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updated: 2021-02-24
"No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained the Age of 25 Years, and been 7 Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen." --- article 1 section 2 paragraph 2 |
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"One of the biggest advantages of an economy coordinated by prices and operating under the incentives created by profit and loss is that it can tap scarce knowledge and insights, even when most of the people do not share such knowledge and insights. The competitive advantages of those who are right can overwhelm the numerical, or even financial, advantages of those who are wrong." --- Thomas Sowell 2000 _Basic Economics_ pg65 |
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Latest |
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
there is much to lament, and much to fear in Obummer regime's foreign policy
Thomas E. Brewton: Is Obummer's Inept Foreign Policy Incompetent Or Intentional?
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
equal protection of the laws AWOL from Obummer regime's practices
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Iranian Christians: "It was important for us to suffer"
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
repeal ObummerDoesn'tCare... by any name
"Simply put, the Democrats didn't know what they were doing, but that didn't stop them from forcing their magical thinking on people who didn't want it."
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
EPA's power-madness continues: tax on cattle
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
Obummer confesses
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
you can have my knife when you pry it from my cold, dead hands
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
Judaism, Christianity, environmentalism
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
Anthony Watts
Chicago had coldest 4 months on record
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
Roy Spencer
warmist hysteria has destroyed April Fools' Day
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
Tom Howard _Billings MT Gazette_
Keystone XL pipe-line is key factor in energy security
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
David P. Goldman _PJ Media_
Are There "Moderate" Muslims? How about "Moderate" Jews and Christians?: The last heretic hanged by the Catholic Church was a Spanish school-teacher accused of Deism in Valencia as recently as 1826
2014-04-01 (5774 Nisan 01)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
requirement to prove citizenship to vote
"it's a felony for non-citizens to vote in US federal elections. Therefore, verifying citizenship is just a matter of enforcing existing election law."
Proposed Bills 2014
"Decide with facts, deliver with the heart." --- Dave Weinbaum (source: Jewish World Review) |
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Anthony Watts
big list of failed climate predictions
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Christopher Monckton
why models can't predict climate accurately
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina's 2012 Election
Susan Myrick: NC Civitas
"The North Carolina State Board of Elections has found thousands of instances of voter fraud in the state, thanks to a 28-state crosscheck of voter rolls. Initial findings suggest widespread election fraud. 765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DoB and last four digits of [Socialist Insecurity Number, SIN] were registered in NC and another state and voted in NC and the other state in the 2012 general election. 35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in NC and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election. 155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DoB and last 4 digits of [Socialist Insecurity Number, SIN] were registered in NC and another state -- and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within NC..."
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
leftist Hollywood and Dems are the most prominent public purveyors of racism and ethnic language-mocking in America
please help find Marizela
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
Lethal Lies About Hospital Infections: Clostridium difficile
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
Blacks should abandon self-appointed leaders (losers); must reject purveyors of dependency, victimhood
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
there is much to lament, and much to fear in Obummer regime's foreign policy (part 2: disarming ourselves and our allies, arming our enemies)
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
sex and race "equality"
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
anticipating being routed in November, leftists/Dems increasingly desperate
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Glenn Kessler _Jewish World Review_
leftist/Dem attack ad tries to connect the dots, and earns 4 Pinocchios
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Douglas Ernst _Jewish World Review_
average citizens are often much better than CIA at forecasting world events
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
is "Confederate History Month" a disservice to antebellum southern history?
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Stephen Lawson _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Juniper to lay off more than 500 (6%) and close facilities
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
supremes' ruling on campaign finance opens up Hollywood cash flow for leftists/Dems
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
RINOish John Kasich's calamity
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
The Dangers of Over-Federalization in America's Criminal Law System: congress told of "continuing crisis in the overlap of federal and state law, particularly in the areas previously covered only by state law"
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Richard Fernandez _PJ Media_
evaluating "run away and hide" tactic
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Matthew Boyle & Jonathan Strong _Jewish World Review_
GOP House losership quietly inserting immigration law perversion measures into NDAA
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Neil Stevens _True Blue State_
Communist Corpse: bad math meets radical leftist political propaganda (with video)
2014-04-02 (5774 Nisan 02)
Dana Dovey _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
coffee can prevent death from liver disease
Proposed Bills 2014
"Marie Curie, a gifted grown-up from another era, said it well: ‷Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? [Each of us] must have perseverance, and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.‴" --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg129 (citing Eve Curie & Vincent Sheean 1937, 1943 _Madame Curie: A Biography_ pg166) |
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
one California for me, another for thee: 3 California state senators are either under felony indictment or already have been convicted
"Criminal activity is the extreme manifestation of... institutionalized 'progressive' hypocrisy."
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
climate hysterics gone wild
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
ABC's of school choice
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
Hagel releases our cyber warfare plans to Red China; Russia's ICBM warning; Red Chinese subs near Japan
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Jennifer Harper _Jewish World Review_
inside the DC belt-way
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
the 77% lie and why Obummer is trying to perpetuate it
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
millionaires need your help... to get more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics
"[Tax-victims] have been subsidizing Chuck Herrin's under-payment of his illegal labor force for decades, with skyrocketing taxes to pay for schools, roads, bridges, food stamps, health care and so on. Now Herrin thinks 'we' are supposed to support his illegal employees in their old age, too... I care more about my fellow Americans who can't get well-paying jobs than I do about multi-millionaire farmers [and tech executives and university executives], demanding that the rest of us pay to support an industry that claims it can't compete without [tax-victim-subsidized labor]."
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
James Earl Carter's latest anti-American affront
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
checks and balances are not working
"Now we're in another era. Barack Obama is president, and [yes, he and his cabinet and agency appointees are engaged in Nixonian criminality, and] he is rewriting laws without congressional approval, otherwise kicking the Constitution in the teeth on a regular basis and merrily getting away with it. The system is not working..."
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
intolerance in Sili Valley
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Anthony Watts
UN IPCC finally agreed with Nigel Lawson: nobody can predict climate; we're just guessing
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Anthony Watts
CO2 saving plants from cyanide
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Matthew Boyle & Jonathan Strong _Breitbart_
key Republicans balk as debate erupts over immigration law perversions are buried in NDAA
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
"strident conservative" _True Blue State_
Eric Cantor enshrined in the GOP Hall of Shame
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Charlie Martin _PJ Media_
imprison the new Iranian envoy to UN
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Laura Meckler _Wall Street Journal_
tech industry execs and lobbyists may split with others pushing for reprehensible immigration law perversion in effort to ram through personal advantage
2014-04-03 (5774 Nisan 03)
Matthew Burke _Tea Party News Network_
massive vote fraud in North Carolina
Katie Mann: Rockingham VA News Advance
Proposed Bills 2014
"Looking for God is like a drop in the ocean looking for water." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish Worl Review) |
Todd Beamon _News Max_
Ben Carson: where are leftists when black conservatives are harassed?
2014-04-04 (5774 Nisan 04)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry's folly continues
2014-04-04 (5774 Nisan 04)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Jenny Beth Martin joins call for GOP restoration
2014-04-04 (5774 Nisan 04)
Thomas E. Brewton
power-mad government continues to strangle economy
2014-04-04 (5774 Nisan 04)
Michael W. Cutler _Californians For Population Stabilization_
How and why should anyone believe that increasing already excessive legal and illegal immigration will improve US citizens' opportunities, incomes, liberties, etc.?
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-04-05 (5774 Nisan 05)
Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
Scott Corley on C-SPAN and the non-shortage of STEM skills
2014-04-05 (5774 Nisan 05)
Denise Dick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
HS & vo-tech students design and manufacture 3D printers/prototypers/additive manufacturing sysems
2014-04-05 (5774 Nisan 05)
Thomas E. Brewton
Obummer's faith in mythologies of warmism (and STEM skills shortages...)
