7. Family Trees (quite a few of these over-lap intentionally)
(updated: 2022-08-08)
general human family tree (from S. Paabo in AAAS _Science_
Matt Beat: Rumble: family relationships of USA presidents Matt Beat: I Am Mr. Beat WNX.com: tool which allegedly works with Geni.com to figure out and display relatedness of 2 individuals Jarrett Ross: Genea Vlogger video: evil Alphabet/YouTube Jarrett Ross: Association of Professional Genealogists Useful Charts/Diagrams
Biblical genealogy (pdf) or Biblical genealogy
ancient Roman family trees index page
Roman: Julio-Claudian family tree
Herod's family tree (simplified) (BibleStudyPlus.info)
Constantinian dynasty family tree Constantine the great family tree
Constantinian-Valentinian-Theodosian families
Roman emperor Publius Licinius Cornelius Saloninus Valerianus/Saloninus (s of emperor Gallienus & Cornelia Salonina from Bithynia) b: c. 242CE d: 260CE at Colonia Agrippina/Koeln/Cologne
list of kings/dukes/leaders Dumnonia/ SW Britain/ SE Wales/ Brittany/ Cornwall c. 290CE - c. 1100CE
Placidia (d of emperor Valentinian & Licinia Eudoxia) b: c. 440 at Rome d: c. 484 at Constantinople
family tree of French monarchs 390CE-1900CE
Frankish queens c.430CE-
Frankish kings c.460CE-
Gordian, Hadrian, Trajan, Antonine, Nerva family tree
Byzantine family trees
Heraclian dynasty family tree
auntie Medb/Mab/Maeve? 🧚♀️ (Natalia Klimczak: Ancient Origins)
kings lists of Asturias & Galicia c. 700CE-910CE (History Files)
part of family tree of arch-bishop Wareham
Bosonids starting with Boso the elder c. 800CE
counts of Flanders 830CE-1835CE
from Alpin mac Echdach to Duncan mac Crinan, mac Beth, Lulach 834-1058 (BritRoyals)
Ingelgar i de Rennes comte d'Anjou et Orleans/Ingelgarius/Ingelger (Geni.com) (WikiPedia) (s of Tertullus of Gatinais & Petronelle d'Auxerre) b:c.845 at Rennes, Bretagne d:c.890 at Chateau Neuf, Haute Loire, France buried: St.Martin of Tours, Indre et Loire, France
dukes of Burgundy family tree 850CE-1519CE (wikipedia)
Hugh Capet 1st Capetian king of Franks (s of Henry i of France & Anne of Kiev) b: c. 941 at Paris, France d: 996-10-24 at Paris, France and some of his ancestors
Fulk/Foulques iii le noir/ner/nerra/the black/the dark (s of Geoffrey Grisgonelle comte d'Anjou & Adelaide/Adelais of Vermandois) b:967 or 981 d: 1040 at Metz
House of Wessex tree (based on Winston Churchill) Wessex & Denmark from Aelfred the great to Edith of Scotland, Henry i, William ii 849-1135 (BritRoyals)
more extensive House of Wessex tree
dukes of Swabia 985CE-2168 (wikipedia)
Emma of Normandy tree (snagged from wikipedia c. 2012-05-01) and Emma of Normandy (wikipedia) b: c. 985 in Normandy d: 1052-03-06 at Winchester, HampShire, England buried: buried: Old Minster, Winchester, re-interred at Winchester cathedral m1: Aethelred the unrede/ill-advised (s of king Edgar the peaceful & queen Aelfthryth) b: c. 966 d: 1016-04-23 in London m2: king Cnut the great/Knutr inn riki/Canute of Denmark et England et Norway (s of Sweyn fork-beard & ??Sigrid/Sigrith/Swietoslawa the haughty??) b: c. 995 in Denmark d: 1035-11-12 at Shaftesbury, DorsetShire, England buried: Old Minster, Winchester, re-interred at Winchester cathedral (Hrmph, all of the box diagrams of their families have been yanked; either someone thought there were too many errors, or they decided to terminate that style of diagram.)
