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2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
on being religious but not righteous
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Massachusetts H-1B works in one of the lowest paying jobs in years
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
_American Interest_
the "Magic Kingdom" and the H-1B
"ComputerWorld recently published an account that gets at an important aspect of the immigration debate that doesn't often take center stage: the H-1B and L-1 visa program for [cheap, young, pliant guest-workers with questionable ethics and skill levels]. At issue is the allegation that Disney fired anywhere between 135 and 'several hundred' of its 'IT' staff and replaced them with workers mainly from India, many of whom were presumed to be on H-1B's. The article goes on to note that Disney is at the [battle-line] of a movement to [reduce] the cap on the number of these visas issued each year..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
GOP losership wants to provide illegal aliens with driver licenses
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
why do company executives and hiring managers bother with H-1B guest-workers? money
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
the Marshall Islands' cautionary tale
"The Maersk Tigris is flagged to the Marshall Islands. The South Pacific archipelago gained its independence from the US in 1986 after signing a treaty conceding its right to self-defense in exchange for US protection. According to the treaty, the USA has 'full authority and responsibility for security and defense of the Marshall Islands'. Given the USA's formal, binding obligation to the Marshall Islands, the Iranian seizure of the ship was in effect an act of war against America... OT1H, the Iranians are signaling that they are willing to sign a deal with the Great Satan. And this makes sense. For them the deal has no down-side. First there's the money. Last week the State Department indicated that it won't rule out paying Iran a $50G 'signing bonus'... Iran is spending $3G a month to finance its war in Syria... during Syrian defense-minister general Fahd al-Freij's visit to Tehran this week, he was instructed to enable Hezbollah to open a front against Israel on the Golan Heights. Iran's 'signing bonus' would pay for Iran's new war against Israel. As for their nuclear weapons program, even [Obummer] admitted that when his deal expires in 10 years, Iran will have the capacity to build nuclear weapons at will..."
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
leftists do themselves no favor by denying their ideology
National Review
"...A few weeks later, he gave the most ideologically left-wing State of the Union address of any president since FDR. This is a pattern. For whatever reason, [leftists] feel compelled -- whether out of self-delusion or deliberate deception -- to lie about the fact that they are [leftists]..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Mark A. Kellner _Jewish World Review_
religious liberty issues at supreme court oral arguments on same-sex "marriage" all but ignored by leftist media
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Dana Dovey _Jewish World Review_
scientists/technicians in Red China edited genes of a human embryo
Medical Daily
"...Using the gene-editing CRISPR technology, a team of researchers at Sun-Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China were able to edit out the gene responsible for a potentially fatal blood disorder, Sky News reported. Although the study only resulted in a small fraction of the 86 edited embryos actually containing the replacement genomes, the accomplishment still marks the first time such a project was conducted on human subjects. For the majority of the embryos, the CRISPR technology did not work at all, and in a small fraction of the embryos the gene editing caused unintended genetic mutations. Others ended up with edited genes in only some cells but not the others. The scientists admit that the technology is not yet ready for real life application and, as reported by MIT Technology Review, the team did not attempt to establish a pregnancy in any of the fetuses for ethical reasons..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
more love and marriage ahead, American style: the shot-gun wedding may be back
Washington DC Times
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
the steep slide down from "I have a dream" to "space to destroy"
Washington DC Times
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Baltimore rioting is a result of LBJ's "Great Society" errors
"...Exhibit A is Baltimore itself. The city hasn't been 'neglected'. It has been misgoverned into the ground. It is a 'Great Society' city that bought fully into the big-government vision of the 1960s, and the bitter fruit has been corruption, violence and despair..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
is Iranian Muslim theocracy changing its tune?
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
men wielding power in hellish times
"...Maddening because its history is tendentiously distorted, yet the drama is so brilliantly conceived and executed that you almost don't care. Faced with an imaginative creation of such brooding, gripping, mordant intensity, you find yourself ready to pay for it in historical inaccuracy. And 'Wolf Hall's' revisionism is breath-taking... However, 'Wolf Hall' poses questions not just political but literary. When such a distortion of history produces such a wonderfully successful piece of fiction, we are forced to ask: What license are we to grant to the historical novel?..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Cotton: if you don't want to vote on amendments to "fast track"/"trade promotion authorization" nor on Obummer's scam to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons systems, you should not have come to the US senate
"Cotton and Rubio have proposed amendments touching on 2 issues few law-makers from either party would wish to oppose in a roll call vote -- [toothless] backing for Israel and [minimal] prerequisites for Iran to receive sanctions relief. Rubio's amendment would require Tehran to recognize Israel's right to exist, while Cotton's would require the Iranians to take specified steps, including giving international inspectors full access to suspicious sites, before getting relief from sanctions..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
House defense bill would send 25% of Iraq aid to Kurdish and Sunni forces
"The U.S. House Armed Services ommittee passed a defense bill Thursday including a provision that allocates to minority Kurdish and Sunni fighters one-quarter of a $715M tranche for training and equipping Iraqi forces to combat ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz: Iran acquiring nuclear weapons is the "single greatest national security threat facing the USA"
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Stephan Ohlemacher _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer Treasury inspector-general claims IRS has taken "significant actions" to stop political targeting
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Peter Pham: terrorist group Boko Haram has killed over 10K people in Nigeria
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer & House GOP losership endanger our military, invite more illegal aliens
Conservative Review
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
NYC MTA voted to trash the 1st amendment
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
FBI director James Comey: police are annoyed by media ignoring police killed
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
HIV positive Londoner "unable to access medical care" gives human face to the cost of health care tourism
"A mixed-race HIV positive Londoner has written a letter of support to Nigel Farage following the UKIP leader's remarks on HIV health tourism. The anonymous author, who describes himself as a 'victim of HIV immigration', details how his health is being put in jeopardy thanks to the system being overloaded. Mr. Farage first raised the issue of HIV health tourism during the televised leaders' debate on April 2nd. 'Here's a fact.', he said. 'I'm sure other people will be mortified that I dare to even talk about it. There are 7K diagnoses in this country every year for people who are HIV positive, which is not a good place for any of them to be, I know. But 60% of them are not British nationals. You can come to Britain from anywhere in the world and get diagnosed with HIV and get the retroviral drugs that cost up to £25K per year per patient...'..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
May 1 should be declared "Victims of Communism Day"
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
George Soros could face $6.7G bill from IRS
"...That loop-hole was closed by congress in 2008. But before that, Bloomberg reports, Soros used it to defer taxes on client fees. Instead, he reinvested them in his own fund, and they grew tax-free. Bloomberg, citing Irish regulatory filings, reported that Soros has made $13.3G in this way. Factoring in the various tax rates that would apply, one tax expert estimated this would leave Soros with a roughly $6.7G bill..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Claudia Tenney & Brian O'Shaughnessy _Washington DC Times_
DC selling out the US constitution and Main Street: Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)/Fast Track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
"Why do companies like Wal-Mart and Apple [and GE and MSFT and IBM and FB and Oracle] want free trade so badly with these Pacific Rim countries? The answer is simple: so they can export jobs and import cheap goods at the expense of the American worker... Although the president is granted broad negotiating powers for treaties, Fast Track guts the [US constitution's] two-thirds requirement for senate ratification, limits debate, eliminates amendments and requires a mere simple majority in both houses of congress for the passage of any trade agreement under the allotted procedure. Fast Track binds the hands of future Congresses by ceding the power of trade agreements beyond the 2-year term of its current members. In other words, a popular revolt against Fast Track at the ballot box would be toothless since the sitting president would have to sign a new law repealing their own extra-Constitutional power to regulate trade without congress's consent... Like previous trade agreements, TPP would bar Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) laws so Americans won't know where the food they are eating is coming from. The TPP would even allow foreign courts to overrule US federal and state courts. This will be true for labor, environmental, tax, as well as COOL laws... Since the U.S. signed NAFTA in 1994, the American trade deficit with the world has grown by almost 500% to $722G in 2014 and nearly 4M U.S. manufacturing jobs have vanished in the post-NAFTA era... One of our companies was founded by Paul Revere in 1801 and is likely the oldest basic manufacturing company in the country. Revere produces copper and brass sheet, strip and coil which are shipped to other manufacturing companies mostly in North America. Since 2000, over 30% of the facilities Revere ships to in the United States have shut down and their production moved off-shore..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
a dog has spread bubonic plague to 4 people in Colorado
"'Although human plague is rare in North America, it remains a public health concern in the western United States where Yersinia pestis circulates among wild rodent populations.', the researchers wrote in a report circulated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDCP]... the same bacteria that wiped out 25M people in the year 541 and tens of millions more throughout the Middle Ages."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
corruption, politics, and an immigration "investor" program gone awry
"...Among the world's wealthy, a half million dollars doesn't amount to much at all. In the main, what is more important to them is to make sure the 'investment' gets steered into something that gets them what they really want -- the resident alien card. So if they have to wheel-and-deal with suspect, but politically connected, middle men and dubious regional centers, it's just business as usual. After all, graft and politics go hand-in-hand in nearly every country on earth. Politicians seem drawn to money in the way that sharks are drawn to blood in the water: the merest scintilla of a scent brings them from miles away... Americans should be worried by these events, which it's important to note have not developed overnight. They have been allowed to fester. The EB-5 program has evolved beyond a badly run immigration program into a sleazy mire in which members of our political elite practically throw themselves bodily on the money scrum. This does not bode well for our republic. Does nobody remember Abscam?"
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
as with everythign else, National Socialist Radio spins the story of European's angst over excessive immigration
"...You might think that a program of media criticism on public radio would be interested in hearing from someone as knowledgeable and respected as Nick Robinson. But if you thought that, you wouldn't understand that Brook Gladstone has the same ideology problem as Bill O'Reilly and Chris Hayes."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
jihadi attack in Garland, TX -- media ignore Islam motivation
"The Islamic State or ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack on free speech and, during which, in addition to the dead jihadis, an unarmed security guard was shot in the ankle... A spokesman for the Garland (Texas) Independent School District confirmed Joiner, who is married with 3 children, was shot in the leg and taken to the hospital. He was released just hours later. In the aftermath of the shooting, while the building was still under a police-imposed security lock-down, those inside started to sing patriotic songs, including the national anthem and God Bless America, and said a prayer for the injured security guard after one woman pulled out an American flag from her bag... The SITE Intelligence Group, a private intelligence group, reported that an Islamic State (IS) fighter claimed on Twitter that the shooting was carried out by two pro-Isis individuals. In a series of tweets and links, a jihadist named as Abu Hussain Al Britani, which SITE said was British IS fighter Junaid Hussain, claimed that '2 of our brothers just opened fire' at the Prophet Muhammad exhibition in Texas... Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, an organizer of the free speech event, said the group decided to hold the event in the Curtis Culwell Center because members had heard that a Muslim group had a conference in the same room after the attack on the Charlie Hebdo office. Ms. Geller described Sunday's event as pro-free speech, and said that Muslims had become a 'special class' that Americans were no longer allowed to offend. Ms. Geller responded to the shooting by writing on her web-site: 'This is war on free speech. What are we going to do? Are we going to surrender to these monsters?... The war is here... The media is self-enforcing a Shariah.', she said, referring to Islamic law. 'Under the Shariah you cannot criticize or offend Islam.'... Prior to Sunday's cartoon contest, Geller's group was known for mounting a campaign against the building of an Islamic center blocks from the World Trade Center site and for buying advertising space in cities across the U.S. criticizing Islam..."
Dallas TX Morning News
Peter Henn: UK Express
Pete d'Amato: UK Daily Mail
Josh Gardner: UK Daily Mail
John Aglionby: Financial Times
Wills Robinson & Ted Thornhill: UK Daily Mail
Laura Ingraham
Brian Ross, Rhonda Schwartz & Randy Kreider: abc
Nomaan Merchant & Jamie Stengle: Cybercast News Service/AP
Awr Hawkins: Breitbart: defensive use of guns made the difference between Garland and Paris
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
_Conservative HQ_
the video on Iran's nuclear weapons program you've got to see
Iran's nuclear missiles (diagram)
"According to The Wall Street Journal, '[President Obummer] said Tehran could receive significant economic relief IMMEDIATELY after concluding a deal...' The Iranian regime will use it to pay for more terrorism, more regional subversion, more ballistic missiles AND to get the bomb. What's worse, according to an exclusive report from Reuters, 'Britain has informed a United Nations sanctions panel of an active Iranian nuclear procurement network linked to 2 black-listed firms, according to a confidential report by the panel...'... the Iranians have conducted illicit nuclear activities every day for the last two decades, and show no signs of stopping..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
non-leftists can win with 4th amendment reforms
"Senator Mike Lee's newest book, _Our Lost Constitution_, has a superb chapter about John Wilkes, who was arrested and his papers seized for criticizing the king. The Wilkes case from 1763 was impetus for the Fourth Amendment, which until recently may have been the most under-appreciated Bill of Right for conservatives because it was associated with protections for criminals. Now, however, we know better. Ask conservative hero, True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht. She and her husband's business were audited and investigated by several government agencies after she began her voter fraud watch-dog organization. What Fourth Amendment author James Madison and other Founders knew was that the Fourth Amendment was protection against what we now call a police state, and is essential to protecting religious and political liberty. Today, with the unprecedented level of attacks on religious liberty, free speech, and free markets, Americans need the Fourth Amendment. Unfortunately, the Fourth Amendment has been shredded..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
_Conservative HQ_
Edwin Meese & J. Kenneth Blackwell get it right: supremes should strike down ObummerDoesn'tCare subsidies... alang with the rest of ObummerDoesn'tCare, Medicare, Medicaid and the Socialist Insecurity Abomination. Should.
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
J. Kenneth Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
will we continue to allow ourselves to be seduced by the "lying game"?
"Truth has long since been replaced by 'narratives' on the American left. Rather than discuss genuine issues and objective facts, [leftists] prefer to make up a politically effective story. It doesn't matter [to them] whether the story is false, as long as it sways the public's emotions and wins the day..."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Taylor Tyler _Headlines & Global News_
Reuters poll; about 19% of Americans consider themselves libertarian, but still favor some unconstitutional big government program
"Among adults aged 18 to 29, 32% consider themselves libertarian. Just 12% of Americans age 60 or older consider themselves libertarian... 51% of Republicans said they support abolishing the U.S. federal income tax, compared to 39% who disagree. Among independents, 47% said they favor abolishing the income tax, while 38% were opposed."
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
senator Mike Lee: 4th amendment protection against unreasonable searches has been being violated
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: Indiana surrendered to the sexually immoral agenda of gays and lesbians; many in the USA have forgotten and forsaken G0d
"'The elected representatives and governor of Indiana bowed at the feet of godless powers and chose to protect sexual orientation rather than religious conscience... They cravenly surrendered to the intolerant, sexually immoral agenda of gays and lesbians, and they left at great risk any business or individual that wants to live by an informed, biblical conscience... [They sent] an unmistakable signal that Christians are locked in a fierce conflict with [leftist], immoral forces who despise Christianity, its teaching and its followers... The main-stream [leftist] media, which actively promotes the LGBT agenda, declared the legislation was anti-gay and discriminatory, despite assurances from governor Pence that the law was not discriminatory and was strictly meant to protect the ordinary religious freedoms of Hoosiers... This is a sizeable, dangerous tear in the moral fabric of America... A conservative Midwestern state was intimidated and cowed into changing legislation that now threatens the very kind of religious freedom that has built and held this nation together for hundreds of years.'"
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
_Warner Time Cable News_
poll: 25% have no retirement savings or investment; 43% under-funded; 25% think they're adequately funded
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index up from 93 in late-March to 95.9 in mid- and late-April
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
2015-05-01 (5775 Air 12)
Matt Ridley _Wall Street Journal_
ancient DNA tells a new human story
"Tuberculosis in the Americas today is derived from a genetic strain of the disease brought by European settlers. That is no great surprise. But there's a twist: 1K-year-old mummies found in Peru show symptoms of TB as well. How can this be—500 years before any Europeans set foot in the Americas?... all human strains of tuberculosis share a common ancestor in Africa about 6K years ago. The implication is that this is when and where human beings first picked up TB... The TB DNA in the mummies most resembles the DNA of TB in seals, which resembles that of TB in goats in Africa, which resembles that of the earliest strains in African people. So perhaps Africans gave tuberculosis to their goats, which gave it to seals, which crossed the Atlantic and gave it to native Americans... most modern Europeans have certain DNA sequences that are similar to those of some American Indians but different from those of most Asians, including natives of Siberia... Eske Willerslev's research group at the University of Copenhagen, working with Russian scientists, read the genomes of two bits of human remains found near Lake Baikal in Siberia; one of these individuals lived 24K years ago, the other 17K. Both had genes similar to modern Europeans and modern American Indians but distinct from modern Siberians or other East Asians. As the researchers say in a paper published early last year in Nature, this implies that a population of hunter-gatherers lived in northern Eurasia in the last ice age and partly gave rise to the first Americans in the East and to Europeans in the West, before they themselves died out in Siberia and were replaced by immigrants from elsewhere in Asia. This may help to explain the enigma known as Kennewick Man, a 9K-year-old skeleton from Washington state, which seems to have features more like those of a modern European than of a modern American Indian. The earliest inhabitants of the Americas seem to have been distant cousins of Europeans, connected through Siberia, with their genes later diluted by other Asians migrating through Alaska... mass migrations occurred repeatedly, overwhelming natives while absorbing some of their genes... Just 4,500 years ago, long after the arrival of farming in Europe from the near East—a transition that had largely displaced the genes of the indigenous hunter-gatherers—another 'massive migration into the heartland of Europe from its eastern periphery' occurred. People from the steppes northeast of the Black Sea swamped the European genome with their DNA, and that relatively new pool of DNA is still ubiquitous among Europeans today... From Irish to Sanskrit, there are close similarities of vocabulary among most of the languages of Europe and those spoken in parts of Central Asia, Iran and India—connections not shared by languages like Basque, Turkish, Arabic, Hungarian and Finnish... The recent research of Dr. Reich and his colleagues supports this latter hypothesis: Indo-European languages probably originated in the steppes just two millennia before the Christian era. The discovery of the massive migration from the steppes 4,500 years ago was made possible by the analysis of DNA from 69 different individual bodies from between 8K and 3K years ago and the comparison of nearly 400K different sections on their genomes..."
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Thus, if maximum speed, complexity, and power are to be developed and then used after development, all 3 systems must be working in active integration. The physical and the emotional support the higher brain functions... boredom, threat, anxiety, and sameness [impede optimal function while pleasure & challenge facilitate it]." --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg33 |
2015-05-02 (5775 Air 13)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer trying to deny school choice in DC
2015-05-02 (5775 Air 13)
_Slash Dot_/_Dice_
Bernie Sanders, socialist candidate for president and H-1B visa program skeptic
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"It's like the sound-track to films. If you don't know it's there, it's good." --- Bruce Horn (co-author of the Macintosh "Finder"; quoted in Steven Levy 1994 _Insanely Great_ pg 172) |
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
DoJ checked with Obummer sheisters before telling judge Andrew S. Hanen that unconstitutional and illegal grants of amnesty to illegal aliens had already begun
"The attorneys turned over the communications with the White House to judge Andrew S. Hanen, who is hearing the major case challenging [Obummer's] 2014 deportation amnesty, but the lawyers pleaded with the court not to look at the documents on grounds that it would intrude on the president's powers... In documents filed with the court, the attorneys said more than 1,500 Homeland Security employees knew the three-year part of the amnesty was in effect as of November [rather than beginning February 18 as originally alleged]... Texas has argued that had it known applications were being processed, it would have taken extra legal steps to try to halt the program earlier..."
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
a pleasant clash of 2 articles on H-1B
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
the new axis of evil
"The new axis of evil is big government and big corporations against real Americans. Big corporations, as exemplified by the Chamber of Commerce, are working against real Americans. The assaults by the axis of evil include the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership and Amnesty for illegal aliens. One of the worst assaults against middle class Americans is coming from something known as H1-B visas... A bipartisan group of senators has demanded answers and an investigation by the [Obummer] Regime concerning the misuse of the H1-B Visa program. This week, the [Obummer] regime announced it would not investigate Southern Cal Edison and its decision to replace American workers with foreign replacements... Jobs that pay well are the bedrock of the middle class. Unrestricted immigration, something the Chamber of [Crony Socialists] and big business want will be the death knell for the American middle class..."
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions gives warning about potentially disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" scam
"'Congress has the responsibility to ensure that any international trade agreement entered into by the United States must serve the national interest, not merely the interests of those crafting the proposal in secret.', Sessions' team writes in a document that lays out the top 5 concerns with the [Obummer] trade deal. 'It must improve the quality of life, the earnings, and the per-capita wealth of everyday working Americans. The sustained long-term loss of middle class jobs and incomes should compel all law-makers to apply added scrutiny to a fast-track procedure wherein congress would yield its legislative powers and allow the White House to implement one of largest global financial agreements in our history—comprising at least 12 nations and nearly 40% of the world's GDP... 'The request for fast-track also comes at a time when the Administration has established a recurring pattern of sidestepping the law, the congress, and the Constitution in order to repeal sovereign protections for U.S. workers in deference to favored financial and political allies.' The Sessions document then goes point-by-point for five full pages through the TPA trade deal, laying out why it wouldn't help Americans—rather, it would likely hurt American workers—and why the deal doesn’t in fact provide congress with more power over trade despite talking points from the [Obummer] trade deal's proponents like House Ways and Means committee chairman representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and House speaker John Boehner (R-OH)..."
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Jack Minor _WND_
pitch-forks and torches: there's an app for that
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Pamela Geller _WND_
NYC's ban on criticism of jihad a nd shariah
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
James Dobson _WND_
supremes on the verge of destroying the family
"Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, wrote...: 'These activists aren't after a live-and-let-live policy. They're on a march to force all Americans to celebrate and affirm what they do under the penalty of law.'..."
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Gina Loudon _WND_
2 lessons from mothers who won't raise thugs
"...If the left had their way, both mothers would be prosecuted for corporal punishment and both boys would end up in more trouble. But parents are becoming quite creative these days, and it seems like the obvious failures of 'time-out parenting' are causing parents to consider harsher styles of punishment..."
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
where are the men of Baltimore?
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Chuck Norris _WND_
Jade Helm 15, crime-stoppers, and KSK: never check your brains at government's door
"Benjamin Franklin said, 'Distrust and caution are the parents of security.' He also said, 'Security without liberty is called prison.' Both apply to what I want to share with you today in my culture warrior column. Last Friday evening in Houston, my wife, Gena, and I were overjoyed to host the 22nd annual gala for our foundation, KICKSTART KIDS, or KSK, which seeks to build character through karate in students in Texas public middle schools. We were equally honored to have as our special guests at the event Texas governor and Mrs. Gregg Abbott and Marcus Luttrell, a former United States Navy SEAL who received the Navy Cross and Purple Heart for his actions in 2005 June facing Taliban fighters during Operation Redwing. It was an amazing night and gala!... I am reminded again of how true patriots need to continue to fight for freedom wherever we are... I have an idea: If the government insists on running expanded military ops across seven Southwest states, why doesn't it move all that 'military training' south and protect our borders at the same time?! Whatever Jade Helm 15 actually is, I think it is more than coincidental that the FBI director just confessed in February that the presence of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate can be felt in all 50 states of the U.S.A. and that the Pentagon is suddenly running its biggest military training exercise with every branch of the military across seven Southwestern states. Whether deterrence, display of power or something more covert or devious, let's not come with any patronizing non-sense of impotence and simplicity when its origin is in Washington [DC]..."
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
happy 18th birth-day World Net Daily
"On this happy birthday, let us remember and celebrate the vision of your Founding Fathers, who, in the First Amendment to the Constitution, said this: 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.'..."
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
immigrant from Nigeria tried to flee USA after scalding infant to death
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
USA's slow-rolling economic crisis continues; profits are high
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
Baltimore: fear, loathing, and moral decay are signs of destruction by leftists
And how did those allegedly impoverished rioters and looters happen to have megaphones?
2015-05-03 (5775 Air 14)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
low sun-spot activity could lead to another little ice age
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"[John Bowlby] noted that childlike attachment behavior are shown by adults following public disasters." --- Brant Wenegrat 1990 _SocioBiological Psychiatry_ pg 49 |
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Obummer regime apologized for misleading district judge Andrew Hanen on start of unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens... in effort to dodge discovery process
"'...But the miscommunications were not the product of bad faith, and they do not warrant sanctions or further discovery...' despite the government’s assertions that the executive amnesty programs would not start before February 18, an aspect did begin before then..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
Uranium One, USA Zip
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
S.E. Cupp _Jewish World Review_
can our PC society sink any lower?
"...it's 2015 and we have made finding offense a major industry..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
tomorrow's special election is a "must win" to begin saving NY
"...I am a native New Yorker who was born and raised in Spanish Harlem at a time when New York City was the greatest in the world because of its neighborhoods and the people, both rich and poor. It was a city replete with immigrants from all over the world. The difference between those and the immigrants of today is that they all were thrilled about being here and determined that their children would become real Americans. Today's immigrants are more inclined to view America as a nation to be exploited and conquered..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
a trade water-shed? or trade disaster?
"All this provides context for the controversy over the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the trade negotiation among 12 countries (Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and VietNam). Together, these nations represent almost 40% of the world economy, with the United States and Japan accounting for about four-fifths of that. Negotiations cover many issues. Japan has tariffs of 600% or more on rice. Presumably, these would be reduced or eliminated. Although theaverage trade-weighted U.S. tariff is 1.4%, there are exceptions. U.S. tariffs on shoes range from 11% to 70%; VietNam wants them curbed. Talks also involve less traditional issues: limits on subsidies to state-owned companies; patent protection, especially for drug companies; rules governing where computer data must be stored. Still, plausible economic gains from expanded trade seem modest. By 2025, the incomes of the 12 countries could increase by 0.9%, according to a revised estimate by a study for the Peterson Institute. In today's dollars, that would be about $320G (the U.S. share: $85G). By contrast U.S. GDP is approaching $18T, and global GDP is quadruple that. The fuss over the Trans-Pacific Partnership seems disproportionate to the stakes... One study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research estimates that Chinese imports eliminated between 2M and 2.4M U.S. factory jobs from 1999 to 2011. That's roughly 40% of the 5.6M lost manufacturing jobs in these years. Not everyone agrees. Harvard economist Robert Lawrence says continuous production efficiencies explain most job loss..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
thuggish censors in the market-place of ideas
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
there is something tawdry about it
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
remember the Lusitania
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
illegal aliens from Central America
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
the willfully blind leading the willfully blind at US ICE
"Twice in recent weeks I've written about Sarah Saldana, the latest in a string of directors at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE) during the [Obummer regime], who took office last December. Neither piece was particularly flattering, because she has quickly proven herself to be extremely tractable to the political whims of her bosses rather than true to her duties as head of a large enforcement organization with weighty responsibilities, and because even though she is a lawyer and former U.S. attorney, she hasn't taken the time to learn the laws governing immigration law enforcement and deportation. Perhaps the lack of expertise in the law could be more easily overlooked if she were backed up by good, competent counsel from her professional legal adviser (PLA)... There isn't any time for learning curves when thrown into such a demanding and sensitive position. Of course, that presupposes that White House officials care about the law and its enforcement; these don't..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Tom Fitton _Breitbart_
Judicial Watch exposed ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate threat along US border within a few miles both East and West of Ciudad Juarez
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
thousands of illegal aliens being smuggled across the Mediterranean have been rescued from foundering boats
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Laura Ingraham
Marco Rubio's plan to fight ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate over there and over here
"Do you remember the saying during the Bush years: fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here? Rubio, who of course is running as an Adelson-backed foreign policy hawk, has promised interventions in multiple foreign countries. But Rubio apparently wants to fight them over there AND over here. His immigration plan would bring millions of middle eastern immigrants into the United States. He has an UNCAPPED foreign green card program in his bill. Check out what happened in Texas. Behind every homegrown jihadist is an imported jihadist. A block-buster report from the Center for Immigration Studies documents that fastest-growing block of immigration to the USA if from the Middle East. Census Data shows that we admit roughly 100K Muslim immigrants legally each year. In fact, Middle Eastern immigration is the fastest growing category of immigration into the United States. The Census Bureau data, as summarized by Center for Immigration Studies, explains: 'The 41.3M immigrant population (legal and illegal) in 2013 was double the number in 1990, nearly triple the number in 1980, and quadruple that in 1970, when it stood at 9.6M. The sending regions with the largest increases from 2010 to 2013 were South Asia (up 373K, 16% growth); East Asia (up 365K, 5% growth); the Caribbean (up 223K, 6% growth), the Middle East (up 208K, 13% growth); and sub-Saharan Africa (up 177K, 13% growth).' These immigrants are mostly invited in with green cards. There are many avenues for Muslim immigrants to enter the country. For instance, the refugee program is a major source of Muslim immigration into the United States. The clearest example of this is the Somali population in Minnesota: Minnesota has the largest Somali population in the country. Reports show that Minnesota has struggled to stem terror recruiting. The Minneapolis Star Tribune, just 2 weeks ago, reported that during the last 2 years, more than 20 Somali-Americans from Minnesota have left to fight alongside terrorists under the banner of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, according to the FBI. And reported that 6 men from Minnesota were arrested and charged with planning to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate. The UN is actively planning to settle 1M mostly Muslim refugees in predominantly western countries. Another predominant way Islamic immigrants can gain entry to the United States is through student visas: 'Nearly 81K subjects of the Saudi kingdom are studying in the U.S.A. this school year, up from about 5K in 2000-2001.'... Less discussed and publicized are the problems with integration and assimilation; for instance, the DoJ forced a school in Michigan to hire more Arab teachers to accommodate Arab immigrant students; and Somali refugees who continue to pour into the US in large numbers demand free Halal food from USA [tax-victims]. Yet congress is currently considering legislation -- senator Rubio's I-squared bill, which would substantially increase Muslim immigration by (1) creating an uncapped green card program for foreign students and (2) by tripling the H-1B visa which could easily be accessed by Muslim immigrants in India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc: Many people here who have overstayed their visas are also from middle eastern countries. The Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight bill [S744] would have made them citizens, and, like Rubio's I-squared bill, would substantially increase the already-surging Muslim immigration into the United States."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Laura Ingraham
Rasmussen poll: 63% think US military should be defending USA borders
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Laura Ingraham
Red China and India have overtaken Mexico as top source of immigrants into USA
Neil Shah: Wall Street Journal
"[Red China] was the country of origin for 147K recent U.S. immigrants in 2013, while Mexico sent just 125K, according to a Census Bureau study by researcher Eric Jensen and others. India, with 129K immigrants, also topped Mexico, though the 2 countries' results weren't statistically different from each other. For the study, presented last week at the Population Association of America conference in San Diego, researchers analyzed annual immigration data for 2000 to 2013 from the American Community Survey..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
riots: the fuse that could ignite powder-kegs across the USA
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
rustlers stole 200 angus from NC farm
"114 cows and 75 calves were stolen from K-Farms in Alamance County. They believe the animals were taken between March and mid-April... He said the cows are top breed beef cows valued at $2,800 each and the calves at $700 apiece, resulting in a value of $371,700... The owner told sheriff investigators, he discovered approximately 30-40 cheaper grade cows in the field and believed the suspect was taking the good cattle and replacing some of them with cheaper cattle so no one would notice..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Laurie Cardoza-Moore _WND_
being fooled
"One glaring example of dangerous anti-Israel heresy being propagated on a very large scale is the 'Christ at the Checkpoint' conference held in Bethlehem at Bethlehem Bible College. The 'stated' purpose of this gathering of Christians is to bring reconciliation between Arabs and Jews. But the true agenda of this disinformation machine, as with so many anti-Zionist and anti-Israel front groups, is to spout a sophisticated double-talk and rhetoric that is both anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. It is smooth, enticing and seductive, while focusing on themes like 'compassion for the Palestinians' and so-called 'humanitarian' causes..."
Yes, the Palestinians should stop occupying Israel, leave Israel and return to Gaza=Palestine.
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Pamela Geller: conversation on freedom of speech is morally inverted
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Garland TX: 2nd Muslim terrorist identified
Jordan Schachtel: Breitbart
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart: reporter asked Garland officials to brag more about their police
Bob Price: Breitbart: Breitbart was interviewing Pamela Geller as attack occurred
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
governor Bobby Jindal calls on Obummer and Muslim leaders to condemn violence-initiating Muslims
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Boko Haram stoned girls to death when rescue was near
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
London: dead animals were strung up outside school that tried to oust violence-initiating Muslims
"The Daily Mail reports that head teachers are blaming the renewed campaign of intimidation on hard-line Islamists who oppose the strict measures introduced to clamp down on attempts to radicalise students. Speaking at the annual conference of the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT), Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson, principal of Anderton Park School in Birmingham, said: 'Trojan Horse has not gone away. Those of us who were involved, we knew it was the tip of the iceberg. We still have dead animals hung on the gates of schools, dismembered cats on playgrounds. We [also] have petitions outside schools, objecting to teachers teaching against homophobia.'..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
business boot-strapping
"The real numbers are eye opening -- VCs fund only 0.05% of startups while angel investors are responsible for funding 0.91%. Take a moment to really think about those percentages in relation to the approximate 543K new businesses started each month..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
"carlyfiorina.org" blasts divergence from HP core competency and massive lay-offs of US citizen employees
"'That's 30K people she laid off. People with families.' The Hill reports that the anti-Fiorina page was actually created by an employee at the Service Employees International Union [SEIU] -- a group that often backs Democrats -- and was registered as far back as December."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Steve Deace _Washington DC Times_
supremes grand-stand on marriage by embracing cognitive dissonance
"Two years ago, a majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices ruled it was a terrible thing for the federal government to dictate the definition of marriage to all 50 states. Despite the fact it was done lawfully via a bill passed through both houses of Congress, and signed into law by president Bill Clinton in 1996. Two years later, the same five justices who made up that majority are poised to reverse themselves, and say it's perfectly fine for the federal government to dictate the definition of marriage to all 50 states. Provided it's done so [unconstitutionally and] unlawfully by judicial fiat this time..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: we are targets of the leftist media's anti-Christian bias
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
FCC commissioner Ajit Pai: FCC or FEC will seek to regulate web-sites based on political opinions and information
World Net Daily
"Federal Communications Commission (FCC) member Ajit Pai said over the weekend that he foresees a future in which federal regulators will seek to regulate web-sites based on political content, using the power of the FCC or Federal Elections Commission (FEC). He also revealed that his opposition to 'net neutrality' regulations had resulted in personal harassment and threats to his family... The rules, which are set to take effect on June 12, reclassify Internet providers as utilities and command them not to block or 'throttle' on-line traffic [nor to charge by the amount of data transferred]... 'What you're seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.'... In February, Pai co-authored an editorial with former FEC chairman Lee Goodman that warned of efforts by those agencies to regulate content on-line... Pai also talked about the FCC's finances, the imposition of taxes on Internet usage, and subsidies for Internet service. The reclassification of Internet providers as utilities allows the FCC to impose what is known as a 'Universal Service Fund' (USF) tax on their revenue. The USF has grown exponentially in recent years, and presently stands at $12G annually -- so large that the FCC has requested it be allowed to transfer $25M of the money to its own budget to 'administer' the fund [i.e. engage in crony socialism]. As a result, some in congress have proposed limiting the size of the USF to $9G... 'the USF tax is 67% higher than it was in 2009'..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
20.7% of non-farm jobs in Baltimore are government jobs; 15.5% of all jobs in the USA are government jobs (about 15 percentage points too many, IMO)
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
non-leftist comedian Evan Sayet takes leftist thinking to task
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
Trey Gowdy (R-SC) seeks to unlock secret Muslim refugee program; the haughty John Kerry's response did not answer important questions
"And if the program plays out in Spartanburg as it has in communities in Minnesota, California, Texas, Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida and other states, then the 60 refugees will blossom into hundreds and eventually thousands every year. Minnesota, for example, is now receiving more than 2K Muslim refugees annually, mostly from Somalia. Texas receives more than 7K per year, and California more than 6K, directly from the Third World... Of the 815 Syrian refugees resettled in the U.S.A. so far, 749, or 92 percent, have been Muslim, according to State Department data. Only 43 Syrians allowed into the U.S.A. have been Christians, even though the turmoil in Syria and Iraq has driven thousands of Christians from their homes under threat of death by ISIS. The U.S.A. takes in more refugees than any other country, about 70K per year, and has absorbed 3M since 1975. But since the early 1990s, the trend has been to accept more from Muslim countries... These refugees are seen by the White House and its network of [excessive immigration conspirators] -- groups like National Council for La Raza, Welcoming America, the National Partnership for New Americans and the Chamber of [Crony Socialists] -- as potential 'new Americans'. The refugees are set up with a full plate of government [hand-outs], placed on a fast track to citizenship and full voting rights..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Daniel Patrick Moynihan report after 50 years
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Mychal Massie _WND_
NYTimes is bigoted against blacks
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Dick Morris _WND_
Trans-Pacific Partnership: have the GOP losership lost their souls or their minds?
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Dick Morris _WND_
major retailers are closing 6K stores
"For example, 1,784 Radio Shack stores are vanishing, 400 stores in the Office Depot/Office Max chain by 2016, and 340 Dollar Tree/Family Dollar stores... 338 Wet Seal, 300 Deb Shops, 265 Body Central/Body Shop, 223 Barnes & Noble, 200 Children's Place, 200 Walgreens, 180 Aberrombie & Fitch; 150 American Eagle OutFitters, 133 Target Canada, 127 Jones New York Outlet, 120 Chico's, 100 Pier One, 92 Delia's, 80 Wolverine World Wide (including Stride Rite & Keds), 77 Sears, 75 Aeropostale, 70 Coach, 70 Coco's/Carrows, 66 Bottom Dollar Food, 65 Future Shop (Best Buy Canada), 63 Pep Boys, 55 Staples..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
corrupt supremes consult with corrupt Obummer regime about marijuana laws
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Bill Federer _WND_
US constitution is supposed to prevent power-mad, blood-thirsty government
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Bob Unruh _WND_
at Polk State College in FL, teacher is accused of giving Christian student zero grades because of her religious and political beliefs
"But during Russum's class, 'she refused to conform to his personal worldviews of Marxism, atheism, feminism and homosexuality', Liberty Counsel said. For that, her assignments were given no credit... 'In other essays where GL refused to concede that Christianity was false, violent, or oppressive to women; that Martin Luther's motivations for the Reformation were wholly secular; and that Michelangelo's sculptures and paintings communicated that same-sex relationship is NOT A SIN [the teacher] gave her a total of 4 straight zeroes...' 'GL's parents asked Polk State College to review this matter, but it refused'..."
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Joseph Farah _WND_
from the new front lines in Afghanistan; USA intelligence apparatus is gone, along with most combat arms
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
Anthony Kennedy learns a new word
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Les Kinsolving _WND_
riotous Baltimore
2015-05-04 (5775 Air 15)
Kevin D. Williamson _National Review_
Garland, TX: FBI knew of terrorist ahead of time, but even planners and police ensured security
"Simpson was, like the overwhelming majority of murderers and most of those who commit serious violent crimes, already known to the authorities. He had been investigated by the FBI on the suspicion that he was attempting to travel to Somalia to engage in jihad. He was convicted of lying to the FBI in that episode, and sentenced to...probation. The average sentence for a tax-related crime in these United States is 31 months in a federal penitentiary, but for attempting to join up with a gang of savages who are merrily beheading, torturing, enslaving, and raping their way around the world? Probation, and damned little subsequent oversight, apparently...."
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Your best memories are when you succeed despite your worst fears." --- Dave Weinbaum (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Beryl Lieff Benderly _AAAS Science_
economists: H-1B visa program suppresses wages
"...'...Overall our results are more consistent with the second [i.e., the critics'] narrative, in which H-1Bs replace other workers to some extent, are paid less than alternative workers, and increase the firm's profits (despite little, if any, effect on firm patenting).' In addition, 'we robustly find that new H-1Bs cause no significant increase in firm employment. New H-1Bs substantially and statistically significantly crowd out median employment of other workers', they continue... The authors of this 'important' study 'have done an exhaustive analysis, given the data available, and they have better data than anyone to date, best I can tell', says labor force expert Hal Salzman of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, by e-mail. 'And their findings are consistent with all the other analyses that were done competently—and consistent with what the companies themselves state is the function of H-1B (to lower wage costs and raise profits).'"
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Karl Denninger _Free Republic_
USA wake up!: US citizen STEM workers displaced from Disney in Florida by H-1B guest-workers
Market Ticker
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
free and honest trade, yes; elimination of borders, no
"Trade agreements, the trade negotiating process, and trade pact approval measures (i.e. 'fast track' authority) all must be carefully monitored to ensure that the trade deals do not cause increases in admissions of foreign workers or erode congressional authority over visa rules. The current fast-track proposal (TPA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would have Congress surrender its authority over guestworker policies to the executive branch and its trade negotiators and ultimately to international trade tribunals. This means that we would be stuck with the dysfunctional guestworker programs that we now have and kept on a one-way street allowing only more access for foreign workers to U.S. jobs, with no means to reverse direction. U.S. trade negotiators historically have sought to offer commitments on visas in trade agreements as a bargaining chip to other nations in exchange for over-seas market access for U.S. corporations. They aim to guarantee other countries that their companies will be able to provide certain labor and professional services in the United States. What they refer to as 'trade in services' often means foreign companies bringing in computer programmers, nurses, truck drivers, accountants, physical therapists, or even construction, assembly line, or agricultural workers. These commitments usually result in increases in the number of foreign workers with access to U.S. job opportunities, which can adversely affect U.S. workers in certain occupations or geographic regions. For example, the U.S.-Australia trade agreement of 2005 created a new visa category for Australian workers [E-3] that brings in thousands of new workers each year. The most recent example is the new trade pact with South Korea, which included a provision to allow transferred employees of Korean companies (entering on L visas for intracompany transferees) to stay 5 years instead of 3. These piecemeal changes add up. Even more significantly, typically the trade agreement commitments lock in not only a specific number of guest-worker admissions, but also the guest-worker program rules, including criteria for admission, duration of stay, spousal employment, occupational categories, and conditions of employment. This means that congress may [find it politically difficult making] changes to the programs to respond to changes in the U.S. economy or labor markets or to close loop-holes or other flaws in the program that lead to fraud or abuse, for example. As one U.S. negotiator once told me, 'The point is to nail down access so that it cannot be changed.' Depending on the commitments made by trade negotiators, if Congress were to later see fit to change the rules for any guestworker program covered by a trade agreement, another country that is a party to the treaty could seek to block them, maintaining that the new rules are a trade barrier. Such disputes are resolved by international tribunals. If the tribunal decides that the new rules disadvantage a business interest of the complaining country, the United States might have to reverse the rules, face sanctions, or pay damages [or negotiate a completely new agreement]... an unaccountable panel of international trade referees. Trade agreement proponents often maintain that the commitments 1) are not immigration-related because they involve non-immigrant or 'temporary' visas; and 2) make no changes to current immigration law. These arguments are specious... There is no need for immigration and visa commitments in trade agreements. 'Trade in services' has become a euphemism for the replacement of U.S. workers, and congress should not approve any deal or process that furthers this agenda."
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Kevin Casey _InformationWeek_/_UBM_
10 H-1B statistics you should know in 2015
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
employer/sponsor | number of sponsorees | based in | |
Deloitte Consulting, LLP | 70,048 | USA | |
Cognizant Technology Solutions | 48,183 | USA & India | |
Tata Consultancy Services Limited | 35,964 | India | |
Wipro Limited | 25,605 | India | |
Infosys Limited | 23,091 | India | |
iGate Technologies, Inc. | 19,073 | Bangalore, India & Findlay (Pittsburgh) PA | |
Syntel Consulting, Inc. | 14,736 | Troy, MI & Pune, India | |
Accenture, LLP | 14,433 | Bahamas (& USA; spin-off of Andersen Consulting) | |
Mindtree Limited | 14,268 | Bengaluru, India & NJ | |
HCL America, Inc. | 13,096 | Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India; Taiwan; UK; & Sunnyvale, CA | |
employer/sponsor | number of sponsorees | based in |
year | general allocation issued | H-1B1 set-aside for those from Chile and Singapore | Total New/Initial H-1B Visas Issued |
1996 | 58,327 | - - - | 58,327 |
1997 | 80,547 | - - - | 80,547 |
1998 | 91,360 | - - - | 91,360 |
1999 | 116,513 | - - - | 116,513 |
2000 | 133,290 | - - - | 133,290 |
2001 | 161,643 | - - - | 161,643 |
2002 | 118,352 | - - - | 118,352 |
2003 | 107,196 | - - - | 107,196 |
2004 | 138,965 | 72 | 139,037 |
2005 | 124,099 | 275 | 124,374 |
2006 | 135,421 | 440 | 135,861 |
2007 | 154,053 | 639 | 154,692 |
2008 | 129,464 | 719 | 130,183 |
2009 | 110,367 | 621 | 110,988 |
2010 | 117,409 | 419 | 117,828 |
2011 | 129,134 | 418 | 129,552 |
2012 | 135,530 | 461 | 135,991 |
2013 | 153,223 | 571 | 153,794 |
2014 | 161,369 | 870 | 162,239 |
year | general allocation issued | H-1B1 set-aside for those from Chile and Singapore | Total New/Initial H-1B Visas Issued |
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
race, politics, and lies
World Net Daily
"...In a world where the truth means so little, and head-strong preconceptions seem to be all that matter, what hope is there for rational words or rational behavior, much less mutual understanding across racial lines?... You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization -- including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain -- without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large. Non-judgmental subsidies of counter-productive life-styles are treating people as if they were live-stock, to be fed and tended by others in a welfare state -- and yet expecting them to develop as human beings have developed when facing the challenges of life themselves..."
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
race, politics, and lies
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
human lives matter
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
a crazy idea to bring back childhood
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
jihadi censorship comes to the USA... and fails
"The world would be a safer and better place if the forces of civilization everywhere were as well-prepared and well-armed as they are in Texas.""
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
supremes should not usurp nor pervert the constitution
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
leftist media see non-leftist goblins everywhere
Cybercast News Service
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
why the leftists won't call thugs thugs (nor leftists leftists, Muslim terrorists Muslim terrorists, good good, bad bad, evil evil, rights rights, privileges privileges, extortion extortion, tyranny tyranny...)
World Net Daily
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
now that he's announced, it is time for Ben Carson to step up his political campaign
2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) 2015-05-05 (5775 Air 16) This Date in History
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17) 2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
generations of Dem/Red/leftist politicians have doomed cities
dlm report: how to run a great city into the ground
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
actions speak louder
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
unruly Britannia: question time
"...Politicians are politicians whichever side of the Big Pond they're on. What is clear is that voters in the UK have a greater opportunity to hold their politicians' feet to the fire. American voters would have a field day with a shot like that."
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
an unusual field crowds the Republican pool
"...There's two Cuban-Americans who speak fluent Spanish, a Baptist preacher who speaks fluent old-time values, a black man and a white woman, and 'a big mule' from the Republican establishment with more than his big toe in the water. There's more to come, including an Indian-American governor..."
_Conservative HQ_
we kind of like Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson... but not for the reasons the media wants us to like them
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
_Catastrophic Failure: BlindFolding America in the Face of Jihad_ -- you've got to read this book
"Our friend Steve Coughlin has just released his much-anticipated book Catastrophic Failure: BlindFolding America in the Face of Jihad. Coughlin is an attorney, decorated intelligence officer and noted specialist on Islamic law, ideology and associated issues as they relate to terrorism and subversion. In 2001 September, right after 911, he was mobilized from his private sector career and assigned to the Directorate for Intelligence, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Targeting (JCS-J2T). Over time, his responsibilities evolved into intelligence support to information operations and strategic communications from a targeting perspective. In 2007, Coughlin was awarded a Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence from the Joint Military Intelligence College / Defense Intelligence Agency on the threat analysis aspects of Islamic law and related doctrines. As a Major in the United States Army (res.), Coughlin was later assigned to USCENTCOM where he served in both an intelligence and strategic communications / information operations role. And then in 2008 [Barack Hussein Obummer] was elected president, and suddenly telling and teaching the truth about Islam, its goals and its doctrine of information warfare, was no longer welcome at the White House and at the Pentagon... explains how we got where we are in the war Islam has declared on the West and how we are destined to fail if we stay on the path we are now on. Having studied Islamic culture since the 1970s, travelled extensively in the Islamic world, and lived and worked in a Muslim majority country I thought I had a solid understanding of Islam and the Muslim worldview. And having served on the staff of Members of Congress who were on the Foreign Relations, Armed Services and Intelligence Committees pre and post-2001-09-11, I have a lot of insight into the thinking that has gone into the 'war on terror', the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the many errors American policy makers have made in prosecuting those wars. Every time I hear Steve Coughlin speak or have the opportunity to discuss with him the war Islamists have declared on the West, and our response to it, I learn something new, insightful and most importantly, actionable..."
