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updated: 2019-08-12
"When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies." --- article 1 section 2 paragraph 4 |
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"J.M. Tolliver and David Willing... ‷Everyone [of the 35] in the original sample felt cheated at the university and that... [it] was an alienating experience... a process of ingesting facts and reproducing them on examinations. They had all expected something better. They had not expected to be equally bored at university as they were at [K-12] school... This feeling of being cheated is reported by all the gifted adults with whom I have discussed giftedness... among gifted, the drop-out rate is 3 times the national average.‴" --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg111 |
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
propagandists, useful idiots and the strange release of "sergeant" Bowe Bergdahl
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
Ted Cruz _Wall Street Journal_
leftist/Dem assault against the 1st amendment
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
Ted Cruz: Obummer regime has just put a price on other US soliers
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
the dude dissects leftist dis-information
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
"The law requires...": Andrew McCarthy's new book _Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obummer's Impeachment_: a sort of catalogue or cornucopia of Obummer's lawlessness
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Taliban joyous over Bergdahl scam, vow to get all Mujahideen released ASAP
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
senior Republican on Intelligence committee reported today that the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime had promised 6 months ago not to release any Taliban without coming to congress for concurrence
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
mirrors and veils: the Bergdahl perplex
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
A couple of interesting new wrinkles in the Islamists' War Against the World this week
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
David Sherfinski _Jewish World Review_
Bergdahl scam raises questions over security, presidential authority
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
Matthew Mientka _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
how genetics affects individual tastes and food preferences
"17 independent genes appeared to influence tastes for foods including artichokes, bacon, coffee, chicory, dark chocolate, blue cheese, ice cream, liver, oil or butter on bread, orange juice, plain yogurt, white wine, and mushrooms... 'For example, we found a strong correlation between the HLA-DOA gene and white wine liking, but we have no idea which of the characteristics of white wine this gene influences.'... the researchers found a correlation between salt preferences among 900 healthy adults from northeastern Italy and a DNA sequence variation on the KCNA5 gene, a known associated with genetic preferences for salt in mammals..."
2014-06-01 (5774 Sivan 03)
Anthony Watts
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer EPA diktat translates directly to higher electricity prices
Proposed Bills 2014
1398-06-02: Henry Sinclair day (landed at Guysborough, Nova Scotia)
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Jeff Sessions on surge of illegal alien children entering USA: race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer has "nobody to blame but himself"
"'This is a direct result of the president's statements that he was not going to enforce the law with regard to people who entered the country as youngsters. It's an open invitation for others to come. What he has done in the last months, aided by members of congress, is to create the impression that no one is going to be deported, and especially young people who come into the country are not going to be deported. So they are focusing way too much on attempting to cope with the flood of young people coming into the country and not nearly enough on reducing the flow.', Sessions told Breitbart News. Monday the [race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime] announced an inter-agency 'Unified Coordination Group' led by FEMA to deal with the 'humanitarian crisis' of thousands of unaccompanied minors attempted to cross into the United States... 'At this point in time, it is imperative that the President of the United States himself make crystal clear that the border is not open, that anybody who comes to this country illegally, young or old, will be deported, will be apprehended and deported; and that he tell the whole world to not come. He needs to send a message that this country intends to have a lawful system of immigration and we don't have a lawless, open border. Until he is willing to do this nothing much is going to change.' Sessions continued on to note that the estimated cost of $2.3G in a single year to deal with the surge is unaffordable..."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Ian Swanson _Hill_
Tea Partiers criticize the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime, leftist congresscritters, for unethical behavior related to abuses by IRS
"The Tea Party Patriots group has accused senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) in a formal complaint of breaking ethics rules by pressuring the administration to target conservative groups engaged in political activities..."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Alexander Bolton _Hill_
non-leftists fight for immigration reform: fencing the borders, patrolling them, turning back invaders, actively seeking illegal aliens present in USA and removing them
"Laura Ingraham, a popular conservative radio host, is squarely behind the effort, which is sponsored by the Federation for American Immigration Reform Congressional Task Force. She is tracking which members of Congress and candidates sign the pledge. In Mississippi, state senator Chris McDaniel...this week announced his support for the pledge during an appearance on Ingraham's show... The pledge requires that signatories promise to oppose any form of work authorization for the estimated 11M illegal immigrants living in United States. It binds them to oppose legislation that would increase the number of legal immigrants allowed in the country and reject proposals to increase the number of guest workers..."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Todd Cefaratti _Daily Caller_
leftist media showing their unreasoning fear of the Tea Partiers
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
propagandists, useful idiots and the strange release of "sergeant" Bowe Bergdahl
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Greg Campbell _Tea Party News Network_
Pentagon report clearly indicates that as early as 2010, the Department of Defense knew that "sergeant" Bowe Bergdahl had, in fact, deserted
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
"spunkypundit" _True Blue Republican State_
Michigan charter school board president Brian Polet resigned over Communist Corpse
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Michael Bastasch _Daily Caller_
Rand Paul vows to over-ride illegal EPA climate rules
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
formal complaint filed against Harry Reid for violations of senate ethics
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
the new regressives
"Today's liberalism is about as liberal as the Hellenistic world was Hellenic -- a glossy veneer over a rotten core. In the old days, liberalism was about the means to an end, not the end itself. Since the days of Socrates, liberalism enshrined free inquiry, guided by inductive thinking and empirical use of data..."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
homofascism should be crushed
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the face of defeat... no, eager surrender
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Roger L Simon _PJMedia_
higher and higher crimes: Andrew McCarthy's new book advocating race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's impeachment
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Seattle government declared war against small businesses with $15/hour minimum wage diktat
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Joseph Perkins _Jewish World Review_
leftist cat-fight
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
Eric Holder's money shot
"we've wound up with a kind of third-party statism, in which the zombie husks of private industry are conscripted as the front men for de facto nationalization... Operation Choke Point..."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's uncertain trumpet sounds retreat for the USA
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Los Angeles's solution to failing government
"the Anderson School of Management issued a forecast which stated that Los Angeles has not had positive job growth over the last 23 years. The county has lost more net jobs than any large metropolitan area in the nation from 1990 to 2013, the study stated... 1. a jobs crisis, 2. chronic budget shortfalls, 3. abundance of poverty, 4. traffic congestion and 5. [low quality of] public education..."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
Harry Reid's priorities: continue to destroy the economy and take private property and liberty
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
eating race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist Obummers' lunch: Michelle wages war against women, children and our liberty
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Susan Swann _Jewish World Review_
having a family motto will provide direction to your kin
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
R' David Aaron _Jewish World Review_
Why on earth are we here? discovering our divine purpose
"The opportunity to serve G-d is the greatest gift we could ever imagine. It's empowering. To serve G-d means that we can do something on behalf of G-d. It's an unbelievable honor!..."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
who are the real abusers of pseudo-science, and deniers of reality?
"The first five months of 2014 have been the coldest since the National Weather Service began keeping records in 1888... Between 1979 -- when weather satellites started measuring temperatures in the lower troposphere -- and 1997, they rose about 1.1 degrees Celsius (1.98 degrees Fahrenheit). Temperatures stopped rising then, have fallen since 2012. The pause in warming (212 months) is now longer than the warming trend was (211 months). The earth has warmed about 16 degrees F since the last ice age. The net increase since 1979 -- 0.19 degrees C (0.34 F) -- is well within the range of natural fluctuation."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Matthew Heimer _MarketWatch_
king Juan Carlos of Spain paid least of European monarchs, small retirement pension likely
Spain's king Juan Carlos to abdicate
"Spain's [76-year-old] king Juan Carlos i, ailing and tainted by family corruption scandals, announced Monday that he will abdicate in favor of prince Felipe, handing his 46-year-old son the challenge of restoring the monarchy's prestige in a country grappling with high unemployment and torn by regional separatism... the hand-over to the U.S.-educated prince, who will become king Felipe vi."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Tia Ghose _Live Science_
gene for blond hair identified
"The single mutation was found in a long gene sequence called KIT ligand (KITLG) and is present in about one-third of Northern Europeans. People with these genes could have platinum blond, dirty blond or even dark brown hair. 'There's a half dozen different chromosome regions that influence hair color.', said study co-author David Kingsley... KIT ligand...binds to receptors throughout the body and affects pigmentation, blood cells, nerve cells in the gut, and sex cells."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Dennis T. Avery
carbon dioxide won't cause famines: more atmospheric CO2 will spur crop growth -- if we let it
"Almost all past agricultural and cultural collapses occurred during 'little ice ages', not during our many global warm periods. In addition, today's seeds, fertilizers and modern farming techniques and technologies are far superior to anything mankind possessed during previous crises. The 17th century was part of the 550-year Little Ice Age, the most recent of at least 7 'little ice ages' that have befallen the planet since the last Pleistocene Ice Age ended some 13K years ago. Studying sediment deposits in the North Atlantic, Gerard Bond of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory found such centuries-long 'little ice ages' beginning at 1300CE, 600CE, 800BCE, 2200BCE, 3900BCE, 7400BCE, 8300BCE, and perhaps at 9100BCE. In fact, these worldwide Dansgaard-Oeschger disasters arrived on a semi-regular basis some 600 times over the past 1M years..."
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Paul Driessen
to pres. race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer: let's just assume for a moment, despite clear evidence to the contrary, that we have a climate crisis...
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Indur Goklany
Which is responsible for more deaths in U.S.A. -- excessive heat or excessive cold?
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Patrick J. Michaels
EPA's economic and political futility
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Susan Crockford
IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group admits polar bear population estimates were unfounded
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Anthony Watts
EPA spokes-clone tried to sell race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's power-mad plan with Nirvana-style graphics
2014-06-02 (5774 Sivan 04)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
"Porte Crayon" in Harrisonburg 1864-06-02
"David Hunter Strother... 'In his library I found John P. Kennedy's Swallow Barn with my illustrations and also Harper’s Magazine with the Porte Crayon series...'"
Proposed Bills 2014
"The various difficulties about ideas have one thing in common: they occur in the medium of words. Unlike figures or other fixed symbols, words possess connotations, overtones, and hence the power of suggesting more than they say. Their arrangement, too, automatically conveys qualities and degrees of emphasis which strike the reader's mind and affect meaning in very subtle ways... the reader brings something with him to every act of reading. He brings his own experience of life and whatever knowledge he has retained from previous reading. The result is that unless the vocabulary of a new piece of reading matter is visibly technical and strange to him, he will almost always think he understands it. This will take place ven when what is said is badly put, repetedly misleading, or adroitly tendentious." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg139 |
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
age discrimination in STEM: know the statutes
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Fred Bauer _National Review_
de facto open borders
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
John Fonte _National Review_
the push for military-service amnesty for illegal aliens, while over the next 17 months, 30K American soldiers will be let go -- that is to say, fired
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Mississippi Tea Partiers vote for Chris McDaniel today
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Leslie Eastman _Legal Insurrection_
Tim Donnelly for governor, John Chiang... (with link to video)
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
_Conservative HQ_
standing up for Texas tax-victims may cost Wallace Hall his post as University of Texas Regent
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
_Conservative HQ_
yes, race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer did again break the law by trading terrorists held at Guantanamo for Bowe Bergdahl
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Quentin Fottrell _MarketWatch_
half of American home-buyers can't afford to pay their mortgages
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
secure the USA electrical grid: the real risk of catastrophic collapse (video)
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Rob Longley _PJMedia_
Ed Gillespie must crush Dem opponent at polls in November
"Mark Warner...support for [ObummerDoesn'tCare], the much-maligned health-care [destruction] package he helped push through the senate in 2009... Over the last 5 years, Warner has voted with [race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer] 97% of the time... Democrats as a whole voted with the president about 95% of the time... both Warner and the president supported, including measures to raise taxes and the debt limit, and legislation in support of a carbon tax. And, of course, [ObummerDoesn'tCare]... Warner was tied with Alaska's Mark Begich and Massachusetts' Elizabeth Warren..."
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Lucian Constantin _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
ISPs urged to block, quarantine malware
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Richi Jennings _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Apple WWDC surprises, disappointments
"Apple announced loads of stuff in the WWDC key-note: iOS 8, OS/X 10.10, Yosemite, Swift, etc... what's usually a dribble of criticism has become a torrent... So njnnja swiftly predicts this prediction: 'I am certain that before the year is over we will see many job postings requiring 3 years experience with Swift.'... And ugen waves goodbye to cross-platform development..."
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Juan Carlos Perez _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Siemens/Gore "Unify" to dump 50% of work-force
"Unify, formerly called Siemens Enterprise Communications, will shrink its workforce from 7,700 to about 3,900 -- half of the eliminated jobs will be from Central Europe."
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Annabel Symington _Global Post_
bond-servants in Pakistan
"Nanji, Hamo's father, has lived and worked for the last 10 years on a plot of land just outside Hyderabad in southern Sindh. He’s spent his entire life as a bonded laborer, being sold between farms -- first as a child with his parents and today as a father with his eight children. He arrived at his present the condition in the usual way: debt. Nanji says his debt is Rs100K ($1K). But for families like his, the actual amount is irrelevant, because the payoff plan is hypothetical..."
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the Ambassador and the post office
"At one time, people in India had to get on a waiting list to buy Hindustan Motors' Ambassador automobile, even though it was an obvious copy of Britain's Morris Oxford of some decades earlier. The reason was simple: the Indian government would not allow cars to be imported to compete with it... Toward the end of the 20th century, India began to loosen up some of its jungle of rules and regulations that were strangling India's businesses. Though India is still a long way from a free market, just the relaxing of some of its economic restrictions was enough to promote a higher rate of growth and a substantial reduction in poverty..."
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
negotiating with terrorists
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
celebration unwarranted: it was folly that got Bergdahl captured, and folly that got him back
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
phony sentiment, politics and a bad bargain
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer sprinting to finish line to fundamentally pervert the USA
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
stress relief: dogs vs. eliminating an out-of-control, power-mad federal government that is increasing regulations, spending and taxes at record rates, which is burdening private companies and encouraging employment reduction
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
Christian mother in Sudan may become 21st century martyr
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
who is racist?
"How, for example, does one explain that the most conservative Republicans were the ones who most supported Herman Cain, the one black running for the Republican presidential nomination n 2012?... compared to a person's values, conservatives couldn't care less about a person's color. I have actually asked large conservative audiences if they would prefer a Supreme Court composed of 9 white male Christians who were [leftist] or 9 black secular lesbians who were conservative. I have never encountered a single vote for the former..."
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
don't like dealing with terrorists? bring them down
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
soldiers say Bergdahl sought meeting with Taliban
Bridget Johnson
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Cory Franklin _Political Mavens_
the beauty was in the supreme effort; the score was incidental
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Dana Dovey _Jewish World Review_
scientists/engineers manufacture blood vessels using 3-D printer/additive manufacturing
"the most impressive aspect of the project was the team's success in recreating endothelial cells"
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Tim Ball
Ontario, Canada: a mirror of USA's economic future mortgaged to falsified climate "science"
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Charles Battig
the artist as climate model expert
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Anthony Watts
solving sun-spot mysteries
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Alan Carlin
EPA power-madness is costly
2014-06-03 (5774 Sivan 05)
Alan Carlin
interesting testimony, today, from David Legates
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Phyllis Schlafly _Eagle Forum_
the guest-worker racket
Town Hall
World Net Daily
Californians for Population Stabilization
Pearland TX Tea Party
Conservatives Forum
Creators Syndicate
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Martin Crutsinger _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
April US trade deficit at 2-year high of $47.2G; exports $195.4G, imports $240.6G
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Lucas Mearian _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
inside Ford's additive manufacturing/prototyping/3D printing lab thousands of parts are made
"10 years ago, Ford 3D printed perhaps 4K prototype parts for its vehicles. Today, just one of its five 3D prototyping centers churns out more than 20K parts annually..."
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Lucas Mearian _PJMedia_
government must stop subsidizing Warren Buffett & wind power
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
non-leftists should withhold funds from the National Republican Senatorial Committee
Support, for example, state senator Chris McDaniel, the top vote-getter in Mississippi's GOP senate primary, instead.
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
_Right Scoop_
Ted Cruz: race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer wants to release more terrorists
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
_Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz speaks a gainst leftist/Dem attempt to gut 1st amendment freedom of political speech and religion
"Nothing captures the hypocrisy of the Left quite as well as yesterday's debate in the senate Judiciary committee on Democratic senator Tom Udall's SJRes 19."
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Laura Ingraham: we should have offered the terrorists Eric Cantor, instead
"Conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham campaigned here with the long-shot primary challenger to majority-leader Eric Cantor, Randolph-Macon economics professor David Brat, issuing a blistering attack on Cantor's immigration record."
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
James Hohmann _Politico_
Jeff Bell won senate primary in NJ
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Perry Chiaramonte _Fox_
Milwaukee catholic parents blast arch-diocese's blessing of Communist Corpse
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
struggle against Communist Corpse continues in Louisiana
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
"Operation Bodyguard" was a key to victory on D-Day
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
_Valor_: a cure for Bergdahl walking disease
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
dangerous "Butterfield effect" now striking non-journalists
"'How do you explain to people who just don't get it that the problem is they just don't get it?'..."
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
Jesuit priest from India abducted in Afghanistan
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJMedia_
Chinese political activist: "Dis-honoring Red Chinese evil-doers is not dis-honorable"
PM Winston Churchill
We shall defend our island... we shall fight on the beaches...
Brainy Quote excerpt
Winston Churchill Centre
2014-06-04 (5774 Sivan 06)
Christopher Monckton
the "pause" continues, no warming for 17 years 9 months
Proposed Bills 2014
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Chris McDaniel leads going into run-off in MS
"Chris McDaniel: 49.5% 153,524;
Thad Cochran (Incumbent): 48.9% 151,590;
Thomas Carey: 1.5% 4,799 [with 99.7% of votes counted]."
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
USA executives are more interested in off-shoring than H-1B guest-workers (which are sometimes merely a means to off-shore)
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Bergdahl trade's greatest damage
"But the damage those five individuals can do is dwarfed by the damage [race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer] has already done in making front page news out of Bowe Bergdahl and his strange identification with the enemy in Afghanistan. In one short news cycle, hapless loser Bowe Bergdahl has replaced the clear-eyed patriot volunteers of our armed forces as the face of the US military in the world's media."
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
_Conservative HQ_
E. Ray Moore for SC lieutenant-governor
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
instead of re-assuring Europeans, president should tell them to defend themselves
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
images show illegal alien children who entered USA without adult relatives are crowded in holding facilities
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
bill to reject Communist Corpse passed OK legislature, on governor Mary Fallin's desk
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
war-gaming the US senate: grid-lock is good
"My friend Tom Dougherty is a serious numbers guy, and he sees 'the odds of a Republican majority in the U.S. senate has increased to 73.5%; with a 55.5% chance of an 8 seat pick-up now'. Tom's dark-horse [win] for the GOP is Dr. Monica Wehby... Wehby's campaign theme is 'Keep your doctor. Change your senator.'..."
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
interview: Rand Simberg explains why save is not a option when it comes to space
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Christian preacher, orphanage founder, has been imprisoned in Iran for nearly 2 years
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Roger L Simon _PJMedia_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer, Bergdahl, and moral narcissism
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
David Rothbard & Craig Rucker
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime EPA's next wave of job- and economy-killing regulations: leashing EPA bureaubums to destroy American livelihoods, living standards and liberties
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Anthony Watts
and then, they came for the fishermen... "high seas should be closed to all fishing"
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Anthony Watts
more theorizing about how the moon was formed
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Anthony Watts
man-made aerosols have had a cooling effect
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Anthony Watts
Germany prepares to eliminate ban on fracking
Proposed Bills 2014
1944-06-06: D-Day
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
population | est. jobs deficit |
men | 26.4 millions |
women | 5.6 millions |
TOTAL | 32.0 millions |
blacks | 10.1 millions |
population | employed/population ratio | historical maximum |
men | 64.9% | 86.2% |
women | 53.7% | 58.0% |
TOTAL | 59.1% | 64.9% |
blacks | 54.0% | 59.3% |
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
D-Day 1944-06-06: Andrew Jackson Higgins's boats
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
it is time, again, to think those who saved the world
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Hitler got the heebie-jeebies, He knows we're comin', but He don't know where and he don't know when, But we made our reservations-- And we're comin' in...
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
many are ignorant about D-Day
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
being pro-English is also being pro-immigrant
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
in NH, companies abuse H-1B visas to displaced skilled US citizens, many jobs permanently lost
"More than two-thirds of H-1B temporary work visas authorized for use in NH last year were issued to companies whose business model specializes in shipping American jobs over-seas... 'Most H-1B visas are not being used to fill vacant jobs, but to replace American workers to save corporations money. The fact that congress allows this to happen is beyond belief.'... Companies frequently use them to hire inexpensive foreign workers to replace their more expensive American workforce. In some cases, the jobs being done by H-1B workers will eventually be sent over-seas. In others, the job remains in the USA but will never again be done by an American."
It would be better if there were some minimal standards for getting student, exchange, guest-work and LPR visas (green cards), and the numbers were reduced to more reasonable, manageable levels...jgo
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the troubling plight of the modern university
"Employment rates for college graduates are dismal. Aggregate student debt is staggering. But university administrative salaries are soaring. The campus climate of tolerance has utterly disappeared. Only the hard sciences and graduate schools have salvaged American universities' international reputations..."
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
the leftist death wish
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
Christian mother going to the gallows?
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
5 terrorists for a deserter?!?!?!?
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Bergdahl is free, but at what cost?
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
it was probably never about Bergdahl
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
free him, then court-martial him
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
just desserts, just deserts
"Keeping to the spirit of Death Penalty Month, let's review the execution of private Eddie Slovik. Slovik's offense: desertion in war-time. (See the tie-in?) Unlike Bowe Bergdahl, who deserted his unit, according to the accounts of his comrades, Slovik never actually deserted. He also didn't call America a 'disgusting' country or say he was 'ashamed to be an American'. Slovik was just a chicken..."
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
the poisonous reek of government lies breaking open that has ignited this passion -- so many lies and so much subterfuge
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
left's spin-machine fails to white-wash another fiasco
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
rogue race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 06)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
but is "not Obummer" enough?
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 06)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
what happened to USMC deserter Wassef Ali Hassoun?
please help find Marizela
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 06)
Douglas Ernst _Jewish World Review_
deserter Bergdahl may collect $200K in back pay, benefits
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
_Conservative HQ_
Communist Corpse rejected in Oklahoma
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
_Conservative HQ_
Dave Brat, Sheri Few, E. Ray Moore in tomorrow's primary
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Ken Blackwell & Bob Morrison _American Thinker_
no US dollars to Palestinian terrorists
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Lawrence Biemiller _Chronicle of Higher Education_
U of VA spread-sheet e-mailed by mistake: containing grades, political affiliations, class rank, SOs, LSAT scores, Socialist Insecurity Nunbers, loan amounts, recommenders, work experience, and other personal, private info the university should not have had in the first place
Staci Zaretsky: Above the Law
"'Holy grade inflation, Batman!... with around a 3.2 GPA, you'll be in the bottom 25% of the class.'"
2014-06-05 (5774 Sivan 07)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
a mite too little, a mite too late at the border
Nadia Galindo: action 4 news KGBT/Chesapeake Media
"He told Action 4 News about 10%-25% of [illegal aliens] agents catch have scabies and now agents are concerned for their health and well-being."
I recommend eucalyptus oil (eucalyptol), thyme oil (thymol), cedar oil (like Cedarcide), chrysanthemum oil (pyrethrins), geranium oil (geraniol), cinnamon oil, rosemary oil, to kill off the mites, fleas and other vermin...jgo
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 06)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
with Obummer or Kerry State Dept. refusal to act, chair of House Foreign Affairs committee appealed directly to Mexican government to release USMC sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 06)
George Leef _Forbes_
How desperate is the USA's glut of STEM talent?
