Modern History (1500CE-)

dates are in ISO standard format: yyyy-mm-dd (biggest value at left, consistently lower magnitudes as you go to the right; one-thousand years is greater than 999 years, 100 years is greater than 99 years, 10 years is greater than 9 years; 1 year is greater than 12th month; 10th month is greater than 9th month; 1 month is greater than 27 days, 10 days is greater than 9 days)


Deep History

Pre-History (up to 900BCE)

Antiquity, Biblical & Classical History (900BCE-400CE)

Medieval History (400CE-1500CE)

Modern History (1500CE-)

8th century CE (701CE-800CE)

9th century CE (801CE-900CE)

10th century CE (901CE - 1000CE)

11th century CE (1001CE - 1100CE)

12th century CE (1101CE - 1200CE)

13th century CE (1201CE - 1300CE)

14th century CE (1301CE - 1400CE)

15th century CE (1401CE - 1500CE)

16th century CE (1501CE - 1600CE)

17th century CE (1601CE - 1700CE)

18th century CE (1701CE - 1800CE)

19th century CE (1801CE - 1900CE)

20th century CE (1901CE - 2000CE)










21st century CE (2001CE - 2100CE)


Biblical/Middle East issues


rivers & mountains of South-Eastern Europe Danube, Morava, Tisza; Carpathians, Transylvanian (Southern Carpathians), TransDanubia (Britannica)

Seine, Somme, Rhein/Rhine/Rhenus, Rhone rivers (a bit of the Garonne, Dordogne, Loire, Danube, Main, Weser, Po) (Britannica)

European river watersheds (a bit of the Rhein/Rhine/Rhenus, Main, Weser, Saale, Mulde, Oder, Morava, Danube, Vistula, Bug, part of Dniestr) (Britannica)

time-line 1401CE - 1500CE

Abul-Khayr khan/Abul-Khair Khan (s of Dawlat/Daulat/Daulaat sheikh; gs of Ibrahim khan; descendant of Shiban/Sheiban, Jochi, et Jenghis Khan; father of Budagh khan ibn Abul-Khayr khan; grand-father of Muhammad Shaybani khan/Muhammad Shayboniy/Abul-Fath Shaybani khan/Abu al-Fath Muhammad/Shayabak khan/Shahi beg Khan/wormwood/obsidian) b: c. 1412 d: between 1468 & 1470 (wikipedia) ;       Shaybanid (wikipedia)

Ivan iii Vasilyevich of Russia/John iii the great (s of Vasily ii & Maria of Borovsk) b: 1440-01-22 at Moscow d: 1505-10-27 at Moscow     m1: Maria Borisovna of Tver (d of Boris Alexandrovich of Tver) b: c. 1447 d: 1467     m2: Sophia Paleologue/Zoe Palaiologina (d of Thomas Palaeologus of Morea & Catherine Zaccaria) b: between 1440 & 1449 d: 1504-04-07

time-line 1450s

Selim Kazakhs c. 1450CE -

2021-10-11 (5782 Cheshvan 05)
Gary Bauer _Patriot Post_
happy Columbus day

2020-10-12: Robert Royal: Breitbart: attacks against Christopher Columbus expose ignorance & hate against Western Civilization, brain-washing in schools, colleges, & universities

president Donald J. Trump proclamation of Columbus Day

Charlie Spiering: Breitbart: president Trump celebrates intrepid pioneer on Columbus Day/earlier immigrants day

Susan Berry, M.D.: Breitbart: mayor of Waterville, Maine, bucks the state's leftists in marking Columbus Day

Tom Ciccotta: Breitbart: professor notes leftist propagandist Howard Zinn lied about Christopher Columbus (as with so many other things)

Robin Smith: Patriot Post: leftists still raving about Columbus Day/earlier immigrants day

William Federer: Patriot Post: Marco Polo, Mohammedan jihad, & the real reason Columbus sailed West

2019-10-14: Jarrett Stepman: Patriot Post: the truth about Columbus

Michael W. Chapman: CNS: courage, skill, drive

2017-10-09: Christopher Columbus/Cristobal Colon xx duke of Veragua (descendant of both Christopher Columbus/Cristobal Colon & Montezuma ii) _USA Today_/_Gannett_: Americans, my explorer ancestor did not cause your failings

Alejandro D. Zajac: BBC

2006-05-19: NBC/AP: DNA tests confirm some of the remains of Christopher Columbus are in the tomb at the cathedral of Seville

dukes of Veragua

Christopher Columbus/Cristobal Colon/Cristoforo Colombo (s of Domenico Columbus/Colombo & Susanna Fontanarossa) b:between 1451-08-26 1451-10-31 d: 1506-05-20     m: Filipa Moniz de Perestrelo

Christopher Columbus/Cristobal Colon/Cristoforo Colombo (s of Domenico Columbus/Colombo & Susanna Fontanarossa) b:between 1451-08-26 1451-10-31 d: 1506-05-20     m1: Filipa Moniz de Perestrelo/Felipa Perestrello Moniz/Felipa Perestrello e Moniz (daughter of the governor of island Porto Santo, Madeira) (2012-10-05: Nola Taylor Redd: Live Science)     m2?: Beatriz Enriquez de Arana

Christopher Columbus/Cristobal Colon/Cristoforo Colombo (s of Domenico Columbus/Colombo & Susanna Fontanarossa) b: between 1451-08-26 1451-10-31 d: 1506-05-20     m1: Filipa Moniz de Perestrelo/Felipa Perestrello Moniz/Felipa Perestrello e Moniz (daughter of Bartholomeu Perestrello the governor of island Porto Santo, Madeira & )     m2?: Beatriz Enriquez de Arana (2019-05-07: Suffered He Needs: a compilation)

Christopher Columbus/Cristobal Colon/Cristoforo Colombo () b:before 1451-10-31 d: 1506-05-20     m: Filipa Moniz de Perestrelo

2019-12-23: Odyssey Traveller: history of Genoa/Genova (with c.1400CE map of conquests, affiliates, & trading-posts)

2019-12-23: Planetware: travel, tourist traps in/near Genoa/Genova (2021-03-09: Barbara Radcliffe Rogers: PlanetWare)

Diego Columbus/Diego Colon/Diego Colombo

Jaime/James/Jacob/Jacopo/Jacques Francisco Eduardo fitz James Stuart (Fabulous Pedigree)

Nuno Alvares Pereira Colon de Portugal y la Bastida duke of Veragua (Fabulous Pedigree)

Jaime/Pedro Nuno Colon de Portugal y Castro duke of Veragua (Fabulous Pedigree)

Pedro Nuno Colon de Portugal, 6th duke of Veragua

Carlos Bernardo fitz James Stuart 4th duke of Liria and Jerica, 4th duke of Berwick, 10th or 11th duke of Veraguas

Cristobal Colon xx, 18th duke of Veragua

Michael P. Ramirez: Patriot Post: earlier immigrants

2017-10-16: Ken Blackwell: Patriot Post: Christopher Columbus: his influence on a brave new world should be celebrated

Alejandro D. Zajac: BBC

2006-05-19: NBC/AP: DNA tests confirm some of the remains of Christopher Columbus are in the tomb at the cathedral of Seville

Jaime/James/Jacob/Jacopo/Jacques Francisco Eduardo fitz James Stuart (Fabulous Pedigree)

dukes of Veragua

Cristobal Colon xx, 18th duke of Veragua

Pedro Nuno Colon de Portugal, 6th duke of Veragua

Jaime/Pedro Nuno Colon de Portugal y Castro duke of Veragua (Fabulous Pedigree)

Nuno Alvares Pereira Colon de Portugal y la Bastida duke of Veragua (Fabulous Pedigree)

Carlos Bernardo fitz James Stuart 4th duke of Liria and Jerica, 4th duke of Berwick, 10th or 11th duke of Veraguas

2017-10-09: Chris Pandolfo: Classical Liberal Review: why we respect Christopher Columbus: Ronald Reagan explained

2017-10-09: Robin Smith: Patriot Post: why Columbus is worth celebrating

2017-10-08: Daniel J. Flynn: Breitbart: for all his faults, Christopher Columbus was a better man than the force-initiating leftist vandals

2015-10-13: Washington DC Times: vandals attacked statue of Christopher Columbus in Detroit, MI

FamilySearch: John David Inclan: 12 generations of descendants of Christopher Columbus

FamilySearch: John David Inclan: descendants of Christopher Columbus & Philippa Moniz: 6th or 7th duke of Veragua was Pedro-Manuel Colon de Portugal y de la Cueva or Pedro Nuno


2021-10-11: Obadiah Silva: SageBrush Rider: medieval literature professor in Milan, Paulo Cesa, discovered document from between 1300 & 1345 _Chronica Universalis_, signed by historian monk Calvinius Flama, recorded information from Columbus's home-town of Genoa, mentioned Marquelde/Markland, "West of Greenland"

2021-10-11: 150 years before the arrival of Cristobal Colombo, an Italian monk wrote of Marquelde/Markland, "West of Greenland"

Muhammad Shaybani khan/Muhammad Shayboniy/Abul-Fath Shaybani khan/Abu al-Fath Muhammad/Shayabak khan/Shahi beg Khan/wormwood/obsidian (s of shah Budagh khan ibn Abul-Khayr khan; gs of Abul-Kayr khan/Abul-Khair khan; descendant of Shiban/Sheiban, Jochi, et Jenghis Khan) b: c. 1451 d: 1510-12-02 at Mary, Turkmenistan (wikipedia)     m1: Mihr Nigar khanum   m2: Khanzada begum   m3: Aisha Sultan khanum   m4: Zuhra bagi agha;       Shaybanid (wikipedia)

time-line 1460s

Spörer Minimum c.1460 to 1550 cool period with few sun-spots, few coronal mass ejections
2019-09-01: M.G. Ogurtsov: Advances in Space Research/Elsevier: the Spörer Minimum was deep (with comparisons with Maunder & Dalton minima)

David Cecil (s of Richard Cecil ap Philip Seisyll/Sitsylt of Alt-yr-Ynys, HerefordShire) b: c. 1460 d: 1540 September buried: St. George's church, Stamford, LincolnShire (wikipedia)

Selim i (1st caliph of Ottoman empire) c. 1466-10-10 to 1520-09-22 CE (wikipedia) ( conquered Israel between 1512 & 1520 (Ido Oren: U of Florida: comparative foreign policy))

map Israel with Jerusalem at center 1475CE
map Israel with Jerusalem at center 1475CE (first printed maps by Lucas Brandis) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Vasili iii/Basil iii/Gavriil of Russia (s of Ivan iii & Sophia Paleologue) b: 1479-03-25 d: 1533-12-03 in Moscow       m: 1526-01-21 to Elena Vasilyevna Glinskaya (d of Vasili Lvovich Glinsky & princess Ana Jaksic of Serbia; gd of Stefan Jaksic & Milica; ggd of Jaksa Brezicic and Milos Belmuzevic) b: c. 1510 d: 1538-04-04 (parents of Ivan iv the formidable/terrible)

Ottoman empire 1481CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)     and     Ottoman empire/Devlet i-Alliye i Osmaniyye/Osmanli Imparatorlugu/Osmanli Devleti 1299CE - 1923CE (with map showing greatest extent in 1683) (wikipedia)     and     Ottoman empire 1481CE-1683CE (at U of Texas)

map Israel 1486CE
map Israel 1486CE (by Bernhard von Breydenbach) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Joseph Karo/Joseph Caro/Yosef ben Ephraim Karo/Yosef Qaro (s of Ephraim & ??) b: 1488 in Toledo, Spain d: 1575-03-24 (5335 Nisan 13) at Safed, Syria (author of _Shulchan Arukh_/_The Set Table_)     m1: ?? bat Isaac (d of Isaac Saba & ??)     m2: ?? bat Hayyim (d of Hayyim Albalag/Chaim Albalag & ??)

Albrecht von Hohenzollern/Albert duke of Prussia (s of Frederick i of Brandenburg-Ansbach & Sophia of Poland) b: 1490-05-17 at Ansbach, Brandenburg-Ansbach, Bavaria d: 1568-03-20 at Tapiau castle, Tapiau, Prussia/Gvardeysk, Russia

map French invasion of Italy 1494
map French invasion of Italy 1494 (snagged 2013-07-16 from Max Boot 2006 _War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History 1500 to Today_)

1495 Summer wreck of king Hans of Denmark's nearly 100-foot-long flag-ship, Gribshunden, in Baltic -- at Stora Ekron, SW of Kalmar, S of Ronneby, Sweden -- is altering view of the age of discovery (2021 November: Jo Marchant: Smithsonian)


time-line 1501CE - 1600CE (wikipedia)

list of countries by estimated population in 1500

chief rabbis of Jerusalem & Israel since 1500s

Safavid dynasty c. 1500CE - c. 1740CE

star fort/ place Italienne c. 1500CE - (wikipedia)     star fort/ place Italienne (Castles and Manor Houses)

map Mexico c. 1505
map Mexico c. 1505 (from Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ (710 pages))

map Mexico c. 1505
map Mexico c. 1505 (from Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ (710 pages))

Abdurashid khan/ Abdul Rashid khan/Abd al-Rashid khan (s of sultan Said khan) b: 1508CE d: 1560CE

map Europe c. 1510
map Europe c. 1510 (from Winston S. Churchill 1956 _An History of the English-Speaking People: The New World_ vol2 (410 pages; 942))

Aloysius Lilius/Luigi Lilio/Luigi Giglio () b:c.1510 at Ciro, Calabria d: 1576 at Rome (Lilian date: # days since 1582-10-15)

time-line of Lebanon pre-history & history 1516CE-1943CE: Ottoman-French-Independence

Ottoman vs. Mamluk/Mamluq war 1516CE to 1517CE

Baalbeq/Baalbek/Heliopolis, Lebanon settled c. 9KBCE, town founded between 2900BCE & 2300BCE by proto-Phoenicians; 332BCE Alexander of Macedonia renamed it Heliopolis; c.310CE Christianized by Constantine; 635CE or 637CE conquered by Mohammedan Arabs; Byzantines re-took it in 748CE & 975CE; 1171CE by French crusaders; Mongols in 1260CE & 1400CE; Turks in 1517.     (Bible Places)

Arghun Dynasty 1520-1554

map Mexico explorations 1520-1580
map Mexico explorations 1520-1580 (from Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ (710 pages))

Mughal empire c. 1526CE - 1857CE

Giocangga/ Jeuchang/ Jingzu/ Yi an (son of Fuman; grand-father of Nurhaci) b: c. 1526 d: 1583

7 times Rome was sacked: 1527 (

Abdullah khan ii/Abdollah khan osbeg/Abd-allah khan (s of Iskander bin Jani Beg; gs Jani Beg khan/Djani Beg khan; descendant of Jochi; descendant of Jenghis khan/Temujin; ??ggs of Oz Beg khan & Taidula khatun; 2ggs of Togrilcha/Toghrilcha; 3ggs of Mongke Temur/Mongha Timur; 4ggs of Toqoqan; 5ggs of Batu; 6ggs of Jochi; 7ggs of Jenghis khan/Temujin) b: 1533 or 1534 d: 1598 buried: mausoleum of Bahauddin Naqshbandi near Bukhara         Shaybanid         khanate of Bukhara

Isaac/Yitzchak Luria/ Ari/ Lion b: c. 1534 d: 1572

Franco-Ottoman alliance 1536-1798

Christopher Clavius () b:1537 or 1538-03-25 at Bamberg, Bavaria d: 1612-02-06 at Rome       (Math History: U of St.Andrews)

Termini-Imerese, Sicily baptismal records 1542-1548: slaves 1200s-1600s with a brief note on slaves sold through Kaffa/Caffa/Feodosija/Feodosiya/Theodosia, Crimea/ Taurica         Termini-Imerese: surnames indicative of Jewish heritage: the neofiti 500CE-

Abdul Karim khan/Abd al-Karim of the Yarkand khanate (s of Abdurashid khan/Abd al-Rashid khan) b: c. 1540CE d: c. 1591

Muhammad sultan of the Yarkand khanate (s of Abdurashid khan/Abd al-Rashid khan) b: c. 1545CE d: c. 1609

HRE Rudolf ii (s of Maximilian ii & Maria of Spain) b: 1552-07-18 at Vienna, Austria d: 1612-01-20 at Prague, Bohemia/Czechia/Czech Republic buried: St. Vitus cathedral, Prague

rabbi Isaiah HaLevi Horowitz/the Sheloh (s of rabbi Abraham bar Shabse Sheftel HaLevi & ??) b: 1558 (5316AM) in Prague d: 1628 (5388AM) in Jerusalem, Israel buried: in Tiberias on the sea of Kennethereth/Galilee (author of _Yesh Nochlin_, _Emek Brochoh_, _Chesed Avrohom_, _Bris Avrohom_, _Shnei Luehos ha Bris_/_2 Tablets of the Covenant_, _Shaar ha Shomayim_/_Gate of the Heavens_. beginning 1621 he was Ashkenazi rabbi of Jerusalem.) m: ?? d: 1620 (5380AM)

patriarchs of the church of the East/patriarchs of Babylon c. 1552CE - Nurhaci/ Nurgaci of the Jianzhou Jurchens/Qing dynasty/ Taizu of Qing (son of Taksi & Xuan; gs of Giocangga/ Jeuchang/ Jingzu/ Yi an; ggs of Fuman) b: 1559-05-14 d: 1626-9-30 (FabPedigree)     Giocangga/ Jeuchang/ Jingzu/ Yi an (son of Fuman; grand-father of Nurhaci) b: c. 1526 d: 1583

Acharonim/the last ones c. 1563CE-

king James Charles Stuart vi of Scotland/king James Charles Stuart i of England (s of Henry Stuart lord Darnley & Mary queen of Scots) b: 1566-06-19 at Edinburgh castle d: 1625-04-06 at Theobalds house/palace, Cedars Park, Cheshunt, HertfordShire       m: 1589 to Anne of Denmark (d of Frederick ii of Denmark & Sophie of Mecklenburg-Guestrow; descendant of Elimar i count of Oldenburg) b: 1574-12-12 at Skanderborg castle d: 1619-03-02 at Hampton Court Palace buried: 1619-05-13 in Westminster abbey

Peter Easton/Peter Eston () b: c. 1570 d: 1620 or after probably at Villefranche, Savoy (privateer commissioned by queen Elizabeth i; then pirate under king James i.)

battle of Lepanto/Naupactus/Nafpaktos 1571-10-07     (Thomas Kwoh: Shoebat)     2 battles whose results saved the West: Lepanto 1571, Vienna 1683 (Michael Novak: AEI)

Piet PIeterszoon Hein (s of a ship captain) b: 1577-11-25 in Delfshaven/Rotterdam, Netherlands d: 1629-06-18 buried: oude kerk, Delft, Netherlands (c.1598-1602 galley slave) m: c.1612 to Anneke Claesdochter de Reus

Ottoman empire under Sulieman i 1580CE
Ottoman empire under Sulieman i 1580CE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

map North America c. 1587 - 1670
map North America c. 1587 - 1670 (from Winston S. Churchill 1956 _An History of the English-Speaking Peoples: The New World_ vol2 (410 pages; 942))

2016-12-08: Maryn McKenna: National Geographic: DNA analysis of Lithuanian mummy & mutation rates suggests smallpox virus May not have existed until about 1588CE (early descriptions were probably other diseases with similar symptoms)

map Spanish Armada route 1588
map Spanish Armada route 1588 (snagged 2013-07-16 from Max Boot 2006 _War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History 1500 to Today_)

Abdal Latif sultan/Abd al-Latif/Afak khan of the Yarkand khanate (s of Shudja ad-Din Ahmad khan) b: c. 1590CE d: c. 1630

??Moses Cohen Henriques?? () b: c. 1595 d: after 1654 (Dutch, Portuguese, Sephardic Jew)       (Geni)       suggested errata/corrections to Ed Krezler _Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean_ (Ton Tielen: Geni)       (eSefarad)       (Ross Kenneth Urken: Smithsonian)

Joost van Trappen Banckert () b: c. 1598 at Vlissingen d: 1647-09-12 m: Adriana Janssen

Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp/bestevaer (s of Harpert Maertensz) b: 1598-04-23 at Brill/Brielle d: 1653-08-10 in battle of Scheveningen buried: oude kerk, Delft, Netherlands (1610 captured by English pirates & sold into slavery at Sale/Sala/Salli/Sallee/Sallah/Chellah/Sla/Calla, Morocco originally established by Phoenicians/Carthaginians before 300BCE, 1612 redeemed.)


time-line 1601CE - 1700CE (wikipedia)

list of countries by estimated population in 1600CE

map Musashi's Japan c. 1600CE
map Musashi's Japan c. 1600CE (snagged 2013-03-17)

map eastern USA Amerindians
map eastern USA Amerindians, i.e. descendants of immigrants c.30KBCE-c.12BCE (snagged 2008-12-31)

sir James Steuart of Coltness / lord provost of Scotland (s of James Steuart & Marion Carmichael) b: 1608 d: 1681-03-31     m: 1630 to Anne Hope (d of Henry Hope & Katherine Galbreath; gd of Henry Hope & Jacqueline de Tott/Jacquelina Juvitot de Tott; niece of sir Thomas Hope of Craighall/Craighill) d: 1646

Sam Mirza/shah Safi i (s of Mohammad Baqer Mirza & Dilaram khanum from Georgia) b: c. 1611 d: 1642-05-12 buried: Fatima Masumeh shrine, Qom, Iran     the Circassian/Georgian/Caucasian Anna khanum b: in Georgia d: 1647-09-09

scientist/theologian Robert Boyle     (Science History)     (Famous Scientists)     (DK Find Out)     (geni)     (FindAGrave)     (s of Richard Boyle 1st earl of Cork & Catherine Fenton; gs of sir Geoffrey Fenton & Alice Weston) b: 1627-01-25 in Lismore castle, Lismore, county Waterord, Ireland d: 1691-12-31 in London, England buried: St.Martin-in-the-Fields church, Westminster, London, England

Battle of White Mountain/Bitva na Vile hore at Mohyla na Bile hore/Schlacht am Weißen Berg 1620-11-08     (Britannica)     (Private Prague Guide) (sub-urban Prague, about 4.7 miles West of the city center; part of the 30 Years War between Roman Catholics & Protestants)

map: origins of Puritans/Separatists 1620-1650
map: origins of Puritans/Separatists 1620-1650 (snagged 2015-11-24)

2020-04-03 (5780 Nisan 09)
Dave Roos _History Channel_
how Ferrara, Italy fended off the 1629-1631 bubonic plague: border security, sanitation, hygiene, & semi-scientific investigation of anti-microbial substances
2009 January: Katerina Konstantinidou, Elpis Mantadakis, George Samonis et al.: Emerging Infectious Disease: Venetian rule and control on the Ionian islands during the 17th & 18th centuries (1600s & 1700s)
2013-06-19: Guido Alfani: European Review of Economic History: plague in 17th-century Europe & the decline of Italy: an epidemiological hypothesis
2013-06-19: Guido Alfani: European Review of Economic History: alternate link
1629-1931 plague in Italian peninsula: 12%-61% of populations of major cities died

king Charles ii of England/Charles Stuart/Stewart ii (s of king Charles i of England & Henrietta Maria of France; gs of king James i of England/James vi of Scotland/James Charles Stuart & Anne of Denmark; ggs of Henry Stuart &am; Mary queen of Scots) b: 1630-05-29 Old-Style/Julian 1630-06-08 Gregorian at St.James's palace, London, England d: 1685-02-06 Old-Style/Julian 1685-02-16 Gregorian buried: Westminster abbey, London, England