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iran's military chief says he will block any attempts to monitor their efforts to develop nuclear weapons systems
Nomaan Merchang & Jamie Stengle _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Garland, TX: FBI had investigated Elton Simpson
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
secrecy marks Trans-Pacific Partnership conspiracy
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
no more 1st-class flights for congress-critters: bill requiring them to live like the rest of us makes waves
Laura Ingraham
USA trade deficit: over $50G in 1 month
Julia Gorin _Political Mavens_
1 killed, 2 wounded in violent Islamic attack on Bosnian-Serb police station
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
shackling Republicans, RINO McConnell moves to end debate on Iran nuclear weapons development bill
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: IRS ss the biggest bully in the USA
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
Harry Reid's plan to block "fast track authority"/"trade promotion authority" for Trans-Pacific Partnership scam has met with bipartisan frustration
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Obummer regime: yes, Iran may use funds from sanctions relief on terrorism, nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
National Urban League's immigratin disconnect from reality
"...Marc Morial, former mayor of New Orleans [said] 'in post-recession America and as the recovery's brought jobs to the American mainstream, inner cities are being left behind. The joblessness levels are far too high, particularly among young men and young men of color...'... [Steven A. Camarota said] 'The poverty rate in Baltimore is 24%. The unemployment rate for black men in Baltimore between the ages of 20 and 24 is 37%... Now, compare that to the national average, which is the unemployment rate is 5.5% right now.' The web-site BlackDemographics.com sheds additional light on the plight of African American poverty nationwide: 'According to the 2012 U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS), the poverty rate for all African Americans in 2012 was 28.1%, which is an increase from 25.5% in 2005. Actually, the poverty rate increased between 2005 and 2012 for every demographic of African Americans except those ages 65 and over who experienced a decrease from 21.2% to 19%. Black families with children under 18 headed by a single mother have the highest rate of poverty at 47.5%.'... well over 7M work authorizations have been given in the past several years, many hundreds of thousands of them to illegal aliens who have been beneficiaries of one form or another of [unconstitutional and illegal] 'executive action'. The vast majority of aliens receiving those work permits are unskilled labor, which puts them into direct competition with the bottom rung of American workers, often black Americans, who are already struggling to survive. And now the [Obummer regime] is pushing congress to fast-track approval for a trade agreement that would shred what's left of congress's already tattered control over immigration, because buried in that agreement is a poison pill. According to NumbersUSA, 'Congress will soon take up 'fast track' trade promotion authority legislation that would allow [hate-filled, race-obsessed, anti-constitution oath-breaker president Barack Hussein Obummer] to submit trade agreements to congress for a simple-majority vote without being subject to amendment. If passed, the first likely trade deal to come up is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which reportedly includes guest-worker provisions congress could not change.'..."
Charlotte Iserbyt _News with Views_
Communist Corpse and the re-authorization of ESEA -- the sovietization of the USA class-room
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
it is not "Islamophobia" to tell the truth about sharia
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"In the 1994 Republican 'revolution', when the GOP swept to control of congress, only 45% of the new House members had never held office before, and only half of the new senators." --- David Michael Walker 2010 _ComeBack America: Turning the Country Around and Restoring Fiscal Responsibility_ pg186
Georgie Anne Geyer _Jewish World Review_
Europe's immigration generosity has turned into a nightmare
Laura Ingraham
Quinnipiac poll: Scott Walker leading in Iowa
Michael Warren: Weekly Standard
poll (pdf)
Ian Smith _National Review_
how congressional Reds/leftists/Dems try to control the immigration debate
"Lino Graglia, the Dalton Cross professor of Law at the University of Texas [testified] that birthright citizenship is unconstitutional... The post–Civil War legislative history of the Fourteenth Amendment shows that its framers were seeking to guarantee the right of citizenship only to newly freed slaves and to reverse the Supreme Court's decision in Dred Scott, but today around 400K children born to people who are in the country illegally are given citizenship every year. This would include about 40K who are born to birth tourists coming mostly from [Red China]. Polls show that the public overwhelming supports killing this perverse incentive for illegal immigration. Senator Harry Reid called the policy 'insane' when in 1993 he introduced a bill to over-turn it. As witness John Eastman noted in his testimony, birthright citizenship is 'one of the 3 magnets' for illegal aliens to break into the country, the others being higher wages and welfare..."
Rick Santorum _Breitbart_
an immigration policy for hard-working Americans
"For the past decade-plus, wages for the 74% of Americans who don’t have college degrees have been stagnant, and median income has fallen, in part because of a combination of millions of illegal immigrants and new legal immigrants coming to this country per year. The impact of this economic stagnation has struck native-born African Americans and Hispanics harder than whites. Since 2000, the employment rate for native-born African Americans has worsened by 9.2% and Hispanics by 7.7%, while employment for whites has worsened by 6.1%. Granting amnesty only exacerbates this problem. To me, the solution is clear. First, we must secure the border and end the acute border surge. The southwestern border is out of control. The way to bring it under control is more and better fencing and more smartly-deployed manpower. To be effective, a fence needs to be similar to the border fencing that Israel uses -- high with barbed wire, a screening fence, and a patrol road along it. The complementary way to achieve operational control of the border is to strengthen the Border Patrol: complete surveillance systems; more manpower, especially in the short-run; and reformed Border Patrol operations... Very roughly 40% of illegal immigrants first enter legally but then overstay their visas (the exact number is unknown). The government's existing entry-exit tracking system, US-VISIT, does not track 100% of entries and tracks few exits. It should be completed and track all of them... Other enticements to illegal immigration, such as birthright citizenship, should be ended. Only children born on American soil where at least one parent is a citizen or resident aliens is automatically a U.S. citizen. Of developed countries other than the United States, only Canada has birthright citizenship... Third, we should reduce legal immigration from its current level of 1.05M immigrants a year to about 750K [or, more practically manageable, 150K] annually... I have compassion, respect and admiration for people around the world who want to be Americans. It's our job to make sure America will always be a place for those immigrants we accept will be able to aspire to freedom and opportunity like my father. We do that by keeping America safe, preserving her values and creating a strong economy for everyone. An immigration policy that prioritizes American’s needs, workers, and families is where that starts."
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
governor Scott Walker calls Hitlery's immigration plan a full embrace of amnesty for illegal aliens, full surrender of USA borders and sovereignty
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
stealth work-force of as many as 176,600 H-4 due to be unconstitutionally and illegally given "work permits" by corrupt Obummer regime
Ari Z. Zivotofsky & Ari Greenspan _Jewish World Review_
Pashtun pride, Israel denied
"...The Pathans (the terms Pathans, Pashtuns, Pakhtuns, and Afghans are used interchangeably), who are today overwhelmingly Sunni Muslims, are often described as a warlike people, divided into 60 different tribes comprising 400 clans. While there are tens of millions of Pashtuns in Pakistan and Afghanistan, there was a small migration to India from the 13th century through the early 19th century, during which time the Pathans were employed by the sultans of Delhi and the Mughal emperors..."
David M. Shribman _Jewish World Review_
Vladimir Slepak, a "modern-day Moses"
Mark A. Kellner _Jewish World Review_
will the demise of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate come in the courts?
Neil Steinberg _Political Mavens_
there is a term for that: "informatio rape"
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
the Clintons' long history of abuses and dodging respnsibility
Sahil Kapur _Jewish World Review_
GOP-losership-backed ObummerDoesn'tCare?!?
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
Osama bin Laden's ambitious final plans
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
leftists' petri dish laid bare in Baltimore
Washington DC Times
"...All the while, urban hucksters skim off their take and politicians -- drunk off their own florid false promises -- clap one another on the back and congratulate one another for their 'compassion' for the poor. In truth, peddling welfare and total dependency upon the government is every bit as toxic as peddling meth and crack in these very same neighborhoods. Actually, it is even worse than peddling drugs..."
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
to reduce inner-city poverty, reform the culture; to reform the culture, expose children to better cultures and reform the incentives
"The earlier kids got out of impoverished neighborhoods, the better they did over their life-times. Poor kids who left poor neighborhoods were much more likely to go to college and earn more. Chetty estimates that giving kids (age 8 on average) a voucher to move into low-poverty areas increases their life-time earnings by about $302K. The data suggest that girls were 26% less likely to become single mothers... low-skilled Mexican laborers become 10 to 20 times more economically productive merely by crossing the U.S. border, according to one study... According to Chetty, every extra year of childhood in Baltimore's worst areas reduces earnings by 1.39% for low-income boys..."
Pat Mertz Esswein _Jewish World Review_
how to help your adult children buy a home... in an insanely over-regulated, over-priced market
Noelle Carter _Jewish World Review_
cowboy s'mores recipe (from scratch)
Shweta Iyer _Jewish World Review_
SUNY Buffalo: oxytocin & vasopressin help explain why empathy leads to defense
Medical Daily
"Oxytocin has been previously connected to [monogamy and] progressive 'aggression'. Vasopressin has been implicated in animals in the choice of their mates but has been recently linked with 'aggression' to defend a mate or off-spring."
This article is an excellent example of failure to carefully and precisely differentiating defensive use of force (non-aggression) from initiation of force (aggression).
Bill McMorris _Washington DC Free Beacon_
porkulus program led to $5G in fraudulent education tax credits, in 3M erroneous claims
"Up to 1M tax filers falsely claimed the AOTC, leading to a potential loss of $1.3G, according to the report. '419,827 [tax-victims] received more than $650M for students who were used to claim the AOTC for more than four tax years. 427,345 [tax-victims] received approximately $662M in AOTCs for students who attended school less than half-time.'..."
Elizabeth Harrington: Washington DC Free Beacon: IRS issued $5.6G in fraudulent/erroneous education tax credits
Bill McMorris _Washington DC Free Beacon_
backers spent $9M to promote tax increase; Michigan voters rejected it by 80%-20%
Mark Hosenball & Jon Herskovitz _Washington DC Free Beacon_/_Reuters_
Garland, TX: Muslim terrorist attack shows differences in "lone wolf" terrorists
Daniel Wiser _Washington DC Free Beacon_
DoD orders "black-out" of congressional visits to Afghanistan, as Obummer continues to back out
C.J. Ciaramella _Washington DC Free Beacon_
Judicial Watch filed 7 new law-suits against State Dept. for Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail messages
Lachlan Markay _Washington DC Free Beacon_
aide to Califrnia AG Kamala Harris was arrested after claiming to be leader of internatinal police frce descended from Knights Templar... but aren't we all? :B-)
Robert Wilde: Breitbart
_Washington DC Free Beacon_/_Reuters_
Lebanon Shiite Hezballah target Syrian al-Qaeda in Syria along borders
Lachlan Markay _Washington DC Free Beacon_
opposition to Export-Import Bank brings unity to Republicans against RINOs and some leftists/Reds/Dems
_Washington DC Free Beacon_/_Reuters_
"supreme leader" ayatolla Khamenei said USA military action might endanger Iran's efforst to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Mary Lou Byrd _Washington DC Free Beacon_
after law-suits Dixie State U in St. George, UT to revise policies to respect and protect free speech
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Free Beacon_
about 600 al-Qaeda terrorists flee from Yemen to Somalia
Elizabeth Harrington _Washington DC Free Beacon_
audit: USDA spent $12.5M on "free" lunches for ineligible households
Lachlan Markay _Washington DC Free Beacon_
Tom Steyer's super-PAC hit with FEC comoplaint
"...may be illegally obtaining information on voters in the crucial swing state of Iowa. Steyer's group, the NextGen Climate Action Committee, in February reported paying more than $177K to the Democratic senate campaign of former Iowa representative Bruce Braley, whom NextGen backed with nearly $5M in independent expenditures last year..."
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Tom Cotton: Iran's Mohammedan theocracy does not take Obummer seriously
Seth Paxton _Fox_
US Forest Service and Fish and Wildlife service have cause prairie dogs to run amok, digging up Bertrand cemetery near Felt, OK
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Garland, TX: terrrist's n-line pen-pal linked to twitter hack of CentCom
John Nolte _Breitbart_
media hate Pamela Geller, but love these 9 attacks on religion
Cliff May _Town Hall_
the "charming" Dr. Zarif
Marjorie Dannenfelser _Town Hall_
racist eugenecists at Planned Parenthood bent rules to open abortion mega-clinic in Texas
"...adjacent to a residential community more accustomed to cafes, hair-dressers, and hardware stores. The story of this facility, which will reportedly have the capacity to perform 2,800 abortions per year, is the epitome of citizen action against an entrenched and powerful political foe..."
Jerry Newcombe _Town Hall_
the alternative media are a life-line of freedom
"...Which story did the media cover? Let's put it this way -- which rally did you not see covered by the news? The answer is obvious, and it underscores the great need for alternative sources of media..."
Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
co-pilot who hijacked and wrecked Germanwings flight practiced ahead of time
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
biopic "Noble" highlights efforts of Irish heroine you should know
Phyllis Schlafly: getting immigration under control is do-or-die for the USA
"'Once you have one amnesty, people are lining up for the next one. It doesn't stop or end anything. I think there are people who simply want to break up this country.', she said. She said the critical time is coming when America will have to decide on open borders, amnesty, cheap labor and more, including its own future... If it comes down to Bush vs. Clinton, will the American people really have a choice on immigration? Schlafly doesn't think so... At a time of high unemployment, some estimates [measures] range up to 20% in America now, it doesn't make sense to bring in more cheap labor, Schlafly reasoned. She accused Clinton, who came out strongly in favor of amnesty this week, of being out of touch with working Americans... The veteran activist also cautioned that trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership would create jobs in foreign countries, not in America, and would thus be counter to the national interest..."
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
14 killers who proved that cursory background "checks" will not suffice
... and that goes for visa applicants as well.
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Jeff Sessions
letter to Obummer on Trans-Pacific Partnership: make it public before vote
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
new fiscal study of immigration tells only half of the story
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
do you ever wonder about the spin/slant of National Socialist Radio's Maria Hinojosa?
"An immigrant from Mexico, Hinojosa speaks with compassion for the undocumented and clearly believes they should be fully accepted into American society. That advocacy has been a source of controversy. As Hinojosa herself acknowledged in 2006, many listeners who had tuned in to a discussion of immigration protested that she was too biased to have been the moderator. On last week's 'Latino USA' program, Hinojosa gave tribute to the highly acclaimed Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano, who recently died after a long struggle with cancer. She played excerpts of interviews she had conducted with Galeano as far back as 2001. Hinojosa made it clear that Galeano, a heroic figure of the Latin American left, had been a major influence on her thinking, particularly because of his 1971 book, _The Open Veins of Latin America_. The Economist described the book as 'a scorching tirade against foreign exploitation'. Its sales jumped in 2009 when word got out that [leftist] Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez pressed a copy into the hands of [hateful, race-obsessed, anti-constitution, oath-breaker president Barack Hussein Obummer]... As the Spanish-language service of the Associated Press noted, the book 'is considered the bible of leftist movements in Latin America and shaped the conscience of hundreds of thousands of militants of more than one generation'..."
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
countering human smuggling in the Mediterranean will be measured by deeds, not words
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
_Conservative HQ_
senator Jeff Sessions: top 5 concerns with "trade promotion authority"
"1. Consolidation Of Power In The Executive Branch... Is TPA designed to protect congressional responsibilities, or to limit congress' ability to do its duty? 2. Increased Trade Deficits... 3. Ceding Sovereign Authority To International Powers... 4. Currency Manipulation... 5. Immigration Increases. There are numerous ways TPA could facilitate immigration increases above current law -- and precious few ways anyone in congress could stop its happening. For instance: language could be included or added into the TPP, as well as any future trade deal submitted for fast-track consideration in the next 6 years, with the clear intent to facilitate or enable the movement of foreign workers and employees into the United States (including intra-company transfers), and there would be no capacity for law-makers to strike the offending provision. The [Obummer regime] could also simply act on its own to negotiate foreign worker increases with foreign trading partners without ever advertising those plans to congress. In 2011, the United States entered into an agreement with South Korea -- never brought before congress -- to increase the duration of L-1 visas (a visa that affords no protections for U.S. workers). Every year, tens of thousands of foreign guest-workers come to the U.S.A. as part of past trade deals. However, because there is little transparency, estimating an exact figure is difficult. The plain language of TPA provides avenues for the Administration and its trading partners to facilitate the expanded movement of foreign workers into the U.S.A. -- including visitor visas that are used as worker visas. The TPA reads: 'The principal negotiating objective of the United States regarding trade in services is to expand competitive market opportunities for United States services and to obtain fairer and more open conditions of trade, including through utilization of global value chains, by reducing or eliminating barriers to international trade in services... Recognizing that expansion of trade in services generates benefits for all sectors of the economy and facilitates trade.' This language, and other language in TPA, offers an obvious way for the Administration to expand the number and duration of foreign worker entries under the concept that the movement of foreign workers into U.S. jobs [displacing US citizens from those jobs both directly and indirectly] constitutes 'trade in services' [and this is exactly what has happened with earlier trade agreements]... [Barack Hussein Obummer, Shrub, Clinton, and GHWBush have] already subjected American workers to profound wage loss through executive-ordered foreign worker increases on top of existing record immigration levels. Yet, despite these extraordinary actions, the [Obummer regime] will casually assert that is has merely modernized, clarified, improved, stream-lined, and updated immigration rules. Thus, at any point during the 6-year life of TPA, the [Obummer regime] could send congress a trade deal -- or issue an executive action subsequent to a trade deal as part of its implementation -- that increased foreign worker entry into the U.S.A., all while claiming it has never changed immigration law. The president has circumvented congress on immigration with serial regularity. But the TPA would yield new power to the executive to alter admissions while subtracting congressional checks against those actions. This runs contrary to our Founders' belief, as stated in the Constitution, that immigration should be in the hands of congress. The [supremes have] consistently held that the Constitution grants congress plenary authority over immigration policy. For instance, the court ruled in Galvan v. Press, 347 U.S. 522, 531 (1954), that 'the formulation of policies [pertaining to the entry of immigrants and their right to remain here] is entrusted exclusively to congress... [This principle] has become about as firmly imbedded in the legislative and judicial issues of our body politic as any aspect of our government.' Granting the president TPA could enable controversial changes or increases to a wide variety of visas—such as the H-1B, B-1, E-1, and L-1—including visas that confer foreign nationals with a pathway to a green card and thus citizenship. Future trade deals could also have the possible effect of preventing congress from reforming abuses in our guest-worker programs, as countries could complain that limitations on foreign worker travel constituted a trade barrier requiring adjudication by an international body..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Peter Brookes _Cybercast News Service_
Red Chinese, North Korean, Russian aggressive actions ramp up tensions in the Pacific
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
State Dept. official ducked question on whether UN global climate deal to be negotiated in Paris at the end of the year will be brought before senate, as required by the US constitution
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Rush Limbaugh: they've made homosexuality so prominent to make it appear to be normal: how tiny political minorities get their ways
"'You go to Hollywood, where television shows and movies are written, produced, directed, paid for, starred in, you will find the homosexual population is much, much larger than 2% [rather than the actual approximately 1.5%].', says Rush. 'It is much larger, and therefore, control of the media, or having a fair amount of control of the media, is paramount to achieve what they have achieved... You can't turn on a television show now, in prime-time -- you really can't -- without seeing some form of homosexual love, relationships and sex. You can't miss it. It's everywhere now. And it's been creeping up with more and more prominence over the years... it is being made to appear, in many ways, as normal as anything else is, which will then lend credence to the idea that the gay population is 30%...'"
Rush Limbaugh transcript
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Rush Limbaugh: should the left stop advocating gay "marriage" in order to stop offending and provoking violent Islamics
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
arch-bishop of Canterbury: stop pretending all religions are the same
"Welby said that it seems that faith leaders fear 'that the very worst outcome could possibly be that we end up acknowledging our differences'. The arch-bishop was speaking Tuesday evening before 350 guests at the annual dinner of the Board of Deputies of British Jews held in central London. He criticized the tendency to paper over the real, deep differences between religions 'in a world where we're facing increasing levels of global religious violence'..."
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Michael Savage predicted, last Fall in _Stop the Coming Civil War_, chaos in the streets
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Erik Rush _WND_
mock the bad and ridiculous parts of Islam at every opportunity
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Ted Nugent _WND_
I stand with our rights-defending hero warriors
"It must be the fact that my every waking day is spent with good, law-abiding, hard-working, kind, thoughtful, caring, productive Americans who dedicate ourselves to doing everything in our substantial power to do good and remain solidly in the asset column of life. Good people tend to weed out the vermin at an early stage. You know, the whiners, the dopers, the excuse makers, the blood-suckers, the law breakers, the criminals and the scum. Good begets good, evil is as evil does..."
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Michael Brown _WND_
Muhammad cartoons and tax-victim funded "P*** Christ"
"What is a right and wise use of free speech? For activists like Geller or Robert Spencer (of JihadWatch.org fame) or Geert Wilders (of Dutch parliamentary fame), it is essential that we look Islam in the eye and say, 'We will not be intimidated. We will not be silenced by your rules, your beliefs, or your threats. And if you tell us to be quiet, we will only shout louder.'..."
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
Thomas McInerney _Washington DC Times_
the coming struggle for the Arctic
2015-05-06 (5775 Air 17)
G. Murphy Donovan _American Thinker_
Hibernian anti-Semitism
"Irishmen played significant roles in two seaborne attempts to penetrate the Israeli naval blockade of terrorist Hamas in Gaza=Palestine. Irish activists sought and received Turkish assistance..."
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This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"So effective is DDT that in 1970 the National Academy of Sciences announced that 'to only a few chemicals does man owe as geat a debt as to DDT. In little more than 2 decades DDT has prevented 500M human deaths due to malaria that would have otherwise been inevitable.'" --- Mark R. Levin 2009 _Liberty and Tyranny_ pg117; citing NAS 1970 "The Life Sciences" |
1992-05-07: Bill of Rights 2nd amendment - regulating congressional pay raises - ratified
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
no law, no civilization
Town Hall
Washington DC Times
Brown Pelican Society of Louisiana
"Why did Rome and Byzantium fall apart after centuries of success? What causes civilizations to collapse, from a dysfunctional Athens to contemporary bankrupt Greece? The answer is usually not enemies at the gates, but the pathologies inside them. What ruins societies is well known: too much consumption and not enough production, a debased currency, and endemic corruption. Americans currently deal with all those symptoms. But two more fundamental causes for decline are even more frightening: an unwillingness to pay [vastly excessive] taxes and the end of the rule of law..."
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Meghan Daum _Jewish World Review_
has millennials' "self-esteem" become false righteousness?
"...Sommers does the very thing that public scholars are supposed to do: present an evidence-based point of view and invite people to agree or disagree. But as we see every day in social media, the blogosphere and the shout-o-sphere of cable news, ad hominem attacks and self-righteous posturing are the new disagreeing [and 'debate']..."
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
the hateful aath-breaker Obummer is threatening veto of defense funding; Joint Chiefs of Staff pick disappoints pro-Red China camp; NSA says they are recruiting cyber-warriors (but hardly trying)
Washington DC Times
Matt Vespa: Town Hall
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Times_
Joint Chiefs: Obummer snubbed climate change yes-man admiral for tough-on-Red-China Marine general
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
the intersection of the grievance culture and the illfare state
Town Hall
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
speak truth to the left's false narrative
Town Hall
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
Clinton cash and corruption
Town Hall
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the terrorists among us
Town Hall
Washington DC Times
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
heroine Pamela Geller, and why the leftists and Mohammedans fear her
"the contest was held in the same center where a previous Muslim conference was held to suppress free speech. Geller made sure the event had tight security and a swat team was on site just in case. Aside from a minor injury to a security guard, the two heavily armed jihadists who also wore body armor were shot dead in seconds by a traffic cop's pistol. The only excuse I can find to explain the hostile reaction to Geller by the media is that they are all stupid cowards... We can't depend on this administration, the FBI or Homeland Security [DHS] to protect us from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and jihadists attacks [al-Qaeda, al-Shabab, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hizballah...]. The FBI had one of the shooters under surveillance for years and sent out a memo concerning the Muhammad art contest that ruled out a likely attack on U.S.A. soil. Not surprising since the [Obummer regime] has bent over backwards to make sure these agencies receive [sensitivity] training to respect Islam. Meanwhile Christians are being slaughtered all over the world and the media is silent. I'll tell you what hate speech is. It is the Ayatollah Khameini of Iran, presently in [talks with Obummer to make sure they can develop their nuclear weapons and delivery systems], telling a crowd in Iran, 'Of course yes, death to America.' It is Hamas, the PLO and others, promising the destruction of Israel..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Carly Fiorina, the GOP's start-up candidate with (like Hitlery) a seriously flawed past to overcome
Town Hall
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
restore the 4th amendment
Town Hall
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
leftists are alive because policies they push are dead
Town Hall
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
perhaps the Dems' nominee should be a patrician blacksmith?
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Wayne Allyn Root _Town Hall_
Obummer is the worst bully/thug in the USA
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Jackie Gingrich Cushman _Town Hall_
encouragement and effort
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Derek Hunter _Town Hall_
the fredom to offend / no right to not be offended
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Derek Hunter _Town Hall_
Janet Yellen gives silk-under-wear crowd on Wall street a warning
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Justin Haskins _Town Hall_
poll: young voters are likely to turn against Dems/Reds/leftists
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Laura Hollis _Town Hall_
the leftists' new hate-speech: go fund yourself
Jewish World Review
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Noah Rothman _Hot Air_
is Hitlery Rotten Clinton really "undamaged" by her repeated corrupt actions?
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
Marco Rubio's piecemeal approach might be a blue-print, but not for immigration and not for reform, and certainly not for immigration law reform
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Laura Ingraham
Carly Fiorina opposes Obummer-Marco Rubio globalist trade deal
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Laura Ingraham
True Blue Republican State weighed in on trade promotion authority
Steve Berman: True Blue Republican State: RINO Mitch McConnell (and John Boehner, and Bob Corker) giddy like school-girls at submitting to Obummer's corrupt rule
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Laura Ingraham
Dr. Zmirak: jihad attacks in Texas while Obummer keeps USA safe from Catholic nuns from Iraq
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Laura Ingraham
Jeff Sessions to Obummer: make Trans-Pacific trade deal public now
Michael Warren: Weekly Standard
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Eduardo Galeano's insane, passionate defense of unrestricted immigration from Latin American into the USA
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
when is a multi-million dollar race horse stable a "small business"?
"...The sum of the dollar figures for just the 3 horses quoted above is $1,729,969. McPeek is a horse training not a horse ownership entity, but is clearly rubbing elbows with big money and is a successful enterprise. How does all this relate to immigration? Well, McPeek, like all employers, is supposed to have a complete set of I-9 forms for its employees; it is on this form that the worker verifies to the employer that he or she is in the country legally. Although Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE] found no illegal aliens on the McPeek pay-roll, it did find that the firm had failed to handle the I-9s in a legal manner on 99 occasions. In 58 cases, it had no I-9s at all in its files. US ICE, using a complex formula, decided to fine the stables $64,795.50. McPeek, while not denying the charges, then exercised its right to appeal the size of the fine to the obscure Justice Department [DoJ] entity that handles these things, the Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer, in the Executive Office for Immigration Review. The CAHO, as it does too often, then reduced the fine to $35,900, saying that this is a 'small business', and the size of the fine would be damaging to the stables [would that argument work with the hateful IRS?]. It also reported that McPeek had a gross income of $5,873,408 in 2013 and 'ordinary business income' of $248,383. McPeek is an S corporation and the 'ordinary business income' is presumably defined by that business-friendly law..."
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
another lesson from the terrorist attack in Garland, TX: leverage local police for security
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
_Conservative HQ_
senator Ted Cruz: conress must stop Obummer's bad deal to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
USA is already being ruled by sharia law -- I stand with Pamela Geller
"In the wake of the Garland, Texas jihadi attack one thing has become perfectly clear -- America, and especially its establishment media -- is already being ruled by Muslim Sharia law and its prohibition against criticizing Islam and depicting or criticizing its prophet Mohammed. Consider that in the aftermath of the Garland, Texas attack, and a subsequent 'fatwa' or Muslim religious order pronouncing a death sentence against Pamela Geller, an organizer of the Garland event, America's major media have spent the past week trying to establish moral equivalence between telling the truth about Islam, and its political ideology Islamism, and so-called 'hate speech'. 'Hate speech' is an extra-constitutional term that has been invented by the Left to silence anyone who defends Western Judeo-Christian values and culture and it has been used in the past to try to silence supporters of traditional marriage. One of the chief enforcers of the Left's 'hate speech' system of censorship is the Southern Poverty Law Center or SPLC. The problem for the Left is, in our view the SPLC is, by its own definition, a 'hate group', and as our friend Rick Manning pointed out in an article for netrightdaily.com, it has been directly tied by federal authorities to the terrorist act committed by Floyd Lee Corkins ii, who attacked the Family Research Council because the SPLC listed that group as a 'hate group' due to their traditional views on marriage and family. But the SPLC's terrorist connection did not stop CNN and other networks, and the New York Times, and various other Left-leaning establishment media outlets, such as Salon, from devoting hours of air-time and oceans of ink and pixels to the SPLC's assessment that Pamela Geller and her organization, American Freedom Defense Initiative, are engaged in 'hate speech' that should be prohibited, not in protected political discourse, when they tell the truth about Islamism or publish cartoons critical of Islam and its Sharia law system. Fortunately, the First Amendment does not give self-appointed censors, such as the SPLC and CNN's Chris Cuomo, the power to decided such matters. But to borrow a phrase from our friend Diana West (author of the must read books, _American Betrayal_ and _The Death of the Grown-Up_) 'Now for the reality check.' 'When a group of people peacefully gathering for an afternoon to discuss or protest or otherwise exercise their lawful rights to free speech regarding Islam and its noxious prophet require thousands of dollars worth of security to protect their lives from jihad killers (and thank goodness, otherwise the slaughter would likely have far exceeded the death toll of the Charlie Hebdo/Jewish market attacks), freedom, in the Western sense of the word, no longer exists. [The] public square is a war zone.', says West. To Diana West and to us, that means that 'the liberty that is (was) the foundation of our republic is not threatened, but rather has already been engulfed by the advance of Islam, its law, its culture, into our society. (Airport security is another tip-off.) Here -- not in the Middle East, not in the Turkish, Pakistani and other Islamic sectors of the EU -- it is now accepted that silence buys safety, that submission to sharia is the norm. By this process, Dar al Harb (House of War) becomes Dar al Islam (House of Islam/Submission), and without a fight.'... West says this is a low-ebb marker reflecting the extent to which their fellow-citizens in media and politics prefer to embrace "dhimmitude" (non-Muslim compliance with Sharia) rather than support the defenders of their own God-given liberties. As I see it, Islam, and its bizarre medieval Sharia practices, such as sentencing homosexuals to death by slow hanging (Iran) or throwing them from roof tops (the Islamic State) and killing women who 'dishonor' their families (the United States and Worldwide) cannot withstand scrutiny according to the western philosophical principles upon which our culture is based and are inimical to liberty under the Constitution of the United States. To say that expressing that analysis is 'hate speech' is likewise inimical to the Constitution and reflective of the weird cultural self-loathing that is the stock and trade of the kind of far-Left 'hate America' crowd that just can't seem to grasp that two of their most sacred secular tenets, feminism and legal protection for homosexuality, are among the most intense conflicts between Islam and their post-modern secularism. Your God-given rights to freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of conscience are under grave threat, not just from Islamists seeking to impose their culture and way of life on you, but from the cowardice of America's elite. Only the vigilance of America's country class can prevent the further advance of Sharia compliance in America..."
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer regime DoEd is forcing local public schls to adopt "non-discrimination" for "trans-gender" teachers and students
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
TX governor Greg Abbott: there is an urgent need to pray now more than ever
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
only 16% of Baltimore teens are raised by married parents
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
it is more difficult to repeal a bad law, than to enact any new law
"Alexander chairs the Senate Education committee and talked about a bipartisan effort by 4 members of the committee -- senators Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Richard Burr (R-NC), and Alexander 'to rein in these regulations and identify the problems and see if we can get rid of them or simplify them'. The senators 'asked a group of distinguished educators to examine the federal rules and regulations for colleges and universities' 4 years ago, Alexander said."
Knowing how these things work, they'll come up with a list of 100 regulations they want to terminate (out of hundreds of thousands which should be eradicated). When all is done, they will have eliminated 2 good regulations, 3 bad ones, and by then 1K regulations will have been added.
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Patrick Goodenugh _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime pays $3G to fund UN -- more than 185 other countries combined... and the UN is still, by and large, anti-USA, anti-Israel, anti-liberty, anti-property, anti-privacy
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Lynn Wardle _Cybercast News Service_
USA's founders never meant for federal judges to decide issues like same-sex "marriage"
"Specifically, the Founders, as can be read in James Madison, _Notes of Debates In the Federal Convention of 1787 Reported by James Madison_, expressed concerns that the federal judges might become like 'the justiciary of Aragon' who, by striking down laws and imposing their own policy preferences upon the people, 'became by degrees, the law-maker'. The history of the founding of the Constitution clearly shows that both Federalist and Anti-Federalists believed that the exercise of judicial authority to create new legal policies in derogation of long-established institutions and precedents, and contrary to the due process of the political branches, was illegitimate and improper. Interestingly, most of the discussion in the Constitutional Convention came in discussions of a proposal to create a 'Council of Revision' including federal judges and executive and legislative representatives. James Madison and his close ally, James Wilson, thrice proposed a Council of Revision with elected and judicial representatives to give judges power to help enact laws and to protect their position in the government. The proposal of a Council of Revision was rejected every time..."
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Diana Furchtgott-Roth & Jared Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
teachers' unions throw students under the bus
"In many cities with abysmal school systems, teacher firings are exceedingly rare, due to powerful teachers' unions. In New York City and Chicago, barely 1 in 1K [0.1%] teachers loses his job for poor performance. In Los Angeles, fewer than 2% of teachers are denied tenure-and only a quarter of a percent of teachers who received tenure were fired over the course of a decade. Meanwhile, graduation rates are barely above 50%. In contrast, between 1% and 2% of lawyers and doctors can expect to lose their license to practice over their life-time..."
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Cheryl K. Chumley _News with Views_
violence-initiating Mohammedans is the problem, not Pamela Geller
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
FBI & intelligence community: there are hundreds if not thousands of violence-initiating Muslims like those who attacked in Garland, TX
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
extremist mosque in Kansas City to host funeral for Garland, TX terrorist Nadir Soofi
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Alfredo Ortiz _Breitbart_
employers should discuss with employees the down-sides of bad government policies
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
2nd court of appeals: NSA's domestic spying is illegal
Jonathan Stempel: Reuters
Terence P. Jeffrey: Cybercast News Service
"A federal appeals court wants a second look at the NSA's massive data mining campaign on typical Americans who have no ties to terrorism. On Thursday the 2nd Court of Appeals in Manhattan revived a challenge to a controversial National Security Agency program that sweeps up phone records on millions of Americans, saying the program was not authorized by congress. Reuters reported that the court said a lower court judge erred in dismissing a law-suit by the American Civil Liberties Union that challenged the constitutionality of the surveillance on the ground it violated people's privacy... But now Circuit Judge Gerard Lynch, writing for a unanimous 3-judge appeals court, said congress did not authorize the NSA program under a section of the USA Patriot Act governing how the government may collect information to fight terrorism. 'Such expansive development of government repositories of formerly private records would be an unprecedented contraction of the privacy expectations of all Americans.', Lynch wrote in a 97-page decision..."
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Internet traffic could swamp it within 8 years
"Some 16% of the power in the UK is consumed via the internet already, and the amount is doubling every 4 years. Globally, it is responsible for about two percent of power usage... over the past decade, engineers have kept well ahead of demand, increasing internet speed by 50 times [with few significant improvements in technology]."
D'uh, so encourage more telecomm competition, more electricity generation and distribution and transmission competition, deploy more fiber-optic cables, remove 75% of the ridiculous restrictions on competition and generating and transmitting technology, and let price and demand balance... for a change.
2015-10-28: new fiber-optic cable 2,500 times as fast
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
St. Louis hospital part of baby-stealing-and-selling ring?
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
leftist opposition increasing against TPA/fast track for Trans-Pacific Partnership
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
I am Pamela Geller
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Jacqueline Klimas _Washington DC Times_
federal spending waste and abuse: bomb-sniffing elephants, studies of "pollution" from barbeque, sports sponsorships, unauthorized programs...
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Stephan Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt federal extortionists brought in $472G in April
"Spending, meanwhile, was a more modest $317G, leaving the government with a surplus for that one month of $155G -- also a record. Despite that good month, the government is likely to run a deficit when the entire fiscal year is taken into account... 'Receipts for the first 7 months of fiscal year 2015 totaled $1,892G, CBO estimates -- $155G more than receipts in the same period last year. That increase is roughly $40G larger than what CBO expected when it published its 2015 March report.', the...agency said in its report. Both taxes and spending are growing rapidly, at 9% and 7%, respectively. The CBO said the biggest spending increases are in Medicare, Medicaid and [Socialist Insecurity -- big unconstitutional programs corrupt politicians refuse to eliminate.]'..."
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Guantanamo terrorists apparently are granted more due process than USA police
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
pro-life activists rebuffed at Boehner's office
"Holding small, plastic models of tiny babies and sporting a wide array of T-shirt slogans, a group of about 20 pro-life activists met in front of the office of House speaker John Boehner (RINO-Ohio) on Thursday to protest House Republicans' failure to vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would impose a national ban on abortions after 20 weeks..."
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
Cory Franklin _Political Mavens_
history written by the losers
2015-05-07 (5775 Air 18)
_Cybercast News Service_
senate Environment committee chairman Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and House Science chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX): "global warming alarmism has evolved into a religion"
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Want to succeed but never need to succeed. Because you then fail at unconditional self-worth." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review_ |
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
56.167M women are not in the labor force; women's labor force participation rate at 27-year low of 56.6%
US unemployment rate edged down to 5.4% in April, labor force bigger
Job markets have yet to recover to 2007 levels, let alone 2000 or 1989 or 1979 levels, and certainly not to the 1973 or 1953 levels.
more graphs
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
2 opposing visions of life, including immigration
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
did you know...?
"...it's not the color or class or ethnic identity of Americans that holds all of us together but an idea. After centuries of colonial rule, that idea crystallized into a single phrase in the Declaration of Independence: '...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness'. Each of us in our own, free American way... No matter what we or our children and grandchildren and their children may look like, it is the American Idea that [we wan to endure]. And continues to attract [reasonable numbers of] new Americans from the rest of the world. May they keep coming [though not in such vastly excessive numbers], and may the American Idea stay bright, like a sign shining in the middle of a dark night. One that says: This Way to Freedom."
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
R' Ephraim Z. Buchwald _Jewish World Review_
"thou shalt not be needlessly distracted"
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Pamela Geller and her colleagues are not the only victims that USA's leftist elites refuse to defend against attackers
"According to the UN, a whopping 99.3% of Egyptian women reported having suffered sexual abuse... One of the foundations of liberal societies has always been that victims of [initiated force or fraud] are not to blame for their attackers' [initiation of force or fraud]. Over the past few days, we have been witness to a dangerous erosion of this principle among American elites. Last Sunday, two Islamic terrorists armed with assault rifles tried to massacre participants at a Muhammad cartoon drawing contest in Garland, Texas. The goal of the contest was self-evident. The organizers wished to defend the freedom of speech -- and the right to life -- of critics of Islamic totalitarianism..."
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
to be a man for all that
"The [regressive] 'progressives', who were [illiberal] 'liberals' before they stunk up the word so bad that even they couldn't take it any longer, invented identity politics, which encourages everyone to find a grievance and build his/her/its identity around it. We're almost there. Identity politics often requires a lot of double-think and suspension of what used to be called common sense..."
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Kim Giles _Jewish World Review_
the quirky benefits of a so-called "negative" attitude or "negative" emotions
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the left's inconsistent stance on provocative art (and everything else)
"Why aren't liberals offering Pamela Geller a federal subsidy? Geller is the blogger-activist who organized the 'Draw Muhammad' exhibition in Garland, Texas, which inspired some DIY jihadists to attack the event. The would-be terrorists chose poorly: They were cut down by Texas lawmen shortly after wounding a security guard. Let's hop in the WayBack Machine for a moment. In 1986, the National Endowment of Arts paid about $20K for Andreas Serrano's 'P*** Christ'. Serrano peed in a glass, plunked a plastic icon of Jesus on the cross into it and then snapped a picture. I will say the lighting was lovely. But, as strange as it seemed to the 'arts community', some people were offended..."
See also Richard Serra's "Tilted Arc", Mapplethorpe, Livingston Biddle 1988 _Our Government & the Arts_, Sherrill Jordan et al. _The Tilted Arc on Trial_, Kem Knapp Sawyer & Arthur M. Schlesinger 1989 _The National Foundation on the Arts & the Humanities_, and various heaps of tax-victim subsidized scrap metal (and barriers to natural travel paths) likely to be found on or near college and university campuses and government buildings.
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
why Pamela Geller should not shut up
"...News that the Post has yet to break: 'Malala Yousafzai refuses to admit fault for seeking an education'; 'Coptic Christians won't concede error for worshiping wrong God'; 'Unrepentant Shiites continue to disagree with Sunnis'..."
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
is there a mole in the Washington Compost?
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
the Clintons are still crooked/corrupt after all these years
"There are a few things you can depend on in this ever changing world: the sun will rise in the east and set in the west; all living things will eventually die; Bill and Hillary Clinton will lie, cheat, connive and steal to get what they want; and main stream media will either ignore it or play it down... Image hocus-pocus is one thing, all politicians engage in it more or less, but it is quite another thing altogether to break the law and deceive the American people for personal gain. But hey, that's what the Clintons do for a living. The problem is that they are given free rein to do so by their enablers; namely the Democrat power structure and the media..."
Suzanne Fields
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
sergeant-first-class Christopher Speer is dead; Omar Khadr, who killed him in battle 13 years ago, is free
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
"A Canadian judge ruled this week that Omar Khadr poses no public safety threat. Tell that to the children of sergeant-first-class Christopher J. Speer and the surviving American soldiers who valiantly fought Khadr on the battlefield. In 2012, Khadr pleaded guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty and guilty to 5 charges related to the killing of Speer, a 28-year-old medic with the U.S. Special Forces. This young American hero died in Afghanistan in 2002 during an ambush by al-Qaida operatives. Just days before he gave his life, Speer had fearlessly walked onto a minefield to rescue 2 wounded Afghan children. It was Khadr, born and bred an Islamic jihadist by his terrorist father, who lobbed the fatal grenade in the war zone. Another American soldier, SFC Layne Morris, survived the attack, but was blinded in one eye for life... The Khadr family is rightfully known as Canada's First Family of Terror. This so-called 'child soldier' and 'good kid' was a full-blown Muslim soldier of jihad; he trained one-on-one in weaponry, explosives and Jew hatred. A then-teenage Khadr bragged to a U.S. official 'that the proudest moment of his life was constructing and planting IEDs' to 'kill U.S. forces'..."
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
remember that "civilian national security force" Obummer fantasized about?... now the Obummer regime is manufacturing pretexts for brown-shirt brigades
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tim Kaine (D-VA): USA is in the 9th month of a war not authorized by congress
"Earlier, on CNN's morning news show, Kaine called congress's failure to move on a war authorization a scandal that too many people are not talking about. [President Obummer] ordered the air strikes on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate terrorists last August, but congress refused to take up an authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) before the midterm election in November. Then in February, [Obummer, properly for once,] asked congress to pass an AUMF permitting him to wage war against the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and 'associated persons or forces' as long as the war does not include 'enduring offensive ground combat operations' and the authorization is limited to 3 years..."
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
on a fast track to national ruin
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Didi Tang _Cybercast News Service_
Zhejiang, Red China officials have been forcibly removing crosses from homes and over 400 churches
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Laura Ingraham
defeating violence-initiating Islamic jihad by not being stupid (video)
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
_Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton political director wants Univision to hound her soul-mates Yebbie Booosh and Marco Rubio
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Frank J. Gafney ii on Obummer's conspiracy to help Iran develop nuclear weaopons and delivery systems: we're dealing with national security fraud on the part of the Obummer regime
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Christopher Webb _Cybercast News Service_
tiny houses are turning into big help for homeless people on Los Angeles
"The GoFundMe campaign -- called Tiny House, Huge Purpose -- has brought in nearly $60K in less than a month. And Summers' in-box is overflowing with offers for help from carpenters, homeless advocates, retirees and children as young as 6... McGhee said police have told her she won't be bothered as long as she moves the home, which is small enough to fit in a parking space, every three days. And the structure is so small that it wouldn't require permits if built on private property, said Luke Zamperini, spokesman for the city Building and Safety Department."
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham warns ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate: in the USA many of us are well-armed, and we shoot back
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Nielsen holds the most mind-reading neuro-technology patents
"Nearly 1,600 patents to develop neurotechnologies were awarded by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office (USPTO) in 2014, a 500% increase over the last decade, the report by SharpBrains, a market research firm, noted. Nielsen has 100 such patents... Alvaro Fernandez, CEO of SharpBrains and editor-in-chief of the report, which analyzed over 10K patent applications submitted within the past 2 years. The report found that 51% of the active neuro-techology patents are held by large corporations and 21% by smaller firms. Only 15% are held by universities or government agencies... MSFT holds 89 neuro-technology patents, including ones that purport to identify a computer user’s mental state and determine whether they would be receptive to online advertising, Reuters reports. Accenture and General Electric [GE] each have 72, putting them among the top 15 neuro-technology patent holders."
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Anne Graham Lotz: God's judgement is coming
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
V-E day: what if the US soldiers had simply declared victory and gone home?
"In late November of 1941 (before the Pearl Harbor attack) a public opinion survey found that when asked the question 'Which is more important, keeping the US out of war, or defeating Germany?', by a margin of 68% to 32% Americans favored defeating the Nazis over keeping the USA out of war. Contrast the clarity offered by Roosevelt to the muddled political correctness with which president George W. Bush [Shrub], and especially [president Barack Hussein Obummer], have described our reason for fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and the 'war on terror' in general. Americans have never heard from their President that we are in a war that was declared on us, and western civilization generally, by Islamists, who may be (temporarily) without a national state, but who are an ideologically coherent and highly motivated political organization. Americans have never been told by their president that this is a religious war and that our opponents' ultimate goal is the conversion or death of those who do not share their interpretation of Islam -- including other Muslims we might add. And most importantly, Americans have never heard from their president that we are in a war for the preservation of western civilization with a foe every bit has ruthless and genocidal as Hitler's Nazis... And most damaging of all, [Obummer] has led Americans to believe that we can unilaterally set a date certain for the withdrawal of American forces from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan and for us the war will be over..."
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Kathy Shaidle _WND_
Rush Limbaugh: "parenting expert" is a wacko
This is reminiscent of that other "Rush"'s song about the "Trees", all made equal by hatchet, axe, and saw.
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
Daniel John Sobieski _American Thinker_
Texas messes with UN agenda 21
2015-05-08 (5775 Air 19)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
Hollywood's climate hypocrites
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Proposed Bills 2015
"In the several times I have been on television... whenever I got an original idea, whenever in these programs I began to struggle with some unformed, new concept, whenever I had an original thought that might cross some frontier of the discussion, at that point I was cut off." --- Rollo May 1975 _The Courage to Create_ pg 72 |
2015-05-09 (5775 Air 20)
Marion D.S. Dreyfus _American Thinker_
our border security, visa, immigration system is not broken?!?
"senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) dropped some happy-talk to listeners... 'Why don't we bring a few thousand of these displaced persons over here from Kathmandu, and when their city is up and running again, they can go back...?', Schumer wanted to know... We are of course accepting not dozens, not hundreds, but thousands of 'refugees' monthly, coming in over the legal skyways. Somalis, Syrians, political prisoners, Sudanese, even Koreans, Pakistanis, and their brethren in long-term distress or familial self-betterment. Add to this the by-now famously unstoppered avalanche of illegals streaming across our southern borders from some 60 countries, not all of which are by any means friendlies. To stash these raggedy aliens and undocumenteds away out of raw-nerve territory, foreign affiliate [president Barack Hussein Obummer] has his people salt unsuspecting and largely unprepared towns and metropoli across the continent with these often-penniless, ill-educated, unpolished, unyielding, foot-sore unsophisticates -- whether the recipients are willing or no. Mr. Schumer: towns in Sweden and Norway, Holland, and neighboring countries have had a bellyful of sustaining this empathy-extensive program to ungrateful, non-assimilating, multiply-wived sharia culture who have ratcheted up the rapes per square inch by several factors. We are fortunate to have caught, in this regard, Law professor Jan C. Ting. Temple University Beasley School of Law (and former Assistant Commissioner, Immigration & Naturalization Service, U.S. Department of Justice). He spoke on 'Examining the Adequacy and Enforcement of our Nation's Laws'... This country's immigration laws, designed to safeguard the American polity and its citizenry, have been ignored, flouted, and countervailed in the service of the malign [political operatives]... Ting's suggestion is to reverse the Barackian trend. Increase the costs of illegal inflow, and lower the benefits. Conversely, what the current lawless [Obummer regime (and the Shrub and Clinton and GHWBush regims before) has been doing is the opposite]: border rules are being relaxed, border patrols emasculated, while questionable benefits for illegals are being increased... We cannot bivouac, educate, medicate, and translate for thousands of noncitizens from afar. We cannot provide incomes for them. We cannot hire them, at the expense of the ailing economy and our [30M+] unemployed and under-employed citizenry..."
2015-05-09 (5775 Air 20)
L. Brent Bozell iii _Cybercast News Service_
media have become radicalized and marginalized
2015-05-09 (5775 Air 20)
Deana Chadwell _American Thinker_
the 4 horsemen of the education apocalypse
"[Obummer] blames slavery -- gone now for over 150 years, blacks blame the cops, journalists blame poverty, but so far no one has blamed the educational system. If you spend between 12 and 16 years telling kids: that they are victims of gross unfairness, that they have no hope unless somebody else fixes things for them, that the system is rigged against them, then you shouldn't be astounded when they blow up. This is a fuse that's been burning for a long time and for the last few decades the left has been vigorously fanning that flame, so KABOOM!...s"
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Proposed Bills 2015
"A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labors of a spasmodic Hercules." --- Anthony Trollope (quoted in Alexandra Stoddard 1995 _The Art of the Possible_ pg 38) |
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions explains what Marco Rubio doesn't get on trade, immigration; compares gang of 8 push (S744) to Obummer's global trade surrender pact (Trans-Pacific Partnership)
"Remember: to get elected Rubio ran against amnesty, but once elected, to get billions of dollars from the donors and crowned media darling, he is running on the most pro-amnesty mass immigration ideology ever conceived... Sessions: 'Laura, it's just been a mainstream thought of Republicans that trade is good (as you said good trade is good), but what the American people are sensing and a large number are feeling in their pocket book is that these trade issues or deals over the years might not have been so good... did a poll... [Does] Free Trade agreement help other countries or the United States. 70%-30% [said these agreements have helped] other countries. And the other poll was 3 to 1 over the last 20 years think trade has improved wages for Americans or reduced wages 3-1... So I think the people are sensing these deals aren't working for them and that their politicians are not challenging the claims from the Masters of the Universe who promote these agreements. I think it's time to slow down and be sure to make sure what we are doing is helping the Americans and not some capital mover on Wall Street.' Ingraham: It turns out that only a few people have really read any parts of this trans-pacific partnership... Sessions: '...they vote on the talking points, don't read the bill... I think it's critically important that we examine that document. I think there are questions that are valid in the details of it. [We should] ask ourselves, is our trade deficit, are these agreements improving or making it worse?... For the last 3 or 4 years, I've been saying we need to listen to the American people and there are 2 areas Republicans need to reevaluate on the merits -- not just on polling data, but the polling data is strong -- and that is on immigration and trade. The American people believe that in both instances, nobody is interested in their problems and I think there's too much truth to that and we ought to respond to it and Cameron has done that and led himself to victory.'"
