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updated: 2019-06-11
"Despite the often expressed dichotomy between chaos and planning, what is called 'planning' is the forcible suppression of millions of people's plans by a government-imposed plan. What are considered to be chaos are systemic interactions whose nature, logic, and consequences are seldom examined by those who simply assume that 'planning' by surrogate decision-makers must be better... scarcity is at the heart of any economy -- capitalist, socialist, feudal or whatever. Given that this scarcity is inherent in the system as a whole -- any system -- that scarcity must be conveyed [communicated] to each individual in some way... Markets in capitalist economies reconcile these competing demands [by different people, for different purposes] for the same resources through price movements in both the markets for consumer goos and the market for the resources which go into producing those consumer goods. These prices make it unprofitable for one producer to use a scarce resource beyond the point where that resource has a greater value to some competing producer [or consumer] who is bidding for that same resource... But, while profitability and unprofitability convey that limit, they are not what cause that limit -- which is due to the scarcity of resources inherent in any economic system, whether or not it is a profit-based system. Producing more of a given output in disregard of those limits does not make an economy more prosperous. On the contrary, it means producing an excess of one output at the cost of a shortage of another output that could have been produced with those same resources. This was a painfully common situation in the government-run economy of the Soviet Union, where unsold goods often piled up in warehouses while dire shortages had people waiting in long lines for other goods." --- Thomas Sowell 2010 _Intellectuals & Society_ pp 53-54 (citing Thomas Sowell 2007 _Basic Economics_; Herbert Croly 1989 _The Promise of American Life_ pp44, 45; Nikolai Shmelev & Vladimir Popov 1989 _The Turning Point: Revitalizing the Soviet Economy_ pp141, 170; Midge Dector 2001 _An Old Wife's Tale: My 7 Decades in Love and War_ pg169) |
U | M | T | W | R | F | S |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
"Engineers and mechanics were as much products of the industrialization process as the material goods and the machinery by which those goods were produced. So were inventors. More patents were issued in the quarter-century after 1760 than in the preceding 150 years." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg 37 (citing G.M. Trevelyan _English Social History_ pg409; Charles Kindleberger 1996 _World Eonomic Primacy: 1500 to 1990_ pp130-131) |
"A Boeing contract to sell to [Red China] invariably carries Beijing's non-negotiable demand for a transfer of USA air-craft technology. The only [USA citizens and illegal aliens in USA] who routinely do business that way are in organized crime, and the term we use to describe that way of doing business is racketeering. 'The USA government has documented almost 100 cases between 1995 April and 1996 May in which [USA-based] firms lost contracts valued at $45G to foreign companies that pay bribes.', said the Wall Street Journal in arecent editorial titled 'Is Corruption an Asian Value?'. Now, $45G in one year is a lot of lost contracts... After passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in 1977, which outlawed bribery of foreign officials, a study found that the USA had suffered sudden and 'unusual' drops in aircraft exports to countries where officials routinely accepted bribes. Who won those contracts? Our European 'trading partners', for whom bribery was just a cost of doing business. Let the [USA citizens] posture as morally superior, cynical Europeans say; we will take the contracts. In late 1997, the Europeans finally agreed to end the practice of bribing foreign officials -- by 1999. But in most European nations these bribes are still tax-deductible." --- Patrick Joseph Buchanan 1998 _The Great Betrayal: How American Sovereignty and "Social Justice" Are Being Sacrificed to the Gods of the Global Economy_ pg50 (citing 1996-05-06 "Is Corruption an Asian Value?" _Wall Street Journal_ pgA14; Dani Rodrik 1997 _Has Globalization Gone Too Far?_ pg47) |
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
3. 14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 ≅ π
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
"In 1927 [Oliver Wendell Holmes] wrote a letter to Harold Laski in which he proudly told his friend, 'I... delivered an opinion upholding the constitutionality of a state law for sterilizing imbeciles the other day -- and felt that I was getting near the first principle of real reform.' He went on to tell Laski how amused he was when his colleagues took exception to his 'rather brutal words... that made them mad.' Holmes was referring to his decision in the notorious case of Buck v. Bell, in which 'progressive' lawyers on both sides hoped to get the Supreme Court to write eugenics into the Constitution. Holmes was eager to oblige." --- Jonah Goldberg _Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning_ pg252 (citing William Edward Leuchtenburg 1995 _The Supreme Court Reborn: The Constitutional Revolution in the Age of Roosevelt_ pg19) |
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