Pre-History & History (centered around Israel, but the far-ranging and repeated interactions and migrations have turned it into a world history) updated: 2019-07-26

dates are in ISO standard format: yyyy-mm-dd (biggest value at left, consistently lower magnitudes as you go to the right; one-thousand years is greater than 999 years, 100 years is greater than 99 years, 10 years is greater than 9 years; 1 year is greater than 12th month; 10th month is greater than 9th month; 1 month is greater than 27 days, 10 days is greater than 9 days)


Deep History











900 BCE

800 BCE

700 BCE

600 BCE

500 BCE

400 BCE

300 BCE

200 BCE

100 BCE

1st century CE

2nd century CE

3rd century CE

4th century CE

5th century CE

6th century CE

7th century CE

8th century CE

9th century CE

10th century CE

11th century CE

12th century CE

13th century CE

14th century CE

15th century CE

16th century CE

17th century CE

18th century CE

19th century CE

20th century CE

21st century CE

Biblical/Middle East issues

chronology of the universe (wikipedia) (We are all made from star-dust... i.e. thermo-nuclear waste.)

time-line of human pre-history (wikipedia)

Levantine archaeology 1.5MBCE - 14KBCE (wikipedia)

archaeo-genetics of the Near East (wikipedia)

chronology of the Ancient Near East (wikipedia),     and     middle chronology of the Ancient Near East,     and     short chronology of the Ancient Near East (with estimated reigns of kings of each kingdom)

Michael Greshko & Alejandra Borunda: National Geographic: oldest tools outside Africa found at Shangchen, Shaanxi, central China; 2.1M-1.3M years-ago

Brian Switek: National Geographic: 1.75M-1.85M year-old Homo erectus/Homo georgicus, deer, rhinoceros remains found at Dmanisi, Georgia,     and     Reid Ferring, Oriol Oms, Jordi Agusti, Francesco Berna, Medea Nioradze, Teona Shelia, Martha Tappen, Abesalom Vekua, David Zhvania & David Lordkipanidze: U of North Texas/U of Barcelona/U of Milano/U of Minnesota: early humans at Dmanisi 1.85M-1.78M years-ago (pdf),     and     Ann Gibbons: AAAS Science: frail, small-brained people; saber-toothed cats, Etruscan wolves, hyenas the size of lions, mammoths, deer, hackberries, chestnuts, walnuts (with nice general map of sites & dates),     and     Charles Q. Choi: Live Science: species vs. varieties     and     Michigan State U: Hominid Fossil Repository: Homo georgicus

time-line of Genesis/be rashith patriarchs (wikipedia)

overview of history of Israel (wikipedia)

4 Holy cities of Israel (Yehuda Shurpin: ChaBaD: with map and 19th & early-20th century photos)

2016-02-02 (5776 Shebet 23)
paleolithic diet: 200K-400K years ago at Quesem cave in central Israel; fallow deer, aurochs (oxen), horse, pig, goat, roe deer, wild ass, red deer, tortoise, rhinoceros, plants
Daniel K. Eisenbud: Jerusalem Israel Post
Qesem cave (wikipedia)
location of Qesem cave and other important Paleo-lithic sites (ResearchGate)

Y-chromosomal most-recent-common-ancestor "Adam" 200Kya - 300Kya (wikipedia)

mitochondrial most-recent-common-ancestor "Eve" 97KBCE - 232KBCE (99Kya - 234Kya) (wikipedia)

time-line (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Jewish history time-line (at Ohr Somaysch)

exilarchs/rashim galut/heads of exile/leaders of exile (at Jewish Virtual Library)
Wade Cox: Christian Churches of God: from David through exilarchs to the Windsors
David Hughes: _Chronicle of the Kings and Queens of Britain_
Peerage: the exilarchs
2014-03-05: Nadine Epstein: Moment: king David's genes, nesim/princes & exilarchs
Davidic dynasty
Loeb tree: Bustanai
wikitree: the legend of the Makhir/nasi of Narbonne... not so simple: conflations, unreliable sources...
Aish: Davidic line today
Tzora Folk: the exilarchs & the Yahya family

Mt. Carmel (wikipedia)

Yonat Eschchar & Elee Shimshoni _Davidson Institute of Science Education_ "Cave of Skulls" was populated by Homo sapiens as early as 120KBCE (Qafzeh cave near Nazareth about 90KBCE; Misliya cave at Mt. Carmel 192KBCE-175KBCE (194K years ago to 177K years ago)

Mt. Carmel near Haifa, where Neanderthal & Sapiens co-existed (some remains dated from before 100KBCE to 90KBCE)
Mt. Carmel S of Haifa; 1.6-2 miles East of Neve Yam; about 1-1.25 mile SE of Ein Carmel; 1-1.25 mile NE of Geva Carmel; 3.5-4 miles NW of Kerem Maharal, 3.25-3.75 miles SW of Nir Etzion, in the Nahal Me'arot (caves creek) nature preserve, where Neanderthal & Sapiens co-existed (Bible Walks)

Skuhl cave
Mt. Carmel caves (some remains dated from before 100KBCE to 90KBCE) (This is the picture, etc. which prompted me to look up these others.) (snagged 2015-02-12 from Thomas Suddendorf 2013 _The Gap: The Science of What Separates Us from Other Animals_ (340 pages; 156))

Skhul cave (some remains dated from before 100KBCE to 90KBCE)
Skhul cave at Mt. Carmel in the Nahal Me'arot (caves creek) nature preserve, where Neanderthal & Sapiens co-existed (Bible Walks)

Skhul cave (some remains dated from before 100KBCE to 90KBCE)
Skhul cave at Mt. Carmel in the Nahal Me'arot (caves creek) nature preserve, where Neanderthal & Sapiens co-existed (Monde Juif)

2016-06-29 (5776 Sivan 23)
William Booth & Ruth Eglash _Jewish World World_ Jewish archaeologist gum-shoes rush to dig at "Cave of Skulls" before looters take everything (some remains dated from before 100KBCE to 90KBCE)

Smithsonian: Homo floresiensis/Hobbit 100K-50K years ago on Flores island, Indonesia,     (WikiPedia),     Phys.Org: where do they fit?,     Lorraine Boissoneault: Smithsonian: not closely related to modern pygmies on Flores island

Tabun/Tabur cave
Tabun/Tabur cave at Mt. Carmel in the Nahal Me'arot (caves creek) nature preserve, where Neanderthal & Sapiens co-existed (Bible Walks)

time-line of food

the Levantine corridor (wikipedia)

2016-01-12: Lawrence Mykytiuk: Biblical Archaeology: people in the Bible corroborated archaeologically

prophets & prophecy (JewFAQ),     list of Jewish prophets (Jewish Virtual Library),     prophets of Christianity (wikipedia),     major prophets (

Biblical Israel
Biblical Israel (snagged 2015-08-02)

Biblical Israel
Biblical Israel (by Abraham bar Jacob c. 1695) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Sea People
Sea People (no known dates; my theory is that by the time scholars decided there were "Sea People" they were long since so mixed in with the Phoenicians and Canaanites and Israelis and Arabs that no one may ever know) (wikipedia)

Biblical Levant
Biblical Levant (snagged 2011-09-23)

Biblical Israel (F)
Biblical Israel (F) (snagged 2011-09-23)

Biblical Middle East written c. 1665CE
Biblical Middle East written c. 1665CE (by Nicolaes Visscher i) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Biblical Israel
Biblical Israel (made 1759) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

_World Net Daily_
blue/purple tekhelet dye; like Israel, biblical snail makes a come-back
"Murex trunculus, a snail...   fringes...riband...   a mollusk that was over-harvested by Roman royalty, which adopted the color as its own.   It became a crime for Jews to wear garments dyed with the color or made in Luz, the ancient Israeli city identified with the manufacture of the fabric.   The Talmud mentions two Jews captured by the Romans for the crime of having 'items made in Luz', the Israeli city identified with the manufacture of tekhelet...   the commandment to wear tzitzit -- the ritual fringes worn on the 4-cornered prayer shawls...   Tekhelet was one of the few permanent dyes of the biblical era, made from a glandular secretion of the Murex snail called di-bromo-indi-rubin, which, after 5 to 10 minutes of exposure to air and sunlight, turns what's called 'biblical blue', say Jewish scholars."
Exodus/שְׁמוֹת/shemuth/names 35:6 and Exodus/שְׁמוֹת/shemuth/names 39:1
Garments of Salvation
C. Westley & K. Benkendorff: NIH: sex-specific Tyrian purple genesis
"Intermediates tyrindoxyl, tyrindoleninone, and tyriverdin were detected in female hypobranchial glands, along with 6,6'-dibromoindigo [blue], while males contained 6-bromoisatin and 6,6'-dibromoindirubin [purple]."
Tyrian Purple: Turkish Cultural Foundation
Zvi C. Koren: Springer: archaeo-chemical analysis of royal purple on a Darius i stone jar
"The major colorants identified in the purple pigment are 6,6′-dibromoindigo, 6-monobromoindigo, and 6,6′-dibromoindirubin, with negligible contributions by indigo and 6-bromoisatin.   This analysis establishes that a marine mollusk was the source of the purple pigment, which is the famous Royal Purple or Tyrian Purple of the ancients.   A comparison with the relative dye compositions of various Muricidae species (Hexaplex trunculus, Bolinus brandaris, and Stramonita haemastoma), and with their newly formulated Di-Mono Index values, suggests that the biological provenance of this ancient pigment was probably an indigo-deficient Hexaplex trunculus sea snail."
1997: R.J.H. Clark & C.J. Cooksey: Wiley: bromoindirubins: the synthesis and properties of components of Tyrian purple...
Tekhelet/Tekeleth/Techelles (wikipedia) and Tyrian purple/royal purple/porphyria/purpura (wikipedia)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

time-line of human pre-history (wikipedia)

archaeology of Israel (wikipedia)

pre-historic Egypt (wikipedia)

slavery in antiquity (wikipedia)

Heinrich event 6: about 62K-59K years ago (60KBCE-57KBCE)     NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger     Azimuth Project: Heinrich events

Harunar Rashid & Reinhard Hesse ≈ David J.W. Piper: MIT & McGill: proposed Heinrich event 5a=5.5: about 53Kya-52Kya (51KBCE-50KBCE) (pdf)

earliest immigrants to Europe c. 50KBCE (Human Journey)

Heinrich event 5: about 48K-45K years ago (46KBCE-43KBCE)     NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger

Chatelperronian culture c. 39KBCE - c. 37KBCE (wikipedia)

Aurignacian culture c. 38KBCE - c. 28KBCE (wikipedia)     Aurignacian culture (AnthroPark, Czech Republic)     Lithic Casting Lab     Discover the Cave: humans of Chauvet-Pont d'Arc: Aurignacians     Visual Arts Cork/encyclopedia of art education: Aurignacian art & culture

European migrations 38KBCE-2KBCE (40K-4K BP=ya) (TIFF)
European migrations 38KBCE-2KBCE (40K-4K BP=ya) (snagged 2015-06-19)

Heinrich event 4: 41K-35K years ago (39KBCE-33KBCE)     Lopez-Garcia, Blain, Bennasar, Sanz & Daura: Climate of the Past: Heinrich event 4 characterized by terrestrial proxies in SouthWestern Europe (pdf)     NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger

Baradostian culture c. 36KBCE - c. 18KBCE (wikipedia)

Nazlet Khater skeletons c. 36KBCE in upper (southern) Egypt (wikipedia),   Nazlet Khater skeletons (G. Philip Rightmire: PNAS=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA)

Nazlet Khater bones in Upper Egypt (35.1 years ago-30.36ya = 37.1KBCE-28.36KBCE)     Mada Masr: Belgium to return skeleton to Egypt     Pinhasi & Semal: NIH/PubMed/MedLine: position of Nazlet Khater specimen among pre-historic & modern & Levantine populations using multi-variate analysis     Thoma: Science Direct: morphology and affinities of Nazlet Khater man     Crevecoeur: Modern Origins: the Upper Paleolithic remains of Nazlet Khater 2 and past modern human diversity

Ukraine 32KBCE - (wikipedia)

Antelian culture c. 30KBCE - c. 18KBCE (wikipedia)

Heinrich event 3: 31K-29K years ago (29KBCE-27KBCE)     NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger

Gravettian culture c. 29KBCE - c. 20KBCE (wikipedia)

last glacial maximum c. 24,500BCE (wikipedia)

Heinrich event 2: 22K-24K years ago (22KBCE-20KBCE)     NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger

Kebaran/Kebarian culture c. 18,000BCE - c. 12,500BCE (wikipedia)

Zarzian culture c. 18,000BCE - c. 8,000BCE (wikipedia)

Black Sea "deluge" between c. 18,000BCE & c. 5,600BCE (wikipedia),   Black Sea (nice satellite image of the whole area toward Kiev to the NW; Greece, Crete, Cyprus, the Caucasus, past Anatolia/Turkey; Lebanon, Syria, Israel (down to southern edge of the Dead/Salt sea), Gaza, Jordan, Iraq/Mesopotamia, and bits of Egypt) (wikipedia)

Magdalenian/Madelenian cultures c. 15KBCE - c. 10KBCE (wikipedia)

Heinrich event 1: 16.8K years ago to 14K years ago (14.8KBCE-12KBCE)     NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger

Trialetian culture c. 14,000BCE - c. 6,000BCE (wikipedia)

Tell Abu Hureyra/Tell Mardikh c. 13,500BCE - c. 5KBCE (wikipedia),   K. Kris Hirst: Tell Abu Hureyra/Tell Mardikh c. 11KBCE - c. 4KBCE (RCYBP=radio-carbon years before present) (about archaeology)

Natufian culture el-Wad cave Mt. Carmel new radio-carbon dates c. 13KBCE - c. 11KBCE (U of AZ) ,   Natufian economy at el-Wad terrace with special reference to patterns of use of gazelle (Science Direct) ,   Natufian burial at el-Wad/al-Wad (wikipedia),   14K-year-old seeds suggest Levantine origin of lost progenitor of faba bean (Nature)

Younger Dryas c. 12,900BCE - c. 11,700BCE (wikipedia)       Heinrich event 0

Natufian culture c. 12,500BCE - c. 9,500BCE (wikipedia),   Shuqba cave in central Israel (wikipedia),   Shuqba cave in central Israel on the bank of the wadi en-Natuf (wikipedia),   Nahal Oren site of the Mt. Carmel complex (wikipedia),   2010-06-11: Edward Pegler: what happened in the Natufian? (Arm-Chair Pre-History),   1990 August-October: O. bar Yosef & F. Valla: the Nafufian culture and the origin of the neo-lithic in the Levant (Harvard) (pdf) ,   epi-palaeo-lithic (European meso-lithic) Natufian culture of Israel (Ancient Near East tripod)

Swiderian culture c. 11KBCE - c. 8,200BCE (wikipedia)

Neo-Lithic c. 10,700BCE - c. 3KBCE (Human Journey)

Shepherd NeoLithic tools c. 10,200BCE - c. 8,800BCE (wikipedia)

Khiamian/al-Khiam culture c. 10,200BCE - c. 8,800BCE (wikipedia)

Ain Mallaha/Eynan c. 10KBCE - c. 8KBCE (wikipedia)


time-line 10th millennium BCE=10,000BCE - 9001BCE (world population between 1M & 8M) (wikipedia)

Tell/Tel es-Sultan archaeological site near Jericho, Arab-occupied Eastern Israel c. 10KBCE - c. 900BCE (wikipedia)

Pre-Pottery Neo-Lithic A c. 9,500BCE - c. 8KBCE (wikipedia)

fertile crescent 9KBCE-4.5KBCE
fertile crescent 9KBCE-4.5KBCE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Tell Aswad/Tel Aswad/Su-uk-su/Shuksa c. 9,300BCE - c. 7,500BCE (wikipedia),   Tell Aswad/Tel Aswad/Su-uk-su/Shuksa (ArchAtlas),   Tell Aswad/Tel Aswad/Su-uk-su/Shuksa (WMF Labs GeoHack),   Tell Aswad/Tel Aswad/Su-uk-su/Shuksa (Ancient Near East),   obsidian from Tell Aswad/Tel Aswad/Su-uk-su/Shuksa & Qdeir (Science Direct),   9,500-year-old (7500BCE) decorated skulls (Kambiz Kamrani:


time-line 9th millennium BCE=9000BCE - 8001BCE (world population less than 5M) (wikipedia)

Byblos/Jubayl, Lebanon founded c. 8800BCE (wikipedia)

maps of the history of the Levant c. 8500BCE - 100CE (wikipedia)

time-line 8th millennium BCE=8000BCE - 7001BCE (world population about 5M) (wikipedia)

pre-pottery neolithic B culture c. 7600BCE - c. 6000BCE (wikipedia)

Catalhoyuk/Catal Huyuk proto-city c. 7500BCE - c. 5700BCE (neo-lithic/chalco-lithic) (wikipedia),   Catalhoyuk/Catal Huyuk research project history of excavactions ,   (Tim Lambert: Local Histories) ,   (Ian Hodder: Science Museum of Minnesota)


time-line 7th millennium BCE=7000BCE - 6001BCE (world population about 5M) (wikipedia)

Holocene climate "optimum" c. 7KBCE - c. 3KBCE (wikipedia)

Munhata/Horat Minha/Khirbet Munhata (named after site 6.8 miles S of lake Tiberias/sea of Galilee/sea of Kinnereth) c. 6500BCE - c. 6000BCE (wikipedia)

Halaf culture c. 6,500BCE - 5,100BCE (wikipedia),   (Heilbrunn: Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Yarmukian culture (named after site along Yarmouk river near Shaar ha Golan/Gate of Golan) c. 6400BCE - c. 6000BCE (wikipedia)

Mini Ice Age/8.2 Kyear event/Misox oscillation/Finse event c. 6200BCE (wikipedia)


time-line 6th millennium BCE=6000BCE - 5001BCE (wikipedia)

Kongemose culture c. 6000BCE - c. 5200BCE (wikipedia)

Ugarit/Ras Shamra/Cape Fennel in what is now Syria c. 6000BCE - c. 1200BCE (wikipedia)

Nineveh/Ninive/Nineve/Nineue/Ninua/Ninuwa/fish-place (on eastern side of Tigris river at Khosra river today in greater metropolitan Mosul) 6000BCE - 612BCE (wikipedia)

Hassuna culture c. 6KBCE (wikipedia)

Vinca/Turdas culture c. 5700BCE - c. 4500BCE (wikipedia)

linear-band ceramic pottery culture c. 5600BCE - 4250BCE (wikipedia),     linear-band ceramic pottery culture (EuPedia),     linear-band ceramic pottery culture (Britannica)

Chalco-lithic/eneo-lithic/aeneo-lithic/Copper age 5500BCE - (wikipedia)

Samarra culture c. 5,500BCE - 4,800BCE (wikipedia)

Ertebolle/kitchen-midden culture c. 5300BCE - c. 3950BCE (wikipedia)

Hamangia culture c. 5250BCE - c. 4500BCE (wikipedia)

pan-European neo-lithic Butmir culture groups c. 5100BCE - c. 4500BCE (wikipedia)


time-line 5th millennium BCE=5000BCE - 4001BCE (wikipedia)

European migrations 5KBCE-2KBCE
European migrations 5KBCE-2KBCE (7K-4K BP) (snagged 2015-06-19 from London Daily Mail)

time-line of Jerusalem 4,500BCE to recent (wikipedia),   time-line of Jerusalem 4,500BCE to recent (Jewish Virtual Library),   time-line of Jerusalem 3,500BCE to 1994 (Century One)


time-line 4th millennium BCE=4000BCE - 3001BCE (wikipedia)

historical temperature and temperature proxy graph since 4K before present by petro-physicist Andy May as posted "climate and human civilization for the past 4K years: since the Holocene Thermal Optimum" with criticism and link to source data at Watts Up With That

Arzachena culture of Sardinia & Corsica c. 4000BCE - 2500BCE (wikipedia)

Uruk period c. 4000BCE - 3100BCE (wikipedia)

Bulgar date-line c. 4000BCE - c. 336CE (Kurgan barrows to Turks, Huns, Agacheri, Shar, Ogur, Tankhu) (wikipedia)

Naqada culture c. 4000BCE - 3000BCE (wikipedia)

Kish civilization/culture c. 4400BCE - 2400BCE (wikipedia)

funnel-necked-beaker culture c. 4300BCE - c. 2800BCE (wikipedia),   and K. Kris Hirst (about archaeology)

Sumer beginning c. 4KBCE-3KBCE - (wikipedia)   JGiotto: Bay Trail Middle School in Penfield, NY: ancient mesopotamia: the Sumerians   Thayer Watkins: economics, San Jose State U, Sili Valley, CA: Sumer

Ghassulian culture c. 3800BCE - c. 3350BCE (wikipedia)

Altai/Altay mountains inhabited by Denisovans c. 3800BCE (wikipedia),   Denisova cave in Altai/Altay mountains ,   Denisovans

proto-Semitic language c. 3750BCE (wikipedia)

Maykop culture c. 3700BCE - c. 3000BCE (wikipedia)

European migrations c. 3700BCE - 2500BCE
European migrations c. 3700BCE - 2500BCE (5.7K-4.5K BP) (snagged 2015-07-14 from Eupedia)

Botai culture c. 3700BCE - c. 3100BCE (wikipedia)
2018-05-09: Michael Price: AAAS Science: these Asian hunter-gatherers may have been the first people to domesticate horses

Yamna/Pit grave/Ochre grave culture c. 3500BCE - 2001BCE (wikipedia)

Lower Egyptian/Ta-Mehu late pre-dynastic period c. 3600BCE - c. 3100BCE (wikipedia),     pre-dynastic period in Egypt c. 6KBCE - c. 3150BCE (Joshua J. Mark: Ancient History)

ancient Mesopotamia time-line c. 3700BCE - c. 539BCE (wikipedia)

Ezero culture c. 3300BCE - 2700BCE (wikipedia)

tzi; the Iceman/Homo tirolensis/Homo tyrolensis d: between 3352BCE & 3108BCE
(Summit Post) panorama & other pictures of the area where his remains were found
(Age of the Sage) photograpic map & pictures
(Age of the Sage) topographic map & pictures of Schnalstal/valley of Schnals creek/Val Senales, Fineilspitze/Punta di Finale/Finail peak, Hauslabjoch/Hauslab's yoke/saddle, Similaun Peak, Little Similaun/Kleiner Similaun & lodge, Vernago/Vernagt, Meran/Meranos, Monte Santa Caterina/ Mt. St. Katarina (from whence he ha dapparently set out within the last day, based on pollen in his digestive system) & surrounding area of South Tyrole
(WTV Zone) my cousin tzi; the Iceman; mitochondrial DNA haplogroup K

Phoenicia 3200BCE-539BCE (wikpedia) Phoenicia 3200BCE-539BCE, and Phoenician religion (USC)

Egyptian early dynastic period c. 3100BCE - c. 2686BCE (wikipedia)

Noah/Noach/Nech/Noch/Nuch/rest ben Lamech/Lemek ve Batenos ben Methuselah/Methuselech ben Chenuk/Chenok/Enoch ben Ired/Jared/Jered/Yered ben Mehalelal/Mahalalel ben Qinan/Kenan ben Anush/Enosh ben Sheth/Seth/Shait/Shais ben Adam ha Rishon ve Chavah/Chuah/Choah/Eve b: c. 1056AM=2704BCE or 3080BCE d: c. 2150BCE or 1850BCE   m: Naamah bat Chenuk/Chenok/Enoch or Naamah bat Lamech/Lemek ve Zillah or Emtzara bat Rakiel/Raqaaial/Reqaaial ben Methuselah/Methuselech/Metushlach   Nuch the chakam ve baar/wise & stupid (Jewish   (Bible   time-line of Genesis/be rashith patriarchs (WikiPedia)   time-line for the flood (Answers in
cubit (Merriam-Webster)


time-line 3rd millennium BCE=3000BCE - 2001BCE (wikipedia)

most-recent-common-human ancestor c. 3KBCE - c. 1CE (wikipedia)

colonies of Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece, Rome in antiquity c. 3000BCE - (wikipedia)

time-line 3000BCE - 2901BCE (wikipedia)

over-view of Western Civilization 3000BCE - (Mark Damen: Utah State University) (pdf) (nice outline with maps)

Wind-Mill Hill culture c. 3000BCE (wikipedia)

Ebla 1st kingdom c. 3000BCE - c. 2300BCE (wikipedia), map c. 2340BCE (from Ur to Nineveh/Mosul, to modern Turkey, Lebanon, and northern Israel)

legendary kings of Magadha c. 3KBCE - c. 600BCE (wikipedia)

horses 3KBCE-300BCE
horses 3KBCE-300BCE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

time-line 2900BCE - 2801BCE (wikipedia)

Mesopotamia early dynastic period c. 2900BCE - c. 2350BCE (wikipedia)

Corded-Ware culture c. 2900BCE - c. 2350BCE (wikipedia)

early dynastic period in Mesopotamia c. 2900BCE - c. 2230BCE (wikipedia)

1st Mariote kingdom c. 2900BCE - c. 2550BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 2800BCE - 2701BCE (wikipedia)

Beaker culture c. 2800BCE - c. 1800BCE (wikipedia)

Sidon established before 2750BCE (wikipedia)

Tyre settled by Phoenicians c. 2750BCE (wikipedia)

Kha-sekhemui/Khasekhemwy/Cheneres/the 2 powerful ones appear/Horus whose power appears/the 2 powers appear in that the ancestors rest within him () b: c. 2720BCE d: c. 2685BCE buried: tomb 5 at Abydos/Umm el-Qaab (united Northern & Southern Egypt in civil war over followers of Horus vs. Set.)       m: Nimaethap/Nimaat-hap/Nimaat-hapi/Nihap-maat/truth of Hapi/mother of a king/mother of royal children/she who is immediately obeyed (daughter of the royal house of Northern Egypt) (parents of Djoser/Zoser, Hetephernebti, Sekhemkhet, & possibly Sanakhte/Hor-Sanakht. co-founder of 3rd dynasty.)

time-line 2700BCE - 2601BCE (wikipedia)

Netjerikhet/Zoser/Djoser/Djeser/Tosorthros/Sesorthos/divine-of-body (s of possibly Khasekhemwy & probably Nimaethap/Nimaat-hap) b: c. 2700BCE d: c. 2610BCE (give or take 50 years) (possible founder of 3rd dynasty, but could be 2nd or 3rd. built pyramid complex at Saqqara/Sakkara including stepped pyramid.)     m: Hetephernebti/one who sees Horus/great of sceptre     Patrick Kingsley: Manchester Guardian: step pyramid     Lonely Planet: step pyramid

Old Kingdom of Egypt c. 2686BCE - c. 2181BCE (wikipedia)

slavery in ancient Egypt (wikipedia)

slavery in Sudan (wikipedia)

Sneferu/Snefru/Snofru/Seneferu/Soris (son of ?Huni? & ?Meresankh i?) b: c. 2630BCE d: c. 2550BCE (1st ruler of 4th dynasty. finished step pyramid at Meidum/Maydum/Midum/North Beni Suef about 47-51 miles S of Giza, built Bent pyramid at Dahshur about 18-21 miles S of Giza, Red/North/Xa/the shining one/bat pyramid at Dahshur about 14-17 mile S of Giza which is immediately W of miles of high-rise office & apartment blocks SW of over-populated, over-crowded central Cairo)   c. 2574BCE-2465BCE (Britannica)   (   (Smithsonian)   (art & archaeology)   valley temple of Sneferu at Dahshur (   (Famous People)     m: Hetepheres i

time-line 2600BCE - 2501BCE (wikipedia)

Minoan warm period/civilization c. 2600BCE - c. 1800BCE (wikipedia)

Khufu/Khnum-Khufu/Kiaps/Kheops/Cheops/Medjedu/Souphis/Suphis/Sofi/Saurid/Salhuk (son or step-son of Sneferu & Hetepheres i) b:c. 2610BCE d: 2566BCE (wikipedia)

great pyramid of Giza/pyramid of Khufu/Cheops constructed c. 2580BCE - c. 2540BCE (wikipedia),   Giza/Gizeh pyramid & temple complex c. 2580BCE - c. 2465BCE (wikipedia),   Giza/Gizeh pyramid & temple complex (Discovering Egypt),   Giza/Gizeh pyramid & temple complex (Britannica)

Khafra/Khafre/Khaafre/Khefen/Chephren (son of Khufu & ?Meritites i? or ?Henutsen? or ??) b:c. 2575BCE d: c. 2540BCE (wikipedia)

Shem ben Noah/Noach/Nech/Noch/Nuch ben Lamech/Lemek ben Methuselah/Methuselech ben Chenuk/Chenok/Enoch ben Ired/Jared/Jered/Yered ben Mehalelal/Mahalalel ben Qinan/Kenan ben Anush/Enosh ben Sheth/Seth/Shait/Shais ben Adam ha Rishon ve Chavah/Chuah/Choah/Eve c. 2568BCE - (with map and tree of descendants) (wikipedia)

Joktan/Yoktan/Yoqtan/Qahtan ben Eber/Ever/Aaber ben Shelah/Shelech/Salah/Salih ben Arpachshad/Arpekshed/Arphaxad ben Shem ben Noah/Noach/Nech/Noch/Nuch ben Lamech/Lemek (with tree of Yarubite descendants) (wikipedia)

Uzal/Azaal/Azal ben Joktan/Yoktan/Qahtan ben Eber/Ever/Aaber ben Shelah/Shelech/Salah/Salih (with map and tree of descendants) (wikipedia)

GitHub: graphical history/biography time-line/map of contemporaries

Menkaure/Menkaura/Mykerinos/Menkheres (son of Khafra & Khamerernebty i) b:c. 2550BCE d: c. 2500BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 2500BCE - 2401BCE (wikipedia)

2nd Mariote kingdom c. 2500BCE - c. 2290BCE (wikipedia),   map

Amorites in what is now Syria & Mesopotamia c. 2400BCE - c. 1600BCE

time-line 2400BCE - 2301BCE (wikipedia)

Mesopotamian Akkadian empire c. 2350BCE - c. 2150BCE (wikipedia)

Sargon of Akkad/Agade/Accadia/Sargon the great/Sharru Kinu/Sarru-ukin/Sarruken (son of Laibum) c. 2355BCE - 2285BCE (4,200 years ago) (wikipedia) m: Tashlultum?
vandalized statues of Sargon ii & Hammurabi (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))
vandalized statue of Sargon ii (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

Biblical world c. 2325BCE
Biblical world c. 2325BCE (from

Shu-Enlil/Ibarum (s of Sargon of Akkad & Tashlultum; brother of king Manishtushu/Manistusu; brother of high-priestess En-hedu-ana; brother of Rimush) b: c. 2310BCE d: c. 2280BCE

time-line 2300BCE - 2201BCE (wikipedia)

Arameans/Aramaye/Aramu/Armi c. 2300BCE -

Rimush (s of Sargon of Akkad & Tashlultum; brother of king Manishtushu/Manistusu; brother of high-priestess En-hedu-ana; brother of Shu-Enlil) b: c. 2300BCE d: c. 2270BCE

En-hedu-ana/Enheduanna (d of Sargon of Akkad & Tashlultum; sister of king Manishtushu/Manistusu; sister of high-priestess Rimush; sister of Shu-Enlil) b: c. 2297 d: c. 2250BCE at Ur (briefly expelled from Ur c. 2275BCE)

Manishtushu/Manistusu (s of Sargon of Akkad & Tashlultum; brother of king Rimush; brother of high-priestess En-hedu-ana; brother of Shu-Enlil) b: c. 2295BCE d: c. 2255BCE

Naram-Sin of Akkad/Naram-Suen (s of Manishtushu; gs of Sargon of Akkad & Tashlultum; nephew of king Rimush; nephew of high-priestess En-hedu-ana) b: c. 2270BCE d: c. 2218BCE

time-line 2200BCE - 2101BCE (wikipedia)

first intermediate period of Egypt c. 2181BCE - c. 2055BCE (wikipedia)

Gutian dynasty of Sumer c. 2154BCE - c. 2112BCE (wikipedia)

3rd Ur dynasty c. 2112BCE - c. 2004BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 2100BCE - 2001BCE (wikipedia)
sovereign states/city-states in 21st century BCE (wikipedia)

Sumerian laws of Ur-Nammu c. 2100BCE - 2050BCE (wikipedia)

Middle Kingdom of Egypt c. 2055BCE - c. 1650BCE (wikipedia)

2018-03-01: Odile Loreille, Shashikala Ratnayake, Adam L. Bazinet, Timothy B. Stockwell, Daniel D. Sommer, hadin Rohland, Swapan Mallick, Philip L.F. Johnson, Pontus Skogland, Anthony J. Onorato, Nicholas H. Bergman, David Reich & Jodi A. Irwin: MDPI/Genes: mummy of governor/nomarch Djehutynakht iv (son of Ahanakht; gs of Djehutynakht i) or Djehutynakht v (s of Nehri i/Neheri i; gs of Djehutynakht iii) c. 2010BCE - c. 1960BCE from Deir el-Bersha/Dayr al-Barsha tomb 10A identified in Harvard+FBI+Crick Institute, Ft. Detrick, MIT collabortion

governor/nomarch/over-lord of the Hare nome Djehutynakht iv (son of Ahanakht) or Djehutynakht v (s of Nehri i) from Deir el-Bersha/Dayr al-Barsha tomb 10A

2018-04-02: Rafi Letzter: Live Science

2018-04-05: Jason Daley: Smithsonian


time-line 2000BCE - 1901BCE (wikipedia),   brief history of Jerusalem & the Temple Mount 2000BCE - (Lambert Dolphin)

time-line Egypt 2000BCE - 1750BCE (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Zhukaigou culture c. 2KBCE - c. 1400BCE (wikipedia)

sovereign states/city-states in 20th century BCE (wikipedia)

laws of Eshnunna c. 1930BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 1900BCE - 1801BCE (wikipedia)
sovereign states/city-states in 19th century BCE (wikipedia)

Nuraghe on Sardinia c. 1900BCE - 730BCE (wikipedia) ,   and Nuragic civilization/culture (wikipedia)

Abram/Abraham/Avraham/Ibrahim ben Terah/Terach (Fab Pedigree) b: c. 1948AM=1812BCE? at Ur of the Chaldees/lower Iraq d: c. 2123AM=c. 1637BCE in Israel buried: cave of Machpelah near Hebron/Chebrun   m1: Shri/Sarai/Sarah m2: HaGar/the foreigner/the Egyptian m3: Keturah/Qatura/Cetura,   (findagrave)

travels of Abraham (from

Jacob/Yaaqub/Israel b: between c. 2006BCE & c. 1890BCE d: c. 1855BCE & c. 1690BCE in Egypt (wikipedia) m1: Leah bat Laban m2: Rachel/Raqel bat Laban,  


Rachel's grave; 2.5 miles SW of Ramat Rachel; about 1500 feet from Har Gilo/Mt. Gilo as the crow flies, but 6 miles by roadways; about 1 mile from the center of Bethlehem/Bais Lechem/Beth Lechem (don't ask how the label got "Derech rachel grave"/i.e."the road to Rachel grave" instead of "Qeber Rachel", as I thought I'd typed, or "Rachel's grave") (image snagged 2015-12-27),   Rachel bat Laban/Leben/Lavan (findagrave) d: c. 1905BCE & 1705BCE
grave/kever/qeber of Rachel/רחל/Rochel/Rechel bat Laban/Leben/Lavan ben Bethuel/Bethual the Aramean/ה ארמי/ha Aremi/ha Armi ben Nahor/Nechur ben Terah/Terech/Terach ben Nahor/Nechur ben Serug/Shrug ben Raau ben Peleg; wife of Jacob/Yaaqeb ben Isaac/Itzchaq ben Abraham/Avraham ben Terah/Terech/Terach ben Nahor/Nechur ben Serug/Shrug

Middle Kingdom, 12th dynasty of Egypt c. 1991BCE - c. 1778BCE

laws of Lipit-Istar c. 1870BCE - c. 1860BCE (wikipedia)

1st Babylonian dynasty of proto-Babylonian empire c. 1830BCE - c. 1531BCE (wikipedia)

Levi ben Jacob/Yaaqub/Israel b: c. 1809BCE d: by 1672BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 1800BCE - 1701BCE (wikipedia)
Bible-History 1800BCE - 1700BCE

Middle Bronze Age Cold Epoch c. 1800BCE - c. 1500BCE (wikipedia)

Moses/Mushah/Musa ben Amram/Imran b: between c. 1800BCE & c. 1500BCE d: between c. 1590BCE & c. 1270BCE (There is wide disagreement between different people's estimations. One History Channel estimation, for instance, had the Exodus taking place at the time of the Minoan eruption of Santorini/Thera, which is estimated between 1645BCE & 1540BCE, and they favored the later part of this range. Hmmmm, and it is about 270-300 miles from Memphis to Hebron/Chebrun/Machpelah/the field of Efrom/Afrim not far from the turpentine/terebinth orchard/managed-forest of Mamre; SW of Bethlemen & Rachel's grave & the Temple Mount.) (wikipedia)

Colchian culture c. 1,800BCE - c. 600BCE (East edge of Black Sea; West of Caspian Sea) (wikipedia)

tomb of half-brothers at Deir Rifeh 250 miles S of Cairo; Nakht-Ankh & Khnum-Nakht c. 1800BCE share M1a1 mtDNA
2018-01-16: U of Manchester/PhysOrg: half-brothers Nakht-Ankh & Khnum-Nakht M1a1 mtDNA
2018-01-16: U of Manchester/Science Daily: half-brothers Nakht-Ankh & Khnum-Nakht M1a1 mtDNA
2018-01-17: Konstantina Drosou: U of Manchester/Science Tech Daily: half-brothers Nakht-Ankh & Khnum-Nakht M1a1 mtDNA
2018-01-17: U of Manchester/Science Tech Daily: half-brothers Nakht-Ankh & Khnum-Nakht M1a1 mtDNA
list of DNA-tested mummies
list of DNA-tested mummies
DNA history of Egypt

Babylonian/Akkadian laws of Hammurabi c. 1754BCE (wikipedia)

brief history of Jerusalem 1738BCE to 1967CE (Simple to Remember)

Middle East c. 1700BCE
Middle East (from Persia to Mesopotamia to Greece & Libya) c. 1700BCE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

time-line 1700BCE - 1601BCE (wikipedia)
Bible-History 1700BCE - 1600BCE

Middle East c. 1700BCE
Middle East (from Persia to Mesopotamia to Greece & Libya) c. 1700BCE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

2nd intermediate period of Egypt c. 1650BCE - c. 1550BCE (wikipedia)

Hittite laws c. 1650BCE - c. 1100BCE (wikipedia)

Hittites/Hittite empire c. 1600BCE - c. 1178BCE (wikipedia)     2011-04-28: Joshua J. Mark: Hittites (EU Ancient History)     2017-03-12: Ellen White: who were the Hittites? (Biblical Archaeology/Bible History Daily)    
PU-Sarruma/Hismi-Sarruma (s of Tudhaliya)   c. 1600BCE (wikipedia)
Labarna i   c. 1600BCE (wikipedia)
Hattusili i king of Hittites king of Hattusa man of Kussara   (may be grand-son of PU-Sarruma/Hismi-Sarruma;   may be identical with Labarna i or ii, a title, taking the name Hattusili upon moving his capital from Nesa/Kanes/Kanesh/Kanis/Anisa at modern Kultepe/Kueltepe near Kayseri about 130 miles NW to the town of Hattusa/Chetoss at SE edge of modern Boghazkoy/Bogazkale)   b: probably between 1620BCE & 1590BCE d: c. 1556BCE (names, dates and genealogy are all messed up through this part of succession)

history of ancient land of Israel and Judah/Yahudah/Judea c. 1600BCE- (wikipedia)

Israelites c. 1550BCE- (wikipedia)

"Sea People" late bronze age c. 1550BCE-1200BCE
"Sea People" (including Philistines/Flishtim/Palestinians & Phoenicians) late bronze age c.1550BCE-1200BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library) (see also wikipedia on ancient Israel and Judah (particularly the Iron Age i section))
2006-05-31: Bryan G. Wood PhD: Associates for Biblical Research: the Genesis/be rashith Philistines
Caphtor (WikiPedia)
Caphtor (Jewish Virtual Library)
A. Hallen 1887 April "the Caphtorim: who were these people and where was their original home?" _The Old Testament Student_/_JStor_ vol6 #8 pp243-245

New Kingdom of Egypt/Egyptian Empire c. 1550BCE - c. 1077BCE

Edom/Idumea/Idumaea/Udumi/land of descendants of Aasu/Aasev/Esau/Esav/Ademuni/Edom/Adum c. 1550BCE-200BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 1601BCE - 1501BCE (wikipedia)
Bible-History 1600BCE - 1500BCE

time-line 1504BCE - 1401BCE (wikipedia)
Bible-History 1500BCE - 1400BCE

Kassite/Galzu/Kassu/Kassi/Kashi Mesopotamian/Babylonian empire c. 1531BCE - c. 1155BCE (wikipedia)

2016-02-02 (5776 Shebet 23)
_Jerusalem Israel Post_
Israeli hiker discovered 3,500-year-old (1500BCE) Egyptian seal in Galilee

list of sieges c. 1530BCE - 2018CE (subject to insertions & extensions) (wikipedia)

list of kings of the Phoenician/phoinixos c. 1500BCE - 300BCE (wikipedia),   and Phoenicia/phoinike/Finiqiyah c. 1500BCE - 300BCE (wikipedia)

China c. 1500BCE-221BCE
China c. 1500BCE-221BCE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

vedic period c. 1500BCE - c. 500BCE (wikipedia)

Alluwamna king of Hittites () b: probably between 1590BCE & 1490BCE (dates and genealogy are all messed up through this part of succession) (wikipedia)   m:   Harapseki (daughter of Telipinu)

Hantili ii king of Hittites (s of Alluwamna & possibly Harapseki) b: probably between 1575BCE & 1475BCE (dates and genealogy are all messed up through this part of succession) (wikipedia)   m:   Yaya

Zidanta ii of Hittites (probably nephew of his predecessor Hantili ii; signed treaty in 1480) c. 1510BCE - c. 1475BCE (wikipedia)   m:   Yaya

law of Moses/teachings of Moses/Torot Meshah between c. 1500BCE & 800BCE (wikipedia) (10 commandments/ asereth ha dibrot,   and   613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot   /   ChaBaD: 613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot,     7 laws of Noah,   and   13 attributes of mercy)

Huzziya ii of Hittites () c. 1480BCE - c. 1410BCE (assassinated by Muwatalli i) (wikipedia)   m:   Summiri

Muwatalli i of Hittites c. 1450BCE - c. 1398BCE (assassinated Huzziya ii; assassinated by chief of servants Himuili & Kantuzili leader of charioteers) (wikipedia)   m:   Walanni

Tudhaliya i/Tudhaliya ii of Hittites () c. 1420BCE - c. 1390BCE (wikipedia)   m:   Nikal-mati

time-line 1400BCE - 1301BCE (wikipedia)
Bible-History 1300BCE - 1201BCE

eastern Mediterranean 14th century BCE
eastern Mediterranean 14th century BCE (snagged 2015-11-13)

time-line of Jerusalem 1400BCE to 2003CE (Jerusalem On My Mind)

Arnuwanda i king of Hittites   m:   Asmu-nikal queen of Hittites (daughter of Tudhaliya i/ii & Nikal-mati) c. 1400BCE - c. 1350BCE (wikipedia)