from Duncan mac Crinan to Balliol & Bruce/Brus of Annandale 1001-1329 (BritRoyals)
Scottish House of Dunkeld(time-line) (wikipedia)
Henry Capet i of France (WikiTree) (GeneaNet) (FabPedigree) (s of Robert Capet ii & Constance d'Arles) b: 1008-05-04 or 1008-05-17 at Reims, Champagne, France d: 1060-08-04 at Vitry aux Loges, France
m1: Matilda of Frisia (Geni.com) (d of Liudolf margrave of Frisia/Liudolf von Braunschweig & ?Gertrude of Egisheim?) b: c.1015 d: 1044 in Paris buried: basilica of St. Denis/Dionysius
m2: 1050-01-29 or 1051-05-19 at Reims with Anne Yaroslavna of Kiev/Kyiv (FabPedigree) (Geni.com) (d of Yaroslav/Jaroslav the wise & Ingegerd Olafsdotter) b: c.1030 d: c. 1075-09-05
Edward/Eadweard the exile (s of Edmund ironside & Ealdgyth; gs of Aethelred the unrede/ill-advised & Aelfgifu of York) b: c. 1016 in Wessex d: between 1057-08-17 & 1057-08-31 ⚭: c. 1044 with Agatha of the HRE or Kiev or Hungary or Bulgaria or Poland b: c. 1015 d: after 1070
Gunhilda of Denmark (d of Cnut/Canute the great & Emma of Normandy; maternal half-sister of Alfred Aetheling and Edward the confessor) b: c. 1020 in Wessex d: 1038-07-18 buried: Limburg abbey m: HRE Henry iii (s of HRE Conrad ii of Germany & Gisela of Swabia) b: 1016-10-28 d: 1056-10-05
Iziaslav Yaroslavich/Iziaslav i of Kiev/Demetrius (s of Yaroslav the wise & Ingegerd Olofsdotter/Irene/Irena/Irina/Anna) b: c. 1024CE d: 1078-20-04 at Nezhatyna Nyva buried: church of the tithes, Kiev, Ukraine m: Gertrude of Poland (d of Mieszko ii Lambert & Richeza of Lotharingia; gd of Boleslaw i the brave & Emnilda of Lusatia and Ezzo count-palatine of Lotharingia & Matilda of Germany; ggd of HRE Otto ii & Theophanu; sister of Casimir) b: c. 1025CE d: 1108-01-04 at Turov
Normans 1028-1291 (BritRoyals)
House of Orange-Nassau since c. 1060CE
Winston Churchill: Norman + Plantagenet tree another Plantagenet time-line & family tree 1110-1500 another Plantagenet time-line & family tree 1200-1510 (BritRoyals)
from Balliols, Brus/Bruce, Stewart/Stuart 1274-1625 (BritRoyals)
Churchill/duke of Marlborough tree (68KB)
Stewart/Stuart, Orange, Hanover 1566-1824 (BritRoyals)
Winston Churchill: York + Lancaster tree
Tudor & Stuart (from Winston Churchill _History of the English Speaking People_ vol2)
simplified English & British monarchs (wikipedia)
some ancestors and descendants of Malcolm iii & St. Margaret of Wessex (snagged 2015-12-15 from Susan Fraser King 2010 _Queen HereAfter: A Novel of Margaret of Scotland_ (335 pages)) ... Malcolm iii/Malcolm MacDuncan b: c. 1031-03-26 d: 1093-11-13 at Alnwick, Northumberland m1: c. 1050 with Ingebjorg/Ingibiorg FinnsDottir (d of Finn Arnesson & Bergljot Halfdansdottir; gd of Arni Arnmodsson/Armodsson & Thora ThorsteinsDottir and Halfdan Sigurthsson/Halfdan Hadafylke; ggd of Thorstein Gallows; niece of St. Olaf; niece of Harald Hardraade) b: c. 1030 d: c. 1069 m2: c. 1070 with St. Margaret of Wessex et Scotland b: c. 1045 in Hungary or Kiev d: 1093-11-16 at Edinburgh castle
Sicilian monarchs beginning with the Norman, Roger i (s of Tancred of Hauteville & Fressenda or Tancred ii & Adelaide) b:c.1031 at Hauteville, about 44-46 miles S of Cherbourg, near Coutances, on Contentin peninsulan, about 37-42 miles WSW of Bayeux & Vaux d:c.1101
Alfonso vi of Leon et Castile (s of Ferdinand/Fernando i of Leon et Castile & Sancha of Castile) b: c.1040 or 1041 d: 1109 July 01
Beatrice i princess-abbess of Quedlinburg (d of HRE Henry iii & Gunhilda of Denmark) b: c. 1037 d: 1061-07-13 buried: Quedlinburg abbey
Judith of Swabia (d of HRE Henry iii & Agnes of Poitou) b: 1054 Summer d: c. 1105-03-14 m1: c. 1065 to Solomon/Salomon/Salamon of Hungary (s of Andrew i of Hungary & Anastasia of Kiev; gs of Yaroslav the wise & Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden) b: c. 1053 d: 1087 in Bulgaria m2: 1088 to Wladyslaw/Vladislav i Herman (s of Casimir i the restorer & Maria Dobroniega; gs of Vladimir the great of Kiev) b: c. 1044 in Poland d: 1102-06-04 in Plock, Poland (who m1: Przeclawa/Prawdzic m2: Judith of Bohemia m3: Judith of Swabia)
Isabella i of Jerusalem (d of Amalric i of Jerusalem & Maria Komnene/Comnena; gd of Fulk v of Anjou & Melisende of Jerusalem and John Komnenos; ggd of Fulk iv/Foulques iv d'Anjou & Bertrade de Montfort and Baldwin ii of Jerusalem & Morphia of Melitene and Adronikos Komnenos; half-sister of Baldwin iv of Jerusalem) b: c. 1172 in Nablus, kingdom of Jerusalem, Israel d: 1205-04-05 at Acre/Akko, kingdom of Jerusalem, Israel m1: c. 1183-12-01 in Kerak castle to Humphrey iv of Toron (s of Humphrey ii of Toron & Stephanie of Milly) b: c. 1166 d: 1198 m2: 1190-11-24 to Conrad of Montferrat (s of William iv marquess of Montferrat & Judith of Babenberg) b: c. 1166 d: 1192-04-28 at Acre/Akko, kingdom of Jerusalem, Israel m3: 1190-11-24 to Henry ii comte of Champagne/Henry i of Jerusalem (s of Henry i comte of Champagne & Marie of France) b: 1166-07-29 d: 1197-09-10 at Acre/Akko, kingdom of Jerusalem, Israel m4: 1198 January to Aimery/Aimericus/Amaury/Amalric ii of Jerusalem et Cyprus (s of Hugh viii of Lusignan & Burgondia/Burgundia of Rancon)
Ethelred/Aeth/Aedh/Edelradus mac Malcolm/Margotsson (?probably not patriarch of the MacKeys/Mackays/Mackeys/McKies/M'Kies?) (wikipedia) and
(findagrave) (whether Aeth/Aedh = Ethelred is strongly disputed, and thus so is the theory that he was patriarch of the MacKeys...)
