2015 April

1st month of the 2nd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2024-11-12

  "The congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day." --- article 1 section 4 paragraph 2  

2015 April
      1 2 3 4
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26 27 28 29 30    

  "Washington [DC] is sick, and the cure has to be imported from the real world." --- David Michael Walker 2010 _ComeBack America: Turning the Country Around and Restoring Fiscal Responsibility_ pg58  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 April

1st month of the 2nd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the green-card racket for inside-the-belt-way cronies
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
"Since 2001, I've warned about the systemic and bipartisan corruption of America's EB-5 immigrant investor visa program.   The latest report from the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general — which outlines the meddling and pandering of #2 DHS official Alejandro Mayorkas, Nevada senator Harry Reid, Democratic bagman Terry McAuliffe, Hillary Clinton's brother Tony Rodham, former Pennsylvania.   Governor Ed Rendell and former Mississippi governor Haley Barbour, to name a few -- provides yet more sordid evidence that the green cards-for-sale scheme should be completely scrapped..."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Lawrence Kadish _Breitbart_
present-day 5th columnists attempt to undermine free countries

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
senate investigating whether Obummer regime has been retaliating against federal agents, examiners and other employees who enforce immigration laws
"how may DHS employees have been disciplined over the last 6 years for refusing to comply with the [Obummer regime's] 'prosecutorial discretion' policy...   'Indeed, we are aware of multiple allegations of targeting and retaliation against DHS personnel who refuse to comply with this Administration's willful disregard of our immigration laws', the senators wrote."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Peter Morici _News Max_
5 reasons why prospects for employment and wage gains are dimming
Town Hall

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
San Diego CA celebrates opponent of illegal immigration Cesar Chavez

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
etiquette versus annihilation
Town Hall
"It doesn't matter what the terms of the agreement are, if Iran can cheat.   It is amazing -- indeed, staggering -- that so few Americans are talking about what it would mean for the world's biggest sponsor of international terrorism, Iran, to have nuclear bombs, and to be developing intercontinental missiles that can deliver them far beyond the Middle East..."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
_News Max_/_AP_
Netanyahu: the world needs a better deal with Iran

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Valerie Richardson _Jewish World Review_
religious liberty laws helped Baptists, Presbyterians, Muslims, Amerindians, Sikhs, Santeria, Mormons, Amish, Mennonites
Washington DC Times

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Al Weaver _Daily Caller_
even MSLSD's Michael Steele took CT governor Dannel Malloy to task over his rhetoric against the Indiana religious freedom law, telling him to "bring down the crazy"

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Dennis Byrne _Political Mavens_
but... Hitlery Rotten Clinton really IS polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, power-mad, out of touch...

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Stav Ziv _Jewish World Review_
Technion engineering students designed "Rube Goldberg machine" for PassOver

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
the next housing bubble
"Congress passed Dodd-Frank and a thousand new regulations.   The complex rules slowed lending, all right.   It's one reason this post-recession recovery has been abnormally slow.   But -- April Fools'! -- the new rules didn't solve the problem of reckless lending, and it's happening again.   Because our government subsidizes home purchases, recklessness is invited.   Somehow, Americans buy cars, clothing, computers, etc. without government guarantees, but politicians think housing is different..."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
college students and coloring books
"What happens when a generation grows up being told that nothing is safe enough, not even a walk home from the park?   Or that they should never encounter a bad grade or a mean remark -- it's too wounding?   Or that they didn't lose the game -- they are the '8th-place winners'?   Here's what happens: At least a portion of them become convinced that they are extremely fragile.   They need -- they demand -- the kind of life-buffers they've had since childhood.   That brings us to a remarkable essay by Judith Shulevitz in The New York Times.   Shulevitz details the different demands students are making to feel 'safe' on campus -- and she doesn't mean safe from assault.   She means safe from debates.   Safe from jarring ideas.   Safely situated in a 'safe place' (terminology previously associated with hurricanes and nuclear war) when some speaker somewhere on campus is even suggesting the possibility that we don't live in a 'rape culture'...   As Winston Churchill said: 'We have not journeyed all this way across the centuries, across the oceans, across the mountains, across the prairies, because we are made of sugar candy.'"
Judith Shulevitz: NYTimes: In College and Hiding from "Scary Ideas"
"...'I was feeling bombarded by a lot of viewpoints that really go against my dearly and closely held beliefs.', Ms. Hall said. Safe spaces are an expression of the conviction, increasingly prevalent among college students, that their schools should keep them from being “bombarded” by discomfiting or distressing viewpoints."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
dusting off the Logan Act
"When there's nothing to argue about, knee-jerk critics of Arkansas' junior senator -- energetic and determined Tom Cotton -- will argue about nothing.   In this case, about the antiquated Logan Act, which you might say was antiquated from the moment it was passed in 1799.   For it was part of the Federalist Party's package of Alien and Sedition Acts, a conglomeration of bad ideas and worse law designed to silence the Jeffersonian [Democratic Republican] opposition..."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
adrift in a sea of self-absorption
Washington DC Times

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
why Hitlery Rotten Clinton is stuck
News Max
"Presidents fail as well when they get stuck and can no longer maneuver, as with Lyndon Johnson on VietNam, Richard Nixon on Watergate, Jimmy Carter on the hostages in Iran [and the economy], Ronald Reagan on Iran-Contra, George H.W. Bush on taxes [and the economy, and 2nd amendment violations], Bill Clinton on Monica Lewinsky [and the Mt. Carmel/Waco massacre, Elian Gonzales, and the economy...] and George W. Bush on Iraq [and the economy]. Now, Hillary Clinton is stuck over her e-mails [and other misbehavior going back to the 1960s]..."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
the great divide in the USA is not race

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
George Jonas _Jewish World Review_
requiring doctors to pass medical and mental conditions to local, state, or federal government is evil
National Post

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Don Lambro _Jewish World Review_
prominent Republicans take lead in battle against crony socialism and corporate welfare
Town Hall
Omaha NB Sun Times
Washington DC Times
"It isn't drawing front page coverage, but the Republicans' budget-cutting battle to abolish the Export-Import Bank deserves our attention and support.   This out-dated agency, founded in the New Deal [Raw Deal], is the epitome of corporate welfare and [crony socialism] at its worst...   The Ex-Im Bank offers low interest loans to the tune of more than $20G to major foreign companies that help rich U.S. corporations like Boeing, Caterpillar and General Electric sell their products abroad.   Last year, more than $15G, or three quarters of the bank's authorized funds, was dished out to these and other hugely profitable global exporters..."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
the Obummer-Google crony socialist conspiracy
Washington DC Times

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Georgie Anne Geyer _Jewish World Review_
our next president should be a home-body

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Laura Ingraham
these 19 states have religious freedom laws similar to Indiana's
Kelsey Harkness: Daily Signal

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Laura Ingraham
Ross Douthat on freedom of religion

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Laura Ingraham
USA's academies for religious war
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Wall Street Journal

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Laura Ingraham
liar! liar! Hitlery's pant-suit is on fire
MIchael Goodwin: NYPost

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Lynne Marie Kohm _Cybercast News Service_
children have become the hottest commodity bought, sold in ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate army

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Rob Schwarzwalder _Cybercast News Service_
Bible's teaching on homosexuality is clear, sufficient, and final
"counseling men and women who are attracted to the same sex to remain celibate for life causes them duress.   Well, yes, undoubtedly it does.   To remain sexually abstinent for life would be extremely hard for anyone.   Yet it's what Scripture demands of everyone not married to a partner of the opposite sex..."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
James Phillips _Cybercast News Service_
USA's allies tell Obummer: deal to let Iran develop nuclear weapons is the biggest threat in the region

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
the white-washing of Ted Kennedy

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
colonel Derek Harvey: cuts hamper military recruiting and retention

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Joel Himelfarb _News Max_
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: US tax dollars are funding Islamist radicalization in prisons

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Jennifer G. Hickey _News Max_
Dennis Ross: at best Obummer/Kerry deal with Iran theocratic dictators might slow their development of nuclear weapons

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
_News Max_/_Reuters_
Israel's heretofore USA-backed missile interceptor system passed advanced tests; deployment possible next year

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Jason Devaney _News Max_
House investigating former deputy-secretary of Energy over his becoming CEO of Centrus Energy
"While Poneman was serving as the second in command at the Department of Energy (2009-2014), Centrus received hundreds of millions of dollars in government funds.   'Given Mr. Poneman's involvement in the numerous dealings between DOE and USEC since 2009, we are concerned that he may have violated post-employment laws for federal personnel, including restrictions that require senior government officials to report when they are seeking private employment.', committee chairman Jason Chaffetz and Interior subcommittee Chairwoman Cynthia Lummis wrote in a letter to Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz..."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Courtney Coren _News Max_
Newt Gingrich ridicules Obummer foreign policy

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
colonel Derek Harvey: Iran is supporting terrorist proxies throughout the Middle East (with video)
"'They have been effectively reaching all the way from Lebanon, the Mediterranean, down into Gaza with their proxies in those areas around the southern parts of the Arabian Peninsula into Yemen and even some into the horn of Africa.', he said."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
_News Max_/_AP_
11 Atlanta GA teachers and administrators convicted in test cheating scandal... so far
Washington DC Times
"A grand jury indicted 35 educators in 2013 March on charges including racketeering, false statements and theft.   Only one of the 12 educators on trial was acquitted of the racketeering charge; verdicts on the theft and false statements charges were mixed.   Prosecutors claimed the former educators participated in a conspiracy to cheat on standardized tests dating back to 2005, motivated by pressure to meet federal and APS standards and receive bonuses or keep their jobs.   Many reached plea agreements, and some testified at the trial..."

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Nick Tate _News Max_
new blood basophil activation test (BAT) to detect food allergies

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer/Holder DoJ refuses to prosecute Lois Lerner for contempt of congress

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
religious freedom: it's time to free USA's Judeo-Christian slaves

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
George Rasley _Breitbart_
Marsha Balckburn (R-TN-7) criticized Obummer FCC/FEC attempt to take over internet, suppress free speech

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Sarah Rumpf _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz is taking his campaign for president on the road

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
socialist medicine strikes again at privacy, pharmacy linked with UK's NHS sold personal private data to marketing firms

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
Citizens Against Government Waste report: cutting waste in federal government would save tax-victims $639G

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Ernest Istook _Washington DC Times_
EPA can't admit they've won war against pollution or they'd lose their power and jobs

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
Iran recognizes that Obummer regime and allies lack the political will to reach an effective deal regarding nuclear weapons

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz agenda is working

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Washington DC Times_
the problem with some religious liberty statutes
Town Hall

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Suzanne Fields _Washington DC Times_
when tragedy stalks the "season of hope"

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Benghazi committee will question Sidney Blumenthal regarding Hitlery, Benghazi, e-mail messages
Discover the Networks profile of Sidney Blumenthal
2015-03-18: Monica Crowley: Washington DC Times: was Hitlery running a rogue intelligence network?
2015-03-28: Ed Morrissey: Hot Air: was Hitlery running a rogue intelligence network?
Matt Vespa: Town Hall

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: Obummer regime deal with Iran is about "legacy"; He wants to make a terrible legacy worse?

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Obummer regime negotiating with Iran from a position of weakness

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Jeffrey Poor _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz: leftists/Reds/Dems want to persecute those with good faith religious opposition to same-sex "marriage"

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Muslim mob attacked Coptic Christian church built to memorialize Egyptian Christians murdered by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
Steven Edwards: Fox

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
3 of 4 refugees are on food stamps, half get cash assistance
"Additionally, nearly half were on some form of cash assistance and more than a half were on medical assistance.   More than 20% were on Supplemental Security Income, more than 22% were in public housing and nearly 20% were on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)..."
But no information has been released on how thorough the background investigations of those granted refuge are.

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Mike Adams _Town Hall_
the KKK took my building away

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
hey Obummer, haughty John Kerry, while you're negotiating with Iran get them to free pastor Saeed Abedini

2015-04-01 (5775 Nisan 12)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
more tough times for the church of global warming

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "At the time, which was just before the 1984 election, Ronald Reagan and the Republicans were trying to hold the line against a Communist offensive in Central America, while Democrat senators led by Tom Harkin, John Kerry and Christopher Dodd were conducting their own private diplomacy in Central America attempting to cut deals with the Communists.   Back home the Democrat House was seeking to cut funds to the anti-Communist forces on the ground.   I had turned my back on the left [in part] because of the support it gave to the Communists in IndoChina; I was not about to throw in my lot with them when they were enabling another Communist conquest." --- David Horowitz 2013 _The Black Book of the American Left: vol1 My Life and Times_ pg321  



2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the ghastly shadow of Munich 1938
Washington DC Times
Town Hall

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Jeanna Smialek _Bloomberg_
H-1B guest-workers in 4 graphs
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Laura Ingraham
Chinese flock to USA to give birth to anchor babies
Calum MacLeod: USA Today/Gannett

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Laura Ingraham
USA paying $761M/year for education of illegal aliens
Dan Springer: Fox

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Matt Mackowwiak _Town Hall_
Texas leads in border security while fed political appointees intentionally fail

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the danger, folly, and duplicity of Obummer's deal with the violence-initiating Iranian theocracy
"The deadline for a new nuclear deal with Iran that would lift the remaining (but seemingly unenforced) sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran has passed without an agreement. But rather than embrace the tough sanctions conservatives have demanded, and that even some Democrats and establishment foreign policy experts say are warranted, [president Obummer] and Secretary of State [the haughty] John Kerry remain at the bargaining table in Switzerland being slowly backed over a cliff by the Iranians..."

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
at least 15 killed, 60 wounded in Muslim attack on Garissa university in Kenya
Tom Odula & Rodney Muhumuza: Washington DC Times
John Hayward: Breitbart
Daily Caller
Josh Levs & Holly Yan: CNN
Carroll county Times: update: Muslim terrorists killed 147 at Garissa university in Kenya
BBC: update: Muslim terrorists killed 147 at Garissa university in Kenya, all 4 attackers have been killed

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
multi-sectarianism: Iraqis + Iranian-backed Shiite militia retake Tikrit from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
multi-sectarianism: Obummer's strategy for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate?
Town Hall

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer spokesman on Iran: "there is, of course, a military option"

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
military historian on Iran deal: it would be seen as a stunning capitulation

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
_Cybercast News Service_
Obummer asked: "what if we carried ourselves more like Ted Kennedy?" yeeuck!

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
John Bolton: past sanctions, current concessions not remotely curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions
"'There's simply no evidence that the sanctions have slowed down the nuclear weapons program.', Bolton said, noting that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has testified to that effect before congress...   Bolton said while sanctions had caused pain, the main reasons for the economic difficulties were falling oil prices and the regime's economic policies -- 'the lesson of which is don't let religious fanatics control your economy...   The pain that has been caused by the sanctions in Iran is not something that moves the ayatollahs, you know.   They're not consumer society kinds of guys; it doesn't bother them that their people can't buy iPhone 6s, and that's not likely to change.'..."

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
the fascist left ans same-sex "marriage"

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: the false theology of Islam compels extremists to kill

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
life persists

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
who has been reading Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail?

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Indiana and the culture wars
Washington DC Times
Town Hall

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the left lacks a single easy target when it comes to religious liberty
Aaron Morrison: International Business Times

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
is Dick Durbin racist?
Town Hall
"Does Durbin not recall voting against Miguel Estrada and even participating in a filibuster against the man who would have been the first Hispanic on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit?   Estrada was born in Honduras.   He immigrated to the United States when he was 17, arriving with a limited command of English.   He graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a bachelor's degree from Columbia in 1983.   He graduated magna cum laude in 1986 from Harvard Law School, where he became editor of the Harvard Law Review.   After law school, Estrada served as a law clerk to judge Amalya L. Kearse of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.   He then clerked for justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court for 2 years.   From 1990 until 1992, Estrada served as assistant U.S. attorney and deputy chief of the Appellate Section, U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of New York.   In 1992, he joined the United States Department of Justice as an assistant to the solicitor general for the George H.W. Bush administration, where he served with now-chief-justice John G. Roberts.   He has argued 22 cases before the United States Supreme Court...   Does Durbin not recall voting against Alberto Gonzales, the first Hispanic U.S. attorney general?...   Does Durbin not recall voting against Janice Rogers Brown, the second black female on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit?...   Finally, does Durbin not recall voting against the confirmation of Condoleezza Rice, the first black female secretary of state?..."

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Palestine added to International Criminal Court
Aditya Tejas: International Business Times

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
20 reasons why Hitlery Rotten Clinton would wipe her server clean

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Andrea Noble _Washington DC Times_
DC gives up trying to violate the right to own and carry arms
Laura Ingraham

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
F-35 helmet provides all-around "view" at a price of $400K... but may be worth it

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Ahmed al-Haj _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
al-Qaeda has turned loose 300 inmates fram jail in Yemen

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
illegal alien molested child, sentenced on 2014-11-14 to 5 years in prison in NJ, deported, captured near Rio Grande city Texas

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Christians are treated with condescension and suspicion in modern Britain said Michael Gove

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Nevada reporter: friend of Harry Reid killed my 2012 column critical of Reid's unfounded claims

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Derek Hunter _Town Hall_
make leftists live by their own rules

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Michael Hausam _Town Hall_
in a fundamentally transformed USA shop with a lawyer ans seek to be offended
"In the free market capitalist vision of society, individuals and companies would set aside whatever personal animosities they have if they wanted to supply goods and services to the widest possible customer base.   That would impact decisions on hiring employees, establishing relationships with suppliers, or seeking out new customers.   The misogynist would hire women because they couldn't afford to bypass half the population, possibly missing a person who could add value to their business.   It might mean a racist might source from a minority-owned company, if they offered the best price or service.   A conservative Republican might transact with a [leftist/Dem/Red], because a sale is a sale and businesses can't survive without them.   On the other hand, in that society they'd also be free to do business with whom they'd like.   The only force, one way or the other, would be the dispassionate judgment of the market-place..."

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
liberty, morality, and discrimination
"When describing their view of government and public policy, libertarians and constitutional conservatives sometimes use a variation of this phrase: 'Not everything that's illegal is immoral, and not everything that’s immoral should be illegal.'   To put this in tangible terms, consider the fact that the EPA has penalized people who build ponds on their own property.   Yet the property owners obviously haven't engaged in any behavior that's wrong.   Indeed, it would be far more accurate to accuse the bureaucrats of behaving immorally..."

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
conservatives, now is the time for moral courage

2015-04-02 (5775 Nisan 13)
Mollie Lair _KFVS_
Americans unable to save enough for retirement as GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues
"Experts say you actually need to save 15% of your income for retirement savings and emergencies [rather than spending it on frivolities like food, clothing, shelter, transportation and continuous education (including your BYOD updates)]...   Analysts recommend saving around $1 million to retire comfortably..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The only real moral issue involved in the constitutional arrangement was whether the framers should have made any compromise with the slave-holding South.   Should there have been a Union at all?   On that question the final word belongs to Frederick Douglass, the most renowned free black person in the Republic and a former slave himself.   'My argument against the dissolution of the American Union is this: It would place the slave system more exclusively under the control of the slave-holding states, and withdraw it from the power in the Northern states which is opposed to slavery...   I am, therefore, for drawing the bond of the Union more closely, and bringing the Slave States more completely under the power of the Free States.'" --- David Horowitz 2013 _The Black Book of the American Left: vol1 My Life and Times_ pg284 (citing Frederick Douglass 1860-03-26 at Glasgow, Scotland "The Constitution of the United States: Is it Pro-Slavery or Anti-Slavery?")  



2015-04-03 to 2015-04-11: PassOver
ChaBaD: Festival of Freedom

2015-04-03 (5775 Nisan 14)
Ross Eisenbrey _Hill_
H-1B proponents try to hide abuses behind phony claims
"...9 of the top 10 users of H-1B visas are firms mainly in the business of 'IT' out-sourcing [bodyshopping and off-shoring]...that supply lower paid 'IT' workers to replace U.S. workers, often with the goal of moving the operations off-shore, usually to India.   The recent case of Southern California Edison (SCE) exemplifies the primary role of H-1Bs in the economy.   SCE laid off 500 of its own IT employees and hired 2 [India-based cross-border bodyshops] (which together used more than 12,000 H-1B visas last year) to replace them.   The H-1Bs -- paid $65K-$70K a year -- replaced U.S. workers who were paid on average $110K.   The experienced U.S. workers were forced to train their guest-worker replacements.   The only economic 'benefit' the H-1Bs brought was lower wages...   Johnson wasn't writing about wages, but rather about GDP per capita.   (...the median hourly wage in the U.S.A. increased only 14 cents from 2000 to 2013 even as GDP per capita increased.)   And Johnson's modeling exercise was about how ideas are shared around the world and translated into production.   Specifically, the research and development intensity he describes is not in the United States alone, but in the G-5 countries...   'The rising level of educational attainment accounts for more than one-third of growth and increased research intensity in the G-5 countries accounts for about 50% of growth.'...   Nowrasteh suggests changes in the H-1B visa program, but they don't include prohibitions against using the visa to replace U.S. workers or to cut wages.   H-1B workers...are not 'skilled immigrants', as he well knows.   By law, they are non-immigrant, temporary workers, and most of them are employed not by small, innovative start-ups or even by the Silicon Valley giants, but are instead employed by Tata, Infosys and other out-sourcing firms [cross-border bodyshopping and off-shoring firms] that offer low-cost alternatives to U.S. citizens or permanent resident immigrants.   In 2013, Tata and Infosys together sponsored only 7 of their 12,432 H-1Bs [0.056%] for permanent residence [green cards]."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

2015-04-03 (5775 Nisan 14)
Sheryl Jean _Dallas TX Morning News_
Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan statistical area had the 2nd most H-1B visa applications approved by USCIS in the USA in FY2013
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

2015-04-03 (5775 Nisan 14)
in search of the source of Denisovan ancestry Pengfei Qin & Mark Stoneking: BioRXIV: Denisovan Ancestry in East Eurasian and Native American Populations

2015-04-03 (5775 Nisan 14)
Ronn Torossian _Jewish Press_
Menachem Begin to Joe BiteMe: "I am not a Jew with trembling knees" Israel will continue to defend itself

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  An intense student at a highly respected Catholic university, Bob enjoys discussing serious issues, but he finds it very lonely at parties because, he theorizes, bright girls have fallen for the myth that to be popular you have to cover your brains. ‷To go to parties you have to do without discussing things you really care about and be more trivial. I have begun interesting conversations with girls I know are very smart, only to have them turn it off if they think someone else may be listening.‴" --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg42  



2015-04-04 (5775 Nisan 15)
_TEA Party.org_
corrupt Obummer regime is now flying illegal aliens into the USA at tax-victim expense

2015-04-04 (5775 Nisan 15)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
the H-1B age connection -- so simple to explain, so hard for some to understand

2015-04-04 (5775 Nisan 15)
2 smuggling tunnels with rail systems, found under USA-Mexico border

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  "In 2010, 2 biologists at the University of Queensland in Australia tabulated all the mammals that have very likely gone extinct in the past 500 years. This yielded a list of 187 species. Then they checked to see how many were eventually re-categorized as non-extinct. The answer: More than a third of all mammals that allegedly were lost to time in the past 500 years have since been re-discovered... patters in how scientific [hypotheses are] revised." --- Samuel Arbesman 2013 _The Half-Life of "Facts": Why Everything We [Think We] Know Has an Expiration Date_ pg28  



2015-04-05 (5775 Nisan 16)
Lou Barletta _Buffalo NY News_
Obummer's policies favor illegal aliens over US citizens

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  "Like a lonely mountain peak, or rather, like the spire of a cathedral, rise the men of high talent and genius above the broad mass of mediocrity...   The number of the highly gifted is at all events so small that it is impossible that 'many' such can have been kept back in 'lower classes' through the incompleteness of 'social institutions'." --- Otto Ammon (quoted in James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg 1997, 1999 _The Sovereign Individual_ pg211)  



2015-04-06 (5775 Nisan 17)
Doug Short _Advisor Perspectives_
employment/population ratio of part-time work-force remains higher than the pre-recession level; higher than for the full-time work-force
more graphs

2015-04-06 (5775 Nisan 17)
_Washington DC Examiner_
Obummer's lousy economy continues to linger

2015-04-06 (5775 Nisan 17)
Molly Bernhart Walker _Fierce Government_
25 years of H-1B visa abuse
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

2015-04-06 (5775 Nisan 17)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
illegal aliens under 19 years old continue to flood into USA at highest rate since early last Summer
"Authorities report having captured 15,647 children traveling without parents who tried to jump the border in the first six months of the fiscal year.   Through this point in 2014, they had apprehended 28,579.   Just as worrisome is the rate of whole families -- usually mothers with young children -- who are crossing.   So far this fiscal year, authorities have captured 13,911 'family units', down 30% from last year..."

2015-04-06 (5775 Nisan 17)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
the student and exchange visitor program: slick new tools or parlor tricks?
"...During the entire duration of my nearly 30 years in government service, INS agents nationwide numbered at their largest approximately 1,200 and most of the time, more like 550 agents.   Yet we spent substantial amounts of our productive time on policing foreign students and exchange visitors.   Currently, there are about 6K agents in the investigative division of ICE, which is primarily responsible for such student and exchange visitor enforcement.   There are probably close to the same number of agents in Enforcement and Removals, the other major division of ICE.   Yet as a percentage of agents' productive time, non-immigrant enforcement can be counted in the single digits, even though non-immigrants who over-stay or violate status make up nearly half of the population of aliens illegally in the United States (and keep in mind that this single-digit percentage is for all non-immigrants -- policing of non-immigrant students constitutes only a fraction of that fraction; in other words, it's negligible)...   There are more foreign students and exchange visitors than ever: nearly 1.25M.   Think they're mostly going to big universities like the University of California, or Harvard, or the like? Nope: 76% of them are attending very small schools with enrollments of 50 or fewer foreign students, leaving one to wonder why so many schools are being authorized by SEVP to accept foreign students given the difficulty that this represents to any meaningful monitoring and control efforts.   Of course, that in turn is only a concern if one does in fact care about monitoring and control -- something this administration [the Obummer regime] has made clear is irrelevant from their point of view..."

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  "Number of entries in a dictionary of national biography [double about every] 100 years. Number of universities [double about every] 50 years. Number of important discoveries; number of chemical elements known; accuracy of instruments [double about every] 20 years. Number of scientific journals; number of chemical compounds known; memberships of scientific 'institutions' [double about every] 15 years. Number of asteroids known; number of engineers in the USA [double about every] 10 years." --- Samuel Arbesman 2013 _The Half-Life of "Facts": Why Everything We [Think We] Know Has an Expiration Date_ pg13 (citing Derek John de Solla Price 1963 [republished 1965, 1986] _Little Science, Big Science and Beyond_)  



2015-04-07 (5775 Nisan 18)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_/_ComputerWorld_
Rand Paul's tangled approach to H-1B visas
"Rand Paul (R-KY) will support increasing the H-1B visa cap...   One of Paul's proposals is to create 'economic freedom zones' in distressed areas.   Businesses and workers in these zone would get personal and corporate income [tax] rates set at a flat rate of 5% a year, and pay-roll taxes limited to 2% a year.   Zone-based businesses would also be eligible to hire [cheap, young, pliant foreign workers with flexible ethics] under an 'economic freedom zone visa' -- a new visa program category.   The standards for this visa would be very similar to the H-1B visa, with workers required to have earned at least a bachelor's degree, according to Paul..."

2015-04-07 (5775 Nisan 18)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
business executives ask congress for even more excessive numbers of H-1B guest-work visas for cheap, young, pliant foreign tech labor with questionable ethics
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

2015-04-07 (5775 Nisan 18)
_Conservative HQ_
Northern Virginia regional TEA party conference and annual banquet schedule

2015-04-07 (5775 Nisan 18)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Rand Paul's toughest sell could be Iowa

2015-04-07 (5775 Nisan 18)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration lawyers admit that H-1B employers discriminate against US citizens
"...17% of the companies -- more than 1 in 6 -- would not have hired a U.S. citizen for a job if one were available.   WOW!!!   Keep in mind that just 20 companies used up half the H-1B visas last year.   I bet if we saw the list of companies in the survey that said they would not hire Americans, many of the top 20 H-1B users would be on it..."

2015-04-07 (5775 Nisan 18)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
words vs deeds on amnesty for illegal aliens; politicians may tel you that it is popular with voters, but the polls and their actions show the contrary
"A new Rasmussen poll suggests that amnesty-pushers' fear of letting voters express their thoughts on immigration at the ballot box is well-founded.   Yes, you can ask questions in any number of ways and, yes, Americans are ambivalent about the issue.   But when you ask the same question over time you get a sense of trends, and these don't look good for the anti-borders crowd.   62% of likely voters said the government is 'not aggressive enough in deporting those who are in this country illegally', up from 56% in November and 52% one year ago.   When asked, 'Should illegal immigrants who have American-born children be exempt from deportation?'   51% said no, up from 42% in November.   Also, 54% oppose automatic citizenship for children born to illegals, and 83% said people should prove legal status before receiving welfare."

2015-04-07 (5775 Nisan 18)
Sarah Strackhouse _CBS_
West Texas rancher arrested for drug trafficking and harboring illegal aliens

2015-04-07 (5775 Nisan 18)
Sandra Dibble _San Diego CA Union-Tribune_
smuggling tunnel entrancee found in Tijuana

2015-04-07 (5775 Nisan 18)
Mark Levin
Mount Vernon, Virginia
"If you'd like to see the display of George Washington's hand-written account of the lease terms for Mount Vernon before Washington became its owner it will be open to the public from 2015 March 23 through 2015 September 21 in the Donald W. Reynolds Museum and Education Center in the Gilder Lehrman Book and Manuscript Gallery.   I acquired the document several months ago so it could be put on public display.   Therefore, it is on loan to Mount Vernon for 3 years, but on public display the next 6 months.   It is fascinating and I hope you have a chance to check it out with your family!"
Donald W. Reynolds Museum and Education Center at George Washington's Mount Vernon

2015-04-07 (5775 Nisan 18)
Ellie Zolfagharifard & Richard Gray _UK Daily Mail_
Europeans were mostly dark-skinned until about 8K years ago, mostly adult-lactose-intolerant until about 4300 years ago; pale complexions may have been brought to Europe from the Near East
2015-04-02: Ann Gibbons: AAAS Science: how Europeans evolved white skin: Europeans today are a mix of the blending of at least 3 ancient populations of hunter-gatherers and farmers who moved into Europe in separate migrations over the past 8K years
2015-03-02: BBC: Genomes document ancient mass migration to Europe

  • 2015-03-13: Bio Rxiv: 8K years of natural selection in Europe (pdf)
    2015-02-13: Michael Balter: AAAS Science: massive migration of Kurgan/Yamnaya herders from the steppes north of the Black Sea may have brought Indo-European languages to Europe about 4500 years ago

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      "Philanthropists of old could give away their own money and have university buildings named them, and yet still be dismissed as robber barons. Today, a congressman can give away other people's money and be memorialized as a Hero of Science." --- Tom Bethell 2005 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science_ pg240  



    2015-04-08 (5775 Nisan 19)
    Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
    we're desperate to hire... unless you refer applicants to us, or unless you are a US citizen applicant

    2015-04-08 (5775 Nisan 19)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    Rand Pauls' math
    "'This message of liberty is for all Americans, Americans from all walks of life.   The message of liberty, opportunity and justice is for all Americans, whether you wear a suit, a uniform or overalls, whether you're white or black, rich or poor'...   Senator Paul went further later in his remarks when he set-up the Jack Kemp-like idea of 'economic freedom zones'.   'Many Americans though are being left behind.   The reward of work seems beyond their grasp.   Under the watch of both parties, the poor seem to get poorer and the rich get richer.   Trillion-dollar government stimulus packages has only widened the income gap.   Politically connected cronies get [tax-victim] dollars by the hundreds of millions and poor families across America continue to suffer.   I have a different vision, an ambitious vision, an ambitious vision, a vision that will offer opportunity to all Americans, especially those who have been left behind.'   Senator Paul went on to explain his idea is that 'More than $2T in American profit currently sits over-seas.   In my vision for America, new highways and bridges will be built across the country, not by raising your taxes, but by lowering the tax to bring this American profit home.'..."

    2015-04-08 (5775 Nisan 19)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    Mark Halperin: an unprecedented alliance of super PACs have raised $31M to back Ted Cruz for president

    2015-04-08 (5775 Nisan 19)
    Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
    the need for border controls
    "The New York Times ran a story this week on Bulgaria's fence on its border with Turkey, designed to keep Middle Eastern illegal aliens from sneaking into the EU (of which Bulgaria is now a member).   Mildly interesting but not that unusual in itself, since Greece already has fenced its land border with Turkey...   both tyrannies and democracies require fences if they are to persist.   Successful tyrannies, of course, need fences (and border controls in general) because otherwise people would flee, the Berlin Wall being the most memorable example.   But in a turbulent world where travel is easier than ever before, democracies also need border controls if they are to avoid being preyed upon and/or overwhelmed..."

    2015-04-08 (5775 Nisan 19)
    Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
    C-SPAN callers challenge advocate of excessive immigration on immigration's effects on blacks
    "...I believe the effects of illegal immigration on African-Americans are probably the most under covered story in the national immigration debate.   Here is the best explanation I have, as someone who was an investigative reporter for many years.   Investigative reporting begins with a reporter's sense—perhaps a conviction, perhaps a hunch—that something has gone wrong and needs to be examined so that its consequences can be understood.   Most reporters tend to have liberal leanings (including me).   [Leftists] tend to be supportive of illegal immigrants because they regard them as victims, oppressed and vulnerable people who need to be protected.   They are reluctant to probe the downside of illegal immigration because that could entail blaming the 'victim' and that could be seen as mean-spirited.   The result is immigration coverage that is often shallow and stunted by bias and political correctness.."

    2015-04-08 (5775 Nisan 19)
    Rob Milford _Breitbart_
    Mexican police discovered massive smuggling tunnel in Tijuana
    David Sim: International Business Times

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      "Inadequate food, water, & sanitation made ocean crossings dangerous to health & life. In the most disastrous year of all, 1847, about 20% of the huge [Ireland] famine immigration died en route to America or upon landing. This was about 40K dead -- mostly young people in the prime of life. By comparison, the loss of life among slaves transported from Africa in British vessels in the 19th century was about 9%. While no other year was nearly so bad as 1847, epidemics of typhus, cholera, & other fatal diseases broke out repeatedly & predictably, & ship wrecks were sufficiently common that more than 40 emigrant ships went down in the Atlantic in the 1850s." --- Thomas Sowell 1981 _Ethnic America_ pg 22 (referencing Oliver MacDonagh 1976 "The Irish Famine Emigration to the US" _Perspectives in American History_ vol 10 pp 402 & 410, Philip D. Curtin 1969 _The Atlantic Slave Trade_ pg 280)  



    2015-04-09 (5775 Nisan 20)
    _Conservative HQ_
    why do we let these parasitical vipers into the USA?

    2015-04-09 (5775 Nisan 20)
    John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
    advocate for even more excessive numbers and lower standards for H-1B visas says "don't believe your lying eyes"
    "In the past few months we have learned that hundreds Americans at Southern California Edison have been replaced by H-1B workers.   A few hundred more Americans at Walt Disney World have been replaced by H-1B workers.   Ditto at Northeast Utilities (now Eversource).   Such replacements have been going on since at least 1994.   But a paper from a new Washington, DC libertarian think tank claims they could not have happened.   Usually, the Washington Examiner is a better source of immigration-related news than most news outlets...   it is just as possible (and more likely) the data shows that employers resort to more H-1B workers when wages are higher than that H-1B workers drive wages up...   The problem is H-1B abuse is not 'occasional' but rather 'normal'.   A USCIS audit in 2008 found that violation rate in the H-1B program was 20.7%.   Bloomberg called that a 'High Rate of H-1B visa fraud'...   when market forces drive wages up, employers turn to using more H-1B visas.   For another take on Bier's report, see computer science professor Norman Matloff's web log.   For a debunking of industry lobbyists' claims of a tech labor shortage, see this report by Steven Camarota."

    2015-04-09 (5775 Nisan 20)
    Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
    senators Durbin and Sessions request investigation of H-1B visa program, lay-offs of US citizens being replaced with guest-workers
    Caroline May: Breitbart
    Rachel Stoltzfoos: Daily Caller
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-09 (5775 Nisan 20)
    Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
    the "earned income tax credit" encourages work and rewards illegal aliens

    2015-04-09 (5775 Nisan 20)
    David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
    for one brief shining moment, a federal court shut down H-2B recruiting

    2015-04-09 (5775 Nisan 20)
    Ford & Harrison _Mondaq_
    bodyshop caught moving H-1B grantee from lower pay location to higher cost-of-living & pay location without notifying USCIS; visa revoked
    "Matter of Simeio Solutions, LLC, 26 I&N Dec. 542 (AAO 2015 Apr. 9).   In this precedent decision, the AAO based its revocation on the finding that Simeio relocated its alien worker from the work-site designated in the approved H-1B visa petition to new work-sites subject to higher prevailing wage rates without first notifying CIS by filing a petition to amend the original terms and conditions..."