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Saudi king won't join Obummer's Gulf States summit
Deb Riechmann: Obummer will foolishly try to allay Gulf nation rulers' fears about Iran
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart
Adam Schreck: AP
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Charles Babington _Cybercast News Service_
doctor Ben S. Carson: USA should re-think Supreme Court "final" review of laws
Washington DC Times
"a president is obliged to carry out laws passed by congress, but not what he called 'judicial laws' that emanate from courts..."
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Joseph Farah _WND_
so you want to federalize local police?!?
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Pamela Geller _WND_
leftist media are engraged because I exposed their cowardice
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
an open letter to single black mothers
"Showing love has its risks -- especially these days. I have considered the risks in writing today's column, but decided to move forward anyway, because the risk in not writing it is greater. Today's column...is my gift to single black mothers. We're really in this world for one purpose -- to allow God to create love through us. And showing love means telling the truth. It has been said, 'The truth shall set you free.' I've been telling the truth to black Americans -- to help free them from their chains of blame and anger -- for 25 years. The truth hasn't always been popular; try to speak the truth to an angry person!..."
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Gina Loudon _WND_
** what are you doing to preserve freedom? **
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Chuck Norris _WND_
Hilpocrisy: your free passes have expired
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Bob Unruh _WND_
Obummer refuses to meet with former homosexuals, former lesbians
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
WaterWorld re-opens in Concord California despite drought
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
Harvard + Dartmouth: Socialist Insecurity Abomination's actuarial projections over the last 15 years were off by $1T
"According to the report, the [SIA's] actuarial projections in the 1980s under-estimated revenues and over-estimated costs by $27G; in the 1990s, that figure was $200G. Now, in the first ten years after 2000, the forecasts over-estimated revenue and under-estimated costs to the total of $1T. The [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare Trustees' 2014 report projected that its trust funds would be non-existent by 2033 unless the trajectory of the program was changed, but King and Dartmouth professor Samir Soneji, his co-author in the new report, had posited in 2012 that the trust funds would be gone by 2031, as the SSA had underestimated how long Americans would live... 'After 2000, forecast errors became increasingly biased, and in the same direction. Trustees Reports after 2000 all overestimated the assets in the program and overestimated solvency of the Trust Funds.'... Laurence Kotlikoff, a Boston University professor of economics, suggests that the [SIA] stop estimating its unfunded obligations for only the next 75 years and instead use the 'infinite horizon'. That would alter [SIA's] projected unfunded liabilities from the $10.6T estimated by 2088 to $24.9T. Kotlikoff charged, 'We have a situation that is like Enron accounting. And the public doesn't want to hear about it.'"
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Shalanna Taylor _WLKY_
government took children because of Breckenridge county family's off-grid life-style
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Fay Voshell _American Thinker_
persecution of Christians in the USA
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Eugene Veklerov _American Thinker_
the return of academic anti-Semitism
2015-05-10 (5775 Air 21)
Cinnamon Stillwell _American Thinker_
state-funded university is promoting "alliances" with terrorist-Hamas-dominated universities?!?!
Discover the Networks: Hamas
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On This Day
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Proposed Bills 2015
"The powers of the sword are in the hands of the yeomanry of America from 16 to 60. The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled & accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous & irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves...? Congress have no power to disarm the militia." --- Tench Coxe 1788-02-20 _PA Gazette_ (quoted in Richard I. Mack & Timothy Robert Walters 1994-10-?? _From My Cold Dead Fingers: Why America Needs Guns_ pg 128) |
2015-05-11: Mother's Day
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
R' Gil Student _Jewish World Review_
between God and country
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
WSJ continues war against senator Jeff Sessions
"the latest WSJ editorial seems like nothing more than an ongoing attempt to smear senator Sessions for speaking for millions of Americans who are concerned with immigration. Not only illegal immigration, but the [Obummer regime's] demonstrated lack of respect for the law... the latest attacks since seem to indicate Sessions remains living rent free in their anti-working class American heads... "
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
poll: is "IT" work getting more stressful?
"The survey, which started in 2012, just released its 2015 report, and found that of 78% of the IT workers surveyed consider their job stressful. That's up just 1% from 2014, but in 2013 the figure was 57% and in 2012, 67%. 'Everybody gets a work-life balance except for the poor IT guy.', said Sergio Galindo, general manager at GFI Software, which makes network security and messaging software, about the survey. The survey was conducted independently by Opinion Matters Some of the causes of workplace stress may be attributed to quantifiable conditions, in particular uncompensated over-time. Of the more than 200 'IT' professionals surveyed at firms of at least 10 or more people, nearly half said they worked up to 8 un-paid hours per week, which was nearly equal to last year's finding as well..."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
another PR gaffe by Zuckerberg's backward.us
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
"it takes a village" has become "we'll take the whole village to the USA"
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Laura Ingraham
Connecticut issued 9,100 learning permits, 1,800 driver licenses to, and made 46K appointments for testing illegal aliens
Boston MA Globe
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
"National Defense Authorization" act is drawn into the immigration battle-ground
"...You would think with all this going on that our legislators and political leaders would also be considering carefully whether such threats might emanate from within the military; that there might be individuals who already have the right of access to military posts who could wreak havoc. After all, there is not just the case of Ft. Hood [terrorist] Nidal Hasan to consider; other former and reservist military members have also been charged with terrorism. Apparently not so. Surprisingly, Arizona's Dem/Red/leftist representative Ruben Gallego introduced into the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would express the 'sense of the House' that the defense secretary should consider authorizing recipients of the [Obummer regime's unconstitutional and illegal] 'executive action' immigration program to enlist in the military. Dem/Red/leftist representative Marc Veasey of Texas took a different tack to achieve the same goal. Instead, he embedded language in the text directing the secretary of defense to study permitting such enlistments in the language of the report that preceded the budget measure..."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
myths about Los Angeles county CA's 287(g) program
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Laura Ingraham
1.6M immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries since 2001/09/11
"How many people in this country are aware of the fact that immigration from Islamic countries has doubled since 9/11? According to data Conservative Review collated from the DHS YearBook of Immigration Statistics, the U.S.A. has issued 1,628,854 green cards to immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries from 2001-2013..."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker adopts Jeff Sessions line on immigration
Jim Geraghty: National Review
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
bad advice: "stay quiet and you'll be okay"
"in Alberta, the Tories were wiped out; in Scotland, the Labour Party was slaughtered; in England, the Liberals were crushed... a rough couple of weeks for free speech, culminating in the attempted mass murder in Garland, Texas. That's what it was, by the way -- although you might have difficulty telling that from the news coverage... The media 'narrative' of the last week is that some Zionist temptress was walking down the street in Garland in a too short skirt and hoisted it to reveal her Mohammed thong -- oops, my apologies, her prophet Mohammed thong (PBUH) -- and thereby inflamed 2 otherwise law-abiding ISIS supporters peacefully minding their own business. It'll be a long time before you see 'Washington Post Offers No Apology for Attacking Target of Thwarted Attack' or 'AP Says It Has No Regrets After Blaming The Victim'. The respectable class in the American media share the same goal as the Islamic fanatics: They want to silence Pam Geller... the 'narrative' wouldn't change very much if the jihad boys had got luckier and Pam, Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer and a dozen others were all piled up in the Garland morgue. If the American press were not so lazy and parochial, they would understand that this was the third Islamic attack on free speech this year -- first, Charlie Hebdo in Paris; second, the Lars Vilks event in Copenhagen; and now Texas..."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Chris Cancialosi: hiring the first employees for a start-up
"You have to be very clear about your values. You need to sit down and say, 'This is how I think business should be done, this is what's really important to me, and this is what my company is going to stand for...' I believe in attitude over experience. You can train people to do tasks, but you can't train them to have the right attitude and values..."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Jonathan Broder _Jewish World Review_
does Obummer still fancy himself to be the evil FDR incarnate?
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Nick Halett _Breitbart_
Nigel Farage to remain leader of UKIP
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Eastern Europe warnes UK not to defend borders, investigate applicants for immigration, etc. on the basis of "migrant rights"
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Brussels spouts non-sense, wants to force UK to accept illegal aliens from across the Mediterranean
"The plan could see the number of people seeking refuge in Britain double from 30K to 60K per year as unprecedented numbers of migrants try to cross the Mediterranean from Libya to Italy and Greece... The plan has already been approved by France, Germany and Italy, but the Home Office has said Britain will oppose the plan... A heavy defeat for Britain on the issue could hasten the country's exit from the European Union."
Hey! Another win for the UK.
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_
what became of the popular kids?
Medical Daily: U of VA: "cool kids" grow up to be burn-outs
"At 22, the formerly cool kids used drugs and drank far more heavily than less popular students; their romantic relationships failed more often; and they were more likely to have a criminal record... The constant struggle to be older, to seem wiser, to be taken more seriously -- these factors all compel a select group of (usually good-looking) teens and pre-teens to seek out behaviors that, to their minds, are by nature 'mature'. It's only once they reach their true adult years that they find out, if they ever do, that traits like responsibility, honesty, humility, and compassion are signs of maturity."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
first Mother's Day without a mother
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Lily Zhang _Jewish World Review_
answering off-the-wall job interview questions
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
S.E Cupp _Jewish World Review_
Nick Loeb stands up for his unborn children
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Julie Bykowicz _Jewish World Review_
21-year-old builds go-to group for reaching young conservatives
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Stephen Moore _Jewish World Review_
"green movement" did itself in... and not a moment too soon
Daily Signal
Washington DC Times
Real Clear Policy
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
another time when USA troops left too soon, after being politically hobbled for far far too long
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
more Americans should know more history, math, science, ethics...
"I have my own suggestion for improving voter turnout: Knowledge is power. If American schools did a better job teaching about history and government, students most likely would grow up to be more engaged adults. Alas, the latest testing by the National Assessment of Educational Progress -- aka NAEP or The Nation's Report Card -- found that just 18% of eighth-graders scored 'proficient' or better in history; 23% scored proficient or above in civics. In short, close to 4 in 5 middle schoolers don't know much about history, while 3 in 4 don't know much about their government. The good news is that those scores didn't drop since NAEP tested those subjects in 2010. The bad news is that NAEP only tested 8th-graders this go-round. In 2010, NAEP also tested 4th-graders and high-school seniors; only 12% of seniors scored proficient or better in history. Roger Beckett, executive director of the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University in Ohio, sees the decision not to test all 3 grades as a bad sign. The new education fad is STEM -- science, technology, engineering and math -- which means, Beckett noted, 'we don't talk about the crisis in history and civic amnesia'."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Leonid Bershidsky _Jewish World Review_
people are shocked. shocked! to learn that governments spy on each other
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
economic mobility, equality/inequality, efficiency, productivity
"From 1950 to 1973, the U.S. economy expanded at an average annual rate of 4%. This would have been Okun's reference point. For the coming decade (2015-2025), the Congressional Budget Office [CBO] projects growth at only 2.1% annually. About half the decline reflects slower labor force growth. We can't do much about this. Baby boomers are retiring; the influx of new workers only slightly exceeds this large work-force exodus. But the other cause of slower economic growth is lower productivity gains that come from new technologies, better business practices and more skilled workers... During the 1950-1973 period, labor productivity grew an average of 2.4% annually; the CBO's projection for the next decade is 1.6% annually -- and even this exceeds recent experience, which is less than 1% a year. These numbers describe an economy that, despite highly visible digital advances, strains to innovate and to raise living standards... From 1979 to 2011, calculates the CBO, the after-tax incomes of the poorest fifth rose nearly 50%. But it is true that the 'gaps' have widened dramatically. Over the same period, the after-tax incomes of the top 1% jumped 200%. (All figures are adjusted for inflation.)... We do not know enough to manipulate economic growth, productivity and income distribution... The fabulous economic growth of the 1950s and 1960s may have reflected technologies created in the 1930s and 1940s (synthetic fibers, television, antibiotics), plus the advantage that the economies of our main global competitors had been nearly destroyed..."
Just as Hayek pointed out, no government or other small group of people can know enough to shape and control an economy for higher standards of living. But millions of individuals, interacting freely, openly, honestly, can.
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
DHS secretary Jeh Johnson: it is not necessarily an Obummer regime objective to counter the terrorists' "narrative"
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Michael McCaul (R-TX): DHS is spending more on climate hysteria than combatting terrorists
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
doctor Ben S. Carson: Obummer regime response to Putin's aggression has not been a good sign to USA allies
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Nile Gardiner _Cybercast News Service_
UK election results: a conservative surge and a defeat for socialism
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
_Cybercast News Service_
Obummer sent hand-written love-note to his buddy, turn-coat Mitch McConnell, thanking him for ramming through the nomination of the evil, totally unqualified oath-breaker Loretta Lynch
David Sherfinski: Washington DC Times
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
_Conservative HQ_
beware of what Yebbie Booosh did NOT say at Liberty U
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Jillian Kay Melchior _National Review_
why is an Israeli-American billionaire Haim Saban pouring milions into the corrupt Clinton Foundation?
"has dual U.S.A.-Israeli citizenship and has spent heavily to support Israel. 'His greatest concern, he says, is to protect Israel, by strengthening the United States-Israel relationship.', the New Yorker noted in a 2010 profile of Saban. At a conference in Israel, the article said, Saban had outlined 3 methods for influencing American politics: 'make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets'..."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Hollywood stars dismiss drought rules
"And in a story with accompanying photos of the homes of celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Barbra Streisand and Jennifer Lopez, the message from the starlet camp does seem clear -- they're going to continue to water their mansion lawns and expansive landscaping plants, no matter the cuts in usage just passed by California authorities..."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
5 _Clinton Cash_ revelations that have leftists steaming
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Robert Wilde _Breitbart_
doctor Ben S. Carson: violence-initiating Islamics have the same goals a when Muhammad was around, to eradicate all opponents they cannot force to submit to them
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
Marsha Blackturn (R-TN): radical Islamic terrorists are at war with us
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
why Mohammedans cannot poke fun at Mohammed
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
Seymour Hersh claims that Obummer lied about raid to capture or kill Osama bin Laden
London Review of Books
Laura Ingraham
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
former deputy-director of CIA: if we don’t keep the pressure on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Hizballah we are going to see more 2001/09/11-style attacks
"...'One of the key lessons, you have to keep the pressure on them. If you keep the pressure on them you make it very difficult for them to plot, to plan, to attack. Because they are worried about their own security. As soon as you take the pressure off, they start read building. We've seen that over and over and over again...'"
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
leftists get their hate on after losing election in the UK
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Ilya Feoktistov & Charles Jacobs _Breitbart_
al-Qaeda's base at MIT
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
federal judge as re-opened case against Hitlery Rotten Clinton related to e-mail, other records while she was secretary of State
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
59% of college commencement speakers are leftists
"Among the 'top 100' campuses in the nation, liberal speakers outnumber conservatives 6-to-1. Among the 'top 50', the ratio increases to 9 [leftists] for every 1 conservative. And among the elite 'top 10' universities, there were no conservatives invited to speak whatsoever... Overall, 59% of all speakers on campuses this year are liberals, 10% are conservatives and the remaining [31%] have unknown or neutral political affiliations. This bias toward liberal speakers is an established trend, however: in 2014, the ratio was 5-to-1; in 2013, 4-to-1; in 2012, 7-to-1, the survey reports."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
Burwell's Dept. of H377 & Human Suffering re-wrote ObummerDoesn'tCare rules again: orders unconstitutional and illegal tax-victim funded abortifacients
Cortney O'Brien: Town Hall
"Insurers must cover at least one brand of contraception in each of 18 different methods outlined by the Food and Drug Administration, such as oral contraceptive pills, the emergency contraceptive morning-after pill and intrauterine devices."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Maggie Ybarra _Washington DC Times_
DHA OIG: TSA doesn't know which screening equipment works, which need repairs or replacement
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Justin Pritchard _AP_
self-wrecking cars
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Cybercast News Service_
politicians, judges, police have created contempt for "law enforcement"
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
_Wall Street Journal_
Obummer is losing the Sunni Arabs
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Anita Kumar _Miami Herald_/_McClatchy_
4 of 6 countries turn down Obummer's invitation to Gulf States "summit"
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Martha T. Moore _USA Today_/_Gannett_
TEA partiers set hopes on a good candidate for president
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Denzel Washington to college grads: put God first
"'Number one: Put God first. Put God first in everything you do... When I was young and started really making it as an actor, I came and talked to my mother and said, Mom, did you think this was going to happen? I'd be so big and I'll be able to take care of everybody and I can do this and I can do that. She said, Boy, stop it right there, stop it right there, stop it right there! If you only knew how many people been praying for you. How many prayer groups she put together, how many prayer talks she gave, how many times she splashed me with holy water to save my sorry behind... I want to congratulate all the parents and friends and family and aunties and uncles and grand-mother and grand-fathers, all the people that helped you get to where you are today... Everything you think you see in me. Everything I've accomplished, everything thing you think I have -- and I have a few things. Everything that I have is by the grace of God. Understand that. It's a gift... I pray that you put your slippers under your bed tonight, so that when you wake up in the morning you have to get on your knees to reach them. And while you're down there, say thank you. Thank you for grace, thank you for mercy, thank you for understanding, thank you for wisdom, thank you for parents... True desire in the heart for anything good is God's proof to you, sent beforehand, to indicate that it's yours already...'"
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
doctor Ben S. Carson: people should tithe the government
"'You make $10G a year, you pay $1G. You make $10 a year, you pay $1. You get the same rights. That's pretty darn fair, if you ask me.'"
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Laura Ingraham
Tom McClintock, GOP's top pitch-man for Trans-Pacific Partnership admits he has ot read one word of it
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
the greatest impediment to the investigation into the terrorist attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi has been the Obummer regime
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Uriel Heilman _Arizona Jewish Post_/_Jewish Telegraphic Agency_
amid Chinese influx, Brandeis considers its Jewish identity
"Founded in 1948 as a top-tier alternative for Jews who faced quota restrictions at the nation's Ivy League universities, Brandeis has undergone a profound demographic shift in recent years. Last year, about a quarter of incoming freshman were international -- with the largest number of them from [Red China] (about 10% of all freshmen). After China, the top countries of origin for foreign students at Brandeis are Korea, India, Canada and Israel, in that order. Jews are now thought to make up a minority of Brandeis' 3,700 under-graduates -- 40%-45% according to many faculty and student estimates. That figure was said to be upwards of 60% just 2 decades ago. University officials do not have precise numbers because Brandeis does not ask students about religious background. Brandeis is not alone in seeing an influx of students from [Red China]. During the 2013-2014 academic year, there were 274,439 Chinese students at American universities, including about 110K under-graduates... The current high number of inter-national students -- the figure has risen 30% over the past 5 years and now comprises 18% of under-graduates -- is something of a fluke that is in the process of being corrected, said Andrew Flagel, the senior vice president for students and enrollment. 'There was an unusual pattern in the last 2 years of students accepting our offers.', Flagel said. 'The precipitous increase of international acceptance has caused us to dramatically decrease the number of offers we've put out for international students this year.' He noted that 'a plurality of our students are Jewish', and the number of Jews 'appears to be well over 50% of our U.S. students'."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
Walter Duranty 2.0
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Richard Baehr _American Thinker_
breaking the Reds/Dems/leftists' electoral college red wall
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Steve Chambers _American Thinker_
examine and debate the origins of Islam, and Christianity, and Judaism...
"It would be far more effective to have a calm, protracted discussion and debate about the origins of Islam and the real life of Mohammed. Such an event should be more akin to a panel discussion..."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Robert Weissberg _American Thinker_
sanitizing higher education
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
William L. Gensert _American Thinker_
how did we get here?
"Our inchoate 'leader' is a man so intent on providing Iran with the opportunity to become a nuclear-armed state and dominant, regional hegemon, that it does not matter to him what the mullahs say or do (seize a ship here, seize a ship there, so what?). He deftly spins every provocation as if it is either no big deal, or another reason Iran should amicably be brought into the fold of nations with the proposed [Obummer] Accords, a fake treaty codifying the mullah’s path to nuclear thughood, because the agreement is the only thing standing between Armageddon and peace. Iran, the world's most prolific supporter of terrorism and probably the one country most adamant in its call for our national demise. For 3 decades the official motto of the mullahs has been 'Death to America!'. Yet, Barry wants to give them a nuclear weapon? What could possibly go wrong with that?..."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
F.W. Burleigh _American Thinker_
was Muhammad epileptic?
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Ken Blackwell & Bob Morrison _American Thinker_
if Iran were applying for UN membership today...
"For decades, the U.S. [government] was opposed to admitting Communist China to the UN. That sounds [perfectly reasonable] today... Iran has long had a seat in the UN General Assembly and Iran's so-called leaders have regularly come to New York to give their speeches to a large and appreciative audience. Iran's ruling mullahs have called for the destruction of Israel not once, but repeatedly. Iran's mullahs have for decades led rallies of paid backers in 'Death to America' chants. To say the least, this is a violation of the UN Charter..."
2015-05-11 (5775 Air 22)
Slater Bakhtavar _American Thinker_
Obummer's destructive foreign policy
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"In 1989 political scientist Eric Smith tried to record the assumed rise in public knowledge corresponding to the dramatic expansion in public education over this century -- but he couldn't find it." --- David Shenk 1997 _Data Smog_ pg 67 |
2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the price of cheap labor
"it highlighted the poignant juxtaposition of affluent women enjoying what once would have been a luxury, thanks to poor, exploited women with no other options. It is a tableau that doesn't feel very American or very modern. We thought we had put the age of sweat-shops behind us, but we hadn't. It turns out that sweat-shops are where New York City women go to get their mani-pedis. The Times story is, in part, about the ugly under-belly of immigration... Census Bureau numbers say that 59% of personal-appearance workers are foreign-born, according to Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies. By Camarota's estimate, about a quarter of those foreign workers are illegal, and judging by the Times report, the number is higher in New York City... [Yebbie Booosh] says that 'immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity'. Politicians always talk of importing the best and the brightest from abroad. But New York City's salons capture the tawdry reality of illegal immigration, which creates islands of lawlessness where people can be mistreated with little consequence..."
2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
3 economists use a new approach to look at H-1B, conclude H-1B guest-workers crowd out others
"IT" World
"The paper's 2 strongest claims concern applying for patents and hiring. It found that winning additional H-1B visas has 'an insignificant effect on patenting', and that 'H-1Bs substantially crowd out employment of other workers'. This paper, written by researchers at the University of California, Notre Dame University and the U.S. Department of Treasury, makes no policy recommendation to law-makers. The paper is called 'The Effects of [Cheap, Young, Pliant, Low-Skilled Guest-Workers with Flexible Ethics] on Firms: Evidence from H-1B Visa Lotteries' (pdf). To reach its conclusions, the paper uses government data in what may be a novel way... It turns out that firms that won the lottery have no statistically significantly higher employment rates than firms that lost the lottery... 'We are making a definitive conclusion that H-1Bs are crowding out other workers.', said Kirk Doran, an economist at Notre Dame University and a co-author along with Adam Isen of the Office of Tax Analysis, U.S. Dept. of Treasury. The researchers aren't able to say exactly who those other workers may be, whether they are permanent residents, U.S. citizens or some other category of worker... H-1B use increased median profits as well as lowered the average pay at firms employing H-1B workers..."
Norm Matloff
Beryl Lieff Benderly: AAAS Science
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23)
top H-1B cross-border bodyshop HCL paid Bill Clinton $260K for speech during Hitlery's tenure at DoS
2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
contesting Obummer's immigration over-reach: friends of the court, friends of the US constitution
"A 'friend of the court' [amicus curiae] brief has just been filed with the federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans in the case filed against the federal government by over half of the states, which are seeking to have ruled illegal and unconstitutional major portions of the [Obummer regime's] 'executive action' programs on immigration. The brief supporting the plaintiff states (pdf) was filed by the Committee to Defend the Separation of Powers of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). According to the ACLJ [in 'fighting on behalf of congress against Obummer's exeutive over-reach], it was filed on behalf of nearly 220K individuals who have expressed their concern over this White House's trampling on the separation of powers established by our constitution. The brief stands in sharp contrast to the opinion issued by the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel justifying the 'executive actions' just prior to their promulgation. That opinion was a marvel of logical acrobatics in its attempt to provide a basis for what OLC lawyers clearly understood was the desired path their political masters wished to tread down. It is my guess that, in the fullness of time, the OLC will arrive at a point of deep embarrassment, both for having shown itself so malleable as to be willing to bend law and logic to arrive at an impossible result and for having issued a document so poorly reasoned that even first-year law students could pick out its flaws. The ACLJ's brief is succinct, well reasoned, and tightly argued. I don't know who most of those nearly 220K individuals are that ACLJ speaks for, but I applaud them. I do know, however, that 113 of them are sitting senators and representatives of the present Congress. Pretty much all of them are Republicans. Undoubtedly, party politics has prevented many a Democrat from speaking out on the executive actions when in their heart of hearts they may have serious concerns about executive overreach, but not all Democrats have been so silent. For instance, to his credit, David Martin (law professor at the University of Virginia, former general counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and most recently the deputy general counsel of the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] under [the Obummer regime]) felt constrained in November of last year to speak out in a blog entitled 'Concerns about a Troubling Presidential Precedent and OLC's Review of Its Validity'."
2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
7.231M lost jobs: manufacturing employment down 37% from 1979 peak (with graph)
BLS establishment survey: employment, hours, and earnings by industry
BLS household incomes
BLS family incomes
BLS per capita (i.e. per person) incomes
These income data are not "longitudinal", i.e. they do not follow individuals over the course of their lives. Instead, these are a series of snap-shots of the statistics gathered from the monthly surveys. People often move from one fifth (quintile) to another, up or down, and members of a family are often in different quintiles at any particular time, and over their life-times.
2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23)
Phyllis Schlafly _Town Hall_
let's get on a constitutional pro-USA track
Brown Pelican Society of Louisiana
2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
reminder: a record number of people are not in the work-force
2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23)
_Conservative HQ_
must-see video: Secure Freedom launched counter-jihad campaign
video via YouTu in Belgium
2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) 2015-05-12 (5775 Air 23) This Date in History
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2015-05-25: Memorial Day
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_Conservative HQ_
Muslim invasion/colonization of the USA: hijacking "refugee" resettlement program
"In several articles post over the past few months we've told readers of CHQ about the Muslim colonization of America and about the national suicide built into the George W. Bush [Shrub] and [Barack Hussein Obummer] immigration policies that have brought over 2.3M Muslim immigrants to America since 2001/09/11... Now this issue has finally gotten the attention of the chairman of the House Judiciary sub-committee on Immigration and Border Security, representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, who wrote the Department of State demanding that it halt the resettlement of refugees in the city of Spartanburg in his district. In his letter dated 2015 April 15, congressman Gowdy objected to the 'lack of notice, information and consultation afforded to me and my constituents' and posed 17 pointed questions, including (as paraphrased by Politico): Why and when was his district approved [as a refugee resettlement site]? What steps were taken to notify local government officials and whether they approved the plan, and where funds for the office and the refugees will come from? When are the first refugees expected to arrive? What benefits are they entitled to? How many will be resettled? What is their country of origin? Who is responsible for housing, employment and education services for them? Representative Gowdy was particularly concerned about the security implications of this immigrant migration. He asked: 'Do any of the refugees to be resettled in the Spartanburg area have criminal convictions? If so, for what crimes has each been convicted?' And 'Please explain the [backgroun-investigation] process performed on refugees scheduled to be resettled in Spartanburg.' We can answer those questions for representative Gowdy: With [Barack Hussein Obummer] in the White House there isn't any real vetting of the background of these alleged 'refugees'. The necessity for such congressional oversight has been underscored by an important new monograph by Ann Corcoran entitled, Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America (pdf), which released at the end of April as part of the Center for Security Policy's 'Civilization Jihad Reader Series'. Ms. Corcoran documents that Muslim immigration as a form of jihad via colonization called hijra dates back to the time of Mohammed. In fact, she quotes hadith sources that assert that migration is a religious obligation for Muslims to spread Islam and build the Islamic state. She also cites long-time Libyan leader, Muammar Qaddafi [and, for that matter Yasser Arafat], who once said that Europe would be conquered without guns and swords, but with Muslim migrants over-running the continent. Lest the images of thousands of Muslim 'refugees' crossing the Mediterranean Sea and throwing Christians overboard isn't enough to convince you, a powerful new documentary by Martin Mawyer called 'Europe's Last Stand; America's Final Warning' illustrates just how accurate this prediction is proving to be..."
Muslim Immigration to USA graph from Pew (jpg; 13.74KB)
_Conservative HQ_
bringing jihad home: not a single American ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate terrorist's passport has been cancelled
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
movement in EU for mandatory quotas on immigration, military action against smugglers of illegal aliens
Paul Stevens _National Post_
tackle immigration/emigration's root causes
"Re: Migrant Surges Stretch Resources. The migrant surges have only just begun, thanks, in part, to the father and son Bush [GHWBush & Shrub] presidencies. Had they not taken out Saddam Hussein et al. in response to the 2001/09/11 attacks, the crisis now unfolding in the Mediterranean as thousands of Muslims flee the barbaric Islamic State hordes would not now be featuring on our nightly news broadcasts. Britain's Royal Navy may conduct operations against the smuggling gangs by attempting to destroy their boats to curtail this migrant onslaught, but the root causes lie in the poverty and strife in the Third World countries they are fleeing. No amount of resettlement in Western countries will assuage this humanitarian onslaught. Much as I feel for those caught up in this unfolding crisis, I do not believe Britain should be expected to take in tens of thousands of Muslim migrants in a plan to redistribute them throughout Europe. Nor should any other European country. Detain and care for them; eliminate the smugglers and their bases of operation, then return these refugees whence they came and let their governments see to their needs as best they can."
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry's guarantee that Iran won't set off nuclear weapons
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
of puppies and predators at the park
"...Which is interesting, as the U.S. Department of Justice [DoJ] puts the number of children abducted by strangers at 115 a year. So [Joey Salads] says 255,550 a year, and the crime stats say 115 a year..."
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
on-line dignity: give it up
Laura Schroff _Jewish World Review_
_An Invisible Thread_
Washington DC Times
Kansas City Post
San Antonio TX Post
"According to an ancient proverb, an invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of place, time or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle. But it will never break. I have learned we are all connected by invisible threads, and sometimes to the most unlikely people. I learned this back in1986, when I was a 35-year-old advertising sales executive in New York City and I met an 11-year-old homeless panhandler on the corner of 56th Street and Broadway..."
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
UK's shocking, surprising, stunning conservative election victory (another team Obummer loss in international election meddling)
Town Hall
Matthew Fisher _Jewish World Review_
Putin reduced to celebrating the Soviet triumph over the Nazis with despots from countries who had nothing to do with winning the war
National Post
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the timid defense of free speech
"We see this writ large in the threat to public peace and the lives of the innocent by Islamic radicals. The radicals, who maim and kill in the name of the prophet, are treated with respect (if not terror), and the Christians who have threatened no one, must be hectored, lectured and exiled to the fringes of the public square. Pam Geller, who organized the draw-the-prophet cartoon contest in Texas that two home-grown ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate wannabes tried to shut down with murder and lost their own lives trying, is a villain for some sun-shine defenders of free speech. One pundit, writing in The Washington Post, is all for the First Amendment, err, uh, umm, 'but'... Other wizards on the left even accuse Mzz Geller of committing 'hate speech', the currently fashionable name for harsh opinions you may not agree with..."
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Rand Paul on the "net neutrality" deception
Town Hall
"Paul has introduced a resolution urging the senate to repeal the Federal Communications Commission's recent net neutrality order. Don't think that Paul was afraid to challenge his new base. Marinucci cited a University of Delaware poll that found 81% of Americans -- and 85% of Republicans -- support net neutrality. Yet in the belly of the beast, Paul stuck to his free market principles. Paul, 52, responded, 'I would say it depends on how you ask the question. So let's redo the poll in an imaginary way. Let's ask the question: How many of you believe the Internet should be regulated?' Paul chalked up public support for net neutrality to savvy marketing. 'When you say something like 'neutrality,' the name is wonderful: net neutrality. Who can be against net neutrality? Who couldn't be against the Man? Who wouldn't want to stop the Man from charging me too much? Who's not against the phone company, the telephone company, the television company? We're all against the Man at some level.' Folks may naturally protest the idea of Internet providers charging more for faster service, but, Paul said, 'is it really terrible for FedEx to charge more to deliver a letter in 1 day than in 5 days?' The marketplace is all about charging more for speed and location. If you believe in the market-place, you don't want the government setting prices. The senator voiced a pure libertarian position... Paul's larger plan for increasing broadband competition..."
David Shribman _Jewish World Review_
does the USA have an ignorance crisis?
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
what Mark Halperin's interview of Ted Cruz really showed us
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
"...If you like arrogant, condescending, rude, insolent and patronizing Beltway journalism, you may appreciate Halperin's performance. If you are a person of ordinary sensibilities, however, and not so intoxicated with the leftist worldview that you are incapable of dispassionately assessing the segment, you will have a different reaction. What first struck me about the interview was not so much the objectively asinine questions Halperin asked but his obvious motive and attitude in asking them... Cruz showed extraordinary class and restraint in fielding these boorish questions, but what was even more gratifying to me was that in his answers, he implicitly, though emphatically, rejected Halperin's assumptions, making clear that though he is proud of his ethnicity and considers his Cuban-American father his hero, he is a full-blooded American, proud of the Constitution and the liberties it protects...
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
odds and ends
Creators Syndicate
Brown Pelican Society of Louisiana
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
"...The original motto of our nation, E Pluribus Unum -- meaning 'out of many, one' -- was proposed for the first great seal of the United States by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson in 1776. It recognizes the diversity of the American people. You can bet that the campus call for diversity is everything but a patriotic celebration of America. If anything, it's a condemnation and criticism of the United States and Western values. The academic vision of diversity calls for the celebration of people based upon their race, religion, genitalia and sexual behavior. And the last thing academic diversity means is diversity in thought, opinions and political affiliation. [Tax-victims] and irresponsible donors foot the bill for this deviancy..."
Richard Land _Cybercast News Service_
USA slights Israel at its own peril
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Hank Johnson (D-GA): GOP over-spending budget response could be Baltimore-type violence
Laura Ingraham
RINOs move to rescue "fast track"/"trade promotion authority", Trans-Pacific Partnership and the rest of Obummer's trade agenda
14 Dems/Reds/leftists also oppose Trans-Pacific Partnership
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
documents reveal horrifying details in sexual assaults, violations of 2nd amendment by TSA
Brian Darling _Town Hall_
Obummer's hidden taxes are crushing economic growth and employment
Susan Stamper Brown _Town Hall_
how's that co-existencee working out for you?
Armstrong Williams _Town Hall_
falling short of greatness
Matthew Thomas _Town Hall_
the good guys are still good, and the bad guys are still bad, while most do good and evil seemingly at random
"...We did not create these laws [many of them unconstitutional or immoral], but [some people] deemed them acceptable, and again we have sworn to uphold [those that are constitutional]..."
Jack Kerwick _Town Hall_
why the left hates Pamela Geller
Matthew Sabas _Town Hall_
how Washington DC is betraying USA's young
"Retirees are now receiving more benefits than they paid into the system. The life-time [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare payments made to a single earner-couple retiring in 2015 will be almost $1M -- over $500K more than the taxes they paid into the trust funds... America had the highest high school graduation rate in the world immediately after World War II, but we have now dropped to 22nd out of 27 countries. U.S. students' math scores are now lower than students in VietNam, [Red China], and most of Europe. But it's not as if we're short-changing students, as K-12 spending has risen to $13K per student per year—an inflation-adjusted increase of 239% since the 1950s... Four-year completion rates at colleges remain low and student loans are indebting millennials. Total student loan debt ballooned from $250M in 2003 to $1.2T in 2014... for every dollar received by a student in tax-based aid, scholarships at the university were reduced a dollar. As college tuition increased by 1,180% since 1978, the burden has been shifted from universities to the [tax-victim]... Questionable tuition-funded expenditures include millions spent on college presidents' salaries, nearly $500M spent on just 40 collegiate athletic programs, and decadent amenities—including a lazy river at Boston University (tuition and expenses in 2015: $62,956). While universities have to attract and retain students, they leave with an average an average of $25K in debt. Optimistic entrepreneurs and recent graduates looking forward to paying off their debt face a foreboding job market and an artificially restricted work-force... Occupational licensing, or government approval to work in certain professions, safeguards established industries and older workers by preventing would-be entrepreneurs from entering the market. Certification and licensing regulations to work certain jobs were rare up until the mid-20th century. While in the 1950s less than 5% of all jobs required certification, licensing requirements have now expanded to cover 1 in 3 workers and include occupations unrelated to the health of the general public -- florists, cosmetologists, and yoga instructors now all require certification to operate a business in some states... 75M millennials are negatively affected by these policies..."
Justin Haskins _Town Hall_
the most important ObummerDoesn'tCare case you've never heard of
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
former CIA official Mike Morell: the Obummer regime really blew it on al-Qaeda, terrorism, and Benghazi
Terrence Sooley _National Post_
how to build policies that favor urban manufacturing
"Manufacturing has reinvented itself. A couple of decades ago, as North American cities began to decline after losing their manufacturing to offshoring, the mantra among urban planners and certain economic developers became that we needed to stop 'chasing smoke-stacks' and look to new markets. But the pendulum has swung. Manufacturing is reshoring -- for quality control, market proximity, skilled labour and cost savings -- and it's had a make-over... today's factories are more likely to be clean, high-tech spaces filled with highly educated engineers and trades people. The Brookings Institute reports factory work, especially in advanced manufacturing, has higher technical requirements and higher pay, rising 5 times [as fast as] the national average... MIT declares that innovation will flourish in advanced manufacturing hubs because innovation depends on the production of goods... Don't make the zoning codes too specific (new industries rise quickly, e.g., 3D printing); Help businesses navigate regulatory processes (simplify and support, to reduce hurdles); Offer an expedited permit process (faster permitting can keep businesses from leaving)..."
Paul Stevens _National Post_
Turks deny genocide of Armenians & endorse anti-semitic conspiracies, while Kurds prove effective against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
FY2015 federal revenues $189T through April, deficit $283G
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
Pew: numbers of Christians in USA dropping, number "unaffiliated" rising
Cheryl Wetzstein: Washington DC Times
Melanie Batley: News Max
"Between 2007 and 2014, the number of Americans identifying as Christians has dropped from 78.4% (178.1M people) to 70.6% (172.8M people), the research shows. While the number of religiously unaffiliated Americans remains much smaller, the group has risen from 16.1% to 22.8% in the same time, PEW reports. In actual numbers, PEW reports in increase among unaffiliated Americans from about 37M in 2007 to about 60M in 2014. This group includes atheists, agnostics or those who claim 'nothing in particular', the report stated... Those who identify with 'non-Christian' faiths, including Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and other religions, rose from 4.7% to 5.9%, the study showed... The highest retention rate was among adults raised as Hindus (80% retention), followed by Muslims (77% retention) and Jews (75% retention)..."
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, counterterrorism analyst: there is virtually no group opposed to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad which is not in bed with al-Qaeda
"Defense secretary Ash Carter announced on Thursday that the [Obummer regime] began 'training and equipping' about 90 'Syrian fighters' as part of an effort to build up an army of 5K to fight [other] Islamic extremists in the country, according to a May 7 report on Military.com."
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Syrian nun & relief leader: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is Islam
Rachel Marsden _Town Hall_
Main Street Americans deserve a better return on diplomatic missions
Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
Hot Air poll: Ted Cruz & Scott Walker are still cruising
"Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) and senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) were essentially tied in Hot Air’s recurrent survey last month -- although the latter had a slight edge. Roughly three weeks later, however, that same dynamic still holds true. Both Republican hopefuls are garnering roughly one-third of the vote each (with Ted Cruz faring a little bit better)..."
John Nolte _Breitbart_
why the Internet's self-balkanization of news & culture is a good thing
"...Mass culture and mass media are hugely important when it comes to how the Left influences and exerts a form of control over America. As of now, the main-stream media and main-stream culture (TV, movies, music, etc.) are almost wholly owned and controlled by Leftists. And they use this power to shape opinion, especially the opinion of young people on political and social issues. Balkanization terrifies these folks because it means a loss of control. Suddenly they don't have access to 300M+ Americans because we have all gone our own separate ways... As far as news, we're not so much looking to have our worldviews confirmed, as much as we're turning to those news outlets we trust. There's a reason more Democrats watch Fox News than they do [MSLSD]. There's a reason (except for work) I won't go near the Washington Post, CNN or The New York Times but trust and respect the very left-wing L.A. Weekly..."
Investigative Project on Terrorism: Muslims commit disproportionate number of Europe's anti-Semitic attacks
John Hayward _Breitbart_
whacky students demand "trigger warnings" for classical Greek and Latin literature
"...At Reason, Brown very charitably tries to make sense of this totalitarian gobbledygook by proposing hypothetical reasons for the student's extreme reaction -- 'was there an assignment or further lectures on Persephone she wished out of?' -- while also noting the 'hyperbolic language of trauma that's used'. She observes that the student described in this complaint needs individual therapy, not a university-wide injunction against teaching the livelier Greek legends...."
Elizabeth Nolan Brown: Reason: Roman and Greek mythology is too disturbing for some emotionally fragile Columbia U students?
Ed Martin _Washington DC Times_
GOP candidates should force contested convention
James A. Lyons & Richard D. Fisher ii _Washington DC Times_
we should be taking the military threats from Red China (and North Korea, and Iran) seriously
John R. Graham _American Thinker_
beware: the electronic medical/health records debacle will continue to get worse
"In a survey conducted by the Deloitte consulting group, three of four doctors said EHRs are not worth the cost. The influential RAND Corporation, which had long endorsed EHRs, reported in 2013 that they neither saved money nor improved care. Doctors and hospitals were induced to install EHRs with $30G in federal money, which started flowing in 2011. Fortunately, this money has almost run out; when it's gone, the federal government will be less able to bend physicians to its will... But last year [Obummer regime] disclosed that only 3,152 eligible professionals (doctors, dentists, and so forth) of almost 500K registered had attested to Stage 2 to get their bounties. This is surprising because, although the government is almost out of EHR subsidy money, it has the power to fine doctors for not using electronic records. This year the administration will begin doing so. Last December, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced it would dock 1% of Medicare payments from 257K physicians’ payments for not using EHRs 'meaningfully' and another 1% from 28K providers for not prescribing electronically. Despite these punitive measures, doctors continue to resist EHRs. The American Medical Association (AMA), which endorsed the program in 2009, declared it was 'appalled' that over half of eligible professionals will be fined for failing to meet meaningful-use targets in 2015..."
Mike Konrad _American Thinker_
anti-semitism in Europe and the UK
"...In reality, the Jews want Judea and Samaria (the West Bank [i.e. Eastern Israel]) back the way the Irish want Ulster back. The Palestinians are to some extent a foreign entity in the same way that the Plantation British were in Ulster. Judea and Samaria -- with Jerusalem and Hebron [Chebrun] -- were the religious center of Jewish national life. Armagh, in Ulster, where Patrick supposedly built his diocese, was the historic religious center of Ireland. The Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and the Orange settlers in Ulster were both later arrivals in someone else's national territory. The Highlanders in Ulster might be Gaels, but they often took the Irish side in wars, and the English did not trust them. Since most of the Orange were Lowlander-English, they were not Gaels, but a mix of Viking, Norman, and Saxon -- that is to say, outsiders..."
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"The woods are cool, the forest deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep." --- Robert Frost "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" (quoted in Don Burleson 1997 _High Performance Oracle Data WareHousing_ dedication page)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Sili Valley executives to US citizen STEM professionals: drop dead
"Silicon Valley oligarchs come to the immigration debate with considerable advantages. Aside from the obvious giant bags of money, there's the perception (often correct) that they're wizards responsible for breathtaking innovation and economic growth. So when they say they need ever-greater numbers of indentured code-jockeys from abroad because there aren't not enough Americans available, they're taken seriously (even though the real motivation is simply cheap labor). This gullibility is all the more prevalent in congress... But the Silicon Valley oligarchs also have a disadvantage: the inability to hide their contempt for American workers... No one 'deserves' his job, of course. And it's true that, as Moe Greene noted, if you've got a business to run you've got to 'kick asses sometimes to make it run right'. But there was no claim that the hundreds of American workers replaced en masse by H-1Bs (whom they had to train at the risk of losing their severance) at SCE or Disney or elsewhere were not doing their jobs, [were not able to do their jobs well,] or weren't 'qualified' or were being 'carried'. Rather, they were replaced with less-skilled -- but much cheaper -- foreign workers, using a program that's supposed to be only for the 'best and brightest'. Dalgaard was blaming the victims of a [crony-socialist] immigration scheme for their own plight. Nor is this simply a matter of economics. The culture of Silicon Valley is anchored on the left, as we've seen starkly over the past year on gay marriage. Given that a visceral aversion to America and ordinary Americans is one of the modern Left's most basic impulses, it's no surprise that this aversion is broadly shared by people in the tech industry. Such preference for foreigners over Americans isn't confined to skilled immigrants, as Jeb Bush's Ameriphobia attests. But American software engineers replaced by foreigners are more likely to have the verbal and other skills required to get their complaints heard than do, say, American construction workers in the same situation. And that may be why the congressional gullibility which has served Big Tech so well for so long is ebbing. Southern California Edison's purge of American workers, for instance, continues to resonate, with a bipartisan group of senators demanding an inquiry. Corporate cronyism has been getting the attention it deserves in the financial sector, the 'green' industry, and the Ex-Im Bank. This is finally beginning to happen to the tech industry too, as the insulation and even deference it enjoyed in its pursuit of cronyist immigration policies begins to wane. It's about time."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
_Conservative HQ_
senator Jeff Sessions is a leader of the rising populist conservatives
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Trans-Pacific Partnership and H-1B
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
David North & Cody Donald _Center for Immigration Studies_
EB-5 faces population problems: too many middlemen for the numbers of visas
"It is ironic that the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] -- an outfit that apparently believes that there never can be too many people under any circumstance -- finds itself with a highly specialized population problem of its own making..."
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
ebola epidemic is ramping down in Liberia, but USCIS has not noticed
"...On the afternoon of May 12, USCIS held a teleconference promoting Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for aliens -- legal or illegal -- who were in the United States on 2014 November 21, and were from one of the 3 Ebola-impacted West African nations. The deadline for applications is May 20. TPS status is created by the government when it decides that a disaster of some kind has struck a nation or nations, and everyone from the area in the United States at the time becomes eligible for an allegedly temporary legal status. The problem, of course, is that TPS statuses for aliens from designated nations never expire. The Department of Homeland Security renews the TPS status every 18 months, or as Mark Krikorian put it some years ago, 'temporary status means never having to go home'. I joined the teleconference hoping to find out how many aliens from the 3 nations had signed up for TPS; my sense is that internal enforcement of the immigration law in the United States is so lax means that relatively few people did so. (It costs $465.) The agency would not answer my question on numbers, but gave detailed answers to questions about who is eligible for the program, how to apply, and how to obtain a fee waiver..."
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
DHS OIG: can't say now many illegal aliens they unconstitutionally and illegally refused to prosecute
"The OIG reported that DHS's 3 immigration-related agencies, including U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (US CBP), and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), received a collective $21G between Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014."
Leo Hohmann _WND_
DHS caught smuggling illegal aliens from Somalia across USA-Mexico border
"The U.S. [government] is bringing in 100K Muslims every year through legal channels such as the United Nations refugee program and various visa programs, but new reports indicate a pipe-line has been established through the southern border with the help of the federal agency whose job it is to protect the homeland... More than 100K Somalis have been brought to the United States legally since 1991 through the UN refugee resettlement program. Close to half of them have been resettled in Minnesota, with the rest dispersed throughout Ohio, Maine, California, Texas, Idaho, Tennessee, Colorado, Georgia and several other states... The U.S. [government] allows 1.1M immigrants into the country annually through legal channels, and another 486K crossed the southern border illegally in 2014, according to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol [US CBP]. Taken together, that's 1.6M new immigrants each year, which is at historically high levels even for the U.S.A... 'That's more than any other nation on earth.', Gheen said."
Open Your Eyes People
Uriel Heilman _Jewish World Review_
one-sixth of those who say they are Jews are new to Judaism
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Arizona Jewish Post
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin
Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle
Michael Bliss _Jewish World Review_
what the West's long and not yet victorious struggle against communism tells us about the battle with Islamic terrorism
National Post
We should remember how enthusiastic anti-Communists tended to be undermined by corrupt politicians, from the Korean peninsula, to the Bay of Pigs, to VietNam, to Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine.
Heather Merrill _Jewish World Review_
20 things "successful" people do to be happier
"motivational" fluff
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
Town Hall
"it's time for civil disobedience. Government has become so oppressive, constantly restricting us with new regulations, that our only hope is for some of us to refuse to cooperate... Murray argues that citizens and companies should start openly defying all but the most useful regulations, essentially ones that forbid assault, theft and fraud. He writes, 'America is no longer the land of the free. We are still free in the sense that Norwegians, Germans and Italians are free. But that's not what Americans used to mean by freedom.'... government today tries to do much more. While we try to invent new things, government constantly seeks new ways to control us. The number of federal crimes on the books is now 50% larger than back in 1980 -- a time when many people mistakenly thought the U.S.A. would cut the size of government. Murray says, correctly, that no ordinary human being -- not even a team of lawyers -- can ever be sure how to obey the 810 pages of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 1,024 pages of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] or 2,300 pages of Dodd-Frank. What if we all stopped trying?..."
