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updated: 2019-06-11
"...the capitalist way of life, a way of life captured [described] with powerful eloquence in the mid-20th century by politician Dean Alfange: 'I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be un-common -- if I can. I seep opportunity -- not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulledby having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole... I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a hand-out. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any thret. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and un-afraid; to think and act for myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations, and to face the world boldly andsay, this I have done. That is what it means to be an American [a USA citizen].'" --- Yaron Brook & Don Watkins 2012 _Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand's Ideas Can End Big Government_ pg192 (citing Bartleby _Respectfully Quoted_; published 1952 October as "My Creed" in _This Week Magazine_ & _Reader's Digest_; re-printed in _Reader's Digest_ 1954 January; Free Republic & with a slightly different portion/editing at Good Reads) |
U | M | T | W | R | F | S |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
"The right of the whole people, old & young, men, women & boys, & not militia only, to keep & bear arms of every description & not such merely used by the militia, shall not be infringed, curtailed, or broken upon, in the smallest degree." --- Joseph Henry Lumpkin 1846 Nunn v State of Georgia |
"Honor in VA was compounded of 2 ideas... 'primal honor', which meant physical courage and tenacity of will -- in short, honor as valor... [and the other] honor as virtue. One English moralist wrote, 'honor in [its] true definition is a certain reverence, which one may yieldeth to another extraordinarily, for his virtuous merit, and worthy desert, so that it should not be wealth but virtue, which should make an honorable man'. An honorable person never lied, cheated, stole, or betrayed his family or friends. He was not disloyal, cowardly or mean-spirited. These 2 ideals of honor-as-valor and honor-as-virtue were interwoven in a creed that had great force in the culture of VA. Honor was a hierarchical principle. A high-born gentlemen had great honor. A yeomen had less honor, but was thought capable of behaving honorably. A servant had little honor, and a slave had none at all. but peopel of evey rank were mindful of reputation, in a way that does not exist in our modern world. When Virginians misbehaved, they were punished by rituals of public humiliation. The common punishments were meant to shame them... Shame had an emotional power which it has lost today... loss of reputation was a form of social death in this culture. In the comity of both VA and New England, rituals of honor and reputation, shame and humiliation were highly important during the 17th century, but in very different ways." --- David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ pp396-397 (citing "Bacon's Speech at Green Spring" _William & Mary Quarterly_ 1894 vol1 #3 pg121; Bertram Wyatt-Brown _Southern Honor_ pg82; Louis B. Wright 1982 _First Gentlemen of Virginia_ pg10; William Andrews 1890, 1977 _Old-Time Punishments_ pp164-175) |
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
"[Regressivism] is best described as an elitist-driven counter-revolution to the American Revolution, in which the sovereignty of the individual, natural law, natural rights, and the civil 'society' -- built on a foundation of thousands of years of enlightened thinking and human experience -- would be drastically altered and even abandoned for an ideological agenda broadly characterized as 'historical progress'. [Regressivism] is the idea of the inevitability of historical 'progress' and the perfectibility of man -- and his 'self-realization' -- through the national [or world] 'community' or 'collective'. While its intellectual and political advocates clothe its core in populist terminology, and despite the existence of democratic institutions and cyclical voting, [regressivism's] emphasis on material egalitarianism and 'societal engineering', and its insistence on concentrated, centralized administrative rule, lead inescapably to varying degrees of autocratic [dictatorial] governance. Moreover, for [regressives] there are no absolute or permanent truths, only passing and distant historical events. Thus even values are said to be relative to time and circumstances; there is no eternal moral order -- that is, what was true and good in 1776 and before is not necessarily true and good today [they claim]. Consequently, the very purpose of [USA's] founding is debased." --- Mark Reed Levin 2017 _ReDiscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Regressivism_ pg28 |
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