Scottish monarchs (template page only) (wikipedia)
some ancestors of Louis vi of France b: 1081-12-01 d: 1137-08-01 (wikipedia)
some ancestors of Theobald ii count of Champagne b: 1090 d: 1152-01-10 (wikipedia)
some ancestors of Adelaide of Maurienne b: 1092-11-18 d: 1154-11-18 (wikipedia)
(illustrating another cousinage with these next 4) some ancestors of king Stephen of England b: c. 1094 d: 1154-10-25 (wikipedia)
Stephen of Armenia (s of Leo i of Armenia & Beatrice de Rethel; gs of Constantine i of Cilician Armenia & ggd of Bardas Phokas; ggs of Roupen i) b: c. 1111 d: 1165-02-07 at Pachomion near Lysimachia m: Rita of Barbaron (d of Sempad of Barbaron; gd of Hethum ii of Lampron)
Isabella i of Jerusalem (d of Amalric i of Jerusalem & Maria Komnene/Comnena; gd of Fulk v of Anjou & Melisende of Jerusalem and John Komnenos; ggd of Fulk iv/Foulques iv d'Anjou & Bertrade de Montfort and Baldwin ii of Jerusalem & Morphia of Melitene and Adronikos Komnenos; half-sister of Baldwin iv of Jerusalem) b: c. 1172 in Nablus, kingdom of Jerusalem, Israel d: 1205-04-05 at Acre/Akko, kingdom of Jerusalem, Israel m1: c. 1183-12-01 in Kerak castle to Humphrey iv of Toron (s of Humphrey ii of Toron & Stephanie of Milly) b: c. 1166 d: 1198 m2: 1190-11-24 to Conrad of Montferrat (s of William iv marquess of Montferrat & Judith of Babenberg) b: c. 1166 d: 1192-04-28 at Acre/Akko, kingdom of Jerusalem, Israel m3: 1190-11-24 to Henry ii comte of Champagne/Henry i of Jerusalem (s of Henry i comte of Champagne & Marie of France) b: 1166-07-29 d: 1197-09-10 at Acre/Akko, kingdom of Jerusalem, Israel m4: 1198 January to Aimery/Aimericus/Amaury/Amalric ii of Jerusalem et Cyprus (s of Hugh viii of Lusignan & Burgondia/Burgundia of Rancon)
Germany monarchs/Holy Roman Emperors (Welf=Guelph) (wikipedia)
part of House of Normandy (wikipedia)
part of family of Temuejin/Genghis Khan/Chinggis Xan (wikipedia)
Tancred ii of Hauteville near Cherbourg, Normandy b:c.1020 d:c.1100 (FabPedigree)
Fulk v/Foulques d'Anjou "king of Jerusalem"/Foulque the younger (FabPedigree) (s of Fulk iv & Bertrade de Montfort l'Amauri) b:c.1092 in Anjou d:1144 in Israel
Scotland (wikipedia) , ancestors of David i of Scotland/David mac Malcolm (wikipedia) (s of Malcolm iii & St. Margaret) b: c. 1084 d: 1153-05-24, and some descendants of David i of Scotland showing disputed succession (from John Duncan Mackie, Bruce Lenman & Geoffrey Parker 1964, 1978, 1984 _An History of Scotland_ (381 pages; 941.1))
Wulgrin ii of Angouleme/Vulgrin/Bougrin/Taillefer/Rudel (wikipedia) (s of count William Taillefer iii & Vitapoy de Benauges/Vidapoint de Bezaune; Fulk/Foulques of Angouleme & Condoha de Vogena and Amalric de Benauges/Amanieu de Bezaune) b: c. 1089 d: 1140-11-16 and some of her ancestors
Stephen king of England, count of Blois, duke of Normandy (s of Stephen Henry/Estienne Henri count of Blois & Adela of Normandy; gs of Theobald iii count of Blois ≈ Garsinde du Maine and William the conqueror & Matilda of Flanders) b: 1092 or 196 in Blois, France d: 1154-10-25 at Dover, Kent, England m: Matilda i countess of Boulogne
HRE/empress Matilda/Maud (d of king Henry i of England & Matilda of Scotland) b: 1102-02-07 possibly at Winchester or Sutton Courtenay, England d:1167-09-10 at Rouen, Normandy buried: cathedral of Rouen (FabPedigree)
m1: 1114 with HRE Henry v/Heinrich v (s of HRE Henry iv/Heinrich iv & Bertha of Savoy/Savoie; 6ggs of HRE Henry the Fowler & St. Matilda of Ringleheim/Ingleheim) b: 1081 or 1086 probably August 11 at Goslar, Sacony d: 1125-5-23 at Utrecht buried: Speyer cathedral & cathedral of St. Martin, Utrecht (FabPedigree)
m2: 1128 with Geoffrey Plantagenet v count of Anjou (s of Fulk v king of Jerusalem, comte d'Anjou & Ermengarde comtesse of Maine) b: 1113-08-24 d: 1151-09-07 at Chateau du Loir buried: le Mans cathedral, Maine, France
queen Eleanor/AliaNor/Alienor of England, countess of Aquitaine, Poitiers, & Gascony (FabPedigree) (Timothy Dowling: GeneaNet) (d of William x duke of Aquitaine the saint & Aenor/Ainor/Anor de Chatellerault; gd of William ix duke of Aquitaine the troubador & Philippa of Toulouse and Aimery i viscount of Chatellerault & Dangereuse Bouchard l'Isle/Dangereuse l'Isle Bouchard) b: 1122 at Poitiers, France d: 1204-04-01 at Poitiers, Angevin empire/France... and some of her ancestors