    ⚭: 1662 with Catherine of Braganza

architect/astronomer/designer-of-scientific-instruments Christopher Wren (s of Christopher Wren the elder 1589-1658 & Mary Cox; gs of Robert Cox from Fonthill Bishop) b: 1632-10-30 (1632-10-20 Old Style=Julian) at East Knoyle, WiltShire, England d: 1723-03-08 Gregorian (1723-02-25 Old Style=Julian) at St. James's, London, England (co-founder & 3rd president of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge granted charter by king Charles ii on 1660-11-28, with roots going back to 1646 and earlier)

battle of Breitenfeld 1631-09-17       (Britannica)       (Map Archive)       (Weapons & Warfare)       (Discerning History)

shah Abbas ii (s of Safi i & the Circassian/Georgian/Caucasian Anna khanum) b: 1632-08-30 at Qazvin d: 1666-10-26 at Khosrowabad near Damghan     m: Circassian/ Adyghe/ Karachayan/ Cherkessian/ Georgian/ Caucasian slave Nakihat khanum (??descendant of Theodora Comnena/Komnena of Trebizond/Trabzon?? so there could well be some Macedonian, Greek, Mongolian, Scandihoovian, Ukrainian in the mix on her side with a chance of Hebrew, Assyrian, Arabian, Asian, & Phoenician)

sir James Stewart lord advocate of Scotland     sir James Steuart (s of sir James Steuart of Coltness & Anne Hope) b: 1635 d: 1713 or 1715 buried: Grey Friars, Edinburgh     m: Agnes Traill (d of reverend Robert Traill; widow of James Maxwell of Blawarhill)

New Sweden 1637-1655 or 1681       (Colonial Swedes) & Finns (parts of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, & Delaware)

Qing dynasty time-line c. 1636CE - c. 1912CE       Qing dynasty time-line c. 1636CE - (       Qing dynasty       Qing dynasty history       Liuqiu/Ryukyu/Formosa/Tayowan/Taiwan history       emperors of the Qing dynasty       Qing dynasty (       Qing dynasty (Smithsonian)       Qing dynasty (ThoughtCo)       Qing dynasty (       Nurhaci of the Jianzhou Jurchens/Qing dynasty (FabPedigree)       genetic legacy (Science Alert)

first battle of Leipzig (Breitenfeld 1642)      

Maunder minimum of solar activity c. 1645CE - c. 1715CE
2011-05-26: Govert Schilling: AAAS Science: did quiet sun (few sun-spots, few coronal mass ejections) cause the Little Ice Age? the sun really did dim

shahanshah Sam Mirza/Safi ii/Suleiman i/Solomon king of kings/emperor (s of shah Abbas ii & Circassian/Georgian/Caucasian slave Nakihat khanum) b: 1648 February/March d: 1694-07-29 at Isfahan

1648: Cossack chief Bogdan Chmielnicki & "Black Hundreds" killed 100K-200K Jewish people

small ship & cargo of lime-stone for making mortar found nearly intact on Northern German river bottom: built c. 1650 sank c.1680 near Trave (2022-08-10: Tom Metcalfe: Live Science)
(Real Clear Science/Gizmodo)
(2022-08-08: Chris: Ancient Archaeology)
(Real Clear History)

1655: Russo-Swedish war;   pogroms in Poland

map Jerusalem c. 1660
map Jerusalem c. 1660 (by Nicolaes Visscher) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

bubonic plague/Yersinia pestis of 1665-1666 worst since 1348; 68,596-100K died (about 15%-25%) (UK National Archives)     (WikiPedia)     (     bubonic/pneumonic plague in England 1348-1679 (Anne Roberts: History     (Historic UK)     (Royal Museums Greenwich)     DNA confirms cause was Yersinia pestis bacteria (Nicola Stanbridge: BBC)
Yes, but what of the DNA of the victims?

Great Fire of London from 1666-09-02 Sunday through 1666-09-05 Wednesday or 1666-09-06 Thursday or 1666-09-09 Sunday or 1667 March before all of the embers were out
London Fire Brigade
Ben Johnson: Historic UK
Museum of London
2024-01-31: Britannica
2023-05-17: Evan Andrews:
apprentice baker Thomas Dagger first sounded the alarm
Jake Bransgrove: Historic UK: London after the fire

sultan Husayn/Hussein/Hosein (s of Suleiman i/Solomon/Sam Mirza/Safi ii & ??) b: 1668 October d: 1726 November

sir James Stewart 1st baronet of Goodtrees / sir James Steuart 1st baronet, solicitor-general of Scotland (s of sir James Stewart of Goodtrees & Agnes Traill; gs of sir James Stewart of Coltness lord provost of Edinburgh and reverend Robert Traill) b: c. 1681CE d: 1727-08-09 CE     m: 1705-03-09 to Anne Dalrymple/Ann Dalrymple (d of Hew Dalrymple of North Berwick 1st baronet & Marion Hamilton; gd of James Dalrymple 1st viscount Stair)

Fath Ali khan Qajar (s of shah Quli khan-e Qajar & ??) b: 1686 d: 1726 (chieftain of the Ashaqa-bash branch of the Qajar of the Turkic Oghuz/Turkoman who descended from Mongolia. grand-wazir/-vizier of the Safavid empire.)

2 battles whose results saved the West: Lepanto 1571, Vienna 1683 (Michael Novak: AEI)

Manchu dynasty 1691-1910 (Penn Museum)       Manchu people       Manchu empire (Freeman-Pedia)       how the Manchu dynasty tried to brush over Ming history (Antiques Trade Gazette)       the legend of the origin of the Manchu dynasty (reverend R. Morrison: Southern Illinois U)

James Franklin   (Timothy Downing:Geneanet)   (s of Josiah Franklin & Abiah Lee Folger; gs of Thomas Franklin & Jane White and Peter Folger & Mary Morrill; older brother of Benjamin) b: 1697-02-04 in Boston, MA d: 1735-02-04 at NewPort, RI buried: Common burying ground next to Island cem., NewPort, RI (publisher/editor New-England Courant, Rhode Island Gazette, & Rhode Island Almanack.) m: 1724-02-05 with Ann Smith/?Anna Browne Smith? (d of Samuel Smith & Anna or ??Robert Smith & Ann Brown??) b: 1696-10-02 in Boston, MA d: 1763-04-19 at NewPort, RI buried: Common burying ground next to Island cem., NewPort, RI


time-line 1701CE - 1800CE (wikipedia)

list of countries by estimated population in 1700

shah Tahmasp ii (s of sultan Husayn & ??) b: c. 1705 d: 1740-02-11

economist sir James Steuart 3rd baronet of Goodtrees/sir James Steuart 2nd/7th baronet of Coltness/sir James Steuart Denham/sir James Denham Steuart (wikipedia) / sir James Steuart Denholm (s of sir James Stewart solicitor-general of Scotland & Anne Dalrymple/Ann Dalrymple) b: 1707-10-08 at Edinburgh d: 1780-11-26 at Coltness (now Wishaw), LanarkShire     (Britannica)     m: Frances Wemyss (Lundy's Peerage) (d of James Wemyss 5th earl of Wemyss & Janet Charteris) b: 1722-11-07 at Wemyss, Fife shire d: 1789-06-29 (scary portrait in Scottish National Portrait Gallery)

(Britannica) Samuel Adams ii (s of Samuel Adams i & Mary Fifield) b: 1722-09-16 d: 1803-10-02
(Florida Atlantic U) Samuel Adams ii(American Revolution Museum) Samuel Adamsii
(NearByWiki) Samuel Adams & Paul Revere time capsule
(Britannica) Adams family
(Images of Old Hawaii) Adams family
(National Parks "Service") Adams family
(Mr. Nussbaum) Samuel Adams ii
(National Park Planner) Granary Burying Ground in Boston
(WikiTree) Samuel Adams ii (s of Samuel Adams i & Mary Fifield) b: 1722-09-16 d: 1803-10-02
(FindAGrave) Samuel Adams ii b: 1722-09-27 d: 1803-10-02
(FabPedigree) Samuel Adams ii (s of deacon Samuel Adams i & Mary Fifield; gs of John Adams & Hannah Webb and Richard Fifield & Mary Thurston) b: 1722-09-27 d: 1803-10-02


time-line 1710s (wikipedia)

Lachlan McGillivray/Lachlan Liath McGillivray   (geni)   (wikitree)   (Tennessee Encyclopedia)   (RootsWeb)   (Bernethy-Eby-Scribner)   (s of ?? McGillivray/??John Frazer of Garthmore??/??William McGillivray?? & Elizabeth/Janet McIntosh/McKintosh of Errogy??; gs of ??Farquhar McGillivray? & Emilia Stewart??) b: c.1718 in Dunmaglass, Inverness, Scotland d: 1799-11-16 in Inverness or Isle of Skye     m: Sehoy Marchand   (wikitree)   (d of captain Jean Baptiste Louis de Courtel Marchand & Sehoy of the Koasati/Coushatta of the Wind clan of the Muscogee/Creeks; gd of ??Odile Celier?? and ??Red Shoes Mary Musgrove of the Wind clan) b: at Ft. Toulouse near Taskigi mound at the Tallapoosa & Coosa rivers between Wetumpka & Montgomery, AL     Dunmaglass, Inverness, Scotland     Clan MacGillivray/Galbreath/Mhic Gillebrath under protection of clan MacKintosh & the Chattan confederation

time-line 1720s

Benjamin Eustis () b: c. 1720 d: 1804-05-04 buried: Copp's Hill burying ground, Boston, MA
m: 1749-05-11 with Elizabeth Hill (d of Abraham Hill 1688-1754 & Prudence Hancock 1697-1775) b: 1726 in Cambridge, MA baptized: 1726-09-04 d: 1775-05-30 buried: plot F.37, Old Burying Ground, Lexington, MA

<Abd al-Muin ibn Awn/Aun sharif & emir of Mecca (s of Aun/Awn) b: between 1720 & 1750

Samuel Adams ii   (FindaGrave)   (s of deacon Samuel Adams & Mary Fifield) b: 1722-09-27 in Boston, MA d: 1803-10-02 in Boston, MA buried: Granary burying grounds, Boston, MA   m: Elizabeth Checkley   (FindaGrave)   (d of reverend Samuel Checkley & Mary Scotlow) b:1725-03-15 in Boston, MA d: 1757-07-25 in Boston, MA (parents of Samuel Adams iii)

Abdullah/Abdallah ibn/bin Muhammad bin/ibn Saud bin Muhammad ibn Muqrin/Migrin al-Maridi al-Adui (s of Muhammad bin/ibn Saud bin Muhammad ibn Muqrin/Migrin al-Maridi al-Adui & Moudi bint Abi Wahtan al-Kathir) b: c. 1725 in Diriyah d: c. 1812 in Diriyah       (Jamie Allen's fabulous pedigree)

John Wilkes (s of Israel Wilkes ii &am; Sarah Heaton; gs of Luke Wilkes & ?? and John Heaton of Bermondsey & ??; ggs of Edward Wilkes?) b: 1725-10-17 O.S. at Clerkenwell, London d: 1797-12-26 at WestMinster, London buried: Grosvenor chapel     (FindaGrave)     (     (Britannica)     (Peerage)     (UK Parliament)     (British Museum)     (2015: Roger P. Mellen, Ph.D.: New Mexico State U/Journalism History)     ⚭: 1747-05-23 with Mary Meade (d of John Meade & ??)

George Mason iv (s of lieutenant-colonel George Mason iii & Ann Stevens Thomson; nephew of John Mercer) b: 1725-12-11 at Doeg's Neck, Fairfax county VA d: 1792-10-07 at "Gunston Hall", SE of Lorton, Fairfax county VA buried: Mason family cem., Lorton, Fairfax county VA   (WikiPedia)   Fairfax Resolves   Virginia Declaration of Rights       (   (Center for Civic Education)   (Stephen A. Schwartz: Smithsonian)    (John R. Vile: Middle Tennessee State U)   (about Gunston Hall)   (Kevin d'Amato: 71Republic)
     m1: 1750 to Anne Eilbeck/Anna Eilbeck (d of William Eilbeck & Sarah Edgar) b: 1723 in MD d: 1773-03-09 buried: Mason family cem., Lorton, Fairfax county VA     m2: 1780-04-11 to Sarah Brent (d of George Brent & Catherine Trimingham)

John Buchanan (s of ??) b: c. 1725 at Ramelton, county Donegal, Ireland d: 1810-01-25 in York county PA buried: Old Airville United Presbyterian cem, Airville, York county PA     m: Jane Rowan/Jane Rowen/Jane Russel () b: c. 1740 in Ireland d: 1814-02-15 in York county PA buried: Old Airville United Presbyterian cem, Airville, York county PA (ancestors of president James Buchanan & of engineer James Buchanan Eads)

general Hugh Mercer   (s of William Mercer & Ann Monro)   b: 1726-01-16 at Pitsligo Kirk, AberdeenShire d: 1777-01-12 at battle of Princeton buried: Laurel Hill cem., Philadelphia, PA   m: Isabella Gordon (d of John Gordon)     (Famous Kin)

George Wythe   (s of Thomas Wythe iii & Margaret Walker; gs of George Walker & Ann Keith)   b: 1726-12-03 at "Chesterville" along Back river & Little Poquoson creek, Hampton, Elizabeth City county VA d: 1806-06-08 in Richmond, VA buried: St. John's, Richmond, VA
    m1: 1747-12-26 to Ann Lewis/Anne Lewis (d of Zachary Lewis ii & Mary Elizabeth Waller) b: 1726-08-20 in Spotsylvania county VA d: 1748-08-10
    m2: Elizabeth Eggleston Taliaferro (d of Richard Taliaferro & Elizabeth Ann Eggleston) b: c. 1739 at Williamsburg d: 1787-08-18
  ( Williamsburg)
  (William & Mary U: WhythePedia)
  ("Chesterville" plantation/farm site: near NASA/Langley research center & AFB)
  (Encyclopedia Virginia)
      (Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence 1776)
  (Virginia Dept. of Education: Library of Virginia)

Charles Mason ii (s of Charles Mason i c.1700-1778 & Anne Damsel of Daglingsworth) b: 1728 April at Weir Farm, Bisley, GloucesterShire, England baptized: 1728-05-01 at Sapperton, Daglingsworth d: 1786-10-25 in Philadelphia, PA buried: Christ Church burial ground, Philadelphia, PA (American Philosophical Society; worked for but was apparently not elected a Fellow of the Royal Society)   (FindAGrave)   (MDIPP/WayBackMachine: A Note on Charles Mason's Ancestry)

    ⚭1: at St. Kenelm's church, Sapperton, GloucesterShire, England with Rebekah ?? b: c. 1730 d: 1759-02-13 at Greenwich buried: St. Kenelm's church-yard, Sapperton, GloucesterShire, England
 William Charles Mason b: before 1759 probably in Gloucestershire or at Greenwich d: after 1815 in England
 Doctor Isaac Mason b: c. 1759-02-13 at Greenwich, England (Greenwich is SE of Westminster & Southwark, ENE of Battersea) d: after 1815 probably in Philadelphia   (FindAGrave)

    ⚭2: 1770 at St. Kenelm's church, Sapperton, GloucesterShire, England with Mary Williams (d of Robert Williams & ??)
 Charles Mason b: 1771 May baptized: 1771-06-02 at Bisley d: probably in USA
 John Mason b: c. 1772 September baptized 1772-09-13 at Bisley d: probably in USA
 Robert Mason b: c. 1774 April baptized: 1774-06-19 age 10 weeks at Bisley d: probably in USA
 Susannah Mason b: c. 1777 February baptized: 1777-02-15 at Bisley d: probably in USA
 child5 Mason b: c. 1780
 child6 Mason b: c. 1786 August
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0: Edwin Danson 2001 _Drawing the Line: How Mason & Dixon Surveyed the Most Famous Border in the USA_ (about 1755-1800; needs foot-notes/end-notes; needs more diagrams along the way; more/better explanation of the spherical geometry; better, more detailed illustrations, including maps, maps, maps, instruments, surveying chains... showing their use; cameras & high-res photos have been around since the 1830s though it took a while for printing to catch up; 220-232 pages; ISBN 9471385026; Wiley; F157.B7 D36 2001; 974.8'802-dc21; 974.8802; Main; due 2023-08-13)     It needs a bit more of c. 1760-1790 economics/ inflation/ incomes/ costs of living/ personal finances/ government finances, where funds came from & where they went.   Was £28 or £300 or £3000 much or little in the scheme of things?   How long could a person live on £30 (assuming they did not have a flourishing farm)?   How long could a family of 9 or 10 reasonably live on £100?   How much did passage for his whole family to Philadelphia cost?   How were the children educated?   What kind of diet did they have?   What did it cost his wife & eldest surviving son {from his 1st marriage} to go back to request additional funds?   Were they stranded in London?   What did they do for a living?   For centuries, people had come in to the city from the hinter-lands to try to make a living, and many died within a few months from various diseases in the over-crowded environment.   Young men without means or connections were drafted/pressed into the army or navy and dragged to other parts of the empire... or thrown in debtor's prison.

Moses Mendelssohn b: 1729 d: 1786 (father of Abraham; gf of composer Felix)


time-line 1730s (wikipedia)

Lancaster county PA 1730
Lancaster county PA 1730 (snagged 2008-06-07)
evil cousin, governor John Murray 4th earl of Dunmore and last royal governor of Virginia (son of William Murray 3rd earl of Dunmore & Catherine Murray; nephew of John Murray 2nd earl of Dunmore) b: 1730 in Taymout/Tymouth, Scotland d: 1809-02-25 at Ramsgate, Kent, England m: lady Charlotte Stewart (daughter of Alexander Stewart 6th earl of Galloway & lady Catherine Cochrane)
Jeremiah Dixon, FRS (s of George Dixon & Mary Hunter) b: 1733-07-27 at Cockield, Durham, England d: 1779-01-22 at Cockield, Durham, England buried: Friends burying ground, Staindrop, Durham, England   (FindAGrave)   (Linda Hall Library)

Frederick county Virginia
Frederick county Virginia (snagged 2014-09-22)

Arthur/Arturo O'Neill   (s of Henry O'Neill & Ana O'Kelly)   b: 1736-01-08 in Dublin, Ireland d: 1814-12-09 in Madrid buried: Puerta de los Pozos (colonel of Hibernia Regiment. governor of West Florida. brigadier-general. marquis of the North. governor & captain-general of Yucatan.)       (PensaPedia)

Joseph Louis Lagrange/ Giuseppe Luigi Lagrange/ Giuleppe Ludovico de la Grange Tournier   (s of Giuseppe Francesco Lodovico LaGrange & )   b: 1736-01-25 at Turin d: 1813-04-10 buried: crypt, Pantheon, Paris, France
  (Andrew Long: U of Northern Kentucky in Highland Heights)   (FindAGrave)


time-line 1740s (wikipedia)

Elias Boudinot iv, LL.D. (s of Elias Boudinot 1706-1770 & Mary Catherine Williams 1715-1765) b: 1740-05-02 in Philadelphia, PA d: 1821-10-24 in Burlington, NJ buried: St. Mary's Episcopal church-yard, Burlington, NJ   (FindAGrave)   Boudinot avenue, Cheviot, Ohio   history of Cheviot, Ohio

    ⚭: Hannah Stockton (d of John Stockton 1701–1758 & Abigail Phillips 1708-1757; sister of Richard Stockton 1730-1781) b: 1736-07-21 in Middlesex county NJ d: 1808 buried: ???St. Mary's Episcopal church-yard, Burlington, NJ???   (FindAGrave)

doctor/major-general Joseph Warren iii (s of Joseph Warren 1695-1755 & Mary Stevens 1713-1803; gs of doctor Samuel Stevens 1682-1769 or 1768 & Mary Calef 1685-1764; ggs of Robert Calef & ??) b: 1741-06-11 at Roxbury, Suffolk county MA d: 1775-06-17 at Breed's Hill above Charlestown, Suffolk county MA buried: 1. after mutilation on the battle-field with several others, 2. re-interred Old Granary burying ground (about 42.357469N, 71.061911W). 3. 1825 re-interred beside his brother John at St. Paul's at 138 Tremont St. (42.355833N, 71.062456W). 4. 1856-08-08 at Forest Hills cem. & crematory, Roxbury/Jamaica Plain, Suffolk county MA where his brother was also memorialized & 4. a memorial was placed at Copp's Hill burying ground (42.36701N, 71.05608W) (Warren's hair was disturbed by a bullet during the skirmishes at Lexington & Concord 1775-04-18 to 1775-04-19. his nephew, John Collins Warren kept his home and medical teaching facility between Boston Commons to its front and the Old Granary burying ground in back.)
Dr. Joseph Warren   major-general Joseph Warren

    ⚭: 1764-08-20 at Congregational church, Brattle street, Boston, MA (reverend Samuel Cooper officiating) with Elizabeth Hooten/ Elizabeth Hooton (d of Richard Hooten 1727-1747+ & ??Abigail Todd??; gd of John Hooton & Sarah) b: 1746-01-10 at Boston, Suffolk county MA d: 1773-04-28 at North End, Boston, Suffolk county MA
(House Histree)
affianced: with Mercy Scollay (d of colonel John Scollay/John Scolley 1712-1790 & Mercy Greenleaf 1719-1793; gd of James Scollay & Deborah Bligh/Deborah Bly 1679-1747) b: 1741-09-11 at Boston, MA d: 1826-01-08 buried: Vine Lake cem., Medfield, Norfolk county MA
(Mass Hist: Orphans of the Revolution: caring for the children of Dr. Joseph Warren)

general sir James Steuart Denham / general sir James Steuart Denham 3rd/8th baronet (s of economist sir James Steuart 3rd baronet of Goodtrees/sir James Steuart 2nd/7th baronet of Coltness & Frances Wemyss) b: 1744 August d: 1839-08-12 at Cheltenham

    ⚭: Alicia Blacker (d of William Blacker & Letitia Cary)

Elizabeth Freeman/Bet/MumBet/Mum Bett () b: c. 1742 in Claverack, NY d: 1829-12-28 at Stockbridge, MA (1781 August earliest-known slave to successfully sue for freedom in Massachusetts, USA.)     (Elizabeth Freeman Center)     (Massachusetts Moments)

