2014 February

2nd month of the 1st quarter of the 25th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2022-02-10

  "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the United States, which shall consist of a senate and House of Representatives." --- article 1 section 1  

2014 February
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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  "Do we not continually hear them quote Blackstone's assertion that 'no subject of England can be constrained to pay any aids or taxes even for the defense of the realm or the support of government, but such as are imposed by his own consent, or that his representative in parliament'?   And what does that mean?   It means, say they, that every man should have a vote.   True, but it means much more.   If there is any sense in words it is a distinct enunciation of the very right now contended for.   In affirming that a man may not be taxed unless he has directly or indirectly given his consent, it affirms that he may *refuse* to be so taxed; and to refuse to be taxed is to cut all connection with the state.   Perhaps it will be said that this consent is not a specific, but a general one, and that the citizen is understood to have assented to everything his representative may do when he voted for him.   But suppose he did not vote for him, and on the contrary did all in his power to get elected someone holding the opposite views -- what then?   The reply will probably be that, by taking part in such an election, he tacitly agreed to abide by the decision of the majority.   And how if he did not vote at all?   Why then he cannot justly complain of any tax, seeing that he made no protest against it's imposition.   So, curiously enough, it seems that he gave his consent in whatever way he acted -- whether he said yes, whether he said no, or whether he remained neutral!   A rather awkward doctrine, this.   Here stands an unfortunate citizen who is asked if he will pay money for a certain proffered advantage; and whether he employs the only means of expressing his refusal or does not employ it, we are told that he practically agrees, if only the number of others who agree is greater than the number of those who dissent.   And thus, we are introduced to the novel principle that A's consent to a thing is not determined by what A says, but by what B may happen to say!" ---Herbert Spencer 1878 _Social Statics_  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2014 February

2nd month of the 1st quarter of the 15th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



"Just the Facts"
a displaced circum-polar vortex and its causes

Walter Dnes
the January leading indicator

Tony Lee _Breitbart_
donations to Karl Rove's phony-baloney front groups drop 98% after they targeted the Tea Parties
2013-12-26: Rove creating new phony groups: "Kentuckians for Strong Leadership": "Republicans said they were 'unwilling to let Mr. Rove and his colleagues decide which senate candidates get the most support.'"

Andrew C. McCarthy _National Review_
for Obummer regime DoJ, campaign finance law is for controlling others
"they say he borrowed a couple of people's names...   For Obama 2008 donors, borrowing other people's names seems to have been a requirement...   he's not among the favored outlaws of our law-unto-himself president."

Nicholas Confessore _NYTimes_
Tea Party base raising 3 times as much as GOP losership
Sweetness & Light
Laura Ingraham
"4 Republican-leaning groups with close ties to the party's [losership] in congress -- Crossroads and its super-PAC affiliate; the Congressional Leadership Fund; and Young Guns Action Fund -- raised a combined $7.7M in 2013.   By contrast, 4 conservative organizations that have battled Republican candidates deemed too [leftist] on spending issues -- FreedomWorks, the Club for Growth Action Fund, the Senate Conservatives Fund, and the Tea Party Patriots -- raised a total of $20M in 2013, according to Federal Election Commission reports filed on Friday...   The U.S. Chamber of [Crony Socialists], traditionally one of the biggest players in campaigns, is forecasting that it will spend about $50M on a mix of general election and primary races..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1765-02-01: Benjamin d'Israeli (son of Isaac Israeli & Rica Rossi/Eurichetta Rossi; descendant of the Min-HaAdumin) b: 1730-09-22 in Cento near Ferrara, Italy d: 1816-11-28 at Stoke, Newington, London m1: 1756-04-02 to Rebecca Mendez Furtado d: 1765-02-01 m2: 1765-05-28 to Sarah Siprut de Gabay Villareal (descended from Hasday ibn Xaprut)
Proposed Bills 2014

  "As representative E.G. Shuster (R-PA), put it, 'The American people would be better off if congress [and DoL and DoC and the Dept. of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board] got a pay decrease when the cost of living went up and a pay increase when the cost of living went down.'   By including itself in a growing bureaucracy, now automatically costing us more every year [in both pay and benefits], congress has done itself and the people a great disservicee...   Every law creating a new agency [or department or office] or a program ought to have a termination date expressly written in -- 3 or 5 years -- so that congress can then re-evaluate [it] and decide [and be held responsible for the decision at election time] on the basis of experience whether it should be terminated, drastically reformed, reduced, or continued if it is doing a good job.   A system of 'zero-based' budgeting should be adopted...   My colleague congressman Del Clawson of California has introduced a bill (HR8231; which to date has over 90 co-sponsors, including myself) which would provide for a congressional veto over executive branch rule-making [i.e. an examination of whether proposed rules are, in the opinion of a majority of each house of congress, in compliance with the constitution and statutes, and to alter statutes when necessary]." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg85  



Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
a beat up, exhausted, wimpy, terrified Republican losership
"Never has the [leftist] agenda been so vulnerable, a logical development when bad ideas have had 5 years to prove themselves as very bad ideas..."

Margaret Chacbourn _Reuters_
immigration law changes in doubt this year says Paul Ryan

Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
GOP losership's war against conservative base is back-firing

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "It seems fundamental in the first place that employees in the executive branch of the [federal] government, or those working for any of its agencies, should administer the law in accordance with the will of congress, rather than in accordance with their own or the will of a political party.   They are expected to enforce the law and execute the programs of the [to the extent that they comply with the constitution] of the government without bias or favoritism for or against any political party or group or the members thereof.   A major thesis of the Hatch act is that to sere this great end of government -- the impartial execution of the laws -- it is essential that federal employees not, for example, take formal positions in political parties, not undertake to play substantial roles in partisan political campaigns adn not run for office on partisan political tickets.   Forbidding activities like these will reduce the hazards to fair and effective government...   it is not only important that the government and its employees in fact avoid practicing 'political justice', but it is also critical that they appear to the public to be avoiding it [i.e. set a fence around possible incursions], if confidence in the esteem of representative government is not to be eroded to a disastrous extent." --- supremes in US Civil Service Commission v. National Associaton of Letter Carriers (quoted in Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg90  



Katie Mae Bassler _Cumberland PA Sentinel_/_abc27_
fire and explosion reported at Arcelor Mittel steel plant at Steelton

Megan Jones _Daily Illini_
engineering open house committee wants to raise $14K more

Paul Driessen
build the Keystone XL pipe-line already!

Anthony Watts
Roy W. Spencer
USA's December/January temperatures 3rd coldest in last 30 years

Anthony Watts
Max Planck Inst. for Meteorology: exaggerated Arctic temperature reactions not primarily due to albedo changes

Anthony Watts
January solar activity data

Willis Eschenbach
Arctic layer-cake

_KGO San Francisco CA_
Federal Dept. of Transportation wants all cars to talk to each other... and more significantly, to the federal government
Dana Hull: San Jose CA Mercury News
Mark Hachman: "IT" News/IDG

2014-02-03 (5774 Adar1 03) Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
deferential America has become a less respected America generating new world disorder
Town Hall
"In the wake of the interim nuclear deal that Obama and Kerry hail as such a break-through, Iran's president cranked up anti-American demonstrations to their shrillest level in years, and calmly boasted on CNN that 'not under any circumstances' will a single Iranian [uranium] centrifuge be dismantled...   Al-Qaeda and its allies, no longer restrained by a pacifying US presence in Iraq, are again on the march, detonating car bombs and taking control of key cities in Anbar Province, including Fallujah..."

2014-02-03 (5774 Adar1 03) Ana Veciana-Suarez _Jewish World Review_
woman tracks her hidden Jewish roots through 22 generations, after grand-mother's warning
"Milgrom, who was raised Catholic in a traditional Cuban household, had already converted to Judaism when her maternal abuela left her a well-worn hamsa, or charm-like 'hand of G0D' trinket, and one gold earring with a Star of David in the middle.   No note accompanied this strange bequest.   Milgrom was intrigued.   What did it mean?   This, after all, was the grand-mother who, upon Milgrom's conversion, had whispered a warning about the dangers of being a Jew..."

2014-02-03 (5774 Adar1 03) Jeff Stein _Jewish World Review_
CIA helped Saudis in secret Chinese missile deal

2014-02-03 (5774 Adar1 03) Meghan Daum _Jewish World Review_
covering up Lena Dunham

2014-02-03 (5774 Adar1 03) Meghan Daum _Jewish World Review_
who is killing whom in the USA?
"The FBI's latest figures tell us there were 14,168 killings in the U.S. in 2012.   That's slightly higher than the rate in 2011.   Unlike other crimes, such as burglary, robbery, rape and assault, which are historically under-reported by a surprisingly large margin, the murder rate is considered to be pretty accurate because it's awfully hard to hide a corpse..."

2014-02-03 (5774 Adar1 03) Susan Reimer _Jewish World Review_
checked out
"Children born in 2012 are estimated to cost middle-income parents with an income of between $60,640 and $105K about $241,080 from birth through high school.   If you make more than $105K, you can expect to pay just shy of $400K for those 18 years.   If you live in a city in the Northeast and both parents are working, you will spend about $19K a year. Per child..."

2014-02-03 (5774 Adar1 03) Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
2014-02-03 (5774 Adar1 03) Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's latest crop of ambassadors are clueless, like their boss

2014-02-03 (5774 Adar1 03) David Shribman _Jewish World Review_
the audacity of hopelessness

2014-02-03 (5774 Adar1 03) Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
DC's latest scam
Town Hall
"If handled correctly, the State of the Union should be like the annual report of a corporate chief executive to share-holders.   It should convey key information so that stake-holders know what's going on..."

George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
be good, work wisely and work hard
"Too many conservative candidates and their supporters seem to believe that being right, in the sense of being correct, is sufficient to win; that, if we conservatives can logically demonstrate that our candidate is of higher character and that his policies will be better for our the country, somehow victory will fall into our deserving hands like a ripe fruit from a tree.   Russell Wilson and the Seattle Seahawks proved once again that being good, even great on paper is no substitute for hard work, leadership and the pure adrenalin of wanting to win."

Mark Krikorian _National Review_
So, now we're letting leftists declare who is a conservative?!?
While some low-standards, open-borders voices falsely claiming to speak for conservatives may raise concern over the draft principles, they do not represent the majority of the Republican Party.
"So, who are some of the individuals and groups that have raised concerns about the House [losership's] immigration approach...   A partial list would include National Review, the Heritage Foundation, Ramesh Ponnuru, Andy McCarthy, Ross Douthat, Bill Kristol, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sarah Palin, John Cornyn, Phyllis Schlafly, Ann Coulter, Ted Cruz, Phil Gramm, Michelle Malkin, Peter Kirsanow, and Erick Erickson."

Taweh Beysolow _Town Hall_
colleges and congress-critters are why your degree is both hideously expensive and worthless
"According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 44% of college graduates are underemployed, or working in jobs that they don't need a degree for.   College was originally only available to children of immense privilege.   To some degree, that is still true.   College Board has determined that a 'moderate' budget at a private college for the 2013-2014 academic year is $44,750..."

Kurt Schlichter _Town Hall_
GOP losership's suicide pact

Terry Paulson _Town Hall_
the state of the USA citizenry
"I want you to work with me to take back America from politicians who think they are the answer to shaping America's future.   I'm not taking your time this evening to ask you to trust me or to trust any politician or party.   Instead, I ask you to trust yourself.   That is what America has always been about.   It's the power of millions of people like you who will determine what will make America great again..."

Rachel Alexander _Town Hall_
Obummer blocking creation of White House Council on Boys and Men

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
exampler of effects of ObummerDoesn'tCare on small business and employees (with video)

Shawn Mitchell _Town Hall_
Obummer's big ObummerDoesn'tCare lie taints all who touch it

Paul Jacob _Town Hall_
more massive privacy violations we've objected against for decades
"If you haven't read a good dystopian novel lately, try the newspaper.   For those favoring freedom and limited government, there isn't a scream primal enough to quite capture the aesthetic.   Last week, we learned that the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is doing everything but protect consumers.   Instead, the CFPB is gobbling up personal information on hundreds of millions of American citizens at a feverish pace, apparently trying to best the National Security Agency.   The NSA, in possession of our [e-mail messages], complete phone records, 'social media' conversations, and bank and credit card information, is clearly way ahead.   But the CFPB has now snapped up private information on 991M credit card accounts to provide some real competition for the NSA..."

Harry R. Jackson ii _Town Hall_
marriage: a matter of money

Christine Harbin Hanson _Town Hall_
Obummer broke his oath of office again, by failing to submit a budget
"The White House announced that it will do so until March.   This marks is the fifth time in six years that the president Obama overlooked this important deadline, signaling that he is not serious about [correcting the federal government's] finances..."

Matt Barber _Town Hall_
leftist rag asks for more despotism

George Landrith _Town Hall_
Obummer regime is using IRS to quash dissent

Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
regulators vs. innovation in higher education
"College tuition has increased 1,120% since 1978 [i.e. 11.2 tims what it cost in 1978].   American students have now racked up over $1.2T in debt trying to pay for these higher tuition prices.   Despite all this spending and debt, 53% of recent college grads are either jobless or underemployed, and twice as many college grads are working in minimum wage jobs today then five years ago.   Meanwhile, the federal government is making $40G a year off of its student loan business.   If ever there was a sector of the economy that needed less government interference it is the higher education sector today...   Inside Higher Ed reports: 'The start-ups -- which include places like App Academy, Dev Bootcamp, General Assembly, Hack Reactor, Hackbright Academy, and Zipfian Academy -- offer intensive, full-time, short-term training programs in computer languages and other programming skills designed to lead directly to jobs.   The fees are often steep -- typically between $8K and $12K for a 6- to 10-week course -- and are paid directly by the students, since the classes and programs (which do not award degrees) do not qualify for federal or state financial aid.'   And these start-up firms appear to be delivering results.   Venture Beat reports that, 'at Hack Reactor, where tuition costs over $17K, 99% of students are offered a job...'..."
These are the kinds of classes employers used to send their new-hires and retained employees to, and pay for, before H-1B...jgo

Frank Munger _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
bodyshop Information International Associates won $24M contract at ORNL
IIA site
Inc. profile
37 job ads on Indeed

Thomas E. Brewton
the gospel according to Fed chair Yellen
"All you need to know is that saving some of your income is bad; spending all of your income is good, even better if you go into debt to increase your spending."

Christopher S. Rugaber _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
ISM: manufacturing activity down in January

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
congressman Michael Grimm has an indirect EB-5 connection

Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
why allowing illegal aliens to choose their own "legalization status" is a very bad idea from Nowrasteh

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
welcome attention at Georgetown conference to the usually ignored 3rd flow of illegal aliens

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration and GOP's image problem with some Hispanics

Thomas Martel _V Dare_
smear tactics of the open-borders left
"In a massive Pew Research poll of 47 countries around the world, majorities in 45 of those countries favored further restricting or controlling immigration."

Megan O'Neil _Chronicle of Higher Education_
as unethical privacy violation expands, so do B-schools' data-mining-related graduate programs

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
news in the Shenandoah Valley: the Army of Northern Virgina's need for shoes

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "A physician can be forced to turn over to federal employees all medical notes taken in his office or in a hospital, including the most confidential information about his patients [and this is still so despite HIPPA/HIPAA, whatever, and moreso because of ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Likewise, it is planned to have massive detailed, computerized files on patints and doctors which will be instantly available to federal employees as an aid to the surveillance program and for such other purposes as the secretary of HEW [now Kathleen Supercilious of HHS] may provide." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg102  



David Skolnick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Bill Johnson has raised $183,566.18 in 2013Q4 in seeking re-election to 6th Ohio congressional district
"Overall, Johnson, of Marietta, running for his third term, has raised $985,697 toward his re-election campaign...   As of Dec. 31, Johnson had $650,942.37 [in total campaign funds].   Of the money Johnson raised during the last quarter of 2013, $107,460 of it came from political action committees from those representing bankers, cable television, health-care products, utility companies, the auto industry and Wal-Mart [constituting] 75% of the money he raised in the fourth quarter...   In the 14th District, freshman U.S. representative David Joyce, a Republican from Russell, raised $206,162.29 in the fourth quarter and finished 2013 with $1,141,353.84 in his campaign fund..."

Deirdre Shesgreen _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
corrupt incumbents raising big bux for election propaganda campaigns
"House [loser] John Boehner, R-West Chester, raised $11M in 2013.   As the top [RINO] in congress, he doles out much of that money to his more [corrupt] colleagues to protect his [personal power, just as the evil Harry Reid does in the senate, and Nasty Pelosi does in the House].   He had $2.87M in the bank at the start of the year..."

2014-02-04 (5774 Adar1 04)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
USA's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue; the US government has quit
Town Hall

2014-02-04 (5774 Adar1 04)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
why some Americans want smaller, cozier homes
"a longing for smaller, saner housing stock is growing.   Part of this is the result of the stumbling economy -- though, the article points out, the average size of a U.S. home has rebounded to 2,642 square feet...   The average size of a U.S. home was 1,660 square feet in 1973.   Heck, when I was born in 1962, the third child in our clan, my family was living in an 850-square-foot ranch..."

2014-02-04 (5774 Adar1 04)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
monsers hiding in plain sight

2014-02-04 (5774 Adar1 04)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
does the House GOP losership mean what they say on immigration?
"The 'principles' were going to be the first step in what [Boehner has guaranteed to] be an ugly and divisive immigration fight inside the House GOP..."

2014-02-04 (5774 Adar1 04)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
GOP losership's and left's continued striving against immigration reform
Town Hall

2014-02-04 (5774 Adar1 04)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Town Hall

2014-02-04 (5774 Adar1 04)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Republican losership strive once again to rescue the leftists/Democrats/Reds, by snatching defeat from the very jaws of victory and continue destruction of the USA
Town Hall
"Listening to discussions of immigration laws and proposals to reform them is like listening to something out of 'Alice in Wonderland'.   Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them...   What in the world is wrong with Congress taking up border security first, as a separate issue, and later taking responsibility in a Congressional vote on whether the border has become secure?   Congress at least should come out of the shadows..."

Lawrence Biemiller _Chronicle of Higher Education_
colleges/universities seeking "IT" employees with less emphasis on ethics, less tech savvy
"Technological changes put a premium on the employees' 'soft skills' in communication, relationship building, and project management rather than on technical expertise...   'It does not appear to matter what form the rewards take.   Pay raises, more advanced job titles, or special public recognition (especially when such recognition is documentable) are all viewed as value recognition and are likely to increase job satisfaction.'"
In some ways this piece seems to echo B-school-promoted fads I've read about dating back to the late 1970s and 1980s.   "Don't actually pay them for performance, just give them empty praise (but don't record it in their files in case the execs decide to dump a bunch of people tomorrow morning, because that could be personally and legally embarrassing) and they will continue to work as diligently, even if they can't pay the rent, replace the junker-car, save for retirement, pay their childrens' tuition, pay the soaring prices of food and utilities..."