"In his recent book Falling Behind: Boom, Bust & the Global Race for Scientific Talent, Michael Teitelbaum (Senior Research Associate at Harvard Law School) shows that the U.S.A. has been through at least 5 STEM-related cycles since World War 2. In each instance, alarms about a perceived shortage of STEM workers led to federal action to stimulate STEM research and education. But after the government's stimulus ended, we were left with a surfeit of people with STEM degrees but no work commensurate with their training. Far from 'falling behind', Teitelbaum shows that the U.S.A. currently has a surplus of people with STEM education. After surveying the research, he writes that America 'produces far more science and engineering graduates annually than there are S&E job openings—the only disagreement is whether it is 100% or 200% more'. Nevertheless, many Americans instinctively believe that there is something special about science, engineering and technology. They drive progress. We might have too many lawyers or baristas or interior designers, but we can't have too many STEM workers. Furthermore, interest groups that want more STEM education, research funding and workers know how to capitalize on that belief to get politicians to enact the policies they want. Even through there is nothing approaching a crisis, they keep lobbying as if we have a dire one. Perhaps without knowing it, Teitelbaum (who isn't an economist) has grasped how public choice theory works in the realm of education. Strong business and educational groups lobby for nice-sounding policies that benefit themselves, frequently employing dubious arguments and misleading claims. The costs of the resulting pro-STEM policies are dispersed among the public, and fall particularly hard on the unfortunate individuals who invest a lot of money and years of their lives in pursuit of credentials that are apt to become almost worthless. (That problem isn't confined to STEM, of course; we have over-sold degrees in many other fields, too.)..."
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 06)
Obummer responds to border crisis by ordering even more incentives for illegal immigration
"While an unprecedented number of illegal alien minors surge across the border -- incentivized by lax enforcement and promises of amnesty -- the [Obummer regime] has just announced it is expanding a program that defers the deportation of illegal aliens. In June of 2012, the [Obummer regime] bypassed congress with an executive action that put into place Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The program, otherwise known as the [NIGHTMARE] Act, grants a reprieve from deportation and work authorization to broad categories of 'young' illegal aliens. Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security announced that a two-year renewal process has begun and encourages those not already enrolled to do so. Dan Stein, president of the Federation for America Immigration Reform (FAIR) called yesterday's action 'reckless and irresponsible'. Stein observed that, 'even while we're watching the chaotic result of this administration's non-enforcement policies at the border, the president is implementing even more incentives guaranteed to create more chaos'. According to White House sources, the number of unaccompanied illegal alien minors entering the USA could be more than 60K this year, a 90% increase over 2013 and up to 130K by 2015. A recent memo from the Border Patrol estimates the numbers could be even higher. The surge is overwhelming local border officials and forcing them to transport the aliens further north for processing and release. Since its implementation in 2012, more than 560K illegal aliens have applied for relief from deportation under the DACA program... illegal entry is rewarded, further amnesty legislation is pending and in its absence, the president will enact it by executive action... If President [Obummer] believes the flood of illegal alien minors at the border is a humanitarian crisis then he needs to send a strong message... that the USA will enforce its laws and he needs to discourage parents from sending their children on a dangerous journey north."
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 06)
Friedrich August Hayek _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
down with legal tender (from _DeNationalization of Money_)
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 06)
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Norm Buske
Antarctic sea ice increase and global warming/cooling
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Anthony Watts
the weather forcast that saved D-Day
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Anthony Watts
study: Greenland's 2012 July "insta-melt" was triggered by a combination of warm weather and carbon soot
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Anthony Watts
UCF: termites, fungi, models, and climate change
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
reflections on D-Day's 70th anniversary
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Willis Eschenbach
sun-spots and sea surface temperatures
2014-06-06 (5774 Sivan 08)
Walter Starck
why I am not terrified by "climate change"
Proposed Bills 2014
"There is a whole spectrum of courses & programs designed to brain-wash children into rejecting the values, beliefs, & ways of life taught to them by the parents -- & to accept the latest fad thinking on subjects ranging from death to sex to social philosophies in general. Whatever the particular subject matter, these programs follow standard brain-washing techniques of putting the victims under emotional stress, breaking down their inhibitions, & destroying their links to others on the outside. With school children, the link that must be loosened or broken is the child's link to his or her parents. In innumerable ways, some very subtle, these programs undermine, ridicule, or otherwise side-track parents as irrelevant." --- Thomas Sowell 1993 "BrainWashing in School" in _Is Reality Optional?_ pg 117 |
2014-06-07 (5774 Sivan 09)
Timothy P. Carney _Washington DC Examiner_
Chris McDaniel success depresses K street, porkers
2014-06-07 (5774 Sivan 09)
Bonnie Ramthun _PJMedia_
10 most dangerous national parks
2014-06-07 (5774 Sivan 09)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
the questions about Bergdahl's desertion and the left's answers
2014-06-07 (5774 Sivan 09)
Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_
are procrastination and impulsivity genetic?
2014-06-07 (5774 Sivan 09)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a confederate's lament over the death of Thackeray
2014-06-07 (5774 Sivan 09)
Anthony Watts
National Association of Scholars: "much of the U.S.-sponsored research behind the 'scientific consensus' on global warming may be less rigorous than its advocates would have the public believe"
2014-06-07 (5774 Sivan 09)
Anthony Watts
NOAA shows "the pause" in the U.S.A. surface temperature record
Proposed Bills 2014
"We are concerned with the profound difference of effect produced by different words purporting to relate the same facts... The unfortunate truth is that the reader is always more sensitive to the expressed meaning than the writer himself... the writer has his intended meaning at the forefront of hsi mind, and it too often hides from him the sense of the actual words he writes down. The remedy is simple but arduous; to [examine and weigh] every word, not once but many times, until you are assured that it is the word corresponding to what you know and want to say. Bear in mind the rule that in reporting, every word is a technical word... in handling ideas you must consider every defining word in exactly the same way as you do conventional technical terms." --- Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graff 1957, 1970, 1992 _The Modern Researcher_ pg143 |
1789-06-08: Bill of Rights proposed to congress by James Madison
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Tim Cole: I wouldn't have traded Audie Murphy for 5 Taliban
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
flood of illegal aliens bringing disease out-breaks
"'We are starting to see chicken pox, MRSA staph infections, we are starting to see different viruses.', Cabrera said. 'It's contagious, we are transporting people to different parts of the state and different parts of the country...'"
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
Robert Oscar Lopez _American Thinker_
confronting academia's leftism
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Camp Curtin historical society to host Civil War encampment
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
Mark Davis _Political Mavens_
Bergdahl may well deserve a traitor's fate
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
P. David Hornik _PJMedia_
10 ways my life improved since I moved to Israel
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
fictions peddled as truth
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
the unbearable smallness of race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's vision
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
Bob Tisdale
is one of the objectives of all alarmists to be a source of mis-information, or is it merely a tactic?
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
Bob Tisdale
the Krugman in Wonderland effect
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
Anthony Watts
the perils of "science by press release": "overly exaggerated presentation of research findings"
2014-06-08 (5774 Sivan 10)
Tim Ball
opinion: global warming claims are primarily and deliberately a product of bureaucratic political activism
Proposed Bills 2014
"The [United States of America] had a $43.6G trade surplus in civilian aircraft in 2010, when it exported $67G in passenger jets and imported $23.4G. Adjusted for inflation, that was about equal to the industry's trade surplus of 20 years earlier. In 1990, roughly 400K production workers were employed in the USA aerospace industry; in 2010 there were only 275K. So, even in an industry where the USA is said to enjoy a competitive advantage, we were losing jobs... Like other multi-nationals, Boeing has been steadily moving work off-shore [and, along with that work technology and methods]." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pg65 [pp67-71] |
1772-06-09: British revenue schooner HMS Gaspee ran aground and was taken by Rhode Islanders
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Numbers USA mobilizes citizenry to protest immigration law perversion
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Irin Carmon _MSNBC_
Lee Bright, Richard Cash, Nancy Mace in NC primary for US senate
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Joe Carr for US senate from Tennessee
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
_News Max_
US government has opened facilities at 3rd military base to hold illegal alien children
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Josh Peterson _News Max_
GOP senators blast FCC chair for his intent to ignore state laws banning provision of internet services by governments
"FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler... a former cable industry lobbyist... 'The insinuation that the Federal Communications Commission will force [tax-victim] funded competition against private broadband providers -- against the wishes of the states -- is deeply troubling.', said the senators in the letter, sent Thursday."
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Elliot Jager _News Max_
Harry Reid demanding even more extremist leftists for FERC
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Elliot Jager _News Max_
FB board sued by stock-owners, for board's plan to give themselves extravagant stock grants
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Bruce Deitrick Price _American Thinker_
what passes for mathematics in Communist Corpse must be eradicated, root and branch
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
John Bennett _American Thinker_
where is USA's sense of self-preservation?
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
John Bennett _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
Mechanicsburg museum to host pie-baking contest during Jubilee Day festivities June 19
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Lawrence Biemiller _Chronicle of Higher Education_
HBR article by Clayton M. Christensen, Derek van Bever and hundreds of others on why executives avoid innovation
"'The crux of the problem is that investments in different types of innovation affect economies (and companies [and executives]) in very different ways, but are evaluated using the same (flawed) metrics. Specifically, financial markets -- and companies themselves -- use assessment metrics that make innovations that eliminate jobs more attractive than those that create jobs. We'll argue that the reliance on those metrics is based on the [observed fact] that capital is, in George Gilder's language [and that of all other competent economists], a scarce resource that should be conserved [as is every other resource, within the give and take of economic substitution, trade-offs, and complementarity]. But, as we will explain further, capital is no longer in short supply [economic scarcity has little to do with "being in short supply", simply not infinite, effortless, information-less supply] -- witness the $1.6T in cash on corporate balance sheets -- and, if companies want to maximize returns on it, they must stop behaving as if it were [thus showing the authors' ignorance of the very elementary fundamentals of economics].'"
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Amy Peterson _Jewish World Review_
3 things you can't force your children to do: learn to let go of these 3 things
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
ending Mahmoud Abbas's winning streak
"The West is being played by Arafat's successor -- and that includes Israel. It must stop. Now. But who has the cojones to do it?"
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
Jews seek reparations for being enslaved in Africa
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Kathryn Lopez _Jewish World Review_
youth in a void
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
burying veterans in paper-work
"Once again, [race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer] said he first heard about this scandal through the media. Perhaps he was too busy not knowing about the IRS scandal, Benghazi, NSA spying, wire-tapping of media opponents, the GSA, the [ObummerDoesn'tCare] web-site debacle and Secret Service hooker scandals..."
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
aiders and abettors are not all equal: America's immigration and asylum policy is nuts
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
colleges/universities are victims of leftism
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
is Bergdahl bigger than the attack on the US consulate at Benghazi?
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
David M. Shribman _Jewish World Review_
learning from Lincoln: how our Civil War president despaired of winning re-election, but prevailed in convincing fashion
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
another time, another scandal, or: it all sounds so familiar... and none of the scandals have been investigated, none of the guilty tried, and none appropriately penalized
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Diane Dimond _Jewish World Review_
the very real military problem
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Richard Cohen _Jewish World Review_
at West Point, race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer tried to excuse the inexcusable
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's master plan
"In 1 very short period, the president has tossed the Israeli government over the side, pushed for radical environmental rules that will by the EPA's own estimates lower the earth's temperature a fraction of a degree by the end of this century, gone in front of the graduating class of West Point and told them his goal is to make them superfluous, told the military he is capitulating on a war he himself stated was just and escalated in 2009, and now has released 5 top terrorists for what clearly is a soldier who deserted..."
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
when supposedly smart people say and do stupid things
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Joseph Perkins _Jewish World Review_
WW2 private faced firing squad for deserting: what would Eddie Slovik think of the Bergdahl case?
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
when "metrosexuals" rule the nation
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Jacqueline Klimas _Jewish World Review_
70% of Veterans Administration abused pre-waiting list waiting lists: system fostered bonuses for executives, created confusion for scheduling staff
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Susan Scutti _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
could growing new brain cells improve your learning and memory?
"Dr. Yanhong Shi, lead author of the study and a neuro-sciences professor at City of Hope. Shi believes the effects of this gene -- a nuclear receptor called TLX -- offers insight for developing treatments that might improve cognitive performance in elderly patients or those who have suffered a neurological disease or brain injury... Over-expression of the gene was associated with a physically larger brain, as well as the ability to learn a task quickly. Furthermore, over-expression of the gene was linked with the ability to remember, over a longer period of time, whatever had been learned..."
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Martyn Williams _"IT" News_/_IDG_
2nd Red Chinese army unit linked to corporate cyber-espionage: Internet postings link a Red Chinese hacking group to a military unit
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime's race-obsessed, anti-constitution, anti-law mob enforcer, Eric Holder
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime/Kerry State Dept. refuses to say if it paid to get Bergdahl
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
GOP House losership's negotiator Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) says immigration law perversion is not dead, has a 50/50 chance to be rammed through
"Representative Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), one of the most fervent [opponents of] immigration reform in the lower chamber, said the House likely will not act this session if legislation isn't taken up by July 4... Representative Steven King (R-IA), an avowed reform [advocate], has succeeded in passing 2 bills -- 1 passed last month to fund a $5M investigation into the release of criminals from immigrant detention, and the other, adopted last year, to end Department of Homeland Security [DHS] policies that allow the agency to delay deportations of young [illegal aliens]..."
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
effort in US senate to halt releases from Guantanamo for at least 6 months
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Marguerite Telford _Center for Immigration Studies_
Texas GOP sends clearer message on immigration
"compassionate conservatism is alive and well in Texas where Republicans seem to feel it is possible to treat individuals fairly and charitably while still expecting laws to be respected..."
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Texans back immigration reform candidates
"Over the weekend, the Republican Party of Texas removed from its platform support for the 'Texas Solution', an amnesty/guest-worker scheme cooked up by cheap-labor interests. It had been adopted at the previous convention, two years ago, through parliamentary chicanery. The new plank, adopted with a decisive majority through a proper roll-call vote, rejects amnesty, 'including the granting of legal status to persons in the country illegally'... 'In addition, with 92M Americans not working, the labor force at 36-year low and a lethargic economy, the United States of America can ill-afford a guest worker program designed to depress wages.'"
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Richard A. Viguerie _Hill_
building a movement vs. trashing your opponent
"the inside-the-Beltway political establishment is so intellectually and politically bankrupt it has nothing with which to build a movement. It only knows one way of winning campaigns: raising a lot of money and spending it on negative TV trashing the opponent."
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Daniel Horowitz _True Blue Republican State_
reforming immigration vs. worsening the flood
"Folks, for all of you relying on House 'conservatives' to save us from becoming an open borders [dystopia] just know that we've got a serious problem. I sincerely thought that, although there is some disagreement over what to do with those here from the second great wave of illegal immigration, all Republicans would unite to stop [race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's] egregious facilitation of a third great invasion... And in case you thought his version of immigration reform was solving the issues that are broken, such as porous borders and public charge immigration... We have a record number of legal immigrants, illegal immigrants, and guest workers, yet somehow that is never enough... Many [non-leftists] from [True Blue America] are living under a false sense of security, assuming that their members are fighting for them in Washington [DC] in the way they promised on the campaign trail... How about uniting Republicans by whipping support for bills forcing the administration to uphold our sovereignty as a nation?"
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Patrick J. Buchanan _V Dare_
the endless invasion of the USA
"...That is almost 211K illegal aliens caught in just over half a year in just 2 sectors of the border. And that figure only tells us how many were caught, not how many got in, or how many of those caught were released and now reside among us..."
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Michael Balter _AAAS Science_
at least some of the first farmers, about 10,500 years ago, were also sailors
"2 new papers... Since the early 1990s, a Spanish team has been excavating at three ancient farming sites in Syria, whose earliest dates range from 10,500 to 10K years ago -- the very beginning of the agricultural revolution. Last week, in PLOS Genetics, the team reported having partially sequenced DNA from the mitochondria (the energy units of the living cell) of 15 skeletons from two of the sites, Tell Ramad and Tell Halula (see photo above). This is the first report of ancient DNA from early Middle Eastern farmers... The mitochondrial DNA sequences from the Syrian skeletons showed what the team calls 'strong affinities' with ancient DNA recently recovered from roughly 7K-year-old farming villages in both Germany and Spain, confirming that populations in the Middle East were indeed the source of later farming populations in Europe. Even more important, Fernández and her colleagues say, is what the team found when it compared the Middle Eastern DNA with a database of 60 modern populations in the Middle East and Europe. That analysis revealed very close genetic affinities with people living today in Cyprus and Crete, suggesting that farmers had first migrated from the Middle East to Greece and its islands by boat, before moving on to the mainland. The alternative, more northern route, overland to Europe via modern-day Turkey, was not supported by the data, because modern populations in Turkey did not show close genetic relationships to the Syrian skeletons... More evidence that Middle Eastern farmers were also sailors comes from a paper published on-line today in the _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_. A team led by George Stamatoyannopoulos, a geneticist at the University of Washington, Seattle, looked at 75K genetic markers across the genomes of 964 people from 32 different modern populations, including Greece and the Greek islands, Turkey, Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Using statistical techniques that allow researchers to trace the origins of populations based on the differences between them today, these researchers also found that farming had spread to Europe by a sea route, via Crete, the Greek islands, and the northern Mediterranean coast. The 2 teams did differ on one question, however: whether Middle Eastern farmers first spread from the Levantine coast (modern day Israel, Lebanon, and Syria), the conclusion of the Fernández group; or from the southern coast of modern-day Turkey, as found by the _Proceedings_ authors...."
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Christopher Monckton
Sensitivity? Schmensitivity!: Even on a business as usual basis, there will be less-than 1 degree Kelvin warming this century
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Charles Battig
beware of false prophets
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Anthony Watts
fortex of stupidity, the sequel
2014-06-09 (5774 Sivan 11)
Anthony Watts
collapsing Thwaites glacier in Antarctica is melting from geo-thermal heat
Proposed Bills 2014
"One of the principal witnesses to that change was a young man named William Niskanen, hired in 1975 as Ford's chief economist... He criticized the hypocrisy of Ford's calling for protectionism & domestic-content legislation at the same time it was escalating its imports of engines & transmissions from over-seas. Many executives told Niskanen confidentially that they agreed with his position... In 1980 February, much to his surprise, Bill Niskanen was fired." --- David Halberstam 1986 _The Reckoning_ pp 607-610 |
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
US "IT" worker had to train an H-1B replacement: U.S.A. workers protested job losses to foreign workers by displaying American flags in their cubicles
"At A.B.'s company, about 220 IT jobs have been lost to off-shore out-sourcing over the last year. A.B. is telling the story because, initially, there was little knowledge among fellow employees about H-1B visa holders and how they are used. They didn't know that off-shore out-sourcing firms are the largest users of H-1B visas, or exactly how this visa facilitates IT job losses in the U.S.A. 'I think once we learned about it, we became angrier toward the U.S. government than we were with the people that were over here from India', A.B. said, 'because the government is allowing this.'... The over-seas workers did not appear to have much practical experience, and the same questions were asked repeatedly, A.B. said..."
a small selection of comments
"IT" News
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
illegal aliens being illegaly dumped in Arizona... illegally (video)
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
math is math: new EPA rules are irrational, anti-constitutional tyranny
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Bergdahl/terrorist exchange
Town Hall
"People who are questioning the president's competence seem not to want to believe that any president of the United States would knowingly damage this country's interests. One of the problems of many fundamentally decent people is that they find it hard to understand people who are not fundamentally decent, or whose moral compass points in a different direction from theirs. Many people who are painfully disappointed with president Obama have no real reason to be. The man's whole previous history, from childhood on, was shaped by a whole series of people, beginning with his mother, whose vision of America was very much like that of the reverend Jeremiah Wright, whose church Barack Obama belonged to for 20 long years... Even if the reverend Wright had been the only such person in Barack Obama's life -- and he was not -- it should have been enough to keep him out of the White House... you cannot judge any president's competence by the results of his policies, without first knowing what he was trying to achieve."
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
trading monsters
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime cannot, won't do a lick of good
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
as race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer and his regime continue to violate the US constitution and laws
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Israel is not the USA: or, if your friends jumped off a cliff without a parachute, would you?
"As former Israeli diplomat Yoram Ettinger has written in the publication Israel HaYom: 'The Head of Israel's Security Services, Yoram Cohen, stated that 60% of released Palestinian terrorists revert to operational terrorism. Most of the 1,150 terrorists, released via the 1985 May 21 'Jibril Exchange' played a key role during the First Intifada (wave of terrorism). Over 50% of the Palestinian terrorists, who were released between the 1993 Oslo Accord and the eruption of the Second Intifada, participated in that wave of Palestinian terrorism.' Ettinger also notes that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was against prisoner exchanges before he was for them: 'In his 1995 Hebrew edition, _A Place Under the Sun_, Netanyahu wrote, ''the release of terrorists is a mistake the Israeli government repeats time and time again... How can Israel preach to the U.S.A. and the West...when Israel surrendered herself so shamefully? I was convinced that the release of a thousand terrorists would necessarily lead to a terrible escalation of violence, because these terrorists will be accepted as heroes, as an example to be imitated by young Palestinians... It is clear now that the release of a thousand terrorists was one of the factors that provided a pool of fermenting violence and its leaders ignited the fire of the Intifada.'''..."
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
as the continuing ObummerDoesn'tCare nightmare continues
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
pope Francis pointed out that pets are no replacement for children
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
corrupt race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime retaliating against Veterans Administration whistle-blowers (video)
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime/Eric Holder DoJ conspired with IRS to abuse non-leftists
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Border Patrol e-mail message: unaccompanied child illegal alien criss is unprecedented: many wide gaps as patrollers pulled from the field to do paper-work, baby-sit
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Antone Gonsalves _"IT" News_/_IDG_
how Apple iOS 8 eases some privacy concerns; only reveals actual MAC adddress during connections
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
David Steinberg _PJMedia_
Dave Brat victorious; demonstrates the new non-leftist play-book
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Alan Suderman _Detroit MI News_
Dave Brat victorious in Virginia primary
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
Dave Brat victory and the Sensenbrenner bill to empower the corrupt Eric Holder to rig future elections
"I'm convinced that had Cantor resisted the siren calls of the left on 2 key issues -- immigration and giving Eric Holder renewed power over state elections -- he would have won tonight. The moral of the story tonight is that when a Republican flirts with the left, that Republican risks it all..."
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
what Dave Brat's victory means
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
avoiding GOP losership's opposition to immigration reform self-sabotage: part 8, the gateway issue redux
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
internal memo reveals high-level dissent on border surge policies
"A draft memo from a top Border Patrol official expresses alarm that the administration's handling of the border surge in south Texas is inviting more illegal crossings and overwhelming the DHS agencies. The memo calls for the administration to stop releasing illegal crossers into the United States and instead impose [negative incentives] on illegal crossers [and visa over-stayers]..."
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
spinning the Gordian knot: tens of thousands of barbarian invaders, many of them under-21, are twisting the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime in the middle of its own spin
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Christina Bellantoni, David Hawkings, Matt Fuller & Daniel Newhauser _Roll Call_
glorious Dave Brat victory changes everything
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
4 people's brain injuries turned them into geniuses
"The closest scientists have come to understanding what happens in the brain when a concussion leads to mathematical or artistic genius is that more neural connections are being made."
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Chris Weller _Fox_
leftist group accused of meddling in GOP primary in Colorado... by placing ads boosting Tom Tancredo
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
_Sky News_
PM David Cameron calls on schools to teach British values in wake of disclosure of Trojan horse Muslim extremists' attempt to take over some schools
Sky: Trojan horse schools
Patrick Wintour: Manchester Guardian
"...Cameron revealed last night that he would use events over the next year to mark the 800th anniversary of king John's signing of the Magna Carta as the centre-piece of a fight-back against extremism. Describing the document as 'the foundation of all our laws and liberties', he said: 'I want to use this anniversary as an opportunity for every child to learn about the Magna Carta, for towns to commemorate it, for events to celebrate it.' Cameron will host a reception at Downing Street on Monday to launch a year of events to commemorate the charter's signing on 1215 June 15 at Runnymede..."
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
_Stack Over-Flow_
How can I use Swift in Terminal?
