jgo Ancestors and Cousins cousin/president Donald John Trump (#45)

a line of ancestors of cousin/president Donald John Trump (#45)

.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. Malcolm iii mac Duncan       ⚭ St. Margaret of Wessex & Scotland

.... .... .... .... .... .... .... . Fulk/Foulques v d'Anjou king of Jerusalem & Ermengarde of Maine   and   king Henry i of England/beauclerc (s of king William i the conqueror & Matilda/Maud Fleming/Matihilde van Vlaanderen) b: 1068 September d: 1135-12-01     ⚭ 1100-11-11 at Westminster abbey, Westminster, London to Matilda/Edith/Eagdith/Eadgytha of Scotland (d of Malcolm iii MacDuncan/Kenmore/Caennmor & St. Margaret of Wessex et Scotland) b: c. 1079 at Dunfermline d: 1118-05-01 at Westminster palace buried: at Westminster abbey, Westminster, London

.... .... .... .... .... .... .... Geoffrey v comte d'Anjou / Geoffrey v Plantagenet (s of Fulk v/Foulques v d'Anjou 9th comte d'Anjou later king of Jerusalem & Aremburga de la Fleche comtesse de Maine/Eremburge/Ermengarde of Maine) b: 1113-08-24 d: 1151-09-07       ⚭ HRE Matilda / HRE Mathilde/Maud/Adelaide (d of king Henry i of England/beau-clerc & Editha/Eadgyth of Scotland) b: 1102-02-07 or 1102 August at Winchester, HampShire d: 1167-09-10

.... .... .... .... .... .... ... king Henry ii of England/curt-mantle (s of Geoffrey v Plantagenet comte d'Anjou et Maine & Matilda) b: 1133-03-05 d: 1189-07-06     ⚭ 1152-05-18 at Bordeux cathedral to Eleanor of Aquitaine (d of Guillaume x duc d'Aquitaine & Eleanor Chatellerault de Rochefoucauld) b: between 1120 & 1122 at chateau de Belin, Guienne, France d: 1204-04-01 at Fontevraud abbey, Fontevraud, France

.... .... .... .... .... .... .. king John i of England/lack-land (s of king Henry ii of England d'Anjou/curt-mantle & Eleanor of Aquitaine) b: 1167-12-24 d: 1216-10-19     ⚭ 1200-08-24 at Bordeaux cathedral, Bordeaux, Dauphine, France to Isabella Taillefer d'Angouleme (d of Aymer Taillefer comte d'Angouleme & Alice de Courtenay) b: c. 1188 d: 1246-05-31 at Fontevraud, France

.... .... .... .... .... .... . king Henry iii of England (s king John i of England/lack-land & Isabella d'Angouleme) b: 1207-10-01 d: 1272-11-16     ⚭ 1236-01-14 at Canterbury cathedral to Eleanor of Provence (d of Raimond Berengar v comte de Provence & Beatrice di Savoia/Savoy) b: 1223 at Aix en Provence, Provence, France d: 1291-06-24 at Amesbury abbey, Amesbury, WiltShire

.... .... .... .... .... .... Edward i       ⚭ Eleanor of Castile

.... .... .... .... .... ... Edward ii       ⚭ Isabella of France

.... .... .... .... .... .. Edward iii       ⚭ Philippa of Hainault/Philippe d'Avesnes

.... .... .... .... .... . John of Gaunt (s of Edward iii & Philippa of Hainault/Philippe d'Avesnes) b: 1340 March d: 1399-02-03       ⚭ Katherine Roet/Katherine Swynford (she had been married to Hugh Swynford) duchess of Lancaster (d of sir Payne Roet/Paon de Roet/Gilles de Roet) b: c 1350 d: 1403-05-10 (this couple are ancestors of George Washingon, Ted Roosevelt, Donald J. Trump, HitleryRottenClinton, prime-minister Winston Churchill, lady Diana Spencer, & probably William Jefferson Blythe ii/Clinton)

.... .... .... .... .... John Beaufort/John de Beaufort 1st earl of Somerset (s of John of Gaunt & Katherin Roet) b: between 1371 & 1373 d: 1409/10-03-16       ⚭ lady Margaret de Holand (d of Thomas de Holand 2nd/5th earl of Kent & lady Alice Fitz Alan) b: between 1381 & 1385 d: 1439-12-31

.... .... .... .... ... lady Joan Beaufort queen of Scots and lady Joan Beaufort queen of Scots (d of John de Beaufort 1st earl of Somerset & lady Margaret de Holand of Kent) b: c. 1405 d: 1445-07-15       ⚭ sir James Stewart the black knight of Lorn and sir James Stewart the black knight of Lorn (s of sir John Stewart of Innermeath & Isabella MacDougall/Isabella de Ergadia) d: c. 1448 (from this point, there are several cousinage paths back/up to Malcolm iii & Margaret; this is a path that was published in several articles a couple years ago.)