2014-04-05 (5774 Nisan 05)
David Archibald
what is to be done to stop Obummer regime's war against the USA economy and constitution?
2014-04-05 (5774 Nisan 05)
Christopher Monckton
no global warming for 17 years 8 months
2014-04-05 (5774 Nisan 05)
"Just The Facts"
what defines a scientist
2014-04-05 (5774 Nisan 05)
David Rose _London Daily Mail_
the real costs of climate hysteria
2014-04-05 (5774 Nisan 05)
David Harding & Marissa Newman _NY Daily News_
hair from Eva Braun's brush suggests she may have been Ashkenazi Jew
Daily Mail
Mark Jefferies: Mirror
"The Channel 4 show Dead Famous DNA, which tests the genetic material of historical figures such as Elvis Presley, Charles Darwin, John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, and Napoleon... In DNA from the hair, they found a sequence passed down through the maternal line -- haplogroup N1b1 -- which was 'strongly associated' with Ashkenazi Jews... Braun's 2 surviving female relatives refused to give DNA samples to confirm that the hairs were really Braun's own..."
Proposed Bills 2014
_Worcester MA Telegram_
US trade deficit increased as exports fell
2014-04-06 (5774 Nisan 06)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
in some things it is good that we are NOT #1
2014-04-06 (5774 Nisan 06)
Rick Moran _PJ Media_
why does NOAA have 96 armed agents?
Proposed Bills 2014
"transporting oil by ship costs about one-fourth of the cost of transporting it by pipe-line, less than one-fifth of the cost of transporting it by railroad, and little more than 1% of the cost of shipping it by truck." --- Thomas Sowell 2004 _Applied Economics_ pg203 |
"Allahpundit" _Hot Air_
House GOP losership quietly pushes through bill to expand ObummerDoesn'tCare
John D. McKinnon _Wall Street Journal_
only Tea Party groups were systematically attacked by corrupt IRS
Matthew Burke _Tea Party News Network_
1.73 trillion reasons to hold the line on federal government spending and debt
58% of likely U.S.A. voters don't like ObummerDoesn'tCare, 39% do
2014-04-07 (5774 Nisan 07)
Lucas Mearian _"IT" News_/_ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Seagate released 6TB hard drive... its quickest yet
2014-04-07 (5774 Nisan 07)
Megan Boehnke _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
U of TN hosting STEM job placement workshop to help women professionals
2014-04-07 (5774 Nisan 07)
John Rosenberg _PJ Media_
left's fixation on race/ethnicity denigrates minorities
2014-04-07 (5774 Nisan 07)
Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
arming the mullahs
2014-04-07 (5774 Nisan 07)
Susan Scutti _Jewish World Review_
a simple blood test might soon diagnose cancers
2014-04-07 (5774 Nisan 07)
Anthony Watts
NASA on the "big chill" this last winter
Proposed Bills 2014
"Although [the USA] has always been at the forefront of innovation and technological change in the world, one of the big problems now facing us is that more and more of our country's R&D is being off-shored. Such R&D represents the seed corn of technological change and innovation -- and other coutries are now eating ours A root cause of this problem is a set of trade and tax policies that discourage domestic investment and a set of protectionist policies by our trading partners that force American companies to locate both production and R&D facilities over-seas." --- Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pg37 |
2014-04-08 (5774 Nisan 08)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership playing surrender games while USA loses
2014-04-08 (5774 Nisan 08)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
free political speech vs. incumbents maneuvering to rig the system to benefit themselves at others' expense
2014-04-08 (5774 Nisan 08)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
leftist thought-gangsters strike again
Rich Lowry: the new conformity
Paul Greenberg: a blow for liberty
Ed Driscoll: PJ Media: OKCupid's CEO also once donated to campaign against gay "marriage"
2014-04-08 (5774 Nisan 08)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
no lack of ammo to ridicule ObummerDoesn'tCare
2014-04-08 (5774 Nisan 08)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
* focus on what works *
2014-04-08 (5774 Nisan 08)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
privacy violation today
2014-04-08 (5774 Nisan 08)
Anthony Watts
solar activity down slightly in March
2014-04-08 (5774 Nisan 08)
Ed Driscoll _PJ Media_
the rise of the anti-tech California left?
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
H-1B analysis by CompeteAmerica's academic
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
how to assist evil: history and current events
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
taxing life away
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
leftists/Dems only like money that is funneled to them
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Emily Miller _Jewish World Review_
Harry Reid's hypocrisy: what key Dems are hiding
"Not one of them has a female chief of staff or communications director, the person spearheading this week's publicity stunts. Mr. Reid's spokesman, Adam Jentleson, did not respond to a request for comment. Ms. Murray is the only woman on either side in leadership, but she's also in the lowest-ranking position..."
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the melt-down of the Obummer genderhawks
please help find Marizela
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
e-mail messages show Dem on Oversight committee was working with Lois Lerner to target "True the Vote": LL wanted to work for OFA
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
House Ways & Means committee referred Lois Lerner for criminal charges
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
J. Christian Adams _PJ Media_
key DoJ lawyer/Obummer campaign donor is attacking Dinesh d'Souza
"D'Souza's film 2016 portrays Barack Obama as a product of a third world hostility toward Western colonialism and having an fierce aversion to American values of individual liberty, self-reliance and the rule of law. It is the 4th highest grossing documentary of all time... Not only is DEO Kennedy a Obama campaign contributor, he also has a reputation as a proud and vocal [leftist], not afraid to boast about his ideological worldview."
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Obummer regime _White House_
Obummer plans to grant spouses of every H-1B grantee the equivalent of their own guest-worker visa, but worsening the glut of cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign STEM labor with questionable ethics
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Anthony Watts
CEI is suing EPA for stone-walling FOIA requests
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Anthony Watts
U of Cincinnati: using satellites to track drought
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Liz Peek _Fiscal Times_
campaign spending
"Candidates running for president in 1976 spent $67M; by 1992 that figure had soared to $240M... [In 2000] spending had jumped to $343M... [In 2004] $718M... In the 2012 presidential election, president Obama's backers spent $875M, compared to $845M for Mitt Romney [total ~ $1,720M=$1.72G]... More revealing is the list of 'heavy hitters' published by Open Secrets, the all-time biggest donors between 1989 and 2014. Every single one of the top 16 contributors on that list gives to Democrats; only 5 give to Republicans. The top donors are ActBlue, a Democrat PAC that has spent more than $100M; AFSCME, the labor union that represents public employees; the biggest teachers union, the IBEW, the UAW and so on... Obama's campaign successfully attacked Mitt Romney's wealth and success, financed in part through the $65M spent by Priorities USA Action. The president's powerful Super-PAC was set up in 2011 with seed funding from the SEIU and Dreamworks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg (whose net worth is close to $900M)... [In 2008 Obummer] out-spent McCain by $745M to $367M."
