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updated: 2019-08-12
"The House of Representatives shall be composd of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Eectors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature." --- article 1 section 2 paragraph 1 |
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"because [Red Chinese] exports to the United States [of America] constitute fully 45% of America's trade deficit and 75% when petroleum imports are excluded." --- Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pg27 |
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2014-03-01 (5774 Adar1 29)
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1781-03-01: Articles of Confederation adopted
Proposed Bills 2014
"the Soviet Union, where just 40% of the whole population could read and write in 1926, with literacy rates being in the single digits in Siberia and Central Asia." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg218 (citing Robert J. Kaiser 1994 _The Geography of Nationalism in Russia and the USSR_ pg129) |
2014-03-02 (5774 Adar1 30)
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1836-03-02: Texas Declaration of Independence
Proposed Bills 2014
"One sign of the wide range of cultural development among the peoples of the Soviet Union was that the literacy rate in 1922 ranged from less than 4% in Tajikstan to more than 80% in Latvia and Estonia." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg217 (citing Gertrude E. Schroeder "Social and Economic Aspects of he Nationality Problem" in Robert Conquest _The Last Empire_ pg295) |
2014-03-03 (5774 Adar2 01)
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1865-03-03: battle of Natural Bridge, Florida
Proposed Bills 2014
"We are living in an age when the gifted are among the least likely to advance. Such people often run the risk of dismissal because, although their work is excellent, they do not fit in." --- David Willings "The Gifted at Work" (quoted at Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg130) |
2014-03-04 (5774 Adar2 02)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer making wars more likely
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1789-03-04: US Constitution went into effect
Proposed Bills 2014
"The soul that You, my God, have given me is pure. You created it, You formed it, You breathed it into me; You keep my body and soul together. One day You will take my soul from me, to restore it to me in life eternal. So long as this soul is within me I acknowledge You, HaShem my God, my ancestors' God, Master of all creation, Sovereign of all souls." --- daily blessing for the gift of our soul (Paul Steinberg, Janet Greenstein Potter, et al. 2007 _Celebrating the Jewish Year: The Fall Holidays_ pg3) |
2014-03-05 (5774 Adar2 03)
Jim Holt & Kirstinn Taylor _GateWay Pundit_
Egypt deported more "Code Pink" pro-Hamas terrorist agitators
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014
"My aikido [ai-chi-do=balanced life-energy way/path] teacher, Sunny Skys, reminds his students of a Japanese expression, Tadaia: only now." --- Diane Dreher 1996 _The Tao of Personal Leadership_ pg 35 |
Bill Snyder _InfoWorld_/_IDG_
STEM professionals: take a congress-critter and a cop to work with you: let's clue them in
_Conservative HQ_
Jeff Bell for NJ senate
Joe Carr for US senate from TN
John H. Cochrane _The Grumpy Economist_
employment/population ratio
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Kazimierz/Casimir Michal Waslaw Wiktor Pulaski b: 1745-03-06 in Warsaw, Poland d: 1779-10-11 in Savannah, GA
Proposed Bills 2014
"With the invention of new building techniques, structural systems, and computing power increasing every year, it is an exciting time to be a structural engineer. Just as the height of buildings has increased on the back of what we've learnt from our predecessors, so too has the depth of our knowledge. Today, I can design structures that brilliant thinkers like Leonardo da Vinci struggled with. And in 100 years, engineers will no doubt find it easy to do things that I struggle with now. My peers and I are building on thousands of years of engineering gifted to us by Archimedes, Brunelleschi, Otis, Khan, and countless others." --- Roma Agrawal 2018 _Built: The Hidden Stories behind Our Structures_ pg141 |
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014
"Although most modern industrial societies have minimum wage laws, not all do. Switzerland and Hong Kong have been among the exceptions -- and both have had very low unemployment rates, that in Hong Kong being as low as 1.5%. Minimum wage rates in Europe tend generally to be set higher than in the USA, and European countries tend to have correspondingly higher unemployment rates than the USA -- and job growth rates only a fraction of the American rate." --- Thomas Sowell 2000 _Basic Economics_ pp153-154 |
