2014 August

2nd month of the 3rd quarter of the 25th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2024-11-10

  "The senate of the United States shall be composed of 2 senatrs from each State, chose by the Legislature thereof [modified by the 17th amendment ratified], for 6 Years; and each senator shall have 1 Vote." --- article 1 section 3 paragraph 1  

2014 August
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  "I was only following my nose, and if it looked from the outside as if I were shifting fields, then it was plain that the outside was not a good vantage point." --- Jerome S. Bruner 1983 _In Search of Mind_ (quoted at Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg105)  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2014 August

2nd month of the 3rd quarter of the 15th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Where are they now? the expansive guest-work visa poster children
"an instructive exercise in viewing the 'poster children' the tech industry lobbyists and their allies have used as examples in the press over the years...   the industry may not hire 'the best and the brightest' engineers, but they definitely hire the slickest PR people...   I'll take them in alphabetical order.   I wish to state first, though, that presumably all or most of them have green cards by now, with some having naturalized.   They are either now Americans or on their way to becoming so, and I welcome them.   My complaint is with the employers and the lobbyists, not these former foreign workers.   So, here there are...   The lobbyists' claims that we are losing outstanding technological talents to our competitor nations due to low visa caps is just false.   There must be some examples somewhere, but the examples given by the advocates themselves just don't support their claims..."

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
stop the coming nasty Obummernesty for illegal aliens!

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
bi-partisanship is alive and well... but not in the Obummer White House
"On 2 important issues, veterans' health and job training, congressional Republicans and Democrats have, with little notice, reached constructive bipartisan agreements.   These are both issues on which [not] everyone agrees government should be involved.   The country certainly owes something to veterans.   [But many are] proposing to eliminate [federal] job training programs altogether...   And think-tank analysts both [left] and [right] have been concluding that government job training programs don't do much to prepare people for work or help them get jobs.   The best job training, many experts agree, is a job..."

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
David Limbaugh _Cybercast News Service_
leftists/Dems, the US constitution and the rule of law
Jewish World Review
"Deny it as they might, [leftists] seem to have less fealty than conservatives to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law."

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Michelle Malkin _Cybercast News Service_
the environmental corruption agency
Jewish World Review
"The lofty motto of the Environmental Protection Agency is 'protecting people and the environment'.   In practice, however, EPA bureaucrats faithfully protect their own people and preserve the government's cesspool of manipulation, cover-ups and cronyism.   Just last week, Mark Levin and his vigilant Landmark Legal Foundation went to court to ask federal district judge Royce Lamberth to sanction the EPA 'for destroying or failing to preserve emails and text messages that may have helped document suspected agency efforts to influence the 2012 presidential election'.   The motion is part of a larger Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law-suit to force EPA to release emails and related records from former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and others 'who may have delayed the release dates for hot-button environmental regulations until after the 2012 Nov. 6, presidential election'.   Thanks to Levin and Landmark, Jackson and other EPA officials admitted in depositions that they used personal, nongovernmental email accounts to hide communications about official EPA business sent and received on their government-issued BlackBerries and smart phones.   The agency has continued to drag its feet for 2 years in response to Landmark's FOIA requests.   Levin minced no words: 'The EPA is a toxic waste dump for lawlessness and disdain for the Constitution.'..."
please help find Marizela

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
US government warns against traveling to Ebola epidemic area of Western Africa, flying 2 infected patients to Atlanta
"In this undated file image by the CDCP shows an Ebola virus...   The travel advisory applies to nonessential travel to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, where the deadly disease has killed more than 700 people this year...   The 2 American aid workers in Liberia diagnosed with Ebola are Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol, who work for North Carolina-based groups.   Writebol was getting an experimental treatment, the mission groups said Thursday..."

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
"72-hour cease-fire" ends after 90 minutes, when IDF soldier was kidnapped, 2 others killed by Hamas
Allesandria Masi: International Business Times
Bryan Preston: PJMedia

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Israel's end-game in Palestine=Gaza
"The three soldiers from the Maglan commando unit who were killed on Tuesday in Gaza, were buried in the rubble of a UN clinic.   They entered the building to seal a terror tunnel whose entry shaft was located inside the clinic.   A Hamas terrorist was inside the tunnel waiting for them.   He detonated the building.   Works out that Hamas had booby trapped the structure, hiding 12 barrels with 80 kgs. of explosives each, in a wall.   In a press briefing following the bombing, Gaza division commander brigadier-general Micky Edelstein reported that to date Hamas has used more than a thousand IEDs..."

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry is clueless in Gaza=Palestine

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
cooling the left's hysterical impeachment phobia

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
driving off a cliff
"Last week, The Washington Post's Tehran, Iran, correspondent was arrested.   The charges are unspecified, but according to the paper, Jason Rezaian, 38; his Iranian wife, Yeganeh Salehi; and two other U.S. citizens were detained.   State Department spokesman Marie Harf issued a protest that didn't even rise to the level of tepid, saying 'Our highest priority is the safety and welfare of U.S. citizens abroad.' Reassured?   Rezaian and the others join a list of Americans held captive -- many for years and years.   Former FBI agent Bob Levinson, 66, went missing after traveling to Iran in 2007.   Warren Weinstein, 72, was operating in Lahore, Pakistan, as an aid worker when he was kidnapped by al-Qaida in 2011.   Alan Gross, 65, had gone to Cuba as a State Department contractor in 2009.   He was arrested and tried for the crime of distributing Internet hookups.   In failing health, Gross has lost the sight in one eye, can barely walk, and is reportedly deeply depressed.   Caitlin Coleman was captured with her Canadian husband in Afghanistan in 2012.   She was pregnant at the time..."

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
to the Obummer regime, genocide of Christians takes a back seat to hating Israel

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
Jews renew vow: never again

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
*** future generations will ask: why didn't both houses of contress remove Obummer by impeachment when they could? ***

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
rogue executive, lily-livered opponents in government
"But the Republican political [losership] -- and for that matter, almost all Republicans in Congress -- has shown zero interest.   In fact, it has long demonstrated a positive allergy to the topic, believing that it will be a politically damaging non-starter [along with balancing the federal government budget, eliminating unconstitutional programs like ObummerDoesn'tCare, Medicare, Medicaid, Socialist Insecurity...]...   All reports are that [the power-mad hate-filled race-obsessed anti-Semitic anti-Christian crony-socialist scofflaw oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer] is considering a sweeping action on immigration so clearly unlawful that it will, at the very least, pressure Republicans to consider impeachment more seriously...   A big unilateral amnesty that affects millions of people won't be an exercise in so-called prosecutorial discretion.   It isn't declining to enforce the law in a specific instance because of limited funds and personnel.   It is expending resources to implement an entirely new dispensation..."

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Gary Lundberg & Joy Lundberg _Jewish World Review_
a mother's education matters
"Peggy, a mother and grand-mother wrote, 'Well, let's see.   Schools don't teach the American and world history I learned in school (and lived in my life), so I taught it to my sons and I am teaching it again to my grandkids.   Schools don't teach grammar, so I teach it.   Schools barely teach writing, let alone oration, so I teach it.   Schools don't necessarily have kids read the classics, so I make sure they read them here so we can discuss them.   Schools teach [some] life skills, but I add to it: Cooking, sewing, setting a table, cleaning, laundry, gardening, etc...   In secondary school, they had to be taught writing, spelling, rhetoric, literary analysis, and editing along with comprehension strategies for content area reading (especially Science.)'..."

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
John Greenwood _Jewish World Review_
Calgary radio station cuts songs in half to combat listener boredom
"edited from 3 to 4 minutes down to about half that length, so listeners don't get bored.   Even the commercial breaks are brief, averaging around 9 minutes per hour instead of the regular 12 minutes on most top 40 stations..."

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
Texas regulations of abortion clinics lead way

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
John Carter-Robert Aderholt: a better, but still very bad, House border surge bill

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
_News Max_
Obummer: House border bill "unworkable"; GOP: Obummer AWOL on border security, visas, immigration reform

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Rusty Humphries _Washington DC Times_
the leftist bully of the week: illegal aliens

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Steve Goldstein _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 82.5 in late June to 81.8 in late July
Bergen NJ Record
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
R' Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
Jews' obsession with justice: Debrim/Devarim/Deuteronomy

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Anthony Watts
Siberian crater(s)

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Anthony Watts
Carrington class solar events -- more damaging, bigger worry than climate warming

2014-08-01 (5774 Menachem-Ab 05)
Anthony Watts
a line of 5 cyclones in Pacific Ocean
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Scarce are they planted, scarce are they sown, scarce has their stock taken root in the earth; when He blows upon them, they wither, and the whirlwind takes them away as stubble." --- Isaiah/ Yeshayahu /ישעיהו/ ishaayahu 40:24  



2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
Susan D. Harris _Renew America_
the United States of America -- the greatest government concept in the history of the world

2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
Andrew C. McCarthy _National Review_
why John Boehner's law-suit mention border security, visas, immigration
"[Obummer's] systematic dismantling of federal immigration law outstrips even [ObummerDoesn'tCare] in its brazen illegality.   Yet, though this fact is well known to Boehner, a reference to immigration is nowhere to be found in his resolution or his law-suit...   New polling shows that more than two-thirds of Americans disapprove of [Obummer's] immigration policies, and that a strong majority of the public wants national policy to be focused on blocking and deporting illegal aliens..."

2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
Lloyd Marcus _Renew America_
Israel, the Tea Party and the leftist media

2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
Claudia Rosett _PJMedia_
rules of war... UN-style

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
deluxe illegal alien detention center in Texas gets an upgrade
"I've reported earlier about the fancy lodging for alien invaders in Karnes county Texas that cost $30M to build and included cable TV, basketball courts, a library and Internet access...   Judiciary Chair Lamar Smith (R-TX) noted in his statement to the Committee regarding the investigation that 'Under this administration, detention looks more like recess.   While funds for American students' physical education classes are being cut, the new detention standards expand recreation for illegal immigrants.'..."

2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
Robert Spencer _PJMedia_
5 ways Muslims have contribute to "building the very fabric of our nation"
"Why did Columbus set sail? Because the fall of Constantinople to Jihadists in 1453 closed the trade routes to the East...   4. Slavery...   3. The Marines...   2. A drastically weakened economy...   1. The TSA..."

2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
Mary E. Webster _News with Views_
federal government abuse of power

2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
Lecia Bushak _Jewish World Review_
blocking PParGamma receptor reduces obesity

2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
Christopher Monckton
still no global warming for 17 years 10 months

2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
"Just the Facts"
introducing the WUWT CO2 reference page

2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
Ed Hoskins
the record of man-made CO2 emissions 1965-2013

2014-08-02 (5774 Menachem-Ab 06)
Anthony Watts
something Detroit has in abundance UHI -- Urban Heat Island effect
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The only ethical principle which has made science possible is that the truth shall be told at all times." --- C.P. Snow  



2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Lloyd Marcus _Renew America_
Joe Carr is the real deal

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Alan Caruba _Renew America_
yes, sue the scofflaw Barack Hussein Obummer

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
Orwellian illegal immigration
"How odd that almost no advocate ever says, 'We want amnesty so that our kinsmen have a shot, as we have had a shot, at an independent judiciary, equality under the law, the rule of law, true democracy, free speech, protection of human rights, free-market capitalism, and protection of private property.   For all that, millions risk their lives.'   But instead there is either nothing, or a continual critique of the U.S.A...   Unemployment is too low?!?...   in fact the open-borders movement is race-obsessed to the core.   Its message is anti-diversity, and anti-inclusiveness.   Latino activists (in the age of the Redskins controversy, how has the racist rubric La Raza continued?) have essentially hijacked U.S. immigration policy and set the following parameters: almost all illegal immigration shall come only across the southern border from Mexico and Latin America.   Almost all legal immigration shall be predicated on family ties..."

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
what Hamas believes, and why it must be de-legitimized and fought

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
was a UN school in Gaza really bombed? No, it was not
"The attack was not on the school.   The bomb hit the street outside the gates of the school and killed and injured people standing at the gate -- not in the school itself which was being used as a shelter.   In fact, look at the background of this Guardian video and note that the school appears to be untouched by the explosion..."

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
Steve King avoided bringing up impeachment of Barack Hussein Obummer

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
welcome to the 1930s
"Now more than ever in my life I am haunted by Mrs. Mindus.   The tatooed numbers spook me, not because I expect to see friends and family being carted off to the camps, but because I see a world of anti-Semitism metastasizing so quickly across the globe there might not be time for that.   From Paris to Caracas, from Brussels to Bangkok we hear chants of Jew-hating as loud, ugly and perhaps even more wide-spread than we did in the 1930s.   Paris has even had a new Kristallnacht.   And in dear old Blighty, 'Hamas! Hamas! Jews to the gas!' goes the cry on the London streets with Jewish Labor Party leader Ed Miliband for all intents and purposes leading the band himself!   Now I am not that naive that I didn't see this coming.   A decade ago, I was in Paris...and was taken to the bainlieu, witnessing firsthand Muslim neighborhoods seething with more hate than anything I had seen on trips to Cairo or even Jenin...   Even in America, anti-Semitism is making a dramatic comeback with the Democratic Party (not the Republicans, thankfully, so far), now split between blaming Israel and the Palestinians/Hamas for the current Gaza War, even though hardly any of these self-described 'liberals' could begin to debate the obvious truth spoken by Benyamin Netanyahu: 'If Palestine were to lay down their guns tomorrow, there would be no war.   If Israel were to lay down theirs, there would be no Israel.'..."

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Edwin S. Rubenstein _V Dare_
July jobs: immigrants gain jobs at twice the citizen rate (with tables, graphs)
"The Household Survey reports a sub-par 131K jobs were created last month, pushing unemployment (which is based on the Household Survey) up to 6.2%.   To put this in context, remember that as many as 90K new jobs per month are needed to absorb the ongoing influx of 1M or so immigrants allowed to enter each year.   And that's just the legal immigrants [and does not include internal population increase].   Our analysis of the Household data finds that foreign-born workers—legal and illegal—gained jobs at twice the rate of native-born Americans last month: In July: Total employment rose by 131K, or by 0.09%; Native-born American employment rose by 93K or by 0.08%; Foreign-born employment rose by 38K, or by 0.16%."

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
"Federale" _V Dare_
treason bar sues the historic USA
"The Treason Bar and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) are suing America to be paid to represent illegal aliens in deportation proceedings.   At this point it is just for juvenile illegal aliens, but there is nothing but lies behind the law-suit and the intent is to establish that the historic American Nation needs to pay for attorneys for its own displacement..."

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Kristen M. Daum _Palm Beach FL Post_
Emmanuel Morel challenging incumbent in Florida's 21st congressional district primary
"Morel, a retired federal labor investigator from Wellington, said he is primarily focused on domestic issues, such as repealing foreign worker visas and defending U.S. workers from attacks he says come from both outside and within the country...   Deutch has raised $833K since 2013 January.   Nearly a third came from political action committees or other non-individual sources, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission...   FEC records show Morel has raised less than $56K, with almost $32K of that coming from loans either Morel or supporters made to his campaign fund.   Morel, who worked for 29 years at the U.S. Department of Labor [US DoL] in South Florida, said 'the American worker' is his top priority.   He said he wants to repeal the H-1B and H-2B visa programs, which allow U.S. companies to hire immigrant workers for temporary, specialty jobs.   Morel says these are jobs that should be filled by American workers.   'Republicans ship jobs overseas, Democrats allow over-seas people to come in and take the jobs.   The result is the same.', said Morel, a native of Haiti who moved to the U.S. with his family when he was 15.   'Everybody wraps themselves with the flag, but they have total disdain for the American workers.'   Deutch and Morel agree on America's support for Israel in the Middle East conflict."

2014-08-03 (5774 Menachem-Ab 07)
Christopher Monckton
the central climate fallacy is that the unknowns are known
Proposed Bills 2014

  "I am HaShem your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make a carved image, or any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I HaShem your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate Me, and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments" --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:6-9  



1730-08-04: John Peter Zenger acquitted of sedition

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
John Villasenor _Chronicle of Higher Education_
colleges owe it to their students to offer at least a foundational understanding of and respect for intellectual property rights
"Intellectual property -- patents, copyright, trademarks, trade secrets -- plays a vital role in economic growth and prosperity."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
20 years after fighting Barbara Jordan's reforms, Cecilia Munoz writes script for Obummer's corrupt executive actions

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Tony Katz _News Max_
"Every state is now a border state" (video)

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Andrea Chang _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_LATimes_
privacy violator LinkedIn to pay $6M in unpaid over-time and damages
John Ribeiro: ComputerWorld/IDG

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Lucas Mearian _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
at Black Hat conference: researchers to name most hackable cars
"'A malicious attacker leveraging a remote vulnerability could do anything from enabling a microphone for eaves-dropping to turning the steering wheel to disabling the brakes.', the researchers said in a brief outlining their upcoming report...   The most hackable vehicles include the 2014 Jeep Cherokee, the 2015 Cadillac Escalade and the 2014 Toyota Prius.   The most secure cars include the Dodge Viper, the Audi A8, and the Honda Accord..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Chris Kanaracus _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
MSFT continues evil CRM expansion worldwide

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
Hamas's propaganda victory

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Stephen M. Flatow _Jewish World Review_
Bill Clinton's error haunts Israel today
"Hamas military commander named Mohammed Deif is one of the senior figures directing the thousands of Gaza rocket attacks against Israel.   What the media have not mentioned is that the Clinton administration had numerous opportunities to put Deif behind bars, but instead led him slip right through its fingers..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
and the war came
"All these modern Panglosses come off as hopelessly naive as John Kerry, and as completely ineffectual as Hillary Clinton -- the last two secretaries of state to preside over American foreign policy in that always dangerous part of the world. And both succeeded mainly in making it more dangerous..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
R' Dov Fischer _Jewish World Review_
crying "cease fire" in a crowded military theater: on walking with the haughty John Kerry
"Despite their antipathies towards Israel, [Obummer] and Kerry ironically are proving to be an utterly unexpected blessing for Israel.   Through their extraordinary mishandling of the challenges and opportunities raised by Israel's current effort to weaken Hamas, they inadvertently have exasperated Arab Moslem countries like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, virtually driving them to ally quietly with Israel, as never before.   Those countries have seen that unchecked Islamist terror now threatens stable Moslem regimes, as ISIS rages throughout eastern Syria and western Iraq, while the Moslem Brotherhood nearly transformed Egypt even as Al Qaeda has made inroads in the Sinai.   They know that they are next, and they are compelled to place hope in Israel, of all things, because they have determined that [Obummer] and Kerry will not be freedom's buffers from Hamas.   [Obummer] is the weakest president America has had since the lackluster trio of Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, and James Buchanan allowed the United States to slide into Civil War.   He is weak and vain, incompetent, utterly out of his league on the world stage or even in his own American back-yard...   Crimea - Ukraine - Russia...   ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS...   Libya...   Benghazi...   Iran is building nuclear weapons...   Tens of thousands of [illegal aliens]...   Veterans Administration incompetence, bordering on criminal misconduct...   IRS...   'Operation Fast and Furious'...   United States Marine sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi...   [ObummerDoesn'tCare]...   corporate inversions..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
Americans never want to go to war

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
living in a bizarre time when children's play-time lands parents in jail
"I would like to offer a blood transfusion, free of charge, to every kid in America.   Because clearly I have special plasma that allowed me to survive a traumatic childhood.   I walked to school, on my own, and survived.   I walked to a park, on my own, and survived.   I sat in a car, by myself, and survived.   Of course, I had one benefit.   My parents were not arrested for any of the above.   Today, growing up the way I did, I'd be visiting Mom and Dad behind bars."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
the home front: American life is bifurcating into the un-documented and the over-documented

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Mark A. Kellner _Jewish World Review_
more religious freedom means more economic growth

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Kilee Luthi _Jewish World Review_
things that changed my view of marriage forever
"we definitely don't anticipate life after marriage to be as hard as it really is.   There are many reasons for that, one being the fact that you are now part of a team and you have to learn to work together...   When I chose to marry, I signed up for working through anything.   What I didn't sign up for was working through anything without love helping pull me through...   a deep, burning love and passion that must be chosen...   Love doesn't just come back on its own.   Every day, even now, I consciously make a choice: I choose to love..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Dems/leftists fudge the truth about subsidies on ObummerDoesn'tCare "exchanges"

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Diane Dimond _Jewish World Review_
it is Mexico's turn to give back

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
be alarmed, be very alarmed at Red Chinese military build-up, Islamic terrorism

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Jim Mullen _Jewish World Review_
flunking a DNA test
"It sounded like fun.   It always does until someone gets hurt.   For $100 apiece, S and I got our DNA tested.   It's simple: You sign up online, they send you a little kit, you spit into a fancy test tube and send it back.   Six weeks later, voila -- you know for sure where your ancestors came from...   how much of me is European, how much is Asian, how much is African?   Am I a carrier of some genetic disease? How many of my relatives have taken this test?   The first thing most people say when they find out we did this is, 'Why? What about your privacy?'...   if you have [an evil FB, Friendster, MySpace, LinkedIn, Google, a credit kkkard, or a driver's license], your privacy ship has already sailed...   the big surprise is that I am 2.6% Neanderthal.   No wonder Mensa never called me back.   First, I didn't know Neanderthals and humans could mate.   How can I have any of their genes?   S had a lot of fun with that -- until she opened her file.   Turns out she's 2.5% Neanderthal..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
_Minneapolis MN Star Tribune_/_AP_
gubernatorial candidate Scott Honour promotes economic plan to freeze minimum wage, cut state taxes
Honour & Housley campaign site

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Betsy McCaughey _News Max_
many US hospitals, transportation nexuses, are not prepared for something like ebola
Jewish World Review
"Ebola poses virtually no risk to most Americans, but hospital workers and their patients could face real danger if someone unknowingly infected with the deadly virus travels to the U.S.A. and comes to an emergency room here for care.   Many hospitals are poorly prepared to contain any pathogen.   That's why at least 75K people a year die from hospital infections.   If hospitals can't stop common infections like MRSA, C. diff [Clostridium difficile, SARS=severe acute respiratory syndrome] and VRE, they can't handle Ebola.   On July 20, Patrick Sawyer, an American working in Liberia, collapsed after an air journey from Liberia to Nigeria.   He had no idea he had Ebola, but 5 days later he died of it [it has a 2-21 day latency period].   He could have been getting off at JFK.   At least 11 flights leave Liberia daily with connections to JFK..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Michael Reagan _News Max_
California water management fails epically... again

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Dan Well _News Max_
once again, NYC spending and promises exceed the citizens' means: pension costs soar "Theyre never going to catch up."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Wolf Blitzer challenges Hamas spokes-clone over libelous comments

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
_News Max_
"Kansas...4th District congressional seat...Todd Tiahrt...state efforts to require labeling on foods made from genetically modified crops...   Tea Party champion Milton Wolf, a physician who says he wants to repeal [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and 'save the Republic'...   Michigan...incumbent U.S. Representative Justin Amash...a Tea Party favorite and member of a rebel group of House conservatives known for their resistance to [extreme leftist measures]..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Sean Piccoli _News Max_
FAIR's Mehlman: GP base is, fortunately, keeping John Boehner from ramming through amnesty for illegal aliens, huge increase in guest-work visas (video)
"'The only thing that prevents him and the [House Republican losership] from cutting a deal on amnesty is the idea that the American public is paying attention', said Mehlman, 'and that they're not going to go along.'..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Dinesh d'Souza on ebola: "a country must protect" its own citizens (video)

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
Fast and Furious papers to be released (video)

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
retired USMC sergeant attacked in front of the White House by protestors for Hamas (video)
"'I got pulled on, I got kicked...   I got yanked on by this guy behind me and I got punched in the back of the head with a fist.   I honestly thought it was a bat.'   The assault occurred in front of the White House, where protesters supporting the terrorist group that is fighting Israel in Gaza were gathered on Saturday."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Ed Berliner & Geoff Dickens _News Max_
IRS and atheists targeting churches' tax-exempt status (video)

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
terror and the sword of justice

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton announced that, if elected, she won't abide by the 1st amendment

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
IDF says that Hamas planned to wipe a Gaza=Palestine town off the map (with map marking rockets launched, rocket launchers, anti-tank weapons fired, tunnel entrances, pill-boxes)
"IDF forces in the Gaza Strip found a Hamas manual on 'Urban Warfare', which belonged to the Shuja'iya Brigade of Hamas's military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades.   The manual explains how the civilian population can be used against IDF forces and reveals that Hamas knows the IDF is committed to minimizing harm to civilians..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
waffling Rick Perry gets a PAC

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Rahm Emanuel welcomes illegal aliens to Chicago

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
inside a deposition in Shirley Sherrod's speech-chilling law-suite against Breitbart's widow
"Sherrod's law-suit is premised on a dangerous idea: when conservatives speak about [leftists], they shouldn't be allowed to quote the [leftists] saying disgraceful things unless they quote the [leftist] also saying nice things.   Supposedly, Andrew Breitbart's Breitbart.com didn't publish enough of the nice things Sherrod said, and thus Sherrod sued Andrew and Larry O'Connor (a Brietbart.com editor)...   Team Sherrod wants conservative media to play by rules that the main-stream media doesn't play by, and the left-wing media would laugh at..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
Moonbeam Brown visited Mexico to speed up reconquista

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Quin Hillyer _National Review_
IRS attacking churches

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
_Conservative HQ_
the real win for non-leftists in the GOP border bill
"Then something utterly unprecedented happened -- the [GOP losership] actually started listening to conservatives and having a good faith discussion about what a bill should look like with conservatives such as representatives Steve King (IA-4), Michele Bachmann (MN-6), Mo Brooks (AL-5), Louie Gohmert (TX-1), Paul Gosar (AZ-4), John Fleming (LA-4), and Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) among others.   The new bills that conservatives put together with the House [losership] won the support, not just of conservatives like King and Bachmann, but of all except the 11 most committed open borders members of the House GOP Conference.   The bill even picked-up 4 Democrats who were concerned enough about their election prospects to vote [for immigration reform and against Obummer's] threatened executive amnesty...   'What this really is, is a copy and paste or a cut and paste of existing language of existing amendments that are already there, Carter/Aderholt is one of them, it is a significant improvement and then the Blackburn language is a mirror of what I've done the last 2 years here in this congress on the appropriations bill of DHS -- last year the amendment passed with 224 votes.', noted King.   The bill passed 216 to 192..."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the scariest Drudge Report head-line ever
"Nor can we think of anything that better illustrates the growing divide between to so-called donor class of Republicans and what Angelo Codevilla identified as 'the Country Class' of conservative voters in his essay 'America's Ruling Class -- and the Perils of Revolution' in the 2010 July–August issue of The American Spectator."

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Bob Price _Conservative HQ_
rape, death and police pursuits continue as illegal aliens invade Brooks county TX

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Eric Worrall
when "climate change" is not so global

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Anthony Watts
new Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics paper finds "green-house cooling" of the stratosphere over past 52 years

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Jim Steele
the global average chimera

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Anthony Watts
solar magnetic activity down

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Bob Tisdale
more critique of paper by Risbey et al.

