updated: 2022-11-01
16777216. Ydania de Mildenalls b: c.1210 in WiltShire
8388608 (2
4194304 (2
2097152 (2
1048576 (2
524288 (2
262144 (2
131072 (2
65536 (2
⚭: Jane ??
... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... ---
????? These 4 appear to follow a different branch of descendants.
?????. Thomas Mildenhale/Thomas Mildenhall (s of ?) b: c.1500
?????. William Mildenhale/William Mildenhall (s of ?) b: c.1512 in Chisbury, Little Bedwyn, WiltShire
?????. Robert Mildenhale/Robert Mildenhall (s of William Mildenhale/William Mildenhall) b: c.1540 d: 1603 at Little Bedwyn, WiltShire
?????. John Mildenhale/John Mildenhall (s of Robert Mildenhale/Robert Mildenhall; brotner of Margaret b:c.1564, ?? b:c.1566; step-brother of Joan b:c.1591 d:1623-08-23, Dorothy b:1593-05-28) b: c.1562
... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- ... ---
33270. Henry Somerset 2nd earl of Worcester Lucy Somerset lady of Worcester (thepeerage) (fabpedigree) (s of Charles Somerset & Elizabeth Herbert; 4ggs of Edward iii) b: c.1495 d: 1549-11-26
⚭: Elizabeth Browne Lucy Somerset lady of Worcester (thepeerage) (fabpedigree) (d of sir Anthony Browne & Lucy Neville) b:c.1502 d: between 1565-04-20 & 1565-10-23 in Wales
33262. Henry Stafford 1st baron Stafford (findagrave) (s of Edward Stafford 3rd duke of Buckingham & Eleanor Percy) b: 1501-09-18 at Penshurst, Kent d: 1563-04-30 at Westbury, ShropShire buried: All Saints church-yard, Worthen, ShropShire
⚭: Ursula Pole (findagrave) (d of sir Richard Pole & Margaret Plantagenet countess of Salisbury; gd of Geoffrey Poole & Edith St. John and George Plantagenet & Isabel Neville; descendant by multiple paths of Edward iii... William the conqueror & Malcolm iii of Scotland & St. Margaret) d: 1570-08-12
33260. sir Humphrey Stafford (findagrave) (s of sir Humphrey Stafford & Catherine Fray; gs of John Fray & Agnes Danvers) b: 1461 in Northumberland d: 1545-09-22 at Blatherwycke, NorthamptonShire buried: Holy Trinity church-yard, Blatherwycke, NorthamptonShire
⚭: Margaret Fogge (fabpedigree) (d of sir John Fogge & Alice Haute or possibly John Fogge & Margaret Goldwell) d: before 1533
32768 (2
⚭: c.1535 in Little Bedwyn, WiltShire with Sarah Jane McLauchlan/McLachlan () b: c.1515
16638. sir James Harington (wikipedia) (s of sir John Harington of Exton & Elizabeth Moton of Peckleton) b: c. 1511 d: 1591/2 January
⚭: Lucy Sidney/Lucy Sydney (d of sir William Sidney/William Sydney of Penshurst & Anne Pakenham)
16636. Andrew Noel (s of James Noel of Hilcote & Cecily de la Pole)
⚭: Elizabeth Hopton (d of John Hopton & ??)
16634. sir John Neville 4th baron Latimer (findagrave) (s of sir John Neville 3rd baron Latimer & Dorothy de Vere; gs of Ricard Neville & Anne Stafford of Grafton;... John of Gaunt; Edward iii;...John lack-land;... William the conqueror & Malcolm iii of Scotland & St. Margaret) b: 1520 at Snape, North YorkShire d: 1577-04-22 at Snape, North YorkShire buried: St. Michael church-yard, Well, Hambleton, North YorkShire
⚭: Lucy Somerset lady of Worcester (findagrave) (thepeerage) (fabpedigree) (d of Henry Somerset 2nd earl of Worcester & Elizabeth Browne) b: 1524 d: 1583-02-23 buried: St. John-at-Hackney church-yard, Hackney, London (LBJ's 12ggps, PM sir Winston S. Churchill's 11ggps, princess/lady Diana's 12ggps)
16632. William Cecil baron Burghley (findagrave) (s of Richard Cecil & Jane Heckington) b: 1520-09-13 at Bourne, LincolnShire d: 1598-08-04 at Cecil House, WestMinster, London buried: St. Martin's church, Stamford, LincolnShire (quaint little Burghley house near Stamford roughly midway between Cambridge & Nottingham; Cecil "rude cottage" London town-house; Theobalds house hotel & conference center just outside the circle free-way near Great Monk Wood & Epping)
⚭: Mary Cheke/Maria Cheke (d of sir Peter Cheke of Pirgo & Agnes Duffield) b: 1522 d: 1543-02-22
16630. sir William Stafford (findagrave) (s of sir Humphrey Stafford & Margaret Fogge) b: 1499 or 1511 at Grafton Regis, NorthamptonShire d: 1556-05-05 at Geneva, Switzerland
⚭1: 1434 with Mary Boleyn (findagrave) (d of Thomas Boleyn earl of WiltShire & Elizabeth Howard; sister of Ann/Anne; mistress of Henry viii) b: between 1499 & 1504 in Norfolk d: 1543-07-19 buried: St. Peter church-yard, Hever, Kent
⚭2: Dorothy Stafford (findagrave) (d of Henry Stafford 1st baron Stafford & Ursula Pole) b: 1526-10-01 d: 1604-09-22 buried: St. Margaret's, WestMinster, London
16628. Robert Drury ()
⚭: Audrey Rich ()
16626. Nicholas Girlington (s of William Girlington & Katherine Hildyard) d: c.1552
⚭: ?? Grenville ()
16624. Thomas Wray (s of Stephen Wray)
⚭: Joan Jackson (d of Robert Jackson of Gatenby)
16386. ??John Bates?? ()
⚭: ??Anna Bray?? ()
16384 (2 ⚭: c.1555 at Great Bedwin/Bedwyn with ??Helena Penbroke/Helena Pembroke?? () b: c. 1539 at Little Bedwin/Bedwyn, WiltShire d: 1596 (Pembroke would make sense, because Mildenhall (the place) was within Pembroke's lands)
8318. sir Andrew Noel of Darby/Dalby (fabpedigree) (s of Andrew Noel & Elizabeth Hopton) d: 1607-10-09 (MP, sheriff of Rutland. PM sir Winston Churchill's 10*ggf. lady Di's 11ggf.)
