** DH2 ** Ired/Jered ben Mehalelal ben Qinen ben Anush ben Sheth ben Adam ha Rishon (lived 930 years.) ⚭: Chavah
Asshur/Ashur (patriarch of the Assyrians)
Nahor/Nechur ben Serug
Terah/Terech/Terach of Ur m1: Amatlai bat Carnevo
Abraham/Abram ben Terach of Ur ⚭: his step-sister Sarah/Sarai bat Terach
Itzchaq/Yitzchaq/Isaac ben Abraham ⚭: Rebekah/Rivkah bat Bethual
Yaaqob/Jacob ben Yitzchaq
Judah/Yahudah ben Yaaqob
Zarah/Zerech/Zeus ben Yahuda/Judah ⚭: Tamar/Temer
Dardanus/Dara of Acadia/Akkad Mesopotamia ⚭: Batea bat Teucer
Erichthonius of Acadia/Akkad ⚭: Astyoche of Acadia/Akkad
Trois of Acadia/Akkad b: c. 1337BCE d: c. 1330BCE ⚭: Callirhoe bat Teucer
Ilus of Troy
Tithonius ⚭: Eos
Memnon/Munon (s of Tithonius & Eos; gs of Laomedon) ⚭: Troana Iluim (d of Priam & Hekuba; gd of Laomedon)
Thor/Tror/Thunr of Thrace ⚭: Sibil/Sif
Hloritha/Loridi Thorsson
Eiaridi/Einrida/Einridi Loridesson
Vingethorr/Vingethior Einridisson
Vingener Vingethorsson
Moda/Mode Vingenersson
Godwulf (?author of the Godwulf manuscript?)
Frithuwald/Frithuwald/Fredalaf/Bor b: c. 190 ⚭: Beltsea of Asgard/eastern Europe/western Asia b: c. 190
Odin/Wodin/Woutan b: c. 215 ⚭: Frigg/Frigge/Freja (daughter of Cadwalladr or Njordr)
Skjold b: c. 240 ⚭: Gefion b: c. 240
Fridlief Skjoldsson
Frodi Fridleifsson b: c. 280
Fridleif Frodason b: c. 300
Havar Fridleifsson b: c. 325
Frodi Havarsson b: c. 350
Vermund Frodason b: c. 370
Olaf/Uffe Vermundsson b: c. 390
Frodi Olafsson b: c. 430
Fridleif iii Frodason b: c. 455
Frodi/Froda vii Fridleifsson b: c. 480
Halfdan Frodason b: c. 500 ⚭: Sigris
Hroar Halfdansson/Helgi Halfdanssson/Hrothgar ii the Skjolding b: c. 525 ⚭: Ogne (daughter of Norbril of Northumbria)
Valdar/Valdemar Hroarsson b: c. 550 d: 612 in Denmark ⚭: Hildis of Vandals/Hildur Hildriksdatter/Hildis Hildericsdotter/Hilda Heidreksdottir of Vandals (d of Hilderic & Amfleda the younger/Amalfrida; gd of Hunerica/Honeric & Eudokia/Eudocia the younger; ggd of emperor Flavius Placidus Valentinianus iii & Licinia Eudokia Theodosia/Licinia Eudoxia) b: c. 530 d: c. 572
Harold/Hroar/Rurick Valdarsson b: c. 570 ⚭: Hilda Heidreksdottir (d of Heidrek Angantyrsson; gd of Agantyr Heidreksson of Goths)
** DH68 ** Halfdan Haroldsson b: c. 590 ⚭: Maolda/Moalda Kinriksdottir b: c. 590
** DH69 ** Ivar Halfdansson of Lethra/Hleithra
** DA70 ** Radbard of Garderidge/Russia ⚭: ** DH70 ** Audr Ivarsdottir of Am (d of Ivar Halfdansson)
** DA71 ** Randver Radbardsson d: c. 770 at Bravik
Sigurd ring of Lethra/Hleithra b: c. 710 d: c. 810 ⚭: Alfhild Gandolddotter (daughter of Gandold)
Halfdan the old/Halfdan Sviedasson (son of Sveidi Svidrasson; grand-son of Svidri Heytsson or Gorr)
Ivar oplaendinge jarl of uplanders/Ivar Halfdansson (son of Halfdan & Hlif Dagsdottir)
** DA75 ** Eystein Glumra Ivarsson jarl of Hedemarken (son of Ivar & Hilda) ⚭: ** DQ75 ** Aseda Rognvaldsdottir/Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter (d of Rognvald Olafsson b: c. 790 in Norway d: c. 850; gd of Olaf ii Gudrodsson d: c. 840; ggd of Gudrod Halfdansson, the magnificent/possibly Godfrey the proud d: c. 810 & Asa Haroldsdotter; 2ggd of Halfdan Olafsson, white leg & Asa Eysteinsdottir; 3ggd of Eystein & Solveig Halfdansdottir)
** DA76 ** Rognvald Eysteinsson earl of More, the wise (son of Eystein