    2015-04-09 (5775 Nisan 20)
    Mark FitzGibbons _Cybercast News Service_
    unconstitutional, judgeless executive-branch "administrative warrants" are the prototype of a police state

    2015-04-09 (5775 Nisan 20)
    M.J. Lee & Jeremy Diamond _KSPR_
    Ted Cruz campaign donors usher in a new era of fund-raising
    Free Republic
    Center for Competitive Politics

    2015-04-09 (5775 Nisan 20)
    Blake Neff _Daily Caller_
    college, university faculty, administrators, executives backing ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, Fatah, Hamas, Hezballah terrorists
    Rick Moran: American Thinker
    Carl Campanile: NYPost
    Florida student who helped document the perfidy threatened
    Barry U professor filed criminal complaint who helped catch his support for terrorists on video; student has already been suspended and booted off Barry's campus for her role in creating the video (so, the guilty are punishing the innocent)
    Pamela Geller: Freedom OutPost
    Pamela Geller
    2015-03-25: Pamela Geller: admins caught backing terrorist-support club at Cornell
    "The new video comes two weeks after O'Keefe released a video showing a staff member at Cornell offering advice on how to start a student group that would send economic aid to the Islamic State, and one week after a similar video at Barry University showed one staffer suggest changing the name of a pro-Islamic State group because 'technically, we're at war with ISIS'..."
    Discover the Networks: Fatah
    Discover the Networks: Hamas
    Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

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      "My own doubts came when DDT was introduced for civilian use. In Guyana, within 2 years, it had almost eliminated malaria, but at the same time the birth rate had doubled. So my chief quarrel with DDT in hind-sight is that it greatly added to the population problem." --- Alexander King, co-founder of the Club or Rome 1990 _The Discipline of Curiosity_ pg43 (quoted in Tom Bethell 2005 _The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science_ pg76)  



    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
    Scott Walker: immigration policy should protect US citizen wages as well as the border

    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    Caroline May _Breitbart_
    professors hammer study that claims more H-1B visas increase employment of US citizens
    professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web page
    professor Norm Matloff's H-1B web log
    jgo briefs on H-1B and STEM job markets

    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    _Sacramento CA Business Journal_
    H-1B guest-work visa applications per state
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    Armstrong Williams _WND_
    Obummer's legacy: Iran's nuclear weapons arsenal

    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    _Conservative HQ_
    when it comes to whether Obummer is lying about his deal with the Iranian ayatollah, we believe the ayatollah

    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
    inspector-general investigating Hitlery's employment-arrangement with Huma Abedin
    Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
    Discover the Networks: Muslim World League (MWL)
    Discover the Networks: Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)
    Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
    Discover the Networks: Valerie Jarrett
    Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime

    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
    non-leftists' long retreat in the culture war

    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
    just another detainer case, or a case of pro bono over-reach?: Gutierrez et al. v. San Juan County Board of Commissioners et al.

    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
    the curious outrage and "exoticizing disdain" of NYTimes columnist Timothy Egan

    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
    5-year downward trend in immigration prosecutions... particularly in cases of illegal aliens arrested in the interior

    2015-04-10 (5775 Nisan 21)
    Matthew de Luca _NBC_
    tech executives demand even more H-1B visas as critics cry foul
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

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      "What is important is that huge networks, with hundreds of millions or billions of nodes, 'collapse', displaying separation far shorter than the number of nodes they have. 'Our society', a network of 6G [about 7.4G in 2016 August], has a 'separation' [i.e. average number of hops of acquaintanceship] of 19. The Internet, a network of hundreds of thousands [tens of millions] of routers, has a 'separation' of 10. " --- Albert Laszlo Barabasi & Jennifer Frangos 2002, 2003, 2014 _Linked: How EveryThing Is Connected to EveryThing Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and EveryDay Life_ pg34  



    2015-04-11 (5775 Nisan 22)
    Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
    attention WM shoppers!

    2015-04-11 (5775 Nisan 22)
    George Will _Jewish World Review_
    Obummer's facilitation of Iran's nuclear weapons intoxication

    2015-04-11 (5775 Nisan 22)
    Devvy Kidd _News with Views_
    2001-09-11: a full accounting of another 19 legitimate suspects

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      "As scientists, we need to be able to collect data: cold, hard facts and precise measurements. We need to be able to frame unambiguous hypotheses, and then try to falsify them using definitive experiments and decisivs analyses." --- Erez Aiden & Jean Baptiste Michel 2013 _UnCharted: Big Data as a Lens on Human Culture_ pg30  



    2015-04-12 (5775 Nisan 23)
    Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
    the dirty little open secret about the media
    "...For 7 years, they have been supine as [president Obummer] and his policies have ravaged the Constitution and jeopardized the nation's security..."

    2015-04-12 (5775 Nisan 23)
    Neil Steinberg _Political Mavens_
    sweet non-home Chicago for Obummers

    2015-04-12 (5775 Nisan 23)
    Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
    DHS: FOIA requests are up 182% under Obummer, only 5.7% are fully complied with
    "The DHS says it received a record 291,242 FOIA requests in fiscal year 2014, spending about $51.5M to process and fill them.   It fully granted only 16,651 of these requests, or about 5.7%, partially granted another 128,603, and denied 6,212 requests, the report stated.   According to DHS, the vast majority of requests were directed to three agencies: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) -- 143,794 requests; Customs and Border Protection (US CBP) -- 47,261 requests; and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE) -- 85,081 requests.   The increase in FOIA requests has put a strain on the department's ability to process them, DHS said in the report, adding that the department had 120,393 FOIA requests pending at the end of FY2014.   This reflects an 83% increase in the number of pending requests from FY2013."

    2015-04-12 (5775 Nisan 23)
    Janet Hook _Wall Street Journal_
    first 3 GOP candidates for president share TEA party roots

    2015-04-12 (5775 Nisan 23)
    Jim Holt _GateWay Pundit_
    extreme leftist Ferguson agitators flow to SC to stir up racial hate
    "Deray McKesson, one of the lead agitators in Ferguson who is from Minnesota, is now training activists on street tactics in SC..."

    2015-04-12 (5775 Nisan 23)
    Christopher Monckton _WND_
    my $50K challenge to The International Union of Climate Fascists

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      "Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464)... 'All human knowledge is mere conjecture and man's wisdom is to recognize his ignorance.' (_De Docta Ignorantia_, on learned ignorance, 1440). His study of plant growth proved that plants take nourishment from the air, and that the air has weight. He also discovered a dozen lost comedies of the Roman play-wright Pautus." --- Frances Gies & Joseph Gies 1994, 2010 _Cathedral, Forge, and WaterWheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages_ pg255 (citing Ivor B. Hart 1962 _The World of Leonardo da Vinci: Man of Science, Engineer, and Dreamer of Flight_ pg142)  



    1743-04-13: Thomas Jefferson's birth-day.

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
    OPT may be causing USA citizens to lose jobs to foreign interns
    "Employers don't have to pay the taxes on workers here under the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program, which allows former students to stay and work for up to 29 months after they graduate from a USA college or university, and nearly 500K applications have been approved over the last 5 years, according to a report being released Monday by the Center for Immigration Studies.   'You can be out of your university for more than 2 years and kindly old Uncle Sam still regards you as a student, allows you to still work legally in this country and worse, pays your employer a bonus instead of hiring a comparably qualified citizen or green card holder.', said David North, the researcher who wrote the report...   Use of the 12-month program has risen 34% from 2009 to 2013, when there were 93,143 applications approved.   But the 17-month tech program has grown much faster, more than tripling from fewer than 6K applications granted in 2009 to 19,115 approved in 2013..."

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Greg Gordon _Jewish World Review_
    Arab nations' donations to Clinton Foundation: curing world's ills or currying favor?
    "...What hasn't been revealed, however, is the disparity in donations by these four nations, all of which have been criticized by the State Department over the years for a spate of issues ranging from the mistreatment of women to stoking ethnic discord in the flammable Middle East..."

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
    avoiding seeing things as they really are

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
    whatever happened to the pursuit of truth?

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
    Rand Paul's uncertain trumpet

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    David Weigel _Jewish World Review_
    how would president Rand Paul handle the media?

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
    Rand Paul puts on a clinic
    Cybercast News Service

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Conor Gaffey _Jewish World Review_
    UK election: lefty British Jews will vote Conservative over Labour's Israel policy

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Armstrong Williams _Jewish World Review_
    Obummer's dangerous word-play
    Washington DC Times

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
    Brennan's CIA make-over

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
    the Dodd-Frank-Waters financial crisis is still hanging over the USA economy, and threatens a repeat
    "...Government policy created the financial crisis at every step.   Congress and HUD demanded that more and more loans be provided for 'under-served' communities.   Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, responding to this pressure, diminished underwriting standards.   The promotion of home-ownership [in this way] was a bipartisan mistake.   Both the Clinton and George W. Bush [Shrub] administrations backed it (though Bush did attempt, unsuccessfully, to rein in the GSEs [quangoes])..."

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
    Boston bomber conviction puts death-penalty opponents in an awkward spot

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
    the power-mad, race-obessed, anti-constitutional precedents Obummer has set make him an especially disastrous president

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    S.E. Cupp _Jewish World Review_
    Republican women and achieving the impossible

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
    confirmed again: Israel is not the problem
    "On 1967 June 7, Israel entered the Old City of Jerusalem during the Six-Day War, taking back the entirety of the city that had been the center of Jewish life since 1003BCE when King David conquered the city.   In the most significant mistake of his career, Moshe Dayan did not declare that Jerusalem was now part of Israel and would remain such henceforth.   That was the opening that allowed the discussion of what was the Middle East conflict for the next 48 years.   After years of prattle we now know Israel has little or nothing to do with the problems of the Middle East..."

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Sara McCord _Jewish World Review_
    interviewing for a job whose "requirements" you don't precisely meet
    canonical Sara McCord site

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Anthony Rivas _Jewish World Review_
    Medical Daily

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times
    no news here: the corrupt, power-mad, race-obsessed, oath-breaking Obummer and Reid want to replace GOP senators with leftists

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
    no news here: Obummer trying to sell his deal to let Iran develope their nuclear weapons arsenal

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
    Obummer's deal with Iran: anatomy of a disaster

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    _Conservative HQ_
    Harry Reid's current or former capitol police chief gets weirder by the day

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    senator Ted Cruz at NRA to Hitlery Rotten Clinton: if you want our arms, come and try to take them

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
    GOP losership embracing crony socialism at the expense of American innovation
    "In the innovation sector, however, some Republicans have cozied up to [Obummer's] campaign contributors and to big business and have sold out small inventors and entrepreneurs by embracing a proposed overhaul of the U.S. patent system.   The so-called Innovation Act is a gift to large, multi-national tech giants seeking to weaken the intellectual property rights found in our Constitution.   And, rather than speak up against this monstrosity, many conservatives have embraced what I believe is the equivalent of Obamacare for innovation..."

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Ed Feulner _Cybercast News Service_
    surrender of religious liberty

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
    Rand Paul: what you do in your home is your own business (unless you're initiating force or fraud against someone in your own home)

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
    corrupt UN gave Iran a leadership post in agency for "gender equality and empowerment of women"

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
    Russia selling S-300 SAMs to Iran

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    James Delingpole _Breitbart_
    Nigel Farage pointed out that over half the patients being treated for HIV by the NHS are not actually British nationals but medical tourists

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Laura Ingraham
    Joe Guzzardi: the bottom line is that more cheap foreign workers will contiue to flood the labor markets and further depress compensation (mp3)

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Cory Franklin _Political Mavens_
    re-visiting the dead

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
    senator Mike Lee: the founding fathers would be most surprised that congress has ceded so much power to the executive (and judiciary)

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
    Texas border county reserve deputy constable allegedly transporting illegal aliens to pay off gambling debt

    2015-04-13 (5775 Nisan 24)
    Susan Berry _Breitbart_
    Turning Point millennials oppose Hitlery

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "'Natural science', said Albertus Magnus (c. 1200-1280), one of the luminaries of the University of Paris, 'is not simply receiving what one is told, but the investigation of causes of natural phenomena.'" --- Frances Gies & Joseph Gies 1994, 2010 _Cathedral, Forge, and WaterWheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages_ pg229 (citing R.J. Forbes & E.J. Dijksterhuis 1963 _An History of Science and Technology: vol1 Ancient Times to the 17th Century_ pp97, 98)  



    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
    Ann Coulter's new book _Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn the USA into a 3rd World Hell Hole_
    "In Adios, America she [attacks] the immigration issue head-on and flying in the face of La Raza, the Democrats, a media determined to cover up immigrants' crimes, churches that get paid by the government for their 'charity', and greedy Republican [business executives] and campaign consultants -- all of whom are profiting handsomely from [vastly excessive] mass immigration that's tearing the country apart."

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
    where Ted Cruz and Hitlery Rotten Clinton and Marco Rubio and Rand Paul stand on H-1B visa issues

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
    USCIS rules over-state H-1B demand
    "...Further, perhaps to make sure that there are as many applications as possible, USCIS refunds the fees for all applications that are not approved – so the corporations only pay for applications that end up giving them nearly-indentured H-1B workers.   So it costs nothing to employers, just staff time, to pitch for more, to many more, applications than they really need...   If the government is really pro-immigrant it would not go through a lottery at all.   It would simply approve petitions for the top 85K applications in terms of the salary offered; employers really wanting such workers, and willing to pay for them, would get the workers, and the low-balling employers would be left out..."
    Note that well over 85K new/initial H-1B visas are actually issued each year.

    H-1B Visas Issued Through Consular Offices
    yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
    for those from Chile
    and Singapore
    Total H-1B Visas Issued
    199658,327- - -58,327
    199780,547- - -80,547
    199891,360- - -91,360
    1999116,513- - -116,513
    2000133,290- - -133,290
    2001161,643- - -161,643
    2002118,352- - -118,352
    2003107,196- - -107,196
    yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
    for those from Chile
    and Singapore
    Total H-1B Visas Issued

    State Dapartment
    FY2004-FY2008 pdf;     FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
    FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
    FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
    FY2011 Annual Report;     FY2012 Annual Report
    FY2013 Annual Report
    FY2014 Annual Report

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Kelly Cohen _Washington DC Examiner_
    applications for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled H-1B guest-workers reach record levels
    "Applications...reached a record of 233K for fiscal year 2016, according to new government figures released Monday...
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
    pandering to opponents of immigration reform (i.e. opposing reducing numbers to reasonable levels, opposing establishing reasonable standards and priorities) is not going to win the White House for the GOP
    "Romney actually gained a higher percentage of the Hispanic vote than garnered by Bush senior (25%) and Dole (21%)...   Hispanics tend to support big, activist government and large social welfare programs such as [ObummerDoesn'tCare] (69% in a 2014 Pew poll).   They don't support constitutionally limited government, individual freedom, low taxes, and ending [crony socialism] at nearly the same level as other voters...   According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll, Hispanics support [Hitlery Rotten Clinton over Yebbie Booosh] by 71% to 26%.   This is virtually identical to the Hispanic vote for [Barack Hussein Obummer] and Mitt Romney in 2012 (71% to 27%) and it mirrors the support that Hispanics give to [unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare] (69%)..."

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
    US ICE director Sarah Saldana: agents who conscientiously do their jobs of enforcing immigration laws risk termination
    "During a hearing on ICE oversight on April 14, representative Trent Franks (R-AZ) referred to [Obummer's] statement during a town hall event in February, during which the president said there would be 'consequences' for ICE agents who enforce federal immigration laws outside of [Obummer's unconstitutionally] mandated enforcement priorities. Representative Franks then asked Saldana what those consequences would be. 'The president also said, and I know this question was proffered earlier, if somebody's working for ICE and they don't follow this policy, there's going to be consequences for it.', Franks explained. 'Have you enforced that? I mean is there, are there consequences for not following that policy?'"

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
    the new inquisition
    Town Hall

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
    women at war... and the enemy is us

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Byron York _Jewish World Review_
    will 20165 really be a foreign policy election?
    Washington DC Examiner
    "...Amid all the happy talk about the nation's economic recovery and a falling unemployment rate, Americans are earning less and less.   The Labor Department divides earners into 5 levels, and income went down for 4 of the 5.   In the lowest fifth, pre-tax income went from $10,174 to $9,818 -- a 3.5% decrease.   In the next-lowest fifth, income went $27,094 to $26,369 -- a 2.7% decrease.   In the middle fifth, income went from $47,017 to $45,724 -- a 2.8% decrease.   In the second-highest fifth, income went from $75,990 to $74,410 -- a 2.1% decrease.   Only in the highest fifth did income increase, from $164,647 to $166,048 -- a 0.9% rise.   IOW, the top 20% did just a little better, while the bottom 80% did significantly worse..."

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Susan Ferrechio _Washington DC Examiner_
    back-stabbing RINO John Boehner removed real Republicans from rules committee

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
    Red China is building islands in the South China Sea, about 1K miles from the main-land

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Mike Adams _Town Hall_
    abortion debate is getting more interesting

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Vivian Hughbanks _Town Hall_
    Germany assures Estonia of NATO support against Russians: the need for speed
    "...'It would get here in, what, a week? 5 days?', Ilves said in an interview with The Telegraph last weekend.   'But if you look at the exercises that are done by our neighbour, they're basically instantaneous.   They're here and it's over in 4 hours.'..."
    Deutsche Welle
    David Blair: London Telegraph

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
    a modest reform proposal: let's sunset the federal government extortion code

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    _Town Hall_
    Somali police say 8 died in attack on higher education offices

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    _Town Hall_
    UK anti-terrorism police arrested man who had been detained and deported from Turkey on suspicion that he was trying to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    _Town Hall_
    Muslim violence increasing in central Mali

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Laura Ingraham
    contest for Republican party nomination for president is very fluid
    Michael Barone: Real Clear Politics
    "Two weeks ago, Ted Cruz announced his candidacy for president at Liberty University, and last week, Rand Paul announced at the Galt House hotel in Louisville, Kentucky.   Marco Rubio is expected to announce this week at the Freedom Tower in Miami.   Others will follow..."

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Laura Ingraham
    a president who lived and died for liberty
    James L. Swanson & Michael F. Bishop: Wall Street Journal

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Laura Ingraham
    Hitlery Rotten Clinton was asked about her State Dept. e-mail 2 years ago

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
    why "resettle" any Syrian refugees at all?
    "Since 2013 January, State Department numbers show that as of last week we've resettled here in the USA only 697 Syrian refugees, more than 90% of them Muslims.   The FBI admitted at a congressional hearing in February that it lacked the capacity to do meaningful background checks [let alone proper investigations] on such refugees.   That's why we have headlines like US May Have Let 'Dozens' of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees.   But putting the security threat aside, why would we take any Arab refugees from any war-torn country in the Middle East?   Resettlement in a faraway country should be the absolute last resort; it's preferable that displaced people be accommodated in countries near their homeland, facilitating eventual return, and in countries that are culturally similar to ease the strains for both the refugees and the host country.   In that vein, why aren't we demanding that Saudi Arabia resettle the Syrians?   (And, for that matter, the Yemenis likely to be displaced by the fighting there.)   It's a huge, empty country – much of it desert, certainly, but it supports 27M people with a per capita GDP of more than $31K.   The United Arab Emirates is smaller, but it is also awash in oil wealth and could take a significant number.   And the overflow of Syrian and Yemeni refugees that aren't resettled in Saudi Arabia or the UAE could be settled, with Gulf money, in other huge, empty Arab countries, like Algeria and Sudan.   The 22 member states of the Arab League cover 5M square miles -- surely somewhere in there they can find space for displaced Syrians.   (The one group you could argue should be an exception is Syrian Christians, but we've only taken in 40 of them since 2013 January, some 5% of the total, and there's no reason to believe that would change much in the future.   When it came out that Canada wanted to prioritize religious minorities for resettlement, the usual suspects raised the usual cries, though the government seems to have stuck to its guns.)..."

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    _Conservative HQ_
    which Marco Rubio would show up on inauguration day? probably the worst if recent history is any indication
    "What we saw on Monday was the Marco Rubio of 2 years ago, who sat atop many early 2016 Republican presidential polls and who, by the way, regularly rated #1 or #2 in the CHQ 2016 presidential straw poll.   We will refer to that Marco Rubio as the 'pre-Gang of Eight' Marco Rubio.   Then there is the 'after the Gang of Eight' Marco Rubio, who is the one that is actually running for President.   This is the Marco Rubio who betrayed the TEA Party movement and grass-roots conservative voters who elevated him to the 1enate over establishment Republican, turned Independent, and finally turned Democrat Charlie Crist.   This is the Marco Rubio who became the chief spokesman and advocate for a bill that would have put millions of illegal aliens on the path to citizenship to eventually become part of a new Democratic-majority electorate.   This is the Marco Rubio who prompted Florida conservative commentator Javier Manjarres of the Shark Tank and Hispolitica to observe, 'What most people don't know about Rubio is that he has always supported [yet another] pathway to citizenship.'   This is the Marco Rubio who helped craft a bill that gave millions of dollars in [tax-victim] money to anti-conservative race-based organizations, such as La Raza, to help them promote amnesty for illegal aliens.   This is the Marco Rubio who, judging by the 'who do you walk with rule', which is CHQ Richard Viguerie's fool-proof test of whether or not a candidate is a conservative, is definitely no conservative, having staffed his office with anti-conservatives, such as Communications director Alex Burgos, a long-time amnesty proponent, and other establishment Republican insiders, rather than the boat-rocking TEA Partiers that provided the man-power for Rubio's upstart campaign against governor Charlie Crist..."

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    Muslim Brotherhood ally CAIR attacks America's heart-land
    Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
    Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Joseph Farah _WND_
    why I have hope for the USA

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Barry Farber _WND_
    Diplomacy 101 and my impudent secretary: decrying Obummer's strategy of treating bad guys nicely, and good guys viciously

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Jerry Newcombe _WND_
    omnipresent: video-cameras and God

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Star Parker _WND_
    2016 election is about the USA
    "When I began my work in public policy more than 20 years ago, my goal was to move black America off of Uncle Sam's plantation to join the rest of America in living freely, creatively and prosperously.   Never did I dream, when I set up my nonprofit organization CURE, what would happen over the next 20 years: Rather than blacks moving off of the government plantation, the rest of America moved onto it.   But this is indeed what has happened..."

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Samuel Blumenfeld _WND_
    leftists' education malpractice; on teaching reading

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    _TEA Party Express_
    TEA Party excited by potential Ron de Santis candidacy

    2015-04-14 (5775 Nisan 25)
    Javier Espinoza _London Telegraph_
    tricky math problem from Singapore HS test has "everyone" stumped

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "[Andrew] Johnson preferred charitable initiatives to federal programs, & personally sent $1K to support a school to educate black children in Charleston." --- Marvin Olasky 1992 _The Tragedy of American Compassion_ pg 58  



    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Rosa Prince _London Telegraph_
    Cisco CEO John Chambers should have said: it is our fault that we've been abusing far too many H-1B visas instead of hiring more of the able and available US citizen STEM professionals
    "Cisco CEO John Chambers says the tech world has to win over the American public if it wants the US government to issue thousands more H-1B [guest-work] visas to foreign nerds. H-1B visas are like Willy Wonka's golden tickets: [over 85K] a year are granted to [cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics] -- such as software engineers and other techies -- allowing them to live and work in America [initially for up to 3 years, but renewable for another 3 years, and extensible on a year-by-year basis after that]."
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Rosa Prince _London Telegraph_
    UKIP political program released ahead of 2015 election: Nigel Farage says we want our country back
    Raziye Akkoc: London Telegraph: map of the world's immigration landscape

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Laura Ingraham
    Carly Fiorina says Yebbie Booosh is dead wrong about Communist Corpse and immigration

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
    US ICE director Sara Saldana needs to be educated on the law
    "Apparently someone thought her credentials were adequate enough -- or that she would be a quick enough study.   Else why would [president Barack Hussein Obummer] nominate, or the senate confirm, her for the job?   One alternate theory is because she's malleable and amenable to being used, law be damned, to advance the White House agenda of dismantling effective immigration enforcement between now and the end of the administration's second term...   Yet in her most recent, less-than-dazzling appearance before a congressional committee yesterday, there again was Director Saldana's ignorance of immigration law and procedure on full display for all to see and hear.   Saldana was being pressed vigorously by representative Lamar Smith (R-TX) on the agency's release of more than 36K criminals in 2013 and more than 30K this past year.   She conveniently tried to pin the blame for all of the releases on rulings by the Supreme Court and various federal appellate courts, although the agency has already admitted that wasn't the case in 2013, after a government audit established as much.   I have no doubt follow-up audits of last year's releases will establish a continued pattern of mismanagement and abuse of discretion.   But even more singularly, when representative Smith asked Saldana why the agency wasn't simply more effective at deporting these individuals so that they weren't being held in detention for inordinate periods or released inappropriately, she said, 'the congress lays out due process, sir, for every person that is detained...   I cannot deport any individual without an order from the court, either an immigration court or a federal court.'   Well, she got it half right: Congress does lay out due process for illegal aliens.   But Congress has chosen a number of due process paths that don't require presentation of an alien to the court to obtain removal orders, and it did so in recognition of the need to expeditiously remove certain kinds of aliens.   Any immigration officer right out of basic training could tell her that.   There is expedited removal of illegal border crossers who are apprehended in immediate proximity to the border -- something the administration has been loath to use, despite Saldana's clear understanding that Congress has the right to decide the appropriate avenues of due process accorded to illegal aliens.   There is reinstatement of prior final orders against aliens who return after previously being deported -- another method of expeditiously removing individuals that the administration has strongly discouraged.   There are stipulated orders of removal -- the equivalent of 'plea agreements' used by prosecutors in criminal cases -- which the administration has also discontinued, despite the pertinent fact that such stipulated removals were mostly used for, and extremely effective in, deporting criminal aliens.   Finally, and most pertinent of all to the exchange between Saldana and Smith, there is a provision of law that specifically allows for the expedited removal of alien aggravated felons, without having to wait on immigration court proceedings, which are backlogged by months (years in some places).   But, once again, the agency, at the behest of its political handlers, has chosen not to exercise its prerogative to deport quickly -- notwithstanding that this is the 'due process that Congress laid out', as Ms. Saldana was so scrupulous in noting..."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
    Obummer regime gave Socialist Insecurity Numbers (SINs) to 541K illegal aliens

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
    Marco Rubio does not rule out that he might back amnesty for illegal aliens, gay "marriage", or military action against Iran

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    R' Meir Y. Soloveichik _Jewish World Review_
    when Abraham Lincoln died on PassOver
    "On Sunday, 1865 April 9, Generals Grant and Lee met in Appomattox CourtHouse, Virginia. Lee surrendered, and the Civil War came to an end, with 360K Union and 260K Confederate soldiers dead. The news broke all over the United States on April 10, which, in the Hebrew calendar, was the morning before the eight-day holiday of Passover was to begin. We can imagine the elegant symmetry that those Jews sympathetic to the Union cause saw in the advent of their Festival of Freedom, commemorating the Israelite exodus from slavery, coinciding with the Confederacy's defeat. Thinking of their own relatives, who like other Americans had fought, bled, and died for several terrible years, we can imagine their finding a double meaning at their Seder tables that Monday evening, as they uttered the immortal words of the Haggadah: 'Why is this night different from all other nights?'   It was four days later, on Friday evening, when the president ventured out into a joyful, festive Washington for an evening at Ford's Theatre, that he was shot.   Carried to a boarding house across the street, Lincoln died at 07:22 on Saturday..."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
    is college even necessary anymore?
    "The late great Father Richard Neuhaus and the others whose names are lost forever in my senior brain were discussing how employers would be seeking 'qualified' candidates based on their skills rather than their academic portfolio.   Considering what is being churned out by colleges today, that conclusion makes perfect sense for employers.   If truth be known, the institutions of higher learning have become instruments for our decline...   When I was entering college way back in the Stone Age, one had to be very smart or very rich to go for higher learning.   The smart could win scholarships and the rich would have their tuition paid by parents...   But this has been the plan all along for decades.   Like the stuff of novels, there are actually individuals with tons of money, billionaires who regard the United States as a country that needs to be made over with their agenda.   These are billionaires who have made their fortunes under capitalism but are anti-capitalist socialists..."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
    certain abortions done in the USA tear the fetus apart, ISIL-style

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    L. Brent Bozell iii _Jewish World Review_
    the wimpy Republican+RINO majority in congress
    Washington DC Times
    "Virtually every Republican running in 2014 promised to do everything he could to repeal [ObummerDoesn'tCare], beginning with its defunding, which a GOP majority in congress could deliver.   Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had pledged repeatedly that he, too, would defund and repeal it.   After the election, a majority of Americans expected an end to this monstrosity.   However, when Republicans had their chance through defunding efforts, [losership] buckled...   As with [ObummerDoesn'tCare], Republicans running in 2014 promised voters that they would put a stop to [Obummer's] unconstitutional [and illegal] executive order granting amnesty to millions who entered the country illegally.   Oh, the thundering speeches they delivered to their constituents.   A vast majority of the voters who gave Republicans the Congress were, and still are against [Obummer's] illegal actions, including almost half of Latino voters.   Republicans ran more than 10K television ads against amnesty from Oct. 1 through Election Day...   McConnell eventually gave [Obummer] and the Dems/Reds/leftists exactly what they wanted -- a [dirty, grimey] funding bill that included paying for [unconstitutional and] illegal executive amnesty [for illegal aliens]..."
    At every turn, the losership of both houses have resisted, undermined, and now are punishing those who kept their promises and their oaths of office.

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
    the unfinished business of restitution for the US citizens held hostage in Tehran

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Bill Powell _Jewish World Review_
    the unfinished business of restitution for the US citizens held hostage in Tehran
    Kyiv/Kiev Post

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
    the attempts to set aside reality
    Town Hall
    World Net Daily

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Allen West _Town Hall_
    "...But not all legacies are positive.   What concerns me the most is that the legacy of American strength, opportunity and exceptionalism -- 238 years and running -- is meeting its greatest challenge..."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    doctor Ben S. Carson _Town Hall_
    a time for national action

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Bob Barr _Town Hall_
    GOP losership squandered the best opportunity to hold Hitlery Rotten Clinton accountable

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Terence P. Jeffrey _Town Hall_
    average married couple with children earns $107,054/year and median of $85,087/year
    Cybercast News Service
    "Well, married couples with no children under 18 had an average house-hold income of $91,870 in 2013 and a median house-hold income of $70,995.   That was about 86% of the average house-hold income and 83% of median house-hold income earned by their married counter-parts who did have children under 18.   Unmarried couples with children under 18 had an average house-hold income of $65,337 and a median of $50,031.   That was only about 61% of the average income and 59% of median house-hold income of their married counter-parts.   Unmarried couples with no children did only a little bit better, with average house-hold incomes of $76,609 and median house-hold incomes of $62,126.   That was only about 72% of the average house-hold income and 73% of the median house-hold income of married couples with kids.   Non-family male house-holders with no minor children had an average house-hold income of $53,217 and a median of $36,600.   That was only about 50% of the average house-hold income and 43% of the median house-hold income of married couples with kids.   Non-family female house-holds with no minor children had an average house-hold income of $39,781 and a median of $26,355.   That was only 37% of the average house-hold income and 31% of the median house-hold income of married couples with children.   Of course, many young un-married Americans who have no children today will get married and have children in the future..."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Jacob Sullum _Town Hall_
    a shooting by police high-lights illegal harassment of camera-carrying by-standers
    "Although the First Amendment right to record the police as they perform their duties in public is well established, cops often violate that right by ordering people to turn off their cameras, confiscating their cellphones or arresting them on trumped-up charges. The shooting of Scott, which last week led to Slager's arrest thanks to the details revealed by Santana's video, illustrates both the prevalence of this contempt for constitutional rights and the importance of counteracting it..."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Marvin Olasky _Town Hall_
    it is no mystery why some people join bad causes

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Bill Tatro _Town Hall_
    some people try to repeal the laws of supply and demand
    "However if you ask even the most uninterested group of people, what happens to the price of a thing if there are more buyers than sellers, invariably the response will be: the price goes up.   Conversely, if my test group were asked what happens if there were more sellers than buyers they would respond: the price goes down.   (As an aside: This most recent test was conducted on a group of 7-year-olds with the results previously stated.   I then did random sampling with individuals from 18-82, all with the same results.)   Without knowing it, all these people, including the 7-year-olds, had grasped one of the basic building blocks of the study of Economics...   7-year-olds understand the law.   It's too bad that the Central Bankers don't."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Heather Greenaway _Town Hall_
    as union bosses' anxiety grows, so do the attacks against workers and small businesses: ambush elections are a raw deal for workers and business executives

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Heather Greenaway _Town Hall_
    Turkey's president Tayyip Erdogan says he will disregard European and American condemnations of murder of 1.5M Armenians from 1894-1915

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Laura Ingraham
    senator Mike Lee: taxes entrap, squeeze, destroy US citizens
    Washington DC Examiner

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    _Washington DC Examiner_
    Bob Corker (of S744 infamy) is pushing approval of sketchy, constitutionally questionable Iran bill (video)

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Laura Ingraham
    senate voted for another $141G in debt for patch of unconstitutional Medicare
    Pete Kasperowicz: Blaze
    "In the final vote, only eight Republican senators voted against the bill to protest an increase in the national debt: Ted Cruz (TX), Mike Lee (UT), David Perdue (GA), Marco Rubio (FL), Ben Sasse (NB), Tim Scott (SC), Jeff Sessions (AL), and Richard Shelby (AL)...   Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) offered an amendment to pay for the bill by repealing [ObummerDoesn'tCare's evil] individual mandate."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Laura Ingraham
    where the candidates stand on Communist Corpse
    Frank Camp: Independent Journal Review

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    Republican senator Bob Corker behaves traitorously again

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    _Conservative HQ_
    if you like your extortion day, Republicans are "letting" you keep your extortion day
    "As our friend Terence P. Jeffrey of CNSNews reported, 'The federal government ran a budget deficit of $430 billion for the first half of fiscal year 2015, CBO estimates -- $17G more than the shortfall recorded in the same span last year', the CBO said in its Monthly Budget Review for 2015 March, which was published April 8.   'Both revenues and outlays were about 7% higher than the amounts recorded in the first 6 months of fiscal year 2014.'..."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    _Cybercast News Service_
    Mark Levin: US senate just capitulated to Obummer, and unconstitutionally re-wrote the US constitution's treaty provision (video)
    Michael Morris

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
    senator Ted Cruz: the 2nd amandment is a fundamental check on government tyranny

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
    pope Francis: children are never a mistake

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
    pope Francis rejects so-called gender theory; God has entrusted earth to the alliance of man and woman

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Bob Unruh _WND_
    Obummer admits following advice from flaming commuist Frank Marshall Davis

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    heroic home-owner blasts trespassing, privacy violating drone out of the sky... or not
    Inside Edition

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    Egypt TV to Israel: trust in God and bomb Iran

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Erik Rush _WND_
    today's confluence of evil: super-natural in origin

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Ted Nugent _WND_
    extortion day: the robbers and extortionists run wild

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Larry Elder _WND_
    Chicago's Dem/Red/leftist death spiral

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Maggie Ybarra _Washington DC Times_
    power-mad, corrupt, anti-constitution Obummer/Holder regime trying to smear veterans as "mentally defective" to deny their right to own and carry arms

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Monica Crowley _Washington DC Times_
    the exceptional thing the successful GOP candidate must say
    Political Mavens
    "The successful Republican candidate for president will have to be many things: fearless fighter, relentless advocate for conservative principles, articulate spokesperson for the forgotten middle class, a likable charismatic personality, expert on the complicated dynamics of foreign policy and national security strategy.   But above all, he or she will have to speak of American exceptionalism from the heart, because he or she has lived it.   This matters..."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
    CW's "The Messengers" brings SF, faith and drama
    "'The Messengers' is produced by CBS Television Series and Warner Bros. Entertainment, in association with Thunder Road Pictures.   It premieres Friday, April 17 on The CW at 21:00 ET."

