III, 6Gbps [6G bits/s] interface...   As with Seagate, WD was already selling a 'hybrid' lap-top drive (also called a solid state hybrid drive or just SSHD), which combines a small amount of NAND flash (SSD) with a traditional spinning disk.   Like the new WD Black Dual Drive, WD's SSHD uses a 5400rpm spinning disk.   The difference between the 2 drives is that the SSHD stores all data on the spinning disk and uses the SSD portion of its storage as cache to serve up frequently used data, such as the OS during boot ups and for apps when they're loading..."

Anthony Watts
Apollo 7 astronaut Walter Cunningham takes on climate pseudo-science at Warsaw conference (with video)

Anthony Watts
2013 had slowest Atlantic hurricane season in 30 years
Matt Vespa: Cybercast News Service

Anthony Watts & Fabio Bergamin
the "worse than we thought" model

2013-11-25 Anthony Watts
U of AK Fairbanks: methane estimates from Arctic double, but there is no cause for alarm

Andy Sealock _Information Week_/_UBM_
out-sourcing: why on-shore out-sourcing vs. off-shore out-sourcing is not the correct question: a skin-deep examination

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
business execs tell congress-man Steve Daines that federal regulations should be cut and reformed

Heather Ishimaru _KGO San Francisco_
FDA ordered DNA testing firm 23andMe to stop selling its kits and services
Rebecca Bernbach: Daily Caller
"23andMe has serious financial backing from Google, as the CEO is Google founder Sergey Brin's wife...   On Monday, the FDA made public a letter it sent to 23andMe last Friday ordering it to immediately stop marketing the Personal Genome Service, or PGS, because it does not have FDA clearance or approval...   'The FDA has said this kit is a medical device which means that it needs to be approved and it needs to go through all these regulatory processes and studies, and that can take years.', says Christina Farr who covers health for the VentureBeat web-site."

Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
price of chicken reaches all-time high in USA

Andrew Stuttaford _Ricochet_
winners and losers in Sili Valley

Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
senator Jeff Sessions criticized Obummer, CEOs on immigration

Michel Martin _National Socialist Radio_
the STEM education "crisis" is a myth

Dean Baker _Manchester Guardian_
technology did not kill middle class jobs, public policy did
"That's a nice story, but the evidence doesn't support it. My colleagues Larry Mishel, John Schmitt, and Heidi Sheirholz, just published a paper showing that the pattern of job growth in the data doesn't fit this picture at all. This paper touches on a wide variety of issues related to technology and wage inequality, but first and foremost, it shows that the story of the hollowing out of the middle does not fit the data for the 2000s at all."
Center for Economic and Policy Research: don't blame the robots: assessing the job polarization explanation

Sarah Jean Seman _Town Hall_
this ThanksGiving, Obummer is thankful for 5th columnists like Boahner, McConnell, McCain, Grahamnesty

Heather Ginsberg _Town Hall_
Democrat/regressive/leftist think tank covers up missing cash

Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Obummer tries to rally illegal aliens & immigrants against GOP

Paul R. Mountjoy _Washington DC Times_
brain scans suggest descendant of Lizzy Borden may be subject to psychopathology
"While researching at UC Irvine in 2005 October, Fallon was examining thousands of positron emission tomography (PET) scans of serial killers to determine anatomical patterns of the brain that correlated to psychopathic tendencies.   He had a mix of scans from depressives, schizophrenics, Alzheimer diseased and normal brains in front of him.   He also had scans from is family members and himself.   The Smithsonian blog quoted Fallon as saying, 'At the bottom of the stack was a scan that was obviously pathological' because certain areas of the brain, the frontal and temporal lobes, that are linked to sympathy, empathy and self-control 'light up' on the scan.   Fallon discovered the scan was of his brain.   Fallon has studied the brains of psychopaths for over 20 years, focusing on the differences between how the brains of kills differ from the rest of society.   He told NPR in 2010 that he became interested in studying his own brain after his mother told him about his violent ancestors.   His great-grandfather Thomas Cornell was hanged in 1667 for murdering his own mother, and that same gene pool produced seven other murderers including LIzzy Borden.   Borden was famously accused, and controversially acquitted, of killing her father and her step-mother with an ax...   Fallon set out for multiple genetic tests only to further discover he had 'All these high-risk alleles (one member of the alternative forms of a gene that may occupy a specific position on a specific chromosome) for aggression, violence and low empathy.'...   Fallon came to the conclusion he is a psychopath but what he calls 'the good kind'; a 'pro-social psychopath'.   This is a term he issues to describe a psychopath that truly does have issues with empathy and sympathy but keeps his behavior within the confines of what may be considered as 'normal'...   Fallon admits to being manipulative and less than empathetic.   'I'm obnoxiously competitive.   I won't let my grand-children win games.', he told Smithsonian.   He goes on to explain he is, by his own admission considered an 'as*****' and 'I do jerky things just to piss people off' and admits being aggressive."

