2015 March

3rd month of the 1st quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2024-01-22

  "The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing senators." --- article 1 section 4 paragraph 1  

2015 March
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  "[Interviewee ‷Nora‴:] ‷I liked asking questions in class. I think people got hostile because the prof and I seemed to be having a good time... I have to be careful about dates. The last person was angry with me for using big words -- and he had a master's degree in business!‴" --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg42  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 March

3rd month of the 1st quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-03-01 (5775 Ader 10)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: "Anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic" Muslims are influential in the Obummer regime

2015-03-01 (5775 Ader 10)
Derek Hunter _Daily Caller_
Mike Lee: congress is at fault for vague wording in legislation and allowing Obummer's power grabs and amnesty for illegal aliens to go as far as they have
"'We're kidding ourselves if we think we can come up with a system of laws that delegates all of this law-making power to the executive branch.   We're kidding ourselves if we don't think presidents, Democrats and Republicans alike, are going to abuse that.   We're kidding ourselves if we don't think that's going to result in an erosion of not only our constitutional order, but also liberty itself.   So, yeah, this is congress's fault, it is overwhelmingly congress's fault and we've got to turn it back.'...   Congress, when passing laws, has to be explicit in its language to prevent presidents from having wiggle room in the implementation and expansion of laws.   'We cannot allow the president to act as though he were a government of one.', Lee said.   'He is not.   We have a Constitution, that Constitution puts the legislative power, the power to make law, in the hands of congress.   And if the president of the United States doesn't like our current immigration laws he needs to go through congress, he can't just decree it...   We have to get away from the idea that so many of us have that the Constitution is something that only the courts worry about.'"

2015-03-01 (5775 Ader 10)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
Israel won't be led to the slaughter

2015-03-01 (5775 Ader 10)
guest-workers are processing unemployment insurance claims in whacky California
News 10 abc Gannett Sacramento CA

2015-03-01 (5775 Ader 10)
Garth Kant _WND_
senator Ted Cruz reveals that GOP losership wanted to back Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens all along

2015-03-01 (5775 Ader 10)
Jerome Corsi _TEA Party.org_
TEA parties remain the last line of defense for the US constitution
"With congress voting a short-term spending bill to avert a Department of Homeland Security [DHS] shut-down, the issue of defunding the [Obummer unconstitutional and illegal] executive action amnesty got kicked farther down the road, with the result that Tea Party Loyalists once again feel betrayed.   Beating the establishment GOP and the open border [Dems/Reds/leftists] to secure the borders seems a sometimes impossible task, until Tea Party Loyalists remember the GOP cannot win the presidency in 2016 without us.   That fact was made abundantly clear at CPAC 2015, that I attended in-person, watching RINO [Yebbie Booosh] ended up a dismal #5 in the CPAC straw poll, despite bussing in hundreds of paid Bush supporters and a softball Q&A session with Fox News host Sean Hannity..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1781-03-01: Articles of Confederation adopted
Proposed Bills 2015

  "It is customary in democratic countries to deplore expenditure on armaments as conflicting with the requirements of the social services. There is a tendency to forget that the most important social service that a gov't can do for its people is to keep them alive & free." --- John Cotesworth Slessor 1954  



2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
_Crain's Detroit Business_
Ford, GM, Chrysler employment up since 2010

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Boehner: Obummer has acted "far beyond his constitutional authority"

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
Obummer has been treating Netanyahu as an adversary instead of the ally he and Israel are to the USA

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's hissy-fit over Netanyahu's speech
"Reasonable people can debate whether Netanyahu is really guilty of a breach of protocol in not seeking [Obummer's] approval first -- or if that is merely a pretext for a president who has long detested Netanyahu, a gifted communicator whose Churchillian warnings about the Iranian threat the [Obummer regime] wants to undercut...   the US-Israel bond -- remains as deep-rooted and durable as ever...   Gallup released its newest survey of American attitudes toward Israel.   Despite weeks of clamor over Netanyahu's visit and the litany of White House complaints about Israeli policies toward the Palestinians, 70% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the Jewish state -- virtually indistinguishable from the 72% favorability Gallup measured last year.   When asked to choose sides in the regional conflict, public backing for Israel was unchanged at 62%, close to its all-time high...   Most Americans feel a visceral attachment to Israel and what it represents, irrespective of their views about any particular Israeli politician.   It works the other way, too: Israelis are intensely pro-American, whether the US president is one they adore or tend to mistrust...   The [Obummer regime's] unvarnished hostility for Netanyahu may persuade a narrow slice of the Dem/Red/leftist caucus to boycott Tuesday's speech...   Immensely more important is the lethal threat of a nuclear-armed Iran.   Even without the bomb, Iran is the world's most dangerous regime -- apocalyptic incubator of terrorism and jihad, ruthless suppressor of human rights, unflagging zealot for wiping Israel 'off the map', and fanatic about bringing 'Death to America'..."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
_News Max_/_AP_
Benjamin Netanyahu told AIPAC that the world must not let Iran develop nuclear weapons
Allgemainer: full transcript
Jewish Press: full transcript
"And finally, I want to recognize my wife, Sara, whose courage in the face of adversity is an inspiration to me.   Sara divides her time as a child psychologist, as a loving mother, and her public duties as the wife of the prime minister.   Sara, I'm so proud to have you here with me today, to have you with me at my side always...   For 2000 years, my people, the Jewish people, were stateless, defenseless, voiceless.   We were utterly powerless against our enemies who swore to destroy us.   We suffered relentless persecution and horrific attacks.   We could never speak on our own behalf, and we could not defend ourselves.   Well, no more, no more.   The days when the Jewish people are passive in the face of threats to annihilate us, those days are over.   Today in our sovereign state of Israel, we defend ourselves.   And being able to defend ourselves, we ally with others, most importantly, the United States of America, to defend our common civilization against common threats..."
He should send Sara to deal with the childish, tantrum-throwing, race-obsessed, oath-breaking Brack Hussein Obummer.

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Conor Gaffey _Jewish World Review_
the other men in black refuse to be victims

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Lizette Borreli _Jewish World Review_
one-on-one negative non-verbal signals may be keeping you or a friend unemployed
"when we adopt another person's postures and body language, we are able to better understand what another person is experiencing from their perspective.   A person's mirroring shows the eagerness of wanting to understand someone and establish a real connection...   The findings revealed the students who were given the negative interviewer began to match that person's tone as their voices became colder, uninterested, and less enthusiastic in comparison to their short speech.   Furthermore, a separate group who didn't know the premise of the study, listened to the recordings of the interviews, and rated the negative-tone students lower than those with a neutral-tone.   The students in the negative-tone condition were seen as uninterested in the job.   The interviewers' lack of interest in the interviewee was transmitted onto the interviewee who then reflected the projected image...   A similar 2011 study...When participants viewed a video with 2 people pretending to partake in a job interview, they saw the person interviewed was adapting the same body language as the condescending interviewer.   However, when the video cropped the person being interviewed out of the frame, only hearing the audio, they found mimicking the condescending interviewer didn't negatively affect participants' ratings of [the person being 'interviewed']..."
Similarly, one would reasonably expect that an uninterested "recruiter", not understanding the job, but running through a script, is bound to project a negative attitude, which the job-seekers are bound to reflect back.

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
***more generally, does president Obummer understand religion?***
World Net Daily
NW Indiana Times
"...his background, many of his comments and his policies all suggest strongly that he does not.   [President Obummer] himself has acknowledged that neither of his parents was religious.   His largely absent father was a non-practicing Muslim of far-left political sensibilities.   His mother (at least according to her friends) described herself as an atheist.   [Obummer and/or his ghost-writers asserted] that she was 'a lonely witness for secular humanism' in Indonesia, and credits her with awakening his interest in politics as a vehicle for change.   Indeed, [Obummer's] view of religion seems always to have been skewed by political expediency.   Ed Klein, author of the 2012 book, _The Amateur_, conducted hours of interviews with [president Obummer's] former pastor, reverend Jeremiah Wright, who revealed that when they met, [Obummer] knew very little about Christianity, but a great deal about Islam.   (The president has said that he has never practiced Islam.)   Reverend Wright further stated that church was 'never (the [Obummers']) thing', but admitted that Obama needed visible membership in a Christian church to court the Chicago black vote.   In his [infamous] 'bitter clingers' speech in 2008, then-candidate [Obummer] summed up his take on the motivation behind rural Christians' religiosity as being nothing more than thinly veiled economic malaise...   the president has treated Christians' deeply held beliefs as mere annoyances...   (And in so doing, he not only dismisses religious beliefs, but constitutional limits on government power.)..."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
should anyone care how hard you tried?
"...Outside of school, very few people will ask you to show your work or explain how you arrived at your results: They just want to know you can do the job effectively, efficiently and without too much fuss...   Let's not pretend there's no difference between effort and accomplishment; let's not pretend there's no difference between those who try hard and those who do well.   Those we respect, admire and remember bring to their work diligence, focus and an indefatigable passion for improvement.   They aren't perfectionists but they'll reject the shoddy and the second-rate.   We should learn to take genuine pride in a job well done and not expect praise for one simply carried out.   What we need is an honest assessment of our abilities, our talents -- and our limitations.   And that will take some real effort."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
my 2013 interview with a Putin critic recently shot to death near the Kremlin

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Daytona 500 -- a great American race

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Scott Walker's debt to leftists
"...Teachers lost their jobs in Milwaukee in 2010 in part because of declining enrollment but also because the teachers' union preferred laying off new hires to cuts in lavish spending on themselves.   Governor Walker's reforms saved the jobs of many young teachers.   His Democratic opponents in 2012 and last year were unable to name a school harmed by them...   Ms. Harf has a master's degree in international relations from the University of Virginia.   She 'is Exhibit A for the comprehensive failure of our educational system', said retired Army intelligence officer Ralph Peters...   'We love him for the enemies he has made.', said Edward Bragg of Wisconsin in seconding the nomination of Grover Cleveland in 1884."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Laura Ingraham
Boehner: not into messy, not into actual actual vigorous debate
Boehner and McConnell need to stop giving in to the leftists and use every means, every time, to counter them.

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker said he opposes amnesty for illegal aliens... before he says he supports amnesty for illegal aliens
Andrew Johnson: National Review
Jamie Weinstein: Daily Caller

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Laura Ingraham
caller: voters should leave Yebbie Booosh high and dry (mp3)

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Jack Cashill _American Thinker_
what Whittaker Chambers tells us about the age of Obummer
"For those who may not know the story, Chambers, as a young man in the 1920s, signed on to man's second oldest faith, the one that promised, 'Ye shall be as gods.'   Communism was in its ascendancy at the time, and Chambers ascended with it.   As a writer and true believer, he sufficiently impressed his superiors that they asked him to go underground in Washington DC and organize a high level ring of federal bureaucrats working on behalf of the Soviet Union.   Prominent among those bureaucrats was Hiss.   A Harvard Law graduate, Hiss would rise through the ranks to become a special assistant in the State Department, an adviser to president Roosevelt at Yalta, and one of the principal architects of the United Nations.   After World War 2, he was named president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace...   Stalin's lethal, large-scale purges in the late 1930s helped open Chambers' eyes...   In the various congressional hearings, grand jury sessions, and trials that followed, it became absurdly obvious that Chambers was telling the truth and Hiss lying..."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
James Lewis _American Thinker_
Israel is NOT the problem in the MiddleEast; violence-initiating Muslims are
Michael W. Chapman: Cybercast news Service
"Last week admiral James (Ace) Lyons (USNavy, retired) spoke the blunt truth about Muslim infiltration, subversion, and sabotage of the U.S. government.   'For years, the Muslim Brotherhood has been able to penetrate our national security agencies, and now it is institutionalized.   It is the same type of penetration the communists were able to achieve in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s to influence our policies and operations.   It must be understood that there is no difference between the objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda.   Any distinction lies only in the tactics they use to achieve their objectives: Destroy the United States and replace the Constitution with Shariah law.'...   Like Adolf Hitler and Lenin, Khomeini wrote about his plans for Iran, before the U.S.A. allowed him to take over from the Shah.   Khomeinist Iran was the first Muslim nation to be run by a sadistic theocratic priesthood, determined to destroy the West (and Israel, of course) to play out its nuclear Armageddon nightmare...   Since Iran's fall back into the early Dark Ages, Islamofascist ideologies have taken over: Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Parts of every major European city, Parts of the U.S. government..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Michael Bargo ii _American Thinker_
a Marxist view of the Dems'/Reds'/leftists' entitlement economy

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Obummer won 4 pinocchios for Keystone XL pipe-line veto claim

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Gary Jason _American Thinker_
Russian money and useful American idiots
"Well, a recent report offers some useful detailed information about the role of Russia in funding the opposition to fracking by so-called Green groups.   The piece was written by investigative reporter Lachlan Markay.   He reports the amazing news that a mysterious Bermuda-based company with Russian connections has been feeding tens of millions of dollars to American environmentalist groups who just happen to be virulently anti-fracking...   The Bermudan company is called 'Klein Ltd.'.   Klein donated (i.e., transferred) over $23M -- in the year 2010 alone! -- to American environmentalist groups that aim to halt the American fracking revolution and its expansion abroad.   Klein funneled the cash to a non-profit organization called 'the Sea Change Foundation', based (where else?) in California.   This amounted to 40% of the foundation's money, please note.   The Sea Change Foundation in turn shoveled the loot to anti-fossil fuel activist groups such as the Center for American Progress [i.e. Regress], Food and Water Watch, the League of Conservation Voters, the National Resource Defense Council, and (but of course) the Sierra Club.   These environmentalist machines in turn use the pelf to fund their agitprop disinformation campaigns against fracking...   Klein Ltd. has a director by the name of Nicholas Hopkins.   Hopkins just coincidentally is also a director of an investment company that is deeply invested in Russian oil and natural gas companies.   And it turns out that the mysterious Mr. Hopkins is a senior counsel for a Bermudan law firm called 'Wakefield Quin'.   Wakefield Quin provides office space and serves as a corporate registered agent in Bermuda for numerous foreign companies, including upwards of 20 companies with connections to the Russian government.   And Hoskins and other Wakefield officials have worked as managers at companies and hedge funds owned by or tied in with the Russian state-owned companies.   For examples, Hoskins and other Wakefield people have served as executives of Spectrum Partners, a fund with offices in Moscow and assets based in Russian oil and natural gas.   Hoskins and many other Wakefield Quin mucky-mucks are tied in with Russian state-owned Rosneft.   Hoskins is also director of a subsidiary of a Russian investment house called Troika Dialog, which just happened to handle the IPO of Timan Oil and Gas, a company owned by a Russian kleptocrat...   Sea Change Foundation is run by Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Simons, who are the only other donors to the foundation besides Klein Ltd.   Simons manages hedge funds directed by Wakefield Quin attorneys, and his own investment firm just by utter coincidence specializes in companies that stand to gain from the aggressive environmentalist policies promoted by the foundation.   And funds run by him and his father Jim Simons list their addresses as -- Wakefield Quin..."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Joe Herring & doctor Mark Christian _American Thinker_
CAGE and CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood: advocates or recruiters?
"Perhaps most interestingly, though, despite his ubiquitous presence on both British and American media for the last few days, no one thought to ask Mr. Qureshi about his own statements and feelings regarding jihad, and the inconvenient fact that he was captured on video-tape urging those in attendance to follow the examples of: '...our brothers and sisters fighting in Chechnya, Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan...   When we see Hezbollah defeating...'   Qureshi worked with Emwazi for at least 2 years..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
Sili Valley executives "fight sexism" by treating women as mentally infirm
"While women are being beaten, beheaded, and raped in the Middle East to complete silence from feminist groups, we do, on the brighter side, have yet another article about the woes of the ladies of Silicon Valley.   The LA Times has written some very compelling anecdotes from women who are leaving the tech world because they are frustrated by sexism!...   'A Harvard Business Review study from 2008 found that as many as 50% of women working in science, engineering and technology will, over time, leave because of hostile work environments.'   That's good scholarly work!   I'm glad Harvard didn't also examine how many men left because of frustrating work environments, because it wouldn't have been relevant to the study...   'She said male co-workers seemed to oppose her.'   And men don't have male co-workers opposing them...   'They just kept asking me to prove myself over and over again. she said.'   Only women have had this experience working in tech.   If you're a man in tech reading this, you can't relate, because things like this don't happen to you...   Or, purely as a thought experiment, women could simply be treated the same as men, and if fewer women want to go into programming, or fewer women want to stay in an environment with long hours and stressful work, that's their decision to make.   Many people have frustrations at work, and it's easy to assign it to sexism, but the fact is that tech companies are dying to find qualified women to fill slots so they can show 'diversity'.   It's not very likely that they're trying to drive them away."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
SRO crowd expected in House chamber for Netanyahu speech
"the demand for tickets to the speech has exceeded anything his office has seen since he was elected speaker in 2010.   It will be standing room only in the House chamber and several satellite locations where the speech can be viewed in the Capitol building have been set up to handle the crush...   Netanyahu is coming to America to tell his ally they are making a grave error by trusting Iran on a nuclear deal..."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Rush Limbaugh
Benjamin Netanyahu speech to congress is the hottest ticket in town despite Dem/Red/leftist boycott

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
more Obummer lies and dissemblings revealed
"Investigators are examining 7 minutes 45 seconds of footage apparently filmed by [gunman Amedy Coulibaly] on a GoPro camera worn during the siege, according to reports.   It shows him shouting 'Nobody move!', before grabbing hold of a customer, asking his name, and then shooting him dead.   He asks another man what origin he is.   And when the hostage replies 'Jewish', he kills him too.   'So you know why I am here then.   Allahu Akbar!', he shouts, according to Le Nouvel Observateur's report.   He is also heard making anti-Semitic remarks when one woman tries to tell him that his hostages have done nothing wrong..."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
IAEA warns that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"Yet not only does Iran continue to deny inspectors access to a key suspect site, it has carried out work there that the agency says will make it more difficult to determine what has been going on there, should they ever be admitted in the future.   Even couched in the staid language favored by UN [bureaubums]..."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
House Tech sub-committee chair Greg Walden (R-OR) denounces FCC's attempt to fend off competition and free speech in telecomm

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's vile schemes are driving up prices of electricity: new record in January
graph from Cybercast News Service
The seasonally adjusted price index for electricity was from the record 210.489 in December to 212.290 in January.   Before that, the high had been the 209.341 recorded in 2014 March.   The annual electricity price index set a record, increasing from 200.750 in 2013 to 208.020 in 2014.

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Katherine Telford _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty of illegal aliens united CPAC gathering
"An overwhelming 77% of attendees agreed Congress must act to defund the president's actions.   Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) was the first speaker to directly address immigration, stating 'We have to use the power of the purse.   We have to withhold funding when the president does that.'   Lee, a usually calm presence, was clearly emotional regarding the issue as he emphatically stated, 'If you are asking whether or not I will vote to fund the president's executive amnesty, no I will not.'   The statement was met with applause and cheering, even bringing a few to their feet.   Regarding executive amnesty, Lee also pleaded, 'We've got to get back to our separation of powers.'...   Drawing on his own experiences as the child of immigrants, governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) also expressed passion surrounding the immigration issue.   He told the audience, 'We in the West have a responsibility to assimilate and integrate...   There is nothing wrong with saying that if you want to come to America, you should be an American...   [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens, his unconstitutional and illegal grant of 'work permits' to wives of H-1B visa grantees need] to be repealed.   We elected these Republicans.   They told us if we gave them the senate majority they would stand up to this unconstitutional, this illegal act...'   Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) incorporated a strong no-amnesty stance into his speech.   The senator also pointed a finger toward Washington: 'Unfortunately, Republican leadership is cutting a deal with Harry Reid and the Democrats to give in on executive amnesty...   Washington [DC] wants amnesty, but the people want rule of law.'...   governor Rick Perry (R-TX) joined his state's senator in condemning Washington, 'They talk and people literally die.   You don't trust Washington [DC] to deal with this -- I don't trust Washington [DC] to deal with this -- until they secure the border...   Laura Ingraham, conservative talk show host, gave the audience something to support, not just join in mutual disdain.   In her praise of the United States, Ingraham stated, 'American citizenship is not something that should be easily bargained away.   American citizenship means something.   It's not just a piece of paper.'   Ingraham's fellow talk show host Mark Levin mirrored her passion: 'We are not a nation of immigrants.   We are a nation of citizens.   I am sick and tired of the American citizen being demeaned and treated as a second-class citizen.'   For a supposedly divided party, the message seemed very clear: Conservative Republicans oppose the president's actions on amnesty.   Grass-roots Republicans are not divided on immigration, especially not on [Obummer's recent unconstitutional and illegal] actions.   Their leadership would do well to listen."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
CPAC session on immigration history was canceled
"3 break-out sessions on immigration were scheduled: 'Immigration: Can Conservatives Reach a Consensus', 'The History of Immigration and Citizenship', and 'If We Build It, They Won't Come'.   Clearly, immigration was an important point of discussion.   Unfortunately, and particularly disappointing, the Friday session on 'History of Immigration and Citizenship' was cancelled.   Given the large percentage of student attendees (47% of participants in CPAC's straw poll identified themselves as students, the same percentage that fell within the age span of 18-25 years olds) at this year's convention, this was a lost opportunity.   Part of the 'CPAC University' series of educational sessions, it had the potential to provide CPAC participants with a stronger foundation for understanding one of the most pressing issues of today.   There was no indication of why the session was cancelled; it might have stemmed from the perennial tension between CPAC's sponsoring organization, the American Conservative Union, which supports amnesty [for illegal aliens] and increased immigration, and the actual activists who attend, who tend to be more hawkish on immigration...   contexts change.   According to government records, 9M persons were unemployed in 2015 January; millions more have dropped out of the job market altogether.   Data show that 'The nation's immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit a record 41.3M in July 2013, an increase of 1.4M since 2010 July.   Since 2000, the immigrant population is up 10.2M.'"

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Gabriella Morrongiello _Campus Reform_
UCLA student council discriminates against Jewish student in considering appointment to judicial council
Campus Reform.org

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
William Kremer _BBC_
are humans getting more clever?
"The researchers -- Peera Wongupparaj, Veena Kumari and Robin Morris at Kings College London -- did not themselves ask anyone to sit an IQ test, but they analysed data from 405 previous studies.   Altogether, they harvested IQ test data from more than 200K participants, captured over 64 years and from 48 countries.   Focusing on one part of the IQ test, the Raven's Progressive Matrices, they found that on average intelligence has risen the equivalent of 20 IQ points since 1950.   IQ tests are designed to ensure that the average result is always 100, so this is a significant jump...   In 1982, James Flynn... when tests were revised every 25 years or so, the test-setters would get a panel to sit both the old test and the new one...   'in every instance, those who took the old test got a higher score than they did on the new test'...   If Americans today took the tests from a century ago, Flynn says, they would have an extraordinarily high average IQ of 130.   And if the Americans of 100 years ago took today's tests, they would have an average IQ of 70 -- the recognised cut-off for people with intellectual disabilities.   To put it another way, IQ has been rising at roughly 3 points per decade...   There has been no clear correlation between the rising IQ scores and US school performance -- in SAT tests, for example...   'Now virtually all formal schooling, when you get past the sixth grade into high school and college, means that you take hypotheses seriously.', says Flynn.   '...And you're using logic on abstract categories.'...   'in 1900 only 3% of Americans performed cognitively demanding jobs -- now the figure is 35%, and the work itself is far more intellectually demanding than it was a century ago.   Families are also smaller, so children are exposed to more adult conversation at the dinner table than in the past.'...   in some North European countries, including France and Scandinavia, IQs have flat-lined or diminished slightly...   'People in 1900 had minds that were perfectly adequate for remembering first cousins once removed, they were perfectly adequate for ploughing a farm, they were perfectly adequate for making change in a store.   No-one asked them to do tertiary education.'..."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
genomes document ancient mass migration to Europe 4,500 years ago
"Their analyses show that 7K-8K years ago, a closely related group of early farmers moved into Europe from the Near East, confirming the findings of previous studies.   The farmers were distinct from the indigenous hunter-gatherers they encountered as they spread around the continent.   Eventually, the two groups mixed, so that by 5K-6K years ago, the farmers' genetic signature had become melded with that of the indigenous Europeans...   Professor Reich and colleagues have now identified a likely source area for this later diaspora.   The Bronze Age Yamnaya pastoralists of southern Russia are a good fit for the missing third genetic component in Europeans.   The team analysed nine genomes from individuals belonging to this nomadic group, which buried their dead in mounds known as kurgans.   The scientists contend that a group similar to the Yamnaya moved into the European heartland after the invention of wheeled vehicles, contributing up to 50% of ancestry in some modern north Europeans...   Even more intriguing is the possible link between this steppe expansion and the origins of Indo-European languages..."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
woman's body found in lead coffin inside stone sarcophagus next to remains of Richard iii
"But she was female, may have died in 1250 and possibly founded the friary, the University of Leicester said. Two other graves were also excavated in the former friary, both of women... Tests revealed she was an elderly woman and experts believe she could have been an early benefactor of the church as she may have died in 1250, not long after the building was complete. However, radio-carbon dating indicates she could have died as late as 1400 -- 85 years before the death of King Richard... there were still hundreds of other burials that have not been touched. Richard 3 would certainly not have been the only male buried here during the friary's 300-year history and historic records list at least 3 other men buried in the church.', he said... Scientists also revealed the women enjoyed varied and expensive diets, including sea fish, meat and game, indicating they were relatively wealthy. But they also showed signs of hard physical labour, showing they were probably middle-class Leicester residents."

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
look who is leading a politically-motivated "witch hunt" now!

2015-03-02 (5775 Ader 11)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
there is more ice on the Great Lakes now than during the 2014 "polar vortex" (with maps)
"The total ice cover of the Great Lakes is currently 88.3%, or 2.3 percentage points more than it was at the same time during last year’s polar vortex, when 86% of the lakes' surfaces were frozen solid, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).   The ice accumulation is also much higher than the 51.4% long-term average since 1973.   However, it is still short of the record of 94.7%, which was set on 1979 Feb. 19..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1836-03-02: Texas Declaration of Independence
Proposed Bills 2015

  "[Andrew] Johnson preferred charitable initiatives to federal programs, & personally sent $1K to support a school to educate black children in Charleston." --- Marvin Olasky 1992 _The Tragedy of American Compassion_ pg 58  



2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
_National Review_
contenders for 2016 election should stop caving in to the left on illegal immigration, insecure borders, and excessive visas
"A recent Gallup poll showed that 39% of Americans want less immigration, while only 7% want more...   Republican candidates have thoughtlessly and needlessly associated themselves with a view that has very little public support.   They would do well to emphasize the need for enforcement first.   Ted Cruz, to his credit, has done this, and Scott Walker is moving in that direction..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Joe Guzzardi _Californians for Population Stabilization_
House bill (HR604) aims at ending chain-immigration
"Chain migration accounts for more than half of all immigration and is responsible for most of the long-term population growth since 1972, when native-born Americans started having children at an average replacement level of 2.1 per family to promote a more sustainable future for their children and grand-children...   Parents could quality for a renewable visa that doesn't include work authorization if their children could provide proof of financial support and health insurance...   Non-nuclear family members that eventually can petition distant relatives would be removed from the chain which, in turn, would reduce legal immigration and stabilize population."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
full-court press: true blue Republican state attorneys-general continue to be Obummer's most heroic opponents

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the honesty gap
"The poetic justice in the recent 'pay gap' revelations is that the fundamental fraud in the statistics that are thrown around comes back to bite those who are promoting that fraud for political purposes.   What makes such statistics fraudulent is that they are comparing apples and oranges.   Innumerable studies, going back for decades, have shown that women do not average as many hours of work per year as men, do not have as many consecutive years of full-time employment as men, do not work in the same mix of occupations as men and do not specialize in the same mix of subjects in college as men.   Back in 1996, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine [NEJM] showed that young male physicians earned 41% higher incomes than young female physicians.   But the same study showed that young male physicians worked over 500 hours a year more than young female physicians..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
cardinal Timothy Dolan: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate Muslims are engaging in targeted genocide against the Christian population in the MiddleEast

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton illegally used a personal e-mail account to conduct official business at State Dept. hampering efforts to archive official government documents required by law
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall: Trey Gowdy notes that the select committee to investigate the attack on US consulate at Benghazi will be asking for those e-mail messages
Ben Wolfgang: Washington DC Times: hidden Hitlery e-mail messages taint Obummer "transparency" vow, boost probe of attack on US consulate in Benghazi

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
the corrupt Susan Rice is not happy that people at AIPAC oppose her insane positions
"'I plan to speak about an Iranian regime that is threatening to destroy Israel, that's devouring country after country in the Middle East, that's exporting terror throughout the world and that is developing, as we speak, the capacity to make nuclear weapons -- lots of them.', Netanyahu told AIPAC on Monday...   Last week, senator Bob Corker (R-TN), joined by senators in both parties, introduced a bill requiring [president Barack Hussein Obummer] to submit the text of any agreement with Iran to congress [as required by the US constitution].   The bill also would bar the administration from suspending sanctions imposed by congress for 60 days, giving congress time to hold hearings on the agreement.   [The corrupt, race-obsessed, oath-breaking, power-mad president Barack Hussein Obummer] has threatened to veto the bill if it reaches his desk..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: we cannot trust Obummer and we cannot trust Iran's dictators
"'Well, this is a president who told us we could keep our doctors, we could keep our health insurance, they're going to get to the bottom of Benghazi.   And that was all about a video.   We were told they're going to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal.   We're going to get to the bottom of the Fast and Furious.   I'm sorry, but the president has no credibility when it comes to saying, look, you can trust me.   Actually, we can't.   And the truth is, we certainly can't trust the Iranians..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's task force envisions police as leftist community activists

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
David Espo _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
House will vote on dirty bill to fund unconstitutional and illegal activities of DHS

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
owning and bearing arms is our right; protecing our families is our responsibility
"The framers of the constitution added the second amendment for some very good reasons, and it's not only for hunting, target practice and personal protection, as most people tend to believe.   Let's see what Thomas Jefferson had to say about it.   'None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army.   To keep ours armed and disciplined is therefore at all times important.'   We're all familiar with what Admiral Yamato of the Japanese Imperial Navy said about there being a rifle behind every blade of grass in America, making invading the U.S. Mainland a chancy venture.   Well today, in my opinion, America faces a more clear and present danger to our homeland than we ever did from the Japanese.   I have no desire to be an alarmist, and I am very serious about the statement I am about to make.   And I hope, with all my heart, that it is totally wrong, but I sincerely believe that the chances of terrorist chaos in the streets of America, attacks on shopping malls, public gatherings and even in neighborhoods are all but eminent.   America has been much less than vigilant in our immigration polices for decades.   There are thousands [millions] of people who have over-stayed their visas, and the government has completely lost track of them, those who have slipped through the cracks, as was the case with the Tsarnaev brothers, who pulled off the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Saudis, who flew planes into the World Trade Towers.   The same can be said for those who simply walked across our Southern border that [president Barack Hussein Obummer] wants to grant amnesty to, not even knowing their reasons for being here, or their ultimate intentions..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
AIPAC pummeled leftist oath-breaking Obummer

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Lynn Wardle _Cybercast News Service_
coercion is the name of the same-sex "marriage" political game
"Same-sex 'marriage' is now permitted in three-fourths of the American States (37 states plus in the District of Columbia, as of 2015 February 27).   (However, same-sex 'marriage' is legitimate in only 11 of those states -- because only 11 of those states have legislatively acted on the issue with legislators or voters approving of the legalization of same-sex marriage.   In all of the other (25) states where same-sex marriage is legal, it is the result of illegitimate judicial mandates.   But the legitimacy issue is another topic.)   Same-sex 'marriage' is a profound moral issue..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
David Limbaugh _Cybercast News Service_
the corrupt Barack Hussein Obummer tries to smear Benjamin Netanyahu, and coddle Iran's violent dictators
Jewish World Review

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
college campus update
Town Hall
Jewish World Review
"[President Barack Hussein Obummer] wants Americans to dig deeper into our pockets to expand college education.   Let's update college indoctrination done in the name of education..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
_Cybercast News Service_
Luis Gutierrez: corrupt Chicago government has made sure we violate federal immigration laws (video)

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Laura Ingraham
leftist groups are starting to complain of medical care and insurance costs driven up by ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Benjamin Netanyahu at the barricade against nuclear Iran

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the occasion the Dems/Reds/leftists asked for
"[Obummer] affects the leadership of Alfred E. Neuman -- 'What? Me worry?'   Churchill recognized the face of wickedness, as [Obummer] clearly does not.   Churchill invoked the defiance of Stonewall Jackson who urged care and concern in picking the fields of battle, but once the sword is drawn, 'throw away the scabbard'.   Mr. Netanyahu's speech is intended to remind Americans that theirs is Lincoln's 'exceptional nation', and to remind [Obummer] that the exceptional nation is the nation he is heir to.   A resolute president would fear neither the knives and guns of a determined adversary, nor the message of a friendly visitor.   Irresolution invites doubts, fears and ultimately contempt [and defeat and subjugation]..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu's moment
"But the [Obummer regime's] reaction to the Israeli prime-minister's appearance suggests Netanyahu's is more than just another speech.   [A regime] that disdains the use of disproportionate [defensive] force [in response to initiated force] has been, to say the least, disproportionately forceful in its efforts to undermine Netanyahu's message and discredit the messenger.   What is [Obummer] so worried about?...   a new poll from YouGov reports only 47% of respondents saying they think the president loves America, with [an only slightly smaller minority] either thinking he does not (35%) or being unsure (17%).   By contrast, 58% think Rudy Giuliani loves America, and only 10% think not.   As for themselves, 85% of respondents say they love America, and only 6% say they do not..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
_Jerusalem Post_
full transcript of Benjamin Netanyahu's SRO speech to US congress
Algemeiner: full transcript
Jewish Press: transcript
"Last summer, millions of Israelis were protected from thousands of Hamas rockets because this capital dome helped build our Iron Dome...   We’re an ancient people.   In our nearly 4K years of history, many have tried repeatedly to destroy the Jewish people.   Tomorrow night, on the Jewish holiday of Purim, we'll read the Book of Esther.   We'll read of a powerful Persian vice-roy named Haman, who plotted to destroy the Jewish people some 2,500 years ago.   But a courageous Jewish woman, queen Esther, exposed the plot and gave for the Jewish people the right to defend themselves against their enemies.   The plot was foiled.   Our people were saved.   Today the Jewish people face another attempt by yet another Persian potentate to destroy us.   Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei spews the oldest hatred, the oldest hatred of anti-Semitism with the newest technology.   He tweets that Israel must be annihilated -- he tweets.   You know, in Iran, there isn't exactly free Internet.   But he tweets in English that Israel must be destroyed.   For those who believe that Iran threatens the Jewish state, but not the Jewish people, listen to Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, Iran's chief terrorist proxy.   He said: If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of chasing them down around the world.   But Iran's regime is not merely a Jewish problem, any more than the Nazi regime was merely a Jewish problem.   The 6M Jews murdered by the Nazis were but a fraction of the 60M people killed in World War 2.   So, too, Iran's regime poses a grave threat, not only to Israel, but also the peace of the entire world.   To understand just how dangerous Iran would be with nuclear weapons, we must fully understand the nature of the regime.   The people of Iran are very talented people. They're heirs to one of the world's great civilizations.   But in 1979, they were hijacked by religious zealots -- religious zealots who imposed on them immediately a dark and brutal dictatorship.   That year, the zealots drafted a constitution, a new one for Iran.   It directed the revolutionary guards not only to protect Iran's borders, but also to fulfill the ideological mission of jihad.   The regime's founder, Ayatollah Khomeini, exhorted his followers to 'export the revolution throughout the world'.   I'm standing here in Washington, DC and the difference is so stark.   America's founding document promises life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.   Iran's founding document pledges death, tyranny, and the pursuit of jihad.   And as states are collapsing across the Middle East, Iran is charging into the void to do just that.   Iran's goons in Gaza, its lackeys in Lebanon, its revolutionary guards on the Golan Heights are clutching Israel with 3 tentacles of terror.   Backed by Iran, Assad is slaughtering Syrians.   Back by Iran, Shiite militias are rampaging through Iraq.   Back by Iran, Houthis are seizing control of Yemen, threatening the strategic straits at the mouth of the Red Sea.   Along with the Straits of Hormuz, that would give Iran a second choke-point on the world's oil supply.   Just last week, near Hormuz, Iran carried out a military exercise blowing up a mock U.S. aircraft carrier.   That's just last week..."
Jewish Press: map of Iranian terror
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
why the corrupt, race-obsessed, extreme leftist, oath-breaking Barack Hussein Obummer so dislikes Benjamin Netanyahu
"Those who do not confront evil resent those who do...   Virtually everyone listening knows he is telling the truth.   And most dislike him for it.   Appeasers hate those who confront evil..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
tools to carry just in case you need them for self-defense

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
over-reaching power-madness in plain English

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
restricted telecomm continues in the USA
"A lot of ordinary Americans hate their cable company. They fume with every month's astronomically high TV-Internet-phone bundle bill, the product of the company's monopoly or near-monopoly power. High-speed Internet is seen no longer as a luxury but as the staff of commercial and personal life. Many Americans know that they are paying vastly more for far slower service than their friends in France, in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe. For huge numbers of us, hating the cable company transcends politics..."
FH's view of this is a bit odd. The problem is the government-enforced near-monopoly instead of government-enforced competition. The telecomm execs like near-monopoly low levels of service and high charges; the FB, Google, Netflix execs want the free-ridership of making big bux without paying for the big telecomm investments. The FCC left-wingers (Dems/Reds) want power and crony socialism for their buddies, and the FCC right-wingers want crony socialism for their buddies. The power-mad government wants easy monitoring and tracking (privacy violation). The "little people" have lost again in any case...jgo

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
neither the haughty John Kerry nor James Clapper nor Barack Hussein Obummer is believable

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Chamberlainesque "peace in our time"
"Now it's come out that John Kerry and the [Obummer regime's] other foreign policy masterminds have been withholding details of Washington's coming deal with Teheran from our 'ally' Israel.   There are some things, they figure, it is better the Israelis not know.   Why, sure.   Why tell the sacrificial lamb what awaits it? Any more than a wise old statesman like Neville Chamberlain let the Czechs know just what was happening behind closed doors when he met Herr Hitler in Munich to assure 'Peace in Our Time', which in that case lasted maybe a year -- from September of 1938 to September of 1939.   The hapless Czechs were represented at Munich, too, but kept in the dark till the deal was done.   It might only have upset them if they'd gotten wind of what was going on.   They were told they'd been sold out only after the sale was made, signed, sealed and delivered...   But surely Neville Chamberlain's grand welcome home will pale compared to the state occasion when [the haughty] John Kerry [who served in VietNam], [Barack Hussein Obummer] and naive [or malevolent] company unveil what has been an open secret for years: Washington [DC] is determined to make a deal that will let Teheran's mullahs proceed with their plans to develop a nuclear weapon all their own.   And at such a low price, too.   Just the Israelis' security.   Of course that'll be only the down payment; our own security and that of our remaining allies in the Middle East will be jeopardized only later, maybe a whole year later if the Munich precedent holds..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the sad plight of Jihadi John = Mohammed Emwazi
"...There were, of course, many alternatives available to Emwazi, if he were an innocent harassed by an out-of-control security service.   He could have started a blog devoted to civil liberties.   He could have joined an advocacy group fighting against such 'abuses'.   He could have gotten a law degree and fought for his rights and those of others falsely accused.   He could have done any of a thousand things, including -- it is worth adding -- forswearing any association with Islamic radicalism.   What he chose to do was to abscond to Syria -- so much for the all-knowing British surveillance state -- and decapitate people..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
CPAC, freedom and saving the USA
Washington DC Times
"...While there are differences of opinion on certain policy issues, there is a common foundation all conservatives share and that is a love and commitment to freedom.   [Leftists] projecting their own identity crisis on their opponents got a bit of a shock from the vision emerging out of CPAC.   Whether it be Scott Walker or Mia Love or Carly Fiorina, Americans heard messages about freedom, speaking up and pushing back.   There will be no more ceding the moral high ground to [leftists]..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer's perverse policing task force
Chuck Ross: Daily Caller
TEA Party Digest
"Specifically, this task force in its 'interim' report recommends that the segment within the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC) known as the 'immigration violator file' be de-activated and deleted.   Given [the Obummer regime's] bent over the past several years toward destroying immigration controls of any sort, the recommendation cannot come as a surprise.   Still, to follow it would be fundamentally stupid.   I can quickly and easily think of a couple of dozen reasons why eliminating the file will be seriously injurious to immigration enforcement, and thus homeland security as well..."
I have to disagree with DC.   The US constitution explicitly says that police should NOT know everything possible about people they are targeting...   unless and until they produce reasonable reasons to believe they are engaged in or imminently to engage in initiation of force or fraud -- reasons convincing enough to get a warrant from a skeptical judge.   Not an automatic rubber-stamp.   Not a presumption that every policeman has good or bad intentions.   Not a presumption that every motorist is guilty of something and that it is just a matter of coming up with an excuse, as has commonly been the case over the last 50 years and more.

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Alex Griswold _Daily Caller_
Mark Levin: Benjamin Netanyahu is a leader and warrior, Obummer is an extreme leftist ideologue, community activist, and appeaser
Susan Jones: Cybercast News Service

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
_News Max_/_AP_
Red China to increase military spending another 10% this year

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
_News Max_/_AFP_
UK banned tourism ad for recognizing that Jerusalem is in Israel

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
GOP praised Netanyahu's speech

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Ben Smith _Daily Signal_
what congress-critters twitted about Netanyahu's speech

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Todd Beamon _News Max_/_AFP_
Nigerian standing army troops and militia claim to have killed 70 Boko Haram terrorists in repelling an attack on Konduga

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Laura Ingraham
Boehner gets the dirty, unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens that he wanted all along
Joel Gehrke: National Review: Boehner says "pass dirty unconstitutional DHS bill today"
Richard Manning: Fox: a day that will live in infamy
Rick Moran: American Thinker: House passed dirty DHS funding bill 257-167, with all 167 "no" votes coming from Republicans, i.e. if only 45 more Republicans had been responsible it would have been defeated, and we would have immigration reform

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
_One Old Vet_
Boehner betrayed GOP base to fund Obummer's unconstitutional a nd illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
Neil Munro: Daily Caller
Pete Kasperowicz: Blaze: turn-coats and oath-of-office violators who voted to fund dirty unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Boehner tells real republicans: you have to go along, break your oaths of office, help destroy the USA
"Boehner, through his ex-chief of staff Barry Jackson (who now works as a senior board member for the outside group American Action Network), has close ties to advertisements targeting 3 House Republicans for their steadfast opposition to any funding for [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty.   The AAN ad buy, worth $400K, has television spots running in the districts of representatives Jim Jordan (R-OH), Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) and Tim Huelskamp (R-KS).   In an interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday, Huelskamp came out swinging against the decision to fire on members who are supposed to be his own troops.   'If these guys spent half as much time fighting [Obummer] as they do attacking conservatives, maybe we'd win.', Huelskamp said, while noting that AAN is clearly 'Boehner's group' and that the Speaker himself must be personally aware of the attack ads.   They seem to be backfiring in more ways than one, however.   The attack ads could be part of the catalyst behind 167 Republicans casting a vote against the DHS funding bill that funds [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty -- meaning they were in essence casting a vote of no confidence in Boehner's [losership]...   Those 3 members are now heroes against the left and victims of the political [losership's] brutality [and treachery], giving them a bully pulpit from which to bludgeon Boehner and [Obummer] moving forward..."
Pete Kasperowicz: Blaze: turn-coats and oath-of-office violators who voted to fund dirty unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Jim DeMint _Daily Signal_
If not now, when? Will the GOP majority ever stand for anything?

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Katherine Grise _Campus Reform_
Christian college under fire for being Christian
Campus Reform.org

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
B. Christopher Agee _Western Journalism_
Yebbie + Hitlery have so much in common they might as well throw party affiliation out and campaign as a team

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Kelly Riddell _Washington DC Times_
FBI lawyer sent e-mail message to whistle-blower, threatening retaliation, if he discloses political meddling inside a secret terrorism and counterintelligence surveillance program
"The senate Judiciary committee is planning to take testimony Wednesday about the FBI's whistle-blower protections, and an on-going review of the bureau's surveillance program has raised concerns for the panel's chairman, senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA)..."

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Bill Murchison _Town Hall_
moral dumbing-down
Gregg Easterbrook: Wall Street Journal

2015-03-03 (5775 Ader 12)
Kyle Whitmire, Brendan Kirby & Kent Faulk _Alabama_
state supreme court orders halt to same-sex "marriages"
"'As it has done for approximately 2 centuries, Alabama law allows for marriage between only one man and one woman.', the order said.   'Alabama probate judges have a ministerial duty not to issue any marriage license contrary to this law.   Nothing in the United States Constitution alters or overrides this duty.'...   The order, called a writ of mandamus, had been requested by the Alabama Policy Institute and the Alabama Citizens Action Program last month.   In a statement after the ruling, lawyers from Liberty Counsel, which represented the plaintiffs, applauded the decision and blasted the federal judge who ruled in favor of same-sex 'marriages' in Mobile...   The court seemed to chide Alabama attorney-general Luther Strange for not taking a more active role in enforcing state law..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1865-03-03: battle of Natural Bridge, Florida.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Achievement is talent plus preparation. The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role preparation seems to play." --- Malcolm Gladwell 2008 _Outliers_ pg38  



2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
House Judiciary committee passes bill to speed deportations

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Sarah Rumpf _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz highlighted unfairness to legal immigrants of Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
Pete Kasperowicz: Blaze: turn-coats and oath-of-office violators who voted to fund dirty unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
_One Old Vet_
senator Jeff Sessions: this is only the beginning of the struggle to achieve sane immigration
National Review

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Michelle Malkin _Cybercast News Service_
going bananas: a case study in leftist media-manufactured racism
Human Events
Town Hall
Jewish World Review
"If any of these media outlets had bothered breathing into paper bags before making abject fools of themselves, they might have actually committed journalism.   Holy Spirit is a tight-knit community with a 50-year tradition of excellence in academics, sports and character education.   I know more than a little about the school and its student body because I am a proud alumna of H.S.H.S. and have stayed in touch with many of its dedicated teachers and administrators over the years.   Part of Holy Spirit's half-century legacy includes a storied athletic rivalry with nearby Atlantic City High School.   The competition between the Holy Spirit Spartans and the Atlantic City Vikings has always been fierce but friendly.   At a basketball game two weeks ago, Holy Spirit students decided to show their team spirit by recreating Arizona State University's famous 'Curtain of Distraction' during their rivals' foul shots.   Unlike the pot-stirrers who've turned an innocent prank into an international p.c. incident, Holy Spirit's senior class president Pat Shober was actually in the stands on Feb. 18 during the game.   He donned a green ballerina tutu for the foul shot skits.   Other students scrounged up a bumblebee suit, monkey pajamas, costumes for Dorothy from the 'Wizard of Oz', a jack-o'-lantern and a banana..."