John H. Cochrane _The Grumpy Economist_
employment/population ratio: graph wars
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014
"cardinal Mazarin had other enemies besides the frondeurs and the Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement. Among the most puissant of them was Nicolas Fouquet, who in 1653 had become superintendent of finances to Louis xiv. A gifted, precocious, and ambitious man, Fouquet, within the next few years, became the wealthiest and most powerful indvidual in the kingdom. He was sometimes called the true king of France. And he was not without political aspirations. It was rumored that he intended to make Brittany [Bretagne/Armorica] an independent duchy and himself its presiding duke. Fouquet's mother was a prominent member of the Compagnie du Saint-Sacrament. So was his brother Charles, arch-bishop of Narbonne in the Languedoc. His younger brother, Louis, was also an ecclesiastic. In 1656 Nicolas Fouquet dispatched Louis to Rome, for reasons which -- though not necessarily mysterious -- have never been explained... In 1661 Louis xiv ordered the arrest of Nicolas Fouquet. The charges were extremely general and nebulous." --- Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln 1982, 2004, 2005 _Holy Blood, Holy Grail_ pp178-180 |
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2014
_Conservative HQ_
senator Milton Wolf of KS: GOP losership has failed us
senator Chris McDaniel of MS
Ben Sasse of NB
_Science 2.0_
5K years: recent natural selection altered the appearance of Europeans
Proposed Bills 2014
"As of 1932, there was not a single engineer or technician among the 50K or more Tatars working in the Donets basin -- and, half a century later, Central Asians could still be characterized as largely unskilled members of the labor force. As in other similar situations, the costly expedient of moving outsiders in, to supply the skills and aptitudes missing locally, was increasingly resorted to in the Soviet Union after attempts to create local, industrially-trained workers and educated elites proved to be too slow or too costly." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg219 (citing Gerhard Simon _Nationalism and Policy Toward the Nationalities in the Soviet Union_ pp25-30,38-41,54,61,122; S. Enders Wimbush "The Soviet Muslim Borderlands" in Robert Conquest _The Last Empire_ pg222) |
_Conservative HQ_
Sam Clovis in Tea Party lead in Iowa
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
abuse of OPT sky-rockets
"The year that president George W. Bush approved the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program extension [from 12 months to 29 months] for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) students, the U.S. [government] approved 28,500 OPT applications. In 2009, the number of approved OPT applications shot-up to 90,900, and has increased every year since. After taking office, president Barack Obama also backed the program, and expanded the number of fields included. Last year the U.S. approved 123K OPT applications, according to a new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). In the last 6 years, a total of 560K students received OPT approvals..."
Proposed Bills 2014
Proposed Bills 2014
_Conservative HQ_
Dan Bongino of UT to break the DC bubble
Bill Snyder _InfoWorld_/_IDG_
how execs of tech giants beat H-1B visa cap: they call them students on OPT
"in nearly 40% of the cases examined by the GAO, the government didn't even know the name of the student's employer."
Proposed Bills 2014
_Conservative HQ_
Bryan Smith for congress from Idaho
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 81.6 in late Feb to 79.9 in early March
Doug Carroll: USA Today/Gannett
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Proposed Bills 2014
Proposed Bills 2014
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-03-17: St. Patrick's Day
2008-03-17: Tata office opened in Milford, OH, after having received $19M in exchange for empty promises to employ 1K US citizens there by 2010
2014-03-17 (5774 Adar2 15)
David Stockman _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
The 1914-1929 Boom Was An Artifact of War And Central Banking
2014-03-17 (5774 Adar2 15)
Heather Mac Donald _National Review_
Obummer's latest unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens and the corrupt push to "de-legitimate" deportation and removal
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-03-18 (5774 Adar2 16)
Michael Ledeen _PM Media_
global war going mostly un-reported
2014-03-18 (5774 Adar2 16)
David Steinberg _PM Media_
which GOP candidates deserve to defeat incumbents
"Dave Brat... J.D. Winteregg... Lee Bright... Peter Greenwald... Erika Harold..."