Hunter Lewis _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
GE's crony socialism
"[President Barack Hussein Obummer] had not met with his Jobs Council for 6 months...   The Council was headed by General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt...was sympathetic to the president's brand of state-led 'capitalism'.   He had gone so far as to say of [Red China] in a television interview: 'The one thing that actually works, state run communism, may not be your cup of tea, but their government works.'   In addition, employees of General Electric as a group had been Obama's 9th largest campaign contributor in 2008, donating $529,855...   Even more importantly, the government rescued the company from what seemed likely to be bankruptcy in 2008–2009.   It also let the company off with an exceptionally mild slap-on-the-wrist fine of $50M for cooking its books in the late 1990s and 2000s, when there might instead have been a large fine and criminal fraud charges..."

Megan Gannon _Live Science_
road-side archaeological dig revealed 10K year old house in Eshtaol, about 15 miles west of Jerusalem, Israel
"The excavators also say they found the remains of a possible 'cultic' temple that's more than 6K years old... it contains a heavy, 4-foot-tall (1.3 meters) standing stone that is smoothed on all six of its sides and was erected facing east."
Proposed Bills 2013

  "The story of the Wagon Road is the story of men and horses: of fiery Virginia's mounts with a precious trace of the Byerly Turk or of the Darley Arabian or Godolphin Barb in their veins; of heavy Conestoga drays, which pulled the red-and-blue PA wagons; of sturdy Choctaw and Chickasaw ponies from the Deep South which gave speed and stamina to the quarter-horse." --- Parke S. Rouse ii 1973 _The Great Wagon Road_ pg225  



_Conservative HQ_
We, the people vs. big business execs on amnesty for illegal aliens
"On one side are all of the Bigs; Big Labor looking for more low-wage members, Big Business looking for more low-wage workers and Big Government looking for more impoverished 'clients'.   On the other side are We The People -- the little guys -- Americans who believe in the plain language of the Constitution, the rule of law and American exceptionalism...   And as The Daily Caller's White House correspondent Neil Munro documented, 'Since 2007, progressive and business groups have spent more than $1.5G on advocacy and lobbying to pass an immigration bill, despite massive unemployment, stalled salaries and negative polls.'...   Current law already allows 1M legal immigrants and 700K guest workers to enter the country each year.   As Munro noted, the senate bill [S744] would expand legal immigration and open America's borders to some 30M additional legal immigrants, plus millions of temporary guest workers, over the next decade...   The immigrants that Big Business wants to 'welcome' to America would be entering an economy in which the 16-19 age cohort has an unemployment rate of 22.60% while the 20-24 age cohort is experiencing 12.80% unemployment...   If you are the parent or grandparent of a child who will be entering the work-force in the next decade you owe to your children and grand-children to stand with senator Jeff Sessions and oppose the self-interested demands of Big Business for an opening of America's borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.   As senator Sessions put it so well, 'America is not an oligarchy.   Congressional leaders must forcefully reject the notion, evidently accepted by the president, that a small cadre of CEOs can tailor the nation's entire immigration policy to suit their narrow interests.   A Republic must answer to the people.'   To fight back against the Big Business push for amnesty and open borders it is vital that you sign our 'no amnesty' petition, and watch the videos in our Short Course on immigration and amnesty TODAY to arm yourself intellectually to win the 'no amnesty' debate...   'We stand for: Less legal immigration; No amnesty for illegal aliens and law-breakers; No loosening of the labor market, which will hurt American workers and the middle class; Securing America's borders first and enforcing current border security laws.'"