Benjamin Rush, M.D. (s of John Harvey Rush 1704-1751 & Susannah Hall 1707-1795; gs of James Rush 1678-1727 & Rachel Peart and Joseph Hall 1686-1731 & Rebecca Rutter 1688-1727; ggs of William Rush 1652-1688 & Aurelia 1656-1683) b: 1745-12-24 at Byberry, Philadelphia county PA d: 1813-04-19 in Philadelphia, county buried: Christ church burial ground, Philadelphia, PA   (FindAGrave)   (FabPedigree)

    ⚭: 1776 with Julia Stockton (d of Richard Stockton 1730-1781 & Annis Boudinot 1736-1801; gd of John Stockton 1701–1758 & Abigail Phillips 1708-1757 and Elias Boudinot 1706-1770 & Mary Catherine Williams 1715-1765; ggd of Richard Stockton 1665-1709 & Susanna Witham 1668-1749; niece of Elias Boudinot iv 1740-1821) b: 1759-03-02 Princeton, Mercer county NJ d: 1848-07-07 in Philadelphia, PA buried: Christ church burial ground, Philadelphia, PA   (FindAGrave)   (FabPedigree)   (WikiTree)   (FamilySearch)   (WikiTree)   (WikiTree)   (   ( cousins of William Hoge; Old Opequon cem., Winchester, Frederick county VA)   ( Barbara Hume (d of James Hume 1647-1682 & Marjorie Johnston 1643-1682 both died aboard ship "Caledonia" during voyage to North America) b: 1670-01-01 in Paisley, RenfrewShire, Scotland d: 1745-10-11 at Kernstown, Frederick county VA)

Schneur Zalman Borukhovich of Liadi (s of Boruch & Rivkah) b: 1745-09-04 (5505 Alul 18) d: 1812-12-15 OS (5573 Tebet 24)


time-line 1750s (wikipedia)

map John Henry's Virginia c. 1750
map John Henry's Virginia c. 1750 (snagged 2010-03-06)

Turki ibn Abdullah ibn/bin Muhammad bin/ibn Saud bin Muhammad ibn Muqrin/Migrin al-Maridi al-Adui (s of Turki ibn/bin Abdullah al-Saud & ??) b: c. 1755 d: 1834 at Riyadh       (Jamie Allen's fabulous pedigree)

Alexander McGillivray/Hoboi-Hili Miko   (wikitree)   (findagrave)   (s of Lachlan McGillivray & Sehoy Marchand) b: 1750-12-15 at Little Tallassee/Tulsa, AL d: 1793-02-17 at Pensacola buried: Panton, Leslie & Company, Pensacola re-interred: Choctaw Bluff, Clarke county AL (fluent in Latin, Greek, Spanish,... leader, but not ruler nor sole chief executive of Creeks/Muscogees. Respected by people of numerous of their 120+ towns, & somewhat by Cherokee, Chickamauga, & Seminole; & Spain's governor at Pensacola, Arturo O'Neill. F&AM.)

doctor William Eustis (s of doctor Benjamin Eustis 1720-1804 & Elizabeth Hill 1730-1775) b: 1753-06-10 in Cambridge, MA d: 1825-02-06 in Boston, MA buried: Old Burying Ground, Lexington, MA (MA state legislature 1788 to 1794. a manager of the impeachment of judge John Pickering. 12th governor of MA. 6th SecWar, under James Madison. Served as field surgeon at battles of Lexington & Concord, battle of Bunker Hill/Breed's Hill, siege of Boston, Shay's rebellion.)
m: 1810-09-24 with Caroline Langdon (d of Woodbury Langdon 1739-1805 & Sarah Warner Sherburne 1748-1827) b: 1780 December at Portsmouth, Rockingham county NH d: 1865-10-12 buried: Burying Ground, Lexington, MA

James McHenry (s of Daniel McHenry 1725-1782 & Agnes ?? 1726-1774; gs of Maurice McHenry 1680-1729 & Frances Marvis 1696-1729; ggs of Patrick McHenry & Mary McDonnell 1674-1708) b: 1753-11-16 at Ballymena, county Antrim, Ireland d: 1816-05-03 in Baltimore, MD buried: Westminster burial ground, Baltimore, MD   (FindAGrave)   (   (Biographical Directory of the USA congress)   (

    ⚭: 1784-01-08 with Margaret Allison Caldwell (d of reverend David Caldwell & Grace Allison) b: 1762-10-08 in Philadelphia, PA d: 1833-11-20 buried: Westminster burial ground, Baltimore, MD   (FindAGrave)   (

Christopher Seider/Christopher Snider b: c. 1757 d: 1770-02-22 at North End, Boston, Suffolk county MA 1st casualty of the American Revolution preceding 1770-03-05 "Boston Massacre" buried: 1770-03-08 at Granary burying ground, Boston, Suffolk county MA

(FindAGrave) Claude Henry de Rouvroy comte de Saint-Simone 1760-1825: French political perverter, coiner of the term "socialism", advocate of secular anti-humanism to replace other religions

Abraham Eustis (s of doctor Benjamin Eustis 1720-1804 & Elizabeth Hill 1730-1775; gs of Benjamin Eustis 1690-1761 & Katharine Ingersoll 1696-1757; ggs of William Eustis 1661-1737 & Sarah Cutler 1666-1748; brother of William, George, Jacob, Katherine, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Prudence, Anne, Benjamin; parents of doctor/general Abraham Eustis; brother of governor/doctor William Eustis) b: 1757-04-26 in Boston, MA d: 1788-12-24 or 1789-01-22 at Petersburg, VA

m: 1784-07-29 in Boston, MA with Margaret Parker (d of Daniel Parker & Margaret) b: 1762-06-08 in Boston, MA d: 1841-11-24 in Boston or Cambridge, MA buried: 1841-11-26 at Copp's Hill burying ground, Boston, MA (undertaker Henry Davis)

doctor Morgan Welles Brown iv (probable grand-father of John Louis Brown; ancestor of Lionel Richie) b: 1758-01-13 in Anson county NC d: 1840-02-23 in TN buried: Mount Olivet cem., Nashville, Davidson county TN     m: Elizabeth Little


time-line 1760s (wikipedia)

Abram Sanguinetti () b: c. 1760 d: c. 1829   (

    ⚭: Ester Levi (d of Mandolin Levi 1744-1829 & Enrichetta Lasky/Liasky/Sciasky/Sciaki/Sachi 1747-1821; gd of Abram Levi & Ester ??)   (

James Buchanan (s of John Buchanan & Jane Rowan/Jane Rowen/Jane Russel) b: c. 1761 at Tyrone, county Galway, Ireland d: 1821-06-11 at Mercersburg, Franklin county PA buried: Spring Grove cem, Lemasters, Franklin county PA

    ⚭: Elizabeth Speer (d of ??) b: 1767-03-17 in Lancaster county PA d: 1833-05-24 at Greensburg, Westmoreland county PA buried: Spring Grove cem, Lemasters, Franklin county PA (parents of president James Buchanan ii)

Selim iii (son of Mustafa iii & Mihrisah Valide sultan/Agnes of Georgia) c. 1762-12-24 to 1808-07-28 (wikipedia)

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Muin ibn Awn/Aun sharif & emir of Mecca (s of Abd al-Muin ibn Awn/sharif Abdul Muin bin Aun) b:c.1767 d: c. 1858-03-23 (


time-line 1770s (wikipedia)

Jacob di Mandolin Levi (s of ) b: 1770 d: 1848

    ⚭: Regina Grego (d of ) b: 1782 d: 1840

map Delaware Marlyland Virginia (DelMarVa) 1773-1776
map Delaware Marlyland Virginia (DelMarVa) 1773-1776 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

map Philadelphia & Delaware river 1773-1776 (NY, PA, MD, DE, NJ)
map Philadelphia & Delaware river 1773-1776 (NY, PA, MD, DE, NJ) (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

map UK (England, Scotland, Ireland) 1773-1776
map UK (England, Scotland, Ireland) 1773-1776 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

England-Scotland border 1773-1776
map England-Scotland border 1773-1776 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

England-Scotland borderers & Scots-Irish in North America 1773-1776
map England-Scotland borderers & Scots-Irish in North American back-country 1773-1776 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

map England-Scotland borderers & Scots-Irish in North America 1773-1776
map England-Scotland borderers & Scots-Irish in North American back-country 1773-1776 (from David Hackett Fischer 1989, 1991 _Albion's Seed_ (973; 900 pages))

Patriots' Day 1775-04-19 (well, 1775-04-18 - 1775-04-19: the battles/ running skirmishes from Boston to Lexington to Concord & Barrett's & other farms... and back again)

James Pillar Boyd (s of Andrew Boyd & Mary Pillar; brother of William Boyd 1776-1779) b: c. 1775 d: 1831-12-11 at Baltimore, MD   (WikiTree)

    ⚭: 1808-02-04 with Anna McHenry (d of general James McHenry, M.D. 1753-1816 & Margaret Allison Caldwell 1762-1833) b: 1789-11-20 in Baltimore, MD d: 1837-04-06 in Baltimore, MD buried: Westminster burial ground, Baltimore, MD   (WikiTree)   (FindAGrave)   (
  Daniel William McHenry 1786-1814
  John McHenry 1791-1822
  Margaretta McHenry 1794-1810

map USA colonies 1776 (pdf)
map USA colonies 1776 (snagged 2007-01-31 pdf)

1776-08-26 through 1776-08-30 battle of Brooklyn/Long Island

Manhattan 1776
Manhattan 1776 (from Alexander Rose 2006 _Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring [in NY]_ (973.385))

NY, Long Island, Rhode Island, Connecticut 1776
NY, Long Island, Rhode Island, Connecticut 1776 (from Alexander Rose 2006 _Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring [in NY]_ (973.385))


time-line 1780s (wikipedia)

Isaac Hite Williams (s of John Williams & Eleanor Briscoe Hite) b: c. 1780 in Culpeper county VA d: 1830 in Fredericksburg, VA   m: 1824 to Lucy Coleman Slaughter (d of captain Philip Pendleton Slaughter & Margaret French Strother) b: c. 1782 in VA d: 1850-11-16 in VA 1780-04-01 through 1780-05-12 siege of Charleston SC     (     (National Parks Service)     (Michael Cecere: All Things Liberty)

1780-10-07 battle of Kings Mountain NC     (     (USA BattleField Trust)

historian/general philippe Paul comte de Segur (s of Louis Philippe comte de Segur 1753-1830 & Antoinette Elisabeth d'Aguesseau; gs of Philippe Henri marquis de Segur 1724-1801 & Louise Anne Medeleine de Vernon) b: 1780-11-04 in Paris, France d: 1873-02-25

Gabriele Capon () b: 1781 d: 1851

    ⚭: Enrichetta Levi (d of Jacob di Mandolin Levi 1770-1848 & Ester) b: 1802 d: 1870

1781-01-16 through 1781-01-17 battle of Cowpens

1781-01-31 through 1781-02-01 battle of Cowan's ford

1781-03-15 battle of Guilford CourtHouse     (Greensboro)     (NCpedia)     (Michael Cecere: All Things Liberty)     (Revolutionary War 1781)

capture & looting of Sint/St/Saint Eustatius by George Rodney beginning 1781 February   1903 July: J. Franklin Jameson: American Historical Review vol8 #4 pp683-708: St. Eustatius in the American Revolution   Jerry Klinger: American Jewish History 1654 - 1770: how the Jews saved the American Revolution   George Brydges Rodney   Princeton in the West Indies   Guido Abbatista 2008 _Edmund Burke, the Atlantic American War, and the Poor Jews at Eustatius: Empire & the Law of Nations_ (ISSN 1123-7023; unique identifier 7180061469; UFirenze/UFlorence/UTrieste/Cyber Review of Modern Historiography;   Jewish-American Society or Historic Preservation: Golden Rock to Golden Door   UChicago/American Historical Review: St. Eustatius in the American Revolution   Victor Enthoven: Early American Studies: "That Abominable Nest of Pirates": St. Eustatius and the North Americans 1680-1780   IR Proper a short tour through Orangestad, St. Eustatius   1951 June: Consuela Mary McKee: Loyola U Chicago: the Caribbean lands and the American Revolution   2019 October: Jeremy Smilig: U of Southampton: Anglo-Jewry and the Revolution Era 1789-1815)

states' siege of British at YorkTown, Virginia 1781-09-28 through 1781-10-19
Gilder Lehrman
American Revolution Museum
Army Heritage

recessions in the USA since 1785

Faisal/Feisal ibn Turki ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Saud / ibn Saud bin Muhammad ibn Muqrin al-Maridi al-Adui (s of Turki ibn/bin Abdullah al-Saud & ??) b: c. 1785 d: 1865 at Riyadh

brevet-brigadier-general Abraham Eustis (s of Abraham Eustis & Margaret Parker; nephew of doctor William Eustis 1753-1825) b: 1786-03-26 at Petersburg, VA d: 1843-06-27 at Portland, ME buried: Mount Auburn cem., Cambridge, Middlesex county MA
(FindAGrave) Thomas George Percy (s of ??) b: 1786-06-04 d: 1841-09-30 buried: block 13 row 18, Maple Hill cem., Huntsville, Madison county AL     Maria Pope (d of Leroy Pope & ??)


time-line 1790s (wikipedia)

map Nicholites in Guilford county NC c. 1790
map Nicholites in Guilford county NC c. 1790 (some of the Mendenhalls lived in this area) (snagged 2012-01-03)

Dalton Minimum/cold period c. 1790CE - c. 1830CE

James Buchanan (s of John Buchanan & Jane Rowan/Jane Rowen/Jane Russel) b: 1791-04-23 at Cove Gap, Franklin county PA d: 1858-06-01 at Lancaster, Lancaster county PA buried: Woodward Hill cem, Lancaster, Lancaster county PA
president James Buchanan (#15)

USA coinage act of 1792 (copper half-cent 8.55gm, cent 17.1gm; silver coins halfdismes 1.2-1.35gm depending on alloy, dismes 2.41gm to 2.7gm, quarter-dollars 6.01gm-6.74gm; half-dollar 12gm-13.5gm,   dollar 24.1gm-27gm = 371.25grains-416grains;   gold coins in $2.5 quarter-eagle, $5 half-eagle, $10 eagle 247.5-270grains=16.04gm-17.5gm)

John Mercer Patton b: 1797-08-10 at Fredericksburg, VA d: 1858-10-29 at Richmond, VA buried: Shockoe Hill cem., Richmond, VA     m: Margaret French Williams (d of Isaac Hite Williams & Lucy Coleman Slaughter) b: c. 1804 in Culpeper county VA d: 1873-09-14 at Staunton, Augusta county VA buried: Shockoe Hill cem., Richmond, VA

Corsican Napoleon's campaign and conquest of Egypt, Israel, in the midst of running Anglo-French conflicts, landing 1798-07-01 and defeating Egypt, suppressing a revolt in late October, moved onto the Sinai peninsula 1798-12-28, took al-Arish on 1799-02-14, Jaffa by 1799-03-07, Nazareth on 1799-04-08.

gold rush
Carolina gold rushCarolina gold rush 1799-) (1803 "nugget" weighing 28 pounds; 175+ pounds deposited in Philadelphia mint by 1824, 5 years after the 1819 panic)
Georgia gold rush 1828-

Napoleon conquered Haifa 1799-03-18, but did not occupy the area     and     biography of Napoleon (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Napoleon siege of Acre/Aqqa/Akko and completion of conquest of Egypt and Israel 1799-03-20 to 1799-05-21, but started withdrawal back to Egypt before the end of May; 1799-08-23 Napoleon set sail to France landing 1799-10-08, leaving a small force under the command of Jean Baptiste Kleber at Alexandria, opposed by combined British & Ottoman forces. Kleber was assassinated 1800-06-14, passing command to general Jacques Francois Menou until 1801-09-02, when he surrendered to the British who were allied with the Ottoman empire's Selim iii for the duration of the Corsican/French expedition.

map Ohio counties 1799
map NW & SW 1783-1798 (from Gerard Clarfield 1992 _US Diplomatic History to 1914_ (345 pages))

map Ohio counties 1799
map Ohio counties 1799 (snagged 2015-08-20 from Cincinnati & Hamilton County Library)


time-line 1801CE - 1900CE (wikipedia)

bubonic plague outbreaks 1800s-1900s & endemic rodent/flea infection (Britannica)

map Mohammedan states 1800CE
map Mohammedan states 1800CE (Columbia U)

judge Morgan Welles Brown v (s of doctor Morgan Welles iv & Elizabeth Little; probable father of John Louis Brown) b: 1800-01-01 d: 1853-03-07 in TN buried: Mount Olivet cem., Nashville, Davidson county TN     m: 1826-11-10 to Ann Maria Childress

map Ohio counties 1802
map Ohio counties 1802 (snagged 2015-08-20)

map USA 1803
map USA 1803 (snagged 2012-10-20 from David O. Stewart 2011 _American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America_ (350 pages; 973.46092))

Christian Doppler/Christian Andreas Doppler/ (mistake) Johann Christian Doppler (s of Johann Evangelist Doppler & Theresia Seeleithner; gs of Joseph Doppler & Anna Grappler) b: 1803-11-29 at Salzburg d: 1853-03-17 at Venice, Austria/Italy buried: Cimitero di San Michele, Venice (Doppler effect in waves under relative motion)   (Geniuses.Club)   (Michael W. Davidson: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory: Felonious State U)   (New World   (FindAGrave)     (WikiTree)     (Christian     (Chicago Tribune)   (   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

    ⚭: 1836 with Mathilde Sturm

map Floridas 1804
map Floridas 1804 (snagged 2012-10-20 from David O. Stewart 2011 _American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America_ (350 pages; 973.46092))

act of 1806 declared Spanish dollar legal tender

map Mississippian USA 1806
map Mississippian USA 1806 (snagged 2012-10-20 from David O. Stewart 2011 _American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America_ (350 pages; 973.46092))


time-line 1810s

map Ohio counties 1810
map Ohio counties 1810 (snagged 2015-08-20)

map Mexico provinces c. 1810
map Mexico provinces c. 1810 (from Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ (710 pages))

Cassius Marcellus Clay (s of general Green Clay & Sally Lewis; brother of Brutus Clay; cousin of Henry Clay) b: 1810-10-19 in Madison county KY d: 1903-07-22 in Richmond, KY (abolitionist. southern unionist. publisher.)
  m1: 1833 to Mary Jane Warfield (d of doctor Elisha Warfield & Mary Barr)   m2: 1894 to Dora Richardson
  (findagrave)   (2016-10-19: Chris Calabrese: Constitution   (2016-06-09: Chris Calabrese: Yale News: boxer son of emancipated Herman Heaton Clay named for abolitionist)
  (2016-06-28: Historical Society of Pennsylvania)   (President Lincoln's White House: visitors)   (USA Historic Services)   (
  (Berea College)   (Kentucky Parks brochure on Clay & his home, White Hall) (pdf)   (Digital History: U of Houston: the abolitionists)

map Mexico 1811-1813
map Mexico 1811-1813 (from Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ (710 pages))

map War of 1812
map War of 1812 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

John James Hughes b: c. 1814 in Berthyr Tydfil, Wales d: 1889-06-17 at Angleterre hotel, St. Petersburg, Russian empire (engineer. businessman. founder of Yuzovka/Hughesovka/Stalino/Donetsk, East of Ukraine.)     (findagrave)   (Phil Carradoce: BBC)     (Glamorgan Archives)     m: 1844 to Elizabeth Lewis d: 1880 buried: plot 18353 square 91; West Norwood cem & crematorium, West Norwood, Lambeth, London

map German federation 1815-1866
map German federation 1815-1866 (snagged 2012-09-03)

John Gregg Fee (s of John Fee & Elizabeth Bradford) b: 1816-09-09 in Bracken county KY d: 1901-01-11 at Berea, Madison county KY buried: division C, section 11, lot 3, Berea cem., Madison county KY (educator. abolitionist.)     m: Matilda Hamilton     (U of North Carolina: documenting the south)

map USA with NY paper delivery times 1817
map USA with NY paper delivery times 1817 (19 days to Cincinnati) (snagged 2012-10-20 from David O. Stewart 2011 _American Emperor: Aaron Burr's Challenge to Jefferson's America_ (350 pages; 973.46092))

emperor Alexander ii Nikolayevich of Russia/Alexander the liberator (s of Nicholas i & Charlotte of Prussia) b: 1818-04-29 at Moscow d: 1881-03-13 at Winter palace, St. Petersburg

Elias Howe ii (s of Elias Howe i & Polly Bemis; descendant of John Howe; descendant of Edmund Rice) b: 1819-07-09 in Spencer, MA d: 1867-10-03 in Brooklyn, Long Island, NY (developed a lock-stitch sewing machine, & a fore-runner of the zipper.)     Elizabeth Jennings Ames (d of Simon Ames & Jane B. ??)     (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

Armand Hippolyte Louis Fizeau (s of Louis Aime Fizeau 1778-1864 & Beatrix M. Petel c. 1788-) b: 1819-09-23 in Paris, France d: 1896-09-18 Venteuil, France (improved dageurrotypes; refined measurement of the speed of light; contributed independently to Doppler effect)     (Springer)     (James Lequeux: Hippolyte Fizeau: de Gruyter)     (Alain Garric:

    ⚭: 1853-08-31 with Therese Valentine de Jussieu (d of Adrien Henri Laurent de Jussieu 1797-1853 & Madeleine Antoinette Adele Emilie de Jussieu 1797-1831)     (Family Soyer:

map USA 1818-1819
map USA 1818-1819 (from Gerard Clarfield 1992 _US Diplomatic History to 1914_ (345 pages))

map USA 1819
map USA 1819 (from Gerard Clarfield 1992 _US Diplomatic History to 1914_ (345 pages))


time-line 1820s

engineer James Buchanan Eads (s of Thomas Clark Eads & Ann Buchanan/Nancy Buchanan) b: 1820-05-23 at Lawrenceburg, Dearborn county IN (c. 309-314 miles EENE of St. Louis) d: 1887-03-08 at Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas buried: Bellefontaine cem., St. Louis, St. Louis county MO   (WikiPedia)   (State Historical Society of Missouri)   (National RailRoad Hall of Fame)   (   (National Parks Service) (pdf)   (National Academy of Science) (pdf)   (2013-07-12: Dennis Bryant: Maritime Professional)
    m1: 1845-10-21 at St. Louis to Martha Nash Dillon (d of colonel Patrick M. Dillon & F.P.A./Ann T. ??) b: c. 1821 d: 1852-10-12 at Greensburg, Westmoreland county PA buried: Bellefontaine cem., St. Louis, St. Louis county MO     m2: Eunice Sarah Hagerman (d of ?? Hagerman) b: c. 1820 at Lawrenceburg, Dearborn county IN d: 1895-07-05 at NY, NY buried: block 59 lot217 Bellefontaine cem., St. Louis, St. Louis county MO

preceding construction, bodies of 800 infants and children less than 6-years-old have been unearthed among 1,967 from first 30% of excavation at Lancashire cemetery dating since 1821 (2016-01-27: Rachel Middleton: International Business Times)

mathematician/physicist Johann Jakob Balmer

Irish-Scottish physicist William Thomson baron Kelvin of Largs/lord Kelvin   (s of James Thomson 1786-1849 & Margaret Gardner; gs of James Thomson c1738- & Agnes Nesbit; ggs of Anon Thomson c. 1654- ; 2ggs of John Thomson c. 1619-)   b: 1824-06-26 at Belfast, county Antrim, Ireland d: 1907-12-17 at Largs, AyrShire (29-32 miles SW of U of Glasgow) buried: Glasgow necropolis, Glasgow, Scotland & nave of WestMinster abbey [There is a "Larg Hill" N of Minnigaff, NW of Bruntis loch and Auchinleck [aff-LEK], SE of Bargrennan, SW of Loch Dee; and there is a Garlies castle S of Larg Hill, about 2 miles NE of Minnigaff and SW of Auchinleck...and E of Creebridge (NX42217=54.9918160N 4.4677900W); just WWNW of Larg Hill is a cluster of structures designated Larg, inside/south of a sort of tight S bend in the Cree river, on the opposite side from roadway A714, with an almost semi-square/semi-pentagonal body of water halfway between Larg Hill and Larg.]   (FindAGrave)   (FindAGrave)   (Britannica)   (Historic UK)   (National Records of Scotland)   (National Records of Scotland)   (University of Glasgow)     (WikiTree)   (The Peerage)   (Fab Pedigree)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)   (FindAGrave: mathematicians)