Lawrence Biemiller _Global Post_
USA granting more green cards to wealthy Red Chinese as Xi Jinping cracks down on political foes
"That's the surprising conclusion of a new Hurun Report survey of 393 Chinese millionaires.   According to the report, 64% of wealthy Chinese (those with $1.6M or more) have emigrated or are planning to do so.   Hurun also found that a third of the super-rich (those with $16M or more) have established homes elsewhere...   80% want their children educated abroad.   The US is the top choice for university, and the second choice (behind the UK) for high school...   In 2010, 772 Chinese received investor green cards (given to people who invest at least $1M in businesses in the US).   In 2012, that figure leapt nearly 8-fold to 6,124...   In January, Xi stepped up his campaign by forbidding the promotion of officials who have spouses or children living abroad.   These so-called 'naked' officials are seen as especially prone to corruption.   'They belong to a high-risk group for corruption.', a party official told the state-run Xinhua news agency.   'Around 40% of economic cases and nearly 80% of corruption and embezzlement cases involve naked officials.'   In [Red China], crimes like fraud, bribery, and embezzlement are referred to as economic cases...   In fact, Xi himself was one, too.   His daughter attended Harvard under an assumed name, and the chairman's extended family has allegedly amassed assets worth several hundred million dollars...   Center for China and Globalization, more than 9M Chinese emigrated last year, most of them middle-income earners between 35 and 55 years old.   The USA was the top destination, with 81,784 Chinese receiving permanent residency in 2012."
How many of the people the US government has given green cards are genuinely corrupt?   How many are simply escaping a corrupt environment?   How many are bringing corruption into the USA?   On a 0 to 100 scale, how corrupt is Xi Jinping?   It would be nice if the US government at least conducted proper background investigations before granting visas, so that we might have some idea of the answers to these questions...jgo

Anthony Watts
dramatic thinning of Arctic lake ice cuts winter ice season by 24 days

Anthony Watts
new high-resolution record of middle to late Miocene climate

Jeffrey Lord _American Spectator_
return of something akin to the Reagan revolution
Molly K. Hooper: Hill: GOP losership battles base on immigration

Kevin Glass _Town Hall_
looking at federal government's "budget": CBO

Charles Payne _Town Hall_
smaller government larger gains

Clifton B. Parker _Leland Stanford ii University_
one key issue for corrupt executives is even more H-1B visas for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics

"timothy" _Slash Dot_
lay-offs at Dell may exceed 15K
Patrick Thibodeau: "IT" News/IDG
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld: as Dell dumps, Apple hires in Austin

David Goldman _CNN_
evil MSFT appointed Satya Nadella guest-CEO, John W. Thompson -- a noted supporter of pres. Obummer -- chairman of the board
Black America Web
Steve Johnson & Brandon Bailey: San Jose CA Mercury News
Rhiannon Williams: London Telegraph
Florida Courier

Katie Glueck _Politico_
FreedomWorks backs Greg Brannon in NC

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
ICE's report on Student Exchange and Visitor Program looks a little like it was put together by/for kindergartners

Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
interest groups petition government to unconstitutionally and illegally ignore immigration laws

Scott Morales _Granite Grok_
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The 1970 Clean Air Act... Combined with the 1975 EPA regulations... would leave developers and major industries almost no place to build in this country.   This is a counter-productive policy at any time; more clearly so when the construction industry is at its lowest level of activity since WW2.   It is unconscionable when chronic unemployment persists year after year." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg162  



Anthony Watts
ESA's CryoSat shows Arctic sea ice volume up 50% from last year

Anthony Watts
small asteroid slammed into Mars, imagery from reconnaissance orbiter

Christopher Monckton
lord Monckton invites prince Charles to spar over "unroyal" global-warming remark

A.J. Smith _MarketWatch_
10 characteristics of debt-free people

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry, who served in VietNam, continues to extort Israel because we allow him to do so

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
Joel Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Syrians being healed in Israel's hospitals

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
immigration: the final piece of the extremist left's "fundamental transformation" of the USA

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
doctor Ben Carson _Jewish World Review_
the enduring spirit of the Tea Parties

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
Ana Veciana-Suarez _Jewish World Review_
when being "fair" is really not fair, and other life lessons

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
the real snow job is believing government is the answer

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
reputation versus regulation

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
you can almost hear this one squeal: Cotton votes against pork-filled farm bill
"...There's no surer sign than this rotating crop of euphemisms that something fishy is going on in government.   And in the government-subsidized industry that American 'farming' has become.   Even the [Obummer regime's] tax on Christmas, specifically Christmas trees, is still there in this latest farm bill, but be sure to call it a Promotion Program..."

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
free the Keystone XL pipe-line

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the ObummerDoesn'tCare insecurity nightmare continues to get worse
Town Hall
please help find Marizela

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
Roger Simon _Jewish World Review_
who will run in 2016?

2014-02-05 (5774 Adar1 05)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
more school-teachers caught cheating
Town Hall

_Conservative HQ_
Virginia property rights restoration push today

David A. Patten _News Max_
proposed IRS regulations aimed at threatening GOP's 2014 senate candidates

Lisa Barron _News Max_
House Republicans may exchange increased debt ceiling for repeal of insurance company bail-out clause in ObummerDoesn'tCare

_World Net Daily_/_AP_
states taking measures to reduce some privacy violations
Oklahoma City news 9

Pete Melfi _Tea Party News Network_
Louie Gohmert asks why some people keep giving money to politicians who stand against them and their principles: Obummer regime sending weapons into Syria

Katie Marzullo _KGO San Francisco CA abc_
2013 April's terrorist attack on San Jose power station

Roger Harris _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
CEO of Knoxville Chamber of Crony Socialists, Mike Edwards, defends Communist Corpse

Thomas E. Brewton
pres. Obummer still clinging to Communist Manifesto and voodoo climatology
Jeffrey Dorfman: Forbes: much of what you've been told about the minimum wage is false
David Whitehouse: Global Warming Policy Foundation: UK Met office acknowledged temperature stand-still continues
Patrick Michaels: Forbes: will violations of scientific method to promote belief in "global warming" result in new scientific dark age?

Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
the big sort and abuse of labels to pervert the terms of debate

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Brookings issued bland assessment of EB-5 visa program

Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
call to Mike Barnickle: come back to where you once belonged

James Kirkpatrick _V Dare_
senator Jeff Sessions seems to be making progress in struggle to restore GOP

Zach Benoit & Clair Johnson _Billings MT Gazette_
Montana State U at Billings, on the edge of the shale oil and gas boom, cancelling classes Wednesday and Thursday due to "natural gas shortage"
"Jason McGimpsy, facilities services director, said that more people are using more natural gas for heating due to the cold snap, which is eating up reserves faster than usual.   'The whole country's 20 below today, or something like that.', he said.   'All the gas in the system, everything across the country combined is just using it all up.'   MSUB is on an interruptible natural gas service and has a propane backup system.   McGimpsey said the shutdown is to reduce consumption, take some of the load off of that system and hopefully address some issues its been having recently, because if the backup system is in use and goes down, the school will be without heat.   'Right now we're on our back-up system, but it's been kicking out on us throughout the day.', he said.   'We're having problems keeping that system up.   We're just kind of doing this as a precautionary measure.'..."

Claudia Rosett _PJ Media_
in praise and memory of Barry Rubin

Robert Stacy McCain _American Spectator_
Becky Yeh _One News Now_
illegal aliens with license are "very big disappointment"
"An advocate for legal immigration says California's new law providing driver's licenses for illegal immigrants will make the state a magnet for illegal behavior..."

House GOP lowership unveiled plan to give amnesty to illegal aliens, and further pervert immigration law

Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_

personal history may thrust new MSFT CEO Satya Nadella into visa debate

"The 120K jobs claim is disputed in an Economic Policy Institute report, authored by policy analyst Daniel Costa.   The report says that [MSFT's lobbyists'] data assumes that only individuals with a bachelor's degree in computer science can fill jobs in computer-related occupations.   About one-fourth to less than one-half [NSF has mentioned a figure of 44% in the past] of workers in computing occupations have a computer science degree, the study concluded..."

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On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The earliest forms of protection for farmers were known as forward contracts, which were simply bilateral agreements between seller and buyer.   A true futures contract, however, is a standardized instrument inssued by a futures exchange and hence tradable.   With the development of a standard 'to arrive' futures contract, along with a set of rules to enforce settlement and, finally, an effective clearning-house, the first true futures market was born.   Its birth-place was the Windy City: Chicago.   The creation of a permanent futures exchange in 1874 -- the Chicago Produce Exchange, the ancestor of today's Chicago Mercantile Exchange -- created a home for 'hedging' in the US commodity markets.   A pure hedge eliminates price risk entirely.   It requires a speculator as a counter-party to take on the risk.   In practice, however, most hedgers tend to engage in some measure of speculative activity, looking for ways to profit from future price movements...   it was not until the 1970s that futures could also be issued for currencies and interest rates; and not until 1982 that futures contracts on the stock market became possible." --- Niall Ferguson 2008, 2009 _The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World_ pg227  



2014-02-06 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 355,224 in the week ending February 1, a decrease of 2,432 from the previous week.   There were 388,442 initial claims in the comparable week in 2013.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.6% during the week ending January 25, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,441,429, an increase of 44,278 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.9% and the volume was 3,743,414.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending January 18 was 3,467,640, a decrease of 115,861 from the previous week.   There were 5,590,480 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2013.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending January 18...   The Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program expired on 2014 January 1, and under current law no EUC payments will be made for weeks of unemployment after this date.   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

David Skolnick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
7 Ohio incumbents face primary challenges

Willis Eschenbach
AK lakes for sale, partially thawed

Anthony Watts
East Anglia's CRU produces something useful for a change

Bob Tisdale
on Don Easterbrook's updated projection

Anthony Watts
Yale: trying to explain why earth was hot 3M years ago: forest emissions and fires
"The modeling calculations were performed on Yale University's omega supercomputer, a 704-node cluster capable of processing more than 52T calculations per second."

Anthony Watts
northern Michigan was coldest spot on the globe in 2914 January

Anthony Watts
Earth as seen from Mars

Christopher Monckton
satellites show no global warming for 17 years 5 months

2014-02-06 (5774 Adar1 06)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
saving grace -- for someone else

2014-02-06 (5774 Adar1 06)
Mary Schmich _Jewish World Review_
meeting your doppelganger through misfired e-mail messages

2014-02-06 (5774 Adar1 06)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
a tale of 2 droughts
Town Hall

2014-02-06 (5774 Adar1 06)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
the statist of the union lecture and the myth of income inequality

2014-02-06 (5774 Adar1 06)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
how Obummer could rescue millions from poverty

2014-02-06 (5774 Adar1 06)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
"Alone Yet Not Alone" vs. Academy's "ethics"
Town Hall
"If anyone cares about the film's plot at this point, the web-site Yahoo! Movies describes it as '...an alleged true-life tale from 1755 of two young sisters kidnapped by Native Americans after a raid on their family farm'.   The girls maintain their faith, which helps them endure and overcome their circumstances.   The production company, Enthuse Entertainment, based in San Antonio, Texas, describes itself as making 'God-honoring, faith-based, family-friendly films that inspire the human spirit to seek and know God'.   Given this parentage, it's a miracle the song was nominated..."

2014-02-06 (5774 Adar1 06)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
executive order tyranny

2014-02-06 (5774 Adar1 06)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
a bridge too far-fetched
Town Hall

2014-02-06 (5774 Adar1 06)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
how special election in Florida's 13th congressional district could horribly burn Obummer: Sink v. Jolly

_Daily Illini_
grade inflation minimizes value of grades as sorting mechanism
"Whatever the rumors were about C being average -- that's not the case anymore. Nowadays, A has become the new C. According to a December Washington Post article, nearly 41% of undergraduates obtain an A- grade or higher, while only 5% of undergraduates are receiving grades of C or less, nationally... But what this grade inflation really reflects is that colleges are losing their grasp on how to gauge students' work [and hence so are employers]. Even Harvard University, ranked by U.S. News & World Report as the #2 university in the nation, found that the median grade was an A- and the most frequently received grade was an A. One of the nation's most rigorous schools is also one of the nation's most lenient graders..."

Stephanie Kim _Daily Illini_
how one engineering freshman's hobby developing mobile apps turned into a career
"Since the start of his programming career, Miller has made more than one dozen apps, the majority of which were games for all iPhone and Android models.   However, he plans to create mobile apps for those who want to earn money from their content, such as their FB fan pages and personal on-line web-sites..."

_Conservative HQ_
gaining a majority of seats in the US senate is not only about politics, it's about people's lives

George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
state and federal GOP losership are adopting leftist measures and tactics
"The problem is that while establishment Republicans out in the states talk a good game, when it comes to actually letting the market work -- especially the health care and health insurance markets -- they often end-up with the same kind of policies that Obama and the Democrats on Capitol Hill have adopted..."

Daniel J. Mitchell _Conservative HQ_
from Truman through Obummer, federal laws and regulation have been leading us to a dismal legacy of long-run unemployment
graphs of duration of unemployment

John Ransom _Town Hall_
completing the Keystone XL pipe-line is so obviously the right thing to do that this, alone, explains why the far left is against it

Jack Kerwick _Town Hall_
Obummer's far leftist fantasies lead to a hell on earth for the lover of liberty

Robert Knight _Town Hall_
Reagan Resolve part 4: reducing federal spending... but not quite carried through

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
John Boehner says there will be no immigration perversion until we can trust Obummer... but we can't trust Boehner, either

Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
senators refuse to be Obummer's scape-goat on bad deal with Iran

W. James Antle iii _Daily Caller_
Simpson-Mazzoli-Reagan amnesty did not curb illegal immigration

Bradford Thomas _Truth Revolt_
"The Arroyo" takes on the un-fenced, un-defended US borders: one man draws a line

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "For every 100 serious crimes just over 20 result in arrests, and only 5 result in convictions.   It is safe to say that even fewer result in actual prison sentences.   Recidivism is another disturbing aspect of the crime picture.   According to the UCRs about 70% of all those who have been through the criminal justice system return to prison.   Additionally, it has been stated that there are fewer persons in state and federal prisons today than there were 15 years ago." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg169  



Johannes Herbst
proper cherry-picking

Anthony Watts
2 guys with a ruler spoof, disprove White House global warming claims (video)

2014-02-07 (5774 Adar1 07)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
happy birth-day George, Abe, Ronnie, and you, too, William

2014-02-07 (5774 Adar1 07)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
theologians at the UN

2014-02-07 (5774 Adar1 07)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's policy bringing nuclear disaster closer

2014-02-07 (5774 Adar1 07)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
at what point do enough people scream "too much!"?

2014-02-07 (5774 Adar1 07)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
if the USA were a nation of constitutional laws, Obummer would be impeached and removed

2014-02-07 (5774 Adar1 07)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Mona Charen

2014-02-07 (5774 Adar1 07)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the left's Valentine to defiant jihad-enabler Lynne Stewart
"Stewart was convicted in 2005 of helping terrorist Omar Abdel Rahman -- the murderous Blind Sheik -- smuggle coded messages of Islamic violence to outside followers in violation of an explicit pledge to abide by her client's court-ordered isolation. Rahman, Stewart's 'political client', had called on Muslims to 'destroy' the West, 'burn their companies, eliminate their interests, sink their ships, shoot down their planes, kill them on the sea, air or land'.   He issued bloody fatwas against U.S. 'infidels' that inspired the 1993 WTC bombing, the 1997 massacre of Western tourists in Luxor, Egypt, and the 2001/09/11 attacks.   Stewart ignored a judge's communications ban, transmitting Rahman's edicts of violence to fellow jihadist Rifa'l Ahman Tara in Egypt.   She smuggled out a coded order to his followers lifting a ceasefire between his terrorist group and the Egyptian government.   She personally delivered one of the messages to a Reuters reporter..."
please help find Marizela

Roger A. Pielke
decadal time scales in the 20013 UN IPCC WG1 report annex 1 is not scientifically robust

Anthony Watts
State Dept. OIG says global climate change funds data may be unreliable

Anthony Watts
statistical flaws in science: false positives
Science News

Thomas E. Brewton
Fed follies in a nut-shell

Mike Ferguson _Billings MT Gazette_
Billings teams sweep MathCounts competition

Star Parker _World Net Daily_
more attempts by Obummer regime's IRS to stifle free speech
Jewish World Review

Edwin S. Rubenstein _V Dare_
BLS jobs report is getting "weird", but January looks like a cold job market for both immigrants and Americans

This Date in History
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Proposed Bills 2014

  "It has been estimated that an adult burglar risks about 24 chances in 100K of being imprisoned for any offense.   A juvenile can expect imprisonment at a rate as little as half that.   Some economists [and criminologists] have begun to advance the theory that because the overall chance of apprehension, conviction, and imprisonment are so appallingly low many criminals have determined that crime does pay.   They maintain that most criminals are not confused, irrational persons victimized by an unjust society, but rather decision-makers who arrive at their choice of crime by weighing the risks and alternatives [and probable rewards].   It follows that toughening up on crime after so many years of permissivness will have a salutary effect [and so, mostly, it did]." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg172  



Cindy Uken _Billings MT Gazette_
nationwide shortage of saline solution
"An FDA spokesman told The Billings Gazette that the agency is 'concerned about the seriousness of the shortage' and is working with 3 manufacturers -- Baxter, Hospira, and B. Braun Medical -- to 'ramp up supplies'.   Christopher C. Kelly, a spokesman for the FDA, said the agency is also investigating alternative sources to help address the situation...   Millions of bags of IV saline solution are used each week, and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists has called it a 'critical shortage'..."

Anthony Watts
Mark Steyn
Yes, we can say that
Ruthfully Yours
Judith Curry's week in review

"Aurelius" _Pundit Press_
NC NAACP requires photo IDs to participate in rally to protest voter ID laws
Dwight Stephens: ChowChillaPatriot
"In a flier entitled 'Important Dos and Don'ts for Marchers'...   In the middle of the list, however, is a drastically ironic 'Do'.   To go to the rally, you are asked to have 'photo identification (driver's license, passport or other valid photo id) with you and keep it on your person at all times.'..."

Patrick Cleburne _V Dare_
_Weekly Standard_ acknowledges immigration impact on income

Roger Harris _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
U of TN to focus on research confidentiality compliance: prof was convicted in 2008 of violations of Arms Export Control act
Roger Harris index

Dee _Tea Party "Command Center"_
anchor baby outrage: costing Americans billions (video)

Quentin Fottrell _MarketWatch_
job interviews are getting weirder

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
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Proposed Bills 2014

  "In Iowa a study of math skills was conducted in 1973 for grades 6 and 8.   A test which had been given in 1936, 1951-1955, and 1965 was given to students in 1973.   The results were discouraging.   The 1973 students scored lower than all students from all previous periods [which might be understandable due to vocabulary drift; they might have trouble understanding the older usages of words in the stating of the problems/tasks].   The results are not surprising when recent curricular 'innovations' designed to make learning 'relevant' at the expense of real content are considered... calculators...   To most people it would be fairly obvious that such devices under-cut the child's ability to make basic calculations on his own...   Both directly and indirectly the federal government has been giving its support to curricular change and to making those [questionable] changes acceptablee to a justifiably skeptical public...   some government agencies [abuse tax-victims'] money to develop and widely disseminate materials which, although supposedly based on 'highly reputable' [in what circles?] educational theoris, are repugnant to most parents and children alike.   Several doctors have testified that they believe these 2 courses to be psychologically harmful...advocated the use of drugs to 'enhance learning'..." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pp179-180  



Lori Borgman _Defiance OH Crescent-News_
giving your child an unfair advantage
Dallas/Ft. Worth TX Star-Telegram

Tony Brown
Black swans? dispatches form the front-line

Anthony Watts
you were saying what about the eco-terrorists, lord Deben?

Willis Eschenbach
time and the tides wait for Godot

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
Chubby and "The Twist" -- the left continues to cling to leftism in the age of Obummer
"I'm not all that sentimental.   But it didn't take me long to figure out why the tears fell.   Chubby Checker recorded 'The Twist' in 1960, when he was 18 years old.   I was 15 0r 16 at the time, depending on the time of year.   Six years later I was in Chubby's native South Carolina in the civil rights movement..."

_News Max_
Obummer regime allowing those who gave limited support to terrorists to be granted refuge in USA
Saving the Republic
"'President Obama should be protecting U.S. citizens rather than taking a chance on those who are aiding and abetting terrorist activity and putting Americans at greater risk.', says Virginia GOP representative Robert Goodlatte, chairman of the House Judiciary committee and part of the GOP House leadership team working on immigration reform...   The Department of Homeland Security [DHS] and the State Department now say that people considered to have provided 'limited material support' to terrorists or terrorist groups are no longer automatically barred from the United States...   A post-2001 Sept. 11 provision in immigrant law, known as terrorism related inadmissibility grounds, had affected anyone considered to have given support.   With little exception, the provision has been applied rigidly to those trying to enter the U.S. and those already here but wanting to change their immigration status.   As word spread about the Obama administration's unilateral move late last week, Republicans began issuing denunciations.   Alabama Republican senator Jeff Sessions offered a scathing rebuke of the very ideal of 'limited material support' to terrorists.   'Not only is this a national security issue, but a financial issue: those granted admission gain access to federal welfare programs funded by U.S. [tax-victims].', Sessions said in a statement.   'It seems the Obama Administration has forgotten that our immigration laws are meant to protect the interests of Americans.'   Sessions specifically cited a recently-released audit of immigration systems that revealed that 70% of applications for asylum contained warning signs for fraud.   He quoted warnings from USCIS union head Kenneth Palinkas' that the immigration processing system has become a 'visa clearing house for the world'..."

John Bennett _American Thinker_

"Assimilation used to be the ideal that was strived for by immigrants and encouraged by our society.   Instead of urging assimilation, some Republicans are bizarrely promoting amnesty for people who are not assimilating.   Hanson pointed out that many of today's immigrants are not repeating the pattern of the Italians or Greeks, as just 2 examples.   While Latino studies programs can be found at almost all universities, one does not find such 'studies' for Italians or Greeks.   That is just one dramatic distinction between immigrants today and past immigrants..."

Victor David Hanson _PJ Media_
an immigration morality tale
"one of the strangest things about illegal immigration is that a nation that is monitored, taped, videoed, and bugged, that is struggling now with the AP, IRS, and NSA scandals whose common theme is excessive government intrusions in our private lives, knows absolutely nothing about those who arrive illegally into the U.S.A. [or over-stay temporary visas]..."
Fresno CA Bee

Brendan Brodelon _Daily Caller_
Laura Ingraham on immigration (video)
"'The Wall Street Journal attacked, in that editorial, talk radio and the people rising up against this, and John Boehner cowering.', Ingraham began.   'As far as I can tell, the Wall Street Journal is on the side of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Pat Leahy and La Raza.   Talk radio, for the most part, is on the side of, yes, Heritage, probably other Tea Party-type groups, most Republican senators and congressmen and I think the lion's share of the American people...   She went on to note the 'middle ground on immigration is enforcement', bemoaning a lack of border control and laws that allow illegal immigrants to receive special benefits...   'Do we care about American workers at all? And their jobs, and their wages and their dreams?'...   'The labor shortage argument...that we have an impending labor shortage -- I think, transparently, it is ridiculous to most people, today.'..."