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    Doug Short _Elliott Wave Analytics_
    NFIB small business optimism index down from 98 in February to and updated 95.2 for March

    2015-04-15 (5775 Nisan 26)
    _Investor's Business Daily_
    another reason to get serious about our un-guarded borders

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "For example, in 2009 the federal budget for research and development was $151.1G, including $40.9G for the National Institutes of Health [NIH] and $7.5G for the National Science Foundation [NSF]. These outlays can be compared to $134M for the Department of Education's PostSecondary Education Improvement Fund." --- Richard Arum & Josipa Roksa 2011 _Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses_ pg141  



    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    _National Review_
    Increasing excessive immigration hurts the economy
    "..There is no reason to believe that the number of jobs will necessarily expand at the same rate as immigration, or that the skills of immigrants and the skills required for available jobs will necessarily correspond..."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
    waiting list for green cards keeps growing
    "More than 4.4M people are on the legal immigrant visa waiting list according to the State Department's annual tally.   That is 100,085 more people waiting for legal immigrant visas than at the same time last year.   98% of those waiting have been sponsored by a family member in the United States..."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Angelo Young _International Business Times_
    5 companies were sponsor/employers for one-third of the first 65K USCIS-approved H-1B visa applications, as business executives seek cheaper, younger, more pliant tech workers with more-flexible ethics: Cognizant, Tata, Wipro, Infosys, Accenture; MSFT, Intel, Google, Amazon, Qualcomm
    "Under the [laws] drawn up by congress [and rules from DoL and USCIS], the minimum wage for H-1B workers can be as little as the so-called 17th percentile, meaning that the wage can be as low as what the 17th-lowest wage earner out of 100 in a particular job category in a specific region would earn.   That many of the temporary visas are being absorbed by lower-skilled workers willing to take lower pay is now exacerbating those tensions.   'We used to be middle class, upper-middle class.', a Union City, CA, business management software consultant and naturalized citizen who has been looking in vain for steady work in Silicon Valley for the past 4 years, said.   This person spoke on condition of anonymity because he is concerned about hurting his prospects for future employment.   'We're going down to lower-middle class because they're bringing in these low-cost Indian workers with just basic tech skills by the truckload and they put them in these jobs working long hours with no overtime.   I'm very emotional about this, because it's very personal.'...   'The way the law is written, you set the wage based on job description not based on the skills or qualifications of the worker.', Ron Hira...   'I know of no case where the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division has said you mis-specified the skill level of this worker on your H-1B application.'...   between 2010 and 2012, an average of 65% of guest-workers at [MSFT, Intel, Google, Amazon & Qualcomm] were given green cards.   The percentage of guest-workers who came to the U.S. through [cross-border bodyshops and off-shoring] companies was much lower, between 0% and 12% depending on the firm...   Companies tend to over-bid to the [DoL] the number of H-1B visas they [want].   Submitting tens of thousands of certification applications to the [DoL] increases a company's chances of getting thousands of visas at the other end of this process."
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
    OPM survey: DHS ranked "worst place to work" in the federal government

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
    EPA regs based on warmist hysteria could put nearly 300K Americans out of work
    Ben Wolfgang: Washington DC Times
    "Combatting 'climate change' has been a priority of the [corrupt, power-mad Obummer regime], and there's a new regulation to be released this summer that outlines significant reductions in green-house gas emissions.   It aims to cut them by nearly 30% between 2025-2030.   Based on the calculations by American Action Forum (AAF), this new regulation would force one-fifth of coal plants to close at an initial cost of 80K jobs.   Yet, AAF also noted 'secondary employment impacts', which could soar to nearly 300K jobs lost, which is roughly the population if Cincinnati..."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
    Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) proposes sending DHS employees on field trips to the NY site of the Muslim terrorist attacks of 2001-09-11 to boost their morale
    "On Thursday, she offered several suggestions to improve morale, including extra work for employees at the National Archives; and a field trip to Maloney's home state of New York for Homeland Security employees.   'To protect the greatest defender of democracy and human rights in the world?   What a privilege to work in the Homeland Security Department!   What a privilege!', Maloney told a Government Oversight subcommittee hearing..."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
    ethnic constructs are pointless

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Chris Erskine _Jewish World Review_
    children move on, but parking tickets find their ways home

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Jacqueline Klimas _Jewish World Review_
    soon there may only be atheists in the foxholes: Obummer regime has created a hostile working environment for Christians and Jews
    Washington DC Times
    Laura Ingraham

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    George Jonas _Jewish World Review_
    the beasts of the earth: international "identity politics"
    National Post

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
    helping Barack Hussein Obummer remember history

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
    "Tell us again what a terrible country this is, dominated by the super-rich who care only about preserving their wealth and privilege.   Nobody else has a chance.   Better yet, tell it to Harold Ekeh, 17, a Long Island, NY, high school senior who had a tough time adjusting to his new country when his family moved here from Nigeria when he was only 8, but when the time came applied for admission to 13 American universities, including all the Ivy League schools.   And was accepted by all 13...   They overlooked just one small detail when they assumed the future of energy would be but a projection of their present: the ingenuity of man.   To quote Friedrich August Hayek, father of the Austrian school of free-market economics: 'The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.'"

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
    Chicago: economic death spiral through 84 years of Dem/Red/leftist control

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    George Will _Jewish World Review_
    "sustainability" gone mad on leftist college campuses

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
    the romance of poverty

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Dakota Wood _Cybercast News Service_
    whistling to armageddon: Obummer's pact with the Iranian theocracy

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
    reverend Rafael Cruz: politics cannot legislate morality

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
    new international religious freedom bill, backed by Catholic bishops, targets "non-state actors"

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
    Wyoming Catholic college is the latest to abstain from federal student loan and grant programs

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    Marco Rubio fails first post-announcement test
    "Florida senator Marco Rubio's just-announced presidential campaign was in large measure based on 3 pillars; his compelling immigrant family story, his claim on conservative support as one of the 2010 Tea Party wave election's brightest stars and his commitment [to] righting the foreign policy failures and world chaos wrought by [president Obummer] and his former Secretary of State [Hitlery Rotten Clinton].   Yet, in his first post-announcement test -- the vote on the dangerous Iran nuclear weapons treaty bill put forward by senate committee on Foreign Relations chairman Bob Corker -- Rubio voted for that dangerous bill and failed to take the bold conservative stands that would have distinguished him from the huge Republican field.   What's more, senator Rubio, who earlier had said he would advance an amendment that would have required the president to certify to congress that Iran recognizes the state of Israel, wilted and settled for language asserting that the nuclear agreement would not compromise U.S. support for Israel's right to exist.   Affirmation of Israel's right to exist is of course is a foundational principle of American foreign policy that was never questioned until [Obummer] became president and Republican leaders on Capitol Hill became not so much the leaders of an opposition party, as a collection of craven cowards who wish only to avoid the unpleasantness actually having principles and standing for them would entail.   If senator Rubio was trying to communicate to Jewish voters that he would support Israel, his craven retreat on his amendment on Iranian recognition of Israel surely showed them that he could not be trusted to fulfill his commitments to them...   Corker's legislation in effect lowers the threshold for approving the Iran deal from 67 votes to 41 -- a craven betrayal of the senate's constitutional role as the final word on whether or not the United States agrees to a treaty..."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    _Conservative HQ_
    non-leftists build case for closing corrupt, unconstitutional, crony socialist Export-Import Bank

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Hillary Vaughn _Fox_
    candidates vie for libertarian voters in NH

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    Bernie Sanders, self-avowed socialist, may run for president

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    veterans' memorial under fire because it includes traditional battle-field "cross"
    "A Milford, Michigan, veterans' group is up in arms after a proposal to place a memorial containing a battlefield cross -- a military helmet and dog tags atop a semiautomatic rifle mounted on boots -- was deemed too pro-violence by the [insane, power-mad, hoplophobic] local council.

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    federal district judge Andrew Gordon opened door for cops to storm your home in violation of 3rd amendment
    Ilya Somin: Volokh Conspiracy

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    TSA investigation was rigged to ensure gropers would not be prosecuted: delays, victims not identified or notified, police not notified

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    DEA & US Army bought $1.2M worth of hacking tools
    Cyrus Farivar: Ars Technica

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Bob Unruh _WND_
    Mark Levi: outrageous senate bill just unconstitutionally re-wrote the US constitution's requirement for two-thirds to approve all treaties, turning it on its head to require two-thirds to block treaty

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    David Limbaugh _WND_
    Obummer's wanton lawlessness should disturb us all

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Joseph Farah _WND_
    the tyranny of "tolerance"

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Alan Keyes _WND_
    impeachment: congress' cowardice

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Charles Krauthammer finally realized that the Obummer regime is not credible

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    John Hayward _Breitbart_
    Italian police reort that Libyan Muslims threw Christians over-board in Mediterranean
    "'The original group of 105 people left Libya on Tuesday in a rubber boat.', reports CNN, relaying statements from Italian authorities.   'Sometime during the trip north across the Mediterranean Sea, the alleged assailants -- Muslims from the Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal -- threw the 12 [Christians] overboard.'   The rubber boat was subsequently intercepted by the Italian navy, which put the passengers aboard a Panamanian-flagged ship bound for Palermo.   The alleged murderers were arrested after the ship docked.   A report from the UK Daily Mail suggests both the victims and attackers were adult males..."
    Daily Mail

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    A.B. Sanderson _Breitbart_
    UKIP's Tim Aker gave BBC interviewer a brief lesson on immigration
    "'For much of the 20th century, net immigration was between 20K and 50K a year.   What we had was the Blair and Brown aberration -- well and the Cameron aberration too, I seldom can't tell the difference between the reds and the blues on this.', the MEP said.   'We want to get the best immigration from the world, that fits Britain, that they contribute.'...   'You've got the reds and the blues, 2 sides of the same coin, who love our EU membership, who love net immigration in the hundreds of thousands, or they can go for UKIP...where we want the British people themselves to be in control.'"

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Alexandra Swann _Breitbart_
    UKIP is the only party challenging government-funded political activism

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    _Breitbart_/_Agence France Presse_
    another ally of former Ukraine president Yanukovych found shot to death

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    Donald Trump: GOP losership undermines Republicans and the US constitution, sides with Reds/Dems/leftists at every corner, on every major issue

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
    Ted Cruz signed friend-of-the-court brief advocating that marriage remain a state, not federal, issue; neither Rand Paul nor Marco Rubio did
    "[Cruz was] joined by 57 members of [the House], but only only 6 senators..."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Sarah Rumpf _Breitbart_
    Ted Cruz continuing strong poll numbers

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Julia Gorin _Political Mavens_
    Albanian who killed Israeli in Berlin, Germany has been captured by Czechs

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Leo Hohmann _WND_
    police continue militarization: blinded by laser-armed cops
    "One weapon about to make its debut is the 'Z-Ro Retinal Obfuscation' gun.   When fired, the gun allows an officer to temporarily blind his targeted subject for up to 15 minutes...   The limits of what this money can buy is endless.   Take the Rumsfeld Ray Gun, for instance, which is used for crowd control.   It can heat the surface of targets, including human skin.   Again, it is considered 'non-lethal', just like Tasers and flash-bang grenades, which have killed and wounded hundreds of people...   The key to good, local policing was always that citizens knew the cops, and the cops were treated as part of the local community, answering to the local people’s elected leaders, Whitehead said.   'It's different now.   They see us as suspects or enemy combatants, or, the new term they like to use is civilians.', Whitehead said.   'I tell cops now I'm not a civilian I'm a citizen and so are you.   When they use that word civilian that's a code word for servant...'"

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Bob Unruh _WND_
    Michele Bachmann: Obummer is calling down curses on the USA
    "A former member of congress is warning that the biblical promises of God's blessings for those who bless Israel and curses for those who don’t are relevant today, meaning [president Obummer's] actions could produce problems for America.   'If we actually turn our back on Israel, as we are seeing [Barack Hussein Obummer] doing today, if that happens, then I think we will see a scale and level of pushback in the United States, negative consequences.', said former representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) in a recent interview with Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries on her 'Understanding the End Times' radio program.   'I don't know what they [the end times] are, but I believe the Bible is true.', she said.   'And I believe what the Bible says is that our nation and the people of our nation will reap a whirlwind, and we could see economic disaster, natural disaster.   The U.S.A. does not want to be in that position.'...   In just the last few weeks, [Obummer's regime] rejected a plea from Israel that that nation's right to exist be acknowledged in any nuclear agreement with Iran; abruptly declassified Israel's nuclear program secrets, revealing never-before released details about the Jewish state's defenses to its enemies; publicly indicated [USA's] abandonment of Israel by suggesting it would no longer defend Israel in the United Nations [UN]; and prompted Hollywood star Jon Voight to declare: '[President Obummer] does not love Israel.   His whole agenda is to control Israel.   And this way, he can be friends with all of Israel's enemies.'..."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Leo Hohmann _WND_
    public schools snub Judaism and Christianity in "be Muslim", "be Hindu" essay assignments

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Chelsea Schilling _WND_
    box office hit shattered lies about VietNam war: "Ride the Thunder: A VietNam War Story of Victorry and Betrayal"
    "it was a heartfelt celebration of brotherhood, a long overdue welcome home and a chance to finally tell the incredible story of unparalleled sacrifice that most Americans have never heard."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    _Town Hall_/_AP_
    Ohio man accused of plotting to attack US military base and prison
    "An Ohio man traveled to Syria and trained alongside terrorists, then returned to the U.S.A. with plans to attack a military base or a prison, according to a federal indictment announced Thursday.   Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud wanted to 'kill 3 or 4 American soldiers execution style', according to the indictment.   Attacking the prison was part of a back-up plan if that didn't work, the charges said..."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    David Horowitz _Washington DC Times_
    Islamic jihad on university campuses

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Rick Berman _Washington DC Times_
    the $50M question: will "strikes" pay off for SEIU?
    "They've pulled the same press stunt roughly 8 times... from SEIU's annual reports to the Department of Labor [DoL]: The union has bet roughly $50M on this lame street theater... the real goal is to unionize fast-food restaurants, the 'strikes' are not succeeding at turning fry cooks into dues-paying members. After all, if the people doing the demonstrating are largely paid protesters, you can't honestly call these disruptions 'strikes'... only about 6.6% of private sector workers are dues-paying union members, down from about 17% when the Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS] began keeping records in 1983..."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Jack Cashill _American Thinker_
    what the 1995 video tells us about Barack Hussein Obummer

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
    staffers for Hitlery Rotten Clinton interrogated "ordinary Iowans she happened to meet" for 30 minutes before allowing them to meet with her
    "...It has already been reported that several of those 'ordinary' Americans who met with Hillary in an Iowa coffee shop are long-time Democrat/Red/leftist operatives as opposed to average, everyday citizens.   But even these Democrat/Red/leftist operatives were not ushered right into the meeting with Hillary without first being quizzed and vetted for a half hour beforehand.   Democrat operative and coffee house attendee Austin Bird admitted to the Daily Mail that Clinton campaign staffer Troy Price drove them to the meeting with Hillary only after 'vetting them for about a half-hour'...   On Wednesday it was reported that many of Hillary's FB and Twitter followers were either fake accounts or purchased by the campaign to make it seem like she had more 'ordinary Americans' as followers."

    2015-04-16 (5775 Nisan 27)
    John Hayward _Breitbart_
    in defense of fossil fuels, CO2, prosperity, and scientists

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "Science/mathematics majors scored 77 points higher than business majors on the 2007 CLA, while [so-called] social science/humanities majors scored 69 points higher (after adjusting for the 2005 CLA scores)." --- Richard Arum & Josipa Roksa 2011 _Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses_ pg106  



    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    _Town Hall_/_AP_
    corrupt Obummer regime's appeal of injunction against unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens and grant of "work permits" for spouses of H-1B grantees, to be take up by 3-judge panel of 5th circuit
    illegal aliens demand amnesty (so, if robbers demanded amnesty, would that be a reason to grant it?)

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Caroline May _Breitbart_
    Jeff Sessions: help low-wage US citizen workers by controlling immigration
    "'Regrettably, real hourly wages have fallen beneath 1973 levels.', Sessions explained in an exclusive commentary to Breitbart News.   'Yet, as some union leaders seek higher pay they are also pushing for immigration policies that would reduce both their members' pay and job security.   Improved wages and employment in low-skilled industries comes when labor markets tighten.'...   'Another item that must be discussed is the impact of high immigration on African-Americans.   A paper authored by Harvard Professor George Borjas, University of Chicago professor Jeffrey Grogger, and University of California professor Gordon Hanson found high levels of immigration to be enormously detrimental to African-American workers in the United States.', he explained.   'They determined that a 10% immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 2.5%, and also lowered the employment rate of black men by 5.9 percentage points.'   With the U.S.A. already legally offering green cards to about 1M low-wage immigrants and work permits for 700K guest-workers annually, Sessions noted the current, relatively high rates of welfare use among Americans...   According to Sessions, the drastic change in the size and composition of the American work force has been largely obscured and done without the consent of the citizenry...   'Polls show Americans of all ethnicities and backgrounds think future immigration flows should be moderated to lower, more historical levels.   It should be incumbent upon the proponents of unchecked immigration to explain why it is in the national interest to sustain a level of immigration never before experienced in American history -- and one that is negatively impacting wages and employment.'...   'Those who favor unrestricted immigration care nothing for the people.', Samuel Gompers, the first president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), wrote in 1921.   'They are simply desirous of flooding the country with unskilled as well as skilled labor of other lands for the purpose of breaking down American standards.   You must not forget that if low wages, long hours of employment and unbearable working conditions are signs of prosperity China and India would be the greatest commercial and industrial countries in the world.'..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
    "FactCheck" misleads on costs of amnesty for illegal aliens
    "...By allowing illegal immigrants to claim refunds for previous tax years, the [Obummer regime] has included a retroactive element to its amnesty.   Not only will certain illegal immigrants enjoy some privileges of legal residency going forward, they will also receive one such benefit retroactively -- namely, the right to receive refundable tax credits..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
    favoritism and the appearance of impropriety lead to promotion at DHS... if you are well-connected
    "The Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released last month a 99-page report of its investigation into allegations that Alejandro Mayorkas, former director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), a DHS component, engaged in influence peddling during his tenure at that agency.   The report is blandly named 'Investigation into Employee Complaints about Management of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' EB-5 Program'.   (The OIG concurrently released a number of documents relating to the inquiry, which can be found here.)   Although there is an indirect, almost tippy-toe approach to the way the report has been laid out, the revelations are nonetheless damning to anyone who reads it with even a modicum of dispassion and logic.   For this reason, I've been waiting for weeks now to see how it would affect Mayorkas's continued existence as DHS's deputy secretary.   I'm still waiting, but not holding my breath.   The allegations leading to the investigation were made quite some time ago by a surprising number of both senior and rank-and-file officials at USCIS.   Yet despite the seriousness of the allegations, and the surprising number of officials who felt obliged to come forward and report Mayorkas' activities, he was subsequently promoted and is now the number-2 official at DHS..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
    amidst all of the grim immigration news, here are 4 bits of cheer
    "Class O visas go to those who 'possess extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who [have] a demonstrated record of achievement in the motion picture or television industry'.   There were 66,604 admissions in FY2013 according to Table 25 of the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics for that year; this can be compared to some of the larger categories, such as the admission of close to 1.5M F-1 students annually.   As the reader can imagine, the devil is in the definition -- just who has 'extraordinary' ability?   I was reminded of all of this when a stable, fighting the denial of an O petition for an 'assistant horse trainer', lost at the Administrative Appeals Office level, and took the case into the federal court, which meant that the anonymous adjudicators in USCIS must have done the right thing.   That's the good news.   The case is Mott Thoroughbred Stables of Palm City, FL, v. Rodriguez et al, and can be seen in the PACER files as case 1:15-cv-00333-RBW...   H-2A Non-immigrant Workers.   Still in the great outdoors, and still at the federal district court level, we have a case involving H-2A nonimmigrant workers.   It deals with the other Washington, the state, and the name of one of the work places is Horse Heaven Hills Farm...   The issue in this case is that old, old problem of an agricultural employer ignoring resident workers because he prefers foreign ones.   In this instance, Judge Stanley Bastian on April 8 certified a class of 44 U.S. workers, a class that may grow to 600...   Ruiz Torres et al v. Mercer Canyons, Inc., and it can be found in PACER, at 1:14-cv-SAB...   A larger decision was made, in effect, by two government agencies about the H-1B program for high-tech workers.   First, AAO decided that if an employer, such as one of the Indian body shops, wanted to move a worker from one geographical location to another it needed to apply again, as wage levels vary from place to place.   While H-1B fee schedules are complex, the new decision seems to require the payment of a $325 fee (at least) every time a worker is moved...   the slow-down of the issuance of visas to rich people from [Red China] who want to use the immigrant investor (EB-5) program.   Most -- something like 85% -- of EB-5 investors are from [Red China]; they must be worried about their safety, and whether they move to the United States or not, they want the right to do so should such a haven be needed.   These immigration visas, like most, have double limits on them; no more than 10K EB-5 visas a year and no more than 7% of all visas may go to people from a single nation..."
    DHS YearBook for FY2013 table 39
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Jeffrey H. Anderson _Weekly Standard_
    Jeff Sessions's strong stance on immigration

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    R' Hillel Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
    the end of humankind

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
    decision-point for Christians and Jews
    "That is, the main goal of the meeting was to silence Jewish criticism of [Obummer's] deal with Iran.   So far, [Obummer] seems to have accomplished that goal.   Although, according to a source who spoke to The Algemeiner, the atmosphere at the meeting was 'ungiving, very stern and tense'.   Since the meeting took place, none of the leaders who participated has openly criticized [Obummer's] policies regarding Iran.   Their silence comes despite the fact that, according to the participants who spoke with The Algemeiner, [Obummer] did not allay the concerns they expressed regarding the dangers his nuclear deal with Iran constitute for Israel.   The second meeting of the day was a far friendlier affair.   According to The Algemeiner, participants included supporters of the anti-Israel organization J Street, including Alexandra Stanton, Lou Susman, and Victor Kovner.   Other out-spoken leftist Jews, including Haim Saban and former AIPAC presidents Amy Friedkin and Howard Friedman, also attended...   The purpose then of [Obummer's] second meeting with American Jews was not to silence dissent, but to mobilize his supporters to weaken community opposition to his hostile policies toward Israel, both in regard to Iran and in regard to the Palestinians.."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Lora Moftah _Jewish World Review_
    Hagia Sophia may become mosque because of Muslims' taking offense at recognition of the genocide of Armenians from 1894-1915
    International Business Times
    "Until 1453, the Hagia Sophia served as a Greek Orthodox cathedral after which it was repurposed as a mosque by Ottoman invaders.   The secular founders of the modern Turkish republic later closed the mosque and re-opened the building as a museum open to the public in 1935..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Heather Hale _Jewish World Review_
    "loving" our children to death by following PC fads
    "it's time to bring back some tried and true parenting techniques.   We've come to view discipline as the antithesis of love instead of a means to teach a child to control his thoughts and emotions.   Discipline is not a dirty word, and neither are rules, boundaries and respect.   If we want to opt out of the parenting free-for-all, we have to acknowledge these 4 ways we're loving our kids all wrong..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
    the land of the cheerful giver
    Washington DC Times
    "The Chronicle of Philanthropy, a journal that keeps track of who's giving what to whom, finds that those who speak the loudest about their concern for the hungry, the hopeless and other good causes, are the stingiest.   They only want to give away the money of other people.   'The wealthiest Americans are giving a smaller share of their income to charity.', the Chronicle of Philanthropy, a nonpartisan, non-political journal, says of its analysis of IRS data available for 2012.   'The poor and middle-income people are digging deeper into their wallets.   Some nonprofit leaders, especially those who serve the poorest people, say it was the loyalty of people with low and moderate incomes that sustained them in the roughest periods of the economy and is continuing to do so now in the recovery.'...   The most generous in giving to the hopeless, the homeless and the hungry are the folks who live in the [true blue Republican/non-leftist] states.   These are the states that invariably voted for Mitt Romney.   The tight, the niggardly and the miserly tend to live in the [Reds/Dems/leftist] states, the stronghold of the [leftist] pieties.   They invariably voted for [Barack Hussein Obummer].   The most generous [Red/Dem/leftist dominated] state is Florida, giving at a rate of 3.22%, ranking 17th among the states.   Utah is the most generous, with a majority of Mormons whose faith teaches them to give 10% of their income to others; Utah gives at a statewide rate of 6.5%.   These figures include givers of other faiths, and those of no particular faith.   Mississippi is the second most generous state, with a rate of 5%.   8 of the 10 most generous states are in the South: Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Arkansas and North Carolina.   Residents of these states give on average at least 3.7% of their income, after taxes, to church or charity.   Some give considerably more.   Tithing, or contributing 10% of income, is popular in these states, too.   The stingiest states are Hawaii, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire.   New Hampshire's 1.7% rate puts it dead last..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Aja Frost _Jewish World Review_
    the unexpected move at work which will strengthen your relationships with important people
    "Writing a recommendation for your boss also gives you a chance to thank him or her.   We don't usually get the opportunity to give spontaneous thank-yous to our higher-ups, and this is the perfect non-awkward way to show your appreciation."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
    leftists/Reds/Dems see death as a taxable event

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Don Lambro _Jewish World Review_
    leftist/Red/Dem big spenders of other people's earnings and their big lie
    Washington DC Times
    Town Hall
    "The American people are over-taxed by a waste-ridden government whose grotesquely swollen budget could be shrunk by hundreds of billions of dollars without harming its necessary functions and programs.   We know this is true because of years of shocking audits produced by [the] Government Accountability Office [GAO] that have exposed massive levels of waste, inefficiency, duplication, mismanagement and thievery throughout the federal bureaucracy..."
    And that does not even include the vast waste of spending on unconstitutional activities.

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
    the Obummer regime's wanton lawlessness should outrage all US citizens
    Cybercast News Service
    Town Hall
    "We live in a constitutional republic in which our elected officials are bound by the constraints of the Constitution, which means they don't have a license to do whatever they please, even if they think it would be best for the country.   That [president Barack Hussein Obummer] so flagrantly violates this enshrined legal principle and much of his [Dem/Red/Leftist] Party supports him in doing so is why so many other people are outraged and, at times, fear for their country..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
    should the USA, and all of the West, just let the violence-initiating Muslims of the Middle East do as they wish?

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
    Barack Hussein Obummer: Cuban... Leftist, Muslim propaganda minister?
    Town Hall

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
    Florida governor Rick Scott is suing the Obummer regime for trying to force our state into ObummerDoesn'tCare
    Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
    Town Hall/AP

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
    fascists would appreciate gays' tactics
    Town Hall

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    James Lankford _Town Hall_
    my concern with Obummer facilitating Iran's development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    David Stokes _Town Hall_
    appeasement of force initiators and the near-sighted visionary

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Mark Skousen _Town Hall_
    how to raise the minimum wage without legislation

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Nick Sorrentino _Town Hall_
    Obummer regime says they know farmer is an honest businessman, but take $63K from him anyway through "civil asset forfeiture"
    "One of the real reasons why [Loretta Lynch] is under such scrutiny is her support of civil forfeiture.   The seizing of property by the police even if someone has not been convicted of a crime.   Across the country police departments have used the tool to feather their nests.   The practice is often called 'policing for profit'.   People lose homes and livelihoods even if they have done nothing wrong..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
    Socialist Insecurity, vote buying, and the road to Greece

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Ralph Benko _Town Hall_
    how Rand Paul thinks differently
    "In making his official declaration of candidacy it was clear that Paul stands a little apart from the rest of the field.   Paul is not 'A Man with a Plan'.   He just brings a healthy skepticism toward the overrated abilities of government.   He has a healthy passion for unleashing the American dream and will work through opportunities and challenges on a case by case basis.   Also, Paul is the candidate of 'Peace Through Strength', nobody's patsy but not an adventurer either.   Finally, Paul makes the most interesting, useful, mistakes of any of the candidates before the electorate today.   The first distinction: Paul presents himself, and (by all accounts) is more about connecting with people and people with one another, than as 'A Man With A Plan'.   Most politicians, after setting their patriotic theme, have a litany of what they will do to put American back on track.   Rand Paul was short on specifics.   This implies something interesting.   It implies a non-doctrinaire populist disposition toward politics, trusting the people to fashion, rather than simply demand, solutions.   Paul is a doctor, not, as most politicos, a lawyer.   Doctors internalize high technical proficiency but do not operate by rote..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    D. Brady Nelson _Town Hall_
    personal burden formula: the new misery index?
    "MI is simply the unemployment rate plus the inflation rate (ie MI% = U% + I% [the sum of the unemployment rate and the inflation rate]...with apologies to the non mathematically inclined), although there are more complex variations.   It is a percentage, usually for a given historical period, most often for a Presidential term or two.   Like its two components, the higher the MI then the worse the economic times and vice versa.   There are many people, organizations and websites purporting to calculate MI (usually but not always based on 'official' government statistics).   Most show that since president Harry Truman, MI peaked under Democrat Carter (21%) with the second largest MI being under his immediate predecessor of GOP president Gerald Ford (18%).   Democrat [Obummer's] misery index 'officially' peaked in 2011-12 (12%), similar to the peaks for Republican [GHWBush] (11%), Republican Nixon (11%) and Democrat Truman (12%).   It is lower than Republican Reagan's peak (18%), but his peaked in his first year after Carter and declined thereafter.   However, it was reported last year that under [Obummer]: 'Today, the [MI] would be 7.5% using official numbers.   But if calculations tabulating the full national unemployment including discouraged workers, which is 10.2%, and the historical method of calculating inflation, which is now 4.5%, the current misery index is closer to 14.7%.'   The caveat to this is that many economists and others recognise that the 'official' unemployment and so-called inflation (mainly CPI) figures have been fudged downwards for decades (possibly many decades)...   The 'new MI' might just be the PBF (personal burden formula).   Like MI, PBF is a function of unemployment and prices.   Specifically, it is the unemployment rate plus [gasoline] prices plus food prices (ie PBF% = U% + G% + F% ...with 3 again to the non-mathematically inclined).   Although it has three components rather than just 2, it still is bringing together unemployment and cost-of-living (and besides there is something a bit magical about the number 3 anyway).   Regarding the latter, PBF focuses on two of the most important prices impacting most of middle America -- i.e. gas and food -- and 2 prices that the average voter can relate to in their every day lives better than say CPI...   (using BLS data for 1980-2013).   Using 1980 as the PBF base year, under [Obummer's reign] PBF increased from 2008 to 2011 by 18% but has decreased from 2011 to 2013 by 8%.   Importantly, PBF has been increasing ever since 1998.   From 1998 to 2008, it rose 76% ...and overall a staggering 108% from 1998 to 2013.   This certainly correlates well with the many bad economic policies at the end of the Clinton presidency, during George W. Bush's [Shrub's] era (particularly the final year or 2), and of course the self-trumpeted return of Big Government at the heart of ['Obummer-nomics']."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    _Town Hall_
    new unemployment insurance claims in and out of the oil patch (with graph)
    "...In reality however, new jobless claims lag the events that prompt changes in their trends by 2 to 3 weeks, which is due to the typical weekly and biweekly payroll cycles for U.S. firms.   Here, firms seek to minimize disruption to their operations by allowing their current pay cycle to play out before implementing changes in their employee retention plans.   Since most Americans are paid either weekly or biweekly, that means new jobless claims show up in the data 2 to 3 weeks after the decisions to alter staffing levels have been made... Since falling oil prices would be all but 100% confirmed to be the trigger for the change in trend, that timing corresponds with the spot prices of West Texas Intermediate crude oil dropping below $80 per barrel -- about 25% below the peak value of $107.95 recorded on 2014 June 20."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Chris Versace _Town Hall_
    at the intersection of opportunity and pain lies battery life

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Charles Payne _Town Hall_
    home sweet home (again)

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
    congress is finally making a gesture toward abolishing evil death tax
    "The death tax, which was being phased out by president Bush [Shrub] from 2001-2008 but revived by the [Obummer regime] in 2009, currently sits at 40%..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Laura Ingraham
    Obummer regime's 6-year, $287M program to boost military morale has been ineffective
    Gregg Zoroya: USA Today/Gannett
    William Bigelow: Breitbart
    "More than half of some 770K soldiers are pessimistic about their future in the military and nearly as many are unhappy in their jobs, despite a 6-year, $287M campaign to make troops more optimistic and resilient, findings obtained by USA TODAY show. 12 months of data through early 2015 show that 403,564 soldiers, or 52%, scored badly in the area of optimism, agreeing with statements such as 'I rarely count on good things happening to me'. 48% have little satisfaction in or commitment to their jobs..."
    So, why would anyone be surprised?   Cuts in pay and benefits, prohibitions against winning against those who have declared war against the USA and our allies, prohibitions against defending against attack, announced plans for removal of effective systems, surrendering (for no apparent reason) ground gained and progress made, power-mad social management schemes... are not a formula for a successful, vigorous, ethically-rewarding military.

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Laura Ingraham
    broad coalitions of non-leftist unite against GOP losership push to give Obummer additional "trade promotion authority"
    Numbers USA

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    _Conservative HQ_
    highlights of the week in presidential politics

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Morton A. Klein & Daniel Mandel _Washington DC Times_
    Obummer scam would provide $billions to Iran for their terrorist pursuits

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
    Obummer, stop breaking the USA military
    "Particularly problematic -- and difficult to reverse -- is his transformation of the U.S. military, starting with massive reductions in funding that are hollowing it out.   That damage is being greatly compounded by Team Obama’s aggressive social engineering advancing a radical homosexual agenda and pushing women into combat.   Less-remarked is the assault underway on Christian military chaplains whose religious beliefs are at odds with [the Obummer regime's] policies.   The Washington Times reported Thursday that the effect is driving chaplains out of the armed forces and hurting both retention and recruitment of Christian servicemen and women..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Maggie Ybarra _Washington DC Times_
    4 firms & 5 individuals have been indicted for illegally exporting military technology to Iran
    "...Court documents show that between the 2010 Summer and 2015 Spring the companies and their top business leaders 'developed and executed a scheme to obtain various commodities, including dual-use United States-origin microelectronics, and illegally export these to Iran...   During this time, the defendants obtained at least approximately 28M parts valued at approximately $24M from companies worldwide and shipped these commodities to Iran via third countries such as Taiwan and Turkey.', the documents state..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
    Armstrong Williams tackles "a nation of too many laws"
    "The guests this week include A. Scott Bolden, partner, Global Enforcement Group; Reed Smith, and Monique Pressley, a broadcast legal analyst, and principal at The Pressley Firm, PLLC."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
    privacy violations continue to worsen: eye scanners work from 40 feet away

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Pam Key _Breitbart_
    Louie Gohmert: DHS is too busy rushing through unconstitutional and illegal amnesties for illegal aliens to secure US capitol
    "Gohmert said, 'It ought to scare people because Homeland Security is so overwhelmed in trying to bring on and ship around illegal aliens and give amnesty to as many people as they can, the millions we are told that will ultimately have this amnesty, that they can't do something as simple as protect the Untied States Capitol...'"

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Frances Bartel _Breitbart_
    Kenya building border walls to defend against invading illegal alien Somalis

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Alex McFarland _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
    increase of atheism signals danger for USA

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
    Arab TV commentators claim Obummer supports Iran because his father was Shiite
    "The commentators made their remarks on the UK channel Al-Hiwar TV on March 25 and on 4Shbab TV in Saudi Arabia on April 10; the segments were recorded and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute TV Monitor Project (MEMRI)..."

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Doug Short _Advisor Perspectives_
    Conference Board leading economic index up to 121.4 in March, still below previous inter-recession peak
    Foreign Exchange Factory

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    _Money Tips_
    Pew: 30% of millennial men have no job

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Kathleen Madigan _Wall Street Journal_
    UMich consumer sentiment index rose from from 93 in late-March to 95.9 in mid-April
    Steve Goldstein: MarketWatch (with graph)
    St. Louis Fed
    Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

    2015-04-17 (5775 Nisan 28)
    Bill Kristol _Conversations_
    #31:   David Hillel Gelernter, Ph.D., on the dumbing down of the USA, computer science, & art
    "...But America-Lite. I’m a teacher of college students. I’m lucky to be at one of the best colleges in the world, at Yale. Our students are as smart as any in the world. They work very hard to get here. They are eager, they’re likable. My generation is getting a chip on its shoulder, we always thought we knew everything about every topic, our professors were morons, and we were the ones who were building the world.
    My students today are much less obnoxious. Much more likable than I and my friends used to be, but they are so ignorant that it’s hard to accept how ignorant they are. You tell yourself stories; it’s very hard to grasp that the person you’re talking to, who is bright, articulate, advisable, interested, and doesn’t know who Beethoven is. Had no view looking back at the history of the 20th century -- just sees a fog. A blank. Has the vaguest idea of who Winston Churchill was or why he mattered. And maybe has no image of Teddy Roosevelt, let’s say, at all. I mean, these are people who -- We have failed.
    So America-Lite -- what’s the problem? The problem is -- the incredible richness of American civilization in the years after the Second World War, the generation after the Second World War. When we were creating such extraordinary art and painting, such extraordinary science and mathematics and engineering. Such extraordinary music. Gershwin -- we were still in the Tin Pan Alley generation of Gershwin and Kern, and Cole Porter. Leonard Bernstein was the first American born maestro, and his young people’s concerts were broadcast by CBS, coast to coast. We were -- people were excited about novelists. When Hemingway did something, shoot himself, it was front-page news. People knew and cared. They knew who Picasso was. He was a celebrity. They knew who Matisse had been. They heard of Jacometti, they cared about Chagall. Chagall was a big celebrity in the United States of America.
    People were excited about culture and, for the first time, the arts. They were interested in science, too..."

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "Jews constitute 0.2% of the world's population, but won 14% of Nobel Prizes in the first half of the 20th century [i.e. 1901-1950], despite 'social discrimination' and the Holocaust, and 29% in the second [half, i.e. 1951-2000]. As of 2007, Jews had won an amazing 32% of Nobel Prizes awarded in the 21st century. Jews have excelled not only in science but also in music (Mendelsohn, Mahler, Schoenberg), in painting (Pissarro, Modigliani, Rothko), and in philosophy (Maimonides, Bergson, Wittgenstein). Jewish authors have won the Nobel Prize in Literature for writing in English, French, German, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Yiddish, and Hebrew." --- Nicholas J. Wade 2014 _A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History_ pg198  



    2015-04-18 (5775 Nisan 29)
    _Asian Age_
    former employee sues Tata Consultany Services for bias in hiring, retention, work
    Slash Dot/Dice
    "Tata Consultancy Services has been sued by a former American employee who accused the 'IT' giant [cross-border bodyshop] of discriminating against individuals who are not South Asians in hiring.   Steven Heldt alleges in a civil complaint filed in the US District Court in San Francisco that he experienced 'substantial anti-American sentiment' and was fired by TCS after working at several of the company's US offices for 20 months because he was a Caucasian American.   'Tata has engaged in a systematic, company-wide pattern and practice of discriminating in favour of South Asians and against individuals who are not South Asians in hiring, job placement, and termination.', Mr Heldt said in his April 14 complaint.   Tata is the only defendant.   He accuses it of 3-fold discrimination: hiring 95% of its workers, most of them from India, on H-1B, L-1 and B-1 visas; hiring a disproportionate number of local South Asian workers; and discriminating against non-South Asians in promotions and firings.   Mr. Heldt says that Tata made more than $13G last fiscal, more than half of it from North America, and the 'vast majority' from the USA.   Mr. Heldt, an Army veteran, claims that throughout his tenure with Tata, 99% of its employees were South Asian; they were assigned more substantive work than he and were allowed to transfer to jobs in different business units, or 'verticals'..."
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-18 (5775 Nisan 29)
    George Will _Jewish World Review_
    shriveled grapes, shriveled liberty: a raisin case goes to the supremes
    "In oral arguments Wednesday, the Supreme Court will hear the government defend its kleptocratic behavior while administering an indefensible law.   The Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 is among the measures by which New Dealers tried and failed to regulate and mandate America back to prosperity.   78 years later, it is the government's reason for stealing Marvin and Laura Horne's raisins.   New Dealers had bushels of theories, including this: In an economic depression, prices fall, so a recovery will occur when government compels prices to stabilize above where a free market would put them.   So Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 'brains trust' produced 'price stabilization' programs by which the government would fine-tune the supply of and demand for various commodities.   In 1949, this regulatory itch was institutionalized in the Raisin Administrative Committee (RAC).   Today it wants the Hornes to ante up about $700K.   They could instead have turned over more than 1M pounds of raisins -- at least 4 years of their production...   The government, however, says two contradictory things.   It says the Hornes 'acquired' raisins and hence must either surrender a large portion of them -- in some years, 47% -- or pay huge fines.   But it also says the Hornes do not have sufficient ownership of the raisins to raise constitutional objections..."