⚭1: 1852-09-14 with Margaret Pattison Crum (d of Walter Crum & Jesse Graham) d: 1870-06-17

⚭2: 1874-06-24 with Frances Anna Blandy (d of Charles Ridpath Blandy & Mary Anne Symonds) d: 1916-03-16


time-line 1830s (wikipedia)

Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil 3rd marquess of Salisbury viscount Cranborne (s of James Gascoyne-Cecil 2nd marquess of Salisbury & Frances Mary Gascoyne) b: 1830-02-03 at Hatfield, HertfordShire d: 1903-08-22 at Hatfield, HertfordShire (wikipedia)     m: Georgina Caroline Alderson       (Jamie Allen's fabulous pedigree)

James Clerk Maxwell   (s of John Clerk Maxwell of Middlebie & Frances Cay; gs of James Clerk & Janet Irving and Robert Hodshon Cay & Elizabeth Liddell)   b: 1831-06-13 at Dun Edin/Edinburgh, Scotland d: 1879-11-05 at Cambridge, England (resided at Middlebie, DumfriesShire, Galloway, Scotland 7.6 miles SE of Lockerbie, 9.2 miles NW of Gretna Green, 65-68 miles ENE of Wigtown castle, 70-73 miles ENE of Sorbie tower, 97-100 miles SE of Largs) buried: Parton church-yard, KirkcudbrightShire (55.006693N, 4039210W)   (Britannica)   (CERN Courier)     (Michael W. Davidson: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory: Felonious State U)     (Engineering Hall of Fame)     (NorthWestern U)   (National Records of Scotland)     (WikiTree)   (Fab Pedigree)   (The Peerage)

Nikolaus August Otto/ Nicklaus Otto/ Nicholas Otto/ Nicolaus August Otto/ Nicholas Augustus Otto   (6th child of Phillip Wilhelm Otto the younger 1777-1832 or 1833 & Anna Catharina Kaiser/Anna Katharina Kayser 1794-1860; gs of Philipp Wilhelm Otto ?1752-1825? & Anna Maria Funck/Anna Margarethe Funck and Johann Jakob Kayser/Johann Nicolaus Kayser ?1706-1767? & Anna Maria Butzbach; brother of Wilhelm Otto)   b: 1832-06-14 in Holzhausen an der Heide/Haide bei Nassau/Taunus (Rhein, Lahn, Kreis) (about 21 miles NW of Wiesbaden; about 77 miles SE of Cologne/Koeln am Rhein/Rhine; 173 miles SW of Sieber bei Herzberg am Harz) d: 1891-01-28 (or maybe 1891-01-16 or maybe 1891-01-26) in Koeln/Cologne am Rhein buried: Melaten-Friedhof, Cologne/Koeln, Nordheim-Westfalen (1882 honorary Ph.D. from University of Würzburg)   (Gemeinde Holzhausen Museum)   (Nicolaus August Museum:   (Loreley: Otto Museum)   (KBS Koeln)   (KBS Koeln: birth-house)   (Obermeier-Gerhard)   (NNDB)   (Britannica)   (NIHF   (Auto News)   (Automotive Hall of Fame)   (Nature)   (Hessen Landegeschichtliches Informationssystem)   (BR: pictures)   (NRW2000)   (Nottingham)   (Deutz Canada)   (FindAGrave)

⚭: 1886 May with Anna Katharina Gossi (d of Eduard Gossi & Gertrud Salm) b: 1839-10-02 in Wallerfangen, Saar d: 1914-12-16 or 1914-12-19 at Koeln/Cologne buried: Melaten-Friedhof, Cologne/Koeln, Nordheim-Westfalen   (FindAGrave)

chemist/publisher/physicist William Crookes   (s of Joseph Crookes 1792-1889 & Mary Scott 1806-1884; gs of William Crookes 1734-1814; ggs of John Crookes 1660-)   b: 1832-06-17 in London, England d: 1919-04-04 in London, England buried: Brompton cem., West Brompton, London, England     (Michael W. Davidson: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory: Felonious State U)     (Chem Ed: Purdue)   (Scientific American)   (FindAGrave)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)  

⚭: 1857 April with Ellen Humphrey (d of William Humphrey of Darlington & ??) d: 1916-05-10 buried: Brompton cem., West Brompton, London, England   (FindAGrave)

George Washington Parke Custis Lee (s of Robert Edward Lee 1807-1870 & Mary Anna Randolph Custis 1807-1873; gs of Henry Lee iii 1756-1818 & Anne Hill Carter 1773-1829 and George Washington Parke Custis 1781-1857 & Mary Lee FitzHugh 1788-1853; ggs of John Parke Custis 1754-1781; 2ggs of Daniel Parke Custis 1711-1757 & Martha Dandridge 1731-1802; so related with Mrs. Washington & Thomas Jefferson & most of the rest of the complex Virginia cousinage) b: 1832-09-16 at Ft. Monroe, Hampton, VA d: 1913-02-16 at Annandale, Fairfax county VA buried: Lee crypt, Washington & Lee university chapel museum, Lexington, VA   (FindAGrave)     (WikiTree)     (Museum of the American Revolution: George Washington's Continental Army Tent) Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Abd al-Muin (s of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Muin) b:c.1833 d: 1861 at Istanbul/Constantinople

colonel George Smith Patton i (s of John Mercer Patton & Margaret French Williams; gs of Robert William Patton & Anna Gordon Mercer and Isaac Hite Williams & Lucy Coleman Slaughter) b: 1833-06-26 in Fredericksburg, VA d: 1864-09-25 at 3rd battle of Winchester/Opequon VA buried: Stonewall cem., Winchester, VA

⚭: m: 1855 with Susan Thornton Glassell (d of Andrew Glassell ii & Susan Thompson Thornton; gd of Andrew Glassell & Elizabeth Taylor and William Thornton & Eleanor Rootes Thompson) b: 1835-03-02 in Orange county VA d: 1883-11-16       (Fab Pedigree)

USA coinage act of 1834 raised the silver-to-gold weight ratio from its 1792 level of 15:1 to 16:1 thus setting the mint price for silver at a level below its international market price so the $10 eagle was 232grains but the silver dollar remained at 371.25grains-416grains colonel William Alexander Percy (s of Thomas George Percy & Maria Pope) b: 1834-05-10 probably in Alabama d: 1888-01-19 at Greenville, Washington county MS (abolitionist.)     m: Nancy Irwin Armstrong

map Texas 1835-1845
map Texas 1835-1845 (from Gerard Clarfield 1992 _US Diplomatic History to 1914_ (345 pages))

map Logan county OH
map Logan county OH (found 2012-10-21)

rabbi Henry/Heinrich/Henri Gross (s of ?? & ??) b: 1835-11-06 Szenicz, Hungary/ Senica, Slovakia d: 1910

Rashidi dynasty/house of Rashid/al-Rashid 1836-1921

financial panic of 1837/ recession of mid-1836 to 1843

Joseph Chamberlain (s of Joseph Chamberlain & Caroline Harben) b: 1836-07-08 at Camberwell d: 1914-07-02 at Birmingham, England (wikipedia)     m1: Harriet Kenrick (d of Archibald Kenrick)     m2: Florence Kenrick (d of Timothy Kenrick)     m3: Mary Crowninshield Endicott (d of William Crowninshield Endicott)

congressman John Louis Brown (s of probably Morgan Welles Brown v & Mariah; ggf of Lionel Richie) b: 1839-10-25 at Nashville, TN d: 1931-09-08 at Chattanooga, TN buried: Pleasant Gardens cem., Ridgeside, Hamilton county TN     m: 1890-04-06 to Volenderver Towson b: in Nashville, TN divorced: 1897     (2011-03-05: Ancestral Discoveries)     (2011-03-05: Kevin M. Levin: Civil War Memory: Lionel Richie's "black Confederate" ancestor)


time-line 1840s (wikipedia)

economist Carl Menger (s of Anton Menger & Caroline Gerzabek) b: 1840-02-23 in Neu Sandez/Nowy Sacz, Galicia/Poland d: 1921-02-26 in Vienna/Wien, Austria/Oesterreich     (Ludwig von Mises Institute)   (FindAGrave)

physicist/meteorologist Thomas Corwin Mendenhall (s of Stephen Mendenhall & Mary Thomas; gs of James Mendenhall & Sarah Pennell and William Thomas & Maria ??; ggs of Stephen Mendenhall & Margaret Farlow; 2ggs of Robert Mendenhall 1713-1785 & Phebe Taylor; 3ggs of Benjamin Mendenhall 1662-1740 & Ann Pennell; 4ggs of Thomas Mendenhall -1682 & Joan/Joanne Strode/Stroads) b: 1841-10-04 in Hanoverton, OH d: 1924-3-28 in Ravenna, OH   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)  

Mohammed Tahir Mustafa Tahir al-Husayni/al-Husseini (claimed descent from Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abu Talib & Fatimah bint Asad; family migrated to Israel in late 12th century [from Mesopotamia?, Arabian peninsula?, Egypt?, Turkey?]) b: c. 1842 in Jerusalem, Israel d: 1908 (qadi/chief-sharia-judge of Jerusalem under Ottoman empire. member of real estate court and tried to block Jews from land purchases. 1865-1908 mufti of Jerusalem.)

physicist John William Strutt 3rd baron Rayleigh (s of John Strutt 2nd baron Rayleigh & Clara Elizabeth la Touche Vicars; gs of captain Richard Vicars) b: 1842-11-12 at Langford Grove, Maldon, Essex, England d: 1919-06-30 at Terling Place, Witham, Essex, England buried: All Saints church-yard, Terling, Essex, England   (Nobel)     (WikiTree)     (Michael W. Davidson: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory: Felonious State U)     (P.N.T. Wells: CardiffU/Purdue: IEEE UltraSonics Symposium)     (Geni)   (FindAGrave)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

    ⚭: 1871 with Evelyn Georgiana Mary Balfour (d of James Maitland Balfour & Blanche Mary Harriet Gascoyne-Cecil; sister of PM Arthur James Balfour) b: 1846 in London, England d: 1934-04-07 in Chelsea, London, England buried: All Saints church-yard, Terling, Essex, England     (WikiTree)   (FindAGrave)

physicist Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (s of Ludwig Georg Boltzmann & Katharina Pauernfeind) b: 1844-02-20 in Erdberg, Vienna/Wien, Austria d: 1906-09-05 buried: Wiener Zentralfriedhof, Wien/Vienna, Austria (bipolar?, influenced by James Clerk Maxwell, electromagnetic forces, gas molecules, particle physics, entropy, thermodynamics, beginnings of molecular & atomic models based on statistical analysis; poorly skilled in the art of scheming; influenced Albert Einstein & Max Planck)   (Famous Scientists)   (FindAGrave)   (StanfordU)   (Scientific Library)   (Physics World)   (Areeba Merriam: Cantor's Paradise)   (Chemistry Explained)   (Mathematics "Genealogy" Project: 6 students, 5603 students of students...)   (Gerhard Fasol:   (Massimo Falcioni & Angelo Vulpiani: Springer)   (D.Flamm: Elsevier Studies in History and Philosophy of Science)   (Linda Hall Library: U of Missouri at Kansas City: Scientist of the Day)   (Atlas Obscura)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)  

    ⚭: 1876-07-17 with Henriette von Aigentler

Abdul Rachman/Rahman ibn Faisal/Feisal ibn Turki ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Saud / ibn Saud bin Muhammad ibn Mukrin al-Maridi al-Abdul (s of Faisal/Feisal ibn/bin Turki & ??) b: c. 1845 d: 1928 June

Elihu Root (s of Oren Root & Nancy Buttrick) b: 1845-02-15 at Clinton, Oneida county NY d: 1937-02-07 at NY, NY buried: Hamilton college cem., Clinton, Oneida county NY     m: Clara Wales (d of Salem Howe Wales & Frances Elizabeth Johnson) b: 1853-10-24 in NY d: 1928-06-18 at NY, NY buried: Hamilton college cem., Clinton, Oneida county NY

Whitcomb L. Judson () b: 1846-03-07 in Chicago, IL d: 1909-12-08 at 181 Pine Street, Muskegon, MI buried: lot 4, block 24, range 16, OakWood cem., Muskegon, MI (inventor. early developer of zipper; employed Gideon Sundback who produced the first popular versions.)     (MIT)     (Geni)     (FindAGrave)

    ⚭: m: 1874 to Annie Martin/Anna Martin (d of mm) b: 1846 December in MO d: 1916-01-11 in Grosse Pointe, MI buried: lot 4, block 24, range 16, OakWood cem., Muskegon, MI     (FindAGrave)

map USA-Mexican war 1846-1848
map USA-Mexican war 1846-1848 (from Gerard Clarfield 1992 _US Diplomatic History to 1914_ (345 pages))

map USA-Mexican war 1846-1848
map USA-Mexican war 1846-1848 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

PM Arthur James Balfour (s of James Maitland Balfour & Blanche Mary Harriet Gascoyne-Cecil) b: 1848-07-25 at Whittingehame House, East Lothian, Scotland d: 1930-03-19 at Fishers Hill House, Woking, Surrey buried: Whittingehame church-yard, Whittingehame, East Lothian, Scotland   (FindAGrave) USA coinage act of 1849 added the double-eagle $20, 0.9675 troy oz = 30.0926grams... 90% gold 0.900 fine = 21.6kt and 10% copper alloy and have a total weight of 1.0750 troy ounces = 33.4362 grams

John Gleason Cramer


time-line 1850s (wikipedia)

map Israel 1850CE
map Israel 1850CE (Gennesereth/Galilee/Tiberias Sea/Lake) (snagged 2015-02-13)

Suleiman/Sulayman al-Wahsh of Qardaha b:c.1850

Charles Doolittle Walcott ii (s of Charles Doolittle Walcott 1818-1852 & Mary Lane 1821-1897; gs of Benjamin Stuart Walcott or Benjamin F. Walcott & ?? and Thomas Lane; descendant of captain Jonathan Walcott -1699) b: 1850-03-31 at New York Mills, NY d: 1927-02-09 in Washington, DC buried: Rock Creek cem., Washington, DC   (Smithsonian)   (National Academy of Science)   (Geo Society)   (FindAGrave)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

    ⚭: 1872-01-09 with Lura Ann Rust (d of Hiram Rust 1794-1886 & Mary ?? 1802-1888; gd of William P. Rust) b: 1843-04-06 d: 1876-01-23 from tuberculosis buried: Gravesville cem., Gravesville, Herkimer county NY   (FindAGrave)

professor of histology & comparative anatomy Gustav Jacob Born   (s of Marcus Born, M.D. & Francis/Fanny Epstein) b: 1851 in Kemen/Kepno, Posen d: 1900 at Breslau/Wroclaw buried: Stadtfriedhof, Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany (25-27 miles SW of Sieber in Harz Mountains Nature Park)   (FindAGrave)

    ⚭1: Margarethe/Gretchen Kauffman (d of Salomon Kauffman 1824-1900 & Marie Joahimsthal 1832-1902) b: 1856 at Tannhausen, Baden-Wurttemberg d: 1886-08-29 at Breslau/Wroclaw buried: Stadtfriedhof, Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany (25-27 miles SW of Sieber in Harz Mountains Nature Park)

    ⚭2: 1891-09-13 with Bertha Lipstein

economist Eugen Böhm-Bawerk (s of Johann Karl Böhm ritter von Bawerk & Karoline Wieser; gs of Thomas Wieser & Therese Bauer) b: 1851-02-12 in Brunn/Brno, Moravia, Czech Republic d: 1914-08-27 in Kramsach, Austria/Oesterreich buried: Wiener Zentralfriedhof, Vienna/Wien, Austria/Oesterreich     (Ludwig von Mises Institute)   (FindAGrave)     (Foundation for Economic Education)     (Austrian Economics Center)     (OnLine Liberty Library: Liberty Fund)     (EconLib)     (

Herbert Henry Asquith (s of Joseph Dixon Asquith & Emily Willans) b: 1852-09-12 at Morley, West Riding of YorkShire d: 1928-02-15 at Sutton Courtenay, BerkShire buried: All Saints' church, Sutton Courtenay, BerkShire

chemist sir William Ramsay (s of William C. Ramsay & Catherine Robertson; nephew of geologist sir Andrew Ramsay) b: 1852-10-02 at 2 Clifton St., Glasgow, Scotland d: 1916-07-23 at High Wycombe, England from cancer buried: Holy Trinity church, Hazlemere, BuckinghamShire, England   (Britannica)   (Nobel)   (National Records of Scotland)   (FindAGrave)     (WikiTree)     (

    ⚭2: 1881-08-03 in Glasgow with Margaret Johnstone Buchanan (d of George Stevenson Buchanan & Elizabeth Boyle Blair) b: c. 1849 d: 1936 March in London, England     (WikiTree)     (

physicist Albert Abraham Michelson   (s of )   b: 1852-12-19 d: 1931-05-09   (Nobel)   (National Academy of Science)   (Jewish Virtual Library)     (WikiTree)   (Scientific American)   (Historical Marker Data-Base)     (FindAGrave)

Kitasato Shibasaburo (s of mayor) b: 1852-12-20 or 1853-01-29 at Oguni, Kumamoto, Japan d: 1931-06-13 at Tokyo buried: Aoyama cem., Tokyo     (Mayo Clinic)     (Discoveries in Medicine)

USA coinage act of 1853 lowered mass of silver coins by about 7%, but kept the silver dollar the same as it had been; forbid free coinage of silver; applied legal tender only to silver up to $5.

physicist Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (s of Gerrit Frederik Lorentz 1822-1893 & Geertruida van Ginkel 1826-1861) b: 1853-07-18 at Arnhem, Netherlands d: 1928-02-04 at Haarlem, Netherlands buried: Haarlem General cem., Haarlem, Holland, Netherlands   (Nobel)   (Famous Scientists)     (WikiTree)   (FindAGrave)     (

Hussein bin Ali Pasha bin Muhammad ibn Abd al-Muin ibn Awn/al-Husayn ibn Ali al-Hashimi / Hussein bin Ali al-Hashimi (s of Ali Pasha bin Muhammad & Salha bint Gharam al-Shahar; claimed descendant of Hasan ibn Ali & Fatimah, and hence of Muhammad, and of Hashim ibn Abd Manaf) b: 1853 or 1854 at Constantinople/Istanbul d: 1931-06-04 at Amman, TransJordan buried: al-Aqsa mosque, Jerusalem, Israel (wikipedia)

Crimean war 1853 October to 1856-03-30 (wikipedia)       (       (History of       (Britannica)       (Crimea Historical Society)

Crimean War: battle of Balaclava/BalaKlava (Sebastopol) & the charge of the light brigade 1854-10-25 (Crimea/ Taurica)

George William Patton/George Smith Patton i?/ii?, esquire (s of George S. Patton i & Susan Thornton Glassell) b: 1856-09-30 in Charleston, WV d: 1927-06-10     m: Ruth Wilson

financial panic of 1857/ recession of 1857 July through 1859     (Library of Congress)     contributing cause of Civil War (Civil

USA coinage act of 1857 ended legal tender status of Spanish dollar; discontinued USA copper half-cent coin & large cent; began Longacre's flying-eagle cent 88.0% copper, 12.0% nickel, 4.655gm, defined as not legal tender, & which was replaced in 1859 by the Indian-Head cent

physicist Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (s of Gustav Ferdinand Hertz/David Gustav Hertz & Anna Elisabeth Pfefferkorn; gs of Heinrich David Hertz & Betty Auguste Oppenheim) b: 1857-02-22 in Hamburg d: 1894-01-01 in Bonn buried: Ohlsdorfer Friedhof, Ohlsdorf, Hamburg, Germany   (Smithsonian)   (FindAGrave)

    ⚭: Elisabeth Doll b: 1864 d: 1941

absolute-pitch pianist/ linguist/ physicist Max Planck/Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck (s of Johann Julius Wilhelm Planck & Emma Caroline Patzig; gs of Heinrich Ludwig Planck & Sophia Charlotte Eleonore Johanne Wagemann) b: 1858-04-23 at Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein d: 1947-10-04 at Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany buried: Stadtfriedhof, Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany (25-27 miles SW of Sieber in Harz Mountains Nature Park)   (Nobel)   (FindAGrave)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

    ⚭1: 1887 with Marie Merck (d of Heinrich Johann Merck & Margarete Pfeufer; gd ofJohann Christian Merck & Carolina Cella) b: 1861-09-06 d: 1909-10-17     (


    Karl Planck b: 1888-03-09 d: 1916-05-26   (FindAGrave)

    Emma Planck b: 1889-04-10 Wednesday d: 1919-11-18 Monday or 1919-11-21 Wednesday m: 1919-02-01 with Ferdinand Fehling     (WikiTree)     (     (Frebault:

    Grete Planck/Margarete Elisabeth Kasimira Planck b: 1889-04-10 d: 1917-05-15 m: 1914-10-23 with Ferdinand Fehling     (WikiTree)     (

    Erwin Planck/ Erwin Gottlieb Adalbert Otto Planck b: 1893-03-12 Charlottenberg, Berlin d: 1945-01-23 at Plotzensee prison, Berlin (killed by Nazis for participating in preparations with Carl Friedrich Goerdeler for an attempt 1944-07-20 to assassinate Hitler) m: Nelly Schoeller b: 1903 d: 1975   (FindAGrave)

    ⚭2: 1911 with Marga von Hößlin


    Hermann Heinrich Wilhelm Planck b: 1911-12-24 d: 1954-08-21 buried: Stadtfriedhof, Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany (25-27 miles SW of Sieber in Harz Mountains Nature Park) m: Dorothea S.