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
_News Max_/_AP_
Netanyahu: practical alternative to Chamberlainesque appeasement

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
_News Max_/_Reuters_
Colombia detained Red Chinese Cosco ship over arms smuggling
"thousands of cannon shells, about 100 tonnes of gunpowder and other materials used to make explosives, the attorney general's office said...   The cargo was listed in the records of the 28,451 deadweight-tonne ship as grain products.   The captain of the Hong Kong-flagged vessel had been arrested, the attorney general's office said...   'Around 100 tonnes of powder, 2.6M detonators, 99 projectiles and around 3K cannon shells were found.', Gonzalez added.   Photographs from the prosecutor's office showed wooden cases inside a shipping container with labels stating [Red Chinese] defense manufacturer China North Industries Group Corporation as the supplier.   The company, known as Norinco, is China's biggest arms maker...   The recipient was stated as importer Tecnoimport in the Cuban capital Havana...   A North Korean ship was detained in the Caribbean region in 2013 July, near the Panama canal, when it was found to be carrying Soviet-era weapons from Cuba including two MiG-21 jet fighters, hidden under thousands of tonnes of sugar."

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
why would ayatollah Ali Khamenei build several secret uranium-enrichment facilities with thousands of centrifuges?

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
the corrupt Obummer regime's war against transparency
C.J. Ciaramella: Fox: federal judge castigated EPA for "offensively unapologetic" resistance to turning over docs in FOIA case
Jason Devaney: News Max: EPA lacks respect for FOIA process
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times: judge ordered EPA to halt discrimination against non-leftists
Susan Ferrechio: Washington DC Examiner
"The entirety of the Obama era is marked by secrecy, obfuscation and, if all else fails, sheer dishonesty...   What is it about these elites that they believe rules just don't pertain to them?...   On the same day, news was breaking in The Washington Times that Mark Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation had spurred federal judge Royce Lamberth to broadside the Environmental Protection Agency that the Freedom of Information Act is for all citizens, not just your biggest supporters.   EPA dragged its feet on Landmark's requests for documents -- especially before the 2012 election -- and generally treated them like pond scum.   'The recurrent instances of disregard that EPA employees display for FOIA obligations should not be tolerated by the agency.', the judge said.   'It is plain to this court that EPA perceives Landmark as an enemy...   This court would implore the executive branch to take greater responsibility in ensuring that all EPA FOIA requests -- regardless of the political affiliation of the requester -- are treated with equal respect and conscientiousness.'...   When Democrats are in power, transparency goes out the window and our knights in shining armor are nowhere to be found.   It's not just Levin's lawyers who have demonstrated [Team Obummer's] disregard for answering Freedom of Information Act requests.   Conservative activist and author Christopher Horner laid out an astonishing case against the [Obummer regime] in his book _The Liberal War on Transparency_.   Just like Hillary, former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson conducted government business illegally using her private e-mail account.   Just like Hillary, staffers of [Obummer's] Department of Energy enjoyed conducting government business from private e-mail accounts.   In the scandal surrounding Solyndra's bankruptcy after government 'investments', Energy Department official Jonathan Silver instructed department staffers: 'Don't ever send an e-mail on DoE e-mail with personal e-mail addresses.'   He wanted to hide these communications from a sub poena.   Why is this administration so bold in its lawlessness?   Perhaps it is their confidence that the news media will look the other way."

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Puneet Kollipara _AAAS Science_
corrupt Obummer threatens to veto bills to require openness in science
"The bills, introduced by a mostly Republican cast of sponsors in both the House and the senate, would require that EPA use only publicly available, reproducible data in writing regulations and seek to remake the membership and procedures of the agency's science advisory panels.   [Leftists have numerous concerns about both bills, because they would prefer to do their dishonest dirty deeds out of public view, and neither side seems to respect the difference between anonymous and statistical data and individual privacy.]"

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer/Holder DoJ: we unconstitutionally and illegally gave 100K illegal aliens immunity before injunction, in an effort at continuing an alleged fait accompli
Laura Ingraham
Stephan Dinan: Washington DC Times
Jazz Shaw: Hot Air

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
congress demands White House and IRS turn over e-mail messages in which IRS illegally disclosed tax-victims' information

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Laura Ingraham
Prince George's county MD planned to open 2 HS academies to help recent immigrants and illegal aliens learn English; NAACP is furious
Bruce Leshan: WUSA 9 CBS Gannett

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Laura Ingraham
in violation of 1st amendment, U of MN prohibits students from making fun of terrorists
Allison Maass: Campus Reform

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Steven J. Rosen _Jewish World Review_
the real crisis in USA-Israel relations is ahead
Washington DC Times

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Morton A. Klein & Daniel Mandel _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's hostile policies are the cause of strain in USA-Israel relations

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
judge prays for laid-off, homeless, ex-convict in court, and he is heard
"'You're not a throwaway, Mr. Potchen.', the judge said in court.   'You have value, sir, I'm always optimistic and hopeful that there are still good people out there who believe freedom is important.'   Freedom and dignity are vitally important, when you have money in the bank and food and you're warm and clean.   But remove these things and see what happens to ideals.   We tend to forget.   The middle class forgot until the economy tanked and many lost their jobs.   When they gave up looking for work, the federal government stopped counting them as jobless.   And these Americans were statistically disappeared.   All some men want, really, is work and something to eat and maybe to drink and the chance of meeting a woman once in a while.   They like being in a crew, they like routine.   All they need is work and structure.   They don't ask for much.   They don't hurt people.   They don't act like they're special.   If all you've had are nice office jobs with nice clothes and meetings on carpets, you'll never know such men.   But they're out there.   And our blindness makes it worse..."

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
the difference between security & survival
Town Hall
Washington DC Times
United Jerusalem

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
GAO: talk of "path to citizenship" was "primary cause" of worsened increase in illegal immigration in 2014

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
Quinnipiac poll: 55% of registered voters oppose Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Cliff May _Town Hall_
another Obummer disastrous deal of the century

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Jeff Jacoby _Town Hall_
Putin's Russia is a gangster regime

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Thomas Sowell _Town Hall_
random thoughts
Jewish World Review

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu believes in USA exceptionalism, too bad Obummer doesn't
Washington DC Times
Real Clear Politics

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Tom Howell ii _Jewish World Review_
supremes hear arguments over unconstitutional ObummerDoesn'tCare allows federal "marketplace" in King v. Burwell
Rick Moran: American Thinker
Jon N. Hall: American Thinker
2015-02-25: Ben Sasse: WSJ: a first step on the way out of ObummerDoesn'tCare
US News & World Report

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu clarifies the debate

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Alexander Grass _American Thinker_
Netanyahu addressed the West

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
it is prime-time for Scott Walker... whether he is ready or not

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
stop "channeling" Martin Luther King ii in dealing with ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
The trouble is that Obummer DOES know leftist totalitarianism.   And he likes the idea.   He wants to eradicate and rebuild people's memories.   He wants to alter the clear meanings of words for his purposes.   He wants his faction to rule.   And he either dismisses the history of pogroms, or expects them to ever more firmly entrench his own sub-sub-sub-faction.

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Brian C. Joondeph _American Thinker_
why vote Republican if the RINOs ram through the leftist agenda

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Hitlery used e-mail server in her own Chappaqua home for illegal government e-mail messages
Russ Vaughn: prior intent/premeditation
Thomas Lifson: Hitlery's top aides also used secret illegal e-mail accounts to conduct State Dept. business

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Deane Waldman _American Thinker_
all evidence suggests that ObummerDoesn'tCare makes medical care less available, lower quality
"2M newly insured at a cost of $2.6T equals $1.3M per person!...   That is money we don't have.   That means more debt that our children will have to pay back.   I'm sure they will thank us.   And where is all that money going? To us for better, more timely care? Hell, no.   In fact, ACA takes money for Medicare services to pay for federal bureaucracy.   It also takes large chunks of money out of your wallet, without you knowing: 17 new-but-hidden taxes or increased ones already in force.   Reality 2, Fantasyland 0, and more pain is on the way..."

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
E. Jeffrey Ludwig _American Thinker_
Obummer regime trying to hide the Islamic terrorists by pretending they're not there
"ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is often portrayed by the main-stream media (MSM) as the demonic face of 'extremism'.   To our president, this organization is not Islamic.   For [Obummer], ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is composed of pathological individuals who are masquerading as Islamics, hence inappropriately called 'Islamic extremists' or 'Islamic radicals'.   Not only ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is to be exempted from the 'Islamic' appellation, but so are other groups like al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and the growing number of 'lone wolf' assassins.   Even Hamas, which is on our State Department terror list, is allowed to receive money, in complete contravention of U.S. law, as they 'partner' with the Palestinian Authority.   Also, Iran, a country with which we do not have formal diplomatic relations because of their atrocities, is purposely not portrayed as governed by 'radical Islamists' or 'Islamic terrorists'.   Despite appearances, Islam is not at war with the West or with the kuffars (unbelievers).   Thus, the [Obummer regime has tried to redefine] 'Islam', 'terror', 'jihad', and 'extremism'..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Christine Rousselle _Town Hall_
"birth tourism" hotels in California raided by IRS + DHS
One Old Vet
Michelle Moons: Breitbart: maternity-tourism customers included Red Chinese government employees

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
_Judicial Watch_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens will cost about $484M, expand DHS rubber-stampers by 3,100 in new 280K square-foot compound in Arlington

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
the cure for GOP betrayal is good, well-funded, widely publicized challengers in the primaries
One Old Vet
"The conservative grassroots voters of America, who handed Republicans a historic victory in the 2014 mid-term elections, yesterday suffered a betrayal of epic proportion when House Republicans, led by speaker John Boehner, voted to fund the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] without any prohibition against [Obummer's] unconstitutional attempt to grant 'executive amnesty' to millions of illegal aliens.   To those remaining conservatives who really thought that the Capitol Hill establishment was going to make good on its promise to fight [Obummer's] unconstitutional amnesty 'tooth and nail' all I can say is you haven't read my book _TAKEOVER_, because such betrayals are part of a now-over 100-year pattern on the part of the Republican Party's [regressive] establishment.   The Republican [losers'] surrender on amnesty is just the latest in a long list of examples that, as I point out in _TAKEOVER_, prove that the number one enemy of limited government, constitutional conservatives is not the Democrats, but big-government, establishment Republicans, such as John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Bush 41, Bush 43 [Shrub], and Bush 45 wannabe [Yebbie]..."
Pete Kasperowicz: Blaze: turn-coats and oath-of-office violators who voted to fund dirty unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Yebbie Booosh, John Boehner and the rest of the anti-Reagan RINO establishment

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
David Franke _Conservative HQ_
M. Stanton Evans is dead. long live M. Stanton Evans!
"The year was 1957, and we were the very first _Human Events_ journalism class taught by Stan Evans.   Thousands of students followed us over the decades, but there was nothing like that first time.   For the next several years, we 3 students would have daily contact with Stan as our teacher and mentor, our friend, and our on-and-off roommate.   What a blessing.   American conservatism as a 'movement' didn't really exist at that time.   It was an intellectual idea conceived by William F. Buckley ii when he launched _National Review_ several years earlier in 1955, the name bestowed by NR senior-editor Russell Kirk in his book _The Conservative Mind_.   There wasn't even any consensus on the moniker 'conservative'.   I considered myself an individualist, others considered themselves libertarians or classical liberals.   The Intercollegiate Society of Individualists (ISI) existed to provide intellectual fodder for us youngsters, but there were as yet no conservative activist organizations.   We would help remedy that deficiency in the coming years 1957 to 1960..."

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
Geofrey Dickens _Media Research Center News-Busters_
main-stream media suppress news of IRS abuses
"Today House Oversight committee chairman Jason Chaffetz issued more sub peonas for documents and hardware in the IRS scandal probe.   Just last week, the IRS watch-dog charged with investigating Lois Lerner's missing [e-mail messages] said he is looking into the possibility of 'potential criminal activity'.   It was also reported that Lerner raked in '$129,300 in bonuses between 2010 and 2013', and there are at least a half-dozen conservative applicants still waiting for their tax exemptions...   The last time the IRS targeting imbroglio got any air-time on ABC was a 16 second brief by Amy Robach on the 2014 May 8 edition of Good Morning America, when Robach reported that '6 Democrats have joined Republicans in the House' to hold Lerner in contempt of congress..."

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
_TEA Party Digest_
Nevada attorney-general says states' law-suit against Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty and extension of "work permits" to wives of guest-workers is not only about immigration but about adherence to the US constitution
Rob Longley: PJMedia
"'It has never been true that in order to sympathize with the plight of immigrants... one must reject our constitutional system.'"

2015-03-04 (5775 Ader 13)
_TEA Party Digest_
USCIS Council president Kenneth Palinkas warns that Obummer's lax border security and immigration policies are virtually guaranteeing an attack worse than the ones on 2001-09-11
Terresa Monroe-Hamilton: Right Wing News
Neil Munro: Daily Caller

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1789-03-04: US Constitution went into effect.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "As Ralph Gomory, the one-time head of research at IBM, told a congressionally-appointed study committee in 2011: 'To prosper a country needs to make a range of good products and services, and then keep after them year after year, constantly learning and improving their capabilities to stay with or ahead of the competition.'" --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pg255 [as if anyone from Ill-Begotten Monstrosities would know a GOOD product or service from a bad or even evil one]  



2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
Obummer legacy: less freedom, more danger, crushing debt, nuclear Iran

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Laura Ingraham
over-population, over-crowding and excessive immigration: how the immigrant population will grow over time (with graph, table)
Katie McHugh: Breitbart
"A new report from the Census bureau predicts that nearly one-fifth of America's total population will be foreign-born in a mere 45 years.   Immigrants, legal and illegal, will [increase] 85% -- from 42M to 78M -- by 2060.   In contrast, the native-born population, which includes children born to illegal aliens, will increase by 22% or 62M...   Notably, these dramatic demographic changes occurred in less than a century's time, after the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965...   While unemployment stands at 5.6% and outstanding student loan debt at over $1.2T, both the Bush and Obama administration’s immigration policies have shut Americans out of the growing job market.   Between 2000 and 2014, every new job created went to legal and illegal immigrant workers.   Furthermore, for every new job created, two immigrants arrived in America: That's 18M foreign-born workers for 9.3M American jobs.   Within the next five years, Hispanic foreigners alone will take 75% of newly-created American jobs..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
stakes continue to rise in 25-year-long H-1B battle
"The visa program isn't supposed to 'adversely affect' U.S. workers, and yet it does, say 'IT' pros who have had to train their replacements."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the audacity of weakness
(Great cartoon by Jake Fuller.)
"Netanyahu came to the U.S. to outline the Iranian plan to remake the Middle East with a new nuclear arsenal.   His warning was delivered over the objections of the [Obummer regime], which wants to cut a deal with Iran that allows the theocracy to continue to enrich lots of uranium..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Lucia Mutikani _Reuters_
job markets down, stocks up, manufactured-goods orders down, productivity down, hours worked up

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
ethanol subsidies are a rip-off supported by both GOP and Dem politicians
Town Hall
However, when corn/maize is used to make ethanol, the dried remnants make excellent feed for poultry and cattle.   The scare story that making ethanol means that less corn can be used for feed, and hence high-quality food, is a misunderstanding.

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
be skeptical of "net neutrality"
"As a slogan, net neutrality is swell.   Who could oppose it? Speed is good, and hardly anyone wants an Internet that favors some users and penalizes others.   Be skeptical.   The FCC's new rules weaken -- or reverse -- decades of minimal regulation, during which the Internet flourished.   As often as not, economic regulation has adverse, unintended side effects.   That was true of the railroads, [it is true with electricity, and it remains true with telecommunications]..."
Marvin Olasky: Reason: HornSwoggled!
(see also Walter J. Primeaux _Direct Electric Utility Competition_, Roger S. Frantz _X-Efficiency: Theory, Evidence, and Applications_, Carl Pechman _Regulating Power: The Economics of Electricity in the Information Age_, John E. Kwoka _Power Structure: Ownership, Integration, and Competition in the US Electricity Industry_, Robert Poole _Unnatural Monopolies: The Case for DeRegulating Public Utilities_.)

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Putin has rebuilt a Russia of hate
"...In the Russia that Putin has built, such brazen Big Lies are pervasive, relentlessly promoted by a regime that manipulates the media and the law to destroy its critics and strangle democratic opposition.   Putin's time in power has seen the elimination of a jaw-dropping array of inconvenient individuals: Courageous journalists like Anna Politkovskaya, Anastasia Baburova, Ivan Safronov, and Paul Klebnikov.   Human-rights defenders, such as historian Natalia Estemirova and lawyer Stanislav Markelov.   High-placed whistleblowers, including one-time Russian intelligence officer Alexander Litvinenko and accountant Sergei Magnitsky.   They are only a few of so many Putin foes who have met untimely deaths.   Other opponents have been neutralized in other ways, from long prison terms on trumped-up convictions to forced exile..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Leonid Bershidsky _Jewish World Review_
why Estonia won't be Putin's next conquest: the tiny nation is planning
Kyiv Post/Kiev Post
National Post

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Dashiell Bennett _Financial Post_
Mark Cuban warns the tech bubble will burst soon and it is going to be worse than in 2000

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
a rogue president
Washington DC Times
World Net Daily
"These are not hypothetical questions.   In 2012, [president Obummer] signed executive orders that essentially said to about 1.7M unlawfully present immigrants who arrived in the U.S.A. before their 16th birthdays and who are not yet 31 years of age that if they complied with certain conditions that he made up out of thin air they will not be deported.   In 2014, the president signed additional executive orders that essentially made the same offer to about 4.7M unlawfully present immigrants, without the age limits that he had made up out of thin air.   A federal court enjoined enforcement of the 2014 orders last month.   Last week, the Federal Communications Commission [FCC] -- the bureaucrats appointed by the president who regulate broadcast radio and television -- decreed that it has the authority to regulate the Internet, even though federal courts have twice ruled that it does not.   Also last week, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [BATFE], whose director is appointed by the president, proposed regulations that would outlaw the only mass-produced bullets that can be fired from an AR-15 rifle.   This rifle has been the target of the left for many years because it looks like a military weapon; yet it is a lawful and safe civilian rifle commonly owned by many Americans.   This week, the president's press secretary told reporters that the president is seriously thinking of signing executive orders intended to raise taxes on corporations by directing the IRS to redefine tax terminology so as to increase corporate tax burdens.   He must have forgotten that those additional taxes would be paid by either the shareholders or the customers of those corporations, and those shareholders and customers elected a congress they had every right to expect would be writing the tax laws...   [Obummer] actually asked congress to write the laws he is now purporting to write, and congress declined, and so he does so at his peril..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
cleaning up the university boondoggles
Washington DC Times
American Spectator

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
common "green tip" AR-15 ammunition does not pose a higher risk to police
Paul Bedard: Washington DC Examiner

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Susan Ferrechio _Washington DC Examiner_
Boehner's left turn
"For the second day in a row, Wednesday, his House [losership] team turned to minority-leader Nancy [Nasty] Pelosi's Democrats to help pass major [bad] legislation and overcome determined opposition from dozens of GOP conservatives...   The vote came just one day after House Republican [losers] pushed through a key bill with the votes of Democrats rather than of their own conference members.   Tuesday's bill funded the Department of Homeland Security until Sept. 30 without curbing [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive order shielding millions of illegal [aliens] from deportation.   In that vote, too, conservatives were side-lined.   The $40G Homeland Security measure came to the floor after Boehner allegedly cut a deal with Pelosi, D-CA, last week...   Before agreeing to a [dirty] bill, Boehner spent weeks [weakly] holding out for a Homeland Security bill that defunded [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive actions [but pointedly refusing to make use of available rules and procedures to win]...   Last week, conservative opposition forced House GOP [losers] to pull legislation from the floor that would have revamped the Bush-era 'No Child Left Behind Act'.   Conservatives said it did not go far enough to free local education from federal control [and the losership would not allow them to strengthen it].   More conservative opposition lies ahead as lawmakers begin grappling with whether to restore spending hikes that were capped under the 2011 Budget Control Act, also known as the sequester.   Conservatives don't want to lift the budget caps imposed by the law, while other Republicans are in favor of lifting the caps to allow more government spending, particularly for defense [but also for unconstitutional activities].   Conservatives are also likely to oppose raising the nation's debt limit once again, which will be on the table this summer..."
When it comes to stopping bad legislation like ObummerDoesn'tCare then grid-lock is good.   When it comes to preventing funding or delaying funding of Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties of illegal aliens, and delaying funding for processing "work permits" for spouses of guest-workers, then grid-lock is good.

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Jackie Gingrich Cushman _Town Hall_
the arrogance of Hitlery Rotten Clinton
Derek Hunter: Hitlery: a life in shadows

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton to State Dept.: please release all of the e-mail messages that I let you see

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
State Dept. says they believe Hitlery Rotten Clinton turned over all of her work e-mail messages... because her staff said they did

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery cover-up and the end of democracy and liberty
"Of course, the media also ignored Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman handing millions to the Clinton charity just before Hillary's big run.   Clinton is hardly the first [Obummer regime] official to utilize a private e-mail account to shield herself.   Lisa Jackson of the Environmental Protection Agency used a private e-mail address under the name 'Richard Windsor' to conduct official business.   According to Vice News' Jason Leopold, the Department of Defense told him that they would not release any [e-mail messages] from former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, since 'SecDef does not maintain an official e-mail account'.   Other [Obummer regime] officials [illegally] using unofficial e-mail accounts include former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Donald Berwick, the former head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.   Welcome to the most transparent administration in American history, where the Federal Communications Commission can regulate the Internet and keep those regulations secret before a vote, where top government officials can deliberately hide their e-mails from the public, but where your health records, income and e-mails are all government business.   The public and private spheres have now been completely reversed.   The federal government can punish its own employees for enforcing federal immigration law; if you oppose this, you are a racist, but if you hire an illegal immigrant, you will be fined or imprisoned.   The feds can monitor your electronic metadata, but they can hide their own correspondence from records requests..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Matt Towery _Town Hall_
GOP losership complains, threatens, and does nothing good

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Harry R. Jackson ii _Town Hall_
healing the racial divide through education
"African Americans and Latinos make up about 50% of California's high school graduates but less than 17% of students in its public university system.   According to the Pew Research Center, more blacks and Latinos are enrolling in college, but they lag behind in earning bachelor's degrees.   Blacks make up about 13% of the population, but just 9% of young adults with four year degrees.   Latinos account for 16% of the population and just 9% of bachelor's degrees.   (By contrast, Asian Americans make up about 5% of the population and hold 11% of bachelor's degrees.)   The difference is even more pronounced in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields...   Georgetown U freshman DR...: 'My former teachers simply did not push me to think past a basic level, to apply concepts, to move beyond memorizing facts and figures.'...   Asians also face well-documented discrimination in the college admissions process, needing to score about 140 points higher on the SAT than their white counterparts to gain admission to elite universities.   And while they make up a large segment of the STEM work-force, the American Institute for Economic Research found that Asian tech workers at American firms were paid an average of $8,146 less than whites...   Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.   The findings were shockingly simple: Asian American students were found to exert 'greater academic effort'.   In short, they work harder.   [And, I suspect, they work in ways more precisely aimed at doing what's needed to get the high grades in class and on standardized tests.]"

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Robert Charles _Town Hall_
Scott Walker is correct: air-traffic controller firings had a s trong affect on Soviets
"Roughly 1300 controllers returned to their jobs, while 11,345 ignored the president's demand.   Against the strikers' expectations, and most public expectations, Reagan summarily fired the strikers who defied the law.   Most never worked in the field again.   This was the death knell for the union.   It was decertified in 1981.   To assure safety in the skies, Reagan deployed the National Guard controllers, swiftly training and hiring fresh talent.   The world went on.   But not without notice..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
White House pushing Israel to recall their ambassador to USA
"...When Hamas opened fire on Israel last summer, which country went to Qatar to legitimize the terrorist group in negotiations in order to push Israel into recognizing them?   That came just after the Bowe Bergdahl swap sent 5 high-ranking Taliban commanders to Doha, and the [Obummer regime] needed to show that Qatar could be trusted, and to allow Qatar to curry favor in the region...   [Obummer's] entire policy in the region has been predicated on playing footsie with Iran since he first took office...   'The Israel Navy intercepted a ship...that Iran was using to smuggle dozens of long-range rockets to Gaza.'...   Hey, but I'm sure the Tehran mullahcracy will be totally trustworthy with those thousands of uranium centrifuges!"
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Richard W. Rahn _Jewish World Review_
the world a year from now
Washington DC Times

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
recent corruption in/by IRS and Lois Lerner are part of a well-established pattern
National Review

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Laura Ingraham
crony socialist Harry reid securied subsidies for aides' donors
Lachlan Markay: Washington DC Free Beacon
"Corporate donors to a green energy non-profit operated by senate minority-leader Harry Reid's (D-NV) former staffers and a current campaign operative have received billions of dollars in federal loan guarantees and grant money as a result of Reid's advocacy.   Fulcrum Bioenergy began contributing to the Clean Energy Project (CEP) in 2013.   One year later, the Nevada Democrat steered tens of millions of dollars in federal grant money to the California biofuel company.   Fulcrum is one of at least 9 corporate donors to the Clean Energy Project (CEP) that have secured federal financing for themselves or a client due in part to Reid's behind-the-scenes advocacy—activity that watch-dogs warn could be construed as unethical...   Far from denying a role in steering subsidies to donors to aides' group, Reid's office brags about it...   The Podesta Group, the lobbying firm founded by Podesta and his brother Tony, began representing Fulcrum in 2014 April, 5 months before that year's CEP summit -- and the $175M in federal grants that followed..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Laura Ingraham
USCIS "processed" 7M applications last year, but failed to deport
Tony Lee: Breitbart
Ryan Lovelace: National Review
"On Tuesday, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officials revealed that the agency processed nearly seven million immigration-related applications in just one year alone (fiscal year 2014).   Because the agency does not have the resources to conduct in-person interviews with every applicant, officials noted that applicants for [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] Deferred Action for Childhood (DACA) program did not have to go though face-to-face interviews [let alone proper background investigations] before [unconstitutionally and illegally] being granted temporary amnesty.   Potential applicants for [president Barack Hussein Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty program for the [illegal alien] parents of U.S. citizens will also not be given in-person interviews if the [corrupt Obummer regime] is allowed to proceed with its implementation after the court case against it is resolved...   Donald Neufeld, the Associate Director of Service Center Operations for USCIS, told the senators that 'USCIS administers the world's largest immigration system that includes more than 100 immigrant and non-immigrant classifications and more than 200 different forms and applications.'...   Daniel Renaud, the Associate Director of Field Operations at the agency, said that because [applicants for unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty are not given 'status-granting benefits', they typically do not even undergo [a cursory] FBI name check that other immigrants are put through [let alone pass a proper background investigation].   That is concerning in light of USCIS Council president Kenneth Palinkas's belief that 'by not scrutinizing each and every applicant to the fullest extent possible to ensure America's security, we invite an even more catastrophic event then what occurred on 2001/09/11...   Our current immigration system leaves us vulnerable to terrorist threats and terrorism in general by providing entry avenues for people sworn to destroy America.   This is accomplished by lessening the vetting of each and every alien who applies for permanent residency or citizenship in the U.S.A.'...   Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who chairs the sub-committee, pointed out that lawful immigrants who apply for visas in various countries around the world have to be personally interviewed, and that [illegal aliens] who are seeking [unconstitutional and illegal] temporary amnesty are processed with [lower standards] and less scrutiny than those trying to come to the United States legally [which standards and checks are also far from reasonably conscientious].   Sessions noted that Palinkas has also criticized the agency's assembly-line adjudication process that often rubber-stamps applications.   When Renaud said that there is a 'layered' process to reading and processing applications in which different officials look at different parts of the application, Sessions said that is a dangerous system.   He said that because one official does not read the whole file, it removes the responsibility on the certifying officer because he can claim that another official 'did not pick up something' in the application...   'You just don't have the ability to do this [properly].', Sessions said, emphasizing that [Obummer] should never have demanded amnesty for millions of [illegal aliens] when there is not even enough staff and resources to [properly, conscientiously, and thoroughly] process legal immigrants."
Pete Kasperowicz: Blaze: turn-coats and oath-of-office violators who voted to fund Obummer's dirty unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
TEA Party Digest: here are the 75 House RINOs
TEA Party.org

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Iranian air force: we enriched uranium 20%; commanders respond: "Death to America! Death to England! Death to Israel!"
"A report published last month by the Congressional Research Service explains why Iran's efforts to produce uranium enriched to the 20 percent level is a problem.   'LEU used in nuclear power reactors typically contains less than 5% uranium-235', said CRS, 'research reactor fuel can be made using 20% uranium-235; HEU used in nuclear weapons typically contains about 90% uranium-235.   Iran's production of LEU enriched to the 20% level has caused concern because such production requires approximately 90% of the effort necessary to produce weapons-grade HEU, which, as noted, contains approximately 90% uranium-235', said CRS."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Howard Shelanski, administrator of the Obummer regime's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), claimed he was not familiar with proposed BATFE ban on AR-15 ammunition...
...representative Jim Jordan castigated him (video)

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Phil Kerpen _Cybercast News Service_
USA is on the brink of losing our constitutional form of government, and our rights, forever
"The rule of law is in grave danger, as federal regulators use ever thinner legal pretexts to enable vast public policy changes without votes by our elected representatives.   In a span of just seven days, the FCC declared the Internet a public utility, Congress acceded to DHS implementing executive amnesty, the president used a veto threat to protect the NLRB's ambush elections rule, and the Supreme Court's 4 [illiberal leftists] showed they are not just willing but enthusiastic to allow the IRS to ignore the plain language of [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   A great week for regulators, but a terrible week for everyone else.   The FCC order [over-regulating] the Internet was written by political operatives in the White House...   Now, the same radical pressure groups that have long pushed for such regulations, funded by $196M from George Soros and the Ford Foundation, are launching a major effort to scare congress -- the legitimate legislative branch of the federal government -- into sitting on their hands and not acting on the issue."
Pete Kasperowicz: Blaze: turn-coats and oath-of-office violators who voted to fund dirty unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Jeffrey Meyer _Media Research Center News Busters_
judge Andrew P. Napolitano: Hitlery may have committed a felony and many misdemeanor counts with her private e-mail server stunt
"Appearing on Fox News' The Kelly File, Napolitano argued that Mrs. Clinton may have committed a felony and 'the other way that she's in trouble is a person who knowingly and willfully destroys or conceals government records'...   'One is if she retained on her personal e-mail account using the Clinton server at her home or near her home in Chappaqua, New York, classified materials, classified documents, she arguably violated the same statute that general Petraeus has agreed that he will plead guilty to which prohibits retaining classified information in a non-government non-secured way.   That's a misdemeanor.   It's not a felony.   There's no grand jury.   There's no trial jury.   But the punishment is up to a year in jail and $100K fine for each document...   The other way that she's in trouble is a person who knowingly and willfully destroys or conceals government records.   This is a felony punishable in jail by up to 3 years.   And are you ready for this? Disqualification from holding public office under the United States of America in the future.'"

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's shadow "IT" operation would not have passed private sector muster either

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
USA's founders foresaw Obummer, but not Boehner and McConnell
Pete Kasperowicz: Blaze: turn-coats and oath-of-office violators who voted to fund Obummer's dirty unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
representative Diane Black (R-TN) urges the corrupt Obummer to support/respect freedom to exercise religion... for a change
"'While [president Barack Hussein Obummer] quibbles about the most politically correct way to describe [those who have declared themselves] our enemies and uses the National Prayer Breakfast to criticize Christianity, religious minorities continue to face extreme persecution in the Middle East and far corners of the world.', Black said in a statement.   'From the kidnapping of Christian school-girls in Nigeria by Boko Haram, to the unjust imprisonment of pastor Saeed Abedini in Iran, to the savage beheading of 21 Coptic Christians at the hands of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, there is an urgent need for both congress and this administration to speak out and engage in this fight to protect religious freedom [in the USA and] abroad.'   Black's resolution would 'condemn violence against religious minorities in the Middle East and any actions that limit the free expression and practice of faith by these minorities'.   It would also reaffirm 'the commitment of the United States to promoting religious freedom and tolerance around the world'...   Legislation providing for such an appointment, championed by veteran religious freedom advocate representative Frank Wolf (R-VA), now retired, and co-sponsor representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA), was signed into law last August.   During its passage through congress, the State Department voiced opposition to the bill, which it said would duplicate existing efforts by other officials and could even be 'counter-productive'."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Chris W. Cox _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime ban on popular ammunition is about liberty suppression, not safety or security

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
dirty deed: Boehner and Pelosi conspired to use Netanyahu speech as cover for funding Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens
"Americans for Limited Government (ALG), a conservative organization, targeted each of the 75 Republicans who joined all House Democrats to fund [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] amnesty [of illegal aliens].   ALG president Rick Manning said in customized releases distributed to the districts of all 75 GOP members who voted with the Democrats to fund executive amnesty..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
_Investor's Business Daily_
corrupt Obummer regime helping Iran dominate MiddleEast

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
_Investor's Business Daily_
corrupt Obummer regime's anti-science EPA director, Gina McCarthy, unable/unwilling to answer basic questions about climate
William Bigelow: Breitbart
Before It's News
Terresa Monroe-Hamilton: Right Wing News (with video)
"Gina McCarthy, head of the EPA, can't answer basic questions about global temperatures, climate models or numbers of hurricanes. She didn't know being a global warming zealot requires knowledge of math..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
_Investor's Business Daily_
poll: 50% of uninsured want ObummerDoesn'tCare repealed
"As with many other polls, this one finds widespread disapproval of the law.   Fully 43% say it's a failure, compared with just 25% who think it has been a success.   Nearly one in five say it's been 'a complete failure'.   Almost half (48%) think the law has pushed insurance prices up, compared with 16% who say ObamaCare has reduced the rate of premium growth...   More than half of them say it's pushed insurance costs up, for example...   A mere 14% of the uninsured rate the law as a success, while 49% say it's been a failure.   And 60% say it's either raised premiums or hasn't made a difference..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Lois M. Collins _Washington DC Times_/_Deseret News_
Museum of the Bible 2 blocks from the National Mall
"Senior author Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena...said the scientific community has known about 95 genes that have a parent-of-origin effect, called 'imprinted genes'.   How they play out in disease depends on whether the mutation was mom's or dad's.   But the new research shows that thousands of other genes also have a 'parent-of-origin effect'...   'We found that the vast majority of genes -- about 80% -- possessed variants that altered gene expression.', said first author James Crowley, assistant professor of genetics.   'And this was when we discovered a new, genome-wide expression imbalance in favor of the dad in several hundred genes.   This imbalance resulted in offspring whose brain gene expression was significantly more like their father's...   We now know that mammals express more genetic variance from the father.   So imagine that a certain kind of mutation is bad.   If inherited from the mother, the gene wouldn't be expressed as much as it would be if it were inherited from the father.'...   'By starting families in their 30s, 40s and beyond, men could be increasing the chances that their children will develop autism, schizophrenia and other diseases often linked to new mutations.', wrote Ewen Calloway.   That study noted that fathers passed on nearly four times as many new mutations as did mothers...   Scientists at the University of Cambridge have suggested that teenage parents may be more likely to pass on birth defects to their children.   A different study said teenage fathers also pass on a lot of mutations, maybe 30% more than fathers in their 20s..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Laura Ingraham
sheriff Clarke: Eric Holder and Obummer do not want to talk about the ugly truth, black families are in tatters (mp3)

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Laura Ingraham
John Zmirak: The Immigration Temptation -- How "Compassion" and "Inclusion" Become a Near Occasion of Sin (mp3)

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Paige Lewis _American Thinker_
please, politicians, stop wrecking the USA economy by trying to "fix the economy"
"When elected government leaders take their oath of office to 'preseve, protect, and defend' the U.S. Constitution, they should also swear to do no harm, like the Hippocratic oath for doctors [back in the old days when they all took the Hippocratic oath and took it seriously].   When pundits criticize Congress for doing nothing, they should celebrate instead.   Doing nothing is often the best choice congress can make.   If congress [2000-2008 or] 2008-2014 had really been a 'do-nothing congress', the recession would have begun and ended before Twitter world could have asked #wtfisgoingonwiththeeconomy?, instead of lingering like a nagging cough after a severe bout of pneumonia, or the smell of grouper 3 days later, because you forgot about the plastic bag in the kitchen trashcan that the seafood merchant used to wrap your fish..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Selwyn Duke _American Thinker_
Obummer's evil immigration plan: legalize illegal aliens, create a country within a country, take over the USA, push US citizens into the shadows... and the GOP losership keeps on going along
"She simply confirms what I've been warning of for years and years and years and over and over and over and again: The Left is importing their voters, engaging in demographic warfare and authoring the death of the republic.   Mind you, legal immigration itself is a sufficient vehicle for this.   Ever since the [Hart-Celler-Kennedy] Immigration Reform and Nationality Act of 1965, 85% of our immigrants have hailed from the Third World and Asia, thus growing leftist constituencies..."

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Leada Gore _Climate Change Dispatch_
under questioning by senator Jeff Sessions, top EPA thug Gina McCarthy admits she doesn't know whether climate models are correct or way off base

2015-03-05 (5775 Ader 14)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a different contribution to the sesquicentennial landscape, on the last days of the war: John Pendleton Kennedy's book _Annals of QuodLibet_ iscribed to actor James Henry Hackett

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1946-03-05: Winston Churchill's "Sinews of Peace"/"Iron Curtain" speech at Westminster College in Fulton, MO
Winston Churchill leadership
History Guide
History Place
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia
Fordham U Modern History SourceBook (excerpts)
Virginia Western U (excerpts)
Proposed Bills 2015

  "It has been almost axiomatic, for at least a century, that the American economy produces more output than any other economy in the world. All this is so much taken for granted that no one considers it worth commenting on the fact that 300M Americans today produce more output than more than 1G people in India or an even larger population in [Red China] -- indeed, more than these 2 countries which, put together, have more than 8 times the population of the USA. We also produce more than Japan, Germany, Britain and France combined." --- Thomas Sowell 2010 _The Housing Boom & Bust_ pg146  



2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) says a convention of states is needed because DC politicians will never repent and reform themselves
"Alaska, Florida and Georgia passed Article 5 resolutions last year.   Two dozen other states are also considering that option../"

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
Labor Force Participation Rate has hovered near 37-year low for 11 months
over 56M women not in labor force

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's on-going assault against the US constitution, USA, and Western culture
Town Hall
Conservative News 24/7
Barnes & Noble

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
senate hearing exposes Obummer regime's $1G amnesty slush fund and other USCIS improprieties
"On Tuesday, March 3, 3 senior USCIS managers appeared before the U.S. senate sub-committee on Immigration and the National Interest, chaired by senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), to answer questions about the agency's implementation of the president's executive amnesties, the latest (and largest) of which is now held up by a legal challenge from 26 states.   Their answers, together with other information provided to the subcommittee, confirm that USCIS has been hoarding fees paid by legal immigrants to subsidize the planned new executive amnesty for an estimated 5M illegal aliens and failing to screen applicants adequately to prevent criminal aliens from obtaining benefits.   In addition, the agency has created a pathway to citizenship for many of these illegal aliens...   USCIS Slush Fund for Amnesty.   Moore revealed that USCIS has accumulated a 'reserve fund' of 'unexpended revenues' that now totals $1.2G ([giga=billion=1K*1M]).   The agency has a policy to maintain a reserve balance of $600M to help it manage in the event of revenue fluctuations, but USCIS is using these funds to launch the new executive amnesty programs (without any statutory authorization).   One cannot help but wonder how this reserve fund got so big over the years, because by law USCIS is supposed to charge fees that reflect the exact cost of processing the benefits.   Did they overcharge millions of legal applicants or cut corners on the processing of benefits? Both?   Senator Tom Tillis (R-NC) asked why USCIS has not used its huge cash reserves to reduce the processing back-logs for legal applicants instead of setting up unconstitutional work permit programs for illegal aliens.   USCIS had already spent $11M getting ready for the new executive amnesty until it was blocked by a federal judge in mid-February.   About $7M was spent to lease office space in Crystal City, VA, and those rent payments still need to be made whether the program goes forward or not.   The total cost of the processing facility alone is estimated to be $26.2M.   Before the program was stopped, USCIS had hired '1 or 2' people to work on the program and had made job offers to 360 others, which are now on hold.   The plan is for the amnesty applications to be adjudicated by 700-800 brand-new employees, with no experience in evaluating immigration applications.   Extralegal Path to Citizenship.   Renaud confirmed, under questioning from senator Mike Lee (R-UT), that USCIS is indeed inappropriately allowing some DACA grantees to get on a path to U.S. citizenship, despite [president Obummer's] assertions that this would not happen...   Lax Screening 'Legalizes' Criminals...   Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) recited a list of crimes that would not necessarily disqualify an alien for DACA: child pornography, child abuse, assault, kidnapping, larceny, robbery, theft, and voter fraud.   He asked the witnesses if they agreed that USCIS policy should be to refuse deferred action status and work permits to aliens convicted of domestic violence and sex offenders; none of the 3 witnesses would say 'yes'."

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
Marco Rubio's gullibility, misleading statements, and tendency to condone illegal immigration and over-stays, his desire to increase the already vastly excessive H-1B guest-work program, should end his presidential hopes and his seat in the senate
"Marco Rubio (R-FL) is either exceptionally gullible or just plain dishonest.   In either case, he has repeatedly demonstrated that he is not qualified to be president of the United States.   Rubio would have us believe that he didn't understand the importance of securing the borders before granting legal status and a pathway to citizenship to millions of illegal aliens when he signed onto the Gang of 8's amnesty bill.   In fact, Rubio was so excited to be playing with the big boys that Chuck Schumer (D-NY), John McCain (R-AZ), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) had no problem getting him to be the poster boy for amnesty.   Rubio's failure to understand that he was being played and his inability to recognize that what he was selling was amnesty raises the question of how he would fare against the likes of Vladimir Putin, the leaders of Iran, or amnesty advocates if he were elected president.   Likely not very well...   OTOH, if Rubio is aware of the job-related crimes committed by illegal aliens, as he should be, it means that he is deliberately misleading Americans when he asserts that illegal aliens are law-abiding."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
the haughty Kerry on spot when asked about Saudi hosts giving award to Bin-Laden-sympathizing 2001/09/11 conspiracy theorist
"At a high-profile ceremony early this week King Salman handed Indian cleric Zakir Naik a prize for 'service to Islam' named for king Faisal -- father of the man Kerry was standing with when asked the question.   'Dr. Naik has contributed to the conversion of about 34K Americans to Islam.', the kingdom's Arab News reported...   The award citation lauded Naik, president of the Mumbai-based Islamic Research Foundation..."

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Mark Finkelstein _Cybercast News Service_
even leftist propagandist Mika Brzezinski noted that Hitlery's secreting off State Dept. e-mail messages was not honest
"Mika's surprising admission came after Lawrence O'Donnell also made a candid comment, saying, 'This e-mail system was set up obviously to defy the Freedom of Information Act'."

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
like Bubba and Obummer, Hitlery suffers from terminal arrogance
"The Clintons, to channel Scott Fitzgerald, are very different from you and me.   They have never had to answer for their manifold sins and shortcomings.   You could get the boy out of Hot Springs [or Chicago], where the air was foul with mafia-like corruption and practiced chicanery, but you can't get Hot Springs [nor Chicago] out of the boy, nor out of his moll..."
Michael Ramirez: Investor's Business Daily

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu's biblical lesson from queen Esther
"Esther was a woman who lived 500 years before Christ, a woman who the Bible says 'found favor in all who looked upon her'.   Her beauty so besotted the king of Persia -- present-day Iran -- that he married her.   Moreover, [Artaxerxes ii/Achashuerus] listened when she told him that he had been duped by the evil Haman, who tried to persuade the king to destroy the tiny minority of Jews in the kingdom.   Esther revealed herself to her husband as a Jewess, exposed Haman's plot, and the king sent Haman to a gallows Haman had erected to kill Jews.   Esther is honored among Jews for saving the race, and she is honored by Christians as well.   Eli Weisel, the Nobel peace laureate who was recognized by the prime minister at the end of his speech to the joint session of congress, cites Purim and the story of Esther as a reminder of why it's only wise to be wary of modern Persians like Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, another Haman who vows to 'annihilate, murder and destroy the Jews, young and old, children and women'."

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
most in the House and senate concur with Netanyahu's view
"...Iran's leaders have threatened to rain nuclear weapons on geographically compact Israel.   That's a threat that Israel's leaders cannot ignore -- and one that most members of congress evidently take seriously as well."

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
targeting only "top" terrorists just does not cut it

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
David Sherfinski _Jewish World Review_
Dems/Reds/leftists are recruiting "big names" to run against freshman GOP senators
Washington DC Times

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Richard Berman _Jewish World Review_
many government watch-dogs turn deaf, dumb, and blind when transgressors are Dems/Reds/leftists
Washington DC Times
"Outrage over the revelation of Hillary Clinton's exclusive use of her personal e-mail [address and server] during her time at the State Department has brought broad-based criticism from the entire political spectrum.   (In fact, it was the lefty New York Times that broke the story.)   However, one group has remained curiously silent on the matter: the so-called 'watch-dogs' at the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington [CREW]..."

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Clintons' initiations of force and fraud, bribery and corruption continue
Joseph Curl
Washington DC Times
International Business Times
Real Clear Politics

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu offered a better alternative on Iran
Investor's Business Daily

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Andrew Malcolm _Investor's Business Daily_
knife attack on US ambassador to Korea; and where was the ambassador's security team?

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Hitlery is counting on leftist media to save her from prosecution

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Peter Sprigg _Cybercast News Service_
freedom yes, redefining marriage no
Washington DC Times

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Doug Bandow _Cybercast News Service_
USPS builing enormous debt

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
battle contiues over new gun law in Washington state

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer down-plays importance of Keystone XL pipe-line, ignores State Dept. research report
"Government analyses of Keystone found the project will support about 42K jobs, including about 16K jobs created as a direct result of the pipeline itself.   About 4K of those would be construction jobs to physically build the pipe-line.   Another 26K jobs would come as an 'indirect' result of Keystone.   Those jobs would include, for example, retail and service positions in areas around the construction zone...   Mark Cooper said. 'Keystone XL will be constructed safely and with minimal environmental and climate impact...   Instead of sending billions of dollars overseas to regimes that are fundamentally opposed to American values, the oil that is needed can be sourced right here in North America and most of the money stays here, too.'..."