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Anthony Watts
Death Valley set new cold temperature... by a wide margin

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Anthony Watts
checking premises in warmist hysterics' suit against satirist and magazine publisher
National Review opening brief

2014-08-04 (5774 Menachem-Ab 08)
Anthony Watts
climate clowns gather to demand end to use of fossil fuels... oblivious to their surroundings
"I always get a kick out of climate protest marchers, because these rent-a-rants generally make complete fools of themselves, and the process is very entertaining to watch.   For example, this person doesn't seem to understand what the canister on a gas mask does..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Lift up your eyes on high, and see: who has created these?   He that brings out their host by number, He calleth them all by name; by the greatness of His might, and for that He is strong in power, not one faileth." --- Isaiah/ Yeshayahu /ישעיהו/ ishaayahu 40:26  



2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Jerry Kramer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Barbara Jordan made 1994 a high-water mark in effort for immigration reform

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Thomas Sowell _News Max_
"Political Correctness" taints Israel-Hamas coverages
Jewish World Review
"Some have said that we are living in a post-industrial era, while others have said that we are living in a post-racial era.   But growing evidence suggests that we are living in a post-thinking era..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
James R. Edwards ii _Center for Immigration Studies_
duplicity with ObummerDoesn'tCare: wholesale enrollment of illegal aliens
"A recent HHS Inspector General investigation found that up to 1.3M of the 8M who got health coverage through [ObummerDoesn'tCare] exchanges could be illegal aliens.   Yet many may have obtained health coverage through a qualified health plan or Medicaid, based on the illegal aliens' attesting to (lying about?) their citizenship or immigration status.   This means that thousands of illegal aliens could receive a [tax-victim] subsidy for their health premiums..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
stop doing bad, government
"Some 195 pieces of legislation have passed the Republican House of Representatives only to be buried in the 'Democrat' senate.     Among those are at least 31 authored by 'Democrats'.   The Senate passed [a reprehensible immigration law perversion bill, S744] in 2013 that [fortunately] has not passed the House.   Though the president characterizes this as gross negligence on the part of Republicans, it's just possible that there's a difference of opinion.   Other presidents would have sought compromise, or attempted to bite off smaller pieces of their agenda and pass them sequentially.   But [Obummer] is impatient with the rule of law and has been threatening to 'do things on my own'.   Thus do we slide, every day of this administration, a little closer to banana republic status?...   Just complying with the dizzying complexity of the IRS code costs Americans an estimated $163G every year, along with 6.1G man-hours.   Even more damaging is the opportunity all this kludge offers for corruption..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
let boys be boys this summer

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
Lancet has become a home for evil's useful idiots
Human Events

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
fanaticism needs no reason

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Armstrong Williams _News Max_
left angry, confused over Koch brothers' donations
"During the first week of June, the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) received a generous $25M donation from conservative/libertarian billionaires Charles and David Koch...   Since when did empowering black kids with the opportunity to expand their education become a violation of civil rights?   Mr. Saunders falsely argues that since the Koch Brothers have fought for voter identification laws, they must be racist against African Americans..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Rich Lowry _News Max_
some Europeans' hatred of Jews reaches new levels
Jewish World Review
"To their credit, the foreign ministers of Germany, France and Italy have denounced 'ugly anti-Semitic statements, demonstrations and attacks'."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
citizens improving world economies despite the politicians

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's unprecedented impeachment dare
"It's just like [Obummer], the dutiful disciple of 1960s leftist radical Saul Alinsky, to divert our attention from his official misconduct by demonizing Republicans and conservatives rightfully challenging his lawlessness..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
totalitarian surveillance states also have their difficulties with technology

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
amidst current political contentions the economy still matters most

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Jonathan Spyer _PJMedia_
Netanyahu's "long war" doctrine
"The prime minister views Operation Protective Edge as only one episode in a long war in which Israel is engaged against those who seek its destruction..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
should a school with a financial statement like this be authorized to teach accounting to foreign students?

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Rupert Murdoch/21st Century Fox announced they have abandoned efforts to take over Warner Brothers Time

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Thomas E. Brewton
leftism is inherently tyrannical
"...City Journal's Myron Magnet reviews 4 books that describe the near fatal torture inflicted upon the Constitution by [leftist-regressive] collectivization of power since the beginning of the 20th century... 'The accumulated rulings of Supreme Court justices are not part and parcel of the Constitution but often the piling of error upon error, ''and the layers of interpretive confusion are so great'' that such an approach does ''much harm''.'"
Death Of The American Idea
A Federal Republic, Not A Democracy
Equality vs Liberty
Back To 1984
Crushing Power of Our Collectivist Political State
A Federal Republic If We Can Keep It

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Naomi Creason _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
PA Ag Dept. suggesting seed library protocol as reaction to ban grows
"Proponents of seed libraries, however, see the department's efforts as a way to effectively shut down movement to grow and maintain local seed varieties...   Howes said the department is responsible for protecting the integrity of seeds used by the public and agriculture industry.   This includes distribution...   Through discussion with the library system, the department's Bureau of Plant Industry developed a protocol that seed libraries should follow.   That protocol was then accepted during a meeting last week of the Association of American Feed Control Officials.   The association, according to its website, is a voluntary membership association of local, state and federal agencies who are charged by law to regulate the sale and distribution of 'animal feeds and animal drug remedies'.   For the library system, the protocol meant the library could still provide labeled packets of seed that are for the proper growing season, but it could not accept seeds that were unlabeled, seeds that were past the sell-by date and seeds that were not for the growing season...   Krepps said there are 333 seed libraries across the country, with another 170 on the way..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Theodore Dalrymple _PJMedia_
treating statistical markers of disease is not the same as treating the disease itself
"Niacin, though a vitamin, and therefore in the popular imagination natural and ipso facto good for you, is not only useless in these circumstances, it seems, but harmful.   The result of the trial was important for itself, for many patients have been treated with niacin on the grounds that it made 'sense' to do so; but it was also important because it points to a general lesson, namely that treating statistical markers of disease is not the same as treating disease itself.   This should be obvious, but in practice it isn't.   Doctors increasingly treat risk factors as if they were disease, with the result that they could sometimes be doing more harm than good.   Of course, there is a long medical tradition of this.   Furthermore, the trial offers presumptive evidence against the high-LDL, low-HDL theory of the causation of cardiovascular disease.   The statistical association with these measurements has appeared so strong that the relationship has been taken as a causative one.   But in this trial treatment with niacin should have reduced the 'event' rate by about 10% if the causative relationship were a true one..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
Obummer: "I will not rest until..." zzzzz

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
they can succeed because they can fail, if necessary they can fail repeatedly until they get it right
"...Why do 'they succeed?   Ironically, it is because 'they' can fail, if necessary time and again.   Megan McArdle notes that medical innovation comes, almost by definition, from attempts at doing the impossible.   Throwing resources at iffy causes is a form of luxury spending.   But one side effect of trying to 'uselessly prolong life' is the emergence of treatments and even palliative devices that over time expand the frontiers of medical science.   McArdle quotes Glenn Reynolds' experience with his family's ailments...   What arguments like Khazan's miss are that statistics represent aggregates.   But the aggregates are made up of individual bets.   And it is in the individual outcomes that progress is made..."
I would add that medical theories about mechanisms or chemical pathways must be tested, and theories rejected, displaced, or modified as needed. But statistical studies without such theories only point out the need for more thought and questions, and don't necessarily point to the mechanisms to be examined...jgo

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
border surge began a few months after Obummer's first unconstitutional executive non-feasance on immigration
"the influx of unaccompanied children started in the Fall of 2011...   in 2011 June, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released the so-called Morton memos.   The Morton memos were internal ICE memos which spelled out an expansion of 'prosecutorial discretion' for certain individuals who might otherwise be facing deportation.   This was one of the [ways] to bypass congress which [leftist] groups had recommended earlier in 2011.   In [2011] August, the White House announced it would expand the use of prosecutorial discretion as outlined in the Morton Memos..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
_Conservative HQ_
will Republican party of MS follow its own rules by backing Chris McDaniel's challenge to vote fraud?
"The campaign formally filed a challenge with the Mississippi Republican Party's executive committee, the official first step to mounting a legal challenge.   The 28-page complaint sets forth a compelling case for numerous violations of the Mississippi Republican Party's rules and Mississippi election law that resulted in incumbent senator Cochran's tainted win in the June 24 Mississippi Republican senate Run-off.   Since the July 24 run-off McDaniel volunteers have (despite the lack of cooperation and in some cases patently illegal actions by local Republican Party and election officials) uncovered 3,500 cross over voters, 9,500 votes they believe have irregularities, and 2,275 absentee ballots that Chris McDaniel's lead attorney Mitch Tyner said they believe were 'cast that should not have been'.   That makes about 15K tainted votes in an election that [poises on] a little over 7,600 votes..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Patrik Howley _Daily Caller_
Veterans Administration has been lying to congress about waiting times and deaths of veterans

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
China should stop venerating Mao Zedong, who murdered between 35M and 65M Chinese people

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Gregory Korte _USA Today_/_Gannett_
$619G in spending not reported on federal government "transparency" site

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Thomas Martel _V Dare_
immigrations "dirty bomb" -- weapon of mass "diversity"

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Bill McMorris _Washington DC Free Beacon_
he was for border security (in Kosovo) before he was against it (in the USA)

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Julia Gorin _Political Mavens_
Syrious Balkans jihadists and not so Syrious Kosovo analogies
"It seems it's time for an update on Balkans jihadists in Syria, where as of January this year, 15 'Bosniaks' (11 from Bosnia and four from Serbia's Sandzak) have been killed.   There was this from May..."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Mark Olaide _USA Today_/_Arizona Republic_/_Gannett_
USA's least leftist and most leftist over-populated cities
"[Least left] leaning: Mesa, AZ; Oklahoma City, OK; Virginia Beach, VA.   Only 11 cities were found to be [non-leftist-leaning], 2 were neutral, and the rest were [leftist]...   San Francisco [was] the nation's most [leftist] city, followed by Washington, DC; Seattle, WA; and Oakland, CA."

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Robert L. Mitchell _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
where your personal private data goes when you're not looking
privacy valuer's survival guide (part 1)

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Alfonzo Rachel _PJMedia_
if you disagree with Allen West, you're racist! (video)

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Wayne Allyn Root _Town Hall_
if you like your job, you can keep it... or maybe not

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
_Poor Richard's News_
illegal aliens who have been deported multiple times are prime suspects in murder of Border Patrol agent

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Tim Ball
CO2 might fit UN IPCC hypothesis, but it does not fit reality

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Sebastian Luening & Fritz Vahrenholt
surprising facts about climate change in Portugal: why the climate catastrophe is not happening

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Anthony Watts
USA forest fires versus climate model predictions

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Anthony Watts
large volcanic eruptions cause drought in eastern China

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Anthony Watts
green-house-gas-induced warming dropped for the past 14 years

2014-08-05 (5774 Menachem-Ab 09)
Roy Spencer
UAH (U of Alabama at Huntsville) July global temperature essentially unchanged from June
Proposed Bills 2014

  "He gives power to the faint; and to him that has no might He increases strength." --- Isaiah/ Yeshayahu /ישעיהו/ ishaayahu 40:29  



2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
have a 3rd-rate business model?   call in the aliens
"The alien students, however, are lured by legal status in the United States, and the lax rules of our government that allow foreign graduate students to work full-time in the United States from their first day in school..."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
would you like to be fired with that: MSFT offering idiot-phones as severance
"'MSFT recently announced plans to cut 4,700 Nokia employees from its work-force, leaving only 300 at its hand-set manufacturing facility and research and development center in Beijing.'..."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
malleable privacy policies and media manipulation of minors
"'How did she decide to strike out on this trek?   Who paid for it?'...   For the record, the Department's privacy 'policy' with regard to illegal aliens is bogus.   The federal Privacy Act relates solely and exclusively to 'U.S. persons', which is defined within that act as citizens and lawful permanent resident aliens -- no one else, and most assuredly not illegal aliens [and widely and frequently violated, in any case].   I have no patience for this expansion of the policy to every alien because I often find such assertions of privacy on behalf of the alien to be the self-serving refuge of agencies hiding scandalous examples of the train wreck that is this executive branch's administration of the country's immigration laws..."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
murderers, rapists, gangsters among immigrant "children"
"Nearly 90% of unaccompanied minors stopped at the border last year and this are teenagers, data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection indicates.   In the Rio Grande Valley, adults and children crossing as part of a family unit out-number 'unaccompanied minor children' by nearly 5 to 1...   Murder rates may be declining in Central America in part because some of the killers are coming here.   About 25% of illegals apprehended in Texas, 20% in Arizona have criminal records in their home countries, local authorities say.   Some of the 'children' sport tattoos indicating membership in MS-13, the vicious Salvadoran street gang.   The proportion of violent criminals among 'the children' almost certainly is higher.   'On a good day, we catch approximately 30% to 40% of all crossers while the rest simply get away.', a Border Patrol agent in the Rio Grande Valley wrote [in line with similar press releases in the past]...   The administration is forcing Border Patrol officers to release 'children' with MS-13 tattoos, Chris Cabrera, a union rep in the Rio Grande Valley, told KRGV-TV.   The 159,286 illegal aliens released from U.S. custody between 2008 and 2011 subsequently committed more than 16K crimes, of which about 1,800 were violent crimes, according to an analysis by the Congressional Research Service of Homeland Security data.   About 25% of inmates in federal prisons in 2010 were (mostly illegal) immigrants.   Aliens, legal and illegal, comprised less than 4% of the people living in America that year.   The rate of criminality among illegal immigrants [is approximately 1.5 times to 2 times] the rate of the general population, estimated a researcher at the University of Southern Mississippi in a 2013 paper.   The rate among the native born is 3.78%, so roughly between 92% and 95% of illegals are otherwise law abiding.   But that means that among those who came here illegally, somewhere between the equivalent of the populations of Albuquerque (555K) and San Francisco (826K) commit crimes..."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Peter Brimelow _V Dare_
Tom Cotton criticizes incumbent for opposing immigration reform: are campaign consultants finally getting the message?

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
murder in the Rio Grande valley by hateful illegal aliens: "This is coming to a town near you"
V Dare
please help find Marizela

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
"A Displaced American Worker" _V Dare_
employers who won't hire US citizens

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
"Washington Watcher" _V Dare_
Dems/leftists backing immigration reform have gone extinct

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
anti-Christian intolerance that fosters pogroms abroad is taking root in some USA communities
"People are being beheaded for their faith.   Women and young girls are being sexually violated and whole families are being wantonly slaughtered in cold blood.   Perhaps just as abhorrent is the profound silence of the American government as represented by the current administration...   We have an obligation as Americans to denounce these acts of persecution.   Even those who do not worship a higher deity should be concerned.   For when we stand up to such intolerance, we are defending the root of freedom.   We are defending choice -- the ability to worship and call on the name of a heavenly being without fear of torture and abandonment..."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
why did the haughty John Kerry lie about Israeli blame for collapse of recent cease-fire talks?

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
patrolmen without borders?
Human Events
"If I drive across a U.S. border, I expect to stop at a Border Patrol check-point.   But imagine driving to the grocery store, or Mom's house, well inside America, and being stopped by the Border Patrol.   Many Americans don't have to imagine it -- it's how they live.   Even as the federal government fails to control the southern border, it sends the Border Patrol farther into the interior, where Americans complain that agents harass people who are already U.S. citizens.   It's 'legal'.   The Supreme Court ruled that the Border Patrol can set up 'inland' check-points anywhere up to 100 miles from an external border of the United States..."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
immigration is key issue

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
Rand Paul has been broadening his campaign... but not yet enough

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
Western anti-Semitism
Human Events

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Ana Veciana-Suarez _Jewish World Review_
arresting mother who let son walk to park is a stretch

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
daughters of feminism strike back

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
R' David Gutterman _Jewish World Review_
the word for nothing is everything

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
Adrian Wyllie is a better option for Floridians
"Florida voters know enough about former governor Charlie Crist (D) and governor Rick Scott (R) to know they don't like or trust either man running for governor of their state.   Most Floridians with a voter registration card don't know anything at all about the third candidate in the 2014 race for governor, Libertarian Adrian Wyllie..."
Adrian Wyllie for governor web site

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Jonathan Spyer _PJMedia_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/Islamic State on the march... Western governments apparently indifferent to the slaughter

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Tom Blumer _PJMedia_
updating the Reagan vs. Obumer economic rout

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Reagan scholar Kiron K. Skinner dissects Obummer defense policy
Kiron K. Skinner: Hoover Institution of Stanford University: the USA cannot wish away its present security concerns

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
_Conservative HQ_
the most important thing you can do today to save the USA

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ed Martin: 1 man of integrity makes an army

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Joe Newby _Examiner_
NJ cop: "if Obummer doesn't follow the USA constitution we don't have to" (with video)

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Kendall Breitman _Politico_
Justin Amash wins primary, demands apology for disgusting, despicable, nasty smear campaign

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
"streiff" _True Blue Republican State_
GOP losership "whip" Steve Scalise lets crony socialist lobbyist choose his staff

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Sarah Smith _Politico_
Herman Cain points out that Tea Partiers are still politically very strong

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Robert Weissberg _American Thinker_
the best anti-poverty nostrum is the Calvinist work ethic

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Chuck Ross _Daily Caller_
corrupt Obummer regime continues to pressure banks to close accounts of legal arms stores: SC shop owner thought relationship with SunTrust Bank was fine

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Elizabeth Harrington _Washington DC Free Beacon_
Obummer regime DHS ICE can't be bothered to find, investigate, prosecute employers of illegal aliens or target suspected terrorists, but they spent $450K on gym memberships in DC alone

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
former NFL line-backer and candidate for NJ's 1st congressional district, Garry Cobb, says blacks have to do better than Obummer (with video)
"'You can see that African Americans are not doing well.   You talk about...minimum wage.   Minimum wage goes after young African American kids because it doesn't let them in the work-force.   We've already got a huge unemployment rate with the African American kids, so we want to put an end to that.   'We celebrate the fact that [Obama] became president...but he hasn't really done anything for the African American community during that time.'   Cobb, who grew up in North Carolina, said a strong education is key element to the development of youngsters and 'a door out of poverty'...   'I was all into the Democratic Party and everything and then I started realizing they helped destroy our communities and we're celebrating electing these people.', he said."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Kristina Arriaga _Human Events_
IRS department is going after churches

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Obummer's border plans and some guys named Al
"I'm talking about al Qaeda, al Nusra, al Shabaab, Ansar al Islam, Al Umar Mujihadeen, the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, etc...   They all would be delighted to cross our border to kill us, maybe destroy our civilization into the bargain.   In fact, another Al, a newly celebrated one, Al Baghdadi, the head of ISIS, now the Islamic State, told our soldiers he'd see them in New York when he was released from an Iraqi jail...   Yes, an open U.S. border is suicidal these days.   More than that -- it's nuts!   Any president who really cared for the American people would set border security as priority number one.   Ours hasn't, obviously.   He has other plans..."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Dave Swindle _PJMedia_
10 classic Disney cartoons for introducing mythology and morality to the next generation
"1. 'Playful Pan', the 15th Silly Symphony, released 1930 December 28...   2. 'King Neptune', the 30th Silly Symphony, released 1932 September 17...   3. 'Babes in the Woods', the 32nd Silly Symphony, released 1932 November 19...   4. 'Father Noah's Ark', the 35th Silly Symphony, released 1933 April 8..."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the 1st horseman (with graphs)
"News that 8 persons in Lagos, a city of 20M people, were infected by the dying Patrick Sawyer with Ebola and one -- a nurse -- had died sent a shudder of fear through Nigeria.   Close on its heels reports that a businessman had died with Ebola-like symptoms in Saudi Arabia following a trip from a West African trip have prompted assurances from authorities that steps have been taken to keep the Haj from becoming a distributor of the disease to Muslim world...   War, Famine and Pestilence all obey the laws of physics..."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
3 days of schadenfreude

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
announcing the society for equal-opportunity offenders

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
Jimmy Carter and Mary Robinson are among the Hamas jihad's useful idiots

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Obummer willing to stand strong... on maintaining and increasing extortion

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
_World Net Daily_
civil rights commissioner warns that Obummer immigration plan would be disastrous for blacks
Paul Bedard: Washington DC Examiner

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Natasha Barrett _KGO abc San Francisco CA_
barefoot man cut foot, contracted strep infection, kidneys were failing, had to have toes amputated
"Two days later, Oxley's foot turned black with a white border...   The 59-year-old went to West Houston Medical Center.   Doctors say his kidneys were failing and he needed emergency surgery.   Four surgeries later, Oxley lost all of his toes on his right foot...   Strep Pyogenes, a flesh eating bacteria, similar to the bacteria found in strep throat."

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Myron Magnet _City Journal_
Obummer meant to make this chaos and distress

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Marco Rubio _abc Orlando FL_
congressional gold medal awarded to members of 65th Infantry regiment Borinqueneers for service in WW1, WW2 & Korean War (video)

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Jonathan Rothwell _Brookings_
the Sili Valley cost-of-living/over-taxation/over-regulation premium

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
most voters rate the federal government's handling of illegal immigration as poor and think states should be able to act on their own to stop the problem; favor use of the National Guard in their own state to catch and deport illegal aliens

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Anthony Watts
WUWT -- filling in knowledge holes since 2006

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Paul Homewood
Antarctic peninsula runs both hot and cold

2014-08-06 (5774 Menachem-Ab 10)
Anthony Watts
recent paper finds recent Solar Grand Maximum was a "rare or even unique event" in 3K years
Proposed Bills 2014

  "It is well established that the loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury." --- Hohe v Casey 868 F.2d 69 at 72, 73 (3d Cir. 1989)  



2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
illegal alien invasion is silent no more (part 1)
"in many ways illegal immigration has been hidden in plain sight...   One answer lies in the overall number of permanent and temporary legal immigrants to the United States, numbers of which most Americans have no idea.   Another part of the answer lies in the fact that the silent invasion has been facilitated and encouraged by a range of community, civic, political, and business leaders whose self-interest has become indistinguishable from their views of what is right or best for the country.   Third, illegal migrants do not stand out in many observable ways from the large number of legal permanent and temporary immigrants admitted into the country every year.   Indeed, there is a very large overlap between the countries of origin of the substantial legal permanent and temporary immigrants admitted each year and that of the estimate 11.7M illegal migrants.   Let us begin first with some modern historical figures of legal immigration, that is, people who are legally admitted on a permanent basis (LPRs)..."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration policy is a complex (not simplistic) morality play

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
leftist/Dem support for amnesty for illegal aliens is harming their most loyal voters
Human Events
"According to Pew Research, some 85% to 90% of the 'children' apprehended at the border are teens, between 13 and 17 years of age.   In Los Angeles, in 2008, 17-year-old high school academic/athletic scholar Jamiel Shaw was shot and killed just 3 doors away from his house while walking home from the mall at 20:40.   The student athlete with a solid GPA was a promising football star who had been named the Southern League's most valuable player, and he'd recently received phone calls from schools like Rutgers and Stanford.   His killer? An illegal alien who had served time in jail for assault with a deadly weapon and been released one day earlier by police who, apparently, never bothered to check his immigration status...   In Maryland, just days ago, 6 young Hispanics -- illegal aliens, according to a local ABC affiliate -- were arrested for stabbing to death a black homeless man.   Several of the alleged killers admitted belonging to the notorious MS-13 gang..."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Nasty Pelosi is showing her stripes more and more as 2014 general election nears

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
David North & Malcolm Richards _Center for Immigration Studies_
other English-speaking nations move to control, reduce immigration

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
"Federale" _V Dare_
Obummer regime DHS ICE can't be bothered to find, investigate, prosecute employers of illegal aliens, but they eagerly raid flea market in search for "counterfeit" merchandise

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
_Human Events_
Border Patrol agent: we're releasing gangsters, murders into the USA
WNEW CBS report with audio

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
revolving door injustice

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
will NATO end with a whimper?
"it has members whose politics and policies are becoming antithetical to the original idea of defending the liberal values of democratic Western Europe."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
philanthropy vs. politics
"Consider David Koch, who lives in New York City.   Recently he gave $100M big ones to the New York-Presbyterian Hospital.   He has donated $20M to the American Museum of Natural History and another $100M to the City Center of Music & Drama.   In 2012, he gave $10M to the Mount Sinai Medical Center and $65M to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.   He has also given money to his alma mater, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to the American Ballet Theatre and to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.   Of course, many New Yorkers have been grateful.   Yet there are the noisy critics.   Two unions called rallies against David Koch's donations to New York-Presbyterian Hospital, citing the Koch brothers' opposition to [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Apparently, the Kochs are not allowed to have ideas on medical policy, if they are going to enjoy the privilege of giving money to medical care.   More recently the brothers gave a $25M donation to the United Negro College Fund, the fund's fifth largest donation in history.   Armstrong Williams tells us in the Washington Times that the grant was greeted with hysteria."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
waiting for the dark on Tisha be Ab

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Reds come late to the pot party

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Obummer takes us back to torture talk

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
the smoking gun of Obummer's lawlessness

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
Ebola doctor's condition down-graded to "idiotic"
George Rasley: Conservative HQ: Ann Coulter gets one right (sort of)
Daily Caller
V Dare
Sandy FitzGerald: News Max
Human Events

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
selling to "minimalists" is surprisingly easy
"Before L. Frank Baum published his first Wizard of Oz book in 1900, he helped create the modern consumer society by totally redesigning store windows in Chicago...   Minimalism is a movement dedicated to paring things down to their most basic elements.   It appeals especially to hipsters forced by high urban rents [over-population and over-crowding] to concentrate their lives in small spaces.   But as Baum demonstrated, the clearing of clutter does not preclude buying more stuff.   On the contrary...   Older folks now down-sizing from their gracious suburban homes to condos are stunned to learn that their children have no interest in family heirlooms -- including antiques that cost thousands years ago, the Journal reports.   The children want new modern pieces from places like Ikea and Target.   The new mass-imported furniture may be cheap, but the antiques were, after all, free and the craftsmanship incomparably superior.   The furnishings industry calls these unwanted wood-finished pieces 'brown furniture'.   The wizard of modern merchandising, L. Frank Baum, wherever he is, must be greatly amused."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
life in the not-so-fast lane

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
_Conservative HQ_
Tennessee, if you don't want amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, and millions more guest-workers, vote for Joe Carr
"Establishment Republicans who are challenged by limited government constitutional conservatives can't really run on their records.   Because when their record is known, unless they swamp their opponent with money, they lose..."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Chris Stirewalt _Fox_
Tennessee primary guide: Joe Carr looks for lightning to strike again

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Washington DC Examiner_
ending bogus, unconstitutional doctrine of "official immunity" would discourage future government abuses
"'A private right of action would not only allow the victim [of such law-breaking] the opportunity to vindicate the harm, but would provide a strong incentive for IRS employees to better protect confidential taxpayer information.', the report states.   In Washington or any government capital, it may be considered by some an apostasy to provide bureaucrats an incentive to obey the law through personal consequences.   We can already hear shouts of 'sovereign immunity' from those who wish to protect law-breaking by government officials.   There was a time, however, when government officials were not treated as America's untouchable caste.   Personal liability for government bureaucrats is as old as America itself.   Federal bureaucrats could even be sued in state courts for common law violations.   The threat of such personal accountability had a positive effect of preventing over-reach and outright law breaking.   In his 1793 opinion in Chisholm v. Georgia, America's first Supreme Court Justice John Jay, who was also one of three authors of the Federalist Papers, put the relationship between citizens and the government in proper perspective.   Addressing the notion of whether government in America is the sovereign that should be immune from citizen law-suits, Jay wrote: 'No such ideas obtain here; at the revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country...   In Europe, the sovereignty is generally ascribed to the prince; here it rests with the people; there, the sovereignty actually administers the government; here, never in a single instance; our governors are the agents of the people, and at most stand in the same relation to their sovereign, in which regents in Europe stand to their sovereigns.'   Jay wrote that American sovereignty -- meaning, the right to govern -- and 'suability' of government are different from Europe's feudal systems.   Citizens are not subjects of the prince, but are 'equal as fellow-citizens, and as joint-tenants in the sovereignty'.   Just as the bad guys in America's private sector need the accountability that comes with the potential of being sued, the Lerners in government need a dose of such consequences when they intentionally violate the laws..."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
Alan Dershowitz: Hamas cheer-leader Jimmy Carter has blood on his hands for MidEast meddling (with video)

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
John Blosser _News Max_
US Border Patrol morale at an all-time low
Brandon Darby: Breitbart: slain Border Patrol agent's blood is "on hand of congress and president"
Ryan Lovelace: National Review: teenage Latin border horde

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Jennifer G. Hickey _News Max_
National Guard cutting sports-related PR

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
_News Max_
CBN's David Brody notes opposition to illegal aliens is manifesting all across the USA (with video)

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Mordechai Ben-Menachem _Human Events_
the real "forever war" (part 5)

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Raymond Ibrahim _Human Events_
the Western governments' prostration to Islam

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Josh Peterson _Human Events_
state legislators+private sector ALEC members spar over internet regulation, net neutrality at annual meet

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Obummer authorized air-strikes in Iraq, noting threat to Irbil

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
who are these ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS guys and why is Obummer willing to bomb them?
"spun off from Al Qaeda because, we were told, Zawahari was too moderate for them.   AQ didn't slaughter enough, didn't crucify enough, wasn't psychotic enough for their taste.   It seems that Iran gave ISIS support...   And they love to kill everyone, Muslims, infidel Christians, the whole lot..."
Michael Weiss: Foreign Policy: trust Iran only as far as you can throw it

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the last of the Yezhidis
"...The only valid object of joining a conflict is to win, or at least, be on the winning side.   Fighting to look good is neither moral nor does it work..."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
thoughts on "smart diplomacy"
"Here are some names to think about: Libya. Iran. Gaza. Syria. Ukraine. Russia..."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
at conference of Latino officials, California governor Moonbeam Brown hailed rise of "Brown Power"

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
_World Net Daily_
Greek Orthodox Gaza city arch-bishop says rockets were fired from his church; compound sheltered hundreds of Palestinians during shelling
Times of Israel

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Alan Keyes _World Net Daily_
Obummer's war against whites... and every other American

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Joseph Farah _World Net Daily_
think of the children... in Gaza/Palestine being abused as human shields
"What about the kids in Gaza? They grow up indoctrinated into Jew hate.   They see their relatives digging miles of tunnels designed to infiltrate neighboring Israel.   They watch their parents firing missiles into neighboring Israel.   Then they hear the artillery and bombs fall in their neighborhoods.   Where do these kids go? If they had any sense, they would get into those tunnels when their parents weren't watching and flee to the Jewish state..."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Chuck Baldwin _News with Views_
new research: 90% of America's pastors say they KNOW that the Bible speaks to all of these political, cultural, and societal issues, but they are deliberately determined to NOT teach these Biblical principles

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Steven Ortiz & Samuel Wolff _World Net Daily_
archaeologists found game boards at Tel Gezer
Town Hall
"Toppled building stones, accumulating more than 1.5 meters in height, were found in 2 rooms of a building and in an adjacent courtyard, apparently the sign of an attack...   ivory-carved game board...   The discovery is a well-known game from the ancient world (Levant, Cyprus) called 'The Game of 20 Squares'.   Similar game boards were found inlayed into the top of a box.   Several game pieces and dice were found in the same destruction debris.   Two similar game boards carved out of stone had been previously discovered...   research is focused on the process of urbanization and Gezer's role as a border site, reconstructing ancient life...   The project focused on an area west of the city gate where a casemate fortification wall was uncovered.   Up against the interior of the wall was a large courtyard area with a tabun (clay cooking oven), storage jars, cooking pots, and burnt beams lying atop a plaster surface.   Just to the north of this courtyard were two rooms with walls preserved to a height of more than a meter and a half.   In one of these rooms the team discovered the remains of a cow jaw-bone...   Discoveries from this period (12th-11th centuries BCE) included a perfectly preserved bronze spearhead, the head of a Philistine-type ('Ashdoda') ceramic figurine, and the ceramic six-toed foot of a possible feline, the team reported.   Largely unexcavated remains from the Late Bronze Age (14th century BCE) lay below...   discovery of the 13th known boundary inscription cut into bedrock to the east of the site, beyond Ein Vered.   This season's work concentrated on the northeastern slope of Karmei Yosef, resulting in the discovery of additional tombs, wine presses and terrace walls.   Clearance of the ancient water system at Tel Gezer was also undertaken this season...   The Tel Gezer team consists of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish staff and volunteers...focused on the scientific investigation of the ancient city."