2014-03-18 (5774 Adar2 16)
_Conservative HQ_
we agree with Barbara, We've had too many Bushes, but John E. Bush is the "great hope" of the GOP losership
Proposed Bills 2014
"A company which cannot keep competitors out is not a monopoly, no matter what percentage of the market it may have at the moment." --- Thomas Sowell 2000 _Basic Economics_ pg102 |
_Chronicle of Higher Education_
Internet2 Teams Up With India's National Knowledge Network
Christopher Monckton
Un-cherry-picking and the Singer Event
Anthony Watts
climate spin campaign by Obummer regime
Anthony Watts
GISS LOTI & NCDC global temperature data drop in 2014 February
2014-03-19 (5774 Adar2 17)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
Bullies Against School Choice
2014-03-19 (5774 Adar2 17)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
Wage Stagnation
2014-03-19 (5774 Adar2 17)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
_Triple Package_: superiority complex, insecurity and impulse control
2014-03-19 (5774 Adar2 17)
Michael S. Teitelbaum _Atlantic_
the myth of a science and engineering talent shortage
"The truth is that there is little credible evidence of the claimed widespread shortages in the U.S. science and engineering work-force... While they therefore are of great importance, college graduates employed in science and engineering occupations (as defined by the National Science Foundation) actually comprise only a small fraction of the work-force... A compelling body of research is now available, from many leading academic researchers and from respected research organizations such as the National Bureau of Economic Research, the RAND Corporation, and the Urban Institute. No one has been able to find any evidence indicating current widespread labor market shortages or hiring difficulties in science and engineering occupations that require bachelors degrees or higher, although some are forecasting high growth in occupations that require post-high school training but not a bachelors degree. All have concluded that U.S. higher education produces far more science and engineering graduates annually than there are S&E job openings -- the only disagreement is whether it is 100% or 200% more. Were there to be a genuine shortage at present, there would be evidence of employers raising wage offers to attract the scientists and engineers they want. But the evidence points in the other direction: Most studies report that real wages in many—but not all—science and engineering occupations have been flat or slow-growing, and unemployment as high or higher than in many comparably-skilled occupations... unemployment among scientists and engineers is higher than in other professions such as physicians, dentists, lawyers, and registered nurses, and surprisingly high unemployment rates prevail for recent graduates even in fields with alleged serious 'shortages' such as engineering (7.0%), computer science (7.8%) and information systems (11.7%)... Biomedical Ph.D.s are unusually lengthy and often require additional years of post-doctoral training, yet after completion those with such degrees experience labor market demand and remuneration that are relatively low... the remuneration employers are offering does not come close to compensating for far higher housing and other costs. According to the most recent data from the National Association of Realtors, Silicon Valley (metro San Jose) has the highest median house prices in the country, at $775K -- nearly 4 times...the national median... low-paid and temporary 'post-doctoral' positions, but even then only a minority have realistic prospects of landing a coveted tenure-track academic position. Among college-educated information technology workers under age 30, temporary workers from abroad constitute a large majority. Even in electrical and electronic engineering -- an occupation that is right at the heart of high-tech innovation but that also has been heavily out-sourced abroad -- U.S. employment in 2013 declined to about 300K, down 35K and over 10%, from 2012, and down from about 385K in 2002. Unemployment rates for electrical engineers rose to a surprisingly high 4.8% in 2013 [over 3 times the full-employment level for these occupations]... The average national scores reflect both ends of the scale, yet there continues to be a large pool of top science and math students in the U.S.A. OECD data on 'high-performing' students suggests that the U.S.A. produces about 33% of the world total in this category in the sciences, though only about 14% in mathematics... the numbers of science and engineering graduates is at least double those being hired into such occupations each year... The repeated past cycles of 'alarm/ boom/ bust' have misallocated public and private resources by periodically expanding higher education in science and engineering beyond levels for which there were attractive career opportunities. In so doing they produced large unintended costs for those talented students who devoted many years of advanced education to prepare for careers that turned out to be unattractive by the time they graduated, or who later experienced massive lay-offs in mid-career with few prospects to be rehired..."