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
does the South have more ties to New England-focused Thanksgiving than widely realized?
"'The first Thanksgiving in this country was, in fact, celebrated at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 December.   The Berkley Plantation's charter required that the day of the colonist's safe arrival, 'shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving...'...   William Brewster's (1566-1634) daughter, Fear (1606-1634), married Issac Allerton (1586-1659).   There's a story in the middle of all of this (with ties to Roger Williams), but Isaac didn't stay in Massachusetts, and moved to Connecticut.   In turn, one of his sons, Isaac, Jr. (1627-1702), may have been born in Plymouth, but ended up in Westmoreland County, Virginia… where we have the all-important (at least in this particular case) Massachusetts Bay-Colonial Virginia link.   One of his daughters, Sarah Elizabeth Allerton (1670-1731), married Hancock Lee (1653-1709), who was... yes... tied to THAT line of Lee family members (though Robert E. Lee wasn't descended from the Brewster/Allerton connection, there were not so distant familial connections).   A daughter of Hancock and Sarah, Elizabeth (1709-1753) married Zachariah Taylor (1707-1768)… and they had children, two of whom were Zachariah (1735-1815) and Richard (1744-1829).   I'm descended from Zachariah... but I'm going to trace some lineage from Richard Taylor...   Confederate general Richard 'Dick' Taylor One of Richard Taylor's sons was Zachary (1784-1850)... the 12th president of the United States, who, in turn, had a son...   Richard (1826-1879)... who was, among other things, known as a Confederate general of note.   For that matter, president Zachary Taylor's daughter, Sarah (aka 'Knoxie', 1814-1835), was Jefferson Davis' first wife."
2010-11-21: it's Thanksgiving week... and where, really, was the first?
Jennifer Viegas: NBC/Discovery: America's first Christmas was in Florida: explorer Hernando de Soto set up his winter camp near Tallahassee in 1539-40
Explore Southern History
Florida Heritage

Anthony Watts
NASA video of comets ISON and Encke

David Steinberg _PJ Media_
ObummerDoesn'tCare being abused to create data-bases to contain info on potential voters
"No worthwhile verification occurs before the forms are mailed.   Apply for Medicaid and the form will be mailed to you, be you a verifiable citizen or Ayman al-Zawahiri on a computer in Pakistan.   Further, these new data-bases are accessible by groups like Organizing for Action, the reconstituted ACORN, and malevolent figures like Chris Tarango."

2013-11-26 (5774 Kislev 23)
Caroline B. Glick _Front Page Magazine_
the goal of Obummer's foreign policy
Jewish World Review
Jerusalem Post
Discover the Networks: Who is Luis Gutierrez?

Discover the Networks: Raul Grijalva
Discover the Networks: Eliseo Medina
Discover the Networks: Hila Solis
Discover the Networks: Nydia Velazquez
Discover the Networks: Thomas Perez
Discover the Networks: Charles Rangel
Discover the Networks: Susan Lindauer
Discover the Networks: Americorps (a.k.a. AmeriCorpse)
Discover the Networks index
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Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Karl Rove gave Grover Norquist $26M in 2012; left questions whether it was for "social welfare" or politics

Nick Dranias _Daily Caller_
the left's war on private civic engagement
"First it was the Tea Parties.   Then it was anyone or anything that supported the American Legislative Exchange Council.   Now the New Left is coming for center-right think tanks and the private donors [who] support them."

_Right Scoop_
TV ads will air across the state of Texas thanking senator Ted Cruz for leading the fight against Barack Obummer's failed ObummerDoesn'tCare scheme

2013-11-26 (5774 Kislev 23)
Walter W. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
masking totalitarianism
Town Hall
Jewish World Review
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Conference Board: consumer confidence fell
"The percentage of respondents indicating jobs were 'plentiful', rose slightly from 11.6% to 11.8%, while those indicating jobs were difficult to get fell from 34.9% to 34%."

Donna Gehrke-White _Florida Sun-Sentinel_
Florida consumers more up-beat after 5 gloomy months
"Consumer sentiment throughout the state especially recovered from last month's drop -- rising to 76 in November from the revised reading of 70 in October -- after the federal government 'shut-down' ended, said Chris McCarty, director of UF's Survey Research Center in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research."

Michael P. Hausam _Washington DC Times_
why the GOP losership dislike the Tea Partiers, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and the rest of the GOP base
"Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are not popular with Senate Republican leaders.   Neither are the groups that strongly support them -- the Senate Conservatives Fund and the [several] Tea Party [organizations and many more Tea Partiers who have not joined such organizations]...   The Tea Party Patriots web-site explains...   they were formed as a reaction to the 'fiscally irresponsible actions of the federal government, misguided stimulus spending, bail-outs, and take-overs of private industry'... fiscal responsibility... constitutionally limited government... free market economics...   Mitch McConnell's 'About' page says nothing about core principles.   There is no mention of the [US] Constitution anywhere on his site...   Senators Lee and Cruz put their core principles front and center on their web sites; senator McConnell puts his electoral triumphs front and center on his...   While tea party candidates show a lot of enthusiasm for reform, in some cases they lack the political [slickness and acceptance of 'any means'] to win elections."