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Bob Dedekind
why automatic temperature adjustments don't work, why they deceive
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Anthony Watts
Australia and Canada decide to take a path of climate realism
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Roy W. Spencer
U of Alabama at Huntsville global temperature update for 2014 May shows slight temperature increase
UAH global temperature report
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Anthony Watts
AAAS: ability of others to repeat experiments is a corner-stone of science
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
Anthony Watts
new permafrost is forming around shrinking arctic lakes
2014-06-10 (5774 Sivan 12)
David Archibald
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime's forked-tongue WRT climate, Red China, Indonesia, Russia, USA
Proposed Bills 2014
"In this regard, you may be surprised to learn that the American income [extortion] got its start in 1913 not as a tax on all Americans but rather as a 'class tax' on the ultra-rich. In fact, this original American income tax targeted only the top 1% of earners... By the end of World War 2, almost 75% of Americans were subject to the income tax, compared with only 5% in 1939." --- Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pp91,92 (citing Tax Foundation, & The President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform 2005 pg12 abstract; final report via U of NT; Tax Policy Center part 2 of report; Treasury; U of Mich; final report via Tax Foundation and Tax Foundation response) |
2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
Dave Brat victory means one less vote to increase the already vastly excessive H-1B visa program
"Cantor lost to challenger David Brat, a professor at Randolph-Macon College with a Ph.D. in economics -- and an opponent of the H-1B visa... In one statement, Brat wrote: 'The Chamber wants low-skilled cheap labor; Mark Zuckerberg wants [low-skilled] cheap [tech] labor, but, at the end of the day, what they have in common is that they all want cheap labor and Eric Cantor wants to give it to them.' It's hard to know whether Brat's use of the H-1B visa, by itself, made much a difference in this contest or whether it will encourage others to attack the visa program... Brat's win may [improve] any chance of immigration reform in this congress [and thwart those desiring to pervert immigration laws]."
2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer has turned military bases into new illegal alien dumping grounds
Town Hall
"A source tipped me off last week to a curious occurrence: It seems that 1 plane-loads of illegal aliens were recently shipped to Massachusetts. The first reportedly landed at Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford. According to my tipster, approximately 160 illegal immigrants arrived on that flight and stayed nearly a week before being transferred to a Department of Homeland Security site and then released. The second flight reportedly was diverted from Hanscom to Boston's Logan Airport this past weekend. I am told that both MA and NH officials were on hand... San Antonio's Lackland Air Force Base opened its doors as an illegal immigrant camp last month. Port Hueneme Naval Base in Ventura County, CA, will shelter nearly 600 illegal border-crossing children and teens. The Fort Sill Army post in Lawton, Okla., was ordered on Friday to take in 1,200 illegal aliens despite the objections of GOP governor Mary Fallin, who blasted the White House... Nogales, AZ... a law enforcement source in Texas tells me this week that countless illegal aliens are being released into the general public despite testing positive for tuberculosis..."
please help find Marizela
2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
who owns you?: the right to try experimental drugs
Town Hall
2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13)
Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
Dave Brat proves libertarian populism wins
violent Muslims with eyes on Israel, attacking, taking over Iraqi cities of Tikrit, Mosul, Kirkuk, Rashad, Yankaja
2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
glossing over the many little differences among Libertarians and Conservatives
Town Hall
2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
elections are also referenda on Communist Corpse
2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
reading between the lines of Hitlery Rotten Clinton's _Hard Choices_
Town Hall
2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
remembering the real tomato
2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13)
Ana Veciana-Suarez _Jewish World Review_
ahh, the freedom of summer
2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-11 (5774 Sivan 13) 2014-06-12
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2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-14 (5774 Sivan 16) 2014-06-15: Father's Day
1776-06-15: Archibald Cary & committee of 34 reported a declaration of rights, drafted by George Mason, and it was adopted by the VA convention.
2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-15 (5774 Sivan 17) 2014-06-16
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1775-06-17: Battle of Bunker Hill (and Breed's Hill)
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1788-06-21: US constitution ratified
2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-21 (5774 Sivan 23) 2014-06-22
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doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
the media's view of the USA versus ours
Town Hall
"Many of these [illiberal leftists] dwell in the main-stream media and seem reluctant to engage in serious conversation. Instead, they attempt to ask leading questions of their opponents and then distort the answers in an attempt to diminish their 'enemy' in the eyes of the public. If they are successful, they never have to actually address the real issue for which they have no real answers..."
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
violent Muslim threat increased about 40% in 2013
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
one race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer intelligence failure after another
missile treaty breach by Russia, al-Qaeda upgrading encryption, race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime wimp-out on missile defense of Europe, Red China handed aircraft carrier capabilities secrets
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
"dead broke" Hitlery Rotten Clinton
"According to her joint tax return with Bill for 2001, they had a $16,165,110 income for her first year out of the White House. Even before they left the White House, their joint income for 2000 was $359K... At the tail end of their first presidency, Hillary got a book advance of $8M, and not to be outdone, Bill got a $15M deal at about the same time. She got more than $2M of this in 2001. The Clintons have amassed a huge amount of wealth since leaving office—upwards of $100M...."
...but was it honestly earned, or ill-gotten?...jgo
Noah Pollak _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton tries to rewrite her history on Israel
Jessica Chasmar _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton tries to rewrite history of Lincoln
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton is up to her old scams
"The Clintons bought a house in September of 1999 in Chappaqua, NY, for $1.7M. In December of 2000, they also purchased a $2.85M house in Washington, DC before Bill left office..."
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
on David Brat's breath-taking blow-out victory
Jeff Jacoby _Town Hall_
Peace? When Muslim Palestinians accept Jewish Israelis as neighbors in Israel
Jacob Sullum _Town Hall_
peaceful, secure, sane open carry
John Ransom _Town Hall_
Bergdahl/terrorist swap is worse than you think
Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
spending restraint is good policy -- long-run and short-run
Robert Knight _Town Hall_
promoting voting fraud
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
BTW, al-Qaeda is taking over entire Iraqi provinces
"the entire province of Nineveh has been over-run... the recent fall of Mosul reaped an 'arms wind-fall' for terrorists who seized Iraqi military weapons and vehicles, many of which were US-supplied..."
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
remembering when Republican president FDR commemorated the 1963 moon land by declaring "Peace in our time", and other race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime gaffes
"There's a strange and recurring symptom with this administration that OT1H keeps making these gaffes, and OTOH, thinks of itself as being chockablock full with, much more so than Enron, 'The Smartest Guys in the Room' -- including Barry himself... But these weird lapses in what should be easily understood American and world history keep occurring."
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
people believe in complying with and enforcing federal laws... except when they don't
Marguerite Telford _Center for Immigration Studies_
support for immigration reform leads to Dave Brat victory; immigraton law perversion is dead
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
Dave Brat wins one for Madison's Federalist paper #44
"in the last resort a remedy must be obtained from the people who can, by the election of more faithful representatives, annul the acts of the usurpers"
_Tea Party News Network_
SC senator Tim Scott won huge victory in primary; leftists go on the attack
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
Turing test almost passed; singularity just around the corner
Grant Burningham _Jewish World Review_
supremes considering 6 cases this month: ObummerDoesn'tCare, abortion funding, government employee labor unions, unconstitutional non-recess recess appointments, intellectual property rights in broadcast matter...
Walter Hudson _PJMedia_
interview in the wake of the stunning Tea Party victory; transition from protest to campaign to congressional and presidential leadership (requires evil Flash)
Raymond Ibrahim _PJMedia_
jihadi power... over donkeys: the strictures of Islamic law are relaxed for the jihadi -- often permitting the indulgence of depraved behavior
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
senate super-majority puts race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer on notice about aid to Palestinian terrorists
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
US intelligence agencies heard Benghazi attackers using State Dept. phones to call their commanders during the attack
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime failure in Iraq are the realization of some of our worst fears
"Half a million Iraqis were fleeing militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL [i.e. the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, i.e. Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine/Gaza Strip])... Iraqi officials told the Guardian that upwards of 30K soldiers -- 2 divisions -- simply fled from about 800 ISIS fighters. The militants joyfully seized U.S.A.-made Humvees and BlackHawks, according to numerous reports and photographic evidence, as well as SCUDs and Howitzers, and transported many back to Syria to share with extremists there. Militants also bull-dozed the border line between Syria and Iraq, celebrating this breaking of an international border as the beginning of the caliphate... Earnest condemned the 'despicable' attack on Turkish consulate officials in Mosul. Militants seized 49 Turkish diplomats and family members and brought them to the city's [ISIL] head-quarters..."
Roger L Simon _PJMedia_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's absurd (and abominable) foreign policy
Gareth Clary _Gulf Live_/_Alabama_/_Advance Digital_
Chris McDaniel praised Dave Brat's win
Bob Unruh _World Net Daily_
retired Border Patrol agents say flood of illegal aliens has been orchestrated
Anthony Watts
SpringTime for dictatorial warmist hysterics
Roy W. Spencer
despite climate edicts from the White House, even leftists polled don't think "climate change" is a top priority
Steve Goreham
eco-fascists have lost their war against fracking... for now
Anthony Watts
paleo-dowsing from European Association of Geochemistry: how earth avoided global warming before SUVs
Proposed Bills 2014
Ted Wright _Cross-Examined . org_
has Joshua's/Yahushaa's/Hosea's Ai been found at Khirbet el-Maqatir?
Bible Places
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
David Brat's victory shows impact of race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's corrupt immigration strategy
"[race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer] cut deportations back to the 200K per year range. He reduced the fines charged employers for hiring illegals by an average of 40%. He virtually ended the policy of deporting anyone unless they had committed [several serious crimes] while here..."
David Skolnick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
perjury and bribery charges detailed in case of Youngstown mayor, county auditor, lawyer, and, apparently, others
"It was the discovery of the existence of tape recordings made by the FBI which led a judge to dismiss the previous 73-count Oakhill indictment involving many of the same defendants in July 2011. The FBI wouldn't provide about 2K hours of recordings reportedly involving at least one defendant [what? they don't have warrants and sub poenas in this court?]... 83 total charges that include engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity, conspiracy, bribery, perjury, money laundering and tampering with records..."
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
immigration cruelties of the pseudo-compassionate sort
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
Bergdahl and the US government withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
everyone has a story to tell: what's the first line of your story?
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
what lurks in a child's on-line world?
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
VA: ObummerDoesn'tCare for veterans
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Palestinian response to Israeli construction in Israel
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
Amazon wants to dictate book prices
"It has fallen to Hachette, the publisher, to take on Amazon, and Amazon is playing dirty pool, delaying distribution of Hachette books and preventing pre-orders of Hachette books. Hachette is suffering. Its writers are suffering. But that is what happens when one gets into a row with a bookseller that controls 40% of the market. Obviously, it is not healthy that a book-seller controls so much of the market..."
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
beware a "beneficent" government: on regressives
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare and the CBO finally recognizing the disaster
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
neither Kevin McCarthy nor Pete Sessions is qualified to be House majority-leader
Ben Hart _Conservative HQ_
does the GOP losershp get the less of David Brat's victory?
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Sarah Palin: amnesty for illegal aliens is devastating main-street
Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
government employee union at Eglin AFB demands firing of "Duck Dynasty" fans for their political and religious opinions
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime speeds medical aid to illegal aliens, leaves veterans to die
Mark Metcalf _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration court evasions: high numbers, and deceptive accounting that hides them
"By last count, some 863K people [officially] disappeared from proceedings over the last 17 years... In plain terms, the courts diluted the numbers. They combined aliens in detention pending trial with aliens free pending trial. Since litigants in detention always made their court dates, while those free pending trial frequently missed theirs, evasion rates appeared much smaller than they actually were..."
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
national socialist radio gets it right after helping Obummer White House get it wrong
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
senate hearing shows partisan divide on the illegal alien influx into Texas
"There was little effort to clarify that the illegal influx [consists of] more adults than children (and that many of the children are teenagers)... Senator Jeff Sessions (F-AL): 'The humanitarian disaster is caused by a legal disaster... [The Obummer regime] has failed to send a clear message throughout the world that you can only come to the United States lawfully. You cannot come unlawfully. In fact you've sent a message that conveys just the opposite.'"
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
an old story repeats: ICE raided visa/diploma/student-loan mill, closed it, and then let it open again days later
"After much investigation and inter-agency cooperation, ICE investigators and other feds raided 5 operations of a career college in NY and NJ on May 29 and, according to the local CBS station, scooped up lots of evidence of 'inflating attendance records of foreign students', and then allowed it to re-open for classes 10 days later. The entities raided are Micropower Career Institute and its sidekick, the Institute for Health Education... These were sizable operations. According to the complaint about 644 of the 729 foreign students at MCI's Manhattan campus, or 88% of them, had delinquent attendance records and should have been deported. So, in this one location, the institution was harboring more than 600 visa abusers, but only had 275 seats in the classrooms for the 729 F-1 students, plus an unknown number of domestic ones. Similarly, the complaint notes that, 'Since 2008, over $13M in Pell Grant and other federal financial aid funds have been disbursed to MCI.'... there is no indication anywhere -- on the web-site, in the news coverage, in the U.S. Attorney's press release or in the PACER files (of federal court records) -- that any action has been taken against the hundreds of foreign students, the F-1 visa abusers, who were cheating the immigration system... Bharara's office, incidentally, is well known for major suits against Wall Street interests that are settled with civil penalties, sometimes, at the billion dollar-plus level, but with virtually no criminal indictments. In the MCI case we have the opposite: 5 criminal indictments but no civil penalties such as the closure of the cheating schools."
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
the real war, against a unified and motivated "caliphate" of vengeful anti-Western violent Muslims, is about to begin
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Russian tanks in Ukraine
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
senate expropriations committee wants another $1.03G for the left's new flood of illegal alien children
Rob Verger _Jewish World Review_
DNA-based progress against cancers, diabetes, arthritis
"this precision treatment comes thanks to advances in genetic screening and the ability to run a genome sequencing on patients—allowing doctors to see inside one person's disease and determine how he or she fits into a set of patients with illnesses that match the person's disease on a molecular level..."
James Kirkpatrick _V Dare_
Obummer regime's attempt to over-load USA by inviting illegal alien invasion is in line with Cloward-Piven plan
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
view from the southern border
"a Texas state official... 'What we saw and heard was maddening, frightening, and pathetic. The pictures shown in the media of the conditions at the BP [Border Patrol] facilities is accurate. We saw several hundred youths crammed into holding cells, with the spillover out in the loading dock area. While we did see some infants and small children. the vast majority were teenage males. Although the [redacted] facility was terribly over-crowded, sanitation seemed adequate at the time, but BP officers were concerned about the spread of disease. BP officials and line officers were clearly demoralized by what is going on. BP folks were very candid in saying there was nothing they could do about the kids pouring across the border unless there was a change in policy in DC... They readily admitted that none of these kids were ever going to be sent back and that our border is wide open for unaccompanied minors. BP also said that the drug cartels are certainly taking advantage of the situation... I was told by one BP official that if it wasn't for DPS there wouldn't be any security on the Texas border.'"
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
incumbent afraid to debate Chris McDaniel
_World Net Daily_
Jan Brewer asked congresss to "stop Obummer's manufactured crisis"
Ann Coulter _Investor's Business Daily_
amnesty-supporting Eric Cantor lost to Dave Brat by 11M
Larry Hamlin
Red China coal-dominated energy use vs. power-mad race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer EPA diktats
Paul C. Knappenberger & Patrick J. Michaels
0.02℃ temperature rise averted: the vital number missing from the EPA's "by the numbers" "fact" sheet
Euan Mearns
the temperature forecasting track record of the UN IPCC
Anthony Watts
"climate" and ocean currents
David Dohbro
comparing global surface temperature "anomaly" data-sets
Anthony Watts
whatever happened to academic freedom and freedom of speech?: leftist prof's fellowship terminated after WSJ column questioning warmist hysteria
Climate Depot
2014-05-04: Caleb S. Rossiter: WSJ
Proposed Bills 2014
_Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
pay raises limited to certain industries, applications
"Fracking...Oil and gas workers earned an average 11% more an hour in April than they did a year ago... [Bodies shopped...] Non-managers at computer-system design companies earned an average 4.1% more in April than a year ago... Pay is strong for specialists in 'Big Data'...digitize medical records [i.e. massive privacy violations]... Hourly pay for transportation and warehouse workers was 4.4% higher than a year earlier in each of the past 3 months... Home construction workers have received an average 3.3% raise a year, according to the BLS, since their wages starting rising in 2012. They'd fallen 4% over the previous 2 years... At electronics stores, pay actually fell 4%. Perhaps some of their money was going to workers at Internet retailers: Their pay jumped 3%..."
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
stumbling over the obvious WRT immigration and David Brat's victory
"the poll actually asked whether voters would support immigration reform that includes sealing the border against the tsunami of illegal immigrants now overwhelming the Border Patrol on the Rio Grande. Framed that way, who wouldn't support reform? But that's the kind of border security that everybody knows the Democrats would never accept... Dave Brat, a Roman Catholic professor at a Methodist college with a Presbyterian theological degree, often invokes the name of G0Din his speeches, speaking of the 'Judeo-Christian' origins of the American culture, and openly admits -- the shame and the horror of it! -- a 'belief in G0D'..."
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
amnesty lite is still amnesty: Dave Brat victory
"Dave Brat is focused on the issues confronting this country at a crucial juncture in history and with the immediate task of defeating the Democrats in this Fall's election... A key issue in this campaign was amnesty for illegal immigrants. Apparently the Republican [losership] thinks that amnesty is not amnesty if you call it 'immigration reform' and toss in some fig-leaf requirements before the amnesty kicks in. Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed almost entirely in terms of what can be done to help those who have broken the law..."
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Tom Tancredo for governor of Colorado
V Dare
Town Hall
please help find Marizela
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
we shouldn't be hearing much from Hitlery Rotten Clinton about income inequality
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
common critics for Communist Corpse
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer revealed, again
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
revenge, American-style
Michael Gerson _Jewish World Review_
the end of illusions
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is ramping up his efforts to destroy the USA
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate "leader" to SUA: soon we will be in direct confrontation
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
are we ready to fend off Hitlery Rotten Clinton?
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer has painted himself into a foreign-policy corner
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
will EPA's abuses win another election or two for the GOP?
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
GOP losership are spineless wonders: even when they are right, they won't try
_Conservative HQ_
how about term limits for House speaker?
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
many EB-5 middlemen had pledged to create jobs for US citizens, but hired aliens, instead
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
do backers of amnesty for illegal aliens really support future enforcement?
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
media/Obummer regime spin on recent surge in illegal alien invasion along Texas border (part 1)
Greg Richter _World Net Daily_
Rich Perry notes that Obummer still is not serious about border security
"Appearing on 'Fox News Sunday', Perry said the amount of money [Obummer] is asking for is too big, and very little of it is slated for border security. Until [Obummer] gets realistic about the problem, he doesn't need that much money, Perry said. Instead, [Obummer] could 'pick up the phone today' and call on the Defense Department to move 1K [or 30K] National Guard troops to the border, as Perry has been calling on for years, he said..."
UMich consumer sentiment index down from 81.9 in late May to 81.2 in mid-June
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Tom O'Hara
a question about proxies and calibration with the raw- and adjusted-temperature records
Priyadarshi Siddhanta & Amitav Ranjan
Greenpeace is a threat to India's national and economic security
Anthony Watts & Harold Ambler
deep mantle water
Anthony Watts
new study suggests temperature drop of 1℃ by 2020 due to low solar activity
Anthony Watts
Richard Lindzen's 2014 April presentation at EIKE: models vs. measurements
Proposed Bills 2014
Matthew Boyle _New Orleans LA Times-Picayune_
"Chris McDaniel is un-lobby-able"
Timothy P. Carney _Washington DC Examiner_
Dave Brat victory gives GOP a chance to become more popular
"Dave Brat's largest source of campaign cash was Baugh Auto Body on West Broad Street in Richmond... Brat explained on the trail that he's pro-business, but 'I'm against Big Business in bed with Big Government.'... Immigration became Brat's biggest issue, and he cast that in terms of corporate [executive] interests versus the middle class. Of increased immigration, Brat said, 'big business gets the cheap labor and the American people pay the tab'... Democrats, you see, have guys like senator Chuck Schumer of New York as their liaisons to Wall Street. Most of the senators and congressmen from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are expected to funnel money from Wall Street to the Democratic Party. Republicans, though, hold almost no seats in the New York City area... Now who will be the House GOP's Wall Street guy? Normally, that job could fall to the Financial Services Committee chairman. But the man with that gavel today, Jeb Hensarling, is notably a lukewarm fundraiser -- a fact that has stunted his ambitions for a party leadership job. More importantly, Hensarling's free-market views put him at odds with the financial sectors on 2014's most pressing issues before his committee: Fannie Mae, terrorism insurance subsidies, flood insurance subsidies and export-financing subsidies... Maybe Republicans should take a cue from the voters of [Dave Brat &] Virginia's 7th District and forget about the big banks and the hedge funds... [while avoiding funnelling those funds to the leftists/Dems]."
Brett LoGiurato _Business Insider_
IRS "accidentally" lost 2 years of e-mail messages related to targeting of people based on their political positions
"According to the House committee, the IRS said it can only produce Lerner's [e-mail messages] she sent to and received from IRS employees. The IRS said it does not have [e-mail messages] Lerner sent to and received from other outside agencies -- 'such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices', the House committee said."
Roger Kimball: PJMedia: a dog ate 2 years of Lois Lerner's e-mail messages... now what?
Ed Driscoll: PJMedia: the missing 1.8GB
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
James O'Keefe endures death threats and filthy "hipsters"
"O'Keefe talked about the resignation of congressman Jim Moran's son after video showed him colluding with voter fraudsters in the 2012 presidential election. O'Keefe's stings got inside the [race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer] presidential campaign and exposed more efforts to commit voter fraud there. Had a Republican campaign engaged in the same conduct, it would have led the network news for days. O'Keefe's stings led to the retirement of the president of the Wisconsin senate this year. He had the #2 selling book worldwide. This year he exposed how Wisconsin representative James Sensenbrenner doesn't even know what is in his own voting rights bill to give Eric Holder more power over state elections. And O'Keefe's videos appear regularly as part of congressional hearings... But the real reason O'Keefe is hated so much by big government types...is because O'Keefe understands the mechanics of the left..."
Roger L. Simon _PJMeia_
America, the headless horeseman
Roger L. Simon _PJMeia_
Tom Marino: EPA coal proposal is "job crushing" (video)
Gareth Clary _Gulf Live_/_Alabama_/_Advance Digital_
Ron Paul throws support behind Chris McDaniel at 2nd Amendment Rally
Phyllis Schlafly _World Net Daily_
illegal aliens on the NAFTA gravy train
"Do you remember when president George W. Bush [a.k.a. Shrub], in 2005, held a summit meeting with the '3 amigos' to promote the free movement of people and goods across our borders with Canada and Mexico? The Council on Foreign Relations [CFR] then spoke of 'building a North American community' with a common 'security perimeter' and 'labor mobility' among our three countries. Texas planned to build a massive NAFTA superhighway that would begin at its southern border with Mexico and eventually reach northern U.S. cities. The Kansas City Southern Railway bought a Mexican railroad and began branding it as the NAFTA railroad, with the goal of carrying [Red Chinese] products from Mexico's Pacific port of Lazaro Cardenas all the way to Kansas City..."
Joseph Farah _World Net Daily_
proof that leftism is a death cult
Sean Piccoli _World Net Daily_
Joe Carr: to the left and the GOP losership "deport" is a dirty word
Sean Piccoli _World Net Daily_
grieving mother: illegal aliens cause deaths in USA every day
Claudia Rowe _Seattle WA Times_
students at low-income Toppenish school study more STEM, drop-out rates fell
"Today, most of the school's 830 students -- all of them low-income -- have taken courses in engineering, biomedical science or aerospace. Enrollment in advanced math has tripled. And the 4-year graduation rate is 94% -- a figure enviable even among the state's most privileged districts..."
