2015 January

1st month of the 1st quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2022-11-14

  "The senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the president of the United States is tried, the chief justice shall preside; And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present." --- article 1 section 3 paragraph 6  

2015 January
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  "I am HaShem your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make a carved image, or any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I HaShem your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate Me, and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments" --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:6-9  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 January

1st month of the 1st quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression


2015-01-012015-01-01 (5775 Tebet 10)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
studying ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and ourselves
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2015-01-01 (5775 Tebet 10)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
stopping governments from hindering competition
"in February in a U.S. district court in Frankfort, KY.   There, a judge did something no federal judge has done since 1932.   By striking down a 'certificate of necessity' (CON) regulation, he struck a blow for liberty and against [crony socialism]..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2015-01-01 (5775 Tebet 10)
_Jeuxy8_/_Successful Business Action_
10 critical elements of a successful business
"The statistics are well known: a staggering 40% of all new businesses fail within the first 12 months.   Within 5 years, more than 80% will have failed.   And yet, people are flocking to start up new businesses in ever increasing numbers..."

2015-01-01 (5775 Tebet 10)
Bob Tisdale
has NOAA, once again, tried to adjust data to match climate models

2015-01-01 (5775 Tebet 10)
Anthony Watts
IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group out-lived its usefulness 20 years ago

2015-01-01 (5775 Tebet 10)
Willis Eschenbach
questing into the new year

2015-01-01 (5775 Tebet 10)
Martin Hovland
NASA's orbiting carbon observatory shows potential tectonically-induced CO2 from the ocean

1863-01-01: Emancipation Proclamation executive order signed

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

1699-01-01: John Jacob Bucher (son of John Jacob Bucher & Elzabeth Steiner; gs of John Bucher & Maria Burtin; ggs of John Bucher & Barbara Ryschacker) b: 1699-01-01 d: 1788 m: 1725-12-13 to Dorothea Burgauer.

1765-01-01: Anne Meaux Thornton (daughter of John Thornton & Sarah Mynn Thruston; gd of John Thruston & Sarah Mynn; ggd of Robert Mynn & Sarah Cary; 2ggd of James Cary & Sarah Reade) b: 1770 d: before 1810 m: Richard Meaux b: 1765-01-01 d: c. 1826.

1785-01-01: Mary Anderson/Polly Anderson (daughter of James Anderson iii & Margaret Chambers; gd of James Anderson ii & Ruth Bayley; ggd of James Anderson & Suit Garland) b: 1785-01-01 d: 1804-09-06 buried: Silvers Spring, Cumberland county PA.

1787-06-01: Joseph Barnett (son of James Barnett & Mary Allen) b: 1787-06-01 at "Barnett's Conquest", Hanover twp Dauphin county PA d: 1870-01-01 at Franklin, Warren county buried: Woodlawn cem, Franklin county OH OH m: 1817-04-29 to Sarah Harrison (daughter of Isaac Harrison & Sarah Stevens; sister of general John Harrison) b: 1789 d: 1834-12-12 buried: Woodlawn cem, Franklin county OH.

1831-01-01: Mary Brent Sewall (daughter of doctor Robert Sewall & Mary Brent/Polly Brent; gd of Nicholas Lewis Sewall & Mary Darnall) b: 1808 September d: 1831-01-01.

1865-01-01: Mary Lile Ayres (daughter of John Ayres & Matilda Scott; gd of William Ayres & Mary Elizabeth Bucher; ggd of John Ayres & Jane Lytle; 2ggd of William Ayres & Mary Kean) b: 1865-01-01.

William Kilgore b: 1796-07-18 near King's creek, VA d: 1877-01-01 in Steubenville, OH (1815 moved to Steubenville, OH.   merchant.   1854 built Jefferson Iron Mills.   president of Jefferson National Bank.) m: 1824-09-16 at Steubenville, OH (reverend Charles C. Beatty officiating) to Anna Hill (daughter of Samuel Hill & Nancy Beatty; gd of James Beatty & Ally Ann Irwin; ggd of William Beatty & Mary McKee; 2ggd of James Beatty & Agnes UNKNOWN; 3g-grand-daughter of John Beatty) b: 1798-12-19 at Harrisburg, PA d: 1872-10-08 at Steubenville, OH.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "We've all also watched the TV show (or read the book, or seen the movie [or stage-play]) where some homeless perso reaches through his addled mumblings to speak some brilliant, deep truth to our protagonist, who is then able to go on to solve some important personal, romantic, business, or international problem.   And yes, there are indeed plenty of smart, well-educated homeless people who are down on their luck and have ended up in a shelter.   But many homeless people's incoherent murmurings are just that." --- David T. Levinson 2010 _Everyone Helps, Everyone Wins: How Absolutely Anyone Can Pitch In, Help Out, Give Back, and Make the World a Better Place_ pp126-127  



2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the ironies of oil
National Review
Town Hall
"[In 1999, gasoline prices were $0.999/gallon]   Under [president Barack Hussein Obummer], gasoline prices had soared. When he entered office in 2009 January, gas prices averaged around $1.60 per gallon. Four years later, by spring of 2013, gas prices had climbed beyond $3.50 [per] gallon..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
life can be good in the sun-set years, but political concerns grow
"in 1840 when data began to show steady increases...   At the beginning of the 20th century, a baby born in America was expected to reach the ripe old age of 47.   My grandson, delivered on Christmas Eve, can anticipate living to the age of 79.   If progress continues, his life expectancy will rise to 88.   At the end of the century, the norm may be a cool 100..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
rosetta stone of leftist media bias
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
Iran continues to be a worsening threat
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
Tea Party continues strong, but have accomplished little reform or repentance from the power-mad in governments
"It is a wholesale rejection of the leftist societal indoctrination and faux-populist manipulations that have dominated America for decades now.   Americans are fed up.   And the sentiment is spreading.   The past week's protests by American police officers are good recent examples..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
success in a curious turn in DC
"John Freeman, the British ambassador to the United States 4 decades ago who was once an important figure in Washington, DC.   His death five days before Christmas, at age 99, has kindled an unusual remembrance in Britain of a public man who, by his own determination, disappeared from public life and told an prospective interviewer in retirement: 'I wish everybody would forget I was alive.'..."
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
leftists' approach: if the shoe does not fit, make everyone wear it
donate to Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel & Jewish World Review

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
_Conservative HQ_
poll: GOP voters say Boehner out, Tea Party in
Gabriella Morrongiello: Daily Signal
"A new national Republican voter phone survey* found that only 25% wanted to keep Speaker of the House John Boehner and 60% wanted someone new.   Moreover, 64% said that Boehner had been ineffective in opposing [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] agenda...   The poll was conducted by Pat Caddell and EMC Research, and was commissioned by the People's Poll..."

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
_Conservative HQ_
Jim Bridenstine says he will not vote for Boehner for speaker

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Daniel Horowitz _Breitbart_
29 conservatives can remove the losership and elect real leadership in the US House

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Cory Franklin _Political Mavens_
the death of the solo medical practice... and medical privacy
"Only 35% of doctors currently describe themselves as independent, compared with [only] 62% in 2008."

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
how Cuban dissidents against the Castro dictatorship seek the democratization of cuba

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Ron Edwards _News with Views_
the intentionally deceptive moral equivalency scam
donate to News with Views

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Daniel J. Flynn _American Spectator_
the real minimum wage is still $0: state-mandated New Year's wage hikes guarantee job loss

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Geoff Wiliams _USA News & World Report_
living expenses 100 years ago: everything cost less, and compensation was less, too

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Andy May
an open letter to politifact about their deceptive ways

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Tim Ball
climate and truth: a tale of immorality?

2015-01-02 (5775 Tebet 11)
Willis Eschenbach
a neutral view of ocean pH

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

918-01-02: Baldwin ii count of Flanders king of Jerusalem (son of Baldwin i & Judith of France; gs of Charles ii king of France & Ermantrude of Orleans; ggs of emperor Louis i the fair of France & Judith of Altdorf; 2ggs of HRE Charlemagne & Hildegard) b: c. 865 d: 918-01-02 m: Aelfthryth of England/Aelfthryth of Wessex/Elftrudis/Elftrude/Elfrida (daughter of Alfred the great & Ealhswith).
Proposed Bills 2015

  "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.   We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness." --- pres. Ronald Reagan (source: George Rasley: Conservative HQ)  



2015-01-03 (5775 Tebet 12)
Rob Chaney _Billings MT Gazette_/_Missoulian_
Unconstitutional National Park Service got $10M in pork from lame-duck session criminal over-spending bill

2015-01-03 (5775 Tebet 12)
_Billings MT Gazette_/_AP_
rain-drenched barley crop probably won't affect beer prices in 2015
"Fields with half of Montana's crop and 85% of Idaho's were inundated, leading the barley to start germinating in the field, Heisel said.   That's a problem, because maltsters want to control the germination under special conditions in their facilities..."

2015-01-03 (5775 Tebet 12)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Egypt's president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi makes extraordinary speech on Islam

2015-01-03 (5775 Tebet 12)
Alex Shelby _PJMedia_
which, if any, criminals can be rehabilitated?

2015-01-03 (5775 Tebet 12)
Tyler Durden _Zero Hedge_
the sad reality is the "American Dream" for young Americans is over
"As The WSJ reports, the share of people under age 30 who own private businesses has reached a 24-year-low... Overall, the U.S.A. 'start-up rate' -- new firms as a portion of all firms—fell by nearly half between 1978 and 2011... The average net worth of households under 30 has fallen 48% since 2007 to $44,354... people have less confidence, said Donna Kelley, a professor at Babson College. In an annual survey she oversees, more than 41% of 25-to-34-year-old Americans who saw an opportunity to start a business said fear of failure would keep them from doing so, up from 23.9% in 2001..."

2015-01-03 (5775 Tebet 12)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
an ante-bellum snap-shot of the Tuleyries

2015-01-03 (5775 Tebet 12)
Anthony Watts & David DuByne
snow in Palermo, Sicily

2015-01-03 (5775 Tebet 12)
Christopher Monckton
the great pause continues to lengthen: 18 years 3 months

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "They went to work with unsurpassable efficiency.   Full employment, a maximum of resulting out-put, & general well-being ought to have been the consequence.   It is true that instead we find misery, shame, &, at the end of it all, a stream of blood.   But that was a chance coincidence." --- Joseph A. Schumpeter 1936-12 _Journal of the American Statistical Association_ pg 795 (quoted in Thomas Sowell 1995 _The Vision of the Anointed_ pg 7)  



2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
_Conservative HQ_
Thomas Massie says he will not vote for Boehner for speaker

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the magic number is 29: 15-16 to go to remove Boehner from speakership
"That makes 12 Republican members publically opposed to John Boehner's re-election as Speaker of the House...   Only if 59 Republicans voted 'Present' would there be a chance for a Democrat to win..."

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
_Conservative HQ_
speaker-pro-tempre Louie Gohmert announced candidacy for speakership

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
Robert Klein Engler _American Thinker_
the Bible and the poor

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
Daniel Horowitz _Free Republic_
myth vs. fact in the election of House speaker
"As the effort to fire Boehner grows, some members who are sitting on the fence are looking for any excuse under the sun to avoid the effort.   None of them can or will publicly vouch for Boehner and defend his support for amnesty [for illegal aliens], violation of the rules of the House, and false promises to his conference.   So they are opting for excuses...   If 29 members vote for someone other than Boehner, the process goes to a second ballot and a brokered conference meeting...   There are now 2 official alternative candidates -- representative Louise Gohmert (R-TX) and representative Ted Yoho (R-FL) -- who will be nominated on the floor by fellow members.   And perhaps there will be more to come..."

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
the work to create a counter-culture to end and replace the poisonous culture of the left continues; as our government and academies and entertainers try to sell us on slave values like equality, we have to rebuild and promote the concept of Individual Liberty, the central value of free men and women

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
non-leftists have a shot at ousting Boehner and the rest of his losership gang

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
the seductions of appeasement

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
Robert Spencer _PJMedia_
5 reasons why Angela Merkel is wrong to oppose Germany's anti-Islamization rallies

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
escape from planet earth

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Rio Grande valley Border Patrol agents seized over 1,500 pounds of marijuana in abandoned water buffalo

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
Kip Hansen
incredible propaganda film suggests children in Alaska have no snow

2015-01-04 (5775 Tebet 13)
Anthony Watts
new versio of common anti-biotic couls eliminate risks of hearing loss
"Treatment with aminoglycosides, the most commonly used class of antibiotics worldwide, is often a life-saving necessity.   But an estimated 20%-60% of all patients who receive these antibiotics suffer partial or complete hearing loss.   Now, in a study that will be published online Jan. 2 in the _Journal of Clinical Investigation_, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine report that they have developed a modified version of an aminoglycoside that works effectively in mice without the risk of causing deafness or kidney damage, another common side effect..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "A country's prosperity can be seen simply in how it treats its elderly." --- Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
_Conservative HQ_
Steve King: I can't vote for John Boehner for speaker again
Steve King: Breitbart: I will not vote for Boehner for speaker

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
conservatives calling on Boehner to remove his bid to run for speaker of the House
"Two dozen conservative activists, including prominent new media personalities Michelle Malkin and Dana Loesch, joined Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation and John Hawkins and Tiffany Ruegner of Right Wing News, in signing a letter calling on 'Republicans in the House of Representatives to elect someone other than John Boehner as Speaker of the House of Representatives'..."

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Boehner must resign speakership to unite GOP

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
the overwhelming majority of Republican voters want a new Speaker; representative John Boehner (R-OH) is not trusted by most Republicans

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
the time to veto GOP losership is now, in selection of speaker of the House

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Joy Pullmann _Federalist_
10 Communist Corpse promoters are laughing all the way to the bank

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Chad Stafko _American Thinker_
the Obummer economic record is even worse than most people realize

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
M. Joseph Sheppard _American Thinker_
the left's attempts to smear Sarah Palin continue... and fail to stick

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
archaeologists think they have found part of the site of Herod's palace near "tower of David"

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Bruce Walker _American Thinker_
the left vs. our defenders and protectors

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
James Longstreet _American Thinker_
central bankers know not what they do... while claiming otherwise

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
American Historical Association rejects anti-Israel resolutions
"'...Sanity prevailed someplace in academia.   A good start to the New Year...'"

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
Harper Collins/ Collins Bartholomew publish dishonest _Primary Geography Atlas for the Middle East_

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Eileen F. Toplansky _American Thinker_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and the decimation of a culture
"Before Mosul, ISIS cash and assets were $875M.   After ISIS robbed banks and looted military supplies, total cash and assets rose to $1.5B. ISIS's massive cash flow comes from the 'oil-fields of eastern Syria which it had captured in 2012, the smuggling of raw materials pillaged from the crumbling state, as well as priceless antiquities from archaeological digs...   looted antiquities from museums and archaeological sites are being traded much like blood diamonds, providing ISIS with millions of dollars in funding to train and arm its fighters, supplementing its even greater income from selling oil and robbing banks...   controls hundreds of square miles of territory stretching from Syria's Mediterranean Coast to areas south of Baghdad.   This land is rich with archaeological sites and countless relics, some dating back 8K years.'..."

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
Republicans oppose Boehner losership
"Anywhere from 12 to 20 House conservatives, fed up with Boehner's [losership], will vote against him. The latest defector is Iowa's Steve King..."

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Valerie Jarrett is Obummer's real chief henchman

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Silvio Canto ii _American Thinker_
legislate, let Obummer veto, organize over-rides when possible, and let the citizenry vote accordingly

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Susan Scutti _Jewish World Review_
Creatine, Creatine, DHA, passion-flower, and L-theanine are dietary supplements that offer nootropic effects, including improving memory and decreasing anxiety
Medical Daily

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Aaron Anderson _Jewish World Review_
signs she might not be a good marriage match

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
sometimes the every-day is pretty special

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
our unreasistic expectations of public figures

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
USA's continuing economic slog

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Martin Schram _Jewish World Review_
let's declare ware against robocall scammers and criminals

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
no one runs the USA
"I don't have the space to rehash the Federalist Papers, but at the federal level there are three branches of government and each one monkey-wrenches the other, all the time.   Meanwhile, do you know how many local governments there are in the United States?   Time's up, and you probably guessed too low.   There are, by the Pew Charitable Trust's count, just over ninety thousand of them (90,056 to be exact)..."

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
the enemy of your enemy usually deserves support

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
Mitt, Yebbie, Christie... please stay home

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Gordon Mah Ung _"IT" News_/_IDG+
CyberPower's Fang Trinity gaming micro-computer is not an old-fashioned box
PC World
Joel Hruska: Extreme Tech
"a liquid-cooled 4GHz Intel Core i7 4790K, Gigabyte Z97 Mini-ITX motherboard, 5 SSDs, one 3.5-inch hard drive, a Blu-ray drive, a full-size 500 watt power supply, and a full-size GeForce GTX 980 graphics card...   The components are all sealed in individual pods and connect through the central trunk.   One pod contains the motherboard, CPU and cooler, another the PSU and most of the storage drives, and the final pod holds a full size video card with 3 SSDs behind it..."

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
_Conservative HQ_
Gun Owners of America call for a real Republican Speaker of the US House

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell argues that his support for automatic felon voting rights is a reason he should not be sentenced to 10 years in prison for his public corruption convictions

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Davi Steinberg _PJMedia_
poll: 75% of GOP voters want Boehner/McConnell losership out, Republican leadership in
Gabriella Morrongiello: Daily Signal

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
how an alert illegal alien from Syria could obtain life-long legal status -- today

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Mia Love _Town Hall_
eradicate ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Jonathan Emord _News with Views_
the discourteous Obummer regime
donate to News with Views

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
_Israel Today_
be realistic, only Israel west of the Jordan river

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Victor Davis Hanson
the seductions of appeasement: concessions often diffuse the immediate crisis but ensure a greater war to follow

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Anthony Watts
polar ice caps are more stable then predicted by modelers

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Anthony Watts
China Sea's giant clam reveals Middle Ages were warmer than today

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Willis Eschenbach
the best test of down-scaling

2015-01-05 (5775 Tebet 14)
Anthony Watts
curious: electromagnetic waves linked to particle fall-out in earth's atmosphere, new study finds

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1066-01-05: Edward the confessor died childless, sparking a succession crisis that will eventually lead to the Norman conquest of England.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse: therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your seed." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 30:19  



2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
The most important thing for the US House to do today, is to remove John Boehner from the speakership... so that additional reforms will be possible this afternoon and tomorrow and next week
Gohmert will do nicely, Gowdy might be OK.

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Brandon Klein _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Hobby Lobby celebrates new location

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
opposition increasing against John Boehner's mutiny against the Republican party and principles
Washington DC Times
Free Republic

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the "equality" racket
Town Hall
Press Enterprise
World Net Daily
Right Wing News
Real Clear Politics
Free Republic
National Review

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare has come to Harvard... and the admin, faculty and staff are shocked and dismayed
"'For years', the Times writes, 'Harvard's experts on health economics and policy have advised presidents and Congress on how to provide health benefits to the nation at a reasonable cost.   But those remedies will now be applied to the Harvard faculty, and the professors are in an uproar.'   IOW, they are getting the change they believed in -- good and hard.   As a wag commented on Twitter, karma is a pre-existing condition...   self-satisfied elites who never imagined that the policies that they support imposing on everyone else might come back to bite them..."
Hugh Hewitt: Town Hall
Wilvio Canto ii: American Thinker
Pedro Gonzales: News Machete

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
rise of anti-vaccine quacks putting those not vaccinated at risk

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
pope Francis, the climate, and leftism... extreme leftism
Town Hall

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
correcting the revisionists on Ronald Reagan's record
Town Hall
Cybercast News Service
"At the end of Jimmy Carter's term, unemployment was 7.4% and galloping toward double figures; inflation was already in double digits; and interest rates were a staggering 21.5%.   There was no end in sight.   Indeed, I remember the general malaise that gripped the nation at that time -- the attitude of despair, fatalism and resignation...   Revenues almost doubled during the Reagan years, and even after adjusting for inflation, they increased by some 28%.   Reaganomics also shattered the long-established economic textbook axiom that there is a trade-off between unemployment and inflation.   Despite nearly 20M new jobs, there was barely any upward pressure on prices...   upward mobility, which received its last rites under Carter, made a dramatic come-back, as a Treasury Department study revealed that 86% of the people in the lowest 20% of income in 1979 graduated into higher categories during the 1980s.   More people in every income group moved up than down except -- ironically -- the top 1% of earners."
OTOH, bodyshopping began its erosion of real -- full-time, long-term -- employment and discouraged free-lancing early in 1983 largely due to tax and financial institution changes in both the Carter and Reagan admins (1980 & 1982) which were also liked with Carter & Reagan term destruction of the whole Savings & Loan system and means for small savers to build the beginnings of a net-egg; Reagan signed the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration law perversion which included amnesty for millions of illegal aliens and encouraged more illegal immigration; a couple bills he signed reduced taxes a little, flattened the brackets a little, but some 13 bills (according to _Human Events_) which increased taxes, eliminated tax breaks which encouraged employers to bring candidates from throughout the USA in for interviews, eliminated tax breaks which encouraged employers to relocate talent rather than flushing it on a regular basis, eliminated or reduced tax breaks which encouraged employers to to invest in training for both new-hires and retained US citizen employees, and security clearances for new-hire US citizen employees.   Instead, we got waves of "RIF"s/ "down-sizings"/ "right-sizings" which repeatedly devastated millions of US citizens from about 1985 through the present.   Reagan did nothing to relieve US citizens of the unconstitutional burdens of Medicare, Medicaid and the Socialist Insecurity Abomination; he refused to consider it.   Reagan failed to so much as attempt to carry out his promises to eliminate or at least re-organize and trim the Departments of Education and Energy...jgo

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
the more candidates for president the merrier

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
more examples of government thuggery and corruption

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
George Rasley _Conservatie HQ_
update: magic number is 29, 12 more to go to get a real Republican Speaker in the US House
"As of Tuesday morning (2015 January 6) 14 representatives: Louie Gohmert (TX-1), Jim Bridenstine (OK-1), Thomas Massie (KY-4) Dave Brat (VA-7), Steve King (IA-4) Marlin Stuzman (IN-3), Walter Jones ii (NC-3), Gary Palmer (AL-4), Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), Curt Clawson (FL-19), Randy Weber (TX-14), Justin Amash (MI-3), Jeff Duncan (SC-3), Tim Huelskamp (KS-1) plus Ted Yoho (FL-3) and Paul Gosar (AZ-4) have said publicly they will not vote for John Boehner to be Speaker of the House in the 114th Congress. That makes 17 Republican members publically opposed to John Boehner's re-election as Speaker of the House."

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Peter Schiff _Town Hall_
phobia of falling prices

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
John Ransom _Town Hall_
John Boehner might have a good cry this week... at least the citizenry can hope so

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
where are the 53 opponents of Cuba's dictatorship the dictators promised to release?
Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Derrick Wilburn _American Thinker_
wealthy leftists of academe
"Average total compensation for professors at elite schools is around $250K/year, but that is just the starting point.   Books (it helps to assign your own text-book to students), outside lectures, and consulting fees not uncommonly double professorial salaries.   Consider MIT professor Jonathan Gruber, whose consulting fees on [ObummerDoesn'tCare] totaled into millions of dollars.   A drive through faculty parking lots at any major university in America is like taking a tour of luxury automotive dealerships.   Lincolns, Jaguars, BMWs Mercedes Benzes and Range Rovers dot such parking lots.   There are few 1997 Fords to be found..."

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
why leftists hate highways and private vehicles

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Pedro Gonzales _News Machete_
if GOP had a leadership... some reforms they might legislate

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Cliff Kincaid _News with Views_
Republican congress must investigate where media refuse to tread
"The failure of the House to investigate the Muslim Brotherhood lies at the feet of House speaker John Boehner (R-OH)..."
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
donate to News with Views

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Steve King: voting for Boehner for Speaker would not be keeping oath of office to uphold US constitution

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
_Cybercast News Service_
in 2014, DHS arrested 1,911 illegal aliens from countries with terrorist ties
"In December, CBP released its apprehension statistics for 2014, which show that of the 486,651 apprehensions, 257,473 were from countries 'other than Mexico'.   Of those apprehended from countries 'other than Mexico', CBP provided CNSNews.com the countries of origin of those taken into custody.   Of those from countries 'other than Mexico', 1,191 were from 12 countries -- Iran, Sudan, Cuba and Syria (state sponsors of terror), and Afghanistan, Algeria, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen ('countries of interest') -- designated by the federal government to have terrorist links..."

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
leftists' abuse of black people (part 2)
Jewish World Review

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
GvS: what happens if Republicans are successful in repealing ObummerDoesn'tCare?   Rand Paul: "we could try freedom for a while"

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
114th congress pledged allegiance to the flag and the Republic, one nation under God

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Alan Fram _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
US House re-elected the corrupt John Boehner as Speaker; 25 Republicans refused to vote for him, just 4 short of the numberr required for reform

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
auto-pilot nation: conservatives lament, and leftists brag, that Obummer has fundamentally transformed America
Victor Davis Hanson
"For the last few years, most Americans have tuned out their president's no-time-to-profit rhetoric.   They just kept slogging away at what they always did as the most productive people in the world, and waited for the natural up-bound of a moribund economy.   [Obummer] himself understands that America is prevailing despite his efforts, and the evidence comes from his own admissions..."

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
a response to Jennifer Rubin and the editors and publishers of the Washington DC Compost
"[goals] to foster an environment that encourages research and innovation by addressing abusive patent litigation, protecting trade secrets, modernizing the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, strengthening cybersecurity, reforming immigration policy for high-skilled workers, reducing regulatory and tax burdens for innovators, and removing barriers to digital trade."
Encourages research and innovation how?   By restoring and indexing for inflation tax breaks for R&D?   By subsidizing corrupt executives of favored firms like FB, MSFT, Oracle, GE, Siemens?   Like any corrupt politician he's short on details in such statements (and very very long on them in proposed-at-the-last-second legislation like the execrable S744).
"Addressing abusive patent litigation"?   By making it easier for execs of big firms to grab the inventions of lone inventors who lack the funds for development?   No, thank you.
"protecting trade secrets", like hiding the contents of the next unconstitutional international executive trade agreement from the public and totally skipping senate consent?
"modernizing the Electronic Communications Privacy Act" to eliminate all tokens of respect for the privacy of the little people while increasing the power centralization in DC and other hot-beds of corruption around the world?   "strengthening cybersecurity" ditto?
"reforming immigration policy for high-skilled workers" would be a great innovation, since we have no legislation to promote guest-work visas or immigration only by the highly-skilled.   Instead, we have zero objective skill-level standards for O visas, let alone for L, H-1B, and E-3 visas...   and the numbers of every kind of visa are vastly excessive.
"reducing regulatory and tax burdens for innovators", where "innovators" is apparently defined as fellow corrupt individuals (in addition to oath-breakers like Hatch, Obummer, Reid, Boehner, Pelosi, McConnell...)?
"removing barriers to digital trade" is something the hackers have already done, and against which governments around the world have been striving mightily, e.g. against BitCoin, Lyft, Uber...
"The new congress has an opportunity to enhance America’s competitive workforce through immigration reform that will streamline the hiring process for high-skilled individuals entering the United States and by investing in STEM education and training."
It's already far more "stream-lined" than it should be.   GAO has already reported USCIS visa application inspectors being penalized for legitimately questioning contradictory and unsupported allegations on those applications.   They're not even interviewing a lot of visa applicants, let alone examining them for communicable diseases, propensity to initiate force or fraud.   No, instead, we should be eliminating "visa waivers", and instead running proper background investigations on every visa applicant, investigations which could run from 2 weeks to 50 weeks, involving dozens of interviews per applicant, of family members, landlords, teachers/professors, employers, neighbors, local police, class-mates, co-workers, etc.   Of course, it is only right that visa applicants pay the costs (with help from charities, not US tax-victims).
Every candidate for a "high-skill visa" should have to provide some evidence of intelligence, knowledge, experience and past productivity -- multiple IQ scores, SAT or ACT or GRE or MCAT or LSAT... scores, as a start (from tests given in environments properly controlled against cheating by properly-trained proctors with some measures against bribery of same, against substitute test-takers, crib-notes...).
"They can pass a bill that enhances border security, enacts an e-Verify system for checking authorization to work, and works on a system for flagging visa overstays."
I'd be happy if they simple buckled down to consistent, conscientious work at preventing border invasion, investigating employers and suspected illegal alien employees, fines and imprisonment for such employers that would cost them more than what they get by employing illegal aliens.   They've barely experimented with detecting the existence of, let alone catching, visa over-stayers; that one's a difficult nut to crack and I don't expect any miracles, but, once again, staid, steady, at least somewhat industrious and honest effort -- records-keeping, detective work, prompt investigations...
Every credible economist has found that we have had a surplus of STEM professionals in the USA for at least 15 years, and more likely 30 years or more.
Immigrants are not over-represented in high-tech start-ups and new patent filers.   If 1 out of 12 founders (names on a patent application) is an immigrant (or guest-worker, or foreign student), that does not mean the firm could not possibly exist (nor the invention or copyrighted material) without "immigrants".   In the vast majority of cases it is very likely that a US citizen could have filled the same roles perfectly well had the other founders (patent project participants) chanced on the one individual rather than the other.   Said another way, if 20% of all new firms (patent applications) have 1 alien among the founders, that may only mean that 1% of new firm founders (inventors) is an alien...   but former cross-border bodyshopper Vivek Wadhwa doesn't want anyone to consider that, and your editors and publishers have a history of actively opposing publishing that fact.
But VW brings up another issue.   Not all new firms are good... ethically, morally.   Neither are all old firms (big or small).   Some, like Siemens, Lockheed Martin, GE, Google, Yahoo!, and Oracle are a mix of some ethically very bad and ethically good.   (All of these examples detest and actively fight against privacy, for instance.   They consider all of their own egregious privacy violations to be perfectly acceptable, while, at the same time, holding that anyone snatching their ill-gotten information for another purpose, is an evil privacy violator.)
"So for now, why not reform the immigration system for the brainiacs, the highly credentialed and the entrepreneurs only?...   Stephen Moore...economic benefits from increasing visas for highly skilled and entrepreneurial immigrants is an untapped gold mine."
Yes!... almost.   There are some 7G people in the world.   We should aim for a fraction of the top 0.01%.   We should replace several of the current student, exchange, guest-work visa programs with programs which have some standards (as mentioned, above).   If we can't establish objective standards, then let us get as objective as is currently possible.
Skill level does not equal field of pursuit.   We have low-skilled as well as highly-skilled MDs, low-skilled and highly-skilled mechanical engineers, low-skilled and highly-skilled software engineers.   I've known highly-skilled janitors and incompetent full professors with their PhDs in physics.   Colleges/departments of education are notorious for their low standards.   The same is true of most business colleges/departments at universities (a 30 meters wide and a nano-meter deep; many of them outright refuse to consider putting forth any significant effort to learn anything of substance).
Stuff your "credentials", though; those are too easy to game.   We see this with top students from some high schools barely able to function at a moderately rigorous university.   We see it with decades of grade inflation.   We see it with blatantly fraudulent grading at Harvard.   We see this with "professional licensing" run amok.   ("We're sorry, you're not 'qualified' because you have not paid enough into our corrupt institution, and spent enough time.   That you are competent and productive and your work recognized as brilliant is beside the point." It's the same scam as taxi licensing, hair-braider licensing, etc.)
Of course, the other problem with this is that we have a long history, now, of US citizen STEM professional unemployment running into the millions.   Several studies have indicated that, at least over the last 15 years or so, we've been graduating 2 to 3 times as many people who majored in a STEM field as we've been employing to do STEM work.   (And never mind that a bright HS student is perfectly capable of developing commercial software products, that sophomore chemists and pre-med students have been known to make breakthroughs, nor that many "muddy boots" engineers are as good as or better than those from academia.   According to NSF, some 20% of engineers and 44% of computer wranglers do not have degrees in those fields, and many don't have degrees at all.
According to BLS figures, over the last 15 years unemployment rates for STEM occupations have been running 2-3 times worse than full employment levles of the past.
Yes, bring us your geniuses, who are honest, who aren't likely to initiate force or fraud... and block the millions who aren't so bright, and/or aren't so good.
According to State Department annual reports, the US government issued over 153,794 H-1B visas in fiscal year 2013,
over 135,991 in FY2012,
over 129,552 in FY2011,
over 117,828 in FY2010,
over 110,988 in FY2009,
over 130,183 in FY2008,
over 154,692 in FY2007,
over 135,861 in FY2006,
over 124,374 in FY2005,
over 139,037 in FY2004,
over 107,196 in FY2003,
over 118,352 in FY2002,
over 161,643 in FY2001,
over 133,290 in FY2000,
over 116,513 in FY1999,
over 91,360 in FY1998,
over 80,547 in FY1997.
The so-called "limit" which was never observed was temporarily raised to an even more excessive 115K in 1998, and again, some 7 months after the stock market crash of 2000 March, in the midst of the dot-com wash-out and massive STEM unemployment, raised to 195K... at the same time, government officials who had repeatedly exceeded the so-called "limits" by tens of thousands were amnestied (on the positive side, AC21 section 105, 115 Stat. 1253 allowed the guest-workers a little more ability to shop around for better prospects, though still with heavy costs in many cases).
Given the huge surplus of US citizen STEM talent being wasted, and the low skill-levels of 92%-98% of H-1B visa grantees (based on several studies by the professorial set), these numbers are outrageously excessive.   5K H-1B visas would be far too many relative to the genuine need and the economic opportunity, and the damage being wreaked directly and by the build-up of the huge pool of idled STEM talent.   10K/year would be an insult.   The actuality of over 100K H-1B visas per year is unpardonable.
In any case, the president has thrown down the immigration law corruption gauntlet on the groveling, spineless congress, and Republicans should pick it up by legislatively nixing his unilateral immigration scheme, passing effective border security as a precondition to future action on those here illegally, decreasing visas for the least economically productive immigrants, and limiting visas to those most likely to be economically productive, while reducing the waste and economic devastation of the USA's gifted.
Orrin Hatch's insane notions should be buried along with those of oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer, Luis Gutierrez and Lindsey Grahamnesty, while a less politically biased, less racist commission of B. Lindsay Lowell, Michael Teitelbaum, Peter Cappelli, Norm Matloff, David Kuehn, Hal Salzman, Paula Stephan, Tom Tancredo, Lou Barletta, Ronil Hira, Sona Shah, John Miano, and Jeff Sessions are given the task of drafting a set of genuine, rational reforms.

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
block-buster story spiked!: Sisi called on Muslim leaders and scholars to carry out a "religious revolution" to stop antagonizing the entire world
"That speech says: 'if you don't change, you're doomed'."

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Walter Hudson _PJMedia_
the moral end of government is the protection of each individual, to engage in business freely, free from initiated force and fraud and refraining from initiating force or fraud

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Geoff Mulvihill _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Daimler-Benz moving USA HQ from NJ to Atlanta GA
"About 1K jobs are to be moved starting in July...   the company will benefit by being closer to its growing base of customers in the SouthEast as well as its port in Brunswick, GA, and its manufacturing facility in AL...   [NJ] promised more than $2 billion in future tax breaks to companies moving to or remaining in the state...   Hertz Corp. is moving to Estero, FL, with the help of $85M in tax breaks, and Bubble Wrap maker Sealed Air Corp. is moving to Charlotte, NC, with the aid of $35M in breaks.."

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Sierra Rayne _American Thinker_
main-stream reporting on climate in Alaska

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Sierra Rayne _American Thinker_
"climate-truthing" in the Palmetto State

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Viv Forbes _American Thinker_
climate hysterics want to turn back the clock... to the Middle Ages

2015-01-06 (5775 Tebet 15)
Leo Smith
on the futility of climate models... simplistic non-sense

1838-01-06: Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail demonstrate a telegraph system using dots and dashes (this is the forerunner of Morse code).
1853-01-06: president-elect of the United States Franklin Pierce and his family are involved in a train wreck near Andover, MA.
1907-01-06: Maria Montessori opens her first school and day-care center for working class children in Rome, Italy.
1931-01-06: Thomas Edison submits his last patent application
1936-01-06: the Supreme Court of the United States rules that the 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act was unconstitutional in the case United States v. Butler et al. It restricted production during the New Deal by paying farmers to reduce crop area. (source: Jewish World Review)
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Every great quest must start with a great question." --- Rabbi David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Laura Ingraham
the power-mad in Europe: immigration insanity
"[Angela Merkel] sees the rise of third party movements in her own country, including the most powerful UKIP in Britain.   Because of pressure from the ever-populist Nigel Farage, the founder of UKIP, Prime Minister David Cameron has markedly shifted his position on migration, welfare and jobs.   Cameron has had to shift right in hopes of blunting the UKIP effect, demanding changes at the EU.   Wednesday's joint appearance of Merkel and Cameron in the wake of the French terror attack was revealing -- both in what was said, and what was left out.   Merkel pledges to accept some reforms to migration rules, yet reiterated that 'freedom of movement' cannot be questioned 'in any way'.   In any way?   Does that mean not questioned even by satirical magazines so as not to upset the disaffected 'Muslim youth'?   Let's face it, this is the way it's going to be in the EU [for quite a while]..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Laura Ingraham
the Muslim invasion and take-over of France... and their enablers

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Laura Ingraham
defunding Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens -- genuine vs. fake plans
Beware the bills which grant immediate amnesty, but delay border and internal security.