2014-04-09 (5774 Nisan 09)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
e-mail messages show that Lois Lerner fed personal, private "True the Vote" member information to Dem/Leftist/Red Elijah Cummings
Proposed Bills 2014
"As of 1641, the indigenous Irish Catholics owned an estimated three-fifths of the land of Ireland, but, just 24 years later, this proportion was down to one-fifth. By 1709, the Irish owned only 14% of the land in their own country." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg64 (citing Patrick J. Blessing "Irish" in Stephan Thernstrom et al. _Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups_ pg525) |
Linda Kilcrease _Central Jersey_
plentiful American STEM professionals
"[The 'solutions' proposed in an April 6 letter] are the cause, not cure, of ills. It is industry spin to say we need an expansion of temporary foreign workers until our schools pump out more STEM-educated students. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS] and other studies long ago put to rest a mythical high-tech labor shortage. It is now widely accepted that imported foreigners under visas like the H-1B are simply cheap labor -- it is bizarre to otherwise believe that critical workers can only be found in low-wage countries. It is a misnomer to call these workers temporary. Rather, they are indentured to one sponsor for many years in hopes of getting a green card. They cannot act to find the best salary from competing employers, and won't complain for fear of losing the sponsorship. Most every company now has foreign workers which results in displacement of millions of laid-off American STEM workers. Consider the escalation of hiring foreigner workers and firing Americans during the Great Recession. Many thousands of Americans are required to train their less knowledgeable foreign replacements or lose severance benefits. For those lucky to find a new job, it is typically at a reduced salary and likely in a different field like retail sales — which adds to the fallacy there is a shortage of STEM workers. H-1B workers are usually young males, which exacerbates citizenship, age, sex and race discrimination. The need is to close loopholes that permit abuse of the H-1B visa. It is well documented that most visa workers have ordinary skills, and are not the 'best and brightest' as intended by the H-1B law. There is no requirement to fill jobs with qualified Americans. Consider a well-known YouTube video of immigration attorneys providing training on how to avoid Americans when hiring. Most repugnant, H-1Bs are paid a 'prevailing wage' which itself is riddled with loop-holes that make it less than a free market wage. U.S. 'representative' Zoe Lofgren was a strong H-1B advocate who changed when finding out that the average wage for computer systems analysts in her district was $92K, but the prevailing wage paid H-1B workers was $52K, or $40K less. Applications for H-1B workers use job categories like systems analyst so everyone is paid a similar wage without a premium for those with rare skills or advanced experience and education -- a logic similar to bypassing 'older' Americans over age 30. H-1B workers give employers what they want -- immobile, compliant workers they can underpay. Close the loop-holes and the demand for H-1B workers will dissipate, except when an American really cannot be found for a job with unique skills, which gets us back to the intent of the H-1B law and gets Americans back into good jobs."
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
My Plan to Stop Communist Corpse and Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the RINOs' vile attack on conservative Curt Clawson
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
_The Right Scoop_
"Stop whining big baby, start doing your job!" --- Mark Levin TORCHES Eric Holder on his attempts to escape responsibility by attempting to play race card
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
it can be done: Chuck Stone was passionate about race issues but was no race hustler
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Patrick Howley _Daily Caller_
Virginia RINO whimps out from Laura Ingraham show discussion of immigration law, perhaps because he's just not somebody who is comfortable with having that encounter with other views
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Eric Worrall
why a compelling theory is not enough
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Anthony Watts
the La Brea Tar Pits get themselves in a sticky wicket over "climate change" and adaptation
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Christopher Monckton
the Great Credibility Gap yawns ever wider
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
picky, picky, picky: no, serious, serious, serious
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
a government admission of wrong-doing
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
why the haughty John Kerry let the Palestinians make a fool out of him
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the new Inquisition by intolerant leftist Torquemadas
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Michael Walsh _PJ Media_
Al Sharpton, caught in cocaine deal, turned FBI informer... and other leftist organized crime connections and activities
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
J. Christian Adams _PJ Media_
House Reps may withhold funds from lawless, contemptible Eric Holder
"Wolf says he will withhold $1M for every instance of failure for Eric Holder to respond to Wolf's demands for information... Wolf has sought dozens of reports required from the DoJ under the FY2013 Omnibus Act."
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Bill Straub _PJ Media_
measure citing Lois Lerner for contempt of congress has passed committee, likely to pass House
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
Brandeis U goes dhimmi: a proposal for pass-over
Marilyn Penn: Political Mavens
Jonathan S. Tobin: Commentary
"...CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) has been linked closely and legally with the religious fanatic terrorist organization Hamas whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel and many other things not associated with Mother Teresa..."
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz: Eric Holder should be impeached if he fails to conscientiously investigate and prosecute IRS employees who targeted non-leftist organizations
2014-04-10 (5774 Nisan 10)
Michael Corey _Center for Investigative Journalism_
tools we used to map USA-Mexico border fence
Proposed Bills 2014
"At the time of [Gerald R. Ford's] decision [1976], the American shoe industry employed 172K workers. By 2012, fewer than 15, worked in the industry, according to the Labor Department." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pg57 |
_Polling Report_
job ratings of congress
Real Clear Politics: rating congress
Rasmussen: daily job ratings of pres. Obummer
Gallup: rating pres. Obummer
2014-04-11 (5774 Nisan 11)
Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
Hanson, Slaughter, Reich, etc.
2014-04-11 (5774 Nisan 11)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
some Jews in America forget freedom at Passover
2014-04-11 (5774 Nisan 11)
tech exechs demand more H-1B visas for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with flexible ethics; critics cry foul
2014-04-11 (5774 Nisan 11)
Clayton E. Cramer _PJ Media_
Stephen Halbrook's masterful history of Nazi gun control measures
2014-04-11 (5774 Nisan 11)
Andria Cheng _MarketWatch_
Staples to offer 3D printing/additive manufacturing service, and sell the devices
2014-04-11 (5774 Nisan 11)
Tammie Gitt _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Lou Barletta visits non-profits, businesses in Carlisle
Proposed Bills 2014
"Be the person you want others to be." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review) |
2014-04-12 (5774 Nisan 12)
Jim Ludwick _Oregonian_
increase in already excessive guest-work visas would hurt Americans
2014-04-12 (5774 Nisan 12)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Sarah Palin on nomination of Sylvia Burwell to replace Kathleen Supercilious: You Can't Make This Stuff Up
"This is the same person who sent the e-mail initiating the barricading of the memorials..."
2014-04-12 (5774 Nisan 12)
Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
MT farmers store 62M bushels of wheat, hoping for prices to rise, transportation improvements
2014-04-12 (5774 Nisan 12)
Clayton E. Cramer _PJ Media_
"justice" Stevens and flexible "history"
2014-04-12 (5774 Nisan 12)
J. Christian Adams _PJ Media_
Obummer lies about voter fraud and DoJ investigations
2014-04-12 (5774 Nisan 12)
John Rosenberg _PJ Media_
Asians de-rail affirmative action in California
Proposed Bills 2014
"[Philip Caldwell] was least at ease with the creative people, for whom decisions were almost a matter of instinct & reflex. Dealing with him, they in turn felt he regarded them as careless & facile. He had made it up the hard way & was wary of brilliance & impatience. The more creative the people he dealt with, especially designers & engineers, the more frustrated they were. They would come to a meeting filled with a vision for a new car, & he would respond in numbers, refusing to discuss it on their terms, to share their excitement even for an instant. Instead he would always find the weakness in their presentation & send them back to do more, letting them know of course, that they had failed him. Some of their passion & energy would die in that room..." --- David Halberstam 1986 _The Reckoning_ pg 588 |
1743-04-13: Thomas Jefferson's birth-day
2014-04-13 (5774 Nisan 13)
_Conservative HQ_
candidate forum for Virginia's 10th congressional district, hosted by WMAL's Chris Plante
2014-04-13 (5774 Nisan 13)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Sarah Palin: Obummer does not understand the US constitution, or chooses to disrespect it
2014-04-13 (5774 Nisan 13)
Robert Connelly, Kalea Hall & Emmalee C. Torisk _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Youngstown and all across Ohio, governments are industriously demolishing, instead of building as GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues
2014-04-13 (5774 Nisan 13)
Willis Eschenbach
cosmic rays, sun-spots & beryllium
2014-04-13 (5774 Nisan 13)
Andrew Klavan _PJ Media_
black lives, leftist/Dem lies
2014-04-13 (5774 Nisan 13)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
our psychodramatic campuses
Proposed Bills 2014
"Yet, as far back as 1969, young black males who came from homes where there were newspapers, magazines, and library cards earned the same incomes as young white males with the same things in their homes and with the same education." --- Thomas Sowell 2004 _Applied Economics_ pg180 |
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Dem congressional campaign committee chair said: We care more about amnesty for illegal aliens than we do for winning/keeping seats in mid-term elections
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Garrett Tenney _Fox_
brewers fight back against new federal regs on DDRG as cattle food: flash-over from arguments over ethanol fuels?