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
David Hunter Strother and the 1st NY cavalry on African-American conscripts in Winchester
Eric Worrall
temperature data is inadequate in quality, the models not good
Anthony Watts
systemic addiction to grants
Proposed Bills 2014
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Chris McDaniel lead for senate in MS is growing
Byron York _Washington DC Examiner_
on sudden increase in barbarian invasion, White House story falls apart
"At any other time, the growing crisis on the Mexican border, with tens of thousands of unaccompanied young people crossing illegally into the United States, might dominate the news. Yet the situation has received less attention than it might amid the furor over [Dave Brat's primary victory], the collapse of Iraq, the continuing Bergdahl matter, [the unresolved Fast and Furious corruption, IRS corruption, ObummerDoesn'tCare], and [Hitlery Rotten] Clinton's book tour... Recent days have been filled with anecdotal reports, from local news outlets in Central America to major American newspapers, citing immigrants who say they came because they believe U.S. law has been changed to allow them to stay. And now comes word that Border Patrol agents in the most heavily-trafficked area of the surge, the Rio Grande Valley sector of Texas, recently questioned 230 illegal immigrants about why they came. The results showed overwhelmingly that the immigrants, including those classified as UACs, or unaccompanied children, were motivated by the belief that they would be allowed to stay in the United States -- and not by conditions in their homelands... 'The main reason the subjects chose this particular time to migrate to the United States was to take advantage of the new U.S. [Obummer executive decree] that grants a free pass or permit (referred to as permisos) being issued by the U.S. government to female adult OTMs traveling with minors and to UACs... The issue of permisos was the main reason provided by 95% of the interviewed subjects... All of the interviewed subjects stated that they had family members or, to a lesser extent, friends already living in the U.S.A.'..."
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
totally unworthy leftist icons
"There was a time when we would honor symbols of excellence that had some significant achievements that deserved our adulation. Whether it be enormous talent, superior intelligence, political or business success, etc. there would be something in the makeup of one's character that generated praise. I am having a very difficult time figuring out now why so many [leftist] icons come up short on substance unless it's thanks to media dishonesty..."
Andrew Klavan _Jewish World Review_
oh, let us not see the simple truth about Dave Brat's victory
Myron Magnet: City Journal: a splash of immigration reality
Bridget Johnson _Jewish World Review_
jihadist Disneland of Iraq & Syria has drawn thousands of Muslim fighters with western passports, making the fall of Iraq even more dangerous
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
curiously, NYTimes seems ambivalent about Dave Brat's victory
"The tea party seeks, and has always sought, to reduce the distortion in markets created by the collusion between politicians and moneyed interests..."
Rick Moran _Jewish World Review_
where in the world are the taliban 5?
Jonathan Spyer _PJMedia_
2nd front opened in Sunni-Shia war
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Jorge Ramos foresees explosion in illegal alien invasion as word of Obummer regime border policy spreads through Central America
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a Fathers' Day story with a Civil War sesqui-centennial tie-in
Tim Ball
standard deviation: the over-looked but essential climate statistic
Proposed Bills 2014
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer regime advisor: the Muslim Caliphate is inevitable: thousands murdered by terrorists in Iraq in recent days
"Frank Gaffney of the National Center for Security Policy has spent many years documenting the Muslim Brotherhood penetration of the US government and the Muslim Brotherhood ties of such key [Obummer regime] figures as Hillary Clinton's close advisor Huma Abedin and Mohamed Elibiary, a noted Islamist serving as a Senior Fellow on the Department of Homeland Security's Advisory Council. Elibiary has been particularly unabashed in his promotion of the radical Islamist point of view and posted this very revealing Tweet to his Twitter account on June 13 (hat tip to Kerry Picket for pointing it out): 'As I've said b4 inevitable that Caliphate returns. Choice only whether we support #EU like Muslim Union vision or not.'... Brotherhood's objectives of advancing the global conquest of Islam and reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate, the public and private duties of jihad and the struggle Muslims must wage against Israel."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: Muslim World League (MWL)
Discover the Networks: Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Discover the Networks: Valerie Jarrett
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime
_Classical Liberal HQ_
Bill of Rights rap (video)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
there is no "deal"
"Wars end either by being won or lost or drawn. Either way, there's generally a written agreement that the war is over, and a prisoner exchange occurs only as part of that agreement. This is true of civil wars, too. In this case, there's no agreement. The Taliban are going to continue fighting until they're back in partial or total control of the Afghan government, and they will kill anyone who stands between them and that end -- American, NATO troops, Afghan army... So [the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer] is replenishing the enemy in time of war..."
Kandra Polatis _Jewish World Review_/_Deseret News_
why religious ideas abound in SF movies
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the roar of Europe's protest vote
"[government] disregard of the legitimate concerns of decent people dismayed by the damage the E.U. [and the Obummer regime] is doing to democracy and freedom..."
David M. Shribman _Jewish World Review_
50th anniversary of "Freedom Summer"
Jack Kellys _Jewish World Review_
Dave Brat's populist, libertarian, religious, Republican message
"a bright man, refreshingly direct and honest... they're right to be disgusted with the performance of GOP congresses during the Bush administration and justified in demanding Republicans oppose more vigorously the [Obummer regime's] flagrant disregard for the Constitution and the rule of law... Dave Brat speaks about illegal immigration in ways all Republicans would be wise to emulate. He expresses no animus toward those who sneaked into the country in search of a better life. He emphasizes how much illegal immigration depresses the wages of Americans who were born here..."
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
another reason why Americans hate corrupt business executives
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
it is not the Tea Partiers who are out of the main-stream: Chris McDaniel, Dave Brat
"a new report from Pew Research shows that what is supposedly mainstream today is not mainstream at all. The report, 'Political Polarization in the American Republic', shows that it is now the minority of Americans who are not clearly on the left or the right. Only 39% of Americans define themselves in the middle, as a mixed bag of liberal and conservative values. The majority of Americans, the other 61%, see themselves as on the liberal left or the conservative right. 34% say they are mostly or consistently [leftist], and 27% say they are mostly or consistently [non-leftist]. Just 10 years ago, 49% -- 10 percentage points more -- defined themselves in the mixed middle... In polling reported by Gallup, for 45 years from 1952 to 1997, more than 80% of Americans said there is 'plenty of opportunity' in the country. By last year, this was down to 52%..."
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
an appointment in Samarra: another day, another country left to Muslim terrorists
"One hard-won gain after another in Iraq has been abandoned to the enemy. Think of Fallujah, where so much American blood was spilled. It's gone, too... Nor has Washington voiced any objections to letting Hamas, another lovely bunch, into the new, now formally unified American-approved and American-financed Palestinian government or imitation of one. ('Ain't nobody here but us technocrats.') Right on schedule, the first rockets under this not-so-new Palestinian order have already been fired at Israeli targets..."
Rob Longley _PJMedia_
Dave Brat vs. the leftist Borg in November general election
"[Dem's] nomination for Virginia's 7th District congressional seat was codified not in a convention hall or at the ballot box, but in a hastily arranged conference call Sunday with a handful of district committee members. The 50-year-old [Dem's] nod received little media attention inside Virginia -- as of Monday, most outlets were still reporting that the district had no Democratic candidate -- and next to none outside the commonwealth... The giant-killer Brat, 49, a Tea Party fave [campaigning] on conservative causes, especially immigration, during the primary campaign, has become a rock star pin-up for the [non-leftist] wing of the GOP in the wake of his astonishing victory... 'Barring some really major errors by Brat, this race shouldn't be on the radar as a competitive race in November.', Geoffrey Skelley, a political analyst at the University of Virginia, said. 'It's difficult to see Brat losing. And because of the basic fundamentals of the district, it's unlikely national Democrats will invest much here.' The more likely scenario, Skelley says, is that Brat will win in November -- and then 'will have to fend off some serious GOP primary challengers [backed by the more left-leaning losership] in 2016'..."
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
war was interested in the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer
"Leon Trotsky probably did not quite write the legendary aphorism that 'you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you'. But whoever did, you get the point that no nation can always pick and choose when it wishes to be left alone. [the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer], however, never quite realized that truth..."
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
Rolling Stones muzak fires leftist into censorship mode
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
is more crony socialism than usual involved in replacement of the great A-10 by the not-quite-ready-for-prime-time F-35?
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
former IRS IT worker doubt's claim to have "lost" Lois Lerner's e-mail messages
"Hardly anyone accepts the IRS's claim to have lost 2 years of Lois Lerner's [e-mail messages]. Those most familiar with government record retention requirements, and the technology used, probably are the most skeptical. The supposedly lost emails cover 2009 January to 2011 April, the period when Lerner is suspected of targeting conservative groups with heightened and invasive scrutiny. Those [e-mail messages] also pertain to communications Lerner...had with agencies other than the Internal Revenue Service. That's key, because many [know] that the Obama White House knew about, and may have coordinated, the targeting... E-mail evidence linking Cummings to Lerner and a plan to have the FBI investigate True the Vote, the Texas-based election integrity group that was targeted by the IRS along with several other executive branch law enforcement agencies, surfaced in 2014 April..."
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Israeli government asks US federal government for help finding the kidnapped yeshiva students
"Israeli prime-minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Jerusalem had established beyond a doubt that Hamas terrorists carried out the kidnappings."
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
ACLJ: "lost" e-mail messages are the most transparently egregious, offensive, corrupt scam by the Obummre regime to date
Katie Pavlich _V Dare_
Obummer regime attempt to encourage illegal alien invasion to elect a new people and demoralize the US military and border patrol
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
indicted pharmacists were heavy users/abusers of H-1B visas
"This is a story of how a highly prosperous -- for a while -- retail pharmacist cheated the Medicare and Medicaid programs out of millions with one hand, while chiseling his own H-1B workers with the other. It is another account of multiple misuses of immigration and other federal programs, all by the same co-conspirators. Currently on trial in federal courts in Maryland for repeated violations of the Medicare and Medicaid systems are the owner of Pharmacare LLC, a chain of drug stores, and 2 of his employees; they are, respectively, Reddy Vijay Annappareddy, Jigar Patel, and Vipinkumar Patel. News reports and an FBI press release indicate that the accused filled renewals of Medicare and Medicaid prescriptions, whether they were requested or not, charged the feds for them, and then resold the goods if the refills were not sought by the clients, stealing $2.4M in this manner..."
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
the wages of amnesty for illegal aliens (part 1)
part 2
Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
Chris McDaniel striving to "Save the Republic"
Deepak Chitnis _American Bazaar_
train this H-1B visa guest-worker for your job; thank you, now you're fired
PM Winston Churchill
This was their finest hour
"What [general Maxime Weygand] has called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilisation. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be freed and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'..."
Winston Churchill Centre
Bryce Johnson
nature abhors a positive feed-back
Bryce Johnson
another example of suppresson by "team pseudo-science"
Bishop Hill
Proposed Bills 2014
"All can be imitated, save truth; for imitated truth is no longer truth." --- Rebbe Pinchas of Koretz (source: Jewish World Review)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
a bitter after-taste
Town Hall
"A thriving free society in the Muslim world, and the values and example that such a society could represent, might undermine the whole hate-filled world terrorist movement that is seeking to turn back civilization to a darker world of centuries past. But creating such a society, if it is possible at all, cannot be done on the cheap... We haven't yet announced when we are going to pull our troops out of Germany or Japan, and World War 2 was over more than 60 years ago... [Obummer] and his key advisers have a track record of having been wrong about Iraq and other foreign policy issues for years, going back before they took office -- and no track record of learning from their mistakes."
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime's war against women
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
a father's gift: patience
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
sufficient quality education for all
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Iraqis are on their own
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
the Obummer regime corruption just keeps on accumulating
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Andrew McCarthys book about the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's _Faithless Execution_
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's meaningless, unbelievable words
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's meaningless, unbelievable words
Scott Ott _PJMedia_
everything is dreadful with Obummer
flood of illegal alien children, gangsters invading
Kyle Smith _PJMedia_
True-Blue-State Reds/Dems becoming "heretics" against the left's warmist hysteria
Tony Perkins, Ken Blackwell & Brent Bozell _Hill_
the best leader in light of Dave Brat victory
"The American people are looking for candidates who believe in and articulate the values and principles of Main Street America, not of Wall Street, K Street, and big business. This rebuke offers Republicans in congress, particularly the leadership, to reconnect with the conservatives who sent them there. Instead, it appears that every effort is being made to continue business as usual with [losers] who are unlikely to pursue the type of reform-oriented conservative agenda that will unite the entire conservative movement, the Republican Party, and allow us to grow and lead for the future... We must look at who has been leading the fight to repeal and defund [ObummerDoesn'tCare], cut taxes and spending, stop amnesty, protect life, marriage, and religious liberty, and reverse [the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's] dangerous hollowing out of our military forces..."
Chuck Norris _Town Hall_
pres. Obummer vs. George Washington on prisoner exchange (part 2)
In fact, GW did make the mistake of exchanging prisoners before the Revolutionary War was over, and they did go back onto the battle-field, using information gained while loosely and generously treated as POWs, to try to defeat us. A number of officers and soldiers, mostly Hessians, were held near Charlottesville, VA. While POWs, they were hosted at dinners by the city fathers, by Jefferson and others in the region. They were allowed to travel over 100 miles down (north) the Shenandoah valley to visit spas like Berkeley Springs, where Washington's brother owned land. After being exchanged, they used their knowledge of the land in subsequent attempts to capture governor Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and other state legislators and disrupt this region bread-basket...jgo
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime lies: IRS also "lost" e-mail messages of 6 other officials involved in corrupt targeting of political rivals
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
the best way to return minors to Central America -- bus
"a caravan of big, ominous-looking Greyhound buses -- all carrying large signs in Spanish saying something like 'the young ones are back'."
Anne Bayefsky _Political Mavens_
2 Jewish teens kidnapped in Israel by Palestinian terrorists: time to stop subsidizing the terrorists
"Ittael Fraenkel, a 16-year-old with American and Israeli citizenship, and 2 other Israeli teens, Gilad Shaar and Eyal Yifrah, were kidnapped on June 12 on their way home from school. The president of the United States has said nothing. Secretary of State [the haughty] John Kerry [who served in VietNam] waited 3 days to issue a press release in which he identified the boys only as 'Israelis', letting us know he was praying for them. Many other countries -- led by Canada's foreign minister -- issued condemnations before Kerry, even though none of their citizens were involved. Just one day before the boys were kidnapped, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, at the daily press briefing said the Hamas/PLO Palestinian unity government was a 'technocratic government' and that 'nothing has changed as it relates to our assistance' -- notwithstanding that Hamas is a U.S.A.-designated terrorist organization... the only kidnappings that [the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's] delegate could manage to condemn [in the UN] were those of Turks in Iraq, not that of an American child!... Nowhere in the long list of conditions and the hand-wringing over the poor terrorists did the UN mention the terrorists' sordid hatred, aversion to liberty and preference for obscene violence. Just a few months ago, Barack Obama and John Kerry demanded Israel release from prison Palestinian murderers who had been duly convicted for their crimes..."
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
great advice from Clint Eastwood
"'You can go ahead and experiment with things. There's so many different stories to tell out there. You can be 21 or 81... If you tell yourself, I'm too old to do that BS. You're not too old to do anything.' I have always wondered why people and our society in general try so hard to get older people to give up in life and often times, at a pretty early age. My experience is that once you hit 37, people start telling you that you are too old to do so many things. If you live to be Eastwood's age (84), that is almost 50 years of negative messages coming one's way. Good thing he probably never listened."
Walter Hudson _PJMedia_
one week later reflecting on Dave Brat's victory (audio)
Andrew G. Bostom _PJMedia_
force initiating Muslims blame Jews for the Sunni vs. Shiite carnage in Iraq
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
the quote that should have ended Hitlery Rotten Clinton's political career: "We cannot let a minority of people hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people."
Cherie Werginz _Fayetteville GA Citizen_
What about Marine sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi held in Mexican jail?
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
smugglers cash in by announcing that US government is planning amnesty to all new illegal aliens
James Kirkpatrick _V Dare_
the left understands that Dave Brat has blazed an escape route from national leftism... but GOP Inc. doesn't want to know
Anthony Watts
GA State U & freeze in a mud hut serf USA: use mortgage tax deduction as draconian lever to limit fossil fuel use
Roger Pielke
despite the hype "carbon free" energy sources are not gaining traction globally
Anthony Watts
warmist hysteria is draining funding from biodiversity research
Anthony Watts
25 climate models can't all be wrong... or can they?
Proposed Bills 2014
Jessica Meyers _Politico_
corrupt tech executives back Kevin McCarthy for GOP losership post
"Oracle donated $31,500 to McCarthy's campaign and leadership PAC during the 2012 campaign cycle, according to OpenSecrets.org, making the data-base company his fourth-highest donor in the last election. MSFT gave $17,500 to McCarthy in 2012, and Google provided $20K, up from $8K two years prior... Majority-leader Eric Cantor also courted the tech set, but McCarthy's California background may give him an extra boost..."
In the end it was artificially limited to a choice between bad and worse, with worse coming out ahead, again...jgo
Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
as long as USA's politicians and bureaubums game the system, so will the illegal aliens
"Now we have a humanitarian crisis that appears to have been manufactured for political reasons."
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
reparations for slavery
"They want government to compensate today's blacks for the bondage suffered by our ancestors. But there's a problem. Government has no resources of its very own. The only way for government to give one American a dollar is to first -- through intimidation, threats and coercion -- confiscate that dollar from some other American... When African slavery began, there was no way Europeans could have enslaved millions of Africans. They had no immunity from diseases that flourished in tropical Africa. Capturing Africans to sell into slavery was done by Arabs and black Africans. Would reparations advocates demand that citizens of Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Kenya and several Muslim states tax themselves to make reparation payments to progeny of people whom their ancestors helped to enslave?..."
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
personalized education while changing places of learning
Jennifer Harper _Jewish World Review_
House/senate losership; ISIL terrorist group
"'In Arabic, the group is known as Al-Dawla Al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham, or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham. The term al-Sham refers to a region stretching from southern Turkey through Syria to Egypt, also including Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian territories and Jordan. The group's stated goal is to restore an Islamic state, or caliphate, in this entire area. The standard English term for this broad territory is 'the Levant.' Therefore, AP's translation of the group's name is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.', says Tom Kent, AP standards editor... 'saying just Iraq and Syria suggests incorrectly that the group's aspirations are limited to these 2 present-day countries.'... 57% of Americans say that 'a new person' should have a chance to be elected in their district. 54% worry that for the rest of his term, [the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer] 'cannot lead and get the job done'. 50% say the [Obummer regime] is competent in its role in managing the federal government. 45% favor a Democrat-controlled congress and 42% favor a Republican-controlled congress. 42% say [Obummer] is a productive leader [rather than a destructive leader?]. 32% say their current representative deserves to be re-elected. Source: An NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey of 1K U.S.A. adults conducted June 11-15."
Ana Veciana-Suarez _Jewish World Review_
how did hundreds of generations of us get by without all this stuff?
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Jewish teens kidnapped in Israel by Palestinian terrorists receive little sympathy from media
"3 Jewish boys were abducted by Palestinian terrorists while trying to catch a ride home from school Thursday night. And as far as the foreign press is concerned, it's their own damned fault. As Honest Reporting documented, everyone from The Guardian to CNN, to Sky News to the Christian Science Monitor blamed Eyal Yifrach, Gil-Ad Shaer and Naftali Frankel for their victimization..."
Brooke Walker _Jewish World Review_
4 compliments every woman wants to hear
Nitzi Yakov, Shlomi Diaz, Shlomo Cesana, Yael Barnovsky, & Ilan Gattegno _Jewish World Review_/_Israel HaYom_/_Israel Today_
families of teens abducted in Israel by Palestinian, Iran-funded terrorists refuse to succumb to despair
"On June 15, thousands gathered at the Western Wall to pray for the release of 3 Jewish teenagers who have been missing since the night of June 12."
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Obummer foreign policy: retreat, disarm, surrender, appease
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
here comes singularity
"At that point, maybe we no longer talk about 'human history'. It will be 'machine progress', with us along for the ride -- if machines keep us around. Maybe they'll keep us in a zoo, like we do with our monkey ancestors. Scientists and ethicists are beginning to wrestle with the question of how to make sure artificial intelligence, when it arrives, is nice to us. Make sure the robots are strict libertarians? That way, they'll be forbidden to commit assault, theft or fraud -- the 3 legal restrictions in which libertarians believe. Unfortunately, [executives and managers of] computer programmers won't listen to my suggestion. Those who work for video-game companies and the military make machines that kill people. All this is scary because scientists say that soon machines will be too smart and self-motivated for us to predict..."
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
Sanders/McCain Veterans Admin reform bill is a sham (just like the reprehensible immigration law perversion proposals such as S744)
"in truth, the bill won't speed up health care for vets. The fine print sabotages vets wanting to go outside the Veterans Affairs system. Last week, the VA's internal investigation revealed that 57,436 newly enrolled veterans are facing wait times of at least 90 days for a first appointment, and 63,869 vets who signed up with the VA in the past decade never got an appointment. At least 23 vets died waiting. Worse, three-quarters of VA facilities manipulated waiting lists or kept dummy books. The Sanders/McCain bill will let the waiting and corruption continue. Yes, the bill creates a 'Choice Card' permitting veterans to access civilian care if they live 40 miles or more from a VA hospital or can't get an appointment within the VA's definition of an acceptable wait time. But the devil is in the fine print. Sanders opposed the Choice Card until the final negotiations and inserted language in the bill that would make it almost impossible to use the card. That's deliberate. Unions have fought every program to use civilian care. 9 of Sanders' top 10 campaign donors are unions... Section 301 says vets seeking civilian care have to get a letter from the VA secretary confirming that a VA appointment isn't available. Good luck getting that letter. Some vets have called and emailed their local VA for six months or more without getting any response. Hurdle #2 comes at the non-VA doctor's office. The Choice Card tells the doctor: 'Please call the Department of Veterans Affairs phone number specified on this card to ensure that treatment has been authorized.' Good luck getting that call answered. To top it off, the bill stipulates that the choice-card program will end in 2 years -- probably only a few hours after the VA finally gets the hot-line set up [and staffed with foreign guest-workers or based off-shore] and issues the cards... Section 408 says that any employee caught falsifying data about wait times or the quality of care vets get will be subject to 'a penalty the secretary considers appropriate after notice and opportunity for a hearing'. No mandatory minimums..."
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
a fed up veteran blasts Veterans Administration's "lie, delay, deny" abyss
please help find Marizela
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
where's the outrage at the many abuses by the IRS?
Tom Blumer _PJMedia_
WKRC-TV in Cincinnati attacked for reporting race-based mob violence by blacks
Joan Lowy _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Chris Murphy (D-CT) & Bob Corker (R-TN) propose increasing already vastly excessive federal extortions on transportation fuels, in effort to further crush the economy
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
South Dakota producing over 1M barrels of petroleum per day
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
corrupt IRS officials: the disk drive has been securely scrubbed, lost, recycled, thrown away, er, uh...
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
Obummer speeches helped encourage abuses by IRS
_Conservative HQ_
Dave Brat victory in primary was result of lots of hard work at the local level; this will have to continue for other primaries and through to the general election in November
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Dave Schweikert (R-AZ) calls for governors to activate thousands of National Guard troops to guard borders, stop barbarian invasion
border protection act (pdf)
"vangoghssister" _True Blue Republican State_
governor Rick Perry of TX has ordered deployment of state resources to secure the border
"'Texas is stepping up and doing what the federal government has failed to do -- secure the porous border. The [race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime's] failure to enforce the rule of law has empowered transnational gangs and cartels to smuggle people into our state from around the world -- including members of deadly gangs like MS-13. The Department of Public Safety will have the tools and resources it needs to curtail illegal smuggling, horrific human trafficking and cartel imported crime. Securing the border will reduce the illegal activity which -- in turn -- will promote the legitimate trade that helps make Texas the leading exporting state in the country.' Today's announcement of additional state resources comes less than a week after [Texas] attorney-general Abbott requested immediate federal funds to help secure Texas's border [with Mexico]... federal agents are devoting time and resources to the humanitarian aspects of the surge, and are not available to secure the border and successfully stop criminal activity..."
Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
Tea Party blasting the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer for honoring illegal aliens at White House
"'Instead of honoring the millions of immigrants who played by the rules to legally earn their U.S.A. citizenship, the president is disrespecting them -- just as he disrespects our [constitution and] laws and seeks to rule by executive fiat.', Ms. Martin said, Breitbart reported..."
Mike Nicley _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer's policies are responsible for the flood of illegal alien children and gangsters into Texas
David Seminara _Center for Immigration Studies_
surge of barbarian invasion from Central America and wimp Republicans opposed to immigration reform
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
we know about sham marriages for purposes of immigration, but how about divorces?
"Such a divorce makes (illegal) sense because of one of the many provisions in our immigration law. Congress decided that unmarried alien adult children of green card holders may be admitted as immigrants themselves, but married adult children of the same aliens cannot be. (Married adult children of citizens, however, may be admitted, but there are substantial visa back-logs.)..."
Allan Wall _V Dare_
if diversity is strength, why is Iraq breaking up?
John Haskell _Pine Tree Economics_
teen unemployment in Maine: few want to hire
Not as many companies are hiring, and when they are, they are not hiring young people with little experience. Also, older residents are staying in the work-force longer, taking up some of those jobs that typically would have been available for younger job-seekers... So, yes, there is some crowding out, but more likely what is happening is more nuanced. Nationally, there has been a hollowing out of middle-skilled jobs, with job creation concentrated more in high-skill and low-skill jobs -- also known as job or labor market-polarization, though the causes of which are up for dispute. Those low-skilled jobs have been typically taken by lower-educated and younger workers. However, those working in middle-skilled occupations who are laid off are faced with a choice; increase their skills to compete for those high-skilled jobs, or accept a low-skilled job. IOW, middle-skilled workers are opting to be under-employed (where their skills exceed the requirements of the job they have). In turn, this pushes low-skilled workers, such as teenagers, down or out of the labor market..."
Sophia Yan _CNN_
philanthropy is only slowly catching on in Red China
"Chinese gave an estimated $13G to charity in 2012, compared to $316G in the U.S.A. The country has around 500K non-profits, whereas the U.S.A. has about 1.5M... Related story: [Red China's] new richest man worth $22G..."
Anthony Watts
suppressing debate in the hinterlands
Anthony Watts
mummy DNA shows signs of past climate disruption
Anthony Watts
northern and southern hemispheres complement/balance each other
Proposed Bills 2014
Zach Miners _"IT" News_/_IDG_
judge not sold on $324M settlement in case of collusion of executives to suppress competitive market in talent
"Judge Lucy Koh said in court that she was worried about whether that amount was fair to the roughly 64K technology workers represented in the case. 'I have concerns over whether it's sufficient.', she said, speaking at the U.S. District Court in San Jose, California... she questioned not just the amount but the logic behind the settlement as presented by lawyers for both the plaintiffs and the defendants..."
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Rupert Murdoch, the Australian, says he cannot wait for amnesty for illegal aliens in USA, unlmited US guest-work visas for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled tech labor with flexible ethics
Aileen Graef: UPI
"A day after dining with [the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's] top adviser Valerie Jarrett, Murdoch, the chairman of the group that owns Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, pushed for amnesty and an unlimited number of high-tech guest-worker visas in a Wednesday op-ed in the Journal... He urged Congress to pass a path to citizenship for all of the country's illegal immigrants and eliminate the cap on H-1B visas, which he says is 'arbitrary and results in U.S. companies struggling [but not actually lifting a finger] to find the [cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign] workers [with flexible ethics] they [want] to continue growing [and deploying new privacy violation schemes]'. Murdoch falsely stated that there is a shortage of 'qualified' American candidates in the high-tech sector. In fact, numerous scholars and studies from academia and [leftist], main-stream, and conservative organizations have proven that there is actually a surplus and not a shortage of American high-tech workers, contrary to Murdoch's assertion... talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said it was 'quite telling' that Fox News hosts would not allow him to discuss his opposition to amnesty legislation when he made an appearance on the network. 'Now I told the people at Fox that I wanted to talk about this today 3 or 4 times and they wouldn't do it.', Limbaugh said on his radio show after his appearance. 'They were not interested in bringing this subject up. I wanted to talk about this in relationship to the current state of the Republican party and they wouldn't do it.'"
Norm Matloff _H-1B/ L-1/ Off-Shoring News-Letter_
Fortune article on age discrimination in tech
Test from Professor Matloff:
Quickly! What are the two MOST IMPORTANT reasons the tech industry loves the H-1B program so much?
[4: cheap,
pliant, low-skilled labor...
with questionable ethics]
If you answered "cheap labor", you only receive partial credit. Yes, it's true in general, but the BIG savings accrue from using H-1B to avoid hiring older (35+) Americans.
If you did not also answer "immobile labor, tied to the employer", then sorry, you don't get a passing grade. (I know you've been working hard in this class, but you've been missing the major points.)
Today's post, though, will concentrate on the age issue, prompted by the article in Fortune, "Tech Industry Job Ads: Older Workers Need Not Apply", by Verne Kopytoff. 2014 June 19.
The title may be banal, but the article itself is truly outstanding. Here is a journalist who really did his homework! I don't mean to imply that the excellent journalists who read this e-news-letter don't do their homework. But many in the field write articles using the formula:
(a) put a sympathetic victim in the lead,
(b) get 2 quotes from both sides of the issue (1 of which blames the victim), and
(c) call it a day.
A lot of people complain to me that the press is biased on H-1B issues, but in my 20+ years of writing in this area, I've only encountered 2 really biased reporters (1, unfortunately, is recent); instead, the problems come largely from laziness.
[While I've never known, met, or corresponded with an objective writer or editor. The finger-prints of spin or propaganda are all over their work.]
The article here takes as a starting point a very good public source of data -- job ads. These openly ask for (and implicitly, restrict to) new or recent graduates. This is extremely common, to the point where, Intel for example, has formal NCG and RCG job categories (New/Recent College Graduate).
I've written about this before. See for instance a FB example.
Also see this current job at NASA Ames in Silicon Valley.
This job has a Senior title -- for only 5 years of experience (or MS + 2 years). [They call that] Senior!
See also CrunchBoard where a job add contained a line "Career Level: Mid Career (2+ years of experience)".
And note that that job at NASA is actually a UC job, not formally a NASA one, so H-1Bs probably qualify under various loop-holes [both the government research operation and the educational institution exemptions]. (Some years ago, industry lobbyist Harris Miller got the Defense Dept. to relax rules on this anyway.) But even without H-1Bs, those with, say, 15 years of experience will probably be summarily rejected, I believe. That's if the job is actually open in the first place, which may not be the case. Given the overly detailed job requirements, it's very possible that they already have someone they want to hire, whether H-1B or American, and are just going through formalities of advertising the job.
As someone who (used to) serve as an expert witness in age discrimination cases, I've always wondered how the tech firms could get away with advertising jobs as being restricted to new/recent graduates.
Well, this does-his-homework reporter wondered too, and he asked the EEOC about it. Turns out that the EEOC thinks it's illegal, as you'll see in the article. Unfortunately, even the EEOC lawyer really doesn't get it; he says, "We think it deters older applicants from applying.", when what he should have said was, "We suspect that employers use this ploy to automatically reject the older workers without even a phone call."
In this manner, older applicants are rejected as "over-qualified". And with the overly long list of job requirements ("overly" in the sense that advance knowledge of the skills is not essential to doing the job well), the older workers are, ironically, also considered UNDER-qualified. Over-qualified AND under-qualified -- doesn't leave much, does it?
The employer then, in a green card sponsorship for a foreign worker, can say that no suitable Americans were found for the job. And hiring managers will tell you, in full though naive sincerity, that they had to resort to hiring H-1Bs because there were no qualified American applicants; HR won't send them the over-35 American applicant files (or maybe not ANY American applicant files), so the managers really believe there is a talent shortage that makes H-1B essential.
The one substantial error made by the author of this piece is that he accepts the firms' statistics on average age of their workers. This is highly misleading, because they are including types of jobs that are not generally held by H-1B, e.g. managers, accountants, marketers, packagers etc. This is similar to the trick companies use when they say "Only 5% of our workers are H-1Bs" -- even though the figure among engineers and programmers is 50% or more.
Peter Atwater _MarketWatch_
Americans debt growing to cover costs of food, gasoline, A/C, rent/mortgage...
Linda M. Linonis _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
taking your dog to work can be good for everyone
Jeremy C. Owens _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Apple has released a less expensive iMac for $1,099
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime working hard... to divert attention from the last 10 abuses and failures
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
USA troops return to Iraq: too few, too little, far too late
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
pay no attention to the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's bumbling on Iraq; it's all someone else's fault, anyone else's fault
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
how the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer's mishandling of international relations increases risks to USA
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
hard lessons of Iraq
"Nearly 5K of our fine men and women died in Iraq." Sure, it's less than a 10th the number who died in a single afternoon's battle in past wars, but we grieve for them still. The other regret is that what success we had had was frittered away.
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer dithers, solicits campaign donations, avoids responsibility
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer regime has burned through more than $10M trying to cover up evidence of corruption, circling the wagons, not complying with congressional committees
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
marriage and the "divine right of kings"
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
use your hands to retain brain function and dexterity
"Those who had drawn the letter freehand, Konnikova writes, 'exhibited increased activity in three areas of the brain that are activated in adults when they read and write'. Those who traced or typed were far less so affected."
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
IRS abuses clearly tied to leftists/Dems in both executive and legislative branches
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
Middle East holds few options the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer would want... or that would be good for the Middle East and the USA
Bill Whittle _PJMedia_
the race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer, Louis xv and the "divine right of kings and dictators" (video)
Nicholas Ballasy _PJMedia_
House Intelligence committee chair says about Iraq "We have a very narrow window to get this right"
Jaikumar Vijayan _"IT" News_/_ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
proposed law to require warrant for e-mail searches is gaining ground in the US House
_Conservative HQ_
what was at stake in today's GOP losership vote, and why they chose so poorly... again
"there are [still] no principled limited government constitutional conservatives in the top ranks of the House GOP... [The losership are] leading apologists for Washington [DC's] go-along-get-along culture and tools of a Washington [DC] -- Wall Street -- Silicon Valley Axis that in its advocacy of amnesty for illegal aliens [hugely, vastly, excessive numbers of guest-work visas] and cronyism is almost completely divorced from the grass-roots of the GOP and the everyday concerns of the conservative independents, Reagan Democrats, and liberty-minded voters who will decide the next election."
_Conservative HQ_
House Republicans show their electoral learning disability... again
_Conservative HQ_
GOP pols who have been going along with the left/Dems on excessive visas, border insecurity, and de facto amnesty for illegal aliens have encouraged the recent influx
_Tea Party News Network_
71% of independents voted for Dave Brat
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
destruction of evidence by IRS may succeed
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
documents show Obummer regime maintains close ties with violent anti-gay group, Muslim Brotherhood
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Obummer regime slapped punitive measures against Uganda for anti-gay law
Scott Ott _PJMedia_
peeve #317: the politician who talks about being a son of a...
"...I wrote that 'lottery' quip before learning that McCarthy actually bought a deli at the age of 19 with his lottery winnings. Ok, so maybe he threw it all away on beef, bologna and braunschweiger. He sold the deli to go to college and got a marketing degree, then an MBA. Since 2002 he's been in elected office... Americans admire hard [honest] work. We feel a deep kinship with the land and admire those who till the soil. We stand in awe of one who rushes toward danger to save others. And we know that such men have become too rare. The politicians want some of that to rub off on them, but in their hearts most of them know they wouldn't last a week in grandpa's world..."
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
leftist/Dem machine notaries are meddling in Mississippi GOP primary
"Back in 2007, the United States Justice Department sued the chairman of the Noxubee Democratic Executive committee, Ike Brown. I served on the team that prosecuted that case. Brown was found liable for discriminating against white voters from his perch as the head of the Democrat party. The federal court discussed the behavior of one particular notary -- Carrie Kate Windham. Windham was found to have harvested votes as a notary, sometimes voting the actual ballots of the voters... This is the sort of voter fraud that academics and political hacks (but I repeat myself) say is rare and doesn’t really amount to much. Tatler can report that the notaries who have been engaged in voter fraud going back at least a decade are now in the field once again harvesting absentee ballots from African-Americans in the Republican primary who normally never vote in the Republican primary in Mississippi. Under Mississippi law, this is illegal. MS Code Ann. 23-15-575 says that one cannot vote in a primary if one does not intend to support the nominee in November."
Bob Sturm _Earned Media_
GOP House members reject non-leftist leadership; favor worse losership, instead
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Central American government officials seek open US borders, while their citizens complain of lack of government defense against initiators of force and fraud
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mexican government should stop illegal aliens traveling through
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
US ICE continues to release illegal aliens who committed additional crimes; still no details from DHS
"ICE records reveal that the total number of non-detained convicted criminal aliens has grown by nearly 17K since the end of last fiscal year. At the end of 2013, ICE reported that there were a total of 318,967 convicted criminal aliens on its docket who were not in detention. Roughly half of these (158,992) had already received final removal orders, while the other half (159,975) were still awaiting the outcome of their proceedings. The 159K non-detained convicted criminals with final orders are in addition to another 699,670 non-detained 'non-criminals' who were ordered removed, but who had not left by the end of FY2013..."
Chuck Baldwin _V Dare_
DHS: a wasteful, growing, fear-mongering, power-mad beast
Conference Board: leading economic indicators index increased in My to 101.7
Kathleen Madigan _NASDAQ_
Conference Board: employment trends index (ETI) changed from revised 117.32 in April to 118.58 in May
king Felipe vi of Spain/Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Grecia sworn in
William Chislett: viva el rey
king Felipe vi takes over in Spain, promises to be monarch "for new times"
Elisabeth O'Leary: Reuters
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
what might we learn from Charles James Faulker's speech of 1832 January
"'...Sir, our native, substantial, independent yeomanry, constitute our pride, efficiency and strength; they are our defence in war, our ornaments in peace; and no population, I will venture to affirm, upon the face of the globe, is more distinguished for an elevated love of freedom—for morality, virtue, frugality and independence, than the Virginia peasantry west of the Blue Ridge...'"
Anthony Watts
...and then the warmist hysterics came for your flight times
Anthony Watts
India is curbing funding of Greenpeace
Paul Driessen
how to correct our power-mad wanna-be dictatorial EPA
Proposed Bills 2014
"Activity can be easily mistaken for productivity. Always ask yourself, 'Is this advancing me to my goals?'" --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Sarah Palin & Joe Carr are fighting for American workers, against amnesty for illegal aliens
_Conservative HQ_
wise words on Iraq from senator Ted Cruz
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
most politicians have little sense of shame
"The elites, non-partisan but mostly Democrats, are encouraging hell on the border to force immigration [law perversion, and oppose reform]. This is painful for the children but tolerable as long as it doesn't inconvenience the elites. The photographs of children sleeping on the floor at shelters in Arizona and Texas would break Harry Reid's heart if he had one. The children are there at the not so subtle invitation of [Obummer]... Congress could get to work on actual immigration reform early tomorrow morning if [Obummer], abetted by Mr. Reid and his lock-step Democrats, would compromise with Republicans on the crucial particulars of what to do about the tsunami of Hispanics washing over the border. In the Democratic play-book, amnesty, [it would be the 8th in the last 3 decades: 1986, 1994, 2 in 1997, 1998, 2 in 2000], is the only way to quiet the border... The term 'Redskins' originated with the Indians. Indeed, Oklahoma, the state where the wind comes sweeping down the plain, draws its name from the Choctaw words 'okla' and 'humma', meaning ['red-skinned people']... If the elites actually want to do something for the American Indians -- or 'red Indians', as our British cousins call them, to distinguish them from the original Indians of Asia, who come in various dusky shades -- there's plenty to do, and plenty of red Indians to do it with. The U.S. Government recognizes 5.6M red Indians among us, in 566 separate tribes in 35 states. They suffer a poverty rate of nearly 24%. Many are alcoholics, and suffer rates of cirrhosis of the liver 368% higher than other Americans, diabetes 177% higher, and suicide 65% higher. In Alaska, young men, many of them Aleuts, are 9 times as likely to kill themselves than all American young men, and native Alaskan women are 19 times more likely to die by suicide. Actually doing something useful to help the descendants of the people who got here before the rest of us is not as likely to make the papers or the television news as a parade of phony outrage..."
Tina Trent _American Thinker_
amnesty for illegal aliens, Dave Brat's primary victory, and the Tea Party's libertarian friends
John T. Bennett _American Thinker_
senator Rand Paul's imaginary libertarian immigrants
"over half of Hispanics are literally telling us that they reject 'capitalism', and the 2 largest immigrant groups (Hispanics and Asians) are voting overwhelmingly for the more anti-capitalist of the two major parties. A 2011 Pew poll asked, '[D]o you have a positive or negative reaction to the word...Capitalism [or] Socialism?' 55% of Hispanics reported having a 'negative reaction' to the word 'capitalism'. Compare that 55% with self-identified 'Liberal Democrats', 47% of whom had a 'negative reaction' to the word 'capitalism'. Only 32% of Hispanics had 'a positive reaction' to the word 'capitalism'. 41% of blacks and 55% of whites had 'a positive reaction' to the word 'capitalism'..."
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
the real threat in Iraq
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
"Kagan, in fact, says he prefers to call himself a 'liberal interventionist', not a neocon. This may indeed be more appropriate for the Brookings Institution fellow and New Republic contributing editor that he is, but there's nothing 'conservative', or even 'neo', about it... It helps explain why president George W. Bush [the Shrub] could plant empty ballot boxes in Islamic Iraq and expect the Bill of Rights and other fruits of Graeco-Roman-Judeo-Christian millennia to grow... 'The urgent priority is to unite internationalists on both sides of the spectrum.', said Fred Kagan..."
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
NY-22: laughable smears by leftist Republicans
"the Marine mom, small-business owner, lawyer and conservative state assemblywoman poised to take his seat next week. Claudia Tenney is as rock-solid of a Republican as they come: pro-life, pro-limited government, pro-Second Amendment, pro-entrepreneur, pro-American worker. As one of New York's top conservative legislators, Tenney has been unafraid to challenge the powers that be in both political parties. As an attorney, she has fought valiantly against cronyism and corruption. She has opposed the New York Democratic [leftist] machine on everything from in-state tuition discounts for illegal aliens to [tax-victim] slush funds to dirty casino-government deals... Hanna is also a member of the left-wing 'Republican Main Street Partnership' -- the pro-bail-out, pro-debt, pro-amnesty, anti-drilling group infested with lobbyists and fronted by Beltway barnacle turned Tea Party-bashing lobbyist Steve LaTourette... Hanna is a soft-on-borders, U.S. Chamber of [Crony-Socialists]-supported pol pushing amnesty and massive increases in foreign tech visas. Tenney, by contrast, opposes amnesty, expansions of illegal alien benefits, and the cheap-labor tech visa racket..."
please help find Marizela
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
questions for Obummer
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the naked self-interest of the corrupt bureaubum class
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
the Obummer touch
"After 6 years of his presidency our economy hasn't recovered; our health care system (once the envy of the world) is unraveling; our coal industry is about to be decimated; veterans are dying thanks to a corrupt [Veterans Administration] system; the IRS has become [Obummer's] personal SS troopers, targeting his political opponents and getting away with it; tens of thousands of Latin American minors (including 17 and 18 year old [gangsters]) keep flooding over the boarder into our country; and barbaric Islamic terrorism is on the rise across the Middle East and North Africa..."
Raymond Ibrahim _Jewish World Review_
Islam's "Protestant Reformation"
Grant Burningham _Jewish World Review_
CIA spes in Iraq rendered worthless
"U.S. intelligence operatives are for the most part 'holed up' in the American embassy in Baghdad, unable to meet with sources in Sunni tribes who previously battled al-Qaeda-backed forces... Nouri al-Maliki, a shiite, 'purged those who worked with the U.S.A. OTOH', he added, Maliki 'now has Iranian advisors at almost all levels of government and has moved ministries of defense and interior under his direct control.'..."
Raymond Ibrahim _Unionville PA Herald-Standard_
HHS non-apologized for shipping illegal aliens from the Mexican border to Virginia
Those opposed to illegal immigration were muzzled.
"The government put the Lawrenceville program on hold after a private agreement between officials from the now-shuttered St. Paul's College and the government became public... a Marine Corps veteran and did a tour in Iraq. 'We will not be strong-armed by federal officials.', Smith said. 'We will not be pushed around.' The crowd cheered his comments, and he received high-fives from the audience as he left. Outside the school Smith said townsfolk primarily objected to the way the planned shelter was handled, but also objected to who would be housed in the community. 'We do not want illegal aliens in our town.', he said."
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Quick. What's the annual level of legal immigration?
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
hawks abroad, doves at home
"How is it that leaders who are so rightly concerned about the threat posed by a nuclear Iran, and who back interventions abroad to protect Americans at home, seem so uninterested in the national security threat posed by a border that is so porous and poorly defended that tens of thousands of children [and gangsters] cross illegally?..."
Sarah Hoyt & Charlie Martin _PJMedia_
the publishing business is in crisis
"the average print run for your 'normal' (mid-list) author had changed drastically, from around 70K or so books in the 1970s, to around 7K nowadays... publishing had been taken over by MBAs and had been concentrated in the hands of 6 conglomerates..."
Indie AuthorLand
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
hail to the red-skins and Harry "the Red" Reid
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
the Redskins brouhaha has nothing to do with Amerindians
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
politics of poetry has deprived the young of culture
"[Samuel Taylor Coleridge]... Emily Dickinson... Walt Whitman... [Edgar A. Poe]... Charles Wright... Robert Frost... [Mary Wolestonecraft, Percy Byssche Shelley, John Keats, George Gordon lord Byron]... Ray Bradbury... [Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, John Milton]... William Butler Yeats... [e.e. cummings, Alfred Noyes, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Francis Scott Key, George Alsop, Richard Lewis, John Markland, William Dawson, Samuel Davis, Richard Bland, Thomas Burke, Richard Henry Wilde, Edward Coote Pinkney, Thomas Holley Chivers, Philip Pendleton Cooke, James Mathewes Legare, George Moses Horton]..."
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
so she let her son wait in the car. What's the matter with your power-mad busybodies?!?!?!?!?
"She left him in the car for about five minutes while she ran into the store to buy some head-phones. While she was out, he played contentedly on her iPad... Kim was arrested and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor... A parent, usually a mom, makes a seat-of-the-pants decision: Should I drag my kid out of the car and make this into a longer stop or leave him behind, the way our parents left us?... The reality is that having a child wait in the car does put a child at risk -- but so does taking a child out of the car. The risk of being run over by a truck, the risk of being shot in a stick-up, the risk of slipping on the pavement -- all of these dangers are possible. None is probable..."
R' Hillel Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
former EPA thugs, senators demand GOP go along with their warmist hysteria draconian schemes
"'The models of the world's leading scientists predict rising seas, drought, floods, wild-fires and more severe and frequent storms.', Ruckelshaus said." But the actual data contradict those claims. Who gets to decide who is "leading".
Anthony Watts
Caleb Rossiter -- opening eyes to the uncertainty of global warming claims
Sam Kazman
John Holdren's bi-polar vortex: part 2 -- appeal filed
Anthony Watts
Failure of the primary mission at the Veterans Administration: vets died while VA bureaucrats obsessed over green energy installation
Anthony Watts
DC Post finally admits the pause
Paul C. Knappenberger & Patrick J. Michaels
climate, heat waves, and adaptation
Proposed Bills 2014
Sean Barron _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
genealogy leads Michigan man to Canfield Underround Railroad station
"A lot of time has passed between when a Southern farmer and abolitionist settled on a piece of Canfield property and one of his descendants learned about it... Loghurst Farmhouse Museum... A few months ago, the Fair Haven, MI, man learned that his great-great-great grand-father, Jacob Barnes, once owned the 3-story house and museum at 3967 Boardman-Canfield Road, which the Canfield Heritage Foundation operates..."
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
I've got a finger for the Palestinians in Israel
"As Israeli soldiers desperately search Hebron for the 3 Jewish teenage boys assumed kidnapped by terrorists, Palestinians protested after weekly Muslim prayers, using the popular new 3-finger gesture -- one for each missing teen -- 'in a sign of their support for the abduction'... I can't think of another situation, or another group of people, who would SUPPORT THE ABDUCTION OF CHILDREN..."