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Sarah Knapton _London Telegraph_
after 30-year hiatus, new antibiotic, Teixobactin, discovered
"Teixobactin...could be available within 5 years...   NorthEastern U in Boston, MA...using an electronic chip to grow the microbes in the soil and then isolate their antibiotic chemical compounds.   They discovered that one compound, Teixobactin, is highly effective against common bacterial infections Clostridium difficile, Mycobacterium tuberculous and Staphylococcus aureus."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
the meaning of "la Raza"

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
ObummerDoesn'tCare pressures employers to hire illegal aliens rather than citizens, guest-workers or legal permanent residents

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
David Frum at Atlantic questions value of more immigration
life for death of 3 Israeli teens that led to 50-day Gaza/Hamas vs. Israel war: Palestinian/Hamas member Hussam Kawasmeh sentenced to life in prison
Reuters UK

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Sylvia Westall _Jewish World Review_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate beheader beheaded

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
Daniel Webster's in the House, but GOP congress-critters choose to lose with John Boehner
Washington DC Times
Contacto Latino News

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
what non-leftists are up against
Town Hall
Human Events

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Nicole Carpenter _Jewish World Review_
sneaky ways to increase children's responsibility
Manchester Guardian
Jerusalem Post
Gianluca Mezzofiore: International Business Times
London Telegraph
UK Daily Mail
Donna Rachel Edmunds: Breitbart

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
John Irish, Marine Pennetier & Adrian Croft _Jewish World Review_
France warns "Palestinians" to stop attempts in UN to displace Israel from Israel
United Jerusalem

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
"...His customers check his clients' reputations before they agree to share a workspace...   Task Rabbit says its 'rabbits' are screened for professional qualifications, but so what?   I wouldn't trust any company's promise.   What I do trust is the reciprocal rating system that the Internet allows.   Rabbits who are trustworthy get good ratings.   Offices listed at Breather that are safe and pleasant get good ratings.   Friendly customers who pay bills get good ratings...   in a free society, the way for a business to get really rich is to serve customers well...   List your symptoms on the website CrowdMed and a thousand medical 'detectives' (mostly amateurs but also doctors and retired doctors) will try to come up with a more accurate diagnosis.   A CrowdMed algorithm determines which opinions are most reputable...   I trust these ratings much more than any certificate of approval from the Department of Business Regulation [DBPR in Florida]."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
dispelling the myth of haves and have-nots in the USA
Washington DC Times

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Georgie Anne Geyer _Jewish World Review_
objections rise against Muslim immigration, imposition of their values, on the West
"...The most recent and disturbing example of the intentions of some immigrants occurred in Birmingham, where a liberal-minded Sikh principal, Balwant Bains, was forced out of his position at the Saltley School and Specialist Science College by Muslims on the school board who demanded he replace some science courses with Arabic studies, segregate female students and drop a citizenship class on tolerance and democracy in Britain..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
even opinion journalism needs to be truthful/honest

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Debrra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
police turning their cheeks

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
learning from the oil market: Energy markets work and politicians who try to steer them almost always get it wrong
"Oil became a decisive strategic commodity [in 1939, and again] in the 1970s..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Washington DC Times_
USA governments are violating US citizens' rights
Jewish World Review
"...The Framers believed in the presumption of liberty, which declares that we are free to make personal choices, and the government cannot interfere with our liberties unless we violate the rights of others.   Stated differently, the federal government cannot interfere with our personal choices by writing any law it wants; it can only regulate behavior or spend money when the Constitution authorizes it to do so..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Times_
DoD seeks new weapons to counter Red China's hyper-sonic missiles
"Hyper-sonic missiles are maneuvering strike vehicles launched atop missiles that travel at speeds of up to Mach 10, or 10 times the speed of sound.   They maneuver and glide along the edge of space, making them difficult targets for missile defenses..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Ernest Istook _Washington DC Times_
governments do not protect us from their own scams
"Because government loves us so much, it wants to protect us -- from everything except government, that is.   Government can deceive us about the costs of [ObummerDoesn'tCare], the odds of winning the lottery, or whether there really is a [Socialist Insecurity] Trust Fund.   But it hates competition from the private sector..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Thomas V. diBacco _Washington DC Times_
when the federal government debt was zero
"On 1835 Jan. 8, the U.S. national [government] debt stood at zero, the first and only time in its history.   It was a remarkable turnabout from 1791 Jan. 1, when the federal government was in debt to the tune of $75,463,476.52.   But that wasn't the peak amount of indebtedness for the new nation ($120M), which occurred at the end of the 3-year War of 1812...   Indeed, the feds had $17.9M [left over in 1835], greater than the actual government expenditures for the year.   Hard as it may be to believe, but during the 112 years from 1804 to World War 1, the nation was almost torn apart by 82 years of too much black ink.   Here's the math: Revenues upstaged outlays by more than 50% in 16 of the 82 years, by 25% to 50% in 27 years, and by up to 25% in 39 years..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
Boehner is only the latest rebel against the Republican party
"Mr. Boehner's House victory opens the door for his vision of the next 2 years.   That vision will destroy the Republican Party...   Mr. Boehner's problem is not with the amnesty but that [Mr. Obummer] did it unilaterally.   Mr. Boehner has promoted amnesty in the past.   He even has made the ludicrous claim that amnesty will help the economy.   Amnesty will destroy the economy and the middle class.   It will depress wages, and the welfare costs for illegals will sky-rocket.   With labor force participation at a record low and the number of employed Americans the same as it was in 1978, the American worker is in trouble.   Mr. Boehner's amnesty will only make this worse...   These are not free trade agreements.   They are special interest trade agreements.   Mr. Boehner wants to give the president extra-constitutional authority to negotiate the Trans Pacific Partnership treaty.   [Obummer] is either the most incompetent negotiator in the world or he is negotiating international agreements with the intention of hurting America.   Either way, no sane person would grant him additional power..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Washington DC Times_
leftists/Dems/Reds dying out, leaving the party to corny capitalists

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
_Conservative HQ_
liars in congress must be primaried out of re-election in 2016
"From our quick research (and there are probably more) here are five freshmen who clearly said they would oppose Boehner during their campaigns, but voted for him when the choice was before them: Rick Allen (GA-12), Jody Hice (GA-10), Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), John Ratcliffe (TX-4), Mark Walker (NC-6).   Of course there were some Republicans, such as representative Paul Ryan, who said up front he was backing Boehner; although you can accuse them of bad judgment or betraying conservative principles, you can't accuse them of lying.   But Allen, Hice, Loudermilk, Ratcliffe and Walker clearly lied to get elected -- and that is not just bad judgment -- that is a betrayal of their commitment to We the People who elected them to force change in Washington [DC's] business-as-usual culture..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Sean Lengell _Washington DC Examiner_
Laura Ingraham blasts GOP losership kowtowing to leftists/Reds/Dems

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Susan Ferrechio _Washington DC Examiner_
flood of calls opposing Boehner & McConnell rattles losership

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Timothy P. Carney _Washington DC Examiner_
AP censored Muhammad cartoons, promoted "Piss Christ"

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Seung Min Kim _Politico_
House GOP continue to debate immigration
"Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) described one possible companion bill on Wednesday: a measure written by Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) that would explicitly bar any funds -- even those collected by fees -- to be used to carry out Obummer's immigration actions..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Myles Snyder _Billings MT Gazette_
Lou Barletta has introduced a bill to protect volunteer fire and EMT companies from ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
how many more terrorists and leaders of terrorists will Obummer release from Guantanamo?
"How ridiculous, even obscene, that seems after Tuesday's events in Paris -- especially since the terrorists were evidently trained Islamists, one of them, Cherif Kouachi, having been convicted of terrorism in 2008 and sentenced to 18 months in prison.   He emerged to murder a dozen people and maim a dozen more, some of them evidently seriously...   Kouachi is literally the jayvee compared to many of Islamothugs incarcerated in Gitmo..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
why it is so difficult for Obummer to call Muslim terrorists Muslim terrorists

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Claudia Rosett _PJMedia_
terrorist massacres vs. "the international community"

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
7 questions and facts about the Muslim terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
in other news, Cuba is still a ruthless leftist dictatorship after "normalization" of relations with Obummer

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Yves Smith _Naked Capitalism_
executives of large tech firms promoting "basic income guarantee" as a way to shrink government, eliminate unconstitutional socialist illfare programs
"...The pay-off curve for entrepreneurship looks a lot like that of lines of employment that most parents would tell their kids to avoid: acting, playing sports, writing novels.   Remember, 90% of all new businesses fail within 3 years.   And like J.K. Rowling, A-list Hollywood stars, and football pros, [and software developers], the lure of the huge pay-offs at the top end masks the steep fall-off after that..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
KrisAnne Hall
liberty and cognitive dissonance among those who have become accustomed to power-mad government

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Anthony Watts
U of CA at Davis study casts doubt on mammoth-killing cosmic impact
"Rock soil droplets formed by heating most likely came from Stone Age house fires [in Syria] and not from a disastrous cosmic impact 12,900 years ago..."

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Anthony Watts
scientific skepticism: the show-me state

2015-01-07 (5775 Tebet 16)
Jim Steele
USHCN (USA Historical Climate Network at ORNL) data homogenization insanity and Antarctic illusions

1451-01-07: Glasgow U founded at request of king James ii & bishop Turnbull.
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On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "As a people, we need to find solutions to problems through independence, perseverence, and integrity." --- Clarence Thomas  



2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
49ers engaging in tech-related age discrimination, too?
Howard Mintz: San Jose CA Mercury News

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Christopher Hope _London Telegraph_
UKIP recognized as a "major party": under UK's draconian restrictions will be allowed 2 party election broadcasts on commercial broadcasters for the first time during the campaign

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Laura Ingraham
2 GOP plans to stop Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amensty for illegal aliens

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Glenn Reynolds _PJMedia_
why the GOP losership will fight immigration reform and push immigration law perversion & amnesty for illegal aliens before 2016 (video)

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
use of "Federal Register" is a picky-choosy thing for the Obummer regime
"Those masters of manipulation in the [corrupt Obummer regime] promulgated in the Federal Register, the official voice of the [executive branch regulatory agencies of the] United States government, a 'Notice of Request for Information' jointly submitted by the secretaries of State and Homeland Security.   Who can doubt that they planned exactly when this would be published so as to ensure that it captured as little attention as possible, relying on the holiday season and spirit to dull people's awareness or responses?   The notice is a solicitation for ideas about how the [regime] can further its goals of circumventing congress through 'executive action' in the arena of immigration policy -- as if they haven't done enough damage already.   It comes complete with its own table of contents and lays out what the administration is looking for in the way of ideas, no doubt from open borders and big-immigration-numbers advocates.   You can bet that any responses suggesting that they trim those numbers and abide by the law will quickly be filed in the circular bin and shredded..."

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
double stumblebum EB-5 case
"The alien, probably from Mexico, had opened three restaurants somewhere in Texas and claimed that because he had invested more than $1M in them he should be given an EB-5 conditional resident card (that could be converted to a green card later).   In order to secure that benefit the alien must prove that the restaurants had provided full time jobs to 10 legal U.S. residents [citizens or green card holders] and that the $1M was earned in a legitimate way.   The alien's lawyer then submitted evidence of the employment of 67 workers, all said to be either citizens or LPRs (lawful permanent residents).   USCIS ran the names and [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)] against their own lists of legal aliens and found that one of the employees seemed to be legit and 56 of them were NOT (so they must have been illegals).   As to the remaining 10, they were said to be citizens, but no proof was offered.   AAO also cast doubt on the legitimacy of the funds used to start the restaurants...   (The decision also mentions, in passing, the possibility that some of the workers were not paid the minimum wage and that there were numerous internal discrepancies about salaries and wages, which casts doubt on the whole application.)..."

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
evolving governmental euphemisms in the immigration business

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
C-SPAN caller notes that Obummer regime's immigration policies and practices are "completely destroying the black community"

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Ayaan Hirsi Ali _Wall Street Journal_
to stop terrorism actively root out the violence-initiators, and those who fund them
"The West must stand up for freedom [from initiated force and fraud] -- and acknowledge the link between Islamists' political ideology and their religious beliefs."

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Laura Ingraham
illegal aliens rush to get driver's licenses in crazy California
Wall Street Journal

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Sarah Knapton _London Telegraph_
Stanford U: immune system boost may prevent or cure Alzheimer's
"Researchers discovered that nerve cells die because [microglia] cells which are supposed to clear the brain of bacteria, viruses and dangerous deposits, stop working...   a single protein called EP2 stops them operating efficiently...   blocking EP2 with a drug reversed memory loss and myriad other Alzheimer's-like features..."

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Mark Steyn: newspapers dishonor the dead by censoring Charlie Hebdo cartoons featuring Mohammed

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Mark Skousen _Human Events_
why a regressive tax on income and wealth is the most dangerous
"Larry Summers, former Secretary of the Treasury and president of Harvard University, pointed to several negative trends in America: lower productivity, decline in new businesses, high household debt, slowing population and a persistent decrease of the economic growth rate. I also spent some time with Nobel Prize economist Robert Shiller (Yale University), who predicted both the dot-com bust in 2000 and the real estate collapse in 2007/2008, and he remains pessimistic about stocks and real estate..."

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Joy Pullmann _Human Events_
yes, the Obummer regime really does want to redistribute teachers

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Dems/Reds launch first filibuster of the year in effort to make US citizens poorer by blocking Keystone LX pipe-line

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
more "free" stuff from the leftist Obummer regime, to divide and impoverish US citizens

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Robert Aderholt, Martha Roby, Jeff Sessions, Lou Barletta, Lamar Smith, Steve King propose mild curbs on Obummer's outrageous unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
US House passed a bill to tweak ObummerDoesn'tCare, requiring only full-time == 40 hours or more per week == employees to be victimized
Sean Lengell: Washington DC Examiner

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
governor-elect of Texas, Greg Abbott, says Texas is becoming too much like over-regulated, over-taxed California
"'This is being done at the city level with bag bans, fracking bans, tree-cutting bans.   We're forming a patch-work quilt of bans and rules and regulations that is eroding the Texas model.', the Republican governor-elect said.   Mr. Abbott, who is slated to be sworn in Tuesday, said such local ordinances threaten private property rights...   'some cities are telling citizens that you don't own some of the things on your own property that you have bought and purchased and owned for a long time.   Things like trees.', Mr. Abbott said.   'This is a form of collectivism.'..."

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
_Conservative HQ_
Charlie Hebdo: will Episcopalian National Cathedral hold a memorial service for victims of Muslim terrorists in Paris?

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
House GOP losership's only constituencies are DC & Wall Street

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
David Weigel _Bloomberg_
Rand Paul said terrorist murders in Paris should make France reconsider policy of excessive Muslim immigration

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Ian Hatchett _Breitbart_
congress-critters who voted against the unprincipled, spineless Boehner losership and in favor of Republican leadership fear repirisals

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Joseph Farah _WND_
if Boehner remains speaker: US citizens should continue to battle the corruption every step and continue to demand proper non-leftist leadership

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
David Limbaugh _WND_
US constitution and religious liberty
Jewish Worl Review_

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Laura Hollis _WND_
GOP losership is like an elephant that grew up in chains, unaware of its power and lacking the will to use it
Jewish World Review

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Allan Keyes _WND_
USA has already degenerated into a one-faction dictatorship

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
have leftists lost the "middle class"? the party of snobbish elites
National Review
Town Hall
Victor Davis Hanson

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Ted Nugent _WND_
all human lives matter; where are Obummer's flu bug czar, cancer czar & clumsy czar

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Patrick J. Buchanan _WND_
Europe's paralysis: elites battling citizenry

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Carmine Sabia _Biz PAC Review_
war against Christians: city forced to remove "praying soldier" statue by one allegedly offended atheist

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Mark Levin _Right Scoop_
the greatest threat today is Islamo-Fascism (video)

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Alexander Bolton _Hill_
Ted Cruz & McConnell: which is showing the greatest leadership?

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
quarter-backing congress
jgo response to Michael Reagan:
John Boehner already blew it.   He surrendered the day after Obummer was re-elected.   He surrendered in 2013.   He surrendered in 2014 December.   He surrendered again on 2015 Jan. 06, as he digs in against any move forward, and threatens those who offer to take up the slack.
Yes, we want congress to be productive of GOOD legislation, not bad.   We need good legislation that will restore liberty and privacy, stop blocking job creation and leave more freedom for Americans to make use of opportunities.
"It's up to Congress - and QB Boehner -- to make that happen by pushing through laws to kill [ObummerDoesn'tCare], cut taxes, cut spending budgets, slash regulations and repeal legislation (like [ObummerDoesn'tCare]) that harms the economy."
Yes, I agree, but that doesn't seem to be at the top of Boehner's action priorities.
Even president Ronald Reagan was a little weak, a little hesitant.   The Departments of Educationism and Energy are still mill-stones 'round our necks.   And instead of freeing us from ObummerDoesn'tCare, Medicaid, Medicare, the Socialist Insecurity Abomination, and income extortion, the RINOs (including Boehner) are (as shown by their actions and inaction) intent on "saving" them.
Yes, politics involve negotiation; but Boehner never negotiates (and neither do Reid and Obummer).   Obummer demands and Boehner surrenders. Again and again and again, before any negotiation can begin.   (He is extremely quick to surrender; never seen someone so fast.)   Or at least that's how it appears.
Was there an offer from Boehner to cut this area of federal government spending by 40%, and that by 30%, and this other by 10%?   The public never saw or heard of such.   Why was Boehner not out in front insisting on cutting federal government bloat instead of hiding during the partial federal government "shut-down"?   Was there proposed legislation from Boehner to eradicate ObummerDoesn'tCare and replace it with tax-free medical savings accounts?   Was there proposed legislation from Boehner to cut legal immigration by 80%? by 75%? by 50%?   Was there proposed legislation from Boehner to complete fencing all 8,600 miles or so of USA borders?   Was there proposed legislation from Boehner to terminate the "visa waiver" program?   Was there proposed legislation from Boehner to run proper background investigations on every visa applicant?   Was there proposed legislation from Boehner to establish some objective above-average skill-level standards for guest-work visa applicants?   Was there proposed legislation from Boehner to stop the abuse of exchange visitor visas for cheap labor?   Was there proposed legislation from Boehner to deploy DoD troops along the borders and stop playing patticake with border crossers?   Was there proposed legislation from Boehner to hire more detectives to infiltrate and investigate firms suspected of employing illegal aliens, and proposed fines and prison times in excess of the value employers of illegal aliens gain from their illegal activities and the costs of investigating them?   Was there proposed legislation from Boehner for a means to track temporary visa holders while they are in the USA to make sure they leave by the time the visa expires?   Was Boehner a co-sponsor of and spokesman for legislation to replace income extortion with a small increase in import tariffs and a retail sales tax?   Was Boehner a co-sponsor of and spokesman for 9-9-9 legislation?   Was Boehner a co-sponsor of and spokesman for "Fair Tax" legislation?   Did he ever support the Liberty Amendment which was proposed from the 1950s through at least the 1990s; did he ever have the principles and the fortitude to sponsor or co-sponsor it or speak for it?   Was Boehner standing behind sheriff Jones in Butler county Ohio (or any of the many other county/parish sheriffs trying to cope with the same problem), giving support for his efforts to detain illegal aliens who had committed additional crimes?   Was he standing with Ted Cruz or Mike Lee last year, with Lou Barletta, with Tom Tancredo when he was there, with Jeff Sessions? Sure, he's in the House, but he should also be an ally across the Capitol...jgo

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
say Islam is violent and jihadis will try to kill you

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Christie Blatchford _Jewish World Review_
man jailed for a year after criticisimg Islam spurs emergency-alarm on subway train
National Post
Ad Hoc News Berlin
Regina Canada Leader-Post
Cafe Mom
"If Eric Brazau had any lingering doubt about how seriously Torontonians take the matter of their vaunted 'tolerance', it may have been dispelled Tuesday when a judge sentenced him to an extra year in jail for stepping into an apparent crucible of Canadian values -- a subway train...   At the time, as the situation in Gaza was deteriorating, there were heated protests for and against Israel in the city.   Mr. Brazau's idea was allegedly to provoke debate among riders, and to that end he boarded the train with an acquaintance decked out in Israeli colours and carrying an Israeli flag and another acquaintance who was to video the proceedings, while Mr. Brazau began loudly denouncing Islam and its holy book, the Koran.   But the stunt back-fired when an 'offended' passenger pressed the emergency alarm, causing the train to halt at the next station and ultimately, with Mr. Brazau refusing to leave the car, resulting in a half-hour service delay...   Brazau was denied bail and has been in custody since his arrest that day, July 29, or for 5 months and 9 days..."

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
parents should be able to "lay down the law" without the police or courts

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Rebecca Schuman _Chronicle of Higher Education_
some people still believe that job-seekers who can't throw down at least $1K for a first-round job interview has no place in The Profession

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Mike McNally _PJMedia_
ostracized by cowardly West, Charlie Hebdo faced the violence-initiating Muslims alone

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Jonathan Spyer _PJMedia_
should the West abandon the Middle East?

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
poll: most Jews in France are considering fleeing (video)

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Allen Barton, Yaron Brook, & Terry Jones _PJMedia_
Economics in 1 Lesson, explained (video)

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
what can France do now?
"By most independent estimates France now has a Muslim population of 6M, or almost 10% of its 65M people.   If we assume that just 1% of this population are radicalized to the point of engaging in or providing support for terrorist activities, that is a pool of 60K individuals.   We are not speaking of 60K potential bombers or shooters, but a support network that will allow a much smaller number of terrorists to blend into the broader population.   In the 'no-go' zones of France now effectively ruled by Muslim gangs, moreover, the terrorists can intimidate the Muslim population.   France already has lost the capacity to police part of its territory, which means that it cannot conduct effective counter-terror operations..."

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
quibbling over terms for power-mad collectivists
"I love it when statists of various stripes quibble over the best route to oppression and poverty.   And by 'quibble' I mean 'mass executions'.   Progressivism, communism, socialism, fascism -- all these isms boil down to just one ism: Statism..."

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
vive le difference
RRZ's error is in thinking that different people have different rights.   We have the same rights, but different privileges.   Privileges can be revoked, but rights can be violated...jgo

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
media brain-freeze

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Lawrence Sellin _Family Security Matters_
oligarchy: USA's one-party government

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
KrisAnne Hall
What we witnessed in the recent speaker of the House election was not a Republic in action
"This [losership] is saying loud and clear, 'If you oppose the lord of the manor, your title will be stripped and you will be made a public example to discourage any others who might want to oppose us in the future.'   This is NOT a Republican style government.   This is authoritarian RULE!   We need to also see that the speaker of the House has way too much power...   We have also learned that there are only 25 republicans with the moral fortitude and courage to represent the will of the people and honor their oath of office...   We can no longer support those in the GOP who voted for Boehner..."

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
the pontiff and "climate change"

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the instructive past of "climate change"

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
David Archibald
solar activity at birth correlated with life expectancy
Joanne Nova
Radiation Research Journal

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Anthony Watts
U Wash: epic survey found regional patterns of soot and dirt on North American snow

2015-01-08 (5775 Tebet 17)
Neil Catto
anthropogenic warming in the Central England Temperature record?
UK Meteorology Office Hadley Centre

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Proposed Bills 2015

  "The arms we have been compelled by our enemies to assume, we will, in defiance of every hazard, with unabating firmness & perseverance, employ for the preservation of our liberties; being with one mind resolved to die free rather than live slaves." --- Thomas Jefferson "Declaration of the Causes of Taking Up Arms" 1775-07-06  



2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
RINO Martha Roby's lame bill which will not stop Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
so much for "the religion of peace"
"As the authors of _Catholic Answers_ explain, 'The usual meaning of Islam in Arabic is not peace but submission.   And if the terrorists were so far outside the mainstream, why did Muslims all over the world burst into joyful, spontaneous celebrations when the hijacked jetliners slammed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?   Why are Islamic governments afraid to show too much public support for the war against terrorism?'   Indeed why did our alleged ally Pakistan harbor bin Laden for years and why does it continue to harbor other Muslim terrorists?..."

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Yebbie Boooosh is not a conservative

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Mollie Hemingway _Federalist_
media are censoring coverage of Charlie Hebdo out of fear of violence-initiating Muslims

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Brian Hughes _Washington DC Examiner_
Obummer's unconstitutional juco tuition-waiver scheme would cost tax-victims $80G over 10 years, $20G of that through states
7 Obummer federal government deficit & debt lies by omission

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
California newspaper vandalized because someone was offended by the appropriate terms "illegal aliens" and "illegals"

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Erica Brown _Jewish World Review_
suffering secrets

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Stephen M. Flatow _Jewish World Review_
Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris show France's appeasement of "Palestinians" and violence-initiating Muslims has failed to protect them

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Barbara Kay _Jewish World Review_
when it comes to Islam, the leftist media need to itch the "narrative" and report the truth
Canada National Post
"His analysis of larger samples of terrorists shows that 'the majority are remarkably normal and do not demonstrate any significant abnormal characteristics'..."

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Barbara Kay _Jewish World Review_
Christmas celebrations banned in Brunei "to protect Muslims"
Shuan Sim: International Business Times
Prashanth Parameswaran: Diplomat

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
opposing violence-initiating Muslims

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Communist Corpse

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
the USA-Iran double game

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Muslim attack on Paris paper puts Western world in a tizzy, does nothing to deter more attacks

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
leftist politicians and media are just plain cowardss

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
lesson leftists refuse to learn: telegraphing weakness, appeasement encourages violence and aggression

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the on-going crisis of free speech

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
media cowards and the cartoon jihad
please help find Marizela

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
David Stockman
Stephen Roach nails it again: Federal Reserve Board is in total denial, replicating same "death trap" as last several times

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Anthony Watts
2 new journal articles suggest solar activity is a climate pace-maker

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Anthony Watts
over 50 excuses for the pause in global warming

2015-01-09 (5775 Tebet 18)
Willis Eschenbach
volcanoes again, again

This Date in History
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On This Day
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1839-01-09: the French Academy of Sciences announces the Daguerreotype photography process.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In the confrontation between the stream & the rock, the stream always wins -- not through strength but by perseverance." --- H. Jackson Brown _A Father's Book of Wisdom_  



2015-01-10 (5775 Tebet 19)
Robert Romano _Houston TX Examiner_
it is time for Boehner to keep word and use leverage to stop Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
"On that count, [the losership should use] the amendment that was offered by representative Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) on December 9 to the omnibus legislation but never brought to the floor.   That measure stated 'None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available, including any funds or fees collected or otherwise made available for expenditure, by this division or any other Act, or otherwise available to the Secretary of Homeland Security, for any fiscal year may be used to implement, administer, carry out, or enforce the policies', including those from memoranda issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security on 2014 November 20 and memoranda issued by the president on 2014 November 21.   Or there's also similar language that was offered by representative Steve King (R-IA).   Or a combination of the two that would help unite Republicans, something sorely needed after the acrimonious omnibus and Speaker election battles...   In a recent poll by Pat Caddell, 84% of GOP voters and leaners said they were less likely to support if their member votes to use [tax-victim] money to implement [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] amnesty."

2015-01-10 (5775 Tebet 19)
David Ruben _News with Views_
with fNMRI thought police are here

2015-01-10 (5775 Tebet 19)
portents in Paris

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "There is no question that a playfully light attitude is typical of creative individuals... But this playfulness doesn't go very far without... a quality of doggedness, endurance, perseverance." --- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 1996 _Creativity_ pg 61  



2015-01-11 (5775 Tebet 20)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
summit on violent extremism -- laugh of cry?
"Is there something about the recent attacks in Boston, Canada, Australia, and France, in the larger landscape of what the Islamic State is doing in the Middle East, that the Obama administration does not understand?...   Such a summit that mentions neither terrorism nor Islam in its title would be like fighting Nazi Germany as if it were a crusade against 'extremism' -- perhaps true but utterly trite.   What global threat could be included under the rubric 'violent extremism' in addition to Islamic terrorism? Are Hindu nationalists threatening the Boston Marathon, Puerto Rican independence thugs storming U.S. army bases to shoot soldiers, anti-abortionists filming ritual beheadings, or Buddhist reactionaries blowing up European media offices?   Have skinheads hijacked German airliners and rammed them into the Brandenburg Gate?   Is the Tea Party attacking New York policemen with hatchets?..."

2015-01-11 (5775 Tebet 20)
Victor Davis Hanson _PJMedia_
*** multi-cultural suicide ***
"Multi-culturalism is one of those buzz-words that does not mean what it should.   The ancient and generic Western study of many cultures is not [any longer] multi-culturalism.   Rather, the trendy [usage of the] term promotes non-Western cultures to a status equal with or superior to Western culture largely to fulfill contemporary political agendas.   On college campuses, multi-culturalism not so much manifests itself in the worthy interest in Chinese literature, Persian history, or hieroglyphics, but rather has become more a 'therapeutic' exercise of exaggerating Western sins while ignoring non-Western pathologies to attract those who see themselves in some way as not part of the dominant culture... For the multi-culturalist, the sins of the non-West are mostly ignored or attributed to Western influence..."

2015-01-11 (5775 Tebet 20)
Gary Adkisson, publisher _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
let me introduce myself

2015-01-11 (5775 Tebet 20)
Eric Bradner _NBC Montana_/_CNN_
visa waiver program is Achilles heel

2015-01-11 (5775 Tebet 20)
John Ribeiro _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Obummer regime released trial balloons: (1) require hacked firms to report such secondary violation of privacy a month after the fact (2) prohibit tech firms from profiting from privacy violations by K-12 schools
PC World: only 14 tech firms which regularly violate students' privacy in conjunction with their schools, promise not to sell the information to others but to keep the abuse in-house
Nedra Pickler: San Jose CA Mercury News/AP
Steve Kolowich: Chronicle of Higher Education

2015-01-11 (5775 Tebet 20)
P. David Hornik _PJMedia_
Biblical sayings that spruce up today's Hebrew
"1.   A land that eats its inhabitants...   The biblical Hebrew for that striking phrase is: ארץ אוכלת יושביה   That is, eretz ochelet yoshveiha [aretz aukeleth yushebiyah], or literally, with typical syntactical concision, 'land eats its inhabitants'...   2.   Don't take Ahitophel's advice...   The biblical Hebrew for 'Ahitophel's advice' is: עצת אחיתפל   That is, etzat Ahitophel [aatzeth achitefel]..."

2015-01-11 (5775 Tebet 20)
Pierre Comtois _PJMedia_
new institutions rise as older Catholic colleges shed their roots

2015-01-11 (5775 Tebet 20)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
a leftist teaches MSNBC/MSLSD/MSFTNBC host on extreme violence-initiating Islam and anti-Semitism in France

2015-01-11 (5775 Tebet 20)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
is Dearborn MI the model of Muslim integration into the USA that "Meet the Depressed" claims it is?
"Also missing from Mohyeldin's 'Meet the Press' report is that the most influential Islamic cleric for Western supporters of terrorist groups, including ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and Jabhat al-Nusra (Al-Qaeda's official Syrian affiliate), is Dearborn-based Ahmad Jibril...   Jibril is not the only extremist, terror-supporting cleric in Dearborn.   CBN News terrorism reporter Erick Stakelbeck noted that Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi of Dearborn's Islamic House of Wisdom, purportedly the largest mosque in America, was a disciple of Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini who was regularly pictured meeting with senior Hezbollah officials..."

2015-01-11 (5775 Tebet 20)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
over 20 non-leftists -- including Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Jeb Hensarling, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Raul Labrador, Todd Rokita, Tom Price -- fighting for Main Street
"'Right now, hard-working Americans rightly believe Washington DC is a finely tuned machine functioning on behalf of well-connected special interests.   Our agenda -- opportunity for all, favoritism to none -- flips the script and positions [USA's] conservative party as the party fighting for Main Street.', Michael Needham, CEO of the Heritage Foundation's aggressive grass-roots activist organization, tells Inside the Beltway.   Budget, pro-life and defense issues, plus cybersecurity, foreign policy and public educational realities are among the many items on the agenda...   Rasmussen...'40% of Republicans think the Paris killers represent true Islam, compared to just 12% of Democrats and 23% of unaffiliateds.'...   Representative Steve King is making a big footprint these days.   The Iowa Republican is the point man behind the Freedom Summit, a major meeting of conservatives in Des Moines on Jan. 24.   Shortly after taking his oath of office, Mr. King introduced the 'Defund Executive Amnesty Act', challenging [president Obummer's] far reaching proposal to [refuse to enforce immigration laws]...   He has also introduced the '[ObummerDoesn'tCare] Repeal Act', which drew 28 co-sponsors...   19% overall say Mr. Boehner is less conservative than the average GOP law-maker; 31% of Republicans, 19% of independents and 12% of Democrats agree."

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
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Proposed Bills 2015

  "All charity leaders argued that even poor-paying jobs provided a start on the road from poverty; since travel down that road required solid work habits, true friendship meant challenging bad habits ≈ encouraging a person to build new, productive ones. Along with employment came the emphasis on freedom -- defined by immigrants... not as the opportunity to do anything with anyone at any time, but as the opportunity to work & worship without gov'tal restriction. Job freedom was the opportunity to drive a wagon without paying bribes, to cut hair without having to go to barbers' college, & to get a foot on the lowest rung of the ladder, even if wages there were low. Freedom was the opportunity for a family to escape dire poverty by having a father work long hours & a mother sew garments at home. This freedom did not make for an instant victory against poverty at a time when 200K persons were packed into 1 Manhattan square mile. Snap-shots of abject poverty could show horrible living conditions, but those who persevered starred in a motion picture on upward mobility." --- Marvin Olasky 1992 _The Tragedy of American Compassion_ pp 110-111  



2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Abbas at Paris kumbaya march, Obummer AWOL, but hypocrisy is not improvement

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions says it is a "national security imperative" to stop Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
"America's lax enforcement policies regarding visa over-stays 'will cost us in the future'...   congress has to restore basic 'bread-and-butter' immigration enforcement...   the federal government's current screening policies are lax and America does not even have an 'operable visa exit system', which Sessions said was incredible.   'This is so bizarre because it is not expensive, it can be implemented rapidly, it will work, and give us valuable information if we are serious about this crisis.', he said, noting that the country had to be serious about the issue because the Paris terrorists left the country and came back after they were reportedly trained in a terrorist camp in Yemen..."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Virginia's attorney-general hammers a nail into the coffin of immigration detainers, at the expense of public safety
"Mark Herring, the attorney-general for the Commonwealth of Virginia has issued an opinion that immigration detainers issued by Department of Homeland Security [DHS] agents are not mandatory, but rather along the lines of 'requests'...   DHS leaders assert publicly, without benefit of legal analysis, that the detainers are voluntary.   And when a detainer is inappropriately filed, they leave sheriff's offices and jails on the hook for mistakes made by federal agents.   So naturally jails and law enforcement agencies are wary of these 'voluntary' detainers because they bring the danger of law-suits that threaten always-limited fiscal resources.   And then, finally, folks like Mr. Herring ride the draft, issuing superficial opinions that go in the direction they want anyway: breaking a major component of the enforcement system designed by Congress to limit illegal immigration and make communities safer by identifying, assuming custody of, and deporting alien criminals at large on the streets of America -- which makes for a curious and troubling stance for the chief law enforcement and prosecutorial officer of a state to take.   How will Herring justify himself to the future victims of aliens who were released from police custody rather than turned over to federal immigration agents?...   A Congressional Research Service study commissioned by the House Judiciary Committee found that 26,412 aliens out of 159,286 released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in a 2.5-year time period went on to commit 57,763 new crimes.   These crimes included 8,500 DUIs; 6K drug offenses; and more than 4K major criminal offenses such as murder, assault, rape, and kidnapping..."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
proposed amendments to the 2015 "Homeland Security Appropriations" bill (HR240)

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
_Jewish World Review_
united in victimhood? Jews and Muslims alike fear religious back-lash in France
Alessandria Masi: International Business Times
Anthony Weiss: Jewish Telegraphic Agency

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
I am NOT Charlie
Washington DC Times

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
Hollande daze

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
violent attack, shock, horror, dismay... then many forget

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
_Jewish World Review_
was arrythmia at the heart of Ludwig von Beethoven's compositions?
UK Daily Mirror
UK Daily Mail
Samantha Olson: Medical Daily
Melissa Healy: Los Angeles CA Times
Catharine Paddock: Medical News Today
Rina Shah: Science Recorder
"...The team studied the rhythmic patterns of several compositions that may reflect Beethoven's experience of an arrhythmia, a condition that causes the heart to beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm.   Sudden, unexpected changes in pace and keys in Beethoven's music appear to match such asymmetrical patterns..."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Deborah Kotz _Jewish World Review_
secrets to getting the correct medical diagnosis
"misdiagnoses can also cost lives: An estimated 40K to 80K hospital deaths every year, according to a paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association...   The 18-second rule.   'That's the average time it takes for a doctor to interrupt you...   By that point, your doctor has in mind what the answer is, and he or she is probably right about 80% of the time...'   1.   Make sure you can tell your whole story...   2.   Ask your doctor three vital questions.   After your doctor comes up with a possible diagnosis, ask: Is there anything in my medical history that doesn't fit with your working hypothesis for what I have?   Then follow up with: What else do you think it could possibly be?...   3.   Verify any shocking medical test results.   About 3% to 5% of the time, something goes wrong with a lab test...   4.   Don't discount doctor-patient chemistry...   5.   Acknowledge your quirks...   6.   Allow for the possibility of uncertainty..."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
_Jewish World Review_
after Paris attacks "Anonymous" hackers to target terrorists: Islamic extremists threatened by 72 virgins
John Leyden: Register
Jasper Hamill: UK Daily Mirror
Thomas Halleck: International Business Times

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
_Jewish World Review_
Dianne Feinstein says that there are terrorist sleeper cells already in the USA
Alexander Simoah: Capital Bay
UK Daily Mail

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
is the White House a Muslim terrorist "sleeper cell"?