Steve Goreham _Washington DC Times_
world agricultural output continues to rise, despite predictions of decline
Watts Up with That
2013-11-03: Michael Shank: Washington DC Times: UN IPCC says food insecurity rising as crop production falls

Jeffrey W. Barrett _Washington DC Times_
"Regulation Freedom Amendment": the administrative state vs. the US constitution

Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
busted: ObummerDoesn'tCare "navigator" who was caught conspiring to abuse data for political purposes has resigned
Patrick Howley: Daily Caller

Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
Obummer regime pivoting to jobs... again... sort of
"This is the fifth time he's 'pivoted' to jobs and the economy -- this year... 14 times in 2 years...   it's hard to take the administration too seriously on this issue.   At a certain point, Americans will see through the charade.   They'll begin asking themselves the following question: is the president more concerned about getting the economy booming again, or diverting attention from his [other disastrous actions]..."

Brendan Bordelon _Daily Caller_
SEIU front-group paid fast-food workers to stage protest for higher minimum wage

Scott Wartman _Cincinnati Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
lobbying expenditures continue to increase in KY
"Lobbying is on pace in 2013 to exceed $16M for the first time in an odd-numbered year, which has a shorter 30-day General Assembly session.   In 2012, which had a 60-day session, lobbyists spent $17.8M.   That compares to $6.5M in 1994, the first full year lobbyists in Kentucky had to report their spending...   Lobbyist have spent a total of $217,365,343 in Kentucky in the 20 years..."

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
KY leftist Alison Grimes is not quite as gun-ownership-friendly as she would like voters to believe
"Three weeks ago, Grimes posted a photo of herself on Twitter shooting (without eye and ear protection, 2 big gun safety don'ts)...   in mid-town Manhattan last week, Mrs. Obama made it clear President Obama needs Grimes in the Senate to push his far left agenda, which includes more gun control.   'And let's not forget about that common-sense gun legislation, that so many of us feel so strongly about.   Sadly as you know, that bill failed.   Anyone know by how many votes? It failed by just 6 votes in the senate.   6.   So make no mistake about it: the mid-term elections, they matter.   They matter.', Obama said.   'So it is critical that we elect Michelle Nunn, Alison Grimes, Natalie Tennant.   It is critical that we get them to the senate.   And it is just as critical that we elect -- re-elect Senators Mary Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu, Jeanne Shaheen -- it is critical, because we all know that it's not enough to elect Barack Obama president if we don't give him a Congress that will help him keep moving this country forward.'"

Nicole Bailey _Town Hall_
Republicans are more likely to have daughters and sisters than are leftists

Breanna Deutsch _Daily Caller_
having daughters makes parents more Republican
News Max

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
Iran sets mile-stone with longest held US hostage in history
"Robert Levinson, a 65-year-old retired FBI agent and father of seven, was working as a private detective on a cigarette smuggling case on Kish Island, an Iranian resort port in the Persian Gulf with looser entrance requirements, when he disappeared on 2007 March 8.   Today, Levinson became the longest held U.S. hostage in history, passing Terry Anderson's 2,454 days in captivity at the hands of Hezbollah before being freed in 1991."

Joseph Farah _World Net Daily_
Obummer regime, DNC plot to take over ThanksGiving family discussions with mass distribution of talking points
Tom Howell ii: Washington DC Times

Christopher Monckton _World Net Daily_
we must put citizen voters back into politics
"To take just one example, Mr. Obama is busily doing what governments of the left everywhere have been doing for decades: seeking to make treaties with other leftist regimes so that even when the GOP eventually regains the White House and both Houses of Congress it will find that it cannot repeal Mr. Obama's laws because many of them are enshrined in those treaties.   In Europe we have this difficulty in a still more severe form. Five laws in 6 are made for Scotland not by our elected representatives in the parliaments of Edinburgh and Westminster but by people we do not elect in Brussels.   There is a Parliament there, but it is a Parliament of Eunuchs.   It cannot even father a bill.   That right is reserved to the un-elected Kommissars who pay great heed to vested interests and as little heed to the people."

Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
supremes demand response from Obummer regime in case of deportation of German family over in-home education

Roger Simmermaker _World Net Daily_
WM's Red China obsession blasted
"Well, as it turns out, WM has continued its practice of canning American-made companies in favor of companies that do nothing but import products from [Red China]."