first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable connected Ireland with Newfoundland 1858-08-04 through 1858-09-01 (Jeffrey E. Garten 2016 _From Silk to Silicon: The Story of Globalization through 10 ExtraOrdinary Lives_ pp145-148 (444 pages; 337.109)),     trans-Atlantic telecommunications cables (Civil

abolitionist John Brown's raid on the Harper's Ferry arsenal & munitions facility 1859 October 16-18


time-line 1860s silver rush
Colorado silver boom
gold and silver bring the boom to Leadville, Colorado (black sand was 40% lead with about 15 ounces of silver per ton)
2021-06-03: Kim Cassels: Mild to Wild how the sivler boom made SW Colorado & its wild mining towns (nice picture of 1891 electricity generator in hydro-electric facility above Telluride)
Western Mining History large scale purchases of silver by the United States of America government authorized by congress in 1878 Silver Purchase act (at, apparently, a fixed rate)... doubled in the 1890 Sherman Silver Purchase act... repealed in 1893

Abraham Lincoln ii _Cooper Union_/_Cooper Institute_
initially invited to speak at Henry Ward Beecher's church in Brookly, it was adopted by the "Young Men's Republican Union", by Horace Greeley & William Cullen Bryant, and moved to a 1500 capacity theater in Manhattan
He noted that 21 of the 39 (53%) signers of the constitution had, at one time or another, voted to prohibit slavery. In 1787 and again after the constitution was ratified in 1789 banned slavery in the NorthWest Territory. 16 left no record one way or the other. founded 1859 by Peter Cooper; Cooper Square, St. Mark's Place, Third Avenue

Theodor Herzl/Binyamin Zeev ben Jakob (s of Jakob Herzl & Jeanette) b: 1860-05-02 at Pest, Hungary d: 1904-0703 at Reichenau an der Rax, Austria-Hungary   m: Julie Naschauer

Isaac Monroe Cline (s of Jacob Leander Cline & Mary Isabela Wilson/Mary Isbell Wilson) b: 1861-10-13 near Madisonville, Monroe county TN d: 1955-08-03 m: Cora May Ballew (d of Joseph W. Ballew & Mary)     (NOAA)     (findagrave)

map Harper's Ferry (from cousin Robert Moore's "Cenantua"/Shenandoah history web log 2014-01-13)

map of Civil War KY
map of Civil War KY (from Harpers magazine 1861-10-19)

map Civil War in S&W 1861-1864
map Civil War in S&W 1861-1864 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

map Civil War DelMarVa 1861-1865
map Civil War DelMarVa 1861-1865 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby (s of Pinchas Shmuel/Edwin Samuel & Clara) b: 1861-04-23 at Brackenhurst/Southwell, NottinghamShire d: 1936-05-14 at London buried: Westminster abbey, London     (Britannica)     (FindAGrave)     (Balfour

mathematician David Hilbert (s of Otto Hilbert 1826-1907 & Maria Therse Erdtmann 1830-; gs of David Fuerchtegott Lebrecht Hilbert 1782- & Caroline Harlann and Karl Friedrich Erdtmann 1801- & Caroline Henriette Fallhaas) b: 1862-01-23 at Königsberg (king's mountain; now Kaliningrad, Byelorussia/Belorus, Russia) d: 1943-02-14 at Göttingen, Lower Saxony/Niedersachsen buried: Stadtfriedhof Goettingen, Lower Saxony/Niedersachsen (invariants, group theory, quantum symmetry groups)
(Story of Mathematics)
(Royal Society)
(St. Andrews College/MacTutor)
(Famous Scientists)
(Math/Academic "genealogy"; teachers/mentors & students, students of students...)
(U of Evansville)
(FindAGrave: mathematicians)

Emancipation/ eradication of slavery from USA 1862-04-16 through 2013-02-07 (some states ratified more than once, but the constitutional amendment became effective 1865-12-18)

1862-04-16: president Lincoln signed a law abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia
(Library of Congress)
(National Archives

1862-09-22: president Abraham Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation would go into effect on 1863-01-01
(National Archives: images of the 5 hand-written pages)
(National Archives: transcript)

1865-06-19: major-general Gordon Granger, arrived at Galveston, & issued General Order #3 for enforcement of Emancipation Proclamation

13th (by original counting the 15th) amendment ratified on 1865-12-06, certified by SecState Seward 1865-12-18, subsequently ratified 1855-12-08 by Oregon, 1865-12-19 by California, 1865-12-28 & 1868-06-09 by Florida, 1866-01-15 by Iowa, 1866-01-23 by NJ, 1870-02-18 by Texas, 1901-02-12 by Delaware, 1976-03-18 by Kentucky, 1995-03-16 & 2013-02-07 by Mississippi
(Cornell U Law School)


sir William Henry Bragg b: 1862-07-02 in Wigton/Wicga's tun, Cumbria, England, SW of Carlisle d: 1942-03-12 in London, England

David Lloyd George (s of William George & Elizabeth Lloyd; nephew of Richard Lloyd) b: 1863-01-17 at Chorlton on Medlock, Manchester d: 1945-03-26 at Ty Newydd, CaernarfonShire, Wales (wikipedia)     m1: 1888 to Margaret Owen     m2: 1943 to Frances Stevenson

William Randolph Hearst (son of George Hearst 1820-1891 & Phoebe Elizabeth Apperson 1842-1919; gs of William George Hearst 1776-1844 & Elizabeth Collins 1799-1861 and Randolph Walker Aperson 1809-1900 & Drucilla Ann Whitmire 1816-1904) b: 1863-04-29 in San Francisco, CA d: 1951-08-14 of a heart attack buried: Cypress Lawn cem Colma, CA (1887 "San Francisco Examiner", "American Architect". 1894 "NY Morning Journal", "American Druggist". 1896 "NY Evening Journal", "Connoisseur". 1897 "NY Morning Advertiser". 1900 "Chicago American", "Good Housekeeping". 1902 "Chicago Examiner". 1902 elected to US house. 1903 started "Motor" magazine. 1904 re-elected to US house. 1904 "Boston American", "Harper's Bazaar". 1904 "Los Angeles Examiner", "Home and Field". 1905 purchased "Cosmopolitan" from John Brisben Walker. 1906 ran for NY governor and lost. 1912 "Atlanta Daily Georgian", "House Beautiful". 1913 "San Francisco Morning Call". 1917 "Boston Daily Advertiser", "Motor Boating", "Washington Times", "Nash's Magazine". 1918 "Chicago Herald & Examiner", "Orchard and Farm". 1919 "Wiconsin News", "Sports Afield". 1921 "Boston Record", "Detroit Times", "Seattle Post-Intelligencer", "Town and Country", "The World Today". 1922 "Los Angeles Herald", "NY Mirror", "Oakland Post-Enquirer', "Rochester Journal", "Rochester Post-Express", "Syracuse NY Telegram", "Washington Herald". 1920s expanded into radio. 1940s added television. Hearst Metrotone News news-reels. King Features Syndicate. produced over 100 movies including "The Perils of Pauline", 'The Exploits of Elaine" and "The Mysterie of Myra". "Babicora" 1M acre cattle ranch in Chihuahua, Mexico. 270K acre at San Simeone, CA. "Wyntoon" 67K acres along McCloud river in northern CA. St. Donat's castle in Wales.)

    ⚭1: 1903 in NY, NY with Millicent Veronica Willson (daughter of George Willson & Hannah Murray) b: 1882-07-16 in NY, NY d: 1974-12-05 in NY, NY buried: Woodlawn cem., Bronx, NY
(House HisTree)
(Tim Dowling:
  George Randolph Hearst ii b: 1904 d: 1972
  William Randolph Hearst ii b: 1908 d: 1993
  John Randolph Hearst b: 1910 d: 1958
  Randolph Apperson Hearst b: 1915 d: 2000
  David Whitmire Hearst/ Elbert Willson Hearst b: 1915 d: 1986

    ⚭2: Marion Davies/ Marion Cecilia Douras (d of Bernard J. Douras 1853-1935 & Rose Claire Reilly 1872-1928) b: 1897-01-03 in Brooklyn, NY d: 1961-09-22 in Los Angeles, CA (she m: 1951-10-31 with Horace G. Brown 1905-1972) buried: Hollywood Forever, Hollywood, Los Angeles county CA

James Ward Packard (s of Warren Packard & Mary Elizabeth Doud) b: 1863-11-05 at Warren, Trumbull county OH (near Youngstown, Lordstown, SE of Cleveland) d: 1928-03-20 at Cleveland, Cuyahoga county OH buried: Oakwood cem., Warren, Trumbull county OH
(Cindee Mines: Trumbull County Historical Society)
(Mac's Motor City Garage: 1940 Packard air-conditioning pioneer)
(Classic Car Catalogue: 1940 Packard: 110 HP, 6 cylinders, 245 cubic inch; 120 HP, 8 cylinders, 282 cubic inch; 160 HP, 8 cylinders, 5830 cubic inch; 180 HP, super-8)
(How Stuff Works)
("custom" super-8)

    ⚭: 1904-08-31 with Elizabeth Achsah Gillmer/Bess (d of judge Thomas Irvin Gillmer & Helen Earle) b: 1871-07-15 at Newton Falls, Trumbull county OH d: 1960-01-19 at Lakewood, Chaugauqua county NY buried: Oakwood cem., Warren, Trumbull county OH

Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin/Alexandre John Emile Yersin/Ong Nam () b: 1863-09-22 in Aubonne, canton of Vaud, Switzerland d: 1943-03-01 at Nha Trang, VietNam buried: hill-top, Suoi Dau, Dien Khanh, VietNam (S of Cai river, 6-10 miles W of Nha Trang; 130-150 miles EESE of Sapa)     NIH/Journal of Medical Biography     Rebecca Maki: AntiMicrobe/U of Pittsburgh: discovery of Pasteurella/Yersinia pestis     (International Livestock Research Institute)     (2020-01-01: David P. Steensma, M.D. & Robert A. Kyle, M.D.: Mayo Clinic Proceedings; archaeologists have found Yersinia pestis bacteria in Neo-lithic remains)     (1981 Summer: Jack E. Moseley: Johns Hopkins U/Perspectives in Biology and Medicine: travels of Alexandre Yersin)     (WikiTree)   (FindAGrave)

USA coinage act of 1864 Longacre; "In God We Trust"   USA Coin Book   1864 Indian Head cent trio 1864 bronze Indian Head 95% copper and 5% tin; 1864-L

Ransom Eli Olds (s of Pliny Fiske Olds &Sarah Whipple) b: 1864-06-03 at Geneva, Ashtabula county OH d: 1950-08-26 at Lansing, Ingham county MI buried: Mount Hope cem., Lansing, Ingham county MI   (FindAGrave)   (Detroit Historical Society)   (Automotive Hall of Fame)

    ⚭: 1894 with Metta Ursula Woodward (d of Joseph Darwin Woodward & Mary Eleanore Bennett) b: 1864-06-06 in Pinckney, MI d: 1950-09-02 in Lansing, Ingham county MI buried: Mount Hope cem., Lansing, Ingham county MI   (FindAGrave)

map Georgia c. 1864
map Georgia c. 1864 (William Tecumseh Sherman, from Atlanta to the Sea) (snagged 2011-08-04 from Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ (450 pages; 355.009))

map Georgia c. 1864
map Georgia c. 1864 (William Tecumseh Sherman, from Atlanta to the Sea; detail) (snagged 2011-08-04 from Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ (450 pages; 355.009))

Chang Apana/ Ah Pung/ Kanake Pung/ Kana Pung/ Zheng Ping/ Chang Pung (s of Chang Jong Tong of Oo Sack, Gudu, Chungshan, China & Chun Shee; uncle of Walter Chang; uncle of Joe Chang/ Chang Joe) b: 1864-12-26 or 1871-12-26 at Waipio, Oahu, Hawaii d: 1933-12-08 or 1934-12-08 at Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii   (FindAGrave)     (  

    ⚭1: 1900 with Mary Ka'ahulehua Kahoonei/ Niau Kahoonei (d of Louis Lui Kaho'onei & ??) b: 1873 d: 1902-03-19 (1 daughter; they moved back to China)   (FindAGrave)  

    ⚭2: ?? Lee Kwai (d of Wah Lee Kwai & Kailianu Elizabeth Kauohilo; mother of Helen, Victoria & Cecilias)

    ⚭3: 1914-04-12 (Reginald Yzendoorn officiating) with Annie Luihiwa Lee Kwai/ Annie A. Sing/ Annie A. Zane (d of Wah Lee Kwai & Kailianu Elizabeth Kauohilo) b: 1894-03-12 d: 1979-02-25 (6 chidren including Annie, Alexander & Rose)   (FindAGrave)  

    ⚭2: with Blanche Hannah Ward (d of James Edward Ward & ??Annie Nicholls??) b: 1893 d: 1914   (FindAGrave)  

physicist Friedrich Louis Carl Heinrich Paschen () b: 1865-01-22 d: 1947-02-25 buried: Sudwestkirchhof Stahnsdorf (SouthWest church courtyard, Stahnsdorf), Stahnsdorf, landkreis Potsdam-Mittelmark, Brandenburg, Germany   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)  

chemist Emily Aston (d of Joseph Keech Aston & Sarah Eccles) b: 1866-01-04 in Paddington d: 1948-03-18

architect Henry Bacon (d of Henry Bacon & Elizabeth Ruth Kelton) b: 1866-11-28 at Watseka, Iroquois county IL d: 1924-02-15 at NY, NY buried: Oakdale cem., Wilmington, New Hanover county NC (studied briefly at UIUC; Greek Revival, Beaux Arts; designed Lincoln Memorial in 1897, Union Square Savings Bank, Paris World Exposition of 1889, Chicago Exposition of 1893, Boston Public Library, Penn Station, collaborated with Augustus Saint-Gaudens on cousin/senator Marcus Alonzo Hanna/Mark Hanna {1837-1904} Monument...)   (FindAGrave)

architect Albert Kahn (s of rabbi Joseph Kahn 1845-1935 & Rosalie 1843-1912) b: 1869-03-21 at Rhaunen, Prussia/Rheinland-Palz, Germany d: 1942-12-08 at Detroit/Plymouth, Wayne county MI buried: White Chapel memorial park cem., Troy, Oakland county MI (family immigrated in 1880; early use of steel, concrete, steel re-inforced concrete)   (FindAGrave)   (Albert Kahn Legacy Foundation)   (Richard W. Steiger: Concrete   (Ryan Salmon & Meghan Elliott: Structure Magazine)

    ⚭: 1896 with Ernestine Krolik (d of Adolf Krolik & Sarah Ewell) b: 1869-08-24 d: 1957-12-07 buried: White Chapel memorial park cem., Troy, Oakland county MI   (FindAGrave)

physicist Robert Andrews Millikan (s of Silas Franklin Millikan & Mary Jane Andrews) b: 1868-03-22 in Morrison, Illinois d: 1953-12-19 at Pasadena, crazy California buried: Forest Lawn memorial park, Glendale, Lost Angeles county, crazy California   (Nobel)   (FindAGrave) m: 1902 with Greta Evin Blanchard (d of Clinton Riley Blanchard & Elizabeth Irvin) b: 1876-07-16 at Rochester, Beaver county PA d: 1953-10-10 in Lost Angeles county, crazy California buried: Forest Lawn memorial park, Glendale, Lost Angeles county, crazy California   (FindAGrave)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

Nicholas ii of Russia   (s of Alexander iii of Russia & Dagmar of Denmark; gs of Alexander ii of Russia & Marie of Hesse and Christian ix of Denmark & Louise of Hesse-Kassel)   b: 1868-05-18 in Alexander palace, St. Petersburg d: 1918-07-17 at Ipatiev house, Yekaterinburg/Sverdlovsk   (Fab Pedigree)   (The Peerage)   (Geni)

    ⚭: 1894 with Alix Viktoria Helene Luise Beatrix of Hesse et by Rhine/Alexandra Feodorovna   (d of Louis iv grand duke of Hesse & princess Alice of the UK; gd of prince Charles of Hesse & princess Elisabeth of Prussia and prince Albert of Sace-Coburg et Gotha & queen Victoria of the UK)   b: 1872-06-06 at New Palace, Darmstadt d: 1918-07-17 at Ipatiev house, Yekaterinburg/Sverdlovsk   (Fab Pedigree)   (The Peerage)

Black Friday 1869-09-24


time-line 1870s

Herbert Louis Samuel/Eliezer ben Pinchas Shmuel (s of Pinchas Shmuel/Edwin Samuel & Clara) b: 1870-11-06 at "Claremont", 11 Belvidere Rd, Toxteth, Liverpool, LancasterShire d: 1963-02-05 at London buried: Willesden United Synagogue cem., Brent, London (wikipedia)     m: 1897-11-17 to a cousin Beatrice Miriam Franklin (d of Ellis Abraham Franklin & Adelaide) b: 1871 d: 1959

Walter Emmett Flanders (s of George T. Flanders, M.D. & Mary Goodwin) b: 1871-03-04 at Rutland, VT d: 1923-06-18 at Newport News, VA buried: Williamsburg Memorial Park, Williamsburg, VA (engineer/machinist; Singer Sewing Machine, Landis Machine Tool, Ford, co-founder E-M-F, Studebaker, Maxwell)   (FindAGrave)   (Albert Russel Erskine: U of Windsor: HHistory of the Studebaker Corporation 1852-1923)   (WickedPedia: E-M-F Company)   (Historical Marker Data-Base)   (Automotive Hall of Fame)   (Motorhood)   (Keith Rollag: Babson college: David A. Hounshell 1984, 1985, 1997 _From the American System to Mass Production 1800-1932_ Johns Hopkins U)   (Geni)   (National Park Service: application for historical marker)   (Koji Yamada: Annals of Business Administrative "Science")

⚭: with Hazel Marie Dobson (d of ) b: 1882-04-16 in Michigan d: 1948-05-06 in Monterey county CA buried: Oahu cem., Honolulu, Honolulu county HI   (FindAGrave)

Ernest Rutherford (s of James Rutherford 1838-1928 & Martha Thompson 1842-1935) b: 1871-08-30 at Brightwater, Tasman, New Zealand d: 1937-10-19 at Cambridge, CambridgeShire, Englan buried: WestMinster abbey, Westminster, Greater London, England
(Science History Institute)
(WestMinster abbey)
(Fab Pedigree)

physicist Charles Elwood Mendenhall (s of Thomas Corwin Mendenhall & Susan Allan Marple/Susan Allen Marple) b: 1872-08-01 in Columbus, OH d: 1935-8-18 in Madison, WI

⚭: 1906 with Dorothy M. Reed, M.D. (d of William Pratt Reed & Grace Kimball) b: 1874-09-22 in Columbus, OH d: 1964-07-31 in Chester, CT   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

admiral Augusto Capon (s of Abramo Capon/Abraham Capon & Sara Nina Levi first cousin of Amelia Rosselli; gs of Gabriele Capon 1781-1851 & Enrichetta Levi 1802-1870; ggs of Jacob di Mandolin Levi/Jakob di Menachen Levi 1770-1848 & Ester ??; 2ggs of Mandolin Levi/Menachem Levi 1744-1829 & Rebecca Enrichetta Sachi/Enrichetta Lasky/Liasky/Sciasky/Sciaky/Sachi 1747-1821; 3ggs of Abram Levi & Ester ?? and Abraham Levi & Rachele Sachi/Sciaky) b: 1872-11-03 in Venice/Venezia (arrested: 1943-10-16) executed 1943-10-23 at Auschwitz (director of naval inteligence)   (Jewish Virtual Library)   (Centro di Documentazione Ebraica)   (municipality of Rome: memorials)   (La Nostra Vita con Ezio e Ricordi di Guerra)

⚭: 1905 with Costanza Romanelli (d of Alessandro Romanelli & Laura Zabban) b: 1880 d: 1935   (UChicago photo archive: wedding photo)

financial panic of 1873/ recession of 1873-04-01 through 1879

(acts of 1834, 1837) USA coinage act of 1873 = the crime of 1873 ending free coinage (owners of precious metal could take it to an official mint to be turned into coins, for a small charge) trade dollar 320 grains, .900 fine   Investopedia: the crime of 1873   USA mint: the crime of 1873

mathematician/physicist Theodore Lyman (s of Theodore Lyman & Elizabeth Russell) b: 1874-11-23 at Boston, Suffolk county MA, USA d: 1954-10-11 at Cambridge, Middlesex county MA, USA buried: Mount Auburn cem., Cambridge, Middlesex county MA, USA (I saw the lines. It opened up my mind. I saw the Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett, Pfund, Humphreys lines.)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)     (FindAGrave: mathematicians)

specie payment resumption act of 1875 restored gold standard

Ali Sulayman/Suleiman/Solomon al-Wahhish/al-Assad/feral-beast->lion (s of Suleiman/Sulayman al-Wahsh of Qardaha) b: c. 1875 at Qardaha/Querdaheh near Latakia d:1963

Abd al Aziz/Abdul Aziz/Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rachman/Rahman ibn Faisal/Feisal ibn Turki ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Saud / ibn Saud (s of Abdul Rachman/Rahman ibn Faisal/Feisal emir/amir of Nejd & Sara bint Ahmed/Achmed al-Sudairi) b: 1875-01-14 in Riyadh in Nejd d: 1953-11-09       (FabPedigree)

inventor/ engineer Charles Franklin Kettering   (s of Jacob Kettering 1841-1914 & Martha Hunter 1845-1920)   b: 1876 August 29 at Loudonville, Ashland county OH [40.63585N, 82.232959W; NE of Columbus] d: 1958-11-25 at Dayton, Montgomery county OH buried: Woodland cem. & Arboretum, Dayton, Montgomery county OH (over 185 patents)   (FindAGrave)   Kettering Bug armed UAV   British un-manned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of WW1: "aerial targets" and "ABC Gnats" and Sopwith Sparrows

⚭: 1904 with Olive Leora Williams (d of Alonzo H. Williams 1850-1924 & Minerva Nelson 1851-1924) b: 1877-05-26 in Ashland county OH d: 1946-04-30 in Detroit, Wayne county MI buried: Woodland cem. & Arboretum, Dayton, Montgomery county OH   (FindAGrave)

Francis William Aston (s of William Aston & Fanny Charlotte Hollis c.1851; gs of George Aston & ?? and Isaac Hollis & ??) b: 1877-09-01 at Camomile Green/Tennal House, Harborne, StaffordShire/BirminghamShire, England d: 1945-11-20 at Cambridge, England
1922 Nobel Prize in chemistry for invention of mass-spectrograph/ mass spectrometer
Linda Hall Library
Chemistry World
G. Hevesy: Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society vol5, #16 (1948 May), pp. 634-650

Bland-Allisaon act of 1878 required USA Treasury to buy silver and mint it into silver dollars, providing more lower-denomination, lower-value coinage for Western & rural areas; repealed in 1893   (Britannica)

physicist Elise Meitner/ Lise Meitner   (d of Philipp Meitner 1839-1910 & Hedwig Skovran; aunt of Otto Robert Frisch 1904-1979 through her sister Auguste Meitner)   b: 1878-11-07 at Vienna, Austria d: 1968-10-27 at Cambridge, England buried: St. James church, Bramley, HampShire, England   (Jewish Women's Archive)   (Famous Scientists)   (FindAGrave)   (Geni)   (Mathematics "Genealogy" Project: 2 teachers in data-base, 1 student in data-base, 1 students of students...)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