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
pay attention and engage; that's life going by

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
more power-mad, unconstitutional decrees from Obummer in 2015?

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Charles Ortel _Jewish World Review_
will Egypt show USA how to win the war against Islamic initiators of force and fraud?
Washington DC Times

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
million Muslim marches against initiation of force and fraud?

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
Obummer to interfere with economic recovery again?

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
judges don't belong at the State of the Union pep rally
"The Constitution directs the president to... 'from time to time give to the congress information of the State of the Union' [article 2, section 3], and most presidents [delivered it annually via a written report, but] since Woodrow Wilson [and radio] have delivered that 'information' in a formal speech.   But nothing in the Constitution requires the Supreme Court to be on hand for the performance, and there is no time-honored tradition that explains their presence.   It wasn't until the late 1950s that justices began regularly showing up for State of the Union addresses.   Nothing has been gained by the change, least of all admiration for the Supreme Court or confidence in its impartiality.   Justices used to have more self-respect than to dance attendance on presidents delivering political exhortations..."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Judson Phillips _Jewish World Review_
GOP losership strikes again; could they really be this clueless?!?!?
Washington DC Times
"...The federal government budget for fiscal 2015 is going to be just a shade under $4T.   The government currently spends about $33G [$0.033T] on roads and bridges.   Before the government raids the wallets of real Americans for another dime, it needs to clean up its own house.   In 2014, the General Accountability Office (GAO) reported that federal agencies had made more than $100G [$0.1T] in improper payments in the last year.   To put that in perspective, that is more than the budget of the U.S. Coast Guard, Customs and Immigration, Border Patrol, Secret Service and FEMA combined.   One survey showed that Americans estimate that 51 cents of every dollar the government spends is wasted..."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
who slowed inflation and government devaluation of the currency: Volker, Regan and my impressions of history (part 1)

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
questions for AG nominees

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Amy Dalrymple _Billings MT Gazette_
senators Heitkamp and Klobuchar sponsor legislation to increase penalties for human trafficking, press states to give victim/witnesses partial amnesty

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Paul Krill _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Rust programming language aimed at OS development, now at 1.0 alpha stage
"A web-log post on Rust late last week from the Rust Core Team described the alpha release as a 'huge mile-stone' for the language, which has been a Mozilla Research project..."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Ryan Zinke (R-MT) pointed out that porous borders are a "direct threat" to national security
"illegal immigrants from at least 168 countries were apprehended at the Southern border last year.   'It's not about immigration alone.   It's about national security...   if children can walk across our southern border without consequences, what makes this administration think that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate can't with weapons of mass destruction?'"

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
_Conservative HQ_
representative Richard Nugent (FL-11) speaks for millions of us
"the problem with Boehner's conservatism is not his individual beliefs; it is that his conservatism only holds until implementing those approaches to governing requires a real live fight to the death to turn those individual beliefs into public policy...   Like representative Richard Nugent, the thousands of conservative voters who melted the Capitol switch-board in an unprecedented show of opposition to Boehner's re-election (and the millions who share their beliefs) won't follow the speaker or other Republican Party leaders 'aimlessly just because they have a title over their office door'.   They believe, as congressman Nugent does, that respect has to be earned, and it has to be continually earned by fighting for conservative principles and that sadly speaker Boehner long ago abandoned any interest in obtaining their respect."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
"Tutis Libertas" _Conservative HQ_
why it is time for a 21st century 4th amendment in Virginia
"HJ578 introduced in the Virginia General Assembly on January 9 by Delegate Richard L. 'Rich' Anderson (District 51) proposes an amendment to Virginia’s Constitution to prohibit unreasonable searches and seizures by government.   It is a 'Fourth Amendment' for the 21st century.   This article provides a general explanation of why this proposed amendment to the Virginia Constitution is needed, and why the original Fourth Amendment is so important to our security and liberty.   The Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution was written by Virginian James Madison after Virginia had adopted its own 'Declaration of Rights' authored by George Mason.   Article 1 of the Virginia Constitution is where the Commonwealth’s Bill of Rights is found.   The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the law that protects people's rights to their security from unreasonable searches or seizures of their 'persons, houses, papers and effects'.   Virginia's constitutional provision for searches and seizures at Section 10 of Article I is not as comprehensive as the Fourth Amendment.   The Fourth Amendment protects Americans' right against abuse and arbitrary acts by government against ourselves and our most personal, private and even intimate property.   IOW, it is designed to prevent totalitarianism, or a 'police state'.   The Fourth Amendment is therefore the rule of law -- indeed the very foundation -- for good law enforcement.   Its scope includes prohibiting unlawful searches and seizures conducted by our vast, unelected government bureaucracies.   One could call it law enforcement on rogue law enforcement itself...   People have a right to be free from trespass, prowling and burglary -- legally unjustified invasion or removal -- of themselves and their property no matter who the trespasser or transgressor may be."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
_Conservative HQ_
Martha Roby admitted that her bill does not stop Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal amnesty for illegal aliens
"Let's see, representative Roby's spokesman says her bill does PART of what representative Aderholt's bill does or PART of what senator Sessions has advocated, so by her spokesman's own admission the Roby bill is not a comprehensive solution to defunding amnesty...   [Obummer's] unconstitutional 'executive amnesty' isn't just being implemented through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), but by many other agencies, including the examples we cited of the Department of Justice and Department of Education.   So to stop amnesty you have to stop all of those programs, not just the future activities of the Department of Homeland Security.   That's why we like and recommend the approach proposed by representative Robert Aderholt (AL-4).   There's absolutely nothing in the CRomnibus that representative Roby supported to prohibit Obama from moving his unconstitutional plan forward through every agency of the federal government, including the Department of Homeland Security, because the House Republican [losership] that representative Roby just voted to re-elect would not allow any language in the [criminal over-spending bill] to stop amnesty.   Furthermore, by voting for the 'CRomnibus' [criminal over-spending bill] Roby voted to fund for the rest of the fiscal year all of those parts of [Obummer's] unconstitutional amnesty outside DHS that her bill does not even mention, let alone defund.   So, it is indisputable that representative Roby voted to fund [Obummer's] amnesty in its entirety through the end of February, when the DHS appropriation expires, and voted to fund many, if not most, of [Obummer's] amnesty processes for the rest of the fiscal year.   We also stand by our opinion, and it is an opinion based on working in conservative and Republican politics for over 40 years, including working on Capitol Hill and the White House, that defunding amnesty through DHS is just a smoke-screen, and that the Capitol Hill Republican [losership] will not actually fight to win the battle to stop [Obummer's] amnesty because they agree with its result..."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Ian Hanchett _WND_
Mark Levin: Obummer should have sent Al Sharpton to Paris as the voice of the Obummer regime
"'First of all, he's a good marcher, he knows how to march. You want to march?   You bring Al Sharpton.   That's number one.   Number two, I think he is the voice of the [Obummer regime].   He's certainly been to the White House more than any world leader, so that's who this [regime] should have sent if it was true to its belief system.'"

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Joe Kovacs _WND_
Rush Limbaugh says Republican losership is on a "suicide mission"
"the GOP will never win the White House by nominating moderate or liberal candidates such as [Yebbie Booosh], Mitt Romney or Chris Christie for president over conservative candidates in the likeness of Ronald Reagan.   'I know they want to win.   I know they desperately want to win with a candidate who's not a conservative, but they aren't going to.', Limbaugh said forcefully on his national broadcast Monday.   'It just isn't going to happen.   How many elections is it going to take for them to realize this?'   He continued: 'I look at the Republican [losership] and [I wonder]: What do they not get?   Every time they nominate one of these guys, one of the people they really like, they end up losing.   And they lose big!   They lost big with Romney.   They lost big with McCain.   They lost with Bob Dole.   And now Jeb [Yebbie] wants to get in and he's part of that crowd.   He's not northeastern [leftist] but he certainly is not tea-party conservative...   You can't win the White House by ignoring your base.   You can't win the White House by publicly or even privately claiming you don't need your base.   You can't win the White House by taking your base for granted and assume they're going to vote for you 'cause they hate the other guys, the Democrats.   Because as the base has shown, [if you don't give them candidates to positively vote FOR] they'll sit home.   They'll stay home and they won't vote [in order] to teach [you] a lesson, to make a demonstration of some kind...   They keep nominating people who are going to lose.   The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.   It's clear that the Republican Party nationwide is not seen and doesn't want to be seen by most of its members as a northeastern [leftist, but not so extreme as the Reds/Dems] party, but the powers-that-be in that party seem to want it to be seen that way.   And they seem to want the party to win with that identity.   And it just isn't going to happen...   I don't know how you win the primary by dissing your base anyway, but they claim that they've got a plan.   They claim that they've figured out a way to do it.   They [believe they have] figured a way to win the nomination without [elevating] themselves to sound like they're conservatives.   That's really what they don't want to have to do.   They don't want to talk about immigration [reform] the way conservatives do.   They don't want to talk about [ObummerDoesn'tCare] the way conservatives do.   They don't want to have to talk about tax cuts, they don't want to talk about limited government.   They don't have to talk about any of that.   They want to get the nomination for the Republican Party without mentioning any of that, much less supporting any of that.   And the way they intended to do it, I am certain, is by splitting up donors...by watering down the money conservative candidates in the primary would get.'"

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
in the wake of Muslim attack on Charlie Hebdo, largest Islamic body in the world, OIC, calls for more laws to suppress free speech
Robert C. Blitt: USA Today/Gannett: main-stream Muslim groups are breeding religious intolerance
2011-12-16: Patrick Goodenough: Cybercast News Service: religious intolerance resolution backed by Obummer regime aligns with Islamic bloc's wishes

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
the most devastating blow we can deliver to the violence-initiating Islamists is to help the long-suffering Iranian people bring down the Tehran regime

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
KrisAnne Hall
constitutional and ethical problems with Keystone XL pipe-line bill (HR3)
"Justin Amash, representative from the 3rd District in Michigan, first alerted us to the problems with this bill.   It is a short bill; the language is clear and concise so it isn't difficult to understand.   The problem is simply this: This bill grants federal permit exemptions not available to anyone else, extends the government privilege of eminent domain, and denies the people and the States their right of due process all in favor of a single private foreign corporation, the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline, L.P.   Here are the particular areas of concern: In section 3 titled KEYSTONE XL PERMIT APPROVAL, the bill singles out the foreign corporation, TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline, L.P., and gives them exemptions from obtaining certain permits required by the Department of State, yet all other corporations in the same situation are required to comply with permitting.   Equal treatment under the law?   Section 5 of HR3 also exempts this private foreign corporation from obtaining the necessary permits required by the Endangered Species Act of 1973..."

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Laura Ingraham
senator John Hoeven (RINO-ND) who conspired on S744 warns that illegals will take Keystone XL pipe-line jobs (mp3)
Ian Hatchett: Breitbart

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
_Statistic Brain_/_Entrepreneur Weekly_/_Bradley U_/_U of TN_
start-up failure rate by industry

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Russ Choma _OpenSecrets.org_
median household wealth of congress-critters is 18 times USA median household wealth: legislators' personal finances are far from average

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
GWPF & Benny Peiser
Charlie Hebdo, climate skepticism, and free speech
Thomas E. Brewton

2015-01-12 (5775 Tebet 21)
Anthony Watts
U of MT Missoula: another bias in temperature measurements discovered: mountain system artificially inflates temperature increases at higher elevations

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In a free & just commonwealth, property rushes from the idle & the imbecile, to the industrious, brave & persevering." --- Francis Bowen (quoted in Peter McClelland 1990 _The American Search for Economic Justice_ pg 38; quoted in Derek Bok 1993 _The Cost of Talent_ pg 17)  



2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
John Boehner still doesn't get it
Opposition to Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens, his unconstitutional and illegal attempt to give permission to work in the USA to spouses of H-1B visa grantees who have not applied for work visas of their own, his refusal to aid DHS to conscientiously and consistently seek out and catch and deport and remove illegal aliens (both barbarian invaders and visa over-stayers), their refusal to do the necessary detective work and prosecute employers of illegal aliens and seek full legal penalties against them is direct and clear.   US citizenry want immigration reform, not immigration law perversion, not intentional lack of security, not amnesty for illegal aliens, not more foreign students and exchange visitors and guest-workers and permanent residents on top of the already vastly excessive numbers allowed in over the last 60 years.   Opposition to the scofflaw executive branch, including the Fast and Furious depredations, the IRS attacks on Obummer's political opponents, the resistance to thorough investigation of the attack on the consulate at Benghazi, the opposition to the executive department's trade of 5 terrorrists for Bergdahl, are examples of Obummer's violations of his oath of office and active corruption.   Both must be ended...jgo

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
the ususal suspects -- Hatch, Rubio, Flake, Klobuchar, Coons, Blumenthal -- co-sponsor atrocious bill to increase H-1B guest-work visas

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Norm Matloff
San Francisco State U's MSCS program in off-shore out-sourcing

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Norm Matloff
changing Sili Valley demographics

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Ed Whelan _National Review_
investigate the 9th circus's case assignments: appears to have been abused for ideological purposes
"the odds that random chance would have generated Stephen Reinhardt's pattern of case assignments are about 3,350 to 1 against."

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
PEGIDA -- patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West -- shows no sign of slowing: 25K stroll through Dresden, 30K in Germany
Frances Martel: PEGIDA expands across Europe

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
inside the belt-way "bipartisanship" is text-book example of insanity
"The call for bipartisanship, unlike winter, does not show up every year.   It only makes its appearance when Republicans take over one or more of the branches of government.   The funny thing is, when Democrats take over, there are never calls for this bipartisanship...   Real Americans would like a choice of something other than what they are getting from government.   The 'solution' for [leftist] Democrats and establishment Republicans is to not give them a choice..."

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
the atrocity of religious persecution

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the devolution of senator John Cornyn of Texas

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
_Conservative HQ_
senator Ted Cruz at Heritage Action's 2015 Conservative Policy Summit: GOP must keep promises or risk getting walloped in future elections (with video)

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Grover Norquist lobbying for congress to follow Obummer's evil ways by granting amnesty to millions of cheap, pliant, ethically challenged illegal aliens

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Pete Paskerowicz _Blaze_
why Ted Cruz thinks the Obummer regime is failing to invest serious effort to defend against terrorism

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Alexander Bolton _Hill_
debate over immigration will test GOP unity

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Morgan Brittany _WND_
why not destroy terror camps on USA soil?
"It has been reported in other media and documentary films that there are 22 or possibly more of these camps scattered across the United States...   They are part of or linked to a Pakistani militant group called Jamaat al-Fuqra, which was founded in New York in 1980 by radical Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarak Gulani.   In documentary footage and eye-witness reports, Gulani is recruiting young men, many from prison, into joining his 'Soldiers of Allah' fight.   They are being trained in kidnapping, explosives, weapons use and guerrilla warfare to prepare them for jihad...   If I remember correctly, Janet Reno and Bill Clinton had no problem going into Waco and attacking the Branch Davidians with full force, tanks [armored vehicles, cannisters of internationally-banned gas, incendiary rockets, snipers, selective-fire] and machine guns at the ready.   David Koresh was accused of possibly abusing children [though local and state investigators dismissed the charges] and then of having a stock-pile of weapons [which is perfectly constitutional].   The siege lasted 51 days, with the government finally burning the compound to the ground [with over 80 killed].   With the Muslims of America and their 22 training camps, the FBI and others have concrete evidence that men are being trained to kill and institute terror within the United States.   They know where they are and what they are doing, yet no one is even interested enough to prosecute them! We have had numerous attacks on our soil that have led us to Islamic Muslim extremists, the Boston Marathon bombing, Fort Hood, etc., yet Washington continues to look the other way.   They always seem so surprised when the perpetrators turn out to be home-grown terrorists with ties to radical Islam, and they continue to deny it until the facts hit them smack in the face and they have to admit it..."

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Europe's (and USA's) problem of excessive immigration and lack of standards for immigration
"the refusal of 'main-stream parties' to admit the obvious: If a country is manifestly having trouble assimilating the immigrants it already has, it shouldn't add to their numbers willy-nilly."

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
New Year's irresolution
"...a war is not over until the enemy stops fighting... Not even the movement of the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism -- Iran -- toward building a nuclear bomb has caused the [Obummer regime] to change its vision of the world. For [Obummer], the question has never been how to stop Iran from going nuclear, but how to stop Israel from stopping Iran from going nuclear..."

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
Western world's academic, media, political elites have done their best to portray Islam in a favorable light

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Carl Hiaasen _Jewish World Review_
with a little imagination and no concern for the quality of life, there's always room for more
"Low taxes, for example.   The governor loves to brag about Florida's low taxes.   You might think it's a sore subject among Floridians, this being the time of year when many of us are staring at our property-tax bills and wondering why they keep going up, up, up.   It's because irresponsibly jamming so many humans together requires somebody (and it's never the developers!) to pay for the roads, bridges, sewers, fire stations, extra police officers and so on.   That somebody who pays is us..."
But at least it's not as bad as for those suckers in NY, CA and Chicagoland...jgo

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Jonathan Gruber: man of the year

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Islamic terrorism by any other name

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
2 crises

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
war of ideas

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Dan K. Thomasson _Jewish World Review_
feel no pity for the Harvard professors when it comes to medical care

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Armstrong Williams _Jewish World Review_
leftist Warren can agree with Tea Party on criminal over-spending bill
Town Hall
Washington DC Times
Of course, there's nothing to keep derivatives and equity trading risks separate from checking, savings, and consumer loan risks, and there was nothing inherent in any "continuing resolution" or "omnibus" appropriations bill, or criminal over-spending bill that would prevent scrutiny and cuts in individual objects, functions, programs, etc., and keep the costs of losses on the managers and inestors in each.   It is only in the political log-rolling and pork that the corruption enters...jgo

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
more infamous dates to remember

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Ramesh Ponnuru _Jewish World Review_
little chance for spending and tax reforms in 2015

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Jonathan Bernstein _Jewish World Review_
how non-leftists could very well conbat the GOP losership

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
is Paris burning?

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer hand-cuff's USA in war against terrorism
"...From the beginning of his term in office, [Obummer] has evidenced a deep moral confusion, a distorted worldview perhaps based on a bizarre upbringing.   It's not that he doesn't distinguish between good and evil; it's that he often doesn't clearly recognize which is which..."

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
UK NSH Trust policy delays ambulances to terminally ill patients
UK Telegraph

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
the troubling math of excessive numbers, low-standards, no-standards immigration

"In 1992, 41% of new permanent residents in the USA -- green-card holders -- hailed from the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and North Africa, or sub-Saharan Africa, according to the Pew Research Center.   A decade later, the percentage was 53%.   Over that same period, predictably, the number of Muslim immigrants coming to the USA annually has doubled, from 50K to approximately 100K each year.   In 1992, only 5% of Muslim immigrants came from sub-Saharan Africa; 20 years later, it was 16%.   Of the 2.75M Muslims in the United States in 2011, 1.7M were legal permanent residents. There is no official estimate of Muslims in the USA; religious affiliation is not tracked by the Census Bureau.   However, Pew's estimate of 2.75M seems to be on the lower end.   The Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR] says there are approximately 7M Muslims in the country...   But the potential threats of a permissive immigration policy are multi-generational.   France has spent decades ushering in its recent fate..."
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration in the 2015 "Homeland Security Appropriations" bill (HR240)
"First things first: those examining the bill to see if it defunds the president's directives so as to render it impossible for the bureaucracy to implement executive action on immigration won't find anything of the sort in the bill.   It is, instead, much more prosaic and numbers and figures-oriented.   For their own reasons, House leaders decided to segment the controversial language to defund executive action into a number of amendments to the bill...   a stratagem that permits the amendments to be quietly strangled in the back rooms of various committees and sub-committees, leaving the un-encumbered bill to sweep through on a voice vote.   Certainly that kind of ploy has a Boehnerian look and feel to it, the speaker's tepid indifference to enforcement of the immigration laws being the known quantity that it now is..."

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
agri-business lobbyists are having second thoughts about Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
a slippery slope

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Anthony Watts
Queensland U of Technology: cold kills: summer no sweat for Aussies, but winter freeze is fatal

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Anthony Watts
Stanford School of Engineering claim: "social cost" estimates of "climate change" is too low
Individual financial- and liberty-cost estimates of draconian warmist measures are toooo low.   Should be in the $ millions per capita...jgo

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Rolf E. Westgard
Algore wrong again... polar ice continues to thrive

2015-01-13 (5775 Tebet 22)
Bob Tisdale

1808-01-13: Salmon Portland Chase (son of Ithmar Chase & Janet Ralston; nephew of bishop Philander Chase) b: 1808-01-13 in Cornish, NH d: 1873-05-07 in NY, NY buried: Oak Hill cem Washington, DC and remains later moved to Spring Grove cem Cincinnati, OH m1: Katherine Jane Garmiss d: 1835 m2: Eliza Ann Smith d: c. 1845 m3: Sarah Bella Dunlop Ludlow.
1910-01-13: radio pioneer and electron tube inventor Lee Deforest arranged the world's first public radio broadcast, a performance by the New York Metropolitan Opera.
1915-01-13: an earthquake in Avezzano, Italy killed 29,800.
1942-01-13: Henry Ford patented a plastic automobile, which is 30% lighter than a regular car (source: Jewish World Review)
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Guilt, I have no time for you right now.   I am too busy celebrating my mitzvahs, celebrating life and just getting stuff done.   I know I messed up, I said I'm sorry, and I trust with perfect faith that G‑d has forgiven me.   But you are distracting me from serving my Creator with joy—and what kind of a dumb life is that, doing all this stuff without celebration?" --- Baal Shem Tov _Tzavaat HaRivash_ 44 (via R' Tzvi Freeman)  



2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
_Conservative HQ_
the Sili Valley tech worker shortage hoax
"Washington's 'Golden Rule' is 'he who has the gold makes the rules', and there's no greater evidence of the truth of this acknowledgement of the power of the special interests than the willingness of some otherwise conservative organizations and individuals to support Silicon Valley's demand for 'immigration reform' to allow more foreign tech workers to come to America at the same time American tech firms are laying off thousands of workers and qualified American tech workers are unable to find work in their fields.   Senator Jeff Sessions, in his 25 page _IMMIGRATION HANDBOOK FOR THE NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY_ devoted a substantial section of the handbook to knocking down the myth -- or more correctly the lie -- that there is a tech worker shortage in America.   The false claim about 'immigration reform' that has gained the greatest acceptance says senator Sessions is the notion that there is a shortage of qualified Americans with degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).   The facts to the contrary are stark, and overwhelming, and Sessions offers the facts to prove it.   Senator Sessions documents that even as IT firms clamor for more guest workers, they are laying off their existing workers in vast numbers.   Bill Gates coauthored an op-ed demanding more foreign labor for companies like MSFT the same week that MSFT announced plans to lay off 18K of its employees.   Perhaps before lobbying Congress for more H-1B workers, Sessions suggests that amnesty and guest worker advocate FB founder Mark Zuckerberg phone MSFT's Bill Gates and ask for the resumes of some of the 18K workers who have been sent packing.   However, beyond the irony of lobbying for more guest workers at the same time the tech giants are laying off their existing workforce are the numbers – and they also put to lie the notion that there’s a tech worker shortage in America.   Senator Sessions cites recent data from the Census Bureau confirmed that a stunning 3 in 4 Americans with a STEM degree do not hold a job in a STEM field -- that's a pool of more than 11M Americans with STEM qualifications who lack STEM employment.   This is a constantly growing number notes Sessions.   Rutgers professor Hal Salzman, a top national expert on STEM labor markets, estimates that 'U.S. colleges produce twice the number of STEM graduates annually as find jobs in those fields'.   Many of the students, no doubt choosing to pursue STEM degrees in part due to bogus claims of STEM labor shortages, now find themselves with massive amounts of debt and no prospects of a good-paying job.   Salzman goes on to report this shocking fact: 'guest workers currently make up two-thirds of all new IT hires' -- so even as half of Americans with STEM degrees can't find STEM work, 2 in 3 new jobs in the information technology field are going to labor imported from abroad.   Salzman continues: 'but employers are demanding further increases.   If such lobbying efforts succeed, firms will have enough guest workers for at least 100% of their new hiring and can continue to legally substitute these younger workers for current employees, holding down wages for both them and new hires.;*   And the true number of guest workers admitted to the U.S.A. each year solely for the purpose of filling coveted jobs in the IT and STEM fields is actually much larger than news reports would suggest as Senator Sessions documents.   In addition to the supposedly 'capped' 85K annual [new/initial] H-1B visas, there are many employers exempt from the cap, including those renewing [or extending] past H-1B [visas].   Employers also receive an exemption when they hire a new worker who was previously employed by a capped employer.   So, in FY2012, there were about 263K H-1B [visa applications] approved [136,890 new, 125,679 renewals and extensions; and over 135,991 new visas were issued].   But, due to overlapping admissions and other factors, the total number of H-1B workers physically present in the U.S.A. is actually much higher -- it has been estimated to fall somewhere in the range of 650K to 750K.   But even that figure does not capture the entire foreign labor pool of temporary workers available to employers in these industries says Sessions.   The L-1 visa allows employers to transfer employees from abroad to fill jobs domestically.   The stock of L-1 workers is estimated to add about 350K more foreign workers to the pool of available tech workers.   Those supporting even greater expansion seem to have forgotten about the hundreds of thousands of American high-tech workers who are being shortchanged -- by wages stuck at 1998 levels, by diminished career prospects and by repeated rounds of lay-offs.**   Thanks to the self-interest of Big Business and the willingness of Congress to follow DC's version of the 'Golden Rule', Washington policy has created a system that locks many of America's best and brightest out of a career in their chosen field of study, and through its cruelly misnamed immigration 'reform' congress is actively pursuing measures that will make those hardships worse.   Senator Jeff Sessions is right.   It's time for congress to stop listening to the self-interested demands of the tech industry and put the interests of American workers and their children and grandchildren first.   We urge you to call your Representative and senators (the Capitol Switchboard is 1-866-220-0044) and demand they oppose amnesty for illegal aliens and halt the continued destruction of the quality of life of millions of American families caused by continual expansion of the foreign tech worker visa program.     *For more from Professor Hal Salzman see: 'Stem Grads Are at a Loss', professor Hal Salzman op-ed in _U.S. News and World Report_, 2014 Sept. 15, available at http://bit.ly/1Ktg1Wt.     **Another very worthwhile source cited by senator Sessions is 'Bill Gates' Tech Worker Fantasy', 2014 July 27, available at http://usat.ly/1KtgjfU.   Authorship credits: 'Ron Hira is a professor of public policy at Howard University.   Paula Stephan is a professor of economics at Georgia State University.   Hal Salzman is a Rutgers University professor of planning & public policy at the J.J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development.   Michael Teitelbaum is senior research associate at the Harvard Law School's Labor and Worklife Program.   Norm Matloff is a professor of computer science at the University of California-Davis.'"

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
chutzpah: senators propose infinite H-1B visas
"First, let's keep in mind that some of the most successful people in the computer field didn't even have a Bachelor's degree: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison (Oracle), Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Andreeson (developer of the first widely-used graphical web browser) etc.   Others had degrees but not in computer science such as Nathan Myhrvold, the former MSFT director of research, and Tim Berners, inventor of the World Wide Web...   the vast majority of H-1Bs hired by the tech industry, including by the big-name firms, do NOT have doctorates...   For example, consider the U of California and California State U systems in California.   The California State U campuses have some excellent faculty -- I know some personally, and highly respect them -- but the fact is that the average quality of the students is lower at California State U.   Moreover, to be frank, the Master's courses at California State U schools tend to be of the same quality as Bachelor's level courses at the [U of California campuses].   IOW, for a foreign Master's holder from California State U, the claimed 'higher quality' due to having the Master's is an illusion...   At California State U East Bay, 90% of the Master's students in computer science were foreign, even BEFORE the school's controversial decision to admit ONLY foreign students.   SJSU has one of the highest percentages of foreign Master's students in the nation.   On the PhD level, the average quality of the U.S. institutions attended by the foreign students is lower than that for the Americans, both in CS and in the sciences.   In addition, my EPI paper showed that the average quality of the foreign grad students in CS is lower in terms of patenting rates, participation in R&D, and as mentioned, selectivity of graduate institution...   any institution has a few extraordinarily talented students, but the percentage is low; the vast majority of the California State U students are mediocre.   The reader should not infer that I'm in favor of giving all the foreign STEM grad students at [U of California campuses] visas either.   They're nice people for whom I wish the best, but in general they are no better than the Americans.   I really do believe H-1Bs should primarily be for the best and the brightest...   I've read both the summary and full text of the bill, and there is NOTHING there about U.S. worker protections.   [This is the worst] bill I've seen in the H-1B field."

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
Orrin Hatch's S153 would accelerate off-shoring of US jobs
"...Other critics, including Ron Hira, a professor of public policy at Howard University and a leading researcher on the issue, said the bill gives the tech industry 'a huge increase in the supply of lower-cost foreign guest workers so they can under-cut and replace American workers'.   Hira said this bill 'will result in an exponential rise of American jobs being shipped over-seas'.   Technically, the bill is a reintroduction of the earlier 'I-Square' bill, but it includes enough revisions to be considered new.   It increases the H-1B visa cap to 195K (instead of an earlier 300K cap), and eliminates the cap on people who earn an advanced degree in a STEM (science, technology, education and math) field.   Hatch, who is the #2 ranking senator in the GOP-controlled chamber [#2 in the senate GOP losership], was joined by co-sponsors [back-stabbers of US citizen STEM professionals] Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Chris Coons (D-DE), Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) in backing the legislation...   The bill's backers include senators from states that have seen workers displaced by offshore outsourcing firms.   In Connecticut, Blumenthal's state, IT workers at Northeast Utilities were laid off last year after the company brought in H-1B visa workers by 2 India-based off-shore firms.   In Minnesota, represented by Klobuchar, Cargill, a food and agricultural firm, last year announced cuts in the IT department in an off-shoring move..."
Slash Dot

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
under Obummer orders, US ICE began releasing deportable illegal aliens to work in the USA
"Illegal aliens with pending criminal cases;   Illegal aliens with criminal charges that were dismissed or dropped (sometimes local prosecutors drop charges because they believe the alien will be deported);   Illegal aliens with significant traffic violations, usually drunk driving, but also vehicle theft and hit-and-run;   Illegal aliens who have been deported once or many times before, but who have minor or no criminal convictions, and who are often filing last-ditch asylum claims;   Illegal aliens without criminal convictions who are contesting deportation in protracted court cases (at [tax-victim] expense), which will now be dropped;   Illegal aliens already ordered deported who are awaiting travel documents, which in some cases are deliberately delayed by their home countries.   One ICE officer tells me: '...Yet even if they were ordered deported by a court and are actually in custody, awaiting removal, per this order, we now [are told by the Obummer regime that we] cannot execute that order or detain them, as a non-priority.'...   ICE's new 'community hot-line' established by ICE head-quarters...   According to one source, these include 'complaints about every imagined slight, grievance, or emotional injury'.   Detainees are informed of the process to submit these complaints and grievances in new glossy posters that adorn detention centers.   As in the case of tens of thousands of criminal releases in the past, neither local law enforcement agencies nor the victims are alerted.   ICE has a victim notification program, but it is not widely publicized.   Reportedly, ICE is working on system to notify local authorities when it releases felons..."

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Russ Harrison _IEEE_/_PR News Wire_/_UBM_
Hatch introduced bill (S153) to help destroy US high-tech work-force
"More than half of current H-1B visas are used by out-sourcing companies [bodyshops], including the top 10. They specialize in replacing Americans with cheaper foreign labor, thus eliminating U.S. high-skill, high-wage jobs. Senator Hatch's bill empowers even more out-sourcing."
We need fewer student visas, fewer exchange visas (and none that allow work), fewer guest-work visas, fewer green cards, and fewer illegal aliens (border crossers and visa over-stayers)...jgo

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Mitt, Yebbie, Huckabee are NOT the best the GOP can do

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Frederick M. Hess & Michael J. Petrilli _National Review_
Reds/Dems/leftists pull the race card on education/indoctrination, again: leftists deploy the same old tactics to shoot down any attempts to curtail bad federal laws
"Eager to retain an expansive federal role, but finding it tough to argue this position on the merits, [leftist perverters] have rushed to charge that the current effort to dial back the federal role is a thinly veiled attack on minority children...   Edelman perfectly illustrates the problems with [leftist-flavored] school [perversion] and its hollow calls for 'bipartisanship'..."

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Steve Goldstein _MarketWatch_
WV employment/population ratio dropped below 50%; MS at 50.8%

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
Thomas Sowell's _Basic Economics_

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
choosing a better option

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
how is USA's rail security doing?
please help find Marizela

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Norman Lebrecht _Jewish World Review_
my family has been in France since at least 1727; we're leaving
UK Telegraph
National Post

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Benny Avni _Jewish World Review_
the future of the International Criminal Court may hinge on Gaza=Palestine
"Israel doesn't belong to the ICC.   But non-members can still be put on trial if the Security Council refers their case to Hague, or if alleged crimes occurred in a territory of a court member (the Palestinian Authority considers Gaza part of its state [while others consider the Gaza strip to be the whole of the Palestinian State, and non-peaceful people living in Israel's West Bank to be interlopers]).   Jerusalem could decline to cooperate.   But that doesn't appear to be Israel's strategy.   'We are not worried.', said lieutenant-general Benny Gantz, the chief of staff of the Israeli army, during a visit to Washington last week.   He and other Israeli officials have pointed to what they call significant efforts to avoid civilian casualties while defending Israel's own citizens [against the Palestinians' attacks from the Gaza strip]...   Even if the court decides that Gaza-related complaints merit investigation, any trial must be carried out in coordination with Israel's justice system, which is currently investigating more than a dozen cases related to the Gaza war.   Given Israel's well-respected courts, some observers say the ICC will find it easier to try cases accusing Hamas of indiscriminately shelling Israeli civilians than to take on the IDF..."