king Henry ii of England/curtmantle (FabPedigree) (s of Geoffrey v of Anjou & empress Matilda; gs of Fulk v & Ermengarde of Maine and Henry i of England & Matilda/Maud of Scotland; ggs of Malcolm iii of Scotland & St. Margaret of Wessex et Scotland) b: 1133-03-05 at Le Mans, France d: 1189-07-06 at Chinon castle, France... and some of his ancestors
some ancestors of David earl of Huntingdon b: c. 1144 d: 1219-06-17 (wikipedia)
Marjorie/Margaret of Huntingdon (thepeerage) (findagrave) (wikipedia) (d of Henry of Huntingdon & Ada de Warenne; gd of David i of Scotland & Maud/Matilda of Northumberland) b: c. 1145 d: c. 1201 m1: to sir William de Lindesay (s of Walter de Lindesa) m2: Gille Crist/Gilchrist earl of Angus (s of Gille Brigte/Gillbride of Angus)
Alice of Courtenay (wikipedia) (d of Peter of courtenay & Elizabeth de Courtenay; gd of Louis vi of France & Adelaide of Maurienne and Reinald de Courtenay & Hedwig du Donjon) b: 1160 in France d: 1218-02-12 and some of her ancestors m: Aymer/Aymar/Adhemar/Ademar/Adomar of Angouleme (s of count William vi of Angouleme & Marguerite de Turenne; gs of Wulgrin ii Tailifer of Angouleme & Panica de la Marche and Raymond i viscount of Turene & Matilda de la Perche; ggs of Fulk/Foulques of Angouleme & Condoha de Vogena and Amalric de Benauges/Amanieu de Bezaune) b: c. 1160 d: 1202-06-16
king John of England (s of Henry ii of England & Eleanor of Aquitaine; gs of Geoffrey v Plantagenet & empress Matilda; ggs of Fulk v of Jerusalem & Eremburga of Maine and Henry i beauclerc of England & Matilda of Scotland; 2ggs of Malcolm iii & St. Margaret and William the conqueror & Matilda of Flanders) b: 1166-12-24 at Beaumont palace, Oxford d: 1216-10-19 at Newark castle, Newark-on-Trent, NottinghamShire and some of his ancestors
some ancestors of Matilda of Boulogne duchess of Brabant b: 1170 d: 1210-10-16 (wikipedia)
William iii of Naples & the 2 Sicilies b: c. 1186 d: c. 1198 (wikipedia) (FabPedigree) (descendant via Henry ii short-mantle plantagenet of England, of Malcolm iii & St. Margaret)
some ancestors of Charles i of Naples b: 1227-03-21 d: 1285-01-07
king Henry iii of England (s of king John of England & Isabella of Angouleme; gs of Henry ii of England & Eleanor of Aquitaine) b: 1207-10-01 d: 1272-11-16 and some of his ancestors
Pedro/Pierre/James/Jaimez iii of Aragon & Sicily b: c. 1239 d: 1285
king Edward i of England (wikipedia) b: 1239-06-17 or 1239-06-18 at Westminster palace d: 1307-07-07 at Burgh of Sands, Cumberland... and some of his ancestors
some ancestors of Robert de Brus 6th lord of Annandale b: 1243 July d: 1304 April
some ancestors of John Balliol b: c. 1249 d: 1315-11-25
some ancestors of Gerhard v of Juelich b: before 1250 d: 1328-07-29
Constance ii von Hohenstaufen/Constanza of Sicily b: 1250 d: 1302 in Barcelona
Conradin king of Germany et heir of Naples/Napoli b: c. 1252 d: 1268 (descendant of Guelph/Welph/Welf, of Hugh Capet of France, and via Henry ii short-mantle plantagenet of England, of Malcolm iii & St. Margaret, of Henry the fowler, & of Charlemagne)
Charles ii of Naples/the lame/Carlo/Carlos b: 1254 d: 1309-05-05 (FabPedigree) (descendant via Henry ii short-mantle plantagenet of England, of Malcolm iii & St. Margaret)
sir John de Hastings 1st lord Hastings (thepeerage) (wikipedia) (s of sir Henry de Hastings & Joan/Joanna de Cauntelo/Cantelou/Cantilupe; gs of sir Henry de Hastings & Ada of Huntingdon and William de Cauntelo/Cantelou/Cantilupe & Eve de Briouze/Briaouze/Braose; ggs of David of Scotland 9th earl of Huntingdon & Matilda of Chester; 2ggs of Henry of Huntingdon earl of Huntingdon & Ada de Warenne; 3ggs of David i of Scotland & Maud/Matilda of Northumberland) b: 1262-05-06 d: 1313-02-28 m1: 1275 to Isabel de Valence (d of William de Valence earl of Pembroke) m2: Isabel le Despenser (d of Hugh le Despencer earl of Winchester & Isabella de Beauchamp)