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
Lockheed Martin's Advanced Test High ENergy Asset (ATHENA) laser destroyed stationary military truck in seconds from a mile away
"The ATHENA laser weapon employs a 30KW laser and was based on early technology used against small air-borne and sea-based targets."

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Laura Ingraham
Dems/Reds/leftists want Boehner to remain speaker, Republicans do not

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Pruitt -- Oklahoma's attorney-general -- weighs in ObummerDoesn'tCare subsidies and how this decision impacts American citizens (mp3)

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Laura Ingraham
Andy McCarthy: if Obummer tries an executive order to increase taxes it could devastate our economy (mp3)

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Jeff Lipkes _American Thinker_
Obummer's hand-sign re-considered

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Le Trinh _FindLaw_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal H-1B + H-4 "rule change": some of what employers should know
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-06 (5775 Ader 15)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
home-owner near Atlanta fought off assault by breakers and enterers, 40 rounds fired in fire-fight, government considering charges against victim

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Kazimierz/Casimir Michal Waslaw Wiktor Pulaski b: 1745-03-06 in Warsaw, Poland d: 1779-10-11 in Savannah, GA.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "I have been moving in this direction for some time.   Both major parties have developed too much tolerance of government intrusion into private lives.   There is really no difference between them anymore." --- Carl Strang 1997-05-?? mayor of Winter Haven, FL  



2015-03-07 (5775 Ader 16)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
DNI James Clapper confirmed that 116 terrorists formerly held at Guantanamo have returned to terrorist activities
"As of Jan. 15, according to the DNI's report, 647 detainees had been 'transferred' from Guantanamo.   Of these, 116 (or 17.9%) were confirmed to have re-engaged in terrorist or insurgent activities and another 69 (or 10.7%) were suspected of having re-engaged.   Together, 185 (or 28.6%) of the 647 released Guantanamo detainees were either confirmed or suspected of re-engaging in terrorism or insurgent activities."

2015-03-07 (5775 Ader 16)
Margaret Driscoll _NYPost_
"my ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate boy-friend": reporter goes under-cover to investigate terrorists' recruiting methods

2015-03-07 (5775 Ader 16)
Andrew C. McCarthy _National Review_
the Benghazi committee's belated interest in Hitlery's illegally hidden e-mail messages
"The panel, of course, was commissioned by the Republican-controlled House to investigate the circumstances surrounding the 2012 September 11, attack in which al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists killed Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, and 3 other Americans -- information-management officer Sean Smith and 2 former Navy SEALs, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, contract employees whose valor saved dozens of lives during the siege..."

2015-03-07 (5775 Ader 16)
Mark Musser _American Thinker_
the green left's (watermelons') fascist roots

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "As recently as the year 2000, some 12K enlisted personnel were on food stamps. That is shameful. The Clinton administration's solution was not to pay military personnel more for their skilled, brave service to our country but rather to 're-tabulate' the compensation for the lowest-ranking troops. 'Re-tabulate' meant to 'pencil-whip' the statistics so the poor souls were no longer eligible for food stamps. Who cares about how they feed their children? Just declare them ineligible and solve the embarrassing political problem of soldiers on food stamps." --- G. Gordon Liddy 2002 _When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country_ pp103-104  



2015-03-08 (5775 Ader 17)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
Ben Sasse helping eradicate unconstitutional ObummerDoesn'tCare
"The Nebraska Republican filed legislation last week -- the plainly titled 'Winding Down [ObummerDoesn'tCare] Act' -- that would fill the gap should the U.S. Supreme Court rule the [Obummer regime] is wrongly paying billions of dollars in tax subsidies to health care insurance customers in two-thirds of the states...   'Nothing that I'm proposing is a continuation of [ObummerDoesn'tCare], expansion or extension or fix.', Mr. Sasse said.   'It's transitional assistance for 6M disrupted people, but the assistance comes entirely outside of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] so that we can then have the big national conversation we need in 2016.'..."

2015-03-08 (5775 Ader 17)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
Benjamin Netanyahu emerges as a worthy leader
"...Thankfully today, from a re-born state in its historic homeland, there is an Israel, an Israel that can take care of itself and defend the Jewish people.   America should do all in its power to help, because the very threats that Israel faces also endanger our own future."

2015-03-08 (5775 Ader 17)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel are troubled by Obummer regime offers of a "nuclear umbrella" for Arab regimes
"The Jerusalem Post and Arabic-language newspaper Al-Hayat reported last week that [Obummer regime] is ready to ease concerns over the Iranian nuclear threat by offering the Gulf States a 'nuclear umbrella' -- a declaration that any use of nuclear weapons against them would be considered use against the U.S.A. as is now policy for such major military allies as NATO, Japan and South Korea.   Mr. Netanyahu said in an interview on CBS's 'Face the Nation' that he didn't know whether the reports are accurate, but 'if it's true it raises 2 troubling questions.   The first is it means that Iran has a nuclear weapons program [not only has a weapons program but that they have or very soon will have nuclear weapons] -- otherwise, why offer, presumably the Gulf States, why offer them nuclear protection?'   Mr. Netanyahu said.   'The second is, if it's true, it signals a shift in U.S. policy from preventing a nuclear Iran to containing one, and that's not good.'..."

2015-03-08 (5775 Ader 17)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
Museum of the Bible 2 blocks from the National Mall
"If the debauched Woodstock rock festival in 1969 was, as Rabbi Daniel Lapin observed, 'a finger in the eye of God', the Museum of the Bible will be a finger in the eye of the dark master of this world and a gentle reminder to the 'world's only super-power' that we exist at all only at God's pleasure.   Also, that we mock His commandments at our own peril.   Not a bad thing to ponder in the Age of [Obummer]...   A $400M budget for a 430K square-foot, 10-story building;   More than 40K biblical relics, including fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls, New Testament passages from 300CE and writings from Abraham's time (1800BCE);   Floors devoted to biblical study, from beginning level to world-class scholarship;   The world's largest video screen on the ceiling, with constantly changing images;   'Immersive, theatrical' animated biblical narratives, from Abraham to Jesus;   A Disneyesque simulated flight through Washington [DC's] buildings and monuments that feature Scripture;   A reproduction of the ornate Vatican Library;   Traveling exhibits, which have already been featured in Jerusalem, the Vatican and Cuba;   A roof-top Biblical garden with plants from the Holy Land under a Torah scroll-like transparent covering;   A massive entrance flanked by 2, 40-foot-high bronze panels of Hebrew Scripture."

2015-03-08 (5775 Ader 17)
Karin McQuillan _American Thinker_
are American Jews traumatized?
Between 1929 & 1948, about 8,300 died in sectarian conflict within the British mandate.
777 died and 2,586 wounded Israelis in 1976's 6-Day War; among the attackers, 15K Egyptians, 2,500 Syrians, and 800 Jordanians died. 9K Palestinian families were re-united in 1967 and more than 60K Palestinians were allowed to return to Israel.
In 1973's Yom Kippur war about 2,700 Israelis died, 8K wounded, 293 captured; about 10K Egyptians died, 8,400 captured; 3,200 Syrians died, 392 captured; 278 Iraqis died, 900 wounded, 13 captured; 23 Jordanians died, 77 wounded; 6 Moroccans were captured; and unknown numbers of casualties from Cuba, Kuwait, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia.
Since 1948, about 23K have died and between 73K & 87K total casualties in Arab-Israeli conflicts.
Since 2006, some 600 have died in struggles between the Fatah and Hamas terrorist groups.
Circa 50CE about 2.5M lived in Israel, almost all of them Jewish.
In about 1550, Bernard Lewis reported, there was a total population of about 30K.
Sergio DellaPergola estimated a population of about 275K in 1800 (7K Jewish, 22K Christian, 246K Muslim); 532K in 1890 (43K Jewish, 57K Christian, 432K Muslim); 689K in 1914 (94K Jewish, 70K Christian, 525K Muslim).
Roberto Bachi estimated that, from 1800 to 1914, an average of some 6K-7K Muslims immigrated each year.
In 1920 the League of Nations estimated about 700K (about 10.8% Jewish, 11% Christian, 78% Muslim).
The Arab population of Palestine nearly doubled during the British Mandate era, from 670K in 1922 to over 1.2M in 1948; Martin Gilbert estimated that 50K Arabs immigrated between 1919 & 1939; while Itzhak Galnoor estimated Arab immigration from 1922 to 1948 at about 100K.
Sergio DellaPergola estimated 1.97M in 1947 (630K Jewish, 143K Christian, 1.18M Muslim); and in 1948 the UN estimated 1.9M (32% Jewish, 68% Arabs).
In 2014 there were over 6.2M Jewish living in Israel, plus about 4.47M "Palestinian" occupying Israel, and 1.7M in Palestine=Gaza.
wikipedia on modern conflicts in the Middle East
demographic history of the British mandate
demographics of Israel

Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-03-08 (5775 Ader 17)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
U of CA at Irvine student association banned US flag to avoid "triggering hurt feelings among illegal aliens"

2015-03-08 (5775 Ader 17)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
not either... or with Obummer regime's attacks on Dem/Red/leftist Clinton crony senator Robert Menendez
Jerusalem Israel Post
Ruth King: Ruthfully Yours
Caroline B. Glick

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Every wanton and causeless restraint of the will of the subject whether practised by a monarch, a nobility, or a popular assembly, is a degree of tyranny." --- William Blackstone (quoted in John Perkins 1993 _Malice in Wonderland_ pg 241)  



2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Obummer regime's $100M tech training/job plan (funded by H-1B visa fees) is under fire
"The federal program, called TechHire, will get its money from H-1B visa fees, and the major users of this visa are IT services firms that out-source jobs [i.e. domestic and cross-border bodyshops and off-shorers]...   Another source of controversy will be the White House's assertion that there are 545K unfilled IT jobs.   It has not explained how it arrived at this number...   [Various researchers using BLS and Dept. of Education figures have concluded that we have between 1.8M and 12M unemployed and under-employed involuntarily-out-of-field US citizen STEM workers.]   'If you can do the job, you should get the job.', [Obummer] said...   'It is a profound irony that the White House is funding this initiative through the hiring of foreign guest-workers.', said Stephen Miller, a spokesman for U.S. senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who has been critical of legislation to increase the H-1B cap.   'I imagine this will be of little comfort to the California Edison workers asked to train their H-1B replacements.'   [It still may be an improvement over past abuse of the fund, to train construction workers, oil-press operators, etc.]   Making matters worse, said Miller, is the White House support for raising the H-1B cap, 'meaning that countless more Americans who pursue IT careers will find themselves locked out of the profession to which they have devoted their professional lives'.   Norm Matloff, a professor of computer science at the University of California-Davis who has long challenged the idea that there's a shortage of technical talent, said 'the sub-text of the White House announcement is to justify expanding the H-1B program'.   Matloff said it's the 'old Let's train Americans so that employers don't need to hire H-1Bs argument, and that argument is demonstrably false.', he said.   'Just look at all the cases, including the recent Southern California Edison incident, in which Americans are laid off and forced to train their foreign-worker replacements; Clearly, it's the foreign workers who need the training, not the Americans.', said Matloff.   'The fact is that employers don't want to hire Americans; they want cheap, immobile labor.'   The estimate of 545K IT job openings was met with skepticism by Victor Janulaitis, the CEO of Janco Associates, which analyzes the tech labor market.   He said the number of job openings is 'nowhere near' that estimate, and may be closer to 60K.   By the White House estimate it would mean that nearly 17% of the 'IT' labor market has unfilled jobs.   But a lot of the openings are for [extremely] specific skills and experience, and not entry level jobs, said Janulaitis.   Technologists with specialties in security, containerization, cloud-based apps and 'big data' [mostly privacy violation] can find jobs...   David Foote, the CEO of Foote Partners, an 'IT' labor analyst firm, said an accounting of the tech labor force comes down to how 'IT' jobs are defined.   The feds use a narrow definition, which puts the labor force at about 5M 'IT' jobs.   His firm, however, estimates that there may be as many as 24M 'IT' jobs ['IT-related' jobs], and counts [jobs outside of a software/hardware product development firm or 'software publisher' and] jobs outside an 'IT' department [accounting, personnel records, supply-chain management...], as technology is embedded in all lines of a business."
Why not simply use that fund to off-set tax breaks for employers (not bodyshoppers) to interview (transportation, hotel, a couple meals), relocate (transportation, temporary housing, meals for a couple weeks), and train (2-12 weeks for new-hires, 1-3 weeks for retained employees) US citizens.   This way, a bright software engineer with experience, stuck unemployed or under-employed in Kobuk Alaska, or Winterville Maine, or Palmdale Florida, or Alamota Kansas can have a chance to jump-start his career in the wake of the GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression that has devastated the field.   The employer gets someone with exactly the hyper-specific training he wants them to have, who maybe always wanted a software product development job, or an accounting software job, or a data-base design and admin job, or a CAD/CAM/CAE software job, or an Internet-of-Things embedded hardware/software development job at the employer's offices near Pekin Ohio or Pekin Illinois or Chippewa Falls Wisconsin or Chickasha Oklahoma or Arden Hills Minnesota or Flat Creek Tennessee or Circleville Ohio or Circleville Texas.   These government grants for training scams, OTOH, have always been crony socialism, under-handed transfers of funds to political chums...jgo
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
playing at the margins of the temporary restraining order against Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens and "work permits" for spouses of H-1B grantees
"One sure-fire way to figure out if White House officials have been playing at the margins of the TRO and doing their best to ignore it (even as they scramble to avoid a finding of contempt) is to dig into one of the lesser-known programs of the executive action package: The 'Central American Minors' (CAM) program deals with setting up 'refugee' centers in Central America.   (Keep in mind that under the law, a 'minor' is anyone up to the age of 18; they are not just toddlers and other children of tender age.)   First notice of the program was quietly, almost surreptitiously, announced by the Department of State (DoS) through a fact sheet put up on its website on 2014 November 14, a few days prior to the president's nationwide address on executive action.   Next followed a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement fact sheet published on 2015 January 30.   The last drip of this trickle of information came from a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) bureau, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which published its fact sheet on February 9 of this year..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
SIA IG: 6.5M people with "active" Socialist Insecurity Numbers are offficially recorded as being 112 years old or older
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily: scores of them being abused by illegal aliens
World Net Daily
TEA Party Digest
"Many people are living longer, but not to age 112 or beyond -- except in the records of the [corrupt, unconstitutional Socialist Insecurity Abomination].   The [SIA's] inspector general has identified 6.5M number-holders age 112 or older for whom no death date has been entered in the main electronic file, called Numident [in direct contradiction of assertions from FDR through the Privacy Act of 1974 to the present that Socialist Insecurity Numbers were 'not for identification purposes'].   The audit, dated 2015 March 4, concluded that [SIA] lacks the controls necessary to annote death information on the records of number-holders who exceed 'maximum reasonable life expectancies'...   'During Calendar Years 2008 through 2011, [SIA] received 4,024 E-Verify inquiries [abusing] the [SINs] of 3,873 [victims] born before 1901 June 16.', the report said.   'These inquiries indicate individuals' attempts to use the [SINs] to apply for work.'..."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
McConnell on debt limit: we will figure out some way to keep on over-spending, and over-taxing, and taking on excessive debt
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
there are gaps of months and months in Hitlery's e-mail messages while she was secretary of state
Valerie Richardson: Washington DC Times
Thomas Lifson: American Thinker
"As an example, he mentioned one specific trip Clinton took in 2011 October: 'And if you think to that iconic picture of her on a C-17 flying to Libya, she has sunglasses on and she has her hand-held device in her hand -- we have no e-mails from that day.   In fact, we have no e-mails from that trip.'"

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
critic of Isreal and defender of terrorist Hamas Robert Malley named as the corrupt, race-obsessed, oath-breaker Obummer's new MiddleEast co-ordinator
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Jim Kuhnhenn _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Obummer to announce new effort to bias high-tech training boondoggle
Why not just give the employers a tax break for investing in new-hire and retained-employee training?   The training will be directly relevant to the managers' goals.   It will open up jobs to the long-term unemployed STEM professionals.   No, instead, the politicians are going back to their crony socialist ways of showering graft on their political friends to go through the motions of ineffective training, lacking in substance, on subjects in which neither the STEM professionals nor their employers are interested.   It will give the "trainers" a financial boost and that's about all the corrupt politicians intend to accomplish.

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
federal judge orders hearing after Obummer regime says they already issued 100K unconstitutional and illegal amnesties for illegal aliens
"The judge who blocked [president Barack Hussein Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive action on immigration has ordered the Justice Department to answer allegations the government misled him about part of the plan.   U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen has ordered federal government lawyers to appear in his court March 19 in Brownsville.   The hearing is in response to a filing last week in which the government acknowledged some deportation reprieves were granted before Hanen's Feb. 16 injunction.   Government attorneys had previously said officials wouldn't accept such requests under [Obummer's] action until Feb. 18."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
economist tells congress that US federal government may be in worse fiscal shape than Greece
"The U.S. [federal government] has a $210T 'fiscal gap' and 'may well be in worse fiscal shape than any developed country, including Greece', Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff told members of the Senate Budget Committee in written and oral testimony on Feb. 25.   'The first point I want to get across is that our nation is broke.', Kotlikoff testified.   'Our nation's broke, and it's not broke in 75 years or 50 years or 25 years or 10 years.   It's broke today...   After all, federal debt in the hands of the public is only 74% of GDP.   Yes, this is double the debt-to-GDP ratio recorded a decade ago.   But it's still a far cry from Italy's 135% debt-to-GDP ratio or Greece's 175% ratio.'...   For example, starting now, eliminating the fiscal gap would require an immediate 58.5% increase in all federal taxes or a 37.7% permanent, across-the-board decrease in federal spending.   But if the government waits 30 years, it would require a 77% tax increase or a 46.5% cut in spending by 2045 to eliminate the fiscal gap..."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's diplomacy and state-craft... or the lack thereof
"I guess it's my earliest remembrances of Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, MacArthur and their ilk that formed my image of leaders.   All were men with a solid dignity, a sense of intense national pride and a persona of easy confidence and trust that inspired a nation to fight and win a world war.   I remember Roosevelt addressing the nation after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, declaring war and instilling a fierce sense of patriotism, while fanning the flames of anger the Americans were already feeling because of Japan's sneak attack.   I was only five years old, but even so, the fatherly, authoritative voice of FDR moved something inside me.   I knew deep down that no Swastika or Rising Sun would ever fly above our beloved United States of America.   America went to war with both barrels blazing, no holds barred, no quarter given, no doubt in anybody's mind about who our enemy was, and even a five-year-old kid considered Hitler, Hirohito and Mussolini the most evil men on the face of the earth.   Bigger than life, charismatic military leaders like Dwight Eisenhower and Douglas MacArthur planned the battles and lead the way, and general George S. Patton, fleet-admiral William 'Bull' Halsey, Eddie Rickenbacker were household names in World War 2 America..."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's bias in favor of Islam

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
supremes tell lower court to re-consider ObummerDoesn'tCare birth-control mandate

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Laura Ingraham
Will Hurd (R-TX) confuses the Reds/Dems/leftists

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Laura Ingraham
Pat Caddell: regardless of the political view, Dems/Reds/leftists will go for the donor class candidate just like many Republicans (mp3)

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Laura Ingraham
NAACP president Bob Ross: "Our kids have dreams too and new-comers in this country need to follow the right process and follow the law." (mp3)
local NAACP slammed Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
"Ross: 'Our kids have dreams too.   I want to be real clear about that.   They keep talking about the DREAMers, DREAMers, DREAMers.   We have dreams also.   Every child that is native-born out there has a dream.   We should not have to sacrifice for new-comers who have come in and not followed the process.' [13:22]"

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Jonathan Rosenblum _Jewish World Review_
the flight from having a child is a catastrophe

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
life under the USA umbrella
"Last Friday, [Obummer regime] under-secretary of State Wendy Sherman scolded South Koreans for being too nationalist... Sherman negotiated the USA's nuclear pact with North Korea in the 1990s. The North Koreans used the deal as a smoke-screen behind which they developed nuclear weapons while receiving financial assistance from the USA which paid off the regime for signing the deal. Once Pyongyang was ready to come out as a nuclear power, it threw out the nuclear inspectors, opened the sealed nuclear sites, vacated its signature on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and began testing nuclear bombs. Sherman is now the [Obummer regime's] chief negotiator in the P5+1 nuclear talks with Iran..."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_
here is how you can learn practically anything
2014-07-30: Medical Daily
"expertise takes [typically about 10K] hours of practice.   How will we ever know if we've ever arrived?...   Noel Burch...   1.   Unconscious incompetence...   You don't know what you don't know...   2.   Conscious incompetence...   3.   Conscious competence...   getting here only takes 20 hours...   In the conscious competence stage, you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses.   You make concerted efforts to perform your skill.   But for all your proficiency, you are still pulling the tiresome double duty of monitoring your performance while still trying to perform at the same time...   4.   Unconscious competence...   It's a place where creativity can truly flourish, where your brain can turn effort off and let improvisation emerge.   It's the top...   when it comes to a fifth stage, the logic is cogent...   you are so completely knowledgeable that you're able to move freely between each of the 4 stages without sacrificing skill...   You are immersed in the skill but still able to come up to shallower waters if need be.   You can step outside your role as master and guide from the point of view of a student."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Michael Ramirez _Jewish World Review_
recuse myself?
Town Hall

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
Obummer "fundamentally transforms" the Middle East

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
what Netanyahu can teach the GOP
"Ok, let me mention just 2:   1) Benjamin Netanyahu does not let Barack Obama intimidate him.   2) Benjamin Netanyahu does not let [leftist] media control his message..."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
we all have the duty to defend lives, even against suicide
"My friend Claudia tells me that in the Jewish legal system, there is a Torah commandment that translates as, 'You shall not stand idly by your brother's blood.'   She says this means that if someone is in danger and you are able to save them, it is a crime not to."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
a cardinal who cared about thie inner city
"...St. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton set up a school for the poor in Emmitsburg, MD in 1809 and founded the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph and made the creation of parochial schools for the disadvantaged a life-time cause...

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Clinton Foundation funds Hitlery's and Bill's ambitions and monkey-business

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
why is leftist/Red opinion-media so breath-takingly unsuccessful

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
neither Obummer nor Iran's ayatollahs can be trusted
Paul Greenberg: sequel to Munich 1938

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Alex Alexiev _American Thinker_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is the syndrome, sharia is the real malignancy

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Patricia L. Dickson _American Thinker_
professor/teacher David Pook admitted he wrote Communist Corpse standards for English in order to end "white privilege"
"Campus Reform notes that the 'Standards' have been especially hard on black and Hispanic students, who have seen their test scores plummet since the introduction of [Communist Corpse]..."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Bruce Deitrick Price _American Thinker_
is Georgia the least intelligent state? What is the peach state doing wrong?
"Georgia officials insist on using the worst theories and methods.   Predictably, their schools get bad results.   To cover up the embarrassing results (of course, the officials would not think of adopting better methods), the schools create elaborate cheating mechanisms.   This works until the truth leaks out.   Scandal ensues..   it's adult bureaucrats who are cheating, not students.   Why did school officials decide that cheating is necessary?   Were they never taught how to run a school?   Or is the truth even worse than that, and they have embraced all the worst ideas in the hope of getting bad results?...   the people in charge don't value reading highly at all...   A child who cannot read can't learn history, geography, science, literature, current events, or very much else...   Revealingly, the state of Georgia is phonics-phobic.   Almost all school web-sites in Georgia specifically brag that they teach sight-words, or Dolch words.   These sites talk about Dr. Dolch, a quack from 50 years ago, as if he were a god...   Apparently no one knows who Dr. Flesch is -- namely, the guy who sold 8M beloved books explaining why Dolch was a scammer..."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Hitlery and Obummer exchanged e-mail via her private server/e-mail address while she was secretary of State

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: Christians are being slaughtered by Muslims who are emulating the prophet Mohammed

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: left's federal government shut-down horror stories are nothing but lies

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Laura Ingraham
perverse Nevada laws (a) require a permit to exercise 2nd amendment right to own and carry arms and (b) prohibit people with such permits from being foster or adoptive parents
Dean Garrison: Freedom Outpost
Sean Whaley: Las Vegas Nevada Review-Journal
Dan Zimmerman: The Truth About Guns
Carmine Sabia: Biz Pac Review
David McCormack: London Daily Mail

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
many in GOP want to shut down abusive, scandal-ridden BATFE

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Mychal Massie _WND_
5 ugly truths about race

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Bill Federer _WND_
Pennsylvania was founded as a "holy experiment"

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
Candice Lanier _True Blue Republican State_
Freedom Caucus are determined to be a thorn in the side of both Reds/Dems/leftists and back-stabbing RINOs like Boehner and McConnell
"Barry Loudermilk, another new conservative from Georgia, said many of his constituents saw [Obummer's] order as both a violation of congress' powers under the Constitution and an unfair issuance of work permits to 5M illegal immigrants who would compete with them for jobs. 'A lot of our colleagues felt this was an oath-of-office vote to uphold the Constitution.', he said. College economics professor from Virginia, representative Dave Brat, explains that he supported Boehner until it became clear the speaker would acquiesce on [demands for even more excessive immigration and amnesty for illegal aliens], adding he is 'highly skeptical that we couldn't have found a way. We own both houses -- and we lost.'..."

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
_Conservative HQ_
leftist media protecting leftist Obummer, and helping Iranian thugs build nuclear weapons

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
Hitlery and Yebbie are both seen as a return to failed past schemes

2015-03-09 (5775 Ader 18)
_TEA Party Digest_
Obummer's not-so-secret illegal immigration operations center
Leon H. Wolf: True Blue Republican State
Josh Siegel: Daily Signal
"A federal judge may have temporarily halted [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive actions on immigration, but the White House is still proceeding as if it expects the programs to stand.   In this video, The Daily Signal explores one reason why.   The [Obummer regime], or more specifically a government agency called Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS], has set up an 'operational center' just outside Washington, DC, as the hub that will process thousands of applications expected to come from [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] immigration actions..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "It is important and right that all privileges of the law be ours, but it is vastly more important that we be prepared for the exercises of these privileges.', he said in his historic Atlanta Exposition speech. By linking rights and responsibilities, [Booker T. Washington] was able to address both the blacks and the whites in the audience on common ground. And by linking the fates of the 2 races, he was able to enlist the support of some whites by arguing that blacks would either help lift up the South or help to drag it down. W.E.B. du Bois likewise said to Southern whites: 'If you do not lift them up, they will pull you down.'" --- Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pg232 (citing Booker T. Washington 1951 _Up From Slaery: An AutoBiography_ pp223-224, 222)  



2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
US ICE: of 2,059 illegal aliens who committed additional crimes and were arrested in the first 5 days of March, 23% had re-entered the USA after having been deported, returned or removed
"Of the 2,059 criminals arrested, 1,013 -- almost half -- had been convicted of more than one crime; and 1,036 had been convicted of a felony, including voluntary manslaughter, child pornography, robbery and kidnapping.   Of the total 2,059 criminals arrested, 58 are known gang members or affiliates, and 89 are convicted sex offenders.   An additional 912 illegal aliens were arrested for multiple 'significant misdemeanors', mostly repeated convictions for driving under the influence...   one Mexican national already had been deported 6 times [between 2003 & 2013] when he was arrested once again in Oxnard, California...   Of the 2,059 who were arrested in March, 163 have been presented to U.S. attorneys to be prosecuted, Saldana said.   This includes aliens who will be charged with illegal re-entry, which carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison -- at American [tax-victims'] expense...   In 2013, for example, ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, according to a document obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies..."

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Josh Gerstein _Politico_
federal judge Andrew Hanen delays lifting injunction against Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens and "work permits" for people on H-4 non-work visas; orders DoJ to answer questions about Obummer regime's continuing unconstitutional and illegal activities
"U.S. district-court-judge Andrew Hanen said in an order issued Monday afternoon that he views as serious claims that federal government lawyers may have misled the court about the implementation of new immigration policies the president ordered in November...   'Due to the seriousness of the matters discussed therein, the Court will not rule on any other pending motions until it is clear that these matters, if true, do not impact the pending matters or any rulings previously made by this Court.', Hanen wrote.   He set a hearing on the matter for March 19 and ordered that Justice Department lawyers 'be prepared to fully explain to this Court all of the matters addressed in and circumstances surrounding' the notice the feds sent the judge last week..."

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
barbarian invaders demand safer ways to illegally enter the USA

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
Obummer regime eating away at 2nd amendment through ammunition bans and efforts to drive up prices
"A majority in both the senate and House -- 52 senators, 238 House members -- have joined to oppose the [Obummer regime's] move to ban a popular type of ammo used in the top-selling AR-15 rifle and pistol because [they allege] it pierces police body armor...   In their letter, the senators said that the 5.56mm M855 'green tip' cartridge was exempted in a 1986 law, along with other rifle ammo from bans on armor-piercing rounds.   The reason: popular rifle ammo is typically not used in shoot-outs with police..."

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime fumes as 47 senators sign letter explaining to Iran government that US constitution requires consent of senate for treaties
"'This is about stopping Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.   And Iran's leaders need to understand that any deal that gives them a path to a bomb -- today, tomorrow, 10 years, 15 years from now -- will not be accepted by the United States congress.'...   Bob Corker [a re-writer of the 8 gangsters immigration law perversion bill], did not sign the letter to Iran's [ruling thugs].   The 6 other Republicans refusing to sign the letter are Lamar Alexander, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, Dan Coats, Thad Cochran and Lisa Murkowski..."
Patrick Goodenough: senator Tom Cotton responded to Obummer's whine: there are nothing but hard-liners in the Iranian government
Laura Ingraham

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
David Limbaugh _Cybercast News Service_
is Obummer as clueless as he claims to be?
Jewish World Review
Human Events
World Net Daily

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
why do American media interview tyrants?
World Net Daily

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
food intervention, power-mad government thug style

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
president Hitlery Rotten Clinton would continue being corrupt and secretive
Human Events

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Clintons are not the only politicians badly influenced by foreign campaign contributions
"no one associated with the Red Cross is a top contender to be president of the United States."

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Jed Babbin _Jewish World Review_
adding up the costs of a deal with Iran that allows them to build nuclear weapons: Obummer has made it clear he will pay almost any price
Washington DC Times
Toronto Ontario Canada Telegraph

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the "disparate impact" racket
Political Rift
Conservative News 24/7
Investor's Business Daily
Town Hall
"...Blacks are far more statistically 'over-represented' among basketball stars in the NBA than among people stopped by police in Ferguson.   Hispanics are similarly far more 'over-represented' among baseball stars than in the general population.   Asian Americans are likewise far more 'over-represented' among students at leading engineering schools like M.I.T. and Cal Tech than in the population as a whole.   None of this is peculiar to the United States.   You can find innumerable examples of such group disparities in countries around the world and throughout recorded history.   In 1802, for example, czarist Russia established a university in Estonia.   For most of the 19th century, members of one ethnic group provided more of the students -- and a majority of the professors -- than any other.   This was neither the local majority (Estonians) nor the national majority (Russians), but Germans..."

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Laura Ingraham
GAO: it takes at least 170 days to fire a federal government employee
Elizabeth Harrington: Washington DC Free Beacom

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Christian chaplain who used to provide services to Navy SEALS faces axe for Christian beliefs

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
"Courage" is a Catholic out-reach group which welcomes gays, but not gay behavior

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Kurt Eichenwald _NewsWeek_
American Board of Internal Medicine getting a little power-mad

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Bob Unruh _WND_
protests against Boehner's betrayal could expand

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Jerome R. Corsi _WND_
libertarian Wikipedia leads groups in law-suit against NSA's warrantless spying
"Wikipedia leads a group of plaintiffs identified in the law-suit as 'educational, legal, human rights, and media organizations', including the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International USA, PEN American Center, the Global Fund for Women, Nation Magazine, the Rutherford Institute and the Washington Office on Latin America.   In seeking an injunction, the plaintiffs argue NSA surveillance of Internet traffic violates Fourth Amendment rights protecting privacy and prohibiting illegal searches and seizures, as well as First Amendment rights of freedom of expression and association, exceeding the authority granted the NSA by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA, as amended by congress in 2008..."
Of course, the solution is to return to a non-hierarchical internet design, with no choke-points... an business executives demanding warrants.

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Greta van Susteren starts out correct, ends up wrong on senators' open letter to Iranian rulers

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Red China says Muslim Uighurs have joined ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
BATFE puts hold on scheme to ban "green-tip" 5.56mm M855 ammunition
"The statement follows [thousands of the public pointing out law to the contrary and] 52 senators and 238 House members joining in opposition to any attempt the [Obummer regime] might make to ban the ammo."

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Jonathan Strong _Breitbart_
contemptible Eric Holder also violated law regarding using private e-mail for government business; prosecute them all!

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
_News Max_
gene technique provides vaccine alternative

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
_One Old Vet_
senator David Vitter (R-LA) seeks to attach amendment ending anchor-baby abuses to anti-trafficking bill
Caroline D. May: Breitbart

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
_One Old Vet_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton corruptly insists that State Dept. e-mail messages on her home computer are her private property
Caroline D. May: Breitbart

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
D.A. King _One Old Vet_
most Americans are jubliant over federal injunction to stop Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal immigration decrees
Californians for Population Stabilization
"Would [Barack Hussein Obummer], the Dems/Reds/leftists and La Raza be as rabidly anti-enforcement on immigration if the hordes of illegals were highly-skilled, English-speaking, potential conservative voters pouring across the border from Manitoba?"

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
_One Old Vet_
corrupt Obummer/Holder lawyers refused to prosecute illegal aliens who abused Socialist Insecurity Numbers (SINs) of dead people
Chuck Ross: Daily Caller
Leah Barkoukis: Town Hall

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
_Investor's Business Daily_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail gaps hide "pay for play" and truth about Benghazi

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Richard A. Epstein _Harvard Law Review_ (128 HLR F145; vol128 #5)
an unapologetic defense of the classical liberal constitution

2015-03-10 (5775 Ader 19)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
global warming
Creators Syndicate
Town Hall
"Climate change...covers all weather phenomena throughout all 4.54G years of Earth's existence...   Today CO2 concentrations worldwide average about 380 parts per million.   This level of CO2 concentration is trivial compared with the concentrations during earlier geologic periods.   For example, 460M years ago, during the Ordovician Period, CO2 concentrations were 4,400 ppm, and temperatures then were about the same as they are today.   With such high levels of CO2, at least according to the warmers, the Earth should have been boiling...   Climate change predictions have been wrong for decades...   In 2010, German economist and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change official Ottmar Edenhofer said, 'One must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy.'   The article in which that interview appeared summarized Edenhofer's views this way: 'Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection...   The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world's resources will be negotiated.'..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "A science is more exact than, & prior to, another when it studies the fact & the reason, not just the fact apart from the reason...   A science that works with fewer principles is prior to one that requires additional principles..." --- Aristotle _Logic_ "Posterior Analytics" Book 1 section 27 (translated in Aristotle, Renford Bambrough, J.L. Creed & A.E. Wardman _The Philosophy of Aristotle_ pg 198)  



2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Don Bauder _San Diego CA Reader_
a scheme to lower STEM professionals' compensation: the fale case for foreign tech workers
"Congress will shortly be taking up a bill that is based on a blatant lie.   (It won't be the first time that has happened.)   During a period in which both political parties bemoan declining middle-class incomes, congress will consider legislation, introduced January 13, that will hammer the middle class economically.   The bill, called the Immigration Innovation (I-Squared) Act of 2015, would permit American corporations [their executives and managers] to bring in more foreign workers for 3- to 6- to 9-year stings in low- to moderate-pay science, technology, engineering, and mathematics positions...The National Association of Colleges and Employers projects that the starting wage for new computer-science graduates will drop 9% to $61,287 this year. Says the journal AAAS Science, 'Ordinarily, rapidly falling salaries indicate a glut, not a shortage.'..."
There are also lots of good reader comments.

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Juhana Rossi _Wall Street Journal_
Ericsson to dump 2,200 Swedish employees

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Nathaniel Parish Flannery _Fox_
illegal alien convicts deported from the USA have turned some Honduran neighborhoods into war zones among rival gangs

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
what is "fair"?
"64% of those born in the poorest fifth of the U.S. population move out of that quintile.   11% of them rise all the way to the top, according to economists at Harvard and Berkeley.   Most of the billionaires atop the Forbes richest list weren't born rich.   They got rich by 'innovating'.   Rich people aren't guaranteed their place at the top, either.   66% fell from the top quintile, and 8% fell all the way to the bottom... Jones points out, 'I was born with an advantage, too. Being born in the United States... totally unfair.'   He also has 2 married parents -- another huge advantage..."

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare's 1095-A nightmare
Cybercast News Service
Town Hsall

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
an out-lier agency in in the DC colossus that may or may not deserve replicating: DARPA
"Arati Prabhakar, DARPA's director, told me in a recent interview that she tries to avoid worrying how a potentially controversial research project might look if it were bannered on the front page of The Washington Post...   One project is dubbed 'Automatic Detection of Psychological Distress Indicators in On-line Forum Posts'...   Instead of increasingly complex systems, she says, the military should consider smaller satellites, cheaper launch vehicles and alternatives to fancy GPS-linked technologies that can be attacked..."

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Victoria Bekiempis _Jewish World Review_
Sullivan county NY canceled Chasidim voter registrations

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Cliford D. May _Jewish World Review_
the ayatollah in winter
Washington DC Times

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Felicity Capon _Jewish World Review_
Germany unwittingly trained ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate terrorists, suspect infiltration

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the past is the present

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
47 patriots remind Obummer and Iranian thugs that treaties can be rejected by congress

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
the real reason why the left-wing media hate Nigel Farage

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Jennifer G. Hickey _News Max_
senator Rand Paul: Kurds would fight even more vigorously if we promised them a country of their own
"'I think if you did that and could get peace between the Kurds and the Turks, and then the Turks would actually fight [as allies of them] if the Kurds would give up any claim to Turkish territory.', he said."

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
_News Max_
minds have advantages and disadvantages in every age range
"The study, which looked at almost 50K people, raises the prospect that people in their 40s and 50s do a better job of translating emotional signals from other people, while seniors have more overall knowledge.   Young adults, meanwhile, think faster and have more short-term memory...   The researchers report that various thinking skills peaked -- in general -- at different times in life.   On average, people think the fastest around age 18 and 19, while their short-term memory peaks at around age 25, and the ability to read people's emotional states is best in the 40s and 50s.   'Crystalized intelligence', a measurement of accumulated knowledge that's [measured] based on vocabulary tests, doesn't tend to peak until people are in their late 60s or early 70s..."

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
_News Max_
with Obummer operatives' illgal assistance, Zionist Union opens lead on Netanyahu's Likud party

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
"Duck Dynasty's" Alan Robertson: if more Americans pray together, God will bless this country

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
the haughty John Kerry says we have the capacity to defeat ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, but we're not going to do it

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
the haughty John Kerry says "we're not negotiating a legally binding plan" to keep Iran's ayatollocracy from building nuclear weapons

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Franklin Graham: Obummer & Holder are pushing a new morality without God, an anti-Judeo-Christian movement

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
government food-stamp/EBT recipients have exceeded 46M for 40 straight months as the GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
congress-critters disagree on ways to curb FCC's & FEC's attempts to suppress competition and free speech

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Dave Philipps & Thomas James Brennan _NYTimes_
under-/mal-employed veterans volunteer to fight against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Mike Cutler _One Old Vet_
Obummer regime continues to ignore 2001-09-11 commission's warnings
Front Page Magazine

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
_One Old Vet_
NSA has all of Hitlery's e-mail messages, but will they release them to congress sub-poena?
Chuck Ross: Daily Caller: expert says Hitlery's e-mail messages are recoverable

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Laura Ingraham
US ICE sees danger as local cooperation wanes (after years of both leftist agigation and refusal of federal government to compensate local governments for holding illegal aliens)
more Pennsylvania counties resist detaining illegal aliens in local jails

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
William Douglas _McClatchy_
conservative PAC helps House Republicans against Boehner-allied RINO PAC

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Keith Davies _Liberty News_
has corruption and national socialism beome the order of the ay in the USA?

2015-03-11 (5775 Ader 20)
Pamela Geller _Liberty News_
sharia enforcement comes to the U of NM
Pamela Geller canonical site

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "I think with you that nothing is of more importance for the public weal, than to form and train up youth in wisdom and virtue.   Wise and good men are, in my opinion, the strength of the state; more so than riches or arms.   I think also, that general virtue is more probably to be expected and obtained from the education of youth, than from the exhortations of adult persons; bad habits and vices of the mind being, like diseases of the body, more easily prevented than cured.   I think, moreover, that the talents for the education of youth are the gift of God; and that he on whom they are bestowed, whenever a way is opened for the use of them, is as strongly called as if he heard a voice from heaven." --- Benjamin Franklin (quoted in doctor Ben S. Carson & Candy Carson 2012 _America the Beautiful: ReDiscovering What Made This Nation Great_ pp104-105; citing William J. Federer 2000 _America's God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations_ pg240)  



2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Jessice Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
USCIS favors illegal aliens over US citizens and legal immigrants
"The document reveals that processing of most applications for legal immigration benefits, including the highest priority family categories, such as spouses of U.S. citizens, were de-emphasized so that the agency could instead focus on approving the [illegal aliens]...   According to a chart provided, the following types of applicants are considered deserving of 'special emphasis' during the DACA adjudication period:   Employers asking for temporary workers (with or without paying the premium processing fee);   Applicants for advance parole (a travel document only needed by illegal aliens with temporary status);   Refugees needing a travel document;   Employers sponsoring immigrant workers; U.S. parents adopting children from overseas;   Applicants for work permits (DACA applicants, other illegal aliens, and temporary visitors);   Military naturalization applicants.   All other types of applications were considered not deserving of special emphasis.   These applications had to wait longer for processing, even though the fees were the same as ever (actually higher, since they were just raised in 2010).   They included all family-based immigrant petitions and applications, refugee and asylee green cards, relatives of refugees and asylees, applicants for temporary protected status, victims of human trafficking, crime victims, immigrants seeking to naturalize, and anyone needing a replacement document...   In 2013 alone USCIS [unconstitutionally and illegally] processed more than 480K DACA applications..."

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Network_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate object to UN "human rights expert" because he mentioned the high numbers of violence-initiating Islamics

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _Cybercast News Network_
what does Obummer have against straight white men and women?
"But if you listened to [Obummer's] speech, you'd think that little progress has been made since that time.   And that Dr. King and others were marching for redistribution of wealth, 'gay rights', and other causes, which had nothing to do with black emancipation.   I participated in civil rights marches in Alabama.   Dr. King fought for equality of opportunity for blacks; but he was not in favor of reprisals against whites.   And as a Baptist Minister he was not about promoting homosexuality.   If you doubt it, read the advice Dr. King gave to a conflicted young man as printed in Ebony Magazine..."

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Network_
public blocking Obummer BATFE ban on .223/5.56mm M855/SS109 "green-tip" ammunition

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Network_
VP BiteMe in DC said that "being middle class... means you're not sophisticated"

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Stephen Dinan _Jewish World Review_
illegal aliens will be given $2G by corrupt federal government over the next 5 years under EITC and Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty
Washington DC Times
One Old Vet
Before It's News

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
senators on immigration sub-committee want to know how many illegal aliens were unconstitutionally and illegally given Socialist Insecurity Numbers by the Obummer regime
John Hayward: Breitbart
"Senators Ben Sasse and Jeff Sessions say about 90K [NIGHTMARERS] got [SINs] between 2012 Aug. 15, when the first applications rolled in, and 2013 Jan. 8.   In a letter to [Socialist Insecurity Kommissar] Carolyn W. Colvin, the senators asked how many more were granted after that.   [SINs] are also the key to unlocking a number of benefits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit [EITC], [Socialist Insecurity] disability payments or [Socialist Insecurity's] supplemental income program."

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Davi Smerfinski _Washington DC Times_
Gallup poll: government is the USA's #1 problem (4 straight months)
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton insists she deserves special privileges contrary to the constitution and laws
Town Hall
"standard government procedure is for her to have signed an agreement under oath when she began her work at the State Department requiring her to safeguard classified records, and another agreement under oath when she ended her work that she had returned all records to the government.   She [apparently] violated both agreements, and she violated numerous federal laws...   Concealing government documents from the government when you work for it is a felony, punishable by up to three years in prison and permanent disqualification from holding public office.   Failing to secure classified secrets in a government-approved facility or moving them to a non-secure facility outside the government's control is a misdemeanor, punishable by a hefty fine and a year in jail.   Using a false e-mail address that gives the clear impression that the user is not using a government server when she is, or one that creates the false impression that the e-mailer is using a government server when she is not, is also a felony..."

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
_One Old Vet_
Robert Pittenger (R-NC), the chairman of the congressional task force on terrorism and unconventional warfare confirms that terrorist cells are already embedded in the USA
Edwin Mora: Breitbart
"Representative Pittenger assembled the preparedness manual with the help of retired military officers, nationally-recognized experts on counter-terrorism and cyber-security, FEMA, the American Red Cross, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP)..."

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
_One Old Vet_
over 300K anchor babies born to illegal aliens each year
Liz Peek: Fiscal Times

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Joe Guzzardi _One Old Vet_
7 years after his son was murdered, father still wonders why the illegal alien perpetrator was not deported
Californians for Population Stabilization

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
_One Old Vet_
red dawn: socialist final solution for non-leftists (audio)

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
_One Old Vet_
more border violence expected following assassination of gangster boss & his henchman in Matamoros

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
e-gate epidemics
Town Hall

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
despite leftists, workers get new privileges, more respect for their rights

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
wage increases... with an asterisk
"Wages are among our most scrutinized economic indicators.   It's no secret why.   We'd all like a pay raise.   But there's a second, less-recognized reason.   Wages are considered a precursor to higher inflation.   If they rise sharply, prices will follow.   That's the theory.   It's wrong -- or at least dangerously incomplete... The fact that wages haven't sped up is widely said to demonstrate that there's still ample 'slack' in the labor market, despite persistent declines in the unemployment rate (now 5.5% [yet considerably above what was considered full employment until the Carter admin]) [extremely long durations of unemployment, low employment/population ratios and low labor-force participation rates, worse full-time/part-time employment and long-term/temporary employment ratios] and hefty monthly pay-roll job increases (295K in February [according to the establishment survey])..."