Israel in time of judges/shuftim c. 1400BCE-1100BCE (from

2017-05-31: Business InSider/Reuters: mummies from Abusir el-Melek/Abusir el-Meleq site (about 70 miles S of Cairo) c. 1388BCE had less sub-Saharan DNA than those from 426CE close ties to Iraq, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon/Phoenicia, great increase in sub-Saharan DNA over last 700 years
2017-06-29: Meredith Knight: Genetic Literacy Project; some Egyptian mummies are more Middle-Eastern/Semitic than today's northern African population
2017-05-30: Lizzie Wade: AAAS Science
2017-05-30: Verena J. Schuenemann, Alexander Pelter, Beatrix Welte, W. Paul van Pelt, Martyna Molak, Chuan-Chao Wang, Anja Furtwängler, Christian Urban, Ella Reiter, Kay Nieselt, Barbara Teßmann, Michael Francken, Katerina Harvati, Wolfgang Haak, Stephan Schiffels & Johannes Krause: Nature: ** c. 3250BCE - c. 1250CE signs of increasing Greek, Latin/Roman, Hebrew, sub-Saharan people in this part of Egypt as time passed
2017-05-30: Traci Watson: Nature: mummy DNA un-ravels Egyptians' ancestry
2017-06-08: Tracy Staedter: Live Science
DNA Consultants
2017-05-30: Elana Glowatz: International Business Times: closer ties to Western Asia/Middle East than Africa
2017-05-30: Ian Johnston: International Business Times: closer ties to Europeans, Near Easterners, PaleoLithic Anatolians than modern Egyptians
2017-08-01: TouchPoint Israel: Egyptian mummy DNA reveals Biblical lineage
2017-06-02: Steve Sailer: Lew Rockwell
2017-05-31: Slash Dot
2017-05-30: Andrew Follett: Daily Caller
2017-06-01: Andrew Follett: Original People: mummies tested suggest increase of sub-Saharan ancestry post-Roman
list of DNA-tested mummies
list of DNA-tested mummies
DNA history of Egypt

Tudhaliya ii/Tudhaliya iii of Hittites (son/grand-son of ?? & Asmu-nikal) c. 1380BCE - c. 1344BCE (wikipedia)

Abimilku/Abimilki/Surru/?Abimelech?/my father is king/Surru/rabisu prince of Tyre c. 1375BCE - c. 1330BCE (author of some & recipient of some of the Amarna letters) (wikipedia)

Suppiluliuma i/Suppiluliumas i of Hittites (son of Tudhaliya ii & Daduhepa) c. 1365BCE - c. 1322BCE (wikipedia)

city Nimrud/Kelech/Calah/Kelah/Khalakh/Kalhu c. 1365BCE - c. 600BCE (wikipedia)

Tutankhamun/ Tutankhaten/ Tutankhamon/ Nibhurrereya/ living image of Aten (s of KV55/ ?Akhenaten?/ ?Echnaton?/ ?Akhenaton/ ?Ikhnaton/ ?Khuenaten/ ?Amenhotep iv??/ ?Amenophis iv?/ agent of Aten & KV35L/younter lady; gs of KV35/ Amenhotep iii & Tiye/ elder lady) c. 1341BCE - c. 1323BCE
2010-02-17: Ker Than: National Geographic: Tut was disabled, had osteo-necrosis in left foot, left thigh fracture, infested with malaria parasites, & in-bred
2010-02-27: Mathilda's Anthropology: lineage of Tut

king of Assyria, Adad-Nirari i/Adad-Nerari i/Adad Zab Dah/Adad is my helper (son of Arik-den-ili or less likely Illil-Nerari) c. 1310BCE - c. 1265BCE (wikipedia)

Ramesses ii/Usermaatre Setepenre/Ozymandias (son of Seti i & Tuya) c. 1182BCE-1161BCE (Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman)   or c. 1303BCE-1213BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 1300BCE - 1201BCE (wikipedia)
William H. Stiebling ii: Archaeology Odyssey 2001 September-October: when civilization collapsed: death of the bronze age
Bible-History 1300BCE - 1201BCE

Urn-field culture c. 1300BCE - c. 750BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 1279BCE - (Balfour

Sherden/Shardani/se er ta an nu/Sharana sea people c. 1230BCE - 1203BCE (wikipedia)

Shalmaneser i/Shulmanu-asharedu of Assyria (son of Adad-nirari i) c. 1295BCE - c. 1240BCE (wikipedia)

Merneptah/Merenptah c. 1278BCE (wikipedia)

Troy 6 c. 1275BCE (wikipedia)

Tukulti Ninurta i of Assyria (son of Shalmaneser i) c. 1270BCE - 1207BCE (wikipedia)

c. 1250BCE
Andrew Curry _AAAS Science_
2016-03-24: slaughter at the Tollense river bridge: archaeologists investigate colossal Bronze Age (c. 1250BCE) battle in Northern Germany might have lasted weeks
WikiPedia: Tollense river (part of the Peene+Tollense from the Kummerower See to SchadenFaehre & Zecherin & Vossberg on the Baltic; 75 miles NNW of Berlin; EENE of Hamburg)
2016-03-24: Mark Miller: Ancient Origins: gruesome battle in about 1250BCE involved about 4K men from across Europe
2016-08-29: Rebecca Coffey: Family Friendly Science: Europe's earliest professional warriors
2016-04-14: Victoria Woollaston: London Daily Mail
Eupedia: discussion
2017-10-23: Megan Gannon: Live Science
2017-10-23: Archaeology

Ramesses iii/Usimare Ramses son of Setnakhte & Tiy-Merenese c. 1217BCE - 1155BCE (wikipedia)

history of Jews in Israel c. 1210BCE - present (wikipedia)

history of Jews in Syria c. 1210BCE - present (wikipedia)

time-line 1200BCE - 1101BCE (wikipedia)
Bible-History 1200BCE - 1101BCE

Middle East c. 1200BCE
Middle East c. 1200BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

safety pin/fibula invented c. 1150BCE     (Museum of EveryDay Life: a visual history of the safety pin)     carved amber fibula from c. 500BCE     (New Mexico State U at Santa Cruz: Greece & Rome: including figulae from c.850BCE, 70BCE)

kingdom/empire/satrapy of Lydia/Luddu/Sfard/Saparda/Sparda/Sapardu/Isbarda c. 1200BCE - 546BCE (wikipedia)

India c. 1200BCE-500BCE
India c. 1200BCE-500BCE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

time-line 1199BCE - 1090BCE (wikipedia)

Troy 7 c. 1190BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 1189BCE - 1080BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 1169BCE - 1060BCE (wikipedia)

Nebuchadrezzar i/Nebuchadnezzar i/Nabuchodonosor/Nabu-kudurri-usur (son of Ninurta-nadin-sumi) b: c. 1155BCE d: c. 1105BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 1149BCE - 1040BCE (wikipedia)

Marduk-nadin-ahhe/mdamar-utu-na-din-mu (son of Ninurta-nadin-sumi; brother of Nebuchadrezzar i/Nebuchadnezzar i/Nabuchodonosor/Nabu-kudurri-usur) b: c. 1145BCE d: c. 1082BCE (wikipedia)

Tiglath-pileser i/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra c. 1134BCE - 1076BCE (wikipedia)

(son of Nebuchadrezzar i/Nebuchadnezzar i/Nabuchodonosor/Nabu-kudurri-usur; gs of Ninurta-nadin-sumi; nephew of Marduk-nadin-ahhe) b: c. 1120BCE d: c. 1100BCE (wikipedia)

Assyrian/Ashurian laws c. 1110BCE - (wikipedia)

time-line 1100BCE - 1001BCE (wikipedia)
Bible-History 1100BCE - 1001BCE

Medes/Mada/Medoi c. 1,100BCE - c. 1000BCE (wikipedia), and the region of Media/Mada/Mad/Mayda

Koban culture c. 1,100BCE - c. 400BCE (wikipedia)     Koban culture settlements with terraced areas (

Ashur-bel-kala/Assur-bel-kala/Assur is lord of all (s of Tiglath-pileser i/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra) b: c. 1100BCE d: c. 1056BCE (wikipedia)

Shamshi-Adad iv/Samshi-Adad iv (s of Tiglath-pileser i/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra; brother of Ashur-bel-kala/Assur-bel-kala/Assur is lord of all) b: c. 1090BCE? d: c. 1050BCE (wikipedia)

list of Jewish monarchs c. 1080BCE?? - (wikipedia)

Eriba-Adad ii/Adad has replaced (s of Ashur-bel-kala/Assur-bel-kala/Assur is lord of all; gs of Tiglath-pileser i/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra) b: c. 1070BCE? d: c. 1054BCE (deposed by his uncle Samsi-Adad iv) (wikipedia)

Ashur nasir pal i/Assur nasir apli/Assurpaba/Assur is the protector of the heir (s of Samsi-Adad iv; gs of Tiglath-pileser i/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra) b: c. 1065BCE? d: c. 1031BCE (father of Salmanu-asaredu ii/Shalmaneser ii & Assur-rabi ii) (wikipedia)

tribe of Benjamin/ben yomim up to c. 1050BCE (wikipedia)

tribe of Judah/Yahudah/Yehudah up to c. 1050BCE (wikipedia)

united kingdom/me meleketh/mamleket of Israel & Judah/Yahudah/Yehudah/Judea c. 1050BCE-930BCE 1050BCE - 930BCE

Salmanu-asaredu ii/Shalmaneser ii/Silim-ma-nu-massag/Salmanu is foremost (s of Samsi-Adad iv) c. 1050BCE - 1019BCE (wikipedia)

Zhou dynasty in China c. 1050BCE - c. 256BCE (wikipedia),   Zhou dynasty in China (Christian Violatti: Ancient

ancient trade routes
ancient trade routes (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Israel in time of Saul 1020BCE
Israel in time of Saul 1020BCE (at U of Texas) (I suspect this date guesstimate may be way off.)

Abibaal king of Tyre c. 1025BCE - c. 980BCE (wikipedia)


time-line 1000BCE - 901BCE (wikipedia)

Israel 1000BCE
Israel 1000BCE (snagged 2011-09-15)

brief history of Israel 1000BCE to 135CE (History to Israel)

Hiram i king of Tyre (son of Abibaal) c. 1000BCE - c. 946BCE (wikipedia),     and     Melqart/Melek-qart/Melechart/Milqartu/Baal Sur/master of Tyre (wikipedia)

Zadok/Tzedeq c. 1000BCE - (wikipedia),   (Jewish Virutal Library),   The Zaddik-idea and the Zadokite Priesthood (Robert Eisenman) (pdf), & review of Alice Hunt 2006 _Missing Priests: The Zadokites in Tradition and History_ (Adam L. Porter: Jewish Virutal Library)

Jewish towns in Israel 11th-7th centuries BCE
Jewish towns in Israel 11th-7th centuries BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

united kingdom/me meleketh/mamleket of Israel & Judah/Yahudah/Yehudah/Judea c. 1050BCE-930BCE (wikipedia)

Ashur Rabi ii of Assyria (son of Assurnasirpal i/Ashurnasirpal i) c. 1035BCE - c. 972BCE (wikipedia)

Shirikti Shuqamuna of Babylon (descendant of Bazi; 6th dynasty of Babylon/3rd king of Bit-Bazi; contemporary of Assyrian king Assur Res Isi ii) c. 1005BCE - c. 985BCE (wikipedia)

Mar Biti Apla Usur/Sumu E A Pab of Babylon (remote descendant of Elam; 7th Elamite dynasty; contemporary of Assyrian king Assur Res Isi ii) c. 1005BCE - c. 979BCE (wikipedia)

history of Jews in Syria c. 1000BCE - present (wikipedia)

tel Recheb/Rehov in NE Israel (3 miles S of Beit Shean/Beth Shaan; about 1.9 miles W of the Jordan river; 32.457125N, 35.498242E) c. 1000BCE - bee-keeping, synagogue (wikipedia)

Nabu Mukin Apli/Ag Du A of Babylon (founder of 8th dynasty) c. 1000BCE - c. 944BCE (wikipedia)

Ashur Res Ishi ii/Assur-res-isi ii/Assur Sag I Si ii of Assyria (son of Assur Rabi ii/Ashur Rabi ii) c. 995BCE - c. 967BCE (wikipedia)

Tiglath-pileser ii/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra king of Assyria c. 990BCE - 935BCE (wikipedia)

Ninurta Kudurri Usur ii/MasNigDuPap/NinIbNigDuPap of Babylon (son of Nabu Mukin Apli; elder brother of Mar Biti Ahhe Idinna) c. 970BCE - c. 944BCE (wikipedia)

Ashur Dan ii/Assur-dan king of Assyria (son of Tiglath Pileser ii) c. 955BCE - 912BCE (wikipedia)

Chaldea/Chaldaeans c. 940BCE - before 540BCE (wikipedia) ( speakers of West Semitic languages) (wikipedia) )

kingdom/me meleketh/mamleket of Israel c. 930BCE - 720BCE (wikipedia)
Homeric minimum c. 950BCE - c 800BCE (wikipedia)

Rehoboam/Rechobaam/Rehavam/רחבעם/Roboam (s of Solomon ben David & Naamah the Ammonite) c. 950BCE - c. 910BCE (wikipedia) m: Ano the Egyptian

Jeroboam/Yerebaam/ירבעם/Hieroboam (s of Nebat & Zeruah) (wikipedia) m: Ano the Egyptian

Shishaq/שישק c. 950BCE (wikipedia) or Shishaq/Sheshonq/Shishonq/Shoshenq/Sesonkhis c. 960BCE - c. 920BCE (wikipedia) (1Kings/melekim alef 11:40 et seq.)

Nadab ben Jeroboam/Nadab of Israel/נדב (s of Jeroboam) b: c. 930BCE d: c. 900BCE (wikipedia)

Adad nirari ii (son of Ashur Dan ii/Assur-dan king of Assyria; gs of Tiglath Pileser ii) c. 930BCE - 891BCE (wikipedia)

Baasha ben Ahijah/Baasa/Baasha of Israel/אשעעב/baal hears (s of Ahijah/Achiyah) b: c. 930BCE d: c. 900BCE (wikipedia)

Omri/Amri (son of ???) c. 920BCE - c. 860BCE (wikipedia)

Israel 915BCE
Israel 915BCE (snagged 2011-12-09)

Ithobaal i/Ethbaal i/Ithobalus king of Sidon & Tyre c. 915BCE - c. 846BCE (father of Jezebel & Baal-Eser ii/Badezorus/Balazeros/Baal-mazzer) (wikipedia)

Tukulti Ninurta ii c. 915BCE - 884BCE (wikipedia)

neo-Assyrian/Ashurian empire c. 911BCE - 605BCE (wikipedia)

Ashur nasir pal ii/Assur nasir apli c. 905BCE - 859BCE (wikipedia)


time-line 900BCE - 801BCE (wikipedia)

king Elah ben Baasha/Ela/Alah of Israel/הלא lived some time between 900BCE & 875BCE (s of Baasha/Baasa) (wikipedia)

Scythians/Scyth/Saka/Sakae/Sacae/Sai/Iskuzai/Askuzai/Askuza   c. 900BCE - (wikipedia)     Ordos culture known for finds of Scythian art ,   Ordos Loop in the Yellow river around the Ordos plateau

Cimmerians/Kimmerians/Kimmerioi c. 900BCE - (wikipedia)

Joel/Yoel/יואל/Jual/Yual some time between c. 900BCE & 400BCE (wikipedia)

Iron Age Cold Epoch c. 900BCE - c. 300BCE (wikipedia)

Elijah/Eliyahu/אליהו/Aliyahu/Elias/Elyae/Ilya ha Tishbi me tishbi Glaad/of the settlers of Gilead c. 900BCE - (wikipedia)

Pre-Celtic c. 900BCE - c. 500BCE (wikipedia)

king Zimri of Israel/Zemri the commander of charioteers/זמרי/Zambri lived some time between 900BCE & 870BCE (wikipedia)

Ahab of Israel/Achab/אחאב/Achav (son of Omri) c. 900BCE - c. 852BCE (wikipedia) m: Jezebel the Phoenician/Sidonian/Aizebel/where is the prince (daughter of Ithobaal i/Ethbaal i/Ithobalus king of Sidon & Tyre/Phoenicia; mother of Achaziah, Jehoram & Athaliah; in myth, great-aunt of Dido of Carthage)

ancient Greece from between 900BCE & 850BCE to c. 600BCE (wikipedia)

slavery in ancient Greece (wikipedia)

Omrides/ House of Omri of Israel/עמרי/Aamri/עמריה/Aamriah c. 885 - 835BCE (wikipedia)

Feizi/Fei-tze/Feitsa/Qin Ying/founding ruler of feoffdom of Qin and member of family of Ying (s of Daluo & secondary wife; 3*great-grand-son of Elai body-guard of king Zhou; reputed descendant of yellow emperor) b: c. 885BCE d: 858BCE (wikipedia)

Kurkh mono-liths c. 880BCE - c. 850BCE (wikipedia)

Arabs c. 880BCE - (wikipedia),   who is an Arab? (W. Montgomery & Pierre Cachia: U of Penn),   Arab (Britannica)

Shalmaneser iii/Shulmanu-asaredu c. 880BCE - 824BCE (wikipedia)

Jehoram/יהורם/Yahurem/יורם/Joram of Judah/Yahudah (son of Jehoshaphat of Yahudah/Judah) c. 882BCE - c. 842BCE (wikipedia) m: Athaliah of Israel (daughter of Ahab/Achab of Israel & ??Jezebel the Phoenician/Sidonian??)

Tel Dan inscription earliest physical documentary claims Aramean defeat of successors in the house of king David (Biblical Archaeology),   Tel Dan stele carved between about 870BCE & 750BCE (wikipedia) ,   Tel Dan stele (New World Encyclopedia) ,   Tel Dan stele (Bryant G. Wood: Bible Archaeology) ,   Tel Dan inscription: the first historical (i.e. written) evidence of David dynasty (Biblical Archaeology)

Ahaziah/Achaziyah/אחזיה/Ochozias (son of Ahab/Achab & Jezebel the Phoenician/Sidonian) c. 870BCE - c. 850BCE (wikipedia)

Jehoram/יהורם/Yechorem/Joram of Israel (son of Ahab/Achab & Jezebel the Phoenician/Sidonian) c. 870BCE - c. 842BCE (wikipedia)

Hazael/חזאל/Chezal/חזהאל/Chezahal of Aram-Damascus/Arameans/Syria (son of ???) b: c. 862BCE d: c. 796BCE (conquered Israel, Judea/Judah, and the Philistine city-state of Gath/Tel es-Safi/Tel Tzafit) (wikipedia)

Urartu/Ararat/Van/Biainili c. 860BCE - 590BCE (wikipedia)

Urartu/Ararat/Van/Biainili c. 860BCE - 590BCE (wikipedia)

battle of Qarqar along the Orontes river in what is now Syria in 853BCE (wikipedia)

Jehu/Yahua/יהוא/Iehu ben Jehoshaphat ben Nimshi of Israel (son of Jehoshaphat/Yahushefet ben Nimshi) c. 860BCE - c. 814BCE (wikipedia)

Mesha of Moab/מואב/Muab c. 850BCE (wikipedia) (2 Kings/melekim beth 3:4-27)

separate kingdom/me meleketh/mamleket of Judah/Yahudah/Yehudah/Judea c. 850BCE-586BCE (wikipedia)

Jehoahaz/Yahuachez/Joachaz/יהואחז/Iehoiachas (son of ???) c. 845BCE - c. 795BCE (wikipedia) Mesha stele/Moabite stone carved c. 840BCE (wikipedia)

Jehoash/Joash/Yahoas/יהאש/Yahuash of Israel (son of Jehoahaz/Yahuachez/Joachaz/Iehoiachas & Zibiah of Bar-Sheba) c. 808BCE - c. 780BCE (wikipedia)


time-line 800BCE - 701BCE (wikipedia)

Israel 800BCE (snagged 2011-09-23)

Magna Graecia (Greek settlements on Italian peninsula) c. 800BCE (wikipedia) (map also shows some Phoenician/Carthaginian cities)

c. 800BCE - (wikipedia)

Hallstatt culture c. 800BCE - c. 500BCE (wikipedia)

Amaziah/אמציהו/Amatziyahu ben Joash/יואש/Yahuash/יהואש/Jehuash c. 815BCE - c. 767BCE (defeated by Yahuash of Israel) (wikipedia)

Adad-nirari iii/Adad-Ninari iii (son of Shamshi-Adad v & Shammuramat) c. 813BCE - c. 783BCE (wikipedia)

Jeroboam ii/Yerebaam/ירבעם/Hieroboam (s of Jehoash/Joash/Yahoas/Yahuash) c. 810BCE - c. 745BCE (wikipedia)

Uzziah/עזיהו/Aaziyahu/Ozias/Aazriah/Azarias ben Amaziah/אמציהו/Amatziyahu ben Joash/יואש/Yahuash/יהואש/Jehuash c. 800BCE - c. 740BCE (wikipedia)

Shalmaneser iv (son of Adad-nirari iii/Adad-Ninari iii) c. 800BCE - c. 773BCE (wikipedia)

Lixus founded by Phoenicians between 800BCE & 601BCE on the Atlantic coast of Morocco just north of modern Larache (wikipedia)

Ashur-dan iii (son of Adad-nirari iii/Adad-Ninari iii) c. 795BCE - c. 755BCE (wikipedia)

Ashur-nirari v (son of Adad-nirari iii/Adad-Ninari iii) c. 790BCE - c. 745BCE over-thrown by Pulu/Tiglath-pileser iii (wikipedia)

Zechariah/Zekeryah/זכריה/Zachoriyahu of Israel c. 780BCE - c. 752BCE (wikipedia)

Jotham of Judah/Yotam/Yutem/יותם/Ioatham (son of Uzziah of Judah & Jerusha; gs of Amaziah and Zadok) c. 775BCE - c. 730BCE (wikipedia)

Etruria c. 775BCE - 509BCE (wikipedia)

city of Rome founded between 775BCE & 725BCE (wikipedia)

Menahem/Menechem/מנחם/Menachem ben Gedi c. 765BCE-735BCE (wikipedia)

Micah/Mikah/מיכה/Mikayah b: c. 765BCE at Moresheth d: c. 696BCE (wikipedia)

Sfire/Sefire steles c. 750BCE (wikipedia)

Roman kingdom/monarcy/regal c.753BCE - c. 509BCE (wikipedia)

Jonah/Jonas/Yona/מנחם/Yunus/Ionas c. 750BCE (wikipedia)

Pulu/Pul/Tiglath-pileser iii/Tukulti apil Esharra/my trust is in the son of Esharra b: c. 745BCE d: c. 727BCE (wikipedia)

Ululayu/Shalmaneser V/Shulmanu-asared c. 745BCE - 722BCE (wikipedia)

Israel/Judah c. 733BCE
Israel/Judah c. 733BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Ahaz/Achaz/אחז/Akhaz/Yahuachaz (son of Jotham of Judah) c. 760BCE - c. 715BCE (wikipedia)

Hezekiah of Judah/Chezqiyahu/Yechezqiyahu/יחזקיהו/Yizqiyyahu ben Achaz (son of Ahaz/Achaz/Akhaz/Yahuachaz of Judah & Abijah/Abiyah/Abi bat Zechariyahu ha kahan ha gadol/Zechariah the high priest) c. 740BCE - c. 687BCE (wikipedia) m: Hephzibah
2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21): _Popular Archaeology_ impression of Hezekiah's seal discovered in excavations in Jerusalem South of "Temple Mount"/"Haram al-Sharif", ESE of al-Aqsa mosque

Israel map 730BCE
Israel 730BCE (snagged 2011-09-23)

So/Osorkon iv/Usermaatre Osorkon iv (son of Tadibast iii) c. 750BCE - c. 712BCE (wikipedia) (2 Kings/melekim beth 17:4)

Amos/Aamos/אמוס/Aamus b: c. 790BCE at Tekoa d: 745BCE (wikipedia)

prophet Hosea/Hushaa/Hoshea c. 750BCE (wikipedia), and ( , and (Lubavitcher ChaBaD) , and (USA Conference of Catholic bishops)

Sargon ii/Sharru Kinu/Sarru-ukin c. 745BCE - 705BCE (wikipedia)

Cadiz/Gades/Agadir/Gadir/Gadeira/Gadis founded by Phoenicians from Tyre between c. 725BCE & c. 701BCE after some trade at Huelva as a primary trading port on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian peninsula (wikipedia)

Assyrian/Asshurian empire 722BCE-705BCE
Assyrian/Asshurian empire 722BCE-705BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Taharqa/Taharka/Taharqo/Tarakos/Tearco/Tirhaka/Tirhaqa (son of Piye & Abar) c. 710BCE - 664BCE (wikipedia) (2 Kings/melekim beth 19:9)

Sennacherib/Sin ahhi eriba son of Sargon ii c. 720BCE - 681BCE (wikipedia),     built a dam at Bavian (Christopher Jones) and canal with aqueducts lined with concrete in 691-690BCE to bring water from the Atrush/Atrish/Gomel river to the Tebitu river to supply Nineveh (now in Mosul) about 30-32 miles     see also Genesis/be Rashith 10:11 (Mechon-Mamre),     Jonah 1:2 (Mechon-Mamre),     Isaiah/Yeshaayahu 37:37 (Mechon-Mamre),     Zephaniah/Tzefaniah 2:13 (Mechon-Mamre).

Isaiah/Yeshaayahu/Shaya c. 750BCE - 650BCE (wikipedia),   Deutero-Isaiah (Claude Mariottini, PhD),   Deutero-Isaiah (Britannica),   Deutero-Isaiah (Benjamin D. Sommer:


time-line 700BCE - 601BCE (wikipedia)

Esarhaddon/Asarhaddon/Assur ahu iddin/Aser Cheden/Asor Haddan son of Sennacherib son of Sargon ii c. 700BCE - 669BCE (wikipedia)

Getae 7th century BCE - (wikipedia)

Ashurbanipal/Assur bani apli/Assurbanipal/Asenappar/Sardanapalus son of Esarhaddon son of Sennacherib (son of Esarhaddon; gs of Sennacherib) b: c. 685BCE - 627BCE (wikipedia)

Assyrian/Asshurian empire 680BCE-627BCE
Assyrian/Asshurian empire 680BCE-627BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Manasseh of Judah/Menesah/Menasii/Menasheh ben Hizqiyah/מנשה/Manasses (son of Hezekiah of Judah & Hephzibah/Cheftzibah/Xeftsiva) c. 710BCE - c. 643BCE (wikipedia)

Menkheperre Necho i/Nekau/Niku/Neco/Necoh (son of Tefnakht ii) c. 700BCE - 664BCE (wikipedia), (Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 46:2 ?) (wikipedia)

Psamtik i/Psammeticus/Psammetichus/Wah Ib Re son of Necho i & Istemabet c. 680BCE - c. 610BCE (wikipedia)

Necho ii/Nekau/Neku/Nechoh/Nikuu/Neco/Necoh/Wahem Ib Re son of Psamtik i/Psammetichus i & Mehtenweskhet c. 630BCE - 595BCE (wikipedia) (2 Chronicles/deberi ha yomim beth 35:20)

Zedekiah/Tzedekiyahu/Tzidkiyahu of Judah/Judaea b: c. 618BCE d: c. 586BCE (wikipedia)

Psamtik ii/Psammeticus/Psammetichus/Nefer Ib Re son of Necho ii & Khedebneithirbinet i c. 610BCE - c. 589BCE (wikipedia)

Persian Medaian/Medes 678BCE-549BCE (wikipedia) ,   Medes/Mada/Medoi/Madai

Amon/Amun/אמונ (son of Manasseh & Meshullemeth) c. 665BCE-640BCE (wikipedia)

Nabopolassar/Nabu-apal-usur c. 658BCE - c. 605BCE (wikipedia)

Josiah/Jasiyahu/Yoshiyyahu/Yosiyahu son of Amon & Jedidah (grand-son of Manasseh & Meshullemeth and Adaiah/Adiyahu of Bozkath) c. 650BCE-609BCE (wikipedia)

Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu ben Hilkiah/Chelqiyahu b: c. 650BCE in Anathoth/Aanethoth d: c. 585BCE (wikipedia)

Baruch/Beruk ben Neriah/Neriyahu b: c.650BCE d: c. 580BCE (wikipedia)

Nahum/Nachum/Nechum c. 660BCE - c. 600BCE (wikipedia)

Addagoppe of Harran/Adad-guppi of Charran b: c. 648BCE d: 544BCE

Nebuchadrezzar ii/Nebuchadnezzar ii/Nabuchodonosor/Nabu-kudurri-usur (son of Nabopolassar) b: c. 634BCE d: c. 562BCE (wikipedia)

Jehoiakim/Yahuqim/Jehoikim/Joakim/Eliakim/Elyaqim/Aliqim (son of Josiah & Zebidah) b: c. 635BCE d: 598BCE (wikipedia)

first coins minted in Lydia/Eastern Thrace/Turkey/Asia Minor c. 635BCE (wikipedia)     and in parts of India beginning some time between 2,000BCE & 500BCE

neo-Babylonian empire c. 626BCE - 539BCE (wikipedia)

Nebuchadnezzar ii/Nabu-kudurri-usur/Nebukednetzer/Bakhat Nasar (son of Nabopolassar) c. 634BCE-562BCE (wikipedia) ( Daniel/דניאל/Deniyal 1 )

Ezekiel/Hesekiel/Yechezqal ben Buzi b: c. 625BCE in Jerusalem d: 570BCE in Babylon (wikipedia)

Daniel c. 610BCE or c. 200BCE (wikipedia),     Daniel (Bill Swanson: Life, Hope, & Truth),     Daniel (,     Daniel (,     why isn't the book/scroll of Daniel part of the Prophets? (Yehuda Shurpin: ChaBaD),     is the book/scroll of Daniel "authentic"? (Tzvi Freeman: ChaBaD),     Daniel's vision of the ram and the goat: Daniel, the Babylonian palace at Susa/Shushan, and the tomb of Daniel (Robert Mock: BibleSearchers)

Jeconiah/Yekniah/Coniah/Jehoiachin/Yahuyekin/Yaukin (son of Jehoiakim/Yahuqim & Nehushta bat Einathan) b: c. 610BCE d: c. 550BCE (wikipedia)


time-line 600BCE - 501BCE (wikipedia)

map showing from Greece to India c. 600BCE
Greece to India c. 600BCE (Egypt, Greece, Turkey/Asia Minor, Middle East, Iran/Persia, India) (snagged 2013-09-01)

Mahajanapada c. 600BCE - c. 300BCE (wikipedia)

Apries/Wahibre Haaibre/Waphres of Manetho/Hophra (son of Psamtik ii & Takhuit) c. 590BCE - c. 567BCE (wikipedia) (Jeremiah/Yirmiyahu 44:30)

Theodosia/Feodosia/Feodosiia/Feodosija/Kefe/Caffa/Kaffa c. 550BCE-1500CE trade hub (including slave trading through the time of the Ottoman empire) on the north/Crimean edge of the Black Sea (wikipedia),     blonde cargoes: Finnish children in the slave markets of medieval Crimea: 6.5M slaves mostly from Russia & Ukraine between c. 1100 & 1760 (Mike Dash History),     play-ground of the autocrats: Mongol occupation and the slave trade: "the harvesting of the steppe" (,     comments: the slave hunters' state of the Crimean Tatars and a second disciple of Ataturk (,     Feodosiya/Feodosia/Kaffa/Theodosia/Keve/Kaffa/Caffa (,     Genoese colonies

Himilco/Chimilkat the 6th century BCE explorer went from Carthage up the Atlantic coast along Iberian (Spain & Portugal) and French coasts to visit Brittany, Ireland, and "Albion" (wikipedia)   ;  and   ;  Himilco: Carthaginian explorer (Britannica)

Celts c. 600BCE - (wikipedia)

Babylonian exile 586BCE-539BCE
Babylonian exile 586BCE-539BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library) (see also wikipedia)

Yehud/Yahudah/Judea as Babylonian province c. 586BCE-539BCE (wikipedia)

Cambyses i/Kambujiya/Kanbuziya (s of Cyrus i; brother of Arukku) c. 600BCE to 559BCE (wikipedia) m: Mandane of Media (d of Astyages & Aryenis of Lydia; gd of Cyaxares of Media/Uvaxstra and Alyattes ii of Lydia; ggd of Phraortes/Fravartis and Sadyattes of the house of Mermnadae; 2ggd of Deioces) c. 590BCE - 559BCE

Amel-Marduk/Avil-Marduk/Ewil-Marduk c. 580BCE-560BCE (wikipedia)

Cyrus the great/Kouros/כורש/Koresh/Kuresh/Keresh/Cyrus ii of Persia/Cyrus ii of Anshan (s of Cambyses i & Mandane of Media; gs of Astyages; ggs of Cyaxares) b: c. 557BCE d: c. 530BCE (wikipedia) ( Ezra/עזרא/Aazra 1 and Isaiah/ישעיהו/Ishaayahu 1 and Daniel/דניאל/Deniyal 10 and 2 Chronicles/דברי הימי] ב/debri ha yomim beth/words of days part B 10 ),   constructed Pasargadae/Pathra-gada/Pasargad/protective-club/strong-club 559BCE-530BCE ,   Pasargadae (EU Ancient History)

2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
_Popular Archaeology_
maybe the Jewish Temple was South of the current "Temple Mount"/"Haram al-Sharif", atop Gihon spring

2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
_Popular Archaeology_
more on widespread literacy in Judah/Yahudah/Judea by 600BCE
"...' a kingdom of some 100K people, at least several hundred were literate.   Following the fall of Judah, there was a large gap in production of Hebrew inscriptions until the second century BCE, the next period [for which we have discovered] evidence for widespread literacy.   This reduces the odds for a compilation of substantial Biblical literature in Jerusalem between c. 586BCE and 200BCE."
ancient inscriptions testify to widespread literacy in Judah/Yahudah/Judea by 600BCE

Nabonidus of Babylon et Sumer et Akkad/Nabu-na id/Labynetos/Nabu is praised (s of Nabu-balatsu-iqbi/Naksu-balatsu-iqbi & Addagoppe/Adad-guppi of Harran/Charran) b: c. 590BCE d: c. 530BCE (first archaeologist?)   Nabonidus (Britannica)   Nabonidus (Mad Monarchs/J.N.W. Bos)   lost years (Ancient Origins)     m: Nitocris of Babylon lived c. 550BCE

Neriglissar/Nergal-sharezer/Nergal-sar-usur b: c. 580BCE d: c. 556BCE     m: daughter of Nebuchadrezzar ii/Nebuchadnezzar ii

Orontid dynasty/Yervanduni c. 570BCE - 200BCE (wikipedia)

Hystaspes (son of Arsames) c. 570BCE-540BCE

Labashi-Marduk (son of ?Neriglissar?) b: c. 565BCE d: c. 555BCE

Babylonian clay tablets 560BCE-527BCE Iraq derives its name from the earlier terms Iraq Ajami (foreign/Persian-occupied/influenced) and Iraq Arabi (Arab-occupied/influenced) (U of Georgia) ,   Iraq Ajami (Persian-occupied/influenced) and Iraq Arabi (Arab-occupied/influenced) (Dipanjan Roychoudhary: Quora Biblical history of the Middle East) ,   El-Iraq/al-Iraq; Iraq Adjami (foreign/Persian-occupied/influenced) and Iraq Arabi (Arab-occupied/influenced) (1939: Hans H. Boesch: JStor/Economic Geography)

Belshazzar/Belshatzer/Baltazar/Bel-sar-usur/Bel protect the king (s of Nabonidus of Babylon et Sumer et Akkad/Nabu-na id/Labynetos/Nabu is praised & Nitocris of Babylon) b: c. 565BCE d: c. 539BCE ? c. 500BCE??

list of monarchs of Persia c. 550BCE - 1979CE (wikiwand),   (wikipedia)

Haryanka dynasty c. 550BCE - 413BCE (wikipedia)

Umm el-Kanatir/Umm al-Qanatir/am ha Qeshetoth/mother of the arches synagogue in Golan Heights, Israel (1.25 miles WSW of kibbutz Natur, about 5 miles E of water-park along Sea of Galilee) c. 550BCE - c. 750CE (wikipedia)

Persian Achaemenid empire 550BCE-330BCE (wikipedia)

prophet Obadiah/Ovadyah/Aabedyah/Ovadyahu/Aaubedyah/Aaubedyahu c. 550BCE (wikipedia), and book of Obadiah/Ovadyah/Ovadyahu/Aaubedyah/Aaubedyahu c. 550BCE (wikipedia)

Christian church of the East time-line 549BCE - 1935CE (Mark Dickens: Oxus Communications)

slavery in ancient Persia & Iran (wikipedia)

Darius i/Darius the great/Dareios/Daryavus/Darayavahus (son of Hystaspes & Rhodogune) c. 550BCE-486 October BCE ,   Behistun/Bisotun/Bistun/Bagastana inscription (between 522BCE & 486 October) ,   founded Persepolis/Pars c. 550BCE

Persian Achaemenid empire province of Yehud/Yahudah/Judea Medinata c. 539BCE-332BCE (wikipedia)

Artaxerxes i/Artakhshathra/Artechsheshta (son of Xerxes i & Amestris) c. 539BCE to 424-12-25 BCE (Jewish Encyclopedia) and (wikipedia)

duke Hui i of Qin/Qin Hui Gong/Ying Hui (s of Yi of Qin; grand-son of duke Ai of Qin) b: c. 520BCE d: 492BCE (wikipedia)

Malachi/Melaki/Malakhi/Messenger c. 520BCE - c. 432BCE (wikipedia),   Book of the prophet Malachi/Melaki/Malakhi/Messenger (wikipedia),   Tomb of the prophets: Haggai, Zecharia/Zekariyahu, and Malachi/Melaki/Malakhi/Messenger (last 3 prophets?) just SE of Temple Mount (wikipedia),   Malachi/Melaki/Malakhi/Messenger the prophet (Chris Moen: Life, Hope, and Truth),   who was the prophet Malachi/Melaki/Malakhi/Messenger (Rochel Chein: Lubavitcher ChaBaD= Chochmah/Wisdom/Intuition, Binah/Intelligence/Understanding/Comprehension, Daath/Daas/Knowledge/Concentration/Depth/Focus)

Xerxes i (son of Darius i & Atossa) c. 519BCE-465BCE

Sadduces/tzedekim/tzedukim/tzeduqim c. 516BCE or 167BCE to 70CE

Zugot/tequfath ha zugoth c. 515BCE to c. 70CE

Rabbis/Teachers since c.515BCE (wikipedia)

Roman republic/Roma/res publica Romana c. 509BCE to 27-01-27 BCE     last of the 7 Roman kings, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus the proud, was ousted and Roman Republic established;     signed treaty with Carthage (wikipedia)


time-line 500BCE - 401BCE (wikipedia)

map showing from Greece to India c. 500BCE
Greece to India c. 500BCE (Persian empire) (snagged 2013-11-29)

Persian empire c. 500BCE
Persian empire c. 500BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library) (see also wikipedia)

Hanno the 5th century BCE explorer went from Carthage down the Atlantic coast along Africa, to within sight of a mountain in Sierra Leone or Cameroon or Gabon (wikipedia)   ;  and   ;  Hanno: Carthaginian explorer (Britannica)

La Tene culture c. 500BCE - c. 50BCE (wikipedia)

Scandinavian/East Germanic languages & people: Burgundian, Gothic, Vandalic c. 500BCE - (wikipedia),   Burgundians ,   kingdom of the Burgundians ,   list of Burgundian kings ,   Goths ,   ancient Goths (Owen Jarus: LiveScience) ,   Goth vs. Greek battle at Thermopylae revealed in ancient text (Owen Jarus: LiveScience) ,   Vandals

Turkic people c. 500BCE-

Haggai/Haggay/Aggaeus b: c 500BCE

Ezra/Aazra/Esdras/scribe/sofer/priest/kohen b: c 500BCE d: c. 440BCE

time-line 490sBCE (wikipedia)

Joseph Athar/Dhu Nuwas/Yusuf Thu Nuwas/Yusuf Asar Yathar/Zura ben Hassan/Dimnon/Dunaan/Dounaas/Masruq c. 490CE - c. 526CE (ruler of parts of Yemen. his mother was thought to be Jewish and from Nisibis/Nusaybin/Nasibina/Antiocha Mygdonia, today just inside Turkey, north across the border from Qamishli, in NE Syria; EENE of Aleppo, Syria; NW of Mosul and Erbil, Iraq.) (wikipedia) & Jewish kings of Yemen (Strange Side of Jewish History)

time-line 480sBCE (wikipedia)

Artaxerxes i/Achasuerus/Artasyrus/whose rule is through truth (son of Xerxes i & Amestris) b: c. 485BCE d: 424-12-25   m: Cosmartidene of Babylon

Ezra/Aazra the sofer/scribe b: c. 480BCE d: c. 440BCE

time-line 470sBCE (wikipedia)

Nehemiah/Nechemyah b: c. 465BCE

time-line 460sBCE (wikipedia)

Darius ii/Ochus/Darius Nothos (son of Artaxerxes i & Cosmartidene of Babylon) b: c. 460BCE d: c. 405BCE m: Parysatis

time-line 450sBCE (wikipedia)

Obadiah/Aaubedyah/Ovadyah/Ovadyahu/Obdios/Abdyahu/Abdias/servant of HaShem c. 450BCE

time-line 440s BCE (wikipedia)

Greek Parthenon built 447BCE-432BCE partially destroyed 1687-09-26 (wikipedia) ,   Greek Parthenon (Ancient Greece) ,   Greek Parthenon (Britannica) ,   Greek Parthenon (Mark Cartwright: Ancient History)

duke Ling of Qin/Qin Ling Gong/Ying Ling (s of Ying Zhaozi of Qin; grand-son of duke Huai of Qing) b: c. 445BCE d: 415BCE (wikipedia)

Artaxerxes ii//Artaxerxes ii Mnemon/Ahasuerus/Achasuerus/Achashverosh of Persia (son of Darius ii) b: c. 440BCE d: 358BCE ( book of Esther/Purim )     m1: Vashti (d of ??Belshazzar/Belshatzer/Baltazar/Bel-sar-usur/Bel protect the king & ??)     m2: Esther

time-line 430s BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 420s BCE (wikipedia)

Cyrus the Younger c. 424 to 401BCE

time-line 410s BCE (wikipedia)

Shishunaga dynasty c. 413BCE - 345BCE (wikipedia)


time-line 400BCE - 301BCE (wikipedia)

Yuezhi/Rouzhi/Yueh-chih/Yue-Chi/Tokarians/Tocharians 4th century BCE - (wikipedia),   Yue-Chi (Theodora/1910 Encyclopedia Britannica),   Yuezhi/Yueh-chih (Ancient World History),   Yuezhi/Yueh-chi/Kushan empire (Global Security)

Xiongnu in China c. 400BCE - c. 460CE (wikipedia)

history of Jews in Greece from c. 400BCE -   (wikipedia)     Greece virtual Jewish history tour (Jewish Virtual Library)

Romaniote Jews/Romanyotim   (wikipedia)

time-line 390s BCE (wikipedia)

battle of Allia and Senones led by Brennus sack parts of Rome 390-07-18BCE or 387-07-18BCE (wikipedia) ( Senones (wikipedia)

Mithridates ii of Cius (possibly son of Ariobarzanes of Cius/?Ariobarzanes of Phrygia?/Ariyaubrdhna/Ario Barzan) b: c. 386BCE d: 302BCE (wikipedia)

duke Xiao of Qin/Qin Xiao Gong/Ying Quliang (s of Xian of Qin) b: c. 280BCE d: 247BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 380s BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 370s BCE (wikipedia)

Greece c. 370BCE
Greece c. 370BCE (snagged 2011-08-04 from Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ (450 pages; 355.009))

Boeotia, Greece c. 370BCE
Boeotia, Greece c. 370BCE (snagged 2011-08-04 from Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ (450 pages; 355.009))

time-line 360s BCE (wikipedia)