2014-03-19 (5774 Adar2 17)
Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
grain trains delayed by weather, construction, oil
Proposed Bills 2014
Norm Matloff
H-1B + green card lobbying: follow the money
2014-03-20 (5774 Adar2 18)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
technology is not wisdom
"Sending employment abroad is a Silicon Valley specialty. That the techie wizards of Menlo Park wear jeans, listen to rap and surf the net endlessly does not mean that these profit-driven grandees out-source fewer jobs than did U.S. Steel in the 1950s."
2014-03-20 (5774 Adar2 18)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare: abuse of power endangers our health
2014-03-20 (5774 Adar2 18)
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
Ken Cuccinelli points out some corrupt AGs are attacking constitutions and laws they're supposed to uphold
2014-03-20 (5774 Adar2 18)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Nasty Pelosi on ObummerDoesn'tCare
Anthony Watts
Mark Steyn has discovered Mann's eau de weasel
Tim Ball
UN IPCC "scientists" knew data did not support impression conveyed to and through media
2014-03-20 (5774 Adar2 18)
_Conservative HQ_
draft Ted Cruz for president super-PAC
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-03-21 (5774 Adar2 19)
"Soulskill" _Slash Dot_
more on the disposable American STEM professionals
2014-03-21 (5774 Adar2 19)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
no evidence to support claims of shortage of STEM professionals
2014-03-21 (5774 Adar2 19)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
a test of the RINOs
2014-03-21 (5774 Adar2 19)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Get To Know the Communist Corpse Marketing OverLords
please help find Marizela
2014-03-21 (5774 Adar2 19)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
Pot-Holes Ahead for the Class of 2018
2014-03-21 (5774 Adar2 19)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
the good, bad and the bossy
2014-03-21 (5774 Adar2 19)
Ron Woodard _Conservative HQ_
on the arrogance of the powerful
2014-03-21 (5774 Adar2 19)
Allan Wall _VDare_
my time with David Yeagley, Comanche warrior, USA patriot
2001-03-23: David Yeagley: Front Page Magazine: don't burn my flag
2001-04-03: David Yeagley: Front Page Magazine: I was fired for being a non-leftist Amerindian
David Yeagley: a lesson on immigration from an Amerindian
Amerindians are also immigrants
2014-03-14: Jared Taylor: USA Renaissance: Good Bye, older brother
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-03-22 (5774 Adar2 20)
Eric Worrall
Occam's razor and "climate change"
2014-03-22 (5774 Adar2 20)
Anthony Watts
U of MO: new statistical models COULD lead to better predictions
2014-03-22 (5774 Adar2 20)
David Seinberg _PJ Media_
another coo-koo incumbent for amnesty for illegal aliens
trying to lie their ways to re-election
Proposed Bills 2014
"In the late 1880s, it was estimated that there were 87 pupils per teacher in the lowest primary grade -- & even so, thousands of children were refused admission due to lack of space. Even around the turn of the century, 'classes of 60, sitting 3 to a seat' were not unusual. Earlier figures for pupils per teacher, in mid-century NY, were even higher during the period of Irish immigration. A number of lower east side [Manhattan] schools were over 90% Jewish. Attempts to relieve over-crowding in these schools by busing these children to west side schools in Irish neighborhoods provoked protest meetings & irate editorials in the Jewish news papers. The plans were abandoned." --- Thomas Sowell 1981 _Ethnic America_ pg 87 (referencing Diane Ravitch 1974 _The Great School Wars_ pp 115, 89 & 176, Selma C. Berrol 1976 March "Education & Economic Mobility" _American Jewish Historical Quarterly_ pp 259-260, Irving Howe 1976 _World of Our Fathers_ pg 278) |