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Alessandria Masi _Jewish World Review_
Muslim attacks in Paris cause French Jews to consider leaving
International Business Times

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Christian Lowe _Jewish World Review_
Poland snubs Putin in arrangements for holocaust commemoration
News Daily
Ha Aretz

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Lora Moftah _Jewish World Review_
Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam told Muslims who have a problem with Western culture to pack their bags and f*** off
International Business Times
Sara Malm: London Daily Mail

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
students learning how they learn and how they don't
"...For years, educational reformers have too often just glibly emphasized 'critical thinking' as a key goal of education.   But students who are mainly talked at by teachers and then graded by collective standardized tests don't get to do much critical thinking in school..."

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
David Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
bury Obummer in a bunch of bills

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
it can happen here... and has

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
"dynamic" deceptions: DC's "enlightened budgeting" vs. cooking the books
"Instead of facing the real issues -- how much we should spend, on what, who should be taxed and how much -- [congress-critters] find it easier to argue over technical questions that, in the end, won't much affect the budget..."

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
is Mitch McConnell making the US senate better or worse? and by how much? just how much of a trouble-maker is he?
"'We are going to introduce amendments to make it more of a jobs bill.', Democratic senator Charles Schumer said recently.   Schumer said Democrats will offer amendments to require American-made steel for the pipe-line, to require that oil transported through the pipe-line be used in America, and to add clean energy jobs.   Can anyone imagine Reid giving Republicans comparable freedom on any bill at all..."

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
how to top violence-initiating Islam
Tammy Bruce

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
USMC veteran Amir Hekmati held in Iran for 1,235 days refuses to be brokered in prisoner swap
"Amir served in the Iraq War and was honorably discharged as a sergeant in 2005.   He was awarded the Combat Action Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Global War of Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and Sea Service Deployment Ribbon..."

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
Sky News censored Charlie Hebdo cover

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Theodore Dalrymple _PJMedia_
which medical treatments that we use today will we some-day view as barbaric?

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
26 RINOs oppose Marsha Blackburn's amendment to defund Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens
"[The list of shame includes:] Renee Ellmers (R-NC)... Mark Amodei (R-NV), Mike Coffman (R-CO), Ryan Costello (R-PA), Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), Jeff Denham (R-CA), Charlie Dent (R-PA), Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), Bob Dold (R-IL), Chris Gibson (R-NY), Richard Hanna (R-NY), Joe Heck (R-NV), Crescent Hardy (R-NV), John Katko (R-NY), Tom MacArthur (R-NJ), Peter King (R-NY), Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ), Martha McSally (R-AZ), Pat Meehan (R-PA), Devin Nunes (R-CA), Dave Reichert (R-WA), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Fred Upton (R-MI), and David Valadao (R-CA)...   Ellmers [tried to make a] case for amnesty for illegal aliens because she claims there is a shortage of American workers who can do jobs in her district.   But first she began by stating she's opposed to the president's action -- even though she voted against fighting him...   Daniel Horowitz, the senior editor of the Conservative Review, added that Ellmers hurt her constituents with this vote..."

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Ian Hatchett _Breitbart_
Laura Ingraham praised "Reagan conservative" Scott Walker

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Jim Kouri _Examiner_
Obummer offers 70K Muslim "refugees"/invaders/terrorists homes in the USA
"[President Obummer] is being quietly applauded by United Nations [UN] officials for his agreeing to secretly allow 70K Muslim refugees to 'legally' enter the U.S.A. as part of the an international resettlement program, according to the political action committee Combat Veterans for Congress.   Besides providing these unscreened Muslim aliens with green cards, [Obummer] and his minions are fast tracking them for U.S. citizenship.   The [Obummer regime] has already provided refuge for more Muslims than all the other nations in the world combined.   In fact, it's been proven repeatedly that Muslims who have been given citizenship have been arrested for terrorist plots, aiding and abetting terrorist acts, providing material support to terrorist groups, and some have even returned over-seas to fight American armed forces.   According the Combat Veterans PAC, which is nonpartisan, some of the new Islamic immigrants pose a serious risk to American national security and public safety.   And while the [corrupt] Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is claiming it may be sending out refund checks to [tax-victims] late this year due to budget cuts, the [Obummer regime] is paying at least $10G to resettle this new wave of immigration..."

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Cortney Coren _News Max_
David Horowitz: Obummer's focus is on weakening the USA

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
Alan Dershowitz: Jimmy Carter has the blood of thousands on his hands

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Eric Worrall
1M tons of pressurised CO2 stored beneath Decatur, Illinois

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Anthony Watts
alarmist claim: acceleration in sea-level rise worse than we thought

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Anthony Watts
cool high-speed video: rain-fall can release aerosols, study finds

2015-01-14 (5775 Tebet 23)
Eric Worrall
map of countries who claim they are most threatened by "climate change" is mainly countries hostile to the USA in recent decades

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "[Red China's] web of 'illegal' export subsidies continues to exist almost a decade after [Red China] joined the WTO and agreed to eliminate that web [because the WTO court does not want to pressure them so much that Red China bars products from those countries].   Today, according to the US Trade Representative, the industries that continue to be hardest hit by [Red China's] export subsidies include 'steel, petrochemicals, high technology, forestry and paper products, textiles, hardwood plywood, machinery, copper, and other non-ferrous metals industries'." --- Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pg112  



2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
offenders of the Western faith
"Western civilization's creed is free thought and expression, the lubricant of everything from democracy to human rights.   Even a simpleton in the West accepts that protecting free expression is not the easy task of ensuring the right to read Homer's _Iliad_ or do the New York Times crossword puzzle.   It entails instead the unpleasant duty of allowing offensive expression.   Westerners fight against pornography, blasphemy or hate speech in the arena of ideas by writing and speaking out against such foul expression.   They are free to sue, picket, boycott, and pressure sponsors of unwelcome speech.   But Westerners cannot return to the Middle Ages to murder those whose ideas they don't like..."

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
the anti-semitic derangement

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
why are so few lefties successful at talk radio?
American Spectator

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
France's other problem: job-killing economics
"...At all levels of government, France takes over 44% of the earnings of its citizens.   And this is before one assigns a cost to the numerous regulations placed on the shoulders of French entrepreneurs.   In America, at all 3 levels -- federal, state and local -- government takes 33% of GDP, including [unconstitutional] mandates like [Socialist Insecurity].   Add a cost to regulations mandated by state and local government, and UCLA economist Lee Ohanian says that government takes over 50%.   Assume the same 'cost percentage' that Americans pay for regulations to the French and you have a French economy where government takes about 65% of the earnings its people..."

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
What freedom of speech? Where the government decides which utterances are allowed
"...In the post-World War 2 era, French governments have adopted a policy advanced upon them nearly 100 years ago by Woodrow Wilson.   He pioneered the modern idea that countries' constitutions don't limit governments; they unleash them.   Thus, even though the French Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, French governments treat speech as a gift from the government, not as a natural right of all persons, as our Constitution does...   What's going on in France, and what might be the future in America, is the government defending the speech with which it agrees and punishing the speech with which it disagrees.   What's going on is the assault by some in radical Islam not on speech, but on vulnerable innocents in their everyday lives in order to intimidate their governments.   What's going on is the deployment of 90K French troops to catch and kill 3 murderers because the government does not trust the local police to use guns to keep the streets safe or private persons to use guns to defend their own lives..."

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Kelly Riddell _Jewish World Review_
leftist billionaire George Soros gave $33M to fund "organizers" of Ferguson riots
LEO Affairs
Kelly Riddell: Washington DC Times
American Conservative Daily
Before It's News
Universal Journal Review

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
the costs and value of colleges and universities
"Community college is already incredibly inexpensive.   The only thing that will jack up the price is making it 'free'...   how about Republicans get to the bottom of why college is so expensive?   The cost of a college education has increased by more than 1K% only since 1978.   Nothing else has gone up that much -- not health care, consumer goods or home prices.   The explosion in college tuition bears no relation to anything happening in the economy.   Would anyone argue that colleges are providing a better education today than in 1978? I promise you: People coming out of college in the 1950s knew more than any recent Yale graduate -- unless we're only counting knowledge of sexual practices once considered verboten...   The fact that 80% of Weathermen -- the violent 1960s radicals -- are full college professors tells you all you need to know about the state of higher education today...   If the government hiked college loans and subsidies by $1M per student, colleges would promptly raise tuition to: [current tuition plus $1.1M]..."

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Keystone XL klutzes

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
before & after satellite/aerial images, maps of Boko Haram attacks on Baga and Doron Baga
"They show some 3,700 structures damaged or destroyed in Baga and Doron Baga last week, the human-rights group said.   Nigeria's government has disputed reports that as many as 2K were killed, putting the toll at just 150..."

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Bill Whittle _PJMedia_
multi-culturalism caused the Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris (video)

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer's suicidal immigration policies

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
_Conservative HQ_
non-leftist leaders release "Citizens Mandate" to congress
"'The Republican Party's Capitol Hill leaders have an obligation to the voters who entrusted them with this historic majority to stop [Obummer's] unconstitutional executive amnesty, repeal [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and return heath care choices to doctors and patients, and most importantly to end the culture of lies, lawlessness and corruption with which [Barack Hussein Obummer] has infected our government.', said Mr. Viguerie.   Unfortunately, said Viguerie, after the passage of the 'CRomnibus', grass-roots limited government constitutional conservatives have already lost faith in the willingness of the Republican Party's Capitol Hill [losership] to actually [carry out, or at least take measures in the directio of] the mandate We the People gave them.   The contentious vote for Speaker of the House the week of 2015 January 5 reflected the frustration of voters nationwide, who did not have confidence that last year's Republican House [Losership] would have the courage to carry out the voters' mandate.   A poll conducted in late December by Pat Caddell confirmed a growing rift between voters and Republican leaders in the House and senate.   As a result of this loss of faith in the Republican leadership, a broad coalition of conservative activists, thinkers, leaders and organizations came together to put on paper specific policy proposals for the new Republican majority on a wide range of economic, social and national security issues.   They come under the headings of 'Fighting for our Founding Principles, Smaller Government and Constitutional Rights', 'Shine the Light of Oversight on Abusive Power', 'Promote and Fight for Limited, Accountable Government', and 'Return to Regular Order'.   The mandate document concludes with a strong admonition to honor the verdict of the voters and not deviate...   'Congress has an historic opportunity to lay down a marker for freedom and stop the erosion of freedom emanating from the pen of [president Obummer].   They were elected to do just that, to not only stop the fundamental transformation of America, but to create the alternative vision of a prosperous, free America where citizens know that hard work is the pathway to success.   They were elected to protect and defend the Constitution from the tidal wave of encroachments that threaten the basic God-given freedom from government that individuals are guaranteed.   They were elected to stop and reverse the president's agenda and policies.   They were not elected to relinquish more power, compromise and enable [Obummer] to use their acquiescence to justify continued abuses.'   The November election was a repudiation of [president Obummer's] dramatic expansion of government power both through legislative and executive actions.   The voters demanded that congress stop this president's fundamental transformation of America using every power at their disposal, restoring Constitutional balance of power, and ending the executive branch abuses against both the citizenry and the foundational concept that individual rights are derived from God, not government.   The new congress was elected to stop and reverse the president's agenda and policies..."

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
_Conservative HQ_
Obummer plays for USA's opponents; won't say violence-initiating Islam is the enemy

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
ICE, BP, DoJ officials object to Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
yesterday's House floor vote to de-fund ObummerDoesn'tCare revealed solid and not-so-solid allies

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
illegal alies must confess to get tax refunds in 2015 under ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Alexander Bolton & Scott Wong _Hill_
RINO Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn signaling they're ready to go along with immigration law perversion, oppose reform

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Alexander Bolton & Scott Wong _Hill_
Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, largest investor in NYTimes, pushing for perversion of USA immigration laws
"According to a Bloomberg report, Slim exercised 'options to acquire 15.9M shares in the newspaper company' on Thursday, boosting 'his stake to 16.8% of the company's Class A shares'.   Slim initially helped the Times stay afloat when he 'lent the paper $250M in 2009 January'...   Slim, a fierce advocate for amnesty legislation, has reportedly 'introduced a campaign to integrate about half a million' [NIGHTMAREs] into the U.S. work-force.   And FB co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, who also started the pro-amnesty FWD.us lobbying group, pushed for [reprehensible] amnesty legislation at Slim's charity event in Mexico last year."

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
David Weidner _MarketWatch_
why I wanted to dump my iPhone...
"I'm dumping my Apple Inc. products.   And that includes the holy trinity: my iPhone, my iPad, my MacBook Pro.   During the past few years, my frustration level with Apple stuff has been stoked to the boiling point.   It flared up with Apple soldering in memory to lap-tops, something that prevented me from my practice of upgrading late in the machine's life cycle to keep it alive if only for a year or two.   It began to catch fire when the fifth generation of iPhones required a costly new cable.   And it reached an inferno level two weeks ago when I went into an Apple Store for a fix and felt, for the first time, a lack of trust.   There were more incidents along the way: an installation that failed, lack of functionality that had more to do with personal or political beefs at the company than concern for customer experience, roll-outs that didn't have the polished Apple feel, and so on.   Together, they all led me to the same conclusion: Apple enticed me to a consumer-electronics paradise, and with each new year, each new release, it was gradually shutting all the doors to my escape.   I was being held captive...   This time, however, Apple called me back.   Someone there wanted me to talk to senior executives about the issues I was having..."

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Obummer unconstitutional & illegal amnesty seeks to give 2M illegal aliens tax breaks & socialist illfare hand-outs

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Canadian government postponed "North American Leaders Summit" over Keystone XL pipe-line dispute with Obummer regime

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) had "forceful exchange" with Obummer over Iran sanctions

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
P. David Hornik _PJMedia_
why all French Jews should leave for Israel

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) makes his case for passing fundamental tax reform (Is it time to abolish the IRS) + president Jimmy Carter drops some controversial comments on the France terror spree (video)

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Laura Ingraham
Bob Baer warns of impending crisis (mp3)

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Daniel Pipes _National Review_
images, not words, most disturb violence-inclined Muslims

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Alexander G. Markovsky _Family Security Matters_
the biggest economic fraud in history

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Susan Crockford
false counts of polar bears

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Jim Steele
on migrating moose and migrating temperature trends

2015-01-15 (5775 Tebet 24)
Willis Eschenbach
on migrating moose and migrating temperature trends
"A new paper in _Science_ magazine entitled 'Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet- (paywalled...) claims that we are all potential 'transgressors'...   a curious term more appropriate to a religion than to science.   But given the total lack of science in the paper, perhaps it's appropriate..."

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Proposed Bills 2015

  "Television is very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a book." --- Groucho Marx (Jewish World Review)  



2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
R' Berel Wein _Torah.org_
SuperHuman vs. Humility: Pharaoh/Obummer vs. Moshe/Moses
"Pharaoh's stubbornness, his intransigence [Ob-stinance] in the face of the reality of the plagues is characteristic of people who view themselves as gods and superior beings.  ; Pharaoh[/Obummer] cannot afford any show of compromise or accommodation to the demands of Moshe.   By so doing, he would admit to the fact that, in truth, he is not a god and thus his entire basis for rule over Egypt would be threatened..."

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
25 states are suing Obummer over his unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens (13 remain on the side-lines, while 12 have turned to the evil side)

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
_Conservative HQ_
is a stab in the back on immigration and visas coming from capitol hill?
"It is the kind of irony that only politics in the [Obummer] era can deliver that on the same day a group of over 50 conservative leaders and organizations released a document called 'THE CITIZENS MANDATE FROM THE NOVEMBER 2014 ELECTION', representative Jeff Denham, the GOP's most out-spoken advocate of amnesty for illegal aliens, revealed that the House leadership is 'committed' to ignoring the mandate voters gave them in the 2016 mid-term election by bringing amnesty to the floor of the House.   The California Republican says he is part of a working group laying the ground work to bring forward [reprehensible immigration lwa perversion], and that top-ranking Republicans are supportive of addressing the full gamut of immigration topics in legislation in 2015...   One GOP aide said senior Republicans are anxious to move [backward], but whether fierce [supporters of reform] including representative Steve King (IA-4) may defeat their efforts is still to be determined...   This kind of calculated betrayal of the principles and views of the vast majority of the voters who support the Republican Party is exactly why the 'Mandate' document was drafted and released -- to remind Republican Members of congress exactly what voters sent them to Washington to do, and it wasn't to give amnesty and the right to compete for American jobs to millions of illegal aliens or otherwise compromise with [Obummer] and the Democrats."

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
attack of the open-borders racists
please help find Marizela

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Michael Liedtke _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
$415M settlement in tech cartel to not compete for talent
Chris Isidore: CNN
Roland Hutchinson: Geeky Gadgets
Zach Miners: ComputerWorld/IDG
"IT" News/IDG

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Jews, get the blazes out of France... NOW!

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Catherine Phillips _Jewish World Review_
R' Menachem Margolin asks that Jewish people across Europe be allowed to own and carry arms for the defense of themselves and the state
ShotGun News
Free Republic
Crown Heights
Ari Soffer: Israel National News

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Charles Ortel _Jewish World Review_
jihad vs. cartoons: Obummer regime remains on wrong side
Washington DC Times

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
of course it is Islam
"The [Obummer regime's] mind-bogglingly determined refusal to say that we are at war with [force-initiating Islam], together with the left's evasions about Islamic terrorism, means that there has been a haze of euphemism around what should be a galvanizing event in the West's fight against terror..."

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
what Jon Stewart did not ask Jimmy Carter... and Barack Hussein Obummer

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
attempting to duck reality, Obummer regime goes to rhetorical extremes on terrorist attacks
"The [Obummer regime] has forced America and much of the world into a debate no one wanted or needed.   Namely, does Islamic terrorism have anything to do with Islam?..."

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
have you noticed when otherwise out-spoken Obumer suddenly becomes mealy-mouthed or mum?

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Ben Wolfgang _Jewish World Review_
Obummer turns to YouTube dweebs to help sell his State of the Union pep rally
Washington DC Times
T. Becket Adams: Washington DC Examiner
Mario Trujillo: Hill

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's Paris snub was intentional

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
the worm in Charlie's apple

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer to further tighten the noose on "big awl"
"According to Gallup CEO Jim Clifton, for the first time in 35 years, the United States is no longer first but 12th (12th!) among developed nations in business startup activity.   More businesses are closing than opening.   400K businesses are being born each year in [the USA], but some 470K are closing.   That's because [the USA], under this president, is a business-hostile zone.   What is [president Obummer] planning on doing about this disturbing problem?   Two things.   First, he will deny the problem even exists as he continues to fraudulently proclaim that America's businesses are smoking-hot.   Second, he will exacerbate the problem with yet new business-killing, energy-killing lawless executive regulations honoring earth goddess Gaia with an involuntary sacrificial offering from the American energy industry.   His regulations will dramatically cut methane emissions over the next decade..."

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Laura Ingraham
78-year-old veteran talks about GOP losership's going along with Obummer amnesty for illegal aliens and massively excessive legal student, exchange, guest-work, and green card visas (mp3)

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Laura Ingraham
colonel Allen West: the Obummer regime is not looking out for US troops nor US citizen workers (mp3)

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Dana Dovey _Medical Daily_
teen masqueraded as a doctor in a Florida hospital for over a month before a patient in a neighboring room challenged his age

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Marine reservist: the Obummer regime forbids us to speak factual information about sharia while on active duty (video)

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Victoria Stilwell & Alex Tanzi _Crain's Detroit_/_Bloomberg_
UMich consumer sentiment index rose from 93.6 in late-December to rose to 98.2 in mid-January
RTT News
Ruth Mantell: Fox/MarketWatch
JeeYeon Park: CNBC
Ruth Mantell: MarketWatch (consumer sentiment index vs. gasoline prices)
Bill McBride: Calculated Risk
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Eric Worrall
Aussie watermelon plans to fly+kayak to Paris to deliver a message about "climate change"

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Anthony Watts
peer-reviewed pocket-calculator climate model exposes serious errors in complex computer models and reveals that man's influence on the climate is negligible

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Bob Tisdale
does the up-tick in global surface temperatures in 2014 reduce the growing difference between climate models and reality?

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Anthony Watts
breaking science news: yak dung burning pollutes in-door air in Tibet

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Bob Tisdale
calamities over-sold

2015-01-16 (5775 Tebet 25)
Willis Eschenbach
a taxonomy of science web logs

This Date in History
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Proposed Bills 2015

  "The optimistic individual perseveres. In the face of routine set-backs, & even of major failures, he persists. When he comes to the wall at work, he keeps going, particularly at the crucial juncture when his competition is also hitting the wall & starting to wilt." --- Martin E.P. Seligman 1990 _Learned Optimism_ pg 255  



2015-01-17 (5775 Tebet 26)
David Stockman
inside the December retail sales report: "disappointing" isn't the half of it
"On an all-in basis, total retail sales in 2014 rose by $210G or a respectable 4.0%.   But 58% of that gain was attributable to 2 categories -- auto sales and bars&restaurants -- which accounted for only 28% of retail sales in 2013.   And therein lies a telling tale.   New and used motor vehicle sale alone jumped by $86G in CY2014 or nearly 9%.   Then again, during the most recent 12 months auto loans outstanding soared by $89G.   Roughly speaking, therefore, consumers borrowed every dime they spent on auto purchases and took home a few billion extra in spare change...   no economy can thrive for long -- especially one already at 'peak debt' -- based on consumer spending that is 100% dependent upon borrowed funds...   while the Fed's wealth effects fantasy has accomplished nothing for the main street economy -- this small $570G sliver of the US economy is the exception.   The hearty rebound in bars and restaurants has given the talking heads something to chatter about with respect to the purported retail sales recovery; and it has also provided a reliable boost to the head-line count on 'jobs Friday' -- even if these 'jobs' average about 26 hours per week and annualized pay rates of $17K per year."

2015-01-17 (5775 Tebet 26)
Marisa Martin _WND_
UN smears institute in Norway that tries to help homess Jews as "evil"
"Arne and Kari Lund are respectable looking Norwegian Lutherans who came to Israel a decade ago to commit crimes against humanity and flout international law.   At least that's the spin from United Nations and [leftists].   This mild mannered couple is helping homeless Jews find a place to live [in Israel]...   Specifically they are attacking the work of a small but determined group the Lunds support, known as the Karmel Institute.   It was established by Norwegian pastor Per Faye-Hansen in 1949, a man who risked his life hiding and helping Jews during Nazi occupation.   They were escaping Norway, which has always been officially frosty to Jews.   By 1942 virtually every Jew in Norway was murdered, deported or in hiding, although more were saved than lost.   Today there are a grand total of two synagogues in Norway, and the one in Oslo requires barriers and guards.   This may have no relation to the mushrooming number of mosques...   Now Palestinians have thrown East Jerusalem into their list of demands, although close to 200K Jews live there from a total population of 890K (including all groups in Jerusalem).   This is akin to China claiming Washington, DC, because of Chinatown -- as well as labeling all building by non-Chinese 'illegal settlements'..."

2015-01-17 (5775 Tebet 26)
Willis Eschenbach
on the biases caused by omissions in the 2014 NOAA state of the climate report

1595-01-17: Henry iv of France declared war on Spain
1608-01-17: emperor Susenyos of Ethiopia surprised an Oromo army at Ebenat; his army reportedly killed 12K Oromo at the cost of 400 men
1648-01-17: England's Long Parliament passed the Vote of No Addresses, breaking off negotiations with King Charles i and thereby setting the scene for the second phase of the English Civil War
1982-01-17: "Cold Sunday": In the United States temperatures fell to their lowest levels in over 100 years in numerous cities (source: Jewish World Review)
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  The [Red Chinese] government isn't content to just snag a plant of a Fortune 500 corporation; it wants some of the company's brain-power too.   And American multi-nationals, lured by the prospect of cheap [not to mention young, plant] labor [with questionable ethics] and higher profits, are giving the [Red Chinese] what they want.   In exchange for [permission] to build plants in [Red China, corporation executives] are agreeing to turn over proprietary technology.   Soon the [Red Chinese] will make the products for themselves without the help of their American tutors.   In some cases, engineering and design knowledge -- some of it funded by US [tax-victims] -- [has been flowing for decades] to the [Red Chinese], allowing them to short-cut [the invention and] development process that ordinarily takes generations." --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pp241-243  



2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Ginni Thomas _Daily Caller_
GOP losership needs to stop attacking conservatives and start listening to them

2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
secure borders, punish illegal aliens and people who employ them

2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
"American Sniper": Middle America's $105.3M box-office block-buster powered by a heart-land audience
Joseph Adinolfi: MarketWatch

2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Pamela Geller: Muslims are trying to violate right to free speech in Texas

2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Chris Queen _PJMedia_
NewsWeek throws the first stone: Kurt Eichenwald's irresponsible story on the Bible didn't even pretend to mask an agenda

2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Robert Spencer _PJMedia_
5 new signs that the jihad against the West is just getting warmed up: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate wants blood, and they're getting what they want

2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Anthony Rivas _Medical Daily_
since reasoning, to date, has been ineffective, how can we convince opponents of vaccinations that they are generally safe?

2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Bob Tisdale
2014 December global surface (land+ocean) and lower troposphere temperature anomaly & model vs. data difference update

2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Paul Driessen

2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Thomas E. Brewton
more baloney from the climate-sausage racketeers

2015-01-18 (5775 Tebet 27)
Willis Eschenbach
4 stories, 2 worlds
"...there was nothing in those villagers' dreams that I didn't already have.   In short... I'd won.   And the crazy thing is, if you are reading this, then it's highly likely that you've won too.   I read the other day that if you make more than $47,500, you are in the top 1% of the world by income.   The dreaded 1% that takes so much abuse in the popular press.   The awful, terrible people at the top, those of us who have won.   Heck, even if you are at the US poverty line, you're still in the top 13%.   Now, I've brought up the 2 newspaper articles and told those 2 stories for context, that of a world divided into very rich and very poor.   In that context I want to talk about the cost of energy.   The reason that I've won, the reason that all of us one-percenters have won, is inexpensive energy in the form of fossil fuels...   give freely in the way of assisting other people to win and to realize that they've won..."

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Proposed Bills 2015

  "Research shows that high-self-esteem subjects will persist at a task significantly longer than low-self-esteem subjects. If I persevere, the likelihood is that I will fail more often than I succeed. Either way, my view of myself will be reinforced." --- Nathaniel Branden 1994-03-?? _The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem_ pg 5  



2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
supremes require states to provide education, welfare benefits to illegal aliens, but, doubly perversely, Obummer regime DoJ won a $48.8M court case because Pennsylvania did just that

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
great story, big questions on Diane Rehm show

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
American Sniper: Chris Kyle's values are the only way to save the USA
"If you haven't seen 'American Sniper', the Clint Eastwood movie celebrating the life of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, you should go see it -- TODAY.   One reason that I recommend seeing 'American Sniper' is that it tells, perhaps better than any movie since 1941 and sergeant York with Gary Cooper, the warts and all life story of a real American hero.   But there's another subtler reason to see 'American Sniper', and that is that the movie is a celebration of the patriotism, integrity and intelligence of the 'country class' of Americans who volunteer for and serve in our armed forces.   'American Sniper' is not a political movie, it is at its core a movie about values, about character and how values and character inform the choices, large and small, in every person's life..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
_Conservative HQ_
hiding in plain sight: violent Islam's threat to the USA

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
_Conservative HQ_
the new congress and crony government
"Capitalism is about the efficient allocation of capital through markets -- it has nothing to do with government.   It is only when government over-reaches and begins to pick winners and losers in the market that rent-seeking and trying to lobby one's competitors out of the market and abuses of that nature can happen.   The Republican Party often claims to be the party of 'smaller government', but that is -- at least based on the record -- a completely phony claim.   What's more, it doesn't really address the problem that voters want the Republican congress to fix.   Our friend Jason Pye of FreedomWorks put it this way in a recent op-ed in The Washington Examiner: 'Republicans have held full control of Congress for a little over a week, and some members of the new majority are already demonstrating that they do not deserve the power voters handed them.   Sure, they like to campaign on limited government rhetoric, but they are governing like the very big-spending progressives against whom they ran in the Fall.'   The problem voters want fixed is that, under [Barack Hussein Obummer], government has left behind all constitutional restraints and grown completely out of control.   And those who govern likewise have left behind all pretense of constitutional and ethical restraint and have regularly made government merely a vehicle for transferring wealth from the out-of-favor to the favored.   So the problem voters think congress must address is not so much the size of government, as it is to reestablish the constitutional limits on government..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Peter Sullivan _Hill_
senator Ted Cruz criticized "mushy middle" candidates
Pittsburgh PA Tribune-Review

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
John Gizzi _News Max_
Dan Webster: more members of the House of Representatives should be included in the process of selecting Speaker, Majority-Leader, etc.
"where Jones, King and other Republican law-makers disappointed with Boehner had held two meetings to discuss an opponent in 2014, Webster said he participated in just one session and he never advanced the idea of becoming a candidate for speaker himself.   But the Floridian had attracted attention from colleagues with a white paper he wrote last year for the conservative Republican Study Committee.   Entitled 'Widgets, Principles, and Republicans', Webster likened the problem with the GOP brand nationwide to a manufacturer of flawed widgets who needs to fix the process by which his product is made...   Webster believes that he and his colleagues should be 'looking for principle and not power', that 'they and their ideas should be more included in the process', and 'House leaders should remember that every member ought to have a chance to succeed.   I'm uncomfortable with people around here falling on their swords.'..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
David M. Drucker _Washington DC Examiner_
senator Ted Cruz is building his team to run for, carry out presidency

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Sean Higgins _Washington DC Examiner_
Obummer DoL accused of helping German union skirt US laws at Tennessee VW plant
"A year after Tennessee auto workers rejected unionization by a clear margin, a pro-market group is trying to find out whether [president Obummer's] Department of Labor tried to tip the scales in a hotly contested union vote.   The National Right To Work Foundation, a business-backed non-profit, is demanding that the Labor Department turn over any communications it has had with IG Metall, a German union that represents Volkswagen workers.   The foundation believes the federal government may have assisted the foreign union in its efforts to organize a Chattanooga, TN, Volkswagen plant against the workers' own wishes..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
a Judenrein (Jew-cleansed) Europe?: 45% of British Jews say they have no future there, and 58% say they have no future anywhere in Europe

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
RKBA is a solution to terrorist attacks

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Armstrong Williams _Jewish World Review_
Black America's economic decline betrays King's legacy
Tartan Marine
Washington DC Times

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Al Sharpton goes Hollywood
"...Sharpton might have called for an emergency meeting to deal with fatherlessness in Black America, where the out-of-wedlock birth rate is north of 70%.   He might have called for an emergency meeting to deal with the disproportionately high number of black kids who drop out of high school.   He might have called an emergency meeting to deal with black crime, whose victims are overwhelmingly black people.   But there are just so many hours in the day, so Al had to prioritize..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
manned mission to Mars

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: Rising college/university costs? There's another Obummer tax for that

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
bad idea: micromanaging with excessive rules and draconian threats

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
economists disagree about state and direction of Obummer economy

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Curt Clawson to give the Tea Party rebuttal to Obummer's State of the Union pep rally
George Rasley: Conservative HQ
Andrew Johnson: National Review
Kevin Derby: Sun-Shine State News
Todd Beamon: News Max
Catalina Camia: USA Today/Gannett
Catalina Camia: Tennessean
Alex Leary: Tampa Bay Times
Jenna Buzzacco-Foerster: Political Fix Florida
Jenna Buzzacco-Foerster: Naples FL Daily News
Free Republic
Free Republic: transcript and video
Ad Hoc News

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
NYC may yank terror report to appease Muslims, settle law-suits
"...But law enforcement officials say removing the report, especially in the face of brutal terror attacks in Paris, would send the wrong message.   'The harm is that it sends the message that the [New York Police Department] is going to back down on its counterterrorism effort in the name of political correctness.', said one former New York City police official, the New York Post reported.   'Shame on the NYPD if they do.'..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Ken Allard _Washington DC Times_
real heroes like Chris Kyle bleed red, white and blue

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
James Bovard _Washington DC Times_
Eric Holder championed seizures before he condemned them

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
in London, Bobby Jindal criticized shariah zones set aside for Muslims in the West
"In an address to the Henry Jackson Society in London, Mr. Jindal said that 'in the west, non-assimilationist Muslims establish enclaves and carry out as much of Shariah law as they can without regard for the laws of the democratic countries which provided them a new home', according to prepared remarks.   'It is startling to think that any country would allow, even unofficially, for a so-called no-go zone.', Mr. Jindal said in the remarks.   'The idea that a free country would allow for specific areas of its country to operate in an autonomous way that is not free and is in direct opposition to its laws is hard to fathom.'..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
lions of liberty: economists Gary Becker, John Blundell, Henry Manne, Gordon Tullock, Ronald Coase, Aaron Director, Milton Friedman, Armen Alchian, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrick Hayek, Leonard Liggio, James Buchanan, Walter E. Williams, Thomas Sowell

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's tax riot

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Wesley Pruden _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's tax tantrum

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Laura Ingraham
on Iraqi TV show bombers meet their intended victims
Rami Ruhayem: BBC

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
_Conservative HQ_
Ken Cuccinelli and Mark J. FitzGibbons call for a much-needed face-lift of the 4th amendment for Virginia and the USA

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Byron York _Washington DC Examiner_
Obummer trolls, talks trash... with a purpose
"Politically, [president Obummer] has never been weaker, after losing both House and senate.   At the same time, he has never talked tougher..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Jerome R. Corsi _WND_
generals conclude Obummer backed al-Qaeda
"The [Obummer] White House and the State Department under the management of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 'changed sides in the war on terror' in 2011 by implementing a policy of facilitating the delivery of weapons to the al-Qaida-dominated rebel militias in Libya attempting to oust Moammar Gadhafi from power, the Citizens Commission on Benghazi concluded in its interim report.   In WND interviews, several members of the commission have disclosed their finding that the mission of Christopher Stevens, prior to the fall of Gadhafi and during Stevens' time as U.S. ambassador, was the management of a secret gun-running program operated out of the Benghazi compound.   The [Obummer regime's] gun-running project in Libya, much like the 'fast and furious' program under Eric Holder's Justice Department, operated without seeking or obtaining authorization by congress. WND reported Monday that in exclusive interviews conducted with 11 of the 17 members of the commission, it is clear that while the CCB is still enthusiastic to work with representative Trey Gowdy, R-SC, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, and hopeful that Boehner is serious about the investigation, various members of the CCB, speaking on their own behalf and not as spokesmen for the commission, are expressing concerns, wanting to make sure the Gowdy investigation is not compromised by elements within the GOP..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
_Right Scoop_
Mark Levin's opening: exposing Obummer, and defending capitalism and private property rights

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
ObummerDoesn'tCare to make do-it-yourself government muggings even more of a nightmare this year

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
congress can fight high-court perversion of marriage, now!
"In Roe v. Wade all over again, as the [supremes are] poised to invent a new 'right' to same-sex marriage found nowhere in the 4 corners of the constitutio.   Fortunately, the founders gave us checks and balances against this over-reaching in power..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Joseph Farah _WND_
who want to kill us?: the Obummer regime refuses to say

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Oracle names Leon Panetta to its board of privacy haters

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
IDF helicopter killed 11 suspected Iranian and Hezbollah terrorists, fear retaliation
"On Sunday, an Israeli helicopter fired two missiles at an advance group of Iranian and Hezbollah officers who were believed to be planning a new installation near the old, abandoned Syrian border town of Quneitra.   5 Hezbollah and 6 Iranian officers were reported killed in the strike, most prominent amongst them Jihad Mughniyeh, son of the late, unlamented terrorist leader Imad Mughniyah, whom the Israelis had managed to kill in 2008, and Iranian general Mohammed Ali Allahdadi (both deaths have been confirmed by Hezbollah and Iran).   Update: It has now been confirmed that one of the other Hezbollah dead was 'Ali al-Tabtabani, chief of Hezbollah's military and intelligence operations outside Lebanon.   He was the biggest prize of them all..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
David Forsmark _PJMedia_
why "American Sniper" is one of the greatest war movies
"With all due respect to 'Lone Survivor' and 'Zero Dark Thirty' (and I have paid mad respect to both), Clint Eastwood's amazing 'American Sniper' is the film for the war on terror..."