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Barbara Kay _Jewish World Review_
homosexual advocate aids anti-homosexual agenda
National Post

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Leonid Bershidsky _Jewish World Review_
Red China, Russia, Obummer regime tweaking flow of ideas on the net
Chicago IL Tribune

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer: a man for the ages!
Town Hall
Liberty News

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Export-Import Bank has congress in its pocket

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Laura Ingraham
we are losing USA day-by-day

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Laura Ingraham
Republicans are wary, divided as they begin next round of effort to reform immigration
Bernie Becker: Hill

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
John Ransom _Town Hall_
being held hostage by Obummer and Iran
"Last week I wrote about Kerry and [Obummer's] apparent willingness to deploy military force in Syria, Libya and other parts of the Middle East and North Africa to enact regime change.But for some unaccountable reason, they seem to OK with Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon.   It's like lieutenant-general (retired) William Boykin told me on Ransom Notes Radio: If the [Obummer regime] isn't intentionally helping Iran get a bomb, they certainly are doing it unintentionally...."

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Matt Towery _Town Hall_
Wall Street is fixated on silly matters which benefit them, while most Americans struggle with real life problems

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Steve Chapman _Town Hall_
stadiums throw tax-victims for a loss... repeatedly
"This is good news because attracting a team would probably mean piling a burden on local [tax-victims] to enrich owners who are already wealthy.   Local [tax-victims] would have been on the hook for $350M in debt to finance the new arena, on top of the $322M left to be paid on the current convention center.   And [tax-victims] elsewhere would have been effectively sharing the load, because the bonds used to get the money would have been exempt from federal taxes..."

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Robert Knight _Town Hall_
a capitol challenge to modern-day power-mad Caesars' power

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Michael Hausam _Town Hall_
Obummer cannot possibly believe the economic non-sense he's trying to sell

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Erica Wanis _Town Hall_
Obummer and the leftist racist narrative

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
D.W. Wilber _Town Hall_
Iranian threat continues to worsen unabated

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Nasty Pelosi claims Republicans writing a letter to Iran to point out that treaties require approval by the US senate is way worse than when she visited Syria's dictator, or when she insulted Netanyahu

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
NOah Rothman _Hot Air_
Hitlery confidante Huma Mahmood Abedin sure had a lot of special deals set up for her at the State Dept.
Walid Shoebat & Ben Barrack on Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: Muslim World League (MWL)
Discover the Networks: Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Discover the Networks: Valerie Jarrett
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer FCC and FEC allege that telecomm firms are not entitled to 1st amendment protections

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Swiss citizen who defended Christians in Syria arrested on his return

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
US citizens are, on average, relatively wealthy and relatively religious and optimistic

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Red China recently built modular 57-story building in 19 days
"A 57-floor 2M-square-foot (180K-square-meter) sky-scraper fully built with energy-efficient, factory-produced Lego-like blocks."

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Bill Federer _WND_
Susan B. Anthony favored equality before God and the laws, opposed abortion and slavery

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Bob Unruh _WND_
4th court challenge to unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare, this one over some of its privacy violations, reaches the supremes
"The case also asserts IPAB [Independent Payment Advisory Board = death panel] was given 'virtually unlimited power over both public and private health care in America' and would make 'recommendations' that automatically would become law without approval of congress or the signature of a president."

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Betsy McCaughey _Washington DC Times_
presidents try to end-run US constitution's requirements for treaties

2015-03-12 (5775 Ader 21)
Sravani _Wise Step_
9 ways cosmetic surgery can boost your career

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Don't let what was or could be rob you of the joy of what is." --- R' David Aaron  



2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
_Cybercast News Service_
Ben Sasse & Jeff Sessions: illegal aliens should not get Socialist Insecurity Numbers nor EITC nor other hand-outs
Ryan Lovelace: National Review
"Sessions, who chairs an immigration subcommittee, is co-sponsoring Sasse's newly introduced bill, titled 'Amnesty Bonuses Elimination Act'.   The bill would prohibit the issuance of [Socialist Insecurity Numbers (SINs)] to individuals receiving deferred deportation under [president Barack Hussein Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive actions."

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Alicia A. Caldwell _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
15 illegal aliens unconstitutionally and illegal granted amnesty by Obummer have been arrested for committing additional crimes

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer/Holder DoJ invokes "separation of powers" to argue for Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
The corrupt Obummer/Holder DoJ asked a federal appeals court to suspend a lower court's injunction requiring faithful execution of immigration and border and port protection laws.
The US constitution allows states to inspect people and goods entering the country through that state's ports and borders, and allows charging fees to cover the costs of such inspections.   State, local, and federal officials are "bound by oath" to "preserve, protect and defend" the federal constitution and constitutional laws (article 6 clause 3) to "establish an uniform rule of naturalization" (article 1, section 8, clause 4), which the Obummer regime is belligerently refusing to execute, contrary to the constitution's requirement that the executive "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" (article 2 section 3 clause 4).   The constitution also requires the federal government to guarantee the states a republican form of government and to assist in defending them against invasions.
The federal district court has required the executive to faithfully execute the laws, and to stop its unconstitutional and illegal intention and practice to refuse to act contrary to those laws, and its unconstitutional and illegal practice of preventing the states from defending themselves and refusing to help them defend themselves from invasion.
The US constitution does not allow the president to make up, amend, ignore, or intentionally refuse to carry out immigration and naturalization laws and laws pertaining to non-immigrant visas, but only to comply with and faithfully carry out and enforce those laws as enacted by both houses of congress and signed by some president.   Obummer publicly admitted this on over 20 occasions.
Instead, the Obummer regime is refusing to defend USA borders and ports, refusing to repel invaders, refusing to remove invaders and visa over-stayers in a timely manner, refusing contrary to law to administer non-immigrant visas in such a way as to prevent harm to US citizen workers and green card holders.
The Obummer regime is refusing to secure, refusing to protect the USA homeland.   Obummer's current schemes would set aside established constitutional laws, and unconstitutionally dictate substitute law only from the current executive.   In so doing, he is creating a scheme of extra-legal and extra-constitutional privileges and hand-outs for law-breakers.
If the circuit court sets aside the district court's injunction, the Obummer regime will intentionally cause states and US citizens to suffer additional harm.   They will burden states with additional costs.   They will burden US citizens with greater federal debts, with a worsenening of the already dysfunctional job markets, and with decreased personal security.

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Laura Ingraham
corrupt U of IL admin wants illegal aliens to get tax-victim funded state financial aid
Chris Nuelle: Campus Reform

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Erica Brown _Jewish World Review_
a hearing/listening/interpreting problem

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
increasingly malicious "lame duck" is out for blood

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
USA-phobic bullies target Old Glory
Cybercast News Service
World Net Daily

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
USA patriot Tom Cotton lobbed a truth-bomb at Obummer regime and the Iranian thugocracy

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Lea McLeod _Jewish World Review_
scientifically proven way to overcome your career fears

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Treasury official: imposters conned $15.5M from tax-victims...
Ali Meyer: ...IRS extorted $1.185613T in first 5 months of FY2015, federal government still ran $386.537G deficit

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
USPS caught recording license plates and faces without warrants near Denver
World Net Daily

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Star Parker _Cybercast News Service_
black pastors protest homosexual speaker at historically black college

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
Republican minority on FCC warns of internet tax scheming

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
even John McCain opposes Loretta Lynch's nomination to be attorney-general, because she intends to break the oath of office (and the border fences have yet to be built)
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
NIH + CDCP: 11th + 12th person probably infected with ebola is being/was brought to Bethesda MD and Atlanta GA
Maggie Fox: LSNBC

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
_Conservative HQ_
senator Lindsey Grahamnesty's bizarre military coup scheme to increase defense spending

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Matthew Boyle _Brietbart_
Rand Paul continues to urge rejection of Loretta Lynch as attorney-general because she has testified that she would immediately break the oath of office

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Labor secretary Thomas Perez said that Reagan "was wrong about Medicare leading to socialized medicine"...
...and that far I will agree with him.   It will not LEAD TO socialized medicine.   It IS socialized medicine, and unconstitutional, and should have been eradicated by 1970.

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
_TEA Party Digest_
photographer captures Obummer's lengthening nose
TEA Party.org
Biz PAC Review

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Wayne Allyn Root _Liberty News_
Obummer crime family -- where are the indictments for Reid, Clinton and Corzine?
Personal Liberty
"After watching [Obummer] for the past 6 years it is clear he's a psychopath and ego-maniacal tyrant who doesn't care about morality, the law, checks and balances, or the U.S. Constitution.   I've written extensively about the many times this [regime] has intimidated, persecuted and punished its critics.   [Obummer] has used the IRS, NSA, FDA, SEC, EPA [FCC, FEC, DHS, DoJ]; every 3-letter government organization possible to destroy his political opposition..."

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Eric Owens _Liberty News_
at racist "white privilege conference", multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-religion TEA partiers are called "white racists"
Daily Caller

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
left trying to tell us that Obummer's treason is the new patriotism

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
"Truth Revolt.org" _Front Page Magazine_
Andrew Klavan on "The Magic Box of Leftism" (with video)

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Garland S. Tucker iii _National Review_
could Scott Walker be the next Calvin Coolidge?

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Steve Goldstein _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index slipped from 95.4 in late-February to 91.2 in mid-March
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-03-13 (5775 Ader 22)
Mark Prigg _London Daily Mail_
our "145 alien genes"... DNA from viruses and bacteria

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The rise of blacks into professional and other high-level occupations was greater in the years preceding the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than in the years following passage of that act. What had happened was a dramatic increase in the numbers of blacks with college and post-graduate education. Prior to the First World War, fewer than 5K college degrees had been granted to black students in the entire history of the United States, but, by 1935, that had increased 5-fold -- and by 1947 the back colleges alone granted in 1 year more degrees than blacks had ever received in all the years perior to the First World War. Increases in the numbers of doctorates received by blacks were also dramatic." --- Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pg241 (citing Thomas Sowell 1984 _Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality?_ pg49; E. Franklin Frazier 1971 _The Negro in the United States_ pp558-559)  



2015-03-14 (5775 Ader 23)
Ross Douthat _NYTimes_
for poorer and richer

2015-03-14 (5775 Ader 23)
Mark Hensch _Hill_
John Bolton calls Obummer's deal to allow Iranian Muslim theocracy to develop nuclear weapons an unprecedented surrender to evil forces

2015-03-14 (5775 Ader 23)
Allen B. West
to the Dems/Reds/left, abortion is more important than fighting against sex-trafficking

2015-03-14 (5775 Ader 23)
_TEA Party.org_
Harvard Law Review just gave a boost to Ted Cruz's potential run for president
Jonathan M. Seidl: Blaze

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "At least 1M Europeans were enslaved by North African pirates alone from 1500 to 1800, and some European slaves were still being sold on the auction block in Egypt, years after the Emancipation Proclamation freed blacks in the United States..." --- Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pp112-113 (citing Simon Robinson & Nancy Palus 2001-04-30 "An Awful Human Trade" _Time_ pp40-41; Andrew Cockburn 2003 September "21st Century Slaves" _National Geographic_ pp2-24; 1997-08-10 "Slave Trade in Africa Is Highlighted by Arrests" _NYTimes_ inter-national section pg5; Robert C. Davis 2003, 2004 _Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy 1500-1800_ pg23; R.W. Beachey 1976 _The Slave Trade of Eastern Africa_ pg137; Orlando Patterson 1982 _Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study_ pp406-407; W. Montgomery Watt 1972 _The Influence of Islam on Medieval Europe_ pg11; Daniel Evans 1985 May "Slave Coast of Europe" _Slavery and Abolition_ pg52 note3; William D. Phillips ii 1985 _Slavery from Roman Times to the Early TransAtlantic Trade_ pg57; Martin A. Klein 1993 "Introduction: Modern European Expansion and Traditional Servitude in Africa and Asia" _Breaking the Chains: Slavery, Bondage, and Emancipation in Modern Africa and Asia_ pp8, 11, 19, 20; David Brion Davis 1975 _The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution 1770-1823_ pg63; John Patrick Douglas Balfour lord Kinross 1977 _The Ottoman Centuries: The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire_ pp48, 50-51; Ehud R. Toledano "Ottoman Concept of Slavery in the Period of Reform 1830s-1880s" in Martin A. Klein 1993 _Breaking the Chains: Slavery, Bondage, and Emancipation in Modern Africa and Asia_ pp39, 42)  



2015-03-15 (5775 Ader 24)
Laura Ingraham
cholesterol cops left with egg on their faces
Chris Erskine: Los Angeles CA Times
2015-02-22: PaleoPlan
"medical experts admitted that there was no basis for the long-held assumption that such items as egg yolk, avocado and shrimp played a significant part in cholesterol levels in the blood-stream."
2014-07-27: Mercola: new science destroys the saturated fat myth

2015-03-15 (5775 Ader 24)
Laura Ingraham
knitting clubs are a refuge for teens from high-crime neighborhoods
Lizzie Johnson: Chicago IL Tribune

2015-03-15 (5775 Ader 24)
David Archibald _American Thinker_
a strategic plan for the West

2015-03-15 (5775 Ader 24)
_TEA Party Digest_
superintendent confirms Communist Corpse's Pearson spying on children's "social media" accounts
TEA Party news
Susan Berry: Breitbart
"U.K.-based Pearson, the world's largest education company, administers the test for the federally funded interstate consortium known as Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).   Testing is scheduled in March and May amid a growing movement of parents opting their children out of the tests."
The article does not clarify whether cheating (e.g. exchange of questions, collaboration on forming answers) was occurring or whether the Communist Corpse people are simply trying to avoid the public learning of the kinds of questions on the tests.

2015-03-15 (5775 Ader 24)
_TEA Party Digest_
Texas governor, private organizations, try to discourage local governments from over-regulation and mal-regulation, as parts of Texas are being California-ized
Kate Scalon: Daily Signal
"...For example, the city of Dallas issued a ban on plastic and paper bags, mandating that residents use reusable bags or pay a nickel for each disposable bag they use -- a measure Quintero says is in violation of existing state law...   'Liberty is the principal, local control is the preference.', Quintero said.   'It all comes down to the proper role of government: protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'...   'Tyranny at the local level is just as bad as tyranny from Washington DC or a foreign dictator.'..."

2015-03-15 (5775 Ader 24)
_TEA Party Digest_
5 fingers if Islam
professor/lieutenant-colonel Rich Swier
TEA Party Tribune

2015-03-15 (5775 Ader 24)
Aaron Klein _WND_
John Bolton opposes Republican non-interventionism
"Bolton explained he is 'determined to find a way to make sure that the national security issues' are at the center of the Republican presidential nomination process.   'I'm determined to stop any drift toward isolationism in the Republican Party.', he continued...   ''But as with so many things political, you have to avoid mistaking the surface manifestation of some issue like that for real deep investigation and debate and discussion.   We cannot afford to make the mistake we made in 2008 and 2012 by electing a candidate to the presidency who wasn't qualified on national security issues.'   Bolton previously formed a political action committee -- Bolton PAC -- which during the 2014 mid-term elections donated almost $500K to 87 'national security' candidates..."

2015-03-15 (5775 Ader 24)
recorded: Bill Clinton assailed Netanyahu
London Daily Mail

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In the case of political speech, you can't make people tell you who they are." --- Patrick Sullivan of the Computer Ethics Institute  



2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Michael Wasser _Hill_
un-checked expansion of the H-1B program will only harm the USA economy
"In a National Bureau of Economic Research [NBER] working paper, economists from the University of Notre Dame, the University of California-Berkley, and the U.S. Department of Treasury found that '...on average H-1B workers at least partially replace other workers in the same firm, with estimates typically indicating substantial crowd-out of other workers'...   employers...use the H-1B program's inherently coercive conditions to drive down labor costs, even if that means replacing American workers..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Scott Walker is under fire for hiring PR operative Liz Mair, an advocate of amnesty for illegal aliens, wide-open borders, and excessive guest-work visas
"Mair's support for amnesty for illegal aliens, wide-open-borders immigration policies, and public advocacy for the senate [8 Gangsters amnesty bill (S744)] is sure to dog Walker in Iowa, South Carolina, and other early presidential states.   During the senate [8 Gangsters bill (S744)] fight, Mair very publicly and very aggressively promoted the amnesty bill—pushing it to media and making the case for the need for it over and over again.   She claims her advocacy was done out of the good of her [dark, twisted] heart, for free, because for religious reasons she believes in amnesty and open borders.   But Mair wouldn't answer who was paying her bills for her advocacy during the time-frame of the [8 Gangsters bill (S744)] in early 2013 through the end of the last congress -- when asked by Breitbart News if any specific tech [companies' executives] or a select group of Wall Street billionaires were paying her.   'We're contractually barred from disclosing our clients.', Mair said.   That could mean anyone -- even foreign [company executives] potentially -- were paying her during the time-frame she was publicly advocating for the amnesty bill.   While she didn't have to disclose it to the public at the time now that she's hitched to Walker the Wisconsin governor owns everything she said and did...   [Steve Deace] said the issues that Mair is bringing into the Walker campaign are her support for amnesty [for illegal aliens], her support of same-sex 'marriage', and her support of abortion.   'If you go to her web-site, she's got her own little pro-killing apologetic she posts up there.', Deace said.   'Those are bad enough but where this delves beyond just issue disagreement into amateur hour is the fact that while Scott Walker is having a debutante ball at the Iowa Freedom Summit hosted by Steve King -- his big coming out party -- she is on Twitter ripping the event and ripping Iowans, saying Iowans are embarrassing that as soon as Iowa loses its first in the nation status the better we'll all be, that we're just a bunch of government dependents.   How do you not vet people?'...   Deace said this massive misstep on Walker's part opens the door to a [better] more conservative candidate like senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), senator Rand Paul (R-KY), or Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal -- or someone else -- to step up into the void...   Wiley and other Walker spokes-persons have not answered several questions about the governor's position on immigration.   Specifically, everyone says the border must secured, but Walker's team won't answer any questions about whether the governor supports an increase in H-1B visas, with all the scandals breaking out of Silicon Valley putting Americans out of work while replacing them with imported cheap [young, pliant] foreign labor [with questionable ethics].   There is also no answer on whether he supports any increase in legal immigration, which would jeopardize American jobs due to a surge in the labor supply..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Laura Ingraham
Yebbie Booosh attacks non-leftists for opposing unconstitutional and illegal increase in flood of cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
IBEW union staffer, former US Marine, Pat Lavin, says greed of corporate executives is behind push for H-1B visas
"Massive lay-offs are being spear-headed by the multi-billion dollar Southern California Edison utilities company, which is terminating scores of American IT workers and replacing them with immigrant IT workers, from a slew of foreign counties, who are willing to work for far less compensation.   These immigrants are in the U.S. on an H-1B visa program.   'We don't need foreign workers.   We have plenty of Americans who are fully capable and equipped to carry out these jobs.   It's an absolute issue of corporate greed; nothing more nothing less.', former Edison employee and Marine, Pat Lavin, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview late last week.   Lavin is a stalwart Democrat who serves as a business manager and financial secretary for the the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local #47.   'Edison are master liars.', Lavin cautioned, quipping that he 'caught them telling the truth last week and they tried to lie their way out of it.'   Lavin spoke with Breitbart News as one of the California Edison workers laid off in the scandal that representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) and senate Judiciary committee chairman senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) have hammered the company for.   Grassley called the lay-offs 'heartless' and Issa argued that this appears to be an abuse of the program.   America is facing a surplus of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) workers who are unemployed or have been laid off from work due to companies, like SoCal Edison, that have been outsourcing American jobs to immigrants.   According to an article from Robert Charette in IEEE Spectrum, the so-called 'STEM crisis' -- where tech [executives] like FB founder Mark Zuckerberg, who claim they 'need' to import cheap foreign labor -- is a myth...   the reality of what is happening is that SoCal Edison is replacing $95K annual wage earners with foreigners who will take $60K to $65K instead..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
DHS: Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens could require hiring 3,100 additional bureaubums and cost $324-$484M/year

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Binyamin Rose _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu may lose election

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
will Arab votes decide Israel's elections?
"The Joint List is a coalition of three parties: the Communist Hadash Party, the Islamist Raam Party, and the secular Arab nationalist Balad Party..."

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Joel Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
even if Likud loses, Netanyahu could remain prime-minister

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Ashley Stahl _Jewish World Review_
how to ask for a job without asking for a job
2014-09-18: NewsWeek

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
I pledge allegiance to the 1st amendment

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
the party of the furrowed brow
"Trey Gowdy, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Tom Cotton have done more for conservative principles and Republican prospects in the last few weeks than the [RINO] brow-furrowers, hand-wringers, and tongue-cluckers have done in years...   who scares the left? Judging from the vitriol, it's Gowdy, Netanyahu, and Cotton.   Why? Because they're tough.   And because they fight on important issues rather than trivial ones.   And because they fight intelligently and strategically.   And because they fight to win.   And they may win.   The GOP congressional [losership], [RINO] elites, and some conservative advice-givers, OTOH, don't much like to fight.   Given that they expect, deep down, to lose, they would prefer to do so gracefully, or at least politely..."

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's treasonous deal with the Iranian Muslim theocrats

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
the 2-parent advantage
"Today, 72% of African American children are born to single women, 48% of first births of all races and ethnicities are to unmarried women, and more than 3M mothers under 30 are not living with the fathers of their children...   high cognitive outputs, measured by standardized tests, correlate less with high per-pupil expenditure than with a high percentage of 2-parent families, which are not scattered randomly."

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Laura Ingraham
investigating the attack on USA consulate at Benghazi: a time-line of Obummer State Dept. obstruction
Byron York: Washington DC Examiner

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the corrupt Barack Hussein Obummer: master perverter of the US constitution
"[Obummer] isn't destroying the comity upon which all democracies exist out of ignorance or out of some resolvable difference of opinion over constitutional construction -- he knows exactly what he is doing as he [destroys] the American republic...   [Obummer] understands very well that as president he controls the usual agencies governments use to coerce compliance with their policies; the military, law enforcement, the instruction of executive officials, and ambassadors to foreign nations.   What he is doing is something that the Framers of the Constitution foresaw, and sought to guard against by giving congress a counter-balancing power -- the power of the purse.   Unfortunately, the Framers erred by assuming that men and women of conscience and integrity equal to their own would follow them in governing our Republic, especially in congress..."

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
_Conservative HQ_
in case you missed it, the US federal government is out of money... still

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
OIG: Socialist Insecurity Abomination paid $1.111M to dead people
TEA Party Digest

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
civil rights commissioner Peter Kirsanow also asks whether attorney-general nominee Loretta Lynch will conscientiously enforce immigration laws
"In a March 14 letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Kirsanow says Lynch 'should not be confirmed' if she fails to explain exactly where she stands on Obama's [unconstitutional and illegal] executive actions and how she will enforce the law as it is written...   '[Lynch's earlier statement to the senate judiciary committee] is contrary to U.S. immigration laws.', Kirsanow wrote in his letter to McConnell.   'Illegal aliens are prohibited from working in this country.   Yet the nominee for the office ultimately charged with enforcing those laws asserts otherwise.'   Kirsanow also cited the negative impact of illegal immigration on black employment, both in job opportunities and in wages, particularly for black males who are more likely than other groups to hold low-skilled jobs...   Kirsanow also warned that granting amnesty to illegal immigrants will encourage more people to come to the United States illegally.   'The 1986 amnesty did not solve the illegal immigration problem.   To the contrary, that amnesty established the precedent that if you come to America illegally, eventually you will obtain legal status.   Even a rumor of amnesty will increase illegal immigration, as demonstrated by the cross-border surge in the summer of 2014.'..."

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
James Lewis _American Thinker_
starve the jihadi money-machine by buying American oil

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
keeping kosher: market re-opens in Paris

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Lester Jackson _American Thinker_
Dem/Red/leftist speaker Boehner, dissenter against the Republican majority
"In ratifying law-breaking by both the president and millions of aliens, he removed any lingering doubt that he is the Dem/Red/leftist-preferred [Obummer-Pelosi] House Speaker.   A headline in The Hill, said it all: 'Dems vow to protect Boehner from conservative coup.'...   Dems/Reds/leftists now consider Boehner to be their puppet in a one-party leftist dictatorship ruling against a conservative country...   Consider the key roll call vote surrendering to [Obummer/Pelosi] on amnesty for massive law-breaking.   As 'proof of the discontent', Lillis notes that 167 Republicans opposed Boehner.   This does not do justice to what really happened.   That was 167 out of 242 voting Republicans -- an astonishing 69%.   When 69% of Republicans vote against 31%, just who is dissenting from whom?   This is not 'discontent' on the part of a fringe rump group; it is wholesale disapproval by the Republican Party main-stream -- a main-stream that somehow has managed not to control its own party.   In addition, 182 of the 257 House votes for the surrender were provided by Dems/Reds/leftists.   That's 71% of the total -- an astounding 100% of voting Democrats!..."

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Bruce Walker _American Thinker_
re-claiming legislative power from executive agencies

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Chriss Street _American Thinker_
fracking is propping up the USA economy

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
senator Tom Cotton is correct about Obummer's disastrous diplomacy

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
on election eve, Netanyahu rejects carving out a "Palestinian state" from the middle of Israel rather than the traditional and established Palestinian state of the Gaza strip
"Anyone who establishes a Palestinian state or withdraws from territory will be yielding that territory to the forces of radical Islam, who will use it to attack Israel, he told Israel's NRG news site.   Those who ignored that reality are 'burying their heads in the sand', he said, adding that Israel's left-wing was doing just that, time and time again.'.   That places small parties -- ranging from right-leaning 'ultra-Orthodox' factions to economy-focused centrists -- in potential kingmaker roles, as major party leaders try to reach their objective of a coalition controlling more than 60 seats in the 120-member Knesset."
Meanwhile, many Israelis are more concerned about the high costs of housing, employment opportunities, and lagging wages.

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime: you must lest us accomplish the fait accompli of an Iran with nuclear weapons rather than trying to stop us
"The White House is pressing congress not to pass bipartisan legislation requiring congress to vote on any nuclear deal with Iran [as is already required by the US constitution].   In a letter to senator Bob Corker (RINO-TN) released on Sunday, White House chief-of-staff Denis McDonough said, 'The [Obummer regime's] request to the congress is simple: let us complete the negotiations before the congress acts on legislation.'   Senator Tim Kaine, a Virginia Democrat, co-sponsored the legislation in question...   Wicker described Iran as a 'chief exporter of terrorism' in the Middle East.   'The president's own Northern Command admiral just last week said they are not abiding by the international inspection regime.   And they're developing new intercontinental ballistic missiles.   So I think the substance should be that this is a country that we're negotiating with, that frankly our president and our secretary of state feel pretty comfortable with.   And I don't have much confidence that any agreement that they make they (Iran) will abide by.'"

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
Obummer subverts the US constitution to achieve deal that allows Iran theocracy to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
_TEA Party Digest_
students kicked out of "anti-racist meeting" at Ryerson U in Toronto Ontario Canada because of their race and being "insufficiently racialized", i.e. not racist
Blake Neff: Daily Caller

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
_TEA Party Digest_
Allen West critizes Obummer for his racially divisive tactics (with video)
John Brodgian: Right Wing News (with video)

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Allen B. West
bi-partisan senate committee is investigating the abuse of State Dept. funds to try to defeat Netanyahu in Israel elections
Liberty News
Aaron Klein: World Net Daily
Steven Edwards: Fox

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
_TEA Party Digest_
national discussion is necessary about endless excessive immigration
Frosty Wooldridge: TEA Party Nation

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Thomas Sowell _WND_
2 valuable warnings from Netanyahu and Churchill
Jewish World Review
Town Hall

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
_TEA Party Digest_
corrupt Obummer White House declares itself exempt from federal FOIA
USA Today/Gannett

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
_TEA Party Digest_
CAIR-Florida's new Islamic extremist youth
Joe Kaufman: Front Page Magazine
"CAIR was established in 1994 June as being part of the American Palestine Committee, an umbrella organization acting as a terrorist enterprise run by then-global Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook, who was based in the U.S.A. at the time and who now operates out of Egypt as a spokesman for Hamas.   In 2007 and 2008, amidst two federal trials, the U.S. government named CAIR a co-conspirator in the raising of millions of dollars for Hamas.   Along with ISIS/ISIS/IS/daesh/caliphate, al-Qaeda and Boko Haram, CAIR is listed as a terrorist organization by United Arab Emirates (UAE).   Both Abdelaziz and Kurnaz came to CAIR by way of Emerge USA, Abdelaziz being the Tampa-area Regional Field Coordinator of Emerge and Kurnaz being the Central Florida Regional Director of Emerge.   Emerge USA, like CAIR, has a friendly -- even patriotic -- sounding name, yet the reality of the organization is that it presents a dangerous facade.   Emerge is a politically active Islamist group whose goal is to place radical Muslims into positions of influence and power.   The head of Emerge, Khurrum Wahid, who previously served as a legal advisor for CAIR, is a South Florida attorney who has built a name for himself by representing high profile terrorists.   His past clients include: Rafiq Sabir, who received a 25 year prison sentence for conspiring to provide material support to al-Qaeda; Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was given a life sentence for being a member of al-Qaeda and for plotting to assassinate president George W. Bush [Shrub]; and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Sami al-Arian, who was deported to Turkey last month..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
_TEA Party.org_
7 things congress should do in the federal government budget
Sophie Simunek: Daily Signal

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
_TEA Party.org_
Patrick McHenry (R-NC-10), sponsoring law (HR1365) to, again, explicitly bar BATFE from banning rifle ammunition
Awr Hawkins: Breitbart

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Robert Beck _TEA Party Nation_
why are politicians on both sides afraid to confront the real federal government deficit and debt problem? David Stockman responds
David Stockman: Bloomberg (video)

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
H-1B battle to take center-stage in US senate on Tuesday
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
Obummer's claimed wage gains go to executives, supervisors, not production workers

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Kevin Cirilli _Hill_
even House Dems/Reds/leftists are angry over Obummer's conspiring in secret over Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) scheme
Washington DC Examiner: critics of TPP urge Obummer to take up transportation bill first

2015-03-16 (5775 Ader 25)
Jim Holt _GateWay Pundit_
photos of cop-shooter Jeffrey Williams at Ferguson protests
"Ferguson agitator and traveling protester DeRay had a public melt-down after Bob McCulloch announced that the shooter was a regular protester."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Lose with truth and right rather than gain with falsehood and wrong." --- Maimonides (source: Jewish World Review)  


2015-03-17: St. Patrick's Day

2008-03-17: Tata office opened in Milford, OH, after having received $19M in exchange for empty promises to employ 1K US citizens there by 2010; the most they have employed since then is about 400, and they refuse to say how many or what proportion are US citizens.

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Ryan Lovelace _National Review_
"IT" worker replaced by foreign national regrets voting for Obummer
Laura Ingraham: Obummer is harming US citizen tech workers
"...'I've paid my taxes, obeyed the laws and have been a good citizen supporting the community with donations.', the former SCE worker wrote.   'I voted for [president Obummer] and was appalled that he implemented a rule change, which allows work permits to H-1B spouses.   My future votes will only go to candidates that support reforms to the H-1B visa program that preserve the American worker.'   Hal Salzman, a professor at Rutgers University's center for work-force development, testified that such guest workers are not needed to fill STEM jobs (careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).   'The U.S. supply of top performing graduates is large and far exceeds the hiring needs of the STEM industries, with only half of new STEM graduates finding jobs in a STEM occupation.', Salzman testified.   'Guest-worker supply is large and highly concentrated in the IT industry.   It is likely a factor in the flat wage levels in the IT industry and, perhaps, for a [sic] substitution of young, entry-level guest workers for experienced, incumbent, U.S. workers.'..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
David Limbaugh _Cybercast News Service_
immigration nightmare: exponential executive lawlessness
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily
"I wonder whether most people truly understand the scope and import of [Obummer's unconstitutional and] lawless order to halt deportations and allow work permits for up to 5M immigrants living illegally in the United States.   Do they understand that he doesn't have the constitutional authority to do this?   Do they understand that he admitted not having the constitutional authority to do this?   Do they understand that congress considered and rejected such action when it declined to pass the [NIGHTMARE Act]?   Do they understand that under [Obummer's] rule, these immigrants will be eligible for [Socialist Insecurity] payments and even receive credit, in some instances, for sums they paid into the [Socialist Insecurity] system while using fraudulent [Socialist Insecurity numbers [SINs]?   How much contempt for the law can a chief executive officer of the United States government demonstrate?   The Daily Caller is reporting that a Congressional Research Service memo provided to the Senate Judiciary committee states that 'under the 2014 November 20, policy memorandum, foreign nationals who receive deferred action status may be eligible for work authorization.   As a result, a foreign national who receives deferred action status may be able to have all of his or her [Socialist Insecurity-covered] earnings count toward 'qualifying' for a [Socialist Insecurity] benefit (all earnings from 'authorized' and 'unauthorized' work)'.   This means that these immigrants will profit from their double wrong-doing -- being here illegally and using a fraudulent [Socialist Insecurity number (SIN)] -- at the hands of the very government that instituted those laws and whose duty it is to enforce them.   These earnings could count toward their retirement, disability and survivor benefits...   More importantly, do they realize he's the primary person standing in the way of structural entitlement reform, which is necessary to avert the inevitable federal fiscal calamity?...   In its motion, the high-handed DoJ characterized the District Court's injunction as 'interfering with immigration enforcement'.   That would make George Orwell proud, for in fact, the District Court is doing just the opposite; it is trying to make the [Obummer regime] enforce the existing law, not the [unconstitutional] illegal [diktat] that [Obummer] whisked into existence with his pen and phone..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Ted Hesson _Fusion_
US citizens displaced from the American dream, angry at H-1B visa excesses and abuses
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
US ICE follies: are belated, high-profile enforcement actions just for show?
"eviscerated by several of its toadying leaders and by its parent department, Homeland Security [DHS], at the behest of the White House, which clearly believes the only good enforcement action is the one that never happens...   I know of no other federal agency in the history of the United States whose politically appointed leaders have been subjected to repeated votes of no confidence by their agents' unions, or that have been sued by those unions so that their members will be allowed to do their duties and enforce the law..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer: it is critically important to fund English-learning for large portions of our student population
"Millions of dollars should be spent on 'special education and English-learning for large portions of our student population that may need extra help.   That's going to be critically important.', [Obummer] told a gathering of school officials and 'educators' at the White House.   The president announced in November that he will allow millions more illegal aliens to live and work in the United States without fear of deportation.   This follows his [decisions in 2012 and 2014 to unconstitutionally an illegally grant amnesties] for certain illegal aliens who came to the U.S.A. as children [any age from 1 day to 18 years or more, including gangsters, and their families]...   The [Obummer regime's] 2016 budget requests $70.7G in discretionary funding for the Department of Education, an increase of $3.6G, or 5.4%, over the 2015 level.   That includes $131M for the Office for Civil Rights, an increase of $30.7M, for an additional 200 full-time employees..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Cotton: rather than confront and stymieing those who have declared themselves enemies of the USA, president Obummer apologizes
"Opening with a quote from Winston Churchill warning of Western disarming and weakness even as the Nazis were rising in the 1930s, Cotton said the U.S.A. [is] today 'again engaged in something of a grand experiment of the kind we saw in the 1930s...   As then, military strength is seen in many quarters as the cause of military adventurism.   Strength and confidence in the defense of our interests, alliances, and liberty is not seen to deter aggression, but to provoke it...   Rather than confront our adversaries, our president apologizes for our supposed transgressions.   The [Obummer regime] is harsh and unyielding to our friends, soothing and supplicating to our enemies.   The president minimizes the threats we confront, in the face of territory seized, weapons of mass destruction used and proliferated, and innocents murdered.'..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Stephen Ohlemacher _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
improper payments by federal agencies have reached a record $125G
TEA Party.org
"While the errors were spread among 22 federal agencies, 3 programs stood out: Medicare, Medicaid and the Earned Income Tax Credit.   Together, the 3 programs accounted for more than $93G in improper payments."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
Selma and voting rights triumph
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
"March 7th was the 50th anniversary of 'Bloody Sunday', the first attempt by black protesters to march from Selma, Alabama, to Montgomery to demand voting rights.   Their march was brutally halted by Alabama state troopers acting under the orders of [Democrat] governor George Wallace.   The protesters weren't deterred.   On 1965 March 25, the reverend Martin Luther King ii led thousands to the completion of the 54-mile pilgrimage from Selma to Montgomery.   Dr. King rightfully described the protest as 'a shining moment in the conscience of man'.   The march solidified support for the Voting Rights Act of 1965.   Prior to 1965, there might have been 3 black mayors nationally.   In 2003, the National Conference of Black Mayors put the total number of black mayors at over 500.   During the 1960s, there were fewer than 10 black U.S. representatives.   Today there are 43.   Since 1965, there have been 3 black state governors.   Nationwide there are over 10K black elected officials.   There is no question that blacks have been successful in the political arena, recently capping off that success with the election of a black president.   It shouldn't be left out that since the 1960s, there has been a major transformation among whites.   Much of black political success could not have been achieved without white votes.   Black leaders stress the importance of political power and getting out the vote, but we might ask how important political power is to the ordinary black person.   As a start toward answering that question, we might examine black life in cities where blacks hold considerable political power.   Detroit is the nation's most dangerous city.   Rounding out Forbes magazine's 2013 list of the 10 most dangerous cities are Oakland, CA; St. Louis, MO; Memphis, TN; Stockton, CA; Birmingham, AL; Baltimore, MD; Cleveland, OH; Atlanta, GA; and Milwaukee, WI.   According to a recent American Community Survey, by the U.S. Census Bureau, the 10 poorest cities with populations of more than 250K are Detroit, MI, with 33% of its residents below the poverty line; Buffalo, NY, 30%; Cincinnati, OH, 28%; Cleveland, OH, 27%; Miami, FL, 27%; St. Louis, MO, 27%; El Paso, TX, 26%; Milwaukee, WI, 26%; Philadelphia, PA, 25%; and Newark, NJ, 24%.   In addition to poverty, there is grossly inferior education and high welfare dependency in these cities.   The most common feature of these cities is that for decades, all of them have had Democratic administrations.   Some cities -- such as Detroit, MI; Buffalo, NY; Newark, NJ; and Philadelphia, PA -- haven't elected a Republican mayor for more than a half-century.   What's more is that in most of these cities, blacks have been mayors, chiefs of police, school superintendents and principals and have dominated city councils...   if one is strategizing on how to improve the lives of ordinary -- and particularly the poorest -- black people, he wants to leave off his high-priority to-do list the election of Democrats and black politicians..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Hans A. von Spakovsky _National Review_
please explain 100K unconstitutionally and illegally amnestied illegal aliens; did DoJ and DHS sheisters lie to judge Hanen?
"...However, on March 3, lawyers at the Justice Department, including U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson and acting assistant attorney general for the Civil Division Benjamin C. Mizer, filed an odd document with the court labeled 'Defendants' Advisory'.   In it, DoJ informed judge Hanen that between November 20, when the president announced his new plan, and February 16, when the injunction was issued, DHS 'granted three-year periods of deferred action to approximately 100K' illegal aliens who had already received two-year deferrals under the original 2012 DACA program for 'Childhood Arrivals'.   This 3-year deferral was one of the new initiatives announced by [president Obummer] on November 20.   The problem with this 'Advisory', as Texas and the other plaintiff states pointed out, is that the government told the court and the states 'on several prior occasions that USCIS [U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services] would not consider requests for deferred action; until 2015 February 15.   For example, according to a transcript of a 2014 December 19, telephone conference with the court, Kyle Freeny, an attorney with the Civil Division of the Justice Department, told judge Hanen that DHS was 'directed to begin accepting requests for deferred action...by mid-February but we wouldn't anticipate any decisions on those for some time thereafter'...   They don't explain why they made those false claims or failed to inform the court that the entire time the court action was proceeding -- the entire time they were assuring the judge and the states that no actions were being taken to implement the president's plan -- DHS was granting literally tens of thousands of 3-year deferrals -- approximately 100K in total -- over a two-and-a-half-month period..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruz on "the toughest question", "the biggest lie", and the most important tasks in politics today

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
why U of CA at Irvine student council voted to remove the US flag from public area
"The resolution was authored by student Matthew Guevara of the 'School of Social Ecology'...   Two days later a higher ranking student panel, the executive cabinet of ASUCI, vetoed the ban...   [Which was countered, in turn, by a campus petition-drive.]...   1.   Outside of the natural sciences, math, and a few other departments, our universities are essentially seminaries -- teaching what has been the most dynamic religion of the Western world over the past hundred years, leftism.   Every -- frequently incoherent -- idea expressed by the resolution and the petition represents years of left-wing indoctrination.   Respect for the American flag comes naturally; reasons to hold it in contempt have to be learned.   It is not surprising that the author of the resolution is a student at UC Irvine's School of Social Ecology.   Visit its website and you will see leftism in one of its purest forms.   2.   The students and the professors see themselves as citizens of the world.   Leftism rejects nationalism, and the most nationalistic of the industrialized Western democracies is America.   The left regards nationalism -- as symbolized by hanging or waving the American flag -- as primitive and ultimately fascistic.   3.   Many professors and students are bored.   Compared to the past anywhere and compared to the present almost anywhere, life in America is remarkably easy for the vast majority of college students and college professors.   This ease, however, presents them with another problem -- a lack of meaning in life...   That America is in fact the most open, opportunity-giving and tolerant country in world history is irrelevant to these people.   To acknowledge this would be to deprive themselves of the greatest human need after food -- meaning and purpose..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
learning good lessons from rotten teachers

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the power of forgiveness, repentance, and reform

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
of pens and swords

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
leftist federal thugs now think they can tell us what speech is allowed and what speech is not: FCC and FEC
Washington DC Times
**Tea Party Digest**
"Boy, do they have a plan.   Their new rules for the Internet requires 313 glorious pages of vague, regulating terminology, allowing the agency to make up the rules as it goes along.   Ever since the FCC started sidling up to the Internet like a dirty old man next to a super-model, conservatives and other free marketeers have been channeling Cassandra, warning the nation that 'net neutrality' was a pretext for the FCC to issue regulations putting them in charge of the Internet as a whole.   That is just what has happened.   Reason magazine reports, 'And yet even though the rules are now available for all to see, it remains somewhat unclear how exactly they will work in practice.'   The New York Times notes the FCC is 'set to decide what is acceptable on a case-by-case basis.   The regulations include a subjective catch-all provision, requiring just and reasonable conduct.   What counts as just and reasonable will, naturally, be up to the whims of the [obviously corrupt] FCC [which has been hindering the development of competition in telecomm for nearly a century].'   The even more shocking devil is in the details of those 313 heretofore unseen pages...   That's right -- what [Obummer's regime] has just done is codify in the United States what the world's despots have been furiously working for at the United Nations -- an Internet controlled by tyrants and central planners..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
_TEA Party Digest_
House Budget committee proposal would cut only $5.5T over 10 years, balance budget after 9 years
Rebecca Shabad: Hill
"On the tax side, Price would repeal the alternative minimum tax but otherwise does not propose major tax reform, unlike last year's budget from Ryan...   Republicans have been debating what to include under reconciliation, a budget tool that would prevent Democrats in the senate from filibustering covered legislation [under existing rules and customs].   It could make it easier for senate Republicans to pass legislation repealing [ObummerDoesn'tCare] or other policies opposed by Dems/Reds/leftists.   The budget resolution includes instructions for House committees to figure out how to repeal as much of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] as possible under budget reconciliation, a process that would prevent Dems/Reds/leftists in the senate from filibustering a budget reconciliation bill.   The instructions ask 13 House committees to produce bills that would reduce the deficit in their jurisdictions by set amounts, and to search for ways to repeal [ObummerDoesn'tCare]...   By keeping the 2011 budget ceilings, Price would impose a $1.017T ceiling on spending in the fiscal year beginning on Oct. 1...   Price's defense budget is smaller than the $566G Ryan proposed last year..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Allen B. West
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate Muslim terrorists try to escape battle in drag

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Aaron Klein _WND_
Obummer-regime-backed anti-Netanyahu denies scheme of busing Arabs to polls
"Wollman partially credited his own organization for the high voter turnout today, with an estimated 45.4% of Israel's eligible voters having cast their ballots as of 16:00 local time, with 6 more hours to go.   Tuesday saw some 13.7% voting in the first 3 hours of poll stations opening, reportedly representing the highest numbers since the 1999 elections..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
a nuclear war of Obummer's own making
Town Hall

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Boris Johnson _Jewish World Review_
who will save our history being destroyed by violence-initiating Muslims in the name of iconoclasm?
National Post
London Telegraph
Cyber Boris

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Dick Meyer _Jewish World Review_
the problem is the Dems/Reds/leftists

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
cowards regret doing the right thing

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
_TEA Party Digest_
Pamela Geller posted ads on Philadelphia transit system spotlighting Islamic Jew-hatred and urging the USA to cut off foreign aid to Muslim countries; leftists went crazier
Matthew Vadum: Front Page Magazine

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
Israeli exit polls show Netanyahu rally

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
Muslim Brotherhood operative at U of MO demands that the movie "American Sniper" be banned because he killed violence-initiating Muslim terrorists
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
Muslim molested girls in London, blamed Ramadan

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Ari Lieberman _Front Page Magazine_
Palestinian terrorist beloved by leftists has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for multiple counts of immigration fraud, lsot US citizenship
"Odeh epitomizes evil.   She was an active member of the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) which the US State Department labeled as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).   On 1969 February 21, Odeh, her sister and at least 3 other co-conspirators placed a bomb in a Jerusalem supermarket that claimed the lives of two Israeli university students in their early twenties.   The bomb was timed to go off for maximum impact on Friday during pre-Sabbath shopping.   A second bomb targeting the first responders -- paramedics and ambulance personnel -- was discovered in the nick of time and neutralized.   Precise and accurate intelligence swiftly led to the apprehension and arrest of Odeh and her criminal gang.   She was tried and convicted of all charges and sentenced to a lengthy prison term.   But Odeh evaded true justice and was released just after serving only 10 years, the result of a prisoner swap.   Following her release, she resided in Lebanon and then moved to Jordan and in 1995, made her way to the United States to join her father.   In 1995 and then again in 2004, Odeh filled out various immigration and naturalization papers in which she repeatedly lied about her past, including former terrorist affiliations, arrests, prison sentences and residences.   Like all common criminals wishing to avoid responsibility for their actions, Odeh claimed ignorance arguing that she had misunderstood the form questions.   Amazingly, Odeh the fraudster and convicted murderer, who according to published reports had as many as 9 aliases, was able to secure employment in Illinois as an [ObummerDoesn'tCare] navigator in 2013..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Raymond Ibrahim _Front Page Magazine_
CIA director John Brennan deludes himself about the nature, motives, and methods of violence-initiating Muslim terrorists

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Ronn Torossian, Hank Sheinkopf & George Birnbaum _Front Page Magazine_
"New Israel Fund" is no friend of Israel

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
_TEA Party.org_
under corrupt Obummer regime, Border Patrol agents are punished for reporting groups of more than 20 illegal aliens
Edwin Mora: Breitbart

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Neil Munro _Daily Caller_
governor Bobby Jindal: reform immigration rules and background investigations to exclude violence-initiators

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
W. James Antle iii _Daily Caller_
what do these religious freedom bills actually say?
"You might wonder when religious freedom became 'controversial'.   Welcome to [Barack Hussein Obummer's] America.   One reason these bills are 'controversial' is that they are often described in the media as permitting religious people who own businesses to refuse service to gay customers...   Except the text of the bill (pdf) in question contains no references to homosexuality, gay people or same-sex marriage.   Neither does the bill currently under discussion in Indiana.   In fact, these bills are substantially modeled on the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, which did not lead to the widespread denial of service to gay customers, was passed by a Dem/Red/leftist-controlled congress and signed into law by Dem president Bill Clinton and was boosted primarily by Chuck Schumer and Ted Kennedy..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
sheriff Deryl Loar of Indian River county FL poins out that federal EBT cards ultimately allow recipients to buy drugs
"The Indian River county Sheriff's office tells WPEC-TV that career criminal Anthony Wheeler is not the first accused drug dealer found taking payment for drugs with taxpayer-funded electronic benefit cards.   The Sheriff says the abuse of the benefit cards seems to be getting worse, and the cards are too easily transferable from person to person..."