    2015-04-18 (5775 Nisan 29)
    Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
    I sing of arms and Iran

    2015-04-18 (5775 Nisan 29)
    Mike Konrad _American Thinker_
    Palestinians in Palestine=Gaza and occupying eastern Israel, and the art of the possible

    2015-04-18 (5775 Nisan 29)
    S. Fred Singer _American Thinker_
    preventing a coming ice age

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "1. Question... 2. Hypothesize... 3. Experiment. Test your hypothesis. 4. Analyze... 5. Share Results [and use criticisms to improve hypotheses and experiments]." --- class-room poster teaching the scientific method  



    1775-04-19: Patriot's Day anniversary of skirmishes at Lexington and Concord, MA.

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Paul Bedford _Washington DC Examiner_
    immigration expert Jessica Vaughan: Obummer's amnesty is profoundly unfair to 4M legal immigrants

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Sameer N. Yacoub _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
    ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate killed Ethiopian Christians in Libya (video)
    Laura Ingraham
    World Net Daily
    Mary Chastain: Breitbart
    Jacqueline Klimas: Washington DC Times
    Guy Taylor: Washington DC Times: cinematic sophistication

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
    USA won't be seeing change soon on "Island Prison"

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
    senator Lindsay Grahamnesty: without any-time, any-where inspections, congress will reject Iran deal

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Jen Kuznicki _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
    power-mad EPA wants to ban bathing

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    "government schools have essentially become criminal enterprises"

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Mark Schlueb _WND_
    UCF: study says children with ADHS must squrm to learn
    AAAS EurekAlert

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Aaron Klein _WND_
    capabilities of terrorists to infiltrate USA are very, very high

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Pamela Geller _WND_
    Islamic machine tried to crush speech at USA college: shariah goons and their leftist lap-dogs
    "This is what Hooper is so afraid of -- I'll be discussing:   Why the freedom of speech was placed first in the Bill of Rights;   How the freedom of speech is the foremost protection against tyrannical government;   The spurious distinction between 'free speech' and so-called 'hate speech' -- and how it is used to erode First Amendment rights;   'Islamophobia': Why this term amounts to little more than the enforcement of Shariah in the marketplace of ideas;   Why speech that is offensive to some must not be curtailed, but protected;   Civility vs. freedom: Why 'offensive speech' must be legal and protected in a genuinely pluralistic society...   CAIR's premise is so absurd.   The students who are being menaced on college campuses today are not Muslims, but Jews..."
    Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Chuck Norris _WND_
    is the Obummer regime enabling a Middle East apocalypse?
    "Instead of the U.S.A. throwing a bucket of water on Middle East embers, the [Obummer regime] continues to pack the powder keg through its many failed strategies.   There isn't a single situation in or around the Middle East that the [Obummer regime's] so-called solutions haven't turned detrimental or deadly..."

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Christopher Monckton _WND_
    why won't western governments fight for the West?
    "On every hand, the West is retrenching, retreating, collapsing and imploding.   We, whose forefathers gave us Christian morality, liberty, democracy, free markets, prosperity, learning, the age of reason and enlightenment and the scientific method, are throwing all of these priceless advantages away.   These Western values came at a heavy price.   We are letting them go for nothing..."

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Joseph Farah _WND_
    look who killed "voting rights" in Houston
    "I’ve been amazed at the way so-called 'progressives' (an example of Orwellian Newspeak if ever there were one) have persuaded so many Americans that requiring proper identification at the voting booth is akin to a poll tax, an insidious and outrageous form of denying ordinary people, especially 'minorities', their right to vote.   They call this abomination 'voting equality' and also cloak the plan as 'universal voting'.   It literally means anyone who shows up at the polls and wants to vote gets to vote.   It means your vote as a U.S. citizen is cheapened to the point of meaninglessness.   It means voter fraud is legalized. Worse than that, it means one party, the one pushing this totalitarian nightmare idea plans to monopolize this legalized form of voter fraud to institute, in effect, one-party rule...   In California, a statewide ballot measure defining marriage as an institution between one man and one woman was approved by the majority of the state's voters in a highly contested but popular vote.   Later it was overturned by the stroke of a pen of one 'progressive' federal judge who is homosexual but did not recuse himself from the case for obvious reasons.   In California, another statewide proposition was overwhelmingly approved by voters that would have denied [tax-victim] benefits to illegal aliens in the state.   It was overturned with a stroke of the pen by another single 'progressive' federal judge issued a permanent injunction against enactment..."

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
    USA's gender insanity
    "Did someone explode a crazy bomb over America?   There's so much insanity afoot -- some serious, some silly -- that one has to wonder if the asylum doors popped open in the middle of the night and the inmates emerged as cultural and political leaders.   Actually, they've been doing just that since the 1960s.   Now is their time to roar..."

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
    a hypothetical discussion between Barack Hussein Obummer and Clarence Thomas
    Jewish World Review

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Clarice Feldman _American Thinker_
    the Loretta Lynch "race" game

    2015-04-19 (5775 Nisan 30)
    Stephan Moore _Washington DC Times_
    how environmental whackoes hurt the poor

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    "1775-04-19: The American Revolutionary War began at the Battle of Lexington, MA.   8 Minutemen were killed and 10 wounded in the initial exchange of musket fire with British Redcoats. &nbps; As they continued to Concord and then returned to Boston, the British were under constant assault from Massachusetts militiamen, who killed 73 and wounded 174; 26 were missing.   The Americans suffered 49 dead, 39 wounded, and 5 missing.
    1861-04-19: One week after the Civil War began, the first Americans died, the result of a clash between a secessionist mob in Baltimore and Massachusetts troops bound for Washington.   Four soldiers and 12 rioters were killed.
    1943-04-19: Jewish residents of the Warsaw Ghetto revolted when the Germans tried to resume deportations to the Treblinka concentration camp.   When the uprising ended on 1943 May 16, 300 Germans and 7K Jews had died and the Warsaw Ghetto lay in ruins.
    1971-04-19: The Soviet Union launched its first Salyut space station.
    1972-04-19: The U.S. Apollo 16 space-craft began orbiting the moon 2 days before astronauts landed on its surface.
    1989-04-19: "Pro-Democracy" demonstrations began in Beijing, Red China's Tiananmen Square.
    1990-04-19: The U.S.-backed Contra rebels and the out-going Nicaraguan government agreed to an immediate cease-fire and a formula to disarm and demobilize the Contras by June 10.
    1993-04-19: The 51-day Branch Davidian siege at Mt. Carmel, about 10 miles from Waco, TX, ended tragically when a fire destroyed the buildings after a combined force of BATFE, FBI, and military troops tear-gassed and torched them.   David Koresh and 85 followers, including 17 children, were murdered.   When confronted with evidence of the use of CS gas (banned by international treaties), attorney-general Janet Reno at first denied it.   When further evidence of the use of military incendiary rounds came to light, Reno admitted to the use of CS gas, but not to the incendiary weapons.   Reno said: "This was my plan. The buck stops with me."   President William J. Clinton said: "I approved this plan. The buck stops with me."   There is some question whether general Wesley Clark sent heavy equipment and troops, though governor Richards admitted to consulting with him and others and granting a waiver of the Posse Comitatus Act.
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive [those who do tesubah] but do not forget." --- Thomas Szasz (source: Jewish World Review)  



    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
    the corrupt Eric Holder is un-doing the order of previous attorney-generals regarding investigation of criminal charges against illegal aliens
    "A fine fellow named Cristoval Silva-Trevino was convicted in Texas of indecency with a child.   This happened way back in 2006.   He was taken into custody by ICE agents for removal proceedings, ordered removed as an alien convicted of a 'crime involving moral turpitude' (i.e., moral depravity, usually known simply by the acronym 'CIMT'), but on his appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals, the order was reversed -- the Texas law under which he was convicted has several provisions, some of which don't seem to involve CIMTs.   Because his conviction documents did not distinguish any further than the statute as a whole, the BIA in its wisdom decided that conviction for a CIMT couldn't be proved and reversed the removal order.   Then-AG Alberto Gonzales was so dissatisfied with such a result that an order was drafted vacating the BIA's decision and directing that in the future immigration officials and judges should look behind the bare conviction documents, for instance at police or pre-sentencing reports, to determine whether the crime did involve turpitude.   Gonzales left office before signing the order, but his successor Michael Mukasey finished the job.   The AG directive seems to many people, certainly including me, to be woven of the cloth of solid common-sense, but the years rolled by and Silva-Trevino's case wound through the federal court system, where the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals finally decided in his favor, for precisely the same reason the BIA did, ruling that the law did not permit examination of additional documents to discern the nature of the crime...   [In the mean-time], other federal appellate courts split on whether or not such examinations were permitted, meaning that whether or not an alien would be ordered removed would depend on where his case was heard.   While this in itself is a logic-bender, it is not unusual -- it is the way the judicial system works in virtually every matter, unless or until a Supreme Court decision is rendered that heals the rift.   But Holder has altered that state of affairs by vacating Mukasey's decision, allegedly to promote uniformity of decision-making in immigration removal cases.   The public may not rest easier now, but alien child molesters certainly can...   Holder's precipitate action is the equivalent of taking an important finger out of the dike of community safety.   Any resolution to this deplorable state of affairs will now have to be undertaken by congress adopting a legal amendment to permit this important examination of supplementary documents when trying to discern if a crime involved depravity..."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Richard Cheeks _U of KY_
    Civil Engineering 401
    "Life-long Learning for Engineers and Scientists in the Information Age: 1996 Winter vol26 #1 Life-long Learning for Engineers: Riding the Whirlwind: Author: Ernest T. Smerdon: Consider the following statement about the half life of engineering knowledge:   A decade ago, a group of experts estimated the half-life of an engineer's technical skills -- how long it would take for half of everything an engineer knew about his or her field to become obsolete.   For mechanical engineers it was 7.5 years.   For electrical engineers it was 5.   And for software engineers, it was a mere 2.5 years, less time than it takes to get an under-graduate degree.   Today, those numbers are surely even smaller.   The Half Life of Knowledge in Engineering   2005: 'The half-life of knowledge has become miniscule in many fields.   Having once undergone training or holding a degree or degrees is not enough.   Life-long learning is essential to competitiveness.'   The American Academy of Political and Social Science 'estimated the half-life of an engineer's skills in 1986 at 2.5 years in software engineering, 5.0 years in electrical engineering...'   In 2001 'the half-life of an engineering degree is now projected to be something like 7 years'.   In 2002, Penn State noted that 'the half-life of one's Internet/Web knowledge obsoletes every 2 years'.   'Where technologies and training once changed every 20 years, today the half-life of rapidly advancing technologies may be anywhere between 3 and 5 years.   Such rapid development requires the education of current workers and professionals in the latest technological advances and related applications.'   'Pace of Change And lastly, the pace of change in itself is a change.   There was a workshop at the academy before I got there, so I heard about this indirectly.   They were talking about the pace of change and somebody proposed a measure of the rate of change as the half-life of engineering knowledge.   In this workshop, they estimated that the half-life of engineering knowledge varied by field, but the limits they put on it were 2.5 years up to 7.5 years.   So, half of what we are teaching our students in some fields -- (computer science, BTW, was the field of 2.5 years) is obsolete by the time they graduate.'"

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Mordechai Schiller _Jewish World Review_
    manipulated or convinced?
    "I've been noticing the word 'narrative' in the news a lot.   Taken at face value, narrative means a particular interpretation or version of a story.   More cynically, narrative is an artful way of saying 'spin' -- i.e., a PR-driven tangled web of information, persuasion, manipulation and deception.   Ever since great ships took to sea, sailors on long voyages would spin yarns -- tell long, often fantastical tales...   My interest is in language, not politics.   The verbal abusage I'm talking about is endemic to politicians of all parties and persuasions.   It comes with the territory..."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Christopher Harress _Jewish World Review_
    Putin is worried that Israel may arm Ukrainians who are resisting his take-over
    International Business Times

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Jack Moore _Jewish World Review_
    Israel developing systems to detect tunnelling under their border with Gaza=Palestine
    One wonders whether such systems have been deployed along USA borders.   Not likely under Shrub and Obummer.

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
    return to towel mountain
    "~One of the differences between the left and the right [over the last 50 years] is that the right is forever looking for another towel to throw in.   The left doesn't do this: They push on till they win.   That's one of the reasons why, with rare exceptions, two-party systems boil down to activist left-of-center governments alternating with placeholder right-of-center governments -- and why all the adrenalin rush of Tuesday-night GOP landslides in November shrivels to the cold grey morning after of bipartisan rubber-stamping for money-no-object thousand-page bills come January.   For example, consider this week's Washington Post column by Jonathan H Adler...   'What does it take to convince [leftists] that Islamic terrorism is a problem?   ...that a $20T national debt is a problem?   ...that partial-birth abortion is a problem?'...   Why does Jonah think it's so brave to ask his friends to throw in another towel?   You can hardly get in the ring at all for the mountain of towels the right's tossed in there..."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
    "free range" vs. paranoid helicopter parenting

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Robert Fulford _Jewish World Review_
    when William F. Buckley ii argued with Gore Vidal
    National Post
    "...Neither admired the other and together they turned out to be combustible.   Their famous encounters have been brilliantly recalled in a documentary film, 'Best of Enemies', directed by Morgan Neville and Robert Gordon.   It's now touring the festival circuit and shows up at Toronto's Hot Docs Festival on April 24 and 26...   Buckley and Vidal were patrician intellectuals in speech and attitude.   Their way of talking, both passionate and elegant, has since vanished from television and public discourse."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
    the power of Moore's law
    "...Moore's Law is a quiet rebuke to those who think we control our destiny.   The historical reality is that technological, commercial and intellectual upheavals -- often unforeseen -- set in motion forces that create new opportunities and threats.   We struggle to master what we haven't anticipated and often don't understand..."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
    the case for a national powder-room initiative

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
    getting coddled at college: academe treats students like fragile, gullible flowers, without a lick of sense

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
    it is time for a sexual counter-revolution

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
    Hitlery Rotten Clinton's big benefactor has criminal trade links with Iran
    "...Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least 9 years -- in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.   Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation..."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
    the devil in Obummer's deal to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
    "Based on what the president has said, the devil is in the framework."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
    Hitlery Rotten Clinton: the plastic candidate with the AstroTurf campaign
    Washington DC Times
    Political Forums

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
    does the Iranian theocracy in Tehran mean what it says, about wanting to wipe out Israel and all other non-Muslims? oh, yes

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Amy Forliti _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
    6 from Minnesota charged with trying to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate terrorists
    Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
    Michelle Moons: Breitbart
    Pam Key: Breitbart: FBI details Minnesota, California terrorism arrests

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
    Mike Lee: rejection of anti-constitution Loretta Lynch is reasonable; Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal attempt to unliaterally rewrite immigration law is ridiculous

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    _Conservative HQ_
    any RINO who votes to convirm Loretta Lynch's nomination as attorney-general should be defeated in the primary
    "...Senator Ted Cruz summed-up the arguments against confirming Loretta Lynch in one brief paragraph at the end of his questioning before the senate Judiciary committee: 'I'm disappointed that like attorney-general Holder you are declining to give a simple straightforward answer...   it demonstrates what I think has been the consistent failing of this administration's approach to constitutional law is that it always, always, always opts in favor of government power.'   Senators have a choice when the nomination of Loretta Lynch for attorney-general comes to the floor of the senate; they can vote to continue [Barack Hussein Obummer's] lawless actions by confirming Lynch or they can strike a blow against [Obummer's] lawlessness by defeating Lynch and demanding the next attorney-general uphold his or her oath of office to support and defend the Constitution.   Any Republican who chooses to vote to confirm Loretta Lynch as attorney-general is telling Republican voters that he refuses to support and defend the Constitution against the dangerous depredations of [Barack Hussein Obummer].   Senators who refuse to stand for the Constitution must be defeated in the next Republican Primary Election..."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    Louie Gohmert on "the amazing greed of the United States congress"

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Laura Ingraham
    beleaguered US workers resort to taking ADHS drugs to increase productivity
    "Meanwhile, as [leftists and the RINO GOP losership] seek to open the flood-gates to more foreign workers, look what's happening to our workforce.   Stress, economic and family pressures are high in a recovery that never really visited middle income workers.   (But don't worry, I'm sure the bipartisan/Big Biz push in congress to give [Obummer] more power to negotiate bad trade deals with Trade Promotion Authority 'TPA' will make all of this better.)"

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Laura Ingraham
    4.4M pending visa applications
    Paul Bedard: Washington DC Examiner
    "the list of foreigners trying to get into the United States legally has surged to 4.4M, over 100K more than last year, according to the State Department. Those on the list either have a family member who is a U.S. citizen or green card holder, sponsoring their entry, or an employer wants them. The list grew by 100,085 over last year. And more than a quarter of them, 1,323,978, are Mexican."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
    we need some yes or no answers from Marco Rubio on immigration

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Laura Ingraham
    Michael Berry: USA military has been made increasingly hostile work environment for Christians (mp3)

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Laura Ingraham
    Frank Roche: GOP move to give executive more trade negotiation power is a very bad idea (mp3)

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Laura Ingraham
    question for Marco Rubio: how many foreign workers would you allow into the USA? (mp3)

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    military operations/training on USA soil raise martial-law fears

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Ted Cruz takes 2nd amandment fight to military bases

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Leslie Ackerson _WND_
    flag-flying veteran turns the tables on home-owners association

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Peter Schweizer's book _Clinton Cash: The UnTold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich_

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
    Mike Lee: we've drifted far from founding generation's ideas of limited purpose government

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Caroline May _Breitbart_
    DHS OIG: Obummer regime wastes millions transporting illegal aliens on mostly empty charter flights

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    John Hayward _Breitbart_
    as violence-initiating Muslims took over Yemen, Obummer regime left Americans there to fend for themselves

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Caroline May _Breitbart_
    Bob Corker (RINO-TN) expects vote on the totally unqualified Loretta Lynch nomination very soon

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Jacqueline Klimas _Washington DC Times_
    US Navy ships deployed to Yemeni waters, could block Iranian weapons

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Kelly Riddell _Washington DC Times_
    Chuck Grassley: FBI is obstructing investigatios of "Fast and Furious", attack on USA consulate at Benghazi...
    Rick Moran: American Thinker
    "'We must stay vigilant and insist that all government agencies, including the FBI, work with Inspectors General -- not against them.'   In investigating the 'Fast and the Furious' case, the Justice Department's IG was told by the FBI that grand jury testimony could not be shared with the Inspector General.   According to Mr. Grassley, the FBI claimed it had the right to refuse to provide the IG information in over a dozen other categories as well...   'Remember -- the law says the Inspector General shall have access to all records, documents and other materials they deem necessary to conduct their investigations.   And yet the FBI says its attorneys will review material first and decide what it would and would not release to the Inspector General.'   The FBI claimed the inspector general needed to get approval from the attorney general or the deputy attorney general to provide information to the Inspector General, an action Mr. Grassley called 'exactly upside down!'..."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
    Uber driver defended Chicago pedestrians from attacker

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
    "saving" the Socialist Insecurity Abomination on the backs of tax-victims: politicians should face personal sacrifices first

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Abdi Guled _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
    Muslim al-Shabab bombed UN van in Somalia

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
    reverend Franklin Graham: halt all immigration of Muslims from countries that have active terrorist cells
    Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
    "His exact tweet: 'Our govt needs to halt all immigration of Muslims from countries that have active terrorist cells & take military action to defeat ISIS.'"

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
    Steve King (R-IA): Obummer is importing millions of illegal alien Cems/Reds/leftists

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    John Horvat ii _Cybercast News Service_
    the left's/Reds'/Dems' "command to sin" laws offend God, defy universal moral law

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
    Minneapolis Star Tribune's Jackie Crosby bemoans exodus of young adults from Minnesota, fails to consider excessive taxes and regulation, destruction of Twin cities tech cluster and over 100K STEM jobs between 1986 and 2000

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Clay Waters _Media Research Center News Busters_
    NYTimes's Rachel Swarns cheered traffic-blocking leftist protest in Manhattan

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
    which candidate will read and heed the GOP platform?

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Joseph Farah _WND_
    is homosexuality a choice? genetic? hormonal? a developmental abnormality due to environmental causes? or something completely different?

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Leo Hohmann _WND_
    prosecutors admit terrorists being recruited from among "refugees"

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Leo Hohmann _WND_
    more blacks recognizing that arms are life-savers

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    air-line pilot arrested for carrying knives

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Mychal Massie _WND_
    black hate groups' destructive hypocrisy: Atlanta's cheating teachers and administrators

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Mychal Massie _WND_
    Greta Van Susteren: president Obummer and other national executives should stop tolerating slaughter of Christians and Jews

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Anthony C. Lobaido _WND_
    Islamic Jihad and Saudi Arabia's quest for nuclear weapons
    Adam Kredo: Washington DC Free Beacon
    Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Laura Ingraham
    can anyone name 1 major policy issue where Lindsey Grahamnesty and Marco "8th gangster" Rubio disagree?

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    Marco Rubio campaign: legislative amnesty for illegal aliens, more student and guest-work visas and green cards first; border security manana, maybe
    Pedro Gonzales: American Thinker
    News Machete

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    Scott Walker on immigration
    "During an interview with Glenn Beck, Walker became the first declared or potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate to stake out a position on immigration fully in line with that of senate Judiciary committee subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest chairman senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL).   He also noted that he has been working with chairman Sessions on the issue to learn more about it...   'In terms of legal immigration, how we need to approach that going forward is saying -- the next president and the next congress need to make decisions about a legal immigration system that's based on, first and foremost, on protecting American workers and American wages, because the more I've talked to folks, I've talked to Senator Sessions and others out there -- but it is a fundamentally lost issue by many in elected positions today -- is what is this doing for American workers looking for jobs, what is this doing to wages, and we need to have that be at the forefront of our discussion going forward.'...   Meanwhile, senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rand Paul (R-KY) -- who like Walker make up the more grass-roots conservative side of the field -- don't really weigh in on the legal side of the immigration issue...   Rubio, the lead member of last congress' senate 'Gang of Eight' bill [S744], supported increasing legal immigration by nearly 33M more people in the next 10 years.   Bush, an outspoken advocate for open borders, supports that and more -- as evidenced by various comments he's made over the years,and since being considered as a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate...   generally business wants cheaper foreign labor and unions want more members.   Factor into this that with an H-1B visa program fraught with problems -- and even some blatant fraud—Silicon Valley is pushing for cheaper foreign high tech labor to be brought into America, even though most independent labor economists agree there is no labor shortage in those fields..."
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
    shut down immigration now: the oceans sustain our lives (part 9)

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Pedro Gonzales _News Machete_
    the funniest question for each of the Republican candidates

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Eileen F. Toplansky _American Thinker_
    Obummer's 3 premises
    "...His economic perspective is deliberately aimed at weakening the United States...   [Obummer's] second premise is that America must pay mightily for its success and its hubris.   To that end, [Obummer] concedes all safety precautions that a leader would insist upon in dealing with 'Death-to-America'-chanting Iran...   [Obummer] has the temerity to castigate those who question Loretta Lynch's confirmation as U.S. attorney-general even while she admits she will not adhere to federal immigration law, but will merely be the latest in the line-up of [Obummer's] minions for whom the Constitution is an impediment.   It is high time for the Liar-in-Chief to be embarrassed..."

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    James Lewis _American Thinker_
    who authorized Obummer to kick over the nuclear balance?

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
    idiot's delight in holocaust denial

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Paul Austin Murphy _American Thinker_
    violence-initiating Mohammedans lay down the law in the UK

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Ed Feulner _Washington DC Times_
    Mike Lee points out how far we've strayed from the US constitution

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    Mark J. Perry _AEI_
    Michael Crichton, M.D. explains why there is no such thing as "consensus science"

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    James Delingpole _Breitbart_
    BBC staged eco-debate: toxic waste gushed forth

    2015-04-20 (5775 Air 01)
    _Messianic Prophecy Bible Project_
    Israel construction minister, Ministerial Committee on Archaeological Digs at Holy Sites, & Israel Antiquities Authority to waqf: stop your destructive Temple Mount excavations

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "The naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie." --- Ann Landers (source: Jewish World Review)  



    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
    on migrants and assimilation

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Tim Constantine _Washington DC Times_
    Mo Brooks rips Marco Rubio and GOP losership on open borders, excessive student, guest-work, and green card visas
    "He walked listeners step-by-step through his own attempt to get congress to take specific action to stop the president, 'but House [losership] refused to allow this to come up for a vote'. A passionate Mr. Brooks described the actions of congressional leadership as embarrassing and shameful. Later in the interview he went after senator Marco Rubio of Florida. Speaking about the thousands of illegals regularly crossing the U.S. border, Mr. Brooks pointed a finger, 'It was Republicans like Marco Rubio who led the effort to open the flood-gates.'"

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Rich Lowry _National Review_
    Scott Walker is on target and taking flak
    Free Republic

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    leftists sputter as Scott Walker proposes reasonable immigration platform

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
    both leftists and non-leftists who want lower immigration standards, even more excessive numbers of guest-workers and immigrants grump at Scott Walker
    "The signs are encouraging and, as Rich notes, 'Walker should take the shots as a compliment, and hopefully, the rest of the field will begin to think and talk about immigration the same way.'   But there's still a lot that needs to be fleshed out before we can be sure that this is more than just vaporware."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    GOP pollster: Scott Walker's immigration stance is a "winning hand"
    "...Conway continued by noting that voters 'literally see this as the right way to go' and, while she thinks, 'Governor Walker was being dogged a little bit by his past of a Ted Kennedy like immigration plan, it's an incredibly bold move but an incredibly smart move as well, because it puts him more in line with where Republican primary and caucus voters in early states are on this issue.'..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    Jeff Sessions: Scott Walker's pro-American worker immigration stance is "helpful for the Republic"
    "'I thought it was a good statement that he made.', Sessions told reporters...   'He was just saying, I'm going to ask the question, what is it going to do for the wages and job prospects of my constituents, the American people, as I analyze how to create a proper immigration flow into America.'   Sessions added that Walker moving forward with an aim to discuss how to protect Americans from the economic effects of immigration -- both legal and illegal immigration -- is something that is 'helpful for the Republic'...   Sessions is the intellectual leader on everything to do with immigration in the Republican Party -- at least from the populist perspective -- and so his kind words about Walker's strong new platform are important.   There definitely are some still in the anti-amnesty community who are worried that Walker isn't sincere...but with Sessions...speaking highly of Walker, that's not likely to end as long as Walker keeps going strong.   It's worth noting that Sessions is absolutely not endorsing Walker, or anyone, at this time, but he's been working to try to get anyone and everyone he can in the Republican Party to be stronger on the immigration issue."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Rusty Humphries _Washington DC Times_
    interview of Dave Brat about immigration (with audio)

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    John Hinderaker _Power Line Web Log_
    Americans don't want more immigration... and they're correct
    "Gallup (2015/01/29): By a more than 5-to-1 margin (39% vs. 7%), Americans who are dissatisfied with current immigration levels want less rather than more.   Pew (2012): 69% say we should 'restrict and control people coming to live in our country more than we do now' (including 59% of Hispanics).   Reuters (2014/08/07): By a nearly 3-to-1 margin (45% vs. 17%), Americans think immigration rates should be reduced, not increased.   Princeton Survey Research Associates (2013/06/23): 61% say that there 'should be restrictions' on the number of STEM-related foreign workers allowed to enter the U.S.A.   Gallup (2014/06/08): By a 2-to-1 margin (41% vs. 22%), Americans think immigration should be decreased rather than increased.   The Polling Company (2014/08/14): By a staggering 10-to-1 margin (75% vs. 8%), Americans believe that a business seeking workers should raise wages and improve working conditions before hiring new labor from abroad.   Paragon Insights 2014/09): By an almost 5-to-1 margin (74% vs. 15%), likely voters said they would be more likely to vote for a Republican who said 'the American people are right to be concerned about their jobs and wages, and elected officials should put the needs of American workers first'.   70% said they would be more likely (vs. just 18% who would be less likely) to vote for a Republican who said that 'the first goal of immigration policy needs to be getting unemployed Americans back to work -- not importing more low-wage workers to replace them'...   Kellyanne Conway; the polling company, inc.: If US business [executives] have trouble finding workers, what should happen? (A) They should raise wages and improve working conditions to attract Americans (75%);   (B) More immigrant workers should be allowed into the country to fill these jobs (8%)."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Pam Key _Breitbart_
    Luis Gutierrez: Yebbie Booosh would stop immigration reform, worsen immigration perversion

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Matt Hamblen _"IT" News_/_IDG_
    young workers feel stress from mobile devices
    "A new survey of 3,500 professionals -- mostly under age 34 -- conducted in the U.S.A. and 5 other countries found at least 58% said they have feelings of guilt in this hyper-connected world.   The survey, conducted by the Harris Poll for MobileIron, also found that 60% said they would leave their job if their boss didn't allow any remote work or restricted their ability to do personal tasks at work.   The survey involved workers in the U.S.A. as well as France, Germany, Japan, Spain and the UK between 2014 December and 2015 January.   Feelings of guilt -- or even worker feelings of being exploited by an employer -- aren't normally associated with uses of new mobile technologies that can enhance productivity and improve communications.   The survey indicates that workers' feelings shouldn't be taken for granted by bosses..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
    fighting robots with robots
    "So machines are now able to assess a human's mood.   'Emotion detection software" has put robots one step closer to replacing the humans who work -- or used to work -- in what we in the olden days called 'customer relations'.   Assuming that you, dear reader, are a human and not a column-consuming robot, you may be asking the question: What happens to the jobs of humans who were laboring under the impression that they could still do things machines couldn't?   That's a good question, says Zeynep Tufekci, an information expert at the University of North Carolina.   Robots can now interview people at the border and identify phony documents, she writes..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
    black murderers matter, white murderers matter, yellow murderers matter, olive murderers matter
    "...Building hysterias based on falsehoods is a primary modus operandi on the left.   One can even say that without hysteria there is no left.   First a lie or exaggeration is manufactured.   Then it is repeated over and over by the mainstream media and myriad left-wing groups; academics hold conferences and write thoughtful-sounding op-ed pieces about the fake issue; meanwhile activists on its behalf demonstrate, taking over public buildings and highways, sometimes violently..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
    house-keeping for the head

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
    age is more than merely a number, and that is a good thing

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
    the body politic grows soft and fat

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Stuart Rothenberg _Jewish World Review_
    don't even try to game the 2016 presidential primaries

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
    politicized prosecution and refusal to prosecute tunning amok

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
    flunking civics should no longer be an option

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
    chaotic primaries

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
    liberty requires bravery
    Jewish World Review
    Town Hall
    "What's the difference between the actions of the University of Oklahoma administrators and the actions of the Islamist murderers in Paris? Both found the speech in question offensive.   Both took actions against the people involved in that speech.   So what's the difference?   It's a matter of degree, but not kind.   Both were unwilling to tolerate speech they didn't like.   Of course, the difference in responses is by no means trivial -- one being expulsion and the other murder.   The principle that applies to one's commitment to free speech also applies to one's commitment to freedom of association...   Permitting discriminatory practices in publicly owned facilities -- such as libraries, parks and beaches -- should not be permitted.   That is because they are publicly financed by [tax-victims] and everyone should have a right to equal access.   Denying freedom of association in private clubs, private businesses and private schools violates a human right..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
    Obummer's RINO collaborators
    World Net Daily
    "The GOP swept to victory in November by declaring that this imperial presidency must be brought to heel, and [president Obummer's] illicit seizures of congressional power must end.   That was then.   Now is now.   This week, Congress takes up legislation to cede His Majesty full authority to negotiate the largest trade deal in history, the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, and to surrender congress' right to amend any TPP that Obama might bring home.   Why the [repeated] capitulation? [failure/refusal to cut the federal government budget, unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens, failure to use every rule and other means to eradicate ObummerDoesn'tCare, illegal 'work permits' for spouses of H-1B visa recipients, failure to prosecute for 'Fast and Furious', failure to press the case and seize Clinton's e-mail server before she could have evidence erased, failure to vigorously investigate the attack on the consulate at Benghazi, failure to reject Obummer's judicial and DHS nominations...]..."
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    Koch brothers give high praise to Scott Walker
    Thomas Lifson: American Thinker

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    Allen West: prayer protects foot-ball players from injuries

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Laura Ingraham
    illegal alien arrested using Border Patrol agent's identity
    Dave Hendricks: Valley Central

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Laura Ingraham
    in Queens NY immigrants facing charges in court are notified of "Vienna Convention"
    "Only in Queens, a borough that is home to nearly 1.1M immigrants, the city's international airport and perhaps New York's most international hospital, would a 1963 treaty written to protect foreign nationals figure in the most mundane of court proceedings."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Laura Ingraham
    memo to congress: don't give Obummer "fast track authority" (Trade Promotion Authority) for Trans-Pacific Partnership pact
    Peter Morici: Fox

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Laura Ingraham
    more Colorado jobs came on lower-end of pay scale capping wage gains
    Aldo Svaldi: Denver CO Post
    Alison Felix & Sam Chapman: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Laura Ingraham
    Kevin Kearns: Obummer's new trade deal represents yet another massive executive over-reach

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
    moral schizophrenics

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Caroline May _Breitbart_
    Obummer regime admitted unconstitutionally and illegally granting illegal alien gangsters amnesty, one charged with 4 murders
    Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
    high profile fugitive gangster attacked Texas cops along border

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
    Arab states snub Obummer summit in DC, Iran mocked Obummer: when you strike a deal with an enemy who continues to attack you, that is not called "peace", but "surrender"

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    NYPost: foreign cash made Clintons "filthy rich"

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Pam Key _Breitbart_
    Richard Trumka: Obummer ignoring citizenry and congress on un-democratic Trans-Pacific Partnership deal

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Pam Key _Breitbart_
    senator Ted Cruz: why do the leftists maintain "gun-free zones" on USA military bases?... total contradiction of 2nd amendment
    Pedro Gonzales: American Thinker
    News Machete

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
    documentary "Europe's Last Stand: America's Final Warning" on Islam's efforts to dominate Europe, South American, Asia and USA

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Andrew Walker _Breitbart_
    UKIP refuted spurious negative attacks

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Frances Martel _Breitbart_
    Turkish ambassador says Obummer supports construction of mosque in Maryland
    "Çavuşoğlu visited the Turkish-American Culture and Civilization Center on Sunday as part of a 3-day trip to the United States. Hurriyet reports that Turkish state media outlets, who were the only outlets allowed to attend and report on the event, quoted Çavuşoğlu as saying that [president Obummer] had approved a larger Turkish mosque at the center, which already has a small prayer center. Çavuşoğlu claimed [president Obummer] had 'accepted in principle' the plans: 'During a phone call, president [Recep Tayyip Erdoğan] asked president [Barack Hussein Obummer] to accompany him in opening the center together and [president Obummer] accepted his offer in principle.'..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Raymond Ibrahim _American Thinker_
    the price of dhimmitude

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Fred Baumann _American Thinker_
    Israel's security fence

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Michael Booth _American Thinker_
    "quantitative easing" in Red China

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
    in response to insults and snubs, Netanyahu snubbed Jimmy Carter
    "...A senior diplomatic official told Channel 10, which broke the news, that Carter is 'a disaster for Israel', and that all Israeli leaders should refrain from meeting the former president, due to his 'anti-Israel positions'.   The official was also quoted as saying that while Netanyahu and Rivlin refused to meet with him, Israel had approved Carter's request to visit the Gaza Strip [=Palestine]...   In his post-presidency, Carter has become a vocal critic of Israel and has met with Hamas, a terror group dedicated to the destruction of Israel..."
    Discover the Networks: Hamas

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
    welcome to rent control!   88K apply for 55 apartments
    News Machete

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Bernard Kerik _News Max_
    violence initiating Muslims hungrily eyeing USA as target

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Rich Lowry _News Max_
    investigative abuse attacks on Scott Walker and his supporters

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Tom Fitton _News Max_
    IRS abuses against non-leftists continue

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Andrea Billups _News Max_
    Ted Cruz: the only terrorist attack that might get Obummer's attention is one on a golf course

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    _News Max_
    job losses in March were widespread, led by slump in energy
    "Pay-rolls in Texas decreased by 25,400, its first decline since 2010 September and the biggest since 2009 August, figures from the Labor Department [DoL] showed Tuesday in Washington.   Oklahoma followed with 12,900 fewer jobs and employment in Pennsylvania fell by 12,700..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    _News Max_/_Reuters_
    Google spending on lobbying reached new high in early 2015
    "Google Inc., already one of Washington's biggest spenders, set a company record for its lobbying activity in the first quarter of 2015 when it spent $5.5M, according to a government data-base.   Google ranked ninth in terms of total lobbying spending in 2014 at $16.8M, behind the U.S. Chamber of [Crony Socialists] ($124M) and the National Association of Realtors ($55M), according to the Center for Responsive Politics..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    _News Max_
    Obummer climate madness likely to make coal plants less efficient

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Jonathan Greenberg _Washington DC Times_
    the Iran deal goes meat-balls

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
    Stephen Knight (R-CA-25) to advocate for immigration reform: "If you touch me again, I'll drop your a**"
    "The exchange turned tense after Mike locked Knight in a prolonged hand-shake and accused him of voting to grant executive amnesty to illegals.   'You told me you didn't vote for amnesty and you did.   I looked it up on the Internet.   You lied to me.', Mike said before slapping the Republican on the left shoulder twice and walking away.   Knight, an Army veteran and former Los Angeles police officer, went over to the protester, grabbed his right arm and poked him in the chest..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
    senator David Vitter (R-LA) seeks sub-poena of ObummerDoesn'tCare records
    "Republican senator David Vitter pressed colleagues Tuesday to back his bid to subpoena the DC health exchange for records that could shed light on how the city agreed to link congress with [ObummerDoesn'tCare] plans...   For months Mr. Vitter has tried to find out who signed the application papers at House and senate personnel offices, although DC officials argue privacy laws have compelled them to black out the names...   He does not like how congress has treated itself under the law, which required law-makers and staff members who want insurance through their jobs to join the same health exchanges the law imposed on millions of other Americans.   In particular, he objects to congress paying 75% of the premiums for lawmakers and aides -- a benefit unavailable to other exchange customers..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
    House committee on Veterans Affairs to hear of retaliation against whistle-blowers in the Veterans Administration

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Fred Flietz _Washington DC Times_
    why is Obummer deal with Iran classified "secret", locked in senate office?