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
MS could be next to jettison Communist Corpse

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
FBI: 2.3% of "hate crimes" were anti-Islamic

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
_Free Republic_
I-75 closes as emergency crews respond to collapse of Hopple Street viaduct (39.13899N 84.5346W); construction worker killed
WKRC-TV local12.com
Lane Report
Henry Molski, Kimball Perry & Patrick Brennan: USA Today/Gannett: Carl, who was part of a Kokosing crew preparing for the Hopple Street bridge demolition, was operating a back-hoe under the overpass when it collapsed
USA Today/Ohio DoT: video of collapse
"mudchicken": Trains: Ironically, it was a newer part of the viaduct that fell
2014-10-11: Ben Petracco: WLWT: traffic switches to new Hopple street this week-end
2014-10-13: Kyla Woods: WLWT: new bridge is open at Hopple Street viaduct interchange, but will it ease commute?
"The bridge, built in 1961, was found to be structurally sound and received a high sufficiency rating during an October 2011 inspection, according to a Cincinnati Enquirer analysis of federal bridge data.   It is possible the bridge had been inspected since then.   The Hopple Street ramp, which was permanently closed to traffic several months ago as part of the massive overhaul of I-75 through Hamilton County, was considered functionally obsolete, most likely because its design was out-dated.   The new Hopple Street interchange was scheduled to be finished this September.   It's uncertain whether the project will now remain on schedule."
This stretch of I-75 was originally part of the Miami-Erie canal system, and later an aborted sub-way project.   The first stretch of what is now I-75 was built early in WW2 for transportation with defense-related manufacturing facilities.
Cincinnati transit
Larry Stulz of Stulz photography

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Bob Tisdale
GISS & NCDC need to be more open with the public when making proclamations about global temperature records

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Eric Worrall
NASA has discovered 8 new dangerous near-earth asteroids

2015-01-19 (5775 Tebet 28)
Anthony Watts
claim from Felonious State U: melting glaciers add carbon to atmosphere

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The [mean] youngster does not learn to persevere. When he does not succeed immediately, he quits. He remains ready to resort to virtually any means to fulfill instantly his whim of the moment. His anti-work stance emerges early, sometimes before he enters school." --- Stanton E. Samenow 1989 _Before It's Too Late_" pg 76  



2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
so why would senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) co-sponsor the I-Squared bill (S153?)?
"At least judging from the article, my answer to my friend’s question would be, 'Clearly, Blumenthal made some kind of political deal, and is now trying to put a good face on it.'   His phrasing in the article is mostly straight from the industry lobbyists' standard talking points, and his attempts to rationalize his action by saying his role as a cosponsor will keep him in the game, so he can add some worker protections into the legislation, are just plain feeble-sounding.   For example, he cites the standard industry line that the long-term solution to the (claimed) tech labor shortage is to train more Americans for tech jobs, but the short-term solution is H-1B.   Of course, that presumes that there IS a shortage in the first place, which just can't be true in view of the flat wages.   But that has been the [industry executives'] mantra for as long as I've been following this issue (starting in 1993!); they know that this line works, and apparently so does Blumenthal.   Blumenthal also uses another standard industry lobbyist line, 'The [H-1B] law isn't being enforced vigorously enough.'   On the contrary, violations of the law are rare (and in most cases mild), though for a very bad reason: The law is so filled with loop-holes that employers don't have to 'cheat' in order to get cheap labor...   It's the green card sponsorees who are immobile, not H-1Bs in general, and the 60-day rule he cites wouldn't do much, other than giving the weaker H-1Bs more time to find another job after being laid off...   it didn't matter whether an H-1B replaced her and worked [at _The Hartford_], or her job was shipped to India; either way, the sister was out of a job.   It seems that if Blumenthal does manage to slip a bit of worker protection into the bill, it will concern off-shoring -- of NO HELP to people like the blogger's sister."
Lee Howard: New London CT Day: Blumenthal defends bill to increase cheap, young, pliant guest-workers with flexible ethics
"But opponents of H1-B visa increases, citing alleged abuses in the past including the systematic out-sourcing of much of Pfizer Inc.'s information technology work-force in Groton starting 7 years ago, said the current bill does little to protect U.S. workers.   'This is a terrible bill for American workers.', said Ron Hira, an associate professor of public policy at Howard University in Washington, and a leading H-1B critic nationwide.   'The bill does nothing to stop what happened to the Pfizer employees whose jobs were out-sourced.   In fact, it makes it much more likely that thousands more Connecticut workers will become victims of the same fate.'...   The 'I-Squared' Act would increase the [base 'cap'] on temporary H-1B visas from the current 65K to 115K, allowing it to reach 195K in years of high demand -- and perhaps up to 300K annually, according to the institute's analysis, because of various exemptions.   That would mean as many as 1.8M foreigners here on H-1B visas that have [an initial eligibility period to work in the USA of up to 3 years, which can be renewed for another 3 years, then extended on a year-by-year basis after that], the organization said, competing against a U.S.-based technology work-force of about 5M.   'The primary, practical function of the H-1B program is to out-source American high-tech jobs.', Harrison said in a statement.   'Do the bill's supporters really think that's the direction American immigration policy should go?'   H-1B critic Hira, in testimony to congress 2 years ago, covered [some of] the litany of complaints about the program, including a charge that the majority of foreign workers using the visa were being hired as 'cheap indentured workers'; that American workers were not being given the first shot at employment before H-1Bs were hired; that American workers with similar or superior skills were being replaced by H1-Bs to save money, and that oversight of the program 'is nearly non-existent'...   [Blumenthal says] his approach is to try to expand the visa numbers -- because so many [company executives] in Connecticut, large and small, have approached him complaining they cannot find skilled workers [but refusing to say explicitly what kinds of efforts they are making to recruit, relocate and train employees] -- while at the same time improving and reforming the program."
CT Blue web log

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Chris O'Brien _Venture Beat_
disposable employees may be tech industry executives' "greatest achievement"

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
House "border security" bill (HR399) is an empty green suit

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Mark Krikorian _National Review_
is House GOP border bill (HR399) merely a prelude to amnesty for illegal aliens and even more guest-workers
"Vaughan notes: 'If so many respected career Border Patrol officials are underwhelmed by this bill, then members of Congress should be, too.'   Senator Sessions was more than underwhelmed: 'The pending legislation does nothing to end this endemic practice of catch-and-release, ensuring large amounts of illegal immigration will continue unabated.'   But the concern that has greeted the bill stems primarily not from its specific provisions but from the suspicion that the fast-tracked bill is intended by the leadership to pave the way for passing amnesty and guestworker bills.   IOW, the bill, dubbed the 'Secure Our Borders First Act', will be quickly followed by the 'Import More Cheap Labor Second Act' and the 'Amnesty Illegals Third Act'.   The problem, of course, is that passing a border-security bill first doesn't mean its provisions are implemented first.   In fact, the bill mandates a biometric visa-tracking system (something Congress has done repeatedly, to little effect) but gives DHS 9 years to finish it (5 years with 2 two-year extensions).   This points to an improvement to the bill that would allay the fears of pro-borders folks: add a provision that prohibits any increase in immigration (whether via green cards or guest-workers) and prohibits any legalization of illegal aliens until the bill's various mandates (not just visa-tracking but also fencing and other things) have all been satisfied.   That would mean achieving border security first, not just passing a border-security bill first..."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
senator Jeff Sessions slammed GOP border bill (HR399)
"The proposal 'does not end catch-and-release [of new border crossers]; it does not require mandatory detention and return; it does not include work-site enforcement [and] it does not close dangerous asylum and national security loop-holes.', said a strongly worded Jan. 20 statement from Sessions.   The bill 'does not cut-off access to federal welfare; and it does not require completion of the border fence...   It [also] delays and weakens the longstanding unfulfilled statutory requirement for a biometric entry-exit visa tracking system.', said Sessions, who argues that the GOP can win the 2016 election with a low-immigration, high-wage platform.   That bill 'is nothing more than theatre to create confusion and prey on the naivety of the public in order to pass amnesty', stage by stage, said Dan Horowitz...   The bill 'throws a lot of money at the border agencies without making the needed policy changes that would deter illegal immigration, such as tighter work-place verification and consistent repatriation of illegals', Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies, told The Daily Caller.   The insincerity of the bill's authors, she said, is highlighted by its approval of only 27 [additional] miles of fencing along the 2K mile border with Mexico, she said [to say nothing of the about 6,600 mile long border with Canada]...   Prior laws have required hundreds of miles of fencing, plus a computer system to log the arrival and departure of tourists, business visitors, students and temporary workers.   Roughly 40% of illegals arrived by air and overstayed their visas.   Only a short sections of the border have fencing, and the tracking system has been built..."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
Sarah Palin: Hollywood leftists are "not fit to shine Chris Kyle's combat boots"

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Laura Ingraham
Jessica Vaughan: Mike McCaul's proposed bill reveals that the real priority of GOP losership is putting final touches on Obummer's mass amnesty for illegal aliens
"'the real priority of Republican [losers] in congress and that's the enactment of a mass amnesty or I should say just putting the final touches on [Obummer's] mass amnesty and increasing immigration and guest working visas above even what they are today.'   Laura agreed with Vaughan's assessment.   'I think you're right though, this is more about easing the path-way for real amnesty and easing the pathway for a mass import of foreign workers to come to the country.', Laura told Vaughan.   Vaughan added 'this is a bill that all the Democrats will be happy about, the Chamber of Commerce will be happy about, Speaker Boehner will be happy about [but the average US citizen on Main Street will be crushed by it, and extremely unhappy]'..."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Soeren Kern _GateStone Institute_
no-go zones in France: neighborhoods with high concentrations of Muslims, high rates of sexual harassment of non-Muslims, robberies... some police are afraid to enter except in groups

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Laura Ingraham
hand-held police radars/sonars, deployed for over 2 years, let them see through concrete walls into homes, can even detect humans' and pets breathing
11 Alive NBC Atlanta GA/Gannett
Slash Dot
Jon Street: Blaze: NYPD X-ray vans

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Jonathan Webb _BBC_
X-ray phase-contrast tomography used to read parts of Herculaneum scrolls burnt by Mt. Vesuvius eruption in 79 August 24 CE (when Gaius Plinius Secundus, known today as Pliny the Elder died)
Slash Dot

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Michael Barone _National Review_
2007-2008 financial crisis could repeat itself: government regulators are repeating the recipe for another housing bubble

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Thomas Sowell _National Review_
the perils of thoughtless "diversity": Europeans are learning that not all cultures are mutually compatible
Jewish World Review
"...Meanwhile, in the United States, no one seems to be drawing any lessons about the dangers of importing millions of people from fundamentally different cultures across our open border.   In America, 'diversity' has still not yet lost its magical ability to stop thought in its tracks and banish facts into the outer darkness...   It is one of the monumental examples of political irresponsibility that the southern border has not been secured during administrations of either party, despite promises and posturing.   Many fine people have come here from Mexico.   But, as with any other group, some are just the opposite.   With open borders, however, we don't even know how many people who cross that border are Mexican, much less anything more relevant, like their education, diseases, criminal records, or terrorist ties..."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
_Conservative HQ_
Ken Cuccinelli and Mark J. FitzGibbons call for a much-needed face-lift of the 4th amendment for Virginia and the USA

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
_Conservative HQ_
today is a good day to recall the mandate voters gave in November to the GOP
"None of the establishment GOP's Capitol Hill bosses seem to be talking about the sweeping mandate voters gave them in the 2014 November mid-terms.   One would think that after winning a historic landslide on the issues of stopping illegal immigration and [Obummer's] equally illegal plans to grant amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens already here, fighting and winning the war with radical Islam and ending the culture of lies, lawlessness and corruption with which [Obummer] has infected our government that would be the focus of the Republican rebuttal to [Obummer] and the immediate agenda of the Capitol Hill GOP.   But if you listen to what GOP [losership] are saying it is all about what they are not going to do (fight with [Obummer]) and producing on the U.S. Chamber of [Crony Socialists'] shopping list of more government spending and cheap labor.   And given that the establishment Republican [losership] needs constant reminding about exactly what voters want from the GOP during the last 2 years of the [Obummer] presidency a group of over 50 conservative leaders, activists and organizations were only too happy to provide them with the 'CITIZENS MANDATE FROM THE NOVEMBER 2014 ELECTION'.   They come under the headings of 'Fighting for our Founding Principles, Smaller Government and Constitutional Rights', 'Shine the Light of Oversight on Abusive Power', 'Promote and Fight for Limited, Accountable Government', and 'Return to Regular Order'.   The mandate document concludes with a strong admonition to honor the verdict of the voters and not deviate..."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
the closing of the Republican loserships' minds

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Carol Brown _American Thinker_
black lives enslaved by Muslims don't matter to Obummer nor George Soros nor to junketing Ferguson rioters
"A delegation of 'Dream Defenders', 'Black Lives Matter', and Ferguson 'leaders' has returned from a 10-day trip to Palestine, where they sought to forge connections with Palestinian 'activists' [occupying eastern Israel]...   It's always curious to see black people align themselves with Muslims, given that Islam enslaved black Africans on a scale that eclipses any other group.   And that was not just back then.   Africans continue to be enslaved by Muslims today...   However, if nothing else, the trip was the perfect opportunity/excuse to express their hatred for Israel/Jews."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Joseph Farah _WND_
when border fences and walls are good: the double standard in the Mideast regarding physical barriers
"It's still under construction and will be 600 miles long at its completion.   The fence-and-ditch construction project includes 40 watch-towers, 5 layers of fence, sand embankments and radar and camera installations, and is meant to separate Saudi desert territory from that of Iraq, much of which is controlled by ISIS.   It is patrolled by 30K troops.   The cost is unknown.   It's understandable, of course, that the Saudis would want to build the wall.   Among ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate's stated goals is the eventual capture of the cities of Mecca and Medina.   The Saudis have another wall-building project even bigger.   It's for the 1K-mile border the country shares with Yemen, another hot-bed of Islamic [violence]..."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Molotov Mitchell _WND_
how sweet is Obummer on Islam?

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
Oxford and the crisis of the university
"When first apprised of the topic, I was so certain that an error had been made that I called both my debating partner, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, and Oxford to confirm it.   Outside of the Muslim world and the far left, who would even think to argue that Hamas is not the greater obstacle to peace?   Is the Oxford Union unaware that the Hamas charter calls for, indeed the raison d'etre of Hamas is, the destruction of Israel and replacing it with an Islamic state?..."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
why we need a better sense of humor
"British academic and joke theorist Christy Davies says a good joke can help clarify and express complex feelings.   A good joke can cut to the heart of the matter better than any speech or law or government policy...   Here's one joke I think we can all agree on: 'It's so cold today, the politicians had their hands in their own pockets.'"

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the return of the war hero

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Obummer sings the same old, cut off from reality, extreme leftist song

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
a big night for the leftist choir

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Charles Ortel _Jewish World Review_
official data under-cut the happy talk
Washington DC Times
"Since the last economic peak in 2007, America's population increased, jobs that sustain households disappeared, and our total debts have climbed.   Meanwhile, threats to this country have only mounted.   According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 13.8M (5.9%) more Americans of working age in 2013 than in 2007: 245.7M as compared to 231.9M.   By contrast, the number of full-time jobs declined by 4.8M -- 4% -- from 121.1M in 2007 to 116.3M in 2013.   Granted, the number of part-time jobs increased 10.7%, from 24.9M to 27.6M.   Still, the total number of jobs actually declined by 2.1M, or 1.5%, from 146.0M to 143.9M...   According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 'Consumer Expenditure Surveys', the number of 'consumer units' (bureaucratese for households) increased 5.5M (4.6%) from 120.1M in 2007 to 125.7M in 2013.   But the average after-tax income per household declined by $4,506 (7.4%) -- from $60,858 in 2007 to $56,352 in 2013..."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
the corrupt, race-obsessed, oath-breaking extreme leftist Obummer's rush to release non-uniformed combatant terrorists alarms legislators

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Daniel Pipes _Jewish World Review_
in defense of Europe's non-leftists

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
GOP should draft and pass good laws, forcing Obummer to veto them

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
non-leftists must unify on major issues by finding a consensus
"If we can't come together on some of the basic issues that have always defined us, how do we effectively oppose [president Obummer's] on-going destructive agenda?...   we need to make a decision.   Are we going to oppose him -- really oppose his lawlessness and his anti-growth and anti-defense policies?   Can't we all agree that Obamacare must be repealed?   Are we going to put forth our positive ideas as if we really mean them?...   Republicans, in unison, need to press for a full repeal of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and otherwise recapture and communicate their belief in the power of an unleashed free market to produce robust economic growth...   We can have vigorous internal debates over the other very important issues, as well, including immigration, but let's prove to the American people we represent a stark contrast from the status quo -- that we are bullish on America and firmly believe that the American people have the resilience and readiness to resurrect themselves from this nightmare."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
_Billings MT Gazette_/_AP_
checking Obummer's claims

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Laura Landro _MarketWatch_
transfusions get more precise as 4 main blood types become 33 blood groups

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
USMC sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi attended State of the Union with Duncan Hunter

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Rich Tucker _Breitbart_
Obummer tried to take credit for results of policies he opposes

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
Ted Cruz won SOTU pep rally post-game with "More cow-bell! More cow-bell!": same failed policies are helping the 1%, hurting working men and women (video)

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Obummer steered clear of al-Qaeda, Yemen; luke-warm reaction to Iran sanctios veto threat

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
nemesis 1, hubris 0
"Just as [president Obummer] claimed in his state of the union that 'the shadow of crisis has passed' and proclaimed that American fire-power had stopped the advance of 'militants' [i.e. violence initiating Muslims] in the Middle East, the Washington Post is reporting a possible coup in Yemen..."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Bill Whittle, Stephen Green & Scott Ott _PJMedia_
sweet emotion wins hearts to the cause of liberty (video)

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
should French Jews bail out now... or not?

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Walter Hudson _PJMedia_
"American Sniper" and the $1G Hollywood leaves on the table each year due to their leftist political bias
"This is a film that gives American audiences what they want.   PJM's David Forsmark swoons: 'American Sniper lives up to its title.   This is an intensely American film.   Everything about Chris Kyle's background, from hunting with his father, to the little country church, to wanting to be a cowboy, is not just Texas, it's America.'   When America gets what America wants, studios make $100M in 4 days.   So why don't more studios make these kinds of films?   Why do we instead get inundated with cynical anti-American garbage with anti-heroes espousing an anti-philosophy?   We need not look far for our answer..."

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Frank J. Fleming _PJMedia_
what if "Red Dawn" happened... only with Islamic terrorists instead of leftists?

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Billy Hallowell _Blaze_
New Testament scripture found formed into mummy mask
Chris Queen: PJMedia

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Justen Carters _Idependent Journal Review_
ISIL just slaughtered 13 teens, allegedly because they were watching a soccer match on television

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Kyle Becker _Idependent Journal Review_
Obummer failures, from past State of the Union pep rallies
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
senator Mike Lee: repeal ObummerDoes'tCare with simple majority

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
John Blosser _News Max_
Gallup: Obummer approval rating fell to 42.6% over 2014

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
David Stockman
in praise of price discovery: the equities markets are off their lithium salts

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Anthony Watts
2014 had the most dishonest climate claims on record

2015-01-20 (5775 Tebet 29)
Anthony Watts
stemming ice loss, giant atmospheric rivers add mass to Antarctica's ice sheet

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In all countries at all times, gov'ts have hampered markets with ill-advised restrictions on freedom, & yet the creative power of markets has persevered to deliver the goods. That's no proof that the restrictions helped. The fact that I can carry a bag of cement up a hill doesn't mean it's making me go faster." --- Brink Lindsey 1998-07-?? "The Great Contradiction" _Reason_ pg 62  



2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Daniel Pipes _Town Hall_
Europe's "no go" zones
"...Instead of no-go zones, I propose semi-autonomous sectors, a term that emphasizes their indistinct and non-geographic nature -- thus permitting a more accurate discussion of what is, arguably, West Europe's most acute problem."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
why Jews suffer under mob rule

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Lora Moftah _Jewish World Review_
Iran and Hezbollah issue threats after Israeli strike against terrorists in Golan Heights border area
International Business Times

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
William Young _Jewish World Review_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate aims to occupy Mecca and Medina
RAND Corporation
Live Leak

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
restate of the union
Human Events
"If [Obummer] gave the State of the Union address I'd like to hear, he'd say this: 'I heard you, voters, in November when you took control of the senate away from my party.   I get it.   I over-reached.   I was arrogant.   I imposed [ObummerDoesn'tCare] on a nation that was deeply divided about it.   I ruled through executive orders instead of legislation.   I threw money at 'green' non-sense.   I'll give up the payments to the 'green energy' industry if the Republicans stop coddling defense contractors.   I've been in government for years now.   I know how badly it works.   The last thing I should try to do is make it bigger.   In fact, with Republicans now in control of congress, it's time I worked with them to shrink government.   If we shrink it, we might even dig our way out of the debt hole we're in.   Heck, if we just slow the growth of government to 2% per year, we'd be in better shape...'"

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's over-tax and over-spend and over-regulate regime is holding back economic progress
Town Hall
Human Events

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
Obummer dismissed electorate, citizenry, and dissed congress
Washington DC Times
Real Clear Politics
Seaton Post
"[President Obummer] dedicated his State of the Union address to illegal aliens, college students and communist Cuba. In other words, all those imaginary supporters he claims to be hearing from ever since the actual American electorate denounced him, his party and his policies in last year's beat-down election..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: woo-hoo!   I'm giving free stuff to everybody!
Washinton DC Times
Muck Rack
"There's a new T-shirt out there making the rounds. It says: 'I am one of the people who pays for all the free stuff Obummer gives you.'..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
will the West defend itself?
"Leftists and 'progressives' believe that the U.S.A. should become more like Europe.   They praise Europe's massive welfare state, socialized medicine and stifling economic regulation and accept its unwillingness to defend itself against barbarism.   I wonder whether America's leftists and 'progressives' want to import some of Europe's barbaric extremism associated with its Muslim population..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Mordechai ben Menachem _Human Events_
what happened on the Golan heights border?
"On Sunday, January 18, a convoy of Hezbollah vehicles was moving along the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.   These people and their vehicles were not out for a pleasure ride.   What was going on there?   This convoy was struck and destroyed.   Apparently, by an Israeli Air Force helicopter (Reuters).   Assuming it was indeed Israel, why did Israel attack this convoy -- this particular convoy? And why now?   Some reports claim that 6 senior Hezbollah commanders and about the same number of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were killed in the strike.   One of them, Iranian General Mohammad Ali Allahdad, was the IRGC leading missiles expert.   What was he doing on the Golan and why now?...   Hezbollah has built up a terror infrastructure in the Golan Heights with Syrian and Iranian assistance...   Allahdadi was a ballistic missiles expert and was reportedly ordered to establish 4 Hezbollah missile bases on the Syrian Golan.   Hezbollah has an extremely extensive missile infrastructure in South Lebanon, in strict violation of UNSC 1701 and other international agreements, and strictly against the UNFIL mandate...   Hezbollah has tremendous missile infrastructure throughout Lebanon, with emphasis in the south, all for the clear purpose of striking Israel.   Hezbollah now has over 150K missiles installed and ready for firing.   To put perspective upon this, this capability is LARGER than ALL Western European Armies combined!..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
foreign policy's post-Obummer pivot

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
_Seaton Post_
meet American workers side-lined by the US economy
"many workers may feel like they are caught in a sequel to 'Left Behind', a biblical story of mass disappearances, as many find themselves removed from economic opportunity...   Today only 62.8% of the labor force is working in the United States, the lowest rate since 1978...   The unemployment rate isn't falling so much as people are falling behind, locked out of the new economy being re-engineered around them.   In recent years, 77% of all new jobs created were part-time in low-wage fields...   In fact, Pew researchers recently reported that American wages 'have been flat or even falling for decades, regardless of whether the economy has been adding or subtracting jobs'.   According to a Reuters report this month, 'Wages posted their biggest decline in at least eight years in a sign the tightening labor market has yet to give much of a boost to workers.'   This comes at a time when most working households are experiencing a rise in inflation that is driving costs of living even higher.   The current focus on a return to wealth-making opportunities overlooks real, ongoing injury to those without resources in reserve...   For men in the prime of their working lives (ages 25-54), more than 1 in 6 don't have a job...   The Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that 44% of recent graduates with a B.A. or higher were in jobs that did not technically require a degree..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Georgie Anne Geyer _Jewish World Review_
it's time to be practical about multi-culturalism

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's left-wing trap

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
early presidential prospects
"...We can certainly hope that the country has learned that lesson -- and that Republican rookie senators get eliminated early in the 2016 primaries, so that we can concentrate on people who have had some serious experience running things -- and taking responsibility for the consequences -- rather than people whose only accomplishments have been in rhetoric and posturing.   The more optimistic among us may hope that the Republicans will nominate somebody who stands for something, rather than the bland leading the bland -- the kind of candidates the Republican [losership] seems to prefer, even if the voters don't..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Curt Clawson's State of the Union was to the point
"Clawson spoke directly about the threat of [violence-initiating] Islam saying: 'Finally, we must unite against the global terrorist threat of radical Islam.   We must not shy away from calling this threat by its name.   We must join with our partners in Muslim nations, our friends in Israel, and a coalition of freedom-loving nations around the world.   'America must lead this coalition, but we must end the disproportionate sacrifice of American blood and treasure.   Our allies must step up and contribute more in this fight.   We have got to stop getting into bad wars.'   No contortions there: We must not shy away from calling this threat by its name.   Likewise on amnesty and border security Clawson said 'As we respect our immigration laws -- we've also got to be fair to the more than 10 million Americans currently struggling to find good jobs!   We all know who they are.   They are our friends, family, and neighbors.   To do this, we need to secure our borders first.   This is important for fairness, and security, for all Americans.'   We think that could have been stronger, but it hit the important points and made it clear which side Clawson and the Tea Party are on in the debate over [Obummer's] unconstitutional amnesty -- the side of the 10M Americans looking for work whose prospects would be made worse by 'executive amnesty', and the other unconstitutional unilateral actions [Obummer] has undertaken.   Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Clawson had some very specific limited government constitutional conservative ideas about how to get the American economy moving again.   'Restore the voice of we the people, we need to grow the private sector, and shrink the size and reach of our federal government.', said congressman Clawson.   '...liberty is the great equalizer.   Economic liberty will bring America back to its destiny as the world's beacon of light and opportunity.   Economic liberty is the foundation of the American Dream.   We can never compromise these conservative values.   Dividing us, or punishing success in the name of fairness, will not unite Americans.'   Begin by cutting the small business and corporate tax rates in half -- to 17.5%, said Clawson, and take out the loopholes, lift the economic shackles of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and replace [ObummerDoesn'tCare] with a fair, patient-focused, market-based system.   'We cannot expect to move America ahead by heaping higher taxes on achievement, or by the government printing or borrowing money and piling debt onto future generations.   I say no!   We cannot spend our way to prosperity with more entitlements or more government hand-outs.', said Clawson.   We wish Clawson would have said something about oversight and ending the [Obummer's culture of] lies, lawlessness and the corruption of crony government, but we will take a commitment to cut taxes in half, 'restore the voice of We the People' and call the enemy of radical Islam by its real name and defeat it as a good start and bold contrast to the vague generalities offered by the Republican establishment."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Mark FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
a bizarre ivory tower anti-4th amendment view to be ignored
"Professor Kerr begins with an opinion that he contradicts within his own opinion piece, which is that the proposed amendment is a 'truly radical set of ideas'.   The proposed 21st Century Fourth Amendment incorporates much of James Madison's original language, is entirely consistent with over 225 years of case law, even common law before that, and corrects 2 mistakes of judicial interpretation...   If the federal Fourth Amendment already protects businesses, which it does, then the 21st Century version certainly is not 'radical' in this respect.   Virginia sometimes incorporates good federal interpretation into its law, and as Attorney General Cuccinelli and I explain, the 21st Century version is designed to add clarity for citizens, law enforcement, lawyers and judges.   By the way, not all lawyers or judges know the Fourth Amendment construed in thousands of pages of case law as well as the professor.   A Constitution is the law of the people over government, and should be clear for their benefit.   PK then does not like the addition of 'lands' to this 21st Century Virginia version.   He writes, 'Whoa.   There's a big difference between adding protection for a person's whole property -- in the argot of the Fourth Amendment, adding protection for 'open fields' -- and trying to protect against drones.   If the constitutional protection eliminates the curtilage/open fields distinction, it would mean that officers couldn't physically walk on to a person's open fields, not near any home, without a warrant.'   Well, yeah.   Nobody, including law enforcement, should trespass by walking on people's fields without their consent or a warrant.   From Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616, 627 (1886), citing Lord Camden from the seminal 1765 English search and seizure case Entick v. Carrington, 'No man can set his foot upon my ground without my license, but he is liable to an action, though the damage be nothing, which is proved by every declaration in trespass where the defendant is called upon to answer for bruising the grass and even treading upon the soil.'...   When police stop us without some level of reasonable cause, that's an element of a police state..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration in Obummer's pep rally
"I can't help but wonder if this plan will result in a decision to permit illegal aliens -- all illegal aliens, not just [NIGHTMARERS] -- to attend two years of community college at taxpayer expense.   After all, once it's free, does it simply become a part of the U.S. educational system and, by extension, fall under the Supreme Court decision in Plyler v. Doe, which requires states to educate aliens at taxpayer expense regardless of status?   You can bet that someone will make that argument should the president's proposal go forward.   And would education then become another major magnet, besides jobs, that will lure young aliens to enter illegally by the tens of thousands?   The other, directly immigration-related item in the president's speech was this remark: 'Yes, passions still fly on immigration, but surely we can all see something of ourselves in the striving young student, and agree that no one benefits when a hard-working mom is taken from her child, and that it's possible to shape a law that upholds our tradition as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.'   Why, who knew that all of the 11M or 12M aliens illegally present in the United States are 'hard-working moms'? [Yah, sure, and all H-1B grantees are 'highly-skilled', 'well-educated', 'best and brightest', too.]   Last time I checked the government's statistics (which has become increasingly difficult under this disingenuous and most opaque of administrations), they were replete with substantial numbers of young single men, and married men whose spouses remain in their home country.   What's more, a significant percentage of those apprehended were criminals and/or scofflaws who fled from proceedings in front of an immigration judge (there are now nearly a million such fugitives from immigration proceedings) and/or recidivists who routinely commit felonies by re-entering the United States after they have been removed [while only a very small portion of H-1B grantees are actually especially bright people doing above-average jobs]..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
the GOP losership dog that didn't bark

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
employers demand amnesty before helping illegal alien employees "gain legal status"
"Employers' Dirty Little Secret Revealed.   The president's executive amnesty has inadvertently brought employers' dirty little secret out into the open: They know full-well that they are unlawfully hiring illegal aliens who are committing multiple felonies (document fraud, forgery, child identity theft, [Socialist Insecurity] fraud [a fraud on a fraud], perjury) and they fear being exposed by the executive amnesty program.   Employers currently play a 'don't ask, don't tell' game by accepting phony documents and Social Security numbers given them by illegal aliens, by turning their backs on massive employment-related child identity theft, by condoning perjury, and by cynically collecting falsified I-9 forms.   These same employers refuse to use E-Verify or the [Socialist Insecurity Number (SIN)] Verification Service to ensure that they have a legal work-force..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Icarus falling

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
Walter Berns & Harry Jaffa

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Steven Greenhut _Human Events_
vehicle data proposal confirms worsening violations of privacy

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Dana Dovey _Jewish World Review_
no cancer by 2050?
Medical Daily
"Dr. Jack Cuzick, director of the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine at Queen Mary University in London seemed to agree that advanced preventive measures would seriously change the scope of cancer in Great Britain.   'Taking aspirin daily looks to be the most important single thing we can do to reduce cancer after stopping smoking and reducing obesity, and will probably be much easier to implement.', he told The Times.   'What makes this a special point in history is that cancers are in the process of becoming either preventable or effectively curable.'   Aspirin, while good at keeping cancer at bay, has been tied to increased chances of stomach bleeding.   Cuzick says individuals should therefore consult their physician before taking the drug on a daily basis...   Cancer prevention can only go so far, and a recent study has suggested that as many as 65% of cancer cases come from random genetic mutation that cannot be foreseen or stopped..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Corinne Purtill _Global Post_
French have tougher laws than USA's Unpatriotic Act
"French authorities do not need a court order to place a wire-tap.   Terror suspects can be held for up to 13 days without access to a lawyer or other communication.   A broad, vaguely worded law against 'association with wrong-doers' lets authorities arrest and jail people whose actions assist a person carrying out a terror attack, even if they were unaware of the terrorist's intentions...   'French police and intelligence officers rarely find themselves subject to harsh public scrutiny for being overzealous when dealing with Islamist terrorism.   They operate in a relatively permissive environment.', [Frank Foley, a lecturer at King's College London] wrote in an e-mail..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Jeremy C. Owens _San Jose CA Mercury News_
ebay to dump 2,400 employees

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Annabeth Carlson _Daily Illini_
Archeophone restores music recordings made 1890-1925
"...Martin explained that the acoustic era of sound is different from the music of the late 1920s and 1930s because it was made without electricity.   He said it is just the power of the singer's voice and instruments..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Scott Wong _Hill_
Raul Labrador (R-ID) ripped senate losership on failure to show leadership in immigration reform (as opposed to the Obummer regime's push for immigration law perversion)
"'That's not leadership.   That's not why the American people voted for us.'...   The House bill would block funding for [Obummer's unconstitutional scheme] to shield millions of [illegal aliens] from deportation, and would also over-turn his [unconstitutional] 2012 executive order that let millions of people brought to the U.S. illegally [when they were under 19 years old] remain in the country [illegally]...   Labrador took aim at McConnell, who became majority leader earlier this month, but he also said Tea Party favorites in the senate, Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah [and Lamar Alexander, Kelly Ayotte, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Shelley Moore Capito, Bill Cassidy, Daniel Coats, Thad Cochran, Susan M. Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Tom Cotton, Mike Crapo, Steve Daines, Michael B. Enzi, Joni Ernst, Deb Fischer, Jeff Flake, Cory Gardner, Lindsey Grahamnesty, Charles Grassley, Dean Heller...], need to do more to stop [Obummer]...   'It's high time that Mitch McConnell stand up and say, This is what we are fighting for in the Senate.   That's definitely what he said during his campaign, so let's make sure he does it now as the majority leader.', Labrador said at the 'Conversations with Conservatives' event, moderated by the Heritage Foundation.   'But it's also high time that Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and others decide that they are going to start fighting in the senate, using the senate procedural rules and not just looking at the House as the place where the fights are going to happen.', Labrador continued.   'They also have a responsibility in the Senate to make sure that those bills pass.'   Told about Labrador's remarks, a McConnell spokesman said the majority leader told reporters last week at the joint House and senate GOP retreat in Hershey that his plan was to try to pass [Boehner's lame] immigration [law perversion] bill [rather than actual immigration reform legislation]."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
belligerent Obummer offered extreme leftist agenda he knows should go nowhere in congress
"In fact, in an hour of speaking, the president [tried to pretend] that November never happened -- that the wave that swept so many Democrats into the dust bin of history wasn't even a ripple..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Pete Kasperowicz _Blaze_
Libertarian State of the Union: "we need to massively down-size and de-fund the federal government"
"Arvin Vohra, vice chair of the National Libertarian Committee, said [Obummer's] 'solutions' on education, minimum wage, taxes, Internet privacy and health-care were all aimed at increasing the size of the federal government.   Vohra said those ideas, and even those being advanced by many Republicans, are all about letting the government take more control over people's lives...   Vohra said college would be more affordable if government got out of the business of subsidizing it.   'Without subsidies and costly mandates, competition will force colleges to decrease their tuition or go out of business.', he said.   'Massive student debt would be a thing of the past.'   He also said the Department of Education needs to be abolished, along with the [Communist Corpse] program.   Similarly, he said Obummer's effort to raise the minimum wage would only make it harder for younger people to find work and learn skills...   Vohra said he agrees with [Obummer's] claim to want an Internet that protects people's privacy, but said [Obummer's] words don't match his actions.   'You have funded and enabled the surveillance state.', Vohra said.   'To protect privacy, Libertarian candidates have pledged to defund the NSA's mass surveillance program, repeal the Patriot Act, and massively downsize and consolidate redundant spy agencies.'   And on health-care, Vohra said neither Republicans nor Democrats have found the will to repeal [ObummerDoesn'tCare], and said the Libertarian Party has pledged to repeal that law and make other changes to promote lower costs and higher quality.   'To help people in need, Libertarian candidates will make charitable hospitals legal.', he said.   'Doctors should not have to leave our borders to be able to offer free care.'"