Virginia Harrison _CNN_
Europe's "golden" visas lure rich Chinese
picture of border fence between Morocco and Spanish Melilla...   "A growing number of wealthy foreigners are buying their way into Europe as hard-pressed countries trade their passports for cash.   Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus, which have suffered the most from the region's prolonged recession, are offering visas to foreigners who buy real estate...   Chinese nationals are at the front of the line for these golden tickets to Europe, immigration experts say.   Interest from Russia, the United Arab Emirates [UAE] and South Africa is also stirring.   Foreign investors who purchase real estate are granted residency rights, and in some cases full European Union citizenship.   The minimum outlay ranges from 250K euros (about $340K) to 500K euros.   Portugal has been offering these deals for just over a year.   Foreigners receive a residency permit when they invest 500K euros in property.   After 5 years, they can apply for permanent residency, and EU citizenship 1 year later.   Portugal is also trading visas to those who inject capital or create jobs in the country -- similar to the U.S. immigrant investor program, which requires a minimum spend of $500K.   Like those on offer in Spain, the Portuguese visas grant access to the Schengen area, which includes the bulk of the EU but not the U.K.   Official figures show more than 330 visas have been issued in the first 12 months of the program, raising 225M euros...   just 1 application for a so-called golden visa has been approved in Greece."
2013-08-09: CNN: video: Why Chinese are buying real estate in the USA

Mitch Wagner _Internet Evolution_/_UBM_
Computer Economics says "IT" salaries are increasing... but not by much

Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime's call to close US embassy to vatican is an insult

2013-11-26 (5774 Kislev 23)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
random thoughts
Town Hall
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Charles Hurt _Washington DC Times_
let us all give thanks for George Mason, Patrick Henry and the bill of rights

Jerry Newcombe _World Net Daily_
ThanksGiving's History

Eric Golub _Washington DC Times_
Chanukah 2013/5774: the festival of lights and the Maccabee/Hasmonean revolt
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Often fine horses pulled a chair or chaise, like the one which bore young James Madison -- 'poor, withered little Jeemy Madison' -- and his bride Dolley up the Great Road in 1794 for their honeymoon at Isaac Hite's Belle Grove plantation." --- Parke S. Rouse ii 1973 _The Great Wagon Road_ pg225  



_Youngstown OH Vindicator_
snow emergencies declared
"'When you have snow falling at 2 inches per hour, you're going to have some snow-covered roads, some slush-covered roads.', Chesnic said...   Eric Wilhelm, 21 WFMJ-TV chief meteorologist, said the storm was delivering what had been expected.   Some areas may see close to 10 inches of snow by the time it's over, he said.   Because it's a heavy, wet snow though, the blowing and drifting snow that was initially predicted for today likely won’t be an issue."

Willis Eschenbach
CO2 in the air, CO2 in the sea-water

2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
Cathy Pollak _Jewish World Review_

ThanksChanukah turkey-butternut tortilla soup with zesty lime sour cream

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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
Amina Khan _Jewish World Review_
jelly-fish-inspired flying-robot design
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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
David G. Savage _Jewish World Review_
Kathleen Supercilious v. Hobby Lobby Stores
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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
thank you, Hobby Lobby
Town Hall
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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
Obummer re-distributes health, not just wealth
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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
picture perfect: the White House's propaganda
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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
hail to the panderer in chief: there is no one correct way to impose right-wing or left-wing extremism on an unwilling citizenry
Town Hall
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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
Martin Schram _Jewish World Review_
we must not fool ourselves about Barack Hussein Carter
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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
Roger Simon _Jewish World Review_
farming is under-appreciated
"'We pay as low as 6% [of our incomes on food]', Tom Vilsack, the secretary of agriculture, was telling me at a conference table in his office. 'In most other industrialized countries it's 20% to 25%.'"
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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
I'm thankful that people's private property is generally respected
Town Hall
News Max
World Net Daily
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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
fewer Americans are independent
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2013-11-27 (5774 Kislev 24)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's full grovel to Iran (not to mention Boehner's & McConnell's full grovel to Obummer, Reid and Pelosi)
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Bob Tisdale
comments on human-induced global warming: episode 1 the Hiroshima bomb metric (video)

Anthony Watts
live up-dates on comet ISON

Anthony Watts
U of Cambridge: lakes discovered beneath Greenland ice sheet

John Ribeiro _"IT" News_/_IDG_
UN panel passed draft resolution on privacy threats

Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
on Sunday, a mob of 150 illegal aliens attacked Border Patrol officers

Carol Platt Liebau _Town Hall_
IRS is expanding war against critics of Obummer regime

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
record number of French corporate bankruptcies: that's socialism

Dan Stein _Town Hall_
Obummer's latest amnesty for illegal aliens "parole in place" is a place to bury the law... and national security, and US job markets, and economy