Ptolemy i soter/Ptolemy lagides (s of Lagus or Philip ii of Macedonia & Arsinoe) b: c. 367BCE in Macedonia d: 282 January in Alexandria, Egypt
m1 or 2: 324BCE at Susa to Artakama/Artacama (d of Artabazus ii of Phyrgia; gd of Pharnabazus ii & sister of Mentor of Rhodes & sister of Memnon of Rhodes; ggd of Pharnaces ii of Phrygia & Apama; 2ggd of Artaxerxes ii & Strateira and Pharnabazus i; 3ggd of Artabazus i)
m1 or 2: Thais
m3: Eurydice of Egypt (d of Antipater; sister of Phila)
    Ptolemy Keraunos/thunder
    "rebel in Cyprus" (killed by Ptolemy ii Philadelphus)
    Ptolemais m: Demetrius i of Macedonia/poliocetes/besieger (s of Antigonus i Monopthalmus & Stratonice)
    Lysandra/liberator m1: Alexander v of Macedonia (s of Cassander & Thessalonica of Macedonia) m2: Agathocles (s of Lysimachus & Nicaea of Macedonia; gs of Antipater)
m4: Berenice i of Egypt
    Arsinoe ii of Egypt
    Ptolemy ii philadelphus m1: Arsinoe i (d of Lysimachus & Nicaea of Macedonia; gd of Agathocles of Pella) m2: Arsinoe ii of Egypt (d of Ptolemy i Soter & Berenice i of Egypt)

time-line 350s BCE (wikipedia)

Alexander the great (son of Philip ii if Macedon & Olympias of Epirus; gs of Amyntas iii founder of Macedon & Eurydice i and Neoptolemus i of Epirus; ggs of Arrhidaeus and Sirras and Alcetas i; 2ggs of Amyntas) 356-07-20 or 356-07-21 BCE - 323-06-10 or 323-06-11 BCE (wikipedia)

Seleucus i nicator (son of Antiochus & Laodice) c. 358BCE - 281BCE (wikipedia) m: 324BCE at Susa to Apama of Persia/Apama of Sogdiana (possibly daughter of Spitamenes)

Eshtemoa/as-Samu synagogue in Judaea/Israel (W of Dead/Salt sea at 31.400792N, 35067075E) c. 350BCE - c. 550CE (wikipedia)

Xiongnu/Shiongnu/Hsiung-nu/Hung-nouh/Hing-noo c. 350BCE - 1BCE (wikipedia),   Xiongnu/Hsiung-nu (Ancient World History)

Berenice i of Egypt (d of Magas & Antigone) b: c. 340BCE in Macedonia d: between 279BCE & 268BCE in Egypt
m1: c. 325BCE (his 2nd wife) to Philip (s of Amyntas) b: c. 350BCE d: c. 318BCE
    Magas king of Cyrene/Cyrenaica
    Antigone queen of Epirus
m1: c. 317BCE to (his 3rd wife)Ptolemy i soter (s of Lagus or Philip ii of Macedonia & Arsinoe) b: c. 367BCE in Macedonia d: 282 January in Alexandria, Egypt

time-line 340s BCE (wikipedia)

Nanda empire c. 345BCE - 321BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 330s BCE (wikipedia)

Alexander 336BCE-323BCE
Alexander 336BCE-323BCE (U of Texas library)

Mithridates i of Pontus/Mithridates i ctistes/Mithridates iii of Cius (s of Mithridates ii of Cius) b: c. 335BCE d: 266BCE (wikipedia)

Alexander 334BCE-323BCE
Alexander 334BCE-323BCE (snagged 2011-08-04 from Geza Vermes 2014 _The True Herod_ (170 pages; 933.05092))

Coele-Syria/Coele syria/Coelesyria/Coelosyria/Celesyria c. 332BCE-64BCE

kingdom of Armenia c. 331BCE-428CE

Alexander 334BCE-323BCE
Alexander 334BCE-323BCE (snagged 2011-08-04 from Geza Vermes 2014 _The True Herod_ (170 pages; 933.05092))

Byzantine empire c. 330BCE-1453CE (wikipedia)

time-line 320s BCE (wikipedia)

Magas of Cyrene/Cyrenaica (s of Philip & Berenice) b: c. 320BCE in Macedonia d: 250BCE in Cyrene/Cyrenaica in modern Libya   m: Apama ii (d of Antiochus i soter & Stratonice of Syria) b: c. 292BCE d: after 249BCE

Asia 323BCE (Thomas A. Lessing: wikipedia)

Antiochus i soter/the saviour (son of Seleucus i nicator & Apama of Persia) c. 323BCE - 261BCE (wikipedia) m: Stratnice of Syria (d of Demetrius poliorcetes/Demetrius i of Macedon/the besieger of cities & Phila; gd of Antigonus i monophthalmus & Stratonice and Antipater)

Maurya empire c. 322BCE - 185BCE (nice maps+pix of artifacts) (wikipedia)

time-line 310s BCE (wikipedia)

Hellenist Seleucid empire 312BCE-63BCE (wikipedia)
Hellenist Seleucid empire 312BCE-63BCE (wikipedia)

Ahoka b: c. 304BCE d: c. 232BCE (wikipedia),     Ahoka (Christian Violatti: Ancient,     Ashoka (Amulya Chandra Sen: Britannica),     Ashoka was not a pacifist (Hindustan Times)

kingdom of Caucasian Iberia/Hiberia/Kartli/Kartlis Samepo c. 302BCE - 580CE (wikipedia) between Black Sea/Pontus Euxinus & Caspian Sea     Kartli/Iberia 12th-century BCE - (Britannica)

kingdom of Khotan c. 300BCE to c. 1006CE (wikipedia) ,   (around the Taklamakan/Taklah Makan desert, & Tarim basin),   city of Khotan/Hotan/Xoten/Hetian/Yutian (S of Aksu/Kumo; SE of Kashgar/Kashi/Shule; SSW of Kuqa/Kucha/Kuche/Qiuci; SW of Turpan/Turfan/Jushi),   buried silk road cities of Khotan (Athena Review)


time-line 300BCE - 201BCE (wikipedia)

kingdom of Fergana c. 300BCE - 600CE (wikipedia)

Ptolemy ii Philadelphus b: c. 300BCE d: 246BCE (wikipedia),   Ptolemy ii Philadelphus (Britannica)

Archimedes of Sicily (son of Phidias) b: c. 287BCE in Syracuse d: c. 212BCE in Syracuse (wikipedia),   Archimedes (Britannica)

Antiochus ii theos (son of Antiochus i soter & Stratonice of Syria) c. 286BCE - 246BCE (wikipedia) m: his cousin Laodice i (d of Achaeus; gd of Seleucis i nicator; sister of Andromachus)

Ariobarzanes of Pontus (s of Mithridates i ctistes) b: c. 286BCE d: between 258BCE & 240BCE (wikipedia)

Diodotus i soter of Bactria b: c. 285BCE d: c. 239BCE (wikipedia)

Ptolemy iii euergetes (son of Ptolemy ii & Arsinoe i)   m1: 245BCE to his cousin Berenice of Cyrene et Egypt (d of Magas of Cyrene & Apama ii) b: 267BCE or 266BCE at Cyrene, Libya d: 221BCE

king Zhuangxiang of Qin/Ying Yiren/Ying Zichu (s of Xiaowen of Qin & Xia) b: c. 281BCE d: 247BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 280s BCE (wikipedia)

Dromichaetes & battles among Celts, Thracians, Triballi, Getae, Antigonus Gonatus 279BCE at Sveshtari/Helis, Bulgaria (wikipedia)

Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Egypt/Shahhat, Libya (son of Aglaos) b: c. 276BCE in Cyrene d: 194BCE in Alexandria (wikipedia) ,   Eratosthenes (U of St. Andrews, Scotland) ,   Eratosthenes (Britannica)

time-line 270s BCE (wikipedia)

Seleucus ii callinicus pogon (son of Antiochus ii theos & Laodice i) c. 265BCE - 225BCE (wikipedia) m: his cousin Laodice ii (d of Andromachus; gd of Achaeus; ggd of Seleucus i nicator; 2ggd of Antiochus & Laodice)

first Punic (war between Rome & Carthaginians/Phoenicians) 264BCE -241BCE (wikipedia)

battle of Acragas/Akragas/Agrigentum between Rome & Carthage 261BCE (Romans captured 25K of the city's residents and sold them into slavery.) (wikipedia)

Euthydemus i of Sogdiana & Bactria & Greco-Bactria (s of Greek general Apollodotus) b: c. 260BCE in Magnesia d: c. 195BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 260s BCE (wikipedia)

Qin Shi Huang/1st emperor of Qin/Shihuangdi/1st emperor/Ying Zheng/Zhao Zheng (s of Zhuangxiang or possibly Lu Buwei & Zhao) b: 259-02-19 BCE d: 210-09-10 BCE (wikipedia)     Shihuangdi (Britannica)     Shi Huangdi (Joshua J. Mark: Ancient History

Mithridates ii of Pontus (s of Ariobarzanes) b: c. 250BCE d: c. 215BCE (wikipedia) m: Laodice

time-line 250s BCE (wikipedia)

Chazal/ha keminu zekronam le berekah c. 250BCE to c. 625CE

Roman warm period c. 250BCE - c. 400CE

Parthian/Arsacid empire c. 247BCE - c. 224CE (wikipedia) ,   region of Parthia/Parthava

Hannibal Barca/grace of Baal thunder-bolt/Baal has been gracious thunder-bolt/Annibas Barkas (son of Hamilcar Barca; brother of Mago & Hasdrubal) c. 247BCE in Carthage - c. 182BCE at Libyssa/Gebze/Dakibyza, Turkey/Asia Minor (wikipedia)

Antiochus iii the great (son of Seleucus ii callinicus pogon & Laodice ii) c. 241BCE - 187BCE (wikipedia) m: Laodice iii (d of Mithridates ii of Pontus & Laodice)

Ptolemy iv philopator (son of Ptolemy iii & Berenice ii) c. 240BCE - c. 204BCE   m: Arsinoe iii of Egypt philopator b: 246BCE or 245BCE d: 204BCE

Mithridates iii (s of Mithridates ii of Pontus & Laodice) b: c. 240BCE d: c. 185BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 240s BCE (wikipedia)

decree of Canopus carved 238BCE in praise of Ptolemy iii euergetes & his wife Berenice, & their daughter Berenice

time-line 230s BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 220s BCE (wikipedia)

Qin/Chin dynasty in China c. 221BCE - c. 206BCE (wikipedia),   Qin/Chin dynasty in China (Gabriel Peralta: Ancient,   Qin/Chin dynasty in China (Britannica)

Demetrius i the undefeated of Bactria (s of Euthydemus of Bactria) b: c. 220BCE d: c. 180BCE (wikipedia)

Xiongnu c. 215BCE - c. 600CE (wikipedia)


time-line 200BCE - 101BCE (wikipedia)

Ben Sira/Shimon ben Yeshua ben Eliezer ben Sira/Simon ben Joshua ben Aliazar ben Sira/Simon ben Yahushaa ben Eliezer ben Sira/Jesus ben Sirach b: c. 200BCE d: c. 150BCE (possibly lived in Jerusalem & Alexandria.)

Essenes 2nd century BCE - 1st century CE (wikipedia)     and Essenes (Catholic Encyclopedia/New AdVent)     and 2017-01-20: who were the Essenes (Biblical Archaeology/Bible History Daily)

Wusum/descendants of corvids/horse-people 2nd century BCE - 5th century CE (wikipedia)

Kangju/Kaunchi/Kang-chu culture 2nd century BCE - 8th century CE (wikipedia)

Euthydemus ii of Greco-Bactria (s of Demetrius i of Bactria) b: c. 200BCE d: c. 170BCE (wikipedia)

Ptolemy v epiphanes/Ptolemy v the illustrious (son of Ptolemy iv philopator & Arsinoe iii of Egypt) b: c. 200BCE d: 181BCE m: Cleopatra the Syrian/Cleopatra i Syra (d of Antiochus iii the great & Laodice iii; gd of Mithridates ii of Pontus & Laodice; ggd of Ariobarzanes and Atiochus ii theos & Laodice i) b: c. 204BCE d: c. 177BCE (ancestors of Cleopatra i Syra)

Vandals c. 200BCE - (wikipedia) and 2014-11-25: Joshua J. Mark (Ancient Europe) and 2014-06-06: Owen Jarus (Live Science)

Antiochus iv Epiphanes (son of Antiochus iii & Laodice iii) c. 215BCE - 164BCE (wikipedia),   Antiochus the mad-man (My Jewish Learning),   David Stevens v. Stephen Berger (Family,   David Stevens v. Stephen Berger (Justia),   David Stevens v. Stephen Berger (Leagle)

Pharnaces i of Pontus (s of Mithridates iii & Laodice) b: c. 210BCE d: c. 169BCE (wikipedia) m: c. 172BCE to 1st cousin once removed Nysa (d of Antiochus & Laodice iv)

Indo-Scythian kingdom c. 200BCE to c. 400CE

Ptolemy vi philometor (son of Ptolemy v & Cleopatra i of Syria) c. 200BCE - 181BCE

Mattathias/Matatiyahu ben Johanan/Yochanan ha kohen (s of Johanan/Yochanan ben Shimon/Simeon; gs of Simeon/Shimon ben Asmon/Hasmonaeus; descendant of Idaiah/Yediyahu ben Joarib/Yuarib/Yoariv ben Jehzadak/Yahutzedek ben Seraiah/Seriyahu ben Azariah ben Hilkiah ben Shalum ben Zadok ben Ahitub; descendant of Joarib/Yuarib/Yoariv ben Jachin/Yachin ben Phinehas/Fineas/Pinchas ha kohen gadol) c. 200BCE - 165BCE (wikipedia)

rosetta/rashid stone carved 196BCE during reign of Ptolemy v epiphanes/Ptolemy v the illustrious

time-line 190s BCE (wikipedia)

high-priest/kohan gadol Menelaus b: c. 190 BCE d: c. 160 BCE (wikipedia)

Judah/Yahudah ben Mattathias/Matatiyahu ben Johanan/Yochanan ha kohen/Yahudah the hammer c. 190BCE - 160BCE at battle of Elasa (wikipedia)

Jonathan/Yahunatan Apphus/Apfous/diplomat ben Mattathias/Matatiyahu ben Johanan/Yochanan ha kohen c. 187BCE - 143BCE (wikipedia) (see also D.C. O'Driscoll genealogy pages )

Demetrius i soter (son of Seleucus iv philopator & Laodice iv) c. 185BCE - c. 150BCE m1: Apama m2: Laodice v

Simon/Shimon/Simeon Maccabeus/tassi/director/counselor/zealous ben Mattathias/Matatiyahu ben Johanan/Yochanan ha kohen c. 185BCE - 135 February BCE (wikipedia) (139BCE achieved recognition by Roman republic.)

Ptolemy viii physcon/Ptolemaios viii the 2nd benefactor/Ptolemy viii euergetes ii (son of Ptolemy v Epiphanes & Cleopatra i Syra) b: c. 182BCE d: 116-06-26 (ancestors)
m1: Cleopatra ii of Egypt (d of Ptolemy v Epiphanes & Cleopatra i of Egypt; m1 his brother Ptolemy vi Philometor of Egypt) b: c. 185BCE d: 116BCE or 115BCE
    Ptolemy Memphites
m2: Cleopatra iii of Egypt/Cleopatra Euergetis/Cleopatra Philometor Soteira/Kokke/Nebtaoui Kanekhet (d of Ptolemy vi Philometor of Egypt & Cleopatra ii of Egypt)
    Ptolemy ix Lathyros
    Ptolemy x Alexander i
    Cleopatra iv of Egypt
    Cleopatra Selene i
m2: Eirene
    Ptolemy Apion

time-line 180s BCE (wikipedia)

Greek Acra/Akra/Cheqra/Cheqrah/fortress of Jerusalem c. 175BCE - c. 135BCE (wikipedia),   Elizabeth Palermo: site of Chasmonean/Maccabee revolt un-earthed (Live Science),   Andrew Lawle3 (National Geographic) and (City of David)

Mithridates v of Pontus/Mithradates Euergetes (s of Pharnaces i of Pontus & Nysa) b: c. 170BCE d: c. 120BCE (wikipedia)

Sanhedrin c. 170BCE to c. 400CE

time-line 170s BCE (wikipedia)

Maccabeean/Asmonean/Hasmonean/Chasmonean Israel c. 167BCE-147BCE (from ,   c. 200BCE - 37BCE (wikipedia)

Maccabeean/Hasmonean/Chasmonean Israel c. 167BCE-100BCE
Maccabeean/Hasmonean Israel c. 167BCE-100BCE (from Christians Standing with Israel .org)

Pharisees c. 167BCE - 73CE (wikipedia)

Antiochus vii sidetes (son of Demetrius i soter & Laodice v or Apama) c. 160BCE - c. 129BCE m: 137BCE to Cleopatra thea eueteria (d of Ptolemy vi & Cleopatra ii; sister of Cleopatra iii) c. 164BCE - c. 120BCE

time-line 160s BCE (wikipedia)

Nabratein/Naburiya synagogue (NE of sea of Galilee at 32.9919N, 35.517E) c. 150BCE - 650CE (wikipedia)

John Hyrcanus ben Simon/Shimon/Simeon Maccabeus/tassi/director/counselor/zealous ben Mattathias/Matatiyahu ben Johanan/Yochanan ha kohen c. 150BCE - 104BCE (wikipedia) (associated with Sadducee/Tzedekim/Tzedukim.)

time-line 150s BCE (wikipedia)

Rome destroyed Carthage c. 149BCE Spring (wikipedia)

Rome defeated Corinth & Greece 146BCE becoming circum-Mediterranean super-power (wikipedia)

Mithridates vi of Pontus/Mithradates/Eupator Dionysius (s of Mithridates v of Pontus & Laodice vi) b: c. 140BCE at Sinope d: c. 63BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 140s BCE (wikipedia)

first Roman servile war 135BCE - 132BCE ( slavery in ancient Rome

Antiochus ix cyzicenus (son of Antiochus vii sidetes & Cleopatra thea eueteria; step-brother/cousin of Antiochus viii grypus) c. 135BCE - c. 96BCE killed in battle by Seleucis vi epiphanes

time-line 130s BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 120s BCE (wikipedia)

Himyarite kingdom of Yemen 110BCE - 525CE (when it was conquered by Christians of the kingdom of Aksum/Axum?) (wikipedia)

Yemenite Jews archaeologically confirmed 110BCE - 1950CE (legends of proto-Jewish and Jewish residence beginning in a range from 2468BCE to 1450BCE to 500CE) (wikipedia)

Israel 110BCE
Israel 110BCE (snagged 2011-12-02)

time-line 110s BCE (wikipedia)

Israel 104BCE
Israel 104BCE (snagged 2011-12-02)

Israel 103BCE
Israel 103BCE (snagged 2011-12-02)

Gaius/Caius Julius Caesar iv (s of Gaius/Caius Julius Caesar iii & Aurelia Cotta) b: 100-07-12 or 100-07-13 BCE in Rome d: 44-03-15 BCE in Rome     ( invaded Britain in 55BCE & 54BCE with goals including obtaining gold, silver, tin, iron, & slaves ;     buying a slave in Roman Britain: evidence from the tabulae (Lucasz Jan Korporowicz; U of Lodz, Poland) ;     Roman slave trade (Camelot International);     Julius Caesar in Britain (Brenda Lewis: British Heritage))

3rd Roman servile war 104BCE - 100BCE     ( slavery in ancient Rome )


time-line 100BCE - 1BCE (wikipedia)

Bagratuni dynasty/Bagratids c. 100BCE - 1045CE (wikipedia)

Asmonean/Hasmonean/Maccabee family tree
Asmonean/Hasmonean/Maccabee family tree (snagged 2011-08-04 from Geza Vermes 2014 _The True Herod_ (170 pages; 933.05092) (his father was an official in Idumea/Edom/land of Esau)

Bible-History 100BCE - 4BCE (bible-history)

Israel 1st century BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Antipater the Idumaean/Edomite/land of descendants of Esau/Esav/Aasu b: c.100BCE d: 43BCE (wikipedia) (These folks/the Herodian family were heavily influenced by Macedonians -- Alexander the great and Ptolemy and Seleucus -- in their incestuous marriages, which is one of the reasons the Jewish people were kind of grossed out by them.)

Armenia 100BCE - 95BCE
Armenia 100BCE - 95BCE (snagged 2013-12-25)

development of armored cavalry 100BCE-1066CE
development of armored cavalry 100BCE-1066CE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

time-line 90s BCE (wikipedia)

Julian laws c. 90BCE

Rabban Gamaliel ben Simeon ben Hillel the elder c. 90BCE - c. 50CE

Ariovistus king of Suevi/Suebi/Swabians Germans b: c. 85BCE d: after 60BCE (settled in the Black Forest area) (wikipedia)

time-line 80s BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 70s BCE (wikipedia)

3rd Roman servile war 73BCE - 71BCE ( slavery in ancient Rome

Herod the great (s of Antipater the Idumaean & Cypros) b: c. 73BCE d: 4BCE at Jericho, Israel (wikipedia)   m1: Doris (sister of Theudion who was 2nd husband of Berenice)   m2: Mariamne i (d of Alexandros of Judea & Alexandra Maccabeus) d: 29BCE   m3: Mariamne ii (d of Simon Boethus)   m4: Malthace from Samartia   m5: Cleopatra of Jerusalem   m6: Pallas   m7: Phaidra/Phaedra/Phedra   m8: Elpis   m9: his cousin   m10: his niece

Israel in time of Herod the great c. 73BCE-c. 1BCE
Israel in time of Herod the great c. 73BCE-c. 1BCE (snagged 2011-08-04 from Geza Vermes 2014 _The True Herod_ (170 pages; 933.05092) (his father was an official in Idumea/Edom/land of Esau)

Caesarea, Israel in time of Herod the great c. 73BCE-c. 1BCE
Caesarea, Israel in time of Herod the great c. 73BCE-c. 1BCE (snagged 2011-08-04 from Geza Vermes 2014 _The True Herod_ (170 pages; 933.05092) (his father was an official in Idumea/Edom/land of Esau)

Jerusalem, Israel in time of Herod the great c. 73BCE-c. 1BCE
Jerusalem, Israel in time of Herod the great c. 73BCE-c. 1BCE (snagged 2011-08-04 from Geza Vermes 2014 _The True Herod_ (170 pages; 933.05092) (his father was an official in Idumea/Edom/land of Esau)

Israel c. 67BCE
Israel c. 67BCE (snagged 2011-12-02)

Gaius Octavia/ imperator caesar divi filius augustus/ Augustus Caesar/ Caesar Augustus (s of Gaius Octavius iv & Atia Balba Caesonia;   gs of Gaius Octavius iii   and   Marcus Atius Balbus & Julia minor;     ggs of Gaius Octavius ii   and   Marcus Atius Balbus & Pompeia   and   Gaius Julius Caesar iii & Aurelia Cotta) b: 63 September 23 BCE in Rome d: 14 August 19 CE at Nola, Italia (wikipedia)   /   (History Channel)   /   (EU ancient history)   m1: 42BCE to Clodia Pulchra   m2: 40BCE to Scribonia   m3: 37BCE to Livia Drusilla     ( ancestors and descendants ) (warning: these show more than one "Julia Minor")

time-line 60s BCE (wikipedia)

Tribes of Southern Scotland & Northen Britain: Novantae/Novant     Selgovae/Segloes     Damnonii/Damnii     Votadini/Otadini/Guotodin/Gododdin     Bigantes

Gallia/Western Europe c. 54BCE

Cyrenius/ Publius Sulpicius Quirinius/ Kuranios/ Kurthniou/ Kureniou (Wikipedia) () b: c. 51BCE d: 21CE   /   (Bible   /   (Bible

time-line 50s BCE (wikipedia)

Tiberius Claudius Nero/ Tiberius caesar divi augusti filius augustus/ Tiberius Julius Caesar (s of Tiberius Claudius Nero & Livia Drusilla; gs of Drusus Claudius Nero i & Claudia   and   Appius Claudius Pulcher/Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus & Aufidia; ggs of Marcus Aufidius Lurco) b: 42 November 16 BCE in Rome d: 37 March 16 CE at Misenum, Italy (wikipedia)   /   (   /   (EU ancient history)   /   (Roman   m1: 19BCE to Vipsania Agrippina (d of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa & Pomponia Caecilia Attica) b: 36BCE d: 20CE   m2: 11BCE to Julia the elder (d of Octavius/Augustus Caesar & Scribonia) b: 39 October 30 BCE at Rome d: 14CE at Rhegium

time-line 40s BCE (wikipedia)

Sapadbizes of Bactria b: c. 40BCE - 1BCE (wikipedia) ,   Bactria (Jan van der Crabben: Ancient History Encyclopedia) ,   Greco-Bactrian kingdom (wikipedia)

Rabbi Zadok b: before 30CE and probably before 30BCE d: after 70CE (Descendant of Benjamin. Contemporary of Joshua ben Chananiah, Eliezer ben Hurcanus, and Yochanan ben Zakai.)

time-line 30s BCE (wikipedia)

2017-06-24 (5777 Sivan 30)
Hungarian archaeologists un-covered ritual bath at Chasmonean, Alexander Yanai's fortress of Machaerus, Gabinius in 57BCE, rebuilt by Herod c. 30BCE, probably demolished by Lucilius Bassus' 10th Roman legion c. 71CE (about 16 miles SE of the North end of the Dead/Salt Sea on West side of Jordanian village Muqawir)

Yochanan ben Zakai/Jochanan/Johanan b: c. 30BCE d: c. 90BCE buried: within Maimonides burial compound in Tiberias, Israel.   Last student of R' Hillel, also student of Shammai. Teacher of Eliezer ben Hurcanus, Yehoshua ben Hananiah/Chananiah, Elazar ben Arach. After Roman destruction of 2nd Temple 70CE, moved his school, and the sanhedrin about 42 miles WNW to Yavne/Yavneh/Yebnah/Jamnia/Yibna (about 9.3 miles NE of Ashdod, SE of Palmachim, 4.3 miles from the Mediterranean) which had been settled since at least the Middle Bronze Age. Sanhedrin moved to Usha c. 80CE, returned to Yavneh c. 116CE, then back to Usha c. 135CE.

time-line 37BCE (wikipedia)

time-line 36BCE (wikipedia)

Biblical Israel (G)
Biblical Israel (G) (snagged 2011-09-23)

Aristobulus iv (s of Herod i the great & Mariamne; gs of Alexandros of Judea & Alexandra Maccabeus) b: 31BCE d: 7BCE (wikipedia) m: Berenice (d of Costobarus governor of Idumea & Salome i)

Herodian Israel 30BCE-70CE
Herodian Israel 30BCE-70CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Gamaliel the elder / R' Gamaliel i / R' Gamliel / Gamaliel ben Simeon ben Hillel the elder / HaZeqen Gamlial) (son of Simeon; grand-son of Hillel the elder) d: c. 52CE (3813 anno mundi) children: Simeon ben Gamliel/Shimon ben Gamaliel/Simon ben Gamaliel ben Hillel; daughter; Abibas ben Gamaliel ben Simeon ben Hillel.

time-line 20s BCE (wikipedia)

Philo Judaeus of Alesandria/Jedediah the priest/Julius Philo (brother of Alexander the Alabarch; brother of Lysimachus) b: c. 25BCE d: c. 50CE (wikipedia)

Abgar v b: c. 25BCE d: c. 40CE (wikipedia)

Herod antipater/Herod antipas (s of Herod the great & Malthace the Samaritan) b: before 20BCE d: after 39CE in Gaul (roughly France) m1: Phasaelis (d of Aretas iv philopatris/Haritat of the Nabataeans/Aeneas) m2: Herodias (d of Aristobulus iv & Berenice; sister of Herod v of Chalkis; sister of Herod Agrippa)

time-line 10s BCE (wikipedia)

Alexander the Alabarch (brother of Philo Judaeus of Alesandria; brother of Lysimachus) b: c. 10BCE d: c. 50CE (wikipedia)

Simeon ben Gamliel i / Shimon ben Gamliel (son of Gamliel i; ?g-grand-son of Hillel the Elder?) b: c. 10BCE d: 70CE buried: Kafr Kanna, near Golani junction, lower Galilee in northern Israel     children:     R' Gamaliel ben Simon/Gamaliel ben Shimon/Rabban Gamaliel ii/Gamliel ii/Gamliel of Yavne/Gamliel of Yavneh/Gamliel of Ibnah/Gamliel of Yabneh/Rabban Gamlial dibnah/Gamlial de Yebnah;     Imma Shlomo bat Simeon m: Eliezer ben Hyrcanos/Eliezer ben Hyrcanus/Eliezer ben Hurcanos.

Nicodemus ben Gurion/son of a lion/Nakdimon ben Gorion/Naqdimon ben Gurion/Buni ben Gurion (s of Gurion?) b: c. 5BCE in Jerusalem, Israel d: c. 60CE     (Emil G. Hirsch & Schulim Ochser: Jewish Encyclopedia)

John the baptist/John the baptizer/Yochanan ha Matbil/Iuannos o baptistes/Iuannos o baptizon/John the fore-runner/Yachya the prophet/Yachya ibn Zakariyia (s of Zachary/Zachariah & Elizabeth) b: c. 5BCE in Judea/Israel d: c. 32CE at Machaerus/Muqawir, Perea, Trans-Jordanian Israel (E of the Salt/Dead Sea; E of Metzfah Shelem, SW of Madaba, NW of Rabba, NE of Ein Gedi/Aayn Gedi, ESE of Metzukei Dragot) (according to Luke he was a Naziri, like Samson.)     (wikia)   (New Advent)     (Zondervan Academic)

Herod family tree
Herod family tree (snagged 2011-08-04 from Geza Vermes 2014 _The True Herod_ (170 pages; 933.05092) (his father was an official in Idumea/Edom/land of Esau)

"Today going back to the sources has become the fashion...   There are many other curiosity shops -- the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Rosicrucians, the Order of Malta, the Templars, the Cathars, the alchemists, the occultists, the cabalists, the convoys of swamis in their Rolls Royces -- need I go on?" --- Carlo Suares 1994 _The 2nd Coming of Reb Yhshwh_ pg 34

"In any event, where foreign policy was at issue, Paul is indistinguishable from Pharisaic teachers like Hillel and Shammai, R' Yohanan b. Zacchai, and Simeon b. Shetach of an earlier era -- all recommeding a policy of accommodation with Romans and other foreigners; cf. Paul in Romans 13:1ff. See below p. 172 for the War's reference to how this alignment of those 'desirous for peace', when all is lost, actually invites the Romans into Jerusalem to suppress the Uprising...   Our answer, provable or not, is that Agrippa ii and Ananus certainly considered they were removing the symbolic center of this agitation when they removed the incarnate 'Righteous One' (Zaddik), 'Pillar', and popular leader of this generation, James the Just [James=Seamus=Jacob=Yaaqeb]... It is possible to identify a series of martyred 'Zaddikim' beginning with Onias the son of Simeon the Zaddik. Judas Maccabee, Honi the Circle-Drawer, his grand-son Hanan the Hidden, John the Baptist (if not identical to Hanan the Hidden), Jesus, James, etc. are all identified in one way or another as 'Zaddikim' in the extant literature." --- Robert H. Eisenman 1996 _The Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Christians_ pp133-134 note37; pp169-170 note35pp195-196

"Rather these accusations are accompanied by on-going evocation of a Pauline-type adversary, who is referred to as the 'WindBag'/'Spouter' and connected from [the Cairo Genizah version especially of the _Damascus Document_], iv to viii with allusions to 'Lying' prophets crying 'peace when there is no peace' (Ezekiel 13:10ff; note that Josephus' 'Saulus' is the intermediary between 'all those desirous of peace' and Agrippa ii [Herod Agrippa ii]), a 'blaspheming Tongue', 'pouring out Lies', 'daubing upon the wall' [i.e. grafitti propagandist], 'departing from the Way' (in _Damascus Document_ i-ii, 'leading astray in a trackless waste without a Way' and 'removing the boundary markers' [limits to avoid slipping into sin]; note the inversion here of 'wilderness'/'Way' imageries), and 'the Way of Traitors'. The 'Riches' usually acompanied by the imagery of 'fornication'... 'robbing the Poor [or Meek]', 'gathering Riches', and 'profiteering from the spoils of the Peoples' [diverting sacrifices], and even includes an allusion to 'keeping away' (lehinnazer -- [which has] the same root as the word 'Nazirite')..." --- Robert H. Eisenman 1996 _The Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Christians_ pp208-209

"In every embodiment of the tradition, as it emerges in these Talmudic sources, the reference invariably is to 'galtah'/'exiled' -- in 2, variations occur; 1 incorporating the usage nigli, that is, 'let us be exiled', and 1, the more interesting perhaps for our purposes, actually using the word 'galut', in this case meaning 'House of Exile'.   in every one...the peculiar root GLH [gimel lamedh heh] used in the Habakkuk Pesher in its discussion of the Wicked Priest's behavior towards the Righteous Teacher, is used to discuss the *Sanhedrin's exile from the Temple mount*, and in the view of thse sources, from Divine favor, in the years prior to the fall of Jerusalem, the period of the stoning of James.   In addition, these references are associated in several places with both the illegality of imposign the death sentence in capital trials beause of this 'exile' and, not indignificantly where the presentation of the trial and death of James in early [Roman Catholich Church] sources is concerned, the fall of the Temple and/or departure of God's presence from the Temple.   Particularly in the tractates Sanhedrin and Avodah Zarah, the usage refers to the illegality of passing the death sentence under such circumstances...   in James's case the passing of a death sentence was considered in all early [Roman Catholic Church] sources a monstrous miscarriage of justice.   Again, we find additional Josephus vis-a-vis the death of James that 'the more righteous among the population and those most worried about breaking the Law' objected to what was done to James.   Though the Talmudic references are talking about the impropriety of imposing any death sentence at all when the Sanhedrin was sitting outside its normal place of meeting in the stone chamber of the Temple mount in the years when it was sitting in its 'beit galut' -- that is 'house of exile' or 'exiled house' -- the specific case of sentencing to death by reason of blasphemy [in this case, pronouncing the tetragrammaton, as James=Jacob did in the role of High Priest trying to conduct the Rash HaShanah+Yom Kippur ritual] must be reckoned among these." --- Robert H. Eisenman 1996 _The Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Christians_ pp256-257


time-line 1CE - 100CE (wikipedia)

Christianity 1CE - 100CE (wikipedia)

list of countries by estimated population in 1CE

the Christian church of the East (Mark Dickens: Oxus Communications)

Helena of Adiabene b: c. 0 d: c. 55CE (wikipedia)

Monobaz i/Bazeus/Monobazus king of Adiabene b: c. 0 d: c. 30CE (wikipedia)

early Sklaveni/early Slavs c. 1CE - c. 1000CE (wikipedia)

Wends/Veneti/Venedi/Venethi/Ouenedai/Windeas/Vindr/Wenden/Winden/Vendere/Wendowie/Venaja/Vene/Venea lived mostly along the Baltic sea-coast as far West as the Elbe river c. 1CE- (wikipedia)

Alans/Alanni/Alauni/Alanoi/Asi/Os/Uzi/Iasi/Jasy/Olani/Alanliao/Iron c. 1CE - (wikipedia)

Heraios/Ilou/Maou/Miaou of Kush (NW of Iran/Persia) b: c. 20BCE d: c. 30CE (wikipedia)

Kujula Kadphises of Kush (NW of Iran/Persia)/basileus sterossy Ermaiou/king Hermaeus the savior b: c. 4BCE in Bactria d: c. 80CE (wikipedia)

time-line 10s CE (wikipedia)

Tanaim/repeaters c. 10CE to 220CE (wikipedia)

Huns c. 1CE to c. 700CE (wikipedia)

Roman province of Judea/Yahudah/Yehudah/Judaea incorporated most of Yahudah+Samaria+Idumea/Idumaea/Edom (parts of Israel+Jordan including Palestinian-occuped Eastern Israel) 6CE to 135CE (wikipedia)

census of Cyrenius/ Publius Sulpicius Quirinius/ Kuranios c. 6CE (Wikipedia)   /   (Bible Baptist Theological Journal) once more Quirinius's census ... or the one before it or after it or...   /   (Stack Exchange) how could Jesus be born during the reign of Herod, and when Quirinius was governor of Syria, if there is no over-lap in those periods? (time travel?)   /   (Jimmy Akin: does Luke contradict himself on when Jesus was born?

Herod Agrippa i/Marcus Julius Agrippa (son of Aristobulus iv & Berenice; gs of Herod i the great & Mariamne and Costobarus governor of Idumea & Salome i) b: 11BCE d: 44CE at Caesarea (wikipedia) m: Cypros iii (daughter of Phasael & Cypros) see also (D.C. O'Driscoll's genealogies)

time-line 20s CE (wikipedia)

Julia Berenice of Cilicia/Bernice (d of Herod Agrippa i/Marcus Julius Agrippa & Cypros; gd of Aristobulus iv & Berenice; ggd of Herod the great & Mariamne) b: 28CE d: after 81CE (wikipedia) m1: c. 42CE to Marcus Julius Alexander (s of Alexander the alabarch of Alexandria; brother of Tiberius Julius Alexander; nephew of Philo Judaeus of Alexandria) b: 16CE d: 44CE m2: 44CE to Herod of Chalcis/Herod v (s of Aristobulus iv; brother of Herod Agrippa i; gs of Herod the great & Mariamne) m3: c. 52 to Polemon ii of Pontus/Marcus Antonius Polemon Pythodoros/Polemon of Cilicia (s of Polemon Pythodoros & Phythodorida of Pontus; brother of Zenon/Artaxias iii of Armenia; gs of Zenon & Tryphaena)

Western Roman empire c. 27BCE - c. 390CE (wikipedia)

history of Jews in the Roman empire c. 27BCE - c. 200CE (wikipedia),   Israel under Roman rule (before and after) (Lawrence H. Schiffman: My Jewish Learning),   Judea under Roman rule (Craig R. Koester: Enter the Bible)

time-line 30s CE (wikipedia)

R' Eliezer ben Hurkenos/Eliezer ben Hurcanos/Eliezer ben Hyrcanus/Eliezer ha gadol d: after 70CE (his father came to Jerusalem to declare him disinherited, but on finding out his learning was highly respected, instead offered to give him all, which Eliezer refused. helped smuggle his teacher Jochanan ben Zakai out of Jerusalem during Roman siege. held a school at Lydda.) m: Ima Shalom/Imma Shalom (daughter of Simon ben Gamaliel the elder; sister of R' Gamaliel ii ben Simon of Yavneh/Yabnah/Yebnah)

time-line 40s CE (wikipedia)

BBC: time-line of Roman Britain c. 43CE - c. 410CE

time-line 50s CE (wikipedia)

Chashtana/Castana/Chastana/Shastana/mahakshtrapa bhadramukha swami of Saka/Scythia (N Black & Caspian seas) b: c. 58CE d: c. 130CE (wikipedia)

time-line 60s CE (wikipedia)

Vima Takto/Vima Taktu of Kush (NW of Iran/Persia)/basileu basileyon soter megas/king of kings great savior/Yangaozhen b: c. 60CE in Peshawar d: c. 90CE in Peshawar (wikipedia)

Jewish vs. Roman wars 66CE-135CE (wikipedia)

1st Jewish vs. Roman war 66CE-73CE (wikipedia)

the Kanai/קנאי/zealots c. 1500BCE- (Phinehas/פיחס/Finechess/Finches/Pinchus/Pinchas/Pinches/Phineas ben Alaazar/Eleazar ben Aharon to today's anti-Zionists) (wikipedia)

Jewish zealotry c. 60CE-73CE (wikipedia)

the Sicarii/daggers c. 100BCE-100CE (wikipedia)

demographic history of Jerusalem 70CE- (wikipedia)

Vima Kadphises of Kush (NW of Iran/Persia)/basileus basileiyon soter megas Ooemo Kadphises/king of kings great savior Wima Kadphises b: c. 70CE d: c. 100CE (wikipedia)

Nachum ha Alqeshi tomb transcription
Nachum ha Alqeshi tomb transcription (1 of 3 by Abeda Alqeshi, snagged 2015-06-04)

Israel 0-100CE
Israel 0-100CE (snagged 2015-08-18)

Tannaim/Tenaim/repeaters/teachers c. 2CE to c. 220CE

Erythraean Sea
Erythraean Sea (wikipedia; visited 2016-01-13)

Joshua ben Hananiah/Yahushaa ben Chananiah/Yahushaa ben Cheneniah/Yahushaa ben Cheneniahu (descendant of Levi; uncle of Hananiah) d: 131CE (student of Johanan ben Zakkai/Yochanan ben Zakai. lived in Berkiin between Jabneh/Yavneh/Yavhan/Jamnia and Lydda.)