⚭: Mabel Harington/Mabel Harrington of Exton (fabpedigree) (wikipedia) (d of sir James Harington & Lucy Sidney; gd of sir William Sidney of Penshurst & Anne Pakenham) d: 1603
8316. Thomas Cecil earl of Exeter (findagrave) (s of William Cecil baron Burghley & Mary Cheke) b: 1542-05-05 in Cambridge d: 1623-02-08 in London buried: chapel of St. John the baptist, WestMinster abbey (might be Herbert Hoover's 13ggf)
⚭: Dorothy Neville/Dorothy Nevill (findagrave) (d of sir John Neville & Lucy Somerset lady of Worcester; gd of sir John Neville & Dorothy de Vere; ggd of Ricard Neville & Anne Stafford of Grafton... John of Gaunt, Edward iii...John lack-land...William the conqueror & Malcolm iii of Scotland) b: c. 1548 at Sape, North YorkShire d: 1608-03-23 in London buried: chapel of St. John the baptist, WestMinster abbey (lady Di's 11ggm so prince William's 12ggm)
8314. sir William Drury of Hawsted (wikipedia) (fabpedigree) (s of Robert Drury & Audrey Rich) b: 1550-03-08 d: 1590-01-18 at Bergen op Zoom, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands buried: All Saints church-yard, Hawstead, St. Edmundsbury, Suffolk
⚭: Elizabeth Stafford of Blatherwick (wikipedia) (fabpedigree) (d of sir William Stafford & Dorothy Stafford) b: c. 1550 d: 1599-02-06 buried: St. Mary the Virgin church-yard, Nettlestead, Maidstone, Kent
8312. Christopher Wray (cracroftspeerage) (wikipedia) (fabpedigree) (s of Thomas Wray & Joan Jackson; gs of Robert Jackson of Gatenby) b: 1524 at Bedale, YorkShire d: 1592-05-08
⚭: Anne Girlington/Ann Girlington (fabpedigree) (geneanet) (d of Nicholas Girlington & ?? Grenville) b: c. 1517 d: 1592
8310. Vincenzo Guicciardini ()
⚭: Lucrezia Bruschetto ()
8226. Johnne Drake/ John Dracke (FindAGrave) (s of William Drake & ??) b: 1550-06-01 at Horley Green, Northowram, West YorkShire, England d: 1622 at Halifax, West YorkShire, England buried: St. Thomas church-yard, Claremont, West YorkShire, England
⚭: 1575-09-26 in Halifax with Grace Bairstall ()
8222. ?? Briggs? (parents of ?Francis Briggs?)
8220. ?Richard Briggs & Alice ?? (parents of ?Richard Prigge?)
8218. ??Christopher Johnson & Katherine ??
8216. reverend Thomas Symons Budd (s of Richard Budd & Margaret Symons) b: 1550-09-11 in Surrey
⚭: 1581-08-09 with Margaret West (d of ??William West & Anne Strange?? or ??John West & Ann ??) b: c. 1560 at Weybridge, Surrey d: 1630 in Surrey
8214. ??Robert Jones or ?William Jones? & Alice ??
8212. Robert Collier (s of Henry Collier & Sybil) d: c. 1588
⚭: Eleanor Wythe (d of John Wythe & Isabel More) b: in Feckenham, WorcesterShire d: c. 1570
8210. Mitchell Shane Griffin () b: c. 1550
⚭: Jane Victoria Mansfield () b: c. 1550
8208. Richard Maris ()
⚭: ??Agnes Madleith?? ()
8192 (2 ⚭1: ?Elizabeth Bates? (d of John Bates & Anna Bray) b: 1562 in WiltShire d: 1602 at Little Bedwyn, WiltShire buried: Ramsbury, WiltShire??
8136. Robert Pennington (s of William Pennington 1523-1592 & Alice Woodcock) b: c. 1550 d: 1628
⚭: Judith Shetterden () b: c. 1558 d: c. 1662 (FabPedigree)
4550. Henry Worthington () b: c. 1530 at CheShire, England d: c. 1592 at Wilmslow, CheShire, England
4548. Randle Janney/Randall Gyney (s of ?? Janney/Gyney) b: c.1527 at Wilmslow, CheShire, England d: 1595-01-13 at Wilmslow, CheShire, England buried: St. Bartholomew church-yard, Wilmslow, CheShire, England
⚭1: 1566-11-26 with Alice Wilkinson (d of ?? Wilkinson) d: after 1594 at Prestbury, CheShire, England
4158. sir Edward Cecil 1st viscount Wimbledon (wikipedia) (thepeerage) (s of Thomas Cecil earl of Exeter & Dorothy Neville) b: 1571/2-02-14 at the Strand, WestMinster, London d: 1638-11-16 at Wimbledon, Merton, London buried: St. Mary's church-yard, Wimbledon, Merton, London
⚭1: Theodosia Noel (thepeerage) (d of Andrew Noel & Mabel Harington) b: 1584/5-01-04 d: between 1615/6-03-01 & 1615/6-03-20 buried: Utrecht Dom church, Utrecht, Netherlands (note: the dates are wonky because of the shift from "old style" Julian to "new style" Gregorian; the beginning of the year was changed & days were added)
4156. sir William Wray 1st baronet of Glentworth (wikipedia) (s of Christopher Wray & Anne Girlington) b: c.1555 d: 1617-08-13 buried: St. Peter's church-yard, Ashby cum Fenby, LincolnShire
⚭: lady Frances Drury (d of sir William Drury & Elizabeth Stafford) b: 1576-06-08 d: 1647 buried: St. Peter's church-yard, Ashby cum Fenby, LincolnShire
4154. Thomas d'Arcy of Tolleshunt (s of Thomas d'Arcy & Margaret Sulyard) b: c.1560 d: 1593-11-14 (Tolleshunt d'Arcy)
⚭: Camilla Guicciardini (d of Vincenzo Guicciardini & Lucrezia Bruschetto) b: c.1562 in Firenze/Florence, Italy
4152. Henry Fane (s of Henry Fane & Elizabeth White) b: c.1560 at Hadlow d: 1596-10-14 at Rouen
⚭: Margaret Twysden (d of Roger Twysden/Roger Twisden of Roydon Hall & ??; gd of William Twysden & Elizabeth Roydon)
4112. Abraham Pierson/Abraham Pearson (FindAGrave) (s of ??) b: c. 1580 d: 1636-11-21 at Thornton, West YorkShire, England buried: Bradford cathedral, Bradford, West YorkShire, England
⚭: 1607-07-23 with Mary Drake (d of Johnne Drake 1550-1622 & Grace Bairstall) b: 1583-08-18 at Halifax, West YorkShire, England baptized 1583-08-18 at Halifax, YorkShire, England d: 1663-04-11 at Thornton, West YorkShire, England buried: St. James church cem., Thornton, West YorkShire, England
4110. ?Richard Prigge? (s of Richard Briggs & Alice) b: c. 1580 in Kingsbury, SomersetShire d: c. 1650 in England
⚭: ?Francis Briggs? () b: c. 1583 in Kingsbury, SomersetShire d: 1660 November at Sutton, Kidwick, YorkShire
4108. Thomas Budd ii (s of Thomas Symons Budd & Margaret West; gs of Alan West/Alni West & Ellen ??) b: 1582-03-28 at Waybridge, Surrey d: 1619-04-24 at Maidstone, Kent
⚭: Sarah Johnson (d of Christopher Johnson & Katherine ??) b: c. 1594 at ?Burnahm/Burnham/Farnham?, SomersetShire d: 1621 at ?Burnahm/Burnham/Farnham?, SomersetShire
4106. ?Henry Collier? (s of Robert Collier & Eleanor Wythe; gs of Henry Collier & Sybil and John Wythe & Isabel More)
⚭: ?Frances Jones?/?Francisca Jones? (d of Robert Jones or ?William Jones? & Alice ??)