Anniversary of Virginia governor, Patrick Henry's 1775 "Liberty or Death" speech
Liberty On-Line
History Place
History.org/Colonial Williamsburg
American Rhetoric
University of Oklahoma College of Law
"Gentlemen may cry Peace! Peace! But there is no peace. The war is actually begun... Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
2014-03-23 (5774 Adar2 21)
Anthony Watts
warmist hysterics fear debate
2014-03-23 (5774 Adar2 21)
Jim Steele
AAAS has lost credibility, integrity WRT climate
2014-03-23 (5774 Adar2 21)
_"IT" News_/_IDG_
NSA turns tables, hacks into Huawei Technologies
2014-03-23 (5774 Adar2 21)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
pre- and post-modern poseurs
2014-03-23 (5774 Adar2 21)
Rhonda Robinson _PJ Media_
human trafficking and justice
2014-03-23 (5774 Adar2 21)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
a conversaion on immigration reform vs. reprehensible immmigration law perfersion: interview with Michael Cutler
Proposed Bills 2014
"...Music, too, has a time-honored association with science and engineering... Max PLanck...in particular studied the untempered 'natural' scale. Francis William Aston, inventor of the mass spectrograph and Nobel laureate in chemistry, was an excellent musician [and] music critic for the Cambridge Review... John Rennie, famous British builder of canals, was proficient on many instruments, among them the bag-pipes. The Roeblings were both accomplished musicians -- the father on the flute, the son on the violin... Nikola Tesla...While trying to develop an electric motor [without] burshes and commutator...a flash of insight came...as he recited a passage of Goethe's 'Faust' while walking with a friend in the Budapest city park... Charles Steinmets of GE was a student of the classics... David Steinman, famed builder of bridges, studied the humanities and 3 foreign languages... Thomas Edison...By the time he was 12 he had read _The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire_ and Burton's _Anatomy of Melancholy_. He became a voracious reader with the gift of total recall, and in is mature years he read widely, listing Shakespeare and Tom Paine among his favorites... John Roebling...studied architecture, bridge construction, and hydraulics...philosophy under...Hegel... Washington Roebling...had attended RPI, where...he studied Logical and Rhetorical Criticism, French Composition and Literature, and Intellectual and Ethical Philosophy. He was fluent in French and German and had a life-long taste for the works of Shiller, Goethe, Carlyle, Thackeray, and his favorite, Tolstoy." --- Samuel C. Florman 1987 _The Civilized Engineer_ pp185-189 |
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the differences among genius, wisdom, ignorance and stupidity
"Take several recent Rasmussen polls. In one, only 29% of likely voters said incumbent members of the House and Senate should be re-elected. That sounds smart, given that we now have more respect for bank robbers than politicians. Except come November, just about everybody in Congress will be re-elected -- by these same people who told Rasmussen that that they wanted to kick the bums out..."
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Dennis Byrne _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's brain-dead approach to global bullies
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
James Dean _USA's Freedom Fighters_
Christians brain-dead approach to global bullies
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Robert Schmerling _Jewish World Review_
bags under eyes are possible symptoms of...
"Liver disease, kidney problems, or heart failure are potential culprits... Normal aging... Sleep position... Nasal congestion [from colds, allergies...]... Genetics..."