Henry 3rd earl of Lancaster/Henry Plantagenet (gs of Henry iii of England & Eleanor of Provence; ggs of John of England & Isabella of Angouleme; 2ggs ofHenry ii of England & Eleanor of Aquitaine; 3ggs of Geoffrey v of Anjou & empress Matilda; 4ggs of Fulk v & Ermengarde of Maine and Henry i of England & Matilda/Maud of Scotland; 5ggs of Malcolm iii of Scotland & St. Margaret of Wessex et Scotland) b: c. 1281 d: 1345-09-22 m: Maud Chatworth/ Chaworth
(Our Family Tree) from Henry Plantagenet iii 1281-1503 (including Thomas Dutton & Ann Touchet c. 1421-1503 [via Margaret de Ros via Margaret fitz John of Arundel via John of Arundel back to Eleanor Plantagenet of Lancaster
Afonso iv of Portugal b: 1291-02-08 d: 1357-05-28
Safavid dynasty of Iran c. 1300 - 1740CE 5
king Edward iii of England b: 1312-11-13 d: 1377-06-21
Louis i of Hungary (wikipedia) b: 1326-03-05 d: 1382-09-10 7 generations in pdf (text pre-processed using Perl, converted to pdf tree diagram using Python; aim to some day implement tree merges & splits & storage in rdbms)
Robert iii of Scotland b: 1337-08-14 d: 1406-04-04
John of Gaunt/Ghent b: 1340-03-06 in Ghent, Flanders/Belgium d: 1399-02-03 at Leicester castle, LeicesterShire... and some of his ancestors
Blanche of Lancaster b: 1345/1347-03-25 d: 1368-09-12 and some of her ancestors
John Hastings 2nd earl of Pembroke b: 1347-08-29 d: 1375-04-16
Zheng He/Cheng Ho/Ma He/Sanbao admiral/explorer (s of ??) b: between 1369 & 1372 d: 1435
Catherine/Catalina of Lancaster b: 1373-03-31 at Hertford d: 1418-06-02 at Valladolid
some ancestors of Adolph i duke of Cleves b: 1373-08-02 d: 1448-09-23
Martin i king of Sicily (Peerage) b:c.1375 d:1409 at Cagliari
Joan Beaufort, countess of Westmorland (d of John of Gaunt & Katherine Swynford) b: c. 1379 at chateau de Beaufort, Anjou d: 1440-11-13 at Howden, YorkShire... and some of her ancestors (ancestor of HitleryRottenClinton)
prince Henry the navigator of Portugal b: 1394-03-04 d: 1460-11-13
Eleanor Percy/Eleanor Neville countess of Northumberland (d of Ralph de Neville 1st earl of Westmorland & Joan Beaufort; gd of John of Gaunt & Katherine Swynford) b: c. 1398 at Raby, Durham, England d: 1472 at Raby, Durham, England (ancestor of HitleryRottenClinton)
John Beaufort 1st duke of Somerset (s of John of Gaunt & Katherine Swynford) b: 1403 d: 1444-05-27 (ancestor of president Donald John Trump)
Joan Beaufort queen of Scots (d of John Beaufort 1st earl/earl of Somerset & Margaret Holland; gd of John of Gaunt & Katherine Swynford) b: c. 1404 d: 1445-07-14 at Dunbar castle, East Lothian... and some of his ancestors m1: 1424 to James i of Scotland (s of Robert iii of Scotland & Annabella Drummond) b: 1394-07-25 at Dunfermline abbey, FifeShire d: 1437-02-21 at Blackfriars, PerthShire she m2: 1439 to James Stewart the black knight of Lorn (ancestor of president Donald John Trump)
Albrecht iii Achilles elector of Brandenburg (s of Frederick i elector of Brandenburg & Elizabeth of Bavaria-Landshut) b: 1414-11-09 at Tangermunde, Brandenburg d: 1486-03-11 at Frankfurt buried: Heilsbronn abbey m1: Margaret of Baden m2: Anna of Saxony
Henry Percy 3rd earl of Northumberland (d of Henry Percy 2nd earl of Northumberland & Eleanor Neville) b: 1421-07-25 d: 1461-03-29 (ancestor of HitleryRottenClinton)
Fernan Gomez de Solis b:c.1430 m: Beatriz Suarez de Figueroa
John Stewart 1st earl of Atholl/sir John Stewart of Balveny (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage) (s of sir James Stewart the black knight of Lorn & Joan Beaufort) b: c. 1440 d: 1512-09-15 buried: Dunkeld cathedral, Dunkeld, PerthShire m1: 1459/60 to lady Margaret Douglas (d of Archibald Douglas 5th earl of Douglas & lady Eupheme Graham) d: between 1473 January & 1475 m2: lady Eleanor Sinclair (d of William Sinclair 1st earl of Caithness & Marjory Sutherland)
Margaret Percy/ Margaret Gascoigne (d of Henry Percy 3rd earl of Northumberland & Eleanor Poynings) b: c. 1447 m: sir William Gascoigne the younger/sir William Gascoigne v (s of sir William Gascoigne; ggs of sir William Gascoigne i & Joan Neville) (ancestors of HitleryRottenClinton)