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Molotov Mitchell _WND_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail shuch-and-jive

2015-03-17 (5775 Ader 26)
Joseph Farah _WND_
how political "enemies lists" work in practice
"...My astonishment was that the Clintons were so thorough in their research as to link such an insignificant amount of money to someone with the potential to give much more.   I had to hand it to them.   That was good detective work.   I wondered how many government employees were doing this kind of black ops work..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "As noted in an earlier essay, poor Jewish immigrants in the early 20th century made use of free public libraries in NY and the books they checked out were primarily serious works, while lighter and more popular books were left gathering dust on the library shelves. Among their ancestors in Eastern Europe a century earlier, even the poorest somehow managed to have books in their homes, while the larger population around them were overwhelmingly illiterate. A similar pattern was found among the people in 18th-century Scotland: 'Even a person of relatively modest means had his own collection of books, and what he couldn't afford he could get at the local lending library, which by 1750 virtually every town of any size enjoyed.'" --- Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pp255-256 (citing Stanley Feldstein & Lawrence Costello 1974 _The Ordeal of Assimilation_ pp122-123; Irving Howe & Kenneth Libo 1979 _How We Lived_ pg204; Arthur Herman 2001 _How the Scots Invented the Modern World_ pg20)  



2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Michelle Malkin _Cybercast News Service_
the big, fat "USA citizen worker recruitment first" lie of H-1B
Creators Syndicate
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
National Review
"The foot-soldiers of the open-borders brigade are lying, deluded, ignorant or bought-off.   On Tuesday, the senate Judiciary committee brought top independent academics and informed whistle-blowers to Washington to expose the truth.   Senator Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, hosted Howard University associate professor of public policy Ron Hira, Rutgers University professor Hal Salzman, Infosys whistle-blower Jay Palmer and former computer programmer-turned-lawyer John Miano, who brought much-needed reality checks on the systemic betrayal of American workers to the Beltway table.   Miano's testimony was particularly important because he explained how the little known 'OPT' (Optical Training Program) for foreign students is being used to circumvent H-1B and supply large corporations with cheap foreign labor.   [President Obummer] has expanded this regulatory program by unfettered administrative fiat.   As Miano noted: 'OPT has no labor protections of any kind.   Aliens on OPT do not even have to be paid at all.   While DHS requires aliens to work in an area related to their major area of study, DHS has no ability to ensure that this happens.   Under OPT, over 125K foreign workers a year are simply turned loose in America with no supervision or restrictions.'...   Grassley put it plainly: 'Most people believe that employers are supposed to recruit Americans before they petition for an H-1B worker.   Yet, under the law, most employers are not required to prove to the Department of Labor [DoL, or anyone else] that they [made an honest effort] to find an American to fill the job first.'   He added, 'And, if there is an equally or even better qualified U.S. worker available, the company does not have to offer him or her the job.   Over the years, the program has become a government-assisted way for employers to bring in cheaper foreign labor, and now it appears these foreign workers take over [displace] -- rather than complement -- the U.S. work-force.'   Hira affirmed: 'It's absolutely not true' that employers seeking H-1Bs must put American workers first, either by 'law or regulations'..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Kenric Ward _Town Hall_
"I-Squared" proposal would worsen hammering of USA technology workers
"Critics warn the plan promoted by industry lobbyists would further tighten the screws on U.S. workers.   'We have Americans being replaced by cheap foreign workers and the response is to supply industry with more foreign replacements to put even more Americans out of work.', says John Miano, a tech worker-turned lawyer.   'Giving more foreign labor to industry [executives] is like giving cocaine to an addict.', he said...   'If I-Squared were to become law and foreign STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) graduates could easily earn a green card, the United States would become an even more attractive place for international students...', said Cato Institute researcher Alex Nowrasteh.   By administrative fiat, congressional action, or both, tech companies keep pushing for a larger pool of foreign labor...   Skeptics...testified that the weak economy and government-sponsored foreign labor are side-lining more American workers, especially older ones, as trans-national tech conglomerates pad bottom lines.   Rutgers professor Hal Salzman said expanding immigration programs are undermining STEM education at home while flattening domestic tech wages over the past 15 years.   He testified that U.S. universities already supply more twice as many STEM graduates as the private sector can support, and that disproportionately large enrollments of foreign students 'distort' the labor market.   'It's not competitive hiring, it's competitive firing.', Jay Palmer, a tech worker from Montgomery, AL, said of the marketplace, where he [was required by his employer to train] unskilled foreign workers to replace skilled Americans at lower wages.   'If some lobbyist went through the entire immigration system, looked for every possible place to increase the amount of foreign labor, and put them in one bill without any coherent plan, we would have the I-Squared Act.', Miano said..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Laura Ingraham
corrupt Google exec: split flood of cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign STEM workers with questionable ethics from other immigration law perversions
Mario Trujillo: Hill

H-1B Visas Issued Through Consular Offices
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued
199658,327- - -58,327
199780,547- - -80,547
199891,360- - -91,360
1999116,513- - -116,513
2000133,290- - -133,290
2001161,643- - -161,643
2002118,352- - -118,352
2003107,196- - -107,196
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued

State Dapartment
FY2004-FY2008 pdf;     FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report;     FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
witnesses tell senate Judiciary committee that H-1B visas have been displacing US citizens from STEM jobs
"The InfoSys case is the largest immigration visa fraud fine in U.S. history, at $34M in damages paid.   Yet, testimony from professor Ron Hira, who is an expert in high-skill immigration policy at Howard University, revealed that the applied fine 'did nothing to persuade the company to change its behavior'.   Hira noted that the fine was 'a mere 0.4% of Infosys's $8.2G in annual revenues.   From the perspective of Infosys executives, the fine was a small addition to their cost of doing business.'   He suggested InfoSys should have been blocked from being able to employ an H-1B program.   'The technology industry [executives and their lobbyists have] long offered the Trojan Horse of paying training fees in exchange more H-1Bs.   This is fool's gold for American workers.   It is a lose-lose situation.', Hira pointed out...   Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) referred to a 2014 U.S. Census Bureau report which detailed 'that 74% of those who have a bachelor's degree in science, technology, engineering and math — commonly referred to as STEM -- are not employed in STEM occupations'.   Sessions explained that 'People aren't commodities… We have no obligation to yield to the lust of big businesses.'...   'The Southern California Edison case is just the most flagrant example of [perfectly able and willing US citizen STEM professionals being displaced by H-1B guest-workers] but Disney, and many others, as well as companies like Deloitte -- which is now hiring only H-1B workers to service the State of California unemployment insurance IT system.', the professor explained.   The numbers are sobering.   HP is in the process of laying off 55K workers...   Several weeks ago, Disney in Florida replaced 500 American workers with H-1B immigrants.   Cargill in Minnesota, Harley Davidson in Wisconsin, and Northeast Utilities and Pfizer, both of which are in Connecticut, are also doing the same thing.   '[If] I'm an Edison Employee.   [If] I'm a Harley Davidson employee.   I'm displaced.', Palmer painfully expressed..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
little or no difference between Yebbie Booosh and Scott Walker on immigration; both are very bad

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
attack on museum in Tunisia leaves 21 dead, man-hunt for attackers

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
Heritage Foundation: amnestied illegal aliens would bet $1.3T in Socialist Insecurity and Medicare

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Arnold Ahlert _Front Page Magazine_
Netanyahu emerges victorious

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Mark Levin: Barack Hussein Obummer is anti-Semitic

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Netanyahu is now the leader of the free world
Israel HaYom/Israel Today: the problem is Obummer

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
why Dems/Reds/leftists hate an unconstrained internet

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Joseph Klein _Front Page Magazine_
Obummer regime tries to white-wash Iranian terrorism

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Shane van der Hart _Caffeinated Thoughts_
Scott Walker PR aide, Liz Mair, resigned under fire for Iowa-bashing twits

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Shane van der Hart _Caffeinated Thoughts_
Yebbie Booosh's flawed Communist Corpse values
"There are a number of things I can agree with Bush on.   K-12 education needs to be improved, there is always room for improvement.   We spend far too much money for the outcomes we are getting in education.   I agree.   Also he and I agree would likely agree on principle at least when it comes to school choice.   That said, I think when it comes to TIMMS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) and PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) scores there is a lot of apples to oranges comparisons going on.   I concur with what Martin Carnoy of the Stanford University Graduate School of Education and Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute wrote in their 2013 report, 'What Do International Tests Really Show About US Student Performance?'...   there's a reason [Red China] tries to steal our technology..."

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Stephen Brown _Front Page Magazine_
Obummer regime insults the memory of the Armenian holocaust
"Next month, Armenians worldwide will mark the centennial of the Armenian Holocaust that saw 1.5M of their people perish barbarically at the hands of the Ottoman Turks in a jihad that is continuing today under the Islamic State.   This destruction of the Armenians in Anatolia, where they had lived for several thousand years, was also the event that gave Hitler reason to believe he could get away with exterminating Jews, Poles and Gypsies..."

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Phil Kerpen _Cybercast News Service_
death tax punishes virtues, rewards vice; repeal would encourage the creation of over 100K jobs

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Lynn Wardle _Cybercast News Service_
the plague of fatherlessness

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
are media trying to bury Hitlery Rotten Clinton's attempts to illegally shield her DoS work e-mail messages from FOIA?
Town Hall

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Boehner RINOs' over-spending proposal increases already vastly (40% or more) excessife federal government spending "at a manageable rate"
Town Hall

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Donald Lambro _Town Hall_
WANTED: candidates who will wage war against federal government over-spending, deficits, and crushing $18T debt

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
are congressional Republicans big-spending Booshies, or fiscally-responsible Stockmanites?

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
John Bolton notes that omission of terrorism by Iran, Hezballah, Fatah from "Worldwide Threat Report" is linked with efforts to encourage Iran theocracy's development of nuclear weapons systems
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Obummer regime sets new record for denying access to, censoring government files; turning privacy and public records ethics on their head
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
Matt Vespa: Town Hall: AP CEO says it has become more difficult to use publi records to hold government accountable
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Laura Ingraham
another 4 US citizen ebola workers have been flown back to the USA for isolation, monitoring, and treatment
"The return of the 4 U.S. health-care workers brings to 16 the number of Americans who have returned to the United States from Sierra Leone since Friday, the CDCP said."

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Laura Ingraham
privacy-hating Google, FB, LinkedIn execs back 3-city program to encourage blacks and Latinos to become STEM workers
USA Today/Gannett
"The growing effort to get more African Americans and Hispanics to join tech companies or start their own is hitting the road, pushing beyond Silicon Valley into the rest of the nation.   Google is backing a new pilot program from CODE2040 in 3 cities.   Starting this year in Chicago, Austin and Durham, NC, the San Francisco non-profit will give minority entrepreneurs in each city a 1-year stipend and free office space.   CODE2040 is a non-profit founded in 2012 that focuses on getting more African Americans and Hispanics into the tech work-force.   It has graduated nearly 50 fellows, many of whom have gone to work for companies such as FB, LinkedIn and Uber.   The group's name refers to the year the population of minorities in the U.S.A. is expected to overtake whites..."

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Laura King & Batsheva Sobelman _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu gained big victory
Aaron Klein: World Net Daily
Times of Israel

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Why did Netanyahu win? realism, not racism

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
leftist media bash Netanyahu victory
Curtis Houck: Media Research Center News Busters

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
David Axelrod lashed out after decisive Netanyahu victory

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the sheisters' attack on the language
Town Hall

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
Americans should learn what not to do from Detroit, Stockton, Greece, Cuba, Venezuela and the Soviet Union... and now Chicago
Town Hall

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
the left's useful idiots in the media

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
the Clintons' quid pro quo with the UAE

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
back to the future in Putin's Europe

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the truths of Tom Cotton's open letter to the Iranian theocratic thugs
Town Hall

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Tim Constantine _Jewish World Review_
the general reign of law and order is dead
Washington DC Times
"Our Founding Fathers declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776.   11 years later, the U.S. Constitution was adopted and for nearly 230 years since the United States has built a reputation of law and order envied by much of the globe.   The respect for the rule of law and the recognition no one person is above the law have been keys in the longevity and success of the nation.   In 2015, however, it appears the rule of law in the United States may be dead.   Laws are being selectively applied.   Laws are being selectively ignored by those chosen to enforce them.   Perhaps worst of all, laws are being created or changed without any regard for the process prescribed by the Constitution itself..."

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
DC bureaubums gone wild rival inebriated Spring break revelers
Washington DC Times
"...their spending habits, judgment and concern for others is all about the same.   There is no more obscene display of this political debauchery than what you see in a quick stroll around the U.S. Capitol.   Originally designed by the founders as 'the People's house', the Capitol has become a monument to politicians and their unfettered gluttony and insatiable appetite for undeserved self-importance.   The great, white-domed behemoth has become a fortress of greed, ineptitude and blind power...   All of this is pretty stunning considering the U.S. Capitol was intended to house the branch of government that was supposed to be most directly and immediately answerable to the American voters and taxpayers who pay for every last dime of this whole game of charades.   Today, an American citizen would very likely be shot dead before he could walk up off the street and simply place the palm of his hand against the building he owns, pays to heat and that -- supposedly -- works for him.   Perhaps a voter just might be able to lay a hand on the East Front wall near one of the guard shacks, but throngs of guards would be on him within seconds.   Today, citizens are permitted to sit on some of the lower steps on the East Front, but they are routinely shooed away by armed guards without explanation.   As for the grand West Front, forget about it.   Anyone attempting to mount those great marble stairs for a look down the majestic National Mall and Lincoln Memorial will be met by guards carrying machine guns..."

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
ruinous "compassion"
Town Hall
National Review
2016-03-29: Douglas Wilson: a Biblical case against the minimum wage
"This is just one of many policies that allow [leftists] to go around feeling good about themselves, while leaving havoc in their wake."

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Bob Barr _Town Hall_
Obummer FAA is stifling private drone/UAV use and innovation... while encouraging government abuse

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
_Barack Hussein Obummer's Legacy_
DHS released another 30K illegal aliens who had committed additional crimes

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
AP admitted that the USA economy is looking a bit paler; "critical pieces of the economy remain troubled"
Tom Blumer: Media Research Center News Busters

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Ken Connor _Town Hall_
reaping the harvest of relativism

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Dan Weber _Town Hall_
robbery and extortion by governments is a terrible problem
"As a young worker in the 1950s, the government confiscated 4% of my income.   They took 2% to pay for [Socialist Insecurity] and my boss had to match 2% of my wages into [Socialist Insecurity].   Today they take 15.3%, half from my pay and half from the company I work for.   This to cover [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare.   There was no sales tax then, today it is 7%.   So now they are confiscating over 22%.   That's 18% less spendable income today, before I pay income tax!"

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Jim Vertuno & Will Weissert _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Texas and Florida might comply with US and state constitution requirements that they respect the right to own and carry arms... on college and university campus

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Laura Ingraham
good news: House Republican block poses threat to Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
William Mauldin: WSJ

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Norman Rogers _American Thinker_
political correctness: the leftist political strategy

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Salmaan Khan _American Thinker_
rackets in congress: "toll-booths", "milkers", "juicers", "double milkers"...

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
bill to stop human trafficking contains provision to block federal government funding of abortions; leftists knew this, were given chance to amend it out, but refused, and are now pseudo-filibustering, saying they are shocked, shocked! to learn the provision to block gov't funding is in the bill

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Brandon Keim _Wired_
displays screens, artificial light are probably bad for you
"Circadian disruption has in turn been linked to a host of health problems, from cancer to diabetes, obesity and depression.   'Everything changed with electricity.   Now we can have bright light in the middle of night.   And that changes our circadian physiology almost immediately.', says Richard Stevens, a cancer epidemiologist at the University of CT.   'What we don't know, and what so many people are interested in, are the effects of having that light chronically.'   Stevens, one of the field's most prominent researchers, reviews the literature on light exposure and human health the latest Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B...   writing in 1996, [NIH] he said the evidence was 'sparse but provocative'...   incandescent bulbs have been mostly replaced by LED and compact fluorescent lights that emit light in potentially more problematic wavelengths...   researchers now know that increased nighttime light exposure tracks with increased rates of [NIH] breast cancer, [Oxford U] obesity and [NIH] depression...   scientists discovered only in the last decade what triggers circadian activity in mammals (pdf): specialized cells in the retina, the light-sensing part of the eye, rather than conveying visual detail from eye to brain, simply signal the presence or absence of light.   Activity in these cells sets off a reaction that calibrates clocks in every cell and tissue in a body.   Now, these cells are especially sensitive to blue wavelengths..."

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Scott Walker and the RINO consultant problem

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
_U of Wyoming_
poll: Equality State supports the TEA Party movement
"A University of Wyoming survey found that nearly 4 in 10 Wyomingites agreed with the tea party movement, just under one-third disagreed, while another third either had not heard of the tea party or had no opinion about it.   'By any measure Wyoming is one of the most conservative states in America and, thus, one might expect that the tea party would fare well in the Equality State.   It does.', says Oliver Walter, emeritus professor of political science at UW.   'In terms of political opinions, the differences between tea party supporters and non-supporters were stark.'   The UW statewide election survey found that in Wyoming, where about 6 in 10 registered voters are Republicans, almost 9 out of 10 of those who expressed sympathy with the tea party were Republicans.   Democrats comprise less than 1% of the tea party supporters, while those registered as independents make up about 10%.   Almost 90% of the tea party sympathizers rated [president Obummer's] job approval as poor, compared to about 24% of those in disagreement.   Nearly 60% of the tea party group perceived that the nation's economy was getting worse, compared to 16% of the non-tea party advocates.   [Primarily concerned with government over-spending and over-taxing, one of the other] policies that sparked the tea party movement was [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   96% of those who agreed with the tea party indicated they disapproved of [ObummerDoesn'tCare], compared to 28% of the tea party's non-sympathizers.   When asked whether they approved or disapproved of Medicaid expansion, more than two-thirds of the tea party supporters disapproved, compared to only 10% of those opposed to the tea party.   Even though Republican registrants compose the vast majority of tea party supporters, not all Republicans support the tea party.   52% are supporters, 18% oppose, and the remainder of Republican registrants either had no opinion or were not acquainted with the tea party philosophy.   More than two-thirds of the tea party supporters were opposed to gay 'marriage'.   Less than 1 in 5 of the non-tea party supporters were opposed..."

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Fiona MacRae _London Daily Mail_
population of Britain can be divided into 17 distinct DNA groups

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
even Lawrence Tribe admits that EPA is "burning the constitution" with its CO2 regulations

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Harvard-Smithsonian physicist: computer models used by UN over-state global warming

2015-03-18 (5775 Ader 27)
Tim Freed _West Orange Times & Observer_
former mayor Bruce Mount contests Eatonville, FL, election results

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "To smile at your neighbor is more important than to treat him to a drink." --- R' Yochanan ben Nappaha _Talmud_ (via Jewish World Review)  



2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Cody Donald _Center for Immigration Studies_
quality before quantity: changing the H-1B conversation
"In the senate Judiciary committee hearing on 2015 March 17, entitled 'Immigration Reforms Needed to Protect Skilled American Workers', much of the conversation about the H1-B visa program revolved around balancing legitimate business needs to fill vacant positions and the effect of the widespread importation of foreign labor on the plight of the American worker.   Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), a member of the 'Gang of 8' [8 Gangsters], brought up 3 concerns about the H1-B program as it currently stands.   He began by affirming that the role of congress is to protect the American worker: 'We can't walk out this door if we don't establish that our first responsibility is to hire unemployed Americans.   How in the world can we rationalize anything else?'   If this is going to be taken at face value, it can only be concluded that a system that rewards foreign workers with jobs at the expense of American jobs cannot be what congress intended.   The situation at Southern California Edison shows that, as it stands, the H1-B program not only prevents the hiring of unemployed Americans, but causes their unemployment.   It follows indisputably that the system must change to protect the American worker.   Senator Durbin also noted the conditions of the guest-workers themselves: 'There is a form of servitude here.   They're stuck.   And they can be mistreated, abused, at the expense of the American work-force ...   with virtually no recourse.'   So, in addition to American workers, the current H1-B program harms guest-workers.   Senator Durbin added: 'What are we going to pay these folks? Is this going to be such a low wage that it disadvantages American workers? That to me is a key to it.'   There is no doubt that the senator is right about the issue: Pay is clearly an important aspect to the H1-B debate and basic business sense and economics indicate that low, sub-market wages can only crowd out more expensive American workers.   At the same hearing, John Miano, a fellow with the Center for Immigration Studies, testified that 56% of H1-B applications are at the lowest skill level, eligible to be paid only in the 17th percentile of the average rate (50th percentile is the average prevailing wage in an industry).   More specifically, the Southern California Edison example shows how the H1-B program can be used to reduce business expenses.   Alarmingly, what Southern California Edison is doing is not only rampant in the H1-B market, but also is probably legal under the current statutes...   If foreign workers really are 'the best and the brightest' -- greater than any available American, then American companies not only should be willing to pay the going rate, but be willing to pay a premium."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Byron York _Washington DC Examiner_
as tech execs demand more foreign workers, senate hears of displaced US STEM professionals
Before It's News
"The Eric Schmidt pleading for more foreign workers is the same Eric Schmidt who boasts of turning away thousands upon thousands of job seekers who apply for a few prized positions at Google.   For example, at an appearance in Cleveland last October to promote his book, How Google Works, Schmidt explained that his company receives at least 1K applications for every job opening.   'The good news is that we have computers [applicant management systems] to do the initial vetting.', Schmidt explained, according to an account in the Cleveland Plain Dealer...   Some companies are actually lobbying for more H-1Bs and laying off American staff at the same time.   For example, last year MSFT announced the layoff of 18K people at the very moment it was pushing Congress for more guest worker visas."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
John Gibson _Fox_
professor Ron Hira on H-1B visas: Southern California Edison workers silenced after being required to train their foreign replacements
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Michael Matza _Philadelphia PA Inquirer_
case of Upani Consultants of Chester county highlights H-1B guest-work visa scams
"At first blush, Upani Consultants of Chester county appeared to be a group of ambitious workers, mostly from India, who came to the United States on specialty visas to be employed as quality-assurance analysts and software engineers in information technology.   But in fact, according to the guilty plea by Sudhakar Majety in federal court in Philadelphia late last year, the company he created a decade ago in Phoenixville ultimately exploited the H-1B 'specialty occupation' visa program by using shell companies and sham contracts to give the impression that Upani needed staff.   When the workers arrived here, according to the indictment, they learned that Upani had no positions and were forced to search for jobs elsewhere.   Majety, 46, of Spring City, Chester County, typically charged each worker about $4K for the visa and kept 20% of any money the worker earned.   Workers who could not find employment had to pay him extra to keep their visas active... The law [mentions] specialized training [but doesn not actually require it, nor a high skill level to get an H-1b, it mentions] bachelor's degree [or equivalent, but, according to USCIS documents, thousands have been granted to people who did not have the equivalent of a US bachelor's degree] in the specialty for which they are hired. They must be paid the ['prevailing wage', a legal term of art which is usually 12% below the local market compensation for the job, education, etc... or lower]. They [often] displace [able and willing] American workers, and [the initial term is for up to 3 years, which can readily be renewed for another term of up to 3 years, and then extended on a year-by-year basis after that]. [The law also mentions not harming US workers -- meaning US citizens and green card holders -- but, despite the extremely rare law-suit, DoL and USCIS generally disregard it.] The joint investigation by the DoL, DoS, and DHS [of which USCIS is a part] found that Majety, a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from India, obtained 'between 25 and 99' fraudulent H-1B visas [after examining their records and the investigation they were still, apparently, not certain] and enriched himself by 'hundreds of thousands of dollars'..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
many students caught cheating on exams in Bihar, India
"Cheating in exams is fairly common in the Indian state of Bihar, but new images have emerged which show just how large-scale and blatant the practice is.   Many students smuggled in text-books and notes into the examination centres despite tight security -- and parents and friends were photographed scaling the walls of test centres to pass on answers to students during the current secondary school examinations...   Officials say more than 1.4M students are taking the tests.   Most of the incidents of cheating this year have been reported from Saharsa, Chhapra, Vaishali and Hajipur districts.   Local newspapers have been full of photos of parents and relatives trying to help their children cheat even at considerable risk to their own lives...   authorities seized sheets containing answers which filled up 9 sacks...   at least 400 students who have been caught cheating have been expelled..."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
lessons from Sweden about government hand-outs and immigration

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Japan poised to pass Red China as holder of most USA federal government debt

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime is paving the way for Iran's Muslim theocracy to have nuclear weapons

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Doug Bandow _Cybercast News Service_
Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
keystone kops government
National Review
Town Hall
"But if [Barack Hussein Obummer] was so concerned about not influencing the Israeli elections, why, according to some news accounts, is a senate panel launching an investigation into whether [Obummer's] State Department gave grant money to a nonprofit organization, the OneVoice Movement, that sought to unseat Netanyahu with the help of several former [Obummer] campaign operatives?   Then, 47 Republican senators signed an unusual letter to the Iranian theocracy, reminding it that any agreement on Iran's nuclear program negotiated with the [Obummer regime] would have to first clear congress.   [Obummer] shot back that the senators' letter was undue interference that aided the Iranians...   Nonetheless, the Senate may well pass new sanctions against Iran, if it feels Obama has been too lax in its negotiations or usurped senatorial oversight of treaties..."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Chris Erskine _Jewish World Review_
daughter's move drives Dad to mid-life-guy behavior
"...Note that there is nothing wrong with smart and opinionated daughters that reasoning with them won't aggravate..."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
share-owner capitalism on trial
"The latest rap against big corporations is that they're returning too much money to share-holders through dividends and stock repurchases.   What they should be doing, the complaint goes, is using that money to build new factories, create new products and increase research.   Their stinginess, the argument continues, is one reason for the lack-luster recovery.   Worse, the stock buy-backs are driven by executive greed.   When companies buy their own stock, share prices tend to rise -- a boon to top executives whose compensation packages are linked to higher prices.   Put simply, so-called share-holder capitalism is a flop.   It serves the interests of rich executives and investors, [not the US citizen employees who invent and develop great products and] not the larger public..."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
who is "near tears" now? Not Netanyahu.
Town Hall
"The big loser then is not the blustery PM but our pouty [race-obsessed, anti-semitic, anti-liberty, oath-breaking] president."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
"Sunshine Week" should turn up the heat on corrupt governments
Town Hall
SunShine Week

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
William Patrick _Town Hall_
Sunshine State officials sending mixed messages on government transparency as they claim public records are "private" and personal private info about citizens are "public"
"As of Monday, the First Amendment Foundation, a Tallahassee-based non-profit, identified nearly 3-dozen legislative attempts to introduce new exemptions to public records laws...   Police body cameras — Despite purporting to promote police accountability and protect police from false accusations, if passed, nearly all videos would be exempt from public records requests.   Public property videos -- Government surveillance videos taken on inside public buildings or on public property in community development districts would no longer be available.   Law enforcement and state agency personnel records -- Expands an existing exemption covering home addresses to include secondary and former address, and information about former places of employment.   Tax collectors -- E-mail addresses held by county tax collectors could soon be off-limits..."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
sanctimony and grand-standing are more fun for the left than free speech
Town Hall

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
we need honest answers from Hitlery Rotten Clinton to these questions
Town Hall

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
general Colin Powell, who are the GOP's and Dems' "dark veins"?
Town Hall
"We salute Powell's service.   He is a heavily decorated vet who served 2 tours of duty in VietNam when things were hot and heavy over there.   But General, care to name names?   Who are these 'intolerant' Republicans?   Why engage in accusation by innuendo?   By all means, name them, shame them -- make them [infamous]... [Then let's talk about the Dems/Reds/leftists and their intolerance.]"

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
listening to Rand Paul
Town Hall
"Our American prison system turns out to be a place with little to offer save for an advanced degree in criminality.   If one were intent on entering a life of crime, one might begin in an American prison."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Laura Ingraham
news-flash from the UN: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate may be genocidal

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Laura Ingraham
the corrupt, oath-breaker Obummer plans to by-pass Netanyahu, and the US senate and constitution, with UN gambit
John Hudson & Colum Lynch: CFR Foreign Policy

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker walks the walk
Matt Patterson: Washington DC Times

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Laura Ingraham
federal government budget debate could prove awkward for some who hope to be elected president in 2016... or not as RINOs and Dems/Reds/leftists attempt to ram through over-spending
Manu Raju: Politico

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
poster-child for corrupt government-union pension racket
World Net Daily
Eric Boehm: Fox
"When it comes to handing out pension benefits to government employees, nobody outdoes the Great State of Illinois, whose unfunded pension liabilities hit $187G two years ago (the latest data) and are still rising.   And when it comes to screwing the [tax-victims] who will have to dig deeper and deeper to pay off the promises handed out to union members, nobody outdoes 65 year old David Piccioli.   Ray Long of the Chicago Tribune explains: 'A union lobbyist who qualified for a teacher pension wind-fall by subbing at a school for 1 day is now suing a state retirement board because his benefits were scaled back once his sweet deal was exposed...   Piccioli is already collecting $31,485/year from the Teachers Retirement System...   Piccioli also gets a second state pension worth just over $30K/year that covers time he served as a legislative aide.   Both pensions are based on an average of his 6-figure salaries as a union lobbyist.'"
Eric Boehm: WatchDog

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Robert T. Smith _American Thinker_
public-service-announcement for "unvaccinated travelers"... otherwise known as illegal aliens

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
corrupt Obummer regime: Netanyahu is "marginalizing Arabs" who are occupying Israel, vote in Israel's elections... and Obummer might not back Israel in the UN anymore
"Israel is the only place in the Middle East where Jews, Christians and Muslim Arabs live together in peace.   Further, the vast majority of the Middle East is consumed by Arab countries that are hostile to Israel.   In fact, every single Arab country surrounding the Jewish State has waged war against it at some point during its short history.   'All the Palestinians have ever had to do is recognize Israel as a Jewish State and promise to live in peace with it.'"

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Robert Knight _Town Hall_
putting the brakes on armageddon
"As our republic reels under the [Obummer] regime's lawlessness, it's startling to see the Republican-led congress show some back-bone, at least in foreign policy -- with the glaring exception of illegal immigration..."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Charles Payne _Town Hall_
wealth and inequality
"Redistribution remains the [leftist] dream.   By any means necessary, it takes cash from those who have it, to give to those without who continue to be unemployed.   There are a few new ways of trying this version of smash- and-grab.   However, the ideal plan involves lies, guilt, and intimidation against a poor economic back-drop..."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
John Ransom _Town Hall_
Obummer feels Netanyahu's victory after all of the schemes of his operatives is a slap in the face

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Noah Rothman _Hot Air_
Obummer prepares to punish Israeli voters for rejecting him

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
angry Obummer doubles-down on deal to help Iran develop nuclear weapons, punishes Israel after Netanyahu election victory

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Phil Kerpen _Town Hall_
death tax repeal is long over-due

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Ryan Bomberger _Town Hall_
feeeelings without facts lead to failure: discussing "equality" at the UN

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
Federal Reserve Board suggests their patience may be ending, but then what?

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
D.W. Wilber _Town Hall_
corruption and lies as a matter of policy

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
David Williams _Town Hall_
Jason Chaffetz bets on wrong piece of legislation in federal power-grab

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Liz Harrison _Town Hall_
why stopping FEC/FCC power-grab over telecomm starts with protecting freedom, free speech, and competitive, open-market capitalism

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Matt Towery _Town Hall_
rating media

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Sean Noble _Town Hall_
stat laws, local elections officials trying to suppress free political speech

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
Reds/Dems/leftists in a furor because senate GOP is not rushing to bring Loretta Lynch nomination up for a vote (video)
"'Perhaps', McCain said as he pounded the podium, 'my colleagues -- and the Senator from Illinois in particular -- need to be reminded of their own record when it comes to the treatment of African-American women' who had confirmation votes scheduled in the senate: Janice Rodgers Brown waited 685 days for her confirmation to the 4th District Court of Appeals...   most of the delay on Lynch didn't come from Republicans.   It was Democrats, under leadership from Harry Reid and Dick Durbin himself, who punted on Lynch when they had the chance to approve her themselves..."
Of course, her sworn testimony that she would violate the oath of office is a good reason to take the vote immediately and tell her to pound sand.

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Vivian Hughbanks _Town Hall_
vile Putin clebrates anniversary of take-over of Crimea, continues to chip away at Ukraine

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
Jon Stewart: damn these Republicans for blocking the bill Dems/Reds/leftists are pseudo-filibustering... or something

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
we can't afford these corrupt crooks: congress is still flying 1st-class using tax-victims' and their grand-children's earnings
"'...luxury airfare accommodations utilizing [tax-victim] monies would seem inappropriate in any fiscal climate, but at a time of soaring deficits and with a federal debt in excess of $18T, such expenditures are especially wasteful.   Elected leaders are public servants of the people and shouldn’t be considered a privileged class.'"

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
House Republicans propose capping FCC's "universal service fund"
"The legislation would reauthorize the FCC at its current funding level of $339.8M for the next four fiscal years.   It would also authorize appropriations for spectrum auctions at the current level through 2022 and create an independent inspector general at the FCC who could not be fired by the chairman.   Walden's bill does not [grant] a request made by FCC managing-director Jon Wilkins at a hearing before the committee earlier this month to increase the agency's budget to $505M...   Even adjusted for the rate of inflation, [the requested amount] far surpasses the amount the FCC needed to conduct its work when it was arguably its busiest: implementing the Telecommunications Act of 1996."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
waste and abuse: $47,676 federal grant to Yale to study incarcerated drug users in Russia

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Charles Krauthammer _National Review_
Palestinians have demonstrated neither the willingness nor leadership to make peace with Israel
Jewish World Review

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Ryan Lovelace _National Review_
bill to combat human trafficking exempts those who smuggle illegal alien relatives, and the indigent
"The bipartisan human-trafficking bill being blocked by senate Dems/Reds/leftists contains a loophole that would exempt some enablers of illegal immigration from paying a fine.   The 'Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015', is designed to increase penalties on human traffickers, but exempts families who help smuggle relatives into the United States...   a parent who aids and abets a drug cartel to help smuggle his or her illegal-immigrant child across America's southern border -- something that happened over and over again during last Summer's border crisis -- will not be subject to the bill's $5K penalty.   This penalty would be directed toward a fund to benefit the victims of human trafficking, so it would appear that the exemption denies the fund a large potential source of revenue -- in addition to letting some enablers of illegal immigration and human trafficking off scot-free..."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Cameron Joseph _Hill_
Laura Ingraham: Yebbie Booosh would lose to Hitlery Rotten Clinton

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
cold war 2.0

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Laura Hollis _WND_
"intellectual" has come to mean "divorced from wisdom"
Jewish World Review
"...One wonders what he thinks about the 'pedigree' of the entire common law system, of which the American legal system has been a part for nearly 400 years.   (Yes, I am counting the early colonies.)   Judicial decisions in the civil law systems of continental Europe largely bind only the parties to the litigation.   But judicial decisions in common law countries -- those that inherited their legal traditions from Great Britain -- have the effect of 'stare decisis', or precedent.   In other words, judicial decisions bind all lower courts within the same jurisdiction.   This is certainly true of the U.S. Supreme Court, whose decisions bind all individuals and enterprises, courts and other branches of government (both state and federal) unless negated by an act of Congress or [later] over-turned by the Supreme Court itself.   This is basic first-year law school material.   It is curious that a faculty member at one of the country's most esteemed law schools either doesn't understand this principle or thinks it can be summarily dispensed with..."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
F. Michael Maloof _WND_
Iran's play-book calls for nuclear-weapon-caused electro-magnetic pulse attack on USA

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
San Diego CA police caught "sanitizing" Wikipedia coverage of police misconduct
Joel Hoffmann: San Diego CA Union-Tribune

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
_Conservative HQ_
non-leftist candidates for president, come on in; the water's fine

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Jeffry Bartash _MarketWatch_
Conference Board: USA leading economic indicators rose in February

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
Michael Hausam _Town Hall_
Disney's "Cinderella" re-make did not advance a positive agenda and I was righteously indignant
"The girls, of course, loved it; but afterwards I had to sit them down to explain the horrific themes and agendas the film advanced.   Knowing beforehand that there had been some controversy over certain aspects of the movie, I was ready to be offended, but I had no idea the limits to which the creators would go to weave utter non-sense into the classic story..."

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
music and language lovers enjoy Eric Clapton's "Layla" [Leela/Leilah/Night], rewritten into Sanskrit
Adrija Bose: NDTV
Sound Cloud
Some 14 years ago, a similar translation of Elvis's "Blue Suede Shoes" was performed at an international conference of linguists (and translated back came through as "Do not scuff my sandals of sky-blue leather", as I recall).   One of the above articles mentions that Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" has also been performed and posted in Sanskrit.

2015-03-19 (5775 Ader 28)
_Science News_
genetic structure of population of British Isles reflects invasions/ migrations (with 4 maps: 9,600-7,500BCE; 43-410CE; c. 420-600CE; 800-950CE
Stephen Leslie, Bruce Winneyk, Garrett Hellenthal, Dan Davison, Abdelhamid Boumertit, Tammy Day, Katarzyna Hutnik, Ellen C. Royrvik, Barry Cunliffe et al.: Nature

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Proposed Bills 2015

  "Lose with truth and right rather than gain with falsehood and wrong." --- Maimonides (Jewish World Review)  



2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Laura Ingraham
judge Hanen: penalties are possible in Obummer immigration edict case
Juan A. Lozano: abc/AP
Juan A. Lozano: US News & World Report/AP
Thomas Barrati: International Business Times
David Zucchino: LATimes
"Colmenero said the department did not inform the court of the 108K approvals until 15 days after Hanen issued an injunction halting the immigration program..."

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
H-1B pain and politics
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Rush Limbaugh
why are tech companies dumping American STEM workers doing the same jobs they say they neeeed foreign labor to fill?

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
US ICE: 167,527 illegal aliens who had been convicted of additional crimes were loose throughout the USA as of 2015-01-26
"During the hearing, Saldana said that ICE releases criminal aliens back into the community based on the agency's 'discretionary control'...   'But they've been in your detention.   They've been detained.   I mean they were convicted.   They were...were they deported?', Chaffetz pressed.   'They were in the process of being deported.', Saldana claimed.   'Everyone in our detention facilities is in the process of being deported, chairman.'   'Well that's not true.   I mean, you regularly release them back out into the public before they get deported, correct?', Chaffetz continued.   Of the roughly 36K criminal aliens released by US ICE in 2013, about 22K were released under US ICE's 'discretionary control', she estimated..."

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
illegal alien charged with 1st-degree murder of 3, in removal process for drug charges, had been given unconstitutional and illegal amnesty by Obummer

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
David Limbaugh _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer takes his rage onto the world stage
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily
"...[Obummer] was outraged when Netanyahu chose to speak to congress about the Iranian nuclear threat, which Obama continues to ignore -- or, arguably, enable.   That's why he refused to meet with Netanyahu when he was in Washington for that speech -- again, putting his petty feelings above our national interests.   And that's also why he has yet to pick up the telephone to call Netanyahu to congratulate him for his electoral victory this week.   Incidentally, I believe that's also why he sent the Churchill bust back to the Brits.   It's about him and his feelings, our relationship with ally Britain be damned.   Be fair.   No other president has behaved like this.   So don't defend it...   Is there any question whose side [Obummer] is on anymore? Has he ever rebuked the Palestinians or any enemies of Israel for wishing or acting [for] its destruction?"

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
NYTimes notion of "diversity" welcomes a range of new leftist writers from the extreme to moderate left, from different geographical areas and backgrounds

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
at National Crime Museum: 2012-08-15 domestic terror attack on Family Research Council
"Corkins admitted to authorities that he targeted the Family Research Council because it was cited on the 'Hate Map' of the Southern Poverty Law Center web-site...   The gunman who planned to attack staff at the Family Research Council also carried a bag of Chick-Fil-A sandwiches, which he later said were to smash in the faces of his victims.   Floyd Lee Corkins opposed the owner of the food franchise reportedly for his stance in support of traditional marriage...   There's also a photo in the exhibit of Leo Johnson, the building operations manager who was acting as a security guard on the day of the attack.   Although he was shot in the arm, Johnson was able to subdue Corkins until police and the FBI arrived on the scene.   'This museum exhibit is a testament to Leo Johnson's heroism, the dedication of the law enforcement officers working the case and, most importantly, the protective hand of the Lord.', lieutenant-general (retired) Jerry Boykin, the FRC executive vice president, told CNSNews.com.   'The exhibit stands as a reminder that in a civil society we must never allow free and open debate to be shut down through acts of terrorism...   Floyd Corkins, through the inspiration of the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC], intended to use mass murder as a means to silence those who uphold marriage as the union of a man and a woman.', Boykin said...   Other items in the domestic terrorism exhibit include rubble from the World Trade Center terror attack on 2001 Sept. 11; a running bib and back-pack from the Boston Marathon terror attack; a rifle confiscated from the Virginia Jihad Network in 2003; letters from the Unabomber; a rope from a lynching; and the book written by the mother of Matthew Sheppard, a homosexual man who was beaten and left to die by two men who were convicted of his murder..."

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
Americans for Tax Reform: Yebbie Booosh refuses to sign pledge not to hatch new taxes or increases

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Coptic bishop Anba Angaelos on Western media: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate's beheading of 21 Christians is a turning point
"'[Earlier] When you had the attacks on churches in 2013 August, unprecedented, 50 churches, 50 places of Christian ministry attacked within a very small space of 48 hours -- again, it took the world 2 weeks to report on that.', he said."

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
federal government via NIH wasted $240K to study effects of intentionally slowing down vending machines

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
people protest U of CA tuition+fee increases: Janet Napolitano's response: "we don't have to listen to this" excrement
World Net Daily

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Laura Ingraham
5 gimmicks in House GOP's "gimmick-free" federal over-spending bill
creative accounting increases defense budget (and a good thing it is)

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Laura Ingraham
USA not a reliable ally for Israel as long as Obummer regime continues
Michael Crowley: Politico
David Ignatius: Jewish World Review

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
R' Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
the victorious victim

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
invoking "the children" is almost always political BS
"Every other lousy politician in Washington [DC] who wants to tax, subsidize or regulate something still claims he's doing it 'for the children' -- whether it's saving the planet from climate change, giving amnesty to [illegal aliens] or intervening in Syria.   But when it comes to passing a piece of legislation that will actually do something to help hundreds of thousands of real children, it's another story..."

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
reduce racism: dismantle the Obummer regime

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu is a bulwark against those wanting to initiate force

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
of methods, manners and cursive script

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Rick Berman _Jewish World Review_
in defense of doubt: the film's argument is the same as virtually every other left-wing schlockumentary
Washington DC Times

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
don't confirm constitution-disdainer Loretta Lynch
"the issue is her belief that [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] executive amnesty is lawful.   This isn't a mere matter of policy or personal preference.   It implicates her view of the constitutional order that she will be sworn to uphold.   Whether she thinks the executive branch can in effect write laws on its own is a threshold question.   Her answer in the affirmative should be disqualifying, no matter how impressive her career has otherwise been, or how historic her confirmation would be.   The senate shouldn't confirm any attorney-general nominee, from whatever party, of whatever race, ethnicity or gender identification, who believes the president can rewrite the nation's laws at will...   If the self-styled world's greatest deliberative body can't enforce this basic standard, and protect its most elementary constitutional prerogative, who will?..."

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
J.D. Gordon _Jewish World Review_
Obummer aims to punish USA for all that is good about it as well as for its past warts, and support most of what is bad worldwide
Free Republic
Daily Caller
Washington DC Times
"From the 30K-foot view, [Barack Hussein Obummer] is doing his best to 'transform' [the USA] -- just like he pledged since the 2008 campaign.   Congressional Republicans are trying hard to stop him and to save our nation as we know it.   [Obummer] has less than two years left, so he's pushing hard.   As he gloated during the State of the Union, he doesn't face any more elections.   Translation: He can do whatever he wants.   That's frankly terrifying.   And why? Because to [president Obummer] and the international left, American power is the problem.   His actions since Day 1 show that's the only reasonable explanation.   Thus he's taking charge, often by executive action, to soften us..."

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Daniel Pipes _Washington DC Times_
violent Muslims are bull-dozing the past
"The recent bull-dozing by the [ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate] of the ancient cities of Nimrud, Hatra, and Korsabad, three of the world's greatest archaeological and cultural sites, is just this group latest round of assaults across the large area under its control.   Since 2014 January, the flamboyantly barbaric ISIS has blown up Shi'i mosques, bulldozed churches, pulverized shrines, and plundered museums...   Some attacks target the works of other, rival religions, such as Orthodox churches in northern Cyprus (since 1974), the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan (in 2001), the Ghriba synagogue in Tunisia (2002), an historic Hindu temple in Malaysia (2006), and the Assyrian antiquities ('idols') in Mosul (2015).   On a personal level, a Saudi national smashed historic statues at the Senso-Ji Buddhist temple in Tokyo in 2014.   Nor is this danger over: Islamic leaders have bruited plans to destroy Persepolis in Iran, St. Catherine's monastery in the Sinai, and the Great Pyramids of Egypt.   In some cases, conquerors turn non-Islamic holy places into Islamic ones, thereby asserting the supremacy of Islam.   This can be done by converting them into Islamic sanctities, such as the Kaaba in Mecca, the Cathedral of St. John in Damascus, and the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople; or building on top of them, such as Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, India..."