Kushan empire c. 30CE to c. 375CE (wikipedia)

Greek Orthodox patriarchs of Jerusalem c. 33CE - (wikipedia)     list of Eusebius Pamphilius

the bishops of Rome, the popes; the patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Armenia, and the east; arch-bishops of Canterbury and prince arch-bishops of Mainz, Trier, Cologne/Koeln, and Salzburg c. 33CE - (wikipedia)

popes of the Roman Catholic church c. 33CE - (wikipedia) ,   popes of the Roman Catholic church c. 32CE - (New Advent)

patriarchs of the church of the East/patriarchs of Babylon c. 33CE - (wikipedia) ,   Nestorian patriarchs c. 33CE - (

Greek Orthodox patriarchs of Alexandria c. 43CE - (wikipedia)

Coptic Orthodox popes of Alexandria c. 43CE - (wikipedia)

Rebbe Akiva ben Yosef / R' Aaqiba ben Yoseph/Aaqebyah/Akiba ben Joseph/Aqabiah/Rosh la Chachamim) b: between 40CE and 50CE d: c. 135CE buried: at Tiberias on the sea of Galilee/Kinnereth/Gennesereth, after having been imprisoned at Caesarea (essential contributor to _Mishnah_ and _Midrash Halakha_. shepherd. student of Eliezer ben Hyrkanus/Hyrcanus/Hurkenos, Joshua ben Hananiah/Chananya, and Nahum Ish Gamzu. among his thousands of students were R' Meir, Juca ben Ilai, Simeon bar Yohai, Jose ben Halafta, Eleazar ben Shammai, R' Nehemiah, Aquila.) (R' Akiva ben Yosef the shepherd (descended from Sisera) m: Rachel bat Kalba Savua (source, R. Yissocher Frand & R' Pinchas Winston)/Rachel bat Joshua (daughter of Kalba Savua) children: Simon ben Aaqiba

Gnaeus Julius Agricola (s of Lucius Julius Graecinus the botanist & Julia Procilla) b: 40-06-13 in Forum Julii/Frejus, Gallia Narbonensis/Narbonne (between Cannes & St. Tropez) d: 93-08-23 in Gallia Narbonensis/Narbonne m: 62CE to Domitia Decidiana (d of Domitius Decidianus?)       (Geni)

Huns c. 50CE to c. 454CE (or possibly 750CE)

time-line 70s CE (wikipedia)

emperor Hadrian/Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus (s of Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer & Domitia Paulina; gs of Publius Aelius Hadrianus Marullinus & Ulpia whose brother was the father of Trajan) b: 76-01-24 in Italica near Santiponce (6 miles NW of Seville), Hispania/Spain d: 138-07-10 at Baiae/now in Bacoli, 12 miles W of the center of Naples   m: Vibia Sabina (d of Lucius Vibius Sabinus & Salonia Matidia; gd of Gaius Salonius Matidus Patuinus & Ulpia Marciana sister of Trajan) b: 83CE d: 136CE or 137CE

Yuezhi/Yueh-chi/Kushan empire 78CE - 225CE (Global Security)

mount Vesuvius     erupted 79 August 24 beginning about 13:00     killing or driving out the people of nearby towns     Pompeii     and     Herculaneum     and     Stabiae     and     Oplontis     and     Boscoreale at the ex-urbian edge of modern Naples/Napoli (not to be confused with Lipona :B-);     and     Pliny the elder and his nephew     and     Pliny the younger were in Pompeii at the time, and the latter escaped, bringing out their written notes about what happened.     Archaeologists are still     discovering new information     and ways to extract it,     e.g. from about 2K papyrus scrolls.

time-line 80s CE (wikipedia)

time-line 90s CE (wikipedia)


time-line 101CE - 200CE (wikipedia)

Christianity 101CE - 200CE (wikipedia)

polytheistic/Jewish/Christian kingdom of Aksum/Axum (Ethiopia) c. 100CE - c. 960CE (wikipedia)

invasions of Roman Empire 100CE - 500CE
invasions of Roman Empire 100CE - 500CE (snagged 2013-10-23)

Ireland & Britain c. 100CE
Ireland & Britain c. 100CE (snagged 2011-09-04 from Maire O'Brien & Conor Cruise O'Brien 1972 _A Concise History of Ireland_ (177 pages; 941.5))

time-line 110s CE (wikipedia)

Lukuas/Andreas c. 85CE - 117CE (wikipedia)

Quietus/Kitos war 115CE - 117CE (wikipedia)

time-line 120s CE (wikipedia)

Europe, Germanic groups/territories, Rome, Levant, Skaveni/Slavs, Alans, Scythians c. 125CE (wikipedia; PNG)

bar Kochba revolt 132CE-136CE (wikipedia)

Hadrian designated the Roman province of Syria Palaestina 135CE-390CE (wikipedia) and had

Roman Aelia Capitolina built atop/central Jerusalem, with a temple to Jupiter built atop the area where the Jewish temple had stood.     The city was garrisoned to drive away Jewish people for fear of yet another revolt against Rome, though they were allowed in on Tisha beAv to mourn the destruction of the Temple. The Byzantine empire under Constantine started building Christian sites in the 4th century.     In 614 it was captured by Jewish and Sassanid troops.     Heraclius took it back in 629.     Then Muslim Arabs took it in 638, referring to Madinat bayt al-Maqdis/me din ah beth haMiqdash/city or jurisdiction or place of justice of the house of the Temple.

c. 135CE the Sanhedrin moved from Yavne to Usha (about 9-10 miles E of Haifa, 31 miles W of Tiberias, 10-12 miles SSE of Acre/Akko/Aqqa; 90-100 miles NNW of Jerusalem)   Later, they moved to Shepharim/Shifarum/Shefaram/Safran/Sapharanum/Cafram/Shefa-Amr/Shefraam (5-10 miles ENE of Usha), then scattered to Bet Shearim (11-12 miles S of Shefaram) & Zippori (9-10 miles SE of Shefaram) in Galilee, then to Tiberias where the last Sanhedrin closed in the 400s contemporaneous or nearly so with a Byzantine church and Christian tombs.   Thousands of Jews were captured and sold at markets in Mamre/Botna/Bet Ilanim (about 15 miles SW of Jerusalem, about 1 mile NE of Hebron/Chebrun, Judaea, Israel), Gaza & farther afield as slaves to the point that the price dropped. Meanwhile, the exilarchs (Nahun/Nachun/Nahum/Nehunyon/Ahijah, Johanan/Jochanan, Shaphat, Anan/Huna, Nathan Ukban/Mar Ukban, Huna ii,...), went to Babylon. (source: Aharon Oppenheimer, Apple/Tom Tom maps, ChaBaD, & Bar Ilan U)

Judah i/Yahudah ha nasi/R' HaQadosh/Yehudah ben Shimon ben Gamliel ii ben Shimon ben Gamliel ben Hillel / Judah the prince/Yehudah ben Simeon b: 135CE d: c. 217-12-01 (3978 Kislev 15) (student of Yehudah bar Ilai and of Yose ben Halafta. compiler of the _Mishna_. "Much have I learned from my teachers, more from my colleagues, but most from my students." founded school at Beit Shearim; 25-26 miles WSW of Tiberias, 15 miles SW of Haifa, 21-23 miles SSE of Akko/Acre/Aqqa, 26-27 miles NE of Caesarea.)   (Shmuel and "the Rav" were students of Yahudah ha Nasi/Judah Ha-Nasi (source: R' Aaron Parry 2004 _The Talmud_ pp42-43))

Lucius Septimius Severus (s of Publius Septimius Geta & Fulvia Pia; gs of Lucius Septimius Severus) b: 145-04-11 at Leptis Magna/Khoms, Libya (East of Tripoli) d: 211-02-04 at Eboracum/York, England m1: Paccia Marciana m2: Julia Domna (wikipedia)

Israel c. 150CE
Israel c. 150CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Roman Empire c. 150CE
Roman Empire c. 150CE (snagged 2012-08-23 from Moses I. Finley 1973, 1985 _The Ancient Economy_ (230 pages; 330.9))

Roman Britain around 142CE-300CE
Roman Britain around 142CE-300CE (snagged 2012-05-14 from Winston Churchill 1956, 1993 _An History of the English Speaking Peoples: The Birth of Britain_ (500 pages; 941))

?? bar Daisan/?? ibn Daisan/Bardesanes/Bardaisan (s of Nahsiram & Nuhama) b: 154-07-11 in Edessa along the Daisan river   m: ?? (named a son Harmonius.)

Rab/Reb/Rav Abba Arika/Arikha/Arekha/ Abba bar Aybo/Aibo (nephew of Chiyya) b: c. 175CE at Kafri near Shiraz, Persia/Iran d: 299CE (student of Judah i/Yahudah ha nasi/R' HaQadosh/Yehudah ben Shimon ben Gamliel ii ben Shimon ben Gamliel ben Hillel. established a rabbinical school at Sura/Sora, SSE of Karbala & Najaf along the Euphrates, S of Baghdad, E of Jerusalem.)

Ardashir i the unifier b: c. 180CE d: 242 February CE (wikipedia)

Origen of Alexandria/Origen Adamantius (?son of Leonides of Alexandria?) b: c. 185CE d: c. 253CE (wikipedia)


time-line 201CE - 300CE (wikipedia)

Christianity 201CE - 300CE (wikipedia)

Sasanian/Sassanian/Sasanid/Sassanid/neo-Persian empire c. 224CE - 651CE (wikipedia)

Amoraim/spokesmen c. 200CE to 500CE

Jurchen/Sushen/Yeojin/Nyojin/Jurcid/Juchen/Ruzhen/Nrjo-drik/Luzhen/Aisin c. 200CE to 1234CE

St. Denis b: c. 200CE d: c. 255     >     >(New Advent)

Thascius/Caecilius/St. Cyprian of Carthage b: c. 205CE in Carthage d: 258-09-14 in Carthage     >(New Advent)

Shapur i c. 215CE - 270 May CE (wikipedia)

Mani the prophet (s of Patik & Mariam) b: c. 216CE at Ctesiphon d: 274-03-02 at Gundeshapur, Sassanid empire/Iran (wikipedia)

Judah/Yahudah/Yehudah ben/bin/bar Ezekiel b: c. 220CE d: 299CE (student of Abba Arika & Samuel of Nehardea. founder of a school at Pumbedita/Pumbeditha, Babylonia/Mesopotamia/Iraq.)

St. Maurice/Moritz/Morris/Mauritius b: c. 250CE at Thebes d: 287CE at Agaunum/St. Maurice, Switzerland (wikipedia)

Eusebius of Caesarea/Eusebius Pamphili b: c. 262CE d: c. 340CE (wikipedia)

Rabbah bar Nachmani b: c. 270CE d: c. 330CE (studied at Sura, Babylonia/Iraq near Najaf Iraq SSE of Karbala; and Pumbedita/Pumbeditha near Fallujah WNW of Baghdad & ESE of Ramadi. lived in Babylonia. successor of Judah ben Ezekiel as rash yeshiva at Pumbedita.)

Western Roman empire c. 285CE - c. 476CE (wikipedia)

Jin dynasty c. 265CE - c. 420CE (wikipedia)


time-line 301CE - 400CE (wikipedia)

Christianity 301CE - 400CE (wikipedia)

2016-11-16 (5777 Mar Cheshvan 15); Jasper Scherer _Jewish World Review_; earliest (300CE-800CE) intact stone Samaritan version of the 10 commandments/Aseret ha Dibrot is up for auction

Afrighid dynasty of Chorasmia/Khwarezmia/Khwarazmia/Khowarizmia 305CE to 995CE (wikipedia), Khwarezm/Chorasmia/Khwarezmia/Khwarazmia/Khowarizmia

Ephrem the Syrian/St. Ephraem/Ephraim/Mar Afrem Suryaya/Ephraem Syrus (s of ?? & ??) b: c. 306 at Nisibis/Nusaybin, Turkey d: 373-06-09 in Edessa, Turkey   (New Advent)

time-line 310sCE (wikipedia)

Roman provinces South of the Danube up to c. 311CE
Roman provinces South of the Danube up to c. 311CE (Diocletian) (snagged 2012-10-04)

St. Martin of Tours and his capella b: 316 or 336 at Savaria, Pannonia (Szombathely, Hungary) d: 397-11-08 at Candes, Gaul/Indre et Loire, France (wikipedia)     (

time-line 320sCE (wikipedia)

count Theodosius/comes Theodosius/Theodosius the elder/Flavius Honorius Theodosius (?s of Flavius Julius Honorius? & Flavia Actia;   gs of Marcus Actius & Anicia;   nephew of Flavius Julius Gerontiue;   nephew of Flavius Julius Eucherius;   brother of Flavius Honorius;     grand-father of Flavius Honorius, Flavius Arcadius, Flavius Dydimus, Flavius Lagodius, Flavius Theodosiolus, Flavia Maria, Flavia Serena, Flavia Thermantia;     uncle of Flavius Magnus Maximus of Scotland et Britain et Armorica;   uncle of Flavius Octavius;   uncle of Flavius Constantinus) b: c. 320 in Spain d: c. 375 in Carthage m: c. 337 to Flavia Thermantia (d of Thermantius?) b: c. 320 in Spain d: c. 386 in Spain

time-line 330sCE (wikipedia)

Basil of Caesarea/St. Basil the great (s of Basil the elder & Emelia of Caesarea; gs of Macrina the elder) b: c. 330CE at Caesarea, Cappadocia d: 379-01-01 or 379-01-02 at Caesarea, Cappadocia (wikipedia)

Ammianus Marcellinus b: c. 330 possibly in Antioch, Syria, Phoenicia d: c. 395 in Rome (wikipedia)

Flavius Claudius Iulianus/Julian/emperor Julian the apostate (s of Julius Constantius & Basilina) b: c. 331 in Constantinople d: 363-06-26 at Maranga, Mesopotamia/Iraq/Babylonia buried: at Tarsus m: Helena (d of Constantine i the great & Fausta; gd of Constantius Chlorus & Helena and Maximian/Maximianus & Eutropia) (wikipedia)     Byzantine emperors    family trees of Byzantine emperors

Flavius Rufinus (brother of Silvia) b: c. 335CE d: 395-11-27 (wikipedia)

Flavius Magnus Maximus/Macsen Wledig (s of Theodosius i & Aelia Flaccilla) b: 337-01-01 in Hispania/Spain, Iberian peninsula d: c. 335CE in Hispania Gallaecia d: 388-08-28 at Aquilea, Venetia et Histria (wikipedia)

Bulgar date-line c. 337CE - c. 499CE

time-line 340sCE (wikipedia)

Flavius Theodosius i/Theodosius the great (s of Theodosius the elder/comes Theodosius/count Theodosius & Thermantia; brother of Flavius Honorius; nephew of another Flavius Honorius;   father of Flavius Arcadius, Flavius Honorius, Flavia Pulcheria, Galla Placidia) b: 347-01-11 at Coca or Italica, Spain, Iberian peninsula d: 395-01-17 at Mediolanum, Italy m1: Aelia Flaccilla d: 385CE m2: Galla (d of Valentinian i & Justina) (wikipedia)

Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus/St. Jerome b: c. 347-03-27 at Stridon near Emona (Croatia or Slovenia) d: 420-09-30 at Bethlehem,     (New Advent),     (,     (,     (Franciscan Media)

time-line 350sCE (wikipedia)

Shapur iii b: c. 350CE d: c. 388 December CE (wikipedia)

Flavius Arbogastes/Arbogastiz/Arbogast the Frank () b: c. 350CE d: c.394-09-08 in the Alps after escaping from Theodosius i

Jewish revolt against Constantius Gallus/Constantius ii 351CE to 352CE (wikipedia)

Islam and European time-line c. 355CE - 1291CE (Latin Library)

Stilicho/Flavius Stilicho/Stilichon/Estilicon (s of a Vandal & provincial Christian Roman) b: c. 359 d: 408-08-22 at Ravenna m: 384 to Serena/?Flavia Serena? Flavia Serena auf Deutsch (cousin of Galla Placidia; cousin of Honorius; "adopted niece" of Theodosius i; gd of Theodosius the elder/count Theodosius/Flavius Julius Theodosius & Flavia Thermantia; d of Flavius Honorius & ?Maria?) b: c. 365 d: 409     (parents of Eucherius, Maria, Thermantia)     family tree

time-line 360sCE (wikipedia)

Gainas the Arian Christian Goth b: c. 365 d: c. 400 North of the mouth of the Danube river

time-line 366CE (wikipedia)

time-line 367CE (wikipedia)

time-line 370sCE (wikipedia)

Flavius Fravitta the pagan VisiGoth b: c. 370 d: c. 403 (in 391 killed Eriulf in dispute while dining with Theodosius)

Alaric i/Alareiks/Alarik/Alarich/Alarico/Alaricus king of VisiGoths (s or gs of Rothestes; Balti/Baltha dynasty of Tervingian/Thervingi Goths; brother-in-law of Ataulf/Athaulf) b: 370CE or 375CE on Peuce island, Dobruja/Romania at mouth of Danube river d: 410CE at Cosenza/Consentia, Calabria (In 396, captured Corinth, Argos, & Sparta and sold many inhabitants into slavery. Required Rome to release Goth slaves.)     Kristina Killgrove: Forbes: researchers Galaqssi, Bianucci, Gorini et al. infer from records that Alaric died from malaria/Plasmodium falciparum

Ataulf/Athavulf/Atawulf/Athaulf/Ataulphus king of VisiGoths (brother-in-law of Alaric) b: c. 370 d: 415-08-15 m: 414 January at either Narbo or Forli to

Galla Placidia (d of Theodosius i & Galla) b: 388 at Thessaloniki d: 450-11-27 in Rome

Hermeric/Hermerico king of Suevi/Suebi/Swabians b: c. 375CE d: c. 438 (traveled from West of the Elbe & East of the Rhine to Western Iberian peninsula/Hispania/Portugals (wikipedia)     kingdom of the Suebi/Suevi/Swabians / kingdom of Gallaecia/Galicia c. 409CE-585CE     the Suebi/Suevi/Suevians/Suavi/Swabians/Svafa (They moved around a bit, mixed with the neighbors, formed and broke alliances, and earliest records are most skimpy, but may have ranged from NW of the Black Sea, North of the Danube, to the Baltic (Gdansk/Danzig) to just West of the Rhine at various times.)

Flavius Arcadius (s of Theodosius i & Aelia Flaccilla) b: 377-01-01 in Hispania/Spain, Iberian peninsula d: 408-05-01 m: Aelia Eudoxia d: 404-10-06 (d of Flavius Bauto a Romanized Frank who defeated grandpa Magnus Maximus/Macsen Wledig) (wikipedia)

time-line 380sCE (wikipedia)

Constantine iii/Flavius Claudius Constantinus/Constantine iii of Scotland et Britain et Armorica et Western Roman Empire (father of Constans ii) b: c. 380 d: between 411-08-01 & 411-09-18 between Arles & Ravenna

Constantius iii/Flavius Constantius b: c. 380 at Naissus/Nysos/Nish/Nissa/Nis, Moesia/Serbia d: 421-09-02 at Ravenna, Italy m: Galla Placidia (d of Theodosius i & Galla; gd of Valentinian i & Justina) b: 388 at Thessaloniki d: 450-11-27 at Rome (wikipedia)

Eutyches b: c. 380CE d: c. 456CE (wikipedia)

time-line 383CE (wikipedia)

Gunther/Guenther/Guthere/Gunnar/Gundaharius/Gundicharius/Gyntiarios/Gundahar/Gunnarr co-king of Burgundy (father of Gondioc/Gundioc/Gundowig) b: c. 385 d: 437 (in 411 co-operated with Goar of the Alans & Jovinus. Flaius Aetius killed most of them, but re-settled the survivors in Savoy along the Rhone.)

emperor Avitus/Marcus Maecilius Flavius Eparchius Avitus   (s of ?Flavius Julius Agricola? & mmm; father of Agricola, Ecdicius, Papianilla)   b: c. 385 at Clermont d: 457 buried: at Brioude

Northern Wei dynasty 386-02-20 CE to 399-01-24 CE (wikipedia)

time-line 388CE (wikipedia)

history of the Khitans/Liao 388CE-1211CE (wikipedia)

time-line 390sCE (wikipedia)

Byzantine province of Palaestina Prima and Muslim & Jewish conquest/reconquest 390CE-636CE (wikipedia)

Gadara/Gedera/Khirbet-Djedireh, Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Secunda 390CE-636CE (New Advent)

Byzantine province of Palaestina Secunda and Muslim & Jewish conquest/reconquest 390CE-636CE (wikipedia)

Bonifacius (father-in-law of Sebastianus) b: c. 390 d: 432 from wounds after battle of Rimini/Ariminum m: Palagia (d of Beremudus)

Flavius Aetius (s of Flavius Gaudentius the Scythian) b: c. 390 at Durostorum/Darstor/Silistra, Moesia Inferior/NE Bulgaria d: 454-09-21 at Ravenna m1: before 425 to ?? (d of Carpilio) m2: Palagia (d of Beremudus; widow of Bonifacius)     Mark S. Longo: Warfare History Network: Flavius Aetius

Theodoric i of VisiGoths/Theodoric the Balti/Theodoric Balthas (s of Alaric i) b: c. 390 or 393 at Peuce island, Dobruja d: 451-06-20 or 451-06-24 at battle of Chalons/Catalaunian plains     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree; oddly diferent)

time-line 393CE (wikipedia)

bishop Theodoret of Cyrrhus/Cyrus b: c.393CE at Antioch d: between 458CE & 466CE near Antioch (author of _History of the Monks of Syria_, _Religious History_/_Philotheos Historia_)

time-line 395CE (wikipedia)

Roman Empire c. 395CE
Roman Empire c. 395CE (snagged 2012-10-04)

Israel c. 395CE
Eastern Roman Empire including Ortentis/Israel c. 395CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

emperor Petronius Maximus/Flavius Anicius Petronius Maximus   (s of ?Anicius Probinus?; gs of Anicia Faltona Proba and Sextus Claudius Petronius Probus; father of Palladius)   b: c. 396 d: 455-05-31 m1: ?Lucina? m2: Licinia Eudoxia


time-line 401CE - 500CE (wikipedia)

Arabia c. 400CE
Arabia c. 400CE (snagged 2012-10-04)

Jerusalem Talmud completed c. 400CE (wikipedia),     (rabbi Jill Jacobs; MyJewishLearning) Tale of Two Talmuds: Jerusalem and Babylonian,     (Jewish Virtual Library),     full text of Jerusalem Talmud in English+Hebrew (

Hydatius of Aquae Flaviae, Hispania/Suevia/Chaves, Portugal b: c. 400CE near Civitas Lemica d: c. 469CE (wikipedia)

St. Peregrinus/Vincentius/Vincent iii of Lerins, now France (?brother of St. Lupus of Troyes?) b: c. 400CE near Toulouse d: c. 445CE at monastery/abbey of Lerina/Lerins, St. Honorat island/ile St. Honorat, now France, about 4-5 miles off-shore from Cannes (wikipedia)     St. Vincent's/Peregrinus's _Commonitory_

pope Dioscorus i of Alexandria b: c. 400CE in Egypt d: 454CE on island of Gangra/Cankiri/Germanicopolis/Changra/Kanghari, Paphlagonia/North Central Turkey/Anatolia/Asia Minor (77 miles NE of Ankara/Ankyra/Ankra; about 290 miles E of Nikaia/Bursa; 164 miles SW of Sinope/Sinop) (wikipedia)

Rechila king of Suevi/Suebi/Swabians (s of Hermeric) b: c. 400CE d: c. 448 (wikipedia)

Conall Gulban mac Niall (s of Nial Noigiallach/Niall of the 9 hostages) b: c. 400CE d: c. 464 (wikipedia)     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree)

Western Roman emperor Anthemius/Procopius Anthemius (s of Procopius & Lucina b:c.400; gs of Procopius b:c.365 and Flavius Anthemius; ggs of Procopius b:c.325; descendant of Flavius Philippus) b: c. 420 in Constantinople d: 472-07-11 at Rome m: c. 453 to Marcia Euphemia/Aelia Marcia Euphemia (d of Byzantine emperor Marcian)

Theodosius ii/Flavius Theodosius Junior/Theodosius the younger/Theodosius the calligrapher (s of Arcadius & Aelia Eudoxia) b:: 401-04-10 d: 450-07-28 m: Aelia Eudocia/St. Eudocia/Athenais (d of Leontius) b: c. 401CE at Athens d: 460-10-20 at Jerusalem (wikipedia)

Flavius Ricimer (s of Rechila the Seuvi king of Galicia; gs of Wallia king of VisiGoths) b: c. 405 d: 472-08-18

Radagaisus/Radagaiso the Goth d: 406-08-23 after defeat by Stilicho (Of 100K-500K Goths in train & 20K soldiers, 12K of his officers were drafted into the Roman army, as many as 100K escaped, enough were sold into slavery to depress prices.) (wikipedia)     battle of Faesulae/Fiesole, Italy

Bahram v b: c. 406CE d: c. 438CE (wikipedia)

Germanic kingdoms in the Iberian peninsula 409CE-719CE

monarchs of Galicia 409CE-712CE; 910CE-985CE; 1065CE-

time-line 410s CE (wikipedia)

Britannia: early British kingdoms time-line 410CE - 598CE

kings of Strathclyde (capital at Alt Clut/Dumbarton Rock) c. 410CE - 872CE

Ceretic guletic/ ?Coroticus? (capital at Alt Clut/Dumbarton Rock) b: c. 390CE d: 450CE (St. Patrick complained that he captured Christians and sold them into slavery.)

Visigoths/WesternGoths led by Alaric sacked Rome 410-08-24 (wikipedia)

Aegidius of Soissons () b: c. 410CE d: c.465

St. Severinus of Noricum () b: c. 410CE in Southern Italy or Northern Africa d: 482-01-08 at Flavianae, Noricum/Mautern an der Donau/Mautern on the Danube (about 44 miles WNW of Vienna)

time-line 420s CE (wikipedia)

Thorismund/Thorismud/Thorismod of VisiGoths (s of Theodoric i of VisiGoths) b: c. 420 d: 453

Gondioc/Gundioc/Gundawigaz/Gundowech/Gundowig/Gundwig/Gundovitch (s of Gundahar/Guntiar; brother of Chilperic i) b: c. 420CE d: c. 472CE (moved Burgundians East & South from Mainz eventually to Western Switzerland & Savoy.) m: after 454 to sister of Ricimer the Suevi/VisiGoth (d of Wallia/Walha/Walia/Valia; gd of ??Athanaric i?? & Rocestes) (parents of Gundobad, Chilperic ii, Godomar, Godegisel, Mena/Menia)

Ecdicius   (s of emperor Avitus/Marcus Maecilius Flavius Eparchius Avitus & mmm; gs of ?Flavius Julius Agricola?)   b: c. 420 d: after 475

Amazing Bible time-line: Vandals in France 425CE

Anthemiolus/Antimolus   (s of Anthemius & Marcia Euphemia/Aelia Marcia Euphemia; gs of Procopius & Lucina b:c.400; ggs of Procopius b:c.365 and Flavius Anthemius; 2ggs of Procopius b:c.325; descendant of Flavius Philippus)   b: c. 425 d: c. 471

Flavius Zeno/Zeno the Isaurian/Tarasis Kodisa Rousombladadiotes (s of Kodisa & Lalliss; son-in-law of Leo i) b: c. 425 at Zenopolis/Isnebol/Rusumblada, Isauria/Galatia, South-Central Asia Minor d: 491-04-09 at Constantinople m1: Arcadia m2: Ariadne (d of Leo i & Verina) (wikipedia)     Michael Goodyear: Ancient Europe: emperor Zeno/Tarasicodissa Rousoumbladotes

Theodoric ii of VisiGoths/Teodorico ii (s of Theodoric i) b: c. 426 d: 466     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree; oddly different; I think he has conflated the OstroGoths with the VisiGoths)

time-line 430s CE (wikipedia)

Syagrius (son of Aegidius) b: c. 430CE d: 486 or 487

Sidonius Apollinaris/Gaius Sollius Modestus Apollinaris Sidonius/St. Sidonius Apollinaris (son of Apollinaris) b: c. 430-11-05 in Lugdunum/Lyon, Gaul d: c. 489 in Burgundia   m: c. 452 to Papianilla (d of emperor Avitus/Marcus Maecilius Flavius Eparchius Avitus; sister of Agricola, Ecdicius)
    Sidonius     Nobility/Tradition, Family, Property     Britannia: letter c. 470 from Sidonius Apollinaris to Riothamus king of Britons;     Academia: Sidonius Apollinaris: the man and his filla
    Geni: family tree of Papianilla     Geni: another family tree of Sidonius Apollinaris & Papianilla, showing emperor Avitus, Constantine iii, Flavius Julius Agricola, St. Alcimus Ecdicius Avitus     Geni: another family tree of Sidonius Apollinaris & Papianilla, showing St. Godolfus, praetorian Thaumastus i     Geni: Sidonius Apollinaris     Jamie's fabulous pedigree     (Rick Wickham, in _The Inheritance of Tome_ claims St. Bonitus/Bonnet is descended from Sidonius Apollinaris & emperor Avitus, and other Roman senators & such, but notes SA's support for the Merovingians)

Flavius Julius Nepos (son of Nepotianus & a sister of Marcellinus) b: c. 430CE d: 480 April 25 or May 9 or June 22 at Spalatum, Dalmatia m: a niece of Leo i the Thracian or of Aelia Verina

Byzantine emperor Anastasius i Dicorus/ Flavius Anastasius (s of Pompeius & Anastasia Constantina) b: c. 431 at Dyrrhachium/Durres, Albania d: 518-07-09 at Constantinople

Flavius Odoacer/Flavius Odovacer/Odovacar/Odoacre/Odovacris (s of Odeko/Idikon/Edico) b: c. 433 in Pannonia d: 493-03-15 at Ravenna m: Sunigilda

Arbogast comes Trier (s of Arigius; descendant of Flavius Arbogastes/Arbogastiz/Arbogast the Frank) b: c. 435CE d: c.480

time-line 439CE (wikipedia)

capture of Carthage (& Rome's North Africa bread-basket) in 439CE by Genseric/Gaiseric & the Vandals (wikipedia)

time-line 440s CE (wikipedia)

Peroz i b: c. 440CE d: c. 484CE (wikipedia)

Hephthalite/White Hun/Ephthalite empire 440CE-670CE (wikipedia)     and     map c. 500CE (map by Thomas A. Lessman)

Euric/Aiwareiks/Evaric/Eurico (s of Theodoric i; brother of Theodoric ii) b: c. 440CE d: 484-12-28

time-line 450s CE (wikipedia)

Kirkmadrine carved stones c. 450CE (Historic Environment Scotland)     and     (UnDiscovered Scotland)     and     Kirkmadrine, Whithorn, Isle of Whithorn & St. Ninian's cave (Robin Crichton: Cradle of Christianity/Merlin Trail)     and     (Britain Express)

Europe, Germanic groups/territories (Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Frisians) c. 450CE (wikipedia; JPG)

Merovingian dynasty c. 450CE-758CE

Chilperic ii of Burgundy/Chilperikus (s of Gundioc & sister of Ricimer to VisiGoth; brother of Gundobad, Chilperic ii, Godomar/Gundomar, Godegisel; father of Clotild) b: c. 450CE d: 493CE assassinated by Gundobad (his base/capital was Valentia Julia/Valence.)     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

battle of Catalaunian Plains/battle of Chalons (campaign of Attila & others vs. Aetius, Theodoric & others, from Hungary to Orleans, Troyes, Paris, Reims & Metz) 451-04-07 through 451-06-24 (wikipedia)

Gundobad/Flavius Gundobadus/Gondebaud/Gondovald (s of Gundioc/Gunderic of Burgundy; nephew of Ricimer the VisiGoth; brother Gundobad, Chilperic ii, Godomar/Gundomar, Godegisel) b: c. 452CE d: 516CE (killed Godegisel in 501 at his capital Vienne. 511 supported Clovis against Alaric ii.) m: Caretene (parents of Sigismund, Godomar, & at least 1 daughter)    

Geni     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

Godegisel of Burgundy (s of Gundioc & sister of Ricimer to VisiGoth; brothers Gundobad, Chilperic ii, Godomar/Gundomar, Godegisel; uncle of Clotilde) b: c. 453CE d: 501CE assassinated by Gundobad (his base/capital was Geneva.)     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

Theodoric the great/ Theodoric the Amal/Theodoric/Flavius Theodericus/Teodorico/Theuderikhos/Theoderich (s of Theodemir & Ereleuva) b: 454 in Pannonia d: 526-08-30 at Ravenna m: Audofleda (sister of Clovis i)     Jamie's fabulous pedigree     (Joshua J. Mark: Ancient History EU)     Theodoric (Geni)     Audofledis (Geni)

St. Rusticus/Rusticius arch-bishop of Lyon (s of Aquilinus & Fuscina; gs of Tullia; ggs of Decimus Rusticus & Artemia and St. Eucherius & Gallia; brother of St. Viventiolus; grand-father of St./duke Gundulf; class-mate & colleague & friend of Sidonius Apollinaris) b: c. 455CE d: 501-04-265 (wikipedia)     m: before 480 to Hiberie de Limoges (d of Ruricius bishop of Limoges/Augustoritum & Ommance; parents of St. Sacerdos of Lyon, Leontius of Leon, Artemia)         Geni     Geni: family tree (which varies slightly from WikiPedia)

Vandals led by Geiseric/Genseric sacked Rome 455-06-02 through 455-06-16 several ship-loads of Romans were taken to slave-markets in northern Africa (wikipedia)

emperor Flavius Basiliscus (brother of Aelia Verina) b: c. 455CE d: 476-477 Winter in Cappadocia m: Aelia Zenonis (parents of emperor Marcus)     Byzantine emperors    family trees of Byzantine emperors

time-line 460s CE (wikipedia)

Apollinaris of Clermont comes/comte d'Auvergne (son of Sidonius Apollinaris & Papianilla) b: c. 460CE d: 515

Bisinus/Bisinius/Basinus/Bisin/Pisen (son of mm & mm) b: c. 460CE d: between 506 & 510 m: Menia or Basina/Basine b: c. 438 d: 477

Flavius Romulus/Romulus Augustulus (son of Orestes; gs of Tatalus and Romulus) b: c. 461CE d: after 476CE     New AdVent     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

Alaric ii/Alareiks/Alarik/Alarich/Alarico/Alaricus king of VisiGoths in Toulouse (s of Euric; ggs of Alaric i) b: c. 462CE d: 507 August at battle of Vouille     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

Hilderic (s of Huneric & Eudocia; gs of Genseric/Gaiseric and Valentinian ii & Licinia Eudoxia; ggs of Godigisel and Constantius iii & Galla Placidia and Theodosius ii & Aelia Eudocia) b: c. 465CE d: 533     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

Clovis i the Merovingian/Chlodovechus/Chlodowig (s of Childeric i & Basina the Thuringian) b: c. 466CE at Tournai, Belgium d: 511-11-27 or 513-11-27 at Paris m: Clotilde (d of Chilperic ii of Burgundy at Lyon) b: c. 474 at Lyon d: 545 at Tours     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

time-line 470s CE (wikipedia)

battle of Bourg de Deols (north across Indre river from Chateauroux, SW of Troyes, SSW of Orleans; the Indre is a tributary of the Loire with mouth at/near Le Port d'Ablevois/Neman) c. 470 April (wikipedia)     ( battle of Bourg de Deols (French) (wikipedia)) Rigothamus/Riotimus/Arthur/Ambrosius Aurelianus was severely wounded and his troops were last seen fleeing East to the Burgundian/Roman lines, in the direction of Avallon... or was it only from Clermont to Lyon?     2011-08-21: Dark Age History: Riotimus/Riothamus vs. Euric & the Visigoths... in Auvergne/Clermont Ferrand

Western Eurasia, Near East, Northern Africa (Scots, Picts, Britons, Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Frisians, Danes, Warni, Thuringians, Franks, Alamanni, Langobards/Lombards, Huns, OstroGoths, Burgundians, VisiGoths, Suebi/Suevi/Swabians/Schwabians/Swasti, Odoacer, Vandals, Alans) 475CE-500CE (wikipedia; PNG)

Prague-Korchak Sklaveni/early Slav culture c. 475CE - c. 525CE (wikipedia)

Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (s of Flavius Nar. Manlius Boethius) b: c. 477CE at Rome d: 524CE at Pavia/Ticinum, Lombardy m: Rusticiana (d of Quintus Aurelius Memmius Symmachus; gd of Quintus Aurelius Symmachus)

time-line 480s CE (wikipedia)

Europe Franks 481CE-814CE
Europe Franks 481CE-814CE (snagged 2012-11-27)
Francia/kingdom of Franks 481CE-843CE (Clovis i through treaty of Verdun) (wikipedia)

Henotikon/Henoticon issued by emperor Zeno in 482CE     Orthodox wiki

Byzantine emperor Justinian i/Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus/Justinian the Great/St. Justinian (s of Sabbatius & Vigilantia; nephew of emperor Justin) b: c. 482 in Tauresium, Dardania/Taor, Macedonia d: 565-11-14 at Constantinople   m:   Theodora b: c. 500 d: 548-06-28     (Will Wyeth: Ancient History EU)

Samaritan revolts 484CE-572CE (wikipedia) (nice map, if a bit complicated)

St. Brendan/Broen-finn b: c.484CE at Ciarraighe Luachra near Tralee, county Kerry, Munster, Ireland d: c. 577CE at Anaghdown, county Galway, Ireland (wikipedia)     and     (New Advent/Catholic Encyclopedia)

Diarmait mac Cerbaill/filius Cerbulis/Aided Diarmada meic Fergusa Cerrbeoil/Diarmait Derg mac Fergus Cerbail O'Neill (s of Fergus Cerrbel/Fergus Cennfota mac Conaill ;gs of Conall/Conall Cremthainne/Conall Err Breg; ggs of Niall/Niall Nogiallach/Nial of the 9 hostages) b: c. 485CE d: c. 565CE m1: Brea ingen Colmann m2: Mungan ingen Congearvin O Briuin m3: Eithne Erc     (U College of Cork; Irish sagas)     (Geni)     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree)

time-line 490s CE (wikipedia)

Khosrow i/Khosrou i/Knosrau i/Chosroes i/Osroes i/Kasra i (son of Kavadh i & Bawi's sister) b: c. 496CE at Ardestan d: 579-01-31 CE at Ctesiphon (wikipedia)

Chlothar i/Chlothar the old/Clotaire i () b: c. 497 d: 561-11-29 at Compiegne   m1: Guntheuc/Gondioque (gd of Godegisel of Burgundy) b: 495 d: c.532   m2: Radegund/Radegunda/Rhadegund/Radegonde/Radigund (d of Bertachar of Thuringia) b: c.520 d: 587-08-13 at abbey of the Holy Cross, Poitiers, Aquitaine   m3: Ingund/Ingonde (d of Baderic of Thuringia) b: c.499   m4: Aregund/Aregunda/Arnegund/Aregonda/Arnegonda (d of Baderic of Thuringia) b: c.517 d: 580   m5: Chunsina


time-line 501CE - 600CE (wikipedia)

Israel c. 500CE
Roman Empire including Israel/Palestine c. 500CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

(Babylonian) Talmud completed c. 500CE (wikipedia),     (rabbi Jill Jacobs; MyJewishLearning) Tale of Two Talmuds: Jerusalem and Babylonian,     (Jewish Virtual Library),     (ChaBaD),     (British Library; manuscript c. 1300s),     full text of Babylonian Talmud in English+Hebrew (,     full text of Babylonian Talmud (pdf) (Jewish Virtual Library)

Savoraim/reasoners c. 500CE to c. 625CE

Korchak Sklaveni/East Slav culture c. 500CE - c. 700CE (wikipedia)

Penkovka Sklaveni culture c. 500CE - c. 600CE (wikipedia)

Antes/Antae of Moldova & Ukraine c. 500CE - c. 600CE (wikipedia)

Radhanite traders 500CE - 1000CE (mostly c. 800 - c. 970) (wikipedia)

Bulgar date-line c. 500CE - c. 599CE

Sukow-Dziedzice culture group of early Sklaveni/early Slavs c. 500CE - (wikipedia)

Catholic basilica of St. Vincent of Lerins/mosque/cathedral: originally built by the visigoths (estern goths) between c. 500 & 700CE, after having been founded probably in late 300s by Honorius. When Muslims conquered Spain in 711, the church was first divided into Muslim and Christian halves...until 784
Mezquita de Cordoba: the Roman Catholic basilica -- mosque -- Roman Catholic cathedral
Book Mundi (travel/tourism based in UK): the Roman Catholic basilica of St. Vincent iii -- mosque -- Roman Catholic cathedral at Cordoba
Arten Cordoba (art, travel/tourism): the Roman Catholic basilica of St. Vincente iii -- mosque -- Roman Catholic cathedral at Cordoba
2016-03-21: Law & Religion: who owns the basilica/mosque/cathedral at Cordoba?
the Roman Catholic cathedral -- mosque -- Roman Catholic cathedral (video)

Amalaric/Amalric/Amalreiks/Amalarico/Amerigo king of VisiGoths (s of Alaric ii & Theodegotha; gs of Theoderic the great) b: 502CE d: 531CE (wikipedia)     Jamie's fabulous pedigree     m: c. 526 to     Chrotilda/Clotilda/Chrodechilde/Chrodechildis (d of Clovis & Clotilde; sister of Childebert i) b: c. 500 d: 531

time-line 510s CE (wikipedia)

St. Eutychius of Constantinople (s of Alexander) b: c. 512 at Theium, Phyrgia d: 582-04-05

Athanagild VisiGothic king of Hispania et Septimania b: c. 517CE d: 567 December (wikipedia)
m: Goiswintha/Goisuintha
    Brunhilda/Brunhilde of Austrasia b: c. 543 at Toledo d: 613 at Abbeville m1: king Sigebert i of Austrasia (s of Chlothar i; gs of Clovis i) m2: Merovech (s of Chilperic i & Audovera)
    Galswintha b: 540 d: 568 m: Chilperic i () b: c. 539 d: 584 September at Chelles

Sclaveni/Sklaveni/Sklavenoi/Sklabenoi/Sklauenoi/Sklabinoi/Sclaueni/Sclavi/Sclauini/Sklavinia encorachments on Byzantine/East Roman empire c. 518CE - (wikipedia)

early Sklaveni/early Slavs c. 518CE- (wikipedia)

Liuvigild/Leuvigild/Leovigildo/Liubagilds Balthes king of Visigoths in Hispania & Septimania (s of Liuverico; brother of Liuva i/Leuba) b: c. 519 d: 586-04-21 at Toledo, Hispania/Spain m1: Theodosia of Cartagena/New Carthage m2: Goiswintha/Gosvinta of Neustria (Vandal widow of Athanagild/Atanagildo)     Geni     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

time-line 520s CE (wikipedia)

Gondulf of Provence/Gundulf/Gondulphus/Gondulfus/Gundulfus duke then chorbishop or bishop of Metz (s of senator Florentinus & Artemia; gs of St. Rusticus) b: c. 520CE d: after 581CE (wikipedia)

emperor Tiberius ii Constantine/Flavius Tiberius Constantinus/Tiberios () b: 520 d: 582-08-14 m: a href="">Ino Anastasia/Aelia Anastasia d: 593     Byzantine emperors    family trees of Byzantine emperors

St. Columba/Columcille/Colm Cille/Columbkille (ggs of Niall of the 9 hostages) b: 521-12-07 at Gartan, county Donegal, Ulster, Ireland d: 597-06-09 at Iona, Scotland (wikipedia)     and     (New Advent/Catholic Encyclopedia)     and     (Catholic OnLine)     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

Theodemir/Theodemar/Teodomiro/Theodemirus king of Suevi/Suebi/Swabians in Galicia/Portugal/NW Iberian peninsula (s of Reciario?/?Rechiar) b: c. 525? reigned: began between 561 May & 566 d: 570     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

time-line 530s CE (wikipedia)

St. Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus () b: c.535 at Duplavus near Treviso, Venetia d: c.605 at Pictavium, Francia     (Knight/New Advent)

Western Wei dynasty 534-11-08 CE to 557-02-14 CE (wikipedia)

war between Byzantine empire and Goths + Franks + Alamanni + Burgundians + Huns + Heruli + Slavs + Lombards on Italian peninsula, Dalmatia, Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica c. 535CE to c. 565CE

Late Antique Little Ice Age c. 536CE - c. 660CE (wikipedia)

Sigebert i (s of Clotaire i/Chlothar i & Ingund) b: c.535 d: c.575   m: Brunhilda of Austrasia (d of Athanagild & Goiswintha) b: c. 543 in Toledo d: 613

Chilperic i (s of Chlothar i & Aregund) of Hispania et Septimania b: c. 539 d: 584 September m1: Audovera d: 580 m2: Fredegund/Fredegundis/Fredegonde d: 597-12-08 m3: Galswintha (d of Athanagild & Goiswintha/Galswintha) d: 568

Mormizd iv b: c. 540CE d: 590CE at Ctesiphon (wikipedia)     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

pope Gregory i/St. Gregory/Gregory the great/Gregorius Anicius (s of senator/prefect Gordianus & Silvia; ggs of pope Felix iii) b: c. 540CE in Rome d: 604-03-12 in Rome buried: St. Peter's basilica   (Franciscan Media)   (New Advent)

Justinian plague 541-CE (listverse)     plague victim re-construction (Matt Reynolds: Wired)

Miro/Mirus/Mirio/Mir king of Suevi/Suebi/Swabians in Galicia/Portugal/NW Iberian peninsula (s of mmm & mmmm) b: c. 545 reigned: 570-583 d: 583

OstroGoths/Eastern Goths led by Totila sacked Rome 546-12-17CE after a protracted siege (wikipedia)

Turkic Khaganate c. 550CE to c. 750CE (wikipedia)

Agilolfings of Bavaria & Lombardy b: c. 550CE d: c. 788CE (wikipedia)

Northern Qi dynasty 550-06-09 CE to 577-02-28 CE (wikipedia)

Audeca/Audacer/Andeca/Odiacca king of Suevi/Suebi/Swabians in Galicia/Portugal/NW Iberian peninsula b: c. 550 d: c. 585

Mynyddog Mwynfawr/Mynydawc mwynvawr/small mountain the great/wealthy hill Welsh/Briton/?Votadini? king of the Gododdin at Din Eidyn/Dun Eiden b: c. 550CE d: c. 600 at battle of Catraeth/?Catterick, YorkShire?    