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Billy Hallowell _Blaze_
Palestinian terrorist stabbed at least 9 people aboard bus in Tel Aviv, another woman as he fled, injured 12 in all
Cybercast News Service/AP
"As TheBlaze previously reported, the man, who had reportedly entered Israel illegally from the [Palestinian-occupied north-central Israel] city of Tulkarm, was subsequently shot in the leg by Israeli police and arrested, but only after 12 people were left injured in the attack.   Matrouk reportedly told interrogators with Shin Bet, Israel's security service, that he was motivated by Operation Protective Edge, Israel's military campaign against Hamas, as well as Islamic television shows and religious tensions at the Temple Mount, the Jerusalem Post reported..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Derek Hunter _Daily Caller_
hoplophobe arrested for attacking man peaceably carrying a hand-gun, and then...
Laura Ingraham
Katie Mettler: Tamba Bay Times (video)
"Shannon Watts is the perfunctory head of the Michael Bloomberg front group 'Moms Demand Action', a small anti-gun group into which the billionaire Bloomberg pours millions [and started twitting her objections to the outcome]...   'Unfortunately he tackled a guy that was a law-abiding citizen.', [Hillsborough county sheriff's spokesman Larry McKinnon] said.   'We understand it's alarming for [SOME] people to see other people with guns, but Florida has a large population of concealed weapons permit holders [who have passed far more stringent background investigations than, e.g. visa grantees do].'..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
A. Barton Hinkle _Reason_
how government-funded stadiums, theaters and museums harm tax-victims

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Victoria Taft _Idependent Journal Review_
Chris Kyle himself had the best come-back to "American Sniper" critics in 2012 Conan O'Brien interview

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Nick Gillespie _Reason_
how many of USA's children went to federal government funded day-care during WW2?

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Jacob Sullum _Reason_
Obummer's dishonesty about privacy
"The surveillance debate that supposedly preoccupies the president is one he never wanted to have."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
Tim Huelskamp: House and senate "leaders" should "Just do what you promised you were going to do"
"...'It's time for us all to be doing everything that we possibly can to force the president to do things in a constitutional way, and it's not just the job of the House.   There's a job in the senate too.   One person over there can bottle up the whole place.   I'm anxiously awaiting to see how they do it.', Salmon said."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's tax on stay-at-home moms

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
_Slash Dot_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's healthcare.gov engages in massive and egregious privacy violation, by collecting and sending personal, private data to over a dozen tracking web-sites

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
_Slash Dot_
tech industry legacy: disposable employees/bodies shopped
"VentureBeat is running an indictment of the tech industry's penchant for laying off huge numbers of people, which they say is responsible for creating a culture of 'disposable employees'.   According to recent reports, lay-offs in the tech sector reached over 100K last year, the highest total since 2009...   'The notion here is that somehow these companies are backed into a corner, with no other option than to fire people.   And that's just not true.   These [companies' executives] are making a choice.   They're deciding that it's faster and cheaper to chuck people over-board and find new ones than it is to [train, relocate, or] retrain them.   The economics of cutting rather than training may seem simple, but it's a more complex calculation than most people believe...   Many of these companies are churning through employees, laying off hundreds on one hand, while trying to hire hundreds more.'..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
which Dems/Reds/leftists may defy Obummer to effectively stop Iran's internal abuses and development of nuclear weapons and launch vehicles?

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
top 5 foreign policy issues Obummer refused to mention

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Bill Whittle, Glenn Reynolds & David Swindle _PJMedia_
what if everything were inexpensive compared to incomes? (video_)

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
more on ways the lying GOP losership are stabbing the citizenry in the back... repeatedly, and pushing the Red/leftist/Dem agenda

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Spencer Klavan _PJMedia_
the regressive Oscars: this year's nominees in light of "social justice" in contrast with actual justice

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Patrick Brennan _National Review_
GOP losership is fighting for Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Esther Goldberg _American Spectator_
more Jews need to own and carry arms for the defense of themselves and the state
Brett Stephens: Wall Street Journal

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
David Stockman
epochal consequences of Woodrow Wilson's war

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Eric Worrall
"climate change" falling so far off the public radar, a major polling house didn't even bother asking about it this year
"As it turns out, the federal government provided day-care for a peak of 130K kids during 1944, according to the Congressional Research Service.   The program ended in 1946.   Given the millions of kids alive at the time, this hardly counts as universal..."

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Tim Ball
over the last 10K years, 2014 was in the coldest 3%

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Anthony Watts
Penn State researchers miss obvious visual clues on 'glacier melt' -- black carbon and sublimation

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Anthony Watts
Cornell U's Greenland ice melt hype

2015-01-21 (5775 Shebet 01)
Michael Bastasch _Daily Caller_
Obummer's climate hysteria is merely another facet of his extreme leftist schemes to redistribute wealth to his socialist cronies

763-01-21: the Battle of Bakhamra between Alids and Abbasids near Kufa ends in a decisive Abbasid victory.
1077-01-21: German king Heinrich iv petitions pope Gregory vii for forgiveness.
1189-01-21: Philip ii, Henry ii and Richard Lion-hearted initiate 3rd Crusade.
1276-01-21: Pierre de Tarantaise elected Pope Innocence v.
1953-01-21: John Foster Dulles appointed as Secretary of State.
1954-01-21: 1st gas turbine automobile exhibited (New York City); Nautilus, the first atomic-powered submarine, was launched in Groton, CT.
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Any male who is not patient enough to wait until the female eventually consents to copulate is not likely to be a good bet as a faithful husband. By insisting on a long engagement period, a female weeds out casual suitors, & only finally copulates with a male who has proved his qualities of fidelity & perseverance in advance. Feminine coyness is in fact very common among animals, & so are prolonged courtship or engagement periods. As we have already seen, a long engagement can also benefit a male where there is a danger of his being duped into caring for another male's child. Courtship rituals often include considerable pre-copulation investment by the male." --- Richard Dawkins 1976 & 1989 _The Selfish Gene_ pp 149-150  



2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Jeff Sessions reforms senate immigration committee
"The senate's immigration committee is being renamed the 'Immigration and the National Interest' panel because incoming chairman senator Jeff Sessions wants to showcase the impact of imported labor on Americans' jobs and salaries.   The 'financial and political elite have been controlling this debate for years [but] this sub-committee will give voice to those whose voice has been shut out.', said a statement from Sessions.   The committee will amplify 'the voice of the dedicated immigration officers who have been blocked from doing their jobs; the voice of the working families whose wages have been reduced by years of record immigration; the voice of the American IT workers who are being replaced with guest workers; the voice of the parents who are worried about their schools and hospitals...   Our first urgent task in this regard is for the senate GOP to rally the nation behind an effort to halt the president's unlawful amnesty...'   Sessions also created a new twitter handle -- #ImmigrationGOP -- and promised a hearing to investigate how [president Barack Hussein Obummer] is using his control over the agencies' regulations and practices to minimize enforcement of immigration law...   Currently, the nation annually accepts roughly 1M new immigrants and 650K non-agriculture temporary workers, who compete for jobs sought by the 4M Americans who enter the workforce each year...   The homeland security panel is led by senator Ron Johnson, who is backing a border [insecurity] bill that would require officials to dismantle more than 60 miles of anti-pedestrian fencing between between unemployed Mexican workers and U.S. employers...   [Sessions's committee includes] several GOP immigration reformers, including senator Mike Lee, senator Chuck Grassley and senator David Vitter, plus 2 new senators who were elected in 2014 by a wave of anti-amnesty voters, North Carolina's Thom Tillis and Georgia's David Perdue..."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Norm Matloff
Obummer's numbers don't add up
"In my long experience with foreign grad students, both in my own department and elsewhere, I've never known a single case of a foreign STEM student who wanted to stay in the U.S.A. but ultimately was not able to do so.   Surely there must be some exceptions, but they are rare.   But what is far more misleading about the president's remarks is that his implied numbers don't compute.   Only 3 of the 18 awardees are immigrants, about 17%.   Contrast that to the much-vaunted numbers shouted by the tech industry lobbyists, e.g. the fact that over 50% of computer science PhDs awarded by U.S. universities are earned by international students.   IOW, the foreign students are under-performing.   I've stated repeatedly that I strongly support facilitating the immigration of 'the best and the brightest' from around the world, and that I have personally acted on that conviction.   For example, just recently I urged a Silicon Valley start-up to hire a highly creative student I know from China.   But the vast majority of foreign STEM students are just not in that league.   On the contrary, at least in the computer science field, they are on average of lower quality than their American peers.   And since even my stridently pro-immigration UC Davis colleague Giovanni Peri concedes that in various ways the foreign STEM students displace the Americans, we've got a frightening trade-off here: We are replacing more talented people by less talented ones, a disaster for our economy and national well-being.   Yet [Obummer], and many in congress, want to give free rides to the foreign students, with unlimited numbers of work visas and green cards -- without any regard to quality at all.   It's an absurd policy."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
_PR News Wire_/_UBM_/_Center for Immigration Studies_
the worst H-1B employer/sponsors
David North & Dylan E. Thomas: Center for Immigration Studies: Worst H-1B employer/sponsors
"The Center for Immigration Studies, as a public service, has compiled the first comprehensive, all-time list of Department of Labor-debarred H-1B employers...   Most are used by technology companies seeking cheap labor.   The listed firms were punished for various violations by being prohibited from using the visa program for various periods.   Some of them are still barred, while for others the debarment period, usually 1 or 2 years, has passed.   Firms in 24 states are on the list...   'H-1B employers are, by definition, exploitative, using the immigration law to lower the salaries of all who work for them, citizens and aliens alike.', stated David North, a Center fellow and author of this report.   'The Center is providing an alphabetical listing of the worst fraction of 1% of that sorry lot.'...   Within the universe of H-1B users there is a much smaller population whose treatment of their workers, or the immigration law, was so abusive as to secure negative attention from the normally sleepy Labor Department.   These employers fall into two categories: the broader debarred list, and the worst of the worst, the 'willful violators' whose names appear in boldface type on the CIS list.   The Labor Department's standards are such that no more than one-tenth of 1 percent [0.1%] of the H-1B-using firms wind up on these lists.   There are many terrible employers who are not on these lists.   The list covers all known DoL debarment and willful violator rulings; some of the firms listed have since gone out of business; others have changed their names, been absorbed by other firms, or changed their addresses.   Some have perhaps changed their labor practices, but there are no data on that.   All the listings are frozen in time, carrying the names and the addresses at the time of the DoL rulings.   The list that follows is based solely on DoL rulings.   Negative governmental moves by other units of government, or the courts, against other H-1B users, such as the often-in-trouble Infosys (as my colleague, John Miano, had reported earlier), are not included in this listing.   Most of the employers listed are in the IT field; there is, however, one public school system that had mishandled the H-1B program outrageously.   It is that of Prince George's County (MD), as discussed in an earlier blog..."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
visa waiver program is one soft under-belly of USA security

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
Boston U law prof Laila Hlass has facts wrong on immigration

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Laura Ingraham
senator James Inhofe on the Laura Ingraham Show: the hoax is to claim "with enough money we can change climate"
"'Climate has always been changing, always since the beginning of time.   There's no one who doesn't agree with that.   But the hoax is that somehow we're arrogant enough to think that we, with enough money, can change climate.   'What they're [the Democrats are] proposing', Inhofe told guest host Arroyo , 'is a $479G tax increase...to form a bureaucracy to control climate', a concept, Inhofe said, is arrogant and 'the greatest hoax.'"

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Laura Ingraham
GOP losership (and the Dems/Reds/leftists) are choosing donors over voters
"[The GOP losership] seem to have been hoping to work with [Obummer] on a bunch of pro-business items (corporate tax reforms, new trade agreements, open borders), and get him to give them political cover (and Democrat votes).   But as he showed in the State of the Union..., he doesn't like them and he doesn't want to help them.   Instead, he intends to fight them on every issue except for trade and immigration (both of which will split the GOP), and he plans to lay the ground-work for a big Democrat victory in 2016.   Under these circumstances, the [GOP losership's] plan for 2016 -- which is apparently to silence all of its most articulate [and principled] members...will not succeed.   Here's what they should do instead: They should go back to fighting [Obummer] on every issue [and for non-leftist positions, aims and goals on every issue], and not simply sit there and let him pound them.   They forget any Jeb coronation plan so that the best current GOP governor who runs the strongest campaign wins.   They should make sure that their base is fired up and enthusiastic for 2016.   But none of this will happen as long as the GOP is led by people who dislike the Tea Party more than they dislike the Democrats."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
_Slash Dot_
senator Charles Grassley, who calls STEM shortage allegations a hoax, chairs Judiciary committee; Jeff Sessions to chair immigration sub-committee
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG
"Many people who graduate with STEM degrees don't get jobs in the field.   An Economic Policy Institute study last year found that the supply of STEM graduates exceeds by 2-to-1 the number of graduates who get hired."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Laura Ingraham
climate reporting's hot mess

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Brent Scher _Fox_
woman show-cased by Obummer as evidence of economic recovery from hardship was Dem/Red/leftist campaign operative
Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
remembering the last lion: Winston Churchill
"...Churchill was the greatest military, political and spiritual leader of the 20th century.   The United States of America has never owed more to a foreign citizen than to Winston Churchill, a monumental presence 50 years after his death."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
what if Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein made a baby
Watch "GATTACA"...jgo

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Josh Rogin _Jewish World Review_
at GOP pow-wow, 2016 fron-runners make pledges, lay out visions to restore USA's world leadership

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
the right to own and carry arms should be respected througout the USA

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
the federal government continue to violate US citizens' rights
David Stockman

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
belligerent Obummer mum on excessive/unfunded, actuarially unsound, unconstitutional entitlements

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the schizophrenic dream palace of Barach Hussein Obummer

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
even this leftist recognizes schizophrenic denial of terrorism reality by Obummer and other politicians

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Obummer talking up bipartisanship/negotiation/compromise without practicing it

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Winston Churchill: a man for all times (with several quotes)

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Oscars: "Selma" snub vs. "American Sniper" snub: who is the victim of discrimination?

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
who slowed inflation and government devaluation of the currency: Volker, Regan and my impressions of history (part 2)
"In my telling, both Volcker and Reagan counted.   Volcker imposed tight money; Reagan's support enabled him to maintain the painful and unpopular policy (the monthly unemployment rate peaked at 10.8%) long enough to purge inflationary psychology...   As preached and practiced since the 1960s, Keynesian economics promised to stabilize the economy at levels of low inflation and high employment.   By the early 1980s, this vision was in tatters, and many economists were fatalistic about controlling high inflation.   Maybe it could be contained.   It couldn't be eliminated, because the social costs (high unemployment, lost output) would be too great.   Inflation persists, wrote Yale economist James Tobin, because 'major economic groups [claim] pieces of the pie that together exceed the whole pie'.   This was a clever rationale for tolerating high inflation, and the Volcker-Reagan monetary onslaught demolished it.   High inflation was not an intrinsic condition of wealthy democracies.   It was the product of bad economic policies.   This was the 1980s' true lesson..."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Ramesh Ponnuru _Jewish World Review_
the time is over-due for the Dems/Reds/leftists to give in a little to the non-leftists/Reps

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the long-time-worsening entitlement epidemic

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Brett French _Billings MT Gazette_
genetic data sheds new light on brucellosis in Montana
dealing with brucellosis is "difficult" for state government and ranchers

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
thank Bobby Jindal: USA needs to know the truth about Muslim occupation zones

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
March for Life participants arriving in DC: GOP losership gives up on legislation to curb worst abortion abuses

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
House Tea Party caucus members point out that Mitch McConnell is conspiring with Dems/leftists/Reds to support Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens
"'The answer to every offered suggestion is, No, we can't do that.   No, we can't take on the president [can't resist his outrageous abuses in the tiniest degree].   No, that will never work..', said Kansas representative Tim Huelskamp, according to The Hill.   'We didn't promise we were going to cop out.   [The losership's] Plan B always seems to be not taking on this president.'   Labrador pulled no punches, calling out by name fellow tea party members in the senate.   'It's also high time that Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and others decide that they are going to start fighting in the senate.', he said.   Another tea party Republican, representative Matt Salmon of Arizona, did not identify anyone by name but called on the senate to stand up and fight..."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Terresa Monroe-Hamilton _Right Wing News_
prosperity re-distributed: the "real" unemployment rate and misery for all
Paul Bedard: Washington DC Examiner
"Guess I was wrong...   but not in the way the Left would like to see.   For years now, I have told our readers that the unemployment rate is closer to 25%.   That the government is manipulating the rate and outright lying to America.   David John Marotta, a Wall Street adviser and president of Marotta Wealth Management, puts it closer to 37.2%, not the unicorn dust propaganda of 6.7% claimed by the Fed.   Let's put that in a new light, shall we? The unemployment rate during the Great Depression was 25%.   This makes what America is experiencing the Greatest Depression thanks to [leftists] on both sides of the political aisle.   And the Misery Index is now the greatest it has been in 40 years -- closer to 14.7...   'The unemployment rate only describes people who are currently working or looking for work.', he said.   That leaves out a ton more.   'Unemployment in its truest definition, meaning the portion of people who do not have any job, is 37.2%.   This number obviously includes some people who are not or never plan to seek employment.   But it does describe how many people are not able to, do not want to or cannot find a way to work [i.e. it is the multiplicative inverse of the employment/population ratio].   Policies that remove the barriers to employment, thus decreasing this number, are obviously beneficial.', he and colleague Megan Russell in their new investors note from their offices in Charlottesville, VA."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Richard Pollock _Daily Caller_
corrupt IRS has active ObummerDoesn'tCare contract for $4.5M with Moochelle's friends at CGI Federal, who botched ObummerDoesn'tCare sign-up web-site
Richard Pollock: congress investigating

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
_News Max_
Obummer, who has already insulted Netanyahu several times, refuses to meet with him during his visit to address joint session of US congress; deploys staffers to object to the invitation

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Paul Kengor _American Spectator_
when Margaret Sanger gave a speech for the KKK
"As liberals excoriate Republican congressman Steve Scalise for speaking to a group with a reported connection to David Duke, former KKK member, I'm reminded today—on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade—of a moment that [leftists] will never dare acknowledge: a 1926 speech to the KKK by one of their most revered ideological darlings, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.   Unlike Scalise, Sanger did not unwittingly speak to a group with a link (direct or indirect) to the KKK through a member.   No, Margaret knowingly went directly to the Real McCoy—straight to the dragon's mouth.   In May 1926, a hopeful spring day, this progressive icon, this liberal hero, this founding mother of one of [leftism's] most sacred organizations, Planned Parenthood, an organization that [leftists] demand we fund with tax dollars, went directly to a KKK meeting and spoke at length to the faithful..."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Michael Shedlock _Global Economic Trend Analysis_
revised Greek default scenario: liabilities shifted to German and French tax-victims; bluff of the day re-visited

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Michael Shedlock _Global Economic Trend Analysis_
manufacturing is flat-lining in Red China

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
David Stockman
central bank prophet fears QE (currency debasement) warfare pushing world financial system out of control

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
David Stockman & Michael Snyder
12 signs that the US economy is beginning to cut oil patch jobs

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Thomas E. Brewton
main-stream media's tabloid sensationalism
Holman W. Jenkins ii: Wall Street Journal: media's climate hysteria campaign

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Nicholas Ballasy _PJMedia_
Rand Paul (and Mark Levin and ...): expensive regulations should require congressional approval

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
GOP losership won't stop Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens, won't eradicate unconstitutional ObummerDoesn'tCare
"'The problem is the American people reject it...   If you're asking me if these Republicans will defund [ObummerDoesn'tCare], the answer is no.', he said, Newsmax reported.   'You're asking me if these Republicans will prevent amnesty, the answer is they support it.   So these Republicans are not going to do any of those things.'"

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
David Steinberg _PJMedia_
creepy: Chris Mooney, WaPo reveal their power-madness

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
exposing feminism's patriarchy myth at colleges & universities

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
Israel's government livid over Obummer regime's fabrication: supports effective sanctions against Iran

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Rich Moran _PJMedia_
breaking news: Saudi Arabia's king Abdullah ibn Abdilazīz has died at age 90

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
is requiring HS students to pass a US citizenship test the right thing to do?

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Jim Kouri _Family Security Matters_
Obummer slams murdered police while praising immigration law-breaker

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Brett French _Billings MT Gazette_
how bunny rabbits stay warm during a Montana winter

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Ed Runyan _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
demolition of GE lamp plant in Warren OH begins
"Preparation work has begun on the $2.4M demolition of the 354K square foot historic General Electric Ohio Lamp Plant on Dana Street Northeast.   The approximately 100-year-old facility was GE's last factory that made only incandescent light bulbs when it closed at about this time last year after concessionary contract talks failed to produce a new contract.   More than 180 people worked there.   The factory has historic significance for Warren because the Packard brothers first manufactured incandescent light bulbs at that location around 1890, before building their first Packard automobile there in 1899 and later selling off their light-bulb business to focus on wiring harnesses..."

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Willis Eschenbach
woman show-cased by Obummer as evidence of economic recovery from hardship was Dem/Red/leftist campaign operative

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Anthony Watts
U of MN study claims climate variation accounts for only one-third of crop yield variation

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Kip Hansen
MCID - minimally climatically important difference
"...'When assessing the clinical utility of therapies intended to improve subjective outcomes, the amount of improvement that is important to patients must be determined.   The smallest benefit of value to patients is called the minimal clinically important difference (MCID).   The MCID is a patient-centered concept, capturing both the magnitude of the improvement and also the value patients place on the change.   Using patient-centered MCIDs is important for studies involving patient-reported outcomes, for which the clinical importance of a given change may not be obvious to clinicians selecting treatments.   The MCID defines the smallest amount an outcome must change to be meaningful to patients.' --- 'Minimal Clinically Important Difference - Defining What Really Matters to Patients' by Anna E. McGlothlin, PhD and Roger J. Lewis, MD, PhD.   This concept can also be applied to outcomes are not patient-reported but which are simply measured numerically -- such as blood pressure, body temperature, blood cholesterol levels and body weight or BMI...   It is generally accepted that normal body temperature ranges between 36.1℃ (97℉) to 37.2℃ (99.7℉) -- alternately: the typical oral (under the tongue) measurement is slightly cooler, at 36.8° ± 0.4 ℃ (97.5℉ to 99.5℉), with normal generally considered to be 98.6℉ (and so marked on your mother's glass oral thermometer).   Well, we see right away that the term normal body temperature is not quite agreed upon.   Nonetheless, there are things about body temperature that are clinically well understood: oral or core body temperatures above 100.4℉ or so (for persons teenaged or older) is considered a fever and an indication of something wrong -- such as an infection -- high-grade fevers range from about 103℉-104℉ -- dangerous temperatures are high-grade fevers that range from over 104℉ to 107℉ or higher.   Fevers are not only indicators of health problems but they can be dangerous in and of themselves.   Temperatures below 95℉ are considered dangerously low, verging on life threatening as core body temperature continues to fall lower.   Example: Let's say we were researchers and wanted to test a fever-reducing drug.   Various treatments that are supposed to affect body temperature, to treat fevers, would be judged by their action of changing the body temperatures of the patients in a clinical study -- measured by thermometer.   [Aspirin, for instance, is considered a fever-reducing drug and is often prescribed for just that purpose -- it is one of many non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.]   This concept of Minimal Clinically Important Difference calls for the researchers to determine in advance what numerical amount of change will represent the Minimal Clinically Important Difference -- the numerical amount that must be surpassed for the results to actually mean that patients' health has been improved in a way that is important to them -- to the patients, to the patients' health, not just to the doctors, not just numerical/statistical way.   In our body temperature example, it is apparent that lowering a raging fever of 105℉ by 0.5℉ to 104.5℉ (but no lower) -- even though it is a 7% decrease in the above-normal anomaly temperature -- may not pass the Minimal Clinically Important Difference test -- 104.5℉ is still a raging fever and the patient may not be clinically better off.   If the treatment does not bring it down by what was pre-determined to be the MCID (in this case, the MCID might be to reduce the fever to a certain level) then the treatment is less than successful or the effect of the treatment is not significant.   It does not matter that the result -- lowered average temperatures of patients in the study by 0.5℉ -- was found to be statistically significant if the result itself does not meet the pre-determined, and correctly identified, MCID.   Likewise, one could look at various treatments that lower a study cohort's average of some metric -- like blood pressure.   This is often an approach used by epidemiologists looking at large health data-bases..."
Ahh, it's like the "coin" -- pronounced French-fashioned as "quan" -- the minimum quantum of value one must produce to be employable (see "Jerry Maguire")...jgo

2015-01-22 (5775 Shebet 02)
Bob Tisdale
ocean "global warming" is not actually "global" at all

1905-01-22: Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg, beginning of the 1905 revolution.
1984-01-22: the Apple Macintosh, the first consumer computer to popularize the computer mouse and the graphical user interface, was introduced during Super Bowl 18 with its famous "1984" television commercial.
1991-01-22: during the Gulf War, 3 SCUDs and 1 Patriot missile hit Ramat Gan in Israel, injuring 96 people; 3 elderly people died of heart attacks.
1995-01-22: the Beit Lid massacre: In central Israel, near Netanya, 2 suicide bombers from the Gaza Strip=Palestine, practioners of that "religion of peace", blow themselves up at a military transit point killing 19 Israelis. (source: Jewish World Review)
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier & the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love & thanks of man & woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph... I thank God that I fear not. I see no real cause for fear. I know our situation well, & can see the way out of it. By perseverance & fortitude we have the prospect of a glorious issue; by cowardice & submission, the sad choice of a variety of evils..." --- Thomas Paine 1776-12-19 (quoted in William J. Bennett 1997 _The Spirit of America_ pp 36-38)  



2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Norm Matloff
new Computer Science grads' wages down 9%
"NACE, the National Association of Colleges and Employers, a widely-respected organization that tracks the salaries of new graduates.   I believe most universities are members.   It has always shown in the past few years that Computer Science graduate salaries have basically been flat -- up 2% one year, down 3% the next.   But the current figures show the biggest one-year change I can ever recall seeing -- and it is downward.   The 2014 mean starting salary for new CS bachelor's degree grads was $67,300, according to NACE.   But the organization's projection for 2015 is only $61,287.   If that projection holds, it will be a drop of 9%.   Yet the tech industry continues to say, 'We're desperate to hire.'   And Congress continues to believe them; so does [president Obummer].   As I've said, the new grads still have it pretty good.   No, they are NOT all immediately being snapped up by employers, but their situation is still far better than those who are 10 or 15 years out of school..."

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
84% of aliens admitted in 1st year of senat's proposed H-1B bill (S153) will be neither highly-skilled nor high-tech workers
"Congress is about to pass a high-tech foreign worker bill that will -- oddly -- in its first year, admit something like 430K additional temporary workers, about 84% of whom will not have high-tech credentials.   That's right -- the vast majority of these new nonimmigrant workers will not be admitted because of their technical skills.   This will be in addition to the routine annual admission of about 1M permanent resident aliens, and another million non-immigrant workers of various kinds...   Since the visas last a long time, and are often bridges to permanent resident alien status, I estimate there are something like 900K active H-1B visas at any given time; the holders are thus a major portion of the high-tech work force.   There has been much written on the evils of this program by, among others, my CIS colleague John Miano, a New Jersey lawyer, and by professor Norman Matloff of UC-Davis, including his most recent blog on the subject..."
Proposed Bills 2015

H-1B Visas Issued Through Consular Offices
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued
199658,327- - -58,327
199780,547- - -80,547
199891,360- - -91,360
1999116,513- - -116,513
2000133,290- - -133,290
2001161,643- - -161,643
2002118,352- - -118,352
2003107,196- - -107,196
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued

State Dapartment
FY2004-FY2008 pdf;     FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report;     FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_
SKG Dreamworks animation dumping hundreds of employees from Redwood City facility

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
_Nes Max_
laeder of violent Muslims who attacked US consulate in Benghazi has died from wounds he received in September

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Ivan Plis _Daily Caller_
betrayal by GOP losership haunts DC march for life

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Michael Shedlock _Global Economic Trend Analysis_
housing affordability: comparing USA, Canada, Red China, Australia, Japan, Ireland, UK, and metropolitan areas
"Congratulations to Hugh Pavletich and Wendell Cox (co-authors) of the 11th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey 2015, for another excellent job...   The Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey uses the 'Median Multiple' (median house price divided by gross annual median household income) to assess housing affordability.   The Median Multiple (a house price to income ratio) is widely used for evaluating urban markets, and h as been recommended by the World Bank and the United Nations and is used by the Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University...."
housing affordability: 2004-2014 (graph)
affordable major metropolitan markets (table)
10 least affordable metropolitan markets (table)
10 top affordable metropolitan markets (table)
land-use chicken/egg: affordability & land use regulation: 2014 (graph)
"I have to ask: Which came first, containment or lack of land?   Is there more usable land around LA or San Antonio?   Is Detroit affordable because it has no land use restrictions or are there no land use restrictions in Detroit because no one wants to live there?"

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Jennifer Booton _MarketWatch_
"best and brightest" in hideously expensive Sili Valley are not quite paid in line with those costs of living, while those in the executive suites are rolling in dough
"The average iOS and Google Inc. Android lead developer makes [only a little] over $100K a year, according to Indeed.com, while the Screen Actors Guild has statistics that put the average member's annual salary at $52K a year [including that typical 33% who are unemployed and actively seeking work at any particular time?].   While the SAG statistic doesn't include the huge sums of money in royalties and sponsorships some super-stars can take home on top of their salary, Dediu said the [aggregate] $10G iOS figure doesn't come close to measuring the entire app economy either...   There were 627K iOS jobs in the U.S.A. last year compared with [a STEM talent pool of some 12M, and] 374K in Hollywood [and thousands more actors, lighting techs, sound techs, cameramen, CGI specialists, directors, casting-directors, writers, set-builders, etc. across the USA], according to Dediu...   C-suite pay-outs sky-rocket: Apple CEO Tim Cook doubled his take-home pay from $4.2M in 2013 to $9.2M in 2014.   His base-line salary increased 25% year-over-year from $1.4M last year to $1.75M, though more telling was his non-equity incentive plan compensation, which jumped from $2.8M last year to $6.7M.   The incentive plan is tied to the company's performance.   Apple stock rose 38% in 2014.   Apple paid its new retail and on-line store head Angela Ahrendts a whopping $73.3M in total compensation last year, mostly comprised of Apple stock options.   At Burberry, she made £9M ($13.5M) in her final year.   Some Silicon Valley billionaires are so well off, they accept an annual salary of $1.   FB Inc.'s Zuckerberg in 2013 joined an exclusive club of CEOs, which also includes Google's Larry Page and Apple's late chief Steve Jobs, who do this...   Zuckerberg came in 22nd on Forbes' 2014 billionaire's list, his wealth climbing to $34.4G, up $166M year-over-year, as FB's shares climbed 37% over the last 12 months..."

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
on Obummer's fantasy island, life always seems good
GraniteGrok/PolitiFake illustration
"...Some facts are so inconvenient that anyone who notices them is regarded as a pariah, and exiled from polite company.   Even a television network is easily frightened.   When a guest on Fox News observed that certain Islamic neighborhoods in European cities were effectively 'no-go' areas, particularly in France and England, the usual ostriches in the media exploded with indignation..."

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
country before camaraderie
"Iran has apparently produced an intercontinental ballistic missile whose range far exceeds the distance between Iran and Israel, and between Iran and Europe..."

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
First they came for the Jews
"...Germany counted a similar exodus in the years after Hitler imposed the Third Reich.   Much of its cultural life was drained away.   The catalogue of accomplished writers, artists, critics, composers, movie directors and scientists who fled to America in the 1930s is a revealing record of what Europe lost when these Jews went into exile.   Albert Einstein was only the most famous of them.   A new study by Stanford University found that U.S. patents increased by 31% in fields common to Jewish scientists who fled Nazi Germany.   This had a rippling effect, attracting researchers to America for generations afterwards..."

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Stacy Rapacon _Jewish World Review_
10 best cities for starting careers

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Doug Short _Advisor Pespectives_
effects of Conference Board's re-basing Leading Economic Index

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
"free" community college will be an expensive mistake

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
the state of Obummer's bubble
"...It's cynical politics, pure and simple.   He knows nothing is free.   He knows someone is paying for those federal goodies -- and that someone is the hard-working American [tax-victim]..."

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's foolishness in turning lose terrorists to attack us again

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
can Western civilization survive leftist ignorance (and willful enmity)?
David Weinbaum

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
what Saudi Arabia's coming struggle means for the USA and the rest of the world

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is still reading from the same bad script

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
government created the housing/banking crisis... and they're doing it again

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: the French president

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: the French president

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Iran's emerging empire
Human Events
"This week, Iranian-backed Houthi rebels seized control of the Yemeni government, heretofore pro-American. In September, they overran Sanaa, the capital. On Tuesday, they seized the presidential palace. On Thursday, they forced the president to resign... Syria, Iran's power is similarly rising. The mullahs rescued the reeling regime of Bashar al-Assad by sending in weapons, money and Iranian revolutionary guards, as well as by ordering their Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, to join the fight. They succeeded... Iran's domination of Syria was further illustrated by a strange occurrence last Sunday in the Golan Heights. An Israeli helicopter attacked a convoy on the Syrian side of the armistice line. Those killed were not Syrian, however, but 5 Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon and several Iranian officials, including a brigadier general... 3 days earlier, Hezbollah's leader had threatened an attack on Israel's Galilee..."

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Samantha Olson _Jewish World Review_
emotional images improve women's memory
Women's Brain Health Initiative

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Kim Giles _Jewish World Review_
becoming a better parent (part 2)

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
R' Hillel Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
wheel of fate: visits to a mental institution
"I am wretched inside when I see him, and feel the height of guilt for just passing him by as I move along to my appointed task; though the truth is I feel just as wretched and guilty when I pass others on these floors...   This is his universe: a floor, a hallway, then the next, with long periods sitting in his wheelchair in one place.   Among those who passes him by are others appearing to be similarly aimless, detached...   Every time I visit this place, officially a skilled nursing facility but actually a refuge for the mentally ill, the tailor-made facilities for whom the state will no longer pay, I silently recoil.   Just walking in the door makes something in me freeze.   The building on the outside is marked in no distinguishing way; it is in the heart of a residential neighborhood.   Thousands of people drive by it every day.   Within its walls is an alternative universe, at its root not a home of the physically ill, the physically disabled, the homeless, or the accident victim in rehab, all of whom live in the same universe as the rest of us, with all of whom we may discourse on one level or another.   This is different.   It hits you as you enter; you need not say a word to anyone and no one need say a word to you.   It's a gestalt, a totally different universe; a discontinuous conundrum.   Disturbing...   It is good for me to know about this.   It is as natural as can be to live in modern day America and take for granted the most basic benefits of being alive..."

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Lucas Mearian _"IT" News_/_IDG_
government violates privacy and fouls up medical care further
"While much of the media's focus of late has been on electronic medical records (EMRs), what is proving to be a more daunting task is a new medical coding system affecting healthcare provider and insurance backend systems.   ICD-10, which represents the 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), will be used for classifying diagnoses and medical procedures.   The codes will dictate how the more than $2.8T that Americans spend each year on medical care is paid out..."

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
If I am not for myself, who will be?   If I am only for myself, what am I?   If not now, when?
"...Jews are desperate to help others throughout the world, while few if any of these relationships are reciprocal.   A great deal of funding and manpower is expended in helping the stranger but when an opportunity arises to show some pride in Israel and its remarkable accomplishment, the JCC of Manhattan is reluctant to participate.   Destructive and one-sided criticism of Israel by lobby groups, by liberal rabbis and various politicians are masked as concern for that country's best interests, as if worrying about Israel's soul outweighs the need to worry about its very existence.   Without psychoanalyzing the Jewish discomfort with any political role but underdog, there is no question that many Jews were more supportive of Israel before they were perceived as 'winners'.   Arab propaganda has been embraced by the American left and sadly attracted many Jews who are insufficiently informed to separate the truth from anti-Semitic lies.   The growing prevalence of Jewish students and adults joining the BDS movement and admitting that concern for Israel plays little part in their voting choices are the inevitable and unfortunate answer to the prophetic question posed by the great sage Hillel: 'If I am not for myself, who is for me?'"