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
DHS arrested family for refusing to tell their destination
"A video of the incident, recorded by the family's dashboard camera, opens with the man and woman chit-chatting with their son in the back, later identified as 4, and pulling up to a border checkpoint.   The man, who's driving, has his window a third of the way down...   The video, mounted on the car dashboard, shows the agent reaching into the man's open window.   'Get your hands out of my car.', the man says.   'Get your hands out of my car.'   The man then pushes the agent's arm out the window, while the agent opens the door...   'This is assault.', he says.   'What is your reasonable suspicion?'...   'I'm a United States citizen.'   The agent asks the same question to the woman, who affirms she's a U.S. citizen, too...   'I do not consent to any searches or seizures.'   He also asks the agent once more: 'What is your reasonable suspicion?'...   PINAC News reported...the date and place of the incident as March 12 at a check-point 35 miles north of El Centro, just East of San Diego [i.e. not along the border, but in the middle of San Diego county]."

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Megyn Kelly is wrong about sharia: Bobby Jindal is the only presidential candidate who understands the violence-initiating Islamic threat

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership and the left/Reds/Dems keep on lying about their over-spending

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
McCain got one right: no Republican should vote for Loretta Lynch

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
a little-noted master-piece of constitutional scholarship by Clarence Thomas
Dept of Transportation v Assn of American Railroads (pdf)

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Tim Brown _Freecom Outpost_
4th amendment violated: US Border Patrol detained and arrested USA citizen over 50 miles inside USA, had no search warrant (with dashcam video)
Statutes have been proposed to declare the "border" not as a narrow line (30 feet-300 feet), with 2 or 3 fences and vehicle barriers (with ports, of course), but as a region extending as far as 150 miles inside the USA, to allow warrantless searches and seizures.   Interestingly enough, at the same time, the Border Patrol have been treating the border as though it were well within the boundaries of the USA, treating attempting invaders as though they were well within the interior of the USA rather than repelling them from entry.

2015-03-20 (5775 Ader 29)
Doug Short _Advisor Perspectives_
Conference Board: leading economic index
UBM PR News Wire
Jeffry Bartash: MarketWatch

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Proposed Bills 2015

  "Science is about understanding the origins, nature, and behavior of the universe and all it contains; engineering is about solving problems by re-arranging the stuff of the world to make new things." --- Henry Petroski 2010-12-09 "Engineering Is Not Science" _IEEE Spectrum_ (quoted in Samuel Arbesman 2013 _The Half-Life of "Facts": Why Everything We [Think We] Know Has an Expiration Date_ pg49)  



2015-03-21 (5775 Nisan 01)
Andrew Stuttaford _National Review_
imported cheap, young, pliant labor with flexible ethics reduces productivity

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  "...the amount of time before [the electronic technology] you have is out of date and you are itching to up-grade. Wireless (bits per second): 10 months; Digital cameras (pixels per dollar): 12 months; Pixels (per array): 19 months; Hard-drive storage (gigabytes per dollar): 20 months; DNA sequencing (dollars per base pair): 22 months; Band-width (kilobits per second per dollar): 30 months." --- Samuel Arbesman 2013 _The Half-Life of "Facts": Why Everything We [Think We] Know Has an Expiration Date_ pp46-47  



2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Byron York _Washington DC Examiner_
silenced US workers who lost jobs to H-1B visa abuse (quietly) speak out
"'The current system to bring in high-skill guest workers ... has become primarily a process for supplying lower-cost labor to the IT industry.', 2 experts who testified at the hearing, Howard University's Ron Hira and Rutgers' Hal Salzman, wrote recently.   'Although a small number of workers and students are brought in as the best and brightest, most [so-called] high-skill guest-workers are here to fill ordinary tech jobs at lower wages.'...   'Simply put, the H-1B program has become a cheap labor program.', Hira, author of the book _OutSourcing America_, testified.   'To add insult to injury, Southern California Edison forced its American workers to train their H-1B replacements as a condition of receiving their severance packages.'...   But one voice was missing from the hearing, and that was the voice of laid-off workers.   That was no accident.   In addition to losing their jobs and being forced to train their foreign replacements, many fired workers are required to sign non-disparagement agreements as a condition of their severance.   They are workers with families and bills to pay, and they are told that if they do not agree to remain silent, they will be terminated with cause, meaning they will receive no severance pay or other benefits and will face an even tougher search for a new job and a continued career.   So they remain silent.   A long-time feature of the Capitol Hill hearing into this or that unfair practice is to hear from the victims of this or that unfair practice.   The IT industry has worked to make sure that does not happen in the case of H-1B visa abuse.   Still, the Judiciary committee managed to receive testimonials from 4 laid-off workers, 3 from Southern California Edison and one from another company.   So to flesh out the H-1B story with the perspective of those who are actually paying the price when H-1B visas are used to displace American workers, here are their anonymous testimonials:
Worker One: 'My former company, a large utility company, replaced 220 American IT workers with H-1Bs…we would have to train them in order to receive our severance packages.   This was one of the most humiliating situations that I have ever been in as an IT professional.   The whole IT department was going through the same fate as myself.   Those were the longest and hardest five months of my life.   Not only did I lose a work family, but I lost my job and my self-esteem.   We had constant e-mails sent by HR that we could not talk about this situation to anyone or make posts to social media.   If we did, we would be fired immediately and not get our severance.   We had jobs and there was no shortage of skilled labor that would make it necessary to bring in H-1Bs.   We were let go and replaced by foreign workers who certainly weren't skilled to take our positions.'
Worker Two: 'I am an IT professional and worked for Southern California Edison for over 2 decades.   I was a loyal employee and always received outstanding reviews.   A foreign worker with a H-1B visa recently replaced me.   I am the sole provider of my children.   Due to a disability, finding employment at the same wage and with a work modification will be very difficult...   It is an ominous possibility that in 5 years or less I may have no assets, suffer from severe pain and will need to go on full disability with a catastrophic decrease in income.   The loss of my job may rob me of a secure retirement.   My lay-off has made my children fearful of their future and the security of their home.   If I stay in the IT field I run a high risk of again being replaced by a foreign worker.   It's a farce teaching our kids STEM when the government is permitting U.S. companies to abuse the H-1B visa program, which allows foreigners to take these future jobs from them.   I voted for [president Obummer] and was appalled that he implemented a rule change, which allows work permits to H-1B spouses.   My future votes will only go to candidates that support reforms to the H-1B visa program that preserve the American worker.'
Worker Three: 'I started working at Southern California Edison several decades ago.   SCE was a company that many people started with at a young age, could work there through their life-times, and retire with a good pension and benefits.   That was my plan.   And I would have been able to do exactly that -- until an executive announced a couple years ago that my department was going to be out-sourced.   We were forced to train the less qualified foreign workers hired to take our jobs.   Over 400 hard-working, intelligent people have lost their jobs due to the H-1B visa program [at this one firm].   Many of us, and countless more like us, face enormous hurdles to find new jobs -- why would companies want to hire us when they can hire cheaper workers on the H-1B visa to do our jobs for us?'
Worker Four: 'As longtime employees we loved the work we were doing and the people we were working with.   We did a great job.   Our work mattered.   The work we performed was instrumental in building a world-class business unit.   Through no fault of my own my job was just given to someone else with a lot less experience, knowledge and skills, lowering my standard of living and raising theirs so Edison could save a few dollars and reward stock-holders with a few more pennies on their dividends.   I and most of my co-workers are completely disgusted that Edison can fire us and replace us with foreign workers, abusing the H-1B program.   We cannot understand how the CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission), governor and congress, president and media can all ignore this abuse and just pretend it doesn't matter.   It's as if we no longer matter or have value as human beings or American citizens.'
It's certainly true that other workers in other industries have lost jobs because companies wanted to cut costs.   Highly-paid middle-aged workers have been replaced by younger employees working for less.   That can be an unhappy fact of life in today's economy.   But in the case of H-1Bs, the federal government is expressly giving a special permit to foreign workers -- actually, to large out-sourcing firms [cross-border bodyshops] that use H-1Bs to bring those workers to the U.S.A. -- in order to displace American workers.   And now many lawmakers in both parties -- their task made simpler by the enforced silence of fired and angry workers -- want even more H-1Bs.   Is that something the government should do?"
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
senate hearing: no consensus to protect American workers from displacement
"I testified last week before the senate Judiciary committee on 'Reforms Needed to Protect Skilled American Workers'.   It was a great honor to be invited.   However, participating in an event like this highlights the growing isolation between Washington and the rest of America.   At one time there was a consensus that American citizens should come first under our immigration laws.   The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that preserving jobs for American workers is a primary purpose of our immigration laws; see, for instance Reno v. Flores, 507 U.S. 292, 334 (1993).   No such consensus exists in today's Washington.   The impetus for the hearing was the recent replacement of Americans by H-1B workers at Southern California Edison, Northeast Utilities, Cargill, and Walt Disney World.   You would think that members of congress, upon learning that Americans workers are being replaced by foreign workers, would response in unison, 'This is outrageous.   That needs to stop now!'   I sensed such outrage from senators Durbin, Grassley, Sessions, and Vitter—but none of the rest present.   In fact, the impression I came away with is that most of the senators did not think it is even a problem when Americans are being replaced by foreign workers.   (Senators, that was just my impression.   I know that some people put on a restrained face hiding rage behind that.   If I left out any senator at the hearing who was outraged, I will be happy to amend this post and link to any statement you have made that Congress should act immediately to stop the replacement of Americans by foreign workers.)   But there were affirmative statements that reinforced my impression of a lack of concern.   One of these was related to the displacement of Americans by H-1B workers.   I have previously described how Congress has made it perfectly legal to replace Americans with H-1B workers in nearly all cases.   If you piece together the jumble of statutes governing the replacement of Americans by H-1B workers, you find that is perfectly legal to replace an American with an H-1B worker unless all of these conditions converge: The H-1B worker is paid less than $65K; AND The H-1B worker does not have a master's degree; AND The employer has more than 15% of its workers on H-1B visas (only counting those workers that fit #1 and #2 above); AND The replacement takes place within 90 days of making the H-1B visa petition; This has been designed to allow employers to replace Americans with cheap H-1B workers.   In response to the problem of Americans being replaced by H-1B workers, senator Hatch suggested changing the law so that the $60K figure above becomes $95K.   If I could sit down one-on-one with Senator Hatch, my first question would be, 'Why, senator, is it so hard for you to simply make it illegal to replace Americans with H-1B workers?'   Senator Hatch raised a couple of issues we could discuss.   He pointed out that the I-Squared Act includes money for training.   'But senator, Americans don't need training [so much].   They need jobs.   It is the H-1B workers that need and receive the training.'   [Besides, the training of new-hires and retained US citizen employees; and the relocation of new-hires and retained US citizen employees; and the cost of security clearances as neede for US citizen employees should be covered by the employer.]   Senator Hatch also wondered why people who opposed S744 [Reprehensible Immigration Law Perversion] now call for reform of H-1B.   'Senator, S744 had no H-1B reform.   All it did was increase the number of visas and made the rules even more complicated.   The Department of Labor Inspector General sends Congress a report twice a year calling for reform and the folks who wrote S744 simply ignored them.'   One-on-one, I could show the senator how S744 simply reworded H-1B provisions with no change in operation.   Unfortunately, as this statement from Hatch's office makes clear, senator Hatch [and senator Rubio and senator Reid and senator Ayotte and senator Klobuchar and representative Pelosi and representative Lofgren...], simply parrots what he is fed by industry lobbyists without applying any critical thought...   Americans [are] being replaced by cheap foreign workers at Southern California Edison, Walt Disney World, and Northeast Utilities, [which should embarrass] the United States senate as a whole...   Senators, when you hang out with liars, like those listed above; when you put their statements in the record; and when you repeat their statements without question you look like an ass too.   You are measured by the company you keep."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
Ted Cruz's down-side: once proposed to give out 5 times as many H-1B visas
"Cruz, who announced his presidential bid this morning, once proposed an immediate increase in the base H-1B cap from 65K to 325K.   Cruz offered the H-1B increase as an amendment in 2013 to the Senate's [reprehensible immigration law perversion] bill [S744]...   Cruz's H-1B amendment, however, proposed increasing H-1B fees from $1,500 to $2,500 for those with 25 employees or more.   The money would be used to create block grants to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) education...   Cruz is part of large group of politicians who will not acknowledge the H-1B's visas use in off-shore out-sourcing or the reality of U.S. workers who are forced to train their visa-holding replacements..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Jesse Byrnes _Hill_
Netanyahu pollster: Obummer role in campaign against Netanyahu is larger than the media have reported
Thomas Lifson: American Thinker
"He noted an effort to oust Netanyahu was guided by [Obummer] political operative Jeremy Bird and that V15, or Victory 15, ads hurt Netanyahu in the polls.   McLaughlin said the Israeli leader rebounded after delivering a speech to Congress early this month, prompting more critical ads.   V15 was viewed as part of a broader campaign to oust Netanyahu.   The group was linked to Washington-based non-profit OneVoice Movement, which reportedly received $350K in State Department grants.   Money to OneVoice stopped flowing in November, officials said, before the Israeli elections...   McLaughlin also cited an effort 'to organize the Arabs [in Israel] into one party and teach them about voter turn-out'.   'The State Department people in the end of January, early February, expedited visas for [Israeli] Arab leaders to come to the United States to learn how to vote.', McLaughlin said.   'There were people in the United States that were organizing them to vote in one party so they would help the left-of-center candidate, Herzog, that the [Obummer regime] favored.', he added...   Zeldin, who along with senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has questioned the [Obummer regime] over OneVoice's funding and nonprofit status."

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Michael Goodwin _NYPost_
Israel should be wary of Obummer
"First he comes for the banks and health care, uses the IRS to go after critics, politicizes the Justice Department, spies on journalists, tries to curb religious freedom, slashes the military, throws open the borders, doubles the debt and nationalizes the Internet.   He lies to the public, ignores the Constitution, inflames race relations and urges Latinos to punish Republican enemies.   He abandons our allies, appeases tyrants, coddles adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast.   Now he's coming for Israel..."

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Charles Hoskinson _Washington DC Examiner_
Obummer proves Tom Cotton to be correct
"[President Obummer] twice failed to honor his predecessor's signatures on free-trade deals, doing exactly what a letter from 47 Republican senators suggested the next president might do with an Iran nuclear deal not approved by congress -- refuse to honor it and demand modifications."

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Sylvia Hui _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
530 years after his death, king Richard iii was honored before re-burial
Town Hall
"Richard, the last Plantagenet king, was killed in battle against Henry Tudor in 1485 and buried hastily without a coffin in a long-demolished monastery...   DNA tests, bone analysis and other scientific scrutiny established that the skeleton belonged to the king...   On Sunday, a hearse carrying the monarch's remains, sealed inside an oak coffin, processed through Leicestershire's countryside to Bosworth, the battlefield where the monarch fell...   Michael Ibsen, a descendant of the monarch who built the coffin that carried Richard's remains, was among academics and others who placed white roses on the casket during a short ceremony earlier Sunday.   The coffin will lie in Leicester Cathedral, where it will be lowered into a tomb on Thursday."

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Gina Loudon _WND_
Why do Democrats hate patriotic veterans?

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Chuck Norris _WND_
save the A-10 ThunderBolt/WartHog!

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Pamela Geller _WND_
the astonishing contrast between US youth and Israeli youth
"HaAretz summed it up this way: Israel's youth voted in overwhelming numbers for Netanyahu because of 'security, security, security -- and distrust of Arabs [that is, Muslims], the left and media'.   In the United States of America, this very group delivered a fraud, a liar and America-hater into the Oval Office, not once but twice.   Despite joblessness, nationalized mandatory health care that they must pay for, the explosion of jihad, Benghazi, American youth (the poo generation) without thought or consideration elected the most anti-American and dangerous president in American history.   American youth have been systematically misled and misinformed about the grave threats we face.   The public school system has long since moved away from teaching the 3 Rs.   Instead, it's inculcation and dogma.   Critical thinking, once fundamental to American education, is discouraged, punished even.   Junk science, environmentalism and other such nonsense have replaced the essentials.   Israel's youth have no such illusions.   They live with the threat of annihilation..."

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Brendan Sasso _National Journal_
telecomm firms sue to stop FCC's reclassification of internet as a competition-limited public utility

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
ObummerDoesn'tCare intentionally closing rural hospitals
"the former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.   'I think that's what the [ObummerDoesn'tCare] was really designed to bring about.', said Dr. Lee Hieb...   48 rural hospitals have closed since 2010 and 283 others are in danger of closing, according to the Washington Post.   Most of those closures were in the South, with 10 of them in Texas alone...   'This is going to be like the Reichstag fire.', Hieb proclaimed.   'It's going to be an excuse to say, Look, the free market failed, and now we can go in and institute universal health care [totally controlled by the federal government, and thus totally controlling both doctors and patients], because you see, these people in these rural areas need health-care, and you're not getting it to them.'...   Hieb explains that 'whereas private insurance might pay the surgeon $4,500 for a spinal surgery (my specialty), Medicare paid less than $1,200'.   Once rural hospitals close, it creates a snowball effect, according to Hieb.   Doctors will move to areas where hospitals are still viable -- areas with a high ratio of private insurance to government insurance.   The few doctors who remain in rural areas will see their workloads increase, leading to stress..."

2015-03-22 (5775 Nisan 02)
Judy Siegel-Itzkovich _Jerusalem Post_
Ben Gurion U & U of California discovered new mechanism in Lou Gehrig's disease
"amyotrophic lateral sclerosis...   The cause of ALS is not known in about 90% of cases, but the remaining cases are genetically inherited...   About a fifth of the genetic cases are due to mutations in the superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene.   Interdisciplinary research projects have shown that mutations in this gene (more than 165 different mutants are now known) provoke selective killing of motor neurons by their suffering from some form of toxicity, but the basis for this selective toxicity has not been identified...   The researchers report the identification of a factor that is able to inhibit accumulation of misfolded SOD1.   They purified it and identified it to be the well-known multi-functional protein macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF).   Purified MIF is shown to directly inhibit mutant SOD1 misfolding and binding to intra-cellular organelles.   Elevated expression of MIF is shown to suppress accumulation of misfolded SOD1 in neuronal cells and extends survival of mutant SOD1 expressing motor neurons.   These efforts identify low 'chaperone activity' of MIF in motor neurons as a likely component of selective vulnerability to mutant SOD1 misfolding, and propose enhancement of intra-cellular MIF chaperone activity as an attractive therapeutic strategy..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "What will you do when evil men take office?   When evil men take office, the whole gang will be in collusion!   They will keep the people in utter ignorance and steal their liberty by ambuscade!...   Your laws on impeachment are a sham and a mockery due to mutual implication of government officials!   My great objection to this government [as constituted without the Bill of Rights] is that it does not leave us the means of defending our rights, or waging war against tyrants.   Have we the means of resisting disciplined armies, when our only defense, the militia, is put in the hands of Congress? Your guns are gone!   What resistance could be made?   Will you assemble and just tell them?   Even if you could assemble, how will you enforce rightful punishment when due?   Oh, sir, we should have fine times, indeed, if to punish tyrants, it were only necessary to assemble the people.   A standing army we shall have, also to execute the execrable commands of tyranny...   Let Mr. Madison tell me when did liberty ever exist when the sword and the purse were given up from the people?   Unless a miracle shall interpose, no nation ever did, nor ever can, retain its liberty after the loss of the sword and the purse!   Congress, by power of taxation, by the raising of an army, and by their control over the militia, have the sword in one hand and the purse in the other.   Shall we be safe without either?   Congress has unlimited power over both: they are entirely given up by us!   Guard with jealous attention the public liberty!   Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel!   Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force, and whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined!   When the government removes your armaments, you will have no power but government will have all power!" --- Patrick Henry, governor of Virginia  



2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Laura Ingraham
new wave of Islamic immigration into USA planned by Obummer regime
Leo Hohmann: World Net Daily (with graph)
"The number of students graduating with STEM degrees already far exceeds the number of STEM jobs available but powerful interests in the business community are pushing congress to allow more foreign skilled workers into the country.   Congress is considering new immigration laws that would flood the U.S.A. with 'guest-workers' from the Middle East and Asia, a plan some are calling an open invitation for jihadists to walk right through America's front door.   Critics say law-makers -- including top [RINO losers] -- are playing with fire and could jeopardize national security with the proposals to double or even triple the number of H-1B work visas... 'In 2012, there were more than twice as many people with STEM degrees (immigrant and native) as there were STEM jobs -- 5.3M STEM jobs vs. 12.1M with STEM degrees.', Camarotta said. 'Only one-third of natives who have a STEM degree and hold a job do so in a STEM occupation.'... In the globalist dream world, [corporate executives] would shift workers from Bangkok to Birmingham or from Islamabad to Atlanta [more readily than] they would from New York to Chicago in a borderless, seamless system geared toward labor mobility, multi-culturalism, and maximum hedging against wage inflation [i.e. suppressing increases in compensation]. They overlook the fact that immigration is already at historic highs, with a record 41.3 million immigrants now living in the U.S. (both legal and illegal), making up 13.1 percent of all U.S. residents, the highest percentage in 93 years, according to the CIS study. As recently as 1980 that percentage was 6.2 percent. This historic influx has kept a lid on wages for the average American worker, including tech workers. Immigrants are also far less likely to come from Europe now than 40 years ago and more likely to come from Asia and the Middle East, the study found... real wages for U.S. STEM workers, with the exception of oil-field engineers, have remained stagnant for more than a decade..."
ComputerWorld/IDG: Southern California Edison
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
Marco Rubio joins another gang to undermine middle-class jobs
"like many gang members, he has been unable to make a clean break and has now joined another gang -- the bipartisan 'Gang of 6'.   This bipartisan gang consists of senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Chris Coons (D-DE), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).   Their bill, the Immigration Innovation ('I-Squared') Act of 2015, would increase the number of H-1B visas, grant work permits to dependent spouses of H-1B holders, increase the number of green cards for [cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign STEM guest-workers with questionable ethics], and make it easier for H-1B holders to move from employer to employer.   According to the gang's press release, the bipartisan legislation is the result of constant outreach with 'leaders' in the business and high-tech industries, which means that it is definitely not an American jobs or middle-class friendly bill.   In fact, it is designed to do for American jobs in the high-tech sector what open borders did to lower-paying, American jobs -- eliminate most of them and drive wages down for any remaining jobs.   As Ronald Reagan would say if he were debating Rubio, 'There you go again.', because Rubio is once again selling his gang's bill for what it ain't.   He throws around the terms 'border control' and 'internal enforcement' when talking about it despite the fact that neither of these are in the bill [nor are they] a prerequisite for passage of the bill.   He also implies that the bill will create good-paying jobs for Americans in spite of the fact that the country has more than twice as many workers with science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) degrees than there are STEM jobs..."
Proposed Bills 2015
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Laura Ingraham
Republicans vs. RINO losership + the even more sextreme left/Reds/Dems
Mike Lillis: Hill

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Laura Ingraham
Iran has been accused by Kurds of sending 30K soldiers into Iraq

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
_Conservative HQ_
good news: Ted Cruz launched campaign for president
Austin TX American Statesman
Ashley Killough & Jeremy Diamond: CNN
Sarah Rumpf: Breitbart
Right Scoop (video)
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart
Fox: transcript
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
exposing the unseen hands trying to wreck the GOP
"The reporting done by Breitbart's Matthew Boyle on the decidedly anti-conservative views of media consultant Liz Mair, late of Wisconsin governor Scott Walker's 'Our American Revival', did much more than expose the fact that one obscure political consultant supports same-sex 'marriage' and amnesty for illegal aliens -- it exposed one of the unseen hands splitting the Republican Party and destroying it as the political home of limited government constitutional conservatives.   This unseen hand is not Ms. Mair, although she is a small part of it, it is a loose knit group of Washington political consultants, lobbyists, allegedly conservative media operatives and Capitol Hill staff who hold and promote views, such as support for same-sex 'marriage', open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens that are not just out of sync with the majority of grass-roots Republican voters, but directly opposed to the foundational principles of the Republican Party as expressed in its platform.   After Boyle began asking and reporting about Mair's views, about which she was not bashful, until it began to sink in that voters outside the Washington Beltway do not think highly of the political acumen or commitment to conservative principles of those who hold those views, allegedly conservative DC media types, consultants and staffers came out of the woodwork to defend Mair, and attack Matt Boyle on a strangely personal level...   This is the sales pitch the consultant class makes every cycle to Republican candidates who then surround themselves with inside-the-Beltway mercenaries who despise conservatives, run content-free campaigns and lose the election...   Why, exactly, would conservatives want 'a kid from Michigan with his own ideas', like [Derek Hunter], or Ms. Mair whose loyalties and regular paycheck lie with the Fortune 500, to have access to a rising presidential candidate and to be on the inside to make the argument that same-sex 'marriage', open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens are good government policy?...   Grass-roots conservatives trusted Ronald Reagan in some measure because Reagan surrounded himself with conservative leaders and the self-made California entrepreneurs who formed his old kitchen cabinet; men like Nevada senator Paul Laxalt, Lyn Nofziger, Dick Allen, Ed Meese, Marty Anderson, Jeff Bell, Tom Ellis, [David Stockman, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin] and judge William Clark were conservatives who were supporting Reagan because they believed in his ideas -- they weren't rented strangers looking for a pay-check whose loyalties could be had by the highest bidder.   Conservatives who wonder at the out-sized influence the urban elite seem to wield on Capitol Hill have only to look to Mr. Hunter's article to understand that it starts with who their candidates and elected officials hire for every position from driver, to media consultant, to chief of staff because those are the people who are going to spend the most time with the candidate and who are going to be there in the wee hours when last minute amendments are drafted or on the long drive back from an event making the argument for or against conservative policy.   What Matthew Boyle's article exposed, and what Mr. Hunter's counterargument confirmed, is exactly the point Mr. Viguerie has pounded on for many years...   who is in proximity to candidates and elected officials matters because those are the people who have access, and access equals influence.   Matt Boyle's reporting on the Walker campaign and Liz Mair was a great service to the conservative movement, not because it exposed the views of one obscure political consultant, but because it flushed out those like Mr. Hunter, who unwittingly confirmed exactly how the unseen hand of the anti-conservative parasites of the Washington consulting class are wrecking the Republican Party."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Sean Higgins _Washington DC Examiner_
more protections for illegal aliens, prosecutions of their employers
"The National Labor Relations Board, the federal agency that enforces labor laws, has started an aggressive new push to pursue cases against employers of illegal aliens.   Not only will the board's investigators ignore the immigration status of the workers in the complaint, but it also will help those workers obtain visas so they can testify against the employer.   That's according to a recent internal 'updated procedures' memorandum by agency general counsel Richard Griffin."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Brian Hughes _Washington DC Examiner_
left joins right in opposition to Trans-Pacific Partnership

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
the many costs of Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens and "work permits" for spouses of H-1B guest-workers
"...Nearly a third of all 'English learners' in U.S. public schools are third-generation Americans who still are not speaking English at home, and the Hispanic illegitimacy rate is 53%.   The cheap labor welcomed by employers is not only a huge impediment for American job-seekers, it's also a big expense to [tax-victims] who are hit with new costs of schools, hospitals and prisons.   The agency charged with approving the applications for [Obummer's] amnesty is getting ready for more than 800K applications in the first couple of months.   This agency is facing the prospect of trying to process at least 4M pieces of mail connected with the new amnesty, and all applications are supposed to be opened in the presence of 2 workers, one with a secret security clearance.   Obviously, we need a new bureaucracy for this awesome task, and USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) has already started to hire several hundred new employees and train them.   Luke Bellocchi, a former deputy ombudsman for USCIS, told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in February, 'It's going to be hard to tell how much fraud there is.'   Kenneth Palinkas, president of the National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council, said, 'How you could have proper adjudications this way is beyond my scope of reason.   They want to clerical-ize the job, and they're really not concerned about whether the documents entered are fraudulent or not.   They just want to push the papers along.'..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Charles Hoskinson _Washington DC Examiner_
Kurds' success against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is a diplomatic problem for the Obummer regime

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Jonathan Rosenblum _Jewish World Review_
Scott Walker's challenge, and ours

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
left's attempts to smear Netanyahu fell flat

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
lying in State

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
congress must investigate student tuition, fees, loan costs, and privacy violations
"Neither one wants to address the root cause, which is the soaring cost of a college education.   They would never do so because their friends in the intelligentsia would have to answer questions about their mismanagement of resources...   The increase in tuition keeps marching on, exemplified by the announced 25% increase by the University of California system..."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
hypocritical Dem/Red/leftist congress-critters (and governors and mayors) denounce GOP "meddling" in foreign policy?!?

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Joseph Perkins _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime's unconscionable lack of transparency

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
Dem/Red/leftist disarray?

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
assortive mating: the dilemma of college-educated women
"Since 1979, the report says, the number of women going to college has accelerated relative to male enrollments.   By 2012, there were 2.8M more women than men in college, and by 2020 this 'enrollment gap' is projected to grow to 4.4M as women account for 74% of enrollment growth.   In 2000, the adult populations of college-educated men and women were approximately equal.   By 2013, there were 4.9M more women age 25 or older with college degrees than men in that age group.   This means a shortage of suitable male partners for a growing cohort of young women, who are postponing family formation...   America has always aspired to be a meritocracy in which careers are open to talents and status is earned rather than inherited..."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
OIG: TSA gave pre-check clearance to convicted terrorist

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: USA has turned its back on God; when nations do this, their end is near
"'America has been blessed by God more than any nation on the face of the earth.', he said.   'When our country was birthed, its foundations and laws, were based on biblical laws and principles.'..."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Mark FitzGibbons _Cybercast News Service_
how to save the US constitution with 1 word

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Mark Mix _Cybercast News Service_
Illinois governor challenges union bosses' unconstitutional forcing of non-members to pay dues and fees

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Joseph Rossell _Media Research Center News Busters_
Pew poll: 59% support completely changing federal tax system
"On other questions, Pew survey participants also opposed higher taxes for themselves.   93% of individuals said that they already pay 'about the right amount' or 'more than their fair share' in taxes.   Only 4% said they were paying less than their 'fair share'...   4% of Americans think the tax system is 'fair'...   Thus 96% of Americans want tax reform that does not raise taxes...   ABC, CBS and NBC anchors and reporters often advocated for higher taxes...   The networks described [Obummer] as cutting taxes more than 4 times as often as increasing them between 2008 September 1 and 2010 August 31.   This occurred despite the fact [Obummer's] potential tax hikes were nearly 20 times the size of his tax cuts.   [Obummer's] signature triumph, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] created or increased at least 13 taxes, costing the middle class an estimated $377G, according to a 2013 March 12 Washington Post Fact Checker article.   The networks ignored that [ObummerDoesn'tCare] would increase taxes in 87% of stories between 2014 November 17 and 2015 February 17."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Kurt Schlichter _Town Hall_
there is no point in more defense spending while leftists are in charge
"The patriotic conservative hawks who are terrified by the deterioration of our military are absolutely right -- our military is in crisis.   But lifting the sequester caps and pumping more money into the Pentagon isn't going to solve the problem.   First, we need a president who actually cares about defending this country.   Second, we need to change the Defense Department from a feeding trough for government workers and contractors into a lean, mean, war-fighting machine...   America is on immeasurably weaker strategic ground than when President Bush left office.   That's not an opinion.   That's an empirical fact.   Iran is about to bake a hot rock, Putin is laughing at us, and all the while president Feckless is bragging about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq and Afghanistan [and Libya and Yemen and Europe and the UK...]..."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Star Parker _Town Hall_
a time for clarity about civil rights in the Middle East
"Freedom House rates on a scale of 1-7, '1' being the most free and '7' the least.   Israel is rated 1.5, receiving a grade of 1 on political rights and 2 on civil liberties...   The West Bank, under the Palestinian Authority, is rated 'Unfree' by Freedom House, giving it a rating of 5.5 on their 1-7 scale.   The Gaza Strip, where Palestinian Arabs live under control of Hamas, is also rated 'Unfree' at 6.5.   Hamas is also officially designated by the United States State Department as a terrorist organization.   This past February, a jury in a court in Manhattan found the Palestinian Authority liable for $655.5M in damages for terrorist acts in Israel in which Americans were killed and injured..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Scottie Hughes _Town Hall_
lecturer Obummer's lesson
"In 2008, many conservatives opposed the bank bail-out.   Why send $700G of hard-working Americans' [tax-victim] dollars to banks that had failed?   Some of us argued it was unfair.   Some of us argued it was unnecessary.   But among the strongest arguments we made was the moral-hazard argument.   Bailing out reckless behavior today will only encourage reckless behavior in the future..."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Jeff Crouere _Town Hall_
dear Barbara Booosh

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
the case against the value-added tax (VAT)

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
John Browne _Town Hall_
whether in the USA, South America or Europe, "quantitative easing" distorts the world economy

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
John Warren _Town Hall_
sleeping with the enemy
"our 2 nations have enjoyed a special relationship second only to that between the U.S.A. and the United Kingdom [since the end of the Civil War].   All presidents, Republican and Democrat, no matter their residence on the political spectrum, have protected and supported the people of Israel and their rights among nations.   Until this president.   There is no greater record of obsequious behavior toward Israel's enemies -- including some who have sanctioned and financed terrorist acts of war against the United States -- than that compiled by the [Obummer regime].   There is also no record anywhere of Israel ever threatening to wipe any other nation off the face of the earth, yet the United States now seeks to become a bedfellow with those who make such a vow against Israel every day with their morning prayers..."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
leftists continue to block bill to stop sex trafficking

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
evil Iranian "supreme leader" Ali Khamenei repeated Saturday that he wants "death to America"

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
as al-Qaeda seized city, Obummer regime still claims what they tried in Yemen should be a "template", a model of success
Michael Pearson: CNN: USA and UK evacuating
2014-09-10: William Kristol: Weekly Standard: deluded or evil Obummer claims Yemen and Somalia are models of success

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Joe Kovacs _WND_
Rush Limbaugh: and so the next phase of the election for president begins
"Now that conservative champion senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, radio host Rush Limbaugh says the most interesting thing in the 2016 race right now is what will the rest of the Republican field do in response...   'Some conservative blog or some conservative media type somewhere is gonna find one thing that conservative Candidate X falls short on and will say disqualifies him.   This is why the Republican Party ends up with the McCains and the Romneys.', he added.   'You have to go into this understanding there is not a perfect candidate.   There is not a candidate that is gonna be right on everything...'   Limbaugh said he is excited about what appears to be a diverse group of Republicans running for the Oval Office, providing a stark contrast to the 'vanilla on the Democrat side.   All you've got is Chairman Mao Junior.', he said, referring to names such as Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden.   'You don't have any diversity on the left whatsoever.   You've got far left, extreme left, and nothing else...   the Democrat base is so genuinely insane', that presidential hopefuls, 'have to deliver hate-filled extreme radical leftism in order to have the barest chance at winning the Democrat nomination, which does not bode well for diversity on the Democrat side.'..."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Republicans rip "cannibal Boehner" for undermining non-leftist goals and congressmen
"The ads were run by American Action Network, a nonprofit that counts among its board members former Boehner chief of staff Barry Jackson.   And the targets?   Representatives Jim Jordan of Ohio, Tim Huelskamp of Kansas and Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma.   AAN spent $300K or so on the spots...   The lawmakers, for their part, opposed the [dirty] funding bill because they wanted to press [president Barack Hussein Obummer] to give up his [unconstitutional and illegal] amnesty plans...   the AAN board includes several establishment Republicans friendly to Boehner, including former Republican National Committee chief of staff Mike Shields; former aide to George H.W. Bush and Richard Nixon, Fred Malek; and former senator Norm Coleman...   The Senate Conservatives Fund, for instance, has collected more than $90K for the trio..."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
supremes denied certiorari in challenge to Wisconsin voter ID law

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
mob stormed London synagogue shouting "kill the Jews"
"A mob made up of drunken hooligans forced their way into a London synagogue, breaking windows, assaulting at least two worshipers, and shouting obscenities and anti-Semitic slogans."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Ed Lasky _American Thinker_
Dems/Reds/leftists for a dictatorial presidency... but only when one of theirs is in the office

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
G. Murphy Donovan _American Thinker_
DNI cooked the books... again

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
brunch patrons fight back against "Black Brunch" protesters in Atlanta and Minneapolis

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Banafsheh Zand _American Thinker_
Obummer throws Iranian-Americans under the bus
"Many Iranians living outside Iran (specifically in Europe) have been assassinated at the hands of agents of the Mullahgarchy...   [Obummer] threw the Iranian people who rose up in 2009 to show their hatred and opposition to the Shia mafia under the bus.   And now, in his ill-conceived attempt to score one for his foreign policy, he is basically giving Iranian-Americans who have been model citizens and law abiding [tax-victims] to Tehran, on a silver platter, as the sacrificial lambs to his own political glory."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
policy positions of Ted Cruz

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
Yebbie Booosh's illegal immigration "act of love"

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Laura Ingraham
California vs. Texas job market
"California's unemployment rate in January was 6.9%, compared to 4.4% in Texas."
BLS local area statistics, state by state

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Laura Ingraham
true blue Republicans vs. the RINO losership and leftists/Reds/Dems

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
the police foreign legion
"According to a story in USA Today by Alan Gomez, a number of law enforcement departments throughout the United States -- including some in major urban areas, such as Chicago -- are hiring non-citizens as officers.   The article tells us that a few don't even demand that the individual be a permanent resident alien [have a green card]; they simply require that the alien have permission to work..."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Ted Cruz's electrifying, motivational, rousing speech

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Mychal Massie _WND_
today's main-stream media have become cultural Marxist race-mongers

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Bob Unruh _WND_
HHS contracts and consultancy agreements with Gruber being investigated

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Becky Gerritson _Conservative HQ_
congress must stop the Obummer "thought police"
"I am the president of the Wetumpka TEA Party in Alabama, one of hundreds of conservative groups that were targeted by the IRS.   Throughout [president Obummer's] tenure in office, officials at the IRS unfairly delayed or even withheld tax exempt status to conservative organizations based solely on the organizations' political views.   Not only that, they tried to intimidate those conservatives by demanding long lists of confidential information they were not legally entitled to and even leaked some of that information publicly.   It was a blatant effort to silence opposition to the current [regime's] policies.   To this day, no one at the IRS has been held accountable.   If anything, the perpetrators were given a pat on the back along with lavish retirements and lucrative bonuses.   I have stated in interviews many times that when unaddressed abuses go unpunished they only get worse.   Well that's exactly what is happening.   Not only has the IRS not amended their ways, but we have witnessed [president Obummer] get away with making his own laws while blatantly ignoring others.   Why in the world congress is allowing it to continue is beyond me!..."

2015-03-23 (5775 Nisan 03)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz is the first top-tier non-leftist candidate since Ronald Reagan
"First, is his ability to unite all three elements of the old Reagan coalition; national defense conservatives, economic conservatives and social conservatives with the new fourth leg of the 21st century’s winning conservative coalition -- the constitutional conservatives of the Tea Party movement.   Others, such as Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Rand Paul may have some appeal to elements of that coalition, but no one unites it the way Ted Cruz does.   Second, is Ted Cruz's understanding of and almost spiritual bond with America's country class -- the voters outside the Beltway who have looked with alarm at [Obummer's] fundamental transformation of America and seen not a spending bill to be negotiated or a deal to be cut, as the Republican establishment does, but an existential threat to American exceptionalism and the future of constitutional government that must be resisted at every turn.   Finally and perhaps most importantly, are Ted Cruz's zest for the battle of ideas between conservatives and [regressives/Reds/leftists] in both political parties and his intellectual gifts for fighting it.."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Anniversary of Virginia governor, Patrick Henry's 1775 "Liberty or Death" speech
Liberty On-Line
History Place
History.org/Colonial Williamsburg
American Rhetoric
University of Oklahoma College of Law
"Gentlemen may cry Peace! Peace! But there is no peace.   The war is actually begun... Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle?   What is it that gentlemen wish?   What would they have?   Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?   Forbid it, Almighty God!   I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In your town, your reputation counts; in another, your clothes do." --- Talmud (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
as tech exec calls for more cheap, young, pliant foreign labor, senate hears of displaced US STEM professionals
Town Hall
"...The original employees were making an average of about $110K a year, Hira testified; the replacements were brought to Southern California Edison by out-sourcing firms [cross-border bodyshops] that pay an average of between $65K and $75K.   'To add insult to injury', Hira said, 'SCE forced its American workers to train their H-1B replacements as a condition of receiving their severance packages.'..."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
H-1B incompetence
"On my last project before law school, we had an H-1B data-base administrator, Uma.   Uma did not know the first thing about data-bases and struggled to learn through books on the job.   Sadly, she had no real computer talent and would never become very good in the field.   So why was Uma on the project?   The company put in place a policy of only allowing contract workers from H-1B bodyshops to save them about $10 an hour.   The project manager was in the position of either taking Uma or no one -- which would have been the better choice.   While the project manager is tearing his hair out over not being able to get [able and willing] people, the Harvard MBAs in finance are boasting to the boss how they think they are saving money by using H-1B workers.   Many people are unable to understand why companies clamor for move H-1B workers when these folks are so inept.  
"For example, recently Rush Limbaugh was incredulous when his caller explained this.   It is easy to explain why H-1B workers are so incompetent.   Assume for the moment you are doing the hiring for a programming job.   You have 2 candidates that both have 10 years of experience.   One is a computer science graduate and the other is a history major.   Which one is most likely to be the better programmer? Easy! The history major.   The only reason a history major would stay in programming for 10 years is that she is pretty good at it.   She probably did a little programming on the side, discovered her talent, and moved into the job market.   If a computer science major cannot program, what else is he going to do?   Collectively, computer science (and related) majors make the worst programmers.  
"If you look at the incentives, the reason for H-1B incompetence is obvious: We have told the world 'Become a programmer and you can come to the United States'.   Thus, the H-1B program attracts people with no computer talent who persist because of the immigration opportunities.   Which gets us back to coverage of the hearing.   The Indian trade group NASSCOM is in defense panic mode now that Palmer has drawn attention to the industry's collective incompetence.   I especially like this headline: 'NASSCOM rubbishes Jack B. Palmer's charges of poor skillset of H-1B visa holders'.  
"The reality here is that Southern California Edison, Northeast Utilities, Cargill, Walt Disney World, and all the others are not going to save a dime hiring incompetent Indian off-shoring [and cross-border bodyshopping] firms...   There is money to be made from out-sourcing [and off-shoring, and cross-border bosyshopping] management consulting.   There is money to be made from holding out-sourcing [and off-shoring, and cross-border bodyshopping] conferences.   But there is no need to hire a 'why you shouldn't out-source' consultant."
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Laura Ingraham
IBEW Local 47 business-manager Patrick Lavin says push to increase H-1B visas is all to drive down compensation
"Lavin: [14:15] 'Any politician, senator, congressman that votes to expand the H-1B visa program, I personally will not endorse nor will I vote for them.   Again, I think a better use of H-1B would be to find replacements for those senators and congressmen.'"
Yebbie Booosh shows his ignorance: "'We have this H-1B visa program for highly skilled workers... [There is absolutely no skill-level requirement to get an H-1B visa, and 92%-98% of H-1B grantees are mediocre lights doing mediocre kinds of jobs]...   and there's a cap on the number of people who are allowed to get green cards out of this process.   We have a million [actually about 600K-700K] H-1B visa holders that are here and only 250K-300K a year are allowed in [actually a vastly excessive 130K-150K per year get new/initial H-1B visas and about 1% are considered worthy enough by their employer/sponsors to be sponsored for a green card, but they're only willing to pay those they sponsor for green cards about 0.001% above the median, rather than the 30% to 500% premium one would expect if they were highly-skilled]...   so the math suggests that a majority of these people who want to stay are having to leave, and they become our economic competitors...   It's foolish.   This is not a zero sum game.   I think a lot of people view immigration as, Well, by supporting immigrants, you're taking away from me [just because employers order able and willing US citizen STEM professionals to train the cheap, young, pliant H-1B guest-workers with questionable ethics, or lose any severance benefits, Yebbie can't see how it's directly harming US citizens, and refuses to even consider looking into the indirect harm, e.g. from able and willing US citizen STEM professionals who are never hired into STEM jobs because no one looks at their resumes, the millions of US citizen STEM professionals who are under-employed and not leveraging their STEM knowledge and skills, the undermining of professional ethics...].' [17:50]"
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
leftists in the USA, descendants of Jews, are ashamed of Jews in Israel
World Net Daily
"For the leaders of the American Jewish religious left ('Reform', 'Reconstructionist', and now 'Conservative' Judaism) Jews who are politically or socially conservative are a disgrace to Judaism, which, for left-wing Jews, is essentially the same as leftism.   Both religious and secular Jews on the left regard Jewish conservatives as moral traitors to the Jewish people..."

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Dick Meyer _Jewish World Review_
Apple Watch: digital dream or SF nightmare?
"It is easy to imagine that the Apple Watch 5.0 will provide perfect real-time information about your exact location, pulse, blood pressure, pulmonary function, brain activity, media consumption and output, hormone levels and happiness status to a central uber-brain somewhere in the Cloud, maybe near Cupertino. In the hands of Ming the Merciless, Darth Vader[, Barack Hussein Obummer, Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, Andrew Cuomo] or Vladimir Putin, this [would] be a bad thing, a perfect Big Brother dystopia... we see that the [Google-FB-Twitter-Apple-Comcast-Oracle-GE-Siemens-Lockheed Martin...] Circle is threatening privacy, individuality, creativity, solitude, rebellion and most of what we feel [and see and think] can't be reduced to the computation and binary code..."

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Guy Taylor & Ben Wolfgang _Jewish World Review_
Obummer tries to down-play Iran ruling thug's "death to America" remarks, remains critical of Netanyahu
Washington DC Times
Well, at least he is consistent in the sense that, if anything is right, good, positive and proper, Obummer opposes it; and if anything is harmful, bad, disgusting, corrupt, negative, or evil, Obummer supports it...jgo

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
fear and loathing inside the bubble

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Michael Smerconish _Jewish World Review_
politicians need to tackle infrastructure problem (instead of treating infrastructure funds as crony socialist pork)
"AAA Mid-Atlantic calculates that nearly 50% of American motorists have experienced damage to their vehicles as a result of pot-holes in the last 5 years... once every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers gives letter grades to our nation's infrastructure in 16 categories. In 2013, the overall assessment warranted a D-plus, and in the category of roads, we received a D (poor). The executive summary on roads noted: 'Currently, the Federal Highway Administration estimates that $170G in capital investment would be needed on an annual basis to significantly improve conditions and performance.'   The remainder of the report card had grades that would make any parent wince: Airports: D; Bridges: C-plus; Dams: D; Drinking Water: D; Energy: D-plus; Hazardous Waste: D; Inland Waterways: D-minus; Levees: D-minus; Ports: C, Public Parks and Recreation: C-minus; Rail: C-plus; Schools: D; Solid Waste: B-minus; Transit: D; Wastewater: D..."
This despite the infamous $1T Porkulus 1 and $800G Porkulus 2 for "shovel-ready jobs" early in the Obummer regime (not to mention the $750G TARP bail-out), which went into the pockets of his leftist political cronies, instead...jgo
2009-07-12: Michelle Breidenbach: Syracuse NY: porkulus money plugs state budget gaps while little goes to road construction

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
it was the worst of times...