Zoe Schlanger _Jewish World Review_
king sense of the chaos and blood-shed in Iraq means understanding of 1,239 years of history
"The year is 775. The place is Baghdad. The Sunni caliph Al Mansur 'The Victorious', founder of Baghdad, City of Peace and capital of the great Islamic empire that stretches from Central Asia to the Atlantic coast, has just died on his haj pilgrimage to Mecca. His son and heir Mahdi, and Mahdi's wife Rita, have been given the keys to a secret under-ground crypt, with orders to leave the room alone until the caliph's death is confirmed. They rush down to the store-room, hearts aflutter, expecting to find piles of golden dinars, silver dirhams, precious stones and untold treasures. Baghdad is the Athens of the East, the world's richest and most glorious city. But behind the unlocked door something very different awaits them. The vast chamber is filled with corpses. There are men, women and children of all ages. Every body has a leather tag in the ear detailing the victim's name and genealogy. Apart from their execution at the hands of Mansur's hench-men, they have one thing in common. All are Shia descendants of Ali and his wife Fatima, daughter of the Prophet Mohammed..."
Dana Dovey _Jewish World Review_
being anxious not only makes you annoying, it literally destroys your mind
"our bodies' stress hormone, cortisol, may be the ultimate cause for short-term memory loss... we need cortisol, so there's no hope of completely eliminating the hormone. Without it, you most likely wouldn't have lived long enough to be the stressed out adult you are today. When things get particularly tough, cortisol helps us to react more efficiently. However, the hormone is only meant to help us in short term emergencies, such as getting chased by a dog on your way home from work. When we are habitually stressed, the hormone stays in our systems much longer than usual. It's this overexposure that researchers believe contributes to short-term memory loss... Prolonged exposure to this stress hormone is also associated with physical problems such as weight gain, digestive problems, and higher blood pressure, according to Mayo Clinic..."
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
corrupt IRS had contracted with e-mail archiving company in 2005
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
US Customs and Border Patrol internal affairs office being investigated or falsifying docs, intentionally losing employee complaints, bungling misconduct reports...
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
CIS got an offer from a Bangladeshi organization... which we will refuse
_Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer's border: OTM apprehensions in the Rio Grande valley
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
the border crisis and the question of who gets what
James Fulford _V Dare_
life sentences for 2 Mexican sex traffickers
Jared Taylor _V Dare_
_Paved with Good Intentions_
Anthony Watts
Matt Ridley: climate "cure" worse than we'd thought
Proposed Bills 2014
April M. Havens _Mississippi Press News_/_Advance Digital_/_Alabama_
Chris McDaniel courts supporters Sunday in Biloxi
Ed Runyah _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
steel-making legacy crashing down in Warren
"In August 1913, a writer described the opening of the $2M Trumbull Steel Company south of downtown Warren as 'a very important change in the whole character of this city'. The new mill -- which in 1929 would become Republic Steel, then decades later WCI, then several other companies -- occupied 70 acres along the banks of the Mahoning River. Today, the mill occupies about 1,100 acres, but it doesn’t produce steel anymore -- and less and less of the mill is there every day as demolition of millions of square feet of factory buildings progresses..."
Michael Freund _Jewish World Review_
the indomitable Jewish Spirit
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
caught lying, by George Will, the left lies about George Will
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
run hard with this campaign, leftists/Dems
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
Obummer IRS canceled e-mail back-up contract just weeks after Lois Lerner's lap-top supposedly crashed
"Sonasoft was providing 'automatic data processing' services for the IRS throughout the 2009 January to 2011 April period in which Lerner sent her missing emails. But Sonasoft's 6-year business relationship with the IRS came to an abrupt end at the close of fiscal year 2011, as congressional investigators began looking into the IRS conservative targeting scandal and IRS employees' computers started crashing left and right..."
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips has added Bangladesh to the countries he has been banned from
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Israel and the "Jihadi Spring"
"That murderous Al Qaeda spin-off -- the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), known locally as DAASH -- has already taken control of large parts of Syria and Iraq and yesterday seized a transit point with Jordan..."
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
the decline of western civilization in a few paragraphs
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJMedia_
a few senators belatedly raise questions about security at US ports
"In 2006, Congress passed the Safe Port Act, which, among other things, mandated that DHS meet a requirement to scan 100% of U.S.A.-bound container cargo by 2012. The department was given a 2-year extension, which runs out in July. DHS has said it will not meet this deadline and is requesting another extension... 'We've spent $2.9G on the Port Security Grant Program with no metrics to measure whether or not we have actually improved our security. We've spent $2.1G on cargo programs on a scanning mandate that we are told will never be met. So there's $5G we've spent we have no assessment of what we've gotten for that money.', Coburn said."
Thomas E. Brewton & Robert Curry
leftism is not liberal: a quick defense of classical liberalism
American Thinker
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
will the British academic bigots report on segregation in Palestine/Gaza?
"Federale" _V Dare_
more proof that the juvenile and gangster surge was planned by the Obummer regime
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
now THAT is a border fence, properly guarded
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
Alex Tabarrok is not clear on the concept of federalism
Lynn Bartels _Denver Post_
Tom Tancredo's run for governor draws attention to Tuesday's primary
Bob Beauprez, Scott Gessler and Mike Kopp also in the running.
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
follow-up on Charles James Faulkner and his thoughts on slavery
Bob Tisdale
Unisys daily sea surface temperature anomaly maps may be gone
Katie Tubb
24 things media claimed were caused by "global warming"
Anthony Watts
weather pattern changes cause regional weather extremes
Proposed Bills 2014
"Those who place too much stock in the stock they descend from, descend." --- R' Shraga Silverstein (source: Jewish World Review)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
a simple question for Obummer
"You authorized and led a military operation in Libya that led to the overthrow and death of that country's leader, Moammar Qaddafi, based on the possibility of a murderous rampage by Qaddafi's crew and a resulting humanitarian crisis…that never materialized. And yet, you chose not to act when the Iranian government killed scores of its own people in 2009..."
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
"pee in a cup"
"'Pee in a cup' is a phrase you should prepare to hear frequently this election season. A requirement that doctors be subject to random drug and alcohol testing is the curb-appeal provision in a measure that will be on the California ballot in November..."
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
law-suit could help free public schools from union shackles
"The overall high school graduation rate in the Los Angeles Unified School District is 67.9%, compared to over 80% nationwide. Latinos in the LA system have a graduation rate of 67.2% and blacks 63.7%."
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
why people who are not base-ball fans should love Tony Gwynn
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
Obummer leaving from behind
George Will _Jewish World Review_
stopping an anti-constitution, lawless president
"Institutional derangement driven by unchecked presidential aggrandizement did not begin with [Obummer], but his offenses against the separation of powers have been egregious in quantity and qualitatively different. Regarding immigration, health care, welfare, education, drug policy and more, [Obummer] has suspended, waived and rewritten laws..."
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
some non-leftists seem to have memory-loss WRT Iraq
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
How did US missiles get into the hands of ISIL?
"The administration plans to try Mr. Khattala in a civilian court. Treating him as a criminal defendant will cripple our ability to get intelligence from him, and -- through 'discovery' -- give Mr. Khattala access to our intelligence, according to Andrew McCarthy, who prosecuted the mastermind of the first World Trade Center bombing. His arrest also keeps Mr. Khattala from talking to reporters. We don't know what CIA operatives at the Benghazi annex were doing. We do know extraordinary measures have been taken to keep them from talking about it..."
William Sullivan _American Thinker_
the straw that may break the left-leaning establishment's back
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
campaigning for Chris McDaniel in Biloxi
"Locals shared story after story with me about the good-ole-boy-network being used to lord over, abuse and bully the people and businesses."
Fay Voshell _American Thinker_
we're all red-skins now
"...On the contrary, the exercise in political correctness is not about aggrieved Native Americans. It's about the power to redistribute wealth and to eliminate private property. Essentially, the Left has declared that no person's or company's trademark (or patent) is safe..."
Clarice Feldman _American Thinker_
apparently, we're all dead, according to the doom-sayers
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
media barred from site of illegal alien invasion
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
Mexican/international drug cartels are also driving the border crisis
Kenneth H. Ryesky _American Thinker_
Lois Lerner's disk drive: procuring the procurement records
_Conservative HQ_
is the federal government "fully successful" for you?
"over the past 4 years every senior Veterans Administration executive was rated 'Fully Successful' or better... only 15 senior executives across the entire federal government had received either of the two lowest ratings in the most recent year... IOW, those senior officials in charge of the disastrous [ObummerDoesn'tCare] roll-out were 'Fully Successful'. The senior officials in charge of the failed 'Fast and Furious' gun walking fiasco that got agent Brian Terry killed; 'Fully Successful'. Lois Lerner and the rest of the thugs at the IRS responsible for the targeting of conservatives, you can bet they were given job performance reviews of 'Fully Successful', as well... 78% [of Veterans Administration executives and supervisors] got a bonus in 2013, despite a string of patient deaths and falsification of records related to patient wait times... The abuses of the VA, the EPA, the NSA, the IRS, the BLM and other notable scandals of the Obama administration all have a common thread -- out of control bureaucrats acting beyond their constitutional authority in a vast bureaucracy that seems like it is on auto-pilot because no one has responsibility for its results..."
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
there are no "good guy" radical Islamists in Iraq... or anywhere else
Ben White _CNBC_
Why the Mississippi primary run-off matters... big time
Scott Simmons _WAPT 16_
Chris McDaniel criss-crosses Mississippi in last hours before primary run-off
"The latest polls, including one from Chism Strategies, shows McDaniel leading going into the runoff, but campaign manager Melanie Soujourner said they are not putting a lot of stock in those numbers because the election has gone back and forth."
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
IRS commissioner John Koskinen has donated lots of money to leftists/Dems over the years
"..BTW, it appears that Koskinen may have lied under oath to Congress in last week's hearings -- once here, once here -- both on the subject of the 'lost' Lerner [e-mail messages]."
Washington DC Free Beacon
Ace of Spaces HQ
David Steinberg _PJMedia_
Moochelle Obummer who wants to "ban bossy" uses racial slur: "Gypped"
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
did USA really arm and train ISIL terrorists?
"In 2012 February, WND was first to report the U.S.A., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country's northern desert region."
Aaron Klein: World Net Daily
Alex Jones on evil Google's YouTube
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
how the left distorts history to inspire new generations of activists
"The American Left has been expert in indoctrinating a new generation with false history. We have seen this with Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick's Showtime TV series on the Cold War, and especially with the writings and pseudo-history of the late Howard Zinn. While conservatives -- with some laudable exceptions -- concentrate largely on policy issues, the left knows that it is not sufficient to work only for its own political agenda. The left realizes it needs to capture the realm of culture, which includes the portrayal of the American past..."
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
congress-critters visited sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi in Tecate, Mexico; hopeful of release
Abraham Rabinovich _Washington DC Free Beacon_
search for kidnapped Jewish teens turns up 10 bomb-making work-shops, scores of tunnels; 300 Hamas activists have been detained
Padraic O'Bannon _V Dare_
Dave Brat is example for defeat of Goodlatte (VA-TreasonLobby)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Splunk's eRegulations Insights analysis of comments to proposed grant of work-permit to spouses of H-1B visa grantees shows lots of cookie-cutter talking-points material
"An analysis of 6,650 comments, the size of the comment pool at the time the tool was run, identified 615 unique comments, or 9% of the total. Of the 6,035 non-unique comments, 453 were exact duplicates of 10 different comments... Splunk then applied the Naive Bayes classifier, a data mining tool for categorizing text and determining sentiment on a scale of one to 10. The higher the score, the higher the happiness. In this case, the sentiment score for the H-1B regulation was about 6.2."
Sanjay Talwani _KBZK_
corrupt state judge refuses to adhere to law banning aid to illegal aliens
KAJ18 Kalispell MT
KPAX Missoula MT
"Helena district judge Jeffrey Sherlock has thrown out most of a provision passed by voters in 2012 to deny certain state services to illegal aliens."
Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
wealthy Obummer donor indicted for fraud and conspiracy
"Kareem Ahmed, a top [Obummer] donor who dropped $1M to help re-elect him in 2012, has been indicted by a California grand jury for fraudulent and unethical business practices, among other things..."
Joe Herring & Mark Christian _Front Page Magazine_
Omaha's tri-faith initiative mirrors "pact of Umar"
Greg Scandlen _Federalist_
"Commonwealth Fund" falsely spins health care in USA as terrible
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
data fudging: the great global warming hysteria scandal
Christopher Boker: London Telegraph
Steven Goddard
Anthony Watts
student experiment in Madagascar caught thoughtless "green" parrots
Anthony Watts
wall to wall crazy idea -- build a "great wall" in the USA to prevent tornadoes
Anthony Watts
supremes delicately trim EPA power-madness
Willis Eschenbach
Maunder & Dalton sun-spot minima
Anthony Watts
the "strawman" albedo effect
Anthony Watts
study: cold-season temperature variability has significantly decreased over the mid- to high-latitude Northern Hemisphere in recent decades
Proposed Bills 2014
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Republicans won't pass reprehensible immigration law perversion
"If Democrats wouldn't deliver when they owned Washington [DC], Republicans have little reason to do their heavy lifting."
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
lame-duck country
Town Hall
"The Constitution of the United States does not give presidents the power to carry out major policy changes without the cooperation of other branches of government. Once the country becomes disenchanted with a president during his second term, congress has little incentive to cooperate with him -- and, once congress becomes uncooperative, there is little that a president can do on his own. That is, if he respects the Constitution. President [Obummer] has demonstrated, time and again, that he has no respect for the Constitution's limitations on his power. Despite his oath of office, to see that the laws are faithfully executed, [Obummer] has unilaterally changed welfare reform laws, by eliminating the work requirement passed by congress during the Clinton administration... President Obama has ordered Border Patrol agents not to carry out provisions of the immigration laws that he does not like. We see the results today in the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants entering the country unimpeded..."
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Hispanics sour on Obummer as young illegal aliens and gangsters surge across the border
"News of this [expected] surge of illegal immigration... But there's good reason to believe that many have come to believe that they have permisos to enter and remain in the United States. Once you announce you refuse to enforce one law, people may conclude you won't enforce others either..."
Jerry Kammer & Bryan Griffith _Center for Immigration Studies_
unsecured border: interview with Ronnie Osburn
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
will tax-victim-funded defense of illegal aliens in deportation proceedings become the norm despite the law?
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
US sheep-herders finally win a round in court
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
questions about the surge of "unaccompanied illegal alien minors" and gangsters
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
Eric Garcetti, another mayor who exemplifies the USA's decline
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Iraq agonistes
"those are real people suffering and dying, and real diplomats and generals, presidents and pundits, senators and senior advisers ...all proudly displaying their gobsmacked ineptitude. There is something eerily, depressingly familiar about the latest news from the state formerly known as Iraq as this all too familiar tragedy is re-enacted in a different setting with a different suffering people. The players may have changed, but not the tragedy..."
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
what's good for the feral government extortionist is good for the intended victims
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
leftists/Dems don't debate... they distort and try to quash debate
Michael Gerson _Jewish World Review_
an arrogant and lawless IRS
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare just keeps on getting worse
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is a fire-bug in a world aflame
"Like a lot of [leftists], he has learned a lot of things that ain't so, and is eager to apply them. He learned, as the hyper-educated often do, to mistrust experience and common sense... [Obummer] doesn't know much about the 57 states of America (as he once numbered them), or how Americans think, or appreciate the fundamental verities Americans cherish..."
Rowan Scarborough _Jewish World Review_
Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (not to be confused with the International Society for Individual Liberty) hell-bent on creating Islamic state to be launch-pad for attacks on USA
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's scandals never die
Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_
image analysis software can, early on, spot rare genetic disorders in facial portraits
"The software was developed by University of Oxford researchers Christoffer Nellåker and Andrew Zisserman. Together with a group of colleagues, the pair fed 1,363 pictures of people with genetic disorders (the photos were publicly available) into an algorithm designed to track for specific facial features of eight key disorders. Progeria, for example, is marked by a beaking of the nose and eyes that sink into their sockets. Relying on the bank of stored pictures, the software can read a sample image and scan it for known features. It then spits out a ranking of possible matches. To demonstrate the software's power, the team gave it a training test. They showed it pictures of people with eight known genetic disorders, for which the machine had between 100 and 283 images handy for reference. On average, the machine correctly predicted disorder 93% of the time. Now that it can screen for nearly 12 times as many disorders, with 2,754 faces at its disposal, Nellåker says it's well on its way to helping pediatricians diagnose patients. 'It's not sufficiently accurate to provide a rock-solid diagnosis, but it helps narrow down the possibilities.', he said..."
_Washington DC Free Beacon_
Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor operating at full capacity
"'Two days ago, the necessary measures were taken and today the electricity generated by the nuclear power plant was transmitted into the circuit and 1GW of the electricity would enter the national grid tomorrow (Tuesday).', Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman for Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI), announced Tuesday, according to reports in Iran's state run press."
_Washington DC Free Beacon_
Christian Sudanese woman freed from death row has been re-arrested at airport
"Meriam Ibrahim, a Sudanese woman who had her death sentence canceled on Monday, was re-arrested at a Sudanese airport the day after her release from captivity, the BBC reports... Ibrahim was detained with her husband, Daniel Wani, and their two children by 40 security agents on Tuesday. The family was headed to the United States, where Wani has citizenship..."
_Washington DC Free Beacon_
Christian Sudanese woman freed from death row has been re-arrested at airport
Morgan Lee _Christian Post_
Meriam Ibrahim released again
"Ibrahim and Wani, who is an American citizen, were at Khartoum airport on Tuesday with their two children attempting to leave the country when as many as 40 security agents detained the just-freed prisoner, according to the BBC."
Tom Blumer _PJMedia_
watching the Cloward-Piven gimmick played everywhere by the Obummer regime
Halimah Abdullah _CNN_
Chris McDaniel challenging losership in Mississippi election for US senate
Phyllis Schlafly _Christian Post_
southern Virginians educate Obummer regime thugs about illegal aliens
Town Hall
Mario Moretto _Bangor ME Daily News_
governor Paul LePage threatens to cut funding to cities which continue to aid illegal aliens
Harry R. Jackson ii _Town Hall_
SNAFU: can our military be saved?
John Hawkins _Town Hall_
5 reasons Mississippi Republicans should send Chris McDaniel to the US senate
Chuck Norris _Town Hall_
blocking access to faith, family, freedom web-sites
"his school's Internet service blocked him from gathering conservative facts for his side of the argument on his school debate team. Andrew told Fox News, 'I knew it was important to get facts for both sides of the case.' But when he tried to do an Internet search of conservative views, he was prevented at every turn. After being blocked from web-sites supporting Americans' constitutional right to bear arms as stated in the Second Amendment, Andrew soon learned his school's computers prohibited him from viewing any web-site or information that wasn't [leftist] in nature. National Rifle Association web-site -- blocked. The Republican Party web-site -- blocked. National Right to Life web-site -- blocked. Pro-traditional marriage web-sites -- blocked. Vatican web-site -- blocked. But here's what wasn't blocked in his continued Internet search: pro-gun-control websites, the Democratic Party website, the Planned Parenthood website, an LGBT website and an Islamic web-site. Andrew took his grievance up the chain of command at his Connecticut high school -- first to the principal and then to the superintendent and then to the school board. Nearly 2 months after the incident, Andrew's only official response has come through the superintendent, who wrote a letter about the issue to parents and citizens in their community because news of the liberal bent was spreading like wild-fire... She was puzzled, however, that 'many of the [leftist] sites accessible to the student fell into the not rated category, which was unblocked while many of the conservative sites were in the political/advocacy group which is accessible to teachers but not to students.' Mrs. Superintendent, there's no surprise or mystery here. The problem is not the software but those programming it."
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Obummer regime State Dept. spokes-clone refuses to apologize to Bowe Bergdahl's platoon
Armstrong Williams _Town Hall_
hard times demand accountability: the tragedy of violence in Chicago
Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
the IRS did not adhere to the law
Cody Willard _MarketWatch_
how to profit from helping violate your own and neighbors' privacy
Nat Worden _MarketWatch_
we should have telecomm competition
"...A handful of cable companies have divided up the country, and their territories don't overlap -- there really is no competition between them. If this sounds like the way a monopoly works, that's because it is. Therefore, we should have federal regulations -- like real net neutrality rules and other consumer protections -- imposed on the nation's Internet service providers in order to promote access and competition, which would help our economy grow and innovate in the digital age. Unfortunately, our federal government appears to be woefully corrupt and dysfunctional to most sensible people of all political leanings, and the telecommunications industry is able to deploy its lobbying strength on Capitol Hill to get basically everything it wants..."
Paul Wiseman _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_AP_
Conference Board: consumer confidence index up from a revised 82.2 in May to 85.2 for June
Business Insider
Kathleen Madigan: Wall Street Journal
"Those stating jobs are 'plentiful' edged up from 14.2% to 14.7%, while those claiming jobs are 'hard to get' declined from 32.2% to 31.8%. The difference between the 2 readings–called the labor differential by economists–shrank to -17.1%... the rise in 2 staples, food and energy, are crimping the budgets of lower-income households. Indeed, Tuesday's report showed a steep drop in confidence among households earning less than $25K a year."
Antone Gonsalves _"IT" News_/_IDG_
326 command-and-control servers across more than 40 countries powering controversial spyware sold to governments and law enforcement
"researchers found that the legal malware of Italian company HackingTeam is capable of spying on, and stealing data from, users of Android and Apple iOS devices..."
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Foreign Affairs committee members concerned after first briefing on Iran nuclear weapons development talks
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
the Veterans Administration scandal is worse than previously reported... much worse
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
illegal aliens are not "refugees"
"As we have observed on many occasions, and senator Sessions reiterated in his op-ed, the US graduates approximately twice as many science, technology, engineering and math-trained students each year as there are so-called STEM jobs to fill. 'There is a large surplus of unemployed Americans with STEM degrees and yet, per the Economic Policy Institute, the annual inflow of guest-workers amount to one-third to one-half of all new IT jobs holders.' As Rutgers Professor Hal Salzman poignantly asked, 'Average wages in IT today are the same as they were when Bill Clinton was president well over a decade ago...if there is in fact a shortage, why doesn't that reflect in the market? Why don't wages go up?' As senator Sessions pointed out, 'Each year, the US grants permanent legal admission to an additional 1M immigrants who will be able to apply for citizenship, along with roughly 700K guest-workers, 200K relatives of guest workers, and 500K students. These are overwhelmingly not farm workers as activists falsely suggest, but are instead workers brought in to fill jobs in every sector, occupation and industry throughout the US economy.' It is time, as senator Sessions said, for Republicans to consider immigration policy from the view-point of a middle-aged unemployed American who has to borrow gas money to drive to a job interview 100 miles away. Imagine how his or her life is affected when the company gives that open job to a temporary guest worker hired from 10K miles away. Imagine what any of the 58M working-age Americans who don't have jobs might have to say to the law-makers and activists who claim there is a 'labor shortage' or as we see it an illegal alien invasion being masked as a 'refugee crisis'."
Conservative HQ home-page
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
senate Republicans bait-and-switch fund-raising
"National Republican Senatorial Committee fund-raising letters... Conservatives may be sending money believing that, but the NSRC uses your money to help elect [regressive/leftist], big-government establishment incumbents, the ones conservatives would prefer not be in office because they are part of the problem... I recently called on conservatives to boycott the NRSC, noting: 'In the wake of the National Republican Senatorial Committee's announcement that, after incumbent senator Thad Cochran, R-MS, finished second in the Mississippi Republican primary, the NRSC is all in for Thad [and against Chris McDaniel] in the June 24 run-off.'... Conservatives are asked to send the NRSC money, which is then funneled to establishment Republicans who continue to over-see and participate in the growth of government, violations of the Constitution and the consequent destruction of our liberties... The NSRC is funneling money to Big Government Republicans who violate core conservative principles of small government and our inalienable individual liberties and who help government bureaucrats and politically connected corporations."