4104. Richard Maris ii (s of Richard Maris & ??Agnes Madleith??) b: c. 1568 at Grafton Flyford, WorcesterShire d: ?1639/40/41-02-08? in WorcesterShire
⚭: Anne Griffen of Grafton, WorcesterShire (d of Mitchell Shane Griffin & Jane Victoria Mansfield) (Grafton is SE of Worcester, NE of Tewkesbury, SW of Stratford-on-Avon, NW of Oxford)
4096 (2 ⚭: 1603 with ??Anne Golsney?? () b: c.1584 at Ramsbury, WiltShire d: 1640-11-22 at Ramsbury, WiltShire
4068. Isaac Pennington (s of Robert Pennington 1550-1628 & Judith Shetterden 1558-1662) c.1587 d: 1660 (FabPedigree)
⚭: Abigail Allen d: 1661 (FabPedigree)
4066. John Peck/John Pecke ()
⚭: Elizabeth Braunson ()
4064. ?? Beeson
(parents of 1032 Thomas Beeson)
2274. Thomas Janney (s of Randle Janney & Alice Wilkinson) b: 1553 in Styal, CheShire, England d: 1602-03-05 in Styal, CheShire, England buried: St. Bartholomew church-yard, Wilmslow, CheShire, England
⚭: 1578-12-07 with Elizabeth Worthington/?Jane Worthington? (d of Henry Worthington) b: 1560-10-22 at Wilmslow, CheShire, England d: 1589-08-10 at Styal, CheShire, England
2272. Edward Peersonne () b: 1575 in CheShire, England d: 1648-07-25 at Wilmslow, CheShire, England buried: St. Bartholomew church-yard, Wilmslow, CheShire, England
2078. sir Christopher Wray? (wikipedia) (thepeerage) (s of William Wray & Frances Drury) b: c.1601 d: 1646-02-06 buried: St. Giles in the Fields church-yard, Holborn, Camden, London
⚭: Albinia Cecil (thepeerage) (d of Edward Cecil & Theodosia Noel) d: 1660 January buried: St. Giles in the Fields church-yard, Holborn, Camden, London
2076. sir Henry Vane the elder (s of Henry Fane & Margaret Twysden) b: 1589-02-18 d: 1654
⚭: 1612 with Frances d'Arcy (d of Thomas d'Arcy & Camilla Guicciardini) d: 1663-08-02
2056. reverend Abraham Pierson (FindAGrave) (FindAGrave) (s of Abraham Pierson 1580-1636 & Mary Drake 1583-1663) b: 1609-09-23 or 1611 September in Bradford, West YorkShire, England d: 1678-08-09 at Newark, Essex county NJ buried: Fairmount cem., Newark, Essex county NJ & family monument at Palisado cem., Windsor, Hartford county CT
⚭: 1640 with Abigail Mitchell? (FindAGrave) (d of Matthew Mitchell 1590-1646 & Susan Wood 1590-) b: 1618-04-26 in West YorkShire, England d: 1722-03-15 at Clinton, Middlesex county CT buried: Indian River cem., Clinton, Middlesex county CT
2054. reverend Thomas Budd iii (s of Thomas Budd ii & Sarah) b: 1617-06-23 at Bamstead, Surrey d: 1670-06-22 in Ilchester prison, SomersetShire (1661 became Quaker, refused to make oath of obedience to Church of England.)
⚭: Susannah Prigge (d of ?Richard Prigge & Francis Briggs?) b: c. 1611 in Kingsbury, SomersetShire d: c.1667 at Ilchester, SomersetShire
2052. George Maris (s of Richard Maris ii & Anne ?? of Grafton; gs of Richard Maris) b: c. 1595 d: 1658 in WorcesterShire
⚭: ?Alice Collier? (d of ?Henry Collier & Frances Jones?)
2048 (2 ⚭: Anne ?? () b: c.1610 d: 1640-11-22 buried: Mildenhall cem., Mildenhall, Suffolk, England
1142. ?? Croasdale
1140. William Smith ii/captain William John Smith (s of Charles Smith/Charles Smyth & Agnes Rouse) b: c. 1614 at Croxton Kerrial, LeicesterShire d: 1681-09-19 at Croxton Kerrial, LeicesterShire
⚭: Dorothy Marshall/Dorothy Margaret Marshall/Dorothy Margrett Marshall (d of George Marshall & Alice Mason) b: c. 1618 at Croxton-Keyrial, Sileby, LeicesterShire d: 1661 April in LincolnShire (parents of 570 William Smith iii)
1138. Robert Smith ()
⚭: Ellen Williamson ()
1136. Lawrence Pearson/Lawrence Pierson/Lawrence Peersonne (s of Edward Peersonne) b: 1620
⚭1: 1643-04-02 with Ann Worth b: c. 1620 d: c. 1645
⚭2: 1652 with Elizabeth Janney (d of Thomas Janney & Elizabeth Worthington) b: 1620-06-07 d: 1662-08-13
1038. sir Henry Vane the younger (thepeerage) (fabpedigree) (s of Henry Vane & Frances d'Arcy) b: 1613-05-26 d: 1662-06-14
⚭: Frances Wray (thepeerage) (d of sir Christopher Wray & Albinia Cecil)
1036. Henry Grubb ii/Henry Grubb/?John Henry Grubb? (s of Henry Grubb or Thomas Grubbe & ??Susan Hart??) b: 1617 July in Cornwall d: 1676 in Cornwall
⚭: Helen Vivian Wilmot () d: ?1667? or 1698 at Stoke Climsland, Cornwall
1034. Isaac Pennington (s of Isaac Pennington c.1587-1660 & Abigail Allen -1661) b: c. 1616 d: 1682 (FabPedigree)
⚭: Mary Proude (d of ??) d:Strou 1682 (FabPedigree)
1032. Thomas Beeson (WikiTree) (s of ?Thomas Beeson & ??) b: c. 1628 or c. 1610 or c. 1617 at Plymouth, DevonShire, England d: after 1665? or c. 1679 at Thrussington, LeicesterShire, England (FabPedigree)
⚭: 1635-11-05 in St. Mary's parish, LeicesterShire, England with Ann ??/?Ann Peck/Ann Pecke? (WikiTree) (d of John Peck/John Pecke & Elizabeth Braunson) b: before 1632 June d: c. 1730 in Lancaster, LancasterShire/LancShire, England
1030. Henry Dixon (s of James Dixon & ??)
⚭: Rose Harlan ()
1028. (FindAGrave) Thomas Pierson (s of Abraham Pierson & Mary Drake or Abigail Mitchell?) b: c. 1590 or c. 1634 d: c. 1650 or 1701-03-01 at Newark, Essex county NJ buried: Fairmount cem., Newark, Essex county, NJ
⚭: (FindAGrave) Mary Harrison (d of Richard Harrison & Margaret Picke) b: 1631-04-24 at West Kirby, Merseyside, England d: c. 1701 in Newark, Essex county NJ buried: Fairmount cem., Newark, Essex county NJ
1026. George Maris (s of George Maris & ?Alice Collier?) b: 1632-12-02 in Inkborough or Grafton Flyford, WorcesterShire, England d: 1705-01-15 in Springfield twp Chester county PA (French Huguenot? cordwainer, farmer, county JP.)