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
    dump this Iran deal
    "...The mullahs can buy a lot of terrorism, subversion, regional hegemony and nuclear weapons for $50G.   Moreover, some experts believe that this shot in the arm for Iran's economy would negate the leverage of any remaining economic sanctions..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
    ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate bans archaeology, claiming they fear it may lead to idol worship

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
    Loretta Lynch defending partial-birth abortion: "the phrase 'living fetus' [is] 'hopelessly vague'"

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
    audit: Labor Dept. spent hundreds of thousands on "conferences" not reported to their inspector-general
    "The Department of Labor (DoL) failed to report hundreds of thousands of dollars in conference costs from Fiscal Year 2013 as federal law requires, a recent audit by the department's Office of Inspector General (OIG) revealed.   According to Section 3003 of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2013, a federal department is required to submit a detailed report to its inspector-general whenever it spends more than $100K on a conference, including the purpose, number of participants, cost and contracting procedures for the event...   The department is also required by law to report these conferences on its website; however, according to the OIG, the Department of Labor only listed 1 of the 6 on-line.   Under the 2013 law, a federal department must also inform the OIG of the date, location and number of participants for any conferences costing more than $20K within 15 days of the event's ending.   The DoL failed to report 8 conferences costing between $20K and $100K within the 15-day time-frame in FY2013, the inspector-general's office stated.   These unreported DoL conferences totaled $419,105, according to the audit..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
    reverend Rafael Cruz: the Obummer regime has cursed the nation of Israel more than any other administration in US history
    "Referencing the book of Genesis/be rashith (12:3) where God tells Abraham (Abram), the father of the Jewish nation, that 'He will bless those who bless him, and curse those who curse him.'..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Chris Gacek _Cybercast News Service_
    marriage case puts supremes' already damaged credibility at further risk

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
    senator Ted Cruz: media tried to twist the question of marriage into a battle of emotions
    "...'..That's part of the gotcha game the main-stream media plays, where they come after Republicans on every front, and it's designed to caricature Republicans, to make them look stupid, or evil, or crazy, or extreme.   And it's because, sadly, most media players are not actual, objective journalists.   They are active partisan players.   Right now the main-stream media are the Praetorian Guard protecting the [destructive Obummer] presidency...   The American people care about jobs, growth and opportunity.   The American people care about defending our constitutional rights.   And the American people care, as you rightly noted, about restoring America's leadership in the world and defending this nation.   [ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate] and radical Islamic terrorism poses an enormous threat to this nation, and we need clear-eyed, strong leadership to stand up and defeat radical Islamic terrorism, and to be willing to call it by its name, which, sadly, the current president is not willing to do.'..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Paul Ryan & Ted Cruz _Cybercast News Service_
    restoring congress' role in trade treaties: will fast track authority give law-makers more or less oversight of trade treaties

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    _Conservative HQ_
    de-authorize the corrupt crony socialist Export-Import Bank
    "Most of the GOP field has rushed to call for an end to the institution, including former Florida governor Jeb Bush, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, senator Marco Rubio of Florida, senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, senator Ted Cruz of Texas, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal and Indiana governor Mike Pence..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
    vast left-wing conspiracy: Hitlery Rotten Clinton's misdeeds are finally being recognized by the main-stream media

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Communist Corpse's real goal and effect is dumbing the citizenry down
    "...In addition to imposing questionable standards, Newman reports the Department of Education is collecting obscene amounts of data on every student in the country -- even data such as the number of teeth a child has lost and the condition of his or her gums..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    William Murray _WND_
    Muslims' Christian-killing machine

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Bill Federer _WND_
    the sad origin of "Amazing Grace" as a Cherokee anthem
    "Gold had been discovered in Georgia in 1828, resulting in a Democrat-controlled Congress rushing through the Indian Removal Act, which passed by a single vote in 1830.   It was signed by Democrat president Andrew Jackson and carried out by Democrat president Martin Van Buren.   Though unauthorized by the tribe, prominent Cherokees John Ridge and Elias Boudinot felt Indian removal was inevitable and negotiated with Washington politicians to sign the Treaty of New Echota of 1835.   Elias Boudinot, publisher of the Cherokee Phoenix -- the first newspaper published by a Native American tribe -- wrote in editorials that the removal was unavoidable.   Indian removal was opposed by the Scot-Cherokee chief John Ross, founder of Ross's Landing in Tennessee, which was later renamed Chattanooga.   Over 12K Cherokees signed a petition in protest of the Indian Removal Act.   Condemning the federal government's mandate were members of the National Republican and Whig Parties, including congressman Abraham Lincoln (IL); senator Theodore Frelinghuysen (NJ), senator Daniel Webster (MA); and senator Henry Clay (KY).   Tennessee congressmen Davy Crockett gave an impassioned speech in defense of the Indians.   Christian missionaries, such as Jeremiah Evarts, led resistance to the federal government's removal of the Indians, with many being arrested by the state of Georgia and sentenced to years of hard labor...   In 1859, Lewis Ross, a brother of Cherokee chief John Ross, was drilling for salt-water-brine to use as a food preservative and found a pocket of oil that produced 10 barrels of oil a day for nearly a year...   A Cherokee delegate to the Oklahoma Constitutional Convention was Clement Rogers of Rogers county.   His son, William Penn Adair 'Will' Rogers, became a popular 1920s radio and movie star.   Will Rogers was offered the nomination to be Oklahoma's governor, but he declined..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Google is an evil empire
    Steve Tobak: Fox
    "Ever since, we've identified the corporate villains we love to hate.   We had AT&T in the 1970s, IBM [which aided the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s], and the evil empire of the 1990s was of course MSFT and Bill 'The Conqueror' Gates [which took over good companies with great products and ruined them, and Oracle].   Today we have Google [and GE and Siemens and FB].   Don't let the geeky façade, whimsical multi-colored logo and 'don't be evil' mantra fool you.   Google may very well be the most sinister threat and wicked incarnation of them all.   [They've all crossed the 'creepy, doing evil line' long long ago.]"
    2014-03-13: Robert X. Cringely: InfoWorld/IDG: Google evil, you have no idea

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Catholic priest advised: Jesus is a warrior, so pack heat; he will continue to hold concealed pistol license (CPL) classes at Christ the King parish and urged his parishioners to arm themselves
    Ben Freed: Michigan Live
    "Lansing Catholic bishop Earl Boyea said in a statement that guns and gun lessons do not belong in a Catholic Church...   'Revelation describes as He leads His army to destroy those attacking Israel, to say it does not go well for the bad guys would be something of an understatement.'...   Fride wrote that the CPL classes will be offered on 2 more Saturdays and that it is his 'fervent hope' that people will take advantage of it."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Greg Richter _News Max_
    Koch brothers may back Scott Walker, Yebbie Booosh, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and/or Marco Rubio for president in the primary

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
    Polish denial of their government's role in the holocaust

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Marilyn Penn _USA Today_/_Gannett_
    after decades of the GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer down-sizings and economic depression, about one-third have no retirement savings
    WTSP Tampa Bay FL/Sarasota/Gannett
    "Often people want to continue working until later in life, but the survey found that 50% of retirees left the work-force earlier than planned, and of those, 60% left because of health or disability problems and 27% because changes in their company such as down-sizing [i.e. they were dumped] or closure.   In fact, 67% of workers say they expect to work for pay during their retirement years, but only 23% of retirees report they have ever worked for pay in retirement..."

    2015-04-21 (5775 Air 02)
    Bella Tran _Teaching with Data_
    attractive people have an easier time getting a job, get higher pay...
    "A large body of research has shown that attractiveness confers many advantages: we tend to see attractive people as healthier, friendlier, more intelligent, and more competent, which means that attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted than average-looking candidates, more likely to receive a loan from the bank, less likely to be convicted by a jury, more likely to be elected if running for office...   This bias toward attractiveness is pervasive and leads to 'attractiveness discrimination' -- the differential treatment of individuals based on their physical appearance."
    Sunyoung Lee, Marko Pitesa, Madan Pillutla & Stefan Thau: Science Direct

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    Proposed Bills 2015

      "The powers of the sword are in the hands of the yeomanry of America from 16 to 60.   The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled & accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous & irresistible.   Who are the militia?   Are they not ourselves...?   Congress have no power to disarm the militia." --- Tench Coxe 1788-02-20 _PA Gazette_ (quoted in Richard I. Mack & Timothy Robert Walters 1994-10-?? _From My Cold Dead Fingers: Why America Needs Guns_ pg 128)  



    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
    Trans-Pacific Partnership = even more excessive mass immigration
    "...The TPP, generally supported by pro-free-trade Republicans but opposed by labor-union Democrats, reportedly contains a barely noticed provision that allows for the free migration of labor among the signatory nations. Patterned after similar provisions in the treaties establishing the European Union, it would override national immigration restrictions in the name of facilitating the free flow of labor..."

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Michelle V. Rafter _WorkForce_
    H-1B guest-work program needs reform, but good luck reaching consensus on what is broken or how to correct it
    "Those in favor of expanding the current annual cap of [over 160K] new visas for foreigners allowed to work in the United States argue that an increase is due because of economic growth, a booming job market and widening skills gap.   Critics want more restrictions in place to stop abuses, which they say include so-called bodyshops that [abuse] foreign information technology workers, largely from India, brought here by deep-pocketed out-sourcers [and off-shorerss] that can afford to flood the system with visa applications.   They also point to recent cases of companies laying off highly compensated veteran employees and replacing them with cheaper foreign guest workers, which stricter controls and better oversight could right...   In the past few years, 'IT' [cross-border bodyshoppers and off-shorers], including Infosys and Tata, have been among the biggest H-1B lottery winners, filing tens of thousands of applications and scoring thousands of visas, according to data from the USCIS and other outlets.   In the federal government's fiscal 2013, the latest data available, Infosys received 6,298 H-1B visas, more than any other employer.   Tata was #2, with 6,258, followed by Cognizant Technology Solutions (5,186), [Bahamas-based Andersen Consulting spin-off] Accenture (3,346) and Wipro Technologies (2,644).   In the federal government's fiscal [year] 2015, 9 out of 10 companies filing the most H-1B visa applications were 'IT' [bodyshops].   The list includes U.S. firm Deloitte Consulting, which is #1 with 17,261 applications, and U.S. divisions of India-based [cross-border bodyshoppers and off-shorers] Cognizant (9,325), Wipro (8,120) and Infosys (4,874)...   In a January memorandum on immigration reform circulated to Republican law-makers, Sessions called Silicon Valley's STEM crisis a hoax perpetrated in the tech industry's 'desire for cheap, young and immobile labor [with flexible ethics]'."
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
    sleazeBob Menendez's 36DD visa program
    Town Hall
    "America has an alphabet soup of visa programs for foreigners to choose from: B-1 for business visitors, B-2 for tourists, EB-5 for investors, F-1 for students, and so on.   All are overwhelmed, loosely monitored and riddled with fraud and corruption.   According to the recently unsealed federal indictment against him, sleazy senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), took it upon himself to add his own very special, crooked path to the U.S.A.   The New York Post recounted this weekend how Menendez and his staff pressured the State Department to expedite the foreign tourist and student visa approval processes for a bevy of buxom foreign beauties.   One of them, Brazilian actress and nudie model Juliana Lopes Leite (a.k.a. 'Girlfriend 1'), had her F-1 student visa application moved to the top of the Mount Everest-high heap in 2008 as a favor to Menendez's now-indicted donor pal and accused Medicare fraudster Salomon Melgen...   'The State Department responded within hours, and the woman got her visa the following day.', the Post reported...   Nearly 500K F-1 foreign students come to the U.S.A. every year.   Despite repeated warning flags involving foreign students on F-1 visas who slipped through the cracks -- the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 2001/09/11 plot, the Times Square bombing plot [Shahzad went from F-1 to OPT to H-1B to green card to naturalization], the Boston Marathon bombing -- Washington refuses to hit the pause button and get the program under control.   By the federal government's own admission in multiple independent audits and inspector general reports, officials at the Departments of Homeland Security [DHS] and State [DoS] cannot efficiently police and monitor the flood.   Those assessments show that we have failed to carefully vet the student applicants overseas; failed to screen out the fly-by-night 'schools' certified to enroll them in the U.S.; failed to keep tabs on the 'designated school officials' entrusted to track their compliance; failed to verify that the employers who are approved to sponsor F-1s for education-related 'job training' are not exploiting the program as a pipe-line for cheap foreign labor undercutting American workers; failed to ensure that F-1s go home when their visas expire; and failed to track and eject over-stayers and violators who break the rules...   But what about the rest of the country?   Each and every temporary visa program is supposed to enhance the national interest -- not just the naked demands and desires of universities, corporations and dirty old men.   Instead of stemming the tide and making enforcement a priority, politicians in both parties are pushing forward with various schemes to radically expand and extend the foreign student visa racket.   It's proof positive that Brazil's got nothing on the biggest boobs in Washington."

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    Ann Coulter: Scott Walker is smoking out the cheap labor hacks
    "'YES! Fantastic, amazing, just what I've been waiting for!   Romney, of course, said exactly this and also endorsed E-Verify and a fence on the border.', Coulter said when asked to react to Walker's statements—and all the political establishment from both sides of the aisle and the media attacking him—on Tuesday.   'I'm bitter and cynical, but I don't know how a candidate can weasel out of having endorsed E-Verify.', Coulter said.   'Talking about a secure border -- as most of them do -- is easy to weasel out of.   That's code for amnesty [for illegal aliens].   (How will we know when it's secure?   A: When a board of amnesty-supporters tells us it's secure!   Thanks, Rand.)'   Coulter added that Walker is exposing the cheap labor hacks for what they are..."

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Caroline May _Breitbart_
    unless there is some reform, 1 in 7 people in the USA will be immigrants by 2023
    "CIS' analysis reveals that by 2023 there will be 51M immigrants in the U.S.A. and they will account for more than 1 in 7 U.S. residents, or about 14.8% of the population...   By 2030, the immigrant population will reach 57M or 15.8% and by 2040 it will have grown to 65M or 17.1%.   Come 2060, the immigrant population will have grown to 78M, with nearly 1 in 5 U.S. residents being immigrants.   That's about 18.8% of the population. The total U.S. population will also have grown to nearly 417M.   Compare those numbers to the immigrant population in 1990, when 7.9% of the U.S. population (20M) were immigrants, CIS reports...   In 2015 immigrants accounted for 13% of the population 65 and older, roughly equal to their share of overall population.   But by 2060 there will be 25.3M immigrants in this age group accounting for 26% of all persons over 65."

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
    employers are outraged at DoL demand that they pay H-2A guest-shep-herds & goat-herds $2/hour plus board and room (or tent)
    "...All of this involves the preservation of a long-out-dated bit of agriculture, the use of shepherds to work 24/7 in upland mountain pastures during the grass-growing season.   Such shepherds are currently paid $750 a month plus room and board in the H-2A program.   DoL says that in addition to a full-time job caring for the sheep during day-light hours, they are 'on call' 24 hours a day to take care of emergencies -- such as attacks by coyotes, storms, and serious illnesses within the flock...   The Department of Labor, commendably, is trying to double the existing wages, which have been virtually flat for 22 years, and the ranchers are howling.   The $2.00/hour figure mentioned earlier is based on a 24/7 job situation.   (There are 720 hours in a 30-day month; the wage rates proposed by DoL, which vary from state to state, are mostly in the $1,400-$1,500 a month range.)   The proposed $2.00 an hour average, admittedly, includes some sleep time and cooking time.   With wages (using the 24-hour day) currently at about $1.00 an hour plus room and board, the industry hires either no citizens, or virtually no citizens.   Because of the current DoL rules, this is an industry that is completely dependent on near-indentured, ill-paid, and isolated foreign workers.   As I have suggested in the past this is a totally out-of-date type of agriculture -- like harvesting wheat with a scythe -- and it should not be kept alive artificially by the use of under-paid foreign workers..."

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Howie Carr
    interview of Dave Brat on illegal immigration (with audio)

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Mila Koumpilova _Sacramento CA Bee_/_Minneapolis MN Start Tribune_
    company executives labor to get visas for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign STEM H-1B guest-workers with questionable ethics
    "White Bear Lake, MN-based LasX...   LasX, which under government H-1B requirements did pay Zhang more than the bachelor-level salary it had posted, got nearly 40 applications for that job.   Still, Dinauer says his 70-employee company competes with larger manufacturers in the Twin Cities and beyond for 'that one top engineer'.   Five years ago, LasX sponsored a Malaysian engineer who's since helped design laser equipment to make a new medical diagnostic device...   At Duluth's North Point Geographic Solutions, a digital mapping company, owner Carolyn Adams hired Chinese native Xue Gao in February after a 6-month search that involved tweaking and reposting an opening that [many important intermediate details apparently intentionally unmentioned] went unfilled...   'I am yet to be convinced we should have an H-1B program at all.', [Mark Krikorian] said.   'If we do, it should be restricted to truly exceptional talent.'...   'If you're going to increase the cap', Williams said, 'you really need to look at whether you are indeed hiring the best and the brightest.'..."
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Laura Ingraham
    the GOP losership vs. Scott Walker

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Laura Ingraham
    Scott Walker's stance in favor of US citizen workers sparks media frenzy

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Claudia Himmelreich & Matthew Schofield _Jewish World Review_
    "accountant of Auschwitz" on trial in Germany an accessory in the deaths of more than 300K Hungarian Jews
    "a man who has admitted he was on the platform during the infamous 'selections' at the Nazi death camp in Poland...   'The punishment is secondary.'...   'This is one of my most important moments since I left Auschwitz.   It is not about Groening's verdict.   It is about his crime.   It remains a crime forever and needs to be brought to justice.'...   'He needs to realize what it meant to have been there.   I could list 49 members of my extended family that marched past Groening.   What can he say? Can he return them to me?'...   There are perhaps two other Nazi war-crimes trials in preparation and others might be pursued...   6M Jews were murdered.   5M others -- Gypsies, gays and communists among them — were also killed.   Other upcoming trials deal with murders that number in the dozens.   Groeing's might be the last to deal with hundreds of thousands...   Overwhelming interest in the case forced court officials to move the proceedings from the district courthouse to a large nearby hall.   That hall, the Lueneburg Knight's Academy -- a former monastery that in 1656 was converted to a training ground for knights -- serves as a reminder that Germany existed before the Nazis forever darkened its history.   Even so, the medieval cobbles and gables that distinguish this city were not untouched by the Nazi era.   A meeting house established in 1491 for charitable works was a branch of the Neuengamme concentration camp, and housed 150 inmates..."

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Lucy Westcott _Jewish World Review_
    Westerners joig Iraqi Christian militia to fight ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
    2015-02-15: Isabel Coles: Reuters
    2015-03-02: Christian Fighter Pilot
    2015-02-16: John Hayward: Breitbart
    2015-02-16: Theodore Shoebat (with video)
    2015-02-15: Free Republic
    New Advent: St. Michael (Who is like God? No one, and every one.)

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_
    chemicals in your perspiration can make your good mood contagious
    Medical Daily
    "'Fear sweat induces a state of alertness', Semin told Medical Daily, and it 'enhances the visual field that is attended to'.   These forms of communication are collectively known as chemosignals, and they formed the basis of Semin's latest study into emotional contagions...   They found striking parallels between how the women reacted and which emotional group the men had belonged to.   Women produced the early signs of a genuine smile, such as squinted eyes and raised cheeks, when they smelled the happiness group, while the women who smelled the fear sweat produced more activity in their frontalis muscle, the one that blankets your forehead and permits eyebrow-raising..."

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
    USA needs clarity, conviction of purpose, persistence, adaptability in the Middle East

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
    a second state bans abortion method which tears fetus apart

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
    a new Obummer MidEast strategy emerges... sort of

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
    Red China responded to growth in Christianity with harsh persecution in 2014
    "It said it documented 572 cases of persecution last year, involving 17,884 individuals -- a 300% increase [in cases, and a 140% increase in victims] from 2013, when it recorded 143 cases involving 7,424 people.   Of those 17,884 victims of persecution in 2014, at least 1,592 were church leaders, it said."

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
    a San Francisco priest who defied tyrants

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    _Conservative HQ_
    Ted Cruz is the first signer of Phyllis Schlafly's STOP Communist Corpse pledge

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    where do/should non-leftists stand on "fast track authority"/"trade promotion authority" WRT the Trans-Pacific Partnership
    "Where once wages rose inexorably in America and the middle class seemed ever to expand, we read today about income inequality, the growing gap between rich and poor, and wage stagnation says Buchanan.   Did $11T in trade deficits since Bush I have anything to do with this?   Or do we think that the 55K factories and 5M-6M manufacturing jobs that went missing in the first decade of this new century had no connection to those huge trade deficits?   Is there a link perhaps between all those factories closing in the USA and all those factories opening in [Red China], or between a U.S.A. average annual [GDP] growth rate of 1.8% since the turn of the century, and a Chinese average annual growth rate of around 10%, Buchanan asked?...   it isn't free enterprise the [Red Chinese government is] pushing.   Instead, it is their own form of [crony socialism].   They're writing rules that favor government-owned firms and hamper American job creators.   So it all comes down to this question: Is [Red China] going to write the rules of the global economy, or is the [United States of America]?"

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
    Mitch McConnell is pushing renewal of congressioal blessing for NSA to continue unconstitutional warrantless capture of US citizens' communications within the USA

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Gerald Warner _Breitbart_
    in the UK there are currently 2 general elections under-way: the virtual poll of the political class, and the real contest
    "There are currently 2 general elections taking place.   The first and more advertised is the fantasy election being conducted within the imagination of the political class, the BBC, the dead-tree press and the vast array of public bodies, quangos and similar running dogs of the consensual establishment.   Their views are uniform: Europhile, PC, metropolitan, elitist and wholly divorced from real-life Britain.   This virtual election is the one being reported in the main-stream media.   The second election is the one whose result will be reported in the early hours of May 8 -- the first occasion on which all the elements cited above will finally come face to face with concrete reality.   That reality may, at first sight, be deceptive.   It is very unlikely, for example, to be a UKIP land-slide; that party's growth and influence will be more protracted and subtle than to produce such an out-come in 2015 (2020 may be a different story)..."

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    US Marshal stole, smashed by-stander's telephone on which she was video-recording them, but was recorded doing so by another by-stander

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    _News Max_
    John Boehner: Obummer regime is blocking information about the terrorist attack on the US consulate at Benghazi

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Melanie Batley _News Max_
    NY judge allows ads on buses and subways
    "An ad that says, 'Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah' should be permitted to appear on New York City buses and subways, a federal judge has ruled.   The advert was created by a pro-Israel organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI).   It features an image of a young man in a checkered headscarf and was designed to highlight what the AFDI argues are Muslim attitudes toward Jews...   AFDI co-founder Pamela Geller tweeted her delight at the ruling, saying that it was 'a triumph for liberty and free speech'.   The ad is intended to be a parody of an ad put out by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a [Muslim terrorist front-group] that promotes the rights of Muslims and better relations between Muslims and non-Muslims.   In 2012 and 2013, CAIR ran posters in several American cities promoting peaceful versions of Islam...   'The defendants admit that the actual intention of the advertisement is not to advocate the use of force, but to parody the CAIR My Jihad campaign and to criticize Hamas and radical Islam..."
    Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
    Discover the Networks: Hamas

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Todd Beamon _News Max_
    Rick Perry: secure the borders with fencing and boots on the ground

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Elliot Jager _News Max_
    Koch brothers will tie support for candidates to their opposition to crony socialist Export-Import Bank

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Patrick Watson _News Max_
    Trans-Pacific fast track authroity would be a blank check for Obummer

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Nick Sanchez _News Max_
    another study of 96K US children concludes measles-mumps-rubella vaccine not linked with autism
    Ben Mathis-Lilly: Slate

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
    violent anti-semitic actios increased 38% in 2014 worldwide

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
    Every Child Achieves Act reduces, but does not eliminate unconstitutional federal intrusion into and control over K-12 education

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
    DoS inspector-general: security deficiencies persist at diplomatic posts

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
    doctor Ben S. Carson: as more Americans abandon God, you can see that we're spiraling downward

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Sean Piccoli _News Max_
    Ted Cruz: if GOP nominates RINO/losership candidate, the election will be lost (with video)
    "...a candidate in the mold of a Mitt Romney, John McCain, or Bob Dole will nearly guarantee that [Dem/Red/leftist] wins the White House.   'It will, in effect, be a third term for [Barack Hussein Obummer].', the Texas Republican said...   if he [Cruz] were elected president, he would put an end to the domestic and foreign policies of [president Obummer], which he termed a disaster...   'There's a lot of people I like and respect who are running and are friends of mine, but I don't see a whole lot of candidates who are likely to mobilize or energize the millions of conservatives who've been staying home.   And if we don't bring those voters back, we lose.', he said..."

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    John Gizzi _News Max_
    SC attorney-general Wilson is proud of state's voter ID law

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
    Obummer's arms race fuels Mexican drug war

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Border Patrol raided stash house and found 72 illegal aliens
    Valley Central
    "Border Patrol agents raided a stash house near West Mile 7 Road and North Bentsen Palm Drive [Mission, Texas, near Mexican Border] on Tuesday afternoon, when they apprehended 72 immigrants.   Agents apprehended the immigrants -- Honduran citizens, Guatemalan citizens and Mexican citizens -- at about 15:40..."
    more related coverage from Valley Central

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Andrew C. McCarthy _National Review_
    Loretta Lynch vs the US constitution: senators must vote against her being made attorney-general

    2015-04-22 (5775 Air 03)
    Charles C.W. Cooke _National Review_
    what critics of Ted Cruz's excellent arguments don't get

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    On This Day
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    Proposed Bills 2015

      "Science is what we have learned about how not to fool ourselves." --- Richard Feynman (quoted in Michael Chrichton 2004 _State of Fear_ pg425 foot-note)  



    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Caroline May _Breitbart_
    since 1970, foreign-born US population increased by 324.5%
    "As the foreign-born population increased in the U.S.A. from 1970 to 2013, the lower 90% of income earners saw their wages decline, a new memo from the Congressional Research Service reveals.   On the flip side, from 1945-1970, as the foreign-born population declined, salaries for the bottom 90% increased, the document reveals...   The foreign-born population in the United States diminished from 10,971,146 in 1945 to 9,740,000 in 1970, a decline of 1,231,146 persons, representing a percentage decline of 11.2% over this 25 year period...   The reported income of the bottom 90% of tax filers in the United States increased from an average of $18,418 in 1945 to $33,621 in 1970 for an aggregate change of $15,202 or a percent increase of 82.5% over this 25 year period...   The share of income held by the bottom 90% of the U.S. income distribution increased from 67.4% in 1945 to 68.5% in 1970, an absolute increase of 1.1 percentage points over this 25 year period...   Between 1970 and 2013, the estimated foreign-born population in the United States increased from 9,740,000 to 41,348,066, respectively, an increase of 31,608,066 persons, representing a percentage increase of 324.5% over this 43 year period...   The reported income of the bottom 90% of tax filers in the United States decreased from an average of $33,621 in 1970 to $30,980 in 2013 for an aggregate decline of $2,641 or a percent decline of 7.9% over this 43 year period...   The share of income held by the bottom 90% of the U.S. income distribution declined from 68.5% in 1970 to 53.0% in 2013, an absolute decline of 15.5 percentage points over this 43 year period...   'Keep in mind, the last time immigration as a share of population hit its peak -- in 1910 -- immigration reductions were enacted and the share fell for 6 straight decades.   This time around, law-makers, led by the Gang of Eight, and spurred on by various international CEOs and immigration lobbies, are trying to increase immigration above our never-before-seen levels.', the [senate Judiciary sub-committee on Immigration and the National Interest] staff wrote...   each year, the U.S.A. already admits 1M immigrants, 500K immigrant students, 700K guest worker foreign workers, and 70K refugees and aslyees (persons seeking or granted political asylum)."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    Ted Cruz & Scott Walker vs. Yebbie Booosh & Marco Rubio on immigration
    "So with Bush having endorsed and re-endorsed Rubio's amnesty and immigration plan they are the leading pro-amnesty advocates in the GOP -- like we said -- no surprise.   What is surprising is that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has joined Texas senator Ted Cruz in opposition to not just amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens already here, but in also opposing expanding the legal immigration that poses not only a national security threat, but a threat to the quality of life for millions of middle-income Americans whose jobs are threatened and whose wages have already stagnated due to the ever-expanding wave of 'techno-coolies' flooding the engineering, computer science and other white collar professions.   Ted Cruz and Alabama's senator Jeff Sessions have been the principle opponents in the senate of the Gang of Eight approach to amnesty for illegal aliens and expanding legal immigration.   Indeed, during the committee mark-up Cruz offered as an amendment one of the best alternatives to the Gang of Eight bill [S744] -- a border security only bill with no pork and unrelated provisions in it.   Walker's position has been less consistent than Cruz's; Walker first made unclear, but generally pro-amnesty statements and has then slowly walked that position back to the point where this week he came out in full Jeff Sessions mode to oppose both amnesty and expansion of legal immigration.   What makes Scott Walker's newly clarified position so surprising is that the Walker is almost entirely the political creation of the business and Chamber of [Crony Socialists] wing of the Republican Party that supports amnesty and most especially the expansion of legal immigration that would allow them to continue to lower their costs by importing 'techno-coolies' to displace American engineers, computer programmers and other middle-income professional employees.   The Chamber [of Crony Socialists] and various business [executive] interests pumped millions of dollars into Scott Walker's campaigns in Wisconsin, particularly his successful effort to fight a union-inspired recall, and according to the 'dance with the one what brung ya' calculus of politics you'd think Walker would adopt their position on amnesty and expanding legal immigration, but this week he joined Ted Cruz and came out strongly against the Bush -- Rubio positions on those issues.   Jeffrey Anderson in a piece for The Weekly Standard titled 'Walker's Smart Play On Immigration' lays out that Walker isn't just right for policy purposes—it’s a political winner too.   'Scott Walker's recent comments suggesting that the United States' policy on legal immigration should be focused on what's good for American workers -- a seemingly obvious point that nevertheless has ruffled feathers -- offers further evidence of the Wisconsin governor's political savvy.', Anderson wrote.   'When two of one's strongest competitors (namely, [Yebbie Booosh] and Marco Rubio) share a weakness on an issue, it's smart to draw attention to that issue by making clear there is daylight between you and them.   Walker's move toward Cruz on immigration and amnesty is indeed good policy and disavowing his corporatist roots in favor of a more populist position on amnesty and immigration is also smart politics, but it leaves Walker open to attacks from both the right and the left for flip-flopping or 'evolving' in a way that is more political calculus than policy commitment.   But anything that [makes clear Yebbie Booosh] and Marco Rubio as the pro-amnesty, anti-job candidates they are is helpful, so we're with our long-time friend Phyllis Schlafly, founder and CEO of Eagle Forum, who welcomed Walker to the fight for American jobs by saying, 'I'm thrilled to see that Scott Walker wants to defend American jobs and understands that American voters are directly impacted by immigration -- both illegal and legal.'"

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
    US Customs & Border Protection wants an additional $134.5M to process and release illegal aliens under 19 into the USA, does not request more funds to repel invaders
    Caroline May: Breitbart

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
    mass trans-Mediterranean illegal immigration from Africa to Europe: a clear case of cause and effect
    "...The shock waves were immediate: Italy and Greece, the two southern European countries most affected by such maritime smuggling, have been vocal in leveling the finger of blame at their northerly neighbors for not providing enough money and assistance this year to interdict all of the boats taking to sea, unlike in previous years.   European Union officials said they had deliberately allowed interdiction efforts to dwindle because, in their assessment, picking up boatloads of intended migrants and then offloading them to the Italian island of Lampedusa or to Sicily or to ports in Greece had actually encouraged more migrants to attempt the venture since the EU was, in effect, ensuring completion and success of the smuggling.   That is undoubtedly true..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Jim Puzzanghera _Los Angeles CA Times_
    corrupt Obummer DoL refuses to investigate H-1B visa abuses by Southern California Edison and bodyshoppers
    Patrick Thibodeau: CIO/IDG
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
    a paper/article on H-1B of great importance... but likely to be ignored

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Rachel Stoltzfoos _Daily Caller_
    Congressional Research Service: wages declined as guest-work visas and immigration increased
    "The CRS charted the correlation between wages and the number of foreign-born workers in the U.S.A. between 1945 and 2010.   Before 1970, wages rose sharply as the number of foreign-born persons declined.   But after 1970, that population increased dramatically as wages stagnated, increased slightly and then dropped...   From 1945 to 1970 wages for the bottom 90% of earners increased by 82.5%, and their share of income rose slightly, while the foreign-born population in the U.S.A. fell by 11.2% to 9.7M.   But between 1970 and 2013, the foreign-born population increased by 324.5% to 31.6M people.   At the same time wages fell by 7.9% and share of income by 15.5% to 53% of total income.   The foreign-born population will reach 51M by 2023, which is the largest share of total population ever recorded in American history, the U.S. Census Bureau recently projected..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    displaced US workers sue government for illegal issuance of work permits to spouses of guest-workers
    "After attaining standing for clients last November...the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), along with attorney John Miano, today has filed a new complaint against the federal government, asking the DC District Court to find that another employment visa program violates federal law.   IRLI is suing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) over its new H-4 visa Rule which purports to grant work permits to spouses of so-called 'high-tech' H-1B guest workers.   IRLI's client, Save Jobs USA, is made up of former employees of Southern California Edison, a publicly-traded corporate utility recently made the subject of a bipartisan congressional investigation for firing hundreds of American workers after forcing them to train their cheaper foreign replacements.   The case, Save Jobs USA v. USDHS (Civil Action No. 1:15-cv-00615), could have major implications for users of H-1B visas, such as the trillion-dollar tech industry, and their corporate lobbyists who are currently spearheading legislative efforts to dramatically expand the number of 'high-tech' workers that can be imported into the country.   On top of their complaint alleging, in part, that DHS exceeded its statutory authority and ignored statutory labor protections when it issued the rule, IRLI is requesting a preliminary injunction from the court against the program until a full trial on the merits of the case can be heard.   DHS was set to start taking applications for work authorization on 2015 May 26. Dale L. Wilcox, IRLI's Executive Director, commented, 'DHS admits its H-4 Rule will add as many as 179,600 new foreign workers in its first year and 55K annually in subsequent years. This is a slap in the face to the tens of millions of Americans suffering from unemployment and under-employment, especially those who are most vulnerable, such as students, seniors, single mothers and minorities.'   Wilcox continued, 'The law states that foreign work permits cannot adversely affect American wages, but all we've seen during this administration [and the previous 2] is standards of living fall and out-sized corporate profits continue to rise.   We will continue the fight on behalf of the American worker and hold this administration accountable to the rule of law.'..."
    complaint (pdf)
    motion and brief for preliminary injunction (pdf)
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Sean Higgins _Washington DC Examiner_
    excessive immigration roils debate on Trans-Pacific Partnership scam
    "Groups opposed to [excessive] immigration are the latest organizations to join in the heated debate on Capitol Hill over 'Trade Promotion Authority', also known as 'fast track', arguing the legislation could be a 'Trojan horse' for expanding guest-worker programs...   Federation for American Immigration Reform...   NumbersUSA, another group opposed to [excessive] immigration, is formally opposing Fast Track and the Pacific trade pact and is warning law-makers that it will score a vote for it as 'a vote against American workers'...   The main spark for the concern linking TPP to guest-worker programs was an April 13 op-ed published in the Hill by Curtis Ellis, a former producer for Lou Dobbs who now runs a non-profit group called American Jobs Alliance.   Both NumbersUSA and FAIR cite his column in their criticisms of [Obummer's] trade agenda.   'The U.S. Trade Representative says temporary entry guest-worker visas are a key feature of the Trans-Pacific Partnership...   The op-ed included a link to a 2011 outline of the Pacific deal's provisions posted on the U.S. Trade Representative's web-site.   Under the heading 'temporary entry', the document states, 'TPP countries have substantially concluded the general provisions of the chapter, which are designed to promote transparency and efficiency in the processing of applications for temporary entry, and ongoing technical cooperation between TPP authorities.   Specific obligations related to individual categories of business person are under discussion.'...   The U.S. version is the L-1 visa program, which requires a multinational company to vouch for the recipient.   Ellis argues that the L-1 program is vulnerable to abuse [and has almost always been abused], citing a 2013 Department of Homeland Security [DHS] Inspector General report on it.   The report notes that there is no statutory limit to the number of visas awarded in program and it allows them for workers with 'specialized knowledge', the definition of which is 'vague and unclear'...   The number of visas issued under the L-1 program was 66,700 in 2013, according to a State Department report.   Another 74,100 were issued under the L-2 visa program, which is for spouses of L-1 recipients..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Garth Kant _WND_
    Marco Rubio engaged in double-talk, still pushing excessive student, guest-work, green cards, and amnesty for illegal aliens

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Maggie Ybarra _Washington DC Times_
    facility to hold illegal aliens who committed additional crimes is being mismanaged, wasting tax-victim money
    "A private prison company, Florida-based GEO Group, is under contract with the Bureau of Prisons (BoP) to oversee the detention center.   It, in turn, has contracted out that responsibility as well.   The 85-page investigation shows GEO and its subcontractor struggled to meet or exceed baseline contractual standards, received an unacceptable number of deficiencies and notices of concern; was unresponsive to BoP inquiries; struggled with staffing issues in health services and correctional services; and frequently submitted inaccurate routine paperwork, including erroneous disciplinary hearing records and monthly invoices.   The inspector general also found Reeves improperly requested, and the Bureau of Prisons improperly paid, $1.95M in fringe benefits it was not entitled to receive, including $175,436 in pay-roll taxes and workers' compensation insurance..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Joel Himelfarb _News Max_
    Patrick J. Buchanan: if GOP helps pass Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, forget prospects for electing Republican president in 2016

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    John O'Sullivan _Natioal Review_
    immigrants' tragedy

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Aalia Shahee _Fox_
    deranged ACLU sues to force Catholics to provide abortions to illegal aliens
    Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times
    Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
    Laura Ingraham
    American Action News

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Laura Ingraham
    Peter Schweizer turning microscope on Yebbie Booosh funding sources next
    Joshua Green: Bloomberg
    Ed Morrissey: Hot Air
    News Max

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Laura Ingraham
    poll: Latinos increasingly favor unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare, likely to influence elections
    Michael Oleaga: Latin Post

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Laura Ingraham
    cash flowed to Clinton Foundation as Russians pressed for control of uranium company
    "AllahPundit": Hot Air
    "The article, in 2013 January, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West.   The deal made Rosatom one of the world's largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.   But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one..."
    Mark Levin: 7 cabinet members approved the corrupt scam to give Russia control of 20% of USA uranium mines.
    Colin Campbell & Pamela Engel: Business Insider: Clinton Foundation received $ millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of USA uranium deposits
    Jim Geraghty: Business Insider: Hitlery Rotten Clinton let Russia buy 20% of USA uranium production capacity
    Sean Davis: Federalist: Clinton collected $ millions in Russian cash before approving uranium deal

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    Rand Paul (R-KY): Obummer & congress should investigate Clintons

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Laura Ingraham
    Jennifer Rubin, Scott Walker and immigration rhetoric (mp3)

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Laura Ingraham
    former "IT" manager expresses ugly truth on guest-work visas and the alleged "shortage" of American STEM talent (mp3)

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
    will senators vote to shred the US constitution?