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Linda M. Linonis _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
chocolate seder engages children in pass-over story
"The Lisses used various food items to represent the plagues including red gelatin for blood (water into blood), Sno-caps for lice, Twizzlers for boils and licorice for hail."
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Jim Steele _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
making millions miserable and distorting/undermining science: an environmentalist's review of "Years of Living Dangerously"
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
Kathleen Supercilious's departure is a wake-up call from the ObummerDoesn'tCare nightmare
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Islam, "honor violence", and the silence of the leftists: "Honor Diaries: Culture Is No Excuse"
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
the national disgrace of the attacks at Ft. Hood
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
passing over religion
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
broken immigration system
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Bundy ranch -- another Ruby Ridge or Mt. Carmel -- avoided... for now
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Walter Hudson _PJ Media_
making racism impotent (video)
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Oleg Atbashian _PJ Media_
the real meaning of Soviet agitprop in Jay Carney's kitchen
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Nate Hoffelder _Digital Reader_
Chicago Sun-Times shut down their reader comment feature... because they don't want to see opinions contrary to those of the idiotorial board getting the light of day
Ricardo Bilton: DigiDay
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Frank J. Fleming _PJ Media_
not much difference between "scientists" not using scientific method vs. "some guys" not using scientific method
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Richard Fernandez _PJ Media_
the book of numbers
2014-04-14 (5774 Nisan 14)
Provectus Biopharmaceeuticals signed contract with Red China's Tririver Capital
Carly Harrington: Med City News
Proposed Bills 2014
"...behavior has consequences, and when these consequences are the same for the same groups in disparate settings, that is an empirical fact not to be waved aside." --- Thomas Sowell 1994 _Race & Culture_ pg 11 |
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Paul Johnson _Jewish World Review_
in contests of strong, decisive policy and action, Obummer comes up short
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Paul Johnson _Jewish World Review_
longing for freedom from government extortion
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Leonard Pitts ii _Jewish World Review_
the over-kill news network
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
what price bureaucrat lying?
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
death of an old fox: Robert Strauss
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
pres. Obummer and stoking resentments
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
when it comes to ObummerDoesn'tCare, Kathleen Supercilious is only one of the many guilty
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
no comfort in Kathleen Supercilious's resignation
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
plain language
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
public ignorance vs. aiming high with mock supreme court hearings
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich caved in to the forces of intolerance
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
statistical frauds
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Richard J. Petschauer
major errors apparent in climate model evaporation estimates
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Tom Nelson
here are some things I believe
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Anthony Watts
no ozone hole in Arctic
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Anthony Watts
UN IPCC AR5 climate report: conjecture disguised as certainty
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Thomas E. Brewton
more leftist attempts at thought-control
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
video shows largest al-Qaeda gathering in years... and the CIA and the Pentagon either didn't know about it or couldn't or wouldn't get a drone there in time to strike
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Mike McDaniel _PJ Media_
Ft. Hood and disarmament
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
environmental reviews are attack weapon as yet unchecked
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
George Avalos & Pete Carey _San Jose CA Mercury News_
San Francisco bay area apartment rents set record highs
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Joshua Benton _Nieman Lab_
some propaganda outlets are stifling reader comments (but not just the small minority who use bad language, but simply those who disagree with the idiotors)
2014-04-15 (5774 Nisan 15)
Thomas E. Brewton
the fruit of Obummer's race-mongering: advance apologia for left/Dem/Red defeat in November
Proposed Bills 2014
"[A] society's capacity for compassion & civic virtue exists in direct proportion to the rise in its citizens' real incomes." --- Robert B. Reich 1982-11-01 "Hi-Tech Warfare" _New Republic_ pg 21 (quoted in Michael Rothschild 1992 _Bionomics_ pg 393 n 42) |
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
equality in discipline
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
Anthony Watts
5 volcanoes erupting at once in Kamchatka
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
Larry Hamlin
UN IPCC AR5 report infected with fatal technical & procedural flaws
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
Patrick Michaels & Chip Knappenberger
UN IPCC AR5 ideology sets aside fact
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
Raymond Ibrahim _PJ Media_
the ultimate source of Islamic hate for infidels
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
Ed Driscoll _PJ Media_
the legacy media need to send the equivalent of a few foreign correspondents to those strange, mysterious non-leftists
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
_PJ Media_
John E. Bush met by boos at large non-leftist gathering
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
Barack Obummer still does not understand that when you insult and abuse people in public, they're unlikely to work with you in private
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
Patrick Reddy _PJ Media_
14 factors to watch in the 2014 elections
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
the $65K misunderstanding
2014-04-16 (5774 Nisan 16)
John Crudele _NYPost_
census bureau clams up
Proposed Bills 2014
"God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever." --- Thomas Jefferson 1781 _Notes on the State of Virginia_ (quoted in doctor Ben S. Carson & Candy Carson 2012 _America the Beautiful: ReDiscovering What Made This Nation Great_ pg50) |
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
who are the real saboteurs of immigration reform?