Albert Einstein (s of Hermann Einstein 1847-1902 & Pauline Koch 1858-1920; gs of Abraham Ruppert Einstein 1808-1868 & Helene Moos 1814-1887 and Julius Koch/Doerzbacher 1816-1895 & Jette Bernheimer 1825-1886; ggs of Zadok Loeb Doerzbacher 1783-1852 & Blumele Sontheimer 1786-1856) b: 1879-03-14 at Ulm, Wuerttemberg d: 1955-04-18 at Princeton, NJ cremated (Worked at patent office in Berne, 30-35 miles SE of Corgemont. Escape in 1932 to Princeton, NJ with sister, but her husband got stuck in Italy before escaping to Switzerland; they corresponded but never saw each other again.)
(FindAGrave) (best picture of Albert & sister Maria/Maja)
Jamie Allen's Fab Pedigree
(Moyses Einstein d: c. 1729: Fab PedigreeFab Pedigree (E-Z830 Y-haplo-group/ E1b1b, E1b1b12 (Isogg 2018), CTS11781, Natufian culture c. 11KBCE)
Ofer bar Yosef: Columbia U anthropology: Natufian culture in the Levant: Early NeoLithic/PPNA pre-pottery NeoLithic A, PPNB pre-pottery NeoLithic B
2021-06-04: Jonathan Santana, Andrew Millard, Juan J. Ibanez-Esteves, Fanny Bocquentin, Geoffrey Nowell, Joanne Peterkin, Colin MacPherson, Juan Muniz, Marie Anton, Mohammad Alrousan & Zeidan Kafafi: Nature Scientific Reports: multi-isotope evidence of population aggregation in the Natufian and scant migration during the early NeoLithic of the Southern Levant
Britannica: Natufian culture in Israel/Canaan & Southern Syria
Natufian culture in NeoLithic pre-historic Levant and Western Asia: Israel, Canaan, Palestine
WikiTree to Moses Einstein c. 1640

Tatton Benvenuto Mark Sykes (s of sir Tatton Sykes 5th baronet & Christina Cavendish-Bentick/Christina Anne Jessica Cavendish Bentinck) b: 1879-03-16 at Westminster, London d: 1919-02-16 at the peace conference, Hotel le Lotti, Paris, France from influenza buried: St. Mary's church, Sledmere, East Riding of YorkShire

⚭: Edith Gorst (d of Eldon Gorst & mm)

August Herman Pfund (s of Hermann Pfund & Anna Ida Henrietta Scheibel) b: 1879-12-28 in Madison, WI, USA d: 1949-01-04

Otto Hahn (s of Heinrich Hahn 1845-1922 & Charlotte Giese 1845-1905) b: 1879-03-08 at Frankfurt am Main, Hesse-Nassau, Prussia d: 1968-07-28 at Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany (25-27 miles SW of Sieber in Harz Mountains Nature Park)

⚭: 1913-03-22 at Stettin/?Szczecin? with Edith Katharina Therese Junghans   (FamilySearch)   (d of Paul Ferdinand Junghans & ?Emma Louise Johanning?/?Emma Caroline Henriette Johanning?) b: 1887-12-13 at Stettin/?Szczecin? d: 1968 at Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany

Max Frederick Wollering (s of Frederick Wollering & Sophie Waltman) b: 1879-05-12 at Watertown, Jeferson county WI (machinist & production analyst/designer for Singer Sewing Machines, International Harvester, Ford, Studebaker)   (FindAGrave)   (Albert Russel Erskine: U of Windsor: History of the Studebaker Corporation 1852-1923)   (National Park Service: application for historical marker)

⚭: 1902-05-14 with Flora Hilgendorf (d of Charles Hilgendorf & ??) d: 1984


time-line 1880s (wikipedia)

Otto Frederick Gideon Sundback/Otto Fredrik Gideon Sundback/Gideon Sundback (s of Johannes/Jonas Otto Magnusson Sundback & Kristina Karolina Klasdotter) b: 1880-04-24 in Oedestugu parish, Joenkoeping county, Smaaland, Sweden d: 1954-06-21 at Meadville, PA buried: Greendale cem., Meadville, PA (developed zipper & machinery to manufacture it.)     m: 1909-06-05 in Hoboken, NJ to Elvira Aronson (d of Peter Aronsson & ??)     (Ingenium Canada)     (Levi Strauss: button vs. zipper)     (WikiTree)     (Museum of Modern Art, Queens, Long Island, NY) (pdf)

sir Alexander Fleming, F.R.S (s of Hugh Fleming 1816-1888 & Grace Stirling Morton 1848–1928) b: 1881-08-06 at Lochfield Farm near Darvel, AyrShire, Scotland d: 1955-03-11 in London buried: St. Paul's cathedral, London, England
(Nobel Prize)
(Siang Yong Tan, M.D., J.D. & Yvonne Tatsumura, M.A., M.D.: Singapore Medical Journal)
25 hops through the family trees from Martin Luther King ii
36 hops through the family trees from Charlemagne/Karolinus Magnus
18 hops from king Henry viii

⚭: 1915 at Marleybone, London with Sarah Marion McElroy/Sareen b: c. 1881 at Killala, Ireland d: 1949-10-28 at Uxbridge, London

⚭: 1953 at Chelsea, London with Amalia Koutsouri-Voureka, M.D. () b: 1912-06-28 at Istanbul/ Constantinople/ Byzantium, Turkey/ Anatolia/ Asia Minor d: 1986-02-26 (1977-1986 MP of Greece.)

Clinton Joseph Davisson   (s of Joseph Davisson & Mary Calvert; gs of James P. Calvert & Mary Blythe)   b: 1881-10-22 in Bloomington, IL d: 1958-02-01 at Charlottesville, VA   (Nobel)   (FindAGrave)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

⚭: Charlotte Sara Richardson d: 1984

economist Ludwig von Mises (s of Arthur Edler von Mises & Adele Landau) b: 1881-09-29 at Lemberg, Galicia d: 1973-10-10 at NY buried: Ferncliff cem., Hartsdale, Westchester county NY     (Ludwig von Mises Institute)   (FindAGrave)     (Foundation for Economic Education)     (Austrian Economics Center)     (OnLine Liberty Library: Liberty Fund: writings)     (OnLine Liberty Library: Liberty Fund)     (EconLib)     (Investopedia)

recession of 1882 through 1885

Center for Israel Education: maps 1882-2020

mathematician Emmy Noether/Amalie Noether/Nöther/עמליה אמי נתר/Aamliah Ami Neter (d of Max Noether & Ida Amalia Kaufman) b: 1882-03-23 in Erlangen, Franconia/Bavaria d: 1935-04-14 at Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania     (Geni)   (FindAGrave: mathematicians)

physicist Max Born   (s of Gustav Jacob Born & Margarethe Kauffmann/Gretchen [Gretchen=little/young Margaret]; gs of Marcus Born & Francis/Fanny Epstein; ggs of Myer Moses Saul Buttermilch & Blumche Marcus) b: 1882-12-11 at Breslau/Wroclaw d: 1970-01-05 at Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany buried: Stadtfriedhof, Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany (25-27 miles SW of Sieber in Harz Mountains Nature Park)   (Nobel)   (Uni Göttingen)   (Academic Tree: teachers, students, students of students... scroll-down)   (Jewish Virtual Library)   (FindAGrave)   (WikiTree)   (KehilaLinks Jewish Genealogy: teachers, students...)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

⚭: 1913 with Hedwig Ehrenberg/Hedi Ehrenberg (d of Victor Gabriel Ehrenberg & Helene von Jhering; gd of rabbi Philipp Ehrenberg & Julie/Julia Fischel and Rudolf von Jhering & Ida Christina Frohlichs; ggd of Samuel Meyer Ehrenberg & Henriette Maas) b: 1891-12-14 at Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany d: 1972-02-29 at Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany buried: Stadtfriedhof, Göttingen, Niedersachsen/Lower-Saxony, Germany (25-27 miles SW of Sieber in Harz Mountains Nature Park) (grand-parents of Olivia Neutron-Bomb & of Georgina Born)

map Jerusalem 1883
map Jerusalem 1883 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

map Jerusalem 1883
map Jerusalem 1883 (at U of Texas)

new Jewish villages/towns/settlements in Israel 1881-1914
new Jewish villages/towns/settlements in Israel 1881-1914 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

lieutenant Claude Reignier Conder & lieutenant Horatio Herbert Kitchener maps of Israel & Middle East 1880s (David Rumsey)     APAAME maps     Conder & Kitchener     DAAHL (UCSD)     DAAHL by time period (UCSD)     AIAR library map collection

financial panic of 1884

Texas Ranger captain Francis Augustus Hamer/Frank Hamer b: 1884-03-17 at Fairview, Wilson county TX d: 1955-07-10 at Austin, Travis county TX buried: block 1, lot 48, grave 3, Austin Memorial park cem., Austin, Travis county TX     (FindAGrave)

Hugo Gernsbacher/ Hugo Gernsback (s of Moritz Gernsbacher & Berta Dürlacher) b: 1884-08-16 in Luxembourg d: 1967-08-19 in Manhattan, NY     (SF Encyclopedia)     (Nuts & Volts)

Faisal i of Iraq/Faisal i bin Hussein bin Ali al-Hashemi/Faisal al-Awwal ibn al-Husayn ibn Ali al-Hashimi (s of Hussein bin Ali & Abdiyah bint Abdullah) b: 1885-05-20 at Mecca, Arabian peninsula, Ottoman empire d: 1933-09-08 at Bern, Switzerland (1920-03-08 to 1920-07-24 self-declared king of Syria.)   m: Huzaima bint Nasser queen of Syria et Iraq (d of amir/emir Nasser bin Ali pasha & Dilber Khanum) b: 1884 at Mecca, Arabian peninsula, Ottoman empire d: 1935-03-27 at Baghdad, Iraq

general George Smith Patton iii (s of George William Patton/George Smith Patton ii & Ruth Wilson) b: 1885-11-11 in San Gabriel, California d: 1945-12-21 near Heidelberg, Germany buried: American cem and memorial, Luxembourg; cenotaph at San Gabriel     (Famous Kin)     (Geni)     (Tim Dowling:     (FindAGrave) ancestors of George Smith Patton i, ii, iii, iv

physicist Niels Henrik David Bohr   (s of Christian Harald Lauritz Peter Emil Bohr 1855-1911 & Ellen Adler 1860-1930; gs of David Baruch Adler 1826-1878 & Jenny Raphael; ggs of Baruch Isak Adler & Hanne Meyer and John Raphael & Emma Schiff)   b: 1885-10-07 at Copenhagen, Denmark d: 1962-11-18 at Copenhagen, Denmark buried: Assistens cem., Copenhagen, Denmark
(TimeToast time-lines)
(Michael W. Davidson: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory: Felonious State U)
(St. Andrews UK)
(National Museum of Nuclear Science & History)
(FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

⚭: 1912-08-01 with Margrethe Nørlund (d of Alfred Christian Nørlund 1850-1925 & Emma Ottine Sophie Holm 1862-1926) b: 1890-03-07 d: 1984-12-21 in Copenhagen, Denmark buried: Assistens cem., Copenhagen, Denmark

Hugh Everett Moore (s of John james Moore & Alice Elizabeth Harbison) b: 1887-04-27 at Fort Scott, Kansas d: 1972 (writer; inspired by hs sister's husband, Lawrence Luellen, co-founder of Dixie Cup Company; contributor to eugenecist infanticide)

    ⚭1: 1917-09-15 with Berenice Brown

    ⚭2: 1947 with Louise Wilde

physicist Gustav Ludwig Hertz   (s of Gustav Theodor Hertz & Anna Auguste Arning; gs of Gustav Ferdinand Hertz/David Gustav Hertz & Anna Elisabeth Pfefferkorn; ggs of Heinrich David Hertz & Betty Auguste Oppenheim; nephew of Heinrich Rudolph Hertz)   b: 1887-07-22 in Hamburg d: 1975-10-30 in Berlin buried: Ohlsdorfer Friedhof, Ohlsdorf, Hamburg, Germany   (FindAGrave)

Texas governor Coke Robert Stevenson (s of Robert Milton Stevenson 1854-1927 & Virginia Hurley 1867-1952) b: 1888-03-20 in Mason county TX d: 1975-06-28 at San Angelo, Tom Green county TX buried: Stevenson family ranch cem., near Telegraph, Kimble county TX (post-hole digger, fence stretcher, janitor, bank president, lawyer, prosecutor, county judge, state legislator, state speaker of the House, lieutenant-governor, 2 term governor, candidate for USA senate.) m1: 1912 with Fay Blanche Wright (d of Robert Howell Preston Wright, M.D. 1871-1927 & Elizabeth Beatrice Walters 1874-1964) 1896-1942 m2: 1954-01-16 with Marguerite Nell King/Teeney King (d of Rufus Roy King 1878-1963 & Eva Ellen McMillan 1876-1963) 1918-2010   (FindAGrave)

bio-chemist/ micro-biologist/ immunologist Selman Abraham Waksman   (s of Jacob Waksman & Fraida/Fradia London) b: 1888-07-22 (1888-07-08 O.S.) in Novaya Priluka/ Priluka Novaya (about 13 miles NNW of Vinnytsia; about 135 miles SW of Kiev/Kyiv/Keve; 216 miles EESE of Lviv; 253 miles NNW of Odessa on the Black Sea), Ukraine d: 1973-08-16 at Woods Hole, Barnstable county MA buried: Woods Hole village cem., Woods Hole, Barnstable county MA (antibiotics)   (FindAGrave)   (Nobel)   (American Chemical Society (ACS))   (2004 November: Nicole Kresge, Robert D. Simoni & Robert L. Hill: Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC))   (Jewish Virtual Library)

⚭: 1916 with Deborah B. Mitnik/Boboli () b: in Novaya Priluka/ Priluka Novaya

Sewall Green Wright (s of Philip Green Wright & Elizabeth Quincy Sewall) b: 1889-12-21 in Melrose, MA d: 1988-03-03 in Madison, WI (geneticist.)     (Science Direct)     (How Stuff Works)

inventor/ chemical engineer Thomas Midgley ii, Ph.D. (s of Thomas M. Midgley i 1840-1934 & Harriet/Hattie Louise Emerson 1865-1950; gs o James Emerson 1823-1900 & Mary Shepard 1826-1877) b: 1889-05-18 at College Hill, Beaver Falls, Beaver county PA d: 1944-11-02 at Sharon, Franklin county OH buried: Green Lawn cem., Columbus, Franklin county OH   (FindAGrave)   WikiTree   (Geni)   (Famous Scientists)

⚭: 1911-08-03 with Carrie Marie Reynolds (d of Edward Reynolds 1864-1934 & Eva Jane McNaughton/McNaughten 1865-1906; gd of William Reynolds 1842-1905 & Mary Susan Spahn 1842-1932; ggd of Stephen Reynolds 1801-1874 & Sarah Ralston 1800-1859; 2ggd of William Robert Reynolds 1771-1824 & Rebecca Harris 1772-1840) b: 1890 at Delaware or Fairield, OH [40.29N, 83.07W; ENE of Marysville; N of Columbus, NW of Zanesville, S of Waldo, SE of Wapakoneta] d: 1971-02-15 in Franklin county OH buried: Green Lawn cem., Columbus, Franklin county OH


time-line 1890s (wikipedia)

1890 Sherman Silver Purchase act during 1890, the price of silver dipped to $1.16 per ounce, by the end of the year, it had fallen to $0.69, 1894 December, the price had dropped to $0.60; 1895 November 1, USA mints halted production of silver coins.

sir William Lawrence Bragg (s of sir William Henry Bragg 1862-1942 & Gwendoline Todd 1869-1929; gs of sir Charles Todd) b: 1890-03-31 in Adelaide, South Australia d: 1971-07-01 in Waldringield, Ipswich, Suffolk, England

Vannevar Bush (s of reverend Richard Perry Bush 1855-1926 & Emma Linwood Paine 1860-1947) b: 1890-03-11 in Everett, MA d: 1974-06-28 in Belmont, MA buried: South Dennis cem., South Dennis, Barnstable county MA

1892 John Froelich invented tractor in Clayton county, NE Iowa Waterloo Gasoline Traction Engine Company; 1895 incorporated Waterloo Gasoline Engine Company; they worked but didn't sell well, so they got by for a few years making stationary engines; 1918-03-14 was bought by John Deere & Company Froelich tractor in Iowa and North Dakota
Froelich Tractor Museum John Froelich b: 1849-11-24
FindAGrave: John Froelich (s of Henry Froelich 1812-1896 from Hesse & Catharine Gutheil 1829-1867) b: 1849-08-09 at Giard, Clayton county IA d: 1933-05-23 at St. Paul, Ramsey county MN buried: section1, blockX, lot 37 W 7 x 20, space1, Roselawn cem., Roseville, Ramsey county MN m: 1874 with Catherine Elizabeth Bickel/Kathryn Bickel () b: 1848 d: 1926-03-22 at St. Paul, Ramsey county MN buried: section1, blockX, lot 37 W 7 x 20, space2, Roselawn cem., Roseville, Ramsey county MN
Kerry J. Byrne: Fox: meet the USA citizen who invented the gasoline-powered tractor, helped feed the world

Roman Catholic cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty/Joseph Mindszenty/Jozsef Pehm () b: 1892-03-19 in Csehimindszent, Vasvari jaras, Vas, Hungary d: 1975-05-06 at Vienna, Austria b: in Vienna re-interred at Primatial Basilica of the Assumption, Esztergom, Esztergomi jaras, Komaron-Esztergom, Hungary (1915-05-12: ordained; 1944-03-24 consecrated bishop of Veszprem; opposed both Hungarian socialists, who then batterd, tried to humiliate, & imprisoned him from 1944-11-27 through 1945-04-20. 1945-10-02 appointed arch-bishop of Esztergom & primate of Hungary; 1946-02-18 appointed cardinal. opposed Soviet socialists and they imprisoned him beginning 1948-12-26. 2019 February declared "venerable". opposed oppression, dispossession, torture, murder of Jews. 1956-1971 took refuge in the USA embassy in Budapest; who exfiltrated him from Eastern Europe to travel to Rome, the vatican, & eventually in Vienna, Austria.)
(Alice Rethinger Watson: Roman Catholic Culture)
(Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation
(2023-06-04: Solene Tadie: National Catholic Register)
(2023-04-02: Sean Salai: Catholic World Report: the cardinal who stared down communism)
2012-12-11: John O'Sullivan: Hungarian Review
(2023-04-26: Eduard Habsburg: Aleteia)
2021-06-30: Arpad von Klimo: Central European History: anti-communism and detente: Mindszenty, the Catholic Church, and Humgarian Emigres in West Germany, 1972

Louis Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie 7th duc de Broglie & honorary prince of Austria   (s of Louis Alphonse Victor de Broglie 5th duc de Broglie 1846-1906 & Pauline Celestine de la Forest d'Armaille 1851-1928; gs of Jacques Albert de Broglie 1821-1901 & Josephine Eleonore Marie Pauline Galard 1825-1860 and Celestine Marie Amelie Segur 1830-; ggs of general Philippe Paul comte de Segur 1780-1873 & Marie Celestine Amelie d'Armaille/Marie Francoise Celestine Vintimille 1787-1862 )   b: 1892-08-15 d: 1987-03-19
(FindAGrave)   (Famous Scientists)
(Math History: St. Andrews)
(Physics Book)
(Royal Society) (Geni)
(Mathieu Nival: Geneanet)

Irish-Scottish physicist George Paget Thomson (s of Joseph John Thomson & Elisabeth Paget/Rose Elisabeth Paget) b: 1892-05-03 at Cambridge, England d: 1975-09-10 at Cambridge, England
(Royal Society)

Ransom Edward Olds (s of Abe Olds & Mary Catherine Fedde) b: 890-09-18 at Momence, Kankakee county IL d: 1923-06-10 at Roby SpeedWay, Hammond, Lake county IN buried: Greenwood cem., Michigan City, La Porte county IN

⚭1: 1912 with Laura M. Wilson (d of James M. Wilson & Jennie Bundy) b: 1894-03-28 in Porter county INN d: 1920-02-23 at Hammond, Lake county IN buried: Graceland Memorial partk, Valparaiso, Porter county IN

⚭2: 1920 with Vera L. van Giesen/ ?Vera L. van der Giessen?/ ?Vera L van Geissen? () b: 1900 d: 1975 buried: Greenwood cem., Michigan City, La Porte county IN

financial panic of 1893/ recession of 1893-07-27 through 1897

financial panic of 1896/ part of recession of 1893-07-27 through 1897

physicist Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm (s of Evgenij Tamm/Yevgeny Fedorovich Tamm & Olga Davydova/Davydovna/ Olga Mikhailovna Davidov; gs of Theodor Tamm of Thuringia/Teodor Tham) b: 1895-07-08 (1895-06-26 Julian) at Vladivostok d: 1971-04-12 at Moscow/Moskba buried: Novodevichye cem, Moscow (studied beta decay, Cherenkov radiation, magnetic moment of neutrons)

⚭: 1917 September with Tataliya Shuyskaya b: 1894 d: 1980

physicist Frederick Sumner Brackett (s of Frank Parkhurst Brackett & Lucretia Burdick) b: 1896-08-01 d: 1988-01-28 buried: Oak Park cem., Claremont, Lost Angeles county crazy California
(FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

physicist Lester Halbert Germer () b: 1896-10-10 in Chicago d: 1971-10-03 at Shawangunk cliffs near Gardiner, NY
(Physics Today)  
(Historical Marker Data-Base)  
(Science Alert)  

Mohammed Amin al-Husseini/Haz Amin el-Husseini/Hajj Amin al-Husseini (s of Tahir al-Husayni & Zainab) b: c. 1896 in Jerusalem, Israel d: 1974-07-04 in Beirut, Lebanon (artillery officer of Ottoman empire in WW1. education: Islamic, Ottoman, Roman Catholic. Nebi Musa riots beginning 1920; 10-year sentence for inciting, but pardoned by British based on claims he tried to reduce the violence. 1921 British appointed him grand-mufti of Jerusalem. collected contributions to have dome of the rock plated with gold. 1936-1939 led Arab revolt against British. collaborated with Nazis/Fascists, recruited Bosnian Mohammedans for Waffen-SS. co-founder of "All-Palestine government" in Gaza=Palestine, which was at the time considered the territory of Egypt...1959 dissolved by Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser.)
2015-10-23: Ben Sales: Times of Israel: who was mufti haj Amin al-Husseini?: Nazi & non-Nazi records disagree
(Jewish Virtual Library)
2014-02-10: connections among Nazis, Hamas, Palestinian Authority (video lower-U, lower-L, lower-B, capital-R capital-B numeral-5 lower-L capital-H lower-G capital-J capital-A)

physicist Leo Szilard/ Leo Spitz (s of Lajos Spitz/Louis Spitz & Tekla Vidor) b: 1898-02-11 at BudaPest d: 1964-05-30 at La Jolla (between Torrey Pines & Mission Bay, WWSW of Miramar), San Diego county CA buried: Lake View cem, Ithaca, NY & National grave-yard in Fiumei Street, Kerepesdulo, BudaPest, Hungary
(FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)  