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Matthew Mientka _Jewish World Review_
Brits' NHS hospitals caught burning remains of aborted children to heat buildings
Mike McNally: PJ Media
Bill Whittle: PJ Media
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Anthony Watts
UN IPCC admits "consensus" was wrong in stunning reversal on bio-fuels
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Willis Eschenbach
water vapor feed-back
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Anthony Watts
6K years ago there was less Arctic sea ice than today
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Stephen Green _PJ Media_
happy days are not here
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
LaDonna Hale Curzon _Conservative HQ_
the left's clumsy attempts to villify Sarah Palin
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Becky Gerritson _Conservative HQ_
the "F-bomb" in Communist Corpse literature curriculum/materials
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Jonah Goldberg _PJ Media_
what does "social justice" mean? (video)
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
nasty Pelosi and House Dems try discharge petition to resurrect immigration law perversion
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
through the looking glass
2014-03-24 (5774 Adar2 22)
Pete Spiliakos _First Things_
government indoctrination centers: where debate is equated with violence
Proposed Bills 2014
"The conquests of the Ottoman Empire in medieval south-eastern Europe brought many Slavs under the dominion of the Turks, whose exactions included a regular levy of male children, who were taken away as slaves to be converted to Islam and trained for military posts in the corps of the Janissaries or in various civil positions as functionaries of the Ottoman government. Between 15K and 20K children were taken away from their parents during the 30-year reign of Sultan Mohammed the Conqueror in the 15th century, for example, and the practice did not die out until the latter part of the 17th century, by which time approximately 200K boys had been taken from their families in this way. Not all these children were Slavs, since this human levy applied to conquered Christians in general, but, in practice, many of these children were Slavs and relatively few were Greeks or Armenians." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg192 (citing Jean W. Sedlar _East Central Europe in the Middle Ages pp96-97, 352; Peter F. Sugar _SouthEastern Europe under Ottoman Rule 1354-1804_ pg56) |
_Conservative HQ_
Curt Clawson for FL congressional district 19
Frank Roche for NC congressional district 2
Dave Brat for VA congressional district 7
Bob Marshall for VA congressional district 10
Alex Mooney for WV congressional district 2
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
Richard Cohen _Jewish World Review_
great individuals and evil individuals matter
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
There's Nothing Live-and-Let-Live About the Orwellian Pro-Abortion Left
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the left's war against Hobby Lobby
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Republicans and Blacks
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
Anthony Watts
2006 polar bear survey found to be invalid
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
Anthony Watts
another "no comments allowed" UN IPCC video
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
Anthony Watts
many USA weather stations show cooling, maximum temps flat
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
EPA engaged in its largest power grab: Clean Water Act rule attempts to assert fed gov control of streams that only fill when it rains, ornamental landscape features, anything deemed to affect down-stream waters
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
Dem Party's war against black people... and how to defend against it
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Curt Clawson is the CHQ pick in Florida's 19th congressional district
"Big business and big government exist in a vampire-host, go-along-get-along relationship based on looting the [tax-victim]."
2014-03-25 (5774 Adar2 23)
David N. Bossie _Conservative HQ_
non-leftists to rally for first principles
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
bizarre arguments and behavior
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
let's fight back against government violations of the US Constitution
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
US government bullies
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
the role of energy in the path to peace
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
Steven Emerson _Jewish World Review_
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
Anthony Watts
first images available from NASA-JAXA global rain and snow-fall satellite
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
Tom Nelson
water vapor is "pollution"?
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
David Whitehouse
causes for the pause which so baffles warmist hysterics
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
Christopher Monckton
coldest U.S.A. winter in a century
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
Nathan Oppman _Conservative HQ_
Communist Corpse and ObummerDoesn'tCare: 2 peas in a pod
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
Ed Marcum _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
ammunition still in short supply in Knoxville
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
Bill Straub _PJ Media_
Darrell Issa noted that Lois Lerner was on a mission against non-leftist 501(c)(5)s after Citizens United decision
2014-03-26 (5774 Adar2 24)
key indicators in media & news
Proposed Bills 2014
"From 1978 through 1998, American corporate profit rates fluctuated between a low of just above 6% to a high of about 13%. As a percentage of national income, [aggregate] corporate profits after taxes never exceeded 9% and was often below 6% over a 30 year period endng in 1998." --- Thomas Sowell 2000 _Basic Economics_ pg77 |
2014-03-27 (5774 Adar2 25)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
massaging of critical data undermines our economy and government
"It was reported in November that the Census Bureau may have fabricated survey results during the 2012 presidential campaign, sending false data to the Labor Department that could have altered official employment statistics. In the 1990s, the method of assessing the official unemployment rate was massaged to make it seem lower than it actually was. Rules were changed to ignore millions who had been out of work longer than 52 weeks [but still actively seek employment]. They were suddenly classified as permanent drop-outs and not part of the idled work-force. Does the government release an accurate report on quarterly Gross Domestic Product growth -- another vital barometer of how the economy is doing? Maybe not. Last year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis for the first time factored research and development costs of businesses into statistics on investment growth. Suddenly, a cost became proof of business output and thus was added into the business investment contribution to GDP. That new accounting gimmick may have added hundreds of billions of dollars into the equation of figuring GDP growth last year alone. Not surprisingly, the government reported unexpectedly high 2.8% GDP growth after the changes..."
