.... .... .... .... .... . John of Gaunt (s of Edward iii & Philippa of Hainault/Philippe d'Avesnes) b: 1340 March d: 1399-02-03 m: Katherine Roet/Katherine Swynford (she had been married to Hugh Swynford) duchess of Lancaster (d of sir Payne Roet/Paon de Roet/Gilles de Roet) b: c 1350 d: 1403-05-10 (He is ancestor of George Washington, Donald J. Trump, Patrick Henry, ?Benjamin Harrison, Zachary Taylor, LBJ, HitleryRottenClinton, prime-minister Winston Churchill, lady Diana Spencer+prince/duke William+Georgie+Charlotte+Harry, the Roosevelts, JQAdams, Herbert Hoover, Jimmy Carter, Woodrow Wilson, & probably William Jefferson Blythe ii/Clinton)
president James Earl Carter ii (s of James Earl Carter i & Bessie Lillian Gordy) b: 1924-10-01 m: 1946-07-07 to Rosalynn Smith (d of Wilburn Edgar Smith & Frances Allethea Murray/Allie Murray) b: 1927-08-18
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