"BMartin1776" _Saving the Republic_

_Building On-Line_
Conference Board consumer confidence index up from 77.5 in December to 80.7 for January
Kathleen Madigan: NASDAQ
RTT News
Steve Goldstein: MarketWatch
"Those saying jobs are 'plentiful' ticked up to 12.7% from 11.9%, while those saying jobs are 'hard to get' decreased slightly to 32.6% from 32.9%."

the Swiss voted to limit immigration, require preferential hiring of Swiss
Frank Jordans & Anja Niedringhaus: Worcester MA Telegram/AP
WHIG Quincy IL
Augusta GA Chronicle: their "house", their rules
"a majority of Switzerland voters approved a referendum to curb immigration levels and require that Swiss nationals be given priority in hiring. Like most of Western Europe, Switzerland has seen massive levels of immigration in recent years. Today, one in four Swiss residents is foreign-born. The 28-member EU, of which Switzerland is not a member..."

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
the panic of the Confederate congress?: a call for conscription of free blacks: 1864 February and March

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "many of the major programs that are being funded have not been evaluated, and in some cases where negative results are in, the congress has continued funding the same questionable projects." --- Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg182  



2014-02-10 (5774 Adar1 10)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
Gitmo, Inc.: imprisoned jihadis have a business plan

2014-02-10 (5774 Adar1 10)
Lisa Gerstner _Jewish World Review_
how to complain effectively
"Gather information, such as account numbers, warranties, proof of purchase, and model or serial numbers...   If photos would bolster your case...   Think of a few options that you could suggest...   If you find a phone number with a local area code, dial that one first...   copies of receipts, records and any other relevant materials...   Note that [snailed] correspondence is a strategy that may better serve you later in the process if your initial efforts fall flat...   Keep records of your correspondence: Get the names of people you speak to, take note of the date and time of your interaction, and save online conversations of all types -- you may, for instance, want to take a screen shot of any Twitter dialogue you have with a company in case it removes tweets later.   If the problem isn't resolved immediately, tell the business that you plan to follow up by a certain date if you don't hear back..."
how to reach something remotely resembling a human

_Conservative HQ_
professor Dave Brat running for VA's 7th congressional district
"Enter Dave Brat, chairman of the department of economics and business at Randolph-Macon College...   In addition to chairing the college's economics department Brat also heads Randolph-Macon's BB&T Moral Foundations of Capitalism program.   The funding for the program came from John Allison, the former CEO of BB&T (a financial-services company) who now heads the Cato Institute.   According to reporting by Woodruff, Brat and Allison share an affinity for Ayn Rand: John Allison is a major supporter of the Ayn Rand Institute, and Brat co-authored a paper titled 'An Analysis of the Moral Foundations in Ayn Rand'.   Brat says that while he isn't a Randian, he has been influenced by _Atlas Shrugged_ and appreciates Rand's case for human freedom and free markets.   While we like Dave Brat's intellectual background (got a business degree from Hope College in Holland, Michigan, then went to Princeton seminary) and especially the way his religious background informs his views on economics: 'I've always found it amazing how we have the grand swath of the Judeo-Christian tradition, and we lost moral arguments on (fiscal-policy issues) the major issue of our day.', he told [National Review's] Woodruff, Dave Brat isn't some egghead professor -- he's the candidate of the grass-roots limited government constitutional conservatives and Tea Party movement activists.   'It's a big decision to fire your congressman and replace him with somebody else', Larry Nordvig, head of the Richmond Tea Party told NRO, 'but I think people are tired of hearing the rhetoric and seeing the opposite of what they're looking for in a conservative leader.'"
28 more ObummerDoesn'tCare regulations in the pipe-line

Amil Imani _American Thinker_
do leftists care if 3rd world illnesses infect Americans?

Howard Hyde _American Thinker_
"BMartin1776" _Saving the Republic_
95% of climate models agree: the observations/measurements/data must be wrong

Eric Worrall
ego-driven pseudo-science

Anthony Watts
historical and present total solar irradiance data have been tinkered with again

Carolyn Tyler, Lyanne Melendez & Amy Hollyfield _KGO San Francisco CA_/_abc_
only in Kwazy Kali-fornia: terrible drought across the state, crops dying, reservoirs and rivers down... flooding in Sili Valley and "North Bay"
state gov't deeply in debt, firms dumping employees, additional taxes and regs imposed, hundreds to be hired to work at unemployment offices, over-time authorized

Thomas E. Brewton
the Obummer regime's great fall, like Humpty Dumpty's
Jonathan S. Tobin: Commentary: more unconstitutional and extra-legal executive delays and set-asides can't save ObummerDoesn'tCare

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
has the USA as "land of the free" been destroyed and we just haven't realize it?
Personally, I think the down-fall started in the late 1800s, with leftist intellectuals taking over education, massively excessive immigration, the creation of IBM and increased privacy violation by the census bureau, advent of birth and death certificates, the first driver licensing, restrictions on doctors and medical schools, prohibition...   The next massive drop down the flusher was in 1912-1913 with advent of the Federal Reserve, income extortion and direct election of senators.   Then the Wilson regime ran amok.   Then, of course, the even more leftist power-mad, politically corrupt FDR regime...   Truman, LBJ (Perverse Society, Medicare, Medicaid...), Nixon (EPA, end of loose tie to gold, price controls, continuing Fed devaluation of currency...), Ford, Carter (over-taxing, over-spending, over-regulating, appeasement...), Reagan (the failure to make the cuts and eliminations of unconstitutional activities of the federal government; the net increase in taxes -- one big but inadequate cut, 13 increases; the amnesty for illegal aliens), GHWBush (taxes, 2nd amendment violations, Ruby Ridge, hatching of H-1B visa program...), Clintoon (Reno & Waco massacre, HillaryDoesn'tCare, travel office, Vince Foster, H-1B visa program expansions during recession and massive unemployment...), Shrub (unpatriotic act, taxes, part D, Fed still devaluing the currency...), and of course his cousin, pres. Obummer in all his collectivist, extortionate, destructive anti-constitutional, rights-violating gory...jgo

David Keene _Washington DC Times_
thousands of western MD citizens want to form their own state
"'I just simply want to live as a free human being with limited government intrusion in my life and that's really why I do this.'... Maryland's lawmakers don't listen to their concerns... Maryland isn't the only state where frustrated citizens want to break away. It's happening in Colorado, California, Arizona and Michigan... More than 8K people like the FB page for the Western Maryland Initiative and more than 1K have signed petitions..."

Jon Healey _LATimes_
What should the GOP have gotten in exchanger for temporarily increasing the federal government debt ceiling?
Seriously?   The annual federal deficit has been running about $900T to $1.3T, so, at a minimum, I'd demand between $1T and $1.4T per year in spending cuts.   It's not as though there were not plenty of pork and unconstitutional expenditures.   Congress should make minimum cuts of at least 40% from FY2013 amounts spent up to total elimination of: ObummerDoesn'tCare, Socialist Insecurity Abomination (you could start immediately by letting everyone opt out), Medicare, Medicaid, NPR/CPB, Endowments for the Arts and Humanities (including AFI for all that I love watching and making big budget Hollyweird movies), EPA, Dept. of Education (leave NCES alone), Dept. of Energy, Fannie and Freddie and Sallie subsidies, foreign aid, HHS, FEC, IRS, NSF (since they've been stabbing US STEM pros in the back for decades), Dept. of Interior, US Trade Representative (that stabbing in the back thing, again), ExIm bank, World Bank, IMF, UN, WTO, NOAA, OSHA, White House travel, cut congressional and judicial (supreme court and federal circus courts) and executive pay by at least 5% from those those whose total compensation packages are in the top 10%, cut total compensation for congressional losership positions and staffers by at least 10%, slash congressional benefits by at least 40% since they've been asleep at the wheel when not outright corrupt for several decades.
Then we could transfer very small amounts of funds to finishing the 8600 or so miles of border fencing, replace and upgrade some worn out DoD equipment and supplies, put some of the troops along the borders, and restore medical care and pension benefits for veterans whose income and wealth are in the bottom 50%.
AND, over a decade or so, pay the $17T of debt down at least below the $50G level.
The US federal government took over 112 years to spend, in total over all those years, $20G; for a couple decades they've been spending that much each month on interest on the debt...jgo

Arnold Ahlert _Front Page Magazine_
Iran answers Obummer regime's appeasement... with battle-ships

W. James Antle iii _American Conservative_
work and life under ObummerDoesn'tCare: why the debate over the CBO report on work decisions and medical insurance matters

Michael Ramirez _Investor's Business Daily_
a few humongous "smidgeons" of corruption in the Obummer regime

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Whenever peace -- conceived as the avoidance of war -- has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the inter-national system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member of the inter-national community.   Whenever the inter-national order has acknowleded that certain principles could not be compromised even for the sake of peace, stability base on an equilibrium of forces was at least conceivable." --- Henry A. Kissinger (Marjorie S. Holt, William L. Armstrong, John H. Rousselot, Jack F. Kemp, William M. Ketchum, Robin L. Beard, William F. Goodling, Sam Steiger, Edward J. Derwinski, Philip M. Crane et al. 1976 _The Case Against the Reckless Congress_ pg199)  



Rolf Westgard
we don't know clouds

Anthony Watts
pseudo-scientific climate craziness of the week: stress fish, then heat them up; if any die it's because of "climate warming"

Anthony Watts
GA Tech: signs of flowing water on Mars... but difficult to prove

2014-02-11 (5774 Adar1 11)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
why do leftists want the Boston bomber to live?
"So, then, a man who placed a bomb next to an 8-year-old boy and blew him up along with other innocent people must not be executed because executing such people is 'discriminatory and arbitrary', is 'inherently cruel and unusual punishment', and because the death penalty provides only an 'illusion of ultimate punishment'..."

2014-02-11 (5774 Adar1 11)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
discouraging work

2014-02-11 (5774 Adar1 11)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the end of the snow job

2014-02-11 (5774 Adar1 11)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
the Clintons in the war against women

2014-02-11 (5774 Adar1 11)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
socialism, not access to care, is Obummer's goal

2014-02-11 (5774 Adar1 11)
Michael Gerson _Jewish World Review_
Burke and Paine, a rivalry that still reverberates

2014-02-11 (5774 Adar1 11)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer even tries to make his scandals disappear by decree
"It requires terrific confidence in the passivity of the press to float the discredited 'Cincinnati did it all' dodge since we know that IRS employees in that office were taking direction from Washington.   We further know that IRS offices in California; Oklahoma; Washington, DC and other places have been identified as singling out groups with 'Tea Party' or 'Patriot' in their names..."

2014-02-11 (5774 Adar1 11)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
random thoughts
"Once, when I was teaching at an institution that bent over backward for foreign students, I was asked in class one day: 'What is your policy toward foreign students?'   My reply was: 'To me, all students are the same.   I treat them all the same and hold them all to the same standards.'   The next semester there was an organized boycott of my classes by foreign students.   When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination."

Thomas E. Brewton
cold weather blamed for fuel shortages
"Propane shortages have been experienced across the nation, while a shortage of wood pellets used in stoves has left shelves bare at some retailers...   In Pennsylvania, the pre-tax price of residential propane rose from $3.33 per gallon on January 6 to $3.90 per gallon on Feb. 3, according to the United States Energy Information Administration.   Nationwide, prices rose from $2.83 per gallon on Jan. 6 to $4.01 per gallon on Jan. 27, although prices dropped to $3.89 per gallon by February 3.   The pre-tax cost of residential heating oil in Pennsylvania has also risen, from $3.75 per gallon on Jan. 6, to $4.06 per gallon on Feb. 3, according to the administration."

David Steinberg _PJ Media_
Obummer reveals his obliviousness at Monticello

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
the leftists'/Democrats' war against work

Andrew C. McCarthy _PJ Media_
"AllahPundit" _Hot Air_
it's time for us to start shaming these leftist/Dem and RINO opponents of immigration reform

Jon Healey _LATimes_
conservatives want to get John Boehner out of speakership, out of congress

Angelo M. Codevilla _Washington DC Times_
lessons from Switzerland's immigration referendum: the governing class is unnerved when people vote their national interest
"On Sunday, the people of Switzerland approved a referendum that imposes restrictions on the number of foreigners allowed to live and work in their country despite an all-out opposition campaign on the part of the country's political, social and economic establishment, as well as by every government of the European Union [i.e. the dictatorial set].   The Euro-American ruling class is up in arms at the result because the Swiss people decided to do things that the majority of people throughout Europe and America might like to do, but which the rulers in these pretend democracies prevent the people from doing...   27% of its population is made up of foreigners.   It lives by foreign trade..."

Patrick J. Buchanan _Human Events_
has the leftists' illfare state reached the end of the line?... or has it gone past it for a few decades?

Jim Hoft _GateWay Pundit_
Carol Platt Liebau: Town Hall
Tea Party News Network
composite: "Today representative Dave Camp (R-MI), the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, confirmed that 100% of the established 501(c)(4) groups the IRS selected for audit were conservative...   conservative groups applying for 501(c)(4) status that came in for IRS targeting and harassment.   Existing 501(c)(4)'s were targeted, as well.   In fact, Camp stated, 'At Washington, DC's direction, dozens of groups operating as 501(c)(4)s were flagged for IRS surveillance, including monitoring of the groups' activities, web-sites and any other publicly available information.   Of these groups, 83% were right-leaning.   And of the groups the IRS selected for audit, 100% were right-leaning.'"

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Let righteous men do their good deeds with the same zeal that evil men do bad ones." --- the Belzer Rebbe (source: Jewish World Review)  



Quentin Fottrell _MarketWatch_
why more US workers are quitting their jobs or retiring
"The percentage of U.S. workers who voluntarily left their jobs hit 1.7% in December, little changed from 1.8% in November, but still higher than the recent low of 1.2% in September 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Tuesday..."

Kirtland Griffin
what exactly is "coastal resilience" anyway?

Anthony Watts & Sam Outcalt
end of "modern warm regime" recognized in total solar irradiance data?

Anthony Watts
South Australia has more hypothermia deaths than Sweden

Anthony Watts
U of IL: grocery bags can heat your home, run your diesel truck or car, naptha, waxes, hydraulic fluid & lubricating oil

Anthony Watts
snow in 49 of 50 states

Jeffry Bartash _MarketWatch_
House loser John Boehner at odds with congressmen from neighboring districts... again

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
James Rosen _Jewish World Review_
is the USA powerless to stop the spread of al-Qaeda, or is it only a lack of will to do so by the Obummer regime leftists and squishy RINOs?

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Ana Veciana-Suarez _Jewish World Review_
Why didn't I think of that?
"Hello Kitty, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, has made billions for Sanrio, the company that manufactures it. A recent article reported that the kitty's fame baffles even its creator, Japanese illustrator Yuko Shimizu... the laundry basket that hugs the body for easier carrying... Velcro, by the way, was the brain-child of Swiss engineer George de Mestral, who, legend has it, went for a walk in the woods and realized that the burrs that stuck to his slacks might prove useful... "
This may help explain the proliferation of excessive praise for insignificant "inventions", and why the B-school set tosses around the term "innovation" for things many STEM pros had long considered to be prior art...jgo

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Jim Mullen _Jewish World Review_
and the loser is... us
"They came in second...by a single hundredth of second.   Or as it's called in the real world, a tie...   in competitions, hyper-sensitive time-keeping makes being 0.01 of a second behind the 'winner' somewhat like being a Soviet politician in the Cold War who falls out of favor.   You're removed from the history books; your name is never spoken again.   You become a non-person...   hundreds of stars can walk down the red carpet at the Academy Awards and they'll all get the over-the-top celebrity treatment.   But if gold and silver Olympians walk into an event, the silver medalist may as well be in the witness protection program for all the attention he won't get.   He'll never see his face on a Cheerios box; he won't be in TV ads; he won't get as many sponsors...   Contestants that get kicked off 'Survivor' on their very first week will get a publicist and an agent to paw through their offers to appear on morning shows and at state fairs.   It gets even stranger if you compare someone who comes in second at the Olympics to, say, the 71st best TV sportscaster in the country, who is treated like the Sun King.   He doesn't have to be first, second or third best.   He just has to be on TV..."

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
doctor Ben Carson _Jewish World Review_
was Putin correct about our godlessness?

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Lloyd M. Green _Political Mavens_
ObummerDoesn'tCare punishes the Middle Class... as was intended

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Michael Ollove _Jewish World Review_
increasing medical identity theft and other privacy violations
"Last month, the Identity Theft Resource Center produced a survey showing that medical-related identity theft accounted for 43% of all identity thefts reported in the United States in 2013.   That is a far greater chunk than identity thefts involving banking and finance, the government and the military, or education.   The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says that since it started keeping records in 2009, the medical records of between 27.8M and 67.7M people have been breached [and that doesn't count the millions more whose privacy HHS and affiliated government thugs have breached]..."

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
porcine government and privileged people
"During the 'fiscal cliff' negotiations that Congress and the media made sound so tough -- as if every last penny were pinched -- congress still managed to slip in plenty of special deals for cronies.   NASCAR got $70M for new race-tracks.   Algae growers got $60M.   Hollywood film producers got a $430M tax break...   labor unions were big supporters of president Barack Obama, and -- presto -- unions got 451 waivers from [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Congressional staff got a special exception, too...   Subsidies for 'green energy' were supposed to go to the best ideas.   Yet somehow your money went to companies like Solyndra, whose biggest share-holder just happened to be an Obama backer who bundled money for the president.   And somehow Al Gore, who had a modest income when he entered politics, reaped $200M from [ahem] brilliant investments after he left office...   [leftist] commentator Ellis Henican says this cronyism is 'inevitable' and doesn't really bother him...   I say it's one more reason to keep government small.   Politicians doling out favors quietly shift where society's resources flow, who gets employed, what ideas are pursued.   It distorts the economy and the culture -- and it turns us into a nation of favor-seekers instead of creators and producers..."

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Roger Simon _Jewish World Review_
political campaigns battle citizen journalists
"I have rarely met a political operative who believes that journalism is actually on the level.   They do not believe that journalism is agenda-free or that a journalist's only agenda is to report the truth without 'fear or favor'.   Journalists claim to have standards, but the political operative is hard-pressed to see what those standards might be..."

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
a too-early look at the 2016 race for president: bet on a dark horse

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the key to it all/ pres. Lincoln's birth-day
"What was the country's spirit like as Abraham Lincoln delivered his second Inaugural Address as president of the United States on Saturday, 1865 March 4? What must it have been like to be there that day?...   'Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish.   And the war came...   These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest.   All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war...   Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained...   The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully.   The Almighty has His own purposes.'..."

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
dependency, not poverty
Town Hall
"The Census Bureau pegs the poverty rate among blacks at 35% and among whites at 13%.   The illegitimacy rate among blacks is 72%, and among whites it's 30%.   A statistic that one doesn't hear much about is that the poverty rate among black married families has been in the single digits for more than 2 decades, currently at 8%.   For married white families, it's 5%..."
Robert Rector & Rachel Sheffield: Heritage: surprising facts about the USA's poor

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
culture of corruption post-script: the Hilda Solis files
Town Hall
"Solis' husband's businesses failed to pay thousands of dollars in tax liens, which were 16 years old, until she was nominated.   While she was in Congress, Solis served as director and treasurer of a union-promoting lobbying group, American Rights at Work, which was pushing her Big Labor 'card check' legislation to eliminate the secret ballot, undermine worker choice and obliterate privacy protections.   Solis failed to disclose those interest-conflicted positions to the House on her financial disclosure forms.   In effect, she was lobbying herself -- while the group she worked for raked in at least $1M in contributions from labor unions and spent thousands of dollars on television spots described by the group in its report to the FEC as 'electioneering communications'.   The scheme circumvented vaunted McCain-Feingold campaign finance reforms barring so-called soft money donations from unions and corporations alike.   Despite apparent violations of both basic disclosure and campaign finance rules, Solis skated.   Upon winning confirmation, Solis quickly went to work doling out plum political appointments at the Labor Department and fat pay raises to a half-dozen of her former Capital Hill staffers.   Americans for Limited Government found that 'the appointees had significant pay increases averaging 50% upon changing jobs; one employee's salary nearly doubled'.   Cha-cha-cha-ching!   After stepping down from her Obama cabinet position last year, Solis is back in the political spot-light.   With massive union backing of some $500K, she's running for the powerful Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors...   her resignation coincided with an FBI inquiry into her role at an [Obummer] re-election campaign fund-raiser in 2012..."
please help find Marizela

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare will reduce income of most Americans

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime (& Schmucky Schumer) striving to bring an end to fair elections
Town Hall
"They are rushing through a change in IRS regulations that would prevent tea party organizations and other not-for-profits, called 501(c)(4)s, from engaging in customary pre-election activities, such as get-out-the-vote drives, debates and forums, and distributing brochures that rate candidates.   The regulation would even prohibit these groups from criticizing incumbent office-holders within 60 days of a general election..."
Bridget Johnson: PJ Media

2014-02-12 (5774 Adar1 12)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
USA colleges & universities and Weimar Germany
"College tuition and fees increased 1,120 percent between 1978 and 2012 -- twice as much as health care, 4 times as much as the cost of living.   Recent college graduates earn 15% less than did grads in 2000.   Since 2006, for Americans aged 25 to 34, the economic advantage of a bachelor's degree has fallen 11% for men, 19.7% for women.   That's partly because so many do work for which no more than a high school diploma is required.   30% of flight attendants, 17% of bar-tenders and bell-hops, 5% of janitors have bachelors degrees or higher.   At least they have jobs.   Only 16% of 2013 grads do, according to the management consulting firm [cross-border bodyshop] Accenture...   Nearly half the students they studied at 24 colleges learned next to nothing in 2 years, said Professors Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa.   College students in 1961 spent 25 hours a week studying, on average.   More than a third in the Arum/Roksa study spent less than 5..."