Y Gododdin     (FabPedigree)

Heraclius the elder (brother of Gregoras; uncle of Nicetas/Niketas) b: c. 555CE d: 610 (wikipedia)   m: Epiphania (parents of Byzantine emperor Heraclius)

Northern Zhou dynasty 557-02-15 CE to 581-03-04 CE (wikipedia)

Jewish WikiPedia: Visigoths 558CE-711CE

St. Isidore of Seville b: c. 560CE at Cartagena/Little Carthage, kingdom of VisiGoths/Spain d: 636-04-04 at Seville, kingdom of VisiGoths/Spain (In youth, studied grammar, dialectic ⋐debate & persuasion including logical reasoning, appeals to emotion, pwning⋑, rhetoric ⋐more debate & persuasion including logical reasoning, ethics, appeals to emotion, pwning⋑, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy as preparation for philosophy & theology. He is associated with bees, pens, books, students, computer programmers, computer hardware techs, Internet.)     New Advent     GizMoDo     London Telegraph

St. Sophronius of Jerusalem b: c. 560CE in Damascus d: 638-03-11 in Jerusalem, Israel (wikipedia),   St. Sophronius of Jerusalem (Catholic on-line),   St. Sophronius of Jerusalem (Facing Islam),   St. Sophronius of Jerusalem (Orthodox Church of America),   St. Sophronius of Jerusalem (Crisis Magazine),   St. Sophronius of Jerusalem (Britannica)

Avar khaganate c. 567CE - after 822CE (Wikipedia)

Khosrow ii/Khosrou ii/Knosrau ii/Chosroes ii/Osroes ii/Khusraw ii parvez of persia (son of Hormizd iv & sister of Vistahm & Vinduyih/Bendoy; gs of Shapur; ggs of Bawi) c. 570CE to 628-02-28 CE under orders of Byzantine emperor Heraclius (wikipedia),   Khosrow ii Parviz/Parwez/Parvez of Persia (FabPedigree),   Chosroes ii, Siroes, and Muhammad (Cyberistan),   Chosroes ii (1911 Eycyclopaedia Britannica),   Chosroes ii/Khosru ii parwiz (Kaufmann Kohler & A. Rhine: Jewish Encyclopedia) (some records/myths have his daughter marrying Byzantine emperor Flavius Mauricius Tiberius Augustus; others have his son marrying FMTA's daughter; and perhaps there was a dynastic double marriage)

Byzantine vs. Sassanian war c. 572CE to c. 591CE (wikipedia)

emperor Heraclius/Flavius Heraclius Augustus (son of Heraclius the elder & Epiphania) b: c. 575CE in Cappadocia/Turkey d: 641-02-11CE (wikipedia),   Heraclius (Enno Franzius: Britannica),     Jamie's fabulous pedigree,     Heraclian dynasty family tree

Nicetas/Niketas (s of Gregoras & ??; father of Gregoria wife of Constantine iii; cousin of emperor Heraclius; nephew of Heraclius the elder exarch of Africa) b: c. 575CE d: after 618CE, possibly as late as 629CE (wikipedia)     Jamie's fabulous pedigree

Western Turkic Khaganate c. 580CE to c. 659CE (wikipedia)

Pepin of Landen/Pepin i/Pepin the elder/Peppin/Pipin/Pippin (s of Carloman & Gertrude; descendant of Sigebert iii) b: c. 580CE at Landen, Belgium d: 640-02-07 (wikipedia)     Jamie's fabulous pedigree     WikiTree

Desiderius/St. Didier of Cahors (s of Salvius & Herchenfreda; brother of Rusticus of Cahors; brother of Syagrius) b: c. 580 in Albi d: c. 655-11-15     New Advent

Sui dynasty 581-03-04 CE to 618-05-23 CE (wikipedia)

Eboric/Euric/?Yorik? king of Suevi/Suebi/Swabians in Galicia/Portugal/NW Iberian peninsula (s of Miro/Mirus/Mir/Mirio & Sisegutia/Siseguntia) b: c. 568 reigned: 583-584 d: c. 595 in monastery

Dario Fernandez-Morera: Modern Age: the Catholic kingdom of the Visigoths in Spain 589CE-711CE

Kavadh ii/Sheroe/Shiruya (s of Khosrow ii/Khosrou ii/Knosrau ii/Chosroes ii/Osroes ii) b: c. 590CE d: 628-09-06CE at Dastagird (wikipedia) m: Anzoy the Roman

pope Gregory sent letter to Candidus telling him to try to purchase and convert slaves to Roman Catholicism 595 September

pope Gregory sent Augustine to Britain to try to convert Anglo-Saxons to Roman Catholicism 596CE (with nice map c.600 of areas occupied by Celtic (Gaels, Britons), Angles, Saxons, Jutes)

Britannia: Saxon time-line 597CE - 687CE


time-line 601CE - 700CE (wikipedia)

Britannia: early British kingdoms time-line 600CE - 937CE

Gaonim/Geonim/genii/splendid ones c. 600CE to c. 1040CE

Khazars c. 600CE to c. 1050CE (wikipedia)

Western Eurasia c. 600CE
Western Eurasia c. 600CE (snagged 2013-01-03)

Bulgar date-line c. 600CE - c. 799CE

Byzantine empire under the Heraclian Armenian dynasty c. 610CE to 711 December CE (wikipedia)

Eleazar Ha Kallir b: c. 600 d: 630 lived in Israel (poet.)

Byzantine vs. Sassanian war c. 602CE to c. 628CE (wikipedia)

Byzantine emperor Constantine iii/Heraclius Novus Constantinus (s of Heraclius/Flavius Heracles & Fabia Eudokia; gs of Heraclius the elder & Epiphania and Rogas) b: 612-05-03 d: 641-04-20 or 641-05-24 or 641-05-26 m: Gregoria (daughter of Niketas/Nicetas; gd of Gregoras; grand-niece of exarch of Africa Heraclius the elder; cousin of Heraclius)

the conquest of Antioch by Sasanians (Persians) 613CE (wikipedia)

Sasanian (Persian) conquest of Jerusalem 614CE (wikipedia)

Jewish revolt against Heraclius c. 614CE to 617CE (wikipedia)

Ebroin mayor of Neustria b: c. 615 d: 680 or 681CE

Grimoald the elder/Grimoald i/Grimaud i aine (s of Pepin of Landon & Itta) b: c. 616CE d: 657CE (wikipedia)

Sasanian (Persian) conquest of Egypt 617CE-621CE (wikipedia) (Byzantine empire had a practice of feeding everyone in the capital Constantinople; the Persian/Sasanian conquest of Egypt cut off the supply of wheat from the Nile valley early in this phase of the war, and ended this early version of food stamps/SNAP.)

Tang dynasty in China 618-06-18 CE to 907-06-01 CE (wikipedia)

Bulgars/Bulghars/Bulgari/Bolghars c. 600CE to c. 1400CE (wikipedia)

1,400 years of Islamic vs. Christian struggle: an analysis (Richard C. Csaplar ii: CBN)

Rashidun caliphate 632-06-08 CE to c. 668CE (wikipedia)

Islamic wars before the 1st crusade and since 632CE to 2012CE (Michael Stuerzenberger & Anders Denken: Politically InCorrect News)

Muslim conquest of Sasanian Persia 633CE to 654CE (wikipedia)

Barmakids were Persian Buddhist administators who became administrators of the Abbasid caliphate c.635CE to c. 808CE (wikipedia)

battle of Yarmouk 636 August 15 to 20 (wikipedia)

siege of Jerusalem by Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah & Umar ibn al-Khattab 636 November to 637 April (wikipedia)

Muslim conquest of Egypt 639CE to 641CE (wikipedia)

battle of Heliopolis, Egypt 640-07-06CE (wikipedia)

battle of Nikiou, Egypt 646CE (wikipedia)

Eastern Europe, MidEast, W Asia (snagged 2014-08-14) ,   Khazars/Khazar Khaganate c. 650CE - c. 1048CE (wikipedia)

Arab vs. Khazar wars c. 640CE to c. 800CE (converted to Judaism c. 740CE to assert independence from both Byzantines and Muslims) (wikipedia)

Ecgfrith/Ecgfrið of Northumbria (s of Oswiu/Oswy/Oswig of Northumbria & Eanflaed/Enfleda; gs of Aethelfrith/Æthelfrith of Bernicia & Acha of Deira and Edwin of Northumbria & Aethelburg/Æthelburg) b: c. 645 d: 685-05-20 in battle of Nechtansmere m: St. Aethelthryth/Æþelðryþe/Æðelþryð/Etheldreda/Audrey (d of Anna of East Anglia) b: c. 636 probably in Exning near Newmarket, Suffolk d: 679-06-23 on island of Ely, CambridgeShire

Aethelred/Æthelred of Mercia (s of Penda & possibly Cynewise) b: c. 645 d: c. 709 buried: Bardney abbey, Lindsey m: Osthryth (d of Oswiu/Oswy/Oswig of Northumbria & Eanflaed/Enfleda; gd of Aethelfrith/Æthelfrith of Bernicia & Acha of Deira and Edwin of Northumbria & Aethelburg/Æthelburg) d: 697

Alans date-line c. 650CE - c. 1400CE

Muslim invasion & occupation of Italy 652CE to present (wikipedia)

Thierry iii/Theuderic iii of Franks/Theuderich/Theoderic/Theodoric (s of Clovis ii/Chlodovech ii/Chlodowig ii & St. Balthilde) b: c. 654 d: c. 691     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree)     (Geni)     (Find a Grave)

Byzantine emperor Constantine iv (s of Constans ii & Fausta) b: c. 652CE in Constantinople d: 685-09-14 at Constantinople (wikipedia)   m: Anastasia (parents of Justinian ii & Heraclius)     Byzantine emperors    family trees of Byzantine emperors

Umayyad caliphate c. 661CE to c. 750CE (wikipedia)

Byzantine emperor Justinian ii (s of Constantine iv & Anastasia) b: c. 668CE in Constantinople d: 711-12-11 at Damatrys, Opsikion (wikipedia)   m1: c. 690 to Eudokia   m2: c. 703 to Theodora of Khazaria (sister of Busir khagan of Khazars; mother of Tiberios)

St. Bede the venerable of Jarrow/Baeda/Bæda/Bēda venerabilis b: 672 or 673 d: 735-05-26 (St. Paul's monastery at Jarrow is about 3-3.6miles SW of the old Roman border fort Arbeia; 154 miles SE of Scone palace; 110 miles SE of Edinburgh castle ﹝Edin fort castle?﹞; 64 miles East of Carlisle)     (Britannica)     (New AdVent/Catholic Encyclopedia)     (Historic UK)     (Wesley Fiorentino: Ancient History)

Winfrid/Winfryth/Wynfryth/Winifred/St. Boniface b: c. 675 in Exeter or Crediton, DevonShire, England d: 754-06-06 or 755-06-05 near Dokkum, Frisia/Friesland/Fryslan/Netherlands     St. Boniface of Mainz (Catholic OnLine)     (New AdVent/Catholic Encyclopedia)

time-line year 678CE

battle of the Trent river either 678CE or 679CE between Aethelred/Æthelred of mercia & Ecgfrith/Ecgfrið of Northumbria; Imma was captured and sold as a slave to a merchant of Frisia, late ransomed

time-line 680CE-689CE

time-line year 680CE

Kul Tigin (son of Ilterish Shad) of the Corvid/Dulu/Tulu Turks c. 680CE to c. 730CE (wikipedia),   Kultegin memorial complex (Tuerik Bitig) ,   Kultegin stele inscription (Tuerik Bitig)

Konon/Leo iii the Isaurian iconoclast/Leon iii ho Isauros/the Syrian (s of ??? & ???) b: c. 685 in Germanikeia, Commagene/Kahramanmaras, Asia Minor/Turkey d: 741 m: Maria b: c. 690 d: after 718

Pelagius/Pelagio/Pelayo/Pelayu Balthes of Asturias (s of Fafila/Fabilo/Favilo Cantabria & Luz Vitulez or Gutiana) b: c. 685 in Gallaecia d: 737 m: Gaudiosa Ferrandez/Transamundez     Geni     WikiTree     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree)     (conservapedia)

Richard the pilgrim/Richard of Wessex/St. Richard of Swabia/St. Richard the king b: c. 680 in Wessex d: 722-02-07 in Lucca, Italy buried: cimitero di San Frediano, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy (FindAGrave) m: Winna/Wuna (sister of St. Boniface/Winfrid/Wynfrith)

Banu Qasi/benim Cassius/the descendants of Cassius/Garshiya/Garcia/Garces/Casio/Kasi kumis/comes Cassius c.690CE - c.925CE

Alfonso/Alonso i of Asturias (s of Peter/Pedro of Cantabria/Cortalvia) b: c. 693 d: 757 buried: monastery of Santa Maria near Cangas de Onis/?Santa Cueva de Covadonga?     Geni     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree)     (FindAGrave)     (The Peerage)     m: Ermesinda/Ormisenda/Ermisenda/Ermesinde/Ermessenda/Hermesinda Pelaez (d of Pelagius/Pelagio/Pelayo & Gaudiosa) b: c. 725 d: c. 768 buried: monastery of Santa Maria near Cangas de Onis/?Santa Cueva de Covadonga?     (FindAGrave)

Fergal mac Maele Duin/?Fergal mac Maldoon? (s of Mael Duin mac Maele Fithrich; ggs of Aed Uaridnach/Aeth Uaridnach?) b: 690 d: 722-12-11 m: mmm


time-line 701CE - 800CE (wikipedia)

St. Willibald of Wessex/St. Willibald of Eichstaett (s of St. Richard the pilgrim/St. Richard of Wessex/St. Richard of Swabia; brother of St. Winibald; brother of St. Walburga) b: c. 700 in Wessex d: c. 787 in Eichstaett/Eichstadt (wikipedia)     (New AdVent/Catholic Encyclopedia)     (     b: 700-10-21 in Wessex d: 781-07-07(     bishop St. Willibald von Eichstaett b: 700-10-22 in Wessex d: 787-07-07 (Catholic Hierarchy)

Orkhon inscriptions c. 700CE (wikipedia)

Theudebald/Theutbald duke of Alamannia b: c. 700CE d: 745 (wikipedia)

Odilo/Oatilo/Uatilo duke of Bavaria (s of duke Gotfrid/Gotefrid/Gottfried/Gotfridus & daughter of Theodo of Bavaria) b: c. 705CE d: 748-01-18 (wikipedia)     Agilolfings

time-line 710s CE (wikipedia)

St. Walpurga/Walburga/Wealdburg/Valpurga/Walpurgis/Walderburg/Guibor/Waltpurde/Vaubourg/Falbourg/Gauburge (s of St. Richard the pilgrim/St. Richard of Wessex/St. Richard of Swabia & Winna/Wuna; brother of St. Winibald; brother of St. Willibald; niece of St. Boniface) b: c. 710 in DevonShire d: 777-02-25 or 779-02-25 at Heidenheim am Hahnenkamm (wikipedia)     (New AdVent/Catholic Encyclopedia)     (     (St. Emma

Domnall Midi/Domnall mac Murchada/Donald of meath (s of Murchad mac Diarmato; brother of Coirpre) b: c.715 d: 763-11-20 m: Ailbine ingen Ailello of Ard Ciannacht/Albini ingen Ailella Ciannachta
Ummayad conquest of Hispania     Amazing Bible Time-Line: Arabs in Spain 711-722

time-line of Muslim invasion and occupation of Iberian peninsula/Spain & Portugal 711CE - 1727CE (wikipedia),     711CE - 1492CE (BBC),     the Muslim horde's easy invasion of Iberia (Robert C. Daniels: Military History On-Line)

Europe 714
Europe 714 (snagged 2012-04-04)

Pepin the short/Pippin der kurze/Pepin le bref (s of Charles Martel & Rotrude of Trier) b: c. 714 d: 768-09-24   m:   Bertrada de Laon (d of Heribert/Charibert of Laon; gd of Berthe/Bertree/Bertrada of Pruem) b: between 710 & 727 d: 783-07-12     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree)

Childeric iii (s of ??Chilperic ii or Theuderic) b: c. 717 d: c. 754     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree)

Constantine v (s of Leo iii the Isaurian iconoclast & Maria) b: 718 July d: 775-09-14     m1: Tzitzak/Irene of Khazaria (d of khagan Bihar/Viharos) d: c. 750     m2: Maria m3: Eudokia
battle of Covadonga 718 or 722

time-line of Muslim invasion of Gaul/France 719CE - 848CE (wikipedia)

time-line 720s CE (wikipedia)

Waiofar/Waifar/Waifer/Waiffre (s of Hunald i) b: c. 720 d: 768 (751 sacked Narbonne)

Fruela/Froila of Asturias/the cruel (s of Alfonso i the Catholic & Ermesinda; gs of Pelayo/Pelagio) b: c. 720 in Asturias d: 768 at Cangas de Onis, Asturias buried: cathedral of Oviedo (Chalcedonian Christian)     (27ggf of president George Washington) (Jamie's fabulous pedigree)     Geni     (The Peerage)     m: Munia of Alava buried: cathedral of Oviedo

Desiderius of the Lombards b: c. 725 in Brescia d: c. 786 m: Ansa/Ansia (probably daughter of Verissimo; prob. sister of king Hildeprand, Arechis, Donnolo; prob. niece of king Liutprand)

time-line 730s CE (wikipedia)

pope Hadrian/Adrian i b: c. 730 d: 795-12-25 (wikipedia)     (New AdVent/Catholic Encyclopedia)

Donnchad Midi/Donnchad mac Domnaill/Duncan MacDonald Ui Neill high-king from clan/cineal Cholmain in county WestMeath (s of Domnall Midi/Domnall mac Murchada/Donald of meath & Ailbine ingen Ailello of Ard Ciannacht/Albini ingen Ailella Ciannachta; gs of Murchad mac Diarmato; ggs of Diarmait Dian/Diarmait mac Airmetaig/Diarmait Buthbinn; probably brother of Eithne O Colmain) b: c. 733 d: 797-02-06 (wikipedia)   m1: Be Fail ingen Cathail (d of Cathal mac Muiredaig) d: 801 (their children included Oengus d: 830, Mael Ruanaid)   m2: ?Fuirseach ingen Congal? (mother of Conchobar)   (among other children attributed to him were Ailill d: 803, Conn d: 795, Domnall d: 799, Falloman d: 830, Gormlaith d: 861, Euginis d: 802; and possibly Ruaidri mac Donnchad d: 838) (has map of various clans/kingdoms)     Jamie's fabulous pedigree     Geni     WikiTree
    WikiTree: kings of Mide     Clan Mac Lochlainn: high kings of Ireland

Europe (Neustria, Austrasia) c.735
Europe (Neustria, Austrasia) c. 735 (snagged 2012-10-15) (there are prettier maps at wikipedia pages on Neustria and Austrasia)

Alcuin/Ealhwine/Alhwine/Alchvine/Alchoin/Albinus/Flaccus b: c. 735 at York d: 804-05-19 at Tours (wikipedia)     (Oxford Reference)     (     (New AdVent/Catholic Encyclopedia)

time-line 740s CE (wikipedia)

Aurelio/Aurelius of Asturias (s of ?Fruela of Cantabria & Munia of Alava?) b: c. 740 in Asturias d: 774 at San Martin del Rey Aurelio    Tassilo iii duke of Bavaria (s of Odilo of Bavaria & ?Hiltrud/Chiltrude?; nephew of Pepin the short) b: c. 741CE d: c. 796 (wikipedia)   m: c. 760   Liutperga/Liutberga (d of Desiderius of the Lombards & Ansa/Ansia)     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree)     Charlemagne/Karolinus Magnus/Karl/Charles the great b: 742-04-02 CE d: 814-01-28 CE buried: Aachen cathedral (wikipedia) m1: Desiderata (d of Desiderius of the Lombards & Ansa/Ansia) m2: Hildegard m3: Fastrada m4: Luitgard

Hunald ii/Hunold/Hunoald/Hunuald/Hunaud/Chunoald (s of ?Waiofar/Waifar/Waifer/Waiffre?; gs of ?Hunald i?) b: c. 745 d: 769 or after

council of Cannstatt/blood court at Cannstatt/blutgericht zu Cannstatt/Stuttgart 746CE

Yitzhak ben Nehemiah ii al-Yahudi/Isaac Judaeus (Jaime Harlow: Quora)     travelers and explorers (Jewish Virtual Library)     Jewish Geography (Libi Astaire: Jewish Press)     Yitzchak/ Yizkah/Isaac (Jamie Allen: Fab Pedigree) (sent by Charlemagne along with Lantfrid & Sigismund, as ambassadors to caliph Harun al-Rashid at Baghdad and to visit the Christians at Jerusalem, leaving Aachen in 797, and only Isaac managing to get back in 802.)

time-line 750s CE (wikipedia)

Obotrites/Obotriti/Obodrites/Obodrzyce/Obodriten/Abodriti/Reregi c. 750- Western Skaveni/Slavs from just East of the base of the Denmark peninsula to Stetin/Szczecin, Western Pomerania/Pommern

Widukind/Wittekkind/Widuking b: c. 750 CE d: c. 808 CE buried: Enger     (WikiTree)     (New AdVent/Catholic Encyclopedia)

Britain around 750CE-1066CE
Britain around 750CE-1066CE (snagged 2012-05-14 from Winston Churchill 1956, 1993 _An History of the English Speaking Peoples: The Birth of Britain_ (500 pages; 941))

Leo iv the Khazar (s of Constantine v & Tzitzak/Irene of Khazaria) b: 750-01-25 d: 780-09-08     m: 768-12-17 to Irene of Athens/Irene Sarantapechaina b: c. 752 at Athens d: 803-08-09

Tariat inscriptions between c. 750CE & 750CE from the Uighur khaganate (wikipedia)

Oghuz Turks (wikipedia)

Oghuz Yabgu state c. 750CE - c. 1055CE (wikipedia)

Seljuq Turk dynasty (wikipedia)

Muslim empire c. 750CE (at U of Texas)

Abbasid caliphate 750-1517 (wikipedia)

St. Adalard of Corbie/Adalhardus Corbeiensis (s of Bernard/Bernhard of St. Quentin/Herstal; gs of Charles Martel & Ruodhaid; cousin of Charlemagne; brother of Wala) b: c.751 at Huise d: 827-01-02       (Jamie Allen's fab pedigree)       (Jamie Allen's fab pedigree)     (Geni)

siege of Narbonne in Septimania/Settimania by Pepin the short 752CE - 759CE, which was occupied by Umayyad forces with the VisiGoth, Milo, as their vassal; the Franks appointed Milo count/governor of Narbonne (wikipedia)

William of Gellone (s of Theodoric/Teuderico/Thierry iv of Autun & Auda/Aida/Aldana van Martel; gs of ?Theodoric? and Charles Martel & Rotrude) b: c. 755 in Northern Francia d: 812-05-28 or 814-05-28 at Gellone m1: Gunegunde/Cunigonde/Kunigunde m2: Guitburgi/Orable/Guibour/Witburge

Frankish papacy 756CE-855CE

time-line 759 CE (wikipedia)

time-line 760s CE (wikipedia)

siege of Clermont in 761CE Pepin the short of Francia vs. Bladinus of Aubergne (wikipedia)

Harun/Haroun/Aharon/Aaron al-Rashid ibn Muhammad al-Mahdi/Harun ar-Rashid/Aaron the Just/A-lun b: 763-03-17 at Rey, Jibal/Tehran, Abbasid caliphate/Persia/Iran d: 809-03-24 at Tus, Khorasan, Abbasid caliphate/Persia/Iran buried: Imam Reza mosque, Mashhad, Iran (wikipedia)

Zubaidah bint Jafar ibn Mansur/Sukhainah or Amat al-Aziz (d of Jafar & Salsal; gd of caliph Abu Jafar al-Mansur; niece of Abu Abdallah Muhammad ibn Abdallah al-Mansur) b: c. 765 d: 831-07-10 m: Harun/Haroun/Aharon/Aaron al-Rashid ibn Muhammad al-Mahdi/Harun ar-Rashid/Aaron the Just/A-lun

time-line 770s CE (wikipedia)

Constantine/Konstantinos vi (s of Leo iv & Irene of Athens/Irene Sarantapechaina) b: 771 d: between 797-04-19 & 805     m1: Maria of Amnia m2: Theodote

Ecgberht/Ecgbert/Ecgbriht of Wessex (s of Ealhmund of Kent) b: c. 771 or 775 d: 839

Gudfred/Godofredus/Godfred/G🇸ttrick/GǸtrik/GudrǸd b: c. 775 d: by 810 in Denmark

St. Agobard arch-bishop of Lyon () b: c. 779 in Spain d: 840 (quite the critic, ragging against Jews, Louis the Pious, trial by ordeal, adoptionism, succession, weather-magic.)

time-line 780s CE (wikipedia)

Rabanus Maurus Magnentius/Hrabanus/Rhabanus b: c. 780 at Mainz (SW of Frankfurt; NW of Darmstadt) d: 856-02-04 at Winkel, Hesse (SE of Frankfurt & Weisbaden) (wikipedia)     (New AdVent/Catholic Encyclopedia)

Hemming i (nephew of Gudfred; brother of Hankwin & Angandeo) b: c. 785 in Denmark d: 812 in Denmark

kingdom of Abkhazia/Abkhazians/Abasgoi/Abasgians c. 786CE - 1008CE (wikipedia)

time-line 790s CE (wikipedia)

Amedee/Amadeus d'Oscheret comte de Langres comte de Dijon lay-abbot of St. Cosme de Chalons/Amadeus count of Bourgogne/Burgundy (s of Hunroch/Unrouch iii margrave of Friuli & Engeltrude/Engletron of Paris; gs of Bego/Beque of Paris & Alpais/Aupais of Aquitaine; ggs of Charlemagne & Hildegard von Vinzgouw/Vinzgau/Vinschgau/Vintschgau/Venosta (a valley running between Reschen Pass/Resia/Lago de Resia at Curon Venosta to Sinigo NW of Bolzano along the Fiume Adige/river Etsch, W & S of where Oetzi the Iceman was found)) b: c. 790 d: 867     (Geni)       (Jamie Allen's fab pedigree)       (N.K. Clifton's Collectibles Genealogy: House of Ivrea)

Fedelmid mac Crimthainn (s of Crimthainn) b: c. 790CE d: 847CE

Turgesius/Turgeis/Tuirgeis/Turges/Thorgest/Thurgestr/Thorgisi () b: c. 790CE d: 843CE or 844CE assassinated at behest of Melaglin/Malacky of WestMeath

Horik i/Harik/Harikr (s of Gudfred) b: c. 790 d: 854 in Denmark

Inigo/Eneko/Wannaqo arista/haritza/aiza/aresta/oak/resilient/considerable of Pamplona / Inigo Iniguez (s of Simeonis/Simeon/Simon/Jimeno/Jimenez or Garces/Garcia or Inigo/Wannaqo/Yannaqo/Iniguez & Oneca) b: c. 790 d: 851CE or 852CE     Inigo arista     (Geni)     (Foundation for Medieval Genealogy)       (Jamie Allen's fab pedigree)

Bernard of Septimania/Settimania/ Bernard Naso/?Bernard ha nasi? (s of William of Gellone?) b: 795 d: 844 executed by order of Charles the bald for having sided with Lothair ii & battled against Charles at Toulouse   m: 824-06-29 at Aachen to Dhuoda/Dhuoda Sanchez (d of ?Sancho i of Gascony?)     (Geni)

Nithard (s of Angilbert/Engelbert & Bertha) b: c. 795 d: 844     (Geni)


time-line 801CE - 900CE (wikipedia)

Bulgar date-line c. 800CE - c. 1099CE

Hungarian invasions of Europe c.800 - c.970 (wikipedia)

Alvaro de Cordoba/Paulus Alvarus/Paul Alvarus/Paul Albar b: c. 800 d: c. 861 (wikipedia)

time-line 810s CE (wikipedia)

Mael Sechnaill mac Maele Ruanaid/Malachy MacMulrooney (s of Maele Ruanaid/Mael Ruannais mac Donnchad & Arog ingen Cathail; gs of Donnchad Midi mac Domnaill and Cathal mac Fiachrach) b: c. 810CE in county Meath d: 862-11-27 at Clonmacroise m: Lann ingen Dungaile     (Geni)     (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography)

deacon Bodo/Eleazar b: c. 814 d: c. 876 (wikipedia)

John Scotus Eriugena/Erigena/John the Scot b: c. 815 d: c. 877 stabbed to death by students using pens at Malmesbury (wikipedia)

Supponid family 817CE- (Suppo i to Engelberga)

Samanid empire/dynasty/emirate 818CE - 999CE (wikipedia),   Samaniad empire/dynasty/emirate (AllEmpires),   mausoleum of the Samanids in Bukhara, Uzbekistan (Takeo Kamiya),   Saminids (The David Collection in Denmark),   Saminids and the revival of the civilization of the Iranian people (Iraj Bashiri: U of Minnesota)

time-line 820s CE (wikipedia)

Rhodri mawr/the great king/Roderick the great/Rhodri ap Merfyn (s of Merfyn the freckled ap Gwriad & Nest ferch Cadell) b: c. 820 d: 878 by Saxons under Ceolwulf of Mercia (king of Gwynedd, king of Britons, king of Powys et Seisylwg et Maelienydd in Wales; 856 killed Gorm)     (Geni)       (Jamie Allen's fab pedigree)     (The Peerage)     m: Angharad verch Meurig

Horik ii/Harik/Harikr/Erik the younger (s or nephew or grand-son or cousin of Horik i) b: c. 820 in Denmark d: c.870

Charles ii/Charles the bald (son of Louis i the pious & Judith of Bavaria; gs of Charlemagne & Hildegard von Vinzgau and Welf/Guelph & Hedwig of Bavaria) b: 823-06-13 d: 877-10-06 (wikipedia) m: Ermentrude of Orleans

Ermentrudt of Orleans (d of Eudes/Odo of Orleans & Engeltrude) b: 823-09-27 d: 869-10-06

William of Septimania/Settimania (s of Bernard of Septimania/Settimania & Dhuoda/Dhuoda Sanchez?) b: 826-11-29 d: 850

Muslim conquest of Sicily 827CE - 902CE (wikipedia)

time-line 830s CE (wikipedia)

Rurik/Rorik/Riurik/Riorik the Varangian (of Baltic/Finnish-Ugric DNA N1c1, DyS390=23) b: c. 830CE d: 879 (wikipedia)   m: St. Olga/Helga of Kiev/Helge/Helgi b: between 890CE & 925-06-05 at Pskov d: 969-07-11 at Kiev (parents of Sviatoslav/Svyatoslav of Kiev/Sviatoslav the brave); (some of their descendants)       (Rurikid dynasty FamilyTreeDNA project news;     Rurikid dynasty Ancestry Y DNA project)       (list of Ukrainian rulers)

Hezekiah ben Obadiah of the Khazars (gs or ggs of Bulan Sabriel/Bulan Gabriel & Serakh) b: c. 830CE (wikipedia)

Arthgal ap Dyfnwal ap Rhydderch (capital at Alt Clut/Dumbarton Rock) b: c. 830CE d: 872CE

Rognvald Eysteinsson (s of Eystein Ivarsson) b: c. 830 d: c. 890 m: Hildr Hrolfsdottir/Ragnhildr/Hild Rolvsdatter (d of Rolv jefia/Hrolfr Nefja jarl of Trondheim) (parents of Hallad, Hrolluag, Ivarr, Thorir, Hrolfr/gange-Rolf/goengu-Hrolfr/Rollo, Torf-Einarr/Einarr)

Robert the strong (s of ?Robert iii of Worms???; father of Odo/Eudes of West Francis, Robert i of France; ggf of Hugh Capet) b: c. 830 d: 866-07-02 or 866-09-15 at battle of Brissarthe       (Jamie Allen's fab pedigree)     (Geni)

Bulgaria under Presian c. 835CE - 850CE

Aethelbald of Wessex & Kent (s of Aethelwulf & probably Osburh) b: c. 835 d: 860

Otto i the illustrious herzog/duke of Saxony/Otto der erlauchte (s of Liudolf graf of Saxony & Oda Billung) b: c. 835 d: 912-11-03 or 912-11-30 at Wallhausen, Saxony buried: Gandersheim abbey m: Hedwiga/Hathui/Hadwig of Babenberg (d probably of Henry of Franconia/Heinrich of Austrasia/Babenberg & ?Ingeltrude of Fruili?; gd of Poppo i von Saargau and Eberhard of Friuli & Gisele/Gisela of France/Aquitaine; ggd of Hunroch/Unrouch of Friuli & Engeltrude/Engletron of Paris and Louis i the pious & Judith of Bavaria) b: c. 852 d: 903-12-24

time-line 840s CE (wikipedia)

Kara-Khanid/Qarakhanid/Ilek khanate/Al-e Afrasiyab/el-E Afrasiyab 840CE - 1212CE (wikipedia)

HRE/Charlemagne's empire c. 843CE showing the eastern "marches" (disputed areas) with the Slavs & Avars (Wikipedia; citing Ridpath 1895 _Universal History_)

Judith van Flanderen/Judith of Flanders/Judith of France (d of Charles the bald & Ermentrude of Orleans) b: c. 843 d: c. 870 (wikipedia) m1: 856 to Aethelwulf/noble-wolf of Wessex b: c. 810 d: 858 m2: 858 to Aethelbald of Wessex & Kent b: c. 835 d: 860 m3: 862-12-13 to Baldwin i/Baldwin bras-de-fer/Baldwin iron-arms margrave/graf-of-the-disputed-area of Flanders b: c. 835 d: 879

Berengar i of Italy (s of Eberhard of Friuli & Gisela; gs ofLouis i the pious & Judith of Bavaria; ggs of Charlemagne & Hildegard von Vinzgau and Welf/Guelph & Hedwig of Bavaria) b: c. 845 d: 924-04-07

Louis the stammerer/Louis le Begue (son of Charles the bald & Ermentrude of Orleans) b: 846-11-01 d: 879-04-10 (wikipedia)

Alfred the great/Aelfred/Aelfraed/elf-counsel/wise-elf (s of Aethelwulf of Wessex & Osburh) b: between 847 & 849 at Wantage, BerkShire d: 899-10-26 m: 868 at GainsBorough, LincolnShire to Ealhswith/Ealswitha (parents of Aethelflaed, Edward/Eadweard the elder, Aethelgifu, Aelfthryth, Aethelweard)

Gansu Uyghur/Uighur kingdom c. 848CE - 1036CE (wikipedia)

time-line 850s CE (wikipedia)

Bodonchar Munkhag b: c. 850CE d: 900CE (wikipedia)

Hermenegildo Gutierrez/Hermenegildo Guterres (s of count Gutierre & Elvira) b: c. 850CE d: after 912 May (wikipedia)   m: Ermesenda Gatonez (d of count Gaton probably a cousin of king Alfonso)

Bulgaria under Boris i c. 850CE - c. 900CE

Thorstein Olafsson/ the red (s of king Olaf the white of Dublin & Aud the deep-minded) b: c. 850CE d: c.885CE m: Thurid Eyvindsdotter (d of Eyvind the easterner) (parents of Olaf feilan, Goa, Thorgerd, Olof, Osk, Thorhild, Vigdis)

Fulk/Foulques/Folco the venerable arch-bishop of Reims/Rheims (s of Amadeus of Oscheret; gs of Hunroch/Unrouch iii margrave of Friuli & Engeltrude/Engletron of Paris; ggs of Bego/Beque of Paris & Alpais/Aupais of Aquitaine; 2ggs of Charlemagne & Hildegard von Vinzgau) b: c. 850 d: 900-06-17 assassinated at order of Baldwin ii of Flanders over control of St. Vaast abbey     (Geni)       (N.K. Clifton's Collectibles Genealogy: House of Ivrea)

Geraud/Gerald of Aurillac/St. Gerald (s of count Gerard of Aurillac & St. Adeltrude; descendant of ?Cesarius of Arles?) b: c. 855 at Aurillac d: c. 909-10-13 at Cenezac       (Catholic Saints)       (Trevor Saxby: Making History Now)       (Dennis Martin: Christian History Institute)

kingdom of Qocho/Kara-Khoja/Qara-Khoja/Uyghur Gaochang 856CE - 1335CE (wikipedia)

Kievan Rus & Muscovite Russia & early Romanovs c. 860CE to c. 1690CE (

Anschaire i d'Ivrea/Anschier/Anscar/Anscharius/Anscarius of Ivrea (s of Amadeus of Oscheret; gs of Hunroch/Unrouch iii margrave of Friuli & Engeltrude/Engletron of Paris; ggs of Bego/Beque of Paris & Alpais/Aupais of Aquitaine; 2ggs of Charlemagne & Hildegard von Vinzgau) b: c. 860 d: 902 March m1: Gisela de Volsca m2 Maria de Montferrato m3: ??? (mother of Adalbert & Guidone)     (Geni)       (N.K. Clifton's Collectibles Genealogy: House of Ivrea)

Rollo the viking/Rolf/gaange Rolf/goengu Hrolfr/Rou/Rollon () b: c. 860 d: c. 930 (911 was granted Normandy from the mouth of the Seine to just past Rouen by Robert of the Breton March & Charles iii the simple.) m1:

Poppa of Bayeux (d of Berengar ii of Neustria & Adelind or Adela of Vermandois or Guy of Senlis & Cunegundis?; gd of ?Pepin of Vermandois?) b: c. 880 m2: ?Gisela of France? (d of Charles iii the simple & )

time-line 860s CE (wikipedia)

Pecheneg khanates c. 860CE - c. 1091CE (wikipedia)

St. Ludmila of Bohemia (d of Slavibor) b: c.860 in Melnik d: 921-09-15 at Tetin castle allegedly murdered by Tunna & Gommon at behest of daughter-in-law Drahomira   m:   Borzivogius/Borivoj i duke of Bohemia (s of ?Hostivit?) b: c.852CE d: c.889CE (grand-parents of good uncle Wenceslas/Vaclav i & Boleslav i the cruel)

Varangian trade routes 862CE-1200CE
Varangian trade routes 862CE-1200CE (snagged 2012-11-22) (see the WikiPedia page on the Varangians)

Igor/Ingvar of Kiev/Igor the Varangian/Igor Riurikovich (s of Rurik/Riurik) b: c. 865CE d: 945 at Iskorosten (wikipedia)   m: St. Olga/Helga of Kiev/Helge/Helgi b: between 890CE & 925-06-05 at Pskov d: 969-07-11 at Kiev (parents of Sviatoslav/Svyatoslav of Kiev/Sviatoslav the brave); (some of their descendants)

Torf-Einarr/Einarr Rognvaldarson (s of Rognvald Eysteinsson; nephew of Sigurd Eysteinsson; brother of Hallad, Hrollaug, Ivar, Hrolfr/goengu-Hrolf/walker, Thorir the silent) b: c. 865CE d: c.920CE

Baldwin ii margrave/count/graf-of-the-disputed-areas of Flanders (s of Baldwin i of Flanders & Judith of Flanders; gs of Charles the bald & Ermentrude; ggs of Louis i the pious & Judith) b: c. 865CE d: 918-09-10 m: Aelfthryth/Elftrudis/Elftrude/Elfrida of Wessex (d of Alfred the great & Ealhswith/Ealhswitha) b: c. 877 d: 929-06-07

Gutierre Menendez/Gutier Menendez/Guterre Mendes (s of Hermenegildo Gutierrez & Ermesenda Gatonez; gs of Gutier & Elvira and count Gaton & Egilo) b: c. 865CE d: 934   m: St. Elduara Eriz (d of count Ero Fernandez & Adosinda)

Zanj slave rebellion against Abbasid Muslim caliphate from 869CE near Basra to 883CE

time-line 870s CE (wikipedia)

Edward the Elder (s of Alfred/Aelfred/Ælfred the great & Ealhswith) b: c. 874 d: 924-07-17 at Farndon, CheShire   m1: Ecgwynn/Ecgwynna   m2: Aelfflaed/Ælflæd   m3: Eadgifu/Edgiva/Ediva of Kent (d of Sigehelm ealdorman of Kent) b: before 904 d: after 965

Spythnev i duke of Bohemia (s of Borzivogius/Borivoj i duke of Bohemia & St. Ludmila of Bohemia) b: c. 875 d: 915 (made treaties with king Arnulf of Carinthia & Luitpold of Bavaria)

Alan-Gua/AlunGua/Alanqoa/AlanGuva/AlunQuwa c. 875CE m: Dobun Mergen (maternal forebear of several Mongol clans; early Eastern utilizer of the collectivist "strength through unity" symbolism of separate arrow-shafts vs. bundled arrow-shafts) (wikipedia)

Naima/gentle/Shaghab al-sayyida/Shaghab umm al-Jafar/Shaghab umm al-Muqtadir/turbulent c. 875CE d: 909 (may have been Greek/Byzantine; slave freed 895)   m: Abul-Abbas Ahmad ibn Talha al-Muwaffaq b: c. 857 d: 902-04-05 (wikipedia)

HRE Henry the fowler/Heinrich der vogler/Heinrich der finkler (son of Otto the illustrious & Hedwiga/Hedwige; gs of Henry of Franconia & Ingeltrude) b: c. 876CE d: 936-07-02 at Memleben buried: Quedlinburg abbey (wikipedia)

Eutychius of Alexandria/Said ibn Batriq/Bitriq/Betriq (son of Batriq/Bitriq) b: 877-09-10 at Fustat/Cairo d: 940-05-11 or -12 (wikipedia)

Charles iii/Charles the simple/straight-forward (son of Louis the stammerer & Adelaide of Paris; gs of Charles the bald & Ermentrude of Orleans) b: c. 879-09-17 d: 929-10-07 (wikipedia)

time-line 880s CE (wikipedia)

Kievan Rus c. 880 - c. 1240 (wikipedia),   Kievan Rus (Britannica)

St. Odo of Cluny (s of Abbo of Deols & Arenberga) b: c. 880 at le Mans d: 942-11-18     (Geni)     (New AdVent)

Vratislaus i/Wratislaus/Vratislav duke of Bohemia (s of Borzivogius/Borivoj i duke of Bohemia & St. Ludmila of Bohemia) b: c. 888 d: 921-02-13 (made treaties with king Arnulf of Carinthia & Luitpold of Bavaria)   m: c. 906 to Drahomira the Hevellian of Stodor (parents of Wenceslas/Wenceslaus/Wenceslav, Boleslas/Boleslav/Boleslaw, & possibly Strezislava, Pribislava) b: c.877 or 890 d: after 934

time-line 890s CE (wikipedia)

Cennetig mac Lorcain/Cinneide b: c. 890CE??? d: 951     (Geni)

Gorm the old/den gamle/Gormr gamli/Gormus senex/Gorm the languid/Gorm loge/Gorm den dvaske/Curm/Curm the patriarch b: c.895 d: c.958CE   m: Thyra/Throvi/Thyre (d of Aethelred or Edward the elder or Harald klak or someone completely different)     (Geni)     Denmark National Museum: monuments at Jelling for Gorm, Harald blue-tooth, and Svein fork-beard     (FindAGrave)


time-line 901CE - 1000CE (wikipedia)

house of Borjigin c. 900CE - 1635CE (wikipedia)

Thorfinn skull-splitter (s of Torf-Einarr/Einarr Rognvaldarson; brother of Thordis, Arnkel, Erlend) b: c. 900 (WAG) d: c.963 buried: Howe of Hoxa broch   m: Grelad Dungadsdotter (d of Dungad of Caithness & Groa; gd of Thorstein the red) (parents of Arnfinn, Havard, Hlodvir, Ljot, Skuli) (there are some date conflicts, possible familial relationship conflicts, possible conflations in various sagas.)