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Eric Worrall
any more extreme weather, and we're back to the Little Ice Age

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Anthony Watts
Washington DC Compost tries to link ebola to "climate change"

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Anthony Watts
expansion of Antarctic sea ice confirmed

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Anthony Watts
el Nino not conforming to climate models

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Anthony Watts
record cold in Antarctica threatens lives of British Antarctic Survey members during power outage... with little chance of rescue

2014-08-07 (5774 Menachem-Ab 11)
Charles Battig
"Hoodwinking the Nation" on climate issues
"Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment American popular culture has scattered nuggets of perceived wisdom.   In order to understand and perhaps explain our continuing frustration with getting more of the American public and politicians to accept the reality of climate issues, I invoke 'Cool Hand Luke'..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.   We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness." --- pres. Ronald Reagan (source: George Rasley: Conservative HQ)  



2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
impeachment bait Obummer has delusional hopes that amnesty for illegal aliens will save leftist/Dem politicians

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
murder of Border Patrol agent points to importance of arresting prior deports

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Border Patrol press release has boat helping with desert rescue
"The illegals were saved, but 2 of them had to be hospitalized before they could be sent back across the border; the Border Patrol often does this sort of thing and it should get credit for it."

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
_Gainesville FL Sun_
Adrian Wyllie campaigning through Gainesville on Saturday

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
the widely disseminated myth that compromise in politics and governance is always good
World Net Daily
"getting something done isn't always preferable to doing nothing, especially if the proposed action would make things worse...   How do you compromise with someone who doesn't even share your goals [nor any penumbra of them] and who has no intention of compromising with you, even if he pretends otherwise?...   For decades, Democrats have been promising Republicans they will cooperate to enforce the border, but they've steadfastly obstructed all efforts to do so...   He did not say, 'We can start with my proposal, listen to the Republicans' suggestions to modify it and agree on a compromise.'   His idea of compromise is that Republicans accept his proposal in full, no changes.   This is the type of man we are dealing with.   There is no compromising in him..."

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
the UN prevents peace
"The UNHCR defines a refugee as someone who 'owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable... or... unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country'.   Since its foundation, the UNHCR has helped to resettle some 50M people.   UNRWA, by contrast, defines a refugee as someone 'whose normal place of residence was Palestine between 1946 June and 1948 May, who lost both their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict' and their descendants.   When 5 Arab nations attacked the nascent Jewish state in 1948, refugees flowed in both directions.   About a 500K Arabs fled Jewish areas, and about the same number of Jews fled Arab lands.   No separate U.N. agency was created to care for Jewish refugees.   They were absorbed by Israel.   The previous year, after the partition of India, some 14.5M refugees fled in both directions between India and Pakistan.   Their descendants are not, obviously, considered refugees, nor are the descendants of Ugandan, Cypriot, Hungarian, Ethiopian, Sri Lankan, Congolese, Bosnian, Angolan and countless other refugees over the past 60 years...   While UNHCR is currently attempting to serve 50M refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons, it employs only 7,600 relief workers.   UNRWA employs 29K, only 200 of whom are not Palestinians.   The per capita budget of UNRWA, underwritten to a large extent by the U.S.A., is twice that of UNHCR.   Syria alone has generated 2.5M refugees in the past 3 years. 75K refugees have fled Libya since February..."

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's "economic patriotism"
"[Obummer's] speeches on the economy [are] so egregious.   He gave nine of them in July.   They were full of untruths, contradictions, demagoguery, exaggerations, and odd policy solutions...   Not only are U.S. corporate rates the highest in the developed world, but no other major nation imposes taxes on foreign profits.   Instead, taxes are paid to the country in which they are earned...   they pay [to the feral federal US government] taxes on profits made in the United States...   American citizens working over-seas are eligible for the 'foreign earned income exclusion' -- $96,700 in 2013, indexed for inflation.   They also can deduct housing expenses...   There's a simple way to repatriate profits: cut the tax rate.   In 2005, corporations were offered a onetime rate of 5.25% on foreign profits.   More than $300T was brought home.   Today, American companies are sitting on $2T in overseas profits.   But cutting their tax burden substantially appears to be anathema to [Obummer]..."
So, why not restore and adjust for inflation and marginal rates, the tax breaks for flying US citizens across the country for job interviews, for relocation assistance and for new-hire and retained employee training?...jgo

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
campaign grows to liberate child brides in developing countries
"Abolishing child marriage is wise, moral and good politics.   Child marriage adds to the fragility of fragile states, where girls are often regarded as salable commodities.   The kidnapping of 275 Nigerian schoolgirls in April by the Boko Haram terrorists to sell to waiting customers was unusual, but not unique.   The child-marriage belt stretches from Africa through the Middle East and on to Asia, and the collateral damage is horrific..."

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Mark A. Kellner _Jewish World Review_
profanity is losing its punch
"Experts say people swear for impact, but the widespread use of strong language may in fact lessen that impact, as well as lessen society's ability to set apart certain ideas and words as sacred..."
Neglected is why people want to make an impact on others with their words, and how they can do so.   How do we break through ruts in the other person's thinking?   How does one get the other to seriously consider a line of reasoning in context?   How do we break through differences of connotation that others believe are denotation?   When people curse or profane, today, they're usually saying "Please, hear me!"...jgo

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the callow president Obummer
"It's certainly true that the president is much further left than he'd ever admit, but the deepest truth about Obama is that there is no depth.   He's smart without being wise.   He's glib without being eloquent.   He's a celebrity without being interesting.   He's callow...   He evidently has no conception of the national interest larger than his ideology or immediate political interests.   In terms of his sensibility, he's about what you'd get if you took the average writer for The New Yorker and made him president of the United States..."

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
readin', writin', and anti-justice "social justice" agitatin'
V Dare
"Concise writing, as you can see, is not on the 'social justice' pedagogues' agenda... The ultimate goal of these 'social justice' prep schools: creating left-wing political advocates... In Chicago, Ground Zero for 'social justice' brain-washing, the 'Social Justice' High School ('SOJO'), follows a similar mission. Activist teachers openly foster identity politics [i.e. racism & ethnism] and systematically undermine individualism..."
please help find Marizela

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Diana West _Jewish World Review_
"isolated" in Afghanistan, murder capital for USA's soldiers
World Net Daily
"In 2011, a Pentagon 'Red Team' led by Army behavioral scientist major Jeffrey Bordin produced a report called 'A Crisis in Trust and Cultural Incompatibility'.   In an unusual act of honesty, this report eventually identifies culture clash as a driver behind the then-rising number of Afghan security force attacks on U.S. and other Western troops.   Recommendation #40 out of 58 says: 'Better educate U.S. soldiers in the central tenets of Islam as interpreted and practiced in Afghanistan.   Ensure that this instruction is not a sanitized, politically correct training package, but rather includes an objective and comprehensive assessment of the totalitarian nature of the extreme theology practiced among Afghans.'..."

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer remains consistent in his indifference to slaughter

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Michael Widlanski _PJMedia_
to be respected, admired, feared, and/or liked: Obummer started out wanting to be liked and ended up not being taken seriously

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Bharat Upadrasta & Austin Chungath _InformationWeek_/_UBM_/_Mu Sigma_
When should you choose a NoSQL or NewSQL option versus a conventional relational database management system?

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
will Obummer try to abuse powers to grant blanket pardons to illegal aliens?
Guy Benson: Town Hall

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
_Conservative HQ_
swinging like Babe Ruth and building a movement aftere the TN primaries

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
_Conservative HQ_
why John Boehner's law-suit doesn't mention border security, visas, and immigration

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Steve Wilson _WatchDog_
Obummer regime wages regulatory war against private vehicles
"Above all, the automobile was all about freedom.   All I could think about as a boy was having a car and the freedom to go wherever caprice took me.   I loved the sound of a revving motor and feel of a steering wheel that fed back every motion of the wheels back to your hands.   The feeling of man and machine becoming one entity.   As free-market advocates, we can talk about all of the effects of government and its distortion of the free market.   But there's one of the biggest embodiments of built-up government interference sitting in your garage or driveway.   There isn't a part of your car free from the federal government's heavy-handed regulatory morass..."

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Rusty Humphries _Washington DC Times_
leftist bully of the week: illegal alien scofflaws

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
John Hendrickson _Calvin Coolidge Foundation_
president Coolidge's economics lessons ignored at terrible cost by Keynesians

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Kris Anne Hall
meet Jesse, and 18-year-old who understands liberty

1306-08-08: king Wenceslas of Poland murdered at the behest of his brother, cruel king Boleslaw
1570-08-08: king Charles ix of France signed Treaty of St. Germain giving freedom of religion to Huguenots and ending 3rd war of religion
1648-08-08: Ibrahim, sultan of Istanbul, imprisoned and assassinated
1844-08-08: Brigham Young succeeded Joseph Smith as head of Mormonite church
1876-08-08: Thomas A. Edison patented mimeograph
1896-08-08: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings born
1899-08-08: first household refrigerator patented
1901-08-08: Ernest Orlando Lawrence born at 15 Monk Road in Bishopston, Bristol, England
1902-08-08: Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac birth-day
1908-08-08: Wilbur Wright made first public flight at a race-course at Le Mans, France
1911-08-08: president William Howard Taft signed a measure raising the number of members in the U.S. House of Representatives from 391 to 433, effective with the next congress, with a proviso to add 2 more members when New Mexico and Arizona became states.   (The number of House seats has remained at 435 ever since, except for a temporary increase to 437 after Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the Union, while it should have long since been increased to over 1K.   Originally, the founders were aiming for 1 representative for every 30K to 50K US citizens, now it's 1 congress-critter for every 600K-700K residents (citizens + legal residents + illegal aliens.)
1911-08-08: The news-reel became a standard feature at U.S. movie screenings when the French film company Pathe began releasing weekly black-and-white features to theaters
1937-08-08: Japan occupied Beijing
1940-08-08: Nazi Luftwaffe attacked Great Britain, beginning Battle of Britain
1942-08-08: US Marines captured Japanese air-strip on Guadalcanal
1942-08-08: 6 convicted Nazi saboteurs who'd landed in the U.S.A. were executed in Washington, DC; 2 others were spared
1944-08-08: US forces completed capture of Marianas Islands
1945-08-08: Soviet Union declared war on Japan
1950-08-08: US troops repelled 1st attack at 10-day battle of Naktong Bulge

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
R' Berel Wein _Jewish World Review_
mission men
"Throughout Jewish history, as Moses himself attests to in Dvarim ([Debrim], Deuteronomy), there have been differing shades of Torah piety and observance amongst Jews.   Again, as Moses points out in his words of challenge, there have been occasions when Jews, many Jews, who willfully ignored or betrayed [or misunderstood or didn't understand at all] His commandments and assignments.   But, even when Jews in the Biblical and later Greco-Roman eras succumbed to the local practices of social idolatry then prevalent, they remembered and in their heart of hearts believed that '[Hear, oh Israel!   HaShem] is our G0D, [HaShem] is uniquely one'.   The Jews were the ones who pioneered in human society the belief in the existence of an unseen, omniscient, omnipotent, personally interrelated G0D of justice, compassion and eternity..."

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Larry Bell
receding Swiss glaciers incoveniently reveal 4K year old forests... and make it clear that glacier retreat is nothing new

2014-08-08 (5774 Menachem-Ab 12)
Anthony Watts
ugly: MSLSD host wants "reducation" for "climate deniers"
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Perhaps you only failed in your definition of success." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  



2014-08-09 (5774 Menachem-Ab 13)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
when nature attacks: epidemics can be a terror weapon

2014-08-09 (5774 Menachem-Ab 13)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
thinking about the sesquicentennial of David Hunter Strother's farewell from the army

2014-08-09 (5774 Menachem-Ab 13)
Eric Worrall
"Greens" want every possible intervention except one which solves their useful crisis

2014-08-09 (5774 Menachem-Ab 13)
Christopher Monckton
comment period for EPA scheme to freeze us to death in the dark closes October 16... and, as usual, some people's comments are not welcome

2014-08-09 (5774 Menachem-Ab 13)
Tim Ball
climate change and the human condition: is it time to reconsider climatic determinism?

2014-08-09 (5774 Menachem-Ab 13)
Willis Eschenbach
volcanoes and drought in Asia
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff.   Most fails.   Some works.   You do more of what works.   If it works big, others quickly copy it.   Then you do something else.   The trick is the doing something else." --- Leonardo da Vinci (source: InformationWeek/UBM)  



2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
Obummer's reverse-Midas touch

2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
US citizenry are not blind or deaf to murders by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS in Iraq
"I am delighted that the leader of the free world has finally taken decisive moral action in the Middle East.   But I must admit, I am concerned to discover that the leader of the free world is Bibi Netanyahu..."

2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
senator Rob Portman hears pleas from anguished Iraqi Christians

2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
a ring-side seat to our own destruction

2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
1 soldier's faith saved female suicide bomber

2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
billionaires for open borders
Social Contract

2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
refugee industry profiteering is so gross even Time magazine has noticed

2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
the Obummer/Holder scofflaw DoJ
Ginni Thomas: Daily Caller

2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
charter school activists are under attack in Florida

2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
Steven Hayward _PowerLine_
Dershowitz v. Carter: no contest

2014-08-10 (5774 Menachem-Ab 14)
Ed Hoskins
the diminishing influence of increasing carbon dioxide on temperature
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Every refutation should be regarded as a great success; not mere a success of the scientist who refuted the theory, but also of the scientist who created the refuted theory and who thus in the first instance suggested, if only indirectly, the refuting experiment.   Even if a new theory... should meet an early death, it should not be forgotten; rather its beauty should be remembered, and history should record our gratitude to it -- for bequeathing to us new and perhaps still unexplained experimental facts and, with them, new problems; and for the services it has thus rendered to the progress of science during its successful but short life." --- Karl Raimund Popper 1962 _Conjectures and Refutations_ pg329)  



2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Steven Nelson _US News & World Report_
James O'Keefe demonstrated just how easy it is for illegal aliens to invade; splashed across knee-deep ford
Sean Piccoli: News Max
Before It's News
Bruce Carroll: Legal Insurrection
GateWay Pundit
Patrick Howley: Daily Caller
"The investigation took place in Hudspeth county, Texas, at a crossing commonly used by illegal immigrants and drug smugglers...   Foot-prints, recent campsites, litter and well-worn paths mark both sides of the river where O'Keefe crossed...   'The bottom line is, it is easy to cross that river, and we demonstrated that.', he said."

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
critical time for deterring Putin

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Guatemalan police, bus drivers (robber barons) reportedly shaking down north-bound Central Americans

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
Tea Party birth pains continue
Town Hall

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Alan M. Dershowitz _Jewish World Review_
confirmed: needless death and destruction in Gaza=Palestine
"Second, why doesn't Hamas use sparsely populated areas from which to launch its rockets and build its tunnels? Were it to do so, Palestinian civilian casualties would decrease dramatically, but the casualty rate among Hamas terrorists would increase dramatically..."
same maps at BBC

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Gabriel Schoenfeld _Jewish World Review_
war crimes in Gaza=Palestine?

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Obummer interview reveals more reasons to worry

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
You want to see some Nazis?

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
"leading" from behind... way behind

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
"action is elusive"

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's world gone wild

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
David Shribman _Jewish World Review_
Obummer should visit Berlin as Cold War ii descends on the world

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
standardized tests have value

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Diane Dimond _Jewish World Review_
preparing students to protect themselves

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
how about a year-round tax holiday?
Tax Foundation: map of state and local sales extortion rates

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Scott Elliott _PJMedia_
a look at the 2014 gubernatorial landscape: 36 up for grabs, 13 very competitive; 26 elected new governors in 2011

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Dennis Owens _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
PA GOP losership striving against Republican base and candidates who have won primaries
"The life-long Lebanon county Republican is upset at an e-mail message he got from the Lebanon county Republican committee's executive committee.   It stated that leaders are asking state house candidate Russ Diamond to withdraw from the general election in November, even though Diamond won the Republican primary in the 102nd District in May.   '26 people are going to decide that the votes of 1,900 people in that district don't matter?!?', Rodkey said...   Diamond's past includes founding PA Cleansweep, which publicly protested the ill-fated legislative pay raise in 2005 and caused many incumbents legislators to lose elections.   'I was at the forefront, so this is revenge time for them.', Diamond said of the vote to not support him.   Casey Long is the son of Harrisburg super lobbyist and former staffer Mike Long.   Mike Long's former boss, senator Bob Jubelirer, and brother-in-law, former senator Chip Brightbill, were both ousted in the pay raise fall-out.   Diamond is convinced that attempt to push him out of the race is pay-back and is being orchestrated by Mike Long.   'Casey might have gotten half his dad's genes, but he didn't get half his brains.', Diamond said...   All of the in-fighting is irrelevant to Rodkey.   He's a Tea Party Patriot with his own blog.   He didn't support Diamond in the primary but says Diamond won the election fair and square and the people have spoken.   Rodkey insists the LCRC is violating its own bylaws..."

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Avi Wolfman-Arent _Chronicle of Higher Education_
tech companies setting up offices near university campuses
"In 2007 Motorola shuttered its operations in Champaign, IL, leaving behind a team of engineers and an empty office space in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's research park.   The jettisoned employees wanted to stay in Illinois, setting off a scramble for their services.   With university officials playing match-maker, a number of companies jockeyed to win the team..."
Neural Information Processing Systems
"The Q&A [with the unethical Mark Zuckerberg] was in essence a recruiting ploy...   While security guards staffed the door, an over-flow crowd of [some of] computer science's brightest scholars flocked...   This, he felt, was the ultimate corporate encroachment: an industrial titan hijacking time reserved for the best thinkers and the best ideas.   It filled him with the same sense of foreboding he'd felt earlier in the week when rumors of professors receiving 7-figure offers for their best chunks of code seeped into the conference's normally nerdy back-hall chatter."
Sergey Feldman & Alex Rubinsteyn: Explain My Data
"...I'm sure someone saw a legitimate need to encircle his Q&A session with armed guards...   Some of the questions asked by the incisive audience were polite versions of 'What are the dangers of having this much data about so many people?'...   These Zuckerberg dodged so expertly that by the time he was done [not answering] (with a hefty & convincing confidence), I had forgotten exactly what the question was..."

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
"Federale" _V Dare_
Obummer's immigration "judges" plan their own amnesty for illegal aliens
"President [Obummer's] own Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) is giving him a new way to dispossess the American people.   The pseudo-judges of the 'immigration courts', who are actually just politically-appointed bureaucrats, are signaling that they want to create their own Administrative Amnesty.   The only solution: impeachment—and/or abolishing these 'judges' altogether..."

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
_Conservative HQ_
we talk to a lot of grassroots Tea Party activists here and we're not hearing a lot of recriminations
"Look at it this way: there's no amnesty for illegal aliens or [reprehensible immigration law perversion] that will make granting amnesty easier; Republicans have turned against the Ex-Im Bank and other corporate crony giveaways and practically every Republican, whether the claim stands the red-face test or not, is running for office as a 'conservative'...   politics and campaigns are not zero sum games; each campaign, be it for an issue or elective office, is a step in the process of attracting and activating adherents to your cause...   Barry Goldwater's campaign for President in 1964, the Panama Canal Treaty battle, and Ronald Reagan's 1968 and 1976 presidential campaigns were not successful in the sense that [non-leftists] got the immediate outcome they desired -- but they were successes for the movement in that millions of [non-leftists] were prompted to get involved in politics and public policy..."

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
_Conservative HQ_
calls to intervene in Iraq get stronger and louder: what say you?

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
fore, 3, 2, 1...
2 maps depicting Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
dictionary.com removes example sentences deemed "offensive to home-educators

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Texas to spend $45M to educate illegal alien children (video)

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
George Gilder _PJMedia_
the secret to creating wealth (video)

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
Obummer in Oz

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Bernie Becker _Hill_
there was no apparent physical damage to Lois Lerner (and conspirators) disk drives
"...Thomas Kane, another senior IRS official, said that investigation wouldn't affect the agency's ability to process the roughly 24K [e-mail messages] involving Lerner between 2009 and 2011 that it found from other accounts.   Kane told congressional investigators last month that Lerner's [e-mail messages] could still exist on back-up tapes, a statement latched on to by GOP law-makers..."

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
_Wall Street Journal_
connections between the corrupt Obummer regime IRS and DoJ

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
reality, what a concept

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Billy Hesterman _Provo UT Daily Herald_
Mia Love holds a 12-point lead in the polls for US House seat

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
refuting pseudo-scientific warmist hysterics

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Anthony Watts, Mike Jonas & Angus Taylor
Canberra's costly carbon follies out-do even the Danes'

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Anthony Watts
a Gliessberg solar minimum?

2014-08-11 (5774 Menachem-Ab 15)
Anthony Watts
SNAP: "Data says global cooling, physical model says it has to be warming"
Proposed Bills 2014

  "In 1933 May a Ukrainian newspaper in Lviv (then a Polish city [Lwow, Lvuf, Lebib, Lemberg, Leopolis]) published an article denouncing the famine as an attack on the Ukrainian national movement: ‷The eastern side of the Zbruch river [the border between Soviet Ukraine & Poland] now looks like a real military camp that is difficult for a citizen to cross even at night, as in war-time. We are informed of this by refugees who recently managed to wade across the Zbruch...they arrived as living skeletons because the famine there is terrible...today's slaves of the collective farms are being fed dog meat, for in fertile Ukraine neither bread nor potatoes are to be had.‴" --- Anne Applebaum 2017 _Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine_ pg302  



2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
*** 300 years later, Americans owe a debt to king George i of Great Britain: what the USA's founders learned ***

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Joe FitzGerald Rodriguez _San Francisco Bay Guardian_
Wanted: more cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with flexible ethics: tech executives lobby for more work visas; bypassing US citizens & green-card holders, and creating a labor force bound by golden hand-cuffs
"As the greater Bay Area's technology sector has boomed, so has its Indian population.   This influx is linked to tech's practice of employing foreign-born workers, mostly from India and China, using H-1B work visas that are usually valid for 6 years with the possibility of extensions and eventually citizenship...   FWD.us advocates [against] immigration reform on behalf of the tech industry [executives] to make it easier for employers to bring foreign workers into the USA...   Although [opposing] immigration reform is high on the list of priorities for tech companies, they're spear-heading ways to widen the temporary worker visa program without addressing the complicated issues raised by importing more tech-trained workers from lower-wage countries...   Uncritically, the tech industry is going to great lengths to defend its ability to hire nonimmigrant workers, who are cheaper than their citizen counterparts...   Hira's study estimates that only 1%-5% of H-1B visa holding temporary workers gain citizenship status...   According to the government transparency group Open Secrets, FWD.us put as much as $900K to the cause...   Those who did speak on the record about wage fixing were those who already achieved the dream: former H-1B workers who are now US citizens..."

H-1B Visas Issued Through Consular Offices
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued
199658,327- - -58,327
199780,547- - -80,547
199891,360- - -91,360
1999116,513- - -116,513
2000133,290- - -133,290
2001161,643- - -161,643
2002118,352- - -118,352
2003107,196- - -107,196
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued

State Dapartment
FY2004-FY2008 pdf;     FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report;     FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_
Apple's tech jobs employ mostly white and Asian men
"54% of the company's technology jobs in the U.S.A. are handled by whites and another 23% by Asians.   Men make up 80% of Apple's technology workforce throughout the world...   mirrors the situations previously disclosed at other major Silicon Valley companies..."

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
swimming in a sea turning red: elections 2014
Washington DC Times

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
attacking achievement
"The non-existent problem is the use of tests to determine who gets admitted to the city's 3 most outstanding public high schools -- Stuyvesant, Bronx Science and Brooklyn Tech.   These admissions tests have been used for generations, and the students in these schools have had spectacular achievements for generations.   These achievements include many Westinghouse Science awards, Intel Science awards and -- in later life -- Pulitzer Prizes and multiple Nobel Prizes.   Graduates of Bronx Science alone have gone on to win 5 Nobel Prizes in physics alone.   There are Nobel Prize winners from Stuyvesant and Brooklyn Tech as well...   Despite their educational achievements, they have political problems.   The biggest political problem is that the teachers' unions don't like them...     If racism is the reason why there are so few blacks in Stuyvesant High School, why were blacks a far higher proportion in Stuyvesant in earlier times, as far back as 1938? Was there less racism in 1938? Was there less poverty among blacks in 1938?   We know that there were far fewer black children raised in single-parent homes back then and there was far less social degeneracy represented by things like gangsta rap."

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
_Conservative HQ_
militias arriving at southern border

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
totally different approaches to high-speed rail

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Paul Johnson _Jewish World Review_
the current complex spasm in Islam
"I've always argued that violent turmoil is part of Islamic history and that seen in a long-term perspective the West's wisest policy is patience.   The turmoil will eventually subside.   The present upheaval is being fueled by two things: clumsy Western interference and deliberate Russian troublemaking..."

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
confronting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate -- It takes a guerrilla army to defeat a guerrilla army
"This demonstrates a misunderstanding of the real threat.   The Islamists, though calling themselves different names, share a common doctrine of destruction.   They seek to impose their will through beheadings, kidnappings, forced conversions, crucifixions, forced marriages, rape and other horrors.   They intend to go after Israel, Europe and ultimately the United States, where they claim to already have agents awaiting instructions to conduct suicide bombings...   The [extremist] president wasn't asked and didn't say on which issues he and senate majority-leader Harry Reid have compromised with Republicans, from health insurance to reforms in the tax code..."

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
the extremist, unreasonable, anti-science, reality-challenged Obummer

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
the leftist Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
Obummer vacations as the world burns

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Michael Gerson _Jewish World Review_
mugged by reality in the Middle East

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
when the great nations' governments committed suicide
"About 9M soldiers and 7M civilians were killed between 1914 August 4 and 1918 November 8.   The world in August, 1914 was very different from the one we live in.   There were just 62 sovereign states then, compared to 196 today.   Most of Africa and Asia were divided up among European empires, of which the German, Russian and Austro-Hungarian were ruled by kings.   Virtually all of the Middle East was ruled by a Turkish caliph in Istanbul.   But nearly all of our geopolitical troubles today stem from the Great War and its immediate aftermath.   Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany (1859-1941) was the grandson of queen Victoria (1819-1901), first cousin to king George v, second cousin to czar Nicholas ii of Russia (1868-1918), first cousin to his wife, czarina Alix of Hesse.   More of German than of Russian descent, czar Nicholas was also a first cousin of king George V, and of the kings of Norway and Greece.   Their relationships didn't prevent these monarchs from blundering into a war none of them wanted..."