John Gizzi _News Max_
Mark Udall's senate set is in play

Rich Lowry _News Max_
Obummer re-defines humongous, power-mad government

Jill Tucker _World Net Daily_
600 SF teachers skip school: union rules allow extending ThanksGiving holiday
San Francisco CA Chronicle

_World Net Daily_/_AP_
Tea-Party groups fight Communist Corpse

Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
John Boehner, call pres. Obummer's bluff on immigration

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
will evil MSFT triumph over lonely DoL staffer?
"nameless certifying officer.   The standing rule is that an employer, like MSFT, has to at least consider re-hiring its recently laid-off citizen workers before offering green cards to foreign workers (who are presumably, in most cases, already working for that firm as H-1Bs).   That's a totally sensible requirement.   The staffer, deep in the bowels of the Department's Employment and Training Administration, must have decided that the MSFT manner of considering the re-employment of laid-off citizen (and permanent resident alien) workers was not appropriate, and then denied 25 labor certifications...   But, as best as I can tell, the staffer rejected the long-existing (and thus long-tolerated by DoL) MSFT practice that had been to hand-deliver 'messages to laid-off employees that provides information about the web-site where job openings are posted...   MSFT requires them to actually apply for a job before the company considers them.'   I suppose another approach would be to force the employer to consider the resident, laid-off workers as a matter of routine before seeking to hire foreign workers...   It may be...that the laid-off workers sense that the alien will get the job anyway, and there is no point to their applying."

Phyllis Schlafly _Eagle Forum_
whom is the haughty John Kerry, who served in VietNam, representing? Definitely not the USA

Paul Greenberg _Town Hall_
what Chanukah is

Jack Engelhard _Washington DC Times_
the meaning of Chanukah: a Maccabee response to the knock-out game

2013-11-27 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 363,053 in the week ending November 23, an increase of 37,229 from the previous week.   There were 358,869 initial claims in the comparable week in 2012.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.1% during the week ending November 16, an increase of 0.2 percentage point from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 2,684,088, an increase of 143,750 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.2% and the volume was 2,835,628.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending November 9 was 3,913,729, an increase of 38,437 from the previous week.   There were 5,183,962 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2012.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending November 9...   States reported 1,304,899 persons claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits for the week ending November 9, an increase of 3,337 from the prior week.   There were 2,119,054 persons claiming EUC in the comparable week in 2012.   EUC weekly claims include first, second, third, and fourth tier activity...   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Horses and horsemanship were indispensable in the rural states, where tobacco, corn, wheat, and later cotton required draft oxen -- usually castrated Hereford bulls -- or plow horses.   The first English settlers had brought horses to VA before 1610, developing a smal 'Virginia horse' which visiting officials of His Majesty's government admired for its fleetness and flowing mane." --- Parke S. Rouse ii 1973 _The Great Wagon Road_ pg225  


2013-11-28: USA ThanksGiving day

Marc Kovac _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Buckeyes don't trust pres. Barack Hussein Oh Bummer
"Among 1,361 registered voters questioned over the past week, only 34% approved of the president's work in office, with 61% saying the opposite.   57% of Ohioans said Obama was 'not honest and trustworthy'.   And 59% said they opposed [ObummerDoesn'tCare], with 45% saying they expected their health care to be worse a year from now."

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
ThanksGiving... a sesquicentennial moment, and giving credit where credit is due
Sarah Josepha Hale 1863-09-28 letter to pres. Abraham Lincoln