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
    where to find the USA's "aristocracy"
    American Spectator
    Chicago IL Times Post
    Quincy IL Journal
    Town Hall
    "Notwithstanding what the Marxist whim-wham artists have been telling the youths of our country for over a generation, there has been little sign of a true aristocracy in America.   For a very short period of time, something like an aristocracy appeared during the era when the 'robber barons' plied their arts, but it did not last.   They built their palaces and raised their empires among the steel mills, the trans-continental rail-roads, the oil fields, and so forth, but then they declined, submerged in the hustle and bustle of the market place.   Their monuments remain as various museums and libraries and even universities, for instance, Vanderbilt University, but for the most part American aristocracy is gone.   Allons-y, Messrs. Vanderbilt, Morgan, Carnegie and the rest, but thanks for the museums, the libraries and the increasingly irrelevant universities.   So despite what the professors at women's studies programs, ethnic studies programs and other Marxist fronts tell us, American aristocracy was short lived.   It was soon overwhelmed by the sheer exuberance of free markets.   One day there were robber barons, the next day they were surpassed by another wave of commerce.   Today it is the digital wave.   Tomorrow it will be something else.   There endures no aristocracy anywhere in the Great Republic, except perhaps in television land, and there this past week we witnessed a glimmer of its excess..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Celia Rivenbark _Jewish World Review_
    road etiquette in the passe lane

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
    Clinton vs. Clinton
    Town Hall
    Washington DC Times

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
    a welcome debate on "generational justice"

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
    the party of ideas: Applied Conservatism 101

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
    the Iran deal: oppose, obstruct, delay, defeat

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
    not your grand-father's FBI
    Town Hall
    Washington DC Times
    "...These lawless agents should have been indicted by a state grand jury for breaking and entering by false pretense, but Caesars declined to seek their prosecution.   No surprise.   It was surprising, however, when the FBI was forced to admit last week that in the 1980s and 1990s, its agents and lab technicians who examined hair samples testified falsely in 257 of 268 cases that resulted in convictions.   Of the convictions, 18 persons were sentenced to death, and of those, 12 have been executed.   Some of these cases were federal, but most were state prosecutions in which state and county prosecutors hired the FBI to perform lab tests and compare hair samples from a crime scene with a defendant's known hair sample.   The faulty lab work and erroneous testimony destroyed the freedom of hundreds and the lives of 12, squandered millions in tax dollars, and impaired the constitutional values we all embrace.   You probably did not hear about the FBI cable guys or the admitted 96% rate of false testimony in cases of conviction..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
    was sacrifice of Ramadi dead in vain?
    Town Hall
    "While the U.S. military in recent years has had a difficult time winning wars, it has had an easier time surrendering to political correctness and social experimentation..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
    actors and economics
    Town Hall
    Unemployment rates for actors often run in the range of 17% to 40%, according to BLS data.

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    George Will _Jewish World Review_
    when boot-leggers and Baptists converge

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Matt Towery _Town Hall_
    major opinion index might be warning of big changes in markets and the economy
    News Max
    "The so-called economic recovery we have 'enjoyed' has been less than even-handed.   Corporate CEOs and the Wall Street crowd managed to make a post-Great Recession come-back with even bigger salaries and more money feeding into their investment world.   For the average American, however, wages have hardly budged..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Rebecca Hagelin & Kristin Carey _Town Hall_
    the challenge: hungry for fellowship

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Steve Chapman _Town Hall_
    raisin h377: another market perverted by government
    "During the Great Depression, the government decided that prices paid to farmers were too low and undertook to correct the problem by limiting their output.   Though that was an understandable response to the worst economic crisis in our history -- not sound, but understandable -- it has long outlasted the calamity that gave rise to it.   Today, the United States Department of Agriculture [USDA] still assumes the task of deciding how many raisins should be sold -- a job that in most markets is handled by consumers and producers continually responding to supply and demand.   When demand for product X goes up, for instance, prices rise, which induces consumers to buy less and producers to produce more, which in turn lowers prices.   When demand falls, the reverse occurs.   This system works so well that we rely on it for the vast majority of the things we need.   But not for raisins..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    _Town Hall_
    2015Q2 dividends to date signal continuing contraction

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Ken Connor _Town Hall_
    the fruit of abortion's poisonous tree

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Jerry Newcombe _Town Hall_
    why did Robert Edward Lee serve the wrong side?
    "...Lee is an interesting man because he was seemingly a man of contradictions.   Because of legal obligations, he freed the slaves he and his wife inherited from her father before the Emancipation Proclamation.   As a Christian, he hated slavery, yet he ended up fighting essentially for its continuance.   He favored the Union, yet he chose to apply his incredible military skill to the side that was dissolving the Union..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Daniel J. Mitchell _Town Hall_
    the left's inequality fixation is economically foolish and politically impotent

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
    the rude, uncivil suppression of free speech at colleges and universities
    Valerie Richardson: Washington DC Times

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
    contemptible Hitlery Rotten Clinton thumbs her nose at congressional committee on Benghazi summons

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
    on issue after issue, the Obummer regime has backed down to Iran

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
    GOP legislators have not kept campaign promises

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Kristan Hawkins _Cybercast News Service_
    school administrators have violated rights of pro-life students

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Lynn Wardle _Cybercast News Service_
    same-sex "marriage" is not inevitable but is unsustainable: 31st state in the U.S.A. to constitutionally forbid same-sex "marriage"

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Betsy McCaughey _News Max_
    sharp GOP hopefuls pack into NH
    "New Hampshire makes presidents.   The way it's done was in full view last weekend, when 16 Republican hopefuls pressed into the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nashua, for 2 days of Q&A and coffee huddles with local voters.   It was democracy at its best..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Jennifer G. Hickey _News Max_
    1 year after Veterans Administration scandal was big news, few officials have been held to account

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Amy Lutz _Breitbart_
    U of MD cancelled screening of "American Sniper" after furor from Muslims; conservative student groups object to censorship
    "'If the University prevents a movie like this from being shown, it promotes intolerance and stifles dialogue and debate on the subject and goes directly against the atmosphere of diversity the University of Maryland purports to provide.'..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
    pro-life banners removed from USC
    "Yet the [administration's] reasoning did not explain why rainbow banners for Gay Pride were reportedly hung up last semester without advertising an event or organization and that Black History Month saw banners for that very cause, Ellenhorn said."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
    Ted Cruz: voters are wondering what the difference is between GOP losership and Dems/Reds/leftists

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
    smuggling of illegal aliens into Europe reveals inhuman violence

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
    London girls reportedly joined ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate that tortures women

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    weakly radio-active UAV foun on roof of Japanese prime-minister Shinzo Abe's office

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Simon Kent _Breitbart_
    judge removed mayor of London borough of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, for corruption, vote rigging, falsely branding his Labour rival as a "racist", bribery, and undue influence

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Pete Kasperowicz _Blaze_
    RINO turn-coats and leftists/Reds/Dems vote in oath-breaker to wreak destruction on USA and citizens' rights: Kelly Ayotte (NH), Thad Cochran (MS), Susan Collins (ME), Jeff Flake (AZ), Lindsey Graham (SC), Orrin Hatch (UT), Ron Johnson (WI), Mark Kirk (IL), Rob Portman (R-OH) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
    Jason W. Stevens: Federalist
    Daniel Doherty: Pappy's Rants/My Philthy-delphia

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
    A-10 Thunderbolt iis deployed against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
    "...Roughly 350 airmen in support of 12 air-craft will head to Southwest Asia for the U.S.A.-led coalition's mission..."
    2015-03-24: Chuck Norris defends A-10 to AF brass: the Chuck Norris of aircraft

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
    56 free-market organizations oppose crony socialist Export-Import Bank

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
    judge Roy Moore: same-sex "marriage" will be the ultimate destruction of the USA

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
    wind farm off MA was failure: tax-victims stuck with $113M marine terminal at New Bedford
    "Touted as 'America's first off-shore wind farm', 'Cape Wind' planned to erect 130 Siemens wind turbines 5 miles off the coast of Cape Cod and harness the strong winds blowing through Nantucket Sound to produce electricity.   But the $2.6G project's contracts with the state's 2 largest utilities were terminated in January after Cape Wind missed its December 31 financing deadline.   Last July, Energy secretary Ernest Moniz heralded Cape Wind, which was awarded a $150M loan guarantee by his department, as the beginning of 'a strong U.S. off-shore wind industry'..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
    Iowa has highest corporate income extortion rate, followed by PA, MN, AK, DC, CT, NJ, ME, CA, DE

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Dan Weil _News Max_
    Obummer's language/honesty problems: refuses to call Muslim terrorists Muslim terrorists, refuses to call Turkish genocide of Armenians Turkish genocide of Armenians, refuses to call leftists leftists

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Greg Richter _News Max_
    Ted Cruz was AWOL from vote to reject scofflaw Loretta Lynch's nomination

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    _Conservative HQ_
    RINO senators who voted for Loretta Lynch share Obummer's corrupt, anti-constitution agenda
    "First, Democrats when they are in the majority in the senate routinely refuse to vote on the nominees of Republican presidents.   In the waning days of the George W. Bush presidency Democrat senate majority-leader Harry Reid even [blocked] the vote on the nomination of senator Dan Coats to be ambassador to Germany -- a gross breach of senate comity that would have brought howls of protest had the same thing been done to a former Democrat senator nominated for an ambassadorial appointment.   Second, and more importantly, the confirmation vote is taking place after Lynch stated publicly and unequivocally that she would act contrary to the Constitution..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    M.A. Smith _News Max_
    corrupt, power-mad, race-obsessed, privacy-hating, anti-constitution oath-breaker Obummer's scheme to violate the right to own and carry arms has impacted laws

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    M.A. Smith _News Max_
    DNA sequence for woolly mammoths may be a step toward bringing them back
    "Researchers deciphered the complete DNA code, or genomes, of two mammoths.   The new genomes are far more refined than a previous one announced in 2008.   One new genome comes from a mammoth that lived about 45K years ago in northeastern Siberia.   The other comes from a creature that lived about 4,300 years ago on Russia's Wrangel Island in the Arctic Circle...   The DNA was extracted from a tooth and a sample of soft tissue..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    David French _National Review_
    non-leftists have barely begun to fight

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    empirical data show that the Reds/Dems/leftists still control the US senate
    "In fact, with 2 minor exceptions, every single vote that has passed the U.S. senate since the beginning of this Congress in January has passed with at least -- usually more than -- 93% of support from Democrats..."

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
    CDCP: epidemic of syphilis among homosexual men

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Leada Gore _Alabama_
    why Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby voted against oath-breaker Loretta Lynch's nomination
    "'The senate must never confirm an individual to such an office as this who will support and advance a scheme that violates our Constitution and eviscerates established law and congressional authority.   No person who would do that should be confirmed.   And we don't need to be apologetic about it.', Sessions said during the vote.   We have a duty to this institution, to the Constitution, and to the American people not to confirm someone who is not committed to those principles but rather who will continue in violation of them.', he said...   'I have personally expressed to Ms. Lynch that I feared she would interpret her position as the attorney for [president Obummer], not the United States of America.   One of my greatest concerns with Ms. Lynch is her stance on the president's action to unilaterally grant executive amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.', Shelby said.   'The American people deserve better than an attorney-general who would allow the president to both ignore and unilaterally change our nation's immigration laws.'"

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Matthew Daly _abc_/_AP_
    House Benghazi committee calls Hitlery Rotten Clinton to testify

    2015-04-23 (5775 Air 04)
    Guy Birchall _Breitbart_
    Green Party not loony enough claim climate loons

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "Ask not 'why' is this happening to me. Rather ask 'what' this happening asks of me." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  



    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Caroline May _Breitbart_
    displaced Southern California Edison workers sue Obummer regime over grant of "work permits" to spouses of H-1B recipients
    Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times
    Rachel Stoltzfoos: Daily Caller
    "'The law states that foreign work permits cannot adversely affect American wages, but all we've seen during this administration is standards of living fall and out-sized corporate profits continue to rise.', IRLI executive-director Dale Wilcox said in a statement."
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
    remarkable congressional briefing on H-1B

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Kirk Doran, Alexander Gelber, Adam Isen et al. _Harvard_
    the effects of cheap, yount, pliant low-skilled STEM immigration (pdf)
    2016 February: U of Crazy California at Craziest Berkeley (pdf)
    2016 February: U of Notre Dame (pdf)
    2014 November/2015 June: NBER

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
    Jeh Johnson claims illegal immigration has decreased along SW border
    "The border patrol caught just 151,705 illegal immigrants trying to cross the southwest border in the first 6 months of the fiscal year, which is a drop of 28% from the previous year, and is the lowest monthly average in recent records dating back to the end of the Clinton administration.   Just as striking is the drop in unaccompanied minors and families from 3 Central American countries -- Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador -- that sparked last Summer's troubling surge and left the administration playing catch-up.   Apprehensions of children from those countries are down some 45% this year, while families from those countries have dropped 30%...   Overall, deportations are down 25% this year compared to through the same point in fiscal year 2014, and are down 40% versus their peak in 2012.   The steady decrease exactly tracks the beginning of [Obummer's] initial [unconstitutional and illegal] deportation amnesty, which began in 2012 August, which carved hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants out of any danger of being removed.."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Caroline May _Breitbart_
    deportations declined in wake of Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties hamper deportation and removal efforts
    Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
    "For the first 6 months of fiscal year 2015, the U.S. deported just 117,181 people, compared to the 157,365 people deported in that same time frame last year, the Washington Times reports... Through 2015 April 4, the government had kicked out about 68K criminals, down 30% from the approximately 96,500 criminals deported during the same period a year earlier... Homeland Security [DHS] and US ICE officials have said they are budgeted to deport about 400K people a year, but they are on pace to deport less than 250K in fiscal year 2015."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Laura Ingraham
    business executive conspiracy pushes bill to worsen flood of foreign workers into USA
    Leo Hohmann: World Net Daily

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
    3 more sets of candidates for the naturalization hall of shame

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    _Numbers USA_
    bipartisan coalition of senators question H-1B visa use/abuse at Southern California Edison

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    _News Max_/_Agence France Presse_
    Italian police arrested suspeced body-guards of Osama bin Laden and Peshawar bombers
    "In a move that followed a 6-year investigation into an illegal immigration racket run from Sardinia, police on the Mediterranean island ordered the arrest of 18 people in coordinated raids across Italy..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
    a time for silence, a time for speech

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
    Netanyahu better have the fortitude to contend with the Obummer regime abandoning Israel

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Matthew Schofield _Jewish World Review_
    the "accountant of Auschwitz" is the rare Nazi who admits what he did
    "The casual acceptance of brutality that the former Waffen SS officer displayed even 70 years after the Third Reich was destroyed provided a rare insight into the twisted nature of the Nazi death camp mindset.   Even from a man who admitted in court that he carried 'moral guilt' if not legal guilt for the Holocaust, there was no notion that, perhaps, the baby did not need to have been killed.   He made the same point in his testimony Thursday.   'I did not expect any Jews to survive Auschwitz.', he said..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
    the FBI, the holocaust, and us

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Kim Giles _Jewish World Review_
    healthy boundaries to being nice

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
    Shrub, peanut butter sandwiches, and the American Dream

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
    Christian lives matter
    "Outrage is one of the ways the American Left shows how compassionate it is.   So where is the outrage now that Christians in the Middle East are being slaughtered simply because they are Christians?   Is ethnic cleansing not worthy of outrage?   Where are the demonstrations?..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
    reform the Secret Service

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
    a sucker by design: the Iran deal
    News Max

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
    Obummer's Nixon doctrine: bowing to Iran
    News Max

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
    can Turkey repent its brutal past and affirm a desire to sin no more?

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    John Blosser _News Max_
    Mike Huckabee: some are pushing USA toward criminalization of Christianity, and Judaism

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Jennifer G. Hickey _News Max_
    Obummer regime fails to end old wars, creates new adversaries, makes old allies more likely to be attacked

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Drew MacKenzie _News Max_
    George Pataki calls for GOP candidates to lead efforts to quash Obummer's deal to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons systems

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Scott Rasmussen _News Max_
    big journalism is struggling in internet era
    "National leadership flows from everyday Americans who work hard to support their families and build their communities.   New technology is empowering them in amazing ways. Smartphone owners today have more information, entertainment, and communications capability in the palm of their hands than the richest 1% enjoyed just a generation or 2 ago..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Dan Weil _News Max_
    as a result of the GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression, federal government over-spending and Federal Reserve-driven price inflation nearly one-third don't have $1K saved for emergencies, retirement, investment in starting a new business, etc.
    "The report shows that only 67% of American workers or their spouse have saved money for retirement.   That's far below the 75% figure of 2009, though it's consistent with levels reported since then.   Even among workers employed full time, 22% haven't saved for retirement.   A total of 61% of workers say they or their spouse is currently saving for retirement, up from 57% in 2013 and 2014, but down from 65% in 2009.   A total of 57% of the workers say the value of their household savings and investments, excluding their primary home and defined benefit plans, is less than $25K.   And 28% report that it's less than $1K..."
    many retirees have major debt burdens
    "As of 2010, U.S. households enduring the highest levels of debt were those whose heads were aged 55 to 64, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.   They had average debt of $107,060..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Melanie Batley _News Max_
    Yebbie Booosh is sounding more closely aligned with Barack Hussein Obummer than even Hitlery Rotten Clinton

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Laura Ingraham
    fears arise as Red Chinese modify human embryo genes
    David Cyranoski & Sara Reardon: Nature
    "researchers led by Junjiu Huang, a gene-function researcher at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, tried to head off such concerns by using 'non-viable' embryos, which cannot result in a live birth, that were obtained from local fertility clinics.   The team attempted to modify the gene responsible for β-thalassaemia, a potentially fatal blood disorder, using a gene-editing technique known as CRISPR/Cas9.   The researchers say that their results reveal serious obstacles to using the method in medical applications."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Laura Ingraham
    college students harass veterans attending "Warrior Beach Retreat" at Panama City Beach
    Kelly Baumgarten: WJHG

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Laura Ingraham
    maternity tourism witness held after trying to board flight to Red China
    Matt Hamilton: Los Angeles CA Times
    "Last month, scores of federal agents raided properties connected to 3 alleged maternity tourism schemes, which typically bring Chinese women into the United States on tourist visas so their children will be born U.S. citizens.   Investigators searched apartment complexes in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties, hauling out boxes of documents, trash and diaper containers.   Agents were looking specifically for indications of visa fraud and other evidence that could show women were coached to falsify documents and claim that they were visiting the U.S. as tourists..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    _Conservative HQ_
    Vince Haley and his non-leftist ideas are taking Virginia state senate district 12 election contest by storm
    "Dynamic young conservative Vince Haley is taking the June 9 Virginia state senate district 12 election by storm with a positive conservative message of stopping federal overreach and phasing out the Virginia state income tax.   Virginia state senate district 12 is an open seat vacant after senator Walter Stosch's retirement.   Stopping federal over-reach means Haley wants Virginia to take a much more aggressive stance in opposing federal intrusion into areas the Constitution reserves to the States, for example the illegal EPA power plan that will hike electricity rates in Virginia by 20-30%.   Haley's plan to phase out the income tax, a boon to capital formation, would add Virginia to the 9 states that do not have a state income tax and which are doing better economically than states that do..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    hateful RINO Mitch McConnell to non-leftists: drop dead

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    John Nolte _Breitbart_
    militant homosexuals launch boycott of Manhattan gay hoteliers, because they do not hate Ted Cruz

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
    the world tries to ignore the genocide of Armenians by violence-initiating Muslims

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Sarah Rumpf _Breitbart_
    Ted Cruz admitted he loves his children; NYTimes freaked out

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Pam Key _Breitbart_
    Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): the crony socialist Clintons funneled tax-victim funds to friends and relatives in Haiti

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    senator Chris McDaniel (R-MS-42) _Breitbart_
    Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Mark Kirk (IL), Kelly Ayotte (NH), Thad Cochran (MS), Susan Collins (ME), Jeff Flake (AZ), Lindsey Graham (SC), Orrin Hatch (UT), Ron Johnson (WI), Rob Portman (R-OH) betrayed US constitution and GOP principles by consenting to appointment of Loretta Lynch

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    John Hayward _Breitbart_
    French president Francois Hollande asked UN to authorize destruction of Libyan smuggler boats

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    John Hayward _Breitbart_
    irresponsibility: no one got fired over Veterans Administration abuses

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
    smugglers: nothing will stop illegal aliens desperate for a better life

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
    major Italian blitz against terrorist cell revealed plot to bomb Vatican

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    A.B. Sanderson _Breitbart_
    Nigel Farage has 9-point lea in Thanet South
    "The numbers put Farage on 39%, 9 points clear of his nearest rival, Conservative Craig Mackinlay [30%] and way ahead of Labour's Will Scobie who is on 26%..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    NY state officials and law school admins launched effort to help tech start-ups navigate byzantine regulations
    "But he says such companies can't simply think that government should scrap any regulations that impose limitations on their business."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    500 pound WW2 bomb found on NJ community college campus, safely detonated
    alternate link
    "The unexploded ordnance was taken to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst.   It had been discovered Thursday during excavation for a new building at Middlesex county college, which is on the site of the former Raritan Arsenal..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    U of Utah scientists say a deeper magma reservoir under Yellowstone could fill the Grand Canyon 11.2 times over
    Doyle Rice: USA Today/Gannett (with diagram)
    Ben Brumfield: CNN
    Fan Chi-Lin, Hsin-Hua Huang, Robert B. Smith & Jamie Farrell: U of Utah
    AAAS Science
    "...Contrary to popular perception, the magma chamber and magma reservoir are not full of molten rock.   Instead, the rock is hot, mostly solid and sponge-like, with pockets of molten rock within it.   Huang says the new study indicates the upper magma chamber averages about 9% molten rock -- consistent with earlier estimates of 5% to 15% melt -- and the lower magma reservoir is about 2% melt..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Jen Kuznicki _Cybercast News Service_
    White House Correspondents' dinner celebrated the death of journalism

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
    Mark Levin: Obummer regime and the Clintons sold out the USA

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    _Cybercast News Service_
    Mark Levin: Clintons exposed; 20% of USA uranium sold to Russia

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
    Merrimack NH, with 3,895 children enrolled spent $70,308,919 for education; $18,076.74/student

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
    7 law-suits pendig against FCC power-grab

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
    "student government" at Youngstown State U removed posters for straight pride week
    "promoted the event as a time to not highlight sexual orientation or differences among students.   They encouraged students to 'go about your day without telling everyone about how different you are'...   The posters counter the school's mission to create a diverse campus, university spokesman Ron Cole told WFMJ-TV.   Officials are investigating possible student code violations, and disciplinary action may follow.   A statement from the student government said while it respects free speech of all students, the posters weren't authorized..."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
    Ted Cruz signed pledge not to raise taxes if elected president

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Ted Cruz
    Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) filed amendment to retain congressinoal power to consent to or reject Obummer's deal with Iran

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
    USA's soft police state

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Jeannie de Angelis _American Thinker_
    is Obummer arming Iran for a secret reason?

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Charlotte Iserbyt _News with Views_
    Carnegie Corporation, Communist Corpse and communist world government

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Matt Salmon
    letter to DHS secretary Jeh Johnson regarding border tunnel in Naco, AZ & Sonora
    "Recently [in February], Arizona's largest cross-border smuggling tunnel was discovered in Naco, AZ.   According to news reports, this tunnel is one of the more highly sophisticated smuggling tunnels, replete with hydraulics, ventilation, and lighting systems.   Unfortunately, the existence of this tunnel does not seem to have been brought to light by federal law enforcement agencies.   Rather, it appears that the discovery of this sophisticated tunnel was merely a byproduct of a traffic-stop-turned-drug-bust by a local law enforcement officer.   With this in mind, I was quite alarmed to hear the testimony given by Border Patrol agent, Chris Cabrera, on 2015 March 17, in a senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing.   In this testimony, he said: 'our intel knew for some time that that tunnel was being used and that we should patrol that area more aggressively'.   To my amazement, he went on to say that Border Patrol agents were not allowed by management to work in or patrol that area.   I am very concerned that such extensive and sophisticated infrastructure was—and presumably continues to be—built and operated right beneath our feet without action being taken by federal law enforcement.   Furthermore, I am deeply concerned by the allegations that management within Customs and Border Patrol had intelligence indicating the existence of this tunnel and did not allow our agents to work or patrol the area.   With these concerns, it is imperative that we learn more about the investigation that ostensibly would have taken place on such an expansive and sophisticated tunnel.   Unfortunately, my office has yet to receive a satisfactory answer as to what kind of investigations have been done to determine to the extent possible what dangerous items, materials and/or individuals were transported through that tunnel and into our communities.   During the course of my own investigation, I learned that at least one local land-owner is being pressured to sign forms that would allow access to a portion of his/her land that the tunnel runs under in order to fill it with concrete.   Without information as to the extent of your agency's investigation, this is very alarming as destroying the tunnel would make it seemingly impossible to conduct additional tests and complete a thorough investigation.   With this in mind, I ask:   Has this tunnel been thoroughly tested for evidence of the transport of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons?   Has DHS conducted a forensic study to learn where the materials for the tunnel were procured and, if possible, by whom?   Have investigations been conducted to determine whether or not foreign agents of terrorism have used the tunnel to enter the United States of America?   Have investigations been conducted to determine what intelligence federal law enforcement had and when they had it?   Have investigations been conducted to determine whether Border Patrol management did in fact restrict the access of Border Patrol agents around the area of this tunnel?   Will you act immediately to ensure that this tunnel is not destroyed or otherwise altered until we can ensure that proper investigations of this tunnel have been completed?   I firmly believe that the American people deserve answers, especially those families and communities whose safety is directly impacted.   I sincerely hope that you will join me in calling for the delay of any measure that would destroy the tunnel or cause evidence to be altered until the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] and the American people receive answers.   I thank you for your assistance in this matter and look forward to your timely response."

    2015-04-24 (5775 Air 05)
    Andrea Billups _News Max_
    Duke U: global warming has slowed, but it could get warmer or colder again

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    Yom Ha Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day).
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "This deadly invention [scrip or paper fiat currency] may be looked upon as the greatest chastisement of nations; and nothing but the most commanding necessity can justify its use in the eyes of reason...   Abuse is almost inseparable from the use of it...   When necessity orders to put an end to it, the order comes always too late." --- Henry Storch tutor to Nicholas Romanov & Michael Romanov (quoted in George Bancroft 1884, 1886, 1982 _A Plea for the Constitution: Wounded in the House of Its Guardians_; http://www.constitution.org/gb/gb-plea.htm )  



    2015-04-25 (5775 Air 06)
    USA may be at the breaking poit already, due to excessive immigration
    "Only 8 short years from now, immigrants will make up a record-high 14.8% of the total U.S. population, and long-time conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly views the rising tide of newcomers as a purposeful attack on the country...   'It's deliberate.', Schlafly told WND in an interview.   'It's not any accident.   It's because [Obummer and the Bushes and Marco Rubio and their] friends are letting all these people in who don't want to be Americans, who don't want to speak English.'   The Census Bureau projected last month that the U.S. immigrant population, legal and illegal, will total a record 51M in 2023.   At that point, 1 in 7 U.S. residents will be an immigrant.   By 2060, nearly 1 in 5 U.S. residents will be an immigrant, and the total U.S.A. population will be 417M -- 108M more than in 2010 [138M more than in 2000]...   'I think one of the reasons [Obummer] and his friends are so eager to open the gates to more and more immigrants is they think it's going to defeat the conservative movement and the Republican Party.', Schlafly said.   'Of course, they all come from countries that are not used to the idea of limited government.   They're used to countries where the government makes all the decisions, and they don't know anything different.'...   The Census Bureau projects that the U.S. immigrant population will grow nearly 4 times [as fast as] the native population.   It will reach 15.8% by 2030 and 18.8% by 2060, at which time there will be 78M immigrants in the country.   By contrast, there were only 20M immigrants in the U.S.A. in 1990, accounting for 7.9% of the population...   Indeed, a Gallup poll taken last June found a plurality of Americans, 41%, thought current immigration levels should be decreased. Only 22% thought they should be increased..."
    USA resident population
    yearpopulationincrease since 1900

    2015-04-25 (5775 Air 06)
    _Slash Dot_/_Dice_
    how foreign powers influence think tanks and how a Bill Gates agenda becomes law
    "'In 2012, the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings hosted a forum on STEM education and immigration reforms, where fabricating a crisis was discussed as a strategy to succeed with MSFT's agenda after earlier lobbying attempts by Bill Gates and MSFT had failed.   So, Brad [MST general-counsel Brad Smith] asked the Brookings Institution's Darrell West at the event, you're the only [one] who mentioned this topic of making the problem bigger.   So, we galvanize action by really producing a crisis, I take it?   Yeah, Smith replied (video).'"

    2015-04-25 (5775 Air 06)
    Andrew C. McCarthy _National Review_
    the 10 disgraced Republicans who caved on nomination of oath-breaker Loretta Lynch
    "Voting to confirm an attorney general who won't uphold the Constitution isn't a way to inspire confidence among conservatives..."

    2015-04-25 (5775 Air 06)
    Janet Levy _American Thinker_
    Judicial Watch has been pinch-hitting for the FBI
    "The agency that let us down with 2001/09/11 and, afterward, reacted mainly in a flurry of political correctness and appeasement toward Muslims is now trying to reassure the American public that we have nothing to fear from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate on the North American continent.   This despite warnings from the nonprofit Judicial Watch of ISIS activism in Mexico, and recent ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate-related arrests in Minnesota.   More is needed from the nation's top domestic intelligence and security agency than this whistling in the dark if we are to be safe in our own country...   Last week, Judicial Watch revealed in anonymous accounts from a Mexican army officer and police inspector that two ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate camps exist perilously close to the U.S. border west of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico -- one only 8 miles from El Paso, Texas, and the other very close to Columbus and Deming, New Mexico.   According to Judicial Watch, Mexican army and law-enforcement personnel discovered Arabic and Urdu documents, layouts of a nearby U.S. military installation, and prayer rugs in an area controlled by a powerful Mexican cartel engaged in drug trafficking and human smuggling across the understaffed and poorly controlled U.S. border.   Mexican intelligence sources reported to Judicial Watch that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate maintains a network of spotters in New Mexico's East Potrillo Mountains for terrorist border crossings and to monitor activities at nearby universities, government facilities, and power plants...   Immediately following the recent Judicial Watch disclosure, FBI supervisors called a meeting with the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juarez.   Based on information supplied to Judicial Watch by an anonymous 'high level intelligence source', the goal of the meeting was [not to arrest or wipe out the terrorists, but] to 'devise a press strategy on the JW report as well as to uncover the identity of the informants'..."

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      "the rate of software piracy in [Red China] is well over 90%." --- Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pg115  



    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
    on Obummer DoL's refusal to investigate Southern California Edison's displacement of US citizen STEM professionals with H-1B guest-workers via bodyshops

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
    Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens is a greater threat to blacks than police brutality and racial profiling
    "The number of unemployed black workers in the U.S.A. is soaring, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS].   Over 12.2M black people of working age were not in the labor force in March, meaning they had neither been employed nor actively sought a job for at least 4 weeks...   'The long-term, large-scale flow of immigration into the United States has worked to erode both the wages and employment prospects of African-American workers.', said senator Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican and chairman of the senate Judiciary committee sub-committee on Immigration and the National Interests, in a statement to The Times."

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
    restricting voting in the USA to US citizens
    "On a host of electoral integrity issues, the liberal position can be summarized in two words: enable cheating...   How else to explain the race-baiting rhetoric from [president Barack Hussein Obummer] on down against something as common-sense as voter photo ID laws, which the public supports by wide margins?   Or the intense drive for Election Day registration, mail-in voting and earlier and earlier balloting, all of which make it harder to detect and prevent vote fraud?   Or the opposition to any law ensuring that only citizens can vote?...   the American Civil Rights Union provided key evidence -- federal voter registration forms -- exposing the shocking ease with which non-citizens can register to vote without any proof of citizenship."

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Jeffrey Lord _Media Research Center News Busters_
    media lobbyists tried to mislead the public about Loretta Lynch nomination, ignore leftist opposition to Edwin Meese and other Republican nominations

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Pamela Geller _WND_
    my latest encourter with Nazi-like Muslim thugs: Brooklyn College is not a safe environment for human beings

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
    white supremacy is a myth, black privilege is real; today's culture is a lot like Jim Crow

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Chuck Norris _WND_
    has the US government been enabling Middle East apocalypse? (part 2)

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
    repentance: the prescription for fallen individuals and nations

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
    turn vision and thought into action for great achievement

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    J. Robert Smith _American Thinker_
    where the left and Islam intersect
    "...Spoken of here are leftist intellectuals, chattering classes, politicians, and career activists who either seek or welcome Islam's role in 'transforming' America and the West.   What's in it for Muslims if they know they're being used?   Infiltration, for one.   Western Europeans long ago opened their borders to Muslims.   The need originally was labor.   Western Europe's elites -- left-dominated -- have, post-World War 2, imported millions of Muslims.   By 2020, Muslims will account for 6% of Europe's 744M inhabitants.   That's 44.6M largely unassimilated Mohammedans.   But welfare and jobs haven't quieted Europe's Muslims.   The attack on Charlie Hebdo may have dented, but hasn't stopped, Europe's elite from clinging to political correctness...   It may be a harbinger of things to come in the U.S.A., though the Muslim population here is estimated at only 2.6M nationally.   That's up from about 1M souls in 2000..."

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
    take back our children

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Frances Martel _Breitbart_
    LGBT activists tried to disrupt Coalition of African-American Pastors "March for Marriage" rally in Arkansas
    "'The group of mostly young people continued harassing our group, and were trying to talk over me and bully me.', she said. 'I have never seen anything like it.'   Owens said after she got through her speech, she tried to engage the LGBT activists, and told them they were disrespectful.   She said she pointed out that her group respected their right to protest as well and that the March for Marriage activists had no intention of interrupting the counter protest..."

    2015-04-26 (5775 Air 07)
    Steve Blow _Dallas TX Morning News_
    DNA analysis revealed s ome surprising cousins on my mother's side
    "I'm 2.3% Neanderthal and 3.3% Denisovan... As expected, my DNA aligns most closely with the people of Great Britain and Ireland. But surprisingly, there was also a good chunk of Mediterranean in my ancient past and a dollop of the Middle East, too... The biggest surprise was on my mother's side. I'm Lapp! Or Laplander. Or whatever..."