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
manipulating suffrage to rig the "democratic" outcome

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
when the world's best hope is France...

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's deal to let Iran develop nuclear weapons may prove disastrous for Israel, Europe, and the USA

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
simple question collapses complex network of lies
World Net Daily

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Ted Cruz, almost an anti-Obummer
World Net Daily

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
Ted Cruz is a true blue Republican, and that makes him better than the rest of apparent candidates... so far
Washington DC Times

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Laura Ingraham
Judicial Watch: 165,950 illegal aliens who committed additional crimes have been turned lose into the general USA population as of 2014 April 26; Obummer regime and some local governments engaged in obstruction of justice
Bob Price: Breitbart
Judicial Watch

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Laura Ingraham
GAO: former federal extortionists can still access records
Robert W. Wood: Forbes

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Laura Ingraham
a few reasons why Ted Cruz could win
Ben Domenech: Federalist

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
John Fund _National Review_
would the leftist media be so vicious if Ted Cruz were an Hispanic Red/Dem/leftist?

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Josh Blackman _National Review_
only the insane and/or evil Obummer or Yebbie Booosh could believe that refusing to secure the borders, giving illegal aliens "work permits", increasing guest-work visas and refusing to conduct proper background investigations of visa applicants would increase USA national security

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
religious liberty is under global siege

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Susan Rice made a fool of herself again on Twit

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
governor Bobby Jindal pledged no new taxes, raised taxes, then denied doing it

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
C. Edmund Wright _American Thinker_
Ted Cruz makes in-roads in the most important primary of all
"the most critical Republican primary, at least for non-establishment candidates, is the Rush Limbaugh-Drudge Report-Breitbart-Mark Levin-Sean Hannity-Glenn Beck internet message board primary.   For a conservative base candidate to win the nomination, he or she must carry most of the above precincts..."

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Mary C. Michel _American Thinker_
"Fast and Furious" cover-up rewarded in appointment of new BATFE director
"Perhaps all of the professional reporters are too pressed for time these days to perform a basic [ixquick or DuckDuckGo] search.   Or, perhaps not a single so-called journalist has the brain capacity to remember a shameful, deadly national disaster called Fast and Furious.   In that government-operated illegal gun running scheme, thousands of guns were allowed to be straw purchased in the USA and transported to Mexico for sale to drug cartels so the Feds could track them.   Rather than tracking the guns, however, the Feds lost them.   That gross incompetence cost the lives of US Border agent Brian Terry, US ICE agent Jaime Zapata and an untold number of Mexicans who were murdered with those unlawfully trafficked firearms..."

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Christopher Chantrill _American Thinker_
let us talk about the clueless or evil financial regulators

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Deane Waldman _American Thinker_
unconstitutional Medicare is doomed. save the patients

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Warren Beatty _American Thinker_
college and university execs arrogantly ignoring their problems: rising tuition, student and parental dissatisfaction, technological disruption
"That higher education costs have risen was not disputed at the colloquium.   Higher education tuition, fees, and living expenses have risen by 1225% since 1978, more than 4 times [as much as] the Consumer Price Index [CPI].   But what is more distressing is the complete lack of concern displayed by academicians about factors besides cost that are important to parents who pay their salaries..."

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Obummer White House chief-of-staff Denis McDonough called for end of Israel's "50-year occupation" of Israel, instead of calling for end of violence-initiating Muslim's occupation of Israel

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
Ted Cruz is everything we have been longing to see
"...The GOP has tricked us before.   We conservatives are fed up, tired of being used and abused, suffering Battered Conservative Syndrome.   Cruz said everything we conservatives have been longing to hear.   As I have stated numerous times, it always comes back to character.   Can we trust Cruz to follow through on his campaign promises when we get him elected?   In our tour bus, I met Ted Cruz and hung out with his awesome dad, Rafael, at a Tea Party rally in Texas.   This is not a formal endorsement, but Ted Cruz is a man of character.   I believe we can trust him."

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
Brooks county TX spends half of the sheriff's budget on recovery of bodies of illegal aliens
"since 2008, his officers have recovered the bodies of 443 illegal aliens along their 934-square-mile section of the Southwest U.S. border at the southernmost tip of Texas.   This is a rate of about 6 bodies per month.   Although the Brooks county sheriff's department has spent nearly $700K in body recovery efforts -- about half of the department's budget -- Martinez estimates they recover less than half of all illegal aliens who die while being smuggled across the unsecured border in Brooks county alone...   Martinez went on to explain how Mexican gangs and drug cartels control the southern U.S. border and take advantage of unsecured areas to smuggle drugs and people across privately owned ranches..."

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
senator James Lankford (R-OK): compliance with federal regulations costs $2T/year

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
price of ground beef hit record $4.238/pound in February

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
price of electricity hit record 13.8 cents/KWh; index at 213009 in February

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Rob Natelson _Cybercast News Service_
how leftist propagandists are trying to sucker non-leftists into opposing a convention to amend the US constitution

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Yarden Frankl _Arutz Sheva Israel National News_
Palestinian Authority, Abbas, Hamas, Fatah, Iran to blame for repeatedly initiating violence against Israel
"There has also been no reduction in the glorification of terrorism and incitement against Israel by the PA...   The most telling fact is that 3 times in the past few years (2000, 2001, and 2008) the Palestinians have been offered their own state [were even given back their state of Gaza=Palestine].   Each time they rejected the offer [and initiated more violence]."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-03-24 (5775 Nisan 04)
Kevin D. Williamson _National Review_
Ted Cruz could win
"Conservatives of a Burkean bent, having attended the school of example, might pause to consider that the last senator who effectively launched a presidential campaign 11 minutes and 37 seconds after he was sworn in did, in fact, go on to become president, and that it will take the republic a generation to recover from the damage done..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The peoples of the Balkans were enslaved by fellow Europeans, as well as by the peoples of the Middle East, for at least 6 centuries before the first African was brought to the Western Hemisphere. Before the modern era, by and large Europeans enslaved other Europeans, Asians enslaved other Asians, Africans enslaved other Africans, and the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere enslaved other indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere." --- Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pg113 (citing Daniel Evans 1985 May "Slave Coast of Europe" _Slavery and Abolition_ vol6 #1 pg42; Robert C. Davis 2003, 2004 _Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy 1500-1800_ pg59; Daniel J. Boorstin 1965 _The Americans vol2: The National Experience_ pg203)  



2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruze announced... Yebbie Booosh went silent... or did he?
"...As our friend Mark Levin observed, Fox News and other Republican-leaning media outlets have not been silent [but] doing the Bush campaign's trashing of Cruz for them.   Said Levin: 'As you all know I'm a huge fan of the Fox News channel.   Particularly certain hosts.   But I have to wonder: if Ronald Reagan was running in 1976 starting in 1975 against Gerald Ford, how most of the people at Fox would treat him.   Because to my great dismay -- as I was preparing for the program, I had my favorite cable network on -- and a number of the people were trashing Ted Cruz.   Not enough experience, he's too young, too conservative, needs a bigger tent, he's down in the polls...   These people are neophytes.   Neophytes.   They've never fought in Republican primaries for conservative candidates.   They don't even take the time to learn the history of this country or the Republican Party.   And I am convinced that if Reagan were alive today and Gerald Ford were live today, and we were doing a re-run of 1975-1976, Reagan would be trashed all over our favorite cable channel.'   Levin went on to cite ad hominem attacks on Cruz from various Fox News personalities such as commentator Charles Krauthammer and the various panelists of 'The Five'...   Levin's response to Krauthammer's criticism of Cruz was one we share -- the good doctor missed the entire Reagan revolution while he was working for Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale, so like Levin we are not particularly overwhelmed by his repeated dissing of conservative outsiders like Cruz..."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruz in good-natured sarcasm noted that there's nothing like the warm embrace of the leftist main-stream media
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
"The day after announcing his presidential ambitions, Cruz told Megyn Kelly [that] one of his favorite comments came from the New York Times, which said that Cruz could not be swayed by the Washington elites, who hate him.   'And I have to admit, my immediate thought was, holy cow, do I have to disclose that to the Federal Election Commission (the agency that tracks political contributions)?   I mean, I can't think of a better summary of why I'm running.   If you're looking for a candidate embraced by the Washington political elite, I ain't your guy.'   Cruz, a first-term senator, said he's running for president because, 'I love the Constitution.   And I am fighting for freedom.'   Amid the grid-lock in Washington, he said his accomplishments include 'stopping bad things from happening', including gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting..."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
compare leftist main-stream media's treatment of Obummer with their treatment of Ted Cruz

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Leah Barkoukis _Town Hall_
Hispanic activists in Texas fight for immigration law enforcement

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Michelle Malkin _Cybercast News Service_
the NAACP's fomenters of fear
Jewish World Review
Town Hall

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
"Syrian rebels" seize ancient town of Bosra/Busra al-Sham near Jordanian border
"The town's capture is [strategically] because of its geographical location as well.   Busra al-Sham is perched on highlands 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from the Jordan border, overlooking the plains that spread out from the southern out-skirts of Damascus...   They included members of al-Qaida's branch in Syria, the Nusra Front group...   Busra Sham is a predominantly Sunni town with a population of about 30K but also has a sizable Shiite community...   The target of the operation is Idlib, a city of 165K people and capital of a province with the same name..."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Laura Ingraham
at discrimination trial of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, it's a battle among lawyer power-houses
"Silicon Valley is usually measured on its products and profits.   Now, in a rare turnabout, it is about to be judged on its behavior...   Ellen Pao, a former junior partner at Kleiner, says it discriminated against her, retaliated when she complained and ultimately fired her..."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Laura Ingraham
DHS deputy-secretary Alejandro Mayorkas aided McAuliffe, Reid, Rendell in relation to EB-5 visa-related projects, WatchDog finds
Alan Katz: Bloomberg
"The number of EB-5 visas issued by the U.S. has soared recently.   The USCIS gave out 10,692 of the residency permits in fiscal 2014, according to the State Department.   That was a 25% increase from a year earlier and was more than 10 times the number issued in 2007.   Chinese investors accounted for more than 85% of the EB-5 visas issued last year."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Laura Ingraham
DHS deputy-secretary Alejandro Mayorkas gave special favors to Hitlery Rotten Clinton's brother, Harry Reid, Terry McAuliffe related to EB-5 visas
Chuck Ross: Daily Caller
DHS OIG report (pdf)

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Laura Ingraham
illegal alien convicted of murder in California has been declared "rehabilitated" and paroled into the USA
Marisa Gerber: Los Angeles CA Times
"Edel Gonzalez expected to die in prison for the crime he committed at 16.   For his role in the 'savage, brutal and senseless' car-jacking that ended in murder, an Orange county superior-court-judge in 1993 sentenced Gonzalez, who wasn't the triggerman, to life in prison without the possibility of parole...   In late 2013, Orange county superior-court-judge Thomas Goethals held a resentencing hearing in the case, in which he condemned how the 'life was snuffed out' of the victim, a teacher's aide.   During the hearing, a prosecutor described how a .44-magnum bullet splattered bits of the victim's brain throughout her car, and told a judge that he hadn't been able to get in touch with the victim's one known relative...   Gonzalez, who emigrated from Mexico as a toddler, was released Tuesday on parole and into the custody of immigration officials, corrections officials said."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Jonah Golberg _National Review_
Obummer's bad foreign policy is driven by a pathology of rabid leftism, racism, anti-semitism and willful ignorance
Jewish World Review

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Michael A. Memoli _Jewish World Review_
Obummer still increasing anti-semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Netanyahu rhetoric
Tuvia Brodie: Arutz Sheva Israel National News

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Lucy Westcott _Jewish World Review_
House creates task force to combat global anti-semitism
Arutz Sheva Israel National News
Jude Abeler: Daily Caller
Jerusalem Post
Ellie Silverman: McClatchy
Berlin Algemeiner
Aubree Abril: Dallas TX Morning News

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
Obummer's "success" in Yemen joins list of disasters

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Valerie Richardson _Jewish World Review_
non-leftist professors are winning legal battles, but losing the campus culture war
Washington DC Times
"taking universities to court isn’t enough.   He said [non-leftists] need to make a bigger play by founding and taking back institutions of higher education from the dominant [leftist] culture...   Schools where conservative thought flourishes include Chapman College in California, Colorado Christian University, Gordon College in Massachusetts, Grove City College in Pennsylvania, Hillsdale College in Michigan and Wheaton College in Illinois, but they're badly out-numbered, Mr. Adams said..."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
why companies like Uber can give us an uber future

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
Obummer the American stalker obsesses over controlling everyone's lives
Washington DC Times
"But now the stalker in chief's wing-men at the Environmental Protection Agency have issued a $15K grant to the University of Tulsa for the development of a wireless device to monitor how much time you spend in the shower."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Western advocates of "nation-building" should master recently-deceased statesman's legacy of lessons
Town Hall
"Today Singapore has a per capita Gross Domestic Product more than 50% higher than that of the United Kingdom and a crime rate a small fraction of that in England.   A 2010 study showed more patents and patent applications from the small city-state of Singapore than from Russia.   Few places in the world can match Singapore for cleanliness and orderliness...   Singapore had little in the way of natural resources.   It even had to import drinking water from neighboring Malaysia.   Its population consisted of people of different races, languages and religions -- the Chinese majority and the sizable Malay and Indian minorities.   At a time when other Third World countries were setting up government-controlled economies and blaming their poverty on 'exploitation' by more advanced industrial nations, Lee Kuan Yew promoted a market economy, welcomed foreign investments, and made Singapore's children learn English [along with their families' language], to maximize the benefits from Singapore's position as a major port for international commerce..."
Nicholas Vardy: Town Hall

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Michael Bender _Jewish World Review_
what we've learned about Yebbie Booosh so far

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
NATO's new perils

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Iran-backed terrorists in Yemen seized US intelligence files, informant identities, counter-terrorism plans... passed them on to Iran
Brian Bennett & Zaid al-Alayaa: Los Angeles CA Times
Matt Vespa: Town Hall

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
when Border Patrol agent tased driver, car exploded (video)

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Cornell dean Joseph Scaffido: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate Muslim terrorists are welcome on campus

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
U of Phoenix lost half of its students, stock dropped more than 20% today
"Enrollment at America's largest for-profit university was about 460K students five years ago.   Now it's 213K...   Apollo Education Group (APOL)...   revenues and enrollment both sank roughly 14% in its latest quarter compared to a year ago."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Penn State president Eric Barron embraces unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers
"Pennsylvania State University president Eric Barron fielded fierce legislative fire for letting Bill Ayers, co-founder of the violent Weather Underground, speak before Dickinson Law School students earlier this month.   A handful of state senate Appropriations committee members slammed Barron during a budget hearing, the Associated Press reported."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Garth Kant _WND_
peaceful protesters outside his office jailed as Boehner keeps on turning left

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Michael Brown _WND_
anti-Cruz missiles flying in from the left
"He wants to do good things!!", they wail.

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Ted Nugent _WND_
7 NYC children who did not have to die
"...The Nugent tribe has sufficient firepower throughout our home and on our persons to turn meth-heads into worm food.   We also have numerous fire extinguishers, sufficient smoke alarms and learned evacuation plans in the event of fire.   Fire is one of America’s leading cause of deaths.   According to the National Fire Protection Association, seven Americans die each day from fire-related injuries.   Of the deaths resulting from home fires, 60% were in homes that did not have smoke alarms or had smoke alarms that did not work..."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Erik Rush _WND_
hateful, black, racist monster and her digitized diarrhea
"It may come as some surprise that Banks, a wildly successful young black woman, is very angry.   And hateful.   In fact, she's even angry that people take note of her ire, as she openly states in the interview.   For Azealia Banks, just about everything is about race and racism.   Or gender and misogyny.   Or sexual preference and homophobia.   Or pretty much any distinguishing characteristic that she can rhetorically exploit and make a victim of someone -- as long as they're not straight, white, or Christian.   And, yes -- she believes that people who take note of her anger are doing so for reasons of race..."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _WND_
power-mad government's fixation on spying and lying, and active resistance to securing ports and borders
Jewish World Review
"The Israeli Mossad was spying on Kerry while the CIA was spying on the Mossad.", which we accept as reasonable among nation-states.   "Yet, government spying [on US citizens within the USA] is not normal to the Constitution.   Its essence -- government fishing nets, the indiscriminate deployment of government resources to see what they can bring in, government interference with personal privacy without suspicion or probable cause -- was rejected by the framers and remains expressly rejected by the Fourth Amendment today."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Linda Harvey _WND_
LGBT privilege

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Larry Elder _WND_
4 black cops killed in 7 days; where's the outrage from the Obummer regime?
Jewish World Review
Town Hall

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Jane Chastain _WND_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton is one of the worst federal government employees in USA history

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
man with concealed firearm stopped slaughter by murderer in Philadelphia barber-shop

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Laura Ingraham
Pew: the "middle class" continues to shrink

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
corrupt Obummer regime declassified top-secret info about Israel's nuclear weapons
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air
Ari Yashar & Matt Wanderman: Arutz Sheva Israel National News
Bob Unruh: World Net Daily: Obummer's jihad against Jews spills Israel's nuclear secrets

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
House Ways and Means committee passed along additional explicit prohibition against IRS abuse of private e-mail for official business

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
leftist media attacking Robertsons, again
"The same media currently looking the other way with respect to this, this and this, are once again -- out of bigotry, ignorance, or both -- attacking 'Duck Dynasty' patriarch Phil Robertson for doing absolutely nothing wrong (unless you count being a Southern Christian wrong -- and let's face it, many in the media do).   A little over a year ago the predominantly anti-Christian main-stream media attempted to personally destroy and 'other' Robertson for talking about sin, including homosexuality.   Now he's being attacked as an 'intolerant' 'freak' for making a perfectly valid point about atheism and moral relativism.   Look at this -- this toxic left-wing mix of ignorance and propaganda was all manufactured in less than 24 hours.   Here's a small taste..."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Ruth Tucker _Breitbart_
House passed $3.8T over-spending target "budget" for FY2016

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Walter E. Williams _Town Hall_
what's gone wrong with "democracy"?
"The suggestion is that democracy is some kind of ideal for organizing human conduct.   That's a popular misconception.   The ideal way to organize human conduct is to create a system that maximizes personal liberty for all.   Liberty and democracy are not synonymous and most often are opposites.   In Federalist Paper #10, James Madison explained, 'Measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an interested and overbearing majority.'   Democracy and majority rule confer an aura of legitimacy and respectability on acts that would otherwise be deemed tyrannical.   Let's look at majority rule, as a decision-making tool, and ask ourselves how many of our life choices we would like settled by majority rule.   Would you want the kind of car you own to be decided through a democratic process, or would you prefer purchasing any car you please?   Ask that same question about decisions such as where you shall live, what clothes you purchase, what food you eat, what entertainment you enjoy and what wines you drink.   I'm sure that if anyone suggested that these choices be subject to a democratic process, we would deem it tyranny.   Our Founders saw democracy as a variant of tyranny.   At the 1787 Constitutional Convention, Edmund Randolph said, '...that in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and follies of democracy.'   John Adams said, 'Remember, democracy never lasts long.   It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.   There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.'   [Even power-mad fan-boy of monarchy] Alexander Hamilton said, 'We are now forming a Republican form of government.   Real Liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments.   If we incline too much to democracy, we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of dictatorship.'   By the way, the word democracy appears in none of our founding documents..."

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
_Town Hall_
Illinois legislator Peter Breen (R-Lombard) recognizes that license plate readers are a privacy violation

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Chelsea Schilling _WND_
media's vicious lies about VietNam war refuted... again, in documentary movie "Ride the Thunder: A VietNam War Story of Victory and Betrayal"

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Julia Gorin _Political Mavens_
march of crimes

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Theodore Shoebat _Right Side News_
Fulani Muslims in Nigeria ambushed and slaughtered 82 Christians asleep in their beds

2015-03-25 (5775 Nisan 05)
Anna Szécsényi-Nagy, Guido Brandt, Wolfgang Haak, Victoria Keerl, János Jakucs, Sabine Möller-Rieker, Kitti Köhler, Balázs Gusztáv Mende, Krisztián Oross, Tibor Marton, Anett Osztás, Viktória Kiss, Marc Fecher, György Pálfi, Erika Molnár, Katalin Sebők, András Czene, Tibor Paluch, Mario Šlaus, Mario Novak, Nives Pećina-Šlaus, Brigitta Ősz, Vanda Voicsek, Krisztina Somogyi, Gábor Tóth, Bernd Kromer, Eszter Bánffy, Kurt W. Alt _Proceedings of the Royal Society_
tracing the genetic origin of Europe's first farmers reveals insights into their associations
"Farming was established in Central Europe by the Linearbandkeramik culture (LBK), a well-investigated archaeological horizon, which emerged in the Carpathian Basin, in today's Hungary.   However, the genetic background of the LBK genesis is yet unclear.   Here we present 9 Y chromosomal and 84 mitochondrial DNA profiles from Mesolithic, Neolithic Starčevo and LBK sites (seventh/sixth millennia BCE) from the Carpathian Basin and southeastern Europe.   We detect genetic continuity of both maternal and paternal elements during the initial spread of agriculture, and confirm the substantial genetic impact of early southeastern European and Carpathian Basin farming cultures on Central European populations of the 6th–4th millennia BCE..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "'Ambition', [James Madison] wrote, 'must be made to counter-act ambition.   It may be a reflection on human nature', he went on, 'that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government.   But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?'" --- Richard Brookhiser 1992 _The Way of the WASP: How It Made America and How It Can Save It... So to Speak_ pg32 (citing 1961 _The Federalist Papers_ pg322)  



2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the reasonable senator Ted Cruz and his positive and future-oriented agenda vs. the extreme leftist whackoes
Town Hall

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer up to more unconstitutional and illegal action on immigration, on L-1B visas; illegally redefining "specialized knowledge" out of existence
Byron York: Washington DC Examiner
"Companies who transfer workers to the U.S.A. through an L-1B visa have to show that those workers bring some sort of 'specialized knowledge' to the job -- that is, they have particular knowledge that would be hard, if not impossible, to find elsewhere in the United States.   [Obummer schemes] to broaden the definition of 'specialized knowledge' so much that it could conceivably used to cover just about any foreign worker a company wants to bring here [as though it had not already been stretched far beyond reason]..."
Itika Sharma Punit & Shivani Shinde Nadhe: Business-Standard: the malevolent Obummer's decree fails to cheer executives of India-based cross-border bodyshops and off-shoring operations
Daniel M. Kowalski: Lexix/Nexis
Economic Times of India: boost for Indian "IT" workers, more devastation of US citizen STEM professionals
Jerome Hutchinson: Capital Wired

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
latest US ICE chief Sarah Saldana remains opposed to conscientiously doing the job

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Sean Piccoli _News Max_
former Graham county Arizona sheriff: Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens is driving another surge of invaders (with video)

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
senator Tom Cotton, tragic hero
Town Hall
"First designated as a sponsor of terrorism in 1984, Iran has been deemed by the State department to be the leading state sponsor of terrorism.   It has openly threatened to destroy Israel.   It sent operatives into Iraq to kill Americans.   It has now carved out Shiite dependencies in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.   Given all that, no sane American administration would trust the Iranians to give up their nuclear program..."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Jeffrey Poor _Breitbart_
Mo Brooks (R-AL) noted that Ted Cruz could be as great of a president as Ronald Reagan

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Jack Moore _Jewish World Review_
Amnesty International: Palestinians/Fatah/Hamas/Islamic Jihad committed war-crimes in Gaza=Palestine conflict against Israel last Summer
La Regione Ticino Switzerland
Tovah Lazaroff: Jerusalem Post
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
Iran theocrat's death wishes for the USA and Israel vs. Obummer's "hope"
"Iran's 'supreme leader' recently said 'Death to America' and meanwhile his country is gaining power in Iraq, Yemen and Syria, still sponsors terrorists, is working on a ballistic missile program and has made clear Israel is a goner if Iran is ever in a position to make that happen.   Supposedly on behalf of America, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] is negotiating a nuclear weapons deal that could put it in that position.   The deal would allow Iran to keep centrifuges and other means of making [nuclear weapons] when other restrictions were eased in 10 years, as now appears to be part of the plan..."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
a challenge to Islam's archaic ways
Town Hall

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
_Jerusalem Post_
terror attack thwarted when bomb was found near cave of the patriarchs in Chebron

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Yaakov Lappin _Jerusalem Post_
Islamic Jihad gaining numbers and strength in Eastern Israel region: new generation of Fatah Tanzim
"A Palestinian protester wearing a mask featuring the Palestinian flag, uses a sling to hurl stones at Israeli troops in Bil'in...   Islamic Jihad's central base is in the Gaza Strip=Palestine, and it has been a loyal Iranian proxy for many years, depending on Tehran for funds, training, and weapons.   Iran, for its part, has attempted to get money into [Eastern Israel] to spread its influence, so far with very limited success, due to Israeli security efforts and the Palestinian Authority's resistance to Iranian sponsorship.   A second force that is emerging in the West Bank is the Fatah Tanzim, which was once a dominant terrorist group during the years of the second intifada.   Youths from Fatah Tanzim are not bound by an agreement that older members came to with Israel in the previous decade, which saw Israel remove them from the wanted list in exchange for a cessation of terrorist activities..."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
feel the magic: good stories feed the souls of young and old alike

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Curtis Houck _Media Research Center News Busters_
leftist media fail/refuse to cover DHS report alleging preferential treatment for Hitlery Rotten Clinton's brother related to EB-5 visas
"On Wednesday night, the 'big 3' of ABC, CBS, and NBC all neglected to cover the latest problem facing likely Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a report from the Department of Homeland Security's [DHS's] inspector-general (IG) found that a senior DHS official assisted Clinton's brother Tony Rodham and Democrat governor Terry McAuliffe (VA) in obtaining visas for their foreign business associates.   According to the report, Homeland Security deputy-secretary Alejandro Mayorkas gave 'an appearance of favoritism and special access' while he led U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and 'communicated with' those seeking the approval of visas 'outside of the normal adjudicatory process and intervened with the career USCIS staff in ways that benefitted the stake-holders'...   FNC's chief White House correspondent Ed Henry reported that it spells 'fresh trouble' for Clinton and raises 'new questions about what her thousands of deleted e-mails might show' following the release of the IG report...   Tony Rodham ran a company involved in raising money for McAuliffe's venture building electric cars.   Republican Senator Chuck Grassley declaring, quote, 'Digging into the report and reading about specific cases, you can see just how questionable Mr. Mayorkas' ethics and judgment were.   And, just as bad, is the blind eye that the [Obummer regime and the senate] turned when elevating this individual to the number 2 spot at the Department of Homeland Security [DHS].'..."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Harry Reid pressured DHS to expedite $115M EB-5 visa deal for his son's gambling casino client

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Cause of Action calls on DoJ to launch criminal investigation of Alejandro Mayorkas, Harry Reid, Terry McAuliffe in EB-5 influencing schemes

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
at private RINO dinner in NH Scott Walker endorsed creating yet another path to citizenship for illegal aliens
"Walker may be on the verge of burning himself down before he actually gets started...", though it's possibly an effort by Yebbie operatives to undermine his election.

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Conn Carroll _Town Hall_
corrupt oath-breaker Obummer backs Alejandro Mayorkas who gave illegal favors to Red/Dem/leftist campaign donors in crony socialist EB-5 visa schemes

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Jill Lawless _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
king Richard iii re-buried
Jeff Jacoby: Town Hall
Jeff Jacoby: Jewish World Review
"Royalty, religious leaders and actor Benedict Cumberbatch joined archaeologists, Richard's distant relatives and curious Britons for a service in Leicester Cathedral that saw Richard's bones buried with dignity, 530 years after his violent death..."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Kenneth Kopf _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's naive or evil deal to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, cloaked in deception?
"When PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, negotiated a 'peace' treaty with Israel, he was criticized by other Muslims for conceding too much.   Arafat responded with, what would be to the West, a cryptic response.   'I see this agreement as being no more than the agreement signed between our Prophet Muhammad and the Quraish in Mecca.'   This reference is to a peace treaty between Muhammad and his Quraish opponents in Mecca in 628, in which Muhammad broke the treaty after 2 years, claiming a Quraish infraction.   In justifying his actions, Muhammad said, 'If I take an oath and later find something else better, I do what is better and breach my oath.' (See, Sahih Bukhari V7B67N427).   This belief and actions are founded in the Quranic concept of 'Taqiyya' -- Deception.   It is founded in the Quran and carried out under Sharia law.   Under Sharia law, all human acts are categorized as either forbidden, discouraged, permissible, recommended or obligatory.   It is under sharia that in certain situations, 'taqiyya', or deception, is not only permitted but is required.   This obligation is found in various provisions of the Quran -- such as 4:29.   This obligation is historical.   During early Christian-Muslim battles, Muslims were forced to choose between recanting Islam or be put to death.   It was interpreted by Islamic jurists that in such situations Muslims were obligated to lie to the infidels..."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
600 acts of kindness: in memoriam

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Arina Grossu _Cybercast News Service_
GAO confirms that abortion advocates spent $1.5G in tax-victim funds in a 3-year period
Susan Berry: Breitbart
"The GAO report found that 'the 6 organizations spent $481M in federal funding from Fiscal Years 2010 to 2012, as well as about $1.2G in combined federal and state funds under federal health programs that require shared funding.   Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) spent the greatest share of this public funding -- approximately $1.5G in combined state and federal dollars, or an average of about $500M each year.'"

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Tom Davies _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Indiana governor signed law to protect religious liberty of business owners

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
coalition of more than 10 Sunni states launch air-strikes against Iran's Shi'ite, al-Qaeda & ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate proxies in Yemen
Town Hall/AP

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Brian Hughes _Washington DC Examiner_
why Obummer still calls the destruction of Yemen by Iran-backed terrorists a "success"
Mike Vespa: Town Hall

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
co-pilot of Germanwings jet, Andreas Lubitz, intentionally crashed it near Seyne-les-Alpes in French Alps
Laura Ingraham
John Hayward: Breitbart
Daniel Hoherty: Town Hall
Thomas Lifson: American Thinker

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
John Roberts _Fox_
tax-victims have been paying federal government employees to do work for labor unions

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
corrupt judges sentence 73-year-old man to 75 years in prison for "intimidation" in trying to get back his own Montana ranch

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
lieutenant-general Kenneth Tovo to US senate: terrorist gangs are benefitting from Latin American drug trade
"...Last week, Southcom commander general John Kelly expressed concern about Iran's presence in Latin America and warned that Sunni extremists are radicalizing coverts and other Muslims in the region.   He also warned that terrorist groups like the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate may exploit the knowledge of smugglers in Latin America to infiltrate the United States.   Breitbart News reported that Hezbollah operates across Latin America.   Experts said the Shiite movement organization, which is officially listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, generates millions of dollars through drug trafficking, money laundering, and other criminal activities in the Americas..."
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
Obummre regime will allow Iran to maintain centrifuges in fortified underground bunkers to develop nuclear weapons
"AllahPundit": Hot Air

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
US A-10 Thunderbolt ii attack planes train in Poland in NATO security-assurance mission

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
counter-terrorism operation by Italian police took down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate cell in northern Italy

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
another I-35 bridge, this time in Salado, TX, has collapsed

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
GAO: swap of deserter Bowe Bergdahl for 5 terrorist leaders, without the legally-required 30-day notice, was a "high crime"
2014-06-04: Awr Hawkins: Breitbart: names of soldiers who died searching for deserter Bowe Bergdahl

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Christine Rousselle _Town Hall_
_Bias in the Booth_ is a must-read for political junkies and sports fans

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Town Hall_
amendment by consent, as corruption goes unprosecuted and unpunished... because of corruption among judges and prosecutors

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Zachary Gappa _Town Hall_
homeless people, empty houses, federal demolition grants, and home-owners rarely at home, as the GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues
"...Currently 67% of households are dual income, and the market has adjusted to the new norm.   The modern dual income household has comparable discretionary income to a single income household in the 1970s.   So, there's no one at home for the kids, and we aren't any better off financially.   We've traded family time and leisure so that both parents can 'have a career'..."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
John Ransom _Town Hall_
Washington DC is addicted to crony socialism
"Cronyism, back-room deals, and corruption seem to be the only way things 'get done' in Washington DC anymore..."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
_Town Hall_
changing priorities in USA household expenditures
BLS tables

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
D.W. Wilber _Town Hall_
the difference between Tom Cotton and John Kerry: it's to senator Cotton's credit that he has not been a career politician like John Kerry

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
critique of GOP over-spending budgets
"there's far too much spending in both plans, and neither chairman proposes to get rid of a single Department. Not HUD, not Education, not Transportation, and not Agriculture. Heck, the budgets don't even go after low-hanging fruit such as the Small Business Administration [SBA], National Endowment for the Arts, Corporation for Public Broadcasting [CPB], or Legal Services Corporation."
Ed Feulner: busting the budget
"Spending on K-12 education takes 1 cent of each dollar.   Transportation: 3 cents.   National defense: 17 cents.   'Income security', a term that encompasses such things as tax credits for the poor, welfare programs, etc.: 19 cents.   Net interest on the national debt: 7 cents.   But the big players are [unconstitutional programs: Socialist Insecurity] (24.3 cents) and spending on Medicaid, Medicare and other health care programs (26.3 cents)."
graphs from Heritage

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
David Avella _Town Hall_
not ready for "Clintitlement"
"After thousands of written words and hundreds of hours of cable commentary focused on Hillary Clintons e-mail woes, it all boils down to 1 basic takeaway.   The Clintons have an unmatched talent, an uncanny ability, to find themselves in endless scandals, many of them their own making, most the result of setting their own rules, and all of which raise questions about their judgment and trustworthiness."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
DHS head Jeh Johnson insanely likens Quran to "quintessential American values"
Frank J. Gaffney ii: Washington DC Times

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
senolytics dramatically increase life-span, reverse aging
Stephen Morgan: Digital Journal
"The drugs are called senolytics, which have been used to destroy senescent cells.   When they stop dividing, these cells drive the aging process and accelerate ill-health among the elderly...   targeting the senescent cells with 2 anti-cancer drugs -- dasatinib (trade name Sprycel®) and quercetin, a natural supplement which is used as an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory medication.   Using them in tandem with senolytics was successful in destroying the cells without negative consequences..."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Paul Kengor _American Thinker_
Washington Compost tries to sugar-coat Obummer's leftist mentor Frank Marshall Davis

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Hamas children proudly rap "we bombarded Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv"
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
"Little House on the Prairie" sheds light on media bias

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Ferenstein Wire _Breitbart_
socialist Thomas Piketty's theory on income equality refuted by 26-year-old MIT grad student

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Alicia A. Caldwell _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
DHS OIG claims that Alejandro Mayorkas violated ethics rules but not any laws in crony socialist favors for families of Harry Reid, Hitlery Rotten Clinton & Terry McAuliffe; timid Grassley did not so much as ask that Mayorkas be fired or resign

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: Obummer erroneously believes Isreal is illegitimate
"Levin concluded that [Obummer] was 'arming up the enemy, and participating in destroying the ally'."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Laura Ingraham
House just voted to break the balanced budget plan it approved less than 24 hours ago...
Pete Kasperowicz: Blaze
"Just a day after the House passed a resolution calling for a balanced budget within the next 10 years, the House turned around and passed legislation that would increase budget deficits by $141G, putting a balanced budget [even 10 years from now] out of reach once again...   Some observers say the permanent doc fix bill is even worse than advertised, and could add $500G in deficits by 2035.   The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget made that assertion in a report it issued on the bill Wednesday..."
... and the senate passed their unbalanced budget before leaving town

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Chuck Baldwin _News with Views_
Ted Cruz preliminary pros and cons

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
_Conservative HQ_
Richard A. Viguerie to NYTimes: non-leftists aim to unite behind an alternative to Yebbie Booosh

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
in budget proposal senate requested faster deportations for illegal alien children

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Drew MacKenzie _News Max_
Newt Gingrich: we are losing war against violence-initiating Muslims

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Christian Zimmerman _FRED: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis_
the many flavors of inflation

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Vic Forbes _American Thinker_
celebrate the warmth

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
80-year record inventory of crude oil is straining USA's storage capacity; only 2 new refineries have been built in the USA since 1976, about 100 have been closed, but improvements have been made to many
"There were 142 operable petroleum refineries in the United States as of 2014 January 1.   The 'newest' refinery in the United States began operating in 2008 in Douglas, Wyoming with an initial capacity of 3K barrels per calendar day (bbl/cd).   As of 2014 January 1, the facility has 3,800 bbl/cd of capacity.   However, the newest complex refinery with significant down-stream unit capacity began operating in 1977 in Garyville, Louisiana.   That facility came online in 1977 with an initial atmospheric distillation unit capacity of 200K bbl/cd and as of 2014 January 1 had capacity of 522K bbl/cd.   Ground was broken in 2013 March for construction of a new refinery in Dickinson, North Dakota.   The 20K barrel per stream day (bbl/sd) Dakota Prairie facility is scheduled to open in 2014 December.   Kinder Morgan plans to start up a 50K bbl/sd condensate processing facility on the Houston ship channel by the end of 2014."

2015-03-26 (5775 Nisan 06)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a different contribution to the sesquicentennial landscape, on the last days of the war

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "There are still a few [heroic] souls who gamely try to hold on to what lingering shreds of anonymity they possess.   They never fill out questionnaires; they give their [Socialist Insecurity] numbers [SINs] only to their bank and to their broker [a good reason not to have a broker].   They encrypt their e-mail;   they bypass the super-market discount card that links identity to purchases;   they pay cash for medical procedures they do not want known;   and they wait patiently for e-cash to become a reality.   Joining these hardy individualists are impressive privacy advocates such as EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center, http://www.epic.org) and Net groups like cypherpunks (cypherpunks-request@toad.com), which believe in untraceable communications and in the technology needed to achieve it." --- Anne Eisenberg 1996-03 _Scientific American_ pg 120  



2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Bono: capitalism takes more people out of poverty than hand-outs

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
House Judiciary committee voted for several immigration reform proposals

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
DHS secretary Jeh Johnson admits that thousands, probably tens of thousands, of illegal aliens are still invading the USA without hindrance

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Ken Blackwell _Daily Caller_
Obummer's immigration legacy: lower wages and less security for US citizens
"Since he took office in 2009, deportations to date under [president Obummer] have plunged by 58%.   In fact, recent data from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE) show that the rate of deportations in just the last 3 months have been cut by 43% compared with 3 years ago.   Now, there's the latest report from Judicial Watch indicating that as of 2014 April, federal immigration officials released nearly 872K illegal aliens, of which 165,900 are convicted criminals...   American citizens understand the serious economic impact of illegal immigration.   In addition to Americans having to compete with illegal immigrants for jobs, the nation as a whole has seen a dramatic depression in wages as we import more and more workers to compete for jobs.   Following complete inaction under the Clinton and Bush presidencies, [Obummer's] policies have further exacerbated the strain of illegal immigration on the nation's economy as well as our security...   Since last April, we’ve had nearly 166K criminal illegal aliens running loose in our communities, killing innocent Americans such as 21-year-old Grant Ronnebeck.   His uncle, Michael Ronnebeck, delivered a heartbreaking testimony before a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee panel just a few weeks ago.   During his remarks, Mr. Ronnebeck spoke of his nephew's murder at the hands of an illegal alien with an extensive criminal record, but who had been apprehended and released by ICE in 2013..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
new data show international gangs with roots in Central America are the most violent

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
surge of alien invaders along Texas border leaves state less safe: with state militia DPS people helping US Border Patrol, they're writing fewer tickets

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
2009-09-25 at Pittsburgh, PA, Obummer said that Iran's underground nuclear weapons facility was inconsistent with a program of peaceful intent

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
doctor had given Lubitz an excuse from work for illness

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
German police search Lubitz's home
John Hayward: Breitbart: Lubitz tore up note from doctor
John Hayward: Breitbart: missing pieces of the puzzle

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Donna Cassata _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
the corrupt Harry Reid says he won't seek re-election, but to use resources to elect more Reds/Dems/leftists

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
federal government debt is 15 times what it was when Harry Reid first got into congress: $145,131/household (with graph)

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
"Syrian rebels" urge Arab states to fight both against Iran's Houthi in Yemen and to un-seat Bashar al-Assad in Syria

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
American Psychological Association (APA) and American Sociological Association (ASA) efforts to block debate about homosexual "marriage" are snake-oil
"...The APA and the ASA should be the guardians of good science.   Instead, they have joined the ranks of the pink panzers of political correctness.   Most studies we have seen that claim that children raised by same-sex parents suffer no disadvantages are so seriously flawed that in any other context, the ASA and APA would be the first to point out those methodological flaws...   they violate 'Stats 101'.   The most notable of these is the use of something called an opportunity sample...   Another flaw is what we call the snowball sample...   That only compounds the methodological problem...   In the last two years there have been a few reports from large sample surveys and they come up with very different conclusions.   Rather than 'letting the debate begin' by encouraging more diversity and exploration of competing hypotheses in robust surveys, the ASA is insisting on consensus, shutting down debate, aiding and abetting the hounding and persecution of those professors who dare to do good big-data research..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Cruzing toward the resurrection of main-stream conservatism
Cybercast News Service
"The ambush-prone main-stream media (MSM) has difficulty trapping senator Ted Cruz, not just because he is mentally agile and verbally adroit.   He has truth and authenticity on his side, and it is much harder to trip up someone of that description.   Media watch-dog NewsBusters shares a litany of examples of MSM hosts doing their best to demean Cruz following the announcement of his presidential campaign.   Let's just glance at a few of those...   Cruz conceded the importance of building a coalition, but rejected the premise that it is necessary to dilute his principles in the process.   Cruz said, 'We need to bring together the old Reagan coalition of conservatives and evangelicals and libertarians and Republican women and young people...'   Would he ask [president Obummer] how ardent Second-Amendment supporters, opponents of his open-borders policy, those who reject his global-warming hysteria, pro-lifers, supply-siders and strong constitutionalists would fit into his rigidly leftist ideological coalition?...   Again, Cruz rejected the premise and struck back.   'You know, Jon, it's a funny thing when you work in the media that somehow you think it is a hard line to present a positive optimistic vision.   My speech today talked about imagining an America that gets back to free-market principles and the constitutional liberties the country was built on.'..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
Japan prime-minister Shinzo Abe's optimistic vision, worthy goals

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Alan Fram _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
senate passed proposal for plan for budget bill, now it's time to work out House vs. senate differences & priorities and write a real budget
"Both budgets embody a [moderate] vision of shrinking projected federal deficits by more than $5T over the coming decade, mostly by cutting health care and other benefit programs and without raising taxes...   The legislation is a non-binding blue-print that does not require [Obummer's] signature but lays the ground-work for future bills that seem destined for veto fights with the president...   On the budget, only two Republicans voted no: senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky, a pair of presidential hopefuls.   Two other potential GOP presidential candidates, senators Marco Rubio of Florida and [Lindsey Grahamnesty] of South Carolina, voted yes."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
R' Berel Wein _Jewish World Review_
living the commanded life... as a means to fulfilling our ultimate life's purpose
"Even though we live, or believe that we do, in a world of ultimate free choice and personal autonomy, the structure of all civilizations and societies is that we are commanded to do certain things in life..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Steve King (R-IA): "I don't understand how Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second and support Israel along the line of just following their president"

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
managing Obummer's war against Israel

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's offensive: hate the good and love evil

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Stav Ziv _Jewish World Review_
in time for PassOver, Six13 has released parody of Mark Ronson's "UpTown Funk" which featured Bruno Mars
"...Six13 is not the only group that's made PassOver videos. In 2013, for example, The Maccabeats, another Jewish a capella group, made 'Les Miserables: A Passover Story'..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a heroine for our time

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Cameron Huddleston _Jewish World Review_
biggest grocery shopping mistakes
"Figures from the U.S. Department of Agriculture show that, on average, a family of 4 spends up to $1,300 a month on the food it consumes at home."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Howard LeWine _Jewish World Review_
MIND diet protects against Alzheimer's
Christopher Wanjek: Live Science

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Lizette Borreli _Jewish World Review_
pop psych: how your name may affect your behavior
Medical Daily

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
cultural disintegration: a pop quiz

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Ukraine and Crimea: Guernica all over again
"To quote [Leon Aron], a long-time student of communist tactics, 'while democracies usually seek peace, their opponents are always after victory...'..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
Benghazi: was a CIA dis-information expert part of a rogue intelligence operation?

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Iran: "death to America!"
"Maybe I'm too sensitive, but when a foreign autocrat leads his people in chants of 'Death to America!', I take it personally...   Some in Iran have urged that the 'Death to America' chant, common after Friday prayers and at political rallies, be down-played during negotiations over a nuclear deal, but the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) rejects this, insisting, according to the semi-official Fars News Agency, that the United States 'is still the great Satan and the #1 enemy of the (Islamic) revolution, and the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation...'   Senator Tom Cotton, R-AR, responded, 'When someone chants, Yes, certainly, death to America, we should take him at his word, and we shouldn't put him on the path to a nuclear bomb.'   We are left to wonder at the equanimity among high-ranking members of this administration at the unyielding hostility of the Iranian regime.   In late February, Iran blew up a full-size model of the U.S.S. Nimitz, an aircraft carrier, in the Persian Gulf.   The supreme leader's representative on the IRGC, Ali Shirazi, recently boasted, 'When we look at the Islamic world, we see that the culture of the Islamic Revolution has reached all countries and all Muslims throughout the world...   We shall not rest until we raise the flag of Islam over the White House.'..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
how to deal with a bully like Obummer

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Fredreka Schouten _USA Today_/_Gannett_
people have donated $2M to Ted Cruz campaign for president

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
senators and US military officials are concerned about Iran's growing influence in Latin America
"'General Kelly's warning arrives at a time when thousands of unknown individuals continue to be caught and released [into the USA] at the border.', senator Sessions told Breitbart News.   'It arrives on the heels of repeated declarations from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) case-workers that we are rubber-stamping immigrant applications.', he then said, adding, 'And it arrives squarely in the midst of [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] unilateral suspension of our sovereign immigration laws.'..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
former US attorney: DoJ should open a criminal investigation into EB-5 irregularities involving Harry Reid's son, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Hitlery Rotten Clinton's brother

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Chris Stirewalt _Fox_
will Harry Reid, Nasty Pelosi and Barack Obummer cling together to form "bitter-end cabal"?