.... .... .... .... .. John Stewart 1st earl of Atholl/John Stewart of Balveny (s of sir James Stewart the black knight of Lorn & lady Joan Beaufort) b: c. 1440 d: 1512-09-15 or 1512-09-19       ⚭ lady Eleanor Sinclair (d of William Sinclair 1st earl of Caithness & Marjory Sutherland) b: c. 1457 d: 1518/9-03-21

.... .... .... .... . lady Elizabeth Stewart of Atholl/Anne Stewart (d of John Stewart 1st earl of Atholl & lady Eleanor Sinclair)       ⚭ John Stuart 3rd/12th earl of Lennox (s of Matthew Stuart 2nd earl of Lennox & Elizabeth Hamilton) b: c. 1490 d: 1526-09-04

.... .... .... .... lady Elizabeth Stuart countess of Sutherland/lady Helen Stewart (d of John Stuart 3rd/12th earl of Lennox & lady Elizabeth Stewart of Atholl)       ⚭ John Gordon 11th earl of Sutherland (s of Alexander Gordon master of Sutherland & lady Janet Stewart; gs of Adam Gordon of Aboyne & Elizabeth of Moravia countess of Sutherland and John Stewart 2nd earl of Atholl & lady Janet Campbell; ggs of Archibald Campbell 2nd earl of Argyll & Elizabeth Stewart) b: c. 1525 d: 1567

.... .... .... ... Alexander Gordon 12th earl of Sutherland (s of John Gordon 11th earl of Sutherland & Elizabeth Stuart countess of Sutherland) b: c. 1552 d: 1594       ⚭ lady Jean Gordon (d of George Gordon 4th earl of Huntly & Elizabeth Keith; gd of John Gordon lord Gordon & Margaret Stewart and Robert Keith master of Keith & Elizabeth Douglas of Morton; ggd of James iv of Scotland; 2ggd of James iii of Scotland & Margaret von Oldenburg of Denmark et Norway)

.... .... .... .. lady Jane Gordon (d of Alexander Gordon 12th earl of Sutherland & lady Jean Gordon; gd of George Gordon 4th earl of Huntly & Elizabeth Keith) b: 1574-11-01       ⚭ 1589 December to Hugh MacKay of Farr et Tongue et Strathnayer/Huistean Du MacKay 13th of Strathnaver (s of Iye MacKay/Iye Du MacKay 12th of Strathnaver & Christian Sinclair; gs of John Sinclair of Duns) d: 1614-09-11

.... .... .... . Donald Mackay 1st lord Reay (s of Hugh MacKay of Farr et Tongue et Strathnayer/Huistean Du MacKay & lady Jane Gordon; ?brother of Anna MacKay/Anna Macky who     ⚭ reverend Hugh Munro of Durness?) b: 1591 March d: 1649 February     m1: Barbara MacKenzie (d of Kenneth MacKenzie 1st lord Kintail/12th of Kintail & Jean Anne Ross of Balnagowan)     m2: Rachel Winterfield/Rachel Harrison     m3: Elizabeth Thomson (d of Robert Thomson) (?Parents of an Anna MacKay who     ⚭ reverend Hugh Munro of Durness?; this is tricky because Anna may have had a sister or step-sister named Ann, but this appears the correct line.)

.... .... .... reverend Hugh Munro of Durness (s of Alexander Munro of Durness & Janet Cumming of Bunchrew) b: c. 1639 d: 1698       ⚭ Anna MacKay/Anna Macky (d of Donald Mackay 1st lord Reay & Elizabeth Thomson) (ThePeerage.com has her marrying Alexander MacDonald, but wills and property records support this marriage, though, perhaps with a different Ann MacKay. There appears to be a gap in easy sources, but I found the MacKays of Aberach and some estate records (somewhere) that support this lineage.)