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
reaching out to US citizens of Spanish heritage

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Claudia Rosett _PJMedia_
Hamas, terror tunnels and timing?

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
charges of Caesarism should not be dismissed lightly

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
a refreshing aspect of EB-5: no bowing to the alien rich

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
do Rand Paul and Rick Perry represent split GOP personality on Iraq?

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
Japan moves closer to defending itself

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Kristin Tate _Conservative HQ_
federal government won't tell Texas school districts how many illegal alien students to expect
"This school year, Texas [tax-victims] will likely be on the hook for approximately $45M to educate the wave of Central American children who entered the U.S.A. illegally during recent months.   Thousands of unaccompanied minors are expected to attend Texas public schools this year.   Despite this, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is unable to put plans in place for accommodating the minors -- the federal government has not revealed the number of foreign students to expect in each school district..."

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Jen Kuznicki
the USA is not dead; it is not over

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Allan J. Lichtman _Hill_
ordinary Americans have virtually no impact whatsoever on the making of national policy in the USA
"59% of 2012 voters earned $50K or more per year, compared to 39 percent of non-voters.   Only 12% of non-voters earned more than $75K, compared to 31% of voters."

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Irwin Kellner _MarketWatch_
inflation is higher than you think: despite the BLS indices, your dollar buys less
"The government's surveyors are missing 2 subtle but important kinds of inflation.   At the same time, they are not fully taking into account changes in buying patterns, not to mention the cost of such obscure items as service contracts.   Besides actually raising prices, companies can also shrink package sizes while keeping prices unchanged.   Another way they can give you less for your money is to dilute the product by replacing expensive ingredients with cheaper ones, such as water, for example...   For example, several popular detergents don't clean as efficiently as they used to -- unless you use more of them.   Foods are also subject to this gambit.   Chickens might have fluid pumped into them to increase their weight, and thus their selling price.   Ice cream can be watered down to the point where it can no longer use the word 'cream' in its name.   [The quality of design (e.g. bearings replaced by rubbing surfaces; nuts & bolts replaced by plastic rivets or other quick-connect gadgets; star-head screws replaced with slot-head), materials (e.g. cotton, wool & silk replaced with polyester; leather repaced with cloth and a rubbery paint film) and workmanship can also be lowered.]...   When prices rise, consumers try to cushion the blow by switching to cheaper items, such as substituting lower-price chicken for more expensive meat.   However, there is a limit to what people can do.   For example, it is hard to blunt the rising cost of food, health care, income and property taxes and water bills.   This off-the-books inflation is a byproduct of the massive amount of liquidity that the Fed has pumped into the economy.   Some of it buoyed the stock market, while the rest is slowly seeping into the real economy..."

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
William Tecumseh Sherman's 300K and the caliphate's 3M
Asia Times

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Jack Dunphy _PJMedia_
Manhattan has been returning to the crime-ridden bad old days, but major Bill de Blasio could stop it

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
12 states sue to block insane EPA carbon regulations

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
how the UN oppresses the Islamic world

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Alfonzo Rachel _PJMedia_
Chipotle: a burrito made by slaves? (video)

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Leo Hohmann _World Net Daily_
congress-men on mission to disarm federal government regulatory agencies: militarized IRS, FDA, SIA, DoE erode trust

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
GOP likely to win 10 or more gubernatorial elections in November

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Dan Joseph _Cybercast News Service_
Empire State Building lights up for leftists, but not for children with cancer

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Thomas Meehan _V Dare_
NJ/conquistador-American/embezzler Jorge Rod welcomes illegal alien future leftist voters
"[Obummer's] wholesale federal distribution of illegal migrant children in his state.   (The number is currently estimated at around 1500 -- more than any other state except Texas.)   The governor does know that illegal minors are being released into the hands of relatives who are themselves illegally here.   He realizes that these same relatives are unlikely ever to present their wards to the mandated immigration court hearings in a few weeks..."

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Casey Stinnett _Cleveland TX Advocate_
Liberty county commission passed resolution on illegal aliens under 21

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Wayne Allyn Root _Town Hall_
Obummer is aobut to experience the revenge of the middle class he's been battering

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Eric Worrall
loony neo-feudalist luddite left: we need an air travel regulator with teeth

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Anthony Watts
Mark Steyn's scorching new legal brief
"'Amicus Curiae:...' Mark Steyn brings this brief in support of neither affirmance nor reversal, but instead in support of an expeditious ruling in this matter...   'In this action, Plaintiff-Appellee...has sought to punish the defendants for their legitimate criticism and commentary on his work and role in the intense national [inter-national] debate over so-called man-made climate change.   Defendants moved to dismiss [the] abusive complaint, including on anti-SLAPP grounds, and when the lower court denied those motions, 3 of the 4 defendants sought immeiate review of the anti-SLAPP portion of that decision.   While defendant Steyn has not appealed, he agrees with the other defendants that the anti-SLAPP issues raised in this case deserve immediate resolution.   Steyn did not appeal because he thought vindication would come faster by proceeding right away with discovery and trial.   That hope has been dashed by a stay of proceedings in the trial court.   That stay, granted at [plaintiff's] request, included Steyn's counter-claims against [plaintiff] for his campaign to deny freedom of speech rights not only to Steyn but to those scientists in other jurisdictions who make the mistake of agreeing with [Steyn]...   Neither [plaintiff] nor Steyn live or work in the District of Columbia.   Neither [plaintiff] nor Steyn has any meaningful connection to the District...   It is cler that, as part of his SLAPP strategy, [plaintiff] went venue shopping rather than suing in the jurisdiction where he lives and works or where Steyn lives and works.   It is deeply prejudicial to the defendants to reward [plaintiff] for his venue shopping by permitting this litigation to drag on for a third year before trail -- the very result the DC anti-SLAPP statute is designed to prevent...   But the damage spreads far beyond the defendants here.   Significant delays in the resolution of this law-suit, even assuming the defendants are rightly vindicated in the end, will send a signal to others who might wish to comment on the climate debate (or any other subject of public interst): remain silent, or risk years of litigation, even if you have done nothing wrong.   IOW, do not speak out unless you are prepared to risk being sued into silence [George W. Pring 1989 "SLAPPs: Strategic Law-Suits Against Public Participation" _Pace Environmental Law Review_ paper 132 pg1].   This court can stop the damage here.   An expeitious ruling will send a message that the DC anti-SLAPP Act can serve its intended purpose of protecting those who exercise their right to free expression from malicious, often protracted law-suits meant to stifle that very right.   This court should rule on this appeal as quickly as possible...   What judge Weisberg called the convoluted procedural history of this case derives from [plaintiff's] abuse of the judicial process.   The delays stem from [plaintiff's] need to amend his original complaint because of its false claim that he is a Nobel Laureate and that Steyn an the other defendants had committed the crime of defamation of a Nobel Prize recipient.   [Plaintiff's] fraudulent misrepresentation of his crednetials and academic standing later earned him a rebuke from Geir Lundestad, director of the Nobel Institute in Oslo [Thomas Richard 2012-10-26 "Professor Mann claims to win Nobel Prize; Nobel Committee says he has not" _Examiner.com_].   One can well understand why the exposure of [plaintiff's] fraudulent claim should cause him embarrassment but it should surely not justify resetting the procedural clock back to the beginning on this case, which is what in effect happened.   In his later court filings, [plaintiff] has made equally preposterous and objectively false claims.   For example, [plaintiff] has claimed that he has been exonerated by such bodies as the University of East Anglia, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency [NOAA], an even by the government of the United Kingom, none of which have investigated [the plaintiff] at all, never mind exonerated him.   The audacity of the falsehoods in [plaintiff's] court pleadings is breath-taking.   For example, on page 19 of his brief below dated 2013-01-18, he cites the international panel chaired by the eminent scientist lord Oxburgh, FRS as one of the bodies that exonerated him, whereas on page 235 of [plaintiff's own book]...he states explicitly that our own work did not fall within the remit of the committee, and the hockey stick was not mentioned in the report.   It is deeply disturbing that a plaintiff should make such fraudulent claims in his legal pleadings.   It is even more disturbing that the first such fraudulent claim -- to be a Nobel Laureate and thus in the same pantheon as Banging, Einstein, and the Curies -- shoul have led to the amended complaint and the procedural delays that then followed.   It would be even more profoundly damaging were his other transparently false claims to be entertained for anothere 2 years before trial.   It is clear from the ease with which [plaintiff] lies about things that would not withstand 10 minutes of scrutiny in the court-room that he has no intention of proceeding to trial...   Steyn responded to [plaintiff's] request for discovery on 2014-02-12, and did not find them unduly time-consuming, any more than [plaintiff] would find his, even though [plaintiff] has sought to make this case about climate change rather than about his own conduct, integrity and reputation.   Few of [plaintiff's] fellow scientists and advocates for climate change regard him as an exemplar of their field...'"

2014-08-12 (5774 Menachem-Ab 16)
Anthony Watts & Dennis Wingo
techno-archaeology rescues climate date from early satellites
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Foreign [non-Red Chinese] producers receive subsidies, tax abatements, free buildings, free energy.   They do not pay taxes.   They don't have to pay [Socialist Insecurity], workman's comp [insurance for job-caused injuries and illnesses], disability or health care [insurance].   They don't have to match a 401(k) contribution.   They are able to avoid more than 100 years of government regulations put on American businesses.   OSHA does not exist in most developing nations.   They use electricity that would never be allowed to be generated in the USA due to lack of pollution controls.   The US Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] employs 17K workers.   [Red China's] state environmental protection administration employs only 300." --- Richard McCormack, Clyde Prestowitz, Kate Heidinger, John Russo, Sherry Lee Linkon, Irene Petrick & Ron Hira 2009 _Manufacturing a Better Future for America_ (quoted in Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pg101)  



1913-08-13: stainless steel was invented by Harry Brearley.
1918-08-13: Opha Mae Johnson enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
STEM H-1B abusers take 2 indirect hits

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Don Clark & Tess Stynes _Wall Street Journal_
Cisco Systems announced plan to dump 6K employees
Jeremy C. Owens: San Jose CA Mercury News

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
polls: swing voters don't like Obummer's amnesties for illegal aliens

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
gird yoruself for denials over lack of border security
Front Page Magazine
Corvette Forum
Washington DC Examiner
Capitalism Magazine
"Securing our border is not only an immigration issue but, more importantly, a national security issue.   International terrorists know that our southern border is insecure.   They can simply fly to a Latin American country and then sneak across the border with deadly germ or chemical warfare weapons and dirty bombs, which could be planted anywhere.   According to Breitbart, 'a leaked intelligence analysis from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals the exact numbers of illegal immigrants entering and attempting to enter the U.S.A. from more than 75 different countries'.   It reports that 28 'individuals from Pakistan were caught attempting to sneak into the U.S.A. this year alone, with another 211 individuals either turning themselves in or being caught at official ports of entry'.   Texas governor Rick Perry says that the number of apprehended illegal aliens who come from countries with 'substantial terrorist ties' is at a record high, countries such as Yemen, Somalia and Saudi Arabia.   On top of this, individuals from nations currently suffering from the world's largest Ebola out-break have been caught attempting to sneak into the U.S.A... Deroy Murdock's article titled 'The Southern Border: Our Welcome Mat for Terrorists', for National Review Online (2013 April 25), reports that 'Somalia's Ahmed Muhammed Dhakane told authorities in 2011 that he earned up to $75K per day smuggling East Africans into America. His clients included 3 al-Shabaab terrorists. As the House report states: 'Dhakane cautioned that each of these individuals is ready to die for their cause and would fight against the United States if the jihad moved from overseas to the U.S.A. mainland.'   Many Syrians and Iranians have been caught making illegal entry. Both Syria and Iran are supporters of Hezbollah, have chemical weapons and materials for dirty bombs, and hate 'the Great Satan'..."

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
_Laura Ingraham_
Los Angeles kidnappers are illegal aliens... one of them deported 3 times
Michelle Moons: Breitbart

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
_Laura Ingraham_
Bush-ite RINOs and leftists/Dems united for open borders, lax security, more cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Joel Gehrke _National Review_
Jeff Sessions warns of "chilling" plotting by the Obummer regime regarding reducing border security, increasing legal and illegal immigration

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Pinal county AZ sheriff Babeu says ICE is refusing to verify whether suspects turned over to them are illegal aliens or not
"...it's [Obummer's] responsibility, but there are no consequences, there [is] no enforcement of the law [i.e. the Obummer regime is engaged in non-feasance in office].   That's what he swore an oath to [do], is to faithfully execute the laws that have been passed by this congress.', he added."

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Steve Bousquet _Tamba Bay FL Times_
Adrian Wyllie picked running mate Greg Roe from Pasco county

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Obummer, the K Street president
please help find Marizela

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
gentlemen of the club

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
what could go wrong?: pilot-free computer-controlled combat air-craft

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Dmitriy Shapiro _Jewish World Review_
has Rand Paul repented? "maybe we should start by eliminating aid to countries that hate us, countries that burn our flag"

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the war of Muslim terrorists against the West is likely to continue for a long time

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
the patriotism of prosperity

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
American confidence that conditions will improve is falling

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
no vacation: Washington DC is permanently mired in a culture of hazardous waste
"From the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office [USPTO] to the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], the IRS and, worst of all, the Department of Health and Human Services [Hell and Human Suffering, HHS], career federal bureaucrats protected by union rules are taking [tax-victims] to the cleaners...   More than 20% of the fruits of our labor is being sucked up by the federal government.   Add in the 17% being used by state and local governments (more in New York state), and at least 37% of GDP is being consumed by [corrupt, anti-constitutional] government programs.   Do you get more than a third of your happiness from government? I didn't think so...   More than half of the federal government's inspectors general (47 out of 73) are formally complaining to Congress that government bureaucrats systematically stone-wall them, preventing the investigators from uncovering waste, fraud and misconduct..."

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
_Conservative HQ_
Lois Lerner and the "do as I say, not as I do" bureaubum disease

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
mindless drones

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
_Conservative HQ_
What is Obummer's strategy as the US government inches into another Iraq war?

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Erik Rush _World Net Daily_
waking up to global assault on Judeo-Christians

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Joseph Farah _World Net Daily_
Jimmy Carter "legitimizes" terrorists

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Ted Nugent _World Net Daily_
they're trying to treat us like gullible stooges, but we're real Americans

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Secure America Now deploys ads critical of Obummer
the Truth about Iran's nuclear weapons programs

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
James Kirkpatrick _V Dare_
what the appalling Luis Gutierrrez (la racist-IL) tells us about treason and American identity

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
are the times changing?

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Kelsey Dallas _Jewish World Review_
does putting your religion on a resume help or hurt your likelihood of getting a good job? (with graph)

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Ana Veciana-Suarez _Jewish World Review_
hackers make life a pain in the pass-word

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Kathryn Moody _Jewish World Review_
some hidden costs of college
Fratsorities and other student clubs...   Sports tickets...   Car or other transportation, parking fees, fuel, maintenance...   Moving and storage...

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
_World Net Daily_
border crisis linked to North American Union

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Eric Worrall
incompetent Detroit pols trying to blame global warming instead of poor infrastructure and corruption

2014-08-13 (5774 Menachem-Ab 17)
Anthony Watts
snow has thinned on Arctic sea ice
Proposed Bills 2014


"Rational irrationality appears to map an odd route to delusion:
Step 1. Figure out the truth to the best of your ability.
Step 2. Weigh the psychological benefits of rejecting the truth against its material costs.
Step 3. If the psychological benefits out-weigh the material costs, purge the truth from your mind and embrace error." --- Bryan Douglas Caplan 2007 _The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies_ pg125




1040-08-14: king Duncan i/Dhonnchaid mac Crinan (husband of Sybilla of Northumberland/Suthen/Sibylla fitz Ward), was killed in battle at Pitgaveny/Bothnagowan, Elgin, MorayShire with his first cousin and rival MacBeth. He was buried on the island of Iona.
1057-08-14: Duncan's son, king Malcolm iii of Scotland/Caenn Mor/Maol Choluim mac Dhonnchaidh/Mael Coluim mac Donnchada killed MacBeth in battle at Lumphanan.
1971-08-14: the wicked president Richard Nixon completed the break from the gold standard by ending convertibility of the United States dollar into gold by foreign investors.

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Disruption Inc.: apparently, the only way Google, FB, Oracle, Adobe, AOL, Salesforce, Yahoo!, Datalogix, Marketo, LinkedIn, Neustar, Intelius, Bizo... know how to get money is by doing evil

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Grant Gross _"IT" News_/_IDG_
dozens of USA tech firms violate EU privacy promises
Steve Johnson: San Jose CA Mercury News

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Lyman Stone _Tax Foundation_
mapping migrations into/within the USA
where people in each state were born

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
occupation of Cyprus under-scores hypocrisy of Gaza=Palestine outrage
"Thousands of settlers from Anatolia were shipped in by the Turkish government to occupy former Greek villages and to change Cypriot demography -- in the same manner the occupying Ottoman Empire once did in the 16th century.   Not a single nation recognizes the legitimacy of the Turkish Cypriot state.   In contrast, Greek Cyprus is a member of the European Union.   Why, then, is the world not outraged at an occupied Cyprus the way it is at, say, Israel [being occupied by Palestinians]?..."

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
mission still not accomplished

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
into a new void?

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: the Iraq bug-out was not my idea

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
it took a single-mom of an under-educated child to put test-score-fixing teachers on trial
"Schools have mascots; Fulton County thinks its [tax-victims'] mascot is a pigeon."

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Martin Schram _Jewish World Review_
Obummer has reached his Jimmy Carter moment

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Jazz Shaw _PJMedia_
party on, first dude

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
bureaucracy versus the microbes
"In general we believe that really important things, like epidemics, are above politics.   The reverse appears to be true..."

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Pentagon: evacuation of Yazidis is "far less likely" after assessment by "less then 20" USA personnel

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJMedia_
congress still examining balanced budget amendments after 60 years of tax-victim concern and petitions

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
the state of the caliphate; it takes a sophisticated, multi-modal military including guerrilla operations to defeat a guerrilla force

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
comrade Dick Turban, Wrong Wyden, Curl Levin and Schmuckie Schumer asked IL company execs not to run from oppressive government extortion

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
corrupted primary in MS ever so slowly heading toward serious court phases of discovery and trial

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Alfonzo Rachel _PJMedia_
leftist/Dem cities are dangerous places (video)

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Richard Berkow _Biz PAC Review_
1K Texas organized militia head to border... mission is unclear

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
_Conservative HQ_
Ron Paul was correct: Obummer must get permission from congress before taking military action in Iraq

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
what are illegal aliens costing schools in your neighborhood?
"The states that received the most children were Texas, with 5,280; New York, 4,244; and California, 3,909.   And as Allen West points out, Fox News reported '748 unaccompanied minors have been transferred from areas near the border to the Chicago area.   Of the original group of 748 kids, 319 have been placed with family members or sponsors while they await an immigration hearing.   The other 429 have been placed in facilities run by the Heartland Alliance, a non-profit organization that receives grants from the Department of Health and Human Services [H377 & Human Suffering].'   Such students often require a variety of services, including subsidized meals, English-language instruction, tutoring and psychological counseling, Alberto Carvalho, superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools told The Wall Street Journal.   He said his district enrolled 300 new Central American children in the final quarter of the last school year and is preparing for hundreds more this Fall..."

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Ari J. Kaufman _PJMedia_
6 big misconceptions about the midwest

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
10 things about me just for kids
"I get a lot of odd requests.   This was the first of its kind.   In September, I'm to speak in several places in Indiana, including an elementary school in a small town called Hope.   Usually, I speak to grown-ups, not children.   Grown-ups are less demanding.   If you bore them, they may heckle you or start to snore.   But they're not likely to start pinching each other..."

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
illegal alien invasion is silent no more (part 2)

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
blanket executive clemency as a vehicle for amnesty for illegal aliens is not a good bet

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Boss Aktuba _V Dare_
history repeats as media covers for rioters and looters

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
"Federale" _V Dare_
Texas organized militia to guard borders, better armed, better motivated than Obummer's DHS Border Patrol

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
James Fulford _V Dare_
map from Numbers USA of congress-critters' meetings with the public in August

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
more Red Chinese children are enrolling in private USA high schools

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Steve Sailer _V Dare_
how college financial aid really works

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
HHS placing illegal alien gangsters with possible MS-13 tis in top gang-plagued cities

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Lee Bailey _Electronic Urban Report_
Obummer amnesty for illegal aliens would harm black Americans

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Lee Bailey _Electronic Urban Report_
Obummer amnesty for illegal aliens would harm black Americans

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Leo Hohmann _World Net Daily_
illegal alien children swamp public schools: "some speak Mayan"
"One exasperated mom told WND that she went to register her child for public school in South Carolina a few weeks ago and was told she wouldn't be registered for classes until she provided a copy of her birth certificate, her immunization record, a photo ID to prove she was the parent, 2 different utility bills to prove her place of residence and the name and contact information of her previous school.   'Why does this native-born American have to jump through hoops before my daughter can walk through the doors of our school, while children in the country illegally can waltz into class-rooms, no strings attached, and consume valuable resources paid for by American families already struggling to support their own?', she asked.   'This is beyond scandalous, infuriating and beyond surreal.'...   Senator [Lindsey Grahamnesty (R-SC)], said Tuesday, 'The state of South Carolina should get some help from the federal government in terms of paying the bill, too.'"

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
John Higgins _Seattle WA Times-
students were more likely to drop out of high school if they had to pass 6 math/science classes to graduate (11.4% drop-out rate) than if they had to pass only 2 (8.9% drop-out rate)

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
combined federal, state and local government spent more per household than the median household income in 2009, 2010 and 2011
"As recently as 2000, for example, federal, state and local governments spent $29,941.26 per household and the median household had an income of $41,990.   At that time, median household income out-stripped government spending by about 40%.   In 2009, government spent $50,763.10 per household and median household income was $49,777.   In 2010, government spent $49,579.88 per household and median household income was $49,276.   In 2011, government spent $50,505.68 per household and median household income was $50,054."
Table H-6: household income
Table P-43: income per capita

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Eric Worrall
on the dangers of global cooling

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Anthony Watts
microbes, rain and climate

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Anthony Watts
smoke from Russian fires over the Arctic sea

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Anthony Watts
all the energy we will need for decades is just a mile or two above our heads... but harvesting, storing, and using it is another matter

2014-08-14 (5774 Menachem-Ab 18)
Benny Peiser
US leftists embrace shale boom ahead of mid-term elections, after years of trying to stop it
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Just before the 1996 elections, Algore pushed the old INS to reduce the time between filing an application and naturalization from 2 years to 6 months.   The goal of the $95M program was to make all these new citizens so thankful that they would register and vote Democrat.   But this $95M gift [from tax-victims] to the Clinton-Gore re-election effort was fraught with fraud and abuse.   Criminal background checks [let alone proper background investigations] were rushed or forgone.   According to Justice Department investigators, 180K immigrants did not [even] have their finger-prints checked against criminal records.   Evan worse, more than 80K who were found to have criminal records were granted citizenship anyway!" --- John D. Hayworth & Joseph J. Eule 2006 _Whatever It Takes: Illegal Immigration, Border Security, and the War on Terror_ pg161 (citing Michelle Malkin 2002-11-14 "Open Doors for Hezbollah" _National Review_)  



2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
how HE expects your child to be reared
"discipline is not just about 'setting limits'.   It is also about 'setting goals'...   It is about extending a challenge, with the implicit confidence that sends that child the message, 'You can do it!'..."

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
starving the soul on campus: when computer science replaces the classics... and they'll still be unemployed from age 35

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
*** comparing and contrasting: Bibi taking care of business while Bambi runs out the clock ***
canonical source

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
report on US ICE's releases of illegal aliens who committed additional crimes leaves much to be desired
"With the departure of the long-time acting Inspector General at DHS, Charles K. Edwards, whose long tenure was disastrous and ethically challenged by most accounts, I had hoped that the OIG would make a sharp turna-round and start showing some of the same integrity and plain language they are charged with ensuring in all of the components of DHS.   But I don't see it in this report. In fact, it reads more like the hard edges have been carefully and methodically sanded away..."

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
the bed-rock of ordinary Americans' immigration views (part 1)

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
CNN publishes another error-filled pro-amnesty "news article"

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
hundreds more illegal aliens who who committed additional brutal crimes have been released by the corrupt Obummer regime

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Abigail R. Esman _Jewish World Review_
jihadist girls: teen rebellion that kills

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
anti-semitism and its limitations

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
let's play connect the dots
"The war we were in, and are still in, is not a war with 'terror' it is a war with Islamist extremists. This war was started by them and it is being waged against all who do not think as they do. Bush should have said as much. Rule number one: always clearly define your enemy... Indeed, not all Muslims are terrorists, but the ones that are, are scary barbaric fanatics with a goal to establish a worldwide Islamic Caliphate and eliminate the 'infidels' of the West..."

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
ending war or merely shirking responsibility

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's Middle East policy is not so incomprehensible
Cybercast News Service

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Rob Longley _PJMedia_
David Patterson steps up to challenge leftists in Kentucky contest for US senate

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
would you expect to be shot to death for jay-walking or petty theft?

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
_Conservative HQ_
Judicial Watch: judge issued extraordinary order in investigation of Lois Lerner and other abusers in the IRS

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
the most important contemporary non-leftist who never held public office: Phyllis Schlafly

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Philip Wegman _Daily Signal_
Sharyl Attkisson has sued feral federal government to obtain ObummerDoesn'tCare documents
"Last week in a letter to House Oversight chairman Darrell Issa, R-CA, HHS announced that subpoenaed documents 'might not be retrievable'.   Issa complained that the Obummer regime has destroyed emails without disclosure to Congress or the National Archives, a practice he charges is 'in violation of federal law'..."

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
meet the women fighting against ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/IS in Iraq

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Judson Berger _Fox_
HHS official illegally instructed them to delete internal e-mail messages related to ObummerDoesn'tCare
"A key official over-seeing the [ObummerDoesn'tCare] launch last Fall asked a subordinate to delete an e-mail exchange on the matter, according to newly released records, fueling Republican concerns that the [Obummer regime has been and likely continues] hiding internal discussions from congress."

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Paul Nachman _V Dare_
ever-increasing sophistication among commenters on immigration

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Fared Zakaria _News Max_
the fantasy of Middle Eastern moderates

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Robert Higgs _Ludwig von Mises Institute_
is macro-economics really economics?

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
John Gordon _Commentary_
understanding simple questions: Schleswig-Holstein and Israel vs. Palestine
Dennis Prager

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Rusty Humphries _Washington DC Times_
wielding hugs and scimitars

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 81.8 in late July to 79.2 in mid-August
Bill McBride: Calculated Risk
RTT News
Ruth Mantell: MarketWatch
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Eric Worrall
why climate hysterics think others are always wrong, regardless of the facts/data

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Anthony Watts
irony alert -- wind-turbine involved in petroleum spill at sea

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Eric Worrall
the psychological problems of warmist hysterics

2014-08-15 (5774 Menachem-Ab 19)
Tim Ball
all rain is acid rain
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Observe the sabbath day, to keep it holy, as HaShem your God commanded you.   Six days shalt you labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a sabbath unto HaShem your God, in it you shalt not do any manner of work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your man-servant, nor your maid-servant, nor thine ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates; that your man-servant and your maid-servant may rest as well as you.   And you shall remember that you were a servant in the land of Egypt, and HaShem your God brought you out thence by a mighty hand and by an out-stretched arm; therefore HaShem your God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:11-14  



2014-08-16 (5774 Menachem-Ab 20)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
Mexico kidnappers aim lower on the socio-economic scale

2014-08-16 (5774 Menachem-Ab 20)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
in a stew over inversions

2014-08-16 (5774 Menachem-Ab 20)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
the star chamber comes to Texas

2014-08-16 (5774 Menachem-Ab 20)
Steve Bousquet _St. Petersburg FL Times_
Adrian Wyllie craft-beer tour of Florida is only one stage in his campaign for governor
"polls show voters are starved for an alternative to Republican governor Rick Scott and Charlie Crist...   'It's refreshing to hear that there's an option out there.', said Alan Wegner, 56, a building engineer and registered independent..."

2014-08-16 (5774 Menachem-Ab 20)
Mark J. Perry _AEI_
Kevin D. Williamson on how leftists hold that the state, not the individual, family, or market, is the central actor
Kevin D. Williamson: National Review

2014-08-16 (5774 Menachem-Ab 20)
Patrick Jakeway _American Thinker_
College Board erases the founding fathers
"Today, the history of George Washington's leadership has been erased in the new Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History test/curriculum, taking effect in the fall of 2014.   The College Board, the organization that publishes the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) and AP tests, has also decided to completely blot out Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, among others.   In this newly revised course, general Washington merits one fleeting mention in one sentence, in reference to his Farewell Address...   Mr. Krieger's analysis makes clear that this deletion was by design and not by accident.   The new College Board U.S. history defines the USA as a racist, genocidal, imperialist nation.   Their whole point is that America is bad so of course they leave America's heroes out.   Some examples of this theme can be observed in the 'Key Concepts' of the frame-work enumerated in each historical period..."