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Ryan T. Anderson & Sarah Torre _Cybercast News Service_
why it is a good policy to protect religious liberty
"The Indiana law is based on the 1993 federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act—a law that has served the American people well for more than 20 years.   Passed with 97 votes in the senate and by unanimous voice vote in the House, the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act was signed into law by then-president Bill Clinton.   This federal law prohibits substantial government burdens on religious exercise unless the government can show a compelling interest in burdening religious liberty and does so through the least restrictive means.   No one has the right to have the government force a particular minister to marry them, or a certain photographer to capture the first kiss or a baker to bake the wedding cake...   By passing its Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Indiana joins the 19 other states that have implemented such laws.   11 additional states have religious liberty protections that state courts have interpreted to provide a similar level of protection.   These commonsense laws place the onus on the government to justify its actions in burdening the free exercise of religion..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer is the greatest threat Jews have faced since the 1930s
"'...he is doing more now to degrade Israel's military and defense posture, its intelligence information -- he's doing more now to arm Israel's enemy -- than anybody...   I think it's true.   Because a nuked-up Iran, in my view, will attack Israel.   And in fact, if they can get 'em on their ICBM's, they're going to attack our West Coast.   And the reason the French and the Germans are concerned -- yes, because of Israel, but also for themselves -- is because they happen to be a little closer to that neighborhood than we [are]'..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Keith Ellison (D-MN) recognizes that it is not constitutionally proper for congress to give its law-creating, budgeting authority to the executive branch

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
in obstruction of justice, Hitlery operatives scrubbed e-mail server

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
John Wahala _Center for Immigration Studies_
constant "activity" on the California border
"The San Ysidro port of entry just south of San Diego is the busiest border crossing in the world.   Hundreds of thousands of people cross daily.   Many thousands more enter through neighboring ports in San Diego and Imperial counties.   In fiscal year 2014, officers inspected more than 28M vehicles and 18M pedestrians entering southern California.   To accommodate this crush of people, Congress approved a billion-dollar expansion of the facilities at San Ysidro and nearby Calexico that is underway.   The project is said to have already reduced waiting times, which can exceed five hours.   Then there is the illicit flow of people around the ports of entry.   The San Diego sector is the historic epicenter for illegal immigration.   By the mid-1980s, the number of apprehensions reached well over half a million.   Illegal crossers would organize into groups of a hundred or more and enter on 'banzai runs'.   The incursions became so brazen and frequent that Congress initiated Operation Gatekeeper in the mid-1990s, increasing the number of agents and constructing a fence.   The initiative brought immediate results.   Apprehensions dropped significantly...   Authorities have discovered more than 75 underground passageways since 2008, some of which were designed by professional engineers.   One had lighting, ventilation, hydraulic doors, and a railway..."

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Jeffrey Sparshott _Wall Street Journal_
UMich consumer sentiment index slipped from 95.4 in late-February to 91.2 in mid-March to 93 in late-March
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-03-27 (5775 Nisan 07)
Peter Foster _Breitbart_
"climate change"/warmism is a political crusade in search of rationalizations
"The great global warming fandango is -- at root -- the latest example of politically expedient demonization of the capitalist system.   First let me provide some background on how I came to this issue, and pay tribute to a very important academic advisor to the GWPF: David Henderson..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "When America lost, so did humanity and the cause of freedom, even in VietNam.   More people were killed in IndoChina in the first 3 years of the Commuist 'peace' than had been killed in 13 years of the anti-Communist war.   Those victims were a direct result of the anti-war movement efforts.   The survivors had been swallowed by a socialist police-state even worse than the corrupt regimes that it replaced.   Salting those wounds, the left showed a lack of concern for the victims that was matched only by its continuing alice towards America.   But what finally turned us away from the left was not only the evil it had done.   It was its inability to look at its deeds and make a moral accounting to steer an altered course that would keep it from contributing to similar tragedies in the future." --- David Horowitz 2013 _The Black Book of the American Left: vol1 My Life and Times_ pg230  



2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
census bureai: another illegal alien enters the USA every 33 seconds
USA Over-Population Clock

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Pew: rate of employment of illegal alien males is 12% higher than for US-born males and legal immigrants
"In 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, an estimated 91% of illegal immigrant males were in the workforce.   This compares to 84% of legal immigrant men and 79% of U.S.A.-born males, Pew Research Center demographer Jeffrey Passel in written testimony prepared for a March 26 hearing held by the senate Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee...   '[Illegal alien] men of working age [16 years of age and older] are considerably more likely to be in the work-force than U.S.A.-born men (91% versus 79%).', Passel declared in his written testimony.   'For women, the opposite is true; only 61% of [illegal alien] women are in the labor force, compared with 72% of U.S.A.-born women.', Mr. Passel continued.   The data provided by the Pew demographer show that U.S.A.-born females are more likely to be in the work-force than illegal immigrant women (61%) and legal immigrant women (68%), respectively.   In 2012, there were an estimated 10M more males (82.3M) participating in the work-force than women (72.7M), according to the U.S. Department of Labor...   [illegal aliens] made up about 5.1% of the labor force [but US ICE can't be bothered to lift a finger to find, arrest, deport, and remove them]."

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
Kerry Flynn _International Business Times_
Duke U: cancer glioblastoma brain cancer patients cured with "vaccine" made from polio- + rhino-virus

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Harry Reid may fear indictment by Republican attorney-general in 2017, over EB-5 visa scams

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
Alexander Marlow _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz described grass-roots strategy for college audience at New England Freedom Conference

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Muslim jihadists attacked Somali hotel, murdered 17 civilians, wounded over 30

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Boko Haram murdered 41, halted elections in Nigeria

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
Danny Lee Weston _Breitbart_
warmism as leftist malware

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
climate hysterics trying to turn world into North Korea... one time zone at a time

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
NIck Hallett _Breitbart_
BBC propagandist & UCL physicist claimed "documentary" was "balanced in sense that there is no 'skeptic' voice"

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
only 40% of "middle class" who start college get degrees
KBMC Kansas City
"Only 40% of college entrants who were high school seniors in 2004 and whose families earned between $46K and $99K had secured bachelor's degrees by 2012, according to the first measure.   This compares to a graduation rate of 63% for those from the top of the income ladder, and 28% and 20% for moderate- and lower-income students, respectively.   Similarly, the second measure, which looks at all dependent students who started college in 2003 from families with incomes between $60K and $92K, found that only 45% had earned a bachelor's by 2009."

2015-03-28 (5775 Nisan 08)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
Ted Cruz starts with words of action about the US constitution

This Date in History
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On This Day
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Proposed Bills 2015

  "Your America is doing many things in the economic field which we found out caused us so much trouble.   You are trying to control people's lives.   And no country can do that part way.   I tried it and failed.   Nor can any country do it all the way either.   I tried that, too, and it failed." --- Herman Goering 1946 (Mary Ruwart 1992 _Healing Our World_  



2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Kiran Dhillon _Tech Crunch_
how privacy violators Google, FB, and other STEM executives pay their H-1B guest-workers
"An analysis of records from the Office of Foreign Labor Certification (OFLC) reveals that the median salary offered to H-1B applicants by some of the biggest tech companies -- Amazon, Apple, FB, Google and MSFT -- [based in hideously high cost-of-living areas] is well over $100K and continues to rise...   FB has been the most lucrative company for H-1B visa holders thus far in 2015 (of the five companies above), with a median salary of $135K across all positions.   But how do the companies stack up for specific roles?...   Note: All data cited in this piece represents median salary information from H-1B visa Labor Condition Applications (LCAs).   H-1B visa LCAs should not be confused with [actual compensation for those] granted H-1Bs.   After an LCA is approved, the company can enter their applicants into the H-1B visa lottery [and a visa applicant can sometimes choose among employer/sponsors].   Statistics on granted H-1B visas are not available through the OFLC."

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Phil Perrier _Political Mavens_
reading: a love story badly directed

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Mitch McConnell in Jerusalem: the senate will vote on legislation to review any Iran deal

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Scott Walker tries to toughen campaign talk about immigration after being castigated; what he would do in office is still questionable

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Netanyahu warns that, as we expected, Obummer's deal with Iran has gotten even worse

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz: GOP losership blocked his fund-raising after they defeated attempt to defund ObummerDoesn'tCare in 2013

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
haters of self-defense being turned back in states across the USA

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
John Fund _National Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: the left's Nixon

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Joseph Farah _WND_
yes, Obummer is anti-semitic

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
war declared on Christians: what'll you do?
"ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is attacking historic Christian towns and destroying churches and artifacts in both Iraq and Syria. More than 125K Christians -- men, women and children -- have been forced from their homes over the last 10 months in Iraq. In 2003, there were 1.9M Christians in the country; today there are less than 150K!   Christian women and children are being raped and put on the slave market in Muslim countries. ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has even vowed to lead the Muslim conquest of Rome, headquarters of the Catholic Church..."

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Chuck Norris _WND_
3 effervescent Americans aboard Germanwings flight 4U9525

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Bill Federer _WND_
Civil War: both sides prayed to the same God

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Carol E. Lee & Jay Solomon _Wall Street Journal_
Barack Hussein Obummer is ramping up his lobbying for treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Carol E. Lee & Jay Solomon _Wall Street Journal_
Barack Hussein Obummer is ramping up his lobbying for treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
reflections on the Ellen Pao sex discrimination case
"...she was portrayed in company records and by numerous witnesses as having a sense of entitlement, apparently because she felt her Princeton and Harvard degrees gave her an imprimatur of top talent.   Whether this charge was accurate or not in Ms. Pao's case, my own obseration is that it rings true for many in [Sili Valley] who attended the Ivies.   One lesson to be drawn is that mastering the art of gaining admission to Ivy League schools does not automatically imply that one has the chops to do well in business and industry..."

2015-03-29 (5775 Nisan 09)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
left fears facts: from "gay" "marriage" to climate change: lord Monckton applauds 34K black-led churches for taking stand

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "[T]he value of economics lies in its enabling us to recognize the true significance of problems, divested of their accidental trimmings.   No very deep knowledge of economics is usually needed for grasping the immediate effects of a measure; but the task of economics is to foretell the remoter effects, & so to allow us to avoid such acts as attempt to remedy a present ill by sowing the seeds of a much greater ill for the future." --- Ludwig von Mises 1934-06-?? at Vienna _The Theory of Money & Credit_ pg 23  



2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
why are we importing foreign labor at the expense of perfectly capable US citizens?
American Spectator
"Hira testified that the lion's share of recipients are not the cream of the work-force, but more like 'ordinary IT workers'.   As for the notion that there is a shortage of STEM workers, Hira added that if skilled workers were as much in demand as H-1B boosters suggest, SCE workers would have left for better jobs.   Instead, they are training their replacements.   Rutgers professor Hal Salzman has done extensive research on the STEM work-force and estimates that 10% to 15% of H-1B visas go to winners of a 'talent search'.   He believes the government should accommodate such hires.   But for the most part, the temporary jobs program exists to replace American workers at lower wages.   He slammed the program as a '20% off sale' on hiring..."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Ted Kennedy's ruinous immigration legacy: 50 years of low/non-existant standars, vastly excessive student and guest-work and green card visas
"It's worth reflecting on how much America has changed since 1965, and examine the effects of the legislation Kennedy promoted that brought it about.   The passage of the act marked a fundamental change in America's immigration policy: Rather than serving the interests of Americans and national unity by setting limits on immigration, the act put 'family unification' as the top priority, serving the interests of foreigners first...   Fifty years later, the Census bureau predicts that the foreign-born population is set to increase 85% by 2060, where Hispanics will see their number grow by the tens of millions and native-born whites are the only group expected to decline in both absolute numbers and fertility rates.   Fifty years later, the U.S.A. places no numerical limit on the immediate family members of aliens admitted into the country.   Despite holding only 5% of the world's population, the U.S.A. is the most popular destination in the world for immigrants, attracting 20% of all the world's [cross-border] migrants.   Fifty years later, the U.S.A. allows some 11M to 20M illegal aliens to squat on its territory while allowing over 1M more each year to legally enter the country.   Fifty years later, the native-born population of whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews and all the rest suffer economic loss while the foreign-born see net job growth.   Fifty years later, Central American governments are propped up by $12.2G in remittances taken out of the American economy by foreign workers the U.S.A. refuses to tax or expel.   Fifty years later, Central American migrants, thousands of whom are indigenous Mayans who can't write or speak even Spanish, storm the border in endless waves while federal agents fly them to nearly every state in the union without so much as a photo ID -- while American citizens are fondled and scanned by the very same TSA agents.   Fifty years later, we have 'representative' Luis Gutierrez threatening Americans in Spanish, vowing they they will be made to suffer 'electoral punishment' for resisting [yet another] path to citizenship for illegal aliens, declaring his one loyalty is the not to the United States but to foreigners breaking immigration laws, and printing 'Do Not Deport Me' cards for those same individuals.   Fifty years later, Americans are led by a president who illegally grants deportation stays for 5M illegals that will allow them to get [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)] (and therefore the ability to vote in U.S. elections) along with $35K per head in tax benefit freebies forcibly taken Americans who managed to hold onto their jobs, who joyfully predicts that a 'president Rodriguez' will leave the borders wide open for future tsunamis of immigrants.   Fifty years later, American schools punish 'racist' students who wear shirts depicting the American flag and [tax-victim]-funded colleges vote to ban the flag after angry [illegal aliens] complain it 'triggers' them.   Fifty years later, illegal alien Cinthya Garcia-Cisneros received no jail time after she slaughtered 2 Oregon children playing in a leaf pile by running them over, fleeing the scene, having her car taken to a car wash to scrub off the gore, and lying to police about her hit-and-run.   Fifty years later, illegal alien Ramiro Ajualip is charged with savagely raping and sodomizing a 10-year-old Alabama girl while her parents left her alone in the presence of their 'family friend'.   Fifty years later, Vanessa Pham's family carries on without their daughter, who died after the PCP-addled illegal alien Julio Blanco Garcia stabbed her more than a dozen times after she gave him and his toddler a ride to a hospital.   Fifty years later, American marathon runners walk on prosthetic limbs and suffer through countless painful surgeries after Muslim Chechen immigrants Tamerlane and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were granted asylum so they could plot against the country that bent over backwards to accommodate them.   Fifty years later in Boston, where English colonists sparked what would become the American Revolution, nearly half of all children have at least one foreign-born parent.   'Learning English isn't so easy' thanks to incredible demand for adult English-language classes, reports Boston.com.   'Boston can't benefit from its diversity if everyone can't communicate.'   [Tax-victime] are on the hook for $500K to teach just 200 students, yet total enrollment in these classes stands at 3,400 with another 4K immigrants on wait lists.   The costs Americans pay in lowered wages, strained social safety nets, their children's blood, their declining quality of life, the chaos of sharing space with an ever-swelling criminal population aided and abetted by the nation's elite, the berating Americans of every stripe endure when they dare ask their country merely be preserved -- that's the real legacy of Ted Kennedy."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
give me your tired, refuted arguments, your poor reasoning
National Review

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
_Red Orbit_/_PR News Wire_
IEEE*USA: USA does not need more H-1B visas

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Michael S. Derby _MarketWatch_
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco CA: jobs find workers more often than workers find jobs
Wall Street Journal
Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Bart Hobijn, Patryk Perkowski, & Ludo Visschers: FRBSF Economic Letter
"...people on a pay-roll actively search for jobs at about half the rate as those without jobs.   Employed workers who search are much more likely to transition into a new job than those who do not.   However, roughly three-quarters of job switchers did not report having looked for a new job, because there are many more nonsearchers than there are job-seekers.   Instead, workers who switched jobs seem to have been actively sought out and recruited by their new employers...   About 4.3% of wage and salary workers reported actively searching for a new job, compared with about 9% of those without a job.   Our 4.3% estimate may seem tiny, but active job-searchers constitute a significant labor market force.   In February 2005, for example, of the 130M wage and salary workers in the United States, almost 5M were actively searching for a new job.   Adding these on-the-job searchers to the roughly 8M unemployed yields a total of 13M individuals who were searching for new jobs that month...   Table 1...shows that more than three-quarters [77.6%] of workers who switched employers did not report active job search in the previous 3 months [but only 1.8% of employed who did not actively search were hired into new jobs, while 29.1% of those who were unemployed and actively seeking work got jobs]."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
the Obummer-Google crony socialist conspiracy

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
corrupt Obummer regime is slowing, denying release of public documents

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's hypocritical attack on Netanyahu
"The candidate who captivated America with his promise to transcend partisan and racial rancor turned out to be the most consistently polarizing president in modern history..."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Fionna Agomuoh _Jewish World Review_
is Obummer's Middle East policy one of "willful ignorance" as his former DIA director Michael Flynn said Sunday, or is it knowing malevolence?
International Business Times
Susan Jones: Cybercast News Service

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Felicity Capon _Jewish World Review_
In UK, teachers once charged with instilling Western values feel uneasy doing so among suspected jihadi "youth"

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
git along, l'il Harry
"The news that Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid will not contest the next election and has decided to ride that lonesome trail into the sunset of lobbying and consulting naturally reminded me of the great man's finest hour -- his stirring defense of [federally subsidizing the] cowboy poetry program..."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Celia Rivenbark _Jewish World Review_
I wish Hitlery would show me how to make e-mail messages disappear

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
love the lifesavers and praise the heroes

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
leftist media distortion of religious freedom bill
Washington DC Times
Valerie Richardson: Washington DC Times: Indiana singled out for bashing by gays over 19 other states
Brett Arends: MarketWatch: not actually an anti-gay law

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
doctor Ben S. Carson: it is absolutely vital that Americans stand up for Indiana's religious freedom law
"'It is absolutely vital that we do all we can to allow Americans to practice their religious ways, while simultaneously ensuring that no one's beliefs infringe upon those of others.   We should also serve as champions of freedom of religion throughout the world.', Carson tells Breitbart News.   He notes that individuals committing horrific acts of intolerance are persecuting people across the world because of religion..."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Ian Hatchett _Breitbart_
senator Marco Rubio: it is constitutionally valid for people to refuse service to gay marriages
"Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) said that he believes people who don't want to provide services for same-sex marriages on religious grounds have 'a valid constitutional concern', and that it should not be legal 'to deny someone service at a restaurant or at a hotel because of their sexual orientation', on Monday's broadcast of 'The Five' on the Fox News Channel.   Rubio was initially asked if he would support adding sexual orientation to the Civil Rights Act, to which he responded, 'I haven't heard that proposal before, and therefore don't fully understand how something like that would work.'..."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Yebbie Booosh follows doctor Ben Carson in defending Indiana's religious liberty law

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Rex Murphy _Jewish World Review_
universities: cocoons of self-indulgence and anti-intellectualism
National Post
"...The ability to think clearly, and the absorption of the best that has been thought and said, have given the world all the moral and scientific progress -- real progress -- it has ever known.   As universities become more and more the willing hostages of the anti-thought brigades, the more they will diminish in both esteem and worth."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
crony socialism sending US to the poor-house: Obummer regime + corrupt congresses have been showering billions on Iberdrola, Bank of India...
"Good Jobs First maintains a subsidy tracker -- where you can look up which companies are getting rich from public funds.   It recently issued a report on 'Uncle Sam's Favorite Corporations' -- the companies that have gained the most from federal grants, special tax preferences, loans and loan guarantees...   Iberdrola, companies such as NextEra Energy, NRG Energy, Southern Company, Summit Power and SCS Energy all have reaped more than $1G in federal largess, often receiving payments through programs meant to boost renewable energy."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
USA: it's about ideology, not race or ethnicity

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
Reps & Dems in congress and executive are partners in over-spending

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
5 years later ObummerDoesn'tCare is still a disaster

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Martin Schram _Jewish World Review_
Iran's nuclear weapons program, their supplies and productes, need to be eliminated, their talent extracted

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Laura Ingraham
Amir Hossein Motaghi: Obummer's negotiating team is mainly there to speak on Iran theocracy's behalf
Daniel Halper: Weekly Standard
John Hayward: Breitbart
Ahmed Vahdat & Richard Spencer: London Telegraph

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Lolita C. Baldor _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Obummer defense secretary Ash Carter contemplating lowering enlistment standards

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Iran's theocrats claim US drone killed 2 Iranian "advisers" in Iraq

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
men dressed/disguised as women try to ram NSA gates, blocked by security vehicle, shots were fired, at least 2 injured
Laura Ingraham
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
Jeffry Bartash: MarketWatch

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Rich Tucker _Breitbart_
Dem/Red/leftist propaganist/"organizer" snapped selfie near site after NYC explosion

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
voice recording from Germanwings flight 4U9252

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
gunman stopped man intent on murdering barbers and customers

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
supremes denied certiorari in infamous case of California school admins ordering US citizen students to turn shirts with US flags on them inside-out in order not to offend aliens
Bob Unruh: World Net Daily: lawyers say bullies now trump free speech

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Laura Ingraham
GOP budget proposal is a deficit disaster, but not as bad as the left's
Mick Mulvaney: Wall Street Journal

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
J. Bradford de Long _MarketWatch_
corrected: what Keynesians got wrong about the Great Depressio cost us during the Great Shrub-Obummer recession, a lesson already learned in the 1970s

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
immigration moratorium now: ecological foot-print disaster looms

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
_Conservative HQ_
is Harry Reid going out the door one step ahead of the posse?
"Earlier in the week, the Department of Homeland Security's [DHS] inspector-general issued a scathing report that concluded 'Reid pressured a compliant DHS official to over-ride normal departmental procedures and rush through 230 EB-5 foreign visa applications, thereby freeing up $115M the applicants invested in the SLS Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas [SLS].'   In his articles for Breitbart Michael Patrick Leahy reported that 'the owner of that casino project had hired Reid's son, Rory Reid, to provide legal representation for the project'.   The younger Reid represented SLS during 2012 and 2013, the same time his father intervened in the DHS EB-5 foreign visa application process on behalf of SLS.   Now recall almost exactly a year ago our friends at NewsMax broke the story that then senate majority-leader Harry Reid's son, Rory Reid, represented a giant Chinese energy firm, ENN Energy Group that wanted to use federal land, grazed by the Cliven Bundy family, as part of its effort to build a $5G solar farm and panel-building plant in the southern Nevada desert.   The revelations in Greg Richter's NewsMax article began to spark speculation in the darker reaches of the internet that the Bureau of Land Management's attack on the Bundy Family ranch was little more than a government sanctioned hit on Cliven Bundy and his family.   In addition to representing ENN Energy Group, Rory Reid also happens to be the former chairman of the Clark county (Nevada) Commission who persuaded the commission to sell 9K acres of county land to ENN on the promise it would provide jobs for the area.   Reuters reported back in 2012 that part of the land ENN wants to use was purchased from Clark county at well below appraised value..."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Lydia de Pillis _Washington DC Compost_
losing a job is always terrible, but or workers over 50 it is worse
"At first blush, it wouldn't appear that older workers have it all that bad in today's economy. They got their start long before the economy's Troubles really began seven years ago (or even 17 years ago). They had time to sock away money while times were still good. The unemployment rate among workers over 55 is 4.1%, compared with 5.7% for the population overall, and labor force participation among older workers has been rising since the early 1990s [when the H-1B visa program was hatched]. That's arguably a better position to be in than that of a young person whose earnings potential has been forever damaged by starting out in the Great Recession..."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the next president must re-claim the US constitution for we the people

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Shannen W. Coffin _National Review_
the latest bomb-shell from Hitlery Rotten Clinton's lawyer

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Peter Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
EU expert: after nuclear deal, Iran would have even more money to back terrorists

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
what about campus "safe places" for Christians and Jews?: the leftists' desire to shield students from diverse ideas

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Mychal Massie _WND_
pledge of allegiance to the USA is American, not Muslim

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Garth Kant _WND_
Ted Cruz channeled Reagan: leftist media show their hate for all that is good... again

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
William Murray _WND_
rule of law

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
John Rocker _WND_
we the suckers

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Thomas Sowell _WND_
is letting Iran develop nuclear weapons the most catastrophic decision in human history?
"Recent statements from United Nations officials, that Iran is already blocking their existing efforts to keep track of what is going on in their nuclear program, should tell anyone who does not already know it that any agreement with Iran will be utterly worthless in practice.   It doesn't matter what the terms of the agreement are, if Iran can cheat.   It is amazing -- indeed, staggering -- that so few Americans are talking about what it would mean for the world's biggest sponsor of international terrorism, Iran, to have nuclear bombs, and to be developing intercontinental missiles that can deliver them far beyond the Middle East...   Have we not already seen that kind of hatred in the Middle East?   Have we not seen it in suicide bombings there and in suicide attacks against America by people willing to sacrifice their own lives by flying planes into massive buildings, to vent their unbridled hatred?   The Soviet Union was never [overtly] suicidal..."

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the same-sex "marriage" dictators

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Ken Allard _Washington DC Times_
Iran's history of non-compliance makes any deal questionable

2015-03-30 (5775 Nisan 10)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz getting positive feed-back from talk show hosts and audiences
"a host of some of the biggest names in talk radio are speaking very highly about senator Cruz. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Hugh Hewitt, and others have all chimed in with glowing praise of the Texan..."

This Date in History
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On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Japan went from being a backward feudal society to becoming a modern industrial nation by learning from Europeans and Americans, both by sending their students to study in Europe and the United States and by bringing Europeans and Americans to Japan to teach the needed skills or to provide the industrial experience required to launch Japanese industries. In the United States, the immigrant generation of Jewish children in late 19th and early 20th century New York City were taught largely by Irish Catholic teachers, while the generation of black children arriving in Harlem in the 1930s and 1940s were far more often taught by Jewish teachers than by black teachers." --- Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pg286  



2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer's immigration legacy: lower wages and less security for US citizens
Ken Blackwell: Daily Caller

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
_Media Research Center News Busters_
there is no "Hispanic position" on immigration

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Ted Poe (R-TX) predicted Obummer regime will lose in court on their unconstitutional and illegal amnesty, benefits, "work permits" for spouses of H-1B grantees schemes
He did not get a change of law through congress, and he did not post proposed rules in the federal register, and he certainly did not comply with public comment.

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions criticized Intel execs over anti-US-citizen H-1B increase push
"slammed Intel, the technology company, for seeking to replace the American workers the company laid off last year with cheap foreign workers via the H-1B program...   If Intel has 1K jobs to fill, then it should offer those jobs to American workers first -- including from among the tens of thousands who have been laid off.   One estimate pegs IT jobs cuts at more than 100K in 2014.   Overall, according to the Census Bureau, more than 11M Americans with degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics [STEM] currently do not hold jobs in those fields.   For recent graduates in these fields, the numbers are equally stark: about 35% of science students, 55% of technology students, 20% of engineering students, and 30% of math students recently graduated are now working in jobs that don't require a 4-year college degree.   It is in the national interest that these students -- many who accumulated great debt to obtain these degrees -- should be given priority for jobs.   Unfortunately, as professor Ron Hira testified, the H-1B visa has become 'a highly lucrative business model of bringing in cheaper H-1B workers to substitute for Americans...   Most of the H-1B program is now being used to import cheaper foreign guestworkers, replacing American workers, and under-cutting their wages.'... 'When you get to the Ph.D. level, the number of people who specialize in engineering gets smaller and the universities don’t produce enough people with master's and Ph.D.s.', [INtel VP and director of HR Ardine Williams] said. [But in reality, Intel hires extremely few people with PhDs.]"
Chris O'Brien: Venture Beat: disposable employees may be tech industry's "greatest" achievement

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
extremists Yebbie Booosh and Luis Gutierrez to headline convention of Hispanic group pushing amnesty for illegal aliens, vastly vastly excessive student and guest-work and green card visas

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
UKIP leader Nigl Farage criticized David Cameron's record of lax/excessive immigration
"Mr Farage continued: '5 years ago David Cameron said that he would reduce immigration into Britain back to 1990s levels, i.e. tens of thousands a year, not hundreds of thousands a year.'   He said that although the British people could understand that circumstances change, there was a 'specific problem with that promise', which is that Cameron was being 'wilfully dishonest because he knew the truth that you cannot have an immigration policy; you can't set targets at all; you can't attempt to control who comes into Britain all the while you're members of the European Union.'... UKIP would like to see immigration levels return to what Mr Farage called normality of around 30K net influx each year. Mr Cameron promised to cut net immigration to below 100K when he came to power, but the most recent official figures show that net migration reached 280K people in the year to last September, higher than when Mr Cameron made his fateful promise..."
as of 2010-01-01, the UK had an estimated population of 62M; 243,610 square kilometers = 94,060 square miles; 255people/square kilometer = 660people/square mile; "England officially became the second most crowded major country in the EU in 2008".
Scotland in 2011 had a population of 5.2M; 64/square km = 167.5/square mile.

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Alexandra Swann _Breitbart_
fascist bullies are hounding UKIP candidates and supporters

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
House Dems/Reds/leftists have been issuing "get out of jail" cards to illegal aliens
"That's a hard one to swallow, but apparently it's the case, according to a March 26 edition of The Hill newspaper, which tells us that "the Democrats are issuing 'emergency cards' to potential participants [of the president's unconstitutional and illegal 'executive action' programs to prevent the deportation of millions of illegal aliens] and asking them to present those cards in the event they're detained by an immigration official.   Note the way the newspaper, in its zeal to maintain political correctness, ducks calling the recipients of these 'emergency cards' illegal aliens.   No, they're just 'potential participants' of the president's constitutionally dubious programs.   Keep in mind that the reason the 'emergency card' has become necessary is because the third wheel in our tripartite system of government -- the judiciary -- is sufficiently doubtful about the legality of those programs that it has issued a restraining order to prevent the executive branch from actually instituting them until the matter is heard and fully resolved in the courts...."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Matt K. Lewis _Daily Caller_
***which jobs and how many does illegal immigration cost?***
"'The fact that workers in general and less-educated natives in particular have not fared well in the last 35 years is not what we would expect if immigration improved the employment prospects and wages of natives across the board.   After all, the immigrant share of the work force roughly tripled after 1980, so if Davidson is right, this should have been a boom time for wages and employment.   In fact, the opposite happened.   Davidson seems unfamiliar with other studies showing that immigration reduces the employment of the native-born, such as this one by a Federal Reserve economist that indicates immigration has significantly reduced the employment of American teenagers, or this study andthis study from Johns Hopkins, both of which show that immigration reduces the employment of African Americans.'...   There are trade offs to mass immigration; winners and losers.   That is at the heart of George Borjas's work.   From George Borjas -- Cato Institute presentation on his book _Immigration Economics_ 2014 June 11: 'How much do native workers lose?   Well if you believe this model, $400G.' (32:30)   'What immigration basically does is create a redistribution of wealth from labor to people who use immigrants.' (32:45)   'All of the lessons that economics teaches you don't really imply a single thing about what kind of policy the US should pursue and the reason is that the kind of policy the US should pursue depends not just on the facts but also depends on the kind of country we want to be -- what is the objective function of immigration policy?   What do we want it to accomplish?' (49:11)   'The question you have to ask yourself is who are you rooting for?' (53:08)...   According to a 2014 study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (pdf), 'for every foreign-born nurse that migrates to a U.S. city there are between 1 and 2 FEWER native RNs observed working in the city'.   The study found that over a 10-year period, the flow of foreign-born nurses in the United States has reduced the number of native-born Americans [taking] licensing exams..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Armstrong Williams _Jewish World Reiew_
the current state of black Americans, losing under Obummer
Washington DC Times
"having been elected both times with record turn-out by blacks, the black unemployment rate remained stagnant at 11% while the black poverty rate hit a record high of 27%...   Yet in practice, blacks have found themselves isolated and gerrymandered on the local level -- ultimately unable to build coalitions to advocate for broad-based change within the Democratic Party ghetto.   Furthermore, blacks are starting to fall behind economically -- and not just at the lower levels of the socioeconomic spectrum.   Even black college graduates have fallen prey to intractable unemployment in a rapidly changing economic climate for all Americans.   The point here is that the price of identity politics may have proved too high..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
thousands of illegal aliens caught near border each month... most have been released into the USA

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Joe Piscopo _Washington DC Times_
candidates should support US R&D and manufacturing
"We've already heard some suggestions that are music to my ears, like radical overhaul of the Internal Revenue Service, repealing [Communist Corpse] and restoring America's position as a country that's secure at home and respected abroad...   During the past 20 years, it's estimated that America has lost more than 6M manufacturing jobs.   Think about that.   These were real jobs with real wages...   It's estimated that for every dollar spent in manufacturing, an additional $1.37 is added to the economy..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Chicago gangs appear to copy Mexican cartel road-block tactics to rob motorists

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Laura Ingraham
Iran militia chief Mohammad Reza Naqdi: erasing Israel off the map is mandatory, not negotiable
Lazar Berman: Times of Israel
John Hayward: Breitbart
Melanie Batley: News Max

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
more foreign agents in Obummer White House: Obummer adviser on Iran Sahar Nowrouzzadeh may have worked as lobbyist for Iran's theocratic dictatorship
"Critics have alleged that NIAC is a lobby for the current Iranian dictatorship under Ayatollah Khamenei.   A dissident journalist revealed recently that NIAC's president and founder, Trita Parsi, has maintained a years-long relationship with Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif.   NIAC was established in 1999, when founder Trita Parsi attended a conference in Cyprus that was held under the auspices of the Iranian regime.   During the conference, Parsi reportedly laid out his plan to introduce a pro-regime lobbying group to allegedly counteract the influence of America's pro-Israel and anti-Tehran regime advocacy groups..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Reiew_
who trashes liberal arts?
"it is not conservatives who trashed the liberal arts.   [Leftist] professors have trashed the liberal arts, by converting so many liberal arts courses into indoctrination centers for left-wing causes and fads, instead of courses where students learn how to weigh conflicting views of the world for themselves..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Laura Ingraham
talks over Iran's development of nuclear weapons will continue in a new phase

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Byron York _Jewish World Reiew_
what did Yebbie do, and what is he doing, to fight ObummerDoesn'tCare?

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Reiew_
how do you solve a problem like the dishonest, destructive, immoral Clintons?

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Reiew_
5 taliban commanders for 1 American charged with desertion

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Reiew_
where the red line came from... before it was crossed

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Reiew_
trying to use reason with the Iranian theocratic dictatorship

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Reiew_
in defense of Indiana

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Reiew_
onward Christian florists

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Michael Smerconish _Jewish World Reiew_
no love for the debased, devalued penny these days
"Gore told me that the zinc industry now constitutes a pro-penny lobby because while the coin looks as if it's copper (and it used to be copper), it's really mostly zinc with a copper coating."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Reiew_
life lessons from the Germanwings flight 4U9252 crash
World Net Daily
"It is far easier for an individual to do great evil than to do great good... Depression and lack of conscience aren't the same..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
pastor Rafael Cruz: we are on the brink of the destruction of the USA by the left
"Evangelical pastor Rafael Cruz, the father of senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), said the [Obummer regime] is 'the most lawless administration' in U.S. history, where 'the Constitution is trampled every day', and further declared, 'we are on the brink of the destruction' of America...   'We are for the first time facing handing our children and our grand-children a country that is less than what we inherited...   The separation of powers is trampled on a daily basis.   We have judges legislating from the bench...   And we have a president who says he has a pen and a phone and totally disregards the rule of law, and is governing by decree, by executive action, basically like an emperor more than a president...'"

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
self-enforcing discrimination
Creators Syndicate
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
"A fundamental law of economics posits that the lower the cost to do something the more people will do of it.   That applies to doing anything, including discrimination...   How about a couple of real-world examples of minimum prices? During South Africa's apartheid era, the secretary of its avowedly racist Building Workers' Union said, 'There is no job reservation left in the building industry, and in the circumstances, I support the rate for the job (minimum wage) as the second-best way of protecting our white artisans.'   The South African Nursing Council condemned low wages received by black nurses as unfair.   Some white nurses said they would refuse wage increases until the wages of black nurses were raised.   Racist intentions were obvious during the legislative debate on the Davis-Bacon Act (1931), the nation's first federal minimum wage law.   Among the statements of support for this racially discriminatory law were those of representative William Upshaw, D-GA, who complained about the 'super-abundance or large aggregation of Negro labor'.   Representative Miles Allgood, D-AL, said, 'That contractor has cheap colored labor that he transports, and he puts them in cabins, and it is labor of that sort that is in competition with white labor throughout the country.'   American Federation of Labor president William Green complained, 'Colored labor is being sought to demoralize wage rates.'..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
Indiana up-roar is about the replacement of Judeo-Christian values with leftist values
World Net Daily

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
confirmed: Hitlery lied about "not wanting to carry 2 e-mail devices"
"Are you dead-end Hillary Clinton supporters a bit disturbed that everything she said in her e-mail scandal press conference was a lie?   Granted, nobody with 2 sparking neurons to think with believed her absurd claim that she created her insecure, illegal private mail server to save herself the inconvenience of carrying two cell phones.   The problem is that loyal service to Her Imperious Majesty requires Democrats to pretend to believe it, and that's impossible now..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
House select committee on Benghazi summoned Hitlery Rotten Clinton to testify about her refusal to turn over all of her State Dept. e-mail messages
Susan Ferrechio: Washington DC Examiner

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
houses shake as idiot-meters explode
Leigh Martinez: CBS Sacramento CA

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
Joe Biteme sending signal to American Jews?

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
corrupt Obummer IRS: costs of abortions are deductible but costs of treatment for miscarriages and still-births are not
IRS has plenty of money to harass innocent victims but 60% of tax-victim calls are ignored
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Obummer veterans administration's hospital director DeWayne Hamlin ditched 80 days of work, was still paid $179,700
Luke Rosiak: Washington DC Examiner

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Indiana has long been a haven of religious liberty

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
leftists want the power to persecute Christians and Jews

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Tim Constantine _Washington DC Times_
gay agenda trumps 1st amendment?!?

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
massively lethal deal Obummer is piloting for Iran to develop nuclear weapons

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Peter Morici _Washington DC Times_
axe income extortion

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
Iranian aircraft buzzed US Navy helicopter in Persian Gulf

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Ian Hatchett _Breitbart_
Richard Engel reported Israel and Arab states such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan were finding common cause in their opposition to Obummer regime policy towards Iran

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
senator Tom Cotton and representative Louie Gohmert warn that Iran's promises often prove meaningless, while their fundidng of terrorists and hatred of Israel are consistent

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
city commissions, company executives spew hate at Indiana freedom of religion... while doing business with totalitarian regimes and leftist thug regimes which do not tolerate homosexuals
"But Cook is happy to do business with and in Saudi Arabia, as Erick Erickson points out, as well as Uganda, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates [Malaysia, and Red China].   All of those countries are quite unfriendly to homosexuals.   Other companies looking to boycott Indiana include Smallbox, Salesforce, and Angie's List; particularly, they want to disassociate from businesses head-quartered in Indiana.   Yet all of these companies work with businesses with outlets in places like Saudi Arabia, where homosexuality is punishable by death...   While San Francisco once considered pulling investments in Russian companies, it declined to do so.   Currently, the San Francisco Global Trade Council includes Dmitry Beskurnikov of the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the USA; the Council says it routinely performs 'missions to Cuba, Russia, and [Red China]' and partners with the 'Mayor's Office of International Trade and Commerce'..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Arkansas religious liberty bill generating nowhere the extremist fuss that Indiana's has

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
_News Max_
eye infection remedy from 800s "leech book" found to be effective against MRSA

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Joel Himelfarb _News Max_
Iran is concealing nuclear materials in North Korea and Syria
Adam Kredo: Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Richard Pollock _Daily Caller_
unresolved conflicts of interest of acting head of the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services, Andy Slavitt
"As exclusively reported by TheDC earlier this week, when Slavitt joined CMS last year, the Obama administration quietly permitted him to redeem $4.8M in health company stock without paying capital gains taxes.   About half of the equities were in United Health Group stock where for 11 years Slavitt served as an executive in Optum, a UHG subsidiary.   United Health Group and its subsidiaries are deeply involved in [ObummerDoes'tCare]. Operationally, an Optum subsidiary called QSSI runs the troubled [ObummerDoes'tCare] web-site, Healthcare.gov..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Al Weaver _Daily Caller_
Tammy Duckworth (D-IL): Hitlery Rotten Clinton sent classified info through, and had it stored on her home e-mail server (video)

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Jonah Bennett _Daily Caller_
Dems & Reps agree: keep the A-10
"A-10 jets perform 10 sorties daily providing top cover for ground forces in Iraq -- 900 sorties in this last 4 months...   Under the 2015 NDAA, the Air Force is also allowed to transfer A-10 maintenance personnel over to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program...   head of Air Combat Command general Hawk Carlisle stated that no next-generation aircraft exists to replace the much-needed close-air support capabilities of the A-10.   Still, leaders from all branches of the military agree that the A-10's time is long over and needs to be retired.   (RELATED: Air Force Has No Idea What Will Replace The A-10)...   [There is no aircraft available to do the same jobs the A-10 does.]..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Alex Griswold _Daily Caller_
MSLSD's Ed Schultz was losing argument over religious freedom with Heritage Foundation Fellow Ryan Anderson... so he shut off Anderson's microphone (video)
"'This is the law that's been on the federal books, governing federal courts for 20 years.'   (RELATED: Indiana religious freedom law is nothing new: I helped write the one Clinton signed)..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Connor D. Wolf _Daily Caller_
Obummer vetoed bill to over-turn unconstitutionally appointed NNLRB's decree to allow "ambush unionization elections"

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Alex Griswold _Daily Caller_
Tucker Carlson blasted intolerant leftist jihadis: more interested in authoritarianism than tolerance

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Laura Ingraham
NH conservatives and libertarians plan caucus to oppose Yebbie Booosh

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Sameer N. Yacoub _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
suicide bomber in Iraq blasted bus whose riders were Iranian Shiite pilgrims, killing 10

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Hadley Manning _Washington DC Times_
adding more corruption to ObummerDoesn'tCare evil and incompetence... this time in Oregon

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Mike Hayden _Washington DC Times_
ignoring religious roots of Islamic terrorism risks our liberty and our destruction

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
illegal alien sentenced for intent to traffick, abuse of 14-year-old

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Mexican police arrested member of Zetas involved in murder of 72 Central Americans
"...The murder provided a glimpse for the world to see the extreme violence that the Los Zetas is capable of.   Just months later, Mexican authorities began unearthing dozens of mass graves in the same general area belonging to 193 corpses who were also executed by the Zetas cartel.   So far Mexican authorities have not been able to identify the majority of these bodies.   The working theory is that the murders were tied to a series of bus hijackings and carjacking of travelers by the Zetas who were looking for rivals."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate destroyed cemetery (tombs, mausoleums, grave-markers...) alleging they were stopping "worship of the dead", carted off materials for construction
"jihadists used explosives to destroy what is believed to be the tomb of the Biblical Jonah in Mosul, Iraq, and the resting place of dictator Saddam Hussein in Tikrit...   As early...as 2014 July, reports began to surface that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate was significantly lacking enough doctors to care for both wounded mujahideen, badly injured sex slaves, and victims of a mysterious water-borne illness.   Raqqa also lacks a sufficient number of engineers to keep roads functional, buildings standing up, oil fields producing, and crops growing..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
corrupt Obummer FEC on the attack against Republicans

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Jeffry Bartash _MarketWatch_
Conference Board: USA consumer confidence up in March from an upwardly revised 98.8 in February to 101.3 in March
Action Foreign Exchange
"With respect to labour market conditions, 20.6% of survey respondents said jobs were currently 'plentiful' compared to 20.3% in February while those saying jobs were 'hard to get' rose by a similar amount to 25.4%..."

2015-03-31 (5775 Nisan 11)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
anti-fracking lobbyist, employed by health charity Medact, wrote report concluding... wait for it... fracking should be banned

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 13

  "To say that commodities are raised in price is the same thing as to say that money is lowered in relative value...   All commodities cannot rise at the same time without an addition to the quantity of money...   The extensive use of paper money does not alter this question, for paper money conforms, or ought to conform, to the value of gold, & therefore its value is influenced by such causes only as influence the value of that metal.   These, then, are the laws by which wages are regulated, & by which the happiness of far the greatest part of every community is governed.   Like all other contracts, wages should be left to the fair & free competition of the market, & should never be controlled by the interference of the legislature.   The clear & direct tendency of the poor laws is in direct opposition to these obvious principles: it is not, as the legislature benevolently intended, to amend the condition of the poor, but to deteriorate the condition of both poor & rich; instead of making the poor rich, they are calculated to make the rich poor; & whilst the present laws are in force, it is quite in the natural order of things that the fund for the maintenance of the poor should progressively increase 'til it has absorbed all the net revenue of the country, or at least so much of it as the state shall leave to us, after satisfying its own never-failing demands for the public expenditure." --- David Ricardo 1817 _The Principles of Political Economy & Taxation_ pp 60-61  


2015 March
Michael D. Tanner _Reason_
excessive Medicare and Socialist Insecurity tabs coming due
"[Socialist Insecurity], Medicare, and Medicaid alone account for 47% of federal spending today, a portion that will only grow larger in the future."

2015 March
_National Conference of State Legislatures_
fetal homicide laws
"The debate over fetal rights is not new to the legislative arena.   Every year pro-life and [pro-abortion] advocates vie for the upper hand in this contentious issue.   In recent years, stateshave expandedthis debate to include the issue of fetuses kiled by violent acts against pregnant women [an issue addressed some 3,500 to 5K years ago in religious laws].   In some states, legislation has increased the criminal penalties for crimes involving pregnant women.   These laws have focusedon the harm done to a pregnant woman and the subsequent loss of her [child], but not on the rights of the fetus.   Other legislation has defined the fetus as a 'person' under fetal homicide or 'feticide' laws.   Such legislation is hotly debated..."

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "For children born on Path A, their sense of connection to the world, their happiness may always stem from a logical, analytic place of being; they resonate less to emotional-relatedness and more to intellectual pursuits.   These are the often intellectually gifted childen who can easily lose themselves in projects and learning, oblivious to the world outside their obsession, for whom facts and figures, problems and patterns are the stuff that dreams are made of, the 'little scientists' on the spectrum.   For these children, their sense of being and relatedness is tied to what they do instead of to what they feel.   They relate to friends who have the same shared interests.   Path B children, in contrast, feel emotional-relatedness right fom the start.   They eagerly, although inappropriately at first, express emotions, make their needs and wants known through emotional channels, they 'feel out' their world through their sense of social-emotional connection and are deeply affected when they and their world are out of sync with each other.   Emotions infuse their being.   They are emotionally demonstrative." --- Temple Grandin & Sean Barron 2005 _The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships_ pp xii-xiii  

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