Conservative HQ home-page
Jack Cashill _American Thinker_
how the left will repay the Catholic church on immigration
"The good Cardinal simply may not know what fate awaits those who think they can dance with the devil and walk away unscathed... These folks knew full well that they had not a prayer of getting the whole legal enchilada, but that was just the point. The hard core hoped to create from the discontent a permanent revolutionary cadre. The soft core would satisfy themselves with millions of new Democrats... On the question of the church's motives, one local Catholic explained how the noisy 'peace and justice' cliques within the church seized a new opportunity to lure the church leftward..."
Deborah C. Tyler _American Thinker_
when Obummer met Moochelle: authoritarian and totalitarian psychology of the Obummers
"Authoritarianism and totalitarianism...are more virulent in groups because individual responsibility is diffused. Individual and collective egos tend to look for a footpath to slavery, because the ego functions under the sway of defense mechanisms that block anxiety, shame, and guilt. Their function is to provide excuses to the ego to avoid self-insight while grabbing what it wants..."
"Federale" _V Dare_
the children's and gangsters' crusade: gravy train for treason lobbyists including Bush turn-coat Julie Myers Wood
"the very people arguing for yet another wealth transfer away from Americans are those who were once trusted to enforce the laws. Julie Myers Wood was the head of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement [USCIS] from 2006 to 2008 under [neo-con] president George W. Bush [a.k.a. Shrub]. Now that she's done her time failing to enforce immigration law, she's moved on to lobbying for more illegal immigration, to the cheers of the [leftist] Main Stream Media... It's [disgusting] how the 'conscience of America' seems to coincide with the bottom line interests of Wood's lobbying clients and Young's mega-donors..."
Donald A. Collins _V Dare_
time is up! immigration has to be reformed now
"Both parties have supported de facto open borders for decades. The Republicans eagerly surrendered to the avarice of big business. The Democrats betrayed their working class base in favor of Latino ethnic tribalism. President [Obummer] is openly breaking the law when it comes to immigration and the supreme court is certainly not going to do anything to stop him. All the different branches of the government are pushing mass immigration, conning the American people by talking about enforcing the law while privately rejoicing at its desecration. The main-stream media duly concealed [over] 50 years of the immigration invasion as well as its disastrous consequences on health care, education, national security, and our civic culture. All of this simmered under the surface while immigration patriots tried to sound the alarm. But now Pandora's Box has opened..."
Ann Corcoran _Refugee ReSettlement Watch_
major media mentioned call for moratorium on refugee re-settlements
"calls for refugee resettlement moratoriums in Springfield, MA; Lewiston, ME; and Manchester, NH... Clarkston, GA; and Amarillo, TX among others... Once a seed community is established, the extended family comes, and there is no stopping it! Any elected official calling for a slow-down or outright moratorium will be demonized!..."
Ann Corcoran _Refugee ReSettlement Watch_
Joe Carr for US senate from Tennessee, in August 7 primary
Carr for Tennessee
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Limbaugh called for impeachment of Obummer
"'I mean, this guy needs to be impeached.', Limbaugh said. 'We impeached Nixon for less than this kind of stuff. Nixon only dreamed about doing what this guy's done. Nixon only dreamed about doing what Lois Lerner has done. Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS to damage his political opponents. He never did it, but they wanted to convict him of a thought crime nevertheless. Well, these people have done it, and now they're being called on it, and they're asked to explain it.'"
Phil Kerpen _Town Hall_
jail-bird architect of Obummers global warming plan, federal inmate number 33005-016, John Beale
Anthony Watts
climate hysterics have exhausted the public's credulity
James McCown
AGW-advocate "economists" succeed in discrediting fellow warmist hysterics
Anthony Watts & Shawn Fitzpatrick
like global temperature, "climate jobs" seems to have peaked and are heading downward
Tim Ball
John Holdren: abuse of office, power, and science for a political agenda
Proposed Bills 2014
Susan Swann _Jewish World Review_
how you can tell if your love is real
"True love requires time, effort and care. We get to know others gradually. We get to know them over time. We come to trust them, as they prove themselves trust-worthy. We do not instead seek to establish an immediate connection with someone, before getting to know him well. Falling in love is a process and not simply an immediate attraction. It's about cultivating real friendship. It's about fostering honesty and respect. It's about finding someone who stands by us when the chips are down..."
W. Bradford Wilcox _Jewish World Review_
the real "modern family" tends to be neo-traditional
"modern American family life is basically 'neo-traditional' -- at least for married couples with children. For this group, family life is organized along neo-traditional lines and has been since the 1990s, when the gender revolution stalled out in married families. It's new in the sense that today's married dads do a lot more child care and housework than dads of the 1950s, and that most married moms are working in the paid labor force. But it's 'traditional' in the sense that most husbands take the lead when it comes to bread-winning, and most wives take the lead when it comes to child rearing... in 2012, married fathers earned about 69% of their families' income... more than three-quarters of married mothers do not wish to work full-time: 53% prefer part-time work and 23% prefer to be stay-at-home mothers. This stands in marked contrast to married fathers: 75% of them think working full-time is ideal and 13% prefer part-time work, according to Pew data."
Abigail R. Esman _Jewish World Review_
European reports show NSA's successes
"NSA programs in Europe -- and specifically its PRISM project -- have now been confirmed to have stayed dozens of terror attacks across the continent, and helped America kill suspected terrorists abroad. Indeed, a report published last month by the Dutch agency responsible for overseeing Dutch intelligence states clearly that 'thanks to PRISM, 26 attacks (in Europe, including one in the Netherlands), were neutralized'... Europol...report, 'the majority of EU Member States continue to consider religiously inspired terrorism as a major threat', as evidenced by '2 attacks and several disrupted plots in 2013 and an increase in arrests for religiously inspired terrorism from 159 in 2012 to 216 in 2013.' (Total terror-related arrests for 2013 was 535, 143 of which involved religiously inspired terrorists in France alone.) It is worth noting that the number of religious-inspired arrests in 2013 Europe-wide was nearly double the number in 2009... A document from the Dutch Parliament, for instance, stated that the '1.8M meta-data records were collected by Dutch agencies AIVD and MIVD in their efforts to combat terrorism and foreign military operations'."
R' Avi Shafran _Jewish World Review_
seeing privilege as pain
"The greatest boon for any relationship is...a shared challenging but meaningful endeavor."
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
shale gas, the silent revolution
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
how the Veterans Administration targets "disruptive" veterans
V Dare
"the VA keeps a data-base on 'disgruntled' and 'disruptive' vets that results in arbitrarily restricted care... Under the VA policy on 'patient record flags' (PRFs), federal bureaucrats can classify vets as 'threats' based on assessments of their 'difficult', 'annoying' and 'non-compliant' behavior... The Office of Special Counsel just confirmed to president [Obummer] this week that vets across the country were exposed to contaminated drinking water, dirty surgical tools, untrained doctors and neglectful nurses -- and that whistle-blowers were retaliated against or ignored... Get this: Among examples of patients' behavior referred to the VA's 'Disruptive Behavior Committees' (yes, that's what they're called): venting 'frustration about VA services and/or wait times, threatening law-suits or to have people fired, and frequent unwarranted visits to the emergency department or telephone calls to facility staff'... 'the bean-counters' may have flagged at least one veteran for being 'too expensive'. And 'trouble-makers' who are educated and know their rights are especially vulnerable... [Obummer's] Department of Homeland Security [DHS] Federal Protective Service is now providing muscle to deter sick vets from protesting in front of VA hospitals. More of your tax-subsidized thugocracy at work."
please help find Marizela
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
serving the public is gone from "Civil Service"
"Back in 1883, Congress passed the Pendleton Act to replace patronage with a federal civil service where workers would be hired and paid based on merit. There is no MERIT anymore. Scramble the letters. What you have now is a TIMER system. Workers put in time, and get hefty salaries and bonuses, regardless of work quality, with virtually no risk of being fired... firing a federal worker is almost impossible, and making it stick, even less likely. Data from the Office of Personnel Management [OPM] indicate that it is five times as hard to get fired from a federal job as from a private sector one... A worker with a high school education [gets paid] 21% more working for the federal government than for a private employer and receives 72% more in benefits. A worker with a bachelor's degree also makes out better with Uncle Sam, getting about the same wages as in the private sector but 46 percent more in benefits. Only professionals, such as lawyers, medical doctors and Ph.D.s, get paid less in federal jobs than private sector ones, according to the Congressional Budget Office [CBO]. In addition, the federal workplace offers 10 paid holidays, plus 13-26 days of annual vacation (depending on longevity), and up to 13 paid sick days a year. All in all, up to 49 paid days off..."
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
is immigration reform more or less possible in light of recent flood of invaders?
"In all of 2013, we deported 2K children, a handful compared to the 52K who have come here thus far in 2014... Obama increased the rate of deportation from about 250K annually under former presidents George W. Bush and Clinton to more than 400K [but only by folding those turned back at the border, unlike earlier figures which counted them separately]."
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is losing the war his predecessor had won
"[ISIL's] leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, had been imprisoned in Camp Bucca in Iraq, but was set free when president [Obummer] ordered the prison closed in 2009. (By the bye, Mohammad Fazl, one of the five Taliban leaders exchanged for [deserter] Bowe Bergdahl, played a critical role in al-Qaida's preparation for the 2001/09/11 attacks, reports Thomas Joscelyn of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.)... [The left would] like to ignore what's happening in Iraq, as they ignored what happened in Vietnam in 1975. But the communist conquest of South VietNam posed a threat only to the South VietNamese [and the Cambodians and Laotians and Malaysians and Indonesians] who trusted us."
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
the educationism establishment's "success"
"Many view America's education as a failure, but in at least one important way, it's been a success -- a success in dumbing down the nation so that we fall easy prey to charlatans, hustlers and quacks..."
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Lois Lerner tried to get IRS to attack GOP senator Charles Grassley (one of the few who have co-sponsored at least mild immigration reforms)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
our power-mad, wannabe ruling class
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
EPA employees told stop defecating in the hall-ways
David Solway _PJMedia_
to impeach or not to impeach
"...Senator Ted Cruz is in process of issuing a series of reports on the [Obummer regime's] abuses of power, having enumerated 76 instances of such constitutional dereliction at the hands of an imperial presidency. Blogger Tim Brown has documented 252 sourced examples of [Obummer's] lying, law-breaking, corruption and cronyism, which as we are aware have culminated in a number of recent whoppers..."
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
senate Republicans propose bill to block onerous EPA water grab: even the electric industry is nervous about the federal government's new interest in ditches
James R. Edwards ii _Center for Immigration Studies_
a mess of the Obummer regime's making
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
clarification about the lone "administrative law 'judge'" working on employer sanctions appeals
"About a month ago I bemoaned the fact that the administration's enforcement of employer sanctions (i.e., private employers are barred from hiring illegal aliens) is so feeble that a single administrative law judge (ALJ) could handle all the administrative appeals stemming from that enforcement. One in the whole country. Her name is Ellen K. Thomas. Well, I understated my case and I want to correct it. It is worse than that. My impression was that Ms. Thomas (whom I have not met) worked full-time on such cases; she certainly is the only ALJ in the Office of the Chief Hearing Examiner, the unit of the Justice Department that handles such work. I assumed that employer sanctions cases constituted her entire workload, but that is not the reality. She apparently also hears appeals from another really feeble enforcement effort, those from the Office of the Special Counsel; OSC is supposed to look after instances in which employers, among other things, discriminate against U.S. citizens in favor of aliens. This administration really is not very interested in such matters, and only a few cases are pursued. But ALJ Thomas also does this kind of work as well, as evidenced in a recently announced decision against a firm named Autobuses Ejecutivos, LLC... The government should be pressing thousands of such cases regarding employers' discriminatory use of the various H non-immigrant worker programs, but it does not. Let's hope the government wins this one, and the company -- if appropriate -- is not only fined by the Justice Department but is de-barred from the H-2B program by the Department of Labor."
_Conservative HQ_
fox and rabbit in Mississippi
"Our friend Matthew Boyle of Breitbart reports that, 'There were 24,889 votes cast in Hinds county in the run-off -- 17,927 were for Cochran and 6,962 were for McDaniel -- but only 20,567 Republican voters are listed in Hinds county, according to the well-known Labels and Lists Voter Data Base. The extraordinarily high turn-out in Hinds county is much more than what happened in Hinds county in the primary just a few weeks ago, when 16,640 total votes were cast -- 10,928 for Cochran and 5,621 for McDaniel.'... Some election law experts, such as our friend former DoJ attorney J. Christian Adams, have argued that it is technically illegal for voters affiliated with an opposing party to vote in another party's primary in Mississippi."
Conservative HQ home-page
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
will left join right to terminate export-import bank?
Conservative HQ home-page
_Conservative HQ_
senator Jeff Session's powerful speech on the invasion across our southern border
"It is the reality -- not just the rumor -- of non-enforcement that is driving the surge of illegal aliens flooding into the USA."
Conservative HQ home-page
Ed Griffin-Nolan _Syracuse NY New Times_
exerting influence: examining the links between SAS and the Gülen movement
"SAS students focus on science and math, win awards at international academic competitions, conduct research in conjunction with area scientists, study Turkish and travel to Turkey and other foreign lands... The founders and leaders of SAS are, for the most part, Turkish immigrant men influenced, to varying degrees, by Gülen's [Gulen, Guelen] worldwide network. That network includes more than a thousand schools, media outlets, a trade federation, banks -- and more, according to Joshua Hendrick, of Loyola University Maryland, in Baltimore, who has studied the Gülen phenomenon extensively. He wrote _Gülen: The Ambiguous Politics of Market Islam in Turkey and the World_, NYU Press, 2013. The movement, known by its Turkish name 'cemaat' (community) or 'hizmet' (service), is all but unknown in Syracuse, yet it currently sits at the center of a scandal and power struggle that is rocking Turkey. In recent months, the Turkish government has been closing Gülen schools in Turkey, and Turkish prime-minister Recep Erdogan has asked the U.S. government to extradite Gülen, the man he considers his chief nemesis... only in the United States, with the growth of the charter school movement, have they been able to operate schools with public money... SAS, unique among Central New York schools, imports teachers and other staff, most of them of Turkish origin. SAS hires contractors and subcontractors, many of them Turkish, used by Gülen-inspired private and charter schools around the country. This practice has drawn criticism from auditors at the state Comptroller's Office... Since its founding in 2003, SAS has filed petitions for as many as 38 H-1B visas for foreign-born teachers and other personnel... As of February, four of the 115 staff at SAS held H-1B visas... In 2011, the school sought H-1B status for its director, curriculum coordinator, instructional coordinator in foreign languages, instructional technology coordinator and an IT administrator. In 2007, the school applied for a visa for a sociology teacher, and in 2009, for a psychology teacher; both were from Turkey. In 2013, the school applied for a visa for a physical education teacher... When the SAS's first director, Hakki Karaman, moved to California to run a charter school in the Gülen-affiliated Magnolia schools, the SAS board selected Hayali to run the Syracuse school. Hayali had earlier worked for Ercanli's Horizon schools, which runs charters in the Midwest. Hayali left Horizon in Ohio to work at the private Pioneer Academy of Science of Southern New Jersey. Unlike SAS, Pioneer is a private school, one of as many as 1,400 such Gülen-inspired schools worldwide, and it is regularly praised in Today's Zaman, the largest English-language newspaper in Turkey and a Gülen media outlet... Hayali was succeeded as SAS principal by Galip Bok, who came to Syracuse after serving as principal of Phoenix Academy, in Everett, MA, a charter school founded by Damkaci. Patricia Coban, who taught at SAS and served on its board since its founding, is on the faculty at Pioneer Academy in New Jersey. Coban's husband, Mustafa, is the IT director for SAS. He files the IRS forms for Terra Education and Science Foundation, which owns the buildings that house the Syracuse schools. Damkaci, chair of the self-appointed SAS board, is president of Terra. Hakki Karaman, the former director of the SAS, is principal of the Magnolia Science Academy, in San Diego, part of a network of California charter schools said to be Gülen-inspired. Magnolia, like the Pioneer and Concept Schools, also employs teachers on H-1B visas. Timur Saka resigned as principal of a Magnolia school and moved to Syracuse in October to become the director of the Turkish Cultural Center (TCC) in Syracuse... Turkish Cultural Centers around the United States all host the same types of programs and share the same logos and website design. The Syracuse center is not independently incorporated; it is a subsidiary of the center in New York City, which is, in turn, part of the Council of Turkic American Associations. Furkan Kosar, president of the council, was principal of Pioneer Academy in New Jersey, where Hayali worked... The Syracuse New Times building is one door down from SAS. We share a parking lot. Spinnaker Custom Products, a company owned by New Times publisher Bill Brod, has a business relationship with both SAS (Spinnaker makes uniforms and other items for SAS students) and with the Terra Foundation."
Lisa Rossi _American Journalism Review_
age-biased job ad pulled from Washington DC Post site
"The Washington Post has pulled the portion of its online job advertisement for a social media editor that lists, among its job requirements, the 'ability to explain to those twice your age what Reddit or Snapchat or Whisper or Fark is'. Further, it's a 'bonus if you've convinced them to use any of these platforms'... On Tuesday, the reference to explaining social media to older people was deleted... The original job description, which was live for about 4 days, made ripples among those who follow media industry developments... Norm Matloff, a professor of computer science at University of California, Davis, who has spoken out against age discrimination in the tech industry, said his main observation was how obvious the ad was. 'It's a little bit more blatant than one usually sees.', he said. 'Your eye was caught by an ad where age fairly obviously is an issue. Usually it's much more subtle than that.' Matloff said age discrimination is 'rampant throughout the tech industry -- an ever-growing influence in journalism -- and it's common for older workers (which he defined as beyond 35) to be automatically rejected for a job because they are 'not a new or recent college grad'. 'It's partly because of the youth culture and it's partly because of the money.', he said. 'Older workers cost more in wages and benefits.'"
Jim Romenesko: "My Project for Today: Finding Someone Who's 120 And Introducing That Person to Fark"
Alexander Burns _Politico_
how the corrupt establishment's dirty tricks defeated Chris McDaniel
"spent millions on new [deceptive] television ads, knocked on tens of thousands of doors and reached out to voters -- including African-Americans and Democrats -- who had likely never voted before in a GOP primary [because they are leftists/Democrats with no business voting in a GOP primary]... The [wolves in sheep's clothing] NRSC gave its field staff a weekend off -- and then redeployed them back to the state... In Washington, a gang of [RINO] senators dived back into the race. Just a week after the primary, senate minority-leader Mitch McConnell [who had barely won his primary challenge by spending big bux on lots of negative ads] head-lined a fund-raiser that raised more than $800K for Cochran... Senators fired off big PAC checks to Cochran. Some worked the phones for him themselves, Wicker chief among them. NRSC senior staff, including executive director Rob Collins and finance director Heather Larison, squeezed every penny they could out of Washington for their embattled colleague. Haley Barbour, the former Mississippi governor, was dialing for run-off dollars as soon as the June 3 vote ended in a dead-lock... In one case, it secured a $100K check from Silicon Valley billionaire Sean Parker [who opposes immigration reform in order to increase the already hideous flood of cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with flexible ethics], on top of the quarter-million dollars the Napster co-founder had already given to the [RINO] cause."
Gram Slattery _Christian Science Monitor_
Red reveals his card, continues to oppose immigration reform: Luis Gutierrez (D) of IL, a strong opponent of immigration reform, said Wednesday that there is no chance for an immigration bill in the House this year
Lynn Sweet: Chicago IL Sun-Times
Erica Werner: Minneapolis MN Star-Tribune
abc7 Chicago IL
Rick Moran: American Thinker
Laura Meckler: Wall Street Journal
Slash Dot/Dice discussion
Ed Lasky _American Thinker_
compromise canard from left's dogged refusers to negotiate
John Bennett _American Thinker_
amnesty by any other name
"The [11M-30M] broke our law but they will be allowed to stay and become citizens instead of complying with the law. They will not be held accountable to the current law, but instead their illegal conduct will be rewarded. That's amnesty -- in fact it is amnesty plus a perverse reward wrapped inside a terrible policy incentive... Calling a bad policy a 'reform' is one of the oldest tricks in the book, and Americans just aren't buying it..."
R' Major Fishel Jacobs _American Thinker_
contrasting Palestinian terrorists kidnapping teens vs. treatment of convicted Islamic terrorists in Israel Prison Service
"Washington Watcher" _V Dare_
in MS, left played anti-white race card and won; Chris McDaniel failed to tie corporate money to push for amnesty/excessive immigration
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
House Armed Services Readiness sub-committee chairman questions DoD/HHS deal to house illegal aliens at military bases
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
shame and loathing on the media trail
"A number of smart people, among them Peter Wehner, Mark Halperin and John Hinderaker, have been pointing out the unfortunately predictable silence of the main-stream media regarding the IRS [abuses] -- not to mention the myriad other [Obummer] scandals that we will soon be counting on 3, or is it 4, hands... The real reason these media folks cannot face reality is that to do so would mean to see their very persons, everything they have ever stood for, or thought they stood for, or pretended to themselves they stood for, dissolving in a puddle like the Wicked Witch of the West..."
Anthony Watts
study: irrigation causes "significant cooling of global average surface temperatures over land"
Anthony Watts
another excuse for the pause
Anthony Watts
Algore effect strikes down-under
Anthony Watts
study: the Greenland ice sheet collapsed 400K years ago
Anthony Watts
new battery technology will be great... if it is viable
Proposed Bills 2014
"In my life-time, I've never seen a president as bad as this president [Barack Hussein Obummer]." --- Bill Owens of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
revisionist history prevails about Iraq
"The Bush administration, like members of Congress, underestimated the costs of the war and erred in focusing almost exclusively on Saddam's supposed stock-piles of weapons. But otherwise, the war was legally authorized on 23 writs. Most of them had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction and were unaffected [by media's reporting, then explaining away the several finds, excusing them as 'old' or not so potent or numerous as expected]... troves of WMD have turned up in nearby Syria and more recently in Iraqi bunkers overrun by Islamic militants."
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
USA's difficult but crucial role in the world
"there are many anti-freedom forces whose ascendancy is bad for the people within their immediate reach and the world, including the United States... History shows that freedom, human rights and peace are not the natural state of humanity; they are rare and hard-won achievements..."
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
Warning: USA-funded Maliki has compromised CIA spies and operatives in Iraq for years
"CIA operators in Iraq today...make it too easy for Iraqi agents to know who they're meeting. 'They are working out of the Green Zone.', the high security area of Baghdad which is home to the U.S. embassy, Maguire notes. 'Everything they do is done on phones. And Iraq and Iran can see that...'... To enhance security, more CIA operators need to hide in the city [and outside of it]..."
Grant Burningham _Jewish World Review_
USA's difficult but crucial role in the world
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
the Obummerfication of the USA
"Imagine if the journalists at the New York Times, NBC or the New Yorker magazine were real watch-dogs, instead of the [Obummer] White House lap-dogs they still are."
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
breakfast with doctor Ben S. Carson
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Redskins being scalped by Obummer's bureaucratic O-bots
"If this troubling trend -- where folks use their [perverse] interpretation of history to harangue others to do things their way -- continues, where could it end?"
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
10 reasons Iraq's ISIL blood-bath is not Shrub's fault
Celia Rivenbark _Jewish World Review_
cat psychics? a purrfectly crazy idea
"The 'animal communicator' (preferred term) has an Angela Lansbury voice that inspires trust and an irrational urge to embroider something. You want to believe her but the fact that you can reason and have opposable thumbs won't let you."
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
staying close from a distance as children grow up
"somehow, though I get to spend so little real time with Jack, I feel as if I know him. Stories do that. They keep families and friends connected across miles and over years. When we talk about the everyday, ordinary events in our lives, we build bridges that can span any distance. Those bridges allow us to bear each other's burdens, pray for each other's best, and share in each other's hopes and dreams for ourselves and our children and our children's children."
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
is Lois Lerner guilty of treason?