2014-08-16 (5774 Menachem-Ab 20)
Anthony Watts
new hysterics book pushes the weather is never just weather notion

2014-08-16 (5774 Menachem-Ab 20)
Bob Tisdale
on recent record high global sea-surface temperatures: the wheres and whys

2014-08-16 (5774 Menachem-Ab 20)
Anthony Watts
earth-quake swarm in Iceland raises threat level on Bartharbunga volcano
Proposed Bills 2014

  "You must not take the name of HaShem your God in vain [don't make promises you don't intend to keep, with HaShem as your witness]; for HaShem will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:10  



2014-08-17 (5774 Menachem-Ab 21)
_V Dare_
an American handyman writes on imports from Red China

2014-08-17 (5774 Menachem-Ab 21)
"Federale" _V Dare_
the ebola amnesty: USCIS has announced an "administrative amnesty" for illegal aliens from Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone

2014-08-17 (5774 Menachem-Ab 21)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
Obummer, our "Face in the Crowd"
"IRS, AP, VA,... NSA... Benghazi... Middle East afire... the embarrassing Bergdahl deal... [ObummerDoesn'tCare]..."

2014-08-17 (5774 Menachem-Ab 21)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
Wired calls for birth panels

2014-08-17 (5774 Menachem-Ab 21)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
lord Elgin in Detroit

2014-08-17 (5774 Menachem-Ab 21)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
Dover Beach

2014-08-17 (5774 Menachem-Ab 21)
Anthony Watts
no on expects the Spanish solar inquisition

2014-08-17 (5774 Menachem-Ab 21)
Willis Eschenbach
doctors for disaster preparedness
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Honour your father and your mother, as HaShem your God commanded you; that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you, upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth you." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:15  



1587-08-18: Virginia Dare (daughter of Ananias Dare & Eleanor/Elenora/Elinor/Elyonor White; gd of governor John White & Tomasyn Cooper) was born on Roanoke Island.

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Gregg Keizer _"IT" News_/_ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
new MSFT same as the old MSFT: big heads, low-quality products

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
USCIS: no green card for jello shots

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
NC sheriff on trial for enforcing law? or racism?

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Steven Emerson _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's true colors finally revealed?

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Herb Scribner _Jewish World Review_
10 reasons religious education belongs in schools
"...A recent survey found that there are less unemployed religious studies majors (2.5%) than there are business majors (7.5%)..."

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Ben Luthi _Jewish World Review_
money vs. passion vs. ethics: Do jobs need to be fulfilling? Do they need to be ethical?

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Neil Steinberg _Political Mavens_
clunking out of conformity... in wooden shoes

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
cigar, but not close
Ed Driscoll: PJMedia

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's zero-sum worldview

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Obummer still trying to represent terrorist threat as minimal

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
why I don't -- and should never -- cruise (humor)
"Old Ruby began falling apart a month after I bought her.   Transmission.   Brakes.   Alternator.   Steering column.   Others blamed the fact that she was used.   But I knew.   The car was collapsing from shame..."

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
flabbergasted by gadgets that sometimes go on strike (humor)

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Jason B. Jones _Chronicle of Higher Education_
on politeness as a strategy
The problem is not a lack of politeness, or courtesy, or respect.   The problem is different definitions and expectations, and priorities... and the fact that we're not all mind-readers.   What one person believes is the "center" is waaayyy off to one side of the grid or another for a second person.   And we're all striving to get those other guys to behave more appropriately, i.e. in line with what each of thinks should be considered the "center".   What one person thinks is THE MOST IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION of the moment's context is often off the other's grid entirely.   One person's dishonest, disingenuous, impolite, fraudulent brown-nosing is another's central politeness.   One person's offensive, foul-mouthed brashness is his polite, comradely avoidance of dishonesty and fraud.   One person's show of interest is another's disrespectful stare.   One person's polite closeness is another's invasion of personal space; one person's polite distance is another's disrespectful haughtiness...jgo

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Martyn Williams _"IT" News_/_IDG_
why do the US government and Red Chinese hackers want your personal private medical records?

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Stephen Lawson _"IT" News_/_IDG_
power-mad US government can abuse vehicle-to-vehicle/intelligent transportation systems to eliminate liberty and privacy

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
James Kirkpatrick _V Dare_
Republicans focus on immigration's impact on wages and jobs

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Mark J. Perry _AEI_
CPIs: college text-books, all items, recreational books

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
the real villain in Ferguson, MO is LBJ
"Everyone knows we've seen it before and everyone knows we'll see it again.   In fact, many parties don't want it to go away.   The beat must go on.   It has to go on or their very personalities will disintegrate.   And I will tell you why -- what caused it.   The Great Society.   There, I've said it.   The Great Society, which I voted for and supported from the bottom of my heart, is the villain behind Ferguson.   Ferguson is the Great Society writ large because the Great Society convinced, and then reassured, black people that they were victims, taught them that being a victim and playing a victim was the way to go always and forever.   And then it repeated the point ad infinitum from its debut in 1964 until now -- a conveniently easy to compute 50 years -- as it all became a self-fulfilling prophecy..."

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
"God's Not Dead" but some are trying
"I disagreed with Claudia Puig's negative review at USA Today, but it was fair and honest and gave credit where credit was due.   She and I saw the same flaws and strengths but came out with a different overall impression.   Tastes differ.   My take? 'God's Not Dead' is a pleasant and touching little entertainment, the core of which is an intelligent, succinct, well-reasoned and well-stated response to popular atheist arguments..."

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
shrinking government and seeing a shrink

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Rick Perry indictment is a crude political assassination attempt
Andrew C. McCarthy: National Review

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Larry O'Connor _IJ Review_
pope Francis seems more critical of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS than Obummer
"Pope Francis has called for the use of force to stop ISIS in Iraq and bring a halt to their systemic persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in the region."

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
F. Michael Maloof _World Net Daily_
Obummer defense cuts jeopardize USA's tech edge while Russia and Red China are seeking advantage

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Thomas E. Brewton
Obummer's hubris

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Alan Cole, Lyman Stone & Richard Borean _Tax Foundation_
the inflation-adjusted value of $100 in each state

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
record number of out-of-state students are a jack-pot for U of California
"Each non-Californian pays an extra $23K annually, and the U of CA bean counters like that...   In 2013, more than 20K illegal alien students applied for direct financial aid when the state's [NIGHTMARE] Act became operative.   The aliens already qualify for in-state tuition as long as they attended a California high school for three years and graduated.   U of CA Berkeley, shown below, will have 29.8% out-of-state and foreign students in its Fall freshman class...   The article also did not discuss the ginormous [extravagant] construction projects underway...   'More than a fifth of all U of CA freshmen will come from such places as Texas, Washington, China and India and each will pay an additional $23K in tuition, providing the system with an estimated $400M in extra revenue...   According to recent statistics, 3,691 students from other states have said they will enroll as U of CA freshmen, up 389 from last year, and 5,412 international students have indicated that they will attend, 662 more than last year...   Last year, on average Californians admitted to U of CA had a 3.61 grade-point average in high school and a 1822 SAT score [out of a possible 2400], while Americans from other states had a 3.76 GPA and scored 175 points higher on the SAT [1997 out of 2400]; international students had a 3.71 GPA and scored 105 points higher on the SAT [1927 out of 2400], according to a U of CA study.'"

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Rob Natelson _American Thinker_
failure to call amendments conventions helps explain continuing modern federal over-reaching

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
James Walsh _News Max_
Obummer's rhetorical immigration hash

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Drew Zahn _World Net Daily_
Obummer regime bought border fence... for Ukraine
"The U.S. Department of State recently purchased 2,500 spools of Concertina razor wire to complete a border fence that online distance calculators determine is over 6,600 miles away from the Rio Grande.   Instead of completing the still unfinished border fence dividing Mexico from the United States, the $435K contract is designated to purchase fencing for the border between Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula...   The contract was awarded to B.K. Engineering System in Kiev, the capital city of Ukraine.   Meanwhile, U.S. Border Patrol agents are struggling just to process the tide of immigrants illegally streaming across the border from Mexico, where a 700-mile long fence [for a nearly 2K mile long border], originally authorized by law in 2006, has yet to be completed...   To this date, [only a little] more than 600 miles of fencing have been constructed along the U.S. southern border, but significant portions of the barrier remain unfinished and easily crossed by illegal aliens..."

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Kevin Jackson _Jewish World Review_/_Washington DC Times_
it is amazing how openly racist black leftists have become, and how few non-blacks are willing to challenge them

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Anthony Watts & Joel O'Bryan
how the media mis-represent everyday science

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Anthony Watts
spot the portion of California drought caused by "climate change"

2014-08-18 (5774 Menachem-Ab 22)
Anthony Watts
a bird's-eye view of the bird-scorching Ivanpah solar power-plant: not only does it roast birds in mid-air, it certainly seems to be a hazard to aviation
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Don't murder.   Don't engage in forbidden sex.   Don't steal.   Don't testify falsely." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:16  



2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Eliza Krigman _US News & World Report_
STEM employers admit they're too picky
"Brookings Institution scholar Jonathan Rothwell finds that the STEM labor market suffers from a very particular kind of skills gap...   it's that the skills workers have aren't specific enough [after which the writer does a lot of generalistic hand-waving]...   Rothwell looked at more than 3M job advertisements from 2013 representing 52K companies [using software] from Burning Glass Technologies...   By analyzing jobs based on the amount of core STEM knowledge they require, Rothwell's methodology 'greatly expands the number and diversity of occupations that one may deem STEM to include -- occupations like industrial designers, plumbers, computer machine programmers, nurses, doctors, and accountants, which in most previous studies would not be considered STEM jobs', the paper states...   Next to jobs that require computer skills, Rothwell found that health care occupations, such as lab and medical technicians, were among the most difficult jobs to fill...   other jobs that were difficult to fill include office support jobs that require some knowledge of statistics and data-base management; installation and repair jobs in automotive or telecommunication fields; and industrial and commercial design occupations.   Hard-to-find computer skills include programming and coding languages such as Ruby, Python, Perl and Hadoop.   Some common skill requirements for health care jobs include treatment planning, Lotus Notes and medical coding."
"Employers advertised 255 distinct computer skills in at least 500 job openings for an average of [only] 40 to 71 days on their web-sites...   The typical job opening in an occupation for which the regional unemployment rate was below 3% was advertised for [only] 16 days; most of these occupations are in STEM fields...   scholars have recently argued that skill shortages are created by bad human resource practices or do not exist at all.   The first argument suggests that the adoption of flawed software algorithms used to sort through resumes are excluding many [able and willing] candidates for skilled positions and thus leading firms to misdiagnose their recruitment challenges as shortage...   For computer jobs, Oracle, MSFT Windows, JAVA, SQL, SAP, quality assurance and control, LINUX, and UNIX are frequently mentioned skill requirements.   Thus, for these sorts of jobs, one needs to have a very specific skill to be 'qualified'.   It is not enough to have worked in the same occupation for the requisite amount of time and to have obtained the requisite degree...   For occupations with at least 50 vacancies, the most valuable computer skills include data visualization, Netcool, process management, natural language processing, Mathematica, automation tools, wireless telecommunications, machine learning, PIG, software as a service, iOS, game development, Android Software Development Kit, and structured query reporter...   The hard-to-fill skills include Mathematica, PIG, Apache Hadoop, OpenGL, NoSQL, Python, R, C++, Android, iOS, Biostatistics, [prototyping tool] Ruby on Rails, and Perl.   Ads with these skills linger on company web-sites [where they will never been seen by many able and willing applicants who may not be aware of the firm's existence] for an average of [only] 50 days [less than 8 weeks]...   A high percentage of installation, maintenance, and repair occupations require significant STEM knowledge in at least one field, and the occupations cover a diverse array of skills (Figure 8).   Among the hardest-to-fill skills, each lasting at least 40 days, are plotters, a kind of printer used in technical designs; sockets; computer hardware/hardware knowledge; engine repair; and equipment inspection."

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
the bed-rock of ordinary Americans' immigration views (part 2): how many is too much?
"The 2 researchers who carried out this study are serious, knowledgeable political scientists.   I know them both and they are not overtly or obviously partisan.   Rather they appear to suffer, as so many less thoughtful people do, from what might be called the soft liberal elitism of disbelief that ordinary Americans cannot accept that more and more immigration is a public good.   Surely, Americans' concern must come from a misunderstanding, a misperception.   And if they only knew the real numbers, their concerns would be alleviated and they would be more 'welcoming'.   This obviously wasn't the case.   And the researchers' surprise is itself, at first glace, surprising, but on reflection less so.   They began with the assumption that Americans shouldn't be concerned, and ended with puzzlement that ordinary Americans are concerned both with high levels of immigration overall and also about the large numbers of illegal migrants living and working here.   These findings have nothing to do with Americans' basic views of how many legal immigrants are 'enough' or how many illegal migrants are 'too many'.   The numbers, whether they are overestimates or the 'real' numbers (estimates), have clearly crossed a threshhold after which many are saying that is too much.   Americans have been saying this quietly and persistently for many years [decades], but political 'leaders' from both parties, as well as civic, religious, and advocacy groups, have refused to listen."
John Sides of GWU & Jack Citrin of U of CA at Berkeley (pdf)

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
disturbing marriage fraud case

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
HHS inspector-general report on aliens and ObummerDoesn'tCare: important but incomplete

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
random thoughts: trial by media, what do Dems and Reps stand for?, insane "proportional" defense, illegal alien invasion, media as intelligence leaks in war-time, equality of standards, baseball, Chamberlain was a hawk compared to Obummer, communicable diseases, too many people in DC full of themselves, adequate troops for the job, smug and smirking contempt of IRS commissioner John Koskinen, who side-step any question that gets to the heart of the issue at hand, trading gov't execs like sports-players

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
Obummer's attention to illegal alien invasion outrages some black voters
"So far, 229 residents -- mostly African-Americans -- have died from gunfire in the Windy City this year, DNAInfoChicago.com reports...   Garry Cobb, a former professional football player who is a Republican congressional candidate in New Jersey, recently told 'The Steve Malzberg Show' on Newsmax TV that blacks all over the country were upset with the poor response by the administration to their concerns...   While national unemployment figures are down from last year at this time, when the black jobless rate was 12.6%, this July marked a continuation of disturbing numbers.   The national unemployment rate rose to 11.4% for blacks, versus an overall jobless rate of 6.2%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.   The June rate for African-Americans was slightly lower, at 10.7%, and it was 11.5% in May...   University of California economist Gordon Hanson testified that blacks lost more than 1M jobs to illegals between 1960 and 2000...   Historically, blacks have [always] supported immigration reform [and opposed excessive immigration], polls dating as far back as 1983 show.   More recently, a 2013 March survey by the Center for Immigration Studies and Pulse Opinion Research found that 63% of black respondents backed tougher immigration enforcement methods."

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
when government tele-workers don't work from home

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the elite leftist soft racism

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
every honorable citizen must condemn partisan indictment of Rick Perry
Rich Lowry
Wesley Pruden

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Kenric Ward _WatchDog_
Benjamin Huff abuses political pull in corrupt Obummer/Holder DoJ to get traffic ticket for fender-bender moved to a friendlier venu
"D.C. police issued Benjamin Huff a $100 ticket after he allegedly scraped another vehicle looping around Sheridan Circle during rush hour.   Such routine traffic accidents are assigned to the city's Department of Motor Vehicles' Adjudication Services.   But Huff made a federal case of his mishap by asking the U.S. Department of Justice to step in.   On Friday, an assistant U.S. attorney got Huff's case 'removed' to U.S. District Court."

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
gloomy, frantic, desperate Dems plead for more money; aahhh, but words and actions are different

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
power-hikers are eco-fascists' latest target; of course, if we weren't over-populated and over-crowded the slow-hikers would rarely if ever encounter a power-hiker
"The story of a young man's speed-hiking the 2,663-mile Pacific Crest Trail has raised some environmentalist eye-brows, albeit only slightly.   He was racing from California's border with Mexico to Washington state's with Canada..."

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
David Solway _PJMedia_
a light unto the nations

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
_Conservative HQ_
Obummer regime sued for blocking public access to public information in violation of FOIA

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
_Conservative HQ_
does anyone really want Nasty Pelosi back as speaker of the House?
"This would be the same Nancy Pelosi who, the Washington Free Beacon noted recently, 'steered more than a billion dollars in subsidies to a light rail project that benefitted a company run by a high-dollar Democratic donor and in which her husband is a major investor'.   This would also be the same Nancy Pelosi who sat on disclosing the fact that her husband made millions from a land deal with Eleni Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis, a California bazillionaire whom representative Pelosi later helped to become Ambassador to Hungary.   And that is the same Nancy Pelosi who bought stock in initial public offerings (IPOs) that earned hefty returns while she had access to insider information that would have been illegal for an average citizen to trade with.   As '60 Minutes' reported, Pelosi and her husband participated in at least eight IPOs while having access to information directly relating to the companies involved.   One of those came in 2008 (while she was Speaker) from Visa, just as a troublesome piece of legislation that would have hurt credit card companies, began making its way through the House.   'Undisturbed by a potential conflict of interest the Pelosis purchased 5K shares of Visa at the initial price of $44 dollars.   Two days later it was trading at $64.   The credit card legislation never made it to the floor of the House.', Steve Kroft of '60 Minutes' reported."

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Betsy McCaughey _News Max_
Americans are sick of over-regulation and mal-regulation by governments
Jewish World Review
"A whopping 59% say they'd like to send a 'leave me alone' message to Washington, while only 32% say their message is 'lend me a hand'..."

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
video suggests USA journalist James Foley has been beheaded by ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/IS
Bridget Johnson: PJMedia

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
_Washington DC Free Beacon_
ObummerDoesn'tCare causing health care costs to increase

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Elizabeth Harrington _Washington DC Free Beacon_
Mark Udall spent $4,500 in tax-victim funds on financial advisory firm fo the extremely wealthy

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Free Beacon_
Red China runs 2nd test on hyper-sonic aircraft/missile

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Ann-Marie Murrell _World Net Daily_
Tim Donnelly snubs Mexican president for holding US Marine sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi, joins protestors outside California governor's mansion

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Selena Owens _World Net Daily_
Obummer regime wants to defund American Museum of Science and Energy... maybe it should be privately funded

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Barry Farber _World Net Daily_
thousands of Muslim terrorists are already inside the USA

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Christopher Monckton _World Net Daily_
Middle Eastern Christians pay the price of Western weakness

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Quentin Fottrell _MarketWatch_
Americans only take half of the paid vacation for which they're eligible, 61% work while on vacation

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
several grand jurors broke Texas law to explain why they think governor Rick Perry broke the law by using the Texas constitution's line-item veto

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
do you trust leftists with guns? pasta sauce? bag-pipes?

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
2016 might not be much fun for Harry Reid

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the upper and nether mill-stones
"Ironically, Michael Brown and the paramilitarized Ferguson Police Department are two sides of the same coin.   They are the joint product of the politics of grievance and the growing expansion of government.   The taxes that made the mobs dependent also armed the paramilitary police that contain them.   You have one government department handing out Obamaphones and another handing out MRAPs to the cops.   HHS gives out [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and the IRS enforces it..."

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Thomas E. Brewton
constitutional right to riot?!?!?

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Paul Nachman _V Dare_
California's out-of-state tuition premium: NC student says it's reasonable, Iranian-American and Hindu thing it's discriminatory

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
_Tennessee Today_
U of TN at Knoxville alumnus Mark Arnurius's invention trims hours off of yard work
"Arnurius sketched and tested a device -- now called Tarp Tow -- to easily hook the sheets onto a mower using techniques he'd learned in college, including 3D modeling.   After getting his design exactly how he wanted it, he began the long process of applying for a patent, an undertaking that tested both his skill and patience.   'People don't realize it, but just writing up a patent, getting it to where it meets their code before they even begin to review, it takes months.', said Arnurius.   'I'm really blessed that I learned how to draw designs at UT, because they get really particular about how you have to do it.'...   Arnurius, whose wife, Marsha, is a UT College of Law graduate, has set up a manufacturing floor and researched the best way to sell his invention, deciding to turn it into a web-based business instead of selling through stores so he can better control his costs and expenses..."
WSLS 10 Roanoke VA interview with Mark Arnurius

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Anthony Watts
revising the number of sun-spots

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Anthony Watts
NOAA: lots of land cover change in coastal areas seen

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Anthony Watts & Andrew Lillico
terraforming Mars may be less expensive than warmist hysterics' proposed measures on earth

2014-08-19 (5774 Menachem-Ab 23)
Anthony Watts
UK flooding tied to proximity of urbanization and over-population growth
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Don't try to wheedle people out of what is theirs, when they don't really want to sell or trade it." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:17  



PM Winston Churchill
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few...
Winston Churchill Centre

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
evil afoot: Obummer likely to carry out more unconstitutional perversion of immigration and visa practices
"IEEE-USA, the Semiconductor Industry Association, the Society for Human Resources Management, and the League of United Latin American Citizens, among other groups [are backing the evil]...   Writing in opposition was the Society of Professional Engineering in Aerospace (SPEEA), whose members are employed as scientists and in technical positions at several large companies, including Boeing...   Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a critic of the H-1B program, said this week in a statement that 'the same group of [corrupt] CEOs' that helped to write the senate immigration bill 'is now scheming with the White House to extract by executive fiat what was denied to them by the American people and congress'."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Mark Krikorian _National Review_
"a humble and honest populism" would be a winner
Joel Gehrke: poll reports Dems oppose Obummer's unilateral amnesty for illegal aliens
"77% of respondents said jobs should go to current U.S.-born workers or legal immigrants already in the country -- instead of bringing in new immigrants to fill those jobs;   88% of conservatives, 78% of moderates, 78% of independents, 71% of Democrats, and 62% of liberals said current U.S. workers should get jobs preference;   80% of respondents said businesses should recruit the currently unemployed instead of expanding the labor supply with new workers from other countries;   86% of black voters, 73% of white voters, and 71% of Hispanic voters said companies should raise wages and improve working conditions instead of increasing immigration;   3 in 4 respondents wished to see substantial reductions in immigration rates..."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Alan Cole, Lyman Stone, Tom van Antwerp & Richard Borean _Tax Foundation_
the inflation-adjusted value of $100 in metropolitan areas
map image, county-by-county

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
the bed-rock of ordinary Americans' immigration view (part 3): future immigration levels
"A 2013 CBS/New York Times poll reported that 25% supported an increase, 35% wanted immigration kept at its present levels, and 31 percent wanted a decrease. (Q. 25) A more recent 2014 Gallup poll found that 22% wanted immigration increased, 33% wanted it kept at its present level, and 41% wanted it decreased."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
DoJ sued by "immigration judge"
"My outsider's hope -- I had never heard of the judge until this writing -- is that the case is, in fact, argued in federal court so that we can learn something about the inner workings of the administration of the IJ courts."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Patrick Cleburne _V Dare_
cheap labor lobby paid $82.66 per vote for Alaska GOP senate primary
"'Dan Sullivan has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign cash from numerous big-monied pro-amnesty donors, including Paul Singer's Friends for an American Majority, John McCain's America First PAC, and [Lindsey Grahamnesty's] Fund for America's Future.   He is also backed with independent expenditures from Karl Rove's American Crossroads and the US Chamber of Commerce.   Both favor amnesty for illegals.'   'Miller Blasts Begich On Border Crisis, Says Palin Right On Impeachment' Western Journalism 2014 July 24.   This account also notes: 'According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform [FAIR], 10K illegal aliens reside in Alaska, costing the state more than $138M per year in public services.   Joe Miller is the only candidate to fill out the NumbersUSA candidate questionnaire.   He has also been named a True Reformer for his strong stand for the rule of law and against amnesty for illegals.'   Sullivan is clearly going to be another vote for Amnesty/Immigration surge like Lamar Alexander.   His Democratic opponent, Mark Begich, has a NumbersUSA ranking of F, but Sullivan as a practical matter is likely to be no better..."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer's policy of trying to contain some violent Muslims and suffer decades of terrorism and war vs. Reagan's doctrine of victory
"Those Americans who watched [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] carefully choreographed mid-vacation news conference on August 18 were treated to the announcement of a new [Obummer] doctrine, that henceforth it would be the goal of the United States to 'contain' the new Islamic State established in parts of Iraq and Syria by the radical Islamist political-military movement ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/IS.   President [Obummer's] new 'containment' policy toward ISIS didn't come about through a National Security Council Directive or a Pentagon white paper.   Rather it came about in answer to a press question at a news conference..."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Bob Cusack _Hill_
65 people who may or may not run for president in 2016

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Elizabeth Titus _Politico_
Dan Sullivan won US senate primary in Alaska

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
tuition pays for these abuses
World Net Daily

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
rising anti-Semitism takes me back to my childhood in Boston

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
increased violence by Muslims is a wake-up call even the most dovish, delusional cannot ignore

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
atheists are forgetting the meaning of freedom

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
constancy of purpose

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
the media are clueless
They're cluelss about inner-cities, about suburbia, about farm-country, about STEM job markets, foreign affairs, economics, trade...jgo

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Robert Provine _Jewish World Review_
contagious yawns and other curious human behaviors

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Valerie Steimle _Jewish World Review_
TV marriages

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Valerie Steimle _MarketWatch_
states run by Republican governors boast highest economic growth rates (map)

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Sue Chang _MarketWatch_
intrusive airport scanners failed to detect guns, knives, explosives
"'A clever attacker can smuggle contraband past the machines using surprisingly low-tech techniques.', J. Alex Halderman, a professor of computer science at the University of Michigan, said in a statement."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Sharon Gaudin _"IT" News_/_ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
as ebola death toll continues to rise, some scientists work on developing a nano-tech cure

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Robert Stapler
measuring presidents

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Dave Flessner _Chattanooga TN Times Free Press_
FERC approved Houston-based "Clean Line" for 3.5GWatt transmission line, 700 miles from Oklahoma to Tennessee
Tom Charlier: Memphis TN Commercial Appeal

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Jeff Bertolucci _InformationWeek_/_UBM_
evil, privacy violating vehicle-to-vehicle, and vehicle-to-roadway coming soon... unless we stop it

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Joab Jackson _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
R programming language gains on traditional statistics packages like SAS, SPSS and MATLAB

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
game over... play again?
"[ObummerDoesn'tCare] Snowden, [ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/IS], the IRS, Benghazi, Ebola, Syria, Libya, Ferguson, Bergdahl..."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Julia Goorin _Political Mavens_
Kosovo Albanian jihadist beheader, and hundreds like him

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Emery McClendon _Breitbart_
RINOs are slapping blacks in the face in Mississippi

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
poll: voters want immigration pause, more conscientious enforcement, preference in hiring US citizens
"Kellyanne Conway's The Polling Company found that a majority of likely voters want even fewer legal immigrants.   The poll found that 'half of Americans age 65 and over' and 46% of Midwesterners support a zero immigration policy.   Furthermore, 'independents (47%) were more likely than Republicans (40%) or Democrats (37%) to want zero new immigrants allowed into the country'...   90% of likely voters [think] that'USA-born workers and legal immigrants already here should get first preference for jobs'..."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Lauren French _Politico_
US district judg ordered DoJ to turn over "Fast and Furious" log
"Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that the Justice Department must provide the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee with a list of documents -- but not the documents themselves -- withheld on the gun-running operation."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Eeva Haaramo _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_
the tech behind Helsinki's evil plan to kill off private vehicles

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Craig Bannister _Cybercast News Service_
A. fully 63% of Hispanics and 57% of Blacks say the government is not doing enough to enforce U.S. immigration laws;   B. 73% of Hispanics and 70% of Blacks that Americans should have a shot at jobs being done by illegal aliens;   C. 75% of all respondents say that, if U.S. businesses are really having trouble finding workers, they should raise wages and improve work conditions;   D. Nationally, only 8% of all respondents say more guest-workers should be allowed in the country

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Dan Vergano _National Geographic_
Neanderthals may have died out about 39K years ago... only not
"Neanderthals begin appearing in the fossil record more than 230K years ago and were thought to have dwindled to their last refuges about 30K years ago.   The results suggest that while Europe was a Neanderthal stronghold about 45K years ago, the species vanished within 5,400 years...   196 samples of animal bones, shells, and charcoal taken from 40 Neanderthal cave sites reaching from Gibraltar to the Caucasus...   In recent years, studies of Neanderthal genes retrieved from ancient fossils have revealed that early modern humans mated with their cousins in antiquity.   This interbreeding is thought to have happened more than 60K years ago and has left traces in about 1% to 2% of the gene maps of modern people of non-African origin..."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Anthony Watts & Mary Brown
No more steak for you earth-hating skeptics; it's time to learn to eat sustainable crickets... so says the Washington Post

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Anthony Watts
what is wrong with climate activism and some climate scientists in one ugly nut-shell

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Anthony Watts
urban heat island in Reno, NV is worse than we thought: most USA cities get hot/cold faster than rural areas

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Anthony Watts
"unexpected link between solar activity and climate change" found in Greenland ice

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Anthony Watts
NASA: carbon tetra-chloride levels continue to be emitted and remains a significant component of atmosphere, long after use was banned: source unknown
"Parties to the Montreal Protocol reported zero new CCl4 emissions between 2007-2012.   However, the new research shows worldwide emissions of CCl4 average 39 kilotons per year, approximately 30% of peak emissions prior to the international treaty going into effect...   As of 2008, CCl4 accounted for about 11% of chlorine available for ozone depletion, which is not enough to alter the decreasing trend of ozone-depleting substances..."