Adalbero i of Metz (s of Wigeric of Lotharingia/Wigeric count of Bidgau & Cunigunda; ggs of Louis ii of France; brother of Frederick i count of Bar duke of Upper Lorraine, Siegfried count of Ardennes) b: c. 900 d: c. 962-04-26 or 964-02-23 at Sint-Truiden

Pelayo Gonzalez count of Deza (Geni) (s of Menendo Gonzalez count of Galicia & Muniadomna Diaz) b: c. 900 d: 959   m: Ermesinda Gutierrez de Coimbra (d of Fruela Mendez & St. Aldara Eriz de Lugo/St. Ilduara) b: c. 910 d: c. 942

battle of Pressburg/Pozsony/Pozsonyi/Bratislava 907-07-04 to 907-07-06 (about 40 miles East of Vienna on the North bank of the Danube/Danau/Dunaj river; 820 miles West of Kiev/Kyiv; 314 miles NW of Belgrade; 290-295 miles NE of Trieste)

Liao dynasty/ Khitan empire c. 907CE - 1125CE (wikipedia) ,   Liao dynasty (Travel China Guide)

Wenceslaus i/Vaclav i the good/good duke/king Wenceslas of Bohemia (son of Vratislaus i & Drahomira) b: c. 907CE in Prague d: 935-09-28 at Stara Boleslav allegedly at the behest of his brother Boleslaw i the cruel or perhaps their mother (wikipedia)

Fatimid caliphate 909CE-1171CE (wikipedia)

time-line 910s CE (wikipedia)

Harald Gormsson/Haraldr Gormsson/Harald Gormsen/Haraltr Curmsun/Haraldr the good/blue-tooth/blatand/blatonn (s of Gorm the old & Thyra) b: c. 910CE d: c.986CE     m1: Gunhild     m2: 970 to Thora/Tova/Tofa/Tove (d of Mistivir/Mstivoj/Mistiuis/Mistiwis the Obodrite; gd of Nako; sister of Hodica & of Mstislaw)     m3: Gurid Olafsdottir/Gyrid/Gyrithe/Gunnhild/Gynrithe (d of Olaf Bjoernsson ≈ Ingeborg Thrandsdotter; sister of Styrbjoern Starke/the strong who m: Tyra)     (FindAGrave)

Echthighern mac Cennetig (s of Cennetig mac Lorcain; brother of Mathgamain, Brian Boruma) b: c. 910 d: 950

HRE Otto i the great (son of Henry the fowler & Matilda) b: 912-11-23 d: 973-05-07 at Memleben buried: Magdeburg cathedral (wikipedia) m1: ?? m2: Eadgyth/Edith/Aedgyth (d of Edward the elder & Aelfflaed; gd of Alfred the great & Ealhswith; step-sister of Edmund i) m3: Adelaide of Italy (d of Rudolf ii Welf/Guelph of Burgundy & Bertha of Swabia/Suevi)

Frederick i count of Bar duke of Upper Lorraine (s of Wigeric count of Bidgau & Cunigunda) b: c. 912CE d:978-05-18   m: 954 to Beatrice of France (d of Hugh the great & Hedwige of Saxony) b:

Boleslaw i the cruel (son of Vratislaus i & Drahomira) b: c. 915CE d: 967-07-15 or 972-07-15 (wikipedia)

map of central Europe 919CE-1125CE by William R. Shepherd (Herzberg is East of Northeim, North of duderstadt, West of Quedlinburg, SW of Halberstall, South of Goslar, North of Thuringia (orange), in SE duchy of Saxony (yellowish-green); West of the EastMarch/Ostmark of Thuringia (purple))

time-line 920s CE (wikipedia)

Ragnhild Eriksdotter (d of Eric blood-axe & Gunnhild/Gunnhildr) m1: Arnfinn Thorfinnsson d: c. 979 m2: Havard Thorfinnsson m3: Ljot/Liot Thorfinnsson d: after battle of Skidmoor

Edmund i of England, the deed-doer (son of Edward the elder & Eadgifu of Kent; gs of Alfred the great & Ealhswith and Sigehelm ealdorman of Kent) b: c. 921 in Wessex d: 945-05-26 at Pucklechurch, GloucesterShire, England (wikipedia)

time-line 929 CE (wikipedia)

battle of Lenzen 929-09-04 (part of a war in which grandpa Heinrich der vogler, Bernhard, Arnulf of Bavaria, Thietmar of Merseburg, Lothar i of Walbeck, Lothar ii of Stade going East vs. Hevelli, Redarii, Magyars, good uncle Wenceslas/Vaclav i, Ukrani, Sorbs, Lusatians, Veleti {most of these were groups/clans/tribes of Slavs/Sklaveni}

time-line 930s CE (wikipedia)

Mieszko i of Poland (son of Siemomysl) b: c. 930CE d: 992-05-25 at Poznan, Poland (wikipedia)  s m1: 965 to Dobrawa/Dobrava/Doubravka/Dabrowka (d of Boleslaw i the cruel)

Gonzalo Menendez count of Portugal/Goncalo Mendes/Gundisaluus Menendiz (s of Hermenegildo Gonzalez & Muniadonna Diaz/Mumadona Dias/Mummadomna; gs of Gonzalo Betotez) d: 997     (WikiPedia)   m: Ilduara Pelaez/ Ildonza Pelaez (Geni) (d of Pelayo Gonzalez count of Galicia & Ermesinda Gutierrez de Coimbra/Hermesinda/Ermesenda; gd of Gutier Menendez/Gutierre Menendez) b: c. 930 (

battle of Riade/Merseburg 933-03-15 (Heinrich der vogler vs. Bulcsu & the Hungarians/Magyars; 18-20 miles W of Leipzig, 9.4 miles S of Halle/Saale; 83 miles SE of Herzberg; 52-56 miles SE of Quedlinburg) (wikipedia)

Buyid/al-E Buyid/Buwaihids/Bowayhids/Buyahids/Buyyids dynasty/emirates 934CE - 1062CE (wikipedia)

Ikhshidid dynasty 935CE-969CE (wikipedia)

Byzantine emperor Romanos ii (s of Constantine vii & Helena Lekapene) b: c. 938CE d: 963-03-15 (wikipedia)   m1: Berta of Italy/Eudokia (d of Hugh of Arles) d: 949   m2: 956CE to Anastasio/Theophano (d of Craterius) b: in Peloponnesia, Lakonia, Greece

time-line 940s CE (wikipedia)

Sviatoslav i of Kiev/the brave/Sviatoslav i Igorevich/Svyatoslav grand prince of Kiev (s of Igor & St. Olga/Helga) b: c. 942CE d: 972 March on the island of Khortytsa in the Dnieper (wikipedia) (father of Yaropolk i, Oleg, Vladimir the great)   m: Malusha/Malfrida/Malfrithr (sister of Dbrynya; possibly daughter of Mstisha Sveneldovich or Mal of Drevlyan; gd of Sveneld the Varangian)

Jawhar i Siqili/Jawhar as-Siqili/Jawhar the Sicilian/Jawhar the Slav/Jawhar the slave-general Greek/ Abu al-Hasan Djawhar ibn Abd Allah b: c. 920CE in Dalmatia/Cavtat, Croatia d: 992 (wikipedia)     (Geni)
Sqaliba/Saqlabi/Sklavenian/Slavic slaves in Islamic territories (Geni)     Ismaili and Fatimid North Africa (Christine D. Baker: Oxford Research)

time-line 930s CE (wikipedia)

time-line 940s CE (wikipedia)

Brian Boru mac Cennetig/Brian Boruma/Brian Boramha (s of Cennetig mac Lorcain & Be Binn inion Urchadh; gs of Urchadh mac Murchadh) b: c. 941 at Kincora, county Clare, Munster d: 1014-04-23 at Clontarg, Dublin m1: Mor ingen Ui Fiachrach Aidne m2: Echrad ingen Carlus mac Aelella m3: Gormflaith (sister of Mael Morda of Leinster) m4: Dub Choblaig ingen Cathal mac Conchobar mac Taidg d: 1009     (Geni)

Æadgar/Ēadgēr/Edgar the peaceful (son of Edmund i & Ælfgifu/Aelfgifu of Shaftesbury) b: c.943 d: 975-07-08   m1: Aethelflaed/Æthelflæd   m2: Wulfthyth/Wulfðryð   m3: Aelfthryth/Alfrida/Elfida/Elfthyth/Ælfðryð (d of ealdorman Ordgar & ?? of Wessex)

time-line 950s CE (wikipedia)

Constantine Diogenes/Constantinos Diogenes (s of Romanos ii & Theophano/Anastasio) b: c. 950CE d: 1032 (wikipedia)

Medieval Warm Period c. 950CE - c. 1250 (wikipedia)

Mael Coluim/Malcolm ii of Scotland/ forranach/destroyer (s of Kenneth ii/Sinead/Cinaed/Coinneach/ an fionnghalach/fratricide & a Leinster woman) b: c. 954 d: 1034-11-25 at Glamis (father of Bethoc who m: Crinan; Olith who m: Sigurd earl of Orkney; Donada who m: Finlay earl of Moray)

Basil ii/Basileios ii/the porphyrogenigus/the young (s of Romanos ii & Theophano) b: 958CE in Constantinople d: 1025-12-15 in Constantinople (wikipedia)

grand prince Vladimir the great/Vladimir SviatoslavichVolodymyr/Valdamarr Seinaldsson (s of Sviatoslav i of Kiev & Malusha) b: c. 958 at Budyatychi, (now in Volyn oblast,) Ukraine d: 1015-07-15 at Berestove, (now a part of Kiev,) Ukraine buried: church of the tithes, Kiev (wikipedia)   (father of Izyaslav of Polotsk, Yaroslav the wise, Mstislav of Chernigov, St. Boris, St. Gleb, Maria Dobroniega of Kiev; and possibly Agatha of Kiev)         m1: Allogia   m2: Rogneda of Polotsk (d of Ragnvald/Rogvolod/Rahvalod; gd of Ulf Tostesson jarl o Skara & Ingeborg) b: c. 962 d: 1002   m3: Adela   m4: Malfrida d: 1000   m5: Anna Porphyrogenita (d of Byzantine emperor Romanos ii & Anastasia/Theophano; sister of Basil ii and of Constantine viii) b: 963-03-13 in Constantinople d: 1011   m6: ?? (gd of Otto the great)

Adalbero Ii of Metz (s of Frederick i count of Bar duke of Upper Lorraine & Beatrice of France; gs of Wigeric count of Bidgau & Cunigunda and Hugh the great & Hedwige of Saxony) b: c. 958 d: 1005-12-14

time-line 960s CE (wikipedia)

Sweyn/Swein/Svend/Suanus/Otto Haraldsson/fork-beard/tjukuskegg/tveskaeg (s of Harald Gormsson & Gunhild or Tove/Thora/Tova/Tofa) b: c.960CE b: 1014-02-03     m: Svietoslawa/Svietoslava (d of Mieszko i of Poland & Dobrawa/Doubravka of Bohemia; sister of Boleslav i the brave of Poland; gd of Boleslaw the cruel)   or Sigrid the haughty (d of Skagul Toste/Skoglar/Skauglar Tosti/Tusti)   or Gunhild of Wenden/Vindr (d of Burislav)     (Geni)     (FindAGrave)

Sigurd Hlodvirsson/ the stout/ Sigurth digri/Sigurðr jarl/earl/mormaer of Orkney (s of Hlodvir Thorfinnson & Eithne Kjarvairsdotter; gs of Thorfinn skull-splitter & Grelad and Kjarvair irakonungr/Cerball mac Dunlainge of Osraige; ggs of Torf-Einarr and Dungad & Groa Thorsteinsotter; 2ggs of Rognvald Eysteinsson) b: c.960CE d: 1013-04-23 at Clontarf m: Olith ingen Mael Coluim mac Cinaeda (d of Malcolm ii; gd of Kenneth ii)

Findlaech of Moray/Findlaech mac Ruaidri/Findlay mormaer of Moray son of the king/jarl Finnlekr/Finnleik (s of Ruaidri; uncle of Mael Coluim mac Mail Brigti mac Ruaidri) b: c.960CE d: 1020 m: Donada ingen Mael Coluim mac Cinaeda (d of Malcolm ii; gd of Kenneth ii)

ealdorman Ælfhelm/Aelfhelm of York () b: c. 965CE d: 1006 m: Wulfrun     (Geni)

Menendo Gonzalez/Menendus Gundisaluiz (s Gonzalo Menendez & Ilduara Pelaez) b: c. 965 d: c. 1008-10-06       (Jamie Allen's fab pedigree)

Æþelræd/Aethelred ii/Aethelred the unrede/ill-advised (son of Edgar the peaceful & Aelfthryth; gs of Edmund i of England & Aelfgifu of Shaftesbury and Ordgar) b: c. 966CE d: 1016-04-23 in London, England (wikipedia)   m1: Ælfgifu/Aelfgifu of York (d of Thored/Thoreth/;Þoreð/;Ðoreð) b: c. 965 d: 1002   m2: Emma of Normandy (d of Richard the fearless & Gunnora) b: c.985CE probably Rouen in Normandy d: 1052-03-06 at Winchester

Boleslaw i the brave/Boleslaw the great/Bolesław chrobry/chrabry (s of Mieszko i of Poland & Doubravka/Dobrawa of Bohemia; gs of Siemomysl and Boleslaus i the cruel; brother of Svietoslava/Sigrið/Sigrid the haughty?) b: 966CE or 967CE at Poznan d: 1025-06-17 probably at Krakow

time-line 970s CE (wikipedia)

HRE Henry ii/HRE Heinrich ii/St. Henry the exuberant (s of Henry ii duke of Bavaria/Heinrich ii & Gisela of Burgundy; gs of Henry i duke of Bavaria & Judith duchess of Bavaria and Conrad i of Burgundy & Adelaide of Bellay) b: 973-05-06 at Abbach, Bavaria (6-7 miles SW of Regensburg; 35 miles NE of Ingolstadt; 65-70 miles NNE of Munich/Muenchen; 235-240 miles SSE of Goettingen) d: 1024-07-13 at Goettingen (22 miles SW of Herzberg am Harz) buried: Bamberg cathedral   m: 999CE to Cunigunde of Luxembourg/St. Cunigunde (d of Siegfried i of Luxembourg & Hedwig of Nordgau; gd of Wigeric of Lotharingia & Cunigunda of France; descendant of Charlemagne) b: c. 975CE d: 1040-03-03 at Kaufungen

Jacob ben Nissim ibn Shahin/Jacob ben Nisim ibn Shahin (s of Nissim/Nisim & ??) b: c. 970 d: c.1020 (contemporary of Saadia gaon. wrote commentary on _Sefer Yetzirah_/_Sefer Jazirah_/_Book of Formation_/_Book of Creation_ & a book on India mathematics _Chisab al-Ghubar_/_Ha Abeq Cheshbon_.)

Zirid dynasty 973CE - 1148CE (wikipedia)

time-line 975 CE (wikipedia)

Crinan/Crinain/Crionain of Dunkeld b: c. 974 d: 1045 m: Bethoc ingen Mael Coluim mac Cinaeda (d of Mael Coluim mac Cinaeda/Malcolm ii; gd of Cinaeda/Kenneth ii; sister of Donada, Olith) (parents of Duncan; possibly parents of Maldred. may have descended from Irish Cenel Conaill or nEogain. Dunkeld monastery was founded by St. Colmcille/Columba; 20 miles NW of Dundee; 12-15 miles NW of Scone; 80-98 miles SE of Inverness; 42 miles NNNW of Dunfermline)

Ghaznavid empire c. 975CE - 1186CE (wikipedia),   Ghaznavid dynasty (Britannica)

Ghaznavids 977CE - 1186CE (wikipedia) ,   Ghaznavids 977CE - 1186CE (Ami Isseroff: Middle East web)

tsar Yaroslav the wise/Yaroslav i grand prince of Rus/Jaroslavu Volodimirovicu modryi/Jarizleifr/Yuri/George/Gjurigi the Varangian of Novgorod et Kiev (s of grand prince Vladimir the great & Rogneda of Polotsk) b: c. 978 d: 1054-02-20 at Vysgorod buried: St. Sophia's cathedral, Kiev (wikipedia)   m1: Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden/Irene/Irena/Irina/Anna/St. Anna (d of Olof Skoetkonung & Estrid/Astrid/Estrith of the Polabian Obotrites/Elbslaven/Wends/Astrid of the Obotrites who lived between the Elbe & Oder rivers South of the Baltic to just SE of Magdeburg; gd of ??Eric the victorious/Erik segersaell & Sigrith/Sigrið/Sigrid the haughty/Sigrið storrada/Swietoslawa??; ggd of sister of Jacob/Emund/Anund of Sweden) b: c. 1001 in Sigturna, Sweden d: 1050-02-10 buried: St. Sophia's cathedral, Kiev or cathedral of St. Sophia, Novgorod

time-line 980s CE (wikipedia)

time-line 980 CE (wikipedia)

Tancred of Hauteville b: c. 980 d: 1041 (wikipedia) m1: Muriella m2: Fressenda/Fredesenda

Islamic states 985CE (Columbia U)

Radbot count of Habsburg (s of ?Lanzelin of Klettgau?/?Lanzelin i von Muri & Liutgard von Thurgau; gs of ??Guntram count of Breisgau??) b: c. 985 d: 1045       (the peerage)   m: 1010 to Ida/Ita of Lotharingia/von Lothringen (d of Adalbert ii von Metz or his brother Frederick i count of Bar duke of Upper Lorraine & Beatrice of France; gd of Wigeric count of Bidgau & Cunigunda and Hugh the great & Hedwige of Saxony) b: c. 970 d: after 1026     (the peerage)

time-line 990s CE (wikipedia)

Edmund iron-side/Eadmund isernside/Edmund ii b: c.990CE d: 1016-11-20 at Oxford or London   m: Ealdgyth/Edith b: c.992 d: after 1016

Finn Arnasson/Arnesson (s of Arni Arnmodsson/Armodsson & Thora Thorsteinsdottir; brother of Kalfr, Arni, Thorbergr) b: c. 990CE? d: c. 1065 (in 1028 Finn, Arni, & Thorbergr were exiled for a couple years to Kiev, but were back c.1030-07-29 at battle of Stiklestad) m: Bergljot Halvdansdottir (d of Harald Sigurdsson/Sigurthsson/Halfdan Hadafylke; niece of king Harald; sister of Sigurdr Syr/Sigurthr Syr)

Ælfgofi/Aelfgifu of Northampton/Elfgive/Elgiva (d of Æelfhelm/Aelfhelm of York & Wulfrun/Wulfrune) b: c. 990CE d: after 1036     (Geni) m: Cnut the great (s of Sweyn/Swein/Svein fork-beard)

Nissim ben Jacob ben Nissim ibn Shahin/Nisim ben Jacob ben Nisim ibn Shahin/Nissim gaon/ha Mafteach/the key (s of Jacob/Yaaqob & ??) b: c. 990 d: 1062

John Scotus/John the Scot bishop of Mecklenburg b: c. 990 d: 1066-11-10 during revolt of Wends (wikipedia)

battle of Maldon 991 August 11 on the banks of the Blackwater river in Essex (Byrhtnoth/Brihtnoth/Beorhtnoth vs. Olaf viking)     (Ellen Castelou: Historic UK/UK History Magazine)     battle of

Alfonso v of Leon/Adefonsus (s of Bermudo ii of Leon & Elvira Garcia of Castile; gs of Ordono iii of Leon & Urraca Fernandez and Garcia Fernandez of Castile & Ava de Ribagorza) b: c. 994 d: 1028-08-07 while besieging Viseu   m1: Elvira Menendez/Elvira Mendes (d of Menendo Gonzalez & Toda/Tota/Tutadonna) d: 1022-12-02   m2: Urraca Garces (d of Garcia Sanchez ii & Jimena Fernandez; sister of Sancho iii of Pamplona/Sancho iii of Navarre)

Sancho iii of Pamploma/Sancho the great/Antso Gartzea Nagusia/Sancho Garces (s of Garcia Sanchez ii & Jimena Fernandez) b: c. 994 d: 1035-10-18 (wikipedia)     m: Muniadona of Castile (d of Sancho Garcia of Castile & Urraca Gomez) b: c.995 d: 1066

Cnut/Canute/Knutr the great/the king/Canute Sweynsson/ Knutr Sveinsson (s of Sweyn/Swein/Svend/Suanus/Otto Haraldsson/fork-beard/tjukuskegg/tveskaeg & Svietoslava/Sigrið/Sigrid the haughty or Gunhild of Wenden/Vindr) b: c. 995BCE 〖but could be as early as 980BCE or as late as 1000BCE〗 d: 1035-11-12 (wikipedia)     m1: Ælfgifu of Northampton/Aelfgifu (d of Ælfhelm/Aelfhelm ealdorman of York & Wulfrun/Wulfrune) b: c. 990 d: after 1036     m2: Emma of Normandy (d of Richard i of Normandy & Gunnora Haraldsdotter who were ggps of William the conqueror; gd of William of Normandy & Sprota and Harald Gormsson/blue-tooth & Gynrithe Olafsdotter) b: c. 985 d: 1052-03-06     (FindAGrave)


time-line 1001CE - 1100CE (wikipedia)

list of countries by estimated population in 1000

SE Europe c. 1000CE
SE Europe c. 1000CE (southern Italy, Croatia, Servia, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Patzinaks, Bulgaria, Turkey, Armenia) (snagged 2014-08-14)

silk routes c. 1000CE
silk routes c. 1000CE (snagged 2013-08-29)

Cumans c. 1KCE to ???

Kipchaks/Qipchaks/Qypchaks/Qifjaq/Polovski/Polovetzians c. 1KCE to ???

Keraites/Kerayites/Keraith c. 1000CE to 1299CE (Marqus/Marcus Buyruk khan, Saryk khan, Kurchakus Buyruk khan, Tooril khan) ,   Christianity among the Mongols

Anglo-Saxon kingdoms & DaneLaw c. 1000CE
Anglo-Saxon kingdoms & DaneLaw c. 1000CE

Duncan mac Crinan/Donnchad/Donnchadh mac Crinain/Crionain an t-llgarach/the sickly (s of Crinan/Crinain/Crionain of Dunkeld & Bethoc) b: c. 1001 d: 1040-08-14 at Bothnagowan/Pitgaveny near Elgin m: Suthen

Edward the confessor/Eadpeard andettere/Eduardus confessor (s of Aethelred the unrede/unready/ill-advised & Emma of Normandy; brother of Alfred/Aelfred) b: c. 1003 at Islip, OxfordShire d: 1066-01-05 at London   m: 1045-01-23 to Gytha/Ealdgyth/Edith of Wessex (d of Godwin earl of Wessex & Gytha Thorkelsdottir; gd of probably Wulfnoth Cild and Thorgil Sprakling/Thorkel Sprakling/Torgils Sprakalaegg) b: c. 1025 d: 1075-12-18

Iehmarc/Echmarcach mac Ragnaill (s of Bernard of Septimania/Settimania & Dhuoda/Dhuoda Sanchez?) b: c. 1005 d: 1064/1065

MacBeth/Mac Bethad mac Findlaich/MacBheatha mac Fhionnlaigh/ ri deircc/red king (s of Findlaech mac Ruaidri of Moray/Findlay of Moray) b: c.1005 d: 1057-08-15 m: Gruoch

Gruffydd/Gruffudd ap Llywelyn (s of Llywelyn ap Seisyll & Angharad verch Maredudd; gs of Seisyll and Maredudd; ggs of Owain) b: c. 1010 d: 1063-08-05 or 1064-08-05     (Geni)     (FindAGrave)       (Jamie Allen's fab pedigree)       (the peerage) m: Ealdgyth (d of Aelfgar of Mercia & Elfleda)

Hammadid/Hammudid dynasty 1008CE - 1152CE (wikipedia)

time-line 1010s CE (wikipedia)

Gospatric/Cospatric earl of Northumbria or Bernicia (s of Crinan or possibly but not probably Uhtred/Uchtred the bold & Ealdgyth/Aldith; gs of Aelfgifu; ggs of Aethelred the unrede) b: c. 1010 (WAG) d: 1073 (was exiled by William the conqueror, and after a time returned, Malcolm iii gave him Dunbar.)

Isaac Alfasi/Isaac son of Jacob from Fez the priest/Yitzchak ben Yaaqob al-Fasi ha-Kohen/Rif () b: 1013 in Qalasi beni Hammad/Qalaat beni Hammad/Algeria or near Fez/Fes, Morocco (160-170 miles SSE ofTangier, Ceuta; 120-130 miles E of Rabat) (in the land of the sons of Hammad) d: 1103 at Lucena al-Andalus/Southern Spain (64-70 miles N of Malaga; 44-48 miles SSE of Cordoba; 60-65 miles WNW of Granada; 125-128 miles NE of Gibraltar)

Robert Guiscard (son of Tancred of Hauteville & Fressenda) b: c. 1015 d: 1085-07-17   m: 1051 to Alberada of Buonalbergo b: 1032 d: after 1122 July

Fernando i of Castile/Ferdinand i of Leon et Castile (s of Sancho iii of Navarre & Muniadona of Castile) b: c. 1015 d: 1065 December 24 in Leon     (Geni)     (Find a Grave)     m: Sancha of Leon (d of Alfonso v of Leon & Elvira Menendez) b: c. 1018 d: 1067 November 08

Ingibiorg/Ingibjorg/Ingebjorg/Ingeborg Finnsdottir (d of Finn Arnesson & Bergljot Halvdansdottir/Bergliot the half-Dane's daughter) b: c. 1015? d: c. 1069     m1: Thorfinn Sigurdarson earl of Orkney/Thorfinnr Sigurtharson/Ðorfinnr Sigurðarson/the mighty (s of Sigurd Hlodvirsson/ the stout/ Sigurth digri/Sigurðr jarl/earl/mormaer of Orkney & Olith ingen Malcolm mac Cinaed/Kenneth) b: c. 1009 d: c. 1965     m2: Malcolm iii/Mael Coluim mac Donnchada/ kenmore/canmore/ceann mor (s of Duncan mac Crinan & Suthen) b: c. 1031-03-26 d: 1093-11-13 at Alnwick, Northumberland

Andrew i of Hungary/the Catholic/I. Feher/Katolikus Andras/Endre (son of Vazul/Vaszoly/Basil & ?? of Tatony; gs of Michael of Hungary; ggs of Taksony & a Cuman; 2ggs of Zoltan & a daughter of Menumorut) b: c. 1015 d: before 1060-12-06 at Zirc, Hungary   m: c.1039 to Anastasia of Kiev/Kyiv (d of Yaroslav i the wise of Kiev/Kyiv & Ingigerg of Sweden) b: c. 1023 d: between 1074 & 1096 at Admont abbey along the Enns river in Styria/Steiermark/Stajerska/Styrsko (65-75 miles S of Linz; 75-80 miles NW of Graz; 120-125 miles SW of Vienna; 160-170 miles ESE of Munich/Muenchen; 240-250 miles NW of Venice)

Edward the exile (son of king Edward Ironside & Ealdgyth) b: c. 1016 d: 1085-07-17 (exiled within months after birth to court of Olof Skoetkonung.)   m: Agatha of Kiev or Bohemia or Hungary or Poland or Bulgaria or HRE or ??? b: c. 1025 d: c. 1080 (relative of HRE Henry iii. possible relative of Andrew i of Hungary. possible daughter of Yaroslav i Vladimirovich of Kiev.)

Harold harefoot/harefoh/hareah/Harold i (son of Cnut the great/Cnut/Canute/Knutr the great/the king/Canute Sweynsson/ Knutr Sveinsson & Ælfgifu of Northampton/Aelfgifu/Elfgive; gs of Sweyn/Swein/Svend/Suanus/Otto Haraldsson/fork-beard/tjukuskegg/tveskaeg & Svietoslava/Sigrid or Gunhild   and Ælfhelm/Aelfhelm ealdorman of York & Wulfrun/Wulfrune) b: c. 1016 d: 1040-03-17 at Oxford, England     (Geni)     (Brit Royals)     (Royal UK)     (FindAGrave)     (National Portrait Gallery)     (Dalum Hjallese Debate Club)

HRE Henry iii/HRE Heinrich iii/Henry the black/Henry the pious (s of HRE Conrad ii of Germany/Conrad the Salic & Gisela of Swabia; gs of Henry count of Speyer & Adelaide of Alsace and Herman ii duke of Swabia & Gerberga of Burgundy) b: 1017-10-28 d: 1056-10-05 at Bodfeld   m1: Gunhilda of Denmark (d of Cnut the great & Emma of Normandy) b: c. 1020CE d: 1038-07-18   m2: Agnes of Poitou (d of William v duke of Aquitaine & Agnes of Burgundy) b: c. 1025 d: 1077-12-14

Harthacnut/Hardeknud/tough-knot (s of Cnut the great/Cnut/Canute/Knutr the great/the king/Canute Sweynsson/ Knutr Sveinsson & Emma of Normandy; gs of Sweyn/Swein/Svend/Suanus/Otto Haraldsson/fork-beard/tjukuskegg/tveskaeg & Svietoslava/Sigrid or Gunhild   and Richard i duke of Normandy & Gunnora) b: c. 1018 d: 1042-06-08

time-line 1020s CE (wikipedia)

Vladimir Yaroslavich of Novgorod/Voldemar Holti/Vladimir ii (s of Yaroslav the wise & Ingegerd Olofsdotter/Irene/Irena/Irina/Anna) b: c. 1020CE d: 1052-10-04 at Novgorod buried: St. Sophia cathedral, Novgorod   Anna (some of their descendants)

Otto of Nordheim/Otto ii of Bavaria (s of count Bernard of Nordheim/Northeim & Eilika) b: c. 1020 d: 1083-01-11   m: Richenza of Swabia/Richeza/Richza () b: c. 1025 d: before 1083

Solomon ben Yehuda ibn Gabirol/Shlomo ben Yahudah ibn Gabirol/Abu Ayyub Sulayman bin Yahya bin Jabirul/Avicebron/Avencebrol (s of Judah; gs of Gabirol) b: late 1021 or early 1022 in Malaga, Cordoba, Spain d: between 1050 & 1070 in Valencia, Spain

Abbadid dynasty 1023CE - 1095CE (wikipedia)

Iziaslav Yaroslavich/Iziaslav i of Kiev/Demetrius (s of Yaroslav the wise & Ingegerd Olofsdotter/Irene/Irena/Irina/Anna) b: c. 1024CE d: 1078-20-04 at Nezhatyna Nyva buried: church of the tithes, Kiev, Ukraine   m: Gertrude of Poland (d of Mieszko ii Lambert & Richeza of Lotharingia; gd of Boleslaw i the brave & Emnilda of Lusatia and Ezzo count-palatine of Lotharingia & Matilda of Germany; ggd of HRE Otto ii & Theophanu; sister of Casimir) b: c. 1025CE d: 1108-01-04 at Turov

Rashonim/Rishonim/the first ones c. 1025CE to c. 1565CE

Sviatoslav Yaroslavich/Sviatoslav ii of Kiev/Nicholas/Sviatoslav ii Iaroslavich (s of Yaroslav the wise & Ingegerd Olofsdotter/Irene/Irena/Irina/Anna) b: c. 1027CE d: 1076-12-27 at Kiev buried: Holy Savior cathedral, Chernigov/Chernihiv, Ukraine   m1: c. 1045 to Killikia/Kelikia/Cecilia m2: c. 1065 to Oda of Staden (d of Lothair Udo i of Nordmark; sister of Burchard of Trier) d: in HRE

William ii of Normandy/William the Conqueror/William i of England (s of Robert the magnificent & Herleva of Falaise) b; c. 1028CE d: 1087-09-09 at priory of St. Gervase, Rouen, Normandy   m: Matilda of Flanders/Mathilde de Flandre/Mathilda van Vlaanderen (d of Baldwin v count/comte of Flanders & Adela of France) b: c. 1031 d: 1083-11-02 buried: l'Abbaye aux Dames Caen, Normandy

time-line 1030s CE (wikipedia)

Vsevolod i of Kiev/Vissivald/Vsevolod i Yaroslavich/Andrei (s of Yaroslav the wise & Ingegerd Olofsdotter/Irene/Irena/Irina/Anna) b: c. 1030CE d: 1093-04-13 at Vyshhorod   m1: 1046 to Anastasia (d of Constantine ix Monomachos & Helena Skleraina or Maria Skleraina; gd of Theodosios Monomachos) d: 1167   m2: Anna of the Cuman/Polovtsi/Polovtsy/Folban/Vallani/Valwe/Qoun/Kunok   (some of his children)

Romanos iv Diogenesg (s of Constantine Diogenes & daughter of Basil Argyros) b: c. 1030CE d: 1072 (wikipedia)

Eadnoth the constable/staller/justice/steward () b: c. 1030CE d: 1068 at Bleadon (wikipedia)     (history extra)     (Geni)     (RootsWeb)     (WikiTree)     (Jamie's fabulous pedigree)

Malcolm iii/Mael Coluim mac Donnchada/ kenmore/canmore/ceann mor (s of Duncan mac Crinan & Suthen) b: c. 1031-03-26 d: 1093-11-13 at Alnwick, Northumberland   m1: Ingibiorg/Ingibjorg/Ingebjorg/Ingeborg Finnsdottir (d of Finn Arnesson & Bergljot Halvdansdottir/Bergliot the half-Dane's daughter) b: c. 1015? d: c. 1069   m2: St. Margaret/Margret of Wessex et Scotland (d of Edward the exile & Agatha of ?Bohemia/?Kiev//?Slovakia/?HRE?; gd of Edmund iron-side) b: c. 1045 in Bohemia/Hungary d: 1093-11-16 at Edinburgh castle/Caisteal Dhun Eideann/Edin burh/Din Eidyn/Dun Edin buied: Dunfermline abbey

Igor Yaroslavich/George (s of Yaroslav the wise & Ingegerd Olofsdotter/Irene/Irena/Irina/Anna) b: between 1034CE & 1036CE d: 1060CE buried: Transfiguration cathedral, Chernigov/Chernihiv, Ukraine   m: Konigunda countess of Orlamuende   (some of his children)

Isaac Albalia/Isaac ben Baruch Albalia/Yishaq ben Barukh Albalia/Yitzchak ben Yaakov ben Baruch Albalia (s of Jacob/Yaakov/Yaaqob; maternal-grand-father of Abraham ibn Daud/Rabad i; father of Baruch ben Isaac ben Baruch Albalia) b: 1035 in Cordoba d: 1094 in Granada   (Jewish Virtual   (Nissan Mindel:

Vyacheslav Yaroslavich/Viacheslav Iaroslavich (s of Yaroslav the wise & Ingegerd Olofsdotter/Irene/Irena/Irina/Anna) b: c. 1036CE d: 1059CE

great Seljuk/Seljuq/Saljuq empire/Salcuqiyan/Buyuk Selcuklu Devleti c. 1037CE - 1194CE (wikipedia)

time-line 1040s CE (wikipedia)
Oort minimum c. 1040CE - c 1080CE (wikipedia)

Almoravid/Imrabden/al-Murabitun dynasty 1040CE - 1147CE (wikipedia)

Godred/Godredus/Gofred/Gofraid/Gofraidh Crovan/Croban/Crouan/Meranach mac Maic Arailt king of Dublin et the Isles b: c. 1040CE d: 1095 at Islay from plague (wikipedia)

Rashi /rabbi Solomon Isaac/Solomon bar Isaac/Shlomo Yitzchaki/שלמה יצחקי/Slomah Itzcheqi/Salomon Isaacides/Salomon de Troyes (s of Isaac/Yitzchak/Itzcheq ben Shlomo Tzarfati? & Leah Miriam; nephew of Simon the elder of Mainz; gs of Elyakim) b: 1040-02-22 d: 1105-07-13 (4865 Tammuz 29) buried: Troyes, France   (Hila Ratzabi:   (Nissan Mindel:   (Jewish Virtual   (Daniel Goldstein:
m:   ??Rivkah/Rebecca (d of Isaac ben Abun or Yosef Kalonymos/Klonymos)?? b:c. 1040 d: c. 1096 at Troyes, France geni.c
    Yocheved/Yochebed bat Solomon/ Yochebed bat Rashi m: Meir ben Samuel
    Miriam bat Solomon/bat Rashi m: Judah ben Nathan
    Rachel bat Solomon/bat Rashi m: Eliezer ben Shemiah divorced

Alfonso vi of Leon et Castile (s of Ferdinand/Fernando i of Leon et Castile & Sancha of Castile) b: c.1040 or 1041 d: 1109 July 01

St. Margaret of Wessex & Scotland (daughter of Edward the exile & Agatha) b: c. 1045CE d: 1093-11-16 at Edinburgh castle buried: Dunfermline abbey (wikipedia)

Byzantine emperor Alexios i Komnenus/Comnenus (s of John Komnenos/Ioannes Komnenos & Anna Dalassena) b: 1048CE or 1056CE d: 1118-08-15 (wikipedia)   m: 1078 to Irene Doukaina (d of Andronikos Doukas & Maria of Bulgaria; gd of Ivan Vladislav of Bulgaria) b: c. 1066 in Constantinople d: 1138-02-19

time-line 1050s CE (wikipedia)

Artuk/Artuq son of Eksuek c. 1050-1091CE (wikipedia)

Artuqid dynasty c. 1050-1409CE (wikipedia)

Anushtegin Gharchai c. 1050-1097CE (wikipedia)

HRE Henry iv/HRE Heinrich iv (s of HRE Henry iii/HRE Heinrich iii & Agnes of Poigou) b: 1050-11-11 at Goslar, Saxony d: 1106-08-07 at Liege, Lower Lorraine buried: Speyer cathedral   m1: 1066 to Bertha of Savoy/Bertha of Turin (d of Otto i count of Savoy & Adelaide of Susa) b: 1051-09-21 d: 1087-12-27   m2: 1089 to Eupraxia of Kiev/Adelaide/Adelheid (d of Vsevolod i of Kiev & Anna Polovetskaya of Cumans) b: c. 1070 d: 1109-07-20 at Kiev

Edgar aetheling/ætheling/æþeling/Edgar heir to the throne/Edgar ii (s of Edward the exile & Agatha of Kiev or Bohemia or Hungary...; brother of St. Margaret of Wessex et Scotland and brother of Cristina/Christina) b: c. 1051CE in Hungary d: c. 1126

Vladimir ii monomakh (s of Vsevolod i of Kiev/Vissivald/Vsevolod i Yaroslavich/Andrei & Anastasia Monomakh) b: c. 1053CE d: 1125-05-19 near Alta river buried: St. Cophia cathedral, Kiev   m1: c. 1072 to Gytha of Wessex (d of ??Harold Godwinson & Edith swannehalz??) b: c. 1055 d: c. 1098-10-03 in Israel or 1107-05-07 at Kiev   m2: Eufimia/Euphemia d: c. 1107   (some of his siblings & children)

Solomon of Hungary/Salomon/Salamon (s of king Andrew i of Hungary & Anastasia of Kiev) b: 1053CE d: 1087 in Bulgaria, Byzantine empire   m: Judith of Swabia/Svab Judit/Judyta Szwabska (d of HRE Henry iii & Agnes of Poitou) b: c. 1054 July at ?Goslar, Saxony? d: c. 1105-03-14

Kievan Rus 1054CE-1132CE
Kievan Rus 1054CE-1132CE (i.e. Agatha of Kiev or Bohemia or Braunschweig & her daughter Margaret of Wessex and Scotland's time and just after) (snagged 2013-01-09), Ruskaya zemlya/Rusia/Ruthenia/Garthariki 882CE - 1240CE (wikipedia)

Solomon/Shlomo/Kutalmishoglu Suleiman/Suleiman ibn Qutulmish of Rum/Rome c. 1055CE - 1086CE (wikipedia)

Gruffydd ap Cynan king of Gwynedd, Wales (s of Cynan ab Iago/Jacob & Ragnaillt of Dublin) b: c. 1055 d: 1137   m: 1095 to Angharad ferch Owain (d of Owain ab Edwin)

time-line 1060s CE (wikipedia)

Meir ben Samuel (s of Samuel ?? & ??) b: c. 1060 in Ramerupt d: after 1135     m: Yocheved/Yochebed bat Solomon/ Yochebed bat Rashi (d of Solomon ben Isaac/Rashi & ??Rivkah/Rebecca )
    Shmuel/Samuel/Rashbam ben Meir (gs of Rashi) b: 1080 d: 1174
    Yitzchak/Isaac/Rivam/Ribam ben Meir (gs of Rashi) b: c. 1090 d: c. 1130
    Jacob/rabbeinu Tam ben Meir/rabbeinu Jacob Tam (gs of Rashi) b: 1100 d: 1171
    Solomon/Shlomo the grammarian ben Meir (gs of Rashi)
    Chana bat Meir (gd of Rashi) m: ?Simhah/Simchah ben Samuel of Vitry?

Anglo-Saxon kingdoms c. 1065CE
Anglo-Saxon kingdoms c. 1065CE (from Anne Savage 2000 _The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles_ (278 pages; 942.01))

Joseph Kara/Joseph Caro/Joseph ben Simeon Kara/Mahari (nephew of Menahem ben Chelbo/Menachem ben Chelbo) b: c. 1080 at Troyes, France d: c. 1158

Norman conquest of England 1066BCE (wikipedia),     Norman conquest of England 1066BCE (Historic UK),     Norman conquest of England 1066BCE (Britannica)

England & Normandy 1066CE
England & Normandy 1066CE (from Anne Savage 2000 _The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles_ (278 pages; 942.01))

battle of the Alta river of 1068 (against the Cumans/Polovtsy/Kipchaks/Polovetsians)

Kiev up-rising/rebellion of 1068

time-line 1070s CE (wikipedia)

territories controlled by Normans c. 1070CE
territories controlled by Normans c. 1070CE (from Anne Savage 2000 _The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles_ (278 pages; 942.01))

Scotland, Cumbria & Northumberland c. 1070CE
Scotland, Cumbria & Northumberland c. 1070CE (snagged 2015-12-15 from Susan Fraser King 2010 _Queen HereAfter: A Novel of Margaret of Scotland_ (335 pages) (a novel about umpty-great-grand-parents Margaret & Malcolm; who could resist?!)

Judah ben Nathan/Yahudah ben Natan/Riban (s of Nathan & ??) b: c. 1070     m: Miriam bat Solomon/bat Rashi (d of Solomon ben Isaac/Rashi & ??) b: c. 1060
    Alvina bat Judah
    Yom Tov ben Judah
    Shimshon ben Judah
    Eliezer ben Judah

battle of Manzikert/Malazgirt Meydan Muharebesi Anatolia/Asia Minor/Turkey 1071-08-26 (wikipedia)

Judah Halevi/Yahudah ben Shmuel ha levi/Yehuda ha-Levi (s of Shmuel/Samuel & ??) b: c. 1075 or 1086 in Toledo or Tudela, Spain d: 1141 Summer in Israel (in 1140 wrote _Kitab al-Chujjah wal-Dalil fi Nutzr al-Din al-Dhalil_/_Sefer ha-Kuzari_/_The Book of Refutation and Proof in Support of the Abased Religion_/_Book of the Khazar_.)