James iii of Scotland b: 1451-07-10 d: 1488-06-11
Ralph Ogle 3rd baron Ogle (s of Owen Ogle 2nd baron Ogle & Eleanor Hilton) b: 1468-11-07 in Bothal, Northumberland m: Margaret Gascoigne (d of sir William Gascoigne & Margaret Percy; gd of Henry Percy 3rd earl of Northumberland) d: 1512-01-16 at Morpeth, Northumberland (ancestors of HitleryRottenClinton)
James iv of Scotland/ James i of England b: 1473-03-17 at Stirling castle d: 1513-09-09 at Flodden, Braxton, Northumberland
lady Elizabeth Stewart (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage) (d of John Stewart 1st earl of Atholl & lady Eleanor Sinclair; gd of sir James Stewart the black knight of Lorn & Joan Beaufort and William Sinclair 1st earl of Caithness & Marjory Sutherland) b: c. 1480 m: 1511/2-01-19 to John Stuart 3rd earl of Lennox (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage) (wikipedia) (s of Matthew Stuart 2nd earl of Lennox & Elizabeth Hamilton) b: c. 1490 d: 1526-09-04 at Linlithgow, West Lothian (ancestors of president Donald John Trump)
Dorothy Ogle (familypedia) (Geni.com) (d of Ralph Ogle 3rd baron Ogle & Margaret Gascoigne) b: c. 1488 in Ellingham, Northumberland d: c. 1550 Buckton, Northumberland m1: 1522 to Thomas Forster m2: c. 1530 to Thomas Grey b: c. 1509 d: 1570 (ancestors of HitleryRottenClinton)
Albrecht von Hohenzollern/Albert duke of Prussia (s of Frederick i of Brandenburg-Ansbach & Zofia/Sophia Jagielonka of Poland) b: 1490-05-17 at Ansbach, Brandenburg-Ansbach, Bavaria d: 1568-03-20 at Tapiau castle, Tapiau, Prussia/Gvardeysk, Russia
HRE Charles V b: 1500-02-24 at Prinsenhof, Ghent, Flanders, Burgundian Low Countries d: 1558-09-21 at monastery of Yuste, Crown of Castile buried: 1558-09-22 at el Escorial, Spain
sir William Murray 10th of Tullibardine b: c. 1510 d: 1562-01-30 (Jamie Allen's Fab Pedigree), (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage)
lady Elizabeth Stewart (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage) (d of John Stuart 3rd earl of Lennox & lady Elizabeth Stewart; gd of John Stewart 1st earl of Atholl & lady Eleanor Sinclair) b: between 1512 & 1526 d: before 1564-11-25 m: 1549-04-15 to John Gordon 11th earl of Sutherland (s of Alexander Gordon master of Sutherland & lady Janet Stewart) b: c. 1520 d: 1567-06-23 (ancestors of president Donald John Trump)
George Gordon 11th earl of Sutherland (s of Alexander Gordon master of Sutherland & lady Janet Stewart; gs of Adam Gordon of Aboyne & Elizabeth of Moravia countess of Sutherland and John Stewart 2nd earl of Atholl & lady Janet Campbell; ggs of Archibald Campbell 2nd earl of Argyll & Elizabeth Stewart) b: c. 1525 d: 1567 m: lady Elizabeth Stuart countess of Sutherland (d of John Stuart 3rd/12th earl of Lennox & lady Elizabeth Stewart of Atholl) (ancestors of president Donald John Trump)
Isabel Grey (Fab Pedigree) Isabel Grey (familypedia) Isabel Grey (Geni) Isabel Grey descendants (wikitree) (d of Thomas Grey & Dorothy Ogle) b: 1532-07-11 in Horton, Northumberland d: 1581-10-06 in Horton, Northumberland m1: sir Ralph Grey/Ralfe Grey of Chillingham
John Murray 1st earl of Tullibardine b: c. 1550 d: 1613 (Jamie Allen's Fab Pedigree) (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage)
Alexander Gordon 12th earl of Sutherland (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage) (Cracroft's peerage) (s of John Gordon 11th earl of Sutherland & lady Elizabeth Stuart) b: c. 1552 d: 1594-12-06 m: 1573-12-13 at Strathbogie, Scotland to lady Jean Gordon/Jane Gordon (d of George Gordon 4th earl of Huntly & Elizabeth Keith) b: c. 1550 d: 1629-05-14 (ancestors of president Donald John Trump)
tree (wikitree) & sir Ralph Grey of Chillingham Ralph Grey of Chillingham (HistoryOfParliament) (s of sir Ralph Grey of Chillingham & Isabel Grey) b: c. 1552 d: 1623-09-07 m: 1581-10-01 to Jane Ardington (d of William Ardington) (wikitree)
lady Jane Gordon (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage) (d of Alexander Gordon 12th earl of Sutherland & lady Jean Gordon) b: 1574-11-01 m: 1589 December to Hugh MacKay of Farr et Tongue et Strathnayer/Du MacKay (s of Iye MacKay/Du MacKay/Aodh Magnus MacEth/Hugh MacKie & Christian Sinclair) b: c. 1575 d: 1614-09-11 (ancestors of president Donald John Trump)