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
leftists/Dems/regressives don't grasp the US constitution
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
snitchgate -- Al Sharpton is still lying
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Roger Simon _Jewish World Review_
Chicagoland crime
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
earf daze
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
recovering USA's exceptionalism
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Kathleen Supercilious's insult added to injuries from ObummerDoesn'tCare
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
freedom of speech restored at college campuses... in one state
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
and they call this failure "success"
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the racist Obummer-regime's Eric Holder doth protest too much
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
Krauthammer vs. the tyrants
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
what the leftists did last week
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Chicken Little "science"
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
the long good-bye to Kathleen Supercilious
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
leftists/Dems/Reds/George Soros vs. the electoral college
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
_Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Famous Wally Amos is key-note speaker at the 8th Annual Parent Title I Conference
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
_Investor's Business Daily_
e-mail messages show corruption at the heart of the Obummer regime
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Anthony Watts
tilted planets may have climates more favorable to life
2014-04-17 (5774 Nisan 17)
Anthony Watts
those warmer times when Greenland was green
Proposed Bills 2014
"No one can stop you if you believe in yourself and no one can help you if you don't." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review) |
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
"Soulskill" _Slash Dot_
Southern California Edison may replace American "IT" professionals with H-1B guest-workers
Patrick Thibodeau: CIO/IDG
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
the disappearance of US government will to do what is right: America's most dangerous foes are engaging in aggression and brinkmanship unseen in decades
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
R' Yonason Goldson _Jewish World Review_
PassOver: offering sight to the blind
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
when a bored president "mails it in": "enough to chill to the bone anyone who has ever read a history book"
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
more nut-jobs and violent wackoes than ever
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
widening cracks in leftist coalition
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
the problem with Dartmouth
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
feminist thought police vs. women
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
10 Obummer wars
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the decline of the West continued
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
the zealots win again
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
why the EU is not your father's Europe
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the stupid, vile houding of Condoleezza Rice
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's naive, stupid diplomatic dance with Putin
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
Obummer regime tells Wiesenthal Center they don't know who is behind anti-semitic fliers in Ukraine
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
David P. Goldman _PJ Media_
Putin is not a genius -- Obummer regime is full of idiots
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Tom Harris _PJ Media_
warmists' "noble lies" are back-firing
2014-04-18 (5774 Nisan 18)
Paul Homewood
John Holdren is wrong again: cold winters are not becoming more common
Proposed Bills 2014
1775-04-19: Patriot's Day anniversary of skirmishes at Lexington and Concord, MA
2014-04-19 (5774 Nisan 19)
Thomas E. Brewton
taxation and regulation strangle economy, violate rights
Proposed Bills 2014
"In 1610, the British opened Ulster county in Ireland to settlement by Englishmen and Scotsmen. The opportunity was especially attractive from then poverty-stricken Scotland, who predominated numerically among those who migrated to Ireland, though the English settlers were financially better off. The Scots who began to settle in Ulster left their homeland when it was still a very backward country on the fringes of European civilization. These Scots lived as frontier settlers and colonizers in a hostile land where the dispossessed and embittered Irish continued armed resistance for years -- in a sporadic sense, for centuries. The historic ferocity and clannishness of the Scots enabled them to survive in this hostile environment. Three decades after the project began, there were 40K Scots in Ulster." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg63 (M. Perceval-Maxwell 1973 _The Scottish Migration to Ulster in the Reign of James i_ pg111; James Graham Leyburn 1962, 1989 _The Scotch-Irish_ pp63, 72, 76-78, 96-97) |
2014-04-20 (5774 Nisan 20)
Tim Ball
people and data cherry-picked for the UN IPCC political agenda
2014-04-20 (5774 Nisan 20)
Craig D. Idso
dueling climate reports
2014-04-20 (5774 Nisan 20)
Rod McLaughlin
bordering on climate chaos... and marmots and wolverines
2014-04-20 (5774 Nisan 20)
Roger Sowell
climate "science", free speech, lies, and liability (part 1)
2014-04-20 (5774 Nisan 20)
Michael Ledeen _PJ Media_
blood moons, baptists, and asteroids
2014-04-20 (5774 Nisan 20)
Ed Driscoll _PJ Media_
interview: James Delingpole on _The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism_
2014-04-20 (5774 Nisan 20)
Rick Moran _PJ Media_
forget "you can keep your doctor': try finding one now that the ObummerDoesn'tCare has begun wreaking its destruction
2014-04-20 (5774 Nisan 20)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
ranchers and the rural way vs. governments' initiations of force and fraud
2014-04-20 (5774 Nisan 20)
Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
when presidents lie... vs. reality
"It's a form of what shrinks call 'magical thinking' and is an indication of a disconnected personality."
Proposed Bills 2014
"Probably in 893E, the Khazars with the help of allies from Siberia defeated the Pechenegs, who had been occupying territory between the Volga and the Ural rivers; the Pechenegs fled westward and fell upon the Magyars, a mixed Finno-Ugrian-Turkish tribal confederation, which as a subject-ally of the Khazars was then probably in possession of the mid-portion of the Russian steppe. The Magyars in turn fled westward and in 895CE reached the farthest extremity of the European steppe -- the plain of Hungary. The Pechenegs did not follow them but remained in the region between the lower Danube and the Dnieper." --- William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ pg447 |
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
_Conservative HQ_
presidential papers of Clinton show that he feared, wanted to demonize and discredit alternative media outlets on the right because they break through the leftist MSM blockade
Tony Lee: Breitbart
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
tech execs lbbying for amnesty for illegal aliens and more visas for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with flexible ethics
"With the 'civilian labor force participation rate' [LFPR] at its lowest level in 36-years it would take filling the 174K seats at NASCAR's Talladega Superspeedway every week for more than a year just to get us back to even."
no amnesty pledge letter to congress
Joel Kotkin: Daily Beast: Sili Valley execs are just gilded-age tycoons in techno-utopian clothes
2014-01-15: George Rasley: the Talladega economy
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
Lawrence Biemiller _Chronicle of Higher Education_
behind the screens at Penn State: the networks and servers and people who make the sprawling campuses run are mostly unseen and unappreciated
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
Matt Ridley
the richer we get, the cleaner we'll become; we cannot ruin the climate with CO2 unless we have a population explosion
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
Anthony Watts
ice dating from Krypton (with graph from Argonne National Laboratory)
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
Anthony Watts
idiots on parade: Portand OR water bureau's tenuous grasp of science
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
Tammie Gitt _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
panel at Penn State's Dickinson school of law: What draws people to vote?
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
_PJ Media_
Nicholas Eberstadt: how government wages war against USA's character (video)
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
Myra Adams _PJ Media_
Podestas' lobbyist vs. lobbyist divorce has just about everything hateful about DC
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
_PJ Media_
Texas border sheriff pled guilty
YouTube: Hidalgo county
Kristin Tate: Breitbart: Hidalgo county
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
1947 video released by British Pathe shows leftist hero Margaret Sanger calling for ban on babies
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
the "We do what we want, bleep you, bleep the US constitution" Obummer regime
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
after al-Qaeda gathering video sread across across the net, Obummer regime launched UAV attack... weeks later
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
John Crudele _NYPost_
fraud runs rampant in census bureau/BLS
2014-04-16: John Crudele: NYPost: census bureau clams up
2014-04-21 (5774 Nisan 21)
Charles Q. Choi _Live Science_
humans may have dispersed out of Africa repeatedly beginning about 130K years ago
"The researchers found that both the genetic and skull data supported a multiple-dispersal model involving several migrations... inter-breeding between modern humans and other lineages of humans might influence the results of this new study. For example, instances of inter-breeding with the now-extinct Denisovan lineage might have introduced ancient genes into certain modern human groups, perhaps making them look as if they left Africa earlier than they actually did..."
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
Anthony Watts
Yale: today's Antarctic region was once as warm as today's California or Florida
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
Anthony Watts
profs with weather-control lasers in their heads
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
Anthony Watts
Gallup polls on climae little changed since 2001
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
Anthony Watts
solar UV-B output is correlated to global mean temperature
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
Larry Hamlin
climatologist Judith Curry levels both barrels against warmist hysterics
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
Grant Gross _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Obummer regime's FCC to vote on $1.8G in subsidies for broadband... no signs of encouraging competition or stem consolidation
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
Theodore Dalrymple _PJ Media_
one of the most dangerious ideas in medicine: what "stands to reason" may in fact not be a good idea, however brilliant it may once have seemed
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
Paul Ryan to meet with Black Congressional Caucus to discuss inner-city poverty and welfare-to-work requirements
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
David Steinberg _PJ Media_
If a politician's statements leave you unsure of his stance on an issue, you can be sure he opposes the popular stance of his electorate: John Boehner (and John E. Bush and Marco Rubio and Eric Cantor) vs. Dave Brat on amnesty for illegal aliens
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
GOP losership's continued PR incompetence: economy hasn't improved in years, LFPRs at record lows, bankruptcy looms, international situation continues to worsen, al-Qaeda is growing... the right has the wildly superior upper hand with the public but GOP losership retreats, fails to jump on the advantage
2014-04-22 (5774 Nisan 22)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
I've never been to Spain, but I kinda like the music
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
wage discrimination
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the high cost of leftism (part 1)
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Tea Party candidate Curt Clawson victorious in Florida's 19th congressional district primary
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
John Gizzi _News Max_
Tea Party candidate Curt Clawson victory in Florida's 19th congressional district primary is a big win
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
John Gizzi _Tea Party News Network_
Tea Party candidate Curt Clawson victory in Florida's 19th congressional district primary is a big win: bizarrely, leftist media says GOP losership won
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Robert Schroeder _MarketWatch_
Tea Party candidate Curt Clawson challenges pres. Obummer to 3-point-shot contest... also ObummerDoesn'tCare and economy
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
_Conservative HQ_
John E. Bush doubles down on his insane positions on immigration law perversion and Communist Corpse
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Christopher Monckton
the empire of the viscount strikes back
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Steve Goreham
over-regulation has strangled development; USA electricity grid on the road to black-outs
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Anthony Watts
gene therapy to restore hearing
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Michelle Horstman _PJ Media_
Soros evangelicals push reprehensible immigration law perversion
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Jazz Shaw _PJ Media_
elimination of "hate crimes" from USA legal system is long over-due; the importance of equal justice
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Bill Straub _PJ Media_
latest Keystone XL delay is shameful, irks both sides
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Joe Schaeffer _News Max_
44K voters are registered in both Maryland and Virginia
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Leonid Bershidsky _Financial Post_
is David Einhorn correct that we're in another tech bubble?