Khwarazmian dynasty 1077CE - 1231CE (wikipedia) ,   Khwarezm/Chorezm/Chorasmia/Xuarazm/Xorezm/Harezm oasis region along the Amu Darya/Oxus river (birth-place of translator/author of summary of Algebra and for whom algorithms are named, Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi/Mohammed son of Moses from Khwarezm b: c. 780 d: c. 850) (wikipedia) ,   part of modern Uzbekistan (map here gives context and earlier extent of Aral sea) (wikipedia)

sultanate of Rum/Rome c. 1077CE - 1308CE (wikipedia)

Mamluk/Mamluq dynasties c. 1077CE-1831CE (wikipedia)

Alan fitz Flaad b: c. 1078CE at Dol, Bretagne/Britannia d: c. 1121CE (wikipedia)   Avelina de Hesdin/Ava (d of Ernulf de Hesdin/Hesding)

Bretagne/Brittany. The progenitor of the Scottish Stuarts/Stewarts was a steward/door-man/mansion manager/in loco governor of Pays de Dol. Some of the last Roman governors of Britain migrated back and forth between Briton/Preton England and Brittany, more particularly between Cornwall and Cornouaille. Then again, so did (and probably do) a lot of smugglers, refugees, and spies.

time-line 1080s CE (wikipedia)

Rubenids/Roupepids c. 1080CE - 1342CE (wikipedia)

Rashbam/Shmuel/Samuel/Rashbam ben Meir (s of Meir ben Samuel & Yocheved/Yochebed bat Solomon/ Yochebed bat Rashi; brother of Rivam/Ribam; brother of Jacob ben Meir/Jacob Tam/rabbeinu Tam) b: c. 1080 at Troyes, France d: c. 1174

Normans led by Robert Guiscard at the behest of pope Gregory vii sacked Rome 1084 May (wikipedia)

Imad ad-Din Zengi c. 1085CE to 1146-09-14 (son of Aq Sunqur al-Hajib) (wikipedia)

Abraham ibn Ezra/Abraham abn Aazra/Abenezra b: 1089 at Tudela, Spain d: c. 1167 at Calahorra

time-line 1090s CE (wikipedia)

Bartan Baatur Kiyat Borjigin (s of Khabul Khan & Quanqua-qoa) b: c. 1090CE (Geni)

Olafr/Ǿláfr Gudrodarson/Guðrøðarson king of the Isles (s of Godred Crovan) b: c. 1090CE d: 1153-06-29 (hostage/student/servant in court of Henry i beauclerc of England.) m: Affraic (d of Fergus of Galloway)

Yitzchak/Isaac/Rivam/Ribam ben Meir (s of Meir ben Samuel & Yocheved/Yochebed bat Solomon/ Yochebed bat Rashi; brother of Rashbam/Shmuel/Samuel/Rashbam ben Meir; brother of Jacob ben Meir/Jacob Tam/rabbeinu Tam) b: c. 1090 d: c. 1130

Eliezer ben Nathan/Raavan/Rabiyan/Aliaazar ben Nathan/Raaven/Rabiyan/Raban (s of ) b: c. 1090 d: 1170   (Louis Ginzberg & A. Kaminka: Jewish Encyclopedia)     m: ?? (d of Eliakim ben Joseph of Mainz/Mayence & ??)
    ?? m: Samuel ben Natronai
    ?? m: Joel ben Isaac ha Levi
    ?? m: Uri
    ?? m: Eliakim
(ancestors of Mordecai ben ?? ben Hillel ben Eliezer ha Levi/Rabiah ben Joel ben Isaac ha levi; Jacob ben Asher ben Jehiel ben Uri ben Eliakim)

Agnes i abbess of Quedlinburg (d of Judith of Swabia & Wladyslaw i Herman/Władsław; gd of HRE Henry iii & Agnes of Poitou and Casimir i the restorer & Maria Dobroniega) b: c. 1090CE d: 1125-12-29 in Quedlinburg

Western Eurasia at start of crusades 540KB (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07) ,   rotated for easier perusal 1.8MB

St. Malachy/Malachias/Mael Maedoc ua Morgair/Maelmhaedhoc o Morgair arch-bishop of Armagh b: c. 1094CE d: 1148-11-02 (wikipedia)

1st crusade c. 1095CE - 1099CE (wikipedia)

Roger ii of Sicily (s of Roger i of Sicily & Adelaide del Vasto) b: 1096-12-29 at Mileto/Calabria d: 1154-02-26 at Palermo, Sicily     m1: Elvira of Castile (d of Alfonso vi king of Leon et Castile & Isabella or Zaida) b: c. 1100 d: 1135-02-06     m2: 1150-08-29 to Sibylla of Burgundy (d of Hugh ii duke of Burgundy & Felicia Matilda of Mayenne) b: c. 1126 d: 1150-09-16 at Salerno, Sicily     m3: Beatrice of Rethel (d of Guitier count of Rethel & Beatrix of Namur) b: c. 1132 d: 1185-03-30

route across Anatolia/Asia Minor 740KB (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07)

county of Edessa 1098CE-1144CE (wikipedia)

Jerusalem c. 1099 (184KB) (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07)


time-line 1101CE - 1200CE (wikipedia)
Medieval maximum c. 1100CE - c 1250CE (wikipedia)

Bulgar date-line c. 1100CE - c. 1299CE

Khabul Khan/Qabul Khan/Xabul Xan (s of ??Tumbina Sechen Borjigin??) b: c. 1100 d: c. 1146 (wikipedia)

Israel c. 1100CE-1230CE
Israel c. 1100CE-1230CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Maimon ben Joseph (s of Joseph & ??) b: c. 1100 in Spain
    Moses ben Maimon/Maimonides b: 1135-03-30 or 1135-04-06 (4895 Nisan 14) or 1138-03-28 or 1138-04-04 in Cordoba d: 1204-12-12 (4965 Tebet 20) in Fustat/Fostat/Cairo, Egypt
    David ben Maimon d: c. 1175 in Indian Ocean

Artuqid dynasty 1101-1409 (wikipedia)

Burid dynasty 1104CE to 1154CE (wikipedia)

Somerled/Somairle/Somhairle/Somhairlidh/Sumeledo/Sumerledo/Sumarliði king of the Isles (s of GilleBride/Gille Brigte) b: c. 1110CE (WAG) d: 1164 at battle of Renfrew m: Ragnhild (d of Olafr/Ǿláfr Gudrodarson/Guðrøðarson)

Abraham ibn Daud ha-Levi/Abraham ben David Halevi/Rabad i/Ravad i (s of Daud/David & s or gs of ?? bat Isaac ben Jacob ben Baruch Albalia; maternal nephew of Baruch ben Isaac) b: c. 1110 in Cordoba, Spain d: c. 1180 in Toledo, Spain   (Nissan Mindel:   (Jewish Virtual

Jacob/rabbeinu Tam ben Meir/rabbeinu Jacob Tam/Yaakov Tam (s of Meir ben Samuel & Yocheved/Yochebed/Jochebe bat Solomon/ Yochebed bat Rashi; gs of Solomon ben Isaac/Rashi & ??) b: 1100 in Ramerupt d: 1171-06-09 (4931 Tammuz 04) in Troyes, France   (ChaBaD) (1147-06-08 wounded by crusaders.)   (Solomon Schechter & Max Schloessinger: Jewish Encyclopedia)   (Jewish Virtual     m: Miriam bat Yosef/Mary (d of Joseph & ??; sister of Shimshon ben Yosef)

Aaron ben Joseph of Beaugency (contemporary of Rabbeinu Tam)

Jin dynasty/Great Jin/Kin/Jinn/Jurchen Jin c. 1115CE - c. 1234CE (wikipedia)

Levantine/crusader states c. 1115 (188KB) (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07)

Roger iii duke of Apulia (s of Roger ii of Sicily & Elvira of Castile) b: 1118 d: 1148-05-02 or 1148-05-12     m1: Emma (d of Achard ii count of Lecce & ??; gd of Geoffrey ii of Lecce; descendant of Tancred of Hauteville; descendant of Geoffrey of Hauteville)     m2: 1140 to Isabella of Champagne (d of Theobald ii of Champagne/Thibaut de Blois & Matilda of Carinthia)

time-line 1120s CE (wikipedia)

list of Mongol rulers c. 1120CE - (with animated map) (wikipedia)

Amalric of Nesle patriarch of Jerusalem b: c. 1120CE d: 1180-10-06 in Jerusalem, Israel (wikipedia)

Fergus of Galloway/Galwedia b: c. 1120CE d: 1161-05-12 (wikipedia)

Moshe ha Darshan / Moshe/Moses ben Jacob ben Moshe of Narbonne/Moses ben Abun of Narbonne/Moses ben Jacob ha Navi/Moses son of Jacob the prophet b: c. 1120CE d: 1180 (wikipedia)

Almodad/Imwehhden/al-Muwahhidun caliphate 1121CE - 1269CE (wikipedia)

Zengid/Zangid dynasty 1127-1250 (wikipedia)

time-line 1130s CE (wikipedia)

Henry ii/curtmantle/Plantagenet 1133CE-1189CE
Henry ii/curtmantle/Plantagenet 1133CE-1189CE (snagged 2012-05-14 from Winston Churchill 1956, 1993 _An History of the English Speaking Peoples: The Birth of Britain_ (500 pages; 941)... I think)

Maimonides/Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph/Musa Maimuni/Maimonides/Rambam/?Bruzak? (s of Maimon ben Joseph & ??) b: 1135-03-30 or 1135-04-06 (4895 Nisan 14) or 1138-03-28 or 1138-04-04 in Cordoba d: 1204-12-12 (4965 Tebet 20) in Fustat/Fostat/Cairo, Egypt buried: Tiberias or Fallujah or 11 other places that claim     m: ?? bat Mishael (d of Mishael ben Yeshayahu HaLevi)

Israel 1135CE
Israel 1135CE (snagged 2012-11-20)

time-line 1140s CE (wikipedia)

Yesugei Baghatur/ Yesuekhei baatar (s of Bartan Baghatur; gs of Khabul Khan; ggs of Tumbinai Setsen; 2ggs of Khaidu; 3ggs of Khachi Khulug & Monolun; 5ggs of Bodonchar Munkhag) b: c. 1140 d: c. 1171 (wikipedia) ,     Yesuekhei-baghatur Kyiat-Bordzhiginy Khan (Geni)

Israel c. 1140CE
Eastern Mediterranean c. 1140CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Israel 1140CE
Israel 1140CE (snagged 2016-02-05)

Eliezer ben Joel ha Levi/Raavyah/Rabiyah (s of Joel ha Levi of Bonn & ??; gs of Eliezer ben Nathan/Raavan/Rabiyan/Aliaazar ben Nathan) b: c. 1140 d: after 1220

Walter Map/Gauthier Map b: c. 1140 in Welsh Marches d: c. 1209-04-01 or c. 1210-04-01 (wikipedia)     (Britannica)

Judah ha Darshan / Yahudah/Judah ben Moshe/Judah ben Moses ben Jacob ben Moshe of Narbonne b: c. 1145CE d: c. 1200 (wikipedia)

2nd crusade c. 1147CE - 1149CE (wikipedia)

Muscovite Russia c. 1147CE to c. 1613CE (ThenAgain), Muscovite Russia c. 1300 to c. 1682CE (Charles Kimball: Xenophile Historian: FaithWeb)

time-line 1150s CE (wikipedia)

Toghul/Tooril wang khan/ong khan/wang han b: c. 1150 d: 1203 (wikipedia)

Israel c. 1150CE
Israel c. 1150CE (snagged 2012-05-30 from Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln 1982, 2004, 2005 _Holy Blood, Holy Grail_ (489 pages; 944) (a little squirrelly, but a few good maps))

Old City, Jerusalem, Israel c. 1150CE
Old City, Jerusalem, Israel c. 1150CE (snagged 2012-05-30 from Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln 1982, 2004, 2005 _Holy Blood, Holy Grail_ (489 pages; 944) (a little squirrelly, but a few good maps))

Leopold v duke of Austria/the virtuous (s of Henry ii of Austria/jasomirgott & Theodora Komnene; gs of St. Leopold iii of Austria & Agnes of Germany and Andronikos Komnenos & Eirene/Aineiadissa; ggd of Leopold ii & Ida of Formbach-Ratelnberg and HRE Henry iv & Bertha of Savoy and John ii Komnenos & Piroska of Hungary) b: c. 1157 d: 1194-12-31 at Graz, Styria buried: Heiligenkreuz abbey (wikipedia)

time-line 1160s CE (wikipedia)

Temuejin/Genghis lhan/ Chinggis Xan/Chinggis lhagan/Jenghis khan (s of Yesuegei & Oulen/Hoelun) b: c. 1160 d: 1227-08-18 (wikipedia) m: Boerte,     Temuejin Borjigin lhagan of the Mongol empire (Geni) ,     Khentii province,   Dadal district,   Ondorkhaan/Chinggis city (47.316667N, 110.65E),   Onon city (48.616667N, 110.605556E),   Onon river,   Burkhan Khaldun/Qaldun mountain/mountain of the Heavens (48.753889N, 108.66375E),   family tree of Jenghis khan

Lotario de Conti/pope Innocent iii (s of count Trasimund of Segni & Claricia Scotti; nephew of pope Clement iii) b: 1160 or 1161 in Gavignano, papal states d: 1216-07-16 in Perugia, papal states   (New AdVent)

time-line 1170s CE (wikipedia)

Ayyubid sultanate 1171-1260 (wikipedia)

time-line 1180s CE (wikipedia)

Jochi/Josi/ Djochi/ Juchi/Joechi/Zuchi khan (s of Jenghis khan) b: c. 1181 d: 1227 (wikipedia) ,   Zuechi/ Jochi Khan of the Ulus of Jochi (Geni) (father of Orda Edjen, Batu, Berke, Berkhechir, Shiban/Shayban/Sheiban, Buval/Teval/Baul, Chilagun/Djilaukhun, Chimbay, Muhammad, Batu, Tangkut/Tangad, Udur, Tuqa/Tuka/Tuqay/Toqa Temur/Tuk-timur, Shingum, Qoluyiqan);     family tree of Jenghis khan

Islamic states 1185CE
Islamic states 1185CE (Columbia U)

Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph/Abraham Maimonides/Avraham ben ha Rambam/Avraham Maimuni (s of Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph & ?? bat Mishael) b: 1186 in Fostat/Fustat/Cairo, Egypt d: 1237-12-07   (   (Brill/Encyclopeia of Jews in the Islamic Territories)   (     m: ?? bat Chananel (d of Chananel ben Samuel/Ismail & ??)
    Obadiah ben Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph
    David ben Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph

Ogedei/Ogodei/Ogudei/Oegedei/Uguudei khan/emperor Yingwen/Taizong (s of Jenghis/Genghis khan & Boerte Ujin) b: 1186-11-07 d: 1241-12-11 in Mongolia (wikipedia)

Mediterranean World at start of crusades by Jeffrey L. Ward 380KB (snagged 2016-04-03 from Brian A. Catlos 2014 _Infidel Kings and UnHoly Warriors: Faith, Power, and Violence in the Age of Crusade and Jihad_ (400 pages; 3.4MB; 909.07) ,   rotated for easier perusal 1.3MB

Horns of Hattin/Hattim 1187-07-04 (96KB) (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07)

battle at the Horns of Hattin/Hattim 1187-07-04 (wikipedia)

Isabella of Angouleme b: c. 1188 d: 1246-06-04 and some of her ancestors (wikipedia)

3rd crusade c. 1189CE - 1192CE (wikipedia)

Acre/Akko/Aqqa 1189 (96KB) (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07)

time-line 1190s CE (wikipedia)

Richard i from Acre/Akko/Aqqa to Jaffa to "suburban" Jerusalem 1191 (92KB) (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07)

Judea/Yahudah/Southern Israel 1191 (92KB) (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07)

Tolui khan/Toluy/Tului (s of Genghis khan/Jenghis khan & Boerte khatun/Boerte Ujin) b: c. 1192 d: c. 1232 in Mongolia (wikipedia)

Wiener Neustadt/Vienna new city c. 1194CE (about 29 miles S of Vienna, the limit of Jenghis-Khanite invasions in 1241) (wikipedia)

Nachmanides/Ramban/Moses ben Nahman/Moshah ben Nachman/Bonastruc ca Porta/Mosheh ben Nahman Gerondi (s of Nachman; descendant of Isaac ben Reuben of Barcelona; cousin of Jonah Gerondi/Yonah) b: 1194 at Girona, Aragon, Spain d: 1270 at Acre/Aqqa/Akko, kingdom of Jerusalem/Israel (c. 1267 established synagogue in Jerusalem. named one of his sons Nahman/Nachman.)


time-line 1201CE - 1300CE= the 12002= the 13th century (wikipedia)

eastern Mediterranean c. 1200
eastern Mediterranean c. 1200 (snagged 2015-03-09)

chief rabbis of various cities & polities since about 1200 (wikipedia)

Gruffydd ap Llywelyn (s of Llywelyn ap Iorwerth & Tangwystyl Goch) b: 12001244-03-01 d:   m: Senena ferch Rhodri (d of Rhodri)

Eastern Mediterranean including Israel c. 1202CE-1204CE
Eastern Mediterranean including Israel c. 1202CE-1204CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

4th crusade c. 1202CE - 1204CE (wikipedia)

John of Scotland 9th earl of Huntingdon 7th earl of Chester (s of David of Scotland earl of Huntingdon & Matilda of Chester; gs of Hugh de Kevelioc) b: c. 1207 d: 1237-06-06 m: Elen ferch Llywelyn (d of Llywelyn the great of Gwynedd/Llywelyn ap Jorwerth/Llywelyn ap Iorwerth & Joan of Wales/Siwan; gd of Jorwerth Drwyndwn/Iorwerth Drwyndwn & Marared ferch Madog and king John i of England/lack-land & Clemence) b: c. 1218 d: 1253

Batu Khan/Bat Xaan/Sain Khan/Tsar Batu (s of Jochi & Ukhaa Ujin of the Onggirat/Oki Fujin Khatun) b: c. 1207 d: 1255 (wikipedia) m: Borakchin Khatun     Batu (Britannica) ,   Batu Khan of the golden horde (Geni)

king Henry iii of England b: 1207-10-01 d: 1272-11-16 and some of his ancestors (wikipedia)

time-line 1210CE - 1219CE (wikipedia)

Simeon Rabban Ata b: c. 1210 d: c. 1250 (wikipedia)

pope Honorius iv/Giacomo Savelli (s of Luca Savelli & Joanna Aldobrandeschi; grand-nephew of pope Honorius iii) b: c. 1210 in Rome d: 1287-04-03 in Rome (wikipedia) ,   pope Honorius iv/Giacomo Savelli (New Advent) ,   pope Honorius iv/Giacomo Savelli (Britannica) ,   pope Honorius iv/Giacomo Savelli (NNDB) ,   pope Honorius iv/Giacomo Savelli (Vatican)

Kitbuqa/Ketbuqa/Kitbuka b: c. 1210CE d: 1260 in battle of Ain Jalut/Ayn Yalut (wikipedia)

Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar/Sayyid Edjell Shams ed-Din Omar/Sayyid Edjell Shams ad-Din Omar/Sai-dien-chi b: c. 1211 in Bukhara d: 1279 in Yunnan (wikipedia) (?ancestor of Sai Hazhi?; ancestor of Zheng He/Cheng Ho)

returning to Israel, one century at a time 1211CE - (Virtual Jerusalem)

Isabella i of Armenia/Isabel i/Zabel i of Cilician Armenia (d of Leo i the magnificent of Cilician Armenia & Sybille/Sibylla of Cyprus; gd of Stephen & Rita and Aimery/Aimericus/Amaury/Amalric ii of Jerusalem et Cyprus & Isabella i of Jerusalem) b: 1212-01-27 or 1214-01-27 or 1216-01-27 or 1217-01-25 d: 1252-01-23 at Ked   m1: 1221-01-25 or 1222 June at Sis to Philip of Antioch (s of Bohemund iv of Antioch & Plaisance Embriaco of Gibelet/Jebail/Byblos) d: 1225 or 1226 at Sis   m2: 1226-05-14 or 1226-06-14 to Hethum i/Hethoum/Hetoum/Hetum/Hayton/Haithon of Armenia (s of catholicos Constantine of Baberon/Barbaron/Cilicia & Alix Pahlavouni of Lampron; gs of Vassag) b: c. 1213 d: 1270-10-21

5th crusade c. 1213CE - 1221CE (wikipedia)

caliph al-Mustasim Billah abu-Ahmad Abd-Ullah bin al-Mustansir-Billah (s of al-Mustansir) b: c. 1213CE d: 1258-02-20 (wikipedia)   m: Qurrat al-Ayn

Shiban/Sheiban/Shayban (s ofJochi/Josi/ Djochi/ Juchi/Joechi/Zuchi khan; gs of Jenghis khan) b: c. 1215 d: 1227 (wikipedia) ,   Shiban/Sheiban/Shayban (Geni) (father of Kadak, Merkhan, Sybilkhan, Bainal/Yasal, Behadur/Bahadur, Kadak/Qadaq, Belagha bey/Balakhan, Cherik/Jerik, Mergen/Surkhan, Kurtugha/Kultuka, Ayachi/Abaji, Sailghan/Sasiltan, Beyanjar/Bayakachar, Majar/Madjar, Kunchi/Kusinji),     patriarch of the Shaybanids (wikipedia)

Kublai khan/Qubilai/Khubilai/Shizu/Yuan Shih-tsu/Shengde Shengong Wenwu (s of Tolui & Sorghaghtani Beki the Keraite princess; brother of Hulagu khan) b: 1215-09-23 d: 1294-02-18 at Dadu/Khanbaliq (wikipedia),   (part 4) final kingdoms of the Mongolian empire and the rise of the modern communist states of Russia and Red China (Robert Mock, MD: Bible

Mongol conquest of Khwarezmia/Khwarezm/Chorezm 1218CE - 1221CE (wikipedia)

Nile delta 1218-12-20 (208KB) (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07)

Mongol conquest of Khwarezmia 1218-1221 (wikipedia)

Hulagu khan/Huelegue/Hulegu (s of Tolui & Sorghaghtani Beki the Keraite princess; brother of Kublai khan) b: 1218-10-15 d: 1265-02-08 (wikipedia)

time-line 1220CE - 1229CE (wikipedia)

Rabban bar Sauma/Sawma b: c. 1220 in Zhongdu/Khan Balik/Peking/Pekin/Beijing d: 1294 in Baghdad (wikipedia) ,   Rabban bar Sauma/Sawma & Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge _The History of the Life and Travels of Rabban Sawma_ (U of Washington at Seattle) ,   Rabban bar Sauma/Sawma b: c. 1260 at Tai-tu d: 1313 in Baghdad ( ,   Rabban bar Sauma/Sawma & Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge _The Monks of Kublai Khan Emperor of China (Assyrian InterNational News Agency) ,   Rabban bar Sauma/Sawma the reverse Marco Polo (Daily Bugle)

al-Malik al-Kamil Muhammad ibn al-Muzaffar Ghazi ibn al-Adil abu Bakr emir of Jazira (s of al-Muzaffar Ghazi) b: c. 1220 d: 1260-04-07 at Mayyafariqin (wikipedia)

Julian Grenier/Julien Grenier of Sidon (s of Balian Grenier of Sidon & Ida of Reynel) b: c. 1220 d: 1275 at Pachomion near Lysimachia (wikipedia)   m1: Euphemia/Euphemie (d of Hethum i/Hethoum/Hetoum/Hetum/Hayton of Armenia & Isabella of Armenia; gd of Constantine of Baberon & Alix Pahlavouni of Lampron; ggd of Vassag) d: 1309

Kitbuqa noyon b: c. 1220 d: 1260-09-03 at battle of Ain Jalut/spring of Harod/spring of Goliath near Nazareth, Galilee (wikipedia) (general under Mongke khan, brother of Hulagu khan. participaed in defeat of Baghdad & Damascus. his nephew was killed by Julian Grenier of Sidon, fraying the alliance between the Mongols and Franks.)

David ben Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph/David ben Abraham ben Maimonides/David ben Abraham Maimuni/David ha Nagid/Daud ha Nagid (s of Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph & ?? bat Chananel; gs of Moses and Chananel; ggs of Maimon and Samuel/Ismail) b: c. 1222 d: c. 1300 at Acre/Akko/Aqqa, Israel   ( Judaica)   (     m: ??

Michael viii Palaiologos/Palaeologus (s of Andronnikus Doukas KomnenosPalaiologos/Palaeologus & Theodora Angelina Palaiologos/Palaeologus) b: c. 1223 d: 1282-12-11 at Pachomion near Lysimachia (wikipedia)   m: Theodora Palaiologina (d of John Doukas & Eudokia) b: c. 1240 d: 1303-03-04

al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baibars al-Bunduqdari Abu al-Futuh/Baybars i the slave-king 1223-07-19 to 1277-07-01 (wikipedia)

Llywelyn ap Gruffydd prince of North Wales (s of Gruffydd ap Llywelyn & Senena ferch Rhodri) b: c. 1223 d: 1282-12-11   m: 1278 to Eleanor de Montfort (d of Simon de Montfort 6th earl of Leicester & Eleanor of England; gd of Simon de Montfort 5th earl of Leicester & Alice de Montmorency and king John of England/lack-land & Isabella d'Angouleme)

Israel c. 1225 (148KB) (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07)

Chagatai khanate c. 1225CE - 1680CE (wikipedia)

"psalter" world map centered on Jerusalem c. 1225CE
"psalter" world map centered on Jerusalem c. 1225CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Hethumids/Hetoumids/Hetumids/House of Lampron c. 1226CE - 1373CE (wikipedia)

Gregory bar Hebraeus/Mor Gregorios bar Ebraya/Abul Faraj/Abulpharagius/bar Ebroyo (s of Aaron ben Tuma/Aharon ben Tuma/Harun bar Tuma; brother of Grigorius BarSawmo) b: b: 1226 at Ebro near Malatya/Malatia/Melitene, sultanate of Rum/Rome d: 1286-07-30 at Maraga, Persia buried: Mar Mattai/Mar Matthew monstery near Mosul (monk, hermit, bishop, philosophyer, poet, grammarian, theologian, physician & son of physician.)     (Catholic Encyclopedia/New AdVent)

Charles i of Naples et Sicily et Albania et Achaea et Provence et Forcalquier et Anjou et Maine (s of Louis viii of France & Blanche of Castile) b: 1227-03-21 in France d: 1285-01-07 at Foggia, Naples buried: St. Denis basilica, St. Denis, Paris, France (wikipedia)   m1: 1246-01-31 at Aix en Provence to Beatrice of Provence (d of Ramon Berenguer iv comte of Provence et Forcalquier & Beatrice of Savoy) b: c. 1234 d: 1267-09-23   m2: Margaret of Burgundy/Marguerite de Bourgogne (d of Odo comte of Nevers & Maud of Dampierre) b: 1250 d: 1308-09-04;   (Britannia) ;   (Brown U) ;     (FindAGrave)

6th crusade c. 1228CE - 1229CE (wikipedia)

time-line 1230s CE (wikipedia)

Israel 1230CE
Israel 1230CE (snagged 2012-12-23)

Nasr al-Din of Yunnan/Na-su-la-ding/Nasr-uddin (s of Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar/Sayyid Edjell Shams ed-Din Omar/Sayyid Edjell Shams ad-Din Omar/Sai-dien-chi) b: c. 1230 in Bukhara d: 1292 in Yunnan (wikipedia)

Abaqa khan (s of Hulagu khan & Yesuncin khatun) b: c. 1234 in Mongolia d: 1282-04-01 at Hamadan/Hamedan/Hangmatana/Ecbatana, Western Iran, midway between NW end of Persian Gulf & SW end of Caspian Sea   m: 1265 or 1266 to Maria Palaiologina/Palaeologina/St. Mary of the Mongols/Melania/Despina khatun (d of Michael viii Palaiologos/Palaeologus & Theodora Palaiologina/Palaeologina; sister of Euphrosyne Palaiologina/Palaeologina who m: Nogai khan) b: c. 1245 d: after 1307 (wikipedia) ;   church of St. Mary of the Monguls/Theotokos Panaghiotissa/Paaghia Muchliotissa/Kenli Kilise in Constantinople/Istanbul

Shlomo ibn Aderet/Shlomo ben Avraham/Solomon ben Abraham/Rashba/Solomon son of Abraham son of Aderet (son of Abraham; gs of Aderet) b: 1235 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Aragon d: 1310 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Aragon (student of Nachmanides & of Yonah Gerondi.)

Edward i of England/long-shanks (s of Henry iii of England & Eleanor of Provence; gs of king John of England & Isabella countess of Angouleme and Ramon Berenguer iv count of Provence & Beatrice of Savoy) b: 1239-06-17/18 at Westminster palace, London, England d: 1307-0707 in Burgh by Sands, Cumberland, England (wikipedia)   m1: 1254 to Eleanor of Castile (d of Ferdinand iii of Castile & Joan countess of Ponthieu) b: 1241 in Castile d: 1290-11-28 at Harby, NottinghamShire, England buried: Westminster abbey, London, England   m2: 1299 to Margaret of France (d of Philip iii of France & Maria of Brabant) b: c. 1279 at Paris, France d: 1318-02-14 at Marlborough castle, WiltShire, England buried: Christ Church GreyFriars, Newgate

Edward i of England/long-shanks, Scottish hammer of the Scots

time-line 1240s CE (wikipedia)

Saad al-Dawla ibn Hibbat Allah ibn Muhasib Ebheri/Saad al-Daulah (son of Hibbat Allah ben Muhasib of Ebher) b: c. 1240 d: 1291-03-05 (wikipedia) (Jewish doctor; grand vizier/wazir for Arghun khan.)

Zhenjin/Jingim/Chinkim/Chingkim/Chingim/Yuzong (s of Kublai khan & Chabi khatun) b: c. 1243 d: 1286-01-05 (wikipedia)   m1: Kokejin khatun   m2: Anchinmishi khatun Abraham ben David ben Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph/Avraham ben David/Abraham ben David Maimon/Abraham ha Nagid (s of David & ??) b: c. 1246 d: c. 1310     m: ??
    Moses ben Abraham ben David ben Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph/Moshah/Musa b: c. 1290
    Isaac ben Abraham ben David ben Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph/Yitzchak/Yitzhak/Isaac ha Magid
    Obadiah ben Abraham ben David ben Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph/Ovadiah b: c. 1297
    Yehoshua ben Abraham ben David ben Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph/Yehoshua ha Nagid/Joshua/Jesus b:c.1310
    Solomon ben Abraham ben David ben Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon ben Joseph/Shlomo

7th crusade c. 1248CE - 1254CE (wikipedia)

time-line 1250s CE (wikipedia)

Mongol Invasions of the Levant/Israel+Lebanon+Syria 1250CE - 1323CE (wikipedia)

Mamluk/Mamluq sultanate (Cairo) c. 1250CE-1517CE (wikipedia)

Asher ben Jehiel ben Uri ben Eliakim/Asher ben Yechiel/Asheri/Rosh/Rash (s of Jehiel ben Uri ben Eliakim & ??) b: c. 1255 probably at Cologne/Koeln, HRE d: 1327-10-24 or 1327-11-02 (??5088 Cheshvan 09???) at Toledo, Castile (student of Meir of Rothenberg)     m: ??

Little Ice Age c. 1250CE - c. 1900CE or 1300-1850 or 1500-1850 (wikipedia)
Wolf minimum c. 1280CE - c 1350CE (wikipedia)

Arghun (s of Abaqa khan & Haimash khatun) b: c. 1258 d: 1291-03-07 or 1291-03-10 (wikipedia),   Arghun (Britannica),   Arghun (Joshua Project)

siege of Baghdad (forces of Kublai khan's western ilkhanates vs. forces of Abbasid caliphate & Ayyubid dynasty & the Assasins) 1258-01-29 to 1258-02-10 (wikipedia)

emperor Andronikos ii Palaiologos/Andronicus ii Palaeologus (wikipedia) (s of Michael viii Palaiologos & Theodora Doukaina Vatatzina) b: 1259-03-25 in Nicaea d: 1332-02-13 in Constantinople   m1: Anna of Hungary (d of Steven v of Hungary & Elizabeth the Cuman) b: c. 1260 d: 1281   m2: Yolande of Montferrat/Irene (d of William vii marquess of Montferrat & Beatrice of Castile) b: c. 1274 at Casale d: 1317 in Constantinople

time-line 1260s CE (wikipedia)

Eastern Mediterranean (Seljuks, Mongols, Mamluks) c. 1260 (212KB) (snagged 2016-04-03 from Thomas S. Asbridge 2010 _The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land_ (800 pages; 17.922MB; 909.07)

Daniel of Moscow/Daniil Aleksandrovich (s of Alexander Nevsky & Maria; nephew of Yaroslav iii; brother of Dmitri of Persslavl; brother of Andrey of Gorodets) b: 1261 at Vladimir d: 1303-03-04 at Moscow (wikipedia) (father of Yury of Moscow, Aleksandr Daniilovich, Boris Daniilovich, Afanasy Daniilovich, Fedora Daniilovna, Ivan i of Moscow)

Temur khan/Olziit Tomor/Oljeyitu Temur/Timur (s of Zhenjin of the Borjigin & Kokejin/Bairam-Egechi of the Khunggirad; gs of Khublai khan) b: 1265-10-15 d: 1286-01-05 at Khanbaliqh/Dadu (wikipedia)   m: Bulugan/Bulukhan (d of Tuligus)

John Duns Scotus (s of Ninian Duns?; nephew of Elias Duns) b: between 1265-12-23 & 1266-03-17 at Duns, BerwickShire, Scotland d: 1308-11-08 at Cologne/Koeln, HRE (wikipedia)

time-line 1270s CE (wikipedia)

8th crusade 1270CE (wikipedia)

Mongol Yuan/Great Yuan/Yuan Chao/Da Yuan/Yehe Yuan dynasty/ulus in Mongolia & China 1271CE - 1368CE (wikipedia)

9th crusade c. 1271-1272CE (wikipedia)

time-line 1280s CE (wikipedia)

Oz Beg khan/sultan Mohammed Oz Beg/Uzbeg/Ozbeg (s of Togrilcha; gs of Mongke Temur; ggs of Toqoqan; 2ggs of Batu; 3ggs of Jochi; 4ggs of Jenghis khan/Temujin) b: c. 1282 d: 1341 at Sarai

time-line 1290s CE (wikipedia)

Moses ben Joshua of Narbonne/maestro vidal blasom b: c. 1290 d: after 1362

John vi Kantakouzenos/Cantacuzenus (s of Michael Kantakouzenos & Theodora Palaiologina Angelina) b: c. 1292CE in Constantinople d: c. 1383-06-15 CE in Peloponnese, Despotate of Morea/Mistra (wikipedia) m: Irene Asanina (d of Andronikos Asan & ?? Tarchaneiotissa; gd of Ivan Asen iii of Bulgaria & Irene Palaiologina and Michael Doukas Glabas Tarchaneiotes & Maria Doukaina Komnene Palaiologina Branaina);     John vi Kantakouzenos/Cantacuzenus (Britannica)

Jacob ben Asher ben Jehiel ben Uri ben Eliakim/Yaakov ben Raash/Baal ha Turim (s of Asher ben Jehiel ben Uri ben Eliakim & ??) b: c. 1269 in Cologne/Koeln, HRE d: c. 1343 at Toledo, Castile

Ottoman empire c. 1299 - c. 1923CE (wikipedia)


time-line 1301CE - 1400CE (wikipedia)

Bulgar date-line c. 1300CE - c. 1922CE

time-line 1310s CE (wikipedia)

Muzaffarid dynasty of Persia/Iran c. 1314CE-1393CE (wikipedia)

time-line 1320s CE (wikipedia)

Jani Beg khan/Djanibek khan (s of Oz Beg khan & Taidula khatun; gs of Togrilcha; ggs of Mongke Temur; 2ggs of Toqoqan; 3ggs of Batu; 4ggs of Jochi; 5ggs of Jenghis khan/Temujin) b: c. 1320 d: 1357 at Sarai (father of Berdi Beg, Qulpa, Nawruz Beg)

Ivan ii/John ii of Moscow (s of Ivan i Daniilovich Kalita/John i & Helena/Elena; gs of Daniel & Maria) b: 1326-03-30 in Moscow d: 1359-11-13 in Moscow (wikipedia)   m: Alexandra Vasilyevna Velyaminova (d of Vasily Velyaminov)

time-line 1330s CE (wikipedia)

Tughlugh/Tughluq Timur/Temur khan b: c. 1330 d: c. 1363CE (wikipedia)

Timur/Temur/amir Timur/Tamerlane (s of amir Taraghai & Tekina khatun) b: 1336-04-09 at Kesh, Chagatai khanate/Uzbekistan d: 1405-02-19 at Otrar, Farab near Shymkent, Syr Darya/Jaxartes river valley, Kazakhstan (wikipedia);   (Silk Road);   (Britannica);   was Tamerlane disabled? (BBC)

Khizr Khoja khan/ Khizr Khwaja (s of sultan Tughlugh Timur) b: c. 1350CE d: 1399CE (wikipedia)

France 1360
France 1360 (snagged 2012-05-14 from Winston Churchill 1956, 1993 _An History of the English Speaking Peoples: The Birth of Britain_ (500 pages; 941))

Jacob ben Moses Levi Moelin / Yaakov/Yaaqub ben Moshe Levi Moelin/Maharil (s of Moshe Levi Moelin & ??) b: c. 1365CE d: 1427-09-14 buried: Worms, Germany

Timurid/Gurkani/Gurkaniyan empire c. 1370CE - 1507CE (wikipedia)

sir John Stewart 1st of Dalswinton et Garlies (s of sir William Stewart & Isabel Oliver; gs of sir Alexaner Stewart & Marguerite Turnbull and sir Richard Oliver) b: c. 1380 d: c. 1420   m: 1396 to Marion Stewart (d of sir Walter Stewart; gd of sir John Stewart; ggd of sir Walter Stewart of Garlies; 2ggd of sir John Stewart of Bonkyl & Margaret de Bonkyl)


time-line 1401CE - 1500CE (wikipedia)

Abul-Khayr khan/Abul-Khair Khan (s of Dawlat/Daulat/Daulaat sheikh; gs of Ibrahim khan; descendant of Shiban/Sheiban, Jochi, et Jenghis Khan; father of Budagh khan ibn Abul-Khayr khan; grand-father of Muhammad Shaybani khan/Muhammad Shayboniy/Abul-Fath Shaybani khan/Abu al-Fath Muhammad/Shayabak khan/Shahi beg Khan/wormwood/obsidian) b: c. 1412 d: between 1468 & 1470 (wikipedia) ;       Shaybanid (wikipedia)

Ivan iii Vasilyevich of Russia/John iii the great (s of Vasily ii & Maria of Borovsk) b: 1440-01-22 at Moscow d: 1505-10-27 at Moscow (wikipedia)   m1: Maria Borisovna of Tver (d of Boris Alexandrovich of Tver) b: c. 1447 d: 1467   m2: Sophia Paleologue/Zoe Palaiologina (d of Thomas Palaeologus of Morea & Catherine Zaccaria) b: between 1440 & 1449 d: 1504-04-07

Selim Kazakhs c. 1450CE - (wikipedia)

Spoerer minimum of solar activity c. 1460CE - c. 1550CE (wikipedia)

Muhammad Shaybani khan/Muhammad Shayboniy/Abul-Fath Shaybani khan/Abu al-Fath Muhammad/Shayabak khan/Shahi beg Khan/wormwood/obsidian (s of shah Budagh khan ibn Abul-Khayr khan; gs of Abul-Kayr khan/Abul-Khair khan; descendant of Shiban/Sheiban, Jochi, et Jenghis Khan) b: c. 1451 d: 1510-12-02 at Mary, Turkmenistan (wikipedia)   m1: Mihr Nigar khanum   m2: Khanzada begum   m3: Aisha Sultan khanum   m4: Zuhra bagi agha;       Shaybanid (wikipedia)

David Cecil (s of Richard Cecil ap Philip Seisyll/Sitsylt of Alt-yr-Ynys, HerefordShire) b: c. 1460 d: 1540 September buried: St. George's church, Stamford, LincolnShire (wikipedia)

Selim i (1st caliph of Ottoman empire) c. 1466-10-10 to 1520-09-22 CE (wikipedia) ( conquered Israel between 1512 & 1520 (Ido Oren: U of Florida: comparative foreign policy))

Israel with Jerusalem at center 1475CE
Israel with Jerusalem at center 1475CE (first printed maps by Lucas Brandis) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Vasili iii/Basil iii/Gavriil of Russia (s of Ivan iii & Sophia Paleologue) b: 1479-03-25 d: 1533-12-03 in Moscow (wikipedia)   m: 1526-01-21 to Elena Vasilyevna Glinskaya (d of Vasili Lvovich Glinsky & princess Ana Jaksic of Serbia; gd of Stefan Jaksic & Milica; ggd of Jaksa Brezicic and Milos Belmuzevic) b: c. 1510 d: 1538-04-04 (parents of Ivan iv the formidable/terrible)

Ottoman empire 1481CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)     and     Ottoman empire/Devlet i-Alliye i Osmaniyye/Osmanli Imparatorlugu/Osmanli Devleti 1299CE - 1923CE (with map showing greatest extent in 1683) (wikipedia)     and     Ottoman empire 1481CE-1683CE (at U of Texas)

Israel 1486CE
Israel 1486CE (by Bernhard von Breydenbach) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Joseph Karo/Joseph Caro/Yosef ben Ephraim Karo/Yosef Qaro (s of Ephraim & ??) b: 1488 in Toledo, Spain d: 1575-03-24 (5335 Nisan 13) at Safed, Syria     m1: ?? bat Isaac (d of Isaac Saba & ??)     m2: ?? bat Hayyim (d of Hayyim Albalag/Chaim Albalag & ??)

French invasion of Italy 1494
French invasion of Italy 1494 (snagged 2013-07-16 from Max Boot 2006 _War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History 1500 to Today_)


time-line 1501CE - 1600CE (wikipedia)

list of countries by estimated population in 1500

chief rabbis of Jerusalem & Israel since 1500s (wikipedia)

Safavid dynasty c. 1500CE - c. 1740CE (wikipedia)

star fort/ place Italienne c. 1500CE - (wikipedia), star fort/ place Italienne (Castles and Manor Houses)

Mexico c. 1505
Mexico c. 1505 (from Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ (710 pages))

Mexico c. 1505
Mexico c. 1505 (from Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ (710 pages))

Abdurashid khan/ Abdul Rashid khan/Abd al-Rashid khan (s of sultan Said khan) b: 1508CE d: 1560CE (wikipedia)

Europe c. 1510
Europe c. 1510 (from Winston S. Churchill 1956 _An History of the English-Speaking Peoples: The New World_ vol2 (410 pages; 942))

Ottoman vs. Mamluk/Mamluq war 1516CE to 1517CE (wikipedia)

Arghun Dynasty 1520-1554 (wikipedia)

Mexico explorations 1520-1580
Mexico explorations 1520-1580 (from Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ (710 pages))

Mughal empire c. 1526CE - 1857CE (wikipedia)

Abdullah khan ii/Abdollah khan osbeg/Abd-allah khan (s of Iskander bin Jani Beg; gs Jani Beg khan/Djani Beg khan; descendant of Jochi; descendant of Jenghis khan/Temujin; ??ggs of Oz Beg khan & Taidula khatun; 2ggs of Togrilcha/Toghrilcha; 3ggs of Mongke Temur/Mongha Timur; 4ggs of Toqoqan; 5ggs of Batu; 6ggs of Jochi; 7ggs of Jenghis khan/Temujin) b: 1533 or 1534 d: 1598 buried: mausoleum of Bahauddin Naqshbandi near Bukhara (wikipedia) ;         Shaybanid (wikipedia) ;         khanate of Bukhara (wikipedia)

Franco-Ottoman alliance 1536-1798 (wikipedia)

Termini-Imerese, Sicily baptismal records 1542-1548: slaves 1200s-1600s with a brief note on slaves sold through Kaffa/Caffa/Feodosija;         Termini-Imerese: surnames indicative of Jewish heritage: the neofiti 500CE-

Abdul Karim khan/Abd al-Karim of the Yarkand khanate (s of Abdurashid khan/Abd al-Rashid khan) b: c. 1540CE d: c. 1591

Muhammad sultan of the Yarkand khanate (s of Abdurashid khan/Abd al-Rashid khan) b: c. 1545CE d: c. 1609

rabbi Isaiah HaLevi Horowitz/the Sheloh (s of rabbi Abraham bar Shabse Sheftel HaLevi & ??) b: 1558 (5316AM) in Prague d: 1628 (5388AM) in Jerusalem, Israel buried: in Tiberias on the sea of Kennethereth/Galilee (author of _Yesh Nochlin_, _Emek Brochoh_, _Chesed Avrohom_, _Bris Avrohom_, _Shnei Luehos ha Bris_/_2 Tablets of the Covenant_, _Shaar ha Shomayim_/_Gate of the Heavens_. beginning 1621 he was Ashkenazi rabbi of Jerusalem.) m: ?? d: 1620 (5380AM)

patriarchs of the church of the East/patriarchs of Babylon c. 1552CE - (wikipedia)

Acharonim/the last ones c. 1563CE -

king James Charles Stuart vi of Scotland/king James Charles Stuart i of England (s of Henry Stuart lord Darnley & Mary queen of Scots) b: 1566-06-19 at Edinburgh castle d: 1625-04-06 at Theobalds house/palace, Cedars Park, Cheshunt, HertfordShire   1589 to Anne of Denmark (d of Frederick ii of Denmark & Sophie of Mecklenburg-Guestrow; descendant of Elimar i count of Oldenburg) b: 1574-12-12 at Skanderborg castle d: 1619-03-02 at Hampton Court Palace buried: 1619-05-13 in Westminster abbey

Peter Easton/Peter Eston () b: c. 1570 d: 1620 or after probably at Villefranche, Savoy (privateer commissioned by queen Elizabeth i; then pirate under king James i.)

battle of Lepanto/Naupactus/Nafpaktos 1571-10-07     (Thomas Kwoh: Shoebat)     2 battles whose results saved the West: Lepanto 1571, Vienna 1683 (Michael Novak: AEI)

Piet PIeterszoon Hein (s of a ship captain) b: 1577-11-25 in Delfshaven/Rotterdam, Netherlands d: 1629-06-18 buried: oude kerk, Delft, Netherlands (c.1598-1602 galley slave) m: c.1612 to Anneke Claesdochter de Reus

Ottoman empire under Sulieman i 1580CE
Ottoman empire under Sulieman i 1580CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

North America c. 1587 - 1670
North America c. 1587 - 1670 (from Winston S. Churchill 1956 _An History of the English-Speaking Peoples: The New World_ vol2 (410 pages; 942))

2016-12-08: Maryn McKenna: National Geographic: DNA analysis of Lithuanian mummy & mutation rates suggests smallpox virus May not have existed until about 1588CE (early descriptions were probably other diseases with similar symptoms)

Spanish Armada route 1588
Spanish Armada route 1588 (snagged 2013-07-16 from Max Boot 2006 _War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History 1500 to Today_)

Abdal Latif sultan/Abd al-Latif/Afak khan of the Yarkand khanate (s of Shudja ad-Din Ahmad khan) b: c. 1590CE d: c. 1630

??Moses Cohen Henriques?? () b: c. 1595 d: after 1654 (Dutch, Portuguese, Sephardic Jew)       (Geni)       suggested errata/corrections to Ed Krezler _Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean_ (Ton Tielen: Geni)       (eSefarad)       (Ross Kenneth Urken: Smithsonian)

Joost van Trappen Banckert () b: c. 1598 at Vlissingen d: 1647-09-12 m: Adriana Janssen

Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp/bestevaer (s of Harpert Maertensz) b: 1598-04-23 at Brill/Brielle d: 1653-08-10 in battle of Scheveningen buried: oude kerk, Delft, Netherlands (1610 captured by English pirates & sold into slavery at Sale/Sala/Salli/Sallee/Sallah/Chellah/Sla/Calla, Morocco originally established by Phoenicians/Carthaginians before 300BCE, 1612 redeemed.)


time-line 1601CE - 1700CE (wikipedia)

list of countries by estimated population in 1600CE

Musashi's Japan c. 1600CE
Musashi's Japan c. 1600CE (snagged 2013-03-17)

eastern USA Amerindians
eastern USA Amerindians (snagged 2008-12-31)

sir James Steuart of Coltness / lord provost of Scotland (s of James Steuart & Marion Carmichael) b: 1608 d: 1681-03-31     m: 1630 to Anne Hope (d of Henry Hope & Katherine Galbreath; gd of Henry Hope & Jacqueline de Tott/Jacquelina Juvitot de Tott; niece of sir Thomas Hope of Craighall/Craighill) d: 1646

Sam Mirza/shah Safi i (s of Mohammad Baqer Mirza & Dilaram khanum from Georgia) b: c. 1611 d: 1642-05-12 buried: Fatima Masumeh shrine, Qom, Iran     the Circassian/Georgian/Caucasian Anna khanum b: in Georgia d: 1647-09-09

origins of Puritans 1620-1650
origins of Puritans 1620-1650 (snagged 2015-11-24)

shah Abbas ii (s of Safi i & the Circassian/Georgian/Caucasian Anna khanum) b: 1632-08-30 at Qazvin d: 1666-10-26 at Khosrowabad near Damghan     m: Circassian/ Adyghe/ Karachayan/ Cherkessian/ Georgian/ Caucasian slave Nakihat khanum (??descendant of Theodora Comnena/Komnena of Trebizond/Trabzon?? so there could well be some Macedonian, Greek, Mongolian, Scandihoovian, Ukrainian in the mix on her side with a chance of Hebrew, Assyrian, Arabian, Asian, & Phoenician)

sir James Stewart lord advocate of Scotland / sir James Steuart (s of sir James Steuart of Coltness & Anne Hope) b: 1635 d: 1713 or 1715 buried: Grey Friars, Edinburgh     m: Agnes Traill (d of reverend Robert Traill; widow of James Maxwell of Blawarhill)

Maunder minimum of solar activity c. 1645CE - c. 1715CE (wikipedia)

shahanshah Sam Mirza/Safi ii/Suleiman i/Solomon king of kings/emperor (s of shah Abbas ii & Circassian/Georgian/Caucasian slave Nakihat khanum) b: 1648 February/March d: 1694-07-29 at Isfahan

Jerusalem c. 1660
Jerusalem c. 1660 (by Nicolaes Visscher) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

sultan Husayn/Hussein/Hosein (s of Suleiman i/Solomon/Sam Mirza/Safi ii & ??) b: 1668 October d: 1726 November

sir James Stewart 1st baronet of Goodtrees / sir James Steuart 1st baronet, solicitor-general of Scotland (s of sir James Stewart of Goodtrees & Agnes Traill; gs of sir James Stewart of Coltness lord provost of Edinburgh and reverend Robert Traill) b: c. 1681CE d: 1727-08-09 CE     m: 1705-03-09 to Anne Dalrymple/Ann Dalrymple (d of Hew Dalrymple of North Berwick 1st baronet & Marion Hamilton; gd of James Dalrymple 1st viscount Stair)

Fath Ali khan Qajar (s of shah Quli khan-e Qajar & ??) b: 1686 d: 1726 (chieftain of the Ashaqa-bash branch of the Qajar of the Turkic Oghuz/Turkoman who descended from Mongolia. grand-wazir/-vizier of the Safavid empire.)