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      "[T]he fabled Hooverian techniques were under siege well before the gloom of the Great Depression took hold of the rest of the nation. The lines Hoover had pains-takingly drawn between co-operation & coercion, between private initiative & governmental interference, between politics & administration, between interest & science -- all the fine distinctions of his American System gave way in their first encounter with the political divisions of the dominant coalition." --- Stephen Skowronek 1993 _The Politics Presidents Make_ pg 274  



    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Jeffrey H. Anderson _Weekly Standard_
    Scott Walker vs. WSJ on immigration
    "According to Gallup, only 7% of Americans want immigration levels to increase, while 86% either want them to remain at current levels (47%) or decrease (39%).   With most current and prospective Republican presidential candidates tripping over each other to vie for that 7%, it would seem to be good politics for a candidate to break from the pack and speak for the other 86% essentially unopposed.  That's more or less what Scott Walker has done over the past week.   Actually, Walker hasn't even said that immigration levels should not be increased.   He has merely said that, as he put it on Friday, 'In terms of how wide or how narrow the door's open, our #1 priority is American workers and American wages...   I don't know how anyone can argue against that.'...   For starters, the Journal lamented that Walker has been 'listening to Alabama senator Jeff Sessions' (which is something that a lot more Republicans should do)...   no one disputes that big business, led by Mark Zuckerberg and others, wants access to foreign labor.   The question is why...   [Executives of corporations] don't want to pay for American workers if they can pay less for foreign workers?...   The Journal concludes by invoking an economic straw man worthy of the White House's current occupant...   The question is whether it increases the economic well-being of the typical American...   while it's easy to assert that immigration 'boosts the economy' [and compensation to executives], it's a lot harder to say that it boosts incomes on Main Street."
    Other questions include: Exactly what are they doing to recruit able and willing US citizens from other cities and states?   How much are they willing to invest in relocation assistance for new-hires and retained employees?   How intensively are they doing such recruiting?   How willing are they to invest in new-hire and retained employee training for US citizen employees, as compared to the STEM industries of earlier decades?   How willing have they been to invest in security clearances for US citizen employees?

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
    WSJ like congress seems to have a short memory

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Richard Butrick _American Thinker_
    xenophobic paralysis or cupidity among the GOP losership?

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
    more Obummer regime oath-breaking and abuse expected

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
    squabbling among the open borders gangs, "work permits" for H-4 visa grantees, US worker displacement by H-1B grantees, "trade in services"
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
    another "charm offensive" will not repair what Barack Hussein Obummer, the haughty John Kerry, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Cheryl Mills, Wendy Sherman, Huma Mahmood Abedin, and the Clintons have broken
    "the White House is making a conscious effort to play down its anger at the Israeli government... "
    Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
    Discover the Networks: Muslim World League (MWL)
    Discover the Networks: Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)
    Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
    Discover the Networks: Valerie Jarrett
    Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
    oligarchs for Hitlery Rotten Clinton

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Janine di Giovanni _Jewish World Review_
    first he fought the USA, now he's crushing ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    George Jonas _Jewish World Review_
    choose well, USA
    National Post
    "U.S. voters will choose a new leader for the free world, or what's left of it after the Taliban, al Qaida, al-Shabab, ISIL, the Houthis, Vladimir Putin, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Kim Jong-un and their like-minded friends have used it as a playpen for another 18 months.   Fortunately the world is a large place.   Nobody managed to destroy it completely so far, though Timur the Lame gave it a good try with an estimated 17M killed.   He did that in the low-tech days of the late Middle Ages, 600 years before Adolf Hitler, without Zyklon-B-equipped gas chambers.   Neither had nuclear weapons.   North Korea's Kim Jong-un does, and the Supreme Leader of Iran is working hard to acquire the technology...   The most visible, in fact, is one whose relationship with facts, whether pertaining to her e-mail account, or her experience as a traveller in the former Yugoslavia, or the murder of an ambassador in Benghazi on her watch as Secretary of State, augurs that she may bring to the office the flaws of Richard Nixon combined with the merits of Jimmy Carter."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Linda Chavez _Jewish World Review_
    Clinton avarice

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Herb London _Jewish World Review_
    Hitlery's foreign policy "achievements"
    Washington DC Times
    Toronto Ontario Canada Telegraph

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
    politicians, profiteers, and public health

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    S.E. Cupp _Jewish World Review_
    should the presidency hang on an hypothetical gay "wedding" invitation?

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
    crony socialists strike again
    "...Hastings, Schmidt, and Karp are already regretting their foolhardiness.   The rest of us will end up suffering."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Stephen Moore _Jewish World Review_
    planet is better than ever
    Washington DC Times

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
    Israel warned Iran to stop arming Hezballah

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
    what might be in those Iranian cargo ships off Yemen

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Laura Ingraham
    FBI investigating possible ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate-inspired threat
    Evan Perez & Shimon Prokupecz: CNN

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
    supremes tell 6th circuit to re-consider ObummerDoesn'tCare mandate to Catholic groups to fund contraceptives

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Steven Rosen _Washington DC Times_
    oath-breaker Obummer is picking another fight with Israel
    "Hamas covets the West Bank because it knows that the West Bank's [location in] the Israeli heartland would make it a much more effective platform for attacks on Israel, than firing from Gaza=Palestine.   In 2014 September, Hamas founder Mahmoud Al-Zahar said that if his movement were to 'transfer what it has or just a small part of it to the West Bank, we would be able to settle the battle of the final promise with a speed that no one can imagine'.   In another speech he said, 'If only the West Bank had one quarter of what Gaza=Palestine has of resistance tools, the Israeli entity would end in one day...   Can you imagine what would happen if the enemy is targeted from the West Bank...?'"
    Discover the Networks: Hamas

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
    the "magical thinking" of leftists
    Jewish World Review

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Steve Deace _Washington DC Times_
    a phrase-book for translating leftist newspeak into American English

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    Hitlery Rotten Clinton and the absence of truth from American leftists for over a century

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
    did Saudi Arabia lie, rent the US military to help kill Houthis?

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Doug Bandow _NYPost_
    Clinton Foundation CEO admitted to disclosure errors

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Steve Apfel _American Thinker_
    a dybbuk in the White House

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
    is Amnesty International anti-semitic?

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Rob Natelson _American Thinker_
    ObummerDoesn'tCare's unconstitutionality and the origination clause: new evidence

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    James Longstreet _American Thinker_
    Janet Yellen, meet Isaac Newton
    "Hayek stated that central planners (Central Bankers) cannot know, cannot possess the aggregate knowledge that market participants possess collectively.   Those central planners who disregard the powers of free markets and all the efficiencies that derive from free market price discovery labor under a great misconception: that they know better, that their knowledge is greater than the market's knowledge.   Those at the Fed have mentioned that they will not raise rates if it will harm the economy.   We now know, from their recent admissions, that what they really mean is that they will not raise rates if it hurts their stock market..."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
    in 19.9% of USA families, no one is employed outside the home

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Pam Key _Breitbart_
    only 6% of Clinton Foundation expenditures go to charity

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
    Obummer State Dept. sending $6M to UNRWA
    "this funding comes in addition to the more than $57M in humanitarian assistance the United States Government has provided UNRWA's Syria crisis response in 2015, bringing total U.S. contributions to over $63M.   Videos have shown that some UNRWA schools in the Palestinian territories preach radical jihadist doctrines to grade-school children, indoctrinating them with genocidal ideals against Israel and its Jewish community.   During the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas, reports found that on at least three occasions, the UNRWA schools were used by Hamas militants to stockpile missiles.   The sites frequently provided cover for offensive attacks against Israel's civilian population centers.   Other reports have suggested that UNRWA is controlled entirely by the Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas.   A report found that the vast majority of UNRWA's union board is affiliated with Hamas."
    Discover the Networks: Hamas

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
    Jimmy Carter to meet with Hamas & Fatah terrorists in Gaza=Palestine this week
    "He will attempt to seek reconciliation between Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah, the latter which rules the Palestinian [occupied] areas of [Israel's] West Bank...   Carter plans to arrive in the region on Thursday for a 3-day tour of Israel, [including] the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip=Palestine.   His request to meet with Israel's president and prime-minister was denied.   In refusing to meet with the 39th U.S. president, both offices cited his anti-Israel, pro-Hamas sentiments."
    Discover the Networks: Fatah
    Discover the Networks: Hamas

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Frances Martel _Breitbart_
    Turkey captured nearly 350 illegal aliens hoping to invade Italy

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Kurt Schlichter _Town Hall_
    non-leftists should unleash the awesome power of "no"
    "We decent Americans are bombarded with lies, libeled, and subjected to petty (and, increasingly, not so petty) tyrannies by government flunkies.   At every turn, liberals and their suck-ups in the media and academia seek to delegitimize our interests, concerns, and opinions.   They want us to submit, to take the easy way out, to just go along.   Our fate, they decree, is cultural and political dhimmitude..."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Mike Adams _Town Hall_
    it's not harassment if you like it
    "Some conservatives fail to grasp the importance of the campus culture wars.   They write to me asking why I don't cover issues of national importance instead of battling endlessly with college administrators.   Their criticisms fall on deaf ears because I understand something they don't: That the insanity [we have seen on campus these last 100 years and more and the insanity] we see on the campus today will threaten our fundamental freedoms when it becomes normalized and bleeds into the broader culture..."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Mona Charen _Town Hall_
    about those smoking guns...
    Jewish World Review
    "In January, Robert F. McDonnell, 71st governor of Virginia, was sentenced to two years in prison followed by two years of supervised release after his conviction on 11 counts of public corruption.   He, and especially his wife, behaved badly.   But it's worth taking a closer look at what was considered criminal in McDonnell's case, because, at least so far, some in the press are suggesting that Hillary Clinton's conduct must meet a much higher threshold to be considered problematic..."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Cal Thomas _Town Hall_
    another sign-post on the road to destruction
    Jewish World Review
    "...In his forthcoming book _1920: The Year That Made the Decade Roar_, Eric Burns writes that the mass media, birthed in that year by the spread of radio, is largely responsible for diverting our attention from things that matter to things that don't..."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Paul Dykewicz _Town Hall_
    economic slow-down confirmed by gross output and B2B data
    "Real Gross Output (GO) advanced at an annualized rate of only 2.6% to $31.4T by the end of 2014, half the rate of the 5.2% jump in the third quarter of 2014.   GO is a measure of sales or receipts of all industries throughout the production process, including business-to-business transactions (B2B).   As a result, GO provides a fuller perspective of the performance of the broad U.S. economy, in contrast to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which omits most B2B growth..."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Rich Galen _Town Hall_

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Raymond Tanter _Town Hall_
    opponent of Iran theocracy to testify to House Foreign Affairs sub-committee on terrorism, non-proliferation, and Trade

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Bill Murchison _Town Hall_
    the supremes and marriage

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Michael Hammond _Town Hall_
    10 things you need to know about "fast track authority"/"trade promotion authority"

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Phil Kerpen _Town Hall_
    congress' bipartisan ObummerDoesn'tCare fraud

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Shawn Mitchell _Town Hall_
    random blasts at the well-deserving

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Mark Nuckols _Town Hall_
    the incredible intolerance of ultra-leftists and gays

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Lauren Cooley _Town Hall_
    suspending students for no good reason
    "Earlier this month, a conservative student named Laura was suspended from Barry University for exposing her administration's [sympathies for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate].   She's a 4.0 honors student and was even awarded 'Most Outstanding Senior' by the Communications Department the same day her expose was published..."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Guy Benson _Town Hall_
    Sunshine Foundation: the Clinton Foundation is basically as slush fund

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
    Obummer regime still refusing to demand Iran release Americans as part of deal

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Noah Rothman _Hot Air_
    the 6-figure link between the Clintons and Goldman Sachs

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Guy Benson _Hot Air_
    Hitlery has answered only 7 of the media's questions since announcing her candidacy 16 days ago

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
    Catholic arch-bishop William Lori: supremes have no business re-defining marriage

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
    Gene Schaerr: ruling in favor of same-sex "marriage" would be a monumental act of judicial hypocrisy

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    John-Henry Westen _Cybercast News Service_
    opposition to same-sex "marriage" is a deeper love

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
    Tony Perkins: supremes can't settle same-sex "marriage" issue

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
    Ted Cruz: leftist fascism is dedicated to attacking Christians

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
    Kroger customer drew firearm, intervening to defend elderly man from 7 harassers

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
    Corinthian colleges is being shut down
    "Corinthian Colleges is officially shutting down all of its remaining 28 ground campuses, displacing about 16K students.   The action comes less than two weeks after the U.S. Department of Education announced it had fined the for-profit institution $30M for misrepresentation.   According to the Colleges' latest SEC filings, their schools generated $1.2G in government loans last year.   Breitbart News reported two weeks ago that with the value of outstanding student loans soon to exceed this year's entire $1.477T in federal income tax payments, the student loan repayment default rate has leapt to 27.3% in 2014 from 15.8% in 2010.   The Santa Ana, CA-based for-profit college company has been selling off or closing its 100-plus campuses since June...   In one instance, the company's Honolulu campus declared a student had found work in her chosen field of accounting, even though administrators knew she was working at Taco Bell, the Education Department said.   Corinthian, which has been operating colleges and training programs under the names Everest College, Heald, WyoTech, and QuickStart Intelligence..."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Anthony Zurcher _BBC_
    states oppose NSA's unconstitutional warrantless surveillance
    "...The particular target of his ire is the Texas Cryptologic Center, an NSA facility located near San Antonio.   He has proposed a state law cutting off the building's access to public utilities -- water and electricity -- until the agency ceases what he says is unconstitutional warrantless data collection...   'I believe that it is my responsibility as a representative at the state level to fight against that kind of tyranny.', he continues.   'Whether it's from the federal government or a foreign entity, it doesn't matter.'..."

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Stephen Moore & Joel Griffith _Cybercast News Service_
    Gulf of Mexico has roared back after oil spill

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Paul Driessen _Town Hall_
    a message for pope Francis: the ways climate-related restrictions on energy harm poor families far more than climate change will

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Alan Fram _Business Insider_/_AP_
    TEA Party legislators object to attacks by RINO losership

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
    Ben Affleck has 12 slave-holder ancestors who lived in the southern USA

    2015-04-27 (5775 Air 08)
    Jim Hoft _GateWay Pundit_
    one of the first (the first?) legal slave owners in Virginia was a black man
    Today I Found Out
    Pearl Duncan: History News Network: John Punch [was] the First Slave in the English Colonies [Owned by Hugh Gwyn]
    National Socialist Television
    Library of Congress
    Henry Burke
    Jeffrey B. Perry
    "There is no basis for the claims that John Punch was 'indentured' and that the other 2 servants were 'white'...   While the document specifically indicates that the other 2 'servants' James Gregory and Victor did have 'Indentures' it does not say this about Punch.   There is no documentation that Punch signed an indenture (particularly not for transportation to Virginia) and it is extremely unlikely that he did.   What is likely is that he was previously subjected to limited-term chattel bond-servitude (the passage makes reference to John Punch serving 'his said master and his assigns')..."
    Wikipedia on John Punch
    Ancestry.com on John Punch
    Ryan Charles Cox: DelMarVa Settlers and Sites: The Johnson Family: The Migratory Study of an African-American Family on the Eastern Shore: The Johnsons and the Colonial Courts
    WikiPedia: Anthony Johnson: gained freedom between 1635 and 1647; c. 1640 bought indenture of John Casor; 1651-07-24 bought contracts on 5 indentured servants
    WikiPedia: John Casor: signed indenture with Anthony Johnson some time c. 1640; 1654 March claimed he had served out his indenture with Johnson, was released by the court, and signed a new indenture with Robert Parker; but court reversed 1655-03-08 and declared him a slave of Anthony Johnson for life
    There's a gap here.   If John Punch was the first slave, beginning 1640 July 09, then Hugh Gwyn was the first slave-owner.   Anthony Johnson's servant, John Casor, didn't ask for release from his indenture until 1654 March.   Some time later, Anthony Johnson sued for his return as is slave for life [Northampton County, 1651-1654, folio 226].   OTOH, if John Punch were never declared to be a "slave" but only an "indentured servant for life", then Anthony Johnson might be the first slave-owner, based on John Casor's lost court case in 1655-03-08, in which he had sought to be declared the identured servant of Robert Parker, as the court had found in 1654, but later reversed.

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "Most men & women adopt rather uncritically whatever ideology is espoused by their «social» «group»." --- Brant Wenegrat 1990 _SocioBiological Psychiatry_ pg 72  



    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Ian Smith _National Review_
    you're fired! now, train your cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign replacement with questioable ethics
    "The two senators have teamed up in their support for an investigative enquiry into the billion-dollar utility Southern California Edison, which has been firing American tech workers and replacing them with lower-paid foreign workers brought here through the controversial H-1B visa program.   And now the first lawsuit has been filed in response to the H-1B visa fallout at SCE.   The plaintiff, Save Jobs USA, is a group of former veteran employees at SCE who after their firing were forced to train the foreign workers due to replace them.   Such treatment of American workers shouldn't come as a surprise considering that the corporation is also a major contributor to MALDEF, one of the biggest illegal-alien-advocacy groups in the country...   The law-suit, co-led by the Immigration Reform Law Institute, centers not on the H-1B 'high-tech' employment visa, but on the related H-4 visa that applies to the spouses of H-1B holders.   A Department of Homeland Security [DHS] rule published in the Federal Register in February purports to allow H-4 holders the right to work in the country.   According to DHS estimates, 179,600 of these work permits will be doled out in the first year alone, with 55K more going out in subsequent years.   Also according to the rule, DHS has given itself the option of expanding the program to other groups in future.   The law-suit asserts basically what H-1B expert Norm Matloff said recently, that the new H-4 visa rule is yet another example of U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services [USCIS] 'taking the law into their own hands'...   advertisements for H-4 visa holders are already popping up on engineering job boards on-line..."
    waste of US STEM talent: Beryl Lieff Benderly: AAAS Science other employees notified they were being dumped were coerced to sign gag orders
    many supporters of guest-work visas claim that tech companies must interview Americans first (and honestly consider whether to hire them on the merits) before tapping the pool of H-1B workers; however, there is no such requirement in the law
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
    the strange case of modern immigration

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    _Pittsburgh PA Post-Gazette_
    conspiracy: unconstitutional and illegal work permits for H-4 (spouse of H-1b) visa grantees

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Phyllis Schlafly _Town Hall_
    the real immigration issue is jobs
    graphs of visa statistics

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Laura Ingraham
    Republicans are uniting behind Scott Walker on need for immigration reform, moderation; interview with Weekly Standard's Jeffrey Anderson (partial transcript with audio)

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    David Weldon _Fierce CIO_
    "IT" employees replaced by H-1B guest-workers draw some sympathy, but no reform
    "Several complained that being forced to train their replacements was the ultimate insult added to injury.

    One worker in particular took the occasion to blast the H-1B program in general, and constant chest-beating by lawmakers about improving STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) opportunities in this country.   'It's a farce teaching our kids STEM when the government is permitting U.S. companies to abuse the H-1B visa program, which allows foreigners to take these future jobs from them.', Computerworld quoted the anonymous worker as saying."
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Jay Partin _American Thinker_
    * US government immigration policy: what we have wrought is unsustainable *

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
    shut down immigration now: grid-locked traffic (part 10)
    "...remember that our U.S. congress continues adding 1.2M legal immigrants annually which equates to 100K every 30 days.   The U.S. Census Bureau projects a total of 100M added legal immigrants, their off-spring and chain-migrated relatives within the next 35 years.   From my own experiences in traffic in Hong Kong, Tokyo, San Paulo, Sydney, Houston, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Beijing, Shanghai, Atlanta, San Francisco and dozens of other overpopulated cities, 'Grid-locked traffic causes more deaths, more tension, more suffering and more emotional misery than yet understood.   It defeats the human spirit with endless failure of the ability to move forward.   You can be killed or maimed at any moment by another automobile.   Drivers fume in their seats while their cars fume-up the biosphere.   Grid-locked traffic worsens by the year as humanity grows its collective population by 80M annually.   Grid-locked traffic can never be solved as long as humans refuse to address the root cause of the problem.' FHW..."

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Rachel Stoltzfoos _Daily Caller_
    Scott Walker's new immigration stand at odds with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio
    "Since 1970, the foreign-born population of the U.S.A. has more than tripled to 41M, according to data compiled by the Congressional Research Service for the senate Judiciary committee...   Cruz was highly critical of the 2013 comprehensive immigration package, sponsored by Republican senator Marco Rubio -- another presidential contender -- and 7 other senators together dubbed the 'Gang of Eight' [the 8 gangsters] in terms of how it addressed illegal immigration.   But he said the bill didn't go 'nearly far enough' to increase [already vastly excessive] legal immigration, and offered amendments to build significantly on those increases.   'I think high-tech immigrants are an unambiguous good for our economy, and for our country.', he said, referring to an amendment that would raise the limit on high-skilled workers by 500K, from 65K [actually 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department] to 325K.   'And I think bringing more high-skilled high-tech immigrants to this country generates economic growth and produces jobs.'   [H-1B visas are not restricted to those with high levels of skill and are primarily abused to bring in cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics.]   Another amendment Cruz offered was designed to increase the overall limit on immigration, with a priority for high-skilled workers and their nuclear families.   It would also have created a new type of visa for workers in any occupation the Department of Labor designates with a labor shortage...   The foreign-born population under the [8 gangsters] bill [S744] would have grown at the fastest rate in American history, hitting a record high of 15% of the population by 2020, or 1 in 7 Americans, according to an analysis of congressional Budget Office numbers by Center for Immigration Studies, a research group that favors lower immigration numbers.   By 2033 the population would have hit 65.2M under the law...   He noted it is against the law for an employer to replace a U.S. worker with an H-1B worker [but that is not true, and both DoL and USCIS have admitted it, again in just the last couple weeks] or to pay less than the 'prevailing wage' [where 'prevailing wage' is a legal term of art which allows a number of scams permitting legally paying 10% to 35% below local market compensation for the specific job]...   'If unemployment is high, and labor participation is low, why would we want to open the door and flood the market with more workers at a time when our own people here are looking for work?', Walker said on Fox News Saturday (video)."
    Yes, if the H-1B and L-1B together were limited to the 1K most brilliant, knowledgeable, creative, industrious of applicants per year, they would help both the US economy and the STEM job markets, but that has never been the case.   Yes, if student visas (F-1) were limited to the very best 50K from around the world, they would be a valuable addition to university campuses, but currently they tend to cluster in the weaker programs.

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    _Conservative HQ_
    GOP losership ready to let Export-Iimport Bank expire? Don't cheer just yet.

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
    anti-trust law and lawlessness
    Town Hall

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
    the US senate's institutional suicide

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Conference Board: consumer confidence fell from 101.4 in March to 95.2 in April
    Doug Short: Advisor Perspectives
    Jeffry Bartash: MarketWatch
    "Those stating jobs are 'plentiful' declined from 21.0% to 19.1%, while those claiming jobs are 'hard to get' rose from 25.5% to 26.4%."

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
    why do some people think Pakistan or Russia or France is more legitimate than Israel?
    Town Hall
    "...almost no one outside of India and Pakistan knows anything about the founding of Pakistan.   Only months before the U.N. adopted a proposal to partition Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state in 1947, India was partitioned into a Muslim and a Hindu state.   The Hindu state was, of course, India.   And the Muslim state became known as Pakistan.   It comprises 310K square miles, about 40K0 square miles larger than Texas.   In both cases, the declaration of an independent state resulted in violence...   Given the spectacularly larger number of refugees and deaths caused by the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan, why does no one ever question the legitimacy of Pakistan's existence?..."

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
    puffed-up leftist tyranny punishes free thinkers; G0D help us.
    Town Hall

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Paul B. Linton & Peter S. Sprigg _Jewish World Review_
    the wrong argument against traditional marriage
    Washington DC Times
    Toronto Ontariou Canada Telegraph

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
    misguided utopian attempts to make recess (and everything else) perfetly safe
    "'You learn all kinds of things in play, but the primary thing is to solve your own problems.'"

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Byron York _Jewish World Review_
    yes, it's early, but citizens need to pay attention to the candidates, campaigns, and the election until the results are in

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
    no election day for dummies

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Leah McGrath Goodman _Jewish World Review_
    big biz executives and big oil executives, i.e. crony socialism, may be behind Iran deal
    "In downtown Tehran, the German electronics powerhouse Siemens AG opens an closes for business each day. But since 2010, no new business has been done there. You walk in the door and the staff will tell you, 'We are keeping the office open until the Iranian sanctions are lifted.', says Michael Tockuss, managing board member..."

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
    the anti-free-speech 5th column

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
    36K or more birth/anchor-baby tourists per year
    Caroline May: Breitbart
    "...The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) reports that 896,363 women who gave birth in 2012 indicated that they were born outside of the United States.   If only 2% or 3% of these births were to women who are engaging in birth tourism, that would be 18K to 27K births annually.   While this number would be less than 1% of the roughly 4M annual births in the United States, the aggregate number of birth tourists babies would still be large, especially the cumulative effect over a number of years..."

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
    Obummer nuclear negotiator foresees US senate making "awful amendments" to their corrupt deal

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Bill Gertz _Fox_
    House bill calls for developing new weapons systems in response to Russia's treaty violations
    Washington DC Free Beacon
    "The House Armed Services committee approved legislation last week that would require the Pentagon to deploy new weapons in two years to counter Russia's violation of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty..."

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Bill Gertz _Breitbart_
    House Republicans are worried the losership will continue to surrender rather than eradicate ObummerDoesn'tCare

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
    science is still popular, but politicians and media seem to care more about feeeeelings than facts

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Laura Ingraham
    for RINOs and leftists, it's one billionaire, one ballot

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Allen West _Town Hall_
    Washington DC: the city of no responsibility

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Ron Paul _Town Hall_
    the war against the middle class
    "Eliminating the welfare-warfare state would benefit middle-class Americans by freeing them from exorbitant federal taxes, including the Federal Reserve's inflation tax.   Politicians serious about helping middle-class Americans should allow individuals to opt out of [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare by not having to pay pay-roll taxes if they agree to never accept federal retirement or health care benefits...   Middle-class families with college-age children would benefit if government got out of the student loan business.   Government involvement in higher education is the main reason tuition is sky-rocketing..."

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Ron Paul _Town Hall_
    many Christian and Jewish leaders won't go along with gay "marriage"

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Travis Weber _Town Hall_
    law firms betray principles when they refuse to counsel/represent unpopular or popular non-PC causes or individuals

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Michael Barone _Town Hall_
    disgusting corrupt bipartisanship is busting out all over to do bad things

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Rachel Alexander _Town Hall_
    sleazy power-mad hoplophobic bureaubums shut down legendary firearms range

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Jessica Chasmar _Town Hall_
    Georgetown U administrators demand that College Republicans edit out abusive hecklers at Christina Hoff Sommers speech
    Eric Owens: Daily Caller: Georgetown U admins threaten off-campus conservative women's group

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Barbara Hollingsworth _Town Hall_
    presecuted Christians in Middle East are defying ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate by their faith

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    doctor Ben S. Carson _WND_
    personal arms are the baton of freedom

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Jerry Newcombe _WND_
    the land of the free? not when attacked by gay activists

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    _Conservative HQ_
    Americans strongly support religious liberty
    "A new Heritage Foundation study of American attitudes toward religious liberty finds Americans strongly support religious liberty and, by a margin of 4 to 1, strongly oppose government compulsion in matters of faith regarding same-sex marriage.   'Regardless of whether someone supports same-sex marriage or opposes it, everyone can agree that government shouldn't compel Americans to violate their beliefs about marriage' is the majority statement of American attitudes found by Heritage, with a ratio of 62% agree, 24% neither and 15% disagree it garnered the greatest support and faced the least opposition.   The Heritage study also found Americans have a pervasive feeling that 'government is infringing on my personal freedoms' (71% agree).   Moreover, trust in government is low, with over half (58%) saying that they don't 'trust government to protect the interest of everyday Americans'.   Similarly, many Americans think that 'family values have gone down-hill over the last several decades' (80% agree)..."

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    _WLOX abc_
    about 49K illegal aliens cost Mississippi tax-victims over $25M net

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Portia Crowe _Business Insider_
    birth rate of millennials dropped 15%; relief from over-breeding if not vastly excessive immigration
    "Birth rates for 20-something American women dropped more than 15% from 2007-2012, The Wall Street Journal's Neil Shah reported, citing data from the CDCP... Recent immigrants tend to have higher birth rates..."

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Bill Donohue _News Max_
    Stephen Moore: leftists/Reds/Dems harm residents of inner cities

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Chuck Ross _Daily Caller_
    intolerant Obummer's solicitor-general admits that they will try to revoke tax-exempt status of religious schools for failure to comply with the regime's unconstitutional decrees regarding same-sex "marriage"

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Jonathan Oosting _Michigan Live_
    TEA Party being attacked by GOP losership in Michigan House

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Jacob Sullum _Reason_
    Ted Cruz is smarter than the left on criminal justice reform
    "Yesterday the Brennan Center for Justice published an essay collection that highlights both the emerging bipartisan consensus in favor of criminal justice reform and the vacuousness of some politicians who claim to support that cause.   The book, titled Solutions: American Leaders Speak Out on Criminal Justice, features worthy and substantive contributions from, among others, senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Ted Cruz (R-TX), not to mention nonpoliticians such as UCLA criminologist Mark Kleiman and Marc Levin, founder of Right on Crime.   Even New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who is not exactly thoughtful on the subject of, say, marijuana legalization, has some interesting things to say about bail reform.   And then there are former president Bill Clinton, vice-president Joe Biden, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who either support policies that contribute to overincarceration and excessive punishment, fail to acknowledge their past support for such policies, or have nothing specific to say about how to correct those policies..."

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Kathleen McGrory _Miami Herald_
    Florida government law-suit takes aim at unconstitutional federal meddling in health care

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Norman Rogers _American Thinker_
    renewable and sustainable crony socialism

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Bill Federer _WND_
    admiral David Glasgow Farragut: "Damn the torpedoes, Mr. J! Full speed ahead!"

    2015-04-28 (5775 Air 09)
    Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
    California's water problem
    Town Hall
    Jewish World Review
    "...Let's examine a few drought facts.   California experienced eight major droughts in the 20th century, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.   They ranged from 2 years to as long as 9 years, such as that which occurred from 1928 to 1937.   In the previous century, there was the bitter drought of 1862-1865, which was a catastrophe for the state of California -- made worse by a smallpox epidemic.   Scott Stine -- professor of geography and environmental studies at California State University, East Bay -- said that all of these modern droughts were minor compared with California's ancient droughts of 850 to 1090 and 1140 to 1320.   One wonders whether California governor Jerry Brown and his cadre of environmental extremists would attribute those ancient droughts to man-made global warming.   A large part of California's water problem has economic roots.   Whenever there's a shortage of anything -- whether it's water or seats at a baseball stadium -- our first suspicion should be that the price is too low.   California agriculture consumes about 80% of the state's delivered water, and it has been exempted from many of California's new restrictions.   On top of that, agricultural water users pay a much lower price than residential users.   IOW, California's farmers are being heavily subsidized [and, at the same time, suffer from government rationing, while reservoir water is diverted to support rare non-commercial fish species]..."

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an under-cover dictatorship.   To restrict the art of healing to one class of men & deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science.   All such laws are un-American & despotic." --- Dr. Benjamin Rush (quoted in Kate Joy 1992-08-31 _Citizens for Health_, quoted in Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw 1993 _Freedom of Informed Choice: FDA Versus Nutrient Supplements_ pg 52)  



    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
    what creates jobs
    "...Humans have needs and desires.   Entrepreneurs see those needs as opportunity.   They hire people not out of generosity or because government told them to -- but because it's profitable to employ people if they produce valuable goods.   If it's not profitable, that means those people would be better employed doing something else.   The prices customers are willing to pay and the wages workers accept are the best indication of which jobs can be done profitably and therefore ought to be done...   People want to be genuinely useful.   They don't just want to go through the motions.   More and more, Americans want jobs that have meaning and 'purpose', says John Havens, author of _Hacking Happiness_.   'Purpose' usually means creating actual wealth..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Sharon Florentine _CIO_/_IDG_
    salaries for STEM jobs are in decline
    "The PayScale Index shows national wages for 2015Q1 across industries barely increased (0.1%) and the average 12-month change in U.S.A. wages across all industries was a small 1.8%.   While STEM fields experienced a decline in wages, construction jobs and the real estate industry are now showing signs of recovery, according to the Index.   Finally, the Index shows that overall wage growth across all industries continues to lag, with real wages down almost 7% since 2006, a measure calculated by analyzing nominal wage growth and the average change in price of a fixed basket of goods and services, according to analysis released by the company...   Since 2006, jobs in STEM fields have experienced growth of around 10%, according to the PayScale Index.   Metro areas with a high concentration of STEM workers and employers also experienced wage slowdowns this quarter: San Diego and Seattle, for example, had negative growth over the last quarter (-0.6% and -0.1%, respectively), while Boston's growth remained flat and San Francisco had only a slight uptick of 0.5%..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
    crony socialism strikes again: 12K extra green cards for Red Chinese millionaires?!?
    "No congressman would have the gall to introduce straightforward legislation opening a large hole in the immigration system for a single favored group from a favored country, say Swedish teachers or Turkish farmers.   Such legislation would leave all other immigration programs and allocations virtually in place, favoring only the right kinds of Swedes or Turks.   Such biased legislation, if correctly labeled, would never emerge from the sub-committee.   But 6 congressmen are -- with straight faces -- seeking similarly loaded, but heavily disguised, legislation in favor of rich Chinese migrants in the immigrant investor (EB-5) program..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    Ted Cruz sets out principles of international engagement: USA should be a clarion for freedom
    Jamie Weinstein: Daily Caller
    TEA Party.org

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    California district judge Dolly Gee wants illegal aliens released from detention, as invasion of USA continues un-contested & encouraged by corrupt Obummer regime
    Franco Ordonez: Centre PA Daily
    TEA Party.org2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
    is there an immigration ceiling when it has loop-holes as large as the alleged ceiling?
    "The H-2B program is the smallest of the three in which the U.S. Department of Labor has a role; it is for nonimmigrant, non-agricultural, non-skilled workers.   It has a nominal cap of 66K new admissions a year, half in the first part of the fiscal year, half in the second.   The Department of Homeland Security, not DoL, handles the ceilings.   Most of the H-2Bs are in landscaping or forestry work..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
    law-suit asks whether president can give work authorization to anyone he wants
    "It is well known that the utility Southern California Edison recently H-1B'd about 500 American employees.   A number of these Americans who were replaced by H-1B workers have fought back by filing a lawsuit challenging the recent regulations to authorize spouses of H-1B workers on H-4 visas to work as well.   (I am an attorney representing Save Jobs USA, the organization that filed the law-suit.)   The law firm Berry, Appleman, and Leiden has put out a good summary of the case.   BNA has an article that describes how the H-4 case is related to other actions brought against the administration.   The central issue in DACA, DAPA, OPT, and H-4 (and others in the pipeline) is the same.   The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) made it unlawful for employers to hire unauthorized aliens.   The question for the courts is whether this provision -- '8 U.S.C. § 1324a(h) (3) Definition of unauthorized alien As used in this section, the term unauthorized alien means, with respect to the employment of an alien at a particular time, that the alien is not at that time either   (A) an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or   (B) authorized to be so employed by this chapter or by the Attorney General.' -- grants the executive unfettered authority to authorize aliens to work in the United States.   That is exactly what DHS claims.   It is the basis for the authority that DHS claims for DACA, DAPA, OPT, work on H-4 visas, and planned future authorizations for aliens to work.   Should the courts decide in the favor of DHS, it would upturn the entire immigration system.   There would be no point in Congress restricting work to certain visas if the president can authorize work for anyone -- with a visa or no visa at all.   It would undermine past precedent and render congress meaningless in the immigration process..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Laura Ingraham
    fury rises at Disney at over-use of cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign "IT" labor with flexible ethics
    World Net Daily
    Patrick Thibodeau: "IT" News/IDG
    Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG
    "At the end of October, IT employees at Walt Disney Parks and Resorts were called, one-by-one, into conference rooms to receive notice of their lay-offs.   Multiple conference rooms had been set aside for this purpose, and in each room an executive read from a script informing the worker that their last day would be 2015 Jan. 30.   Some workers left the rooms crying; others appeared shocked.   This went on all day.   As each employee received a call to go to a conference room, others in the office looked up sometimes with pained expressions.   One 'IT' worker recalls a co-worker mouthing 'no' as he walked by on the way to a conference room.   What follows is a story of competing narratives about the restructuring of Disney's global 'IT' operations of its parks and resorts division.   But the focus is on the role of H-1B workers.   Use of visa workers in a lay-off is a public policy issue, particularly for Disney.   Disney CEO Bob Iger is one of 8 co-chairs of the Partnership for a New American Economy, a leading group advocating for an increase in the H-1B visa cap.   Last Friday, this partnership was a sponsor of an H-1B briefing at the U.S. Capitol for congressional staffers.   The briefing was closed to the press...   Prior to the 're-organization', 28% of Disney's 'IT' staff were in roles focused on new capabilities; after this 're-organization', that figure was 65%, a source at Disney said...   Disney cut well-paid and longtime staff members, some who had been previously singled out for excellence, as it shifted work to contractors.   These contractors used foreign labor, mostly from India.   The laid-off workers believe the primary motivation behind Disney's action was cost-cutting...   'Some of these folks were literally flown in the day before to take over the exact same job I was doing.', said one of the 'IT' workers who lost his job.   He trained his replacement and is angry over the fact he had to train someone from India 'on site, in our country'...   the workers interviewed said they knew of few co-workers who had landed one of the new jobs.   Employees said the original number of workers laid off back in October was more than several hundred.   But the Disney source put that number lower, saying approximately 135 'IT' workers lost their jobs...   Lake Buena Vista, FL...   in the period after the October lay-off notifications, 'IT' workers said they observed a marked increase in people they believe were new to the U.S.A.   It's difficult to determine how many H-1B workers, L-1 visa workers or contractor workers generally, were at this Disney site.   Only a couple of workers asked the contractors where they lived or if they were on a visa.   It was an awkward conversation and generally avoided.   But one observation all of the workers recounted was the widespread use of Hindi.   Several of these workers, in interviews, said they didn't want to appear as xenophobic, but couldn't help but to observe, as one did, that 'there were times when I didn't hear English spoken' in the hallways.   As the lay-off date neared, 'I really felt like a foreigner in that building.', the worker said.   In the Team Disney office, 2 of the contractors, HCL and Cognizant, had, in total, about 65 Labor Conditional Applications on file in the past year...   Disney Parks and Resort CIO Tilak Mandadi...   '...5 new managed services agreements to support testing services and application maintenance...'...   'There is no need to have any type of foreigners, boots on the ground, augmenting any type of perceived technological gap.', said one worker.   'We don't have one, first off.'   Workers can be trained, because 'once you are in the system and you are a learner, you are a learner for life in IT.   You are going to constantly learn.'..."
    Norm Matloff
    Slash Dot

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Sarah Rumpf _Breitbart_
    Richard A. Viguerie: immigration disputes could spark civil war within GOP
    "The 'root cause of the problem', he says, is the desperate situations immigrants face in the countries they are leaving.   'Has anyone looked beyond our border?', he asked.   'At some point you have to do that, but no one seems to be talking about it...   no one is looking at the root causes.'   As long as people continue to be oppressed and unable to support their families in these 'corrupt, socialist countries', noted Viguerie, America will continue to face an illegal immigration problem.   For people to leave their home country, leave behind family members and friends, and face the incredibly dangerous journey, or send off their children alone as happened leading to the border surge last summer, is something no one would do except 'out of desperation', said Viguerie.   'It doesn't matter how high you build the fence...we're going to have this problem.'   Viguerie also said that the current immigration debates focused too much on 'amnesty', at least within the conservative movement.   'To me, the most important A word is not amnesty; the most important A word is assimilation', he said, because immigrants have not been assimilating into American culture the way previous generations did...   'The grass-roots are saying, stop this madness, and wanting someone who will articulate this.'..."
    But he failed to mention 4 more important problems: over-population, over-crowding, lack of proper background investigations of those wishing to enter the USA, and lack of standards.