_Conservative HQ_
Boehner & Cantor at top of federal debt list of shame

George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
Guy Benson: Hot Air: Democrat said he doesn't like Clarence Thomas because "he's married to a white woman"

Arnold Ahlert _Front Page Magazine_
the corrupt, anti-constitution, lawless presidency

Matthew Vadum _Front Page Magazine_
Robert Reich's leftist revolutionary rants

Ben Shapiro _Front Page Magazine_
why Dems hate work

2014-02-12 (visited)
_Discover the Networks_
Zuckerberg et al.
"Pro-Democrat organization founded in 2013 to promote the passage of 'comprehensive immigration reform'.   Spawned 2 subsidiary organizations -- 'Americans for a Conservative Direction' and the 'Council for American Job Growth'...   Though FWD describes its 13 co-founders as a 'bi-partisan' alliance, their political allegiances in fact lean heavily, though not entirely, toward Democrats.   In addition to Mark Zuckerberg, the organization's co-founders include...   The 4 remaining FWD founders have little to no history of political partisanship.   These include Dropbox vice presidents Aditya Agarwal and Ruchi Sanghvi; Benchmark general partner Matt Cohler; and The Social+Capital Partnership founder Chamath Palihapitiya.   FWD's leading financial contributors include such notables as [former] MSFT CEO Steve Ballmer, FB vice president Chris Cox, PayPal co-founder Max Levchin, Yahoo president/CEO Marissa Mayer (a major Obama acolyte), and..."

Robert J. Samuelson _Investor's Business Daily_
the theory that economic inequality is a source of our economic ills doesn't fit the facts
"hardly anyone champions today's extreme inequality.   But that doesn't settle the issue..."

Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Nasty Pelosi still corrupt after all these years

Bill Straub _PJ Media_
eager to lose: GOP lowership over-rides efforts of sane Representatives to block debt ceiling increase

David P. Goldman _PJ Media_
Israel at point of no return in forward progress

Seth Barron _City Journal_
leftist values in action in Moscow on the Hudson: twisted priorities

Jim treacher
Johnny Bolton and Citizens for a Really Safe Ashland on firearms

Lindsay Armstrong _DNA Info_
world's oldest known crown found in Israel part of exhibit at Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University
"The crown — a blackened metal ring topped with vultures and doors -- is a relic from the Copper Age, which occurred about 6K years ago...   'Masters of Fire: Copper Age Art from Israel' contains 157 items representing 8 decades worth of archaeological discoveries from Israel... "

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1809-02-12: pres. Abraham Lincoln (son of Thomas Lincoln & Nancy Hanks; grand-son of Abraham Lincoln & Bathsheba Herring; ggs of John Lincoln & Rebecca Flowers) b: 1809-02-12 at Sinking Spring, Hodgenville, KY d: 1865-04-15 at Peterson House, Washington, DC
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Group-mindedness may employ the language of rights, but it is the enemy of the understanding of rights that shaped American law and American habits." --- Richard Brookhiser 1992 _The Way of the WASP: How It Made America and How It Can Save It... So to Speak_ pg147  



2014-02-13 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 358,914 in the week ending February 8, an increase of 3,727 from the previous week.   There were 361,417 initial claims in the comparable week in 2013.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.6% during the week ending February 1, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,464,006, an increase of 14,387 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.9% and the volume was 3,667,052.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending January 25 was 3,524,188, an increase of 57,339 from the previous week.   There were 5,918,175 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2013.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending January 25...   [The Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program expired on 2014 January 1, and under current law no EUC payments will be made for weeks of unemployment after this date.]   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

Kip Hansen
the socialist party line on "climate" via the NYTimes
"All readers here know why Justin Gillis no longer includes global temperature graphs in his articles.   They tell a different story than his words -- the world is a little warmer than it was during the Little Ice Age -- thank God or your Lucky Stars -- opinions vary -- but not quite as warm as the Medieval Warm Period..."

Anthony Watts
map from 878CE tells us more than UK Meterology office's Julia Slingo about flooding in SomersetShire
WikiPedia on DaneLaw

Jeff L.

Willis Eschenbach
dust devils and emergent phenomena WRT climate

"Just the Facts"
federal land southwest of Las Vegas, includes 3 towers as tall as 40-story buildings.   Nearly 350K mirrors, each the size of a garage door, reflect sunlight onto boilers atop the towers, creating steam that drives power generators.   The owners of the project— NRG Energy Inc., NRG, Google Inc. GOOG and BrightSource Energy Inc., the company that developed the 'tower power' solar technology—call the plant a major feat of engineering that can light up about 140K homes a year [odd phrasing, that...jgo]...   Ivanpah costs about 4 times as much as a conventional natural gas-fired plant but will produce far less electricity -- and also for the amount of land they require.'..."
Daily Mail

Anthony Watts
an Orwellian nation of Obamathink
Town Hall

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
Celia Rivenbark _Jewish World Review_
put me in, coach; I'm ready to take the SAT

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
From Harrop _Jewish World Review_
losing our "3rd places"

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
journalism's extremes meet in Russia

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
NYTimes thinks their most significant failure is the dullness of their idiotorial page, an every one of their pages is an idiotorial page

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
new assault on freedom of the press
Town Hall

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
*** this column almost wasn't written ***

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
taking the law into his own hands

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
oath-breaker, scofflaw: not the first in the USA, just the worst to this time
Town Hall

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_

Town Hall

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
why are Republicans like Trey Gowdy, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell making fools of themselves in order to spot the Leftists/Dems 3 more touch-downs?
Town Hall
"Yes, children suffer when their parents break the law.   Also when their parents get divorced, become alcoholics, don't read to them at night, feed them junk food and take them to Justin Bieber concerts.   None of that is the child's fault.   But it's not the country's fault either..."

2014-02-13 (5774 Adar1 13)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
lessons from Downton Abbey: Leftism will make the USA an up-stairs/down-stairs society

Peter Sayer _"IT" News_/_IDG_
consolidation in an already too concentrated market: Comcast buying Time Warner Cable in $45.2G stock deal
Ryan Nakashima: Knoxville TN News Sentinel/AP
KGO abc San Francisco CA
Quentin Fottrell: MarketWatch

Lucas Mearian _"IT" News_/_IDG_
controlled laser-driven nuclear fusion achieved at LLNL
"The research, published in the peer reviewed journal Nature, involved a petawatt power laser used to try to ignite fusion plasma fuel in a confined space.   Each pulse of the laser, which delivered peak power of 1,000,000,000,000,000 watts (1PW), lasted less than 30 femtoseconds, or 0.00000000000003 seconds..."

Jackie Gingrich Cushman _Town Hall_
southern hospitality amid a storm of controversy

Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
deflation/inflation theory reality check

Gabriella Hoffman _Town Hall_
soviet communism (and Maoist commnism) was an unmitigated disaster, not a "pivotal experiment"

Nick Sorrentino _Town Hall_
big government is a religion

Rebecca Hagelin _Town Hall_
is the American dream dead?

Steve Chapman _Town Hall_
farm bill leaves a sour taste and smell

Peter Schiff _Town Hall_
Obummer tries to spin subsidies both ways

Daniel Pipes _Town Hall_
Obummer's hollow promises abroad

Kevin Glass _Town Hall_
many things to cut from the federal government's over-spending (with graphs)

Scott Wartman _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
Tea Parties suspect Politico smear-attack on Matt Bevin
"Bevin's campaign has told media he didn't write the report.   The United Kentucky Tea Party, a coalition of tea parties across the state, on Thursday accused Politico of slandering Bevin...   'After reading the Politico article, speaking with Matt Bevin, and researching the facts, we are firmly convinced that the article has absolutely no merit and that this was a deliberate and unfounded smear attack by Politic.', Hofstra said in a statement."

_PJ Media_
UN estimates hunger could be ended for $30G/year, wants to spend another $147G/year on warmist hysteria propaganda

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
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Proposed Bills 2014

  "A great challenge to civic-mindedness is immigration, legal and illegal, which has been booming for more than a decade [since at least the 1960s] -- not as high in percentage terms as the peak years of the turn of the century [c. 1900], but within the same order of magnitude.   Mexican national holidays are now as big of a deal in Texas as they are in Nueva Leon.   That's all right, so long as they become as harmless as Steuben Day [September 17 in honor of baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, who aided the American Revolution].   The best favor America can do its new-comers is to present them with a clear sense of what America is, and what they should become.   WASPification is their road to success.   To treat new immigrants as patches in the national quilt is to relegate them to being patches in the sewing box.   English-only laws are an obvious answer, though they must be applied with care.   The market, which on the whole is a great anglicizing force, will also preserve other tongues wherever they don't get in the way of social advancement...   But English still is, and should be, the majority language, the lingua franca, the language of law.   Schools should teach it as early and as thoroughly as possible...   Immigration is good, because a dynamic economy can always use [a few] new people.   But the people we want aren't permanent immigrants, but future WASPs, so to speak.   There is a group of Americans that needs WASPifying even more desperately than immigrants.   That is the urban poor.   The poverty programs of the Great Society were a massive program of de-assimilation, of fighting poverty without changing poor people.   The under-class is the result, though the very word 'under-class' is part of the problem, for the worst thing we can do to the people we use the term to denote is to treat them as a class, economically or characterologically locked into their plight.   Treating them so will keep them there.   For those who believe that industry and anti-sensuality can lift them out of it, the class barriers will give way." --- Richard Brookhiser 1992 _The Way of the WASP: How It Made America and How It Can Save It... So to Speak_ pp148-149  



2014-02-14 (5774 Adar1 14)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
so long, Sid

2014-02-14 (5774 Adar1 14)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
of women and worrying

2014-02-14 (5774 Adar1 14)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
big data harvesting is annoying
"I hope I'm not asking too much, but could I just pay?...   no, I don't want to give you my phone number, my address, [my zip code,] my e-mail address, my cellular telephone number, my birth date, my [Socialist Insecurity number], my shoe size or my blood type.   For the record, I make charitable contributions without solicitation and I probably won't take time to go on-line and rate my shopping experience.   I'm leaving now."

2014-02-14 (5774 Adar1 14)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime and the haughty John Kerry trying to suppress Israel's urge to survive

2014-02-14 (5774 Adar1 14)
John Ericson _Jewish World Review_
prescription for dyslexics: play an hour of "Flappy Bird"

2014-02-14 (5774 Adar1 14)
John Ericson _Jewish World Review_
the "vengeful Old Testament god"

2014-02-14 (5774 Adar1 14)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's war against jobs

2014-02-14 (5774 Adar1 14)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
5 years later, how's that wreckovery working out?
please help find Marizela

2014-02-14 (5774 Adar1 14)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Americans, where have you gone?
"It got me to thinking.   Yes, it got me to thinking about the absurd positions modern liberals hold, which wouldn't be nearly so disturbing but for the fact that I'm not talking about fringe liberals.   I'm talking about main-stream [leftists], who control the Democratic Party, the old media, the executive branch of the federal government, the U.S. Senate, the U.S. Supreme Court half the time, the mammoth federal bureaucracy, many state governments, our universities, our national educational establishment and other cultural institutions..."

Paul Homewood
Somerset floods update

Anthony Watts
Obummer regime plans to spend $1G on climate propaganda campaign
Politico Pro

Michael A. Needham _National Review_
beyond the party's corrupt, tired losers, Republican innovators show the way forward

_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership are frauds

Humberto Sanchez _Roll Call_
Ted Cruz points out GOP losership's dishonesty on federal government debt and over-spending

Wayne Allyn Root _Blaze_
Obummer is accelerating the collapse of the USA
"Knowing Democrats can no longer get elected, or re-elected, Obama has decided to go it alone.   Without regard for the law, the Constitution, or the American people he (and those pulling his strings behind the scenes) have obviously decided to do the most damage possible to America during his final 3 years.   He's finally taken off the mask and shown himself to be the true communist tyrant he is..."

Michael Balter _AAAS Science_
DNA tests of 12,630 year old bones in Montana in association with Clovis tools related to modern Amerindians, NE Asians (abstract)
WikiPedia: Anzick-1
2018-06-18: Discover: Anzick-1 dating adjustment could be 13K years old

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  The direction of your life quest is determined by the quality of your life questions." --- Rabbi David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  



_Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Russian man suspected in 7 rapes in Moscow and expired US visa arrested in Boardman OH
"Boardman police helped agents with the Cleveland office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE] take Vladimir Letunov into custody just after midnight Friday on an expired Russian visa and allegations that he committed seven rapes in Moscow.   Letunov was living at 137 Shields Road, Apt. 1, with his wife and a 5-year-old girl, when officers took him into custody.   A Boardman police report states the child is 'reported to be his daughter'.   He spent several hours in the Mahoning County Adult Justice Center and was taken by immigration officials to Cleveland about 06:00, according to Mahoning County officials.   Police took him into custody at just after midnight because that is when his visa expired, Boardman police said...   A Mahoning County marriage license for Vladimir V. Letunov, 42, of 137 Shields Road, and Zhanna V. Tomenko, 39, of same, was published in The Vindicator on Feb. 5."

Kip Hansen
science fairs make scientists
"I was gratified by the number of students whom I judged (a very small percentage of the total projects at the fair) that stuck by their original hypothesis and found 'negative' results.   I don't know if this is a result of more careful monitoring of the science fair project process or if there has been an improvement in teaching the scientific method -- but many conclusions included the statement 'My hypothesis was rejected'...   What are the kids interested in?   Cancer and its prevention and treatment.   Pollution and its mitigation.   Water and water purification.   Diabetes and lowering blood sugar levels (many of these based on family situations).   Engineering projects focused on energy production: geothermal, solar, wind.   Biology: Hydroponic and aeroponics , aquaponics, aquaculture.   This list goes on and on -- they are interested in everything!..."

59% of French favor limits on immigration

Lydia Saad _Gallup_
government itself is still USA's worst problem, economy 2nd, unemployment 3rd

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  "To crack the species question, Darwin began 2 years of effort that he later described as the most intensive period of work in his life.   But, curiously, he did not try to solve his problem by redoubling his field research.   Instead, he took the unusual approach of reading widely, particularly in disciplines unrelated to biology & geology -- such as psychology, philosophy, social theory, & political economy." --- Michael Rothschild 1992 _Bionomics_ pg 38  



Anthony Watts
Somerset flooding, river management

Willis Eschenbach
levelized cost of electricity generation

Brian Hughes _Washington DC Examiner_
Jim DeMint: non-leftists don't feel represented in DC

Ted Cruz _Breitbart_
don't let them turn Texas into a leftist swamp

Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
let's save California now!

_Syracuse NY Post-Standard_
8 Republicans file for NY's 24th congressional district
"The 24th is a swing district, with roughly 156K registered Democrats, 150K registered Republicans and 111K independents as of November.   The past 2 elections have been nail-biters and this one is likely to follow suit.   The off-year campaign will get national attention as Republicans try to add to their majority in the House and Democrats try to regain it.   The 8 Republican candidates are Syracuse economist Janet Burman, Syracuse lawyer Rick Guy, Syracuse businessman Ian Hunter, former federal prosecutor John Katko, retired Army colonel John Lemondes, Cayuga county accountant Jason Lesch, Rome businesswoman Jane Rossi and Randy Wolken, president of the Manufacturers Association of Central New York..."

Frank Newsport & Joy Wilke _Gallup_
Americans rate economy as top priority for government, followed by education, health-care policy, Socialist Insecurity, Medicare, terrorism, poverty

James Delingpole _Breitbart_
10 lefty lies about floods in the UK

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  "[Ralph Nader's] is the classic zealot's world view, paranoid & humorless [& ascetic to boot], & his vision of the ideal society -- regulations for all contingencies of life, warning labels on every French fry, & a citizenry on hair-trigger alert for violations of its personal space -- is not 1 many others would care to share with him." --- Michael Kinsley 1985 _Washington Post_ (quoted in David Halberstam 1986 _The Reckoning_ pp 493-494)  



2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Diane Dimond _Jewish World Review_
the Dick Tracy of Wichita

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Reg Henry _Jewish World Review_
weather generates a torrent of talk

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
pres. Obummer's campaign to constrict the flow of criticism

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Avi Joseph _Jewish World Review_
why I did not become Leah Vincent

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
spinning the CBO report: latest anaysis further discredits ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
Ted Cruz deserves praise
Town Hall
"The existence of a debt ceiling has meant nothing as president Obama has added over $6T in national debt since he took office.   The national debt is now 74% of GDP, double what it was when Obama took office.   President George W. Bush added about $6T to the national debt during his eight years in office.   This is all like promising yourself that you're going to stop smoking until you light up the next time.   The debt ceiling, as a tool for fiscal and debt restraint, is clearly pointless.   So the only reason for it, as far as I can see, is to provide an opportunity to bring public attention to our dismal state of fiscal affairs every time the debt ceiling is up for another increase.   In this sense, Ted Cruz is one of the few who is actually doing his job.   Every time the debt ceiling comes up, Cruz forces the nation to pay attention.   This stuff matters, and we should be grateful to him for refusing to quietly roll over as the nation sinks..."

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
and the biggest idiot in Iraq is...

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
William O. Darby Day

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
James Garfield: the man who didn't want to be president

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
sharing our pain, anger, and honesty

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
the future is now: an SF geezer's lament

2014-02-17 (5774 Adar1 17)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
the poetry of bad news around the Obummer regime, and ObummerDoesn'tCare
Bruce Bialosky: thank you, pres. Obummer, for "freeing" me

James Tapper _Global Post_
con artists prey on would-be US guest-workers
Denver CO Post
"Hundreds of small companies in India and the US claim to be able to arrange an H-1B visa -- for the right price.   Some Indians hand over money and never see the broker again...   True, most H1-B visas go to Indians, but the majority of these are snapped up by big [cross-border bodyshoppers and off-shoring] firms like Cognizant, Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys...   in 2009, US consular officials cited H-1B scams as one of the 2 most common fraud categories in India..."

Donald C. Morton
6 problems with UN IPCC and other climate alarmist theories

Anthony Watts
climate shock or climate schlock from AZ State U?

Chris Horner
nothing to see here.   shredding parties and hiding the decline in tax-victim-funded research
"...It is a culture not all that different from the one I saw at Enron.   We have seen it at the Universities of Virginia and Arizona, and among their many [tax-victim]-dependent cheer-leaders..."

Anthony Watts
recent CERES data show no significant change in Arctic albedo

"Just the Facts"
lake ice, ice breakers, waste heat, dams, etc.
Journal Sentinel

Steve McIntyre
one of Mann's claims in law-suit against satirist Steyn hits a rock
the Oxburgh panel

_Conservative HQ_
Rand Paul fights for us non-terrorist Americans

Kassandra D. Smith _Conservative HQ_
GOP losership still capitulating to the cheap labor lobby and the left

Molly K. Hooper _Hill_
GOP flocks to bill curbing Obummer's power
"43 Republicans have co-sponsored... The 'Stop This Overreaching Presidency (STOP)' measure, introduced by representative Tom Rice (R-SC), now has [106] co-sponsors...   aimed at reversing Obama's delay of the employer mandate, enactment of the DREAM Act, extension of substandard health insurance plans and ending work requirements for welfare."

Caroline Schaeffer _Independent Journal Review_
while Obummer golfs his 161st round at a billionaire's private course, Michelle shut down air traffice for a week-end of skiing on your dime... while whining about income inequality and those other wealthy people
22 facts about the Obummer economy

Barbara Kollmeyer _MarketWatch_
George Soros doubled bet against the S&P 500: $1.3G

Paul B. Farrell _MarketWatch_
10 weapons Wall Street uses to manipulate real-world investors: no quantum computer needed for this money-taking scheme
"University of Chicago professor Richard Thaler, reveals its basic concepts in his 2-volume classic, _Advances in Behavioral Finance_.   His theory is actually quite low-tech: Wall Street 'needs investors who are irrational, woefully uninformed... willing to hold over-priced assets.'...   Remember, Wall Street has only 1 goal, make insiders super-rich, and share-holders rich.   The public interest and the rest of the world are never part of their competitive algorithms.   Never..."