⚭: Alice Budd? (d of reverend Thomas Budd iii & Susannah Prigge) b: 1632-01-16 in Inkborough, WorcesterShire, England d: 1699-03-11 in Springfield twp Chester county PA (ancestors of basketball player Larry Joe Bird 1956-) or ?Alice D. Wellsmith?
1024 (2 ⚭: Joane/Jone/Joanne Stroud/Stroade/Strode (FindAGrave) (d of ??) b: 1631-05-16 at Baydon, WiltShire d: 1690 at Ramsbury, WiltShire buried: Holy Cross church-yard, Ramsbury, WiltShire
574. ?? Shepherd/Shepard
572. ?? Brooks
low reliability & conflicting 570. William Smith iii (s of William Smith ii & Dorothy Marshall) b: 1655-03-05 at Croxton Kerrial, LeicesterShire, England d: 1728-01-02 at Darby, Delaware county PA
⚭: Elizabeth Croasdale () b: c. 1678 d: 1702-12-27 at Darby, Delaware county 568. Thomas Pearson (s of Lawrence Pearson/Lawrence Pierson & Elizabeth Janney) b: 1653-09-05 at Wilmslow, CheShire, England d: 1734 March in Chester county PA
⚭: 1683-04-18 with Margaret Smith/Margery Smith (d of Robert Smith & Ellen Williamson) b: 1658-07-01 at Wilmslow, CheShire, England d: 1747 in Chester county PA
518. John Grubb/John Grubbe (FabPedigree) (s of Henry Grubb/?John Henry Grubb? & Helen Vivian/Helen Vivian Wilmot) b: c.1652 at Truro, Cornwall d: 1708 at Marcus Hook, Delaware county PA buried: Old Saint Martins Episcopal cem., Marcus Hook, Delaware county PA
⚭: Francis Vane (FabPedigree) (d of Henry Vane & Frances Wray) b: 1660 in Kent, England d: 1720 at Bradford Hills, Chester county PA
516. Edward Beeson/Edward Beason (FindAGrave) (WikiTree) (Ancestry.com) (FabPedigree) (s of Thomas Beeson/Thomas Besson & Ann Pecke/Anne Pecke; gs of John Pecke & Elizabeth Braunson)
⚭: 1682-11-07 in Thrussington, LeisterShire with Rachel Pennington (FindAGrave) (FabPedigree) (WikiTree) (d of Isaac Pennington 1616-1682 & Mary Proude -1682) b: 1662-11-11 in England d: 1712-03-13 in Nottingham, Chester county PA (WikiTree); click the Descendants button; there was a Benjamin Beeson jr. b: 1741-02-09 at Hopewell Monthly Meeting in Opequon, Frederick county VA/ now Berkeley county, WV d: 1811 ⚭: Bethia Lamb) 514. Thomas Pierson (geneanet) (s of Thomas Pierson & Mary Harrison) b: 1653-09-05 in Alsager, CheShire d: 1722-09-29 in Chester county PA buried: Old Caln Friends Meeting buryial ground, Coatesville, Chester county PA
⚭: 1690 with Rose Dixon/Rose Dixson (d of Henry Dixon & Rose Harlan) b: c.1661 in Ireland d: 1720 in Chester county PA buried: Old Caln Friends Meeting buryial ground, Coatesville, Chester county PA
512 (2 ⚭: 1685 at Darby or Springfield, Chester county PA with Elizabeth Maris/?Elizabeth Wellsmith Maris? (findagrave) (daughter of George Maris/Richard George Maris & ?Alice Budd? or ?Alice D. Wellsmith/Alice Wilsmith?) b: 1664-02-03 or 1665-06-03 at Inkborough or Bromsgrove, WorcesterShire, England d: 1705-11-15 in Chester county PA (IMMIGRANTS; 6*ggps of Richard Milhous Nixon)
286. Jacob Brooks () b: c.1700
⚭: Rosanna Shepherd () b: c.1705 in Frederick county VA d: 1762-03-12 in Craven county SC
284. Enoch Pearson (findagrave2) (s of Thomas Pearson & Margaret Smith/Margery Smith) b: 1690-05-12 in Chester county PA d: 1749-02-23 or 1749-12-23 Frederick county VA buried: Hopewell Friends burial ground, Clear Brook, Frederick county VA
⚭: 1717-12-05 or 1719-12-05 in PA with Mary Smith (d of William Smith & Elizabeth Croasdale) b: 1697-06-08 in Chester county PA d: 1780-10-30 at Bush River, Newberry county SC buried: Bush River Quaker cem., Newberry county SC
280. ??Samuel McClure 1709-1779 & Mary Belle Kelso 1711-1779??
262. ?? Slade
260. Edward Thornburgh ()
⚭: Jean Morgan ()
258. reverend Richard Beeson (FindAGrave) (geneanet) (WikiTree)(FabPedigree) (son of Edward Beeson & Rachel Pennington) b: 1684 October or 1684-12-10 in NewCastle county DE or Chester county PA d: 1712-08-20 in Chester county PA or 1777-01-01 in Guilford county NC
⚭: 1706-10-24 at Nottingham Monthly Meeting with Charity Grubb (FindAGrave) (geneanet)
(WikiTree) (d of John Grubb 1652-1708 & Frances Vane 1660-1720; gd of John Grubbe or Henry Grubb ii 1617-1676 & Helen Vivian Wilmot 1630-1698; ggd of Thomas Grubbe or Henry Grubb 1581-1645 & Susan Hart; 2ggd of Henry Grubb) b: 1687-09-29 in Brandywine Hundred, New Castle county DE d: 1761-11-22 in Guilford county NC buried: Centre Friends Meeting cem., Guilford county NC
(parents of
* John Beeson 1707-1747 & Mary Varman 1704-)
256 (2
⚭: 1709-10-10 at Concord, Chester county PA with Susanna Pierson/ Susannah Pearson (d of Thomas Pierson & Rose Dixon) b: 1687-06-26 or 1690-11-20 in East Caln, Chester county PA d: 1765-06-30 in Frederick county VA (6*ggps of Tennessee Ernie Ford 1919-1991)
142. Benjamin Pearson (s of Enoch Pearson & Mary Smith) b: 1722-09-19 in Chester county PA d: 1788 at Bush River, Newberry county NC
⚭1: Agatha Brooks (d of Jacob Brooks & Rosanna Shepherd/Rosanne Shepard) b: c.1728 in PA d: c.1761 in SC
140. Samuel McClure (s of ??Samuel McClure 1709-1779 & Mary Belle Kelso 1711-1779??) b: 1727 in Scone, PerthShire, Scotland or 1737 in Orange county VA d: 1822-04-03 at Richmond, VA (Ancestry.com) (FamilySearch.org)
⚭: ??Anne UNKNOWN/ Elizabeth Ann Hambleton 1731-1753??