.... .... ... Isabella Munro (d of reverend Hugh Munro of Durness & Anna MacKay/Anna Macky/Ann Mackay; gs of Alexander Munro of Durness & Janet Cumming of Bunchrew and Donald MacKay 1st lord Reay & Elizabeth Thomson; ggs of Hugh MacKay & Jane Gordon)         ⚭ Robert MacKay of Achness/Robert MacKay ix of Aberach (s of Murdo/Murdoch MacKay; gs of Robert MacKay; ggs of Murdo/Murdoch MacKay 6th of Aberach & Christina Balloch of Scoury; 2ggs of Neil MacEan/MacIan MacWilliam MacKay 5th of Aberach & ?daughter? of Hector Munro of Contullich castle and Donald Balloch of Scoury; 3ggs of John Williamson/MacWilliam MacKay 4th of Aberach & ?daughter? of Donald MacKay 11th of Strathnaver and Hector Munro of Contullich castle; 4ggs of William MacKay 3rd of Aberach & ?? Murray and Donald MacKay 11th of Strathnaver; 5ggs of William Du MacKay 2nd of Aberach at Aldicharrish & ?daughter? of MacKenzie and ?? Murray of Tulibardine; 6ggs of Ian Aberach MacKay/John MacKay 1st of Aberach & ?daughter? of MacKintosh and Hector Roy MacKenzie of Gairloch; 7ggs Angus Du MacKay 7th of Strathnaver & ?daughter? of MacDonald and ?? MacKintosh; 8ggs of and Alexander Carrach MacDonald; 9ggs of John of Islay lord of the isles & daughter of Robert ii of Scotland and Alexander MacKenzie & Margaret MacDonald; 10ggs of Roderick MacDonald of ClanRanald 3rd of Moidart)

.... .... .. Alexander MacKay (s of Robert MacKay of Achness & Isabella Munro)       ⚭ Margaret Fearn (d of Andrew Fearn of Pitcallion & Christian Ross)

.... .... . Robert MacKay (tacksman of Haimdary) (s of Alexander MacKay) b: c. 1705 d: c. 1778

.... .... Angus MacKay/Ansus MacKay of Kinlochbea (s of Robert MacKay)

.... ... Mary MacKay (d of Ansus MacKay/Angus Mackay)       ⚭ Angus MacLeod of Carnachy

.... .. Donald MacLeod of Whitefield near Thurso (s of Angus MacLeod of Carnachy & Mary MacKay) b: c. 1785 d: c. 1858       ⚭ Margaret Cameron b: c. 1785

.... . Catherine MacLeod/Christian MacLeod b: c. 1809       ⚭ William MacLeod of Skerray/Scourie b: c. 1806 at Aird Tong, Isle of Lewis d: c. 1869 Isle of Lewis

.... Alexander MacLeod b: 1830-05-01 d: 1880-01-21       ⚭ Ann MacLeod b: 1833-02-12 d: 1885-08-06

... Malcolm MacLeod and Malcolm William MacLeod b: 1866-12-27 d: 1954-06-22       ⚭ Mary Smith (d of Donald Smith & Mary Macaulay)

.. Mary Anne MacLeod (d of Malcolm MacLeod & Mary Smith) b: at Tong, (about 4 miles SW of Stornoway), Lewis Island, Outer Hebrides, NW Scotland m: Frederick Christ Trump (s of Friedrich Trump/Drumpf b: in Kallstadt [about 15 miles West of Mannheim, 31 miles West of Heidelberg, 60-64 miles SW of Frankfurt am Main, 75-80 miles NNE of Strasbourg/Strassburg] & Elizabeth Christ b: in Kallstadt; gs of Christian Johannes Trump/Drumpf & Katherine Kober)

. president Donald John Trump


8. Christian Johannes Trump/Drumpf

9.     ⚭: Katherine Kober

4. Friedrich Trump/Drumpf (s of Christian Johannes Trump/Drumpf & Katherine Kober) b: in Kallstadt [about 15 miles West of Mannheim, 31 miles West of Heidelberg, 60-64 miles SW of Frankfurt am Main, 75-80 miles NNE of Strasbourg/Strassburg]

5.     ⚭: Elizabeth Christ b: in Kallstadt

2. Frederick Christ Trump (s of Friedrich Trump/Drumpf b: in Kallstadt [about 15 miles West of Mannheim, 31 miles West of Heidelberg, 60-64 miles SW of Frankfurt am Main, 75-80 miles NNE of Strasbourg/Strassburg] & Elizabeth Christ b: in Kallstadt; gs of Christian Johannes Trump/Drumpf & Katherine Kober)

3.     ⚭: Mary Anne MacLeod (d of Malcolm MacLeod & Mary Smith) b: at Tong, (about 4 miles SW of Stornoway), Lewis Island, Outer Hebrides, NW Scotland m:

