2019 June

3rd month of the 2nd quarter of the 30th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer-Trump economic depression

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updated: 2019-21-31

  "Years later, I learned from aikido [ai-chi-do=balanced life-energy way/path] the same principles of (1) focus, (2) flow, & (3) follow-through. These 3 skills enable aikido masters to blend with the energies within & around them. Flowing with graceful, swirling movements, they transform conflict into harmony." --- Diane Dreher 1996 _The Tao of Personal Leadership_ pg 38  

2019 June
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2019 June, week 1 (1) (16KB)
2019 June, week 2 (2-8) (16KB)
2019 June, week 3 (9-15) (16KB)
2019 June, week 4 (16-22) (16KB)
2019 June, week 5 (23-30) (16KB)
  "In 1954 there was a total of 12 armed robberies in London -- including 8 where the weapon was not real -- at a time when anybody could buy a shot-gun there. England had long been known as one of the world's most law-abiding nations. But the number of armed robberies rose to 1,400 in 1981 and 1,600 in 1991, in an era of severe restrictions on the purchase of all fire-arms. A scholarly study found, 'In the decade after 1957 the use of guns in serious crime increased a hundred-fold.' In England, as in the USA, crime rates had been going down for years, before they suddenly reversed and rose during the second half of the 20th century, as the 'social vision' of the [self-designated privileged] intelligentsia triumphed in both countries, not only as regards the [illfare state] but also as regards a more lenient, non-judgmental attitude toward criminals. This was all part of a pattern of serious 'social' retrogressions in both countries. A non-judgmental 'society' is a 'society' where common decency is optional -- and therefore not likely to remain as common." --- Thomas Sowell 2015 _Wealth, Poverty and Politics: An International Perspective_ pg164 (citing Joyce Lee Malcolm 2002 _Guns and Violence: The English Experience_ pp168, 209; James Q. Wilson & Richard J. Herrnstein 1998 _Crime and Human Nature_ pp409-410)  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2019 June

3rd month of the 2nd quarter of the 30th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer-Trump economic depression

2019 June, week 1 (1) (16KB)
2019 June, week 2 (2-8) (16KB)
2019 June, week 3 (9-15) (16KB)
2019 June, week 4 (16-22) (16KB)
2019 June, week 5 (23-30) (16KB)
Proposed Bills 2019
  "...tools & skills... These include a 30-foot steel tape measure, two 100-foot tape measures, steel framing square, high-quality 4-foot level, builder's level [like a surveyor's transit, $225-$900 in a 2020 spot-check], water level (optional), and calculator. (A construction calculator is a good investment. It works in feet & inches [& halves, quarters, eighths, sixteenths, thirty-seconds] directly rather than requiring dimensions to be converted to/from decimal equivalents...) These items are used to check the progress & the quality of the workmanship of your house [fit & finish]. By quality I am referring to 4 basic conditions: square, level plumb, and dimensional accuracy." --- Jim Cooper 2000 _Log Homes Made Easy: Contracting & Building Your Own Log Home_ pg99  

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.

3. 14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 ≅ π

Proposed Bills 2019

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "A study in Britain in 2013 compared test results among children of various ethnic and national backgrounds, all of whom were from families with incomes low enough to qualify for free llunches in school. Children of African immigrants in this economic bracket met the test standards nearly 60% of the time, as did children of immigrants from Bangladesh living at the same economic level. Children of black immigrants from the Caribbean at the same economic level met the standards under 50% of the time. White, native-born children from families at the same economic level met the standards 30% of the time. In the borough of Knowsley, such white children scored lower than black children in any London borough... England... USA... children from a different foreign culture doing better in school than native-born children from a lower-class culture, whether in England or [USA]. The usual explanations of sub-standard educational performances in black ghetto schools -- whether genetics, racial discrimination or 'a legacy of slavery' -- obviously do not apply to lower-class whites in England. But the out-comes are strikingly similar. What lower-class whites in England and ghetto blacks in the USA have in common is a legacy of generations-long indoctrination in [illfare state] ideology of victimhood, grievances, and a vision of barriers stacked against them that make their prospects hopeless. The [illfare state] ideology is backed up by [illfare state] programs that subsidize an economically counter-productive and 'socially destructive' life-style. Meanwhile, the children of low-income immigrants, [with perhaps more flexible ethics and] not burdened by the ideology that generations of the low-income, native-born population have been steeped in, do far better in both countries." --- Thomas Sowell 2015 _Wealth, Poverty and Politics: An International Perspective_ pp164-165 (citing "A New Kind of Ghetto" 2013-11-09 _Economist_ pg10; Theodore Dalrymple/Anthony Daniels 2001, 2003, 2010 _Life at the Bottom: The WorldView that Makes the UnderClass_ pp70, 155-157)  

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Neither this page, nor the opinions expressed or implied in it are endorsed by Michael Badnarik, Ron Paul, Binyamin L. Jolkovsky, Bob Barr, Walter E. Williams, Wayne Allyn Root, Thomas Sowell, Warner Brothers, Gary Johnson, Peter Brimelow, president Donald Trump, nor by my hosts, Kermit and Rateliff.

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