David Keene _Washington DC Times_
free speech for leftists, not not for others?
"Senator Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, has no qualms about using the power of the state to silence his political adversaries.   He proudly took credit for writing to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) before the last election cycle urging that steps be taken to silence Tea Party and other advocacy groups on the right...   In a recent speech at the Center for American [Regress], Mr. Schumer said president Obama ought to use the IRS to get rid of the Tea Party..."

Thomas E. Brewton
is the US constition no more than what a significant minority of the public will tolerate at any particular time?
"[Leftists] have in recent decades touted the conception that the delegates who wrote the constitution in 1787 didn't really mean to make amending the constitution so difficult..."

David Catron _American Spectator_
of course Obummer and Holder should be impeached, removed from office and prosecuted

Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
Rancho Feeding Corp., in Petaluma, CA caught packing "diseased and unsound" beef: 8.7M pounds recalled
"nearly 1K markets selling everything from hamburger patties to Hot Pockets and hot dogs...   The products are part of a third-party recall by supplier Jensen Meat Co.   Jensen is a consignee of California-based Rancho Feeding Corp...   No illnesses associated with the Rancho recall have been reported..."

Michel Gurfinkiel _PJ Media_
is France going national-socialist?

Michael Walsh _PJ Media_
the blue steel right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Joseph Gerth _Louisville KY Courier-Journal_
"Retire Mitch McConnell" signs pop up around Kentucky

_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
ORNL joins with Ohio firm Cincinnati Inc., on 3-D printing/additive manufacturing
Washington DC Times
News Wise
Cincinnati Incorporated

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
the 5 men lost on the USS Housatonic

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  "The rough rule of thumb is that every 1 percentage point of GDP growth creates about 1M jobs.   This means that on a cumulative basis, a 08% under-performance in growth [of GDP] over the course of a decade translates to close to 10M jobs our economy failed to create." --- Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ p13  



2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Willis Eschenbach
how much sun-light actually enters the earth climate system?

Anthony Watts
"stadium wave" climate hypothesis gets a web-site
Marcia Glaze Wyatt: Wyatt On Earth

Anthony Watts
leftists rent-a-protest over ALEC

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Rick Jensen _Jewish World Review_
inequality is not hurting upward mobility
"the results of the latest nonpartisan National Bureau of Economic Research study.   The study shows that Americans born to the poorest households still have the same chance of to work their way to the top of the income brackets as their predecessors.   Specifically, the income gap between the richest of the rich and the poor is greater now than any time since the Roaring 1920s while those born to the poorest 20% of households in 1986 have a slightly better chance of working their way to the top 20% that those born in 1971.   As of today, 9% of children born to the poorest 20% in 1986 have been able to climb into the top 20% income bracket while 8.4% of children born to the poorest households in 1971 were likely to work their way into the top 20%.   The American Dream of working your way to prosperity is alive and well.   However, the American Dream of getting a job with a big manufacturer, being paid a large enough salary to buy a lake cabin and a boat, then retiring comfortably after 30 years with the same company is still in trouble...   reasons why Democratic Party policies hurt the middle class and working poor."

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
the Lovecraftian world of ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
what government doesn't want you to know

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
judges, hubris, and "same-sex marriage"

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Hillary's war against women

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Kevin Horrigan _Jewish World Review_
repair the post office, help the poor, and nail a vulture, in one stop
"If post offices offered basic banking services, the postal service could easily scrape off 10% of the $89G spent on 'alternative financial services' each year.   That money is spent largely by the 68M American adults who don't have bank accounts.   They pay their bills with cash or money orders.   The average unbanked household spends $2,412 a year on alternative financial services, often falling prey to so-called pay-day lenders...   A study by the advocacy group National People's Action found that in 2009, major banks provided at least $1.5G in credit to pay-day lenders.   The study found that one bank, Wells Fargo, financed 32% of America's 23K pay-day loan stores..."

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
meet Sid Caesar

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
in contests of strong, decisive policy Obummer comes up short

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Michele Bachmann: undeterred and undiminished

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's leftist aristocracy

2014-02-18 (5774 Adar1 18)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
was the purpose of ObummerDoesn'tCare really to turn the USA into a banana republic?

John Hayward _Human Events_
there is no way to repair ObummerDoesn'tCare

Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
chief Palestinian Authority anti-negotiator Saeb Erakat told al-Jazeera that things will get "ugly" if Israel continues to refuse abject surrender to the Palestinian occupiers of Israel

_Conservative HQ_
Reagan biographer Craig Shirley: GOP losership resembles a gangster family
"in an interview with Brietbart's Michael Patrick Leahy: 'The Washington Republican party is no longer a political party in the way we understand political parties.   It more resembles a crime family than a movement of ideas.'   Shirley was commenting on the charge that the reason congress has not gotten to the bottom of the IRS targeting of conservatives and Tea Party movement groups is because the establishment GOP wants the IRS to hobble these groups just as much or more than do the Democrats...   We think Craig Shirley, Rush Limbaugh and Pat Caddell are on to something, but we wouldn't limit it to the IRS scandal..."

Elliot Jager _News Max_
another main-stream media delusion
"Our friend congressman Paul Broun of Georgia, who is running for the Republican nomination for the Peach State's open senate seat, brought an amazing fact to light recently.   It appears some of Washington's most distinguished [main-stream] 'journalists' consider speaker of the House John Boehner to be a 'conservative'.   This would be the same John Boehner who called conservatives 'knuckle draggers', told conservatives who were reluctant to raise the debt ceiling to 'get their a** in line', who supports amnesty for illegal aliens and who has passed a number of major betrayals of conservative principles (such as the Ryan-Murray budget) by relying on Democrat votes because conservatives in his own House Republican Conference, like Paul Broun, wouldn't vote his way...   Jack Kingston and John Boehner are NOT conservatives, Paul Broun is."

Phyllis Schlafly _GOP USA_
squishy GOP mega-donors conspire

Jennifer Burke _Tea Party News Network_
U of SC socialist-illfare text-book's disgusting attack against Ronald Reagan and non-leftists

Thomas E. Brewton
US household debt up as Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues
Mike Shedlock: Town Hall

Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
DC's pack of pretenders: preserving and expanding government's and their power to wield force and fraud over others

Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
Louie Gohmert launched coservative PAC to defend Republican candidates against GOP lowership and rogue Roves

Robby Soave _Daily Caller_
recording police is legal, but corrupt cops will still beat you up for doing it
"Two recent incidents in New York city and Broward county, Florida under-score this sad fact.   Broward county sheriff's deputy William O'Brien became irate recently after learning that the woman he stopped on the highway was using her cell phone to make an audio recording of the encounter...   During a similarly frightening recent police encounter, Shawn Randall Thomas attempted to record 2 NYPD officers at a New York City subway station while standing about 30 feet away from them...   Lucky for him, his recording of the incident survived, and other pedestrians continued recording what happened after Thomas' camera and cell phone were disabled.   Rojas works out of NYPD Transit District 32..."

Sarah Hurtubise _Daily Caller_
4th Georgia hospital closed due to ObummerDoesn'tCare

"Molotov Mitchell" _World Net Daily_
do illegal aliens work?

Selena Owens _World Net Daily_
Tea Partiers should answer losership by winning congressional and senate seats
"In Texas, a fearless leader has come through the trenches and emerged to the forefront to confront the establishment.   Katrina Pierson, health-care professional, conservative dynamo, noted tea-party leader and former Ted Cruz campaign worker -- who has earned Cruz's praise...   March 4 primary in Texas's 32nd congressional district..."

Christopher Monckton _World Net Daily_
the great climate hysteria climb-down begins

_Washington DC Free Beacon_
all of the top 10 political bri, er, uh, campaign donors are leftists or balanced

_World Net Daily_
the corrupt Hairy Reid to Obummer: don't obey immigration laws

_World Net Daily_
GOP losership wants Obummer regime IRS and Urban Institute to step up attacks against Tea Partiers
"Caddell chimed in, 'The reason is, [losership] Republicans want the IRS to go after the tea parties.   Got it? They want [the IRS] to go after the tea parties because the tea parties are an outside threat to their power hold.   And I'm telling you, the lobbying-consulting class of the Republican Party, the Republican [losership] who's been attacking the tea parties...they want the IRS [to attack].'..."

Carl Weiser _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
Dwaye Stovall running for US senate in Texas

Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
the same DHS that can't be bothered to run background investigations on visa applicants or track temp visa holders to make sure they leave on time, wants to track everyone's license plates

_Spartanburg SC Tea Party_
U of SC refuses to enforse statutory requirement for students to pass a course on the constitution and Federalist papers
Robby Soave: Daily Caller

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  "Where the consumers do not like what is being produced, the investment should not pay off.   When people insist on specializing in a field for which there is little demand, their investment has been a waste of scarce resources that could have produced something that others wanted.   The low pay and sparse employment opportunities in that field are a compelling signal to them -- and to others coming after them -- to stop making such investments." --- Thomas Sowell 2000 _Basic Economics_ pg176  



Kalea Hall _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Canfield robotics team, Circuit Birds, prepares for competition
"The team must make sure the robot can perform the task of launching a ball in the competition.   In some instances, the team is required to pass the ball to other robots, a task that requires critical thinking and knowledge of physics.   In fact, many tasks at the competition require a good understanding of physics.   Kyle wrote the code for the robot to tell it what to do..."

Kip Hansen
a perspective on the California drought

Roger A. Pielke
radio interview regarding "climate science"

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
David Suissa _Jewish World Review_
the mitzvah of schmoozing
"in the 'mitzvah economy' donors and do-gooders are also looking to squeeze the maximum amount of goodness out of every charity investment..."

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
Lawrence J. Haas _Jewish World Review_
strong ties between USA and Israel are the key to lasting peace in the Middle East
"Peace -- true peace -- is more than the absence of war, more than a temporary respite from continual conflict.   True peace rests on trust between parties, and it's rooted in on-the-ground conditions that ensure its viability...   Nevertheless, the main impediments to Israeli-Palestinian peace reside on the Palestinian side.   They include, first and foremost, the split between the supposedly 'moderate' Palestinian Authority, which runs the West Bank, and the terrorist group, Hamas, which runs Gaza, remains committed to Israel's destruction, and allows frequent rock-fire from Gaza to southern Israel that targets innocent Israeli life..."

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
Dana Solovieva _Jewish World Review_
terrorists spreading abuse of anti-tourism tactics

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
Amina Khan _Jewish World Review_
glass that bends without breaking

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
Geoffrey Mohan _Jewish World Review_
P. acnes Zappae moved its home from human skin to grape vines about 7K years ago

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
Dennis Byrne _Political Mavens_
Planned Parenthood's war on this woman cost them $2M

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
doctor Ben Carson _Jewish World Review_
beyond affirmative action
Town Hall

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
Ana Veciana-Suarez _Jewish World Review_
we're not forgetful, we just know too much
Michael Ramscar

Town Hall

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
Obummer trying to silence employers complaining about ObummerDoesn'tCare by using another IRS attack

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the con artists and criminals in charge of ObummerDoesn'tCare
Town Hall
"It's a criminal enterprise rooted in ideological fraud."
please help find Marizela

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
distractors won't deliver Dems from a drubbing

2014-02-19 (5774 Adar1 19)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
concealing evil
World Net Daily
Town Hall

_Conservative HQ_
over-spending Republicans, like senator Thad Cochran
"his Tea-Party-backed challenger Chris McDaniel...   The Club for Growth, the Senate Conservatives Fund and FreedomWorks among others have endorsed McDaniel, who is running as a Tea Party candidate."
Obummer's massive debt made possible by GOP losership

Kenric Ward _Watch Dog_
RINOs/neo-cons seek to undermine non-leftist Republican candidates in VA's 10th district
"'Some of her work for big-money firms is a real concern.', said [candidate] Rob Wasinger.   'Voters have a right to know about this.'...   'There's a real difference between this establishment politician and my grass-roots campaign.', said Wasinger, who ran for congress in Kansas in 2010 and was U.S. senator Sam Brownback's chief of staff from 1996-2008.   'I am the conservative alternative.'... state delegate Bob Marshall, also claims the right side of the mantle.   The Manassas Republican, arguably the most conservative member of the House of Delegates, takes a populist position on fiscal matters.   'It is always the big boys who get the subsidies. Joe's pizza gets nothing, but the big corporations get seed money to come to Virginia.   I do not like that.', Marshall told Watchdog.   Marshall goes further on social and constitutional issues..."

Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
James O'Keefe busts illegal voter scheme for reds/leftists/Dems to take over Texas
J. Christian Adams: PJ Media
Spartanburg SC Tea Party
"The footage shows Battleground Texas volunteer Jennifer Longoria saying the group uses the phone numbers from voter registration forms in later efforts to boost turn-out on election day.   Texas Election Code prohibits the use of, or even the copying of, phone numbers provided by individuals registering to vote.   'Every time we register somebody to vote, we keep their name, address, phone number.', Longoria said.   The video also shows volunteers calling to boost turn-out..."

Susan Berry _Breitbart_
what is the value of a stay-at-home Mom these days?
"Salary.com recently calculated that, in 2013, a stay-at-home mom in the United States was worth about $114K per year.   While that 6-figure salary may sound good, in order to earn it, Mom put in a 94-hour work week.   If a full-time job is 40 hours per week, this outcome means that Mom's base salary is $37,549.   With 54 hours of over-time, worth $76,037, Mom's total salary is thus $113,586..."

_World Net Daily_
federal offices in DC have been closed 25% of the time
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

_World Net Daily_
anti-Obummer posters blanket Los Angeles
Elizabeth Harrington: Washington DC Free Beacon

Hugh Hewitt _Town Hall_
Ukraine: the Obummer-Clinton-Kerry fiasco continues

Rebecca Hagelin _Town Hall_
free political speech is under attack by the Obummer regime

Bob Barr _Town Hall_
can ground be reclaimed on privacy?

Ashley Herzog _Town Hall_
restoring love and fidelity on campus

Bill Straub _PJ Media_
coal restrictions could increase energy costs as much as 80%

_World Net Daily_
Wilson HS officials say "gay" agitation is OK, but pro-lifers must go

Aman Batheja _Texas Tribune_
being connected with Karl Rove has become a political liability
"'I don't think anybody on the conservative Tea Party front would go toward a candidate who's connected to Karl Rove.', said Dwayne Stovall...   Steve Stockman...has also accused a pro-Cornyn Super PAC, 'Texans for a Conservative Majority', of being a Rove invention.   His campaign has noted that on some records filed with the Federal Communications Commission [?Federal Elections Commission?], the Super PAC has listed an address in the same building in Virginia as Rove's American Crossroads PAC..."

Christi Parsons _Los Angeles CA Times_
Obummer to sign executive order to speed development of International Trade Data System, mandate quicker rubber-stamping of import permits, and even less scrutiny

_Spartanburg SC Tea Party_
Det Bowers challenging Lindsey Grahamnesty
Peter Hamby: CNN
"candidates gunning to beat him -- businesswoman Nancy Mace, state senator Lee Bright, activist Richard Cash and attorney Bill Connor...   Bowers said he plans to make an issue of Graham's support for amnesty [for illegal aliens]...   Informed of Bowers' decision, Graham supporters were quick to highlight Bowers' past support for Democratic candidates.   Bowers was the chairman of Michael Dukakis' 1988 presidential bid in South Carolina..."

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Civil War POWs moved from "Belle Isle" near Richmond VA, to Andersonville GA

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "...a gifted adult, at whatever stage of a career, will need: * A day-to-day level of stimulation which provides challenge and newness; * To be able to communicate new ideas and to push ahead to new areas of work and learning as soon as the current area is exhausted; * To design his or her own environment, so that the first 2 needs can be satisfied... We mean new in the sense of something new for the brain to work on, some new learning experience in which present knowledge comes into play, is placed over against the new situation; the gap between the 2 is crossed, and a synthesis takes place. This dynamic quality of the work is essential." --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pp134, 135  



2014-02-20 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 323,151 in the week ending February 15, a decrease of 35,008 from the previous week.   There were 351,026 initial claims in the comparable week in 2013.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.6% during the week ending February 8, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,440,333, a decrease of 12,426 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.9% and the volume was 3,668,711.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending February 1 was 3,525,006, an increase of 7,100 from the previous week.   There were 5,581,677 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2013.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending February 1...   [The Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program expired on 2014 January 1, and under current law no EUC payments will be made for weeks of unemployment after this date.]   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
an unconscionable silence about violations of the US constitution

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
leftist plutocrats and their personal campaigns

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the out-dated business model of Diversity Inc.
"diversity has become an industry synonymous with orthodoxy and intolerance, especially in its homogeneity of political thought.   When campuses sloganeer 'celebrate diversity', that does not mean encouraging all sorts of political views.   If it did, faculties and student groups would better reflect U.S. political realities and might fall roughly into two equal groups: liberal and conservative.   Do colleges routinely invite graduation speakers who are skeptical of man-made global warming, and have reservations about present abortion laws, gay marriage or illegal immigration -- if only for the sake of ensuring diverse views?..."

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
new Obummer promise: if you like your life, we might consider letting you keep it
"That wasn't misspeaking -- it was a deliberate, necessary lie.   Even Democrats couldn't have voted for Obamacare if Americans had known the truth.   It was absolutely vital for Obama to lie about people being able to keep their insurance and their doctors..."

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
fighting over senator Rand Paul's law-suit against NSA

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Craig Lindberg
inside the sea ice anomaly (part 1)

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Richard McNider & John Christy
why the haughty John Kerry, who served in VietNam, is flat wrong about climate

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Shelley Phillips Kimel _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
college preparedness
"ACT scores... Alcoa 21.6; Knox county 20.2; Maryville 22.9; Oak Ridge 22.6...   Graduation Rates... Alcoa 98.5%; Knox county 87.7%; Maryille 94.7%; Oak Ridge 85.4%."

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Reid Smith _American Spectator_
there is no reason for libertarians to support Mitch McConnell

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJ Media_
student survival tactic: _Think Big_

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJ Media_
the WaPo finally notices that Iran harbors al-Qaeda... as they leave to spread their activities elsewhere
"Iran, as our friend Michael Ledeen has repeatedly observed (most recently, here), is the chief sponsor of jihadism in the world.   That it is a Shiite jihadist regime has not made much difference where the West is concerned: the mullahs have trained, supplied, financed and harbored Sunni jihadists -- al-Qaeda and Hamas prominently among them -- for over 20 years.   This is the most outrageous aspect of the U.S. government's negotiations with Tehran over its nuclear program..."

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
some non-leftists seem to be AWOL in the struggle for privacy
"in what is a potentially more important case involving Google, and what plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the internet giant argue is its all-pervasive commercial spying, conservatives and liberty minded elected officials appear to be AWOL.   At the center of the fight is Google's attempt to seal key documents as the law-suit against it proceeds.   Arrayed against the search giant are not the conservative and liberty minded opponents of Obama's NSA, but a coalition of [leftist] media outlets and hard left organizations...   Of the interveners attempting to prevent Google from sealing the court documents and thus preventing the public from understanding the extent of the search giant's commercial snooping, only Forbes stands out as a conservative organization or publication...   the wall between public surveillance and private surveillance is now rendered meaningless..."

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
_Real Clear Politics_
Mark Levi: Obummer regime's abuse of government apparatus against us is the definition of tyranny (video)

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Catherine Herridge _Fox_
former CIA official accused of misleading legislators about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Donald Lambro _Washington DC Times_
are we supposed to believe that Obummer eliminating jobs is goig to create prosperity?

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Jim Ellis & Jeffrey Schmidt _Blaze_
Poll: Steve Stockman scores a 28% favorability to 18% negative
Gravis Marketing poll

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
J. Robert Smith _American Thinker_
GOP losership can't escape non-leftist voters' wrath

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Claire Zillman _MisFortune_
U of IN admins grease the skids to get foreign grads jobs in preference to US citizens

2014-02-20 (5774 Adar1 20)
Paul Brennan _Town Hall_
Sioux City IA abusing traffic cams to pay for police and fire pensions

Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
PBS issued correction

Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Sandweg resigning from being acting director of US ICE: malleable "leaders", directionless agency

Brandon Darby _Texas GOP Vote_
Breitbart: O'Keefe busts illegal voter registration/turn-out scheme by leftists/Reds/Dems

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The clerks loved their jobs. The way things worked in the Chief's chambers gave them tremendous influence. Warren told them how he wanted the cases to come out. But the legal research and the drafting of Court opinions -- even those that had made Warren and his Court famous and infamous -- were their domain. Warren was not an abstract thinker, nor was he a gifted scholar." --- Bob Woodward & Scott Armstrong 1979 _The Brethren_ pg 3  




Yom Shishi



Bob Tisdale
global surface temperature update

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Anthony Watts
in 2012 UK meteorology office had predicted dry winters

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Anthony Watts
Mark Steyn counter-sues Mann for attempts to chill free speech

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
_Investor's Business Daily_
Farmers' Almanac more reliable than warmists' climate models

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
Ugandans being rejected for refuge in Israel, but given relocation assistance and other aid

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
after olympics Putin's real games begin in Ukraine

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
David Templeton _Jewish World Review_
cancer immunotherapy treatment showing progress

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Hannan Adely _Jewish World Review_
law-suit against anti-terror squad rejected by court

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Mike Boehm _Jewish World Review_
family's 70-year quest to regain treasures taken by Nazis
"The Dutch estate of Friedrich Gutmann and Louise Gutmann von Landau had housed Old Master and Impressionist paintings -- among them the Frans Hals portrait -- as well as sculpture, Louis XV furniture, elegant Chinese porcelain and dazzling gold and silver clocks, vessels and tableware..."