2013-11-28 (5774 Kislev 25)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
talking turkey about Bleak Friday
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2013-11-28 (5774 Kislev 25)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the pilgrims and us
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2013-11-28 (5774 Kislev 25)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
the gangster punks' "knock-out game" of assault and battery that the NYTimes and National Socialist Radio say is no big deal
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2013-11-28 (5774 Kislev 25)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
technology, privacy violation, data debris and the time of our lives
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2013-11-28 (5774 Kislev 25)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
is it too soon to say "I told you so"?: crime in over-populated, over-crowded, over-regulated NY, NY
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2013-11-28 (5774 Kislev 25)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
pardon these turkeys: giving thanks in the year 2013
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2013-11-28 (5774 Kislev 25)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Obummer finds a way to ruin ThanksGiving
"Republican resistance to 'the times', if that means endorsing law-breakers, is something else for which we should be thankful...   Talk about the pilgrims; talk about the Founders.   Talk about why you're thankful for an America that is strong enough to survive its presidents, especially those who turn out to be turkeys."
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2013-11-28 (5774 Kislev 25)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
giving thanks and keeping hope
"most of the trouble and strife in our lives came from the professional nincompoops and evil-doers in Washington"
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2013-11-28 (5774 Kislev 25)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
what if ThanksGiving exposes the government?
"What if the government owes us back all the freedom and property it has stolen from us?...   What if our thanks are due primarily to the Author of our freedoms, who made us in His image and likeness, and to those who have exercised those freedoms to seek and reveal the truth?   What if it is the truth, and not the government, that will keep us free?   What if we have the right to pursue happiness no matter what the government says?   What if we have the right to be unique no matter what the government wants?   What if the freedom to seek the truth will bring us happiness?   What if that freedom which is still ours is a just cause for a happy Thanksgiving, after all?"
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2013-11-28 (5774 Kislev 25)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
USA's coastal "royalty" wannabees
"The densely populated [over-populated, over-crowded] coastal corridors from Boston to Washington and from San Diego to Berkeley are where most of America's big decisions are made...   The road to riches and influence, we are told, lies in being branded with a degree from a coastal-elite campus like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford or Berkeley.   How well a Yale professor teaches an 18-year-old in a class on American history does not matter as much as the fact that the professor helps to stamp the student with the Ivy League logo.   That mark is the lifelong golden key that is supposed to unlock the door to coastal privilege.   Fly over or drive across the United States, and the spatial absurdity of this rather narrow coastal monopoly is immediately apparent to the naked eye.   Outside of these power corridors, our vast country appears pretty empty.   The nation's [brains and] muscles that produce our oil, gas, food, lumber, minerals and manufactured goods work unnoticed in this sparsely settled fly-over expanse."
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Anthony Watts
article in Journal of Climatee: models are short on "physics required for realistic simulation of the earth system"

Andrew Revkin
science self-corrects: bogus "study" claiming RoundUp tolerant GMO corn causes cancer... retracted

2013-11-28 Anthony Watts
comet ISON appears to be toast -- goes "poof" in video as it encounters what appears to be a coronal mass ejection or gets drawn into the sun (with videos)

Paul C. Barton _Tennessean_/_Gannett_
Scott DesJarlais supports effort to impeach Eric Holder

Dalit Halevy _Arutz Sheva_/_Israel National News_
Sheikh Raed Salah claims Israel's knesset has no right to so much as discuss the Temple Mount
Proposed Bills 2013

  "You cannot fool God; ultimately, you cannot fool others either. The only one you can fool is yourself. And to fool a fool is no great achievement." --- Shmuel Schneersohn of Lubavitch (Maharash) (son of Menachem Mendel Schneersohn /Tzemach Tzedek & Chaya Mushka Schneersohn; grand-son of Dovber Schneuri) b: 1834 (Iyar 02) in Lyubavichi, Russia d: 1882-09-14 old style in Lyubavichi, Rudnyansky, Smolensk, Russia (quoted in _The Nechama Greisman Anthology_)  



2013-11-29 (5774 Kislev 26)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
ThanksGiving and ObummerDoesn'tCare don't mix
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2013-11-29 (5774 Kislev 26)
Ann McFeatters _Jewish World Review_
time for government to encourage mouthiness in children again?!
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2013-11-29 (5774 Kislev 26)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the price of presidential weakness
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2013-11-29 (5774 Kislev 26)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
filibuster flattened, GOP losership aroused?
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2013-11-29 (5774 Kislev 26)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the bad-faith presidency
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2013-11-29 (5774 Kislev 26)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
welcome to the kludgocracy
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2013-11-29 (5774 Kislev 26)
Celia Riverbark _Jewish World Review_
what a drawl
"A whoppin' 45% of male respondents said they preferred a Southern accent above all others...   The 'New York accent' described as fast-talking 'like Robert Downey Jr.' was favored by 16.5% and the New Jersey and Canadian accents tied for 7% of the 'sexiest accent' votes...   The Southern woman doesn't have to speak fast or loud to prove her intelligence."
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2013-11-29 (5774 Kislev 26)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
the turkey meets the latke
"America isn't perfect, but it's perfect enough for me."
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2013-11-29 (5774 Kislev 26)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
"peace in our time" appeasement vs. problem-solving
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2013-11-29 (5774 Kislev 26)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
jolly is on hold
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Tim Ball
the important difference between "climatology" and "climate science"

Anthony Watts
lack of cloud physics biased climate models high

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
new DHS inspector-general to face 2 office-politics challenges
Proposed Bills 2013