134. ???McClellan??
130. Walter Thornburgh (s of Edward Thornburgh & Jean Morgan) b: c. 1708 in Armagh, Ireland d: before 1783 in NC
⚭: Margaret Slade () b: c. 1713 d: in Guilford county NC
128 (2
⚭: 1735-03-21 or 1735-05-21 in Leacock, Lancaster county PA with Charity Grubb Beeson (FindAGrave) (FamilySearch) (d of reverend Richard Beeson & Charity Grubb) 1715-09-20 at Kennett Square, Chester county PA d: 1809-09-20 in Wilkes county NC buried: Springfield Friends Meeting House cem., High Point, Guilford county NC
70. Robert McClure (s of Samuel McClure & Anne UNKNOWN) b: ?1753-10-06 in Richmond, Henrico county VA? d: ?1830-09-11 at son Samuel's home in Wabash county IN of cholera?
⚭: Margery Pearson (d of Benjamin Pearson & Agatha Brooks; widow of general Moses Buffington) b: ?1754-10-18 d: 1840-10-18 or 1840-10-16?
68. ?? Pearson
66. ??Thomas Hill
⚭: Elizabeth McClellan??
64 (2
⚭: 1758-06-24 at New Garden, Guilford county NC with Jane Thornburgh/Jane Thornbrugh (daughter of Walter Thornburgh & Margaret Slade) b: 1737 at New Garden, Guilford county NC d: 1785-06-07 or 1796 at Deep River, Guilford county NC (ancestors of comedy musician Spike Jones/Lindley Armstrong Jones 1911-1965) (WikiTree)
50. ??
42. ?? Messick
40. ?? Goslee
38. ?? Allen
36. ?? Davidson
34. Abel Pearson ()
⚭: Anne McClure (d of Robert McClure & Margery Pearson)
32 (2
⚭: 1794-09-06 in Guilford county NC with Deidamia Hill/Didia Hill/ Daide Hill (d of Thomas Hill & Elizabeth McClellan) b: c. 1770 in NC d: 1838-06-05 in Miami county OH (WikiTree) (Geni.com) (Geneanet.org)
30. Michael Reiss () b: 1815 in Germany d: 1885-06-09 in Outagamie county WI buried: E-18-4, Union cem., Kaukauna, Outagamie county WI
⚭: c.1842 with Margaret Kratz () b: 1816-09-15 in Darmstadt, Hesse d: 1907-02-16 in Kaukauna, Outagamie county WI buried: E-18-3, Union cem., Kaukauna, Outagamie county WI
26. John Adam Kelch () b: 1827-06-15 in GErmany d: 1904-11-07 buried: St.Peter's Lutheran church cem., Webster, Darke county OH
⚭1: 1856 with Charlotte Fiebiger (d of F. William Fiebiger 1799-1861 & Georgianna M. Rhodefelt 1814-1890) b: 1837 d: 1857
⚭2: 1858-02-21 with Emma S. Agney (d of Conrad Jacob Agney 1805-1877 & ??) b: 1841-02-07 in Darke county OH d: 1915-03-25 at Versailles, Darke county OH buried: St.Peter's Lutheran church cem., Webster, Darke county OH
20. Jobe Goslee/Job Goslee () b: 1791-10-10 in Sussex county DE d: 1868-12-23 in Pickaway county OH buried: Wesley Chapel cem, Urbana, Champaign county OH
⚭: Elizabeth Messick () b: 1793-08-20 in Sussex county DE d: 1856-08-30 in Pickaway county OH buried: Wesley Chapel cem, Urbana, Champaign county OH
18. Hugh Davidson () b: 1782-04-15 in Ireland d: 1867-01-25 in Darke county OH buried: English cem., Versailles, Darke county OH
⚭: Elizabeth Allen () b: c. 1780 in Ireland d: 1875-08-06 in Darke county OH buried: English cem., Versailles, Darke county OH
16 (2
⚭: 1817-08-14 in Miami county OH with Sarah Pearson (d of Abel Pearson & Anne McClure) b: 1795-06-02 at Bush River, Newberry county SC d: 1866-04-06 in Patterson twp Darke county OH buried: Darke county OH (historical marker data-base; 4 photos of home in Old Jamestown, Guilford county NC; SW of Greensboro, SE of Winston-Salem, NE of Charlotte & High Point; E of I-74, S of I-40) (WikiTree) (Geni.com)
14. George Ilgen () b: 1843 d: 1929 buried: Elm Grove cem., St. Mary's, Auglaize county OH
⚭: Barbara Reiss (d of Michael Reiss 1815-1885 & Margaret Kratz 1816-1907) b: 1843 d: 1944 buried: section S, Elm Grove cem., St. Mary's, Auglaize county OH
12. George Frederick Trittschuh (s of George Trittschuk & Louise Barthel) b: 1855-10-29 in Germany d: 1934-10-03 at Greenville, Darke county OH buried: Greenlawn cem., Versailles, Dark county OH
⚭: Mary Sophia Kelch (d of John Adam Kelch 1827-1904 & Emma S. Agney 1841-1915) b: 1860-08-26 at Versailles, Darke county OH d: 1926-03-05 at Greenville, Darke county OH buried: Greenlawn cem., Versailles, Dark county OH
10. James Goslee (s of Jobe Goslee & Elizabeth Messick) b: 1826-04-16 in Champaign county OH d: 1901-10-01 in Darke county OH buried: Shooks cem., Darke county OH
8 (2 ⚭: 1843-10-27 in Patterson twp Darke county OH with Rebecca Davidson (d of Hugh Davidson & Elizabeth Allen) b: c. 1823 in Greene county OH d: 1891-03-13 in Patterson twp Darke county OH (FindAGrave) (Geni.com) (WikiTree)
6. Albert Zacharias Trittschuh (s of George Frederick Trittschuh 1855-1934 & Mary Sophia Kelch 1860-1926) b: 1879-09-28 d: 1967-10-20 buried: Greenlawn cem., Versailles, Darke county OH
⚭: Margaret Elizabeth Ilgen (d of George Ilgen 1843-1929 & Barbara Reiss 1843-1944) b: 1876-11-21 d: 1974-05-10 St. George Hospital, Cincinnati, Hamilton county OH buried: Greenlawn cem., Versailles, Darke county OH
4. Thomas Mendenhall (son of Robert Mendenhall & Rebecca Davidson; grand-son of Richard Mendenhall ≈ Sarah Pearson) b: 1853-10-26 in Patterson twp Darke county OH d: 1910-12-20 in Patterson twp Darke county OH buried: Yorkshire cem./Mendenhall cem., Darke county OH (FindAGrave)
⚭: 1878-05-19 in Darke county OH to Mary Elizabeth Goslee (d of James Goslee 1826-1901 & Julia Ann McClure 1829-1905) b: 1859-08-30 in North Star, Darke county OH d: 1917-04-29 in Mercer county OH (FindAGrave)
2. CPM
⚭: GE
1. M/P
⚭: HE (s of CE & DD; gs of PMD ii/?PAD? & MEN; ggs of PMD & SJR; 2ggs of ND & PS and JR & MC; 3ggs of Basel/Basil/Bazzel/Barswell D)
2013-07-09: Martinsburg WV Journal-News: "Aspen Hall" heritage highlighted by NSDAR
Richard Beeson bought a 1,650 acre plot of land patent-dated 1735-11-12 for 70 pounds on 1737-09-28 from George Robinson III. The tract was located on both sides of Tuscarora Creek (branch of Opequan Creek). From County Land Records Overseer of the 'Warm Springs Road' from the north Mt. to Opeq. Creek, Richard Beeson (Tract 148A). He became observer on 1744-04-14. This road is from present day Martinsburg, WV to Flowing Springs Rd. (Jefferson County Hwy 17.)