Kimberly Powell: ThoughtCo: ancestry of president Donald John Trump

Geni: family of president Donald John Trump

Geni: family of Kenneth MacLeod

Wikipedia: family of Donald J. Trump ancestry tree

Wikipedia: Trump family tree

GEDbas.Genealogy: ancestors of Frederick Christ Trump

GEDbas.Genealogy: ancestors of Johannes Trump

Ancestry: Donald J. Trump's humble ancestry

Famous Kin: ancestry of Donald J. Trump

Nic Robertson & Antonia Mortensen: CNN: Donald J. Trump's Scottish roots

WikiTree: Donald J. Trump

Victor Morton: Washington DC Times: genealogists say Donald J. Trump (descendant of John Beaufort) & HitleryRottenClinton (descendant of Joan Beaufort) are 19th cousins (descended from John of Gaunt & Katherine Swynford; and hence both descended from Edward iii)

Victor Morton: Extra TV: genealogists say Donald J. Trump (descendant of John Beaufort) & HitleryRottenClinton (descendant of Joan Beaufort) are 19th cousins (descended from John of Gaunt & Katherine Swynford)

Amanda: Geni: president Donald J. Trump and HitleryRottenClinton are related this way

Geni: president Donald J. Trump may be a descendant of Xerxes i of Persia/Xerxes the great; through Artaxerxes ii Memnon of Persia,   Rodogoune,   Samos i of Commagene,   Orontes iv of Armenia,   Antiochos i Theos of Commagene,   Mithridates iv of Parthia,   Khusraw/Khoesroe i of Armenia,   Khusraw/Chosroes iii of Armenia,   Isaac the great of Armenia,   Mousegh i of Armenia,   Artavazd i Mamikonian,   Byzantine emperor Michael iii,   Byzantine empress Eudokia Ingerina,   Constantine vii,   Maria Dobroniega of Kiev,   Boleslaw iii,   Judith of Poland,   Sophia of Brandenburg,   Christian i of Denmark et Norway et Sweden,   James iv of Scotland,   Alexander MacKay,   and Alexander MacLeod and others

ancestors of Xerxes (FabPedigree)

ancestors of Artaxerxes ii of Persia (Xerxes i or Artaxerxes ii or iii may be identical with Biblical Book of Esther's Ahasuerus/Achasuerus/Achasueros; Shushan=Susa) (FabPedigree)

ancestors of Ptolemy i of Commagene (FabPedigree)   Ptolemaeus of Commagene (s of Orontes iv; gs of Arsames i; claimed descendant of Darius i of Persia) b: c. 220BCE d: 130BCE

Sames ii Theosebes Dikaios/Samus ii/Samos ii (s of Ptolemaeus of Commagene/Ptolemy i of Commagene) b: c. 150BCE d: 109BCE       ⚭   Pythodoris (d of ?? king of Pontus)

king Mithridates i Callinicus of Commagene (s of Sames ii Theosebes Dikaios/Samus ii & ??)       ⚭   princess Laodice vii Thea Philadelphus of the Seleucid empire (d of Antiochus viii Grypus & Cleopatra Tryphaena/Cleopatra vi Tryphaena of Egypt; gd of Ptolemy viii Physcon & Cleopatra iii) b: after 122BCE

ancestors of Antiochus i Theos of Commagene (FabPedigree)   Antiochus i Theos Dikaios Epiphanes Philorhomaios Philhellen of Commagene (wikipedia) (s of king Mithridates i Callinicus of Commagene & princess Laodice vii Thea of the Seleucid empire; gs of Sames ii Theosebes Dikaios and Antiochus viii Grypus & Tryphaena; descendant of Seleucis i Nicator, Ptolemy i Soter, Antigonus i Monopthalmus, Lysimachus of Thrace, Antipater of Macedonia) b: c. 86BCE d: 38BCE       ⚭   Isias Philostorgos of Cappadocia (d of king Ariobarzanes i of Cappadocia & Athenais Philostorgos i) b: c. 90BCE d: c. 30BCE (parents of Mithridates ii of Commagene, Laodice of Parthia, Antiochus ii of Commagene, Antiochis of Commagene, Athenais of Media Atropatene)