  "Another area which bred fine horses was the northern VA segment of the Great Road, from Watkins's Ferry on the Potomac south to Winchester.   A wave of Tidewater planters who had been lured by its rich soil after the Revolution -- Burwells, Pages, Byrds, Randolphs, Wormeleys, and Carters -- took with them their imported stock.   Centering in the rolling counties of Frederick, Clarke, Warren, Berkeley, and Jefferson -- the latter 2 to become part of WV in 1864 -- these grandees perpetuated until the 1840s the high life which was disappearing around Chesapeake Bay.   Rich purses were offered at Jockey club meets in Winchester, Martinsburg, and Charleston, and winners raced in Washington and Baltimore." --- Parke S. Rouse ii 1973 _The Great Wagon Road_ pg230  



_Billings MT Gazette_/_Butte county Post_
feathered, 6-foot long, carnivorous Oviraptorosaur found in Montana
"Both were working an exposed section of the Hell Creek Formation in Carter county when they found claw and toe bones weathering out of a hill-side belonging to a mid-sized 'theropod' -- a meat-eating dinosaur.   Further excavation uncovered more toe and foot bones.   Within minutes, several other bones were discovered including vertebrae and ribs.   The bones were not connected, but were found near each other.   About 40 bones were collected over the course of 10 days including: toe bones, metatarsals, ankle bones, tibia, partial femur, hip bones, vertebra and ribs..."

Anthony Watts
climate, stadium waves, and traffic waves

Anthony Watts & Pierre Gosselin
climate hysterics hit the wall of reality

Anthony Watts
remains of comet ISON are dissipating cloud of ice and dust

Dan Donahoe _Today's Engineer_
why do some managers believe that a skills shortage exists?
"Computer and Information Technology industries employ 3.216M people.   Of those only 8.8% have jobs [for which the gate-keepers require] a PhD, and approximately [well over] half of all these jobs do not require a bachelor's degree."

Emily Bazar _Modesto CA Bee_
ObummerDoesn'tCare to suck in foreign students, cultural exchange visitors, guest-workers, green card holders, illegal aliens, and US citizens

_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Penn State U to install 600 more privacy violation cameras
Susan Snyder: Philadelphia PA Inquirer
David Swanson: security cameras are "part of our [corrupt] society"

Murray N. Rothbard _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
the NAFTA myth
"For some people, it seems, all you have to do to convince them of the free enterprise nature of something is to label it 'market', and so we have the spawning of such grotesque creatures as 'market socialists' or 'market liberals'.   The word 'freedom', of course, is also a grabber, and so another way to gain adherents in an age that exalts rhetoric over substance is simply to call yourself or your proposal 'free market' or 'free trade'.   Labels are often enough to nab the suckers..."
Proposed Bills 2013

  "the analysis of expression is nothing else than the analysis of thought.   You are therefore thinking hardest and most searchingly about your subject when scanning successive drafts to make your words 'clear, orderly, and easy to grasp and remember'." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pp34-35  


Proposed Bills 13

  "Southern horses may have been supreme on the track, but Pennsylvania's were supreme on the road.   Just as Pennsylvanians had developed the Conestoga wagon, so they bred heavy Conestoga horses, which were hitched 4 or more at a time to pull the heavy loads between Philadelphia, Lancaster, York, Gettysburg, and nearby towns.   Known also as Lancaster or Pennsylvania horses, they were the largest in America, sometimes exceeding 17 hands in height." --- Parke S. Rouse ii 1973 _The Great Wagon Road_ pg230  


2013 November
top 500 fastest super-computers

Proposed Bills 2013

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "Actually the Conestoga [horse] was a hybrid of English and Flemish draft horse and of saddle horse.   Originated by farmers of the Conestoga Valley, these patient plodders developed greater size and strength over the years.   This was partly due to the good feeding and care provided by the 'just, humane, and generous' Germans of the [Shenandoan Valley].   As one farmer put it, 'being well fed, protected from the cold and inclemency of the weather when not actually in service, and never over-worked or abused, this horse, under this kind treatment, attained the full developemnt of his natural powers'.   Weaned at 3 months, a Conestoga colt was turned out to pasture until 2 and a half years old, when it was broken to the bridle.   Thereafter it was accustomed gradually to pull its load while growing to mammoth size.   PA Dutchmen did not humor horses as Southerners did.   Neither their brood mares nor stallions were exempt from puling plow or wagon as needed.   Occasionally a prized stud horse was absolved from labor in mating season, but thrifty Germans exacted hard service for all who worked for them.   Mares were worked until a few weeks before foaling.   They returned to work usually a week afterward, their colts tagging along at their side." --- Parke S. Rouse ii 1973 _The Great Wagon Road_ pp230-231  

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