Richard and Charity sold 249 acres of the 1,650-acre patent land to son Richard Beeson jr for 20 pounds on 1744-01-06. (Tract 148A). They sold 300 acres from the same tract to son Edward Beeson for 20 pounds on 1743-10-08 and on 1744-01-06, they sold 226 acres to son Benjamin Beeson for 20 pounds.
Richard and Charity Beeson were received at New Garden MM in NC on 1754-11-30. He had 55 acres surveyed on 1756-10-29 and received a grant from Granville on 1759-08-17 for his land which was located on the south side of Deep River opposite to Stephen Haworth in Rowan (then Guilford, now Randolph) county NC. Richard and Charity sold 325 acres of the 1,650 acre patent land to William Patterson for 200 pounds on 1758-11-27; they were in Rowan county NC at the time.
2007-04-28: genealogy.com: Robert & Elizabeth Elder
In 1750 March, Robert Elder had 100 acres surveyed on the north side of Back Creek in Frederick county VA...
1774-09-16 James Patterson, "of Carolina", sold the 100-acre tract on the north side of Back Creek to Jacob Siler. Witnesses were Wm Patterson, Phil Pendleton, John Miller, and Jacob Snyder. (Berkeley deed book 3, 30.)...
bought of Wm Snodgrass and William Patterson". John Mauzy was the surveyor. The survey of 296 acres was made on 1750-10-31 with John Park and Robert Elder acting as chain carriers...
James Nail and Daniel Kennedy... reserved rights to the next harvest of rye and apples. One of the witnesses was David Croket. The other two witnesses were William Pattison and Andrew Paul. Hugh Miller's house appears on the plat.
1775-09-15: David Elder... Witnesses were Phil Pendleton, Wm Patterson, Daniel Davis, and Jacob Snider. (Berkeley deed book 3, 481). In 1781 the Foxes sold to Simon Stuckey the half on the west side of the creek...
William Patterson (William Pattison), Senior, lived in Berkeley county VA, from at least as early as 1750 until 1782. His will gives the names of three sons: William Patterson (married Lydia Park), David Patterson, and Hugh Vance Patterson. He provided for 3 married daughters by gifts of land to his sons-in-law; Ann Patterson (but "Agnes Patterson" per Pendleton bible record) married Philip Pendleton. Elizabeth Patterson married John Hanna. Sarah Patterson m: William Hanna. The 1782 provides for daughters Hannah Patterson, Mary Patterson, Eleanor Patterson, and Anna Patterson. There is no mention of any James Patterson.
William Patterson acquired Tuscarora Creek property west of Martinsburg from Friends (Quaker) owners who left for the Carolinas during the period of unrest. He built a "fort" there.
William Patterson was a member of the Tuscarora congregation (Presbyterian). Many of the Tuscarora Creek settlers were Friends (Quakers) from PA, such as the families of Beeson, Mendenhall, Brittain, and Thatcher. A number of those moved to NC and sold their lands when the natives savagely attacked the settlements. However, there was an early Presbyterian community.
Tuscarora has been called the first Presbyterian congregation west of the Blue Ridge Mountains [Latitude: 39.4637096 Longitude: -78.0066657; 173 meters, 568 feet], going back perhaps to the 1730s some would claim. Other congregations soon organized Back Creek (near Tomahawk Springs, about 8 miles west of Martinsburg and about 4 miles south of Hedgesville) and Falling Springs. Little has survived from pre-Revolutionary times. In 1773 December, Hugh Miller junior, sold land to the congregation which was represented by Hugh Vance (minister), William Patterson, Hugh Lyle, Hugh Miller Senr, David Miller, John Snodgrass Senr, John Park, Dugal Campbell, Samuel Park, Matthew Duncan, Joseph W Car(Joseph Mordechai?), and Thomas Kennedy. A 1776 petition has names of William Patterson, Hugh and John Lyle, John Snodgrass Senr, William Glen, James Morrison, Thomas Eakens, John Park, and others.
For a survey dated 1751-11-07 of 400 acres for David Croket, where he then resided, adjoining Cornelious Bryson who was on his north and Croket's other survey on the south, the chain carriers were William Patterson and James Minness.
The same day the same chain carriers helped survey that adjoining Cornelious Bryson land adjoining Beason [Beeson], Croket, and James Glen which land Bryson sold to John Snodgrass.
The next day, surveying for David Croket continued with chain carriers William Patterson and Cornelious Bryson...
one Thomas Elder m: Elizabeth Mary Patterson, a daughter of one William Patterson, with children John, Rachel and Robert, named in a LW&T (signed 1751-05-08 and probated 1752-08-03)."
Paul/Paull family research: Guilford county NC, with Mendenhall's Mill along West Fork of Deep river
"His son George left the community two years before the coming of the first settled minister, Rev. Hugh Vance, October, 1770. He continued with Back Creek and Tuscarora [Latitude: 39.4637096 Longitude: -78.0066657; 173 meters, 568 feet] (not, in this instance, Falling Waters) for twenty years. Mr. Fithian visited him in May, 1775...
When Berkeley County, Virginia, was taken from Frederick, in 1772, the sessions of the first Court were held in the house of Edward Beeson, in Martinsburg, a small village 8 miles east of Hedgesville. At this session (May 19), twenty Justices of the Peace were appointed and duly sworn ; among the number Thomas Swearingen, John Neville and Hugh Lyle -- one of the witnesses to Hugh Paull's will. In 1776, Jacob Beeson and his brother Henry, Quakers, came to the Redstone settlement over the Braddock road by pack-horse from Martinsburg, which then boasted thirty houses. Henry Beeson, described as a «modest man with good sense, benevolent and liberal», laid out Uniontown in 1778, planning it for the county seat. Alexander McLean surveyed it, providing a lot for county buildings. It was Beeson's Mill, and Beeson's Town before it became the county seat of Fayette, under another name, Uniontown. Isaac Beeson, son of Jacob 2nd, and a grandson of Henry «the Founder», bought the «Gist plantation» («Mount Braddock», the former home of Colonel Isaac Meason) in 1856. It remained in the Beeson family for many years, but being underlaid with a wealth of coal, a large part was eventually acquired by the Rainey and Frick Coke Company..."