Donald MacKay 1st lord Reay (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage) (wikipedia) (s of Hugh MacKay of Farr et Tongue et Strathnayer/Du MacKay & lady Jane Gordon) b: 1590/1 March d: 1649 December (ancestor of president Donald John Trump) m1: 1589 December to ??Barbara MacKenzie (d of Kenneth MacKenzie 1st lord MacKenzie of Kintail & Jean Anne Ross) b: c. 1590 m2: Elizabeth Thomson (d of Robert Thomson) (?parents of an Anna MacKay who m: reverend Hugh Munro of Durness?; this is tricky because Anna may have had a sister or step-sister named Ann; and there is also another Hugh Mackay, and the one site that lays out these 3 generations of this line -- Geni -- uses women's married names and often does not have the maiden name at all)
Elizabeth Stuart of Great Britain, the Winter queen b: 1598 d: 1662
Tree & Margaret Grey (wikitree) (d of sir Ralph Grey of Chillingham m: Jane Ardington) b: c. 1600 d: 1647 m: 1614 to Edward Rodham of Little Houghton/Edmund Rodham (ancestors of HitleryRottenClinton)
John MacKay 2nd lord Reay (s of Donald MacKay 1st lord Reay & Barbara MacKenzie) b: c. 1612 d: after 1680 (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage) m: c. 1657 to Barbara MacKay (d of Hugh MacKay 2nd of Scourie & Ann Corbet of Arkboll) b: c. 1615 (ancestors of president Donald John Trump)
Donald MacKay master of Reay (s of John MacKay 2nd lord Reay & Barbara MacKay) b: c. 1658 d: 1680s (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage) m: 1677-08-22 to Anne Munro (d of general sir George Munro of Newmore et Culrain & ???) b: c. 1660 (ancestors of president Donald John Trump)
Georg Ludwig Guelph elector of Hanover/George i of England (s of Ernest Augustus i elector of Hanover & Sophia Wittelsbach; gs of Georg Guelph duke of Braunschweig & Anna Elonore of Hesse-Darmstadt and Frederick iv Simmern Wittelsbach & Elizabeth Stuart the winter queen) b: 1660 d: 1727
prince Eugene of Savoy b: 1663-10-18 d: 1736-04-21
George MacKay 3rd lord Reay (s of Donald MacKay master of Reay & Anne Munro) b: c. 1678 d: 1748-03-21 (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage) m: 1677-08-22 to ??? Munro (d of general sir George Munro of Newmore et Culrain & ???) b: c. 1680 (ancestors of president Donald John Trump)
colonel Charles Murray 1st earl of Dunmore b: 1661 d: 1710 (Jamie Allen's Fab Pedigree), (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage)
Ebenezer Wilder (s of John Wilder & Hannah Atherton) b: 1683-06-23 in South Lancaster, Worcester county MA d: 1745-12-25 at Lancaster, Worcester county MA buried: Lancaster, Worcester county MA
deacon David Wilder (s of Ebenezer Wilder & Mercy Houghton) b: 1705 in Lancaster, Worcester county MA d: 1776 in Lancaster, Worcester county MA
Samuel Wilder (s of deacon David Wilder & Eunice Jennison) b: 1745 d: 1824
John Wilder (s of Samuel Wilder & Sally Ballard) b: 1781-08-26 d: 1831-03-05
William Chauncey Wilder(FindAGrave) (s of John Wilder & Mary Knight) b: 1804-07-24 at Windsor, VT d: 1858-01-01 at Geneva, Kane county IL buried: West Side cem., Geneva, Kane county IL
William Chauncey Wilder(WikiTree)
William Chauncey Wilder(Geni.com)
Samuel Gardner Wilder(FindAGrave) (s of William Chauncey Wilder & Harriet Waters) b: 1831-06-20 at Leominster, Worcester county MA d: 1888-07-28 at Honolulu, HI buried: Oahu cem., Honolulu, Hawaii m: 1866 with Elizabeth Kinau Judd (d of Gerrit Parmele Judd & Laura Fish) b: 1831-07-05 in Honolulu, HI d: 1918-08-21 in Honolulu, HI buried: Oahu cem., Honolulu, Hawaii
Samuel Gardner Wilder(Geni.com)
(see also Kinau Wilder 1978 _The Wilders of Waikiki_ (TopGallant Publishing)
prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel/ fuerst Karl von Hessen-Kassel b: 1744-12-19 d: 1836-08-17 m: princess Louise of Denmark b: 1750-01-20 d: 1831-01-12
prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel/ fuerst Friedrich von Hessen-Kassel b: 1747-09-11 d: 1837-05-20 m: princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen b: 1762-04-04 d: 1823-08-17 (wikipedia)