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
rousing the USA from its slumber WRT foreign relations

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
R' Hillel Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
flight of the alone to the Alone

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
the leftist warmist hysteric "settled science" myth

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry, who served in VietNam and his phony climate war

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
why parents are wary of Communist Corpse
please help find Marizela

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
why we must rejects the leftists' economic death sentence on the USA
"They never make him answer for his reckless stimulus package[s], which created hardly any permanent jobs and in which little money was allocated to infrastructure as he promised. They've never called him on his irresponsible predictions, corruption and waste on Solyndra and similar green projects [of leftist political cronies]..."

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
unions keep on losing because they have little to offer prospective members

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
Obummer drew another ephemeral "line" abroad

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Ann McFeatters _Jewish World Review_
more proof the US goverment is nuts

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
leftist students have a funny definitio of "diversity"
"Indeed, we are now up to our knees in this Orwellian bilge. Diversity means conformity [according to these people]."

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
keeping prosperity out of Portland OR

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
bird's eye view of work

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ann Coulter is mistaken

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Amy Payne _Heritage_
2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_/_AP_
Obummer regime withholding water from California farmers

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
_Casper WY Star Tribune_
Casper College to use H-1B displaced US workers fees to fund intravenous therapy class for licensed practical nurses

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Lauren Fox _US News & World Report_
young libertarians aim to be active players in 2014 elections
"So far, Liberty Action Fund has endorsed 6 candidates this cycle, including sitting representative Justin Amash, R-MI, and state senator Chris McDaniel of MS...   In 2012, the group spent $79K supporting candidates like representative Thomas Massie, R-KY, and senator Ted Cruz, R-TX..."

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)
Ginni Thomas _Daily Caller_
Michele Bachmann paid tribute to Tea Partiers (video)

2014-02-21 (5774 Adar1 21)

off-shoring and out-sourcing are a mixed bag for US jobs and compensation
"'The portrait that emerges is of 2 economies -- an entirely domestic one made up of small firms and public organizations, and another one consisting of large firms with much deeper global engagement.', said Sturgeon...   big firms employ more than 20% of the country's full-time workers and tend to offer higher-quality jobs with better wages and benefits than does the average U.S. employer...   Brown and Sturgeon found that most international sourcing is to high-cost locations such as Canada and Western Europe, reflecting a long history of U.S. companies participating in these markets.   The work offshored to very low-cost countries, where U.S. companies might be searching for new markets as well as low wages, is relatively modest in comparison...   U.S. employers' domestic out-sourcing is concentrated in transportation, information technology services and facilities maintenance.   On average, only about 6% of primary business function costs in large, goods-producing companies are out-sourced domestically, while 10.5% are off-shored.   Higher levels of inter-national and domestic out-sourcing are associated with a higher share of low-wage jobs in research and development."

Jonathan S. Tobin _Investor's Business Daily_
government employees are the latest losers due to ObummerDoesn'tCare

_Amerians for Legal Immigration PAC_
U of NC alumnus commends students for rejecting illegal alien candidate for student body president... and his agenda
"'Eva Longoria, Al-Jazeera, George Soros, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and all the other illegal alien invasion supporters need to understand that they were just defeated at one of the most [leftist] universities in our state.', said William Gheen."

Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
U of Syracuse's Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse: positive and negative

David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
forced marriages: political correctness vs. realism
"Forced marriages are deplorable under all circumstances, but many of them involve immigration-related marriage fraud, making them that much more so.   The pattern, in the latter cases, is usually that of fairly recently immigrated parents of a young citizen woman forcing her to marry someone from the old country against her will.   The groom is typically older, typically a little better off financially than the bride's family, typically from the ancestral village, and often wanting a green card..."

Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Cole vs. Mosby: the end to rivalry?

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Kievan Russia was then over-run in the 13th century by the Mongol hordes, led by the descendants of Genghis Khan.   Kiev, the capitol of today's Ukraine, was razed by the Mongols in 1240AD.   A century later the Lithuanians conquered the Ukraine and began its history as a land fought over by Eastern European powers.   The Ukraine was re-united in 1569, but under Polish rule.   The Ukrainians' most famous fighters for independence from foreigners were the legendary Cossacks -- bands of outlaws, adventurers, or guerrillas, who arose in the 15th century in response to Polish domination." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg225  




Yom Shabbat



_Documentary Addict_
India: the high-tech mirage: Bangalore is now India's suicide capital
Journeyman Pictures/Wide Angle Productions
"Intolerance towards failure and ambition to increase their financial status is proving deadly for the city's youth.   The centre of engineering, aeronautics, biotechnology: Bangalore holds the key to India's future.   'I'm free to live my life, make my own choices.   It's an amazing feeling to be independent.', says Nilut, a 20-year-old call centre employee.   She works 12-hour night shifts and earns $260 a month.   But over-work, stress, separation from family and a culture of intolerance to stress and failure have increased Bangalore's suicide rates by 40% in the last decade.   'As soon as your firm needs you, you have to be there and work, be it day or night.', confesses one 'IT' professional suffering from depression.   Providing cheap labour and building itself on the needs of bigger international economies, Bangalore is now paying the highest price."

Willis Eisenbach
a new class of sun-spots? new mode of solar activity?

_Americans for Legal Immigration PAC_
leftists renew their attacks against Border Patrol
Kristin Tate: Breitbart
illegal alien had 1996 drug-related arrest
Jessica Vaughan: Center for Immigration Studies: Mexican government irate

_Spartanburg SC Tea Party_
GOP congressman in SC took risk with foray into immigration

Greg Evensen _News with Views_
USA under siege

Robert Spencer _Jihad Watch_
Muslim at Dearborn, MI city council meeting calls for "sharia patrols" to harass people dressed in ways extreme Muslims do not approve, women going about without a male relative as excort, speech restrictions...

This Date in History
president George Augustine Washington
([partial ancestry patched together from info found and cross-checked only via the net, but let us know if you see any glaring errors...jgo]son of Augustine Washington & Mary Ball;
grand-son of captain Lawrence Washington & Mildred Warner and colonel Joseph Ball & Mary Montague;
great-grand-son of colonel John Washington & Anne Pope and colonel Augustine Warner ii & Mildred Reade and colonel William Ball iii & Hannah Atherold and Peter Montague iii & Mary Doodes;
2g-grand-son of reverend Lawrence Washington & Amphyllis Twigden and captain Augustine Warner & Mary Cant/Mary Towneley and George Reade & Elizabeth Martiau and Meindert Doodes/Minor Doodes & Mary Geret/Mary Garrett and William Ball ii & ?Dorothy Tuttle?/?Alice Waltham? and Thomas Atherold & Mary Harvey;
3g-grand-son of Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave & Margaret Butler and John Twigden of Little Creaton & Anne Dickens and Thomas Warner & Elizabeth Sotherton and Robert Reade & Mildred Windebank and John Ball ii & Elizabeth Webb and ?Thomas Tuttle?/?Richard Waltham?;
4g-grand-son of Robert Washington of Sulgrave manor & Elizabeth Light/Elizabeth Lyte and sir William Butler/Walter Butler of Tyes Hall & Margaret Greeke of Palsters and Thomas Twigden & Amphyllis Ann Watts and Andrew Reade & Alice Cook and William Dickens & Anne Thornton and John Ball & Agnes Hathaway/Agnes Halloway/Agnes Holloway;
5ggs of Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave Manor & Amy Pargiter and Walter Light & Ursula Woodford and Walter John Butler of Aston de Walls & Margaret Sutton and Thomas Greeke of Palsters & Jane Thomson and Henry Thornton of Newnham & Anne Wilmer and William Ball & Agnes Haynes and Richard Holloway;
6ggs of John Washington of Warton & Margaret Kytson/Margaret Kitson and Robert Pargiter & Anne Knight and sir John de Sutton & Margaret Charoll and George Thomson and Robert Ball and Richard Haynes;
7ggs of Robert Washington of Warton & Elizabeth Westfield and Walter Butler & Joan le Boteler and sir Edmund Sutton & Joyce Tiptoft/Joyce Tibetot and Robert Kytson of Warton and William Ball;
8ggs of Robert Washington of Tewitfield & Margaret and John Westfield and Edmund Butler & Catherine Forstall and John Sutton 1st lord Dudley & Elizabeth Berkeley and John Tiptoft/John Tibetot 1st lord Tiptoft/Tibetot & Joyce de Cherleton and sir Thomas Kytson and lord William Ball;
9ggs of John de Washington and sir John de Sutton & Constance Blount and sir John Berkeley and sir John de Sutton & Alice le Despencer and Payn Tybotot and Edward Cherleton 5th baron Cherleton & Eleanor/Alianore de Holand countess of March;
10ggs of John de Washington & Joan de Croft and sir John de Sutton & Catherine de Stafford and Philip le Despencer and John Tybotot and John Cherleton 3rd lord Cherleton & Joan de Stafford and Thomas de Holand earl of Kent & Alice fitzAlan;
11ggs of Robert de Washington of Carnforth & Agnes le Gentyl and John de Croft and John de Sutton & Isabella de Cherleton and Ralph de Stafford 1st earl of Stafford & Margaret Audley baroness Audley and Payn Tybotot & Agnes de Ros and Thomas de Holand 1st earl of Kent & Joan of Kent and Richard fitzAlan 10th earl of Arundel & lady Eleanor Plantagenet/Eleanor of Lancaster;
12ggs of Robert de Washington & Joan de Strickland and sir John de Sutton & Margaret de Somery and John Cherleton 1st lord Cherleton & Hawyse ap Owen and William de Ros 1st lord de Ros of Helmsley & Maud de Vaux and Robert de Holand 1st lord Holand & Maude la Zouche and Edmund of Woodstock 1st earl of Kent & Mararet Wake baroness Wake;
13ggs of sir William de Washington & Margaret de Morville and sir William de Strickland & Elizabeth Deincourt and Owen ap Griffith prince of Upper Powys & Joan Corbet and sir Robert de Ros & Isabel d'Aubigny and John Vaux & Sibilla and king Edward i of England long-shanks & Marguerite of France and John Wake 1st lord Wake & Joan de Fiennes;
14ggs of sir William de Ros & Lucy FitzPiers and William iv d'Aubigny and Oliver de Vaux & Petronilla and king Henry iii of England & Eleanor of Provence and king Philippe iii of France & Marie de Brabant;
15ggs of Robert de Ros 1st lord Ros of Helmsley & Isabella and Piers fitzHerbert and William iii d'Aubigny and Robert de Vaux and king John i of England lackland & Isabella d'Angouleme and Raimond Berengar v comte de Provence & Beatrice di Savoia/Savoy;
16ggs of Everard de Ros & Roese Trussebut and king William i of Scotland the lion & Avenal and William ii de Albini & Maud fitz Robert and William de Vaux and king Henry ii of England curt-mantle/Henry d'Anjou & Eleanor d'Aquitaine and Aymer Taillefer comte d'Angouleme & Alice de Courtenay and Alfonso ii comte de Provence & Gersend de Sabran comtesse de Forcalquier and Tomaso i conte di Savoia/Savoy & Marguerite de Geneve;
17ggs of Robert de Ros & Sibyl de Valognes and William Trussebut and Robert Avenal and William de Albini & Cecilia de Bigod and Robert fitz Richard and Robert de Vaux and Geoffrey v Plantagenet comte d'Anjou et Maine & Matilda of England;
18ggs of Piers de Ros & Adeline Espec and Roger le Bigod & Alice de Tosny and Fulk v d'Anjou/Foulques v d'Anjou & Aremburga de la Fleche comtesse de Maine and king Henry i beauclerc of England & Editha/Matilda/Maud of Scotland;
19ggs of Robert le Bigod and Robert de Tosny & ?Adeliza fitzosulf le Freyn du Plessis? and king William i of England the conqueror & Mathilde van Vlaanderen/Matilda of Flanders and king Malcolm iii of Scotland caennmor/kenmore & St. Margaret of Wessex;
20ggs of Baldwin v count of Flanders & Adela and Duncan i & Sybille and Edward the exile/Eadweard aethling & Agatha;
21ggs of Baldwin iv count of Flanders & Otgive and Robert ii of France and Crinan mac Duncan/Crinan lay-abbot of of Dunkeld mormaer of Atholl and king Edmund ii of England/Edmund ironSide & Ealdgyth/Aldgitha/Agatha;
22ggs of Arnulf ii count of Flanders & Susanna/Rosela/Rosella/Rozala of Italy and Frederick count of Luxemburg/Friedrich and Duncan mormaer of Atholl/Duncan O'Neill of Cenel Conaill and Aethelred the unrede/ill-advised & Aelfgifu of York/Aelfgyfu of Northumbria/Northampton;
23ggs of Baldwin iii count of Flanders & Mathilde Billung and Berenger ii & Willa of Arles/Willa of Tuscany (d of Boso & Willa) and king Eadgar of England/Edgar the peaceable & Aelfthryth/Alstrita/Elfrida/Elstrudis and Thored/Thorth/Thoreth Gunnarsson of Northumbria ealdorman of York;
24ggs of Arnulf i count of Flanders & Alix/Adela of Vermandois and Adalbert margrave of Ivrea & Gisela of Friuli and Boso/Bosone count of Arles & Willa;
25ggs of Baldwin ii count of Flanders & Aelfthryth of England and Anscar i of Ivrea and Berengar i of Italy (son of Eberhard/Evrard of Friuli & Gisela; gs of HRE Louis i & Judith) & Bertila of Spoleto (d of Suppo ii);
26ggs of Baldwin i count of Flanders & Judith of France (d of HRE Charles ii & Ermenrude) and Alfred the great (son of Aethelwulf of Wessex & Osburh; gs of Oslac) & Eahlswith and Theobald count of Arles (son of Hucbert) & Bertha of Lorraine (d of Lothair ii & Waldrada) and Eberhard/Evrard of Friuli (son of Unruoch ii & Engeltrude) & Gisela (d of HRE Louis i the pious & Judith) and Suppo ii;
27ggs of king/HRE Charles ii/Charles the bald (son of HRE Louis i the pious & Judith) & Ermantrude of Orleans (d of Odo i count of Orleans & Engeltrude) and Aethelwulf of Wessex (son of Egbert of Wessex) & Osburh and Hucbert (son of Boso the elder; brother of Teutberga) and Lotharius ii/Lothair ii (son of Lothair i & Ermengarde) & Waldrada (sister of Thietgaud bishop of Trier) and Unruoch ii & Engeltrude (d of Beage count of Paris) and HRE Louis i the pious & Judith;
28ggs of HRE Louis i the pious/Ludwig i & Judith of Altdorf, Bavaria and Odo i count of Orleans/Eudes/Udo (son of Adrian & ?Waldrada of the Nibelungen?) & Engeltrude/Ingiltrud and Boso the elder count of Turin/Turino et Valois and Lotharius i/Lothair i (son of HRE Louis i the pious & Ermengarde of Hesbaye) & Ermengarde of Tours (d of Hugh of Tours et Sens);
29ggs of HRE Charlemagne & Hildegard of Vinzgau and HRE Louis i the pious/Ludwig i & Ermengarde of Hesbaye (d of Ingerman of Hesbaye & Hedwig of Bavaria) and Hugo ii/Hugues ii/Hugh ii count of Tours et Sens;
30ggs of HRE Charlemagne (son of Pepin & Bertradas) & Hildegard of Vinzgau (d of Gerold ii & Imma) and Ingerman of Hesbaye & Hedwig of Bavaria;
31ggs of Pepin the short & Bertrada of Laon and Gerold ii count of Vinzgau & Imma/Emma of Allemania)
b: 1732-02-22 in Wakefield, at Pope's Creek, Westmoreland county VA d: 1799-12-14 at "Mount Vernon", Westmoreland county VA buried: 1799-12-18 at "Mount Vernon", Westmoreland county VA
m: 1759-01-06 to Martha Dandridge (d of colonel John Dandridge & Frances Jones; gd of Orlando Jones & Martha Macon; ggd of Rowland Jones ii & ?Anne Lane? and Gideon Macon & Martha Woodward; 2ggd of reverend Rowland Jones; widow of colonel Daniel Parke Custis)

Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

Proposed Bills 2014

  "In ironic contrast to many of their Western counterparts, environmentalists in Eastern Europe blame socialism & the lack of property rights for their ills." --- Anna Bramwell 1989-10-09 "The Greening of Mrs. Thatcher" _WSJ_ pg A14 (quoted in Michael Rothschild 1992 _Bionomics_ pg 400 n 22)  




Yom Rishon



Kip Hansen
historical note: Greenwich mean temperature 1815-1849

Anthony Watts
MIT: volcanoes and climate

J. Christian Adams _PJ Media_
federal district court rejected Green Party attack on voter ID

Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
we need an American Spring

Glenn Harlan Reynolds _USA Today_
Americans continue to resist government power-madness
"in response to widespread protests last week, the Department of Homeland Security canceled plans to build a nationwide license plate data-base.   Many local police departments already use license-plate readers that track every car as it passes traffic signals or pole-mounted cameras.   Specially equipped police cars even track cars parked on the street or even in driveways.

The DHS put out a bid request for a system that would have gone national, letting the federal government track millions of people's comings and goings just as it tracks data about every phone call we make.   But the proposal was suddenly withdrawn last week, with the unconvincing explanation that it was all a mistake.   I'm inclined to agree with TechDirt's Tim Cushing, who wrote: 'The most plausible explanation is that someone up top at the DHS or ICE suddenly realized that publicly calling for bids on a nationwide surveillance system while nationwide surveillance systems are being hotly debated was...   a horrible idea.'..."

Michael Barone _Washington DC Examiner_
why do so many leftists want to suppress political speech?

Robby Soave _Daily Caller_
Harvared senior Sandra Korn said free speech threatens leftism and must be destroyed

Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
7 things you need to know about Preet Bharara the Obummer donor prosecuting Dinesh d'Souza -- some bad, some good

Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
IRS improperly withholding documents on new non-profit rules
"'In order to comment meaningfully on the proposed rules, a right guaranteed by Congress to infuse a measure of public accountability into administrative practices, Cause of Action needs access to the requested records...   By its own admission, the IRS will not produce documents until after the close of the comment period.   Without access to the records, Cause of Action cannot fully evaluate the IRS's proposed rules and its right to effectively comment will be irreparably harmed.'"

Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
former DoL secretary Hilda Solis stone-walls about Obummer talks regarding FBI inquiry into her involvement in re-election fund-raising
"Solis has said she was aware that the Hatch Act prohibits Cabinet members from directly fund-raising for political campaigns...   By the time Solis left the Obama administration, she owed the Washington office of the Chicago-based law firm Sidley Austin between $50,001 and $100K for 'legal advice' pertaining to the FBI inquiry, according to a 2013 February financial disclosure.   Sidley Austin lawyer Michelle Obama met Sidley summer associate Barack Obama at the Chicago firm in 1988.   By 2012 May, 7 then-current or past Sidley attorneys had received Obama appointments.   Sidley gained nearly $12M in federal contracts between 2009 and May 2012, up from $1.4M in the second term of the Bush administration."

Darren Dunlap _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Gaylon Love, meat-cutter in Alcoa TN, seeks national title

mysterious polio-like syndrome hits 5 children in various parts of California
All Voices
Sandra Rose
Martha Mendoza: Inside Bay Area/AP
Martha Mendoza: Denver CO Post/AP
Jacque Wilson: CNN
Cheryl K. Chumley: Washington DC Times

Pamela Geller _World Net Daily_
Texas police doubling as Mahmoudberg's militia

Garth Kant _World Net Daily_
John Boehner to be booted by January?