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Anthony Watts
Bartharbunga getting ready to blow: 1K earth-quakes felt as magma moves into ice-covered caldera

2014-08-20 (5774 Menachem-Ab 24)
Tim Ball
Irish famines, politics, and climate history
Proposed Bills 2014

  "And HaShem heard the voice of your words, when you spoke to me; and HaShem said to me: 'I have heard the voice of the words of this people, which they have spoken to you; they have well said all that they have spoken.   Oh that they had such a heart as this always, to fear Me, and keep all My laws, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!'" --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:24-25  



2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Nick Statt _CNET_/_CBS_
STEM execs continue to disingenuously claim talent shortage, applicant surplus, while recruiting remains lax
"Darin Wedel made headlines [early] in 2012 when his wife, Jennifer, asked president [Barack Hussein Obummer] during a Google 'Hangout' why her husband was still out of work while H-1B visa holders continued to stream into the USA.   Wedel, who graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in electrical engineering, lost his job as a semiconductor engineer for Texas Instruments 3 years earlier.   [Obummer] pledged help.   But Wedel ended up taking a temporary position in the medical field [at much lower pay], becoming another American with an engineering or technology degree who couldn't find a job in engineering or technology...   [STEM executives and hiring managers] should be interested in experienced, mid-career engineers like Wedel.   After all, tech companies often describe themselves as meritocracies, where 'skills' are the only thing that matters.   But here's the rub: While tech companies are flooded with resumes, only a fraction of the applicants for these lucrative spots wind up with jobs in Silicon Valley [or in STEM work anywhere else in the USA].   All the while, the industry complains it's struggling to find the right people with the right skills...   Some say tech companies are being exceptionally picky.   Fewer than half of the 12.1M people in the US with degrees in science, technology, engineering and math -- so-called STEM-degree holders -- held jobs in STEM-related occupations in 2012, according to the latest data compiled by the Center for Immigration Studies [and reported by Numbers USA]...
But while the political debate generates a lot of heat, it doesn't shed much light on the structural changes that make today's tech world much different than what it looked like a decade ago.   A resume listing popular skills, such as the ability to write iOS apps and program in the Python and Ruby coding languages, give candidates make-or-break status in job interviews -- no matter how long they may have worked in the tech industry [yet, many US citizen STEM pros with this knowledge are rejected even before getting the chance at an interview].   The uncomfortable truth is that many of the skills and abilities that companies seek turn engineers like Wedel into victims of circumstance.   'Today's start-ups are being founded by twenty-somethings.', says Mike Mickiewicz, co-founder and CEO of recruiting start-up Hired.   'And for the most part they're trying to hire people that look and act like them.'   To be sure, it's definitely an awkward situation when someone in their forties interviews for a position with a 23-year-old-first-time founder from the start-up incubator Y Combinator...
'We have shortages and we have a flood at the same time.', says Vivek Wadhwa, a former [cross-border bodyshopper]...   H-1B critics say the technology industry is guilty of playing a shell game, misusing the visas so they can bypass American engineers who may be more expensive to employ...
'The industry lobbyists try to say, Well look at how many degrees we produce each year in computer science.   It proves we have a shortage., according to Norman Matloff, a computer science professor at the University of California, Davis, who has studied the issue.   But there's no shortage of Americans with tech skills, Matloff maintains, and instead a confluence of factors that mean tech companies talent sights skew younger and cheaper [more pliant and with flexible ethics].   There is also controversy around [domestic and cross-border bodyshopping, and off-shoring]...
in 2013, 6 of the top 10 companies receiving H-1B visas per year were head-quartered in India.   9 of those 10 companies named India as their primary source of employment [recent articles suggest that over 95% of their employees in the USA are not US citizens].   These companies are predominantly information technology (IT) companies.   'There is abuse of the system.', concedes Wadhwa, who has studied the industry hiring landscape.   '20% of the market is that sleazy cheap labor and abuse the system mentality...'   While the impact of H-1B visas on US engineers looking for employment remains a question of debate, this much is known: 61% of such visa holders work in computer-related jobs, earning a median salary of $70K, according to a joint study conducted by UC Davis and Colgate University.   The mean annual salary for a 'computer engineer' is around $108K, a 2014 survey by Michigan Technological University found...
Employers keen to keep a lid on expenses may choose talent they can hire for less, as well as on terms that restrict the ability for that worker to jump ship and join a rival.   'The young Python person is much preferable to the old Python person.   The young and immobile Python person is even more preferable.', Matloff says.   'Any big company in Silicon Valley, they want this person to be trapped.   Hiring a foreign worker does that for them.'   H-1B holders must get new employers to sponsor a new visa if they wish to change jobs.   According to Mickiewicz, even though H-1B transfers are relatively easy and quick, those workers see 33% fewer job offers than green card holders or US citizens.   'Everybody says they want top talent, but the unsaid part of that sentence is, within our budget, or under $140K a year.', Mickiewicz adds.   'Engineering salaries start off strong, grow really fast, and seem to max out very early in most people's careers.'   Those salaries, Mickiewicz adds, usually max out at $160K after starting out slightly above 6 figures [in current terms].   Even outside the Bay Area, in tech hot spots like Austin, Texas, and Boston, programming salaries have remained generally constant and in step with Silicon Valley, peaking nationally only during the dot-com boom...
According to Bock, Google hires [only] around 100 people globally a week [about 430/month, 5200/year].   The company receives around 2M resumes a year [38K/week, 167K/month]...   Apple, with a work-force of 98K employees, is nearly twice the size of Google.   The iPhone maker has a combined 1,434 listings in the USA across software and hardware engineering, with the earliest job listing dating back to 2013 March 27 for a role as a Sensor System Architect.   [Google's fellow privacy violation specialist, FB], which has 7,185 employees, has [only] 360 openings across its technical roles...
Wadhwa, [an opponent] of immigration reform.   'But the more we innovate, the better the world will be.   People who don't have up to date skills [and employers who refuse to invest in new-hire and retained-employee training] are going to be the losers in this economy.   People who can keep up with tech win.'...
Wedel's temporary medical position became permanent after 5 months.   It was [partly] immobility that kept him from taking an out-of-state offer that would have allowed him to stay in his desired field.   Because of a custody agreement for 1 his 2 daughters, he had to keep a job in North Texas..."

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Paul Nachman _V Dare_
questions to ask your congress-critters about visas and immigration
"with a few honorable exceptions (senator Jeff Sessions and representatives Lou Barletta, Steve King, Marsha Blackburn, Lamar Smith, Ed Royce, and Dana Rohrabacher come immediately to mind), gibbering inanities are the most likely responses if you ask a question about immigration at a 'town hall meeting' of your congress-man/-woman or either of your senators...   R9.   You want higher STEM [science, technology, engineering, mathematics] immigration.   Are STEM wages increasing at a rate that would indicate that there's a shortage of STEM workers?   R10.   You based your stance for more STEM-worker immigration on what hi-tech executives say.   Could they be lying?   R11.   Can you think of any down-sides to increased STEM-worker immigration?   R12.   Would many unemployed Americans do farm or similar labor if they were paid enough?   R13.   An illegal alien and a similar U.S. citizen apply for one college slot.   Whom do you give it to?..."
24 ahead

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
build the border fences already!
"Don't pretend for a minute this is about amnesty -- past, future or possible -- or immigration -- legal or otherwise -- or even about murderous drug cartels.   Those are minor matters by comparison to a dirty nuke at the Mall of America.   It is about the Islamic State and all their myriad clones that change every day but still espouse the same lunatic ideology.   If we don't do everything we can to keep them out, we were are suicidal and just as lunatic as they are.   But we don't.   So maybe we are.   But we should sober up fast and do something about it.   This should be number one on the agenda of the Republican Party this Fall for every candidate.   Make it a cause.   Give them all something to agree on, Tea Party, RINOS, whoever.   If we can't agree to save Western Civilization, what can we agree on?..."

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
"Washington Watcher" _V Dare_
tide is running strongly against amnesty/immigration surge (but not against war in Middle East)
"National Review and the Heritage Foundation have been, for the most part, against Amnesty for the last decade, but always seem about ready to waffle.   Perry has been one of the worst pro-Amnesty politicians in the country, but has recently tried to use the border crisis to reposition himself as an immigration patriot, albeit not making any substantive points.   On the whole, I was pleasantly surprised.   It turned out, there was not really one but two events.   The first was a panel with National Review editor Rich Lowry, Heritage's James Carafano, Temple Law professor Jan Ting (a long-time VDARE.com favorite, see here and here) and GOP strategist Kellyanne Conway.   Then everyone but Rich Lowry left the stage.   Lowry introduced Perry who proceeded to make some incoherent remarks..."

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Priya Anand _MarketWatch_
what to do if your Socialist Insecurity Number (SIN) is stolen
"A U.S. hospital network said this week that [Red Chinese] hackers stole [Socialist Insecurity Numbers], addresses, names, birth dates and phone numbers for about 4.5M patients...   When hackers get credit or debit card numbers, customers who are notified can cancel those cards and alert their banks to fraudulent transactions, and are often absolved of liability for unauthorized purchases.   And when pass-words are pilfered from data-bases, the answer is sometimes simpler: Change them.   Security experts are working to make that even easier, hoping to kill off the pass-word and replace it with biometric scans as soon as next year..."
So, the malefactors will just fake biometric scans... data is data...jgo

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the media and the mob

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
it depends on the meaning of "student"

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Jan Ting _Center for Immigration Studies_
the issue is: how many?
panel discussion

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
opportunists fan the flames of cultural unrest

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
your "crazy" family's search for memories -- and mine

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
IS/ISIS/Daesh/ISIL is "a national security threat"

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
swollen, power-mad government has a shriveled brain

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
marijuana vs. scotch or bourbon... and a low IQ

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
"The Hot Crazy Matrix"... and finding yourself a unicorn

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Kevin Casey _InformationWeek_/_UBM_
10 big data privacy violating courses for cheap, young, pliant foreign tech labor with questionable ethics

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Julia Love _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Apple ramping up R&D investment
"spending $1.6G in the third quarter, up 36% from the same period last year.   At this rate, Apple's spending will be up 60% year-over-year by the fourth quarter...   Apple is now devoting 4% of its revenue to R&D..."

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Alan Goforth _PJMedia_
Tom Cotton is running a strong campaign for US senate from Arkansas
"However, a Hollywood casting director could not have found a more compelling opponent than Cotton, a sixth-generation Arkansan who was born and raised on his family's cattle farm in Yell county.   He graduated from Harvard and Harvard Law School.   The attacks of 2001 September 11, occurred during his final year of law school, and he left law after clerking for the U.S. Court of Appeals and a short time in a private law practice to join the U.S. Army.   He declined a commission as a military attorney to serve as an infantry officer.   Cotton served nearly 5 years as an active duty officer and completed combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan.   In Iraq, he served with the 101st Airborne where he led an infantry platoon in daily combat patrols.   While in Afghanistan, he served as the operations officer for a Provincial Reconstruction Team.   Between his 2 combat tours he served as a platoon leader with the Old Guard at Arlington National Cemetery, the unit responsible for military honors funerals.   His military decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Combat Infantry Badge and Ranger Tab.   After leaving active duty Cotton worked as a management consultant for McKinsey & Company [ahh, well, so his career has a blemish] before winning election to the U.S. congress from the Fourth District in 2012."

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
black advocates for open carry of arms protest police brutality in Dallas

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Jeffrey R. Young _Chronicle of Higher Education_
why universities and search sites and doctors and DMVs and police should recognize and respect the fact that students, users, patients, motorists own their data
"it turns out there are 3 stable pathways of cancer.   The average one exists, but it only covered 7% of the population...   If I had to push for one thing that I think is super important, that is that the user should own their data.   There's this default thing right now which is that everybody but the user owns their data.   My vision that we're going to push for in my organization is you've got to have a third party who is responsible for protecting learner data.   Then the student could have, say, a decade of data about the way that they're learning...   education is decidedly not a functional market right now.   There's not enough transparency."

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Cindy Uken _Billings MT Gazette_
Veterans Administration abuses continue

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
indictment of Rick Perry will very likely be thrown out by a judge or rejected by a jury
"My only quibble with that is, if the indictment gets past a judge, a jury made of Travis county's finest is literally capable of anything.   Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison escaped the Travis county DA's flimsy charges against her in 1993 by getting her trial moved to Fort Worth.   The jury took about 30 minutes to acquit her.   Representative Tom Delay's trial stayed in Austin, and he lost -- even though the law and the facts were clearly on his side.   A judge later agreed and threw the convictions out on appeal..."

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
Defeat of Hamas in Gaza=Palestine threatens Hamas, and Iranian regime

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
emergent attacks

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
riding the big government Mobius loop with Eric Holder
"'BofA bought Countrywide (who no doubt did defraud) and Merrill (much less clear on fraud) at the virtual demand of the US Government.   Perhaps Eric should have asked his pals Jamie Gorelick.   Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, Rahm Emanuel, and Andrew Cuomo about mortgage standards and fraud.   Or he could have checked with Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters.'"

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS rapidly developing means to destroy a major USA city

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
"AllahPundit" _Hot Air_
it is entirely possible that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS has already entered the USA through the southern border

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Carol Brown _American Thinker_
un-armed lethal force

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Kenric Ward _WatchDog_
14,646 duplicate voters flagged in Fairfax county VA, and in MD
"VVA president Reagan George complained the state Department of Elections is classifying all duplicate registrations as 'inactive voters'.   That means 43,896 voters alleged to be registered in both Virginia and Maryland would stay in Virginia's statewide data-base -- and remain eligible to vote -- until 2019...   'It is a requirement in the National Voter Registration Act for all boards of elections to keep their voter registration lists well maintained.', George said.   Under Virginia Code 24.2.429, George and three other local residents -- Robert Bower, Timothy Hannigan and Robin Whitworth -- challenged the validity of 14,646 voter registrations that appear in both Fairfax County and Maryland.   The duplicates show the same first and last names and dates of birth..."

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Chris Butler _WatchDog_
more ways government functionaries and bureaubums steal from tax-victims

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Adam Kredo _Washington DC Free Beacon_
Obummer regime violated law by trading taliban terrorists for Bergdahl

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
Obummer regime's trade of terrorist chiefs for Bergdahl mean's more Foleys will be murdered

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
_V Dare_
unarmed "white", Dillon Taylor, shot by "black" Salt Lake City cop: Mormons are not rioting
Morgan Jacobsen: Deseret News

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Free Beacon_
Red Chinese J-11 flew within 20 feet of P-8 anti-submarine jet in international airspace over South China Sea
"The P-8, a new, militarized Boeing-737 anti-submarine warfare aircraft, was conducting routine surveillance of the Chinese coast over the South China Sea..."

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Conference Board: Leading Economic index 103.3 for July; coincident index 109.6
RTT News

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Thomas E. Brewton
leftists confuse cause and effect
Fred Siegel: City Journal

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Dick Cheney: "beheading? multiply that a million times over"
"Cheney said he doesn't think [president Brack Hussein Obummer] understands the 'enormous' danger posed by radical Islam: 'The intelligence is there for all to see.   There's no question about what's happening.   But this president and the people around him refuse to recognize it and certainly refuse to deal with it.'...   Cheney said [Obummer] is the first president of either party, going back to Harry Truman, who 'simply refuses to recognize the reality of the world we live in'."

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Tim Ball
Nature: small variations in the climate system can result in dramatic temperature changes

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Anthony Watts
climate "scientists" laid bare: feeeeelings, ♫ nothing more than feeeeelings ♫

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Anthony Watts
climate craziness of the week: low-brow "science" schtick for Florida governor Rick Scott

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Anthony Watts
weakest solar wind of the space age, and the current mini-solar-maximum

2014-08-21 (5774 Menachem-Ab 25)
Dale Steinreich _Ludwig von Mises Institute_/_Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics_
the savings & loan debacle 25 years later: a re-examination of the lessons of 1989-2008
"...The first crucial component of the unstable structure of the S&L industry was the long-term, fixed-rate mortgage created by NHA 1934. The second crucial component of the industry’s shaky structure was the homogenization of its assets. S&Ls had been given incentives to hold dangerously undiversified asset portfolios filled with usually not much more than long-term, fixed-rate mortgages. Martin Mayer wrote that «S&Ls did little but write mortgage loans on one- to four-family housing, sometimes because their charters required it, sometimes because holding within those restrictions got them wonderful benefits under the Internal Revenue code.» (1990, p. 33)...
Regulation Q had been used since 1933 to limit the interest rates paid on deposits at commercial banks. Whenever market interest rates reached or exceeded the ceiling, the Fed gave banks some latitude in adjusting to them. This changed after the passage of IRCA 1966 when the Fed, at the behest of FHLBB, took the unprecedented step of lowering the ceiling to reduce pressure on thrifts who were experiencing disintermediation to banks because banks were able to pay higher rates on their deposits (Mayer, Duesenberry, and Aliber, 1990, pp. 94–95)...
In conclusion, the S&L debacle was the result of about 46 years (1934–1980) of legislative and regulatory restrictions and incentives. By the end of 1980, the industry's market value was –$204.32G 1992 dollars6 while the debacle was approximately $172.8G 1992 dollars (Barth and Litan, 1998, pp. 134, 145)..."
Proposed Bills 2014

  "You shall observe to do therefore as HaShem your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.   You shall walk in all the way which HaShem your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:28-29  



565-08-22: a Gaelic Irish missionary monk, Colum Cille, reported seeing a monster in Loch Ness, Scotland.
1654-08-22: Jacob Barsimson arrived in New Amsterdam. He is the first known Jewish immigrant to America.
1787-08-22: inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steam-boat on the Delaware River to delegates from the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.
1992-08-22: FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi murdered Vicki Weaver during an 11-day siege at her home at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
R' Warren Goldstein _Jewish World Review_
the Divine's humanism

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer hopes excessive and illegal immigration is out of sight, out of mind
"Around the country illegal aliens have become more brazen in their protests against the deportation of detained illegal aliens.   In Florida and other states groups of illegal aliens have chained themselves to the gates of transportation and detention centers using PVC pipe to make it harder for them to be cut free...   President [Obummer] receives low job approval marks overall (40% approve/57% disapprove), but even stronger disapproval on his handling of immigration (32% approve/61% disapprove), so the cheap labor wing of the U.S. Chamber [of Crony Socialists] is going to have to find a more popular advocate if they want to sell amnesty...   these [US citizen] workers should have a fair opportunity to do the jobs that illegal [aliens] currently do...   Over 8-in-10 respondents believe that American workers and legal immigrants already in the U.S. should get first pick at these jobs before illegals...   Perhaps the most important finding of Conway’s research was this data point: 75% want more enforcement of current immigration laws, including 63% of Hispanics and over 50% of Democrats (emphasis ours) meaning that the U.S. Chamber of [Crony Socialists] line to the effect that Republicans are about to go extinct because they want our immigration laws enforced is a bunch of hooey.   U.S. senator Jeff Sessions, R-AL, slammed the White House this week for meeting with big business to bring in more workers while 'tens of millions of Americans are on welfare, unemployment and public assistance'."

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
Mexican government decries Rick Perry's deployment of organized militia, while Mexican side of the border is already militarized
2006-05-17: Allan Wall: the border is already militarized... on the Mexican side

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the American jihadi serial killer no one is talking about
V Dare
"Meet Ali Muhammad Brown.   His homicidal Islamic terror spree took him from coast to coast...   Ballistics and other evidence linked all the victims to Muhammad Brown...   Seattle alone has been a long-festering hotbed of anti-American, anti-Semitic jihadism.   In 2011, a Muslim terror ring led by Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh plotted...   In 2007, Seattle jihadist James Ujaama pleaded guilty to terrorism charges...   In 2006, Everett, Washington Islamic revenge-seeker Naveed Haq shot 6 innocent women and killed 1 at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle building while spewing anti-Israel hatred and Muslim diatribes.   In 2002, James Ujaama's mosque leader, Abdul Raheem Al Arshad Ali of the radical Dar-us-Salaam mosque in Seattle's Central District...   Another militant Seattle jihadist, Muslim convert Ruben Shumpert (aka Amir Abdul Muhaimin) was arrested after an FBI raid in 2004 for his role in a terror-financing scheme.   He skipped out on his sentencing hearing and turned up in Somalia, where he was killed fighting the U.S. military.   Terror group al Shabaab hailed Muhaimin as a martyr..."
please help find Marizela

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
US ICE reveals locations of convicted murderers it has freed into the USA instead of being removed

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
many no-shows in immigration court; some hearings scheduled for 2020 (IOW, the US government is not even trying)
Josh Siegel: Daily Signal

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Josh Richman _Contra Costa CA Times_
Ton Steyer's climate propaganda ads leave fact-checkers cold

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Allan Wall _V Dare_
Texas's Rick Perry could secure the border, if he had the will and the money
"The Texas border with Mexico is...1200 miles long...   If you put a Cub Scout on the border with a sling-shot, the Mexican government would be crying militarization.   Unfortunately the Mexican government doesn't have much to worry about -- but there's a way Perry could change that.   It's not that I lack confidence in the Texas National Guard, of which I myself am a veteran.   It could do the job—if it were given a clear mission and political back-up...   'Initially, Operation Linebacker was beset with controversy because some sheriffs used the grant funds to set up checkpoints that civil rights groups alleged were being used to round up undocumented immigrants.   [AW: As if that's a bad thing!]   Advocates said the checkpoints created fear in immigrant communities where some families were afraid to leave their homes even to take their children to school.   An El Paso Times review of reports from sheriffs departments that participated in Operation Linebacker showed that the effort resulted in immigrant apprehensions 7 times [as often as] it resulted in criminal arrests.'...   the feds are actually working to keep the border unsecured...   The Texas Army National Guard has about 19K troops, drilling in 117 armories across the state.   Over the years, the Texas Army National Guard has been involved in all sorts of deployments, joint training programs and rescue operations.   For example, after the 2001/09/11 attack, many guardsmen were deployed to various U.S. bases to provide extra security.   Thousands of Texas guardsmen have been deployed to Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Sinai Desert and Kosovo, and have participated in various disaster relief efforts.   So the Guard has lots of experience.   When I was in the Texas Army National Guard (for a decade and a half—including a 10-month deployment to Iraq in 2005, see Iraq Effort Proves We Can Seal The Border—If We Want To Do So), morale was high and guardsmen were motivated.   I'd guess it's still that way...   The goal here would be...to prevent border crossings...   construction of serious Israeli-style fencing.   In areas where the terrain makes fence construction difficult, personnel would have to maintain a constant presence.   The operation would utilize manpower and technology to keep the entire border under surveillance and covered by patrols and rapid response units...   a detention plan would also be needed -- simply turning any detainees over to ICE is no longer effective...   if the state governors involved would defend it, I believe the American people would support them."
Is this constitutional? Yes.   Article 1 section 9: "No State shall, without the consent of congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, EXCEPT what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws; and the NET produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States [so states can set duties and imposts sufficient to cover their costs of securing their borders with other countries, and inspecting the goods and people trying to enter them from abroad; but there's nothing specific about the purposes of inspection: it could be for health, criminal background, quality of goods, proper labeling...   in fact, every individual wishing to enter could be held while investigators are sent out to interview his family, employers, local police in his home county/ parish/ district/ prefect, neighbors, teachers/professors]; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and controul of the congress [right; they can audit to make sure the state isn't diverting the funds to other purposes].   No State shall without the consent of congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in times of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, UNLESS ACTUALLY INVADED, OR IN SUCH IMMINENT DANGER AS WILL NOT ADMIT OF DELAY.", so all of the border states are totally free to go ahead without Obummer's or Shrub's permission.   And Article 4 section 4: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Repulibsn form of government, and SHALL PROTECT EACH OF THEM AGAINST INVASION..." Hmmm, interesting, each state can also define, try, and specify penalties for treason against that individual state, while the federal government handles treason against the United States of America...   "citizens of each state", but "uniform laws of naturalization"...   "coin money" and "coin of the United States" but not "currency of the United States"...   Different things jump out every time you re-read the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution, federalist and anti-federalist articles.

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
how ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate's defeat will happen... and what becomes of the Middle East if does not
"Hamas was once funded by Saudi Arabia and enabled by Egypt.   Now the regimes of these countries view it as part of a larger axis of Sunni jihad that threatens not only Israel, but them.   The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and its state sponsors Qatar and Turkey, are the key members of this alliance structure... If, as the [Obummer regime] demands, Israel allows Gaza=Palestine to reconnect with [Palestinian-occupied] Judea and Samaria [Eastern Israel], in short order Hamas will dominate the areas..."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
Obummer's inept "pottery barn" policies have shattered the Middle East

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Cynthia MacGregor _Jewish World Review_
great guy, not so great dad

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime trying to fan a tiny spark of racism into flame

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer and "history"
"[Leftists] tend to believe that the world is evolving, through some unseen but inexorable force, toward greater peace, equality, prosperity and justice.   The great task for a leader of the United States of america, [Obummer] appears to believe, is to get out of history's way.   That's why it's a good idea to reduce our army to its smallest size since 1940, and to reduce the Marines by 8%.   According to the American Thinker, the Army chief of staff recently testified that due to cut-backs in training funds, 75% of our forces are not combat ready...   James Foley's family might not agree.   Nor would the Yazidis, or the hundreds of thousands of Syrians murdered by gas and artillery and barrel bombs, or the 100K Bosnians and others killed in the heart of Europe in the late 20th century, or the 1M Rwandans killed in 1994, or the roughly 2M Cambodians massacred between 1975 and 1979.   History, in all cases, looked on impassively.   In [Obummer's] telling, history is making American might unnecessary because the 'tide of war is receding'.   Others believe that wars are won or lost.   They don't ebb and flow like oceans...   When have the nations of the Middle East ever joined forces against an evil government or movement?   Even the Europeans proved utterly feckless at intervening in the Bosnian genocide.   Only with American leadership did the killing come to an end..."

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
the assault on Rick Perry is an assault on the USA

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Dems' attack on Rick Pery backfires
Jon Cassidy: WatchDog

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's small-screen world-view

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Jonah Goldberg _National Review_
some refuse to call evil evil

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
plaid returns... dragging a checkered past

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
dealing with mad dogs requires a rabid response

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
battling barbarism: stopping the worst people on earth

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
the war against Christianity in the USA continues

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Nidal al-Mughrabi & Allyn Fisher-Ilan _Jewish World Review_
Hamas publicly executed 18 Palestinians after Israel's strike against 3 Hamas commanders in Rafah
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air
"7 people were shot dead in front of worshippers outside a mosque in one of Gaza's main squares, witnesses said, the first public executions in Palestine since the 1990s.   A further 11 were killed at an abandoned police station near Gaza City..."

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
should USA defend South Korea by letting them develop nuclear weapons

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
_Washington DC Free Beacon_
customers will be worse off after Comcast - Warner merger

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Brent Scher _Washington DC Free Beacon_
these 8 rich leftists are using super PACs to try to buy the 2014 elections: meet the billionaires backing the corrupt Harry Reid
"The hedge-fund manager turned environmentalist activist [Tom Steyer] gave the biggest Super PAC donation of anybody in July: $7.5M to his own NextGen Climate, according to National Journal...   His $2.6M ad buy to target Republican Joni Ernst in Iowa was derailed when fact-checkers rated his ads as completely 'false'...   George Soros...   Andrea Soros Colombel...   Steve and Amber Mostyn...   Michael Bloomberg...   Haim Saban...   Peter Angelos...   Google chairman Eric Schmidt is also putting his weight behind Senate Majority PAC with a $250K in July.   This is the second big donation of the summer from Schmidt, who gave a massive $1M contribution to a Super PAC supporting Virginia Democrat senator Mark Warner in June."