Artavasdes i of Media Atropatene b: c. 65BCE d: c 20BCE     ⚭ Athenais of Media Atropatene (d of Antiochus i Theos of Commagene & Isias Philostorgos; gd of Mithridates i Callinicus & queen Laodice vii Thea and Ariobarzanes i Philoromaios & queen Athenais Philostorgos i; niece of Ariobarzanes i Philopater; niece of Athenais Philostorgos ii; grand-niece of Mithridates vi of Pontus & queen Monime) (parents of Iotapa, Ariobarzanes ii, Darius ii)

ancestors of Darius of Parthia/Darius arshakuni/Darius ii of Media Atropatene (FabPedigree)   Darius ii of Media Atropatene (s of Artavasdes i of Media Atropatene & Athenais; father of Artabanus iii and of Vonones ii) b: c. 50BCE d: c. 50CE

Vonones ii of Parthia et Media Atropatene (s of Darius ii of Media Atropatene; gs of Artavasdes i of Media Atropatene & Athenais) b: c. 10BCE d: 51CE

ancestors of Mithridates iv/Arsaces Vologaeses of Parthia (FabPedigree)   Mithridates iv of Parthia (wikipedia) (son of Vonones ii; brother of Osroes i of Parthia; father of Sanatruces ii of Parthia and of Vologases iv of Parthia) b: c. 100CE d: 140CE

Vologases iv of Parthia/Walagash/Balash/?Volgash? (s of Mithridates iv of Parthia; father of Vologases v)

Vologases v of Parthia/Walagash/Vagharsh (s of Vologases iv of Parthia; father of Rev i, Vologases vi, Artabanus v, Khosrov i/Khusraw i/Chosroes i the great) b: c. 170CE d: 208CE

ancestors of Khusraw/Chosroes i of Armenia (FabPedigree)

ancestors of Khusraw/Chosroes/Khosrov iii of Armenia/Khosrov iii kotak (FabPedigree)   Khosrov iii the small/kotak (s of Tiridates iii & Ashkhen; gs of Khosrov ii of Armenia; father of Tigranes vii Tiran) b: between 280CE & 285CE d: 338CE or 339CE

St. Nerses i/Nerses i the great/Narses i (s of Atanagenes & Bambish; gs of St. Husik i and Khosrov iii; 3ggs of St. Gregory the illuminator) b: c. 300CE d: 373CE       ⚭   Sanducht Mamikonian/Sandoukht/Samdukht Mamikonian of Taroun/Tirun/Tiran

ancestors of Isaac the great of Armenia/Sahak i Souren/Sahak the Parthian (FabPedigree)   Isaac of Armenia/Sahak of Armenia (s of St. Nerses i & Sanducht/Sandoukht Mamikona of Taroun/Tiran/Tirun; gs of Bambish/Bambishu/Bambishen; ggs of king Khosrov iii) b: 354CE d: 439CE

ancestors of Mousegh/Mushegh i Mamikonian (FabPedigree)   Mushegh i Mamikonian (wikipedia) (uncle of Varasdates/Varazdat; uncle of Vardanduxt; brother of Manuel Mamikonian)

ancestors of Artavazd i Mamikonian (FabPedigree)   Artavasdes i Mamikonian/Artavazd i     ⚭ daughter of Amazasp iii

Marinos     ⚭ Theoktiste Phlorina

emperor Theophilos (s of Michael ii & Thekla) b: 813CE d: 842-01-20       ⚭   empress Theodora (d of Marinos & Theoktiste Phlorina; gd of ?Artavazd Mamikonian/Mamigonian?; niece of Manuel the Armenian; sister of Bardas, Petronas, Maria/Kalomaria, Sophia, & Irene) b: c. 815CE d: after 867CE

ancestors of Michael iii (FabPedigree)   Michael iii/Mikhael (s of emperor Theophilos & empress Theodora) b: 840-01-19 d: 867-09-23 or 867-09-24       ⚭   ancestors of Eudoxia/Eudokia Ingerina (FabPedigree)   Eudokia Ingerina (d of Inger the Varangian & ?? Martiniak/niece of Michael ii) b: c. 840CE d: c. 882

ancestors of Constantine vii (FabPedigree)

ancestors of Dobronega Maria/Mariya Vladimirovna of Kiev (FabPedigree)

ancestors of Judith of Poland (FabPedigree)

ancestors of Christian i of Scandihoovia (FabPedigree)

ancestors of James/Jacobus/Seamus iv of Scotland (FabPedigree)

ancestors of Donald MacKay 1st lord Reay (FabPedigree)

ancestors of Alexander MacKay (FabPedigree)

Amanda: Geni: president Donald J. Trump and HitleryRottenClinton are related this way

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