2017 December

3rd month of the 4th quarter of the 28th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2018-1206

  "In early 1975 January, she [Margaret Thatcher] launched her campaign against Heath with a pitch pared to the essentials. She said the British people had come to believe that 'too many Conservatives have become socialists already' and had little reason to 'support a party that seems to have the courage of no convictions'. She went on to high-light her basic convictions: concern for individual freedom; opposition to excessive state power; the right of hard-working and thrifty people to reap the rewards of success and pass them on to their children; the right to work without oppression by either employer or trade union boss." --- Jeffrey E. Garten 2016 _From Silk to Silicon: The Story of Globalization through 10 ExtraOrdinary Lives_ pg247  

2017 December
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2017 December, week 1 (1-2) (16KB)
2017 December, week 2 (3-9) (16KB)
2017 December, week 3 (10-16) (16KB)
2017 December, week 4 (17-23) (16KB)
2017 December, week 5 (24-30) (16KB)
2017 December, week 6 (31) (16KB)
  "More precisely, [in the USA], the 1932 money supply was incapable of buying the 1929 level of output at 1929 prices. Prices began declining as a result of unsold goods, but prices did not fall fast enough or far enough to restore immediately the full production needed to create full employment." --- Thomas Sowell 2000 _Basic Economics_ pg327  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2017 December

3rd month of the 3rd quarter of the 28th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

2017 December, week 1 (1-2) (16KB)
2017 December, week 2 (3-9) (16KB)
2017 December, week 3 (10-16) (16KB)
2017 December, week 4 (17-23) (16KB)
2017 December, week 5 (24-30) (16KB)
2017 December, week 6 (31) (16KB)
Proposed Bills 2017
  "Charles van Hise, Roosevelt's [FDR's] close adviser, was more emphatic: 'He who thinks not of himself primarily, but of his race, and of its future, is the new patriot.', explained van Hise, a founder of the American conservation movement and president of the University of Wisconsin during its glory days as the premier training ground for American 'progressives'." --- Jonah Goldberg _Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning_ pg256 (citing Charles Richard van Hise 1910 _The Conservatin of Natural Resources in the United States_ pg378; Scott Gordon 1993 _The History and Philosophy of Social Science_ pg521; Daniel Kevles 1986 _In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity_ pg68)  

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2017

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "Today, of USA's roughly 2.5M 'civil servants', only some 7K or 8K hold their positions at the pleasure of the president and are likely to be replaced when a new administration comes into office.   The remainder are shielded from the vicissitudes of politics and public opinion by 'civil service' rules.   This handful of so-called Schedule C employees are, generally, the highest-ranking 'civil servants'.   One might wonder why, if experience is so essential, the highest-ranking positions are assigned to the least experienced.   The answer is that experience, though valuable, is not the only important factor.   We also value consistency with democratic principles and accountability to democratically elected officials.   Perhaps other layers of the federal bureaucracy might also benefit from...bringing more 'civil servants' into closer accord with shifts in public opinion and the agendas set by elected officials and voters." --- Jennifer Bachner, Benjamin Ginsberg, Steven L. Mitchell & Laura Shelley 2016 _What Washington DC Gets Wrong: The UnElected Officials Who Actually Run the Government and Their MisConceptions [about and hostility to] the USA People_ pg161  

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Neither this page, nor the opinions expressed or implied in it are endorsed by Michael Badnarik, Ron Paul, Binyamin L. Jolkovsky, Bob Barr, Walter E. Williams, Wayne Allyn Root, Thomas Sowell, Warner Brothers, Gary Johnson, Peter Brimelow, president Donald Trump, nor by my hosts, Kermit and Rateliff.

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