⚭: Gertrud Weiss b: 1909-12-28 at Vienna/Wien, Austria d: 1981-04-27 at San Diego, CA buried: Lake View cem, Ithaca, NY

physicist Curtis Judson Humphreys b: 1898-02-17 in Columbiana county OH, USA d: 1986-12-22 in Delaware, Delaware county OH, USA buried: Woodsdale cem., Guilford, Columbiana county OH, USA
(FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)  

Israel Isaac Rabi/ Isidor Isaac Rabi   (s of David Rabi 1875-1930 & Jennie Rudick 1878-1937) b: 1898-07-29 at Rymanow, Galicia/SubCarpathia, Austria-Hungary/Poland (about 49.58N, 21.87E; NE of BudaPest; SE of Krakow; W of Lviv; WSW of Kiev/Kyiv; EESE of Prague; SSE of Warsaw) d: 1988-01-11 in Manhattan, NY buried: familysection23, blockJ, section42, plot20, grave 2+4, Riverside cem., Saddle Brook, Bergen county NJ (discovered nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR))

(American Chemical Society)
(FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

⚭: 1926-07-17 Helen Newmark   (d of Alexander Newmark & ??) b: 1903 in NY d: 2005-06-18 in Manhattan, NY buried: Riverside cem., Saddle Brook, NJ
(NationalMagLab/ National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)

battle of Omdurman, Sudan 1898-09-02     (Britannica)

map Egypt+Sudan & battle of Omdurman
map Egypt+Sudan & battle of Omdurman (snagged 2013-07-16 from Max Boot 2006 _War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History 1500 to Today_)

map Omdurman/Khartoum sHerbert Kitchener
Herbert Kitchener (snagged 2013-07-16 from Max Boot 2006 _War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History 1500 to Today_)

map Egypt
map Egypt (from Arthur Conan Doyle 1898, 1983 _The Tragedy of the Korosko_/_A Desert Drama_ (202 pages) inspired by the battle of Omdurman)

Richard Gurley Drew () b: 1899-06-22 in St. Paul, MN d: 1980-12-14 in Santa Barbara, CA (inventor of masking tape, Scotch brand cellophane tape, Scotch Magic tape.)     (Minnesota Science & Technology Hall of Fame)     (Minnesota Inventors Hall of Fame)

economist Friedrich August Hayek (s of August Hayek & Felicitas Juraschek) b: 1899-05-08 Vienna/Wien, Austria/Oesterreich d: 1992-03-23 at Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wurttemburg buried: Friedhof Neustift am Walde, Vienna/Wien, Austria/Oesterreich
(Ludwig von Mises Institute)
(Foundation for Economic Education)
(Austrian Economics Center)
(libertarianism: fandom)

map Jerusalem 1900
map Jerusalem 1900 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

modern climatic optimum began c. 1900CE (after Little Ice Age)


time-line 1901CE - 2000CE

Grete Hermann/Margarethe Hermann   (Math Genealogy: NDSU)   () b: 1901-03-02 at Bremen d: 1984-04-15 at Bremen (member International Socialist Conflict Conspiracy, "Social Democratic Party")

⚭: 1938 with Edward Henry

Enrico Fermi (s of Alberto Maria Fermi 1857-1927 & Ida de Gattis c.1871; gs of Stefano Fermi & Giulia Bergonzi) b: 1901-09-29 in Rome, Italy d: 1954-11-28 in Chicago, IL buried: Oak Woods cem., Chicago, IL

⚭: 1928-07-19 with Laura Capon/Lala Capon/Lalla Capon (d of admiral Augusto Capon 1872-1943 & Costanza Romanelli 1880-c.1935; gd of Abramo Capon/Abraham Capon & Sara Nina Levi and Alessandro Romanelli & Laura Zabban) b: 1907-06-16 d: 1977-12-26
(UChicago photo archive: wedding photo)
(2021: Flora Aghib Levi d'Ancona & Luisa Levi d'Ancona Modena: La Nostra Vita con Ezio e Ricordi di Guerra: ResearchGate/Firenze U Press)

Robert Jemison van de Graaff (s of Adrian Sebastian van de Graaff/Bass van de Graaff 1859-1922 & Minnie Cherokee Jemison/?Minnie Cherokee Hargrove 1866-1941; gs of Abram Sebastian van de Graaff 1832-1868 & Mary Ann Coleman Travis 1838-1923 and Andrew Coleman Hargrove & Cherokee Mims Jemison 1838-1903) b: 1901-12-20 at Tuscaloosa, AL d: 1967-01-16 in Boston, MA buried: Boyden plot near intersection of Hale & East Lothrop, Central cem., Beverly, Essex county MA (42.55N, 70.87W)
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory/National MagLab)
(Louis J. Clavelli, Ph.D.)
(New Netherland Institute)

physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (s of Charles Adrien Ladislas Dirac & Florence Hannah Holten) b: 1902-08-8 at Bristol, England d: 1984-10-20 on Chapel Hill, Tallahassee, Leon county FL, USA buried: Roselawn cem., NNE Tallahassee, FL USA
cenotaph in Westminster Abbey

⚭: 1937-01-02 with Margit Wigner (sister of physicist Eugene Wigner) b: 1904 d: 2002 buried: Roselawn cem., NNE Tallahassee, FL USA

first steel re-inforced concrete Ingalls building (16-stories, 210 feet above street, 235 from basement floor) constructed 1902-1903 still standing at 6 East 4th st. & Vine (1 block/about 700 feet South of Fountain Square's Tyler-Davidson fountain; NE of PNC; S of Westin; SE of Carew Tower; NW of First Financial Bank; W of Bartlett building; NW of Dixie Terminal; about 2550 feet WSW of Lytle park; 1060 feet NNW of National Underground RailRoad Freedom Center; 850-900 feet SW of Graeter's French Press ice cream)
(Concrete Contractor)

physicist Walter Heinrich Heitler (s of engineering professor Adolf Heitler & Ottilie Rudolf; gs of David Heitler & Rozalie Motz and Isak Rudolf & Sara Weiss) b: 1904-01-02 at Karsruhe d: 1981-11-15 at Zollikon, Meilen, Switzerland (QED, QFT)
(Royal Society)
(Academic Tree)

⚭: with Kathleen Winifred

2012-08-15: C. Michael Eliasz-Solomon Ayn Rand/ Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum (d of Zinovy Zakharovich Rosenbaum/Zelman Wolf Rosenbaum/ Zalman Wolfgang Franz Rosenbaum 1869-1939 & Anna Borisovna Kaplan/Khana Berkovna Kaplan 1880-1941; gd of Berko Itskovitch Kaplan & Rozalia Pavlovna Kannah; ggd of Itsko/Itska/Ichka Kaplan c. 1860-1920) b: 1905-02-05 in St. Petersburg, Russia d: 1982-03-06 in Manhattan, NY buried: Kensico cem., Valhalla, Westchester county NY
Even Ayn Rand was squeezed/ pressured into getting a Socialist Insecurity Number, etc.
m: 1929-04-15 with actor/painter Frank O'Connor (s of Dennis O'Connor 1864-1938 & Mary Agnes Sissel/ Minnie Cecil/ Minerva Cecil 1863-1911) b: 1897-09-22 in Lorain, Ohio d: 1979-11-09 in Manhattan, NY buried: Kensico cem., Valhalla, Westchester county NY

Gareth Richard Vaughan Jones (s of major Edgar Jones 1868-1953 & Annie Gwen Jones) b: 1905-08-13 in Barry, Glamorgan, Wales d: 1935-08-12 at Manchukuo/Manchuria cenotaph/memorial: Old College, Aberystwyth University
"had the almost un-failing knack of getting at things that mattered" (Wales On-Line)
Gareth Jones back in the Ukraine (Dmytro Drozdovsky: Day.Kyiv.Ukraine)

Thomas Harold Flowers (s of ??) b: 1905-12-22 at 160 Abbott Rd, Bromley-by-Bow, Poplar, East End of London d: 1998-10-28 m: 1935 with Eileen Margaret Green
2021-09-06: Christopher McFadden: Interesting Engineering
2023-05-19: Celeste Neill: History Hit: Tommy Flowers: architect of Colossus
Lori Cameron: IEEE Computer Society
UK Centre for Computing History
2020-05-18: Go Certify
English Heritage Blue Plaques: Tommy Flowers

physicist Emilio Gino Segre (s of Giusepe Abramo Segrè 1859-1944 m: 1889-07-07 with Amelia Susanna Treves 1867-07-27 to 1943-10-; gs of Angelo Miracolo Segre & Egle Cases and Marco Treves 1814- & Elisa Orvieto) b: 1905-02-01 at Tivoli, Italy d: 1989-04-22 at Lafayette, CA, USA buried: Lafayette cem., Lafayette, Contra Costa county CA, USA (anti-proton, technetium, astatine)

physicist Carl David Anderson ii     (s of Carl David Anderson b: 1878-05-26 d: after 1905 & Emma Adolfina Ajaxson c. 1878-; gs of Anders Peter Nilsson & Gustava Matilda Karlsdotter and Axel Viktor Gustafsson Ajax & Josefina Nilsdotter)     b: 1905-09-03 in NY, NY d: 1991-01-11 at San Marino, crazy California buried: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills, Lost Angeles, CA (experimentally confirmed existence of positron)
(FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

⚭1: 1946 with Lorraine Bergman

physicist Shinichiro Tomonaga/Sinitiro/Sin-itiro Tomonaga (s of Tomonaga Sanjuro & ??) b: 1906-03-31 in Tokyo d: 1979-07-08
(Michael W. Davidson: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory: Felonious State U)

physicist Hans Albrecht Bethe   (s of Albrecht Theodor Julius Bethe & Anna Kuhn killed in holocaust; gs of Eduard Bethe & Marie Gerstaecker and ?? Kuhn/Kuehn/Kohen/Kohain killed in holocaust) b: 1906-07-02 in Strasbourg/Strassburg, Alsace-Lorraine d: 2005-03-06 in Ithaca, Tompkins county NY
(FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

lieutenant-colonel Abram Saperstejn/ Albert Bruce Sabin   (s of Jacob Saperstejn 1877-1946 & Tillie Krugman 1877-1954) b: 1906-08-26 in Bialystok, Poland d: 1993-03-03 in Washington, D.C. buried: Arlington National cem., Arlington, VA
(Sabin Vaccine Institute)

⚭1: 1935 with Sylvia Tregillus 1910-1966

⚭2: 1967 with Jane Marie Blach 1923-2002

⚭3: 1972 with Heloisa Dunshee de Abranches 1917-2016

map southern border between Israel & Egypt 1906
map southern border between Israel & Egypt 1906 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Hideki Ogawa/Ogawa Hideki/Hideki Yukawa (s of ??) b: 1907-01-23 at Edo/Tokyo d: 1981-09-08 at Kyoto (mathematically predicted pion) buried: Chionin temple, Kyoto

(FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

⚭: 1932 with Sumiko/Sumi Yukawa (d of Genyo Yukawa/Yukawa Genyo & ??) b: 1910-04-25 d: 2006-05-14

John William Mauchly, Ph.D. (s of Sebastian Jacob Mauchly, Ph.D. 1878-1928 & Rachel Elizabeth Scheidemantel 1878-1960) b: 1907-08-30 in Cincinnati, Hamilton county OH d: 1980-01-08 at Abington, Montgomery county PA buried: Rose Hill cem., Ambler, Montgomery county PA

Lionel Hampton (s of Charles Edgar Hampton & Gertrude Morgan) b: 1908-04-20 at Louisvile, Jefferson county KY d: 2002-08-31 at NY, NY buried: intersection of fir, Heather, & Knollwood, Woodlawn cem., Bronx, Bronx county NY

⚭: with Gladys Riddle () b: 1903 in Oklahoma d: 1971-04-29 buried: Remembrance Columbarium, Woodlawn cem., Bronx, Bronx county NY

physicist John Bardeen (s of Charles Russell Bardeen & Althea Harmer) b: 1908-05-23 in Madison, WI, USA d: 1991-01-30 in Boston, MA, USA buried: Forest Hill cem., Madison, WI, USA

⚭: with Jane Maxwell b: 1907 d: 1997   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)  


time-line 1910s (wikipedia)

William Denby Hanna/ Bill Hanna (s of William John Hanna 1873-1949 & Avice Joyce Denby 1881-1967 or 1882-1956; gs of Peter R. Hanna 1841-1900 & Anna Elizabeth Frid/Ann Elizabeth Frid 1851 or 1853 -1888 and Thomas Bluford Springs Denby & Esther Elizabeth McMaster; ggs of William Hanna 1826-1908 & Nancy Reed 1811- and Anna Elizabeth Patterson 1827-1894) b: 1910-07-14 at Melrose, Curry county NM d: 201-03-22 at North Hollywood, Los Angeles county CA buried: Ascension cem., Lake Forest, Orange county CA   (FindAGrave)   (Tim Dowling: Geneanet)   (Geni)   WJH (FamilySearch)   (Britannica)   (Walk of Fame)   (WikiTree)   (GeneaStar)

⚭: 1936-08-07 with Violet Blanch Wogatzke (d of Albert William Wogatzke 1885-1965 & Ellanora Christina Bussjaeger 1892-1986) b: 1913-07-23 at Los Angeles, CA d: 2014-07-10 at North Hollywood, Los Angeles county CA buried: Ascension cem., Lake Forest, Orange county CA   (FindAGrave)

Arnold Joseph Taylor () b: 1911-07-24 in London d: 2002-10-24 at Compton, Surrey

⚭: 1940 with Patricia Guilbride     (wikipedia)

William Alfred Fowler   (s of John MacLeod Fowler 1890- & Jennie Summers Watson 1889-; gs of William Fowler & ?? and Alfred Watson & ??) b: 1911-08-09 in Pittsburgh, PA d: 1995-03-14 at Pasadena, crazy California   (Nobel)   (Academic Tree)

⚭1: 1940-08-24 with Adriane Fay Olmsted/Adriane Foy Olmsted (d of Remington Olmsted 1882-1961 & Florence Calvert Foy 1883-1957) b: 1912-02-27 in Los Angeles, crazy California d: 1988-05-15

⚭2: 1989 December with Mary Dutcher (d of colonel Basil Hicks Dutcher, M.D. & Eberhardine Diez) b: 1919-01-12 in NY d: 2019-06-30 in Auburn, ME

Konrad Emil Bloch   (s of Frederich D. Bloch & Hedwig Mary Striemer 1885-1948) b: 1910-01-21 at Neisse/Nysa, Prussia/Powiat Nyski, Silesia/Opolski, Poland d: 2000-10-15 at Burlington/Lexington, MA buried: Sunset Memory Gardens, Madison, Dane county WI   (FindAGrave)     (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)   (Nobel)   (Britannica)   (Mayo Clinic Proceedings)   (Harvard Gazette)   (Christopher T. Walsh: National Academy of Sciences)   (Physiology)   WikiTree

    ⚭: 1941 with Lore Teutsch () b: 1911-07-10 in Munich/Muenchen d: 2010-02-18 in Lexington, Middlesex county MA buried: Sunset Memory Gardens, Madison, Dane county WI   (FindAGrave)   (Geni)

physicist John Archibald Wheeler (s of John Lewis Wheeler & Mabel Archibald) b: 1911-07-09 at Jacksonville, FL d: 2008-04-13 at Hightstown, NJ (worked on liquid drop model of atoms & fission; worked on scattering matrix; applied Socratic method or its analogue in teaching)

    ⚭: 1935-06-10 with Janette Hegner d: 2007 October

map Ottoman empire 1914CE
map Ottoman empire 1914CE (at Jewish Virtual Library) and (

map Ottoman empire districts 1915
map Ottoman empire districts 1915 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Jonas Edward Salk   (s of Daniel Bonn Salk 1890-1959 & Dora Press 1891-1964) b: 1914-10-28 in NY d: 1995-06-23 in La Jolla, CA buried: El Camino Memorial Park, San Diego, CA (32.89415N, 117.18386W)   (FindAGrave)

⚭1: 1939 with Donna Lindsay 1917-2002

⚭2: 1970 with Francoise Gilot 1921-2023

Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider 1915-1990
(FindAGrave)Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider/Lick Licklider (s of Joseph Parron LIcklider 1873-1962 & Margaret Robnett 1881-1977; descendant of Johann Conrad Leichleider 1724-1781 & Maria Barbara Muller 1725-1792; cousin of Alene Evelyn Lichlyter 1908-1991)
J.C.R. Licklider
J.C.R. Licklider (Britannica)
history of computer communications

Fred Hoyle (s of Ben Hoyle & Mabel Pickard) b: 1915-06-24 at Gilstead, Bingley, West Riding of YorkShire, England d: 2001-08-20 at Bournemouth, England (Big Bang. He developed the theory of stellar nucleo-synthesis with William A. Fowler, Geoffrey Burbidge & Margaret Peachey Burbidge, Robert V. Wagoner. Triple-alpha process/Triple-α process...)

⚭: 1939 with Barbara Clark

map Hussein-McMahon correspondence 1916
map Hussein-McMahon correspondence 1916 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

map Sykes-Picot negotiations 1916
map Sykes-Picot negotiations 1916 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

map Sykes-Picot agreement 1916       ratified by Britain, France, & Russia (Jewish Virtual Library)       (Balfour Project)       (Michael Zank: Boston U)       (       (Britannica)

map northern border of Israel 1916-1923
map northern border of Israel 1916-1923 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

chemist Charles Caughlan b: 1915 d: 2013

⚭: 1936 with nuclear physicist Georgeanne Robertson/Jan Robertson (d of George Duncan Robertson & Anna McLeod) b: 1916-10-25 at Montesano, Washington d: 1994-01-03 at Bozeman, Montana (they divorced: c. 1971) (nucleo-synthesis, CNO cycle, star life-cycles)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)  

battle of Jerusalem 1917-11-17 - 1917-12-30     (Balfour

map UK 1917-1971
map UK 1917-1971 (at Jewish Virtual Library)

physicist David Joseph Bohm   (s of Samuel Bohm & Freda Popky; gs of Harry Popky & Hannah Benjaminson) b: 1917-12-20 at Wilkes-Barre, PA d: 1992-10-27 at London, England     (Royal Society)   (Geni)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

⚭: 1956 with Sarah Woolfson/Saral Woolfson

map WW1 1918
map WW1 1918 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

1918-08-06 ship-wreck in Niagara river, closer to crashing over the falls (2022-04-08 Madeline Hiltz: Vintage News)

Richard Phillips Feynman     (s of Melville Arthur Feynman & Lucille Phillips; gs of Jacob Lewis Feynman/Jakob Louis Feynman/Louis Jacob Feynman b: between 1863 & 1865-05-15 in Minsk d: 1947-10-13 in Lost Angeles, crazy California & Anne/Annie ?? and Henry Phillips & Johanna Helinsky)     b: 1918-05-11 in Queens, Long Island, NY d: 1988-02-15 in Lost Angeles, crazy California buried: Mountain View cem. and mausoleum, Mountain View, crazy California   (Nobel)   (Scientific American)   (Britannica)   (Geni)   WikiTree   (FindAGrave)   Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory   (   Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory (Schulma: ClarksonU)   Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory (   Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory (   Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory (   Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory (   Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory, syntropy, pre-cognitive interdiction (U of NM)

⚭1: 1942-06-28 with Arline Helen Greenbaum d: 1945

⚭2: between 1952 & 1956 with Mary Louise Bell

⚭3: 1960-09-24 with Gweneth Margaret Howarth

John Adam Presper Eckert ii/ Pres Eckert (s of John Adam Presper Eckert i 1883-1954 & Ethel Mills Hallowell 1884-1975) b: 1919-04-09 at Philadelphia, PA d: 1995-06-03 at Bryn Mawr, Allegheny county PA
(Computer TimeLine)

captain Clyde Lorain Cowan ii     (s of Clyde Lorrain Cowan 1897-1962 & Esther May Koenig 1896-1996; descendant of L.L. Langstroth) b: 1919-12-06 in Detroit, MI d: 1974-05-24 in Bethesda, MD (c.1956 with Frederick Reines confirmed existence of neutrinos)   (Arlington National Cem.)   (Smithsonian)   (Academic Tree; teachers, students, students of students...)   (Nobel)   (People Pill)   (FindAGrave)

⚭: 1943-01-29 in Woodford, England with Betty Eleanor Dunham (d of George Henry Dunham & Mabel Jane Mather) b: 1920-10-03 in Essex, England d: 2011-09-09 buried: Arlington National cem., Arlington, VA

Miami rivers watershed 1919
Miami rivers watershed 1919 (snagged 2009-10-17 from John Calvin Hover, Joseph D. Barnes, Walter D. Jones, Charlotte Reeve Conover, Willard Jarey Wright, Clayton A. Leiter, John Ewing Bradford & W.C. Culkins 1919 _Memoirs of the Miami Valley_ vol1of3 pg9 in pdf (685 pages in pdf))

GeoMap: Europe after WW2 1919-1923 (Ukraine)


time-line 1920s

map League of Nations "mandates" 1920
map League of Nations "mandates" 1920 (snagged 2011-04-13)

a brief history of Lebanon since 1920 (UK Telegraph)       a time-line of Lebanon since 1920 (David Johnson & Beth Rowen: InfoPlease)       Lebanon at 100 (Bassem Mroue: Christian Science Monitor/AP)       Lebanon political explosion may end Hezbollah (Jerome Marcus: Washington DC Examiner)       how Hezbollah destroyed everything that made Lebanon great (Baria Alamuddin: YaLibnan)       how Hezbollah destroyed everything that made Lebanon great (Baria Alamuddin: YaLibnan)       Hezbollah influence in Lebanon: still a divided country (CounterExtremism Project)       there can be no re-birth of Lebanon with Hezbollah present (Eric Grimes: International Policy Digest)       why Lebanon & France are inextricably linked; king Louis ix commited to protecting Maronites in 12th century (Thomas Brent: Connexion)       Maronites       presidents of Lebanon since 1945 (Joyce Chepkemoi: World Atlas)

Esaki Reona/ Reona Esaki/ Leo Esaki     (s of ??) b: 1925-03-12 in Tokaida-mura, Nakakawachi-gun, Osaka/Higashiosaka City     (Information Technology History Society)

⚭: 1959 with Masako Araki

⚭: 1986 with Masako Kondo
Don't allow yourself to be traped by your past experiences.
Don't allow yourself to become overly attached to any one "authority" in your field -- the great professor, perhaps.
Don't hold on to what you don't need.
Don't avoid confrontation.
Don't forget your spirit of childhood curiosity.