2014-03-27 (5774 Adar2 25)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
probably cause vs. general warrants and FISA and NSA
2014-03-27 (5774 Adar2 25)
Bob Tisdale
maybe UN IPCC's modelers should try to simulate earth's oceans
2014-03-27 (5774 Adar2 25)
Paul C. Knappenberger
report in AAAS Science on climate is 10 years behind the state of knowledge in the field
2014-03-27 (5774 Adar2 25)
Matt Ridley _Wall Street Journal_
UN IPCC report more cautious but still exaggerates the amount of warming
2014-03-27 (5774 Adar2 25)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
Venezuelans' fight for freedom is important to U.S.A.
2014-03-27 (5774 Adar2 25)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Is Demo Leland Yee a Full-Blown Gun-Runner for Russians and Islamic Terrorists?
2014-03-27 (5774 Adar2 25)
Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
MO teacher tearfully describes being harassed for opposition to Communist Corpse
Proposed Bills 2014
"[H]umans & chimpanzees... share nearly 99% of our genetic information." --- Michael Rothschild 1992 _Bionomics_ pg 42 (citing Ellen Ruppel Shell 1984-07-01 "Mix 'n' Match DNA" _Science 84_ pg 88; Mary-Claire King & A.C. Wilson 1975-04-11 "Evolution at 2 Levels in Humans & Chimpanzees" _Science_ vol 188 pp 107-110; John E. Pfeiffer 1985 _The Emergence of HumanKind_ pg 38) |
Melissa Korn _Wall Street Journal_
job hunting? dig up those old SAT scores: gate-keepers still want job candidates' test results decades later
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 81.6 in late Feb to 79.9 in early March to 80 in late March
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
Conference Board consumer confidence index increased from 78.3 in Feb to 82.3 in March
"Those claiming jobs are 'plentiful' decreased marginally from 13.4% to 13.1%, while those saying jobs are 'hard to get' increased slightly from 32.4% to 33.0%."
Anthony Watts
USA's cold snowy winter on GEOS time-lapse
2014-03-28 (5774 Adar2 26)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Dems' ObummerDoesn'tCare albatross
David Limbaugh: ObummerDoesn'tCare Is a Fitting Noose Around Dems' Necks
2014-03-28 (5774 Adar2 26)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
A Whole Lotta Dem Corruption Going On
please help find Marizela
2014-03-28 (5774 Adar2 26)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
USA's survival is not "racism"
Diana West.com
2014-03-28 (5774 Adar2 26)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Hail the distinguished drop-outs
2014-03-28 (5774 Adar2 26)
Kassandra D. Smith _Conservative HQ_
conservatives surpassed GOP losership's darlings in poll for 2016
2014-03-28 (5774 Adar2 26)
Glyn Wright _Conservative HQ_
changing the rules, changing the USA: the senate and judicial "supremacy"
2014-03-28 (5774 Adar2 26)
Cherylyn Harley LeBon _Conservative HQ_
Al Sharpton hugging an individual sent to prison for committing vote fraud
Washington DC Examiner
Rockland County Times
Right Wing News
Proposed Bills 2014
"It is not only the stability of the family -- low rates of desertion or divorce -- that is important, but also the values embodied in the family. Italians & Jews have both had highly stable families, but the values of the Jewish family drive the individual toward upward mobility, while Italian family values have... often made the individual feel that he was somehow 'betraying' the family by moving beyond its orbit into a wider world." --- Thomas Sowell 1981 _Ethnic America_ pg 280 |
2014-03-29 (5774 Adar2 27)
Nick Balatsos _Billings MT Gazette_
Billings Young Marines: self-improvement, discipline and a sense of camaraderie
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-03-30 (5774 Adar2 28)
Anthony Watts
Hate Week at the "Climate Certainty Channel"
2014-03-30 (5774 Adar2 28)
John Ericson _Jewish World Review_