_Jewish World Review_
representatives from 40 Republican groups plan how to avoid being stuck (again) with a RINO nominee (like Bush, McCain, Romney)
Ralph Z. Hallow: Washington DC Times
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the return of Obummer's hoax-spreading bitter half
Cybercast News Service
National Review
Town Hall
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
the antidote to Mideast violence?
Peter Orszag _Jewish World Review_
why some young people want nothing to do with politics
"There are 519,682 elected officials in the U.S.A., the authors note, the vast majority of whom hold local jobs; they are mayors, city councilors, school board members, coroners or recorders of deeds. It is essential to the effective functioning of government -- without which the nation cannot succeed -- that [honest] competent people are willing to run for these offices. Yet, in a novel survey that Lawless and Fox conducted of more than 2K high school students and more than 2K college students, young people expressed a broad aversion to serving in public office. Almost 90% said they wouldn't even consider it. The students said they tend to avoid discussing political issues altogether..."
_Conservative HQ_
conservatives in House and senate split on unpatriotic act -- what say you?
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
leftist media are eating crow after UK (and Israel) elections
Town Hall
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer lacks the will to stop USA's bleeding... or, perhaps he wants the USA to bleed
"And an even more appalling fact, while America spent billions on research and development, Russia and [Red China] obtained much of our hard won aeronautical research with cyber spying, patiently hacking their way into site after site and following the threads until they ended up on classified sites where the real information is stored... Russia and [Red China's] rapid and complete immersion into cyber technology..."
Laura Ingraham
bad trade deal loop-holes
Allen West _Town Hall_
the politicized false narrative of income inequality
"Recent polls show that the top two issues concerning Americans are the economy/jobs and terrorism -- which I classify as foreign policy/national security. However, in the world of political gimmickry the prevailing issue that [leftists] wish to focus on is income equality. Their emphasis cannot be on the issue of record and concern for the American people. No, it must be on a made up, politicized false narrative of a grievance that serves to manipulate the populace purely for political gain..."
Todd Starnes _Town Hall_
Obummer needs to keep his Saul Alinsky, "community-organizing" paws out of our news-rooms... and lives
Bob Barr _Town Hall_
court finally declared NSA domestic spying program illegal, senate GOP losership responds, "so, what?"
"...The Second Circuit opinion comports clearly with both the language and the intent of this section of the Patriot Act. I should know; I was a member of the House Judiciary Committee that debated the legislation in committee and on the floor of the House back in the immediate aftermath of the 2001/09/11 attacks. More broadly, of course, the Court recognized that the government's absurdly expansive reading of the section would, if allowed to continue, make a mockery of any reasonable expectation of privacy enshrined in and protected by the Fourth Amendment. Sadly, but true to form, many Republican Senators, including [back-stabbing] majority-leader Mitch McConnell and presidential hopeful Marco Rubio, remain steadfast in support of the surveillance program now clearly found to be unlawful..."
Neil McCabe _Town Hall_
some conservatives press GOP to restrict DoJ's foreign cloud snooping
"To put things in perspective, in 1995 the e-mail service HotMail.com was created by two Apple Computer exiles. In 1998, MSFT paid $400M for HotMail [and promptly set about destroying it, just as they'd destroyed many other great software products after take-overs]... First, ECPA only protects e-mails less than 180 days old. At the time, nobody imagined that Americans would treat their e-mail accounts as their virtual life dash-boards with some keeping e-mails more than 10 years or 15 years. The second hole is that the ECPA does not recognize an expectation of privacy if an American uses a third-party e-mail provider..."
Jacob Sullum _Town Hall_
unconstitutional and illegal warrantless snooping goes far beyond the NSA's phone-record dragnet: 2 cases highlight the precariousness of privacy when your records are not respected as yours
"...The Fourth Amendment prohibits 'unreasonable searches and seizures' of our 'persons, houses, papers and effects'. But according to the [corrupt] Supreme Court [going back to the days of the war on ethanol], the Fourth Amendment does not protect our papers once we entrust them to someone else..."
Ken Blackwell _Town Hall_
crony socialism in the "short sale" market
"There are the obvious examples, such as far-left environmentalist billionaire Tom Steyer, who has received more than a billion dollars for a light rail project, which personally helped his hedge fund. However, beyond pay-to-play, there is a more advance version of financial corruption that can happen in the 'short sale' market. If you're not familiar with that term, is a strategy used by hedge funds and other large investment banks to study investment opportunities and profit from businesses which are likely to drop in value. The investor borrows money to make that bet, then makes money when paying off the loan is less than the return. It may sound like a wild form of gambling, but it is legitimate. After all, capital follows the path of least resistance and great opportunity. And capital needs that information about investment opportunities, while these tactics by hedge funds can keep stocks from becoming overvalued. However, no market-place is perfect, and there is always the opportunity for fraud. Instead of allowing the markets to run their course and using data to study market trends, a handful of elite investors use their political connections to use the media and politicians to drive a stock price down..."
Arthur Schaper _Town Hall_
Kamala Harris: scofflaw prosecutor (and, unfortunately, not the only one)
Hadley Heath Manning _Town Hall_
escape from ObummerDoesn'tCare
"A Bridge to Better Health Care, a project of Independent Women's Voice, has laid out five guiding principles we believe any repeal and replace effort must adhere to. Our principles include: protecting people, ensuring consumer choice and affordability, respecting the economy, working at the state level, and respecting the Constitution..."
Matt Bowman _Town Hall_
ACLU & eugenic Planned Parenthood seek to ban reproductive choice in Illinois
Andrew Langer _Town Hall_
informing the debate over trade and "trade promotion"
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
women working in Iraq testify about horrifying genocide of Christians and their heritage by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Defense Authorization Act cuts military personnel, could add illegal aliens
Andre Walker _Breitbart_
Kent Police investigate charges of election fraud in South Thanet, where Nigel Farage lost
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Rand Paul entered "secret room" to read 800 page version of Obummer's Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, calls for release of the deal to the public
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
doctors slam American College of Physicians for caving in to LGBT agenda
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
bizarrely acting parolee escaped from police, entered private yard and advanced on resident acting as though he were reaching for a firearm, home-owner used her firearm to stop him
"Although wounded, Carmelo continued to resist arrest when deputies reached Doolittle's home. He was finally taken into custody with the help of the Shasta County Sheriff's K-9."
John Hayward _Breitbart_
DoD hunts terrorists on the net
engineer's window of commuter train was broken by a projectile about 20 minutes before Amtrak went off the rails about 3.5 miles away
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
helicopter from Camp Pendleton, being used for earth-quake relief in Himalayas, is missing after possible fuel problem
House ready to pass bill to end NSA collection of all domestic USA phone records
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Libertarian Party filed law-suit against Presidential Debate Commission for exclusion, it's unfair and illegal
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
teen arrested, suspended for wearing "protect your right (to own and carry arms) T-shirt to school, his mother is sueing the school board
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
tipping point on emasculation of US senate
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer secretary of indoctrination met with Chicago gangsters, then said "they just need jobs"
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
guard told Dem senator: you can't take notes about Obummer's corrupt trade agreement
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
cost of pork totaled $4.2G in FY2015; up 56% from previous year
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt and malevolent FEC want to "dismantle the USA's economic system" and "impose quotas" to get more women in politics
"'If I was really playing God, I'd probably have to completely, like, dismantle our economic system, that doesn't value women's work in the same way it does men's.', said Adrienne Kimmel, one of the forum panelists. Kimmel also serves as the executive director of the Barbara Lee Family Foundation, which describes itself as working to 'advance women's equality and representation in American politics'."
Sarah Torre _Cybercast News Service_
Gosnell's actions are a reminder of USA's failure to protect women and un-born children
Michael Brown _WND_
why conservative Christian churches are still growing in the USA and worldwide
Seth Borenstein _WND_
from 2014 April through 2015 April, 42.1% of honeybee hives have died off
"The survey found bee-keepers lost 27.4% of their colonies this summer. That's up from 19.8% the previous summer... Delaplane and vanEngelsdorp said a combination of mites, poor nutrition and pesticides are to blame for the bee deaths. USDA bee scientist Jeff Pettis said last summer's large die-off included unusual queen loss and seemed worse in colonies that moved more. Dick Rogers, chief bee-keeper for pesticide-maker Bayer, said the loss figure is 'not unusual at all' and said the survey shows an end result of more colonies now than before: 2.74M hives in 2015, up from 2.64M in 2014..."
Frederica S. Wilson (D-FL) proposed bill to force vaccination of all children in USA
"white" mercenaries have Boko Haram on the run, "bringing back our girls"
"They're Nigeria's unlikely saviors -- most being white, in their 50s and 60s and combat veterans of the former South African apartheid regime. But, tainted resumes notwithstanding, they've been getting the job done in northern Nigeria, hitting the Islamist terror group Boko Haram hard enough to send the jihadists into retreat, liberating dozens of villages and freeing hundreds of women and girls held as slaves and 'bush wives' during a 6-year-long reign of terror, reported the London Telegraph... squad of mostly-white bush-warfare experts is employed by Specialized Tasks, Training, Equipment and Protection, a private army run by colonel Eeben Barlow... Barlow's firm was hired by Nigeria out-going president Goodluck Jonathan in January... As WND has reported..., [president Barack Hussein Obummer] withheld weapons and intelligence support from Nigeria in its fight against the Islamists because Jonathan's administration stood by the nation's laws criminalizing homosexual acts and strictly forbidding same-sex 'marriage'. Jonathan was defeated in the March election by retired general Muhammadu Buhari, who ruled as dictator there from 1983 until 1985, when he was removed through a coup. Buhari's campaign was run by the political firm founded by key [Obummer] strategist David Axelrod. Buhari previously vowed to institute shariah law [under which homosexuals are to be executed] in the Muslim-dominated parts of the country if elected..."
Fiona Macrae _WND_
bright artificial lights can make people chubbier
UK Daily Mail
John Hayward _Breitbart_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate using stolen passports to help jihad recruits travel
John Hayward _Breitbart_
51-year-old actor Michael Enright joined Kurdish militia to fight against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
persecutions by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate create market for human traffickers smuggling Yazidis OUT of Iraq
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
2 ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate recruiters arrested in Spain
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
over 11K Nigerian refugees return as Boko Haram are driven out
Kipp Jones _Breitbart_
documentary theorizes that Marilyn Monroe was bipolar, and died as a result of medical negligence
"'Autopsy: The Last Hours of Marilyn Monroe' enlists the UK's leading forensic pathologist, Dr. Richard Shepherd to explore Monroe's autopsy report, along with recently revealed private medical records, according to the Mirror. While her death was officially blamed on a drug overdose, the documentary accuses her physician, Dr. Hyman Engelberg, who also performed her autopsy, of 'signing her death sentence' by prescribing her a lethal cocktail of sleeping pills."
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime's twisted, contradictory immigration priorities (but still rigged to push excessive immigration into the USA)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
DHS OIG: is releasing some illegal aliens without knowing their criminal history
Bruce Cole & Roger L. Beckett _Washington DC Times_
bring history and civics back to the class-room (hold the leftist propaganda)
William C Triplett ii _Washington DC Times_
following the Clinton cash
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Marco Rubio re-invents "peace through strength" in speech to CFR
John Steinreich _American Thinker_
credit where none is due
Adam Sackowitz _American Thinker_
real education reform: opt out of Communist Corpse
Bill Chandler _TEA Party News Network_
everything you need to know about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (with video)
_TEA Party News Network_
does the Muslim terrorist group ISIL have a primary target city in the USA?
"...A few weeks ago, a tweet was put out with the ISIS flag being displayed on [an idiot-phone] in front of the White House with the threat that they will one day fly their flag there. [Obummer] was silent on that threat. But, WGN noticed another tweet that others did not. On June 20, a tweet was sent out with a message being held in Arabic in front of a building. The building caught the eye of someone at the news station and, upon further investigation, they identified it as the Old Republic Building in Chicago located at 307 N. Michigan Ave..."
Howard Richman, Raymond Richman & Jesse Richman _American Thinker_
fast-tracking an international EPA
S. Fred Singer _American Thinker_
saving humanity from catastrophic global cooling: a task for geo-engineering
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
warmist hysterics in a tizzy: too much ice in the Antarctic
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Arctic quest to prove catastrophic climate change ends in tragedy, 2 Dutch researchers lost, presumed fallen into icy waters
"The men had been travelling from Resolute Bay in Canada northwards to Bathurst Island across melting summer ice... the team decided to shift course 'to make their route a bit more interesting and challenging'... A search and rescue operation mounted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police eventually found the body of Mr. Cornelissen, but Mr. de Roo has not been found. Both are believed to have drowned after falling through the ice. A guard dog which the pair had taken with them was also recovered in good health... Cornelissen held a degree in architecture... "
PM Winston Churchill
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind...
Winston Churchill Centre
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"You know why there's a 2nd amendment? In case the gov't doesn't obey the 1st one." --- Rush H. Limbaugh 1993-08-17 (quoted in J. Neil Schulman 1993 _Stopping Power_ pg 21)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the forgotten realities of World War 2
Washington DC Times
"More than 60M people perished -- some 50M of them in Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and China. The pre-war Soviet state in the 1920s and 1930s had killed perhaps 20 million of its own citizens in purges, exiles, collectivizations, forced famines and show trials. Then it lost an estimated 25M soldiers and civilians to the German army on the Eastern Front. Hitler's Germany by late 1942 had occupied almost 1M square miles of Soviet ground. The Soviet Red Army would eventually be responsible for three-quarters of Germany's WWII casualties, but at a cost of approximately 9M dead of its own combatants. Nevertheless, the Allied defeat of the Axis powers is more complicated... When World War II started, America was [non-interventionist] and the Soviet Union collaborationist... Once the United States entered the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Axis cause was largely doomed. America mobilized 12m soldiers -- about the same number as did the Soviet Union, despite having a population of about 40m fewer citizens. American war production proved astonishing. At the huge Willow Run plant in Michigan, the greatest generation turned out a B-24 heavy bomber every hour. A single shipyard could mass-produce an ocean-going Liberty merchant ship from scratch in a week. In just 4 years, the United States would produce more airplanes than all of the major war powers combined. Germany, Japan, Italy and the Soviet Union could not build a successful four-engine heavy bomber. America, in contrast, produced 34K excellent B-17s, B-24s and B-29s. By 1944, the new U.S. Navy had become the largest in the history of civilization at more than 6K ships. Its B-29 heavy bomber program and Manhattan Project efforts together cost more $50G in today's dollars... At the same time, the U.S.A. supplied the Soviet Union with 400K heavy trucks, 2K locomotives, 11K rail-cars and billions of dollars worth of planes, tanks, food, clothing and strategic resources. By 1943-1944, the U.S.A. also supplied about 20% of Britain's munitions..."
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
"They concern the share of Americans who served in the military. That was, [the census bureau] reports, 16.1M men. Of these, 6.1M volunteered and 10M were drafted. According to Census, 406K were killed and 671K others were wounded -- a casualty rate of about 1 in 15 for all services. (These figures cover only men. Census also reported separately that 342K women served in World War II; 217 died.) At the war's end, 12.1M Americans were still in uniform. This compared with 3.1M in 1970 at the height of the war in Vietnam and 1.5M in 2011. In 1950, 28% of all men 18 and over were World War II veterans; today, the active-duty military (men and women) are less than 1% of the 18-and-older population, says Census. What these figures show is that, compared with World War II, we fight our wars today from our hip pocket. The Census numbers actually under-state the war-time mobilization. Looking at just men ages 15 to 39 in 1940 (as I have), from 50% to 60% served in World War II. Presumably, the others were unfit, too old or exempted from service [or already at work in industries to arm and supply troops]."
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
Obummer bureaucracy stifles counter-jihad info-war; DoS issued warning on foreign booze
Washington DC Times
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the lack of candor
"...calling things by their right name is the beginning of wisdom, for anything less blurs the meaning of the words we use to shape our thoughts, softening their hard edges and reducing them to polite approximations..."
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Illinois state senator Barack Hussein Obummer's destructive "urban agenda"
World Net Daily
"Bill Ayers, the former fugitive and still unrepentant domestic terrorist/member of the Weather Underground turned 'educator', founded the Chicago Annenberg Challenge with a $50M grant from the Annenberg Foundation. Just 3 years out of law school, [Obummer] chaired the newly formed CAC board from 1995 to 1999, spending millions to 'improve' Chicago public schools. In all, CAC distributed more than $100M from 1995 to 2001 to improve Chicago schools. Rather than fund the schools directly, Ayers required schools to work with 'external partners', who focused on political radicalism. 'External partners' that focused on math or science were turned down. The CAC instead funded groups like the far-left Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now or the South Shore African Village Collaborative and the Dual Language Exchange, which focused on Afrocentricity, anti-capitalism, political consciousness and bilingualism. After 6 years, what did the CAC achieve? By its own assessment, the money was wasted. Their report said: 'There were no statistically significant differences in student achievement between Annenberg schools and demographically similar non-Annenberg schools. This indicates that there was no Annenberg effect on achievement.'... Valerie Jarrett served as the chief executive of Habitat Company, which managed a project called Grove Parc Plaza from 2001 to 2008... By 2006, after repeated warnings, federal inspectors found conditions so bad and repairs so minimal they moved to seize Grove Parc, later demolishing it... Similarly, Rezmar Corp., cofounded in 1989 by Tony Rezko, used more than $87M in government grants, loan and credits over the next nine years to renovate and manage 1K apartments in 30 Chicago buildings -- 11 of them in [Obummer's] district. Residents complained of rats, insect infestations, no heat, leaking windows and piles of trash. By the time [Obummer] entered the state senate, buildings were deteriorating and Chicago was suing Rezmar for various violations..."
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
Rand Paul & Ted Cruz on the 4th amendment
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
what will the GOP losership cave on next?
World Net Daily
"Before sucking up to The New York Times, it would be really great if [legislators and presidents and bureaubums] would [study], so they'd know stuff... True, it wouldn't be celebrated as a 'kumbaya' moment by Bloomberg News. But on the plus side, a lot fewer Americans would be murdered, crippled, raped and robbed."
George Will _Jewish World Review_
punishing parents who deviate from the power-mad government-enforced diktat
"Controversies about 'free-range parenting' illuminate today's scarred cultural landscape. Neighbors summon police in response to parenting choices the neighbors disapprove. Government extends its incompetence with an ever-broader mission of 'child protection'. And these phenomena are related to campus hysteria about protecting infantilized under-graduates [and graduate students, and faculty] from various menaces, including uncongenial ideas..."
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Yazii girls were told by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate: you will become Muslims when we rape you
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer TSA chief Melvin Carraway refused to report security flaws to congress
"...Committee chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) indicated that ego had something to do with it: The Homeland Security Department [DHS], which over-sees TSA, objected to having Carraway sit on a panel that included Rafi Ron, an ordinary citizen who runs a private security company..."
_Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz battles "trade promotion authority's" sneaky immigration changes
"Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has filed an amendment to the Trade Act of 2015 to lock in assurances that this legislation cannot be used to change federal immigration law. 'The [Obummer regime] has repeatedly assured Members of Congress that there is nothing in the Trade Act of 2015 that would allow the President to unilaterally make changes to federal immigration laws.', said senator Cruz. 'I agree, and we should put it in writing and make it binding law. I am a strong supporter of free trade, but I cannot support legislation that would allow the President to once again circumvent Congress to enact his own immigration laws. Since the Obama Administration has emphatically argued that TPA will not affect immigration, it should support this amendment, which makes that promise explicit.' The amendment states that nothing in the Trade Act of 2015 or in any trade agreement subject to the Act 'shall alter or affect any law, regulation, or policy relating to immigration'."
_Conservative HQ_
Conservative HQ and Rand Paul come out swinging against "trade promotion authority" and "Trans-Pacific Partnership"
David Daoud _WND_
Iranian theocracy claims "divine right" to destroy Israel
Israeli HS students won 2 silver medals and 4 bronze medals in physics competition in Red China; ranked 8th of 23
Dept. of Veterans Affairs has been spending over $6G in violation of federal contracting rules
EU court chides Google for refusal of 70% of 253,617 requests for removal of info that is inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant data
David Gilbert: International Business Times
"While Google's official transparency report says that it has removed 41.3% of the URLs it has evaluated (it says it has evaluated a total of 920,258 URLs for the 253,617 requests it has received), Forget.me says that the refusal rate based on individual requests has now stabilised at 70%... 58.7% of requests ha to do with invasions of privacy..."
_Clinton Cash_ debuts at #2 on NYTimes best-seller list
John Nolte _Breitbart_
George Stephanopoulos hid $50K... make that $75K... donation to Clintons Foundation
Dylan Byers: Politico
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
day 32 Hitlery Rotten Clinton refuses to answer media questions
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: leftists believe you don't count as a woman if you're not leftist
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
14 "heavily armed" men invaded home near Texas-Mexico border, wounded woman and one child
"Preliminary information suggests the robbers attacked the wrong house..."
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
media ignored Muslim family indicted for murder in Texas
"...the chilling threat Ali Awad Mahmoud Irsan made to his daughter Nesreen after murdering her best friend... According the Texas prosecutors, Gelareh -- an outspoken Iranian-American critic of Iran and Islam, and a convert to Christianity -- had urged her friend Nesreen to break free from father Ali's domination and marry the man Nesreen had fallen in love with, a Christian named Coty Beavers... Prosecutors say Nadia Irsan assisted her father by stalking Nesreen and Coty for months, even attaching a GPS tracker to Nesreen's car..."
Jacqueline Klimas _Washington DC Times_
Iran fired on merchant-ship from Singapore, in international waters
Rick Moran: American Thinker
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
ayatolla speaks to indoctrinators of youth; all chant "Death to America! Death to England!... Death to Israel!"
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin has added a dozen new affiliates to his 300+ roster
Rush Limbaugh 13.25M+
Sean Hannity 12.5M+
Dave Ramsey 8.25M+
Glenn Beck & Mark Levin 7M+
Michael Savage 5.25M+
Jim Bohannon, Mike Gallagher, Michael Medved, George Noory, Doug Stephan 2.75M+
Bill Bennett, Clark Howar & Dennis Miller 2.5M+
Laura Ingraham 2M+...
Dennis Prager 1.5M+
Jerry Doyle, Hugh Hewitt, Lars Larson & Kevin McCullough 1.25M+
...Roger Hedgecock 1M+...
Laura Ingraham
non-leftists should demand that encourages enlistment of illegal aliens be removed from defense authorization act
Jake Sherman & Austin Wright: Politico
Laura Ingraham
EU trying to force UK to accept more illegal aliens from Africa
Alix Culbertson: Express
Alix Culbertson _Express_
police closed investigation of election fraud at Thanet South
Joseph Farah _WND_
meet Pamela Geller, one of the bravest women in the USA
"...Have you ever wondered by so many leftists are soft on shariah? Leftists say they support everything that Islam detests -- 'gay rights', women’s rights, free expression, peace on earth. But they watch tacitly as Islam runs rough-shod over their entire agenda. What gives? Ultimately, it comes down to the left’s ideological commitment to 'multi-culturalism', which began as a back-door assault against Western values and morphed into a war with Judeo-Christian ethics, America and Israel. Suddenly, they found common ground with the barbarians who behead anyone doesn’t lie prostrate before Allah 5 times a day..."
parents threatened with jail for getting their children into better schools
Tomas Hirst _WND_
18% of Russians can barely buy food
Business Insider
over 700 suspected terrorists have traveled from UK to Syria and back, 350 of higher concern
Chelsea Schilling _WND_
Sweden's socialist illfare bonanza for returning ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate jihadists
"When the Islamic State terrorists are ready to retire from beheading, crucifying and burning innocent human beings, they will now enjoy a nice benefits package in Stockholm, Sweden, that includes free housing, health care and financial support. In fact, Sweden's own soldiers don't even get the same benefits. And some officials are suggesting the law-abiding population pay for the services so ISIS fighters can 'reintegrate into society'..."
Anugrah Kumar _WND_
al-Shabaab threaten more murders of Chtistians in Kenya
Christian Post
Bill Federer _WND_
Calvin Coolidge aptly warned of paid agitator lobbyists
"President Calvin Coolidge warned in a speech given 1926 May 15, at the College of William and Mary, in Williamsburg, Virginia: 'But there is another...recent development...the greatly disproportionate influence of organized minorities. Artificial propaganda, paid agitators, selfish interests, all impinge upon members of legislative bodies to force them to represent special elements rather than the great body of their constituency. When they are successful, minority rule is established... The result is an extravagance on the part of the Government which is ruinous to the people and a multiplicity of regulations and restrictions for the conduct of all kinds of necessary business, which becomes little less than oppressive...'..."
Michael Bargo ii _American Thinker_
bankruptcy court rulings uncover historic government securities fraud
"Since 2009 [Barack Hussein Obummer] and his Party have created $8T of public debt. What most Americans and investors are not aware of is that another $8T of government debt was created over the past forty years, mostly by Democrats. This is the accumulated unfunded public pension and municipal bond debt. And unlike the national debt, which is easily found and exists on government books, this second amount of debt is not widely known. What is more unsettling is how this debt was created and how it impacts all Americans. Its origin has been revealed through the bankruptcy court hearings of Stockton, California; Detroit, Michigan; and the financial situation of Chicago, IL. As public spending increased and public sector pension debt mushroomed, these and other city governments were unable to keep up with public pension plan expenses. One fix they attempted was to borrow money from investors by issuing municipal bonds. But these bonds only created more debt. Say a muni bond is purchased for $10K. The buyer of the bond usually receives an interest payment from the issuer twice a year. If the bond is a 10-year bond, then after 10 years the buyer gets paid back the entire $10K price at termination. The interest payments made 20 times during those 10 years are the interest income. But Chicago, Stockton and Detroit came to the point where they could no longer afford to make those biannual bond and termination payments..."
James Lewis _American Thinker_
the world is hungry for leadership
Doris O'Brien _American Thinker_
USA's perversely artificial obsession with breaking the political mold
Norman Rogers _American Thinker_
how to repair higher education: bring on creative destruction and open competition
"The Digital Equipment Corporation was founded in 1957 with a $70K investment. Its [high quality] mini-computers [and telecommunications gear] became extremely profitable, and at one point, DEC was the second largest computer company in the world. However, by the 1990s it was losing money, was swallowed up by competitors [Compaq, which was swallowed up by HP, which had a abandoned their own core competency], and faded away..."
Bob Yirka _Phys.Org_
mandible found in Romania has 4.8%-11.3% Neanderthal DNA
"DNA testing of a human mandible fossil found in Romania has revealed a genome with 4.8% to 11.3% Neanderthal DNA -- its original owner died approximately 40K years ago, Palaeogenomicist Qiaomei Fu reported to audience members at a Biology of Genomes meeting in New York last week. She noted also that she and her research team found long Neanderthal sequences. The high percentage suggests, she added, that the human had a Neanderthal in its family tree going back just 4 to 6 generations. The finding by the team provides strong evidence that humans and Neanderthals continued breeding in Europe, long after their initial co-mingling in the Middle East (after humans began migrating out of Africa). Last year, Fu and her team published a paper describing DNA analysis of a human bone fragment found in an unknown place in Siberia. Dated at 45K years old, the team found evidence of Neanderthal DNA, but more importantly, because it was remarkably well preserved, the relic served to strengthen a slower mutation rate than many in the field were embracing..."
Bill Federer _WND_
Ralph Bunche: "I know the flavor of racial prejudice and racial persecution. A wise negro can never be an anti-Semite."
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"To improve the golden moment of opportunity & catch the good that is within our reach is the great art of life." --- Samuel Johnson (quoted in Alexandra Stoddard 1995 _The Art of the Possible_ pg 243)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
visa, immigration, illegal alien statistics vs. Obummer regime's anti-constitutional lawlessness
"With few exceptions, journalists, scholars, interest groups, think tanks, and the like have often been rebuffed in their attempts to obtain policy and statistical information of all sorts that in prior administrations was routinely provided... don't get the data, get it in such an untimely fashion as to render it useless, or (if you have the wherewithal) end up filing a Freedom of Information Act law-suit. The executive branch has gone to singular lengths to keep reliable data from being obtained, including 'stream-lining' annual statistical reports in such a way that whole segments of data are no longer available, or creating new categories that require manipulating data into strange amalgams to present a pleasing but false portrayal of effectiveness. In essence, they have dumbed-down the reports to make them meaningless for any kind of competent review or critical analysis. All of this seems to have been done with a wizened and cynical political eye. The most recent example of misfeasance comes to us courtesy of a report from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG), drably titled 'DHS Missing Data to Strengthen its Immigration Enforcement Efforts' in classic but typical governmental under-statement... illegal aliens have no privacy rights under the federal Privacy Act [while the protections for US citizens are regularly violated by felonious government officials via that same corrupt 'prosecutorial discretion'...]"
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
even Jesse Jackson says US execs should not be bringing in H-1B guest-workers, but recruiting American STEM professionals, particularly the African-American community
"'Well, there is more of an opportunity deficit than talent deficit. It means reaching out further and recruiting and retaining. For example, the 189 board members in the top 20 companies -- 56 white woman, 3 African-Americans and 1 Latino. It is not hard to find them. In the c-suites, 370; 3 blacks. 3 Latinos. More are qualified than that. Employment level around 2%. And while tech is important and [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics] and engineers, about 65% of the valley is non-tech... As a matter of fact Intel set aside $3M. Part of it focused on a pipe-line from HBCUs, black colleges to Silicon Valley. Howard University and Morgan State and North Carolina A&T and Hampton. As a matter of fact, the chair of MSFT is a Florida A&M graduate. So, if you want more STEM graduates, more engineers, invest in them. If you want more apple trees, plant apple seeds. The fact we need not go abroad to get H-1B workers. There are workers in Oakland. Workers in across the country if trained an invested in, in fact they give us high return. They are American-born and American-bred.'"
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
Erica Brown _Jewish World Review_
seeking & finding: the secret to being spiritually successful
"...Perhaps the activity of searching for higher ground will bring us closer by virtue of the exploration, the rooting out and naming of longings and yearnings..."
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
"peace" fantacists in action
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Marco Rubio fires an impressive opening shot
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
is George Snufalupagus the next "news" media personality to commit professional suicide
Washington DC Times
Bill Whalen _Jewish World Review_
draft John Bolton for Secretary of State
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare "exchanges" on life support
Cybercast News Service
Power-mad, crony socialist pork and graft by any other name.
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
killing Pamela
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Dems/Reds/leftists get a taste of Obummer's arrogance
Donald Lambrro _Jewish World Review_
in Obummer's USA we've all received raises... in taxes, debt, gasoline prices, electricity prices, unemployment, and rates of poverty
Washington DC Times
Kansas City Post
Toronto Ontario Canada Post
Town Hall
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the first lady of imaginary "micro-aggressions"
_Conservative HQ_
senator Jeff Sessions has filed amendments to "fast track"/"trade promotion authorization" bill, issued "critical alert" to Trans-Pacific Partnership's likely effects on USA sovereignty
"Amendment #1233 ensures that congressional approval is needed for all changes to U.S. law, and so prohibits the application of trade promotion procedures to any implementing bill that permits modification of a trade agreement without congressional approval. Amendment #1233 contains provisions for proper enforcement by allowing a point of order to be raised on the Senate floor against any implementing bill that violates these terms -- ensuring that the bill proceeded under normal senate procedures that allow amendment. This ensures that if changes are made to a trade agreement after congress' initial approval of the agreement, then those changes would also need to be approved by congress, thus safeguarding congressional authority and U.S. sovereignty against international interference pursuant to any open-ended amendment or 'living agreement' provisions. Amendment #1234 holds the Administration and USTR to their word that no trade agreement will be used to change U.S. immigration law or policy. Modeled after the Congressional Responsibility for Immigration Act of 2003 -- a bill sponsored by cenators Leahy, Feinstein, and Kennedy -- Amendment #1234 prohibits the application of trade promotion procedures to any implementing bill that affects U.S. immigration law. If an implementing bill or trade agreement violates these terms, then Amendment #1234 would allow a point of order to be raised on the senate floor against the implementing bill, ensuring that the bill proceeded under normal senate procedures allowing amendment. With congress set to vote to begin debate on fast-track authority and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the White House still refuses to answer even the most basic questions about it. These are the questions senator Sessions says the White House will not answer: Will it increase or reduce the trade deficit, and by how much? Will it increase or reduce employment and wages, and by how much? Will you make the 'living agreement' section public and explain fully its implications? Will [Red China] be added to the TPP? Will you pledge not to issue any executive actions, or enter into any future agreements, impacting the flow of foreign workers into the United States? Proponents of the Trans-Pacific Partnership want congress to fast-track it before the American people know what's in it. They want us to trust that enforcement will occur, even though it has not in the past. They want us to trust that the president won't utilize this broad new avenue to expand foreign worker programs, even though his record demonstrates that he will. They want us to trust that this time is different. One of the most important areas TPP proponents ignore is the issue of non-tariff barriers. The barriers to U.S. exports in this century are increasingly not conventional tariffs, but non-tariff barriers like currency manipulation, backdoor taxes, and a variety of state-sanctioned obstacles to market entry. Under the TPP, the U.S.A. will lower its tariffs but competitor industries will retain their substantial non-tariff barriers. This is what Nucor Steel's chairman-emeritus, Daniel DiMicco, means when he talks about 'unilateral American trade disarmament' and the 'enablement of foreign mercantilism'. IOW, poorly-negotiated trade deals, instead of opening new markets for our industries, tilt the playing field even further in their competitors' direction. The result is not freer global trade, but more mercantilist market domination..."
Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_
oleocanthal, the primary phenolic compound found in extra-virgin olive oil, has been shown to eradicate cancer cells
Medical Daily
Raw Story
"oleocanthal was 'destroying' the cancer cells' waste centers, known as lysosomes, which are larger than [those in] healthy cells and also more fragile... healthy cells stayed intact..."
Stephanie Coueignoux & Trish Williford _WND_
town rallies around student told to remove US flag
Atlanta GA Journal-Constitution
Town Hall
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
wreckage of USMC helicopter from Camp Pendleton found in Nepal; 3 bodies found
Laura Ingraham
Kirsten Powers: how the left are trying to ban contrary facts, thoughts, and opinions
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
why did the census bureau pay a racist left-wing wacko $15K-$20K to address employees?
2015-05-13: John Crudele: NYPost
2014-04-16: John Crudele: NYPost: census bureau clams up
2014-04-21: John Crudele: NYPost: fraud runs rampant in census bureau/BLS
Norman Rogers _American Thinker_
should the socialists' death tax die?
Theodore Dawes _American Thinker_
Forks, WA... and the spotted owl
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
news from Saudi Arabia that you won't see in the main-stream media
Shoshana Bryen _American Thinker_
Christians in Israel and Palestine=Gaza
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
Netanyahu faces the future
Clyde Hughes _News Max_
economic indicator: Christies' auction-house set $1.4G week record for art
Ed Moy _News Max_
the real fight against poverty
"...The economic status of African Americans has been particularly hard hit by the [Obummer regime]. Black unemployment has increased 60%, the Black/White wealth gap is at a 24-year high, and African Americans who live in poverty have increased to 27%. Black-owned businesses have suffered too. Only 1.7% of SBA loans went to Black businesses, compared to 8% under the administration of president George W. Bush [Shrub]. Poverty has gotten worse. If you want a different result, different policies are needed, not doing more of the same..."
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Phyllis Schalfly: the goal of same-sex "marriage" is "to wipe out the Christian religion"
"On the May 11 talk-radio program, Talkback with Chuck Wilder, the host asked Phyllis Schlafly, 'Have you noticed that only Christian small-business people have been harassed and sued for refusing to participate in same-sex marriages, even though our fast-growing immigrant populations -- you know of Muslims, Hindus and other faiths -- are also opposed to that concept? The use of same-sex marriage to attack Christian businesses but not businesses run by members of other religions demonstrates what is really driving the demand for the new constitutional right to same-sex marriage. And Phyllis, give them the bottom line. What is that bottom line?'..."
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Mike Morell: foreign countries have what was on Hitlery's private e-mail server
"When asked if he thinks foreign governments could have gotten information from Clinton's server, Morell said, 'So I think that foreign intelligence services, the good ones, have everything on any unclassified network that the government uses whether it's a a private server or a public one. They are that good.'"
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
some RINOs, like Dems, smooch with over-sized, power-mad government
Sierra Rayne _American Thinker_
top 40 non-leftist web-sites
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 95.9 in late-April to 88.6 in mid-May
USA Gold
Foreign Exchange Live
Tyler Durden: Zero Hedge (with graphs)
Doug Short: Advisor Perspectives (with graphs)
Ruth Mantell: MarketWatch (with graph)
UMich Institute for "Social Research", Surveys of Consumers
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"You know why there's a 2nd amendment? In case the gov't doesn't obey the 1st one." --- Rush H. Limbaugh 1993-08-17 (quoted in J. Neil Schulman 1993 _Stopping Power_ pg 21)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
DHS tries to blame tech glitch for violating judge's injunction against amnesty for illegal aliens
"First, the lawyers misled the court as to more than 100K three-year amnesty applications that were approved between Nov. 20 and Feb. 16, when judge Hanen issued his injunction. The lawyers said they didn't intend to mislead, and they assumed the judge knew those applications were being approved. Then the Homeland Security Department [DHS] announced it had approved the 2K or so 3-year applications even after the injunction -- a clear violation of the judge's order, and raising questions about the lawyers' excuses for the first 100K botched applications.."
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
students of Asian ancestry are suing Harvard for racist admissions policies
"A group of Asian-Americans have filed a complaint against Harvard saying that the school engaged in 'systemic and continuous discrimination' against Asians with its admissions policy. Over 60 groups representing Chinese, Indians, Korean, and Pakistanis joined forces to file complaints with the civil rights offices at both the departments of justice and education..."
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Rick Santorum
Steve Apfel _American Thinker_
when professors turn foolish, they turn really stupid
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"[I]n 1940 only 38.1% of the population had completed HS; by 1990 that figure had climbed to 85.7%... In 1900 only 7% of all 14-17 year olds attended HS; by 1960, 90% did so." --- David Shenk 1997 _Data Smog_ pg 65 (citing census bureau)
Chuck Norris _WND_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens, and Jade Helm 15 (part 1)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
Wednesday's child is full of woe
Cory Franklin _Political Mavens_
farm fields as far as the eye could see
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
FBI: security researcher caused simulated airliner to change course, monitored communications with the cockpit
"...Roberts has been investigating aviation security for some time. He has been giving presentations for years, including one in Las Vegas in 2010 and another two years later, and has spoken with airplane manufacturers about the problems in their systems... He said they had gotten into data traffic on more than a dozen flights... 'watched the packets and data going across the network to see where it was going.'..."
Newt Gingrich _News Max_
what's behind the collapse of Baltimore
_News Max_
even Yebbie Booosh realizes that same-sex "marriage" is not a constitutional right (with video)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Obummer cares more about extortion and redistribution than productivity, job creation and a healthy economy
"Military Religious Freedom Foundation" wants major-general court-martialed for thankin God at National Day of prayer Task Force
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
Booker T. Washington's Heaven vs. the Obummers' H377
"The [Obummers] are 'free at last' from having to face the voters again -- and free to tell us what they really think. For Barack, there's no longer any need to hide his inner racist. And he's no longer bashful about advocating to 'spread the wealth' -- Karl Marx style. For Michelle, there's no longer a need to run from her early statements like, 'For the first time in my adult life, I'm really proud of my country (now that my husband is president).' Michelle held nothing back at her recent commencement speech at Tuskegee University, the world-renowned institution founded by Booker T. Washington. I was born and raised near Tuskegee, and our high-school teacher took us to visit the campus every summer. We slept in the dorms, ate in the cafeteria, and the experience made a lasting impression on me -- so much so that I patterned my private school, The BOND Leadership Academy, after Tuskegee. Booker T. Washington was born a slave, without his father. Yet, armed with a strong spirit, hard work and the assistance of white philanthropists who helped fund his institute, Washington became one of our greatest Americans. In contrast, what have Barack or Michelle ever done to truly help anyone beside themselves?..."
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
rebuilding USA's foundations
Greg Corombos _WND_
top economist Walter E. Williams sadly notes that too many Americans have contempt for liberty
"'The average American thinks that it is indeed moral for the congress to forcibly use one American to serve the purposes of another American.', Williams told WND and Radio America. 'It will forcefully use one American to serve the purposes of farmers in term of farm subsidies or bank bailouts or welfare or food stamps.' He added: 'I think that the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another is immoral. As a matter of fact, that's the working definition of slavery.' Williams is quick to point out that he has no problem helping his neighbor in need. It's how that help is structured that he rejects out of hand. 'I believe that helping one's fellow man in need by reaching into one's own pockets is praiseworthy and laudable.', he said. 'Helping one's fellow man by reaching in someone else's pockets is worthy of condemnation. For the Christians among us, when God gave Moses the commandment thou shall not steal. He did not mean that thou shall not steal unless you got a majority vote in congress.'..."
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Christian churches in Central India attacked 5 times in 5 days
Red/Dem/leftist billionaire to run for governor of WV
John J. Xenakis _Breitbart_
thousands of Bangladeshi, Burmese, Rohingya refugees stranded at sea in SE Asia
S.A. Miller _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's ties to GMO & Monsanto gave rise to nick-name "bride of frankenfood"
Andrew P. Miller _Washington DC Times_
an appeal on behalf of governor Robert F. McConnell
Anne R. Pierce _Washington DC Times_
USA must speak out against propaganda
"Ideas matter. They matter so much that they cause seismic shifts in history... Words matter. They matter so much that enemies of freedom use words as weapons and rely upon propaganda to consolidate power. Speaking out against the world’s worst regimes gives political dissidents and prisoners courage and hope, while failing to speak gives dictators confidence and momentum. Repressive rulers know that truth about their rule is the biggest threat to their rule. Why, otherwise, would they expend massive resources stamping out freedom of expression?..."
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
elections corruption: the left is determined to stop election integrity efforts
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's poverty mythology
Paul Driessen _Washington DC Times_
a new little ice age?: earth may be cooling
"Going back to 1755, only a few solar cycles have had a lower number of sunspots during their maximum phase, he adds. This continued downward trend began two decades ago, just before Earth stopped warming. If sun-spots continue declining for a couple more cycles, Earth could enter another 'grand minimum', an extended period of low solar activity. Reading University space physicist Mike Lockwood agrees. Solar activity is falling perhaps 'faster than at any time in the last 9,300 years', he observes. That would mean less incoming solar radiation, which could have a marked cooling effect -- as happened during previous decadeslong episodes of low solar activity. The 'Maunder Minimum' lasted 70 years (1645-1715), the 'Dalton Minimum' 40 years (1790-1830). They brought even colder temperatures to the 'Little Ice Age'..."
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash." --- Dr. Joyce Brothers (source: Jewish World Review)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer trying to ignore over 100 years of legislative history on limits to immigration; 1 visa per individual admitted
Rachel Stoltzfoos _Daily Caller_
Fossil fired American STEM workers, imported cheap foreign labor
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
Rock City, the Casbah
"When I first saw this New Yortk Times headline -- 'Let Syrians Settle Detroit' -- I confess I misconstrued it as a proposal to let the post-industrial dystopia's fate be settled by some grand Hunger Games proxy war fought by Iran-backed thugs with chemical weapons and blood-soaked ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate armies full of gung-ho western jihadists. But no, the Times wants to move bazillions of Syrian refugees in to revitalize the Motor City, and thereby, as Tim Blair's droll headline suggests, turn Motown into Motown... What a fascinating study. If that's how you make 'active' citizens, let's drop the entire student body of Oberlin in the middle of Somalia and see what they're like when they get back..."
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
de-railed thinking de-humanizes tragecy
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
water-boarding worked
_Conservative HQ_
20 RINOs who deserve to be defeated in primaries for supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, and not supporting veterans
Edwin Mora: Breitbart
"Conservatives won a big battle on national security last week when an amendment authored by representative Mo Brooks (AL-5) passed. The Brooks amendment stripped a provision from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would have allowed illegal aliens to enlist in the U.S. military and thereby obtain citizenship... Adding insult to injury, as Breitbart’s Matt Boyle observed, it would have come in an NDAA that reduces America's force size—meaning the NDAA would have, if it weren't for the Brooks amendment bolstered by conservatives like representatives Steve King (R-IA) and Dave Brat (R-VA) among others, put illegal aliens ahead of Americans. What's more, it would have used a defense bill -- rather than an immigration bill -- to do it... The Republicans who voted in Committee for the amendment to allow illegal aliens to enlist in the U.S. military are Martha McSally (AZ-2), Tom MacArthur (NJ-3), Frank LoBiondo (NJ-2), Chris Gibson (NY-19), Mike Coffman (CO-6) and Ryan Zinke (MT-At-Large)... if there was ever an example of a Republican In Name Only or RINO it is these 20, deserve a conservative primary challenge in 2016 and we stand ready to help their challengers in any way we can. They are: Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-3), Mike Coffman (CO-6), Jeff Denham (CA-10), Carlos Curbelo (FL-26), Charles Dent (PA-15), Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25), Bob Dold (IL-10), Chris Gibson (NY-19), Richard Hanna (NY-22), John Katko (NY-24), Adam Kinzinger (IL-16), Frank LoBiondo (NJ-2), Tom MacArthur (NJ-3), Martha McSally (AZ-2), Dan Newhouse (WA-4), Dave Reichert (WA-8), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL-27), Elise Stefanik (NY-21), Fred Upton (MI-6), David Valadao (CA-21). Plus Montana's Ryan Zinke who voted for the Gallego amendment in committee and then flipped and supported the Brooks amendment on the Floor."
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
new data show that USCIS fee-waivers are rapidly increasing
"Recently discovered data reveal that in fiscal years 2010-2012, the grants of fee waivers doubled each year, reaching more than 370K in the last-noted year. Since each fee waiver averaged $585 the last time I ran the numbers, that means that in 2012 the agency lost more than $216M [and these fees are supposed to cover all of USCIS's costs]. And as the figure below shows, the trend is ever upward... What happens when agency income falls at such a rate? In general terms, all of the agency's customers, both the paying ones and the non-paying ones, have to wait longer for decisions... Another probability: the decision-making process is rushed and the resulting decisions are of a lower quality than they would be otherwise. This is bad news, of course, but is usually hidden by the secretive and manipulative way in which DHS handles statistics (the subject of a posting by another colleague, Dan Cadman). As a by-product of a routine operation, the re-design of USCIS forms, the data shown above were revealed in an obscure publication; they came from a foot-note on pg8 of this document..."
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions will offer amendment that forbids altering immigration policy through trade deals
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
sorry, pope, you are dangerously wrong
Joseph Farah: World Net Daily: Abbas is not an "angel of peace": terrorist's record of anti-Semitism
Janine di Giovanni & Conor Gaffey _Jewish World Review_
the new exodus: Christians fleeing ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
Center for a "New" American "Security"
Laura Ingraham
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate official killed in USA raid in Syria
Susan Jones: Cybercast News Service: intelligence committee chair hails raid
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
a fitting sentence for the Boston terrorist
"Like [Janet Reno & Bill Clinton,] Timothy McVeigh, like the 2001/09/11 hijackers, like the bombers of Pan Am Flight 103, like the Fort Hood shooter, Tsarnaev and his brother set out to slaughter as many victims as possible, and to do so with a maximum of cruelty and horror..."
Zubeidat Tsarnaeva threatens USA will suffer "eternal and terrifying fire, an otherworldly flame"
Sarah Kaufman: Vocativ
Dick Meyer _Jewish World Review_
I am an "at risk" adult. Without intervention, I might lose it. The trigger will be a random act of marketing.
"...I suppose it is a triumph of Big Data that Walgreens knows my neighborhood has lots of elders and targets them with irritating phone propaganda. But I curse it and the growing ubiquity of consumer brain-washing..."
Rex Murphy _Jewish World Review_
"white privilege"
National Post
"I’ve seen the captious phrase 'white privilege' -- a camp neologism by my reading -- very often lately. It emerges from the intellectual marshes of 'social justice' 'educators', a typical pseudo-concept from that roiling pastiche of academic pursuit..."
Herbert London _Jewish World Review_
Red Chinese-Russian alliance further complicates Middle East
Washington DC Times
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Russian belligerence
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
ObummerDoesn'tCare: somewhere between Hawaii and Greece
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Gallup poll: only 26% are satisfied with the way things are going in the USA
"...The poll also asked adults, 'What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?' 14% said government; 12% said the economy in general; 10% said unemployment/jobs; 8% said race relations; 6% said immigration/illegal aliens; and another 6% said ethical/family/moral decline..."
Dana Dovey _Jewish World Review_
5 "healthy foods" that turn deadly if prepared incorrectly
Medical Daily
"Chia seeds... The seeds are able to absorb 27 times their dry weight in water. As reported by Time, when this happens the seeds congeal into a thickened gel-like mass, which can become lodged in the consumer's esophagus... Kale... raw kale health shakes led her to develop hypothyroidism. Also known as an underactive thyroid, this is a condition where the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain hormones, which can result in a slowed metabolism, joint pain, infertility, and heart disease. Although the condition is usually found in women aged 60 and older, the goitrogenic [goiter-producing] properties of kale, which contribute to the enlarged thyroid, can caused the condition in otherwise healthy young women. Cooking Kale won't completely get rid of these goitrogenic properties, but it will help to reduce them... uncooked kale can also 'be hard on the digestive system'... Red kidney beans... Naturally, red kidney beans contain toxins called lectins. This chemical inhibits the stomach cells' ability to self-repair following natural stresses. On a microbiological level, this results in the death of the cells, but to those who consume the raw bean, it feels similar to an intense stomach ache. As little as five raw beans can cause nausea and vomiting... these beans must first be soaked in water for at least 5 hours... Rhubarb... The leaves are poisonous... even in small amounts the leaves can make a person ill. Symptoms of rhubarb stalk poisoning include: difficulty breathing, burning in the mouth, diarrhea, eye pain, seizures, and vomiting... Ackee -- must wait until fruit is fully ripe... Jamaican Vomiting Sickness... also known as toxic hypoglycemic syndrome... Symptoms of this illness are abdominal pain, depleting of hepatic glycogen, hypoglycemia, aciduria, coma, and, unfortunately, in the most severe cases, death. When eating ackee, one must wait until the fruit's protective pods turn red and open naturally, Time reported. Once open, the only edible section is the yellow arilli. This is surrounded by signature black seeds, which are always toxic, regardless of the fruit's ripeness."