Glumra Ivarsson jarl of Hedemarken & Aseda/Ascrida) ⚭: ** DI76 ** Rognhild/Ragnhild/Hildir/Hilda Hrolfsdotter (daughter of Hrolf/Nefja) b: c. 850 d: after 890
** DA77 ** Rollo the Dane, 1st duke of Normandy (son of Rognvald & Hilda) b: c. 845 at Maer, Norwqy d: c. 930 at Notre Dame, Rouen ⚭: Poppa de Valois (daughter of Berenger de Bayeaux et Senlis)
** DA78 ** William i of Normandy, longsword/longepee (son of Rollo & Poppa) b: c. 900 d: 942-12-17 or 932-12-17 ⚭: Sprote de Bretagne (?daughter of Hubert of St. Liz?)
** DA79 ** Richard i of Normandy, the fearless (son of William & Sprote) b: 933-08-28 d: 996-11-20 ⚭: Gunnora of Denmark/Gonnor de Crepon (daughter of Herbatus de Crepon)
** DA80 ** Richard ii of Normandy, the good (son of Richard & Gunnora/Gonnor) d: 1026-08-28 or 1027-08-28 at Fecamp, Seine Inferieure, France ⚭: Judith of Brittany (daughter of Conan i of Rennes et Bretagne, le tort & Ermengard d'Anjou; gd of Judicael Berengar of Rennes & Gerberge and Geoffrey d'Anjou & Adelaide de Vermandois) b: 982 in Bretagne d: 1017-06-16?
** DA81 ** Robert iii of Normandy (son of Richard & Judith) d: 1035 July in Nicaea ⚭: ** DM81 ** Herleve/Arletta de Falaise (d of Fulbert of Falaise & Doda) b: c. 1000
** CK82 ** ?Enguerrand ii count of Ponthieu d'Aumale b: c. 1020 ⚭: Adelaide of Normandy countess of Aumale ⚭: ** DA82 ** Adelaide of Normandy countess of Aumale/Adeliza (daughter of Robert ii & Herleve/Arlette)
** CK83 ** Piers de Valoines/Piers ii Ponthieu de Valognes/Peter Ponthieu de Valoignes (son of Piers de Valognes & Aubrey Rie/Albreda de Rie; gs of Enguerrand Ponthieu & Aleida Gant) ⚭: ** CL83 ** Albreda de Rie/Aubrey de Rye/Albreda fitz Neel/Albreda de St. Sauveur (daughter of Hubert/Humbert de Rie/Rye & Albareda de Preuax/Albreda de Harcourt or William Contenin & Adeliz de Widness; grand-daughter of Humphrey de Veulles & Auberee de la Haye and Eudes/Eudo de Rie/Rye; g-grand-daughter of Geoffrey de Rie/Rye)
** CI84 ** Hubert de Munchensy (son of Hubert de Monte Caniso) b: c. 1030 ⚭: ** CK84 ** Muriel Ponthieu de Valognes/Valoignes/Valoines (daughter of Piers) b: c. 1095
** CH85 ** ?Harold de Vaux/Harold de Vallibus/Robert de Vaux/Robert Harold de Vaux iii b: c. 1060 d: after 1086? ⚭: Ada de Munchensy/Munchensi/Montchensey (d of Hubert de Munchensy & Muriel Ponthieu de Valognes; gd of Hubert de Monte Caniso; sister of Warin de Munchensy)
** CH86 ** Robert de Vaux (s of Harold de Vaux/Harold de Vallibus/Robert de Vaux/Robert Harold de Vaux iii & Ada de Munchensy/Munchensi/Montchensey; ?brother of Hubert de Vaux baron of GillesLand/Gillisland/Gilsland?) b: c. 1100 in Normandy ⚭: ** DP86 ** Agnes FitzWalter (daughter of Ralph fitzWalter de Strickland & Matilda de Langetot) [ancestors of pres. George Washington]
** CH87 ** William de Vaux (?son of Robert & Agnes FitzWalter?) b: c. 1120 d: c. 1150
** CH88 ** Rundolph de Vaux or Robert (son of William)
** CH89 ** Philip de Vaux (?son of Rundolph or son of Robert+grand-son of William?) ⚭: Elizabeth Comyn (d of William & Sarah) b: c. 1223 d: 1267
John de Vaux b: before 1155 d: before 1189
William de Vaux b: c. 1170 d: after 1221
** CH93 ** ????Johannes/John de Vaux/de Vallibus b: c. 1190 d: after 1251 ⚭: Ada? or Robert de Vaux & Ada of Isbell/Ada Engayne/Ada Engaine ????