Gregory Ferenstein _Tech Crunch_
a new poll showing why immigration law perversion probably will not pass this year
"[Fortunately], 2014 is an election year and Republican incumbents could face a back-lash at the polls if they compromised to pass a [reprehensible immigration law perversion] bill...   In the Iowa district of notable immigration reform [supporter, and immigration law perversion opponent], representative Steve King, 53% of self-identified Republicans would not vote for a candidate who favored [yet another] path to citizenship for [illegal aliens].   That compares to 72% (yes, 72%) of [leftists/]Democrats who would vote for a candidate who supported [adding more paths] to citizenship [for illegal aliens].   Republicans fear that unpopular positions could get them kicked out of office by Tea Party-supported candidates, who have been successful in unseating [RINOs] in past primaries... Tech lobbies, including the Mark Zuckerberg-backed *** [and George Soros], have put [billions] of dollars into pushing immigration [law perversion]...   Pulse Opinion Research..."
Numbers USA poll shows that a large majority of voters oppose the Obama/ Boehner/ Tech-exec-backed plans to double visas and legalize millions of illegal aliens

Brian Hayes _Top Right News_
300 Somali al-Shabaab terrorists caught and released inside the USA

_Spartanburg SC Tea Party_
HS juniors and seniors understand economy better than Obummer
Spartanburg SC Herald-Journal

Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
poll: 78% of evangelicals say the US government should offer humane treatment to illegal aliens while fairly and consistently enforcing the laws; 73% said that employers should be required to try harder to recruit and train US citizens
"By a 4-1 margin, evangelicals were more likely to say the government has 'a lot' of moral responsibility to protect struggling Americans from having to 'compete with foreign workers for jobs' than to say the responsibility is to protect the ability of 'settled illegal immigrants to hold a job and support their families without fear of deportation'.   Only 18% of evangelical voters were persuaded by arguments that the presence of so many illegal immigrants as active members of their churches improves the case for granting work permits and legal status.   It should make no difference, said 71%.   Only 8% of evangelicals supported doubling legal immigration and 14% favored keeping it at the current 1M a year; 64% said immigration should be cut at least to 500K a year, with half of all evangelicals supporting a limit of no more than 100K a year; and 29% said legal immigration should be reduced to zero.   15% said that 'most people should be able to migrate from country to country since all people are equal children of God'.   75% [think] that 'nations have a moral and sovereign right to decide which and how many immigrants can enter'."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, & the contrary option is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives & freedoms." --- Robert Anson Heinlein 1959 _StarShip Troopers_ pg 24 (Ace edition 1987-05-?? 23rd printing)$$$"[A] boy who gets a C- in Appreciation of Television can't be all bad." Robert Anson Heinlein 1959 _StarShip Troopers_ pg 34 (Ace edition 1987-05-?? 23rd printing)  




Yom Sheni



2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
David M. Shribman _Jewish World Review_
historians already busy sanitizing pres. Obummer's legacy... which he still has time to change

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
the secret to a rich life (part 4)

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
at 90, she still is running the store

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
why we can't have another Shirley Temple

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Maayan Jaffe _Jewish World Review_
Israeli researching causes and possible cures for type 1 diabetes
"Alpha 1 Antitrypsin (AAT), an anti-inflammatory drug based on a natural protein our bodies produce each day and generally used to treat emphysema, not only shows promise for reducing insulin dependence..."

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Christina M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
a different way of labeling unions: aberrations vs. core culture

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Timothy M. Phelps _Jewish World Review_
France is considering whether to consider paying reparations to holocaust survivors now in the USA

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Yochonon Donn _Jewish World Review_
Ukraine's chief rabbi discusses politics, citizen safety, and the country's future

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
James Rosen _Jewish World Review_
in congressionally mandated initiative, Jewish, Hispanic soldiers from WW1, Korea, VietNam, to get Medal of Honor

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
on Ted Nugent and media hypocrites

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare may tank a teetering economy within weeks
"around March 4 this year, predicted Grady Means in 2012 October.   Mr. Means isn't a doom-sayer who's predicted 11 of the last two recessions.   He isn't trying to sell gold, silver or freeze-dried food.   He was managing partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an assistant to vice-president Nelson Rockefeller and wrote well-regarded books on international finance.   And he isn't alone in issuing warnings..."

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
the Clintons' past is fair game and a predictor of their future actions

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Marc Ferranti _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Accenture has launched a vulnerable "mobile wallet" platform, steps up privacy violations

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Jaikumar Vijayan _"IT" News_/_IDG_
U of TX at San Antonio Cyber-Security program ranked best in HP survey

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Eleanor Black _Daily Illini_
candidates for IL 13th congressional district
"Michael Firsching, a veterinarian from Midway, and Erika Harold, an attorney from Urbana and former Miss America, are running against [incumbent] representative Davis in the Republican primary..."

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Anthony Watts
merchants of smear are also opponents of science

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Anthony Watts
volcanoes can go from dormant to fully active in 2 months

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Anthony Watts
law-suit against EPA "carbon tax"

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Willis Eschenbach
volcanoes erupt again

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
_Conservative HQ_
Ukraine will be more free without McCain and Obummer meddling

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Jonathon Moseley _American Thinker_
H-1B visa guest-workers and STEM talent pool

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Corie Whalen _Daily Caller_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's latest targets are low-income college and university students

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
White House co-hosted MIT work-shop as part of project on collecting, analyzing, and abusing "big data"
"the 2012 Obama campaign's personality-tracking voter targeting data-base created through its 'Project Dreamcatcher'.   The information from that data-base is now held by Obama's 'non-profit advocacy group' Organizing for Action.   White House counselor John Podesta, a left-wing operative [from the Clintoon regime with experience in privacy violation] who founded the [Center for American Regress], and commerce-secretary Penny Pritzker will represent the [Obummer regime] at the March 3 work-shop, 'Big Data and Privacy: Advancing the State of the Art in Technology and Practice' with MIT president L. Rafael Reif.   Even though they got the word 'privacy' in there, the White House project makes clear that it is focused on 'collecting, analyzing, and' [abusing] data for policy purposes..."

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Roger Kimball _PJ Media_
the human faces of the victims of ObummerDoesn'tCare
"So when Obama said (as he said over and over and over again when selling [ObummerDoesn'tCare]) 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.   Period.', he really meant: 'Ha, ha, you just put the federal government in charge of your health care and now we can do whatever we want whenever we want.   Period.'..."

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Paula Bolyard _PJ Media_
Communist Corpse: as un-tested as the US speed skaters' new suits

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Clayton E. Cramer _PJ Media_
the connection between gun control and the holocaust

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Obummer regime seeking access to "full Twitter historical data"

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Robert Zubrin _PJ Media_
the stakes in Ukraine
"the final straw was his attempt to drag Ukraine into the 'Eurasian Union'.   This project is the brainchild of Vladimir Putin’s geopolitical guru, Aleksandr Dugin, who has proposed the creation of a Eurasian bloc, including not only the republics of the former Soviet Union, but Germany, Central and Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Iran, which would be united under the iron heel of a new totalitarian 'fourth political theory' to oppose the West.   According to Dugin, who bases most of his allegedly novel synthesis of communism and fascism on the geo-political, legal, philosophical, and occult ideas of Nazi theorists Karl Haushofer, Rudolf Hess, Carl Schmitt, and Arthur Moeller van der Bruck, such a 'Eurasist' continental block is needed to defeat the nefarious influence of the secret 'Atlantic Order', or 'Atlantis' -- the global mercantile maritime-cosmopolitan conspiracy whose liberal ideas have supposedly subverted traditional hierarchy-based landed societies since ancient times.   'Liberalism', says Dugin, meaning the whole western consensus, 'is an absolute evil...'"

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
DoD budget cuts army to pre-WW2 numbers despite "more volatile" world

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Bill Straub _PJ Media_
options to counter Obummer's "pen and phone" extra-legal and unconstitutional actions

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
meet the wealthy leftists
"For some, big money allows 3 things:   wealth's cocoon enables you to dream safely about utopia rather than being laid off and broke;   it exempts you from worrying much about the high taxes and regulations needed to pay for your redistributionist fantasy agendas;   and it gives you the influence, capital, and opportunities to flee from the messy ramifications of your own ideology..."

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
leftist/Dem senate candidate tried to silence cancer patient in ads opposed to ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
_World Net Daily_
FBI agent says DoJ has evidence sufficient to indict CAIR leaders for terrorism
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
_Americans for Legal Immigration_
Dave Brat endorsed for Virginia's 7th congressional district
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is now supporting 91 federal candidates
ALIPAC has also identified 36 GOP members of Congress and 4 GOP members of the US Senate who need to be replaced

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Dan Stein _Immigration Reform_
NIGHTMARE Act lobby turns on Obummer: not extreme enough to suit them

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
people who want to limit immigration are not "anti-immigrant"

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
the administration that has permitted the NSA to collect telephone and Internet metadata on every American citizen in the United States draws the line at violating the privacy rights of illegal aliens

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
autopsy of S744: part 4, the question of limits
"...The senate immigration bill tried to avoid any real trade-offs by simply saying yes to almost every special interest request...   How many immigrants are too many, overall, or within specific categories like high-tech workers or married relatives?   How many immigrants are too few in any or all of the many immigration categories we have?..."

2014-02-24 (5774 Adar1 24)
Karin Klein _Los Angeles CA Times_
the truth about the great American science talent pool
Philosophy of Science portal
"Michael Teitelbaum, a senior research associate in the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School, laid out the evidence for journalists Saturday at the USC-hosted conference of the Education Writers Assn: If there were a big, general shortage of these workers, you would expect to see their wages rising.   That hasn't happened.   There would be relatively low and declining unemployment rates compared with people of similar educational levels.   Hasn't happened.   There should be faster-than-average employment growth, which is occurring in some occupations but not others.   In fact, Teitelbum portrayed the life of a biomedical researcher as practically grim.   It takes an especially long time to obtain a doctoral degree in the field, and graduates are not being snapped up for jobs.   The wages are lower than average for someone with that level of education, and the jobs tend to be unstable.   Engineers start with higher wages, but those quickly flatten, and their jobs are notoriously insecure.   Computer and information technology jobs are given to boom-and-bust cycles, but at least during the booms, the salaries are high...   Silicon Valley, even if it pays 50% more than elsewhere, isn't seen as a good deal when housing there costs 4 times as much as [300% more than] in many other places...   Jobs don't tend to be jobs anymore; they're contracts, often without benefits, for limited periods of time [a.k.a. bodyshop gigs]...   The only forces pushing the idea of STEM doom, he said, are those that have something to gain from it."
Education Writers Association: STEM and beyond
"The National Science Board's biennial book, Science and Engineering Indicators, consistently finds that the U.S.A. produces many more STEM graduates than the work-force can absorb."
Slash Dot discussion

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
303-02-24: Galerius, Roman emperor, published his edict that begins the persecution of Christians in his portion of the empire;
1607-02-24: L'Orfeo by Claudio Monteverdi, one of the first works recognized as an opera, premieres;
1803-02-24: the Supreme Court of the United States, in Marbury v. Madison, under Federalist chief justice John Marshall, established the bogus doctrine of judicial supremacy...
Proposed Bills 2014

  "a little-noticed report by [DoL] economists in 2008 concluded that 160 service occupations employing 30M Americans -- more than 25% of the entire service industry work-force -- were 'susceptible to off-shoring'.   If the past is any guide, any job that can be off-shored will be.   An analysis by Princeton U economist Alan S. Blinder, using 2004 data to measure potentil job losses in both the manufacturing and service industries, concluded that 291 occupations accounting for 38M jobs -- 29% of the work-force -- could be off-shored." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pg15  




Yom Shlishi



2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
why Hillary's' past is fair game
"The GOP doesn't have to choose.   Of course Clinton's recent experiences are relevant to a presidential run.   But so are her actions in the 1990s, the 1980s and even the 1970s.   It's not ancient history; it reveals something about who Clinton was and still is.   And re-examining her past is entirely consistent with practices in recent campaigns..."

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
a crime presented as "education"

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Michael Gerson _Jewish World Review_
physics is enjoying a golden age

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
facing reality on carbon dioxide
Town Hall

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
Bryan Stow and a "justice" system that is criminal
Town Hall

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
Americans have been so patient over the Afghan war because we knew it would last a long time before it began

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
separation of government from media
Town Hall

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
a chilling proposal
Town Hall

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
destroyers of the common culture
Washington DC Times

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the Obummer regime's delusional military budget

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
warmist hysterics against science
Town Hall
"It is a happy conceit in the climate change community that true believers are sophisticated, fact-based practitioners of science and that skeptics essentially are a bunch of superstitious nitwits who refuse to respect the -- all bow -- climate change consensus.   If that were true, you would expect the science-loving know-it-alls to welcome opportunities to challenge the arguments of 'deniers' of global warming.   To the contrary, climate change groups have been engaging in a spirited battle to muzzle dissenters and pressure news organizations not to publish skeptical opinion..."

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Anthony Watts
Michael Mann apologized for defamations of Bolt

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Tim Ball
government weather and climate forecasts have been failures

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Susan Stamper Brown _Town Hall_
Obummer and "climate science"

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
socio-economic mobility and the "fairness" fraud
News Max
Lew Rockwell
Town Hall
National Review
American Spectator
World Net Daily
Elkhart Truth
Before It's News
Washington DC Times

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Fred F. Mueller
why didn't the Torah mention blizzards?

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
methodology questioner
I'm Michael E. Mann, don't ask me anything difficult or potentially embarrassing

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Anthony Watts
strongest X class solar flare since 2013 March

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Sarah Crandall _KDFW Fox_
Garland school district guest-teachers facing deportation
"260, or about 8% of all the district's teachers...   The teachers are from Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela.   Language teachers were brought to Garland, they say, with a promise the district would help them get a green card and permanent residency...   The administrator who handled Garland's H-1B visa program, a teacher and an associate superintendent were placed on leave earlier this month, sparking a protest at last week's school board meeting.   The moves resulted from an investigation that GISD has now turned over to Homeland Security.   Harry Jones is the lawyer the school district hired to conduct the investigation, and he says he found irregularities, including the improper payment of fees by the international teachers to a previous law firm...   All the teachers FOX 4 spoke to have been working for Garland for 6 or 7 years...   others apparently have gained permanent status and are not in danger of being deported..."

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Hugh Hewitt _Town Hall_
Eric Holder's violations of law

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
John Hawkins _Town Hall_
5 ways socialism destroys
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." --- Winston Churchill

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Michael Schaus _Town Hall_
the leftist dream lives on at Harvard

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
Paul Krugman's "austerity" claims not in synch with example countries' big increases in spending

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
one bad idea leads to another, and another, and another...

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Caroline B. Glick _Town Hall_
the Israeli solution

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Town Hall_
who is imposing whose beliefs here? how freedom dies

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
John Ransom _Town Hall_
Obummer has been systematically dismantling the USA

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Harry R. Jackson ii _Town Hall_
envy or inequality? you decide

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Phyllis Schlafly _Town Hall_
national take-over of school curriculum
"Ever since congress began pouring federal tax dollars into public schools, parents have been solicitous to have Congress write into law a prohibition against the federal government writing curriculum or lesson plans, or imposing a uniform national curriculum.   Parents want those decisions made at the local level by local school boards, which are, or should be, subject to the watchful eyes of local citizens and parents.   Parents are supported in this view by the U.S. Constitution, which gives the federal government no power over education..."

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Bill Murchison _Town Hall_
the fall of big labor unions

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Charles Payne _Town Hall_
global hot-spots and revolution

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Bill Tatro _Town Hall_
accepting the stock market bubble -- good idea or bad idea?

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Robert Knight _Town Hall_
leftist apologists struggling to keep Clintons' records under wraps

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Armstrong Williams _Town Hall_
school choice is the only choice for better education

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Nick Sorrento _Town Hall_
Soros group triples its spending on lobbying
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
Washington DC Free Beacon
"'$11M in 2013, more than triple the $3.25M it spent the previous year...'..."

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Lauren Cox _Hollywood Life_
why are only children in California affected by polio-like illness?
"'We think one reason why these cases may have occurred in California is that we are at the western-most part of the United States, so we may have had a higher circulation of the virus that was originally identified in Asia.', [Dr. Emmanuelle Waubant] explained in an interview.   In the last decade alone, multiple reports of children suffering from the same polio-like illness were reported in Australia and Asia..."
Fox: more than a dozen cases
Jacque Wilson & Ashley Hayes: CNN: about 20 cases

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Steven C. Johnson _Fox_/_Reuters_
Conference Board: consumer confidence index down from a downwardly revised 79.4 in January to 78.1 in February
Pittsburgh PA Tribune-Review
SW Suburban Chicago IL Daily Herald
"The Conference Board's Expectations Index also fell, dropping from 80.8 to 75.7.   The Present Conditions Index, however, rose from 77.3 to 81.7...   The percentage of respondents indicating jobs were 'plentiful', rose from 12.5% to 13.9%, while those indicating jobs were difficult to get fell from 32.7% to 32.5%..."

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Megan O'Neil _Chronicle of Higher Education_
data breach at Indiana U exposed information of 146K students
"The lapse occurred in the registrar's office when a data file was placed in the wrong folder...   No servers or systems were hacked.   'What we do know is that a bot indexed them.', Mr. Wheeler said of the data.   'We do know 1 bot down-loaded some into a cache.'...   The data included names, addresses, and [Socialist Insecurity numbers, and other such information which the university should not have had in the first place] of students enrolled across the system from 2011 to 2014...   a cyber-attack last week at the University of Maryland in which personal information on more than 300K students and faculty and staff members was stolen..."

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Nick deSantis _Chronicle of Higher Education_
journal publishers have withdrawn more than 120 articles found to have been computer-generated
"16 of the papers appeared in publications by Springer, and more than 100 were published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers [IEEE]."

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Sharon Coolidge _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
extreme leftist group attacking Ohio Secretary of State in their push against honest elections

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
leftists/Dems are apparently terrified of Scott Walker

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
Obummer regime vows to kill bill that would block politically biased changes to 501(c)(4)

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
_Americans for Legal Immigration PAC_
illegal alien ID thief stole from couple for years while the IRS knew it was happening and failed to act
Brian Hayes: Top Right News

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
_Americans for Legal Immigration PAC_
Woody White for NC district 7

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Tea Parties settle on J.D. Winteregg to displace Boehner
"picking high school teacher J.D. Winteregg to carry the tea party banner in the intraparty battle...   Mr. Winteregg is one of several men running..."

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
_Spartanburg SC Tea Party_
governor just doesn't get why senators Lee Bright, Shane Martin and Tom Corbin are standing with US

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Stacey Patton _Chronicle of Higher Education_
teaching non-traditional students requires non-traditional approach
"The National Association of African American Studies & Affiliates Joint National Conference...   The five-day conference brought together over 1K scholars from across the United States and abroad to share research related to African, African-American, West Indian, Latino, Chicano, Native-American, Asian, and Asian-American issues and experiences.   In a number of sessions, scholars discussed teaching challenges—with insights on how to teach as a person of color and on how to adjust their teaching styles and curricula to rapidly 'diversifying' college class-rooms...   [NCES] expects the share of students who are over age 25 to increase from 39%, where it now stands, to 63% by 2019...   70% of students [at Jackson State U] are more than 31 years old.   Most are women; many are single mothers who hold jobs while enrolled in college full-time.   But some are students in their late fifties and early sixties who've returned to college to improve their job credentials or fulfill a lifelong dream of earning a degree...   [Non-traditional students] sometimes drop in and out of school because of money issues; they usually receive no financial support from their parents; and they have children, jobs, and lots of other obligations."

2014-02-25 (5774 Adar1 25)
Derek Erwin _Intego, the Mac Security Web Log_
OS X Mavericks 10.9.2 update repairs one SSL bug, creates others
UK Register
Jordan Kahn: 9 to 5 Mac

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Where wisdom enters, subtlety comes along." --- Talmud (source: Jewish World Review)  



canonical Dilbert



Yom Rebiai



2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
_Youngstown OH Vindicator_
woman details slavery experience in Ashland couple's trial
"It was her second day of testimony in a labor-trafficking conspiracy and theft of government funds case against Jessica L. Hunt, 31, and Jordie L. Callahan, 26, both of Ashland...   Federal prosecutors have accused the couple of imprisoning the mentally challenged woman and her 5-year-old daughter for more than 2 years while they spent the woman's [Socialist Insecurity] income and other government assistance..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
David Hoffer
why we are still debating "climate change"

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Anthony Watts
Climategate e-mail messages suggest that temperature is not driving tropical glacier size

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Anthony Watts & Patrick Moore
confessions of a "Greenpeace drop-out" to the US senate committee hearing on climate
"There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years.   If there were such a proof it would be written down for all to see.   No actual proof, as it is understood in science, exists..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Christopher Monckton
97% of pictures are worth 1K climate words

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Anthony Watts
from Forschungszentrum Juelich: source of "climate-active" organic aerosol particles pinned down
"these extremely low-volatile organic compounds consist of relatively large molecules which contain an almost equal number of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. The scientists present a plausible explanation supported by numerous experimental findings of how these vapours are formed almost immediately when plant emissions (e.g. monoterpenes) are released into the air. The vapours can then condense on small aerosol particles (starting from clusters of only a few nanometres in diameter) suspended in the air, causing them to grow to around 100 nanometres – at which size they can reflect incoming sunlight and act as condensation nuclei for cloud formation in the atmosphere..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Anthony Watts
U of Cambridge: climate or geological event may have contributed to the decline of a city-dwelling civilization in Pakistan and India 4,100 years ago... when CO2 levels were only about 270 parts/M

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
leftists' fundamental destruction of the USA rolls on
"We have seen this movie before and it doesn't end well...for us or for the rest of the freedom-loving world.   When the U.S.A. is weak or is perceived as weak, the wheels come off the world.   The bad guys advance, the good guys retreat, and major violent conflagrations are never far behind..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Bob Frick _Jewish World Review_
master the art of haggling
"for many Americans, haggling is an unfamiliar and uncomfortable exercise.   Haggling experts say the trick is to ease yourself into bargaining with easy targets and simple techniques...   the easiest strategy is to offer merchants a deal that benefits them...   the key is finding the real cost of the [item] before you enter the negotiating arena...   Another trap we fall into is not bidding far enough below the maximum we're willing to pay..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
solutions to failures to educate blacks
"...Washington, DC, spends $29,409 per pupil.   In terms of academic achievement, its students are nearly the nation's worst.   The average tuition for a K-12 Catholic school is $9K, and for a non-sectarian private K-12 school, it is $16K.   A voucher system would empower black parents to remove their children from high-cost and low-quality public schools and enroll them in lower-cost and higher-quality non-public schools.