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
scoundrels and family-men
_News Max_
supremes struck down MD law that would have double-taxed residents- income earned in other states
"The 5-4 ruling means the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for Maryland's coffers and affects similar tax laws in nearly 5K local jurisdictions in other states, including New York, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Maryland allowed its residents to deduct income taxes paid to other states from their Maryland state tax, but it did not apply that deduction to a local 'piggy back' tax collected for counties and some city governments..."
Peter Morici _News Max_
the destruction wreaked by Obummer's foreign policy
_News Max_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate slaughtered hundreds as it took the city of Ramadi, Iraq
Cybercast News Service/AP
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
Rowan Scarborough: Washington DC Times
Dan Weil _News Max_
John Goodman: Peter Ferrara is correct, privatize Socialist Insecurity, Medicare, unemployment insurance
Laura Ingraham
national security takes center-stage at Iowa GOP dinner
Eli Stokols: Politico
Quin Hillyer _National Review_
why is Yebbie Booosh even running?!?
"So there's this story going around, surely a piece of fiction from a typically clueless Hollywood writer or something, that there's a Republican candidate for president who is open to raising taxes, who urged the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as attorney general, and who is not just a supporter of but a prime mover behind the [Communist Corpse] education mess while blasting opponents for pushing 'conspiracy theories'. This figment of the imagination also has spent years pushing vastly expanded immigration and what can be described only as mass amnesty for illegals. Not only that, but he has repeatedly said or strongly implied that those who don't agree with him are not merely misguided, but heartless or nativist (and, yes, 'un-American')... On second thought, not even Hollywood would be clueless enough to try to sell this story as a realistic drama about a possible Republican nominee. It must be intended as satire..."
L. Brent Bozell iii _Cybercast News Service_
conviction, courage, and Catholic "identity"
"What's the University of Dallas done for you? It has opened your eyes to the wisdom of the ages. You too read Aristotle, Aquinas and Augustine. You also studied Locke and Burke and Hayek; Dante and de Tocqueville; the Constitution and the Bible. This university has afforded you the opportunity to become acquainted with some of the world's greatest treasures. The grandeur of the Roman coliseum.... the ashes of Pompeii... the ruins on the Seven Hills... the majesty of St. Peter's... this institution did not intend as its primary mission to prepare you for your career. It meant to prepare you for your legacy... Brownson was prescient. It should frighten us that this is precisely where our nation is also headed today. Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson publicly quotes Scripture and is suspended from his television show for being unChristian. The state advocates the destruction of the family and the sacrament of marriage as a moral good. A Christian minister appears on CBS to defend the sanctity of marriage and is labeled the leader of a 'hate group'. It is not secularism that is replacing Christianity, nor even is it atheism. It is paganism. Gaia is fast becoming our national God and anti-Christian bigotry our national blood sport..."
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
Bobby Jindal: Hitlery Rotten Clinton's comment that she wanted to force people to change their religious beliefs sounds like Red Chinese re-education camps
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: the LBGT pusy policies are wicked; they want to brain-wash our children
"The plan by the Farifax County Public Schools in Virginia, one of the largest school systems in the nation, to implement a 'transgender' policy and teach middle school kids about 'gender fluidity' -- that there is a sexuality spectrum -- is 'wicked', it is 'a lie', and clear evidence that 'misguided educators' want to 'brainwash our children', said reverend Franklin Grahm, an evangelical leader and son of world-renowned preacher Billy Graham. 'Can you believe these idiots? Gender fluidity?', said reverend Graham in a May 16 Facebook post. 'Here's an example of some of the wicked things misguided educators today want to expose our children to -- look at this Fox News story.'... 'Teaching them that there is no difference between boys and girls is nothing more than a lie.', he said. 'We are different because God made us different. School districts should not allow this poison anywhere near the class-room!'..."
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
House Financial Services committee may hold hearings on 2010 deal to sell uranium firm to Russia
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Dems/Reds/leftists have demographic problem in 2016
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
"white widow" Samantha Lewthwaite has murdered over 400 on behalf of al-Shabaab
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's Arne Duncan floats another bad idea
"Nothing screams [leftism] like a policy wonk who insists on confiscating your children because of the cultural hell the bureaucrats themselves created. Since president Carter created the Department of Education in 1979, we have poured trillions of dollars into the public school system as the federal government increasingly micro-manages what and how your children are taught. The result is horrifying: According to StudentsFirst, in 2012, the United States placed 27th out of 34 countries in math performance and 20th in science performance. They also report, '66% of all U.S. fourth graders scored below proficient on the 2013 National Assessment of Education Progress reading test, meaning that they are not reading at grade level. Even more alarming is the fact that among students from low-income backgrounds, 80% score below grade level in reading.' According to the Department of Education itself, and reported by The Huffington Post, 32M adults, or 14% of the population, in the United States can't read. 21% of adults in the U.S.A. read below a fifth grade level, and 19% of high school graduates can't read. In testimony to congress in 2011, Andrew Coulson of the Cato Institute noted, 'We spent over $151K per student sending the graduating class of 2009 through public schools. That is nearly three times as much as we spent on the graduating class of 1970, adjusting for inflation. Despite that massive real spending increase, overall achievement has stagnated or declined, depending on the subject.'..."
Clarence V. McKee _News Max_
some blacks attack doctor Ben S. Carson for not being leftist enough to suit them
Greg Richter _News Max_
Ollie North: Obummer is inviting Iraq blood-bath of biblical proportions
"Despite White House assurances to the contrary, the loss of the Iraqi city of Ramadi to Islamic State (ISIS) forces is not a minor setback, retired lieutenant-colonel Oliver North says. U.S. forces fought 'every day' in Ramadi between 2004 and 2007 because of the city's strategic importance, North said Monday on Fox News Channel's 'On the Record with Greta Van Susteren'. 'It's the capital of Anbar Province, the key to the Euphrates River Valley.', North said. 'It is the only land ingress/egress from Syria all the way to the Iranian border, so it is a very strategic part of their country.' Ramadi also is the heartland of the Sunni population in Iraq..."
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
DIA: Obummer regime ignored report warning of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate threat and arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria
Laura Ingraham
Catherine Herridge: Fox
Hitlery Rotten Clinton abused yet another e-mail account in effort to dodge public records requirements
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Obummer: you must deal honestly with race issues... not dishonestly the way the Obummer regime does
senator Chris McDaniel (R-MS-42) _Breitbart_
Mississippians show that tears are neither black nor white
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
Louisiana voters overwhelmingly support Bobby Jindal's stand against big gay hate machine
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Rand Paul: I call for president Barack Hussein Obummer to start obeying the law
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
ObummerDoesn'tCare disasters from coast to coast
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
confirmed: weapons were moving through Benghazi to Syria
"Today, Fox News' Catherine Herridge is reporting on documents showing weapons were in fact being trafficked between the two countries. Further, Herridge reports another aspect in which the White House lied about the attack. 'A Defense Intelligence Agency memo from 2012 Sept. 16, concluded that the Benghazi terror attack was planned at least 10 days in advance to coincide with 2001/09/11 and was in retaliation for a drone strike that killed an al-Qaeda strategist. The memo was copied to the National Security Council, the State Department and the CIA.'"
Judicial Watch document archive
Mike Adams _Town Hall_
professor shows why they can't be relied upon to defend our rights
Ken Allard _Washington DC Times_
re-establishing a consensus on national defense
Andrew F. Quinlan _Washington DC Times_
Red Chinese government targeting USA firms doing business there
"One particularly daunting problem that companies face is the [Red Chinese] government's harassment of foreign firms through coordinated efforts between state-owned media and government regulators... is an impediment to the long-term viability of these ventures. It is time for the administration to demand an end to such unfair attacks on American companies. This pattern of harassment of foreign firms by state-controlled media outlets -- ironically, being carried out in the name of combating corruption -- is well-established. According to testimony by American Foreign Policy Council's Joshua Eisenman, '[Red China] has been making it harder for foreign firms to operate in the mainland by disproportionately targeting them in crack-downs...clamping down on their operations and employing innovative discriminatory tactics to restrict their ability to conduct business.' Prominent targets have included Apple, MSFT, KFC, McDonald's and Pizza Hut. Cases brought by regulators typically begin with state-run media breathlessly reporting questionable, exaggerated or inaccurate claims about the American firms..."
Susan Au Allen _Washington DC Times_
will increase in Asian Americans affect politics?
Ed Feulner _Washington DC Times_
school choice scholarships gives poor children a chance to succeed
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Recep Tayyip Erdogan rattling Mohammedan sabre; urges Muslim terrorists to take over Jerusalem, Israel
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer threatens to veto House science research over-funding bill
Too much unconstitutional over-spending is never enough.
Alan Caruba _TEA Party News Network_
Obummer's economic disaster
graphs of economic data
John Lofgren _TEA Party Tribune_
Keynesian beauty contet reveals con artists sell "stimulus"
_Pest Management Professional_
Orkin, Terminix release dueling Mosquito cities lists
Houston TX Chronicle
Nick Sanchez; News Max
Vicky Gan: CityLab
"Orkin... 1. Atlanta, GA; 2. Chicago, IL; 3. Washington, DC; 4. Detroit, MI; 5. Houston, TX; 6. Raleigh – Durham, NC; 7. Boston, MA; 8. Dallas – Fort Worth, TX; 9. Charlotte, NC; 10. Nashville, TN; 11. Memphis, TN; 12. Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo/Battle Creek, MI; 13. Miami/Fort Lauderdale, FL; 14. Richmond – Petersburg, VA; 15. Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN; 16. New York, NY; 17. Cleveland/Akron, OH; 18. Greenville/Spartanburg, SC, Asheville, NC; 19. Albany/Schenectady/Troy, NY; 20. Knoxville, TN... Terminix... 1. Goodland, KS; 2. Safford, Az; 3. Bowling Green, OH; 4. Petoskey, MI; 5. Glenwood Springs, CO; 6. Myrtle Beach, SC; 7. Bemidji, MN; 8. Shawnee, OK; 9. Paragould, AR; 10. London, KY... Mosquito bites can transmit West Nile virus (WNV) and [Eastern equine encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, and West Nile fever/encephalitis... Highlands J virus] (swelling of the brain), as well as a relatively new virus in the United States called chikungunya virus... [malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, heart worms...] Crews may also take the fight to the enemy, spraying pesticides, deploying natural predators such as bats and mosquitofish, or trapping mosquitoes using carbon dioxide."
mosquito predators
iFAS: mosquitoes and disease transmission in Florida
John Hutchinson & Ash Tulett _WND_
what is causing people around the world to hear mysterious "trumpet blasts" in the sky for a decade?
London Daily Mail
Joe Kovacs: World Net Daily: is it tectonic plates? HAARP? or trumpet blasts from God?
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it." --- Albert Einstein (source: Jewish World Review)
John Blosser _News Max_
Obummer regime seeks to end immigration law enforcement
Caroline May: Breitbart
Stephen Dinan & Ben Wolfgang: Washington DC Times
"The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) commented, 'If the recommendations of the task force were put in place and no state and local enforcement or information sharing was permitted, all remaining vestiges of immigration controls would cease to exist' in the U.S.A., Breitbart News noted. 'The [Obummer regime] has systematically gutted most interior and perimeter responsibility. This administration won't enforce the laws nationally and won't tolerate it locally.'... Rosemary Jenks, government relations manager at NumbersUSA, a lobby group in favor of strict immigration caps, told the Times, 'Somehow in this world if you're an illegal alien, then you can't be punished for being an illegal alien. If you're so worried about your legal status, or your illegal status, don’t put yourself in a place or a situation where you're going to get picked up by the police.'"
Washington DC Times
Jessica Vaughan: Center for Immigration Studies
Laura Ingraham
another case of Americans training the H-1B guest-workers by whom they are being displaced
Mitchell Schnurman: Dallas TX Morning News: Fossil sells out its USA citizen STEM workers
"Fossil is replacing its tech staffers with cheaper labor provided by a firm in India. It makes financial sense, the company says, but it raises questions about a profitable enterprise adding to the decline of the American middle class... It's a common practice that's been growing for [25 years]. Much larger, richer companies, such as the Walt Disney Company, are doing the same thing. But that doesn't make it any less jarring. How do we grow a strong middle class when great companies are off-shoring and out-sourcing their high-skilled, high-paying white-collar jobs?... Fossil broke the news to its tech departments last month. It has hired an Indian firm, Infosys, to handle technical support and will lay off most tech workers. Fossil officials wouldn't say how many will be let go. One employee, speaking on the condition he not be identified, said it's about 100. Another said it's closer to 200 in all. And they're not leaving until the end of July, August or September. Infosys needs time for the transition, and Fossil employees have extra work to do: train their Indian replacements... Infosys calls these 'knowledge transfer sessions', and they'll be video-taped and used to train Infosys workers in India, [Red China], the Philippines and the Czech Republic. Robben said those outposts would handle the majority of Fossil's technical support. Infosys will also station workers at Fossil locations... A typical IT salary in India is about $6K a year, Hira said. In the last 6 years, the U.S.A. has lost hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs to overseas locations, he said. Infosys also has foreign guest workers with H1-B visas. The company was granted over 6K H1-Bs in 2013, the most of any employer, Hira testified at a Senate hearing in March. H1-B workers must be paid the 'prevailing wage', but that's often at least $20K less than their American counterparts, he said. The guest-worker programs are not supposed to hurt U.S. workers, but loop-holes are so big that the Indian government calls the H1-B 'the out-sourcing visa'..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
_Free Republic_
as Floridian STEM workers are being displaced, Marco Rubio demands more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign guest-workers with questionable ethics
Rachel Stoltzfoos: Daily Caller
Laura Ingraham
"maternity tourism"/"anchor-baby" case grows with arrest of Orange county CA lawyer
Joel Rubin: Los Angeles CA Times
"In March, scores of federal agents raided properties associated with three alleged operators, who typically bring pregnant Chinese women into the country on tourist visas so their children will be born U.S. citizens... After searching apartment complexes in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties where operators were suspected of housing pregnant women, authorities named several people as material witnesses in the case and barred them from leaving the country. Four of the witnesses hired Liang to represent them. In early April, 2 of them -- a husband and wife -- fled back to [Red China], evading detection by purchasing tickets shortly before take-off through a Chinese travel company, according to court records... Days later, another of the witnesses represented by Liang was caught at LAX trying to board a nonstop flight to China with her husband and infant child. Suspecting that Liang was involved in the efforts to flee, federal agents sought help from the remaining witness, a woman identified in court records by her initials D.L., authorities said. The woman approached Liang for help in getting out of the U.S.A. and agreed to pay $6K for the job, court records show. She made video and audio recordings of several telephone and in-person conversations with Liang, in which he pressed her for payment and stressed the need to keep his involvement a secret..."
Laura Ingraham
Dave Brat: on guest-work visas, immigration, "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (mp3)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
illegal aliens given priority by Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties over legal immigrants already in line
Maggie Ybarra _Washington DC Times_
6 Chinese professors indicted for stealing technological trade secrets from USA companies
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
Laura Ingraham
Andrew Grossman: Wall Street Journal
"...U.S. technologies to [Red China's] universities and companies. A grand jury has charged Chinese co-conspirators Hao Zhang, 36, Wei Pang, 35, Jinping Chen, 41, Huisui Zhang, 34, Chong Zhou, 26, and Zhao Gang, 39, with stealing technology -- such as presentations, design lay-outs and other documents marked as confidential and proprietary -- from California company Avago Technologies and Massachusetts company Skyworks Solutions..."
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Pinal county AZ sheriff Paul Babeu: Obummer does not think illegal aliens who commit violent crimes should be deported
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
"just asking"
Town Hall
"In a recent panel discussion on poverty at Georgetown University, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] gave another demonstration of his mastery of rhetoric -- and disregard of reality... Since free speech is guaranteed to everyone by the First Amendment to the Constitution, there is nothing to prevent anybody from asking anything from anybody else. But the federal government does not just 'ask' for money. It takes the money it wants in taxes, usually before the people who have earned it see their pay-checks. Despite pious rhetoric on the left about 'asking' the more fortunate for more money, the government does not 'ask' anything. It seizes what it wants by force. If you don't pay up, it can take not only your pay-check, it can seize your bank account(s), put a lien on your home and/or put you in federal prison. So please don't insult our intelligence by talking piously about 'asking'. And please don't call the government's pouring trillions of tax dollars down a bottomless pit 'investment'..."
Barbaraaa Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
non-leftists blame GOP losership for not stopping the left's "fundamental transformation of USA"
"Republicans are not keeping the campaign promise they made to voters in 2014 [nor their oaths of office to uphold the constitution]... conservative and Tea Party leaders charged in an open letter to congress on Monday... voters who gave them a landslide victory last November have much higher expectations for them, such as ending executive branch over-reach and restoring the constitutional balance of power... The GOP's clear mandate is to 'end [ObummerDoesn'tCare]; stop executive amnesty [of illegal aliens]; hold the executive branch accountable for its abuses of power and its national security failures both foreign and domestic; and put the interests of the United States of America and Americans first.' However, instead of wielding its power as a co-equal branch of government to stop illegal immigration during the first 132 days they controlled both houses of congress, Republicans wound up funding [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty and jeopardizing national security by failing to address the security risks posed by illegal immigration... The signatories also called out the Republican leadership for failing to repeal Obamacare, passing a budget that will increase the federal deficit by $500G over the next 2 decades [instead of balancing the budget and paying down the federal government debt], and undermining their own 'faith-based agenda' by not nullifying two District of Columbia laws that violate DC residents' religious liberties. Nor has the new Republican majority stepped up to provide needed congressional oversight into a number of [Obummer regime] scandals, including Benghazi, the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups and its highly controversial refugee resettlement program, the letter noted. 'Best oversight efforts to date have, surprisingly, been done by an effective outside group, Judicial Watch, who has no sub-poena or constitutional power!'... A new Gallup poll found that Americans' approval of the Republican-controlled congress after 5 months is just 19%. According to Gallup, 73% of Republicans disapprove of the way congress is doing its job..."
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
the true black tragedy
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
"Today the overwhelming majority of black children are raised in single female-headed families. As early as the 1880s, three-quarters of black families were 2-parent. In 1925 New York City, 85% of black families were 2-parent. One study of 19th-century slave families found that in up to three-fourths of the families, all the children had the same mother and father. Today's black illegitimacy rate of nearly 75% is also entirely new. In 1940, black illegitimacy stood at 14%. It had risen to 25% by 1965, when Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote 'The Negro Family: The Case for National Action' and was widely condemned as a racist. By 1980, the black illegitimacy rate had more than doubled, to 56%, and it has been growing since. Both during slavery and as late as 1920, a teenage girl raising a child without a man present was rare among blacks..."
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the rail fantasy
News Max
"...The system was slated for profitability in the 1970s, after a brief period of public subsidy. Not surprisingly, the profitability has never come, and the subsidy has never ended. All told, the [tax-victims] pour about $1G into it a year. Amtrak's unionized employees made on average more than $90K a year in wages and benefits as of a couple of years ago. Outside of the Northeast and a few other places, it serves uneconomical routes that account for the bulk of its losses (although congress insists on those routes for political reasons). Amtrak can't even sell food and drink to a captive audience at a profit. It loses $80M a year on its food service, perhaps as much as $7M of that lost to simple theft..."
Ira Stoll: News Max
Richard W. Rahn: Washington DC Times
Stuart Rothenberg _Jewish World Review_
why it is a mistake to dismiss Bobby Jindal
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
journalists vs. commentators vs. political operatives in media
Town Hall
Washington DC Times
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
slapping the "child a buse" label on decent, loving parents
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
why some people hate Pamela Geller
Town Hall
"Reason 1: The left hates those who confront evil. The first and most important reason is a rule of life that I wrote about in a recent column explaining the left's hatred for Israeli prime-minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Those who don't fight evil hate those who do. This is a defining characteristic of the American left. That is why the left loathed president Ronald Reagan for labeling the Soviet Union an "evil empire... Reason 2: Moral confusion... neither Christianity nor Mormonism produces evil that needs to be fought. The Muslim world, however, is producing tens of thousands of murderers and millions more sympathizers; and those who criticize Islam and confront Islamism are hated because those who don't fight evil hate those who do... Reason 3: Lack of courage..."
David Shribman _Jewish World Review_
political transition in USA: parties and positions of the citizenry frequently fail to align especially when it comes to trade and immigration.
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
GOP needs to return to the right
Cybercast News Service
News Max
Town Hall
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
why non-leftists need to maintain awareness of the 4th amendment
"The Fourth Amendment is getting attention that it's not gotten before, and by popular will, it will be defined in how it is interpreted and implemented. Unless conservatives participate and act to define it, it will be defined by liberals and/or libertarians. From NSA spying to publicized abuses by armed federal agents and even some local police, people are afraid and are speaking out. That's good. The debate is leading to federal legislation and even constitutional amendments in states to rein in lawless government investigations. The Fourth Amendment is one of the most important arrows in the quiver against bullying big government. It was created in response to attacks on business, religious freedom, and critics of government. It is quintessential American law over government. Conservatives have a window to influence how the Fourth Amendment will be defined in ways that protect freedoms, yet maintain security, just as the Founders envisioned the purposes of government..."
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
3.7M airport security badges have been issued; what could go wrong?
Mike Rowe: to be successful, don't fear the honest but dirty work
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
who is at fault?
Town Hall
"As Middle America rises in rage against 'fast track'[/'trade promotion authority'] and the mammoth [ObummerTrade] deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership... Now it is true that, while Nixon and Reagan won 49-state land-slides and gave the GOP five victories in six presidential contests, the party has fallen upon hard times. Only once since 1988 has a Republican presidential nominee won the popular vote. But was this caused by following this writer's counsel? Or by the GOP listening to the deceptions of its Davos-Doha-Journal wing? &nnbsp; In the 1990s, this writer and allies in both parties fought NAFTA, GATT and MFN for [Red China]. The Journal and GOP establishment ran with Bill and Hillary and globalization. And the fruits of their victory? Between 2000 and 2010, 55K U.S. factories closed and 5M to 6M manufacturing jobs disappeared. Columnist Terry Jeffrey wrote that, since 1979, the year of maximum U.S. manufacturing employment, 'The number of jobs in manufacturing has declined by 7.231M -- or 37%.'... Beginning in 1991, traveling the country and visiting plant after plant that was shutting down or moving to Asia or Mexico, some of us warned that this economic treason against America's workers would bring about political retribution. And so it came to pass. Since 1988, a 'free'-trade Republican Party has not once won Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois or Wisconsin in a presidential election. Ohio, the other great Midwest industrial state, is tipping. The Reagan Democrats are gone... Since the early 1990s, we have run $3G to $4G in trade deficits with [Red China]. Last year's was $325G, or twice [Red China's] defense budget. Are not all those factories, jobs, investment capital and consumer dollars pouring into [Red China] a reason why Beijing has been able to build mighty air and naval fleets, claim sovereignty over the South and East China seas, fortify reefs 1K miles south of Hainan Island, and tell the U.S. Navy to back off?... Does the Journal think our $11T in trade deficits since 1992 represents a pro-growth policy? On immigration, this writer did campaign on securing the border in 1991-92, when there were 3M illegal aliens in the United States. But the Bush Republicans refused to seal the border. Now there are 11M to 12M illegal immigrants and the issue is tearing the party apart. Now everybody is for 'secure borders' [except for the 'leadership']. We did urge a 'moratorium' on legal immigration, such as America had from 1924 to 1965, to assimilate and Americanize the millions who had come. The Journal Republicans called that xenophobia. Since then, tens of millions of immigrants, here legally and illegally, mostly from the Third World, have arrived. Economically, they consume more in tax dollars than they contribute. Politically, most belong to ethnic groups that vote between 70% and 90% Dem/Red/leftist.."
_Conservative HQ_
CHQ readers strongly oppose the Unpatriotic Act -- want 4th amendment to be enforced on governments
"The Patriot Act is the frontline in the war between citizens and their rights under the Fourth Amendment to be free from government intrusion into their private affairs and government's insatiable appetite for information merged with the growth of the technology to acquire that information. As the reauthorization of the Patriot Act moves through Congress three separate approaches have emerged; some, like senator Mike Lee, support the 'USA Freedom Act', a version of which passed the House in a bipartisan vote of 338-88; others, led by senator Rand Paul, support the 'Fourth Amendment Preservation and Protection Act'. Other Republicans, such as senators Marco Rubio and Mitch McConnell support a [dirty] renewal of the Patriot Act..."
_Conservative HQ_
Marco Rubio leaves GOP, joins party of stupid evil... or does he?
"...It is axiomatic in politics that the establishment media will promote the most [left-leaning, least] electable Republican during the primaries and then turn on that candidate in the Fall once the GOP nomination has been secured. Secondly, and more importantly, what is it that Rubio and Stephanopoulos have talked about in past interviews? &bsp; The main topic of several of Rubio's past interviews with Stephanopoulos has been -- you guessed it -- [reprehensible immigration law perversion]..."
John Gizzi _News Max_
Jim Martin of "60 Plus" continues struggle to repeal death tax
"Along with legendary singer and '60 Plus' national spokesman Pat Boone, Martin -- a former U.S. Marine, congressional staffer, and reporter -- has long stressed the threat the estate tax poses for the middle class. The tax is now a 40% levy on estates over $5.34M and it is indexed for inflation)..."
Armstrong Williams _News Max_
Iran is reaching critical mass
Town Hall
"The time is past due for the White House to finally take to heart the threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon and get serious about changing Tehran's behavior."
_News Max_/_AP_
Obummer DoS plans release to congress of some redacted Clinton e-mail messages... next January
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
House GOP demand corrupt Obummer IRS investigate Clintons Foundation
_News Max_/_Bloomberg_
broad coalition rallies to defeat Obummer on "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" and Trans-Pacific Partnership
Dan Weil _News Max_
Stephen Moore: Obummer has it all wrong on poverty
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
now hiring: Saudi Arabia seeking executioners as beheading rates soar
Washington DC Times/Yahoo/Agence France Presse
former security guard indicted for discretionary enforcement; maybe Barack Hussein Obummer, Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson & Alejandro Mayorkas should be indicted, too
Laura Ingraham
DHS targeting man learning to be a tractor-trailer driver
"The Fox 9 Investigators have learned that a Minnesota man who the Department of Homeland Security says has the 'operational capacity' to carry out a terror attack, is now studying to get his Class A Commercial Drivers License that would allow him to drive semi-trucks. If he passes a second FBI background check, he could even haul hazardous materials. Amir Meshal has lived in Minnesota since 2012, and is currently attending school at Interstate Truck Driving School in South St. Paul, Minn. Meshal has already completed 80 of 160 hours of classroom instruction. The $4K tuition paid for by the state Workforce Program. When the Fox 9 Investigators went to the school last week, he was learning to back up trucks. Last June, a Bloomington mosque, Al Farooq, kicked Meshal out and had him ticketed for trespassing... Meshal is also on the TSA no-fly list... Meshal has been on the FBI's radar since 2007, when the FBI arrested Meshal in Kenya, as he was leaving an Al Qaeda training camp in Somalia. For three months, Meshal who is a U.S. citizen, was held in rendition, shuttled between secret prisons in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, enduring hours of intense interrogation... Despite Meshal's history, and even though he's on the 'No Fly List', Meshal was able to pass an FBI background check when he got his certification to drive a school bus..."
Michael Wessel _Politico_
I have read Obummer's Trans-Pacific Partnership deal; people are right to be concerned
"'You need to tell me what's wrong with this trade agreement, not one that was passed 25 years ago.', a frustrated [president Barack Hussein Obummer] recently complained about criticisms of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). He's right. The public criticisms of the TPP have been vague. That's by design—anyone who has read the text of the agreement could be jailed for disclosing its contents. I've actually read the TPP text provided to the government's own advisors, and I've given the president an earful about how this trade deal will damage this nation. But I can't share my [specific] criticisms with you."
Lawrence Meyers _Town Hall_
Uber's fate is in the hands of California jury
Lawrence Meyers _Town Hall_
it is difficult to continue to support the war in Iraq after Obummer unilaterally surrendered it
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
some protestors in Ferguson were paid by leftist "Organize Missouri"
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times
"'On May 14, protesters, upset with not being paid their promised checks for protesting, protested outside MORE, Missourians Organizing For Reform and Empowerment, an ACORN organization which had received funding through George Soros to fund the protests.'... This is far from the first time protestors have been paid to show up 'for the cause'. In fact the woman behind similar ordeals like Occupy Wall Street, Lisa Fithian, is a professional agitator and organizer who is paid by a number of [leftist] organizations to stir unrest in communities all over the country."
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
judge struck down DC's "carry" law because "good reason" provision is unconstitutional
Washington DC Times
Robert Knight _Town Hall_
how the left plays the election law race card
Arthur Schaper _Town Hall_
US senate election contet heats up in California
Susan Stamper Brown _Town Hall_
an open letter to president Barack Hussein Obummer
Bill Murchison _Town Hall_
rise up for free speech
Joseph Curl _Washington DC Times_
those top 0.01% income Clintons
"In fact, the couple that says they left the White House 'dead broke' made nearly as much as the NFL's top quarterback, Tom Brady ($31M) and a good bit more than Mitt and Ann Romney ($21.7M)... The cash poured in after Hillary left the State Department. She delivered 51 speeches and banked nearly $12M (a whopping $230K average per speech). Husband Bill gave 53 speeches and pulled in the other $13M... For each of the four years Hillary served, Bill made more than $5M in foreign speeches. But in 2014, after she left office, Bill netted just $2.2M from international speeches. All told, Bill gave more than 215 speeches during his wife's time in office, earning nearly $50M. He delivered speeches in Russia, China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Panama, and India, among others. Not surprisingly, the tech industry and so-called 'green' companies put up most of the cash for domestic speeches..."
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Jim Jordan noted that the Export-Import Bank is an exmple of crony socialist corporate illfare
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
with "Republicans" like these, who needs Dems?
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
Laura Ingraham
Bob Baer: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is something like I've never seen in the Middle East; we have to do more to counter them (mp3)
Rachel Marsden _Town Hall_
fewer publicity stunts, more results needed against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
As Michael Savage asked: Why wasn't the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate victory parade outside of the city after they conquered Ramadi... strafed by A-10s and/or UAVs or B-1s or F-22s or F-35s?
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate took USA-supplied tanks, armored personnel carriers, trucks, artillery and other weapons, ammunitions after Iraqi forces fled Ramadi
"A Pentagon spokesman, colonel Steve Warren, estimated that a half dozen tanks were abandoned, a similar number of artillery pieces, a larger number of armored personnel carriers and about 100 wheeled vehicles like Humvees..."
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
federal judge ordered release of Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages on a rolling basis
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: gays won't stop until there are no more churches or synagogues
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime issued 184 major regulations costing $80G annually
"A major rule is 'generally defined as having an expected economic impact of at least $100M per year'... 'The cost of just these 184 rules is estimated by regulators to be nearly $80G annually, although the actual cost of this massive expansion of the administrative state is obscured by the large number of rules for which costs have not been fully quantified.', it added. In addition, the number of major new regulations in Obummer's first 6 years is twice as many as in [Shrub's] first 6 years. From 2001 to 2006, the [Shrub regime] issued 75 major regulations. From 2009 to 2014, the [Obummer regime] issued 184 major rules, which is 145% more than Bush."
Jerusalem seeking room for the dead
"...Israeli burial organization has teamed with a cutting-edge construction firm to bore deep under a mountain... 22K crypts, arranged floor to ceiling in 3 tiers..."
Joseph Farah _WND_
do you want a communist USA?
"The idea of a communist America -- big C or small -- was once the stuff of movie fantasies like 'Red Dawn' [about a Soviet+Cuban invasion]. Not any longer. Not since the Democratic Party mainstream establishment began to embrace essentially the same political agenda as the Communist Party USA, founded as an arm of the Soviet Union before its fall, as well as the Socialist Party USA. Today, the thought of socialism is no longer categorically rejected by a significant percentage of Americans, while communism, despite its genocidal history, no longer [reminds us] of gulags, tyranny and re-education camps."
Morgan Brittany _WND_
did NYC ever truly climb back out of its late-1960s/1970s sewer?
Bill Federer _WND_
small, libert-respecting government cultivates heroes and adventurers
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
is the atheist population increasing rapidly?
"...He [Byron Johnson] said, 'There are these on-going reports by the media that indicates religion is declining. Most of the secular media is looking for something that shows that religion is declining... so that's why you hear all these reports about the growth of atheism.'..."
Star Parker _WND_
Marco Rubio lacks that Reagan magic, but still does well in polls
Greg Corombos _WND_
Benghazi revelations make Hitlery Rotten Clinton look even worse
"On Monday, Defense Intelligence Agency [DIA] documents demanded by Judicial Watch revealed terrorists planned to attack the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on 2012 Sept. 11, for multiple symbolic reasons and the United States government was well aware of weapons transfers taking place from Libya to Syrian rebels... What remains a mystery is whether the United States [government] was actively involved in the weapons transfers or simply aware of what was happening between other groups. Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell denies that the U.S. [government] was engaged in the transfers but told the Fox News Channel he could not comment on whether the CIA was tracking the weapons..."
Obummer DoJ planning to unleash paid "community organizers" against USA cities
"...Critics, including Cheryl K. Chumley, author of _Police State USA_, charge such actions are less about 'saving innocent lives' and more about 'creating a social justice movement that's likely to clamp police from doing their jobs even while it federalizes the nation's forces'. The [oath-breaker Loretta Lynch's DoJ] also announced $163M in grants... A list of grants awarded by the Justice Department in 2013 indicate federal funding has been and will continue to be directed toward activist groups described by critics as 'racial agitators'... Matthew Vadum, an expert in left-wing activist groups and the author of _Subversion, Inc._, warns such federal funding invariably finds its way into the hands of [leftist] activists who personally profit from increased community tensions... 'After attacking police as stupid, racist, vicious and thuggish almost non-stop throughout his presidency, now he suddenly cares about police officers and the communities they serve. Now he wants to throw millions of [tax-victim] dollars at ACORN-like groups and professional left-wing agitators whose calling in life is to generate civil unrest. This means that people like the president's point man on race relations, riot organizer Al Sharpton, will get his hands on lots of government money. This money won't actually help anyone except for the often-violent Saul Alinsky-inspired community organizers who have been living high off the hog ever since one of their own took up residence in the White House.'... Civil-rights activist reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, author of _Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America_, argues... 'The $163M will not go to fix inner city issues; the bulk of the money will be used to pay off [Barack Obummer's] political cronies. [Obummer] knows the money won’t be used to rebuild the black community -- the only thing it will do is empower his far-left political allies. This is an example of redistribution of wealth. ACORN, Al Sharpton's National Action Network, the NAACP and corrupt black churches will benefit from this plan.'... Larry Elder, author of _Dear Father, Dear Son_, believes one of the most overlooked aspects of the president's task force is its focus on Baltimore as an example to follow..."
USA: 4 cancer charities run by 1 family are all scams; conned donors out of $187M
David FitzPatrick & Drew Griffin: CNN
William Bigelow: Breitbart
"...The Cancer Fund of America is run by James Reynolds i. His son James Reynolds ii is the CEO of the Breast Cancer Society. Another charity, the Children's Cancer Fund of America, is run by Rose Perkins, the ex-wife of the elder James Reynolds. He's also the CEO of the fourth charity, Cancer Support Services... the charities spent about 97% of donations they received either on private fundraisers or on themselves. Only 3%, she says, went to help actual cancer patients [compared with the 6% of the Clintons Foundation which goes to actual charity]..."
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton told reporters she will consider answering questions from them some day
Bobby Jindal issued religious freedom executive order
Leo Hohmann _WND_
communist icon Angela Davis lets cat out of the bag on flood of "refugees" into Europe, UK and USA
"...Davis encouraged the refugees in Germany to cultivate 'a culture of resistance' focused on community organizing... The U.S.A. takes in more United Nations refugees than any other country at about 70K per year. But refugees are increasingly becoming politically active, as evidenced by their meeting with a professional Marxist organizer like Davis... last year a group of Somali women demanded that the county commissioners of Hennepin county stock the local food pantry with halal meat in accordance with Islamic dietary laws. Somali refugees in Seattle demanded better access to government-subsidized housing... Davis was arrested, charged, tried and acquitted of conspiracy in the 1970 armed take-over of a Marin county court-room, in which four people died. Davis was closely tied to the Black Panther Party through her involvement in the civil rights movement in the late 1960s. She visited Cuba after her release from prison in the early 1970s and declared it a racism-free society..."
Laura Ingraham
Dave Brat: Marco Rubio & Paul Ryan refuse to debate their globalist ideology (transcript, audio)
Laura Ingraham
GOP base is the strongest -- when it comes to elections -- that it's been in decades
Sean Trende & David Byler: Real Clear Politics
"A positive score then means that the Republican Party is stronger while a negative score means the Democratic Party is stronger. We ran the scale back to the founding of the Republican Party in 1856. The average score is -4 and the median is -6, suggesting that over time the parties have been pretty evenly matched. The low score for the Republicans came in 1936, when they hit a bottom of -119. Their strongest performance was 108 in 1866 (post-Reconstruction, their strongest performance was 79 in 1920). The standard deviation was 45.6 -- in plain English, that means when a party rises above 45 it can be thought of as doing unusually well, and when it rises above 90 or so it is doing exceptionally well. About 60% of the results fall between -30 and 30. Before the 2014 elections, the parties were pretty close to parity: The index stood at 7.98. This indicated an insignificant advantage for the Republicans, although it placed them well above their post-World War II average of -20. It goes without saying that Republicans improved upon their showing in the 2014 elections. Their 54 Senate seats represent the second-best tally for the party since 1928. Their 247 House seats is the most the party has won since 1928, although when combined with the popular vote percentage, it drops to the second-highest since then (in 1946, the party did slightly better). At the state level, the GOP’s share of governorships is the ninth-highest since Reconstruction, and the third-highest in the post-war era (1996 and 1998 were higher). The party's showing in state legislatures is the highest since 1920, the ninth-highest ever, and the third-highest since the end of Reconstruction. Overall, this gives the Republicans an index score of 33.8. This is the Republican Party's best showing in the index since 1928, and marks only the third time that the party has been above 15 in the index since the end of World War II."
John Nolte _Breitbart_
48 reasons to distrust & despise the media
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Robert Gates: Obummer regime does not have a strategy at all in the Middle East
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate influence increasing in Northern Africa
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Belgian court convicted 7 women for their actions in support of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
Canada arrested 10 suspected of planning to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
Denmark paid illfare to 32 jihadis who are in Syria
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer regime says their ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate strategy is working
Robert Tracinski _Federalist_
why does the left kowtow to misanthropic & misogynistic Islam?
Christopher Chantrill _American Thinker_
the leftists' thug agenda
Him Hoft _GateWay Pundit_
expense list reveals over 80 organizations & individuals were getting paid to protest
Matthew Vadum _Front Page Magazine_
rent-a-mobs/rent-a-riots exposed
Anita Singh _London Telegraph_
botanist claims to have found a contemporary image of William Shakespeare
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
NASA claims that 20K-year-old Larsen B Antarctic ice shelf may disappear by 2020
1828-05-19: president John Quincy Adams signed the tariff of 1828 into law, protecting wool manufacturers in the United States of America
Harmonic Life
First Thoughts
_Popular Archaeology_
U of Leicester: most Europeans descend from a handful of Bronze Age forefathers
Atlantic Bronze Age (wikipedia)
Bronze Age Europe (wikipedia)
Europe Late Bronze Age map (2013-10-09; wikipedia; creative commons; by Xoil)
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Day of the Week
Proposed Bills 2015
"Worse we never need, and better has no limits." --- Jewish saying (source: Jewish World Review)
Laura Ingraham
as highly-skilled Floridians are displaced, Marco Rubio wants even more cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics
Rachel Stoltzfoos: Daily Caller
"About a month before Disney broke the news, this worker got the very highest rating you can get from management in a performance review, received a raise and was told to expect a promotion. And just a week or two before the announcement, Disney announced record-breaking profits for the company... '20 years of hard work, technical skill building, fostering relationships, a bachelor's degree in IT, guided me to a coveted position as an IT engineer at Disney.'... A 10% bonus was dangled as a reward for those who cooperated fully and maintained a great attitude. The office was soon flooded with the foreign workers, most of whom were fresh out of college. In the first phase, the foreign worker sat next to the American worker in 'knowledge transfer sessions', and videotaped everything they said and did, and then reviewed the tapes with the American worker to ensure accuracy. In the second phase, the guest-worker began working alongside the American worker, who was supposed to oversee and critique them. And in the last 30 days the guest-worker completely took over the American worker's job, while the American worker sat by and watched, tasked only with keeping them from making serious mistakes."
Rachel Stoltzfoos: Daily Caller: displaced US workers sue DHS over work-permit expansion for spouses of H-1B visa grantees
Rachel Stoltzfoos: Daily Caller: Fossil fired American tech workers, imported cheap foreign labor
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
looking behind a seemingly bland USCIS decision
"Tuesday's announcement that USCIS would 'temporarily suspend premium processing for all H-1B Extensions of Stay petitions' is like the proverbial onion -- you have to peel away the layers to find the significance of what sounds like a bland reshuffling of work-loads. The decision was made so that agency staff can pass judgment (probably 95%+ favorable) on H-4s seeking [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] employment authorization. Layer One. At first blush, this looks like a 'ladies first' ruling. Why? Because H-1Bs are a largely male work force (mostly in the IT industries) and the group of H-4s who will get the employment authorization documents are primarily their spouses, though a few may be children. So the men will be mildly inconvenienced while the women will get the big benefit of being able to work 'legally'... the primary beneficiaries of this policy are the corporate giants that employ the husbands -- if the wives can get jobs, then there is less pressure on the [corporate executives] to raise the wages of the husbands... A foreign worker who does not get his H-1B authorization extended right away might be forced, under some circumstances, to postpone or eliminate overseas travel plans. No government agent, not in this administration anyway, will swoop down on him and deport him because he has an out-of-date visa. The suspension of the extensions is unlikely to hurt anyone. Layer Two. On closer examination this is a medium-sized move to expand the U.S. labor force, at a time when millions of residents (citizens and green card holders) are looking for work [and employment/population ratios are extremely low]... But what if the employer pays the fee and does not get the rapid H-1B extension the company paid for? Well, Uncle Sam will give the company its money back..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
has the amnesty-first crowd blinked?
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Dem/Red/leftist congress-critter Jared Polis called for celebrating Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal actions with the aim of achieving a time when there are more illegal aliens in the USA than citizens and legal visitors
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Zoe Lofgren (D-Sili Valley): reporting serous felonies committed by illegal aliens should be entirely voluntary
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
zombie "temporary" immigration and refugee and amnesty programs which refuse to die
"...So [the Obummer regime is] going to issue work permits (and [Socialist Inecurity numbers (SINs)] and driver's licenses and travel permits and EITC welfare) to Liberian illegal aliens in response to a crisis which passed before the amnesty's registration period even finished... CAIR is demanding TPS amnesty for illegal aliens from Yemen. Representative Alan Grayson is urging TPS for Venezuelan illegals. The government of Pakistan requested (but did not receive) TPS for its illegals in the U.S.A. in 2011, and the Philippines for its illegals in 2013..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
_Who Built That_: Maglite's Tony Maglica is a torch-bearer of the American Dream
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
"In our home, we try to instill a life lesson for our kids best summed up in Latin: Nihil boni sine labore. It means, 'Nothing good achieved without hard work.' Few people I've met in my lifetime embody this motto better and more brilliantly than Tony Maglica, inventor of the iconic Maglite flashlight. The spry 84-year-old founder and CEO of Mag Instrument still traverses his 450K-square-foot factory floor dozens of times over the course of his 12-hour workday, six days a week, beginning at the crack of dawn and ending after most of his 800 employees have clocked out. I visited his Ontario, CA, head-quarters while doing research for my new book, _Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs_... The owner of 200 other patents, Tony the tireless tinkerpreneur showed me an empty lab room where he had been developing new, revolutionary incandescent bulb parts..."
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
the Obummer-Boehner-McConnell fast track to a poorer USA
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
the Catholic pope's "better angels of peace"
"...But if, as JWR contributor Tom Gross pointed out in the Weekly Standard, most of the Italian press reported that the pope actually said, 'you could be an angel of peace', that puts the exchange in a very different light. That led Gross to claim those mainstream media outlets that spread the original story did so because they are prejudiced against Israel and for the Palestinians. Gross is on to something there since media bias on the Middle East is real. But before we file this story away as merely another example of this problem, let's put it in context..."
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
the summit that wasn't
Washington DC Times
Dublin Ireland News
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
hateful "trigger warnings", "safe zones", protection against "unpleasant thoughts", colleges, and the "swaddled generation" vs. free and open public debate
Lyndsi Frandsen _Jewish World Review_
5 ways to avoid your children believing their "entitled"
Gary Bauer _Jewish World Review_
gotcha questions for Dems/Reds/leftists
Washington DC Times
Stephen Carter _Jewish World Review_
Americans should bet on elections
"Election wagers are legal in many jurisdictions. Some $150M was bet on the recent election in the UK. One needn't be a book-maker to guess that U.S.A. wagering would be many times that amount. As recently as 2012, it was possible for Americans to make on-line bets on U.S. elections in over-seas markets, but the federal government's law-suit against Ireland-based Intrade in 2012 -- which led to the firm's collapse months later -- largely put an end to that practice. That suit, brought by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, rested on the contention that Intrade was in effect selling options contracts outside an approved exchange. But the larger fear when it comes to betting on election results is corruption. The annals of the 19th century judiciary are rich with prosecutions for the practice, including a Pennsylvania case in which the court ruled that voters could bet on primary but not general elections..."
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
unpatriotic act's most controversial section being expunged
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
Dr. Capitalism
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
what if Rush Limbaugh anchored Fox's presidential coverage?
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
a tragic re-play in Ramadi
"...The CentCom briefing proved grossly overoptimistic. According to field reports compiled by a consulting firm, the extremists began Friday with a car bomb attack in Albu Diab, north of the city, that was a 'likely diversion tactic'. As Iraqi troops rushed north, the insurgents sent a wave of at least 4 car bombs into the city center. They did their work. The government defense lines broke. Given that the Islamic State's drive to capture Ramadi has been predicted for weeks, why didn't U.S. and Iraqi planners reinforce the garrison there? Why didn't coalition forces fight harder to control Camp Blue Diamond, a former U.S. military base on the northwest edge of the city? Why didn't the coalition add troops to protect Ramadi's provincial version of the Green Zone in the center of the city? Why were ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate fighters allowed to capture new stores of Iraqi weapons and liberate scores of their compatriots in Ramadi's jails -- adding new arms and men at a strike?..."
Daniel John Sobieski _American Thinker_
Obummer snatched Ramadi defeat from Shrub victory
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
Obummer's party was not at the top of Gulf states' popularity list
Neil Steinberg _Political Mavens_
Rahm Emanuel's zenith of cynicism
Gosia Wozniacka _Cybercast News Service_
attack against liberty: Oregon floats travel tax of $0.015/mile
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
1.773M USA children educated at home; up 61.8% in 10 years
Susan Berry: Breitbart
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Milwaukee county WI sheriff David Clarke: it is a myth that police kill black males in greater numbers than anyone else
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
Caroline May: Breitbart
"...between 2009 and 2012, the majority of those who died at the hands of police were white males. Specifically, 61% or 915 of 1,491 people who died from police use of force were white males, while 32% or 481 were black males, Clarke noted... The same report cited FBI data showing that 'of the 56,259 homicides from 2009 to 2012, 19K (33.8%) were killings of black males'. In comparison, '481 (2.5%) [deaths of black males] were the result of police use of force'. 'Private citizens killed a quarter more black males in justifiable homicides than did police use of force.', the report said. 'Black-on-black crime is the elephant in the room...'..."
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iran's ayatollah declares that inspectors will not have access to nuclear sites, nor engineers, nor scientists
32 state governments "struggle" to balance budgets
"A majority of states are making cuts, tapping reserves or facing shortfalls despite an [excruciatingly slowly] improving national economy and stock markets at record levels [propped up by wave after wave of 'quantitative easing', i.e. debasing the money supply]..."
Laura Ingraham
Ted Cruz's straw-poll conundrum
Jim Geraghty: National Review
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker impressed on capitol hill
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart
Steven Shorrock _Fox_
can HR re-gain workers' trust?
"At Ceridian [a sad, puny, but highly profitable remnant of super-computing giant Control Data Corp.], we have seen our employee engagement scores increase substantially through a disciplined and transparent employee engagement process. The first step to establishing an employee engagement program (and regaining trust through it) is to have open and honest communication with the employee population... For instance, every 6 months at Ceridian we perform a broad employee engagement survey of all employees. HR works with each department to and does several employee reach-outs to drive employee participation in the survey. After the survey results are tabulated, HR reviews the results with the senior executives to identify and develop programs for the areas that are the most important for the employees. The programs that we develop are specific (i.e. explicitly address items identified by the survey), actionable (vs. vague or general commitments) and measurable. It's important that we be able to determine our progress as we work towards our engagement targets..."