Ferdinand i of the 2 Sicilies b: 1751-01-12 d: 1825-01-04 (wikipedia) (deposed in 1799 for 6 months by Parthenopean Republic, and again in 1805 by Napoleon)
Maria Karoline Luise Josefe Johanne Antonie von Habsburg-Lothringen b:1752 d:1814 at schloss Hetzendorf (4-4.2 miles SW of Hofburg imperial palace) or Schönbrunn palace (2.8-3.2 miles SW of Hofburg imperial palace) m: Ferdinando i di Borbone/Bourbon king of the Two Sicilies
Carl Frederick Wittke 1956, 1970 _The Irish in the USA_ pp23 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (900 pages; 973)
(Virginians) Filmer-Byrd-Beverley-Carter-Culpeper-Berkeley cousinage (from DHF)
Friedrich Karl Ludwig duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck b: 1757-08-20 d: 1816-04-24 (wikipedia) m: countess Friederike Amalie of Schlieben b: 1757-02-28 d: 1827-12-17 (wikipedia)
George Murray 5th earl of Dunmore b: 1762 d: 1836 (Jamie Allen's Fab Pedigree), (Darryl Lundy's ThePeerage)
last HRE Francis ii b: 1768-02-12 d: 1835-03-02 (wikipedia)
Davy Crockett (s of John Crockett & Rebecca Hawkins; gs of David Crockett & Elizabeth Hedge) b: 1786-08-17 d: 1836-03-06
Marie Louise Leopoldine Franziska Theresia Josepha Lucia of Austria b:1791 at Vienna d: 1847 at Vienna m: emperor Napoleon Bonaparte i of France
(Scots-Irish to the frontier/back-country) Polks of Mecklenberg (from DHF)
(Scots-Irish to the frontier/back-country) Calhouns of Long Cane (from DHF)
queen/empress Alexandrina Victoria Guelph of the UK b: 1819-05-24 d: 1901-01-22 haemophilia/hemophilia (with 4 family tree diagram variants) 2005-03-11: haemophilia/hemophilia 2005-03-11: haemophilia/hemophilia 2009-10-08/ 2009-11-06: haemophilia/hemophilia: AAAS: DNA suggests cause of royal haemophilia/hemophilia B in F9 mutation on X chromosome 2009-10-08: haemophilia/hemophilia: Scientific American: mutation in queen Vic (or possibly, but pprobably not her mother or grand-mother or great-grand-mother, though several of her grand-mother's siblings died young) Victoria Hanover (FabPedigree)
Henri Charles Ferdinand Marie Dieudonne d'Artois duc de Bordeaux comte de Chambord/Henry count of Chambord b: 1820-09-29 d: 1883-08-24
arch-duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria b: 1863-12-18 d: 1914-05-28
prince George Alexander Louis duke of Cambridge b: 1882-02-02 d: 1944-12-03 m: princess Victoria Alice Elizabeth Julia Marie of Battenberg b: 1885-02-25 d: 1969-12-05
king Albert Frederick Arthur George vi of the UK b: 1895-12-14 d: 1952-02-06 (wikipedia) m: queen consort Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon queen mother of the UK b: 1900-08-04 d: 2002-04-09
Germanic monarchs, HRE, Carolinians, Ottonians, Salians, Habsburgs
Russian tsars/czars/princes/dukes Rurids (Rurik to Michael/Mikhail, Feodor & Xenia), Romanovs (from Michael/Mikhail to Nicholas ii, Alexandra & their children) (wikipedia)...with some cousinage through the Suzdal, Shuysky, and numerous marriages with Western Europeans
Turkish Ottoman family tree 1250CE-1924CE
ancestors of grand-duchess Anna Petrovna Romanov of Russia (d of Peter i & Catherine i) b: 1708-01-27 at Moscow d: 1728-03-04 at Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein (northern Germany)
ancestors of emperor Alexander ii Nikolayevich of Russia/Alexander the liberator (s of Nicholas i & Charlotte of Prussia) b: 1818-04-29 at Moscow d: 1881-03-13 at Winter palace, St. Petersburg
Albert Edward John Spencer 7th earl Spencer b: 1892-05-23 d: 1975-06-09 (wikipedia) m: lady Cynthia Hamilton/ Cynthia Ellinor Beatrix Spencer b: 1897-08-16 d: 1972-12-04 (wikipedia)
Edmund Maurice Burke Roche 4th baron Fermoy b: 1885-05-15 d: 1955-07-08 m: Ruth Sylvia Gill Roche baroness Fermoy b: 1908-10-02 d: 1993-07-06
Richard Noel Middleton m: Olive Christiana Lupton b: 1881 d: 1936 (see also family of Catherine duchess of Cambridge and Carole Elizabeth Goldsmith and sir Thomas Conyers 9th baronet)
prince George Alexander Louis duke of Cambridge b: 2013-07-22
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