hint at treatment for inherited neuro-degenerative disease that may affect 1 in every 20K Americans
2014-03-30 (5774 Adar2 28)
John Ericson _Jewish World Review_
2 so-called microRNA markers — 122 and 126 — dropped dramatically about 2 weeks prior to the heart attack
2014-03-30 (5774 Adar2 28)
_Jewish World Review_
Israel makes yet another peace proposal
2014-03-30 (5774 Adar2 28)
Henry Chu & Batsheva Sobelman _Jewish World Review_
Spain's legislature considering inviting Jews back after over 1500 years
2014-03-30 (5774 Adar2 28)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Obummer regime DHS caught and released 68K illegal aliens who had been convicted of crimes
Grumpy Elder
Nesara Network
"only 0.08% of the aliens deported in 2013 were not serial immigration law violators or convicted of serious crimes."
Proposed Bills 2014
"By the middle of the 19th century, most 'free persons of color' in the USA could read and write, and, half a century after emancipation, so could more than half the entire Negro population of the country... The people of Yugoslavia, for example, achieved 52% literacy only in the 1920s and four-fifths of Albanians were still illiterate at that time. India near the end of the 20th century had yet to reach the level of literacy achieved by black Americans at its beginning." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg170 (citing Robert Higgs 1977 _Competition and Coercion_ pg120; Joseph Rothschild 1992 _East Central Europe between the Two World Wars_ pp276,359) |
2014-03-31 (5774 Adar2 29)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
ideologues who don't face consequences of their fetishes
"If only people had to live in the world that they dreamed of for others. Endangered species everywhere are supposed to be at risk -- except birds of prey shredded by wind turbine farms, or reptilian habitats harmed by massive solar farms. High-speed rail is great for utopian visionaries -- except don't dare start it in the Bay Area... We need cheap labor, open borders, multi-culturalism, and identity politics, but not too near my kids' Santa Monica or Atherton prep schools. I like my beamer in La Jolla and my Mercedes in Menlo Park, but not the fracking that might provide cheaper gas for Juan and Jose who drive a used 10-year-old Yukon 40 miles to work in Mendota..."
2014-03-31 (5774 Adar2 29)
_Conservative HQ_
Dave Brat running in Virginia's 7th congressional district
2014-03-31 (5774 Adar2 29)
Joanne Jacobs
the STEM worker shortage myth
2014-03-31 (5774 Adar2 29)
Christopher Monckton
data-set of data-sets shows no warming this millennium
Proposed Bills 13
"Recently, two economists -- Kelly Bedard and Elizabeth Dhuey -- looked at the relationship between scores on what is called the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, or TIMSS (math and science tests given every 4 years to children in many countries around the world), and month of birth. They found that among the fourth graders, the oldest children scored somewhere between 4 and 12 percentile points better than the youngest children. That, as Dhuey explains, is a'huge effect'. It means that if you take 2 intellectually equivalent 4th graders with birth-days at opposite ends of the cut-off date, the older student could score in the 80th percentile, while the younger one could score in the 68th percentile. That's the difference between qualifying for a gifted program and not." --- Malcolm Gladwell 2008 _Outliers_ pg28 |
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
"Cultures are not erased by crossing a political border, or even an ocean, nor do they necessarily disappear in later generations which adopt the language, dress, & outward life-style of a country." --- Thomas Sowell 1994 _Race & Culture_ pg 4 |
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