** CH94 ** Alexander de Vaux b: c. 1220 d: c. 1270 or Oliver de Vaux & Petronilla de Croun/Craon
John de Vaux (s of ?Alexander de Vaux OR Oliver de Vaux & Petronilla de Croun/Petronilla de Craon) b: before 1270 d: after 1309 ⚭: Devorgilla nicAlan of Galloway b: c. 1220 d: 1289-01-28 at Kemstone, BedfordShire buried: New Abbey, WigtownShire or Sibilla de Longchamps/Sybilla de Langchamps
William de Vaux b: before 1320 d: c. 1364
William de Vaux b: before 1364 d: c. 1392 ⚭: Catherine Douglas (daughter of ?Archibald Douglas? & ?Beatrix de Lindsay?)
** CB97 ** John Haliburton of Dirleton/John de Halyburton (s of sir Adam de Haliburton/Adam de Halyburton d: 1337 & Isobel/Isabella Stewart b: 1285 April in Isleworth, Middlesex, England) b: 1313 in Haliburton, Berwick d: 1355 August in battle of Nisbet ⚭: ** CH97 ** Agatha de Vaux (d of ?William de Vaux of Dirleton who m Catherine Douglas or daughter of Thomas de Vaux?; aunt of William de Baux & Margaret de Baux; great-aunt of John Vaus of Barnbarroch?) b: c. 1290
John de Haliburton b: c. 1355 in Dirleton d: after 1402 ⚭: Margaret Cameron b: 1315 in Perth
** BW99 ** John Turnbull of Minto/Myntou or James Turnbull (s of William Turnbull & Margaret Douglas) b: c. 1315 d: 1355 ⚭: ** CH99 ** Mary Haliburton/Mary Halyburton b: c. 1333
** BU100 ** sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley (son of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley d: 1374-08-26 ; gs of s of sir Alan Stewart of Dreghorn d: 1333-07-19 at Halidon Hill ; ggs of sir John Stewart of Bonkyl et Dreghorn d: 1298-07-22 at Falkirk ⚭: 1288 to Margaret de Bonkyl d: 1304; 2ggs of Alexander Stewart 4th high steward of Scotland b: 1214 d: 1283 ⚭: Jean MacRory and sir Alexander de Bonkyl/Bonkill/Bonekil/Bunkille/Bonkehill/Boukile; 3ggs of Walter Stewart 3rd high Steward of Scotland ⚭: Beatrix of Angus) d: before 1404-05-05 m1: Marguerite Turnbull (sister of sir John Turnbull of Minto) ((he m2: c. 1381 to Janet Keith (d of sir William Keith of Galston) )
sir William Stewart of Garlies et Jedworth (s of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley & Marguerite Turnbull; grand-son of John Turnbull of Minto) d: 1402-09-14 after Homildon Hill ⚭: Isabel Oliver
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Janet Stewart (d of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley & Marguerite Turnbull)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»James Stewart (s of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley & Marguerite Turnbull)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Robert Stewart (s of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley & Marguerite Turnbull)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Alexander Stewart (s of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley & Marguerite Turnbull)