Seymour Roger Cray (s of Seymour Ruesink Cray ii 1900-1996 & Lilliam G. Scholer 1898-1992) b: 1925-09-28 at Chippewa Falls, Chippewa county WI d: 1996-10-05 at Colorado Springs, El Paso county Co buried: Forest Hill cem., Chippewa Falls, Chippewa county WI IEEE Computer Society: Seymour Roger Clay b: 1925-09-28 d: 1996-10-05
(Interesting Engineering)
(Authentic Wisconsin)
more words & pictures & links to info about Control Data Corporation (CDC)

general George Smith Patton iv (s of general George Smith Patton iii & Beatrice Banning Ayer; gs of Frederick Fanning Ayer & Ellen Barrows Banning) b: 1923-12-24 at Boston, MA d: 2004-06-27 at South Hamilton, MA buried: Arlington National cem.     (findagrave)     (Arlington)     (Geni)

⚭: 1952 with Joanne Holbrook (d of general Willard Ames Holbrook ii & Helen Herr; gd of general John K. Herr & Helen Maxwell)

Earl Elmer Bakken () b: 1924-01-10 in Columbia Heights, MN d: 2018-10-21 in Hawaii     (National Academy of Engineering)     (Hospital News)

Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge ?ii?   (Astronomical Society of the Pacific)   (Biographical Memoirs of Fallows of the Royal Society)   (Royal Society)   (s of ?Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge i?/Leslie Burbidge & Evelyn Beechey) b: 1925-09-24 at Chipping Norton, OxfordShire, England d: 2010-01-26 at La Jolla (S of Del Mar), crazy California

⚭: 1948 with Eleanor Margaret Peachey (d of chemist Stanley John Peachey & Marjorie Stott) b: 1919-08-12 at Davenport, Stockport, England d: 2020-04-05 at San Fransicko, crazy California (naturalized USA citizen 1977) They developed the theory of stellar nucleo-synthesis with William A. Fowler, Fred Hoyle, Robert V. Wagoner.

Alastair Graham Walter Cameron (s of bio-chemist A.T. Cameron & ??; gs of C.N. Bell & ??) b: 1925-06-21 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada d: 2005-10-03 at Tucson, Arizona

⚭: with Elizabeth MacMillan d: 2001 (an SF fan)

John Stewart Bell () b: 1928-07-28 in Belfast, Ireland d: 1990-10-01 in Geneva, Switzerland

⚭: with Mary Ross

Ivar Giaever     () b: 1929-04-05 in Bergen, Norway   (Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute)   (HeartLand Institute)     (Britannica)   (National Academy of Sciences)   (IEEE)   (ASME)   (Nobel)

Peter Ware Higgs () b: 1929   (Nobel)

MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.


time-line 1930s

Texas Instruments, founded as Geophysical Service, Inc. was founded in 1930 in Dallas, Texas; renamed in 1951, though much of GS was sold to Halliburton; released first silicon transistor in 1954; started selling transistor radios in 1954 October; Jack Kilby invented first integrated circuit in 1958; invented hand-held Cal-Tech calculator in 1967; single-chip micro-controller in 1970; SR-10 calculator in 1973; SR50 in 1974

Hafez/Hafiz al-Assad/Asad (s of Ali Sulayman/Suleiman al-Wahhish/al-Assad; gs of Suleiman/Sulayman al-Wahsh of Qardaha) b: 1930-10-06 at Qardaha d: 2000-06-10 at Damascus (Baath/Arab Baath/Socialist Baath party. 1970-1971 prime-minister of Syria. 1971-2000 "president" of Syria.)     (Global Security)     (UK+Ireland Sun)

chemical engineer/mathematician/game theoretician/physicist Hugh Everett iii (s of lieutenant-coloenlHugh Everett ii & Katherine Lucille Kennedy) b: 1930-11-11 in Washington, DC d: 1982-07-19 (many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, universal wave function)   (Peter Byrne: Scientific American)   (Ann Obata: Quantum ZeitGeist)   (Olena Shmahalo: Quanta Magazine: many worlds has many problems; why do we think we observe only one of the "superposed"" quantum states)

    ⚭: 1957 with Nancy Gore

physicist James Watson Cronin   (s of James Farley Cronin & Dorothy Watson) b: 1931-09-29 in Chicago, Illinois d: 2016-08-25 in St. Paul, MN (matter-antimatter charge & parity asymmetry in decay of K-mesons)   (UChicago)   (Nobel)   (Geni)   (AAAS)   (FindAGrave)   (FindAGrave: scientists & inventors)

⚭1: with Annette Martin d: 2005

⚭2: with Carol Champlin

immunologist Jacques Francis Albert Pierre Miller   (s of James Farley Cronin & Dorothy Watson) b: 1931-04-02 in Nice, France (thymus gland, T-cells, B-cells)   (Walter+Eliza Hall U)   (Lasker: Jacques Francis Albert Pierre Miller & Max D. Cooper)     (Royal Society)   (ProQuest/Lancet)   (Australian & New Zealand Society for Immunology)   (2022-01-31: Melanie Hall et al.: Science Daily/Immunology: boot camp enzyme prevents auto-immune conitions)

Saudi Arabia was established 1932-09-23 by king Abdul Aziz ibn Saud who had succeeded

Western Hills Viaduct built 1931-1932, refurbished 1978 39.124722N, -84.541218W (over Mill Creek & rail lines connecting Harrison Avenue with Central ParkWay/I-75/old Cincinnati-Erie canal, NE of Bald Knob, SE of Fairmount)     other bridges in the same county

Stalin & politburo created famine in Russia & throughout Ukraine in 1932-1933 in the name of collectivization of agriculture; about 3.9M in Ukraine died or were murdered by the regime's thugs Anne Applebaum 2017, 2019 _Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine_ (461 pages; ISBN 9780241003800; 947.70842; Knopf/ Doubleday/ Penguin/ Anchor/ Signal)

Friden Calculating Machine Company (Carl Friden) founded: 1934 acquired Singer in 1965;   Friden /Singer 1112 with 507 transistors & Nixie tubes display, designed & built by Hitachi;   Friden EC-132 electronic calculator had a stack of 4 registers (first implemented with Nixie tubes, then as a small CRT) that could be used in reverse-Polish fashion c. 1965   (Clive Maxfield DIY: electronic calculators)     (Vintage Calculators: EC130 & EC132 with CRT display; the 132 "grunted" when calculating a square-root)     (Old Calculator Museum)     (Vintage Calculators Web Museum)     Engineering and Technology History Wiki (ETHW): electronic calculators: from desk configuration to pocket     Nixie tube   IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): Nixie tubes (has a nice close-up picture, and a gif video going through the digits being displayed in a Nixie tube, and a patent application diagram)

physicist John Gleason Cramer () b: 1934   transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics and quantum non-locality (   transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics and quantum non-locality (   transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics and quantum non-locality (UWash)   transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics and quantum non-locality (Information Philosopher)

Andris/Andras Istvan Grof/Andrew S. Grove/Andy S. Grove () b: 1936-09-02 at Best, Bevaros-Lipotvaros, Budapest, Hungary (Austro-Hungary) d: 2016-03-21 at Lost Altos, Santa Calra county CA [immigrated aboard general W.G. Haan (AP-158; troop transport commissioned 1946-06-07) from Bremerhaven about 1956-12-18, arrived about 1957-01-06 at Brooklyn Navy Yard ("Operation Safe Haven"; 1957-01-07 when it was put on reduced operational status; the Emergency Program for Hungarian Refugees was ended on 1957-12-08. lived with aunt & uncle in the Bronx.)] (FindAGrave)

Hewlett-Packard founded 1939-07-02; wrecked from about 1990 through 2015-11-01;   at its peak, produced great test instruments, oscillators, oscilloscopes, multi-meters but shifted to board-room gimmickry, mergers & acquisitions, & selling over-priced cheap trash made in Red China;   sold HP-35 electronic calculator beginning 1972 (memory is odd; I recall talking with people in Ohio about it in 1971; the quirky reverse-Polish way it operated; the high price)


time-line 1940s

physicist Brian David Josephson (s of Abraham Josephson & Mimi Weisbard) b: 1940-01-04 at Cardiff, Wales   (Nobel)

⚭: 1976 with Carol Anne Olivier

Robert V. Wagoner   Robert V. Wagoner   (Princeton Institute or Advanced Study)

All-India Mohammedan League issued Lahore resolution for independence of Mohammedan northern India 1940-03-23 (on 1947-08-14, the British parliament granted them the status of a dominion of the British Commonwealth, analogous to Canada)

map WW2 Pacific 1941-1945
map WW2 Pacific 1941-1945 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

Lebanon gained independence from Vichy France 1941-11-26 recognized by de Gaulle; 1943-11-22 celebrated as Independence Day; 1946-12-31 UN troops withdrew     WW2 & independence (CountryStudies.US)

map WW2 Europe & Africa 1943-1944
map WW2 Europe & Africa 1943-1944 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

7 times Rome was sacked: 1943-1944 (

time-line of Lebanon pre-history & history 1943CE-1969CE: "Switzerland of the East"

map Europe 1944-1945
map Europe 1944-1945 (George Smith Patton) (snagged 2011-08-04 from Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ (450 pages; 355.009))

Europe 1944-1945
map Europe 1944-1945 (George Smith Patton, arrived 55 days after D-Day) (snagged 2011-08-04 from Victor Davis Hanson 1999 _The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How 3 Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny_ (450 pages; 355.009))

Nippon Calculating Machine/ Busicom/Bijikon Kabushiki-gaisha founded 1944-08-08:   Busicom/Intel 4004 chip was developed in 1970, released 1971 March; Busicom was acquired by Broughtons of Bristol in 1974; bankrupt in 2016     Busicom     Intel 4004     Intel 4004     (IEEE Spectrum) Intel 4004     (Intel) Intel 4004     (PEEECEEE Magazine) Intel 4004     (Computer History Museum) Intel 4004 released 1971-11-15; 46 instructions, about 62K instructions per second

map Israel: Biblical borders: Genesis/be Rashith & Exodus

map Israel 1946CE-2007CE
map Israel 1946CE-2007CE (snagged 2015-10-19 from Shany Mor Tower)

battle for Jerusalem 1947 December - 1948-07-18

1947-08-14, the British parliament granted northern India Mohammedan areas the status of a dominion of the British Commonwealth, analogous to Canada (1956-03-23 they declared themselves the Mohammedan Republic of Pakistan)

Elizabeth Helen Blackburn, Ph.D. () b: 1948 (discovered enzyme telomerase)   (Nobel)   (Nobel)     (Royal Society)


time-line 1950s

map Korea 1950
map Korea 1950 (snagged 2012-07-30 from Michael Lee Lanning 1996 _Senseless Secrets_ (316 pages; 355.3432))

Jack William Szostak, Ph.D. () b: 1952   (Nobel)     (Royal Society)

1956-03-23 the Mohammedan Republic of Pakistan declared independence from the British Commonwealth (1962-06-08 Pakistan declared itself a presidential republic)

Digital Equipoment Corporation (Dec) founded 1957 by Ken Olsen & Harlan Anderson; gobbled up by Compaq, which was gobbled up by Hewlett-Packard, which is striving mightily to destroy itself     PDP-1 released 1960; PDP-8 released 1962; PDP-6 released 1963; PDP-11 released 1970; VAX released 1977     2023-06-15: Brenda Barron: Digital: the tragic tale of DEC, one of the computing giants that died too soon


time-line 1960s

Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey
Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey (from Helen MacInnes Highet 1960 _Decision at Delphi_ (403 pages); snagged 2012-10-20)

OPEC founded 1960 September 10-14 at Baghdad

Carol Widney Greider, Ph.D. () b: 1961   (Nobel)     (Britannica)   (National Academy of Sciences)

1962-06-08 Pakistan declared itself a constitutional presidential republic until president Yahya Khan declared martial law on 1969-03-25 (1971-03-26 the People's Republic of Bangladesh/Bengali Country/Vangaladesa declared independence; in an alluvial plain, it had once been the wealthiest area of India, but in 1974 suffered an extreme famine)

Johnson slugs act of 1965 eliminated silver from the circulating United States dime (ten-cent piece) and quarter-dollar coins, substituting layers of nickel, copper, copper-nickel; reduced the silver content of the half-dollar from 90% to 40%; required the Treasury to buy newly mined USA silver at $1.25 per ounce rather than at auction market prices; ditched silver certificates & replaced with FRS scrip

Bassar/Bashar Hafez al-Assad/Asad (s of Hafez/Hafiz al-Assad; gs of Ali Sulayman/Suleiman al-Wahhish/al-Assad; ggs of Suleiman/Sulayman al-Wahsh of Qardaha) b: 1965-09-11 at Damascus     family

map Israel 1967CE (A)
map Israel 1967CE (A) (snagged 2016-02-02 from Randolph S. Churchill & Winston S. Churchill 1971 _The 6 Day War_ (250 pages); citing Arthur Banks & Institute of Strategic Studies)

map Israel 1967CE (B)
map Israel 1967CE (B) (snagged 2011-05-25)

map Israel 1967CE (C)
map Israel 1967CE (C) (snagged 2011-05-25)

map Israel 1967CE (D)
map Israel 1967CE (D) (snagged 2016-02-02 from Randolph S. Churchill & Winston S. Churchill 1971 _The 6 Day War_ (250 pages); citing Arthur Banks)

6-Day War 1967 June 5-10 (manages to de-emphasize the movement of Egyptian, Jordanian, Lebanese, Syrian tanks to the borders in the weeks before)

time-line of Texas Instruments calculators from the TI Cal-Tech in 1967 to TI-84 Plus CE Python in 2021     Texas Instruments calculators time-line

back up to Top

time-line 1970s

time-line of Lebanon pre-history & history 1970CE-1982CE: war

Intel 8008 released in 1972 April; designed by Computer Terminal Corporation (CTC); 8-bit-byte/words for use in implementing CRT computer terminals to replace TT-33s/Teletype Model 33;     Bill Pentz of California State U at Sacramento developed "Sac State 8008" microcomputer, with an assembler stored on PROM (programmable ROM) with development from 1972 Spring through 1973 Spring;     S.E. Laboratories Engineering (EMI) developed a micro-computer which used a meta-assembler based on the one in the PDP-11 to deveop an operating system

HP-35 calculator released in 1972 at $395 (equivalent to about $2,800 in 2022)

Yom Kippur War 1973 October 6-25

1973 "oil crisis" (wikipedia)

Intel 4040 released in 1974 for about $25; had 60 instructions, speed of about 1,175 integer 4-bit BCD instructions per second; Comp-Sultants of Huntsville, Alabama released the Micro 440 micro-computer based on it in 1975

MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems) Altair 8800 designed an prototyped in 1974; was announced c. 1974 December 15 (1975 January magazine issues); after far more interest than expected, ramped up acquisition of parts & production of kits by October (initially kits cost about $300, then $360, then $439...; or by 1976 you could buy an assembled system for $621, $1500 with all the extras; based on Intel 8080 CPU chip);     the IMSAI 8080 was released in October

Texas Instruments TI-30 calculator released in 1976 for about $25

Public Utility Regulatory Policies act (PURPA) 1978-11-09 (allowed other than monopoly municipal & investor-owned electricity firms to generate electricity and sell the surplus to the local monopoly, and also suggested making use of "waste" heat from electricity generation for other purposes)

Mohammedan theocratic dictatorship of Iran/Persia 1979-04-01

Texas Instruments TI-35 calculator released in 1978

Jimmy Carter crisis of confidence/malaise speech 1979-07-15

1979-1980 "energy crisis"


time-line 1980s

time-line of Lebanon pre-history & history 1982CE-1990CE: civil war & "occupation"

1987-10-19 automated trading stock market crash

map canals in Ohio up to 1989
map canals in Ohio up to 1989 (snagged 2011-03-16 indirectly from the Canal Society of Ohio, Inc.)

map Bretagne/Brittany/Armorica


time-line 1990s

map Iraq: Desert Storm 1990-1991
map Iraq: Desert Storm 1990-1991 (snagged 2011-06-06 from Tom Clancy & Fred Franks 1998 June _Into the Storm_)

map Iraq: Desert Storm 1990-1991
map Iraq: Desert Storm 1990-1991 (snagged 2011-06-06 from Tom Clancy & Fred Franks 1998 June _Into the Storm_)

time-line of Lebanon pre-history & history 1991CE-2000CE: continuing civil war, Lebanon occupied by Syria

map Israel Golan Heights 1992 February
map Israel Golan Heights 1992 February (snagged 2015-02-13)

2000-03-10 stock market crash leading STEM recession


time-line 2001CE - 2100CE (wikipedia)

time-line of Lebanon pre-history & history 2001CE-2004CE

map China
map China (from Alexandra Harney 2006 _China Price: The True Cost of Chinese Competitive Advantage_ (300 pages; 337.51))

2006 or 2022-01-27
history & economics; currency vs. money
Mark Giszczak
2 ways to estimate the value of a talent (some estimate a talent at 96 pounds or 100 or 125 pounds)
King James Bible Dictionary: Weights & Measures
2017-09-19: Mark Cartwright: World History Encyclopedia: silver and silver coinage in antiquity
2019-01-04: rav Michael Hattin: the Torah portion that begins with the words Ki Tisa (when you take the sum of the children of Israel...; Exodus/Shemot/Names 30:11-): the half-shekel of silver
Daniel Michelson: Weizmann Institute of Science: Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics: the form of the menorah and the weight of the shekel (with several Greek letters, integrals, cubes, squares & square-roots, structural diagrams)
relative density
specific gravity
Truth of Land: cubit & shekel in the Torah
Truth of Land: borders of the Temple Mount & estimate of the length of a cubit

map Iraq 2007
map Iraq and surrounding countries (Kuwait, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia) 2007 (snagged 2008-12-31 from

map Europe
map Europe (snagged 2008-12-31)

map showing area from Greece to India c. 2008
map Greece to India c. 2008 (from Bulgaria to Macedonia to Greece to Chad to India to Kyrgyzstan to Georgia) (snagged 2008-12-31)

map South America c. 2008
map South America c. 2008 (snagged 2008-12-31 from Nations Online)

map North + Central America c. 2008
map North + Central America c. 2008 (snagged 2008-12-31)


time-line 2010s

2022-04-07 (5782 Nisan 06)
Filippo Ravalli, B.A., Yuanzhi Yu, M.P.H., Benjamin C. Bostick, Ph.D., Steven N. Chillrud, Ph.D., Kathrin Schilling, Ph.D, Anirban Basu, Ph.D., Ana Navas-Acien, Ph.D. & Anne E. Nigra, Ph.D. _Lancet_
analysis of metals in local USA water supplies: antinomy, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, selenium, thallium, uranium, etc.
alternate link (DOI)
Science Daily

map USA-Mexico border 2012
map USA-Mexico border 2012 (snagged 2015-08-18 from GAO)

map USA-Mexico border, Tucson section
map USA-Mexico border, Tucson section 2012 April (snagged 2015-08-18 from GAO)

map origins of immigrants to Brooklyn + Manhattan c. 2015 February
origins of immigrants to Brooklyn + Manhattan by borough or community district c. 2015 February (snagged 2015-02-26)

map Lebanon
Lebanon (snagged 2015-06-22 from NY Magazine)

map Pakistan (TIFF)
map Pakistan in context (snagged 2015-06-10 from London Daily Mail)

map South China Sea
map South China Sea (snagged 2015-06-15 from Lyons at Washington DC Times)

map Poland
map Poland (snagged 2015-06-22 from Center for Immigration Studies)

map Nepal (snagged 2015-06-26 from Center for Immigration Studies)

"tomb of Joseph" on SE side of Shechem/New City/NeaPolis/Nablus, Israel
"tomb of Joseph" archaeological site on SE side of Shechem/New City/NeaPolis/Nablus, Israel near Tel Balata (snagged 2015-08-26 from Jerusalem Israel Post/Reuters) and ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate tried to blow it up a couple months later
(Wikipedia)     and     (ChaBaD)     and     (Jewish Virtual Library)

map/image NASA Western Hemisphere 2015
map/image NASA Western Hemisphere 2015 (snagged 2015-09-02)

map Hungary and surrounding countries
map Hungary and surrounding countries (snagged 2015-09-17 from Breitbart)

2022-12-13 (5783 Kislev 19)
Mark P. Mills _NYPost_
scientists & engineers have made a breakthrough in controlled-fusion reactor; activity sustained for a few billionths of a second & 120%-155% as much energy produced than was required to initiate reaction (2.05MJ in 3.15MJ out)
Avery Hurt: Discover
Ben Burner: Live Science: not yet useful
Rhiannon Williams, Casey Crownhart: MIT Technology Review
Darrell Proctor: Power
Robert C. Jones ii: U of Miami
Alex Pasternack: Fast Company
Ameya Paleya: Interesting Engineering: South Korean reaction reached 100M ℃
Michael Greshko: National Geographic
Stephen Shankland: CNET
Mitch Jacoby: American Chemical Society: output from fusion exceeded input
2021-11-30: Sam Lemonick: American Chemical Society: fusion experiments broke records in 2021
2021-09-08: David Chandler: MIT News: 20 Tesla magnet
USA university labs have been working on fusion for over 70 years, from Rochester to Miami to Sili Valley/San FranSicko.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biblical/Middle East issues

2014-05-27 (5774 Ayyr 27)
Mike Lumish _Times of Israel_
so, just what is a "Palestinian" anyway?

Philistines/ Pleshtim/ Flishtim/ Plistim/ Allophyloi/ Kaphtot
2019-07-03: Michael Feldman, Daniel M. Master, Raffaela A. Bianco, Marta Burri, Philipp W. Stockhammer, Alissa Mittnick, Adam J. Aja, Choongwon Jeong, & Johannes Krause: AAAS Science Advances vol5 #7: ancient DNA sheds light on the genetic origins of the Philistines of Ashkelon/ Askelon/ Ashqelon and cultural change at the end of the Late Bronze age, beginning of the Iron Age
2019-07-05: Ann Gibbons: AAAS Science: DNA reveals Levantine & European (Anatolia/Turkey/Asia Minor, Caucasus, Crete) roots of the ancient Philistines

"Palestinian people"

About Ancient History: "Sea People", Hittites/ ha Cheti
2006-05-31: Bryan G. Wood PhD: Associates for Biblical Research: the Genesis/be rashith Philistines

K. Kris Hirst: About Archaeology: "Sea People": Philistines & Etruscans

Moshe Dann: PJMedia: the dirty little secret about the "Palestinians"

Free Republic: the history and meaning of "Palestine" and "Palestinians"


Erythraean Sea

Bedouins/ Arabs/ Arbaaa/ Aarab/ Qedarites

Gaza City

Gaza Strip = Palestine = Filistia

Mohammedanization of the Gaza Strip = Palestine = Filistia

"Palestinian" "refugee"

Jewish exodus from Arab lands

Jewish refugees from Arab & Muslim countries

Jewish refugees

e-mail jgo