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Mary Bowerman _Durango CO Herald_
Leftists/Dems continue to oppose immigration reform, support immigration law perversion
"In Denver on Thursday, immigrant-advocacy groups announced the launch of the Colorado Immigration Voter Accountability Project targeting 45K likely voters before November's election. Sonia Marquez, an organizer for CIRC Action Fund, said the campaign would focus on [ignoring the several weak] House Republican... immigration-reform [packages]... While in the past Gardner offered a tough stance on immigration, he recently was one of 11 Republicans to vote against a House measure that would have ended president [Barack Hussein Obummer's unconstitutional NIGHTMARE refusal to faithfully execute immigration laws]... Gardner campaign spokesman Alex Siciliano said, 'While some may attack his [weakness and waffling on] reform, Cory has never shied away from confronting the challenge (of immigration reform)' and that Gardner would continue 'pressuring House [losership] to take up the issue' [again]. Gardner was bashed by several Spanish-language ads run by SEIU that [oppose immigration reform]."

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Michael Reagan _News Max_
Nasty Pelosi's district suspiciousy exempted from water rationing

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
Peter Hoekstra: congress will yet again do nothing to stop corrupt Obummer regime violations of the US constitution and federal laws (video)

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Bruce Walker _American Thinker_
IRS e-mail messages: the perfect storm
"They are clearly lying to congress, lying to the American people, and lying to federal judges.   They are obviously hiding important information.   Their misconduct, already, would qualify as obstruction of justice and perjury, and the longer they stone-wall, the guiltier they look."

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Kristin Tate _Breitbart_
TSA admits they're letting illegal aliens fly without ID required of US citizens

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
R' Aryeh Spero _American Thinker_
self-defense is a religious obligation
"We fight because self-defense is a mandate from the Bible -- the Torah, called by many the Old Testament.   We fight to defend life.   Because life is precious, the ultimate, we must defend it.   The very definition of self-defense is permission to kill the one who is coming toward you to kill you."

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Anthony Watts
life found below Antarctica

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Anthony Watts
a new twist on electrolysis and fuel-cell cars

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Anthony Watts
Antarctic sea ice has been above average for 1K straight days

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Eric Worrall
climate sensitivity dutch-auction

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
Anthony Watts
historic variations in arctic sea ice (part 2)

2014-08-22 (5774 Menachem-Ab 26)
P. Wilson
the EU, climate change, and the giant sucking sound as appliances are down-graded in quality (along with cars, tools...)
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Hear, O Israel: HaShem our God, HaShem is unique.   And you must love HaShem your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:4-5  



2014-08-23 (5774 Menachem-Ab 27)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
most voters object to the US government dumping illegal alien children into their local schools
"Parents reasonably object to resources being re-directed from citizen students toward aliens, plus they have concerns of communicable disease and crime."

2014-08-23 (5774 Menachem-Ab 27)
James Fulford _V Dare_
Bloomberg "news" seems to be border-line crazy
Funds authorized for fencing, guarding, detection and surveillance (cameras on poles, on anchored blimps, AWACS and similar aircraft, UAVs, vibration detectors, ground penetrating radar) along the borders have largely been diverted to other purposes (e.g. to political cronies), or wasted (not installed, not maintained, not monitored conscientiously; and action not conscientiously taken when intrusions are detected), because the presidents, and the DHS secretaries and their division and agency heads (mosty politial appointees) have not wanted to secure the borders.   Their statements and actions suggest that actually securing the borders and ports are low on their priorities.   We have some 8,600 or more miles of land borders with Mexico and Canada, and I have no idea how many miles of shore-line (mostly because it depends on how finely you measure).   Less than 10% of land borders have been fenced, and smuggling boats are still occasionally being caught far afield from locations much of the citizenry probably expect.   Where fences have been built, the smugglers and coyotes have either simply gone around, climbed or jumped over, torn down, or tunneled underneath, because those fences have not been adequately defended.   Even locations where federal Boder Patrol officers have found such incursions, they have been prohibited from repelling the invasion.   Because of the aforementioned lack of desire of the top bureaubums to defend them -- because of their active refusal/opposition to securing the borders -- they prohibit proper, conscientious defense by the army, militia, border patrol, customs people, state wildlife, highway parol, etc.   Millions of dollars have been wasted on port facilities in locations with extremely low legitimate traffic (sometimes with contracts going to political cronies)... and which port facilities seem to often be left open and unguarded.   At the same time -- again for political purposes -- people in cross-border towns, and legitimate border crossers are sometimes unreasonably hassled, while officials push for measures at ports like San Ysidro to reduce security in order to speed uninspected or only cursorily inspected vehicles through.

2014-08-23 (5774 Menachem-Ab 27)
_News Max_
hackers hit 25K DHS employees: computer break-in at a federal contractor that handles security clearances
"Private contractors perform background checks on more than two-thirds of the 4.9M government workers with security clearances, and USIS handles nearly half of that number.   Many of those investigations are performed under contracts with the Office of Personnel Management, and the Homeland Security and Defense departments."

2014-08-23 (5774 Menachem-Ab 27)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
indigent defense crisis

2014-08-23 (5774 Menachem-Ab 27)
Donna Tam _CNET_/_CBS_
SF lefties grow even more hateful over influx of STEM pros to the city
"Protests have sprung up throughout the city, with residents airing grievances over the many ways tech has changed their neighborhoods."

2014-08-23 (5774 Menachem-Ab 27)
Anthony Watts
Australian meteorology office accused of manipulating temperature records

2014-08-23 (5774 Menachem-Ab 27)
Anthony Watts
Icelandic Barthabunga volcanic eruption has begun

2014-08-23 (5774 Menachem-Ab 27)
Anthony Watts
it's been a cool, cool summer: record minima out-numbering maxima 3 to 1
Proposed Bills 2014

  "the future is won by those who build and not destroy" --- Barack Hussein Obama 2014-08-21 (He said something correct for a change.   It's only part of 1 sentence.   It's in the wrong context.   But at least it's a glimmer of a remote connection to reality.   Write it down.)  



2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
British ex-rapper suspected in Foley beheading
Susan D. Harris: American Thinker

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
_News Max_
Mexican government opposes US border security... again

2014-08-24 Executives' Obstinate Discrimiantion Against US Citizens is Hurting USA's Economy

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
_NY Post_/_AP_
IDF began warning Gaza=Palestine residents in automated phone calls that it would target buildings harboring terrorist infrastructure and that they should stay away before striking a 12-story building in Gaza city and a 7-story building in Rafah
"A senior military official confirmed that Israel has a policy of striking at buildings containing Hamas operational centers or those from which military activities are launched.   The official said each strike required prior approval from military lawyers and is carried out only after the local population is warned..."

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
Obummer must oppose/resist ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, Hamas, Fatah, Muslim Brotherhood, Iranian regime
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Thomas E. Brewton
racism, the collectivist perversion the leftists try to wield as an all-purpose excuse for their abuses

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
meet Israel's navy

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
what's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
does IS now have an air force?
"A bloody assault by Islamic State forces captured the Syrian government air base in Tabqa, today, acquiring 'several warplane squadrons, helicopters, tanks, artillery, and ammunition bunkers'...   '3 or 4 flights with a total of 12 to 24 air-craft'...   Again, according to Wikipedia, the Taqba air base possessed 12 squadrons of the aging MIG-21 -- both combat fighters and trainers.   The base also housed about 20 Mi-8 helicopters, probably a mix of transport and gunship models."

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
American black people are being lied to and the lies are destroying many of them

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Breitbart_
declare war against shariah

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Ronald R. Cherry _American Thinker_
air-borne transmission of ebola
"The Canadian Health Department states that airborne transmission of Ebola is strongly suspected and the CDC admits that Ebola can be transmitted in situations where there is no physical contact between people, i.e.: via direct airborne inhalation into the lungs or into the eyes, or via contact with airborne fomites which adhere to nearby surfaces.   That helps explain why 81 doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers have died in West Africa to date.   These courageous health-care providers use careful CDC-level barrier precautions such as gowns, gloves, and head cover, but it appears they have inadequate respiratory and eye protection..."

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Kelly Riddell _Washington DC Times_
as more people carry arms, crime rate drops in Chicagoland

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
David Archibald
"missing heat" in the Atlantic -- it doesn't work that way
"the war on coal...had its origins back in the 1970s.   The nuclear industry joined the fray in 1982 with the establishment of the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) at Oak Ridge, part of the U.S. Department of Energy.   The CDIAC collects data on carbon dioxide concentrations around the planet and conducts 'experiments' with pre-ordained outcomes..."

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Eric Worrall
glaciers are appearing in Scotland; hundreds of tons of annual layers of fcompacted snow

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
John A
learn R programming language and statistics for free in a MOOC starting September 9
Karolinska Institutet in Sweden: explore statistics with R

2014-08-24 (5774 Menachem-Ab 28)
Anthony Watts
newest scam: donate money to help alleviate the fears of "scared scientists"
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Eyes, like the other senses, are like witnesses: they only tell you what they experience.   However, if the judges before whom they are testifying are corrupt, they will make out of the evidence whatever they must to support their own crooked way of thinking.   Theyll find a way to turn the truth into falsehood for their own good...   We act in life based upon our perception of reality, and our perception of reality is about upon our assumptions about life.   Perverted assumptions result in perverted perceptions, and therefore perverted actions." --- R' PInchas Winston 2014-08-22 Anti-Semitism  



2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
the bed-rock of ordinary Americans' immigration view (part 3.5): future immigration levels

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Judy Kent & David Almasi _National Center for Public Policy Research
Obummer regime amnesty schemes for illegal aliens would be biased against immigrants from Africa

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
bruised egos in a small part of the immigrant selection process
"those who have been denied a for 'Aliens of Extraordinary Ability' (part of the first employment-based category, or EB-1).   They have been told, in writing, that their talents are really not extraordinary.   In effect, they are informed: 'You are not special and if you want a green card you will have to go through one of the processes that all the other non-remarkable people must endure.'...   And the decision, the alien fumes, was written by some faceless USCIS bureaucrat who has not even witnessed the alien's brilliance, or seen that case full of trophies, or read the books/poems/movies that the alien has written.   It's not only a real downer, it is thoroughly insulting.   So there are a lot of appeals..."
This is more evidence of USCIS standards being far far too low, and the numbers of visas orders of magnitude too many...jgo

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Sam Ro _Business Insider_
government would-be economy controllers reveal perverse notions at Jackson Hole
"Pent-Up Wage Deflation: Why haven't we seen a material pick up in wages?   'The evidence suggests that many firms faced significant constraints in lowering compensation during the recession and the earlier part of the recovery because of downward nominal wage rigidity -- namely, an inability or unwillingness on the part of firms to cut nominal wages.', said Yellen, discussing the idea of pent-up wage deflation.   'If pent-up wage deflation is holding down wage growth, the current very moderate wage growth could be a misleading signal of the degree of remaining slack.   Further, wages could begin to rise at a noticeably more rapid pace once pent-up wage deflation has been absorbed.'   UBS's Drew Matus believes the Fed will likely be confronted by some unwanted rapidly accelerating prices.   Yellen Still Cool On Inflation: However, ithere is scope for nominal wages to accelerate from their recent pace without creating meaningful inflationary pressure.', added Yellen."

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
the face of the tiger
"[Obummer's] remarks were fatuous even by his own recent standards, and did not long delay his arrival at the links...   It makes [ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS] sound like a social faux pas...   Somehow [the government officials and the media] keep missing the point: the story did get out; the severed head is the message...   Islam is not 'the victim of the world', but the victim of itself.   Omar Sheikh is a British public schoolboy, a graduate of the London School of Economics, and, like Osama and Mohammed Atta, a monument to the peculiar burdens of a non-deprived childhood in the Muslim world.   Give 'em an e-mail address and they use it for kidnap notes.   Give 'em a camcorder and they make a snuff video.   Let's assume that all the chips fell the jihadis' way, that they recruited enough volunteers to be able to kidnap and decapitate every single Jew in Palestine.   Then what?   Muslims would still be, as Pakistan's general Musharraf told a conference the other day, 'the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most unenlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race'.   Who would 'the victim of the world' blame next?"

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
no reply from the USA?

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Meghan Daum _Jewish World Review_
"Invisibles" wisely shut up in age of "social media"

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
we don't have to have more Fergusons
"Change has swept our nation over these years.   Technologies abound that no one would have dreamed of.   And millions of black Americans have moved into the ranks of the upper middle class, the rich, and the super rich.   Yet, despite this, racial ghettos which harbor, even nurture, poverty and crime persist, generation after generation..."

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
don't be blinded to our progress against collectivist racism

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
when being "green" is just plain yellow

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
hands off my sharing economy

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
solution for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS: obliterate them

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
_Conservative HQ_
Judicial Watch outs IRS lies about hiding Lois Lerner's e-mail messages
"'DoJ attorneys for the Internal Revenue Service told Judicial Watch on Friday that Lois Lerner's [e-mail messages], indeed all government computer records, are backed up by the federal government in case of a government-wide catastrophe.'..."

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
_Conservative HQ_
Mac Thornberry pointed out that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/is is unique and dangerous threat to USA security
"as many as 3K members of ISIS have U.S.A. or European passports and could easily travel to America undetected."

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
DoJ admitted that federal government still has all of Lois Lerner's incriminating e-mail messages

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Scott Ott _PJMedia_
keep talking like this council-man Scott Sherman, and you'll be my pick for the 2016 GOP nominee
"On 2014 August 18, San Diego city council-man Scott Sherman showed in just 5 minutes that he communicates basic principles more effectively than any Republican presidential candidate in recent memory...   Watch the video...and then help me to understand why this eminently reasonable position fails to persuade Democrats who say they care about jobs."

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
the small apples of co-existence

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Robert Spencer _PJMedia_
10 acts of jihad in the USA that Americans have not heard about
"1.   Seattle Muslim, Ali Muhammad Brown, 'on a jihad to kill Americans' prime suspect in 4 murder cases...   2.   Seattle Muslim, Musab Mohamed Masmari, said gays should be 'exterminated' gets 10 years for arson at gay night-club...   3.   Friend, Azamat Tazhayakov, of Boston Marathon jihad mass murderer, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, found guilty of hindering FBI investigation...   4.   Texas: 2 Muslims, Rahatul Ashikim Khan & Michael Todd Wolfe, arrested on jihad terror charges...   5.   Florida: Muslim, Sami Osmakac, who threatened '2nd 9/11' found guilty of terror charges...   6.   Muslim, Ahmed Abassi, who wanted to murder 100K Americans cops plea...   7.   Rochester, NY: Muslim, Mufid Elfgeeh, charged with plotting jihad murder of U.S.A.   troops and Shi'ites in western New York...   8.   Virginia: 2 Muslims, Mohamed Abdi Jama & Abdicasiis Cabaase, convicted of piracy were ready to launch rocket-propelled grenade at Navy ship...   9.   Minneapolis: Muslima, Saynab Abdirashid Hussein, gets 3 years probation for lying about funding jihad group...   10.   Houston: Muslim, Mehrzad Malekzadeh, arrested for making terroristic threats and displaying hoax bomb after 4-hour stand-off at WM..."

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Lane Anderson _Jewish World Review_
how early is too early for education?
I get the impression the effects they're noting are not due to "pre-school" but simply from TLC...jgo

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
_Scared Monkeys_
63% of Hispanics, 57% of Blacks, 78% of Whites (74% of all) say the federal government is not doing enough to enforce immigration laws
"71% of Blacks and 63% of Hispanics believe the government 'has a responsibility' to protect job-hungry Americans 'from competition with [illegal aliens]'..."

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Stanley Kurtz _National Review_
how the College Board politicized US History

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
_Tallahassee Reports_
definitions (like elections) have consequences

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Libby Lazewnik _Jewish World Review_
rebel at the Smithsonian

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Paul Homewood
USA tornado intensity index shows no upward trend

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Mary Kay Barton
Siemens's latest deceitful ad campaign promoting wind-power

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Eric Worrall
corrupt EPA hoist on their own petard WRT ocean acidification claims

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Anthony Watts
the Atlantic Ocean is leaking methane -- but "researchers" say there's no cause for alarm; it's those humans and cattle and cars and trucks which must be subjugated and restricted

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Anthony Watts
ARCUS Sea-Ice predictions are in, includes WUWT's contribution

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Anthony Watts
hilarious! climate hysterics ditch polar bears as mascot, try cat videos

2014-08-25 (5774 Menachem-Ab 29)
Viv Forbes
22 years ago in Rio, climate hysterics invented a way to tour the world at tax-victims' expense -- never-ending conferences on environmental alarms
Proposed Bills 2014

  "In 2008, the Chinese Communist government created the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. (COMAC), a wholly owned state enterprise...   COMAC has already built a prototype, the C919, a narrow-body, single-aisle plane that closely resembles Boeing's 737 -- the bread-and-butter plane that accounts for more than half of Boeing's orders...   COMAC also has another passenger jet about to enter service, a regional jet called the ARJ21..." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pp68-69  



2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
John Ribeiro _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Sili Valley firms under-pay black and Latino employees and bodies-shopped
"Blacks and Latinos make up 41% of all private security guards in Silicon Valley, 72% of all janitorial and building cleaning workers, and 76% of all grounds maintenance workers, according to data collected by Working Partnerships for Santa Clara county, which is home to a number of key tech companies...   Blacks and Hispanics each make up under 10% of U.S. college graduates and each collect fewer than 10% of degrees in computer science majors, [wrote Laszlo Bock of privacy-violation firm Google]...   In systems software developers and applications software developers, the two largest tech occupations in Santa Clara County, the respective median wages are US$63.62 and $61.87.   In contrast, the median wages for the three largest categories of contracted workers -- landscaping workers, janitors, and security guards -- are $13.82, $11.39, and $14.17, according to the report.   Contracted workers also do not have the benefits provided to the core work-force, and have far less sick leave.   The organization recommends that companies should raise the wages paid to the contract workers.   Even a raise of $5 per hour to 10K contracted workers -- enough to lift a security guard from the median wage to self-sufficiency-- would cost less than 0.1% of the $103.7G in profits earned by the top 150 companies in Silicon Valley last year, it said."

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_
which kinds of statistics companies supplied and withheld about their employees

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
from 2011 January through 2013 December, 4.3M US workers were displaced from jobs they had held for at least 3 years ("long-tenured")
"Displaced workers are defined as persons 20 years of age and older who lost or left jobs because their plant or company closed or moved, there was insufficient work for them to do, or their position or shift was abolished.", explained James Brobely of BLS.   The data are collected from surveys of all residents in the USA (legal residents, illegal, native citizens, naturalized citizens, exchange visitors, guest-workers, green card holders).   5.2M persons were displaced from jobs they had held for less than 3 years ("short-tenured").   Combining the short- and long-tenured groups, the number of displaced workers totaled 9.5M from 2011 to 2013.   In 2014 January, only 61% of US workers displaced from 2011 to 2013 had become re-employed...   Among long-tenured workers who were displaced from full-time wage and salary jobs and were re-employed in such jobs in 2014 January, only 52% had earnings that were as much or greater than those of their lost job, up from 46% in the prior survey...   In 2014 January, the re-employment rate was 68% for workers ages 25 to 54.   The re-employment rates for those ages 55 to 64 was 53%, and for those 65 years and over it was 23%.   Among those age 65 and over, 64% were neither employed nor actively seeking work when surveyed, and are thus considered to be "not in the labor force" (NILF)...   In 2014 January, the re-employment rates for long-tenured displaced Hispanics (65%), whites (62%), and blacks (55%) were higher than in 2012 January.   The re-employment rate for Asians, at 59%, changed little from the prior survey...   Major industry groups showed re-employment rates (Table 7) for transportation and utilities (69%), leisure and hospitality (69%), construction (68%), and information (67%).   Workers displaced from wholesale and retail trade and from other services were the least likely to be re-employed (58% each).   (Workers were not necessarily re-employed in the same industries or occupations from which they were displaced, and thus may be under-employed or advanced or shifted sideways.)   Re-employment rates differed by major occupation categories.   87K Information industry workers were displaced and re-employed; 17K got part-time jobs; 65K found full-time employment; 8K had their compensation drop 20% or worse; 5K lost less than 20%; 27K kept or increased their compensation level; 9K got an increase in compensation of 20% or more; 4K became self-employed or were unpaid family members (Table 7).   Table 8 (which reflects all displaced workers regardless of tenure on their lost job) says there were 249K Information industry workers displaced from 2011 January through 2013 December, but, in 2014 January, 66.8% were re-employed, 23.2% are unemployed and actively seeking work, while 8.8% are neither employed nor actively seeking work (they were NILF).   Of 137K Information industry workers displaced between 2011 January and 2013 December, 66.6% were employed in 2014 January, 19.7% were still unemployed and actively seeking work, and 13.7% were neither employed nor actively seeking work (NILF) (Table 4).
BLS technical note
"The data presented in this release were collected through a supplement to the 2014 January Current Population Survey (CPS), the monthly survey of about 60K eligible households that provides basic data on employment and unemployment for the nation..."

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
ironic allegations against Lexington county sheriff James Metts in over-riding US ICE detainers

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
American Immigration Council, affiliated with AILA, floats a petition to sway Obummer to ignore more laws
"lawyers, professors or otherwise, are no better or wiser than anyone else, even where the law is concerned...   law is [not] straightforward...   the AIC, which wants to see an amnesty of some sort go forward, whether or not congress has willed against it... "

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
one Dem gets it correct on immigration
"'Republicans are shipping jobs over-seas.   Democrats allow over-seas people to come and get the jobs.   The result is the same -- our kids are being shafted.', Morel said according to the Palm Beach Post."
immigration short course

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
facts vs. visions

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the anatomy of terror

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
Veterans Administration: Is there a "shortage" of "primary care" physicians? Are the AMA and government still restricting the numbers of med school slots? How many veterans were/are abused?
More choices means non-government choices.

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
what Obummer missed while on vacation

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
it is good to have to get things done

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Harry Reid and Joe Biteme compete for life-time gaffe-meister title

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
if ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS attacks again, what will the USA government do?
"The U.S.A. and Europe are vulnerable because of a false belief that we can somehow 'convert' [violent] ideological and religious fundamentalists into pluralistic, tolerant people by exposing them to our way of life.   So we let them into our nations.   They build mosques, often with funding from Saudi Arabia, which practices and teaches a radical brand of [violent] Islam known as Wahhabism, and allow them to set up Islamic schools, at least some of which teach hatred of Jews, Christians and Western values.   France has seen its Muslim population explode to more than 8M, and growing, according to the Gatestone Institute.   It is the same in other European nations... According to the Pew Research Religion & Public Life Project, 'the estimated share of legal Muslim immigrants entering the U.S.A. each year has roughly doubled, from about 5% of legal immigrants in 1992 to about 10% in 2012'..."

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's staggering blindness to growing terror threats

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
a decent lawyer would tell the leftists that they're damned fools and ought to stop

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's reluctant Iraq war

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
defeat the Islamic state by allowing Syria and others to kill the violent radicals

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Bob Christie _Kansas City Star_/_AP_
AZ educationism official John Huppenthal lost re-election bid

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Joshua Green _BusinessWeek_
with no votes counted, the Tea Party has already won election for Arizona governor
"2 of the 3 leading candidates are former business executives: Doug Ducey, the state treasurer and former chief executive officer of Cold Stone Creamery, and Christine Jones, a former executive at GoDaddy, the Web domain hosting company best known for its racy Super Bowl ads.   Each has been busily trying to outdo the other's appeal to conservative base voters allergic to senate-style [Reprehensible Immigration Law Perversion]..."

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
_Washington DC Examiner_
Diane Douglas won the primary for AZ superintendent of public instruction after focusing almost all of her campaign on repealing the Obummer regime-supported Communist Corpse

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Why has Rick Perry brought mean-spirited RINO-backers -- Steve Schmidt & Henry Barbour -- onto his campaign team?

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Michael Shingleton _Fox_
Adrian Wyllie aims to become Florida's next governor

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Patrick Reddy _PJMedia_
5 reasons why the 2014 elections are most like those of 1918

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
climate to the rescue?
"In reality, [Obummer] probably doesn't know much of anything about climate science except what people with agendas tell him -- and most of them got it second hand.   It's all received wisdom of the dullest sort and most of it dated.   [Obummer] is about as educated on climate science, in the final analysis, as Nancy Pelosi is about Hamas..."

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
Socialist Insecurity is a weapon of mass destruction

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Rusty Humphries _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is not Carter bad, he's LBJ horrific
Washington DC Times

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Rusty Humphries _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is not Carter bad, he's LBJ horrific

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Rich Lowry _National Review_
Obummer's Iraq war: how badly does he want to win it?

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
"Federale" _V Dare_
the NIGHTMARE illegal alien who killed 2 US citizen children, and the complicit bureaubums who should be impeached
"Treason isn't committed by institutions -- it's committed by individuals.   In this case, immigration bureaucrats Elizabeth Godfrey, Kenneth Hamilton, and Raphael Sanchez, among others, betrayed their country and their people by allowing an illegal alien who killed 2 American children to stay in the country.   Mexican illegal alien Cinthya Garcia-Cisneros killed 2 step-sisters, Anna Dieter-Eckerdt, 6, and Abigail Robinson, 11, by driving through a leaf pile where the girls were playing.   What's worse, Garcia-Cisneros failed to return to the scene after the accident and washed her car to hide evidence..."

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Michelle Malkin _V Dare_
Asian-bashing Dems and the door-mat minorities who enable them
Town Hall
please help find Marizela

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
_Jewish World Review_/_Newsweek_
Putin popped Russia's tech bubble
"'There are plenty of brilliant Russian programmers and technologists out there.', says Bill Browder, CEO of London-based Hermitage Capital Management, which invests in Russia and has publicly battled Putin.   'They're just much more likely to be in California than Russia.'...   In the 2010s, some hopeful venture capital from the U.S.A. started flowing into Russian startups, in part because the home Russian market for mobile apps was ramping up.   By 2013, Russian was the second most used language on the Internet (well behind English and slightly ahead of German).   According to Fastlane Ventures, 245 Russian companies got VC funding in 2013—a sliver compared with the 3,700 companies that get VC funding in the U.S.A. each year but a start nonetheless.   Even in early 2014, the trend was rising.   Investment in Russian Internet projects in the first half of 2014 was up 77% over the same period last year, according to CB Insights.   This is where Putin comes in.   Since Russia invaded Ukraine in March and got nailed by international sanctions, Western investors have wanted to get involved in Russia about as much as the Scarecrow wants to date the Wicked Witch of the West.   Add that to Putin-sanctioned raids on Russian businesses, government meddling, anti-blogging laws and word of a coming fire-wall around Russia, and the tech picture gets bleak..."

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Christopher S. Rugaber _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Conference Board: consumer confidence changed from 90.3 in July to 92.4 in August
Ruth Mantell MarketWatch
suburban Chicago IL Daily Herald
"The 'jobs hard to get' index fell from 30.9% in July to 30.6% in August, while the 'jobs plentiful index rose from 15.6% to 18.2%."

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Anthony Watts
Does "responsible consumption" benefit corporate executives and stock owners more than other people?

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Bob Tisdale
a lead author of UN IPCC AR5 down-plays reliance on climate models

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Anthony Watts
energy storage cannot solve the problem of intermittency of wind- or solar-power

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Anthony Watts
Australian scientist calls for people to be fired for temperature "adjustments"

2014-08-26 (5774 Menachem-Ab 30)
Anthony Watts
Obummer regime is working to forge a sweeping international climate change agreement to compel nations to cut use of fossil fuels, so that more people will freeze to death in the dark and be tied to their lairds' estates
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Every scientist dies with the frustration of problems being un-solved." --- Daniel Michael Davis 2014 _The Compatiblity Gene: How Our Bodies Fight Disease, Attract Others, and Define Our Selves_ pg51  



2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
R' Abraham J. Twerskis _Jewish World Review_
what does "doing the right thing" entail?

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Byron York _Washington DC Examiner_
congress, president, DHS, DoL officials do not want our immigration system to work
"Under current law -- that is, if there is no [immigration law reform or immigration law perversion] at all -- those grants of legal permanent resident status will continue, million after million, year after year, for the foreseeable future.   Under the Gang of 8 [reprehensible immigration law perversion] bill [S744] passed by the senate last year, the [over 1M] each year would increase dramatically, perhaps even [doubling or tripling to 2M or 4M].   That's one of the key debates, if not the key debate, about immigration reform: Is it wise to greatly increase the already [hideously excessive] number of immigrants [and students, and exchange visitors, and guest-workers] admitted to the country each year, especially in a time of high unemployment and economic anxiety?...   In June, Gallup asked a sample of 1,027 Americans this question: 'In your view, should immigration be kept at its present level, increased, or decreased?'   41% said they want to see immigration decreased, while 33% wanted it kept at its present level -- making a majority of 74% who do not want higher levels of immigration.   Just 22% said they wanted to see immigration increased.   Broken down by party, 69% of Democrats wanted to see immigration kept the same or decreased, while 73% of independents and 84% of Republicans felt the same."