"In America the government is supposed to belong to the people, not those who are elected or appointed to operate it. Federal officials take an oath to uphold the Constitution, as specified in 5 U.S. Code § 3331: 'I, (employee name) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.' In the case of the targeting of conservative organizations Lois Lerner was not some innocent civic minded American walking down the street minding her own business that was ambushed by an oppressive government. She WAS the oppressive government. But in the case of Lerner's just revealed targeting of Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa she wasn't just trying to use the power of her office to advance a political agenda -- [obviously] abusive, but not always illegal -- she was trying to undermine a constitutional officer of the United States government and for all intents and purposes overthrow the results of the election that sent Grassley to the United States senate..."
Ben Hart _Conservative HQ_
leftists, RINOs, GOP losership: by their actions we know them
"This flier and similar messaging was distributed and disseminated by GOP Establishment allies of Thad Cochran in African-American neighborhoods throughout Mississippi as a way to frighten black voters who usually vote Democrat into turning out to vote for Thad -- in a Republican primary!... The Big Lie is that Republicans and Conservatives don't like people who aren't white. Of course, nothing can be farther from the truth. Conservatives believe what Martin Luther King, Jr. said: that people should 'not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character'. Conservatives believe in equality before the law -- that the law should be color-blind. Conservatives think government is out of control and needs to be scaled back down to Constitutional size... Yet, this despicable, dishonest, evil strategy was undertaken by 'leaders' of the national Republican Party -- including Karl Rove, Haley Barbour, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, John McCain, and all the usual suspects..."
Jerry Kammer & Bryan Griffith _Center for Immigration Studies_
unsecured border: interview with Linda Vickers
"Linda Vickers says most of the people who hike across her ranch about 70 miles north of the Mexican border [70 miles north of the Mexico-USA border!!!!!] try to move through quickly, quietly, and inconspicuously. They want only to circumvent the Border Patrol checkpoint nearby on Highway 281 and to rendezvous with a smuggling vehicle, which is often driven by gang members from Houston that have joined the lucrative smuggling trade... A heavily tattooed gang member showed up on Monday. The day before that it was two men from Guatemala. Last week's visitors included people from El Salvador and Honduras..."
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
the remarkable creativity of those seeking to violate immigration law
"If we could only channel the remarkable creativity of those seeking to violate immigration law into other, better, endeavors, there would be shuttle planes flying to and from Mars -- right now."
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
I mourn the loss of the independent, self-reliant mindset that made our parents great, and of the pride and dignity it generated within them: Obummer's war against producers
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
RINOs and leftists/Dems spent over $23M to beat Tea Partiers in elections for 20 offices
Joseph Ashby _American Thinker_
that was a close one (satire)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Lois Lerner's Blackberry may hold yet another smoking gun
Ed Driscoll: PJMedia: Obummer palace guard and MSM drop the mask
Michael Bargo ii _American Thinker_
LBJ and illegal immigration
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
no way out for the left
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
epidemic of disk drive crashes spread to the EPA: link to sub poenas suspected
Joseph Gestetner _American Thinker_
we are still in recession
Avi Wolfman-Arent _Chronicle of Higher Education_
Donald J. Boudreaux's, Alex Tabarrok's, Tyler Cowen's "Everyday Economics" MOOC lectures have gone viral
Ann Corcoran _Refugee ReSettlement Watch_
many illegal alien children may be sent to Lansing MI... The feds asked the Lutherans to not say a word to the media!
Dave Swindle _PJMedia_
30 books for defeating Valerie Jarrett's cult of political criminals
David Steinberg _PJMedia_
scorched earth: Cantor's staffers, supporters drain cash from Virginia GOP and Dave Brat
Jamie Radtke: Bull Elephant: Cantor RINOs bled Virginia 7th district GOP bank accounts
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Obummer wants to throw $500M to Syrian rebels and ISIL
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
senator Ted Cruz demands that Palestinian terrorists release kidnapped Jewish teens: "Hamas... give those boys back now"
P. David Hornik: Obummer, UN, NATO thumb their noses
Caroline B. Glick _Jerusalem Post_
the names of the victims
"Over the past 30 years, Israel has released thousands of terrorists from its prisons in exchange for hostages. Thousands more have been freed as so-called 'confidence building measures', to appease our supposedly moderate Palestinian negotiating partners into sharing a table with their Israeli counterparts. In every instance, these terrorist releases have led to the murder and abduction of other Israelis. The clock started ticking down to Naftali, Gil-Ad and Eyal's abduction on 2011 October 19 when Israel released 1,027 Palestinian terrorists in exchange for IDF sergeant Gilad Schalit who had been held hostage by Hamas for more than 5 years. The count-down also began that day for the murder of Baruch Mizrahi, the police officer who was killed in a roadside shooting in April as he drove to a Passover Seder with his wife and children. Mizrahi's killer was one of the terrorists released for Schalit... Since 1985 May, when then-prime minister Shimon Peres freed 1,150 terrorists for 3 IDF soldiers held hostage by Palestinian terror master Ahmed Jibril, Israel's behavior has consistently encouraged our enemies to take hostages..."
_Conservative HQ_
independent special prosecutor needed to address IRS abuses... or Holder needs to be impeached
Julia Dent _Daily Caller_
cheat sheets found at border
"Cheat sheets have been found by U.S. law enforcement officers along the border. They're used to teach illegal immigrants what to say so they won't be deported from the United States. The notes are believed to be passed out by human trafficking groups, according to The Blaze. 'It's proof they are told what to say.', said a Department of Homeland Security official. Most of the time, the sheets get 'destroyed or thrown away before illegal aliens are apprehended'... Border Patrol agents in McAllen, Texas, have said most of the illegal immigrants they encounter have the same 'rehearsed' answers about having 'credible fear' in fleeing their countries so they will not be returned..."
_News Max_/_AP_
supremes rejected Obummer's non-recess appointments
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
hospital used Medicaid-funded bribes to fuel illegal alien child-birth business
Jerry Kammer & Bryan Griffith _Center for Immigration Studies_
unsecured border: Guatemalan consul says cross-border surge began in 2011
"The most common destination states for the Guatemalans, he said, are New York, California, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Iowa..."
Justin Caba _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
5 X-ray photos you have to see to believe
Lecia Bushak _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
6 reasons going outside in non-urban areas boosts your health and happiness
"Exercise... One study showed that people who spent more time in natural settings instead of urban ones were more likely to think about the future, and avoid the desire to give into instant gratification -- something that makes it so difficult for individuals to battle obesity, substance abuse, and other health problems. In short, nature helped participants become more self-controlled... 'conveys important implications for a range of personal and collective outcomes including healthy lifestyles, sustainable resource use and population growth'... taking a walk outside reduced depression scores in 71% of participants, compared to 45% of people who took a walk through a shopping mall... One study showed that participants scored 50% higher on a creativity test after spending four days in nature... Lacking Vitamin D compromises your immune system and can lead to a host of chronic diseases, like osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and even the flu, according to Harvard School of Public Health. In order to get your proper amounts, spend 15 minutes a day walking in the sun..."
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
there's no deying the evidence, or refusing to scrutinize it
"The global warmers are the ones refusing to discuss, debate or even mention the growing body of science questioning and in increasing instances disproving their theories. They also mostly ignore news of manipulated climate models and the serious concerns of scientists who no longer believe the climate is changing significantly... This is about government gaining more control over the lives of its citizens. Already they are in our bath-rooms, our cars, our light bulbs and so many other areas that have the cumulative effect of encroaching on our freedoms. Government is not the final arbiter of truth, yet the global-warming cultists worship at its shrine..."
Anthony Watts
Greenpeace exec commutes 400Km each way, twice a month by jet
Jim Steele
the greatest climate myths of all (part 2)
Proposed Bills 2014
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
reprehensible immigration law perversion is dead, including increases in H-1B visas... or is it?
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
Obummer chose to abandon Iraq and curry favor with CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Middle East has been going up in flames
"As a child of mixed race, religions and fatherless, [Obummer] was looking for direction. He made a decision to identify with blacks (his missing father's side), not whites, be a rebel against a colonialist and racist America, and to espouse the 'fairness' and 'justice' of Socialism and Communism, even if he had to keep it a secret to get elected. Today, one believes this president to be either incredibly inept or he's opting to put what he perceives as an evil AmeriKKKa in its place. I think it's a combination of both..."
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
securing the US borders when the cavalry has been ordered not to come
"About those 300 U.S. military advisers that the [Obummer regime] has ordered to Iraq. They belong on the United States border with Mexico. They are urgently needed to assess what U.S. military force should be deployed immediately to secure our own border, not Iraq's border, from what is surely the most unconventional and, I believe, the most dangerous war in our history. As tens of thousands of so-called unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crash our southern border, we are undergoing a war against the existence, the concept of the USA as a nation-state. After all, a nation-state doesn't exist unless it controls its borders and protects its citizens. We, the People, do neither. But the existential danger here comes not from the assault itself. Nightmarishly, it comes from the [Shrub regime and the Obummer regime], which, in its greatest betrayal, is leading, or at least supporting, the aliens' charge. That's why the cavalry isn't coming. A normal government -- one with the best interests of its own citizens at heart -- would have taken immediate steps to 1) halt these border crossings that pose a dire threat to public health and safety, and 2) set in motion the deportation efforts necessary to return these illegal aliens to their home countries... Every American should examine the Department of Homeland Security solicitation notice that appeared 6 months ago at the federal business opportunities site FedBizOpps.gov. The notice seeks 'Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children', describing exactly the services now required to process, not deport, this massive influx. According to this notice posted back on 2014 Jan. 29, DHS was already gearing up to receive 'approximately 65K UAC in total'..."
Refugee ReSettlement Watch
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
Obummer chose to abandon Iraq and curry favor with CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Middle East has been going up in flames
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
race-baiting and betrayal in Mississippi
"Chris McDaniel, the 'upstart', put his finger on that price on election night. 'There is nothing strange at all about standing as people of faith for our country that we built, that we believe in.', he said. 'But there is something a bit strange, there is something strange about a Republican primary that is decided by [illiberal so-called] Democrats.' Mr. McDaniel holds no distinction as the perfect candidate, or even as necessarily the best candidate, but what makes him distinctive is that he is the candidate who won the most Republican votes in a Republican primary and was counted out by those in his party who think they're entitled to cancel the result..."
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
OK, Einstein. Where did I put my pen?
Julie Nelson _Jewish World Review_
how parents create victims
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's aggressions against the US constitution, our rights and liberties, and reasonable laws must be stopped
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer wants to do even worse
"many of us have been warning about it for years now. It is gratifying that others -- albeit belatedly -- are waking up... he doesn't believe in American exceptionalism or decries the very idea of nationalism and prefers to consider us all citizens of the world. He believes that capitalism yields unfair results, which leads him to desire a redistribution of our resources within the United States -- and from the United States to the rest of the world. So he is pursuing an agenda that will bring America into line with the rest of the world, which is to say, he is making us weaker and less prosperous. I also happen to believe he has a grudge against [the USA] and wants to bring us down to size. But in his bizarro world [destroying everything that is good and everything that is great about the USA is 'good'.]"
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
obstruction of unconstitutional government activities is patriotic
please help find Marizela
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
at the IRS, stuff happens... yah, sure
Bill Whittle, Scott Ott & Stephen Green _PJMedia_
Koch brothers have generously funded historically black colleges and universities
_Conservative HQ_
illegal immigration is missing from Boehner's law-suit against Obummer for refusal to faithfully execute constitutional laws
_Conservative HQ_
Joe Carr campaign ads criticize support for amnesty for illegal aliens
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Chris McDaniel campaign rushes to review records from Tuesday's election
Jason Howerton: Blaze
"The campaign is focusing on any ballots cast by individuals who voted in the Democratic primary on June 3, who under Mississippi's election rules, were not allowed to vote in the Republican primary runoff three weeks later."
Jim Hoft _GateWay Pundit_
Chris McDaniel campaign blocked from investigating irregularities in 9 MS counties
"The Chris McDaniel campaign identified multiple Mississippi counties in which enough improper ballots were cast that a legal challenge to the outcome of the election is warranted... The McDaniel campaign has already found 1K examples in 1 county of Democrats who voted in the June 3rd primary as Democrats and then crossed over into the Republican primary [run-off] this week. This is illegal and their votes should not be counted..."
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
records show few illegal aliens from Central America have been deported in recent years
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
How have we stopped S744 (the reprehensible immigration law perversion bill)?
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
illegal alien prospered; now IRS wants to extort $22M of his earnings
Jake Miller _CBS_
more US citizens would decrease the numbers of legal student visas, exchange, guest-work, and immigrant visas
"41% of respondents say immigration should be decreased, while only 22% believe it should be increased. 33% say it should be kept at its present level. The split is more pronounced among Republicans, with 50% saying immigration should be decreased, and only 14% saying it should be increased. Among Democrats, the split is 32% to 27%, respectively... By contrast, only 19% would increase the flow of immigrants with a high school degree or less, while 47% would decrease it."
"Federale" _V Dare_
Mexican military helicopter crossed border, fired on US Border Patrol
44% say immigration should be decreased, only 22% desire increase
UMich consumer sentiment index rose from 81.9 in late May to 82.5 in late June
Ruth Mantell: MarketWatch
RTT News
Hispanic Business
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
it hasn't been so hot: heat waves in the 1930s remain the most severe heat waves in the U.S.A. historical record
Anthony Watts
new theory on cause of ice age 2.6M years ago
Anthony Watts
NOAA/NCDC mapping the hottest day of the year in the USA
Proposed Bills 2014
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
the "dense pack" strategy of Obummer scandals accelerates into hyper-drive
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
USA-Sudan still negotiating over fate of Mariam Ibrahim
_Conservative Tribune in Defense of Western Civilization_
brawl broke out in welfare office: don't touch my free stuff from Obummer
Kevin Fobbs: Buzz Po
David Archibald
when did cooling begin due to lower solar influx?
Anthony Watts
encouraging or stifling debate
Jay Ambrose: Columbus OH Dispatch
Anthony Watts
the scientific method at work on the USHCN temperature data-set
Willis Eschenbach
problems with the scalpel method
Willis Eschenbach
Canada gave up on Keystone XL pipe-line through USA; shipping petroleum to Asia
Proposed Bills 2014
Thomas E. Brewton
the left's perverted view of and doctrine about human rights
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
"now Maliki is begging for a return of American hard power to save his government from those killers that his policies helped create. In extremis, he understands that no other country would depose an oil-rich tyrant, stay on to foster democracy, leave the oil to its owners, and then leave when asked -- and finally consider coming back to the rescue of an abject ingrate... In my community, the time it takes a first-generation foreign national to cross the border illegally, and then to develop a sort of resentment toward the U.S.A. and a romance about the birthplace he abandoned, seems about 5 years... Mexico wants Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California back so that it resembles Mexico, which many Mexican citizens would then leave because it had become, well, Mexico..."
Jacqueline Klimas _Jewish World Review_
50 Veterans Administration hospital workers claim they are being retaliated against for blowing whistle on the horrors they saw; say others are afraid to come forward
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
IRS: the most dangerous scandal in USA history
"I have said repeatedly that the IRS scandal is the most dangerous scandal in U.S. history for one simple reason: in the past, when the IRS had been abused for political reasons, it was always elites vs. elites. That is, it was the Kennedys using the IRS as a political weapon against Richard Nixon, or Lyndon Johnson using it the same way against Nixon, or Nixon's mere suggestion of using it to go after a certain political opponent (which he never did, by the way, and yet it was enough for the Democrats to make it the second Article of Impeachment against him). It had always been elites using the IRS as a political chainsaw against other elites whom they perceived as political enemies. Bad enough, right? As usual, Team [Obummer] has taken 'bad enough' and made it the worst case scenario. This IRS scandal is far more dangerous because it's the first time the most fearsome arm of the U.S. government has been used by the elites to target REGULAR Americans...who just happened to disagree with the president's policies and the direction in which he was taking the country..."
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
the rot of intolerance at Swarthmore
Dave Swindle _PJMedia_
how leftists make it more difficult for blacks to succeed
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJMedia_
faith, freedom, and foreign policy: Republicans dissect Obummer record at evangelical conference
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Ed Klein's _Blood Feud_, on the Clintoons and Obummers
Samantha Olson _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
RU-505 may halt worsening of Alzheimer's
"RU-505 interferes with amyloid- β, which is a small protein that forms plaques in Alzheimer's brains, ultimately causing blood clots. The interference, however, stops such clots. RU-505 was discovered after reviewing 93,716 compounds from a library and testing them to amyloid-β. For over 10 years, researchers have tried different drugs on amyloid- β, but during clinical trials they couldn't slow Alzheimer's progression, or they caused serious side effects. By targeting the protein's ability to bind and clot, this new treatment approach could become a hugely significant moment in finding a cure for those suffering from Alzheimer's..."
Samantha Olson _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
boys memorize words differently from the way girls do
"girls were far more likely to remember forms like 'walked' while boys relied much more on their mental grammar to compose 'walked' from 'walk' and 'ed'... They also compared the children's test results to data collected from 71 adults, ages 18 to 50 and found the same results between men and women, which points to a distinct gender gap between language processing. 'One interesting aside to this is that as girls often outperform boys at school, it could be that the curriculum is put together in a way which benefits the way girls learn. It may be worth further investigation to see if this is the case and if so, is there a way lessons could be changed so boys can get the most out of them too.', Dye said."
James Kirkpatrick _Jewish World Review_/_Medical Daily_
Obummer, Holder, Lerner, Supercilious...: mangling democracy in post-USA America
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
David Hunter Strother observes... "negro servants bearing arms"
"This afternoon, I spent some time revisiting Strother's recollections of the early war. As always, 'Porte Crayon' never fails to disappoint... Still a civilian at the time, Strother made various notes regarding what he saw on Saturday, 1861 June 15, (153 years ago this month), while in Charles Town, VA..."
Willis Eschenbach
Antarctica set record for sea ice extent
Anthony Watts
NOAA's temperature control knob for the past, the present, and maybe the future -- 1936 July now hottest month again
Proposed Bills 2014
Kilee Luthi _Jewish World Review_
5 values we must teach our children: compassion, gratitude, integrity, commitment and patience
Nabih Bulos, Patrick J. McDonnell & Raja Abdulrahim _Jewish World Review_
ISIL has been using USA-made weapons to wage war for caliphate
"Rival Syrian rebel factions already report seeing U.S.A.-built, ISIS-commandeered Humvees almost as far east as the vicinity of Aleppo, 250 miles from Iraq. The influx of arms and fighters from Iraq could shift the balance of power among fractious rebel groups fighting for supremacy in Syria... 'We're talking about armaments for 200K soldiers, all from the Americans.', Yawar said."
Lisa Mascaro _Jewish World Review_
Obummer warns of obvious dangers posed by MidEast terrorists with Western passports
"because many of them have Western passports that enable them to easily enter the country without visas [due to insane visa waiver agreements]..."
Mordechai Schiller _Jewish World Review_
NYSlimes... again, in case of 3 Jewish teens kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Benghazi and Hitlery Rotten Clinton
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
temptation of wishful thinking WRT Iran
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
leftists delude themselves and others about Tea Partiers
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
"change you can believe in" political slogan, dead at 6
"The cause of death was reality, political and medical experts said."
_Conservative HQ_
supremes reject ObummerDoesn'tCare abortifacient/abortion mandate
Steven Ertelt: Life News
Cumberland PA Sentinel
_Conservative HQ_
one way to control rogue bureaubums: allow citizen victims to sue and mandate personal liability for bureaubums guilty of willfully illegal/unconstitutional conduct, i.e. eliminate the fiction of official immunity in many cases
Mark J. FitzGibbons: Washington DC Examiner
Amie Parnes _Hill_
Obummer pledges to continue opposition to immigration reform, will continue unconstitutional non-feasance and mal-feasance
Alexander Marquardt _KGO abc San Francisco CA_
remains, probably those of 3 kidnapped Jewish teens, found north of Hebron
Yaakov Lapin: Jerusalem Post
Judie Jacobson: Jewish Ledger
UnionTown PA Herald Standard
Ben Wedeman & Dana Ford: CNN
Hispanic Business/UPI
Reuven Fenton & David K. Li: NYPost
Joel Greenberg: McClatchy DC
BatSheva Sobelman: LATimes
Washington DC Examiner
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
as Netanyahu vows "Hamas will pay" for 3 teens' death, Obummer urges restraint
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Cruz, Obummer offer contrasting statements on the murders of 3 Jewish teens in Israel
Jerry Kammer & Bryan Griffith _Center for Immigration Studies_
unsecured border: Univision shows border absurdity
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
want to get legalized because your citizen children abused you? not likely
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
unsecured border: Central American parents describe the push from home and the pull from US government policies
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
fending off GOP losership's sabotage of immigration reform: part 9 the lure of $$$
"Like many other too-good-to-be-true promises, the emphasis on the magical economic properties of even larger-scale mass immigration attempts to gain our support by presenting only one side of a decidedly more complex economic picture, and by ignoring the non-economic elements of immigration policy..."
Susan Nunziata _InformationWeek_/_UBM_
poll: 54% of "IT" workers don't think they're fairly compensated
Jeffrey Scott Shapiro _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime censors and delays release of public information
"[A] 2009 April 15, memo from White House counsel Gregory Craig to all federal agencies has slowed, and in some cases nixed, the public release of government documents that would have been released under prior administrations. It also has given the White House the ability to track in real time who is asking for derogatory information about the Obama administration, the workers said. Mr. Craig's memo instructed federal agencies that they no longer could release under the Freedom of Information Act documents that contained 'White House equities' -- essentially any information involving or referencing communications with the White House -- without first clearing it with presidential attorneys. Because the White House is not a federal agency, it is exempt under the FOIA law and, as a matter of general principle, is not supposed to interfere with agency reviews of FOIA requests or the release of federal agency documents, legal analysts say..."
Simran Khosla _Global Post_
origins of recent refugees and "refugees" in the USA
Janice Fiamengo _PJMedia_
Why do we tolerate the intolerable?
"Tolerism is a worldview in which the tolerance of cultural 'otherness' -- the more violently anti-Western the better -- has become Western elites' most celebrated (perhaps their sole) value, before which all other values, of justice, freedom, intellectual inquiry, or political dissent, have given way. Rotberg posits that it is precisely the abandonment of traditional Judeo-Christian principles and the adoption of a pernicious, unmoored moral relativism that have enabled tolerance (though it is not very tolerant) to assume its unchallenged status as the absolute virtue. The particular focus and defining example of tolerism in our post-2001/09/11 world is Western accommodation of radical Islam: the more violent and hateful the jihadists show themselves to be, the more insistent the tolerists are about the need to empathize with them..."
Scott Ott _PJMedia_
caliphate declared, but non-violent Muslims can fight back
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
national socialist radio trying to white-wash Shrub and Obummer regimes on immigration
"timothy" _Slash Dot_/_Dice_
Ars Technica takes a look at the privacy-centric Blackphone from Geeksphone and Silent Circle
Sarah Halzack _Washington DC Compost_
STEM talent glut shows in DC area
"the median [time job ads are posted] for a STEM position, 11 days... Jobs [for which employers preferred to have] a PhD were posted for a median of [only] 25 days; compared with a median of [only] 11 days for STEM jobs overall... A large share of job postings, 44%, are taken down within one day... Two-thirds of job postings hang around on the web for [only] 33 days; 20% are up for at least 70 days."
Compare this with average durations of unemployment reported by BLS at 33.8 weeks = 237 days recently (down from over 40 weeks = 280 days within the previous year), and a median duration of unemployment at 13.4 weeks = 94 days (down from roughly 21 weeks = 147 days within the previous year). Note also that while the unemployment rates for lawyers have been running only 40%-50% worse than full employment levels, the unemployment rates for STEM professionals have been running 2 to 3 times the full employment levels...jgo
"The Factual Feminist" _PJMedia_
what is the real reason there aren't more female scientists? (video)
Tim Ball
UN IPCC method of propping up the "human caused warming" (AGW) hypothesis forced deliberate creation of misinformation
Joe Bastardi
tropical cyclone Arthur is coming at the outer banks on the July 4 weekend
top 500 fastest super-computers
Proposed Bills 2014
Proposed Bills 13
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
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