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
fear is not irrational if they're really scary

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Frank J. Salvato _Because Our Republic Is Worth It_
the need to be unbiased and conscientious in prosecution of and penalties for domestic violence... just as with any other violence

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Michelle Malkin _Human Events_
Obummer's bloody Yemen disaster
please help find Marizela

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Doug Short _Advisor Perspectives_
Conference Board Leading Economic Index (LEI) up slightly (with graphs)

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Willis Eschenbach
into and out of the ice-box

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Roman Mureika
super-heated air from "climate science" on NOAA's "hottest year"

2015-01-23 (5775 Shebet 03)
Ewen Callaway _Nature_
Genghis Kahn's genetic legacy has competition
descent from Genghis Khan (wikipedia)
list of haplogroups believed to be associated with historically notable people (wikipedia)

393-01-23: Roman emperor Theodosius i proclaimed his 8-year old son Honorius co-emperor.
638-01-23: coincides with start of Islamic calendar.
971-01-23: in China, the war elephant corps of the Southern Han are soundly defeated at Shao by cross-bow fire from Song Dynasty troops.
1002-01-23: Otto iii, Holy Roman Emperor b: 980 d: 1002-01-23.
1556-01-23: the deadliest earthquake in history, the Shaanxi earthquake, hits Shaanxi province, China. The death toll may have been as high as 830K.
1570-01-23: James Stewart, 1st earl of Moray, regent for the infant King James vi of Scotland, is assassinated by firearm, the first recorded instance of such.
1571-01-23: the Royal Exchange opens in London.
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Non-cognitive skills relate to personal or social beliefs, motivations, and attitudes of the individual such as general motivation, perseverance, tenacity, [emotional stability] etc; cognitive skills relate to thinking, reasoning, and other intellectual abilities." --- Titus Galama & James Hosek of RAND Corporation 2008 "US Competitiveness in Science and Technology" for US Department of Defense pg 161  



2015-01-24 (5775 Shebet 04)
how police are spying inside your home, without warrants (video)

2015-01-24 (5775 Shebet 04)
Craig Bannister _MRC TV_
National Boder Patrol Council opposes HR399 because it is "window dressing", not border security and internal enforcement of immigration laws
"the agents want a bill that provides border agents with more manpower, training, and resources (rifles, gear, and communication technology)."

2015-01-24 (5775 Shebet 04)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
House losership's border bill (HR399) advances without improvement: scraps border fencing, delays biometric identification, preserves catch-and-release, allows work permits for border-crossers
"The main change to the bill made in the committee mark-up process was to increase the number of miles of new double fencing from 27 to 48, adding an additional ten miles in the Del Rio sector and another mile in the Tucson sector. This would bring the total length of double fencing up to 84 miles (over 600 miles less than the 700 miles mandated by the Secure Fence Act of 2006) [and way below the 1,989 miles of the USA-Mexico border, let alone the total 7,500-8K some odd miles of total USA land borders]..."

2015-01-24 (5775 Shebet 04)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
what violence-initiating Muslims call themselves

2015-01-24 (5775 Shebet 04)
Lori Ziganto _Right Wing News_
maybe we need a "stop buying things that we can't afford" Czar to over-see both the executive and legislative branches

2015-01-24 (5775 Shebet 04)
Robert A. Cook
2015 January state of the sea ice

2015-01-24 (5775 Shebet 04)
Bob Tisdale
unexpected admission from Dana Nuccitelli at "SkepticalScience"

2015-01-24 (5775 Shebet 04)
Willis Eschenbach
the ice-box heats up

This Date in History
139-07-10: emperor Hadrian/Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus (son of Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer & domitia Paulina/Palunia Major; gs of Aelius Marullinus & Ulpia) b: 76-01-24 at Italica, Hispania d: 139-07-10 Baiae buried: Puteoli and gardens of Domitia and Hadrian's mausoleum, Rome m: 100CE to Vibia Sabina (d of Lucius Vibius Sabinus & Salonina Matidia; gd of Gaius Salonius Matidius Patruinus & Ulpia Marciana; ggd of Marcus Ulpius Trajanus/Trajanus Pater & Marcia) b: 83CE d: late 136CE or early 137CE.
1965-01-24: PM sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (son of Randolph Henry Spencer-Churchill & Jennie Jerone/Jeannette Jerome; gs of John Winston Spencer-Churchill & Frances Anne Emily Vane; ggs of George Spencer-Churchill 6th duke of Marlborough & lady Jane Stewart of Galloway) b: 1874-11-30 d: 1965-01-24 m: Clementine Ogilvy Hozier.
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "They offer some insight into why, according to Joyce van Tassel-Baska of the College of William and Mary, in the Chicago sub-urb where she once worked, 45% of the gifted students had grade-point averages lower than C, and 14% of the drop-outs had IQs over 130." --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg74  



2015-01-25 (5775 Shebet 05)
Bryan Alexander _USA Today_/_Gannett_
"American Sniper" rules theater box offices again: $247,637,000 worldwide and counting
Brian Stelter: CNN
Rob Chaney: Billings MT Gazette/Missoulian: Ryan Zinke: as a commander and as a father, "American Sniper" Chris Kyle is inspirational; movie showed the family sacrifice and what it means to have loved ones over-seas
Box Office Mojo

2015-01-25 (5775 Shebet 05)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
Obummer's counter-factual world

2015-01-25 (5775 Shebet 05)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Netanyahu: "I will go anywhere I am invited" to defend Israel

2015-01-25 (5775 Shebet 05)
S.A. Miller _Washington DC Times_
Boehner+McConnell complicity with Obummer in undermining border security, amnesty for illegal aliens, promotion of excessive student and exchange and guest-work and green card visas is being firmly opposed
World Net Daily
"nationally syndicated talk radio host Steve Deace said. 'We have a president who looks for new and unique ways to shred the Constitution on an almost daily basis, and we have a Republican Party [losership] that refuses to do anything about it.'   He said Republican incumbents should expect a back-lash and primary challenges next year because of their weak attempt to stop the amnesty.   'People are this angry about it.   They feel as if they are already not represented and essentially they have been betrayed by most of the people they just worked to elect in November.', said Mr. Deace.   'That's why people are angry at this, because they realize the people that are in charge of our party don't believe in almost anything in our party platform.   They don't.   They are just treacherous.'   Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell declined to use the power of the purse to try to stop deportation amnesty when they pushed through [an over-spending] bill in December that funded all of the government except Homeland Security for the remainder of the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30...   Louie Gohmert...lamented that his party's [losership] had forsaken the only leverage they had when they ruled out [the least bit of serious bargaining, let alone] a government shut-down in December [in light of the losership's 'surrender first, don't stand up and speak for our position' approach in the partial shut-down in 2013]."

2015-01-25 (5775 Shebet 05)
Jerome R. Corsi _WND_
media have reported on Muslim-controlled "no go" zones in Europe for a decade

2015-01-25 (5775 Shebet 05)
former Mossad chief says they expect Iran to try to strike vulnerable Jewish targets around the world

2015-01-25 (5775 Shebet 05)
Thomas E. Brewton
what hath the Federal Reserve Board wrought?
Nicole Gelinas: City Journal
"The U.S. economy crashed in 2008 because Americans had taken on so much debt that they couldn't afford to borrow any more.   Mortgage debt more than doubled between 2000 and 2007, from $4.8T to $10.6%. Credit-card, auto-loan, and student debt rose by 53%. (Inflation rose 20% in the same period.)..."

2015-01-25 (5775 Shebet 05)
Ronald D. Voisin
an engineer's ice-core thought experiment

2015-01-25 (5775 Shebet 05)
Anthony Watts
massive blizzard from DC to Maine; NY and Boston expecting 2 feet of snow; schools closed in DC, PA

2015-01-25 (5775 Shebet 05)
Jim Steele
what Gavin Schmidt's "warmest year" tells us about "climate sensitivity" to CO2

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1016-01-25: Hedwig/Advisa countess of Auxerre (daughter of king Robert ii of France the pious/the wise/le sage & Constance of Arles; gd of Hugh Capet & Adelaide of Aquitaine and William i of Provence) b: c. 1003 d: after 1063 m: 1016-01-25 to count Renauld i of Nevers.
1915-01-25: David Wagner: InformatioWeek/UBM: first trans-continental telephone call and it was a conference call.
1926-01-25: James Cooksey Earp (son of Nicholas Porter Earp & Virginia Ann Cooksey; gs of Walter Earp & Martha Ann Early and James Cooksey & Elizabeth Smith) b: 1841-06-28 in Hartford OH county KY d: 1926-01-25 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles county CA buried: San Bernardino county CA m1: Nellie Bartlett m2: Bessie.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "An engineer's life without patent is not worthwhile... few men of ingenuity makes fortunes...without suffering to think seriously whether the article he manufactures might, or might not, be Improved. The man of ingenuity in order to succeed...must seclude himself from Society, he must devote the whole powers of his mind to that one object, he must perseveere in spite of the many fruitless experiments he makes, and he must apply money to the expenses of these experiments, which strict Prudence would dedicate to other purposes. By seclusion from the world he becomes ignorant of its manners, and unable to grapple with the more artful tradesman, who has applied the powers of his mind, not to the improvement of the commodity he deals in, but to the means of buying cheap and selling dear, or to the still less laudable purpose of oppressing such ingenious work-men as their ill fate may have thrown into his power." --- James Watt (quoted in William Rosen 2010 _The Most Powerful Idea in the World_ pg235; citing Robinson & Musson _James Watt and the Steam Revolution_)  



2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Republicans are split over immigration law reform vs. immigration law perversion

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's threats against Netanyahu and Israel
Will Obummer ever learn to use the proper, constitutional powers of the presidency for good, and stop his race-obsessed, power-mad, unconstitutional efforts to promote evil?...jgo

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
conscientiously and persistently enforced immigration laws can help fight terror

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
some congressmen back dubious UAV border surveillance program which the reluctant-to-secure-borders DHS's OIG criticizes

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
3 helpful signs are emerging in the US senate and DHS's OIG

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Karl-Theodor Zu Guttenberg & John Henry Crosby _Jewish World Review_
Dietrich von Hildebrand: a forgotten witness in the fight against anti-Semitism on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz
list of National Socialist concentration, labor and extermination camps
Nazi urban ghettos to restrict movement of Jewish people and facilitate transport to extermination camps

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Brian L. Cox _Jewish World Review_
91-year-old Jewish American soldier finally gets 8 service medals for fighting National Socialists in WW2
"Army officers presented Kaplan with a Bronze Star Medal and a Combat Infantryman Badge, as well as a shadowbox containing the Army Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, the World War 2 Victory Medal, the Army of Occupation Medal with a Germany clasp and a Honorable Service lapel button.   'Sir, it is a great pleasure for me to be able to pin this on you today.', U.S. Army colonel Christopher Drew told Kaplan.   'I am humbled to be able to be part of this.'...   Kaplan may not think his service was a big deal, but Army brass would beg to differ.   Military officials said the Bronze Star, for 'meritorious achievement in active ground combat against the enemy', was from when his battalion saw 270 straight days of combat operations in central Europe, when thousands of men from his battalion were killed, wounded or went missing in action..."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
5 insights into Obummer

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Nasty Pelosi's Syriana versus Boehner's invitation for Netanyahu to speak to congress

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
building government-controlled, tax-victim funded ghettoes actually have hurt the very communities they were alleged to be aimed at helping

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
the spy we know may be better than the malevolent hacker we do not know
"Such arguments, equally relevant in the United States, understandably infuriate civil libertarians, who argue that [repeatedly, when we have surrendered] our privacy out of fear, [we have ended] up with less freedom but not more safety... Some of the worst threats to our rights, freedoms and privacy do not come from the government but from malefactors outside the law [e.g. by executives of Oracle, Google, GE, Siemens, FB... as well as foreign governments like Red China and non-nation-state terrorists]..."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's endless turning pages to a bad and privacy-less place

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
world economies
Extended slump is not a remote possibility, it's a reality the "little people" of Main Street have been struggling through for decades...jgo

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Robert Robb _Jewish World Review_
Obummer and his apologists are having a hard time getting their spin straight
We have a bodyshopping fan in this one!...jgo

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
other nations' troubles are also slowing USA's economic productivity

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
leftists' zany logic on holiday pay

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
in leftists' USA racism and sexism are everywhere

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
understanding voters' many subtly different opinions on abortion

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Stephanie Castillo _Jewish World Review_
UCLA: eating walnuts will help you ace a memory test
Stephanie Castillo: Soren Dreier
2010-03-07: doctor Robert A. Wascher: walnuts, cholesterol, LDL & triglycerides
2009-06-29: zhion
Stephanie Castillo: Medical Daily

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Vanessa Martinez _Jewish World Review_
how to read someone's eyes: wow blink rate, pupil dilation give insight into honesty and attraction
Medical Daily
"experiments have shown Westerners only accurately detect lying 54% of the time, so gaze aversion may not be a reliable detection method...   'There isn't any concrete study that shows breaking eye contact indicates lying.'..."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Jed Babbin _Epic Times_
why did the Obummer regime lose the Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria/Pakistan war?
Ruthfully Yours

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Ed Feulner _Washington DC Times_
is USA regaining lost economic freedom, or continuing to be driven down?

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Richard A. Epstein _Hoover Institution_
Obummer's disasters stem from his goals and his fundamental misconception of his own role
"Militarily, it is never enough to stop an advance if it allows the enemy to use the breathing space to entrench itself further in the places that are under occupation...   the civil disorder attributable to [USA] disengagement signals that [the USA] is not an ally to be trusted."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Geoffrey Cain _Global Post_
South Koreans year to work for Samsung, must pass "Samsung SAT" (goshi) to be considered, test-prep businesses thrive, suicide rates up

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Martyn Williams _"IT" News_/_IDG_
evil unconstitutional DEA cameras have been tracking hundreds of millions of car journeys throughout the USA... without judicial oversight, warrants
World Net Daily
Charles C.W. Cooke: National Review: evil DoJ scheme is intolerable
Liz Sheld: PJMedia

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
importing jihad: 2.3M Muslim immigrants to the USA from 2000 through 2013
"Why does America need over 2.3M Muslim immigrants?   What is the benefit to America? Moreover, what are the risks?   Which government agency is vetting who arrives [regardless of religion, national origin, etc.], who gets to stay and who qualifies for US citizenship?...   what is being done to assimilate them?..."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
_Conservative HQ_
we are winning and it is time to adopt Ernie Banks's more positive, 'let's play two' attitude

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz notes that non-leftists should demand that candidates provide evidence that they're not leftists

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Chuck Ross _Daily Caller_
evil Obummer regime: amnesty, excessive immigration is good for your state (map)

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Al Weaver _Daily Caller_
Rush Limbaugh thinks Scott Walker is an exemplar for defeating the leftists/Reds/Dems

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Scott Wong _Hill_
fears of blizzard put freeze on congressional action on GOP losership's evil open borders bill
Jonathan Strong: Breitbart: Freedom caucus and others celebrate

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
as Barack Hussein Obummer approval has risen to 50%, GOP losership has abandoned campaign promises on immigration and border security

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Ian Hatchett _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: RINOs' "this pro-amnesty, pro-open borders, anti-American sovereignty position is just not flying that well, nor should it"

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Jeffrey Poor _Breitbart_
Bowe Bergdahl to be charged with desertion

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) described SOME of ObummerDoesn'tCare's privacy violation scams already being perpetrated

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
House Homeland Security staffers claim border fences are "too expensive"
"Current law, under the Secure Fence Act which passed Congress in 2006 with wide support (even then-senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden voted for it), requires [only] 700 miles of double-layer fencing along the U.S. Border with Mexico.   The U.S. Border with Mexico is 1,989 miles long, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP), an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)...   There are still hundreds of miles of that 700 miles of double layer fencing required by current law that haven't been built...   'The main change to the bill made in the committee mark-up process was to increase the number of miles of new double fencing from 27 to 48, adding an additional ten miles in the Del Rio sector and another mile in the Tucson sector.', [Jessica Vaughan] wrote.   'This would bring the total length of double fencing up to 84 miles (over 600 miles less than the 700 miles mandated by the Secure Fence Act of 2006).'...   The biggest hole it has is that the bill wouldn't stop illegal immigration.   Instead, as [senator Jeff Sessions and representative Dave Brat] have argued, the [McCaul] bill would ensure that any extra resources it sends to the border would be used by the [Obummer regime] to further its current [unconstitutional and illegal] immigration polices of catch-and-release and not deporting of illegal aliens upon their crossing of the border.   Tea Party Patriots is calling on House Republicans to amend the McCaul bill so as it does include interior enforcement..."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
David Corbin & Matt Parks _Federalist_
constitutional rights and wrongs

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Sally Zelikovsky _American Thinker_
what the grass-roots are really thinking about the candidates
"Walker and Cruz were the clear frontrunners, with 36 and 35 respondents, respectively... Carson, Rubio, Perry, Paul, and Jindal were the next most popular (in that order)... Kasich and Pence were next, followed by Huckabee, Daniels, Ryan, and Santorum with token support."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Mychal Massie _WND_
Obummer's hissy fit over Netanyahu addressing congress
I think it's simpler. Obummer does not like Israel, and does not like Netanyahu for defending Israel. Of course, he also does not like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, Rand Paul et al. nor the US constitution.

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Joseph Farah _WND_
what is "Palestine" anyway?
"I'm in favor of a Palestinian state...   Take a look at this Larousse French dictionary from 1939.   In the appendix it lists all flags of the world in alphabetical order.   You'll notice that for Germany, at that time, the flag was the Nazi one replete with swastika [hackenkreuz] -- a flag that has not flown anywhere since 1945...   Now, alphabetically, look for the Palestinian flag.   There it is.   What does it look like? Surprised?   It's a blue and white background with a yellow Star of David.   You know that was not the creation of Arabs.   There was already a Palestinian state in 1939 -- and it was Jewish!   Of course, those who understand history won't be surprised by this.   There was a newspaper called the _Palestinian Post_ published at the time.   It was a Jewish paper.   Today it's called the _Jerusalem Post_.   Jews who lived in the land at that time called themselves 'Palestinians'.   Arabs and Muslims seldom if ever used that word to describe themselves until after the 1967 Six-Day War when Yasser Arafat successfully co-opted the term..."
I'm in favor of Palestine, too, so long as it is the old Palestine, i.e. the Gaza strip.   Perhaps stretched a little here and shifted a little there, but the Gaza strip is Palestine.   And the non-Israelis occupying Israel's "west bank of the Jordan river" are guests who should behave themselves or leave.

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
black middle class being crushed under Obummer

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Carl Jackson _WND_
every civilian should watch "American Sniper", a "stark reminder of who USA's heroes really are"

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
PHyllis Schlafly _WND_
is marriage on the chopping block?
"...Despite the presence of such [leftist] judicial activists as William Brennan, Thurgood Marshall and Harry Blackmun, the Court in 1972 summarily rejected the Minnesota gay couple's appeal 'for want of a substantial federal question'.   IOW, the court unanimously thought the claim was so outlandish that it didn't even warrant a formal hearing...   that's not the only precedent that should prevent federal courts from requiring the states to change the definition of marriage...   That principle was recognized as early as 1859, but its clearest statement comes from a Supreme Court decision in 1890, which said: 'The whole subject of the domestic relations of husband and wife, parent and child, belongs to the laws of the States and not to the laws of the United States.'   That ringing declaration was reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in 1992 and again in 2004.   The domestic relations exception should have prevented federal judges from ordering states to redefine marriage..."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
despite "war against al-Qaeda", violent Muslim take-over in Yemen, corrupt Obummer seeks to releast 47 Yemeni un-uniformed combatants
"On Monday, one day after Sloan spoke to abc, a U.S. drone strike killed 3 suspected al-Qaeda fighters in Yemen."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
_Youngstown OH Vindicator_
Ohio's average cost of home-owner insurance was $725, and of auto insurance was $635 in 2012
"Ohioans paid an average of $725, the 9th-lowest nationally, for home-owner's insurance and $635, the 11th lowest nationally, for auto insurance premiums compared with national averages of $1,023 and $815, respectively, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
all of the leftists all of the time

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
James Kirke Paulding provides a window to the early 19th century Shenandoah Valley

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Anthony Watts
another whacky Berkeley claim: California's draconian policies can significantly cut green-house gas emissions through 2030

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Anthony Watts & Chris Horner
outed by FOIA: EPA strategy memo reveals lack of integrity of the agency, and lack of integrity of the media
"...precisely as FOIA intended this allows the American public to see what bureaucrats and, in this case, ideological activists in government say among themselves and their pressure group allies, helping us keep a proper perspective about what these same activists tell the public.   What this memo shows is the recognition that EPA needed to move its global warming campaign away from the failed global model of discredited Big Green pressure groups and their icons, that it has proved 'consistently -- an unpersuasive argument to make'.   In it we see the birth of the breath-takingly disingenuous 'shift from making this about the polar caps [to] about our neighbor with respiratory illness...'.   It also shows the conviction that if they yell 'clean air' and 'children' enough they, the media and the green [red] groups will get their [power-mad] way..."

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Anthony Watts & Chris Horner
Duke U: climate models disagree on why temperature "wiggles" occur

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Tim Ball
UN IPCC "climate science" as a gestalt theory problem

2015-01-26 (5775 Shebet 06)
Anthony Watts
tracking the blizzard of 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Edith (daughter of king Edward the elder i of England & Elfreda; gd of king Alfred the great of England & Ealhswith and Ethelheim lord of Meopham et Cooling et Lenham/Ethelhelm) d: 946-01-26.
1784-01-26: in a letter to his daughter, Benjamin Franklin expressed unhappiness over the choice of the eagle as the symbol of America, and stated his own preference: the turkey.
1788-01-26: captain Arthur Phillip guides a fleet of 11 British ships carrying convicts to the colony of New South Wales, effectively founding Australia. After overcoming a period of hardship, the fledgling colony began to celebrate the anniversary of this date with great fanfare.
1838-01-26: the first Prohibition law in the history of the United States was passed in Tennessee, making it a misdemeanor to sell alcoholic beverages in taverns and stores.
1841-01-26: Britain formally occupied Hong Kong, which the Chinese had ceded to the British.
1940-01-26: Jane Wyman/Sarah Jane Fulks m1: 1937-06-29 to Myron Futterman m2: 1940-01-26 in Glendale, Los Angeles county CA to Ronald Wilson Reagan (son of John Edward Reagan & Nelle Wilson/Clyde Wilson).
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Keep a-pluggin' away. Perseverance still is king; Time its sure reward will bring; Work and wait unwearying -- Keep a-pluggin' away." --- Paul Laurence Dunbar (on wall of assembly of Dunbar HS, Washington, DC; quoted in Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pg213)  



2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
_Conservative HQ_
the bizarre lies behind the GOP losership's border insecurity bill
"What would you think of a 'border security' bill that built little or no border fence, deported no illegal aliens and made it easier for illegal aliens who are already here to stay?   We agree with your assessment, but as a family friendly web-site it is against our policy to print those words.   Yet, that's about the only way to describe the bill the House Republican leadership is (as usual) putting together behind closed doors; the border bill introduced by House Homeland Security committee chairman representative Mike McCaul (TX-10) has less than 50 miles of border fencing because McCaul thinks it would cost American taxpayers too much to secure the whole border, McCaul aides told Breitbart News..."
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
GOP losership regrouping on border insecurity bill

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
if the president could not tell a lie...
World Net Daily

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
one last column for a one-of-a-kind Mom

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
home ownership

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Jed Babbin _Jewish World Review_
home ownership

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Thomas Sowell _Human Events_
*** random thoughts ***
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Thomas Sowell _National Review_
Obummer's suicidal Iran policy

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
free speech on the run

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
kudos to congress and Netanyahu
Human Events
World Net Daily
Cybercast News Service

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer, builder of malevolent dictatorial empires
Victor Davis Hanson

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Tom Giovanetti _National Review_
Clintoon, Shrub, Obummer regimes continue striving to wreck the internet
"The [Obummer regime] has deduced from the Internet's many [minor flaws] that the problem derives from several factors: Not enough federal regulation, Not enough government ownership of broadband, Not enough Internet taxation, Not enough United Nations governance, and Not enough government surveillance.   So the [Obummer regime, like the Shrub and Clintoon regimes,] is taking aggressive action on all these fronts..."

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Eric Boehm _Human Events_
NYC plans to welcome illegal aliens, ban out-of-state cars, while asserting that homosexual "marriage" must be accepted by all other states

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Newt Gingrich: we are losing the war against violence-initiating Muslims
Laura Ingraham
Dan Riehl: Breitbart

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
_Conservative HQ_
Judicial Watch, Landmark Legal Foundation, Institute for Justice are essential warriors in the battle against government power-madness

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer State Dept. blocking Benghazi investigation committee's access to witnesses

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
sharia tribunal confirmed operating in Texas: lawyer ways "it's voluntary"

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
general Jack Keane: al-Qaeda operatives 4 times as numerous as in 2009

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
Moonbeam Brown DMV orders investigators to overlook identity theft
"A DMV source who asked to remain anonymous provided Breitbart News exclusively with a copy of the newly-enacted internal policy memorandum.   The document informs DMV investigative officers that past identity theft is acceptable when the illegally-acquired IDs were only used to obtain a driver license, and where the license or ID was not used to commit any other crime.   It is unclear how investigators are meant to determine whether a falsely obtained driver license or ID was used solely for driving, or also to commit other crimes, such as using a fraudulently-obtained driver license to open a bank account, to apply for a loan, or even to purchase alcohol...   Typically, identity theft may be prosecuted as a felony in California.   The new DMV policy may be an attempt to protect illegal aliens from prosecution and conviction for a felony that could lead to their deportation, and disqualify them from [president Barack Hussein Obama's] new 'executive amnesty' policy..."

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Sean Lengell _Washington DC Examiner_
senate GOP losership clear path for another radical leftist, oath-breaking Obummer supreme court appointment

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Aaron Klein _WND_
after Obummer regime snubbed prime-minister Netanyahu, they deployed "Obummer army" to Tel Aviv in an effort to defeat Netanyahu in election
"The conservative blogosphere is reporting Jeremy Bird, national field director for [Obummer's] 2012 campaign, is now working for a new non-profit group, V15, that is running an effort to defeat Netanyahu in the upcoming election.   A closer look at Bird's consulting firm as well as its working relationship with the Israeli groups finds he is just one of scores of former senior [Obummer] election campaign staffers now working on the anti-Netanyahu effort... Mitch Steward... Mark Beatty... Betsy Hoover... Meg Ansara... Bridget Halligan... Kate Catherall... Martha Patzer... Jesse Boateng... Ashley Bryant... Max Clermont... Max Wood..."

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
illegal alien who had fled under deportation order, 2 injunctions, bonded out on burglary conviction, has now been charged with murder of store clerk over a pack of cigarettes
Laura Ingraham
"Federal immigration authorities launched the proceedings two years ago against Apolinar Altamirano, but he was released on a $10K bond shortly after his conviction on a burglary charge.   While Altamirano, 29, was out of custody, 2 injunctions against harassment were issued against him by a Mesa Municipal Court judge.   'I am in fear for my life.', one woman wrote, adding that Altamirano had threatened to kill her 'plenty of times' and pointed a gun at her boyfriend, according to court records."
Jessica Vaughan: Center for Immigration Studies: the human cost of "prosecutorial discretion"
"...Altamirano is one of 36,007 convicted criminal aliens freed by ICE in 2013.   Of these, 193 already had homicide convictions, including 3 in Arizona, and 2,510 had burglary convictions...   Whereas some offices once enrolled about 100 people a month into ICE's Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP) for lower-level criminals, who wear an electronic monitoring bracelet and check in frequently with monitors, now at best 10 people a month are required to have such supervision on release.   Whereas some ICE offices once processed as many as 100 illegal aliens a day for removal, now these same offices often process fewer than 5 per day, with the same staff.   ICE has been given the staff, the technology, and reasonably adequate resources to remove 400K illegal aliens a year.   But thanks to tighter and tighter restrictions on the officers' actions, only 316K aliens were removed in 2014, and only 102K of those were from the interior.   Over the same time period, ICE freed another 30K convicted criminals from custody..."

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
defense against demagogues
Jewish World Review

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Jenny Beth Martin: "We want a debt-free future for our country"

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
poll: 53% say Republicans should de-fund Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens
Laura Ingraham
"By a 22-point margin, the poll by Paragon Insights found that Americans oppose [president Obummer's] executive immigration actions -- 58% to 36%...   Americans, by more than a 2:1 margin, strongly oppose rather than strongly support [president Obummer's] actions -- 41% to 18%, and this disparity only widened to almost 3:1 for people earning between $50K to $100K -- 43% to 16%...   Americans, by a 17-point margin, 53% to 36%, supported a plan to bar funds for implementing [Obummer's] executive amnesty action.   Even independent women, by a 30-point margin, support a GOP plan to bar funds -- 56% to 26%...   71% of Americans said they would support legislation [that strengthens the rules making it illegal for businesses in the U.S.A.   to hire illegal aliens], while only 21% said they opposed such legislative action...   Hispanic voters even support such a measure, with 56% in support and 37% in opposition..."
Paragon Insights (pdf)

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Laura Ingraham
Reagan biographer, Craig Shirley, prunes the shrubbery

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Byron York _Washington DC Examiner_
would Yebbie Boosh be willing to deport even 500K illegal aliens, let alone 1M (as did Eisenhower), or 4M, or 12M?
Jewish World Review
While Yebbie Boooosh was in San Francisco declaring an unwillingness to secure the borders, an unwillingness to enforce reasonable immigration laws, and a desire to flood the country with even more excessive numbers of student, exchange, guest-work, and green card visas, other candidates gathered at representative Steve King's meeting in Des Moines to hew to a reasonable, consistent, conscientious, industrious line against illegal aliens.   Non-leftists continue to argue with ideological hard-liners like Barack Hussein Obummer, Yebbie Booosh, Luis Gutierrez, Lindsey Grahamnesty, Alex Nowrasteh, Carlos Slim, Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, and Orrin Hatch.

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
night is falling

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
David Harsanyi _Federalist_
Obummer keeps bowing to Muslims in the Middle East

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Ian Tuttle _National Review_
USA has a Soros, Steyer, Bloomberg... malevolent billionaire problem

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
a criminal organization masquerading as...

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
Trey Gowdy: we're going to ratchet up investigation of attack on US consulate in Benghazi

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
PC is an essential part of leftist attacks against liberty

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Daniel Horowitz _Conservative Review_
How can we expect GOP losership to fight for the principles when they don't believe in them?

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Hans von Spakovsky _Daily Signal_
even the left-leaning 9th circus upheld felony conviction of Harvey Whittemore, a big financial supporter of Harry Reid
"According to the court opinion, in 2007 February after a personal meeting with Reid, Whittemore promised to raise $150K for Reid before the upcoming March 31 campaign finance filing deadline.   When Reid's campaign had not received any of the promised funds by late March, Reid's fundraiser Jake Perry 'twice followed up with Whittemore'.   On 2007 March 27, the 'day of the second follow-up call, Whittemore transferred a total of $145K to 17 relatives and employees through wire transfers and checks'.   Individuals who were not married received $5K and married couples received $10K.   Every relative and employee then made a maximum contribution to Reid's campaign, which at the time was $4,600, 'most within one day of receiving the money'.   Many of them testified at trial that 'they would not or could not have made such large contributions absent the transfers from Whittemore'..."

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Nina Glinski _Bloomberg_
Conference Board: consumer confidence index from a revised 93.1 in December to 102.9 in January
Steve Goldstein: Fox/MarketWatch
"The Conference Board's index of consumer expectations for the next 6 months increased from 88.5 in December to 96.4.   The gauge of present conditions jumped from 99.9 in December to 112.6 in January...   The share of Americans who said jobs were plentiful increased from 17.2% to 20.5%.   The share that said jobs were hard to get fell from 27.3% in December to 25.7% in January.   The proportion of consumers expecting more jobs to become available in the next 6 months increased from 14.6% in December to 16.7% in January."

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Rob Jenkins _Chronicle of Higher Education_
how do we decide what is "offensive"? and shouldn't initiations of force and fraud be a bigger concern?

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Betsy McCaughey _NYSun_
ObummerDoesn'tCare vs. individualized medicine

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Apple released seurity updates

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Susan Scutti _Medical Daily_
punishment, rehab, behavioral therapy are ineffective on psychopaths; they are neurophysically unable to learn from it
"Nearly 1 in 5 violent offenders exhibits the traits of a psychopath...   A new MRI study explains a possible reason why a psychopath might fail to benefit from a rehabilitation program...   Blackwood and Dr. Sheilagh Hodgins of the University of Montreal used MRI scans to study brain structure and function in 3 separate groups: 12 violent offenders with anti-social personality disorder and psychopathy, 20 violent offenders with anti-social personality disorder but not psychopathy, and 18 healthy non-offender volunteers.   The researchers recruited all the offenders, who had been convicted of murder, rape, attempted murder, and grievous bodily harm, from Britain's probation service.   Once inside a brain scanner, participants completed a task that assessed their ability to adjust their behavior...   The violent offenders 'failed to learn from punishment cues, to change their behavior in the face of changing contingencies, and made poorer quality decisions despite longer periods of deliberation', Blackwood said.   The brain scans told a similar if more precise story.   The researchers saw structural abnormalities 'in both gray matter and specific white matter fiber tracts among the violent offenders with psychopathy', Hodgins explained.   'We observed reductions in gray matter volumes bilaterally in the anterior rostral prefrontal cortex and temporal poles relative to the other offenders and to the non-offenders.', Hodgins said...   'Abnormalities were also found in white matter fiber tracts in the dorsal cingulum, linking the posterior cingulate cortex to the medial prefrontal cortex.'"

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Paul Driessen
methane deceptions
"First they came for the coal mining and power plant industry, and most people did not speak out because they didn't rely on coal [or didn't know they relied on coal, or were deceived about the trade-offs], accepted Environmental Protection Agency justifications at face value, or thought EPA's war on coal would benefit them.   In fact, Chesapeake Energy CEO Aubrey McClendon gave the Sierra Club $26M, and New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg gave the Club $50M, to help it wage a Beyond Coal campaign.   The Sierra Club later claimed its efforts forced 142 U.S. coal-fired power plants to close, raising electricity rates, threatening grid reliability, and costing thousands of jobs in dozens of states..."

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Anthony Watts
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research claim: Siberian permafrost has been warmig for 7K years

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
David Whitehouse
UK Met office says 2014 was NOT the hottest year ever due to "uncertainty ranges" of the data

2015-01-27 (5775 Shebet 07)
Willis Eschenbach
midgets try to bite Dr. Willie Soon's ankles

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1967-01-27: Virgil Ivan Grissom/lieutenant colonel Gus Grissom (son of Dennis Grissom & Cecile) b: 1926-04-03 in Mitchell, Lawrence county IN d: 1967-01-27 at Cape Canaveral, FL buried: Arlington National cem. Arlington, VA.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Politicians put their foot down on those that refuse to kick-back." --- Dave Weinbaum (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Laura Ingraham
Tea Party legislators may challenge McCain in primary

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Alexander Bolton, Scott Wong & Cristina Marcos _Hill_
GOP losership looking for an escape plan from conflict between their own soft-leftist positions vs those of the voters on immigration
"...The GOP [losership] could strip the House provision on [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive actions and instead add language strengthening border security or expanding H-1B visas for high-skilled workers.   A proposal supported by representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and senator Mike Lee (R-UT) to [increase and soften the already vastly excessive and weak] caps on the number of H-1B visas [for cheap, young, pliant foreign guest-workers with questionable ethics] issued per country passed the House 389-15 in 2011..."