2014-04-23 (5774 Nisan 23)
Mark J. Perry _AEI_
income mobility in the USA: 73% of Americans have been in the top 20% at some time in their lives; 56% were in the top 10% for at least a year; 39% in the top 5% for some year; only 0.6% were in top 1% for 10 consecutive years
Mark R. Rank: NYTimes
James J. Green: Think Advisor
Proposed Bills 2014
"Perhaps some definitions would help us understand. Consider the word 'spirit'. The English is derived from the Latin 'spiritus', the noun derivation of 'spirare', meanin, 'to breathe'. Interestingly, the same word for 'spirit', or vital energy force, in Chinese -- 'chi' [or 'chai'] -- is also derived from the verb 'to breathe'. Most pertinent to this book, the Hebrew word for spirit, or soul, is 'neshamah', meaning breath, from the verb 'to breathe' ('linshom' ['le inshom']). Thus spirit is connected to energy, the particular force that causes us to breathe -- receiving, taking in [inspiring, inhaling], and then giving out [expiring, exhaling]. By extension, the word spirituality means the cycle of energy that informs our being each time we inhale, reflexively plause, and exhale -- exchanging information with the universe. It is the intellectual and the emotional combined, and that which is beyond them both. It is the unscientific and immeasurable, the thoughts between the thoughts and the moments between the moments, the 'knowing' before speech and response, and the essence of intuition." --- Paul Steinberg, Janet Greenstein Potter, et al. 2007 _Celebrating the Jewish Year: The Fall Holidays_ pp5-6 |
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the high cost of leftism (part 2)
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
_Conservative HQ_
Texans stand tall against rogue, power-mad, Obummer regime BLM
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
BLM's real motive in attempted land grabs
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Chris McDaniel, running for US senate in MS, has pulled in approximately $962K coming mainly from small donors
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
senators denounce Obummer: "actions demonstrate an astonishing disregard for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the rights of American citizens"
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Tony Jones _Cincinnati OH Enquirer/Post/Times/Star_/_Gannett_
John Boehner mocks GOP colleagues in his push for immigration law perversion
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Jamie Weinstein _Daily Caller_
interview: George Will on his opposition to Communist Corpse
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
"stridentconservative" _True Blue State_
Tom Cotton running for senate in AR
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Oregon is shifting back away from leftists in Jason Conger bid for US senate
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Richard Winchester _American Thinker_
extreme leftists trying to rewrite history of civil rights and abolition of slavery
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
Harry Reid has become the Joe McCarthy for our time
Diana West: It's time to correct the record on Joe McCarthy: M. Stanton Evans's _BlackListed by History_
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
triple murderer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, darling of Hollywood, RIP: a review of the case
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
earf day boos and cheers
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Putin, Obummer and their oligarch bag men
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
State Dept. following higher ed over the nearest cliff: more Fulbright scholarships for shorter times
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the Tom Steyer veto on the Keystone XL pipe-line
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
more crude than the Alberta tar sands
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the adolescent, stinky, mean president Obummer
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
what you won't read in the papers about the "Central Park 5", one of the ways the leftist mob is destroying the USA
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
American proud on Patriots' Day in Boston
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Anthony Watts
ACS: quashing frack-fights with fools
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Willis Eschenbach
extreme times: the extreme values (minima and maxima) are indeed more likely, in fact twice as likely, to be at the start and the end of your window rather than anywhere in the middle
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Roger Pielke ii
tornado season has slowest start in a century, tornado damage losses in decline
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
"interfaith group" upset at museum video's depiction of Mohammedan terrorists of 2001-09-11
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
leftist/Dem fury in DC over Georgia's respect for the 2nd amendment
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Ed Driscoll _PJ Media_
GE brings bad karma to life from its past promotion of off-shoring, Obummer, ObummerDoesn'tCare, electronic medical records, curly-fries light-bulbs...
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Claudia Rosett _PJ Media_
in UN elections the winner is... Iran, Iran, Iran "Iran sweeps coveted UN rights posts"
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Stephen Kruiser _PJ Media_
US postal workers are freaking out because it is becoming clear that anyone can do their jobs
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
Bridget Johnson _PJ Media_
with little fear (and possible complicity) of Obummer regime, Fatah-Hamas pact crushes peace process
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
David Steinberg _PJ Media_
more corruption among GOP losership: Cantor's consultant given $1.13M by Virginia party... while striving against Dave Brat candidacy
2014-04-24 (5774 Nisan 24)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_
going to the library makes people as much happier as getting a $2,282 raise
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the high cost of leftism (part 3)
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
Joel Kotkin _Daily Beast_
Sili Valley execs are just gilded-age tycoons in techno-utopian clothes
Howard Mintz: San Jose CA Mercury News: Apple, Google, Adobe, Intel settle anti-poaching collusion charges: Lucasfilm, Pixar and Intuit settled last year with the employees for about $20M
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
John Boehner's bizarre arrogance feeds Tea Party victories
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
Doug Werner _Conservative HQ_
how the nanny state is making child obesity worse
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Tea Partiers have rarely seen John Boehner at their gatherings... even those at his offices
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
_PJ Media_
Is real reporting dead? The impact of the CNN/Twit "news" partnership
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
Dennis Wingo
international sun-earth explorer (ISEE-3) re-boot project, bringing an old bird back to earth, and back to life
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
Willis Eschenbach
the elusive ~60-year sea-level cycle
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_/_AP_
girl gives Michelle Obummer her unemployed father's resume at "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day" publicity event
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
Paul Wiseman _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_AP_
USA manufacturers slowly gaining competitiveness
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
Mark J. Perry _AEI_
newspaper ad revenue continued its precipitous fall in 2013
2014-04-25 (5774 Nisan 25)
Doug Short _Advisor Perspectives_
UMich consumer sentiment index increased from 80 in late March to 82.6 in early April to 84.1 in late April (with graph)
Ruth Mantell: Fox
Wall Street Journal
RTT News
Calculated Risk
PRWeb/Federal Savings Bank
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-04-26 (5774 Nisan 26)
Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
sob stories on both sides
Pat Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG: an "IT" worker wrote: "Emotionally, we are broken"
Palo Alto On-Line: Foreign "entrepreneurs" try to gain foothold in USA
2014-04-26 (5774 Nisan 26)
Abby Livingston _Roll Call_
Mia Love clinched GOP nomination for Utah's 4th congressional district
2014-04-26 (5774 Nisan 26)
Stephanie Warsmith _Akron OH Beacon Journal_
Matt Lynch running for 14th Ohio congressional district, Caleb Davenport in 27th Ohio congressional district with Portage county Tea Party backing
2014-04-26 (5774 Nisan 26)
Sam Kazman
picking cherry blossoms
2014-04-26 (5774 Nisan 26)
Anthony Watts
why the UN IPCC is hopelessly corrupted by politics
2014-04-26 (5774 Nisan 26)
Anthony Watts
Matt Ridley has an interesting article about the the claims that we will run out of "X", except that human ingenuity always seems to grasp this and then "Y" comes along
2014-04-26 (5774 Nisan 26)
Paul Driessen
should insane, power-mad California government dictate USA energy policies?