map Nicholites in Guilford county NC, with Mendenhall's Mill along West Fork of Deep river
Duncan Rea Williams iii: Jack L. Perdue on the Nicholites of Jamestown and Deep river
2011-09-19: Greensboro News & Record: Nicholites/New Quakers settle in Guilford in 1770s
F. Moran: Family of Joseph Standley the Nicholite
--- x
x64. Thomas Mendenhall iii (s of Thomas Mendenhall ii & Anne ??) b: c. 1630 in WiltShire d: 1682-07-05 in WiltShire buried: Holy Cross church-yard, Ramsbury, WiltShire
x65. ⚭: with Joane/Jone/Joanne Stroud/Stroade/Strode (FindAGrave) (d of ?William Strode ii & Joane Barnard?) b: 1631-05-16 at Baydon, WiltShire d: 1690 at Ramsbury, WiltShire buried: Holy Cross church-yard, Ramsbury, WiltShire
x32. Benjamin Mendenhall (s of Thomas Mendenhall iii & Joane/Jone/Joanne Stroud/Stroade/Strode) b: 1662-04-14 in Ramsbury, WiltShire, England d: 1740-06-13 in Concord twp Chester county PA buried: Concord Orthodox Friends burial ground, Concordville, Delaware county PA
(Nixon Library)
x33. ⚭: 1689-02-17 in Chester county PA with Ann A. Pennell (d of Robert Pennell & Hannah/Elizabeth Hyandson) b: c. 1668-04-15 in England? d: 1749-05-12 in Chester county PA buried: Concord Orthodox Friends burial ground, Concordville, Delaware county PA
x16. Robert Mendenhall (s of Benjamin Mendenhall & Ann A. Pennell) b: 1713-07-07 or 1713-09-07 in PA d: 1785-06-23 buried: Concord Orthodox Friends burial ground, Concordville, Delaware county PA
(WARGS: ancestors of Vincent Damon Furnier/Alice Cooper at 310)
x17. ⚭: 1734-09-13 in Birmingham with Phebe Taylor/Phoebe Taylor/Phoebe Lydia Taylor (d of Phillip Taylor/Philip Taylor & Ann Conoway/Ann Conway) b: 1715-06-17 d: 1761-05-13 in Concord twp Chester county PA buried: ??Concord Orthodox Friends burial ground, Concordville, Delaware county PA??
x8. Stephen Mendenhall (s of Robert Mendenhall & Phebe Taylor/Phoebe Taylor) b: 1750-05-24 in Concord twp Chester county PA d: 1809-12-09 in Concord twp Chester county PA
x5. ⚭: 1773-01-28 with Margaret Farlow (d of William Farlow & ??) b: 1749-02-23 d: 1818-03-10
x4. James Mendenhall (s of Stephen Mendenhall & Margaret Farlow) b: 1774-03-28 d: c. 1815 in Beaver, PA
x5. ⚭: 1800-06-04 with Sarah Pennell/Sarah Ann Pennell (d of James Pennell & Lydia Walter) b: 1780-03-30 in PA d: in Beaver, PA
x2. Stephen Mendenhall (s of James Mendenhall & Sarah Pennell/Sarah Ann Pennell) b: 1805-09-19 or 1805-09-29 d: 1893-11-22 buried: Marlboro cem., Marlboro, Stark county OH
x3. ⚭: with Mary Thomas (d of William Thomas & Maria ??) b: 1808-01-04 d: 1881-02-04 buried: Marlboro cem., Marlboro, Stark county OH
x1. physicist/meteorologist Thomas Corwin Mendenhall (s of Stephen Mendenhall 1805-09-19 & Mary Thomas; gs of James Mendenhall 1774-03-28 & Sarah Pennell and William Thomas & Maria ??; ggs of Stephen Mendenhall & Margaret Farlow 1749-02-23; 2ggs of Robert Mendenhall 1713-1785 & Phebe Taylor; 3ggs of Benjamin Mendenhall 1662-1740 & Ann Pennell; 4ggs of Thomas Mendenhall -1682 & Joan/Joanne Strode/Stroads) b: 1841-10-04 in Hanoverton, Columbiana count OH d: 1924-03-28 in Ravenna, OH buried: Forest Hill cem., Madison, Dane county WI
(National Academy of Sciences)
x. ⚭: 1870 with Susan Allen Marple (d of Nathan B. Marple & Harriet N. Clark; descendant of Solomon Allen of MA) b: 1849-12-19 in Columbus, OH d: 1916-11-06 in Portage county OH buried: Forest Hill cem., Madison, Dane county WI
physicist Charles Elwood Mendenhall (s of Thomas Corwin Mendenhall & Susan Allan Marple/Susan Allen Marple) b: 1872-08-01 in Columbus, OH d: 1935-08-18 in Madison, WI
x. ⚭: 1906 with Dorothy Mott Reed, M.D. (d of William Pratt Reed 1839-1880 & Grace Kimball 1845-1911) b: 1874-09-22 in Columbus, OH d: 1964-07-31 in Chester, CT buried: Forest Hill cem., Madison, Dane county WI (MIT, Johns HopkinsU)
--- Y
Note to self: I moved this here because it was too confusing where it was up in the middle of things. It's an attempt to describe multiple lines of descent from Richard Beeson & Charity Grubb... I think.