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
Bobby Jindal came out swinging
"In town for the National Governors Association winter meeting, Jindal joined other state chief executives in front of the White House after a meeting with the president.   Taking the microphone, Jindal said among other things that 'the Obama economy is now the minimum-wage economy'..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
the framers of the Constitution designed impeachment to stop precisely what president Barack Obama is doing: grabbing for more power than the Constitution allows

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
codgers freaking out
"It's true that kids today play incredibly violent games like 'Halo' and 'Grand Theft Auto', but as the games' popularity increased (over the past 20 years), youth violence dropped 55 percent.   In Japan, kids spend more time playing violent games, and there's even less violence.   And in America, despite media hype, there are fewer school shootings now, not more...   Today O'Reilly opines, 'The cyberspace addiction rate among American children is off the charts...   they don't learn coping skills!...   In [Red China], young people are encouraged to compete, be disciplined, live in the real world.   Not here.'   Even if that were true, what have Chinese young people invented lately?   Any companies?   What music and art did they compose?..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
want a USA that works? innovate, don't regulate
"...But progress -- material, medical, economic -- comes from innovation.   Economist Deirdre McCloskey notes that until the 19th century, innovation was a negative word because innovators upset the established order and the powers that be.   In her wonderful book _Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can't Explain the Modern World_, McCloskey describes how for all of human history, humans lived on about $3 a day, using today's dollars.   For 200K years, the line was essentially flat until around 1800, when a culture that valued innovation spread from England to Europe and the New World.   Since then, wealth has sky-rocketed, all thanks to a culture willing to let innovators pull up the stakes of the existing stake-holders."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Peter Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
to an old friend... Richard Sheppard Arnold

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
Obummer's destructive missions partially accomplished

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Bill Straub _PJ Media_
David Vitter accuses EPA OIG of providing cover for EPA abuses
"Vitter expressed concern over the scope of the OIG investigation, cited flaws in the office's methodology and maintained investigators arrived at questionable conclusions despite evidence to the contrary.   'Remarkably, in conducting its investigation of EPA e-mail practices, the OIG never examined, in any way, actual staff e-mails.   As it turns out, the OIG handled the process in such a way that inappropriately provided cover for certain EPA officials.'..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
_Americans for Legal Immigration PAC_
Obummer regime reduced penalties for employers of illegal aliens
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
"The Obama administration regularly cuts a break for businesses that hire illegal immigrants, reducing their fines by an average of 40% from what they should be, according to an audit released Tuesday that suggests the government could be doing more to go after unscrupulous employers.   According to the audit, conducted by the Homeland Security Department's inspector general, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE] cut one business's fine from $4.9M to slightly more than $1M -- a 78% drop...   The inspector general's report said ICE submitted notices totaling fines of more than $52.7M from 2009 through 2012, but ended up charging only $31.2M -- for a 40% break for businesses.   It still marks a huge increase over the [Shrub] administration, which imposed just $1.5M in fines from 2003-2008..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
_Americans for Legal Immigration PAC_
perpetual amnesties: increase in non-adult illegal aliens entering across Mexican-Texas border
Molly Nennessy-Fiske: Los Angeles CA Times (with graph)
World Net Daily
Tony Lee: Breitbart
Reclaim Our Republic
Prison Planet
Experts at Work
Tea Party.org

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
_Americans for Legal Immigration PAC_
losership lacks GOP support for immigration law perversion
News Max

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
on profiling, irony, and hypocrisy
"A federal district court judge has thrown out a law-suit against New York City officials alleging that a secret New York City Police Department (NYPD) program of spying on Muslim businesses and mosques violated the constitutional rights of business owners and members of those mosques...   I offer no opinion on the merits of the suit, or the decision, but one would have to have the sensibilities of a Chia Pet not to see that the backdrop of the case was riddled with ironies and, perhaps, a whiff of hypocrisy.   First is that the plaintiffs were businesses, mosques, and individuals from New Jersey, where the surveillance took place -- not in New York City..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
elitist leftist/Dem Alex Sink talks amnesty in Florida's 13th congressional district special election
"It turns out that [according to her] Democrats want amnesty because there will be a shortage of maids and grounds-keepers without a steady stream of illegal aliens entering America...   So, carrying Sink's point to its logical conclusion, if the answer to illegal immigration is to legalize the illegal alien then the answer to bank robbery is to legalize theft, which in a sense is what illegal aliens do to American workers by suppressing wages...   We don't know Republican congressional candidate David Jolly's campaign team well enough to call them up and offer them the experience of our 300+ political campaigns, but it seems to us that if Jolly wants to win this race, and right now it is neck and neck with Sink possibly ahead, he ought to pound Sink's elitism and her complete disregard for the economic well-being and quality of life for America's workers every minute of every day from now until every voter has voted and the polls close on March 11."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
_Spartanburg SC Tea Party_
soldiers' and sailors' right to vote -- progress in SC
"Samuel F. Writhe...'For as long as military personnel have been permitted to vote at all, many and in some cases most of them have been effectively disenfranchised.   Because of late primaries, ballot access lawsuits, and other problems, local election officials (LEOs) often do not have absentee ballots printed and ready to mail until a few days before Election Day.   For the over-seas voter (military or civilian), there just is not enough time for the ballot to go from the LEO to the voter and back by Election Day, even if the over-seas voter applied for his or her ballot months in advance...   The problem is that in South Carolina the run-off primary is held just 2 weeks after the first primary.   This compressed schedule guarantees that South Carolina will violate UOCAVA and will disenfranchise overseas South Carolinians in the run-off primary.   This is the gist of Mr. Carroll's complaint to DoJ...'"

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
_Spartanburg SC Tea Party_
House GOP's plan to change federal extortion

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
_Spartanburg SC Tea Party_
Dave Feliciano is running for US senate from Spartanburg

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Texas constitution's ban on homosexual "marriage" ruled "unconstitutional" by appeals court
David Crary: Washington DC Post/AP
Leigh Jones: World Magazine: San Antonio TX adopted policy of bias against Judeo-Christians

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Bill Straub _PJ Media_
DoJ accused of blocking investigation into IRS corruption
"Appearing Wednesday before the House Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Job Creation and Regulatory Affairs, Hans von Spakovsky said the Justice Department is unjustifiably keeping a lid on the ongoing investigation and criticized the selection of Barbara Bosserman, an attorney in the Civil Rights Division, to lead the inquiry.   Bosserman has donated a combined $6,750 to president Obama's election campaigns and the Democratic National Committee since 2004.   Von Spakovsky, a former Justice Department official who is now a senior legal fellow with the Heritage Foundation and a contributor for PJ Media, said this should raise a red flag with the public..."

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Hugh G. Willett _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Farragut business owners challenge town sign rules amid worsening government power-madness

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
Heather Mac Donald _National Review_
the law of supply and demand applies to guest-workers and immigrant labor of all skill levels and types

2014-02-26 (5774 Adar1 26)
David D. Friedman
a climate falsehood you can check for yourself: never trust "authorities"

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1784-02-26: in a letter to his daughter, Benjamin Franklin expressed unhappiness over the choice of the eagle as the symbol of America, and stated his own preference: the turkey.
1788-02-26: captain Arthur Phillip guides a fleet of 11 British ships carrying convicts to the colony of New South Wales, effectively founding Australia. After overcoming a period of hardship, the fledgling colony began to celebrate the anniversary of this date with great fanfare.
1838-02-26: the first Prohibition law in the history of the United States of America was passed in Tennessee, making it a misdemeanor to sell alcoholic beverages in taverns and stores...
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Civil society, of civic space, occupies the middle ground between government and the private sector." --- Benjamin R. Barber 2001 _Jihad vs. McWorld_ pg 281  



2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
is our economic bust out of the Obummer regime's control? examining the historical evidence

2014-02-27 05:30PDT (08:30EDT) (12:30GMT) (14:30 Jerusalem)
Tom Stengle & Tony Sznoluch _DoL ETA_
un-employment insurance weekly claims report
DoL home page
DoL OPA press releases
historical data
DoL regulations
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 310,816 in the week ending February 22, a decrease of 10,598 from the previous week.   There were 310,389 initial claims in the comparable week in 2013.   The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.6% during the week ending February 15, unchanged from the prior week.   The advance unadjusted number for persons claiming UI benefits in state programs totaled 3,384,598, a decrease of 26,636 from the preceding week.   A year earlier, the rate was 2.7% and the volume was 3,536,462.   The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending February 8 was 3,486,060, a decrease of 26,388 from the previous week.   There were 5,764,168 persons claiming benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2013.   No state was triggered 'on' the Extended Benefits program during the week ending February 8...   [The Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program expired on 2014 January 1, and under current law no EUC payments will be made for weeks of unemployment after this date.]   [Note that the population used for calculating the "insured unemployment rate" (the divisor) changes roughly quarterly:
to 132,623,886 beginning 2007-10-06;
to 133,010,953 beginning 2008-01-05;
to 133,382,559 beginning 2008-04-05;
to 133,690,617 beginning 2008-07-05;
to 133,902,387 beginning 2008-10-04;
to 133,886,830 beginning 2009-01-03;
to 133,683,433 beginning 2009-04-04;
to 133,078,480 beginning 2009-07-04;
to 133,823,421 beginning 2009-10-03;
to 131,823,421 beginning 2009-10-17;
to 130,128,328 beginning 2010-01-02;
to 128,298,468 beginning 2010-04-03;
to 126,763,245 beginning 2010-07-03;
to 125,845,577 beginning 2010-09-25;
to 125,560,066 beginning 2011-01-15;
to 125,572,661 beginning 2011-04-02;
to 125,807,389 beginning 2011-07-02;
to 126,188,733 beginning 2011-10-01;
to 126,579,970 beginning 2012-01-01;
to 127,048,587 beginning 2012-04-07;
to 127,495,952 beginning 2012-07-14;
to 128,066,082 beginning 2012-10-06;
to 128,613,913 beginning 2013-01-05;
to 129,204,324 beginning 2013-04-06;
to 129,827,178 beginning 2013-07-06;
to 130,396,096 beginning 2013-10-05.]
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) (Excel)
Extended Benefits
more graphs

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Andrew Malcolm _Jewish World Review_
other countries have joined Americans in low evaluations of pres. Obummer

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Ann McFeatters _Jewish World Review_
what is it about dictators and bad taste?

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
more dad-moments, please

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime's quiver of outrage is empty

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Bob Tyrrell _Jewish World Review_
new witnesses to the attack on the US consulate at Benghazi

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Ted Nugent apologized -- when will Spike Lee?

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
it's the desert
"Someone better send [the haughty] John Kerry [who served in VietNam] a high school geography text-book.   Our brilliant Secretary of State doesn't seem to know that California is about two-thirds desert...   California's mostly a desert.   It's been one for eons.   Deserts tend to, ah, have water issues -- especially when tens of millions of people live in them...   How about the [drought] that started in the year 850 -- and lasted 240 years?   Or the shorter one that began in about 1100 and ended in 1300?..."

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
new assaults on American law

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
where is our shame?
"It has been known for years that North Korea is a totalitarian hellhole ruled by megalomaniacs who have turned the country into a vast concentration camp.   Millions of North Koreans have died from starvation caused by their government's deranged policies; millions more have been victimized by its fanatic efforts to repress any hint of independent thought, and by its merciless assaults on human dignity.   But the report issued by the UN panel this month, after a year-long investigation that gathered evidence from more than 320 victims and witnesses, paints such an extensive and meticulous portrait of evil that it compares in significance, as the Washington Post observed, to Alexander Solzhenitsyn's devastating history of the Soviet labor camps, _The Gulag Archipelago_..."

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
why it is so sublime to be a leftist nowadays
"The many jaundiced assessments of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on the fifth anniversary of its enactment were understandable, given that the sluggish recovery, now drowsing through the second half of its fifth year, is historically anemic.   Still, bleak judgments about the stimulus spending miss the main point of it, which was to funnel a substantial share of its money to unionized, dues-paying, Democratic-voting government employees.   Hence the stimulus succeeded...   When a politician says, concerning an issue involving science, that the debate is over, you may be sure the debate is rolling on and not going swimmingly for his side..."

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
raise the minimum wage to $14/hour using this one weird trick!
"Democrats believe they've hit on the perfect issue to distract from the horror of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] in the 2014 elections..."

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
the good war and the bad Afghan leader

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Anthony Watts
new lab reference standard for CO2 and methane
American Chemical Society

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Willis Eschenbach
the power stroke

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
John Ribeiro _"IT" News_/_IDG_
9th circus ordered YouTube to remove "Innocence of Muslims"
In a 2-1 decision, [the 9th circus] ruled that the actress shown in the movie trailer, CLG, had established the likelihood 'that irreparable harm would result if an injunction did not issue because she was subject to death threats and took action as soon as she began receiving the threats'.   CLG also established 'sufficient causal connection' between the infringement of her copyright and the harm she alleged, the court said.   The anti-Islam movie trailer led to protests in 2012...in various countries including Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Indonesia, Afghanistan and Pakistan...   CLG alleged that she was cast in a film titled 'Desert Warrior' and that defendant NBN, also known as SB..., told her that it was an adventure film about ancient Egyptians...   she claimed invasion of privacy, misappropriation of her likeness, fraud, and unfair business practices...   had its sound-track manipulated to make it appear that CLG was slandering Islam and Muslim beliefs."

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJ Media_
what passes for morality these days makes animals of us all: carving "superiority" out of the cult of nature

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
new extortion regulations are actually attemtp at corrupt political rigging of elections
"Speaking at the Heritage Foundation on Friday, Strassel argued that 'this is a president and his team of political operatives who have always understood the power of speech, but more importantly, the power of denying it to their political opponents.'..."

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer regime's relentless campaign against employment
"The primary reasons the real unemployment rate continues to stand above 13% are the burdens of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and president Obama's relentless campaign of vilification against business and job creators...   According to the findings of the [DHS OIG's] audit, the [Obummer regime] regularly gives a break to businesses that hire illegal aliens, reducing their fines by an average of 40% from what they should be, and suggesting that the government could be doing a lot more to put pressure on unscrupulous employers...   The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that, in the 1980s, the net [increase] of the U.S. [illegal alien] population was at 130K per year, increasing to 450K per year from 1990–1994, further increasing to 750K per year from 1995–1999, and staying at 700K–850K+ per year since about 2000."

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
_Conservative HQ_
open comment period closes today on Obummer regime's rigging of extortion rules for political purposes
"In essence these proposed rules take away the First Amendment rights of any 501(c)(4) tax exempt organization and institutionalize and legalize what Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of the King Street Patriots and True the Vote, called the weaponization of government.   How the [Obummer regime] has institutionalized the weaponization of government was clarified in considerable detail when the House Ways and Means Committee released a 2012 e-mail message from a high-ranking Treasury Department official to Lois Lerner, former head of the IRS tax exempt division, discussing an 'off-plan' project on 501(c)(4) organizations.   Attorney Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, who was also a witness at the hearing and represents some 41 plaintiffs in a suit against the IRS, told law-makers it now makes more sense why Lerner invoked her Fifth Amendment right not to testify last year before a House panel.   Representatives Jim Jordan (OH-4) and Trey Gowdy (SC-4) were especially effective in pressing the [Obummer regime] witnesses on their abject failure to actually investigate the abuses, drilling down on the fact that in 6 months 13 Justice Department (DoJ) employees working on the case haven't [taken the] time to interview either of the witnesses at the table or any of the 41 plaintiffs in a suit against the IRS for targeting them for political discrimination."
click to submit comments

2014-02-27 (5774 Adar1 27)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_/_AP_
as power-madness induces faintness & shortness of breath, Obummer regime's corrupt AG Eric Holder checks into hospital


2014-02-28 (5774 Adar1 28)
Ann Corcoran _Refugee ReSettlement Watch_
State Department seems to be trying to turn True Blue Republican states Red
"The majority of the cities [Joel Kotkin] cites in his wrong-headed assessment of immigrant demographics are cities the US State Department and their nine major contractors 'chose' for refugee resettlement.   Once refugees from certain ethnic groups take up residence, those same contractors do the paperwork to bring in the family and others of that ethnic group—like Catholic Charities did with Kurds in Nashville.   Then secondary migrants of the ethnic group move there to set up their little Nation within our Nation.   Nashville is known now as Little Kurdistan (and it isn't a positive thing!).   Minneapolis is Little Mogadishu represented by Keith Ellison (as I said yesterday)."
Such over-concentration rather than assimilation has been seen in past "refugee re-settlement" projects.   Many Hmong were moved from SouthEast Asia to Minneapolis-St. Paul in the 1970s; many Hispanic and Serbian people were moved to Chicago in the 1980s and 1990s..

2014-02-28 (5774 Adar1 28)
Brandon Darby _Texas GOP Vote_
election/vote corruption & fraud: Battleground Texas retreats, says voter registration/turn-out scheme is "legally unclear"

2014-02-28 (5774 Adar1 28)
Peggy Noonan _WSJ_
the USA & the aggressive, powermad Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists

2014-02-28 (5774 Adar1 28)
Robert Wolfe _New English Review_
_Socialist Globalization_

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Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Generally overlooked, in contrast, is the steady rise in their own funds -- from tuition, endowment, gifts, etc. -- that universities devote to research. Collectively, in current dollars, these expenditures increased from $37M in 1953 to nearly $5G in 1998." --- Daniel S. Greenberg 2001 _Science, Money, and Politics: Political Triumph and Ethical Erosion_ pg81  



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On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014

  ""The first chapter uses a wide-angled lens to take in the whole panoply of the universe and man's place within it.   In the second, the camera zooms in on man himself, the fissile combination of 'dust of the earth' and 'breath of God', no longer part of nature but the lonely being only too aware of the gift of self-consciousness that now isolates him from the animals.   To end his solitude, God creates woman.   Waking to see her, man utters his first words, and in so doing creates the first poem: Now, at last, Bone of my bone, And flesh of my flesh, She shall be called woman [ishah/ashah], Because she was taken from man [ish].   [Genesis/Brashith 2:23]   The Hebrew text contains not one but 2 words for man.   Until now, man has been called adam, meaning man-as-biological-species, Homo sapiens, that which has been taken from the ground (adamah).   Only now is he called, and calls himself, ish, meaning a person, an individual, a distinctive personality.   Here for the first time we encounter a fateful proposition: Man must pronounce the name of woman before he pronounces his own name. He has to recognize the other before he can recognize himself." --- R' Jonathan Sacks 2000 _A Letter in the Scroll_ pp78-79  


Proposed Bills 2014

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "since CBS News was trying to get into Cuba to do a documentary, the brass invited [Fidel Castro] over to show him that they were good guys who could be trusted.   Never mind, for a moment, the irony that American journalists felt they had to prove to a communist dictator that they could be trusted.   This was business.   So there they were, the 2 media grandees, Dain and Fidel, touring the studio where Dan does the evening news each night, smiling, laughing, bantering, looking like old pals who hadn't seen each other in years.   Dan even gave Fidel a nice little gift -- a baseball bat, because Fidel, as everyone knows, loves baseball.   In the old days, he actually was offered a contract to play for the New York Giants, which he turned down, in the words of one reporter, 'to become a communist free agent instead'.   But when you think about it, all the smiles and all the laughs -- business or no business -- makes a lot of sense.   After all, to a lot of [leftists], Fidel isn't a communist dictator.   I mean, technically he is.   They know, for example, that he hasn't allowed a free election in the last 40 years or so, that he doesn't tolerate dissent, and that he'd rather drink battery acid on the rocks with a touch of lime than allow a free press. Mere technicalities.   The way they see it, to describe Fidel Castro simply as a dictator is so... uncool comes to mind.   To the cognoscenti -- especially the [leftist] cognoscenti in the media -- Fidel is a celebrity.   So what if he doesn't tolerate freedom of the press?   That doesn't mean an American newsman can't like the guy, does it?   Castro -- who locks people up if they look at him funny -- The Dan embraces." --- Bernard Goldberg 2002 _Bias_ pp208-209  

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