2014-04-26 (5774 Nisan 26)
David Middleton
a geological perspective on Lovejoy's 99% solution
Proposed Bills 2014
"Engineers and mechanics were as much products of the industrialization process as the material goods and the machinery by which those goods were produced. So were inventors. More patents were issued in the quarter-century after 1760 than in the preceding 150 years." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg 37 (citing G.M. Trevelyan _English Social History_ pg409; Charles Kindleberger 1996 _World Eonomic Primacy: 1500 to 1990_ pp130-131) |
2014-04-27 (5774 Nisan 27)
Doug Blackburn _Rattler News_
FSU computer science feeds job pipe-line
FSU News
Tallahassee Cage-Liner/Gannett
Addendum: The demographics of our alumni (which includes retirees and alums returning to school) is broken down roughly in 25% are Software Engineers, 12% are in the Information Technology business, 8% are in Education, 6% are in Consulting/Freelance, 5% in Research, and 4% Entrepreneur. This does not add up to 100% because the remaining alums did not report their occupation details.
2014-04-27 (5774 Nisan 27)
Richard Berkow _Biz PAC Review_
Sarah Palin: "If you control arms, you control the people"
2014-04-27 (5774 Nisan 27)
Thomas E. Brewton
Obummer as successor to Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, who, with the best of intentions (by their perverse leftist standards), destroyed (or are in process of destroying) their societies and economies
2014-04-27 (5774 Nisan 27)
Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
must-see video: a courageious Palestinian Christian confronts "60 Minutes"
2014-04-27 (5774 Nisan 27)
_PJ Media_
by request: Jethro Tull "living in the past"
2014-04-27 (5774 Nisan 27)
Robert Spencer _PJ Media_
5 truths the 2001-09-11 museum should tell a bout the terrorist attacks of 2001-09-11
2014-04-27 (5774 Nisan 27)
Tom Blumer _PJ Media_
"facts" and "lies" in an Ohio free-speech case
2014-04-27 (5774 Nisan 27)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJ Media_
racism, politics, and history
2014-04-27 (5774 Nisan 27)
Jeffrey Sparshott _Wall Street Journal_
which states get the most back from the federal government
2014-04-27 (5774 Nisan 27)
Robert Popper _News with Views_/_Before It's News_/_Wall Street Journal_
left's political fraud about vote fraud
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
George Rasley _Conserative HQ_
Richard Viguerie, Rick Santorum & Tom McClintock live at 18:00 EDT: blue collar voters are the key to the White House
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Jennifer Harper _The Washington Times_
blue collar conervatives could be a GOP power-house in 2016
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
_Sikeston MO Standard Democrat_/_AP_
MO legislators considering dumping Communist Corpse
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Jennifer Harper _The Washington Times_
blue collar conervatives could be a GOP power-house in 2016
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
a new USA demands new courageous non-leftist leadership
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
how now white cow-man?
Conrad Black: American Spectator: the gospel according to Mark Steyn
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
amid holocaust remembrance, anti-semitism adapts and thrives
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
tweeting a riot
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
varied Latina experience
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Joseph Perkins _Jewish World Review_
time for another constitutional convention
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
looking toward the end of "affirmative action"
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
tangled by euphemisms: "affirmative action", by any name, is shameful
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
what race preferences hide
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
there's no "plan B" in Obummer regime's foreign policy
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
a cold German Spring for Merkel and Putin
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
9 more Obummer wars
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's income inequality scam
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Justin Prichard _KGO abc San Francisco CA_/_AP_
Google/government privacy-violator-controlled and -tracked cars are mastering city streets
San Jose CA Mercury News
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_/_AP_
80% of US HS students graduate according to NCES
"Iowa, Vermont, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Texas ranked at the top with rates at 88% or 89%. The bottom performers were Alaska, Georgia, New Mexico, Oregon and Nevada, which had rates at 70% or below."
TN on pace to meet 90% graduation rate goal by 2020
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Christopher Monckton
gone with the wind: England's most important coastline
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Thomas E. Brewton
the enduring ravages of inflation/currency devaluation
NY Sun
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Anastasia Salter _Chronicle of Higher Education_
grabbing text from images with Project Naptha extension to Chrome
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Andrew G. Bostom _PJ Media_
the 2001-09-11 museum controversy and sheikh Muhammad al-Gameia: recalling how al-Azhar U's then-emissary to the USA reacted to jihad carnage
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Andrew G. Bostom _PJ Media_
Chuck Hagel & Martin Dempsey unveil "new, inclusive 'human goals charter'" promoting equity regardless of "genetic information" in "an unprecedented era of 'change'"
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Andrew Klavan _PJ Media_
2 dames and a saint
2014-04-28 (5774 Nisan 28)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
44K people are registered to vote in both MD and VA
Daily Surge
"Working with the Privileges and Elections committees of the state House and senate, VVA identified 31K dead voters via the [Socialist Insecurity Abomination's] Death Master File. Subsequent processing by SBE [VA State Board of Elections] found 40K to 60K dead voter registrations."
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
more in the GOP should re-discover their principles... and back-bones
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
leftist, racist illegal aliens growing more strident in their outrageous demands
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Ann McFeatters _Jewish World Review_
what the federal government is doing to you
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
the golden platter of privilege, apparently spat upon by ingrates
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Michael Gerson _Jewish World Review_
HS, college, university
"66% [of 2013 HS grads entered college]... The [HS] graduation rate increased from 71.7% in 2001 to 81% in 2012, with serious gains for Hispanic and African American students... In 1979, according to the Pew Research Center, high school [graduates] earned [an average of] 77% of what a college graduate made. Among millennials, that figure is now 62%... The student loan system makes it easier for students to pay more than they can afford and so for schools to charge more than they are worth, while the accreditation system restricts experiments with new methods of teaching and learning..."
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
politics versus education
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
US Snail today, gone tomorrow
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
the peculiar, and peculiarly flexible standards of the left
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
(sarc)what a surprise!(/sarc): the curious case of the green men
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Conference Board: consumer confidence index down from 83.9 in March to 82.3 in April: the "jobs hard to get" index rose from 31.4% to 32.5%
Josh Boak: Manufacturing/AP
Seeking Alpha
Lucia Mutikani: Chicago Tribune
Pittsburgh PA Tribune-Review
Kathleen Madigan: Wall Street Journal
Gainesville FL Sun: "Consumer confidence in Florida fell one point to 79 in April, according to a University of Florida survey."
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Anthony Watts
from U of Guelph: the best argument yet for draining "wet-lands"
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Dan Travers
one-way "adjustments": the latest alteration to the USA climate records
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Anthony Watts
climate hysteria hacktivists attempt to pervert WikiPedia
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJ Media_
HBO green-lights "Men & Capitalism"
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Theodore Dalrymple _PJ Media_
Why do some mothers induce illness, or the appearance of illness, in their own children?