Laura Ingraham
Benghazi committee sub-poenas Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal
Manchester Guardian/Reuters
"More than 2 years ago, a set of e-mails sent by Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton while she served as secretary of state were posted on the internet by a hacker who called himself Guccifer. Blumenthal did not work for Clinton when she was secretary of state and sent those emails as a private individual. The e-mails included detailed private intelligence reports on events in Libya sent to Blumenthal by Tyler Drumheller, a former senior CIA officer. Some of the e-mails were sent around the time of the Benghazi attacks and discussed information Drumheller's sources gave him about the attack. On Tuesday, the New York Times published a handful of emails showing that Clinton had passed on some of the private intelligence reports to aides and other State Department personnel. The messages show that at least one of the private intelligence reports made its way to a recipient who appears to have been Christopher Stevens, the US ambassador to Libya who was killed by militants during the 2012 September 11, Benghazi attacks..."
Ian Tuttle _National Review_
the corrupt leftist Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn't even pretending to be impartial
Matthew Boyle & Garrett Reno _Breitbart_
House Republicans build fire-wall against Obummer's "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" and secret trade package
"What's more, the whole Obamatrade process is shaping up as almost identical to the 'Gang of Eight' [a.k.a. 8 Gangsters] amnesty fight 2 years ago: The same open borders supporting elites are pushing it, it’s going to pass the senate but not with as much support as proponents originally claimed, Ryan is going to try to force House Republicans to support it, and House Republicans are organizing a quiet but numbers-heavy resistance against it. The only question is: Can House Republicans opposed to [ObummerTrade] get enough members together to stop Ryan's elitist agenda? At this time, it sure looks like the cavalry has arrived. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, House Freedom Caucus chairman representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) confirmed he is strongly opposed to the [ObummerTrade] deal as it stands now..."
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
congress may limit former presidents' federal government benefits
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Matt Bevin holds slim 83-vote lead in KY GOP gubernatorial primary
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Center for American Regress celebrates electoral implications of Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties for illegal aliens
"'In Florida during the 2012 presidential election, for example, these [illegal alien voters] would have comprised 70% of the margin of victory; in North Carolina, they would have represented one-third of the margin of victory'... arguing that every month nearly 69K Latinos and 16K Asian Americans become old enough to vote or 4M new potential voters from 2012-2016..."
corrupt Hitlery Rotten Clinton hired illegal alien as "Latino OutReach Director"
Lucas Tomlinson _Fox_
no major review under-way on strategy to defeat ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
senator Mike Lee's e-mail privacy bill won't stop government grabbing your e-mail messages
"...Section 3 of the actual text of [S356], however, allows for judgeless administrative subpoenas to obtain those [e-mail messages], which are private property even if lacking some 'privacy' because they are shared by private parties, but not the government. So, the government really doesn't need to obtain a warrant from a judge to obtain [e-mail messages]. Instead, attorneys general and various state bureaucracies, plus the DEA, NSA, EPA, EEOC, SEC, FTC, etc. can issue their own judge-less warrants without oath and affirmation before a neutral judge or magistrate, and without probable cause, yet get our [e-mail messages]. The Fourth Amendment is not [only] about preventing 'general warrants', of course. A warrant for searches or seizures is a judicial act, wrote 17th century English jurist Matthew Hale in his _History of Pleas of the Crown_, first published in 1736 after his death. In a confidential memo before the 1763 Wilkes trial of which you write brilliantly in your recent book, chief-justice Pratt wrote to William Pitt that abolishing the secretary-of-state warrants might cancel a weapon necessary to national security. If compelled, Pratt warned, he would never the less rule on secretary warrants, and that he would come out decisively against them. (Source: William J. Cuddihy 1791 _The 4th Amendment: Origins and Original Meanings_ pg602.) Chief-justice Pratt ruled that lord Halifax's warrants were 'unconstitutional, illegal...absolutely void', and wrote, 'No precedents, no legal determinations, not an act of parliament itself is sufficient to warrant any proceeding contrary to the spirit of the constitution.' He then struck down warrants issued by secretary-of-state lord Halifax, which were authorized by parliament and had been used for 80 years. Those were the precursors to today's judge-less administrative warrants, which too have been used for 80 years in violation of the separation of powers inherent in the Fourth Amendment, and in violation of the requirements of oath and affirmation, and probable cause. Only judges may hear oaths necessary to issue warrants, which seemed clear to sir Matthew Hale and chief-justice Pratt, and thus was clear to the adopters of the Fourth Amendment. Utah attorney-general Sean Reyes announced that his office would no longer issue these administrative subpoenas, saying, 'The wholesale writing yourself a note to go after that stuff without any check is too dangerous and the potential for abuse becomes too dangerous.' He's right; they are dangerous."
_Conservative HQ_
big business executives lost the argument for the crony socialist Export-Import Bank, so they've started issuing threats
"Boeing, based in Chicago, might move some [more] manufacturing offshore if congress doesn't extend the bank's charter beyond June 30, the Financial Times reported May 17... Russell Stokes, president of General Electric Company's transportation division, has visited law-makers' offices to push them to reauthorize the bank, said Jessica Taylor, a spokeswoman for the unit. [GE was a pioneer off-shorer and active promoter of off-shoring and cross-border body-shopping via H-1B, L-1B, E-3 and other visas.] The company might lose an Angola locomotive deal valued at as much as $350M and perhaps billions of dollars in future exports if Congress doesn't extend the bank's charter, she said. Taylor said about 1,800 jobs at GE, its suppliers and local businesses in 12 states are at risk without the bank's financing... Senator Mike Lee of Utah, representative Jim Jordan of Ohio and other Republican law-makers joined Hensarling in urging colleagues to end what Jordan called [crony socialism] by allowing the bank's charter to expire... At the press conference, Lee urged lawmakers to 'end the perks and privileges that go to the wealthy and the well-connected'. Critics say the bank primarily helps the biggest U.S. [corporations' executives] rather than [those of] smaller companies more likely to need assistance... With John Cornyn, the senate's second-ranking Republican, actively looking to join with Democrats to engineer the reauthorization of the Ex-Im Bank and Roll Call's Matt Fuller reporting that House majority-leader Kevin McCarthy could be changing his mind from willing to let the bank's authorization expire to advocating it's reauthorization, conservatives should carefully parse exactly what the Republican establishment says and be prepared to act when they abandon the conservative position in favor of the Big Business cronyism that remains the hallmark of their tenure as the majority in Congress."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
3 years after he pulled troops out of Iraq, Obummer declares repelling invaders of Iraq a "national emergency"
Rob Natelson _Cybercast News Service_
today's US government is far different from the one authorized by the constitution
"Fortunately, during the ratification debates some advocates of the Constitution did clarify the document by listing for the public certain designated activities that would remain outside the federal sphere. One reason the Constitution was ratified was that the general public relied on these representations... several sources confirming this list. One example is an enumeration that appeared in the Pennsylvania Gazette on 1787 Dec. 26, which is reprinted in volume 2 of the _Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution_ at page 650..."
the enumerated powers of state governments
Lauren Gambino & Hannah Devlin _WND_
same-sex "marriage" study retracted due to fake data
Manchester Guardian
Town Hall (video)
Mark Regnerus: National Review
"Green, a professor of political science at Columbia university, said he has now come to the conclusion that, while hundreds of California residents were canvassed for the study, follow-up surveys on which the results were predicated may have been fabricated by his co-author, Michael LaCour... The claims came after a group of researchers were unable to replicate the study’s findings. David Broockman, a graduate student at Stanford university; Joshua Kalla, a graduate student at the university of California, Berkeley; and Peter Aronow, an assistant professor at Yale university, found a series of statistical errors in the data that raised questions about the integrity of the study..."
Leo Hohmann _WND_
Communist Corpse teaches students to sympathize with terrorist organization Hamas, that Jerusalem should be divided
"One group, Boston-based Americans for Peace and Tolerance headed by Charles Jacobs, released a 27-minute documentary film last month that derides Hobert's project as an 'attempt to indoctrinate' rather than educate... the program was added to the [Communist Corpse]-approved list of curricula and received Race to the Top funding from the U.S. Department of Education... Hobert admits on camera in [APT's] documentary that his mission in designing 'Whose Jerusalem?' goes beyond educating students. He hopes to turn them into activists. Hobert believes in 'educational, civil disobedience, where students are learning about the Middle East, and they're putting pressure on our government to create a Palestinian state [in addition to the existent and historical one of Palestine=Gaza Strip]', he told Qatar-owned Al Jazeera TV in 2012 March... Hobert said he has had a 30-year passion for teaching 'conflict-resolution'... The six role players are Likud, Labor, Fatah, Hamas, the Arab league, which represents the countries around Israel, and the quartet made up of the USA, UN, Russia and European Union. 'Those are the 6 role plays and in each you get 4 pages of confidential instructions. As you try to divide Jerusalem, each of those groups would be one table with 10 students around it.', Hobert said. 'It's neat...'... Hamas is on the U.S. State Department's list of designated foreign terrorist organizations. The Islamic terrorist group has in its charter a call for the elimination of the state of Israel, meaning it wants a 'one-state' solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict... Schools going global with support of UN..."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Erik Rush _WND_
the brazenness of DC corruption
"Obummer throws away 10 years' worth of U.S. military gains -- and one of the rather predictable outcomes is a mere 'setback'. The back story that's never told is the fact that such mischaracterizations were perpetrated deliberately, in order to advance the Islamist agenda in the region..."
Jack Cashill _WND_
Malik Obama's million dollar manuscript
Greg Corombos _WND_
let's start by exporting our liberties: senator demands religious freedom factor into U.S. trade agreements
Caroline May _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions rips "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
"'Truth: Every trade agreement negotiated by the President and foreign governments is accompanied by implementing legislation which necessarily supersedes existing law. Proponents of fast-track are relying on semantics: the trade agreement itself will not supersede existing law, but the fast-tracked legislation implementing the trade agreement will. What's more, the Trans-Pacific Partnership -- which would be fast-tracked by TPA -- will give jurisdiction to international tribunals to settle disputes between parties to the agreement... Truth: If congress gives the executive 5-year fast-track authority, the senate will cede its ability to amend any future legislation implementing any yet-unseen global trade and regulatory pact; cede its ability to control debate over that pact; and cede its ability to subject that pact to the 67-vote threshold required for treaties, as well as the 60-vote threshold required for important legislation. Proponents of fast-track suggest the negotiating objectives somehow bind the administration; this is false. The negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership are nearly complete and have been on-going for years, long before any negotiating objectives will have been suggested. Moreover, the negotiating objectives are vague and lack any meaningful enforcement mechanisms -- particularly enforcement from senators and representatives not on the revenue committees. Congress will be giving up the only leverage it has: the ability to amend legislation or to refuse to cut-off debate. No fast-tracked deal has ever been defeated, regardless of whether fast-track
Kipp Jones _Breitbart_
"anti-censorship show" will go on, after Neil LaBute agrees to cancel a set "offensive to Muslims"
Caroline May _Breitbart_
37 MS-13 gangsters were indicted in Charlotte, NC
"While all 37 alleged gang members have been indicted on racketeering conspiracy charges, 22 of them are charged with additional crimes including those violent felonies Rose indicated. As the U.S. Attorney's Office detailed, MS-13 is a criminal gang organization that originated in Los Angeles with membership largely comprised of immigrants and decedents of immigrants from Central America..."
Mike Adams _Town Hall_
a queer leftist alliance against free speech
"...It involves 3 basic steps: Interject [the topic] into every discussion on every conceivable topic. Ban those who refuse to affirm [your opinion on the topic] from the discussion. In the process, reaffirm your commitment to free speech and the importance of open debate and dialogue [and your disgust at the other side's 'incivility', 'hatefulness', 'harmfulness', 'flat-earthiness'...]..."
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
civil asset forfeiture
Ted Nugent _WND_
save a rhino, eat a rhino
"...The hunters got the excitement and the trophy, the native peoples got the precious meat, and the landowners got a piece of the pie from licenses sold. Regional economies also got a boost in revenues from the licenses, permits, trophy fees, hotels, food, travel, supplies, tourism, guides, butchers and taxidermists. White rhino numbers went from a few hundred animals to more than 20K in a short time and continue to thrive..."
Alan Caruba _TEA Party News Network_
Dems and RINOs holding the voters in contempt
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer to Coast Guard grads: my "climate change" hysteria fueled rise of Boko Haram and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
more of Obummer's fevered ranting
"In 2015 February, the president argued that the media 'absolutely' over-stated the threat of terrorism compared to more long-term problems such as 'climate change'..."
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Most often, the man who becomes leader is not the one that knows the way but the one who behaves as if he does." --- Yalkut Shimoni (source: Jewish World Review_
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
attorneys for 26 states asks for court order for Obummer to provide evidence he has complied with previous injunction to top work on amnesties of illegal aliens, that deportations have continued
"Texas asked a federal judge Wednesday to consider imposing a fine on the [Obummer regime] lawyers who misled the court over [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] amnesty [of illegal aliens], filing papers saying the Justice Department is still trying to hide details of how Homeland Security botched the rollout of the program. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is leading the law-suit trying to stop [Obummer's unconstitutional a nd illegal] amnesty [of illegal aliens], also said the misleading and other errors -- including approving 2K amnesty applications even after Judge Andrew S. Hanen issued an injunction -- cry out for the court to baby-sit the administration, including making them prove that the illegal immigrants really are sending back their wrongly-issued works permits..."
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
update on law-suit over "work permits" for spouses of H-1B visa recipients
"This hearing was not on the merits of the case -- whether DHS is permitted by law to grant work authorization to H-4 visa holders -- but rather whether implementation of the new regulations (which are scheduled to go into effect next week) should be put on hold until the lawsuit is resolved. Normally, each party spends 15 minutes answering the judge's questions. I was answering questions for 45 minutes. One thing is clear: The case is being taken seriously by the court..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
"US citizens" with no allegiance to the USA
"Visitors to this Center's web-site or to NumbersUSA or Breitbart or any number of other sites know that the issue of 'birth-right citizenship' -- citizenship acquired at birth without regard to the immigration status of your parents -- has been garnering a lot of attention in recent weeks, including a House of representatives hearing on the matter. (See here, here, and here.)... So what does a foreign intelligence agency -- say, the Russian Federal Security Service or the [Red Chinese] Ministry of State Security -- do if it wants to infiltrate its agents into the fabric of American society? Well, why bother with fake identities? Why not just take advantage of youngsters who are the products of the thriving business of 'birth tourism'? These children have the advantage of citizenship at birth even if they feel no particular allegiance to this foreign land. Can anyone doubt the willingness of these or other intelligence agencies to pressure the parents of such children, or to take an active role in their upbringing, to mold them to their particular needs?..."
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
US and Red Chinese governments collaborate against Chinese EB-5 abuser
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer regime seeks to end immigration law enforcement
"...The 'decoupling' recommendation is just plain ridiculous on many levels. For one thing, I'd like to see the list of what the task force considers to be 'non-serious' crimes, and then defend that definition to a victim of such a crime. But more importantly, how does it help reduce crime and increase trust when DHS enforcement agencies are prohibited from communicating with state and local criminal justice agencies? The result of that scenario is that deportable criminals get to stay here and keep committing crimes and the public can't trust law enforcement agencies to enforce laws that help keep them safe..."
"cradle of freedom" _Free Republic_
is the H-1B visa a modern form of indentured servitude?
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
in Sweden, elderly residents evicted to make room for "asylum seekers"
"...Sweden is, per capita, the largest importer of asylum seekers in Europe, with 8,365 asylum applications per million citizens in 2014, compared to just 494 in the United Kingdom..."
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
think like a leftist!... or else!
National Review
Town Hall
"...When news organizations, judges or Americans in general do not think or speak in the correct fashion, then elite [leftists] believe they must do whatever is necessary to silence them -- while making themselves exempt from their own agendas..."
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
power-mad politicians who apparently believe their shifting philosophy is not receiving the worship they believe it is due
Town Hall
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
motorcycle gangs vs. clubs
"For answers, I consulted James F. Quinn, a University of North Texas sociologist who has studied the Bandidos and other outlaw biker 'clubs'. Many of the members came out of the military [after WW2] with skills of war and low tolerance for ordinary civilian life. [They became acquainted with motorcycles during the war because they were used by couriers and some Nazi officers. Motorcycles were developed in the 1870s by Daimler Benz, a spin-off by former employees of Otto & Companie, just as BMW was founded by August Otto, son of Nicolaus. The Bandidos] borrow their imagery from the old Western outlaws, having traded horses for motorcycles. Billy the Kid would be a model biker. They engage in drug trafficking, prostitution, extortion and the like. But so do cartels and other powerful organized crime syndicates. (Texas law enforcement considers the Bandidos a Tier 2 threat, with Tier 1 reserved for the cartels.)... As most of us know, the outlaw bikers have little in common with the [CEO]/lawyer/teacher/retiree motorcyclists dressing the part on weekends. My only complaint on meeting many biker couples headed to the annual motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, was that they hogged the washing machines at Motel 6..."
Jack Harrop _Jewish World Review_
pampered academics are the privileged class... or at least many of them believe they should be privileged
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
Paris air show targeted by terrorists & spies; US Army urged to prepare for war in Asia; Osama bin Laden on "climate change"
Washington DC Times
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
are inter-agency turf battles with hampering USA's fight against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate?
Leonid Bershidsky _Jewish World Review_
in trying to flee Soviet-dominated past, many in Ukraine throw-in with neo-Nazis
National Post
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
prince Charles letters released
Town Hall
"Now Britain's Supreme Court has ordered that the letters be released to the public... I cannot for the life of me discern why The Guardian sought these letters in the first place; or, for that matter, why prince Charles objected to making them public..."
J.T. Young _Jewish World Review_
omens from the continuing GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression
Washington DC Times
Real Clear Politics
"Since 1932, there have been six occasions when the nation’s annual real gross domestic product has fallen within a year of a presidential election. In five of those — 2008 (-0.3%), 1991 (-0.1%), 1980 (-0.2%), 1975 (-0.2%), and 1932 (-12.9%) -- the party in power lost the White House in the next election. Only Harry S. Truman survived, largely because 1947's 1.1% fall was part of the overall World War 2 retrenchment [and the huge shift in man-power]..."
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
what if...
Town Hall
Washington DC Times
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
is Yebbie Booosh mentally impaired?
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"We went to war at such break-neck speed after 2001/09/11, that, before the invasion, I was able to write approximately 30 columns about it, give five dozen speeches on it, discuss it on TV a hundred times and read 1,089 New York Times editorials denouncing the 'rush to war'. So I remember the arguments... Our argument was: There were lots of reasons to get rid of Saddam Hussein, and none to keep him... [LOTS of REASONS...] The correct answer is..."
Mike Hayden _Washington DC Times_
the chasm between the security and intelligence agencies vs. the rest of the Obummer regime
"One way of looking at the federal government is that part of it is permanent and another part of it is transient. The transient government comprises those elected officials and political appointees who change when administrations change. There are exceptions (like Bob Gates staying on at Defense), but presidents work hard to fill as many positions as the law allows with folks beholden, loyal and like-minded. After all, elections matter and these political appointees reflect that constitutional process... The permanent government brings with it fact-based expertise and experience, both of which are virtues unless they become so dominant as to foster stagnation. The transient folks bring a political legitimacy along with a vision and energy for change that stimulates [both progress or regress or] recklessness... This is more about the lack of a shared worldview. And it is about the time horizons within which each is operating..."
Bassem Mroue _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate has over-run historical Palmyra ruins
"Rami Abdurrahman of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the extremists overrun the archaeological site, just to the southwest of the town itself, shortly after midnight Wednesday. The ruins at Palmyra are one of the world's most renowned historic sites and there were fears the extremists would destroy them as they did major archaeological sites in Iraq. The UNESCO world heritage site is famous for its 2K-year-old towering Roman-era colonnades and other ruins and priceless artifacts. Before the war, thousands of tourists a year visited the remote desert outpost, a cherished land-mark referred to by Syrians as the 'Bride of the Desert'..."
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Obummer claims Tunisia as Arab success story
"Faced with an expanding threat from the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate across the Middle East and North Africa, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] is meeting Thursday with the newly elected president of Tunisia to support its shift to democracy. [Obummer] is meeting at the White House with Tunisian president Béji Caïd Essebsi, who was elected in December..."
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Rand Paul argued for 10 hours against unpatriotic act, and NSA snooping on every American
Conservative HQ
Laura Ingraham
Alex Pappas: Daily Caller
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz lauds Rand Paul for opposing tyranny, supporting liberty
Cruz, who doesn't entirely agree with Paul on National Security Agency (NSA) bulk data collection as contained in the PATRIOT Act's Section 215, came to the floor to applaud Paul's big move for liberty. 'I thank the senator from Kentucky.', Cruz said when he took the floor. 'I would note he and I agree on a great many issues, although we don't agree entirely on this issue, but I want to take the opportunity to thank the senator from Kentucky for his passionate defense of liberty. His is a voice that this body needs to listen to... [The Obummer regime] routinely violates the constitutional liberties of American citizens, routinely violates the Bill of Rights.'..."
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Rand Paul: I achieved my aim
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senate losership shut down debate, bans amendments; McConnell running senate just like the dictatorial soul-brother Harry Reid
_Washington DC Times_
13 things leftists want to ban
_Conservative HQ_
stop Nasty Pelosi? let's stop John Boehner and Mitch McConnell first
"Setting aside the fact that there was no Democratic 'victory' in the Mississippi Special Election of May 12 -- in a field of 13 candidates running in a [free-for-all primary] the 1 lone Dem/Red/leftist got a few tenths of a point more than the leading Republican, meaning something like 83% of voters voted for a Republican versus the 17% that voted for the Dem. This sets-up a June 2 run-off where the Dem will be vaporized in a district Mitt Romney won by 25 points, unless the NRCC moves in and snatches defeat from the jaws of victory, but Simms' e-mail did get us thinking. Who is the greatest threat to liberty and American exceptionalism? The powerless Nancy Pelosi who presides ineffectively over the smallest Democratic House minority in over 80 years, or Republican speaker John Boehner and Republican senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell who have worked tirelessly to stymie conservative efforts to stop [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty for illegal aliens, refused to use the constitutional power of the purse to thwart [Obummer's] far-left agenda, surrendered congressional power to a lawless president on the Iran deal and Trade Promotion Authority and personally attacked conservatives who objected? And more to the practical point of what Mr. Simms might do with the money, were one to respond to his pitch, ponder this -- in 2014 October the GOP ran over 10K ads promising to stop [Obummer's] amnesty order. GOP Senate candidates ran 35K ads on [ObummerDoesn'tCare] in 2014 October alone, and thousands of ads promising to cut spending, end crony government deals for insiders, cut-off government funds for abortion and a host of other items on the conservative agenda -- and none of it has happened. The ads were, quite bluntly, well-crafted lies -- and everyone on the inside of the Republican establishment knew it... Yet none of these promises square with how the GOP [losership] has actually conducted themselves once they gained the majority in congress... What is needed in congress more than anything is not another empty vessel for the lies pedaled by the Republican [losership], but more principled limited government constitutional conservatives who will stop Boehner and McConnell in their head-long rush to surrender what is left of constitutional government and American exceptionalism to [Obummer] and his far-left secular liberal allies. We just hope district-attorney Trent Kelly, the Republican in the Mississippi 1st District Special Election, measures up."
_Conservative HQ_
it is not only NSA which violates the 4th amendment
"...[senator Jeff Sessions said], 'a local district attorney can obtain the same type of information in a routine criminal case. He issues a grand-jury sub-poena for phone records, which requires only a showing that the records are relevant to an investigation. The subpoena could require the production of much more detailed information than is acquired under section 215 [of the Unpatriotic Act], such as names and addresses of the callers. Indeed, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency [DEA] and Internal Revenue Service [IRS] can obtain telephone call records and bank records with an administrative sub-poena without even a prosecutor's approval, much less approval by a judge. The [thoroughly corrupt] Supreme Court has [since the days of prohibition] held this [anti-constitutional] process constitutional...'..."
Maggie Ybarra _Washington DC Times_
FBI admitted no major cases were cracked using Unpatriotic act unconstitutional warrantless snooping
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer plans to bring Muslim refugees from Burma/Myanmar & Bangladesh to the USA
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iran theocracy's notion of a snap/surprise inspection would require 24 days' advance notice
Hans von Spakovsky _Cybercast News Service_
another of DC's relentless attacks on the 2nd amendment right to own and carry arms has been slapped down by a federal court
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Syria tops the list of countries where minorities are most at risk of mass killings or genocide
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Tony Perkins: USA's problems are spiritual
Laura Ingraham
6 reasons free-traders should oppose "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Conservative Review
Laura Ingraham
Red China threatens US surveillance plane over Red Chinese artificial island scam sites in international waters
Jim Sciutti: CNN
"CNN was aboard the P-8A Poseidon, America's most advanced surveillance and submarine-hunting aircraft, and quickly learned that the [Red Chinese] are themselves displeased by the U.S. push-back... Convair B-36 Peacemaker... North America B-45... Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS... Lockheed U-3 Dragon Lady... SR-71... SR-71A BlackBird... P-8A Poseidon..."
Laura Ingraham
Japanese prime-minister Shinzo Abe reveals some of their reasons for wanting Trans-Pacific Partnership
Curtis Ellis: Hill
"Earlier trade agreements with Chile and Singapore and South Korea all expanded the number of foreign workers allowed into the U.S.A. After reading the text of the TPP agreement in the basement of the capitol, senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) stated his concerns that the president could use TPP to advance his immigration agenda... Shinzo Abe of Japan explicitly told us that TPP is about creating 'a new economic sphere in which people goods and money will flow freely in the Asia-Pacific region'... The prime minister's words were neither accidental nor arbitrary -- they come right out of the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community, today's European Union, based on the free flow of people, goods and money... The common market was established as an open-ended project, while the TPP is, according to the USTR, a 'living agreement' that can be updated 'to address trade issues that emerge in the future as well as new issues that arise with the expansion of the agreement to include new countries'. Like the EU, the Trans-Pacific Partnership allows other countries to join -- without re-negotiating the pact or approval by the U.S. congress. (The [Obummer regime] has said [Red China] could become a member of TPP.)... We should believe [Barack Hussein Obummer] when he says it will have enforceable rules on labor, energy and the environment. We should believe him when he says it will enable him to 'write rules for the world's economy'..."
Sarah Westwood _WND_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail messages show Sidney Blumenthal helped fabricate Benghazi rationalizations
Washington DC Examiner
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail messages contain sensitive information, trace story of attack on US consulate at Benghazi
Joseph Farah _WND_
condemnation of behavior, refusal to facilitate it, do not equal denial of rights
Esme Murphy _WND_
Muslims used federal government-backed student loans to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
WCCO CBS Minneapolis MN
John Hayward: Breitbart
Fox 9 News Minneapolis MN
The Wall Street Journal
"Investigators say both Hamza Ahmed, 19, and Hanad Musse, 19, used more than $1K from federal student loan accounts for plane tickets to Turkey and Greece. Prosecutors say they were really going to Syria to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate... The U.S. Attorney's Office won't say where the 7th defendant, who was arrested in California, is right now."
Leo Hohmann _WND_
terrorist, posing as "refugee", arrested by police
"Police arrested 22-year old Abdelmajid Touil, who faces terrorism and murder charges for his alleged involvement in planning the attack on the National Bardo Museum in Tunisia. Touil, a Muslim, had arrived in Sicily aboard a boat with 90 other migrants one month before the attack, according to a Milan police official. Tunisian authorities have already arrested more than 20 others accused of carrying out the massacre..."
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
"Twin Peaks" restaurant melee started as political meeting of Texas Confederation of Clubs and Independents (CoC&I)
"...However, it's not clear that everyone who attended the CoC&I meeting had criminal connections. As the Gang Threat Assessment report pointed out, even the Bandidos have recruited members with no criminal history in an attempt to clean up their reputation... 'If 30 guys were fighting who were the other 140 that were arrested? The Christian Ministries, the Veterans Clubs, and everyone else who attended a COC meeting aimed at keeping bikers safe, biker legislation, and scheduling biker events? So now your local motorcycle minister is locked up on a $1M bond.' A look at the Texas Confederation of Clubs and Independents website and events calendar does show a group that's focused on legislative issues and elections. The CoC&I site has an entire page dedicated to National, State and Local Happenings with links to various political calls to action and events. That page features a photo of a U.S. Marine standing at attention with a group of bikers and a photo an eagle over an American flag with the motto 'Don't tread on me. I refuse to allow my civil servant to run my life.'..."
Andre Walker _Breitbart_
UKIP slams David Cameron's failed policies and broken promises as immigration continues to soar through record highs
Tom Fitton _Breitbart_
Judicial Watch filed 7 more law-suits to expose Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail scandal
"official Washington has sputtered outrage but has taken no strong steps to ensure accountability for Hillary Clinton's and the [Obummer regime's] brazen lawlessness..."
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
51% of Dems/Reds/leftists pretty much want to destroy the first amendment (no more free press, no more petition for redress of grievances, no more free practice of religion, but an established religion of leftism)
Jackie Gingrich Cushman _Town Hall_
the cost of a free republic
Carl Jackson _Town Hall_
black racism fatigue will hurt Dems/Reds/leftists in 2016
Steve Chapman _Town Hall_
our crazy treatment of the mentally ill
Mark Nuckols _Town Hall_
we made the correct decision to invade Iraq
Laura Hollis _Town Hall_
human nature, public policy, and entrepreneurship
"If there is one thing that most failed policy initiatives (not to mention entire political and economic systems) have in common, it would have to be the refusal to acknowledge human nature..."
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
illegal alien charged with child molestation and pornography, allowed to work with children, thanks to Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
same-sex "marriage" fanatics are turning "social justice" warriors in a continuing war against free speech
Stella Morabito: Federalist
Ed Morrissey: Fiscal Times
another wave of HR technology continues to worsen an already dysfunctional job market
"[the privacy haters] IBM acquired Kenexa, [privacy hater] Oracle bought Taleo and SuccessFactors was acquired by [privacy hater] SAP. With those acquisitions, founders and early employees left and innovation died... big data collection and interpretation... HTML5, 'social authentication' and flat, optimized UI design..."
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Joel C. Rosenberg: judgement is coming to USA for the murdered 57M babies
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Matthew McConaughey warns grads not to fall into the entitlement trap
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Israel's new deputy-foreign-minister Tzipi Hotovely/Hutubeli: this land is ours... all of it
Manchester Guardian
Tamar Pileggi: Times of Israel
Herb Keinon & Greer Fay Cashman: Jerusalem Post
Hezki Ezra & Cynthia Blank: Israel National News/Arutz Sheva
YNet News/Ha Deshuth
"'Many times it seems that in our international relations, more than emphasizing the rightness of our cause, we are asked to use arguments that play well diplomatically.', she told ministry employees. 'But at a time when the very existence of Israel is being called into question, it is important to be right... We need to return to the basic truth of our right to this land... this country is ours, all of it. We didn't come here to apologize for that.' Hotovely said the world understands Israel's security needs, but arguments based on justice and morality always trump those dealing with security concerns... 'More than they want a state of their own, they want to throw us out of our own. In the deepest sense possible this is a negative ethos.', she said, quoting Ben-Ami... [cited the 11th-century Bible commentator Rashi Rabbi Shelomo Yitzhaki/Shlomo ben Yitzchak/Solomon ben Isaac] the land belongs to God, and that he gave it to whom he desired."
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton had "leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country's Libya policy from start to finish"
Alex Griswold _Daily Caller_
leaked e-mail messages confirm Hitlery Rotten Clinton had highly sensitive info on her home-brew e-mail server
Elizabeth Dias & David Goldman _Time/_AP_
Ted Cruz spoke with non-leftist pastors
"'The modern Democratic Party has become so radical, so extreme, that they have determined that their devotion to mandatory gay marriage in all 50 states trumps any allegiance to religious liberty under the First Amendment.', Cruz told the ball-room. 'We've got an obligation, as this conference recognizes, to be watchmen on the wall.' The Watchmen on the Wall briefing is sponsored by the Family Research Council to connect pastors with policy and legislation. The group has more than doubled in size since the last year—there are now more the 38K Watchmen pastors in the U.S.A., up from 16K in 2014, according to the Family Research Council. Last year, the group told TIME it wanted to grow the Watchmen to 40K pastors by 2015 in advance of the 2016 election. Cruz's father Rafael, a pastor with strong conservative evangelical ties, introduced him -- 'hopefully the next president of the United States'...
Joseph Farah _WND_
what if one or both of the Clintons were indicted?
Alan Keyes _WND_
for security's sake, federal goverenment must earn US citizens' trust
after Los Angeles CA raised minimum wage to $15/hour, local employers pursue automation
Conservative Tribune in Defense of Western Civilization
as Iranians continue to call for eradication of Israel and USA, now try to claim that Israel's willingness to defend itself is a threat of initiation of force
Times of Israel
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Times_
US Army told to get toughter with Red China, quit deferring to US Navy
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Orrin D. Hatch: I don't know full what's in the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, but I object to anyone else finding out befor related votes
"However, senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) objected to Warren's push to make the deal transparent. 'One concern I've heard from the opponents of trade promotion authority is the trade agreements currently under discussion have been negotiated behind closed doors. That would be renewing TPA. Congress would be enabling, even encouraging further secrecy.', Hatch argued."
Either he's totally incoherent, or the reporters totally misheard him.
Daniel Pipes _Washington DC Times_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate attacks on the West
"...Unlike al Qaeda (whose model we are more familiar with), which communicates intensely with its agents and directs their moves in detail, ISIS is not primarily in the business of organizing elaborate plots to strike Western infidels. Rather, it aims to control territory in the Middle East (such as in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Iraq). It calls Western Muslims to move to Syria; attacks in the West are only a fall-back, primarily promoted by smuggling its members across the Mediterranean to Europe..."
Brian W. Walsh & Virginia Sloan _Washington DC Times_
shining a light on 10M improper criminal prosecutions: misdemeanor defendants, denied counsel, plead guilty
Rick Berman _Washington DC Times_
another over-reach by unconstitutionally appointed NLRB
"The new rules provide union organizers with more personal information (including phone numbers, home and email addresses) to press, prod and harass those employees who want nothing to do with them. It's not a popular move: National polling shows 85% of Americans support employees being able to refuse having their personal information revealed to union organizers. Meanwhile, the new rules provide another wrinkle to make it easier for union solicitors to capture dues-paying members. Under the previous rules, it took an average of 38 days from the filing of an organizing petition to the holding of the election. The new rules shorten the campaign to as few as 13 days..."
Brennan Weiss _Washington DC Times_
OECD: USA and other developed countries are losing out in trade deals as economic inequality rises
But they totally ignore economic mobility, present no longitudinal studies.2015-05-21 (5775 Sivan 03)
J. Robert Smith _American Thinker_
big government always fails to bring liberty and prosperity, but then maybe it's not intended to do so; we merely need to refrain from propping it up
Stephen Bryen & Shoshana Bryen _American Thinker_
Iran's back door to enrichment
Allen C. Stover _American Thinker_
helping jihadis become martyrs
Raheel Raza _TEA Party Tribune_
confronting the brutal Muslims who abuse women
Doug Short _Advisor Perspectives_
Conference Board leading economic index (LEI) increased to 122.3 in April
"Coincident Economic Index increased to 112..."
Jake Ellison _WND_
U of WI & U of CO at Denver: some bacteria used to process sewage, have been found to re-assemble pharmaceuticals
San Francisco CA Chronicle
Brian Bienkowski: Environmental Health News
"When researchers tested wastewater before and after treatment at a Milwaukee-area treatment plant, they found that two drugs -- the anti-epileptic carbamazepine and antibiotic ofloxacin -- came out at higher concentrations than they went in... 'It's a large amount of pharmaceuticals that we [wastewater treatment plant researchers] look at, it's not a trend that the plants generate higher compound concentrations.', she said. 'It's very specific compounds.'... 'Things like advanced oxidation, UV disinfection coupled with peroxide, different membrane processes... these remove a large majority of these compounds.', she said..."
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"A truth hater's only weapon is to attack those who tell it." --- Dave Weinbaum (source: Jewish World Review)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Michelle Malkin: I wish Jeff Sessions would run for president
"'I would like to have the most conservative candidate possible. I've been very outspoken about many of the candidates that have absolutely failed that test.'"
Maggie Ybarra _Washington DC Times_
Chinese-born naturalized US citizen Physics chairman at Temple U has been accused of sharing sensitive US technology with Red China
"...repeatedly sold and shared a valuable technological device -- purchased with Defense Department grant money -- to third-party entities in [Red China]. Mr. Xioaxing is considered to be a world-renowned expert in the field of magnesium diboride thin film and superconducting technology, which is used to dramatically improve the performance and efficiency of certain machinery..."
So, when he first applied for a US visa, and each time he changed status, and when he started interacting with this Defense contractor, who carried out his background investigations?
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
Ill-Begotten Monstrosities (IBM) tries to defend abuse of guest-work visas instead of recruiting and hiring able and willing US citizen STEM professionals
Network World
"IBM CEO Virginia Rometty, along with her counterparts from Xerox, Dell, Micron Technology, Qualcomm and EMC, met with [president Barack Hussein Obummer] in March [he hasn't had time to meet with any of the millions of unemployed and under-employed US citizen STEM professionals] on a number of tech issues. Immigration was singled out as a topic in the White House summary of this meeting... temporary visa holders account for only around 5% of its U.S. work-force, which is 'apart from other companies that have upwards of 90% of their U.S. work-force on visas'... Ron Hira, an associate professor of public policy at Howard University, said that 98% of the H-1B petitions that IBM had approved by the U.S. government from fiscal years 2008 through 2013 were in computer occupations, 'the very same types of positions IBM has been down-sizing in the U.S.A.' The median wage for those H-1Bs, according to the petition data, was $74,753, said Hira, 'which is way below the average wages for those types of positions'... IBM cut its U.S. work-force as it grew India-based operations, but accurate numbers are difficult to get. IBM stopped disclosing the size of the U.S. work-force in 2010, and its last officially reported headcount was about 105K. The Alliance estimates IBM's head-count today at about 76K. The firm continues to have lay-offs, almost annually, but said in its letter to Grassley that it plans to hire 10K in the U.S.A. this year alone... The letter to Grassley offers 'a lot of generalizations with no evidence, no specifics', such as [evidence of] a skills shortage, said Hal Salzman, a Rutgers University professor..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
how to read a US ICE press release -- repeated enforcement failures ignored
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
DHS bragged about their failures
"A press release from Immigration and Customs Enforcement this week boasts that ICE removes man wanted by Romanian authorities for attempted murder. Sounds good, right? 'Tomescu was apprehended near Douglas, AZ, in 2010 July when he tried to enter the United States without inspection. U.S. Border Patrol officers served him a notice to appear in immigration court and placed him in custody.' So far, so good. The Border Patrol is on top of things. 'He was later released on an order of recognizance.' Wait, what? We let him go!? This is why illegal aliens need to be detained until they're removed. Since there's no penalty for skipping an immigration hearing other than being deported -- which is what's going to happen to you anyway if you lose -- why show up? Almost all of the illegals from last summer's border surge -- also 'released on an order of recognizance' -- gave the finger to the courts and skipped their hearings (Mark Krikorian: National Review). A look at nearly 2 decades of data shows that the vast majority of illegals not detained simply failed to show up. Only people who figure they have a good chance of winning will bother to appear before an immigration court if they're not compelled to... the Democrats are gearing up a major campaign to limit or eliminate the detention [and eliminate deportation, and eliminate removal] of illegal aliens. The ranking [corrupt] Dem/Red/leftist on the House immigration sub-committee, Zoe Lofgren, demanded this week that any illegal alien bringing a minor with him be released into the U.S.A. The [raving, insane] New York Times earlier this month called on the government to End Immigrant Detention... So 4 years after the Romanian border-jumper was let go by the [Obummer regime]... 'In 2014 April, Interpol issued a Red Notice for Tomescu's arrest. He is charged with attempted murder in Romania.' Oh, so this simple migrant worker, salt-of-the-earth-just-trying-to-feed-his-family was a violent criminal? Maybe if we'd bounced him back where he came from in the first place (preferably after convicting him of the crime of illegal entry) the Romanian authorities could have dealt with him a long time ago. 'In 2014, Tomescu was arrested twice on misdemeanor theft charges in the DC-metropolitan area. In 2014 December, ERO [US ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations] Washington officers placed a detainer on Tomescu while he was incarcerated at the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center so he would enter ICE custody upon his release. He was transferred to ERO Washington's custody in 2015 February.' He was arrested twice in 2014; the first time was likely before Interpol issued its alert, so US ICE, following [Obummer's] orders, ignored Tomescu because he was only a minor' criminal, and the arrest probably didn't result in conviction anyway. (My colleague David North has more details on one of Tomescu's past arrests.) Tomescu might well have been arrested on misdemeanor charges before that, as well; an alert press corps would ask ICE the total number of times he'd been arrested by local cops... ICE did permit Tomescu to come to the United States and commit additional crimes on our soil..."
Notice to disappear. They don't want to compensate local jails for holding illegal aliens. They don't want local police to report discovered illegal aliens to DHS. They don't want police to investigate whether arrestees are illegal aliens. And now the corrupt Obummer regime doesn't want to detain and doesn't want to deport illegal aliens, not even illegal aliens who commit additional crimes.
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
"de-coupling" police work from reality, including the effects of illegal immigration
"My colleague Jessica Vaughan has written an excellent piece on the absurdity of the immigration-related recommendations of the president's Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The report included the recommendation that civil immigration violations not be included in the FBI's national crime computer (which is not, and hasn't been, an issue for some time) and that state and local police distance themselves from immigration law enforcement, even though the adverse impact of illegal immigration stares state and local governments, including cops, in the face daily. If that weren't true, 26 states would not be suing the federal government for its amnesty-surrogate giveaway programs. It's no puzzle, though, as to why the members of this 'task force' decided to wade into deep waters that are far from their fishing grounds. They aren't independent; they aren't bipartisan; they weren't necessarily selected for the depth and breadth of their analytical powers; and they weren't set up as the result of any statutory requirement levied by Congress. No, none of the above. The task force was established because the president wanted it for his own reasons, including those involving politics and pushing of agendas, and the people selected were chosen because they could be counted on to have views sympathetic to his own..."
Caroline May: Breitbart: former prosecutor Trey Gowdy (R-SC): lack of willing witnesses in high-crime "minority" communities: "I'd like to get to the point where we are equally outraged at the loss of life."
Suzanne Ircink _Free Republic_
Dave Brat speaks truth on immigration
Virginia Citizen
Malcolm A. Kline _Free Republic_
the living-wage diaspora
Accuracy in Academia
"Believe it or not there is actual evidence that illegal immigration does depress wages for the native-born but you are not likely to hear about it in the multitude of classes that touch on various 'diasporas'. 'In studies at meat-packing plants, when illegal immigrants are taken out, wages went up.', professor Philip Cafaro pointed out in a panel discussion at the National Press Club last Thursday sponsored by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). Cafaro teaches philosophy at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. He has amassed a multitude of research on the subject, much of it on display in his book, _How Many Is Too Many?: The [Leftist] Argument for Reducing Immigration into the United States_..."
"Repair Man Jack" _Free Republic_
on H-1B visas: Scott Walker may fight for American workers, senators Cruz and Rubio not so much
True Blue Republican State
"...The weight of 'enlightened opinion falls heavily on the American IT professionals being replaced by H-1B [guest-workers]... So if you're at Disney and you're sitting next to your replacement worker training him right now, you can listen once again to that flowery oratory from senator Cruz about how we just can't find enough 'qualified' [wink wink nudge nudge] engineers, mathematicians and 'IT' guys to keep our modern economy humming. It just must make you proud to be an American -- if there is such a thing anymore. Oh, and like Disney CEO Bob Iger ordered, you'd better keep a nice, sunny attitude going while you train that replacement worker."
Sue Long _Virginia Citizen_
the USA's invaders problem
Miriam Kosman _Jewish World Review_
closeness over comfort
Chris Weller _Jewish World Review_
Medical Daily
"When reverend Jim Jones launched the Peoples Temple in Indianapolis, roughly 2 decades prior to the devastation, he had visions of a flourishing socialist new religious movement. But in making a home in Jonestown, the 1K or so inhabitants quickly fell into what many now call a cult, and the incident still has scientists and historians studying its catastrophic complexities. Within weeks of settlement, Jones began indoctrinating his members. People worked for 8 hours a day and afterward they studied for 8 more. Often, this included heated, heavily vetted lessons from Jones on Marxist and Maoist propaganda, including books and film screenings. He broadcasted anti-American news reports over the Jonestown tower speakers throughout the day, forced non-compliers to suffer through beatings and time spent in a slim plywood box called a 'torture hole'... Its aim is ultimately to control what information enters the brain, where the one doing the brainwashing can delete old associations and, indeed, form brand new neural pathways that cement new ones... changing the emotional associations people make without them noticing a change is taking place... unawareness is important, Taylor says, because of a psychological phenomenon known as 'reactance', which states when people know they're being emotionally manipulated, it tends not to work... the line between emotional parenting and criminal activity is whisper-thin... The phenomenon is so insidious because it builds a web of false beliefs in which there is no one [obvious] unscrupulous act. As a result, manipulating a person's psychology is a serious gray area in medical ethics... Brainwashing carves new neural pathways... [It is] in our interest to stay keenly aware of when we're being influenced to feel or think a certain way... people need to expose themselves to diverse ideas from disparate sources..."
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
Arne Duncan's dream, freedom's nightmare; 24/7 federal brain-washing centers
Washington DC Times
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
the suppression of speech
Sandra Bock _Jewish World Review_
colleges that won't make you take student loans
And, BTW, if you have to take a student loan, grant or other financial aid, you lose certain federal privacy protections.
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
how Obummer radically perverted USA's patent system
Cybercast News Service
"...So-called 'patent reform' proposals continue to plague Capitol Hill. But like health care 'reform' and education 'reform', these government cures are worse than any purported disease... If truth-in-advertising laws applied to politicians who front massively complex bills that do the opposite of what they proclaim to do, these hucksters would be jailed for their patently fraudulent 'reform' legislation... In truth, the AIA and its legislative successors are special interest boondoggles that enrich corporate lawyers, Big Business [executives] and federal bureaucrats at the expense of the independent inventors and fledgling innovators the American patent system was created to protect and encourage... University of Virginia law professor John Duffy points out that the law is 140 pages long, "more than twice the length of the entire federal patent statute" since its last recodification in 1952. Stuffed with ear-marks [pork] and bribes for the banking industry, Michigan Democrats who lobbied for a new satellite patent office in Detroit, and other well-connected cronies, the AIA's 37 sections are intentionally complex..."
_Conservative HQ_
Mitch McConnell is scrambling to let Obummer (NSA, CIA...) keep failed unconstitutional snooping powers
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Jeb Hensarling heats up battle to end crony socialist Export-Import Bank
Sierra Rayne _WND_
Republican voters are unhappy with GOP losership
American Thinker
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Sidney Blumenthal's role in Hitlery's Benghazi disaster
"we wouldn't know about the Clinton-Blumenthal correspondence but for the exertions of a Romanian hacker..."
Don Lambro _Jewish World Review_
surviving the dangerous age of Obummer
Washington DC Times
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Iraq and the Obummer regime's hallucinatory time machine
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
a smorgasbord of head-shakers
Cybercast News Service
World Net Daily
"In the end, it's [actually optimistic,] not negative, pessimistic or cynical to point out egregious conditions, especially if your aim is to alert your fellow citizens to the gravity of the problems and help ignite conditions that would put in place a plan to reverse this insanity..."
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
L. Brent Bozell iii _Cybercast News Service_
the "science" of sex education
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate seized key Syria-Iraq border crossing al-Tanf/al-Waleed
"...ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate now controls 'more than 95K sq km (36,679 sq miles)' of Syria, which is 50% of the country's entire territory, the UK-based SOHR said. The militants dominate the provinces of Deir al-Zour and Raqqa and have a strong presence in Hasakeh, Aleppo, Homs and Hama..."
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Gallup poll: Americans greatly over-estimate the numbers of LGBT
Susan Berry: Breitbart
Australia to revoke birthright citizenship of jihadi children of immigrants
oldest-known extant copy of 10 commandments/aseret ha dibrot, written with carbon-black on goat-skin, among Dead Sea Scrolls
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Clintons got $500K-$1M from Qatar government
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
delusional Los Angeles CA Times claimed the individual right to own and carry arms was invented in 2008, though it was recognized in 1700s
Gabrielle Cintorino _Cybercast News Service_
Benham brothers on gay "marriage": we are not bowing to an immoral agenda
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
Rasmusen poll: 61% of likely USA voters do not trust the political news they are getting...
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Pew poll: 94% of adults knows the federal government is not only violating their privacy, but spreading that illicitly obtained personal, private information around to other corrupt people
"According to Pew, 'results from early 2015 show: 93% of adults say that being in control of who can get information about them is important; 74% feel it is very important, while 19% say it is somewhat important. 90% say that controlling what information is collected about them is important, 65% think it is very important and 25% say it is somewhat important.'... 88% of Americans believe it is important that they not be watched or listened to without their permission; 67% feel that this is very important and a much smaller percentage (20%) say it is somewhat important. 63% [believe] this is important to be able to go around in public without always being identified, while 34% believe going un-noticed in public is very important and 29% say it is only somewhat important... Among those who have heard a lot about the government collecting communications data as part of anti-terrorism efforts, a majority (55%) say that the 'social media' sites they use should not save any information regarding their activity [let alone be able to pass it along]. This compares to 35% who have heard only a little about the government monitoring programs. A majority of Americans also say there are not adequate limits on what telephone and internet data the government can collect (65%), with just 31% saying they believe that there are adequate limits on government with regard to data monitoring. 'Those who are more aware of government surveillance efforts are considerably more likely to beleive there are not adequate safe-guards in place; 74% of those who have heard a lot about the programs say that there are not adequate limits, compared with 62% who have heard only a little about the monitoring programs.'"