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Bobby Jindal has sued federal government over Communist Corpse
suburban Chicago IL Daily Herald

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
_Conservative HQ_
the great article 5 convention debate comes to northern Virginia

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
is there a generally agreed upon "Tea Party" national security policy?
"...The concept of 'peace through strength' is one that has deep roots in American national security thinking from today, to Ronald Reagan, to the America First Movement prior to World War 2, to the admonitions in Washington's Farewell Address about 'Taking care always to keep ourselves by suitable establishments on a respectable defensive posture' and that 'belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel'.   &nnbsp; If there is a Tea Party national security policy it is certainly 'peace through strength' and, absent the provocation to which Washington referred, non-intervention.   The challenge for Tea Partiers going forward is how to pursue that policy in the face of an implacable Islamist cultural enemy that has been all too ready to, in Washington's words, hazard giving us provocation of war through unconventional attacks and terrorism in our own homeland."

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
if DHS won't enforce immigration law, maybe the competition will

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
the "Octopus" tries to expand immigration
Rebecca Solnit: Harper's
Mark Krikorian: National Review

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
David Schwartz _Reuters_
AZ treasurer Doug Ducey claimed victory in primary for governor
"With border security issues high on the political agenda, Ducey held a convincing lead of 37% in the 6-way race after most of the ballots had been counted..."

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01): Why are leftist whackoes so afraid of Tom Cotton that they spend millions to make wild, unfounded accusations?

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Megan Toombs _Town Hall_
billionaire Tom Steyer has spent $20M on televised smear campaigns

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
blacks must confront reality (with some statistics)
Town Hall
"If it is assumed that problems that have a devastating impact on black well-being are a result of racial discrimination and a 'legacy of slavery' when they are not, resources spent pursuing a civil rights strategy will yield disappointing results."

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
embracing the obvious truth
"As Behar demonstrated, the media is collaborating with Hamas in its war against Israel."

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
if "evil" does not apply to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/Islamic State, then what does?

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Betsy McCaughey _Jewish World Review_
congress's duty to lead

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
green monster

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Cheryl K. Chumley _Jewish World Review_
deranged power-mad Obummer regime touts school lunches as "national security issue"

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Mordechai Schiller _Jewish World Review_
the "obsolete" computer racket

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
government contractors and employees with heavy debt may pose security risks
"Financial health is supposed to be assessed in the security clearance process to determine, for example, whether someone with access to classified information can be bought by a hostile party.   Federal law, though, doesn't prohibit someone with unpaid taxes from holding a security clearance.   The Government Accountability Office [GAO] issued a report recently finding that, as of 2012 June, out of 83K Defense Department employees and contractors owing $730M in unpaid taxes to the IRS, about a quarter of those were still deemed eligible for a TS/SCI clearance -- top secret/sensitive compartmented information..."

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
Rotherham, England

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
Israel security summit in wake of ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/IS beheadings

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
violent Muslims seized Golan Heights check-point

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Tom de Weese _Conservative HQ_
the "humanitarian crisis" and the coming crime-wave in USA cities

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Frank Gaffney ii: congress should declare war against shariah
Grank Gaffney ii: Breitbart

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Neal M. Sweeney _Jewish World Review_
8 things new grads don't yet know about saving money

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
_Jewish World Review_
xenon can be abused to erase memories

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Mark Keefe _Daily Caller_/_American Rifleman_
where is the .22 rim-fire ammunition? (with video)
"The major domestic ammunition makers have been producing more ammunition than ever.   They are all up in terms of total production—double, and in some areas, triple-digit increases.   They are all running 3 shifts.   And when it comes to center-fire cartridges, at least of 3 of the big makers are caught up and beginning to load either new products, line extensions or specialty loads...   Maximum production is coming out of all them.   And it is not enough.   Demand for .22 Long Rifle still exceeds production capacity...   adding capacity is incredibly expensive and not easy...   The priming of rimfire case borders on alchemy, dangerous alchemy.   And priming compound is something one cannot take any safety short-cuts with, period."

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Greg Corombos _World Net Daily_
poll of Tea Partiers reveals hottest political issue of 2014
"Multiple new polls show tea-party activists see the border crisis as the most important issue of the 2014 midterm elections, and the movement once known for its insistence upon less spending and smaller government is ready to make border security a critical issue heading into November.   Surveys from Gallup, Polling Company Inc. and the Tea Party Patriots show immigration as the top issue for voters in 2014.   Democrats historically have an edge in the debate due to their insistence that the vast majority of those in the country illegally are good people trying to make a better life for their families and they are deserving of a chance.   However, the recent flood of illegal border crossings has changed some opinions, including those of congressional Republicans..."

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Susan Scutti _Medical Daily_
depressed adults have many more synapses related to rumination
"Brain scans [fNMR] of previously depressed young adults showed hyperconnected emotional and cognitive networks, especially in the regions related to rumination, the researchers found.   'Rumination is not a very healthy way of processing emotion.', said Dr. Scott Langenecker, associate professor of psychiatry and psychology at U of IL at Chicago...   A 2011 survey of more than 30K people found that, as expected, negative life events in childhood or early adulthood were the strongest factors when predicting whether or not you might be prone to depression and anxiety.   But the study carried an important caveat; how much you ruminate and blame yourself for these past events determined, to a very large extent, how depressed or anxious you might become...   depressed people have more abstract [indefinite, hand-wavy] goals..."

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Mike Jonas
is coal winning the energy battle?

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Anthony Watts
why the world needs more carbon dioxide

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Kent Beuchert
Transatomic Power's molten salt nuclear reactor: a universally acceptable and economical energy source?

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Anthony Watts
global cooling could last for 30 years

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Anthony Watts
global cooling could last for 30 years

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Anthony Watts
Obummer's climate scheme spooks even other leftists

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Pat Micahels & Chip Knappenberger
climate bozos keep popping up all over

2014-08-27 (5774 Alul 01)
Anthony Watts
should we bomb Iceland's Bartharbunga volcano?

1776-08-27: the Battle of Long Island: in what is now Brooklyn, Long Island, NY, British forces under general William Howe defeated Americans under general George Washington.
1858-08-27: the second debate between senatorial candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas took place in Freeport, IL.
1859-08-27: colonel Edwin L. Drake drilled the first successful oil well in the United States, near Titusville, PA.
1889-08-27: Charles G. Conn of Elkhart, IN patented the metal clarinet. More than 100 years later the name, Conn, still represents one of the most popular musical instrument names -- especially for clarinets (Conn also makes the Selmer brand.)
1894-08-27: congress passed the Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act, which contained a provision for a socialistic graduated income extortion that was later struck down by the Supreme Court.
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The 'Social' 'Sciences': They're not science and they're not social unless you like hanging out with academic types. Sociology is bad chick lit. Anthropology is lousy travel writing. And Psychology is vicious gossip." --- P.J. O'Rourke 2018 _None of My Business_ pg133  



2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
only 61% of workers displaced between 2011 & 2013 were re-employed in 2014 January

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
illegal immigration is NOT a victimless crime

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Board of Immigration Appeals makes expansive decision in asylum case

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
Obummer fails History 101
Town Hall
"In fact, history is morally cyclical.   Even technological progress is ethically neutral.   It is a way either to bring more good things to more people or to facilitate evil all that much more quickly and effectively."

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
"Europe's Last Stand" documentary debuts in September

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
whatever life's scrapes and bumps, love is a balm

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
how should we project USA power?

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Richard Lederer _Jewish World Review_
do you have a problem, you know, with "no problem"?

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
yes, it may kill you to hire police based on race or ethnicity
"I'm against more black people being murdered, raped and assaulted.   In a massive, detailed 2000 study of the effect of court-ordered affirmative action plans on police departments, economist John Lott found that the more minorities on a police force, the higher the rates of murder, man-slaughter, violent crime, robbery and aggravated assault will be.   Violent crime increased by a minimum of 3.3% every year after affirmative action policies went into effect -- and the spike in crime was highest in black neighborhoods.   The problem was not with black cops, Lott's study showed, but rather with the lowering of standards across the board, resulting in less-qualified officers of every race...   As Lott's study showed, once standards are lowered to ensure 'diversity', standards are lowered for all recruits, resulting in a rainbow coalition of incompetence..."

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
golf is not the answer

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
another Ferguson? Wait, wrong race, never mind

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
the importance of recognizing that a plan, strategy, or tactic was wrong; apologizing; and correcting course

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Scotland's future hangs in the balance

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
the smallness of being in economy class
"Back in the 'Mad Men' era, airlines bragged about their high level of service, from meals on trays to luxurious seating.   Airline deregulation started the decline of such amenities.   One of its goals was to encourage cheaper seats, and that it did.   But the shrinking of comfort levels accelerated decades later.   It happened without a middle-class revolt, in part because our price-obsessed [Fed inflation-/money devaluation-driven] culture has dropped quality -- whether for a sweater or for a flight to Hawaii -- as a major factor in making a purchase."

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Alex Swanson _Daily Illini_
23 female faculty have joined the U of IL College of Engineering
"Elizabeth Bierman, president of the national Society of Women Engineers, shared that on a national basis, women make up about 18% of engineering students and an even lower percentage of those in the work-force...   But at the University, there has been a significant increase in the number of female under-graduate engineering students in recent years, about 27% over the past 2 years.   The College of Engineering as a whole has also grown in recent years and plans to add another 40 or 50 faculty over the next 5 years as an accommodation."

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Donald A. Collins _V Dare_
Lynn, MA's opposition to having illegal aliens dumped on them is just the beginning

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Michael Schaus _Town Hall_
Paul Krugman accidentally got something almost correct
"The Left's most adored 'economist', who has managed to turn being wrong into a career option, actually stumbled across a small kernel of truth in an otherwise typically inarticulate column.   The King-of-Keynes managed to write a completely, and unavoidably, coherent thought last week...   Almost every war of the 20th century, Krugman points out, made no economic sense whatsoever..."

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Bob Goldman _Town Hall_
5 phrases that mean "you are NOT hired", and why you should show your value rather than simply claiming it

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Joanne Moudy _Town Hall_
school girls turned into suicide bombers

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Rebecca Hagelin _Town Hall_
culture challenge of the week: do you know what they are teaching your children?

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
how will Obummer pay for his unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens program?

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJMedia_
most applicants for Obummer's anti-constitutional NIGHTMARE amnesty for illegal aliens come from Los Angeles, but many are not applying at all

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Richard A. Vigueria _Conservative HQ_
governor Rick Perry's campaign friends are enemies of non-leftists

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Ben Hubbard & Eric Schmitt _Jewish World Review_
inside the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS head office are several of Saddam Hussein's military elite
"The group's radical chief executive officer of sorts handpicked many of his deputies from among the men he met while a prisoner in U.S. custody."

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Ben Hubbard & Eric Schmitt _Jewish World Review_
U.S. air strikes on Syria would face formidable obstacles
"Of greater concern to Western military planners is anti-aircraft weaponry Islamic State fighters might have acquired."

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Alroy Menezes _Jewish World Review_
Israeli's doubt Netanyahu's claim of having defeated Hamas

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is building a capital
"Hannity gets [Anjem Choudary in London] to admit that the end game for him and al Qaeda and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and the Muslim Brotherhood is the same -- to impose Islamic sharia law on the whole world...   Anjem Choudary doesn't live in Syria and isn't taking up a gun to fight for the cause.   He lives in London on welfare.   He encourages other Muslims to live on welfare in the West and turn it into a 'jihadi allowance'.   His weapon is his mouth.   He may have radicalized the British Muslim rapper who joined ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and is believed to have beheaded James Foley."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
Adrian Wyllie, who served in the U.S. Army's 56th Air Defense Artillery and the 53rd Infantry Brigade, wants to win, he expects to win, and he has a plan set for his first day in office
"'We are going to introduce real transparency and go after the corruption that is rampant in Tallahassee.'"

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
Obummer has held a press conference to say he will do nothign to stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine, nor violent Muslims' invasions of Syria and the Golan Heights

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Obummer regime DoJ scrimping on immigration courts (video)

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
NFL: "OK, maybe knocking a woman out is worse than smoking pot"

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
young males and females have different types of vehicle crashes
"Young women were 66% more likely to wear a seat belt, 28% more likely to drive on a restricted license and they had more crashes at intersections and with pedestrians.   They were also more likely to have crashes on weekdays.   Young men, on the other hand, had more crashes at night, more off-road crashes and were more likely to have crashes on weekends, according to the study published recently in the Journal of Safety Research."

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
James Kirkpatrick _V Dare_
if the GOP losership is so smart, why aren't we seeing a lot of Republican leading in the polls for the November election?

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Dave Weinbaum
race baiting vs. success
"I know 10 black business people who have owned retail businesses in the St. Louis trading area for decades.   Many own businesses just a few miles away from Ferguson.   Some have multiple units.   These owners are very concerned with local communities and give back a lot.   The majority are married couples who live at home with their kids.   Many of them come from a 2 parent family.   Some of them have seen their children become business men and women.   That's what pride is about.   That's what independence is about.   That's what the pursuit of happiness is about...   My birth-place, the Chicago South Side has become a bastion of bad behavior.   Black-on-black murders...   The coach of the Jackie Robinson Little League All Stars attributed the team's efforts to the parents.   They're from a part of the South Side middle class where 90% of the parents live together with their children.   Most have held down jobs for a long time.   Seems to me this is the path chosen by none of the race baiters named above because it makes [the race baiters'] existence irrelevant."
But the racist, anti-Semitic, Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist BLM ring-leaders despise functional, intact, 2-parent families, stability (ethical & financial), and so they riot on.

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Rodrigo Sermeno _PJ Media_
can congress pass digital privacy reform legislation? do they want to?
"Warrantless searches have been 'justified' by the need to protect officers from hidden weapons and to prevent suspects from destroying evidence.   The court [quite reasonably] found that neither rationale applied to the digital data accessible through a cell phone or other mobile devices...   representative Ted Poe (R-TX) called any access of personal information without a warrant a violation of the Fourth Amendment and said congress must draw the line on what the legal expectation of privacy should be for electronic communications.   'If you don't have probable cause to get a warrant then you can't seize the information.   That's what the standard should be.   It has been that way since we enacted the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and it should be that way indefinitely.', Poe said...   Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Patrick Leahy's (D-VT) proposed ECPA update cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee last year, but stalled after it encountered opposition from civil agencies.   Representatives Kevin Yoder (R-KS) and Jared Polis (D-CO) have introduced legislation that would also prevent the government from accessing private e-mail accounts without a warrant.   The E-mail Privacy Act gained its 218th sponsor on June 18, raising the hope that the bill could move this year.   The bill needs two-thirds of the House, or 290 co-sponsors, to allow congress to vote on the bill under a suspension of the rules [over-coming opposition from the losership]...   Katie McAuliffe, the executive director of Digital Liberty, said the legislation is stalling because government agencies want to carve out loop-holes that would allow them to continue business as usual.   Some regulatory agencies are seeking an exception that would partially gut the bills.   These agencies complain that since they have no warrant authority, the legislation would limit their ability to conduct investigations.   Currently, government agencies can obtain e-mail older than 180 days with a mere subpoena, which they can obtain without the need to convince a judge of probable cause."
Legislation needed to stop corrupt oath-breakers.   Again...jgo

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Amy Keller _Florida Trend_
importing cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics to Florida: bodyshopper John Watson complains "I haven't had an American even sniff at a job ad I've run with below-market pay, benefits, training, relocation assistance, etc.

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Tim Ball
green "journalism": the propaganda war: world's top propaganda firms involved

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Eric Worral
warmist hysterics are hoping that long embarrassing pauses in warming will soon be a thing of the past

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Anthony Watts
Bastardi: warm water brings potential for East Pacific hurricanes

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Melissa Osgood
SW may face mega-drought some time in the 21st century

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Anthony Watts
one of the biggest issues facing climate science today is the divergence of reality (observations) from the model output

2014-08-28 (5774 Alul 02)
Anthony Watts
volcanic area near Bartharbunga, north of Dynjujoekull, is erupting
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The Mutants... Now... it's as if somebody took corporations and exposed them to atomic-bomb test radiation in some cheap Japanese science fiction movie and out sprang Godzilla, Mothra, and Rodan -- or, as investors call them, Amazon, FB, and Google." --- P.J. O'Rourke 2018 _None of My Business_ pg58 [others call them immoral tech tyrants]  



2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
bibliography on research regarding H-1B and related issues

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Stanley Renshon _Center for Immigration Studies_
the bed-rock of ordinary Americans' immigration view (part 4): future immigration levels

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer threatening to push immigration law perversion... again
"...there's nothing positive about his acting lawlessly again, especially for such a nefarious purpose... We've all watched this movie before, not just with the immigration issue but with a host of others on which [Obummer] has thumbed his nose at the Constitution and congress and virtually dared Republicans to challenge him."

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Sheryl Attkisson _WJLA abc DC_
is the Obummer-BiteMe regime sharing enough information about illegal aliens?
"Hundreds of demonstrators marched outside the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement [US ICE] agency on Thursday, demanding Congressional action on immigration reform. Many were arrested. This comes as some states continue to struggle with what to do with the influx of unaccompanied children coming across the border."

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
Obummer on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS: who's on first?

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
an honest conversation on race

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
blood-stained hypocrisy of Hollywood's violence profiteers
please help find Marizela

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
freedom to make a mess? naturally

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
the holiday that ruins summer

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
build better teachers
"...perhaps the most promising thinking about education arises from the discovery from economist Eric Hanushek that the most important factor in student performance is the quality of the teacher...   Each year, 400K new teachers enter American classrooms, many knowing little about the nuts and bolts of teaching...   our education schools do not teach the mechanics of teaching: how to control a class-room, how to engage students' imaginations, how to check for understanding.   They've been side-tracked by educational psychology and fads at the expense of teaching how to teach..."

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
federal extortion code tweaks
Michael Barone

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Warren Buffett betrays the USA

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the party of amnesty for illegal aliens is not the working people's friend

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
driver flying ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS flag in Chicago made bomb threat

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Bryan Preston _PJMedia_
Judicial Watch: terrorist attack on USA-Mexico border is imminent
"Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs..."

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
David North Center for Immigration Studies
no more EB-5 visas for Chinese nationals... for 1 month Paul Ryan's and George Will's wishy-washy ways

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Cynthia M. Allen _Jewish World Review_
are balkanizing, privacy violating "social media" enlarging or stifling democracy and liberty?

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Kevin Lewis & Jennifer van der Kleut _WJLA abc DC_
ebola out-break traced to toddler and fruit bat
"Sabeti and her team used advanced genomic sequencing technology to identify a single point of infection from an animal to a human in the current Ebola out-break in West Africa.   The team's research also revealed the dynamics of how the virus has been transmitted from human to human, and traces how the genetic code of the virus is changing over time to adapt to human hosts...   the strain responsible for the West African outbreak separated from a closely related strain found in Central Africa as early as 2004...   By studying how the virus has mutated as the outbreak has grown, and how it has adapted to human's varying immune systems, NIH officials said this data will hopefully allow scientists to develop improved methods to detect infection, and point the way to new and improved drug and vaccines.   The 2014 Ebola outbreak is now the largest outbreak in history, with current estimates of 2,473 infections and 1,350 deaths since it began in late 2013 December, according to the World Health Organization."

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Diana Washington Valdez _El Paso TX Times_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS is in Juarez; Obummer regime rejects claim
"An organization that investigates government corruption posted on its website Friday claims that Islamic terrorist groups are operating in Juarez and plan to attack the United States with car bombs and other explosives...   Chris Farrell, investigations director for Judicial Watch, based in Washington, DC, said in an interview that the non-profit posted the information after several law enforcement officers shared the intelligence and expressed concerns about what they are seeing.   Judicial Watch sources alleged that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria [a.k.a. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, a.k.a. Daesh] is operating in Juarez."
Judicial Watch bulletin

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Tom Porter _International Business Times_
lap-top seized in Syria contains ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS plans for "bubonic plague" weapons

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
the trouble is that Obummer DOES have a BAD strategy
"[Obummer's] 'we-don't-have-a-strategy' gaffe was so egregious as to distract attention from the fact that he does indeed have a strategy, which has blown up in his face.   His strategy is accommodation with Iran at all costs.   As I wrote earlier this month, our ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS problem derives from our Iran problem[, and] Bashar Assad's ethnic cleansing, which has displaced 4M Syrians internally and driven 3M out of the country, was possible because of Iranian backing.   The refugee flood in Iraq and Syria gives ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS an unlimited pool of recruits.   Iraqi Sunni support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS, including the participation of some of Saddam Hussein's best officers, is a response to Iran’s de facto take-over of Iraq.   Now we have analysts as diverse as Karen Elliott House and Angelo Codevilla proposing that the Saudis should use their considerable air force to degrade ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS.   Unless the U.S.A. commits its own forces in depth, the Saudis never will do so (unless they are defending their own territory, which ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS is not stupid enough to attack).   It is a sad day when America's appetite for a fight is so weak that we count on the Saudi monarchy to do our dirty work for us.   Codevilla wrote..."

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Pew/Gannett poll: 61% disapprove of Obummer on immigration
"A recent Reuters poll found that 70% of Americans believe illegal immigrants 'threaten traditional U.S. beliefs and customs' while 63% felt that [excessive] 'immigrants place a burden on the economy'.   And a Polling Company poll that found that a majority of Americans wanted fewer immigrants at this time found that '90% of likely voters feel that U.S.A.-born workers and legal immigrants already here should get first preference for jobs'."

1786-08-29: Shays' Rebellion, an armed uprising of Massachusetts farmers, began in response to high debt and tax burdens (since they were required to accept scrip in payment for their produce, but pay taxes in hard silver and gold coin, while debts and taxes did not adjust to inflation in a way that would allow them to cope).
1831-08-29: Michael Faraday discovered the theory of Electromagnetic induction.

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Anthony Watts & Neal Kaye
California drivers brace for costly new global warming gas tax

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Anthony Watts & Neal Kaye
Younger Dryas climate event solved via nano-diamonds -- it was a planetary impact event

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Anthony Watts & James McCown
problems with statistical tests of pre-1958 atmospheric CO2 concentration data

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Charles Battig
chemistry parable -- sustainability: the "universal solvent" of private property rights

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Anthony Watts
mystery of the "sailing" stones of Death Valley solved -- climate change immediately blamed for no good reason

2014-08-29 (5774 Alul 03)
Simon Lax, Daniel P. Smith, Kim M. Handley, Jarrad Hampton-Marcell, Sarah M. Owens, Nicole M. Scott, Sean M. Gibbons et al. _AAAS_ (more political than, not quite as scientific & reputable as they were 3-5 decades ago)
longitudinal analysis of microbial interaction between humans and the in-door environment
Proposed Bills 2014

  "Before the Bolshevik coup d'etat, Russia was one of the most productive agricultural nations in the world.   The great wheat fields in Ukraine justly earned her the title of the Bread Basket of Europe.   But when the people's utopia arrived, agriculture came to a stand-still, and famine stalked the land.   Even after Stalin, when the regime is said to have adopted more humane and productive policies, Russia never produced enough food for itself.   A nation that cannot feed its citizens cannot develop its industry and it certainly cannot build a potent military force [well, not so certain, given the priorities of the dictators].   It is not surprising, therefore, that for decades, the USA has annually 'sold' tens of millions of tons of wheat -- and other food-stuffs -- to Russia.   The quote marks are to emphasize the underlying transfusion mechanism previously described [i.e. the elaborate loan schemes were actually gifts]." --- G. Edward Griffin 1994, 2010 _The Creature from Jekyll Island_ pg299  



2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
Diaa Hadid & Oliver Teves _Christian Science Monitor_
Syrians clash with UN troops in Golan Heights

2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
DHS considering new security measures to intercept Muslim terrorists

2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
Ted Cruz hints at what his presidential campaign might look like

2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
"Federale" _V Dare_
corrupt Obummer regime planning to appoint lawyer Sarah Saldana, who has zero law enforcement experience, to be head of ICE... but is she on the side of law-breakers'?

2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
_Augusta GA Chronicle_
USA labor pains

2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
_World Net Daily_
sheriff Joe Arpaio: terrorists know how to get into the USA, the borders are still not secure, anybody can cross
"'We did a survey of the people in [our] jail, about 3K that we looked at for all different types of crimes.', Arpaio related.   'They're all here illegally, so we turned them over to [Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE] to be deported, and yet, they keep coming back on crimes.   How do they keep coming back when you give them to ICE?   Either they have been deported and they keep coming across the border, or they're let out the back door, back on to the streets.', he posited.   '[U.S. authorities] can't even keep track of them, and these are criminals!   Sex violators and everything else that we turn over and they keep coming back to jail again.'..."

2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
the left's attempt to institutionalize a perverted leftist view of US history

2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
Anthony Watts
how not to do a solar power project -- great moments in solar panel engineering

2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
Anthony Watts
spectacular eruption of Mount Tavurvur in Papua New Guinea

2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
Ed Hoskins
renewable energy in perspective: solar- and wind-power

2014-08-30 (5774 Alul 04)
Anthony Watts, Judith Curry, David Rose
the arctic sea-ice spiral of death seems to have been reversed: ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7M square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago
Proposed Bills 2014

  "The science of design... is the source and very essence of painting, sculpture, architecture... Sometimes...it seems to me that... all the works of the human brain and hand are either design itself or a branch of that art." --- Michaelangelo (quoted in Erika Andersen 2016 _Be Bad First: Get Good at Things Fast to Stay Ready for the Future_ pg37)  



2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
James Fulford _V Dare_
on workers who would vote Republican if they thought the GOP was "on their side"

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Brenda Walker _V Dare_
Obummer regime secrecy about illegal aliens dumped in targeted towns is being investigated
"The feds are particularly silent about the where-abouts of tens of thousands of illegal alien children it has redistributed all around the country, she has learned.   The little law-breakers have privacy rights, the bureaucrats argue.   Nobody cares about their individual identity, but [tax-victims] have a right to the facts about where the foreigners are being housed, educated and at what cost...   citizen safety is far more imperiled by the so-called children, most of whom are teenaged (and older) males, some with gang tattoos..."

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
_NJ Herald_
IDF shot down un-manned surveillance drone over Golan Heights
"The Quneitra area has experienced heavy fighting in recent days between Syrian government troops and rebels."

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
my ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS doctrine: obliterate them

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
3 more Americans killed fighting for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS (with graphs, video)

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
evolution of the Obummer doctrine

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
all in the name: Samaritans vs. ObummerDoesn'tCare

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
is Jordan next on the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate hit list? (video)

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
Obummer to skip true blue non-leftist states during Fall campaign

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
is a great company a conspiracy to change the world?

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Charles Ortel _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's New World Disorder is a clear and present danger for investors and everyone else

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Tiffany Huertas _WJHG_
Adrian Wyllie campaigns in Panama City
"St. Andrews... craft brew tour.   Wyllie says he choose this industry because he believes it's being attacked by the Florida legislature...   Wyllie says he stands on the platforms of economic freedom and individual liberty."

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Stanley Kurtz _National Review_
College Board's appalling Advanced Placement in US History

1227 August: Genghis Khan/Chinggis Khagan/Temujin/emperor Fa-tien Chi-yun Sheng-wu (son of Yesugei & Oulen) b: c. 1162 in the Khentii mountains, Mongolia d: 1227 August as his troops were bringing down Yinchuan, capital of Western Xia.

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Eric Worrall
does Antarctic sea-ice growth negate global warming theory?

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Paul Homewood
Arctic ice and the AMO

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Anthony Watts & Geoff Sherrington
National Geographic's warming warning 10 years later
"The 2014 edition should aim to correct what is now known to be wrong or questionable in the 2004 edition.   We can help.   Here are some quotes that need attention..."

2014-08-31 (5774 Alul 05)
Tim Ball
climate cycles, climate mechanisms and determining accurate dates
Proposed Bills 13


Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2014

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "I am as strong a gun control advocate as can be found among the criminologists in this country...   What troubles me is the article by Gary Kleck and Mark Gertz.   The reason I am troubled is that they have provided an almost clear-cut case of methodologically sound research in support of something I have theoretically opposed for years, namely, the use of a gun in defense against a criminal perpetrator...   I have to admit my admiration for the care and caution expressed in this article and this research..." --- Marvin E. Wolfgang  

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