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJ Media_
the haughty John Kerry, real Palestinian sharia, and imagined Isreali "apartheid"
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
Roger L. Simon _PJ Media_
newly released Obummer regime e-mail messages about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi are yet another reason impeachment trial must be launched
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
David P. Goldman _PJ Media_
why leftists don't care about the consequences of their actions
2014-04-29 (5774 Nisan 29)
David P. Goldman _PJ Media_
the yellow ribbon project, until all US citizens held hostage abroad return home
"Kareem Amer... Father Nguyen Van Ly... Kenneth Bae... Amir Hekmati, Robert Levinson and Saeed Abedini... Missing journalists Austin Tice and James Foley... Warren Weinstein..."
USMC veteran Amir Hekmati nears 1K days of captivity by Iranian government
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
_Conservative HQ_
another reason to love Laura Ingraham
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Mark Metcalf _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration court evasions reveal weak authority and weak enforcement
"Immigration court records from 1996 through 2012 show 76% of 1.1M deportation orders were issued against those who evaded court. These evasions compose the greatest source of unexecuted deportation orders in the immigration court system. Not even a quarter of those free pending trial -- some 268K -- actually came to court and finished their cases. By contrast, accused felons in America's state courts -- those also free pending trial -- seldom missed; only 24% according to a 2007 Justice Department study..."
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
yet another wealthy, confessed employer of illegal aliens, guilty of many separate instances of misdeed, got a token penalty
"Mannem Reddy, who lives in a $1.7M mansion at the end of a luxurious cul-de-sac in fashionable Great Falls, VA. The house, three times the size of most suburban houses, has 6,928 square feet of finished space, five bedrooms, four full baths, two half-baths, a two-car garage and, of course, a swimming pool -- all according to public records. No, a kindly federal judge decides that, for your sins, you will be put on probation for a while. You will also be placed under home arrest for one month (a kind of arrest that allows you to travel to work every day). And you will pay a $5,100 in penalties. Further, just in case you are pressed for cash, you can pay off the fine at a rate of $250 a month over a period of 20 months... Minerva Indian Cuisine, a restaurant some miles north of Atlanta, owed the federal government $77K for multiple and flagrant violations of the employer sanctions law regarding employing illegal aliens... Symmetric Solutions, Inc... Nova Retail Holdings... Swadesh Foods, LLC... None of them, however, was either jailed or deported, despite the substantial documentation obtained by authorities. The oldest and apparently the richest of the four is Reddy, who suffered least from these brushes with the law. He is ensconced in a lovely mansion in an elegant DC suburb..."
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
statutes + regulations vs. common sense: when the hypothetical becomes more "real" then the real
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
American dreaming being crushed by statutes + regulations
"On my TV show this week, economist David Goldman says, 'The U.S. government has done everything possible to make it hard for people to take a new idea from inception to start-up to expansion.' He says that when he told a former CEO that he was going to be on my show, the ex-CEO said: 'Just tell them to shut Washington down. That's all they need to do!' Washington won't shut down. But couldn't regulators just chill out for a while?..."
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Roger Simon _Jewish World Review_
DC is Hollywood for the ugly
"A blogger called BooMan wrote a few years ago: 'The primary importance of the WHCA Dinner is to document yearly just how out of touch our elite politicians and journalists are with the rest of the country and to confirm the rest of us in our hatred and resentment of this class of people who have led us like thieves and incompetents for decades without let up.'"
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
cleaning skeletons out of the political closet
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
educationists demonizing the helpers, praising the harmers
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
the constitution vs. "good ideas" vs. government mandates
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
GOP losership's Communist Corpse re-branding hustle
please help find Marizela
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
GOP losership wimping out on repeal of ObummerDoesn'tCare, Medicare, Medicaid, the Socialist Insecurity Abomination, income extortion...
"Apparently, a lot of Republican law-makers still haven't read the law. If they had, they'd know the framework is corrupt..."
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
racism, classism, anti-semitism, and other forms of collectivism are not a simple bigotry. It is a complex neurosis. It involves assigning malign intent to individuals where none exists OT1H, and rejecting reason as a basis for understanding the world and operating within it OTOH
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the myth of the wild
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
_Classical Liberal HQ_
Chris McDaniel offers to debate
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Richard A. Viguerie _Classical Liberal HQ_
fighting for principles of non-leftist governance despite the opposition of the Republican losership on Capitol Hill
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Tom Lauder _Media Trackers_
Broward county elections officials created phantom district to allow illegal voting
Red Broward
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Michelle Coffey _MarketWatch_
Chinese design firm built 10 cement homes in 1 day using 3-D printing/additive manufacturing
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Martin Crutsinger _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
USA GDP nearly static during cold winter: 0.1% annualized growth
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Martin Crutsinger _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
federal reserve reduced rate of currency devaluation
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Christopher Monckton
of sangaku and wind farms
"The Edo period in Japanese history ran from 1603-1867. For most of that period, 1639-1854, the nation kept itself deliberately aloof from all Western influence. Japan was closed to foreigners. Meanwhile, the aristocratic samurai class developed an intriguing and elegant method of demonstrating piety in their Shinto temples. They would carve geometric problems, typically involving circles, on timber shingles, paint them colorfully, inscribe them in kanbun (Chinese characters with diacritical marks to distinguish the Japanese usage), and affix them to the temple walls as an inspiration to subsequent visitors. The use of kanbun by the samurai was akin to the use of Greek by Roman orators or of Latin by the English aristocracy. The sangaku tablets, therefore, were near-exclusively of samurai origin and were comprehensible to their caste alone, and of course to the delighted deities..."
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
Bryan Preston _PJ Media_
tax-victim-funded Latino caucus in CA legislature closes door on Latino... because he's not a leftist
2014-04-30 (5774 Nisan 30)
_Conference Board_
HWOL ads 4.923M in April
comparing time & money invested to become a medical doctor & practice over life-time compared with teachers (article)
time & money infographic: comparing time & money invested to become a medical doctor & practice over life-time compared with teachers (jpg)
Proposed Bills 2014
"The speed with which modern colonies were abandoned when they became troublesome is much more characteristic of the capitalist era than the fact that such colonies were acquired in the first place. The rise of democratic & humanitarian principles may also have reduced the ability of imperialist powers to suppress their subject peoples in the way that Stalin suppressed the Ukrainians." --- Thomas Sowell 1994 _Race & Culture_ pg 77-78 |
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
"Gerbert of Aurillac, who had taken the title of pope Sylvester ii. Named afte the small town in Aquitaine where he was born in 941CE, Gerbert went to Spain as a young man to explore the mathematical and scientific techniques of the Saracens, where he also dug around for the classical texts of Plato, Aristotle, and the dangerously worldly love poems of Ovid. Gerbert studied the diseases of the eye, and as a gifted musician, he built his own version of the new mechanical wind-organs. He built himself a planetarium, filled with wooden spheres, to work out the movements of the heavenly bodies. He wrote a treatise on the astrolabe... this clever and disputatious man who made as many enemies as Ralph Glaber, but who rose to significantly greater heights. It was the patronage of the Ottonian dynasty which gave Gerbert his eminence. Inspired by the ambition of Otto i, the German king who sought to re-create the enpire of Charlemagne and to relocate its head-quarters to Rome, the Ottonians dominated the politics of Europe in the decades leading up to the millennium. Gerbert came to the attention of Otto ii in one of the set-piece philosophical debates that were the heavy-weight boxing championships of the time. Scholars and students would travel from all over Europe to watch these public debates, cheering on the learned contestants as they argued the pros and cons of a philosophical proposition. Gerbert triumphed in a day-long debate at Ravenna in 980 November where his quickness of wit earned victory for the proposition that physics is a branch of mathematics, not a separate discipline in its own right. Otto ii has presided..." --- Robert Lacey & Danny Danziger 1999, 2000 _The Year 1K: What Life Was Like at the Turn of the First Millennium: An Englishman's World_ pp188-189 |
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