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Laura Ingraham
leftists/Reds/Dems urge Mitch McConnell to work against the citizenry

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Jonah Goldberg _National Review_
Obummer lacking in empathy
"There's no room in the president's comfort zone for assessing the practical costs of his ideas...   rhetorically and substantively, he seems to be in another world...   [Obummer refuses] to even take note of the GOP's historic mid-term gains and the fact the House and senate are now both under Republican control.   On foreign policy, [Obummer] talked as if everything was going swimmingly abroad...   [Observers] marvel at [Obummer's] 'disconnect' from what is happening in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Russia..."
Paula Bolyard: PJMedia: referred to himself 118 times in 33 minute speech in India

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
leftist/Reds/Dems (and Boosh and Rove and Grahamnesty) putting their politics and agenda above employment and prosperity of US citizens
Washington DC Times
Town Hall

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
HR399 is bait for gullible idiots

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
Washington DC Compost writer fails her own "pinocchio test"
"Michelle Ye Hee Lee...does not dispute the numbers in our study. She states: 'The figures match up with monthly BLS break-downs available on-line.'   But one of her key issues is that the numbers Santorum cites, '[do] not include the growing number of Americans working beyond age 65'. This is her main problem with Santorum's statement. She thinks Santorum is untruthful even though 97% of all workers were drawn from the working-age (16 to 65) population in 2000, as were 95% in 2014. And even though she cites our figure that the native working-age population grew by about 17M, the fact that the number working did not grow does not seem to matter to her. Natives accounted for 66% of population growth among the working-age, but none of the employment growth. But Lee ignores this and only focuses on employment gains for people above age 65... if you include workers over 65 it is still the case that 71% of net employment gains went to immigrants and 29% to natives. Yet natives accounted for 69% of population growth among the 16-plus population... Those over 65 are much less likely to have families to support and those over 65 are often working not because they want to, but because their retirement plans [and prime earnings years] have taken such a hit... since 2007, all net employment growth has gone to immigrants. There were 1.5M fewer natives 16-plus working in November 2014 than were working in 2007 November, but the number of immigrants 16-plus working was up 2M. So looking at the 16-plus population based entirely on the tables on the BLS web-site, net employment was up about 500K since 2007, but all growth went to immigrants."
graph of native vs. immigrant employment rates (employment/population ratio)
graph of native vs. immigrant labor force participation rates (LFPR)

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Michelle Malkin _National Review_
choose to refuse on PARCC/SBSC testing and privacy violations
Jewish World Review
Cybercast News Service
please help find Marizela

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Noah Smith _Jewish World Review_
freedom lets us prosper

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
a lesson from Yemen

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
schizophrenic Obummer tries to ignore reality, hide in his comfort zone

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the decline of and attacks against the West... again

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
the leftist/Reds/Dems + RINOs dislike for Sarah Palin

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
_Before It's News_
Hizbullah attacked Israeli convoy in Shebaa Farms area: 2 IDF soldeirs dead, possibly 1 captured
Turkish weekly
"Independent" Media Review Analysis
Hayden Cooper: Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Times of Israel/Agence-France Press
Jeffrey Heller & Sylvia Westall: Reuters

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Daniel A. Gross _Jewish World Review_
the new old country: from Catholic to "skin-head" to Orthodox Jew in Poland

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
John Hopton _Jewish World Review_
George de Hevesy tricked the Nazis and introduced medical imaging
Red Orbit
AAAS EurekAlert
Nobel Prize

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Shannon Symonds & Erin Oscarson _Jewish World Review_
persistence + creativity + knowledge + priorities = victory = success

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Lecia Bushak _Jewish World Review_
victims can use scent to identify violent criminals
Medical Daily
Forensic Magazine
"no one smells exactly alike; our body odors are comprised of specific things like age, diet, hormonal status, and even what parasites are in our bodies.   On top of that, our noses are quite smart -- especially when it comes to triggering memories..."

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Susan Scutti _Jewish World Review_
how to tell if your baby is a brooding, vicious loser like Obummer, a or happy, successful loner
Medical Daily

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Christopher J. Griffin _National Review_
congress should enact sanctions against Iran

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Michael Tanner _National Review_
Obummer should try something new, different, good and not evil for a change

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
John Stossel _Town Hall_
the importance of recognizing the property rights of the creators and developers of new ideas
Jewish World Review
"For most of history, people suffered in miserable poverty.   Then, in a few hundred years, some new ideas made life hugely better for billions of us -- things like running water, the printing press, the steam engine, electricity, the Internet.   We want people to keep coming up with new and better ideas.   But there's a problem: Why would you bother to spend years inventing something if other people can just steal your idea?..."

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Clive Crook _Jewish World Review_
though we can hope that congress and the president, after last November's elections, will stop doing evil and do good, instead; paralysis would be preferable to what they've been doing over the last 15 years and more

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
GOP agenda is in tatters as losership continues to resist the party's faithful to give in to the left

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Doug Badow _Conservative HQ_
Saudi Arabis is a frenemy which makes the world more dangerous

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
"Tutis Libertas" _Conservative HQ_
a constitutional amendment to protect Virginians' privacy and property

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
is GOP consensus around 2014 November election results gone forever?
"Grass-roots limited government constitutional conservatives turned-out in their millions to provide the votes that gave the GOP a historic victory in the 2014 mid-term election voted Republican in the expectation that Republicans would fight radical Islam and [Obummer's] unconstitutional executive amnesty, and act to end [Obummer's] cronyism, corruption and lawlessness.   But so far Capitol Hill Republican [losership] have done little and produced even less in the way of legislation that actually reins-in [Obummer's] lawlessness or fights radical Islam and [Obummer's] unconstitutional executive amnesty.   But the problem isn't lack of opportunity, it is lack of will.   The recent comments of senator Bob Corker of Tennessee [who co-re-wrote the abhorrent S744 immigration law perversion bill in a massive substitue amendment deal] flip-flopping on imposing sanctions against Iran to stop its nuclear weapons program are unfortunately illustrative of the problem..."

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
CBO: 10M to lose medical care insurance by 2021 as result of ObummerDoesn'tCare
Investor's Business Daily

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
Freedom Summit: no fans of Communist Corpse

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Ted Bromund _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's and the haughty John Kerry's back-pocket agreement to evil, rights-violating UN arms treaty
"Already, a majority of the senate—led by senators Jerry Moran (R-KS), Joe Manchin (D-WV), and James Inhofe (R-OK) -- has signed letters pledging to oppose the ATT [and it's not binding until and unless at least two-thirds of the US senate approves it, but the evil faction can keep it alive by holding off any vote on the matter indefinitely]."

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
a congressional coalition seeks to reduce/limit abuse of civil asset forfeiture

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Alicia A. Caldwell _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
contrary to the USA constitution and laws, Obummer regime tells DHS agents to ID which illegal aliens NOT to deport
"'Agents are being discouraged away from anything other than a cursory view' of an [alien's] status and 'qualification' for leniency, said Malcolm, who works as a senior legal fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank in Washington..."

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
target range owner banned Muslims, her business has quadrupled in 5 months

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate to Obummer: we will be-head you and make America Muslim

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Obummer attorney-general nominee, Loretta Lynch, has already said she refuses to keep the oath of office and do the job conscientiously
Richard Kelsey: Cybercast News Service

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Chris Miles _MarketWatch_
EPI: top 1% in income varies from state to state (GIS map)

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
_Information Week_/_UBM_
bring your own device (BYOD) means pay for it out of your take-home pay: BYOD is saving employers a ton of money
"It's kind of a level up from 'reduce health-care benefits'.   That was Level 2 or 3 torture.   This is a bonus round.   Instead of reducing employee pay and benefits, you can stop providing them equipment.   We can go all the way with this one.   Bring your own desk.   Bring your own copier.   Bring your own Cisco 3750 switch stack.   Delicious...   his job as an appdev requires a beefy computer that is relatively cheap in a desk-top model and heinously expensive in a laptop.   'Should I shell out that much money to be able to do my job when I show up for work?', he asks..."

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
former Obummer DHS adviser Mohamed Elibiary went on a hate-filled anti-Christian rant, calling Bobby Jindal a "bottom-feeder"
"Undoubtedly, one of the chief reasons for DHS cutting ties with Elibiary was a long string of extremist statements he had been making on Twitter, including talking about the inevitability of the return of an ISIS-style caliphate -- tweets that were subsequently used by ISIS supporters for recruiting purposes...   Elibiary admitted that his mentor and long-time friend was none other than Hamas terrorist leader Shukri Abu Baker, who is currently serving a 65-year prison sentence.   In 2003, Elibiary was listed as a board member for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Dallas chapter, which was founded by now-convicted Hamas operative Ghassan Elashi.   In 2008, federal prosecutors declared in a federal court brief that 'from its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists'.   In 2004 December, Elibiary was a featured speaker at a Dallas rally honoring the Ayatollah Khomeini as a 'Great Islamic Visionary', an event the Dallas Morning News called a 'disgrace'.   Immediately after the Fort Hood massacre in 2009 November, Dallas Morning News editor Rod Dreher recounted Elibiary's strident defense of jihadist ideologue Sayyid Qutb, whom the 2001/09/11 Commission identified as the chief architect of al-Qaeda's ideology.   In 2010 April, he published an op-ed at Fox News pleading with the [Obummer regime] to not kill senior al-Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.   In 2010 June, he attacked the Supreme Court after they upheld the material support for terrorism statute in an op-ed for the Dallas Morning News..."
Clarion Project: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Benjamin Netanyahu is not the problem. Barack Obama is

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Rob Longley _PJMedia_
FCC under scrutiny over telecomm regulations

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
how USA policy blunders hurt Israel
Asia Times

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Theodore Dalrymple _PJMedia_
difficult choice in medical ethics: with premature babies, while higher levels of oxygen caused an increased frequency of blindness, lower levels resulted in more deaths

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
_Lehigh Valley PA_
Scott Garrett helping form new non-leftist House caucus

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Keith Laing _Hill_
50 conservative organizations mobilize against politicians' move to increase gasoline taxes
I must call to your attention Porkulus 1 and 2, which were supposedly to be used for shovel-ready infrastructure projects, such as highway and bridge repairs... but was instead diverted to leftist politicians' socialist cronies.

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
John Blosser _News Max_
Ted Cruz co-sponsoring bills to try to stop political abuses by IRS
Jazz Shaw: Hot Air

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Kathryn Cave _IDG_
Emmy nominee Phillip Perea committed suicide in protest over "work-place bullying"
2003-05-13: Ellen Lee: Contra Costa Times: One month ago, Kevin Flanagan took his life in the parking lot of Bank of America's [since known as Bank of India's] Concord Technology Center, on the afternoon after he was told he had lost his job

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Richard Gray _London Daily Mail_
830M men currently alive descended from 11 fathers of Asia: 16M men descended from enghis Khan, 15M descended from Giocangga
Balaresque, Poulet, Cussat-Blanc, Gerard, Quintana-Murci, Heyer, & Jobling: Nature

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Alec Rawls
how to reduce pressure in a foot-ball without letting any air out

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Christopher Monckton
annual update on temperature trends
"As usual, we shall look at the 3 principal terrestrial surface data-sets (GISS, HadCRUT4 and NCDC) and the 2 satellite data-sets (Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) and U of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH))...   the ocean-oscillation cycles of 30 years' warming followed by 30 years' cooling...   the global temperature record from 1890 to 2014 inclusive shows warming during the positive PDO phases but more or less stable temperatures during the negative phases...   The warming trend of 0.92 ℃ since 1890, equivalent to less than three-quarters of a degree per century, occurred almost entirely within the 2 positive PDO phases.   To establish a fair estimate of the recent trend, one must take the same number of years either side of a phase-change in the PDO.   Thus, the period from 1987 to 2014 has 14 years' positive and 14 years' negative PDO.   The trend on the mean of the 3 terrestrial data-sets since 1987 is 0.41 ℃, equivalent to less than 1.5 ℃/century...   Starting the trend in 2001, at the turn of the millennium, shows the effect of the negative phase of the PDO in slowing down the warming rate.   The rate from 1987-2014 was 0.39 ℃, equivalent to 1.38 ℃/century, but the rate from 2001-2014 was just 0.03 ℃, equivalent to 0.24 ℃ century.   It is possible, of course, that the gradual decline in solar activity after the near Grand Maximum of 1925-1995, peaking in 1960, may have contributed to the slow-down in warming...   Last year I reported that the trend from 2001-2013 was zero.   So the current year has kicked up the warming rate by about a thirtieth of a degree..."

2015-01-28 (5775 Shebet 08)
Jim Steele
improving climate literacy: temperature homogenization: AAAS takes an anti-scientific bent, so...
"instead of promoting text-books that critically analyze and debate the relative contributions of a diverse array of climate factors, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has been attacking any state that wants to adopt text-books promoting climate debate..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
814-01-28: Charlemagne/Karl der grosse/Karolus Magnus (son of Pepin the short & Bertrada/Bertha of Laon) b: 742-04-02 at Aachen d: 814-01-28 at Achen/Aix la Chappelle m1: Himiltrude m2: c. 770 to Desiderata/Sibilla m3: 771 to Hildegarde de Souabe/Schwabia und Vintzgau/Vinzgouw) (daughter of Gerold i count of Vinzgouw & Imma of Allemania) b: 758 d: 783-04-30 m4: c. 773 to Gersuinda (concubine) m5: c. 774 to Madelgard m6: c. 784 to Fastrada m7: Amaltrud of Vienne m8: c. 794 to Luitgard m9: c. 800 to Regina m10: c. 804 to Ethelind.
1547-01-28: Henry viii died and 9-year-old Edward vi became king of England.
1573-01-28: articles of Warsaw Confederation were signed, sanctioning freedom of religion in Poland.
1754-01-28: Horace Walpole, in a letter to Horace Mann, coined the word serendipity.
1782-01-28: the U.S. congress authorized creation of the Great Seal of the United States of America.
1871-01-28: Franco-Prussian War: Siege of Paris ends in French defeat and an armistice.
1915-01-28: the United States Coast Guard was created as the leftist president Woodrow Wilson signed a bill merging the Life-Saving Service and Revenue Cutter Service.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "John Fitch, a silver-smith and clock-maker. In 1787 Fitch launched a 12-paddle steam-boat, the 'Perseverance', on the Delaware river." --- Robert L. Heilbroner & Aaron Singer 1977, 1984 _The Economic TransFormation of America: 1600 to the Present_ pg96 [In 1783 James Rumsey's steam-boat was tested/demonstrated on the upper Potomac river near Berkeley Springs. In 1786 March and 1787-12-03 he launched another at Shepherdstown which was clocked at 3 miles/hour. A few days later, 1787-12-11 a test-run was clocked at 4 miles/hour. In 1790 he ran one of his steam-boats along the Thames in London, which Robert Fulton observed and swapped information about.]  



2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
93% of American's don't want more visas/immigrations; 60% dissatisfied with statist quo; only 7% want more visas/immigration while 39% want immigration/visas to be reduced
Laura Ingraham
From the Trenches World Report
Numbers USA
Andrew Dugan: Gallup

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
_Conservative HQ_
are House Republicans starting to understand the kinds of immigration reform non-leftists favor?

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
can Israel survive?
"Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East and North Africa.   8M Israelis are surrounded by some 400M Muslims in more than 20 states.   Almost all of Israel's neighbors are anti-Israeli dictatorships, monarchies or theocracies -- a number of them reduced to a state of terrorist chaos..."

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
the internet of ^&*%! privacy-violating things

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
NFL tough-guys need Dads, too

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
John Baglow _Jewish World Review_
nothing says hypocrisy like praise for a deceased despot
National Post
Rabble Canada
Dr. Dawg's Blawg

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
we will take the lashes for Saudi web logger
"On Jan. 9, the government of Saudi Arabia publicly whipped a liberal Muslim writer, Raif Badawi, flogging him 50 times outside a mosque in Jeddah.   It was the first installment of the 1K lashes to which Badawi had been sentenced -- in addition to 10 years in prison and a fine of more than $250K -- for the crime of 'insulting Islam' on his former web-site, the 'Saudi Free Liberals Forum'.   Two days later, following the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the Saudi ambassador to France joined in the great Paris solidarity march in defense of freedom of expression.   Such hypocrisy was more than seven members of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom could abide..."

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
GOP losership dragging their heels on several needed kinds of reform
"[Democrats/Reds/leftists] are on offense all the time, even when they've just had their legs cut off.   They announce absurd agenda items and then indignantly demand to know why Republicans are refusing to deal with the free unicorn-rides proposal...   And [GOP losership] fall for it every time.   They consider it a major victory to come back with a free-market approach to surrender [to the Reds/Dems/Left]..."

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Bill Whittle _PJMedia_
what liberty looks like: stories of freedom

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
_Conservative HQ_
senate should not confirm attorney-general nominee, Loretta Lynch, who is worse than Eric Holder
"Loretta Lynch, [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] nominee to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General of the United States, did her best not to tell the truth yesterday, but even then had a tough time in the first day of her confirmation hearing.   Lynch was put on the spot by three of the Senate Judiciary committee's principled limited government constitutional conservatives; senators Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz.   But it was Alabama's senator Jeff Sessions who asked the question that elicited the most truthful -- and startling -- response.   Sessions asked who had the right to work in the United States, and Ms. Lynch's unambiguous declaration was that 'the right and the obligation to work is one that's shared by everyone in this country regardless of how they came here.   And certainly, if someone is here, regardless of status, I would prefer that they would be participating in the work-place than not participating in the work-place.'   Senator Sessions later issued a statement saying 'Such a notion of civil rights, as Civil Rights Commission member Peter Kirsanow articulated, is incoherent and ahistorical.   Essential to civil rights is the equal and uniform application of the laws.   When the president capriciously suspends those laws and provides benefits to people here unlawfully, he injures the rights of lawful workers -- denying them the protections Congress passed to secure their jobs and wages.   We are at a dangerous moment.   [Leftist professor] Jonathan Turley described it as a constitutional tipping point.   For the senate to approve this nomination would bring us another step closer to the point's edge.'..."

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
_Conservative HQ_
historic state constitutional amendment introduced in Virginia

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Seth Borenstein & Jack Gillum _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
your identity can be detected by examining only 3 or 4 "anonymized" credit/debit card transactions
Laura Ingraham
"Scientists showed they can identify you with more than 90% accuracy by looking at just 4 purchases, 3 if the price is included -- and this is after companies 'anonymized' the transaction records, saying they wiped away names and other personal details.   The study out of MIT, published Thursday in the journal [AAAS] Science, examined three months of credit card records for 1.1M people..."

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Ramesh Ponnuru _Jewish World Review_
why ObummerDoesn'tCare should lose the next Supreme Court hearing (it should have lost the last 3)

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
_Investor's Business Daily_
Loretta Lynch, who has sworn she will violate her oath of office, violate the US constitution, should not be confirmed as attorney-general
"So there we have it, the nominee's personal preferences trump any fealty for justice and too bad for black workers or anyone else displaced by [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty in his quest for the Latino vote.   More disturbing, Lynch made the strange declaration that illegals have 'a right' to work in the U.S.A., a law she apparently made up on the spot, signaling 'L'Etat, c'est moi' -- I am the state.   The hearings also featured a lot of stone-walling -- on various [Obummer regime] hot-button issues such as gay 'marriage' and on scandals including the 'Fast and Furious' guns-to-Mexican drug lords debacle and the targeting of political [opponents of the corrupt Obummer regime] by the Internal Revenue Service..."

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
_Investor's Business Daily_
insulting Netanyahu and Israes is part of Obummer denying reality

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
_Investor's Business Daily_
DoD warned congress that Red Chinese are approaching arms dominance

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
watch-dog alleges Obummer State Dept. and Obummer's leftist/Red/Dem campaigners are interfering with Israeli elections
"An American-based organization called OneVoice International, which claims to be an 'international grass-roots movement that amplifies the voice of main-stream Israelis and Palestinians', has received 2 grants from the State Department over the last year.   The group is cooperating with Israeli Leftist organization V15 in its anti-Netanyahu campaign..."

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Stephen Kruiser _PJMedia_
amidst 14-state measles epidemic, some doctors are refusing to see patients who oppose their advice to vaccinate

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Chris Queen _PJMedia_
militant anti-theists go after Alabama town

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
Dallas TX Morning "News": "it doesn't get more hostile than this"
"Representative Molly White, R-Belton, who on her FB page, directed staffers to ask Muslim visitors in to the Capitol for the seventh annual Texas Muslim Capitol Day to pledge allegiance to the U.S.A.   'I did leave an Israeli flag on the reception desk in my office with instructions to staff to ask representatives from the Muslim community to renounce Islamic terrorist groups and publicly announce allegiance to America and our laws., she said on Facebook.   We will see how long they stay in my office.'...   Actually, as we've seen on [2001/09/11 in NY, 2005/07/07 in London], and earlier this month in Paris, things can get far more hostile than this, hence Islam's dramatically tarnished brand in the West since 2001/09/11."

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
former DC belt-way cabbie Liban Haji Mohamed added to "most-wanted terrorists" list

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Laura Ingraham
governor Mike Pence of IN: congress makes laws, not the president
"'The president can use his executive authority to determine how to enforce the law, but not whether to enforce the law.   I strongly support efforts in the congress to roll back this unconstitutional executive action, and I'm proud of the fact that the state of Indiana was one of very the first states to sign on with Texas in a constitutional challenge to that that executive order.   But, I strongly urge my colleagues on Capitol Hill to use that constitutional authority, that power of the purse, to restrain this extra constitutional effort to reverse it.   And ultimately, let's roll up our sleeves and figure out what we can get done in reforming and modernizing our immigration system in this country...   Here in Indiana it's all about jobs.   It's about the economy, it's about asking Washington DC to do what we've done in Indiana.   And that is, balance your budget.   Put you fiscal house in order...   It's about border security first; a nation without borders is not a nation...'"

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Andrew Johnson _National Review_
sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee criticized Eric Holder's anti-police attitude in senate hearing

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
bright little Betsy Flores... trapped in an immigration-twisted school system
"Ignoring her English fluency, HISD assigned Betsy to the bilingual program.   Betsy's parents soon found that she was being held back from the progress being made by her English-track peers because of the needless -- for her -- double-teaching in the 2 languages, vital for many but simply a drag for Betsy.   Betsy's parents applied for a waiver to get her into the English track, but (like Boston's Charlie) institutional arrangements intervened against her.   You see, state and federal financial arrangements mean that HISD receives more funding for kids in the bilingual program than in the English track and so her school (badly supported, like most Texas schools) is highly reluctant to lose that revenue by letting her transfer to the better program for her (and the less expensive program for [tax-victims])..."

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Cheryl K. Chumley _News with Views_
Obummer's opposition to Netanyahu speaking to congress is nothing but a fool's move; Obummer's hug of Iran is rebellion against God

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Lee Duigon _News with Views_
many librarians seem to be trying to "protect us" from knowing things they don't think we should know
"I remember Frances Parkinson Keyes as a popular novelist during my boyhood days in the middle of the last century.   She wrote historical novels, and my mother had quite a few of them.   I never got around to reading them because I thought they'd probably be full of lady stuff.   But this year I finally read one: _The Chess Players_, a fictionalized biography of America's first international celebrity, Paul Morphy, the world's greatest chess player.   I was impressed enough to want to read more...   Go ahead—walk up to the front desk at your local library and ask for a book debunking Climate Change, or advocating against 'gay marriage', or exposing the current occupier of the White House as an ignoramus and a Castro wannabe.   Then again, you might be wiser not to try it.   They might call the police."

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Anthony Watts
NSIDC Mark Serreze's sea ice "death spiral" no longer "screaming" on the way down, now termed to be "erratic & bumpy"

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
another snow job

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Anthony Watts & Brandon Shollenberger
Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) practices increase uncertainty levels in their climate data

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
Anthony Watts
UCLA claim: "global warming has been amplified in cities", ignores infrastructure increase

2015-01-29 (5775 Shebet 09)
David Archibald
a sin of commission

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "By persevering, you make yourself lucky by creating more opportunities to be in the right place at the right time." --- Robert A. Berman 1997-05-?? _Fade In: The ScreenWriting Process_ pg 152  



2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Greg Fox _WESH TV Orlando FL_
50 Walt Disney World "IT" workers dumped, replaced by India-based cross-border bodyshopper HCL

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Jeanne Starmack _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
representative Bill Johnson (R-OH-6) addressed Mahoning Valley McKinley Club
"the crowd became quiet, even somber, as he brought up the spectre of Islamic State.   Not since the Civil War, then Pearl Harbor, has the country been at such risk, he said, going on to say that terrorist killing fields could soon include places such as Pittsburgh.   'Even right here in the Mahoning Valley, we could see the destruction of our values, our way of life.', he said.   'We are the guardians at the gate of freedom...   But at a time when America must be at its strongest, we've become weaker...   We've begun to fragment.   We hide behind FB posts and Twitter rants.   Reality television simply helps us escape reality... and we hope the destruction of American culture goes away.   We must reject those that seek to divide us.   As Americans, we always win.   It's our history.', he insisted.   'We're ready for a national conversation on how to reclaim America, to give our kids the future we so desperately want for them.   I still believe the American dream exists.   The dream is beginning to dim, and for many, it is history.   Politicians seek power themselves instead of empowering Americans.   The president is too slow to attack enemies and too quick to attack those who disagree with him.'   He said the country needs 'a different kind of leadership...   Our strength is in the indomitable spirit of the American people', he said, adding that soldiers 'made the ultimate sacrifice so we can pursue our own ambitions on our own terms.   Tonight...be a better citizen, patriot, son, wife, sister, daughter, neighbor, and most important, an American, and then we'll leave our nation in a much better place...   And we need to pray for God's guidance on how to save this nation.   Never-give-up is the kind of commitment America needs to succeed.'"

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
R' Yonason Goldson _Jewish World Review_
visionaries & ideology and a study in contrasts

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
of necessity, Israel has begun to take action against the encroachments of Iran and their terrorist surrogates in the Golan heights

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's narcissistic insults to Israel

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
a better Cuba deal
Investor's Business Daily
"...Before the revolution, Cuba's average per-capita income was higher than in much of Europe.   Communism brought Cuba the distinction of being the only country in the Western Hemisphere whose standard of living has steadily fallen for 50 years.."

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
real heroes in this age of leftists and selfies

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
"American Sniper" provides lessons for legislators
"On the heels of another public display of [bungling by the Republican losership] (pulling a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks -- an initiative which enjoys broad support among American voters), they should take a page from director Clint Eastwood and his recent blockbuster, 'American Sniper'..."

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
the news media have turned us into a National Inquirer/Star/Daily Mail country

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's taliban tools and treachery
"Washington is awash in conflicting reports this week that the Pentagon may -- or may not -- charge Taliban tool Bowe Bergdahl with desertion.   I first reported on Bergdahl's betrayal and abandonment of his post in 2009 July.   A military source tells me that the Obama administration has 'slow rolled' the investigation and prosecution -- while withholding vital intelligence gathered from Bergdahl's debriefing last summer.   As the [Obummer regime] dithers on the desertion charges, at least one of the 5 Taliban terrorists the president exchanged for Bergdahl has reportedly returned to jihad.   The news comes this week as the White House adamantly refuses to call the Taliban a terrorist group.   Former Army Ranger and sniper Nicholas Irving, who served in Afghanistan when Bergdahl went AWOL, minced no words.   'I think he should definitely be put to death.   He's given a lot of information to the enemy, and he should pay the price', Irving told radio host Howie Carr.   While Bergdahl enjoys a desk job, two promotions, back pay and bonuses, and personal security, a real American hero in uniform is fighting for his reputation and his military career after warning colleagues of an insider attack on an American base in the Helmand province.   In 2012, major Jason Brezler, a highly decorated Marine reserve civil affairs officer, sent a classified document through his personal email account to fellow Marines at Forward Operating Base Delhi.   The correspondence, which came in response to a FOB Dehli Marine's request for information, involved the shady history of Taliban-tied Afghan police chief and accused drug lord and child molester Sarwar Jan.   Jan had been suspected of coordinating Taliban operations, selling Afghan police uniforms to our enemies, and raping at least 9 boys on base..."
please help find Marizela

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
when a good time goes bad

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Saudi Arabia visit opens a window of opportunity for the corrupt Obummer

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
another Obummer White House Emily Post moment
"...The left, by and large, owns the media, academia, the big foundations and Hollywood.   Compared with all of that priceless political and cultural influence, the spending of the Koch network is a pittance..."

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
in exchange for rapid devastation of US job markets, Trans-Pacific Partnership may indirectly and eventually add 600K jobs
"The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, is down to its final haggling.   This week, negotiators from 12 countries met in New York to resolve the remaining issues, which have been narrowed from more than 2K.   The toughest matters left, ironically, are agricultural disputes with Japan and dairy and poultry disagreements with Canada.   U.S. negotiators hope they can close out the TPP deal by the summer and get it approved by congress -- thanks to Republican votes promised by [unprincipled, back-stabbing] House Speaker John Boehner (OH) and senate [majority-loser] Mitch McConnell (KY).   Republicans like trade even more than they dislike Obama, evidently.   It's a jobs bill that doesn't cost any money.   The Peterson Institute for International Economics estimates that the market-opening features of the TPP will boost U.S. exports by about $123G annually by 2025 and add 600K jobs."

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Kristin Magaldi _Jewish World Review_
sleeping helps memory
Medical Daily: all-nighters inhibit memorization: brain cells promote sleep to consolidate long-term memory
"Focusing on the dorsal paired medial (DPM) neurons, a well-known site of memory consolidation, the two researchers were able to examine that flies actually slept more when DPM neurons were activated.   When the neurons were at rest, the flies were fully awake, buzzing about as flies do.   This process was found to occur within an area of the fly's brain known as the mushroom body, or the fly-equivalent of the human hippocampus...   This section not only proved to be the site of memory and learning, but also the area that kept the flies awake.   When memory convertors began to consolidate short-term memory to long-term, wakefulness was inhibited in the mushroom body..."

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Susan Scutti _Jewish World Review_
products may initiate puberty and menopause early
Medical Daily
Robert Preidt: WebMD
Deborah Mitchell: Emax Health
"The research team began with the analyses of women's blood and urine samples for exposures to 111 mostly man-made chemicals, which in many cases included known reproductive toxins.   In all cases, the compounds were suspected of interfering with the natural production and distribution of hormones in the body.   In particular, the team focused on phthalates, which are commonly found in a wide variety of products including plastics, household items, pharmaceuticals, and personal-care products, such as lotions, perfumes, make-up, nail polish, liquid soap, and hair spray.   The other chemicals studied included industrial combustion by-products, plant-derived estrogens [phyto-steroids from, e.g. lavender-scented products], polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), coolants, phenols, industrial pollutants, organophosphate pesticides, surfactants, and aromatic hydrocarbons.   After examination and extensive analyses, [the investigators identified 15 chemicals -- 9 (now banned) PCBs, 3 pesticides, 2 forms of plastics chemicals called phthalates, and the toxin furan -- that were significantly associated with detrimental effects on ovarian function and menopause].   In fact, women with higher levels of these toxic 15 began menopause 2 to 4 years earlier than women with lower levels...   [senior study author Dr. Amber Cooper suggested that people microwave food in glass or paper containers instead of in plastic]..."

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Andrew Malcolm _Investor's Business Daily_
corrupt Obummer regime has suddenly declared data about $65G reconstruction in Afghanistan is secret

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Mikael Ricknaes _"IT" News_/_IDG_
British Telecomm to test G.fast 500Mb/s over copper in 2 towns

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
_PC World_/_IDG_
Citrix dumping 900 employees
Katherine Noyes: ComputerWorld
Lauren K. Ohnesorge: NC Triangle Business Journal
David Ranii: North Raleigh NC News

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Laura Ingraham
which have the longest life-expectancies: leftists or non-leftists

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Laura Ingraham
released terrorist reconnects with taliban

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Laura Ingraham
deserter/terrorist swap turns sount for Obummer regime
CNN: the terrorists released

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Wesley J. Smith _National Review_
death tests and death panels

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
any Republican senator who votes to confirm Loretta Lynch's nomination to be attorney-general should face a strong, well-funded primary challenge

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Lucia Mutikani _Reuters_
USA economy cooled in 2014 4th quarter, but consumer spending shines: UMich consumer sentiment rose from 93.6 in late-December to 98.2 in mid-January to 98.1 in late-January
Steve Goldstein: MarketWatch
Minneapolis MN Finance-Commerce
Memphis TN Daily News/AP
Josh Boak: Seattle WA Post Intelligencer/AP
Bill McBride: Calculated Risk
Doug Short: Advisor Perspectives
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Daniel Walmer _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
United Methodist orphanage has housed 32 illegal alien children from Central America
"The home received an 'urgent and compelling' grant from the [Obummer/Supercilious] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services last summer...   the home has housed 32 students with an average stay length of 28 days, officials said.   They have the capacity for 16 students at a time...   They said they could only provide information that had received prior approval from [the corrupt Obummer] HHS to be publicly released...   Officials for the home said they also did not want to [be held responssible for encouraging illegal immigration]...   The home has existed for nearly 100 years and typically helps children in need of temporary guardianship..."

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
infiltration of the USA by violence-initiating Muslims

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Thomas E. Brewton
there is no limit to the Obummer regime's power-madness
Peter Wehner: Commentary: in praise of Ted Cruz for exposing Loretta Lynch's -- and Obummer's -- lawlessness

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Sean Piccoli _News Max_
David Horowitz: Obummer regime does not want USA or West to win against Muslim terrorists

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Bob Tisdale
what are your fears about global warming and climate change?

2015-01-30 (5775 Shebet 10)
Anthony Watts
Jeffrey Kluger claimed "climate change" causes volcanoes

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1790-01-30: the first boat specializing as a lifeboat is tested on the River Tyne.
1798-01-30: a brawl broke out in the U.S. House of Representatives in Philadelphia, as Matthew Lyon of Vermont spat in the face of Roger Griswold of Connecticut.
1820-01-30: Edward Bransfield sights the Trinity Peninsula and claimed the discovery of Antarctica.
1826-01-30: the Menai Suspension Bridge, considered the world's first modern suspension bridge, connecting the Isle of Anglesey to the north West coast of Wales, was opened.
1835-01-30: in the first assassination attempt against a president of the United States, Richard Lawrence attempted to shoot president Andrew Jackson, but failed and was subdued by a crowd, including several congressmen.
1847-01-30: Yerba Buena, California was renamed San Francisco.
1968-01-30: after calling for a cease-fire during the Tet holiday celebrations, North VietNam and the Viet Cong attacked the South VietNamese capital of Saigon, temporarily occupying the U.S. Embassy, but were thoroughly routed by US and South VietNamese troops, though you'd never know it from the spin of the leftist main-stream media.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Perseverance: If you want it & are working hard at it, something will give way. Try not to be discouraged. You have to want it. Unfortunately, there are many other people who also want what you wnat. You have to want it more." --- April Fitzsimmons 1997 _Breaking & Entering_ pg 156  



2015-01-31 (5775 Shebet 11)
_Youngstown OH Vindicator_
woman has filed violation of privacy law-suit for hack of home security camera system

2015-01-31 (5775 Shebet 11)
Andrew C. McCarthy _National Review_
why Obummer wants to pretend the taliban are not terrorists
"Under federal law, there are only 3 requirements for a group to qualify as a 'foreign terrorist organization': It has to be (a) foreign, (b) engaged in 'terrorist activity' (bombings, assassinations, etc., carried out to intimidate people and change policy), and (c) a national-security threat to the United States.   The law that covers this is Sec. 1189(a) of Title 8, U.S. Code, from the federal Immigration and Nationality Act...   even a president who routinely ignores the laws he is sworn to execute faithfully should be able to make some time for [these few lines of the law], maybe on the plane ride between the golf course and the Saudi palace..."

2015-01-31 (5775 Shebet 11)
_Conservative HQ_
will the new Republican majority congress end Obummer's catch-and-release of illegal aliens?
"In 2013, under [Obummer's 'catch and release' policy, 36,007 criminally convicted aliens were released by U.S. immigration officials, and in just one year 1K of them have since been convicted of a number of crimes, including but not limited to rape, assault with a deadly weapon, terroristic threats and lewd acts with a child under 14.   Senators Chuck Grassley, Jim Inhofe, Jeff Sessions, David Vitter and Ted Cruz have introduced the 'Keep Our Communities Safe Act' to put an end to this dangerous [Obummer] policy..."

2015-01-31 (5775 Shebet 11)
Alex Shelby _PJMedia_
what you need to know about "hate crime" statutes

2015 January
Charles N. Weaver _BLS Monthly Labor Review_
workers' expectations about losing and replacing their jobs: 35 years of change
1980 April
alternate link

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 13

  "Trial plus error plus reflection plus perseverance equals desired result. We take an action (trial), & the result is different than we anticipated (error). There is, as Robert McKee describes it, a gap between expectation & result. We reassess the result, adjust our theory, revise our plan (reflection), & take another action. And we keep doing this until the problem is solved (perseverance)." --- James Bonnet 1999 _Stealing Fire from the Gods_ pg 143  


Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "There may have been only 10K or so really large slave-holders in the South, whereas 75% of the white population had never had any connection with African chattels. Only 385K out of some 6M citizens who lived in the Confederacy or border state counties sympathetic to the South were themselves currently slave-owners. As of yet, those few who called for war had not paid the human and material wages of that evil gambit; Sherman's march through GA would exact punshment from the plantation perpetrators, 'the devils' themselves. If less fortunate Southerners suffered as well, then all the better to remind them of the consequences of following blindly those who did not truly care for their interest: 'A people who will persevere in war beyond a certain limit ought to know the consequences. Many, many people, with less pertinacity than the South has already shown, have been wiped out of national existence.'" --- Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ pg190-191 (cting J.M. McPherson 1988 _Battle Cry of Freedom_ pg283; R.S. Thorndike 1971 _The Sherman Letters_ pg232; E.B. Long 1951 _The Civil War Day by Day: An Almanac 1861-1865_ pp702-703)  

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