2 battles whose results saved the West: Lepanto 1571, Vienna 1683 (Michael Novak: AEI)


time-line 1701CE - 1800CE (wikipedia)

list of countries by estimated population in 1700

shah Tahmasp ii (s of sultan Husayn & ??) b: c. 1705 d: 1740-02-11

economist sir James Steuart 3rd baronet of Goodtrees/sir James Steuart 2nd/7th baronet of Coltness/sir James Steuart Denham/sir James Denham Steuart (wikipedia) / sir James Steuart Denholm (s of sir James Stewart solicitor-general of Scotland & Anne Dalrymple/Ann Dalrymple) b: 1707-10-08 at Edinburgh d: 1780-11-26 at Coltness (now Wishaw), LanarkShire     (Britannica)     m: Frances Wemyss (Lundy's Peerage) (d of James Wemyss 5th earl of Wemyss & Janet Charteris) b: 1722-11-07 at Wemyss, Fife shire d: 1789-06-29 (scary portrait in Scottish National Portrait Gallery)

time-line 1710s (wikipedia)

time-line 1720s (wikipedia)

George Mason iv (s of lieutenant-colonel George Mason iii & Ann Stevens Thomson; nephew of John Mercer) b: 1725-12-11 at Doeg's Neck, Fairfax county VA d: 1792-10-07 at "Gunston Hall", SE of Lorton, Fairfax county VA buried: Mason family cem., Lorton, Fairfax county VA   (WikiPedia)   Fairfax Resolves   Virginia Declaration of Rights   (   (Center for Civic Education)   (Stephen A. Schwartz: Smithsonian)   (John R. Vile: Middle Tennessee State U)   (about Gunston Hall)   (Kevin d'Amato: 71Republic)     m1: 1750 to Anne Eilbeck/Anna Eilbeck (d of William Eilbeck & Sarah Edgar) b: 1723 in MD d: 1773-03-09 buried: Mason family cem., Lorton, Fairfax county VA     m2: 1780-04-11 to Sarah Brent (d of George Brent & Catherine Trimingham)

John Buchanan (s of ??) b: c. 1725 at Ramelton, county Donegal, Ireland d: 1810-01-25 in York county PA buried: Old Airville United Presbyterian cem, Airville, York county PA     m: Jane Rowan/Jane Rowen/Jane Russel () b: c. 1740 in Ireland d: 1814-02-15 in York county PA buried: Old Airville United Presbyterian cem, Airville, York county PA (ancestors of president James Buchanan, engineer James Buchanan Eads)

general Hugh Mercer (s of William Mercer & Ann Monro) b: 1726-01-16 at Pitsligo Kirk, AberdeenShire d: 1777-01-12 at battle of Princeton buried: Laurel Hill cem., Philadelphia, PA   m: Isabella Gordon (d of John Gordon)     (Famous Kin)

George Wythe (s of Thomas Wythe iii & Margaret Walker; gs of George Walker & Ann Keith) b: 1726-12-03 at "Chesterville" along Back river & Little Poquoson creek, Hampton, Elizabeth City county VA d: 1806-06-08 in Richmond, VA buried: St. John's, Richmond, VA
    m1: 1747-12-26 to Ann Lewis/Anne Lewis (d of Zachary Lewis ii & Mary Elizabeth Waller) b: 1726-08-20 in Spotsylvania county VA d: 1748-08-10
    m2: Elizabeth Eggleston Taliaferro (d of Richard Taliaferro & Elizabeth Ann Eggleston) b: c. 1739 at Williamsburg d: 1787-08-18
  ( Williamsburg)
  (William & Mary U: WhythePedia)
  ("Chesterville" plantation/farm site: near NASA/Langley research center & AFB)
  (Encyclopedia Virginia)
  (Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence 1776)
  (Virginia Dept. of Education: Library of Virginia)

time-line 1730s (wikipedia)

Lancaster county PA 1730
Lancaster county PA 1730 (snagged 2008-06-07)
John Murray 4th earl of Dunmore and last royal governor of Virginia (son of William Murray 3rd earl of Dunmore & Catherine Murray; nephew of John Murray 2nd earl of Dunmore) b: 1730 in Taymout/Tymouth, Scotland d: 1809-02-25 at Ramsgate, Kent, England m: lady Charlotte Stewart (daughter of Alexander Stewart 6th earl of Galloway & lady Catherine Cochrane)

Frederick county Virginia
Frederick county Virginia (snagged 2014-09-22)

time-line 1740s (wikipedia)

general sir James Steuart Denham / general sir James Steuart Denham 3rd/8th baronet (s of economist sir James Steuart 3rd baronet of Goodtrees/sir James Steuart 2nd/7th baronet of Coltness & Frances Wemyss) b: 1744 August d: 1839-08-12 at Cheltenham     m: Alicia Blacker (d of William Blacker & Letitia Cary)

Elizabeth Freeman/Bet/MumBet/Mum Bett () b: c. 1742 in Claverack, NY d: 1829-12-28 at Stockbridge, MA (1781 August earliest-known slave to successfully sue for freedom in Massachusetts, USA.)     (Elizabeth Freeman Center)     (Massachusetts Moments)

Schneur Zalman Borukhovich of Liadi (s of Boruch & Rivkah) b: 1745-09-04 (5505 Alul 18) d: 1812-12-15 OS (5573 Tebet 24)

time-line 1750s (wikipedia)

John Henry's Virginia c. 1750
John Henry's Virginia c. 1750 (snagged 2010-03-06)

doctor Morgan Welles Brown iv (probable grand-father of John Louis Brown; ancestor of Lionel Richie) b: 1758-01-13 in Anson county NC d: 1840-02-23 in TN buried: Mount Olivet cem., Nashville, Davidson county TN     m: Elizabeth Little

time-line 1760s (wikipedia)

James Buchanan (s of John Buchanan & Jane Rowan/Jane Rowen/Jane Russel) b: c. 1761 at Tyrone, county Galway, Ireland d: 1821-06-11 at Mercersburg, Franklin county PA buried: Spring Grove cem, Lemasters, Franklin county PA     m: Elizabeth Speer (d of ??) b: 1767-03-17 in Lancaster county PA d: 1833-05-24 at Greensburg, Westmoreland county PA buried: Spring Grove cem, Lemasters, Franklin county PA (parents of president James Buchanan ii)

Selim iii (son of Mustafa iii & Mihrisah Valide sultan/Agnes of Georgia) c. 1762-12-24 to 1808-07-28 (wikipedia)

time-line 1770s (wikipedia)

Delaware Marlyland Virginia (DelMarVa) 1773-1776
Delaware Marlyland Virginia (DelMarVa) 1773-1776 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

Philadelphia & Delaware river 1773-1776 (NY, PA, MD, DE, NJ)
Philadelphia & Delaware river 1773-1776 (NY, PA, MD, DE, NJ) (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

UK (England, Scotland, Ireland) 1773-1776
UK (England, Scotland, Ireland) 1773-1776 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

England-Scotland border 1773-1776
England-Scotland border 1773-1776 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

England-Scotland borderers & Scots-Irish in North America 1773-1776
England-Scotland borderers & Scots-Irish in North American back-country 1773-1776 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

England-Scotland borderers & Scots-Irish in North America 1773-1776
England-Scotland borderers & Scots-Irish in North American back-country 1773-1776 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

USA colonies 1776 (pdf)
USA colonies 1776 (snagged 2007-01-31 pdf)

Manhattan 1776
Manhattan 1776 (from Alexander Rose 2006 _Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring [in NY]_ (973.385))

NY, Long Island, Rhode Island, Connecticut 1776
NY, Long Island, Rhode Island, Connecticut 1776 (from Alexander Rose 2006 _Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring [in NY]_ (973.385))

time-line 1780s (wikipedia)

Isaac Hite Williams (s of John Williams & Eleanor Briscoe Hite) b: c. 1780 in Culpeper county VA d: 1830 in Fredericksburg, VA   m: 1824 to Lucy Coleman Slaughter (d of captain Philip Pendleton Slaughter & Margaret French Strother) b: c. 1782 in VA d: 1850-11-16 in VA

recessions in the USA since 1785 (wikipedia) Thomas George Percy (s of ??) b: 1786-06-04 d: 1841-09-30 buried: block 13 row 18, Maple Hill cem., Huntsville, Madison county AL     Maria Pope (d of Leroy Pope & ??)

time-line 1790s (wikipedia)

Nicholites in Guilford county NC c. 1790
Nicholites in Guilford county NC c. 1790 (some of the Mendenhalls lived in this area) (snagged 2012-01-03)

Dalton Minimum/cold period c. 1790CE - c. 1830CE (wikipedia)

James Buchanan (s of John Buchanan & Jane Rowan/Jane Rowen/Jane Russel) b: 1791-04-23 at Cove Gap, Franklin county PA d: 1858-06-01 at Lancaster, Lancaster county PA buried: Woodward Hill cem, Lancaster, Lancaster county PA

John Mercer Patton b: 1797-08-10 at Fredericksburg, VA d: 1858-10-29 at Richmond, VA buried: Shockoe Hill cem., Richmond, VA   m: Margaret French Williams (d of Isaac Hite Williams & Lucy Coleman Slaughter) b: c. 1804 in Culpeper county VA d: 1873-09-14 at Staunton, Augusta county VA buried: Shockoe Hill cem., Richmond, VA

Corsican Napoleon's campaign and conquest of Egypt, Israel, in the midst of running Anglo-French conflicts, landing 1798-07-01 and defeating Egypt, suppressing a revolt in late October, moved onto the Sinai peninsula 1798-12-28, took al-Arish on 1799-02-14, Jaffa by 1799-03-07, Nazareth on 1799-04-08. (wikipedia)

Napoleon conquered Haifa 1799-03-18, but did not occupy the area (wikipedia) and biography of Napoleon (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Napoleon siege of Acre/Aqqa/Akko and completion of conquest of Egypt and Israel 1799-03-20 to 1799-05-21, but started withdrawal back to Egypt before the end of May; 1799-08-23 Napoleon set sail to France landing 1799-10-08, leaving a small force under the command of Jean Baptiste Kleber at Alexandria, opposed by combined British & Ottoman forces. Kleber was assassinated 1800-06-14, passing command to general Jacques Francois Menou until 1801-09-02, when he surrendered to the British who were allied with the Ottoman empire's Selim iii for the duration of the Corsican/French expedition. (wikipedia)

Ohio counties 1799
NW & SW 1783-1798 (from Gerard Clarfield 1992 _US Diplomatic History to 1914_ (345 pages))

Ohio counties 1799
Ohio counties 1799 (snagged 2015-08-20 from Cincinnati & Hamilton County Library)


time-line 1801CE - 1900CE (wikipedia)

Islamic states 1800CE
Islamic states 1800CE (Columbia U)

judge Morgan Welles Brown v (s of doctor Morgan Welles iv & Elizabeth Little; probable father of John Louis Brown) b: 1800-01-01 d: 1853-03-07 in TN buried: Mount Olivet cem., Nashville, Davidson county TN     m: 1826-11-10 to Ann Maria Childress

Ohio counties 1802
Ohio counties 1802 (snagged 2015-08-20)

USA 1803
USA 1803 (snagged 2012-10-20 from David O. Stewart 2011 _American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America_ (350 pages; 973.46092))

Floridas 1804
Floridas 1804 (snagged 2012-10-20 from David O. Stewart 2011 _American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America_ (350 pages; 973.46092))

Mississippian USA 1806
Mississippian USA 1806 (snagged 2012-10-20 from David O. Stewart 2011 _American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America_ (350 pages; 973.46092))

time-line 1810s (wikipedia)

Ohio counties 1810
Ohio counties 1810 (snagged 2015-08-20)

Mexico provinces c. 1810
Mexico provinces c. 1810 (from Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ (710 pages))

Cassius Marcellus Clay (s of general Green Clay & Sally Lewis; brother of Brutus Clay; cousin of Henry Clay) b: 1810-10-19 in Madison county KY d: 1903-07-22 in Richmond, KY (abolitionist. southern unionist. publisher.)   m1: 1833 to Mary Jane Warfield (d of doctor Elisha Warfield & Mary Barr)   m2: 1894 to Dora Richardson   (findagrave)   (2016-10-19: Chris Calabrese: Constitution   (2016-06-09: Chris Calabrese: Yale News: boxer son of emancipated Herman Heaton Clay named for abolitionist)   (2016-06-28: Historical Society of Pennsylvania)   (President Lincoln's White House: visitors)   (USA Historic Services)   (   (Berea College)   (Kentucky Parks brochure on Clay & his home, White Hall) (pdf)   (Digital History: U of Houston: the abolitionists)

Mexico 1811-1813
Mexico 1811-1813 (from Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ (710 pages))

War of 1812
War of 1812 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

John James Hughes b: c. 1814 in Berthyr Tydfil, Wales d: 1889-06-17 at Angleterre hotel, St. Petersburg, Russian empire (engineer. businessman. founder of Yuzovka/Hughesovka/Stalino/Donetsk.)   (findagrave)   (Phil Carradoce: BBC)   (Glamorgan Archives)     m: 1844 to Elizabeth Lewis d: 1880 buried: plot 18353 square 91; West Norwood cem & crematorium, West Norwood, Lambeth, London

German federation 1815-1866
German federation 1815-1866 (snagged 2012-09-03)

John Gregg Fee (s of John Fee & Elizabeth Bradford) b: 1816-09-09 in Bracken county KY d: 1901-01-11 at Berea, Madison county KY buried: division C, section 11, lot 3, Berea cem., Madison county KY (educator. abolitionist.)     m: Matilda Hamilton     (U of North Carolina: documenting the south)

USA with NY paper delivery times 1817
USA with NY paper delivery times 1817 (19 days to Cincinnati) (snagged 2012-10-20 from David O. Stewart 2011 _American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America_ (350 pages; 973.46092))

emperor Alexander ii Nikolayevich of Russia/Alexander the liberator (s of Nicholas i & Charlotte of Prussia) b: 1818-04-29 at Moscow d: 1881-03-13 at Winter palace, St. Petersburg

Elias Howe ii (s of Elias Howe i & Polly Bemis; descendant of John Howe; descendant of Edmund Rice) b: 1819-07-09 in Spencer, MA d: 1867-10-03 in Brooklyn, Long Island, NY (developed a lock-stitch sewing machine, & a fore-runner of the zipper.)     Elizabeth Jennings Ames (d of Simon Ames & Jane B. ??)     (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

USA 1818-1819
USA 1818-1819 (from Gerard Clarfield 1992 _US Diplomatic History to 1914_ (345 pages))

USA 1819
USA 1819 (from Gerard Clarfield 1992 _US Diplomatic History to 1914_ (345 pages))

time-line 1820s (wikipedia)

engineer James Buchanan Eads (s of Thomas Clark Eads & Ann Buchanan/Nancy Buchanan) b: 1820-05-23 at Lawrenceburg, Dearborn county IN (c. 309-314 miles EENE of St. Louis) d: 1887-03-08 at Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas buried: Bellefontaine cem., St. Louis, St. Louis county MO   (WikiPedia)   (State Historical Society of Missouri)   (National RailRoad Hall of Fame)   (   (National Parks Service) (pdf)   (National Academy of Science) (pdf)   (2013-07-12: Dennis Bryant: Maritime Professional)     m1: 1845-10-21 at St. Louis to Martha Nash Dillon (d of colonel Patrick M. Dillon & F.P.A./Ann T. ??) b: c. 1821 d: 1852-10-12 at Greensburg, Westmoreland county PA buried: Bellefontaine cem., St. Louis, St. Louis county MO     m2: Eunice Sarah Hagerman (d of ?? Hagerman) b: c. 1820 at Lawrenceburg, Dearborn county IN d: 1895-07-05 at NY, NY buried: block 59 lot217 Bellefontaine cem., St. Louis, St. Louis county MO

time-line 1830s (wikipedia)

Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil 3rd marquess of Salisbury viscount Cranborne (s of James Gascoyne-Cecil 2nd marquess of Salisbury & Frances Mary Gascoyne) b: 1830-02-03 at Hatfield, HertfordShire d: 1903-08-22 at Hatfield, HertfordShire (wikipedia) m: Georgina Caroline Alderson       (Jamie Allen's fab pedigree)

colonel George Smith Patton i (s of John Mercer Patton & Margaret French Williams; gs of Robert William Patton & Anna Gordon Mercer and Isaac Hite Williams & Lucy Coleman Slaughter) b: 1833-06-26 in Fredericksburg, VA d: 1864-09-25 at 3rd battle of Winchester/Opequon VA buried: Stonewall cem., Winchester, VA   m: 1855 to Susan Thornton Glassell (d of Andrew Glassell ii & Susan Thompson Thornton; gd of Andrew Glassell & Elizabeth Taylor and William Thornton & Eleanor Rootes Thompson) b: 1835-03-02 in Orange county VA d: 1883-11-16       (Fab Pedigree) colonel William Alexander Percy (s of Thomas George Percy & Maria Pope) b: 1834-05-10 probably in Alabama d: 1888-01-19 at Greenville, Washington county MS (abolitionist.)     m: Nancy Irwin Armstrong

Texas 1835-1845
Texas 1835-1845 (from Gerard Clarfield 1992 _US Diplomatic History to 1914_ (345 pages))

Logan county OH
Logan county OH (found 2012-10-21)

rabbi Henry/Heinrich/Henri Gross (s of ?? & ??) b: 1835-11-06 Szenicz, Hungary/ Senica, Slovakia d: 1910

Rashidi dynasty/house of Rashid/al-Rashid 1836-1921

panic of 1837/ recession of mid-1836 to 1843 (wikipedia)

Joseph Chamberlain (s of Joseph Chamberlain & Caroline Harben) b: 1836-07-08 at Camberwell d: 1914-07-02 at Birmingham, England (wikipedia) m1: Harriet Kenrick (d of Archibald Kenrick) m2: Florence Kenrick (d of Timothy Kenrick) m3: Mary Crowninshield Endicott (d of William Crowninshield Endicott)

congressman John Louis Brown (s of probably Morgan Welles Brown v & Mariah; ggf of Lionel Richie) b: 1839-10-25 at Nashville, TN d: 1931-09-08 at Chattanooga, TN buried: Pleasant Gardens cem., Ridgeside, Hamilton county TN     m: 1890-04-06 to Volenderver Towson b: in Nashville, TN divorced: 1897     (2011-03-05: Ancestral Discoveries)     (2011-03-05: Kevin M. Levin: Civil War Memory: Lionel Richie's black Confederate ancestor)

time-line 1840s (wikipedia)

Mohammed Tahir Mustafa Tahir al-Husayni/al-Husseini (claimed descent from Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abu Talib & Fatimah bint Asad; family migrated to Israel in late 12th century [from Mesopotamia?, Arabian peninsula?, Egypt?, Turkey?]) b: c. 1842 in Jerusalem, Israel d: 1908 (qadi/chief-sharia-judge of Jerusalem under Ottoman empire. member of real estate court and tried to block Jews from land purchases. 1865-1908 mufti of Jerusalem.)

Elihu Root (s of Oren Root & Nancy Buttrick) b: 1845-02-15 at Clinton, Oneida county NY d: 1937-02-07 at NY, NY buried: Hamilton college cem., Clinton, Oneida county NY     m: Clara Wales (d of Salem Howe Wales & Frances Elizabeth Johnson) b: 1853-10-24 in NY d: 1928-06-18 at NY, NY buried: Hamilton college cem., Clinton, Oneida county NY

Whitcomb L. Judson () b: 1846-03-07 in Chicago, IL d: 1909-12-08 at 181 Pine Street, Muskegon, MI buried: lot 4, block 24, range 16, OakWood cem., Muskegon, MI (inventor. early developer of zipper; employed Gideon Suncback who produced the first popular versions.)     m: 1874 to Annie Martin/Anna Martin () b: 1846 December in MO d: 1916-01-11 in Grosse Pointe, MI buried: lot 4, block 24, range 16, OakWood cem., Muskegon, MI     (MIT)     (     (findagrave)     (findagrave)

USA-Mexican war 1846-1848
USA-Mexican war 1846-1848 (from Gerard Clarfield 1992 _US Diplomatic History to 1914_ (345 pages))

USA-Mexican war 1846-1848
USA-Mexican war 1846-1848 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

Arthur James Balfour (s of James Maitland Balfour & Blanche Gascoyne-Cecil) b: 1848-07-25 at Whittingehame House, East Lothian, Scotland d: 1930-03-19 at Fishers Hill House, Woking, Surrey (wikipedia)

time-line 1850s (wikipedia)

Israel 1850CE
Israel 1850CE (Gennesereth/Galilee/Tiberias Sea/Lake) (snagged 2015-02-13)

Herbert Henry Asquith (s of Joseph Dixon Asquith & Emily Willans) b: 1852-09-12 at Morley, West Riding of YorkShire d: 1928-02-15 at Sutton Courtenay, BerkShire buried: All Saints' church, Sutton Courtenay, BerkShire (wikipedia)

Kitasato Shibasaburo (s of mayor) b: 1852-12-20 or 1853-01-29 at Oguni, Kumamoto, Japan d: 1931-06-13 at Tokyo buried: Aoyama cem., Tokyo     (Mayo Clinic)     (Discoveries in Medicine)

Hussein bin Ali Pasha bin Muhammad ibn Abd al-Muin ibn Awn/al-Husayn ibn Ali al-Hashimi (s of Ali Pasha bin Muhammad & Salha bint Gharam al-Shahar; claimed descendant of Hasan ibn Ali & Fatimah, and hence of Muhammad, and of Hashim ibn Abd Manaf) b: 1853 or 1854 at Constantinople/Istanbul d: 1931-06-04 at Amman, TransJordan buried: al-Aqsa mosque, Jerusalem, Israel (wikipedia)

Crimean war 1853 October to 1856-03-30 (wikipedia) ,   ( , and (History of

George William Patton/George Smith Patton i?/ii?, esquire (s of George S. Patton i & Susan Thornton Glassell) b: 1856-09-30 in Charleston, WV d: 1927-06-10   m: Ruth Wilson

panic of 1857/ recession of 1857 July through 1859 (wikipedia),     (Library of Congress) ,     contributing cause of Civil War (Civil

first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable connected Ireland with Newfoundland 1858-08-04 through 1858-09-01 (wikipedia & Jeffrey E. Garten 2016 _From Silk to Silicon: The Story of Globalization through 10 ExtraOrdinary Lives_ pp145-148 (444 pages; 337.109)),     trans-Atlantic telecommunications cables (Civil

John Brown's raid on the Harper's Ferry arsenal & munitions facility 1859 October 16-18 (wikipedia)

time-line 1860s (wikipedia)

Theodor Herzl/Binyamin Zeev ben Jakob (s of Jakob Herzl & Jeanette) b: 1860-05-02 at Pest, Hungary d: 1904-0703 at Reichenau an der Rax, Austria-Hungary   m: Julie Naschauer

Isaac Monroe Cline (s of Jacob Leander Cline & Mary Isabela Wilson/Mary Isbell Wilson) b: 1861-10-13 near Madisonville, Monroe county TN d: 1955-08-03 m: Cora May Ballew (d of Joseph W. Ballew & Mary)     (NOAA)     (findagrave)

Harper's Ferry (from cousin Robert Moore's "Cenantua"/Shenandoah history web log 2014-01-13)

map of Civil War KY
map of Civil War KY (from Harpers magazine 1861-10-19)

Civil War in S&W 1861-1864
Civil War in S&W 1861-1864 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

Civil War DelMarVa 1861-1865
Civil War DelMarVa 1861-1865 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby (s of Pinchas Shmuel/Edwin Samuel & Clara) b: 1861-04-23 at Brackenhurst/Southwell, NottinghamShire d: 1936-05-14 at London buried: Westminster abbey, London (wikipedia)     (Britannica)     (findagrave)     (Balfour

David Lloyd George (s of William George & Elizabeth Lloyd; nephew of Richard Lloyd) b: 1863-01-17 at Chorlton on Medlock, Manchester d: 1945-03-26 at Ty Newydd, CaernarfonShire, Wales (wikipedia) m1: 1888 to Margaret Owen m2: 1943 to Frances Stevenson

Alexandre Yersin/Ong Nam () b: 1863-09-22 in Aubonne, canton of Vaud, Switzerland d: 1943-03-01 at Nha Trang, VietNam     NIH/Journal of Medical Biography     Rebecca Maki: AntiMicrobe/U of Pittsburgh: discovery of PasteurellaYersinia pestis

Georgia c. 1864
Georgia c. 1864 (George Tecumseh Sherman, from Atlanta to the Sea) (snagged 2011-08-04 from Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ (450 pages; 355.009))

Georgia c. 1864
Georgia c. 1864 (George Tecumseh Sherman, from Atlanta to the Sea; detail) (snagged 2011-08-04 from Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ (450 pages; 355.009))

Nicholas ii of Russia (s of Alexander iii of Russia & Dagmar of Denmark; gs of Alexander ii of Russia & Marie of Hesse and Christian ix of Denmark & Louise of Hesse-Kassel) b: 1868-05-18 in Alexander palace, St. Petersburg d: 1918-07-17 at Ipatiev house, Yekaterinburg/Sverdlovsk   (Fab Pedigree)   (The Peerage)   (Geni)     m: 1894 to Alix Viktoria Helene Luise Beatrix of Hesse et by Rhine/Alexandra Feodorovna (d of Louis iv grand duke of Hesse & princess Alice of the UK; gd of prince Charles of Hesse & princess Elisabeth of Prussia and prince Albert o Sace-Coburg et Gotha & queen Victoria of the UK) b: 1872-06-06 at New Palace, Darmstadt d: 1918-07-17 at Ipatiev house, Yekaterinburg/Sverdlovsk   (Fab Pedigree)   (The Peerage)

Black Friday 1869-09-24 (wikipedia)

time-line 1870s (wikipedia)

Herbert Louis Samuel/Eliezer ben Pinchas Shmuel (s of Pinchas Shmuel/Edwin Samuel & Clara) b: 1870-11-06 at "Claremont", 11 Belvidere Rd, Toxteth, Liverpool, LancasterShire d: 1963-02-05 at London buried: Willesden United Synagogue cem., Brent, London (wikipedia) m: 1897-11-17 to a cousin Beatrice Miriam Franklin (d of Ellis Abraham Franklin & Adelaide) b: 1871 d: 1959

panic of 1873/ recession of 1873-04-01 through 1879 (wikipedia)

Tatton Benvenuto Mark Sykes (s of James Maitland Balfour & Blanche Gascoyne-Cecil) b: 1879-03-16 at Westminster, London d: 1919-02-16 at Hotel le Lotti, Paris, France buried: St. Mary's church, Sledmere, East Riding of YorkShire (wikipedia)

time-line 1880s (wikipedia)

Otto Frederick Gideon Sundback/Otto Fredrik Gideon Sundback/Gideon Sundback (s of JonasOtto Magnusson Sundback & Kristina Karolina Klasdotter) b: 1880-04-24 in Oedestugu parish, Joenkoeping county, Smaaland, Sweden d: 1954-06-21 at Meadville, PA buried: Greendale cem., Meadville, PA (developed zipper & machinery to manufacture it.)     m: 1909-06-05 in Hoboken, NJ to Elvira Aronson (d of Peter Aronsson & ??)     (Ingenium Canada)     (Levi Strauss: button vs. zipper)     (WikiTree)     (Museum of Modern Art, Queens, Long Island, NY) (pdf)

recession of 1882 through 1885 (wikipedia)

Jerusalem 1883
Jerusalem 1883 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Jerusalem 1883
Jerusalem 1883 (at U of Texas)

new Jewish settlements in Israel 1881-1914
new Jewish settlements in Israel 1881-1914 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

lieutenant Claude Reignier Conder & lieutenant Horatio Herbert Kitchener maps of Israel & Middle East 1880s (David Rumsey)     APAAME maps     Conder & Kitchener     DAAHL (UCSD)     DAAHL by time period (UCSD)     AIAR library map collection

panic of 1884 (wikipedia)

Faisal i of Iraq/Faisal i bin Hussein bin Ali al-Hashemi/Faisal al-Awwal ibn al-Husayn ibn Ali al-Hashimi (s of Hussein bin Ali & Abdiyah bint Abdullah) b: 1885-05-20 at Mecca, Arabian peninsula, Ottoman empire d: 1933-09-08 at Bern, Switzerland (1920-03-08 to 1920-07-24 self-declared king of Syria.)   m: Huzaima bint Nasser queen of Syria et Iraq (d of amir/emir Nasser bin Ali pasha & Dilber Khanum) b: 1884 at Mecca, Arabian peninsula, Ottoman empire d: 1935-03-27 at Baghdad, Iraq

general George Smith Patton iii (s of George William Patton/George Smith Patton ii & Ruth Wilson) b: 1885-11-11 in San Gabriel, California d: 1945-12-21 near Heidelberg, Germany buried: American cem and memorial, Luxembourg; cenotaph at San Gabriel     (Famous Kin)     (Geni)     (Tim Dowling:     (findagrave)

time-line 1890s (wikipedia)

panic of 1893/ recession of 1893-07-27 through 1897 (wikipedia)

panic of 1896/ part of recession of 1893-07-27 through 1897 (wikipedia)

Mohammed Amin al-Husseini/Haz Amin el-Husseini/Hajj Amin al-Husseini (s of Tahir al-Husayni & Zainab) b: c. 1896 in Jerusalem, Israel d: 1974-07-04 in Beirut, Lebanon (artillery officer of Ottoman empire in WW1. education: Islamic, Ottoman, Roman Catholic. Nebi Musa riots beginning 1920; 10-year sentence for inciting, but pardoned by British based on claims he tried to reduce the violence. 1921 British appointed him grand-mufti of Jerusalem. collected contributions to have dome of the rock plated with gold. 1936-1939 led Arab revolt against British. collaborated with Nazis/Fascists, recruited Bosnian Muslims for Waffen-SS. co-founder of "All-Palestine government" in Gaza=Palestine, which was at the time considered the territory of Egypt...1959 dissolved by Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser.)     2015-10-23: Ben Sales: Times of Israel: who was mufti haj Amin al-Husseini?: Nazi & non-Nazi records disagree     (Jewish Virtual Library)     2014-02-10: connections among Nazis, Hamas, Palestinian Authority (video lower-U, lower-L, lower-B, capital-R capital-B numeral-5 lower-L capital-H lower-G capital-J capital-A)

battle of Omdurman, Sudan 1898-09-02 and (Britannica)

Egypt+Sudan & battle of Omdurman
Egypt+Sudan & battle of Omdurman (snagged 2013-07-16 from Max Boot 2006 _War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History 1500 to Today_)

Herbert Kitchener
Herbert Kitchener (snagged 2013-07-16 from Max Boot 2006 _War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History 1500 to Today_)

Egypt (from Arthur Conan Doyle 1898, 1983 _The Tragedy of the Korosko_/_A Desert Drama_ (202 pages) inspired by the battle of Omdurman)

Richard Gurley Drew () b: 1899-06-22 in St. Paul, MN d: 1980-12-14 in Santa Barbara, CA (inventor of masking tape, Scotch brand cellophane tape, Scotch Magic tape.)     (Minnesota Science & Technology Hall of Fame)     (Minnesota Inventors Hall of Fame)

Jerusalem 1900
Jerusalem 1900 (at Jewish Virtual Library)


time-line 1901CE - 2000CE (wikipedia)

Gareth Richard Vaughan Jones (s of major Edgar Jones 1868-1953 & Annie Gwen Jones) b: 1905-08-13 in Barry, Glamorgan, Wales d: 1935-08-12 at Manchukuo/Manchuria cenotaph/memorial: Old College, Aberystwyth University   Gareth   "had the almost un-failing knack of getting at things that mattered" (Wales On-Line)   Gareth Jones back in the Ukraine (Dmytro Drozdovsky: Day.Kyiv.Ukraine)

southern border between Israel & Egypt 1906
southern border between Israel & Egypt 1906 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

time-line 1910s (wikipedia)

Ottoman empire 1914CE
Ottoman empire 1914CE (at Jewish Virtual Library) and (

Ottoman empire districts 1915
Ottoman empire districts 1915 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Hussein-McMahon correspondence 1916
Hussein-McMahon correspondence 1916 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Sykes-Picot negotiations 1916
Sykes-Picot negotiations 1916 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Sykes-Picot agreement 1916
Sykes-Picot agreement 1916 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

northern border 1916-1923
northern border 1916-1923 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

battle of Jerusalem 1917-11-17 - 1917-12-30 (wikipedia)     (Balfour

UK 1917-1971
UK 1917-1971 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

WW1 1918
WW1 1918 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

Miami rivers watershed 1919
Miami rivers watershed 1919 (snagged 2009-10-17 from John Calvin Hover, Joseph D. Barnes, Walter D. Jones, Charlotte Reeve Conover, Willard Jarey Wright, Clayton A. Leiter, John Ewing Bradford & W.C. Culkins 1919 _Memoirs of the Miami Valley_ vol1of3 pg9 in pdf (685 pages in pdf))

time-line 1920s (wikipedia)

League of Nations "mandates" 1920
League of Nations "mandates" 1920 (snagged 2011-04-13)

general George Smith Patton iv (s of general George Smith Patton iii & Beatrice Banning Ayer; gs of Frederick Fanning Ayer & Ellen Barrows Banning) b: 1923-12-24 at Boston, MA d: 2004-06-27 at South Hamilton, MA buried: Arlington National cem.   (findagrave)   (Arlington)   (Geni)     m: 1952 to Joanne Holbrook (d of general Willard Ames Holbrook ii & Helen Herr; gd of general John K. Herr & Helen Maxwell)

time-line 1940s (wikipedia)

WW2 Pacific 1941-1945
WW2 Pacific 1941-1945 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

WW2 Europe & Africa 1943-1944
WW2 Europe & Africa 1943-1944 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

Europe 1944-1945
Europe 1944-1945 (George Smith Patton) (snagged 2011-08-04 from Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ (450 pages; 355.009))

Europe 1944-1945
Europe 1944-1945 (George Smith Patton, arrived 55 days after D-Day) (snagged 2011-08-04 from Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ (450 pages; 355.009))

Israel 1946CE-2007CE
Israel 1946CE-2007CE (snagged 2015-10-19 from Shany Mor Tower)

battle for Jerusalem 1947 December - 1948-07-18 (wikipedia)

Korea 1950
Korea 1950 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey
Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey (from Helen MacInnes Highet 1960 _Decision at Delphi_ (403 pages); snagged 2012-10-20)

OPEC founded 1960 September 10-14 at Baghdad (wikipedia)

Israel 1967CE (A)
Israel 1967CE (A) (snagged 2016-02-02 from Randolph S. Churchill & Winston S. Churchill 1971 _The 6 Day War_ (250 pages); citing Arthur Banks & Institute of Strategic Studies)

Israel 1967CE (B)
Israel 1967CE (B) (snagged 2011-05-25)

Israel 1967CE (C)
Israel 1967CE (C) (snagged 2011-05-25)

Israel 1967CE (D)
Israel 1967CE (D) (snagged 2016-02-02 from Randolph S. Churchill & Winston S. Churchill 1971 _The 6 Day War_ (250 pages); citing Arthur Banks)

6-Day War 1967 June 5-10 (manages to de-emphasize the movement of Egyptian, Jordanian, Lebanese, Syrian tanks to the borders in the weeks before) (wikipedia)

Yom Kippur War 1973 October 6-25 (wikipedia)

1973 "oil crisis" (wikipedia)

Public Utility Regulatory Policies act (PURPA) 1978-11-09 (allowed other than monopoly municipal & investor-owned electricity firms to generate electricity and sell the surplus to the local monopoly, and also suggested making use of "waste" heat from electricity generation for other purposes) (wikipedia)

Islamic theocratic dictatorship of Iran/Persia 1979-04-01 (wikipedia)

Jimmy Carter crisis of confidence/malaise speech 1979-07-15 (wikipedia)

1979-1980 "energy crisis" (wikipedia)

canals in Ohio up to 1989
canals in Ohio up to 1989 (snagged 2011-03-16 indirectly from the Canal Society of Ohio, Inc.)

China (from Alexandra Harney 2006 _China Price: The True Cost of Chinese Competitive Advantage_ (300 pages; 337.51))


Iraq: Desert Storm 1990-1991
Iraq: Desert Storm 1990-1991 (snagged 2011-06-06 from Tom Clancy & Fred Franks 1998 June _Into the Storm_)

Iraq: Desert Storm 1990-1991
Iraq: Desert Storm 1990-1991 (snagged 2011-06-06 from Tom Clancy & Fred Franks 1998 June _Into the Storm_)

Israel Golan Heights 1992 February
Israel Golan Heights 1992 February (snagged 2015-02-13)


time-line 2001CE - 2100CE (wikipedia)

Iraq 2007
Iraq and surrounding countries (Kuwait, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia) 2007 (snagged 2008-12-31 from

Europe (snagged 2008-12-31)

map showing area from Greece to India c. 2008
Greece to India c. 2008 (from Bulgaria to Macedonia to Greece to Chad to India to Kyrgyzstan to Georgia) (snagged 2008-12-31)

South America c. 2008
South America c. 2008 (snagged 2008-12-31 from Nations Online)

North + Central America c. 2008
North + Central America c. 2008 (snagged 2008-12-31)

USA-Mexico border 2012
USA-Mexico border 2012 (snagged 2015-08-18 from GAO)

USA-Mexico border, Tucson section
USA-Mexico border, Tucson section 2012 April (snagged 2015-08-18 from GAO)

origins of immigrants to Brooklyn + Manhattan c. 2015 February
origins of immigrants to Brooklyn + Manhattan by borough or community district c. 2015 February (snagged 2015-02-26)

Lebanon (snagged 2015-06-22 from NY Magazine)

Pakistan in context (snagged 2015-06-10 from London Daily Mail)

South China Sea
South China Sea (snagged 2015-06-15 from Lyons at Washington DC Times)

Poland (snagged 2015-06-22 from Center for Immigration Studies)

Nepal (snagged 2015-06-26 from Center for Immigration Studies)

"tomb of Joseph" on SE side of Shechem/New City/NeaPolis/Nablus, Israel
"tomb of Joseph" archaeological site on SE side of Shechem/New City/NeaPolis/Nablus, Israel near Tel Balata (snagged 2015-08-26 from Jerusalem Israel Post/Reuters) and ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate tried to blow it up a couple months later
(Wikipedia)     and     (ChaBaD)     and     (Jewish Virtual Library)

NASA Western Hemisphere 2015
NASA Western Hemisphere 2015 (snagged 2015-09-02)

Hungary and surrounding countries
Hungary and surrounding countries (snagged 2015-09-17 from Breitbart)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biblical/Middle East issues

2014-05-27 (5774 Ayyr 27)
Mike Lumish _Times of Israel_
so, just what is a "Palestinian" anyway?

Philistines/Pleshtim/Flishtim/Plistim/Allophyloi/Kaphtor (wikipedia)

"Palestinian people" (wikipedia)

About Ancient History: "Sea People", Hittites
K. Kris Hirst: About Archaeology: "Sea People": Philistines & Etruscans

Moshe Dann: PJMedia: the dirty little secret about the "Palestinians"

Free Republic: the history and meaning of "Palestine" and "Palestinians"

Phoenicia (wikipedia)

Erythraean Sea (wikipedia)

Bedouins/Arabs/Arbaaa/Aarab/Qedarites (wikipedia)

Gaza City (wikipedia)

Gaza Strip=Palestine=Filistia (wikipedia)

Islamization of the Gaza Strip=Palestine=Filistia (wikipedia)

Palestinian refugee (wikipedia)

Jewish exodus from Arab lands (wikipedia)

Jewish refugees from Arab & Muslim countries (wikipedia)

Jewish refugees (wikipedia)