ancestors of cousin/president Millard Fillmore (#13) (there are a few questionable generations)
.... .... .... .... .... .... .. king John i of England/lack-land / king John of England/lack-land (s of king Henry ii of England d'Anjou/curt-mantle & Eleanor of Aquitaine) b: 1167-12-24 d: 1216-10-19 m: Suzanne de Warenne/Isabel de Warenne/Adela de Warenne / Adela de Warenne (d of Hamelin d'Anjou & Isabella de Warenne)
.... .... .... .... .... .... . Richard fitz John of Dover/Richard fitz Roy of Chilham/Richard de Warenne/Richard de Chilham / Richard fitz Roy b: c. 1185 d: 1245 or 1246 m: before 1214-05-11 to Rose de Douvres / Rohese de Dover/Rose de Dover (d of Foubert de Douvres & Isabel de Briwere) b: c. 1186 d: 1264 or 1265
.... .... .... .... .... .... Maurice de Berkeley/resolute / Maurice Berkeley (s of Thomas de Berkeley & Joan de Somery) b: c. 1218 d: 1281-04-04 buried: St. Augustine's, Bristol, GloucesterShire m: Isabel fitz Richard de Dover / Isabel fitz Roy of Dover b: c. 1220 d: 1276-07-07 or 1277-07-07
.... .... .... .... .... ... Thomas de Berkeley 1st lord Berkeley/the wise / Thomas Berkeley b: c. 1245 d: 1321-07-23 m: Joan de Ferrers / Joan Ferrers / Margaret de Ferrers (d of William iii de Ferrers 5th earl of Derby & Margaret de Quincy) d: 1309/1310-03-19
.... .... .... .... .... .. Maurice de Berkeley 2nd lord Berkeley / Maurice Berkeley b: 1271 April d: 1326-05-31 m: Eva la Zouche/Eve la Zouche / Eva Zouche (d of Eon la Zouche & Millicent de Cauntelo) d: 1314-12-06
.... .... .... .... .... . Robert de Clifford 3rd lord Clifford / Robert de Clifford 3rd baron de Clifford / Robert de Clifford (s of Robert de Clifford & Maud de Clare/Matilda de Clare) b: 1305-11-05 d: 1344-05-20 m: 1328 June to Isabel de Berkeley / Isabella Berkeley (d of Maurice de Berkeley 2nd baron Berkeley & Eva la Zouche) b: c. 1307 d: 1362-07-25
---- These next 6-7 generations are ajumble/questionable ---
.... .... .... .... .... ?reverend? Thomas de Heaton (s of John Heaton & Mary ??) m: Joan Clifford or Ellen Wood
.... .... .... .... ... sir John Clavering b: c. 1363 d: 1425-03-22 m: Joan de Heton/Joan Heaton b: c. 1365 or Robert Clavering (s of sir John Clavering & Joan de Heton/Joan Heaton) b: c. 1400 d: 1453-03-21 m: Elizabeth
.... .... .... .... .. John Clavering of Callaley (s of ??sir John Clavering & Joan de Heton/Joan Heaton or Robert Clavering & Elizabeth; gs of sir John Clavering & Joan de Heton/Joan Heaton??) b: c. 1435 d: 1486-10-13 or 1496-10-13 m: Isabel / ?Isabella Grey? b: c. 1445 d: 1528-12-07 buried: Norham, Northumberland
.... .... .... .... . Robert Clavering of Callaley b: c. 1450 d: 1519-09-06 in Northumberland m: 1498 to Joan Raynes/Joan Raymes/Joan Remis/Joan Reims (d of John Raynes/Raymes/Rheims/Reims) b: c. 1455 d: c. 1553
.... .... .... .... John Carr b: 1460-06-17 at Hackomb, DevonShire d: c. 1562 m: c. 1491 at Caddelle, Northumberland to Janet Clavering (d of Robert Clavering & Joan Raynes or John Clavering & Isabella Grey or Robert Clavering & Ann Grey) b: c. 1480 d: 1543-05-10 at Ferniehirst, Midlothian, Scotland
.... .... .... ... ??John Carr b: c. 1500 d: c. 1550 m: Margaret Collingwood (d of Robert Collingwood & Fenwick) b: c. 1500 d: after 1538??
.... .... .... .. Thomas Carr of Ford Castle b: ?1529-06-17? d: ?1558-01-26? m: Elizabeth Heron (d of William Heron of Ford Castle & Margaret Forster; gd of sir Thomas Forster of Adderstone & Dorothy Ogle; descendant of king Edward iii of England; descendant of king Edward i/long-shanks) ?b: c. 1532 d: 1554-01-13?
.... .... .... . William Carr of Ford Castle b: ?1535-11-11 d: c. 1589? m: Ursula Brandling b: c. 1535
---- These next 6-7 generations, above, are ajumble/questionable ---
.... .... .... ?Elizabeth Carr?/?Jane Carr? b: c. 1563 d: c. 1594 m: Thomas Forster (s of Cuthbert Forster b: c. 1540 d: c. 1589 & Elizabeth Bradford b: c. 1554; gs of Thomas Forster b: c. 1513 & Feorina Wharton/Frances Wharton/Florence Wharton; ggs of sir Thomas Forster of Adderstone & Dorothy Ogle and Thomas Wharton 1st baron Wharton & Eleanor Stapilton) b: 1555 or c. 1570 d: 1648
.... .... ... Reginald Foster / Fab Pedigree b: 1594/1595 d: 1681 m: 1619-09-28 in Essex to Judith Wignol/Judith Wignal/Judith Wignall/Judith Signal (d of ?Alexander Wignall/Alexander Signal & ?Catherine?/?Mary?) b: c. 1597 d: 1664-10-16 in MA
.... .... .. Sarah Foster b: 1620-10-15 in Exeter d: 1681 in MA (104512309) m: 1640 in Ipswich, MA to William Story/William Storey (s of ?Andrew Story?/?Robert Story?) b: 1614 d: 1702-01-10 or 1702-01-20 in Essex, MA (104512230)
.... .... . Samuel Story / Fab Pedigree b: c. 1647 or 1660 in Ipswich d: 1727-10-29 in Norwich, CT (33778632) m: 1678 to Elizabeth Burnham b: 1651-10-27 in Boston d: 1716 at Ipswich, Essex county MA
.... .... deacon Stephen Story m: Mary Emerson
.... ... Ebenezer Wood m: Philippa Story
.... .. Nathaniel Fillmore m: Hapzibah Wood/Hepzibah Wood
.... . Nathaniel Fillmore ii m: Phoebe Millard
.... Millard Fillmore / Fab Pedigree / The Peerage / Find A Grave b: 1800-01-07 in Moravia/Locke, Cayuga county NY d: 1874-03-08 Buffalo, Erie county NY
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