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer Trans-Pacific Partnership seeks to eliminate trade barriers with leftist regime now selling $24.9G more to the USA than they buy from the USA
Laura Ingraham
Obummer, Gruber, and Hitlery are all too happy to use force and fraud to get "acceptance" of their agendas
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
flying aces awarded congressional gold medal, OSS veterans now on track for the same recognition
Ed Martin _Washington DC Times_
power-mad anti-constitution scofflaw oath-breaker Obummer deserves a fast track to nowhere
"What conservatives have long known -- that [president Barack Hussein Obummer] has no respect for the law -- is clear to the broader American people. His illegal amnesty executive order was perhaps a coup de grace (literally!), but his propensity for ignoring the U.S. Constitution is long established. (See, e.g. Holder's [racist, anti-constitutional, anti-legal] Justice Department; [hateful, corrupt] IRS under Lois Lerner; the 'Pen and a Phone' offensive [and the offensive pen and phone]; etc.) The president cannot be trusted to respect the law. However, in the echo chamber of our nation's capital, [RINOs] are convinced that they can trust [Obummer] with the ability to make fast and secret trade deals..."
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions refuted "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" and Trans-Pacific Partnership scam
Caroline May: Breitbart
Raymond Ibrahim _American Thinker_
Obummer, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, and the writing on the wall
Ken Blackwell _American Thinker_
"...Nor are things any better inside Iran. The Gatestone Institute recently published online this dismal report from inside the mullahs' mad-house. After 35 years, however, the human rights of Iranian people are still being destroyed daily at the hands of Iranian mullahs. 'We have observed a dramatic increase in the number of executions since the election of Mr. Rouhani.', says Moghaddam... In addition, even though Iranian state authorities call for 'Death to America' -- not a statement 'for internal consumption' -- and call for Israel to be wiped off the map, the [Obummer regime] is working on a deal to give these dictators nuclear weapons..."
Bruce Walker _American Thinker_
"America will decide in 2016 how it will face deadly perils by enemies who despise our liberty and our goodness. There is a parallel with the Soviet Union. In 1981, for the prior 36 years, America had tried to construct a way to live with the Soviet Union. The Evil Empire supported violence against our interests all over the world. The Kremlin waged an unrelenting campaign against our way of life. Every approach presidents before Reagan had tried to live with the Soviets failed. Then our new president of the United States, when asked about his strategy for dealing with the Soviet Union, famously responded: 'How about this? We win. They lose.' Succinct, principled, and quintessentially Reagan. As soon as Reagan took office, he planned to end this great threat to world freedom and peace by seeking victory instead of uneasy peace. It worked. It worked, in fact, with stunning speed..."
Michael Bargo ii _American Thinker_
Dems/Reds/leftists: the party of initiating force, extortion, robbery, and fraud
Mike Konrad _American Thinker_
a counter-proposal for immigration
"...Europe owes no obligation to African, and Islamic immigrants as a result of empire. While France, Italy, England, and Spain were in North Africa, for roughly a hundred years, Muslims were in Spain for almost 800 years, Italy for centuries, Malta for centuries, the Balkans for centuries, and are still in possession of Anatolia (Turkey). Islamic raiders plundered European shipping for centuries... It was Europe, rather, which was the victim of imperialism, not the other way around..."
_Town Hall_/_AP_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate purge Palmyra of people thought to support Bashar Assad
Daniel Doherty _Town Hall_
Rick Santorum (R-PA): It's one thing to keep out those Libertarian, Constitution, and Conservative Party candidates from media-broadcast/-transmitted debates, but to block the #12 Rep or Dem is unconscionable?!?
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
murdering the rich: the NYTimes's commitment to hate
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
after Obummer claims "climate change" is a national security risk, CIA ends MEDEA climate research
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Hundreds of millions have died from malaria, yellow fever, typhus, dengue, plague, encephalitis, leishmaniasis, filariasis, and many other diseases. In the 14th century the bubonic plague (transmitted by fleas) killed a fourth of the people of Europe and two-thirds of those in the British Isles. Yellow fever killed millions before it was found to be transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes... More than 100 epidemics of typhus ravaged civilizations in Europe and Asia, with mortality rates as high as 70%. But by far the greatest killer has been malaria, transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes. In 1945, the goal of eradicating this scourge appeared to be achievable thanks to DDT. By 1959, the US, Europe, and portions of the Soviet Union, Chile, and several Caribbean islands were nearly malaria free." --- J. Gordon Edwards 2004 "A Case Study in Scientific Fraud" _Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons_ vol9 #3; Mark R. Levin 2009 _Liberty and Tyranny_ pg116
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Ill-Begotten Monstrosities in the H-1B hot-seat... again
Jeffrey T. Brown _American Thinker_
it is not race that divides us, but culture
Larissa Scott _American Thinker_
Pamela Geller vs. the hijacking of the West
Christopher Carson _American Thinker_
statistical economic failure and destruction since the "war on poverty" began in 1964
James Lewis _American Thinker_
Iran is developing nuclear weapons and delivery systems; is Obummer naive or evil?
"In fact, the Partition that followed Gandhi's goal of Indian Independence killed an estimated four million Hindus and Muslims, a completely predictable outcome that liberals always want to forget. Gandhi brought Indian Independence at the cost of an enormous religious war. When Ayatollah Khomeini took over Iran in 1979, he immediately tried to overthrow the Saudi ruling family on the other side of the Gulf, using Shiite pilgrims to Mecca, and then got entangled in a war with Saddam that killed a million people. The ayatollah's generals ordered suicide charges against Saddam's minefields and artillery positions, some by teenage boys on motorcycles, who blew themselves up to clear the way for Iran's assault troops. According to Soeren Kern, the boys wore green plastic signs proclaiming, 'A Key to Paradise'. This is still a source of national pride in Iran, where the suiciders are celebrated on Martyrs' Day... The ayatollah was so unwilling to stop that war that he called the peace agreement 'a knife in my heart'..."
Deana Chadwell _American Thinker_
a phobiaist's complaint
_Town Hall_/_AP_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate terrorists have broken into museum of Palmyra, but artifacts had been removed for safe-keeping
"The DoD said in a statement that U.S.A.-led coalition aircraft had attacked an ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate position near Palmyra, which goes by the modern name Tadmur, destroying 6 anti-aircraft artillery systems and an artillery piece... Amr Al-Azm, a former Syrian antiquities official and currently a professor at Shawnee State University in Ohio... the town's hill-top Islamic-era castle, a structure hundreds of years old. Al-Azm said the fact that the castle dates back to an Islamic civilization may protect it from the kind of destruction IS members have inflicted on pre-Islamic heritage sites such as the ancient cities of Hatra and Ninevah in Iraq..."
Rich Tucker _Breitbart_
aging Dems/Reds/leftists eye dim political future
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Matt Drudge joins millions of others in slamming John Boehner for promosing to help pass Obummer's evil "fast track"/"trade promotion authority" and Trans-Pacific Partnership
_TEA Party News Network_
store-owner declares it a "Muslim-free zone"
"range owner Jan Morgan posted on her web-site a 10-point explanation for her decision to ban Muslims from her establishment and clarification as to her legal reasoning... 1) The Koran, which I have read and studied thoroughly and (which all muslims align themselves with), contains 109 verses commanding hate, murder and terror against all human beings who refuse to submit or convert to Islam. Read those verses of violence here. 2) My life has been threatened repeatedly by muslims who are angry that I have studied their koran and have, over the past 2 years, been exposing the vileness of the Koran and its murderous directives..."
_TEA Party News Network_
archaeologists found secret Nazional Socialist lair in the jungles of Argentina
Bill Chandler _TEA Party News Network_
these taliban snipers will never shoot at our troops again (video)
Russell Cook _American Thinker_
"Merchants of Doubt" a climate hysteria dud
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"For children born on Path A, their sense of connection to the world, their happiness may always stem from a logical, analytic place of being; they resonate less to emotional-relatedness and more to intellectual pursuits. These are the often intellectually gifted childen who can easily lose themselves in projects and learning, oblivious to the world outside their obsession, for whom facts and figures, problems and patterns are the stuff that dreams are made of, the 'little scientists' on the spectrum. For these children, their sense of being and relatedness is tied to what they do instead of to what they feel. They relate to friends who have the same shared interests. Path B children, in contrast, feel emotional-relatedness right fom the start. They eagerly, although inappropriately at first, express emotions, make their needs and wants known through emotional channels, they 'feel out' their world through their sense of social-emotional connection and are deeply affected when they and their world are out of sync with each other. Emotions infuse their being. They are emotionally demonstrative." --- Temple Grandin & Sean Barron 2005 _The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships_ pp xii-xiii
_Cybercast News Service_
president Ronald Reagan: Memorial Day 1984 (video)
"Memorial Day is a day of ceremonies and speeches. Throughout America today, we honor the dead of our wars. We recall their valor and their sacrifices. We remember they gave their lives so that others might live. We're also gathered here for a special event -- the national funeral for an unknown soldier who will today join the heroes of 3 other wars. When he spoke at a ceremony at Gettysburg in 1863, president Lincoln reminded us that through their deeds, the dead had spoken more eloquently for themselves than any of the living ever could, and that we living could only honor them by rededicating ourselves to the cause for which they so willingly gave a last full measure of devotion. Well, this is especially so today, for in our minds and hearts is the memory of VietNam and all that that conflict meant for those who sacrificed on the field of battle and for their loved ones who suffered here at home."
Chuck Norris _WND_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens, and Jade Helm 15 (part 2)
"[The corrupt Obummer regime's] strategy is to 'seed your communities' with at least 70K refugees a year, including Iraqis, Burmese, Bhutanese, Somalis, Cubans, Syrians and others. And the numbers of Syrians, mostly Muslim, will surpass them all, toward [Obummer's] goal of 500K new Syrian residents integrated in the U.S.A. The main problems with the 'White House Task Force on New Americans' and its strategy is that it is unconstitutional (bypassing congress), biased toward people groups (by abandoning persecuted groups like Coptic Christians), and totally disregards issues of security for the American people (by increasing the potential import of terrorism)..."
Nigel Duara _WND_
sheriff Joe Arpaio is asking for donations to help cover legal costs defending against harassment by Obummer regime, National Council of the Racists, MeCHa...
"On Friday, Arpaio asked for Snow to be taken off the case. His reasoning: The judge is personally involved in the case because Arpaio's former lawyer authorized a secret investigation of Snow's wife... Legally, Arpaio is facing his greatest challenges from another [corrupt] federal judge, David G. Campbell, who in January ordered an immediate halt to the state's enforcement of identity theft laws that penalize [illegal aliens for abusing the identification materials of others to obtain employment]. Arpaio was using that law to justify workplace raids [which corrupt Shrub and Obummer regime US ICE has been refusing to do]."
Laura Ingraham
first-hand look inside US ICE's illegal alien detention facility
Sonu Wasu: Tucson AZ News
"ICE officials said Cobos Luna was being detained not only because of his illegal immigration status, but his criminal rap sheet. Federal records indicate Cobos Luna has been deported twice before re-entering the country illegally. A spokesman for ICE also said Cobos Luna had local domestic violence charges filed against him... the detainees had a lot more freedom than in-mates in a prison or county jail. 'They're fed 3 times a day, they have access to commissary items and snack machines at all times.', Pitts O'Keefe said. There are vending machines in the common areas of each dorm room. There is a large soda fountain in the cafeteria, with many more options found in most restaurants. Those are not items typically found in county and state facilities. There are multiple pay phones in every dorm, along with machines where detainees can purchase calling cards, scattered throughout the complex. Detainees are allowed to keep up to $60 cash on them at all times. Once a week, they have an opportunity to get checks or money orders cashed. Detainees have access to laundry facilities every day. In the recreation yard, there is a newly turfed soccer field and gym equipment. In the day rooms, there are two TVs for detainees who are allowed to stay up until 01:00 on weekends... there is a medical unit at the facility which, along with the pharmacy, is staffed 24 hours a day... Officials said those who can't be treated in the medical unit are transported to a local hospital in Florence. A doctor, nurses, and a dentist are on staff every day... Kitchen staff said they serve 3,500 calories a day, and the food they cook is the same that is fed to U.S. soldiers in military bases throughout the country. The federal government uses the same food vendor to cut costs... Unlike a prison, families can visit detainees 7 days a week, with up to three visitors allowed at a time. Visitation hours are pretty much all day long, including on weekends..."
Paul Bremmer _WND_
USA illfare rolls explode under ObummerDoesn'tCare... as the GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer dysfunctional job markets and economic depression continues
"Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, sees the phenomenon as part of a government attempt to place more Americans under its thumb. 'Self-reliant Americans are being crushed by taxation and regulation, directly and indirectly, and turned into government dependents.', Orient said. 'How can you resist if government can cut off your food and medicine?'..."
Joseph Farah _WND_
where do people like me go now?
"Around the turn of the 20th century, a young Christian man with an entrepreneurial spirit by the name of Joseph Farah left Lebanon with dreams of what he could do and how he could live in the New World of America. About the same time, a young girl by the name of Alexandra Kurdock, with a similar background, left her home in Damascus, Syria, with her 3 brothers, Joseph, Robert and George, with similar ideas. Joseph Farah and Alexandra Kurdock met in Paterson, New Jersey, after passing through Ellis Island for their new home. They got married, started a variety of businesses, worshipped freely in their new land with its strong Christian heritage and commitment to freedom of religion and human rights. They had a son they named John, who became my father. Meanwhile, Alexandra's brothers started electrical contracting, plumbing and engineering businesses and prospered. They lived the American dream..."
Pamela Geller _WND_
Mohammedan rapists in the UK
"If British authorities don't act to save this girl and all the others like her, Britain is finished, and doesn't even deserve to be saved."
Jason de Witt _WND_
Muslim student association and leftists demand that Catholic University in DC remove crosses, want special Muslim prayer rooms
Top Right News
why do "good" people do bad things?: anticipating temptation may reduce unethical behavior
AAAS EurekAlert
"In one experiment, 196 business-school students were divided into pairs as the buyer or seller of some historic homes. [But there were no ethical/good people participating in the experiment?]... Anticipating temptation may only help, however, if people identify an unethical act as having the potential to jeopardize their self-image, integrity, or reputation. In a second experiment with 75 college students... In an on-line experiment with 161 participants, people were less inclined to support unethical behavior in 6 work-place scenarios if they anticipated temptation through the writing exercise and considered all 6 scenarios at once, rather than did not anticipate temptation and/or viewed and considered each scenario on a separate computer screen. The scenarios included stealing office supplies, calling in sick when just tired, and intentionally working slowly to avoid additional tasks..."
Showing pop-psych's hand-wavy lack of clarity on ethics.
John Dewey aimed to abolish Christianity, dumb down students
"'It's amazing how clear [John Dewey] was on his real agenda.', said Alex Newman in a recent radio interview with 'Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups'. 'First of all, he wanted to get God out of the schools. He wanted to destroy the faith of the American people and abolish Christianity.' Dewey was an early 20th century progressive education reformer. His ideas were influential in forming the modern American school system. But Newman, co-author of _Crimes of the Educators_, views him as the chief villain in a decades-long plot to dumb down the American population, paving the way for socialism. '[Dewey] wanted to move the United States away from what he considered to be an individualistic, constitutional republic where people are free to do as they like and worship God -- the Christian nation that we had – and he wanted to move us more to kind of a Soviet-type system', Newman said... Before Dewey's time, American education was highly effective, Newman claimed, and it helped reinforce Christianity... But the dumbing-down agenda is not limited to the United States, according to Newman. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has created a 'World Core Curriculum' that downplays the importance of literacy and focuses on making children 'happy, fulfilled, universal human beings', according to curriculum author Robert Muller.."
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
minimum wage is a maximum con
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
3 essential steps of repentance
Aaron Klein & Joshua Klein _WND_
DoD doc reveals terrorists who attacked consulate at Benghazi were thought to possess SA-7 or SA-23/4 anti-aircraft missiles
"...The five-page document states the 'attack was planned 10 or more days prior on approximately 2012 September 01'... Shapiro's largely unnoticed remarks 2012 Feb. 2, may shed further light on the activities taking place inside the attacked Benghazi facility. Of note is that the U.S. facility itself was protected by the February 17 Brigades, which is part of the al-Qaida-allied Ansar Al-Sharia group. That group also was in possession of significant quantities of MANPADs and was reluctant to give them up, Middle Eastern security officials told WND... In 2013 March, the United Nations released a report revealing that weapons from Libya to extremists were proliferating at an 'alarming rate', fueling conflicts in Mali, Syria, Gaza and elsewhere."
But if that were the case, we could still have had plenty of time (10-15 days) to deploy ground forces, UAVs and/or cruise missile(s).
Paul Bedard _WND_
Pew: 50% decline in newspaper advertising
Washington DC Examiner
Amy Mitchell & Katerina Eva Matsa: Pew
"Over the past decade, weekday circulation has fallen 17% and ad revenue more than 50%. In 2014 alone, 3 different media companies decided to spin off more than 100 newspaper properties, in large part to protect their still-robust broadcast or digital divisions. Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos may have stunned many with his $250M purchase of the [leftist Washington Compost], which was last sold at auction in 1933, but other recent sales of major papers show dramatic devaluation..."
Jerome R. Corsi _WND_
states rebel against Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal war against coal
Thomas K. Lindsay: Real Clear Politics
Dominic Hinde _WND_
Sweden is moving the iron mining city if Kiruna, expanding mines, to supply Red China
Washington DC Times
"Over the next 10 years, Kiruna officials plan to demolish the apartments and most other buildings in this town of 18K residents and then rebuild them as far as 3 miles away -- all part of an ambitious $375M project to make way for the expansion of a giant iron mine as demand from [Red China] has suddenly made extraction here worth the investment. But officials aren't constructing an exact duplicate of Kiruna, founded in 1900 as the most northerly town in Sweden. With funding from Sweden's state-owned mining company -- Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB, or LKAB -- officials in Kiruna aim to create one of the most environmentally friendly cities in Europe. Designed by Stockholm's White Architects, the new Kiruna will feature a seven-mile-long cable car route to help pedestrians avoid deep snow, special illumination to compensate for the months of night-time during Sweden's dark winters and energy-efficient heating systems to combat temperatures that can plunge to below -22 degrees Fahrenheit [Wow, just like Minneapolis-St. Paul!]..."
Laura Ingraham
Gallup poll: economy trumps foreign affairs as key issue for 2016 elections
"86% of Americans say the economy will be extremely or very important to their vote next year, a significantly higher percentage than for any other issue. 77% [say] the way government operates in DC and health-care policy are extremely or very important. 74% [said defending against] terrorism is extremely or very important. 71% [were concerned about income and wealth 'distribution']. 61% [were concerned about] foreign affairs. 59% [considered] immigration to be extremely or very important. 55% [considered] race relations extremely or very important."
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
NYTimes says diversity is always good, "Hispanics" moving into "white" areas is an example of increasing diversity, but "white" people moving into "Hispanic" areas is not an example of increasing diversity
"This is puzzling, because in every other article where they talk about adding more Blacks or Hispanics to a white population, they always celebrate that as the merits of diversity. But not this time... [They wrote] The Latino culture is being 'bleached out'. Have you ever read an article in the New York Times that called Latinos moving into a White neighborhood as the 'browning out' of the area?... BTW, you will be pleased to know that the Mission District still has a lot of diversity: of crime, that is. [map]..."
News Machete
Mallory Millett _American Thinker_
why I love "hate speech"
The rights of human beings have existed as long as human beings have existed... but have frequently been violated.
Mike Konrad _American Thinker_
why "official" Christianity is dying
Noah Beck _American Thinker_
Islamo-fascism and the war against the Jews
Rendesvous with Destiny
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
Australia's prime-minister ruled out same-sex "marriage" poll there
Red China government cracking down on Muslims in western region
Jarrett Stepman _Breitbart_
WWI Centennial Commission plans for new memorial to move statue of John J. Pershing ("black Jack") to a less prominent location
"...Most of the statues and monuments in the nation's capitol are a product of immense care from past generations of Americans and were crafted with amazing skill. It will reflect poorly on our own generation if we allow this important dedication to Pershing and those that fought in the First World War to turn into a sad, postmodern farce. We should not allow Pershing's memorial to suffer a fate similar to that of the proposed atrocious general Dwight Eisenhower memorial that thankfully appears to be nearly dead after 15 years of planning and millions of dollars wasted..."
Greg Richter _News Max_
Bob Woodward: Shrub did not lie about WMDs
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
chamber of crony socialists promoting government hand-outs through Export-Import Bank
David Webb _Breitbart_
Memorial Day: lest we forget
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
global warming hysteria continues to pummel polar ice caps, for not melting
"As I've written previously, we've experienced the calmest Hurricane season in 30 years, the quietest tornado season in 60 years; the creation of 19K Manhattan islands worth of sea ice, and (again) the Arctic Ice Cap has grown by 533K square miles. In 2007, the BBC warned the cap could vanish by 2013. Oh, and we're at the most industrialized point in human history -- and air quality couldn't be better, according to the EPA..."
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
watermelon (green outside, red inside) activists eplain how they are trying to brain-wash children
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Women more often carry objects against their breast, the way they carry infants; men more often carry objects with their hands, their arms hanging at their sides. These differences develop before adolescence, so they cannot be attributed solely to anatomic differences between the sexes." --- Brant Wenegrat 1990 _SocioBiological Psychiatry_ pg 39 (citing Donald Alison Jenni & M.A. Jenni 1976 "Carrying Behavior in Humans" _Science_ vol 194 pg 859; [I knew I should have written a paper about it when I 1st noticed it decades earlier...jgo])
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
this Memorial Day, remember Ramadi
"In his 1868 May 30 Memorial Day address at Arlington National Cemetery, congressman, later president, James Garfield said 'I am oppressed with a sense of the impropriety of uttering words on this occasion. If silence is ever golden, it must be here, beside the graves of fifteen thousand men, whose lives were more significant than speech, and whose death was a poem the music of which can never be sung.' Garfield, one of our most under-estimated presidents, knew what he was talking about because he knew war; he served as a major-general in the Union Army during the Civil War, and fought in the battles of Middle Creek, Shiloh, and Chickamauga. Memorial Day, as originally conceived of as 'Decoration Day' in Garfield's time was much less a day when phony politicians could appear patriotic and much more a day for remembering the terrible cost of war. And it was a day when mere politicians recognized the great sacrifice and courage of the fallen and humbled themselves in awe before it. But this Memorial Day, if there was ever a time to respectfully breach Garfield's admonition to stay silent beside the graves of our war dead today is that day; there are things that must be said at the graves of America's war dead, because today's politicians are -- in all too many cases -- unworthy of leading a great Nation founded and preserved upon those sacrifices... some 1,300 Americans lost their lives in Anbar Province and some 83 Americans were killed securing Ramadi, then a strong-hold of Islamist al-Qaeda in Iraq..."
Bruce Walker _American Thinker_
what Memorial Day means
Elise Cooper _American Thinker_
remember heroic dog-handler teams on Memorial Day
Kurt Schlichter _Town Hall_
many leftists/Reds/Dems disgrace Memorial Day
Rich Galen _Town Hall_
Memorial Day 2015
David A. Smith _Town Hall_
do Americans really want to remember their war heroes?
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Memorial Day: strength of arms, strength of ideals
Vaughn Davis Bornet _Breitbart_
historians should stop trying to make Americans embarrassed at USA's wars
History News Network
Jarrett Stepman _Breitbart_
Memorial Day: fading tradition of unity/shared national experience
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Memorial Day and USO tours: Miss America Kira Kazantev joins tradition
"Gary Sinise, Joe Mantegna, celebrity chef Robert Irvine, singers Billy Corgan, Caleb Johnson and Beau Davidson and a spate of TNA Wrestling stars are among celebrities with a calling to salute the U.S. military -- all on hand for the National Memorial Day Parade on Monday in the nation's capital. Then there is Miss America Kira Kazantev, who will wave at the crowd as only Miss America can do... logging 25,400 miles last month with stops that included Afghanistan, Bahrain, the Korean DMZ and USS Carl Vinson... Bob Hope began his USO tours in 1941 -- and they lasted until 1990. He brought along several Miss Americas, along with Raquel Welch, Ann Margaret, Joey Heatherton, and Jill St. John among many stars of the day..."
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
all gave some. some gave all. a Memorial Day salute
Gretchen Hamel _Town Hall_
Memorial Day is a Holy day
Jan LaRue _American Thinker_
the difference between Obummer and king David when it comes to respecting and honoring fallen soldiers
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
preliminary injunction denied in H-4 "work permit" case; main event still to come
"The issues coming up are: 1. Standing. 2. Ripeness. 3. Whether a claim has been stated upon which relief can be granted. The court said in its opinion that the case was 'non-frivolous'. I do not expect the case to be dismissed. After all the paperwork is filed, I hope to go over these issues in more detail. In the mean-time, American programmers have to hope that the continuing uncertainty will cause employers not to hire H-4 programmers while this case lingers, since the new H-4 work authorizations could end at any time, requiring any new hires to be dismissed."
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty and work permits for spouses of H-1B guest-work visa grantees are treating them better than US citizens in same professions
"'Save Jobs does not explain how many IT jobs may be taken by H-4 visa holders, how many of those jobs its members may have sought themselves, what pay or benefits its members risk losing while the case is pending, or what other harm its members may face.', the judge wrote. 'The court is left to speculate as to the magnitude of the injury [as are the directly displaced and indirectly displaced highly-skilled US citizens], and speculation is not enough to turn economic loss into irreparable harm.'... Save Jobs USA argued that the administration was going beyond its legal powers, similar to the arguments over [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] expanded deportation amnesty, and said the Homeland Security Department [DHS] was ignoring the labor market, which can't handle the extra workers [without continuing the harm being done to US citizens]."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
DC bomb squad destroys device found in car; 1 arrested
"Police in Washington, DC, discovered a pressure cooker in an abandoned vehicle on the National Mall by the US Capitol, destroyed it and arrested one... 'Further investigation revealed a pressure cooker, and an odor of gasoline was detected.', she said, adding Capitol Police bomb squad experts were called to the scene to destroy the device. Police located the vehicle's owner, Israel Shimeles of Alexandria, VA, and charged him with operating a car with a revoked license, Fox News reported."
Tim Graham _Media Research Center News Busters_
Washington DC Compost trying to hide the fact that the convicted murderer, Ingmar Guandique, is an illegal alien and member of MS-13
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
corrupt Obummer EPA wants to unconstitutionally grab powers over water
Eileen F. Toplansky _American Thinker_
are we running out of time to defeat the totalitarians and tyrants (e.g. Raul Castro, Barack Hussein Obummer)?
"...never in American history have we had a president who has done so much with so few to harm so many. [ObummerDoesn'tCare] has hurt millions and each day more damaging news about this travesty emerges..."
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
moon-beam Brown pitches another scheme to harm the middle class... and especially the wealthy
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Paul Krugman busted... yet again
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
SecDef Ash Carter tiptoes around Obummer regime failure in Iraq
Carol Brown _American Thinker_
John Bolton was being generous; Obummer may be much more evil
"the very real possibility that is even more horrifying than a president in denial, which is this: [Obummer's] actions and inactions are all by design. And while [Obummer] is indeed driven by his ideology, the ideology is one that is simpatico with Islam. As a result, of course, we are losing to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, to Islamic terror...to a Middle East spiraling out of control, and to Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon. What we see unfolding is not because [Obummer] is unwilling to understand the reality on the ground or because he's paralyzed as to what to do. Quite the opposite. I would suggest that [Obummer] understands the situation quite well. And he's all on board... [He is a] president of the United States who aligns himself with evil forces that are plotting and acting against us... [Obummer] does not want to go to war against Islamic supremacism... while war is being waged against us, we're not fighting back. So, no, we are not at war. We are in surrender. And that is due to the highly calculated design of our president and his [regime]..."
Sierra Rayne _American Thinker_
the Christian vs. Mohammedan clash of civilizations (with graph)
"The dominantly Christian nations currently have a net GDP almost 4 times [as much as that of] the predominantly Muslim nations, but the gap is closing fast [as that of the Christian nations has been increasing at a rate of 23%/decade, while that of Muslim nations has been increasing at a rate of 66%/decade]. If the current rates of increase continue, by sometime in the 2050s, Muslim nations will make up a larger share of the global economy than their Christian counterparts. Economic power drives political and military power. Of course, the threat is not only external. It is also internal -- we are being undermined from within by the same forces that act from outside our borders. There are valid reasons why those such as Geert Wilders and Pamela Geller are very concerned about the increasing Islamification of the West..."
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
privacy, property and the 4th amendment
Katie Kieffer _Town Hall_
lower the minimum wage back to $0.01
"If you love In-N-Out burgers and care about the workers who flip your burgers, then you should support a minimum wage of $0... in recent protests, 84% of McDonald's 'protesters' were not real McDonald's employees but paid and trained professional rioters..."
Rachel Alexander _Town Hall_
GOP candidates for president have been tricked into flip-flop on Iraq war
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
protesters in Oakland protest against new protest policy
"...city officials have established a new policy which would keep marchers on the sidewalks rather than in the middle of roadways and the police have been arresting or issuing citations to those who refuse to comply..."
"conservative" challenger won election in Poland
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
Australia considering sending more ground troops to Middle East
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
UK National Defence Association: UK must increase defence spending and stop free-loading off USA
Larisa Brown: London Daily Mail
_News Max_
ugly fall-out no matter how supremes decide in ObummerDoesn'tCare case: house of cards
John Blosser _News Max_
professional protestors are still protesting not getting paid
John Blosser _News Max_
Charlie Daniels: lock and load, USA, Muslim terrorism is on the way
Ira Stoll _News Max_
which is worse: earned-income-tax-credit (EITC) or minimum wage?
EITC lures everyone into the socialist illfare state, and violates more people's privacy, but, properly structured, would leave open the incentives and pathways to employment and better employment. Minimum wages make employment (for young and old) less accessible, puts on-the-job training more out of reach.
_News Max_/AP_
Russia makes show of force with 250 air-craft "exercises"
Greg Richter _News Max_
Obummer should focus more on better treatment for veterans, less on coddling terrorists in Guantanamo
Mychal Massie _News Max_
Obummer siding with gangsters
Joseph Farah _News Max_
paying for corrupt governments' "freebies"
"There was a day when Americans understood there's no such thing as a free lunch. They knew somebody always pays. But thanks to [Barack Hussein Obummer] and his party, which seek to build their voting constituency on a new government-dependency class, expectations about getting food and other stuff for free have risen dramatically over the last 7 years. This unsustainable economic phenomenon requires those of us who recognize both the danger of empowering government over our lives and the bankruptcy of redistributing wealth to call a spade a spade. That's what Dr. Lee Hieb, the former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, did when asked about the trend: 'You just can't keep giving everything away to people without them working for it.', she told WND. 'It's not capitalism when you let people who are able-bodied not contribute to society but take the spoils. I mean, that's just not capitalism. We have too many people that don't work to eat [and too many people who want to work, have skills and experience, and can't get jobs].'..."
Ruth Tucker _Breitbart_
to improve airports & airlines, move power out of DC
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Rush Limbaugh: the odds are that the USA will take it in the shorts on "trade promotion authority" and Trans-Pacific Partnership
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Scott Walker: the next president must shrink the US government so that it is small enough to succeed in what it is constitutionally empowered to do
Laura Ingraham: interview with Walker (mp3)
Jacqueline Klimas _Washington DC Times_
ISIL conquest of Ramadi has US troops and veterans who fought to secure it frustrated and annoyed with Iraqis and Obummer regime's "strategy"
Mark Mix _Washington DC Times_
union bosses, corrupt unconstitutionally appointed NLRB members and judges want to keep workers in the dark about union expenditures
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Putin, Obummer, Palestinians all try to re-write & edit history to eliminate inconvenient polities and expand their power-madness
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
in Israeli Defense Forces, women's combat roles are sometimes exaggerated
Kelly Riddell _Washington DC Times_
USMC veteran's porposed gun shop riles leftists in Arlington, VA
Todd Beamon _TEA Party Tribune_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate claim they can smuggle nuclear weapon into USA through Mexico
News Max
Heather Saul: UK Independent Journal
_TEA Party News Network_
global moisture map
Bill Federer _WND_
John Wayne
John Wayne.com
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia
Marion Robert Morrison (John Wayne) (son of Clyde Leonard Morrison & Mary Alberta Brown; gs of Marion Mitchell Morrison) b: 1907-05-26 in Winterset, IA, SW of Des Moines d: 1979-06-11 in Los Angeles, CA from stomach cancer buried: Pacific View Memorial Park cem., Corona del Mar, Newport Beach, CA (Clyde Morrison was a pharmacist "the kindest, most patient man I ever knew". Mary Brown was of Irish descent, "a tiny, vivacious red-headed bundle of energy".)
Marita Noon _Breitbart_
another domino falls in the anti-fossil-fuel crusade
"Throughout the United States, especially in communities with existing or potential oil-and-gas development, outside groups have moved in with a vengeance and agitated the population—resulting in bans against all exploration for hydrocarbons and/or the use of hydraulic fracturing. Expensive law-suits have been filed and courts have repeatedly declared such bans as 'unconstitutional'. The newest domino to fall is in Texas where Governor Greg Abbott, on May 18, signed House Bill 40 (HB40) -- also known as the Denton Fracking Bill -- which clarifies that an 'oil and gas operation is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state'..."
Anthony J. Sadar _American Thinker_
religion, politics, and weather
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Utopianism substitutes glorious predictions and unachievable promises for knowledge, science, and reason, while laying claim to them all. Yet there is nothing new in deception disguised as hope and nothing original in abstraction framed as progress. A 'heavenly' 'society' is said to be within reach if only the individual surrenders more of his liberty and being for the general good, meaning the good as prescribed by the [head(s) of the] state. If he refuses, he will be tormented and ultimately coerced into compliance, for conformity is essential. Indeed, nothing good can come of self-interest, which is condemned as morally indefensible and empty [by utopians]. Through persuasion, deceit, and coercion, the individual must be stripped of his identity and subordinated to the state." --- Mark R. Levin 2012 _Ameritopia: The UnMaking of America_ pg5
Mark Whittington _Examiner_
Obummer immigration policies encourage displacement of US citizen STEM professionals
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
judge's preliminary decision to deny injunction will allow spouses of H-1B visa grantees to continue to unconstitutionally and illegally get "work permits" from Obummer regime, pending primary hearings...
"...The judge's standard of proof of [extent of] injury is ludicrous. Of course the plaintiffs have no idea how many jobs will be affected -- they're not sooth-sayers. Further, the judge thinks 'economic loss' doesn't lead to 'irreparable harm' -- a dubious notion, considering what the loss of a job can mean to a family. On another front, a bipartisan group of senators is asking DHS to investigate whether the guest worker program is leading to layoffs of native-born workers. So far, Homeland Security [DHS & DoL] has refused to look into the matter... Hi-tech workers born and educated in America are to be thrown under the bus in this effort..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
_American Thinker_/_AP_
... but judge Andrew Hanen's injunction has been upheld by the 5th circuit panel... for now
Numbers USA
Free Republic
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
Shannon Bream: Fox
Patrick Brennan: National Review
Laura Ingraham
Terence P. Jeffrey: Cybercast News Service: Obummer amnesty undermines constitutional imperative of uniform rule of naturalization
"...in Tuesday's ruling, 5th Circuit judges Jerry Smith and Jennifer Walker Elrod denied the stay [i.e. upheld the injunction], saying in an opinion written by Smith, that the federal government lawyers are unlikely to succeed on the merits of that appeal. Judge Stephen Higginson dissented... Along with Texas, the states seeking to block [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] action are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin."
Josh Blackman
"'A plaintiff suffers an injury even if it can avoid that injury by incurring other costs. And being pressured to change state law constitutes an injury... DAPA's version of deferred action, however, is more than nonenforcement: It is the affirmative act of conferring lawful presence on a class of unlawfully present aliens. Though revocable, that new designation triggers eligibility for federal and state benefits that would not otherwise be available... Declining to prosecute does not convert an act deemed unlawful by Congress into a lawful one and confer eligibility for benefits based on that new classification... [It is] not shielded from judicial review as an act of prosecutorial discretion... [On the down-side] neither the preliminary injunction nor compliance with the APA requires the Secretary to prosecute deportable aliens or change his enforcement priorities...'"
_Cybercast News Service_
appeals court deals latest blow to Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens; leftist "news" networks fail/refuse to report on it
Curtis Houck: Media Research Center News Busters
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
federal judge Pamela Pepper allows law-suit against Infosys for discrimination to continue
"This law-suit was filed by 'IT' workers identified as 'Caucasians of American national origin', who allege that they were discriminated against because 'they are not of the South Asian race or Indian, Bangladeshi or Nepalese national origin'. In her 18-page decision, Pepper wrote, in part, 'that the plaintiffs' allegations are sufficient to state claims that the defendants intentionally discriminated against them because of the plaintiffs' race, and the complaint is clear that the plaintiffs regard their race as distinct from the South Asian race that the defendants allegedly favor.' The Infosys law-suit, which was filed in Wisconsin federal court in 2013 August, is part of a two-pronged legal attack on the 'IT' off-shore industry. The legal team for the Infosys 'IT' workers is also involved in a similar case against Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), alleging that this company also favored 'South Asians' in hiring and promotion. Infosys and TCS, both based in India, are 2 of the top users of H-1B visa workers, and these law-suits have potential of shedding light on their use of the visa workers. The Infosys law-suit has already revealed federal data that is otherwise kept confidential... This federal EEOC data required Infosys to report the demographic make-up of any location at which it employs at least 50 people, according to the law-suit. In 2012, there were 59 work-sites that met that criteria, and in 21 of those sites Infosys reported that 100% of its employees are Asian. For 53 of the 59 sites, 94.5% of the employees were Asian, the law-suit stated. One of the plaintiffs, Layla Bolten, claims she was harassed because she was not Indian, was denied promotions and was excluded from work conversations by Hindi-speaking supervisors. Bolten was working on a nearly $50M government project won by Infosys for the District of Columbia..."
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
is an "illegal aliens on board" sign necessary before DHS will stop a human trafficking vehicle?
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
facing tougher Mexican border controls, Hondurans seek new routs to the USA
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
another story of disastrous chain immigration
"Chain migration, which is without numerical visa restrictions for some categories of immediate relatives, fuels the huge numbers of individuals coming to our shores legally each year, but without much assurance that they have anything to offer... 34-year-old Daron Dylon Wint (or Darron Dellon Denis Wint, as some media outlets have styled it) seems to be one such person. Thanks to the media frenzy that accompanied the crime, most people in America probably know about the horrifying murder of a business executive in Washington, DC, along with his wife, son, and house-keeper. They probably also know that the four weren't just killed, but tortured first; and that a U.S. Marshals fugitive task force (which included a variety of state and local officers) did a great job of tracking down the suspect and taking him into custody in short order. What fewer know is that prime suspect Wint was an immigrant from Guyana, a happy beneficiary of chain migration who came to the United States on the cusp of adulthood in 2000. CNN tells us that fact, that he washed out from the Marines in 2001 before even successfully completing basic training, and that he has a history of multiple arrests, but from there glosses over quite a bit... We would do better to adopt the model used by some other nations, which focuses on assigning points to would-be immigrants based on skills, education, and background to arrive at an overall score in assessing their likelihood to assimilate and succeed in our society."
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
5th circuit panel ruled in favor of Texas & 25 other states, blocking, for now, Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
"...The court also denied the [Obummer regime's] request that the injunction be limited to just the state of Texas: 'The government maintains that the nationwide scope of the injunction is an abuse of discretion, so it asks that the injunction be confined to Texas or the plaintiff states. But partial implementation of DAPA would undermine the constitutional imperative of a uniform Rule of Naturalization and congress's instruction that the immigration laws of the United States should be enforced vigorously and uniformly. A patchwork system would detract from the integrated scheme of regulation created by congress. Further, there is a substantial likelihood that a partial injunction would be ineffective because DAPA beneficiaries would be free to move between states.' This is ironic in that it is the [Obummer regime] that has often complained about a 'patch-work' of immigration laws across the country."
court's analysis (pdf)
James C. Wolf _Free Republic_
a proposal for a constitutional and legal executive order... to build a border fence... or wall
Visa Wolf
_TEA Party News Network_
images, statement by Border Patrol agent will leave you stunned (video)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Jorge Ramos admits to Ann Coulter that he would like to bring all of Mexico to live in the USA
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
differences between left and right (part 1): different perceptions of human nature
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"...Material poverty doesn't cause murder, rape or terror. Moral poverty does..."
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
is Red China soon to undergo an economic crash?
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
treating teens like tots
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
graduation gift suggestions
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"...My own favorite approach to controversial issues, going back to my teaching days, is to confront students with the strongest arguments available on opposite sides of these issues. The point of this approach is not to feed the students prepackaged conclusions, but to force them to seek facts and apply logic, in their own attempts to resolve complex and important controversies. Nor should they be allowed to cop out with some vague pieties about how 'the truth lies somewhere in between'. The truth is wherever you find it -- and the process of trying to find it is what education should be about, regardless of what conclusions they reach..."
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
USA, please don't become like Spain
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
getting former congress-critters, presidents, cabinet-members, and bureaubums out of tax-victims' pockets
Washington DC Times
_News Max_
less competition, less liberty, less privacy, higher prices for telecomm coming: Charter to buy Warner Cable for $55G
Greg Richter _News Max_
WSJ: new twist on old ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate tactics used in fall of Ramadi: over 20 car-bombings, diversion
_News Max_
deadly Lassa fever case in USA, after visit to Liberia
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ron de Santis -- the non-leftist choice for US senate in Florida
David Sirota & Andrew Perez _Breitbart_
Clintons Foundation donors got weapons deals from Hitlery's State Dept.
International Business Times
Matt Vespa: Town Hall
"AllahPundit": Hot Air
senator Rand Paul _Breitbart_
unpatriotic act robs us of privacy, provides no increased security
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) launching new bus and train ad campaigns
Steve Rothwell & Ryan Nakashima _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
media CEOs are the highest-paid American executives (with graph/list)
Joseph Curl _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime surprised by fall of Mosul, had/have no plans for what to do about it
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Rand Paul: leftist lunatics have hijacked the USA's great universities
Silvio Canto ii _American Thinker_
the public recognizes that media is biased, but do the editors care? are they proud of their leftist bias, or ashamed of it, or just "in denial"?
"Going forward, it seems to me that the media needs to do a couple of things: 1) Have more diversity in the newsroom. How can you have a serious discussion of news coverage when everyone loves Obama and hates Bush? Diversity would help! 2) Go out and talk to real people!..."
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
how many black presidents and how many Jewish presidents has the USA had?
News Machete
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
in Chicago, 56 shot, 12 dead over Memorial Day week-end
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
so, you say the GOP must embrace evil to survive... really!?
"...Folks, taking the popular evil road with the Democrats will ultimately lead to destruction. To restore and save America, we must take the right road, the road less traveled. 'Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good.' Romans 12:9. Conservatives must appeal to Americans' higher nature, touting education, hard work, and the joy of personal achievement. Jesus said 'My sheep hear my voice...' (John 10:27) Let's go for the gold, folks. After all, we are Americans!"
Michael Barone _Town Hall_
how the world has changed since World War 1
"...The experience of driving a car or riding in a jet airplane is not much different in 2015 than in 1965. The tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel was on to something when he said, 'We were promised flying cars, and instead what we got was 140 characters.'..."
Jeff Jacoby _Town Hall_
multi-millionaire former presidents can pay their own ways
Jewish World Review
_Free Republic_
every day is "opposite day" for Obummer
Mark Langfan: Arutz Sheva Israel National News
"Obama has done exactly the opposite of what should be done in the Middle East for his entire term. Israel had better ignore his advice."
Anne Schieber _Free Republic_
students in affluent school districts don't necessarily learn more or faster or more thoroughly
"New research shows that a number of Michigan schools in middle- to upper-income areas are under-performing on state and national proficiency exams..."
Walid Phares _Political Mavens_
the unknown and suppressed story of the last day of South Lebanon's "security belt": 2000 May 25
"...There was no 'liberation'. It was a regional and international deal, involving the [Clinton regime], Israel, Saudi Arabia and Syria. In future works, more light will be shed on said deal, which in fact was, more accurately, two deals. Obviously, Hafez Assad out-maneuvered Israel and Washington [DC] at the same time and added Jezzine to his panoply. And Hezbollah obtained the feather in its cap..."
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Todd Starnes _TEA Party Tribune_
US Marine lance-corporal court-martialed, convicted for refusing unconstitutional and illegal order to remove Bible verse from her desk: "no weapon formed against me shall prosper"
Laura Ingraham
Todd Starnes: Fox
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
"As it now stands -- Sterling is unemployed and looking for work. It's a process made harder because of the bad conduct discharge from the military. Hopefully Liberty Institute will be able to restore this Christian Marine's good name and expunge the charge... However, a religious liberty law firm and a high-powered, former U.S. solicitor general have taken up her case and have filed an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces... Liberty Institute attorney Michael Berry [said,] 'Restricting a Marine's free exercise of religion is blatantly unconstitutional.'..."
Colleen Conley _TEA Party News Network_
Obummer has ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate head-quarters location, but won't attack; they're hiding behind what they consider to be enemy civilians
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker warns of violence-initiating Islam
"...'70% of our donors are people giving $75 or less. So it is not the big donors. It is the everyday average American citizens who say we need someone who will stand up and fight the fight on common sense conservative reform and then win, not just talk about it and actually get it done. And that's the appeal.' [13:06]"
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
illegal alien charged with molesting child had been unconstitutionally amnestied by Obummer
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Gallup US ecoomic confidence down (with graph)
Justin McCarthy: Gallup
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Malaysian government (a TPP state) bans use of Hebrew name for God, as mangled through Arabic, by anyone other than Mohammedans
"The State Department's Malaysia 2013 International Religious Freedom Report, published in 2014 July, elaborated on Malaysia's treatment of Christians who use the word 'Allah'. 'The Publications and Quranic Text Control Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs supervised the publication of religious texts, and restricted the use of the words Allah (God), baitullah ([beth or beit Allah] house of God), Kaabah (location toward which Muslims pray) and salat (prayer) to Muslim groups only, asserting that these words were the sole jurisdiction of the Muslim community,” said the State Department's 2013 report..."
Jews also denounce frivolous use/abuse of God's names, including disapproving of the making of vows one does not intend to fulfill.
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
corrupt, anti-constitutional Obummer regime trying to prohibit military chaplains from discussing Torah, Talmud, or the Bible
Neil McCabe: Town Hall
Aaron Klein _WND_
US media scrubbed Palestinian official's terrorist background
Joseph Farah _WND_
does the left believe in elections?
The left respects elections, the US constitution, laws, and judicial opinions only so long as they go totally their way.
Greg Corombos _WND_
congress rolling in over $4.2G in pork
Morgan Brittany _WND_
is Sidney Blumenthal the next Valerie Jarrett?
Leah Barkoukis _Town Hall_
Vienna, Austria airport security staff smuggled people into USA & UK
Pat Boone _WND_
Robert Gates's surrender of the Boy Scouts of America
Conference Board consumer confidence index up from 94.3 in April to 95.4 in May
Paul Wiseman: US News & World Report/AP
Denise Chow _WND_
13-mile-long aqueduct over 2K years old unearthed in Jerusalem, Israel
Live Science
Israel Antiquities Authority
"A section of the so-called Lower Aqueduct was discovered in the modern-day neighborhood of Umm Tuba, in East Jerusalem, during efforts to construct a new sewer line. The Lower Aqueduct was originally built more than 2K years ago [at the direction of] kings in the Hasmonean dynasty, who ruled Judea and its surrounding regions from about 140BCE to 37BCE, and preceded King Herod the Great..."
Star Parker _WND_
the president's job is to adhere to the US constitution, to defend the USA and faithfully execute constitutional laws, not insane climate hysteria
Barry Farber _WND_
priorities: defeating ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate or drumming up climate hysteria in order to attack life, liberty, property and privacy
Brainy History
Library of Congressf
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"90% of the politicians give the other 10% a bad reputation." --- Henry Kissinger (source: Jewish World Review)
Ben Shapiro _Town Hall_
Ann Coulter's war
Cybercast News Service
"This week, iconoclastic master Ann Coulter released her new book, _Adios, America!_. The book has already been labeled racist by the mainstream left, which fears her argument, and will undoubtedly be marginalized by the mainstream right, which doesn't want to hear it. Coulter's thesis is simple: Since senator Teddy Kennedy, D-MA [and Gary Hart and Celler], rammed through the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, America's immigration system has transformed from a device for enriching the nation for both native-born and immigrants into a scheme for importing anti-American voters. What made America America, Coulter argues, was a particular blend of Protestant religion and European civilization that led to the rise of the greatest nation in human history. What will unmake America, she continues, is a deliberate attempt to poison that blend with a flood of immigrants with wildly different values. Coulter points out that the real number of immigrants currently residing in America illegally far surpasses the 11M consistently put forth by politicians and media. That 11M springs from census data, which is notoriously unreliable, given that immigrants here illegally typically don't spend time answering government surveys. The real number, she argues, is far closer to 30M. And those 30M immigrants in America illegally drive down wages, shred social safety nets, drive up the crime rate and congeal the American melting pot into a melange of inferior cultural values competing for local dominance..."
"AllahPundit": Hot Air
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Michelle Malkin verbally eviscerated leftist professor on generosity of USA & illegal immigration (with video)
"'I hate it when open borders advocates and activists get away with this inflammatory language that somehow those of us who believe in the rule of law want to throw every last illegal alien into some cattle car. This is the most generous country in the world, sir. We issue [over 1M] green cards every single year, 70K permits to people who apply for asylum, 500K foreign student visas, 700K work permits for both skilled and unskilled labor. This is the most generous country in the world and I am sick and tired of hearing [Obummer] and all of his acolytes, including you, raise the specter that somehow we've built all of these wire fences and nobody is getting in and what a terrible humanitarian tragedy it is. The 5th Circuit came down on the side of the public interest.', Malkin said..."