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Brian Hayes _Top Right News_
    illegal who was rescued from drowning, is suing the people who rescued him, because "I need money"
    CBS Denver CO
    Russell Haythorn: abc Denver CO
    Alyssa Newcomb: ab

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
    Chamber of Crony Socialists like the corrupt, anti-constitution, oath-breaker Harry Reid better than respectable Jeff Sessions
    "'There was one group of people not referenced when majority-leader Reid and senator Schumer talked earlier this morning.', Sessions said on the senate floor last year, while arguing against Reid and senator Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) support for open-borders immigration policies.   'You know who it was?   Completely omitted was the American worker.   That's who's not being discussed in this debate...   You bring in 30M people in the next 10 years -- as this bill [the Gang of Eight bill, S744] would do -- tripling the number that would normally be given legal status in America and it will bring down down the per-person wealth and it will bring down wages.', Sessions added.   'Surely the Chamber of [Crony Socialists] understands the free market, do they not?   Surely senator Reid understands that, does he not?   We were on a conference call yesterday worrying about the American steel industry.   A large amount of steel was being dumped into America.   What is the impact of that?   What is the concern?   More steel, lower price for steel.   Bring in more cotton, lower price for cotton.   Bring in more labor, you have lower wages for American workers.   That's what CBO [Congressional Budget Office] told us.   There's no dispute about that.   Yet we have senators repeatedly go onto this floor and say this is going to increase wages.   Give me a break.   You can't just say something and think it's going to make it reality.   It's just the opposite of reality.'   In another famous speech that led the Drudge Report last year (video), Sessions hammered..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
    48% of GOP's top 250 donors backing Scott Walker... for now
    "Cruz's meteoric rise with donors, noting that his strong showing suggests donors are enthusiastic about the conservative firebrand..."
    At this point, I could maybe favor a Walker for president, Cruz or Paul... possibly even Perry for VP, but I'm wary how long after inauguration Walker would stick to working for positive immigration reform.

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
    reviving Japan: Shinzo Abe's goals for his visit to the USA

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
    my voting history

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
    Let freedom ring! Why invent conflicts between religion and state in a country where anybody is free to invent his own faith? Just live and let live.

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
    a dark gulf: Obummer abandoned the bipartisan and international policy of pressuring Iran to give up its nuclear weapons program
    The Corker-Cardin bill is stupid.   Let Obummer make his dirty deal, then shoot it down by not ratifying it by the constitutionally required two-thirds majority of the senate.

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
    callous leftist evil and idiocy in and about Baltimore
    Cybercast News Service
    Town Hall

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
    returning home puts far-flung choices in relief

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Kimberly Hefling _Cybercast News Service_
    NAEP: most 8th graders get low scores on USA history, civics, a nd geography
    But is that because they're ignorant, or because the tests are leftist PC non-sense with perverted priorities?
    NAEP results

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
    Obummer's bucket of contempt

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _Cybercast News Service_
    black privilege

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
    ACLU: warrantless UAV surveillance is not consistent with the US constitution, nor our traditions

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
    corrupt UNESCO criticizes Israel's claim to Jewish religious sites
    "The Hebron [Chebrun] site is the Cave of the Patriarchs, the traditional burial place of the Jewish patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.   The site in Bethlehem in the traditional burial site of Rachel, Jacob's wife.   Hebron [Chebrun] was also the capital of the kingdom of Israel for 7 years before King David moved his seat to Jerusalem some 3K years ago, as recorded in 2 Samuel 5.   Hebron [Chebrun] and Bethlehem both fall within the area [occupied] by the Palestinians...   The Cave of the Patriarchs is divided into Jewish and Muslim sections, with a mosque at the site named for Abraham (Ibrahim).   Muslims also revere biblical figures, in line with the Islamic precept that major figures, from Adam to Jesus, were Muslim prophets...   in and around Jerusalem [Israel's] Old City -- location of the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site [where Jaqob slept, David's capital...], and the Al-Aqsa mosque, the third most revered location in Islam...   The Temple Mount has been under overall Israeli control since 1967, although an Islamic trust administers the site...   Since last June, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate jihadists have destroyed the Tomb of Jonah in Mosul and ancient sculptures at Nimrud in the Nineveh Plain, and torched thousands of manuscripts and books at a library in Mosul..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Joseph Farah _WND_
    does electing dissembling RINOs do any good?
    "What is the point of electing Republicans to the House and senate if they are going to capitulate to [the hateful, race-obsessed, power-mad, oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer] and the Dem/Red/leftist minority anyway?...   Lynch is cut out of the same political cloth as her predecessor, Holder.   Neither has any respect for the Constitution or the rule of law.   They are both extremist political radicals all the way.   They both represent existential threats to self-government, liberty and any limitations on federal power..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Star Parker _WND_
    judge Robert Bork predicted conflict over same-sex "marriage"

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    in the corrupt Obummer regime, two-thirds of federal agencies refuse to comply with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
    Sarah Westwoo; Washington DC Examiner
    TEA Party.org

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Dublin GA teacher dumped for noting that corrupt, race-obsessed, oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer seems to be anti-Christian
    Ernie Suggs: Atlanta GA Journal-Constitution
    TEA Party.org

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Molotov Mitchell _WND_
    the Reds'/left's militant hypocrisy

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    Pew: world population of Christians and Muslims to be about equal by 2050

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    Treasury inspector-general un-earths another 6,400 of the contemptible Lois Lerner's e-mail messages
    Bernie Becker: Hill
    Thomas Lifson: American Thinker
    Melanie Batley: News Max
    "Of the e-mails the inspector general found, about 650 were from 2010 and 2011, and most were from 2012.   The inspector general found about 35K e-mails in all as it sought to recover data from recycled back-up tapes...   the committee hoped the new emails would bring the panel closer to releasing the findings of its IRS investigation..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Laura Ingraham
    2 more tunnels discovered under California-Mexico border
    Matt Hamilton: Los Angeles CA Times
    Sandra Dibble: San Diego CA Union-Tribune

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Laura Ingraham
    you're fired... now train your replacement!
    Ian Smith: National Review

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    treasonous: Obummer's deal to let Iran develop nuclear weapons systems & Corker-Cardin bill

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    _Conservative HQ_
    Quin Hillyer: hope in arguments to supremes on same-sex "marriage"

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Rick Moran _American Thinker_
    global media freedom at lowest point in a decade

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    M. Catharine Evans _American Thinker_
    power-mad, armed, and dangerous: education secretary Arne Duncan issues threat if Communist Corpse test-resisters don't comply
    "...In 2010 the Washington Post's Valerie Strauss asked DoE officials about their recent purchase of 27 Remington Brand Model 870 police 12-gauge shotguns.   She specifically wanted them to give examples of when the shotguns might be used...   At the time of Strauss's article, Dave Workman of the Washington Examiner pointed out that in the Department of Education's solicitation notice to purchase the weapons, the 27 shotguns bought in 2010 were 'compatible with ED existing shotgun inventory, certified armor and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts'.   The Department's most recent purchase was from 2013 July with the acquisition of 30 Glock 27 pistols.   Shotguns, Glocks, and combat training for Education Department personnel.   Will Duncan send in SWAT teams with Glocks to force opt-out parents and their kids, including his favorite target, 'white suburban moms', to take the test or else?..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    _TEA Party.org_
    NSF: U of CA at Berkeley misused $1.9M in tax-victim funds

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    _TEA Party.org_
    proposed state law (AB1461) to register all California drivers to vote, regardless of citizenship, approved by Assembly Transportation committee
    Jon Flieshman: Breitbart

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    _TEA Party.org_
    inversion/ abuse of power: Park Ranger tasered fleeing man flying UAV over Kilauea volcano
    "Another visitor to the park, Randy Horne, was setting up his camera and tripod at the over-look when he heard a commotion...   'I really didn't see there was any severe threat going on.', Horne, of Honokaa, Hawaii, told the AP.   'IMO, I thought it was a severe over-reaction.'...   arrested and cited with interfering with agency functions..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    _TEA Party.org_
    ISIL going under-cover to catch homosexuals for executions
    Christian Post

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    senator Ted Cruz _Washington DC Times_
    congress must approve or reject any deal with Iran
    "Today, there is no greater threat to U.S. national security than the prospect of a nuclear Iran.   Led by theocratic zealots who have pledged to 'annihilate Israel' and who regularly lead chants of 'Death to America', an Iran with nuclear weapons poses an unacceptably high risk of murdering millions of Americans or millions of our allies.   For that reason, the top priority for the senate should be to stop a bad Iran deal..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
    the disgusting senate RINO 11

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Meghan Barr _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
    in an insult to the 1st amendment, NY transit system bans all political ads

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Joel Himelfarb _News Max_
    Jeh Johnson: amnesty for illegal alien suspect in NC murders was a tragic error

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Bill Donohue _News Max_
    left/Reds show an appalling lack of concern for persecuted Christians

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Grant Gross _CIO_/_IDG_
    coalition gears up to oppose Trans-Pacific Partnership
    "[On the positive side,] Based on the leaks, the U.S.A. and other nations are pushing strong new intellectual property protections that would require some signatory countries to rewrite their existing laws, criminalize non-commercial sharing of works protected by copyright, and, [on the negative side] critics say, could create new criminal penalties for whistle-blowers and journalists who access computer systems without permission..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Loek Essers _CIO_/_IDG_
    Zuckerberg's FB hates the least respect for privacy
    "...Belgian authorities are meeting with FB on Wednesday to talk about a report that they commissioned, which found that FB violates EU law by tracking visitors..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Deb Riechmann _Hamilton OH Journal-News_/_AP_
    Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi: Tehran is a force behind Muslim violence
    "provisions of an emerging nuclear deal are not tough enough and says giving concessions to Iran will embolden it to become more aggressive.   Rajavi is president-elect of the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran.   She testified Wednesday before a House Foreign Affairs committee sub-committee, via video-conference from France..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Jake Sherman, John Bresnaham & Doug Palmer _Politico_
    "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" bill is in trouble

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Rachael Bae & Jake Sherman _Politico_
    House yanks first spending bill over disputed priorities

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Deb Riechmann _Hamilton OH Journal-News_/_AP_
    Los Angeles man built micro-house for homeless woman

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Chuck Ross _Daily Caller_
    firm co-founded by Hitlery's campaign chair lobbies for Russia's Uranium One

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Jim Treacher _Daily Caller_
    looted and torched stores in Baltimore institute new minimum wage: $0

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _Cybercast News Service_
    what's holding back black teens today
    "exists as a result of the melt-down of the black family...   The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report, a compilation of annual crime statistics, shows that black offenders killed 90% of black victims; 14% of white victims were killed by black offenders; yet only 7.6% of black victims were killed by white offenders.   Blacks also made up 42% of all cop killers whose race was known.   Blacks are less than 13% of the national population, but according to the U.S. Department of Justice [DoJ], they accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    David Rives _WND_
    do you worship G0d or His creations?

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Bob Unruh _WND_
    state government is threatening to jail parents opposed to Communist Corpse

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Greg Corombos _WND_
    Ed Whelan: justice Anthony Kennedy "is very very likely vote to invent a constitutional right to same-sex 'marriage'"

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Erik Rush _WND_
    Obummer's masterful manipulation of riots in Baltimore: Marxists and militant Muslims working together to impose martial law

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Ted Nugent _WND_
    don't be a thug: my rules for success
    "Life ain't fair -- get over it.   Sometimes we give the world the best we got and get kicked in the teeth.   Give the world the best that you got anyway!   Don't fall for the soulless nonsense of the [leftist] Democrat excuse makers that you're too stupid and feeble to make it on your own.   That's just pure anti-human rot.   Seize the damn day like you mean it!   Every day!   Dig deep into your independent soul and be the absolute very best that you can be in everything you do, and nobody can stop you!   Be good.   Obey the law, the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule [the Libertarian Principle] and all the simple rules of decency by respecting your elders and all people of authority -- parents, pastors, rabbis, teachers and cops.   Be an asset to yourself, your family, neighborhood and fellow man.   It's ridiculously easy and supremely gratifying.   Stay in school and, in spite of our embarrassing over-paid anti-education system, discipline yourself to learn how to talk properly, read, write, add, subtract, multiply and divide.   There are simply no opportunities for anyone who fails basic human skills and intelligence.   Everyone who has these basic skills combined with a good work ethic have unlimited opportunities.   Case closed.   Stay clean and sober.   Drugs, alcohol, tobacco and garbage food will turn you into a stumbling, stinky zombie.   Only stumbling, stinky zombie stoners don't know this.   Avoid stoners and zombies, for they are losers every time.   Get an alarm clock and learn to set it.   Prove yourself to be a force to reckon with in the job market.   Have good hygiene and posture, carry yourself with dignity, be positive, dress decently, forget the tattoos, bling and Watusi piercings, speak clearly and properly.   Start small but think big. Kick a** on the competition; show up earlier, stay later, work harder, do more than just your job, show valiant dedication to make the business better and earn self-esteem and the upward mobility that comes with it.   You won't need any big-government baby-sitters to negotiate your minimum wage, because with serious effort, you will earn your own increased pay.   That's how it works..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Phil Elmore _WND_
    death threats by leftists who want to kill conservatives

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Larry Elder _WND_
    tell people they are victims and they will act like victims
    Town Hall

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Michael Brown _WND_
    it is past time for Christians to wake up
    "At what point will you say, 'Enough is enough. I need to stand up for what is right, no matter the cost or consequence.'..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    John Hayward _Breitbart_
    Saudi Arabian government jails Kenyan man for chatting with a woman on the phone

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Frances Martel _Breitbart_
    about 12 refugees from Cuba recorded video of their journey aboard a small motor-boat to Florida
    "The vide's renewed popularity comes as the number of Cubans attempting to flee the island has risen exponentially in 2015, largely due to [president Obummer's] concessions to the Castro regime in December.   U.S. Customs and Border Protection [US CBP] reported in January a 60% increase in the number of Cuban refugees attempting to flee to the United States via the seas, as well.   There has been a 170% increase in the number of cases of Cuban refugees being intercepted in the waters off Florida between 2015 January and April, according to the U.S. Coast Guard, which has recorded 2,086 cases occurring this year..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Guy Benson _Town Hall_
    Dems/Reds/leftists oppose legislation to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons systems

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
    poll: 52% of dems view socialism favorably (with graph)
    "'Last year, a Reason-Rupe poll asked people about their attitudes toward various economic systems.   More than half of respondents viewed capitalism favorably, while 36% viewed socialism positively.   Among Democrats, capitalism and socialism were viewed similarly, with 52% of those responding giving a thumbs up.   (Slightly more Democrats viewed socialism very favorably, but not to a point of statistical significance.)   That's assuming people knew what socialism was.   Asked to define the term, one-fifth said it referred to government control of the economy.   A quarter said they didn't know.   Other research suggests that younger people are both less hostile to the concept and less likely to know what it is, having lived through less of the Cold War.'..."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Sean MacCormac _Washington DC Times_
    Iran stays connected with Hamas
    Discover the Networks: Hamas

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Elizabeth Ruiz _David Horowitz Freedom Center_
    the pro-terrrorst front groups on USA's college and university campuses

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Nick Tate _News Max_
    consumption of organic milk by breast-feeding mothers can lower children's IQ due to iodine deficiency
    "The study, published online in the journal Food Chemistry, noted that organic and UHT milk is not bad for you, and many studies have suggested proteins, fats, and vitamins in the beverage confer health benefits.   'But to get the same amount of iodine as in a pint of conventional pasteurized milk, you would need to drink around an extra half-pint of organic or UHT milk.', Givens said."

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    James Delingpole _Breitbart_
    I'm proud to annouce that I have won a major art competition: warmist hysteric wall of infamy

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
    UK, hold onto your wallets: Ed Miliband's warmist hysteria law will cost each home 50K pounds per year

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Frances Martel _Breitbart_
    Venezuelan government rations electricity, blames "climate change"

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Michael Bastasch _Daily Caller_
    U of AL at Huntsville: updated satellite data show even less global warming

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Michael Bastasch _Daily Caller_
    "irreversible" artic ice loss seems to be reversing itself

    2015-04-29 (5775 Air 10)
    Michael Bastasch _Daily Caller_
    senate Environment and Public Works committee targets EPA's abuse of non-disclosed "science" to rationalize regulations

    This Date in History
    Brainy History
    Library of Congress
    On This Day
    Dates In History
    Proposed Bills 2015

      "At this age, at least all the things that were supposed to kill me have failed." --- Dave Weinbaum (source: Jewish World Review)  



    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
    more on Southern California Edison and related topics

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
    ** Scott Walker vs. Ted Cruz on immigration: the debate we need **

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Jay Palmer _Alabama_
    I care about H-1B visa abuses
    "The H-1B program was bombarded with applications on April 1, 2015 and that's not a joke.   On April 7, the USCIS announced the application cap had been reached, with approximately 233K applications for [over 85K] slots.   To determine which employers get H1B's they will hold a lottery.   Realistically who cares?   Foreign companies will just continue to fill their needs with B1 visas and exploit this program and American jobs will continue to be lost.   Here's who cares, displaced American workers, senator Grassley, senator Sessions, and I care.   Let me tell you who doesn't care if they cap H-1B's or not -- paradoxically it's the [cross-border bodyshopping and off-shoring] such as Tata, Wipro, Infosys, Cognizant, HCL, that are the biggest [abusers] of the H-1B program.   Why don't they care?   Very simple: B1 Visas!   What is a B1?   It's a visitor visa which is being exploited by companies to bring over cheap labor.   There is no visa cap for a B1's and the employee owns the visa not the company.   It's a 10 year multi entry visa with the average cost of $500 and not $5K.   The wait time is [counted in weeks] and not months.   Lastly, B1 visas are untraceable and employers are not required to pay a prevailing wage therefore the workers are paid in their country of residence which means no taxes paid in the United States.   According to USCIS, 'The B-1 visa is intended only for business activities that are a necessary incident to your business abroad...' [e.g. attending an industry conference]...   The illegal scheme is simple and clever: I will illustrate -- you are working on a project, let's say Aetna or better yet the state of California's Medicaid/Medicare program.   Yes, we have H-1B's and B1's working on state and federal contracts.   So you [want] more people and you will not hire Americans, especially the ones you have displaced.   The process to bring over a legitimate H-1B takes too long.   Therefore the alternative is the B1 visa.   Immediately you send a worker over who has a 10 year multi-entry B1 or you have someone apply for the B1.   All this for a low price of a few hundred dollars.   Result is that in about 2 weeks they are on site working.   However, the real price is an American job.   Also the welcome letter that must accompany the B1 application states they are coming over for a 'meeting' (wink wink).   Who knows differently because the coder has been instructed to say that if asked.   The company grosses about $4K a week and the worker makes about $120 a week.   Most staff at this level make $5K-$7K per year or $3 an hour.   No taxes, no high salaries and 'boom' your profits sky-rocket.   Multiply this times thousands of workers and the result is billions in the bank and no debt.   Yet no one knows, maybe not even your customer...   The living conditions of the workers are horrific.   Many times 6-8 people are living in a hotel room or 1 bed apartment.   I know this because I managed them while at Infosys and was asked to change contracts in order to cover up the violations.   Boston lawyers will argue over the definition of work; after all that's what they told Infosys and other clients.   There is no argument that workers are coming over and the company is being paid.   There is no argument this fraud is being used by many companies and is virtually undetectable...   According to federal agents, one way to combat this is for agents to go on-site to the customers and check visas; which they are trying to do.   In accordance with the Dodd Frank Act the customer is also guilty...   Federal agents now believe the best way to deter the illegal activities of out-sourcing companies is to go after customers.."
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
    an ironic drought in California
    Town Hall
    "According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA], California droughts are both age-old and common.   Predictable California dry spells -- like those of 1929-34, 1976-77 and 1987-92 -- more likely result from poorly understood but temporary changes in atmospheric pressures and ocean temperatures.   What is new is that the state has never had 40M residents during a drought -- well over 10M more than during the last dry spell in the early 1990s.   Much of the growth is due to massive and recent immigration...   Agriculture is blamed for supposedly using 80% of California's storage water and providing less than 5% of the state's GDP in return.   But farming actually uses only about 40% of the state's currently available water..."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
    visa mill owner and H-2B Truck drivers in Minnesota

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
    documenting the national socialist radio slant on immigration: the collection grows

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Sharon Florentine _"IT" News_/_IDG_
    salaries for STEM jobs are in decline

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    John Fonte _National Review_
    conservative populist break-out: Republicans acting in the spirit of Barbara Jordan
    "Among those who on various populist grounds are challenging mainstream support for [reprehensible immigration law perversion] are reporters, commentators, and analysts including Jeffrey Anderson, Fred Bauer, David Frum, Irwin Stelzer, Tucker Carlson, Matthew Continetti, Mark Krikorian, Henry Olsen, Ramesh Ponnuru, Reihan Salam, Byron York, Neal Monroe, James Antle, Andrew Stiles, Jay Cost, Matthew Boyle, and Rachel Stoltzfoos, and media stars Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter...   the populist bloc has assembled a veritable counter-intelligentsia of considerable depth and sophistication...   Grass-roots activists: the un-sung heroes of the populist right...   Grass-roots conservatives are joined together in groups like Schlafly's Eagle Forum, Numbers USA, Heritage Action, and the Tea Party Patriots...   The problem with [the 'talent shortage'] argument is that these same companies have been firing tens of thousands of American workers (both low- and high-skilled) -- sometimes in the very same week that they have petitioned the White House and congress for more foreign workers...   This January, Jeff Sessions released the 23-page Immigration Handbook for the New Republican Majority, in which he noted the negative effect of mass immigration on American workers in both low-skilled and high-tech sectors.   In a Washington Post op-ed, Sessions quotes our nation's foremost labor economist, Harvard professor George Borjas, as reporting that the mass immigration of overwhelmingly low-skilled workers from 1980 to 2000 resulted in a 7.4% wage loss for lower-skilled Americans.   In the construction industry today there are approximately seven workers for every job opening, according to the Economic Policy Institute.   Census Bureau data revealed that between 2000 and 2014 the U.S.A. admitted about 14M new immigrants, while the population of U.S.-born workers increased by 16.4M.   Nevertheless, 'all net employment gains went to immigrant workers' rather than to American-born workers.   In 2014 July, 5 leading academic experts published in USA Today an article ('Bill Gates' Tech Worker Fantasy') demolishing Silicon Valley's 'worker shortage' argument.   The scholars (Ron Hira, Howard; Paula Stephan, Georgia State; Hal Salzman, Rutgers; Michael Teitelbaum, Harvard; and Norman Matloff, U of CA Davis) declared: 'None of us [independently] has been able to find any credible evidence to support the IT industry's assertions of labor shortages...   If a shortage did exist, wages would be rising...   Instead, legislation that expanded visas for IT personnel during the 1990s has kept average wages flat...[since 1998].   Indeed, guest workers have become the predominant source of new hires in these fields.'   Using U.S. Census data, the scholars note that 3 out of 4 Americans (74%) with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) degrees do not have a STEM job.   This means that 11M Americans with STEM degrees are not working in STEM employment.   Further, American colleges annually graduate twice as many young people with STEM degrees as are currently working in STEM jobs.   Specifically, among recent college graduates with STEM degrees, 55% in technology, 35% in science, 30% in math, and 20% in engineering cannot find jobs in those fields...."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Laura Ingraham
    freeing ourselves from the "free trade" fraud
    Politico: the big business/Obama/Ryan push for "Trade Promotion Authority"/"fast track" could be in big trouble
    Politico: it's good to see conservatives pushing back on increasing defense spending

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Sylvia Longmire _Breitbart_
    US ICE: 2 tunnels under California USA-Mexico border in 2 days

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Robert S. Whitman _WorkForce_
    tech executives criticized for bodyshopping (and its a abuse to cut total compensation, training, relocation...)
    153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014 according to the State Department

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
    "Don't come to Europe, it isn't worth it."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Stephan Dinan _Washington DC Times_
    Obummer DHS's Alejandro Mayorkas memory lapse: can't remember Reds/Dems/leftists seeking visa favors, only Republicans
    "...Among the accusations contained in a 99-page report from inspector-general John Roth are that Mr. Mayorkas intervened in three cases where he was lobbied by the high-profile Democrats.   In each instance Mr. Mayorkas overruled his own career employees and gave favorable treatment to the Democrats' clients -- treatment they would not have gotten had he stayed on the side-lines...   He said he usually got involved because the investor program in question, the EB-5 visa, was so broken, and his employees were having trouble squaring their duties with what was required by law..."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Andrew Desiderio _MediaIte_
    Rand Paul grilled DHS secretary Jeh Johnson about surveillance and the 4th amendment
    "Paul called himself 'one of the biggest civil libertarians there is', telling Johnson he is completely fine with the government taking records if they first get a warrant.   He said there needs to be a system where 'judges are on call 24 hours a day', just as police departments around the country do.   'That's why we're mad, and that's why people are attempting to encrypt information is to prevent the government from doing illegal searches of our records.', Paul added.   In his response, Johnson claimed 'the market-place [the citizenry] is demanding deeper and deeper encryption into places where the warrant authority of the government does not extend'.   Paul questioned him on that specific point, saying the reason why that is happening is due to the over-zealous government that has no 'sense of decency toward privacy'..."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
    Red China's new, better "leap forward"
    "During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) -- Mao Zedong's grisly effort to purify the Communist Party by banishing millions of Chinese to the countryside -- [Red China] repudiated modern science.   It effectively shut many universities.   Admission exams were suspended.   No new under-graduates entered from 1966 to 1969.   The ban on graduate students lasted until 1977...   From being a 'bit player' in research and development, [Red China] now spends more on R&D than any other country except the United States.   In 2011, [Red China's] R&D totaled $208G compared with $429G for the United States and $147G for Japan, says the National Science Foundation.   However, the entire European Union (about $300G) topped [Red China].   The pool of scientists and engineers has exploded.   From 1990 to 2012, the number of bachelor's degrees awarded to science and engineering graduates rose from 148,886 to 1,258,643.   (These figures exclude students who receive technical degrees and typically graduate in 2 or 3 years.)   Large gains have also occurred for higher degrees.   From 1990 to 2012, the number of scientific and engineering PhDs jumped from 1,626 to 27,652.   [Red China's] share of worldwide scientific papers has increased dramatically, from 6,285 in 1990 (1.2% of the global total) to 116,633 (13.7%) in 2012.   The United States remains the leader, however.   It accounted for 30.8% of worldwide papers in 2012, down slightly from 32.5% in 1990...   In one global ranking of universities, no Chinese institution made the top 100 (52 U.S. universities [out of over 4K] did).   Among the top 1% of scientific papers cited in other studies, American papers led at 46.4% in 2012; [Red China's] share was 5.8%.   The United States has played an important role in [Red China's] advance.   It is the destination of choice for Chinese students.   In 2012, almost 60% of the roughly 400K Chinese students studying abroad did so at American schools.   They constituted one-quarter of foreign students in the United States.   Freeman and Huang don't say how many ultimately remain, though they do cite one estimate that three-quarters of Chinese PhD s were still in the United States a decade after receiving their degrees...   Americans represent about half of [Red China's] over-seas collaborations.   Chinese researchers can learn the best practices of U.S. laboratories -- and Americans can glean Chinese insights."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
    strawberry field-hands forever?
    Town Hall

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
    until the court do us part?

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
    until the court do us part?
    Town Hall

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
    House added funds to coutner Russian info war; robot helo conducted test rescue...?
    Washington DC Times

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
    from the "star-spangled banner" to toilet-paper looters
    Washington DC Times

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
    in the "hood", slavery to the leftists is not over

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
    the tyranny of one man's opinion
    World Net Daily
    Town Hall

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
    another cover-up for that "religion of peace": the genocide of Armenians

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
    Mohammad Javad Zarif's dishonest, cowardly character

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    James Phillips _Cybercast News Service_
    Obummer, desperate for a deal which will allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons systems, ignores inconvenient truths

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    _Media Research Center News Busters_
    Hitlery's family tree tall tale (video)

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
    the depth of RINO perfidy on Obummer's allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons systems

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
    it is not only Hitlery's scandals and corruption, it's her bad ideas and proposed bad policies

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Ted Cruz: race-obsessed Obummer has inflamed racial tensions
    Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
    Dan Riehl: Breitbart

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    K. Kiefer _WLNS_
    Rand Paul to be hosted by Justin Amash in Grand Rapids on Monday

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Grant Gross _"IT" News_/_IDG_
    Rand Paul proposes legislation to over-turn FCC's power-mad crony socialist net neutrality rules

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Laura Ingraham
    Victor Davis Hanson: Yebbie Booosh is an example of a unique Republican sub-culture that is part of the old boys club (mp3)

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    city governments get tens of millions by robbing law-abiding people of property and money: "We use federal forfeiture. It's just more beneficial to us."
    Melissa Quinn: Daily Signal

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    U of N GA student says he was fired for complaint over catalog cover

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
    corrupt NJ cop detains many for video-recording traffic stop

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    2 supremes targeted by US government spies
    "U.S. intelligence agencies have 'harvested' the personal and private data of 'hundreds of federal officials and judges, including chief-justice John Roberts and justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg', charges a legal brief filed by Larry Klayman, the attorney who has come to be known as 'the NSA slayer' for his successful legal battles against the National Security Agency...."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    claim: taliban gang-raped suicide bomber before attack on the police head-quarters of Bagrami District of Kabul
    Nation Pakistan

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    USMC veteran: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate special forces training videos made me laugh

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    cash from India swayed Hitlery's nuclear weapons stance
    Gabriel Debenedetti: Politico

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Pam Key _Breitbart_
    New Black Panthers, like the old Black Panthers, are willing to kill

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Pam Key _Breitbart_/_AP_
    House Judiciary committee reached deal on bill to end unconstitutional warrantless NSA phone snooping
    "...The NSA's collection and storage of U.S. 'to and from' land-line calling records -- times, dates and numbers, but [allegedly] not content of the calls -- was the most controversial program among many disclosed by former NSA systems administrator Edward Snowden.   Some NSA officials opposed the program, and independent evaluations have found it of limited value as a counter-terrorism tool.   Goodlatte said the House bill would create a 'narrower, targeted program', that will still allow the NSA to hunt for connections between foreign terrorists and U.S. residents..."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
    Fed cites weather, transitory factors in FOMC; what about consumer confidence/sentiment?

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Laura Hollis _Town Hall_
    dangerous certainty
    Jewish World Review

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Veronique de Rugy _Town Hall_
    the secretive, corrupt, crony socialist Export-Import Bank

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Jackie Gingrich Cushman _Town Hall_
    Do our beliefs on where we fit in among the economic classes create a self-fulfilling prophecy, and, if so, can down-grading (or up-grading) our beliefs change our economic outcomes?
    "In 2000, almost two-thirds of Americans identified themselves as upper- or middle-class, while one-third identified themselves as working- or lower-class according to Gallup.   This week, Gallup released a survey in which '51% of Americans say they are middle class or upper-middle class, while 48% say they are lower class or working class'.   (2015 April 9-12, 95% confidence level, plus/minus 5 points.)   While the increase in those self-identified as working- and lower-class has gradually increased from 2008 until now, the downward shift in upper- and middle-class self-identification occurred primarily between 2008 and 2012 (from 63% to 50%).   From what demographics are these shifts coming? The shift out of upper-class/ middle-class identification is less prevalent for those with college degrees and more prevalent for those between the ages of 30 and 64 -- those who are in the years when earnings power is supposed to be greatest.   Since 2001, there has been a 2% decline in 'upper-class' identification, a 2% decline in 'upper-middle-class' identification, a 10% decline in 'middle-class identification', a 3% increase in 'working-class' identification, and a huge jump in lower-class self-identification from 3% to 15%.   This is a quintupling of the percentage of those who self-identify in the lower-class economically."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
    porn-watching EPA employees being paid $120K/year have been put on administrative leave
    "'The EPA OIG hot-line received a complaint on 2013 September 11, alleging that an EPA geologist in the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) had down-loaded more than 7K files (1.3GB) of potentially pornographic files onto an EPA server.', explained Patrick Sullivan, assistant inspector general for investigations.   'The employee admitted that -- for approximately 2 to 6 hours during his assigned work hours daily, over a period of several years -- he had viewed and downloaded pornographic images on EPA computer equipment.', explained Sullivan.   'The employee stated that much of his work-day was devoted to organizing the downloaded pornography into saved folders.   During the course of the OIG's investigation, the employee also stated that he had received several performance awards, which included monetary awards ranging from $600 to $2K and a time-off award of 16 hours.', he added..."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Frances Martel _Breitbart_
    Chibok parents are outraged that Nigerial officials are claiming that the girls rescued from Boko Haram are not their children

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
    Yazidi's freed from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate sex slavery seek abortions and "virginity repair"

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Nate Madden _Washington DC Times_
    Iraqi Dominican nun hoping to testify in USA about persecutions in the Middle East, has visitor visa application denied by Obummer regime
    Leo Hohmann: World Net Daily
    "An Iraqi Dominican nun known for her advocacy of religious minorities in the Middle East won't be telling her story in Washington about terror and persecution under the Islamic State after the State Department denied her visa application to join a delegation to describe the situation in her home country.   Sister Diana Momeka was the only Christian in the delegation and the only member blocked from the trip, leading some of her American supporters to question why she was singled out.   The sister was told Tuesday by the U.S. consulate in Erbil that her application for a nonimmigrant visa had been rejected on the grounds that she was 'not able to demonstrate that [her] activities in the United States would be consistent with the classification of the visa', according to her denial letter.   Sister Diana planned to speak with other representatives of persecuted minority groups in the region, including Yazidis and Turkmen Shia Muslims, at various venues in Washington for a period of about a week in mid-May..."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
    9 TEA Party groups still blocked by corrupt Obummer IRS

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Robert W. Merry _Washington DC Times_
    destroying the spirit of Cincinnatus

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Kenneth Blackwell _Washington DC Times_
    leftists win elections by lying

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Peter J. Ferrara _Washington DC Times_
    ObummerDoesn'tCare after King v. Burwell

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Joseph Farah _WND_
    liberty's dividing lines
    "How and why do nations inevitably lose their freedom?   I've been thinking about this as I see America, no longer drifting away from liberty and self-government toward authoritarianism, but speeding down the tracks like a runaway freight train.   There are 2 pillars that have kept the U.S. in balance for hundreds of years: the constitutional commitment to limited government; the Judeo-Christian values of its people..."

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Laura Hollis _WND_
    are we Cambodia yet?

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Alan Keyes _WND_
    have supremes become tool of tyrannical elitist prejudice?

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    professors dispute interpretation of 14th amendment
    Connor D. Wolf: Daily Caller

    2015-04-30 (5775 Air 11)
    Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
    Obummer climate agenda rejected by blacks & Hispanics over concerns about poverty

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      "[T]he value of economics lies in its enabling us to recognize the true significance of problems, divested of their accidental trimmings.   No very deep knowledge of economics is usually needed for grasping the immediate effects of a measure; but the task of economics is to foretell the remoter effects, & so to allow us to avoid such acts as attempt to remedy a present ill by sowing the seeds of a much greater ill for the future." --- Ludwig von Mises 1934-06-?? at Vienna _The Theory of Money & Credit_ pg 23  

    Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
    Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
    Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
    Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
    Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
    Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
    Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

    Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
    1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
    1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
    1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
    1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
    1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
    1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
    1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
    1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

    An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


    Proposed Bills 2015

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      "SocioBiological theories concern 'human nature'...   Belief in the reality of human nature, & consequently in the reality of human needs & values independent of particular social arrangements, is an important safe-guard to individual freedom, at least if that nature is not misconstrued so as to promote or excuse evil." --- Brant Wenegrat 1990 _SocioBiological Psychiatry_ pg 5  

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