258. reverend Richard Beeson ⚭: 1706-10-24 at Nottingham Monthly Meeting with Charity Grubb (FindAGrave) (geneanet) [{FabPedigree}Richard Beeson 1684-1777 (WikiTree) (FindAGrave) & Charity Grubb 1687-1761 (FindAGrave) (WikiTree)
(WikiTree) (d of John Grubb & Frances Vane; gd of John Grubbe & Helen Vivian; ggd of Thomas Grubbe & Susan Hart; 2ggd of Henry Grubb) b: 1687-09-29 in Brandywine Hundred, New Castle county DE d: 1761-11-22 in Guilford county NC buried: Centre Friends Meeting cem., Guilford county NC
1.John Beeson b: 1707-10-07 d: 1747-12-27 (WikiTree) m: 1733-10-07 with Mary Varman b: 1704-11-03 at Askasillagh, county Wexford, Ireland d: ?? (WikiTree)
1.1. Charity Beeson b: c. 1739 in WV d: 181304-09 in Marion, WV m: John Ashcroft/John Ashcroft/ John Ashcrofte b: 1737 in Fayetteville, Franklin county PA d: 1833 in Harrison county WV]
2.Margaret Beeson b: c. 1708 d: 1775-03-29 at Deep River, Guilford county NC (WikiTree) m: 1737 in Lancaster county PA with Walter Thornburgh (s of Henry Thornburg 1734-1804 & Rachel Moon 1734-1804) b: c. 1707 in Ireland d: before 1783-02-18 in Guilford county NC
3.Richard Beeson ii 1708-10-15 in Nottingham twp Chester county PA d: before 1748-11-01 in Frederick county VA (WikiTree) m: 1730-11-15 in East Nottingham, Bucks county PA with Ann Brown (d of Mercer Brown & Jane Richards) b: 1711-05-28 in Nottingham, Chester county PA d: after 1748+-11-01 in Frederick county VA,
4.Phebe Beeson/Phoebe Beeson b: c. 1711--03-02 in West Nottingham, Chester county PA d: 1775-01-01 in West Nottingham twp Chester county PA m: 1731-03-05 in East Nottingham Meeting, Chester county PA with John Harris (s of William Harris & ??) b: c. 1710 d: 1763,
grand-children: Elizabeth Harris b: 1733-07-22 in Chester county PA d: 1756-02-26 at Mount Pleasant, Lancaster county PA m: 1752-04-087 at West Nottingham Meeting House, Chester county PA with Joshua Haines (s of Jacob Haines & Mary Coles) b: 1726-03-30 in Nottingham twp Chester county PA d: 1794-04-21 at Mt. Pleasant, Salisbury twp Lancaster county PA
5.Benjamin Beeson b: 1714-01-14 in Nottingham, Chester county PA d: 1794-06-14 in Randolph county NC (WikiTree) m: 1738-06-14 in Frederick county VA with Elizabeth Hunter () b: 1718 in Randolph county NC d: c. 1794;'
grand-children: William Beeson/ Billy Beeson (s of Isaac Beeson 1739-1811 & Isabel Pearson; gs of Benjamin Beeson 1714-1794 & Elizabeth Hunter 1740-1794; ggs of Richard Beeson 1684-1777 & Charity Grubb 1687-1761) b: 1781-11-22 in Randolph county NC d: 1862-08-24 in Bangor, Marshall county IA buried: Bangor Friends cem., Bangor, Marshall county IA (FindAGrave) (WikiTree) m1: 1802-12-23 at Deep River Monthly Meeting, Guilford county NC with Hannah Gifford (d of Jonathan Gifford/Jonathan Nathan Gifford 1744-1796 & Eunice Beard 1744-1797; gd of Benjamin Gifford & Elizabeth Pettis; sister of William Gifford 1771-1813, Jonathan Gifford ii 1785-, Lydia Gifford 1769-1771, Phebe Gifford 1771-1783, Sarah Gifford 1776-, Mary Gifford 1780-, Eunice Gifford 1780-1820) b: 1782-12-20 in Guilford county NC d: 1816-02-23 in Randolph county NC buried: Providence cem., Randolph county NC (WikiTree) (FindAGrave) m2: 1817-12-08 in Randolph county NC with Martha Swaim Fentress m3: Hannah Canaday m4: Permelia Carr]
6.Charity Grubb Beeson b: c. 1715-09-20 at Concord, Chester county PA d: 1809-09-20 at Springfield, Wilkes county NC m: 1735-05-21 in Leacock twp Lancaster county PA with Mordecai Mendenhall (s of John Mendenhall & Susanna Pierson/Susannah Pearson) b: 1713 March in Chester county PA d: 1803-11-04 at Springfield, Guilford county NC,
Richard Mendenhall b: 1737-11-01 in Berkeley county WV d: 1773-10-10 or 1774at Wallens Creek, Lee county VA m: 1758-06-24 at New Garden, Guilford county NC with Jane Thornburgh b: 1737 d: 1785-06-07 at Deep River, Guilford county NC
7.Edward Beeson b: 1719 in Leacock twp Lancaster county PA d: before 1746-10-03 at Hopewell, Frederick county VA m: 1738-03-05 in Frederick county VA with Martha Mendenhall (d of John Mendnhall & Susanna Pierson/Susannah Pearson) b: 1714-06-17 in Caln twp Chester couty PA d: 1800-11-27 in Randolph county NC ,
grand-children: Edward Beeson b: 1738-01-04 in East Nottingham, Chester county PA d: 1817-05-23 in Martinsburg, Berkeley county WV m: 1767-09-21 in Back Creek Valley, Frederick county VA with Jane Pugh (d of Jesse Pugh & Alice Malin) b: 1746-02-21 at Hopewell Monthly Meeting, Frederick county VA d: 1823-06-18 in Winchester, Frederick county VA
8.William Beeson b: 1721-11-18 in Chester county PA d: 1760-12-18 at New Garden Monthly Meeting, Guilford county NC m: 1740-03-29 at Hopewell Monthly Meeting, Frederic county VA with Mary Rebecca Mills b: 1724-03-29 at Hopewell Monthly Meeting, Frederick county VA d: 1810-10-10 at Deep River, Guilford county NC,
grand-children: William Beeson b: 1741-06-16 at Hopewell, Frederick county VA m: 1772-11-11 at New Garden, Guilford county NC with Jenne Patterson/Jenny Patterson (d of Joseph Patterson ii & Sarah Simmons/Susan Simmons) b: 1753-03-21 at New Garden, Guilford county NC d: 1800 at Deep Creek, Surry county NC]
9.Stephen Beeson b: c. 1722 at Hopewell, Prince George's county VA d: 1760-12-18 in Guilford county NC (WikiTree), [?]
10.Rachel Beeson/Rachel Charity Beeson 1724-1777 m1: 1740 at Hopewll Monthly Meeting, Frederick county VA with Stephanus Haworth (s of George Haworth & Sarah Scarborough) b: 1713-02-17 d: 1765-03-19 [parents of Stephanus Haworth ii 1741-1804] m2: 1766-09-01 at Cane Creek Monthly Meeting, Snow Camp, Chatham county NC with Anthony Chamness (s of John Chamness & Anne Jones) b: 1713-02-05 at East Smithfield, London, Middlesex, England d: 1777-09-20 at Cane Creek, Chatham county NC; [parents of Micajah Chamness c.1773- who m Martha Margaret White 1782-1876]
11.Isaac Beeson b: 1729-04-03 at West Nottingham twp Chester county PA d: 1802-03-03 at Deep River, Guilford county NC m: 1762 at Hopewell Monthly Meeting, Frederick county VA with Phebe Stroud/Phebe Strode/Phoebe Stround (d of Samuel Stroud/Strode & Anna Redmond0) b: 1733-12-26 at Hopewell Monthly Meeting, Prince George's county VA d: 1826
child: Isaac Beeson
grand-child: Robert Stuart/Robert William Stuart 1766-1854 & Martha Beeson 1773-1819 (FabPedigree) (WikiTree) (FindAGrave)
great-grand-child: John M. Emerson 1792-1886 & Asenath Hunt Stuart 1813-1907 (WikiTree) (WikiTree) (FindAGRave),
great-great-grand-child: Robert Jehu Emerson 1835- & Cornelia Lewis Hudson b: 1835-09-28 in NC d: 1873-01-31 in Carrboro, Orange county NC (FindAGrave)
3ggchild: captain Isaac Edward Emerson (FabPedigree) & Emelie Askew
4ggchild: Alfred Gwynne VanDerBilt 1877-1915 & Margaret Mary Emerson 1884-1960 (FindAGrave)
5ggchild: George Washington Vanderbilt iii GWViii 1914-1961 (FindAGrave) (FabPedigree) (WikiTree)]
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MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.