Right Sightings (video)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
will EB-5 renewal be as dramatic as for the unpatriotic act, or is it not being vigorously opposed?
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Michael Lind's story of Arthur Sulzberger ii and immigration policy
1995-09-07: Michael Lind: NYTimes: Leftists Duck Immigration Debate
National Press Club panel: How Many Is Too Many?
Sulzberger's Voice: How Arthur Sulzberger Radicalized the NYTimes Editorial Page on Immigration
"Lind described Sulzberger's alarm as an overreaction that ignored a simple fact of life at the Times, where immigration enthusiasts get far more access than do immigration skeptics. Lind provided this informal metric: 'It turns out the ratio was like 3 to 1 pro and con.'"
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Memorial week-end incidents: thoughlessness and delinquency, or foreshadowing?
_Hindustan Times_
corrupt US "IT" executives call for increasing the numbers of cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled H-1B guest-workers with questionable ethics; US citizen STEM professionals would prefer to see less-dysfunctional job markets at home
Times of India
India Today
Silicon India
2015-05-27 (5775 Sivan 09)
Tom Fitton _News Max_
Mexican government invasions, assaults on US Border Patrol occur quite often
"Based on documents obtained from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Judicial Watch has uncovered the details of an incident on 2014 June 26, in which a Mexican government helicopter crossed into U.S. air-space and opened fire on U.S. Border Patrol personnel located in a clearly marked position. The CBP documents were released in response to a 2014 July 9, Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. There's history here. Going back a decade, Judicial Watch has forced both the [Shrub and Obummer regimes] to release documents detailing intentional border incursions by Mexican military and other government personnel. DHS records show that Mexican military incursions occur quite often and regularly go unpunished by the U.S. government. For instance, the DHS documents reveal 226 incursions by Mexican personnel into the U.S. between 1996 and 2005. In 2007 alone, 25 such incursions occurred along the U.S.A.-Mexico border. Earlier this year a serious incursion occurred in Arizona, in which two heavily armed and camouflaged Mexican soldiers crossed 50 yards over the border and held Border Patrol agents at gun-point in a tense confrontation..."
2015-05-27 (5775 Sivan 09)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer regime won't appeal 5th circuit decision to supremes; injunction stands, case goes back to judge Hanen for hearing on the primary issue
2015-05-27 (5775 Sivan 09)
_Tallahassee Reports_
Leon county FL employment declined for 6th consecutive month
2015-05-27 (5775 Sivan 09)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
some leftists respect me
World Net Daily
Lew Rockwell
World Net Daily
Town Hall
Homicide Trends in the United States of America 1980-2008
Crime in the United States of America 2011 (table 43)
2003-11-05: People Press: Party Affiliation (it's a shame they have the party colors reversed)
2009-02-02: Rich Exner: Cleveland OH Plain Dealer: voter affiliation: Reds dominate Ohio
2011-12-23: Ed Morrissey: Hot Air: voter affiliation
2015-05-27 (5775 Sivan 09)
Lily Herman _Jewish World Review_
the new way to climb the career ladder (you don't)
2014-09-23: NewsWeek
"But there's actually another credential that can help you ascend those rungs a lot faster: the principle of 'Minimum Required Credibility' (MRC). The idea is this: When someone is hiring you, they want proof that you're going to be good. One way of proving this is, yes, showing that you've been in the field for years and years. But another way is simply showing that you've succeeded at said task somewhere else before—somewhere comparable or just one level below the company you're aiming for. You're essentially searching for the least amount of experience you need to gain the most amount of credibility to jump to the next level of your career. Then, when you're at that next level, use it as a spring-board to get to an even higher level..."
Good approach, for a few decades ago, before the ever-worseningly dysfunctional USA job markets.
2015-05-27 (5775 Sivan 09)
Graeme Hamilton _Jewish World Review_
the new Jewish exodus
2015-04-24: National Post
2015-05-27 (5775 Sivan 09)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
don't go to college/university!
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"It's graduation time! Have we learned much? No. College has become a scam. Some students benefit: those with full scholarships and/or rich parents so they don't go deep into debt, those who love learning for its own sake and land jobs in academia and those who get jobs that require a college credential. But that's not most students. Half today's recent grads work in jobs that don't require degrees. 80K of America's bar-tenders have bachelor's degrees... Economist Bryan Caplan argues that there isn't much evidence that college grads are paid more because they learned anything at college that is valuable to their jobs. Getting into elite universities and graduating from them is mostly a 'signaling' device, he says. It tells employers you're a smart person, so employers can begin teaching you things you really need to know. Employers, not the colleges, turn out to be the ones making students valuable contributors. This suggests college is more like a hurdle than an investment. It would be better if companies found cheaper ways to screen for talent than four years of college..."
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1736-05-29: Patrick Henry born in Studley, VA.
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2015-05-30 (5775 Sivan 12) 2015-05-30 (5775 Sivan 12) 2015-05-30 (5775 Sivan 12) This Date in History
2015-05-31 (5775 Sivan 13) 2015-05-31 (5775 Sivan 13) 2015-05-31 (5775 Sivan 13) 2015-05-31 (5775 Sivan 13) 2015-05-31 (5775 Sivan 13) 2015-05-31 (5775 Sivan 13) 2015-05-31 (5775 Sivan 13) 2015-05-31 (5775 Sivan 13) 2015-05-31 (5775 Sivan 13) This Date in History
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Bernie Sanders's foul, power-mad, leftist odor; staunchly against choice
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
"Socialist genius Bernie Sanders has figured out what's really ailing America. Our store shelves have too many different brands of deodorant and sneakers. Just look at all those horrible, fully stocked aisles at Target and Walgreens and Wal-Mart and Payless and DSW and Dick's Sporting Goods. It's a national nightmare! If only consumers had fewer choices in the free market, fewer entrepreneurs offering a wide variety of products and fewer workers manufacturing goods people wanted, Sanders believes, we could end childhood hunger. Nobody parodies the far left better than far-leftists themselves..."
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
the sorry result of women's "liberation"
Georgie Anne Geyer _Jewish World Review_
why Iraq will continue to fall because they believe they have nothing to fight for
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
stop blaming Shrub for Obummer's failures (or maybe they're successes in his mind)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
what the Trans-Pacific Partnership is really about
"The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has nothing to do with trade. While it officially embraces 11 countries plus the U.S.A., 76% of our trade with these nations is with Mexico and Canada, already covered by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Any export growth is likely to have been already covered by NAFTA, making the TPP irrelevant to our trade relations. The TPP is nothing but an effort by the globalists to circumvent American sovereignty, transferring a host of issues from the control of the U.S. congress and the various state legislatures to international trade courts..."
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
an out-reach campaign from the RINO losership to grass-roots Republicans
"This rift is bigger. It's between [the RINO losership] in congress and the Republican grass-roots. It's manifested itself in numerous ways. The drive to oust [or reform] speaker John Boehner is one. That effort led to 25 House Republicans opposing Boehner for speaker in January. [It should have been 230.] That's just a tenth of the GOP caucus -- 246 strong -- but was enough to threaten Boehner's majority in the House since every Democrat voted against him. Another example: the primary defeat last year of House majority leader Eric Cantor of Virginia. The victor was David Brat, an economics professor at Randolph-Macon College who'd never won elective office. Brat is now close to a loose group of 20 or so dissident House Republicans, [derided by chuckleheads like former RINO] congressman Steve LaTourette of Ohio. Then there's the constant refrain one hears from Republican activists around the country, particularly the Tea Party ones. They're often as critical of Boehner and [senate majority-loser] Mitch McConnell as they are of [president Barack Hussein Obummer]. Or so it seems. Conservative talk radio amplifies their criticism. What's their beef? It's that Boehner and McConnell would rather...yield than fight for conservative causes against [vile, hateful, race-obsessed, oath-breaker Obummer] and congressional Democrats. Grass-roots Republicans prefer out-spoken fighters [for what is right] like senator Ted Cruz of Texas, even if the cause is [difficult, or requires a partial, temporary shut-down of the federal government rather than allow unconstitutional and vastly excessive over-spending to continue]. That a gap exists between GOP [losers] in congress and Republicans outside Washington is hardly a secret. Now a step has been taken, with more to come, to narrow that gap. It consisted of 30 minutes of Q&A last week between McConnell and directors of center-right think tanks at the state level. Also invited were officials of national think tanks: the Cato Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, Manhattan Institute, and Heartland Institute [but not FAIR US, the Center for Immigration Studies, Californians for Population Stabilization, TEA Party Patriots, TEA Party Express, TEA Party.org, and not Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham...]... The goal is for GOP leaders in Washington to explain what they're doing to influential conservatives around the country. 'They haven't explained well enough [why they're always surrendering to or promoting extreme leftist moves and legislation].', Norquist said... This year, Republicans passed a [humongous, over-spending] budget... On issue after issue, McConnell said where Senate [RINO losership stands]. Prospects for patent [law perversion are pretty likely]. Legislation to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy is 'on our agenda to be brought up' [but not likely to be allowed to get anywhere], having already passed the House. Tax reform 'needs a new president', McConnell said. 'It's pretty obvious this president is not Ronald Reagan... [Barack Hussein Obummer] is not going to the center... [He's] far left.' [So, slam him harder! Make it necessary for him to exercise a veto, and over-ride some of them!] Reagan engineered [timid] tax reform, with an assist from Democrats like senator Bill Bradley, in 1986. McConnell said Republicans can invoke 'reconciliation' to repeal parts but not all of [the unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare, because the losership is too timid to even attempt anything likely to effectively eradicat it]..."
_census bureau_
over the last decade, USA gained 4M businesses with no employees
"There were 23.0M businesses without paid employees, or non-employer businesses, in the United States in 2013, up 4.4M from 2003 and 269,705, or 1.2%, from 2012, according to statistics released by the U.S. census bureau... Three sectors accounted for the majority of non-employer businesses added to the economy between 2012 and 2013: other services, except public administration (NAICS 81), which added 60,864; real estate and rental and leasing (NAICS 53), gaining 58,376; and transportation and warehousing (NAICS 48-49), up 43,215... The personal and laundry services sub-sector (NAICS 812), which gained 62,292 establishments, propelled the increase in businesses in the sector as a whole. This sub-sector includes such disparate industries as barber shops and beauty salons, funeral homes and funeral services, coin-operated laundries and dry cleaners, and pet care (except veterinary) services... Among states, Florida had the largest increase in non-employer businesses, with 63,259 added between 2012 and 2013, and more added in real estate and rental and leasing than in any other sector (13,615)... Manufacturing (NAICS 31-33) declined 1,633 establishments to 343,025 establishments... Information (NAICS 51 [which includes software publishing]) declined 1,269 establishments to 326,526 establishments... Second behind the other services sector in the number of non-employer establishments was professional, scientific and technical services (NAICS 54), with 3.2M, or 14.1% of total non-employer establishments in 2013..."
Don Lambro _Town Hall_
Obummer's part-time, temporary, low-wage, job-challenged economy is still shrinking
"The underemployment rate for college graduates forced to take jobs below their skill levels now stands at nearly 45%, according to an analysis by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York... the job numbers, as reported, leave out the longterm unemployed who aren't counted, and either play down or ignore the growing size of the under-employed. University of Maryland business economist Peter Morici puts the total for these neglected job market sectors at '20M unemployed and under-employed prime working-age American adults'..."
I would put it at close to 30M, based on BLS data.
Walid Shoebat _TEA Party Tribune_
Texas legislature passed anti-sharia bill
Ernest Istook _TEA Party News Network_
how the media cospire with Obummer (audio)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer State Dept. set 20-year record for delaying release of human rights reports... and given their perverted notion of government granting of "rights", it's probably just as well
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
demonic Red Chinese thugs maintain aggressive stance
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
media paint Virginia leftists as much more moderate than they really are
Town Hall
"after 2 years in the senate, Tim Kaine has a perfect 0 on the conservative scale. Mark Warner has a life-time score of 10.33% conservative, but his last two annual scores have been a 4 and an 8. They could be mistaken for Barbara Mikulski. Far-left is middle of the road on the media spectrum... Tim Kaine has a perfect 100 score from the NARAL folks, and a perfect 100 with the gay-left 'Human Rights Campaign'. But to the Post, he's practically the pope's right hand, swaying in the pews at Mass. A few weeks ago, Kaine and Warner signed a letter to the HHS Secretary (with other [leftists] like Barbara Boxer) complaining about insurers failing to provide proper payment for contraceptives through [ObummerDoesn'tCare]..."
Josh Nathan-Kazis _WND_
web-site "Canary Mission" exposes radical pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel students
Ha Aretz
Melissa Quinn _WND_
NC man wants justice after corrupt Obummer regime robbed their bank accounts of $115,018.01
Daily Signal
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas: torture, beheadings, acid, mutilation
Amnesty International
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Allen West _Town Hall_
Obummer regime's delusional, dangerous, or perfidious national security strategy
Austin Ray _Town Hall_
counter ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate's truck bombs with real close air support
"ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate struck Ramadi in 2014 January, six months prior to attacking Mosul. When ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate's blitz failed, Ramadi became a battle of attrition. For 18 months, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate fighters controlled 'half the city'. Attrition is a euphemism for killed and wounded. Iraqi forces suffered 'thousands of casualties' in Ramadi. The briefer mentioned no specifics, but in 2015 March and April, Iraq's Ramadi forces beat back repeated ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate attacks... The senior official later said an armored ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate bull-dozer cleared lanes prior to the [vehicle-bomb] strikes. What a big clue. The briefer indicated the dozer and armored [vehicle-bombs] were impervious to available Iraqi direct fire weapons. Target: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate bull-dozer conducting combat engineer operation. For a USAF A-10, the dozer is a dead duck. So where, pray tell, was the close air support from [Obummer's] anti-ISIL coalition? Our senior official, now sounding disturbingly junior, if not sophomore, said: 'We want to be very careful before we do airstrikes, because we're coming from the air, we don't have people on the ground.' No, we don't. And we didn't. Despite months of advice to the contrary, to deploy tactical air control teams. Syrian Kurds credit close air support with securing their victory in Khobane. No one provides close air support like the U.S.A. does..."
Cliff May _Town Hall_
the longest hatred
Armstrong Williams _Town Hall_
re-constructing the inner cities and urban centers
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Virginia state senate candidate Vince Haley: prosperity is a choice
_Conservative HQ_
right and left allied to eliminate crony socialist Export-Import Bank
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Rush Limbaugh: the left have made Christianity their #1 enemy
Gabrielle Cintorino _Cybercast News Service_
senators Ted Cruz & Mike Lee: expand school choice for low-income parents
Jeanna Bryner _Live Science_
new human ancestral species discovered: Australopithecus deyiremeda; may have been contemporary of "Lucy"
Charles Q. Choi
Tia Ghose _Live Science_
430K murder/war casualty discovered in Spain
Owen Jarus _Live Science_
sacrificed humans found in 4K year old tombs in NW China
Cathy Burke _News Max_
former CIA deputy-director John McLaughlin: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate can conquer the whole region if there is no effective ground force to defend against them
Cathy Burke _News Max_
FBI + CIA launching new investigations of suspected ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate terrorists daily
Cathy Burke _News Max_
Red China is installing weapons systems on artificial islands in South China Sea
"Australian officials are particularly concerned [Red China] could introduce long-range radar, anti-aircraft guns, and regular surveillance flights, enabling it to wield military power across a maritime expanse encompassing some of Australia's busiest trading lanes, The Sydney Morning Herald reports..."
Todd Beamon _News Max_
John Kasich says he wants to repeal ObummerDoesn'tCare
Laura Ingraham
governor Rick Scott thinks Scott Walker should actively campaign in Florida primary no matter what
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Muslim anti-Semitism sends Turkey's Sephardic Jews back to Spain
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Iranian Muslim "scholars" meeting in Beirut Lebanon claim Israel is cause of all Islamic nations' failures
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
LAPD anti-terrorism cops arrested suspect in last December's massive downtown arson
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
mandatory Dutch HS history text-books are rife with anti-Israel bias
John Sexton _Breitbart_
French foreign minister Laurent Fabius says they will not sign on to deal with Iran unless it includes inspections of military sites
"'Yes to an agreement, but not to an agreement that will enable Iran to have the atomic bomb.', Fabius said in Paris as reported by the NY Times."
John Hayward _Breitbart_
14-year-old ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate recruit sentenced to only 8 months in prison on terrorism charges in Austria
"was in contact with supporters of both ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and al-Qaeda, according to [Justin Huggler in] the UK Telegraph, and had ambitions to journey to Syria and join a terrorist group. But first, he was working on building a bomb, using plans he downloaded from an al-Qaeda web-site, and allegedly planned to attack major civilian targets... He reportedly confessed that he hoped to hit several such targets before departing Austria..."
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
hopefully, this time unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare will be shot down by supremes
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Duncan Hunter accuses Obummer Army brass of retaliation with their criminal investigation of whistle-blower to punish the congressman
"At a 2013 hearing, Mr. Hunter, a former Marine officer and a committee activist, accused the Army of holding back off-the-shelf technology that helps soldiers in Afghanistan find the enemy... Now, the Army's Criminal Investigation Command is investigating lieutenant-colonel Jason Amerine for his collaboration with Mr. Hunter's staff on legislation to over-haul the [Obummer regime's] hostage policies and hopefully win the freedom of captured Americans. 'It's our belief that the Army investigation into Amerine is occurring strictly due to his association to representative Hunter.', Joe Kasper, Mr. Hunter's chief of staff, told The Washington Times. 'In fact, representative Hunter has met with representatives of the federal agencies involved, and he's acquired a deep understanding of where and how the complaint against Amerine originated and the Army's decision to proceed.'... Colonel Amerine, who plans to retire soon, holds a special place in the history of the Afghanistan War. He led one of the first Green Beret A-teams into southern Afghanistan in 2001. His team then collaborated with Afghan fighters, one of them being Hamid Karzai, the future president of Afghanistan. The Green Beret-militia unit drove toward Kandahar before it was stopped, not by the Taliban but by the blast of a bomb dropped by a U.S. pilot. At the Pentagon, colonel Amerine worked in a small Army unit, devoting his time to hostage issues. In January, he was escorted out of the Pentagon and assigned a desk job in Crystal City, VA..."
Ilan Berman _Washington DC Times_
no substitute for conscientious, serious, persistent effort in Iraq
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
Marcus Luttrell joins veterans' "Range 15" project: "this is not the movie that Hollywood would ever make"
"Former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell and Medal of Honor recipients Dakota Meyer and Leroy Petry have joined forces for 'Range 15', a post-apocalyptic comedy spearheaded by two veteran-owned companies, Durham-based Ranger Up and Texas-based Article 15, that have raised almost $500K in 15 days. 'The more we raise, the better the movie becomes.', said Nick Palmisciano, CEO of Ranger Up, the Fayetteville Observer reported Monday. 'This is not the movie that Hollywood would ever make. Nothing is sacrosanct. There's nothing really like this.'..."
Jack Curtis _American Thinker_
impoverishment: USA's new normal
"...As most know, the government is also importing as many foreign workers as it can manage, hundreds of thousands of [cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics] via H–1B guest-worker visas [with many more brought into the USA to feed that pipe-line through student visas]. In 2014, the U.S.A. hosted 25.7M foreign-born workers: 16.5% of the work-force. Southern California Edison replaced its 'IT' department this way; Disney recently has done the same. The [lobbyists claim] there are too few Americans qualified for these jobs, but appearances suggest that in reality [we've been graduating 2 to 3 times as may STEM pros as we've been hiring and] foreigners are cheaper. Even more illegal but welcomed border jumpers are competing for the lower paying jobs. Since the prices of food, shelter and such continue to rise as wages do not, impoverishment continues..."
Alan Caruba _TEA Party News Network_
Barack Hussein Obummer, warmist hysteric
"I have been wrestling for some kind of explanation why the president of the United States, [Barack Hussein Obummer], would continue to talk about climate change and urge the global transition from fossil fuels to wind, solar and bio-energy. I have concluded that he thinks everyone, not just Americans, are idiots..."
Bob Barr _Town Hall_
USA's leftist Weatherman-in-chief
Daren Bakst _Cybercast News Service_
power-mad EPA's shocking actions to try to gain support for its take-over of puddles
Todd Beamon: News Max: GOP responded
Monica Crowley _Washington DC Times_
leftist climate hypocrites
Political Mavens
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"A mistake, before it happens, is your poor choice but after it happens it's part of God's plan; an opportunity to grow from a new choice." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
knocking on war's door: disavowing the appeal of appeasers, next president must face down tyrants
Washington DC Times
The USA has never been "isolationist", but it has been more or less interventionist, more or less adventurist. Of course, somtimes an intervention is necessary, or at least for the best, and other times it is a disaster...jgo
Tekla Perry _IEEE Spectrum_
** tool for analyzing H-1B visa applications reveals tech salary secrets **
Slash Dot
"The data has been available as down-loadable files for years, but only the most motivated have tackled the analysis, it wasn’t easy to navigate. But last week a French software engineer, Théo Négri, who has been running a job search web site for tech professionals, released a much more user friendly version of that database, and suddenly, the numbers look very interesting... 'Salaries at Airbnb and Dropbox (according to the visa application data) recently decreased, while FB and Google, where salaries (for the same position) had been growing $10K to $15K a year, from 2014 to 2015 just grew $1K or $2K.' A big surprise for Négri: He found that the best paid software engineers appear to be at Netflix, where senior software engineers are, according to the labor department data, being paid $240K to $250K and up for positions for which the official prevailing wage is $153K. (By comparison, Google applied to hire a host of software engineers at $100K to $110K; the prevailing wages listed are $88K to $99K for those positions.)... several of the technology companies with the largest number of visa applications submitted over the years he analyzed, including Infosys and IBM, don't appear to hire many software engineers at all; instead, they hire 'technology leads' or 'consultants'. In Négri's opinion, that could be a trick to bring in a technically skilled worker at a lower cost... On May 28 Négri changed his calculations to display median instead of average salaries [but it should facilitate analysis by each... and provide standard deviations]..."
John Fund & Clara del Villar _News Max_
Obummer's immigration ploy is both incompetent and unconstitutional
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
open borders backers WaPo + Pew + LATimes assert that invasion of illegal aliens is at 20-year low
Laura Ingraham
illegal alien from Mexico sentenced to 5.5 years in prison for hit-and-run death of bicyclist
Mark Bowes: Richmond VA Times-Dispatch
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
US ICE still releasing, at a rapid pace, illegal aliens who committed additionao crimes
Jeremy Redmon: Atlanta Journal-Constitution
2013-06-14: Maria Sacchetti: Boston Globe
"...Other ICE records show that, despite US ICE director Sarah Saldana's insistence that they are working hard to find them, few are in fact being found. As of 2015 April, US ICE had arrested only 11,983 of the 168K at-large convicted criminal aliens. The Atlanta field office of US ICE had arrested only 993 of the 8,600 at-large fugitives in that area -- so they are not making much of a dent in the criminal fugitive population..."
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
in the conflicted Obummer regime, FBI director James Comey is soliciting help of state and local police to identify, find, track potential terrorists
"FBI Director James Comey has solicited the help of state and local law enforcement agencies, including the New York City Police Department, in an effort to identify, track, and act against potential terrorists. No one seems to have noted the irony that this request comes at the same time the [Obummer regime] is turning away such help with immigration enforcement... as a nation we have shunned the concept of a national police force just as surely as we have rejected national identity cards. Such things are repugnant to the American psyche, smacking as they do of Big Brother. What's more, a national police force would be an intrusion on the inherent sovereignty of each of our 50 states. The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution says this: 'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.' It seems clear that, from the very beginning, the founders of our nation envisioned a cooperative environment among and between states and the federal government over matters affecting the common good -- including immigration. It is relevant to note that, for many years, state courts exercised the right to naturalize aliens into citizenship under guidelines set by Congress pursuant to its own constitutional role: 'The Congress shall have Power To...establish an Uniform Rule of Naturalization'. In fact, prior to the opening of the federal inspection station at Ellis Island in the 1890s, it was the states that enforced the nation's immigration laws. With all of this in mind, I can't help but note the difference in attitudes of state and local enforcement organizations toward assisting one federal agency (the FBI) while stiffing the federal agencies charged with immigration enforcement, primarily Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE). Can they not connect the dots? Do they see no nexus between uncontrolled immigration and national security perils? Or do they just get to be choosy in their philosophical reasoning and legal consistency about such things as aiding in enforcement of federal laws?"
Marguerite Telford _Center for Immigration Studies_
National Park Service has signed onto Obummer's excessive immigration, pro-illegal alien agenda
_Breitbart_/_Ferenstein Wire_
study claimed Sili Valley could "end homelessness for free"
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
away, but present in grand-children's hearts
Bill Whalen _Jewish World Review_
senate timing, temperament, and 2016 odds
"I got to sit in on a roundtable talk with a Republican senator, during which said lawmaker expressed hope of getting tax reform moving in congress. My thought: will timing and temperament make this possible?... Consider 2014 and what gridlock (352 bills that passed the Houses and awaited senate action) did for Harry Reid and the then-majority Dems/Reds/leftist."
Harrumph! I can't think of a time in the last 103 years when tax reform was not a dire necessity, better done now than considered later; better begun now then put off. I know of no times over the last 25 years when the leftists had passed some abomination which the Republicans then so much as slowed it down, let alone trimmed out its worst abuses or added a positive tidbit...jgo
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
Ashton Carter: Stop China island build-up; Russia-Red China cyber non-aggression pact; Iran nuclear weapons and delivery systems development continues
Washington DC Times
"'There should be no mistake about this: The United States will fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows, as we do all around the world.', Mr. Carter said during a change-of-command ceremony at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii."
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
a modest proposal for education reform
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
anthropology and history
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
human nature, government policy, and entrepreneurship
"If there is one thing that most failed policy initiatives (not to mention entire political and economic systems) have in common, it would have to be the refusal to acknowledge human nature..."
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
the provision for unconstitutional, unwarranted collection of bulk data must be allowed to expire
Jed Babbin _Jewish World Review_
reforming the power-mad grotesque known as the unpatriotic act, rather than repealing it
Washington DC Times
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
leftist media detractors of public exercises in patriotism
Washington DC Times
"This is a question that is most commonly asked by people who find any actual displays of patriotism vulgar, especially those displays that celebrate the truly incomprehensible sacrifices that soldiers and their families make on behalf of American freedom... Remember when [president Barack Hussein Obummer] traded 5 terrorists in exchange for a U.S. Army deserter? Americans who genuinely love and support our military still haven't fully recovered from that dastardly trick. The truth is, these people despise the U.S. military and all the power that it exudes around the globe, even today... Honestly, there is only one way to honor the sacrifices of our warriors and their families. That is to elect serious politicians who take very gravely the solemn duty of sending our fighters into war..."
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
even though we disagree, Jorge Ramos can stay, but Matt Lauer has to go
_Conservative HQ_
senator Ted Cruz demands answers to questions about ObummerDoesn'tCare subsidies
News Max
"Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) yesterday sent a letter to U.S. secretary of the treasury Jacob Lew regarding the department's refusal to supply key witnesses for an upcoming senate Judiciary committee oversight hearing about the rulemaking process for [ObummerDoesn'tCare] subsidies. 'This refusal is unacceptable and interferes with congress's and this committee's obligation to ensure proper functioning of federal agencies and the federal rule-making process.', senator Cruz wrote regarding his request for the appearance of assistant-secretary-for-[extortion]-policy Mark Mazur, deputy-assistant-secretary-for-[extortion]-policy Emily McMahon, and deputy-[extortion]-legislative-counsel-for-[extortion]-policy Cameron Arterton. I am reiterating my request for your department to voluntarily make Mr. Mazur, Ms. McMahon, and Ms. Arterton available for congressional testimony at our planned oversight hearing on June 4. If you do not opt to assist congress and make all 3 individuals available voluntarily, I may have no choice but to pursue other options, including compulsory process, to make them available for testimony.'..."
_News Max_
former NY governor George Pataki announced campaign for president
"Pataki approved budgets that increased spending faster than inflation and signed a bill that out-lawed assault rifles. On the campaign trail, he's said he supports allowing states to control decisions over gay 'marriage' and abortion..."
Matt Towery _News Max_
those who protect and attack us are under seige
Greg Richter _News Max_
Pete Hoekstra: why is the Obummer regime telling regimes and terrorist organizations (who have declared themselves enemies of the USA and the West) about our new weapons systems?
_Trading Economics_
UMich consumer sentiment index slipped from 95.9 in late-April to 88.6 in late-May
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
W. James Antle iii _Washington DC Examiner_
GOP candidates for president disagree about some points of foreign policy
"...Both sides of this debate will try to portray each other as beholden not to [Shrub], but [Obummer]. Paul's critics say he is to the left of [Barack Hussein Obummer] on Iraq and foreign policy more generally. The Kentucky senator and his libertarian Republican allies in the House are quick to point out who is actually backing [Obummer] on the Patriot Act."
Laura Ingraham
is senator Marco Rubio the same as senator Lindsey Grahamnesty?
Alex Swoyer: Breitbart
Laura Ingraham
is GOP still the party of law and order?
Conservative Review
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
despite ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate depredations, Christian monks refuse to abandon St. Matthew's monastery in Iraq, NE of Mosul, NW of Erbil
Sheren Khalel & Matthew Vickery: USA Today/Gannett
"'[ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate] does not understand what history means, they just understand the breaking of history.', continued Karaikos. 'If a people don't have the history of their past, then they will not have a future because they won't know what their origins are, where they came from.'..."
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
British school-girls forced into slavery by specialist ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate terrorist group
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Europe's trafficking shame
"...The trade in wives, who are often criminally young, accross Europe by Roma Gypsy gang-masters is an emerging issue, with traditional Gypsy law known as the Pachiv meaning the girls are considered ready to marry as soon as they reach puberty..."
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Italian court sentenced illegal alien smuggler to life sentence... as Europe girds against ever-worsening deluge
another Russian opponent of Putin hospitalized in ICU over sudden mysterious illness
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Pew poll: Republican candidates for president nearly tied; Hitlery's credibility took a dive
David Sherfinski: Washington DC Times
"there are a total of 5(!) Republicans tied at that 10%: Ben Carson, Yebbie Booosh, Mike Huckabee, senate Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Scott Walker... The second tier is made up of senator Rand Paul (R-KY) (7%), senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) (6%), Donald Trump (5%), and Chris Christie (4%). Carly Fiorina and John Kasich are tied at 2%..."
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
federal judge Rosemay M. Collyer skeptical of Obummer regime bid to reject John Boehner's law-suit over ObummerDoesn'tCare
"Justice Department attorneys told U.S. district judge Rosemary M. Collyer, presiding in Washington [DC], that [president Obummer's] team was authorized to pay billions to insurance companies as part of an arcane cost-sharing program set up by the health care law, even though congress rebuffed the [regime's] request to fund it..."
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
led by Paul Ryan, House GOP demands criminal investigation of Lois Lerner
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
the haughty John Kerry is being sued over Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail message cover-up
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
Russia has been sending un-marked tanks, artillery, rocket-launchers, trucks, armored personnel-carriers and operatives to invade Ukraine, thus removing them from Geneva conventions protections
Maria Tsvetkova: Reuters
Steve Goldstein _MarketWatch_
median household income still below what it was at the official NBER end of the recession, late-1990s
St. Louis Federal Reserve (inflation-adjusted median household income from 1984 to 2013
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
abortionists have killed more Americans since 1973 than lived in the USA in 1880
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
judge Roy Moore: Ruth Bader Ginsburg should be impeached
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
reverend E.W. Jackson: Obummer regime is persecuting Bible-believing, God-respecting Christians
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
1963-01-10 Congressional Record ppA34-A35: Communist goals include promotion of homosexuality
_Cybercast News Service_
Ann Coulter gives preview of book on barbarian invasion and visa over-stayers _Adios America_ (video)
Chris Houck: Media Research Center News Busters
"In comparison to other issues like abortion and the Iraq War, Coulter declared that illegal immigration is the one issue where 'you cannot hear both sides of the immigration debate' and stated that, with her book, she’s 'just asking for a debate'..."
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark R. Levin: the minimum wage is a disaster (video)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): I will take the lead in de-funding competition-suppressing, service-suppressing, price-increasing "net neutrality"
"Blackburn is the first member of congress to publicly express her willingness to block implementation of the new FCC rule that reclassifies the Internet as a public utility. 'We know that [president Obummer's] plan to take over the Internet was written by [leftist] activists behind closed doors at the White House and will result in up to $11G in new fees and taxes for hard working Americans.', Blackburn said in a statement to CNSNews.com. 'It will lead to regulatory uncertainty and be tied up in the court system for years, where the [regime] is already 0-2 on this issue. The Internet has thrived with a light regulatory touch. Title II reclassification of the Internet is the regulatory nuclear option and will have disastrous consequences.'..."
Gabrielle Cintorino _Cybercast News Service_
Rush Limbaugh: ObummerDoesn'tCare's tentacles are woven deep, like a huge web of deceit
Laura Hollis _WND_
the quiet revolutions of individual choice
"Just once I would love to hear a commencement speaker focus upon the small things that have the real capacity to 'change the world'; specifically, the individual personal choices that can shape everyone's lives for the better..."
Alan Keyes _WND_
GOP losership implicit in Benghazi cover-up?
Joseph Farah _WND_
is your child's sexual abstinence or activity any of the state government's business? government surveys of 12-year-olds
"It's graphic stuff, too. They leave no perversion unexplored, no innocence unexploded... [and they're not asking parents' permission]..."
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Obummer DoD to train Sunni soldiers?!?!?
Diana West _WND_
1989, 2005, 2015: 3 key dates in West's move to dhimmitude
Bradlee Dean _WND_
how to have a better country in 1 week
Burt Prelutsky _WND_
why martial law will not prevail
Bill Federer _WND_
remembering a time when presidents were guided by God
police declare making rock stack sculptures a jailable offence
Raw Story
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Peter Schweizer: if Blumenthal's work with Clinton is not a conflict of interest, I don't know what is
Kipp Jones _Breitbart_
Christian rap supporting senator Ted Cruz: "Set It On Fire"
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
DC metro blocks Muhammad cartoon ad... with convenient 6-month moratorium on all public service announcements and "advocacy advertising"
"As to the bus and train ads, courts in several jurisdictions have repeatedly ruled in Geller's [and American Freedom Defense Initiative's] favor, telling mass transit authorities from coast to coast that they must allow the ads if they take any PSA or issue advocacy ads at all."
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
the corrupt, race-obsessed, oath-breaker Obummer wants to force religious grant recipients to hire LGBTs
Christopher D. Coursen _Washington DC Times_
proposed FCC regulations make the Internet future look like the mid-20th century: internet should not be a telecomm monopoly
Marvin N. Olasky: Reason Magazine: Hornswoggled!: How Ma Bell & Chicago Ed conned our grand-parents & stuck us with the bill
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Libertarians gear up vigorous political struggle for 2016 at LPEX
"40 organizations and 30 speakers will articulate basic libertarian tenets, such as small government and tax reform, for voters who increasingly describe themselves as independent or unaffiliated; attracting the attention of small business owners is another goal. The varied speakers' roster includes Republican Reps. Joe Heck and Cresent Hardy of Nevada, Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, radio host Larry Elder, poker kingpin Frank Kessela, Leadership Institute founder Ron Nehring, multiple state and local elected officials, Libertarian Party heavy-weights, media strategists, investment advisors, grass-roots activists -- the list does go on. The organizers consider the event non-partisan... Sponsors include the national Libertarian Party itself, the Heartland Institute, Eventbrite, Gary Johnson's Our American Initiative, George Washington University's Graduate School of Political Management and WeedTV.com. Find them at LPEX.org."
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Phoenix Veterans Admin hospital problems persist a year after deceptive calculation of "wait times" was revealed
_Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis_
mean=average vs. median family income (inflation-adjusted)
Mark Levin
1st edition, 1788 bound-book of Federalist Papers
Stephanie A. Smith, Richard J Travers & James H. Morrissey _Critical Review of BioChemistry & Molecular Biology_
how it all starts: initiation of the clotting cascade
alternate link: DOI
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer wants to brain-wash school-children into his religion of climate hysteria
Joseph Curl _Washington DC Times_
at least 25 Dems join Reps to fight Obummer regime EPA power-grab over water
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Tyranny, broadly defined, is the use of power to dehumanize the individual and de-legitimize his nature. Political utopianism is tyranny disguised as a desirable, workable, and even paradisiacal governing ideology. There are, of course, unlimited utopian constructs, for the mind is capable of infinite fantasies. But there are common themes. The fantasies take the form of grand social plans or experiments, the impracticability and impossibility of which, in small ways and large, lead to the individual's subjugation." --- Mark R. Levin 2012 _Ameritopia: The UnMaking of America_ pg3
1787-05-29: Virginia Plan introduced.
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
*** who designed and built the Brooklyn (and before it Cincinnati) bridge? ***
Cybercast News Service
"...As always, the Beltway narcissists have it backward. Without private enterprise and free-market visionaries, public infrastructure wouldn't exist. Take the iconic Brooklyn Bridge, which turned 132 years old this week. It's not a government official whose vision built that. It's a fierce capitalist who revolted against unimaginative command-and-control bureaucrats in his home country. Before he went on to pioneer aqueducts and suspension bridges across America, culminating in the Brooklyn Bridge, John Roebling was a government engineer in the German province of Westphalia. A cog in the Prussian building machine, he chafed under autocratic rule. No decisions could be made, no actions taken, he complained in his diary, 'without first having an army of government councilors, ministers, and other functionaries deliberate about it for ten years, make numerous expensive journeys by post, and write so many long reports about it, that for the amount expended for all this, reckoning compound interest for ten years, the work could have been completed'. Fed up with innovation-stifling conformity, subordination and red tape, the ambitious 25-year-old Roebling set sail for the U.S.A. in 1831 aboard the American-built ship August Edward. During the 78-day journey, he wrote of his hopes and dreams 'to found a new home in the western continent beyond the ocean, a new fatherland free from tyranny'. Upon arriving in Philadelphia, he celebrated his adopted land's free-market economy..."
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Rasmussen poll: 53% of Dems/Reds/leftists & 21% of RINOs want to allow illegal aliens to vote; 60% of the citizenry favor only citizens voting; 66% (83% of Republicans, 52% of Dems, 65% of others) believe congressional/state legislature districts should be based only on numbers of eligible voters
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Australia moves toward revoking citizenship from terrorists
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
illegal immigration is not inevitable
National Review
"there are still fewer agents in the entire Border Patrol than officers in the NYPD... Technology is improved and fencing, while still inadequate in many places, really does make it harder to sneak in through formerly busy areas... Mexico's deportations of Central American illegal aliens have doubled since last year... A recent report co-authored by Robert Warren, former head of statistics at INS, and published by the Center for Migration Studies, estimates that more than 400K new illegal aliens have settled here annually over the past few years. But that's being offset by a similar number of others who stop being illegal each year, half of them because they return to their native countries on their own... something like 60% of illegal immigrants are now over-stays and only 40% are people crossing the border..."
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer's anti-Semitism tests
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer not offended enough by anti-Semitism
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
the CIA needs to put its nose to the grind-stone, improve its spying
Lyndsi Frandsen _Jewish World Review_
5 questions you should ask your child every day
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
after the fall
Mark A. Kellner _Jewish World Review_
will foreign/international court decisions influence US supremes on marriage?
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
race-obsessed activists are harming their own case
Cybercast News Service
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
absence of a smoking gun doesn't equate to innocence
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
why your doctors may be on the verge of quitting
Jeffry Bartash _MarketWatch_
USA GDP down 0.7% in 2015Q1
Jeffry Bartash _MarketWatch_
USA corporate profits down 5.9% in 2015Q1 after falling 1.4% in 2014Q4
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
fighting for tribe, clan, and religion, not American values
World Net Daily
_Conservative HQ_
Mark J. FitzGibbons fires back: unpatriotic act data & meta-data collection are unsupported by the US constitution
The analysis is mostly correct. Where McCarthy goes wrong is in transferring ownership of conversations from the conversants from the work-for-hire firm which made the conversation physically possible. This notion arose during prohibition, from the idea that "this is a serious matter and thee are not nice people, so we must set aside our scruples, our constitution and laws to get convictions", and should have been slapped down by just, honest, conscientious judges. Similarly, your medical records belong to you, not to your doctor, nurse, hospital, etc. Your purchase records belong to you, not to Amazon, Kroger's, Cub, Van's, Macy's, Penney's, Sears, Visa, MasterCard, VerySlime, TRW, Bank of India, Wells Fargo, CitiGroup... Information about your travels belong to you, not to any government or airline. Once the transaction is complete, everyone's done his part, and the records should, in general, be cleared, being kept only long enough to sort out reasonable disputes. If the government wants to get information about you or your actions, the US constitution requires that they get a warrant, and that they only get a warrant if there is sufficient evidence that you have probably been engaged in or probably are engaged in or probably planning an imminent initiation of force or fraud. Judges should not rubber-stamp every warrant application, and many affidavits lack substance or are seriously flawed. But neither should they dawdle. None of this limits legitimate intelligence operations, spying on foreign operatives inside or outside of the USA, cross-border communications, foreign powers, running background investigations on visa applicants, etc.
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
ObummerDoesn'tCare dinged as judge mocks Obummer regime lawyer
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
"draw Muhammad" contest to be held across from Islamic Community Center of Phoenix
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate threat in Palestine=Gaza puts Hamas and Israel and Egypt on the same side
Alessandria Masi: International Business Times
Discover the Networks: Hamas
British police arrested 2 people suspected of preparing terrorist acts
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
NYTimes published anti-Israel op-ed written by player from terrorist-linked Palestinian "soccer club"
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
violent Muslims threaten to attack "draw Muhammad" contest in Phoenix this evening
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Christian preacher arrested in Basildon, Essex, held for 11 hours after lesbian faked "homophobia" complaint
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
were donations to Clintons Foundation bribery? legal experts: if it quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
corrupt judge is out to get sheriff Joe Arpaio, regardless of the law
"On May 22, attorneys Michele M. Iafrate and A. Melvin McDonald filed a Motion for Recusal and Disqualification of District Court judge G. Murray Snow because of revelations allegedly made by Snow's wife regarding his apparent disdain toward sheriff Joe Arpaio and his wishes to drive the sheriff from office..."
senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT): IRS has been paying private lawyers $1K/hour while whining they're "under-funded"
Tom Fitton _Breitbart_
documents obtained by Judicial Watch shed light on scandal of attack on USA consulate at Benghazi
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Janet Napolitano U of CA at Santa Barbara wanted to extort student group sponsoring lecture in favor of traditional marriage
Cabot Phillips: Campus Reform
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
Dems/Reds/leftists in congress want to unconstitutionally require arms owners to make "liability insurance" extortion payments
Abdullah al-Shihri _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Sunni/ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate suicide bomber blew himself up in parking lot of Shiite mosque in Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Ruth Mantell _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index fell, going from 95.9 in late-April to 88.6 in mid-May to 90.7 in late-May
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Professions, as we known them, are a modern phenomenon. The word 'profession', when it first came into the English language, meant the vows taken by members of the clergy. By the 16th century professions included other vocations in which 'a professed knowledge of some department of learning or science is used in its application to the affairs of others'. For some centuries professions included, besides the clergy, only law and medicine -- and gradually, too, the military. Each of these professions in England became a tight monopoly with its own schools, its own standards of admission, its own ethic and its own rules for fees and honoraria. By 1820 an out-spoken Englishman could complain, 'Of the professions it may be said that the soldiers are becoming too popular, parsons too lazy, physicians too mercenary and lawyers too powerful.' Then the words 'scientist' and 'artist' entered the English language about 1840... Beneath the professional fallacy lies the confident axiom that the customer is not competent to judge." --- Daniel J. Boorstin 1987 _Hidden History_ pp221, 223
George Will _Jewish World Review_
a Summer break from campus muzzling
armed Americans peacefully protest outside Islamic Community Center of Phoenix
John Nolte _Breitbart_
new crime wave is all part of "community organizer" Obummer's plan
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Algerians were estimated to have captured more than 350 British ships between 1672 and 1682, which would mean that they enslaved a few hundred Britons annually. Earlier, in 1627, these pirates ranged even farther afield and raided Iceland, carrying off nearly 400 peopel into bondage. As late as the early 19th century, Barbary pirates captured American ships on the high seas and enslaved their crews." --- Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pg138 (citing Robert C. Davis 2003, 2004 _Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy 1500-1800_ pp4, 7;
Paul Baepler 1999 _White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbara Captivity Narratives_ pg9)
Phil Perrier _Jewish World Review_
spy pigeon jailed in India
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
"religious freedom envoy" post remains empty 10 months after statute was signed
"[President Obummer] signed the Near East and South Central Asia Religious Freedom Act on 2014 Aug. 8. His [regime] earlier opposed the measure, calling the move unnecessary and duplicative of efforts already under-way..."
Adil Jawad & Asif Shahzad _Cybercast News Service_
Pakistani Christian businessman is building a 140-foot cross in Karachi in the name of freedom
"A Taliban suicide attack outside 2 churches in Lahore in March killed 15 people during services. In 2013, another Taliban suicide attack killed over 80 people at the All Saints Church in Peshawar. The persecution has forced some Christians to flee, though some remain, like businessman Parvez Henry Gill..."
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_/_AP_
corrupt Obummer/Lynch DoJ announced intent to violate constitution (again) and circumvent congress (again) with more than a dozen new ways to violate the right of US citizens to own and carry arms
NSA loses authority to collect domestic telephony records a s senate adjourns
Trent Baker _Breitbart_
Glenn Greenwald: media should be ashamed of Patriot Act propaganda
"'you constantly see reporters giving anonymity to the people they're supposedly serving as watch-dogs over in order to scare the public. That New York Times article that you reference that gave anonymity to [Obummer regime] officials to say nothing other than, You're playing Russian roulette with national security if you're one of our critics on the Patriot Act was disgraceful.'"
in Sri Lanka, conflict between Muslims and Buddhists has turned violent
Charles Haviland: BBC
Socialist Insecurity Abomination paid $20.2M to 133 suspected Nazi war criminals, SS guards, and others who may have participated in the Third Reich's atrocities
Jewish World Review
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
SD "voter fraud" case deserves more attention
"According to ballot access activist Paul Jacob, Mr. Jackley's 'threatened penalty is the most severe any American has ever faced on a petition-related charge', while 'the transgressions alleged against Dr. Bosworth are arguably the least sinister' the activist has ever seen brought to trial. Ms. Bosworth admits that some of the petitions she submitted had been left out on the counter in her medical office for her patients to sign if they chose to do so... This drastic and disproportionate punishment [jail for up to 24 years and incur as much as $48K in fines] stems from 37 signatures on 6 sheets of paper -- each of which belonged to a living, breathing, registered South Dakota voter who supported Ms. Bosworth in the primary... Mr. Jacob tries to make the point clear in the 18-page report he has issued regarding the case. And let it be known that voter fraud does indeed exist, despite the claims of those who oppose rational protections such as the requirement that each person seeking to vote must produce a valid photo ID at his or her respective polling location. Nevertheless, what Mr. Jackley is attempting to do is more a matter of using the power of his office to settle a personal vendetta against Ms. Bosworth -- whose husband ran against him for attorney general last Fall on the Libertarian Party line after the indictment had been issued -- than an undertaking being carried out in the best interests of justice..."
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 13
"They went to work with unsurpassable efficiency. Full employment, a maximum of resulting out-put, & general well-being ought to have been the consequence. It is true that instead we find misery, shame, and, at the end of it all, a stream of blood. But that was a chance coincidence." --- Joseph A. Schumpeter 1936-12 _Journal of the American Statistical Association_ pg 795 (quoted in Thomas Sowell 1995 _The Vision of the Anointed_ pg 7)
K kilo- thousand 10^3 1,000 M mega- million one thousand thousand 10^6 1,000,000 G giga- billion one thousand million 10^9 1,000,000,000 T tera- trillion one million million 10^12 1,000,000,000,000 P peta- quadrillion one million billion 10^15 1,000,000,000,000,000
E exa- quintillion one billion billion 10^18 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
Z zetta- sextillion one billion trillion 10^21 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Y yotta- septillion one trillion trillion 10^24 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
1,024 K kilo- (kibi-) 2^10 1,048,576 M mega- (mebi-) 2^20 1,073,741,824 G giga- (gibi-) 2^30 1,099,511,627,776 T tera- (tebi-) 2^40 1,125,899,906,842,624 P peta- (pebi-) 2^50 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 E exa- (exbi-) 2^60 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 Z zetta- (zebi-) 2^70 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 Y yotta- (yobi-) 2^80
An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.
Proposed Bills 2015
Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
"in late 2002... One of my colleagues at the Redwood NeuroScience Institute, Bruno Olshausen, pointed out that the connections between the hippocampus and the neo-cortex suggest that the hippocampus is the top region of the neo-cortex, not a separate structure. In this view, the hippocampus occupies the peak of the neo-cortical pyramid... a pattern that is truly novel will escalate further and further up the hierarchy. Each succssively higher region says, 'I don't know what this is, I didn't anticipate it, why don't you higher-ups look at it?' The net effect is that when you get to the top of the cortical pyramid, what you have left is information that can't be understood by previous experience. You are left with the part of the input that is truly new and unexpected... It is these unexplained and unanticipated remainders, the new stuff, that enter the hippocampus and are stored there. This information won't be stored forever. Either it will be transferred down into the cortex below or it will eventually be lost... Unlike the neo-cortex, the hippocampus has a heterogeneous structure with several specialized regions. It's good at the unique task of quickly storing whatever patterns it sees. The hippocampus is in the perfect position, at the top of the cortical pyramid, to remember what is novel. It is also in the perfect position to recall these novel memories, allowign them to be stored in the cortical hierarchy, which is a somewhat slow process. You can instantly remember a novel event in the hippocampus, but you will permanently remember something in the cortex only if you experience it over and over, either in reality or by thinking of it." --- Jeff Hawkins & Sandra Blakeslee 2004 _On Intelligence_ pp170-171 |
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