sir John Stewart 1st of Dalswington et Garlies d: 1419 or 1420 ⚭: 1396-10-17 to Marion Stewart (d of sir Walter Stewart; gd sir John Stewart; ggd of sir Walter Stewart; 2ggd of sir John Stewart of Bonkyl et Dreghorn & Margaret de Bonkyl; 3ggd of Alexander Stewart 4th high steward of Scotland ⚭: Jean MacRory) (she m2: after 1422 to sir John Forrester )
sir William Stewart 2nd earl/laird/baron of Dalswinton et Garlies (son of sir John Stewart 1st of Dalswinton et Garlies & Marion Stewart) b: 1396 at Garlies, WigtownShire d: 1479-10-31 at Trebizond/Trabzond on the Black Sea ⚭: Elizabeth
sir Alexander Stewart 3rd earl of Garlies (son of sir William Stewart 2nd earl of Dalswinton et Garlies) d: c. 1500 ⚭: Elizabeth Douglas (d of sir Archibald Douglas 3rd of Cavers; gd of sir William Douglas 2nd of Cavers d: 1464-01-08; ggd of sir Archibald Douglas of Liddesdale et 1st of Cavers regent of Scotland b: after 1373 & Margaret; 2ggd of James Douglas 2nd earl of Douglas earl of Mar b: c. 1358 d: c. 1388-08-14 in battle of Otterburn buried: Melrose abbey, RoxburghShire ⚭: Isabella/Isabel Stewart; 3ggd of William 1st earl of Douglas d: 1384 ⚭: Margaret of Mar (daughter ) d: c. 1391 and king Robert Stewart ii of Scotland & Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan; 4ggd of of Donald/Domhnall ii 8th earl of Mar & Isabella Stewart)
** B105 ** John Hannay of Sorbie (son of Alexander Hannah and grand-son of Robert Hannah and g-grand-son of Odo Hannay or ?Ethe Hannay and grand-son of Odo Hannay?) d: c. 1544or (later, derivative sources have) Margaret Stewart?? (??sister of Janet Stewart ⚭: sir John Dunbar of Mochrum*, son of sir Alexander Dunbar of Westfield & Isobel Sutherland??)
Patrick Hannay b: before 1545 d: c. 1582 (built Sorbie?) «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»?sir Robert Hannay (son of John) b: c. 1505?
Donald Hannay of Sorbie (son of Patrick Hannay? or ?Odo A'Hannay of Sorbie?) Alexander A'Hannay 1st of Kirkdale* (son of Donald; gs of Patrick; ggs of John H & Margaret Stewart; 2ggs of Alexander; 3ggs of Robert; 4ggs of Odo) b: before 1516 (burgess of Wigtown. purchased Kirkdale 1532-11-01 from Duncan Murray burgess of Whithorn)
John A'Hannay of Kirkdale* (son of Alexander)
Patrick A'Hannay of Kirkdale* son of John; grand-son of Alexander ( John Hanna (son of ?Alexander Hannah or Patrick Hannay? & Anne McKie; gs of Donald; ggs of Patrick of Sorbie; 2ggs of Odo) b: before 1590 d: c. 1640 (baillie et burgess of Canongate, Edinburgh. held Sorbie lands and these offices from 1612 to 1620. See also Canongate Kirk.)
Alexander Hanna (?son of John?) ?b: c. 1600 in WigtownShire d: c. 1640 in Ireland?
Robert Hanna/?Robert A. Hanna? (son of Alexander Hanna) b: c. 1670 probably in county Monaghan, Ireland d: after 1710 in Ireland ⚭: c. 1693 ?Christian Taylyeor b: c. 1675??? (common ancestor of David Hannah, senator Marcus Alonzo Hanna (and see findagrave), & Paul Hanna)
Robert Hanna b: c. 1695 in Ireland or Scotland d: 1758 in PA ⚭: c. 1716 in Ireland to Elizabeth UNKNOWN
James Hannah b: c. 1718 in county Monaghan, Ireland d: 1798 at Ft. Harrod, Mercer county KY ⚭: c. 1738 to Martha UNKNOWN b: c. 1720 in Ireland d: 1798 at Ft. Harrod, Mercer county KY ( William Hanna/?William Patrick Hanna? b: c. 1750 in Little Britain twp Lancaster county PA d: 1809 in Tuscarora, Berkeley county VA (now WV) ⚭: c. 1773 in Berkeley county VA (now WV) to Sarah Jane Patterson (daughter of William Patterson & Hannah Vance) b: c. 1755 in Berkeley county VA (now WV) d: c. 1805 in VA (now WV)
David Hanna/David Hannah b: 1774 in Berkeley county VA (now WV) d: 1844-07-21 in Harrison township Logan county [?now Champaign county? between Grant Rd & Mahar Rd along the north side of the Old Columbus Rd between Bellaire & Springfield?] OH m1: 1800-09-24 to Nancy Vance (daughter of Hugh Vance & Elizabeth Park) m2: 1812-05-07 in Champaign county OH to Margaret Jane Smith
Hugh Vance Hannah b: 1801-12-24 d: 1874-09-15 buried: Mackey cem., Piatt county, IL ⚭: Rebecca A. Ford b: 1806-06-06 d: 1893-11-19 buried: Mackey cem., Piatt county, IL
Nancy Vance Hannah (daughter of Hugh Vance Hannah) b: 1828-10-24 in OH d: 1924-08-04 in IL buried: Mackey cem., Piatt county, IL ⚭: 1850 to Samuel Sly Oulrey (s of Nicholas Oulrey & Rebecca Glaze) b: 1825-03-30 in OH d: 1890-12-11 in IL buried: Mackey cem., Piatt county, IL
Frances Minerva Oulrey b: 1856 in IL d: 1947 buried: Dundas cem., Dundas, IL ⚭: John Anderson Grove (s of George Richard Grove & Catherine Anderson) buried: Dundas cem., Dundas, IL
MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Thomas Stewart (son of sir William Stewart 2nd earl of Dalswington et Garlies) d: 1500
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Agnes Stewart (d of sir Alexander Stewart 3rd earl of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas) d: after 1530-07-25 ⚭: John Maxwell 3rd lord Maxwell d: 1513-09-09 at Flodden Field
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»John Stewart (s of sir Alexander stewart 3rd of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas) d: before 1500 ⚭: Elizabeth Shaw (d of sir John Shaw of Haylie)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»sir Alexander Stewart 4th of Garlies (s of sir Alexander stewart 3rd of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas) d: 1513-09-09 at Flodden Field ⚭: Elizabeth Kennedy (d of Alexander Kennedy of Blairquhan)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Janet Stewart (d of sir Alexander stewart 3rd of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas) ⚭: John Dunbar of Mochrum (s of sir Alexander Dunbar of Westfield & Isobel Sutherland)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Archibald Stewart (s of sir Alexander stewart 3rd of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»major Robert A'Hannay (son of Patrick Hannay & Anne McKie; gs of John; ggs of Alexander; 2ggs of Donald; 3ggs of Odo) d: 1636 in Alsace (in lord Reay's regiment.)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Patrick Hannay/Patrick A'Hannay of Kirkdale* (son of ?Patrick Hannay? & Anne McKie; gs of John; ggs of Alexander; 2ggs of Donald; 3ggs of Odo) d: 1629 at sea or 1640 (1624 inherited from his grand-father. 1638 MP for Wigtown.) ⚭: Agnes Dunbar (daughter of Gavin Dunbar of Baldoon & Janet Cunninghan; gd of Archibald Dunbar of Baldoon & Janet Mure)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Andrew (son of Robert) b: c. 1690 d: 1766 in Dauphin county PA (by 1737 living in Dauphin county PA.)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»captain Patrick (son of Robert) b: c. 1700 d: by 1758-11-27 in Monathan twp York county PA (1739 taxed in Newtown twp Chester county PA.)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»John (son of Robert) b: c. 1700 in Ireland d: c. 1770-03-10 in PA (1731 came to Bucks county PA.) ⚭: c. 1721 to Jane Andre d: 1774 December
????? «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»James (son of Robert) b: 1706 in county Monaghan, Ireland d: 1769 in Lancaster county PA ?????
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»William (son of Robert) d: c. 1766? (1731 came to Bucks county PA.)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Thomas Hanna (son of Robert) b: 1720 in Lesarah Loch, county Monaghan, Ireland d: 1764 ⚭: Elizabeth Henderson d: 1766
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»William Hanna (son of Robert) b: 1723 d: 1830
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Robert Hanna (son of Robert) b: 1725 d: in Fairfield twp Westmoreland county PA
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Alexander Hanna (son of Robert) b: 1737 d: 1809 «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»John Hanna (son of Robert) b: 1740 d: 1800